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Sales Focus Outsourcing

What Is Direct Sales? Types, Pros, & Cons

direct sales

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Businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to reach their target audience and maximize sales potential. Direct sales has emerged as a powerful strategy, offering unique advantages that can propel businesses toward success. In this blog, we’ll delve into the essence of direct sales, explore its definition, and uncover the top ten advantages it brings to businesses.

What Is Direct Sales?

Direct sales is the method of selling products or services directly to consumers, bypassing traditional retail channels. This sales approach involves a direct interaction between the seller and the buyer, often facilitated through various techniques such as personal selling, home parties, demonstrations, or online platforms. Unlike retail sales, where products are typically sold through intermediaries like wholesalers or retailers, direct sales cuts out the middleman, allowing companies to connect directly with their target audience.

In direct sales, representatives or distributors act as independent contractors or affiliates of the company. They promote and sell the products or services directly to consumers. This personalized approach enables businesses to build direct relationships with customers, understand their needs and preferences, and provide tailored solutions.

Direct sales encompass a wide range of industries, including cosmetics, wellness products, household goods, financial services, etc. It offers flexibility and scalability, making it an attractive option for both established corporations and budding entrepreneurs looking to expand their market reach and increase sales revenue.

Direct Sales Examples

  • Cosmetics and Beauty Products – Companies like Avon, Mary Kay, and Younique use direct sales models to distribute their makeup, skincare, and beauty products.
  • Wellness and Health Supplements – Brands such as Herbalife, Amway, and Isagenix offer nutritional supplements, weight management products, and wellness solutions through direct sales channels.
  • Home Goods and Decor – Tupperware, Pampered Chef, and Scentsy are examples of companies that sell kitchenware, cookware, and home decor items through direct sales parties and demonstrations.
  • Fashion and Accessories – Jewelry companies like Stella & Dot, Chloe + Isabel, and Origami Owl utilize direct sales methods to sell their fashionable accessories and jewelry pieces.
  • Financial Services – Some financial services companies, like Primerica, engage in direct sales to offer insurance, investment, and financial planning products directly to consumers.
  • Personal Care Products – Direct sales companies like Arbonne, Nu Skin, and Rodan + Fields specialize in skincare, hair care, and personal grooming products.
  • Travel and Leisure – Vacation and travel clubs such as WorldVentures and DreamTrips operate on a direct sales model, offering travel packages and memberships directly to customers.
  • Household Cleaning Products – Companies like Amway’s Home Care division and Norwex offer eco-friendly cleaning products and supplies through direct sales representatives.
  • Kitchen Appliances – Some companies, like Vorwerk with their Thermomix, employ direct sales strategies to market high-end kitchen appliances directly to consumers.
  • Educational Products – Educational materials and learning programs, such as those offered by Usborne Books & More and Discovery Toys, are often sold through direct sales channels, especially targeting parents and educators.

Types of Direct Sales

Single-level sales.

In single-level direct sales, representatives earn commissions solely based on the sales they personally generate. There are no additional levels or tiers of compensation based on recruiting others into the sales organization. Representatives typically focus on selling products directly to customers through various methods such as in-person demonstrations, online platforms, or catalog sales.

Multi-Level Sales

Multi-level sales is also known as network marketing or MLM. Companies build a network of distributors or representatives who earn commissions on their own sales and also from the sales of the distributors they recruit into the organization. This creates a hierarchical structure where representatives can earn income from both their direct sales efforts and the sales made by their downline. MLM companies often emphasize recruiting and building a team as a key component of success.

The party plan sales model involves hosting in-home or virtual parties or gatherings where a representative demonstrates and promotes products to a group of attendees. Guests have the opportunity to see, touch, and experience the products firsthand while socializing. The host of the party typically earns rewards or discounts based on the sales generated during the event, while the representative benefits from increased sales and potential new customers. Party plans are also often MLMs.

Door-to-Door Sales

When door-to-door selling , representatives visit individual homes or businesses to directly promote and sell products or services. This approach requires representatives to engage with potential customers on their doorstep, presenting product offerings, addressing questions or concerns, and closing sales on the spot.

Business-to-business (B2B) sales involves transactions between businesses, where one company sells products or services directly to another. This often includes field sales, trade shows, and events. B2B sales focuses on building long-term relationships and providing solutions that meet the needs of other businesses.

