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Product Presentation Examples | 2024 Ultimate Guide

Ellie Tran • 07 April, 2024 • 20 min read

Are you looking for product launch presentation example? The headlines below are just a tiny part of what you can find in the media just a couple of days after these brands delivered their product presentation . They all made it a success.

  • ‘ Tesla’s next-gen Roadster stole the show from the electric truck ’, Electrek .
  • ‘ Moz unveils Moz Group, new product ideas at MozCon ’, PR Newswire .
  • ‘ 5 mind-boggling tech sneaks from Adobe Max 2020 ’, Creative Bloq .

So, what did they do both on stage and behind the scenes? How did they do it? And how can you nail your own product presentation just like them?

If you’re looking for answers to these questions, you’re in the right place. Take a look at the full guide for how to make a successful product presentation.

Ready to dive in? Let’s get started!

What is the goal of the product presentation?Match out customer's needs and features and benefits of product
What are the 5 P's in product presentation?Planning, preparation, practice, performance, and passion
What a good product presentation should be?Lots of colors and visuals

Table of Contents

What is a product presentation.

  • Why Is It Important?
  • 9 Things in the Outline
  • 6 Steps to Host

In A Few Words…

Frequently asked questions, tips from ahaslides.

  • Marketing presentation
  • Business presentation

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A product presentation is a presentation you use to introduce your company’s new or renovated product, or a newly developed feature, for people to get to know more about it. 

In this type of presentation , you’ll take your audience through what it is, how it works, and how it helps solve their problems.

For example, the Tinder pitch deck and Tesla's Roadster launch are both fascinating product presentations used in different ways. The former presented their product idea and the latter unveiled their final product .

So, who will you present for? As you can do this kind of presentation at different stages while developing your product, there are some common groups of audience:

  • Board of directors, shareholders/investors - To this group, typically you’ll pitch a new idea to ask for approval before the whole team starts working on it.
  • Colleagues - You can show a trial or beta version of the new product to other members of your company and collect their feedback .
  • The public, potential & current customers - This can be a product launch, which shows your target audience everything they need to know about the product.

The person in charge of presenting is actually quite flexible and not necessarily the same one or role in every situation. That could be a product manager, a business analyst, a sales/customer success manager or even the CEO. At times, more than one person can be hosting this product presentation.

Why Is Product Presentation Examples Important?

A product presentation gives your audience a closer look at and deeper understanding of the product, how it works and what values it can bring. Here are some more benefits that this presentation can offer you:

  • Raise awareness and grab more attention - By hosting an event like this, more people will know about your company and product. For example, Adobe hosts MAX (a creativity conference to announce innovations) in the same format every year, which helps to build the hype around their products.
  • Stand out in the cutthroat market - Having great products isn’t enough as your company is in a tight race against other competitors. A product presentation helps set you apart from them.
  • Leave a deeper impression on your potential customers - Give them another reason to remember your product. Maybe when they’re on the go and see something similar to what you’ve presented, it would ring a bell for them.
  • A source for external PR - Ever noticed how Moz dominates the media coverage after their annual professional ‘marketing camp’ MozCon? CEO at the  WhenIPost guest posting agency  says: "You can get the source of external PR (but to a lesser extent, of course) by building better relationships with the press, your potential and current customers as well as other stakeholders."
  • Boost sales and revenue - When more people have the chance to know about your products, it can bring you more customers, which also means more revenue.

9 Things in a Product Presentation Outline

To put it simply, a product presentation often involves a talk and slideshows (with visual aids like videos and images) to describe the features, benefits, market fit, and other relevant details of your product.

Let’s take a quick tour of a typical product presentation 👇

An infographic of a product presentation outline.

  • Introduction
  • Company Information
  • Product Information
  • Benefits of the Product
  • Positioning Map
  • Examples and Testimonials
  • Call to Action

#1 - Introduction

An introduction is the first impression people have of your product presentation, that’s why you should start strong and show people what they can expect to hear.

It’s never easy to blow the audience’s mind with an introduction ( but you still can) . So at least, try to get the ball rolling with something clear and simple, like introducing yourself in a friendly, natural and personal way ( here’s how ). A great start can boost your confidence to nail the rest of your presentation.

If you want to make this product presentation super-duper clear, you can give your audience a preview of what they’re going to see. This way, they will know how to follow better and not miss any important points.

#3 - Company Information

Again, you don’t need this part in every one of your product presentations, but it’s best to give the newcomers an overview of your company. This is so they can know a bit about your team, the field your company is working in or your mission before digging deeper into the product.

#4 - Product Introduction

The star of the show is here 🌟 It’s the main and most important section of your product presentation. In this part, you need to present and highlight your product in a way that wows the whole crowd.

There are many approaches when it comes to introducing your product to the crowd, but one of the most common and effective is the problem-solution method .

As your team has invested massive amounts of time in developing your product to meet the market’s demands, it’s essential to prove to your audience that this product can solve their problems.

Do some research, discover your customers’ pain points, list out some potential consequences and here comes a hero to the rescue 🦸 Emphasise that your product can do wonders for the situation and make it shine bright like a diamond, just like how Tinder did in their pitch deck many years ago.

You might give other approaches a try when presenting your product. Talking about its strengths and opportunities, which can be taken out from the familiar SWOT analysis , probably works well too.

Or you can answer the 5W1H questions to tell your customers all the basics of it. Try using a starbursting diagram , an illustration of these questions, to help you delve more deeply into your product.

Starbursting diagram.

#5 - Benefits of the Product

What else can your product do, aside from solving that particular problem? 

What values can it bring to your customers and the community? 

Is it a game-changer? 

How is it different from other decent similar products on the market?

After grabbing the audience's attention on your product, poke into all the good things that it can bring about. It’s also vital to spotlight your product’s unique selling point to distinguish it from others. Your potential customers can then have a deeper understanding of what it can do for them and why they should use this product.

🎊 Check out: 21+ Icebreaker Games for Better Team Meeting Engagement | Updated in 2024

#6 - Positioning Map

A positioning map, which tells people the position of your product or service in the market compared to competitors, can help your company stand out in a product pitch. It also acts as a takeaway after laying out all the descriptions and benefits of your product and saves people from getting lost in loads of information.

If a positioning map doesn’t fit your product, you can choose to present a perceptual map, which illustrates how the consumers perceive your product or service.

In both of these maps, your brand or product is rated based on 2 criteria (or variables). It can be quality, price, features, safety, reliability and so on, depending on the type of product and the field it’s in.

#7 - Real-Life Product launch Presentation Examples and Testimonials 

Everything you’ve said to your audience so far can sound like theories that go in one ear and out the other. That’s why there should always be a section of examples and testimonials to put the product in its real setting and etch it into the memories of your audience.

And if possible, let them see it in person or interact with the new product right away; it’ll leave a lasting impression on them. To make it more engaging, you should use more visuals on your slides during this phase, such as pictures or videos of people using, reviewing the product or mentioning it on social media.

✅ We have some real-life examples for you too!

#8 - Call to Action 

Your call to action is something you say to encourage people to do something . It actually depends on who your audience is and what you want to achieve. Not everyone writes it on their face or says something directly like ‘ you should use it ’ to persuade people to purchase their product, right?

Of course, it’s still crucial to tell people what you expect them to do in a few short sentences.

#9 - Conclusion

Don’t let all your effort from the beginning stop in the middle of nowhere. Reinforce your key points and end your product presentation with a quick recap or something memorable (in a positive way).

Quite a huge load of work. 😵 Sit tight; we’ll walk you through everything in the simplest way possible to get you prepared.

6 Steps to Host a Product Presentation

Now you get what should be included in your product presentation, it’s time to start making one. But from where? Should you jump right into the first part of the stuff we outlined above?

The outline is a roadmap for what you will say, not what you will do to prepare. When there are a lot of things that need to be done, it can easily get you into a mess. So, check out this step-by-step guide to keep yourself from feeling overwhelmed!

  • Set your goals
  • Define audience needs
  • Make an outline & prepare your content
  • Choose a presenting tool & design your presentation
  • Anticipate questions & prepare the answers
  • Practice, practice, practice

#1 - Set your goals

You can define your goals based on who your audience members are and the purposes of your product presentation. These two factors also are your background to establish the style you’re going for and the way you present everything.

To make your goals more clear and achievable, set them based on the SMART diagram.

A SMART goal illustration.

For example , at AhaSlides, we have product presentations among our big team quite often. Let’s imagine we’re having another one real soon and we need to set a SMART goal.

Here’s Chloe, our Business Analyst 👩‍💻 She wants to announce a recently developed feature to her colleagues.

Her audience is made up of colleagues who don’t directly build the product, like the ones from the marketing and customer success teams. This means that they’re not experts in data, coding or software engineering, etc.

You might think of a general goal, such as ‘everyone understands thoroughly about the developed feature’. But this is pretty vague and ambiguous, right?

Here’s the SMART goal for this product presentation:

  • S (Specific) - State what you want to achieve and how to do so in a clear and detailed way.

🎯 Ensure that marketing & CS team members understand the feature and its values by giving them a clear introduction, a step-by-step guide and data charts.

  • M (Measurable) - You need to know how to measure your goals afterwards. Numbers, figures or data can be of great help here.

🎯 Ensure that 100% of marketing & CS team members understand the feature and its values by giving them a clear introduction, a step-by-step guide and the key results of 3 important data charts (i.e. conversion rate, activation rate & daily active user).

  • A (Attainable) - Your goal can be challenging, but don’t make it impossible. It should encourage you and your team to try and achieve the goal, not put it totally out of reach.

🎯 Ensure that at least 80% of marketing & CS team members understand the feature and its values by giving them a clear introduction, a step-by-step guide and the key results of 3 important data charts.

  • R (Relevant) - Have a look at the big picture and check whether what you’re planning on doing will hit your goals directly. Try to answer why you need these goals (or even the 5 whys ) to ensure everything is as relevant as possible.

🎯 Ensure that at least 80% of marketing & CS team members understand the feature and its values by giving them a clear introduction, a step-by-step guide and the key results of 3 important data charts. Because when these members know the feature well, they can make proper social media announcements and assist our customers better, which helps us build stronger relationships with customers.

  • T (Time-bound) - There should be a deadline or a time frame to keep track of everything (and steer clear of any tiny bit of procrastination). When you finish this step, you’ll have the ultimate goal:

🎯 Ensure that at least 80% of marketing & CS team members understand the feature and its values before the end of this week by giving them a clear introduction, a step-by-step guide and the key results of 3 important data charts. This way, they can further work with our customers and maintain customer loyalty.

A goal can get quite big and sometimes make you feel too much. Remember, you don’t have to write down every part of your goal down; try and write it into one sentence and keep the remainder of it in mind.

You can also consider chunking down a long goal into smaller objectives to do one by one. 

Check out: Use idea boards to brainstorm better for your next presentation!

#2 - Define audience needs

If you want your audience to stay focused and engaged in your presentation, you need to give them what they want to hear. Think about their expectations, what they need to know and what can keep them following your talk.

First thing first, you should discover their pain points via data, social media, research or any other reliable sources to have a solid background on the things you definitely need to mention in your product presentation.

In this step, you should sit down with your team and work together (maybe try a session with right brainstorm tool ) to develop more ideas. Even though only a few people will be presenting the product, all the team members will still prepare everything together and will need to be on the same page.

There are some questions you can ask to understand their needs: 

  • What are they like?
  • Why are they here?
  • What keeps them up at night?
  • How can you solve their problems?
  • What do you want them to do?
  • See more questions here .

#3 - Make an outline & prepare your content

When you know what you should say, it’s time to draft the main points to have everything in hand. A careful and coherent outline helps you stay on track and avoid overlooking anything or going too deep into a particular part. With this, you can have better flow and a good sense of time management, which also means fewer chances to go off-topic or deliver a wordy, rambling speech.

After finishing your outline, go through each point and decide exactly what you want to show your audience in that section, including images, videos, props or even sounding and lighting arrangements, and prepare them. Make a checklist to ensure that you and your team won’t forget anything. 

