In Brussels, in recent years, we have seen more and more food trucks. Often fun and colourful, they are based on a well-defined concept and seem like an easy alternative and a first step to opening a small permanent establishment. Easy? Don't be so sure! If you're tempted, read our advice carefully to make sure things run smoothly!

Getting started

Unless it has an exceptional or non-commercial character (for example, selling brownies at a Christmas market for your children’s' sports club), any itinerant commercial activity will require you to have  independent status . However, despite what you might think, it is  not necessary to have access to the restaurant and catering profession . In fact, three-quarters of those who have already launched a food truck had no experience in horeca. Unfortunately, this is one of the leading causes of failure: many people underestimate the difficulty of the trade. It is a profession in its own right: it is one thing to prepare food for friends, but it is quite another to serve over 200 people at an event! Consider this and prepare yourself by getting training, which will help you to become more professional.

To be able to sell on the street and in public areas, you will also need an  itinerant merchant card  for yourself and for anyone working with you or for you. This can be requested from a  one-stop business counter .

A label for sustainable food

Have you heard of the Good Food Resto label ? If your Food Truck project includes a sustainable approach to food (local and seasonal products, alternatives to animal proteins, minimisation of food waste, etc.), you can apply for the label!

Which vehicle?

By food truck, we mean a vehicle. This is usually the  main investment  required to launch this type of business. The offer in Belgium is still extremely limited and not very competitive, many look to France for new, second-hand or rental vehicles. Some even order their vehicle from eastern European countries. As many projects start with small budgets (more than a quarter of food truckers were unemployed before starting their food truck business), the entrepreneur often makes the  mistake of choosing a vehicle which is too small , and which will, therefore, never allow them to increase their production.

Fabrice Willot from the  Belgian Food Truck Association  (FR) says:"For saving purposes, many people choose not to get their “heavy goods vehicle” licence. Now, this restricts them when it comes to choosing their vehicle. This means that, even if they have sufficient space, if they receive a large order for an event they cannot accept it because an extra fridge or a lot of extra stock would take them over the maximum load allowed for their permit".

So, it is important to think big enough when planning the project. If you had a large order, could you fulfil it using your small truck? Could you work with several others if required? Do you have the correct licence? Remember that to purchase and set-up your vehicle, you can benefit from  general investment grants  from the Brussels-Capital Region (up to 35% of your investment). And there are also subsidies for the purchase of hybrid vehicles and bicycles !

Another  common mistake is, in order to save money on equipment , choosing gas (less expensive) as the fuel used for cooking appliances. Yet gas is  banned in many places  (festivals, urban centres, etc.). If you make this choice, you will limit your sales options! Think carefully about your choices. Another example: many people prefer pizza cooked over a wood fire... but your oven (and therefore your vehicle) will be excluded from festivals and parks!

When preparing  your business plan , do not underestimate vehicle-related costs. These are self-evident, such as various taxes, insurances, maintenance, fuel. But have you considered where you will park your food truck during the night? Do you have room at home, or will you need to rent a garage? Will you need an electricity supply during the night? What will the cost of this electricity be? So many questions that you really need to ask yourself - renting a parking space can be very expensive in Brussels!

Hygiene and environment

In your vehicle, you will prepare, cook and distribute foodstuffs. Therefore, you must comply with the AFSCA (Federal Food Safety Agency). This means that you need to apply for a  permit , which must be displayed in your vehicle. Above all else, this means that you must respect basic hygiene regulations: vehicle and equipment cleanliness, work plans, possibility of washing your hands with running water, cleaning plan, destruction of insects and pests, respect of the cold and hot chain, etc. If you need more information on these matters, the  AFSCA  provides free guides and publications, and training is regularly offered by various organisations. And  don't think that you won't be checked  just because you are mobile: an existing food truck has already been checked 11 times since it began 22 months ago!

If you carry out part of your production outside the truck, make sure that the premises chosen comply with AFSCA standards and make sure that you do not break the cold or hot chains by moving your products from one place to another. You also need to be very careful because, given that it is a professional activity, the premises chosen must be compliant from a  planning permit  (you cannot open a business just anywhere) and environmental permit point of view (required for certain ovens, extractor hoods, cold rooms, storage, etc.). You should contact the municipality's planning department to find out which permits are required.

Where can you sell?

This is the  biggest issue facing food truck owners . Your itinerant merchant card is not adequate if you want to sell in public areas: you will also need authorisation from the municipality where you want to operate (or municipalities if you are considering several locations).

You could try and sell at markets. The problem is that spots are limited, and it is obviously difficult for a newcomer to secure a pitch. Places are generally available on a day-to-day basis and, given the high demand at certain markets (and particularly the “trendiest” markets), they are allocated at random, so it is impossible to plan ahead.

The situation is even more complicated for locations outside markets. Most municipalities, fearing too much competition for "fixed" horeca (which pays taxes to the municipality), are still very opposed to food trucks and impose strict rules on them (no chairs, at least 500m away from an existing establishment, etc.). Others have a more relaxed policy such as the city of Brussels, which decided to select, based on an application (which included information on quality, originality, "typical" nature of the products, etc.), 10 food trucks to have a regular pitch in public places.

Due to these restrictions, most food trucks make most of their turnover at events: festivals (but securing a pitch can be very expensive and difficult to absorb) or private events (birthdays, weddings, business events, etc.). The benefit of the latter is that you know exactly how much to produce, so there are no losses.

Another solution for circumventing the issue of municipal approval is to sell on private sites: car parks of large companies, zoning car parks, etc. This is the time to make the most of  your network !

Get your name out there

Just like for any business, you need to spread the word. It is very important to carefully select the products that you are going to sell. Try to stand out from your competitors: if there are already ten food trucks selling burgers, choose something else! Consider seasonal effects: will your offer be the same all-year-round, or do you need to adapt based on the weather?

Then, make the most of social networks to promote yourself; this way your customers will always know where to find you!

In conclusion, plan carefully, study the competition, try and secure sales pitches.


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Business plan food-truck

Téléchargez notre modèle gratuit de business plan de food-truck et suivez nos conseils pour bien le remplir !

business plan food truck belgique

Vous êtes sur le point de lancer votre projet de food-truck et cherchez à faire un business plan, sans doute pour obtenir un financement pour votre camion ? Découvrez notre modèle de business plan food-truck gratuit à télécharger (modèle vierge). Suivez nos conseils et exemples pour bien le remplir !

L’importance du business plan pour un food-truck

Qu’est-ce qu’un business plan .

Le business plan (plan d’affaires, en français) est un dossier synthétique qui présente un projet de création ou de reprise d’entreprise, en définissant sa stratégie commerciale et financière. Vous pouvez en quelque sorte le considérer comme un CV ou un “book” destiné à structurer et à vendre votre projet.

Pourquoi faire un business plan pour votre food-truck ?

Un business plan vous sert d’abord à vous-même : il permet de structurer votre projet de food-truck et de mettre à plat vos idées. Il n’est pas obligatoire. Vous n’êtes donc pas contraint de vous coller à sa conception, assez chronophage. Voici quelques exemples concrets pour lesquels on risque fort de vous demander un business plan pour votre food-truck : 

  • lorsque vous désirez ouvrir un compte ou obtenir un prêt bancaire ou un autre financement ;
  • lorsque vous recherchez des fournisseurs ;
  • lorsque vous comptez vous associer et/ou trouver des partenaires ;
  • lorsque vous souhaitez lever des fonds.

Les différentes parties d’un business plan pour food-truck

Chaque business plan est propre à chaque projet. Si sa structure et sa présentation peuvent varier, le business plan d’un food-truck doit néanmoins comporter des éléments essentiels que l’on a regroupés en 2 grands domaines :

  • La présentation de votre projet de food-truck : c’est le modèle de business plan que nous vous avons fourni ci-dessous
  • Les projections financières : en général un fichier Excel

Business plan pour food-truck à télécharger

Modèle de business plan food-truck gratuit.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous un modèle de business plan à télécharger gratuitement. Nous l’avons décliné sous plusieurs formats, en fonction de vos besoin :

  • Modèle de business plan pour food-truck au format word téléchargeable ici
  • Modèle de business plan pour food-truck powerpoint (en cours de création)

Le format Word est idéal pour réaliser un business plan simplifié. Il vous suffira de remplir les différentes parties en suivants nos conseils et en l’adaptant au business d’un food-truck.

Nous vous fournissons uniquement le modèle Word pour votre food-truck, mais sachez que certains acteurs fournissent des modèles payants qui vous permettront de recevoir à la fois un modèle Word et un outil Excel pour simuler les projections financières de votre projet de food-truck, ainsi que de l’aide pour le remplir. Chez Créer-mon-business-plan par exemple vous trouverez un modèle de business plan d’une quinzaine de page dédié aux food-truck, avec l’Excel prêt à remplir.

  • Frais de fonctionnement
  • Coût du camion et autres investissements de départ
  • Produits proposés par le food-truck et ventes estimées
  • Nombre d’employés pour calculer la masse salariale du food-truck
  • Capital, fonds propres et subventions

Enfin, certains cherchent un modèle de business plan en PDF. Aucun intérêt à notre avis, il sera beaucoup plus facile de le modifier sous Word et d’en télécharger ensuite une version finalisée en PDF.

Exemple de business plan food-truck

Le modèle de business plan pour food-truck que nous vous fournissons gratuitement intègre la trame suivante :

Dans le résumé opérationnel du business plan de votre food-truck par exemple, vous devrez présenter les points clés, dont le type de nourriture et boissons que votre food-truck va proposer, ainsi que l’expérience de l’équipe fondatrice et d’où est né ce projet. Il faudra ensuite donner quelques chiffres sur le marché des food-trucks et camions-restaurants . Décrivez en détails tous les emplacements où vous comptez vendre ainsi que les autorisations nécessaires, et la clientèle cible de votre food-truck (entreprises ? particuliers ?). Terminez cette partie en donnant quelques chiffres clés de chiffres d’affaires attendu à 1 et 3 ans, ainsi qu’une prévision de l’excédent brut d’exploitation de votre food-truck, qui vous permettront d’embrayer sur votre demande de financement (combien, et pour financier quoi ?).

Nos conseils pour rédiger le business plan de votre food-truck

Maintenant que vous avez en tête la structure et les éléments incontournables du business plan pour un food-truck, il est temps de vous livrer quelques conseils pour concevoir un business plan simple et efficace :

  • misez sur la clarté et la simplicité ;
  • pensez à faire concis et synthétique ;
  • aérez votre texte ;
  • ajoutez des visuels lorsque c’est pertinent ;
  • faites-vous relire ;
  • pensez aussi aux annexes ;
  • étayez votre propos en citant vos sources.

Faites relire votre business plan de food-truck à un ou plusieurs personnes extérieures à votre projet (et pas uniquement des proches). Elles pourront vous livrer des retours précieux sur la compréhension générale du concept de votre camion-restaurant et vous pourrez rectifier le tir, si besoin.

Quelles sont vos options pour faire le business plan d’un food-truck ?

Plusieurs options s’offrent à vous pour réaliser un business plan d’un food-truck. Chaque solution présente des avantages et des inconvénients que nous vous résumons ici.

Vous pouvez tout à fait partir de notre modèle gratuit de business plan pour food-truck. C’est la solution les plus avantageuse économiquement. Par contre, préparez-vous à y passer du temps. La conception d’un business plan pour un food-truck est chronophage et peut se révéler fastidieuse, surtout lorsque l’on attaque les prévisions financières (que nous n’avons absolument pas détaillées dans notre modèle).

Notez enfin que certains acteurs (comme Créer-mon-business-plan par exemple), proposent à la fois des modèles de business plan plus complets à télécharger la possibilité de le réaliser en ligne. Comptez quelques dizaines d’euros pour un modèle de business plan dédié à votre projet de food-truck, ce qui à notre avis peut valoir le coup pour éviter de repartir de notre modèle de business plan vierge :

  • Choix parmi des dizaines de modèles de business plan
  • Business plan au format Word de 10 à 20 pages
  • Exemples de textes fournis tout à long du modèle
  • Volet financier au formtæ Excel.

C’est donc un bon compromis entre le business plan gratuit et l’accompagnement (en ligne ou par un professionnel).

La deuxième option consiste à se faire accompagner un peu plus en réalisant votre business plan en ligne , à l’aide d’un logiciel dédié. De nombreux sites sont en concurrence sur le marché.

Enfin, si vous cherchez de l’aide pour faire un plan d’affaires personnalisé pour votre projet de food-truck sans utiliser un modèle, rien ne vous empêche de vous attacher les services d’un professionnel ( expert-comptable en ligne ou local, ou encore consultants en business plan). Vous vous assurez de gagner du temps et disposez des conseils et du savoir-faire d’un expert, mais le coût sera évidemment beaucoup plus élevé.

Au final, quelle que soit la méthode choisie, gardez bien cela en tête : comme le dit l’expression, “on n’a qu’une seule chance de faire bonne impression.” Alors appliquez-vous, et utilisez nos conseils pour réaliser un business plan solide pour votre food-truck !

Combien coûte un business plan pour un food-truck ?

Le coût d’une business plan dépend de l’option que vous allez choisir. Si vous vous utilisez notre business plan food-truck gratuit, vous n’y passerez que du temps. Si vous choisissez un modèle payant, vous en aurez pour entre 50 et 100€ environ. Si vous optez pour un logiciel de business plan en ligne , les prix varient d’une solution à l’autre.

La solution la moins économique consiste à passer par un professionnel. Les tarifs dépendent de la complexité et de la technicité du projet. Pour vous donner un ordre d’idées, on a recensé des tarifs partant de 300€ et pouvant aller jusqu’à 4 000€.

Quels sont les coûts à prévoir pour un food-truck

Ouvrir un food-truck implique un investissement important, notamment pour l’acquisition du camion. En plus de l’achat du véhicule et de son entretien, vous devez prévoir d’autres dépenses pour les marchandises, les emballages, l’équipement, le carburant, les frais de création d’entreprise, les impôts…entre autres. D’où l’importance de réaliser un business plan précis pour votre projet de food-truck, afin de ne rien oublier.

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Business plan Food truck : Modèle rédigé gratuit

business plan food truck belgique

Le food truck, une fois considéré comme une simple option de restauration mobile pour les festivals ou les événements, a évolué pour devenir une véritable révolution gastronomique. Dans un monde où les consommateurs recherchent de plus en plus des options de restauration flexibles, innovantes et de qualité, les food trucks ont trouvé leur place en tant qu’acteurs majeurs de l’industrie alimentaire. Le présent article se propose de détailler le business plan du (Burger Food truck), en mettant l’accent sur les différentes étapes essentielles à sa mise en œuvre et à son succès. De l’analyse de marché à la stratégie de communication, en passant par les ressources humaines et les prévisions financières, plongez dans le monde passionnant de l’entrepreneuriat culinaire sur roues.

business plan food truck belgique

Besoin d’aide pour faire votre business plan ou votre prévisionnel ?

Faites appel à un expert pour vous accompagner dans la réalisation de votre projet.

Business plan PRO  ,  Délais rapides  ,  Tarifs attractifs

Business plan Food truck : Résumé opérationnel

Concept du (burger food truck).

Le (Burger Food truck) n’est pas qu’un simple camion de restauration. Il représente une vision, une passion pour offrir aux gourmands une expérience culinaire unique tout en restant mobile. Notre idée est de combiner la qualité des restaurants traditionnels avec la flexibilité d’un camion, permettant ainsi d’atteindre une clientèle diversifiée et de répondre à leurs exigences variées en matière de restauration.

Objectifs du (Burger Food truck)

L’objectif principal du (Burger Food truck) est de se positionner comme le leader des food trucks spécialisés en burgers de qualité dans la région. Nous envisageons de servir au moins 100 clients par jour dans notre première année d’exploitation, avec une croissance annuelle de 10%. De plus, nous visons à participer à des événements locaux, des festivals et des marchés pour augmenter notre visibilité et notre portée.

Offre de produits

(Burger Food truck) offre une gamme diversifiée de burgers, allant du classique cheeseburger au burger végétarien, en passant par des créations originales inspirées des cuisines du monde. Chaque burger est préparé avec soin, en utilisant des ingrédients locaux de première qualité, garantissant ainsi un goût incomparable à chaque bouchée.

Localisation et mobilité

Le principal avantage d’un food truck est sa mobilité. Le (Burger Food truck) envisage d’opérer dans différents endroits stratégiques de la ville, en fonction de l’heure de la journée et du jour de la semaine, afin d’atteindre une large clientèle. Que ce soit près des bureaux pendant le déjeuner, ou dans les quartiers animés durant les soirées, notre emplacement sera toujours choisi pour maximiser le trafic.

Équipe du (Burger Food truck)

Derrière le (Burger Food truck), il y a une équipe dévouée et passionnée. Menée par [Nom du propriétaire], un chef cuisinier avec plus de dix ans d’expérience dans la restauration, l’équipe est composée de professionnels formés spécialement pour offrir un service rapide, efficace et chaleureux.

Finances et prévisions

Pour assurer le succès du (Burger Food truck), un investissement initial est nécessaire pour l’achat du camion, l’équipement et les premiers stocks. Nous prévoyons d’atteindre le seuil de rentabilité en six mois, grâce à une stratégie marketing solide et une offre irrésistible. Les prévisions financières détaillées seront abordées dans les sections suivantes du business plan. En conclusion, le (Burger Food truck) représente plus qu’une simple entreprise, c’est un rêve qui prend forme. Avec une équipe dédiée, une offre alléchante et une stratégie bien définie, nous sommes confiants quant à la réussite et la croissance de ce projet passionnant.

Business plan Food truck : Analyse du marché

État actuel du marché des food trucks.

Le marché des food trucks a connu une croissance exponentielle au cours de la dernière décennie. Devenus populaires pour leur capacité à offrir des plats gourmets à des prix abordables et dans des lieux variés, ils ont su conquérir le cœur des consommateurs. La demande pour une restauration rapide, mais de qualité, continue de croître, et les food trucks y répondent parfaitement.

Segmentation de la clientèle

La clientèle cible du (Burger Food truck) est variée : • Les professionnels actifs recherchant un déjeuner rapide et savoureux pendant leur pause. • Les étudiants à la recherche d’options abordables sans compromettre la qualité. • Les familles désirant une alternative au fast-food traditionnel. • Les noctambules cherchant une collation savoureuse après une soirée.

Concurrents sur le marché

Il existe plusieurs food trucks opérant dans la région, offrant une gamme variée de cuisines. Quelques-uns se spécialisent également dans les burgers, ce qui rend la concurrence assez vive. Toutefois, le (Burger Food truck) se distingue par son accent mis sur la qualité des ingrédients, ses recettes uniques, et son service exceptionnel.

Tendances du marché

Les consommateurs sont de plus en plus soucieux de ce qu’ils mangent. La tendance est à la recherche de plats faits maison, avec des ingrédients frais et locaux. De plus, avec l’augmentation des régimes alimentaires spécifiques (végétarien, sans gluten, etc.), il est essentiel pour les food trucks de s’adapter et d’offrir une gamme variée répondant à ces besoins.

Opportunités et défis

Les opportunités pour le (Burger Food truck) sont nombreuses. L’engouement pour les food trucks ne montre aucun signe de ralentissement, et l’accent mis sur la qualité des produits offre une véritable valeur ajoutée. De plus, la participation à des événements locaux et festivals augmente la visibilité et la clientèle. Cependant, il y a aussi des défis. La réglementation concernant l’emplacement des food trucks peut être contraignante, et la concurrence est féroce. Il est donc essentiel de continuellement innover et se démarquer.

