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CWP: Craft of Prose: Researching the White Paper

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Research the White Paper

Researching the white paper:.

The process of researching and composing a white paper shares some similarities with the kind of research and writing one does for a high school or college research paper. What’s important for writers of white papers to grasp, however, is how much this genre differs from a research paper.  First, the author of a white paper already recognizes that there is a problem to be solved, a decision to be made, and the job of the author is to provide readers with substantive information to help them make some kind of decision--which may include a decision to do more research because major gaps remain. 

Thus, a white paper author would not “brainstorm” a topic. Instead, the white paper author would get busy figuring out how the problem is defined by those who are experiencing it as a problem. Typically that research begins in popular culture--social media, surveys, interviews, newspapers. Once the author has a handle on how the problem is being defined and experienced, its history and its impact, what people in the trenches believe might be the best or worst ways of addressing it, the author then will turn to academic scholarship as well as “grey” literature (more about that later).  Unlike a school research paper, the author does not set out to argue for or against a particular position, and then devote the majority of effort to finding sources to support the selected position.  Instead, the author sets out in good faith to do as much fact-finding as possible, and thus research is likely to present multiple, conflicting, and overlapping perspectives. When people research out of a genuine desire to understand and solve a problem, they listen to every source that may offer helpful information. They will thus have to do much more analysis, synthesis, and sorting of that information, which will often not fall neatly into a “pro” or “con” camp:  Solution A may, for example, solve one part of the problem but exacerbate another part of the problem. Solution C may sound like what everyone wants, but what if it’s built on a set of data that have been criticized by another reliable source?  And so it goes. 

For example, if you are trying to write a white paper on the opioid crisis, you may focus on the value of  providing free, sterilized needles--which do indeed reduce disease, and also provide an opportunity for the health care provider distributing them to offer addiction treatment to the user. However, the free needles are sometimes discarded on the ground, posing a danger to others; or they may be shared; or they may encourage more drug usage. All of those things can be true at once; a reader will want to know about all of these considerations in order to make an informed decision. That is the challenging job of the white paper author.     
 The research you do for your white paper will require that you identify a specific problem, seek popular culture sources to help define the problem, its history, its significance and impact for people affected by it.  You will then delve into academic and grey literature to learn about the way scholars and others with professional expertise answer these same questions. In this way, you will create creating a layered, complex portrait that provides readers with a substantive exploration useful for deliberating and decision-making. You will also likely need to find or create images, including tables, figures, illustrations or photographs, and you will document all of your sources. 

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  • Shengnan Zeng , Richard Bailey , +1 author Xiaohui Chen
  • Published in Journal of Public Mental… 2 September 2024
  • Psychology, Education

56 References

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What is a Concept Paper and How do You Write One?

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  • By DiscoverPhDs
  • August 26, 2020

Concept Paper

What is a Concept Paper?

A concept paper is a short document written by a researcher before starting their research project, with the purpose of explaining what the study is about, why it is important and the methods that will be used.

The concept paper will include your proposed research title, a brief introduction to the subject, the aim of the study, the research questions you intend to answer, the type of data you will collect and how you will collect it. A concept paper can also be referred to as a research proposal.

What is the Purpose of a Concept Paper?

The primary aim of a research concept paper is to convince the reader that the proposed research project is worth doing. This means that the reader should first agree that the research study is novel and interesting. They should be convinced that there is a need for this research and that the research aims and questions are appropriate.

Finally, they should be satisfied that the methods for data collection proposed are feasible, are likely to work and can be performed within the specific time period allocated for this project.

The three main scenarios in which you may need to write a concept paper are if you are:

  • A final year undergraduate or master’s student preparing to start a research project with a supervisor.
  • A student submitting a research proposal to pursue a PhD project under the supervision of a professor.
  • A principal investigator submitting a proposal to a funding body to secure financial support for a research project.

How Long is a Concept Paper?

The concept paper format is usually between 2 and 3 pages in length for students writing proposals for undergraduate, master’s or PhD projects. Concept papers written as part of funding applications may be over 20 pages in length.

How do you Write a Concept Paper?

There are 6 important aspects to consider when writing a concept paper or research proposal:

  • 1. The wording of the title page, which is best presented as a question for this type of document. At this study concept stage, you can write the title a bit catchier, for example “Are 3D Printed Engine Parts Safe for Use in Aircraft?”.
  • A brief introduction and review of relevant existing literature published within the subject area and identification of where the gaps in knowledge are. This last bit is particularly important as it guides you in defining the statement of the problem. The concept paper should provide a succinct summary of ‘the problem’, which is usually related to what is unknown or poorly understood about your research topic . By the end of the concept paper, the reader should be clear on how your research idea will provide a ‘solution’ to this problem.
  • The overarching research aim of your proposed study and the objectives and/or questions you will address to achieve this aim. Align all of these with the problem statement; i.e. write each research question as a clear response to addressing the limitations and gaps identified from previous literature. Also give a clear description of your primary hypothesis.
  • The specific data outputs that you plan to capture. For example, will this be qualitative or quantitative data? Do you plan to capture data at specific time points or at other defined intervals? Do you need to repeat data capture to asses any repeatability and reproducibility questions?
  • The research methodology you will use to capture this data, including any specific measurement or analysis equipment and software you will use, and a consideration of statistical tests to help interpret the data. If your research requires the use of questionnaires, how will these be prepared and validated? In what sort of time frame would you plan to collect this data?
  • Finally, include a statement of the significance of the study , explaining why your research is important and impactful. This can be in the form of a concluding paragraph that reiterate the statement of the problem, clarifies how your research will address this and explains who will benefit from your research and how.

You may need to include a short summary of the timeline for completing the research project. Defining milestones of the time points at which you intend to complete certain tasks can help to show that you’ve considered the practicalities of running this study. It also shows that what you have proposed is feasible in order to achieve your research goal.

If you’re pitching your proposed project to a funder, they may allocate a proportion of the money based on the satisfactory outcome of each milestone. These stakeholders may also be motivated by knowing that you intend to convert your dissertation into an article for journal publication; this level of dissemination is of high importance to them.

Additionally, you may be asked to provide a brief summary of the projected costs of running the study. For a PhD project this could be the bench fees associated with consumables and the cost of any travel if required.

Make sure to include references and cite all other literature and previous research that you discuss in your concept paper.

This guide gave you an overview of the key elements you need to know about when writing concept papers. The purpose of these are first to convey to the reader what your project’s purpose is and why your research topic is important; this is based on the development of a problem statement using evidence from your literature review.

Explain how it may positively impact your research field and if your proposed research design is appropriate and your planned research method achievable.

What is Scientific Misconduct?

Scientific misconduct can be described as a deviation from the accepted standards of scientific research, study and publication ethics.

Significance of the Study

In this post you’ll learn what the significance of the study means, why it’s important, where and how to write one in your paper or thesis with an example.

Abstract vs Introduction

An abstract and introduction are the first two sections of your paper or thesis. This guide explains the differences between them and how to write them.

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what is the purpose of concept paper in academic research

The scope of the study is defined at the start of the study. It is used by researchers to set the boundaries and limitations within which the research study will be performed.

Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis refers to the main parameter that you’re investigating in your research project or study.

what is the purpose of concept paper in academic research

Michele is a first-year PhD candidate in a double degree program between the University of Girona (Spain) & Technical University Munich (Germany). His research has the aim of innovating water treatment technologies.

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Danny is a third year PhD student at the John Innes Centre and the University of East Anglia, working with Pseudomonas bacteria to understand how they infect their hosts.

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What exactly is a Concept Paper, and how do you write one?

Learn why a concept paper is important, what the main elements of a research concept paper are, and how to create an excellent one.

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Prior to submitting a formal proposal (business proposal, product, or research proposal), many private organizations have historically asked for the submission of a concept paper for review. 

Recently, organizations have begun to advocate for the usage of concept papers as a way for applicants to obtain informal input on their ideas and projects before submitting a proposal. Several of these organizations now demand a concept paper as part of the official application process. 

Simply described, a concept paper is a preliminary document that explains the purpose of research, why it is being conducted, and how it will be performed. It examines a concept or idea and offers an outline of the topic that a researcher wants to pursue. Continue reading to learn more about concept papers and how to create a good one. 

What a concept paper is and its purpose

A concept paper is a brief paper that outlines the important components of a research or project before it is carried out. Its purpose is to offer an overview. Entrepreneurs working on a business idea or product, as well as students and researchers, frequently write concept papers .  

Researchers may be required to prepare a concept paper when submitting a project proposal to a funding authority to acquire the required grants.

As a consequence, the importance is based on the fact that it should help the examiner determine whether the research is relevant, practicable, and useful . 

If not, they may suggest looking into a different research area. It also allows the examiner to assess your comprehension of the research and, as a result, if you are likely to require assistance in completing the research.

Illustrate your Concept Paper with infographics 

Infographics are very useful to explain complex subjects in a very short time. Use Mind the Graph to create beautiful infographics for your Concept Paper with scientifically accurate illustrations, icons, arrows and many other design tools.

Concept paper’s elements for an academic research 

To produce an effective concept paper, you must first comprehend the essential elements of academic research:

  • Title page: Mention the applicant’s name, institution, project title, and submission date.
  • Background for the research: The second section should be the purpose section, which should be able to clear out what has already been stated about the subject, any gaps in information that need to be filled or problems to be solved, as well as the reason why you wish to examine the issue.
  • Literature review: In this section, you should provide a theoretical basis and supporting material for your chosen subject.
  • State the problem and your goals: Describe the overall problems, including the research questions and objectives. State your research’s unique and original aspects, concentrate on providing and clearly discussing your goals towards the problem.
  • Methodology : Provide the data analysis system to be utilized, data collecting method, tools to be used, and research participants in this section.
  • Timeline: Include a realistic timeline estimate that is defined in months and years.
  • References: Add a list of all sources cited in your concept paper , such as books, journals, and other resources.