Direct Online Sales

In direct online sales, companies sell products directly to consumers through digital platforms like websites and social media. This method leverages e-commerce, direct messaging, live streams, and posts to engage customers, offering convenience and broader reach without the need for physical storefronts.

Subscription-Based Sales

Subscription-based sales requires customers to subscribe to receive regular deliveries of products or services, typically on a monthly or yearly basis. This model ensures a consistent revenue stream for businesses and convenience for customers, who receive curated or replenished items without needing to reorder.


Telemarketing involves selling products or services over the phone. Sales representatives contact potential or existing customers from call centers or remote locations, using phone lists to pitch products, answer questions, and close sales. This method allows for direct and immediate customer interaction and feedback

Importance of Direct Sales

Direct selling holds significant importance in today’s business landscape. It provides companies with a powerful avenue to establish direct relationships with their customers. By engaging directly with consumers, businesses can gain valuable insights into their preferences, needs, and buying behavior. This firsthand understanding enables companies to tailor their products, services, and marketing strategies to better meet customer demands, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Direct selling offers businesses greater control over the sales process and distribution channels. Unlike traditional retail models, where products pass through multiple intermediaries before reaching the end consumer, direct sales allows companies to bypass middlemen and sell directly to customers. This not only streamlines the distribution process but also gives businesses more flexibility in pricing, promotions, and product offerings.

Another key importance of direct selling lies in its potential for rapid scalability and expansion. Direct sales models are often highly adaptable and can be easily replicated across different markets and regions. Whether through recruiting new sales representatives or expanding into new territories, businesses can quickly grow their sales networks and reach a wider audience without the need for extensive infrastructure or overhead costs.

It offers individuals the opportunity to become entrepreneurs and start their own businesses with relatively low barriers to entry. By joining direct sales companies as independent representatives or distributors, individuals can earn income based on their sales efforts and the size of their sales networks. This flexibility and autonomy appeal to a diverse range of people, from stay-at-home parents seeking supplemental income to ambitious entrepreneurs looking to build their own enterprises.

How Does Direct Sales Work?

1. company setup.

Direct sales companies develop and manufacture their products or services, which they then distribute through a network of independent representatives or distributors. These representatives may operate as individual entrepreneurs or as part of a larger sales organization.

2. Recruitment and Training

Companies recruit individuals to join their direct sales force as representatives. These representatives may be recruited through various channels, including word-of-mouth, online advertisements, or recruitment events. Once recruited, representatives typically undergo training to familiarize themselves with the company’s products, sales techniques, and policies.

3. Product Promotion and Sales

Representatives promote the company’s products or services to potential customers through various means, such as in-home parties, demonstrations, online platforms, or one-on-one interactions. They showcase the features and benefits of the products, address customer questions or concerns, and strive to close sales transactions.

4. Order Processing

Once a customer decides to make a purchase, representatives facilitate the ordering process. This may involve taking orders directly from customers, processing payments, and arranging for product delivery or shipment. Some companies provide representatives with online platforms or mobile apps to streamline the ordering and payment process.

5. Customer Support

Direct sales companies typically provide ongoing support to both representatives and customers. Representatives may receive assistance with product training, sales techniques, and business development strategies. Additionally, companies may offer customer service and support channels to address inquiries, handle returns or exchanges, and ensure customer satisfaction.

6. Compensation and Incentives

Representatives earn income through commissions or bonuses based on their sales performance. In some direct sales models, representatives may also earn additional income through recruiting and building their own sales teams. Companies often offer incentives, rewards, and recognition programs to motivate representatives and encourage sales growth.

7. Relationship Building

A key aspect of direct sales is building and maintaining relationships with customers. Representatives focus on providing personalized service, understanding customer needs, and offering tailored solutions. By fostering trust and loyalty, representatives can cultivate long-term relationships that drive repeat business and referrals.

Advantages of Direct Sales 

  • Direct Relationship with Customers: Direct sales enable companies to establish direct relationships with their customers, allowing for personalized interactions and a better understanding of customer needs and preferences.
  • Control Over Sales Process: Companies have greater control over the sales process and distribution channels in direct selling, allowing for flexibility in pricing, promotions, and product offerings.
  • Low Overhead Costs: Direct sales models often have lower overhead costs compared to traditional retail models, as there is no need for physical storefronts or extensive infrastructure.
  • Rapid Market Expansion: Direct sales facilitate rapid market expansion by allowing companies to quickly recruit and train new sales representatives, thereby reaching a wider audience in diverse geographical locations.
  • Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Direct selling offers individuals entrepreneurial opportunities with flexible schedules and low barriers to entry, allowing them to start their own businesses with minimal investment.