Positionnement du (Burger Food truck)

Le (Burger Food truck) se positionne comme une option premium sur le marché des food trucks. Alors que beaucoup peuvent offrir des burgers, nous nous engageons à fournir une expérience qui va au-delà de la simple restauration. Chaque burger est une invitation au voyage culinaire, et le service est pensé pour que chaque client se sente spécial. En résumé, l’analyse de marché montre un potentiel énorme pour le (Burger Food truck). Avec une compréhension claire de la clientèle cible, des concurrents et des tendances du marché, il est bien placé pour réussir et prospérer dans cet environnement concurrentiel.

Business plan Food truck : stratégie commerciale

Positionnement du produit.

Le (Burger Food truck) se positionne comme une expérience premium dans le monde des food trucks. Chaque burger est conçu non seulement pour satisfaire la faim, mais aussi pour offrir une expérience culinaire mémorable. Cela est possible grâce à la combinaison d’ingrédients frais, de recettes innovantes et d’un service client inégalé.

Stratégie de tarification

La tarification du (Burger Food truck) reflète la qualité et la valeur de l’offre. Nos prix seront compétitifs par rapport aux autres options premium, mais légèrement supérieurs à la moyenne du marché. Cela dit, chaque client aura la garantie d’un excellent rapport qualité-prix, car la qualité des produits et l’expérience client seront au cœur de notre offre.

Stratégies de promotion et de publicité

La visibilité est la clé du succès pour un food truck. Le (Burger Food truck) investira dans une présence active sur les réseaux sociaux, avec des publications régulières montrant nos créations culinaires et nos emplacements quotidiens. Des promotions spéciales, telles que des “jours de réduction” ou des offres pour les groupes, seront également mises en œuvre pour attirer et fidéliser la clientèle. La participation à des événements locaux et des festivals est aussi prévue pour augmenter la notoriété de la marque.

Stratégie de distribution

La nature mobile du (Burger Food truck) lui permet d’opérer dans divers emplacements stratégiques. Nous avons identifié plusieurs zones à forte affluence où le camion sera présent régulièrement. Une planification précise et une communication claire via les réseaux sociaux permettront aux clients de savoir où nous trouver chaque jour.

Stratégies de fidélisation

Fidéliser la clientèle est essentiel pour assurer la réussite à long terme. Le (Burger Food truck) envisage de lancer un programme de fidélité, où les clients peuvent cumuler des points à chaque achat, échangeables contre des réductions ou des articles gratuits. Des événements spéciaux, comme des soirées à thème ou des collaborations avec d’autres entreprises locales, seront également organisés pour renforcer le lien avec la communauté.

Gestion des relations clients

Chaque client est considéré comme spécial au (Burger Food truck). Nous investirons dans une formation pour l’équipe afin d’assurer que chaque interaction avec le client soit positive. De plus, un canal de feedback sera ouvert sur notre site web et nos plateformes sociales, permettant aux clients d’exprimer leurs opinions et suggestions. En conclusion, la stratégie commerciale du (Burger Food truck) est bien pensée pour assurer une croissance et un succès constants. En se concentrant sur la qualité, la visibilité, et la fidélisation, nous sommes confiants que le (Burger Food truck) deviendra une référence incontournable dans le paysage des food trucks.

Business plan Food truck : stratégie de communication

Branding et image de marque.

La première impression est essentielle. Le design du (Burger Food truck) sera distinctif, reflétant notre positionnement premium et notre passion pour la gastronomie. Le logo, les couleurs et même la décoration intérieure du camion seront soigneusement choisis pour créer une image de marque cohérente et mémorable.

Présence en ligne

Aujourd’hui, une présence en ligne solide est cruciale. Le (Burger Food truck) disposera d’un site web professionnel où les clients pourront consulter le menu, connaître nos emplacements à jour et lire notre histoire. Le site sera optimisé pour les mobiles, permettant une navigation facile pour ceux qui cherchent un repas rapide en déplacement.

Réseaux sociaux

Les plateformes sociales seront au cœur de notre stratégie de communication. Des comptes actifs sur Facebook, Instagram, et Twitter permettront de partager des images alléchantes de nos burgers, des témoignages de clients satisfaits, et des annonces sur les promotions en cours. Les stories Instagram, en particulier, seront utilisées pour donner un aperçu en coulisses du (Burger Food truck) et créer un lien personnel avec notre audience.

Partenariats et collaborations

S’associer avec d’autres entreprises locales peut être un excellent moyen de gagner en visibilité. Le (Burger Food truck) cherchera à établir des partenariats avec des brasseries locales, des magasins d’artisanat, ou même d’autres food trucks pour des événements collaboratifs. Ces collaborations peuvent non seulement augmenter le trafic, mais aussi enrichir l’offre pour nos clients.

Événements et sponsorisations

Participer à des événements locaux, tels que des festivals, des marchés, ou des événements sportifs, est une excellente occasion de présenter le (Burger Food truck) à un public plus large. De plus, en sponsorisant des événements ou des équipes locales, nous pourrons renforcer notre présence dans la communauté et nous associer à des causes ou des passions partagées.

Feedback et engagement client

La communication est une voie à double sens. Le (Burger Food truck) valorisera toujours les retours de ses clients. Qu’il s’agisse de commentaires sur les réseaux sociaux, de critiques sur des plateformes dédiées, ou de suggestions directes lors de la visite du camion, chaque feedback sera considéré comme une opportunité d’apprendre et d’améliorer notre service. En somme, la stratégie de communication du (Burger Food truck) est holistique, englobant des tactiques numériques et physiques pour toucher et engager notre audience cible. En mettant l’accent sur l’authenticité et en valorisant les interactions avec les clients, nous aspirons à bâtir une communauté loyale autour de notre marque et notre offre.

Business plan Food truck : ressources humaines

Équipe fondatrice.

Au cœur du (Burger Food truck) se trouve une équipe passionnée et dévouée. L’équipe fondatrice se compose de professionnels ayant une expérience combinée dans la gastronomie, le service client, et la gestion d’entreprise. Cette synergie garantit que toutes les facettes du food truck sont gérées avec expertise.

Recrutement et formation

Recruter les bonnes personnes est crucial pour le succès du (Burger Food truck). Chaque candidat sera évalué non seulement sur ses compétences techniques, mais aussi sur sa passion pour le service client et sa capacité à travailler dans un environnement dynamique. Une fois à bord, chaque membre de l’équipe suivra une formation approfondie pour s’assurer qu’il représente au mieux les valeurs et les standards du (Burger Food truck).

Structure et rôles

Le (Burger Food truck) opèrera avec une structure agile. Les rôles clés comprennent : • Un chef cuisinier, responsable de la préparation des aliments et de la garantie de la qualité. • Un assistant cuisinier, aidant dans la préparation et garantissant une livraison rapide des commandes. • Un responsable du service, gérant les commandes, interagissant avec les clients, et assurant un service fluide. • Un manager opérationnel, supervisant les opérations quotidiennes, gérant les fournitures, et veillant à la maintenance du camion.

Gestion des performances

Il est essentiel d’évaluer régulièrement les performances pour garantir que le (Burger Food truck) fonctionne à son meilleur niveau. Les évaluations trimestrielles seront effectuées pour chaque membre de l’équipe, mettant en lumière les domaines d’excellence et identifiant les opportunités d’amélioration. Un système de récompense sera mis en place pour reconnaître et motiver les performances exceptionnelles.

Opportunités de développement

Le développement professionnel continu est une priorité pour le (Burger Food truck). Des ateliers, des sessions de formation et des opportunités d’apprentissage seront offerts régulièrement à l’équipe. Cela garantira non seulement l’amélioration des compétences, mais aussi la motivation et la rétention des employés.

Politique de bien-être

Le bien-être de l’équipe est d’une importance primordiale. Reconnaissant les défis associés à l’environnement de travail d’un food truck, des pauses régulières seront encouragées, et un environnement de travail sain et sécurisé sera maintenu. De plus, des activités de team building seront organisées pour renforcer l’esprit d’équipe et la cohésion. En conclusion, les ressources humaines sont la colonne vertébrale du (Burger Food truck). En investissant dans le recrutement, la formation, et le bien-être de l’équipe, nous nous assurons que chaque client bénéficie d’une expérience exceptionnelle, reflétant les valeurs et la passion qui animent notre entreprise.

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Business plan food truck : prévisionnel financier et comptable, investissement initial.

Le démarrage du (Burger Food truck) nécessite un investissement initial considérable. Ce budget comprend l’achat et l’aménagement du camion, l’acquisition d’équipements de cuisine, le stockage initial d’ingrédients, les frais de branding et de marketing, ainsi que les frais administratifs initiaux. L’investissement sera financé par un mélange de fonds propres et d’emprunts bancaires.

Revenus attendus

Sur la base de nos analyses de marché et de la demande potentielle, nous prévoyons un flux de revenus croissant au cours des trois premières années. Les revenus seront générés principalement par la vente directe de burgers et d’autres articles de menu, avec des revenus supplémentaires provenant d’événements privés, de partenariats et de promotions.

Frais d’exploitation

Les coûts d’exploitation du (Burger Food truck) comprendront les ingrédients et les fournitures, les salaires et les avantages du personnel, les frais de location et de maintenance du camion, les coûts de marketing, les frais administratifs, ainsi que les remboursements d’emprunts. Ces coûts seront surveillés de près pour garantir une opération rentable.

Seuil de rentabilité

Le seuil de rentabilité est le point où les revenus couvrent les coûts. Nous prévoyons d’atteindre ce seuil de rentabilité dans les 8 à 10 premiers mois d’exploitation, grâce à une stratégie marketing agressive et à une gestion rigoureuse des coûts. Ce sera un indicateur crucial de la viabilité à long terme du (Burger Food truck).

Projections sur 3 ans

Nos projections financières sur trois ans montrent une croissance stable des revenus, avec une augmentation des coûts opérationnels correspondant à l’expansion des opérations. Toutefois, grâce à des améliorations d’efficacité et à une base de clients fidèles, nous prévoyons une augmentation des marges bénéficiaires au fil du temps.

Risques financiers et atténuations

Comme toute entreprise, le (Burger Food truck) est exposé à des risques financiers. Ces risques comprennent la volatilité des coûts des ingrédients, les conditions météorologiques affectant les opérations, et les fluctuations de la demande. Pour atténuer ces risques, nous adopterons une approche d’achat stratégique, diversifierons nos emplacements et nos offres, et maintiendrons un fonds de réserve pour les périodes creuses. En somme, bien que le lancement et l’exploitation d’un food truck présentent des défis financiers, nous croyons fermement que grâce à une planification rigoureuse, une gestion efficace et un engagement envers la qualité, le (Burger Food truck) est bien positionné pour réussir et prospérer dans le paysage culinaire dynamique.

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Food Truck Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Food Truck Business Plan

You’ve come to the right place to create your food truck business plan.

We have helped over 100,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans and many have used them to start or grow their food trucks.

Food Truck Business Plan Example & Template

Below is a template to help you create each section of your food truck business plan.

Executive Summary

Business overview.

Zesty Zane’s Food Truck is a new food truck located in Portland owned by local critically acclaimed chef, Zane Benedict. The menu will consist of popular food options that consist of burgers, sandwiches, gyros, and tacos uniquely made with the creativity and uniqueness that Chef Zane can offer. Chef Zane’s eclectic style and consistency make him a favorite among Portland foodies and his food truck will garner a loyal following amongst young professionals and college students.

Zesty Zane’s Food Truck will be located in the immensely popular food truck pod known as Cartopia. Chef Zane will receive lots of exposure by being a part of this community as there are plenty of neighboring food trucks, bars, nightlife, and entertainment options nearby. With the popular location of Cartopia and an impressive Instagram social media following, Zesty Zane’s Food Truck is destined to become a local go-to dining destination for anyone craving delicious, interesting fare at an affordable price.

Products Served

The following are the products to be offered by Zesty Zane’s Food Truck:

  • Sandwiches & paninis
  • Assorted non-alcoholic beverages

Customer Focus

Zesty Zane’s Food Truck will target customers in Portland who live, work, or socialize near Cartopia. This area is frequented by numerous young professionals, college students, and the late-night crowd who regularly eat at food trucks. Anyone seeking trendy dining options are the target customers of Zesty Zane’s Food Truck.

Management Team

Chef Zane has worked in the culinary industry for over ten years and is accustomed to the long, demanding hours of operating a kitchen. He attended culinary school in San Francisco and returned home to Portland to be a part of the world-renowned food scene that Portland has built for itself. After working under three award-winning chefs, Chef Zane is ready to venture out on his own and start his own business as a food truck.

Chef Zane Benedict will be the food truck owner and operator of his food truck. He will operate the food truck Tuesday through Sunday from 11:00 am until 1:00 am. Chef Zane will also employ two part-time cooks to assist him during peak hours of operation.

Success Factors

The following success factors will set Zesty Zane’s Food Truck apart from the competition:

  • Exceptional cuisine made fresh with locally sourced ingredients.
  • An eclectic menu that is unlike any other in the Portland food scene.
  • Convenient location: Zesty Zane’s Food Truck will be located in a highly-trafficked food truck pod that is frequented by college students, young professionals, and night-life regulars.
  • Delicious food at a good price. Zesty Zane’s food items will be cheaper than other food truck dishes without sacrificing quality.

Financial Highlights

Zesty Zane’s Food Truck is seeking $40,000 in debt financing to open its food truck. The funding will be dedicated for the purchase of the food truck, cooking supplies and equipment, working capital, three months worth of payroll expenses and opening inventory. The breakout of the funding is below:

  • Purchase of food truck – $20,000
  • Food truck kitchen supplies and equipment – $10,000
  • Opening inventory – $2,000
  • Working capital (to include 3 months of overhead expenses) – $3,000
  • Marketing (website design and management) – $5,000

The following graph outlines the pro forma financial projections for Zesty Zane’s Food Truck:

food truck financials

Company Overview

Who is zesty zane’s food truck.

Zesty Zane’s Food Truck is a startup food truck business located in Portland, Oregon. The menu offerings are eclectic, made-to-order, bistro-type dishes served fresh and fast in the entertainment district of Portland. The ingredients are locally-sourced from independent food growers and artisans in and around the Portland region. The dishes are incorporated with an ingenious twist to commonly known popular food menu items. The menu options are simple dishes commonly seen at food trucks, but Chef Zane adds his own spin to the typical fare – sandwiches, gyros, burgers, and tacos all made his way unlike any other food establishment.

Zesty Zane’s Food Truck is owned and operated by Zane Benedict, a local Chef classically trained in culinary school and under the most prestigious chefs in Portland. Chef Zane is known for his creativity, consistency, and quickness in the kitchen and his dishes receive multiple positive reviews in the restaurants Zane has been employed. Chef Zane specializes in fine French, Italian, and Mediterranean cuisine with a creative twist not typically found in other restaurant establishments.

Zesty Zane’s Food Truck History

After graduating from culinary school in 2008, Chef Zane Benedict worked as a sous chef in three different restaurants in Portland. All of the chefs Zane worked under were award-winning, locally-acclaimed chefs that frequently trained their apprentices to prepare dishes up to their expectation and standards.

Chef Zane learned a great deal from these chefs and garnered a reputation himself for his creativity and consistency. Now that Zane feels he has learned as much as he can from the senior chefs, he would like to venture out on his own and start his own business. Due to the large amount of capital required to open a full-scale restaurant, Chef Zane decided a food truck business was the most cost-effective option for his operation.

Since incorporation, Zesty Zane’s Food Truck has achieved the following milestones:

  • Developed the food truck’s branding image, social media, and website.
  • Has a soft hold on a used food truck that recently went out of business.
  • Developed and finalized the menu of the dishes Chef Zane will serve.
  • Obtained a food permit license to be able to prepare and sell food and drinks in Portland County.
  • Obtained a sales and use tax permit for use in Portland County.

Zesty Zane’s Food Truck Products

The following are the types of menu items Zesty Zane’s Food Truck will produce:

Food Truck Industry Analysis

Food truck vendors will continue to perform well over the next five years, benefiting from consumers with deeper pockets who are able to spend on pricier gourmet food options. Revenues are expected to increase to $1.4 billion during this time period.

Food Truck industry operators are expected to continue to experience growth, as generally positive economic conditions and momentum from the gourmet food movement propel growth.

Consumers nowadays demand higher-quality food, a wider variety of styles and tastes, better presentation and, most importantly, more healthy menu options. Therefore, operators that include healthy options on their menus will be best situated for success over the next five years. Vendors that continue to offer unique food options will also be in a strong position by carving out a niche and developing a loyal customer base.

The food truck industry will also benefit from an increase in the urban population, which is expected to comprise the majority of the US population in five years. The food truck industry benefits from agglomeration because it relies on high foot traffic. Additionally, urban dwellers are also more likely to purchase meals rather than cooking at home due to their above-average incomes and limited spare time.

Customer Analysis

Demographic profile of target market.

Zesty Zane’s Food Truck will target the population of Portland that frequently dines in the entertainment district. There is a large food truck area of Portland known as Cartopia, where Chef Zane will set up his business. This area is home to numerous dining establishments, nightlife, bars, clubs, and food trucks. The target market of this area are usually young professionals and college students who have disposable income.

The precise demographics for Portland, Oregon are:

Customer Segmentation

Zesty Zane’s Food Truck will primarily target the following customer profile:

  • Local residents of Portland who partake in late-night activities such as socializing with friends or bar-hopping
  • Business professionals that work and reside in the Portland Cartopia area – law offices, hospitals, clinics, insurance agencies, retail, and schools
  • College students who are in search of fast, cheap, and trendy eats

Competitive Analysis

Direct and indirect competitors.

Zesty Zane’s Food Truck will be competing with other food trucks in the Portland community. A profile of each competitor is below.

Potato Champion

Potato Champion is a local favorite of Portland foodies that is also located in Cartopia. Started in 2008, Potato Champion quickly established itself as a fan favorite for late night food. Potato Champion serves a limited menu of hand cut, twice fried Belgian style fries, a variety of dipping sauces, and their own version of the Canadian classic Poutine, as well as other fry related dishes. They pride themselves in using the highest quality ingredients and focus on an inventive menu that combines tastes from all over the world with one of the most popular foods found on the globe, the french fry.

Potato Champion is open for lunch, dinner, and late-night. They are available for catering and delivery through Postmates. Followers of Potato Champion are also able to purchase swag from their store that includes music, bags, pins, and hoodies.

Started by John Eads in 2009, Pyro Pizza was built out of a 8’x16’ food cart that he custom-built with a cast iron wood fire oven. Aside from wood fired pizza, John also makes his own sodas using all real ingredients and natural cane sugar. John’s belief is that good ingredients make good food. His crew makes many components in-house and sources regional flour, pepperoni, sausage, blue cheese, soda ingredients, and seasonal produce all from Portland businesses and farms. In 2015, Pyro’s expanded to a new sandwich cart, Pyro’s Wicked Wiches – a scratch-made sandwich, soup, chips and cookie food cart.

Pyro’s serves an assortment of wood fire pizzas made from scratch. Their choices are margherita, marinara, arugula and mushroom, pepperoni, quattro formaggi, fennel sausage, veggie bianca, breadsticks, salads, and sodas.