#4 - Choose a presenting tool & design your presentation

Talking is not enough on its own, especially in a product presentation. That’s why you should give the audience something to look at, and maybe interact with, in order to liven up the room.

With slide decks, it’s not that easy to create something aesthetically pleasing or to create content that is interactive for your audience. Many online tools offer you some help with the heavy lifting of making, designing and customising an appealing presentation.

A product presentation slide on AhaSlides.

You can have a look at AhaSlides to create a more creative product presentation compared to using traditional PowerPoint. Besides slides with your content, you can try adding interactive activities that your audience can join easily with just their phones. They can submit their responses to random team generator , live word clouds , online quiz , polls , brainstorming sessions, Q&As tool , spinner wheel and more.

💡Looking for more Powerpoint product presentation templates or alternatives? Check them out in this article .

#5 - Anticipate questions & prepare the answers

Your participants, or maybe the press, can ask some questions during your Q&A session (if you have one) or sometime after that. It would be really awkward if you couldn’t answer all questions related to the product that you’ve created, so try your best to avoid that situation.

It’s a good practice to put yourself in the audience’s shoes and look at everything from their perspective. The whole team can imagine being the audience members in that pitch and predicting what the crowd will ask, and then finding the best way to answer those questions.

🎉 Check out: 180 Fun General Knowledge Quiz Questions and Answers [2024 Updated]

#6 - Practice, practice, practice 

The old saying still rings true: practice makes perfect. Practice speaking and rehearse a few times before the event takes place to make sure that your presentation is smooth.

You can ask a few colleagues to be your first audience and collect their feedback to revise your content and polish your presentation skills. Remember to have at least one rehearsal with all your slideshows, effects, lighting and sound system too.

5 Product Presentation Examples

Many giant companies have delivered great product presentations throughout the years. Here are some great real-life success stories and the tips we can learn from them.

#1 - Samsung & the way they started the presentation

Imagine sitting in a dark room, staring at the space in front of your eyes and boom! The light, the sounds, and the visuals hit all your senses directly. It’s loud, it’s eye-catching, and it’s satisfying. That is how Samsung made great use of video and visual effects to begin their Galaxy Note8 product presentation.

Alongside videos, there are many ways to start , like asking an intriguing question, telling a compelling story or using performance. If you can’t come up with any of these, don’t try too hard, just keep it short and sweet.

Takeaway: Start your presentation on a high note.

#2 - Tinder & how they laid out problems

As you’re presenting your product to ‘sell’ them to a cohort of people, it’s important to find out the thorns in their side.

Tinder, with their first pitch deck back in 2012 under the very first name Match Box, successfully pointed out a big pain point for their potential customers. Then they pledged that they could provide the perfect solution. It’s simple, impressive and can’t be any more entertaining.

Takeaway: Find the true problem, be the best solution and drive your points home!

#3 - Airbnb & how they let the numbers speak

Airbnb also used the problem-solution tactic in the pitch deck that granted this start-up a $600,000 investment a year after it first launched. A significant thing that you can notice is they used quite a lot of numbers in their presentation. They brought to the table a pitch that investors couldn’t say no to, in which they let their data gain trust from the audience.

Takeaway: Remember to include data and make it big & bold.

#4 - Tesla & their Roadster appearance

Elon Musk might not be one of the best presenters out there, but he definitely knew how to wow the whole world and his audience during Tesla's product presentation.

At the Roadster launch event, after a few seconds of impressive visuals and sounds, this new classy electric car appeared in style and took the stage to cheers from the crowd. There was nothing else on stage (except for Musk) and all eyes were on the new Roadster.

Takeaway: Give your product a lot of spotlights ( literally ) and make good use of effects.

#5 - Apple & the tagline for Macbook Air presentation in 2008

There’s something in the Air.

This was the first thing Steve Jobs said at MacWorld 2008. That simple sentence hinted at the Macbook Air and immediately caught everyone's attention. 

Having a tagline reminds people of your product’s characteristics. You can say that tagline right at the beginning like Steve Jobs did, or let it appear a few times throughout the event.

Takeaway: Find a tagline or slogan that represents your brand and product.

Other Product Presentation Tips

🎨 Stick to one slide theme - Make your slides uniform and follow your brand guidelines. It’s a good way to promote your company’s branding.

😵 Don’t cram too much information on your slides - Keep things neat and clean, and don’t put walls of text on your slide. You can try the 10/20/30 rule : have a maximum of 10 slides; maximum length of 20 minutes; have a minimum font size of 30. 

🌟 Know your style and delivery - Your style, body language and tone of voice matter greatly. Steve Jobs and Tim Cook had different styles on stage, but they all nailed their Apple product presentations. Be yourself, everyone else is already taken!

🌷 Add more visual aids - Some pictures, videos or gifs can help you grab people’s attention. Make sure that your slides also focus on the visuals, rather than overfilling them with text and data. 

📱 Make it interactive - 68% of people said they remember interactive presentations longer. Engage with your audience and turn your presentation into a two-way conversation. Using an online tool with exciting interactivities could be another great idea to get your crowd pumped up.

Feeling snowed under with all the information in this article?

There are a lot of things to do when presenting your product, whether it’s in the form of an idea, a beta version or a ready-to-release one. Remember to highlight the most important benefits that it can bring and how it helps people solve their problems.

If you forget anything, head to the step-by-step guide or reread some key takeaways from the product presentation examples of behemoths like Tinder, Airbnb, Tesla, etc. and give yourself more motivation to make yours a massive success.

A product presentation is a presentation you use to introduce your company’s new or renovated product, or a newly developed feature, for people to learn more about it.

Why product presentation is important?

Effectively product presentation helps to (1) raise awareness and grab more attention (2) Stand out in the cutthroat market (3) Leave a deeper impression on your potential customers (4) A source for external PR and (5) Boost sales and revenue

What a good product presentation should be?

A great product presentation blends between the presenter's delivery of the information and the visuals that illustrate the product itself, to impress listeners, including investors, colleagues and public in general

Ellie Tran

A lifelong learner, a traveller and content creator eager to explore the best of both worlds: the real and virtual one full of interactive activities with AhaSlides.

Tips to Engage with Polls & Trivia

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Make a Product Launch Presentation (+ Examples & Templates)

Master how to make a product launch presentation with our guide. Explore examples usable as templates to outshine competitors and captivate your audience.


9 minute read

Product launch presentation examples

helped business professionals at:


Short answer

What makes an effective product launch presentation?

An effective product launch presentation captivates with a clear value proposition, engages with compelling storytelling, and persuades with data-driven results.

It's visually appealing, audience-focused, and concludes with a strong call-to-action, setting the stage for market success.

Most new products fail - does yours have what it takes to succeed?

Think about this: every year, over 30,000 new products try to make their mark, yet 95% of them don't catch on.

Most new products fail to launch because they fail to grab attention with a compelling product launch presentation.

In a sea of competition, only the most compelling, clear, and persuasive presentations manage to break through the noise.

So, how do you make sure your product doesn't become just another statistic?

In this blog post, I’ll walk you through real, actionable strategies and examples to make your product launch presentation a hit.

Let’s get started!

What is the purpose of a product launch presentation?

Capture attention: Immediately engage your audience with a striking introduction that makes them want to learn more.

Highlight value: Directly address how your product solves a specific problem or fulfills a need, making it indispensable to your audience.

Drive action: Motivate your audience to take the next step, be it purchasing, subscribing, or sharing, by presenting a clear and compelling call to action.

How to structure a product launch presentation?

Introduction: Begin with an impactful opening that immediately captures interest. Use a compelling question, a relatable problem, or a striking statistic to draw your audience in and set the tone for what’s to come.

Problem statement: Articulate the specific problem or need your product addresses. This is where you connect with your audience by highlighting a universal challenge they face.

Solution presentation: Unveil your product as the solution to the problem identified. Detail its features and benefits, emphasizing how it offers a practical and innovative solution.

Market analysis: Provide an overview of the current market landscape. This includes trends, consumer behavior, and market needs, establishing the context in which your product enters the market.

Competitive analysis: Dive into how your product stands out from the competition. Discuss your product’s unique selling points (USPs) and how these differences position it as a superior choice.

Customer testimonials or case studies: Share success stories or endorsements from early users or beta testers. Real-world examples add credibility and illustrate the tangible impact of your product.

Pricing and packages: Provide clear, straightforward information about pricing and any packages or deals. Make it easy for your audience to understand what they're getting.

Marketing strategy: Before you call your audience to action, outline your marketing strategy. This shows how you plan to support the product post-launch, reassuring your audience of its longevity and value.

Call to Action (CTA): Conclude with a compelling CTA. Direct your audience towards a specific action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a demo, or following your brand for more updates.

Interactive product launch presentation templates

Starting from scratch on a product launch presentation can feel like a huge task, especially when so much depends on this one moment.

Interactive product launch presentation templates offer a structured starting point. They come packed with features that are optimized to engage and guide your audience through the story of your product.

Grab one and create your best deck yet.

What does a product launch presentation look like?

A product launch presentation is a dynamic and interactive deck that captivates your audience, making them feel like active participants rather than passive listeners. It does more than just share information; it creates an experience.

Here’s what a modern product launch presentation looks like:

What makes a successful product launch presentation?

Engaging storytelling: It starts with a story that resonates. This narrative weaves through the entire presentation, making the problem, solution, and benefits of your product felt on a personal level.

Visual impact: High-quality images, embedded videos, and data visualization components bring your product and its benefits to life. These elements work together to create a visual story that complements your spoken words.

Interactivity : Interactive elements like narrated design, surveys, and clickable demos involve the audience, transforming your presentation into a two-way conversation.

Strong Call to Action: The presentation ends with a clear and compelling call to action. Whether it's signing up for a trial, making a purchase, or simply learning more, the CTA is direct and easy for the audience to follow.

How to make a product launch presentation?

In a world where the majority of new products struggle to make an impact, your presentation is the golden ticket to standing out. Let's explore how to craft a product launch presentation that not only showcases your product but also makes it irresistible.

1) Know your audience

Understanding your audience is the cornerstone of a successful presentation. Dive deep into their world—what challenges do your ideal customers face? What solutions have they tried and found wanting?

Personalizing your presentation to address these specific concerns makes your audience feel seen and valued, significantly boosting the relevance and impact of your message.

2) Define your presentation goals

Clarity in your presentation's purpose is crucial. Are you aiming to ignite interest, drive pre-orders, or secure investment?

This goal will dictate your presentation's structure, content, and call to action. It acts as a guiding light, ensuring every element of your presentation is aligned with achieving this objective.

3) Start with a bang

Your first words are your first impression. Start with something that sticks—a startling statistic, a compelling story, a question that piques curiosity, or a bold statement that challenges conventional wisdom.

For example:

"In a world where every second counts, we've found a way to give you hours back."

piques curiosity and positions your product as a revolutionary solution from the outset.

4) Highlight the problem

David Ogilvy's insight, “More often new products fail because they are not new enough,” underscores the importance of highlighting a genuine problem.

Make your audience feel the pinch of the issue your product resolves, making your solution not just wanted, but needed.

Illuminate the problem your product solves in a way that your audience can feel the pain. This creates a context for your product's introduction and underscores its necessity. Remember, the more relatable the problem, the more desirable the solution.

It's about striking a balance—your product shouldn't be so ahead of its time that it's alien, nor should it be so familiar that it fails to excite.

Here's a great example of a problem slide:

Product launch presentation problem slide example

5) Unveil the solution

When introducing your product, clarity and simplicity are key. Explain how it addresses the problem you've outlined, focusing on features that translate directly into benefits.

This is where your product moves from being a concept to a tangible solution in the minds of your audience.

6) Highlight the benefits

Features tell, but benefits sell. Articulate how your product enriches or simplifies life for your customer. Whether it's saving time, reducing costs, or enhancing well-being, benefits that resonate on an emotional level are incredibly compelling.

Here's a great example of solution and benefits slides:

Product launch presentation solution and benefits slide

7) Conduct solid research

Akio Morita once famously said:

“We don’t believe in market research for a new product unknown to the public. So we never do any.”

