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presentation on the future world

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Welcome to 2033

What the world could look like in ten years, according to more than 160 experts.

presentation on the future world

By Mary Kate Aylward , Peter Engelke , Uri Friedman , and Paul Kielstra

Explore findings on…

1. Potential Russian collapse

2. New nuclear powers

10. Global security architecture

Prepare for Russia’s coming crack-up. Plan for a Chinese military assault on Taiwan. Temper the optimism about peak carbon emissions. Brace for the further spread of nuclear weapons. Buckle in for even greater global volatility ahead.

These are just some of the forecasts that emerged this past fall when the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security surveyed the future, asking leading global strategists and foresight practitioners around the world to answer our most burning questions about the biggest drivers of change over the next ten years.

A total of 167 experts shared their insights on what geopolitics, climate change, technological disruption, the global economy, social and political movements, and other domains could look like a decade from now. Although respondents are largely citizens of the United States (roughly 60 percent of those polled), their nationalities are spread across thirty countries, with European citizens constituting the majority of non-Americans. (In the following analysis, all geographic distinctions among those surveyed are based on what individuals identified as their sole or primary nationality, not on the countries where they currently reside.)

Respondents are also employed in a range of fields, including the private sector (26 percent), academic or educational institutions (21 percent), non-profits (19 percent), government (16 percent), and independent consultants or freelancers (13 percent). They are quite evenly distributed across age categories over thirty-five, with less than 10 percent between the ages of twenty-two and thirty-five, but they skew heavily male (a result that we will aim to rectify in future surveys).

So what will the world look like in 2033? Here are the ten biggest findings from the survey.

1. Russia as we know it may not survive the coming decade

One of the most surprising takeaways was how many respondents pointed to a potential Russian collapse over the next decade—suggesting that the Kremlin’s war against Ukraine could precipitate hugely consequential upheaval in a great power with the largest nuclear-weapons arsenal on the planet.

Nearly half (46 percent) of respondents expect Russia to either become a failed state or break up by 2033. More than a fifth (21 percent) consider Russia the most likely country to become a failed state within the next ten years, which is more than twice the percentage for the next most common choice, Afghanistan.

Even more striking, 40 percent of respondents expect Russia to break up internally by 2033 because of revolution, civil war, political disintegration, or some other reason. Europeans are particularly pessimistic about Russia breaking up: Forty-nine percent of them foresee such an event, compared with 36 percent of Americans.

This puts another finding into a darker context: Fourteen percent of respondents believe that Russia is likely to use a nuclear weapon within the next ten years. Among those expecting the country to experience both state failure and a breakup in the coming decade, a sobering 22 percent believe that use of nuclear weapons will be part of that history ten years hence.

Some, though, see hope: Of those who believe Russia is likely to experience state failure or a breakup over the coming decade, 10 percent think that it is the most likely of any currently autocratic country to become democratic by the end of this period.

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2. We’re heading for more countries with nuclear weapons and less cooperation on stopping the spread of these weapons—but not necessarily actual nuclear use

Barely one in eight respondents (13 percent) stated that no additional country will obtain nuclear weapons in the coming decade, and more than three-quarters named a specific country that they expected to become a nuclear-weapons state during this period. Iran was most often cited as a likely nuclear-armed state by 2033 (68 percent of respondents)—an outcome that the Atlantic Council’s Matthew Kroenig, in a separate assessment , argues is highly likely to occur as soon as this coming year. But Iran may not be alone. Respondents who expect some expansion of the nuclear-weapons club believe, on average, that 1.6 countries will join within the next ten years.

One reason for this anticipation of multiple new nuclear-armed countries could be that experts expect regional rivalries to drive nuclear proliferation over the next decade. For example, of those who believe that Iran will obtain nuclear weapons during this timeframe, 41 percent say Saudi Arabia will as well. In contrast, of those who do not believe that Iran will acquire these weapons, just 15 percent envision Saudi Arabia doing so anyway. Similarly, 57 percent of those who say that Japan will acquire nuclear weapons believe the same of South Korea. The former is almost certainly a function of Saudi-Iranian antagonism (wherein if one gets the bomb, the other will feel pressure to follow suit); the latter is likely less a function of Japanese-South Korean tension than of both countries feeling increasingly threatened by China and/or North Korea. Indeed, among those who foresee China initiating military action to retake Taiwan in the next decade (discussed in more detail below), 22 percent think that South Korea will obtain nuclear weapons over the same period while 16 percent believe Japan will. Among those who foresee no such Chinese use of force, the equivalent figures are 13 percent and 6 percent.

On the positive side, a majority of those polled (58 percent) believe that nuclear weapons will remain unused over the next ten years. On the negative side, it’s nevertheless quite disturbing that nearly a third of respondents (31 percent) expect the next decade to include the first use of nuclear weapons since World War II. Responses from those who foresee nuclear use suggest that the weapons may be deployed in a regional rather than global conflict. Russia is most frequently cited (14 percent of all respondents) as likely to use such a weapon by 2033. But, of those who expect the country to do so, only one-third believe Russia will fight a war with NATO during this period. The second-most-cited potential perpetrator, North Korea (10 percent), presumably would also initially deploy nuclear weapons regionally against neighbors without nuclear weapons rather than, say, a country with superior nuclear capabilities such as the United States.

The proliferation of nuclear weapons is consistent with respondent answers that predict a lack of international attention to this issue. Less than 2 percent of respondents named nuclear nonproliferation as the area likely to see the greatest increase in international cooperation over the coming decade. When given the chance to name the biggest global risks receiving insufficient attention, 10 percent mentioned either proliferation or war involving nuclear weapons or weapons of mass destruction.

3. Expect a Chinese military offensive against Taiwan

Recently, US officials have been warning that China could launch a military campaign to reunify Taiwan with the mainland on a faster-than-anticipated schedule between now and 2027. And our survey results support that dire assessment. Fully 70 percent of respondents agree—though just 12 percent strongly agree—that China will seek to forcibly retake Taiwan within the next ten years. Only around two in ten don’t believe that such a scenario will occur. Intriguingly, among government employees, the figures rise to near certainty: Eighty-eight percent agree that China will use force against Taiwan, just 8 percent disagree, and the remaining 4 percent do not know.

Many people are currently focused on the risk of Russia engaging in a direct fight with the United States and NATO. But notably, even in the throes of a hot war in Ukraine right on NATO’s borders, the majority of respondents (more than 60 percent) disagreed with the notion that there will be such a Russia-NATO military clash within the next ten years—perhaps suggesting a belief that the conflict in Ukraine can be contained to that country or that the war has exposed Russia as too weak to take the fight directly to NATO. Given that a Chinese military assault on Taiwan would likely prompt the United States to intervene in support of the island, and that respondents were far more inclined to see a China-Taiwan conflict as probable than a Russia-NATO conflict, the biggest impending risk of war between great powers might be in Asia, not Europe.

4. US-Chinese decoupling may not be as dramatic as we think it will be

There has been a lot of talk about “decoupling,” or efforts to disentangle the US and Chinese economies. But the experts we surveyed delivered a clear verdict: Full-blown decoupling is very unlikely. Despite all the geopolitical tensions and tit-for-tat trade restrictions between the two countries, the most likely outcome (according to roughly 40 percent of respondents) is that the US and Chinese economies will be “somewhat less” interdependent in 2033 than they are today. Moreover, of those who believe China will use force against Taiwan, 64 percent predict at least some decline in economic interdependence—a surprisingly low number given how drastic a move a Chinese military campaign against Taiwan would be. Fully 22 percent of those expecting Chinese use of force against Taiwan believe that the US and Chinese economies will become more interdependent by 2033.

Overall, 58 percent of respondents forecast less economic interdependence between the two countries by 2033 and just 23 percent expect more. US respondents are slightly more convinced about this direction of travel, with 64 percent anticipating a drop in interdependence (24 percent still anticipate an increase).

Just as important, though, roughly eight in ten respondents—both overall and among Americans—expect any change in either direction to be limited at most. The widespread expectation, then, is a slow decoupling.

5. The United States will remain powerful but not hegemonic

Respondents generally expressed a belief in the United States’ staying power over the next ten years, though many envisioned a country preeminent in some domains of national clout but not others. Seven in ten foresee the United States continuing to be the world’s dominant military power by 2033—a notably high percentage given concerns about China’s military modernization and the United States losing its military edge—while about half think the United States will maintain its technological dominance over everyone else. Just three in ten, however, believe the United States will be the world’s dominant player in diplomacy, and only slightly more than three in ten believe it will be the world’s dominant economic power.

All of which raises a question: If the United States loses its economic and diplomatic dominance, can its other advantages be maintained? After all, military power depends to a substantial degree on strong alliances and economic and technological prowess, while technological power relies in large part on a country’s capacity to commercialize technological advances.

Two minority groups of respondents have sharply divergent views about American power. The first group, constituting 19 percent of the survey pool, are pessimists, believing one or more of the following will be true by 2033: The United States will be a failed state; it will have broken apart; or it will no longer be the world’s dominant power in any category our survey covered: military, economic, diplomatic, or technological. (Notably, roughly the same proportion of respondents—7 percent—listed the United States and Pakistan as the country most likely to fail over the next ten years.) Fourteen percent of American respondents and 17 percent of European respondents fall into this group. The most striking answers are from those who are citizens of countries outside the United States and Europe: Over half of these are in our pessimists category. (This analysis does not treat them generally as a category because they are too diverse to characterize and too few to rely on statistically.)

The second group, constituting 12 percent of all respondents, are optimists, believing that the United States will be the single dominant power in all fields: military, economic, diplomatic, and technological. Among American and European respondents, the proportions of optimists—12 percent and 15 percent respectively—are roughly the same as those for pessimists. The big difference comes from the rest of the world, where no respondents expect the United States to have such multifaceted hegemony by 2033.

6. Global cooperation on climate is set to increase, but curb the enthusiasm about peak emissions

Climate change is the issue most likely to shoot up the international policy agenda in the coming decade, according to respondents. A plurality (42 percent) believe that it will garner the biggest increase in international collaboration, comfortably ahead of second-place public health (cited by 25 percent of those polled).

Of those who assert that climate issues will attract the biggest boost in global cooperation by 2033, nearly a third (29 percent) believe that, among various social movements presented to respondents, environmental movements will have the most political influence worldwide over the next ten years. Among those who do not think climate change will rise up the international agenda, only 12 percent expect environmental movements to wield such influence.

If political leaders and policymakers focus more on climate issues, will greenhouse-gas emissions peak and start to decline over the next ten years? Views are mixed. The International Energy Agency (IEA) recently estimated that global carbon-dioxide emissions will peak in 2025 (although it also admitted that a significant gap remains between countries’ stated emissions goals and the target of stabilizing the average rise in global temperature at 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels). Respondents who foresee greater global cooperation to address climate change are split on peak emissions, in a reminder that such collaboration could result from both a proactive effort to accelerate the clean-energy transition or a more reactive response to a still-rapidly warming world: 47 percent believe that the peak will have occurred by 2033, but 42 percent disagree. Among the others, the equivalent figures—26 percent and 60 percent—reveal much greater pessimism.

Overall, in a clear counterpoint to the IEA’s assessment, a majority of respondents don’t think greenhouse-gas emissions will have peaked and begun to decline by 2033. The experts we polled are only a bit more bullish about that peak and decline happening within the next decade (35 percent) as they are about humans safely landing on Mars and returning to Earth during that period (23 percent). Only 6 percent strongly agree that we’ll see emissions peaking and declining over the next ten years.

On a separate question, respondents on balance were also more inclined to agree (39 percent) than disagree (35 percent) that by 2033 humans likely will have begun deliberate, large-scale geoengineering of the planet (for example, seeding the atmosphere with aerosols) in order to reduce the impacts of climate change—indicating that a slight plurality presumably think those climate impacts will be big enough by that point to spur such a controversial and consequential move.

7. Get ready for even greater global volatility

One remarkable survey result is how many respondents expect the world to face additional economic and public-health perils in the coming decade. Seventy-six percent predict another global economic crisis on the scale of the 2008-2009 financial crisis by 2033. A further 19 percent say that there will be two or more such crises. Forty-nine percent foresee another global pandemic with the scale and impact of COVID-19 breaking out by 2033, with an additional 16 percent anticipating two or more such pandemics.

These results might reflect recency bias, where recent experience of crises leaves us more concerned about others occurring. But they may also suggest more troubling trends, including a coming era of more frequent and intense public-health emergencies rather than once-in-a-century pandemics as well as a return to historical economic patterns after the relative calm of the post-World War II decades; between 1908 and 1946, five global recessions brought about greater declines in global per-capita gross domestic product than did the 2008-2009 crisis—amounting to more than one per decade.

8. The tug of war between democracy and autocracy will persist, with democracies potentially losing some ground

Our respondents as a whole do not foresee a clear triumph for either democrats or autocrats over the next ten years. More expect the number of democracies in the world to shrink (37 percent) than to grow (29 percent). But almost all forecast any change to be modest: Just 4 percent foresee many more or many fewer democracies by 2033. Thirty-five percent believe the world will have roughly the same number of democracies as it does today. (It’s worth noting that we asked about the future number of democracies, not the projected strength or type of these democracies.)

When asked open-ended questions about which countries are most likely to move from democracy to autocracy or the reverse by 2033, respondents most frequently chose “none.” Notably, 46 percent foresaw no shifts from autocracy toward democracy and just 31 percent predicted no countries going in the other direction, which is consistent with respondents’ general view that overall change will be modest but trending away from democracy.

Democracy and autocracy, moreover, are not necessarily distinct categories. For example, several countries—including Hungary, Turkey, and Russia—are cited both as autocracies likely to become democracies or democracies likely to become autocracies, suggesting that some respondents have differing views on how to categorize these countries.

Also notable: A small but significant minority of 9 percent of all respondents—and 10 percent of US respondents—selected the United States as the democratic country most likely to grow autocratic by 2033. Some respondents’ views on the future of US and global democracy appear to be linked, suggesting that they see the United States as the most important democratic country and guardian of global democracy. Among those who foresee either no change or a decline in the number of democracies worldwide, 12 percent expect the United States to become autocratic—their top choice. For those who expect the number of democracies to expand, none predict an autocratic United States.

9. Democracies will face a difficult decade of systemic dangers

Democracies are entering a dangerous decade in which they will need to contend with nationalist and populist forces and all the challenges associated with rapidly evolving technology. When asked which social movements they expected to have the most political influence worldwide over the next ten years, only 5 percent of respondents chose pro-democracy ones—whereas a majority picked either nationalist or populist movements. A third of respondents went with movements advocating for other causes often associated with democratic societies: the environment, youth issues, and women’s rights.

Admittedly, nationalists and populists are not invariably more supportive of autocratic political systems than democratic ones. Nor are, say, youth movements invariably opposed to autocracy. But our survey responses pointed to a connection between gathering nationalist and populist strength and greater popular pressure toward autocracy. Among those who foresee fewer democracies in the next decade, 68 percent predict increasing political influence for populist or nationalist movements and just 2 percent growing clout for pro-democracy ones. Of those forecasting more democracies, the equivalent figures are 38 percent and 10 percent.

Trends in mass communication and new technologies also present potential perils for democracies. Against the backdrop of a tech sector undergoing great transformation—from new regulatory efforts to the corporate upheaval at social-media companies to the ways in which these platforms have been caught up in broader political polarization—over half of respondents (53 percent) predict that social media will prove a net negative for democracies by 2033. Only 15 percent think it will be a net positive—a remarkable shift away from the dream, so prevalent during the early Arab Spring era, of social media as a democratizing force. Eighteen percent say that social media will have so evolved over the next ten years as to make the question impossible to answer.

For those who forecast a reduction in the number of democracies around the world, a large share (69 percent) expect social media to be a net negative for democracies.

Another compelling finding involved optimism about the speed with which some disruptive technologies—specifically commercial quantum computing, level 5 autonomous vehicles (where the vehicle performs all tasks under all driving conditions without the need of human input), and artificial general intelligence (where computers and machines exhibit human-like intelligence and creativity)—will be developed. In all three cases, majorities of respondents (between 57 percent and 68 percent) agree that these technologies will exist and/or be commercially viable by 2033. Although all three technologies promise enormous benefits for humankind, they also will raise challenges related to the future of work and income, public health and safety, national security, and democratic governance, among other domains. Democracies will need to ground the development and implementation of such technologies within democratic norms and values through appropriate regulation and standards and via international cooperation.

Through their answers across several questions, respondents raised the prospect of two contrasting scenarios for the coming decade. One of a world with democracy in decline, corroded by nationalism, populism, and social media, with a more autocratic United States deepening the trend. And another—predicted by a minority—of a world where democracy is ascendant, bolstered by a democratic United States, as well as social movements and mass-communication platforms consistent with democratic values.

10. International security organizations are likely to remain largely unchanged even as the world confronts unprecedented change and challenges

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has revealed the capabilities and limits of institutions designed to enhance international security. While our respondents predict a range of major challenges to human security over the next ten years—from conflict over Taiwan to the fragility of the Russian state to more pandemics and economic crises—they expect the world’s existing security architecture to stay mostly the same.

Eighty-two percent of respondents, for example, believe that over the next decade NATO will remain an alliance of North American and European countries based on a mutual security guarantee. Among respondents who are citizens of NATO member states, 85 percent think that the Alliance’s current form will be maintained; among those from other countries, 71 percent say the same.

Responses on the possible expansion of the United Nations Security Council convey a similar message. Sixty-four percent of all respondents expect no new permanent seats to be added to the UN’s most powerful body by 2033. The difference between respondents who are citizens of countries with permanent seats and those who are citizens of countries without permanent seats isn’t pronounced (66 percent and 61 percent, respectively).

Beyond institutional inertia and the self-interest of the Council’s current permanent members, a major challenge in expanding the Security Council is the complexity of doing so. As one respondent told us, “If additional seats are added, it will be more than one because the rest of the world will not come [together] around a single candidate.” As a group, those surveyed seem to agree: Respondents who predict Security Council expansion identify an average of 1.7 new members. The strong presumption is that, if the number of permanent seats grows, India will be one of the beneficiaries. Over half of those forecasting that Japan, Brazil, Nigeria, or South Africa will gain a seat also say that India will get one. For those who chose Germany this figure is less than half but still 45 percent. If India’s time could soon come, however, Africa’s looks distant: Only 6 percent of respondents mention Nigeria or South Africa as likely new permanent Security Council members within the next ten years.

A question not directly posed to our respondents is whether this forecasted lack of change in NATO and the UN Security Council is indicative of strength (that these organizations will be effective tools amid the coming decade’s challenges) or weakness (that they are unable to adjust even amid manifest need). Some respondents offered comments pointing to the latter possibility. One worries that, without change, the Security Council will lose relevance as an increasing number of decisions about international security are made elsewhere. Meanwhile, 4 percent of respondents noted, unprompted, that they expect NATO will need to take on a wider global remit, including Asian security, over the course of the next decade. These are more whispers in the margins than the expression of a common opinion, but they do raise questions about whether stasis in these institutions should be interpreted as a sign of institutional health.

presentation on the future world

Global Foresight 2023

In this year’s edition of Global Foresight, the Atlantic Council’s senior experts identify the top risks and opportunities for 2023. Our foresight team spots “snow leopards” that could have major unexpected impacts in 2023 and beyond. And we share findings from our survey of global strategists and foresight practitioners on how human affairs could unfold over the next decade.

Welcome to 2033: What the world could look like in ten years, according to more than 160 experts

Atlantic Council Strategy Paper Series Jan 9, 2023

Welcome to 2033: What the world could look like in ten years, according to more than 160 experts

To survey the future, we polled global strategists and foresight gurus on our most burning questions about the biggest drivers of change over the next decade. Check out their forecasts on everything from the prospect of nuclear proliferation to the probability of great-power war to the potential for more global volatility.

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Welcome to 2033: What the world could look like in ten years, according to more than 160 experts

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The war in Ukraine changed the world in 2022. How will it continue reshaping global affairs in 2023 and what else looms on the horizon? The Atlantic Council’s top experts brought their globe-spanning expertise to the task of forecasting the near future.

