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how to do product research in amazon

11 Amazon Product Research Strategies You Need For 2023


In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, one constant remains pivotal for success – effective product research. For advanced marketers and agency owners looking to expand their horizons on Amazon, in-depth Amazon product research can be the game-changer that leads to increased sales and profitability.

This guide provides cutting-edge strategies for conducting insightful Amazon product research , from understanding market trends to in-depth keyword and competitor analysis.


1. Understanding The Current Amazon Landscape

Staying in sync with the dynamic Amazon landscape is key to effective product research. Amazon regularly updates its algorithms and policies, often impacting the discoverability and salability of products. The following points explain why it's essential to keep up with these changes:

Policy Updates

Changes in Amazon's terms of service can affect the types of products you can sell. Reviewing these updates ensures your product ideas comply with Amazon's current policies.

Algorithm Changes

Amazon's A9 ranking algorithm impacts how products are displayed in search results. Understanding these changes allows you to adjust your product research strategy accordingly.

The Amazon A9 algorithm is the proprietary system that determines the ranking and visibility of products in Amazon's search results. It aims to show the most relevant and appealing products to customers based on various factors. Some key factors considered by the A9 algorithm include:

Relevance to Search Terms : The algorithm evaluates how well a product matches the keywords and search terms entered by customers.

Conversion Rate : Products with a higher conversion rate (the ratio of clicks to actual purchases) are favored, indicating that they satisfy customer needs.

Sales Velocity : Faster-selling products often get a ranking boost, as they suggest high demand and popularity.

Product Title and Description : The quality and accuracy of the product title, bullet points, and description influence how well the algorithm understands and matches the product to user queries.

Images and Media : High-quality images and multimedia that showcase the product can improve click-through rates and conversions.

Product Reviews and Ratings : Positive reviews and higher ratings improve a product's credibility and appeal to customers.

2. Keyword Research And Analysis

Keyword research is the heart and soul of discovering high-demand, low-competition products on Amazon. Harnessing the power of keyword research tools can give you a competitive edge:

Using Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific keyword phrases that visitors are more likely to use when they're closer to the point of purchase or when they're using voice search. They also have less competition from more generic keywords. 

When users search using long-tail keywords, they often know exactly what they're looking for. By targeting niche markets with long-tail keywords, you can discover profitable product ideas that are overlooked by the competition. 

Google Trends Analysis

Google Trends provides insights into trending topics and search terms. Analyzing these trends can uncover popular product categories or products gaining traction. Inputting potential keywords allows you to gauge their popularity and seasonal trends over time. 

This helps you identify products with sustained demand and plan for seasonal fluctuations. Comparing keywords provides insights into stable and high-demand options. You can also use Google trends to analyze geographical data. It informs market targeting, and related queries offer additional product ideas.

Leveraging Amazon Product Research Tools

Advanced Amazon tools provide data on keyword search volumes, competition levels, and monthly sales, making them invaluable for effective product research. 

For example, sales estimates help assess demand, while competitor analysis unveils gaps in the market. Keyword research optimizes search visibility, and profitability calculators consider costs.

Trend tracking reveals emerging niches, and review analysis uncovers customer preferences. Historical data informs trend prediction, and supplier information aids sourcing decisions. Combining Google Trends insights with Amazon tools creates a comprehensive strategy for successful product selection.

3. Competitor Analysis

Analyzing your competitors can offer valuable insights and uncover potential opportunities:

Identifying Top Performers

Competitor analysis is a critical aspect of Amazon product research. To identify top-performing competitors, focus on products that consistently rank well in search results and have a high Best Sellers Rank (BSR). Analyze products with numerous positive reviews, as this suggests a satisfied customer base.

Look for items that consistently appear in Amazon's "Customers Also Bought" or "Frequently Bought Together" sections, as these indicate strong cross-selling potential. Identifying top performers allows you to understand what products resonate with customers and provide valuable insights into market preferences.

Evaluating Strengths And Weaknesses

Once you've identified top-performing competitors, evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. Analyze their product listings, including high-quality images, compelling product titles, and detailed descriptions. Assess the quality and quantity of customer reviews, noting what customers appreciate and any common complaints. 

Consider their pricing strategy and any unique value propositions. Understanding these strengths and weaknesses helps you differentiate your own product and capitalize on areas where competitors might be falling short.

Spotting Market Gaps

Competitor analysis also helps you spot market gaps where opportunities lie. Look for niches or subcategories within a broader market that may be underserved by existing competitors. 

Identify products with consistently high demand but limited supply. Consider geographical or demographic segments that competitors might have overlooked. Analyze customer reviews for recurring requests or unmet needs. 

By spotting these gaps, you can tailor your product offerings to fulfill untapped customer desires, giving you a competitive edge and potential for higher sales.

4. Leveraging Analytics

Analytics help sellers understand customer behaviour, sales trends, and market demand. Data is how we make sense of the chaos that is online selling. By analyzing data such as customer reviews, conversion rates, and sales rankings, sellers can identify which products are more likely to succeed, or, how to make your products succeed.

Understanding And Interpreting Data From Amazon's Seller Central And Other Analytics Tools

Harnessing the power of Amazon analytics is vital for conducting effective Amazon product research. Amazon's Seller Central provides a wealth of data to help you understand your target market, identify profitable products, and optimize your e-commerce business strategy.

Key metrics to focus on include monthly sales, units sold, and sell-through rates. Amazon product research tools can also provide insights into your competition, including their pricing strategies, sales volumes, and customer reviews.

Identifying Trends And Patterns To Inform Product Decisions

You can identify market trends, top-performing products, and potential product ideas by analyzing data from Seller Central and Amazon product research tools. You can also spot patterns, like rising and falling demand for certain items.

These insights can be used to tailor your product offerings, ensuring they align with customer demand.

Utilizing Metrics Like Conversion Rates, Click-Through Rates, And Session Duration

Metrics such as conversion rates , click-through rates, and session duration can provide deeper insights into customer behavior. For instance, a high click-through rate but a low conversion rate might indicate a mismatch between your product listing and customer expectations.

Using these metrics for your Amazon FBA product research can help you optimize your product listings and pricing strategies.

When it comes to analytics, Scale Insights has a list of features that lets you take control of your data like never before. You can track your profits, discover trends, and gain valuable insights on how your ads and promotions lead to organic sales. Whether you’re looking for a bird’s eye view of your business, or an in-depth look at each product’s performance, you’ll find all that you need in Scale Insights .

5. Incorporating Customer Feedback

Incorporating customer feedback is a key process in Amazon selling and product research. Sellers use reviews, ratings, and customer queries to understand consumer needs, preferences, and pain points. This data helps refine product features, improve quality, and even develop new products. When you know your customers, you can better serve them with your products.

Utilizing Customer Reviews And Feedback To Gain Insights Into Product Performance

Customer reviews are a goldmine for Amazon sellers conducting product research. They provide first-hand feedback about product performance, quality, and customer expectations. 

You can address common pain points by analyzing reviews for your products and competitors and improving your offerings accordingly.

Addressing Common Pain Points And Concerns Through Product Improvement

Negative reviews often highlight common issues or concerns with a product. These can serve as a roadmap for product improvement. Whether it's an issue with product quality, packaging, or delivery, addressing these pain points can greatly improve customer satisfaction and product ratings.

Leveraging Positive Reviews For Marketing And Social Proof

Positive reviews boost your product's ranking and act as a form of social proof that can influence potential customers. Highlighting positive reviews in your marketing efforts can enhance your product's appeal and credibility.

6. Trend Spotting And Seasonal Opportunities

Identifying emerging trends and seasonal demands.

To maintain a competitive edge, Amazon sellers must stay on top of emerging trends, top selling products, and seasonal demands. Utilizing Google Trends, keyword research tools, and market research can help you identify trends and which products are likely to see a spike in demand.

These strategies can help you strategically add seasonal or trending products to sell on Amazon.

Capitalizing On Holidays And Special Events For Product Promotions

Holidays and special events present excellent opportunities for potentially profitable products and their promotions. You can take advantage of these peak selling times by planning ahead and stocking up on relevant products to sell.

Taking note of historical sales data of what sold during these events and what didn't is also essential. You should also take note of your products’ selling prices, and adjust accordingly.

Holidays and special events are excellent opportunities to generate product ideas, as well as prime opportunities for hot new releases. Whether it's Christmas, Black Friday, or Prime Day, these events can significantly boost your monthly sales.

Adjusting Product Offerings To Align With Changing Consumer Preferences

Consumer preferences can shift due to various factors, including seasonality, trends, and changing circumstances (like the rise in home fitness equipment during the pandemic).

You can keep your Amazon business thriving by staying adaptable and adjusting your product offerings accordingly. Regular product research, trend analysis, and customer feedback are crucial for this adaptability.

7. Sourcing And Supplier Research

Finding the right product to sell on Amazon starts with identifying reliable suppliers and manufacturers. This stage of product research involves a deep analysis of various aspects that affect product quality, cost, and overall feasibility for your ecommerce business.

Strategies For Finding Reliable Suppliers And Manufacturers

Leverage platforms such as Alibaba, Global Sources, or ThomasNet to uncover product ideas and potential suppliers. Consider factors like manufacturing capability, communication responsiveness, business longevity, and previous clientele when shortlisting.

For an additional layer of validation, participate in trade shows (both physical and virtual) where you can directly interact with the suppliers, inspect product samples, and build potential partnerships.

Evaluating Supplier Capabilities And Product Quality

Comprehensive supplier evaluation is crucial to avoid disappointments down the line. Start by ordering product samples to inspect the quality first-hand. Consider third-party inspections for a more unbiased review of the product quality and the supplier's manufacturing process if dealing with large orders.

Verify the supplier's production capacity, product quality consistency, and delivery timelines adherence. Additionally, check if they can meet any specific product customizations you need for your unique selling proposition.

Negotiation Tactics For Getting The Best Deals And Maintaining Healthy Profit Margins

Effective negotiation can drastically improve your bottom line. Always approach the negotiation table with the market knowledge and a clear understanding of your margins. Explore ways to get value beyond the price - consider negotiating minimum order quantities, payment terms, or delivery schedules.

It's essential to build long-term relationships with suppliers. A solid partnership can lead to better terms, helping maintain healthy profit margins.

8. Test Marketing And Product Validation

Before a full-fledged product launch, conducting small-scale tests provides invaluable insights into market reception and demand.

Conducting Small-Scale Tests To Validate Product Demand

Start by ordering a small batch of your product for a 'soft launch'. Monitor how quickly the product sells, the initial customer reviews, and the overall customer response. Tools like Google Trends and Amazon's sales data can offer insights into market trends and product demand.

Utilizing Amazon's Early Reviewer Program And Vine Program

Amazon's Early Reviewer Program and Vine Program help sellers acquire early product reviews, which can boost product credibility. Remember that these programs have certain eligibility requirements, so ensure your product qualifies before considering this option.

Gathering Valuable Feedback Before A Full Product Launch

Never underestimate the power of customer feedback. Both positive and negative reviews provide crucial insights. Positive reviews validate your product selection, while negative ones help identify areas of improvement.

9. Branding And Packaging Considerations

Effective branding and packaging can set your product apart in the crowded Amazon marketplace.

The Role Of Branding In Attracting Customers And Building Brand Loyalty

Good branding is more than just a catchy logo or name. It conveys your brand story, mission, and the value you offer customers. Effective branding fosters customer loyalty, leading to repeat purchases and word-of-mouth referrals.

Packaging Design Strategies That Stand Out On Amazon's Crowded Marketplace

Creative and high-quality packaging can enhance the customer experience, leading to better reviews and increased sales. Custom packaging that aligns with your brand image and attracts your target audience is worth investing.

Aligning Branding With Target Audience Preferences

Understanding your target audience is critical to branding success. Conduct market research to discover their preferences, needs, and values. Your branding elements, including packaging, should reflect these insights to resonate with your customers and build a loyal customer base.

10. Amazon Advertising Strategies

Incorporating Amazon Advertising into the mix can be a game-changer when conducting Amazon product research.

Incorporating Amazon Advertising Into The Product Research Process

With Amazon Advertising , you can gain invaluable insights about your prospective product. Sponsored Product campaigns can help you identify high-converting keywords, understand customer behavior, and measure market demand.

You can garner vital information to guide your final decision by running small test campaigns for potential product ideas.

Identifying High-Converting Keywords For Sponsored Product Campaigns

High-converting keywords are essential to any successful Amazon product. These keywords can be discovered using Amazon's advertising reports, Amazon product research tools, and keyword research tools.

By understanding which keywords lead to conversions, you can strategically position your product to attract the right customers.

Optimizing Ad Spend Based On Research Insights

Ad spend should be managed carefully to maintain profitability. You can optimize your ad spending by evaluating the performance data from your advertising campaigns and cross-referencing it with your product research findings.

Invest more in high-performing, low-competition keywords, and cut back on those not providing a good return.

11. Scaling And Diversification

Once you've found a successful product on Amazon, it's time to think about scaling and diversification.

Strategies For Scaling Successful Products On Amazon

To scale your successful products, consider variations of your product that cater to different segments of your target market. Look at expanding your product line with complementary products. Additionally, leveraging Amazon FBA can help you handle increased volume efficiently.

Diversifying Product Offerings To Mitigate Risk And Explore New Markets

Diversification is key to mitigating risk in any e-commerce business. Don't put all your eggs in one basket; instead, invest in various profitable products with low competition. By diversifying your product range, you can tap into new markets and increase your overall sales.

Expanding To International Amazon Marketplaces

Consider selling in international Amazon marketplaces to further scale your business. Each marketplace has unique product trends and demands. 

Conclusion On Amazon Product Research Strategies

Mastering Amazon product research strategies is a continuous journey, especially in the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape. Leverage these strategies to stay ahead . Incorporate Amazon Advertising in your research process, identify high-converting keywords, optimize your ad spend, and consider scaling and diversification as your business grows.

Remember, to generate high sales is not the only way to measure success on Amazon; it's about understanding your market, analyzing trends, and making data-driven decisions. When you perform Amazon product research, you bring yourself closer to many new potential customers.

So keep researching, keep learning, and keep growing. Success will be yours on the Amazon platform.

Experience the power of rule-based Amazon PPC tools with Scale Insights . Contact us now for a 30-day free trial (no credit card required) and skyrocket your Amazon business!

Frequently Asked Questions About Amazon Product Research

Can amazon advertising be used as a product research tool.

Amazon Advertising can provide valuable insights into high-converting keywords and customer behavior, which can inform your product research process.

How Can Diversifying My Product Offerings Mitigate Risk?

Diversifying your product offerings can protect your business against fluctuations in demand, market trends, and competition, hence mitigating risk.

How Can I Identify High-Converting Keywords For My Amazon Product?

High-converting keywords can be identified using Amazon's advertising reports, keyword research tools and by analyzing the keywords used by successful competitors.

What Is The Role Of Amazon FBA In Scaling My Amazon Business?

Amazon FBA can handle your products' storage, packaging, and shipping, allowing you to scale your business without worrying about logistics.

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how to do product research in amazon

SellerApp Blog

Amazon Product Research: Methods to Discover Winning Products

what is amazon product research

Arishekar N

Did you know that selling on Amazon comes with a potential failure rate of 80%-90%? However, the 10% that do end up making it, make it big! Like they really kill it. One of the core reasons why they make it is their ability to conduct effective Amazon product research.

They fundamentally understand that only decisions backed by data result in success.

After all, in the ever-evolving world of e-commerce , consumer preferences can change in the blink of an eye and successful sellers have no choice by to adapt by staying ahead of the curve.

Use various methods to dive deep into the needs and desires of your target audience, understand their pain points, identify gaps in your competitors’ products, and ultimately, zero in on lucrative opportunities that can propel your business to new heights.

While it can be tempting, simply finding a product you like, creating a listing, and hoping for the best can be ineffective in the long run.

Therefore, we’ve put together this comprehensive Amazon product research guide with effective tips to streamline your Amazon product analysis and research journey.

Let’s jump into it!

Here is a quick peek into the article:

What is Amazon Product Research?

  • Four Elements Influencing Your Product Research on Amazon
  • Ways to Discover Good Product Ideas

Final Thoughts

Amazon product research refers to finding a “winning product” that could turn a hefty profit when sold on Amazon. Unfortunately, you cannot rely solely on gut feelings or passion when it comes to selling a product on Amazon.

For example, you could spend several hundred hours of time and resources coming up with a proprietary product that you think is amazing.

However, if there’s no market demand for it, then your product simply won’t sell on Amazon. Additionally, highly competitive products result in saturated niches that can be extremely hard to break into.

To effectively zero in on a profitable product, you’ll need to deploy a range of strategies to gather data, and thoroughly analyze and validate its potential for success.

Specifically, you need to consider various metrics such as BSR, estimated daily orders, estimated daily revenue, category and subcategory information, and much more. Of course, manual methods of product research may not result in gathering the same level of information as Amazon product analysis with a specialized third-party research tool.

By understanding this data, not only could you find opportunities in a non-competitive niche or the subcategory of a saturated niche. For instance, breaking into the water bottle niche can be challenging. However, there may be potential in the sports water bottle subcategory.

Four Factors That Influence Product Research on Amazon

To effectively validate a product and find lucrative opportunities, you need to consider the following factors:



Understanding the demand for the product is extremely important. As mentioned earlier, you could potentially lose a significant amount of money trying to sell a product without any demand or by trying to break into a category with high competition.

Therefore, without understanding the demand, you won’t be able to gauge the success of your product.

Here are some key factors that can help you identify demand for a product:

A minimum of 10 estimated daily orders

Find a product that has a higher average unit sales per day. As a baseline, we recommend you keep it to a minimum of 10 estimated orders per day.

This essentially implies that the product that you are trying to sell should have already been sold by at least one other person and should generate a minimum of 10 sales per day. This would also suggest that the product has a good demand with at least 300 orders a month on average.

Of course, there’s the question of profitability as well. Let’s assume that two products are selling at $30. Product A has an average daily order of 5 and product B has an average daily order of 10.

Now, let’s assume that both products have a profit of $10 after the Amazon FBA fees , shipping, promotions , etc. Essentially, the gross sale you make per month in Product A is $30* 5 units * 30 days = $4,500, and in Product B is $30* 10 units * 30 days = $9,000

The profit you make for Product A is = $10 * 5 units/ day * 30 days/ month = $1,500 per month, and Product B is $10 * 10 units/ day * 30 days/ month = $3,000 per month.

As obvious as this may sound, products with higher average sales units per day have better profits. Therefore, aim to sell a product that can at least bring in 9000-10000 in gross sales and at least 3,000 in profit.

A BSR of 5,000 or less in the category

Understanding the sales frequency of a product can be complicated without the right tool. However, you can find the best seller rank (BSR) for free on the ecommerce platform. Most importantly, the BSR can help you understand the sales performance of a product within its category.

Fundamentally, a lower BSR suggests higher sales. For instance, a product with a BSR of 20,000 has significantly fewer daily sales than the same product with a BSR of 2,000 in the same category.

Therefore, avoid selecting a product with low sales potential even if it has found its way to the top pages.

When zeroing in on a product, it’s advisable to have 3-5 products in the main category with a BSR rank of around or below 5,000. The more number of products you have with a low BSR, the better your chances of success.

Note : When examining the BSR, focus on the main category rather than subcategories. Keep in mind a product with BSR #100 in the Electronics category wouldn’t necessarily generate similar sales as a product with BSR #100 in the Pet Supplies category.

We recommend you use SellerApp’s Product Intelligence Tool to find products that can sell on Amazon . Specifically, use SellerApp’s unique “Opportunity Score” feature, which analyzes the product and gives a score based on the following criteria.

  • Demand : It calculates the demand for the product in the category
  • Revenue Potential : It estimates the monthly revenue of the product in the category
  • Competition : It shows if the competition is higher or lower than the category average
  • Overhead Cost : It estimates the overhead cost and shows if it’s higher or lower than the category average.
  • Profit Margin : It shows you the estimated profit margin of the product compared to the category average
  • PIS Index : This metric measures the scope of improvement in the product.

Product Intelligence Tool

A high Opportunity Score indicates that the product can be highly profitable if you choose to sell, and vice versa.

The product has keywords with good search volume

Another effective method to gauge the product demands is to understand the various keywords and search volume for those keywords. If the product keywords already attract substantial search traffic, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel.

As a rule of thumb, see if the top 2-3 product keywords have at least a cumulative search volume of 10,000+ to effectively understand the demand for said product. Of course, this may vary based on your product type and niche.

Note : Stay away from a product with a very high search volume, as this niche might be too competitive to capture a portion of the market share and make a decent profit.

We recommend you use the SellerApp Reverse ASIN tool to find all top-performing keywords and search volume for the product.

Log in to the SellerApp dashboard . Go to the , and add your competitor ASINs. Here you can analyze the keywords based on search volume.

Reverse ASIN tool

A product that promotes repeat purchases.

Selling a product that encourages repeat purchases like cosmetics paper products or packaging materials is a great way to improve customer lifetime value and your profits.

Additionally, selling these types of products can also help you build a brand and even customer loyalty.

Recurring purchases also indicate customer satisfaction and trust. They are also less likely to switch to competitors or substitutes. Most importantly, choosing to sell such a product also results in lower acquisition and marketing costs as you don’t have to spend so much money attracting new customers, as you already have a loyal customer base.

An evergreen product

Unfortunately, you need to consider seasonality as a factor when choosing to sell your product. As you can imagine, the product’s demand can fluctuate depending on the type. For example, demand for snow gloves drastically increases during winter and is non-existent in the summer season.

Some product demands also increase during specific holidays. For example, Halloween costumes or decorations.

Therefore, we recommend you get a general idea of the seasonality of the product using Google Trends. Specifically, to identify if the keyword search volume data of the product is steady across the year.

amazon keyword research

But if there’s a periodic spike in the search volume, it shows seasonality.

seasonal products

A business built around seasonal products may be profitable for a day or a season but wouldn’t be sustainable in the long run.

Review customer feedback

However, we recommend digging far deeper into the reviews than simply glossing over 3-5 reviews.

One of the best ways to track demand and understand the effectiveness of a product is to head to the customer review section and read the feedback.

Use the SellerApp Chrome Extension and gather all the reviews for a specific product. You can filter by verified purchases to gather insights from the actual buyers and filter the reviews by star rating, text/video/image reviews, and even geography.

More importantly, use the Product Scanner Feature to gather the average ratings and reviews for all the products at the category or subcategory level to understand the overall demand.

Monitor pricing and track competitor inventory levels

Another way to understand product demand is to track competitor pricing and inventory levels. But by understanding the price wars between your competitors to win the buy box or even the fluctuations in selling price, you can understand the demand for the product to a certain level.

Although not amazingly insightful, you could still understand a certain level of demand by tracking your competitor’s inventory level and understanding how often they’re low in stock. Of course, this can take a significant amount of time, which is why it should ideally be an ancillary method to gauge demand.

In addition to Demand, you must deep dive into the niche and understand customer sentiment to understand your product has potential.

Look for Products with a low review count (About 2-3 Products With < 50 Reviews on Page 1)

Studying reviews is a necessary part of product research.

With this research, you can understand whether the product is effectively solving the customer’s pain point but it will also help you understand gaps in the competitive landscape that you can take advantage of.

For example, if you keep reading that Product X would be more easier to use with Feature Y. You could implement Feature Y into your product and sell it to capture market share from your customer.

Of course, reviews also help in more a straightforward manner. By reading the reviews you can understand if there is demand for the product. The number of sellers and the number of reviews split across them also give you insight into the difficulty of entering the market.

A good rule of thumb is to make a list of the top ten keywords for the product and check the top 10 products for each of those keywords. The product is likely to sell successfully if the top 10 products have less than 100 reviews.

However, if there are more than 1000 reviews, it’s best to move on to another product. When it comes to choosing the keyword go from broad to phrase and then to exact.

Identify the Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Analyzing the product reviews and Q&A section can give you insight into not just the weaknesses and gaps with the product but also help you understand the strengths and unique selling points of the product.

Usually, if the top products already have 4.5+ ratings, there’s a high chance that these products are already “perfected”, and it will be difficult to identify gaps in the product.

But for products with less than 4.5 ratings, you can identify some negative reviews and understand the gaps in the products. Use these gaps to improve your products and tailor your product messaging.

Of course, this isn’t an absolute. You could always try to find opportunities to improve a nearly “perfect product” and launch a new one with additional features or improvements.

Other than Demand and Customer Insights, you must also thoroughly understand the competition. After all, there is no point in spending time and resources on launching a problem, only to be drowned by the competition.

Here are some key factors to consider when it comes to understanding the competition:

The barrier to entry should not be low

Don’t select a product that has a low entry barrier.

As obvious as it may sound, it’s important to understand that everyone can see the potential in this product and you will run into several new competitors, negatively impacting your business.

On the other hand, the more difficult to enter a new market, the fewer new sellers will pose a threat to your product. Therefore, look for products that require a relatively high capital investment, unique features, or strong differentiations from other products.

These types of products can help you avoid direct competition and create a niche market for yourself.

No Big Brands in the product category

Entering a product category dominated by big brands will always put you at a clear disadvantage. Here’s why:

  • One, you will need to compete against their large marketing budgets and brand recognition . Capturing market share would be harder than going to the moon. Ok, maybe not. But the point still rests.
  • Two, winning customers who are loyal to these brands can be significantly challenging. And if you try to work around their market share, you might be targeting a super narrow demographic, which would restrict your growth and profitability.

If you still want to compete against such dominant brands, ensure that you have a solid marketing strategy , a good product, a great brand story/mission/values, and exceptional customer service.

The Number of Sellers

Tracking the number of sellers should be a no-brainer – it can indicate the level of competition and the demand for that product. Generally, if there are too many sellers for a product, it would mean that the product is highly competitive, and you may have difficulty breaking into the market or succeeding once you’re in.

On the other hand, if fewer sellers exist in the category, it would mean less competition and more growth potential.

Once you’ve evaluated a product’s demand, competition, and customers, you need to ensure that the product you sell is profitable.

Here are some factors to gauge the profitability of a product:

Look for Products Between the $20-$50 Price Range.

Products priced at $20-$50 lie in the impulse buying decision range. Fundamentally, the higher the price tag, the more a consumer thinks about spending the amount.

Meaning, that they’ll conduct more research and try to understand if they need the product, while with less expensive items, they won’t spend as much time comparing them to others.

Additionally, there is an extreme on the other end as well as shoppers may associate the product with cheap quality.

