How to Write an Excellent NP School Personal Statement

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“Try not to rush this statement. We recommend taking some time to reflect on your nursing career accomplishments, as well as situations that perhaps were learning situations that did not end favorably. Use these to reflect on your motivation and priorities and how they apply to the topic that the school has provided.”

Dr. Doreen Rogers, DNS, RN, CCRN, CNE, Assistant Professor of Nursing & Graduate Nursing Program Director at Utica University

Anyone who’s ever applied to a nurse practitioner program knows two things: careers in nursing are in high demand and graduate school admissions are competitive. Nurse practitioner careers are one of the fastest-growing occupations in the United States; in fact, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS 2023) predicts that 118,600 new NP jobs will be added to the economy between 2022 and 2032—a 45 percent increase.

So why are nurse practitioner admissions so competitive? A shortage of qualified nursing teaching faculty and an increasing number of retiring nurses are some possible reasons, according to CNN . 

Despite these admissions barriers, a nationwide shortage of doctors is poised to restrict patients’ access to care. To address this problem, states are beginning to expand the scope of practice laws for nurse practitioners. The U.S. News & World Report shows that 22 states, the District of Columbia, and the Veterans Health Administration removed practice authority limitations for NPs, which resulted in expanded healthcare and decreased costs. 

One thing is sure: applicants for nursing practitioner programs must put together flawless applications to rank high with an admissions committee. In addition, an aspiring nurse practitioner who wants to stand out and make a solid first impression needs to write an excellent nurse practitioner (NP) school personal statement.  

To help out hard-working nurses who spend more time seeing patients than practicing academic writing skills, here are some tips for writing an excellent nurse practitioner (NP) school personal statement.

Follow the Five-Paragraph Essay Format

Drexel University has a video featuring several tips for writing a personal essay for admissions committees. The video recommends applicants organize their statements in a five-paragraph essay format and write no more than 500 words. 

  • First paragraph: Make an immediate impact in your introduction
  • Second paragraph: Explain what attracted you to the program and field
  • Third paragraph: Compare your short- and long-term goals with the program goals
  • Fourth paragraph: Share your skills, experiences, and characteristics
  • Fifth paragraph: Conclude by summarizing your five-paragraph essay

Drexel University also offers a downloadable infographic to illustrate what admissions committees are looking for in an applicant’s essay.

Write an Impactful Introduction

Pretty Nurse Ashley , a registered nurse who documented her experience getting into Vanderbilt University’s top-ranked nurse practitioner program, emphasizes the importance of an impactful introduction in a personal statement in her YouTube video:

That first sentence needs to be something spectacular, something that’s going to pull them in, so it needs to be very creative and something that’s going to get their attention. With your personal statement, you want to stand out from the other applicants. You want to create a story, create a vivid picture of who you are.

At a time when nursing schools are sending thousands of rejection letters to qualified applicants, Pretty Nurse Ashley’s advice to make a strong introduction is solid advice to help an applicant open their statement with what makes them unique.

Do Your Homework: Advice From an NP Career Coach

Renee Dahring is a nurse practitioner career coach , past president of the Minnesota chapter of the APRN Coalition, and a nursing university instructor with extensive experience in recruitment and admissions for nurse practitioner programs. When applying to NP schools, Ms. Dahring recommends that nurse practitioner applicants do their homework in three areas.

Show Your Commitment to Finish

Dahring said, “Every university wants its students to finish, especially in a nurse practitioner program. If you drop out, your spot in the NP cohort is empty. Mostly we like to know: ‘Have people thought this decision through?’” 

In other words, when an NP program admission committee decides to admit a student, they are investing in that person to finish the program. Therefore, if it seems like a risky investment, they will not want to admit that individual.

Connect Your Career Goals to the NP Program’s Mission

“Understand what the program’s goals and missions are and align your personal statement with them. . .Also, consider the mission of the educational institution; most have a dedication to the underserved, but that will vary from place to place,” Dahring advised.

Addressing a program’s or an institution’s mission statement directly in a personal essay can catch the attention of an admission committee. They want to ensure that a person is a strong fit for their specific program. It’s also a benefit for applicants to be familiar with a school’s objectives and guiding philosophy, as it can help ensure that a program is the right fit for them.

Demonstrate Your Understanding of NP Scope of Practice Laws 

Dahring also stated, “The other important thing is to have a really good understanding of the NP Scope of Practice Laws. . .You should have a clear idea of what you are allowed and not allowed to do in the states where you apply for NP school and intend to work as a nurse practitioner.” 

NPs can practice more independently in some states than others—and a solid understanding of these regional nuances can inform one’s essay.

Take Time to Communicate Clearly

Above all, take the time to write and edit well. Admissions committees read through hundreds of personal statements, so communicating concisely and clearly can increase an applicant’s chances of admission to an NP program.

Dr. Doreen Rogers is an assistant professor of nursing and the graduate nursing program director at Utica University in New York. She advises applicants to use their best writing skills:

Remember, your personal statement is an opportunity for you to convey what motivates you and discuss your priorities as a healthcare professional while extending them to your future career as a nurse practitioner. Some aspects that are exceptionally important are the use of appropriate grammar, spelling, word selection, and sentence structure (including an introductory paragraph, transition sentences in between paragraphs, and a conclusion that ties everything together).

Dr. Rogers also recommended taking the time to communicate clearly: “Try not to rush this statement. Instead, we recommend taking some time to reflect on your nursing career accomplishments, as well as situations that perhaps were learning situations that did not end favorably. Use these to reflect on your motivation and priorities and how they apply to the topic that the school has provided.”

Rachel Drummond, MEd

Rachel Drummond, MEd

On, Rachel Drummond has leveraged her extensive background in education and mindfulness to provide valuable insights to nursing professionals since 2020. She explores how mindfulness and movement can be incorporated into the demanding routines of nurses, emphasizing the importance of mental and physical well-being for increased resilience and effectiveness in the challenging field of nursing.

Rachel is a writer, educator, and coach from Oregon. She has a master’s degree in education (MEd) and has over 15 years of experience teaching English, public speaking, and mindfulness to international audiences in the United States, Japan, and Spain. She writes about the mind-body benefits of contemplative movement practices like yoga on her blog , inviting people to prioritize their unique version of well-being and empowering everyone to live healthier and more balanced lives.

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7 Tips for Writing the Perfect Family Nurse Practitioner Essay

NurseJournal Staff

If you are pursuing a career as a family nurse practitioner, you will likely be required to submit a personal essay. Your nurse practitioner personal statement explains why you want to become a family nurse practitioner (FNP) and is an important step in the graduate nursing program application process.