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Former TNC lead scientist Heather Tallis leans against a railing facing the camera, with a vast blue Pacific Ocean horizon behind her.

Magazine Articles

A More Sustainable Path to 2050

Science shows us a clear path to 2050 in which both nature and 10 billion people can thrive together.

August 30, 2019

Written for The Nature Conservancy Magazine Fall 2019 issue by Heather Tallis, former lead scientist for TNC.

A few years ago The Nature Conservancy began a process of reassessing its vision and goals for prioritizing its work around the globe. The resulting statement called for a world where “nature and people thrive, and people act to conserve nature for its own sake and its ability to fulfill and enrich our lives.”

That sounds like a sweet future, but if you’re a scientist, like I am, you immediately start to wonder what that statement means in a practical sense. Could we actually get there? Is it even possible for people and nature to thrive together?

Our leaders had the same question. In fact, when the vision statement was first presented at a board meeting, our president leaned over and asked me if we had the science to support it.

“No,” I said. “But we can try to figure it out.”

An illustration of two bears with wind turbines and forests in the background.

There is a way to sustain nature and 10 billion people.

Explore the path to a better world. Just 3 changes yield an entirely different future.

Ultimately, I assembled a collaborative team of researchers to take a hard look at whether it really is possible to do better for both people and nature: Can we have a future where people get the food, energy and economic growth they need without sacrificing more nature?

Modeling the Status Quo: What the World Will Look Like in 2050

Working with peers at the University of Minnesota and 11 other universities, think tanks and nonprofits, we started by looking into what experts predict the world will look like in 2050 in terms of population growth and economic expansion. The most credible projections estimate that human population will increase from about 7 billion people today to 9.7 billion by 2050, and the global economy will be three times as large as it is today.

Our next step was to create a set of mathematical models analyzing how that growth will influence demand for food, energy and water.

We first asked how nature will be doing in 2050 if we just keep doing things the way we’ve been doing them. To answer this, we assumed that expanding croplands and pastures would be carved out of natural lands, the way they are today. And we didn’t put any new restrictions on the burning of fossil fuels. We called this the “business as usual” scenario. It’s the path we’re on today. On this current path, most of the world’s energy—about 76%—will come from burning fossil fuels. This will push the Earth’s average temperature up by about 5.8 degrees Fahrenheit, driving more severe weather, droughts, fires and other destructive patterns. That dirty energy also will expose half of the global population to dangerous levels of air pollution.

Dig into the Research

Explore the models behind the two paths to 2050 and download the published findings.

We first asked how nature will be doing in 2050 if we just keep doing things the way we’ve been doing them.

Meanwhile, the total amount of cropland will increase by about the size of the state of Colorado. Farms will also suffer from increasing water stress—meaning, simply, there won’t be enough water to easily supply agricultural needs and meet the water requirements of nearby cities, towns and wildlife.

In this business-as-usual scenario, fishing worldwide is left to its own devices and there are no additional measures in place to protect nature beyond what we have today. As a result, annual fish catches decline by 11% as fisheries are pushed to the brink by unsustainable practices. On land, we end up losing 257 million more hectares (about 10 Colorados) of our native forests and grasslands. Freshwater systems suffer, too, as droughts and water consumption, especially for agriculture, increase.

Overall, the 2050 predicted by this business-as-usual model is a world of scarcity, where neither nature nor people are thriving. The future is pretty grim under this scenario—it’s certainly not a world that any of us would want to live in.

We wanted to know, “does it really have to be this way?”

Modeling a More Sustainable 2050

Next, we used our model to test whether predicted growth by 2050 really requires such an outcome. In this version of the future, we allowed the global economy and the population to grow in exactly the same manner, but we adjusted variables to include more sustainability measures.

The 2050 predicted by the business-as-usual model is a world of scarcity, where neither nature nor people are thriving. The future is pretty grim under this scenario—it’s certainly not a world that any of us would want to live in.

We didn’t go crazy with the sustainability scenario. We didn’t assume that everyone was going to become a vegan or start driving hydrogen cell cars tomorrow. Instead, the model allowed people to continue doing the basic things we’re doing today, but to do them a little differently and to adopt some green technologies that already exist a little bit faster.

In this sustainable future, we limited global warming to 2.9 degrees Fahrenheit, which would force societies to reduce fossil fuel consumption to just 13% of total energy production. That means quickly adopting clean energy, which will increase the amount of land needed for wind, solar and other renewable energy development. But many of the new wind and solar plants can be built on land that has already been developed or degraded, such as rooftops and abandoned farm fields. This will help reduce the pressure to develop new energy sources in natural areas.

We also plotted out some changes in how food is produced. We assumed each country would still grow the same basic suite of crops, but to conserve water, fertilizer and land, we assumed that those crops would be planted in the growing regions where they are most suited. For example, in the United States we wouldn’t grow as much cotton in Arizona’s deserts or plant thirsty alfalfa in the driest parts of California’s San Joaquin Valley. We also assumed that successful fishery policies in use in some places today could be implemented all over the world.

Under this sustainability scenario, we required that countries meet the target of protecting 17% of each ecoregion, as set by the Convention on Biological Diversity. Only about half that much is likely to be protected under the business-as-usual scenario, so this is a direct win for nature.

What 2050 Could Look Like

The difference in this path to 2050 was striking. The number of additional people who will be exposed to dangerous levels of air pollution declines to just 7% of the planet’s population, or 656 million, compared with half the global population, or 4.85 billion people, in our business-as-usual scenario. Air pollution is already one of the top killers globally, so reducing this health risk is a big deal. Limiting climate change also reduces water scarcity and the frequency of destructive storms and wildfires, while staving off the projected widespread loss of plant and animal species (including my son’s favorite animal, the pika, that’s already losing its mountain habitat because of climate change).

In the sustainability scenario we still produce enough food for humanity, but we need less land and water to do it. So the total amount of land under agricultural production actually decreases by seven times the area of Colorado, and the number of cropland acres located in water-stressed basins declines by 30% compared with business as usual. Finally, we see a 26% increase in fish landings compared to 2010, once all fisheries are properly managed.

Although the land needed for wind and solar installations does grow substantially, we still keep over half of nearly all the world’s habitat types intact, and despite growth in cities, food production and energy needs, we end up with much more of the Earth’s surface left for nature than we would under the business-as-usual scenario.

Scientist Heather Tallis sits under a tree at her house in California facing her son on a swing.

Our modeling research let us answer our question. Yes, a world where people and nature thrive is entirely possible. But it’s not inevitable. Reaching this sustainable future will take hard work—and we need to get started immediately.

3 Sustainable Changes To Make Now

That’s where organizations like TNC come in. The Conservancy is working on strategies with governments and businesses to adopt sustainable measures, providing near- and long-term benefits to society as a whole. Our research shows there’s at least one path to a more sustainable world in 2050, and that major advances can be made if all parts of society focus their efforts on three changes.

First, we need to ramp up clean energy and site it on lands that have already been developed or degraded. In the Mojave Desert, for instance, TNC has identified some 1.4 million acres of former ranchlands, mines and other degraded areas that would be ideal for solar development. We need to do much more to remove the policy and economic barriers that still make a transition to clean energy hard. Technology is no longer the major limiting factor. We are.

The most critical action each of us can take is to support global leaders who have a plan for stopping climate change in our lifetimes.

Second, we need to grow more food using less land and water. One way to do that is by raising crops in places that are best suited for them. The Conservancy has been piloting this, too. In Arizona, TNC partnered with local farmers in the Verde River Valley to help them switch from growing thirsty crops like alfalfa and corn in the heat of the summer to growing malt barley, which can be harvested earlier in the season with less draw on precious water supplies. This is not a revolutionary change—the same farmers are still growing crops on the same land—but it can have a revolutionary impact.

Finally, we need to end overfishing. The policy tools to do so have been available for many years. What we must do now is get creative about how we get those policies adopted and enforced. One example I have been impressed by is our work in Mexico, where TNC is involved in looking at the root causes of what’s limiting good fishing behavior. The answer is unexpected: social security debt that many fishers have accrued by being off the books for many years. The Conservancy is exploring an ambitious partnership and a novel financial mechanism that could forgive this debt and persuade more fishers to report their catch and adopt sustainability measures.

The Most Important Change Now: Clean Energy

These are just a few examples from North America. There are many more from around the world. To achieve a more sustainable future, governments, industry and civic institutions everywhere will have to make substantial changes—and the most important one right now is to make a big investment in clean energy over the next 10 years. That’s a short timeline, but not an impossible one. I don’t like what I’m seeing yet, but I’m hopeful. It took the United States just a decade to reach the moon, once the country put its mind to the goal. And solar energy is already cheaper (nearly half the price per megawatt) than coal, and outpacing it for new capacity creation—something no one predicted would happen this fast.

A field of solar panels in Indiana beneath a blue sky.

We need to do much more to remove the policy and economic barriers that still make a transition to clean energy hard. Technology is no longer the major limiting factor. We are.

How will we get there? By far the most critical action each of us can take is to support global leaders who have a plan for stopping climate change in our lifetimes. Climate may not feel like the most pressing issue at times—what with the economy, health care, education and other issues taking up headlines. But the science is clear: We’ve got 10 years to get our emissions under control. That’s it.

We’ve already begun to see the impacts of climate change as more communities face a big uptick in the severity and frequency of droughts, floods, wildfires, hurricanes and other disasters. Much worse is on the way if we don’t make the needed changes. It’s been easy for most of us to sit back and expect that climate change will only affect someone else, far away. But that’s what the people in Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Washington, the Dominican Republic, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Mexico, the United Kingdom, the Philippines, India and Mozambique thought. Every one of these places—and many more—have seen one of the worst disasters on its historic record in the past 10 years.

There are so many paths we could take to 2050. Clearly, some are better than others. We get to choose. Which one do you want to take?

Stand up for a More Sustainable Future

Join The Nature Conservancy as we call on leaders to support science-backed solutions.

Getting to Sustainability

Sweeping view of a forested escarpment in Brazil.

Carbon Capture

The most powerful carbon capture technology is cheap, readily available and growing all around us: Trees and plants.

Wind turbines on a shoreline at dawn.

Energy Sprawl Solutions

We can ramp up clean energy worldwide and site it wisely to limit the effect on wildlife.

Fishing vessel called Moriah Lee in California's Morro Bay.

Fishing for Better Data

Electronic monitoring can make fisheries more sustainable.

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10 talks on predicting the future

We’re just a week into 2013, and the year seems filled with possibility. The turn of the New Year is generally an occasion to look back and reflect on the year that’s passed — the victories and defeats, the lives lost and the experiences found. But after we look back, we inevitably turn forward. We make resolutions and predictions for the year to come, taking educated guesses as we gaze into the abyss of the unknown. Here,10 TED Talks that offer visions for the future. [ted id=665 width=560 height=315] Ian Goldin: Navigating our global future “This could be our best century ever, or it could be our worst,” says Ian Goldin. In this absorbing talk from TEDGlobal 2009, Goldin argues that the accelerating impact of globalization has the potential for miraculous human achievements, but also presents immense challenges — specifically in inequality. We may see incredible advances in technology, science and the quality of life, but will only the rich have access? Offering predictions for life in 2030, Goldin reminds us that “the rest of our lives will be in the future, so we need to prepare for it now.”

[ted id=319 width=560 height=315] Kevin Kelly: The next 5,000 days of the web At EG 2007, Keven Kelly noted that we had 5,000 days of the World Wide Web behind us. In this talk, he looks at what’s to come next. He foresees a smarter, more personalized and more ubiquitous web in the next 10 years, with the digital cloud forming the underpinnings of our physical environment. As the web doubles in power every two years, he shares why it’s expected to exceed human power by 2040.

[ted id=811 width=560 height=315] Kirk Citron: And now, the real news Projecting a “Long News” perspective onto the present, Kirk Citron analyzes the headlines at TED2010, trying to predict what will still be relevant in 10, 100 and 10,000 years. It’s not Michael Jackson’s death or the miraculous landing of a US Airways plane on the Hudson River that will matter, he says, but innovations in science. Why? Because research in 2010 paved the way for genetically modified food to feed the planet, for people to drink water on the moon, and for nanobees to enter the brain and zap tumors with bee venom. In the long run, Citron points out that some news stories are just more important than others.

[ted id=696 width=560 height=315] Rob Hopkins: Transition to a world without oil Rob Hopkins wants to tell a different story about the future. Not one of apocalypse or salvation but of transition — specifically, transition from our dependence on oil. As the founder of the Transition movement, he advocates for petroleum-free communities stripped of modern-day luxuries, but also free from the trappings of oil. Sustainability isn’t the solution, Hopkins says at TEDGlobal 2009, because we can’t simply invent our way out of oil dependence.

[ted id=42 width=560 height=315] Martin Rees asks: Is this our final century? Zooming in on the “tiny sliver of earth’s history” that has involved humans, and zooming out again to the full past, present and future of the universe, astronomer Sir Martin Rees explores the future of our planet. Highlighting the immense changes that will occur, he reminds the audience at TEDGlobal 2005 that when the sun extinguishes in 6 billion years, the creatures living on this earth will be as different from us as we are from bacteria.

[ted id=230 width=560 height=315] [ted id=1346 width=560 height=315] Nicholas Negroponte, in 1984, makes 5 predictions Danny Hills: Back to the future (of 1994) This pair of talks from the TED archives highlights the challenges and successes of predicting the future. Nicholas Negroponte’s talk from TED1984 offers five eerily on-point predictions, ranging from touchscreen phones to the future of CD-ROMS. Ten years later, Danny Hills offers a timeless theory of technological evolution that mirrors our own biological trajectory.

[ted id=411 width=560 height=315] Larry Burns on the future of cars Computer-enhanced cars — that run on clean hydrogen and contribute to the energy grid — are just around the corner, says Larry Burns. You’ll even refuel your hydrogen-fueled car at home, he shares. At TED2005, GM vice president for research and design Larry Burns details his exciting task of reinventing the automobile.

[ted id=39 width=560 height=315] Aubrey de Grey: A roadmap to end aging You could live to see the next millennium, suggests researcher Aubrey de Grey. Arguing that we could live to be 1,000 years old, de Grey explains that if we simply extend our lives by 30 years right now, we can reach the “longevity escape velocity,” with the rate of life-extending discoveries outpacing our 30-year life extension. And, he says at TEDGlobal 2005, the tools to start this process exist right now.

[ted id=402 width=560 height=315] Stewart Brand on the Long Now “It would be helpful if humanity got into the habit of thinking of the now not just as next week or next quarter but the next 10,000 years,” notes Stewart Brand in this talk from TED2004. Disrupting our conception of time and space, Brand describes his current project to build a 10,000 year clock that would be able to withstand the wear and tear of deep time.

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The Future of Artificial Intelligence PowerPoint Presentation – A Glimpse into the Evolution of AI and its Impact on Society

The outlook for artificial intelligence (AI) in the future is incredibly promising, and one area where it is set to make a significant impact is in PowerPoint presentations. As the world becomes more interconnected and data-driven, the need for intelligent tools to help us create engaging and effective presentations is becoming more evident. PowerPoint, a popular slideshow software, has long been used as a medium for communication and conveying information, but with the integration of AI, it is poised to become even more powerful.

Intelligence is the key to the future of PowerPoint presentations. With AI algorithms and machine learning, PowerPoint can not only assist in creating visually stunning slideshows but also automatically generate content and provide insightful suggestions. Imagine a presentation software that can predict the needs of the presenter and suggest relevant images, charts, and even entire slides. This level of automation and intelligence has the potential to revolutionize the way we create and deliver presentations.

Artificial intelligence in PowerPoint is not just about making the presenter’s job easier; it is about enhancing the overall impact of the presentation. With AI capabilities, presentations can be personalized for individual viewers, adapting content and style based on the audience’s preferences and needs. This level of customization can greatly improve engagement and ensure that the message is delivered effectively. Additionally, AI can analyze and interpret the audience’s reactions in real-time, allowing presenters to make adjustments on the fly and create a more interactive and dynamic experience.

Looking ahead, the future of AI in PowerPoint presentations holds exciting possibilities. The integration of natural language processing and voice recognition technology could allow presenters to interact with their slideshows through voice commands, eliminating the need for physical input devices. AI can also analyze vast amounts of data and make predictions, enabling presenters to include data-driven insights and predictions in their presentations. The integration of AI technologies has the potential to transform PowerPoint from a static tool into a dynamic and interactive platform for communication.

Exploring the Future of AI

In the world of technology, the future of artificial intelligence (AI) is a topic that constantly captures our attention. AI has the potential to revolutionize many industries and impact our lives in ways we can only imagine. This PowerPoint presentation offers an in-depth look at the outlook for AI and its role in shaping the future.

The Power of AI

Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool that enables machines to learn, reason, and make decisions like humans. It encompasses a wide range of technologies, including machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics. With AI, machines can analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and generate insights that can drive innovation and enhance productivity.

The Future of AI

The future of AI holds tremendous potential. As technology continues to evolve, AI systems will become more advanced and capable of performing complex tasks. In the coming years, we can expect AI to play a significant role in various sectors such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and transportation. AI will enable doctors to make accurate diagnoses, financial institutions to detect fraud, factories to automate production processes, and self-driving cars to navigate safely on the roads.

While the future of AI presents exciting prospects, it also brings forth certain challenges. These include job displacement, ethical concerns, bias in AI systems, as well as privacy and security risks. It is essential to address these issues proactively to ensure that AI technologies are deployed responsibly and in a way that benefits society as a whole.

In conclusion, the future of AI is bright and promising. As we continue to explore the potential of this technology, it is crucial to strike a balance between innovation and responsibility. By doing so, we can harness the power of AI to drive positive change and shape a better future for all.

PowerPoint Presentation

A PowerPoint presentation is a popular format for delivering information visually in a slideshow format. It is widely used for business meetings, educational presentations, and conferences. PowerPoint, often referred to as PPT, is a software tool that allows users to create and present slides filled with text, images, charts, and multimedia elements.

In the context of exploring the future of artificial intelligence (AI), PowerPoint presentations can be an effective way to convey predictions, trends, and outlooks for the field. With AI rapidly advancing, a PowerPoint presentation can showcase the potential applications, challenges, and opportunities that lie ahead.

During a PowerPoint presentation on the future of AI, presenters can discuss various topics, such as the role of AI in healthcare, transportation, finance, and entertainment. They can explore the ethical considerations surrounding AI development, including privacy and bias. The presentation can also delve into the potential impact of AI on the job market and workforce, as well as the need for responsible AI development.

Visual aids provided by a PowerPoint presentation can help the audience better understand complex concepts and grasp the potential advancements in the field of artificial intelligence. With an engaging and informative PowerPoint slideshow, the audience can gain a deeper understanding of AI and its future potential.

Outlook on Artificial Intelligence PowerPoint

In the world of presentations, PowerPoint has established itself as a go-to tool for creating dynamic and engaging slideshows. This versatile software has also found its use in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) as a powerful medium for sharing knowledge, research, and predictions.

PowerPoint presentations on AI provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of artificial intelligence, its applications, and the potential for future advancements. These presentations allow researchers, professionals, and enthusiasts to showcase their work and findings, and discuss the latest developments in the field.

The use of PowerPoint for AI presentations allows for the integration of visual elements such as images, charts, and graphs, which help illustrate complex concepts and data. This visual approach aids in improving understanding and engagement, making it an effective tool for communicating ideas and research findings.

When creating an AI PowerPoint presentation, it is important to consider the audience and their level of familiarity with the topic. By tailoring the content and language accordingly, presenters can ensure that the information is accessible and understandable to a wide range of viewers.

Looking ahead, the future outlook for AI PowerPoint presentations is promising. As AI continues to advance and new discoveries are made, PowerPoint will remain an essential platform for sharing and showcasing these advancements. It will enable researchers and professionals to present their predictions for the future of artificial intelligence, offering valuable insights into what lies ahead.

In summary, PowerPoint presentations on artificial intelligence provide a versatile and engaging medium for sharing knowledge and predictions. As the field of AI continues to evolve, PowerPoint presentations will undoubtedly play a significant role in shaping our understanding and shaping the future of artificial intelligence.