Sellers often tend to get into a black hole when trying to find the right pricing strategy for their products. Ultimately, while the impulse purchase range does have its benefits, it’s important to note that the product price should be set after calculating the expenses and profit. Most importantly, it should address the customer’s perceived value.

For example, a great example would be portable chargers like the famous BlendJet. The cost of manufacturing the product may be less than $10. However, with marketing and branding, you could build a perceived valuation of the product and potentially elevate the cost to $50-60.

Look for Lightweight Products

Yes, the size of the product is important. Especially, since there can be additional fees associated with shipping or storing the product. Therefore, it’s always advisable to look for small and lightweight products , as these types of products can keep your shipping and storage fees down, which usually are based on the weights and dimensions of the product.

For example, it would be much cheaper to source and sell a small product, such as a necklace, versus wooden furniture.

While wooden furniture may be in higher demand, the logistics cost will be humongous, which can eat up a massive chunk of your profit margin.

Key Tip : Don’t go for too light or heavy fragile products, like glass or electronics. Pick something sturdy and easy to ship.

Choose a Product With a Decent Profit Margin of 25-35%

The ultimate goal of your business should be profit.

Unfortunately, there are a ton of fees associated with selling on Amazon. So, it’s not a simple calculation of product cost and selling price. You will also need to factor in multiple factors such as subscription fees, selling fees, advertising fees, storage fees, shipping fees, etc.

Whenever you conduct product research, calculate the gross profit margin to specifically understand the earning potential of the product.

There is no particular profit margin to aim for, as it’s subjective. However, we recommend at least a 25-35% gross margin as this would help you build a successful business with long-term potential.

This will leave you with enough room for your advertising budget to stand out from the competition.

You can easily find the profit margin of a product by using the SellerApp FBA calculator.

Just go to the product listing on Amazon , open the SellerApp FBA Calculator tool , and provide the following information:

  • Cost of Goods Sold

And the tool will automatically calculate the profit margin for you.

Amazon Product Research Checklist

Here is a quick checklist to help you easily pick the right product to sell:

  • Product prices should fall between the range of $10 and $50
  • Products should make at least 10 sales a day
  • The product should have a minimum best-seller rank of at least 5,000 in the main category
  • The top 3 related keywords have 10,000+ monthly searches on Amazon
  • Choose evergreen products instead of seasonal products
  • The product must have at least 2-3 competitor products with less than 50 reviews on the first page of the Amazon SERPs
  • Small and lightweight products (under 2 to 3 pounds)
  • No brand names or trademarks associated with the product
  • A product can be set up for 25% or even less than the sale price
  • Proper room for product optimization and improvement of present listings
  • There should be multiple product-related keyword opportunities
  • The product should not be fragile
  • There should be a potential to expand the brand with related products
  • Can make a superior product over similar products in the market
  • The product encourages repeat purchases
  • The product should not have any legal or compliance issues

Techniques to Discover Good Product Ideas

Now that you’ve learned the four factors to consider when selecting a viable product, let’s look at some effective methods to discover the products.

Amazon Marketplace

Amazon is the first place you should research to identify good product ideas. Amazon has different categories like Bestseller lists, Movers and Shakers, Most Wished For, and Gift Ideas section, public wishlists all of which can offer countless product ideas to you.

First, visit Amazon’s Best Sellers page. Here, you’ll find the best-selling products for each category. Don’t stop your research in the top category. Go deep into subcategories to identify unique product ideas.

Additionally, you can also look at New Releases, Movers & Shakers, Most Wished For, and Gift Ideas tabs. These products will have high demand but less competition over the best-selling products.

Let’s say in the “New Releases” tab, you go for “Sports & Outdoors.” Now, this is way too broad a subcategory to identify product ideas. But you can go deep into subcategories to identify product ideas that you’ve never thought of.

For example, Sports & Outdoors > Exercise & Fitness > Cardio Training > Exercise Bikes.

Amazon Marketplace

Under the “Exercise Bikes” subcategory, you can look through many product types.

Speak with Your Current Supplier

If you’re already an Amazon seller, the best and easiest way to do product research is by simply asking your suppliers what products are trending and selling like hotcakes now.

Your supplier should already have the information and might happily give it to you if you have a good relationship with them.

You can also make it worthwhile for the suppliers by giving them bulk orders for the new products.

Looking at eBay’s Trending List

Even if your target marketplace is Amazon, other marketplaces like Walmart , eBay, and AliExpress can still be valuable sources for identifying product ideas.

Usually, if one product sells well on other marketplaces, it’s more likely to sell well on Amazon too.

So, head over to other marketplaces like eBay or Walmart and view all the trending products in your favorite categories.

Not all products will fit your criteria, but you’ll get a rough idea of the product in demand and brainstorm from there to find a product that makes the perfect sense to you.

Visit Retail Stores

Visiting your local retail stores can also be a great way to discover new product ideas to sell on Amazon.

These local stores often sell unique products that are not available online. These shops also serve as a real-time platform for identifying current trends and conducting price comparisons, which can provide you an edge over the competition.

Additionally, physical retail stores allow you to do a detailed quality assessment and help you make more informed decisions about the products to sell.

Use Amazon Product Opportunity Explorer

If you’re already an Amazon seller, use the Amazon Product Opportunity Explorer tool on Seller Central to find new products.

Log in to your Seller Central account, and navigate to Growth → Product Opportunity Explorer.

Amazon Product Opportunity Explorer

Use the search box to enter a broad keyword related to the product or niche you’re interested in.

Alternatively, you can browse niches by category or use the example niche recommendations based on your current product offerings.

Amazon Product Opportunity

The tool will display relevant niches, associated search terms , and key metrics such as customer needs, top search terms, search volume, units sold, average price, and price range.

top search terms

You can use these metrics to filter and narrow down your search to avoid low-quality products.

niche details

Not just that, utilize the Customer Review Insights section to identify improvement opportunities within a product and niche. It shows you all the positive and negative reviews for both niche and product levels.

Customer Review Insights

With this Product Opportunity Explorer tool, you can narrow down profitable product ideas backed by data and are less likely to fail.

SellerApp also offers a comprehensive Product Research tool that helps you research products on Amazon.

Just log in to the SellerApp Dashboard, go to the Product Research tool, and search with a seed keyword. The tool then gives you a list of products based on your search query .

You can filter the keywords based on multiple metrics to narrow your search to the most relevant products.

SellerApp Dashboard

There you have it, a comprehensive checklist for Amazon Product Research!

As you can see, there are many aspects to consider to conduct thorough FBA product research, Following the steps given in this post will help you get started with your Amazon product analysis.

However, if you’re looking for an efficient way to accelerate progress, consider signing up on SellerApp Dashboard. It gives you free access to invaluable features such as product analysis and tracking to help you find the best-selling products for your next launch .

Leave a comment below and let us know what Amazon product research strategies you use in your business!

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10 comments on “amazon product research: methods to discover winning products”.

how to do product research in amazon

Thank you for explaining best ways of product research Awesome post @Ankitha

how to do product research in amazon

Thank you for explaining about product research

how to do product research in amazon

i recommend this

how to do product research in amazon

Thanks for giving your ideas.

how to do product research in amazon

Very useful information for amazon sellers.

how to do product research in amazon

I like this blog!! It’s a masterpiece for amazon sellers.

how to do product research in amazon

SellerApp blogs are a wealth of knowledge for sellers. You cover everything from product research to marketing, and I’ve been able to improve my sales as a result.

how to do product research in amazon

I’ve been able to improve my product research and sourcing thanks to the information provided in SellerApp blogs. They have really helped me find profitable products to sell.

Glad you liked.

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How to Do Amazon Product Research Using the 3 Best FBA Sellers’ Tools

Hero image Amazon product research

One of the most challenging parts of selling on Amazon is finding the right product to sell. With the sheer size of Amazon's catalog, there is a nearly endless supply of potential products. As a result, it can be hard to know where to begin.

Table of contents

Product Research Definition and Purposes

  • Private Label Product Research Guide
  • Dropshipping Wholesale and Arbitrage Product Research
  • Look for Products Manually
  • Use Amazon Research Tools
  • Hire Freelancers or Services

Step-By-Step Amazon Seller Course

Amazon seller masterclasses, amazon university, monthly trends and reports.

This guide will simplify the process by teaching you how to do product research to find profitable products to sell on Amazon. 

Amazon product research is the process of analyzing and validating the profitable potential for a particular item. The purpose of the process is for the researcher to gain an accurate idea of how successful selling a particular item can be — before you begin selling it.

How do I perform product research? 

Product research can be conducted manually through social media, marketplaces, and search engines, or by hiring experts to provide a comprehensive research report on your behalf. However, the most efficient option, while balancing cost and quality, is utilizing specialized tools designed for product discovery.

After you conduct product research, you will understand:

The total demand and size of the market for a product

How competitive a product is and who the main competitors are

How interest in the product is changing over time

How much it will cost to source the product

How much you can get from selling the product

Product Research for Different Selling Strategies

The “how” of your selling process changes product research. To find out more about how selling strategies impact research methods, read below.

Private Label Product Research Guide 

The private label market has recently hit almost $160 billion, making up 20% of the market. It is the most popular because it offers excellent profit potential. Its intense growth mainly comes from the relatively low barriers to entry. 

With private label selling, you partner with a supplier that manufactures a generic product that you can sell under your name and branding. This is one of the most common sales methods for new sellers, as it allows you to quickly create your own product without having to invest heavily in its development.

When sourcing private label products, it is important to look for simple items. Too many complexities will bog down the manufacturing process and increase your product costs.

In this step-by-step analysis, we will show you how to use the suite of AMZScout Amazon business tools to research products and niches that fit your desired criteria.

1. Generate Product Ideas

The first step is to come up with your initial product ideas using the AMZScout Product Database . The database contains an archive of millions of products listed on Amazon. You can use the tool to see sales data for different products to understand how well they perform.

Step 1: Open the AMZScout Product Database .

Step 2: Define the most important criteria for you. You can filter your search results by price, category, sales,  reviews,  rating, size, weight, and more. You can also use the Product Selections feature for ready-made search results with proven effectiveness.

Product Database filters and Product Selections

Step 3: Check the “New Products” or “Trending Products” filter to find newly released products or those with high, recent sales.

How to find New Products and Trending Products in the Product Database

Step 4: After you click/tap “Find Products”, you’ll see all products that fit your criteria.

Step 5: Create a list based on products you have the most interest in. If products don’t meet your needs (they might be difficult to sell or boring), you can remove them from your list. 

Review Product Database results

You want to review this information to pinpoint the results that best match your business needs. If you need to refine your results you can always apply additional filters to your search.


2. Find Keyword Ideas

After you come up with your initial product ideas, the next step is to perform keyword research. This will allow you to learn what related terms customers use to find that type of product. It also tells you how many searches a product gets.

You can find this information using the AMZScout Keyword Search tool. The software lets you search for any phrase to find similar terms that customers use on Amazon.

Step 1: Log in to your AMZScout Account (or create your account if you don’t have one) and open Keyword Search .

Step 2: Enter your seed phrase into the search box.

AMZScout Keyword Research Example

Step 3: Filter the results by the number of words or their monthly search volume. 

What are the Keyword Search Filters

Step 4: Click/tap Find Keywords .

Step 5: Review the list of keywords that match your criteria.

There you can find the monthly search volume for each term to see exactly how often people are looking for that product. You can drill into the search statistics to get a historical view of the changes in volume over the previous five months.

With this information, you can get a better understanding of the demand and viability of a product. You want to look for items that have a good amount of related keywords with high search traffic. This will ensure that the demand will be high enough to support your Amazon business.

To find products that correspond to a keyword, click the term. Doing so takes you to the product database which will populate results that include the target keyword.

Keyword Tools Banner

Discover new keywords to improve your listing and get more customers from search

how to do product research in amazon

Discover new keywords to improve your listing

3. Search for Niche on Amazon

The next step in your product research is to review the niche for your target product by searching it on Amazon and analyzing the niche’s performance.

Before you search for a niche on Amazon, you’ll want to download the AMZScout PRO Product Finder Extension . This Google Chrome extension lets you pull sales data for any product or category as you are browsing the Amazon marketplace.

Step 1: Click here to get the AMZScout PRO Extension .

Step 2: Go to Amazon and enter a keyword (for example, a long-tail one like “travel bags for men”) from your keyword research into the search field. Amazon will take you to their Search Engine Results Page (SERP) containing the most relevant products.

Amazon search field

Step 3: Open the AMZScout PRO Extension to review the data. Click the round button in the bottom left corner of your browser. You will see a dashboard you can use to analyze products.

How to open PRO Extension to find products on Amazon

Step 4: Review the historical sales data for each niche. This information includes its estimated sales, revenue, margins, customer review numbers, and more— this offers a look similar to the AMZScout Product Database


In addition to these stats, the PRO Extension provides detailed insights into the niche as a whole so that you can assess if it is a market worth entering.

4. Analyze the Niche

You can assess the viability of a niche by reviewing two important metrics: Niche Score and Niche History.

Niche Score assigns a rating to the niche on a scale from 1 to 10. A score of 10 indicates that the niche is strong, and you will likely be successful if you try to sell that product. The further down the scale you go, the more difficult it will be to succeed in that niche.

Find and click on Niche Score in the right corner. The score is based on three focus areas: profit, demand, and competition. The extension gives you a detailed breakdown of how it scores these elements.

Where to find the AMZScout Niche Score

Niche History shows how the niche has performed over time. You can see the total number of sales for each day and how this has changed. You can also see the average rank and price for the products and how this is trending.

Where to find the AMZScout Niche History

For a more in-depth analysis of your target products and niche, you’ll need to know the process. Our next checklist will help you through that process.

5. Estimate Products Profitability within the Niche

Once you find a high-performing niche with potential, you will want to be sure you can make a profit. The Profit Calculator in AMZScout PRO Extension can help you calculate profits for these potential products. Here’s how you use the tool:

Step 1: From the AMZScout PRO dashboard, click the arrow next to your chosen product.

Step 2: Select Profit Calculator.

Where to find the AMZScout Profit Calculator

Step 3: Enter product price and other costs in the new window.

Step 4: Review the product weight and sizes, Amazon FBA Fees, Net Margin, and Estimated Monthly Profit.

Hertzko Self-Cleaning Slicker Brush profitability

Having this knowledge gives you a good idea of how much profit you can earn by selling similar products.


Universal Traits to Consider When Researching a Product

Below is a checklist of the important factors to consider when performing market research to find products to sell on Amazon.

The number of sales a product receives is a direct indicator of its demand. Naturally, you want to look for items with a high number of sales. If the top-performing products in a niche do not have a lot of sales, it is generally a sign that the product is not worth pursuing.

The average sales price for a product niche lets you know how much you can sell a product for and how much revenue you can expect to generate if you gain a solid market share.

The ideal price range for Amazon products is between $30 and $70. These prices are high enough to earn strong revenue while not limiting sales due to being too expensive.

The ultimate goal of business profit. Your margins measure what percentage of your sales you keep as profit. Higher sales prices and lower product costs lead to higher margins. You can find the margin for a product by subtracting the total product cost from the sales price and then dividing this amount by the sales price.

At the very least you should aim for products with a margin of 35% if you want a sustainable business. Ideally, this number would be upwards of 60%.

4. Seasonality

Seasonality represents how the demand for products changes over the course of the year. There is a natural seasonality to all items, as consumer spending drastically increases during the holidays.

However, there are other items that are very seasonal and are only purchased at high levels at certain times of the year. For example, Halloween costumes or decorations. Most people aren’t going to buy these throughout the year. 

Use Google Trends to find seasonal items

There is a potential to profit from these types of items but it is better to not build your business around them.

Reviews are one of the most important factors customers consider when making a purchase. While products with a lot of reviews are a sign of high demand, it is also a barrier to entry. When evaluating different products, consumers will gravitate to the ones with more reviews. As a new seller, it will be harder for you to break through this niche.

6. Number of sellers

When researching products to sell on Amazon, it is important to know how many other sellers are listing similar items. If the market is saturated with a bunch of other sellers, it will be much more competitive.

7. Size and weight

The size and weight of your items directly impact your operating costs. If your products are large, it will cost more to ship them and to store your inventory. It is a best practice to look for smaller items as to not cut into your margins with fulfillment fees.

8. Gated category

Amazon’s marketplace features gated and ungated categories. Ungated categories are open to anyone while gated categories require approval. Gaining approval for a gated category will increase the time it takes for you to start selling. Plus, the restriction for some categories is stringent. If you wanted to sell fine jewelry, for instance, you would need to also have an established brick and mortar store.

9. Legal restrictions

Certain types of products must adhere to various legal requirements. For example, if you want to sell electronics you will likely need to get your items certified by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Getting these kinds of products ready can be complicated.

10. Best Sellers Rank (BSR):

The Amazon Best Sellers ranking measures how well a product is selling relative to others in the same category. When performing product research, you should focus on the items with a good BSR as these items often have the features and characteristics that customers value the most.

Knowing the universal traits that apply to all products gives you a good introduction to all selling strategies. Trying multiple sales strategies can help you determine what is the best fit for you.  

Dropshipping, Wholesale, and Arbitrage Product Research

A big part of choosing your sales strategy is understanding the difference in product research. Below, we will go through dropshipping, wholesale, and retail/online arbitrage product research strategies. 


With dropshipping you list products on Amazon before you source them from the supplier. When a customer places an order, you buy the product from the supplier and have them ship it straight to the customer.

Because you do not have to pay for dropshipping products upfront, you have a bit more flexibility when it comes to the cost of your products. This allows you to sell higher-priced items. Sizing is also not as great of a concern as you do not need to worry about big items incurring larger FBA fees.

That said, the logistics of the dropshipping fulfillment process can impact your ability to generate high sales. If you use dropshipping instead of Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA), your products will not be eligible for Amazon Prime. Furthermore, the longer delivery times that are a common part of dropshipping may cause customers to look elsewhere. When using this sales model, the quality of your supplier is just as important as the product itself.

With the traditional retail sales model, you buy items in bulk from brand owners at a wholesale price and then sell them at the marked-up retail price. When wholesaling products it is a good practice to avoid selling items from top brands. This is because most brands sell their products directly to consumers and you will not be able to compete with them in terms of price.

Retail and online arbitrage is the process of procuring a product from one marketplace and then selling it for a higher price on another. For example, let’s say you notice an item that sells for $10 at your local Walmart but $20 on Amazon. In this case, you would buy the item from Walmart and then sell it on Amazon and keep the difference as profit.

When sourcing retail arbitrage items, price is the most important consideration. The entire sales model depends on your ability to get a product at a low price and flip it for more. It is also important to make sure you have permission to sell the items. Some brands only permit verified suppliers to sell their products.

How to find products to sell for dropshipping, wholesale or arbitrage

If you source your products through dropshipping, wholesale or online arbitrage you can get deeper insights into the viability of your products by using the Amazon Dropshipping & Arbitrage tool.

The app helps you find products with high margins and low competition by providing the fees for different items as well as the number of sellers. 

Here is what you need to do:

Step 1: Open the Amazon Dropshipping, Arbitrage, and Wholesale extension . 

Step 2: You can get the add-on included with your AMZScout subscription.

Step 3: Browse Amazon to get product ideas. You can use the regular search bar to find:

Categories or niches you have a personal investment in (areas you are interested in)

Products trending on other marketplaces outside of Amazon (Walmart, eBay, etc.)

Products offered by people you already work with (dropshipping suppliers, wholesalers, etc.)

Step 4: Prioritize your product ideas. Scroll through Amazon and check through the data for each item. The Online Arbitrage and Dropshipping extension provide this information: 

Margins (margins over 50% are those worth taking note of)

Fees from Amazon are necessary to pay to Amazon (including FBA fees) 

Seller types (if Amazon sells the product, it will be challenging to win the buy box, focus on products with only FBM and FBA sellers)

AMZScout Dropshipping, Online Arbitrage and Wholesale extension quick view

Mark the best products based on your criteria above for later review. 

Step 5: Check the TOP promising products. Open the product page and use the new built-in window provided by the app to find important information about the product. From here, you can see if the product is private label, ungated, or hazmat. Read more bout these three selling restrictions below.

AMZScout dropshipping and online arbitrage extension

Step 6: Check the historical data of the product. Check out the price history and Buy Box history. Checking out price fluctuations will help you decide upon the best sales strategy. 

AMZScout Dropshipping and Online Arbitrage extension price history

Step 7: Find out how much potential profit it offers. Use the profit calculator to find out whether the product can make you money. The costs depend on your business model and may include:

Shipping costs (Get these from your supplier/wholesale partner)

Advertising costs (from your PPC campaign bds)

Other (What else do you pay for to make your business functional?)

OA calculator

The numbers will calculate based on the information you have, producing new numbers within Profit Margin, Minimum Net, and the ROI fields. Make note of these numbers to be sure your product meets your profit expectations.

how to do product research in amazon

Get 10-in-1 Amazon Toolbox for Dropshipping, Arbitrage, and Wholesale Sellers

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Other factors when determining what products to sell

When reselling a product on Amazon, you need a comprehensive view. The AMZScout Online Arbitrage and Dropshipping extension help you with a complete picture. Here are some other factors to consider:

If the product is a Private Label. These products are sold by a single merchant with brand ownership of the item. You won’t be able to source this exact product as a result.

If the product is in a gated category or it has hazardous materials (hazmat). Gated categories (or hazmat) require additional certifications and costs you need to be aware of. 

If it has a Prime delivery. You won’t need to focus on fast shipping if you dropship items that are already under prime delivery. 

Going through the complete process above gives you a comprehensive picture of profitable products you can effectively sell. Product research is an essential part of your process, so it might still take some time before you come to a good product. Using AMZScout’s lineup of tools will expedite your gathering of data.

Using the AMZScout PRO Extension for a deep analysis of potential products

A deeper analysis of your chosen products can be done through the AMZScout PRO Extension . Below, we will provide detailed steps to ensure you use this tool effectively for all sales strategies:

Step 1: Get the AMZScout PRO Extension with the seller's bundle.

Step 2: See the AMZScout PRO Extension in the top-right corner of your browser (alongside other extensions).

How to install and open AMZScout PRO

Step 3: Go to and search for the products you found from the Onlne Arbitrage and Dropshipping extension. 

Step 4: Open the PRO extension by clicking the AMZScout icon.

Step 5: Check out the number of sellers. Having more than 20 means that there is a high chance of strong competition. You should also look at the net margin (which should be over 50%) and the date the product was first sold on Amazon.  

How to check the number of sellers in PRO Extension

Step 6: Analyze the product for sales potential. The product score for reselling tells you about the potential of this product for resale. Make special notes for those at seven (or higher)

Where to find Product Score for reselling

Step 7: Check historical data to see how the product sells over time. Click the arrow just to the left of the product you are reviewing to check historical data. Those who offer consistent sales potential vs seasonal sales determine your sales strategy. 

How to check AMZScout Amazon Product History

A deep analysis of your chosen product determines its competition and potential net margins. Historical data is also just as important, so knowing when the sales are highest can help you decide when to enter. Your sales strategy changes heavily depending on how your product historically does. 

Level up Your Research with Ready-to-Go Product Ideas

Want even more help finding the most profitable products? When you sign up for an annual or lifetime bundle with AMZScout, in addition to our comprehensive toolset, you’ll also receive:

Monthly reports on Amazon's hottest products that are trending each month

19 new niche and product ideas every week, selected by AMZScout AI

This will save you valuable time and provide you with a continuous stream of items to research for your business. 

Get the annual bundle and so you can discover new product ideas, worry-free.

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Don’t Miss Out on New Product Trends! Get Hot Product Ideas Weekly with an AMZScout!

how to do product research in amazon

Don’t Miss Out on Hot Product Trends with AMZScout Reports

Ways to Research Products

There are several different approaches you can take to find profitable products to sell on Amazon. Below is a quick overview of the primary methods:

1. Look for Products Manually

The first way to find products to sell on Amazon is to look for them manually. This will involve you searching for products on Amazon and other eCommerce marketplaces and websites to come up with ideas.

If you're not sure how to research top-selling products on Amazon, a good starting point is the Amazon ‘Best Sellers’ list. Amazon keeps an active list of the top-selling products for each category you can quickly use to find the most in-demand products.

Amazon FBA product research in Best Sellers category

You can also check trends using a platform like Google Trends to see how interest in an item is changing over time.

Manual research, by comparison, is a huge waste of time. The manual process also doesn’t give you any information on potential product profits.

2. Use Amazon Research Tools

The next way to do Amazon product research is to use software to help you streamline the research process. With an Amazon research tool, you can view the historical sales data from current Amazon product listings to get a clear idea of how much demand there is for a certain product and how strong the competition is. We will discuss how to implement this method in more detail below .

3. Hire Freelancers or Services

Another way to help you research products to sell on Amazon is to hire a freelancer or company to handle this process for you. This approach can save you time if you’re unable to conduct research yourself, but freelancers may not possess the necessary knowledge and experience necessary to perform quality product research. Sellerhook is a trusted company that can effectively select strong product ideas for you based on your specific criteria. Take advantage of the expertise and dedicated team of professionals available at Sellerhook , along with countless success stories, to help you move forward with your own products. 

Now that we’ve outlined the various ways to find products, let's take a look at AMZScout’s helpful courses and other resources.


Helpful AMZScout Courses and Resources

Once you know how to research products, it is beneficial to expand your knowledge by learning more about selling on Amazon . Here are some of the useful resources you can use to learn more about how to research products to sell on Amazon:

The Step-By-Step Amazon Seller Course is a 23 part video series that walks you through all the steps needed to get started as a new Amazon seller. The course not only covers how to find products to sell but also how to negotiate with suppliers, how to set up your seller account, and much more.

The Amazon Seller MasterClasses offer hour-plus-long trainings from experienced six and seven-figure Amazon sellers. In these webinars, the instructors teach important Amazon concepts like how to find low competition items and how to optimize your PPC ad campaigns for success.

For even more thorough training, you can enroll in one of the Amazon University courses. These comprehensive training sessions are taught by experienced Amazon sellers who walk you through less commonly used techniques to give you advanced knowledge for running your Amazon business.

The monthly trends reports provide details about emerging opportunities to sell on Amazon. You can use the reports to see what markets have been growing in demand and to find interesting ideas for profitable products.

As you can see, there are many things to consider when beginning Amazon product research. Following the guidelines and tips in this post will help you get started with your research process.

If you want to streamline your research, AMZScout provides fast and accurate insights to give sellers time to do what they love — grow their business — without having to spend hours manually researching marketplaces and trying new tactics every day.


