Theses and Dissertations by U of T Students

Tspace thesis and dissertation collection.

  •   U of T Doctoral Theses Collection (2009 – current)
  •   U of T Master’s Theses Collection (2009 – current)
  •   U of T TSpace Thesis and Dissertation Collection (pre-2009)

Catalogue Access to U of T Theses and Dissertations

  • An Advanced Search of the Catalogue with Format set to Thesis retrieves Master’s and Doctoral Theses in the  U of T Library collection.

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses @ University of Toronto Database

  • Searching the ProQuest customized database retrieves theses and dissertations by U of T students.

How can I find a University of Toronto thesis?

There are a few options available to you:

  • You can check  TSpace , the university's research repository. TSpace holds Masters theses and Doctoral dissertations from 2009 onwards as well as some older digitized materials.  
  • You can check Library and Archives Canada Thesis Portal   that contains many electronic theses and dissertations from the University of Toronto  
  • You can search Dissertations & Theses: Full Text (ProQuest).  
  • You can search the library catalogue. Once you have done a keyword search for your topic, you can use the 'Format' category to the left to filter just the theses.You will first need to click on 'Books' - if there are theses available, they will be displayed. You could also use 'thesis' as one of your keywords in your search.  
  • Older dissertations and theses are available through the University of Toronto Archives and Records Management Services (UTARMS) The Archives holds Masters theses from 1897 - 1989 and Doctoral theses from 1900 - 1985.  :

Can't find what you're looking for?   Contact us.

School of Graduate Studies

Electronic theses & dissertations: faqs.

1. If I publish a paper as a graduate student at U of T, can it still be used as part of my thesis?

Yes, we do allow graduate students to include research published in a conference, book, or journal as part of their thesis; indeed, this has become standard practice in many disciplines. It is important, however, to be aware of copyright issues. When you have your research published, you usually sign some type of agreement with the publisher. You should read that agreement carefully before signing, making sure you understand and agree with the terms and conditions. If you don’t, you may want to request changes to the agreement to ensure you can use the material in your thesis. The agreement should be explicit about what future rights of use you retain. If you want to include the material in a dissertation, the best way is to retain your copyright.

2. If I publish a paper as a lapsed graduate student and am currently working at another university, can I still use this publication as part of my thesis later on? Do I have to be enrolled at the time of publication?

Any thesis research or data collection must be done as a registered University of Toronto graduate degree student and not as an employee at another institution. A publication on work done while a registered student that you submit while lapsed may be included in the thesis subject to the approval of your department and SGS.

Keep in mind that as a registered graduate student you own or co-own the intellectual property that you create as part of your work for academic credit; however, if you are employed for the purpose of doing the work, the work usually belongs to your employer.

3. Does the University have any rules concerning a joint paper as part of a thesis at U of T?

Scholarship is often pursued through collaboration with other scholars and researchers so intellectual property can be jointly created and jointly owned; this is usually the case in laboratory sciences where research is often the result of group interaction. There are no clear rules concerning how much or what kind of contribution is required in a joint (co-authored) paper if it is to be part of a thesis; this should be determined in conjunction with the supervisor and/or the graduate unit.

Joint (co-authored) papers may be included as part of your thesis if intellectual property issues are worked out in advance and approval is sought from your graduate unit. In all cases of joint publication, there should be a statement in the thesis explaining the nature of the collaboration and the contribution of the thesis author. Note however, the University of Toronto does not permit joint (co-authored) theses.

Submission Criteria & Procedures

4. When is my thesis ready to be submitted to SGS?

Once your thesis is in final, defended, corrected, approved form, it is ready to submit. Be sure that your thesis, ETD meets the technical and production requirements. (See the Formatting web page). You will find the checklist on this page helpful.

5. How do I submit an Electronic Thesis/Dissertation (ETD)?

Follow the online instructions on the digital library repository .

6. Do I still need to submit a paper copy?

Maybe. SGS does not require a paper copy, but your department or graduate unit may require you to provide a bound paper copy or copies. Please check with them.

7. If I need to submit a bound copy to my department, where should I go?

If you require a binding service, you may contact the U of T Bookstore Thesis Services . This is only an option; you may use any binding service that you prefer.

Electronic Thesis: Advantages

8. What are the advantages of submitting an electronic thesis?

Electronic theses have many advantages. ETD submissions will be on line in full colour, while microfiche and digitized versions of paper theses were processed in black and white only. ETD submissions allow the author to retain the highest quality of embedded images. In addition to the principle text-based PDF thesis file, ETD submissions can also include supplementary files in a variety of formats, enriching the text-based thesis in ways not possible with a paper submission.

In addition, accessibility and ease of use are greatly improved, better achieving the goal of enriching the world with the knowledge that your work has produced. For you personally, citation rates have been found to increase dramatically, and plagiarism of your work is inhibited because it could be so readily detected.


9. What documentation is needed?

Paper copies of the following documents must be handed in to the Doctoral Examinations Office or the Master’s Office at the School of Graduate Studies in order to be authorized to submit an ETD:

  • Restrict Release form signed by the chair of your department is required if an embargo/restriction is to be placed on the release date of your ETD
  • written confirmation (email is fine) of completion of editorial corrections or minor revisions specified by a doctoral final oral examination committee.

10. Are there specific formatting requirements?

Yes. Please see the Formatting page. There is also a file naming convention that you must follow.

11. How do I create a PDF file of my thesis?

A PDF conversion tool is included in the digital library repository . Adobe Acrobat writer or Acrobat Professional software (or other PDF writer programs) are required. University of Toronto Libraries (416-978-4357) has computers equipped for PDF conversion. Your department may also be able to provide you access to PDF conversion software. Student versions of Adobe Acrobat software can be purchased at the Computer Shop of the U of T Bookstore. Other PDF authoring software is also available online for little or no cost.

12. What if I need help formatting my thesis?

First, see the Formatting web page; the template may solve your problems. Colleagues are an obvious source of information, and the Doctoral Examinations Office or the Master’s Office can assist you or direct you to further help. Technical support is available through the digital library repository .

The Information Commons at Robarts Library, 416-978-4292 or [email protected] , has computers equipped with all the software you need. Staff there are knowledgeable about most of the issues you may encounter.

OISE students will find the necessary equipment and software in the OISE library; staff can provide assistance. Workshops may also be planned. OISE students can inquire at the registrar’s office, 416-978-1639, or the OISE library.

13. I want to use previously published material in my thesis. What permission is needed?

Please see the Copyright  page.

14. When will my ETD be available online?

ETD submissions are available on the ProQuest website approximately five to six weeks following your convocation, and at  T-Space a few weeks after that. Your thesis will be part of the T-Space collection at the library and part of the National Library of Canada’s collection.

Changing ETDs

15. What if I notice mistakes and/or changes that need to be made after submitting my ETD?

Contact the Doctoral Examinations Office or the Master’s Office , respectively, for a doctoral or master’s thesis issue. A correction or change can only be made with the authorization of SGS prior to the release of your thesis after convocation, and it may require the written approval of your supervisor. Your ETD must be the approved, final version of your thesis. You will not be able to make a change to your thesis once the thesis has been released after convocation.

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Master of Information Theses

Last Updated: April 27, 2022, 3:02 PM ET

COVID-19 related updates regarding upcoming Term(s) and more can be found on the COVID-19 Information for Students page.

These bibliographies are compiled and updated by the Inforum / Learning Hub.

Use the following directory to navigate this page. Additional links to related resources are also included.

This bibliography lists all known theses and final research papers produced by students as an optional degree requirement for the following degree designations:

  • Master of Information (MI): 2010–present
  • Master of Information Studies (MISt): 1995–2010
  • Master of Information Science (MIS): 1988–1998
  • Master of Library Science (MLS): 1963–1995

Links to electronic and print copies of theses are provided where available. Up until 2009, the Inforum / Learning Hub collected print archival copies of completed theses.

Theses Directory (by Author Last Name)

To use the directory below, please select the first letter of the author’s last name:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Abrishamkar, Sadra. (2013). Goal-oriented know-how mapping (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Ali, Natasha. (2011). Information and decision making processes leading to corporate failure: Enron and red flags (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Ambler, Scott William. (1994). The design of a portable meeting enhancement tool (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Anderson, Milo Taylor. (2014). Bread or circuses? Parsing representative and representational democratic discourse on U.S. political blogs (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Athanasiu, Eva. (2016). Survivance stories: Indigenous resistance and cultural labour in Canada (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Austin, Zubin. (1997). The pharmaceutical industry and disease state management : An information strategy in context (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Babcock, Glenys. (1979). The influence of selected reading materials on school children’s attitudes toward Canadian Indians (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Batts, Michael. (1974). On the feasibility of citation indexes in the humanities (MLS research report). University of Toronto. 1974.

Beckman, Margaret. (1969). Documentation system for the organization of government publications within a university library (MLS thesis). University of Toronto.