Future of AI Presentation

When it comes to exploring the future of artificial intelligence, PowerPoint is an invaluable tool. With its slideshow format and interactive features, PowerPoint enables us to effectively convey the potential of AI in a clear and engaging manner.

The Power of AI in Presentations

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized the way we create and deliver presentations. With AI-powered features, such as automated slide design suggestions and real-time language translation, PowerPoint allows us to focus on the content and storytelling aspect of our presentation, while the AI takes care of the visual and technical details.

Furthermore, AI can analyze audience feedback and engagement during a presentation, providing valuable insights to help us improve and customize our delivery. This feedback loop ensures that our future presentations are more impactful and resonate with our audience on a deeper level.

The Outlook for AI in Presentations

The future of AI in presentations is promising. As AI technology continues to advance, we can expect even more sophisticated features and capabilities in PowerPoint and other presentation software. These advancements will empower presenters to create visually stunning and personalized presentations that captivate and inspire their audience.

Moreover, AI will enhance the accessibility of presentations, enabling automated closed captioning, sign language interpretation, and other inclusive features. This ensures that everyone, regardless of their hearing or visual abilities, can fully engage with and benefit from presentations.

In conclusion, AI has transformed PowerPoint presentations, making them more dynamic, insightful, and accessible. As we look to the future, the integration of AI in presentation software will continue to revolutionize the way we communicate, educate, and inspire through presentations.

Predictions for the Future of AI Slideshow

As technology continues to advance at an exponential pace, the future of artificial intelligence (AI) looks promising. In the world of PowerPoint presentations, AI is poised to revolutionize the way we create and deliver slideshows.

Here are some predictions for the future of AI in PowerPoint presentations:

  • Automated Slide Design: AI will be able to analyze the content of a presentation and automatically generate visually appealing slide designs. This will save presenters time and ensure that their slides are engaging and professional-looking.
  • Real-time Translation: With AI, PowerPoint presentations will be able to provide real-time translation for international audiences. This will break down language barriers and allow presenters to reach a global audience.
  • Intelligent Content Suggestions: AI will be able to analyze the content of a presentation and provide intelligent suggestions for additional information or relevant examples. This will help presenters enhance their presentations and provide valuable insights to their audience.
  • Interactive Slides: AI-powered presentations will allow for interactive elements, such as quizzes, polls, and surveys, to increase audience engagement and participation. This will make presentations more dynamic and interactive.
  • Speech Recognition and Voice Commands: AI will enable PowerPoint presentations to recognize speech and respond to voice commands. Presenters will be able to control their slideshows using natural language, making the presentation process more seamless and intuitive.

These predictions for the future of AI in PowerPoint presentations demonstrate the potential for artificial intelligence to greatly enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of presentations. By harnessing the power of AI, presenters can create more engaging, customized, and interactive slideshows that will captivate their audience.

Understanding Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science that focuses on the development of intelligent machines. It involves creating computer programs and systems that can perform tasks that usually require human intelligence, such as speech recognition, decision-making, problem-solving, and learning.

The Power of PowerPoint Presentations

When it comes to presenting information about AI, PowerPoint presentations (PPTs) are an effective tool. PPTs allow you to visually communicate complex concepts and data in a clear and organized manner. By using images, charts, and graphs, you can convey key points and engage your audience.

PowerPoint presentations are also a great way to structure your content and guide your audience through the topic of artificial intelligence. You can use different slides to explain different aspects of AI, such as its history, applications, challenges, and future outlook.

The Future Outlook of Artificial Intelligence

The future of AI is promising, with many exciting developments on the horizon. AI is being integrated into various industries, including healthcare, finance, transportation, and entertainment. It has the potential to revolutionize these industries by improving efficiency, accuracy, and decision-making.

However, the future of AI also raises important questions and challenges. Ethical considerations, such as privacy and bias, need to be addressed to ensure that AI is used responsibly and for the benefit of humanity. Additionally, there is a need for ongoing research and collaboration to advance AI technologies and mitigate potential risks.

  • In conclusion, understanding artificial intelligence is crucial in the digital age. It’s important to stay informed about the latest developments in AI and be aware of its potential impact on society. By using PowerPoint presentations, you can effectively communicate the concepts and implications of AI to a wide audience.

The Evolution of AI Technology

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly evolved over the years, transforming various industries and impacting our daily lives. In this slideshow presentation, we will explore the future of AI and make predictions for its outlook.

Predictions for the Future of AI

AI is expected to continue advancing at an unprecedented rate, with new breakthroughs and innovations on the horizon. Some key predictions include:

The Role of PowerPoint in AI Presentation

PowerPoint (PPT) presentations are an effective way to convey information about the future of AI. With its visually appealing slides and interactive features, PowerPoint allows presenters to engage the audience and present complex concepts in a simplified manner.

By utilizing PowerPoint’s capabilities, presenters can create engaging and informative AI presentations, showcasing the evolution and potential impact of AI technology.

Impacts of AI on Society

The outlook for artificial intelligence (AI) is immense, with predictions indicating that AI will greatly transform society in the years to come. As we create more advanced AI systems, the impacts on various aspects of society will become more pronounced.

One of the main impacts of AI is on the job market. AI technologies can automate tasks that were previously done by humans, leading to concerns about job displacement. However, AI also has the potential to create new job opportunities in fields such as AI development, data analysis, and machine learning.

AI also has the potential to revolutionize healthcare. With the ability to analyze vast amounts of medical data, AI can help diagnose diseases more accurately and assist in developing personalized treatment plans. This could lead to improved patient outcomes and more efficient healthcare systems.

In addition to healthcare, AI can also enhance transportation systems. Self-driving cars and AI-powered traffic management systems have the potential to reduce accidents, improve traffic flow, and minimize travel time. This could lead to safer and more efficient transportation networks.

Furthermore, AI can transform the way we interact with technology. Voice assistants and chatbots powered by AI are becoming increasingly common, allowing for more natural and intuitive interactions. AI can also be used to personalize recommendations and provide targeted advertisements, enhancing user experiences.

However, there are also potential drawbacks and challenges associated with AI. Issues such as privacy concerns, algorithmic bias, and job displacement need to be addressed to ensure the responsible development and deployment of AI technologies.

In conclusion, the impacts of AI on society are vast and encompass various sectors such as the job market, healthcare, transportation, and technology interaction. It is crucial to monitor and address the potential benefits and challenges associated with AI to ensure a positive and sustainable future.

The Role of AI in Healthcare

In the future, as AI continues to advance, its impact on healthcare could be profound. AI has the potential to revolutionize the way healthcare is delivered, from diagnosis to treatment.

Improved Diagnosis

AI-powered systems can analyze vast amounts of medical data, including patient records, lab results, and imaging studies, to help healthcare professionals make more accurate and timely diagnoses. This can lead to earlier detection of diseases, more effective treatment plans, and improved patient outcomes.

Personalized Treatment

AI can also be used to develop personalized treatment plans based on an individual’s unique genetic makeup, medical history, and lifestyle factors. This can help doctors tailor treatments to each patient’s specific needs, increasing the likelihood of successful outcomes.

Furthermore, AI can assist in monitoring patients remotely, predicting potential health issues before they become critical, and even predicting outbreaks of infectious diseases.

Outlook and Predictions

The future of AI in healthcare looks promising. With ongoing advancements in technology and the increasing availability of big data, AI has the potential to transform healthcare in ways we can only begin to imagine.

As AI becomes more integrated into healthcare systems, there will be a need for industry leaders to establish guidelines and regulations to ensure the ethical and responsible use of AI. It will also be important to address concerns about data security and patient privacy.

PowerPoint Presentation: The Future of AI

As we look ahead to the future, AI has the potential to revolutionize healthcare and improve patient outcomes. By harnessing the power of AI, we can expect more accurate diagnoses, personalized treatment plans, and improved overall quality of care.

With the right approach and proper implementation, AI has the potential to be a game-changer in healthcare, transforming the way we approach medicine and ultimately saving lives.

AI in Education: Enhancing Learning

In today’s digital age, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in education has become increasingly prevalent. AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we teach and learn, making education more personalized, interactive, and effective.

One of the key ways in which AI can enhance learning is through the use of intelligent tutoring systems. These systems can analyze a student’s performance and provide personalized feedback, tailored to their individual needs. This not only helps students to learn at their own pace, but also ensures that they receive targeted support in areas where they may be struggling.

Another area where AI can have a significant impact is in automating administrative tasks. AI-powered systems can streamline various administrative processes, such as grading papers and organizing schedules, allowing educators to focus more on teaching and supporting their students.

Furthermore, AI can facilitate the creation of interactive and engaging educational materials. With AI-powered slideshow presentations, such as PowerPoint, teachers can create dynamic and visually appealing lessons that capture students’ attention and enhance their understanding of the subject matter.

The artificial intelligence outlook for education is promising. As AI continues to advance, we can expect to see more innovative applications in the field of education. From virtual reality simulations to personalized learning platforms, AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we learn and teach in the future.

In conclusion, AI has the power to transform education by enhancing learning experiences. Whether it’s through personalized tutoring, automation of administrative tasks, or the creation of interactive educational materials, AI has the potential to revolutionize education and provide students with a more engaging and effective learning environment.

AI in Business: Improving Efficiency

In the dynamic world of business, improving efficiency is key to staying competitive. With the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), businesses are finding new and innovative ways to streamline operations and boost productivity.

The Outlook for AI in Business

AI has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses operate. By automating repetitive tasks and providing real-time insights, AI can help companies optimize processes and make data-driven decisions. The integration of AI into various business functions, such as customer service, sales, and supply chain management, can lead to significant improvements in efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

AI’s impact can also be seen in the realm of presentations through tools like PowerPoint. With AI-powered features, such as automated design suggestions and intelligent content creation, creating engaging and visually appealing slideshows has never been easier. These AI-driven capabilities enable presenters to save time, enhance the impact of their message, and captivate their audience.

Predictions for the Future

The future of AI in business looks promising. As technology continues to advance, AI is expected to play an even larger role in improving efficiency. Businesses will leverage AI to automate routine tasks, optimize resource allocation, and make more accurate predictions. Additionally, AI-driven solutions will assist in identifying patterns, detecting anomalies, and mitigating risks, thus enhancing overall business performance.

As AI continues to evolve, it is crucial for businesses to adapt and embrace its potential. By harnessing the power of AI, companies can unlock new opportunities, drive innovation, and achieve higher levels of efficiency in the ever-changing business landscape.

Challenges and Ethical Considerations of AI

Predictions on the future outlook of artificial intelligence (AI) have been a key focus of many presentations, including PowerPoint slideshows. As AI continues to advance, it brings with it a number of challenges and ethical considerations that must be carefully addressed.

Privacy and Data Security

One of the major concerns when it comes to AI is the privacy and security of data. As AI systems collect and analyze vast amounts of personal data, there is a risk of this information being misused or falling into the wrong hands. Stricter regulations and protocols need to be established to ensure the protection of individuals’ privacy and the security of sensitive information.

Transparency and Accountability

Another challenge is transparency and accountability in AI systems. AI algorithms can be complex and difficult to understand, making it challenging to identify biases or errors in their decision-making processes. To build trust in AI technology, it is crucial to develop methods for explaining how AI systems arrive at their conclusions and to establish mechanisms for oversight and accountability.

These are just a few of the challenges and ethical considerations that must be taken into account as we continue to explore the future of AI. By addressing these issues proactively, we can ensure that AI technologies are developed and deployed in a responsible and beneficial manner.

Advances in Natural Language Processing

In the powerpoint era, artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we interact with computers, and natural language processing (NLP) is at the forefront of this revolution. NLP is a branch of AI that focuses on the interaction between computers and human language, and it has made significant advancements in recent years.

NLP has grown rapidly, thanks to the advancements in AI and machine learning. Researchers have developed algorithms and models that can understand and generate human language, enabling machines to communicate with humans in a more natural and intuitive way. These advances have paved the way for applications such as voice assistants and chatbots that can understand and respond to human queries.

Predictive Analytics

One of the key areas where NLP has made significant strides is in predictive analytics. By analyzing and understanding human language, NLP algorithms can extract valuable insights from large amounts of unstructured text data. This has opened up new opportunities for businesses to gain valuable insights from customer feedback, social media posts, and other sources of text data.

NLP-powered predictive analytics can help businesses make more informed decisions, identify trends, and detect anomalies. By understanding the sentiment behind customer reviews or social media posts, companies can take proactive steps to improve their products and services. NLP algorithms can also be used to analyze legal documents, medical records, and other forms of text data, enabling faster and more accurate analysis.

The Future Outlook

The future of NLP looks promising, with ongoing research and development in the field. NLP algorithms are constantly improving and becoming more sophisticated, enabling machines to better understand and generate human language. This opens up exciting possibilities in various sectors, including healthcare, customer service, and content creation.

As AI continues to evolve, natural language processing will play a crucial role in bridging the gap between humans and machines. The predictions for the future of NLP are optimistic, and it is expected to have a profound impact on the way we interact with technology. From voice-controlled devices to advanced translation tools, NLP is set to revolutionize the way we communicate and use AI-powered technologies.

Machine Learning: The Driving Force of AI

In the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning has emerged as the driving force behind many groundbreaking advancements. Machine learning refers to the ability of computers to learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed, allowing them to make predictions, recognize patterns, and solve complex problems.

When it comes to AI, machine learning is at the forefront of research and development. It is the key technology that enables computers to learn from vast amounts of data, adapt to changing circumstances, and continuously improve their performance. Machine learning algorithms are designed to analyze large datasets, identify patterns and trends, and make accurate predictions.

The Outlook for Machine Learning

Machine learning has already revolutionized various industries, including healthcare, finance, and manufacturing. Its potential for advancement is only expected to grow, with experts predicting significant developments in the coming years.

In the field of healthcare, machine learning algorithms are being used to analyze medical images, predict disease outcomes, and assist in clinical decision-making. This has the potential to improve diagnosis accuracy, enhance patient care, and save lives.

In finance, machine learning is being employed for fraud detection, risk assessment, and algorithmic trading. By analyzing vast amounts of financial data, machine learning models can identify suspicious patterns and flag potential fraudulent activities.

The future of machine learning in manufacturing is also promising. By leveraging predictive analytics and machine learning algorithms, manufacturers can optimize production processes, reduce downtime, and improve overall efficiency.

In conclusion, machine learning is the driving force behind the future of AI. Its ability to learn from data and make predictions has already led to significant advancements across various industries. As technology continues to evolve, machine learning is expected to play an increasingly vital role in our daily lives, revolutionizing the way we live, work, and interact with AI-powered systems.

Deep Learning and Neural Networks

As we look into the future of artificial intelligence (AI), there is no doubt that deep learning and neural networks will play a significant role. These advanced technologies have revolutionized the field of AI and are driving innovations in various sectors.

Deep learning refers to a subset of machine learning that utilizes artificial neural networks to mimic the human brain’s ability to learn and make decisions. It involves training algorithms with large amounts of data to recognize patterns and make accurate predictions. This approach has proven to be highly effective in tasks such as image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and autonomous driving.

The PPT Outlook for Deep Learning

When it comes to creating a PowerPoint presentation (PPT) on the topic of deep learning, there are several key aspects to consider. Firstly, it is important to provide a clear definition and understanding of deep learning, emphasizing its connection to neural networks.

Next, the presentation should highlight the impact of deep learning on various industries, such as healthcare, finance, and manufacturing. The ability of deep learning algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data and derive meaningful insights has the potential to revolutionize these sectors.

Predictions for the Future of Deep Learning and AI

Looking ahead, the future of deep learning and AI holds great promise. The constant advancements in computing power and data availability continue to fuel the development of more sophisticated deep learning models. These models have the potential to solve increasingly complex problems and make accurate predictions in various domains.

Furthermore, the integration of deep learning with other emerging technologies, such as quantum computing and augmented reality, opens up new possibilities for AI applications. This synergy could lead to significant breakthroughs and advancements in the field.

In conclusion, deep learning and neural networks are set to shape the future of AI. By understanding the potential of these technologies and exploring their applications, we can harness their power to drive innovation and create a future where artificial intelligence plays a central role in transforming industries and improving our lives.

AI and Robotics: The Future of Automation

Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics have long been subjects of fascination and speculation. In recent years, these technologies have made significant advancements, and their potential for automation has become a reality. The combination of AI and robotics has the potential to revolutionize various industries, from manufacturing to healthcare to transportation.

As we delve into the future of automation, it is crucial to consider the role of AI and robotics. These technologies can help simplify complex tasks, increase efficiency, and reduce human error. With AI’s ability to analyze vast amounts of data and make predictions, it can make informed decisions and optimize processes in a way that humans cannot.

In the world of PowerPoint presentations, the incorporation of AI and robotics can enhance the overall slideshow experience. With AI-powered presentation tools, such as automatic speech recognition and natural language processing, presentations can be created and delivered seamlessly. These tools can even provide real-time feedback and suggestions for improvement, making the presentation process more efficient and effective.

Looking ahead, the outlook for AI and robotics is promising. Predictions suggest that AI will continue to advance, leading to even more sophisticated robots and automation systems. These advancements could have a profound impact on various industries, potentially transforming the way we work and live.

The future of AI and robotics in automation is not without its challenges. Ethical considerations surrounding AI, such as privacy and job displacement, need to be carefully addressed. However, with proper regulation and ethical frameworks in place, AI and robotics can be leveraged to create a more sustainable and inclusive future.

In conclusion, AI and robotics have the potential to revolutionize automation. With AI’s ability to analyze data and make predictions, paired with robotics’ physical capabilities, these technologies can transform various industries. As we continue to explore the future of AI, it is essential to consider the ethical implications and ensure that these technologies are used responsibly for the benefit of society.

AI in Financial Services: Revolutionizing Banking

In the ever-evolving world of finance, artificial intelligence (AI) is playing a crucial role in revolutionizing banking. With the rapid advancement of technology, there is an increasing adoption of AI in financial services. This section of the presentation aims to explore the impact and potential of AI in the banking industry.

AI-powered systems have the ability to analyze vast amounts of data and make accurate predictions, which can help banks improve their decision-making processes. From fraud detection and prevention to personalized financial recommendations, AI offers a range of applications that can enhance the overall customer experience.

One of the key areas where AI is transforming the banking industry is in customer service. Through the use of AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants, banks can provide instant and personalized support to their customers. These AI systems can handle routine customer queries, offer financial advice, and even assist customers in making transactions.

Another significant application of AI in banking is in risk assessment and management. With AI algorithms that can analyze historical data and market trends, banks can make more informed decisions when it comes to evaluating loan applications, detecting potential fraudulent activities, and managing investment portfolios.

  • AI can also be utilized in the field of investment banking, where algorithms can analyze large amounts of financial data and provide valuable insights to traders and investors. This can contribute to more accurate predictions and better investment strategies.
  • Furthermore, AI can help banks automate repetitive tasks and streamline processes, leading to increased efficiency and cost savings. From automating document processing to optimizing compliance procedures, AI has the potential to revolutionize the way banks operate.
  • Looking into the future, the outlook for AI in the financial services industry is promising. As technology continues to advance, AI systems will become more sophisticated and capable of performing complex tasks. This will lead to further improvements in efficiency, accuracy, and security within the banking sector.

In conclusion, AI has the potential to revolutionize the banking industry. From improving customer service to enhancing risk assessment and management, AI-powered solutions offer numerous benefits for banks and their customers. As we continue to explore the future of AI, it is clear that it will play a significant role in shaping the future of financial services.

AI in Transportation: The Road Ahead

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming various industries, and transportation is no exception. As technology continues to advance, the use of AI in transportation is becoming increasingly prevalent, offering numerous benefits and paving the way for the future of intelligent transportation systems.

AI refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and problem-solving. With its ability to process vast amounts of data and learn from it, AI has the potential to revolutionize the transportation industry in numerous ways.