Disadvantages of Direct Sales

  • High Turnover Rates: Direct sales organizations may experience high turnover rates among representatives due to the demanding nature of the business, leading to challenges in maintaining a stable sales force.
  • Dependency on Representatives: Companies heavily rely on their sales representatives to drive sales and promote products, making them vulnerable to fluctuations in representative performance and market dynamics.
  • Reputation Risks: Negative experiences with individual representatives can impact the overall reputation of the company, especially if representatives engage in unethical or aggressive sales tactics.
  • Limited Control Over Representatives: Companies may have limited control over the actions and behaviors of their independent sales representatives, making it challenging to enforce consistent branding and customer service standards.
  • Competition and Saturation: Direct sales markets can become saturated with competing companies and representatives, leading to increased competition for customers and potential market saturation in certain product categories or geographical areas.

Indirect Vs. Direct Sales: What Is The Difference?

Direct sales and indirect sales represent two distinct approaches to selling products or services, each with its own set of characteristics and implications for businesses. In direct sales, companies interact directly with customers, bypassing intermediaries or middlemen. This approach allows for personalized interactions and greater control over the sales process, pricing, and distribution channels. Direct sales companies often rely on methods such as in-home parties, online platforms, or one-on-one interactions to reach customers. Examples include companies like Avon and Amway, which distribute products through independent representatives.

On the other hand, indirect sales involve selling products through intermediaries or third-party channels. This approach may involve multiple parties between the seller and the buyer, such as wholesalers, retailers, or distributors. While indirect sales offer broader reach through traditional retail channels, they can result in less direct interaction with customers and less control over pricing and distribution. Examples of indirect sales include products sold through retail stores or e-commerce platforms. Ultimately, the choice between direct and indirect sales depends on factors such as target market, distribution strategy, and business objectives.

Tips and Techniques For Using Direct Sales Effectively  

Know your audience.

Understand your target audience’s needs, preferences, and pain points. Tailor your sales approach and product offerings to address their specific requirements.

Build Relationships

Focus on building genuine relationships with customers. Listen to their concerns, provide personalized solutions, and follow up to ensure satisfaction.

Effective Communication

Communicate clearly and effectively with potential customers. Highlight the benefits of your products or services and address any objections or questions they may have.

Provide Value

Offer value-added services or incentives to entice customers, such as discounts, promotions, or exclusive offers. Show customers why your products or services are worth their investment.

Utilize Multiple Channels

Explore various direct sales channels, such as in-home parties, online platforms, or one-on-one interactions. Choose channels that align with your target audience’s preferences and behaviors.

Training and Support

Provide comprehensive training and support to your sales representatives. Equip them with product knowledge, sales techniques, and customer service skills to ensure they can effectively represent your brand.

Set Realistic Goals

Establish achievable sales goals and targets for your sales team. Break down goals into smaller milestones and track progress regularly to stay on course.

Feedback Mechanism

Encourage feedback from both customers and sales representatives. Use feedback to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to your sales strategies.

Continuous Learning

Stay updated on industry trends, market developments, and sales techniques. Invest in ongoing training and development for yourself and your sales team to stay ahead of the curve.

Measure Performance

Monitor KPIs such as sales conversion rates, customer acquisition costs, and customer satisfaction levels. Use data-driven insights to refine your direct sales strategies and optimize performance.

Grow Your Direct Selling Business With Sales Focus 

Sales Focus is a leading provider of sales outsourcing and consulting services, specializing in helping businesses improve their direct sales performance and driving revenue growth. Here’s how we can help in enhancing the direct sales of an organization:

Expertise and Experience

Sales Focus brings years of expertise and experience in direct sales, offering proven strategies and best practices to maximize sales effectiveness. Our team of seasoned sales professionals understands the intricacies of direct selling and can provide valuable insights and guidance to optimize sales processes.

Customized Solutions

We offer customized solutions tailored to the unique needs and objectives of each client. Whether it’s expanding into new markets, launching new products, or improving sales performance, we work closely with clients to develop personalized strategies that deliver measurable results.

Scalability and Flexibility

With SFI, businesses can scale their sales operations quickly and efficiently to meet changing market demands and business requirements. Whether it’s ramping up sales efforts during peak seasons or adjusting strategies in response to market shifts, we provide the flexibility needed to adapt and thrive in dynamic environments.