Bélanger, Marie-Eve. (2010). The annotative practices of graduate students: tensions & negotiations fostering and epistemic practice (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Benjamin, Alison. (2010). Making conformance work (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Bialkowski, Voytek (2011). Navigating textual space (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Boa, Krista. (2003). Smart card, weak effort?: Consultation in the Ontario smart card project (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it on ProQuest .

Boon, Natalie. (1998). Faculty adoption of computer and Internet technology in environmental studies at the University of Toronto (MISt research report). University of Toronto.

Bowles, George E. (1983). The validity of historio-bibliography in the developing sciences : The case of library science (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Brown, Barbara E. (1968). Records and procedures in the technical services department of the Library of Parliament (MLS thesis). University of Toronto.

Burt-D’Agnillo, Madelin. (2023). Getting coached: The information experience of life coaching clients (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Burwasser, Suzanne M. (1973). Some characteristics of library science periodicals : An investigation of authorship, subject matter, and citations (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Callahan, Alison Victoria. (2009). Contextual cocitation: Augmenting cocitation analysis and its applications (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it on ProQuest .

Camisso, Jamon. (2010). Embedding metadata: Exploring the ontology of hybrid digital material object (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Carrier, Lois Jacqueline. (1968). Undergraduate use of reserve material in six selected subjects (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Carter, Rodney George Simpson. (2005). The other archives : The archival value of photographs of anonymous people (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it on ProQuest .

Chan, Juliana. (1995). An evaluation of displays of bibliographic records in OPACs in Canadian academic and public libraries (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Chan, Sharly. (2018). Canadian Privacy Advocacy Groups and Bill C-51 (MI Thesis). University of Toronto.

Chang, Li. (1995). Query language translation for multiple retrieval systems (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Chien, Elise H. M. (2005). Informing and involving newcomers online : Users’ perspectives of (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it on ProQuest .

Chui, Victoria. (2023). Towards human-centered models in healthcare: Development of practical applications for surgical wards (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Cocca, Christopher. (2007). Towards improved visual support for i* modelling (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it on ProQuest .

Colquhoun, Joan. (1978). An exploratory bibliometric analysis of the literature of music history (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Conte, Sho. (2019). Design and evaluation of an interactive tactile aid to support older adults’ adoption of technology (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Coons, Virginia (Ginger). (2011). Colour standardization: Its past and a possible future (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Cooper, Danielle. (2011). “Big gay library”: Ethnography of the Pride Library at UWO (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Cross, Trevor. (2023). A tailored fit: Design and evaluation of a website structure self-tailoring option for older adults (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Cybulski, Alexander. (2014). Playing spy games: A surveillant platform study of Microsoft’s Xbox 360 (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Cyr, Sylvio. (2009). The effect of personality differences, knowledge types, and sharing targets on the psychological costs and benefits perceived in knowledge sharing decision situations (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it on ProQuest .

Czajkowski, Katrine (Katy). (2021). Patients’ information uses in an online health community (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

D’Angelo, Maria Elisabeth. (2001). Chained books, disciplined readers: Exploring the institutional context of reading (MISt research report). University of Toronto.

De Angelis, Inessa. (2024). Torrential Twitter: Climate change, female politicians, and harassment . (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Deng, Xiao Xue. (2006). Intentional modeling for enterprise architecture: Managing knowledge about “why” to support change (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it in on ProQuest .

Detlor, Brian T. (1994). An integrative approach to determining information needs and uses: A case study of a natural gas marketing firm (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Di Monte, Lauren. (2015). The blinking eye: Biometrics and the technologization of privacy (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Dishy, Aaron. (2018). Swalling misandry a survey of the discourse strategies of the r/ the Red Pill on Reddit (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Dockstator, Michael. (2019). Administrative intelligence: Exploring balanced Human-AI decision-making relationships in Canadian administrative contexts (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Dow, Rustam. (2012). The impact of end-user support on electronic medical record success in Ontario primary care: A critical case study (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Dube, Richard J. (1983). Determining the roles of the monograph in a developing discipline: A citation analysis of the monograph literature in the Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 1970-1981 (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Duncan, James. (2019). Negotiating citizenship: Mediatized migration and the Canadian data border (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Dupuis, Rachel M. (2001). “Touch her right here” versus “him and his G-spot”: How different are portrayals of the opposite sex in men’s and women’s magazines? (MISt research report). University of Toronto.

Dutton, Ian R. (1979). The communication of technological innovation through literature: An investigation to determine how information about technological innovation diffuses through literature until it reaches the literature of library and information science (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Ekeh, Bryan. (2023). The guidance signal building algorithm: A method to guide neural abstractive summarization (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Evans, Ferrin (Scott). (2022). “Next Stop, Sagville”: Covid-19, Precarious Labour and Queer Post/Memory on Fire Island (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Evans, Karen. (1982). York University Libraries contingency planning manual: A guide to construction and implementation (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Fichter, Darlene. (1987). Report of an exploratory study investigating the non-resident use of public library collections (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Foster, H. Marie. (1977). An investigation into the philosophical models of librarianship conveyed to students in professional schools of library science (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Fournier-Tombs, Eleonore. (2013). A new architecture of the public sphere: Online deliberation at the Liberal Party of Canada’s 2011 Extraordinary Convention (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Fraser, Darla Ellen. (2004). Information, parenting, and childhood development (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it on ProQuest .

Frohmann, Bernd Peter. (1981). A bibliometric analysis of the literature of cataloguing and classification (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Furness, Colin David. (1999). Paper versus computer screen presentation: Quality and credibility judgements of text documents (MISt research report). University of Toronto.

Gamba Bari, Antonio. (2010). Critical assessment of customization discourse in information systems design (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Ghajar-Khosravi, Shadi. (2008). An evaluation of systems for presenting, endorsing, and evaluating credentials in online communities (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find in on ProQuest .

Gignac, Patrick. (1994). A design of evaluative tools for bibliographic retrieval search sets in on-line public access catalogues (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Gottlieb, Lisa. (2000). User preferences in the classification of electronic bookmarks: Implications for a shared system (MISt research report). University of Toronto.

Govindarajan, U. (1993). Students’ perceptions of the library and computer lab support at the Faculty of Library and Information Science, University of Toronto (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

d’Haenens, Leen. (1989). Machine translation of non-literary texts (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Hamilton, Evan. (2015). Open for reporting: An exploration of open data and journalism in Canada (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Haehnel, Christopher (Kit). (2023). Intimate Monsters: On Disorder, Trans* Embodiment, and Futurity (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Hance, Jennifer. (1996). Evaluation of the print and electronic resources of the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Harpham, Bruce Thomas. (2009). The role of civil society organizations in the net neutrality debate in Canada and the United States (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it in print .

Harris, Gwen. (1994). Business case justification for special libraries (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Haythornthwaite, Caroline. (1992). Communication patterns of a co-located academic research group (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Hilts, Andrew. (2011). A knowledge structuring framework to support the design of social media for online deliberation (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Howarth, Lynne. (1979). The function of bibliographic searching in the organization of technical services: A study of five medium-sized academic libraries in Ontario (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Imam, Halle. (2021). Resequencing identity: African Americans and direct-to-consumer genetic testing (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Jiang, Dongwei. (1993). The methods of analyzing retrieved document sets in information retrieval (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Jiang, Zhuoran. (2019). Modeling for social network privacy design (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Johnston, Anne Wall. (1978). Retrieval comparison of title keywords vs controlled vocabulary in the subject field of alcoholism (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Kabakova, Polina. (2019). Monitoring the short-term outcomes of project-based UXD community-engaged learning courses (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Kabir, Imran. (2008). Representation and reorganization of Web accessibility guidelines using goal graphs and design patterns (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it on print .

Kalirai, Manveer. (2022). The Discoverability of Intelligent Personal Assistant Skills through Voice Interfaces (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Kanarek, Damian R. (1996). Internet content and access control of obscene and offensive materials: Canadian analysis of the present situation and predictions for the future (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Kirby, Penney P. (1997). A preliminary evaluation of the peer support, information and referral service at Willow: The Ontario Breast Cancer Support and Resource Centre (MISt research report). University of Toronto.

Klinger, Jessica. (2021). Information-seeking drug professionals: Information practices of peer harm reduction workers in Toronto (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Knapp, Margaret Elizabeth Douglas (Basterfield). (1963). Use of films in Canadian libraries (MLS thesis). University of Toronto.

Krauss, Armin Martin. (2010). Dynamic categorization: What we can learn from the emergent arrangement of physical artifacts in libraries (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Kruus, Kaia. (1993). A proposed interface design for a multi-target database searcher (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Kwok-Chung-Yee, Lily. (1993). A dynamic help program for recommending moves in online searching (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Lam, Margaret. (2011). Online music knowledge (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Lamont, Laura E. (2024). Information Outdoors: Exploring the Information Behaviour of Hobby Campers . (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Langdon, Graeme Hamish. (2012). The info-immersive modalities of film documentarian and inventor Roman Kroitor (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Lauder, Adam. (2006). Marketing subjects: Bertram Brooker and the vitalist construction of consumer subjectivity (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it on ProQuest .

