bachelor of law and creative writing

Online English – Creative Writing, BA

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Program at a Glance

bachelor of law and creative writing

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Tied for #1 Online Bachelor Psychology Program in the nation by U.S. News & World Report

Inspire and engage others through your creative writing skills.

You’re full of bold ideas, innovative concepts and compelling thoughts. In studying the craft of creative writing you are taking your place beside those who use language, literature and writing to shape our world.

Through UCF Online’s creative writing courses, you’ll become an expert communicator with a deep appreciation of fiction, poetry and non-fiction prose. This program will guide you through an understanding of rhetoric, communication and literary structure within a diverse array of texts. You’ll also stretch your imagination as you hone your own craft, learning how to construct poignant arguments, think critically and develop original creative content for fiction and nonfiction genres.

Written communication is one of the most enduring, flexible and sought-after skills in today’s employment landscape. With your online creative writing degree you’ll be poised for a career in a variety of fields, including law, editing and publishing, teaching, consulting and more. Get started today and earn your BA in Creative Writing.

Woman writing at desk.

Undergraduate Application Deadlines

Ready to get started, course overview, fiction writing workshop.

An intermediate level fiction writing workshop for English majors; group analysis and criticism; close reading of contemporary fiction and fiction theory.

Advanced Poetry Writing Workshop

Intensive writing practice in poetry. Peer critique and group discussion of original manuscripts.

History of Prose Style

Close study of style and craft in exemplary works of fiction and creative nonfiction from various time periods.

Skills You'll Learn

  • Learn how to self-edit and provide constructive feedback to others, helping you refine your writing and improve your overall craftsmanship.
  • Generate unique ideas, explore unconventional perspectives, and approach problems from various angles.
  • Cultivate your ability to gather relevant data, evaluate sources and critically assess different perspectives, which can be applied to various professional settings.

Career Projections

Annual Job Openings

Job Growth Between 2019 - 2029

Source: Lightcast™ . 2024

Career Opportunities

  • technical writer

Related Online Programs

  • Writing and Rhetoric, BA
  • Career and Technical Education, BS
  • English - Technical Communication, BA

English (Creative Writing), BA

On this page:.

At a Glance: program details

  • Location: Tempe campus
  • Additional Program Fee: No
  • Second Language Requirement: No

program math intensity general

  • Initial Math Course: MAT 142 - College Mathematics

Required Courses (Major Map)

Major Map on-campus archive

eAdvisor Tracking Tool

Program Description

The BA in English with a concentration in creative writing focuses on the study and practice of the literary arts, with courses in poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction.

Students gain practical experience through writing workshops and internship opportunities.

The undergraduate program features an outstanding faculty whose many books have received major national and international recognition.

In addition to the guidelines in the Concurrent Program Options section below, students interested in pursuing concurrent or second baccalaureate degrees in The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences are advised to visit The College's website for more information and requirements.

Admission to the Creative Writing Concentration (Fiction & Poetry)

Portfolio submission period opens: february 20, 2023, portfolios due: march 17, 2023 by 5:00pm, submit here: spring 2023 creative writing concentration  .

Note: You need to be logged into your ASU Gmail account to connect to the portfolio submission form.  

About the Creative Writing Concentration

The Creative Writing Program encourages all interested students, regardless of their field of study, to join our community of writers through beginning and intermediate workshops in fiction and poetry (ENG 287/ENG 288 , ENG 387/ENG 388), diverse special topics courses (ENG 394/ENG 494), and various, exciting writing events held on campus. 

Interested students*, who have already taken beginning and intermediate workshops, and are committed to continuing their study of Creative Writing, have an opportunity to develop their skills in supportive, highly focused workshops through the Creative Writing Concentration. Instruction in the tradition(s) to which concentration students can aspire and uphold, and from which they may draw inspiration, will be provided by the Creative Writing Program's nationally recognized faculty of writers.

Please note that acceptance into the Creative Writing Concentration is restricted.   Students must submit a portfolio for review and be offered a seat in the advanced workshops. (Please see the "Portfolio Review Guidelines" below.) 

*Students interested in pursuing both fiction and poetry at the 400-level, must check with their academic advisor to ensure that the necessary courses (ENG 487, ENG 488, ENG 498: Fiction, ENG 498: Poetry) will fit their degree plan. Students must submit two portfolios--one in fiction, one in poetry--to be considered for admittance into advanced coursework in both areas. 

Students pursuing the Creative Writing Concentration must either select as their major the bachelor's in English with a concentration in creative writing upon being admitted to ASU or, after entering the university, meet with an English advisor to change to this major and concentration.  Non English-majors will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

  • To complete the concentration, English majors who have already declared themselves in the creative writing concentration must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher in their major.
  • Concentration students must complete the two advanced courses in their genre (ENG 487 and ENG 498 in poetry, or ENG 488 and ENG 498 in fiction). Note that enrollment into these courses is restricted. Spaces are limited. Students must submit a portfolio and be selected to move forward.  (See the "Portfolio Review Guidelines" below.)
  • Transfer students must seek advisement as to whether they will be able to successfully fulfill the creative writing concentration requirements.
  • PLEASE NOTE :  Students admitted to begin 400-level coursework through the Fall 2020 Portfolio Review will start their coursework in Spring 2021. ENG 488 (fiction) will be taken in the Spring semester. The capstone course, ENG 498, will be taken in the Fall 2021 semester. ENG 487/488 and ENG 498 may not be taken simultaneously. 
  • The next portfolio review for fiction will be offered in Fall 2022. The next portfolio review for fiction and poetry will be offered in Spring 2023.
  • Students are only allowed to apply for the creative writing concentration twice during their time at ASU.

Portfolio Submission: How to Apply

Submit your completed portfolio online via the link below. Your portfolio should include:

1.     COVER SHEET (Available Online)


     a.      Poetry Sample: 5 poems

     b.      Fiction Sample: 1 piece of fiction of at least 5 double-spaced pages and not longer than 10 double-spaced pages

3.     PERSONAL STATEMENT (2 double spaced pages or 500 words)

     a.    Discuss your interest in the relevant genre (poetry or fiction)

     b.     What do you hope to gain from the creative writing concentration

4.     CRAFT ESSAY (2 double spaced pages or 500 words)

     a.     Submit an essay on a single poem or short story focusing an element(s) of craft you learned from the piece, how that craft element(s) works within the poem/story, and  why this aspect of craft is pertinent to your own writing

     b.     Please provide textual examples from the creative piece in your essay


        NOTE: You need to be logged into your ASU Gmail account to connect to the portfolio submission form. 

Further Information  

To receive further information about the bachelor's in English with a concentration in creative writing, make an appointment to speak with English undergraduate advisor at 480-965-3168. You may also contact Creative Writing Program Manager, Justin Petropoulos ( [email protected] ), RBH 152.

Portfolio Review Guidelines

Admission Requirements

All students are required to meet general university admission requirements.

Transfer Options

ASU is committed to helping students thrive by offering tools that allow personalization of the transfer path to ASU. Students may use the Transfer Map search to outline a list of recommended courses to take prior to transfer.

Change of Major Requirements

A current ASU student has no additional requirements for changing majors.

Students should refer to for information about how to change a major to this program.

Flexible Degree Options

Accelerated program options.

This program allows students to obtain both a bachelor's and master's degree in as little as five years. It is offered as an accelerated bachelor's and master's degree with:

English -->

Website | Locations: TEMPE,ONLNE

Acceptance to the graduate program requires a separate application. During their junior year, eligible students will be advised by their academic departments to apply.

Next Steps to attend ASU

Learn about our programs, apply to a program, visit our campus, affording college, tuition calculator, scholarships, financial aid, career outlook.

Degree programs in English prepare students for graduate studies in a number of programs, including English, creative writing, education, law and business. They also lead to a variety of careers in diverse fields. Employers seek those with strong writing, communication and critical thinking skills. Some of the most common professions for English majors are in the fields of:

  • nonprofit service

Graduates often find roles where they spend time:

  • developing web content
  • managing public relations
  • writing professional and technical content

Example Careers

Students who complete this degree program may be prepared for the following careers. Advanced degrees or certifications may be required for academic or clinical positions. Career examples include but are not limited to:

Writers and Authors

  • Growth: 3.7%
  • Median Salary*: 73150
  • Growth: -4%
  • Median Salary*: 73080

English Language and Literature Teachers, Postsecondary

  • Growth: 1.2%
  • Median Salary*: 74280

Poets, Lyricists and Creative Writers

Secondary school teachers, except special and career/technical education.

  • Median Salary*: 62360

Public Relations Specialists

  • Growth: 6.1%
  • Median Salary*: 67440

Bright Outlook

Search Marketing Strategists

  • Growth: 13.4%
  • Median Salary*: 68230

Technical Writers

  • Growth: 6.9%
  • Median Salary*: 79960

* Data obtained from the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) under sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA).

Bright Outlook

Global Opportunities

Global experience.

Studying abroad expands students' perspectives by exposing them to new and distinct cultures, communities and people. Students can explore the English language at a deeper level through an extended lens of dialects, literature and terminology in one of more than 300 study abroad programs.

Students can enhance their resumes with the educational experience and heightened cultural competency, communication and critical thinking skills they acquire through study abroad programs.

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences recommends these study abroad programs for students majoring in English with a concentration in creative writing .

Program Contact Information

If you have questions related to admission, please click here to request information and an admission specialist will reach out to you directly. For questions regarding faculty or courses, please use the contact information below.

Creative Writing

Stanford’s Creative Writing Program--one of the best-known in the country--cultivates the power of individual expression within a vibrant community of writers. Many of our English majors pursue a concentration in creative writing, and the minor in Creative Writing is among the most popular minors on campus. These majors and minors participate in workshop-based courses or independent tutorials with Stegner Fellows, Stanford’s distinguished writers-in-residence.

English Major with a Creative Writing Emphasis

The English major with a Creative Writing emphasis is a fourteen-course major. These fourteen courses comprise eight English courses and six Creative Writing courses.

English majors with a Creative Writing emphasis should note the following:

All courses must be taken for a letter grade.

Courses taken abroad or at other institutions may not be counted towards the workshop requirements.

Any 190 series course (190F, 190G, etc.), 191 series course (191T, etc.), or 192 series course (192V, etc.) counts toward the 190, 191, or 192 requirement.

PWR 1 is a prerequisite for all creative writing courses.

Minor in Creative Writing

The Minor in Creative Writing offers a structured environment in which students interested in writing fiction or poetry develop their skills while receiving an introduction to literary forms. Students may choose a concentration in fiction, poetry.

In order to graduate with a minor in Creative Writing, students must complete the following three courses plus three courses in either the prose or poetry tracks. Courses counted towards the requirements for the minor may not be applied to student's major requirements. 30 units are required. All courses must be taken for a letter grade.

Prose Track

Suggested order of requirements:

English 90. Fiction Writing or English 91. Creative Nonfiction

English 146S Secret Lives of the Short Story

One 5-unit English literature elective course

English 190. Intermediate Fiction Writing or English 191. Intermediate Creative Nonfiction Writing

English 92. Reading and Writing Poetry

Another English 190, 191, 290. Advanced Fiction, 291. Advanced Nonfiction, or 198L. Levinthal Tutorial

Poetry Track

English 92.Reading and Writing Poetry

English 160. Poetry and Poetics

English 192. Intermediate Poetry Writing

Another English 192, or 292.Advanced Poetry or 198L.Levinthal Tutorial

Creative Writing minors should note the following:

To declare a Creative Writing minor, visit the Student page in Axess. To expedite your declaration, make sure to list all 6 courses you have taken or plan to take for your minor.

Any 190 series course (190F, 190G, etc.), 191series course (191T, etc.), or 192 series course (192V, etc.) counts toward the 190, 191, or 192 requirement.

For more information, visit the Stanford Creative Writing Program.

bachelor of law and creative writing

Best Creative Writing colleges in the U.S. 2024

Creative writing is about artistically sharing emotions, thoughts, and opinions on a subject; not just relaying information. Courses include American literature, editing and proofing, fundamentals of writing, world literature, Shakespeare, screenwriting fundamentals, fiction fundamentals, writing nonfiction, and poetry writing. Creative writing covers both nonfiction and fiction, but the predominant types of creative writing are poetry and fiction, which includes novels, short stories, novellas, and flash fiction. Playwriting, screenwriting, journaling, and memoirs are other typical forms.

Students will learn how to use written language to communicate more clearly in their professional and personal lives and move beyond proficient mechanics to writing craftily in an attempt to evoke emotions and express points of view. Careers for creative writers?outside of being a creative writer?include blogger, journalist, composition teacher, copywriter, scriptwriter, and novelist. Creative writers must understand the importance of deadlines and have well-researched writing samples in order to move up the career ladder. The median annual wage of writers and authors was more than $50,000 in May 2010. Religious, professional, and civic industries employed the most writers followed by newspapers and book industries. Creative writers may also be freelance writers. Freelance writers are self-employed individuals who make a living selling their content to publishers. They may simultaneously work on multiple assignments for numerous companies depending on individual financial goals.

Best Creative Writing colleges in the U.S. for 2024

bachelor of law and creative writing

Brown University offers 3 Creative Writing degree programs. It's a large, private not-for-profit, four-year university in a midsize city. In 2022, 48 Creative Writing students graduated with students earning 38 Bachelor's degrees, and 10 Master's degrees.

bachelor of law and creative writing

Northwestern University offers 3 Creative Writing degree programs. It's a very large, private not-for-profit, four-year university in a small city. In 2022, 11 Creative Writing students graduated with students earning 10 Master's degrees, and 1 Bachelor's degree.

bachelor of law and creative writing

Johns Hopkins University offers 4 Creative Writing degree programs. It's a very large, private not-for-profit, four-year university in a large city. In 2022, 80 Creative Writing students graduated with students earning 47 Master's degrees, 29 Bachelor's degrees, and 4 Certificates.

bachelor of law and creative writing

University of Southern California offers 2 Creative Writing degree programs. It's a very large, private not-for-profit, four-year university in a large city. In 2022, 37 Creative Writing students graduated with students earning 37 Bachelor's degrees.

bachelor of law and creative writing

University of Notre Dame offers 1 Creative Writing degree programs. It's a large, private not-for-profit, four-year university in a large suburb. In 2022, 4 Creative Writing students graduated with students earning 4 Master's degrees.

bachelor of law and creative writing

University of Virginia-Main Campus offers 1 Creative Writing degree programs. It's a very large, public, four-year university in a small suburb. In 2022, 6 Creative Writing students graduated with students earning 6 Master's degrees.

bachelor of law and creative writing

Columbia University in the City of New York offers 2 Creative Writing degree programs. It's a very large, private not-for-profit, four-year university in a large city. In 2022, 174 Creative Writing students graduated with students earning 124 Master's degrees, and 50 Bachelor's degrees.

bachelor of law and creative writing

The University of Texas at Austin offers 2 Creative Writing degree programs. It's a very large, public, four-year university in a large city. In 2022, 100 Creative Writing students graduated with students earning 81 Certificates, and 19 Master's degrees.

bachelor of law and creative writing

Cornell University offers 1 Creative Writing degree programs. It's a very large, private not-for-profit, four-year university in a small city. In 2022, 7 Creative Writing students graduated with students earning 7 Master's degrees.

bachelor of law and creative writing

Vanderbilt University offers 1 Creative Writing degree programs. It's a large, private not-for-profit, four-year university in a large city. In 2022, 6 Creative Writing students graduated with students earning 6 Master's degrees.

Find local colleges with Creative Writing majors in the U.S.

List of all creative writing colleges in the u.s..

bachelor of law and creative writing

Bachelor of Creative and Professional Writing

Online option, online full-time programs.

Online full-time programs are offered as either Daytime, or a combination of Evenings and Saturdays. Check your program Dates and Times to see what the program commitment will be.

Find out more about Full-Time Online programs

Humber is proud to have the highest graduate employment and employer satisfaction rate of the GTA colleges based on Colleges Ontario’s key performance indicators for college graduates in 2022-2023.

Program Overview

Do you love words? Do you dream of telling stories or helping others tell theirs? The Honours Bachelor of Creative and Professional Writing helps you transform your passion for writing into a fulfilling career. As you develop creative writing skills that stimulate your imagination and storytelling abilities, you learn to write clearly and convincingly across evolving genres, platforms and venues. Practise your craft independently and collaboratively in a variety of settings, from the traditional classroom experience to the creative writing workshop. In your final semester, benefit from one-on-one mentorship through our Capstone Manuscript course, where you develop a book-length project with the guidance of an established author.    

Current students, please make sure to review your MyHumber Academic Progress report to confirm which courses you should register into for your Winter semester. Courses with in-person requirements will likely also have online components. Humber may need to change plans for in-person learning, subject to government and public health directives and/or additional health and safety considerations.

Work-Integrated Learning  

Work-integrated learning  .

Students will gain practical, hands-on experience in the industry by completing a mandatory field experience which takes place in the summer semester between years 3 and 4. After completing a field experience preparation course, students will be supported in marketing themselves to prospective employers in order to find a field experience that aligns with their personal career goals.

Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) at Humber

Work-integrated learning.

Work-integrated learning opportunities prepare you for your future career. You will apply what you’ve learned in class and in real-world environments through a wide range of academic, community and industry partnerships. These work-integrated learning opportunities may include field experiences, professional practicums and co-operative education.

Field Experience

A field experience offers students an opportunity to engage in intensive experiences related to their field of study or career goals to build their skills, knowledge and abilities. Field experiences may be paid or unpaid.