What you say in your nurse practitioner essay should tell the admissions committee who you are as a person and why you will make an effective and ethical nurse practitioner.

When answering the section on “why I want to be a nurse practitioner,” your response may come easily. Others might struggle with putting their reasons into words in an original and clear way. This guide will show you how to convey who you are and why you make an excellent candidate.

1. Be Specific

When you receive your essay questions, you will notice that they are reasonably generic. What the university is looking for, however, is how you turn that into something specific.

Don’t just outline your overall feelings about a full topic. Instead, go into detail and use specific examples from your personal experience that truly demonstrate your capabilities. Not only is this a better way of answering the question, but it also means your essay will be far more interesting. It will properly showcase your personality, which is a very important part of nursing.

2. Be Concise

Always remember that you are writing an essay and not the next great saga. Oftentimes, there will be a word count limit. However, if there isn’t, you shouldn’t write every little detail you come up with. What matters is that the information is complete and doesn’t go off-topic. Stick to the guidelines provided, as they have been given for a good reason (one of them is to test you on how well you can follow instructions). You must be concrete in your answers.

Admissions committees must get through dozens or hundreds of applications. If your nurse practitioner essay is too long, they’ll likely lose focus. In addition, nursing requires concise communication in daily work. If you come across as taking a long time to get to the point, this may leave an unprofessional impression.

3. Demonstrate Your Passion and Commitment

When you describe why you want to be a nurse practitioner, your passion and commitment should leap off the page and make the admissions committee excited to offer you a place. They should see you as the kind of student and colleague that they want to represent their school. You can do this by making sure that your nurse practitioner essay:

  • Shows how your experience and education motivate you
  • Describes specific motivators, such as mentors, experiences with nurses, or even experiences as a patient
  • Shows that you are committed to all aspects of nursing, including patient care, collaboration, cultural competence , and continual learning and improvement
  • Clearly summarizes these elements to match your background and passion to the school’s culture, as well as to nursing

Avoid clichés or general statements about why nursing is important. They already know that. What they don’t know — what you have to tell them — is why your passion will make you an excellent FNP.

4. Tell a Story

Storytelling is the most powerful and memorable form of communication. The stories we’ve lived shape who we are. Leverage the power of storytelling in your nurse practitioner essay.

  • Choose the right story and apply it to nursing. It doesn’t have to be about nursing specifically, but it needs to apply to nursing. Talk about instances where you’ve demonstrated teamwork, perseverance, crisis response skills, or communication successes.
  • Start with a vivid hook that makes the reader want to know what happens next.
  • Use clear language that helps the reader understand and identify with the choices you made.
  • Make stories about more than just yourself. Nursing is a team practice, and if you write as though you’re the only important character in the story, it can seem arrogant or self-involved.
  • Show empathy. Empathy doesn’t mean having a lot of feelings or dwelling on them. It means understanding others and meeting them where they are.
  • Customize your nurse practitioner essay to the program. What values does the school hold? How does the school site describe learning, teachers, and current students? Make these values and priorities stand out in your writing.

5. Highlight Your Strengths

Your essay is an opportunity for you to show what you are made of. Highlight all the things that are good about you, such as your education, your career, your background, and other experiences. Perhaps you have done volunteer work, or you have already been employed in the medical field. It is always a good idea to give some examples of the experiences you have had to demonstrate why you are good at what you do and why you want to become an FNP.

When highlighting these strengths, it is best to be specific and include examples. For instance, saying you are hardworking may sound like a good trait to focus on, but it could be more impactful to provide a specific example of how you have worked hard during your career. This will add credibility to your essay and reinforce your claims.

6. Keep it Professional

You want your nurse practitioner personal statement to be memorable, but only in the right way. Keep your tone professional and individual. Think of your essay as though you were a stranger reading it. Would you want the person who wrote this essay to be in charge of your or a loved one’s care?

Never make a colleague or patient look bad in your nurse practitioner essay. This is a surefire way to get rejected, as it comes across as unprofessional, unfair, and potentially unethical. While a sense of humor is invaluable for a nurse practitioner, humor is very difficult to convey to an audience you don’t know.

Avoid exaggerating, even for dramatic effect. While exaggerating might improve the story, obvious exaggeration will cast doubt on your professional judgment.

Lastly, don’t use foul language in your nurse practitioner essay. Just like humor, while many nurses use it as a coping method, they are careful about their intended audience.

7. Edit Again and Again

Finally, once you have completed your essay, proofread it. After that, give it to someone else to proofread and then edit it once more yourself. Spelling errors, typos, and layout problems are certain to have your application denied because they show a lack of attention to detail. Share your essay with as many people as possible and ask for their suggestions and edits before you finally submit it.

Remember that the faculty members of the FNP program you are applying for also look at how well you can write. Clear communication will be an important skill for successful FNPs. Hence, you must make sure that your essay is well-reviewed and well-written. This is also why you should start developing your essay as early as possible, as this is not a job that can be rushed.

Putting Pen to Paper

Think of your nurse practitioner essay as a way to show who you are, to reflect what is most important to you, and why you will be an excellent FNP.

If you’re not sure where to start, try having a conversation with a friend who is a good listener and have them ask you questions about why you want to be a nurse practitioner. Ask them to probe into what you say and tell you when something comes across as especially meaningful or significant.

Begin by writing anything at all about “why I want to be a nurse practitioner.” Turn your inner editor off. For this first step, the goal is quantity, not quality. Either as you keep writing or when you review it later, you’ll usually find something valuable you can use.

A few final tips:

  • Start early. Even if you’re not sure when you’ll want to earn your MSN, you can start keeping notes now. Once you know when you want to apply, outlining your nurse practitioner essay months ahead will pay off.
  • Ask a variety of people to review your writing. Different people bring different perspectives.
  • Think of it not just as an essay but as a chance for reflection. This is another reason to start early, since this kind of reflection can bring new insights that you’ll want to use.
  • Remember that the better your nurse practitioner personal statement reflects you, the better the decision the committee can make. Be your best self, but be yourself.

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Tips for Writing a Great Nursing Personal Statement

When preparing to apply to a graduate nursing program, there are many requirements and submission guidelines to remember. The component that allows you to tell your unique story — your personal statement — is one of the most important.

Writing a compelling personal statement for an MSN program, like the Nursing@Simmons online  Family Nurse Practitioner  (FNP)  or Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner programs, takes time and can be challenging for some applicants. Just as a poorly written essay can hinder your chances of acceptance, a great one can set you apart from other applicants. Below are three steps to writing a personal statement that will make a positive impression on any admissions committee.

personal statement for nursery practitioner

1. Plan Your Story

Very few people can sit down at a keyboard and craft the perfect personal statement without preparation. It may take several weeks of thinking about how to communicate your story, so give yourself plenty of time to plan, jot down thoughts, and make an outline as ideas come to you. Use the following tips to gather the information you’ll need to create an excellent statement.