Chicken and Guns

Chicken and Guns is another local favorite among Portland foodies. Also found in Cartopia, Chicken and Guns serves up Latin American chicken, wings, tacos, salad, soup, and their “guns” are crispy seasoned potatoes. The chicken is served by the quarter, half, or whole bird. Another item they are acclaimed for is their peruvian aji sauce, habanero carrot sauce and chimichurri sauce. They have been named the best fried chicken in Portland by the PDX Eater.

Chicken and Guns is open everyday from 11:00 am to 10:00 pm for takeout and delivery options. With a large Instagram and social media following, there is always destined to be a line at the Chicken and Guns food truck.

Competitive Advantage

Zesty Zane’s Food Truck offers several advantages over its competition. Those advantages are:

Food Truck Marketing Plan

Zesty Zane’s Food Truck will offer a unique value proposition to its clientele:

  • Delicious food made fresh with locally sourced ingredients using exquisite techniques.
  • Located in the ultra-hip food truck area known as Cartopia.
  • Great food at a great price. The menu offerings of Zesty Zane’s Food Truck will be accessible to customers of all walks of life.

Promotions Strategy

The promotions strategy for Zesty Zane’s Food Truck are as follows:

Social Media

Zesty Zane’s Food Truck’s main source of marketing will be through social media, primarily their Instagram page. Chef Zane has become adept at taking appealing photographs of his dishes. He will post pictures of his menu and add details on the location and hours of operation. His food truck account already has over 3,000 followers and he posts daily “Coming Soon” teaser photos.

Zesty Zane’s Food Truck will be parked in the immensely popular food truck hub known as Cartopia of Portland. There are dozens of food trucks located in this pod and there is always a crowd of people. Cartopia hosts bands, art shows, shopping events, and other social gatherings to enhance the entertainment vibe of the pod. By being part of Cartopia, Zesty Zane’s Food Truck will receive lots of exposure and traffic.

SEO Website Marketing

Zesty Zane’s Food Truck plans to invest funds into maintaining a strong SEO presence on search engines like Google and Bing. When a person types in “local food truck” or “top food trucks in Portland”, Zesty Zane’s Food Truck will appear in the top three choices. Zesty Zane’s will also invest in their website also to ensure that it is user friendly, always up to date, and displays professional photographs of its menu items and location.

Third Party Delivery Sites

Zesty Zane’s Food Truck will maintain a presence on sites like GrubHub, Uber Eats, Doordash, and Postmates so that people looking for local food with the option of delivery will see Zesty Zane’s listed.

The pricing of Zesty Zane’s Food Truck will be moderate and on par with other food trucks so customers feel they receive value when purchasing their menu items.

Operations Plan

The operations plan for Zesty Zane’s Food Truck is relatively simple as its overhead and cost is small. The functional roles for its employees are as follows:

Operation Functions:

  • Chef Zane will run the food truck operation. He will be in charge of inventory, menu creation, food truck marketing, customer service, and bookkeeping. Chef Zane will work every day that he chooses to open the food truck. Chef Zane plans on operating the food truck Tuesday through Sunday 11:00 am to 1:00 am.
  • Two part-time cooks that will alternate helping Chef Zane during the hours of operation. As business picks up, there will be two cooks at the same time assisting Chef Zane during peak hours.


Zesty Zane’s Food Truck aims to open in the next 3 months. The following are the milestones needed in order to obtain this goal.

4/15/202X – Purchase food truck

5/1/202X – Finalize menu

5/15/202X – Social media and advertising campaign begins

6/1/202X – Finish cleaning up the food truck and prepare it for operation

6/10/202X – Purchase food and drink inventory, stock truck, and park it at Cartopia

6/11/202X – Grand Opening of Zesty Zane’s Food Truck

Zesty Zane’s Food Truck will be owned and operated by Chef Zane Benedict.

Chef Zane Benedict, Food Truck Owner

Chef Zane Benedict is a Portland native who attended culinary school in San Francisco and returned to Portland to become a part of the world-renowned food scene Portland is uniquely known for. Zane was trained under three different chefs at fine dining establishments in downtown Portland and was awarded Best Sous Chef of Portland in 2017. Chef Zane has won two local culinary competitions, placed runner-up in a statewide competition, and participated in a cooking competition show on the Food Network.

Chef Zane has received numerous awards for his creativity and consistency of his food while being able to prepare dishes in a short amount of time. His ability to prepare food under pressure allows him the unique skill of serving numerous customers without having them undergo long wait times. This will keep customers happy and coming back for more.

Financial Plan

Key revenue & costs.

The revenue drivers for Zesty Zane’s Food Truck will come from the menu items being offered daily.

The cost drivers will be the ingredients and products needed to make the menu items (oil, bread, meat, chicken, produce, drinks) as well as the cooking materials (pots, pans, bowls, plates, utensils, etc.). Other cost drivers will be the overhead expenses of payroll for the part-time employees and propane for the food truck.

Funding Requirements and Use of Funds

  • Food Truck Marketing (website design and management) – $5,000

Key Assumptions

The following table outlines the key assumptions required in order to achieve the revenue and cost numbers in the financials and in order to pay off the business loan.

Initial Number of Customers Per Day: 50

Average Menu Item Cost: $9.00

Average Order per Customer: $15.00

Annual Cost for Maintenance of Truck: $10,000

Financial Projections

Income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, food truck business plan faqs, what is a food truck business plan.

A food truck business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your food truck business. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections.

You can  easily complete your food truck business plan using our Food Truck Business Plan Template here .

What Are the Main Types of Food Truck Companies?

There are a variety of types of food trucks, each specializing in a specific type of cuisine or food item. There are food trucks that sell burgers, cookies, ice cream, tacos, pizza, sandwiches, salads and more.  

What Are the Main Sources of Revenues and Expenses for a Food Truck Business?

The primary source of revenue for food truck businesses is its food and beverage sales. 

The key expenses for a food truck business are food costs, salaries, and transportation expenses. 

How Do You Get Funding for Your Food Truck Business?

Food truck businesses are typically funded through small business loans, personal savings, crowdfunding and credit card financing.  A well-crafted food truck business plan is essential to securing funding.

What are the Steps To Start a Food Truck Business?

Starting a food truck business can be an exciting endeavor. Having a clear roadmap of the steps to start a business will help you stay focused on your goals and get started faster.

1. Develop A Food Truck Business Plan - The first step in starting a business is to create a detailed business plan for your food truck that outlines all aspects of the venture. This should include potential market size and target customers, the services or products you will offer, pricing strategies and a detailed financial forecast.  

2. Choose Your Legal Structure - It's important to select an appropriate legal entity for your food truck business. This could be a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to do research and choose wisely so that your food truck business is in compliance with local laws.

3. Register Your Food Truck Business - Once you have chosen a legal structure, the next step is to register your food truck business with the government or state where you’re operating from. This includes obtaining licenses and permits as required by federal, state, and local laws. 

4. Identify Financing Options - It’s likely that you’ll need some capital to start your food truck business, so take some time to identify what financing options are available such as bank loans, investor funding, grants, or crowdfunding platforms. 

5. Choose a Location - Whether you plan on operating out of a physical location or not, you should always have an idea of where you’ll be based should it become necessary in the future as well as what kind of space would be suitable for your operations. 

6. Hire Employees - There are several ways to find qualified employees including job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed as well as hiring agencies if needed – depending on what type of employees you need it might also be more effective to reach out directly through networking events. 

7. Acquire Necessary Food Truck Equipment & Supplies - In order to start your food truck business, you'll need to purchase all of the necessary equipment and supplies to run a successful operation. 

8. Market & Promote Your Business - Once you have all the necessary pieces in place, it’s time to start promoting and marketing your food truck business. Food truck marketing includes creating a website, utilizing social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and having an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. You should also consider traditional marketing techniques such as radio or print advertising. 

Learn more about how to start a successful food truck business:

  • How to Start a Food Truck Business

Where Can I Get a Food Truck Business Plan PDF?

You can download our free food truck business plan template PDF here . This is a sample food truck business plan template you can use in PDF format.

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How to create a food truck business plan

  • Nirit Braun
  • Sep 8, 2023

How to create a food truck business plan

A food truck business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the strategies, goals and financial projections for a food truck venture. It serves as a roadmap for starting and operating a successful food truck business.

The plan below will provide a detailed overview of your company's mission, target market, menu offerings, marketing strategies, operational procedures, business website and financial projections.

Looking to take your food truck online by building a website ? Take Wix’s website builder for a spin.

Why create a food truck business plan? Top benefits to consider

When starting a business , having a well-defined and thorough business plan is crucial. This is true for any type of business , but especially true for food truck entrepreneurs, as the mobile nature of the operation and the unique challenges it presents require careful planning and strategizing. A business plan helps you accomplish the following:

Create a business blueprint: A business plan acts as a blueprint for your mobile eats venture. It helps you establish a solid foundation by clearly defining your company's mission, vision and values. This clarity of purpose is essential for setting the direction and tone of your business. Your business plan can also be used to explain what type of business you'll start - whether that's an LLC, Corporation or something else. Learn more about how to start an LLC .

Understand your target market: A well-researched business plan helps you identify your ideal customers, their preferences and purchasing behaviors. By gaining insights into your market, you can tailor your menu offerings, pricing and marketing strategies to effectively attract and retain customers.

Outline all business operations: A comprehensive food truck business plan considers the operational aspects of your business in detail. It includes information on sourcing ingredients, managing inventory, organizing staffing requirements and maintaining food safety standards. By planning these procedures in advance, you can ensure smooth and efficient operations once your business is up and running.

Secure funding: In order to raise money for your business , potential investors and lenders will require a well-prepared business plan. A thorough plan demonstrates your commitment to the venture and showcases your financial projections, including start-up costs, revenue forecasts and potential profitability. It gives investors confidence in the viability and potential return on investment of your business.

Allocate resources: Writing a business plan forces you to thoroughly analyze and understand what resources, supplies and staff are needed to start and operate your food truck business. It helps you identify the equipment, ingredients and permits required for your mobile kitchen, as well as the necessary staffing levels.

Anticipate challenges and risks: By conducting a thorough market analysis and understanding the competitive landscape, you can identify potential hurdles and plan accordingly. Furthermore, by conducting a financial analysis, you can identify potential cash flow issues and devise strategies to address them proactively.

Monitor progress and performance: A well-designed business plan provides a benchmark against which you can track your progress and measure your performance. It allows you to set key performance indicators (KPIs) and track your business' financial health, customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

How to create a food truck business plan in 7 steps

A well-crafted food truck business plan consists of several key components that provide a comprehensive overview of your venture. These seven steps help you articulate your business concept, strategize your operations and outline your financial projections.

Executive summary

Company name and domain name

Market analysis and research

Operations plan

Marketing and advertising plan

Financial plan

01. Executive summary

The executive summary is a concise overview of your entire food truck business plan. It provides a snapshot of your company, its goals and the strategies you'll employ to achieve them. Although it appears at the beginning of your plan, it's often best to write the executive summary last, as it summarizes the content and highlights the most significant points. A clear executive summary should include:

A high-level description of your food truck business

Key objectives and mission statement

A summary of your target market and competitive advantage

An overview of your management team and their qualifications

Financial projections and funding requirements

Example of an executive summary: "[Food truck name] is a mobile eatery that offers a diverse menu of gourmet street food inspired by international flavors. Our mission is to provide high-quality, delicious and convenient meals to customers on the go. With a focus on using fresh, locally sourced ingredients, we aim to satisfy the taste buds of food enthusiasts in [target market]. Our experienced team consists of seasoned chefs who bring their culinary expertise and passion for innovative dishes. We are seeking [dollar amount] in funding, which will be used to cover initial start-up costs, purchase equipment and build brand awareness through marketing initiatives."

02. Company name and domain name

The name of your food truck business plays a crucial role in establishing brand awareness and trust among your target audience. It should be memorable, descriptive and reflective of your brand identity. While deciding how to name a business , consider its relevance to your cuisine, the uniqueness of the name within the industry and its potential for trademark registration. This is an important step to consider before taking steps to register your business .

A business name generator can be a helpful tool to generate ideas and inspire creativity. It can provide a list of potential names based on keywords or themes related to food and your concept. To narrow it down further, you can use a restaurant name generator for more food-focused ideas.

In addition to the company name, consider securing a domain name for your food truck business. The domain name should ideally match your business name or reflect the type of cuisine you offer. Check the availability of the domain name through domain registration platforms to ensure it is not already taken. Selecting a memorable and relevant domain name is essential for building a strong online presence and making it easy for potential customers to find you.

Learn more: Food business name ideas , Food truck business name ideas , Restaurant business name ideas

03. Market analysis and research

There are more than 36,000 food truck businesses in the U.S. as of 2023, so knowing where you stand—and how you’ll stand out—is vital. Market analysis and research help you gain insights into your target market, understand customer preferences and identify your competitive landscape. Conduct thorough research on your target demographic, studying their eating habits, preferences and purchasing power.

Assess the local food truck industry by analyzing existing businesses, their offerings, pricing and customer reviews. Identify any gaps in the market that your food truck can fill or potential niches you could target. This information will guide your business strategy and help you position your food truck effectively.

04. Operations plan

The operations plan outlines the logistical aspects of your food truck business. It includes details about your location, permits and licenses required, equipment needed and staffing requirements.

Determine the best location for your food truck based on factors such as high foot traffic, parking availability and proximity to your target market. Research local regulations and obtain the necessary permits and licenses to run your food truck legally.

Consider the equipment needed to operate your food truck efficiently. This may include a commercial-grade kitchen, refrigeration systems, cooking appliances, serving counters and point-of-sale systems. Ensure that you outline the costs associated with acquiring and maintaining this equipment.

Staffing needs should be addressed as well, including the number of employees required, their roles and any necessary training. You may need to hire a chef, cooks, servers and support staff, depending on the scale of your operations.

05. Marketing and advertising plan

The marketing and advertising plan outlines how you intend to promote your food truck business and attract customers. Identify the most effective food marketing strategies for reaching your target audience, such as social media marketing, local events, partnerships or collaborations with other businesses.

You’ll want to make sure your branding is represented by clean, eye-catching and professional visuals as you embark on marketing endeavors. If you don’t yet have a logo, you can use a logo maker to help you generate ideas. For food trucks in particular, a restaurant logo maker or food logo maker can be especially helpful.

Consider then creating a presence on social media platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook, to showcase your food, engage with customers and build a loyal following. Develop a content plan that includes high-quality photos and engaging captions to captivate potential customers.

Utilize local events and festivals to reach a wider audience. Explore opportunities to collaborate with local businesses, such as hosting pop-up events or offering special discounts for their customers.

You should also implement a customer feedback system to track satisfaction levels, address concerns and continuously improve your offerings. Encourage customers to leave reviews on platforms like Yelp and Google to establish credibility and attract new customers.

06. Financial plan

The financial plan is a crucial part of any business plan, as it outlines the financial projections, funding requirements and revenue forecast for your food truck business. It helps you assess the financial feasibility of your venture and make informed decisions regarding pricing strategies and growth plans.

Include a comprehensive breakdown of your start-up costs, such as vehicle acquisition, equipment, permits, licenses and initial inventory. Current estimates place the average cost to start a food truck business somewhere around $55,000 . Determine your fixed and variable costs, including ingredient costs, staff wages, fuel and maintenance expenses. Project your revenue based on your estimated sales volume and pricing structure.

Additionally, consider different sources of funding for your food truck, such as personal savings, loans or potential investors. Outline the repayment plan for any borrowed funds and include a timeline for reaching profitability.

07. Appendices

Appendices provide additional supporting documents and information that enhance the credibility of your food truck business plan. Include items like your menu, sample recipes, your chef's credentials, market research data, financial spreadsheets and any legal documents or permits required for operation.

By including relevant supporting materials, you demonstrate your preparedness and attention to detail, increasing the confidence of potential investors and lenders in your business concept.

steps for developing a business plan

Food truck business plan template

Creating a food truck business plan can be a daunting task, especially if you're starting from scratch. Fortunately, there are templates and resources available to help you streamline the process and create a comprehensive plan. This template provides structure and guides you through the various components of a food truck business plan.

Executive summary: Outline your business overview, mission statement, competitive advantage, management team and financial projections or funding requirements.

Company name and domain name: List the name of your food truck business and the URL/domain name for your business website.

Market analysis and research: This should cover your target market demographics, competitive analysis and niche identification.

Operations: Explain your general area of operation, any equipment or staffing requirements, and permits and licenses you hold.

Marketing and advertising: Include your plans for social media marketing, participating in local events and collaborations, and a customer feedback system.

Financial plan: Outline your start-up costs, fixed and variable costs, revenue projections and sources of funding.

Appendices: Provide a sample menu and recipes, the chef's credentials or any other market research data.

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Food Truck Business Plan Template

Food Truck Business Plan Template

What is a Food Truck Business Plan?

A food truck business plan outlines the concept, target market, and financial projections of a food truck business. It also includes a detailed strategy outlining the focus areas, objectives, targets (KPIs), and related projects that need to be implemented in order to achieve the desired financial goals. The food truck business plan serves as a blueprint for the entrepreneurs and owners to follow as they start up their business.

What's included in this Food Truck Business Plan template?

  • 3 focus areas
  • 6 objectives

Each focus area has its own objectives, projects, and KPIs to ensure that the strategy is comprehensive and effective.

Who is the Food Truck Business Plan template for?

This food truck business plan template is designed for entrepreneurs and owners looking to start their own food truck business. The template provides a comprehensive structure for them to outline their concept, target market, and financial projections, as well as a detailed strategy for achieving their desired financial goals.

1. Define clear examples of your focus areas

Focus areas are the major components of your food truck business plan. Within each focus area, there should be defined objectives and related projects that help achieve those objectives. Examples of strategic focus areas that could fall under a Food Truck Business Plan could be: Develop Food Truck Concept, Establish Legal Structures, and Develop Financial Models.

2. Think about the objectives that could fall under that focus area

Objectives are the goals that need to be achieved in order to reach the desired outcome of the focus area. They should be detailed and specific, and should include measurable targets (KPIs) that can be used to assess progress. Examples of some objectives for the focus area of Develop Food Truck Concept could be: Define Target Market, and Create Unique Menu.

3. Set measurable targets (KPIs) to tackle the objective

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are measurable targets that help evaluate progress. They should be set for each objective and should be specific and measurable. Examples of KPIs include number of customers, sales, or costs.

4. Implement related projects to achieve the KPIs

Projects are the actions that need to be taken in order to achieve the KPIs. They should be related to the objectives and should be detailed and specific. Examples of projects include market research, recipe development, and applying for licenses and permits.

5. Utilize Cascade Strategy Execution Platform to see faster results from your strategy

The Cascade Strategy Execution Platform helps entrepreneurs and business owners quickly and efficiently track the progress of their business plans. The platform helps to identify areas that need improvement, set measurable targets, and track progress in real-time, enabling faster results from their strategy.

Don't bother with copy and paste.

Get this complete sample business plan as a free text document.

Food Truck Business Plan

Start your own food truck business plan

Street Eats Food Truck

Value proposition.

Street Eats Food Truck offers high-quality, diverse, and affordable meals on-the-go. We blend creativity with culinary tradition, bringing global flavors directly to local communities, events, and private functions.

