English Summary

Short Essay on Sun in English for Students and Children

The sun is a star which is at the centre of the Solar system. It is known as the Milky Way of the Solar system. Sun is the nearest star to the planet earth.

Sun�s visible sections are mainly divided into two parts. They are �photosphere� and �atmosphere�. The photosphere is the deepest part of the Sun. the part which is visible to be observed by us is the photosphere.

The sun has been an object of respect in many cultures all throughout human history. The people of Hindu religion consider the sun as a god. The sun was thought to be a solar deity or other supernatural entity in many ancient cultures.

But the brightness of the sun can also harm people. The harmful rays emitted by the sun are known as UV rays. It can cause pain if one looks at the sun directly with naked eyes. It can harm to the extent that it will lead one to temporary partial blindness.

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Essay on Sun

short essay on sun for class 6

The sun is a star and the centre of our solar system. It is made of gases that create heat and light. You can see it in the sky on a sunny day and feel its warmth on your skin. The sun is an essential resource for life on mother Earth . It not just gives us warmth but also helps the plants grow. We would be freezing and in a dark place without the sun. BYJU’S essay on sun helps us learn some interesting facts.

Apart from providing us with warmth and light, the sun provides us with solar energy for our homes and provides us with vitamin D, which helps our bodies stay strong and healthy. Moreover, plants can only grow if they get enough sunlight. Animals depend on sunlight to keep themselves warm during the winter season. Now, let us read some facts about the sun by reading an essay on the sun in English.

It is incredible to learn that the sun is vital to our planet. The sun is the closest star to our planet Earth. It is estimated to be 4.6 billion years old. The sun is like a giant nuclear furnace and releases lots of energy. It is the source of all life on Earth, providing heat and light for plants, animals , and people. The sun is always shining , and with the help of the light it emits, it makes our world bright enough for us to work outside every day. BYJU’S essay on sun for kids is a helpful tool to help them understand the solar system and its brightest star.

Importance of Sun

After learning about the sun, let us start reading about the importance of the sun that helps save Earth by referring to BYJU’S essay on sun. The sun is an essential component of life. The leaves on plants can’t perform photosynthesis without light, so they need the sun to survive. Without enough light, they will die, and the animals that depend on it will eventually starve to death. Without the sun, our whole planet would become a frozen wasteland.

Sunlight helps increase serotonin, which can improve one’s mindfulness. The sun also helps with the water cycle by evaporating water from the water bodies on the Earth’s surface. Without the sun, life on Earth would not exist.

To conclude, this essay on sun in English is an excellent way to help your little ones improve their vocabulary and knowledge. For more kids learning activities, such as worksheets and stories , visit BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the magnitude of the sun.

The magnitude of the sun is -26.74.

What are the gases that comprise the sun?

The sun is made up of gases like oxygen, carbon and nitrogen.

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short essay on sun for class 6

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The sun is an ordinary star, one of about 100 billion in our galaxy, the Milky Way. The sun has extremely important influences on our planet: It drives weather, ocean currents, seasons, and climate, and makes plant life possible through photosynthesis.

Biology, Earth Science, Astronomy, Physics

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The sun is an ordinary  star , and is just one of about 100 billion in our galaxy , the Milky Way. However, the sun has extremely important influences on our planet: It drives weather, ocean currents, seasons, climate , and makes plant life possible through  photosynthesis . Without the sun's heat and light, life would not exist on Earth.

The sun is about 150 million kilometers (93 million miles) from Earth. Light from the sun takes about eight minutes and 19 seconds to reach Earth.

The  radius  of the sun, or the distance from the very center to the outer limits, is about 700,000 kilometers (432,000 miles). That distance is about 109 times the size of Earth's radius . The sun not only has a much larger radius than Earth—it is also much more massive. The sun's mass is more than 333,000 times that of Earth. The solar system is the region of space that is home to the eight planets and eight moons that orbit the sun. The sun is so large it contains about 99.8 percent of all of the mass in the entire solar system !

The Sun Is a Combination of Gases

The sun is made up of a blazing combination of gases. About three quarters of the sun is hydrogen, which is constantly fusing together and creating helium by a process called nuclear fusion . Helium makes up almost the entire remaining quarter. A very small percentage—1.69 percent—of the sun's mass is made up of other gases and metals: iron, nickel, oxygen, silicon, sulfur, magnesium, carbon, neon, calcium, and chromium.

The sun is not a solid mass. It does not have easily identifiable boundaries like rocky planets such as Earth. Instead, the sun is composed of layers made up almost entirely of hydrogen and helium.

The sun is white, but appears orangish yellow because of the blue light it gives off. Astronomers call the sun a "yellow dwarf" star .

The sun rotates around its own axis, just like Earth. It rotates counterclockwise, and takes between 25 and 35 days to complete a single rotation.

The sun also orbits clockwise around the center of the Milky Way. Its orbit is between 24,000 and 26,000 light-years away from the galactic center. A light-year is a unit of astronomical distance equal to the distance that light travels in one year, which is about 9.5 trillion kilometers (5.9 trillion miles). The sun takes about 225 million to 250 million years to orbit once around the galactic center.

The Sun Sends Energy to Earth

The sun's energy travels to Earth at the speed of light in the form of electromagnetic waves. The vast majority of these waves are invisible to us. They include gamma rays, x-rays, and  ultraviolet radiation  (UV rays). The most harmful of the UV rays are almost completely absorbed by Earth's atmosphere. Less harmful UV rays travel through the atmosphere, and can cause sunburn.

The sun also gives off infrared radiation . Most heat from the sun arrives as infrared energy.

The Evolution of the Sun

The sun has existed for about 4.5 billion years. It will not shine forever, though.

The process of nuclear fusion , which creates the heat and light that make life on our planet possible, is also the process that slowly changes the sun's composition. Through nuclear fusion , the sun is constantly using up the hydrogen in its core : Every second, the sun fuses around 684 million tons of hydrogen into helium.

At this stage in the sun's life, its core is about 74 percent hydrogen. Over the next five billion years, the sun will burn through most of its hydrogen, and helium will become its major source of fuel.

When almost all of the hydrogen in the sun's core has been consumed, the core will contract and heat up. That in turn will increase the amount of nuclear fusion that takes place. The outer layers of the sun will expand from this extra energy.

The sun will expand to about 200 times its current radius, swallowing Mercury and Venus. Our own planet could be engulfed by the sun as well.

As the sun expands, it will spread its energy over a larger surface area, which will have an overall cooling effect. This cooling will shift the sun's visible light to a reddish color, and the sun will become what astronomers call a " red giant ."