  • Consider how your work experience as a registered nurse (RN) has influenced you and shaped your goals for the future.  How will an advanced education promote your professional growth and help you transition into the role of an FNP or PMHNP?
  • Think beyond your resume.  What traits, strengths, and accomplishments aren’t captured there? Consider your interests, including how they will contribute to your success in the program. Provide examples of nursing goals, leadership, mentorship, or growth you have accomplished or experienced. Write these down and keep them in mind as you begin your draft.
  • Choose appropriate topics for your statement.  Avoid soapbox issues, and don’t preach to your reader. This kind of statement can come across as condescending and obscure the point you’re trying to make.
  • Research the program.  Make sure you understand the school’s values and reputation. Do they align with yours? How so?

personal statement for nursery practitioner

2. Create Your Draft

  • When it is time to start putting your thoughts on paper, try to avoid overthinking your work.  Strive for a natural voice. Pretend you are talking to a friend and write without fear — you can edit and polish your piece to perfection in the next stage.
  • Avoid cliches and nursing generalities.  Generic descriptors, such as “caring,” “compassionate,” “people person,” and “unique,” have been so often overused that they no longer carry much weight with an admissions committee. They also don’t address your personal experience in the nursing sphere. Try not to start your story with phrases like “for as long as I can remember” or your audience may stop reading.
  • Show, don’t tell.  Strong storytelling is grounded in personal details that illustrate who you are, both as a nurse and a person. Be specific by describing how many patients you managed, how you earned promotions, or a time when your supervisor praised your professionalism and clinical abilities. Here are examples that illustrate the difference between telling and showing: 

“I perform well under pressure.”

“Although my patient arrived for a different ailment, I suspected that her symptoms were consistent with a serious infection. As a result, I was able to advocate for a care plan that prevented further damage.”

  • Use specific examples when talking about your experience with direct patient care and evidence-based practice.  Provide details about how your clinical experiences have demonstrated patient advocacy, leadership, communication, or confidence.
  • Discuss how earning a  Master of Science in Nursing  aligns with your career plans and why you want to become a FNP  or PMHNP .  Explain that you understand the commitment required and that you have the skills and dedication to become an FNP   or PMHNP. Be sure to let the admissions committee know why you are choosing their program and what makes their program stand apart from the rest. Reflect on the school and program research you did during your planning stage.

personal statement for nursery practitioner

3. Edit and Perfect

Even the best writers have to edit and polish their work. Reviewing and revising your personal statement ensures that the piece is clear, organized, and free of errors.

  • Once you have written your first draft, take a break and distance yourself from your work.  This will allow you to return to the draft with a clear head to review objectively and spot potential issues and errors.
  • Read your statement aloud.  Does it sound like you? Does it reflect your best qualities and the strengths you’ll bring to a nursing program?
  • Always use spell check on your essay, but be careful as it won’t catch every spelling error.
  • Use a grammar editing tool, such as  Grammarly .
  • Ask a friend, family member, or mentor to review your statement. This is a great way to catch errors or awkward phrasing that you may have missed.

Your nursing personal statement should be a window into your life. Use it to share specific experiences that have influenced your decision to advance your nursing education. Adhering to professional standards and presenting yourself in a positive, open, and honest way will help the admissions committee determine your fit and future in an FNP or PMHNP program.

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20 Nurse Practitioner Personal Statement Examples You’ll Regret If Don’t See It

Not all people know about the nurse practitioner job. Even it has been popular at the 1990s, nowadays only tiny people know what nurse practitioners are and what they do. However, being a nurse practitioner is a promising job. Since the government offers a high salary towards nurse practitioners. Want to be one? Here are some nurse practitioner personal statement examples you’ve got to write.

What Is Nurse Practitioner?

The nurse practitioner is a professional nurse that works individually. It’s not having a contract with hospital employers or any institutes else. If it has, the nurse practitioner usually becomes the person who gets to do analysis and controlling job. Unlike a regular nurse who has to be the “doctor’s assistant”, a nurse practitioner works by him/herself. And get paid by the professional job they’ve done apart from others.

Things You Need To Write A Nurse Practitioner Personal Statement

When you want to be a nurse practitioner, you need to apply first to the health institute where you live. If your application is successful, you’ll get the legal permit to open your own service. However, one of the requirements you must provide is the personal statement. You’ll some nurse practitioner personal statement examples on the last section of this article. Now, let’s talk about what you need to get before writing a personal statement.

The Required Educational Background

When you want to be a nurse practitioner, you must at least hold a master degree in nursing studies. Besides, you must show that you’re capable enough in the analysis. It can be proven by how many research you’ve done, and how many journals you’ve written.

The Reputable Experiences

Aside from the educational background, you must have honorable experiences. Especially on the nursing job. Show how many social works you’ve done. How many people affected by your works. And if possible, how many places improved by your dedication. It seems like a hard job. But this is obviously an ideal nurse practitioner has to have.

The Awards and Achievements

If possible, you need to mention awards and achievement you ever got on the past. From the awards and achievements, the government will know directly that you’re worth to be a nurse practitioner.

The Length of Your Dedication to Nursing

At last, you need to mention on your nurse practitioner statement about the time you work on this field. Say how long you’ve dedicated yourself to nursing.

How To Make A Nurse Practitioner Personal Statement To Make Your Application Successful

If you want to make a nurse practitioner personal statement, you have to arrange the draft first. Here are things you need to include on your draft.

Your Life Background

On your nurse practitioner personal statement, you must write the background of yourself. In which family you were born, how many daughters you have, and so on.

Your Professional Experience

Second, write about your professional experience. Tell about where you were worked previously, what position you got, and how long you worked there.

Last but important is your goals. It has to be your personal goals. Explain the reason why you want to be a nurse practitioner. Tell how many impacts you want to make. And what time you need to reach the goals.

Mistakes Often Found on Nurse Practitioner Personal Statement

There are some mistakes often found on nurse practitioner personal statement. These mistakes eventually made the applicants failed to get the job they want.

  • Not saying thanks.
  • Lack to explain your goals.
  • Think that you’re the most appropriate person.

Nurse Practitioner Personal Statement Example

As a reference, you can download these nurse practitioner personal statement printable and nurse practitioner personal statement pdf.