Lee, Chun Hin Justine. (2022). VRNNGAN: A recurrent vae-gan framework for synthetic time-series generation (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Lee, Sze Hang. (2015). A bibliometric analysis of the field of records management: A case study of Records Management Journal, 1989-2013 (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Li, Thomas. (1994). Vocabulary Assistance System (VAS): Development and evaluation of a multiple thesaurus system (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Li, Yunpeng. (2016). Word representation using a deep neural network (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Lim, Jungeun (June). (2021). Gendered voices in Japanese popular music: A data-driven analysis (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Liu, Tianyi (Tina). (2022). Shared Affects: Chinese Canadian Engagement & Community Building in Subtle Asian Traits (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Luk, Annie T. (1996). Evaluating bibliographic displays from the users’ point of view: A focus group study (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Mackwood, Daniel J. (2017). Wholesale broadband access and regulatory appeals in the Canadian telecommunications industry: An institutional analysis (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

MacLean, Mora. (1979). The use and adaptation of Canadiana subject heading copy in a sample of catalogues (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Mahetaji, Kaushar. (2022). The Platformization of TikTok: Examining TikTok’s Boundary Resources (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Mather, David. (1992). A natural language interface to support queries of bibliographic and fulltext databases (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Mathisen, Emily. (2010). A textual analysis of book reviews of critically acclaimed and chick lit novels, 1998-2008 (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Matz, Robert. (2022). Affect and art: the Emotional labor of the Instagram follower (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Mazloomi, Rod. (2023). Exploring the conversations of a motivational interviewing Chatbot: A topic modeling approach (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

McCaughey, Steve. (1990). Impact of a proposed time and attendance system on a retail company (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

McCord, Curtis. (2016). Making digital polity spaces: Encoding democracy into information systems (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

McDiarmid, Mary. (2004). Survey of hospital library managers’ attitudes toward volunteers in Ontario hospital libraries (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it on ProQuest .

McKee, Penelope. (1980). Weeding the Forest Hill branch of Toronto Public Library by the Slote method: A test case (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

McKenna, Christine. (2021). Canadian election integrity initiatives and domestic disinformation: Investigating the 2019 Canadian federal election across sectors (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

McKnight, Kirsten J. (2001). The information needs of bone marrow recipients, family and friends: A list-serv compared with traditional resources (MISt research report). University of Toronto.

Mersereau, Michel. (2015). The abiotic Internet: Internet mediation through organizational practice at Na-Me-Res (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Merriman, Vinca Sachi. (2017). Not just roleplay: How rules shape identity exploration and community creation in LARP and tabletop games (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Michaud, Michael. (1978). Obsolescence and scatter: A synchronous citation analysis (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Mittermeyer, Diane. (1977). The literature of library science administration: A citation analysis (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Moneta, Aurelia. (1988). User reaction to an online search assistance system (MIS research report). University of Toronto. Find it in the Canadian Journal of Information Science, 14 (September 1989): 16-31.

Moon, Seh Young (Erina). (2022). Towards Better Algorithms for the Public Sector: Developing Computational Narrative Analysis Methodology to Unpack Biases in Child Welfare Systems (MI Thesis). University of Toronto.

Nangalama, Martha Leah. (1995). Computers in retail stores: Point of sale technology and cashier work (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Nasser, Nikoo. (2012). Goal structuring of a knowledge domain (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Nauman, Laura L. (1993). The adoption of electronic mail in social service agencies: A case study (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Niles, Rebecca. (2012). Thresholds of engagement: Integrating image-based digital resources into textual scholarship (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Oxford, Gerry. (1998). Developing a model for Web-based distance-learning environments using an object-oriented framework: A case study (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Palikarova, Stella. (2016). The information body: A sociomedical theory of disability and the ethics of the brain-machine interface (BMI) (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Park, Lucia. (1990). The adoption and implementation of CD-ROM databases: An interview study (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Peco, M. John. (1994). A comparative study of corporate computer training programs: A look at a gas utility and an insurance company (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Piercy, Jocelyn. (2008). Declining participation of female students in computer studies programs at an Ontario college: What stands in their way? (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it on ProQuest .

Pope, Andrew T. (1974). Bradford’s Law and the periodical literature of information science (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Powell, Stefan. (1997). Prototyping of a Web authoring and mounting system for the Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto (MIS research report).

Quirk, Linda E. (2005). E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake): A descriptive bibliography (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it on ProQuest .

Radford-Grant, Carol. (2007). A study of a voyage: Developing archival descriptive standards in Canada from 1987-1996 (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it on ProQuest .

Rashid, Raisa. (2008). Representing emotions with animated text (MISt thesis). University of Toronto.

Rayan, Tamara. (2020). Archival imperialism: An analysis of racial hierachy in the Six Day War files (MI Thesis). University of Toronto.

Reano, Victor. (1993). Analysis of usage of UTLink: The University of Toronto’s online catalogue and information system (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Ree, Robert. (2011). 3D printing: Convergences, fictions, fluidity (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Rehman, Nuzhat Sameen. (2014). Sharing illness experiences on Twitter: Conversations of parents with children diagnosed with cancer (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Resch, Gabriel. (2013). Vision-based augmented reality for formal and informal science learning (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Roberts, Sarah. (2014). The classifying work of immigration policies in Canada: A critical analysis of the temporary foreign workers program and access to settlement services (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Rokay, Moska. (2019). Archives of Muslims in Canada (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Rockley, Ann. (1997). Impact of multimedia on online documentation: An experimental study (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Rowlandson-O’Hara, Sam. (2020). From forests to formulas: Contextual examination of composers’ sources, materials, and practices involving creative insight (MI Thesis). University of Toronto.

Russell, Chelsea. (2017). Monsters and machines: Reframing horror video games through representations of technology (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Russell, Pia. (2004). Information literacy and education policy: An instrumental case study of the Ontario public school curriculum (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it on ProQuest .

Rutherford, M. Louise. (1998). A case study of the Canadian Health Libraries Association/Association des Bibliothèques de la santé du Canada benchmarking tool kit (MISt research report). University of Toronto.

Ryczanowski, Richard. (1996). Public transit, information technology, and integration: The future of seamless transit in the GTA (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Samson, Hugh. (2021). Contemplating infrastructure: An ethnographic study of the University of Toronto Faculty of Information Inforum’s iRelax Mindfulness resource area (MI Thesis). University of Toronto.

Samstag-Schnock, Uwe. (1990). PBS: An interface module for parsing, Boolean logic recognition, and stemming for the search intermediary: OAK II (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Sanders, David Francis. (1990). Critical corporate information requirements analysis: The development of a methodology (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Sandino, Rene. (1995). Critical success factors for business process reengineering (BPR) in Thomas Cook (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Schrader, Alvin M. (1975). The knowledge bank of library science as indicated by course reading lists in Canadian library schools (MLS research report). University of Toronto. Find it in print .

Schrutt, Mark. (2006). Bringing IT back: An analysis and explanation of the causes of IT outsourcing contract terminations (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it on ProQuest .

Seo, Hyojung (Julia). (2021). An exploration of knowledge practices among user experience (UX) professionals (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Setterington, Kenneth. (1982). The PhD in library administration (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Shan, Yi. (2023). Collecting the Messi Restoration: Curating & Teaching with the Braisted Collection at the University of Texas Libraries (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Sharma, Minakshi. (2008). The role of American libraries post-September 11th: Respecting cultural diversity, guarding civil liberties, and advocating dissent (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it on ProQuest .

Shearman, John. (1970). Title words and indexing terms in social science research reports (MLS thesis). University of Toronto.

Shi, Jiajing (Gillian). (2021). Office hours: A UX investigation on how might we improve the remote office hours experience in Higher Education through design thinking (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Shi, Xirong. (1990). Usage of the online library catalogue at the University of Toronto: An analysis of computer monitoring data (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Sin, Jaisie. (2018). Older adults’ acceptance of virtual doctors: A preliminary investigation (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Simonds, Ann L. (2001). Sources of value: Analysis and classification of citations in the recent literature of archival appraisal (MISt research report). University of Toronto.

Siracky, Hailey. (2013). Spiritual journal keeping: An ethnographic study of content, materials, practice and structures (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Slawek, Anna T. (1996). Bibliographic records for video recordings in online public access catalogues in Canadian public libraries (MISt research report). University of Toronto.

Small, Maryanne. (2016). Examining relationships between heritage management and heritage information within the Enoch Turner Schoolhouse (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Sothilingham, Rohith. (2020). Analyzing organizational processes in machine learning projects: Exploring modeling approaches (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Spence, Hal. (1981). The literature of the automation of library processes: A bibliometric analysis (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Spencer, Bev. (1982). Children’s publishing in Canada: The problems (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Stewart, Kathlyn M. (1977). Promotion and library selection (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Stoyanova, Penka I. (1998). Content of bibliographic records for serials: The users’ point of view (MISt research report). University of Toronto.

Stradiotto, Nicole. (2019). The Canadian Science Advocacy Movement (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Sugimoto, Sayaka. (2008). Multiculturalism: Discourse analysis of the citizenship and Immigration Canada and Canadian Heritage Websites (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it on ProQuest .