Professional Practicum

Programs requiring a professional practicum offer practice-based experience or work hours for a professional license or certification. Students work under the direct supervision of an experienced professional. Placements are unpaid.

Co-operative Education

Students in co-op programs gain experience through paid work terms in their field of study that become progressively more complex as their skill level increases.

Optional Co-operative Education

Students in co-op programs gain experience through paid work terms in their field of study that become progressively more complex as their skill level increases. The co-op portion of this program is optional.

If you would like to learn more about work-integrated learning at Humber, visit WIL AT HUMBER

The Humber Advantage


Flash Fiction Contest!

To celebrate the recent launch of Humber College’s new Bachelor of Creative and Professional Writing (BCPW) program, we are hosting a Flash Fiction Contest that will publish five Ontario-based high school students in a special online supplement.

This contest will be judged by writers Carleigh Baker, David Brock and Meaghan Strimas. Five winners will be selected and prizes will be distributed as follows—the first-place winner will be awarded $750; second place, $500; third place, $350; fourth place, $250; and fifth place, $150.00. The winning stories will be published in Arrival, the BCPW’s online literary and arts magazine, which will officially launch in the spring of 2024.

Ontario high school students, get the full contest guidelines and submit your best short, short stories. The deadline is 30 April 2024 .

Teachers, if you would like Flash Fiction Teaching Resources, please email Meaghan Strimas.

Expert Faculty


You'll learn from a diverse and dynamic faculty of award-winning writers who are active in the fields of creative and professional writing. Our professors are committed to providing you with practical, hands-on learning opportunities that will help you achieve the career you want.  

faculty image

David James Brock

David James Brock is a screenwriter, playwright, poet, and opera librettist with national and international production history. He is a past winner of the Herman Voaden Canadian National Playwriting Award for his play  Wet , which was also nominated for three Jessie Richardson Theatre Awards. His play-opera hybrid, a million billion pieces , premiered at Young People's Theatre in 2019, was nominated for five Dora Mavor Moore Awards, and is published by Playwrights Canada Press. Brock is also the author of two poetry collections,  Everyone is CO2  and Ten-Headed Alien , both released by Wolsak & Wynn. He has created opera and song lyrics for over a dozen opera and new music projects. For Scottish Opera, Brock co-created with Gareth Williams  Breath Cycle , a multimedia opera developed with cystic fibrosis patients. With Mike Haliechuk, Brock co-wrote  Year of the Horse , an opera with Canadian hardcore legends and Polaris Award-winning band F*cked Up. Pitchfork Magazine called the Year of the Horse album "epic...intricate... dramatic..." and the project's feature length screenplay has been optioned. He also co-wrote the screenplay and songs for  Mother of All Shows  (with Melissa D'Agostino), which won Outstanding Narrative Feature at the 2023 Art of Brooklyn film festival.

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Eufemia Fantetti

Eufemia  Fantetti began instructing at Humber in 2014 and has taught creative writing through the University of Guelph-Humber, the International Women’s Writing Guild, the Association of Italian Canadian Writers, Toronto Public Library, The Writer’s Studio at SFU and the University of Guelph’s Open Learning program. 

Her short fiction collection,  A Recipe for Disaster & Other Unlikely Tales of Love  (Mother Tongue Publishing) was runner up for the 2013 Danuta Gleed Literary Award and won the 2014 Bressani Prize for Short Fiction. Her second book,  My Father, Fortune-tellers & Me: A Memoir,  was released in 2019. She recently co-edited the award-winning anthology Tongues: On Longing and Belonging Through Language (Book*hug, 2021) with Leonarda Carranza and Ayelet Tsabari. She is a winner of Event Magazine’s Creative Nonfiction contest, a two-time finalist in the Canadian National Playwriting competition, and a three-time winner of Accenti Magazine’s annual contest. Her writing was listed as Notable Essay through The Best American Essays Series and received Highly Commended in the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association’s Short Story Competition. Her work can be found in various anthologies including  Beyond Crazy,  Conspicuous Accents ,  Emails from India ,  Exploring  Voices, Love Me True  and  Body & Soul:   Stories for Skeptics and Seekers .

Eufemia  holds an MFA in Creative Writing. As the lone writer in a family of mathematicians, and a descendant of many who were never given the opportunity to learn to read and write, she is secure in her belief about the potency of the written word as a tool to empower individuals, establish community and enlarge empathy.

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Kathy Friedman

New to Humber College, Kathy Friedman has been teaching creative writing for nearly a decade in the University of Guelph's Open Learning program, and through community organizations such as CAMH, The 519, NISA/Northern Institute for Social Action, Workman Arts, Progress Place, and the Toronto Public Library.

Kathy's debut collection of short stories,  All the Shining People (House of Anansi, 2022), was a finalist for the Trillium Book Award, Danuta Gleed Literary Award, and the ReLit Award for Short Fiction . She has been a finalist for the Writers' Trust Bronwen Wallace Award for Emerging Writers, and her work has appeared in publications such as  Grain ,  Geist ,  PRISM international ,  The New Quarterly ,  Humber Literary Review , and  Canadian Notes & Queries . She holds an MFA and a BFA in creative writing and is currently at work on a collection of essays about travel, music, and mental health.

Kathy is also a freelance editor and the co-founder and artistic director of InkWell Workshops, which delivers free literary programming to people with mental health and addiction issues. She has published four literary anthologies with in-house imprint InkWell Books, and she edited a fifth InkWell anthology called  Brilliance Is the Clothing I Wear  (Dundurn Press, 2021).

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Leanne Milech

Leanne Milech has been a professor at Humber since 2016, where she is fortunate to serve as Essays Editor of  The Humber Literary Review . Leanne also teaches creative writing at the University of Guelph-Humber and has previously co-facilitated creative writing workshops at CAMH and the Toronto Public Library. 

Before joining Humber, Leanne worked as a corporate lawyer on Bay Street, an estate planning lawyer at a boutique law firm, a cross-border wealth strategist, a legal writer, a ghostwriter of legal texts, and a freelance arts journalist. She was also the co-founder of a children’s book publishing company, Picture It Picture Books, which sold a series of children’s books that Leanne co-wrote. The books were sold in stores across Canada, including Indigo and Mastermind. 

Leanne holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Guelph, where she wrote a short story that went on to win the top $10,000 prize in ELQ/ Exile ’s Carter V. Cooper Short Fiction Competition in the Emerging Writer category. Leanne’s work has appeared in  The New York Times ;  O, The Oprah Magazine ;  The Globe and Mail ;  EXILE: The Literary Quarterly ; and  The Humber Literary Review.  She has been shortlisted for  Room ’s Creative Non-Fiction prize, and as an undergraduate student at Queen’s University, she published short stories in  The Queen’s Journal ,  Ultraviolet , and  Other Voices . Before attending law school, Leanne won The Writers’ Union of Canada’s Postcard Story competition and read her piece on CBC’s  The Sunday Edition .  

Leanne is currently working on a screenplay and a novel. She lives in Toronto with her fiancée Shannon Alexandra.

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Angelo Muredda

Angelo  Muredda is a Toronto-based teacher and film critic. His writing has appeared in outlets such as Cinema Scope, The National Post, The Walrus, SHARP Magazine, and Film Freak Central, and he is a member of the Toronto Film Critics Association. He holds a Ph.D. in English on representations of disability in Canadian literature and film from the University of Toronto. He teaches in the Department of English at Humber College, where he is also Reviews Editor for the Humber Literary Review. 

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Meaghan Strimas

Meaghan Strimas is an award-winning educator, writer and editor who joined Humber as a faculty member in 2012. Before accepting her exciting role in the Bachelor of Creative and Professional Writing program, she served as the program co-ordinator for the college’s graduate certificate in Professional Writing & Communications.

Meaghan worked at Quill & Quire magazine for several years as a marketing manager and at the University of Guelph as the program administrator for its Creative Writing MFA. In addition to her work as a professor and co-ordinator, Meaghan works as a freelance proofreader, copy editor and project manager, and is interviews editor at the Humber Literary Review , a magazine she co-founded in 2014. She is co-lead of the HLR Spotlight project, an experiential learning opportunity that is funded by Humber’s Office of Research & Innovation.

Meaghan is the author of three collections of poetry and the editor of The Selected Gwendolyn MacEwen . Her most recent collection, Yes or Nope , was the winner of the Trillium Book Award for Poetry. In the fall of 2018, she released the Another Dysfunctional Cancer Poem Anthology , which she co-edited with the late Priscila Uppal. Meaghan is at work on a novel and a new collection of poetry, and she has an essay forthcoming in the anthology Good Mom on Paper (edited by Jen Sookfong Lee and Stacey May Fowles).

Meaghan holds a MA in Creative Writing. She believes that writing programs are essential because they cultivate confidence, teach technique and craft, offer mentorship and, perhaps most importantly, provide a space for artistic collaboration and community.

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Nathan Whitlock

Nathan  Whitlock is the author of three novels, including his most recent,  Lump  (Rare Machines/Dundurn Press, 2023). His work has appeared in the  New York Review of Books ,  The Walrus , the  Globe and Mail ,  Toronto Star ,  Toronto Life ,  Best Canadian Essays , and elsewhere. He is the host of the author podcast  What Happened Next  and is the program coordinator for Humber's Creative Book Publishing postgraduate program.

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Jessica Wolfe

Jessica Duffin Wolfe teaches interactive design and digital storytelling in the Digital Communications, Journalism, and Film degree programs at Humber’s Lakeshore campus. Before joining Humber, she completed a PhD in English, Book History, and Print Culture, and worked as a critic, magazine editor, and web developer. She’s taught previously at OCAD University and the University of Toronto, and is working to develop Humber’s immersive storytelling capacity. You can learn more about her writing and projects at her website:

Study Abroad

We offer many global opportunities for you to explore during your time at Humber! We live in a very interconnected world and by participating in a global opportunity, not only will you gain new skills, but you may also be eligible for academic credits and/or  co-curricular record  (CCR). Some of the global opportunities at Humber include Summer Abroad, Semester Exchange, faculty-led trips, Humber Global Summer School and many others! To learn more, please visit  Humber Global Opportunities .

Your Career

Students graduate as highly skilled, adaptable communicators equipped with in-demand knowledge and the creative, responsive mindset that today’s shifting employment landscape requires. A sixth-semester field experience provide s hands-on opportunities for students to further develop their industry connections, media literacy and written and verbal communication skills . Our program’s versatile curriculum also includes information design (graphic, photo, video) , accessible communication strategies , research best practices and project management skills so that graduates are primed to be well-rounded team members/colleagues . The professional possibilities of the communications and writing fields are wide rang ing and graduate s are ideally positioned to embark on careers as:  

  • brand and marketing assistants/managers
  • communications assistants / specialists  
  • content marketers/creators
  • editorial , publicity and public-relations assistants
  • freelance writers/journalists
  • grant, proposal, report and ghost/speech writers  
  • published authors/storytellers
  • social /digital media assistants/ strategists

Moreover, those graduates who wish to undertake further study can progress to master’s level programs in creative writing, communications, media, humanities, English and related fields.    

Program Availability

Humber is a publicly-funded institution and does not have a public-private partnership. International students graduating from Humber or Humber’s International Graduate School (IGS) are eligible to apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit .

International Students in Canada who apply for September 2024 start could be eligible for an automatic scholarship*. Apply now

Please note the new International Admissions Process and Provincial Attestation Letters. Read the update

International Students Out of Canada can Apply through Humber International

Recruitment Events

Open House   Book a Tour  

Can't make it to campus?

Experience Humber Virtually  

Program Delivery Types

Block-based: Students select a pre-set weekly schedule of courses that best meets their needs. Block-Based schedules may include in-person, hybrid and online courses.

Course-based: Students create their own schedule of courses from among in-person, hybrid and online options.

Condensed Week - Courses requiring students to come to campus are scheduled over 2-3 days per week. Online courses are scheduled on other days.

Online - Courses are scheduled only online and may be delivered asynchronously, where students study independently or synchronously, where students attend the online class on a specified time and day.

Twilight - In-person, online synchronous and hybrid courses are generally scheduled after 3:00pm.

Twilight-Online: Online synchronous courses are generally scheduled after 3:00 pm.

Bachelor of Creative and Professional Writing at Humber College

Man sitting on a desk looking at notes

Watch the video to see how you can transform your passion for writing into a fulfilling career.

This program is part of:

bachelor of law and creative writing

Find Out More  

Bachelor of Industrial Design Students Participate in BRP International Design Competition

Bachelor of Industrial Design Students Participate in BRP International Design Competition

Wed, May 10, 2023

The Industrial Design program was invited to return and participate in the BRP (Bombardier Recreational Products) International Design Competition!

Industrial Design Third Year Students Design for Modern Living in Umbra/Humber Studio Project

Industrial Design Third Year Students Design for Modern Living in Umbra/Humber Studio Project

Fri, March 24, 2023

Driven by innovation, Toronto-based Umbra has become a global leader in product design, known for pushing boundaries in its approach to original design.

Annual By The Lake Book Club Scholarship Awarded to Emerging B.C. - Based Writer

Annual By The Lake Book Club Scholarship Awarded to Emerging B.C. - Based Writer

Mon, February 27, 2023

Layla Reeves, a Vancouver Island writer and student in Humber's Creative Writing Graduate Certificate program, is the 2022 recipient of a $1,500 scholarship.

No news at this time.

Ministry Consent

Humber College has been granted a consent by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities to offer this applied degree for a seven-year term starting June 21, 2021. Humber College shall ensure that all students admitted to this above-named program during the period of consent will have the opportunity to complete the program within a reasonable time frame.

Every attempt is made to ensure that information contained on this website is current and accurate. Humber reserves the right to correct any error or omission, modify or cancel any course, program, fee, timetable or campus location at any time without prior notice or liability to users or any other Person.

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Admissions Questions

General enquiries.

Call 416-675-3111 or email [email protected] . If you have already applied, be sure to check your application status on .

Domestic Applicants Enquiries

Domestic applicants can book a one-on-one advising appointment with an admissions representative.

International Applicants Enquiries

Contact the International Centre for information about full-time programs (including the International Graduate School), how to apply and to follow up on your submitted application.

Program-Specific Questions

Speak to the Program Co-ordinator about the course curriculum, projects and career options.

Meaghan Strimas, program co-ordinator  416.675.6622 ext. 75489 [email protected]

Campus Information

Book a campus tour to take a closer look at what it's like to be a student at Humber.

Want More Info?

Find out more about the student experience and everything that Humber has to offer Future Students .

Sign-up now for more info on Humber, including programs, special events and more!

How To Become An Apprentice

Becoming an apprentice.

Find an employer willing to sponsor you as an apprentice.

Contact the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development to register as an apprentice.

Work with your employer approximately one year before attending Humber.

View Instructions  

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)

If you’re in high school – grade 11 or 12 – you can earn co-op education credits through work placements in some skilled trades.

Visit OYAP  

How to Apply

Domestic students.

Applications to Humber are made through . Be sure to submit your application by the equal consideration deadline of February 1. You may apply after February 1, however, post-February 1 applications will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis depending on the availability of the space in the program.

To check program availability refer to the Campus/Availability listing on Humber’s program pages, search by availability , or .

To see where you are in the admissions process, visit the Admissions Road Map .

International Students

If you’re an international student, you can apply directly to Humber via our International Centre .

Need Advice?

Program advising appointments.

Get help narrowing down your program options or book a one-on-one pre-enrolment advising appointment with one of our Recruitment Officers.

Transfer & Pathway Advising

Book a virtual appointment with a Student Mobility Advisor learn more about getting Transfer Credit(s) for previous post-secondary experience, Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR), and Pathways options.

Admission Requirements

Admission selection is based on the academic criteria indicated. Meeting minimum eligibility requirements does not guarantee admission.

Admission selection is based on the following three requirements:

To be eligible for admission, you must possess the following:  

Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent including these required courses:  

  Grade 12 English (ENG4U or equivalent) minimum 65 per cent  

  • Five Grade 12 U or M courses in addition to those listed above  
  • Overall minimum grade point average (GPA) 65 per cent   
  • Mature student status  
  • College or university transfer status  

All applicants whose first language is not English must meet Humber’s  English Language Proficiency Policy .  

Selection:  Admission selection is based on the academic criteria indicated. Meeting minimum eligibility requirements does not guarantee admission  

Mature Applicants

Diplomas and certificates.

An applicant is considered a mature applicant if they have not completed secondary school or other postsecondary school, and will be 19 or older as of the first day of classes. Humber will invite you for testing to demonstrate that you meet all listed course requirements.

An applicant is considered a mature applicant if they have not completed secondary school or attended postsecondary studies, and will be 21 or older as of the first day of classes. Mature applicants for degree programs will be required to meet course requirements at the U/M level or equivalent.

College Transfer Applicants

An applicant is considered a college transfer applicant if they have completed some or all of a college-level credential. Humber may use a combination of secondary school and/or college courses and grades to determine program eligibility.

An applicant is considered a college transfer applicant if they have completed some or all of a college-level credential. Humber may use a combination of secondary school and/or college courses and grades to determine program eligibility. Applicants must have an overall minimum grade point average (GPA) of 65 per cent in the program. Applicants are required to disclose and provide academic transcripts for all course work completed at the postsecondary level.

University Transfer Applicants

An applicant is considered a university transfer applicant if they have completed some or all of a university-level credential. Humber may use a combination of secondary school and/or university courses and grades to determine program eligibility.

An applicant is considered a university transfer applicant if they have completed some or all of a university-level credential. Humber may use a combination of secondary school and/or university courses and grades to determine program eligibility. Applicants are required to disclose and provide academic transcripts for all course work completed at the postsecondary level.