Nurse Practitioner Personal Statement Examples PDF

Nurse Practitioner Personal Statement Examples

Nurse Practitioner Personal Statement Free

Nurse Practitioner Personal Statement

Nurse Practitioner Personal Statement Examples Download

Nurse Practitioner Personal Statement Examples

Family Nurse Practitioner Personal Statement Examples

Nurse Practitioner Personal Statement Examples 01

Being a nurse practitioner is hard enough. But if you want to make a real impact, you have to give efforts as much as you can. Writing a good personal statement can help you through it.

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Effective NP School Personal Statements to Consider

Table of Contents

A personal statement is an invaluable tool for creating a successful career in nursing. It serves as a reflection of one’s qualities, experience and ambition — demonstrating your commitment to the profession.

Crafting a standout personal statement requires skillful articulation of both dedication and knowledge. It must capture the reader’s attention while succinctly conveying what sets you apart from other candidates.

In this article, we will explore effective strategies for constructing a compelling personal statement that can elevate your candidacy above the competition. In addition, you’ll find a few NP school personal statement examples to guide you.

How to Craft an Effective NP School Personal Statement

Your NP school personal statement is an essential part of your application to any nurse practitioner program. You must pay attention and write a convincing essay.

Highlight Relevant Academic Qualification

First and foremost, the statement should highlight information on your academic achievements as well as any certifications or specialties you possess. This offers insight into your qualifications and allows readers to ascertain whether you are qualified for the program.

Additionally, being able to articulate your passion for nursing is critical. Discussing how you decided to toe this career path demonstrates commitment and shows readers that you have a genuine interest in nursing.

Adding stories about meaningful experiences or patients can help show the reader that you are compassionate and capable.

Highlight Your Soft Skills

Beyond the academic qualifications, your essay should also highlight your soft skills, like compassion, leadership and effective communication. It is important for nurses to have these skills as it aids their work.

Write Concisely

In addition to giving details regarding your background and aspirations, NP personal statements must also demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively .

Therefore, it is imperative to use clear and concise language throughout the piece. Writing in a conversational manner that reflects your personality is more likely to captivate the reader than overly formal wording.

Furthermore, if appropriate, including factual examples helps bolster arguments and display knowledge. 

Format Appropriately

Once the content of the statement has been finalized, the focus turns towards ensuring proper formatting and structure. It is advisable to keep paragraphs short and maintain consistency across each section; an easy-to-follow structure will ensure readability. 

NP School Personal Statement Examples

black and silver stethoscope on white surface

Check out these examples of NP school personal statements before writing yours.

Nursing has been my professional passion since I was a child, and becoming a Nurse Practitioner is the logical culmination of my lifelong goal. From shadowing in medical clinics to volunteering as an Emergency Medical Technician, I have devoted my time and energy to gaining invaluable care-related experience. My knowledge of nursing science and practice deepened through coursework during college and subsequently at various hospitals and healthcare facilities. Seeing the impact of excellent patient care on health outcomes, I’m confident that being a Nurse Practitioner will enable me to serve patients better. 

I strongly believe that this profession is not only rewarding but also crucial for providing comprehensive primary care to communities. As a Nurse Practitioner, I look forward to leveraging my clinical acumen to diagnose and treat ailments. By combining evidence-based protocols with personal empathy and understanding, I aim to become a trustworthy ally for every patient. 

I know that NP education requires considerable dedication. I’m ready to rise to the challenge by employing rigorous self-discipline and advanced studying techniques. Moreover, working together with like-minded people who share similar objectives would provide an indispensable impetus for amplifying my intellectual aptitude. With these qualifications and enthusiasm, I’m certain that a Nurse Practitioner program would be one of the most meaningful decisions in my life.

I seek admission to a nurse practitioner program in order to further my education and professional goals. With a passion for service, I want to read and learn more so that I can effectively care for patients in need. My plan is to build upon the knowledge and experience gained through my prior positions as a registered nurse. I hope to use those skills to provide competent and compassionate care. 

I have had the pleasure of providing healthcare services on the frontline for over 10 years. During this time, I’ve developed expertise in many aspects of nursing. Furthermore, I believe strongly in collaborative practice, which has allowed me to form meaningful relationships with both colleagues and patients alike. These experiences have given me the confidence to take on greater responsibility within the field of nursing. Ultimately, it has led me here to pursue a nurse practitioner degree. 

Not only do I possess knowledge of clinical practices and procedures, but I also am well-versed in health policy, advocacy, and team management. Additionally, I thrive when faced with challenges that require problem-solving or critical-thinking skills. As such, if accepted into your esteemed program, I will bring diverse perspectives and insights based on my past experiences. My ultimate goal is to provide excellent patient-centered care while advancing my professional career by expanding my scope of practice.

Final Thoughts

By taking into consideration these tips and referencing the provided samples, you can create a compelling personal statement.

If you need more help, you should consider using the new Hey INK tool . It is an AI-powered writing assistant that turns your simple instructions into well-written content.

Effective NP School Personal Statements to Consider

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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I invite you to fill out my Interview Form at this link. Even if you have a draft, the information on the interview form is often helpful and serves as the basis for me to make creative improvements to the statement. I spend more time with the statement for my premium service customers at US$299.00 ; this is especially true when it comes to making major contributions to creative ideas. My standard service at US$199.00 is for clients who already have a well-developed draft that they need to have tweaked. My premium service is for those clients who want my ultimate effort and further revision after making changes. 

Paciente con Asistencia sanitaria P MHNP  Personal Purpose Statement Samples,  Psychiatric Mental Healt h  Nurse Practitioner, Professional  Writing and Editing Service

PMHNP Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Personal Statement, MSN, MN, Masters, DNP, PHD Doctorate, Certificate Program, Statement of Purpose Writing and Editing Examples, Letters of Recommendation

PMHNP Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Personal Statement, MSN, MN, Masters, DNP, Certificate

PMHNP Psychiatric and Mental Health Masters

  • Oct 27, 2023

personal statement for nursery practitioner

PMHNP Psychiatric Mental Health, Bay Area

  • Feb 18, 2022

personal statement for nursery practitioner

DNP PMHNP, Children and Adolescents

  • Feb 1, 2022

personal statement for nursery practitioner

DNP PMHNP, US South, African American

  • Oct 20, 2021

 DNP PMHNP, US South, African American

DNP Immigrant from Gambia, PMHNP Certificate

  • Oct 16, 2021

personal statement for nursery practitioner

DNP Psychiatric Nursing, PTSD, Schizophrenia

  • Aug 5, 2021

personal statement for nursery practitioner

Sample 1st Paragraphs

DNP Personal Statement Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, Military Background

My last 8 years have been spent in the United States Army serving as a Respiratory Therapist. During my time serving my country I abandoned my original course of study in business and earned my BSN because I came to deeply love caring for the ill and wounded, helping them to heal: thus, nursing. Now 32 and a very serious, dedicated, and experienced nurse, I find myself most atttraced to Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing and now hope to begin studing towards the DNP Degree in my chosen specialization. My central focus will be on the mental health of soliders and veterans, especially PTSD.  I feel strongly that it is my optimal time to excel in graduate school. UXXX is my first choice because I love the diversity of your university and the surrounding area. I have now lived and worked in China, the Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, France, Switzerland, Italy, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Mexico, Peru, and Costa Rica; but California will always be my home. As an ethnic-Chinese who speaks intermediate Spanish and seeks to improve on a daily basis, I feel most at home in San Francisco.