Sutmoller, Sylvia. (1990). A proposal for the development of a consumer health information service for the province of Ontario (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Sweaney, Wilma P. (1978). An empirical test of the incompatibility of the two formulations of Bradford’s Law (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Syed, Hira. (2008). An examination of the co-authorship patterns in medical publications (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it on ProQuest .

Szurmak, Joanna. (2000). Educational background of Canadian academic science and technology librarians and its perceived significance to the practice of science and technology librarianship (MISt research report). University of Toronto.

Tasnim, Humaira. (2020). Attitudes and barriers design professionals face in creating inclusive digital projects for older adults (MI Thesis). University of Toronto.

Taylor, Sharon. (1990). Grateful med as a tool for learning basic search techniques (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Thawani, Roshni. (2023). Optimizing and streamlining the study abroad process using design thinking methodologies and UX strategies (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Thomson, Leslie Elizabeth Anne. (2010). Information in the home office: An ethnographic study of space, content, management, and use (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it on print .

Tracy, Stephen. (2011). Service systems & social enterprise (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Tsang, Tara. (2021). Social responsibility in future worlds: Using strategic foresight to redesign engineering education (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Uyede, Meaghan. (2019). Long ago there was a book: Exploring the digital Sabagon Ise Monogatari through analytical bibliography (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Veenema, Fred. (1995). Use of electronic sources of information by Canadian exporters (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Verwijk, Alison. (1981). Political bias and intellectual freedom in Ontario public library collections of Canadian political science literature (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Walsh, Robert Benjamin Housley. (2014). Information out in the cold: Exploring the information practice of homeless queer, trans, and two-spirit youth in Toronto (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Weaver, Kent. (1973). Independence and libraries in West Africa: A study of library development and of education for librarianship in Nigeria (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Wei, Winter Xue. (2021). Partners in life and in online search: An investigation of older couples’ collaborative information behaviour (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Whyte, Jess. (2017). Molding makers: An ethnography of an academic makerspace (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Wilkinson, Belinda Lee. (2009). Clinical faculty’s activities and outputs: An intellectual capital concept map (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it in print .

Williams, Patricia A.F. (1978). Application and limitations of Library of Congress Subject Headings in the area of political philosophy: A systematic study (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Wisniowski, Antoni. (1995). An assessment of the effectiveness of a natural language interface for information retrieval (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Wolofsky, J.R. (1979). Rate analysis of citation frequencies to journal articles contained in 12 significant Botany Journals (1974-1977) (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Wong, Matthew A. (2006). Sharing wireless Internet in urban neighbourhoods (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it on ProQuest .

Wood, Sandra L. (1998). Scenario planning and object-oriented analysis: Tools for analyzing and communicating requirements for an information system (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Xu, Yuxin. (2023). Interactive storytelling systems design for children’s picture books (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Yeung, Natalie Karis. (2011). Multimedia features in electronic health records: an analysis of vendor websites and physicians’ perceptions (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Yeung, Siu H. (1995). Use of personal digital assistant (PDA) as a text reader/annotator. (MIS research report). University of Toronto.

Yip, Sin Ming (Cynthia). (2023). Charactizing long COVID patients for enhanced clinical pathways: An application of clustering and topic modeling to electronic health records   (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Yoon, James William. (2008). Assessing the relationships among aesthetics, complexity, and usability in treemap visualizations (MISt thesis). University of Toronto. Alternatively, find it on ProQuest .

Zaccour, Juliette. (2023). Towards a human centred approach for data science in healthcare: An exploration of methods   (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Zaramian, Reuben. (2011). Testing the limits of oral narration: A case study on Armenian genocide survivors (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Zogheib, Ciara. (2022). The “Paper and Pencil” Operations of Interdisciplinarity: Interdisciplinary Integration as Information Practice (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Zoltai, S. (1995). The twenty-first century Agora: A survey of the attitudes of Canadian archival policy-makers to user fees (MLS research report). University of Toronto.

Zukowski, Mateusz. (2014). Track changes: Identity in version control (MI thesis). University of Toronto.

Zurba, Roman W. (1980). Soviet and North American archaeological literature of the Arctic: Its nature, characteristics and inter-related patterns of use (MLS research report). University of Toronto.


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dissertations university of toronto

  • PhD Program
  • Completed Dissertations

Dissertations by our graduates are available through  Theses Canada  and the  University of Toronto library system . Most PhD Dissertations and Master’s theses completed since 2008 are also available on  T-Space .

Graduate Name & Thesis Defence Date Thesis Title & Supervisor Post-Graduation Employment
(where known, most recent first)

(April 2024)

Supervisor: John Kloppenborg  

(April 2024)

Supervisor: John Kloppenborg  

(December 2023)

Supervisor: Amira Mittermaier  
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto Institute for Islamic Studies

(October 2023)

Supervisor: Simon Coleman 

(July 2023)

Supervisor: Andreas Bendlin 

(April 2023)
Supervisors: Srilata Raman and Jurgen Hanneder 

(April 2023)
Supervisor: Frances Garrett

(February 2023)
Supervisor: Pamela Klassen
Archipel Research and Consulting (historical researcher, writer and educator)

(January 2023)
Supervisor: Christoph Emmrich
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Political Science, University of Toronto

(December 2022)
Co-supervisors: Ken Derry and Jennifer Harris
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of History, University of Calgary

(December 2022)
Supervisor: David Novak
Rabbinical student in the Advanced Kollel the Hadar Institute

(November 2022)
Supervisor: Christoph Emmrich
from the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies

(November 2022)
Collection of Incidents Involving Nuns from the Vinaya (ʼDul ba dge slong maʼi gleng ʼbum) 
Co-supervisors: Amanda Goodman and Shayne Clarke
Associate Translator for 84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha

(August 2022)

Supervisor: Shafique Virani
Assistant Professor of Islamic History,

(August 2022)

Supervisor: James DiCenso
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department for the Study of Religion/Centre for Jewish Studies, University of Toronto

(August 2022)

Supervisor: Pamela Klassen
Postdoctoral Research Associate,

(August 2022)

Supervisor: John Kloppenborg

(August 2022)

Supervisor: Srilata Raman
Assistant Professor in Asian Religions at the University of Mary Washington

(June 2022)

Supervisor: Pamela Klassen
Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University Weatherhead Center, Canada Program

(January 2022)

Supervisor: James DiCenso
Sessional Instructor, University of Toronto

(December 2021)

Co-supervisors: Walid Saleh and Ayesha Irani

(December 2021)

Supervisor: Kyle Smith

Postdoctoral Fellow, FLIP Project, University of Toronto Mississauga

(December 2021)

Supervisor: Amira Mittermaier
Lecturer at University of Toronto (UTM)

(November 2021)

Supervisor: Amira Mittermaier
Postdoctoral fellow at UC-Berkeley

(November 2021)

Supervisor: Ajay Rao
Assistant Professor, MESAAS, Columbia University

(November 2021)

Supervisor: Christoph Emmrich

Tenure-Track lecturer at Musashino University in Tokyo starting April 2024 (was Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at SOAS)

(November 2021)

Co-supervisors: Amira Mittermaier and Mohamad Tavakoli-Targhi

Postdoctoral fellow in the Institute of Islamic Studies at McGill University

(November 2021)

Supervisor: John Kloppenborg

Researcher with MotivBase

(September 2021)

Supervisor: Srilata Raman


(August 2021)

Supervisor: Amira Mittermaier

Assistant Professor, Department of Islam Studies at Radboud University, Netherlands. January-June 2022, a postdoctoral fellowship at the Orient-Institut in Beirut

(August 2021)

Supervisor: Simon Coleman

Freelance Research Analyst

(August 2021)

Supervisor: Frances Garrett


(July 2021)

Supervisor: Ruth Marshall

Postdoctoral Researcher, Dartmouth College

(formerly: Henry N.R. Jackman Junior Fellow in the Humanities at the Jackman Humanities Institute)

(June 2021)

Supervisor: Walid Saleh

, Toronto Metropolitan University

(November 2020)

Supervisors: Simon Coleman and Joe Bryant

Executive Director of Encounter World Religions

(October 2020)

Supervisor: Pamela Klassen 

Assistant Professor of

(July 2020)

Supervisor: Walid Saleh

Assistant Professor, McGill University

(June 2020)
Jewish Studies

Supervisor: Judith Newman

Assistant Professor, , Birmingham Alabama

(June 2020)
Book History and the English Reformation

Supervisor: David Galbraith and Pamela Klassen

(December 2019)

Supervisor: John Kloppenborg

Postdoctoral Fellow in History of Religions, Norwegian School of Theology
(formerly: SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Classics, University of Toronto)

(December 2019)
Religion, Ethics, and Modern Thought

Supervisor: Ruth Marshall

More than a Roof Housing Society
(November 2019)

Supervisor: John Kloppenborg
(November 2019)
Supervisor: Amir Harrak

Assistant Professor of Christian History and  at Tyndale University

(November 2019)
Supervisor: James DiCenso

, Trinity Christian College

(formerly:Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Centre for Philosophy, Religion, and Social Ethics at the Institute for Christian Studies)