Eventually, the sun's core will reach a temperature so low that it will no longer create or give off energy. At that point, the sun will become what is called a " white dwarf ." During this last phase, the sun will shrink greatly in size, leaving only the hard, carbon core .

The Sun's Six Layers

The sun is made up of six layers: the core , radiative zone , convective zone, photosphere , chromosphere , and corona .

The sun's core is a huge furnace. Temperatures in the core exceed 15.7 million degrees Celsius (28 million degrees Fahrenheit). The core is more than 1,000 times the size of Earth. It extends to about 25 percent of the sun's radius.

The core is the only place where nuclear fusion reactions can happen. The sun's other layers are heated from the nuclear energy created there. The energy released during one second of solar fusion is far greater than that released in the explosion of hundreds of thousands of hydrogen bombs.

Radiative Zone

The radiative zone of the sun starts at about 25 percent of the radius, and extends to about 70 percent of the radius. In this broad zone, heat from the core cools dramatically.

Transition Zone : Tachocline

Between the radiative zone and the next layer, the convective zone, there is a transition zone called the tachocline.

Convective Zone

At around 70 percent of the sun's radius , the convective zone begins. In this zone, the sun's temperature is not hot enough to transfer energy by thermal radiation. Instead, it transfers heat though thermal  convection .

This process is similar to water boiling in a pot. Gases deep in the sun's convective zone are heated and "boil" outward, away from the sun's core, through thermal columns. When the gases reach the outer limits of the convective zone, they cool down, and plunge back to the base of the convective zone, to be heated again.


The photosphere is the bright yellow, visible "surface" of the sun. The photosphere is about 400 kilometers (250 miles) thick, and temperatures there reach about 5,700 degrees Celsius (10,300 degrees Fahrenheit).

Photosphere : Sunspots

A sunspot is just what it sounds like—a dark spot on the sun. A sunspot forms when intense magnetic activity in the convective zone breaks a thermal column. At the top of the broken column, temperature is temporarily decreased because hot gases are not reaching it. This top part is visible in the photosphere and appears darker than the surrounding area.

Photosphere : Solar Flares

The process of creating sunspots opens a connection between the corona—the very outer layer of the sun—and the sun's interior. Solar matter surges out of this opening in formations called solar flares. These explosions are massive: In the period of a few minutes, solar flares release the equivalent of about 160 billion megatons of TNT.

Clouds of ions, atoms, and electrons erupt from solar flares , and reach Earth in about two days. Solar flares can cause disturbances to Earth's atmosphere and magnetic field . They also can interfere with satellite and telecommunications systems.

Photosphere : Coronal Mass Ejections

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are another type of solar activity caused by the constant movement and disturbances within the sun's magnetic field. CMEs typically form near the active regions of sunspots. Their cause is still unclear, however.

Photosphere : Solar Prominence

Solar prominences are bright loops of solar matter. They can burst far into the coronal layer of the sun, expanding hundreds of miles per second. These curved and twisted features can reach hundreds of thousands of miles in height and width, and last anywhere from a few days to a few months.

Solar prominences are cooler than the corona, and they appear as darker strands against the sun. For this reason, they are also known as filaments.

Photosphere : Solar Cycle

The sun does not constantly give off solar flares . It goes through a cycle of about 11 years. During this  solar cycle , the frequency of solar flares changes. During solar maximums, there can be several flares per day. During solar minimums, there may be fewer than one a week.

The solar cycle is defined by the sun's magnetic fields, which loop around the sun and connect at the two poles. Every 11 years, the magnetic fields reverse, causing a disruption that leads to solar activity and sunspots.

The solar cycle can have effects on Earth's climate . For example, the sun's ultraviolet light splits oxygen in the stratosphere—earth's upper atmosphere—and strengthens Earth's protective  ozone layer . During the solar minimum, there are low amounts of UV rays, which means that Earth's ozone layer is temporarily thinned. This allows more UV rays to enter and heat Earth's atmosphere.

Solar Atmosphere

The solar atmosphere is the hottest region of the sun. It is made up of the chromosphere and corona, and a transition zone called the solar transition region that connects the other two.

The solar atmosphere is hidden by the bright light given off by the photosphere . It can rarely be seen without special instruments. Only during  solar eclipses , when the moon moves between Earth and the sun and hides the photosphere , can these layers be seen with the unaided eye.


The pinkish-red chromosphere is about 2,000 kilometers (1,250 miles) thick and riddled with jets of hot gas.

At the bottom of the chromosphere, where it meets the photosphere, the sun is at its coolest, at about 4,100 degrees Celsius (7,500 degrees Fahrenheit). This low temperature gives the chromosphere its pink color. The temperature in the chromosphere increases with altitude, and reaches 25,000 degrees Celsius (45,000 degrees Fahrenheit) at the outer edge of the region.

The chromosphere gives off jets of burning gases called  spicules , similar to solar flares . These fiery strands of gas reach out from the chromosphere like long, flaming fingers. They are usually about 500 kilometers (310 miles) in diameter. Spicules only last for about 15 minutes, but can reach thousands of kilometers in height before collapsing and dissolving.

Solar Transition Region

The solar transition region (STR) separates the chromosphere from the corona.

Below the STR, the layers of the sun are controlled and stay separate because of gravity, gas pressure, and the different processes of exchanging energy. Above the STR, the motion and shape of the layers are much more ever-changing. Their shifts are largely controlled by magnetic forces. These magnetic forces can cause solar events such as coronal loops and the solar wind .

The corona is the wispy outermost layer of the solar atmosphere, and can extend millions of kilometers into space. Gases in the corona burn at about one million degrees Celsius (1.8 million degrees Fahrenheit), and move about 145 kilometers (90 miles per second).

Some of these gases' particles reach a speed of 400 kilometers (249 miles) per second. At that speed, they escape the sun's gravitational pull and become the solar wind . The solar wind blasts from the sun to the edge of the solar system .

Other particles form coronal loops. Coronal loops are bursts of particles that curve back around to a nearby sunspot.

Near the sun's poles are coronal holes. These areas are colder and darker than other regions of the sun, and allow some of the fastest-moving parts of the solar wind to pass through.

The solar wind is a stream of extremely hot, charged particles that are thrown out from the upper atmosphere of the sun. This means that every 150 million years, the sun loses a mass equal to that of Earth. However, even at this rate of loss, the sun has only lost about 0.01 percent of its total mass from solar wind.

The solar wind blows in all directions. It continues moving at the same speed for about 10 billion kilometers (six billion miles).