MSN Degree, Psychiatric Mental Health Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Perhaps because I completed my undergraduate studies in business administration and have always excelled at the study of human organization, I have tended to think in terms of structural rather than individual responses to social problems. After working in the mental health field now for more than 4 years, developing a focus and a great passion for helping the underserved, in particular, I find myself mesmerized by the connection between poverty and social class on the one hand and mental health issues on the other. As a result, I look forward to advancing my career in the area of Mental Health Nursing so as to not only qualify myself to continue providing direct patient care, but also to develop my professional voice and be able, within time, to effectively direct my attention to the root causes of mental health issues in my community, so that future generations will not have to suffer to the extent to which is the case with those for whom I care daily.

Crafting a compelling PMHNP Personal Statement is crucial to standing out in the competitive application process. Whether you're applying for a Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) program or any other nursing specialization, follow these tips to make your personal statement shine:

Start Early: Procrastination can hinder your progress, so begin working on your personal statement as early as possible. This allows you ample time to draft, write, and refine your essay, ensuring the best final version.

Brain Dumping: Before you start writing, engage in brain dumping to jot down ideas, anecdotes, and experiences that can form the foundation of your essay. This process helps you identify compelling hooks and topics that might not fit elsewhere in your application.

Be Concise: Stick to the given word limit for your personal statement, typically one to two pages double-spaced. If you tend to be a rambler, set a goal for yourself, like one page, to ensure a concise and impactful essay.

Seek Professional Proofreading: Utilize resources like your school's Writing Center to get professional proofreading assistance. They can help with grammar, spelling, and overall flow while ensuring your paper remains true to your voice.

Share your best effort with your PMHNP Personal Statement rough draft with Friends and Family: Seek feedback from friends and family members who know you well and can provide valuable insights into your personality and experiences. Choose individuals who respond in a timely manner to keep the editing process smooth.

Stay True to Yourself: While seeking feedback and professional help is essential, ensure that your personal statement remains an authentic reflection of yourself. Avoid letting others completely shape your essay.

Emphasize Your Passion for the PMHNP field: Showcase your passion for nursing and your specific reasons for choosing this career path. Use anecdotes and personal experiences that demonstrate your dedication.

Answer the Prompts: Address any prompts provided by the school directly and thoroughly. If there are no prompts, focus on providing a comprehensive and engaging overview of yourself.

Proofread and Revise your Personal Statement: Once you feel comfortable with your essay, review it carefully for any errors or areas for improvement. Make sure it aligns with your goals and reflects your best work.

Trust Your Instincts: Know when you're ready to submit your PMHNP personal statement. Trust your instincts and feel confident that your essay accurately represents who you are as a potential nursing student.

Writing a Personal Statement can be challenging, but taking the time to develop a compelling and authentic essay will significantly enhance your nursing school application. Embrace your unique experiences, passion for nursing, and dedication to patient care to make your personal statement stand out and boost your chances of success in the application process.

The demand for mental health services is reaching critical levels, both in South Texas and across the United States. Unfortunately, only two-thirds of individuals who require these services can access them, primarily due to a severe shortage of psychiatric mental health providers, especially psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners. However, there is hope on the horizon, as institutions like ours are working diligently to address this issue and equip students with the necessary skills to make a meaningful difference in the field.

The mental health track is designed to prepare individuals to become competent psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners, who play a pivotal role in managing medications, providing psychotherapy, and treating individuals, families, and communities. The program's comprehensive curriculum ensures that students are well-versed in these areas and more, preparing them for the challenges they'll face in their professional journey.

Success in this program requires students to possess several essential skills, including the ability to prioritize and manage time efficiently. The workload can be significant, involving extensive reading and writing. Nevertheless, we are committed to supporting our students throughout their academic journey. Our student success center provides a robust support system, offering writing coaches and various resources to help students excel in all aspects of their doctoral studies.

However, academic excellence is not the sole factor that contributes to success in this program. Personal attributes such as compassion, patience, and a desire to break the stigma surrounding mental illness are equally crucial. Our students are individuals with a genuine commitment to helping others recover from mental health challenges and improve their overall well-being.

As the mental health crisis continues to loom, it is essential for us to nurture and empower a new generation of mental health providers who can make a tangible impact on society. By joining our mental health track, students will find themselves immersed in a transformative educational experience, one that equips them with the skills and empathy needed to serve their patients effectively and contribute to the fight against the mental health provider shortage.

If you share our passion for mental health advocacy, possess the right attributes, and seek to make a difference in the lives of others, we invite you to embark on this rewarding journey with us. Together, we can work towards a future where everyone has access to quality mental health care, and the stigma surrounding mental illness is eradicated.

Good luck on your PMHNP journey!

PMHNP Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Personal Statement, MSN, MN, Masters, DNP, Certificate

personal statement for nursery practitioner

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PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Child Nursing Personal Statement

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Study a top 10 Nursing Degree in the UK (GUG, 2024)

Unlock your potential with Nursing at Roehampton! Benefit from exceptional facilities and learn from seasoned clinical and academic experts.

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Specialise in Nursing for adults, children, mental health or learning disabilities and join a community that makes a real difference to people's lives. Discover Nursing at Swansea University!

Child Nursing Personal Statement

Child Nursing requires responsibility, understanding and commitment that can be shown from my experience of taking care of young family members on a regular basis. I was inspired to pursue this career after my sibling experienced an allergic reaction to peanuts; I immediately reacted to this by taking instruction to give him the accurate dosage of antihistamines medication. This episode encouraged me to research the field of Child Nursing.

During my A-Level studies in Psychology and English Language, I had the opportunity to expand my understanding on the functions of the brain and the stages of child development. A fundamental principle that I learnt in Psychology is the importance of forming attachments. I understand that establishing a secure relationship with a child is essential in Nursing , as it is the duty of the Nurse to create a rapport with the patient. Similarly, Psychology has allowed me to recognise the difference in biological, social and behavioural explanations of human functioning thus it motivated me to enhance my knowledge on human functioning. Furthermore, Sociology enabled me to acknowledge that a Nurse should not label a patient due to their illness as it could demoralise them. I am mindful that patients can be from various backgrounds hence there should be no discrimination. In addition, I am aware that the NHS aspire to have high quality of care to ensure that the patients are in a safe and secure environment. I appreciate that respect and dignity should be shown within the NHS to improve the patients’ experience.