(August 2019)
South Asian Studies; Religion and Medicine; Religion, Ethics, and Modern Thought

Supervisor: Frances Garrett
Clinical Ethicist at the Centre for Clinical Ethics at Lakeridge Health in Oshawa
(August 2019)
Religion, Ethics, Modern Thought

Supervisor: Marsha Hewitt
Instructor, Bishop's University, Quebec
(August 2019)
Religion, Culture, Politics

Supervisor: Pamela Klassen

at New York University

(June 2019)
Supervisor: David Novak
(June 2019)
Religions of Mediterranean Antiquity

Supervisors: John Kloppenborg and Judith Newman
Leader of the in New York
 (May 2019)
Religions of Mediterranean Antiquity

Supervisor: John Kloppenborg
Founder of and co-founder of . 
 (Jan 2019)
Religion, Ethics, and Modern Thought

Supervisor: James DiCenso
Faculty at Brescia University College
 (Nov 2018)

Supervisors: Kevin O'Neill and Gilles Bibeau
French Science Editor and Translator, Ontario Science Centre
(Sept 2018)
Ancient Christianity and Early Islam

Supervisor: Walid Saleh
Visiting Scholar, Haifa University
 (July 2018)
Judaism and Islam

Supervisor: Kenneth Green
Adjunct Professor at Toronto Metropolitan University
 (June 2018)

Supervisors: David Novak and Robert Gibbs
Head of School and Principal, The Toronto Heschel School; Director, The Lola Stein Institute
 (April 2018)

Supervisor: Shafique Virani
, Institute of Iranian Studies, University of Toronto
 (March 2018)
South Asian Studies

Supervisor: Ajay Rao
Assistant Professor of Religion with a focus on Hindu Studies, Syracuse University
 (September 2018)
Ancient Christianity and Judaism

Supervisor: John Kloppenborg
Research Fellow, Ancient Studies Department, Stellenbosch University
 (September 2017)
Religion and Medicine

Supervisor: Pamela Klassen
Faculty Member, Asian Studies,
 (September 2017)

Supervisor: Pamela Klassen
Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department, Fresno State
 (September 2017)

Supervisor: Mohamad Tavakoli-Targhi
Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies,
 (September 2017)
Religion, Ethics, and Modern Thought

Supervisor: James DiCenso
 (August 2017)
Jewish Studies

Supervisor: Jill Ross
 (April 2017)

Supervisor: Anver Emon
, Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies, University of British Columbia
 (April 2017)

Supervisor: Walid Saleh
Instructor, Religion, Carleton University
 (January 2017)
Buddhist Studies

Supervisor: Frances Garrett
Spiritual and Religious Care Intern at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) 
 (December 2016)

Supervisor: Shafique Virani
, Philosophy, University of Dayton
 (October 2016)
Hinduism and South Asian Religions

Supervisor: Arti Dhand
Instructor, Religious Studies, King's University College, University of Western Ontario
 (September 2016)
Jewish Studies

Supervisor: David Novak

(formerly: Assistant Professor, Jewish Studies and Religion, Wesleyan University)

 (August 2016)
Religion, Ethics, and Modern Thought

Supervisor: John Paul Ricco
, College of Religions Studies, Mahidol University, Thailand
 (June 2016)
Hinduism and South Asian Religions

Supervisor: Srilata Raman
, Ithaca College
 (June 2016)
Religion, Culture, and Politics

Supervisor: Kevin O'Neill
, San Diego State University
 (April 2016)
Religion, Ethics, and Modern thought

Supervisor: James DiCenso

Tutor (Instructor), Quest University Canada

(formerly: Writer, Gripped Publishing)

 (March 2016)

Supervisor: Judith Newman
Coordinator at the Centre for Indigenous Knowledges and Languages at York University; Lecturer, Queens College, Memorial University of Newfoundland
 (February 2016)

Supervisor: David Novak

, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg
 (December 2015)

Co-supervisors: John Kloppenborg & Collen Shantz
Fellow at St. John’s College, University of Manitoba; Instructor, University of Prince Edward Island
 (September 2015)
Early Christianity and Judaism

Supervisor: John Kloppenborg
Operations Coordinater,
Health Data Coalition
 (September 2015)
Anthropology of Christianity

Supervisor: Pamela Klassen

Social Services Consultant, The Salvation Army in Canada
Director of Education, ALPHA Education; Sessional Lecturer, University of Toronto, Scarborough (Arts, Culture, and Media Department)
 (August 2015)
Religion, Ethics and Modern Thought

Supervisor: Marsha Hewitt
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream | Acting Coordinator, English Language Development Support | Centre for Teaching and Learning
 (April 2015)
Buddhist Studies

Supervisor: Christoph Emmrich
passed away November 2022
 (April 2015)
Judaism & Christianity

Supervisor: David Novak
Tobias Tax Professional Corporation
 (April 2015)
Islam and South Asian Studies

Supervisor: Mohammad Fadel
, Department of Religious Studies, Saint Mary's University
 (October 2014)

Supervisor: John Kloppenborg

Research Officer, University of St. Michael's College in the University of Toronto

(was: Adjunct Instructor, Religious Studies, Queen's University at Kingston and Toronto School of Theology)

(September 2014)

Supervisor: John Kloppenborg
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Writing Integrated Teaching (WIT) at the University of Toronto
 (September 2014)

Supervisor: Hindy Najman
`Resident Physician, Mount Sinai Hospital
 (September 2014)

Supervisor: John Kloppenborg
, First Congregational Church of Ithaca, New York
(June 2014)
Buddhist Studies

Supervisor: Frances Garrett
, Religious Studies, University of California-Riverside
(April 2014)

Supervisor: Stephen Scharper
Assistant Professor, School of the Environment, University of Toronto, and  Associate Publishing Director at Novalis Publishing
(February 2014)

Supervisors: John Marshall and Terry Donaldson
, Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto
(January 2014)
Buddhist Studies

Supervisor: Christoph Emmrich
Visiting Scholar, Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto
(September 2013)
Judaism and Islam

Supervisor: Robert Gibbs
Team Lead, Ontario Provincial Government. Legislative and regulatory policy for skilled trades and apprenticeship; anti-racism/equity 
(September 2013)

Supervisor: Pamela Klassen
Pastor, Erb Street Mennonite
Church; Adjunct Professor,
North Park Theological Seminary
(September 2013)

Supervisor: Hindy Najman
(September 2013)

Supervisor: John Kloppenborg
Assistant Professor in the Ancient Greek and Roman Studies program at Trent University
(September 2013)
Hinduism and South Asian Studies

Supervisors: Christoph Emmrich and Stephen Scharper
(August 2013)

Supervisor: John Kloppenborg
Associate Professor,
Religious Studies,
(July 2013)

Supervisor: David Novak
Assistant Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Jewish Thought, University of Buffalo
(June 2013)

Supervisor: David Novak
, Religious Studies and Judaic Studies, Brown University
(April 2013)
Medieval Christianity

Supervisor: Joseph Goering
Director of Sales Operations,
(January 2013)

Supervisor: John Kloppenborg
(September 2012)

Supervisor: Pamela Klassen
(September 2012)

Supervisor: Amira Mittermaier
(September 2012)
Religion, Ethics, and Modern Thought

Supervisors: James DiCenso and Marsha Hewitt
Chief of Staff, Office of the President, Brock University
(August 2012)
Buddhist Studies

Supervisor: Frances Garrett
Instructor, Langara College, Vancouver BC
(June 2012)
Religion, Ethics, and Modern Thought

Supervisor: Marsha Hewitt
Call Centre Agent, Canada Revenue Agency (formerly:Research Assistant, University of Ottawa, for the Ontario Looking After Children Project)
(May 2012)

Supervisor: Hindy Najman
Associate Professor, Religious Studies, University of California-Davis
(December 2011)
Religion, Ethics, and Modern Thought

Supervisor: James DiCenso

Adjunct Professor, Toronto School of Theology

Priest-Missioner to Parkdale, Anglican Diocese of Toronto

(October 2011)
Religion, Ethics, and Modern Thought

Supervisor: James DiCenso
(September 2011)
Religions of Mediterranean Antiquity

Supervisor: Robert Sinkewicz
Senior Lecturer in Religious Studies and Classics at Washington University in St. Louis
(August 2011)
Early Christianity

Supervisor: Peter Richardson
Director, White Cross Canada, Taylor Seminary and College
(April 2011)
Religion, Ethics, and Modern Thought

Supervisor: Vincent Tsing-song Shen
Associate Professor of Religion,
Department of Philosophy and
Religion, University of Mississippi
(November 2010)
Early Christianity

Supervisor: John Kloppenborg
Assistant Professor, Martin Luther University College
(March 2010)

Supervisor: John Kloppenborg
Assistant Professor, Martin Luther University College
Instructor, Wilfrid Laurier University
(February 2010)
Medieval Christian History

Supervisor: Isabelle Cochelin
Owner / Technical Writer and Marketing Writer, Nimble Ink in Bend, Oregon
(March 2010)
South Asian Studies

