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Bursary Application Letter

Last Updated On February 20, 2020 By Letter Writing Leave a Comment

A bursary application letter is written by a student who is not able to meet their educational expenses and often accompanied by a bursary application form. It is addressed to the funding organization, local authorities or institutions.

A bursary application letter is important to genuinely show the financial need and the inability of the student to fund their education. The funding organization or institution uses bursary applications to vet and identify suitable candidates for the financial support based on merit, need or both according to the requirements of the bursary. 

Bursary applications are formal documents to regulate the disbursement of funds. Here, a student also demonstrates an understanding of the bursary requirements.

Tips for writing a bursary application letter

  • Describe your financial need genuinely
  • Mention the institution and course you are taking
  • Describe your education and career goals
  • Keep the application personal than generic
  • Mention that you will meet the requirements of the bursary program
  • Use a polite and professional language
  • Attach the necessary academic credentials
  • Enclose the bursary application form and other support documents
  • Keep the content formal
  • Be brief and straight to the point

Bursary Application Letter Templates

Students in need of financial support can apply for bursaries. See the bursary application letter template and sample letters that will enable you to make a comprehensive and polite application.


Date (date on which letter is written)



Dear _________________,

My name is __________ a student at __________ pursuing __________ course. I wish to apply for a bursary offered by __________ recently advertised on __________. I am a bright student but I am unable to meet my education expenses.

I have paid my accommodation fees but my family cannot afford the full tuition. I am interested in applying for this program because it aims at providing financial support to the needy students to enable them to pursue successful careers. 

I hope to graduate and pursue a career as a __________. Additionally, I hope to give back to the community in the future by supporting needy students. With your financial support, I will work hard to achieve my dreams. I assure you that I shall meet the expectations of your __________.

Please find the attached bursary application form, academic credentials, and other support documents for your consideration. This opportunity is a stepping stone to achieve my dreams. I hope that you will consider my application and grant me the bursary. 

Yours Truly,


From, __________ (employee’s name) __________ (employee’s address) __________ __________

To: ______________ (Your name) ______________ (Your address) __________________

Date __________ (date of writing letter)

Dear Mr. /Ms_________, (name of the concerned person),

I want to inform you that I am interested to receive bursary funds to fulfill my educational needs.

At present, I am enrolled in the …………………(name of program/course) program, and my subjects are ……………..(mention subjects). I have paid the fees for the first year. But my family is not in a position to afford the fee for the rest of the duration.

I request you to consider me as a suitable candidate for receiving bursary aid. I promise you that I shall meet the expectations of the institution. With my hard work and dedication, I shall put in all the effort to excel in the field of education. I will ensure to bring laurels to our college. With your help, I will be finishing my education and will become eligible to apply for a suitable position in a company or organization. In this way, I will be in a better place to support my family.

You will be doing a great favor to my family as they cannot afford my college fees.

I hope to receive a positive response from you

Yours Sincerely,

____________ (Your name)

Bursary Application Letter Samples

When bursaries are advertised, potential candidates need to make an application. Have a look at our free bursary application letter that will catch the attention of the selection committee.

Lynne Kennedy,

8295 Poor House Ave.

Matawan, NJ 07747

United States

Date:____________ (Date on which letter is written)

The bursaries committee,

Brookhill University

309 E. Trenton St.

Vincentown, NJ 08088

Sub; Application for a bursary

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Lynne Kennedy a second-year Food Security student at Brookhill University. I hereby write this letter to apply for the recently advertised bursary aid at the university. I have demonstrated determination and hard work in my studies as evident from my university transcripts attached herewith. However, my financial difficulties are diminishing my education opportunities.

I lost my parents some time back and I currently take part-time jobs to meet my education and personal needs. Last semester I was unable to take my end of semester exams because I had not completed the school fees. I believe that this bursary will be an opportunity to help me complete my university education and pursue a successful career to promote food security in the country.

I am a good student and given this opportunity, I will do my best to exceed your expectations. I hope that I meet your need and merit preferential.

Lynne Kennedy

Dear Mr.Fernandez,

I want to inform you that I am interested in seeking bursary aid to help me in fulfilling my educational needs.

Currently I am enrolled in your college for a Bachelor Degree in Commerce. My family is finding it difficult to pay my college fees.

If you give me a chance to be the recipient of the bursary aid, I will be very happy and assure you that I will do my best to meet your expectations. With my hard work and dedication, I shall see that I will excel in the field of education and bring laurels to the institution.

You will be doing a great favor to my family as they are not in a position to afford my educational expenses.

Looking forward to hear from you

Bursary Application Letter Email Formats

Are you thinking of applying for bursary aid but have no idea how to begin? Check out the bursary application letter in an email format that will get you started in writing a winning application.

I hereby write to apply for the Wings to Fly bursary program 2020/2021. I highly appreciate this program that Equity Organization is offering to needy students to pursue their high school education. I am motivated to apply for this program because it helps bright students who cannot afford education expenses achieve their dreams.

I am a Frenchman at Peninsula Senior School. I  have struggled to meet my education expenses in the last term and this resulted in absenteeism. I wish to apply for a bursary to help me complete my high school education. This bursary will help me graduate from high school and continue to university and pursue a degree in engineering.  

I am a hardworking student and I have demonstrated this from my transcript records. Your bursary program targets students who have excellent performance and I believe I meet the merit requirements of your program. I wish that you will offer me this bursary to pay my high school tuition as well as accommodation.

Kindly receive a filled and duly signed bursary application form and supporting documents for your consideration. Please contact me on [email protected] if you need any information regarding my application.

Kind regards,

Jennie Kelly

Dear Karina,

I want to inform you of my intention to apply for a bursary aid to assist me in my educational development.

I am currently enrolled in your school taking Bachelor of Science Major in Accounting Management. I am now in my sophomore years in college; however, my financial resources are keeping me out for educational opportunities.

Should I be given the chance to be a recipient of your bursary program, I am very glad to accept it and pledge to do my very best to exceed your expectations to me. I also wish to give honor to our school by maintaining my educational status and by excelling in some fields of education.

I am hoping that this will merit your special attention. Thank you.


Quinn Lionel Massey.

Depending on the objectives of the funding organization or government, bursaries are issued to needy students or those who demonstrate high academic achievements. When writing a bursary application letter, describe your financial need and why you are a suitable candidate for the bursary. You can also briefly describe your education and professional goals. 

Megha Kothari

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All Bursaries South Africa

How to Write A Motivational Letter For Bursary (+Examples)

Studying at a tertiary level is an expensive business, and most South African students need financial help to do so. Getting a bursary from a reputable organization is often the only way of funding your further education.

How to write a motivational letter

What is a bursary and who is eligble?

A bursary is a form of financial assistance for students who aren’t able to fund their studies on their own. Bursary funds are made available in South Africa by universities, colleges, tertiary education facilities, and many other organisations and companies. They can help to cover the school fees, educational expenses and sometimes other living expenses.

Bursaries usually come with a contract and entail certain conditions. Often you’ll be expected to work for the company or organisation giving you the bursary for a certain period of time after you graduate.

You’ll be expected to apply for the bursary program by completing an application form and many organisation may also as for a cover letter on why you should be selected. The motivational letter you write to the institution offering the bursary is important as it can materially affect your chances of getting the bursary award. It needs to be of high quality but you should not let the thought of writing a letter put you off sending the bursary application letter. Remember there is never a perfect candidate and simply by applying greatly improves your chances! 

Tips on writing an effective motivational letter for bursary

An important point to bear in mind is that the organisation will get many letters from students applying for the bursary. You want yours to stand out and grab their attention. Keep these tips in mind:

  • Your letter must have a personal, engaging and interesting tone, and you must sound sincere and genuine. At the same time, you need to sell yourself and talk about your personal achievements. 
  • Be completely honest about your financial situation, why you need the bursary and what your goals and aspirations are. 
  • The language and presentation of your letter must be meticulous. Proofread, proofread, proofread – even a single typo or spelling error is too much!  Replace filler words like ‘just’, ‘really’ and ‘very’ with specific modifiers. Be precise and avoid long, meandering sentences.
  • Keep your tone polite, a professional and formal tone , without sounding stilted. Avoid familiarity, undue ‘chattiness’ and slang. Look out for any spelling mistakes .
  • Make sure that you include all the information requested, i.e. your academic results, personal information, contact details and documents requested.
  • Write about any previous experience you might have in your motivation letter, they want to at least see the candidate know what skills are required for the challenge ahead, the same as you would for a job application.
  • Assure the organisation of your commitment, career goals and that you’ll work hard to meet all the requirements and expectations they set. 

How to structure a bursary motivational letter

A letter of motivation will vary considerably according to every student’s individual circumstances, but here’s a good generic format: 

  • Your name, contact information and the date go in the top left-hand corner of the application letter. If you are a current student at the institution, include your student number.
  • Follow this by the name and address of the organisation offering the bursary
  • Then a subject line stating which bursary you are applying for.
  • To Whom It May Concern
  • Dear Mr/Mrs/Dr, followed by the name of the person who’ll be reading it if you know who it is.
  • Paragraph one must briefly and clearly explain the purpose of the application, i.e. “I am applying for the — bursary you offer to help me fund my — degree/certificate/qualification in —. 
  • Academic achievement and results
  • Your current degree and what year you’re in if you’re already studying. 
  • Use the third paragraph to discuss your career plans, personal goals, and how the bursary will help you to fund your studies.
  • Give a few details about why you need the bursary, but don’t elaborate too much. 
  • Finally, express your gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity and state your commitment to working hard. 
  • Sign the letter with ‘Yours sincerely’ and your name 

Two examples of motivational letter for bursary application

Please see the below sample letters:

Example Motivational Letter for Bursary 1 (PDF) Example Motivational Letter for Bursary 2 (PDF)

Example 1 –  Letter for Scholarship

Ms Wilma Visagie 14 Malan Avenue Townsomewhere 7777

Cell number: 000 000 000 Email: [email protected] Student number: 0000110000

18 February 2022

The Registrar North West University University Street Potchefstroom 2520 

Application for a bursary for the third-year BA in Media Studies and Communication.

I am currently enrolled in my second year at your university for a BA in Media Studies and Communication. I have found the course interesting, rewarding and both challenging and thought-provoking, and have been doing well so far. I would like to apply for your bursary for the third year (2022) of my degree as my financial circumstances have unfortunately changed recently.

My academic results at the end of my first year were as follows:

  • Journalism and Media Studies: A- (3.7)
  • Graphic Design with History of Art: A (4)
  • Development Communication: B+ (3.3)
  • Advanced Corporate Communication: A- (3.8)

I have always enjoyed language and communication and intend to find a position in the media and communication field after I graduate. I particularly have my sights set on working for a reputable newspaper, journal or magazine where my flair for design, research and communication will be put to good use. 

I have on several occasions done vac work at the Townsomewhere Gazette and really enjoyed it. During the recent June/July holidays they put me in charge of arranging a media event for them. I’m delighted (and relieved !) to say that it went very well. I attach a copy of the complimentary letter Mr Dan Brooks, the editor, wrote to me after the event.  

My first and second-year studies were funded by an uncle who was also my godfather since my parents died when I was 10. He sadly passed away towards the end of May this year, and my aunt will not be able to fund my final year of study.  I do have a small amount of my own money saved up, but it isn’t enough for my tuition next year. Your bursary would make the difference between graduating next year or having to work for some time to save the money to complete my studies.

May I please emphasise that my education is extremely important to me? I also believe that as a writer and journalist one can make a difference to society and I’m passionate about doing so. If you would kindly grant me the bursary, I can assure you of my continued commitment and best efforts in my studies and in the future. 

Thank you very much for considering my bursary application. I am grateful for this opportunity.

Kindly find attached all the relevant documentation you requested.