The Problem

People on the go often lack access to diverse, quality meals at affordable prices. Many food options in densely populated areas are either fast food or expensive sit-down restaurants.

The Solution

Street Eats Food Truck provides a solution by offering quality, flavorful, and affordably-priced meals directly to consumers in various locations. Our dynamic menu keeps customers interested and promotes a fun dining experience.

Target Market

Our primary target market includes busy professionals, students, and families looking for a quick and unique dining option. The secondary target market includes event organizers looking for catering services for festivals, private functions, and corporate events.

Competitors & Differentiation

Current alternatives.

  • Other food trucks
  • Fast food restaurants
  • Casual dining restaurants

Street Eats Food Truck stands out with its creative, globally-inspired menu, focus on quality ingredients, and commitment to customer service. We also leverage location flexibility, serving customers at numerous hotspot locations, events, and festivals.

Funding Needs

The estimated startup cost for the food truck, including the truck, kitchen equipment, initial food supply, permits, insurance, and marketing, is approximately $100,000.

Sales Channels

  • Street Eats Food Truck (various locations)
  • Catering for private events and festivals
  • Online orders for pick-up via the business’s website
  • Partnerships with local businesses and events

Marketing Activities

  • Social Media Campaigns
  • Local SEO and Online Advertising
  • Participation in Local Food Festivals and Events
  • Collaborations with Local Businesses for pop-up events

Financial Projections

2023: $150,000

2024: $175,000

2025: $200,000


2023: $110,000

2024: $120,000

2025: $130,000

2023: $40,000

2024: $55,000

2025: $70,000

  • Obtain necessary permits and licenses — July 1, 2023
  • Purchase and outfit the food truck — August 1, 2023
  • Launch website and social media accounts — September 1, 2023
  • Open for business — October 1, 2023
  • Cater first private event — November 1, 2023
  • Participate in a local food festival — May 1, 2024

Team and Key Roles


Responsible for daily operations, menu creation, customer service, and event coordination.

Prepares the food, ensures quality control, maintains cleanliness and food safety standards.

Part-time Staff

Assists during peak hours and large events, helps with food preparation, customer service, and cleanup.

Partnerships & Resources

The purpose of these partnerships is to increase visibility, reach more customers, and create a thriving food truck business.

Local Suppliers

Partnerships with local food suppliers ensure fresh and quality ingredients, support local economy, and can potentially attract customers interested in locally-sourced food.

Event Organizers

Collaborations with local event organizers can provide access to large audiences at festivals, concerts, and private functions.

Local Businesses

Partnering with local businesses for pop-up events can attract their customers and provide mutual benefits.

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business plan food truck belgique

Calypso Tree

Food truck business plan examples: 20+ templates & success guide.

Are you dreaming of your own food truck? A solid business plan is your first step. But where to start? Don’t worry! This guide covers everything from defining your concept to finding hungry customers. We’ll even share 20+  food truck business plan examples  and templates to make it easy. Let’s get cooking!”

Table of Contents

What are the essential components of a food truck business plan?

Executive summary: the quick intro.

This is a short snapshot of your idea. What’s your food truck all about? What makes you special?

  • Example:  “Fresh Eats Food Truck is all about healthy and tasty food on the go! We’ll serve awesome salads, wraps, and juices to busy people who care about eating well.”

Company Description: Your Story

Tell us who’s behind the truck and why you’re doing this.

  • Example:  “Fresh Eats was started by chef Sarah, who loves creating healthy dishes, and Michael, who knows how to run a business. Together, they’re the perfect team!”

Market Analysis: Know Your Customers

Who will buy your food (customer demographics)? Are there other food trucks nearby (competitor analysis)?

  • Example:  “Fresh Eats is perfect for office workers who want a healthy lunch but don’t have much time. Other food trucks are around, but none focus on super healthy options like us.”

Menu and Pricing: What’s for Lunch?

Your menu is the star! Please tell us what you’ll serve, where you’ll get your ingredients, and how much things will cost (profit margins).

  • Example:  “We change our salads with the seasons! You can build your wrap and add tasty toppings. We use the best stuff, so our prices might be slightly higher than the taco truck.”

Marketing and Sales Strategy: Spreading the Word

How will you find customers and excite them? Consider social media, partnering with businesses, and offering special offers.

  • Example:  “We’ll post drool-worthy pics on Instagram and Facebook! We can park near office buildings at lunchtime and even bring food to company events.”

Operations: The Behind-the-Scenes Stuff

This is the practical part: where will you cook, who will help you, and how will you follow all the food safety rules and get the right permits?

  • Example:  “We’ll rent space in a special kitchen to prep our food. We need a chef and a cashier when it’s busy. We’ll make sure to follow all the health department’s rules!”

Financial Projections: The Money Part

Here’s where you get serious about money. How much will it cost to start (startup costs)? How much will you earn (revenue forecast)?

  • Example:  “We need money for the truck, kitchen stuff, and food to start. We think we can make $15,000 each month. Our goal is to start making a profit within six months!”

Why Do You Need a Food Truck Business Plan?

Think of your food truck business plan as your recipe for success. Here’s why:

  • A Clear Map: Your plan forces you to think through every part of your awesome idea. What kind of food will you serve? Where will you park? How will you be different from other food trucks? Answering these questions gives you a solid direction.
  • Show Me the Money! Need a loan or investor to get your truck rolling? A business plan shows them you’ve done your homework. It proves you understand the money side – how much things cost and how you’ll make a profit.
  • Plan for the Unexpected: Your plan helps you think “what if?” What if your best ingredient gets super expensive? What if it rains the day of a big event? Having a backup plan means those problems won’t ruin your business.
  • Reach Your Goals: Did you sell as much as you hoped? Are customers happy? Your plan lets you track your progress so you can see what’s working and what might need a change.
  • Fuel for the Long Haul: Running a food truck is hard work, but also exciting! Your plan reminds you why you got into this in the first place and helps you stay motivated.

It’s More Than Just Paper:

  • Opening Day Checklist: Your plan tells you which permits you need and the steps to get your truck up and running legally.
  • Finding Hungry Customers: Think office lunch crowd or late-night party crowd? Your plan helps you figure out the best places to sell your food.
  • Pricing for Success: Make sure you’re charging enough to make money but still keeping your prices fair. Your plan helps you find the perfect balance.
  • Building Your A-Team: Will you need helpers? Your plan makes sure you hire the right number of people for those busy times.

Remember: Your plan can evolve along with your business! Look it over often, make changes when you need to, and use it to make smart decisions to keep your food truck on the road to success!

What are the Typical Startup Costs for a Food Truck?

Launching a food truck is like opening a restaurant on wheels – there are some costs you just can’t avoid. Here’s the rundown:

Food Truck Examples

Food Truck Examples

  • Buying New: Can cost as much as a small house!
  • Buying Used: A cheaper option, but be sure to get a mechanic to check it out.
  • Leasing: Like renting a truck – monthly payments instead of one huge upfront cost.

Your Mini-Kitchen Setup

  • This depends on your food. Simple menu = cheaper equipment.
  • Ovens, fryers, fridges…think of what a tiny restaurant would need.
  • Don’t forget storage for napkins, utensils, and all that stuff!

The Official Paperwork

  • Every city/state is different. Some places have lots of strict rules.
  • Licenses: Give you permission to operate.
  • Permits: Think food safety, parking spots, and fire inspections.

Branding and design:

  • Your truck is your billboard! Think eye-catching paint or a wrap.
  • Logo design: Makes you memorable.
  • Menus: Need to be clear, easy to read, and look tasty.

Initial inventory: 

  • Start with enough ingredients for your first few days.
  • Overbuying means food going bad and wasted money.
  • You’ll learn what you sell the most of as you go!

Important Note: Costs change depending on where you live, your menu, and if you buy new or used. Do a ton of research specific to your area!

What are the Legal Requirements for Starting a Food Truck?

Think of your food truck as a mini-restaurant with extra rules since you’re always on the move. Here’s the basics:

Become an Official Business

  • Business License: This tells your city/state you exist. You’ll need one to get everything else.
  • Picking a Name: Make sure no other business has the same name!

Food Safety is #1

  • Health Permits: These prove your truck passes food safety inspections.
  • Rules are STRICT – clean surfaces, proper food storage, etc.
  • Each place you want to sell might have its own permit!

Your Truck Needs to Be Legit

  • Just like a car, it needs registration (license plates) and insurance.
  • Some places have rules about how big your truck can be, or where you can park.

You’re the Boss – Get Certified

  • Food Safety Training: You (and probably your staff) need to take a class.
  • This proves you know about keeping food germ-free and safe for your customers.

Rules can be totally different depending on where you live. Don’t just trust online info – contact your local health department and city hall!

How Specific Should Your Food Truck Concept Be?

How Specific Should Your Food Truck Concept Be

How Specific Should Your Food Truck Concept Be

Finding the right balance between specific and too narrow is key for food truck success. Here’s what to think about:

  • Stand Out From The Crowd: “Burgers and fries” isn’t going to cut it! You need something unique. Maybe it’s loaded burgers with crazy toppings, or all-vegan burgers.
  • But Don’t Go Too Niche: “Kale smoothie truck”? Probably too limited. You need enough options to keep customers coming back, even if you do have a specialty.
  • It’s More Than Just Food: Your concept is also about the vibe. Are you a gourmet hipster truck? A late-night comfort food spot? Matching this to your target audience is important.
  • Location Matters: A seafood truck in the desert? Might be tough. Make sure there’s a demand and that your concept fits the area.

Finding the Sweet Spot: Examples

  • Too Broad: “Sandwiches”. Boring!
  • Too Narrow: “Peanut butter and banana sandwiches ONLY”. Gets old fast.
  • Just Right: “Gourmet grilled cheese with a twist”. Specific but offers room for creativity and variety.

How To Conduct Market Research for Food Truck?

Food Truck Festival Business Plan Examples

Food Truck Festival Business Plan Examples

Market research is like spying on your potential customers! It helps you figure out what they want and where to find them. Here’s how to tackle it:

Who’s Your Perfect Customer?

  • Don’t just say “everyone”! Be specific.
  • Age: Are you aiming for college students or busy families?
  • Habits: Do they grab lunch on the go or hang out late?
  • Tastes: Spicy food lovers? Health nuts?

Scope Out the Competition:

  • Food Trucks: What other trucks are nearby? What do they sell? What do they do well? Where are their weaknesses?
  • Restaurants: Even regular restaurants compete for your customers’ dollars. Check them out too!

Get Out There!

  • Talk to People: Ask friends, neighbors, anyone who fits your target customer what they think.
  • Visit Food Truck Events: Taste the competition, see what crowds they attract.
  • Online Sleuthing: Social media, restaurant review sites – what do people say about the food scene in your area?

Dig into the Data:

  • Local Chamber of Commerce: They have stats on your area (population, income, etc.)
  • Foot Traffic Websites: These can show how busy spots are at different times of day, perfect for choosing where to park!

Remember: Market research is ongoing. Keep an eye on trends, what other trucks are doing, and what your customers are saying to stay ahead of the game!

How Do You Price Your Food Truck Menu?

How Do You Price Your Food Truck Menu

How Do You Price Your Food Truck Menu

Pricing your food right is tricky! You need to make a profit, but you can’t scare customers away with crazy high prices. Here’s what to consider:

The True Cost of Each Dish

  • Ingredients: Don’t just think about the main items. Every single topping, sauce, even the bun adds up!
  • Labor: How long does it take to make? More complicated dishes should cost more.
  • Overhead: The boring stuff – gas, permits, napkins…all these costs need to be covered.

Know Your Customers

  • What can they afford? Fancy ingredients in a student area is a bad idea.
  • What else is around? You can charge more if you’re the only gourmet option, but not if you’re parked next to a dollar hot dog cart.

Spy on the Competition

  • What do similar food trucks charge for similar items?
  • Are you offering something better? Then you can charge a little more.

Don’t Forget About Profit

  • You’re doing this to make money!
  • Aim for a profit margin – this means after paying for everything, you still have some cash leftover.
  • Most restaurants aim for around 30% profit margin on each dish.

Menu pricing is flexible! If something isn’t selling, lower the price. If you have a crowd-favorite, maybe raise it a bit.

How Do You Market Your Food Truck?

Bazaar Food Truck Festival Business Plan Examples

Bazaar Food Truck Festival Business Plan Examples

Food trucks need to get noticed! Here are the best ways to spread the word:

Strong social media

  • Social Media is King: Instagram for drool-worthy pics, Facebook to post your schedule. Short, funny videos on TikTok can go viral!
  • Get Chatty: Answer questions in comments, be friendly, and build an online following.
  • Location, Location: Always tell people where your truck is each day!

Participate in events

  • Events Are Your Friend: Food festivals, street fairs, even concerts – wherever hungry people gather.
  • Food Truck Roundups: Some cities have special events just for food trucks. Great way to find new customers.


  • Partner Up: Is there a coffee truck nearby? Offer a “brunch special” together.
  • Businesses Love Lunch: Park near offices and offer delivery for the whole group.

Positive reviews

  • Reviews Matter: Yelp, Google, anywhere people talk about restaurants.
  • Ask Nicely: Put a sign on your truck asking happy customers to leave a review.
  • Great Service = Great Reviews: Being friendly and having yummy food is the best way to make this happen!

What are the Risks of starting a food truck business? (And How to Fix It)

Food Truck Business Plan Examples

Food Truck Business Plan Examples

Food trucks are great, but they’re also a lot of work. Here are some  risks of starting a food truck business  you might face:

Weather dependency

  • Rainy Day Blues: No one wants to stand in line in the rain, even for fantastic food.
  • Solution: Have a backup plan! Indoor events and partnerships with businesses that have covered areas nearby.

Limited space

  • Tiny Kitchen: Cooking and storing everything gets cramped.
  • Solution: Smart menu design is key! Dishes that use a few fresh ingredients are easier to manage.

Finding reliable locations

  • It’s taken! Popular spots for food trucks get snatched up fast.
  • Solution: Network! Get to know other truck owners, check online calendars for your city, and scout new locations

Work All Day & Night

  • Long Hours: Prep before you open, serving customers, cleanup afterward…it adds up!
  • Solution: You can’t do it alone! Hire good staff, even if it’s just part-time helpers for busy times.

Challenges can turn into opportunities. Bad weather special? “Cozy comfort food for a rainy day!” Limited space? “Simple menu means your food gets to you faster!”

Where Can You Find Resources to Help Your Write My Food Truck Business Plan?

Don’t worry, you don’t have to do this alone! Here are places to find support:

Help from the Government (Yes, Really!)

  • The SBA (Small Business Administration): They love helping new businesses! Their website ( ) has tons of info.
  • Local Business Centers: Search for ones near you. They often have free advisors to help with business plans.

Learn from the Pros

  • Food Truck Websites: Lots have blogs with advice, like “The 3 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting”.
  • Industry Groups: Some areas have food truck associations – perfect for networking and getting tips.

Food Ideas for Your Food Truck Business

Choosing what to serve is a big decision for your food truck! Here are some ideas to get you started. Think about what you love to cook, and what people in your area might crave:

  • Ice Cream: Classic! Offer fun flavors and toppings.
  • Shaved Ice: Perfect for hot days.
  • Popsicles: Make your own with fresh fruit – healthy and yummy!
  • Grilled food: Burgers, chicken, even grilled veggies
  • Fried Chicken: A crowd favorite, but it needs special equipment.
  • Tacos: Endless options – fish, steak, vegetarian…
  • Pizza: Fancy with a special oven, or simple slices to go.
  • Salad: Freshest ingredients are key – boring salads won’t sell!
  • Smoothies: Lots of flavor combos, can add healthy boosts.
  • Wraps: Easy to hold, perfect for lunch on the go.
  • Pastries: Who doesn’t love a fresh donut?
  • Cookies: Gourmet cookies are trendy.
  • Cupcakes: Get creative – decorate them with a cool theme.
  • BBQ: If you’re a master smoker, this is a winner.
  • Mac & Cheese: Dress it up with fancy toppings!
  • Gourmet Hot Dogs: Not just for ballparks – think unique sausages and toppings.
  • Soup: Homemade and comforting on cold days.
  • Coffee/Tea: Perfect partner for another truck’s food!
  • Pretzels: Warm, salty snacks are always popular.
  • Ethnic Cuisine: Do you have a specialty? Share your grandma’s recipe!

Important: What’s popular in YOUR area? Does anyone else do what you want to do? Your idea needs to stand out!

20+ Food Truck Business Plan Examples & Templates

Pizza Food Truck Business Plan Examples

Pizza Food Truck Business Plan Examples

Printable Food Truck Business Plan Example

Printable Food Truck Business Plan Examples

Simple Food Truck Business Plan Example

Simple Food Truck Business Plan Examples

Template for Food Truck Business Plan Example

Template for Food Truck Business Plan Examples

Minimal Food Truck Business Plan Example

Minimal Food Truck Business Plan Examples

Editable Food Truck Business Plan Example

Editable Food Truck Business Plan Examples

Easy Edit Food Truck Business Plan Example

Easy Edit Food Truck Business Plan Examples

Customizable Food Truck Business Plan Example

Customizable Food Truck Business Plan Examples

Basic Food Truck Business Plan Example

Basic Food Truck Business Plan Examples

New Food Truck Business Plan Example

New Food Truck Business Plan Examples

A business plan is your roadmap to food truck awesomeness! It shows you’re serious and helps you avoid problems later.

Owning a food truck is hard work, but it’s super rewarding. A great plan is your first step towards making your food truck dreams come true!

Ready to turn your food truck vision into reality? A detailed business plan is your key ingredient for success. It’ll guide you through challenges, attract investors, and keep your dream on track. Need help getting started? Check out our food truck business plan template or other resources. Let’s make your food truck a delicious success story!

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500+ business plans and financial models

How to Write a Food Truck Business Plan: Complete Guide

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  • January 3, 2023
  • Food & Beverage

business plan food truck belgique

Whether you’re looking to raise funding from private investors or to get a loan from a bank (like a SBA loan) for your food truck, you will need to prepare a solid business plan.

In this article we go through, step-by-step, all the different sections you need in the business plan of your food truck . Use this template to create a complete, clear and solid business plan that get you funded.

1. Food Truck Executive Summary

The executive summary of a business plan gives a sneak peek of the information about your business plan to lenders and/or investors.

If the information you provide here is not concise, informative, and scannable, potential lenders and investors will lose interest.

Though the executive summary is the first and the most important section, it should normally be the last section you write because it will have the summary of different sections included in the entire plan.

Why do you need a business plan for a food truck?

The purpose of a business plan is to secure funding through one of the following channels:

  • Obtain bank financing or secure a loan from other lenders (such as a SBA loan )
  • Obtain private investments from investment funds, angel investors, etc.
  • Obtain a public or a private grant

How to write your food truck’s executive summary?

Provide a precise and high-level summary of every section that you have included in the business plan of your food truck. The information and the data you include in this segment should grab the attention of potential investors and lenders immediately.

Also make sure that the executive summary doesn’t exceed 2 pages in total: it’s supposed to be a summary for investors and lenders who don’t have time to scroll through 40-50 pages, so keep it short and brief.