Supervisor: Chelva Kanaganayakam
(June 2009)
Lived Religion and the Body in North America

Supervisor: Pamela Klassen
, Institute of Medical Humanities, University of Texas - Medical Branch
(June 2009)
Early Christianity

Supervisor: John Kloppenborg
Associate Professor,
Department of Ancient Scripture, Brigham Young University
(May 2009)

Supervisor: Todd Lawson
Faculty, Department of Religious Studies,
University of Lethbridge
(April 2009)
Jewish Studies

Supervisor: Robert Gibbs
(April 2009)
Religion, Ethics, and Critiques of Technology

Supervisor: Larry Schmidt
, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland
(April 2009)
Jewish Studies

Supervisors: Robert Gibbs and David Novak
, Center for Ethics, Emory University
(February 2009)
Psychology of Religion

Supervisors: Ann Dooley and James DiCenso
Professor of Religion, Emory College of Arts and Sciences ; Raymond F. Schinzai Scholar in Bioethics and Jewish Thought, Center for Ethics, Emory University
Psychotherapist, Psychoanalyst
(November 2008)
North American Religion

Supervisor: Pamela Klassen
Co-chair of Editors Toronto;
professional editor, writer,
(November 2008)
Religion and Literature

Supervisor: Chelva Kanaganayakam
, Department of Historical Studies, University of Toronto - Mississauga
(July 2008)
Modern Judaism and Christianity

Supervisor: David Novak
, Electives, University of Guelph-Humber
(June 2008)
Religion and Literature

Supervisor: Marsha Hewitt
Lecturer and Head of Political Studies Department, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Associate Professor, Religion, Carleton University
(May 2008)
Islamic Studies

Supervisor: Sebastain Guenther
Associate Professor,
Religion, Carleton University
(May 2008)
Religion, Ethics and Environment

Supervisors: Larry Schmidt and Stephen Scharper
Professor, Liberal Studies,
Humber College, Toronto
(May 2008)
North American Religion

Supervisor: Pamela Klassen
Associate Professor of Religion,
Central Michigan University
(January 2008)
Early Modern Religion

(Governor General’s Gold Medal)
Supervisor: Jonathan Pearl

(formerly: Honorary Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, the University of Queensland, Australia)

(November 2007)
Religion and the Environment

Supervisor: Ingrid Stefanovic

Team Leader (Policy Analysis), Canadian Wildlife Service

(formerly:Associate Professor, Liberal Studies Department, Grand Valley State University)

(June 2007)
Philosophy of Religion

Supervisor: Graeme Nicholson
Instructor, Vanier College
(April 2007)
Religion and Archaeology

Supervisor: Peter Richardson
Passed away
(March 2007)
Religion, Ethics and Modern Thought

Supervisor: Graeme Nicholson
Contract and Sessional Faculty
Department of Religious Studies
(September 2006)
Islamic Religious Thought (Modern)

Supervisors: Charles Hirschkind and James DiCenso
Associate Member, Centre for Cultural, Literary and Postcolonial Studies (CCLPS), SOAS University of London
(December 2005)

Supervisor: Leonard Priestley
Shi Wu De Professor in Chinese Buddhist Studies at Emmanuel College,
(December 2005)
Philosophy of Religion

Supervisor: James DiCenso
(May 2005)
Religion and Culture, Postcolonial Comparative Literatures

Supervisor: Rosa Sarabia
Lecturer, John Hopkins University; Associate Graduate Faculty, Texas Christian University
Adjunct Faculty, University of Denver
Adjunct Faculty, Manhattan College
(April 2005)
Jewish Thought/Hebrew Hermeneutics

Supervisor: Harry Fox
Director of Panui; Senior Rabbi, Congregation Shaare Zion, Montreal
(November 2004)
Philosophy of Religion

Supervisors: Graeme Nicholson and Amy Mullin-Cuthbert
(October 2004)
Philosophy of Religion

Supervisor: Marsha Hewitt
, Department of Religion, University of Manitoba
(July 2004)
Philosophy of Religion

Supervisor: Vincent Shen
, School of Foreign Languages, Hangzhou Normal University
Sessional Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto
(June 2004)
Philosophy of Religion

Supervisor: Graeme Nicholson
, Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto
(May 2004)
Modern Canadian Religion & Society

Supervisor: John Simpson
Associate Professor, Director of DMin Program, Tyndale Seminary
(April 2004)
Sociology of Religion

Supervisor: John Simpson
, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Dalhousie University
(April 2004)
Early Christianity

Supervisor: Peter Richardson
Happily retired
(January 2004)
South Asian Religions & Africa

Supervisor: Martin Klein
Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director, Department of Religious Studies, Florida International University
(May 2003)
Religion in Ancient Israel

Supervisor: Brian Peckham
Professor, Director of Jewish Studies, Department of Religion, Temple University
(April 2003)
Religion and Ethics

Supervisor: Roger Hutchinson
, Liberal Studies and College Prep, Colorado Community Colleges Online
(March 2003)
Modern Christian-Jewish Relations

Supervisor: Alan Davies
(December 2002)
Early Eastern Christianity

Supervisor: Harry Fox
(formerly: Sessional Instructor, Department of Historical Studies, University of Toronto Mississauga)
(December 2002)
South Asian Religions

Supervisor: Naranda Wagle
, Faculty of Arts & science, Nipissing University
(September 2002)
Sociology of Religion

Supervisor: John Simpson
Professor, Algonquin College (Ottawa)
(February 2002)
Psychology and Philosophy of Religion

Supervisors: James DiCenso and Robert Gibbs
, Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto
(September 2001)
Early Christianity

Supervisors: Robert Sinkewicz and Leif Vaage
, Department of the Humanities, York University
(August 2001)
Chinese Religions

Supervisor: Julia Ching

Principal, Saint Jude Catholic School in the Phillipnes

(formerly: Priest, San Sebastian Parish, Phillipines)

(June 2001)
Modern Islamic Religion

Supervisor: Willard Oxtoby
, Theological Studies, Loyola Marymount University
(April 2001)
Sociology of Religion, Christianity in Latin America

Supervisor: Marsha Hewitt
, Department of Sociology, Wilfrid Laurier University
(January 2001)
South and East Asian Religions

(Governor General’s Gold Medal)
Supervisor: David Waterhouse
Professor, Stanford University
(March 2000)
Religion, Hermeneutics, and Literature

Supervisor: Mario Valdes
(December 1999)
Psychoanalysis and Religion

Supervisor: Morris Eagle
(December 1999)
Early Christianity

Supervisor: Roger Beck
Professor, Waterloo Lutheran Seminary, Wilfrid Laurier University
(December 1999)
Early Christianity and Judaism

Supervisor: Peter Richardson
, Dean of Arts and Science, Bishop's University
(December 1999)
Women in Chinese Religions

Supervisor: Richard Guisso
Faculty, York University
(July 1999)
Early Christianity

Supervisor: John Kloppenborg
, Department of the Humanities, York University
(June 1999)
Medieval Jewish Philosophy

Supervisor: David Novak
, Joseph and Wolf Lebovic Chair of Jewish Studies, University of Waterloo
(April 1999)
Islamic Religion

Supervisor: Willard Oxtoby
Instructor, Laurier University
(April 1999)
Ancient West Asian Religions

Supervisor: Brian Peckham
Adjunct Faculty Member, Tyndale University College
Adjunct Professor, Booth University College
(February 1999)
Early Christianity

Supervisor: Leif E. Vaage
Independent Scholar
(August 1998)
Religion and Women

Supervisor: Marsha Hewitt
(June 1998)
Phenomenology of Religion, Religion and Feminism

Supervisor: Roger Hutchinson
, Women's and Gender Studies, University of Regina; , Religious Studies, University of Regina
(June 1998)
Late Medieval European Popular Religion

(Nominated, Governor General’s Gold Medal)
Supervisor: Joseph Goering
Professor Emerita, York University
(June 1998)
Philosophy of Religion

Supervisor: Paul Gooch
Executive Director, Holy Blossom Temple
(January 1998)
South Asian Religions

Supervisor: Joseph O’Connell
(October 1997)
Early Christianity

(Governor General’s Gold Medal)
Supervisor: John Kloppenborg
, Religious Studies, University of Regina
(September 1997)
Christianity in Late Antiquity

Supervisor: Timothy Barnes
, Religious Studies, Rhodes College
(February 1997)
Religion of Ancient Israel

Supervisors: Ernest Clarke and Shuichi Nagata
Faculty, School of Liberal Education, University of Lethbridge
(January 1997)
Religion and Literature

Supervisor: Charles Lock
(December 1996). (Now known as Cameron Altaras.)
Religion and Aesthetics

Supervisor: Marsha Hewitt
Retired, Writer
(October 1996)
Islamic Religion

Supervisor: Jane McAuliffe
, Department of Philosophy and Religion, University of North Carolina-Wilmington
(June 1996)
Comparative Religion

Supervisor: Willard Oxtoby
Attorney & Independent Scholar
(June 1996)
Early Christianity