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Discover tactics to make sure your sales are headed up and to the right with these proven amazon product research strategies .

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Brian R. Johnson

Stylized image of multiple panels featuring graphic representations of ecommerce product research

Amazon’s massive online marketplace is perfect for entrepreneurs wanting to succeed in ecommerce. To take the first step and compete in what’s become an increasingly challenging ecosystem, you need a great product.

Amazon product research that helps identify items with high demand from potential buyers, and low competition from competing sellers is the obvious answer.

Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. After all, you’re not the only one with the same idea! 

Experienced Amazon sellers talk about a lucrative sweet spot that exists where there’s “enough” volume to be profitable, but not so much that EVERY ecommerce seller is going after the same niche product.

The question is how to find those relatively unexplored product opportunities.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the best Amazon product research strategies to help you supercharge your ecommerce journey, and tap into these “hidden” product opportunities.

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1. Know Your Amazon Target Market and Customer

To succeed on Amazon, you absolutely NEED to know WHO you’re trying to sell relevant products to.

This knowledge will help you identify the type of products that cater to your audience’s needs and preferences. Consider factors such as demographics, purchasing behavior, and pain points when defining your target market. 

Once you have a clear picture of your ideal customer, you’ll be better equipped to identify a product category that will appeal – directly – to them.

Only then can you stand out in an overcrowded Amazon marketplace.The Amazon ecosystem is littered with failed product launches of perfectly good products. Before you begin your product research, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your target market and customer. 

You might have a great product idea, but if you don’t know who your potential customers are, it’s still not going to work.

A graphic image of an open laptop computer with an Amazon product page and a large magnifying glass. In front of the image is a professional man and woman working

2. Take Advantage of Amazon’s Best Sellers List

If you’re looking for answers, why not go right to the source? Amazon’s Best Sellers lists provide valuable insights into products that are currently popular among Amazon’s own base of customers.

Browsing through the Amazon product ranking – paying close attention to quality products with great product reviews – helps you focus on real-time demand. Make sure and pay particular attention to emerging trends or seasonal items that might be worth exploring.

While it’s important to consider top-selling products, be cautious about entering highly competitive markets. Lucrative, overly fought-over niches are also home to aggressive, occasionally unscrupulous sellers.

Finally, analyze the competition to determine whether you can offer a unique selling proposition that sets you apart from the rest.

3. Get Your Amazon Tool Belt Out

It’s no secret that artificial intelligence and machine learning are having a moment. As an entrepreneur, you’re probably aware that ecommerce has become ground zero for much of the advancements that have been made.

Product research tool software from companies such as Helium 10, Jungle Scout, and SellerApp are using AI as a springboard to offer increasingly sophisticated ways to find profitable products to sell. Many of those software tools are focused on the ability to conduct in-depth research into the two pillars of ecommerce, highly-searchable keywords and great Amazon products.

The exponential advances to artificial intelligence allow the Software as a Service (SaaS) companies listed above to fine tune the results they can offer online sellers. Whether it’s metrics such as historical sales data, sales history, or estimated sales, product research tools will simplify the process of finding best selling products.

Amazon Keyword Research Tools

Amazon sellers know that online-selling success begins with lists of keywords. Keywords (the popular search terms that prospective customers are using to find products like yours) are what’s going to allow you to make money on Amazon, or not.

Keyword research tools such as Jungle Scout’s Keyword Scout, and Helium 10’s Magnet can provide valuable keyword data and search volume estimates. Utilize these tools to gauge the demand for specific products and identify potential opportunities based on search trends.

Veteran Amazon sellers often say that “the riches are in the niches.” 

Be sure to analyze long-tail keywords to get a closer look at niche markets with lower competition. By targeting these niches, you can carve out a space for your product and potentially achieve higher rankings on Amazon search results.

Amazon Product Research Tools

Once you have your keywords sorted out, it’s time to concentrate on a profitable product. Product research tools can help you streamline your Amazon product research process by providing key data on sales, revenue, competition, and more. 

Product research tools often provide a range of filters that allow you to narrow down your search based on criteria such as price, reviews, and sales velocity.

When using these tools, consider the following factors:

  • Sales and Revenue: Analyze the estimated monthly sales and revenue for a given product to gauge its market potential.
  • Reviews: These give you a peek behind the curtain. Look for products with relatively low review counts, as this can indicate lower competition.
  • Sales Velocity: Want to know what’s trending? Examine the sales velocity to determine how quickly a product is selling. This can help you identify trending items or potential evergreen products.
  • Listing Quality: Analyze the quality of existing product listings, including images, titles, and descriptions. Because they’re often an indicator of a less-than-professional seller, poorly optimized listings may present an opportunity for you to create a better listing and capture market share.

A graphic image showing a face-on view of a running race starting line

4. Know Your Competition

You’re not going to be out there all alone on Amazon’s marketplace. Every day it’s getting a little more crowded. When considering a product, it’s crucial to analyze your competition to determine whether you can effectively compete.

Use positive reviews and Amazon product rankings to see the top sellers in your chosen niche. Then, assess their strengths and weaknesses. Consider factors such as pricing, product quality, brand reputation, and customer reviews.

By identifying areas where your competitors are lacking, you may be able to capitalize on these shortcomings and offer a more appealing product. Additionally, this analysis can help you determine whether there is enough room in the market for your product to succeed.

If the niche is overly fought over, that might be a signal to do a little more research, or drill down into a slightly less competitive niche.

5. You Need to be Able to Make Money

As exciting as entrepreneurship and ecommerce can be, for 99% of us, this is about making money. Profit margins are a crucial factor in determining the success of your Amazon business. 

When researching potential products, calculate the estimated profit margin by subtracting the cost of goods sold (COGS) and Amazon fees from the selling price.

When calculating profit margins, consider factors such as manufacturing costs, shipping fees, Amazon referral fees, and FBA fees. Keep in mind that some products may have higher return rates or require more extensive customer support, which can impact your overall profitability.

A graphic image showing two hand exchanging credit cards

6. Why Make Just One Sale?

This seems like an obvious one. Once you’ve done all the work to bring a shopper to your (virtual) front door, why stop at just ONE single sale. Product bundling is an effective strategy for increasing your average order value and at the same time, it’ll help you stand out in Amazon’s crowded marketplace.

Offering complementary products as a bundle allows you to provide customers with added value and convenience, potentially leading to increased sales. With so many Amazon products mirroring each other with their “sameness,” virtual bundles is one more way to stand out.

When researching potential bundles, consider products that naturally pair well together and cater to a similar target audience. Additionally, ensure that your bundled products offer a clear benefit to customers and align with their needs and preferences.

7. Verify Your Product Ideas

One way or another, we’ve all had our own version of can’t-miss ideas. The Amazon ecosystem is full of stories of entrepreneurs that were SURE that they had a great product idea. Even their close friends and family agreed with them. 

Unfortunately, that’s not the same thing as receiving feedback from real, live Amazon shoppers that vote with their credit cards.

It’s essential to validate your ideas before committing to a substantial investment. This process can help you avoid costly mistakes and ensure that you’re pursuing a viable product with a strong market potential. 

Some validation methods include:

  • Surveying potential customers: Collect feedback from your target audience to gauge their interest in your product and identify any potential pain points or concerns.
  • Analyzing Google Trends: Use Google Trends to assess the search interest for your product over time, identifying any seasonal trends or fluctuations in demand.
  • Running a test launch: Consider launching a small batch of your product to gather initial sales data and customer feedback. This information can help you refine your product offering and optimize your listing before fully committing to the product.

A graphic image showing a large target with a dart in the bullseye against a background of a mountain range

8. You Need to Think About Amazon SEO

Before you pull the trigger, and put that great new product up on the Amazon marketplace, how are you going to use Amazon SEO to optimize your Amazon product so that it makes it to the top of the page?

To successfully sell on Amazon, you can’t be on page three or four. You need to be on page one!

Amazon search engine optimization (SEO) and l isting optimization both refer to the process of attempting to rank as highly as possible in Amazon product searches.

To do that you need to enhance every aspect of your product detail page, including:

  • Images and Video
  • Product Title
  • Key Product Features
  • Product Description
  • Backend Search Terms

Selling on Amazon isn’t for the faint of heart. Challenges such as addressing a negative review, or getting your product price correct are par for the course. Making sure your Amazon SEO is as good as it can be is one way that you can actually put your finger on the Amazon scale!

How Canopy Management Can Help

We’ve all heard stories of Lamborghini-driving Amazon sellers that rode a brief, but powerful wave of ecommerce sales to life-changing riches.

To maintain your competitive edge, it’s essential to monitor market changes and adapt your product research strategies accordingly. Keep an eye on industry news, competitor activity, and customer feedback to identify any shifts in demand or emerging opportunities.

The problem is that selling on Amazon is taking more and more time to get it right.

To succeed in such a competitive marketplace, you need to be able to combine the latest strategies with deep marketing experience. For many top Amazon sellers, Canopy Management’s full service account specialists have become the X Factor allowing them to move past the competition.

Canopy Management is a full-service marketing agency for Amazon and Walmart sellers. Our team consists of former Amazonians, multi-million dollar sellers, and award-winning experts.

When you consider the many ways that Canopy Management can help you grow your business, you’ll see why selling on Amazon is much easier “under the Canopy.”

  • Strategic Growth Planning
  • Listing Copywriting Optimization
  • Listing Photography
  • Product Videography
  • Advertising Management
  • Customer Service
  • Demand Side Platform (Amazon DSP)
  • Amazon Posts
  • Full Service Management
  • Amazon Review Aggregation

Ready to Grow Your Amazon Business?

About the author.

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How To Conduct Amazon Product Research The Right Way

how to do product research in amazon

Last updated on September 26th, 2023

how to do product research in amazon

Conducting Amazon product research correctly is crucial for success on the eCommerce giant. Assessing various factors such as competition, pricing, customer reviews, and sales history will help you decide which products to sell. But due to the large and fast-paced environment of the marketplace, navigating through Amazon without a comprehensive guide can be daunting. 

This is where our blog proves useful. We aim to provide a step-by-step approach to conducting product research correctly. It delves into various strategies and tools that can be employed to identify profitable product opportunities. 

From evaluating competition and demand trends to analyzing customer reviews and using keyword research effectively, this guide will equip beginner and experienced Amazon sellers like you with the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions and excel in your product selection process.

Table of Contents

What Does Amazon Product Research Do?

Amazon product research involves analyzing market trends, customer preferences, and competitor products to identify profitable opportunities. It helps sellers like you choose the right products to sell and market. Product research aims to maximize sales, customer satisfaction, and overall performance in the highly competitive marketplace.

Amazon Product Research in 6 Steps 

Navigating the vast marketplace of Amazon can be daunting, but you can simplify the Amazon product research process in six steps. Below is the step-by-step approach to help you identify profitable products, understand market demand, and outperform competitors, setting your store on a path to success.

#1: Identify Your Target Market

When conducting product research, prioritize identifying your target market, keeping up with emerging trends, and understanding customer preferences . This approach will help you select profitable products aligned to your audience's needs.

Define Customer Demographics

To conduct product research correctly, you must identify your target market. Begin by defining your customer demographics. Know their age, gender, income, and location. The deeper your knowledge about them, the more you can tailor your products for them.

Analyze Current and Emerging Trends

Stay ahead of the competition by analyzing current and emerging trends on Amazon. Use tools like Google Trends or other eCommerce platforms to investigate trending products. By tracking top sales, best-selling products, and sellers' ranks, you can identify opportunities that align with what your target customers like.

Research Customer Preferences, Reviews, and Feedback

Gain a deeper understanding of your target market by researching customer preferences, reviews, and feedback. Customer reviews allow you to determine a product's strengths and weaknesses and refine your selling strategy.

Pay attention to the following:

  • Customer complaints
  • Repeat purchase patterns
  • Pricing strategies and price points
  • Shipping costs
  • Overall user experience

By incorporating this feedback into your product research process, you'll increase your chances of success on Amazon. 

#2: Conduct Product Research Using Amazon Tools

To conduct product research correctly, you must utilize the right tools to help you find profitable products more efficiently. These tools offer various functionalities, such as:

  • Historical sales data
  • Keyword research
  • Competitor analysis
  • Data accuracy
  • Data projections
  • Potential profits
  • Sales performance estimates

Combine free tools like Google Trends and other popular tools below to efficiently do your research.

Google Trends

Google Trends is a free tool that provides data on the popularity of search queries in Google Search. It allows you to analyze and compare the relative search interest for specific keywords, topics, or terms over time, providing insights into search behavior and trending topics worldwide.

This tool helps understand the popularity and search volume for specific products or niches. By tracking the search volume for keywords related to your product, you can identify trending products and make more informed decisions on what to sell on your online store.

Amazon Keyword and Product Research Tools

Along with Google Trends, you can also use Jungle Scout , AMZScout , and Helium 10 to complement your gathered data and have a more holistic, Amazon-focused view of your product research. 

A software tool designed for Amazon sellers to analyze product trends, estimate sales data, conduct competitor research, and find profitable opportunities within the Amazon marketplace.
A popular tool that offers a range of features for Amazon sellers, including product research, sales estimates, and competitor analysis, to help optimize sales potential and make informed business decisions.
A suite of powerful tools designed for Amazon sellers. It includes features for product research, keyword optimization, listing optimization, inventory management, and competitor analysis, among others.

#3: Research Products Against Competition

By dedicating time and effort to researching products against competitors and understanding seller rankings, you can confidently choose products with great potential to rise against the competition. Here’s how to do that.

Assess the Competition Landscape

To succeed in selling on Amazon, it's vital to assess the competition landscape thoroughly. This involves researching other sellers offering similar or the exact product and analyzing their pricing strategy, product listings, and overall performance.

For a proper assessment, you can follow these steps:

the five steps of competition assessment

Understand Amazon Seller Rankings

Amazon Seller rankings matter because it indicates products' popularity and sales performance. Higher-ranking sellers will likely have trustworthy and reliable products, making them favorable consumer choices.

Seller rankings also help you identify potential niches with lower competition by analyzing the ranking trends. It can uncover underrated products or categories to explore and gain a competitive advantage, and it can also aid in evaluating the market's demand and saturation.

#4: Evaluate Product Reviews and Ratings

When conducting product research, it's crucial to thoroughly evaluate product reviews and ratings. By examining them, you can identify potential issues with the product and gauge customer demand. 

Star Ratings

Analyze the overall star rating of products similar to the one you're considering. These will give you a quick snapshot of the product's quality and performance. A higher star rating indicates better customer satisfaction, while lower ratings signal potential quality issues or unmet customer expectations.

Product Reviews

A product with many reviews and a high rating is likely well-loved and represents a stable market. Look for patterns in customer feedback, including recurring complaints or compliments on specific product features or aspects. Determine your competitors' strengths and weaknesses. This knowledge can help you bring products with equal strengths and no undesired weaknesses to life.  

#5: Assess Product Ideas Through Pricing and Profitability

The product you will sell should be profitable. Aside from sales, you can also check the pricing and profitability during your product research. Here's how you can do these.

Calculate Product Costs and Potential Profit Margins

Calculate the product costs and potential profit margins to ensure your ideas are profitable. Start by estimating the costs of manufacturing, packaging, shipping, and any relevant taxes or fees. 

Consider direct costs like materials and labor and indirect costs like marketing or overhead expenses. Once you have a clear picture of your costs, calculate the potential profit margins by subtracting these costs from your anticipated sales price.

Check the Pricing Strategies of Competitors

Analyze your competitors' pricing strategies to determine the market average, identify price gaps, and seek more opportunities. Ensure to assess their pricing patterns, including discounts or promotions they offer. 

By monitoring and comparing competitor prices, you can position your product competitively, adjust your pricing strategy accordingly, and maximize your chances of success.

Analyze Pricing Trends

Monitor the average price and any seasonal or holiday-related changes or other factors influencing price variations. This information will help you make informed decisions about your product's ideal selling price and timing in the online store.

#6: Conduct Effective Keyword Research

Effective keyword research is crucial when conducting product research. It helps identify high-ranking keywords and understand search volume and trends, ultimately increasing your product visibility on the platform.

Tools for Identifying High-Ranking Keywords

Skip the manual search for ranking keywords and utilize the available tools online. Some popular Amazon keyword research tools include SEMrush, AMZScout Keyword Search Tool, and Jungle Scout. These tools can help you analyze relevant keywords, search volume, and potential customers searching for products similar to yours.

Strategies for Understanding Search Volume and Trends

Understanding search volume and trends ensures your product stays relevant and visible to potential buyers. Some strategies to achieve this are:

Identifying best-sellers in your niche and understanding their keywords can provide insights into the high-demand products and gauge their popularity.

Strive to incorporate short and long-tail keywords in your product listings, but focus on long-tail terms as the target is more specific and the competition is less stiff.

BONUS: Expert Tips for Effective Product Research

Need more tried-and-true seller tips? Here’s a video on how to find the best product to sell on Amazon:

Partner With Seller Interactive for Successful Product Research

Conducting product research the right way is essential for success on the platform. We hope that this comprehensive guide providing step-by-step strategies, tools, and tips will help you make informed decisions about product selection. 

To stay ahead of the competition, it is crucial to have a partner who understands these changes and can adapt accordingly. Here at Seller Interactive, we are one such partner that focuses on a range of Amazon management services, from Amazon listing optimization to brand protection. We identify pain points, boost your stats, and ensure a consistent top performance.  Book a call with us now to learn more about our offers.

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Charting New Adventures

How to Do Amazon Product Research: Your Ultimate Guide

amazon product research

Ever felt the frustration of trying to figure out which products will make your mark in the massive online marketplace?

Perhaps you’ve wondered how to sift through the countless options and discover the hidden gems that can take your business to new heights. I’ve been there, and I get it.

In the journey of an online seller, there’s a trio that sums it all up: Pain, Agitation, Solution, and the never-ending question “How to do Amazon Product Research?”

Table of Contents

The key to unlocking success in the ever-changing world of e-commerce lies in mastering Amazon Product Research.

Today, we’re going to dig into the nitty-gritty of Amazon Product Research, tackling those pain points, addressing the agitation, and offering a tailored solution crafted for 2024.

To kick things off, here are a few tools and methods for discovering products to sell on Amazon. But, don’t stop here – continue reading as we explore additional tips and tricks to enhance your product-finding journey.

  • Amazon Best Sellers List
  • Google Trends
  • Shop online stores like Alibaba
  • Utilize tools like Jungle Scout, Helium 10, AMZScout, and Rev Seller for effective research.

Ready to navigate this journey with me? Let’s get started.

How to Find the Ideal Product

In product research, the initial phase involves generating product ideas.

A convenient approach for accomplishing this is using comprehensive market trend analysis tools and data to identify products with sustained demand and market longevity.

Leverage Amazon tools like keyword research and sales estimators to gauge potential, ensuring your product aligns with market preferences.

Assess the financial viability by calculating all associated costs and estimating profit margins.

Now that we’ve laid the groundwork for effective product research let’s delve into specific avenues that can significantly streamline your journey.

To truly understand market dynamics and consumer preferences, we’ll explore critical sections on Amazon that serve as invaluable indicators of product trends and popularity.

These include the ever-reliable Best Sellers, the latest innovations showcased in New Releases, the swiftly rising stars in Movers and Shakers, items capturing the attention of many in Most Wished For, and curated Gift Ideas that offer insights into what customers find appealing.

Navigating these sections gives you an understanding of the market landscape, empowering your product research with real-time, data-driven insights.

How I Do Amazon Product Research

In pursuing a thriving Amazon business, I’ve used the power of both the platform’s accessible tools and paid tools to elevate my product research and decision-making process.

Leveraging Amazon’s page features has been instrumental in gauging market trends and understanding customer preferences.

Additionally, the integration of paid tools has been a game-changer. Advanced tools like Jungle Scout, Helium 10, and Rev Seller have provided me with in-depth market analysis, precise sales estimations, and comprehensive competitor insights.

These paid tools go beyond the surface, offering a deeper understanding of the competitive landscape and helping me make informed decisions about product selection, pricing, and overall business strategy.

By using Amazon’s accessible tools and paid third-party solutions, I’ve navigated the complexities of the e-commerce landscape confidently. This hybrid approach streamlines the product research process and positions my Amazon business for sustained success in a dynamic and competitive marketplace.

Trending On Amazon Pages Explained

amazon product research trends

Trending on Amazon pages refers to the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of popular products gaining momentum in terms of sales, customer interest, and overall popularity.

These pages, such as New Releases, Movers and Shakers, Best Sellers, Most Wished For, and Gift Ideas, serve as real-time indicators of consumer preferences and market trends.

By staying informed about trends, sellers and businesses can make informed decisions regarding product selection, pricing strategies, and marketing approaches.

These insights enable sellers to align their offerings with current consumer demands, ensuring relevance in the competitive e-commerce landscape and potentially unlocking opportunities for increased sales and market presence.

Understanding what is trending on Amazon pages empowers sellers to adapt and thrive in the ever-evolving world of online retail.

  • New Releases: This page showcases products that have already proven to be successful and will soon be accessible, providing you with a chance to be an early adopter and capitalize on upcoming trends
  • Movers and Shakers: This regularly updated list highlights products that have achieved the highest sales in their specific categories within the last 24 hours, offering an excellent way to stay informed about the latest customer shopping trends.
  • Best Sellers: This page offers a comprehensive glimpse into products currently experiencing robust sales on Amazon, serving as a valuable resource for sparking ideas when searching for potential products.
  • Most Wished For: This page showcases products frequently added to wish lists and actively searched for on Amazon, providing valuable insights into the most desired items by customers.
  • Gift Ideas: This page highlights sought-after products commonly chosen as gifts. Combining insights from Most Wished For and Gift Ideas can assist you in pinpointing products with favorable profit margins and minimal competition, particularly during the holiday season.

How to Source For Amazon Products

Amazon product sourcing

Now that we understand what’s trending on Amazon and how to find these trendy products, navigating the product sourcing process is the next crucial step in building a successful e-commerce venture.

Effectively sourcing products involves finding reliable suppliers, ensuring quality and affordability, and maintaining a competitive edge in the market. In e-commerce, the right product is only as good as its source.

As we delve into the intricacies of product sourcing, we’ll explore strategies to identify trustworthy suppliers, optimize costs, and secure high-quality merchandise. By seamlessly transitioning from trend identification to strategic sourcing, sellers can position themselves for sustained success in the competitive landscape of online retail.

How to Find Reliable Suppliers

Amazon reliable suppliers

Identifying trustworthy suppliers is a cornerstone of successful product sourcing in the e-commerce realm.

One effective strategy is to conduct thorough research and due diligence on potential suppliers. Utilize online platforms and directories to find reputable manufacturers and distributors with positive reviews and a solid track record.

Additionally, leveraging tools such as Alibaba and ThomasNet can streamline the supplier process. These platforms provide a vast network of verified suppliers, enabling sellers to explore options, compare offerings, and assess the credibility of potential partners.

Communication is vital when establishing trust with suppliers. Engage in open and transparent discussions, seek references, and ask for product samples to assess quality. Building a relationship with your supplier fosters trust and ensures a smooth collaboration throughout the sourcing process.

Moreover, consider attending trade shows and industry events to meet suppliers in person. This hands-on approach allows for direct interaction, fostering a deeper understanding of the supplier’s operations and commitment to quality.

Combining diligent research, online tools, effective communication, and personal interactions forms a strategy for identifying trustworthy suppliers. By embracing these approaches, sellers can mitigate risks, enhance the reliability of their supply chain, and set the stage for a successful and sustainable e-commerce business.

How to Optimize Costs

optimize amazon costs

Optimizing costs is a critical aspect of successful product sourcing and e-commerce operations. Several strategic approaches can help sellers maximize profitability while maintaining competitive pricing.

Several Amazon tools can assist sellers in optimizing profitability while maintaining competitive pricing. Here are some tools that can aid in achieving this balance:

  • RepricerExpress, BQool, These tools automate the repricing process, adjusting product prices based on competitors, demand, and other factors to stay competitive while maximizing profits.
  • HelloProfit, Fetcher, and Sellics: These tools provide detailed analytics of sales, costs, and profits. Sellers can analyze data to make informed pricing decisions and identify opportunities for maximizing profitability.
  • Jungle Scout, Helium 10, AMZScout: These tools offer features for analyzing competitors, including pricing strategies, product performance, and market trends, helping sellers optimize their pricing.
  • Forecastly, RestockPro, Teikametrics: Efficient inventory management helps prevent stockouts and overstock situations, allowing sellers to maintain consistent sales and pricing strategies.
  • Viral Launch, Zon.Tools: These tools help sellers create and manage promotions, discounts, and advertising campaigns to drive sales without compromising profitability.
  • Amazon Fee Calculators, FBA Revenue Calculator, and RevSeller: Calculating Amazon fees accurately is crucial. These calculators help sellers understand the impact of fees on pricing and profitability.
  • MarketScout, AMZScout, Jungle Scout: These tools assist in finding profitable products by analyzing market demand, competition, and pricing trends, guiding sellers to make strategic pricing decisions.
  • FeedbackExpress, FeedbackFive, Reviewbox: Monitoring customer feedback and reviews helps sellers gauge product satisfaction and make necessary improvements, influencing pricing decisions.
  • Freightos, ShipBob: Calculating accurate shipping costs is essential. These tools assist in understanding shipping expenses and optimizing pricing strategies accordingly.

By combining these tools, sellers can create a dynamic and data-driven pricing approach, ensuring market competitiveness while maximizing profitability. Analyzing data regularly, staying informed about market trends, and adapting pricing strategies are crucial.

How to Purchase High-Quality Merchandise

how to order amazon products

Ensuring the acquisition of high-quality products involves implementing various strategic approaches, often supported by specialized tools.

Several tools can assist in sourcing high-quality merchandise by providing insights, analytics, and connections with reliable suppliers. Here are some tools that can help in purchasing high-quality merchandise:

  • Alibaba is a vast online marketplace that connects buyers with suppliers. It allows you to find and communicate globally with manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors.
  • ThomasNet is a supplier discovery and product sourcing platform. It provides a comprehensive database of manufacturers and suppliers across various industries.
  • Jungle Scout offers a product research tool that helps sellers find profitable products on Amazon. It provides insights into product demand, competition, and supplier information.
  • Sourcify is a platform that helps businesses find manufacturers and manage the production process. It ensures transparency and quality control in the sourcing process.
  • AMZScout provides product research tools for Amazon sellers. It can assist in finding products with high demand and helps analyze market trends to make informed sourcing decisions.
  • Amazon Seller Central offers a supplier database, allowing sellers to discover and connect with potential product suppliers.