The executive summary usually consists of 5 major sub-sections:

  • Business overview : start by introducing your food truck, its concept, menu and prices. Also add here where the food truck will be located (if static vs. mobile ; events vs. next to business / corporate centers) and the type of customers you will serve such as working individuals, teens, etc.
  • Market analysis : summarise the market where you will operate and provide a brief about the target audience, market size , competitors, etc. No need to provide granular data here, save it for the Market Overview section later on (or the appendix). You must provide only scannable data points to keep potential investors and/or lenders hooked.
  • People : introduce your food truck’s management and employee structure. Provide a brief (no more than a couple of sentences each) of the knowledge and experience of the team. Also, speak about your hiring plans.
  • Financial plan : how much profit and revenue do you expect in the next 5 years? When will you reach the break-even point and start making profits? You can include here a chart depicting your key financials such as revenue, gross profits, and net profit
  • Funding ask : what loan/investment/grant are you seeking? How much do you need? How long will this last?

business plan food truck belgique

Food Truck Financial Model

Download an expert-built 5-year Excel financial model for your business plan

2. Food Truck Business Overview

In this section, you will provide additional details about your food truck and explain why you chose the specific food truck idea. 

Your aim must be to answer some of the most important questions that your potential investors and/or lenders will ask. 

Here is a small list of such questions that you must address in the business overview segment:

  • What is the rationale behind you opening a food truck today?
  • What’s the food truck’s concept / menu and why did you select that one?
  • What made you select that specific food truck idea?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • Where will the food truck be located? Will it be mobile or static?
  • Will you cater events (e.g. concerts, festivals) or will it be a street food truck instead (next to offices for example)?
  • What will be the legal structure of your company?

Let’s look at different subsections that you must include:

a) History of the Project

Any business must have two components:

  • Passion & experience of the business owner
  • Rationale behind starting this type of business today

Passion & experience

It is not necessary to have any prior experience with a food truck. As long as you are passionate about it and you know your market, you are good to go. 

However, if you have any experience, make sure that you are mentioning that. For example, you may have been a server or an operator in a food truck for 7 years and now you want to open your own food truck business.

No matter what, ensure that you demonstrate not just passion but also some industry knowledge that you must garner through thorough research.

Every business has a rationale behind its existence. What’s yours? Are you going to solve some problems that exist in the current food truck business scene? 

For example, there may be a rising demand for Thai food in your proposed area of operation but there are no food trucks offering Thai food. Thus, opening a Pad Thai Truck will allow you to cater to the rising demand.

You must also ensure that the market is conducive for the business to exist. For instance, if you are trying to sell expensive items to people who usually buy affordable food from food trucks, it doesn’t make sense. Thus, all your offerings must serve the existing needs.

business plan food truck belgique

b) Business Model

This is where you will talk about the business model and the type of food truck you want to open. Some points that you need to briefly describe include:

  • Will you buy a new food truck, or will you buy an old one and remodel it?
  • Will you open a food truck, a food cart, or a food trailer?
  • What equipment, technologies, and tools will you need to operate your food truck?

What are the different types of food trucks?

There are three types of food trucks that you can open:

  • Food Trailer : These are the largest of all and they can be up to 53 feet long. Food trailers can house full-sized restaurant equipment, cooking staff, and cleaning equipment.
  • Food Cart : These are the smallest types of food trucks and usually have very few appliances. The appliances are usually small. They can house 1-2 staff members.
  • Food Truck : These are the standard trucks that can be up to 26 feet long. They can house 1-3 cooking staff and usually require space-saving storage, countertop cooking equipment, etc.

The type of food truck you want to use will depend on the type of food you want to sell.

One thing that you must remember is that the type of food truck that you want to open must have enough target audience. 

For example, if people in your operational area prefer to buy hot dogs and donuts from food trucks, trying to introduce a food trailer offering community kitchen dishes will not appeal to people.

business plan food truck belgique

c) Products & Services

Of course, the food items that you will sell through your food truck will depend on the concept of your food truck and the relevant demand in the area.

Here are a few popular food truck concepts that you can consider:

  • Vegan Food Truck : These trucks sell plant-based food items.
  • Street Food Truck : These trucks sell food that is eaten right away. Some examples include pierogi, sliders, bahn mi, etc.
  • Donut Truck : Well, they sell donuts and are more popular during breakfast hours.
  • Pork Truck: They sell a wide range of food products made of pork such as pork ribs, pork sliders, bacon, etc.
  • Fried Chicken Truck: Chicken legs, tenders, wings, etc. are common stuff sold through these trucks.
  • Seafood Truck: These food trucks are more popular in the coastal regions where they can offer fresh catch. Of course, the menu can be massive or offer just a few items.

Thus, the food items you will sell will depend on the food truck concept. Since food trucks’ menus are typically rather limited (a few options only), it’s good practice to simply add here the menu list to your potential investors or lenders so they get a pretty good idea of your menu and concept.

d) Pricing Strategy

Your pricing strategy will depend on various factors like the type of food you will sell, the type of raw materials you will source, the special modifications you make, the packaging and serving material you will use, etc.

While it is possible to have a significant variation in your prices compared to your competitors, you must still ensure that the price variation is not significant. 

If you are charging more for similar products than your competing food trucks charge, there must be a proper justification.

Present a pricing chart for all the menu items that you intend to sell. Yes, it is possible to list all items with their prices because a food truck usually doesn’t sell too many products.

Offering a pricing table is important here as it will allow investors to tie your pricing strategy with your financial projections later on (see “Financial Plan” below).

business plan food truck belgique

e) Legal Structure

Finally, your business overview section should specify what type of business structure you want. Is this a corporation or a partnership (LLC)? Who are the investors? How much equity percentage do they own? Is there a Board of Directors? If so, whom? Do they have experience in the industry?

3. Food Truck Market Overview

A complete understanding of the market where you want to operate is important for the success of your business.

For example, if you intend to open a vegan food truck and partner with breweries & wineries to supply food to their guests, you will most likely fail: indeed, a Danish study found that people usually prefer non-vegetarian food along with alcohol.

It is vital to understand your target market and audience, your competitors, growth potential, etc. before you start a business. A food truck business is in no way different.

Therefore, you must cover 3 important areas here:

  • Market trends : how big is the food truck industry in your area? What is its growth rate (or decline rate) and what are the factors contributing to its growth or decline?
  • Competition overview : how many competitors are there? How do they compare vs. your business? How can you differentiate yourself from them?
  • Customer analysis : who is your target audience? What type of food trucks do they prefer? When do they usually buy from food trucks? Do they display any seasonal behavior towards food preferences? What is their average spending on food trucks? Do your potential customers really want the food you intend to sell?

a) Food Truck Industry Status Quo

How big is the food truck industry in the US?

As per IBISWorld , the food truck industry in the US stands at $1.2 billion in 2022.

The industry is quite recent and has been literally exploding over the past 10 years: the industry grew on average at 6.4% per year from 2017 to 2022. In other words, the food truck industry doubled from $600 million to $1.2 billion in just 10 years..!

Also, there are 35,000 active food trucks in the US .

business plan food truck belgique

On average, food trucks generates sales of about $250,000 to $500,000 per year , or $20,000 – $42,000 per month. Another recent US study from FoodTruckEmpire was a bit less optimistic and showed that only 50% of food trucks generated more than $100,000 in sales per year.

How big is the food truck industry in your area?

Once you provide the overall picture of the US, divert your attention to the area where you want to operate. It might not be possible to find region or area-specific studies, and hence, you must estimate the size. Read our article on how to estimate TAM, SAM and SOM for your startup.

For example, based on the data above we can assume that on average food trucks generates around $250,000 in sales per year.

Therefore, if there are 20 food trucks in the location where you want to operate, you can assume that the food truck industry in your area is worth approximately $5 million .

How fast is the food truck industry growing in the area?

You must show the expected growth rate of the food truck industry in your area. Whilst, this information may not be available online you can easily assess your area’s food truck industry growth rate.

Indeed, you can use the number of food trucks as a proxy. For instance, if there were 17 food trucks in 2020 and 20 food trucks in 2022, the average annual growth rate is ~8%, not too far from the US national average (6.4%).

Note: if you area’s market growth rate is significantly lower or higher than the national average, try to check your assumptions and calculations first. Then, if all is correct, try to find an explanation: a growth higher than the US average might imply, for example, that your area was/is currently underserved by food trucks, and there is a lot of demand (customers) in comparison.

business plan food truck belgique

What are the current food truck market trends in your area?

It is vital to understand the trends of the food truck industry in your area. Understanding trends will allow you to devise marketing strategies.

Understanding trends won’t be easy. You must conduct research and talk with your target audience. Additionally, you must also study your competitors to understand their target audience, the products they sell, etc.

Some common questions you may ask the target audience include:

  • What type of food trucks do they prefer?
  • At what time of the day do they prefer to visit a food truck (breakfast, lunch, dinner)?
  • How frequently do they visit food trucks?
  • What type of foods do they usually order?

You can ask as many questions as you need to understand the evolving trends.

b) Competition Overview

Studying your competitors’ business models is vital. You need to understand what makes them successful or why they fail. A clear understanding of their food offerings, marketing strategies, etc., will allow you to provide a better service.

If your competitors are offering nearly the same products & services, then what is their market share and how do they market their products & services to attract new customers?

It is always a good idea to do some research (if necessary, physically visit your competitors without revealing your business intentions) and create a comparative table summarizing their product & service offerings, marketing strategies, target audience, etc.

Here is a sample table that you can use as a reference:

SWOT Analysis for a Food Truck

SWOT stands for Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats. It should be a summary of your business’ strengths and weaknesses along with opportunities and threats. It also helps potential investors to assess the risk and reward profile of your business.

Here is a sample that you can use as a reference:

  • Strengths : Collective experience of 8 years as sous chef in 4 restaurants and a bachelor’s degree in culinary arts
  • Weaknesses : Startup cost, zero reputation
  • Opportunities : Growing number of local breweries and wineries looking to form a partnership with food trucks to supply food to their in-house guests
  • Threats : Increasing cost of raw materials and increase in new food truck businesses in the area

business plan food truck belgique

c) Customer Analysis

This is the sub-section where you will provide a detailed analysis of your target audience. Some important points that you must include in your customer analysis include:

  • Age and gender distribution (you can get local demographic data from )
  • Frequency of food truck visits
  • Average monthly income and disposable income
  • Average spend (per order or per month)
  • Average yearly or monthly spending on food at food trucks
  • Type of food and food trucks preferred
  • The expected price range for food
  • Things they dislike about existing food trucks and what they expect to be improved
  • Locations where the target audience is found more (wineries & breweries, corporate workplaces, farmer’s markets, annual events such as parades, fairs, car shows, etc.)

You can add as many data points as required to validate your business decision. The idea here is to display your deep understanding of the target audience and their needs, preferences, and expectations. This knowledge can help you to tailor your products & services to attract new customers.

business plan food truck belgique

4. Sales & Marketing Strategy

This is the section of your food truck business plan where you outline your customer acquisition strategy. You must answer here the questions below:

  • What is your USP ?
  • What are the different marketing strategies you will use?
  • How do you intend to track the success of your marketing strategy?
  • What is your CAC or customer acquisition cost?
  • What is your marketing budget?
  • What promotions and offers do you intend to provide for attracting new customers at the beginning?

Let’s expand a bit on a few questions below:

What marketing channels do food truck businesses use?

A few marketing channels that food truck businesses typically use are:

  • Online food truck listings and apps (see here a full list for the US)
  • Online reviews (e.g. Google reviews)
  • Social media content and ads
  • Partnerships with other businesses (e.g. corporates, events, etc.)
  • Print media (newspaper ads, flyers, etc.)
  • Word-of-mouth, recommendations, etc.

It is not necessary to use all channels. You can start by focusing on a few of them. You can include other marketing strategies later.

Also, you must have a fair and nearly accurate estimate of your marketing budget. Failure to display a well-planned and adequate cash flow for advertising and marketing can lead to investors losing confidence. That’s because investors are fully aware that if adequate funds are not allocated for marketing, the business will be derailed before becoming a success.

business plan food truck belgique

What is your unique selling proposition (USP)?

In other words, how do you differentiate yourself vs. competitors? This is very important as you might need to win customers from competitors.

A few examples of USPs are:

  • Uniqueness : you may be the first food truck business offering Thai food
  • Organic food : We use high-quality and organically farmed products and real ingredients sourced from nearby organic farms
  • Price : affordable food & menu for the quality vs. competitors
  • Location : the food truck may be located in a busy street

Your USP will depend on your business model, competitor analysis , and target audience. Whatever your USP be, it should appeal to your potential customers and attract them. Plus, The USP you offer should be convincing enough for investors and lenders.

5. Management & People

You must address 2 things here:

  • The management team and their experience/track record
  • The organizational structure : different team members and who reports to whom?

a) Management

Small businesses often fail because of managerial weaknesses. Thus, having a strong management team is vital. Highlight the experience and education of senior managers that you intend to hire to oversee your food truck business.

Describe their duties, responsibilities, and roles. Also, highlight their previous experience and explain how they succeeded in their previous roles.

It is also important that you explain how their experiences and qualifications help you in implementing the food truck you are proposing. If they have specialized training, and experience (such as a degree in culinary arts, 8 years of experience as a sous chef working under celebrity chefs, etc.), add that information.

b) Organization Structure

Even if you haven’t already hired a manager, service attendant, driver, and kitchen staff, you must provide a chart of the organizational structure defining the hierarchy of reporting.

6. Financial Plan

The financial plan is perhaps, with the executive summary, the most important section of any business plan for a food truck.

Indeed, a solid financial plan tells lenders that your business is viable and can repay the loan you need from them. If you’re looking to raise equity from private investors, a solid financial plan will prove them your food truck is an attractive investment.

There should be 2 sections to your financial plan section:

  • The startup costs of your project (if you plan to open a new food truck, renovate your existing truck, etc.)
  • The 5-year financial projections

a) Startup Costs

Before we expand on 5-year financial projections in the following section, it’s always best practice to start with listing the startup costs of your project. For a food truck, startup costs are all the expenses you incur before you open your food truck and start making sales . These expenses typically are: the truck, cooking equipment, licenses and permits.

Logically, the startup costs vary depending on the size of your truck, the quality of the cooking ware, and the permits you must apply for.

On average, it costs $60,000 – $180,000 to start a food truck in the US .

Note that these costs are for illustrative purposes and may not be fully relevant for your business. For more information on how much it costs to open and run a food truck, read our article here .

b) Financial Projections

In addition to startup costs, you will now need to build a solid 5-year financial model for your food truck.

Your financial projections should be built using a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel or Google Sheets) and presented in the form of tables and charts in the business plan of your food truck.

As usual, keep it concise here and save details (for example detailed financial statements, financial metrics, key assumptions used for the projections) for the appendix instead.

Your financial projections should answer at least the following questions:

  • How much revenue do you expect to generate over the next 5 years?
  • When do you expect to break even?
  • How much cash will you burn until you get there?
  • What’s the impact of a change in pricing (say 15%) on your margins?
  • What is your average customer acquisition cost?

You should include here your 3 financial statements (income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement). This means you must forecast:

  • The number of covers (customers or orders) over time ;
  • Your expected revenue ;
  • Operating costs to run the business ;
  • Any other cash flow items (e.g. capex, debt repayment, etc.).

When projecting your revenue, make sure to sensitize pricing, cost of raw materials (food supplies) and your sales volume. Indeed, a small change in these assumptions may have a significant impact on your revenues and profits.

business plan food truck belgique

7. Use of Funds

This is the last section of the business plan of your food truck. Now that we have explained what your food truck’s business model and concept are, what is your menu, your marketing strategy, etc., this section must now answer the following questions:

  • How much funding do you need?
  • What financial instrument(s) do you need: is this equity or debt, or even a free-money public grant?
  • How long will this funding last?
  • Where else does the money come from? If you apply for a SBA loan for example, where does the other part of the investment come from (your own capital, private investors?)

If you raise debt:

  • What percentage of the total funding the loan represents?
  • What is the corresponding Debt Service Coverage Ratio ?

If you raise equity

  • What percentage ownership are you selling as part of this funding round?
  • What is the corresponding valuation of your business?

Use of Funds

Any food truck business plan should include a clear use of funds section. This is where you explain how the money will be spent.

Will you spend most of the loan / investment in paying your employees’ salaries? Or will it cover mostly the cost for the lease deposit and the renovation?

Those are very important questions you should be able to answer in the blink of an eye. Don’t worry, this should come straight from your financial projections. If you’ve built solid projections like in our food truck financial model template , you won’t have any issues answering these questions.

For the use of funds, we also recommend using a pie chart like the one we have in our financial model template where we outline the main expenses categories as shown below.

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Food Truck Business Plan: The Beginner’s Guide For Success

  • Business Growth & Management , Templates & Guides

Do you want to give your new mobile eatery the best chance for success? Write a food truck business plan.

In this article, the experts at Sling tell you why a business plan is vital for both new and existing businesses (of all kinds) and give you tips on how to perfect this important document.

Table of contents

What is a food truck business plan, why a food truck business plan is vital, structure of an effective food truck business plan, food truck business plan versus restaurant business plan.

hot dog food truck on a boardwalk

As the name suggests, a food truck business plan is a written document that details your food truck’s goals and the measures you will take to make those goals a reality.

At its most basic, a business plan (for any type of operation) describes a comprehensive picture of the organization itself, including:

  • Financial projections
  • Background information
  • Organizational strategies
  • Day-to-day activities of your food truck

We’ll go into more detail about the structure of a food truck business plan — and what to include — later on in this article. But first, let’s discuss why a business plan is vital for your company.

mobile eatery thriving in the snow because of a food truck business plan

A food truck business plan is vital for any fledgling food truck business because it is very difficult to obtain outside funding from an investor or bank without one.

Many investors and banks won’t even consider the possibility of providing working capital if you don’t have a business plan to back it up. And without crucial resources of this kind, your food truck operation may never make it out of the garage.

Even if operational capital isn’t your main concern, a business plan provides you with clear direction on how to translate a general strategy into an actionable plan for reaching your objectives.

The information can help clarify every aspect of your food truck business — from day-to-day functional strategy to mid-level business strategy all the way up to long-term corporate strategy .

Think of your business plan as a blueprint — or roadmap — that guides your actions when business is running smoothly and when it isn’t.

Now that you know what a food truck business plan is and why it’s so important, let’s take a look at what to include in your plan.

Food truck with a business plan on the beach

The basic structure of a comprehensive food truck business plan typically starts with a cover page and table of contents. You can get as fancy as you want with the cover page, but simple — just the business name, address, and contact information — is effective as well.

After that, you can jump right into the meat of the plan with these important sections.

1) Executive summary

The executive summary gives the reader a brief introduction to the main elements of your business, such as:

  • Mission statement
  • Overhead costs
  • Labor costs
  • Return on investment (ROI)

This introductory section of your plan serves to pique the reader’s interest and make them want to investigate further.

Keep in mind that each element within the executive summary should be as brief as possible. You will provide more detail in other parts of the document.

2) Mission statement

The mission statement section of your business plan is a short statement with the following information:

  • Why your organization exists
  • The goal of the operation
  • The product or service you provide
  • The business’s primary customers or market
  • Planned competitive advantages
  • Desired future state (i.e., the company’s vision)

Some of that information you may not have thought about yet — the company vision, for example — but it can be useful to do so and include a few words to that effect in your mission statement.

You may also find it valuable to write a bit about your company’s values and philosophies so that you and your team members have an idea of what your business stands for.

3) Business description

In the business description section of your plan, provide detailed information about the who, what, why,  and  how of your food truck.