Focus on Results

Sales Focus is committed to delivering tangible results for our clients. We prioritize outcomes and performance metrics, working tirelessly to achieve and exceed sales targets. By focusing on driving revenue growth and maximizing return on investment, we help businesses achieve sustainable success in their direct sales efforts.

Continuous Improvement

We emphasize continuous improvement and optimization in all aspects of direct sales. We regularly analyze performance data, identify areas for enhancement, and implement strategies to enhance sales effectiveness. With SFI, businesses can stay ahead of the competition and continuously evolve their sales strategies for long-term success.

Choosing Sales Focus Inc. as their direct sales partner offers businesses numerous benefits, including:

  • Access to a team of experienced sales professionals with a track record of success.
  • Customized solutions tailored to the unique needs and objectives of each client.
  • Scalability and flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions and business requirements.
  • A focus on results and performance metrics to drive revenue growth and maximize ROI.
  • Continuous improvement and optimization to stay ahead of the competition and achieve sustainable success.

We are a trusted partner for businesses looking to improve their direct sales performance and achieve their growth objectives. With our expertise, customized solutions, and commitment to results, we can help businesses unlock their full sales potential and thrive in today’s competitive marketplace.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is direct selling.

Direct selling is a method of selling products or services directly to consumers without the use of traditional retail channels. It involves a direct interaction between the seller (company or representative) and the buyer (customer), often through methods such as in-home parties, online platforms, or one-on-one interactions.

What are some advantages of doing direct sales to customers?

There are several advantages to engaging in direct sales to customers, including:

  • Direct relationship building with customers, leading to a better understanding of their needs and preferences.
  • Greater control over the sales process, pricing, and distribution channels.
  • Lower overhead costs compared to traditional retail models.
  • Rapid market expansion through recruitment and training of new sales representatives.
  • Entrepreneurial opportunities for individuals looking to start their own businesses with minimal investment.

How does Sales Focus help in improving the direct sales process?

We offer expertise and experience in direct sales, providing customized solutions tailored to the unique needs and objectives of each client. We help businesses optimize sales processes, scale operations efficiently, and achieve measurable results. With a focus on driving revenue growth and continuous improvement, we help businesses thrive in competitive market environments.

Is direct sales worth it?

The value of direct sales depends on various factors, including the industry, target market, and business objectives. For many businesses, direct sales can be a highly effective strategy for reaching customers, building relationships, and driving revenue growth. However, it requires careful planning, execution, and investment in resources and support systems. Ultimately, businesses should evaluate their specific needs and circumstances to determine if direct sales align with their goals and objectives.

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Direct Selling – Meaning, Types, Pros, Cons, Examples & Tips

Businesses always try to facilitate their customers as much as possible. For instance, online/non-store retailing allows customers to buy a product without physically going to any brick-and-mortar store. It not only saves their time but is easy and convenient as well.

Apart from online retailing, businesses facilitate their customers or even potential customers with direct marketing. That is, rather than selling the products at a brick-and-mortar store , companies sell their products face-to-face.

The sales may take place at customers’ homes, workplaces, shopping malls, or any non-store location. In marketing terms, this concept is called Direct Selling. It can be a face to face selling, or companies even use online platforms for Direct selling.

Table of Contents

What is Direct Selling?

Direct selling is a mode of doing business where the seller sells its products directly to the customer. There isn’t any other party (third party) involved in the transaction. The sales generally take place at customers’ doorstep such as their homes, offices, cafes, shopping malls, online, etc.

Direct selling basically relies on salespersons because there are no intermediaries in the process. A business following this type of selling method skips whole sellers and distributors from the supply chain.

How Direct Selling works?

Direct selling typically eliminates few “ingredients” in the supply chain. Generally, these companies skip regional distributors and whole sellers from their supply chain. The manufacturer dispatches the product directly to the sales company. Then, the sales company sends the products to end distributors or representatives.

Direct selling doesn’t involve any typical store retailing. This means the customers can buy the product from reps or distributors. Generally, party-plan and network marketing companies are associated with it. However, there are many B2B companies that work with the direct selling method. For instance, a business may get help from a distributor or rep to sell its products to other businesses. 

It is important to understand that direct selling and direct marketing are two different practices. Selling directly to customers involves selling through reps or distributors. Direct marketing involves a company marketing its products directly to customers without any reps, etc.