Some of the particles in the solar wind slip through Earth's magnetic field and into its upper atmosphere near the poles. As they collide with atmosphere, these charged particles set the atmosphere aglow with color, creating  auroras , colorful light displays known as the Northern Lights and Southern Lights. Solar winds can also cause solar storms . These storms can interfere with  satellites and knock out  power grids on Earth.

Studying the Sun

The sun was not always considered something to be studied. For thousands of years, it was known in cultures all over the world as a god or goddess, and a symbol of life.

To the ancient Aztecs, the sun was a powerful god known as Tonatiuh, who required human sacrifice to travel across the sky. In Baltic myths, the sun was a goddess named Saule, who brought fertility and health. The Chinese believed our sun was once one of 10 sun gods, but is now the only one remaining.

In C.E. 150, Greek scholar Claudius Ptolemy created a geocentric model of the solar system in which the moon, planets, and sun revolved around Earth. It was not until the 16th century that Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus used mathematical and scientific reasoning to prove that planets rotated around the sun. This heliocentric model is the one we use today.

In the 17th century, the telescope allowed people to examine the sun in detail. The sun is much too bright to be studied with unprotected eyes. With a telescope, it was possible for the first time to project a clear image of the sun onto a screen for examination.

Studying the Sun from the Sky and Space

Over the following centuries, technology continued to improve, allowing scientists to uncover new features of the sun. Infrared telescopes were invented in the 1960s, giving scientists the ability to observe energy outside of the visible spectrum of light. Twentieth-century astronomers used balloons and rockets to send specialized telescopes high above Earth. Once in space these telescopes were able to examine the sun without any interference from Earth's atmosphere.

Solrad 1  was the first spacecraft designed to study the sun. It was launched by the United States in 1960. That decade, the U.S. space agency NASA sent five  Pioneer  satellites to orbit the sun and collect information about the star.

In 1980, NASA launched a mission during the solar maximum. Its purpose was to gather information about the gamma rays, UV rays, and x-rays that are given off during solar flares.

The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory ( SOHO ) was developed in Europe and put into orbit in 1996 to collect information. SOHO can forecast space weather .

Energy from the Sun


Sunlight provides necessary light and energy to plants. The sun's radiation is absorbed by plants and converted into energy through a process called photosynthesis.

Fossil Fuels

Photosynthesis is also responsible for all of the fossil fuels on Earth. Scientists estimate that about three billion years ago, the first plants evolved. After the plants died, they decomposed and shifted deeper into the earth. This process continued with new plants for millions of years.

Under intense pressure and high temperatures, these plant remains became what we know as fossil fuels—petroleum, natural gas, and coal. We use these fuels as an important source of energy, though their use also causes serious environmental problems.

Solar Energy Technology

Solar energy  technology harnesses the sun's radiation and converts it into heat, light, or electricity . It does this without producing the kind of pollution fossil fuels produce.

In one hour, Earth's atmosphere receives enough sunlight to power the electricity needs of all people for a year. However, solar technology is expensive, and depends on sunny and cloudless local weather to be effective. Methods of harnessing the sun's energy are still being developed and improved.

Like a Diamond in the Sky White dwarf stars are made of crystallized carbon diamond. A typical white dwarf is about 10 billion trillion trillion carats. In about five billion years, says Travis Metcalfe of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, our sun will become a diamond that truly is forever.

Solar Constant The solar constant is the average amount of solar energy reaching Earth's atmosphere. The solar constant is about 1.37 kilowatts of electricity per square meter.

Solarmax 2013 will bring the next solar maximum (solarmax), a period astronomers say will bring more solar flares, coronal mass ejections, solar storms, and auroras.

Sun is the Loneliest Number The sun is pretty isolated, way out on the inner rim of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way. Its nearest stellar neighbor, a red dwarf named Proxima Centauri, is about 4.24 light-years away.

Sunny Days at Space Agencies NASA and other space agencies have more than a dozen heliophysics missions, which study the sun, heliosphere, and planetary environments as a single connected system. A few of the ongoing missions are: ACE : observing particles of solar, interplanetary, interstellar, and galactic origins AIM : determining the causes of the highest-altitude clouds in Earths atmosphere Hinode : studying the sun with the worlds highest-resolution solar telescopes IBEX : mapping the entire boundary of the solar system RHESSI : researching gamma rays and X-rays, the most powerful energy emitted by the sun SOHO : understanding the structure and dynamics of the sun SDO : a crown jewel of NASA, aimed at developing the scientific understanding necessary to address those aspects of the sun and solar system that directly affect life and society STEREO : understanding coronal mass ejections Voyager : studying space at the edge of the solar system Wind : understanding the solar wind

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Essay On The Sun For Children – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay

Shraddha Mishra

Key Points To Remember When Writing Essay On Sun For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on the sun for kids, short essay on the sun for kids, long essay on the sun for children, what will your 1st, 2nd and 3rd grader learn from the essay on the sun, interesting facts about the sun for kids.

The sun is an essential part of the solar system and very important to Earth’s survival. Children get introduced to topics like the sun, moon and Earth right from kindergarten through activities like drawing, painting and creating models. For children of classes 1, 2 and 3, a common assignment for teaching them about the sun is essay writing. Writing an essay on the Sun in English will allow kids to showcase their knowledge on this wonderful subject and strengthen their writing skills. The sun is a star composed of various spheres and gases and is placed at the centre of the solar system. Children in the lower primary classes are introduced to the topic as a star around which the Earth revolves.

When teaching a child how to write an essay about the sun, it is critical to emphasise the framework that will aid in creating a compelling essay. A few key points to remember whilst writing an essay on the sun are below:

  • An introduction about the sun in a concise format.
  • Details about the sun, its place in the solar system, and its characteristics.
  • Importance and benefits of the sun.
  • A strong conclusion.

An essay on sun for classes 1 and 2 must be factual and engaging. Class 1 and 2 students are required to write an essay in points, making it difficult to know what to include and avoid. A template below will serve as a guide:

  • Sun is a star and is spherical in shape.
  • It is visible from the Earth as a ball in yellow colour.
  • The sun provides natural Vitamin D to human beings.
  • The natural light and heat of the sun are essential to life on Earth.
  • Trees and plants can make food because of sunlight.
  • In some parts of the world, the sun and its rays are worshipped like a God.
  • The Earth rotates around the sun and takes 365 days, which is a year, to revolve around it entirely.
  • One should not look at the sun directly as it can harm eyesight.
  • Sunrise and sunset are beautiful sights to watch from the Earth.
  • Life on Earth cannot exist without the sun.