My work experience at Olive Primary School has given me the opportunity to work with children from numerous ethnic minorities. From this, I gained the skill of being responsible for young children and understanding their needs. Moreover, by working at the Primary School it allowed me to understand that advanced planning is essential, as it results in running an effective organisation. This helps me realise the importance of planning and preparing for the challenges that I will be facing on a regular basis, as I will need to take responsibility of the different duties carried out within the Nursing departments such as taking bloods, managing the patients’ health and providing physical and emotional support to the patients and their family.

Additionally, I have volunteered for Action on Hearing Loss, which allowed me to interact with people who suffer from hearing impairment. I am now able to communicate with hearing-impaired patients through gestures. I have also completed First Aid training with St John’s Ambulance, which gave me the opportunity to carry out CPR on another individual. This would be essential when examining patients who find it hard to breathe.

Likewise, completing the National Citizen Service allowed me to acquire several skills. Throughout this programme, I have been able to build my confidence through creating, planning and delivering a Dragons’ Den pitch to a large audience. Furthermore, I have learnt the importance of team dynamics as I had the opportunity to work effectively with people who held different values. As well as this, by completing this programme I have been able to tackle many challenges successfully, which is a skill that can be transferred to the role of a Nurse.

Beyond my academic studies, in my free time I like to read books as it allows me to improve my reading and writing skills. This will be beneficial within the Nursing environment when filling out patient profiles and keeping records of their medical needs. Moreover, I like to walk on a regular basis, which allows me to think and relieve stress on a challenging day.

As an individual, I am very hard working and organised, thus I am able to plan and prepare for the work I will be carrying out throughout the Nursing profession. In addition, I am a dedicated individual and capable of being industrious in a work environment. I hope to be an asset on the Nursing course at your esteemed institution.

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Child nursing personal statement example 1.

Child nursing is a very challenging and demanding career, however the rewards would be amazing and I am ready to embark on this career. Nursing has always been a desire of mine.

Ever since a young girl, when being asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, my response was to be a children’s nurse and to help others.

The devotion and humanity of child nurses who go further than just treating young patients, but genuinely wanting to make them happy and as comfortable as possible in difficult times is truly inspiring.

This is the main reason why I am immensely inspired to train in this field giving my unsurpassed help to young people who depend on us.

Studying Health and Social Care throughout College has made me realise that nursing is much more than a profession, it is a way of life, which includes life-long learning.

Understanding this takes qualities such as being dedicated, intuitive, reassuring, possessing excellent communication skills, the ability to play sensitively with a child and being confident when handling the distress of parents. In addition to this you must also be reliable, trusting, able to develop relationships, be interactive, compassionate, motivated, ambitious and hardworking.

I believe I possess these qualities and will develop further knowledge, skills and abilities, over the 3 years of study, whilst working to the highest standard.

My course has given me the opportunity to gain new and exciting knowledge from each of the diverse units we have studied.

While studying anatomy and physiology, I increasing became more interested in science, I have always been intrigued by science while in school but it was working with my tutor who is a doctor that really made me become engrossed in the subject.

Studying the human body about different bones, muscles and our main tissues such as ‘Epithelia’ has proven to be an exhilarating experience. I now have a range of knowledge on how our body works, for instance, the digestive system, cardiovascular system and the central nervous system.

Studying effective communication will help me in child nursing since it is vitally important to be able to communicate with young children, parents, guardians and other health professionals by working in a multidisciplinary team providing the best care for the patient. I fully understand child nursing will not be a glamorous job.

I will be working long hours, shift work and on public holidays, however, as long as I am making a positive difference to the experience of a child in hospital I would happily work all day, every day.

It is important to understand there will be barriers when working with sick children, for example, if a teenager found it difficult to talk about their experience or is scared of the consequences of asking for help. It is important to talk to the child informally making sure you are not talking to the individual as a sick patient but as a child who is scared to ask for help.

By gaining their trust it will become easier for the child to open up to you, meaning treatment or recovery would be as effective as possible. Overcoming this barrier will hopefully result with them gradually processing into a healthier state physically and emotionally.

I gained much communication skills when I was a part of my youth centre where I participated in team challenges.

I also learned communication skills while working in a nursery. My proudest achievement was working with severely mentally disabled college student; this really was a memorable life changing experience.

Achieving first aid training, learning how to carry out CPR, the recovery position and applying bandages filled me with pride.

Overall I believe I am right for this course I am very much a people person, easy going and very approachable, I can also cope in a variety of situations, I always try my hardest as I am highly energetic and self-motivated.

I can not wait to take the next step to achieve my dream.

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This personal statement was written by dmurray22 for application in 2014.

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RN Careers

  • Goal Statements for Nurse Practitioner Graduate School Examples

Meredith Scannell CNM, MSN, MPH, PhD

Key Highlights Personal Statements for Nurse Practitioner Graduate School Examples

  • A compelling goal statement is pivotal for NP graduate school applications to demonstrate motivations, fit, and communication strengths
  • Effective NP goal statements should cover your career ambitions, reasons for pursuing advanced nursing practice, relevant experiences, specialty interests, purpose for graduate study, and program alignment
  • Goal statement examples for high-demand NP specialties help showcase practice area interests and future objectives
  • Polishing your draft entails tailoring content to each program, highlighting unique talents, and refining technical elements before submission

Nurse practitioners (NPs) play a critical role in healthcare delivery across diverse settings. They provide high-quality primary , acute , chronic, and specialty care to patients of all backgrounds. Many experienced nurses decide to advance their impact and career opportunities further by pursuing a graduate degree to become an NP.

When applying to highly competitive NP graduate programs, candidates must demonstrate their qualifications through various materials like test scores, transcripts, resumes, and recommendation letters. The goal statement is also a pivotal part of the NP school application. This single-page personal statement allows applicants to explain their motivations for becoming a nurse practitioner, highlight relevant nursing experiences, and showcase their stellar communication abilities.

Crafting a compelling, well-written goal statement is challenging. However, excellent NP school goal statements can give applicants a vital edge. This article will provide essential details about writing a standout graduate school goal statement tailored to nurse practitioner programs.