When using these tools, it’s essential to conduct thorough research, verify suppliers, and communicate effectively to ensure the quality and reliability of the merchandise you plan to purchase for your Amazon business.

Factors Affecting Product Research on Amazon

Once you’ve narrowed down your list of potential products, determining their profitability is vital.

Product validation becomes instrumental in this process.

In the following section, we’ll outline the four essential pillars for validating your (next) product idea, which encompass:

  • Competition


Four essential pillars.

amazon product research validation

Conducting a thorough Amazon product demand analysis is essential when researching potential products to sell. Without demand, no matter how brilliant your product is, nobody will purchase it.

Here are some factors to look at to identify demand for your product.

Minimum Daily Sales of 10 Units:

  • Opt for products with a baseline of at least 10 sales per day. This daily sales benchmark indicates a noteworthy initial demand.

However, if a product achieves only 10 sales per day but carries high operational costs, it may not be a viable option. This is where the profitability aspect comes into play. High average sales should translate into improved profitability.

Let’s illustrate this with two products, both priced at $30:

  • Product A sells around 5 units per day.
  • Product B sells 10 units per day.

Assuming a profit of $10 after factoring in Amazon FBA fees, shipping, promotions, and other expenses:

  • Gross monthly sales for Product A: $30 5 units 30 days = $4,500
  • Gross monthly sales for Product B: $30 10 units 30 days = $9,000
  • Monthly profit for Product A: $10 5 units/day 30 days/month = $1,500
  • Monthly profit for Product B: $10 10 units/day 30 days/month = $3,000

amazon product research roi

Products with higher average daily sales yield superior profits. Understanding the correlation between demand and profitability is essential for making informed decisions in your product selection journey.

Tools to Determine Return On Investment (ROI)

  • Sales Dashboard: Amazon Seller Central provides a comprehensive sales dashboard that includes order metrics, sales performance, and order details, allowing sellers to assess overall sales performance.
  • Profitability Calculator: Helium 10 offers a Profitability Calculator that helps sellers estimate fees, profits, and ROI for individual products. It considers factors like product cost, shipping, and Amazon fees.
  • Sales Analytics: Jungle Scout provides insights into product sales, revenue, and profit margins. Sellers can track the performance of their products and assess ROI.
  • Market Intelligence: Viral Launch’s Market Intelligence tool allows sellers to analyze competitor data, assess market demand, and estimate potential profitability, aiding in ROI calculations.
  • Profit Dashboard: Sellics offers a Profit Dashboard that consolidates data on sales, costs, and profits. Sellers can track the performance of their products and assess ROI over time.
  • FBA Fee Calculator: AMZScout provides an FBA Fee Calculator that helps sellers estimate Amazon fees and calculate potential profits, allowing for more accurate ROI predictions.
  • Financial Analytics: Fetcher is a financial analytics tool designed for Amazon sellers. It provides detailed insights into sales, costs, and profits, helping sellers understand their ROI.
  • Algorithmic Repricing: Teikametrics offers algorithmic repricing tools that automatically adjust product prices based on market conditions, helping sellers maximize profits and improve ROI.
  • Profit and Loss Statements: InventoryLab provides tools for managing inventory and generating Profit and Loss statements. It helps sellers track costs, calculate profits, and assess ROI.
  • Sales Analytics: DataHawk offers sales analytics tools that provide detailed insights into product performance, sales trends, and profitability, aiding sellers in optimizing their Amazon strategy.

These tools offer a range of features, from estimating fees and calculating profits to providing in-depth analytics for better decision-making.

Depending on your Amazon business’s specific needs and scale, you can choose the tool that best aligns with your ROI analysis goals.

Similar Products in the Category Typically Have a BSR of 5,000 or Less

Analyzing a product’s sales frequency is complex, but leveraging the Best Seller Rank (BSR) provides insights into its performance within the category.

A lower BSR indicates higher sales, making it a crucial metric for product selection.

For optimal sales upon reaching the top spot, it’s recommended to have 3-5 products in the main category with a BSR around or below 5,000.

Remember to focus on the main category rather than subcategories when evaluating BSR for accurate sales predictions.

A product’s BSR varies significantly across different categories, emphasizing the importance of category-specific analysis.

The Product Features Keywords That Have a Substantial Search Volume

A practical method to gauge product demand is assessing the search volume of relevant keywords.

As a general guideline, check if the top 2-3 product keywords command a search volume of at least 10,000+ to gauge demand, though this threshold may vary depending on your specific product and niche.

This Product Has Repeat Purchases

Identify items that foster recurring purchases, such as cosmetics or beauty products, as they can significantly build customer loyalty and brand retention.

These recurring items are pivotal in enhancing Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) by showcasing customer satisfaction and trust in your brand.

Customers who regularly purchase are less likely to switch to competitors or alternatives.

Additionally, this strategy minimizes acquisition and marketing costs since the focus is on retaining and satisfying the existing loyal customer base.

The Product Experiences Minimal Seasonal Fluctuations

Seasonality reflects how a product’s demand fluctuates throughout the year.

For instance, raincoats or winterwear experience heightened demand during specific seasons, such as monsoons or winter. Similarly, products like Halloween costumes witness increased demand during holidays.

Google Trends and Jungle Scout can help determine when specific keywords experience higher search volumes.

A consistent trend in search volume data suggests a product that sells consistently throughout the year.

However, periodic spikes in search volume indicate seasonality, revealing times of heightened demand.

While a business centered around seasonal products may yield profitability during peak times, it might lack long-term sustainability.

amazon product customer reviews

Beyond assessing demand, it’s crucial to delve into niche research and gauge customer sentiment to determine the suitability of a product for selling.

When researching potential products, consider utilizing Amazon tools like Jungle Scout or Helium 10 to streamline your research process. Look specifically for products with a modest review count, aiming for approximately 2-3 items on the first page with fewer than 50 reviews each.

Reviews play a pivotal role in the success of a product, offering insights into market dynamics.

Picture a scenario where a shopper encounters two products in the search results—one with minimal reviews and another boasting 50+. Invariably, the shopper will likely click on the product with a higher review count.

Penetrating markets where top products already have hundreds of reviews can be challenging for new sellers. Therefore, as a starting point, focus on products in which the top 2-3 listings on the first page have fewer than 50 reviews.

This strategic approach enhances your chances of establishing a foothold in the market and gaining initial traction.

Determine the Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Examine both product reviews and the Q&A section to understand customer discussions.

If the leading products boast ratings of 4.5 or higher, they may be well-refined, making it challenging to identify product gaps.

However, for products with ratings below 4.5, analyze negative reviews to pinpoint areas for improvement.

Utilize these insights to enhance your products and tailor your product messaging accordingly.

The Entry Barrier Should Not Be Low

Avoid choosing a product with a readily accessible entry point.

The higher the difficulty of entering a new market, the fewer new sellers will present a challenge to your product.

Seek products that demand substantial capital investment, possess unique features, or exhibit strong differentiators from existing products.

Opting for such products allows you to steer clear of direct competition and carve out a niche market for your offerings.

Upon assessing a product’s demand, competition, and customer dynamics, it becomes essential to verify the potential profitability of the product.

product must haves 1

Consider the following factors to gauge the profitability of a product:

Search for Products Priced Within the $20-$50 Range

Look for products within the $20-$50 range, which tends to align with impulse buying decisions.

As the price increases, consumers become more contemplative about their spending, conducting additional research to assess the necessity of the product.

Conversely, lower-priced items may not undergo as much comparison.

However, extremes on both ends pose challenges. Higher prices may deter potential shoppers, while lower prices might be associated with subpar quality.

Finding the right pricing strategy is crucial. Striking a balance ensures your product covers costs, generates profits, and aligns with the perceived value held by customers.

Sellers often face challenges in determining the optimal pricing strategy, emphasizing the importance of thoughtful consideration.

Search for Lightweight Products

Search for products that are both small and lightweight. These items help minimize shipping and storage expenses, as the product’s weight and dimensions typically determine fees.

For instance, choosing a product like a necklace is more cost-effective than dealing with logistics for oversized items such as wooden furniture. While the latter may have high demand, logistics costs can significantly impact your profit margin.

Avoid extremes in weight and fragility, such as very light or heavy fragile products like glass or electronics. Opt for sturdy items that are easy to ship.

Profit Margin Musts

Select a product with a reasonable profit margin, ideally within 25-35% range.

The primary objective of your business is profitability. Therefore, during product research, it’s essential to compute the gross profit margin to gauge the potential earnings of a product.

Consider a spectrum of costs, including subscription fees, selling fees, advertising fees, storage fees, shipping fees, and more.

While there’s no fixed profit margin to target, aiming for a 25-35% gross margin is recommended. This range provides ample flexibility for your advertising budget, enabling you to stand out among competitors.

To quickly determine the profit margin of a product, leverage tools such as Rev Seller, which complement your analysis and offer insights into fees and profitability to enhance your decision-making process.

Checklist for Researching Amazon Products

Researching Amazon Products checklist

Here’s a concise checklist to assist you in selecting the ideal product for selling on Amazon:

  • Product prices within the $10 to $50 range
  • Products with a minimum of 10 daily sales
  • Similar products with a best-seller rank of at least 5,000 in the main category
  • Top 3 related keywords with 50,000+ monthly searches on Amazon
  • Non-seasonal products suitable for year-round sales
  • 2-3 products with fewer than 50 reviews on the first page
  • Small and lightweight products (under 2 to 3 pounds)
  • No association with brand names or trademarks
  • Setup cost should be 25% or less than the sale price
  • Room for product optimization and listing improvement
  • Multiple keyword opportunities related to the product
  • Quick and easy product sourcing from China
  • Non-fragile products
  • Potential for brand expansion with related products
  • Ability to create a superior product compared to competitors
  • Encourages recurring purchases
  • No legal issues associated with the product

Closing Remarks

In conclusion, delving into Amazon product research is an intricate but rewarding journey for any aspiring seller.

Throughout this exploration, we’ve emphasized the significance of meticulous analysis, highlighting key factors such as product pricing, demand, competition, and profit margins.

Personally leveraging these tools, I’ve navigated through the intricacies of Amazon product research, utilizing their functionalities to gain insights, refine strategies, and ultimately enhance my understanding of the market dynamics.

The key takeaway is that success in Amazon product research hinges on thorough analysis, strategic tool utilization, and an unwavering commitment to refining and adapting strategies.

As we venture into the competitive e-commerce landscape, the foundation laid through meticulous product research becomes the cornerstone for a thriving and sustainable Amazon business.

Answers To Your Questions

What is an amazon product research tool.

An Amazon product research tool is a third-party software solution that gathers essential data for launching a successful Amazon FBA business. This includes metrics such as the number of sellers, pricing details, price fluctuations, review count, review ratings, competitor count, monthly revenue, and monthly sales.

How do you do product research?

1. Clearly outline your research objectives. 2. Gain insights into your user base. 3. Conduct market research for your product. 4. Familiarize yourself with industry trends. 5. Validate ideas by engaging with current or potential users. 6. Test your Minimum Viable Product (MVP). 7. Sustain research efforts post-product launch. 8. Translate research findings into actionable steps.

What is product research and example?

Product research is the proactive effort undertaken to gather valuable information before introducing a new product to the market. The aim is to obtain user insights before product creation, ultimately saving time and money by avoiding potential pitfalls with flawed ideas. Consider a scenario where your team has been consistently monitoring customer insights.

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Renee is an entrepreneur and blogger who creates solid content online. if you want to know more about becoming an entrepreneur, home-based businesses or making money online, keep reading my blog.

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how to do product research in amazon

Amazon Product Research Guide: Tips and Real Product Examples

Product research is vital to eCommerce success. Businesses that thoroughly research products are more likely to sell something that customers want and that can generate profit. When it comes to selling on Amazon, there are several important things to review before deciding to sell a product.

My name is Amy Hunt and I have 20 years of online selling experience and tons of useful insights to help you get off to a successful start. Below you will find my insights on product research for dropshipping and private label. Learning from someone with experience is a great way to see what works while learning and what mistakes to avoid.

How I Got Started With Amazon

Let’s start with a bit on my experience in eCommerce. I started selling online back in 2001. In the beginning, I found extra stuff lying around my house and listed on eBay. In 2003, I branched out into Amazon and began selling products for a friend that needed help learning how to use the platform.

Over time, I was able to find success in the jewelry niche and this was the main type of product I focused on. Today, I sell a mix of dropshipping and branded products on Amazon. I also sell through Shopify and eBay.

So while my business has expanded to cover a variety of sales channels and products, Amazon research remains the most important part of my business. Amazon is still the biggest revenue generator and research is key to long-term profitability. With many ups and downs, I’ve learned a great deal about how the marketplace works and I share this knowledge with new sellers through my YouTube channel and guides like this.

What is Amazon Product Research?

Amazon product research is the process of learning about products to determine if you can sell them successfully on Amazon. With it, you can see a particular item’s profitability, how competitive its market is, and whether or not it is easy to sell.

How you perform product research varies depending on your business model. Different products and sourcing methods rely on different criteria to be successful. Common Amazon business models include:

  • Private label: You partner with a supplier that creates a unique product for your brand.
  • Dropshipping: With dropshipping, you have suppliers ship your products directly to customers after they make an order on Amazon.
  • Online and Retail arbitrage: Arbitrage is a selling strategy where you buy products from a physical or online store and resell it for a higher price on Amazon.
  • Wholesale: With wholesaling, you buy products in bulk from a supplier or manufacturer and then list them on Amazon.

This guide will show you how to conduct product research for Amazon. It includes real-life examples and tips and techniques from my real experience.

My Product Research Technique

Researching products before selling them helps you understand a potential market and its profit potential. Below, I will share my strategy for Amazon product research so that you can learn to find winning products of your own.

Defining Your Product Criteria

The first step to Amazon product research is to know what to look for in a product. There are certain traits that important for any type of item. This includes:

High demand

You should start your product research by looking for items in high demand. These are products that have a lot of sales and people interested in them. If a product consistently generates a high number of sales, there is a good opportunity for you to turn it into a reliable source of income for your business. I typically look for products with at least 300 monthly sales on Amazon.


After validating a product’s demand I like to look at its competition. Competition is a big factor in a product’s potential as it directly impacts how much of the market you can gain. An item may have really high sales but if there are a lot of other businesses selling the product, the amount of profit you can make won’t be very high.

There are a couple of ways to analyze the competition. If you use dropshipping its helpful to look at the total number of other sellers for the product. If selling a private label item, you should check the number of competing products in the niche.


As income is the main goal for selling any product, it is natural that profitability is a big part of product research. The simplest way to assess a product’s profitability is to check its profit margin. This metric shows what percentage of each sale you keep as profit. I generally like to look for products with margins over 50%.

These are important things to check for any Amazon product. Now, we’ll look at some of the other important traits to search for in a product for dropshipping, arbitrage, or wholesaling.

Product Criteria for Dropshipping, Arbitrage, and Wholesale

Not private label

When looking for good dropshipping products, it is essential to check to see if a product is a private label item. These products belong to specific brands so you can’t sell them unless you get direct permission from the owner. Many private label brands don’t make their products available to resellers and dropshippers.

Ungated products

Amazon has a mix of restricted and open categories. Restricted categories have selling requirements while open categories do not. I recommend new sellers stick exclusively to ungated products. This will help you get up and running faster as you won’t have to jump through extra hoops when getting started.

Non-Hazmat items

Some Amazon products have hazardous materials. For instance, a hairspray with flammable chemicals. Like gated categories, hazmat items have additional approval steps. Because of this, I recommend avoiding these products so as to not have extra complexity.

Prime delivery

Amazon Prime is an important piece of the eCommerce giant’s success. Prime customers can get free, two, and one-day shipping for eligible products. When you dropship products, they’ll take longer than two days to arrive. As such, you want to avoid competing with products with Prime shipping.

My Basic Method for Finding Products

With the key product criteria established, let’s go through a simple yet effective method I like to use for finding good products. When it comes to my Amazon product research, research software is crucial to my process. I have long relied on AMZScout  as the tools are easy to use while providing high-quality data and analysis.

This is the process I use to find dropshipping products but it can also be modified to work with different business models. As my business has grown, I’ve adopted a similar methodology to discover great products for private label.

There are several helpful product research tools. The first is the Product Database. I like to use it to discover product ideas and uncover new trends. Here’s how to do it:

  • Go to the AMZScout Product Database.
  • Add filters for your product criteria. For example, I like to look for products that have over 300 sales and fewer than 30 reviews.


  • Check the results and save interesting product ideas.

After I find good product ideas, I use the PRO extension to get more insights on a product before deciding to sell it. Here is a quick overview of how I do this.

  • Go to Amazon and find one of the products you saved. Then, open the PRO Extension to review those items.
  • Look at the Niche Score and Product Score to find opportunities with the best profit potential.


  • I also like to check the Product sales history to ensure an item has steady sales.

When I perform this analysis, I tend to look for products with a rating of 7 or higher. The tool is quite handy as it provides unique scores for different selling methods. No matter how I plan to source an item, it’s also important that a product has good sales volume throughout the year. It’s harder to build a solid business around a seasonal item, so I look to avoid such in my research.

My Fastest Way to Find Products to Sell

When I want to get a fast understanding of a product I’m considering, I have this process to quickly assess products for reselling. Below, are the steps that I use:

  • Go to Amazon and find a potential product.
  • Open the AMZScout Amazon Dropshipping, Arbitrage, and Wholesale
  • Check the results page and review the following metrics: margins, seller types, and FBA fees. Below we can see what this looks like on the results page.


  • When you find a good product, click on the product page and analyze it further. Check to see if it is private label, ungated and if it has Prime shipping.


  • Analyze the product’s Price and Buy Box histories. This will help you determine the best pricing strategy.


  • Use the calculator to forecast your potential margins. The tool automatically populates the FBA fees and sales price to calculate Net profit per unit. This will show you how profitable an item is.

This process will give you a fast way to find products that will work well for dropshipping, online arbitrage or wholesale on Amazon. When I discover good ideas, I also like using the AMZScout Keyword Search tool to find the best keywords to use for optimizing my product listings.

Real Product Examples

Now that you know what to look for in products and how to find them, let’s check out some real-life products to see these concepts in practice. In this comparison, we’ll look at both good and bad products. All these were items that I considered selling at one point. On the surface, they all looked great. But then I used the AMZScout tools to see which ones had good potential and which did not.

Example of a Bad Product to Sell on Amazon

Below, you can see an image of the Amazon listing for an S.T. Dupont duffle bag. The product is a water-resistant bag that is used for carrying luggage for travel. It is an example of an item that you don’t want to sell on Amazon.


You want to avoid this product because Amazon also sells it. It’s very difficult to compete with Amazon as a seller. As a result, it would be hard to win the Buy Box for this listing, ultimately leading to a low number of sales.

Example of a Good Product to Sell on Amazon

Below we can see an example of a good Amazon product. The hidden camera connects to wifi to allow you to monitor your home from your smartphone or computer.


There are several reasons that this item would make a good product to dropship on Amazon:

  • Only a few other sellers: This product only has two other FBA sellers so you won’t face much competition.
  • Good profit margins: This product has a 75% profit margin, well over the 50% target I normally look for.
  • Ungated product: This product is in an unrestricted category so you can sell it without approval.
  • No hazmat: there aren’t any hazardous materials so you won’t face extra requirements.
  • No private label: You can resell this product because it’s not private label.


Tips for Amazon Product Research

Below are some extra tips that have been key to my personal experience of finding great products to sell on Amazon:

Spy on Competitors’ New ideas and Follow Trends

An easy way to come up with new product ideas is to spy on your competitors. You still want to do your own research, but looking to see what the competition is doing can be a great starting point for finding new products.

Another simple way to get fresh ideas is to stay on top of the latest Amazon and eCommerce trends. The AMZScout Product Database can help with this as there is a filter for Trending Products. By enabling it in your research, you can quickly find items that are seeing positive trends in sales growth over recent months.

Track Price Changes and Forecast Potential Profits

Low prices is one of the biggest reasons consumers love to shop on Amazon. Because many buyers are looking for the best deal, it is common for sellers to try to price their products as low as possible. This leads to frequent shifts in price across the market.

When you’re considering selling an item, you want to be aware of price fluctuations . Doing so will help you predict future profits more accurately. For example, if you notice that prices across a niche decrease during the holiday season, you’ll know to forecast less revenue per sale during this time of the year.

The importance of product research can’t be overstated. Without it, you run the risk of selling something with low chances of success. By thoroughly researching many different products, I’ve been able to find unique ideas that I can sell for a profit. The process has become the foundation for the success of my business.

There’s a lot to consider when researching Amazon products. However, once you know what to look for, you can set up systemized processes to make finding new product ideas simple. Following the tips and methods laid out above will help you to also discover great products for your business.

About the Author:


Amy Hunt is a home business expert with 20 years of online selling experience. She started selling on Amazon to be able to stay at home with her newborn. As a home business expert, she has many valuable insights that can help you transition from 9-5 jobs to earning income selling from home.

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how to do product research in amazon

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how to do product research in amazon

How To Perform Realistic Amazon Product Research For Beginners

How To Perform Realistic Amazon Product Research For Beginners

Evaluating the market and choosing the right product is a hallmark of a successful Amazon seller. Any product you launch must be both profitable and sustainable.

Thorough Amazon product research is therefore vital before going 'all in' on a product or an entire brand launch.

For many beginners, this process can be mentally and emotionally draining, but don't despair! Just about every professional Amazon seller has been through this grueling process to validate product ideas.

And yes, it does become less overwhelming through time and experience .

There are many elements to a successful product launch such as profitability, FBA fees, branding restrictions, return rates and much more. Additionally, finding profitable products to sell on Amazon requires much more active involvement in 2022 than it did in 2015.

So in this guide, I'll be assisting you in your product research on Amazon using proven principles, plus crucial things to watch out for.

Let's begin.

What Truly is Product Research?

Effective Amazon product research is analyzing the current market and choosing profitable products that sell year-round. Some use the phrase 'winning products' which refers to products that gain a home run within weeks of launching, and then continue to perform for multiple years.

The basic premise is to find products that are sourced for cheap enough where you could on sell for at least 3x your cost of goods sold, but preferably 5 to 7x. The higher your multiple on the landed cost, the more margin you have to spend on PPC and to hire influencers.

Not only should you aim to find the 'winners', but they should be able to gain a portion of reviews organically and have a low return rate.

Key Elements of a Successful Amazon Product

So what criteria make for a successful product on Amazon?

Quite simply:

  • Strong and sustainable demand. Use Google trends with both your primary and secondary keywords. Avoid any 'trendy' products that are likely to plummet next season, such as fidget spinners.
  • Low market competition. If the first few pages of a product has a flood of competition, particularly from China, then steer well clear. Ignore the revenue FOMO and simply find another profitable product.
  • Sold for $25 or greater. Products $25 or more qualify for free shipping for non-FBA buyers which may be more attractive to buyers when compared to product + shipping listings. The higher price also provides some margin for you to spend on PPC or influencers.
  • Room for improvement. Look at your competition and see what they have missed. Can you increase the quality? Add bonuses? Increase or decrease the size and weight?
  • Minimal seasonal changes. You'll want products that will sell year-round, especially if your FBA income will become your primary income. Additionally, sustainable businesses are more attractive to aggregators.
  • No trademark/parent/branding violations. One of the quickest ways to get kicked off Amazon is via copyright violations. There may be a very real reason why no one else is selling that same product - it's because they can't. Some things to stay well clear of are Disney, Velcro and Bluetooth which are all trademarked.

In addition, it's best (but isn't a deal-breaker) to steer towards small, lightweight and unbreakable products if you're just starting out. I recommend keeping things simple early on and simply using these products to springboard towards more complex products, should the need or desire arise.

5 Quick Ways to Verify Product Research

Demand is important when launching a product. Even if it has high margins and minimal competition, there is little value if very few people are seeking out your product.

Here are 5 ways to verify your product has demand:

1. Year-Round Product Demand

A product that's consistently bought throughout the year leads to a more sustainable business rather than the peaks and valleys of a seasonal business.

To see if your potential product is seasonal, simply head over to Google Trends and enter the main keyword(s) for your product. Provided the product has enough monthly search volume, Google will provide some brief insights how often customers are searching for the particular product, such as soccer gloves:

how to do product research in amazon

While it isn't necessarily 'bad' to choose a more seasonal product, you might get stuck with unsellable products in Amazon's warehouses, such as winter snow gloves over the summer months.

2. 5 Sales Per Day Minimum

5 sales per day minimum is necessary to ensure you can enjoy consistent sales, but 10 sales per day is more sustainable. These averages should be based on a 12-month trend to account for slumps and sales spikes.

Keep in mind that this applies to Amazon US only, and you may attain an additional 10 sales/day on Shopify alone, plus Amazon Europe too. 30 sales per day at $10/profit leads to a full-time income for most sellers, with a 6-figure business valuation.

3. 50,000+ Monthly Searches 5 Keywords

Analyzing customer interest is mostly a matter of finding search volume, as the volume of searches is a great sign that there is consistent demand.

Your top 5 keywords should be gaining around 50,000 searches combined, and tools like SellerApp can help you through that process.

4. Little To No Big Brands Competing

You may think that seeing big brands competing for product keywords is a good thing, but often it isn't. Buyers have a tendency to trust known and established brands over new brands and products, including yours.

how to do product research in amazon

If you see mostly unknown brands competing on the first page for primary keywords, then that's often a great sign. You'll gain a higher click-through rate and likely a higher conversion too. But on the flip side, if the page is full of cheap overseas sellers, it's a product worth avoiding .

5. Competitors Typically Have <100 Reviews

The volume of reviews on page 1 is one metric to help you understand sales volumes and lack of competition. It's certainly not the most important rule (hence I've left it last in this list) but can give some estimates if you're not using FBA research tools.

It's widely considered that 1-2% of customers leave reviews meaning that 50 to 100 sales are achieved for each review, assuming these are 4 to 5 stars.

Unusual Ways To Find Killer Products

There are numerous unconventional ways of performing effective Amazon product research. Some require the use of tools, but the following ideas are free:

New Amazon Hot Releases

Amazon curates its own hot releases that are not only new to the market but are already selling well. Keep in mind, however, that some of these can be very seasonal or holiday-specific, such as unique Halloween costumes. It's also worth checking out the Movers & Shakers section which showcases products who have gained huge sales ranks over the past 24 hours.