AI-powered systems can enhance safety by employing computer vision to detect potential hazards on the road and provide real-time alerts to drivers. This technology can also help reduce traffic congestion by analyzing traffic patterns and optimizing routes, ultimately improving the overall efficiency of transportation networks.

Looking ahead, the future of AI in transportation holds several exciting possibilities. Autonomous vehicles, for example, are a hot topic in the industry. With the integration of AI, these vehicles could navigate roads and make decisions without human intervention, potentially reducing accidents caused by driver error and increasing fuel efficiency.

Moreover, AI could help transform public transportation systems by providing real-time data on schedules, delays, and optimal routes. Commuters could have access to personalized travel recommendations, resulting in smoother and more efficient journeys. Additionally, AI could lead to the development of smart transportation grids that can dynamically adapt to changing conditions and ensure more sustainable and eco-friendly transportation options.

In conclusion, AI has the potential to revolutionize the transportation industry, offering numerous benefits such as improved safety, reduced congestion, and more efficient travel. As technology continues to evolve, the integration of AI in transportation will likely continue to advance, shaping the future of intelligent transportation systems.

AI in Entertainment: Enhancing User Experience

As AI continues to develop and advance, its presence in the entertainment industry is becoming more prominent. With the ability to predict user preferences and tailor content, AI is enhancing the user experience in various forms of entertainment.

Predictive Algorithms for Personalized Content

One of the key applications of AI in entertainment is the use of predictive algorithms to deliver personalized content to users. AI can analyze vast amounts of data, including user preferences and viewing habits, to make accurate predictions about what content individuals are likely to enjoy. This allows entertainment platforms to recommend relevant movies, TV shows, music, and more, increasing user engagement and satisfaction.

The Outlook for AI in Entertainment

The future of AI in entertainment looks promising. With ongoing advancements in artificial intelligence, the capabilities of AI-driven entertainment technologies are expanding. Virtual reality and augmented reality, combined with AI, have the potential to revolutionize the way we consume and interact with entertainment media. From immersive gaming experiences to interactive storytelling, AI is shaping the future of entertainment.

In conclusion, AI is transforming the entertainment industry by enhancing the user experience through personalized content recommendations and exploring new frontiers in immersive entertainment. As AI continues to evolve, it opens up exciting possibilities for the future of entertainment.

AI in Manufacturing: Transforming the Industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the manufacturing industry, bringing advancements that were once considered science fiction to reality. This presentation explores the future impact of AI on the manufacturing sector, providing insights and predictions on how it will transform the industry.

Increasing Efficiency and Automation

One of the key benefits of AI in manufacturing is its ability to increase efficiency and automation. AI-powered robots and machines can perform tasks with greater speed and precision, reducing the time and effort required. This not only leads to improved productivity, but also reduces the risk of errors and accidents.

Optimizing Supply Chain Management

AI can also play a significant role in optimizing supply chain management. By analyzing large volumes of data, AI algorithms can identify patterns, anticipate demand, and optimize inventory levels. This enables manufacturers to streamline their supply chain operations, reducing costs and improving customer satisfaction.

Furthermore, AI can help in predicting and preventing equipment breakdowns. By monitoring sensor data in real time, AI algorithms can detect anomalies and alert maintenance teams before a breakdown occurs. This proactive approach minimizes downtime and maximizes production efficiency.

Overall, AI has the potential to revolutionize the manufacturing industry, providing manufacturers with new opportunities for growth and optimization. By harnessing the power of AI, manufacturers can achieve higher levels of productivity, efficiency, and competitiveness in the ever-evolving market.

AI and the Internet of Things

The outlook for the future of artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) is promising, as these two technologies continue to revolutionize various industries. AI, with its ability to analyze vast amounts of data and make predictions, has the potential to greatly enhance the capabilities of IoT devices.

One of the key areas where AI and IoT intersect is predictive maintenance. AI can analyze data collected by IoT devices, such as sensors embedded in machinery, and detect patterns that indicate potential failures. By identifying and addressing these issues before they escalate, companies can save significant resources and improve operational efficiency.

Predictions for AI and IoT

Experts predict that the integration of AI and IoT will continue to evolve and become more advanced in the coming years. Some key predictions for the future include:

  • Increased automation: AI-powered IoT devices will become more autonomous, making decisions and taking actions without human intervention.
  • Improved security: AI algorithms will be used to detect and prevent cyberattacks on IoT networks, enhancing overall system security.
  • Enhanced healthcare: AI-enabled IoT devices will play a crucial role in remote patient monitoring, enabling doctors to monitor vital signs and provide timely interventions.

As AI and IoT technology continue to advance, incorporating them into PowerPoint presentations (ppt) can help presenters showcase the potential benefits and applications of these technologies. By using visually engaging slides and clear explanations, presenters can effectively communicate the value of AI and IoT to their audience.

Quantum Computing and AI

Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize artificial intelligence (AI) by vastly increasing the processing power available for AI algorithms. Traditional computers operate using bits, which can represent either a 0 or a 1. Quantum computers, on the other hand, use qubits, which can represent both 0 and 1 simultaneously, thanks to a phenomenon known as superposition.

This ability to represent multiple values at once means that quantum computers can perform certain calculations much more efficiently than classical computers. This has significant implications for AI, as it could allow for the development of more advanced algorithms that are capable of processing massive amounts of data and performing complex computations.

With the integration of quantum computing and AI, we can expect even more intelligent systems that are capable of learning and adapting in real-time. Quantum AI could enable breakthroughs in areas such as natural language processing, computer vision, and machine learning.

In terms of outlook, the combination of quantum computing and AI presents exciting possibilities. It could lead to faster and more accurate predictions, as well as improved data analysis and decision-making capabilities. In a PowerPoint presentation, this topic could be emphasized by using visuals and diagrams that highlight the potential impact of quantum computing on AI.

Furthermore, incorporating quantum computing into AI can open up new avenues for research and development. It provides an opportunity to explore cutting-edge techniques and models that were previously inaccessible due to computational limitations.

As the future unfolds, the relationship between quantum computing and AI will continue to evolve. It is an area of ongoing research and innovation, and the possibilities for advancements are endless. In a slideshow or ppt presentation, this section can be concluded by summarizing the key points and leaving the audience with the anticipation of what lies ahead in the future of artificial intelligence and quantum computing.

AI and Cybersecurity: Protecting the Future

The future of artificial intelligence (AI) holds great promise for optimizing various aspects of our lives, but it also presents new challenges, particularly in the realm of cybersecurity. As AI continues to evolve and become more prevalent in our society, it’s crucial to address the potential risks and vulnerabilities that come along with this technology.

PowerPoint presentations provide an excellent platform for discussing the future of AI and its impact on various industries, including cybersecurity. AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we protect our digital assets and enhance our ability to detect and respond to cyber threats.

AI-Powered Cybersecurity Solutions

AI can contribute to cybersecurity in multiple ways, such as:

  • Advanced Threat Detection: AI algorithms can analyze large amounts of data in real-time to identify patterns and abnormalities that could signify a cyber attack. This enables early detection and prevention of potential breaches.
  • Automated Incident Response: AI-powered systems can autonomously respond to detected threats, minimizing the time required for human intervention and reducing the impact of cyber attacks.
  • Enhanced User Authentication: AI can improve authentication methods by analyzing user behavior patterns, biometric data, and contextual information to ensure more secure access to systems and reduce the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Data Security and Privacy: AI can assist in identifying vulnerabilities in data systems and enhancing encryption techniques to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access and exposure.

PowerPoint Presentation on AI and Cybersecurity

Creating a PowerPoint slideshow on AI and cybersecurity offers an effective way to convey the importance of protecting our digital future. The presentation should include relevant statistics, examples of AI-driven cyber attacks, and strategies for implementing AI-based security measures.

In conclusion, the future of AI offers tremendous potential for improving cybersecurity measures. However, it’s essential to understand the risks and vulnerabilities that AI presents and invest in AI-powered solutions to safeguard our digital landscape.

Future Job Market: Skills for AI-powered Careers

In the future, artificial intelligence (AI) is predicted to play an increasingly prominent role in various industries. As AI technology continues to advance, it is expected to revolutionize the job market and create new opportunities for individuals with AI-related skills.

According to a PowerPoint presentation on the future of AI, the job market outlook for AI-powered careers is promising. The slideshow predicts an increasing demand for professionals skilled in AI and machine learning. This demand is driven by the growing need for intelligent systems that can analyze and interpret large amounts of data.

Key Skills for AI-powered Careers

To thrive in the future job market, individuals interested in AI-powered careers will need to develop specific skills. The presentation outlines several key skills that will be crucial for success:

  • Machine Learning: Proficiency in machine learning algorithms and techniques will be essential for creating and training AI models that can learn from data.
  • Data Science: Expertise in data analysis, statistics, and data visualization will be necessary for understanding and making sense of the vast amount of data AI systems will analyze.
  • Programming: Proficiency in programming languages such as Python, R, and Java will enable individuals to develop and implement AI algorithms and applications.
  • Ethics: An understanding of ethical considerations surrounding AI, such as bias, privacy, and accountability, will be crucial for developing responsible and trustworthy AI systems.
  • Critical Thinking: The ability to think critically and solve complex problems will be essential for addressing the challenges and limitations of AI technology.

The Importance of Continuous Learning

As AI technology continues to evolve, it is essential for individuals to embrace continuous learning. The presentation emphasizes the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in AI and continuously acquiring new skills.

By continuously learning and acquiring new skills, individuals can position themselves for success in the AI-powered job market of the future. The PowerPoint presentation concludes with the message that embracing AI and developing the necessary skills is essential for individuals looking to excel in the evolving job market.

Investing in the Future of AI

When it comes to the future of artificial intelligence (AI), investing in its development is crucial. As shown in this PowerPoint presentation, the outlook for AI is incredibly promising.

AI has already made significant advancements and is being integrated into various industries and sectors. From healthcare to finance, AI technology is transforming the way we live and work.

Investing in AI is not just about allocating funds, but also about understanding the potential impact it can have on businesses and society as a whole. By investing in AI research and development, organizations can stay ahead in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.

In this slideshow, we explore some predictions for the future of AI and the opportunities it presents. With AI becoming increasingly intelligent, the possibilities are endless.

As we delve deeper into the future of AI, it is essential to consider the ethical implications and ensure that AI technologies are developed responsibly and securely. The potential benefits of AI are vast, but so are the risks if not handled appropriately.

In conclusion, investing in the future of AI is not just a smart decision, but a necessary one. By embracing this powerful technology, we can unlock new capabilities and drive innovation to unprecedented heights.

Emerging Trends in AI Research

PowerPoint presentations on artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming increasingly popular as a way to educate and engage audiences. These AI-focused PPTs provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of AI research, as well as predictions and outlook for the future of this exciting field.

One of the key trends in AI research is the development of advanced algorithms and models that can better understand and process complex data. Machine learning techniques, such as deep learning, have shown great promise in improving AI’s ability to recognize patterns and make accurate predictions. This has led to significant advancements in various applications, such as natural language processing, computer vision, and autonomous vehicles.

Another emerging trend is the integration of AI with other technologies, such as big data analytics and the Internet of Things (IoT). By combining AI with these tools, researchers are able to unlock new possibilities and enable smarter decision-making. For example, AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are being used to enhance customer service experiences, while AI algorithms are helping to optimize energy consumption in smart homes and cities.

Furthermore, there is a growing focus on ethical considerations and responsible AI development. As AI becomes more powerful and ubiquitous, there is a need to ensure that it is used ethically and responsibly. This includes addressing biases in AI algorithms, protecting data privacy, and ensuring transparency in AI decision-making processes. Research in this area aims to create guidelines and frameworks to guide the responsible development and deployment of AI technologies.

In summary, the field of AI research is constantly evolving, with new and exciting trends emerging. PowerPoint presentations provide a valuable platform for sharing the latest advancements and predictions in artificial intelligence. By staying informed and engaged with the latest research, we can better understand the impact of AI on our world and harness its potential for the benefit of society.

What is the future of AI?

The future of AI is promising. It is expected to revolutionize various industries and bring about significant changes in the way we live and work. AI has the potential to automate mundane tasks, improve efficiency, and enhance decision-making processes. It can also pave the way for the development of advanced technologies such as autonomous vehicles, smart homes, and personalized medicine.

How will AI impact the job market?

AI is likely to have a significant impact on the job market. While it may lead to the automation of certain tasks and job roles, it can also create new job opportunities. AI can be used to augment human skills and enhance productivity in various industries. However, it is important to ensure that individuals are equipped with the necessary skills to adapt to the changing job market and work alongside AI technologies.

What are the current challenges and limitations of AI?

Despite its potential, AI still faces several challenges and limitations. One of the main challenges is the lack of transparency and interpretability of AI algorithms. This can make it difficult to understand how AI systems make decisions, leading to issues of bias and trust. Another limitation is the reliance on large amounts of data, which can be a barrier in certain applications where data collection is difficult. Additionally, ethical and privacy concerns surrounding AI deployment need to be addressed to ensure responsible and accountable use of the technology.

What are the ethical implications of AI?

AI raises various ethical implications that need to be addressed. One concern is the potential for AI to perpetuate existing biases and discrimination. AI systems learn from data, and if the data is biased, the AI algorithms can replicate and amplify these biases. Another ethical consideration is the impact of AI on privacy. AI systems often require access to large amounts of personal data, raising concerns about data security and privacy breaches. Additionally, there are debates around the ethical use of AI in areas such as autonomous weapons and job displacement.

What are some potential applications of AI in the future?

AI has a wide range of potential applications in the future. It can be used in healthcare to help diagnose diseases, develop personalized treatment plans, and improve patient outcomes. In transportation, AI can enable the development of autonomous vehicles, leading to safer and more efficient transportation systems. In education, AI can personalize learning experiences and provide individualized feedback to students. AI can also be applied in the fields of finance, cybersecurity, agriculture, and many others.

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Future Technology Ideas That Can Bring Revolution in Coming Years

Future Technology Ideas That Can Bring Revolution in Coming Years

Sheikha Tickoo


“ Our future world will have to find equilibrium in the technology pendulum swing ”, this quote from Stephane Nappo fits perfectly in today's world as technology is not still and reshaping our lives in numerous ways.

Future Technology and Innovation

The science concepts that institutions are bringing to life for students are because of Augmented Reality (AR technology). At the same time, the ten times faster network speed that you will experience because of the 5G network is a technological advancement. Moreover, the quick response you get from chatbots when looking for support is because of AI. The buzz of domestic technology: smart mirrors, robotic vacuum cleaners, and internet-connected devices are because of the Internet of Things ( IoT). These engrossing technologies were once seen in science fiction. Now, these future technology ideas have the potential to change the world. With this, you can see how technology never stands still, and we are encompassed with these tech solutions.

High-end technologies make challenges possible. Hence, where there is tech, there are never-ending possibilities. These technologies are at the edge of revamping the future of businesses. With emerging tech, companies can gain unrivaled capabilities to transform their businesses in the coming years. The future of science technology and innovation has dramatically accelerated, and these high-end tech ideas will change the world. 

Read this article to know about the top future technologies that will pave a way for an unimaginable future. Also, you will find some of the best future technology PPT templates to explain the emerging tech to people around you. 

1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Future Technology 

It was in 2021 when the market size of AI was valued at 328.34 billion USD. Today, the projected growth is 387.45 billion USD in 2022 to 1394.30 billion by 2029. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most discussed future technology topics , and for good reason. AI technology is rapidly increasing and getting incorporated into everything from IT to healthcare industries, and it's only going to become more prevalent in the years to come. One of the most exciting developments in AI is supervised learning, which allows machines to learn from labeled data sets and make predictions based on that data. This technology has the potential to revolutionize industries such as finance, marketing, and healthcare, allowing companies to make more accurate predictions and better decisions. Supervised learning in AI will bring transformation in the coming years.

Moreover, AI is not just about improving efficiency and accuracy. It's also able to create remarkable images, logos, and artwork. With AI-powered design tools, companies can create stunning visuals quickly and easily, without the need for a professional designer.

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Differences Between Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

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     2.  5G Technology

The fifth-generation network has been generating significant buzz as it promises to deliver data speeds ten times faster than its predecessor. The most widely-discussed technology in this regard is 5G, and it is projected that by 2025, there will be three billion 5G subscriptions. Businesses that leverage the ultra-fast speed of 5G will be able to reap the benefits of lightning-fast connectivity. This technology will not have any data caps and has the potential to take innovation to the next level. 5G is something beyond our imagination and marks the beginning of the next big transformation in the industry.

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5g wireless communication

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   3. Nanotechnology

The technological revolution is on the verge of transforming the globe, and the small changes around us are evidence. Engineers and scientists believe that nanotechnology is one such emerging tech having the potential to save the environment and increase energy consumption efficiently. This technology deals with nano matters which are approximately 1 to 100 nanometers. In Nanotechnology, you will see nanobots are there to check human health. These microscopic nanobots monitor human health to track the issues. The future of nanotechnology is vast, and with its help, doctors can implant tiny sensors in human bodies.

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   4. Cybersecurity 

Today's age is the golden age for hackers, and cybercriminals are everywhere. Cybersecurity is the only solution for ransomware attacks and data breaches in this era. As per global research, the cybersecurity market will hit 170.4 billion dollars by 2022. Enterprises are prone to AI-enabled phishing attacks which can lead to significant consequences. Hence, to keep security intact, organizations are increasingly investing in cybersecurity. Another key point, by the year 2025, you will see more than 60% of organizations will adopt cybersecurity. You can download our future technology ppt templates from our website. 

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Effective Cybersecurity management

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5. Cloud Computing

The adoption of cloud computing is a boon for the IT world, and nowadays, it has been dominated by other platforms like AWS and Google Cloud Platform. Moreover, if you haven't heard about edge computing, it is something new that has fairly taken a place in the tech world. By 2023, edge computing is expected to reach 6.72 billion dollars. Edge computing makes it easy to deal with increasing data and overcomes the shortcomings of cloud computing. These are definitely on their way to bringing a huge transformation.

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Cloud computing

6. Robotic Process Automation

RPA is definitely going to show developments in foreseeable future. With robotic process automation softwar e technology, managing and deploying software robots become easy. Automation is the future of the tech world and is creating new jobs for everyone. In the coming future, you will see businesses automating repetitive tasks and customer services with the help of RPA software. Revenue in Robotics automation will hit 2.6 Billion US dollars by 2026. With the evolution of robotic process automation companies can save abundant costs by cutting off mundane day-to-day work. Overall, RPA will help businesses improve their efficiency and gather valuable data.

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7. Blockchain 

The buzz of blockchain technology has taken all the attention, and by the year 2024, it is predicted to touch $19 billion. With the increase in the use of blockchain technology , the demand for skilled professionals has also increased. B

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15. AR and VR

Since its inception, it has not stopped bringing transformative effects. Augmented and virtual reality have touched millions of hearts and grabbed the big giants' attention. The forecasted market size of the technology is 1274.4 billion US dollars by 2030. AI, VR, and AR entered several businesses years ago, and in the coming future, you will see these technologies getting incorporated into businesses. Due to augmented reality, the virtual avatars of celebrities like Kizuna and Lil Miquela gained immense popularity.

All things considered, businesses believe that having 3D avatars will help them scale and reach the next level. So, this is the time to realize that AR is undoubtedly an innovative technology to transform fiction into reality. Moreover, it is more than entertainment because it is also a constructive business tool.

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Technology is evolving at an unprecedented pace, penetrating every corner of our lives. From smartphones to smart homes, from self-driving cars to smart cities, everything around us has become smarter. As we move forward, future technology trends are only going to increase, transforming the way we live, work, and interact with each other. With the rise of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and blockchain, we are witnessing a digital revolution that is reshaping the world as we know it. In this fast-paced world, staying up-to-date with the latest technology trends has become more critical than ever before.

  Futuristic technologies are composed to redefine our living style. Everything around us from AI-driven voice assistants to smart homes is evidence of technology coming along and finding its way into everything humans do.  The handful of examples of upcoming future technology ideas is the best hope to solve some of humanity's problems. Let's hope that technological advancements reshape our lives positively.