Include such details as:

  • Business name
  • Your experience
  • Contact information
  • Primary location(s) you plan on frequenting
  • Partners involved (if any)
  • The legal standing of the business
  • Brief market study (showing that you understand your niche)
  • Anything else you feel is necessary

It’s also helpful if you include your food truck’s short- and long-term goals as well as how you intend to go about reaching those goals.

4) Business environmental analysis

Birria tacos food truck

A business environmental analysis (or environment analysis for short) is an examination of internal and external factors that could affect a company’s success.

These factors typically fall into one of six categories:

  • Technological
  • Environmental

These six categories make up what’s known as the PESTLE Method (see the first letter of each word) for creating a business environmental analysis.

Within each broad category are more specific variables that may affect your business, including:

  • Political: Tax laws, government policies, trade restrictions
  • Economic: Interest rates, inflation rates, foreign exchange rates, credit accessibility
  • Social: Gender roles, education levels, family structure, distribution of wealth
  • Technological: Extant technologies, emerging technologies, access, incentives
  • Legal: Health and safety regulations, product regulations, employment laws
  • Environmental: Weather conditions, waste disposal, energy consumption

Including these variables in your business plan can help you paint a more accurate picture of how your business will operate within the world around it.

5) SWOT analysis

SWOT is an acronym that stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats.

A SWOT analysis (a.k.a. SWOT matrix, situational assessment, and situational analysis) is a strategic planning, implementation , and management technique that owners and managers can use to identify variables that affect their business.

It’s broken into two distinct categories: internal and external. Strengths and weaknesses are internal, while opportunities and threats are external.

With those categories in mind, you can use the SWOT method to examine:

  • Characteristics of the business that may give it an edge over competitors (Strengths)
  • Characteristics of the business that may give competitors an edge (Weaknesses)
  • Elements that the business could use to its advantage (Opportunities)
  • Elements that may cause trouble for the business (Threats)

Identifying these variables before opening your doors can help you plan and prepare for the future.

6) Industry background

The industry background section of a food truck business plan is an overview of the niche in which you want to operate and a summary of your business’s position within that niche.

As a general rule, this section may answer some of the following questions:

  • What sectors does the industry include?
  • What is the size of the industry?
  • Who are the major competitors in this industry?
  • What are the markets for this industry?
  • Who are the customers for this industry?
  • What are the industry’s past and present sales figures?
  • What are the projected sales figures for this industry?

This is just a small portion of what you may choose to include in the industry background section of your business plan.

You might start out with just a brief overview of the industry in question but, eventually — perhaps when you have a bit of experience under your belt — you’ll want to include as much information as possible.

Adding to this section of your business plan as you go along can help you identify new ways to position your food truck for success.

7) Competitor analysis

Food truck festival

This is the place to assess the strengths and weaknesses of your current and potential competitors. Doing so can help you create both an offensive and defensive strategy that you can use to get a leg up on other food trucks in the industry.

If you don’t examine your competitors thoroughly (or systematically) enough, you may wind up with blind spots that can leave you at a serious disadvantage.

If this portion of the business plan seems outside of your wheelhouse, you may consider hiring a market research firm. They have the knowledge, skills, and tools to get the job done as quickly and as accurately as possible.

8) Market analysis

A market analysis is a brief introduction to three different views of the niche you want to enter:

  • The industry as a whole (in this case, the food truck business)
  • The competition your restaurant will face (e.g. other mobile food services)
  • The marketing you’ll execute to bring in customers

Again, this section should be a brief introduction to these concepts. You can — and should — expand on them in their own individual section.

9) Marketing plan

A marketing plan is an outline of the advertising and marketing efforts you plan on executing in order to make your food truck visible to its target market.

A significant part of any marketing plan are the eight Ps:

  • Promotion (as in advertising)
  • People (as in employees who will represent the business)
  • Physical aspects of the environment in which you’ll operate

You’ll also want to include a projected budget of expenses that apply to the marketing efforts you plan to put in place. This can help prevent your business from overspending on marketing during the difficult first days, weeks, and months of operation.

10) Operations plan

Food truck with a business plan

The operations plan is the place to describe the specific steps you’ll take to reach your objectives and goals.

A good operations plan includes plenty of details regarding the who, what, where, when, and how much of your business (you may have touched on these in the business description section, but it can be helpful to provide more detail on them in this section) .

These aspects of your business describe things like the personnel who are in charge of specific tasks, where daily operations will take place, a timeline for when business goals and tasks will be completed, and dollar amounts allocated to these activities.

Even if you’re the only one working in your food truck right now, it can still be a good idea to build an operations plan — even a rudimentary one — in preparation for future growth and investment.

11) Management summary

A management summary is a description of the reporting and relationship hierarchy within your food truck business.

In the early stages, you may be the sole employee and be responsible for every aspect of the operation. But, at some point, that may change as you hire new team members, add other vehicles, and expand into different markets.

You’ll want to be prepared for this growth, so it’s a good idea to create a management summary before things get going.

That way, you’ll know who is responsible for every aspect of the business, and your team will know who to approach with questions or problems.

Again, you may not need all of this information right away, but it can be beneficial to put it down on paper now so you don’t have to spend time thinking about it once your business gets going.

12) Financial plan

Just because this section is further down in your food truck business plan doesn’t mean that it is any less important. In fact, it is one of the most important components for securing outside funding from investors, banks, and other sources.

We recommend hiring a trained accountant to help you prepare this section so that it will be as detailed, accurate, and informative as possible.

Acai Food truck with a business plan

In pretty much every way that counts, a food truck business plan is the same as a restaurant business plan. A mobile eatery and a brick-and-mortar eatery are both food service operations, and they both deal with similar variables.

So, if you’re having trouble wrapping your head around your food truck business plan, take some time to branch out and research restaurant business plans as well.

Get started with this article from the Sling blog: Restaurant Business Plan: What To Include Plus 5 Examples.

As you research, think of the business plan as a “road map” that shows you, and those who work with you, how to translate general strategies and ideas into actionable steps for reaching your business goals.

When you view your business plan as a map to success — as something that will guide you when things are going smoothly and, perhaps more importantly, when they aren’t.

With such a plan in place, you’ll be better prepared to develop everything from the boots-on-the-ground functional strategy to the mid-level business strategy all the way up to the driving-force corporate strategy .

Success through efficient workforce management

frozen yogurt food truck

After you’ve created your food truck business plan, it’s time to make it a reality.

One of the biggest challenges in ensuring that your food truck runs smoothly and successfully is managing and optimizing your team.

Whether you have one employee, 10 employees, or 100 employees, you’ll need to give some thought to how you’re going to schedule your staff.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • How can you create the perfect work schedule for your team?
  • How will you deal with no call, no show employees ?
  • How will you handle seasonal unemployment ?
  • Do you need a rotating shift ?
  • Will you need employees to work the night shift (or part of it)?

The Sling app can help you find solutions to those questions and conquer the challenge of managing and optimizing your workforce.

business plan food truck belgique

Sling not only includes powerful and intuitive artificial-intelligence-based scheduling tools but also many other features to help make your workforce management more efficient, including:

  • Time and attendance tracking
  • Built-in time clock
  • Labor cost optimization
  • Data analysis and reporting
  • Messaging and communication
  • And much more…

With Sling, you can schedule faster, communicate better, and organize and manage your workforce from a single, integrated platform. And when you use Sling for all of your scheduling needs, you’ll have more time to focus on bringing your food truck business plan to life.

For more free resources to help you manage your business better, organize and schedule your team, and track and calculate labor costs, visit today.

See Here For Last Updated Dates: Link

This content is for informational purposes and is not intended as legal, tax, HR, or any other professional advice. Please contact an attorney or other professional for specific advice.

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Sample Business Plan For a Food Truck Business

sample business plan for food truck businesses

Writing a business plan is an essential part of starting a successful food truck business. It acts as the guiding document that outlines the goals and objectives, informs decisions, and helps to secure the financing needed to launch the venture, whether it be from lenders or investors. For new food truck business owners, having access to a sample business plan can provide invaluable direction and insights on how to create their own food truck business plan .

Download our Ultimate Food Truck Business Plan Template

Having a comprehensive business plan in place is vital for any successful food truck venture. It will serve as the foundation for your operations, setting out the goals and objectives that will help guide your decisions and actions. A well-written business plan can also give you clarity on realistic financial projections and help secure financing from lenders or investors. An example of a food truck business plan is a great resource to draw upon when creating your own business plan to ensure that all the key elements are included in your document.

Below is an example food truck business plan to help you see what one should look like. It can provide a good starting point for writing a business plan for your food truck. However, it is not nearly as comprehensive and successful in raising capital for your food truck as Growthink’s Ultimate Food Truck Business Plan Template . But it can help you write a food truck business plan for your business.

Food Truck Business Plan Example – Barbecue Brothers On Wheels

Table of contents, executive summary.

  • Company Overview

Industry Analysis

Customer analysis.

  • Competitive Analysis

Marketing Plan

Operations plan, management team, financial plan.

  Download the Food Truck Business Plan Sample PDF here.

Barbecue Brothers On Wheels is a family-owned and operated BBQ food truck business founded by brothers John and David. After successfully operating their flagship mobile kitchen for the last five years, they are now looking to expand their operations and open up a second location. To do this, the Barbecue Brothers have crafted a comprehensive business plan that outlines their goals and objectives, as well as the steps they will take to achieve them.

The Barbecue Brothers plan to open their second food truck in the heart of downtown Los Angeles. With over one million people living within a five-mile radius, the brothers intend to capitalize on this large population by providing delicious and affordable BBQ cuisine that is prepared on-site with high-quality ingredients. To stand out from their competition, the Barbecue Brothers will offer unique menu items such as pulled pork sandwiches, beef brisket tacos, and smoked turkey wraps.

To fund this expansion effort, the Barbecue Brothers are seeking $250,000 in startup capital from Angel investors. This money will be used for purchasing a new truck and equipment as well as setting up the necessary kitchen space. With a successful track record of satisfied customers, the Barbecue Brothers believe they have what it takes to succeed in this highly competitive industry and are eager to get started on their next venture.

By following this business plan, the Barbecue Brothers will be able to reach their goal of becoming one of the top BBQ food truck businesses in Los Angeles. With your support, we can make our dream a reality and bring delicious BBQ cuisine to even more people.

Company Description

Barbecue Brothers On Wheels is a family-owned and operated BBQ food truck business that has been serving customers in Los Angeles for the past five years. Founded by brothers John and David, the business has quickly become one of the most popular mobile BBQ kitchens in town. With an emphasis on using only high-quality ingredients, they specialize in mouthwatering pulled pork sandwiches, beef brisket tacos, smoked turkey wraps, and other savory favorites.

The Barbecue Brothers have forged successful partnerships with many local businesses as well as organizations such as schools and corporate events which helps to expand their reach beyond just downtown Los Angeles. Their flagship food truck has been consistently recognized for its excellent customer service rating across all online sites helping them build a loyal following throughout their community.

John and David recognize the importance of giving back to those who are less fortunate than them so all profits generated from catering jobs are donated to local charities such as soup kitchens around Los Angeles county. Through these efforts combined with delicious recipes unique to this business, Barbecue Brothers On Wheels has achieved great success in developing its brand identity over the last five years but now they look towards further expansion into more locations within the Los Angeles area.

The food industry in the Los Angeles area is growing rapidly and becoming increasingly competitive. Food trucks offer an exciting alternative to traditional restaurant dining, allowing customers to enjoy high-quality, fresh, and affordable meals without having to commit to a single location. Over the past decade, food trucks have become increasingly popular in major cities across the US, with cities such as Los Angeles boasting over 2,000 licensed food trucks.

The main competition for Barbecue Brothers On Wheels is other food trucks in the area offering similar menu items. This competition forces businesses to stay ahead of their competitors by constantly innovating and reinventing their recipes and menu offerings. In addition, they must create a strong customer loyalty program that will encourage repeat customers and remain competitive on pricing due to a large number of options available to consumers.

Finally, Barbecue Brothers On Wheels must be prepared to scale quickly in order to keep up with the growing demand for mobile dining options in LA county. With careful planning and strategic investments, Barbecue Brothers On Wheels can succeed in this highly competitive market by setting itself apart from the competition.

The customer analysis for Barbecue Brothers On Wheels should focus on two main target markets: mobile diners, and BBQ aficionados.

Mobile Diners : Mobile diners are those individuals who prefer to dine outside of a traditional restaurant setting, either at food trucks or other outdoor locations like events or festivals. These customers tend to be younger, single professionals or families with young children who are looking for convenience, affordability, and delicious meals. They also care about being able to support local businesses and the community.

Psychographics of this target demographic includes people on the go; tech-savvy consumers who are comfortable using online platforms for research and ordering; adventurous eaters who enjoy trying new foods; and those looking for a unique dining experience.

To reach these individuals, Barbecue Brothers On Wheels should invest in an effective digital marketing strategy that includes social media channels as well as online advertising.

BBQ Aficionados : The second target demographic for Barbecue Brothers On Wheels is barbecue aficionados – customers who have an affinity for barbecue cuisine and a preference for authentic flavors. These customers often look beyond just the taste of the food but also seek out restaurants that can offer something special in terms of atmosphere, customer service, quality ingredients, and presentation.

Psychographic characteristics of this group include adventurous foodies seeking out the best barbecue in town; those with a strong appreciation for craftsmanship in their meals; fans of small businesses looking to support local entrepreneurs; and those with a passion for cooking will appreciate the emphasis on high-quality ingredients used by Barbecue Brothers On Wheels.

To reach this audience effectively, Barbecue Brothers should consider investing in traditional print marketing materials such as flyers or brochures that can be distributed at popular BBQ joints around Los Angeles County. Additionally, they could participate in local festivals that draw large numbers of barbecue enthusiasts from all over California making sure to bring enough samples so everyone can get a taste of their signature dishes.

Competitor Analysis

For a BBQ food truck business like Barbecue Brothers On Wheels, competitor analysis is essential for success. In the highly competitive Los Angeles food truck industry, it is important to identify the main competitors and understand their strengths and weaknesses. Doing so will allow Barbecue Brothers to set themselves apart from the competition by offering something unique that will draw in customers.

The main competitors of Barbecue Brothers On Wheels are other BBQ-focused food trucks in Los Angeles County. These include notable names such as The Rib Whip, Pig Out Delights, Smoke N’ Grillers, and Hog Heaven BBQ.

The Rib Whip is known for its specialty sandwiches featuring slow-cooked meats paired with signature sauces and fresh vegetables on a hoagie roll. They cater to both lunchtime and evening crowds alike, serving up large portions at a reasonable price. Strengths of The Rib Whip include quality ingredients, generous portion sizes, affordability, convenience, and excellent customer service. However, one area where they could improve is the level of creativity in their menu offerings which may not be appealing to more adventurous or experimental eaters looking for something new every time they visit The Rib Whip.

Pig Out Delights serves classic BBQ favorites such as ribs, pulled pork sandwiches, macaroni and cheese topped with bacon bits, and sweet potato fries. Their signature dishes are made using locally sourced ingredients whenever possible and come in generous portions that can easily be shared among two or three people. Strengths of Pig Out Delights includes freshly prepared meals made with high-quality ingredients at very fair prices as well as attentive customer service that many customers have come to expect from this establishment. Unfortunately due to its location away from popular downtown areas like Hollywood or Downtown LA, some customers are unable to try out this delicious cuisine unless they make a special trip out there- something many LA locals might not be willing to do just for some good BBQ!

Smoke N’ Grillers offer classic American BBQ fare such as brisket sandwiches slathered in house-made barbecue sauce along with sides like cornbread muffins or coleslaw salad. They focus on providing generous portions at an affordable price point while allowing customers to customize their own meals with various toppings and condiments. Strengths of Smoke N’ Grillers include their location in a busy part of town, competitive prices, and their ability to accommodate special dietary requests. On the other hand, Smoke N’ Grillers could improve its menu by offering more creative and unique dishes that can differentiate them from the competition.

Finally, Hog Heaven BBQ is a gourmet BBQ food truck that serves up only the finest cuts of meat prepared with signature rubs and sauces. They focus on delivering high-end dining experiences at an affordable price, setting them apart from other BBQ establishments in the area. Strengths of Hog Heaven include their commitment to using only the freshest ingredients, their quality service, and their delicious dishes that consistently wow customers. However, they could improve by diversifying their menu with more budget-friendly options or dishes that cater to different dietary needs.

By understanding their competition, Barbecue Brothers On Wheels can identify areas of improvement as well as opportunities to stand out and attract more customers. They can focus on providing unique dishes that are only available at their food truck and focus on delivering excellent customer service. Additionally, they can look into utilizing local ingredients whenever possible in order to appeal to customers who are conscious of where their food is coming from. By doing these things, Barbecue Brothers On Wheels can become a leader in LA’s BBQ scene.

Barbecue Brothers On Wheels is the newest BBQ food truck to hit Los Angeles. Our mission is to provide customers with an unforgettable dining experience that combines quality ingredients, generous portions, and unique flavors for a price that can’t be beaten.

Our Product : We offer classic American BBQ fare such as brisket sandwiches slathered in house-made barbecue sauce enhanced by our signature rubs and sauces. All of our dishes are freshly prepared using locally sourced ingredients whenever possible and come in generous portion sizes that can easily be shared among two or three people.

Price : At Barbecue Brothers On Wheels, we understand that value matters just as much as flavor so we strive to keep our prices competitive without sacrificing quality or taste. You won’t find better deals anywhere else!

Promotion : We will promote through digital channels such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter along with local advertising campaigns like print ads in newspapers and magazines. Additionally, word-of-mouth referrals from satisfied customers are key to helping us spread the word about Barbecue Brothers On Wheels!

Place : Our food truck is conveniently located on busy city streets where commuters have easy access during their lunchtime break or while they’re running errands. We also offer catering services for events such as office parties and family gatherings.

At Barbecue Brothers On Wheels, our goal is to provide customers with an unforgettable and unique dining experience. Our daily operations focus on delivering quality food that is freshly prepared using locally sourced ingredients whenever possible. Every day we will start by preparing the sauces and rubs for our signature dishes as well as preparing the sides. Once all of the ingredients are prepped and ready, we will begin cooking on-site to ensure that every order is served hot and fresh.

Staff Requirements:

For the successful day-to-day operations of Barbecue Brothers On Wheels, we need a team of dedicated individuals.

  • Chef – To prepare the signature dishes using fresh ingredients and signature sauces.
  • Cashier – To take orders and process payments in a timely manner.
  • Food Runner – To deliver orders to customers quickly and accurately.
  • Cleaner – To make sure the food truck is clean and presentable for customers.

We need a variety of supplies in order to run our business effectively. This includes ingredients, paper products, cleaning supplies, and small wares. We will focus on sourcing all of our supplies from local vendors to ensure that we are using quality ingredients while supporting the local economy.

Our menu consists of classic American BBQ fare such as brisket sandwiches, pulled pork, and ribs. We also offer sides like slaw, potato salad, and baked beans. In addition to our regular menu, we will offer daily specials that can range from tacos to nachos.

Customer Service:

At Barbecue Brothers On Wheels, we strive to provide our customers with the best possible experience. Our goal is to make sure every customer is satisfied by delivering excellent customer service that is prompt and friendly. Additionally, we will listen to feedback and make changes as necessary to ensure that customers are always happy with their experience.