English Language Proficiency

All applicants whose first language is not English must meet Humber’s English Language Proficiency Policy .

International Credit Evaluation

Canadian citizens or permanent residents with international education are required to provide a credential evaluation. Note, for international High school education course by course evaluations, ICAS must be used. For international post-secondary education, a WES evaluation must be provided. In situations where you expect to apply for transfer credit, it is recommended that a course by course WES evaluation is completed.

International Academic Equivalency

Admission equivalencies for Humber depend on your country of study. Please enter your location or choose detect my location to see the requirements for your country below.

Applying with an International Baccalaureate (IB)

Post-Admission Requirements

Once you have been accepted, and have confirmed your offer, you may need to complete a further set of requirements related to your program (Post-Admission Requirements).

Equipment & Device Requirements

Fees & financial aid.

The 2024/2025 fee for two semesters is:

  • domestic: $7,440.86
  • international: $20,464.90

Fees are subject to change.

Fees by Semester

Domestic Fees by Semester

International fees by semester.

*Plus Mandatory Health Insurance fee once per academic year: Fall start - $420 Winter start - $280 Summer start - $140

Financial Aid, Scholarships and Bursaries

Understand the costs associated with coming to Humber and explore resources available from first year to your final year on Student Fees and Financial Resources .


Humber degree scholarships.

Humber awards degree scholarships automatically to graduating high school students based on academic achievement. See this following chart for details. Some of the scholarships are renewable each year if you maintain an average of 80 per cent or more.

Degree Transfer Scholarships ($1,500 - $2,500)

Humber automatically awards degree transfer scholarships to students entering any Humber degree program who have completed a one-year Ontario college certificate* or a two- or three-year diploma with a GPA of 80 per cent or more from a publicly-funded college. Students who have achieved a program GPA of 80 per cent or more will be awarded a one-time scholarship of $1,500 for a certificate program or $2,500 for a diploma program in recognition of their academic achievement. Certificates and diplomas do not have to be related to the degree program of choice and are not tied to the eligibility for advanced standing or transfer credit. No application is required

80%+ Certificate | $1,500

One Time 80%+ Diploma | $2,500

Humber Scholarships

Find out more about scholarships and bursaries that you may be eligible for, visit Student Scholarships . International students can visit International Student Scholarships .

Humber Bursaries

Bursaries are available for Certificate, Diploma and Degree programs primarily based on financial need, visit Humber Bursaries.

External Awards, Bursaries & Scholarships

Find out more information about external scholarships and bursaries, visit External Awards.

Indigenous Student Awards, Bursaries & Scholarships

Humber offers a variety of bursaries and scholarships for Indigenous students, visit Indigenous Student Awards.

Explore Opportunities through Humber Pathways

Humber Pathways include:

  • Opportunities to build on your college education and complete your diploma or degree at Humber.
  • Degree and graduate study opportunities at other institutions in Ontario, Canada and abroad.

Additional information will be made available to students from their program before the beginning of the Winter term. Courses with in-person requirements will likely also have online components. The delivery mode of some courses is still being determined. Humber may need to change plans for in-person learning, subject to government and public health directives and/or additional health and safety considerations.

You can find a complete list of programs with downloads including program and course details at Current Student Resources  

Students in programs marked as online/in-person will have a combination of those two types of delivery. Additional information will be made available to students from their program in the first week of June. Courses with in-person requirements will likely also have online components. The delivery mode of some courses is still being determined. Humber may need to change plans for in-person learning, subject to government and public health directives and/or additional health and safety considerations.

Creative and Professional Writing, Bachelor of

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the program, a graduate will:

  • Describe the influences at play in the evolving media and cultural context which affect the writer’s craft within contemporary markets and audiences.
  • Identify key structures and characteristics in a variety of creative and professional works applicable to writing proficiency.
  • Conduct primary and secondary research from credible sources to support authenticity and accuracy in creative and professional writing.
  • Write creative and professional works suitable for publishing to a wide variety of audiences, publishers, platforms and industries using the full range of principles of rhetoric, syntax, grammar, style, and usage.
  • Use a range of digital technologies and tools for visual communication and design appropriate to specified writing projects.
  • Create works in creative and professional writing that convey the characteristic structures and formats used in a variety of genres and applications.
  • Outline a variety of methods and structures for story development.
  • Edit writing of self and others applying a range of editorial techniques to in order to meet publication standards.
  • Collaborate interprofessionally with designers, publishers, editors, marketing and advertising professionals in order to undertake and complete projects in creative and professional writing.
  • Analyze exemplary texts to distinguish effective modes and strategies for application to one’s own writing.
  • Reflect on work completed in creative and professional writing projects to assess the extent to which one has achieved one’s goals and to apply lessons learned.
  • Build a professional presence though development of a multimodal portfolio, demonstrating attributes of fluency, craft, technological competency, creativity, and entrepreneurship.

Academic Catalog Toggle navigation Menu

Academic catalog, ba in creative writing.

Creative Writing

UTEP offers a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing through a curriculum that combines literary studies with intensive writing workshops. The program emphasizes the rigorous study of literature alongside the acquisition of skills in the writing of fiction, poetry, essays, plays, screenplays and literary translation. As such, the degree plan strikes a balance between theory and practice, between critical and imaginative thinking. As students progress in their degree plan, they are free to place emphasis on or specialize in the study and writing of a specific genre. The creative-writing faculty is comprised of well-published, active writers who also have a passion for teaching. They believe in closely mentoring students to give them a quality experience as writers in the making.

Marketable Skills 

  • Students will be able to write using clear and compelling language.
  • Students will be able to write and speak effectively for specific audiences and purposes.
  • Students will be able to communicate complex ideas in creative ways.
  • Students will develop empathy and communications skills.
  • Students will understand the mechanics of narrative storytelling and poetry.
  • Students will learn to see situations and problems from multiple perspectives.
  • Students will be able to focus on and analyze details as a means to understanding complex situations.
  • Students will be able to perform applied research, gather data, and compose articulate narratives based on their findings.
  • Students will be able to collaborate and work in groups to solve problems.
  • Students will be able to understand cultural differences and learn strategies to bridge them constructively.
  • Students will have the skills to critically analyze information.
  • Students will demonstrate the capacity to think outside of the “box”.

Learning Outcomes

Creative Writing students who complete the major or minor will be able to demonstrate competency in several of the following outcomes:

  • Understand and explain principles and techniques of various genres of creative writing, including fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and more.
  • Apply these techniques and principles to produce fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and more.
  • Read, interpret and evaluate contemporary writing and the works of peer writers from the perspective of literary craft and the study of creative writing.
  • Apply principles of creative writing to improve communication in a variety of contexts, including personal, academic, and public life.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the creative process as a forum for critical and intuitive thinking, and as a means of creative problem-solving.
  • Perform applied research, gather data, and compose articulate narratives based on these findings.
  • Demonstrate awareness of the literary, cultural, and historical context within which contemporary writing takes place, including past and present literary forms, techniques, and traditions that inform contemporary writing.
  • Learn the workshop process of self and group evaluation and critique.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of editing and revision techniques.

This degree plan includes the general requirements for a BA degree in Creative Writing.

Degree Plan

Complete prior to taking any other CRW courses.

A course can be taken up to two times.

Course may be included with approval.

French and Spanish majors must fulfill this requirement in a language other than their major.

BA in Creative Writing w/a Concentration in 7-12 ELA Certification

Minor in Secondary Education for students majoring in Creative Writing—Students will follow the requirements of the School of Education.

4306 honors seminar may be included with approval.

University Core Curriculum

The department may make specific suggestions for courses which are most applicable towards your major.

All courses require a C or better

I. Communication (six hours)

Ii. american history (six hours), iii. language, philosophy & culture  (three hours), iv. mathematics  (three hours), v. life & physical sciences  (six hours), vi. political science   (six hours), vii. social and behavioral sciences  (three hours), viii. creative arts (three hours), ix. component area option (six hours), block electives, (core courses and courses from major or minor area cannot be counted as block electives), fine and performing arts, social and behavioral sciences.

 The courses below will apply to different blocks based on the term and section completed

  • CHIC 4350 Topics in Chicano Studies
  • WS 3390 Women's Studies:Special Topics

4-Year Sample Degree Plan

bachelor of law and creative writing

Creative Writing, BFA

Among Public National Universities, U.S. News & World Report

Featured in the Fiske Guide to Colleges

Nationally, Best Online Bachelor's Programs, U.S. News & World Report

Our alumni work as:

BFA graduates can apply their training in positions that call for writing and editing. This includes options in digital/tech fields.

BFA students who earn the certificate in publishing are equipped to move into careers in the publishing industry.

BFA graduates are qualified to move into fields of professional communication, including those with government agencies and marketing firms.

With training in powerful communication, our students are uniquely equipped to attend law school.

program completion feature

Participate in a rigorous apprenticeship in the art and craft of creating literature

Develop critical faculties, understanding of literary forms, and aesthetic judgment

Build a strong foundation in the historical literary tradition and a grounding practice of the art of writing

Construct a thoughtful interdisciplinary foundation for understanding the relationship of creative writing to other arts and scholarly areas

“ I admire the energy, artistic nuance, and emotion with which a writer can carry a story. This is what I love about reading what other writers have created: discovering the heart of a story. ”

Liberal Arts Foundation

We encourage our graduate students to become people of letters, and our goals for undergraduates are no less ambitious.

We offer a broad liberal arts education that fosters creativity, exercises communication skills, sharpens analytical perception, and encourages informed, integrated cultural viewpoints.

Studio-Academic Experience

Our BFA program provides aspiring writers an apprenticeship in writing, informed by the close study of literature among a community of professional writers.

As a studio-academic experience in writing fiction, poetry and creative nonfiction, our BFA program unites passionate people who believe the creation of art is a pursuit valuable to self and culture.

creative writing student sitting in library holding a pillow with the word writer

Sample Courses

How do i major in creative writing.

Students may  declare a major  in pre-creative writing at any point upon completing at least 24 hours of college credits.

Admission to the full creative writing major comes through application only.

Application process

  • Complete at least   24 hours of college credits
  • CRW 207: Introduction to Fiction Writing
  • CRW 208: Introduction to Poetry Writing
  • CRW 209: Introduction to Creative Nonfiction Writing
  • Submit BFA application for admission through Canvas  
  • Submit creative work/portfolio for review by faculty members

Application deadlines

  • September 15

Explore More Program Details

Learn more about the Department

Related Programs

English, b.a..

Provides an exceptional academic experience grounded in critical inquiry, creativity, and application through three robust curriculum tracks in literary studies, professional writing, and teacher licensure.

History, B.A.

Teach, research, and write about the history of just about everywhere.

Philosophy and Religion, B.A.

Foster philosophy and the study of religions and to encourage a critical appreciation of the deepest issues of human experience of the past and present, in our own culture and globally.

Certificate & Graduate Programs

Creative writing, mfa.

A terminal degree that focuses on the study and craft of creative writing.

Publishing Certificate

A pathway to careers in the publishing industry.

 Professional Writing Certificate

The certificate in professional writing advances writing skills by providing foundational education in rhetoric, design and editing.

Arkansas Tech University Logo

General Information

Bachelor of fine arts in creative writing.

The program in creative writing seeks to help students develop their creative potential, especially in writing; explore the practical aspects of publishing and getting published; learn a respect for and an understanding of language; appreciate and profit from a study of our common literary heritage; increase their awareness of and empathy for diverse peoples and cultures; discover the relevance of ideas and values found in their reading; and learn to think critically and evaluate wisely.

Creative writing majors are prepared for a variety of careers in advertising, communications, education, government, management, personnel work, public relations, and sales. A degree in creative writing also provides an excellent undergraduate preparation for the student planning to pursue graduate study of business, law, or the humanities.

The degree program in creative writing requires 45 hours in English:

  • and 9 credit hours of English electives

The creative writing major must complete two semesters in one foreign language or have completed two years of language study in high school with grades of "C" or better.

Students who plan to use a creative writing degree as a preparation for law school are encouraged to complete some of the following electives in addition to their required courses:

The matrix below is a sample plan for all coursework required for this program.

ENGL 5723 Teaching People of Other Cultures . 5 All minimum college hours (at least two semesters) should be in one language. Students with previous study in a foreign language should refer to Foreign Language Advanced Placement and Credit under Credit by Examination. Students may waive three hours of language requirements for every one year of language study in high school with grades of "C" or better.


bachelor of law and creative writing

Online Students

For All Online Programs

International Students

On Campus, need or have Visa

Campus Students

For All Campus Programs

Creative Writing student outside creating new literature

Undergraduate Major Creative Writing & English (BA)

Tell your story with a creative writing major from snhu.

Unleash your creativity with Southern New Hampshire University's Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing and English.

This undergraduate creative writing major prepares you for a career in creative writing, publishing, journalism, communications, the law and many other professions, as well as graduate programs such as the university's low-residency Master of Fine Arts in Fiction and Nonfiction Writing.

Plus, creative writing courses begin during freshman year, unlike many other undergraduate writing programs.

Many English majors are involved in the Creative Writing Club, and work on the student-run literary journal, The Manatee, or write for and edit the school paper, The Penmen Press. There are also opportunities to work as a writing tutor and attend writing events throughout the year, including readings and Q&As with published (and sometimes bestselling) writers.

See Yourself Succeed as a Creative Writing Major

Learn from faculty members who are critically acclaimed writers and who understand the industry. Spend classroom and one-on-one time with publishers, agents and editors, and participate in workshops, readings, book-signings and networking events with bestselling authors and poets.

As a private, nonprofit university, SNHU has one mission - to help you see yourself succeed. The benefits of earning your creative writing major at SNHU include:

  • Supportive community. Join the SNHU college campus community of fewer than 3,000 students, with faculty and staff dedicated to your success.
  • Affordability. It’s our mission to make higher education more accessible. That’s why, SNHU is one of the most affordable private, nonprofit universities in New Hampshire. 
  • Accessible faculty. Learn from highly credentialed faculty who are experts in their fields and interact with you in the classroom, dining hall, fitness center and the stands.
  • Opportunity. Tap into our nationwide network of alumni and strong connections with employers for internship and career opportunities.
  • Campus experience. Enjoy more than 50 student clubs, champion Division II athletics and fun events on our 300-acre campus in Manchester, NH, named a "Best Place to Live" by Money magazine.

Internships & Outcomes

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , employment of writers and authors is projected to grow 9% through 2030. 1 Specific job titles include:

  • Writer/author
  • Literary agent
  • Manuscript reader 

Get a leg up before you graduate. Publishing opportunities include the student literary journal, The Manatee; the University's national journal, Assignment; high-profile magazines and literary contests. Join the Creative Writing Club and the New Hampshire Writers' Project - the only statewide literary organization for writers of all levels and genres, which is housed on our Manchester campus.

Four creative writing workshops are at the heart of this BA program. Choose three genre workshops followed by an advanced workshop in which you'll write a senior thesis in a genre of your choice, such as fiction, poetry, nonfiction or scriptwriting.

Courses To Prepare You For Your Life & Career

SNHU's bachelor's in creative writing and English program includes:

  • General education courses
  • Degree-specific courses

General Education Program

SNHU's required general education program, known as The Commons , aims to guide you toward success in not only your academic career, but your personal and professional life too.

Throughout the curriculum, you'll gain some of the most in-demand skills in today's workplace, including:

  • Research and information analysis
  • Diverse audience communication
  • Critical thinking and ethical problem solving
  • Leadership, emotional intelligence and collaboration

This expertise will prove practical, transferable and invaluable as you grow in your career and contribute positively to society.

Beyond foundational skill development, the general education program also provides the benefit of allowing you to explore a wide range of fields outside of your intended major.

Two campus students using their laptops to complete school work

Campus Undergraduate Tuition

Our Manchester campus aims to keep tuition and related costs  low for our students so that you can pursue your degree and your goals.

University Accreditation

New England Commission of Higher Education

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SNHU graduate Stephanie Gould holding her diploma with SNHU's executive vice president and university provost, Lisa Marsh Ryerson

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1 Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, on the internet, at: (viewed May 03, 2022)

Cited projections may not reflect local and/or short-term economic or job conditions and do not guarantee actual job growth.

  • Study with UniSQ
  • Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing)

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  • Springfield
  • 3 year(s) (or part-time equivalent)
  • Jan, May, Sep

Career outcomes

Entry requirements, degree structure, fees and scholarships.

  • The Creative Writing major provides you with an understanding of the practice of creative writing, as well as introduce you to the ideas, theories, and philosophies that inform professional writers and the writing industry. 
  • Experiment with diverse forms, genres, and styles of writing and learn how to conceive, write, edit, and proofread your work to a publishable standard.
  • Learn to think critically about how, why, where and when we write about experiences, landscapes or people; how to write creatively and critically; and how to produce compelling, professional narratives in both fiction and non-fiction. 
  • You will join a vibrant and active online and on-campus community that will connect you with local and national writing communities.

Industry partners

You will work collaboratively with other emerging and established writers, editors, and publishers to produce online and print publications. You will also be exposed to industry opportunities such as internships and volunteer positions, writers’ panels and festivals, and other literary events.

Further study

Extend your study in Creative Writing in UniSQ's  Graduate Certificate of Editing and Publishing , the Bachelor of Arts (Honours)  or Master of Research .

  • Graduates are equipped for various roles across the creative and communications industries, as freelancers, or in corporate and community sectors such as arts, business, communications, law, education, and the media.
  • Careers may include professional writer (fiction, non-fiction, or poetry), editor, publisher, travel writer, script writer, reviewer, corporate writer, game writer, workshop facilitator/teaches, media worker, digital copywriter, and the like.