Supervisor: John Kloppenborg
, Department of Philosophy and Religion, James Madison University
(February 1996)
Christianity in East Asia

Supervisor: Richard Guisso
(January 1996)
Sociology of Religion

Supervisor: Michael Hammond
(January 1996)
Comparative Study of Religion

Supervisor: Peter Slater
Professor Emeritus, Kangnam University
(January 1996)
Philosophy of Religion and Mysticism

Supervisor: David Turner
English Language Instructor, Copyeditor
(December 1995)
Religion and Feminist Theory

Supervisor: Marsha Hewitt
Language Training Director,
Hallowell Gardens
(May 1995)
Celtic Religion

Supervisor: Harry Roe
(January 1995)
Method and Theory of Religion

Supervisor: Neil McMullin
, Department of Religious Studies, University of Alabama
(December 1994)
South Asian Religions

Supervisor: Narendra Wagle
, Queen's University
(December 1994)
Religion and Social Ethics

Supervisor: Donald D. Evans
(December 1994)
Chinese Religions

Supervisor: Julia Ching
(October 1994)
Religion and Ethics

Supervisor: Roger Hutchinson
Information Technology Field
(June 1994)
Religion and Cognition

Supervisor: Donald Wiebe
Instructor, Laurier University;
(June 1994)
Modern Western Christianity

Supervisor: Willard Oxtoby
(April 1994)
Ancient Egyptian Religions

Supervisor: D. B. Redford
(May 1993)
Religion and Literature

Supervisor: Johan Aitken
(January 1993)
Early Christianity

Supervisor: John Kloppenborg
, Department of  History, Classica, and Religion, University of Alberta
(January 1993)
Philosophy of Religion

Supervisor: Neil McMullin
Faculty, St. Mary's College of California
(June 1992)
Early Judaism

Supervisor: Harry Fox
(April 1992)
Modern Western Christianity
(Nominated, Governor General’s Gold Medal)
Supervisor: C. Thomas McIntire
Faculty, Mount St. Vincent University
(September 1991)
South Asian Religions

Supervisor: W. H. McLeod
Professor and Department Chair, University of California - Riverside
(March 1991)
Early Christianity

Supervisor: H. O. Guenther
(December 1990)
Early Christianity

Supervisor: Peter Richardson
Ordained in the PCUSA and has served many churches as Minister; Taught religion courses at Westminister College, Buena Vista University and Thiel College
(November 1990)
East Asian Religions

Supervisor: Julia Ching
Professor of Religious Studies and Asian Studies Director, University of Prince Edward Island
(November 1990)
Early Christianity

Supervisors: Timothy Barnes and Joanne McWilliam
Professor, Baylor University
(October 1990)
Modern Western Christianity

Supervisor: Giorgio Scavizzi
(October 1990)
Chinese Religions

Supervisor: Julia Ching
Passed Away
Associate Professor, Memorial University
(September 1990)
Early Christianity

Supervisor: Robert Sinkewicz
Professor, Saint Anselm College
(May 1990)
Early Christianity

Supervisor: Stanley D. Walters
(June 1990)
Philosophy of Religion

Supervisor: Donald D. Evans
Professor of Theology & Director of Advanced Degrees, Regis College
(September 1989)
Modern Western Christianity

Supervisor: C. Thomas McIntire
Professor, Sacred Heart University
(November 1989)
Early Christianity

Supervisor: Richard N. Longenecker
, Duke Divinity School
(October 1989)
Modern Western Christianity

Supervisor: C. Thomas McIntire
Professor, University of New Brunswick
(January 1989)
Philosophy of Religion

Supervisor: Donald D. Evans
Professor, Western Carolina University
(June 1988)
Modern Western Christianity

Supervisor: Roger O’Toole
; Professor (Retired), Sociology and Anthropology, Fordham University
(June 1988)
Early Christianity

Supervisor: Peter Richardson
Senior Director of Policy and Analysis, Council of Ontario Universities
(April 1988)
Religion and Culture

Supervisor: Roger Hutchinson
(February 1988)
Early Modern Western Christianity

Supervisor: J. I. Chicoy-Daban
Associate Professor, Spanish,
John Carroll University
(June 1987)
Christianity in Late Antiquity

Supervisor: Heinze Guenther
Professor Emeritus, Wilfrid Laurier University
(November 1986)
Medieval Western Christianity

Supervisor: Walter Principe
Professor, Emory University
(December 1985)
Chinese Religions

Supervisor: Julia Ching
Researcher & University Administrator, University of Winnipeg
(December 1985)
Modern Western Christianity

Supervisor: John S. Moir
Passed Away
(October 1985)
Islamic Religion

Supervisor: G. M. Wickens
, Department of Religion, Reed College
(October 1984)
Islamic Religion

Supervisor: G. M. Wickens

(formerly: Director of National and International Outreach at the Library of Congress, Director of The John W. Kluge Center, President of Bryn Mawr College, and Dean of Arts and Sciences at Georgetown University

(September 1984)
Japanese Religions

Supervisor: Cyril Powles
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Religion. University of Lethbridge
(January 1984)
Medieval Western Christianity

Supervisor: Walter Principe
(June 1983)
Early Judaism

Supervisor: L. H. Silberman
, Queen's University
(October 1982)
Ancient Egyptian Religions

Supervisor: R. J. Williams
, Old Testament & Ancient Near Eastern History and Archaeology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
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UT Electronic Theses and Dissertations

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This collection contains University of Texas at Austin electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). The collection includes ETDs primarily from 2001 to the present. Some pre-2001 theses and dissertations have been digitized and added to this collection, but those are uncommon. The library catalog is the most comprehensive list of UT Austin theses and dissertations.

Since 2010, the Office of Graduate Studies at UT Austin has required all theses and dissertations to be made publicly available in Texas ScholarWorks; however, authors are able to request an embargo of up to seven years. Embargoed ETDs will not show up in this collection. Most of the ETDs in this collection are freely accessible to all users, but some pre-2010 works require a current UT EID at point of use. Please see the FAQs for more information. If you have a question about the availability of a specific ETD, please contact [email protected].

Some items in this collection may contain offensive images or text. The University of Texas Libraries is committed to maintaining an accurate and authentic scholarly and historic record. An authentic record is essential for understanding our past and informing the present. In order to preserve the authenticity of the historical record we will not honor requests to redact content, correct errors, or otherwise remove content, except in cases where there are legal concerns (e.g. potential copyright infringement, inclusion of HIPAA/FERPA protected information or Social Security Numbers) or evidence of a clear and imminent threat to personal safety or well-being.

This policy is in keeping with the  American Library Association code of ethics  to resist efforts to censor library resources, and the  Society of American Archivists code of ethics  that states "archivists may not willfully alter, manipulate, or destroy data or records to conceal facts or distort evidence."

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U of T study highlights tension between Canada’s climate and housing goals


A study led by researchers at the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering shows that Canada will not be able to meet its targets for both new housing and emissions reductions without significant changes to residential construction practices (photo illustration by Adrian So/elxeneize/edb3_6/Envato Elements)

Published: July 3, 2024

By Tyler Irving

Canada cannot simultaneously meet its targets for emission reductions and new housing unless there’s a drastic change in construction practices, according to research from the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering.

The new study, published in Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability , found that if Canada is to stay within its emissions targets, homes built in 2030 will need to produce 83 per cent fewer greenhouse gas emissions during construction compared to homes built in 2018.

“Our analysis shows that in 2018, which is the latest year for which we have the data, the construction sector in Canada was responsible for the equivalent of 90 megatonnes of CO2,” says Shoshanna Saxe , an associate professor in the department of civil and mineral engineering and one of the senior authors of the study. “That was about eight per cent of Canada’s total emissions at the time, but we were not producing nearly as much housing as we needed then, let alone what we need now. To restore housing affordability, we need to triple the rate of housing construction by 2030.”

At the same time, Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions target for 2030 is to be 40 per cent below 2005 levels, which works out to 443 megatonnes, Saxe notes.

“That means that unless things change, by 2030 nearly half of all the allowable emissions in Canada would be due to construction alone.”

Saxe is the director of U of T’s Centre for the Sustainable Built Environment (CSBE) , which carries out research on the construction and urban design pathways that will enable Canada to meet its housing and infrastructure needs while curbing greenhouse gas emissions in line with the Paris Agreement, an international climate change treaty enacted in 2015.

The CSBE team’s first step was to quantify the scale of the challenge – but they faced hurdles in gathering data on the construction industry’s carbon footprint.

“What we found was that this data is split across many different parts of the economy: manufacturing, buildings, transportation, etc.,” Saxe says. “There are also questions around consumption versus production: if a piece of steel is made in China and used for a building in Canada, whose emissions are those?

“Until now, it’s been difficult to get a picture of the construction sector as a whole, which is partly why it’s been overlooked.”

Hatzav Yoffe , a post-doctoral fellow and lead author on the paper, used what’s known as an environmentally extended input-output model to conduct a high-resolution, top-down analysis of Canada’s construction sector.

The researchers calculated that residential construction was responsible for the largest share of total construction emissions, at 42 per cent.