Yours sincerely Wilma Visagie (Ms) 

Example 2 – Bursary Letter

John Peters 88 Alikreukel Ave Anothertown 1111

Cel no 0000000 [email protected] Annexures 1-11 attached

21 January 2022

Dr Dennis Madison Institute of Geology, Mineralogy and Mining Research Sandton 2196

Dear Dr Madison

Application for your Geology and Mineralogy bursary

I am currently enrolled at the University of the Witwatersrand as a 2nd-year student in Geology. I have found the course utterly absorbing so far and am totally committed to completing my BSc. However, my financial circumstances have recently changed adversely, so I will not be able to do so as things stand now. I, therefore, wish to apply for your bursary and trust that I will be considered favourably. 

My academic results for my first year were as follows:

Geochemistry – B+

Sedimentology – A-

Mining Geology I – A

Applied Geology I – A

My subjects this year are Applied Geology II, Mining Geology II, Metamorphic Petrology and Hydrogeology. I hope to continue with Applied Geology III and Mining Geology III next year, as well as a sub-major in Structural Geology.

I have always been inquisitive and passionate about rocks, mineralogy and the natural geological world. I love to travel, do geology-related research and working outdoors. My Estwick rock pick is my inseparable friend! I wish to work in mineralogy and rock strata research one day. 

I did some work shadowing in July last year at your field office in Graskop in Mpumalanga, and wish to give Dr Grace Radebe as a referent in this regard. (See Annexure 4). I found Dr Radebe’s fieldwork fascinating, insightful and challenging, and would wish to intern at your Institute in the very future.  

Up to this point, my studies have been funded by a grant from a local Anothertown business, Deegan & Sons. However, they had some financial setbacks, and were recently put into receivership. I was informed at the end of March that they would not be able to continue my study grant next year. (See Annexure 2(b).) Without finding a way of funding my 3rd year, I shall not be able to graduate in 2022 as planned. 

If you consider my bursary application favourably, I wish to assure you that I will work even harder to meet all my study and any other commitments you may set me. My education is incredibly important to me and I love my field of study. I will not let you down. 

I am grateful for the opportunity to apply for your bursary. 

Yours sincerely John Peters

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Motivation Letter

Easy Ways to Write a Motivation Letter for Bursary Application

Your bursary application requires you to write a motivation letter. But how do you write one that convinces the reviewer that you’re the best candidate for funding? If you’ve been accepted to a university or college, you’ve probably heard the word “bursary” thrown around. A bursary is a financial award that does not need to be paid back. It’s a form of grant rather than a loan.  It is usually awarded based on financial need, merit, or some combination of the two. It can help to include a strong motivation letter with your bursary application.

A bursary can help immensely to offset the high costs of university education. While many students take out student loans to cover costs, it’s always better to not have to pay that money back. Let’s look at how we can write a strong motivation letter for a bursary application.

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What is a Bursary?

A bursary is a financial award that does not need to be repaid. A bursary may be based on financial need or merit and is intended to supplement your income and help pay for school fees, supplies, and living expenses.  The word “bursary” comes from the Latin “burra” which means cloth. The purpose of the award dates back to medieval Europe where students would wear a bursa or burse (bag) around their waist to represent their scholarship support. Thankfully, we don’t need to wear a bag, but you do need a strong application.

A bursary, or bursary award, will usually have an application process.   In that process, you may need to show why you should be awarded the bursary.  You may need to show a financial need for the award.  You might also have to show merit, or that you deserve the award for another achievement, often academic.  Often, there is a component of both required so even if you have a strong academic background, your award may be changed depending on how much money you or your family have.

Bursaries are designed to allow someone to attend college who could not otherwise, so there will usually be a financial component to the eligibility.

Bursaries and scholarships are very similar and, indeed, there is some overlap.  Scholarships, though, often will not have a financial requirement (though it’s not uncommon.)  Scholarships may be awarded for participation in a group, academic achievement, heritage, or any number of requirements.  Bursaries normally have at least a financial component.  The good news is that you don’t have to pay either one back.

Depending on the award, you may be able to use a bursary to pay for tuition costs, books, and supplies, living expenses, or any combination of these.  The specifics vary with each bursary but you will always have some combination of these expenses.  Bursaries provide you funding for college without increasing your financial burden after graduation, so they are a tremendous opportunity.


The Top Tips for Writing a Motivation Letter for Bursary Application

  • Be honest – tell them your financial need, be descriptive and, above all, be honest.
  • Keep a formal tone – this is a professional letter
  • Check your spelling and grammar – Make sure that your spelling and grammar are proper and concise.  Consider using a tool like Grammarly to help.
  • Show your goals – Tell them what you want to accomplish academically and professionally
  • Show how you meet the requirements of the bursary
  • Make sure to include all the required forms for the application – Don’t leave anything out.  Check your academic records, financial records, application forms

Where to Find Bursaries

The first job is to find the bursaries that you are eligible for.  This can be its own challenge, so we are going to provide you with some tips and tools to find them.

Oftentimes, bursaries are listed with scholarships and grants, so you can often use the same search engines. Here are a few to get you started:

  • The Scholarship Hub
  • Scholarship Canada
  • International Scholarships
  • International Education Financial Aid
  • International Student for study in the US, UK or Australia
  • Fulbright Foreign Student Program
  • World Bank Scholarships Program for Students in Developing Nations

This is by no means a complete list but it will get you started.  Of course, searching online for programs is a great place to start.  A good strategy there is to search “bursary” followed by keywords like the name of the school you want to attend, your country, your interests, and similar things. Often you won’t find anything but you might be surprised by what you find.

Also, many schools have resources to help you find opportunities, so you may want to call your school or email them and discuss any options that they know about. They do this all the time and so have a lot of knowledge about what’s available.

How to Write a Motivation Letter for Bursary

A motivation letter for a bursary application is a letter that you write to the organization that awards bursaries to express your interest in the bursary and why you are a strong candidate.  Bursaries can be extremely competitive and you want to take every opportunity to make yourself look like a strong candidate for the program.

The letter should be addressed to the organization that gives bursaries.  Ideally, to a person at that organization. You are looking to make a connection with reviewers.  If you can find the person receiving the letters and applications, that is wonderful and ideal.  Even if it’s addressed to the wrong person, but you are close, that’s okay. It shows that you took the time to research the organization and the people.  It shows initiative.

You will be the one to write it.  While someone else, like your parents, can help you write it and you should have someone else review it, you want to be the one to write it.  Remember, you are trying to show why you are a strong candidate.  Not taking the time and effort to advocate for yourself can make you look bad in the eyes of someone reviewing your application.

If you are applying for more than one bursary, you want to write a separate letter for each.  While this means more work, this will give you the best chance of being recognized for each of them.  Using the same letter is likely to make your letter look more like a form letter (which it is) and that you didn’t give the application the time and attention that it deserves.

Preparing to Write Your Motivation Letter for a Bursary Application

Before we can start writing, we have to do some preparation.  You will want to assess what the requirements are for the bursary, how you meet them, and what qualifications you have that most qualify you.  Start by reviewing the application, website, and any other information you have about the bursary.  Write down any qualifications or preferences that the bursary program has.  Include a segment on financial need.  Much of the financial need comes down to numbers but it can’t hurt to consider for your letter.

Next, review the program that you are trying to fund with the bursary.  Write down the answers to the following questions:

  • How is The Program Different From Its Competitors and What Makes It Better? – Consider the program, the location, the school.  Write down what makes that program better.
  • Why Do You Want to Attend that Program? – What is it about that program that attracts you compared to other programs.  Consider the course of study and your future goals or your capabilities.
  • What Will Attending the Program Allow You to Do – If you attend this program, what does your future look like?

Using these answers, make a list of qualities, experiences, and achievements that most qualify you for this program.  Consider everything that you have accomplished or participated in.  Right now, you’re looking for quantity over quality.  We will narrow it down when you write your letter.  This is to give you ideas without thinking too much about the letter.  Here are some ideas to prompt you.

  • Grades – Consider your marks in school, your best courses, and any other coursework where you stand out.
  • Course of Study – Consider whether there are any particularly interesting courses you have taken.  Maybe these were unique areas of study, college-level courses, or unique settings (e.g. study abroad).
  • Academic Achievement – Consider any academic awards, teams, or anything related that you have earned.
  • Employment – This includes any jobs, work recognition, or anything similar.
  • Volunteer Activities – If you volunteer anywhere, any special responsibilities or achievements you have had there.
  • Sports – Write down any sports you have participated in, awards there should be included.

This may not be a complete list but it should get you started.  You are looking for anything unique, impressive or distinct but at this phase, just write down as much as you can think of.

Start Writing Your Motivation Letter

We recommend a three-part letter.  This makes it easier to write and to read while still giving a reader a good overview of who you are and why they should choose you.  Your letter should be no more than one page. Many people aren’t going to read beyond that anyway.  You want to make it as easy on a reader as possible.

The three parts of the letter include

  • Introduction – This is a simple paragraph where you introduce yourself, the bursary program you are applying for, and a brief introduction of why you are a great candidate.
  • Body – The body, usually 1-3 paragraphs of a few sentences each serves to show a reader why you are a great candidate for the bursary and why they should choose you.
  • Conclusion – This simple, brief paragraph will thank them for their time, express your excitement about the opportunity, and make yourself available for any questions or further discussion.

Of course, this sounds easy but writing something this important is never that easy.  We will start with the hardest part, the body.  This will give you your messaging for the introduction and conclusion.

Editable Motivation Letter for Bursary

Editable Motivation Letter for Bursary

This is an editable version of our Motivation Letter for Bursary .  You can download it in Microsoft Word format, which you can use in Microsoft Word or on Google Docs.   Use this version to customize the letter for your situation.  Make sure to show your strengths and why you would make a great candidate for the position.

Using the notes that you made above, construct 1-3 paragraphs that describe why you would make a great candidate for the bursary.  This will be different for everyone but a few different strategies that you can use include

  • Your Past Accomplishments – Especially if the bursary is academic, you can show your academic achievement include awards, marks or grades, difficult courses you have taken (and done well in), or similar achievements.
  • What the Bursary Will Let You Do – If you have grand future goals that you can show progress towards and that you can describe, this could be a good point to use.  For example, “being able to attend Oxford with this bursary will help to me achieve my lifelong dream of being the first physician in my family.  I will then use that to help care for the sick and injured in Western Africa where I have already spent some time.”
  • Other Achievements – If you have impressive work or volunteer achievements, this can also be a great example to show what you will do with the education that the bursary makes possible.  “This bursary will allow me to attend a university that I can’t hope to otherwise.  Then I can continue my work with the blind.  I hope to eventually become an engineer and design prostheses and other tools that the blind can use to more equitably participate in society.  As you will see, my work with the Indian Association with the Blind has taught me a lot about their challenges and capabilities. I have learned an immense amount in my time there.  I want to continue that work once I have a degree.”
  • Financial Need – Bursaries will likely have a component of financial need.  You will want to address this in your motivation letter for the bursary application. While this is an important component and can make a motivating story, you may not want to make it all of your story.  Combining this with one or more of the other strategies can make a much more compelling letter.

These are examples of the strategies that you can apply when writing your motivation letter that you include with your bursary application.  Whatever you choose, make sure that your motivation is genuine and honest.  This needs to be your story and it needs to be a real one.  That’s why we ask so many questions early on.  We want to get as many possibilities as we can to write your letter.

We all have a story to tell.  You need to find yours.  Once you have that, the letter becomes much easier to write.

With the body of the letter written, then you can write your introduction and conclusion.

The introduction is fairly simple.  Introduce yourself and the bursary that you are applying for.  Then include one or two sentences summarizing why you are applying.

“My name is Lilivati Chanda and I want to express my interest in the Entrance Bursary Program at McGill University.  Your amazing program in Earth Sciences will help me achieve my dream of becoming a leading researcher in climatology.  I have long been interested in protecting our environment and, as the first in my family to go to college, I want to continue that passion in my studies.”

Just a few sentences are usually enough.  You want to set the stage for the rest of the letter.

The conclusion is similar. Thank them for their time on your application. Let them know you would be happy to discuss any questions they have and provide them with your phone number and email address.

If you are applying for multiple bursary programs, make sure that each letter is different.  Each program deserves its own time. The good news is that you can use the same preparation for all of them so once you have written the first one, the others become easier.