Tips on writing an effective concept paper

A concept paper is extremely crucial for a project or research, especially if it requires funding. Check out these simple tips to ensure your concept paper is successful and simple.

  • Choose a research topic that truly piques your curiosity
  • Create a list of research questions. The more, the merrier.
  • When describing the project’s reasoning, use data and numbers. 
  • Use no more than 5 single-spaced pages. 
  • Tailor your speech to the appropriate audience.
  • Make certain that the basic format elements, such as page numbers, are included. 
  • Spend additional time on your timeline as this section is critical for funding.
  • Give specific examples of how you plan to measure your progress toward your goals.
  • Provide an initial budget when seeking funds. Sponsors will want to obtain an idea of how much funds are required.

Start creating infographics and scientific illustrations

Use the power of infographics and scientific illustrations to your advantage. Including graphic assets in your work may increase your authority and highlight all of the most valuable information, ensuring that your audience is engaged and completely comprehensive of the information you are providing.

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About Jessica Abbadia

Jessica Abbadia is a lawyer that has been working in Digital Marketing since 2020, improving organic performance for apps and websites in various regions through ASO and SEO. Currently developing scientific and intellectual knowledge for the community's benefit. Jessica is an animal rights activist who enjoys reading and drinking strong coffee.

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How To Write a Concept Paper for Academic Research: An Ultimate Guide

How To Write a Concept Paper for Academic Research: An Ultimate Guide

A concept paper is one of the first steps in helping you fully realize your research project. Because of this, some schools opt to teach students how to write concept papers as early as high school. In college, professors sometimes require their students to submit concept papers before suggesting their research projects to serve as the foundations for their theses.

If you’re reading this right now, you’ve probably been assigned by your teacher or professor to write a concept paper. To help you get started, we’ve prepared a comprehensive guide on how to write a proper concept paper.

Related: How to Write Significance of the Study (with Examples)

Table of Contents

What is the concept paper, 1. academic research concept papers, 2. advertising concept papers, 3. research grant concept papers, concept paper vs. research proposal, tips for finding your research topic, 2. think of research questions that you want to answer in your project, 3. formulate your research hypothesis, 4. plan out how you will achieve, analyze, and present your data, 2. introduction, 3. purpose of the study, 4. preliminary literature review, 5. objectives of the study, 6. research questions and hypotheses, 7. proposed methodology, 8. proposed research timeline, 9. references, sample concept paper for research proposal (pdf), tips for writing your concept paper.

Generally, a concept paper is a summary of everything related to your proposed project or topic. A concept paper indicates what the project is all about, why it’s important, and how and when you plan to conduct your project.

Different Types of the Concept Paper and Their Uses

writing a concept paper

This type of concept paper is the most common type and the one most people are familiar with. Concept papers for academic research are used by students to provide an outline for their prospective research topics.

These concept papers are used to help students flesh out all the information and ideas related to their topic so that they may arrive at a more specific research hypothesis.

Since this is the most common type of concept paper, it will be the main focus of this article.

Advertising concept papers are usually written by the creative and concept teams in advertising and marketing agencies.

Through a concept paper, the foundation or theme for an advertising campaign or strategy is formed. The concept paper can also serve as a bulletin board for ideas that the creative and concept teams can add to or develop. 

This type of concept paper usually discusses who the target audience of the campaign is, what approach of the campaign will be, how the campaign will be implemented, and the projected benefits and impact of the campaign to the company’s sales, consumer base, and other aspects of the company.

This type of concept paper is most common in the academe and business world. Alongside proving why your research project should be conducted, a research grant concept paper must also appeal to the company or funding agency on why they should be granted funds.

The paper should indicate a proposed timeline and budget for the entire project. It should also be able to persuade the company or funding agency on the benefits of your research project– whether it be an increase in sales or productivity or for the benefit of the general public.

It’s important to discuss the differences between the two because a lot of people often use these terms interchangeably.

A concept paper is one of the first steps in conducting a research project. It is during this process that ideas and relevant information to the research topic are gathered to produce the research hypothesis. Thus, a concept paper should always precede the research proposal. 

A research proposal is a more in-depth outline of a more fleshed-out research project. This is the final step before a researcher can conduct their research project. Although both have similar elements and structures, a research proposal is more specific when it comes to how the entire research project will be conducted.

Getting Started on Your Concept Paper

1. find a research topic you are interested in.