Amazon Wish-Listed Products

Another way to find killer products with demand is via most wished products . These are products that customers have saved in their wish-list to buy at a later date. That said, these may often be novelty items, hopeful gift items or simply 'nice to have' rather than products that will actually sell. Customers often wait for Prime Day to checkout on these products.

Use Exploding Topics

One of the best tools I've come across in recent years is Exploding Topics , which is far more focused upon the present time than Google Trends. Take for example the swiss cheese plant:

how to do product research in amazon

Interest in this plant has sky-rocketed in recent years. What do owners need for their plants to thrive? Planters, organic fertilizer, UV lights and more.

Spot Poor Listing Optimisations

I'm forever spotting household brands whose Amazon listings are poorly optimized with minimal keywords, often just one photo and very brief listing content. However, they have the strength and reputation of their brands available to create conversions.

how to do product research in amazon

When you spot unknown brands making these same mistakes, yet still gaining sales and reviews, that's a good sign that a market exists there. Not only that, but it's possible to organically outrank them or win the buy box through improving the product listing.

Check Volume of Affiliate Sites

There are thousands of SEOs who build niche and authority websites that direct traffic to purchase products on Amazon. The best part? They are often are excellent at keyword research off Amazon and can analyze search volumes and expected revenue.

how to do product research in amazon

If you spot several sites targeting and ranking for your top 5 keywords, this is often a great sign that a strong search volume exists. Try paying $50 to these sites in exchange to see their Amazon Associates affiliate revenue for your competitors. You can then go back to these sites and collaborate for promotion opportunities.

Use Amazon's Marketplace Guidance Tool

A lesser-known tool is Amazon's own Marketplace Guidance Tool . It's only a few months old, and unlike most Amazon's tools, it's actually a helpful tool which uses 600 data points:

The objective? To help you as the seller see gaps and opportunities in the market. These are personal recomendations designed for established sellers to launch additional products, using real Amazon data to help you succeed unlike 3rd party tools.

Going 1-Up on Competitors' Products

Let's say you find a number of profitable products that have potential. You can increase the revenue of these products and get past your competitors on page 1 by:

  • Creating variations. You may be able to offer additional sizes, colors or weight variations that appear to have some demand. Read your competitor's reviews to see if are any repetitive requests for a new product launch.
  • Bundling with other products. You may want to include a beneficial accessory to your main product which presents more value to the customer, hopefully for the same price.
  • Unique packaging. Customers seeking to present your product as a gift will value high-quality packaging. The product may also have greater appeal on Instagram and Shopify.

Amazon is forever becoming a competitive landscape, so take any chance to 1-up your competitors with your value offering.

Risky Amazon Product Categories

While some categories are excellent such as outdoors, gardening and fitness , there are equally some you should avoid at all costs. Specific categories can be too complex and might have you regretting your life choices. 😔

These include:

  • Electronics. These have too many moving parts, needs constant upgrades, can be unreliable and this category is essentially owned by cut-throat Shenzen-based sellers.
  • Appliances. Like electronics, appliances can require year upgrades and often have a lot of moving parts. They can also have a higher manufacturing cost and may be subject to trademark or copyright issues.
  • Consumables. Any type of product that goes on the skin or is injected, such as pills or creams, comes with many liabilities. All sellers require insurance, and while Amazon usually doesn't monitor most sellers, they pay close attention to products that can be ingested by a customer. The catch here is that most product insurance brokers won't touch consumable products.
  • Baby. For the same reasons why consumables are risky, baby goods can be difficult to get insurance. Harder still is the consumer who is often emotional, time-poor, sleep-deprived and with no tolerance for product failure.

This doesn't mean you can't enter these categories in the future, but for your first few products, you should aim to keep things as simplified as possible.

Worst Amazon Product Research Mistakes

Before you pick a product and order samples, let's look at what not to do. These mistakes have cost other sellers thousands of dollars and time wasted, so it's best to avoid these.

Selling Me-Too Products

It isn't 2015 anymore and simply grabbing a popular product off AliExpress won't lead to any notable gains. The saturation is real and margins are very tight here.

Products that aren't differentiated aren't just competitive, but the business itself is harder to sell. Avoid the common items that are easy to manufacture and sell by China-based sellers like baking pans, steering wheel covers and bathroom towels.

Choosing Very Tiny Niches

It's not just the product you need to choose, but the market itself. Your job isn't to sell a product but serve a market and solve their problems. The profits come later.

By going super niche, it's harder to get noticed and therefore sold. These obscure product categories may not have any decent competitors since the sales volume is too low. Examples of very tiny niches include recumbent trike parts, antique boat cleaning supplies and vegan hiking shoes.

Miscalculating Profit Margins

I always laugh when sellers share 7-figure sales screenshots in Facebook groups. Sales and profits are two very different things and the freight costs of the last 12 months has meant that most sellers are breaking even at best.

Amazon's fees have also increased in recent years where around 30% of your retail price could be eaten by FBA fees. Always ensure you have used Amazon's product calculator before getting too excited and ordering product samples.

Going Into High-Competitive Battles

Some niches can be a cutthroat battle with sellers racing to the bottom on prices. This is a capital-intensive strategy with minimal profits. Likewise, some niches have been untapped but two sellers compete directly by simply lowering prices.

This is an excellent way to sabotage your income and potential for an exit, and may reduce the perception of your brand if your prices become too cheap. Avoid pricing your products simply for what your competitors have listed theirs, and instead, consider the type of customer you're trying to attract.

Amazon Product Research Checklist

To summarize this article, our 20-point checklist for beginners will make your job of elimination and shortlisting infinitely easier in the US marketplace.

Feel free to screenshot this:

  • $25 to $70 retail after discounts and coupons
  • 5 sales per day minimum but ideally 10+
  • 5,000 Best Seller Rank in main product category
  • 50,000+ searches/month for top 5 keywords
  • < 100 reviews for at least 3 products on Page 1
  • 3x retail price on landed cost but ideally 5x to 7x
  • 20% margin but ideally 30% to 50% after FBA costs
  • 5 pounds and under, and below shoe-box size
  • No trademark, copyright or patent infringements
  • Can be sourced easily from China, Taiwan or India
  • Non-breakable and won't require complicated packaging
  • Allows you to expand your brand with relatable products
  • Potential to create a superior product against competitors
  • Has numerous related keyword opportunities to rank
  • Can be marketed through influencers away from Amazon
  • The product can lead to recurring purchases and upsells
  • Isn't likely to become saturated by Chinese sellers
  • Can be also sold easily via Shopify or WooCommerce
  • Doesn't fall under Dangerous Goods classification
  • Isn't a dangerous product that could lead to lawsuits

These aren't necessarily hard-fixed rules as they can be adjusted to suit your unique situation. For example, you may want to switch to Fulfilled by Merchant if you're able to fulfill orders from home and therefore increase your profit margins.

There are many questions about proper product research, but many of the answers can be acquired through your own direct experience in the field. I have learned the most through spending hours in the evening looking for products and analyzing potential with tools such as Helium10, Zonguru and JungleScout.

To keep things simple, here are three high-quality questions:

What are some Amazon products that don't get many reviews?

Effective product research requires finding products that will gain reviews which lead to healthy conversions. However, there are several types of products where customers aren't as likely to leave a review.

  • Common household items where customers care very little about the product or brand. These include tissues, plant pots and cardboard boxes.
  • Controversial or taboo products where the reviewer could be identified by friends or employers. These include adult toys, enema kits and medical goods.
  • Gift items that are given to an extended family member. Some examples include kids toys and anniversary gifts which are also seasonal.

In most cases, these types of products should be avoided if you're just starting out.

How much time should I spend doing Amazon product research?

In 2022, I recommend 50 to 100+ hours of research to come across profitable products on Amazon for your first launch. While that might seem excessive, you'll come away more confident and assured that your product is likely to perform well.

After all, you don't want to blow your hard-earn money on a product that flops.

As time goes on, you'll better spot opportunities and can easily ignore products that you believe will flop. Subsequent product launches will require 20 to 30 hours of validation, plus time with suppliers, freight forwards and listing optimization.

Where can I get my research and ideas validated?

It can certainly be hard to know if your product will actually be a winner. However, there is a concern that Amazon sellers might have their deep research 'stolen' by an Amazon FBA coach or consulting company seeking to profit off their work.

Sometimes ordering a smaller quantity of 100 to 200 units will give you some initial product validation and a chance to remedy issues. Should you absolutely need someone to poke holes in your Amazon product research, we can recommend Amy from Amazing at Home who runs a helpful Facebook group and podcast.

Can I just outsource my product research?

No. While you may be bombarded with ads on social media with catchphrases and bold promises stating "We'll build your Amazon store for you!", in many cases these will fall short of expectations, and with a hefty price tag too.

By doing your own product research, you'll gain a huge amount of experience while being 100% responsible for your outcomes. Researching the first few products can be tricky and overwhelming, but all gets easier from there onwards.

No successful Amazon seller achieved their success by luck. Even in years prior, product research was necessary to minimize downsides, even with the previously higher profit margins.

Today in 2022, product research is even more important, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming. I've attempted to make this guide as simplistic as possible, but here's the truth - you'll learn a ton through practice . That's it.

It may seem emotional but don't overcomplicate this early process. Sign up today to some free software trials and use their research tools over the next few weeks.

Once you're established, use Bindwise to monitor your Amazon listings 24/7 for the Buy Box, hi-jacking and more. Start your free trial today.

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How to Conduct Effective Product Research for Your Amazon Business

Picture of mehak Garg

  • Published: December 7, 2023
  • Modified: January 26, 2024

how to do product research in amazon

To conduct effective product research for your Amazon business, you can follow these steps:

  • Identify your target audience: Identify your target audience and their needs to help you choose products that will appeal to them.
  • Use Amazon’s product research tools: Use Amazon’s product research tools such as the Best Sellers Rank, the Movers & Shakers list, and the Product Opportunities tool to identify popular and trending products.
  • Analyze your competitors: Analyze your competitors’ products and listings to identify areas where you can differentiate yourself and offer unique value to customers.
  • Use keyword research tools: Use keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner and MerchantWords to identify relevant and high-traffic keywords to use in your product listings and PPC campaigns.
  • Consider product demand and profitability: Consider the demand and profitability of potential products to ensure that you’re choosing products that will sell well and generate a profit.
  • Consider product sourcing and logistics: Consider the sourcing and logistics of potential products to ensure that you can source and deliver them efficiently and cost-effectively.
  • Test your products: Test your products by ordering samples and conducting market research to ensure that they meet your quality standards and appeal to your target audience.

Welcome, Amazon sellers, to a crucial aspect of running a successful e-commerce business—effective product research. In this blog, we’ll delve into the intricacies of finding the right products to sell on Amazon, helping you make informed decisions that can contribute to the growth and sustainability of your business.

how to do product research in amazon

1. Understand Your Niche:

how to do product research in amazon

Before diving into product research, it’s essential to identify and understand your niche. Define your target audience, assess market demand, and explore potential gaps in the market that your products can fill. A focused niche allows you to tailor your offerings to a specific customer base.

2. Leverage Amazon’s Best Sellers List:

how to do product research in amazon

One of the most valuable tools at your disposal is Amazon’s Best Sellers list. Analyze the top-performing products in your category to gain insights into current market trends. While it’s not advisable to replicate these products, understanding their success can guide you in selecting products with high potential.

3. Utilize Advanced Analytics Tools:

how to do product research in amazon

In the era of data-driven decision-making, leveraging advanced analytics tools can provide a competitive edge. Explore tools that offer insights into market trends, competition analysis, and keyword research. Understanding the keywords associated with top-selling products can optimize your listings for better visibility.

4. Assess Profitability and Costs:

how to do product research in amazon

While identifying potential products, it’s crucial to conduct a thorough analysis of profitability and costs. Consider factors such as sourcing costs, shipping fees, Amazon fees, and potential profit margins. This holistic approach ensures that you choose products that align with your financial goals.

5. Stay Informed About Regulatory Requirements:

how to do product research in amazon

Navigating the regulatory landscape is vital when choosing products for your Amazon business. Stay informed about product restrictions, safety standards, and any compliance issues related to your chosen niche. This ensures a smooth and legally compliant selling experience.

6. Encouraging a Growth Mindset:

how to do product research in amazon

As you embark on your product research journey, keep in mind that the e-commerce landscape is ever-evolving. Embrace a growth mindset that encourages continuous learning and adaptation. Attend webinars, join forums, and seek advice from experienced sellers to stay updated on the latest trends and strategies.

7. Explore SellerMobile’s Free Demo Sessions:

how to do product research in amazon

To further enhance your Amazon business journey, consider attending free demo sessions with SellerMobile’s customer service. Discover how our platform can complement your efforts in product research, data analysis, and overall business optimization. Click here to schedule your demo today.

Conclusion: Effective product research is the cornerstone of a successful Amazon business. By understanding your niche, leveraging Amazon’s resources, utilizing analytics tools, assessing profitability, and staying informed about regulations, you can make informed decisions that drive your business forward. Embrace the journey of discovery, and let strategic product research be the compass guiding your e-commerce success.

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How to Conduct Amazon Product Research

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16 minute read

Published: September 7, 2023

Modified: December 19, 2023

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Table of Contents

What is amazon product research, what does product research do and why is it important, which product research tool is best for amazon fba, how do i find what sells well on amazon, how do i pick a winning product for amazon fba, pro tips for amazon product research, find a product, differentiate your products, validate ideas with keyword research and analyze the competition, look for profitable traits, look at ‘customers also bought’ and ‘frequently bought together’ sections, in conclusion.

Hi you, what a great, exciting question!

Amazon product research refers to the process of systematically analyzing the Amazon marketplace to identify lucrative product opportunities that have the potential to sell well. With thousands of product listings on the platform, success as an Amazon seller is no longer solely dependent on sourcing a product and uploading it.

Your research should strive to discover products that align with market demand, offer competitive advantages, and can generate profits for you as a seller.

One of the best ways you can do that is through the use of an Amazon product research tool and keyword research tool, such as Helium 10.

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You might be thinking “Huh? What does a keyword research tool have to do with product research?” But frankly speaking, keyword research forms a cornerstone of Amazon product research. These keyword optimization tools allow sellers to identify popular and relevant search terms that customers use when looking for products on Amazon. By proactively understanding the search volume for specific keywords, you can gauge the level of demand for certain products and how easy or hard it may be to rank for them in the long run will help you earn profits. You can then use this information as a qualification item to narrow down potential product ideas that are likely to attract customer interest.

As for product research tools, they are notoriously beneficial in enabling sellers to quickly hone in on various metrics related to potential products. (Trust me, I would know since I did manual product research when I launched my first product on Amazon, and comparatively…that took forever).

Compared to months, you can find prospective product ideas within minutes. The metrics you can sort by include factors like the number of images, search volume, estimated sales volume, historical trends, and even data on competitor sales. Sellers can evaluate products based on their sales potential, allowing them to make informed decisions about what products to sell on Amazon.

Identifying good products to sell on Amazon involves striking a balance between market demand and competition. Effective product research aims to find products that have a healthy level of demand while facing relatively low competition though expanding to outside this range can prove valuable if you’re willing to fight for the higher barrier to entry with higher upfront capital occasionally and regulations for items like electronics. Crosschecking the combination of demand and competition can increase the chances of gaining visibility and securing sales as opposed to blindly choosing a product.

Sellers should also consider factors such as competitive prices and profit margins during the product research phase and selling process. They analyze the pricing strategies of similar products to determine if there’s room for them to offer competitive prices while still maintaining profitability. A product may have high demand, but if the competition drives prices too low, it might not be a viable choice for sellers.

Ultimately, Amazon product research is about data-driven decision-making. It involves leveraging tools and data to uncover opportunities, understand customer preferences, and strategically position products for success within the Amazon marketplace. It is by conducting thorough research and utilizing insights from keyword research and product research tools that sellers can make informed choices about which products to sell.

Outside of the fact that success as an Amazon seller is no longer solely dependent on sourcing a product and uploading it, doing proper Amazon product research can aid as a strategic compass that guides you toward identifying viable and profitable products to sell on Amazon. This research process helps you as a seller make informed decisions, reduce risks, optimize your chances of success within the competitive Amazon marketplace and so much more.

Imagine you’re showering one day and realize “Man, I really can’t wash my back well”

All of a sudden, an idea comes to you. You’re going to build a sticky scrub thingy-ma-jig for the wall that will let you get all the spots.

You go back and forth with different suppliers for months, pay thousands of dollars, get the listing up, and then…

There are barely any sales. And the sales that do happen are eating up the money in your wallet like there’s no tomorrow.

Well, what in the heck happened?

You didn’t do any product research.

Product research is vital for analyzing current market trends as an Amazon seller because it enables you to understand the evolving preferences and demands of customers, ensuring that the products you choose to sell align with these trends. You can give your product the best opportunity for profitability, the best chance of delivering value to its buyer, and yourself the best chance of profiting on your investment.

But for that to happen, you must do comprehensive research to offer products that resonate with the market’s pulse, stay ahead of competitors, and make informed decisions that ultimately lead to increased sales and long-term success in the dynamic landscape of the Amazon marketplace.

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In this space, one of the powerful Amazon product research tools that sellers often utilize for Amazon product research is Helium 10 ( I know I know…it sounds like I’m bragging, but it’s true ).

Helium 10 offers a suite of over 30+ tools tailored for Amazon sellers in varying parts of their journey. For instance, tools like Black Box, the Chrome Extension, and Trendster within Helium 10 provide a dynamic way to explore potential product ideas.

With Black Box , by inputting specific criteria such as desired sales revenue, competition level, and other parameters, sellers can generate a list of product options that align with their goals. This approach streamlines the process of narrowing down profitable products to sell.

Whereas Cerebro , our reverse ASIN lookup, allows sellers to delve deep into keyword analysis. This helps sellers understand the demand for specific keywords as they relate to potential products. By gauging the search volume and competition for keywords, sellers can gain insights into market demand and identify opportunities with less competitive search terms.

There’s also Helium 10’s Xray tool infamous for empowering sellers to decipher the competitive lay of specific product listings. Get all your essential data, such as estimated monthly sales, revenue, and reviews, for products within a certain category in one place to evaluate whether a particular product presents a profitable opportunity.

However, I will add that I’ve heard some pretty creative uses for some of our tools which weren’t originally created with the intention of being a product research tool. I occasionally use Market Tracker to discover products.

It depends on you and how you comb the data.

Each of these tools can provide guidance in exploring product ideas, identifying trends, assessing competition, and performing keyword analysis to make informed decisions.

Use Amazon product research tools. That is the best advice I can give. You can absolutely check Pinterest Trends or find product ideas on sites like Etsy and TikTok, but you should still validate those ideas with demand on Amazon as that is where you will be ranking for words and attempting to convert folks to buy.

Using the tools I mentioned in the section above, you can reference existing data to see how existing Amazon sellers are doing in the space

Okay, let me set the record straight. Winning is the wrong word. There’s no such thing as a winning product and anyone who tells you there is is lying to you. Don’t fall for it. There will always be a number of factors that influence your outcome and there’s no real means of being able to predict what will happen. The Amazon landscape may change by the time your product is getting to market, your competitor might get a new market strategy that leads them to have reviews snowball in and hijack sales, and so forth.

The best you can do is use an Amazon product research tool to see backend data, established sales history, metrics impacting profitability, and so forth for listings that already exist on Amazon and aim to make the most informed decision possible using the information that is available to you.

Life itself is uncertain. All we can do is pull from what we know to guide where we are going and it is really no different in business. In conducting proper Amazon product research, you can craft the best setup for your Amazon business.

I think I’ve made it apparent by now that there are many ways to do product research. You can use Tiktok hashtags to find what is trending (e.g. #TiktokMadeMeBuyIt), scout Etsy, surf Google search engines or visit your local mom-and-pop shop. But to simplify this process and uncover potentially profitable products, you can just use our suite of powerful tools like Black Box, Cerebro, and Market Tracker. I’ve mentioned them several times, so let’s dive a bit deeper into talking about what these tools do.

Black Box is our primary product research tool and the tool processes over two billion data points daily allowing you to easily discover potentially lucrative niches no matter the parameters. You can start by exploring the “Products” tab within Black Box where the tool offers filters like price, monthly revenue, and number of reviews to sift the data and output product listings. I used the number of images in the example below in conjunction with the monthly revenue filter as it is an interesting way to locate unoptimized listings that are still generating major sales. What would be its potential if we just optimize the listing?

black box

Of course, taking a look at a singular listing is a good starting place, but it is only one piece of the picture. Alternatively, you could “Keywords” tab provides a more comprehensive insight into seeing if you will be able to stack up to the competition by plunging into entire niches via search terms customers are using on Amazon. With the use of the filters under this tab, you can identify relevant keywords related to your interests that have demand but manageable or low competition with filters like search volume and competitor reviews like:

black box

Bear in mind, that it is not necessary to copy the filters I used. The point is to play around with them and create a list of 15-20 product ideas you’ll want to further validate and there is no limit to what you can find with as many products that are available on Amazon.

If you so choose, you can also use the “Product Targeting” tab as is particularly powerful to identify even frequently bought together items based on the criteria you input and even use Cerebro during your product research phase to generate product ideas as it can offer a better picture of what your profits may entail in the long run. It is not helpful to only have say one good keyword with substantial Amazon search volume, low advertising costs, and high sales. You want to find synonymous keywords to ensure the product sells once it arrives on the market. Seeing a cross-section of market data, pricing trends, and sales rank for multiple keywords is a better-suited tactic than just considering a singular keyword for product validation.

Many people also think Market Tracker is invaluable for tracking historical sales data within your chosen niche after you have your product listed, but the truth is you can also use it as an Amazon product research tool. Yes, use it to monitor the sales performance of top-selling products in your niche over time, but also leverage it to analyze historical sales data to help you pinpoint trends and seasonality, giving you a strategic advantage in product sourcing and marketing. The tool is extremely advantageous in gaining perspective on sales estimates, keeping track of new sellers or successful sellers, shipping costs to calculate potential profit margins, and more.

Since opportunity is in the eye of the beholder, I encourage you to play around with each one to have the best view of all the data.

As for how to shortlist that initial list you create, you will want to consider how you will be able to differentiate your products to further validate product ideas. Evaluate product differentiation opportunities such as unique features, bundling options, or improved quality, as these can be pivotal in achieving standout performance. Helium 10’s Chrome Extension can be a game-changer in understanding what customers like and dislike about products in your niche. Here’s how it works:

Assess the positive and negative reviews. Look for common themes or specific features that customers praise and also pay close attention to what customers dislike about competing products. This information can guide you in determining aspects of your product to emphasize in your listings and marketing materials. This can help you avoid similar issues when sourcing or developing your differentiated product.

You will also want to analyze reviews for gaps or unmet needs within the niche. If customers consistently mention missing features or improvements or buy the product with another, you can fill those gaps with customization of your differentiated product. Just prioritize your consumer as you build your product and negotiate with your prospective suppliers and doing that will serve you well.

And since when you initially list your product, you will have 0 reviews, conducting proper market evaluation will give you comprehensive and accurate data on whether or not you will be able to generate high sales. Do not make the mistake of not opening up multiple keywords related to the product and not seeing how your main competitors are doing on each page.

Competitor research is as important during your Amazon product research phase as it is after you’ve sourced your product and are trying to choose which keywords to go after for listing optimization and your advertising campaigns.

In fact, you should begin compiling a list of keywords for your products of interest from the beginning. Perform a search on Amazon and scrutinize the search results page for each of those selected keywords paying close attention to several key aspects. First, the number of competitors listed for your chosen keywords, as a high count may suggest market saturation, whereas a low count may hint at an opportunity with less competition. Next, locate the top-selling products on the page, focusing on those with high sales ranks and numerous reviews; these will be your formidable competitors and sources of insights into successful niche strategies. Examine the product price within the niche, aiming to determine whether competitive pricing can coexist with a profitable margin after accounting for sourcing, shipping, and Amazon fees.

Further, delve into competitor listings by examining product descriptions, images, and key features for clues about what resonates with customers and how successful Amazon sellers present their products to see if there are areas even on the listing itself that can be improved.

Of course, determining if the products you aim to sell will be profitable is the number one qualifying factor in moving forward in your process of selling on Amazon.

To assess if a product is profitable, you can simply use the Supplier Finder feature inside of Xray embedded inside of our Helium 10 Chrome Extension to see what it might cost you to source followed by a go at our profitability calculator. By adding in essential data, such as the product’s selling price, Amazon fees, cost to ship and your cost of goods sold (COGS), the calculator can relatively quickly generate a detailed breakdown of your potential profit margins, including estimated net profit and ROI (Return on Investment).

This information is crucial for evaluating the viability of products to sell, as it allows you to compare potential earnings against expenses. A profitable product typically exhibits a healthy net profit margin, which ensures that after all costs and fees are considered, you’re left with a substantial portion of revenue as profit. Strive to make informed decisions about product sourcing and pricing to increase your chances of success when you sell on Amazon.

The last thing I’ll mention before I close out is to take a look at the “Customers Also Bought” and “Frequently Bought Together” sections on Amazon to unveil product bundling opportunities and showcase items that customers often purchase together. Recognizing these combinations not only increases the average order value but also gifts the customers a convenient shopping experience. Not to mention, the insights gathered from these sections enable cross-selling of complementary products, fostering additional sales and revenue growth.

Additionally, these sections act as windows into market trends and consumer preferences. Patterns emerge, such as customers frequently buying specific accessories with a product, which signals a demand for those items. By paying attention to these trends, sellers can select products that align with current market dynamics and give them a competitive edge. They are also a great place to go if you are looking to expand your product line.

In conclusion, understanding the essence of Amazon product research is pivotal for any aspiring or experienced seller looking to embark on a successful journey within the world’s largest e-commerce platform. It involves a meticulous and comprehensive data-driven exploration into various aspects of potential products, ranging from their best seller rank and competition posed by other sellers to considerations like brand restrictions and product weight. This intricate product research process is the foundation upon which profitable Amazon businesses are built. It equips sellers with the insights necessary to not only identify products with the potential to yield substantial profits but also to navigate the complexities of Amazon’s marketplace. By delving into this research diligently, you can begin selling with confidence, knowing that your choices are informed by data and strategic planning, ensuring a competitive edge that will help you bring your e-commerce business vision to fruition.

Happy scaling!

With an affinity for people, Shivali is passionate about industries centered around delivering authentic, helpful tools others can use to grow and succeed. She has offered strategic guidance to tens of thousands of sellers at all levels and is currently a Brand Evangelist at Helium 10 and the founder of LIVIVACE, a mind & body wellness company.