Other Resources

We have written this guide to help you write your own letter.  Sometimes, we get asked for more help from our readers.   Unfortunately, we don’t have the resources for that but we want to give you any help we can.

Probably the best resource we have found for such help is to look on Fiverr to hire someone.  Fiverr is a marketplace where you can hire someone for a specific project.  They offer different projects at set prices that you can hire them for.  This link will take you to a search for freelancers that do motivation letters specifically.  We can’t offer any specific names on there because the freelancers change.  We can give you some pointers on finding the right person for you, though.

Make sure to review their projects and their reviews. Some might offer letters specifically for MBAs or education applications. Others might just do motivation letters.  That’s probably okay.  If you’re not sure, you can contact them and discuss it with them before hiring them.  Here are the things to look for if you contact them (which isn’t a bad idea even if you think they’re great).

  • Responsive – Make sure that they respond in a reasonable amount of time.  If they don’t respond quickly when they want your business they won’t be quick when they have it.
  • Communication – You’re asking them to write a letter for you to a graduate program.  Asking them questions in writing is a good chance to see the quality of their writing.
  • Check All Their Deals –  When you look at their offerings, there are usually multiple tiers of offerings. Pay more, get more, or get it more quickly (or both.)  Don’t always go for the cheapest.  Sometimes, the more expensive deals can help you more.
  • Read Their Reviews – Read through the reviews and look for patterns.  Anyone can have an occasional bad review but if you need a letter in a few days and they have a lot of complaints about timing, they probably aren’t the freelancer for you.

The good news is that these are writers who do this a lot and have seen a number of ways to do it.  Often Fiverr offers reasonable deals at reasonable prices for projects like this.  Just like anything else, you just need to make sure you hire the person for you.

While we can’t recommend a specific freelancer, please make sure you leave a review, especially if you find someone really good or really bad.  That way, other readers can find the right freelancer when they need them.  If we all leave reviews, then we can find the best people together to help us out.

Spelling and Grammar

You want to review your letter and check the spelling and grammar.  There’s nothing worse in a letter designed to show how good you are than a letter with spelling errors and grammatical mistakes.  You can start with the spell checker in most word processing programs (like Microsoft Word or Google Docs.)  These will pick the big error.

Another great resource is Grammarly .  Grammarly is a great tool that will catch when you mix up common spelling errors like mixing up “to” and “too”.  The free version is great and works with most programs that you’ll be using for your motivation letter.  If you’re writing in a language other than your primary language or you’re not a strong writer, you might want to look at the paid version.  It will give you suggestions, help you with the tone of your letter and a lot of other help.


If you aren’t ready to write your own letter or want someone to edit or review your letter, you can hire help.  One great resource for that is Fiverr .  Fiverr has freelancers who have expertise and experience in various skills.  This includes writing motivation letters .  There are a lot of freelancers there with various skills.  Make sure to interview them thoroughly, read their reviews and even ask for samples.  The best ones should be willing to do that for you.

Sample Motivation Letter for Bursary with Example

Below is a sample motivation letter.  It uses the concepts above to provide a sample and format of what a motivation letter for a bursary can look like.  It’s important that you don’t use this letter. You need your own letter and not ours.  This is designed to help you get started.

Good luck!  We would love to hear how it goes.

We offer an editable version of this letter for $5 (USD) that you can purchase here .

Motivation Letter for Bursary

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4 thoughts on “Easy Ways to Write a Motivation Letter for Bursary Application”

I thank you for the help by guarding me how to write a motivational leteer.

You are very welcome. We hope it helps!

thanks for giving clue on motivation letter

Hope it helps!

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How to Write a Good Scholarship Application Letter (6 PDF Sample Examples)

Published: 09 Sep 2020 Scholarship Application 191,418 views

How to Write a Good Scholarship Application Letter (6 PDF Sample Examples)

Are you uncertain about how to write a scholarship application letter? You are in the right place. We will teach you how to write a killer scholarship application letter. Over 6 PDF application letter sample examples available for download. After examining the scholarship cover letter, we will then check out some scholarship letter samples. 

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So, a scholarship request letter is a cover letter that indicates your interest in a scholarship and ways in which the award would help you achieve personal and professional goals. It is a letter requesting scholarship consideration.This type  of letter is usually required along with other important documents by the University committee. The purpose of the scholarship application letter is to convince the committee that the candidate in question is highly eligible for the award. It is an instrumental tool in seeking financial backing. Further in this article, you will encounter scholarship application letter sample ad hoc. Checkout  best way to apply for scholarships and get taken


As you must have seen in other articles , documents such as a scholarship essay or scholarship CV are drafted with caution, organization and professionalism. A scholarship application letter is not an exception. In order to capture the attention of the committee deeply, a scholarship application letter must be written in a well - structured manner. An application letter for scholarship pdf will be provided (scholarship cover letter pdf). The following parts make up an appealing scholarship application letter:

Contact Information

Self introduction and a milestone achievement.

  • Middle Part
  • Key details of you and reason why the committee should choose you
  • Expression of passion and reason why you want the scholarship
  • Call to action paragraph
  • Best Regards

Just as every formal letter contains the contact information of the sender and the receiver, the same applies here. A scholarship application letter should contain the name, street address, telephone and email of the sender (at the right side). Afterwards, the name of the organization, street address and zip code are placed on the left side when writing an application for scholarship request

First impression matters a lot and so is the first paragraph of a scholarship application letter. The first paragraph should indicate your zeal and your understanding of having such an award. It would whet the appetite of the reader. Start with a significant achievement that shows how much you value this particular course of study.

Key Details about Yourself and reasons for Choosing you.

A scholarship cover letter for students should entail relevant information about your achievements, the role models you look up to, your struggles to attain the scholarship and the victory you would achieve for getting this scholarship.

Expression of your passion

In this paragraph, the committee wants to encounter the zeal in attaining the scholarship and perhaps the sacrifices you must have made. This doesn't mean that you want to sound desperate. But you are expected to express how much you want the award in a constructive manner.

Call to action

In a letter to scholarship committee, a call to action paragraph is the last but not the least important. Do you want the committee to call you back? Then you just have to say it. Ask for a meeting arrangement and leave the notable  impression that you have more to discuss.


Let's reiterate a point here. The content of the letter is as important as the structure of the letter. This means the format has to be set in a way that makes the content edible and appealing. It can also serve as a scholarship letter format for school. So how about you follow the few guidelines below:

  • Use the correct spacing: 1 or 1.5.
  • Don't be tempted to use justification. Left side align is easy on the eye.
  • There should be one - inch margins for some white space and friendly impression.
  • When it comes to the paragraph, there should be double spacing between them.
  • Fonts like Calibri, Arial and Times New Roman are welcome.


To be more certain that you write only within the context of what is needed, here are some traps you just avoid.

1. Don't include your weaknesses

This is an opportunity to zone in your main strengths, achievements and skills. This is not the stage where you explain your weaknesses. Just like the example of letter of intent for scholarship below, focus on matching your strengths with some vivid examples.

2. Don't use an informal tone.

In the process of appealing one's heart, you may want to shift to an informal tone. That shouldn't happen. Your letter has to be precise, clear and formal. The scholarship letter examples below will give you a hint

3. Don't submit without proofreading

In a letter of interest for scholarship, it is essential that you check for grammatical errors and rectify them. One way you can achieve that is by asking someone to read the letter. That way you will have a more objective viewpoint.

4. Don't add unnecessary information.

You may find yourself adding unnecessary details that would only make your letter sound lethargic and unappealing. True, it is a personal letter for scholarship. However, details such as height, family tree or any other irrelevant information should be avoided.

5. Don't hide your need for financial assistance.

You may conclude that expressing your inability to pay tuition fees would sound desperate. Wrong! A scholarship is meant to alleviate a financial burden. So asking for financial assistance is highly expected. So an application letter for scholarship financial assistance is just appropriate. Relate your strengths and academic achievements. In the middle part of the scholarship application letter, you are free to explain how beneficial the organization's financial assistance would be to you.

Checkout how to get scholarship to study abroad


Here is a sample scholarship application letter.

Mary Rowland

23, Streetview, Los Angeles,

California, USA,

[email protected]

+565 325 36771

7, September 2020

Admission Board,

Quebec University,

Lilyland Park,

Quebec, Canada

Dear Admission Officer,

I can't imagine any better opportunity to further my career in Marine Biology than this. So I am applying for a scholarship award for Masters in Marine Biology in the University of Quebec. This would be an added achievement to my victory in a 200 member school competition for Marine Biology. This would testify to my fervor for this field of study.

Ever since I was a kid, my parents would take me to all sorts of aquariums. Every time was a fascinating experience. But going back home never stopped my curiosity. I kept researching the nature and functionality of sea creatures. In time, I developed research and analytical skills, critical thinking and problem solving skills. Once, there was an elevator pitch competition with the title "The Impact of Whales in the Lives of Scuba divers". The topic sounded amusing and daunting at the same time. But my passion for Marine Biology never stopped me from giving it a shot. At the end, I was applauded for my great speech. In time, my presentation skills were furnished.

So shortlisting me for the scholarship award would be a privilege on my part as it would reflect on my grades, courseworks and projects.

Understanding the nature of sea animals and plants has propelled me to draw closer to high school students who are equally curious and craving for answers. So I took up full time as an aquarium tour guide. With this job, I shared my passion and enjoyed the satisfaction that pupils had after an interesting tour. However, my job provides a meager income. As much as I aspire to study Marine Biology, I would need financial assistance to bring my dream to reality. Therefore, I am humbly seeking monetary support.

How about we hold a meeting and discuss the impact the course of study would have on the next generations and the facilities that University has to contribute to the exposure of Marine Biology as a discipline?

Best Regards,

Mary Rowland.


So the above section of this article entails a sample scholarship application letter. For faster accessibility, we would advise you to download the scholarship request  letter sample PDF so as to fully be absorb every step that has been applied. Dowload Sample Scholarship Application Letter


You may have a more specific purpose in mind when writing a scholarship application letter. The purpose could be to gain admission in college or in University, appeal for a financial need or application for masters. In any case, here are the following templates and letter intent sample for scholarship and their sources.

Here is an application letter for high school

Download scholarship application letter for high school

Here is a request letter for scholarship from students

Download application to principal for grant of scholarship

Scholarship Application Letter for financial need

Here is a “reason for applying scholarship” sample letter.

Download scholarship application letter for financial need

Scholarship Application Letter for Master's Degree 

Here is a sample scholarship application letter for masters degree scholarships

Download scholarship application letter for masters degree

Scholarship Application Letter for University

The last application letter for applying scholarship

Download scholarship application letter for university

Striving to get a scholarship is a great goal to set. So kudos to you. With guidelines, tips and samples in the article, you will have no other choice but to succeed. Also you have been provided with a letter requesting scholarship consideration pdf. So write an application letter for scholarship confidently. However, that would not be the end of the scholarship application process. You will definitely be asked for a scholarship interview and even a scholarship recommendation letter. In any case, ScholarshipTab has all the answers. Simply subscribe to our newsletter and have a good digest of scholarship application strategies. Till we meet again.

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How To Write A Scholarship Application Letter

  • 6 minute read

How To Write A Scholarship Application Letter

  • November 30, 2023
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Although writing a scholarship application letter may seem daunting, the awarding committee will be able to learn more about you and your qualifications, making it a surefire way to win a scholarship. In this article on how to write a scholarship application letter, we’ll cover format, organization, and essential content, along with several best practices.

How to Write a Scholarship Application Letter

In order to apply for a scholarship, candidates might need to write a letter outlining why they want the scholarship in particular and how it will help them achieve their goals in school and the workplace. Scholarship committees are still keen to hear about your experiences and goals, but it’s critical that your cover letter stays concise and includes all the necessary details. Follow these steps to learn how to write a scholarship application letter:

Check the scholarship’s eligibility requirements.

The standards, prerequisites, and preferences of the scholarships you apply for differ. Examine the particular requirements of every scholarship you are thinking about in detail . This aids in evaluating your chances of winning the scholarship and advising you on what details to include in your application to pique the committee’s interest. Address any skills or experiences you have that aren’t listed on your resume or transcript in your scholarship application letter.