Types of Direct Selling

Single level direct sales.

This is a typical form of direct selling that involves face to face selling. The reps may go door-to-door and give one on one presentations to sell the products. But, this practice is not limited to face-to-face selling. The reps may sell the products through online channels directly. These reps get commissions and occasional bonuses from the company.

Host/Party-Plan Sales

This selling practice basically focuses on group settings. That said, the sales representatives organize a social event or a party and then offer the products for sales. In fact, sometimes, these sales representatives may ask the customers if they want to organize and host selling parties. Mary Kay is a common example as they often arrange social events and sell their products at such gatherings.

Multi-Level Marketing

Multi-level marketing can be a blend of the above-mentioned methods as well as new practices. For instance, a sales company may do single-level marketing, host or party sales, and hire new salespersons as well.

This way, a sales company or representative earns commission through sales and sales made by the other hired sales partners/reps. Some common examples of this blended strategy include Arbonne, LulaRoe, Mary Kay, Avon products inc, Herbal Life nutrition, and Scentsy. Most of these firms do single-level direct selling, host social events, and hire new recruits for selling products.

Direct Selling VS Pyramid Scheme

It is pretty difficult to distinguish these two terminologies because of similar characteristics. However, there are few specific differences that can differentiate one from the other.

The core objective in Direct selling is to sell the products.The pyramid scheme mainly focuses on hiring new people (base workers).  
It can be done through single-level sales, host/party sales plans, or MLM.Organizations that follow this scheme mainly focus on hiring new recruits rather than selling the products.  
Everyone who makes sales get a rewarding commission. Base workers hardly earn good reasonable money.

Advantages of Direct Selling

Direct selling is one of the most popular modes of selling products, and here is why:

  • Direct selling is one of the most effective methods to get direct feedback from the customers. As sales companies or reps interact directly with customers, their feedback helps the companies to improve their products regularly.
  • It is a great way to ensure maximum personalization. Sellers know what their customers want and what kind of offers will suit different customers. Customers prefer those brands which offer them customized offers and recommendations.
  • Price regulation is another brilliant advantage of direct selling. As there are no intermediaries, the companies have better control over their products’ prices and a more transparent sale process.
  • Customer retention is one of the most important objectives of any business. It allows businesses to directly interact with their customers and be more empathetic. When you know what your customers want, you can easily satisfy them.
  • Direct selling also allows companies to set higher profit margins. As there are no middlemen to take their share of profit, a business can earn more profit with this scheme.
  • Convenient working hours is another benefit for sales reps. They don’t have to follow strict working hours. As long as they are making sales, everything will be fine.

Disadvantages of Direct Selling

  • Direct selling can be a tricky scheme for reps or distributors. The manufacturing company generally does not provide any leads. Therefore, reps have to build their network on their own.
  • If the seller/manufacturer focuses on incentivizing the reps to recruit new people than actually selling products, it may create a pyramid scheme.
  • Direct selling can be a difficult method when you talk about business growth or expansion. These sellers heavily rely on distributors and reps. Besides, this business model will work only if the reps/distributors are giving you constant and growing sales.
  • Last but not least, direct selling requires reps and distributors to have literally “impeccable” marketing skills. It is extremely difficult to persuade a customer and sell a product door-to-door.

Tips for Direct Selling

Direct selling is not that easy as one may think, but following few valuable practices can make things a lot easier.

Build Relationships Before Sales

Knowing your potential customer is extremely important in any form of business. Therefore, the first priority should be establishing a relationship with potential customers and finding their “pain points.” When you know what your customer needs, you can make a much better product.

Be Consistent

It is not easy to convince someone to buy your product. You may get rejections, but it is important that you are consistent with your efforts. Constant efforts and customized offers can turn a prospect into an actual customer.

Network Building

Building a strong and growing network is vital in the direct selling method. In fact, it is virtually impossible for direct sellers to actually establish their business without networking. A thorough customer database can help you build and track a strong network.

Stay Connected With Your Customers

It is important for direct sellers to stay connected with their customers. Customers can easily forget you if you are not in touch with them. You can educate them about the product features and upgrades. Inform them about your new offers through emails or newsletters.

Offer Incentives to your Reps or Distributors

Your sales reps or distributors are as important as your customers. If you reward them handsomely, you can earn their loyalty and maximized efforts. You can offer them higher commission rates to motivate them. If you are paying more commission, it means you are making more sales.