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how to do product research in amazon

Product Research Guide: How to Find Profitable Products on Amazon in 2024

Brian Connolly

Brian Connolly

December 16, 2023

Amazon Seller , Keyword Research , Product Research , Product Selection , Product Updates , Seller Strategies , Uncategorized

how to do product research in amazon

With more consumers shopping online than ever before, now is the perfect time to get into ecommerce. Between Amazon , eBay , Shopify , Walmart , and Etsy , there isn’t a shortage of platforms to sell on, and product opportunities abound. But what are you supposed to sell?

To set yourself up for success, you must invest time in the product research process, so you know what customers are looking for and buying at this time. 

Product research is the first step all sellers should take because if you jump right in without any knowledge of the market or demand, you may be destined to fail. Luckily, you are here so you won’t be one of those people!

If you want to learn how to research and validate product ideas to sell online, then keep on reading, and learn, step-by-step, how to find profitable products for your business.

In This Guide:

What is product research?

How to do product research, evaluating your product ideas.

  • Profitability
  • Marketability

Pproduct research is the process of researching different products or niches and using various data points to determine if the product will be successful or not. If you choose a product just because it’s something you enjoy, you’ll miss the benefits of a good strategy, and that uninformed decision might cost you and your business.

When it comes to ecommerce and selling products online, you need more than just a “gut feeling” that something will sell well. Your unique candle idea may seem like a no-brainer, but is that what customers actually want? Even if they do, if there is low demand or the market is already saturated, your product may not perform well, and you could lose your investment. 

To prevent your product from taking a nosedive, you need to determine demand, analyze the competition, create a unique, high-quality product, and most importantly, produce the product at a profitable price.

Now that you know what product research is and why it is important, let’s go over how to find profitable products to sell online. Before you start researching products, dedicate some time to determine what product criteria to use for your business. Following certain criteria will help you make sound decisions and narrow down your product search. 

Criteria for product research

1. Selling price

How much do you want to sell your product for? Too low of a selling price and you may not have enough margin for profit after your costs. Too high of a selling price means potentially higher manufacturing costs, which require bigger budgets to support your product.

Typically, Jungle Scout recommends a price point of around $20-$50. This leaves room for profitability after selling and advertising fees, keeps manufacturing costs low, and places you in the “impulse purchase” range. This puts your product in an optimal position when starting out — customers are not always willing to purchase higher-priced products from unknown brands.

Do keep in mind that the market in this price range may be more saturated because products are inexpensive to source, and competition is high.

2. Product size and weight

If you’re a new or inexperienced seller, we advise you to start out selling products that are small and lightweight. This will help keep shipping costs down and make inventory storage simpler to manage. 

For example, it would be much easier (and cheaper) to source a small product such as a necklace, versus a couch. Couches may be in high demand, but can you handle the logistics of selling large-scale furniture? 

I know this is an extreme example but think about the differences in storage space and shipping costs between these two items. If you have the knowledge and capabilities to sell bigger and heavier products, however, then go for it!

3. Product simplicity

Does the item you want to sell have many moving parts or components that could potentially break? If you choose to sell in the electronics category, for example, be sure that your supplier can produce high-quality products with minimal issues. 

If you sell customers a faulty product, you’ll experience several challenges, such as poor reviews, high return rates, and declining sales. If you are a newer ecommerce seller , try to stick to simple, low-maintenance products that are less likely to have potential downsides.

Let’s take another example:  Bluetooth headphones. They’re a popular product, but there could be many problems that come with them, especially if they’re produced at a cheaper price. Check out these reviews to see what I mean:

how to do product research in amazon

To find common negative themes about another brand’s  product, check out Jungle Scout’s new Review Analysis tool with AI Assist . 

Review Analysis will provide you with a comprehensive analysis of product reviews and ratings for any ASIN that includes common positive and negative comments, suggestions for improving the product, and a competitive comparison with tips for competing against the product.

If you decide to sell a similar product, figure out what customers dislike about your competitors products so you can be sure your product doesn’t face the same issues.

how to do product research in amazon

4. Perishable or consumable products

Are you considering a product that falls in the grocery or health categories? These can be profitable because you can grow a repeat customer base as buyers are likely to reorder household staples, but there are some things to be aware of. 

These types of products typically have expiration dates, so keep that in mind when deciding how much inventory you should order. If you overestimate the demand, you may be stuck with expired inventory. 

When it comes to food or supplements, be sure to follow relevant local and federal regulations regarding the product you choose to sell. Research and understand this information before you decide you’re going to sell in one of these categories. 

On top of that, online marketplaces such as Amazon or Walmart may have their own rules and regulations on perishable and consumable products. 

Using the criteria above will help you narrow down your product search versus searching through a broad range of products. Of course, there may be some other criteria that you’d like to consider as your research leads you to specific items, but this is a good place to start if you don’t have a niche or market in mind.

6 ways to discover good product ideas

After you figure out some general criteria to evaluate potential products, how do you come up with solid ideas? Let’s go over some steps you can take to find a good product to sell online. 

1. Start with your hobbies or interests

This is a good place to start because it would be much more enjoyable to sell a product that you’re interested in. Now, as we said earlier, just because you like a particular product doesn’t mean others will. You will still need to evaluate your ideas, but do list down some products that would be of interest to you to start. If there’s potential to sell something you can easily get behind, then why not?

For example, if you like to play pickleball, you could consider selling a pickleball set that includes a paddle, balls, and a net. 

how to do product research in amazon

When jotting down ideas, think about how you’d like your product to be better than what’s currently available in the market. You love to play pickleball, but have yet to find the “perfect paddle.” How can you outdo paddles in the market so that they can solve customer problems and needs?

2. Figure out what is currently trending

Capitalizing on growing trends is a smart way to make money selling products online — especially if you catch one at its onset. But how do you even find out what is trending? 

If you’re active on social media, especially on apps like TikTok , you can get a good idea of what products people are talking about. What categories do people love? What new items are consumers raving about? This is a helpful way to harvest ideas but be wary of “fads” instead of trends. We’ll go over this more later when we discuss evaluating product ideas.

Another way to view current trends is to visit “ Google Trends .” The free tool will show you the popularity of any topic over some time so you can find out if something is currently trending or declining in popularity. 

After searching for “halloween costumes” for example, here are the results.

how to do product research in amazon

The term “halloween costumes,” was peaking in September 2023 as Halloween approached. 

You can also use Google Trends to find out what people are searching for the most in a particular country. This could give you more viable ideas for products.

3. Search on Amazon

An excellent way to generate good product ideas is to go right to the source: where people are buying them! Amazon features a few different “best sellers” lists you can dig through to find ideas. Here’s how to conduct that search:

First, go to Amazon’s Best Seller page. You can find that in the main menu on the Amazon homepage. 

how to do product research in amazon

On this page, you will find the best-selling products for each main category on Amazon. While these products listed are selling very well, it is unlikely that new sellers will be able to compete with them as they have thousands of reviews and an established market share. 

how to do product research in amazon

Instead, you’ll want to look at Amazon’s other lists such as New Releases, Movers & Shakers, Most Wished For, and Gift Ideas. The products listed here will be popular and sales but will be easier to compete with over the top 100 best sellers.

Now, dig through each of these lists to discover new products you may have never thought of selling! 

how to do product research in amazon

These lists feature products that are rising in popularity and what customers are buying right now. This valuable information is updated every hour. Again, what you will first see are “main categories.” To find low-competition products, we recommend going deeper into subcategories. 

Let’s go over an example. In the “New Releases” list, I’ll click on “Sports & Outdoors” and see what subcategories I can search through. 

how to do product research in amazon

The main category “Sports & Outdoors” is way too broad and it’ll be difficult for me to find a product I can profitably compete with. I’ll keep clicking through each subcategory until I find something interesting. 

In this example, I started with Sports & Outdoors > Sports & Fitness > Boating & Sailing > Boating. 

Under the “Boating” subcategory, there are tons of product types I can look through. 

how to do product research in amazon

The more “niche” you get with your product research, the better. This way, you can find products that not everyone may have thought of but will still have lots of potential customers. 

4. Attend wholesale trade shows

Trade shows are a fantastic way to meet suppliers and manufacturers in person. They’re also where you can actually touch and experience different types of products first hand, and discover new innovations in the market.

Meeting suppliers in-person versus contacting them online through sites such as Alibaba gives you a huge advantage over the competition. You can build real-life relationships and usually get the best pricing when negotiating in person. 

Trade shows are also great for retailers versus someone trying to create a private label product. Retailers buy other brands at wholesale prices and then resell them for a profit either in a brick & mortar store, ecommerce website, or online marketplace such as Amazon. 

In the Amazon selling world, we call that the wholesale business model . Trade shows are helpful for sellers who don’t want to start their own brand but want to resell other successful products and brands in their store. 

There are trade shows for all types of products and industries. A popular one in NYC is the Toy Fair show. You can discover thousands of popular toy brands as well as private label opportunities. 

A very popular wholesale trade show for brand owners or private label sellers is the ASD Market Week show, held twice a year in Las Vegas. 

5. Search on Alibaba

Many brands and sellers use Alibaba , a B2B marketplace, to find unique products they can private label and sell under their own brand. Alibaba works in a similar fashion to Amazon. Search for any type of product you’re interested in, and you will see many results pop up. 

You can find practically any product you can think of on Alibaba. They also feature top-ranking products and new arrivals to give you some unique ideas. 

how to do product research in amazon

Take your time and explore the categories and subcategories just like you would when doing product research on Amazon.

You can also search through Aliexpress , which is related to Alibaba but meant more for consumers versus bulk business buyers. You can purchase as little as one unit of a product or multiple units if you want to test out some samples. 

how to do product research in amazon

6. Use product research software

If you want to make the product research process seamless, you can use an advanced product research tool to help you find products matching your exact criteria. 

Jungle Scout offers a few different product research tools in our all-in-one platform to find high-demand, low-competition products. 

We have a searchable catalog called Product Database that allows you to choose categories and set specific filters so you can find products that are selling well. Product Database will only pull up products that meet the criteria you set so you can quickly filter through the results. 

how to do product research in amazon

From there, you can track the performance of each product you like using our Product Tracker tool. 

how to do product research in amazon

We also have a tool called Opportunity Finder which you can use to discover new, unique niches and jump in on new emerging trends.

how to do product research in amazon

After you have discovered some products you would be interested in selling, how do you know if they’re good markets to sell in? In this section, we’re going to show you how you can evaluate your product ideas and analyze your potential competitors. 

Here are some key factors you should consider when choosing a product to sell online:

  • Product demand
  • Competition 
  • Seasonality 
  • Profitability 

1. Product Demand

Are customers searching for and purchasing the product you want to sell? You need to make sure that there is enough demand for you to enter the market. 

Check Amazon Best Seller Rank

Even if you’re not going to be selling your product on Amazon, you can still use Amazon’s data to figure out the demand for your product. If a product is selling well on Amazon, it is usually selling well in other marketplaces. 

At Jungle Scout, we say you should aim for at least 10 sales per day or 300 sales per month. If you take a look at the top 10 or so products on an Amazon search results page, you want the total monthly sales of all those top-selling products to be around 3,000. 

This shows us that there is decent demand in the market to make some sales and compete with other brands.

How do you find the Best Sellers Rank and what do the numbers tell you? Great question. Go to a random Amazon product page and scroll down until you find the “product details” section. 

how to do product research in amazon

For this particular example, the BSR (Best Seller Rank) is 106,132 in Sports & Outdoors. If you’re not familiar with selling on Amazon, this number may have little significance, but some key information can be gleaned from it. The higher the BSR, the worse the sales are for that product. This high of a BSR means low sales. 

You can use Jungle Scout’s Free Sales Estimator to get an estimate of how many units this particular brand is selling per month based on that BSR number. 

how to do product research in amazon

As you can see, this product only sells an estimated 60 units per month, which is not ideal for a seller who wants a profitable product.

For this particular product, the total sales of the top 10 products were only around 600 per month total. This tells me that the demand for it is too low or it may be a seasonal product. 

Of course, you can still sell in this market. Just know that your monthly sales volume will be low, and you must order inventory accordingly.

Check Google Trends

Using Google Trends again, you can get an idea of the popularity of a particular product over time by searching for its keywords. For this example, I searched for “boat compass.”

The interest over the past 12 months has been up and down, which tells me it is not a consistently searched-for type of product.

how to do product research in amazon

I wouldn’t feel comfortable in this market as the product I was curious about has not been consistently searched for over the past year.

Check product reviews

Viewing product reviews — more specifically, the dates and the quality of the reviews — can give you a good idea of how often people are purchasing that type of product, and what people like and dislike about the product. By analyzing your competitors’ reviews , you can figure out what you can potentially improve with your product. 

Let’s look at the dates first. Since only a small percentage of buyers actually leave reviews, reviews that are dated close to each other indicate that there is decent demand for it. 

If you are on Amazon, you can choose to view the most recent reviews.

how to do product research in amazon

Now, let’s figure out how to analyze competitors’ reviews . Analyzing your competitors’ reviews  allows you to find common positive and negative themes, so you can figure out what customers love about that specific product and what they dislike about the product. 

The problem is, analyzing reviews manually  takes a ton of time and effort. Again, with Jungle Scout Review Analysis with AI Assist tool , you get a comprehensive analysis of product reviews and ratings for any ASIN that includes common positive and negative comments, suggestions for improvement, a competitive comparison with tips for competing against the product.

how to do product research in amazon


Google Keyword Planner

Another free Google tool you can use to see how many people are searching for keywords related to your product is Google Keyword Planner . Simply enter a few keywords related to your product idea and see what the tool comes up with. 

Keyword Planner will show you estimated monthly search volume, competition, and more. 

how to do product research in amazon

For the term “ear wax candle” there are roughly 10K – 100K searchers per month. This is a wide range, but it tells me that many people are searching for this term.

2. Competition  

There may be demand for your product but you also need to consider how competitive the market is. If you have lots of competitors, it will be difficult to make your product or ecommerce store stand out. 

Use this tool to see how competitive a particular keyword is for Google Ads. Google Keyword Planner will indicate the level of competition you’re up against, along with the estimated keyword bid. 

This information is useful if you plan on building your own ecommerce site with a platform such as Shopify . 

how to do product research in amazon

Search on Amazon and

Take a look at the competition on Amazon or Walmart. How many reviews do they have? Are there many brands with the same product? How can you differentiate yourself from them? What are customers saying about the products? Is there room for improvement? Do you spot opportunities worth taking?

Those are a few questions you should ask yourself when doing a competitive analysis . 

If you see products that have thousands of reviews each, theirs may not be the best market to try and compete in, unless you have extensive ecommerce experience. 

Products with a modest review count — 500 or less — will be an easier market to compete in. If there are one or two products that seem to have way more reviews than the others, this could mean that they have most of the market share in that particular marketplace.

how to do product research in amazon

3. Seasonality

Selling a product that is evergreen is ideal — because it is in demand all year round. And yes, selling a seasonal product can also be quite profitable. You just need to be wary of how much inventory you should order for the season, and when to do it on time. 

Google Trends

To determine seasonality, you can use Google Trends again to see what times of the year people are searching for a particular product or keyword. 

If the data shows that consumers are searching for this product steadily throughout the year, it should consistently sell through all four seasons. If you see a big spike during a particular time period and a flat line for the rest of the year, this shows seasonality or indicates that it was a fad that came and went. 

Here’s an easy example: if you search for “Halloween costumes,” you can see that it spikes in September/October and quickly declines afterward. 

how to do product research in amazon

Opportunity Finder

If you subscribe to Jungle Scout , you have access to our Opportunity Finder tool, which will show historical search volume as well as a graph displaying the seasonality of a particular product. 

The data you see in Jungle Scout is from Amazon sales, but it typically represents the seasonality and demand across all ecommerce marketplaces or platforms. 

4. Profitability

After evaluating a product’s demand, competition, and seasonality, you need to be sure that the product you want to sell will be profitable. This involves sourcing your product at a reasonable cost and pricing the product properly. 

If you find a product that sells well at $25, but you can only source it for $19, then it won’t be a good opportunity for you — after shipping and potential selling fees, you will lose money on each sale. 

Depending on the platform or marketplace you will be selling on, you need to factor in various fees such as subscription fees, selling fees, advertising fees, storage fees, and shipping fees. 

  • First, figure out the average price your competitors are charging for their products. Then, figure out which platform(s) you want to sell your products on, as each one has different fees for their respective sellers. If you’re going to sell on Amazon, make sure you read about and understand all of Amazon’s fees . 
  • Next, go to a site such as Alibaba, search for your product, and start contacting suppliers for pricing. After getting a price and shipping quote, calculate what your profit will be after all costs involved. 

There is no particular profit margin you should aim for as it is different for every business, but we recommend around at least a 30-40% gross margin. This will leave you with some room for a marketing budget since you will likely need to advertise your products to stand out and attract sales. 

READ MORE | How Much do Amazon Sellers Make?

5. Marketability  

This is just as important as all of the other factors we mentioned. How are you going to market your product compared to your competition? How can you make improvements to the product itself, to your product images, and to your listing copy? 

You should also consider a social media strategy for your product and determine if it can help grow your business. Search various social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok to see what other brands in your niche are doing to market their products. 

You can have the best product in your category, but if you do not market it well , then how will customers know about your product?

Find your winning product idea

We hope this guide helps you understand the importance of proper product research for your online business. Use the tips and strategies laid out above to be on your way to launching a successful product.

After you find a great product to sell, which platforms do you plan to sell it on? See the links below for in-depth how-to-sell guides for Amazon, Shopify, eBay, Walmart, and even Facebook. We show you how to successfully sell on each one of those marketplaces, step by step.

  • How to Sell on Amazon FBA for Beginners
  • How to Sell Products on Shopify: a Step-by-Step Guide
  • How to Sell on Walmart Marketplace
  • How to Sell on eBay — Step-by-Step Beginner’s Guide
  • How to Sell on Facebook Marketplace

Did this guide help you find your winning product idea? Do you have another method in mind that we didn’t mention? Let us know in the comments!

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Brian Connolly

Brian is a writer and entrepreneur with over 6 years of experience in e-commerce and selling on Amazon.

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How to do product research on amazon.

  • November 27, 2023

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As an eCommerce company, you not only have an easier chance of attracting customers, but you also face a lot of competition. That means brands must use the right data in their selling strategy. 

For most eCommerce companies, the first step in any strategy is to conduct the right product research to know what will profit. After all, 81% of shoppers conduct online research before purchasing a product. 

If your customers are conducting product research, you must know what they’re looking for and the demands in your market and niche. This is especially important if you sell on Amazon, where you’ll need to stand out from the rest of the brands in your industry.

How do you conduct product research? We’ll show you how, and share some helpful tips to kickstart your strategy.

What Is Product Research?

Product research is the process of analyzing products and niches to understand what sells. There are different ways you can go about this process. 

For example, some brands may pay attention to trending items on Amazon, while others will view past metrics to know which products sell and which don’t.

Why Is Product Research Important?

Product research is essential to ensure you will profit on Amazon. This is true for eCommerce businesses of all sizes. 

As a startup, choosing the right inventory will help you attract a customer base, and if you’re releasing a new product, the initial research process will ensure you release an item that will sell.

While product research is vital, some sellers may struggle to create the right process. It can be difficult to know which qualities will make a product profit or know where to look for product ideas. Fortunately, Amazon product research is simple if you know the right steps.

There are several steps to conduct product research on Amazon. Following these steps will help you succeed on Amazon and dominate the competition.

1. Know the Demands in Your Marketplace

The first step is to know your audience, but more specifically, know your marketplace. Every region has different wants and needs, and tapping into this will help you find the best products in your industry.

Fortunately, it’s easy to conduct regional product research. Start by following Amazon trends . Go to the Best Sellers category in a specific country. You can filter this list by product category to ensure you only see results in your region.

Google Trends is also a useful source. This is a free resource that shows the most popular searches in specific countries. While Google Trends is broad, you can still use this data for your product management.

2. Find Profitable Product Categories

While we suggested you filter Amazon’s Best Sellers by product category, there’s a chance that you don’t have a niche yet or you sell diverse products. In that case, you’ll want to find the most profitable product categories.

There are numerous ways to do this, but keyword research is one of the most pivotal. You can use various free keyword tools, such as Wordstream , to see the traffic and competition for numerous eCommerce search terms. 

Google Trends can also help with this step. For example, if the NBA is trending, eCommerce brands will know that basketball products are selling well.

Related content: Amazon Restricted Categories

3. search for products.

Once you know some trending products, it’s time to go on Amazon and find ones similar to your ideas. However, you don’t want to base your idea on the first product you find or even the ones you like. 

Look at data on Amazon, such as reviews, questions, features, materials, and sizes, to gauge which qualities are key selling points for customers.

Related content: Amazon Restricted Products

4. know the best pricing.

In your product research, you’ll also want to pay attention to budget. While you should consider factors such as the amount you’ll be investing, you shouldn’t forget to consider your customer’s budget. Compare your prices to your competitors and price similarly to them, if you can.

5. Monitor Reports

After you sell your products, your product research doesn’t end. You should continue monitoring your Amazon reports to determine which products sell and why. Your reports will also display other key insights, such as traffic to your listings and conversions. 

If you invest in advertising, you should also pay attention to your traffic from the ads and your keyword performance.

If you discover some products are performing well, there could be multiple reasons. Maybe you’re selling products in an unpopular category, or your prices are too high for your marketplace or niche.

Don’t forget to also monitor fulfillment reports to ensure that you’re making your return on your items.

Amazon Product Research Tips

While following this process will ensure your store will profit, there are additional tips that can help you succeed. Here are a few tips we recommend you implement in your strategy.

Analyze the Competition

Before conducting product research, identify your competitors and consider their strategies. See what products they’re selling and if you can offer comparable ones. 

Check the product listings to see which features they’re highlighting, how they write their copy, which types of media they use, and how they respond to customer questions and reviews.

It’s also a good idea to see if they’re investing in any Amazon ads . Go on their website and social media channels to see what type of organic marketing they’re also doing.

“Customers Also Bought” Section

Another way to conduct product research is by looking at different sections on Amazon, such as “Customer Also Bought” and “Frequently Purchased Together.” This is especially helpful if you’re looking for product bundling opportunities. 

But even if you don’t plan on bundling products, all stores should use these sections for product inspiration. This way, you can offer all the products that your customers demand and increase cross-selling to boost sales.

There are other reasons to look at these sections. First, you’ll better understand consumer buying preferences. 

For example, let’s say you’re selling skincare products. On the “Frequently Bought Together” section, you may notice consumers purchase a toner, serum, and eye cream in one purchase. You can make these items available in your inventory, allow Amazon to bundle them together, or sell them in a kit.

You’ll also learn about market trends. Using that skincare example again, you’ll know which products and ingredients are most in demand. This way, you always have a competitive edge.

Know What Profits

Certain products have qualities that make them more likely to sell. First, understand if it has mass appeal. This means the item will gain interest from various consumers, regardless of location and demographics. 

Next, ask yourself if the item solves a problem. For example, if gym enthusiasts struggle to find fitness pants that stay up while squatting, then promote the item as “squat-proof.” 

You should also consider the features. Using the fitness pants as an example, highlight features such as “sweat-wicking technology” that will make consumers more inclined to add the pants to their carts.

Related content: Copywriting for Amazon

Take advantage of product research tools for amazon.

Amazon offers numerous tools to help you find profitable products. Countless tools can unveil trending products, seasonal bestsellers, best niche options, highlight advertising opportunities, and more. 

The Amazon Insights Program is a popular example; you can collect customer feedback surveys to discover your consumers’ wants and needs.

Work With the Right Wholesalers

If your products are low-quality, all your efforts will be wasted. That’s why it’s integral to source the best products . 

Fortunately, there are many high-quality wholesales and distributors on Amazon, and lots of them offer specific services such as white labels and customizations to make your items truly your own. 

You can also find wholesalers that specifically work with FBA sellers.

Do You Need Help With Your Product Research?

If you struggle to increase sales and fight the competition, you may need to conduct product research.

 Product research encompasses specific steps to discover which products have a better chance of selling. This is especially important for new eCommerce companies since you’ll have profitable inventory when you first set up shop.

In addition to leveraging product research, brands should seek professional help to grow their business. This is what AMZ Advisers can do for you. We’re a team of eCommerce experts who can create a growth strategy tailored to your unique business.

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Stephanie Jensen

Stephanie Jensen has been writing eCommerce content for seven years, and her copy has helped numerous stores rank on Amazon. Follow her on LinkedIn for more insight into freelance writing and creating high-quality content.

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How to Research Products to Sell on Amazon - 7 Effective Steps

Aloha, Amazon Seller!

A complete guide from SageSeller on how you can effectively perform Amazon FBA product research. Read our article and start analyzing your business with us.

Selling online is becoming one of the most popular activities for creative people who have a lot of business ideas. Some of them think of online sales as a fast way of making easy money. Nowadays, that is not exactly true. If you’ll ask a 7-figure Amazon business owner to describe his path to the top, they will most likely tell you about sleepless nights, hard work, a bit of luck, and a lot of …research.

Today you’d hardly find a merchant who has successfully ‘jumped’ on Amazon and made millions of bucks upfront. Before you start selling, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the rules of the game on the sales platform. This is especially true when it comes to since it’s a marketplace with a lot of competition and strict TOS.

A key point of success in any merchant’s sales journey is the product they sell. Finding inventory to sell online is done with the help of product research e-commerce. Product research includes all the way from performing market analysis, determining supply and demand for a product, and setting your strategic management goal, to making research on how your product’s packaging design will affect customer sales volumes.

To put it simply, if you want to make money from Amazon online retail faster than you are losing it, you’ll need to select a product that people will buy, and this can be done only if you apply Amazon product research.

In this blog, we will describe how to do product research for Amazon, the main criteria of how to do product research, and how to research products to sell on Amazon step-by-step.

What Is Amazon Product Research?

Amazon FBA product research is the way to select a product to sell on the marketplace, validate a product idea, and verify if it'll turn out to be successful or not. It's the initial part of the product development process that gives you the possibility to understand if your product idea will generate sales.

In other words, you’ll need to roam a market, analyze it, and find an item that will be in high demand and will convert to sales and profit. Thus, your target is to search for a product that you can find for a low price and sell with a good profit margin, still being competitive.

To put it very short, your product idea should be profitable, have a medium level of competition in its category, have enough demand, and have competition deficiencies.

Amazon Movers&Shakers - products that stand out

Why Is It Important to Make Product Research?