Find the entry requirements most relevant to you.

Recent secondary education


To study this degree we assume you have sound knowledge in:

  • English (Units 3 & 4, C) 

We assume that your knowledge is equivalent to a grade C or higher in Units 3 and 4 at high school level (typically studied in Year 12). Find out more about assumed knowledge .

Further admission information

Adjustments are additional points given in certain circumstances that may increase your Rank. Find out if you qualify for any  adjustment factor pathways  such as educational disadvantage where you live, and subjects you passed.

UniSQ is committed to greater admissions transparency. Learn more about the education and work experience, as well as average Ranks for this degrees' student cohort from the previous year.

Tafe (VET) qualification

If you have completed a qualification from a TAFE  or qualified private provider, you may be able to use these qualifications to meet UniSQ's entry requirements.

Work and life experience

You may be able to use your work experience  and other adjustment factors  to increase your selection rank and meet UniSQ's entry requirements.

English language requirements

You are required to satisfy the applicable English language requirements  and this degree requires a minimum of IELTS 6.0 or equivalent . If you do not meet the English language requirements you may apply to study a University-approved English language program .

Recognition of prior learning or work experience

You may be eligible for recognition of prior learning  if you have previously studied or have relevant work experience. This will help to reduce the number of courses that you need to study to finish your program.

If you don't meet the entry requirements, we have pathway options available to you.

  • Diploma of Arts
  • Diploma of Multidisciplinary Studies
  • Tertiary Preparation Pathway

If you identify as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent you may be eligible to enter the Indigenous Higher Education Pathways Program (IHEPP) .

To complete this degree students must complete 24 units.

Refer to the UniSQ Handbook for courses to be studied and recommended enrolment patterns.  

Other majors

  • Anthropology
  • Archaeology
  • Archaeology (Extended)
  • Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
  • Criminology & Criminal Justice
  • Criminology & Criminal Justice (Extended)
  • English Literature
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • First Nations Australia
  • International Relations
  • Legal Studies
  • Physiology & Human Movement
  • Social Justice & Entrepreneurship
  • Visual Arts Curation

Double degrees

  • Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Business
  • Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science

Your actual fees may vary depending on the courses you select. We review our fees annually so these may be subject to change.

Approximate annual costs 1 for your first year of study (8 units) in this degree are:

1 These are indicative annual fees for 2024. 

Student services and amenities fees

You may need to pay student services and amenities (SA) fees  as part of your course costs.

Loan to help you pay your fees

You may not have to pay your course (subject) fees upfront. HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP allows you to defer your fees until your income reaches a certain level.  Find out if you are eligible for HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP .

You may also be eligible to receive financial support from Centrelink .


At UniSQ, we offer a range of scholarships to support your success at university. Find a scholarship  that works for you.

How to apply

Apply via qtac.

Apply via QTAC (Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre) if you:

  • have never studied with UniSQ before, or
  • are a Year 12 student, or
  • want to transfer to UniSQ from another university.

Copy your QTAC code and continue through to the QTAC website to complete your application.

If you are applying via QTAC, please check our application closing dates .

Apply directly to UniSQ

You may be able to apply directly to UniSQ if you:

  • are a current or previous UniSQ student returning to study with complete or incomplete qualifications (excluding Head Start students), or
  • have recently graduated from TAFE.

You can select to start your study in Trimester 1, 2 or 3.

More information on applying  key dates  is available.

Further information

Discover further information on applying to study at UniSQ that is relevant to you.

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Bachelor of Arts in English: Creative Writing

  • Creative Writing (BA)
  • Creative Writing (Minor)
  • Creative Writing (MFA)

Are you seeking the way to write your great novel, poetry or non-fiction?

Creative Writing is a studio program designed to help you publish your artistic work. Our creative writing students, while publishing artistic work, have found diversified careers in editing, publishing, grant writing, teaching, professional schools and more. Courses in  Technical Communication are complementary to these career interests.

At the heart of our programs is a passion for critical, creative, and professional understanding and use of the English language. The creative writing option emphasizes artistic expression. It builds the skills needed to produce imaginative and inspired, publishable poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction.

Curriculum Map

Curriculum and Requirements

Mission Statement : The Creative Writing Program develops students’ abilities in creative writing in the genres of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction on a foundation of study of significant literary texts in British, American, and world literature.

Creative Writing is a studio program designed to help students publish their artistic work. It is not intended to prepare a student for a specific career; however, our creative writing graduates, while publishing artistic work, have found diversified careers in editing, publishing, grant writing, teaching, professional schools and many fields less directly related to their writing abilities. Courses in technical communications are complementary to these career interests.

Note: two years of a single high school world language or one year of a single college-level world language is required.

Students in the Creative Writing option are encouraged to register for 5+ credits from the following list of Breadth Area Core Requirements: HUMN 210  or HUMN 211 or history courses appropriate to the student’s area of literary interest.

Some substitutions may be allowed.

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates of EWU’s Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing Program will be able to:

  • demonstrate an understanding of the contemporary literary scene, at a level of proficiency sufficient for advancement to graduate work;
  • offer constructive criticism of written works-in-progress within the genre at a level of proficiency sufficient for advancement to graduate work;
  • produce texts that conform to the conventions specific to the genre being studied (literary fiction, literary nonfiction or poetry) at a level of proficiency sufficient for advancement to graduate work;
  • synthesize an understanding of the publishing process, at a level of proficiency sufficient for advancement to graduate work;
  • utilize the technical language of the craft pertinent to their chosen genre of study (literary fiction, literary nonfiction, poetry) to analyze works of literature within-genre at a level of proficiency sufficient for advancement to graduate work.

Sample Courses

Engl 385. mythology. 5 credits..

Pre-requisites: ENGL 201. A survey of classical Greek myths, with special attention to the stories used in literature, and an introduction to comparative mythology.

Catalog Listing


Cross-listed: GWSS 389. Pre-requisites: ENGL 201. Satisfies: a university graduation requirement–diversity. Examines fictional images of women as these images reflect the changing roles and status of women from Greece to the present, focusing on the 19th and 20th centuries.


Pre-requisites: ENGL 201. The literature in this course represents a broad range of cultures and ethnicities. Students will read works in a variety of genre from across history and around the globe. Most syllabi in this course will not include British or American texts as those are considered in other surveys.


Pre-requisites: ENGL 201. This course facilitates development of personal style and voice, as students design, edit, and create their own “zines” (reproducible hand-made booklets). Students practice graphic layout, typography, and professional book assembly. Analog production methods and desktop publishing software will be used. Student-made zines will be sold at “Spokane Zine Fest” and other in-person and digital outlets.

Lisa Denker

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  • Undergraduate
  • School of Law
  • School of Medicine

Earn a Bachelor of Arts and an MFA in Creative Writing in Five Years

Hofstra's School of Humanities, Fine and Performing Arts offers students a streamlined, cost-effective, and focused way to earn both an undergraduate and graduate degree in less time than if each degree was pursued separately.

For English majors interested in

  • continuing to pursue their passion for creative writing
  • acquiring teaching credentials
  • earning the most advanced degree in their field

Hofstra offers a dual-degree BA/MFA in English and Creative Writing . This program recognizes that some highly talented students are capable of undertaking graduate work before completing their undergraduate degree.

Consequently, the dual-degree program allows such students to use up to 12 semester hours of masters' course work to satisfy both graduate and undergraduate requirements.

Students complete 12 master's level courses, and up to four of those courses are used to satisfy undergraduate as well as graduate requirements. This allows students to complete the combined BA and MFA degrees in English in five years with a minimum of 148 semester hours rather than 160 semester hours. (Please refer to the bulletin for a detailed breakdown of semester hours)

Admission Requirements:

Please refer to the bulletin

Contact Us:

If you have questions about the BA/MFA Dual-Degree program, please email English[at] .

Learn more about the MFA in Creative Writing

bachelor of law and creative writing

Creative Writing Programs Online

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Online Undergraduate and Graduate Creative Writing Programs

Do you want to learn how to tell stories or create art through your words? If you want to write poetry, script plays, or write novels, Liberty has creative writing programs that can help you learn the skills you need. You can start with the basics and develop your skills under the teaching and mentorship of teachers who know their craft. But what program is right for you?

Associate Degrees

Liberty’s 100% online Associate of Arts (A.A.) in Creative Writing offers you the opportunity to enhance your writing skills as you prepare for a future career or a bachelor’s degree.

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Bachelor’s Degrees

Bachelor of science in creative writing – christian literature, bachelor of science in creative writing – english.

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Creative Writing – English offers you the chance to develop a deep understanding of the English language.

Bachelor of Science in Creative Writing – Journalism

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Creative Writing – Journalism allows you to develop investigative and reporting abilities and build your portfolio. 

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in English and Writing offers you advanced training in composition and literature, creative writing, and modern grammar.

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in English and Writing – Christian Literature can help you hone your writing and critical thinking skills as you explore the works of some of the greatest Christian writers in history.

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in English and Writing – Creative Writing degree offers advanced training in grammar, technical writing, and storytelling.

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in English and Writing – Journalism offers you a journalism education that can teach you to write compelling stories and help you pursue exciting writing opportunities.

Liberty’s 100% online Master of Arts (M.A.) in Composition will guide you through the fundamentals of writing and grammar and help prepare you to teach composition at the collegiate level.

Liberty’s 100% online Master of Arts (M.A.) in Professional Writing can help you craft effective communication using digital media, traditional publishing, and cutting-edge technology as you master advanced grammar and composition.

Liberty’s 100% online Master of Arts (M.A.) in Professional Writing – Research Administration and Sponsored Programs blends studies in writing with practical business applications, which can help you become a more marketable job candidate.

Liberty’s 100% online Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) in Creative Writing is designed to help you build on your writing skills with specific workshops dedicated to the craft of fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, or screenwriting.

Creative Writing

Master’s Degrees


Professional Writing

Professional Writing – Research Administration and Sponsored Programs

Liberty’s 100% online Master of Arts (M.A.) in Professional Writing – Research Administration and Sponsored Programs blends studies in writing with practical business applications, which can help you become a more marketable job candidate.

Creative Writing – Christian Literature

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Creative Writing – Christian Literature allows you to study prominent authors and works of Christian literature of the past and present. 

Creative Writing – English

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Creative Writing – English offers you the chance to develop a deep understanding of the English language.

Creative Writing – Journalism

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Creative Writing – Journalism allows you to develop investigative and reporting abilities and build your portfolio. 

English and Writing

English and Writing – Christian Literature

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in English and Writing – Christian Literature can help you hone your writing and critical thinking skills as you explore the works of some of the greatest Christian writers in history.

English and Writing – Creative Writing

English and Writing – Journalism

Associate of Arts in Creative Writing

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Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Creative Writing – English offers you the chance to develop a deep understanding of the English language while sharpening your writing skills.

Bachelor of Science in English and Writing – Creative Writing

Liberty’s 100% online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in English and Writing – Creative Writing  offers you advanced training in composition and literature, creative writing, and modern grammar.

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing

Liberty’s 100% online Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) in Creative Writing can help you learn new concepts, grow your understanding, and hone your writing skills to their highest form.

Which kind of creative writing program fits my needs?

  • If you don’t have a degree and aren’t ready to commit to a bachelor’s – Liberty’s online Associate of Arts in Creative Writing gives you an entry point into creative writing. Designed as a halfway step to a bachelor’s degree, our A.A. in Creative Writing will cover foundational courses and training that can help you get started while opening the door to a more in-depth Bachelor of Science in English and Writing – Creative Writing after you graduate. If you don’t have a bachelor’s degree and either want to get training for a career in creative writing or for your own personal writing projects, then the A.A. in Creative Writing could be the best track for you.
  • If you want a full bachelor’s degree focused on creative writing and English language – Liberty’s Bachelor of Science in English and Writing – Creative Writing is designed to equip you with a thorough background in English language studies to support your creative writing skills. The skills you learn in this program can also help you pursue teaching or roles in communication and writing for business. If you want a practical way to study the creative writing process that will also help you build a career, Liberty’s B.S. in English and Writing – Creative Writing could be the best degree for you.
  • If you already have a bachelor’s degree and want a career in writing – Liberty’s online Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing could be the best choice for you. The M.F.A. in Creative Writing is designed to help you refine your craft and gain a mastery in your writing discipline. And because an M.F.A. is considered a terminal degree, earning a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing can open the door to university teaching. If you want to reach your peak as a creative writer, Liberty’s M.F.A. in Creative Writing could be the best path forward for you.

In each creative writing program, you will study excellent writing and learn how to develop your style. With guidance from professors who have experience as professional writers, you can gain an insider’s view of the writing process, the publishing industry, and how to overcome the challenges of writing.

Karen Kingsbury Center for Creative Writing An exciting part of our creative writing programs is that you will have the opportunity to take courses that were created in partnership with #1 New York Times bestselling author and Christian novelist Karen Kingsbury. Kingsbury has contributed course content to the degrees above, providing firsthand training in all areas of interest. We are proud to partner with her through our Karen Kingsbury Center for Creative Writing .

Potential Career Options with a Creative Writing Degree

  • Book and magazine writer
  • Business communications specialist
  • Creative writing instructor
  • Professional blogger
  • Public relations
  • Publications editor
  • Screenwriter
  • Social media coordinator
  • Website copy editor and writer
  • Writing manager

What Are the Benefits of Studying Creative Writing at Liberty University?

  • We are recognized by multiple institutions for our academic quality, affordability, and accessibility . Our commitment to excellence also helped us rank in the top 10% of’s best online schools in America . Earning your online creative writing degree from a nonprofit university with this kind of recognition can help set you apart from others in your field.
  • Liberty University’s state-of-the-art online learning environment offers you a wide variety of learning methods, including simulations, recorded lectures, and digital collaboration tools that will help you engage with your studies and learn practical teaching skills.
  • The majority of tuition for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs has not increased in 9 years. While many other online colleges have raised tuition, Liberty has been able to keep costs low as a nonprofit university.
  • You can complete your online creative writing program in less time than you think, due to our 8-week format and 8 start times per year.

Military Benefits

Service is important to us, so whether you’re currently serving in the Armed Forces, have served, or are married to someone who serves, we’re here to serve you. Liberty’s military benefits are available to:

  • Active duty service members of the U.S. Armed Forces
  • Reserve/National Guard
  • Veterans/retirees
  • Spouses of service members and veterans/retirees
  • Current Department of Defense employees

We are proud to support you in your pursuit of a flexible and affordable online education by offering you the following benefits: 

For undergraduate programs:

  • Tuition discounts –  $250 per credit hour for undergraduate courses
  • Additional discount for veterans who serve in a civilian capacity as a  First Responder (less than $565 per course)
  • 8-week courses, 8 different start dates each year, and no set login times (may exclude certain courses such as practicums, internships, or field experiences)
  • Potential college credit for military training

For graduate programs:

  • Tuition discounts – $275 per credit hour for graduate courses
  • Additional discount for veterans who serve in a civilian capacity as a First Responder (less than $625 per course)

Areas of Interest

Choose your area of Interest:

Training Champions for Christ

Liberty’s promise to you is an education that expertly brings knowledge and faith together. Here, education is designed around you. It connects you to people and opportunities that help you develop the skills and confidence you’re looking for. At Liberty, you’ll find the knowledge, experience, and mentorship you want to make your career — and life — a fulfilling one.

Image thumbnail describing Why Liberty

Why Liberty

Liberty University is not just another school. It is the realization of a dream, the product of thousands of prayers. It was built to invite students into a bigger, better story. Discover the Liberty difference for yourself.

Image thumbnail describing Scholarships


When it comes to choosing a college, finances make a difference. That’s why at Liberty, we believe in offering you a top-notch education — that’s also affordable. Discover how Liberty can help you keep your college costs down.

For residential students

Image thumbnail describing Online Discounts

Online Discounts

At Liberty University, we believe everyone should have an equal opportunity to pursue higher education, and it's our job to keep private education affordable. Explore the many ways a Liberty education can be an affordable one.

For online students

Image thumbnail describing Academic Excellence

Academic Excellence

Liberty University is institutionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, and certain programs have earned additional field-specific accreditation as well.

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You're viewing degree information for International students

You're considered an International student if you are:

  • NOT an Australian or New Zealand citizen
  • NOT an Australian Permanent Resident (including Permanent Humanitarian Visa holders)

Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing and Literature)

Degree Level Undergraduate

Degree info for International students

Start date February July

Campus Magill

Duration 3 year(s) full-time

Mode On-campus

Program Code MBAA

Prerequisites None

Assumed Knowledge None

Fees AUD$ 30,900 per annum (per 1.0 EFTSL) for students enrolled in 2024

Admissions Student Profile

  • IELTS total [6.0]
  • IELTS reading [6.0]
  • IELTS writing [6.0]

International Admission by Country See full entry requirements

CRICOS Code 097508C

Entry requirements

Admission criteria.

The admission criteria have been grouped to assist you to easily find the information most relevant to your circumstances. However, you may fit into more than one and the university will consider applicants against each of the relevant criteria.

Certain conditions apply. For more information refer to Appendix 4 of the University's Selection and Entry policy .

Applicants are required to meet one of the following criteria with a competitive result, and demonstrate that they fulfil any prerequisite requirements and essential requirements for admission:

Recent secondary education Meet any prerequisite requirements with a minimum grade of C- or equivalent AND

  • Qualify for the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE), and achieved a competitive Selection Rank (ATAR), or
  • Complete secondary qualifications equivalent to SACE, or
  • Complete the International Baccalaureate Diploma with a minimum score of 24 points

Applicants who have not achieved the Selection Rank required for automatic selection may be selected for any remaining places based on the grades of their year 12 subjects.