Their model also enabled them to ask another question: given the expected increase in housing construction, how much would emissions per constructed home have to decrease by in order to stay within emissions targets?

“You can’t just take the overall 40 per cent reduction target and apply that to the construction sector. That won’t be enough, because you are also tripling the rate of housing construction,” says Saxe.

The other members of the research team included  Keagan Rankin , a PhD student in the department of civil and mineral engineering,  Daniel Posen , an associate professor in the department of civil and mineral engineering and Christian Bachmann , associate professor at the University of Waterloo.

While the study throws the tension between Canada’s housing targets and its climate targets into sharp relief, Saxe and her colleagues believe it is still possible to reconcile the two – and are researching ways to tackle the challenge.

“For example, if you build more densely, you use fewer materials to build the same number of units. If you are strategic about where you place those units, you don’t have to build as many new roads or sewers to service them,” Saxe says.

“We can also think about changing the balance between housing construction and other types of infrastructure, such as oil and gas infrastructure.

“At the end of the day, if we’re going to build what we need while avoiding the most catastrophic impacts of climate change, we need to seriously think about how we can deliver more with less.”

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Doctoral Dissertation Presentation

Please join us on Friday, June 28, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. , for EdD candidate Theresa Gouveia’s dissertation presentation. Her phenomenological study examined special education teachers’ lived experiences with compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, and the influence of these on their professional quality of life.

See link and details on the flyer below. 


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  1. How To Find Bibliographies on Your Topic in Dissertations and Theses

  2. Jinjin Ma, 2012 Distinguished Dissertation Award Winner

  3. Writing English for University Students


  1. UofT Theses

    The University of Toronto's research bank. Showcases and preserves the scholarly work of the U of T community, and makes theses and dissertations publicly accessible online. The most comprehensive worldwide collection of dissertations and theses. Full text for many dissertations added since 1997+.

  2. School of Graduate Studies

    The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) requires doctoral and masters graduands to submit a thesis written as a required element of their degree program in electronic format. To submit your thesis, follow these instructions: SGS intends to house all available digitized Doctoral and Masters theses by U of T graduate students on this site.

  3. Preserve and Share Your Research

    TSpace is a free and secure research repository established by University of Toronto Libraries to disseminate and preserve the scholarly record of University of Toronto. Read more and start depositing your research today! News and Announcements. We're upgrading TSpace in Summer 2024 - read more about this change...

  4. Theses and Dissertations by U of T Students

    U of T TSpace Thesis and Dissertation Collection (pre-2009) Catalogue Access to U of T Theses and Dissertations. An Advanced Search of the Catalogue with Format set to Thesis retrieves Master's and Doctoral Theses in the U of T Library collection. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses @ University of Toronto Database

  5. Doctoral Theses (2009

    Doctoral Theses (2009 - ) Collection. Doctoral Theses (2009 - ) The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) requires doctoral and masters graduands to submit a thesis written as a required element of their degree program in electronic format. To submit your thesis, follow these instructions: SGS intends to house all available digitized Doctoral and ...

  6. Theses and Dissertations in the Sciences

    How do I search for a paper copy of a University of Toronto thesis? • For University of Toronto masters and doctoral theses in the sciences consult the library catalogue . Theses can be searched in the catalogue by author, title, or department .

  7. Student Guidelines for the Doctoral Thesis

    At the University of Toronto, the term 'thesis' is generally used to refer to the culminating project for either a Master's or a doctoral degree. At other institutions and in other countries, the term 'dissertation' is more commonly used at the doctoral level. This document uses the term 'thesis' to refer to a doctoral thesis, but ...

  8. Research guides: UTM Graduate Students: Theses and Dissertations

    University of Toronto's Open Access repository. ProQuest Digital Dissertations indexes theses from 1861 to the present, from American, Canadian, and selected international graduate schools. Abstracts are included for doctoral dissertations since July 1980, and for masters theses since 1988. Many titles are available full-text.

  9. TSpace Repository: About TSpace

    Theses and dissertations. TSpace has full-text theses and dissertations from 1992 to present. Since November 2009, all graduate students at the University of Toronto are required to submit their theses or dissertations to TSpace. If you are a graduate student looking to deposit your thesis, read the graduate student help section. Ask us

  10. Writing & Submitting Your Thesis

    Producing Your Thesis at UofT. Step-by-step instructions on how to prepare, format, convert to PDF, and submit an Electronic Thesis or Dissertation from the School of Graduate Studies at the University of Toronto. Workshops on the logistical aspects of dissertation and thesis writing. Peer-to-peer writing groups.

  11. Theses & Dissertations

    The University of Toronto Library does not sell copies of dissertations or theses. Theses & dissertations in our open access repository, TSpace, are available freely to the public. Libraries outside the UofT system can contact UofT interlibrary loans to request items in our collections. For individuals, all requests must be initiated from a library to which you are affiliated.

  12. How can I find a University of Toronto thesis?

    You could also use 'thesis' as one of your keywords in your search. Older dissertations and theses are available through the University of Toronto Archives and Records Management Services (UTARMS) The Archives holds Masters theses from 1897 - 1989 and Doctoral theses from 1900 - 1985.

  13. PhD Dissertations by Date

    2024. Hewa, Nelanthi. (2024). "You have to feed the beast": Sexual violence news coverage in the Digital Age. (PhD dissertation). University of Toronto. Karim, Mariam. (2024). Arab feminist resistant media from the 20th century (1900-1940). (PhD dissertation). University of Toronto.

  14. Theses and Dissertations

    Explore our section in the University of Toronto research repository, TSpace to view recent theses and dissertations. For a complete listing of all Faculty of Information theses and dissertations, please see below. Master of Information (MI)

  15. Electronic Theses & Dissertations: FAQs

    Technical support is available through the digital library repository. The Information Commons at Robarts Library, 416-978-4292 or [email protected], has computers equipped with all the software you need. Staff there are knowledgeable about most of the issues you may encounter.

  16. Dissertations

    Dissertations; Dissertations Toggle navigation. 116 SUBJECTS. ... University of Toronto Libraries 130 St. George St.,Toronto, ON, M5S 1A5 [email protected] 416-978-8450 Map About web accessibility. Tell us about a web accessibility problem. About ...

  17. Master of Information Theses

    This bibliography lists all known theses and final research papers produced by students as an optional degree requirement for the following degree designations: Master of Information (MI): 2010-present. Master of Information Studies (MISt): 1995-2010. Master of Information Science (MIS): 1988-1998. Master of Library Science (MLS): 1963 ...

  18. Completed Dissertations

    Dissertations by our graduates are available through Theses Canada and the University of Toronto library system. Most PhD Dissertations and Master's theses completed since 2008 are also available on T-Space. Graduate Name & Thesis Defence Date. Thesis Title & Supervisor. Post-Graduation Employment.

  19. Writing a Doctoral Thesis or Dissertation in the Social Sciences

    Author: Jordan, Anne. Issue Date: 2020. Citation: Jordan, A. (2020). Writing a Doctoral Thesis or Dissertation in the Social Sciences. Abstract (summary): A guide for doctoral students at various stages of their doctoral theses and dissertations: Designing their thesis proposals, developing their research question (s), beginning their data ...

  20. ProQuest ETD Administrator

    Here's why: • It's easy • Submissions, revisions, re-submissions, and approvals with your administrator, online • Your work deposited, as applicable, into University of Toronto repository • Your work, part of the most comprehensive collection of theses in the world—ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global • Our university resources and guidelines just a click away

  21. PDF by Ilya Sutskever

    University of Toronto 2013 Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are powerful sequence models that were believed to be difficult to train, and as a result they were rarely used in machine learning applications. This thesis presents methods that overcome the difficulty of training RNNs, and applications of RNNs to challenging problems.

  22. Yuening successfully defends his PhD thesis

    Yuening successfully defends his PhD thesis. June 26, 2024. Today was the Final Oral Examination for Yuening's PhD thesis entitled ... University of Toronto Scarborough 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON. Canada, M1C 1A4, Ph. (4 1 6) 2 8 7 8 8 7 2 Campus Safety (Non-Emergency) (416) 287-7398

  23. UT Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    This collection contains University of Texas at Austin electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). The collection includes ETDs primarily from 2001 to the present. ... The dissertation is organized into six chapters, encompassing the connection between crystal structure and magnetic structure, an overview of spintronics and magnon band topology ...

  24. Dissertation University of Toronto

    Dissertation University of Toronto - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the challenges of writing a dissertation at the University of Toronto. It states that writing a dissertation is a demanding process that requires meticulous attention to detail. It can be difficult to balance the demands of a dissertation with other commitments.

  25. U of T study highlights tension between Canada ...

    Canada cannot simultaneously meet its targets for emission reductions and new housing unless there's a drastic change in construction practices, according to research from the University of Toronto's Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. The new study, published in Environmental Research ...

  26. Doctoral Dissertation Presentation

    Please join us on Friday, June 28, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., for EdD candidate Theresa Gouveia's dissertation presentation.Her phenomenological study examined special education teachers' lived experiences with compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, and the influence of these on their professional quality of life.