While this may have worked for Sony, today's market demands solid research. Understanding your market, competition, and consumer behavior is non-negotiable for crafting a presentation that hits home.

Here's a great market research slide:

Product launch presentation market research slide

8) Incorporate interactive elements

Enhancing your presentation with interactive elements can transform a standard pitch into an engaging, memorable experience.

For instance, embedding interactive charts allows your audience to explore data points relevant to your product's success in real-time.

Interactive timelines can illustrate your product's development journey or future roadmap in a visually dynamic way, inviting the audience to engage with your content at their own pace.

Additionally, incorporating clickable sections within your presentation can lead viewers to more detailed information, videos, or testimonials, enriching their understanding and appreciation of your product without overwhelming them with information all at once.

These interactive elements keep your audience engaged and provide a deeper, more personalized exploration of what your product has to offer.

Here's a great example of an interactive slide:

Product launch presentation interactiv slide

9) Demonstrate your product in action

A live demo or a well-crafted video demonstration can be incredibly persuasive. It offers proof of concept and allows your audience to see your product in action. This tangible experience can be the push your audience needs to move from interest to action.

10) Personalize your presentation

Personalization can significantly increase the impact of your presentation.

Tailoring content to reflect your audience's specific industry, interests, or challenges shows that you understand and care about their unique needs, making your product more relevant and appealing.

Here's how you can easily personalize your presentation using Storydoc:

How to personalize your decks with Storydoc

11) Provide social proof

Incorporating social proof lends credibility to your product. It's the difference between taking your word for it and seeing evidence of your product's impact. This builds trust and can significantly influence decision-making.

For new products, traditional forms of social proof like user testimonials may not be readily available. However, you can leverage beta tester feedback, expert endorsements, or pilot study results as powerful forms of social proof.

By using influencer search tools you can engage with industry influencers to review your product or secure a seal of approval from a reputable authority within your field. This can also serve as compelling evidence of your product's value and effectiveness.

Even highlighting the number of pre-orders or waitlist signups can act as social proof, showcasing demand and anticipation for your product.

Example of a social proof slide:

Product launch presentation social proof slide

12) Present your marketing strategy

When it comes to your product launch presentation, unveiling your marketing strategy is like showing the roadmap of how you plan to introduce your product to the world.

It's not just about the product itself but how you're going to make sure it reaches the right people, in the right way, at the right time.

This part of your presentation should clearly outline the channels you'll use, whether it's social media, email marketing, influencer partnerships, or traditional advertising.

Explain how each channel fits into your overall strategy and the role it plays in engaging your target audience. This is your chance to show that you've not only created a great product but that you also have a solid plan to ensure it's a success.

Here's a great example of a marketing strategy slide:

Product launch presentation marketing strategy slide

13) Create a compelling call to action

Your conclusion should be a clear, compelling invitation to take the next step—whether that's to learn more, sign up, or make a purchase. Make this action as simple and straightforward as possible, removing any barriers to engagement.

Here's a great example of a CTA slide:

Product launch presentation CTA slide

Winning product launch presentation examples

When it comes to product launches, standing out is everything. A successful presentation goes beyond facts and figures; it captivates, convinces, and converts.

Let's dive into some product launch presentation examples that do just that, leveraging interactivity to outshine the competition.

Product launch proposal

This deck showcases how interactivity can elevate a product launch presentation from good to great, engaging the audience in a way that traditional slides simply can't match.

What makes this product launch presentation great:

Engaging and interactive: The presentation uses an interactive format, inviting the audience to actively participate in the journey of discovering the product.

Clear value proposition: It effectively communicates the unique selling points of the headphones, such as advanced noise cancellation and intuitive controls, making it clear why they set a new standard in audio excellence.

Compelling narrative: The presentation tells a story of innovation and passion, from the problem statement to the solution, and wraps up with a vision for the future, making it memorable and impactful.

Light mode product newsletter

This feature launch within the light mode product newsletter is a game-changer for businesses looking to deepen engagement and track the effectiveness of their communications.

Personalization using dynamic variables: It introduces the ability to personalize using dynamic variables. This means businesses can now tailor their messages to each recipient, making communications more relevant and engaging.

Access to analytics panel: With the panel, businesses gain real-time insights into how readers are interacting with their newsletters. It tracks opens, clicks, and engagement time on each slide, providing valuable data to optimize future decks.

Clickable links: You can incorporate clickable links throughout the presentation. These links offer the audience the opportunity to explore additional information, access detailed resources, or even sign up for product demos.

SaaS product demonstration presentation

This product demonstration presentation effectively communicates the value of the company’s solution, making a strong case for why businesses should consider their platform to revolutionize their operations.

Clean design: The presentation leverages a clean design with ample white space, making it easy for viewers to focus on key information without feeling overwhelmed.

The option to embed videos: The option to embed a product demo video directly into the deck allows potential customers to see the product in action within the context of the presentation.

Clear pricing package overview: The presentation includes a clear overview of pricing packages, making it easy for potential customers to understand their options and make informed decisions.

Physical product demo presentation

This product launch presentation aims to bridge the gap between traditional business processes and modern efficiency, highlighting a physical product's role in streamlining workflows and enhancing productivity.

Option to extract branding from a website: One of the standout features is the ability to extract branding elements directly from a website, ensuring that the presentation is consistent with the company's branding.

Access to analytics panel: The presentation includes access to an analytics panel that provides insights into how viewers are interacting with the deck.

Option to edit details post-send: This presentation allows for the editing of details even after it has been sent. This ensures that the information remains up-to-date, reflecting any changes in the product, pricing, or other critical details.

Software demo presentation

Through a detailed walkthrough of the software's capabilities, this presentation aims to illustrate the seamless integration of tasks, the automation of workflows, and the facilitation of real-time collaboration, all designed to optimize performance and eliminate inefficiency.

Option to embed links to case studies: This feature allows viewers to explore in-depth examples of how your software has been successfully implemented in various businesses, providing tangible evidence of its effectiveness and versatility.

CRM integrations: The presentation leverages CRM integrations, enabling it to pull live data directly into the deck.

Responsive design: The presentation is designed with responsiveness in mind, ensuring that it looks and functions flawlessly across a variety of devices and screen sizes.

ERP software demo presentation

This product launch presentation is designed to showcase how the offered solution can revolutionize business operations by integrating various processes into a single, efficient system.

It aims to demonstrate the software's ability to streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and significantly improve operational efficiency across the board.

Quirky design: The presentation employs a quirky and engaging design that mirrors the dynamic and multifaceted nature of the ERP industry.

Use of grayed-out content to direct attention: Strategic use of grayed-out content effectively directs viewers' attention to the most critical information, ensuring that key features and benefits of the ERP software are highlighted.

Logo placeholders: The presentation includes customizable logo placeholders, empowered by a logo finder feature, allowing for seamless integration of your or partner branding directly into the presentation.

Modern product launch

This product launch presentation introduces a groundbreaking solution designed to revolutionize how companies operate. It promises to streamline operations and boost efficiency through innovative features tailored for the digital era.

Interactive approach: Using an interactive platform, the presentation engages the audience directly, making the exploration of the product an immersive experience.

Clear solution to a common problem: It effectively communicates how the product addresses the pressing needs of businesses looking to enhance collaboration and automate processes in a rapidly evolving corporate landscape.

Visionary and inspirational message: The presentation focuses on the product's features but also shares a compelling vision for the future, emphasizing the transformative impact on businesses and the industry as a whole.

Light mode product launch

This approach to the product launch educates the audience about the product's capabilities and gets them excited about the potential for transformation in their own operations.

User-centric design: The presentation emphasizes the product's user-friendly interface, showcasing how it simplifies complex processes for everyday users, making technology accessible to all levels of technical expertise.

Direct address of business needs: The presentation zeroes in on the specific challenges faced by companies today, demonstrating how the product directly solves these issues with innovative technology.

Scalability and integration: It highlights the product's ability to scale with business growth and seamlessly integrate with existing systems, ensuring a smooth transition and long-term utility.

Dark mode product launch

This striking dark mode-themed presentation unveils a product designed to captivate and cater to modern businesses. This launch introduces a groundbreaking product with a keen eye on user experience and market demands.

Comprehensive market analysis: It dives deep into market trends, consumer behaviors, and competitive landscapes. AI product research provides a detailed view of where the product fits within the current market and how it's poised to meet emerging needs.

Segmented marketing strategies: The content is organized into tabs, each detailing strategies tailored to different segments of their target audience. This ensures that potential customers receive personalized and relevant information.

Multiple smart CTAs: The presentation features various smart Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons, guiding viewers through a journey from initial interest to taking actionable steps.

Versatile product launch presentation

In a market flooded with standard pitches, this deck sets a new standard. By leveraging the latest in presentation technology, it crafts a narrative that's not only about a product but about inviting the audience into a new ecosystem of efficiency and innovation.

Use of grayed-out content: It uses grayed-out content to subtly direct viewers' attention to key areas. This visual technique ensures that the focus is on the most important information, enhancing the audience's retention.

Embeddable videos: It comes with the option to embed videos that can be played directly within the deck. This allows you to showcase your product in action, providing an immersive experience that text and static images cannot achieve.

Data visualization components: The deck incorporates advanced data visualization components, enabling the presentation of complex data in an intuitive and easily digestible format.

Modern product demo presentation

By incorporating interactive features, this modern product demo presentation effectively captures the audience's attention and guides them through a compelling narrative, from identifying with the problem to seeing the offered product as the ideal solution.

Clear value proposition: The presentation effectively communicates the company’s value proposition, outlining how their SaaS product can transform business operations.

Problem-solution framework: The presentation is structured around a clear problem-solution framework, making it easy for the audience to understand the context and need for the offered product.

Option to embed multiple smart CTAs: The presentation enhances interactivity by incorporating the option to embed multiple smart CTAs (Calls to Action). This makes readers more likely to take the desired next step after viewing the deck.

unique product presentation

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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105+ Creative Presentation Ideas to Engage Your Audience

105+ Creative Presentation Ideas to Engage Your Audience

Written by: Orana Velarde

100+ creative presentation ideas that will delight your audience

With most people tuning out of a PowerPoint presentation within the first 10 minutes , developing engaging slide show presentation ideas that keep your audience hooked till the end can be a challenge.

This is why we've created this post with 105+ creative presentation ideas to help you put together exciting presentations that don't put your audience to sleep. You can use these presentation ideas for business meetings, webinars, classrooms, online courses, pitch decks and more.

Here are some of the ideas we’re covering:

  • Use neon colors and duotones
  • Unify transitions horizontally
  • Use a monochrome palette
  • Tell a personal story
  • Use isometric illustrations

In this article, you'll find unique slide examples, templates, designs and more. Put these slide show presentation ideas to practice using our presentation maker and create your own presentation in minutes.

Here's a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit Presentation templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more below:

unique product presentation

  • Add bright and bold colors to make your presentation stand out and grab your audience's attention. Create a vibrant and dynamic look by using neon colors and duotones.
  • Instead of using different transitions for each slide, use the same transition horizontally throughout your presentation. This creates a cohesive and visually pleasing flow.
  • To create a sophisticated, minimalist look, limit your color choices to shades of a single color.
  • Connect with your audience and make your message more relatable by incorporating personal anecdotes or stories into your presentation.
  • Add depth and dimension to your presentation with isometric illustrations, which can be a fun and engaging way to present complex information.
  • Sign up for Visme’s presentation software to start applying these creative presentation ideas.

105+ Creative Presentation Ideas

The ideas we've shared cut across various design concepts, industries and use cases. We've also sprinkled presentation design ideas from Visme's template library.  If you're running out of creative steam, you can use these templates to jumpstart your designs.

And if you're running out of time, consider using Visme's AI presentation maker to bring these 100 creative presentation ideas to life. It's a user-friendly tool that effortlessly transforms your ideas into visually stunning presentations.

Now, let's jump into the creative presentation design ideas.