OR Higher education study

  • Complete or partly complete a recognised higher education program at a recognised higher education institution, or
  • Complete at least four Open Universities Australia (OUA) courses at undergraduate level or above

OR Vocational Education and Training (VET)

  • Complete an award from a registered training organisation at Certificate IV or above

OR Work and life experience

  • Qualify for Special Entry, or
  • Complete a 12-month UniSA Foundation Studies program or equivalent, or
  • Hold completed secondary qualifications equivalent to SACE obtained more than 2 years in the past

Essential requirements for admission

Prerequisites, assumed knowledge, english language entry requirements, admission requirements by country, degree overview.

  • Enhance your employment prospects by studying a double major. Taking two majors will develop your capabilities to explore and understand diverse ways of thinking, which is highly regarded by prospective employers.
  • Gain international experience as part of the Hawke Ambassador Volunteer Experience Program , or stay local and take part in the Hawke Professional Experience Program .
  • You could continue your studies with a Master of Teaching with English as a Learning Area. If this interests you, please read How Do I Become a Teacher  before selecting your courses.
  • Engage with industry partners and organisations as part of your studies through the optional Professional Directions Program .
  • Study at a university ranked No. 1 in SA for learning resources in Creative Arts 1 and quality education in Arts and the Humanities 2 . 
  • UniSA is an unstoppable university for unstoppable people. As one of the World’s Top Young Universities 3 , we’ll ensure you get the experience your future profession demands so it’ll feel like you’re studying one minute and in a career the next.

1 ComparED (QILT) Student Experience Survey 2021-22, Learning Resources Indicator (Undergraduate). SA public universities. 3 ComparED (QILT) Student Experience Survey 2021-22, Humanities, Culture and Social Sciences – Overall Quality of Educational Experience Indicator (Undergraduate). Public universities. 3 UNSTOPPABLE® is a Kellogg Company trade mark used under licence. Ranked #52, 2023 THE Young University Rankings.


As a student studying the Creative Writing and Literature major you will explore historical and contemporary fiction, non-fiction, poetry, autobiographies, essays, films and plays.

You will focus on:

demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the contexts and cultural influences of a wide range of literature and the theory and practice of creative writing.

being equipped to work independently and collaboratively to construct effective arguments and produce creative and critical texts across a wide range of genres and written media.

having a defined set of writing, editing and relevant analytical skills that can be used in a broad range of professional contexts.

You will also graduate with advanced writing, presentation, digital, communication, research and problem-solving skills that can be transferable across a range of roles and are highly regarded by prospective employers.

If you finish your degree with a credit or higher Grade Point Average (GPA), you could also be eligible for the one-year Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree . You could also continue your studies with a Master of Teaching and teach English in Australia and overseas. If this interests you, please read How Do I Become a Teacher before selecting your courses.

If you would like to apply directly into the Bachelor of Arts/Master of Teaching (Secondary) package option, please apply via SATAC using 444521.

If you apply to the Master of Teaching packaged degree option (444521), you will apply into the Bachelor of Arts and in your first year select your specialisation as Creative Writing and Literature.

What you'll learn

What you Learn

The Creative Writing and Literature major allows you to delve into a variety of creative forms and texts. You will study historical and contemporary fiction, non-fiction, poetry, autobiographies, essays, films and plays. As you begin to create your own great classics, you will also learn how different written and multimedia texts have impacted cultures around the world. Under the guidance of highly experienced academics:

  • develop analytical skills
  • develop creative writing skills
  • explore how different written and multimedia texts have impacted on the cultures of the world.

This degree allows you to select two majors, ensuring you graduate with an in-depth knowledge of areas of interest to you. You can choose your second major from:

Aboriginal Studies

Applied Linguistics

  • Criminology and Criminal Justice (new in 2024)

Cultural Studies

  • English Language*

History and Global Politics

  • Languages (French/Italian/Japanese)
  • Law, Politics and Policy

You will also complete two core courses, four courses from a selected list of minors, and two electives.

*only available to those whose second language is English.

Degree structure

French Studies

Italian Studies

Japanese Studies

Creative Writing and Literature

Law, Policy and Politics

Criminology and Criminal Justice

1. Students are required to complete their second major from: Aboriginal Studies, Applied Linguistics, Cultural Studies, Criminology and Criminal Justice, History and Global Politics, Languages (French/Italian/Japanese), Psychology, Sociology, or Law, Policy and Politics. Students who wish to complete the Criminology and Criminal Justice major, or a major or minor learning area from the list of available university major and minor options should contact the Program Director for approval and enrolment advice. International student visa holders cannot select Criminology and Criminal Justice as a specialisation or major.

2. Students intending to undertake a Master of Teaching (Secondary) should consult with their program director for a schedule of recommended courses.

1. This course is one of two core courses that provide a foundation for the program.

2. Students complete either Electives or Professional Directions Program courses 1 and 2. Students may be directed to complete English Language courses in place of their electives.

3. A minor consists of four courses (18 units), two of which must be at Level 1 (Introductory) and two at Level 2 (Intermediate).

4. The Hawke Ambassador International Volunteer Experience course can be chosen in place of the minor sequence and is equivalent to 18 units. Students who choose this option will swap their first year (Level 1 Introductory) minor sequence to Elective 1 and Elective 2. Students can then choose to study the Hawke course in their second year (Level 2 Intermediate). Students will be required to complete the two available Level 2 Intermediate course options at second year in the opposite study period to undertaking the Hawke course.

5. Students are advised to select their minor from within the majors offered by the MBAA Bachelor of Arts.

6. The Justice & Society Study Tour course can be chosen in place of an elective course as part of this program. Additional fees apply for the study tour component of this course, and enrolment is conditional upon successful application in a competitive Expression of Interest process as well as successful completion of 36 units.

Study hours

For each course you study, you will need to allocate time for various classes such as lectures, tutorials, workshops, seminars and practicals. Plus you will need additional hours to study in your own time to complete assignments, readings and projects, as well as to contribute to online discussion forums (independent study). So as a general rule, if you are studying full-time you would need to allocate 12–26 hours of study when at university and 14–28 hours of independent study per week.


Your studies at UniSA will incorporate practical, professionally focused and research-based learning, so assessment types will vary. You can expect them to include:

  • individual and group presentations
  • critical analysis
  • reflective journals
  • research assignments
  • case studies
  • online quizzes
  • assignments

Global opportunities

Enrich your studies and your life – make overseas study part of your qualification. You may have the option to undertake an exchange, short-term program or study tour overseas while you study. We have links with universities worldwide, as well as a range of travel grants available to make going overseas much more accessible.

You can choose short-term or semester-long study from a range of universities and countries depending on your area of study and cultural interests.

Take a look at the global opportunities available.

Global opportunities

Why Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing and Literature)

Why this Degree

This degree increases your employment prospects by enabling you to gain expertise in two different areas of interest.

You'll have the opportunity to study a portion of your degree overseas, as part of the University’s  Hawke Ambassador International Volunteer Experience Program (full semester) or Hawke Professional Experience Program (part semester). In this program you will volunteer with an international non-government organisation (NGO), usually in an overseas destination.

You could continue your studies with a Master of Teaching with English as a Learning Area. If this interests you, please read How Do I Become a Teacher before selecting your courses.

Career outcomes

Your career.

Graduates from this specialisation are qualified to embark on careers within the creative industries, advertising and publishing fields as authors, editors and researchers. You may gain employment in fields such as:

  • document design
  • electronic publishing
  • administration
  • public relations

You could also pursue teaching roles when you continue your studies with a Master of Teaching (Secondary).

Further career pathways are available depending on your combination of majors.

Applying to study with us:

  • go to the top of this page and make note of the relevant SATAC code*, then click Apply
  • you will be redirected through to the SATAC website to continue your application

*There are two SATAC codes – one for this degree, and one for this degree packaged with the Master of Teaching. You can apply to study this degree on its own. However if you already know you would like to combine it with a Master of Teaching, you can apply for both together as the packaged option.

If you apply to the Master of Teaching packaged degree option (444521), you will apply into the Bachelor of Arts and in your first year select your specialisation.

Alternative Pathways

Australian There are other pathways you can follow to study this degree, including:

  • UniSA College Diploma in Social Sciences 
  • UniSA College Undergraduate Certificate in University Studies (Social Sciences) 
  • SAIBT Diploma of Arts

International There are other pathways you can follow to study this degree, including:

Credit transfer

You could be eligible for credit for previous studies you have undertaken. Find out online.

Life in Adelaide

Current international students talk about living in Adelaide and studying at UniSA.

Every year, over 2,500 UniSA students are supported in their studies through scholarships and grants worth millions of dollars. Check out the scholarships below. One of them may be perfect for you. Visit our scholarships page for more .

More scholarships

Vice Chancellor's International Excellence Scholarship

Recipients can get a 50% reduction on tuition fees for up to four years of full-time study for selected degrees. 

Learn more arrow-small-right

International Merit Scholarship

Recipients can get a 15% reduction on tuition fees for the duration of their chosen degree.

Australia’s University of Enterprise

Study at South Australia’s No. 1 university for graduate careers* and unlock your full potential.

*ComparED (QILT) Student Experience Survey 2020-21, Skills Development Indicator (Undergraduate). SA public universities.

Your study experience and support

As a UniSA student, you will have unique access to work placement opportunities, overseas study tours and exchanges, networking events, internships, guest speakers and more.

Our campuses are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities including modern lecture theatres, libraries, workshops and laboratories, as well as spaces that simulate real work environments. These are all supported by the latest technologies and a 24/7 online learning platform. We have health services on campus, gymnasiums, technology zones and great student lounges. You will also gain access to a range of community clinics , which provide professional and cost effective services in areas of health, business, law and psychology. There are campus sport activities to keep you active, and if you are keen to explore the social side  of university life, there are movies, cooking demonstrations, parties and lots more.

Adelaide also has a variety of accommodation options to suit different requirements and budgets. Options include dedicated student accommodation and private rentals. See our long-term accommodation pages , or explore our student accommodation by Scape  on Bank Street in Adelaide’s lively cultural precinct, an ideal location for students. It is within easy reach of UniSA’s city and metropolitan campuses, Rundle Mall shopping, the Central Market, Chinatown, and the West End’s vibrant nightlife. It is also across the road from the Adelaide train station, and on bus and tram routes.

Student services

Student services

Our  international student services provide you with all the support you need at university. We want you to succeed, and if you need help, we're here to assist. You can access a full range of support services, including:

  • career advice and mentoring
  • help with student visas and health cover
  • personal counselling
  • academic counselling
  • fees and finance help
  • common rooms
  • prayer rooms
  • security officers
  • accommodation services  
  • as well as services offered through our student association, USASA .

We also offer study support from our Learning Advisers  face-to-face or online. They are here to help you develop academically and professionally during your studies, and can offer help with the English language too. When you become a UniSA student, you can also contact Campus Central for help with anything related to your degree. They will help you with your enrolment, ID cards, fees, timetables and more.

24/7 digital environment

Our learnonline  facilities include a personal learning environment with virtual classrooms, lecture recordings, emails, learning support, administration, library access and results. The environment is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so you can tailor your learning to your life. We are continually investing in innovative digital technologies for a high-quality student learning experience.

Student services

Your campus

We have six campuses in metropolitan and regional areas, each with modern facilities including lecture theatres, libraries and laboratories, as well as spaces that simulate real work environments.

Your study spaces

As an arts student, you will have access to:

  • An on-campus Multimedia Languages Lab, where you can connect in real-time with native speakers from around the world
  • The Hartley Playhouse Theatre – a 200-seat auditorium ideal for live performances
  • An on-campus TV Studio, featuring one of the largest green screens in SA and home to national television shows aired on Channel 44
  • A broadcast-standard digital radio studio that produces UniCast, a 24 hour online radio station
  • A purpose built, multi-room ProTools recording studio for live band, multitrack, ADR and foley recordings
  • A purpose-built high-end Media Suite with Dolby Atmos for screening for industry meetings and client screenings.

Your study spaces

Your program director

I am Director of the Bachelor of Arts Programs, Lecturer in Applied Linguistics, and Fellow of the Advanced Higher Education Academy, UK.  My academic background is in Languages and Applied Linguistics (BA Hons, PhD), following extensive experience in clinical practice across a range of health and medical domains in Australia. My work places a strong focus on developing reciprocal, trusting relationships in my teaching, mentoring and engagement with students, and in my research in partnership with colleagues, community and industry. My teaching and research inform each other. I coordinate and teach core courses in the Bachelor of Arts, and my research focuses on language and communication in professions and organisations in various contexts. These include state and nationally funded projects in health care, aged care, education, counselling, and policing.   The upshot is that our Bachelor of Arts program develops each student’s interests, strengths and aspirations, enabling each student to explore and prepare for a wide range of career and life goals. The unique double major structure combines theory and practice with real-world experience to develop strong interdisciplinary skills that are highly valued by industry, government and community. 

Dr Fiona O'Neill

Program Director

Portrait image for Dr Fiona O'Neill

There are a number of ways to apply to study UniSA's undergraduate and postgraduate coursework degrees.

You can access our online International Application System through our How to Apply page . The International Application System is an easy and secure online application and acceptance process. You will have visibility of your application through the secure online portal with the ability to download offer documents, submit your acceptance and make a payment.

Alternatively you can submit an application through one of the University's registered Education Agents .

If you are completing an Australian year 12 qualification in Australia or overseas, or the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme in Australia, you must apply through SATAC

If you are applying for the UniSA Study Abroad or Study Abroad Plus program, you can submit your application online here .

Postgraduate study by research For information on applying to do postgraduate study by research, including Masters by Research, PhDs or Doctorates, please visit .

There is no closing date for submitting your application however the admissions process takes between one and three weeks from the date that we receive your application and all required supporting documentation.

If you are completing an Australian year 12 qualification in Australia or overseas, or the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme in Australia, you must apply through SATAC . Key dates for applications can be found here .

You may be eligible to receive credit or advanced standing for your chosen UniSA degree based on your previous studies, if they are in a related area at an equivalent or higher level. Receiving credit will reduce the number of courses you undertake within the degree, and may also reduce the overall duration of your degree.

The amount of credit you may be eligible to receive is assessed on a case-by-case basis by the Admissions team.

The best way to determine your eligibility to receive credit or advanced standing is to apply using our International Application System which can be found on our How to Apply page . You will need to supply detailed syllabus documents with your application.

UniSA welcomes the opportunity to speak with you regarding your study options. Our staff are able to talk to you about degree information, career outcomes and pathways, entry requirements, applications, and student life, so that you are able to make the best study decision for your future.

Click here to book a 1:1 appointment with one of our enquiries team.

We also have many events throughout the year in Australia and overseas where you can speak with UniSA representatives about your area of interest. View our calendar of events in your home country by selecting the 'International' filter.

Student accommodation

We offer advice and assistance to help you find long or short-term accommodation in Adelaide.

Find out more

Future study opportunities

Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

Master of Teaching (Secondary)

Related degrees

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts (Languages)

Bachelor of Arts (Sociology)

Bachelor of Arts (Cultural Studies)

Bachelor of Arts (History and Global Politics)

Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)

Bachelor of Arts (Applied Linguistics)

Bachelor of Arts (Law, Policy and Politics)

Bachelor of Arts (Aboriginal Studies)

Bachelor of Arts (Criminology and Criminal Justice)

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International students

UniSA welcomes students from around the world. Discover what you can study, how to apply, and our support services.


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Australian students

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Bachelor of Fine Arts (Creative Writing)

Work intensively on your writing and graduate with real-world skills keenly sought by employers.

Guide to entry thresholds

  • Kelvin Grove
  • 3 years full-time

These thresholds are the lowest adjusted scores to which QUT made an offer in Semester 1, 2024.

Welcome to creative writing

Craig Bolland from our creative writing program explains how writing prepares students for an exciting career in so many disciplines, and how studying at QUT gives a powerful advantage.

Watch video

A career in broadcasting and writing

QUT graduate Benjamin Law shares how a degree in creative writing can help forge an exciting and diverse career.

Practical learning

'I think the biggest part of my studies that helped me get to where I am today was the experiences on offer and the focus on practical learning. I was constantly learning from a range of professionals that helped me develop my writing techniques and strategies with creative flair to become an effective written communicator.'

Real scholarships

'When I was awarded a scholarship I didn’t realise that it would also open up a world of opportunities. I used some of my scholarship money for an exchange to the University of Glasgow where I studied subjects that weren’t part of the creative writing degree such as archaeology and Scottish literature.'

  • Work creatively on writing novels, poetry, short stories, creative non-fiction, memoir, and genre fiction.
  • Work towards a year-long major piece of creative writing in a form and genre of your choice, as well as engage in major transdisciplinary projects with creatives from other fields.
  • Gain insight into the national contexts into which your writing will enter as well as the debates and ideas that are enlivening and challenging the ways in which writers create.
  • Learn about central ideas from literary theory and ways to think and write critically about texts.
  • Learn from highly experienced and published authors, scholars, and experts in creative writing.
  • Gain opportunities for exposure with internships at writers’ festivals, literary events, publishing houses, and public readings.
  • Graduates work as fiction writers, editors, embedded creatives in technical and corporate contexts, technical writers, script writers, reviewers, travel writers, feature writers, journalists, publishers, media workers, policy workers, government employees and teachers.

Apply by 23 May Start study in July

Get a head start and study mid-year to be ready, sooner.

Apply by 30 June Start study in July

Boost or change your career with a postgraduate degree.