Train your Reps

Well, direct sellers don’t have to give a share from profit to whole sellers and other intermediaries. However, investing in your reps can be very profitable. You can train and upgrade their professional skills regularly. Selling requires updated and effective communication skills, and this investment will definitely bring more sales.

Turn Your Customers into your Brand Ambassadors

There is no better way to market your brand than “word of mouth” from an elated customer. A happy customer will surely bring more customers, and this chain will never stop if you keep delivering what you promise or what your customer needs.

About The Author

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shaharYar Ahmad Ranjhaa

  • DOI: 10.1080/08853134.1996.10754070
  • Corpus ID: 142459455

What Is Direct Selling?—Definition, Perspectives, and Research Agenda

  • R. Peterson , T. Wotruba
  • Published 24 October 2013
  • Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management

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Is it direct selling a type of direct marketing arguments.

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Direct selling under scrutiny: assessing analytic direct selling models, join, stay, leave: a study of direct-selling distributors, are sales as we know it dying … or merely transforming, bringing meaning to the sales job: the effect of ethical climate and customer demandingness, exploring risks, advantages and interpersonal trust in buyer-salesperson relationships in direct selling in a non-western country, effects of advertising campaign on the salesperson’s performance: should a multilevel marketing firm advertise its brand to customers, doing well by doing good: direct selling as a viable and sustainable source of income for base of the pyramid populations, an assessment of needed sales management skills, 21 references, a conceptual definition of direct marketing, current status and future directions for research on direct selling channels, salesperson motivation to perform and job satisfaction: a sales contest participant perspective, motivation to become a direct salesperson and its relationship with work outcomes, purchasing behavior in embedded markets, the direct selling revolution, the effect of effort on sales performance and job satisfaction, the effect of goal-setting on the performance of independent sales agents in direct selling, macmillan dictionary of marketing & advertising, met expectations and turnover in direct selling, related papers.

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About Direct Selling

For more than a century, the Direct Selling Association (DSA) has served as the national trade association for companies that offer entrepreneurial opportunities to independent sellers to market and sell products and services, typically outside of a fixed retail establishment. In 2020, direct selling took place across the United States, generating $40.1 billion in retail sales and 7.7 million entrepreneurs in the U.S. sold products or services through the direct selling channel, providing a personalized buying experience for 41.6 million preferred customers and discount buyers.


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Direct Selling in Social Media Networks Case Study

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Direct selling is the process of selling goods/ services to the customer, which occurs through personal contact with the client. One of the peculiarities is that no fixed retail location is necessary. This type of sales implies that there is direct contact with the customer, product or service presentation, and comprehensive consultation of the seller. At present, the wide usage of social media has enabled the industry to employ new means and methods of direct selling. Such networks, like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and others, have become the most efficient tools for direct selling. They have promoted a new method of personal interaction with consumers that is more convenient and responsive to their needs. These networks are also used for promotional services and for recruiting new employees. In addition, they are used for reactive purposes. One of the benefits of utilizing social networks is the enhanced visibility and transparency that creates trust in the clients (through the direct-to-consumer channel).

Social networking is conducive to the active communication, interaction, and mutual exchange of content between the prospective clients. In the business environment, such media like Facebook or Twitter promote client communication as a result of which the possibility of more active promotion of goods or services is possible. In addition, they give a possibility to reach a wider audience; thus, increasing sales. It should be noted that the customers mainly use social platforms to learn about various products or collect specific information about them. Social networks are a faster and more convenient way of gathering information; consequently, buyers often look for it in the social media rather than in any of the search engines.

One of the main aspects speaking “for” the application of social platforms is their addressability. Facebook and YouTube allow customizing the content so as to meet the needs of customers and create the need for making a purchase before the clients even realize what they want to buy. In addition, the accessibility accelerates the process of providing the information for both consumers and distributors. For instance, YouTube does not require registering in order to view the content. Thus, social networks allow a seamless integration of direct sales in the activities of companies. However, many of them still do not realize that the media can be used much more effectively, for instance, to reach the targeted market easier or to expand it.

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IvyPanda. (2020, August 12). Direct Selling in Social Media Networks.

"Direct Selling in Social Media Networks." IvyPanda , 12 Aug. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Direct Selling in Social Media Networks'. 12 August.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Direct Selling in Social Media Networks." August 12, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Direct Selling in Social Media Networks." August 12, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Direct Selling in Social Media Networks." August 12, 2020.


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