In conclusion, this article covers some tiny fragments of future technology ideas and innovative concepts that can transform the world into a better place. Also, is there something that we missed here? If yes and there are electrifying quantum leaps, kindly let us know by commenting below. At the present time, don't leave without having a glimpse at some of our amazing future technology PPT templates. Instead, look at them to download some for your presentations. 

What are the Merits and Demerits of Technology?

Merits : Technology has improved communication, increased efficiency, enhanced the quality of life, and provided access to information and services. It has revolutionized healthcare, education, and entertainment.

Demerits: Technology has led to increased social isolation, addiction, and dependency. It has also created privacy and security concerns, contributed to environmental degradation, and caused job loss through automation.

What are the top 5 technologies that can bring revolution?

1 . Artificial Intelligence : It has the potential to transform industries and revolutionize the way we work and live.

2. Blockchain : It can revolutionize industries like finance, supply chain, and online transactions by creating secure and transparent systems.

3. 5G Technology : It can enable faster data transfer rates, low latency, and greater connectivity, transforming the way we communicate and interact with devices.

4. Internet of Things (IoT) : It can revolutionize the way we live, from smart homes to smart cities, and transform industries like healthcare and transportation.

5. Quantum Computing : It can solve complex problems faster than traditional computers, transforming industries like finance, logistics, and healthcare.

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  • Top 20 Technology Templates for Techies to Excel
  • [Updated 2023]: Top 10 Data Science Templates To Enable Better Decision-Making
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  • Virtual Reality is the Future of Business (And These 15 PowerPoint Templates Will Show You Why)

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How our interconnected world is changing

Globalization isn’t going away, but it is changing, according to recent research  from the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI). In this episode of The McKinsey Podcast , MGI director Olivia White speaks with global editorial director Lucia Rahilly about the flows of goods, knowledge, and labor that drive global integration—and about what reshaping these flows might mean for our interconnected future.

After, global brewer AB InBev has flourished in the throes of what its CFO Fernando Tennenbaum describes as the recent “twists and turns.” Find out how in this excerpt from “ How to thrive in a downturn: A CFO perspective ,” recorded in December 2022 as part of our McKinsey Live series. 1 Please note that market conditions may have changed since this interview was conducted in December 2022.

The McKinsey Podcast is cohosted by Roberta Fusaro and Lucia Rahilly.

This transcript has been edited for clarity and length.

Globalization is here to stay

Lucia Rahilly: Pundits and other public figures have wrongly predicted the demise of globalization for what seems like years. Now, given the war in Ukraine and other disruptions, many are once again sounding its death knell. What does this new MGI research  tell us about the fate of globalization? Is it really in retreat?

Olivia White: The flows of goods, the real tangible stuff, have leveled off after nearly 20-plus years of growing at twice the rate of GDP. But the flows of goods kept pace with GDP and even rose a little bit, surprisingly, in the past couple of years. Since GDP has been growing, that means actual ties have gotten stronger.

One of the most striking findings from this research was that flows representing knowledge and know-how, such as IP and data, and flows of services and international students have accelerated and are now growing faster than the flow of goods. Flows of data grew by more than 40 percent per annum over the past ten years.

Lucia Rahilly: Goods are a smaller share of total flows, a smaller share of economic output, than in the past. That doesn’t necessarily sound like a bad thing. Could it be a sign of progress?

Olivia White: The fact that certain goods are growing less quickly than other types of flows shows this shift in our economy and what’s most important to the way the economy functions. It comes on the back of a long history of different factors that influence growth and shifts in the way patterns work. What’s happening, in part, is that a variety of countries are producing more domestically—first and foremost China. That has been driving a lot of the flow down, if you take the longitudinal view, over the past ten years versus before.

The world remains interdependent

Lucia Rahilly: How interdependent would you say we are at this stage? Could you give us some examples of the ways we’re interconnected?

Olivia White: The top line is, every region in the world depends on another significant region for at least 25 percent of a flow it values most.

In general, regions that are manufacturing regions—Europe, Asia–Pacific, and China, if we look at it on its own because it’s such a large economy—depend very strongly on the rest of the world for resources: food to some degree, but really energy and minerals of different sorts. I’ll give you a few examples.

In general, regions that are manufacturing regions depend very strongly on the rest of the world for resources: food to some degree, but really energy and minerals. Olivia White

China imports over 25 percent of its minerals, from places as far-flung as Brazil, Chile, and South Africa. China imports energy, particularly in the form of oil from the Middle East and Russia. Europe is emblematic of these forms of dependency on energy. It was dependent on Russia for over 50 percent of its energy, but now that has drastically changed.

In some other regions in the world—places that are resource rich, like the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America—those places are highly dependent on the rest of the world for their manufactured goods. Well over half the world’s population lives in those places. They import well over 50 percent of their electronics and similar amounts of their pharmaceuticals. They are highly dependent on other parts of the world for things that are really quite critical to development and for modern life.

North America is somewhat of a different story. We don’t have any single spot of quite as great a dependency, at least at the broad category level. We import close to 25 percent of what we use in net value terms across the spectrum, both of resources and of manufactured goods.

This doesn’t yet speak of data and IP, where, for example, the US and Europe are fairly significant producers/exporters. A country like China is a very large consumer of IP.

Lucia Rahilly: How interdependent are we in terms of the global workforce?

Olivia White: This is quite striking. We asked how many workers in regions outside North America serve North American demand. And we asked the same question for Europe. It turns out that 60 million people in regions outside North America serve North American demand, and in Europe the corresponding number is 50 million.

These numbers are very substantial versus the working populations in those countries. So when you consider how much of what North Americans or Europeans are consuming could be produced onshore, by onshore labor, the answer is not even remotely close to those sorts of numbers—at least given the means of production or the way services are delivered today and the role people play in that.

Lucia Rahilly: Let’s turn to some of the categories of flows that have increased in recent years. What’s driving growth in global flows now that the trade in goods has stabilized?

Olivia White: Flows linked to knowledge and know-how. Knowledge services that have historically grown more slowly than manufactured goods and resources, with increased global connection over time, have flipped over the past ten years.

Professional services, such as engineering services, are among those more traditional trade flows that have been growing fastest, at about 6 percent a year, versus resources, which have slowed to just around two percent. Anything that involves real know-how—engineering, but also providing, say, call center support—is in that category.

The flows of IP are growing even faster. Now, IP is tricky because accounting for it is a very tricky thing to do. But it roughly looks at flows of the fun stuff. In the report we talk about Squid Game , but IP also includes movies, streaming platforms, music, and any sort of cultural elements that we consume.

It’s also important to consider flows of patents and ideas and the way countries or companies will use ideas or know-how developed in one country to help what they do broadly across the world. Those flows have been growing at roughly 6 percent per year as well.

There are data flows—the flows of packets of data. For example, if we were in different countries while conducting this interview there would be the flows between us. There are also flows linked to our ever-expanding use of cloud and data localization. Data transfer is happening more and more quickly.

The flows of international students have also been rising. That was mightily interrupted by the pandemic, for reasons I don’t need to belabor, but these flows seem to be rebounding. It’s important to consider the degree to which those will jump back on their accelerated growth trajectory.

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How covid-19 has affected global flows.

Lucia Rahilly: You mentioned flows of international students dropping off during COVID, for the obvious reasons. Did other flows generally drop off during the pandemic? Or were there examples of flows that were particularly resilient throughout that period?

Olivia White: There’s some variation, but many flows were remarkably resilient—resilient in a way that’s a bit counter to the general narrative about what happened during the pandemic.

The flows of resources and manufactured goods jumped reasonably significantly in 2020 and 2021, both to levels of about 6 percent per year on an annualized basis. To some degree, what was happening is that cross-border flows stepped in to replace interrupted domestic production. Flows from Asia came in, for example, to the US or to Europe. We’ve seen some flows go in reverse directions. There was a bunch of interruption in domestic production, which was quite surprising.

Flows of capital also jumped quite a lot as people needed to shift the way they were financing themselves. Multinationals needed to shift the way they were financing themselves. Some were moving liquidity to different parts of the world under times of financial stress. But those jumped to levels of growth in the tens of digits from what had actually been reversed growth for the past ten years. All those things jumped. IP jumped a little bit; data remained high. So these flows have been remarkably resilient.

The good and bad news about resource concentration

Lucia Rahilly: You invoked concentration a bit when you talked about Europe being dependent on Russia for 50 percent of its energy. Can you say a bit more about what concentration means in this context and how it affects the dynamics of the way we’re connected globally?

Olivia White: From the global perspective, there are some products that truly originate in only a few places in the world, and all of us across the globe are dependent on those few places for our supply. Iron ore is quite concentrated, and cobalt is concentrated in the DRC [Democratic Republic of the Congo].

The second type of concentration is viewed from the standpoint of an individual country. Lucia, you talked about Europe and gas dependency.

For example, Germany was getting gas from only a very concentrated set of sources. These are places where, for a variety of reasons, countries have built up dependencies on just a small number of other countries.

Why has this happened? Why are we in this position? Cost is one reason. People have made decisions based on economic factors. Another reason is regional preference. Not all goods are created equal, even if they fall in the same category.

The third reason is preferential trade agreements between different countries or other forms of tariffs or taxes that shape the way flows occur. We’re in a world in which suddenly people are realizing they have to contemplate the consequences associated with concentration—not of suppliers, but of the country of origin from which they’re buying things.

Lucia Rahilly: It sounds like concentration also increases efficiency in some cases where those disruptions don’t occur. Is concentration always a bad thing? If we rethink concentration, can we expect to see some loss of efficiency in the interim?

Olivia White: No, it’s not always a bad thing. But there are a lot of considerations to make that involve costs, involve geopolitical relationships, involve the role that various countries want to play themselves, how they’re thinking about development, how they’re thinking about their workforces. All those things have to be part of the mix.

Imagine three or four different countries, each with three trading partners, and they’re largely different trading partners. Swapping off who’s supplied by whom is a huge problem of coordination.

How global chains will evolve

Lucia Rahilly: Geopolitical risks  have obviously trained a policy spotlight on reimagining these global value chains, whether for security reasons or to strengthen resilience more generally. Accepting that the world remains interdependent, how do we see trade flows continuing to evolve in coming years?

Olivia White: Broadly speaking, there are four categories of potential evolution. Semiconductors are most prominent in public discussion. Electronics, more broadly, is one of the fastest-moving value chains since 1995, with 21 percentage points of share movement per decade. Pharmaceuticals and the mining of critical minerals are other examples. And they will be part of what shifts the way that flows crisscross the globe.

Second category: textiles and apparel. This category is not as sensitive in a geopolitical sense as some of the things I was talking about before. This category is one where you actually do have new hub creation right now. Consumer electronics, other forms of electric equipment that aren’t particularly sensitive, possibly fall in that category too.

Third category: IT services and financial intermediation or professional services. That will reconfigure the ways in which services flow.

Fourth and finally, there’s the stuff that’s just going to be steady—food and beverages, paper and printing. There’s no particular reason to expect that there are strong forcing mechanisms that will change the way those things are flowing across the world right now. They’re things that have remained relatively steady for the past ten or more years.

Global flows are necessary for a net-zero transition

Lucia Rahilly: Do we have a view on whether the evolving state of global flows is helping or hindering the net-zero transition ?

Olivia White: The way I’d put it is, there is no way we move quickly toward a net-zero transition without global flows. There are certainly things about global flows that are tricky from a net-zero perspective. It costs carbon to ship things and move things a long way. But in order for net zero to be attainable, we need to make sure that energy-generating technologies and fuels are able to flow across the world.

Energy-generating technologies include both the minerals that underpin construction of those technologies and the actual manufacturing. So, in the first category, think nickel and lithium. In the second category, think about the actual manufacturing of solar panels. The minerals themselves are processed in only a few countries around the world. So people are going to have to move them from one place to another. Maybe the world could have broader diversification of such things, but on average, the timeline from discovering a mineral to being able to produce it at scale is well in excess of 16 years. If we want to move fast, we have the luxury to move things across the world. Meeting cost curves for manufacturing at scale and in locations where you have at least some established presence is going to be important.

The final element that’s crucial with respect to net zero is cross-border capital flows. It’s really important that developing countries are able to finance shifts in the way that energy is produced and consumed in their countries, which means they may have to both spend more, at least as a ratio of GDP, and have less ability to spend, given other forms of development imperative.

Multinationals and global resilience

Lucia Rahilly: What’s the role of major multinational companies as we look ahead toward reimagining the future of our global connectedness?

Olivia White: The first thing that needs to be recognized is that major multinational corporations play an outsize role in global flows today. Multinationals are responsible for about 30 percent of trade. They’re responsible for 60 percent of exports and 82 percent of exports of knowledge-intensive goods. So they disproportionately drive flows, especially the ones associated with knowledge. And therefore, they’re going to be the center of managing for their own resilience, but also in a collective sense, for the resilience of the world.

The future of global flows

Lucia Rahilly: The media tends to focus on what some see as globalization’s imminent demise. Accepting that global ties continue to bind and connect us across the world, it’s also natural for folks to have pretty strong reactions to these intense and ongoing global disruptions that we’ve experienced in recent years. How would you sum up the way we think about the future of globalization at a high level?

Olivia White: The world we live in right now is highly dependent on flows. Will those flows reconfigure and shift? Yes, absolutely. They have in the past, and they will in the future.

Lucia Rahilly: Do we see anything in the research to indicate that the world is actually moving toward decoupling, which is also very much part of the media narrative?

Olivia White: If you look along regional lines, individual regions can’t be independent. If you just start to play with what sorts of decoupling of regions would be possible, you see very quickly that it’s not something you can do.

Now, is it possible that you would get groups of countries that become more strongly interconnected among themselves and less strongly connected with others? Absolutely. It’s possible to move in that direction. The question becomes, is there an actual decoupling, or do you just have a shift in degree? As with most things in the world, the answer tends toward the shift in degree rather than an abrupt or sharp true change or decoupling.

Lucia Rahilly: Does greater regionalization improve resilience?

Olivia White: To some degree you can say, “Look, if I’m self-sufficient, I’m more resilient.” On the other hand, all of a sudden you depend on yourself for everything, and that’s a point of vulnerability in the same way that getting it only from one other person would be a problem.

There are a whole host of reasons some degree of regionalization might help. You’ve got things closer to you. But dependency just on a few sets of people, whether or not they’re in your region, means you’ve got dependency on just a few points of potential weaknesses rather than a broad web, which in general is a more resilient and robust structure.

Lucia Rahilly: Thanks so much, Olivia. That was such an interesting discussion.

Olivia White: A real pleasure, Lucia. Thank you.

Roberta Fusaro: One example of resilience is AB InBev. Here to talk about how it’s prospering in the face of worldwide disruption is its CFO, Fernando Tennenbaum. This excerpt, “ How to thrive in a downturn: A CFO perspective ,” from our McKinsey Live series, was recorded in December 2022.

Lucia Rahilly: Fernando, we’re confronting an unusual constellation of disruptions: inflation, high interest rates driving up the cost of capital, geopolitical turbulence unexpectedly upending supply chains and sending energy prices spiking—it’s genuinely a volatile moment. Tell us, how is AB InBev faring in the current context?

Fernando Tennenbaum: We’re fortunate to be in a resilient category. Despite these twists and turns in different parts of the world, beer sales have been quite strong. That said, inflation has turned out to be much higher than expected. 2 Market conditions may have changed since this interview was conducted. We need to ensure our operations are in sync with the market, to meet this unique moment. We need to understand the state of the consumer and adjust our operations accordingly.

In emerging markets like Latin America and Africa, inflation is not new news. There are different levels of inflation, but inflation has been a part of these economies for a very long time. Consumers are more used to it, companies are more used to it—and it’s probably a more straightforward discussion.

Lucia Rahilly: You’ve spent much of your career in Latin America where, as you said, inflation has historically been much higher and more volatile than in the US or in Western Europe. Walk us through some of the lessons that we in the US, for example, could learn from.

Fernando Tennenbaum: Make sure that you’re always looking at your customers, and that you’re always keeping up with inflation. You should avoid lagging too much, and you should avoid overpricing compared with inflation. If you do too little or too much, you start disturbing the health of the consumer. If you get it right, it’s probably a good thing for the business. You have to make sure you navigate the rising cost environment while ensuring that the consumer is in a good place, your product is in a good place, and the category is a healthy one. It’s a balancing act.

You should avoid lagging too much, and you should avoid overpricing compared with inflation. If you do too little or too much, you start disturbing the health of the consumer. Fernando Tennenbaum

Lucia Rahilly: AB InBev has a diverse portfolio of brands. Volumes are good. Are customers trading up or down, during this period, between your premium and mass-market brands?

Fernando Tennenbaum: Premiumization continues to be a trend, and consumers continue to trade up to premium brands. Over the course of this year, people often asked whether consumers were trading down—and we see no evidence of trading down. That is true for the US, that is true for Africa, and that is true for Latin America—which is quite unique.

I don’t know if the future will be different; the world is changing so fast. But if you were to ask me ten years from now, I’d expect premium to be even bigger than it is today.

Lucia Rahilly: Let’s talk about uncertainty. The economy could play out in many different ways. How do you manage for that?

Fernando Tennenbaum: Let’s take our debt portfolio. Now is the moment that interest rates are going up. Inflation and borrowing are going up. Overall, this tends to be bad news—but for us, it’s quite the opposite because we don’t have any debt maturing in the next three years. We prepared for this when we saw the world going to a very different place at the beginning of 2020.

We ended up raising some long-term debt and repaying all our short-term debt. Now we’re left with a debt portfolio that has an average maturity of 16 years and no meaningful amount of debt maturing in the next three years—all at a fixed rate. Since we don’t need to refinance, we’re actually buying back our debt. Rising interest rates can be good when you can buy back debt cheaper than it cost to issue.

Lucia Rahilly: You became CFO at AB InBev in 2020, when pandemic uncertainty was at its peak. Talk to us about how you navigated that period.

Fernando Tennenbaum: The first thing we did in 2020 was pump up our cash position. Not that we needed it, but I felt it would give operations peace of mind. To be prepared, we started borrowing a lot of money. And we started taking care of our people. We needed to make sure our people were safe—that was priority number one.

Once we made sure our employees were safe, our operations were safe, then we looked at opportunities and started to fast-forward. I remember we looked at May, for example, and started to see a lot of markets doing well in terms of volume. We had a lot of cash. We started buying back some debt, especially near-term debt, to create even more optionality for the future.

We also accelerated our digital transformation. The moment was uniquely suited for it. Digital was a much better way to reach customers at a time when everybody was afraid to meet in person. In hindsight, the company ended up in a much better place today than it was three years ago—in terms of our portfolio, our digital transformation, and even financially—because we acted very quickly and created a lot of optionality during the first few months of the pandemic.

Lucia Rahilly: Any mistakes to avoid?

Fernando Tennenbaum: Looking back, I wouldn’t have done anything massively different. If I had known the outcome, I might have done things differently. But without knowing the outcome, I felt that the way we managed and the optionality we created set us up well.

Lucia Rahilly: Brewing is such an agriculturally dependent business, and agriculture has been significantly disrupted, both because of the war in Ukraine and because of climate-related risk. As CFO, how do you think about sustainability in terms of longer-term value creation?

Fernando Tennenbaum: Sustainability cuts across the whole of our business. We have a lot of local suppliers—20,000 local farmers. Our brewing processes are natural. The more efficient we are there, the more sustainable we are and, actually, the more profitable we are. We have local operations, and we sell to the local community. And most of our customers are very small entrepreneurs. The more we help them, the better they can run their business. And we say beer is inclusive because we have two billion consumers.

Lucia Rahilly: Is packaging also part of the sustainability approach?

Fernando Tennenbaum: Definitely. For example, we have returnable glass bottles. That’s very efficient, very sustainable, and from an economic standpoint, that’s probably the most profitable packaging we have. It’s also the most affordable for consumers. So it’s good for us, good for the environment, and good for the consumers.

Lucia Rahilly: You said beer is inclusive in part because so many of us drink it. How else do you approach inclusion at AB InBev?