When choosing a research topic, make sure that it is something you are passionate about or want to learn more about. If you are writing one for school, make sure it is still relevant to the subject of your class. Choosing a topic you aren’t invested in may cause you to lose interest in your project later on, which may lower the quality of the research you’ll produce.

A research project may last for months and even years, so it’s important that you will never lose interest in your topic.

  • Look for inspiration everywhere. Take a walk outside, read books, or go on your computer. Look around you and try to brainstorm ideas about everything you see. Try to remember any questions you might have asked yourself before like why something is the way it is or why can’t this be done instead of that . 
  • Think big. If you’re having trouble thinking up a specific topic to base your research project on, choosing a broad topic and then working your way down should help.
  • Is it achievable? A lot of students make the mistake of choosing a topic that is hard to achieve in terms of materials, data, and/or funding available. Before you decide on a research topic, make sure you consider these aspects. Doing so will save you time, money, and effort later on.
  • Be as specific as can be. Another common mistake that students make is that they sometimes choose a research topic that is too broad. This results in extra effort and wasted time while conducting their research project. For example: Instead of “The Effects of Bananas on Hungry Monkeys” , you could specify it to “The Effects of Cavendish Bananas on Potassium-deficiency in Hungry Philippine Long-tailed Macaques in Palawan, Philippines”.

Now that you have a general idea of the topic of your research project, you now need to formulate research questions based on your project. These questions will serve as the basis for what your project aims to answer. Like your research topic, make sure these are specific and answerable.

Following the earlier example, possible research questions could be:

  • Do Cavendish bananas produce more visible effects on K-deficiency than other bananas?
  • How susceptible are Philippine long-tailed macaques to K-deficiency?
  • What are the effects of K-deficiency in Philippine long-tailed macaques?

After formulating the research questions, you should also provide your hypothesis for each question. A research hypothesis is a tentative answer to the research problem. You must provide educated answers to the questions based on your existing knowledge of the topic before you conduct your research project.

After conducting research and collecting all of the data into the final research paper, you will then have to approve or disprove these hypotheses based on the outcome of the project.

Prepare a plan on how to acquire the data you will need for your research project. Take note of the different types of analysis you will need to perform on your data to get the desired results. Determine the nature of the relationship between different variables in your research.

Also, make sure that you are able to present your data in a clear and readable manner for those who will read your concept paper. You can achieve this by using tables, charts, graphs, and other visual aids.

Related: How to Make Conceptual Framework (with Examples and Templates)

Generalized Structure of a Concept Paper

Since concept papers are just summaries of your research project, they are usually short and  no longer than 5 pages. However, for big research projects, concept papers can reach up to more than 20 pages.

Your teacher or professor may give you a certain format for your concept papers. Generally, most concept papers are double-spaced and are less than 500 words in length. 

Even though there are different types of concept papers, we’ve provided you with a generalized structure that contains elements that can be found in any type of concept paper.

parts of a concept paper

The title for your paper must be able to effectively summarize what your research is all about. Use simple words so that people who read the title of your research will know what it’s all about even without reading the entire paper. 

The introduction should give the reader a brief background of the research topic and state the main objective that your project aims to achieve. This section should also include a short overview of the benefits of the research project to persuade the reader to acknowledge the need for the project.

The Purpose of the Study should be written in a way that convinces the reader of the need to address the existing problem or gap in knowledge that the research project aims to resolve. In this section, you have to go into more detail about the benefits and value of your project for the target audience/s. 

This section features related studies and papers that will support your research topic. Use this section to analyze the results and methodologies of previous studies and address any gaps in knowledge or questions that your research project aims to answer. You may also use the data to assert the importance of conducting your research.

When choosing which papers and studies you should include in the Preliminary Literature Review, make sure to choose relevant and reliable sources. Reliable sources include academic journals, credible news outlets, government websites, and others. Also, take note of the authors for the papers as you will need to cite them in the References section.

Simply state the main objectives that your research is trying to achieve. The objectives should be able to indicate the direction of the study for both the reader and the researcher. As with other elements in the paper, the objectives should be specific and clearly defined.

Gather the research questions and equivalent research hypotheses you formulated in the earlier step and list them down in this section.

In this section, you should be able to guide the reader through the process of how you will conduct the research project. Make sure to state the purpose for each step of the process, as well as the type of data to be collected and the target population.

Depending on the nature of your research project, the length of the entire process can vary significantly. What’s important is that you are able to provide a reasonable and achievable timeline for your project.

Make sure the time you will allot for each component of your research won’t be too excessive or too insufficient so that the quality of your research won’t suffer.

Ensure that you will give credit to all the authors of the sources you used in your paper. Depending on your area of study or the instructions of your professor, you may need to use a certain style of citation.

There are three main citation styles: the American Psychological Association (APA), Modern Language Association (MLA), and the Chicago style.