Write a summary of your letter of application for a scholarship.

Start writing your letter with an introduction that provides pertinent details about yourself, your application’s purpose, and your interest in the organization’s scholarship. Talk about how receiving this funding could give you access to educational opportunities that you otherwise wouldn’t have, and describe how the organization relates to your goals both academically and professionally. This is significant because enhancing the educational potential of individuals facing financial obstacles is a common goal of numerous scholarships.

Give a brief introduction of yourself, mentioning your training, any programs you’re interested in, and the degree you’re working toward. It is acceptable to use the opening paragraph to convey your enthusiasm for your academic career. This helps the people on the review committee learn more about your interests and personality.

Write about your work experience, including internships.

In the first part of the body, write about any prior employment or internships. Stress the connection between these experiences and the scholarship or your educational objectives. Assume that the purpose of the scholarship is to encourage students to pursue careers in STEM. In that scenario, a sample would be to discuss your experience working as a laboratory intern and how this program helped you gain the knowledge and abilities necessary to earn a biology bachelor’s degree.

Review committees continue to favor candidates who are dedicated to furthering their careers. Emphasize your ability to push yourself by discussing your work experience and making connections between your personal traits and your field of study.

Describe your long-term academic goals and areas of interest in the classroom.

Use the next paragraph as space to talk about your goals and areas of interest in academia. Scholarships are frequently given to students to help with their educational costs. This indicates that people with clear academic objectives continue to be of special interest to the evaluating committee. In this paragraph, describe the degree that piques your interest or provide evidence for why a specific program or organization would be the ideal match for your goals.

Submit an application for admission to a university, apply for a scholarship, and ask a school for additional funding. As an alternative, apply to an outside organization for an award. In your scholarship cover letter, try to highlight how the funding will help you achieve your educational goals even if you are unable to meet certain requirements because of a lack of funds.

Examine your goals for after graduation

Talk about your post-graduation plans in addition to your relevant work experience and short-term academic goals. By discussing your goals and aspirations with you, the scholarship committee gains a deeper understanding of them.

It makes no difference if your goals are to work toward a professional license, earn a graduate degree, or enter the workforce. A scholarship awarding organization’s financial support represents an investment in students’ futures. Therefore, you benefit from emphasizing the potential long-term impact of obtaining monetary support on your academic and professional career after graduation.

Write your essay’s last paragraph

Conclude your scholarship application letter with a paragraph highlighting your career objectives and qualifications once you complete the three body paragraphs. Please use this space to thank the scholarship committee for their time and consideration. Remind the committee how much you appreciate the opportunity to apply for this particular award. Provide your contact details and ensure that the review committee members can access them in case they need to inquire about the status of your application or if they have any questions about your qualifications and information.

Edit and proofread your writing

Once you’ve finished a preliminary draft of your scholarship application letter, proofread it for spelling and grammar mistakes and make any necessary edits. To assess your tone and make sure it aligns with the scholarship awarding organization, choose to read the text aloud to yourself.

Asking a disinterested friend, mentor, or lecturer to read it and provide feedback on your writing project might be a good idea. They also help you assess your writing style and find any issues that you might have missed. They also highlight any information that should be removed from the scholarship application letter because it is superfluous or irrelevant. Having a flawless cover letter helps you prove to a potential employer or the reviewing committee that you’re serious about the application process.

Mistakes to Avoid

Now that you know how to write a scholarship application letter, here are the most common mistakes to avoid at all costs:

  • Make sure there are no grammar or spelling mistakes.
  • Don’t use informal language and empty clichés.
  • Don’t be vague, and stay clear from generalizations. Every experience described should be relevant to your argument.
  • Don’t write like you believe the scholarship is already yours; this will make you come off as entitled. Don’t angle for sympathy and beg for the scholarship, either. Let your achievements and logical argumentation do the work and persuade the reader.

An example of a scholarship application letter

Scholarships aren’t merely for offsetting the cost of higher education. Most scholarship providers remain genuinely interested in meeting their scholarship awardees and accompanying them on their course of study. To help you write, consider the following example of a scholarship application letter:

Dear Mr Davids,

My name is Richard Scott, and I’m a college student interested in applying for the Creative Arts Scholarship. I intend to attend the University of California, Berkley, and receive a bachelor’s degree in graphic design. Because of this grant, I’ll be able to pay for my first semester of university tuition and focus on my academic work without worrying about my financial position. As an honours student and the first-place winner of a national visual arts competition, I’m confident in my ability to compete for this scholarship.

Although I carry no professional experience connected to my passion for graphic design, I’m presently the president of the Art Club at my high school, where I’m responsible for several administrative and leadership responsibilities. College remains a time for me to broaden my knowledge of design software and learn new skills. I also plan to apply for professional internships that can help me obtain valuable job experience before I graduate and join the industry.

With financial assistance, I aspire to further my academic and professional career, pursue my hobbies, and build graphic design talents while remaining entirely focused on my education. I’m thrilled at the prospect of earning a degree that prepares me for my desired profession. Thank you for taking the time to read this application letter. For any follow-up inquiries or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me by phone or email. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Kind regards,

Richard Scott

Although scholarship application letters usually have a predetermined format, there may be variations depending on the institution. Carefully review the instructions, then modify your plan of action to fit your particular application.

Additionally, keep in mind that the purpose of a scholarship is to advance organizations, scholars, and research. Your chances of success will rise if you can convince the scholarship committee that your proposal will benefit you just as much as your program and the department or organization giving it.

1. How much effort should I put into my application essay?

Well, as much as you can, of course. You’ll get into the flow of the process the more you write and apply. You may even be able to use a previous application as a template for your next. The key is to give each essay your all. After all, you want to win money here!

2. Do scholarship administrators care about spelling and grammar in my essay?

Yes, correct spelling and grammar are important. Your ideas are easier to convey and understand when written clearly, and you want to show the admin that you took the time to produce a quality piece of writing. Copious spelling and grammar errors send the opposite message.

3.  Is it okay to re-use a scholarship application essay?

Yes, you can re-use an essay you wrote. Don’t plagiarize someone else, though! And be sure to read and re-read the application instructions, to be sure your work is applicable. You’ll probably need to tweak some details to make everything fit.

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Writing an Effective Bursary Motivational Letter: Guide with Examples

Securing a bursary often hinges on more than just academic achievements; it requires the ability to express your aspirations, passion, and need for financial assistance effectively. A well-crafted motivational letter is a key element in your application, offering a personal touch that sets you apart from other candidates. In this in-depth guide, we’ll explore the essential steps to write an impactful motivational letter, accompanied by examples to illustrate each point.

What is a motivational letter for a bursary application?

A motivational letter for a bursary application is a personalized document where an applicant expresses their aspirations, outlines their academic and career goals, addresses financial need, and highlights personal achievements and qualities. It aims to persuade the bursary committee that the applicant is a deserving candidate who will benefit from and contribute to the bursary program. The letter should provide a compelling narrative, showcasing the applicant’s passion for their chosen field of study, emphasizing their dedication to academic excellence, and explaining how the bursary would positively impact their educational journey.

How to write a motivational letter for a bursary application?

Step 1: understand the purpose.

“Dear [Bursary Committee],

I am writing to express my sincere interest in the [Bursary Name] for the [Year] academic session. As a dedicated student passionate about [Your Field of Study], I believe this bursary will significantly contribute to my educational journey.”

Step 2: Research the Bursary

“After thorough research on [Bursary Name], I am impressed by the commitment to supporting students in [Your Field of Study]. This aligns seamlessly with my academic and career goals.”

Step 3: Introduce Yourself

“Allow me to introduce myself. My name is [Your Name], and I am currently pursuing a [Your Current Course] at [Your Current Institution]. My academic journey has been characterized by a commitment to excellence.”

Step 4: Clearly State Your Educational Goals

“My ultimate goal is to [Your Long-Term Career Aspiration], and I am convinced that obtaining this bursary will provide the necessary financial support to achieve this objective.”

Step 5: Express Your Passion for Your Chosen Field

“From a young age, I have been fascinated by [Your Field of Study]. My passion for [Specific Aspect] has only deepened, and I am eager to contribute meaningfully to this field.”

Step 6: Address Financial Need

“Unfortunately, my financial circumstances present a barrier to fully realizing my academic potential. This bursary would alleviate the financial burden, allowing me to focus on my studies.”

Step 7: Showcase Academic and Extracurricular Achievements

“My academic record speaks to my dedication to learning, as evidenced by [Specify Achievements]. Additionally, my involvement in [Extracurricular Activity] reflects my commitment to holistic development.”

Step 8: Demonstrate Personal Characteristics

“Character traits such as resilience, determination, and a strong work ethic define my approach to challenges. These qualities, coupled with my academic prowess, make me a deserving candidate.”

Step 9: Express Gratitude and Reiterate Commitment

“In conclusion, I am sincerely grateful for the opportunity to be considered for the [Bursary Name]. If granted, I commit to honoring this privilege through academic excellence and contributions to my community.”

Step 10: Proper Closing

“Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to [Bursary Name]’s legacy of supporting promising students in [Your Field of Study].

Sincerely, [Your Full Name] “

Conclusion: Personalize and Polish Your Letter

A motivational letter is your opportunity to showcase your unique qualities and aspirations. Personalize the examples provided, ensuring that your letter reflects your individual journey and goals. Remember to adhere to any specific guidelines outlined by the bursary provider, and always proofread your letter to ensure clarity and professionalism. With careful crafting, your motivational letter can be a compelling tool in securing the financial support you need for your educational journey.

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How to write a Bursary Motivational Letter

How to write a motivational letter for a bursary application.

A bursary is a financial award, offered to students who are unable to afford their full tuition fees or those who have excelled academically. Bursaries are awarded based on various criteria, including academic results, financial need and other personal attributes (leadership skills, community involvement etc).

Because companies receive many applications for their bursary programme, it is vital that applicants write an honest and compelling motivational letter, to give the best first impression and set them apart from other applicants. The motivational letter should explain why you are in need of financial and how the opportunity will help you both financially and professionally.  

A motivational application letter is very similar to a Curriculum Vitae cover letter as it states your goals, accomplishments as well as a brief description of your credentials- this is essential as it can put you ahead of your competition.

It is vital that you genuinely and honestly show your need for financial aid in your bursary letter, explaining how the award would help fund your education. The companies offering the programmes use these letters to decide on a suitable recipient and base their choice on need, merit, or both, depending on the specific requirements the bursary has.  

ALSO READ: our tips on preparing for a bursary interview  

Top tips for writing a Bursary Motivational Letter

  • Be genuine when describing your financial need
  • Be sure to include both the institution and course you are in
  • Describe the goals you have (educational and future career prospects)
  • Make the letter personal and not generic
  • Ensure the recipient that you will meet all the requirements of the programme
  • Use language that is professional and polite
  • Be sure to include your necessary academic results and documents
  • Enclose both the application form and its supporting documents
  • Keep a formal tone with all your content

At the top left corner of the letter, include the address of the bursary provider (you can also include the date you are applying on, your name, and contact details).

Start your letter with any of the following:

  • Dear (Name of the person reading application, if known)
  • Dear Sir/ Madam
  • To whom it may concern

The first paragraph should purposefully state the reason for your application. It should be no longer than 2 or 3 sentences and should include a clear thesis similar to the following: “I am applying for the [insert company name] bursary programme to help fund my [course of study] qualification, for the [course year study] academic year.

The second paragraph should elaborate on your education and include your personal achievements, current studies, and plans you have for further education (example, a graduate degree.) Be precise and to the point in this paragraph and ensure that it too, is no longer than 3 sentences.

The third paragraph should include your career plans and explain how your education and degree complement them. This section should reflect on your personal goals as well as explain how the bursary will aid you in covering certain funds. You could briefly include the circumstances that lead to you needing financial need, but do not linger on it. This paragraph should focus mainly on your plans for the future.

With all this in mind, this is a paragraph that can be a little longer than the rest.