Fernando Tennenbaum: Our two billion consumers are very different from one another. We need to make sure that, as a company, we reflect our consumers. Whenever we look at our colleagues, we need to make sure they reflect the societies where we operate—and we operate in very different societies.

A diverse and inclusive team is going to be a better team. That also applies to our suppliers. For example, if you think about suppliers in Africa, some are very poor. They manage to get access to technology, which means we can track whether they’re receiving the funds we pay them. We can track where agricultural commodities are being sourced. So how we financially empower them is also a very important part of our sustainability strategy.

Lucia Rahilly: Looking ahead, how are you thinking about innovation and investment in technology, in order to enable growth?

Fernando Tennenbaum: Innovation is a key component of beer, and there are two sides to that. One is innovation in products. The other is packaging. In Mexico, for example, we have different pack sizes for different consumption occasions and consumer needs.

Beyond that, there’s also technological innovation. Take our B2B platform, which we started piloting in 2019. Now, three or four years later, we have around $30 billion of GMV [gross merchandise value] in our e-commerce platform, which is accessible in more than 19 countries. That’s the optimal portfolio to improve customer engagement at their point of sale. Before we launched our B2B platform, we used to spend seven minutes per week interacting with our customers. Today, with our B2B platform, we interact with them 30 minutes per week. We increased the number of points of sales. For example, in Brazil, we used to have 700,000 customers, and now we have more than a million customers. Previously, they were buying our products from a distributor. Now we can reach them directly with the B2B system in place.

This connection with our customers means we can do a lot of other things, like our online marketplace, where third-party products generated an annualized GMV of $850 million, up from zero four years ago. That marketplace now continues to grow and to deliver a lot of value for our customers and for ourselves.

Lucia Rahilly: One more question: If you could give one piece of advice to a brand-new CFO of a large, multinational corporation, what would it be in this market?

Fernando Tennenbaum: Make sure you plan for different scenarios. The world is moving very fast, and you can’t expect it to unfold in a certain way. But if you have options, are agile in making decisions, and have a very engaged team, then regardless of the twists and turns, you are able to meet the moment. And you are definitely able to deliver on your objectives.

Lucia Rahilly: I lied. I’m going to ask you one more. How do you see, for these new CFOs, the relationship between sustainability and inclusivity and growth? Do you see those in tension?

Fernando Tennenbaum: There is this myth that you are either sustainable or profitable. At least at AB InBev, we’re sure they go hand in hand. The more sustainable you are, the more profitable you are, and the more value you create for your different stakeholders.

Fernando Tennenbaum is the CFO of Anheuser-Busch InBev. Olivia White is a director of the McKinsey Global Institute and a senior partner in McKinsey’s Bay Area office. Roberta Fusaro is an editorial director in the Waltham, Massachusetts, office, and Lucia Rahilly is global editorial director and deputy publisher of McKinsey Global Publishing and is based in the New York office.

Comments and opinions expressed by interviewees are their own and do not represent or reflect the opinions, policies, or positions of McKinsey & Company or have its endorsement.

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Beyond the Slide: Exploring the Future of Presentations

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Decks, decks, and more decks

Whether you’re delivering a keynote, pitching creative, seeking approval for a project, or trying to secure investments, a compelling presentation is often held up as the key to success. Presentations have become a rite of passage, an essential part of making decisions and signing deals. So why is their current format so often static and predictable?

There could be so much more to a compelling visual presentation than a slide deck. And yet servers across the globe are steadily filling with endless PowerPoints and Google Slides, the visual Muzak of the boardroom. If your eyes are glazing over at the thought of it, you’re not alone.

The world is experiencing massive innovations in technology, art, and design. Now it’s time for the humble presentation to catch up.

The art of the presentation: a brief history

Visual presentations have been essential to human endeavors for centuries. You can see their importance in everything from the illustrated shop signs in ancient Rome and medieval England to this 19th-century painting that portrays Pope Julius II ordering the construction of the Vatican.

presentation on the future world

Over the years, presentation tools have evolved from the rudimentary (chalkboards, whiteboards, flip charts) to the highly sophisticated. In the 1950s and 1960s, salesmen used slide projectors, acetate overheads, and A/V technology to sell their ideas. In the 1970s and 1980s, 35-millimeter film slides took over and — supported by a backup staff of producers, photographers, animators, slide programmers, and live production staff — dazzled corporate audiences at shareholder meetings.

Meanwhile, some experimented with the boundary between art and exposition. The British artist and architect Will Alsop, for example, created impressionistic paintings to convey the visions for his colorful and extraordinary avant-garde buildings. 

presentation on the future world

Fashion designer Alexander McQueen created a giant chess game on a catwalk, seated a skeleton in his audience, programmed two robots to spray paint at a model’s dress, staged a pile of crashed cars, and much more .

By the 1990s, PowerPoint 3.0 had brought the virtual slideshow to the public. It rapidly took over the industry, reaching more than a billion computers by 2010 and working its way into school lessons, religious sermons, retirement parties, and most modern workplaces.

Today, the business presentation industry is worth an estimated $3.5 billion and includes tools like Canva, Prezi, Keynote, Slide Dog, Visme, Google Slides, and, yes, the still-ubiquitous PowerPoint. More presentations are being created than ever before — and many of them are desperately in need of an upgrade.

The presentations of tomorrow

What will the presentation of the future look like?

Video presentations will become (even) more popular, enabled by both AI (see below) and the rise of virtual production techniques that allow presenters to position themselves within the idea they’re presenting. Journey’s team in London experimented with this technology with our 360-degree immersive exhibition and animated film for Toyota Woven City , a “living laboratory” for testing smart technologies and sustainable living in Japan. Our experience offered a choreographed tour through life-sized scenes and a digital horizon effect that made the presenter appear to walk around inside the visuals.

Interactive presentations, like those New York Times articles that zoom or play relevant animations as you scroll, will become more popular. Instead of clicking through a PowerPoint, people can scroll through and explore a presentation at their own pace, which allows for a style of presentation that’s less linear and more similar to the experience of physically exploring a neighborhood, gallery, or exhibition.

Three-dimensional representations will also become more common. These could range from virtual 3D models seen through AR to spatial computing headsets (see our platform SpaceForm ) to actual physical models with haptic feedback that can provide information as viewers point at or touch certain parts.

The biggest development, of course, will be artificial intelligence. People will increasingly use AI to whip up videos, illustrations, and text for presentations. Groundbreaking tools like OpenAI’s Sora are already replacing stock footage, allowing studios and agencies to put together custom film pitches and visualize ambitious projects at the touch of a button. If you can imagine it, you can now present it.

Presenting… without the presentation

Because of these new technologies, the value of the traditional slide deck is plummeting. The presentation of the future will still need a strong narrative, compelling visuals, and a good hook. What it won’t need? The slides themselves.

Technologies like virtual twins will allow people to explore potential worlds in real-time. Instead of basic slide animations, we’ll see avatars, virtual tour guides, and custom chatbot APIs to customize the viewing experience. AI tools will enhance brainstorming and pitch presentations, allowing people to easily spin up storyboards and other mockups to reach a consensus on how a project should look. Meanwhile, real-time avatars will allow us to show clients around their virtual building site, offering a much more compelling experience than a slideshow of photos and digital renderings.

The space will become the presentation. At Journey, we use the top floor of our London studio as an immersive presentation room. Visitors never come into contact with the dreaded slide; instead, they play with touchscreens, PlayStation controllers, and other interactive elements that trigger screen actions. Other immersive spaces like Sandbox VR will enable clients to fully explore proposed projects and imagined worlds — anything from a new film or video game concept to a giant concert venue or ultra-luxury shopping center .

presentation on the future world

Interactivity will allow for the gamification of presentations, promote open discussion, and allow people to play around with different outcomes. (Think “brainstorming with” versus “talking at.”) The end result will be a more dynamic, multifaceted interchange between presenter and viewer.

Where we go from here

The presentations of the future will increasingly be like living, breathing worlds we inhabit. They’ll transcend traditional boundaries, allowing us to gain a better understanding of concepts and share visionary ideas with fewer roadblocks.

Instead of the linear, fixed, and often rigid narratives that we see in today’s presentations, we’ll be able to explore more fluid and flexible ways of sharing information. Viewers will no longer be confined to their seats during a slide deck lecture; they’ll be moving around the room and engaging with the content right at their fingertips. The outcome will be a deeper and more holistic experience, one that opens the door to better communication and more creative collaborations.

presentation on the future world

Of course, different presentations will require different tools and approaches. But each of these technologies — AI, virtual twins, interactivity, and immersivity — share one thing in common. They’ll be able to make the presentation of the future an engaging, organic, and (mostly) downright exciting experience, one in which almost anything might happen.

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Current and Future Presentation Technology

November 14, 2018 - Dom Barnard

The pace of technology development has increased dramatically over the last few years. How presentations are designed, built and delivered has also changed, with increased audience interaction, product demos, immersive slides and non-linear storytelling.

Presentations can take many forms, from small meeting room pitches to large keynote presentations launching new products. With the advances in  presentation software , we are no longer limited to basic PowerPoints; instead we have software such as Prezi, live  audience polling apps  and technology to practice presentations in virtual reality.

In this article, we look at how technology will change the way presentations are delivered and created, covering technology trends such as augmented reality and embedded 3D models.

Current presentation technology

1. html5 presentations.

With  HTML5 , you can build presentations without paid software such as PowerPoint and Keynote. HTML5 is very flexible and feature filled, allowing you to build beautiful presentations with it.

Although HTML5 requires some coding knowledge, companies and educational organizations have begun adopting this method of presentation creation.

HTML5 frameworks, software and editors:

2. Simulations and immersive technology

Designers can now create life-like objects and customized visual environment with virtual reality and augmented reality, which audiences can interact with.

This would allow people watching the presentation remotely (e.g. during a keynote) to actually interact with the presentation by, for example, putting on a VR headset and being teleported inside the simulation which is being talked about.

3. Product demos

Product demos can be the heart of a presentation. Many of the largest and best known presentations included a demo (iPhone, Microsoft Surface Pro, iPad, Google Glass, etc.).

With improved streaming capabilities, demos are becoming more popular, with the presenter usually streaming the device screen to a larger projector so the audience can see what the presenter is doing.

  • Read more on  Using visual aids during a presentation

4. Improved engagement

Presentations nowadays adopt a conversational and interactive approach, instead of the audience just listening to the presenter for an hour. Often the presenter will ask questions of the audience and encourage them to get involved in the presentation, leading to higher knowledge retention rates.

Here are some ways to  increase audience interaction :

  • Ask the audience questions
  • Use storytelling methods
  • Use non-linear presentation software
  • Add in videos
  • Poll the audience
  • Use live quizzes
  • Use a writing service to review your presentation

Audience poll during a presentation

An example of live polling during a presentation.

5. Animations, graphics, and cinemographs

Animations can make dull presentations more visual and interesting. In addition, cinemographs (still photographs in which a minor and repeated movement occurs, forming a video clip) can captivate the audience’s attention, making them particularly popular in blog articles in the form of animated GIFs.

High-quality graphics with attention-grabbing photos, typography and fonts are being used to facilitate audience attention and immerse the user in the presentation.

6. Colors to evoke emotions

Warm, rich and modern colors should be used to influence and manipulate audience emotions and psychology. Newer color trends promote the improvement of audience engagements, such that colors used should invoke the chosen emotion the presenter wants to invoke.

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Future presentation technology

1. augmented reality – enhance the world around you.

For some time now,  augmented reality has been used in presentations . As AR headsets improve in quality and reduce in price, we’ll see them being utilized much more in presentations.

Augmented reality can make static images and data come alive with animations and graphics. AR allows your audience to explore data, locations, stories and much more in a realistic way, putting them inside the story and presentation.

Presentation using the Hololens

Imagine a product design presentation to directors of a company. Augmented reality allows the directors to visualize the product in the meeting room with them, where they can interact with it as they would the real product.

One limitation with this, particularly at large conferences, is that every audience member would require an AR headset – which currently cost several thousand dollars. The price will reduce in the future but currently this is a key limitation of the technology.

2. Virtual reality – teleport to a new virtual world

With over  100 million virtual reality users in 2018 , virtual reality (VR) has become a popular way to enhance people’s digital experience. Initially used for gaming, VR is expanding out into the training, collaboration and presentation sectors, where the audience can be teleported to a virtual world – an amazing way to tell immersive stories.

Studies have shown that visualizing a situation increases memory retention. In this way, VR will help audience members  retain what is being told , leaving them with a truly memorable experience.

As with AR, audience members can even interact with each other in the virtual world. Software such as BigScreen, AltSpace and Facebook Spaces have shown the power of group interaction, something that could be leveraged well for presentations.

Companies are already  experimenting with VR meetings  and presentations and will be very exciting so see where this leads – will it end up replacing Skype and other VOIP / video presentation software?

3. Embedding 3D models

3D models have been used for years now but as a result of better accessibility with PowerPoint’s 3D functionality, presenters can show all the possible perspectives of a product to be designed.

This is an important development for Computer Aided Design teams and designers in general. Being able to present 3D models to colleagues and stakeholders in an understandable way is important for the review process.

4. A seamless presentation

The rapport between presenters, their audience and their presentation is crucial. Information being presented on the screen needs to correspond with the presenter’s body language and speech.

Devices such as  Leap Motion controllers  allow presenters to advance slides, control transition between slides or zoom slides by tracking hand, finger and muscle movements. This technology will become an important part of future presentations.

Myo armband to change presentation slides

Myo armband on the woman’s right arm being used to change presentation slides.

5. Audience interaction with your presentation

Technology will change how your presentation audience interact with the presentation, including how they ask questions, make suggestions, contribute to polls and discuss your presentation online.

Technology can allow anyone in the world to watch and interact with your presentation – future technology may even reduce the need to people to meet up in-person, with online and interaction tools being so powerful. This will reduce travel emissions and wasted travel time – both areas employees and companies are keen to reduce.

  • Read tips of  Giving effective virtual presentations

Devices like  Canva Live  allow audience members to remotely follow presentations on their smartphones, tablets or computers so they can watch closely as the presenter interacts with slides (zooming in or out) and contribute to polls or live questions and answers.

Based on our predictions of how presentations will look over the next five years, technology will no doubt play a huge role in all aspects of presentations, from preparation to delivery.

However, it’s worth remembering that technology is there to enhance the presentation, not replace you as the speaker. Technology helps to keep the audience engaged and improve understanding of your communicated message.

5 Technologies That Lead The Future of the Presentation World and How To Use Them (With impressive videos)

Technological developments are changing the direction of the presentation world while internal and external corporate presentations increase their importance as an effective communication medium for companies.

Although methods such as storytelling , which are indispensable for traditional presentation, are very effective for sticking in the minds of the audience, the statistics show that these methods are also under the influence of digital transformation, and only 16.7% of the presentations include storytelling or a case study. Therefore, the technologies used play a decisive and important role in defining a successful presentation.

However, you need to be careful when including a technology in your presentation because the number and the usage area of the technologies that lead the future of the presentation world have increased considerably. To come out with a successful presentation, you should choose the right technology that will make an impact, taking into account your budget, content and audience, and use it correctly.

So, what should you pay attention to in order to choose the right technology and apply it in the best way? The first step is to get to know the alternatives. Making choices without knowing the options may mislead you. So let’s see what are the technologies you can use for your presentation and how you can use them.

What is Hologram?

Hologram is a technology that creates three-dimensional images using light. Both the process itself and the final visual are called hologram. The hologram of an object or human can be made. The hologram offers extremely realistic and impressive visuals, especially when compared to two-dimensional images such as photography.

How to use Hologram in presentation?

Hologram technology enables you to show your product or design in 360 degrees on a vertical surface or a horizontal surface such as a stage, and visualise your presentation on the stage instead of the screen. Using this technology, which we don’t see very often in presentations, you have a high chance of creating a strong impact on the audience.

For the time being, the holographic representation of previously designed 3D objects is pretty common. In addition, the studies on the real-time hologram of objects located in a different location continue. Although the real-time hologram is technically feasible, more detailed work is needed to make it more impressive.

Augmented Reality (AR)

What is ar.

Have you ever heard of the game, Pokémon Go? In this game people were hunting Pokémon with the help of their smartphones wherever they are. This technology, which allows Pokémon to be seen, is called augmented reality (AR).

AR is a technology that brings digital objects to your physical space through technology. AR technology, which is currently available via tablets or phones, will soon be introduced through wearable devices and even contact lenses.

How to use AR in presentation?

Augmented reality enables active participation of your audience in presentations and 3D visualisation to make a difference. At a designated point, you can incorporate objects that cannot be realistically in physical space into your presentation experience, either through viewers’ phones or tablets and AR technology you provide. In this way, you will be able to explain your words more clearly and you will have an unforgettable presentation.

Virtual Reality (VR)

What is vr.

In its simplest definition, virtual reality is a computer-animated environment. It is used with a digital eyeglass that completely covers your eyes. Sometimes it comes with additional apparatus that allows detecting the movements of the ground and other controls. It provides highly realistic visual and auditory environments in which we interact. Senses such as smell and touch can accompany.

How to use VR in presentation?

Today, people do not want to be exposed to information overload, but to experience whatever the subject is. With VR technology, you can let the participants experience your products in a realistic way and invite them to an exciting interaction. Addressing to many senses, VR brings an impressive movement to your presentations by promising an unforgettable experience of your products and services.

Interactive Presentation Technologies

What is interactivity.

Today, different technologies allow interactive applications in which the audience plays an active role. Applications such as immersive experiences and interactive games are among the most common examples of interactivity. In addition, the use of touch screen or gesture to manage the presentation of the presenter is also common.

How to use interactive presentation technologies?

The interactivity that enables the audience to participate is used in ways that give them an authentic experience rather than transferring. One of the most important features of interactive presentations is that it provides an active role for the audience, not passive. In this respect, interactive presentations appear as a multi-dimensional environment beyond visuality.

Technically speaking, when you want to make an interactive presentation, you can use tech products such as touch screens, Leap Motion, RadarTOUCH and Myo Armband to manage the presentation without traditional remote controls. These products will give you independence on the stage and partially deliver the presentation flow to the audience and strengthen the experience.

Realtime Data Visualisation

What is realtime data visualisation.

While data is changing rapidly today, one of the most powerful ways to concretise the impact of this change is realtime data visualization. These visual expressions are generally informative and encouraging. They help to deepen meaning by adding a new dimension to the presentation when words are inadequate.

How to use realtime data visualization in presentation?

Realtime data visualization can be used as data flow transferred to presentation screen; and it can also be transformed into a more interactive model via a screen placed in the presentation space.

Final words

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that there is nothing left outside the scope of technology. As technology evolves, studies and opportunities in different fields change direction. Presentation technologies have joined this trend. Augmented reality, virtual reality and hologram technology that make visual richness possible make the presentation an impressive and memorable experience for the audience. This is exactly what the modern-time’s audience expects: experience, not exposure.

Presentations powered by technology help you keep the audience’s attention on you with unusual approaches and go beyond physical boundaries and make a difference on stage with rich content.

Author : Ozgun Ozpinar

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  • PowerPoint Notes

Presentation Management 26: The Future of Presentations

Original content by AlexAnndra Ontra and James Ontra Enhanced by Geetesh Bajaj

In the previous part of this Presentation Management series of posts, we explored how you can organize content for story presentations . In this part, we look at how the presentations of the future will work.

If you think about it, over the past century humans have been forced to adapt to technology and the structure it creates. It’s not “normal” to work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or write by typing on a QWERTY keyboard. Presentations are another example. We create linear slide decks, then conform our work conversations to the deck because that’s the way the technology works, by showing us one slide at a time, in order. It’s not the way we’d naturally talk and discuss a topic, but if we want to use technology, we have to do it technology’s way.

In this century, technology is increasingly conforming to the way humans do things. Like, we can talk to our devices instead of tapping on a tiny screen. Presentations are moving that way, too. In fact, it is the biggest change in the nature of business presentations since the advent of PowerPoint. For the first time, the technology and the linear presentation deck will no longer dictate the conversation and interaction.