The APA style is mostly used for papers related to education, psychology, and the sciences. The APA citation style usually follows this format:

how to write concept papers 1

The MLA citation style is the format used by papers and manuscripts in disciplines related to the arts and humanities. The MLA citation style follows this format:

how to write concept papers 2

The Chicago citation style is usually used for papers related to business, history, and the fine arts. It follows this citation format:

how to write concept papers 3

This is a concept paper sample provided by Dr. Bernard Lango from the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (modified for use in this article). Simply click the link above the download the PDF file.

  • Use simple, concise language. Minimize the use of flowery language and always try to use simple and easy-to-understand language. Too many technical or difficult words in your paper may alienate your readers and make your paper hard to read. 
  • Choose your sources wisely. When scouring the Internet for sources to use, you should always be wary and double-check the authenticity of your source. Doing this will increase the authenticity of your research project’s claims and ensure better data gathered during the process.
  • Follow the specified format, if any. Make sure to follow any specified format when writing your concept paper. This is very important, especially if you’re writing your concept paper for class. Failure to follow the format will usually result in point deductions and delays because of multiple revisions needed.
  • Proofread often. Make it a point to reread different sections of your concept paper after you write them. Another way you can do this is by taking a break for a few days and then coming back to proofread your writing. You may notice certain areas you’d like to revise or mistakes you’d like to fix. Make proofreading a habit to increase the quality of your paper.

Written by Ruth Raganit

in Career and Education , Juander How

what is the purpose of concept paper in academic research

Ruth Raganit

Ruth Raganit obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in Geology from the University of the Philippines – Diliman. Her love affair with Earth sciences began when she saw a pretty rock and wondered how it came to be. She also likes playing video games, doing digital art, and reading manga.

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How to write a concept paper with practical sample by Dr Lango

  • October 2019

Benard Lango at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

  • Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

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what is the purpose of concept paper in academic research

What is the Importance of a Concept Paper and How to Write It 

concept paper

A concept paper is a brief document that outlines the main idea, objectives, and potential outcomes of a proposed research project. It is typically used as a pre-proposal to gather support and feedback for more extensive research projects and can also serve as a tool to secure funding. The primary purpose of a concept paper is to provide a clear and compelling argument for why the proposed research project is worth pursuing. It should include the research title, a brief statement of the problem, the significance of the research, the type of data to be collected, the planned research methods and the potential outcomes of the study.  

Table of Contents

  • Core elements of a concept paper  

Keep it concise and to the point

Use clear and easy-to-understand language, provide a clear and compelling argument, tailor your concept paper to the specific funder, proofread and edit your concept paper, be specific when providing details.

An impactful concept paper is written in a way that can be easily understood by a wide range of readers, including those who may not have a background in the specific field of research. This is particularly important when seeking funding, as the concept paper will be used to convince potential funders of the importance and relevance of the research.  

Core elements of a concept paper

Several key elements must be addressed and included in a concept paper to make it compelling enough to secure the funding needed for research.  

  • Create a clear and concise title, as this is one of the most essential elements of a concept paper. The title should be specific and descriptive and must be able to capture the reader’s interest. It should accurately reflect the main idea of the research project in a simple, easy-to-understand way. Avoid using complex language or making the title too lengthy.   
  • When writing the concept paper, explain the background for the research and provide a clear context for the proposed research project. Experts suggest including a brief overview of the current scenario and any relevant research that may have been conducted in the past. The paper should also explain the relevance of the research and why it is essential to pursue.  
  • Present a comprehensive literature review to highlight the gaps in knowledge that you plan to address in your research. It is essential to summarize relevant literature on the topic and highlight key studies and findings in the concept paper. This will help identify possible gaps in current research and explain how the proposed project aims to address these.  
  • Outline the problem statement accurately. The concept paper should include a problem statement that explains why the research topic needs to be investigated. It is crucial to clearly and concisely state the problem or research question that the proposed project aims to address.  
  • Share the methodology being followed in the research . Researchers must explain the research methods, sampling techniques, data collection processes, and data analysis plans in the concept paper. Remember also to explain why the specified methodology is appropriate for the study.  
  • Provide a realistic timeline for the research project in the concept note, one that states when specific milestones and deadlines are expected to be met. Explain the various stages of the research and how the results will be disseminated and reported to the funders.  

Proven tips on writing an impactful concept paper

Early career academics and researchers often find writing a compelling concept paper to be a challenging task. To help make the process easier, we offer several simple tips that can help you write an effective concept paper to secure funding for your research. Here are some of the more important points to keep in mind:  

A concept paper should provide a clear, brief and to-the-point overview of the proposed research project. Experts suggest keeping the concept paper short and using no more than five single-spaced pages. It is best to ensure that essential formatting elements like sub-heads and page numbers are used for easy reading.   