Teachers ask children in lower primary classes to write short paragraphs on the given topics. Writing a paragraph of 100-200 lines is difficult for children as they need to organise and structure their thoughts in a readable format. A sample below will give them a headstart.

The sun is the nearest star to our planet; still, the Earth is 4.246 light-years away from the sun. Hydrogen and helium are the main elements of the sun’s composition. The sun is an important energy source for the planet earth. Life on Earth would be impossible without the sun. It provides warmth and stands for purity and valour worldwide. Sun is revered in many cultures and worshipped for prosperity and peace. The sun’s rays are known to be a vital source of Vitamin D, needed for our growth. However, owing to pollution in the atmosphere, the ozone layer of the atmosphere is depleting and allowing the Sun’s UV rays to cause harm to our health. It is important to protect the planet as the sun could also be dangerous when we cannot keep the balance in the atmosphere.

Students of classes 3 and 4 should have elaborative knowledge of various topics. An essay for class 3 on the sun needs to be articulated well. Below is a sample of how it can be structured.

The sun’s importance can’t be ignored in our lives. It is responsible for holding all planets in their respective orbits also. Mercury planet is closest to the sun.

What Is The Sun?

The sun is a star and is located in the outer part of the Milky Way Galaxy. The sun is approximately 4.6 billion years old. An essential part of the solar system, the sun is the nearest star to the Earth. The sun’s gravitational force keeps the solar system intact and in place. It is responsible for life and energy on the Earth. 

 What Is The Sun Made Of?

  • The sun is a giant spherical ball that shines as it contains hot gases.
  • It is made up of around 70% hydrogen and 28% helium, and it also contains nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon.
  • Sulphur, magnesium, silicon, and neon are other elements present in the sun. 
  • There are various layers in the sun- the inner layers are the Core, Radiative Zone, and Convection Zone. Chromosphere, Photosphere and Corona are the outer layers.
  • You can measure the brightness of the sun in magnitudes. The magnitude of the sun is -26.74, which makes it challenging to look at it with naked eyes.

The Importance Of The Sun

Life on Earth would be practically non-existent without the sun. Humans get Vitamin D from the sun, and plants and trees depend on the sun to make their food. Plants make food via a process called photosynthesis which is dependent on sunlight. The sun is also an alternate source of energy called solar energy. Plants use sunlight for food and release oxygen as a by-product. Plants are grown with the help of the sun and soil. With the greenhouse method, plants can be grown in the winter too. Sun provides crucial Vitamin D to humans. This vitamin is essential for humans as it helps absorb calcium in the body.

The sun is also considered a heavenly body like a god, with many cultures worshipping it. The Surya Namaskar, performed as an obsequy for the sun, is an elixir for good health. Without the sun, life on planet earth will be non-existent.

An essay on the sun for kindergarten, classes 1, 2 and 3 kids will be a great way of teaching them the importance and benefits of the sun. Children need to know about the sun, as it is an integral part of the solar system and one’s life. With a strong foundation, children’s curiosity will be piqued, and they may take a keen interest in studying key facts and details later on.

The following facts about the sun will help children write an interesting essay. Knowledge of these will help them structure their thoughts:

  • The sun is over 4.6 billion years old that started as a mass of clouds and gas.
  • The sun’s temperature is more than 5,000 degrees.
  • Some areas in the sun are cooler than others. These are called sunspots.
  • The sun’s light reaches Earth in around eight minutes.
  • Scientists study the sun through a solar telescope as the sun can not be seen with naked eyes.
  • The connection between the sun and Earth governs season, weather, ocean currents and climate.
  • The sun is white but appears yellow because of the atmosphere.
  • The sun is almost a perfect sphere.

1. What Are The Major Benefits Of Sunlight?

The sun is an important source of energy for all life forms on Earth. Humans need Vitamin D from the sun’s rays, plants use the sunlight for photosynthesis, and the sun is the only source of light and warmth on our planet. It is also used to generate electricity via solar power.

2. What Vitamins do We Get From Sun?

The sun is a rich source of vitamin D, vital for absorbing calcium in the body and maintaining healthy teeth, bones, and mental health.

3. Is Life Possible Without The Sun?

Life is impossible without the sun. The energy, heat and light released from the sun are vital for most living beings. The sun is imperative for everything from Vitamin D to helping plants make food.

Sun is an essential component of the galaxy and can be considered the precursor of several crucial elements. The benefits of the sun make it essential for children to learn more about it, and it helps children learn about the most important aspects of life.

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There are so many things to discover about the sun! Pupils discuss their knowledge of the sun, explore its features, apply their knowledge by labeling photographs, and then reflect on their learning by working in groups to draw and label the sun. To wrap up the lesson, learners participate in a Think-Pair-Share and write a short essay for the assessment. 

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  • Drawing a color diagram is part of the assignment so having at least one student who enjoys art or drawing in each group is ideal

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  • The worksheets are interactive and can be written on directly in the resource, making it a great opportunity to flip the lesson
  • The 16-page packet comes with a lesson plan, safety rules for viewing the sun, background information for teachers, worksheets

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Essay for Class 6 Children | Essay Topics for Grade 6 Students in English

Not Everyone can frame their thoughts into sentences and write an Essay. Essay Writing is an art and is a great activity for Kids to enhance their overall personality. Check out Essay for Class 6 Students in English and have an idea on various topics that are commonly asked. Read and Practice Essay Writing Topics and bring out the imagination in you and write Essays on your own. 6th Grade Essays provided here are given by subject experts to make you familiar with essays from different categories.

List of English Essays for Students of 6th Std

If you are looking for a one-stop destination where you can find the Most Common Essay Topics for Grade 6 Students then this is the place. Check out the Essay Writing Ideas from different categories and choose as per your requirement. All you need to do is simply click on the respective topic link and avail the Short or Long Essay in it. You can surely improve your vocabulary and writing skills after referring to the Essays for 6th Class Students.

  • Tree our Best Friend Essay for Class 6
  • How I Spent Winter Vacation for Class 6
  • Christmas Essay for Class 6
  • Essay on Republic Day for Class 6
  • My Self Essay for Class 6
  • My School Essay for Class 6
  • My Favourite Book Essay for Class 6
  • Essay on Health is Wealth for Class 6
  • Essay on Importance of Computer for Class 6
  • My Family Essay for Class 6
  • Essay on Most Memorable Day of My Life for Class 6
  • Essay on Punctuality for Class 6
  • Essay on Global Warming for Class 6
  • Essay on Importance of Reading for Class 6
  • Essay on Child Labour for Class 6
  • Unity in Diversity Essay for Class 6
  • Essay on Indian Festivals for Class 6
  • Essay on Save Electricity for Class 6
  • Essay on Library for Class 6

FAQs on Essay for Class 6

1. Where do I get Good Essay Topics for Class 6?

You can get Good Essay Topics for Class 6 on our page through the quick links.