Amazon is a very crowded place with very high competition. Choosing a product just because ‘your guts tell you’, that it will succeed is like fortune-telling on coffee grounds – most likely will not work out.

If you don’t find a product that stands out, don’t create an optimized listing your potential customers will find, and won’t promote your product, you’ll simply waste your time and money – your product is not going to sell. Considering that Amazon charges you a lot of different fees, ranging from account fees to the fees for storing inventory in their warehouse, especially if you’ll use an FBA fulfillment method, you can easily lose money instead of earning.

In order to avoid that, you’ll need to check whether shoppers are going to buy your product or not.

FBA product research helps you:

  • Verify if your product will sell;
  • Identify similar products;
  • Outline the best ways to develop, manufacture (if applied), and sell an item;
  • Ensure there's a demand for your product;
  • Assess how much customers are going to pay;
  • Avoid costly mistakes;
  • Identify potential problems with the product;
  • Determine your competitors’ tricks and mistakes.

Some merchants consider product research Amazon a difficult task, but it actually isn’t if you know the criteria to focus on and the way how you should proceed.

How to Do Product Research for Amazon?

Basically, there are two ways to do FBA product research and find a product – you can do it manually or use automated product research tools for Amazon. Since both methods have advantages and disadvantages, you can apply both of them.

What Is a Good Product on Amazon?

When making research, it’s a good idea to implement general criteria to select a product. When you start looking for a product, they’ll help you filter out what’s worth considering and what’s not. A product you select to sell shouldn’t cost too much and should potentially generate sufficient conversions. These parameters can be estimated based on researching similar products’ figures in your category.

A good Amazon product should:

  • Have good demand;
  • Have a sufficient profit margin;
  • Have a moderate competition;
  • Be a useful item;
  • Have a price under $20;
  • Be an item difficult to find elsewhere;
  • Be a life improvement or a lifestyle product;
  • Belong to a popular market niche.

A good Amazon product shouldn’t:

  • Have extremely high competition;
  • Be a bulk, easy to break, difficult to assemble, or very heavy item;
  • Be a highly seasonal item;
  • Be a licensed, or restricted item;
  • Be a product you can’t promote on social media.

What Products Are Not Allowed to Sell on Amazon?

When going your product research, don’t forget that there are certain items prohibited from sales on Amazon. The list of prohibited products and categories may vary from marketplace to marketplace, therefore it’s a good idea to check what may not be possible to sell or what categories are restricted in your destination country.

Products you should avoid when doing product research:

  • Counterfeit products;
  • Copyright and trademark infringing products;
  • Potentially dangerous products;
  • Safety equipment;
  • Alcohol and tobacco;
  • Drugs, supplements, diet pills;

The full list is much more extensive, you can find it here.

How to Do Product Research Step by Step?

Now when you know what criteria you should apply to select a product, let’s see what a product research process looks like. You’ll need to find your product idea, select a category and niche, recheck its popularity, and validate research results.

7 Steps of the Amazon Product Research Process

Step 1. Identify your product idea.

Step 2. Detail your search, select a subcategory in your category.

Step 3. Make your product niche-specific -select products among the niche best sellers.

Step 4. Recheck the popularity of researched items on Google Trends.

Step 5. Select the products that are high in demand.

Step 6. Check competitor behaviors.

Step 7. Validate research results and start sourcing.

Checking the popularity of search terms on Google Trends

Step 1. Identifying Product Idea

5 recommendations to easily create a selling product:

  • Improve or upgrade a best-seller;
  • Create a color, size, or feature variation of an existing best-seller;
  • Create an accessory for a best-seller;
  • Create a bundle of best-sellers with lower prices;
  • Create an appealing packaging of an existing best-seller.

Where to find product ideas?

You can look for product ideas in the following places:

  • Amazon’s best-seller list;
  • Amazon’s Movers & Shakers;
  • Amazon Basics;
  • Amazon’s section – “Customers Also Bought”;
  • Amazon’s product sub-tiers;
  • Google trends;
  • eBay’s trending list;
  • SaleHoo Market Research Lab;
  • Shopify stores;
  • AliExpress’s best-sellers list.

Step 2. Detail your search, select a subcategory in your category

20 best selling product categories:

  • Arts Crafts & Sewing;
  • Automotive;
  • Beauty & Personal Care;
  • Cell Phone & Accessories;
  • Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry;
  • Computer Accessories;
  • Electronics;
  • Handmade Products;
  • Health & Household;
  • Home& Kitchen;
  • Industrial & Scientific;
  • Kitchen & dining;
  • Musical Instruments;
  • Office Products;
  • Patio, Lawn & Garden;
  • Pet Supplies;
  • Sports & Outdoors;
  • Tools & Home Improvement;
  • Toys & Games.

Find your product subcategory in any of these categories.

Step 3. Identify the best sellers under your niche

Find the items that were sold and a lot of 4- and 5-star reviews.

10 most profitable product niches:

  • Home Decor & Home improvement;
  • Health & Beauty;
  • Pet products;
  • Boho clothing & Accessories;
  • Phone accessories;
  • Women Clothing;
  • Baby Products;
  • Car Accessories.

Step 4. Recheck the popularity of researched items on Google Trends

Google trends is a tool that determins the popularity of a search term on Google. If it ranks as high as 100, it is very popular. The bigger the number, the more trending is the term.

Step 5. Select the products that are high in demand

Look at the sales rate of similar products. They should be able to sell at least 10 units a day or more.

Step 6. Check competitor behaviors

Research what your competition does right and wrong, find out which products sell the most, get good ratings, and have positive customer reviews.

Step 7. Validate research results and start sourcing

Checklist to verify the results of your product research - recommended parameters:

  • Inventory priced within $10 to $50;
  • Inventory generating 10 sales a day and more;
  • Inventory having a BSR of 5,000 in the main category;
  • tem’s 3 highest ranked keywords gain 50,000+ monthly searches;
  • Inventory having 50 and more positive reviews on the first page;
  • The inventory you can sell at least 25% less than the market price;
  • Inventory having low seasonality;
  • Not oversized and heavy products;
  • Not easily broken;
  • Not overly complex to assemble inventory;
  • Inventory that’s not associated with any brand names or trademarks;
  • The inventory you can upgrade or improve;
  • A product that stands out;
  • Inventory with a recurring sales potential;
  • Inventory with no legal issues.

What You Shouldn’t Do When Researching a Product?

  • Selecting a very narrow niche;
  • Setting up the extremely low prices;
  • Selling ‘average' products that do not stand out;
  • Forget to calculate the profit margin;
  • Not improving the product.

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Jennifer Robinson

Jennifer Robinson

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How Do You Do Product Research on Amazon? (4 Best Methods)

How Do You Do Product Research on Amazon? (4 Best Methods)

Good product research is very important if you're starting any ecommerce business.

After all, blindly jumping into any market is a sure way to waste your time and money, especially because ecommerce is not a gamble but a real business.

One way of finding profitable ecommerce products is by doing product research on Amazon.

If you are curious about how to use Amazon for product research, keep reading to learn more!

Top 4 methods to do product research on Amazon

Here are four great ways to do product research on Amazon:

  • Analyze Amazon's movers and shakers list.
  • Check Amazon's best-sellers list.
  • Check the "Frequently bought together" offers.
  • Analyze the "Most Wished For" products.

We know you are eager to learn, so let’s jump straight into it!

1. Analyze Amazon's movers and shakers list

The Amazon movers and shakers list is a great way to identify and find trending products.

This list lets you see which products are quickly moving up the Amazon sales ranks.

Amazon updates the movers and shakers list hourly, making it one of the best trend analysis tools:

Amazon's movers and shakers list hourly update feature

On movers and shakers, you can find products that have seen the highest jump in sales rank over the past 24 hours, regardless of whether they are new or staple products.

For example, as you can see from the screenshot below, at the time of researching and writing this guide, the highest-listed product in the kitchen and dining category, the ‘ electric hand mixer ,’ was previously unranked.

This means it quickly shot up the sales ranks within 24 hours:

An image showing a previously unranked product on Amazon's movers and shakers list

Something worth noting is that the ‘ hot new releases ’ category is somewhat similar to the movers and shakers list.

The main difference is that the ‘hot new releases’ list focuses on new products with the most significant sales increase within the first few weeks of release.

We consider the hot new releases list complementary to the movers and shakers list because newly-released products with an upward sale progression often move from the hot new releases to the movers and shakers list.

For example, should the Mueller coffee maker in the screenshot below continue selling well and being popular weeks after its initial release, it will appear on the movers and shakers list.

Hot new releases on Amazon

Like the movers and shakers list, Amazon regularly updates the ‘hot new releases’ category.

If you would like more information about how to use the movers and shakers list for product research, check out our in-depth Amazon movers and shakers guide !

2. Check Amazon's best-sellers list

The Amazon best sellers list is one of our all-time favorite ways to do product research on Amazon.

You can use it to identify which products are currently the most popular in a specific category.

Like the previous list, Amazon updates the best sellers frequently. This can give you a real-time look at current market trends and what's selling well:

Amazon best sellers rank update schedule

Because the best sellers list shows what people are already buying, it can be an effective product research resource and tool.

As shown in the screenshot below, the best sellers list has many categories, each ranking products in that specific category:

Amazon best sellers categories

If a product you’re considering selling appears on the best sellers lists consistently over time, you can rightfully assume it’s performing well in the market.

For example, while researching and writing this guide, we did some on-the-fly product research into the best sellers in the ‘kitchen & dining’ category.

We noticed that of the top twenty best-selling products in this category, kitchen scales appeared twice, while assorted tumblers and water bottles appeared on the list several times:

Using the best seller list to do product research on Amazon

From this, we can conclude that if you have a store in this niche but are not selling any of these products, they would be worth considering because they are doing well in the market.

Let's look at a more comprehensive example of how to use the Amazon best sellers list to find products on Amazon:

In-depth: Using Amazon's best sellers list to do product research

First, define or think about the product category you want to research, then go to that category’s Amazon bestseller page.

For our example, we will dive into the ‘home and kitchen category’ to find an ecommerce product we can research further.

Alternatively, once you’re on the Amazon best sellers page, you can type in specific product keywords if you have a particular product in mind.

Amazon best sellers in home and kitchen

The idea is to find one or more best-selling product(s) you may want to add to your product catalog because you believe it would do well with your audience .

In this example, we shall focus on the milk frother highlighted below.

Best selling milk frother on Amazon

Tip: While researching and writing this guide, we also noted that of the top twenty best-selling Amazon products in the ‘home and kitchen’ category, two were milk frothers. Given this, if you’re in this niche but aren't selling milk frothers, you may want to research them further and perhaps even add them to your store’s catalog.

Once you find a product you like and think will do well with your audience, click on it and dig into the metrics: ratings, positive or negative reviews, etc.

The product page shows that this product has over ninety thousand reviews, is an Amazon’s Choice product, has multiple color options, and customers love it because it’s easy to clean and use:

An example showing how to do product research Amazon using the best sellers list

The next step is to look into the product’s sale patterns over time, whether the product is seasonal, new, trending, or evergreen.

With our milk frother example, the product information section tells us that this product has a Best Sellers Rank (BSR) of #5 in its category, which is great. It has been on the market since August 2021, is from China, and its special feature is a durable stand.

Amazon product information page for a best selling milk frother

When you land on your selected product page, look for trends in the data. For example, analyze the good and bad reviews: bad reviews give you invaluable data on market gaps you can potentially fill with a product.

In our milk frother example, one of the top reviews suggests using rechargeable batteries because the product does not come with included batteries.

Top Amazon product reviews for Zulay milk frother

You can use this information to sell a look-alike product bundled with rechargeable batteries or partner with private label suppliers who sell an improved version of the frother–perhaps one with an in-built rechargeable battery.

With this information, we can conduct further product research.

For example, we can head into Sell the Trend and type in the keywords ‘rechargeable milk frother’ to see if we can explore this product idea further.

Product research example using the Amazon best seller list and Sell the Trend

Related article: Sell the Trend Review: Best Dropshipping Tool in 2024?

The essence of this example is to show you that the product research you can conduct with the Amazon best sellers list can be instrumentally informative, especially if you’re always looking for great-selling products to add to your catalog.

Let's now move on to the third way you can use to do product research on Amazon:

3. Check the "Frequently bought together" offers

The ‘frequently bought together’ feature is an Amazon upsell tactic that suggests other products Amazon believes will complement the product in question based on previous purchasing habits from Amazon customers.

This feature is a great way to do product research on Amazon and find complementary products that customers often purchase together.

Here is an example of this feature:

An Amazon product page highlighting the frequently bought together feature

Note: Sometimes, you may see 'buy it with' instead of frequently bought together.

The ‘frequently bought together’ list can help you identify a profitable gap in the market, such as potential product bundles or upselling opportunities.

For example, let’s assume you’re an ecommerce store owner in the toy gun niche and selling gel blaster guns.

In this case, you can check the ‘frequently bought together’ section of a best-selling gel blaster gun to see what people commonly purchase with that product.

For example, we checked out a best-selling gel blaster in Amazon’s ‘ toy foam blasters & guns category .’

As shown in the screenshot below, gel blaster ammo and tubs are some of the ‘frequently bought together’ items.

If you are in this industry, such information can help you decide which accessories to stock, pair, bundle, or promote in your store:

Finding products on Amazon using the frequently bought together list

4. Analyze the "Most Wished For” products

Amazon most wished for page

Amazon updates the ‘ most wished for ' list daily by examining the number of times customers have added a product to a wish list and then creating a list ranking these products.

The more products appear on a wish list, the more popular they are.

You can use this list to identify potentially profitable products to sell.

For example, when writing this, the ‘most wished for’ product in the ‘kitchen & dining category’ is the simple modern tumbler with a lid and straw shown below.

The most wished for tumbler on Amazon

Using this method in conjunction with the other ways to do product research on Amazon, you can do a comprehensive product and market analysis to see whether this or a similar product would work for your audience.

Additionally, you can use this list to find products you can offer and how you can present your product in a way that bests the competition.

There you have it: four great ways to do product research on Amazon!

Pro tip: When using any of these methods to do product research on Amazon, always consider your competition , market saturation, product demand, pricing, and other factors that determine a product’s overall profitability.

As you use these methods to find products on Amazon, keep the following costly mistakes in mind.

3 Costly mistakes to avoid during product research on Amazon

Here are the most common mistakes you can make when using Amazon to find ecommerce products:

1. Failing to conduct ongoing Amazon product research

A person tracking his profits

One of the worst mistakes you can make when using Amazon to find products is failing to conduct ongoing product research.

Here is why:

As you may have noted, Amazon updates most of the lists we have discussed frequently, some even hourly and daily. Thus, products are constantly shifting around the various ranks and lists.

When you fail to conduct ongoing or regular Amazon product research, it can be challenging to see trends or learn invaluable insight that can inform which product ideas are worth pursuing and which are not.

2. Niching down too much

Two people searching on Google

As we have covered before, there are benefits to starting a niche store or even starting over in a new niche .

However, niching down too much is a costly mistake you should avoid because it can limit your product choices and even cause you to miss out on viable product trends.

Niching down too much can also limit your product research process because it shortens the list of products you can research based on what you know about your customers or industry.

One of the most effective ways to avoid niching down too much is to create a brand identity that resonates with the broader niche, then retarget a smaller niche segment with spot-on brand messaging that resonates with smaller pockets of your target audience .

3. Not reading product reviews

Older man behind a laptop

Amazon product reviews are a product research gold mine you should take advantage of whenever possible.

Unfortunately, failing to read reviews is another common mistake people make when using Amazon to find products for ecommerce.

Amazon product reviews can give you a deeper understanding of your target audience and their needs.

They help to understand which criteria you should keep in mind when deciding which products are worth it, more so when doing product analysis to determine the best price, seasonality, whether a product is in high demand, etc.

5 Product criteria to remember when using Amazon to find products

Ideally, go for products that have the following features:

1. A good value proposition

When doing product research on Amazon, lean more toward products with a promising value proposition, i.e., products that solve a problem.

A good and profitable product should meet and solve a market need.

2. Price range

A good product should be inexpensive while leaving room for a good profit margin .

Profit calculator infographic

Your audience should feel like your products are great value for their money. A great way of verifying this is by checking Amazon product ratings and reviews.

3. Cost-effective product and shipping costs

When using Amazon to find products for ecommerce, always consider the logistics.

Consider the milk frother example we used earlier, which has an average shipping cost of five dollars on Amazon.

Generally, smaller products are cost-friendlier to ship than larger, bulkier ones.

Amazon check out page for Zulay milk frother

4. Product seasonality

Whereas seasonal products are an excellent way to boost sales, great products are evergreen: they sell throughout the year.

As a store owner, it is common to have 20% of your products that bring in 80% of your recurring income, also known as the Pareto principle.

Keeping product seasonality in mind as you do product research on Amazon will ensure you can strike a balance between having staple products and capitalizing on emerging product trends.

5. Sales data

Sales data analysis involves looking at various Amazon sales data metrics like BSR, number of units sold, revenue generated, and conversion rate.

You can use tools on the Amazon Seller Central dashboard to dig into this data.

A good product should have positive and high sales data. That’s why when doing product research, we should look at the best-selling items, the hot new items, and the movers and shakers list. This way, we are sure there is demand for a specific product.

A summary of how to do product research on Amazon

Before we go to the conclusion, here are a few key things to remember about doing product research on Amazon:

First, there are many ways to do product research on Amazon.

This guide has focused on only four, namely:

  • Analyzing Amazon's movers and shakers list.
  • Checking Amazon's best-sellers list.
  • Checking the "Frequently bought together" offers.
  • Analyzing the "Most Wished For" products.

When doing product research on Amazon, avoid the following costly mistakes:

  • Failing to conduct ongoing Amazon product research.
  • Niching down too much.
  • Not reading product reviews.

Thirdly, remember the following product research criteria when using Amazon to find ecommerce products:

  • A good value proposition.
  • Price range.
  • Cost-effective product and shipping costs
  • Product seasonality.
  • Sales data.

If you keep these main points in mind, you should be able to use Amazon to find products for ecommerce.

Based on everything we have discussed in this guide, you now know four great ways to do product research on Amazon, the mistakes you should avoid when engaging in this process, and the criteria you should look at to narrow down to particular products.

Over to you now.

Which of the top four ways we discussed will you now use to find products?

We recommend experimenting with all four to determine which one or two will work best for your needs.

Remember to share your Amazon product research results, questions, or comments in the comments section. We respond to all comments.

Until the next one, have a rocking day, and never stop learning, experimenting, and growing.

Want to learn more about product research?

If you would like to learn more about product research, check out our other product research articles below:

  • The 9 Best Product Research Chrome Extensions in 2024
  • How Do You Do Product Research on Instagram? (8 Great Tips)
  • How Do You Do Product Research on TikTok? (7 Great Methods)

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how to do product research in amazon

How to Do Product Research: Top 10 Strategies for 2024

Picture of Moritz Bauer

  • May 30, 2024
  • Last Updated on May 30, 2024

how to do product research in amazon

Do you want to sell on Amazon or start another e-commerce business but have no idea what to sell?

Amazon allows you to build a sustainable online business and reap the rewards for years to come.

According to 2024 Jungle Scout statistics , 57% of Amazon sellers see profit margins higher than 10%. 28% see profit margins over 20%. Only 13% of sellers say their stores are not yet profitable.

So how do you become a successful Amazon seller ? It all starts with the right product. And finding the right product starts with product research .

Over 2 million active sellers are on Amazon (2024), and countless niches are oversaturated. If you enter a niche with thousands of competitors, you increase your chances of failure.

However, several strategies will help you find products with high demand and low competition . In this post, you’ll learn the best product research tactics for 2024.

Let’s jump right in.

The Basic Product Research Strategy

The ABC Strategy is an effective product research strategy.

Enter one single letter into Amazon’s search bar and see what Amazon suggests to you. For example, type in the letter “C”:

Amazon Product Research

Amazon suggests “can opener”. Type it into the search bar to take a closer look:

Amazon product Research 2

You can see that there are several different types of can openers. You need to analyze all these products with Jungle Scout’s Extension to find out about the product’s selling potential.

Enter more letters to research additional products. For example, here’s what happens when we enter the letter “R”:

Amazon Product Research 3

As you can see, there are lots of results. However, you need to find the winning products out of these. You have to type in every letter from A-Z and then analyze the keyword niches of every product suggestion with Jungle Scout’s Extension.

Here’s are the steps you need to take:

1. Get Jungle Scout’s Extension with a 20% discount .

2. Type in a keyword, e. g. “can opener rust-resistant”.

3. Analyze the keyword niche with Jungle Scout’s Extension .

Product Research with Jungle Scout

Based on the results, I would not recommend this niche. As you can see, Jungle Scout tells you that the competition is very high.

We have a detailed guide explaining how to use Jungle Scout Extension for product research. You should definitely check it out here .

The Advanced Product Research Strategy

If you’re serious about selling on Amazon, you have to do more product research to get new product ideas and find profitable products.

The product research strategy explained in this section works via keyword research. You will need Helium 10 to go through the process. There’s no other Amazon product research tool that has the functionality you need for this strategy.

Here’s how it works:

Use this 20% discount to sign up for the first 6 months. You can also sign up for free , but you’ll then have limited  use. However, if you’re just starting, the free plan is definitely worth it.

After signing up, log in, open Helium 10 Black Box , and select “Keywords”:

Black box Keywords


Keywords Advanced Filters

Now, type in the parameters to find the products you’re looking for. I highly recommend reading this post on what to sell on Amazon to understand what kind of products to search for. Enter parameters that indicate high demand and low competition to determine the best products quickly.

Helium 10 analyzes the entire Amazon marketplace to find products with those parameters.

Go through the results and eliminate keywords that refer to a big brand. When people are searching for Adidas sneakers, they want to buy ADIDAS sneakers. They don’t want to buy YOUR sneakers. Therefore, you should avoid big brand keywords.

Go through the list again and put the potential products you may sell on your watchlist. The first product I saw was this lock picking practice set:

What To Sell On Amazon competing products

There’re only 36 results and the keyword has a  search volume of 621.  Let’s check this keyword with Helium 10 XRay .

As you can see, all products in this niche have a solid revenue and a low review count.

Check With XRAY What To Sell On Amazon

But you shouldn’t stop here. You need to run all products in this niche through Helium 10 Cerebro .

Cerebro is a tool that shows you all the keywords a product is ranking for. This is super useful because you’ll know exactly which keywords generate product sales. Check out these keywords to decide whether you can compete.

What To Sell On Amazon Competing Products 1

The technology provides a TON of useful data including:

  • Search Volume
  • Sponsored ASINs
  • Competing Products
  • CPR 8-Day Giveaways

This niche is not bad, but not great either. There are a few not-so-competitive keywords with decent search volume. But this niche is hard to beat for sellers that are starting out.

The Offline Product Research Strategy

Online product research is not the only way to find successful products. Sometimes, you get the best product ideas by analyzing existing products and thinking of ways to improve them.

To gather new product ideas, it’s essential to explore products in various locations. While online research is valuable, visiting physical locations can provide unique insights. Here are some excellent places to discover new product ideas:

  • Trade Shows: Attend exhibitions to find out about the latest products. These products may be up and coming so they are not yet in a competitive space. However, there could be a lot of demand for them once they enter the market.
  • DIY stores: DIY stores may provide insight on unique products makers are creating that could yield high demand and low competition.
  • Retail stores: Retail stores are an ideal setting to learn about customer behavior and identify high demand products. Visit fashion stores, furniture stores and other retail venues to familiarize yourself with competition and demand across various industries.
  • Galleries: Galleries often feature innovative products that are not mass marketed. You can browse galleries to pick up on ideas for products that may sell. You may even collaborate with artisans to sell their products.
  • Second-hand shops: Second hand shops may carry unique, low-competition items that have passed under the radar. These goods may be in demand on Amazon and other seller markets.
  • Supermarkets: Like retail stores, supermarkets can familiarize you with competition and demand patterns in the food space.

The Normal Product Research Strategy

Instead of setting parameters for keywords and then searching for products related to those keywords, you can also use Helium 10 to search for products directly.

Use this 20% discount to sign up for the first 6 months of Helium 10 or sign up for free . If you sign up for free, you’ll have limited use. However, that may be enough for new sellers.

After you’ve registered, head over to Black Box :

Helium 10 advanced filters

Then, set all parameters to find the products you’re looking for. Read our guide to what to sell on Amazon to understand what parameters you should set.

Focus on high demand, low competition products. Don’t enter a niche where thousands of sellers are selling the same thing.

Sort your results

Next, go through the list and sort out all results that refer to a big brand. Put all potential products on your watchlist.

Check the competition

By now, you should have tons of products on your watchlist. But there are two important factors to consider:

  • How many competitors are there?
  • Which keywords generate sales?

Run your keywords through Helium 10 Cerebro to determine this information.

If there aren’t many ranking products, the product is low competition. Several ranking products means high competition.

You should also use CPR-8-Day Giveaways to determine the competition level. CPR-8-Day Giveaways is a Helium 10 score that shows you how many sales you must make within 8 days to land on the first Amazon SERP for a given keyword.

Here’s a vacuum stealer that I ran through Cerebro:

stealer results

Now, let’s check if these keywords are competitive:

Search Volume 1

The first keywords are highly competitive. But when you go deeper, you can see that there are several keywords with less competition and a decent search volume:

Search 2

The Easy One

Amazon suggests similar products to you based on your behavior (e. g. what you buy or what you type into the search bar):

Easy Product Research Strategy

The easiest product research strategy is to check out these suggestions and click through the product listings.

It’s just that simple.

But don’t forget to check all relevant metrics like monthly revenue, profit margin, and seasonality with product research tools like Jungle Scout or Helium 10 .

If you use this strategy, you will find lots of trash. However, if you do extensive research, you will be able to discover some high-potential products.

A Simple Hack

Jungle Scout’s Extension will help you apply this strategy. You can get it here for $29 .

Then head over to Amazon and search for a product. You can check out the bestseller list or use the ABC strategy, whatever you prefer.

For example, let’s choose this rack set here:

Sweet Home Collection

Then, identify the most important keyword. In this case, it’s rack set .

Rack Set

Put the keyword into the search bar and press “search”.

Rack Set Search

Now, open Jungle Scout’s Chrome Extension and start the Keyword Cloud:

Keyword Cloud

Keyword Cloud shows you all the keywords related to the main keyword.