Use language that is appropriate for the audience you are trying to address. Ideally, a concept paper should be written in a way that is easily understood, even by those who may not have a background in the specific field of research.  

A concept paper should provide a clear and persuasive argument for why the proposed research project is worth pursuing and why it is essential to investigate. Using data and numbers to explain the project’s reasoning makes it more effective and interesting for readers.   

When seeking funding for your research, it is important to tailor your concept paper to the particular funder. This includes addressing the specific funding priorities and requirements of the funder and explaining how your proposed research aligns with those priorities.  

Before submitting it, be sure to proofread and edit it carefully to ensure that it is free of errors and clearly written.  

This is important as sponsors will want to know how much funds are required. They will also seek details like how you plan to measure the progress of your research.   

Given just how important it can be, it always helps to spend some time thinking about the best way to structure and present the concept paper. This will go a long way in helping you get the funding you require.  

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what is the purpose of concept paper in academic research

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Understanding and developing a Concept Paper

By charlesworth author services.

  • Charlesworth Author Services
  • 15 December, 2021

A concept paper, simply put, is a one- to two-page written document describing an idea for a project . At this stage, there is no need to flesh out details, but rather just introduce the overall rationale of the project, how it’ll be carried out and the expected outcomes. There is no hard rule as to how this should be structured, but below are some tips on what to include and why to include them.

Discuss the rationale

The need for the project is an important aspect to address, and is often something a funding body might look for when considering funding a project. A concept paper might be the first thing a funding round requests to get an idea of what the project is all about. So make sure that it includes:

  • Importance of the work being proposed
  • What the impact (not the same as ‘ impact factor ’ – see later below) will be
  • How the outcomes of your project might meet or respond to the need
  • Priorities of your intended audience

Outline your methodology and procedures

Your overall methodology , i.e. how you intend to approach your work, should be outlined here to give your reader an idea of how you propose to achieve your research objectives. Mentioning the proposed methodology in advance allows them to conduct an independent evaluation into whether it is a valid approach.

Further, you should highlight some exciting, specific procedures or methods that you might be especially well-placed to perform. For example, your institute may have a specific piece of equipment, or you may have access to very high quality expertise. This will inspire confidence in the review panel that you are well-positioned to take the project on.

Describe the potential impact

Impact is a term often thrown around in research circles, usually relating to the ‘impact factor’ of a journal. Impact in this instance does not refer to that. The impact that you should be describing here is the real-world impact of your work.

Will your idea or innovation change people’s lives? Will it save the taxpayer money? How will it do those things?

Make sure you describe impacts that go beyond discovering something new to shaking up your research community.

A concept paper is a loose framework by which you are able to quickly communicate an idea for a piece of work you might want to do in the future. At the very least, it can help you put ideas to paper and look at them as a whole, allowing you to critically assess what is needed to make it a reality. In the best case scenario, a concept paper might be used to advance your grant applications or attract investment for your idea. Whatever you are using it for, it is a valuable piece of writing that can help you formalise your idea and make it a reality.

Read next (second) in series: Writing a successful Research Proposal

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What Is a Concept Paper: Definition, Format, and Example


  • Concept Paper Definition
  • Concept Paper Format
  • How to Write a Concept Paper
  • 2. Introduction to the concept
  • 3. Background research
  • 4. Objectives
  • 5. Need for the study
  • 6. Research methodology
  • 7. References
  • Conceptual Paper Example
  • Introduction
  • Background Research
  • Aim and Need for the Study
  • Research Methodology
  • Concept Paper Writing Services

Research papers and dissertations are common and important writing tasks for undergraduates and post-graduate students. Researchers and other professionals from academic and scientific institutions also write research papers. These research and studies are often lengthy and time-consuming. A research study can last for one to two years, it can even exceed this time depending on the field and complexity of the research study. However, before they can write these lengthy documents, they will first need to create a concept paper for dissertation and research.

The concept paper will act as a proposal paper for dissertation and research papers. Writing this document will be the first step in proceeding with the research. Students and professionals will need to choose the best outline and format for their concept paper to gain the approval of the reader. This document is essential not only for students but also for researchers that are looking for individuals to fund their study. In this article, readers can learn how to write a concept paper and read a conceptual paper example to act as a guide in writing.

Before starting to write the document, individuals should learn what is a concept paper. This document is a summary of a research study that students and professionals will undertake. The concept paper should provide the study’s purpose, background, and research questions. The goal of this document is to capture the reader’s interest and provide information that shows the research’s merit. The researchers should view a concept paper as a proposal and write it to make the readers support the study.

Need a concept paper? I can help!