The final paragraph of your motivational letter should be short, stating your gratitude for the consideration and opportunity.

Finally, sign your letter , “Sincerely, (your name).”  

ALSO READ: how to get a reference letter/ testimonial for your bursary application  

Additional tips for writing a Bursary Motivational Letter

  • Be brief but ensure that you cover as much as you can.
  • Don’t use filler words (really, just, etc.) replace them with modifiers instead as they convey your thoughts professionally.
  • Make your letter personal by stating plans to work for certain organisations or to solve any problems you may have experienced.
  • Ensure the committee that the funding will contribute to a bigger and better plan.
  • Ensure that your tone is professional but not robotic or stiff; write as if you were actually having the conversation with the professor or employer.
  • Think carefully about why you need this funding and opportunity- if you truly believe in yourself, it will be 100 times easier to convey that in your letter!

Sample Bursary Motivational Letters

Example of a Bursary Motivational Letter (.pdf) Bursary Motivational Letter example template (.pdf)  

See which bursaries are open for application here

Read our other tips and articles here: Read our top tips on submitting your bursary application for the best chance of success. Read our tips on how to write a bursary motivational letter here. Read about how to prepare for a bursary interview here here. Read about the various ways to get free education in South Africa . Read about the National Benchmark Test (NBT) for University Entrance .  

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This post was last updated in April 2024.

SA Bursaries wishes you the best of luck with your application! Please remember to SHARE this page with anyone you know who may be in need of bursary funding.

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David Jul 24, 2022

Write a Killer Cover Letter for a Scholarship in 2023 (w/Example)

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It’s easy to get put off by scholarship applications that require a cover letter. Cover letters may seem annoying but there is a bright side here. A simple letter gives you another opportunity to convince the scholarship committee that you deserve to win the award.

So how do you start? What should you include in the letter? How should you end it?  In this post, we’ll answer all these questions and we’ll even provide a sample letter that you can use as a template in the end. 

What Is a Cover Letter? 

Let’s start with the basics. A cover letter for a scholarship is similar to a cover letter you’d submit for a job . What does that mean exactly?

It’s simply a letter you write to the scholarship committee. In the letter you should explain what makes you a great candidate for the award. You should also talk about how the scholarship will help you reach your educational and career goals . 

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The scholarship committee wants to find the most fitting students to invest their money in. Make them see the reasons why they should they invest in you. 

Why a Cover Letter? 

how to write an application letter for a bursary

Whether you have those things or not, many scholarship committees look for something else.  They look at students who have overcome struggles. Students who are leaders in their community. And students who have unique hobbies. Your cover letter is the place to show off your unique self.

Although not every scholarship application requires students to submit a cover letter, when they do, it’s a great idea to submit a great one. Use the opportunity to think about how can you make yourself stand out from other applicants. What is unique to you that other applicants don’t have? Brainstorm and show it off!

What Should Your Cover Letter Accomplish? 

Your cover letter should do the following: 

  • Highlight your strengths: Why do your strengths make you a good match for the scholarship? 
  • Express what your plans are for the future: How will this particular scholarship help get you there? 
  • Convey a clear structure: Your cover letter should flow in a clear and concise manner. 


Cover letters can be a great opportunity for you to convince the scholarship committee that you are the best candidate for the scholarship. Take time writing your cover letter and don’t wait until the final days before the deadline to start writing. A little bit of effort, could be the difference  that helps you win the award! 

Scholarship Cover Letter Example

Alexis Smith 4519 Owl St. Bend, OH 45052

The Scholarship Committee University of Pennsylvania  3440 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 

To Whom It May Concern, 

My name is Alex Smith and I am a high school senior in Bend, Ohio. In the fall of 2019, I will be starting my freshman year at the University of Pennsylvania at the Annenberg School of Communication with an intended major in communications.

Since my freshman year of high school, I have served on my school’s journalism team. During freshman and sophomore year, I worked as a writer. By junior and senior year, I became the senior editor and co-manager of the school paper. Throughout my four years of being part of the club, I have learned so much about journalism; from pitching creative ideas, to carrying out interviews, and writing up an article. I have also learned about editing and publishing. Although these tasks intimidated me in the beginning, I can confidently say that I now feel very skilled and knowledgeable about the field. 

I am particularly passionate about giving the underserved population a voice to be heard. Some of my favorite interviews and articles I have published have been with female refugees from the community here in Ohio. Some of my articles have been published in our local paper in Bend. 

Of course, there is so much that I still have and want to learn. I am eager to start my undergraduate education and learn from experts in the field. I am excited to take journalism, communication, and marketing courses and learn everything there is to know. I am also hoping to work with the Pennsylvania Daily and join the journalism club on campus. I want to take advantage of every opportunity offered to further my career and personal growth.

As you are well aware, the cost of college is very high. As much as I have saved during high school, I will still have to take out loans to fund my college education. I am planning to work part-time during my studies, but I don’t want work to interfere too much with my school work. This scholarship would greatly help me cover some of these fees and give me more time to focus on school.

I am very hardworking and creative, and I can’t wait to contribute my talents to the University of Pennsylvania. I would be so grateful to receive a scholarship. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Alexis Smith

  • Applications

David Tabachnikov ScholarshipOwl

David Tabachnikov is the CEO of ScholarshipOwl. Formerly at Waze and Google, David is an experienced CTO/R&D manager with over 10 years of experience of leading tech teams. David fervently believes that students should have greater access to education, and is passionate about using technology to help them achieve that goal.

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Application Letter for Scholarship Request Sample: Free & Effective

In this article, I’ll guide you step-by-step through the process of writing a compelling scholarship application letter, including customizable templates to get you started.

Key Takeaways Understand the Purpose: Learn why a well-crafted application letter is crucial for your scholarship success. Personalize Your Letter: Discover how to tailor your letter to reflect your unique experiences and the scholarship criteria. Structure is Key: Follow a clear and effective structure to ensure your letter is engaging and easy to read. Highlight Your Achievements: Tips on showcasing your accomplishments without sounding boastful. Proofread and Refine: Understand the importance of revising your letter to eliminate errors and improve clarity.

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Your Scholarship Application Letter

Step 1: research and understand the scholarship criteria.

Before you start writing, it’s imperative to thoroughly understand the scholarship’s requirements and objectives. Tailor your letter to align with the values and goals of the scholarship provider.

Step 2: Start with a Strong Introduction

Begin with a compelling introduction that captures the reader’s attention. Introduce yourself, mention the scholarship you’re applying for, and express your enthusiasm and commitment to your educational goals.

Step 3: Highlight Your Achievements and Qualifications

Detail your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and any relevant experiences that demonstrate your suitability for the scholarship. Be specific and use examples to illustrate your points.

Step 4: Explain Why You Deserve the Scholarship

Articulate why you’re a deserving candidate for the scholarship. Link your personal, academic, and career goals with the scholarship’s objectives. Show how the scholarship will help you achieve your aspirations.

Step 5: Conclude with a Strong Closing Statement

Trending now: find out why.

End your letter on a confident note. Reiterate your gratitude for the opportunity and express your eagerness to contribute positively if granted the scholarship.

Step 6: Proofread and Edit Your Letter

Ensure your letter is free from grammatical errors and typos. A well-polished letter reflects your attention to detail and seriousness about the scholarship.

Personal Tips from Experience

  • Be Authentic: Authenticity resonates. Share genuine stories and experiences that reflect your true self.
  • Stay Positive: Even when discussing challenges, focus on how you’ve overcome them or what you’ve learned.
  • Be Concise: Respect the reader’s time. Keep your letter clear and to the point without sacrificing important details.
  • Seek Feedback: Don’t hesitate to ask a mentor or a peer to review your letter. Fresh eyes can catch errors and offer valuable insights.

Application Letter Template for a Scholarship Request

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Title] [Scholarship Committee’s Name] [Address] [City, State, Zip]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to express my earnest interest in the [Scholarship Name] offered by [Institution or Foundation’s Name]. As a dedicated student of [Your Field of Study], I am committed to my academic pursuits and am eager to overcome financial barriers to achieve my educational goals.

Throughout my academic journey, I have maintained a [Your GPA] GPA and have been actively involved in [List any relevant extracurricular activities or community service]. These experiences have not only enriched my knowledge but have also honed my skills in [Mention key skills relevant to your field or scholarship].

The [Scholarship Name] resonates with my personal and academic aspirations by [Explain how the scholarship aligns with your goals]. Your support would immensely help me [Briefly mention how the scholarship will aid your education and future plans].

Thank you for considering my application. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to [Mention any relevant community/service goals aligned with the scholarship] and am committed to making the most out of the scholarship if granted the opportunity.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Engage with Us

I hope this guide empowers you to craft a persuasive application letter that brings you one step closer to your academic and career goals. If you’ve found these insights helpful or have your own experiences to share, please leave a comment below.

We’d love to hear about your journey and any additional tips you might have for aspiring scholarship applicants!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A visually appealing, educational-themed banner for an article titled 'How to Write an Application Letter for Scholarship'

Q: How Should I Start My Application Letter for a Scholarship Request?

Answer: When starting your application letter for a scholarship, it’s crucial to grab the reader’s attention immediately. I began mine with a strong opening sentence that highlighted my enthusiasm and passion for the field I am pursuing. 

For example, “As a dedicated and innovative student in environmental science, I am excited to apply for the XYZ Scholarship to further my goal of developing sustainable energy solutions.”

Q: What Personal Achievements Should I Include in My Scholarship Application Letter?

Answer: In your scholarship application letter, focus on achievements that are most relevant to the scholarship. In mine, I included my academic accomplishments, like being at the top of my class in relevant subjects, and extracurricular activities like leading a community clean-up project. 

It’s not just about listing achievements; it’s about demonstrating how these experiences have prepared you for the scholarship.

Q: How Can I Show My Need for the Scholarship in the Application Letter?

Answer: Demonstrating your need for a scholarship can be done tactfully by sharing personal stories or challenges that have shaped your educational journey. 

In my letter, I discussed how financial constraints have been a significant hurdle in my academic pursuits, and how the scholarship would alleviate these burdens and enable me to focus more on my studies.

Q: Should I Mention My Career Goals in the Scholarship Application Letter?

Answer: Absolutely! Discussing your career goals is vital. In my application letter, I clearly outlined how the scholarship would help me achieve my long-term career goal of becoming a renewable energy consultant. I explained how the specific courses and opportunities provided by the scholarship are aligned with my career aspirations.

Q: How Do I Conclude My Scholarship Application Letter?

Answer: The conclusion of your scholarship application letter should be compelling and memorable. I concluded mine by reiterating my passion and the alignment of my goals with the scholarship’s purpose. 

I also thanked the committee for considering my application and expressed eagerness about the possibility of contributing to the field with their support.

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This is Awesome and helpful..😉

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5 Tips on How to Write an Outstanding Bursary Application Letter

Applying for a bursary can be your gateway to achieving your educational dreams, especially when securing education funding can be a significant challenge. A bursary application letter is your first impression, and it needs to be a good one. This article will guide you through the process of writing an effective bursary application letter.

Understanding the Bursary Application Letter

A bursary application letter is a formal request for financial support from an organisation. This type of letter is a key component in the application process for a bursary, which is a financial award given to students to help fund their education. In South Africa, where education can be a significant expense, bursaries play a crucial role in enabling students to pursue their academic goals.

Essential Elements of a Bursary Application Letter

1. personal introduction.

The personal introduction section of your bursary application letter is your first opportunity to make a connection with the bursary committee. It is essential to craft this part carefully to make a positive and memorable impression. Here are some additional points to consider when writing your personal introduction:

  • Personal Background: Start by providing basic personal details. Mention your full name, age, and where you are currently residing. This information gives the committee a sense of who you are.
  • Educational Background: Clearly state the name of your current educational institution. If you have attended notable schools in the past, especially ones known for academic excellence, briefly mention them as well.
  • Field of Study and Academic Year: Be specific about your field of study and the year or level you are currently in. This helps the committee understand your academic progress and how far you are from completing your studies.
  • Career Aspirations: Briefly mention your career aspirations. This can be a powerful addition as it shows the committee the potential long-term impact of their support.
  • Community Involvement: If space allows, mentioning any community involvement or extracurricular activities can be beneficial. This demonstrates your well-rounded character and commitment to contributing to society.
  • Personal Traits: Highlight one or two personal traits or strengths that you feel characterise you. Choose traits that are relevant to your academic journey or future career goals.