2. How to Improve Essay Writing?

All you have to do is read to plenty of essay topics out there and bring out the uniqueness in you and frame your thoughts into words and write essays.

3. Which is the Best Website that provides Essay Writing Topics of Class 6?

Worksheetsbuddy.com is a genuine portal and go-to place for many any Kind of Essay Topic for Students.

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Essay Writing Topics For Class 6

Essay Writing Topics For Class 6 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Essay writing topics for class 6 in english.

Writing essays is a crucial part of the academic curriculum for students of all ages. As students progress through their academic journey, the complexity and length of essays increase. Class 6 students are typically expected to write essays that are between 500 and 1000 words long. The essays are usually written in a five-paragraph format and include an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In this article, we will discuss some essay writing topics for class 6 students, along with the English Grammar , format, and examples.

Also Read: Essay Writing For Class 8

Format Of Class 6 Essays:

Before we start discussing the essay topics, let’s take a look at the format of class 6 essays.


The introduction should be a brief paragraph that provides an overview of the topic. It should include a thesis statement that tells the reader what the essay is about.

Body Paragraphs:

The body paragraphs should be three in number, and each paragraph should focus on a specific idea related to the topic. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence that introduces the idea and supporting details that explain and support the topic sentence.


The conclusion should be a summary of the main points discussed in the essay. It should restate the thesis statement and provide a final thought on the topic.

Essay Writing Topics For Class 6:

1. My Favorite Season 2. My Favorite Animal 3. My Best Friend 4. My Favorite Sport 5. My Favorite Food 6. My School Life 7. My Family 8. The Importance of Reading 9. My Favorite Movie 10. My Favorite Book 11. My Hobby 12. My Role Model 13. The Importance of Discipline 14. My Dreams and Aspirations 15. The Importance of Education 16. My Favorite Holiday 17. My Favorite Teacher 18. My Favorite Place 19. My Favorite Subject 20. My Favorite Color

Examples Of Essay Writing Topics For Class 6:

1. My Favorite Season:

My favorite season is winter. I love the cold weather, and I get excited when the first snowfall arrives. I enjoy making snowmen and having snowball fights with my friends. I also love the holidays that come during winter, such as Christmas and New Year’s. During winter break, my family and I like to go skiing, and we have a lot of fun together.

2. My Best Friend:

My best friend’s name is Sarah. We have been friends since kindergarten, and we have a lot in common. We both love animals and enjoy playing video games together. We also enjoy playing soccer and often compete against each other. Sarah is always there for me when I need her, and I feel lucky to have her as my best friend.

3. The Importance of Reading:

Reading is very important because it helps improve our vocabulary and comprehension skills. It also stimulates our imagination and creativity. By reading, we can learn about different cultures and explore new ideas. Reading is also a great way to relax and escape from our daily stresses.

Recommended Reading: Essay Writing Topics For Class 6

Conclusion On Essay Writing Topics For Class 6:

Writing essays is an essential skill for students to develop, and by practicing writing on different topics, students can become better writers. The above essay topics can be a starting point for class 6 students, and by following the essay format, they can write well-structured essays that effectively communicate their ideas.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English A Pact with the Sun

Ncert solutions for class 6 english – a pact with the sun, ncert solutions for class 6 english a pact with the sun – supplementary reader.

  • Chapter 1 A Tale of Two Birds
  • Chapter 2 The Friendly Mongoose
  • Chapter 3 The Shepherd’s Treasure
  • Chapter 4 The Old-Clock Shop
  • Chapter 5 Tansen
  • Chapter 6 The Monkey and the Crocodile
  • Chapter 7 The Wonder Called Sleep
  • Chapter 8 A Pact with the Sun
  • Chapter 9 What Happened to the Reptiles
  • Chapter 10 A Strange Wrestling march

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Class 6 Essay Topics for Children & Teachers | Essays for Grade 6 Students in English

May 2, 2023 by Veerendra

Class 6 Essay Writing Topics in English  can be helpful for students to come up with great thoughts about the selected topic. We all are aware of Class 6 Essay Topics but choosing the right essay to attract an audience is a bit difficult task. Essays are the same as a story, thesis, pamphlet, etc. An essay is a piece of content that can be written in both formal and informal languages and from the insight of the writer or author. Here, we are providing 6th Grade Essays in English for children to make habitual with different categories of essays.

List of 6th Standard English Essays for Students

APlusTopper provided Essay Topics for Class 6 students is very beneficial to win first prizes in the essay writing competitions and good scores in exams. So, students can read and write the content for the selected essay topic in a pure and simple way. These Class 6 Essay Topics in English encourage self-study among kids and offer a fair idea on what exactly to write in several topics veiled. Just click on the provided  Essays Topics for 6th Class Students  & improve your vocabulary and writing skills.

  • Essay on School’s Surroundings and Examinations
  • Essay on Festivals
  • Essay on Persons We Come Across
  • Essay on About Myself
  • Essay on Relationships
  • Essay on Visits
  • Essay on Scenes, Sights, and Journeys
  • Essay on Health and Fitness
  • Essay on Personalities/People
  • Essay on Events
  • Essay on Monuments
  • Essay on Vacation/Holidays
  • Nature Essay
  • Essay on Sports
  • Essay on Cities
  • Essay on Life
  • Essay on Animals
  • General Essays
  • Global Warming
  • Essay on Environmental Issues & Awareness
  • Essay Topics Based on Proverbs
  • Essay on Moral Values
  • Education Essay
  • Essay on India
  • Essay on Science & Technology
  • Essay on Social Issues & Social Awareness
  • Argumentative Essay Topics

FAQs on Essay Topics for Class 6

1. How do I improve the clarity of my essay?

First, read your essay out loud to yourself. It sounds strange, but it catches a lot of run-on sentences, wordiness, strange transitions, etc. If what you write doesn’t make sense out loud, change it! So, take help from the Aplustopper provided Class 6 Essay Topics & get some tips to change your essay in an attractive way.

2. Where can I find the Best Class 6 Essay Topics in English?

You can find the best English Essays for Class 6 on our page via accessible links available over here.

3. Why should you choose AplusTopper offered Class 6 Essay Topics?

By choosing the AplusTopper offered Class 6 English Essay Topics, you can Improve Essay Writing Skills and it is the one-stop solution for all your concerns regarding essay writing learning. To explore more about English essays, it is the best guide for you.