Instead, the conversation will dictate the presentation. Thanks to voice recognition and artificial intelligence, the next generation of presentation technology will listen to what’s being said, comprehend the context in the room, know what visual content is available in the approved presentation management system, and automatically and instantly bring up visuals that fit the conversation at that moment. It’s almost like having a personal assistant at your side, listening and watching the room, and instantly finding and showing images that are exactly what’s needed in-the-moment.

The Future of Presentations

How it Happens?

How would technology like that work in practice? Imagine this scenario:

  • The CEO of a major cruise line is speaking at a travel conference in an auditorium that only seats 100 people. He cues up his presentation management app, and projects slide content on the big screen and a few monitors inside the auditorium, as well as outside in the hallway and all around the convention center. Anyone who sees it, either sitting in the live audience, walking by one of those monitors, or browsing on a website, can participate in his presentation. They can log in to the presentation on their own phone or another device. After all, they have full A/V on their phone, where they can hear his presentation and see his slides.
  • Someone in the audience raises his hand and asks a question that everyone in the audience, whether they are physically sitting in the auditorium or have logged in from 1,000 miles away, can hear.
  • Can you tell me more about cruises to Alaska?
  • As the voice-recognition technology processes the words in the question, AI starts to sort through the speaker’s presentation library, which includes all content about the cruise line.
  • Up pops slides with visual support for the question. The audience will see pictures of the Kenai Fjords, snow-capped mountains, and a luxurious cruise ship, with every pampering amenity you could imagine, sailing through it all. It’s conversational AI broadcast to the entire world.

Presentations will become more dynamic, more fluid, more like the human thought process. And the technology we use for presentations will become an afterthought.

And this is right around the corner – the way presentations will be within a few years. Voice-recognition technology is exploding. In a few years, it is estimated that over half of all searches will be powered by speech instead of keyboard input, according to comScore. That means that during an interactive presentation, the technology can listen to the audience’s comments and questions. Those questions and comments will prompt a search. Suggestions for slides to present will appear based on the conversation as it unfolds.

That technology will expand with Predictive Slides™ . Your presentation management app will offer slide suggestions based on a range of variables, such as who you are, the last slides you used, the slides your colleagues used, the audience, the most popular slides, and on and on. Companies will be able to customize those variables based on the individual user, and the presentation will be created based on those inputs and variables. It’s similar to how shopping on Amazon works. Amazon presents products based on your purchase and browsing history. Your presentation management app will present slides in a similar way.

Uisng Predictive Slides™

There has been a gap of so much time since AlexAnndra Ontra and James Ontra authored the book that’s being made more visual and serialized . In technology terms, this span of time could be termed as one generation. So, I was curious about how the Predictive Slides™ technology has evolved, especially since the world has been gripped by a pandemic in that same period of time. Let’s hear it from James, who kindly shared some thoughts.

Geetesh: James, will this Predictive Slides™ technology be built into Shufflrr?

James Ontra

If you’ve used Netflix or a similar media platform, you’ll find similarities. Netflix is an onscreen design that works like a slide. If you’re looking at your TV, you’ll find that Netflix is essentially a slide with navigation. And they are pulling up more slides behind the scenes as you click on an option. Over a period of time, they have studied usage patterns, including your preferences, and can recommend related shows.

With related shows, they may have noticed that you like horse racing. Therefore, there will be a recommendation for another horse racing show. They may also notice that users who watch horse racing also like leather clothing. So, artificial intelligence is helping them address your needs better.

We used to collect thousands of presentation slides for conventions, where people put them on their podiums and spoke. So, the AI in Predictive Slides™ can provide a few selected slides that might be relevant to what you said, and then you pick the one you want. And your picked-up slide comes up next. This is what we call “the presentation following the conversation”.

This will also work at the slide level. Based on the user’s input and criteria, slides will pull information from different databases to create a specific slide for one specific instance. For example, a financial adviser is meeting with his client. Today, he searches several different databases to review that client’s portfolio, credit card debt, stock positions, and IRAs, as well as age, income, and stated financial goals.

With all that information culled together, the adviser will then input that into another database to get suggestions for changes to the portfolio. And then, the adviser, or his admin, will create a nice slideshow. That’s labor-intensive and prone to lots of human errors.  In the future, all of this data will feed directly into a formatted, branded slide … visualized and ready to present.

Predictive Slides

Predictive Slides™ can be generated before the meeting or during the meeting, as the conversation progresses.

During the meeting, the slides themselves will be created according to verbal inputs based on what people are saying:

  • Imagine the financial adviser is meeting with that client for the first time. He discusses the client’s current financial status, her salary, her credit cards, mortgage, age, expenses, and goals for her retirement.
  • As the client speaks, the presentation app is accessing various financial databases to build her portfolio and then creates the slides on the fly.
  • The adviser and the client review the presentation together. The operative word in this is scenario is together . The adviser is not presenting to, or talking at, the client. He’s discussing the financial plan with her. She’s responding, and the presentation is updating according to her immediate feedback. So the adviser can focus on the client, not the slides.
  • The slides fall to the background while the two parties make a human connection, fostering trust and building a better relationship.  They learn more about each other. The adviser not only gets a better understanding of his client’s financial goals, which is the purpose of the meeting but also of her personal life, which certainly affects her finances.
  • In the process, the client starts to trust her adviser and starts to see him as someone genuinely interested in helping her achieve her financial goals. After all, that’s what usually happens when you break down barriers and just start talking with someone.
  • As a result, the adviser is in a better position to help his client, because he knows more about her, and the client gets a better financial plan. It may sound ironic, but presentation technology will encourage human connection.

Advances in technology will free us from the very technology to which we’ve become so addicted. Hardware continues to get smaller and cheaper. You will be able to access your presentations from your phone, your watch, and maybe even your glasses. Smaller devices will become ubiquitous, and as that happens they will also fall into the background. A watch is an accessory, it’s not the outfit. Look around today and you’ll see most people glued to a screen, clicking, searching, and scrolling through data, scrolling through slides. AI and voice recognition will flip that dynamic. As the searching and scrolling through data is done for us — as it follows our voice commands and conversations — we get freed from our devices.

When our eyes are separated from a screen and our hands are freed from a keyboard, we are back in control of our lives. We can look up and around. Look at our friend, our business partner, the other people in the room. We can see them, talk with them and, above all, make a real connection with them. This is important in business, where having the latest gadget is a status symbol, but it’s also a distraction. Everyone is so busy checking out your new Apple Watch that they forget about doing the new budget allocations. And it’s even more important at the dinner table, where everyone is interacting with their phones instead of each other. Advances in AI, voice recognition, and presentation technology will correct technology’s worst flaws. They will free us from the devices and apps to which we’ve become enslaved, empower us to be more productive in our daily jobs, and above all allow us to connect with each other in a more meaningful way and form stronger bonds. That’s progress.

The next part will conclude this series .

Presentation Management Series: All Posts

First, try and answer these questions. Feel free to read the post again if needed. Then, scroll down to below the author profiles to find the answers.

Q1: For the first time, the technology and the linear presentation deck will no longer dictate the conversation and interaction. Instead, the conversation will dictate the presentation. How true are these observations?

  • Could be true, but may possible very far in the future
  • Figment of someone’s imagination
  • Truer and closer to happening than many may have imagined
  • Truth is stranger than fiction

Q2: What is the name of the technology from Shufflrr that will generate content before the meeting or during the meeting, as the conversation progresses?

AlexAnndra Ontra

At Shufflrr, Alex advises Shufflrr clients through the process: from trial to content architecture, through the launch, training, and then on-going software upgrades. She’s hands-on. She is a leading expert in presentation management strategy, implementation, and adaptation.

James Ontra

His vision and strategy have been driving Presentation Management to become a recognized communication discipline. James combined this passion with technical development to build Shufflrr. Presentation Management is smart communication strategy.

Geetesh Bajaj

Geetesh believes that any PowerPoint presentation is a sum of its elements–these elements include abstract elements like story, consistency, and interactivity — and also slide elements like shapes, graphics, charts, text, sound, video, and animation. He explains how these elements work together in his training sessions. He has also authored six books on PowerPoint and Microsoft Office.

Quiz Answers

A1: This isruer and closer to happening than many may have imagined. Thanks to voice recognition and artificial intelligence, the next generation of presentation technology will listen to what’s being said, comprehend the context in the room, know what visual content is available in the approved presentation management system, and automatically and instantly bring up visuals that fit the conversation at that moment.

A2: Predictive Slides™

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Blake Moret, Chairman and CEO of Rockwell Automation, photographed at Rockwell headquarters in Milwaukee, WI in December of 2021.

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Together, Blake and Judson explore a realm of limitless possibilities, enabled by the transformative landscape where virtual and real-world elements seamlessly coexist. They engage in a visionary discussion, contemplating how these technologies can enhance efficiency, quality, and sustainability.

Judson Althoff - EVP & Chief Commercial Officer at Microsoft

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With a keen focus on today's operations leaders, Tessa showcases how cutting-edge technology is being harnessed to unlock new frontiers of possibility. From transforming production logistics, robust cybersecurity, and predictive data analytics and AI, she highlights the transformative power of these innovations in real-world scenarios.

Tessa Myers Senior Vice President, Intelligent Devices, Rockwell Automation

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The power and potential of data represents an important and recurring thread throughout Automation Fair 2023. Best practices in operations have evolved to place a focus on empowering workers and systems with accurate, real-time data that can help reduce downtime, improve goal attainment, and make faster decisions.

With so many companies investing in smart manufacturing, this year’s Automation Fair set out to answer key questions. What does smart manufacturing look like in practice? What are the newest smart devices, systems, machines, and best practices? And, importantly, how can they improve maintenance, uncover opportunities, boost quality, and increase efficiency?

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Blake Moret Chairman & CEO Rockwell Automation

Blake Moret is Chairman and CEO of Rockwell Automation, the world’s largest company dedicated to industrial automation and digital transformation. As CEO, Blake is dedicated to delivering the company’s strategy to bring the Connected Enterprise to life. Under his leadership, Rockwell Automation integrates control and information to help make industrial companies and their people more productive and the world more sustainable. Blake is accelerating the Rockwell Automation strategy by focusing on understanding customer needs and their best opportunities for productivity, combining our technology and domain expertise to deliver positive business outcomes, and simplifying our customers’ experience. Key to this strategy is Rockwell’s culture, the foundation for the company’s accelerated profitable growth.

Tessa Myers Sr. Vice President Intelligent Devices Rockwell Automation

Tessa Myers is senior vice president, Intelligent Devices. She is responsible for leading strategy, people and talent development, and the worldwide growth of the segment, which includes drives, motion, safety, sensing, industrial components, and configured-to-order products that are the foundation of smart production systems. Since joining Rockwell Automation in 1999, she has built global industry expertise with leadership roles in sales, channel and partner management and business unit and product development across hardware and software, working in the U.S., Canada and Singapore. With a passion for developing talent and culture, she is the executive sponsor for the ADVANCE Young Professionals employee resource group.

Judson Althoff Chief Commercial Officer Microsoft

Judson Althoff is executive vice president and chief commercial officer at Microsoft. He is responsible for the sales strategy, execution and revenue growth of the company’s commercial business, which spans enterprise, public sector, small and medium businesses, services, developer and partner communities in more than 120 regional and national subsidiaries globally. Althoff is passionate about co-innovating with customers to democratize and scale digital experiences across their organization — from the boardroom to the factory floor — and in the marketplace. Under his leadership, Microsoft has posted uninterrupted commercial cloud revenue growth, powered by close partnerships with customers that are driving business outcomes through digital transformation.

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Bring presentations to life with PowerPoint Live

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Classrooms around the world contain students with very diverse abilities and needs, and research shows that this diversity has increased in recent years. For example, as of 2018 in the United States there were more than 5 million English as a second language (ESL) learners, accounting for approximately 10.2% of the total student population. 1  According to some estimates, that percentage could rise to 25% by 2025. 2  Additionally, approximately 15% of all people in the U.S. have a disability 3 , and as of the 2020-21 school year, more than 7.2 million students received special education services. 4  This highlights the importance of designing learning tools that can help students, teachers, and parents learn, understand, and communicate in ways that match their preferences and abilities. 

Microsoft Education is committed to doing our part to help schools achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goal #4, to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all,” 5  and one way we do that is by developing tools to reduce barriers to success for all learners. 

The latest in our series of Accelerate Learning kits, “ Real-Time Translation in Live Presentations ,” explores how artificial intelligence (AI) translation tools can be used to provide equitable learning for ESL speakers, or anyone with hearing or language processing difficulties. The translation feature available when activating “Live Presentations” in the PowerPoint web app is just one of many built-in features in  Microsoft 365 for education  that can benefit users of all different experience levels and abilities. 

We’ve written about several other features including:

  • Using Live Captions in OneNote for more inclusive learning
  • Help students become more confident speakers
  • Checking for accessibility: boosting opportunity in 3 clicks!

PowerPoint Live beyond the classroom

One use for Real-Time Translation is to support ESL students as they become more skilled with English. This is a great example of Microsoft’s commitment to AI for Good — read on for more ways it can be used. 

As a stand-alone feature, PowerPoint Live Presentations can bring your stories to life and  help everyone follow along and understand. Consider a parent-teacher night or an in-person school curriculum event. The presenter can generate a public Live Presentations link, and when attendees open this link with their own devices, they’ll be able to see the presentation captioned in the language of their choice, or view a transcript. They’ll also be able to navigate back to previous slides they may have missed. With these features, everyone can see, understand, and revisit any section of the presentation they’d like. Distractions, poor acoustics or being far away from the speaker won’t prevent them from listening and participating. The audience can also provide feedback to the speaker at the close of the presentation with an automatic survey feature. 

If you have Microsoft Teams available, you can go one step further with PowerPoint Live in Teams. As a teacher or presenter, you get a unique view that lets you control your presentation while staying engaged with your audience. You’ll be able to see their cameras, raised hands, reactions, and chat conversations. Using the cameo feature, you can insert a live camera view of yourself directly into your slides, bringing your content to life.

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Presenter view with PowerPoint Live in Teams 

Your students will be able to personalize their viewing experience with captions, high-contrast slides, and slides translated into their native language, without affecting anyone else.   

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Audience/Student view with PowerPoint Live in Teams

How does PowerPoint Live compare to the competition?

The Accelerate Learning whitepaper highlights how presentation software like Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides both offer ways to enable translation, and compares the process of setting up and using each tool from the perspective of the presenter and the audience. Both the Microsoft and Google versions allow users to select from many different language options and see live audio translated in real-time, but there are some key differences. For example, PowerPoint Live Presentations provides built-in translation with just a few clicks, but Google Slides does not. 

Using Microsoft PowerPoint, teachers or other presenters can open and activate Live Presentations, which generates a QR code for students to scan with a device and choose their preferred language for translation. 

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When the presenter activates Live Presentations in PowerPoint, students can scan the QR code and choose their preferred language.

Accessing translation on Google Slides requires students to open both a presentation window and a translation window, and arrange them side-by-side to see the presentation and translation concurrently. The need to manage multiple windows or install a third-party add-on makes the process harder to manage, which could require additional IT support and involvement, and could pose student privacy risks.

Creating a learning environment for students of all backgrounds

Providing a simple, easy-to-use translation solution like Live Presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint or PowerPoint Live in Microsoft Teams helps remove barriers to learning and enables students of all linguistic backgrounds and comprehension abilities to understand and participate in lessons in real-time. For more about Real-Time Translation, read the  comparative study , and visit the  K-12 Blueprint Learning Next  page for whitepapers, abstracts, and infographics for this and other Accelerate Learning topics.

1 English Learners in Public Schools | National Center for Educational Statistics

2 English Language Learners | National Education Association

3 World Report on Disability 2011 | World Health Organization

4 Students With Disabilities | National Center for Education Statistics

5 UN Sustainable Development Goal #4

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Claudia Sheinbaum projected to be Mexico's first woman president

By Kathleen Magramo, Maureen Chowdhury, Matt Meyer, Antoinette Radford and Melissa Macaya, CNN

The count: Mexico Elections 2024

Mexico's outgoing president says he will not try to influence sheinbaum in naming future officials.

From CNN's Abel Alvarado in Atlanta

Mexico's President Andrés Manuel López Obrador attends a press conference after the general election in Mexico City, on June 3.

Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he will not influence newly elected president Claudia Sheinbaum in naming future officials for the country after Sunday’s landslide victory.

 “She (Sheinbaum) is the one empowered to make all the decisions. I am not going to influence anything,” López Obrador said during his morning presser on Monday.

“She is going to choose her team,” he added.

However, he suggested that changes would come with the new president because it was part of the “transformation” he started for the country when he took office nearly six years ago.

López Obrador also said he may discuss constitutional reforms with Sheinbaum during the transition period but made it clear that he didn’t “want to impose anything.”

Sheinbaum will take office on October 1. Her term will last six years.

López Obrador, who is Sheinbaum’s political mentor, congratulated her on the win.

“We already spoke yesterday (Sunday); I congratulated her. I am very happy because imagine what it means to hand over the presidency to a woman after 200 years of only men ruling Mexico,” the president said.

The president said that once he hands over the presidential band, he plans to retire from political life entirely and will do so with “a lot of satisfaction.”

“Let it be heard loud and clear: after I finish my term in office, I will retire, and I will never again participate in any public or political act,” he said. 

Biden congratulates Sheinbaum for her historic win

US President Joe Biden speaks at the White House in Washington on May 31.

US President Joe Biden congratulated Claudia Sheinbaum on her historic presidential win as Mexico's first woman to lead the country's government.

"I look forward to working closely with President-elect Sheinbaum in the spirit of partnership and friendship that reflects the enduring bonds between our two countries," he said in a statement Monday. "I expressed our commitment to advancing the values and interests of both our nations to the benefit of our peoples."

Read Biden's full statement:

"I congratulate Claudia Sheinbaum on her historic election as the first woman President of Mexico. I look forward to working closely with President-elect Sheinbaum in the spirit of partnership and friendship that reflects the enduring bonds between our two countries. I expressed our commitment to advancing the values and interests of both our nations to the benefit of our peoples. I also congratulate the Mexican people for conducting a nationwide successful democratic electoral process involving races for more than 20,000 positions at the local, state, and federal levels."

Mexican peso falls against the US dollar

From CNN's Krystal Hur

A woman walks past a board showing currency exchange rates of the Mexican peso against the US dollar in Mexico City, on May 28.

The Mexican peso slipped roughly 3% against the US dollar Monday morning.

It comes after Claudia Sheinbaum's projected landslide victory, which has raised concerns that the ruling Morena party will be able to pass more ambitious constitutional reforms, many of which had been sought by outgoing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

"Sheinbaum is perceived as more of a technocrat than AMLO, and she also has a background in climate science. Both offer potential shifts in Mexican policy," wrote Bespoke Investment Group researchers in a Monday note.

Latin American leaders celebrate Claudia Sheinbaum's projected win

From CNN's Abel Alvarado

Claudia Sheinbaum waves to supporters in Mexico City on June 3.

Latin American leaders are celebrating Claudia Sheinbaum's projected win as Mexico's president with leaders referencing a common theme — that her appointment would hopefully see strengthened relationships between countries on the continent.

Sheinbaum will face several challenges, including security, organized crime, energy and immigration, and would also set the tone for  the pivotal US-Mexico bilateral relationship . 

  • Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel  said in a post on X: "We wish her success in her management, the first for a woman in that position."
  • Honduran President Xiomara Castro extended her "sincere congratulations" to Sheinbaum, "as the first female president of Honduras" on X . Castro said she spoke to Sheinbaum following her victory and agreed "to work together for the unity of Latin America and the Caribbean."
  • Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro called her win a "great victory for the Great Homeland. I hug you! Long live Mexico!"
  • Bolivian President Luis Arce congratulated her on X and added that they "salute salute all the Mexican people for their democratic vocation and broad participation in the electoral process."
  • Colombian President Gustavo Petro described Sheinbaum's appointment as "a triumph for the Mexican people and for their democracy."
  • Costa Rica 's presidency referred to the two countries as "brother countries" and congratulated Sheinbaum on her appointment.