1 Use Neon Colors

Neon colors will give your presentation enough color kick to keep the viewer’s attention. Use neon colors either as the background, as specific elements or as details inside the slides. The trick with neon is to not go overboard with the contrasts. Instead of using a neon rainbow, think more along the lines of neon accents.

unique product presentation

2 Be Minimal

Using a minimal design composition is one of the unique presentation ideas. The trick is to have just enough information and visual details for the viewer to feel comfortable seeing the slides. A minimal design can instill calm and awe in your audience when done right. The trick with minimalism is to know when enough is enough, you wouldn’t want to be boring instead of minimal.

Our Simple presentation theme with over 300 different slide designs to choose from.

RELATED:  20+ Examples of Minimalist Design to Inspire Your Own Creations

3 Use all caps

Another creative presentation idea is using all caps when you feel like the topic of your presentation can be delivered with few words. Using all capitals in your slides will give the message importance. This design might not be suited for a text-heavy presentation but maybe one with an audio narrative that goes along with it or bullet points.

Also, this kind of presentation design is suitable for captivating introduction slide ideas.

use all caps creative presentation ideas

Image Source

4 Go vertical

Rectangular presentations are definitely the norm, but with the rise of Instagram Stories, this might be starting to change. This shift introduces a unique opportunity for those looking for ideas for presentation styles that stand out. Now that we can put archived stories into Highlights, why not publish vertical presentations there? Going vertical is just one idea. Along with that, you can add any other design technique.

go vertical creative presentation ideas

5  Use duotones

Duotone doesn’t exactly mean “two colors,” it actually means “two tones.” The idea behind this design angle is to use two contrasting tonalities which can have different shades. The difference between duotone and two colors is that it has a more edgy look. Depending on what two tonalities you choose, it can be subtle or very powerful. The photos used in the design also need to be customized to the duotone color you chose.

unique product presentation

6 Add a video in different shapes or snippets

Videos can be a powerful tool in your arsenal for engaging your audience during a presentation. Not only do they help to break up the monotony of a lecture-style presentation, but they can also help to explain complex concepts, add visual interest, and evoke emotions.

One way to make your videos stand out is by using different shapes or snippets. Rather than presenting a standard rectangular video, consider incorporating shapes such as circles, triangles or diamonds. These shapes can add a unique and visually appealing element to your presentation.

Another way to incorporate video snippets is by breaking up a longer video into smaller, bite-sized pieces. This can be particularly useful if you have a lengthy video that you want to show but don't want to lose your audience's attention. By breaking it up into smaller segments, you can keep your audience engaged and prevent them from losing interest.

Don’t worry about the design complexity. If you create your presentation in Visme, you can resize your videos instantly and turn them into any shape you want.

Hey marketers! Need to create scroll-stopping visual content fast?

  • Transform your visual content with Visme’s easy-to-use content creation platform
  • Produce beautiful, effective marketing content quickly even without an extensive design skillset
  • Inspire your sales team to create their own content with branded templates for easy customization

Sign up. It’s free.

unique product presentation

7  Unify transitions horizontally

Unifying the transitions between slides is always a great idea, but doing it horizontally is especially effective. By keeping all the movements going in one direction, it's both easy to follow and will look great. You don’t need to just apply horizontal transitions to the switch between slides, you can also apply animation to the titles and images. As long as they all go in the same direction, you are gold.

Create a slide deck like this in minutes.

  • Search for the exact slides you need from a library of 900+ layouts
  • Choose a classic or modern style
  • Create automatically animated presentations

8  Black and white + spot of bright color

This presentation design idea is highly effective if you're looking for a creative way to present information.

Adding a bright color to a black and white scheme can add just the right amount of attention-grabbing detail to your presentation. Try choosing a powerful color so that it’s really noticeable and pops visually. You can use the color in small amounts or in large sections. Up to you, just remember to maintain a balance throughout.

unique product presentation

9 Use a color theme

A cohesive color theme throughout your presentation can engage your audience and create a more visually appealing experience.

To start, consider the overall tone of your presentation and what emotions you want to evoke in your audience. Are you presenting on a serious topic, such as healthcare or finance, where a more subdued color palette may be appropriate?

Or are you presenting on a more lighthearted topic, such as creativity or innovation, where bright and bold colors can help to capture your audience's attention?

Once you have a general idea of your color palette, try to use it consistently throughout your slides. This means using the same background, font and accent colors for headings and graphics– like the presentation template below.

presentation theme

Visme's presentation templates offer a wide range of professionally designed themes with 300+ slides in 20+ different categories, making it the best choice for exploring creative presentation ideas without PowerPoint. You can create visually stunning slides with our carefully curated color schemes and stylish designs.

Read this article about 25 free presentation themes in Visme and find the perfect one.

Visme's presentation maker and branded presentation templates have been helping businesses create impactful presentations while saving them time and money. That's why many businesses choose Visme over other tools.

But don't just take it for word. Here's what one of our satisfied customers has to say about Visme.

"Previously we were using PowerPoint, which is fine, but the interactivity you can get with Visme is so much more robust that we've all steered away from PowerPoint."

"PowerPoint templates are plain and boring, and we want to create more fun and engaging content. Visme has multiple slide templates to choose from, which makes this so much easier."

"I just made a deck recently and it took me about 15-20 minutes. I found a template I really liked and tweaked it and put it in our brand colors. In PowerPoint, it would take anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half."

- Kendra Bradley, Graphic Content Developer at WOW!

10  Add full-screen videos

The use of full-screen video in your slides can have a big impact on your storytelling. There’s a catch though. The wrong video will be detrimental to your message, be mindful of the videos you chose to grace the background of your slides. The video should either tell your story without words or be a complement that won’t interfere. The wrong video will confuse your viewers and it will be hard to get their undivided attention back.

If you’re looking for quick idea inspiration, check out our YouTube video where Mike shares 30 of our favorite presentation ideas at a glance.

unique product presentation

11  Use an 80’s visual style

If looking for a unique design style, why not try an 80’s style for a change. Neon graffiti writing, disco balls, and brightly colored shapes might go well with your presentation’s topic. You can use 80’s visuals as small complementary elements or as the entirety of the presentation style. Nevertheless, if your presentation is about something quite serious then maybe you should try another style.

unique product presentation

All you have to do is provide a text prompt, choose your preferred template style and the tool will generate text, images and icons and prepare a ready-to-use presentation within seconds. 

The flexibility to customize these presentations in the Visme editor adds the perfect finishing touches to your visual storytelling journey.

12  Go vintage

Another creative presentation idea is the vintage look. This could work really well with a history-themed presentation or anything to do with recuperating old traditions. When we say “vintage” we mean sepia-toned photos, intricate picture frames, bold fonts which look like they came out of old posters.

unique product presentation

A vintage color palette is usually pastel turquoise green, ochre yellow and washed out blue and orange. You could consider using vintage mockup sets to create scenes for your slides, or use vintage style fonts, and old photographs as backgrounds.

unique product presentation

13  Use a monochrome palette

A monochrome palette is one that maintains a single tonality in different strengths. For example, you can create a presentation in shades of blue, or in shades of orange. Use the palest shade for the background and a stronger shade for the titles and decorative shapes. Try doing it the opposite way as well. You can even use photos with a bit of a filter effect in the chosen color by adding a color filter.

unique product presentation

14  Tell a personal story

Telling stories from your own life—whether those stories are deeply moving, humorous tales, or just little snippets that allow someone to look into your history—can be a great way to make a presentation more meaningful.

Colin Stokes uses this to his advantage in his TED talk. He begins by talking about the movies he watches with his daughter and what she likes, and then moving into watching a movie with his son, and wondering how it has affected him, allowing him to move seamlessly into his actual points.

Watch the video below to learn how Colin Stokes did it

unique product presentation

Choose a relevant story from your past, and tell it with all the honesty that you can. Your audience will feel that, sympathize, and therefore connect more with your message.

15  Creative photo crops

The photos in your presentations can be cropped hundreds of different ways. From simple circles or rectangles to more elaborate triangles, polygons, letter shapes or even a brushstroke. Analyze the message of your presentation to know which shape to use for the cropping of your photos. You can also create a collage with the shapes as long as they don’t distract from the information being presented.

unique product presentation

16 Add fun illustrations

Adding fun illustrations is a great idea to engage your audience during a presentation. They can help break up text-heavy slides, make your presentation more visually attractive and reinforce your message, making it one of the best fun presentation ideas.

Hand-drawn doodles, icons and graphics and animated GIFs are all illustrations you can use. To maximize the visual impact of your illustrations, you can use them in 3D.

With Visme, you can enhance your presentation by adding 3D objects that allow you to customize their colors, size and alignment. Additionally, you can add 3D animated graphics to take things to the next level.

When using illustrations, it's important to remember to use them sparingly to avoid overwhelming your audience. Less is more when it comes to adding graphics to your slides. Remember to match the illustrations with your theme and color scheme to keep things consistent.

an image of 3D icons

17  Thick and bold fonts

Huge chunky fonts are a great way to call attention to titles on slides. You could even try making the letters bleed over the edges or place the words vertical along the side. The best thick and bold fonts are the ones with minimal decorations. Try using fonts that have strong corners or the opposite, extreme rounded terminals. It will also work best if the title is short and sweet.

unique product presentation

18 Go with nature

Freshen up your presentation with some natural elements around the edges or as a background. You could use full-screen background photos of leaves or palm fronds coming in from the sides of the slides.

Another presentation idea would be to use nature-related photography along with other design ideas like interesting photo crops. This technique could be used for presentations that relate to nature or natural topics, but also for a home decor proposal or creative direction pitch for a TV ad.

Integrating nature into your slides is a beautiful presentation example of how to connect with your audience on a different level. This technique could be used for presentations about environmental topics or even about home decoration.

presentation slides - company overview template visme

19 Use circles

Circles represent wholeness and a natural sense of completion. They can signify eternity and constant movement. They can also make your presentation more friendly and emotionally accessible. You can try using circles as decorative elements or as the shape for cropping images and as backgrounds for illustrations.

unique product presentation

20 Add some sparkle (glitter backgrounds)

Give your presentations a little bit of a festive feel with some glittery details. This PowerPoint idea can work great if you are presenting a creative proposal for a fashion label or clothing catalog. It can even work really well for holiday-themed pitches or products. There are different types of glittery graphics you can use, like a glitter texture, a glittering rain or even just a dash of glitter. You can find some great glitter backgrounds and textures over at Freepik .

add some sparkle creative presentation ideas

21 Get crafty (ripped paper details)

Sometimes to tell a story, visual details can really help get a mood across. Ripped paper shapes and edges can give a presentation a special feel, almost as if it was done by hand. This visual technique works for any type of presentation except maybe in a corporate setting. Ripped paper can be found on creative graphics resource sites or you can do it yourself and take a photo.

Get-crafty creative presentation ideas

22 Cut-out paper illustrations

Another crafty idea to design your slides is by using cut paper illustrations. This technique could look really crafty or quite elegant if done well. Cut paper can be used as an elaborate background, as the letters in titles or as decorative elements. There are some great cut paper bundles online to use as PNG files which can be uploaded to the Visme editor.

cut-out paper illustrations creative presentation ideas

23  Pathway transitions

Create interesting transitions by designing scenes or pathways instead of just sliding them in one unified direction. By doing this, you can use a storytelling technique that will keep the audience’s attention throughout the presentation and information relay. You can find out how to do it in our free guide to creating captivating presentations .

Create an automatically animated presentation in minutes.

24  use isometric illustrations.

If you are looking for a different way to illustrate your slides, why not consider using isometric illustrations? This style of illustration is great for explaining things that can be separated into parts. The parts can be animated as well. An isometric illustration can work for any kind of presentation, from technology to corporate. It will give your presentation a modern edge and a professional look.

Use-isometric-illustrations creative presentation ideas

25  Use motion graphics

Motion graphics are a great way to illustrate an idea with animated objects . They don’t tell stories on their own, they support the context and illustrate the content.

For example, if your presentation is about travel, you could have flying airplanes across the slides or bags on a luggage conveyor belt. For something more abstract, you can use moving shapes and add effects to the titles. Your Visme editor has a variety of design tools to help you create all sorts of content with motion graphics.