Why choose this course?

Writing is more central to our culture than ever before. The communication revolution demands written content—on the page, on the screen, and in new and evolving forms and spaces. Writers, storytellers and experts with nuanced and creative language are needed to provoke, entertain and connect to audiences in expanding ways. QUT offers the largest and most comprehensive undergraduate writing course in South-East Queensland with the broadest range of units on offer. Within the BFA structure, you gain the deepest possible access to this knowledge.

Real-world learning

The course is taught by highly experienced published authors and scholars. Visits and guest lectures from writers, editors and publishers will help you gain a unique perspective on writing as a vocation, and provide access to the industry and national writing communities. A thriving on-campus literary culture and associations with festivals and local publishing houses will keep you engaged with fellow travellers and industry tastemakers as you develop your craft. You will benefit from a transdisciplinary approach from the outset, encouraging you as a specialist creative writer to work in teams with others who have different creative skill sets. We aim to produce writers who not only have sophisticated writing skills, but who are critically engaged thinkers with knowledge about the debates and cultural contexts informing our practices today.

Explore this course

What to expect.

Your studies will begin with you working intensively on your writing in a number of forms and genres including novels, short stories, creative non-fiction, science fiction and fantasy writing, media, poetry, digital media, editing and scriptwriting. There will be a focus on new and emergent forms, while learning to think and write critically about texts. From there, you will build specialist writing skills for professional applications via deep engagement with industry partners and contexts. Later in your degree you will choose electives to tailor your course to your strengths and vocational interests. You will write a sustained piece of creative work in a genre of your choice and participate in editing and developing a manuscript for a targeted market.

Double degrees

Combine creative writing with a second study area for greater career flexibility and opportunities in other industries. Consider a double degree with:

  • business to develop your career as a creative writer, publishing professional or public relations consultant
  • law to use your skills for a career as an in-house lawyer, solicitor in private practice, policy adviser, intellectual property lawyer or crime writer.

If you are looking to apply your creative abilities to education settings or the teaching profession you have some options.  You can complete your creative writing course first and then follow with a Master of Teaching in early childhood, primary or secondary education.*  You can undertake a double degree in secondary education at the same time as your creative writing degree.

*Check entry requirements for the Master of Teaching for specific teaching areas. 

Careers and outcomes

With a creative writing major you will graduate with advanced writing and communication capabilities as well as analytic and editorial experience. These are rare, real-world skills that are keenly sought by employers. Graduates also find success working as creative writers and editors in community and freelance capacities.

Opportunities exist as fiction writers, scriptwriters, reviewers, travel writers, feature writers, editors, publishers, media workers and teachers. The publishing and screen industries, advertising and public relations agencies, magazines, newspapers, digital content providers, government and large corporations all require specialist writers with a flair for language.

Possible careers

  • Advertising professional
  • Creative writer
  • Digital content producer
  • Digital copywriter
  • Publishing professional

Details and units

Course structure, your course.

To meet the course requirements of the Bachelor of Fine Arts (Creative Writing), you must complete the following:

  • Two common units (KYB101 and KYB102) – 24 credit points
  • Creative Writing major – 168 credit points
  • Complementary studies – 48 credit points from the Situated Creative Practice Extension plus 48 credit points chosen from a minor or unit options (electives).
  • Introduction to creative writing practice.
  • Develop critical and analytical skills in reading and writing a variety of literature forms.
  • Learn from lecturers and tutors with industry experience.
  • Write and analyse short stories, creative nonfiction and youth writing.
  • Build on practical skills and conceptual backgrounds.
  • Study script-writing, stylistics, poetics and corporate writing.
  • Explore how a variety of notable novels were written.
  • Choose electives to tailor your course to your strengths and vocational interests.
  • Write a sustained piece of creative work in a genre of your choice.
  • Participate in editing and developing a manuscript for a targeted market.
  • Undertake an in-depth study of long fiction and life writing.
  • Learn about the real world of the writing and publishing industry.
  • Expand your study with electives in creative or other disciplines.

Study overseas

Study overseas while earning credit towards your QUT creative industries degree with one of our worldwide exchange partners.

Overseas study can be for one or two semesters (or during the semester break) and the units you take can be in a creative or non-creative discipline area, depending on how they match with your QUT course. Saving your electives for exchange will allow you the most flexibility.

  • Study script-writing, stylistics, poetics and corporate writing.


Don't have a ATAR/selection rank?

Find out other ways you can apply

You can defer your offer and postpone the start of your course for one year.

Assumed knowledge

Before you start this course, we assume you have sound knowledge of the subject/s listed below. If you don't have the subject knowledge, you can still apply for the course but we strongly encourage you to undertake bridging studies to gain the knowledge:

  • English, or Literature, or English and Literature Extension, or English as an Additional Language (Units 3 & 4, C)

More about assumed knowledge

Year 12 early offer scheme

If you're a current Queensland Year 12 student, you may be eligible to receive an offer for this course on the last day of Queensland Year 12, before receiving your ATAR or selection rank.

Find out more about the QUT Year 12 Early Offer Scheme

Offer guarantee

If you achieve an ATAR or selection rank of 70.00 or higher (including any adjustments) and satisfy all other admission requirements, you are guaranteed an offer for this course.

VET guarantee

If you have completed an AQF certificate IV, diploma or higher, and satisfy all other admission requirements, you are guaranteed an offer for this course.

Advanced standing

If you have prior studies or work experience, you may be eligible for advanced standing (credit). You can apply for advanced standing once you've been accepted to QUT. If you're in your first semester of study, you must apply for advanced standing within 10 days of receiving your offer.

More about advanced standing

More about deferring your offer

Adjustments to your ATAR/selection rank

Any adjustments you receive to your ATAR or selection rank will be applied to this course.

Find out if you’re eligible for an adjustment to your ATAR or selection rank

Offers we made to school leavers in Semester 1, 2023

The figures listed in the tables below reflect the offers that were made to recent ATAR students. The entry thresholds box at the top of this page shows the lowest adjusted ATAR/selection rank required to receive an offer for all applicants for the most recent January QTAC offer round.

You can find out more about your fellow students’ backgrounds with this course’s student profile .

Other admission options

If you are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, you may be eligible for admission through our Centralised Assessment Selection Process (CASP) .

Select the country where you completed your studies to see a guide to the grades you need to apply for this course.

If your country or qualification is not listed, you can still apply for this course and we will assess your eligibility.

  • Completed International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme with final aggregate score of 28.<br><br>Send your results to QUT through your online IB account. QUTs institution code is 003148.<br> <br>Depending on the structure of your course, you can receive advanced standing up to 4 units towards your degree. You can apply for advanced standing based on your completed IB Diploma studies, after you have been accepted into your course. For information on Credit for Prior Learning, please refer to
  • All India Senior School Certificate academic stream awarded by CBSE with an overall average of 60% in best five academic subjects (two languages and three academic subjects), excluding physical education.
  • Indian School Certificate academic stream awarded by CISCE with overall average of 60% in best five academic subjects (two languages and three academic subjects), excluding physical education.
  • Senior/Higher Secondary School Certificate/Pre-University certificate from QUT recognised state education boards with an overall average of 75% in best five academic subjects (2 languages and 3 academic subjects), excluding physical education.
  • Ylioppilastutkintotodistu/Finnish Matriculation Certificate with a grade average of 3 over 4 exam results.
  • German Abitur: Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife with an overall grade point average of 3.4 on 6-point scale (where 1 is best).
  • HKDSE completed before 2024 with an aggregate score of 15 over the five best HKDSE subjects (across Core and category A or C electives) where 2 is the minimum accepted grade.
  • Higher Diploma or Associate degree from recognised Hong Kong institutions with an overall grade average of 2.0 on a 4 point scale where 2=pass. Requirement for other scales: 1.7 on a 4.0 point scale where 1.7=pass; 1.7 on a 4.3 point scale where 1.7=pass or 2.0 on a 4.5 point scale where 2=pass).
  • HKDSE awarded after 2023 with an aggregate score of 12 over the best four subjects (across Core and category A or C electives, excluding Citizenship and Social Development) where 2 is the minimum accepted grade.
  • Senior Secondary Matriculation Examination (Stúdentspróf) with a grade average 6 in the final year results.
  • An aggregate score of 8 based on the best three A-Level subjects from  General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level.  <br> <br>A or A2-Level subject: A*=6, A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1, U=0 <br> <br>A maximum of two Advanced Subsidiary (AS) level subjects can be counted in place of one A-level  subject provided that the subject has not been taken at A level.  AS Levels are equivalent to half points, e.g. B=2.<br> <br>Awarded by: AQA, Cambridge/CIE, CEA, Pearson/Pearson International/ Edexcel, OxfordAQA,OCR, WJEC.
  • Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) 3/Certificate of Graduation (Nilai Ujian Sekolah) with an overall average of 80% in the best 5 academic subjects (Bahasa Indonesia, Matematika, Bahasa Inggris and 2 other academic subjects from Group C).
  • An aggregate score of 8 based on the best three A-Level subjects from  General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced (A2) Level.  <br> <br>A or A2-Level: A*=6, A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1<br> <br>A maximum of two Advanced Subsidiary (AS) level subjects can be counted in place of one A-level  subject provided that the same subject has not been taken at A level.  <br>AS-or A1 Level: A=2.5, B=2, C=1.5, D=1, E=0.5.<br> <br>Awarded by: AQA, Cambridge/CIE, CEA, Pearson/Pearson International/ Edexcel, OxfordAQA,OCR, WJEC.
  • Prior to 2020: Pre-University Certificate with a grade average of 15 on a 20-point scale.
  • From 2020: National High School Diploma/Secondary School Leaving Certificate with a grade average of 15 on a 20-point scale in final year (Grade 12).
  • Leaving Certificate with a grade average of 4.0 in the best 5 Higher, Ordinary, or LCVP subjects.
  • Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shosho (Upper Secondary School Certificate of Graduation) with an overall grade average of 4.0 on a 5 point scale in the final year.<br> <br>Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shosho (Upper Secondary School Certificate of Graduation) and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) score of 1100.
  • An aggregate score of 8 from Brunei-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced (A) Level and Advanced Subsidiary (AS) Level subjects including at least two A Level pass subjects.<br><br>Aggregate is calculated based on the best three A Levels.  AS Levels can be included and are counted as half of an A Level.<br>A*=6, A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1, U=0 for A Level subjects; and<br>A(a)=2.5, B(b)=2, C(c)=1.5, D(d)=1, E(e)=0.5, U=0 for AS Level subjects.
  • QUT Intensive Program with an overall grade average of at least 4.4 (on QUT's 7 point scale).
  • QUT Foundation Program with an overall grade average of at least 4.4 (on QUT's 7 point scale).
  • QUT Diploma program with successful completion.
  • Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) in general academic stream with an overall grade point average of 4.0 on 5 point scale.
  • Bhutan Higher Secondary Education Certificate with an overall average of 60% in best five academic subjects (2 languages and 3 academic subjects), excluding Internal Assessment.
  • Studentereksamen (STX) with an overall grade average of 4 in the final year.
  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma with an overall grade average of 60% using the best six Grade 12 subjects of course types: University preparation (U); University / college preparation (M); or College preparation (C).
  • British Columbia Senior Secondary School Graduation Diploma with an overall grade average of 60% using Language Arts 12 provincially examined subject (English 12; English 12 First Peoples, Communication 12, English Literature 12) and four Grade 12 academic subjects (4 credit point).
  • Alberta High School Diploma with an overall grade average of 60% using the best five Level 30 Provincial Diploma Exams
  • Manitoba High School Graduation Diploma with an overall grade average of 60% using the best  five Grade 12 subjects of course types: University based (40U, 42U) or Specialised (40S, 42S)
  • GAOKAO 60% in best 4 academic subjects.<br>GAOKAO score converted to percentage using Chinese, English/Foreign Language, Mathematics and one other subject (excluding Technology). Percent is the [sum of scores attained for the four units] / [sum of maximum grades for the four units].
  • Kenyan Certificate of Secondary Education with a Mean Grade of  B
  • Year 12 with an overall grade average of 7.5 (on a 10-point scale) from all Year 12 subjects and an overall passing grade in Bang Tot Nghiep Trung Hoc Pho Thong.
  • Senior High School Diploma (Academic) with final year overall average pass and AST 60% (5 subjects).
  • Senior High School Diploma (Academic) with final year overall average pass and GSAT 60% (4 subjects).
  • Senior High School Diploma (Academic Senior III)  with final year overall percentage average of 90%.
  • Diploma or Advanced Diploma with an overall grade average of 2.00 on a 4 point scale from Nanyang, Ngee Ann, Republic, Singapore or Temasek Polytechnic.
  • An aggregate score of 8 from Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education H2 and H1 Level subjects including at least two H2 Level pass subjects. Bonus aggregate points are granted for a maximum of one H3 subject.<br> <br>General Paper is not included in the calculation. <br> <br>Aggregate is calculated based on the best three H2 Levels:<br>A=5; B=4; C=3; D=2; E=1<br> <br>A maximum of two H1 level subjects can be counted in place of one H2 level subject provided the same subject has not been taken at H2 level:<br>A=2.5, B=2, C=1.5, D=1, E=0.5 <br> <br>Bonus aggregate points are applied for one H3 Level pass as: <br>Distinction=2, Merit=1.5, Pass=1.
  • National Senior Certificate (NSC) with average of 4.6 over best five subjects in final year (excluding Life Orientation); where 7=80-100%; 6=70-79%; 5=60-69%; 4=50-59%; 3=40-49%; 2=30-39%; 1=0-29.
  • Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education ('Advanced' Level) with aggregate score of 8 over best three A Level subjects excluding General Paper/English where A=5, B=4, C=3, S=0.
  • Högskoleförberedande examen with an overall grade average of 14 out of 20; where A=20, B=17.5, C=15, D=12.5, E=10, F=0.
  • Certificate of Secondary Education in Academic stream with overall grade point average 2.7 or higher in Grade 12/Matayom 6
  • Advanced Placements (APs)<br>High School Diploma with completion of 12 years of schooling and an aggregate of 9 in Advanced Placements (APs) subjects.<br> <br>A minimum of two and a maximum of four APs may be used. Aggregate determined where: A=5, B=4, C=3 (Pass), D=2, E=1. Where more than four APs have been taken,  best four results are used.<br> <br>AP results must be issued by The College Board Advanced Placement Program.
  • SAT-I* and High School Diploma (HSD)<br>SAT 1 of 1100 (out of 1600) and Senior High School Diploma.<br> <br>Nominate your score report to be sent to QUT using the Designated Institution (DI) code is 7971 - Queensland University of Technology.<br>*Composite SAT-1 Score since March 2016
  • Enhanced ACT* and USA High School Diploma (HSD)<br>ACT 24 and USA High School Diploma.<br> <br>Nominate your score report to be sent to QUT using the College Code 5437 - Queensland University of Technology.
  • Aggregate score of 6 from best three Scottish Advanced Highers where A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2.
  • Aggregate score of 2 from best 8 Scottish Highers Examinations where A=4; B=3; C=2; D=1.
  • Senior High School Certificate/Diploma and Korean College Scholastic Aptitude Test (CSAT) aggregate level of 12 from Language Arts, Mathematics and Foreign Language (English).  
  • A certified copy of your Record of Achievement issued by the New Zealand Qualification Authority (NZQA) confirming you have qualified for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (Level 3) and meet the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR/ITI) equivalent for the course. Please refer to the Guide to entry thresholds<br><br>The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) calculates an Interstate Transfer Index (ATAR/ ITI), you must authorised your information to be released to us, so we can verify your ATAR/ITI online. The ATAR/ITI will not be released to you, NZQA will provide the score to us.
  • United Examination Certificate for Independent Chinese Secondary Schools (UEC) with grade average of 4.4 from five major subjects (excluding Chinese, Malay, PE); where A1=1; A2=2; B3=3; B4=4; B5=5; B6=6; C7=7; C8=8; F9=Fail.
  • Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) (Malaysian Higher School Certificate Examination) with an aggregate score of 8 over the best three A Level subjects (excluding General Paper) where:<br>A/A-=5; B+=4; B=3; B-/C+=2; C=1; less than C=0.
  • Matrikulasi (Matriculation) with overall grade point average of 2.75 on 4-point scale.
  • Diploma of Pre-University Education (VWO) Voorbereidend Wetenschappellijk Onderwijs with grade average of 6.4 in final year.
  • Upper Secondary Leaving Certificate with grade point average of 3.6 on the 6-point scale in final year.
  • Pre-Engineering & Pre-Medical stream - Higher Secondary Education Certificate (HSSC) or Intermediate Examination Certificate with an overall average of 65%.
  • SAT 1 of 1100 (out of 1600) and Senior High School Diploma.<br> <br>Nominate your score report to be sent to QUT using the Designated Institution (DI) code is 7971 - Queensland University of Technology.<br>*Composite SAT-1 Score since March 2016
  • Grade 12 Senior High School Diploma in an Academic Track from a PAASCU accredited Secondary Education or Senior High School program with an overall average of 90%.

I completed secondary school in Australia

If you completed secondary school in Australia and achieve an ATAR/selection rank of 70.00 or higher (including any adjustments) and satisfy all other admission requirements, you are guaranteed an offer for this course.

Minimum English language requirements

Select the country where you completed your studies to see a guide on meeting QUT’s English language requirements.

Your scores and prior qualifications in English-speaking countries are considered. Approved English-speaking countries are Australia, Canada, England, Ireland, New Zealand, Scotland, United States of America and Wales.

UTS (University of Technology Sydney) Insearch - Academic English

English program.