A standard concept paper format will be around two to three pages long. Undergraduates and post-graduate students typically write in this type of concept paper format. For researchers in specific fields that are looking for funding, their proposal document can be over 20 pages long. Since the definition of a concept paper states that it is a summary of a research study, most documents will need to provide complete information that will lengthen the page count. The documents that take 20 pages long often give multiple background information of related studies to emphasize the importance of the researcher’s endeavors. Papers for dissertation and research papers tend to be shorter since they are not asking for monetary funding and their topics are less complex. Individuals should look at sample papers to find the perfect format for their papers.

How to Write a Concept Paper

Individuals should consider looking at concept paper examples to better understand the document’s outline. This will make writing a concept paper an easier task. For a standard outline, individuals can follow the list below when writing the document. 

After learning the definition and correct format of a concept paper, individuals can now begin to write the document. The first task in writing a concept paper is choosing a title. This is important for every document since its readers will know and remember a research study based on its title. Researchers should write short titles that are direct to the point. The best titles for this type of document are in question format. A question statement directly tells the readers what questions and problems the researchers are going to answer. Consider looking at research document examples to get an idea of how most researchers format their titles.

Once the researchers establish a working title, they can then proceed with writing an introduction. The introduction of the concept paper should provide background information about the study. The introduction should also briefly tell the readers why the study is important and how it can benefit others. For researchers that are looking for monetary funding, they should state how an organization or institution will benefit from the study. A research study about  video games as storytellers can spark the interest of an education-focused institution which will increase the chance of a researcher to receive funding. 

Researchers should also consider the introduction as the first impression of the concept paper and the study. They should state the main objective and problem they are trying to solve. Try expounding on the title of the concept paper. Researchers can use the title as a guide when creating their thesis statement, in most research, the title is the thesis statement. Consider looking at sample thesis statements to get an idea of how to structure the sentence. Citing this in the introduction will help readers understand the purpose of the study.

The next section of the concept paper will be the background research section. Here, researchers should indicate the related studies that others have made. They should include studies that are closely related to their thesis statement or title. Citing these studies will show the readers that the topic has gained the attention of other experts. The researchers should also cite the limitations of these studies and that the researcher’s work will try to answer some of those limitations. 

An extensive version of this section is mostly found in longer concept papers. Individuals who are trying to make a case for their research and gain funding will need to make an extensive version of this section to provide more information to possible sponsors. They will need to fill this section with a large number of background studies that are relevant to their work. For documents that are only two to three pages long, researchers can cite some studies and state which limitation they are trying to solve.

While the introduction will state the main objective of the study, the objective section will provide all the specific objectives of the research. Researchers should use consistent phrasing when stating the objectives in a concept paper. Use the word “To” at the beginning of each objective statement. Avoid using statements that are in question format. Before the researchers state the objectives, they should restate the thesis statement in a paragraph before the lists of objectives. Most concept paper examples will show a list type objective section. It will be easier for the reader to recognize the objective in this format.

The next step in writing a concept paper is citing the aim and need for the study. After stating the thesis statement in the introduction, the researchers should explain their objectives further in this section. Students can use a method where they address the problems they stated in the previous sections. If the previous sections state that future researchers will need to create video games solely for educational purposes, researchers can write a response in the “aim and need” section of the concept paper. They can state how the researchers will develop a game to measure student’s recall capacity.

The need for the paper simply refers to the importance of the research. While the “aim“ talks about the purpose of the researchers, the need should state the effects of the research on a targeted group or society. Individuals should provide evidence to the claims they will be stating. This will help show their’s and the concept paper’s credibility. They should consider referring to previous researchers that have done an extensive study about the topic.

The research methodology section of the concept paper will include the instruments and measuring devices that the researchers will use. This includes laboratory equipment, computer software, questionnaires, types of tests, and other means of gathering and interpreting data. The researchers should state how they will prepare the tools and how they will authenticate the information. This section should also include the target population, type of data, and the timeline for the research. Researchers should provide all the information of their methodology. Try asking the questions who, what, where, when, and how to write a complete research methodology for the concept paper. Some concept paper outlines can also include a research timeline. This is basically a timeline of how long the research will last.

Similar to other academic documents, a concept paper should include a reference list. The researchers should cite the sources that they used while writing the document. Individuals can also use in-text citations in the aim and need section and background section. When writing the reference list, make sure to use a consistent format. Individuals can look at sample papers to find reference list formats. For students, they should ask their professors which referencing format to use. The common formats are APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard styles.

“Using Video Games as Educational Tools to Help High School Students Write Better Essays”

Most high school students dread essay writing homework. Writing assignments often include reading thick books that authors have filled with blocks of text. They will need to do research and reading the blocks of texts can feel exhausting to most students. On the contrary, video games tend to hold a person’s attention longer than any other medium. Despite the debate over the advantages and disadvantages of video games , there have been games that people developed to teach nursing and business students practical skills. There also have been some games that are made using real-life history that teachers can use to teach a class. However, there is a lack of research regarding the correlation between video games and writing abilities. This study will help in understanding the capacity of games to inform students and how they can help in essay writing. The study will help educators create an effective lesson plan in using video games as educational tools to help high school students write better essays.