Here’s what one of Visme’s satisfied customers Jessica L. | Small-Business Owner, has to say about Visme’s presentation tool:

"No need to go back to PowerPoint. Visme makes project presentations easy and fast. Lots of useful templates and excellent graphics. I enjoy the features they continue to add and update often. They make project work easy".

26  Add GIFs to your slides

GIFs can be fun, entertaining and humorous. They can also be informational. GIFs be sourced from sites like Giphy , where you can also create your own! Choosing to include a GIF in your presentation slide or a few different GIFs will depend on what message you want to send with your story. The theme and topic of your presentation will help you decide if you need a clip from a blockbuster movie or a quick representation of the process of your systems.

RELATED:  Everything You Need to Know About Using Cool GIFs in Your Marketing

27  Use quotes between slides

Quotes can be good breathers between a bunch of informative slides. You can either use them to separate ideas inside your presentation or to start new sections of information. It’s important that your quotes represent the topic of your presentation so that they make sense and not confuse the viewer.

unique product presentation

28  Start with “once upon a time”

One of the most effective and engaging ways to present a presentation is by incorporating creative storytelling techniques.

If a presentation can be created as a story, then why not go all the way and start the presentation with a classic story opening? Using the “once upon a time” phrase will instantly grab the viewer’s attention because it will be out of the ordinary. Make a slide especially for it with a visual that matches the topic of your presentation.

start with once upon a time creative presentation ideas

29  Turn the slides into a scrolling infographic instead of a presentation

To showcase your content in a unique and engaging way, consider using creative slide ideas that break away from the traditional slide-by-slide approach. For instance, you can arrange your slides vertically to create a scrolling infographic instead of a classic slide-by-slide transition presentation.

This innovative format expands the types of presentations you can create, offering a fresh perspective on information delivery.

An added bonus to this presentation style is to add parallax scrolling or interaction animation. As the viewer scrolls down, the information fills each slide progressively. It doesn’t continue until the viewer scrolls again. This technique is best for displaying online slide show presentation ideas.

Create a scrolling presentation in minutes.

30  engage your audience.

What’s one of the best ways to make your presentations more interesting? Make the audience a part of them.

Regardless if you’re presenting in person to a room full of people or via Zoom to viewers around the world, there are a number of techniques to engage your audience with both your content and yourself. The trick is to make them feel connected somehow, like they can relate. You can achieve this with humor, storytelling, asking questions and inviting them to leave comments in the webinar chat window.

Take this speech by Donovan Livingston. He delivers a commencement speech in spoken word poetry, and specifically encourages the audience to take part, saying they should clap, throw their hands in the air, or otherwise participate if they feel so moved. While not seen, several people are heard cheering and clapping throughout the video.

Participation can also be accomplished through things such as games, posing questions or something as simple as asking participants to raise their hands.

31 Use a scrunched paper background

Give your presentation a laid-back and grunge feel by designing it with a scrunched paper background. It can be any kind of paper really, depending on your topic. It could be notebook paper, or printer paper, it could even be recycled paper. Try a few different types of paper until you find the one that suits your story.

Use-a-scrunched-paper creative presentation ideas

32 Add interactive pop-ups

Adding interactive pop-ups is a game-changer when it comes to creative ways of presenting. These pop-ups allow you to go beyond the traditional approach, giving your audience a more dynamic and engaging experience.

Interactive pop-ups can take many forms, from quizzes and polls to clickable infographics and interactive timelines. With Visme, you can access various interactive features that can help you create engaging and effective presentations.

For example, you can create clickable icons or buttons that allow your audience to explore additional information or resources. You can also create interactive timelines that enable your audience to explore different events or milestones.

One of the most powerful interactive features of Visme is the ability to create quizzes and polls. You can make interactive questions and answer options that allow your audience to engage with your presentation on a deeper level.

You can also use this feature to gather feedback from your audience, allowing you to tailor your presentation to their needs and interests.

Watch the video below or read this article to learn how to create an interactive presentation .

unique product presentation

33  Use a back-to-school theme

A back-to-school theme can make your presentation look like a lot of fun. This is a great technique for teachers and educators welcoming their students back to a new school year. The background can be a sheet of notebook paper, an open notebook, or a blackboard. The edges could be decorated with pencils and paperclips, maybe an eraser or sharpener. The back-to-school theme has lots of possibilities.

back to school theme creative presentation ideas

34  Use a billboard-inspired theme

Use billboard mockups to create slides which look like billboards. This could look interesting and quite unique.  You could use the same billboard for all the slides, or different ones for a more varied approach. This technique would work great with a pitch for an election or a local spot in a government office.  

Do-a-Billboard-inspired-theme creative presentation ideas

35  Use black-and-white photography

Black and white photography is a classic design technique. They import elegance and sophistication to any design by providing a minimalistic approach to the visuals. The photos can either be desaturated from color photos or given an artistic flair with extra contrast and fewer grey tones.

unique product presentation

36  Explain your reasons

What people really want to know is why you’re giving the presentation you’re giving. This is especially true if you’re pitching to investors or potential new clients. When you share your why with the audience using storytelling and body language, you make meaningful connections and lasting relationships

Simon Sinek explains quite well why this is so important—the greatest leaders, the ones who inspire the most people, understand why they do the things they do, rather than just what or how.

When it comes to explaining your reasons, one tool that can significantly improve your presentations is Visme's AI writer . This advanced feature helps you write your presentation copy, break down complex ideas and edit or improve your existing words. With Visme's AI writer, you can make sure your "why" is clear and easy to understand alongside your visuals.

37  Add an audio narrative

Your presentation doesn’t need to be silent, especially if you won’t be standing by it to tell the story yourself. Adding an audio narrative can turn a viewable presentation into an experience. You can either set it up as a video that runs on its own and the viewer looks and listens, or it can be triggered by arrows that are clicked on.

RELATED:  How to Create a Narrated Presentation With Voice Over Using Visme

38 Follow a space theme with photography

Most of the photos from Nasa are labeled as public domain. Meaning that you can give your presentation a space theme quite easily. Choose images of astronauts in space or more abstract and colorful images like distant galaxies and nebulas. The latter can make great backgrounds behind content without the topic necessarily being about space.

presentation topic ideas - moon landing science presentation template visme

39 Do a space theme with illustration

An illustrated space theme can be either colorful and whimsical or sober and elegant. By choosing the style of illustration you use, you can either use this technique for presentations related to children or scientists. Cartoon astronauts can be lots of fun, line illustration planets can be educational and data-driven drawings can be informational.

Do-a-space-theme-with-illustration creative presentation ideas

40  Include music

Sometimes, when listening to someone talk for long periods of time, it helps to have something else to draw your attention. While images are great, including music can really help stimulate an audience and set the mood.

Dean Burnett talks about why this happens: “[Music] provides non-invasive noise and pleasurable feelings, to effectively neutralize the unconscious attention system’s ability to distract us.” Essentially, music is entertaining enough that, when in the background, can keep us focused on otherwise un-entertaining things.

Take, for example, this valedictorian’s speech. While peppered with humor and stories of his time through high school, he uses background music to help keep people’s attention—in fact, this is specifically stated to be his reason for including music, humorously quipping about giving the audience something to listen to while they “zone out” of his speech.

Whether incorporated into individual slides, in a video, done live, or with a music-playing device nearby, this creative presentation idea can be a great way to enhance the quality of your speech or talk.

41  Graffiti photography backgrounds and details

Using colorful backgrounds like photos of urban graffiti can give your presentation a bit of an edge. There are lots of free photographs of graffiti on sites like Unsplash which you can use straight away. Apart from graffiti murals, you can also incorporate graffiti letterings in your titles and quotes. You can find graffiti style fonts online quite easily.

unique product presentation

42  Stop-motion

The stop-motion technique can take time but it can also make your presentation unforgettable. There are lots of ways to use stop-motion, either with characters doing actions or objects that move around and create a scene. Stop-motion can also be used to create titles that move into place. What the title is written with can be anything, from toys to plants. The theme and topic of your presentation will ultimately be the driving point to what kind of stop-motion can be used. But be sure that it works from educational to promotional to corporate.

43  Claymation

Very similar to stop-motion, claymation is the animation of things created with clay or play-doh. Anything can be created with clay, so the possibilities really are endless about what can be achieved. This technique really does take a lot of time, you can source it out to a professional or buy some already created footage. The claymation can be just a decorative element in the background or it could also be the center of the presentation.

44  Color blocking

The color blocking technique is another creative presentation idea that entails using color in large sections and in contrasting tones. The idea is that the color blocks will be strong and colorful. The color blocks can either be the shapes that determine where the information goes or just a way to separate the slides in specific sections.

Any type of presentation can benefit from color blocking. Just make sure you use colors that go together and don’t clash. Explore this technique for different presentation slide ideas, especially when aiming for a bold and visually striking effect. Take a look at this sponsorship deck and how it uses bright and bold color blocking techniques.

unique product presentation

45  Get surreal

Surrealism is an avant-garde movement from the 20th century which was meant to tap into subconscious creativity. This might not be the kind of design technique for any sort of presentation but it can work for one that is about art, or literature or other creative outlets. There are plenty of surrealist artworks in the public domain sector or the Metropolitan Museum of Art. These can be used as subtle backgrounds or visual complements to the text.

get surreal creative presentation ideas

Designing a presentation for an organization requires input from different stakeholders. However, when collaborating with others on a presentation design, keeping track of all the moving parts can be difficult.

That's where Visme's workflow management feature comes in. It helps organize roles, tasks, progress, deadlines and corrections all in one place to make your presentation design process efficient and smooth.

46  Polaroids

Polaroids, often a photography favorite, can inspire creative photography presentation ideas. The original Polaroids from the 70’s could be used as vintage polaroids that have been kept in a box for years. The newest Instamatic photographs, which are the new kind of polaroids, can be used for a fun way to show photos and visuals in presentation slides. You could either use one polaroid per slide or a collection of polaroids on a table or corkboard.

There are many topics that can work with Polaroid photography backgrounds and details in your slide show presentation ideas.

unique product presentation

47  Use a Handwriting Font

Fonts come in all shapes and sizes, including lots of handwriting fonts. Handwritten fonts can be used for any type of presentation as long as the style matches the topic of the information. There are kid-style handwriting, calligraphy style handwriting, hand lettering, and novelty fonts as well. The options are wide and varied for this design technique. Creative Bloq has a great collection of handwritten fonts.

unique product presentation

48  Use a geometric background

A geometric background can look really nice on any presentation. Geometric backgrounds can be tiled polygons or more abstract compositions of different size polygons. The decision to choose between tiled shapes and more creative compositions will depend on your creative angle and disposition. You can use these types of designs with any colors, so you can match the theme or your brand.

unique product presentation

49 Coffee style design

Using a coffee-style design can work for any PowerPoint presentation idea, from office-related topics to digital nomads to anything or anyone who loves coffee. If the background is subtle, it can fit a more serious topic or data report. It can make a boring presentation just a bit more visually entertaining than the rest. Of course, it can also be perfect for a small coffee brewer pitching their company to investors.

unique product presentation

50  Include memes

You’ve seen them everywhere by this point. You might be pretty sick of them. However, that doesn’t mean memes can’t be useful—in fact, using a couple strategically can surprise the audience and make them laugh.

The presentation " Memes, Memes Everywhere" focuses on, unsurprisingly, memes, and explains their purpose while using examples on every slide, which help support their points and add some humor to a very text-heavy presentation.

Choosing relevant memes and using them sparingly can really help add some personality to your presentation, without distracting from the work.

RELATED: 85+ Best Free Presentation Templates

51  Polka dots

Using a polka-dot background is suitable for various types of presentations. It can give your presentation a whimsical look or simply give it a subtle texture. The polka dots could be small and soft or big and punchy. A strong polka-dot background can work great in a creative setting or even boring data analysis. The style of polka dots will depend on the general topic of your presentation. You can use the polka-dot design as a full background or as a decorative section on the slide.

Polkadots-2 creative presentation ideas

52  Metaphors

Visual metaphors can be useful in a similar manner; they can spice up your presentation, illustrate your point, and make your work far more entertaining. James Geary speaks about just how important metaphors are.