Millions turn out for largest election in Mexico's history

From CNN's Tara John and CNN en Español

People queue to vote at a polling station in Colonia Libertad, near the US-Mexico border in Tijuana, Mexico, on June 2.

Sunday’s poll was the largest election in the country’s history. More than 98 million voters were registered to cast a ballot, and 1.4 million Mexicans were eligible to vote abroad.

In addition to the presidency, more than 20,000 positions were being contested by an estimated 70,000 candidates vying to become senators, mayors and governors.

But the elections were plagued by  immense violence . There have been more than 20 political killings since September, according to the Mexican government. By some estimates though, that number is even higher. According to Mexican consultancy firm Integralia, at least 34 candidates were murdered in the run-up to the vote.

Voting was suspended for several hours on Sunday in the southeastern Mexican town of Coyomeapan due to violence at the polling centers, according to state electoral authorities.

And while the murder rate fell in Mexico  between 2019 and 2022 , in absolute numbers the country is still reeling from historically high levels of around 30,000 homicides each year. The true number is likely higher, experts say.

The violence appeared to have been a top concern for voters as cartels extend their grip through Mexico.

Claudia Sheinbaum has been coy about her security proposals but has pointed to her record as Mexico City mayor, when, according to her team, she improved the police force’s working conditions and intelligence-gathering abilities.

Outgoing Mexican president congratulates Sheinbaum

From CNN's Mia Alberti

A video of outgoing Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador congratulating projected president Claudia Sheinbaum is displayed at a hotel in Mexico City on June 3.

Mexico's President Andres Manuel López Obrador has congratulated Claudia Sheinbaum on her expected win in Sunday's presidential election. 

"With all my affection and respect I congratulate Claudia Sheinbaum who came out victorious with an ample margin. She will be the first (female) President of Mexico... but also the President, possibly, with most votes obtained in all of the history of our country," he said in a video posted on X. 

López Obrador also congratulated the other presidential candidates and the Mexican people, saying he was proud of the large turnout.

Mexico's expected president Sheinbaum pledges to govern all Mexicans "without distinction"

From CNN's Michael Rios

Claudia Sheinbaum addresses supporters in Mexico City on Monday, June 3.

Claudia Sheinbaum has responded to the announcement of her projected victory in Mexico's presidential election early Monday morning, saying her administration would govern all Mexicans “without distinction,” even though not everyone supports her policies.

“Our duty is and will always be to look after every single Mexican without distinction. So even though many Mexicans do not fully agree with our project, we will have to walk in peace and harmony to continue building a fair and more prosperous Mexico,” she told supporters in a speech.

She also spoke about the historical significance of becoming the first female president of the country.

Sheinbaum said her two rivals in the race, Xóchitl Gálvez and Jorge Álvarez Máynez, had called to congratulate her on her projected victory.

Sheinbaum, the candidate from the ruling party, received the most votes in Sunday's elections, according to preliminary results from the National Electoral Institute.

The Electoral Court must validate the presidential election, and if confirmed, Sheinbaum will start her presidency on October 1.

Sheinbaum's large margin shows power of Mexico's ruling party, CNN journalist says

From CNN's Kathleen Magramo

Ruling party presidential candidate Claudia Sheinbaum leaves the polling station where she voted during general elections in Mexico City, on June 2.

Even though Claudia Sheinbaum was expected to win during campaign polls, her large margin in the votes came as a shock, CNN’s Gustavo Valdes reports from Mexico City.

Sheinbaum might get up to 60% of the vote, which is even higher than outgoing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador when he was elected six years ago, Valdes said.

Sheinbaum is the candidate for the ruling Morena party.

"That gives you an idea of the political power that López Obrador has amassed over the past six years," Valdes told CNN's Rosemary Church.

Valdes said voters told CNN that a woman president would help change Mexico's image of being a "macho" country, where patriarchal culture impedes women's advancements.

"Mexico has actually changed its laws to encourage and actually force the parties to have more female candidates. So so there's a very equal division of power between many woman in congress and the governorships," Valdes said.

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Artificial Intelligence Computing Leadership from NVIDIA

Press Release Details

Nvidia releases digital human microservices, paving way for future of generative ai avatars.

TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- COMPUTEX  -- NVIDIA today announced the general availability of NVIDIA ACE generative AI microservices to accelerate the next wave of digital humans, as well as new generative AI breakthroughs coming soon to the platform.

Companies in customer service, gaming and healthcare are the first to adopt ACE technologies to simplify creating, animating and operating lifelike digital humans across customer service, telehealth, gaming and entertainment.

The suite of NVIDIA ACE digital human generative AI technologies now generally available includes:

  • NVIDIA Riva ASR, TTS and NMT — for automatic speech recognition, text-to-speech conversion and translation
  • NVIDIA Nemotron   LLM — for language understanding and contextual response generation
  • NVIDIA Audio2Face — for realistic facial animation based on audio tracks
  • NVIDIA Omniverse RTX — for real-time, path-traced realistic skin and hair

Newly announced technologies include:

  • NVIDIA Audio2Gesture — for generating body gestures based on audio tracks, available soon
  • NVIDIA Nemotron-3 4.5B — a new small language model (SLM) purpose-built for low-latency, on-device RTX AI PC inference

“Digital humans will revolutionize industries,” said Jensen Huang, founder and CEO of NVIDIA. “Breakthroughs in multi-modal large language models and neural graphics — delivered by NVIDIA ACE to our ecosystem of developers — are bringing us closer to a future of intent-driven computing, where interacting with computers is as natural as interacting with humans.”

Digital Humans Come to 100 Million RTX AI PCs To date, NVIDIA has provided ACE as NIM microservices for developers to operate in data centers. Now NVIDIA is building ACE PC NIM microservices for deployment across the installed base of 100 million RTX AI PCs and laptops.

These include NVIDIA Nemotron-3 4.5B, the company’s first SLM, which has been purpose-built to run on device with similar levels of precision and accuracy as large language models (LLMs) running in the cloud. Nemotron-3 4.5B SLM is now in early access. NVIDIA Audio2Face and NVIDIA Riva ASR on-device models will be available soon in early access .

The new NVIDIA AI Inference Manager software development kit simplifies the deployment of ACE to PCs. It preconfigures the PC with the necessary AI models, engines and dependencies while orchestrating AI inference seamlessly across PCs and the cloud.

An updated version of the Covert Protocol tech demo , developed in collaboration with Inworld AI , is being shown at the COMPUTEX trade show. Using Audio2Face and Riva ASR running locally on GeForce RTX PCs , the demo allows players to interact and influence digital-human non-playable characters (NPCs) with conversational language to complete their mission.

Digital Human Ecosystem Expands With Latest ACE Technologies ACE is making waves with developers building a variety of applications from companies such as Aww Inc., Dell Technologies, Gumption , Hippocratic AI, Inventec, OurPalm , Perfect World Games, Reallusion, ServiceNow, Soulbotix, SoulShell and UneeQ.

Aww Inc., a pioneering virtual human company based in Japan, launched its first virtual celebrity, Imma, in 2018. Imma has since become the face of major global brands in more than 50 countries. Now, Aww Inc. plans to leverage ACE Audio2Face microservices for real-time animation, enabling a highly interactive communication experience with its users.

Perfect World Games, a game developer and publisher, is adopting ACE in its new mythological wilderness tech demo, Legends. Players can interact with a fully interactive, realistic, multilingual, AI NPC in both English and Mandarin. Using NVIDIA Audio2Face NIM, the character’s audio responses generate realistic facial animation in real time.

Inventec, a major technology company that is investing heavily in AI, is using NVIDIA Audio2Face NIM to enhance its healthcare AI agent within the VRSTATE platform. The integration provides a more engaging, comforting virtual consultation experience. At COMPUTEX, Inventec is showcasing an AI agent that can help patients access information about their health.

ServiceNow, the AI platform for business transformation, recently showcased ACE NIM in a generative AI service agent demo for its Now Assist Gen AI Experience, highlighting the potential for digital avatars to enhance customer and employee interactions across industries including retail, travel and more.

Dell Technologies unveiled its cutting-edge Dell Generative AI Solution for Digital Assistants at Dell Technologies World last month. The offering allows businesses to leverage intelligent digital assistants that engage customers through natural conversations across various industries such as retail, healthcare and customer service.

NVIDIA Celebrates Digital Human Startups at COMPUTEX 2024 NVIDIA art teams used generative AI tools built on ACE, including Synthesia and Hour One , to produce a “digital Jensen” avatar that was generated by video from text.

The multilingual avatar featured Huang’s unique voice and style, generated by ElevenLabs’ proprietary AI speech and voice technology in Mandarin Chinese and English. NVIDIA also collaborated with Voicemod, an NVIDIA Inception member specializing in AI voice technology, to compose the ending theme song of Huang’s keynote.

ACE NIM Now Available NVIDIA ACE NIM microservices for server deployments including Riva and Audio2Face are now in production, adding NVIDIA AI Enterprise software for developers to receive enterprise-class support. Register for early access to ACE NIM microservices that run on RTX AI PCs.

Watch Huang’s COMPUTEX keynote to see the latest in ACE content.

About NVIDIA NVIDIA (NASDAQ: NVDA) is the world leader in accelerated computing.

For further information, contact: Benjamin Berraondo NVIDIA Corporation [email protected]

Certain statements in this press release including, but not limited to, statements as to: the benefits, impact, performance, features, and availability of NVIDIA’s products and technologies, including NVIDIA ACE generative AI microservices, NVIDIA Riva ASR, TTS and NMT, NVIDIA Nemotron LLM and SLM, NVIDIA Audio2Face, NVIDIA Audio2Gesture, NVIDIA Omniverse RTX, NVIDIA Nemotron-3 4.5B, NVIDIA AI Inference Manager, and NVIDIA AI Enterprise software; the benefits and impact of NVIDIA’s collaborations with third parties, and the features and availability of their services and offerings; third parties’ use or adoption of NVIDIA products, technologies and platforms, and the benefits and impacts thereof; digital humans revolutionizing industries; and breakthroughs in multi-modal large language models and neural graphics — delivered by NVIDIA ACE to our ecosystem of developers — bringing us closer to a future of intent-driven computing, where interacting with computers is as natural as interacting with humans are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause results to be materially different than expectations. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include: global economic conditions; our reliance on third parties to manufacture, assemble, package and test our products; the impact of technological development and competition; development of new products and technologies or enhancements to our existing product and technologies; market acceptance of our products or our partners' products; design, manufacturing or software defects; changes in consumer preferences or demands; changes in industry standards and interfaces; unexpected loss of performance of our products or technologies when integrated into systems; as well as other factors detailed from time to time in the most recent reports NVIDIA files with the Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, including, but not limited to, its annual report on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q. Copies of reports filed with the SEC are posted on the company's website and are available from NVIDIA without charge. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and speak only as of the date hereof, and, except as required by law, NVIDIA disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect future events or circumstances.

© 2024 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. NVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, Audio2Face, NVIDIA NeMo, NVIDIA Omniverse, and NVIDIA RTX are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. Features, pricing, availability and specifications are subject to change without notice.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at: https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/a29d20a9-e6a6-4f87-ad3c-84ef7432665d

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Now in general availability, NVIDIA ACE generative AI microservices will accelerate the next wave of digital humans.

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The Future of Jobs Report 2023

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The Future of Jobs Report 2023 explores how jobs and skills will evolve over the next five years. This fourth edition of the series continues the analysis of employer expectations to provide new insights on how socio-economic and technology trends will shape the workplace of the future.

Press Release

  • Extended design options for new vehicle interiors by steering wheels with new driver airbag configurations
  • Enhanced occupant protection for side impacts with dual-stage side airbag
  • Active seat belts for enhanced driving safety
  • Market for passive safety systems expected to grow by approximately 4% annually until 2030

Alfdorf / Penzing, Germany. ZF LIFETEC, one of the world’s leading suppliers of passive safety systems, presented its latest steering wheel, airbag and seat belt technologies at its first Technology Day under the new brand. The ZF LIFETEC brand had been introduced in March 2024 for the ZF Passive Safety Systems division, which is currently being set up as a standalone company independent from ZF Group. With a global market share of more than 20 percent, ZF LIFETEC can be found in the vehicles of almost all leading vehicle manufacturers.

Future vehicle interiors: ZF LIFETEC presents next generation airbags and steering wheels

“The need for safer mobility is universal. Therefore, the share of safety features in new passenger cars is expected to increase significantly – in both electric and combustion vehicles. Demand is driven by increasing global safety regulations and automotive megatrends,” said Rudolf Stark, head of ZF LIFETEC. “Our aim is to outgrow the market – and our technology driven approach combined with leading innovations are an excellent base for that. Once the carve-out is completed, the independence as a standalone business provides us with greater entrepreneurial flexibility to address the needs of our customers.”

Automated driving, drivetrain electrification and smart interior are considered main drivers of change in the automotive industry. A high level of automated driving provides more in-car freedoms such as the ability to adjust seats to comfort positions while the vehicle is in motion. These features present considerable challenges for future occupant protection systems as well as business opportunities for ZF LIFETEC. While new interior concepts are changing the requirements for occupant protection, new passive safety systems are also opening up innovative design opportunities for vehicle manufacturers.

The following highlights were among the solutions presented at the ZF LIFETEC Technology Day 2024:

  • A steering wheel with a pioneering seamless design, allowing customization and enhanced user experience.
  • A driver airbag that deploys from the top of the steering wheel instead of in the frontal surface. This frees up the space in the steering wheel previously occupied by the airbag for new functions.
  • A driver airbag solution (dual contour bag) designed to protect the driver in normal driving or in comfort seating position.
  • An internal side airbag that can be deployed shortly before a side impact and creates an additional crumple zone between the side door and driver in two stages, thus reducing the risk of injury.

Global passive safety market providing for structural growth

With its leading innovations across a full portfolio of airbag, seat belt and steering wheel systems, ZF LIFETEC is well positioned to serve the demands of a growing market for passive safety systems. Based on a leading consultancy study, with a total market size of about €19 billion in 2023, the market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of approximately 4% until 2030. Increasing safety demands and stepped-up safety regulations – especially in emerging markets with particularly strong vehicle production volume growth such as China and India – as well as innovations to support mobility megatrends, represent the key drivers for outperforming the underlying light vehicle market growth. At the same time the market for passive safety systems is non-disruptive: The demand for safety comes independent from the drivetrain although the safety requirements have been increasing with respect to the higher weight of electric vehicles.

ZF LIFETEC – the future standalone group in short

ZF Group initiated the carve-out of its Passive Safety Systems division to provide it with more strategic flexibility to enable higher growth in sales and profitability. With the new brand, ZF LIFETEC continues its journey towards a standalone group, leveraging the robust position in a structural growth market less affected by automotive industry shifts.

With sales of approximately €4.6 billion in 2023, ZF LIFETEC is a leading global supplier of passive safety technology for the enhanced protection of vehicle occupants with a market share of more than 20 percent of global sales in its core product categories as of 2023. ZF LIFETEC has a global presence of 48 locations across 20 countries with around 36.000 employees, thereof around 3,400 in R&D. ZF LIFETEC’s global R&D network focuses on three global R&D centres-of-excellence in Germany, the US and China, to drive global product portfolio development, and numerous local support facilities enabling close relationship with leading OEMs for product customization to regional market trends and regulatory changes.

The comprehensive ZF LIFETEC product system covers three main product categories: inflatable restraint systems is the largest product category providing customers with a full suite of airbags and inflators to meet and exceed global safety standards and enable innovative interior designs. Steering wheel systems add integrated solutions to combine airbag technology with the usability of modern cars. Seat belt systems provide the full suite of restraint solutions with focus on increasing adaptability to the individual needs of passengers. Based on strong relationships with a diversified customer base of global OEMs, ZF LIFETEC products are essential pillars of safety from small vehicles in the volume segment to the most sophisticated luxury vehicles.

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Bridge to the Digital World: Bundesdruckerei Wins Industry Award for Concept for the Banknote of the Future

Ignis sample banknote wins iaca excellence currency awards 2024 in the “best house note” category  , presentation of exnihilo concept banknote series at banknote conference in fort worth, usa  , joint development with siralab partners , heuberger-lewerenz responsible for the concept: “with ignis, we literally had to print light” .

Fort Worth, USA / Berlin, 21 May 2024 – Bundesdruckerei GmbH showcased its concept for the banknote of the future at the Banknote Conference in Fort Worth, USA. The IGNIS from the ExNihilo model banknote series, developed with national and international partners in the SIRALab innovation network, won the IACA Excellence in Currency Award 2024 in the “Best House Note” category. This first-ever banknote printed on black banknote paper bridges the gap between the analogue and digital worlds. 

Despite the growing popularity of cashless payments, experts agree that cash remains critical for a thriving economy and financial inclusion. The ExNihilo series is Bundesdruckerei’s response to the increasing detachment of money from physical form. “Many central banks are currently evaluating the introduction of digital currencies. However, there's been little discussion on the redesign of future banknotes. IGNIS addresses this issue,” said Dr Adrian Heuberger-Lewerenz, Senior Expert Currency Developer at Bundesdruckerei GmbH. 

The SIRALab initiative, currently comprising eleven industrial partners, champions the ExNihilo series – Latin for “out of nothing”. The deep black colour makes these sample banknotes particularly counterfeit-proof. Commercial printers and copiers produce a comparatively grey black and applying motifs and security features to the black substrate requires special expertise and complex processes. “We virtually took the light away from the IGNIS sample banknote and now had to put it back”, remarked Heuberger-Lewerenz. This involved using special pigments that reflect light instead of absorbing it.

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The black ExNihilo banknotes also offer sustainability benefits. Their dark color eliminates the need for bleached cotton fibers, allowing production from old and recycled banknotes. This could significantly impact the annual production of 160 billion banknotes worldwide. 

The IGNIS sample banknote introduces another innovative feature: a highly secure and ultra-thin chip is embedded in the paper. This can act as an additional security attribute by authenticating the note to a smartphone app or bank reader. These technological features could make the ExNihilo series a bridge to central bank digital currency (CBDC). 

“Our ExNihilo concept could introduce traditional banknote advantages to a central bank digital currency,” explained Dr Dieter Sauter, Head of Security Printing at Bundesdruckerei GmbH. “The privacy and anonymity of cash can be maintained in CBDC transactions using other Bundesdruckerei Group solutions.” The embedded chip could serve as a digital wallet for everyone. “Financial inclusion wouldn't require a smartphone or potentially even a bank account,” said Sauter. This type of banknote could make a CBDC accessible and secure for both online and offline use. 

Sauter confirmed that the SIRALab initiative will continue developing progressive concepts for banknotes to ensure their future attractiveness. Furthermore, three additional sample banknotes from the ExNihilo series will be presented at future industry events. 

About Bundesdruckerei GmbH

Bundesdruckerei GmbH including her subsidiary Maurer Electronics GmbH drives technological developments in the fields of identity and authorization management, administrative digitization, data analysis and artificial intelligence as well as state means of payment and value transfer systems. In doing so, it creates the basis for a modern and resilient society.

As a company of the Bundesdruckerei Group and with over 250 years of experience, the company is paving the way to a secure digital future. Bundesdruckerei GmbH currently employs around 3,000 people and achieved sales of 789.5 million euros in 2022. Further information at https://www.bundesdruckerei-gmbh.de/en

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  27. Future vehicle interiors: ZF LIFETEC presents next generation airbags

    Extended design options for new vehicle interiors by steering wheels with new driver airbag configurations Enhanced occupant protection for side impacts with dual-stage side airbag Active seat belts for enhanced driving safety Market for passive safety systems expected to grow by approximately 4% annually until 2030 Alfdorf / Penzing, Germany. ZF LIFETEC, one of the world's leading suppliers ...

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    Fort Worth, USA / Berlin, 21 May 2024 - Bundesdruckerei GmbH showcased its concept for the banknote of the future at the Banknote Conference in Fort Worth, USA. The IGNIS from the ExNihilo model banknote series, developed with national and international partners in the SIRALab innovation network, won the IACA Excellence in Currency Award 2024 in the "Best House Note" category.