Choose another keyword that sounds interesting to you:

Rack Set CounterPop

Type this keyword into the search bar again and repeat the whole process until you find a very specific product. Let’s type in “wood”:

Rack Set Wood

Amazon suggests “wooden dish rack and drainboard set “ . There are only 398 search results which is okay:

Results Set Wood

However, Jungle Scout tells me not to go for this product because it’s highly competitive:

Jungle Scout Rack Set

Don’t forget to validate your product idea. You must also analyze sales-relevant data. Use Jungle Scout’s Product Tracker to analyze demand fluctuations. This allows you to find out whether a product sells consistently throughout the year.

Keyword Product Research

This strategy is another effective technique you can utilize to discover potential product opportunities.

First, select a specific product you are interested in. Next, use Helium 10 Cerebro to analyze the product. Cerebro will provide you with a comprehensive list of all the keywords that the product is ranking for on Amazon.

Compile a list of these keywords and input them into Helium 10 Magnet . Magnet will generate an extensive list of related keywords. Now, you can take this list and go though out.

If you see an interesting keyword, you should check it out on Amazon and analyze sales relevant data of the products that are appearing in search results. Maybe you’ll find your next winning Amazon product with this strategy.

This approach is similar to the previous strategy but significantly amplifies your results. By generating a much larger pool of keyword ideas, you can explore many more niches.

Use AliExpress

This strategy is effective for generating new product ideas, but it’s crucial to validate sales relevant data of your product ideas using a reliable product research tool .

When looking for products on AliExpress, you need to find out which products are popular on the platform. For example, you can check out AliExpress’s Best Seller Page. It will highlight the best selling products across its 13 categories.

Check out these products and look for them on Amazon. You can then analyze sales relevant data and find out what’s selling best to determine what you should sell on Amazon .

You can also filter search results by searching for a specific keywords. Thousands of products are likely to pop up, but you can narrow your results by adding the following criteria:

  • Filter according to Orders instead of Best Match
  • Country the product ships from
  • Minimum four star rating
  • Free shipping

AliExpress is also an excellent source of inspiration for product development ideas, offering a diverse range of trending products that can help you identify gaps in the market and discover new opportunities.

Check Out These Sites…

Customer review sites allow customers to purchase Amazon products at deeply discounted prices or completely free in exchange for a review. You can sign up for these sites to receive Amazon products and try them out at home.

Doing so will provide insight into the products’ use, quality, functionality and other factors. In most cases, these are fairly new products. Therefore, it’s a good idea to check out these sites to gain new product ideas.

This article lists 26 Amazon Review Sites and goes into more depth on how they work. If you as us, here are the top three Amazon review sites that we recommend:

  • Rebaid: A platform that allows consumers to receive substantial rebates on a wide range of products. Most discounts are between 90% and 25% back.
  • Snagshout: This platform offers exclusive discounts and promotional deals on various items. There are also discounts of 95% on the platform.
  • Deal Go!Go!Go!: This platform provides daily deals and flash sales on a diverse selection of products. Most products are 50% to 99% off.

Out-of-the-Box Strategy

This strategy is more suited for advanced sellers or sellers who have more budget to launch their business.

Because it involves selling products, that most sellers can’t sell. They are often oversized, have striking colors, or a higher price point than other products.

The main advantage to out-of-the-box products is that there are fewer sellers and less competition. Most new sellers don’t have the budget for out-of-the-box selling, but if you do, it could be a worthwhile investment.

When we analyzed the number of products by price range, we found interesting results:

how to do product research in amazon

The out-of-the-box strategy might be a great opportunity for advanced and high budget sellers.

Here are some things to consider when searching for out-of-the-box products:

  • High priced products: Most Amazon sellers sell cheap. High priced products may mean less competition.
  • Eye-catching shapes/colors: Most sellers and shoppers play it safe when it comes to color and design, but if you choose products with eye-catching aesthetics, you will enter a low competition, high demand space.
  • Over-size products: These products cost much more than standard-size products and the shipping is also  more expensive. Some sellers avoid these products, but if you carry them, you will beat out the competition.

how to do product research in amazon

Out-of-the-box selling is a good strategy, but it should be reserved for sellers with bigger budgets. Remember, you will need money to promote your product. If you can’t promote it, you will not be able to make your first sales.

You will need money to stock your product, ship it, and advertise it. If you don’t have the budget to do so with out-of-the-box items, stick to selling less expensive products.

Here’s a summary of all the product research strategies:

  • Basic Product Research Strategy – Don’t skip out on this strategy
  • Advanced Product Research Strategy – The most advanced strategy
  • Offline Product Research Strategy – You should do this all the time
  • Normal Product Research Strategy – Just the most basic one
  • Easy Strategy – You should do this all the time
  • The Simple Hack – You should try this strategy
  • Keyword Product Research – Search for products using keywords
  • AliExpress – Great source for inspiration
  • Review Sites – Useful if you are looking for ultra new products
  • Out-of-the-Box Strategy – The best strategy for advanced sellers

Picture of Moritz Bauer

Moritz Bauer

Moritz Bauer studied industrial engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Constance. At the age of 16, he build his first online store. Today, he teaches companies how to set up their business online.

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How to do amazon product research: the key to selling success.

How To Do Amazon Product Research: The Key To Selling Success

Looking to maximize your success on Amazon? Discover the secrets to successful selling with this comprehensive guide on how to do Amazon product research . Boost your sales and stand out from the competition

What Is Amazon Product Research?

Want to start selling on Amazon but don’t know where to start? The key to success lies in effective product research.

So, what exactly is Amazon product research? It’s the art of finding those golden nuggets among the millions of products available on Amazon. It’s like being a treasure hunter in the digital age. You want to discover products that not only sell but also bring in the profits. It’s your roadmap to Amazon success.

Effective Amazon product research involves market analysis and selecting lucrative year-round items. Some call ‘winning products’ those that score a home run within weeks after introduction and perform well for years.

What Is Amazon Product Research?

The goal is to identify affordable things that you can sell for at least 3x your cost of goods sold, ideally 5 to 7x. PPC and influencer hiring margins increase with landing cost multiple. You should look for ‘winners’ who can get reviews naturally and have a low return rate.

What Does Product Research Do and Why Is It Important?

Let’s face it, my friend, Amazon is like a massive ocean, and without a compass, you’re bound to get lost. That’s where product research comes in. It helps you understand what products are in demand, who your competitors are, and how you can outshine them. It’s the secret sauce that successful Amazon sellers swear by. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to do Amazon product research and uncover the most profitable products to sell.

Key Elements of a Successful Amazon Product

What makes a successful Amazon product? Simply put:

  • Strong, steady demand . Use Google trends for core and secondary keywords. Avoid fidget spinners and other ‘trendy’ gadgets that may fall next season.
  • Low market rivalry . Avoid products with a lot of competition, especially from China, in the first few pages. Avoid revenue FOMO and choose another lucrative product.
  • Over $25 . Non-FBA purchasers may get free delivery on $25 or more, which may be more appealing than goods + shipping listings. The greater price allows for PPC and influencer spending.
  • A chance to improve . Check what your competitors overlooked. Can you improve quality? Add bonuses? Size and weight change?
  • Few seasonal fluctuations . Products that sell year-round are ideal if FBA is your main source of revenue. Additionally, aggregators want sustainable firms.
  • No trademark/parent/branding issues . Copyright infractions are a fast way to be banned from Amazon. No one else may be selling that goods because they can’t. Avoid Disney, Velcro, and Bluetooth, which are trademarked.

When starting off, tiny, lightweight, and indestructible items are preferable (but not essential). I suggest starting easy and utilizing these goods to transition to more advanced ones if needed.

How to do Product Research For Amazon?

How to do product research on amazon? Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of how you can become a pro at Amazon product research. There are two main ways to go about it:

Do the Research Manually

How to do amazon product research for free? The first method is to seek for products to sell on Amazon by hand. To generate ideas, you will look for items on Amazon and other eCommerce marketplaces and websites.

The Amazon best sellers list is an excellent place to start. Amazon maintains a current list of the top-selling goods in each category, which you may use to quickly identify the most popular things.

Amazon Best Sellers

To begin, go to Amazon’s Best Sellers page. The best-selling goods in each category may be found here. Do not limit your search to the top category. To get unique product ideas, go deep into subcategories.

You may also look at the tabs New Releases, Movers & Shakers, Most Wanted, and Gift Ideas. These items will be in great demand, but will face less competition than the best-selling items.

Assume you click on the “New Releases” tab and choose “Sports & Outdoors.” This is a much too wide subcategory for identifying product ideas. However, you may go deep into subcategories to discover new product ideas.

Use Amazon Product Research Tools

Manual research, on the other hand, is a massive waste of time. The manual method also does not provide you with any information on possible product earnings.

The following method for doing Amazon product research is to utilize tools to assist you expedite the process. You may use an Amazon research tool to check past sales data from current Amazon product listings to get a good indication of how much demand there is for a certain product and how fierce the competition is. We’ll go through how to use this strategy in greater detail later.

When it comes to researching products on Amazon, Helium 10 changes everything. This powerful tool is like having a Swiss Army knife in your pocket, ready to help you find the most profitable things to sell on Amazon.

Helium 10

Here’s how Helium 10 can make your product study much more effective:

  • Keyword Research: Helium 10 has a wide range of tools to help with keyword research. You can find terms that rank well and are important to your niche. These terms are important for boosting your product descriptions and getting more people to see them on Amazon.
  • Competitor analysis is a way to find out what your rivals are doing. Helium 10 lets you spy on your competitors in a legal and honest way. You can keep track of their sales, see how they set their prices, and even find out which keywords bring people to their ads.
  • Helium 10’s product research tools help you locate undiscovered gems in high demand but low competition. Product filters include sales rank, revenue, and more. Like a treasure map to Amazon’s most lucrative goods.
  • Product listing optimization is essential for enticing consumers. Helium 10 optimises product names, descriptions, and bullet points for conversion.
  • Helium 10 makes inventory management easy. Track stock levels and create alerts for low inventory to prevent running out of your best-selling goods.
  • Amazon may owe you for damaged or lost products. Helium 10’s Refund Genie identifies these cases and gets you refunds.
  • Analysis of market trends helps you stay ahead. Helium 10 shows which goods are hot and which aren’t. This knowledge is crucial for decision-making.
  • Profit Calculator: Easy profit and cost calculation. Helium 10’s profit calculator lets you calculate margins and price to optimize profits.
  • Review Monitoring: Product reviews are crucial to a good reputation. Helium 10 manages reviews well.
  • Get Amazon business notifications in real time. Helium 10 informs you of listing hijacking and ranking adjustments.

Sell The Trend

Sell The Trend is an invaluable Amazon product research tool. It’s like having a crystal ball to forecast Amazon bestsellers.

Sell The Trend

Here’s how Sell The Trend can speed up your product research:

  • Product Discovery: Sell Product discovery on Trend helps you locate winning goods. It curates hot and lucrative items using real-time data. Many hours of laborious research are saved.
  • Amazon listings thrive on keywords. Sell The Trend’s keyword research tool finds niche-relevant, high-ranking keywords. This lets Amazon buyers find your items easier.
  • Sell The Trend delivers niche research and product ideas for niche entrants. This lets you investigate growth niches.
  • Sell The Trend’s product tracker lets you track product performance over time. This lets you use data to decide whether to keep selling a product or try something new.

How to research products to sell on amazon? For Amazon product research, Zonguru is your best friend. To locate the most lucrative Amazon items, this powerful tool has several characteristics.


Learn how ZonGuru can improve your product research:

  • ZonGuru’s product database is rich with information. You may sort Amazon’s wide product selection by sales rank, revenue, and more. Like a map to Amazon’s hidden jewels.
  • Product Tracker: Track certain products? The ZonGuru product tracker tracks product performance over time. Price adjustments, reviews, and sales patterns might impact your judgments.
  • NicheFinder: Niche selection is key. ZonGuru finds high-demand, low-competition niches. It’s a great product research start.
  • Amazon Keyword Research : Amazon discoverability depends on keywords. A sophisticated keyword research tool from ZonGuru helps you uncover relevant and high-ranking keywords for your items.
  • Understanding your opponent is key to outperforming them. ZonGuru shows rivals’ price, reviews, and keywords. You can follow their sales too.
  • Product Listing Optimization: ZonGuru optimises product listings for visibility and conversion. Based on top-performing listings, it suggests title, bullet point, and description improvements.
  • Email Automator: Amazon needs customer input. ZonGuru’s email automator lets you automate email campaigns to collect customer reviews and develop a great reputation.
  • Profit Calculator: Curious about profits and expenses? ZonGuru’s profit calculator calculates prices to optimize profits.
  • Chrome addon: ZonGuru’s Chrome addon gives real-time statistics when exploring Amazon. Product and niche evaluation is easy on Amazon.
  • Educational Resources: ZonGuru provides seminars and tutorials to assist Amazon sellers of all levels master product research and selling.

AMZ Scout is a strong tool that can significantly enhance your Amazon product research efforts. It has a number of features and functions that may help you identify lucrative goods to sell on the Amazon marketplace. This tool is basically a significant asset for anybody trying to flourish at Amazon selling.

AMZ Scout

AMZ Scout can help you locate successful Amazon products:

  • Product Database: AMZ Scout offers a huge Amazon product database. Filter and sort goods by sales rank, revenue, and more. This database is a treasure for product ideas.
  • Product Tracker: Want to monitor certain products? AMZ Scout’s product tracker tracks product performance. Pricing, ratings, and sales trends are tracked to help you make data-driven choices.
  • Niche Analyzer: Amazon success requires niche selection. You may concentrate your study on prospective niches with strong demand and minimal competition with AMZ Scout’s niche analyzer.
  • Keyword Research: Keywords underpin Amazon SEO. A powerful keyword research tool in AMZ Scout helps you find high-traffic keywords for your product listings. This boosts product visibility to prospective buyers.
  • Competitor Analysis: Understand your competitors to acquire a competitive advantage. AMZ Scout shows rivals’ price, reviews, and keywords. You can monitor their sales success over time.
  • Product listing optimization is essential for conversions. AMZ Scout suggests optimising product names, bullet points, and descriptions to match top rankings.
  • Sales Estimator: Curious about product sales? AMZ Scout’s sales estimator tool predicts monthly sales volume to assist you decide whether to sell a product.
  • Profit Calculator: Profitable pricing requires educated judgments. AMZ Scout’s profit calculator lets you analyze profits and expenditures to establish competitive pricing and optimize profits.
  • Product Sourcing: AMZ Scout helps discover suppliers and calculate prices for product procurement. This helps if you’re private labeling or extending your product selection.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, mastering the skill of How To Do Amazon Product Research is essential for anyone looking to achieve selling success on the platform. By following the steps outlined in this article, you now have the tools and knowledge to effectively research and identify profitable products to sell on Amazon. Remember to thoroughly analyze market trends, competition, and customer demand in order to make informed decisions and maximize your chances of success. With the right approach and continuous refinement of your research strategies, you can position yourself for profitable growth and achieve your selling goals on Amazon.

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11 tips to sell online successfully in 2024

Amazon online store showing a variety of products

11 tips for selling online successfully

  • Price : Check out competitors who sell similar or the same products for pricing ideas. Pricing your product too high may drive potential customers to more affordable options. Pricing too low could lead to a pricing war. Monitor competitor prices by searching on Amazon or through the Amazon Seller app , where you can use comparison points like match low price and Featured Offer price.
  • Reviews : What are buyers saying about the product—negative and positive? Reviews can provide valuable insight on gaps you may be able to fill with your next product.
  • Seasonality : Are certain products seeing higher purchases because it's the holidays or a particular season like summer, or are they trending for another reason? This is important to note if you are specializing in a product like bathing suits or Christmas lights, which are likely to have a spike in sales during certain times of the year.
  • Size : It’s also important to consider the size, weight, and durability of the product you may want to sell. Is it large or heavy? If so, it might be more costly to ship, cutting into your profitability or ability to sell. Is your product very delicate or breakable? If so, you may have to take extra precautions and use more materials or specialized packaging.
  • Customers : Identify your customers. The more specific the niche, like home decor or pet supplies, the more specific your audience. A smaller niche means you might not reach as wide an audience. It could also limit the products you can offer. Check out our ecommerce guide for tips about choosing the right product to sell online. You can also get inspiration from our list of business ideas .

Did you know?

You can find product ideas through product opportunity explorer.

  • Quality : Make sure the supplier you choose is reliable and provides quality products. Check customer reviews, ask for samples, and read through their terms and conditions.
  • Price : Compare prices between different suppliers to get the best deal. Don't forget to factor in shipping costs.
  • Delivery times : Find out how long it takes for the supplier to deliver orders. This will help you set realistic expectations for customers.
  • Customer service : Check to see if the supplier offers customer service and how responsive they are to inquiries.
  • Returns policy : Ask if they accept returns or if you have to handle this on your end. If they do, find out if there's a restocking fee.
  • Inventory : Can the supplier handle large amounts of inventory? Ensure they can scale with you.
  • Shipping : Find out what shipping methods they offer and how much it will cost you to ship orders to customers.
  • Packaging : Check to see if the supplier offers custom packaging options, such as branded boxes, bags, labels or tags.
  • Bulk discounts : Ask if the supplier offers any bulk discounts for larger orders.
  • Listing fee : Typically, a flat fee to list on the site, either per item or a monthly charge
  • Selling fee : A percentage of the selling price (may include shipping and handling)
  • Payment processing fees : Sometimes charged if you accept credit cards
  • Individual : $0.99 per sale (ideal if you sell less than 40 units monthly)
  • Professional : $39.99 per month, no matter how many items you sell (ideal if you sell more than 40 units monthly and want to run ads)
  • Referral fees : A percentage of each sale, depending on the category. For example, baby products might incur a fee of 8% if the total sale price is $10 or less.
  • Fulfillment costs : If using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) , fulfillment costs are based on size and weight. You can use our Revenue Calculator to compare estimates for FBA and your own fulfillment method.
  • Inventory fees : These can vary by factors like product volume, size, and weight, and how long products are stored.

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Ready to get started?

Selling online faqs.

  • Search the Amazon catalog for a product, or define one using dimensions, weight, category, price, and shipping charges.
  • Review and adjust inputs for Amazon Fulfillment and Your fulfillment to calculate—and recalculate—fees, costs, and revenue.

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Written by Melisa Vong | June 20, 2024

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How to list your products on amazon

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You’ve identified your niche. You’ve created the perfect brand. You’ve got all your ducks in a row.

Now it’s time to get those ducks and start selling them on Amazon !

In this article, I will explain everything you need to know to list products on Amazon effectively and professionally.

Foundr plus dollar trail ecommerce banner

Short on Time? Here’s the Step-by-Step

  • Click on ‘Inventory’ and then ‘Manage FBA Inventory’ or ‘Add a Product’
  • Select ‘I’m adding a product not sold on Amazon
  • Choose your product category.
  • Fill out the vital product information
  • Enter a price
  • Upload images

Identifying Your Price Point


When it comes to pricing your product, it’s safe to say there’s a fair bit of misinformation out there. Here are my tips and tricks for cutting through the noise and pricing your products effectively.

Review your competitors

Firstly, it’s important to research how much your competitors are charging for similar items. You don’t always want to be the lowest price point, as many people associate cheap with low quality.

However, you also don’t want to be the most expensive, as you will lose out to other, more competitively priced options.

Pro Tip: To calculate an average price point, I take the top 15 products, add up the prices, and divide by 15.

Start low, then grow

As you are starting out, you might want to consider listing your product at a lower price point to drive sales before moving your price point to keep up with your competitors.

While this lower price point will contribute to your sales velocity, it will also help you grow your customer base, improve the authenticity of your brand, and show less confident shoppers that your product works.

Don’t Skip: Is Selling on Amazon Worth It?

Go high and offer discounts

Amazon product listing discounts

Another approach is to list your product at a higher price before using discounts or sales to bring the price of your product in line with your competitors.

That way, you give the perception that your product is a better quality one, as consumers associate price with quality, and they will be tempted to purchase it as it is the same price as your competitors.

Add coupons

Another way to stand out from your competitors is to add coupons. When you use coupons, Amazon adds a green badge to your product listing, which helps your product stand out from the other options listed.


Crafting Compelling Copy for Your Products

Writing high-quality, engaging copy for your product listing is absolutely essential for driving sales and converting admirers into buyers.

When crafting copy for your product listings, it’s crucial to put yourself in your target audience’s shoes.

What pain points are they suffering from? How are they hoping that your product might help remove those issues? Are they likely an emotional or rational consumer?

These are all questions that will help you frame what your audience wants to see from your product description and help you write something that is compelling and captivating.

In addition, you need to ensure that relevant keywords are seamlessly woven into the copy.

You can’t just stuff keywords into every other word in the hope that it will gain more traction. Still, it is important to include these Amazon indicators where possible. This helps the algorithm identify what your product is and who it should be shown to.

Pro Tip: Write a ChatGPT prompt from the perspective of an ideal customer researching your product, and ask what they are looking for in a product description. You can also include a list of keywords to incorporate throughout the product listing copy.

How to List a Product on Amazon

Here’s a step-by-step guide to listing your product on Amazon.

1. Click on ‘Inventory’ and then ‘Manage FBA Inventory’ or ‘Add a Product’

Amazon product listing manage inventory

2. Select ‘I’m adding a product not sold on Amazon

Amazon product listing add product not sold on amazon

3. Choose your product category.

Amazon product listing select product type

4. Fill out the vital product information

Amazon product listing product information

5. Enter a price

Amazon listing add price

6. Upload images

Amazon listing add photos

Keep Learning:  Amazon Seller FAQs

Completed Your Setup? Now Let’s Start Selling

Now that you have all the information you need to set up your products on Amazon, it’s time to learn how to sell them and take your ecommerce startup to the next level.

Fortunately, foundr+ has all the information you need and more, and you can gain access for just $1.

In just seven days, you will have everything you need to start and scale a life-changing ecommerce brand , including access to world-class instructors, proven frameworks, and a like-minded, hungry, and driven community of founders.

Get access for $1 today.

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About Melisa Vong

Melisa Vong is a serial entrepreneur, co-founder, and director in multiple E-Commerce brands in the Beauty and Health space. She has played a critical role in successful brand launches, setting up and managing product development pipelines from concept to launch, ensuring flawless supply chain execution, and creating captivating marketing stories.

Melisa has made her mark as the go to product and branding development specialist and Amazon FBA expert and it’s clear why some of the world’s leading brands and influencers partner with her to bring their ideas to life! Melisa helps brands and influencers that sell on Amazon increase conversion and sales through:

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FDA Warns Consumers to Avoid Certain Male Enhancement and Weight Loss Products Sold Through Amazon, eBay and Other Retailers Due to Hidden, Potentially Dangerous Drug Ingredients

FDA News Release

Agency Urges Online Marketplaces, Other Websites and Retailers to Stop Selling These Male Enhancement and Weight Loss Products to American Consumers

The FDA continues to find potentially dangerous products available for purchase. On Dec. 8, 2021, the FDA warned consumers not to purchase or use nine potentially dangerous sexual enhancement products available for purchase from The FDA will continue to alert the public when products and companies place consumers’ health at risk.

On July 26, 2021, the FDA issued an untitled letter to notify Amazon about its distribution of sexual enhancement and weight loss products in violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The FDA continues to find potentially dangerous products available for purchase and urges stores, websites, and online marketplaces, including Amazon, to stop selling these potentially dangerous products. 

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning consumers not to use nearly 50 male enhancement or weight loss products that have been found to contain hidden ingredients and may pose a significant health risk. The FDA purchased these products on Amazon and eBay and agency testing found that the products contain active pharmaceutical ingredients not listed on their labels, including some with ingredients found in prescription drugs. These products may cause potentially serious side effects and may interact with medications or dietary supplements a consumer is taking. 

Despite FDA consumer warnings about similar products over the past decade, the agency continues to find potentially dangerous products available for purchase on the internet, including from online marketplaces like Amazon and eBay, as well as in retail stores. The agency urges consumers to beware of purchasing or taking these products.

“Protecting the health and safety of Americans is the FDA’s highest priority, and we will remain vigilant and communicate about products and companies that place U.S. consumers at risk,” said Donald D. Ashley, J.D., director of the Office of Compliance in the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. “While the FDA has engaged in discussions with online marketplaces like Amazon and eBay regarding these issues in the past, we believe they can do more to protect consumers from these fraudulent and potentially dangerous products. We continue to urge stores, websites and online marketplaces, like Amazon and eBay, to take appropriate steps to protect the American public by not selling or facilitating the sale of illegal FDA-regulated products.”

All 26 of the products the FDA purchased on Amazon and 20 of 25 products, or 80 percent, purchased on eBay contained undeclared active pharmaceutical ingredients. The FDA’s laboratory testing found the products contained various undeclared active ingredients, including sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil, sibutramine, desmethylsibutramine, phenolphthalein and/or fluoxetine. Many of these are active ingredients for use in FDA-approved prescription drugs, which are restricted to use under the supervision of a licensed health care professional.

Many of the products the agency purchased from Amazon and eBay have names that are the same as, or similar to, tainted products that have been the subject of previous FDA consumer warnings . Several of the Amazon products are designated as an “Amazon Choice” or “#1 Best Seller.” Products with undeclared drug ingredients violate federal law. In general, these products are unapproved new drugs and/or adulterated dietary supplements. In addition, they are misbranded because their labels do not accurately reflect their ingredients. 

The FDA’s tainted products database can help consumers identify nearly 1,000 of these potentially dangerous products. However, the agency is unable to test and identify all products that have potentially harmful hidden ingredients. Even if a product is not included in the list, consumers should be cautious about using certain products, especially those promoted for sexual enhancement, weight loss, bodybuilding, sleep aids or pain relief. Consumers should also be on alert for products that offer immediate or quick results and that sound too good to be true. The FDA is committed to protecting consumers by identifying and removing these potentially dangerous products from the market. 

Consumers using or considering using any over-the-counter product marketed for sexual enhancement, weight loss or bodybuilding, or any product marketed as a dietary supplement for pain relief, should talk to a health care professional first, as some ingredients may interact with medications or dietary supplements. Additionally, consumers should search for product information from sources other than sellers and ask a doctor for help distinguishing between reliable and questionable information. 

The FDA encourages consumers and health care professionals to report any adverse events to the agency’s MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program so the agency can take action to protect the public from any unsafe products. The FDA is also committed to protecting consumers from the risks of buying medicines online and helping them be more aware of how to buy online safely.

The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, protects the public health by assuring the safety, effectiveness, and security of human and veterinary drugs, vaccines and other biological products for human use, and medical devices. The agency also is responsible for the safety and security of our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, dietary supplements, products that give off electronic radiation, and for regulating tobacco products. 

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