His presentation provides several examples of metaphors--such as the phrase “some jobs are jails”--and explains just how hard it is to ignore the lasting power of a well-used metaphor. Because of the connotations a metaphor can bring to the table, their use is an excellent way to imbue added meaning to your words.

53  Use timelines in your slides

Timelines can be used in lots of different ways inside a PowerPoint presentation, and the ideas are limitless. A timeline can either be inside one slide, or it can be connected between various slides. You can make a timeline with icons, connected shapes, or an inclined line. The timeline can be a visual way of explaining a chronological event or a plan of action that needs to be taken care of. Make sure the timeline fits the rest of the theme.

unique product presentation

54  Use a comic book style

Comic books are a source of inspiration for many people. The visual aspect of a comic style composition can really make your presentation shine. There are a few ways you can use this technique. You could set up the slides as if they were snippets of a comic book, place the text in speech and thought bubbles and apply a background with a pointillist texture. If using characters, make sure the characters fit the theme of your presentation. For a perfect fit, hire a designer to create a comic book presentation just for your company.

Use-a-Comic-book-style-3 creative presentation ideas

55  Use a manga style

Looking for creative PowerPoint slide ideas that stand out? Consider taking inspiration from the Japanese art of Manga. Manga can give your presentation a distinct and eye-catching look, much like comic books.

It isn’t as versatile as a comic book because it has a more specific look, so it might not work for all topics. It can work for more creative outlets like fashion, art, and photography. Manga has a specific style for the atmosphere around the unique characters as well. They are more common in black and white and look very photographic.

Use-a-Manga-style creative presentation ideas

56  Use psychedelic visuals

Psychedelia was a big part of the design world in the 60’s and 70’s. Music and creative event posters were so intricate and colorful that they took an important place in the design history books. This design style can be used for a unique visual approach in your presentations. Just like many other techniques we have mentioned, they can be used as a background in slides or as decorative elements. The swirly shapes and contrasting colors can call attention to the viewer in a positive way.

Use-Psychedelic-visuals. creative presentation ideas

Create professional and engaging presentations online!

  • Choose from hundreds of fully designed templates
  • Align colors, fonts and images with your brand
  • Add custom charts, timelines, icons, animations and more

57  Use neon lights

Neon lights are a great way to give your presentation some life when it’s otherwise visually bland. There are plenty of neon light fonts available online to choose from, from classic style neon tubing on a wall to a neon style given to a font to make it look like neon. Presentations of any topic can be given an additional visual with a bit of neon brightness.

Use-Neon-lights-2 creative presentation ideas

58  Cinemagraph backgrounds

A cinemagraph is like a GIF loaded with elegance. The idea behind a cinemagraph is a photo with a moving section which makes it look cinematic. This kind of background can keep your viewers happily hypnotized while listening to your audio narrative or keep them on the slide longer to truly grasp the information being given. There are cinemagraphs available for all sorts of themes and topics. You can definitely find one that suits your needs.

59  Full-screen video backgrounds

A full-screen background can be really appealing. But just like other design ideas, the video you choose needs to match the theme and topic of your presentation. Your best bet is to have a video which is directly related to what your presentation is about. Videos can be created especially for your purpose, sourced with permission from YouTube or bought from a stock video site.

60  Visualize data

Staring at a large amount of numbers on screen can be overwhelming for most people, even if the realities of those numbers enforce your point. What’s the best way to avoid scaring your crowd? Put the data into easily understandable visualizations.

If you want to take this a step further, you can use illustrations or create infographics to make these data visualizations even more engaging.

report examples - market research report template

61  Use a wild west theme

The wild west is not a very versatile theme but can work for a history project or a proposal for a wild west themed party or event. What entails a wild west theme? Brown sandy tones, horses, cowboys, and tumbleweeds. If the full-on wild west theme is too much, you can also take a cue from the era and be inspired by the color scheme. Another approach would be to use photography from the actual west of the United States, mountains and deserts and so on.

Use-a-Wild-West-theme. creative presentation ideas

62 Use mind maps

Mind maps are great visual tools for explaining concepts easily. By including mind maps in your slides, you can relay complicated information visually and creatively. There are eight types of mind maps, the most common being bubble maps, the tree map, and flow map. Each one has a different purpose and you can learn all about this in our guide about mind maps in the Visual Learning Center.

unique product presentation

63  Use interactive geographic maps

The difference between a static map and an interactive map will define how much attention your slides get. Regions can switch colors according to a change in data over time, making the map more into a chart. With Visme, you can make your maps interactive with live data . All you need to do is sync your data from a Google Sheets file and when your presentation is published online, your map will always be synchronized to that data.

Want to create your own interactive map?

  • Create a color-coded map to visualize geographical data
  • Choose either the entire world map, a continent or a country
  • Enable feature to have data values appear on hover

64  Color contrasts

Using contrasting colors in your slides will make the information pop out of the screen in a positive way. The trick to using contrasting colors is to know how colors match together. Contrasting doesn’t mean they need to clash. Try using a color palette generator like Adobe Color to find great palettes that will make this technique your new best friend. You can learn more about how color works in our guide about color perception in the Visme Learning Center.

color contrasts creative presentation ideas

65  Live data graphs

Adding live data to a presentation can turn your slides into evergreen content in a flash. You can use any type of chart and populate it with live data such as bar graphs, line graphs, pie graphs, and more. You can add live data graphs to one or two slides in your presentation or have a series of them. Creating a live data graph is easy with the Visme editor.

66  Color fade transitions

Transitions come in lots of different styles. We have mentioned horizontal transitions, animated transitions, and pathway transitions. This particular technique involves color as the ruling factor.

A color-fade transition makes each slide connected to each other through color. This can be achieved with gradients, color blocks, or colored photo filters. Make your PowerPoint presentation ideas stand out with color fade transitions.

67  “Grow” your presentation so it looks like one animated slide

This creative PowerPoint idea is quite interesting as it really only uses one slide that grows upon itself. The practical way to do this is to create the final slide with all the parts and information set up like a finished puzzle. Once you have the completed slide, duplicate it as many times as you need and systematically take off a bit of information until you’ve reached the first title slide. Once you have all the slides, make sure they are in order before downloading the entire thing.

RELATED:  A Non-Designer’s Guide to Creating Memorable Visual Presentations [Free E-Book]

68  Use humor

Want a great way to connect with your audience and make a memorable, more engaging presentation? Be funny. When used strategically, this is a great way to capture attention. In fact, infusing humor into your talk is one of the most effective fun presentation ideas you can use.

Morgan Spurlock makes wonderful use of this in his TED talk. For example, in one of his earliest statements, he offered individuals the opportunity to buy the rights to name his TED talk—which he refers to again at the end, where he reveals the title. He peppers the entire presentation with humorous commentary that nonetheless supports his point.

Create relevant jokes or find a way to bring out the humor in your subject, and your audience will be much more engaged and more likely to remember your words.

69  Tree diagram transitions

A tree diagram is one of the eight thinking maps which help visualize idea and concepts. The purpose of a tree diagram is to classify and organize information. This map can help build a presentation by making sure each slide is a continuation of the one before. They might need to be grouped into sections so that all the information is relayed easily.

tree diagram transitions creative presentation ideas

Want to create your own tree diagram?

  • Get a head start with pre-made flowchart blocks
  • Easily snap lines and objects together
  • Dozens of shapes and lines styles to choose from

70  Journal style (with hand-drawn illustrations on the margins)

One creative presentation idea is to make your talk just a little bit different than the rest is to use a journal style. The general visual idea for this technique is to make your slides look like the pages of a journal. The style of the journal will depend on what your presentation topic is. It can be a whimsical bullet journal or an intricate botany journal. You could even consider handwriting on paper as a background.

journal style creative presentation ideas

71  Ink splatters

Use ink splatters to decorate your slides any way you like. They can be big and impressive behind the content, or they can be small and subtle like drops from a pen. An ink splatter can give your presentation a bit of an artistic flair and if done right, can make your slides look elegant and clean. Any style of presentation can benefit from some ink splatters as a decorative element.

If you're looking for fresh presentation slide ideas, why not experiment with ink splatters and see how they can enhance your next presentation?

ink splatters 2 creative presentation ideas

72  Passport with stamps

Using travel stamps as a decorative element can work for a presentation with a travel-theme or a creative design proposal for a department store or airport mall. The stamps can be used as a background on a passport page or on their own around the content. A photo of a real passport page can be used for this technique but there are plenty of graphics available in this style on sites like Freepik .

passports with stamps creative presentation ideas

73  Express your emotions

We can sometimes be afraid of expressing how we feel, even to those we’re close to, much less in front of a crowd. However, showing them makes your words more authentic and can generate compassion or excitement in your audience.

Take this TED talk by Thordis Elva and Tom Stranger , for example. While the two talk about their experiences, their voices break and crack. The emotional turmoil they went through is clearly heard, and viewers can clearly understand their pain.

This can take some getting used to, and some courage. However, the results are well worth the effort.

74  Use a video game theme

Video games come in all shapes and sizes. From kids' games to arcade games to car games. Each one has their own style, just like presentations do. If you think a video game visual style is good for your project, consider all the different kinds until you find the one that fits best. You can use game screenshots as backgrounds or infuse the entire design of the presentation with the video game style you chose.

use a video game theme creative presentation ideas

75  Use postcards

One of the least-used creative presentation ideas is to turn your content inside slides into postcards which have been sent from around the world. They can be new postcards which could be used from either front or back sides. The back part would make a great text block for the content you need to display, the photo side can be on the sides or as a background. This design technique can work for presentations about literature, family connections, history or travel. There are postcard templates available on sites like Creative Market .

use postcards creative presentation ideas

76  Incorporate robots in the design

Using robots in your slides can be a creative approach to visually elevate your presentation. There are different styles of robots you can add to your presentation design; realistic photography of anamorphic robots, cute illustrated robots, or robotic parts from factories. These visuals might only apply for technology-themed presentations or about robots themselves. Cute illustrations of robots can be great backgrounds for whimsical topics or other styles of storytelling presentations.

incorporate robots in the design creative presentation ideas

77  Chalk on blackboard

Looking for creative slides presentation ideas? Consider using a chalkboard design to add a unique and nostalgic touch to your presentation.

Writing on a chalkboard is not limited to a school setting or a bar menu. These two might be the most common yet they are not the only possibilities for using chalk on a blackboard. A good handwriting font is the best companion to a chalkboard design. Some of these fonts are already available with a chalky texture and others might need some professional tweaking to get the right texture.

chalk on blackboard creative presentation ideas

78  Get inspired by a specific location

Even if the PowerPoint presentation ideas you are designing are not about a specific place in the world, you can be inspired by one to set up the color scheme and feel of the slides. For example, if you get inspired by Greece, you can use white and light blue hues or even photos of Greek islands. If you get inspired by Brazil, you can use photos of the beach, the texture of the boardwalk tiles or green, blue, and yellow color schemes.

get inspired by a specific location creative presentation ideas

79  Use props

Using props can quickly turn a run-of-the-mill presentation into a unique, interactive experience. Kenny Nguyen demonstrates this well. In his talk he often refers to the “sword of yes” and “shield of no.” Naturally he picks up a sword and shield from the table to help demonstrate his points.

Choosing similar props can help you really illustrate your points—and make it that much more entertaining, too.

80  Use hashtags as titles

In the age of social media, hashtags are used every day. They appear regularly on social media, in spoken and written conversations, and of course in content marketing. Why not include some hashtags as titles? This technique will work great in a presentation for a social media content management pitch, or an in an influencer marketing strategy. On another note, hashtag titles can even be used for any type of presentation geared at the digital generation.

use hashtags as titles creative presentation ideas

81  Black background, white letters, and color accents

When you use a black background, the colors that you place on top will usually look brighter than if they were on a white background. When creating this kind of color palette, make sure the colors you use don’t clash with each other or with the black. Along with the bright colors, make sure you use white to make the composition pop! Neon colors or pastel tones are what will work best.