The safety of our customers and staff is paramount. We will adhere to all regulatory standards and best practices when it comes to food handling and sanitation. Additionally, anyone working in the food truck must wear protective gear such as gloves, masks, and hats.

John and David are the co-founders of the Barbecue Brothers On Wheels. John, who has a background in culinary arts, is the head chef and primary visionary of the business. He oversees operations and ensures that all dishes are made with the finest ingredients. His passion for barbecue stems from his childhood in Texas where he fell in love with the art of making authentic, mouth-watering barbecue.

David is an experienced business professional and handles the administrative side of the operation. He focuses on marketing, financials, and customer relations. His goal is to make Barbecue Brothers On Wheels a household name by providing unbeatable quality and service.

With their founding Members John and David teaming up, Barbecue Brothers On Wheels is set to be the go-to BBQ food truck for city dwellers.

At Barbecue Brothers On Wheels, we understand that the financial aspect of running a business is integral to its success. We have formulated a financial plan that will help us achieve our goals and ensure the longevity of our business.

Startup Costs:

To get our business up and running, we need to cover a variety of startup costs such as purchasing equipment, leasing a truck, and acquiring ingredients.

Operating Costs:

Once we are open for business, our operating costs will include labor and overhead expenses. We plan to keep these costs in check by implementing cost-saving methods and leveraging technology to streamline processes.

Revenue Model:

Our revenue model relies on selling our signature products and daily specials at a fair price. We will also pursue additional revenue streams such as catering and delivery services.


Our goal is to achieve profitability within two years of launching the business. We plan to do this by increasing revenue through catering services and expanding our customer base, as well as reducing expenses by maximizing efficiency and maintaining ongoing cost-saving practices. Additionally, any profits will be reinvested into the business to further expand our services and capabilities.

Commitment to Excellence:

At Barbecue Brothers On Wheels, we are committed to delivering the highest quality product and service possible. We strive to use only the freshest ingredients and prepare our dishes with care. Our staff is highly trained in customer service, food safety, and proper food handling techniques.

We understand that quality is paramount and that is why we will never sacrifice our standards. We want to build a long-lasting business that customers can trust and rely on for delicious, mouth-watering barbecue cuisine.

Sample Menu

  • Fried Catfish
  • Pulled Pork Sandwich
  • Smoked Sausage Platter
  • Hand-cut French Fries
  • Baked Beans
  • Collard Greens
  • Corn Bread Muffins
  • Cobbler Pie

Financial Projections

Balance sheet.

[insert financial statement]

Income Statement

Cash flow statement, food truck business plan example pdf.

Download our food truck business plan pdf here. This is a free food truck business plan example to help you get started on your own food truck plan.  

How to Finish Your Food Truck Business Plan in 1 Day!

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your food truck business plan?

With Growthink’s Ultimate Business Plan Template you can finish your plan in just 8 hours or less!

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How to Write a Food Truck Business Plan – Download Template

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Want to look inside the business plan of a real food truck business? We’ve organized detailed business plan templates from successful food trucks and made them available to you in PDF and Word doc in this post. In addition to offer templates, we give you detailed instruction how to complete each section of the plan using this guide.

Before we dive in, keep in mind that it could take weeks if not months of planning to develop a business plan that’s helpful. Whatever time takes for you to write the business plan will be well spent. When researched correctly this document serves as the “game plan” for operating your entire mobile food business and sets the direction of your company.

Approach this document seriously because it can become the roadmap to operate your business and ensure you’re set up for success. When you’ve finished writing your plan, you should know where you plan to vend, estimated food costs, the marketing plan, and how you’ll raise money for the food truck. Pretty important stuff right? Let’s dig in.


I want you to get the most value possible out of your business planning process. Why? I believe having an accurate business plan gives you the best odds of success for operating a profitable food truck.

And if you’re going to be investing tens of thousands of dollars into a food truck or trailer, cooking equipment, and permits, why not invest a few days creating a detailed plan for how to run the business.

Here’s one example why going through this process can be helpful from our Annual Food Truck Academy class, where train future food truck owners how to start a food truck. One student completed her research estimating food cost, overhead, and anticipated sales as part of her business plan. Then she came back and revealed that based on her current plan, the food truck wouldn’t be profitable. After factoring in tax, labor, and food costs there were no profits left over.

Our student was initially discouraged by the numbers, but I was happy. It’s much better to identify a revenue short-fall before you start the business than months after when you see sales coming in, but can’t figure out why there’s nothing left in the bank account. As a result of the work invested on the front end through planning, she was able to evaluate her ingredient cost and pricing to create a business plan that set herself up for success.

Still, many first time food vendors don’t take the time to put in this work. It’s a shame because it’s so easily avoidable.

One more tip before we get into researching and writing the business plan, don’t get overly hung-up on the structure of the document. Unless you plan to apply for a small business loan (then you will need to be more concerned about formatting, but let’s worry about that later), you’re not going to be graded on how pretty the document looks or how nice the nice fonts and illustrations. This isn’t an assignment for school where you’re going through the motions to get a B.

Instead focus your energy on making this plan useful for your business. Find specific locations that you plan to sell food. Get the contact information for these venues to learn how you can get into them. Figure out your exact food cost and how much it’s going to cost to get permits in your area. Putting ink to paper or word document is going to make the operations of your business real.

Now let’s get on with making your game plan!

Note to Reader: This is part of a series of posts following the process of starting a food truck with Anthony Salvagno (featured in the image below) as he writes a business plan, seeks funding, develops a concept, builds a menu, and ultimately launches his first food truck. Listen to the audio lesson inside this post to learn more about writing a winning food truck business plan.

The person that doesn’t have one [a business plan] sets themselves up for failure. – Anthony Salvagno on the importance of thinking before leaping into a business.

Serious about Starting a Food Truck?  Click Here To Get Our Free Food Truck Business Kit.

365 days on a food truck

Download Business Plan Templates

In my opinion, this case study is most effective when listening to the audio and downloading the example that Salvagno was kind enough to provide for this post. I’ve also linked to other resources that can help you write your own business plan.

Download Business Plan – Yes, this is the PDF business plan used to acquire $5,000 for a food truck during a business pitch competition. This document is referenced in the companion podcast.

Download Business Plan Template – Here’s a sample template you can use and edit for your own truck.

SBA – Create Your Business Plan – The Small Business Administration (SBA) does an excellent job outlining the steps needed to create a business plan. It’s not food truck specific, but it gives you what you need and there’s plenty of valuable information here.

You can learn a lot by reading business plans for other food businesses like restaurants as well. Operating a profitable restaurant is similar to operating a successful mobile food business. The main different is that a trailer is that it’s mobile.

Components of a Business Plan

Below is an outline of the key sections you’ll need to complete for a standard business plan with a description of how each section applies to a food truck or trailer business. Complete each section and you’ve got yourself a real plan for your business my friend.

Keep in mind that if you’re creating this document for yourself and not a banker you don’t need to get fancy with the formatting. The important thing is to have a detailed plan for the business before you open. If you feel the burning desire to make this look nice, you can make formatting updates after the

Executive Summary:

This is an overview of the information contained in the business plan and should introduce the name of your food truck and the food you plan to serve. This section should only be one page in length. Give readers the high-level overview of what the plan. You’ll have plenty of opportunity to dive into the nitty gritty in the next sections of the document.

The purpose of this section in most business plans is to give prospective investors information about your startup. Lenders reviewing a small business loan might be another audience, although they will be much more focused on financial side of things. But for most of our readers this section is for you, a business partner, and potentially a spouse.

For our Executive Summary we included 2 – 3 sentences describing these important aspects of the business. The provides anyone reading this document with a general understanding of what the business is and how it expects to make money:

  • The food item we plan to sell and specialize in.
  • The key people that will manage the business. In this case, the food truck will be owned and operated by two partners.
  • The business entity we plan to form. We formed an LLC.
  • Where you plan to operate the business and hours of operation. Our initial plan had us operating 5 days per week for lunch and dinner.
  • The basic marketing plan. Again you’ll dive into the details in the marketing and sales portion of the document.
  • Projected cost to fund the business and anticipated revenue.
  • Future goals. How will you know you’ve won? For some this will be a specific revenue number and for others this could be opening up a franchise with 100s of locations.

Again, unless you plan to bring on outside investors don’t worry too much about perfect formatting in the executive summary. This is to ensure you and your partners are clear on the high-level plan for the business.

Food Truck Mission Statement:

The mission statement for a food truck can be as short as a sentence or as long as a paragraph. This statement should define what you plan to serve, who you will serve, and the ultimate vision for the business. When done right the mission statement should guide every major decision you make for the business.

Here’s the mission statement from our business plan as an example: 

To provide the residents of our city, young and old, an out of this world gourmet peanut butter and jelly inspired sandwich experience. We use local ingredients and provide gluten-free, contaminant-free products for those with special dietary needs.

When a mission statement is done right it should actually influence how you operate and run your business day to day. For example, since the utilization of local ingredients is part of our mission statement, we’ve got to actively be looking for local suppliers to buy inventory. If we don’t, we’ve failed.

We also need to consider the dietary needs of different groups of people. This impacts the sandwiches we put on our menu every day. Again, if we don’t do this, won’t reach the goal we’ve set out to achieve.

A mission statement can be the most influential part of the business plan when it’s used the right way. On the other hand, this guide can be forgotten when it’s not used to guide decisions. To learn more about making impactful mission statements, watch this interview to go deeper on the subject.

business plan food truck belgique

Company Concept and Description:

This is the fun part. Here you will describe what you hope the food truck will become, the food you plan to serve, and why you believe it will be a successful business. For most food trucks this section only needs to be a few paragraphs in length.

Make sure to include information on why your food is both desirable and unique to customers in the area. Also, if you have some type of theme, like an island theme for example, include little details like this in the description.

If you plan to operate something more mainstream like taco truck, take the time to express what it is that makes you different in your market. A common way food trucks differentiate themselves is through their ingredients or style. For example, you could be the only taco truck in town that uses organic, locally raised meats. Or you might be the only one in town that specializes in making fish tacos. Find a way to standout and offer something that isn’t available elsewhere.

You want folks that read this section to be able to clearly envision the kind of overall experience they’ll enjoy when visiting your food truck. Here are a few guidelines for writing this section:

  • What food will you serve?
  • How is your food different than other vendors in the area?
  • Is there a specific type of consumer you want to attract?

As you can see from our own business plan, we differentiated ourselves through seasonal menu changes all the time and have menu options that cater to people that require a gluten-free diet. It’s also worth noting that our core product of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches is unique to the market.

Market Analysis:

business plan food truck belgique

Understand the players in your market before starting a business.

For smaller markets with a couple hundred thousand people living nearby this section might be short and include just 4 – 5 other trucks. However, if you’re entering a market like Los Angeles this section will be larger and more in-depth.

If you’re planning to enter a market that has 10 traditional taco trucks and you plan to start a traditional taco truck too, it will be to differentiate yourself from other vendors in the area.

Consider adding a spin to your own food concept like serving Asian tacos instead to provide local consumers will more variety and fill a potential need. If you’re not sure about the type of truck you want to create yet, looking at the market and seeing what type of food is missing can be a smart way to approach this.

In this area you’ll also want to identify the type of customer that will frequent your establishment. Any data about local trends that you can find will be useful to include as well like this report from IBIS World that forecasts growth in the United States food truck industry for the next 5 years. Google can be a good friend in locating the data to include in the document.

Management Structure:

stress restaurant owner

Most food truck owners start with a management structure of one.

This section is straightforward for most food vendors. You can list yourself as the owner and operator if that applies. But don’t forget about key employees or partners too. Many food trucks need a team of 3 – 5 employees to operate successfully during a lunch rush. Make sure these long-term players are accounted for.

In our business plan, it’s a partnership between brothers. The work load is split up between one brother operating the front of the house and marketing: accepting orders, booking new business and events, emailing and calling catering leads. The other brother focuses more on the chef duties including sourcing ingredients, cooking food, working with suppliers, and ensuring food quality.

Industry Survey Results: What is the Average Income of a Food Truck Vendor?

If you have more than one owner of the business this is where you want to take the opportunity to clearly define roles. This is an extremely important section of the document when multiple parties and their money are involved. By outlining everyones responsibilities in this document, it serves as a record of who was in responsible for certain aspects of the business. The more people involved, the more diligent you need to be with assigning tasks.

If it’s not written down, it’s easy for partners to recall things differently. This will help avoid conflict in the future for all parties involved. You need this.

The more stakeholders involved, the more complicated this section will be. You should also include investors and advisors in this section even when people aren’t excepted to help with the daily business operations. Outline what value these people have delivered to the business and what return they can expect in the future.

Product Line:

business plan food truck belgique

Ready-made meals can be a great way to diversify your product line.

Finally… This is the section you finally get to describe your food. I recommend outlining the main menu items and any signature dishes that you have in this section. But don’t stop at just the food that you plan to serve.

Other products and services that you plan to offer could include corporate catering gigs or weddings. These can be the biggest money makers for a mobile food vendor.

It pays to think outside the box too in this section. Some vendors that started out by serving food out the window of a truck exclusively have now begun to sell their trademark dishes in stores, online, or at restaurant. Don’t forget to think about possible paths for growth in the business.

  • Previous guest of the show Martie Richie of Motley Crews is an excellent example of someone that is doing just that. They’ve expanded to selling snacks online through their e-commerce website and at local gas stations.
  • Malcolm decided to open a restaurant to attain more consistent sales, especially through the slow winter months.

Sales and Marketing:

s'wich it up

A food truck can serve as a mobile promotional platform.

How do you plan to market your business and get sales? One of the biggest factors that determine the success / failure of a lunch truck is location. Will you be able to get into major events or areas with a lot of potential customers?

One of the biggest favors you can do for yourself to input into your sales and marketing plan is to create a tentative list of places you might be able to vend. Get extremely granular with this task. In fact, it might even help to print out a map to evaluate where the best potential vending locations are in your area.

Here’s the information you should gather as part of this process. You can add this information inside the sales and marketing section of the business plan as you gather it. 

  • Name of the vending location and cost details.
  • Contact information including telephone, email, and address. Ideally a dedicated point of contact in charge of booking vendors.

Here are some locations that work well for food trucks:

  • Farmer’s markets: You can usually find vendor information listed on the website.
  • Annual events: Browse your cities website for a list of upcoming events like car shows, fairs, or parades.
  • Social Media: One of the easiest ways to find good vending locations is to monitor the social media accounts of popular food trucks in your city. If they are vending somewhere, it’s probably a lucrative location that you might be able to vend at as well.
  • Corporate Workplaces:  Big corporate employers with a few thousand employees working at a single location can be a good option for generating consistent lunch sales.
  • Breweries and Wineries: Places like this often don’t want to build in a restaurant into their operations and partner with mobile food vendors to supply food to guests.

Pro Tip: Make sure to have a a lot of  different parking location options before getting started. Not every location you try is going to be profitable. By developing a big list of opportunities upfront, you won’t feel stressed about vending options because your dream vending location didn’t work out.

There are an endless number of tactics you can use to attempt to drum up business in the early days, but for most successful food business getting into events with big hungry crowds is the first step to building a brand locally and gaining traction. Learn more about finding profitable vending locations here.

Funding Request:

business plan food truck belgique

Just another day on the food truck.

The key to a good funding request is knowing exactly how much money you need and having a detailed plan explaining how you plan to use it. For food truck owners, the biggest early expense will be in buying a food truck and the kitchen equipment installed onboard.

You should also account for the amount of money you’ve raised or have on hand in this section. In our business plan for example, we were looking at $55,000 all-in to start the business. This would include the purchase of a food truck, our initial inventory of food, and permits. Be extremely diligent in outlining how you intend to spend every dollar in this section. It will safe you time late in the process and lenders will appreciate your attention to detail.

We were able to bring $14,850 or 27% of that total investment to the table that was raised mostly through personal savings, a small crowd funding campaign, and winning a business plan contest. The remaining 73% was acquired through the help of a small business loan. Being able to start a real food business like this for below $15,000 out of pocket is pretty cool.

Reader’s Note: If you’re not planning to seek funding through a traditional bank (or are simply planning to take out a personal loan based on your credit history) you can technically disregard this section, although you should still analyze closely how you intend to spend your money.

If you plan on asking for friends and family for money this attention to detail can help too. Even if they’re not in the food industry, it’s easy to understand that a commercial oven or fridge could cost a few thousand dollars. If you have a specific use for funds that makes sense, it increases the likelihood of obtaining a loan with friendly terms amongst family.

Financial Projections:

This is an extremely important area to spend time on before starting a food truck. I’d argue this section is as important as the product, sales and marketing plan of the business plan. This section will offer your first insight into whether or not the business idea you have is going to work or not in its present form.

From a practical standpoint, the main thing you want to figure out is what your break-even point for the business is. In other words, how much food do you need to sell in order to pay all of your monthly expenses? This is a simple, but critical question you must find the answer to before getting started.

You can determine the break-even point for a food truck business with this formula: 

Fixed Costs / (Price – Variable Costs) = Bread Even Point

Here’s the due diligence you’ll need to complete to find the break-even point for your food truck:

  • Add up the total monthly expenses you expect for the food truck to find your fixed cost number. This number will include loan payments, insurance, cell phone, and everything else you need to pay on a monthly. Use our guide to create a quick estimate of monthly costs.
  • The price refers to how much you plan to charge customers and how many sales you anticipate in a given month. From your perspective the less sales you need to break even the better as it will.
  • The variable costs is the expenses you put into cost of goods sold. In your case this if the food you’re selling. As you sell more, your variable cost will also increase because you need to buy more product. This is a good thing!

Based on your current fixed cost and variable cost estimates, find out how many total sales of your food total you would need to generate to pay all your bills. Does that number seem seem attainable based on the frequency you plan to vend each month?

Figuring out what your sales is going to be in the future will be the biggest leap of faith you make in the business plan. I always urge people to be being super conservative with sales estimates. You are going to have slow days and extremely busy days when you get out into the real world. Being financially ready for challenging times will make your business more resilient.

Forecasting Financial Projections:

In the financial projections, focus on estimating how much money you will make in the first year of the business. Investing too much time on longterm projections 5-years out doesn’t make any sense since you haven’t actually started the business yet. After the business has been operating for about a month, you’ll want to go back and review the previous estimates to ensure everything is making sense.

While estimating the projected revenue will require some guessing, figuring out startup and monthly operating expenses once the business gets going is much simpler. While there might be unexpected expenses that pop up before opening the business, you already know the monthly bills like insurance, phone, inventory, loan payments (if you have one), commissary.  Read our post that includes a spreadsheet on the Complete Breakdown of Food Truck Operation Costs for help researching this section.

Here are a few other quick tips for the financial projections section: 

  • Always start a business with some extra capital on hand and establish an emergency business fund. We suggest $3,000 – $5,000 minimum. You don’t want to find yourself underfunded going into the second week so and not be able to purchase supplies. Unfortunately, break downs also happen in this business so you want to be ready for them.
  • You’ll need to be comfortable making a few “educated guesses” in this section especially when it comes to revenue projections. Always be conservative with sales estimates. If you do end of exceeding expectations then that’s fantastic.
  • The primary goal of completing this process is to understand how much money you’ll require to operate the business and break even on a monthly basis. After determining a break-even, find out how much it will require to pay yourself a comfortable wage after taxes.