Final Words

We believe the information furnished about  Class 6 Essay Topics  encouraged you to express your ideas & views on the selected topic. Make use of the comment section below and advise us regarding the topics that you’re interested in provided English Essays for Class 6 students. We will look into your suggestions and add them very soon. Keep connected with us and bookmark our site to learn about Frequently Aksed Essays for School going children.

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short essay on sun for class 6

A Pact with the Sun Class 6 English Summary, Lesson Plan

A Pact with the Sun Class 6 English Story Summary, Lesson plan and PDF notes is given below. By reading through the detailed summary, CBSE Class 6 students will be able to understand the lesson easily. Once the students finished reading the summary in english and hindi they can easily answer any questions related to the chapter. Students can also refer to CBSE Class 6 English summary notes – for their revision during the exam.

CBSE Class 6 English A Pact with the Sun Summary

A Pact with the Sun summary in both english and hindi is available here. This article starts with a discussion about the author and then explains the chapter in short and detailed fashion. Ultimately, the article ends with some difficult words and their meanings.

Short Summary of A Pact with the Sun

Saeeda’s mother has not received proper medical treatment for her complaints. She is denied healthy food, sunshine and fresh air. At last, she consults a good physician who gives her effective medicine and sound advice. The sky remains overcast with clouds for a few days. Saeeda makes a special request to the sun rays to help her mother get well. The sun rays keep their word, come down in large numbers and give new life to Saeeda’s mother.

Summary of A Pact with the Sun in English

Saeeda’s mother had fallen sick. Many physicians have visited her but no significant change was observed in her continuously declining health. She wasn’t provided with a normal diet. She was confined to a dark and dingy room with no fresh air and sunlight.

Then a specialist was consulted. Although, Saeeda’s mother was too poor to pay the fees. So a few trinkets were sold to pay the heavy fees.

The doctor visited in a few days and examined Saeeda’s mother. He prescribed effective medicine. He also recommended her to take a normal diet. He advised her to sit in the sunlight and breathe fresh air in the morning.

Everybody was reacting to the advice, some were in support of it but some were opposing it. The debate went on, but Saeeda’s mother kept quiet. Moreover, she decided to follow the doctor’s advice.

But the sky remained clouded for a few days. In her dejection, she lamented for her ill health, muttered to the heaven to be her savior.

Saeeda was playing nearby with her doll and listened to the grievance of her mother. She, then prayed to the departing ray of the sun to come with warmth and sunlight as her mother needed it badly.

The ray promised to come back in the morning. However, the next day, the clouds were spread all over the sky, so the rays could not reach the earth.

The sun told them to take off. But the ray had promised Saeeda. So, the rays revolted against the sun and decided to come down on Earth to cure Saeeda’s ailing mother.

The Sun relented but then gave permission with an advice to take care of their clothes. They were adamant to help and thus they released focused heat to flout clouds on the way.

Saeeda has rejoiced when she saw sunlight and called her mother. Her mother basked in the rays of the Sun and recovered soon. Finally, she regained health.

Summary of A Pact with the Sun in Hindi

सईदा की मां लंबे समय तक ठीक नहीं थीं और उन्हें उनकी शिकायतों का उचित चिकित्सा उपचार नहीं मिला था। उसका इलाज विभिन्न डॉक्टरों द्वारा किया गया था लेकिन उसका सुधार अस्थायी था और बीमारी दूर हो रही थी। उसे स्वस्थ भोजन, धूप और ताजी हवा से वंचित कर दिया गया था। इसके अलावा, वह एक छोटे से अंधेरे और गंदे कमरे में बंद थी जहाँ खिड़कियां बंद थीं और कोई भी धूप वहाँ नहीं पहुँची थी।

जब उसकी हालत खराब हो गई और उसके प्रियजनों ने उसकी उच्च फीस की परवाह किए बिना एक विशेषज्ञ से परामर्श करने के लिए कहा। जीवन किसी भी चीज से ज्यादा कीमती है। हालांकि सईदा की मां गरीब थीं, लेकिन उन्होंने उनके शब्दों पर ध्यान दिया। उसने डॉक्टर की फीस और दवा की कीमत चुकाने के लिए अपनी ज्वैलरी बेच दी। डॉक्टर ने उसका चेकअप किया और उसे अच्छी दवाई दी। उन्होंने उसे एक अच्छा आहार लेने और उस अंधेरे कमरे को छोड़ने और खिड़कियों और दरवाजों के साथ एक बड़े कमरे में रहने, धूप और ताजी हवा लेने की सलाह दी।

कमरे में मौजूद सभी लोग डॉक्टर की सलाह पर टिप्पणी करने लगे। कुछ इसके समर्थन में बोल रहे थे और अन्य लोग इसका विरोध कर रहे थे। एक अनुभवी महिला ने गंभीर खांसी से पीड़ित होने के लिए सूरज के संपर्क में आने पर आपत्ति जताई। एक पड़ोसी लड़ने लगा। सईदा की माँ उन सभी का हिस्सा बनने की स्थिति में नहीं थी ताकि वह चुप रहे। अंत में उसने कहा कि परिणाम जो भी हो वह डॉक्टर के शब्दों का पालन करने के लिए दृढ़ था। इसलिए उसके बिस्तर को अगले कमरे में ले जाया जाना चाहिए और उसे रोजाना एक घंटे धूप में बैठने देना चाहिए।

लेकिन अब कुछ दिनों तक आसमान बादलों से घिरा रहा। वह उसके मुंह में फुसफुसाया और भगवान से पूछा कि उसने सूरज को कहां छिपाया था?

सईदा अपनी माँ के पास खेल रही थी और उसने उसकी बातें सुनीं। बाद में जब वह आँगन में गिरने वाली थी, तो उसने हल्की धूप देखी और अपनी माँ के पास दौड़ने के लिए कहने लगी। लेकिन सभी ने उसे रोक दिया क्योंकि यह देर शाम था और ठंड थी। निराश होकर सईदा अपनी गुड़िया के पास वापस चली गई।

जिस क्षण हम जागते हैं, हमारे शरीर का तापमान और रक्तचाप सामान्य हो जाता है। दिल की धड़कन और सांस लेने जैसी अन्य घटनाएं भी सामान्य हो जाती हैं और हम ज्यादातर सपने भूल जाते हैं, अगर सभी नहीं।

बच्चों के पास एक विशेष संचार भाषा होती है जिसमें वे पेड़, फूल, जानवर, सूर्य और चंद्रमा और यहां तक ​​कि भगवान से बात करते हैं। उस विशेष भाषा का उपयोग करते हुए, सईदा ने सूर्य की किरणों से प्रार्थना की कि वह अपनी माँ के बीमार होने पर अधिक गर्मजोशी और चमक के साथ कल आए।