Academic English 5 (AE5) program with a final overall grade of PASS or higher completed within one year of starting at QUT.

Bachelor studies

Higher education.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor from RMIT Vietnam, completed within two years of starting at QUT.

A completed bachelor degree (or higher) with a minimum of 1 year full-time studies with a passing grade point average from RMIT Vietnam, completed within five years of starting at QUT.

USA High School Diploma - completed in the USA or at an overseas American International School

Senior secondary.

USA High School Diploma completed in an approved English Speaking country with a grade of C or better in Grade 12 English.<br> <br>USA High School Diploma completed in a non-English Speaking country with a grade of C or better in Grade 12 English and SAT score of at least 640 in Evidence-Based Reading and Writing within the last five years.

Post Secondary

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a recognised in a Diploma or Associate degree an accredited USA institution, with all prior schooling/studies in an approved English speaking country.<br> <br>1 year full-time on-campus studies with passing grade point average in a recognised Diploma or Associate degree an at an accredited USA institution. These studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT, if all prior schooling/studies were studied in a non- English Speaking country.

Bachelor or higher

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a recognised Bachelor or higher program at an accredited USA institution, with all prior schooling/studies in an approved English speaking country.<br> <br>1 year full-time on-campus studies with passing grade point average in a recognised Bachelor or higher program at an accredited USA institution. These studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT, if all prior schooling/studies were studied in a non- English Speaking country.

Advanced Placement (AP)

A grade of 3 or higher in AP English Language and Composition or AP English Literature and Composition.

Bachelor or Higher

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised Danish institution, with all prior schooling/studies in Denmark. Diploma Supplement or an official letter from home institution stating English as the language of instruction.

Danish Studentereksamen(Upper Secondary School Diploma)

7 in A-level English OR 10 in B-level English completed within five years of starting at QUT.

General Certificate of Education (GCE)

English Language, English Literature or English Lanague and Literature with a minimum grade of C or an A2 level in a humanities subject with a minimum grade of C or A2 grade of C in General Paper.<br> <br>Qualifications issued by: Pearson/Edexcel; Cambridge/CIE; AQA; OxfordAQA; CEA; OCR; WJEC.

General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) O level / International GCSE (IGCSE)

O Level: Minimum grade C or 5 in English, English Language, English (First Language), English as a Second Language or English Literature.<br> <br>Qualifications issued by: Pearson/Edexcel; Cambridge/CIE; AQA; CEA; OCR; WJEC.

Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Preparation

TAFE Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Preparation subjects studied in Australia: with both Language and Learning units (ATPALS401A Research, plan and present academic essays, reports and reflections, and ATPALS402A Write academically to persuade/ argue and critically analyse, and present academic speeches) completed within two years of starting at QUT.

QUT Intensive Program

QUT Intensive Program with Academic English 2 grade of 5 (on a 7 point scale).

On-campus Bachelor or higher program studies with an overall passing grade point average at a recognised Australian institution (the duration of studies must be 1 year or more full-time), with all prior schooling/studies in an approved English speaking country. <br> <br>On-campus Bachelor or higher program studies with an overall passing grade point average at a recognised Australian institution (the duration of studies must be 1 year or more full-time). These studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT, if all prior schooling/studies were studied in a non- English Speaking country.

Diploma programs

AQF Diploma award of 1 full-time year equivalent studies undertaken at an Australian University, University college or TAFE institution. These studies must be successful with a passing grade point average and must be completed in Australia in on-campus mode within two years of starting at QUT.

QUT Foundation program

QUT Foundation Program with Academic English 2 grade of 5 (on a 7 point scale).

Australian University Foundation Programs

Foundation program with final semester English and communication subject(s) with a grade of 5 (on a 7 point scale) . Studies must be on-campus in Australia and completed within 2 years of starting at QUT.

QUT English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

QC36 English for Academic Purposes (EAP) 2 Standard or QC37 English for Academic Purposes (EAP) 2 Extended with 65% completed within one year of starting this course at QUT.

QUT Diploma

QUT Diploma program with a grade of 4.0 (out of 7) in the unit Professional Communication 2/Academic Communication 2; completed within two years of starting this course at QUT.

Australian senior high school - completed in Australia or overseas at an International School

Queensland High School with a minimum grade of C in Unit 3 and 4 in English, or Literature, or English and Literature Extension, or English as an Additional Language, within five years of starting at QUT.<br>

Advanced Diploma and Associate Degrees

AQF Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree award of 1 full-time year equivalent studies undertaken at an Australian University, University college or TAFE institution. These studies must be successful with a passing grade point average and must be completed in Australia in on-campus mode within two years of starting at QUT.

International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBD)

International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBD) completed 2 year program with achievement in one of the following subjects with grade of 3 (higher level) or 4 (standard level)<br>English A: Language and Literature<br>English A: Literature<br>English B.<br>Completed within five years of starting at QUT..

All India Senior School Certificate awarded by CBSE

65% in English Core subject completed within five years of starting at QUT.

Indian School Certificate awarded by CISCE

Higher diploma or associate degree.

Higher Diploma or Associate degree (minimum of 1 year full-time on-campus studies) at a recognised Hong Kong institution with: <br>a passing grade point average and these studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT; and<br>an official language of instruction letter is required if the academic transcripts doesn't clearly state English is the Language of Instruction; and<br>evidence of minimum HKDSE Level 2 overall in the English Language.

1 year full-time on-campus studies in a Bachelor or higher program at a recognised Hong Kong institution with: <br>a passing grade point average and these studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT; and<br>an official language of instruction letter is required if the academic transcripts doesn't clearly state English is the Language of Instruction; and<br>evidence of minimum HKDSE Level 2 overall in English Language.

Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE)

Level 4 overall in English Language subject completed within two years of starting at QUT.

Diploma Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (Dutch HAVO) Getuigschrift (from a Hogere Burgerschool) Dutch HAVO

A grade of 8 or better in final year English completed within five years of starting at QUT.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised institution in Netherlands completed within five years of starting at QUT, with all prior schooling/studies in Netherlands. Diploma Supplement or an official letter from home institution stating English as the language of instruction.

Diploma of Pre-University Education (VWO) Voorbereidend Wetenschappellijk Onderwijs

A grade of 7 or better in final year English completed within five years of starting at QUT.

Ylioppilastutkintotodistu/Lukion päättötoditus

Ylioppilastutkintotodistu: score of 4 in English subject in final year of secondary school completed within five years of starting at QUT.<br> <br>Lukion päättötoditus: at least a grade 8 English A in final year of secondary school completed within five years of starting at QUT.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised Finnish institution completed within five years of starting at QUT, and a pass in English subject from Finnish High School. Diploma Supplement or an official letter from home institution stating English as the language of instruction.

A Level: English Language, English Literature or English Language and Literature with a minimum grade of C. GCE A level in a humanities subject with a minimum grade of C.<br> <br>AS Level: English Language, English Literature, English Language and Literature or General Paper/General Studies with a minimum grade of C.<br> <br>Qualifications issued by: Pearson/Edexcel; Cambridge/CIE; AQA; OxfordAQA; CEA; OCR; WJEC.

International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBD) completed 2 year program with achievement in one of the following subjects with grade of 3 (higher level) or 4 (standard level)<br>English A: Language and Literature<br>English A: Literature<br>English B.<br>Completed within five years of starting at QUT.

O Level: Minimum grade C or 5 in English, English Language, English (First Language), English as a Second Language or English Literature.<br> <br>Qualifications issued by: Pearson/Edexcel; Cambridge/CIE; AQA; OxfordAQA; CEA; OCR; WJEC.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised German institution, with all prior schooling/studies in Germany.

Abitur - Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife

Grade of 3 in English within five years of starting at QUT.

DAAD English Language Certificate

B2 (4 star in all bands) within five years of starting at QUT.

South African National Senior Certificate (NSC):

A grade of Achievement Level 5 or 60% in English Home Language or English First Additional Language

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised South African institution, with all prior schooling/studies in an approved English speaking country.<br> <br>1 year full-time oncampus studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised South African institution. These studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT, if all prior schooling/studies were studied in a non- English Speaking country.

Vitnemal For Videregaende Opplaering (Certificate for Upper Secondary Education and Training)

Grade of 4 or better in English in any year of Vitnemal fra den videregaende skolen (Upper Secondary Education - Grade 11,12,13) completed within five years of starting at QUT.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised Norwegian institution, with all prior schooling/studies in Norway.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised Swedish institution, with all prior schooling/studies in Sweden.

Avgångsbetyg / Slutbetyg / Examensbevis yrkesexamen or Avgångsbetyg / Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskola/ Högskoleförberedande examen

C in English 5 within five years of starting at QUT.<br> <br>Pass in English 6 or English 7 completed within five years of starting at QUT.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised English institution, with all prior schooling/studies in an approved English speaking country.<br> <br>1 year full-time on-campus studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised English institution. These studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT, if all prior schooling/studies were studied in a non- English Speaking country.

Brunei - Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced Level

A Level: English Language, English Literature or English Lanague and Literature with a minimum grade of C. GCE A level in a humanities subject with a minimum grade of C.<br> <br>AS Level: English Language, English Literature, English Lanague and Literature or General Paper/General Studies with a minimum grade of C.

Brunei - Cambridge General Certificate of Education O Level

O Level: Minimum grade C or 5 in English, English Language, English (First Language), English as a Second Language or English Literature.

Matriculation Examination -Stúdentspróf

A grade of 6.0 in English completed within five years of starting at QUT.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised institution in Iceland completed within five years of starting at QUT, and a pass in English subject from Studentsprof. Diploma Supplement or an official letter from home institution stating English as the language of instruction.

New Zealand National Certificate in Educational Achievement (NCEA)

18 credits at NCEA Level 3 English and completed within five years of starting at QUT.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised New Zealand institution, with all prior schooling/studies in an approved English speaking country.<br> <br>1 year full-time oncampus studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised New Zealand institution. These studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT, if all prior schooling/studies were studied in non- English Speaking country.

On-campus Bachelor or higher studies with an overall passing grade point average at a recognised Papua New Guinean institution (the duration of studies must be 1 year or more full-time) within the last five years.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised Irish institution, with all prior schooling/studies in an approved English speaking country.<br> <br>1 year full-time oncampus studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised Irish institution. These studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT, if all prior schooling/studies were studied in non- English Speaking country.

Irish Leaving Certificate Scrúdú Cruthaithe na hArdteistiméireachta

English Language Higher with a grade of D1 (prior to 2017) or grade of 4 (from 2017).

Singapore - Cambridge General Certificate of Education OLevel

C5 in English Language.

Singapore - Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced Level

Singapore - Cambridge H2 Level: English Language and Linguistics or Literature in English or Knowledge and Inquiry subject or approved humanities subject with a minimum grade of C. <br> <br>Singapore - Cambridge H1 Level: A grade of C in General Paper.

Diploma from Singapore Polytechnics

Post secondary.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Diploma program at a recognised Singapore Polytechnic, with all prior schooling/studies in Singapore.<br> <br>1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Diploma program at a recognised Singapore Polytechnic. These studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT, if all prior schooling/studies were studied in a non-English Speaking country.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor program at a recongised Singapore institution, with all prior schooling/studies in Singapore.<br> <br>1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor program at a recongised Singapore institution. These studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT, if all prior schooling/studies were studied in a non-English Speaking country.

Canadian High School Diploma - completed in Canada or at an overseas International School

Alberta High School Diploma with a grade of 60% or better in an English Level 30 Provincial Diploma Exam completed within five years of starting at QUT.<br> <br>British Columbia Senior Secondary School Graduation Diploma with a grade of 60% or better in English 12 or English Studies 12 completed within five years of starting at QUT.<br> <br>Ontario Secondary School Diploma with a grade of 60% or better in English at Grade 12 Level (i.e. ENG4U or ENG4C) completed within five years of starting at QUT.

1 year full-time studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised Canadian institution, with all prior schooling/studies in an approved English speaking country.<br> <br>1 year full-time on-campus studies with passing grade point average in a Bachelor or higher program from a recognised Canadian institution. These studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT, if all prior schooling/studies were studied in a non- English Speaking country.

1 year full-time on-campus Bachelor studies at a recognised Malaysian institution with: <br>a passing grade point average and these studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT; and<br>an official language of instruction letter is required if the academic and transcripts doesn't clearly state English is the Language of Instruction; and<br>evidence of a pass in the English subject in a recongised high school qualification: SPM, STPM, UEC, A levels and O levels or equivalent.

1119 (GCE-O) English

1119 (GCE-O) English with a grade 5C.

STPM: Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia

C pass in 920 English or humanities subject.

A completed recognised Diploma (minimum of 1 year full-time on-campus studies) at a recognised Malaysian institution with: <br>a passing grade point average and these studies must have been completed within five years of starting at QUT; and<br>an official language of instruction letter is required if the academic and transcripts doesn't clearly state English is the Language of Instruction; and<br>evidence of a pass in the English subject in a recognised high school qualification: SPM, STPM, UEC, A levels and O levels or equivalent.

We accept English language proficiency scores from the following tests. Tests must be taken no more than 2 years prior to the QUT course commencement.

Don't have the English language score you need? We can help!

We offer English language programs to improve your English and help you gain entry to this course.

When you apply for this course, we will recommend which English course you should enrol in.

Applying for this course

bachelor of law and creative writing

Applicants with recent secondary education

bachelor of law and creative writing

Applicants with vocational education and training (VET) study

bachelor of law and creative writing

Applicants with higher education study

bachelor of law and creative writing

Applicants with work and life experience

Find out more if you are an international applicant

Your actual fees may vary depending on which units you choose. We review fees annually, and they may be subject to increases.

2025: CSP fees available from September

2025: Available from July

2024: CSP $12,100 per year full-time (96 credit points)

2024: $34,300 per year full-time (96 credit points)

Student services and amenities fees

You may need to pay student services and amenities (SA) fees as part of your course costs.

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HECS-HELP: loans to help you pay for your course fees

You may not have to pay anything upfront if you're eligible for a HECS-HELP loan.

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QUT Excellence Scholarship (Academic)

QUT's premier offering for students with outstanding academic achievement.

Equity scholarships scheme

Qut elite sport scholarship, international merit scholarship, qut real world international scholarship.

A scholarship to cover tuition fees, with eligibility based on your prior academic achievements.

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Centrelink payments

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  • Gardens Point

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  • 1.5 years full-time

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bachelor of law and creative writing

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Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing (4 years)

bachelor of law and creative writing

Offered by the Faculty of Arts and Letters – Department of Literature


Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing is a four-year program that is designed to nurture and guide aspiring student writers in the four major genres: poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and drama. It will also teach them to write in the special forms of creative writing, like writing for children and young adults, scriptwriting for film and television, speculative fiction, literary journalism, travel writing, food writing, nature writing, and even literary translation. The creative writing classes consist of both lecture sessions, in which literary models (professional examples in the different types and forms of creative writing) will be analyzed, highlighting the effectiveness of their literary techniques and rhetorical strategies; and workshop sessions, in which the creative writing drafts of the students will be critiqued by the professor and their peers. The program also has a strong literature component which will expose students to literature subjects, like Philippine Literary History, The Great Books, Anglo-American Literature, Latin American Literature, etc., that will help them improve their own writing craft, The final intended learning outcome of the entire program is the production of a creative writing thesis in the form of a book-length manuscript of a collection of poems, short stories, CNF pieces, or plays. 

Becoming Part of the Program

bachelor of law and creative writing

The University of Santo Tomas, in pursuit of truth, guided by reason and illumined by faith, dedicates herself to the generation, advancement, and transmission of knowledge to form competent and compassionate professionals committed to the service of the Church, the nation, and the global community.

I am a Thomasian. I carry the SEAL of Thomasian education. I am a S ervant leader, an E ffective communicator and collaborator, an A nalytical and creative thinker, and a L ifelong learner. With Christ at the center of my formation as a Thomasian, I am expected to demonstrate the following Thomasian Graduate Attributes ( ThoGAs ): 


  • Show leadership abilities to promote advocacies for life, freedom, justice, and solidarity in the service of the family, the local and global communities, the Church, and the environment. 
  • Implement relevant projects and activities that speak of Christian compassion to the poor and the marginalized in order to raise their quality of life. 
  • Show respect for the human person, regardless of race, religion, age, and gender. 


  • Express oneself clearly, correctly, and confidently in various environments, contexts, and technologies of human interaction.
  • Work productively with individuals or groups from diverse cultures and demographics. 
  • Show profound respect for individual differences and/or uniqueness as members of God’s creation. 


  • Show judiciousness and resourcefulness in making personal and professional decisions. 
  • Engage in research undertakings that respond to societal issues. 
  • Express personal and professional insights through an ethical and evidence-based approach. 


  • Engage in reflective practice to ensure disciplinal excellence and professional development. 
  • Exhibit preparedness and interest for continuous upgrading of competencies required by the profession or area of specialization. 
  • Manifest fidelity to the teachings of Christ, mediated by the Catholic Church, in the continuous deepening of faith and spirituality in dealing with new life situations and challenges. 

Upon successful completion of the UST B.A. in Creative Writing program:

PILO 1 : The students will have learned the current developments in the discipline of creative writing. 

PILO 2: The students will be able to write competently, both in terms of craft and of philosophical/socio-political/moral insights. 

PILO 3: The students will have acquired a rich and formal background in literature (particularly Philippine literature and the genre in which they work), which will enable them to articulate their own poetics. 

PILO 4: The students will have acquired a broad understanding of the role of creative writing and literature in cultural and social development. 