There have been studies that promote video games as effective educational tools for all education levels. However, there are still many aspects of video games and education that researchers have yet to analyze. The research of Utoyo, Arsa on video games as tools for education concludes that using video games provides an opportunity to improve education due to realistic simulations that only the medium can offer. (Widitiarsa, 2018). The researcher stated that the next step is to design educational video games to create the standards for effective educational games. However, this study does not mention video games as good teaching tools for writing essays or any type of written works.

There have also been reports of educators using video games to teach writing to students. Students were able to write game reviews, autobiographical pieces, and other writing works. The teacher used character images, famous video game quotes, and great writing lines to inspire students to think of essay topics (Jones, 2018). The students that are interested in games were able to freely discuss topics and ideas. They use articles from game journalists to back up their claims during open discussions. This report shows that some educators are already recognizing the ability of video games to act as a teaching tool for writing essays and other written works.

The researchers aim to achieve their objective of using video games as educational tools to help high school students write better essays by answering the following specific objectives:

To analyze the influence of critical thinking in using video games as educational tools to help high school students write better essays.

To assess the influence of student’s writing skills in using video games as educational tools to help high school students write better essays.

To assess the influence of video game genres in using video games as educational tools to help high school students write better essays.

Most high school students often have difficulty with writing assignments. They dread the process of researching and writing down notes. Most students will carry this behavior up until college which can result in having difficulty writing their research papers and dissertation. Some teachers have already addressed this issue by using video game topics to help spark student interests. However, the researchers believe that targeted research is necessary to create an effective lesson plan in using video games as educational tools to help high school students write better essays.

The researchers aim to analyze the influence of critical thinking in using video games as educational tools to help high school students write better essays. The study will test how video games help in the development of critical thinking skills and how they can transfer to better essay writing. This will help educators understand how video games affect a student’s brain and thinking skills. The study also aims to assess the influence of student’s writing skills in using video games as educational tools to help high school students write better essays. The study will take into account the existing writing skills of high school students and observe how video games can help improve the existing skills. This will provide teachers and researchers quantitative data on the extent of how video games can act as writing education tools. Lastly, the study aims to assess the influence of video game genres in using video games as educational tools to help high school students write better essays. The researchers will use different games from different genres to assess how the different genres affect high school student’s writing skills. This will help to understand what type of games teachers should use to help students write better essays.

The researchers will use three different video games from the following genres: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion from the Role-playing genre, The Sims 4 from the Simulation genre, and Firewatch from the Adventure genre to assess using video games as educational tools to help high school students write better essays. 

The researchers will conduct the study on 400 WXY high school students out of a population of 600 high school students. The researchers will take note of the students’ most recent English subject grades. This is to gather data on how existing writing skills can affect using video games as educational tools to help high schools student write better essays. The researchers will divide the students into three groups corresponding to the three video game genres state above. The students will play the games for an hour for a three-week period. After each week, the students will take critical thinking exams that will measure their critical thinking skills.

The researcher will collect primary data from the activities and secondary data from related literature. The researcher will analyze the quantitative data using descriptive and inferential statistics. The quantitative data will be from the assessment of how the different genres influence video games as tools to help high school students write better essays. The researchers will triangulate the qualitative data and report comparisons between the gathered data and existing data. 

Jones, Sarah. (2018, April 2018). Teaching Writing Through Video Games, Part I. Moving Writers. https://movingwriters.org/2018/04/18/teaching-writing-through-video-games-part-i/

Widitiarsa, Arsa (2018). Video Games as Tools for Education.  https://zenodo.org/record/2669725#.YW2VqBxn0uU

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Writing a concept paper is the foundation of any research study. The document will dictate whether a panelist will approve or decline a research study. This is why individuals should ensure that their concept paper effectively emphasizes the importance of their study. For individuals who feel that they don’t have the writing capabilities to create a concept paper, the writing services from CustomEssayMeister can help. The website offers a variety of services to help students and professionals with their writing tasks. They can find sample papers and how-to guides in essay writing. Students who are stuck in their thesis writing will find these services extremely helpful. Our experienced writers can write concept papers that will spark the interest of a panelist and perhaps get their approval.

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    Funders that request concept papers often provide a template or format. If templates or formats are not provided, the following can serve as a useful concept paper structure. THE FIVE ELEMENTS OF A CONCEPT PAPER 1. The first section, the Introduction, identifies how and where the applicant's mission and the funder's mission intersect or align.

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  15. DOCX Why write a concept paper?

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    A pre-proposal or white paper is. a concise, authoritative document that presents a summary of the proposed research, methodology, team, and an estimated budget. Unlike proposals, which include more extensive information, white papers offer a brief overview of. a research project in a way that explores why it would be important to a funder.