सूर्य की प्रकाश किरणों ने उसकी प्रार्थना का उत्तर दिया और उसे आश्वासन दिया कि वे निश्चित समय पर आएंगे और उसे दुखी नहीं होने के लिए कहा।

अगले दिन जब उज्ज्वल ऊर्जावान सूर्य पृथ्वी पर आने के लिए तैयार हो गए, तो सूर्य ने कहा कि वे पृथ्वी पर नहीं जाएंगे क्योंकि पृथ्वी जिस तरह से बादलों द्वारा अवरुद्ध की गई थी। यह सुनकर किरण कुछ देर तक चुप रही लेकिन उनमें से एक ने अपने पिता सूर्य से बात की कि उन्होंने सईदा के साथ एक समझौता किया था जैसा कि उसने उससे वादा किया था। उसकी माँ की तबीयत ठीक नहीं थी और उसे उनकी मदद की ज़रूरत थी इसलिए वह सईदा के आँगन तक पहुँचने के लिए बादलों के बीच से गुज़रेगी। नहीं तो उसकी माँ कैसे ठीक हो जाती। इसके लिए सभी किरणें एकमत से सूर्य के खिलाफ खड़ी थीं। उन्होंने तर्क दिया कि यदि वे वापस रहते तो पृथ्वी के लोग उन्हें झूठे मानते।

सूरज थोड़ा नरम हो गया था और उन्हें बताया कि बादल बहुत भारी थे इसलिए उन्हें खुद को नियंत्रित करना होगा। यहां तक ​​कि उन्हें अपने कपड़ों का ध्यान रखने को कहा।

किरणें यह कहते हुए पृथ्वी की ओर बढ़ीं कि उन्होंने अपने कपड़ों पर ध्यान नहीं दिया क्योंकि वे हमेशा उन्हें बदल सकते थे। बादलों ने उनका रास्ता रोक दिया। छोटी किरणों ने उनकी गर्मी पर ध्यान केंद्रित किया जो बादलों को वहाँ से भागने के लिए पर्याप्त था। किरणें चकित बादलों को पीछे छोड़ती हुई पृथ्वी पर पहुँचीं।

सईदा ने उन्हें पहुँचते देखा और खुशी से उछल पड़ी। उसने अपनी माँ को फोन करके बताया कि सूर्य वहाँ है। बुढ़िया कृतज्ञता के आँसू में थी। उसका बिस्तर धूप में रखा गया था जहाँ वह तकिए के खिलाफ झुक कर एक घंटे के लिए बैठी थी। यह महीनों के बाद था कि वह सूरज को महसूस करने और ताजी हवा में सांस लेने में सक्षम थी। उसे लगा जैसे वह एक नई दुनिया में प्रवेश कर चुकी है। यद्यपि वह कमजोर दिख रही थी लेकिन उसके चेहरे और आंखों में आशा की चमक दिखाई दी। वह अपने बच्चे को भी धूप में देखा और उसे चूमा। इस नई सुबह के साथ एक नई उम्मीद, एक नई खुशबू, पक्षियों की चहचहाहट और इस सब के साथ, सईदा की माँ को बेहतर महसूस हुआ और वह अपनी बीमारी से पूरी तरह से उबर गई।

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  • Summer Vacation Essay for Students in English


Summer Vacation Essay on English


Summer vacation is a time when students can relax and enjoy their free time. It is a time to catch up on rest, spend time with family and friends, and explore new hobbies or interests. For many students, summer vacation is also a time to continue learning and improving their English skills. This article will provide information about Essay on Summer Vacation, ways to spend Summer Vacation. Parents should encourage their children to read, write and practise speaking English during the summer break or take them for an outing to have fun and enjoy the sun.

Essay on Summer Vacation

Summer holidays have an important place in every person's life. especially in children's lives.

Summer is the hottest season of the year, children enjoy it very much. It is a very interesting and entertaining season for them as they get a chance to eat their favorite fruits and ice cream. They also enjoy long school closures during the summer holidays.

Summer vacation is an important time for children. This is a very happy time for them. During these holidays, children can do all that they are interested in. They have fun living with their parents, brothers and sisters through the holidays. Summer holidays are the happiest of students' lives. Because they got some rest from going to school for some time.

There are many other important things in summer vacations along with getting relief from the heat. After the exams are over, the students feel exhausted and are not interested in studying, hence, they need rest to improve their health and viability after a long year of study.

Everyone gets to learn something in the summer holidays, whether they are grown-ups or children. Everyone has their own way of celebrating the summer vacation, some like to go on a picnic with their family, some go to foreign countries and some go home and enjoy it.

Most of the girls like to play badminton, football etc. during summer vacation while boys like to play cricket in the open field. During the season there are many fruits which can be enjoyed only in summer. These fruits help to make the summer holiday more interesting, drinking fresh fruit juice and drinking fresh fruit in the body produces freshness in the body.

Everyone already plans something for the summer holidays. Especially kids start making new plans a few months in advance to make their summer holidays exciting. The summer holidays are a great relief for everyone, that's why everyone tries to make it memorable.

Ways of Spending Vacation

Some children make good use of leave by applying tutoring in their weak subject and make it better. Summer holidays become a summer fun for children who are happy when the last bell rings at school. Summer holidays become the happiest moments for children as they get a long break from the daily busy lives of school and school work. Some people go to the countryside for vacations or to visit some historical and recreational places. The time has come to get away from homework and be entertained by a good trip from home to the city, hill stations, and other quiet places to happily defeat the heat.

Benefits of Summer Vacation

The purpose of summer vacations is to give the students a little rest from the summer season. Excessive heat can cause a lot of damage, so summer vacation is the best option to study and give them a break from the heat and assist the children to recover in weaker subjects See you. Everyone usually has their own way of spending the summer vacation, but most people prefer to go to cold places. Summer vacation gives the students an opportunity to visit new places, increase their general knowledge, and get time for school project work.

Children get an opportunity to spend time with their family members as well as to understand and have fun with them.

Overall we can say that the summer vacation is very important for the complete development of all.

A Place to Visit During Summer Vacations

There are a number of destination options to visit and spend quality time with family. You can book your vacation ticket online via the reputed portals make my trip, via.com, go ibibo etc. some good place falls in: 

Kullu Manali

Munnar (Kerala)



Above are a few options to choose your destination for summer vacation. It's good to spend special quality time with family and loved ones once a year apart from any workload.