This is the place to include your permit from the health department, photos of the vehicle, and other legal documents needed to operate a mobile food business. This is a good spot to add photos of food or people smiling and enjoying your meals at events (if you’ve vended at an event already). Add in anything else you feel could be helpful too.

Bonus Tips When Creating Your Building Plan

Here are a few key concepts pulled straight from the audio companion of this guide.

  • Don’t be afraid to ask current food truck owners for help when writing a plan. They have the best understanding of what the market looks like and may even help you to create more accurate market projections. Not everyone will be willing to lend a hand, but some might.
  • The financial projections section is the most important and practical element of the business plan. You need this to be able to evaluate how much money you’ll to start the business and what prices you’ll need to charge for longterm success.
  • Don’t invest a ton of your time into longterm projections especially years 3, 4, and 5 of the food truck. Restaurants come and go. You won’t be able to make accurate projections out that far anyway.
  • You should be extremely detailed when estimating expenses. Including often overlooked items like sandwich wrappers, napkins, mops, buckets, and cleaning supplies. Knowing how much cash you need for day one of starting the truck right is critical.

business plan food truck belgique

Is Creating a Business Plan a Total Waste of Time?

Good question. That really depends on who you ask.

There’s a whole group of like savvy entrepreneurs and business people who don’t believe in the business plan at all. They’re like okay, you have this written document that you never ever use again. But then there’s this whole other group of people that actually believe in the business plan.

If you’re planning to try to get a traditional bank loan you will need to create a business plan. Having a written plan does not guarantee you will be approved for a loan. In fact, you might get turned down even with an okay credit history.

While it’s not perfect, I firmly believe going through the process of writing a business plan, when taken seriously improves your chances of success. You want to understand your competition. You want to understand where you plan to park. You want to have a few ideas about how you might market your business and what your overhead is going to be before starting the business. This document helps you make more educated decisions based on the work you’ve put in.

The Bottom Line: Will drafting a detailed business plan like this one take a long time? You bet it will. If you do it right, it could easily take a month or two to complete. But the benefits of doing so can be worth it and pay dividends for the life of your business.

So what’s the next step? I suggest enrolling in our free food truck business kit to learn more about the startup process. 

Want to start your own food business?

Hey! 👋I’m Brett Lindenberg, the founder of Food Truck Empire.

We interview successful founders and share the stories behind their food trucks, restaurants, food and beverage brands. By sharing these stories, I want to help others get started.

If you liked this story, sign up for our newsletter that includes our food business startup kit and most popular interviews sent straight to your inbox.

Know someone interesting that should be interviewed on the website? Tell us about them here. 

About the Author: Brett Lindenberg

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Table of contents.

Budget Branders is dedicated to helping independently owned and operated businesses thrive. We offer a range of high-quality disposable products , each of which can be printed with your food truck’s name, logo, and/or slogan. Read on to learn more about writing a food truck business plan – and then reach out to us to learn more about our custom disposable products.

Why Do You Need a Business Plan for Your Food Truck?

Even if you don’t need funding for your food truck, you should still have a business plan. This plan isn’t just a document that you provide to the bank to get a business loan. It can guide you through the process of starting your food truck and managing it as it grows. A business plan gives you the opportunity to think through all of the details of how you will actually run your food truck.

A business plan can also be used to check your progress and determine if you are hitting milestones. For example, if you set goals for sales in the first year to two years of business, you can check in to make sure that you are on target. If not, then you may need to adjust your plan to accommodate whatever economic realities (such as the rising price of certain ingredients) you may be facing.

Most importantly, writing a business plan does not have to be complicated. There are many templates available online – including the samples that we have included below. You can also adapt your plan to fit your needs, without worrying too much about format.

Writing a business plan does take some research and attention to detail. However, the work that you put into drafting the plan includes things that you should be doing anyways – such as looking into the types of licenses and permits that you will need, pricing out menu items, and figuring out your target demographic. This information isn’t just necessary for a business plan – it is vital to ensure that your company will be financially successful.

What Should a Food Truck Business Plan Include?

An executive summary.

You should consider including the following points in the executive summary:

  • Where you plan to sell your food
  • What type of food you plan to sell
  • Why this style of food will be successful in the target market
  • The projected costs and profits for the food truck
  • Future goals for the food truck (such as buying additional trucks or even franchising)

The Food Truck Vision

A sample menu, organization and management , market analysis, target audience, marketing , expected costs.

  • Buying or renting a food truck
  • Kitchen equipment
  • Labor costs
  • Ingredients
  • Licenses and permits
  • Marketing and advertising
  • Lawyers, accountants, and other consultant fees

Once you have priced out each of these costs, you will have a better idea of how much money you will need to not only start your business but to run it. You can then seek out funding or plan your budget accordingly.

Financial Projections

Food truck business plan example template, how budget branders can help your food truck business grow.

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Beau Comme Un Camion

  • May 25, 2020

Votre modèle de Business Plan Food Truck prêt à l'emploi !

Updated: Jul 3, 2023

Le business plan de votre Food Truck est une étape indispensable pour ouvrir votre Food Truck . A cet effet, nous mettons à votre disposition notre modèle de business plan Food Truck ! Ce prévisionnel vous sera demandé par vos banques et partenaires avant de pouvoir immatriculer votre entreprise .

Notre modèle excel est en libre téléchargement et vous générera automatiquement votre business plan Food Truck! On vous détaille ici son fonctionnement pas à pas. Le lien de téléchargement se trouve en bas de page.

Première page : Rentrez les données de votre activité Food Truck

C’est la seule page que vous aurez à remplir pour obtenir votre business plan Food Truck ! Les cases en bleues sont celles que vous devrez compléter.

business plan food truck belgique

Les prévisions se font sur 4 ans. Vous devrez notamment estimer (ci-dessous des exemples) :

Le nombre de couverts par services que vous espérez réaliser ;

Le panier moyen de votre Food Truck ;

Le taux de marge de votre Food Truck ;

L’estimation des charges de votre Food Truck (emplacements, assurance, comptable, etc).

Le salaire du gérant du Food Truck et éventuellement des employés ;

L’investissement de départ.

Pour estimer ces données, on vous renvoie à nos conseils pour estimer la rentabilité d'un Food Truck . Une fois toutes ces données rentrées, rendez-vous sur la deuxième feuille qui aura généré le Business Plan de votre Food Truck.

Deuxième page : Imprimez votre Business Plan

En deuxième page vous trouverez votre business plan mis en forme, automatiquement généré, prêt à imprimer !

business plan food truck belgique

A gauche vous retrouverez l’identification de votre Food Truck. A droite est généré un compte de résultat, il vous détaillera vos coûts, votre chiffre d’affaire prévisionnel et de ce fait votre bénéfice futur, avant et après imposition.

Ce modèle de business plan Food Truck est personnalisé par rapport aux informations que vous avez rentrée en première feuille. Il vous permettra de réaliser la présentation de votre projet Food Truck auprès d’un banquier par exemple, pour assurer votre financement Food Truck .

Troisième page : Investissements et Finances

Cette page vient en complément du compte de résultat et a une importance capitale. Son objectif est de contrôler vos prévisions en termes d’investissement et de s’assurer que votre trésorerie de départ est assez élevée pour ouvrir votre Food Truck.

business plan food truck belgique

Pour cela il faudra ici détailler tous les coûts et frais pour ouvrir votre Food Truck. L'investissement pour votre remorque Food Truck ou camion Food Truck n'est pas négligeable. Le tableau classe l’ensemble des données que vous avez rentrées, ainsi que les financements que vous avez prévus. A sa droite, Un algorithme contrôlera vos prévisions et vous indiquera si votre trésorerie de départ est adéquate ou non !

Quatrième page : votre seuil de rentabilité

Cette page a pour but de vous fixer un objectif de production de repas/vente en temps réel par rapport à votre prévisualisation de départ. Elle indique quel chiffre d’affaires vous devez dégager sur une année, ainsi que pour chaque jour d’activité. Autrement dit, combien de repas vous devez vendre quotidiennement en moyenne pour atteindre la rentabilité de votre Food Truck.

business plan food truck belgique

Une fois votre business plan réalisé, il ne vous manque plus qu’à rédiger votre étude de marché , pour convaincre n’importe qui que votre Food Truck sera un succès assuré !

Enfin, sachez qu'un logiciel de Business Plan comme celui de Previ'start peut vous aider dans la gestion financière de votre société.

Cliquez sur le fichier pour télécharger votre business plan Food Truck Excel :

Auteur : Kilian Chan, diplômé de la Toulouse Business School et spécialisé dans l'accompagnement des entrepreneurs chez Beau Comme Un Camion

business plan food truck belgique

  • Business Plan / Financement

Comment réaliser votre étude de marché Food Truck ?

il y toujours un problème sur votre modèle de business plan gratuit est-il fait exprès si non vérifiez le tableau avant de le mettre en téléchargement

car sa fait travail bâclé

cordialement 😉

Il y a bien un problème avec le tableau. Qu'on mette ou non un emplacement à 0 euros mensuel ou 2000, le nombre de repas reste le même ..... Vérifiez votre tableau, il n'est pas fiable

N'y a t il pas un problème sur votre modèle de business plan ? Quand je regarde sur votre exemple, avec 1200 euros dans la rémunération dirigeant , je me retrouve avec un salaire chargée dans la façade du business plan à 1344 euros. Est il normal que dans la façade du business plan, on ai le salaire mensuel et non annuel ? car dans d'autres calculs du tableur dans l'onglet façade du business plan (Le total des charges par exemple), le montant mensuel est utilisé pour des calculs qui devraient utiliser le montant annuel je pense. Sauriez vous me dire si je me trompe ? Car la simulation n'est pas très encourageante du coup...

1300 euros de salaire…

Moscow, Idaho


Moscow has developed a reputation as a “foodie” town, thanks to a local community of chefs and restaurateurs who regularly introduce new concepts and creations. From down-home comfort food to continental cuisine, you’ll have a variety of choices for any meal.

1317 S Main St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-2301

Applebee’s Grill and Bar

105 Warbonnet Dr, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 883-4821


150 Peterson Dr, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-4223

403 South Main Street, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-4279

Bucer’s Coffee House Pub

201 South Main Street, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 596-0887

Buffalo Wild Wings

1710 W Pullman Rd, Moscow, ID, USA

Café Artista

218 S Main St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-1324

512 S Washington St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-1154

(425) 985-2415

Corner Club

202 N Main St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-2915

Dominos Pizza

317 W. 6th St. Suites 105 & 106, Moscow, ID

(208) 883-1555

Duke’s Place

(503) 317-3880


308 W 6th St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-9000

Garden Lounge

313 S Main St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-8513

(208) 907-1013

2002 S Main St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 310-4427

Humble Burger

102 N Main St, Moscow, ID, USA

(775) 600-2874

Hunga Dunga Brewing Co.

333 N Jackson St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 596-4855

2010 South Main Street, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 874-8007

1320 S Mountain View Rd, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 669-1743

Jimmy John’s

529 S Jackson St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 883-3278

Karma Indian Cuisine

Eastside Marketplace

1420 S Blaine St Suite #19-20, Moscow, ID 83843

(208) 301-5117

1400 South Blaine Street, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-8363

La Casa Lopez

415 S Main St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 883-0536

LocoGrinz Hawaiian BBQ

113 North Main Street, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 883-4463

106 N Main St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-2268

212 S Main St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 883-8221

Maialina Pizzeria Napoletana

602 S Main St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-2694

1404 W Pullman Rd, Moscow, ID, USA

(800) 244-6227

862 Troy Rd, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-1953

Mikey’s Greek Gyros

527 S Main St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-0780

Mingles Bar and Grill

102 S Main St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-2050

710 W Pullman Rd, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 504-0280

Moscow Alehouse

226 W 6th St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-2739

Moscow Bagel & Deli

310 S Main St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-5242

Moscow Brewing Company

630 North Almon Street, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 596-4058

Moscow Elks #249

3080 State Hwy 8, Moscow, ID, EE. UU.

(208) 882-3015

Moscow Food Co-op

121 E. Fifth Street Moscow ID

(208) 882-8537

Nectar Restaurant & Wine Bar

105 West 6th Street, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-5914

One World Café

533 S Main St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 883-3537

Palouse Juice

509 South Main Street, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 310-6692

Panda Express

1932 W Pullman Rd, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-8880

Papa Murphy’s Take’N’Bake Pizza

524 W 3rd St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 883-9508

Paradise Grill and Café

1902 W Pullman Rd, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-5660

Patty’s Mexican Kitchen

450 W 6th St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 883-3984

1429 S Blaine St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-0444

Pizza Perfection

428 W 3rd St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-1111

Qdoba Mexican Grill

1970 W Pullman Rd, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 892-8569

Rants & Raves

308 N Jackson St, Moscow, ID

(208) 596-4061

215 W 3rd St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 596-4041

Red Star Coffee

1046 W Pullman Rd, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 892-8007

Sangria Grille

2124 W Pullman Rd, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-2693

Seasons Public House

1516 W Pullman Rd, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-0550 Ext 333

Shari’s Restaurant and Pies

121 Warbonnet Dr, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-1971

Sisters Cookie Company

610 N. Almon St. Suite 130 Moscow Id

(208) 596-9690

Slice Taphouse

125 E 2nd St, Moscow, ID, USA

1930 W Pullman Rd, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-2163

1320 S Blaine St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 883-0713

710 S Deakin St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 885-6600

402 W 6th St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 892-2080

307 W 3rd St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 883-3841

866 Troy Rd, Moscow, ID, USA #111

(208) 882-3238

1400 S Blaine St, Moscow, ID, USA

401 W. Sixth Street, Moscow, ID

(208) 882-8226

Tapped – Taphouse & Kitchen

210 South Main Street, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 596-4422

The Bean Farm

503 Troy Rd, Moscow, ID, USA

(425) 861-7864

The Breakfast Club

501 S Main St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-6481

203 W 3rd St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 883-8250

The Plantation

2012 S Main St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-3344


1030 W Pullman Rd, Moscow, ID, USA

(509) 326-6333

Winger’s Roadhouse Diner

1484 S Blaine St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 882-9850

Young’s Alley

304 W 6th St, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 301-7888

1222 W Pullman Rd, Moscow, ID, USA

(208) 883-0678

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    Here are the sections that you'll want to include in your business plan for your food truck: 1. Executive summary. Your executive summary is a very brief overview of your business. Try and keep it to just one or two pages. Anything more than that just isn't useful. Food Truck Business Executive Summary Tips.

  8. Food Truck Business Plan Template + Example

    1. Don't worry about finding an exact match. We have over 550 sample business plan templates. So, make sure the plan is a close match, but don't get hung up on the details. Your business is unique and will differ from any example or template you come across. So, use this example as a starting point and customize it to your needs.

  9. How to create a food truck business plan

    A well-crafted food truck business plan consists of several key components that provide a comprehensive overview of your venture. These seven steps help you articulate your business concept, strategize your operations and outline your financial projections. Executive summary. Company name and domain name.

  10. Food Truck Business Plan Template

    This food truck business plan template is designed for entrepreneurs and owners looking to start their own food truck business. The template provides a comprehensive structure for them to outline their concept, target market, and financial projections, as well as a detailed strategy for achieving their desired financial goals. 1.

  11. Free Food Truck Business Plan Example and Template

    Milestones. Obtain necessary permits and licenses — July 1, 2023. Purchase and outfit the food truck — August 1, 2023. Launch website and social media accounts — September 1, 2023. Open for business — October 1, 2023. Cater first private event — November 1, 2023. Participate in a local food festival — May 1, 2024.

  12. Food Truck Business Plan Examples: 20+ Templates & Success Guide

    Example: "We need money for the truck, kitchen stuff, and food to start. We think we can make $15,000 each month. Our goal is to start making a profit within six months!". See also 4 Popular Business Hours Template.

  13. How to Write a Food Truck Business Plan: Complete Guide

    An organizational chart example for a food truck. 6. Financial Plan. The financial plan is perhaps, with the executive summary, the most important section of any business plan for a food truck. Indeed, a solid financial plan tells lenders that your business is viable and can repay the loan you need from them.

  14. Food Truck Business Plan: The Beginner's Guide For Success

    As the name suggests, a food truck business plan is a written document that details your food truck's goals and the measures you will take to make those goals a reality. At its most basic, a business plan (for any type of operation) describes a comprehensive picture of the organization itself, including: Financial projections.

  15. Sample Business Plan For a Food Truck Business

    Download our food truck business plan pdf here. This is a free food truck business plan example to help you get started on your own food truck plan. Writing a business plan is an essential part of starting a successful food truck business. It acts as the guiding document that outlines the goals and.

  16. How to Write a Food Truck Business Plan

    In our business plan for example, we were looking at $55,000 all-in to start the business. This would include the purchase of a food truck, our initial inventory of food, and permits. Be extremely diligent in outlining how you intend to spend every dollar in this section.

  17. How to Write a Food Truck Business Plan

    2. Company Description. Use this section of your food truck business plan to explain the details of your company. Describe your food truck business and convey how it will be a valuable addition to the existing market. Essentially, this is the section where you can expand upon the topics you briefly mentioned in the executive summary.

  18. How To Write A Food Truck Business Plan (With Examples)

    Currently, there are more than 35,000 food trucks in the United States, with a market size of $1.16 billion in 2021. This market share is expected to rise by 6.4% annually from 2022 to 2030, driven in large part by a demand for novel dining experiences and a greater interest in gastronomy.In many communities, food trucks are a common sight in ...

  19. Modèle de Business Plan Food Truck gratuit

    Le business plan de votre Food Truck est une étape indispensable pour ouvrir votre Food Truck. A cet effet, nous mettons à votre disposition notre modèle de business plan Food Truck ! Ce prévisionnel vous sera demandé par vos banques et partenaires avant de pouvoir immatriculer votre entreprise.Notre modèle excel est en libre téléchargement et vous générera automatiquement votre ...

  20. 5 Food Truck Licenses and Permits Required in Idaho (2024)

    How to start a food truck business in Idaho. Starting a food truck in Idaho can take many months to over a year. The process involves building a strong food truck business plan, applying for all your licenses and permits, finding food truck funding, choosing a vehicle and ensuring it's ready to prepare and serve food, renting an additional prep space, planning your ideal parking locations ...

  21. New Moscow event proposed on Sixth Street

    Starkbierfest would feature alcohol, food trucks, music on March 2; committee recommends approving the plans By Anthony Kuipers, Daily News staff writer Jan 23, 2024

  22. Lloyd Taco Factory plans Elmwood Ave. location at former Thin Man

    Founded in 2010 with a food truck, Lloyd Taco's owners include Peter Cimino and Chris Dorsaneo. The company opened its first storefront at 1503 Hertel Ave. in 2015. Related Articles

  23. 99 Years of ZiL: From Car Plant To Potential New Heart of Moscow?

    Nov. 12, 2015. Workers performing tasks at the ZiL car plant. An ambitious project hoping to revive Moscow's largest abandoned industrial zone takes off. Almost a hundred years after the legendary ...

  24. Plans show Pizza Man's possible reopening on Downer Avenue

    Pizza Man announced plans to move in March of 2023 to 2060 N. Humboldt Blvd., the former location of Stubby's Gastrogrub & Beer Bar. The restaurant opened there in April of 2023 but closed about ...

  25. Restaurants in Moscow, ID

    Karma Indian Cuisine. Eastside Marketplace. 1420 S Blaine St Suite #19-20, Moscow, ID 83843. (208) 301-5117. Visit Website.