Dear [Bursary Committee’s Name],

“My name is [Your Full Name], a 20-year-old student currently in my second year at [Your University/College], majoring in [Your Field of Study]. Born and raised in [Your City or Town], I have always been passionate about [a subject or field related to your studies]. My academic journey so far has been enriching, having participated in [any notable academic or community activities], and I am keen on pursuing a career in [Your Career Aspiration]. I am known among my peers and professors for my [personal traits, e.g., dedication, creativity], which I believe will be instrumental in my future endeavors.”

2. Purpose of the Letter

In this section of your bursary application letter, clearly stating the purpose of your letter is crucial. This section should immediately inform the reader about your intent to seek financial assistance. Points to consider when writing this section:

  • Direct Statement of Intent: Begin with a straightforward statement indicating your intent to apply for the bursary. This direct approach ensures there is no ambiguity about the purpose of your letter.
  • Link to Your Studies: Briefly explain how the bursary is directly related to your current studies. This shows the committee that their support is integral to your educational progress.
  • Mention of the Specific Bursary: If you are applying for a specific bursary, mention it by name. This shows that you have done your research and are not sending a generic application.
  • Personal Connection: If the bursary is in a field or area you are passionate about, briefly mention this connection. It shows that your interest aligns with the purpose of the bursary.
  • Urgency or Necessity: If applicable, express the urgency or necessity of the financial support. This can help the committee understand the critical nature of your request.
  • Acknowledgment of the Opportunity: Expressing gratitude for the opportunity to apply for the bursary shows respect and appreciation.

“I am writing to express my sincere interest in and need for the [Name of Bursary]. As a dedicated student in [Your Field of Study] at [Your University/College], I find myself at a critical point in my academic journey where financial support is not just beneficial, but necessary for me to continue my education. The [Name of Bursary] stands out to me not only as a vital financial resource but also as an alignment with my passion for [related interest or field]. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to apply for this bursary, as it represents a chance to pursue my academic goals without the heavy burden of financial constraints.”

3. Academic and Personal Achievements

This section of your bursary application letter highlights your academic and personal achievements which paints a comprehensive picture of your accomplishments and character.

  • Specific Academic Achievements: Beyond stating your grades, mention any specific academic honors, awards, or recognitions you have received. Include achievements such as being on the Dean’s list, receiving academic distinctions in certain subjects, or winning school or regional academic competitions.
  • Leadership Roles: Detail any leadership roles you have held, whether in school, community groups, or extracurricular activities. Explain the role, the responsibilities it entailed, and any notable accomplishments during your tenure. This can include positions like school prefect, club president, or team captain.
  • Community Involvement: Describe your involvement in community service or volunteer work. Mention specific organizations or causes you’ve worked with, the nature of your work, and any impact you’ve had. This demonstrates your commitment to contributing positively to society.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Include any extracurricular activities that highlight your diverse interests and skills. This could be participation in sports teams, drama clubs, debate teams, or music groups.
  • Awards and Recognitions: If you have received any awards or recognitions, either academically or in your extracurricular pursuits, mention them. This includes scholarships, certificates of excellence, or any public acknowledgments of your achievements.
  • Personal Projects or Initiatives: If you have initiated or been involved in any personal projects, particularly those that have a community impact or relate to your field of study, describe them. This could include organizing community events, starting a small business, or participating in research projects.
  • Unique Personal Achievements: Any unique personal achievements that set you apart, such as overcoming significant challenges, achieving something notable in your personal life, or possessing a rare skill or talent, should also be included.

“In my academic pursuits, I have consistently maintained a high GPA, securing a place on the Dean’s List for the past two years. My commitment to excellence was recognized when I received the [Specific Academic Award] for outstanding performance in [Subject/Area]. As the president of the [School Club/Team], I led our team to a [specific accomplishment], demonstrating my leadership and teamwork skills.

I am also actively involved in my community, having volunteered over [number] hours with [Organization], where I contributed to [specific project or initiative]. My efforts in [extracurricular activity] earned me the [Name of Award or Recognition], highlighting my dedication and skill in this area.

One of my proudest achievements is initiating a [Personal Project or Initiative], which aimed to [project goal or impact]. This project not only honed my [specific skills] but also made a tangible difference in [specific area or community].”

4. Financial Need

The financial need section of your bursary application letter is a critical component, where you have to convincingly explain your financial situation and justify the need for assistance.

  • Personal or Family Financial Situation: Provide a clear picture of your personal or family financial circumstances. Mention any significant factors like family income, the number of dependents in your family, or any recent financial hardships like job loss or medical expenses.
  • Costs of Education: Detail the specific costs associated with your education. This can include tuition fees, textbooks, accommodation, transportation, and any other relevant expenses. Providing actual figures can help illustrate the extent of your financial need.
  • Efforts to Support Yourself: If you have taken steps to support yourself financially, such as part-time work or applying for other scholarships, mention this. It shows your initiative and commitment to pursuing your education despite financial challenges.
  • Impact of the Bursary: Explain how the bursary would alleviate your financial burdens. Be specific about how the funds will be used and the difference it will make in your educational journey.
  • Long-Term Financial Planning: If applicable, discuss your long-term financial planning for your education. This can include your plans to manage expenses throughout your course of study and how the bursary fits into this plan.
  • Consequences of Not Receiving the Bursary: Briefly mention the potential consequences if you do not receive the bursary. This could be the inability to enroll in certain courses, delaying your education, or the need to take on significant debt.

“In the current financial climate, my family is struggling to support my educational expenses. With a household income of [specific income], supporting [number] dependents, the financial strain has been a constant challenge. The cost of my tuition fees at [Your University/College] amounts to [amount], not including additional expenses like books, supplies, and living expenses, which total approximately [amount].

Despite working a part-time job and cutting down on personal expenses, the gap between my earnings and my educational costs is significant. The [Name of Bursary] would not only help bridge this gap but would also reduce the financial pressure that currently overshadows my academic focus.

Without this bursary, I fear that I may have to defer my studies or resort to high-interest loans, which would only compound my financial strain in the long run. The support from this bursary is, therefore, not just a financial relief but a crucial factor in continuing my education uninterrupted.”

5. Future Goals

The future goals section of your bursary application letter is where you can connect your personal aspirations with the potential impact of the bursary. Discuss how the bursary will support your educational and career objectives.

  • Educational Objectives: Clearly articulate your short-term and long-term educational goals. Explain how the bursary will facilitate your current academic endeavors and how it aligns with your future academic plans, like pursuing further studies or specializing in a particular area.
  • Career Ambitions: Describe your career objectives and how they are influenced by your current course of study. Mention how the bursary will enable you to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve these career goals.
  • Alignment with Bursary Values: Research the values and mission of the bursary provider and demonstrate how your goals align with them. If the bursary is aimed at promoting certain fields or sectors, explain how your career path will contribute to these areas.
  • Community Impact: Discuss how achieving your educational and career objectives will enable you to give back to your community or contribute to societal development. This shows that the impact of the bursary extends beyond your personal benefit.
  • Long-term Vision: Share your long-term vision or the broader impact you aim to create in your field or community. This can include your aspirations to drive change, innovate, or lead in your chosen field.
  • Role of the Bursary: Explicitly state how the financial support from the bursary will be instrumental in realizing these goals. This can include easing financial burdens, allowing you to focus on studies, or providing opportunities that would otherwise be inaccessible.

“My ambition is to complete my degree in [Your Field of Study] with distinction and to further my studies with a focus on [specific area of interest or specialization]. The [Name of Bursary] will be instrumental in this journey, allowing me to dedicate my full attention to my studies without the distraction of financial stress.

Upon completion of my education, I aspire to enter the field of [Your Career Field], where I plan to contribute to [specific goals or projects related to the field]. My career goal is to not only excel in my profession but also to contribute meaningfully to [specific societal goals or community projects].

I am particularly drawn to the [Name of Bursary] due to its commitment to [values or objectives of the bursary provider]. My goals align closely with this mission, as I aim to [specific ways your goals align with the bursary values]. With the support of this bursary, I will be better positioned to achieve these objectives and to make a significant contribution to [relevant sector or community].”

5. Gratitude and Conclusion

The gratitude and conclusion section of your bursary application letter is your final opportunity to leave a lasting impression. It is important to express your appreciation genuinely and thoughtfully.

  • Express Sincere Gratitude: Start by sincerely thanking the bursary committee for considering your application. Acknowledge the time and effort they invest in reviewing applications.
  • Reiterate the Impact of the Bursary: Briefly restate how the bursary would impact your educational journey and future goals. This reinforces the importance of the bursary in your life.
  • Mention the Learning Experience: If the process of applying for the bursary has been educational or inspirational for you, mention this. It shows your positive attitude and ability to find value in the experience, regardless of the outcome.
  • Look Forward to a Positive Relationship: Express your eagerness to potentially engage further with the bursary provider. This could be in terms of updates on your academic progress or involvement in any programs or events they may offer.
  • Closing Remarks: End your letter with a formal and respectful closing remark. Use phrases like “Yours sincerely” or “With kind regards,” followed by your name.
  • Offer of Further Information: Indicate your willingness to provide any additional information or to meet for a discussion if necessary. This shows your openness and proactive nature.

“I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to the [Name of Bursary] Committee for considering my application. Your dedication to supporting students is not only commendable but deeply impactful for individuals like myself who strive to overcome financial barriers in pursuit of education.

This application process has been a reflective and insightful journey for me, and I am grateful for the opportunity to share my story and aspirations with you. Should the committee require any further information or wish to discuss my application in more detail, I am readily available and eager to engage.

I look forward with hope and optimism to the possibility of being part of the [Name of Bursary] community, and I am excited about the potential opportunities that this support could unlock for me.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name]”

Format of a Bursary Application Letter

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, Zip Code] [Email Address]

[Bursary Provider’s Name] [Their Address] [City, Zip Code]

I am writing to apply for the [Name of Bursary] as advertised on your website. As a dedicated student of [Your University/College], majoring in [Your Field of Study], I am eager to pursue my academic goals but am hindered by financial constraints.

Throughout my academic journey, I have maintained a [Your GPA] GPA and have been actively involved in [mention any relevant extracurricular activities]. These experiences have not only enriched my knowledge but have also honed my skills in [mention relevant skills].

Unfortunately, my financial situation is a barrier to my educational aspirations. My family’s income is insufficient to cover the costs of my tuition, books, and other academic expenses. This bursary would significantly ease the financial burden and allow me to focus more on my studies.

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to further discuss how this bursary will enable me to achieve my educational and career goals.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Writing a bursary application letter requires thoughtfulness and a clear understanding of your goals and financial needs. By following these guidelines and using the provided example as a template, you can increase your chances of success.

Now that you are equipped to write a compelling bursary application letter, follow Nasi Spani for more opportunities.

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Home » Creative Motivational Letter for Bursary: 05 Examples

Creative Motivational Letter for Bursary: 05 Examples

Motivational Letter for Bursary

A motivational letter for a bursary is a letter that is written by a person who is applying for a bursary to explain why they think they should receive the bursary. The letter should outline the applicant’s financial need, academic merits, and motivation for pursuing their chosen field of study.

A well-written motivational letter can be the difference between receiving a bursary and being turned down. For this reason, it is important to take the time to write a quality letter. Although there is no one perfect way to write a motivational letter for a bursary, there are certain elements that should be included in order to make the best impression. These elements include describing your financial need, outlining your academic merits, and explaining your motivation for pursuing your chosen field of study. By including these elements in your letter, you will give yourself the best chance possible of receiving a bursary.

Table of Contents

How To Write a Motivational Letter for Bursary?