Why a Strong Personal Statement Matters for Nurse Practitioner School

Your goal statement carries significant influence over the admissions decision because it offers valuable insights not found elsewhere in your NP school application. This personal statement plays several important roles:

  • Explains Motivations & Interests: The goal statement enables you to delve into the experiences, passions, and visions driving your pursuit of an NP graduate degree. This context is crucial for evaluating your mindset, disposition, and future trajectory.
  • Demonstrates Program & Profession Fit: By thoughtfully highlighting your perspectives, qualifications, and objectives related to advanced nursing practice, you can show admissions committees your strong fit with the program’s priorities and the wider nursing profession.
  • Showcases Communication Strength: As an aspiring nurse leader, you must be able to convey complex concepts clearly and effectively to diverse audiences. The goal statement provides a perfect platform to display strong written communication abilities expected of exceptional NP graduate candidates.

Since the goal statement offers vital insights into applicants as emerging nurse practitioners, it can profoundly influence admissions decisions when done well. That is why crafting a compelling goal statement is so invaluable for reaching your graduate nursing education dreams.

Elements of a Effective Goals for Nurse Practitioners

Outstanding NP school goal statements include several critical elements that offer admissions committees a 360-degree perspective on applicants. As you brainstorm ideas and craft your statement, be sure to cover these vital areas:

  • Career Goals & Aspirations: Share your short-term plans and long-term visions related to nursing practice. Explain how achieving an NP degree connects to your ambitions. Discuss any relevant future leadership goals too.
  • Motivations for Becoming an NP: What life experiences, healthcare exposures, or personal attributes motivate you to pursue advanced responsibilities and direct patient care as a nurse practitioner?
  • Relevant Nursing Experiences: Spotlight specialized clinical skills, insightful patient interactions, research projects, or nursing leadership experience that equip you for NP-level education and practice.
  • NP Specialties of Interest: Name one or more particular NP specialties you wish to focus on. Tie your specialty interests directly to prior nursing exposures or future goals.
  • Fit with Program Offerings: Research the program and note specific courses, specialty tracks, practicum partnerships, faculty expertise or other offerings matching your interests.
  • Purpose for Graduate Study: Explain why you need NP-focused graduate-level training to accomplish your practice, leadership, research or change-agent objectives.

Incorporating details on these crucial topics into your goal statement provides admissions committees the information they need to evaluate your preparation and motivation for tackling an NP degree program.

NP School Goal Statement Examples

Adult Acute Care Nurse Practitioner

My experience in adult intensive care sparked a calling to become an Acute Care NP. By attaining specialized skills and knowledge to care for seriously ill or injured adult patients, I aim to provide top-quality care coordination, deliver evidence-based treatment, and support families during difficult hospitalizations.

Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner

Witnessing the lack of empowering end-of-life care options for elderly patients fueled my passion for gerontology and palliative care. As an AGACNP, I want to help older adults with complex acute conditions understand their care choices, align treatment plans with personal values, and improve quality of life through skilled symptom management.

Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner

I am truly inspired by my gerontology nurse mentor who formed decades-long care partnerships with senior patients. As an AGPCNP, I aspire to promote healthy aging, provide accessible primary care, coordinate resources, and develop rich therapeutic relationships with older adults facing chronic conditions.

Adult Nurse Practitioner

While working in an outpatient clinic, I grew devoted to delivering equitable care for underserved groups. My goal is to become an Adult NP, drawing on a diversity, equity and inclusion perspective to remove healthcare access barriers, partner with my local community, and empower patients as leaders in their own care.

Adult Psychiatric–Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

Through my advocacy experiences, I witnessed how gaps in affordable psychiatric mental healthcare disproportionately impact communities of color. My mission is to promote mental wellness, diagnose/manage psychiatric disorders, and deliver culturally humble care as an Adult PMHNP.

Emergency Nurse Practitioner

I found my life’s passion while working alongside Emergency NPs making decisive diagnoses and coordinating urgent care teams under pressure. My goal is to obtain the specialized assessment and treatment skills necessary to provide top-tier emergency care across any acute or critical event.

Family Nurse Practitioner

My vision is to serve entire families as a trusted FNP – from newborns to elders. I want to advocate, educate, and form therapeutic partnerships supporting patient-centered care choices, healthy development, and wellbeing through all of life’s changes. I firmly believe nurses play an invaluable role in guiding families toward their highest health potential.

Gerontology Nurse Practitioner

Given rapid growth in the senior population, I want to specialize as a Gerontology NP to transform ageist attitudes, debunk outdated views of aging, support caregivers, deliver exemplary chronic care, coordinate resources, and improve systems serving the elderly through a social justice lens.

Neonatal Nurse Practitioner

Witnessing intense joy and sorrow in the NICU, I discovered a passion for caring for fragile newborns and families. As a Neonatal NP, I want to support healthy infant development, empower parents, build trust during uncertain times, advocate for patients, and collaborate with interdisciplinary teams to foster a just, compassionate care culture.

Pediatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner

From volunteering at a pediatric specialty hospital, I grew devoted to supporting ill children and distressed families. My objective is to gain pediatric assessment/treatment expertise as a Peds Acute Care NP who compassionately educates, advocates, coordinates care teams, and eases suffering for young patients facing complex health issues.

Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner

My pediatric rotation showed the profound impact early supportive relationships have on lifelong outcomes. As a Peds Primary Care NP, I want to partner with families across the lifespan – delivering accessible care, promoting wellness, accurately diagnosing concerns, innovating services, and connecting patients to resources from a social justice perspective.

Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

Through volunteering at a mental health crisis center, I discovered a deep passion for psychiatric care advocacy. As a Psychiatric Mental Health NP, I want to diagnose conditions accurately, reduce stigma through education, provide trauma-informed evidence-based therapies, and improve access/affordability of services to serve diverse communities.

Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner

My personal journey through high-risk pregnancy and birth complications shaped my commitment to women’s health advocacy. By becoming a Women’s Health NP, I aim to provide the full continuum of compassionate, empowering gynecologic and obstetric care to women facing health issues unique to females. I believe all women deserve judgment-free support for their family planning decisions.

Tailoring your goal statement to reflect your chosen or prospective NP specialty area better conveys your practice interests, disposition and future ambitions to admissions committees reviewing your application.

Career Goal Statement Do’s and Don’ts

When brainstorming ideas and crafting your nurse practitioner school goal statement, keep these do’s and don’ts in mind:

  • Convey genuine passion and convictions driving your NP pursuits
  • Showcase relevant nursing experiences, knowledge and transferable skills
  • Research the program thoroughly to demonstrate fit
  • Tailor content specifically to the target NP specialty and program
  • Emphasize leadership ambitions grounded in real examples
  • Use a professional yet personable voice in your writing
  • Make generic statements lacking meaningful details
  • Use clichés or platitudes that sound disingenuous
  • Focus on barriers or challenges faced without resolutions
  • Portray inflated competencies unrelated to actual abilities
  • Pass off content from generic statement samples found online
  • Submit an unedited draft without carefully proofreading

Keeping these goal statement best practices in mind while tailoring your content to the target school and NP specialty can help yield an authentic, compelling personal statement that stands out for all the right reasons.