Every child looks forward to the summer holidays as a time of rest and relaxation. Summer vacations provide an opportunity for children to catch up on schoolwork, visit new places and spend time with family members. Children can also improve their skills by taking tutoring classes during the summer break. There are many places to visit and enjoy during summer vacations. The most important thing is to enjoy and make the most of this time.


FAQs on Summer Vacation Essay for Students in English

1. How Can Parents Make Summer Vacation Enjoyable for Kids?

Parents should plan some fun activities and take their children to interesting places. They can also arrange for a tutor to help the child prepare for the next academic year. Parents should also ensure that the child gets plenty of rest. The summer vacation is usually quite long. Parents should plan activities that are suitable for all family members to ensure that they have a great time together. This will also help the parents to spend time with their children. Exploring new places and spending quality time with family is a good way of making the summer vacation memorable. This will make a positive impact on the child's academic performance when school resumes because the child will have had a good break with family and will, therefore, be ready to work harder and succeed academically.

2. Where Should One Go for Summer Vacations?

There are a number of places that one can visit for summer vacations. Some people prefer to go to the countryside, while others prefer to go to the city or visit hill stations. There are also a number of places in India that are worth visiting during the summer vacation. Some of these places include Kullu Manali, Shimla, Chandigarh, Darjeeling, Nainital, Munnar (Kerala), Ooty and Kodaikanal. These places offer a variety of activities that are perfect for summer vacations. They also offer a respite from the heat. People can enjoy sightseeing, trekking, boating, fishing and a lot more while enjoying their summer holidays. Doing physical activities in cooler climates is a good way to beat the heat and have some fun. Parents can also take their children to historical sites like museums, art galleries and zoos. All these places provide an interesting and educational experience for the whole family.

3. What Kind of Activities Can Children Do in Summer Vacation?

There are a number of fun activities that children can do during the summer vacation. These include going to the beach, swimming, playing games, visiting amusement parks, going for hikes and camping. Children can also read books, watch movies or play computer games. It is important for parents to ensure that their children get plenty of rest and exercise during the summer vacations in order to stay healthy. The activities will improve the child's physical and mental health. The child will also get to know his or her family members better and have some fun memories to cherish for a long time.

4. How Can We Make Summer Vacation Interesting for Kids?

There are a number of ways in which parents can make summer vacation interesting for their children. One way is to plan activities that are suitable for all family members. This will help the family to bond and have some fun together. Parents can also take their children to interesting places that offer a variety of activities. These places include theme parks, hill stations, beaches and historical sites. Children can also participate in summer camps that offer a variety of activities such as sports, arts and crafts, music and dance. These camps provide a lot of fun and learning opportunities for children. They also help the children to make new friends. These activities will help the children to stay active and have a great time during the summer vacation.

5. What Are the Advantages of Summer Camps?

Summer camps offer a variety of advantages for children. These include learning new things, making friends, developing skills and having fun. Children can learn new things such as how to swim, play a musical instrument or ride a bike at summer camps. They can also develop important skills such as teamwork, leadership and communication skills. Children can also have lots of fun playing a variety of games, doing arts and crafts or singing songs. In addition to learning new things and developing skills, children will also have the opportunity to meet other children from different backgrounds. This diversity will help them learn about different cultures and broaden their minds. Parents should encourage their children to participate in summer camps as it helps the child's physical, social, emotional and cognitive development.

6. Why Summer Vacation is Good for Students?

Summer Vacation is quite recreational activity for children, it gives them a break from regular routine i.e. homework, school, classwork etc. a kind of quality time spent with family rejuvenates children mind and make them fresh for further studies post vacations. In that case, both parents and children get a break from their busy life. This is why summer vacation is important and its really meant to celebrate by any means.

7. Importance of Summer Camps for Children?

summer camps enhance children inner traits so they can come forward to as a volunteer to perform. There are the modes to make them extrovert and make them socialize with others, during camping they explore new things, find adventure, also experience some basic home activities.

8. What Makes Summer Vacation Apart From Winter Vacation?

In summer vacation children have ample time to indulge in various activities of their choices, whereas in winter vacation there is no such options left.  During summer vacation you can plan for long holidays while in winter vacations because of the short span of time you can plan to move out of city as well.

Essay on Summer Season for Students and Children

500+ words essay on summer season.

Essay on Summer Season – Summer season is the hottest season of the year. In this season the temperature became so high that water starts to evaporate very quickly. But this is the most entertaining season for kids who enjoy it to the fullest because their school gets off in the summer season. Usually, summers last for mid or later March to June but they can expend up to the first week of July due to a delay of monsoon.

Essay on Summer Season

Facts about the Summer Season

The season occurs when the earth tilts towards the sun and a vice versa phenomenon for winter. In the southern hemisphere, December to February are the summer months. The day becomes warmers and nights become cooler. Besides, the day is longer and nights are shorter.

This season, we get a lot of variety of fruits and vegetables . And this is the season in which farmers prepare their land for cultivation. The sky becomes clearer as there are no clouds to give shade. And the sun shines bright.

Effects of Summer Season

Summer is hot for many reasons these include some natural factors and some manmade factors. These factors also cause many changes in climate conditions . Although the season is quite dry the kids love it.

short essay on sun for class 6

Moreover, too much hotness is very bad for certain things and results in many problems. One problem that it causes in human which is very common is dehydration. It not only causes weakness and dizziness but also can lead to death. So, to keep the body hydrated we need to drink plenty of water.

Small ponds, rivers, and wells dry up in this season. The groundwater level declines and in some areas conditions like drought occurs.

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Who Enjoys Summer?

Although anyone can enjoy the summers the way they like the Children loves it the most. They love it because they have a long summer vacation ahead of them which they enjoy fully.

Besides, they can do whatever they want, be whomever they want, and spend their day playing and traveling with family. Most of the children visit their grandparents in summer or go to a hill station in a cold place to enjoy with family. For them, it’s the most relaxing time when they do not have to do any homework on a daily basis.

Moreover, they do all kinds of fun and naughty things they could. In this time they become the king of their dreamland.

Effects on Life

Whether humans, animals or birds all become very irritated of the season. The summer season causes them to stay indoors. And it makes condition pretty harsh to go out. During the day temperature rises to a level which causes difficulty.

What’s Good about Summer Season?

There are many good things about summer that includes the king of fruits and everyone’s favorite ‘Mango’. Apart from that, there is a large variety of fruits and vegetables in the market.

To conclude, we can say that the summer season is not as bad as it looks. It is just like any other season. We can also enjoy summer like any other season by finding the right ways like kids. Moreover, the season is rich in a variety of fruits and vegetables especially the mango.

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