A bursary is an award of money given to a student by an institution such as a university or college. The money does not need to be repaid. Bursaries are usually awarded on the basis of financial need, but some may also be awarded on the basis of academic achievement or other factors such as community involvement. If you are applying for a bursary, you will usually be required to submit a motivation letter along with your application form.

A motivation letter for a bursary application is your opportunity to sell yourself to the bursary committee and convince them that you are deserving of the award. In your letter, you should outline your financial need as well as your academic or personal achievements. You should also explain how receiving the bursary would help you to achieve your goals. Finally, you should thank the committee for their time and consideration.

Writing a motivational letter for a bursary can seem like a daunting task, but if you take it one step at a time, you will be able to write a strong and convincing letter that will increase your chances of being awarded the bursary.

Related: How To Write a Cover Letter (And Get Hired in 2022!)

Bursary Application Letter

Motivational Letter for Bursary

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing to apply for the scholarship that you have advertised.

As someone who has faced many challenges in my life, I can say that I am very resilient and determined to achieve my goals. I have overcome a lot of adversity and this has made me even more committed to succeed. My family is not well-off and I have had to work hard to get where I am today.

I am currently studying towards a degree in Business Administration and I am really enjoying it. Also, I am confident that I have what it takes to complete my studies and do well in my career.

So, I would be grateful for the opportunity to receive this scholarship as it would help me to cover the costs of my studies. I am confident that I will use the knowledge and skills that I gain to make a positive impact in my community.

Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely, Your name

Related: 7+ Sample Motivation Letter for Masters Degree

Bursary Application Letter

Also, I am writing to apply for the bursary that you offer. So, I am currently studying at XYZ University and I am in need of financial assistance. I have attached my transcripts and other relevant documents for your review.

Also, I would be grateful if you could consider me for this bursary. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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Financial Assistance Motivational letter for Bursary

I am writing to apply for the financial assistance bursary. I have been a student at the University of XYZ for the past two years and I have found it to be a very enriching experience. However, due to my family’s financial situation, I have had to take on a part-time job in order to make ends meet.

The bursary would provide me with much-needed financial assistance that would allow me to focus on my studies and make the most of my university experience. I am confident that I have the ability to succeed in my studies and I am committed to making the most of this opportunity.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, (Your name)

Related: Application Letter for Employment: 07 Samples & Examples

Motivation for Bursary

I am writing to apply for the XYZ Bursary. This bursary is of great interest to me as it will help alleviate some of the financial burden associated with pursuing a post-secondary education.

As someone who has faced many challenges in my life, I am no stranger to hard work and determination. I am confident that I have what it takes to succeed in my studies and I am eager to prove myself.

A post-secondary education will allow me to pursue my dreams and goals, and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to do so. I believe that with this education I will be able to make a positive contribution to my community.

Related: Creative Motivational Letter for Learnership [7 Samples]

Motivational letter for Bursary Appeal

I am writing to appeal the decision to deny me a scholarship. I understand that there are many deserving candidates and that the competition is fierce. However, I believe that I have what it takes to be a successful recipient of this award.

I am a hard worker who is dedicated to my studies. So, I have maintained excellent grades throughout my academic career. I am also actively involved in extracurricular activities and have held leadership positions in various organizations. I am confident that I can continue to excel in all areas if given the opportunity.

The denial of a scholarship would have a significant financial impact on my ability to attend college. I am appealing to the committee to reconsider my application and award me the scholarship. I am confident that I will make excellent use of the funds and will represent the organization well.

Related: Best Motivation Letter Erasmus: 5+ Editable Samples

5 Things To Include In a Motivational Letter for Bursary

A bursary is an excellent way to finance your studies, but the competition for bursaries is fierce. To stand out from the crowd, your motivational letter for bursary must be well-written and persuasive. Here are five tips to help you write a strong motivational letter:

  • Start by introducing yourself and explain why you are applying for the bursary.
  • Outline your academic achievements and explain how you will use the bursary to further your studies.
  • Demonstrate your financial need and explain how the bursary will help you meet your goals.
  • Highlight any extracurricular activities or volunteer work that you have undertaken.
  • Conclude by reaffirming your commitment to using the bursary to further your studies.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your motivational letter makes a strong impression on the selection committee and increases your chances of being awarded a bursary.

Related: What is Cover Letter? Complete Guide To Get any Job.

I hope you found this blog helpful. The bursary can be a great opportunity to help fund your education and achieve your goals. Remember to stay motivated, take advantage of the resources available to you, and reach out for help when you need it. Best of luck in your application process!

Financial Assistance Motivational letter for Bursary

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How to write a motivational letter for a bursary (samples included)

A large percentage of South African students require financial assistance to pursue higher education because it is quite pricey. Many of them apply for education bursaries. As a result, learning how to write a motivational letter for a bursary is necessary. A well-written letter improves the chances of getting financial aid.

motivational letter for a bursary

Bursary programmes are necessary in South Africa. They assist students in universities, colleges, and other institutions of higher learning to complete their studies. The financial boost normally covers tuition fees, cost of living, and other educational expenditures. A motivational letter for a bursary should accompany your application to boost the chances of getting the aid.

How to write a motivational letter for a bursary

Organisations that offer higher education bursaries receive numerous requests for funding from students. Therefore, you must package your application in the best way possible to increase your chances of success. Learn how to write an exceptional motivational letter for financial aid today.

how to write an application letter for a bursary

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What to write in a motivational letter for a bursary

Learning how to write a motivational letter for a bursary application involves understanding the structure of the letter and what to include. Below are the things you must include in your letter.

  • Your name, contact information and the date. These should be in the top left-hand corner of your letter. Include your student number if you are a current student at an institution of higher learning .
  • Enter the name and address of the organisation you wish to get financial aid from.
  • Have a subject line stating the specific funding you are applying for.
  • The salutation - You can use Dear Sir/ Madam, To Whom It May Concern, or Dear Mr/Mrs/Dr (name of the person). The latter only applies if you know the name of the person to whom you are addressing the letter.
  • The first paragraph should briefly and clearly explain the purpose of the application.
  • The second paragraph should give your educational information, including your academic achievement and results, what you are currently studying, and the year.
  • The third paragraph should discuss your career plans, personal goals, and how the bursary will assist you in your education. Here, give a few details about why you need the bursary without elaborating too much.
  • Finally, show gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity and state your commitment to working hard.
  • Sign the letter and include your name.

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motivational letter for a bursary application

Example of a motivational letter for a bursary

Going through examples of motivational letters for a bursary is encouraged before writing yours. This will help you understand what to include and how to structure it. Below is an example you can use as a reference.

Zuri Lindiwe Mahlangu

P.O. Box 77913098 - 14 Malan Avenue

Jagersfontein, 8987

North West University Admission Number: P21/6767/2022

10th June 2023

The Director

Africa Elimu Education Trust Bursary

P.O. Box 98989 - 8th Street

Houghton, Johannesburg 2198.

Application for a bursary for the second-year BA in Psychology.

I, Zuri Lindiwe Mahlangu, hereby apply for the 2023 Africa Elimu Education Trust Bursary for Bachelor of Arts students as advertised on the portal.

I am currently enrolled in my first year at North West University, pursuing a Bachelor of Arts programme in Psychology. I have found the course interesting, rewarding, and challenging. I have been doing well so far and would like to apply for your bursary for the second year (2024) of my degree because my financial circumstances have changed recently.

how to write an application letter for a bursary

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I scored a GPA of 4.1 at the end of my first semester. I am excited about the course and would wish to pursue a career in family counselling in the future. This programme will offer me the opportunity to strengthen my theoretical knowledge base, which I will apply practically in the job market.

The bursary will help me complete my undergraduate studies. I hope to pursue my Master's degree in the future. Up to this point, my studies have been funded by my mother, who passed away a month ago. Without finding a way of funding, I shall not be able to continue with my education as planned.

I will appreciate consideration for the bursary and promise to work even harder to meet all my study goals. I promise not to let you down once granted the help. I have attached a filled bursary form and other documents required , and I welcome the chance to explain myself further.

how to write an application letter for a bursary

30+ good excuses to miss work on short notice. Missing work has never been easier

Yours sincerely,

(Insert signature)

what to write in a motivational letter for a bursary

Tips for making your motivational letter for a bursary application exceptional

When applying for a bursary , remember that many others are doing the same. The reality is there will probably not be a perfect applicant. However, you can make your letter exceptional by observing the tips below.

  • Be yourself: Do not attempt to replicate the work of others. Indicate your motivation for the bursary by outlining how your abilities, aspirations, and mission align with the institution.
  • Include all the essential details: Ensure you include all important details and follow the structure described above. Ensure all details provided are accurate.
  • Be captivating: It helps to be interesting, even if you are trying to convey that you are a serious candidate and want the bursary. Briefly explain how the bursary will help you achieve your long-term goals.
  • Check your grammar: Before sending your letter, proofread it to ensure you do not have grammar errors. It must also not have any typos.
  • Follow the instructions: Usually, organisations offering bursaries have a set of requirements and application instructions. Follow them to the T!
  • Apply early: Do not postpone your search for financial help until the last minute.

how to write an application letter for a bursary

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What qualifies you for a bursary?

One institution differs from another in terms of requirements; therefore, you must understand the institution well. Scholarships and bursaries may be given based on a student's academic performance, family income, or a combination of the two.

How do I write a motivational letter for a bursary?

You can write a motivational letter for a bursary using the guide above. It contains all the necessary details and tips.

Who requests a bursary?

Bursaries are offered to students who require financial support to complete their education, usually higher studies .

How can I increase my chances of getting a bursary?

You can increase your chances by applying early, following the instructions given, and submitting a proofread application form. No one wants an application letter filled with errors.

How do you start a motivational letter for funding?

You should start the letter with a salutation followed by stating who you are and what bursary you are applying for.

how to write an application letter for a bursary

Advantages of bursaries in South Africa | Are there any disadvantages?

A good motivational letter for a bursary will increase your chances of getting financial help for your education. Use the guide and tips above to come up with a good letter to impress the recipients.

Briefly.co.za recently published the four types of subsidies in the South African government . Government subsidies are the government's financial assistance to individuals, businesses, and organisations to promote specific industries or social programmes.

Every government in the world aims to alleviate poverty and provide a better life for its citizens. Subsidies assist individuals and businesses with the costs of specific goods or services, making them more accessible and affordable.

Source: Briefly News

Cyprine Apindi (Lifestyle writer) Cyprine Apindi is a content creator and educator with over six years of experience. She holds a Diploma in Mass Communication and a Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from Kenyatta University. Cyprine joined Briefly.co.za in mid-2021, covering multiple topics, including finance, entertainment, sports, and lifestyle. In 2023, she finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. She received the 2023 Writer of the Year Award. In 2024, she completed the Google News Initiative course. Email: [email protected]

Sheila Kamau Sheila Kamau is a content writer who writes magazines, press releases, blogs and newsletters. She currently writes on matters ranging from life hacks to biographies on Briefly. She can be reached at [email protected]

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FROM: Registrar (AA)

To:  First Year Students (2024/2025 A Y)

Congratulations for being placed at Karatina University!

The reporting day will be Monday, 5th August 2024 and thereafter Orientation running throughout theweek.

To access the Admission Letter, check on the link below:


Joining instructions and forms to be filled are attached in this communication.

Note that following your placement by KUCCPS at Karatina University, you are eligible to apply for a Government Scholarship, Loan, and Bursary to assist you with your educational expenses. If you require Government Financial Support, you MUST make an application for consideration through the official scholarship and loan portal: https://portal.hef.co.ke

Should the Government Scholarship, Loan, and Bursary not be sufficient to cover the entire cost of your programme, the remaining fee balance will be the responsibility of your Parent/Guardian. Payment details to the University are provided in the admission letter. Accommodation at the University is not guaranteed and normally issued on first come basis after full payment of fees. Therefore, make necessary arrangements to secure accommodation at the University or outside before the reporting date.