PILO 5 : The students will be motivated to become leaders of the literary community, not just in the University but in the larger society. 

PILO 6 : The students will have a high level of professionalism. 

Application Period: July to December of each year

Application Website

Release of Results: January 28 of the following year

Go to  THIS PAGE and look for the “Faculty of Arts and Letters” tab for the tuition fees.

Career Opportunities

Academic and Commercial Publishing Houses

Business Companies/ International Agencies

Reporters Writers Editors Copyeditors Proofreaders

Researchers Writers Production assistants Program producers Newscasters

Editors of newsletters, company reports, and speeches Communication officers. Freelance writers Writers of personal biographies, company histories, histories of institutions, municipalities and provinces “Content writers” – blogs which get sponsors, websites, online publishers Publicists for personalities Doing press releases and building media campaigns Academician in universities and the secondary schools Facilitators of creative writing workshops in government and private agencies In some universities, Creative Writing is also considered an effective pre-Law course.

Student Experience and Support

The University of Santo Tomas provides student services that cater to academic, spiritual, and wellness concerns of students. These support units are found in the different parts of the campus and can be accessed by Thomasians. When the University shifted to distance learning, the services also transitioned to online services to continue addressing the needs of Thomasians.

Program Curriculum (New)​

Effectivity: A.Y. 2021-2022

This curriculum may have some changes upon the availability of new guidelines.

Effectivity: A.Y. 2019-2020

Effectivity: A.Y. 2018-2019

Program Policies

Policies of the Faculty of Arts and Letters

Please be guided with regard to the policies of the Faculty of Arts and Letters for its students ( Academic Policies.pdf ).

Code of Conduct (PPS 1027)

The University of Santo Tomas is the second home of the Thomasian students. Its task is mainly to inform and improve the students’ character, attitude and moral values, as well as to develop their intellectual, physical and psychological fitness. A proper norm of conduct is designed to inculcate these ideals.

Thomasian students are hereby expected, in the exercise of their rights and performance of their obligations, whether inside or outside the campus, to respect and act in accordance with the principles, traditions and ideals that are authentically Filipino and Catholic. They must abide by the rules of conduct and discipline formulated by the University. By faithfully observing such rules, they will internalize and cherish the core values of competence, compassion, and commitment.

This Code of Conduct applies to all students who have officially enrolled and to the students who have not been issued transfer of credentials by UST, nor separated from academic relations within the University.

Thomasian students must always observe the positive values upheld by the University intended to improve their character and attitude, as well as inculcate good behavior and moral self-discipline.

The students must always comply with the following rules at all times, even when they are outside the campus, especially when they are wearing the prescribed uniform of their Faculty/College/Institute/School.

Students must behave honestly and with integrity in accordance with UST’s Catholic and Dominican teachings which put high premium on the practice of honesty, truth-telling, truth-seeking and truth-doing. They should not engage in any form of dishonesty, directly or indirectly, nor facilitate or aid in the commission of thereof. They should report to the authorities any suspected dishonest activity by any party.

Students must, at all times, be courteous and respectful to others. Courtesy is an act of respect towards another in recognition of the fundamental human dignity. It creates a climate of goodwill and fellowship.

Students must honor their family and the University by being diligent in their studies. They should have a natural thirst for knowledge and view their attendance in the University as an opportunity to learn and grow holistically. They must be punctual; must be present in their classes and participate in school-initiated activities; and must be prepared for their lessons, out-of-class tasks, and assessments.

Decency and Modesty

Students must give, at all times, act with proper decorum and etiquette. They shall not engage in indecent or lewd conduct which contrary to the mores of Catholic behavior and morality.

Students shall not use foul, vulgar, or rough language in conversations and communications.

The University upholds the sanctity of human life, as well as the sanctity of the conjugal act within marriage. In case a student gets pregnant out of wedlock, she must inform and seek the help of the SWDC, Guidance Counselor, and Father Regent for emotional support, counseling, and spiritual direction. To give the student adequate time and space to prepare for her the challenges and responsibility of parenthood and to take care of herself and the child, she will take a leave of absence from school two months before and two months after the delivery of the child.

In case the father of the child is a Thomasian student, he and his parents will be advised to participate in the guidance, counseling, and spiritual direction of both students and their child.

Good grooming includes the wearing of the prescribed uniform, the authorized shoes, the ID, the male haircut, and other considerations that are similar to these.


There are three classifications of prescribed uniforms. As a general rule, if students are in doubt, they are advised to wear their Type A uniform.

bachelor of law and creative writing

TYPE A  – for regular schooldays and formal University Events (e.g., accreditation, St. Thomas More Lecture, Major Exams)

bachelor of law and creative writing

  • Official white blouse with lambda; Official A-line navy blue skirt; Black closed shoes
  • Official polo barong; Black slacks (not jeans, not skinny); Plain white undershirt (no big colored prints); black closed shoes (leather is preferred; no rubber shoes)

TYPE B  – worn during:

  • First Term: as announced (only for 2nd year and higher levels)
  • Second to Third Terms: from the day after Ash Wednesday until the end of the term (for all levels)
  • Official Type B shirt of the Faculty of Arts and Letters; Prescribed Jeans; Closed Shoes

TYPE C –  Tiger Day Attire – worn on days specified by the Office of the Secretary-General

  • Black / Yellow / White / Combination of Black, Yellow, White / Tigerprint Shirt or Blouse; Prescribed Jeans; Closed Shoes
  • If the Tiger Day is specifically announced as Yellow Day, students are to wear a yellow shirt.


Given the implementation of online learning, students are reminded to wear modest clothes during Online Sessions.

The following are generally not allowed:

  • micro-mini skirts (three inches or more from the kneecaps); short shorts; cycling pants; tube; sleeveless; plunging neckline / see-though blouses; halter tops; backless tops; tank tops; leggings; sandos; sleeveless jerseys; slippers

Hair Style / Hair Color

Students’ hair style should be clean, combed, and neatly trimmed or fixed. Unconventional hair colors are not permitted. Male students are not allowed to sport long hair. Hair should not touch the collar or neckline of the uniform. The use of hairpins, pony tails, headbands, and the like by male students is likewise not allowed.

In compliance with Memorandum S006-00-ME21 (AY 2019-2020) released by the Office of the Secretary-General, manifesting the clarification on the item stipulated in the Student Handbook 2018, Item 4 (which discusses about hair style/ color under the heading Good Grooming of the PPS 1027 Code of Conduct), specifically on the term unconventional hair colors, all are enjoined, as necessary to limit their hair color to the following color spectrum: from Level 1 (Darkest Black) to Level 5 (Dark Brown).

For your reference, please go to this link:

In particular cases when there is a need for a different hair color, for purposes of employment, theatrical plays, and other school-related requirements, a permit must be secured from the Office of the Student Welfare and Development Council.

Upon submission of the necessary requirements, the student will be issued a temporary pass which contains, among others, the period that he/she is allowed to have the hair color that is not within the above-mentioned spectrum.


Tattoo and unusual body piercing are strictly prohibited. Male students are not allowed to wear earrings and other accessories ordinarily used by females.

Students must wear the official University identification card at all times within the University premises. Loss of the identification card must be reported immediately to the local Student Welfare and Development Coordinator (SWDC).

The students shall join or form only student organizations whose objectives uphold the vision and mission of the University. Students shall join only organizations duly recognized by the University.The students shall join or form only student organizations whose objectives uphold the vision and mission of the University. Students shall join only organizations duly recognized by the University.

University-wide Fraternities/Sororities are prohibited from recruiting high school students and first-year students in the undergraduate programs. Fraternities and sororities of the Faculty of Civil Law and the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery are prohibited from recruiting members from students in the undergraduate program(s).

Duly recognized organizations may recruit members only during the period as prescribed by the OSA for the university wide or the Dean’s office of the College/Faculty/Institute for college-based organization.  Duly recognized organizations may recruit members only during the period as prescribed by the OSA for the university wide or the Dean’s office of the College/Faculty/Institute for college-based organization.

Parents/guardians shall be informed by the organization through its adviser about participation of his/her child/ward in fraternities/sororities.

Every student organization must submit the required application paper for recognition (Refer to the Student Organization Handbook) and financial statements prepared by the organization’s treasure and auditor certified by the faculty adviser of the organization, endorsed by the Dean/Director, and Regent.

Only duly recognized student organizations may organize and/or engage in any approved group activity. The organization should follow the University’s policies on Approval of Student Activities.

Students shall not use the name “University of Santo Tomas,” its seal and official logo, in any activity (i.e. fair, seminar, field trip, tour, contract, announcement, etc.) or on any manufactured item, unless duly authorized by the Office of the Secretary-General. Students shall not use the name “University of Santo Tomas,” its seal and official logo, in any activity (i.e. fair, seminar, field trip, tour, contract, announcement, etc.) or on any manufactured item, unless duly authorized by the Office of the Secretary-General.

Organizations are prohibited from engaging in hazing (any physical or psychological suffering, harm or injury) inflicted on a recruit, member, neophyte or applicant for admission or continuing membership into the fraternity, sorority or organization.

Only duly recognized student organizations may post announcements at designated bulletin boards within the premises of their respective faculties/colleges/institutes/schools subject to the approval of the Dean and Regent. However, the approval of the Office of the Secretary-General (OSG) should be obtained for posters, streamers, signboards that will be displayed or put up only at designated bulletin boards within the University premises.

Only duly recognized student organizations may use the faculties of the University but only upon prior approval of the OSA, Office of the Dean/Director, Facilities Management Office (FMO) as the case may be.Only duly recognized student organizations may use the faculties of the University but only upon prior approval of the OSA, Office of the Dean/Director, Facilities Management Office (FMO) as the case may be.

An organization shall not be allowed to operate nor join any activity, including freshmen orientation, after the expiration of its recognition.

Organization(s)/officer(s)/member(s) with on-going administrative case(s) or with penalties of suspension to expulsion shall not be allowed to take part in any organization related activity.

Students must give due regard to the rules and regulations formulated and implemented by the University authorities to ensure that peace and order may prevail.

Student shall not impede, obstruct, prevent or defeat the right of a faculty member to teach his/her course or the right to attend his/her classes or any official activity.

Students shall behave properly at all times, refrain from making unnecessary noise and avoid loitering along corridors especially when classes are on-going. Students are allowed, when necessary, to stay in the campus only until 9:30 p.m. except during University activities.

Students shall observe University traffic rules and regulations.

Students are prohibited from using electronic and communication devices during regular class hours and most especially during examinations unless authorized by the faculty member. Students are prohibited from using electronic and communication devices during regular class hours and most especially during examinations unless authorized by the faculty member.

Students shall not bring, carry or possess any deadly weapon/s inside or outside the campus; shall not engage or get involved in any violence; shall not threaten, bully, or inflict physical or psychological harm/suffering/injury on any person whether inside or outside the campus; and in general, shall not commit any illegal act or wrongdoing.

Students shall not use or be in possession of any substance prohibited under the Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act 2002 (Republic Act 9165). Students shall not use or be in possession of any substance prohibited under the Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act 2002 (Republic Act 9165).

All first-year students are required to submit themselves to drug testing as a condition precedent for their admission to the University. All other students of higher years may randomly be required to submit themselves to drug testing. Drug testing shall be conducted by the UST Health Service.

Students must actively participate in keeping the campus clean and in preventing pollution or other environment degradation. Thus, they are enjoined to design programs, projects and activities adhering to Pope Francis’ Encyclical on the Environment (Laudato Si).

The leaders or organizers of the student assembly/activity shall be responsible for the upkeep of the venue, before, during and immediately after the event.

For Parents

  • Let children facilitate their own transactions with the University.
  • Let children directly correspond with their professors.
  • Ask your children for updates on the recent circulars released by the University/Faculty.
  • Class suspensions are officially announced by the government or the University through mainstream media sources. (TV, radio, internet). 
  • Official UST Website  
  • Official UST Facebook Page 
  • Official UST Twitter Account 
  • Request your child to arrange/schedule our appointments with the Dean’s Office or other University offices on our behalf, and ahead of time. Otherwise, call the Dean’s Office or email local SWDC ([email protected]).
  • Let us help each other in teaching our children to become responsible adults.

bachelor of law and creative writing

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Creative Writing Program Marks Three Decades of Growth, Diversity

Black and white photo shows old American seaside town with title 'Barely South Review'

By Luisa A. Igloria

2024: a milestone year which marks the 30 th  anniversary of Old Dominion University’s MFA Creative Writing Program. Its origins can be said to go back to April 1978, when the English Department’s (now Professor Emeritus, retired) Phil Raisor organized the first “Poetry Jam,” in collaboration with Pulitzer prize-winning poet W.D. Snodgrass (then a visiting poet at ODU). Raisor describes this period as “ a heady time .” Not many realize that from 1978 to 1994, ODU was also the home of AWP (the Association of Writers and Writing Programs) until it moved to George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.

The two-day celebration that was “Poetry Jam” has evolved into the annual ODU Literary Festival, a week-long affair at the beginning of October bringing writers of local, national, and international reputation to campus. The ODU Literary Festival is among the longest continuously running literary festivals nationwide. It has featured Rita Dove, Maxine Hong Kingston, Susan Sontag, Edward Albee, John McPhee, Tim O’Brien, Joy Harjo, Dorothy Allison, Billy Collins, Naomi Shihab Nye, Sabina Murray, Jane Hirshfield, Brian Turner, S.A. Cosby, Nicole Sealey, Franny Choi, Ross Gay, Adrian Matejka, Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Ilya Kaminsky, Marcelo Hernandez Castillo, Jose Olivarez, and Ocean Vuong, among a roster of other luminaries. MFA alumni who have gone on to publish books have also regularly been invited to read.

From an initial cohort of 12 students and three creative writing professors, ODU’s MFA Creative Writing Program has grown to anywhere between 25 to 33 talented students per year. Currently they work with a five-member core faculty (Kent Wascom, John McManus, and Jane Alberdeston in fiction; and Luisa A. Igloria and Marianne L. Chan in poetry). Award-winning writers who made up part of original teaching faculty along with Raisor (but are now also either retired or relocated) are legends in their own right—Toi Derricotte, Tony Ardizzone, Janet Peery, Scott Cairns, Sheri Reynolds, Tim Seibles, and Michael Pearson. Other faculty that ODU’s MFA Creative Writing Program was privileged to briefly have in its ranks include Molly McCully Brown and Benjamín Naka-Hasebe Kingsley.

"What we’ve also found to be consistently true is how collegial this program is — with a lively and supportive cohort, and friendships that last beyond time spent here." — Luisa A. Igloria, Louis I. Jaffe Endowed Professor & University Professor of English and Creative Writing at Old Dominion University

Our student body is diverse — from all over the country as well as from closer by. Over the last ten years, we’ve also seen an increase in the number of international students who are drawn to what our program has to offer: an exciting three-year curriculum of workshops, literature, literary publishing, and critical studies; as well as opportunities to teach in the classroom, tutor in the University’s Writing Center, coordinate the student reading series and the Writers in Community outreach program, and produce the student-led literary journal  Barely South Review . The third year gives our students more time to immerse themselves in the completion of a book-ready creative thesis. And our students’ successes have been nothing but amazing. They’ve published with some of the best (many while still in the program), won important prizes, moved into tenured academic positions, and been published in global languages. What we’ve also found to be consistently true is how collegial this program is — with a lively and supportive cohort, and friendships that last beyond time spent here.

Our themed studio workshops are now offered as hybrid/cross genre experiences. My colleagues teach workshops in horror, speculative and experimental fiction, poetry of place, poetry and the archive — these give our students so many more options for honing their skills. And we continue to explore ways to collaborate with other programs and units of the university. One of my cornerstone projects during my term as 20 th  Poet Laureate of the Commonwealth was the creation of a Virginia Poets Database, which is not only supported by the University through the Perry Library’s Digital Commons, but also by the MFA Program in the form of an assistantship for one of our students. With the awareness of ODU’s new integration with Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS) and its impact on other programs, I was inspired to design and pilot a new 700-level seminar on “Writing the Body Fantastic: Exploring Metaphors of Human Corporeality.” In the fall of 2024, I look forward to a themed graduate workshop on “Writing (in) the Anthropocene,” where my students and I will explore the subject of climate precarity and how we can respond in our own work.

Even as the University and wider community go through shifts and change through time, the MFA program has grown with resilience and grace. Once, during the six years (2009-15) that I directed the MFA Program, a State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) university-wide review amended the guidelines for what kind of graduate student would be allowed to teach classes (only those who had  already  earned 18 or more graduate credits). Thus, two of our first-year MFA students at that time had to be given another assignment for their Teaching Assistantships. I thought of  AWP’s hallmarks of an effective MFA program , which lists the provision of editorial and publishing experience to its students through an affiliated magazine or press — and immediately sought department and upper administration support for creating a literary journal. This is what led to the creation of our biannual  Barely South Review  in 2009.

In 2010,  HuffPost  and  Poets & Writers  listed us among “ The Top 25 Underrated Creative Writing MFA Programs ” (better underrated than overrated, right?) — and while our MFA Creative Writing Program might be smaller than others, we do grow good writers here. When I joined the faculty in 1998, I was excited by the high caliber of both faculty and students. Twenty-five years later, I remain just as if not more excited, and look forward to all the that awaits us in our continued growth.

This essay was originally published in the Spring 2024 edition of Barely South Review , ODU’s student-led literary journal. The University’s growing MFA in Creative Writing program connects students with a seven-member creative writing faculty in fiction, poetry, and nonfiction.

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  24. Creative Writing Program Marks Three Decades of Growth, Diversity

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