Polishing Your Professional Goals Statement

After completing an initial draft of your nurse practitioner graduate school goal statement, allot time for fine-tuning the content before submission by:

  • Tailoring to Each NP Program: Research details about the curriculum, specialty tracks offered, practicum partnerships in the community, program strengths and core focuses. Reflect these specifics in your statement.
  • Checking for Clarity & Concision: Review the goal statement from an outside reader’s perspective. Is the narrative cohesive, logical and succinct without redundancy? Consider asking a peer to review your draft.
  • Revising to Showcase Talents: What specialized experience, innate strengths, knowledge areas or assets make you uniquely qualified as an NP candidate for this particular program? Revise content to spotlight these talents.
  • Perfecting the Technical Details: Verify precise graduate degree names/abbreviations featured in the program’s literature. Double check spelling, grammar and formatting for a polished final document.

Investing effort into multiple rounds of thoughtful editing enables you to put forward the very best version of your NP school goal statement possible. This commitment can pay dividends in terms of admissions outcomes and advancing your nursing practice aspirations.

NP School Personal Statement Conclusion

A well-crafted goal statement is vital for nurse practitioner graduate school candidates seeking to highlight their qualifications, motivations, and fit for highly selective NP programs. This personal statement provides helpful context about your background, aspirations, and purpose that other application components may not fully capture.

As covered in this article, excellent NP goal statements convey genuine passions for advanced nursing practice, align to specialty areas of interest, demonstrate strong communication abilities expected of nurse leaders, and differentiate applicants through unique experiences and perspectives. Model statement examples can help spark ideas when drafting content tailored specifically to your target NP specialties, career objectives, and graduate programs of interest.

Remember to allot ample time for multiple rounds of polishing to showcase your talents persuasively. With a compelling goal statement emphasizing your distinct value as an NP candidate, you can make great strides toward achieving your graduate nursing education dreams.

Best Nurse Practitioner Programs Near Me

We identified the top nurse practitioner programs for you through rigorous research. These premier schools have a record of graduating career-ready nurses who positively impact lives. Starting with the program best fit for you puts purposeful, meaningful work within reach. Let us guide your first steps towards a future of healing hope.

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Meredith Scannell Cnm, Msn, Mph, Phd

Meredith Scannell CNM, MSN, MPH, PhD-student has extensive experience in critical care nursing and women’s health. She is a certified nurse-midwife, earned a diploma in nursing in 1995 received a Master’s Degree in Public Health and became a Certified Nurse Midwife in 2006, earned a Master’s Degree in Nursing in 2008 and currently perusing a PhD. She has extensive background working in critical care areas internationally in Boston, London, UK and Melbourne, AU. As a certified nurse midwife she has worked and the North Shore birth center delivering babies in a home like setting and at Beverly hospital. She has extensive educational background including specialized legal training and preparation to prepare as expert testimony. She holds two Masters degrees: a Masters degree in Nursing from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and a Masters degree in Public Health from Boston University School of Public Health. She has presented as an expert panelist at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare.

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Personal Statement for FNP

Nursing Students NP Students

Updated: Jul 23, 2023   Published Apr 9, 2014


Hey guys, I'm attempting to get into FNP and need some serious criticizing of my essay. I've already been denied once, and am waiting for other schools, and right now I'm applying to another school much closer to my hometown. If you guys don't mind, read it over and give me any suggestions or comments. Or let me know if I should write a whole new essay. ? Thank you so much!!

My decision to become a nurse was not a lifelong dream from childhood, or following in the footsteps of a parent. In fact, my career choice was made while attending ____________. I knew that I wanted to pursue a career in healthcare because of the constant challenge for improvement and opportunity for innovation while helping the community. However, I had been straddling the curriculum of pre-medicine and nursing for a semester or so. It was during this time that my grandmother was hospitalized, originally for her uncontrolled diabetes. Within two days, she had developed a major clot that dislodged and caused a massive ischemic cerebrovascular accident, which rendered her in a comatose state.

Being a complete novice at the time I did not understand what the terminology meant, nor did my family. Whenever the physicians came in and spoke with us, they only spoke in medical terminology which left us afraid and uncertain of what to expect. However, the healthcare providers who supported us the most were our nurses. Not only did they provide outstanding care to my grandmother, they also explained everything to my family and I in terms we could understand. The nurses considered our personal needs, empathized with our situation and updated us daily with information. Most importantly, they treated my grandmother like a person, talking to her while providing care, maintaining her privacy, and even brushing her hair exactly the way she liked it. The differences between the two professions and how they interacted with my grandmother was enough to direct me into the profession of nursing.

Now that I have obtained a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, it is time to complete the next step of my career. I aspire to earn my Master of Science in Nursing, specializing in the role of family nurse practitioner. I enjoy my current role as a registered nurse, providing hands-on care and education to patients. However, my goal is to pursue further education and advance into a more diagnostic aspect of the profession. I feel that with my experience as a registered nurse, I can offer a more holistic and understanding perspective that is unique to nurse practitioners. After completing my education, I plan to become an active member of nurse practitioner associations as well as take part in primary care initiatives and clinics, particularly in rural farming communities such as my own. To attain these goals, I require a firm foundation of clinical knowledge and an opportunity to expand on my leadership experience.

In this regard and for the reasons stated above, I have chosen _________________ for my graduate education. The graduate program at the ____________ offers expert faculty, community outreach programs, research and networking opportunities unlike any other university. I also feel that I would be able to enhance my leadership experience with opportunities such a graduate assistantship, assisting faculty with research opportunities and developing my own confidence in becoming a practitioner. In my development, I would like to investigate patients who live in rural farming communities and how they manage their Type II diabetes. I feel that these individuals have limited resources and education, and I am very interested in finding how further education impacts their personal health decisions.

Whenever I reflect on the reasons why I want to become a nurse practitioner, I always revert back to my grandmother and the feelings I had while in the hospital. I remember the dedication and drive with the physicians, and the kindness and compassion given to my family by the nurses. I believe that the community deserves the best of both worlds, and I believe that I can be a provider with these qualities if given the opportunity.

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This is awesome. Great comparison of doctors and nurses. We are truly more than nurses. We are teachers and so much more.

This is perfect. You covered every aspect. You spoke about what drove you into the field of nursing, your goals and your desire to improve the overall health of a population with knowledge and teaching. Powerful tools. Excellent paper.

Thank you! :)


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