82  Vintage film edges

Even though we are used to taking photos with our phones, the classic nostalgia of film is still prevalent in the world of visuals and design. The graphic representation of a film negative is as recognizable as an envelope representing an email. Use a vintage film edge along the horizontal edges of your slides to give your visuals a cinematic feel. Even better if you make the edges animated so that it looks like it’s rolling along on a projector.

vintage film edges creative presentation ideas

83 Adult coloring book inspired design

Using a coloring book design can be really creative. Practically anything can be turned into a coloring book style illustration. A great way to use this technique is to have the first slide with the un-colored illustration and then progressively color in the illustration as the slides progress. Furthermore, if the illustration is depictive of the information, the visuals can be even more engaging.

adult coloring book inspired creative presentation ideas

84  Stripes

A stripes design is as classic as it gets. From pinstripes to artistic colorful lines, you can use them as a subtle background or a powerful striped theme intertwined with text boxes. Stripes are the kind of design technique that can work for any type of presentation, from corporate to educational.

stripes creative presentation ideas

85  Make each slide look like a social media post

Just like postcards and polaroids, you could try a creative approach and use social media templates to put the content in. The most notorious social media visual channel is Instagram. It has been known to inspire offline events as well. Make your slides look like social media posts or social media pages. For this technique, you can either use screenshots or templates.

make each slide look like a social media post creative presentation ideas

86  Ink in water

Dropping ink in water creates beautiful colorful bubbly designs which can be photographed at high speed. These images can be used as backgrounds for any type of creative theme presentations. Choose the color and thickness of the ink design to match the theme of your presentation. There are also animated versions of this effect which can be bought like video stock.

ink in water creative presentation ideas

87  Lego bricks

Use lego bricks as inspiration to fill your presentation slides with color and fun. Use the bricks to create slide frames, letters or even charts. The best approach to a lego inspired presentation is to be creative. There are lots of things you can do with lego, you could go as far as using the legos to write the titles of the slides. Don’t use the Lego logo though unless you are specifically designing a presentation about lego.

lego bricks creative presentation ideas

88  Use classic storytelling techniques

A presentation is, in a way, like a story—you’re talking about your chosen subject and leading viewers on a journey to discover what that subject means. Moreover, stories hold an intrinsic interest for us. Therefore, you can easily use several storytelling techniques to help improve your presentation.

Alex Blinkoff  goes into this in great detail, examining things such as “The Hero’s Journey” and provides several examples of ways to use storytelling techniques in your presentations. Check them out, and decide what might work best for your subject.

hero's journey monomyth infographic

Click on image to view interactive slide show created with Visme

89  Jigsaw puzzles

Pieces of a jigsaw puzzle can be used to make charts, infographic diagrams, or interlocking frames. The idea behind puzzle pieces is that things come together to form a whole and this concept can be used for any slide and any kind of presentation. Make sure to use a suitable color palette that matches your theme and the rest of the presentation.

jigsaw puzzle creative presentation ideas

90  Headlines coming in animated on boats/trains/airplane

Headlines or titles can be given a life of their own inside the slides. One interesting and creative approach would be to make the titles enter the slide on top of some kind of vehicle. The vehicle could be anything, from a train to a boat, to an airplane. Depending on the type of vehicle, this animated technique can be used for child-themed topics, transportation themes, travel ideas, or even about a corporate sales report.

91  Use a camouflage design

Camo doesn’t necessarily need to convey a sense of military, although it does carry a strong connection. Thankfully, camouflage comes in different styles, from jungle greens to desert browns. Other out of the box camouflage styles are the ones where the colors are completely off the charts, like pinks and blues. Camouflage designs are better used as backgrounds or small subtle sections.

use a camouflage sign creative presentation ideas

92  Use unique novelty fonts for headers

There are so many novelty fonts to choose from out there these days! Using a unique novelty font for the titles and headers is a great way to add some visual pizzazz to your slides. Try looking for some really special fonts that carry personality. Once you have selected the font, add some color and texture to make it look even better.

use unique novelty fonts for headers creative presentation ideas

93  Use a city skyline

Using a background of a city skyline can work great for a presentation related to business or corporate topics. It can also be perfect for an urban travel related theme or educational presentation. You can choose to use photography as a background or with the buildings cut out from the sky. Another choice is to find an illustrated city skyline and use it as a border on the slides.

unique product presentation

94  Use a connected dots background

One of the design trends of the last few years is the connected dots visual. It’s used on websites and on printed flyers. It’s so versatile that it can be added to any kind of presentation in a heartbeat. The lines can be short or long between the dots and the composition can be tight or spread out. You can find connected dot visuals easily on sites like Freepik, in lots of different colors. If you can manage vector graphics , you can also change the composition of the dots quite easily yourself.

use connected dots in the background creative presentation ideas

95  Use a bokeh background

Bokeh is a photography and light technique which turns dots of light into bright shiny spheres. With a bit of creativity, the lights can be turned into shapes, like hearts or stars. This design style is great for backgrounds since it’s mostly abstract. It works best as a complement to the content instead of an important visual aspect. You can find bokeh backgrounds in stock photo sites or make it yourself.

use a bokeh background creative presentation ideasv

96  Use watercolor designs

The use of watercolor designs is an easy way of infusing some lively color into a presentation. Watercolors can be a splash on the background, shapes around the content, or colorful strokes intertwined with text boxes. Depending on the color of the paint used, the watercolor technique can be used for any type of presentation. A soft watercolor brushed background can work for a feminine theme and a deep intense splash can add visual creativity to an otherwise boring corporate presentation.

use watercolor designs creative presentation ideas

Just like watercolor graphics, paint can add a dose of creativity to any presentation. Different to watercolors though, paint is more intense. Paint based graphics come in all shapes and sizes, from thick brush strokes to paint drips. Digital paint compositions can also make great backgrounds for colorful and creative presentations.

Paint creative presentation ideas

98  Use bright fun colors

Why create a bland presentation when you can make it fun and colorful instead? Creative color palettes can include up to six different colors which look great together. Use shapes, cut-outs, color blocks, swashes, anything your heart desires. This technique is for letting go and being creatively free with color. Just make sure the colors go together by trying out some palettes first.

unique product presentation

99  Use arrow graphics

Arrows symbolize direction. They can be a great addition to your charts, infographic visuals and slide sections. You could even do the entire presentation using arrows. According to their size, color, and thickness, they have different temperaments. Look for different styles of arrows and see if they fit your topic and theme. Freepik has some great arrow visuals and the Visme editor also has arrow icons and infographic visuals.

use arrow graphics creative presentation ideas

100  Use electronic visuals

Another great idea for a background visual is the inside of a computer system. The intricate details of a motherboard or a close up of a memory chip can make a great visual impact. Apart from using an electronic background image, little pieces of electronic devices can be placed around the slide as decoration. This technique is generally limited to electronic or computer theme topics.

use electronic visuals creative presentation ideas

101  Metaphors

Visual metaphors can be useful in a similar manner. They can spice up your presentation, illustrate your point, and make your work far more entertaining. James Geary speaks about just how important metaphors are.

102  Keep it feminine

A feminine style design can work for your presentation if your company makes products for women or if your targeted audience is women. By feminine design, we mean light and soft colors, subtle shapes and a general airy feeling to the composition. Feminine design can be minimal but it can also be decadent and full of style. Whichever you chose, make sure it fits with your audience.

Feminine creative presentation ideas

103  Go futuristic

A futuristic style can fit any theme as long as the concept of the future depicted, fits the topic of the presentation. Futuristic design can be of many different styles; from spaceship driving controls to cosmos related atmospheres, to flying cars, and artificial intelligence. Even color palettes can look futuristic if you add some metallic tones.

Futuristic creative presentation ideas

104  Add a music background

A music soundtrack can be added to any presentation that doesn’t have any other sort of audio already. The best music for a presentation is one without lyrics, in other words, an instrumental track. A good track will accompany the content in a positive way and not interfere with the message. You can find audio tracks easily online.

105  Communicate with images

A picture can speak a thousand words. Naturally, they can be used to communicate concepts that, for the sake of space or time, you might not be able to include in the presentation itself. This slide deck  uses this strategy to its advantage.

The presentation includes many images as backgrounds and minimal text. The images used always either enhance what’s being said or, in some cases, provide the answer for viewers. For example, the second slide states “The Landscape Today,” and includes a bleak background with a broken, tilted picture frame, emphasizing the idea that the following slides (which describe the landscape) offer some pretty disheartening information.

Using images in a related fashion can help express your views and emphasize your message.

Harness the power of Visme's AI image edit tools in your toolkit. These advanced yet easy-to-use tools let you effortlessly edit, touch up, unblur and upscale your images using simple prompts. It's an incredibly convenient way to add extra polish and clarity to your pictures to make your presentations more impactful.

106  Include artsy data visualization

Data visualization is a way of showing data and information in a way that is visually expressive. Creative data analysts can make some really beautiful creations and you can hire them to make them for you. If you haven’t seen any creative data visualizations, take a look at our collection of the best of 2018 and get inspired. You can either make the whole presentation into a data viz or add them to some of the slides.

By Beyond Words Studio

RELATED:  The 25 Best Data Visualizations of 2018

107  Stay branded

This creative tip is a simple yet effective way to spark good presentation ideas. When creating your presentation, do your best to stay on brand. This, of course, will work only if you are creating a presentation for your own brand. If creating one for a client, then you should stay on brand with their own brand style guide. This means only use the brand colors and fonts, use photos, textures, and shapes that match the brand.


Use Visme's brand design tool to ensure your presentations perfectly reflect your brand personality. Just copy and paste your website URL, and the tool will automatically extract your branding assets, such as brand colors, brand fonts and company logo.

108 Ask questions

A great tip to make your PowerPoint presentations ideas more interactive is to ask questions from your audience.  Like the example below, you can display only your question on the slide. Once the audience has pitched in their opinions and answers, you can click to reveal the actual answer. You can enable this type of interactivity on click when making a presentation in Visme .

unique product presentation

109 Replace boring bullet points with visuals

While adding bullet points in your slides might be better than adding walls of text, they're still not the most effective way to get your message across and engage your audience. Take things up a notch and replace boring bullets with visuals, such as photos and even icons. Here's an example of how you can use icons to add a creative twist to the plain ol' bullet points.

unique product presentation

110 Share your slide deck

Downloading your slide deck and presenting in front of an audience is not the only way to use your presentation. Make the most of your slides by sharing your presentation online.

Add interactive elements, such as clickable buttons, links, hover effects, popups, embedded videos and more so your audience can view and engage with your slides on their own.

If you've created your presentation in Visme, you can share your presentation publicly or privately using a link, or embed it anywhere you like.

Start Using These Creative Presentation Ideas

Ready to start creating your own presentation after over 100 pieces of inspiration? Choose your favorite creative presentation ideas and incorporate them into your own presentation.

You can add interactivity, animation, visuals and all kinds of creative elements to your presentations when you design them in Visme's online presentation maker. With our Dynamic Field feature , you can automatically update key information in real-time across all your slides or multiple projects. Customize existing dynamic fields or create new ones and format them to maintain design consistency.

Create a free account with Visme to start building a presentation your audience will love.

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unique product presentation

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unique product presentation

About the Author

Orana is a multi-faceted creative. She is a content writer, artist, and designer. She travels the world with her family and is currently in Istanbul. Find out more about her work at oranavelarde.com

unique product presentation

7 Unique Presentation Examples That Will Inspire You

Carla Albinagorta

After a while, all PowerPoint presentations look exactly the same, don’t they? Wrong! The way a PowerPoint is designed can really change the feel of the whole presentation. The world is filled with bad PowerPoint presentations. But precisely because of that, a good PowerPoint will stand out even more. Check out these amazingly good presentation examples to get some design ideas for your next PowerPoint.

Presentation inspiration

Why presentations are important

Before we go through the presentation examples, it’s important to talk a little about what makes a PowerPoint presentation really good. It’s a common mistake to think that the design of your PowerPoint is a secondary factor in a presentation. Content and information are definitely vital, but the design also affects the overall way people react to your presentation. Sometimes even more that you could imagine.