It is mandatory to report with a laptop as a learning requirement. Regular updates will be posted to the University website and via your University email. To access your university email, please follow the link provided on this page to retrieve your email; https://emaiI.karu.ac.ke

For any clarification do not hesitate to get in touch with us via Tel: 0729721200; 0716135171; 0723683150 or email: [email protected] . We will be availing regular updates on admission information on the University website: www.karu.ac.ke and through your email. The official communication lines are as directed in our official channels of communication.


Dr. Wangari Gathuthi Registrar (Academic Affairs)

Click the link below to download Admission Letter.

For those who sat KCSE in 2023 use the below link  KUCCPS 2024/2025 Admission Letters Portal

Click the link below to download the Library User Form.

Click the links below to download the Admission Forms and view the 2024/2025 First Years Joining Instructions

Click the links below to download your student forms.

Click the link below to download either the Non-Resident Form or the Resident Form(University Hostels).

Commonly Asked Questions for Registration

As you prepare to report on Monday, 5th August 2024, find a guide to Commonly Asked Questions.

1. Where is Karatina University Located?

ANSWER: Karatina University Main Campus is located in Kagochi, Karatina, Mathira East Sub County, Nyeri County. From Nairobi, the best PSV Matatu to use is 2NK boarded at the Tea Room Matatu Terminus at the Kenneth Matiba Road (formerly Accra Road).

2. How can I download my Admission Letter?

ANSWER: Please click the link below to get your Admission Letter. You will be required to input your KCSE Index Number/2022 to be able to retrieve and download your Admission Letter . 

2024/2025 Admissions Letter Portal

For Joining Instructions, Admission Forms and Fee Structure the links are available on this page.

3. How can I get my Registration Number (Admission Number)?

ANSWER: The Registration Number is well indicated on your Admission Letter. It is structured as A123/4567G/23.

4. What if I don’t make to report on Monday 5th August, 2024?

ANSWER: Karatina University encourages all students to come for reporting on Monday 5 th August, 2024 . However, if you cannot make it, you are encouraged to report within the week.

5. When is the deadline for reporting in this 2024/2025 Academic Year?

ANSWER: The deadline for reporting will be communicated to you via your emails. Those who will not make it by the deadline, will defer their studies to the 2025/2026 Academic Year.

6. When is the deadline for applying for funding from the Higher Education Funds (HEF)?

ANSWER: HEF applications deadline will be indicated in the HEF website. All First Year 2024/2025 AY Students MUST apply for funding via the Higher Education Financing (HEF) Portal, https://portal.hef.co.ke/ .

7. Am I eligible for HELB loans?

ANSWER: Yes, all students are encouraged to apply for HELB funds via   www.helb.go.ke

8. Is it a must I reside inside the University hostels?

ANSWER:  It is NOT mandatory apart from Nursing Students to reside inside the University Hostels. For those who wish to stay outside, you will be required to fill out the Non-Resident Form (AA/F017).

9. What do you provide in hostels accommodation?

ANSWER: Karatina University provides a bed and a mattress. You will only come with beddings and personal emoluments.

10. Can I book a hostel room?

ANSWER: No, Karatina University does not allow booking of hostel. The rooms available will be allocated on a first come first assign basis.

However, the University will ensure that all students get accommodated with Hostels affiliated to Karatina University.

11. Can I cook inside the hostel?

ANSWER: No. Cooking is prohibited  in Karatina University hostels. Students are encouraged to take meals from the University Cafeteria which is open for the entire Semester and the food is at very affordable prices.

12. What if I’m not able to report on this 2024/2025 Academic Year?

ANSWER: Yes, your place will be reserved till the next Academic Year. You are required to officially write a deferment letter to the Registrar (Academic Affairs) after which it will be processed within a week.

After you receive the deferment response, you will be required to write an official letter to Registrar Academic Affairs to request for readmission.

NOTE: The University Funding Board (UFB) cycle elapses after the four years from the year of admission for the Government Sponsored Students Programme (GSSP). This means the Government will cease your funding and the Private Sponsored Students Programme (PSSP) fee structure will apply henceforth.

13. Can I defer if I’m not able to report in this 2023/2024 Academic Year?

ANSWER: Yes, your place will be reserved till the next Academic Year. You are required to officially write a deferment letter to the Registrar (Academic Affairs) after which it will be processed within a week. After you receive the deferment response, you will be required to write an official letter to Registrar Academic Affairs to request for readmission

14. How can I transfer a course/ change a programme?

ANSWER: Karatina University will open the Change of Programme window from 11 th September, 2023. You are required to check from the KUCCPS Students Portal whether you are qualified for the programme you wish to change to.

i . Check on the ‘Minimum Subjects Requirements’ . You should meet the criteria set for the Programm

ii . Check the 2022 Cut-Off Points (COP) against your Cluster Points (WCP). To qualify the WCP should be equal to or greater than the COP.

iii .    Fill the Change of Programme Form AA/F012 and submit it at the Dean of the School you have been admitted to.

iv .  Wait for the response, which will be released latest 29th September, 2023 .

v . Fill an Acceptance Form for Change of Programme Form AA/F013 and submit it to the School’s Administrative Assistant of the new programme.

Note: You will get a regret letter if either you have not qualified for the new programme or the new programme is at full quorum thus n o capacity .

15. Do you pay accommodation fees in the same account with the fees account?

ANSWER: Yes. You can pay the accommodation fees of KShs 6,500 together with the fees in the same account of either Equity Bank or Cooperative Bank as indicated in the Fee Structure or via e-Citizen..

16. Can I pay half the fees for 1st Semester and get admitted?

ANSWER: No. Karatina University encourages all Students to pay fees in full. You will NOT get admitted if you will not have 100% of fees and 100% accommodation.

17. Must I come with the laptop during registration or I can acquire it after reporting?

ANSWER: For proper learning on the blended mode of study (online and physical), students are encouraged to have a laptop for ease of access of online teaching and materials.

18. What if I don’t have a NHIF Card, can I use my guardian’s?

ANSWER: Yes. NHIF cards are given to applicants above 18 years. For reporting purposes, students below the age of 18 years can use the NHIF card for parent/guardian and will be required to avail a copy of the same on the reporting date.

For those above 18 years, kindly apply for an NHIF card at your nearest NHIF office before the reporting date and avail the NHIF acknowledgement slip (stamped and signed) on your reporting date.

19. How can I contact Admissions Office?

ANSWER: Please call the number +254 716 135 171 or +254 729 721 200. You can send an email to [email protected]

20. How do I pay fees to Karatina University?

ANSWER: Requisite Fees is payable via e-Citizen or to any branch of Cooperative or Equity Bank with details as follows:

1. Cooperative Bank

Account Name: Karatina University; Karatina Branch; Account Number: 01129059776700

2. Equity Bank

Account Name: Karatina University; Karatina Branch; Account Number: 0040298291603

Payment is also done on the Student Portal via E-Citizen


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  2. How to Write a Bursary Application Letter

    Include the address for the bursary issuer in the top left corner of the application letter. You may also include the date of application and your name with contact information. Begin the letter with "Dear Sir or Madam," "To whom it may concern," or "Dear {Name of specific person reading the application, if known}.".

  3. Bursary Application Letter

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  4. How to Write A Motivational Letter For Bursary (+Examples)

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  5. Motivation Letter for Bursary Sample Template with Example

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    To help you write, consider the following example of a scholarship application letter: Dear Mr Davids, My name is Richard Scott, and I'm a college student interested in applying for the Creative Arts Scholarship. I intend to attend the University of California, Berkley, and receive a bachelor's degree in graphic design.

  8. Writing an Effective Bursary Motivational Letter: Guide with Examples

    Step 1: Understand the Purpose. Example: "Dear [Bursary Committee], I am writing to express my sincere interest in the [Bursary Name] for the [Year] academic session. As a dedicated student passionate about [Your Field of Study], I believe this bursary will significantly contribute to my educational journey.".

  9. Write A Killer Scholarship Motivation Letter (With Example)

    You will need to use your best judgment to write a concise motivation letter. The letter should include: The most important elements of your resume. Your education. Your professional experiences and plans for the future. Motivation letters are usually around 500-1,000 words. Split them into paragraphs for easy reading.

  10. How to Write Bursary Application Letters

    An bursary application letter is often also a requisite accompaniment to this application. Through the composition of a clear, concise and well-worded application letter, a candidate can increase his likelihood of receiving financial assistance for education. ... When writing a bursary letter, first write the address of the bursary at the top ...

  11. Guide to writing bursary application motivation letter with examples

    Example 1: Dear [Selection Committee], I am writing to express my interest in applying for the [Bursary Name] bursary. My journey to this point has not been without challenges. Growing up in a rural village with limited resources, access to education was a constant struggle.

  12. How to Write a Cover Letter for Scholarship (With Examples)

    The template below outlines the purpose for each paragraph and what it should include: Your Name. [Your phone number] [Your email address] [Your mailing address] [Date] [Scholarship organization name] [Organization address] [Organization phone number] Dear [Mr./Ms./Mx. Recipient's name] / [Scholarship Committee],

  13. How to write a Bursary Motivational Letter

    At the top left corner of the letter, include the address of the bursary provider (you can also include the date you are applying on, your name, and contact details). Start your letter with any of the following: Dear (Name of the person reading application, if known) Dear Sir/ Madam. To whom it may concern.

  14. Write a Killer Cover Letter for a Scholarship in 2023 (w/Example)

    Scholarship Cover Letter Example. To Whom It May Concern, My name is Alex Smith and I am a high school senior in Bend, Ohio. In the fall of 2019, I will be starting my freshman year at the University of Pennsylvania at the Annenberg School of Communication with an intended major in communications.

  15. Application Letter for Scholarship Request Sample: Free & Effective

    Application Letter Template for a Scholarship Request. Dear [Recipient's Name], I am writing to express my earnest interest in the [Scholarship Name] offered by [Institution or Foundation's Name]. As a dedicated student of [Your Field of Study], I am committed to my academic pursuits and am eager to overcome financial barriers to achieve my ...

  16. Sample Cover Letter for Scholarship Application in 2024

    Cement your worth in the middle of your cover letter for scholarship. Show off your personal attributes and end goals. Stay relevant to the program and show the committee the impact you'll make. Finish with a CTA. Ask the question and offer something in return. Get your application read and get that interview.

  17. 5 Tips on How to Write an Outstanding Bursary Application Letter

    1. Personal Introduction. The personal introduction section of your bursary application letter is your first opportunity to make a connection with the bursary committee. It is essential to craft this part carefully to make a positive and memorable impression.

  18. Creative Motivational Letter for Bursary: 05 Examples

    A motivational letter for a bursary is a letter that is written by a person who is applying for a bursary to explain why they think they should receive the bursary. The letter should outline the applicant's financial need, academic merits, and motivation for pursuing their chosen field of study. A well-written motivational letter can be the difference between receiving a bursary and being ...

  19. How to write a motivational letter for a bursary (samples included)

    Learning how to write a motivational letter for a bursary application involves understanding the structure of the letter and what to include. Below are the things you must include in your letter. Your name, contact information and the date. These should be in the top left-hand corner of your letter. Include your student number if you are a ...

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    Additional Tips for Writing a Bursary Application Letter. Now that you know how to write a bursary application mailing, here are some tips to remain in mind: Wrap as much as you sack with the few words as likely. The consider committee will skim durch loads of applications, so yourself want to grab their attention as quickly as possible. ...

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    Pick an appropriate file format and name. Save your letter in a widely accepted file format, such as PDF or Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx). Ensure your file name is professional and includes your name, such as "FirstName_LastName_CoverLetter.pdf.".

  22. 2024/2025 KUCCPS Admission

    Note that following your placement by KUCCPS at Karatina University, you are eligible to apply for a Government Scholarship, Loan, and Bursary to assist you with your educational expenses. If you require Government Financial Support, you MUST make an application for consideration through the official scholarship and loan portal: https://portal ...

  23. PDF must clearly designate a secondary area of excellence

    contributions to the field. The letter must articulate the department's reasons for supporting the candidate's promotion and address the future trajectory of the candidate's continued excellence in research, and teaching/service. The Chair's letter must clearly designate a secondary area of excellence. This must also include a