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Reviewer: Trends, Networks and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century

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trends networks and critical thinking in the 21st century activities

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trends networks and critical thinking in the 21st century activities

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trends networks and critical thinking in the 21st century activities

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Trends, networks, and critical thinking in the 21st century culture / authors: Arleigh Ross D. Dela Cruz, PhD, Cecile C. FAdrigon, PhD cand., Napoleon M. Mabaquiao Jr., PhD ; project director: Ronaldo B. Mactal, PhD.

  • Phoenix Publishing House [publisher. ]
  • Fadrigon, Cecile C [author. ]
  • Mabaquiao, Napoleon M., Jr [author. ]
  • 9789710639434
  • Social sciences
  • 300 .P574 2018
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  • Title notes ( 6 )
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At head of title: K to 12 curriculum compliant --Cover

ICT enchanced --Cover

Includes references (pages 239-240)

"The chapters in the course book are divided into lessons which examine the nature of local, global, and planetary networks as emerging trends and analyzes the key issues within each level including the relationship that exists between and among the different entities involved in each network. The textbook also teaches students how to apply critical thinking and decision-making methods in understanding trends and networks. This textbook has three main objectives. First, it explains the connections that exist between networks and trends. Second, it discusses how critical thinking, strategic analysis, and intuitive thinking can help analyze emerging trends in the study of local., global, and planetary networks. And lastly, it teaches the students the necessary skills to propose possible interventions, alternative solutions, and new answers to the problems and concerns brought about by the emergence of trends. The book is divided into seven chapters." --From the Authors.

Text in English

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trends networks and critical thinking in the 21st century activities

trends networks and critical thinking in the 21st century activities

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century

trends networks and critical thinking in the 21st century activities

Quarter 1 / 3

Fads and Trends

Understanding the Elements and Characteristics of a Trend

Identifying Parts of a Whole and Emerging Patterns in Trends

Understanding Strategic Analysis and Intuitive Thinking

Global Networks Part 1

Global Networks Part 2

Understanding the Consequences of Personal and Local Action to Global and Planetary Climate Change

Wrap-Up and Quarter Recognition

Quarter 2/4

Democratic Intervention

Assessing Political and Social Institution

Enabling and Inhibiting Dimensions of Technology

Social Relationships and Political Movement

Neural and Social Networks

Parallelism Between Neural Networks and Social Networks

Shaping the Mind through Social Relationships

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Senior High School Specialized Subject: Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century is one of the specialized subjects under the Academic career track and the HUMSS learning strand. Some examples of the things that you will learn from taking this subject include:

  • The process of identifying a trend
  • Differentiating a trend from a fad
  • Elements of a trend
  • The characteristics of a trend
  • Strategic analysis
  • Intuitive thinking
  • The effects of consumption and production patterns to climate change
  • The effects of climate change
  • Steps to address the problems of climate change
  • Democratic Interventions
  • Information Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Connections, relationships, and networks
  • The neural and social networks

While studying, you will also be asked to demonstrate what you have learned by participating in class activities that may include the following:

  • Explaining the process of spotting a trend
  • Pointing out the elements that make up a trend
  • Identifying emerging patterns
  • Identifying connections, relationship, and networks
  • Showing the interconnectedness of peoples and nations
  • Differentiating key components in strategic analysis and intuitive thinking
  • Examining how social network maps can help solve problems in the community through intuitive thinking
  • Creating a map showing the different components of a gadget, business enterprise, industrial/technological/agricultural product, etc
  • Writing a reflection essay on the insights generated from the map
  • Explaining the effects of consumption and production patterns on climate change
  • Explaining and illustrating personal contributions that can help solve climate change
  • Explaining how ICT  can facilitate social relationships and political movements
  • Demonstrating how thinking processes are shaped by social relationships
  • Identifying the significant social roles students play within the community by creating a social map of their relationships

These examples only cover the scope of the specialized subjects under the Academic track and HUMSS learning strand. For the scope of the core and contextualized subjects under the senior high school curriculum , please refer to their respective lists.

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