Think about it this way: you probably won’t go to an important presentation dressed as if you just got out of bed. If it’s a really important one, you’ll probably even worry about looking your best. You probably won’t think twice about spending a little more time grooming yourself and making sure you look good. And this is because appearances do matter. Whether we like it or not, people unconsciously read many things from the way we present ourselves visually. And these ideas can stick for a long, long time in people’s minds. And, even more, they are built incredibly fast. According to Forbes, first impressions are made in the first 7 seconds of a meeting .

Business presentations are exactly the same. There are many things your audience can read from your presentation design alone. For once, the way your presentation looks will probably give them an impression of how professional you and your business are. A plain, all-white presentation can give the impression that you’re lazy or that you did it last minute. The way a presentation looks can certainly influence how trustworthy you look, or how committed to a project, or how relatable you are.

Characteristics of a good presentation deck

People can read many things from a presentation, and it’s your duty to work on the image you want to project. A bad presentation can make you look unprofessional, yes. But a presentation is also a great opportunity to establish your brand visually and to make sure it stays on your audience’s minds. It’s up to you to take advantage of the possibilities presentations offer you.

unique product presentation

It’s definitely easier said than done, though. Making a unique PowerPoint design demands creativity and imagination. So before you check out the presentation examples, look at this short list of design ideas. Hopefully, you could use these as inspiration for your next PowerPoint. They’ll surely take any plain presentation to the next level.

Title slides

PowerPoint title slides

You probably have experienced this: You get distracted from a presentation for 5 seconds, and suddenly you have no idea of what the speaker is talking about. You’ve gotten yourself lost, and it’s pretty difficult to get back on track when you don’t even know what new topic you’re talking about. Title slides are a great way to show your audience in what section of your presentation you’re on.

Even if you don’t have title slides for each section, you should certainly have a presentation starter Title slide. This slide is vital because it’ll set the feel for all the rest of the presentation. Just as with yourself, people tend to judge a presentation right from the start. It’s incredibly important that you showcase what you want to showcase (professionalism, relatability, etc.) on your title slide.

You want your audience looking forward for the rest of the presentation, not to feel dread and boredom. Make it eye-catching without going over the top, and make sure the topic is clear. You can check out some of our other presentation examples to see how a high impact first slide is done.

Cohesive color palette

There is no easier way to make your presentation look unprofessional than to go overboard with colors. Even if the speaker isn’t necessarily the one that has designed the PowerPoint presentation, he or she will be automatically connected to it. That is why a “Rainbow” presentation will give the feel that the speaker doesn’t really know what they are doing. Even if the speaker is doing a good job, the picture that will remain in the audience’s minds will be of the PowerPoint presentation. And if this one looks improvised or unprofessional, that will also reflect on their idea of the presenter.

PowerPoint color palette

Finding good colors for your presentation can be a tricky task. The overall general rule is to pick colors that complement each other, and that have good contrast. This way, the presentation will not be eye-straining while still being easy to read. The easiest way to apply this is to pick one of the premade color schemes from Microsoft Office.

However, you probably have some extra requirements, like for example to use your brand’s colors. Things like this can make it harder to find a good color palette. There is no easy way to handle colors in a presentation. But the easiest tip is: when in doubt, keep it simple.

If you want to know more about colors and how to use them, you can check out how to pick the right colors for your next presentation .

Data representation

PowerPoint presentations are, above all, a visual aid. That’s why you should take advantage of the visual potential they have. Many business presentations include some kind of data to illustrate a certain point or prove something. For example, growth or sales rates, or consumers per country, and so on. Many presentations’ main sin is that they try to showcase all this data in a written way like it’s a report. It’s one of the easiest ways to bore your audience and make them lose focus.

PowerPoint charts graphs

If you’re saying exactly the same that is written in the PowerPoint, why should they listen to you? You should aim to show something in a different way that will make them understand the things you’re saying easier. For example, if you want to share some percentages concerning some specific aspect of your business, the list of numbers will probably bore pretty quickly your audience. But if you show it visually, in a pie chart for example, your audience will be able to understand it easily.

Captivating visuals

“Captivating visuals” do not mean only photos and pictures. Sure, customized illustrations are great, as you will see in some of our presentation examples. But you don’t need them to create a great presentation. Many people think that it means adding at least one stock picture or something similar to every slide. Truth is, what presentations really need is visuals that complement smartly the information display.

This can be done by many different ways. Illustrations and pictures are a great option for this. They exemplify one or more points, but most important, they break the “all-text” image that is so frustrating for the audience. And to achieve this, illustrations and pictures are not the only way to do so. As has been said before, graphs and charts are a great way to represent data. And these elements also help to break the “all-text” effect. Other great options to do this are to use icons and geometrical. These can help to highlight your points, while still being sober and not very intrusive.

But the most vital thing to consider visually is the layout . The way you organize the information inside a slide can make all the difference between a plain slide and a professional looking one. The more your presentation looks like a textbook, the more difficult it’ll be for your audience to focus in it. Break down your information in smaller parts and see how they can fit into the slide. It’s a difficult thing to learn, but once you see the presentations examples, you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about.

What not to do when designing a presentation

You can also check these bad PowerPoint examples , to know what to avoid. Some times, it can be just as useful to know what not to do! But right now, let’s go through some of the things that can really make a difference in turning your presentation from plain to spectacular.

Presentation Examples

Here you’ll find some amazing presentation examples done by our designers here at 24Slides. Hopefully, these will give you the inspiration you need to make a more unique, eye-catching presentation. Even the plainest, most boring presentation has a solution. It’s just a matter of knowing how to make it really stand out.

In 24Slides, our designers divide their styles into three categories: Corporate, Creative and Playful. This way, customers can pick the style that they feel they fit best with their brand and their presentation. To know more about these 3 styles and to see how they differentiate from each other, you can look out other of our professionally redesigned PowerPoint examples . You will find the original presentation and how it was remade in all 3 of these styles. This way, you can really see the difference between them, and pick the one that fits better your needs!

But for now, let’s go straight to the presentation examples! Here you’ll find some of the best Before-and-After transformations. This way you can really see how much of a difference a well-designed PowerPoint can really make.

This presentation was redesigned in a Creative style. This style is in some way the perfect middle between the other two. It’s more serious and business-like than the Playful style, but more flexible and casual than the Corporate one. This Adidas presentation is the perfect example of the Creative style. It showcases all the information in a professional way, but still keeping it visually attractive.

Adidas PowerPoint presentation example

Adidas has a difficult color scheme to work with since it’s a brand that works mainly with blacks, greys, and white. It’s easy to make a boring presentation with that palette, as you can see with the all-grey background of the original presentation. Our designers change it for a more visually striking photo-background. But they kept the background photos at a high transparency percentage to make sure they didn’t hinder the text. They also added the brand logo with the back lines. This slide really shows how a slide layout can really change the feel of a presentation.

Adidas PowerPoint presentation example

This slide is a perfect example of improving data visualization. Why put everything in written sentences, when you can show it in a much more effective way as a graph?

b) Linkedin

The Playful style is my personal favorite. Playful PowerPoint designs are proof that presentations don’t have to be boring or dull. This style is great for catching your audience’s attention. It includes a lot of personalized illustrations that will really make a presentation pop. This style is certainly less serious, but no less professional. You can see the effort that has been put into these slides, and how carefully crafted they are.

Linkedin PowerPoint presentation example

Check out the difference between these two slides. While the original one is certainly more serious, it’s the redesigned one that looks like a professional presentation. Dark backgrounds are great start to give a presentation a professional look, but it’s not enough. Anyone can change the background color. This PowerPoint example, despite not having a dark background, looks way more professional. It looks customized and detailed. Our designers took Linkedin colors to make a slide that really represented the brand. The effort put into it it’s what makes it a really unique-looking presentation.

This slide is also a good example of the importance of title slides. If you see the original one, you’ll probably brace yourself for a long and boring presentation. With the fixed one, you give the presentation a whole new feel. The customized illustration reflect perfectly the presentation topic and intrigues you enough to make want to hear more about it.

Linkedin PowerPoint presentation example

Finally, we have the Corporate Presentation style. This one is certainly the most serious of all three of them. This is the kind of presentation you want to show your boss to prove how reliable and rigorous you are with your job. It’s a great style for presenting data and cold hard facts.

IBM PowerPoint presentation example

The original presentation had a theme, with the blue lines in the upper and lower sides of the slide. But the use of different colors made it look a little improvised and overall just dated. The new design, on the other hand, looks clean and stylish. Something as simple as adding a visual element, like the central photo, can do a huge difference. Instead of highlighting text with different colors, the designers focused on separating the information in sections and using a monochromatic color scheme. This way, the audience can distinguish easily each part of the slide, while still keeping the design sharp.

IBM PowerPoint presentation example

Even something as simple as bullet points change completely when you use a more professional layout!

d) McDonald’s

This MacDonalds’ presentation is an amazing example of what a Playful presentation is all about. Vibrant colors, unique illustrations, and a distinctive layout. If you look at the original SWOT Analysis of this presentation example, it is completely plain and forgettable. But the fixed slide is truly unique. It conveys the information in a way that could not have been done for any other company in the world. It’s original and entertaining while still showcasing all the information needed.

McDonald's PowerPoint presentation example

This PowerPoint is also a good example of and amazing use of color. The original presentation was clearly trying to follow the brand’s official color scheme of red and yellow. But in practice, it made the presentation look pretty amateur. Our designers, on the other hand, made a customized color palette that made the presentation look not only professional but unique. They kept the red and yellow tones, but didn’t use them as the main colors. Instead, they created a whole scheme of colors that complimented them, and that allow them to add so much more detail into the presentation.

McDonald's PowerPoint presentation example

The customized icons are one of those things that really can make a difference. In the new presentation, you can be sure that the data being shown is from a fast food company. Making sure your presentation reflects your company is more than just pasting a logo in every slide. This presentation is a great example of how to do it right. Every single slide reflects its product in a playful, innovative way.

Oracle’s PowerPoint is another great presentation of example of the creative style. This presentation takes a plan, boring PowerPoint and transforms it into a unique one.

Oracle PowerPoint presentation example

Check out how much a professional layout can change a slide. In the original one, all the element are crammed together. It’s even a little bit uncomfortable to read. There are too many things happening at once. The fixed slide conveys the exact same information, but in a way more organized, professional way. This is a great example of how to showcase data smartly. The designer used all their tools (shapes and colors to make divisions, icons, etc.) to convey the information in a visually attractive way.

Oracle PowerPoint presentation example

Creative style is all about thinking out of the box, so this slide transformation is a perfect presentation example. While the original slide is not that bad, it’s a little dull. But if you change the layout and add a more interesting color scheme, the slide will look much better!

Here is another great presentation example of the creative style. Creative is actually the style more in demand by our customers, since it looks both sharp and fun. And this Amazon’s presentation really shows that.

Amazon PowerPoint presentation example

Details do matter. While in the original slide there were graphs, the colors clashes, and it looks pretty cramped. Our designers changed the color palette to reflect the brand, the bar graphs for pie charts and adding a soft-edged caption box. Just with this, the slide looks more cohesive and with an intended design.

Amazon PowerPoint presentation example

This slide is another example that visuals and layout matter. Having slide after slide filled with bullet points becomes boring very quickly. Think about in which other ways you could represent the information, and build your layout accordingly.

Finally, here’s another presentation example of a corporate style PowerPoint. This serious, straightforward style is ideal when you want a more sober, business-like presentation.

Cisco PowerPoint presentation example

As much as a good minimalist style , less is not always more. The original slide with just a quote looks kind of empty, rather than minimalist. As has been said before, a basic gradient background will not fool anyone into thinking that there was time put into that presentation design. Adding “stunning visuals” don’t necessarily mean having custom icons or vector illustrations. Sometimes something as simple as a complementary picture and some geometrical detail, as in this slide, can really make the message stand out.

Make better presentations

Hopefully this presentation examples will inspire you when you have to do your next PowerPoint. Presentation design takes time and effort, but practice makes perfect. Do not expect a PowerPoint that looks from a professional designer’s portfolio at first try. Design is not something you can learn overnight.

However, if you don’t have the time to spend in learning how to design your own PowerPoints, or you want a really professional finish, you should definitely contact put team of designers here at 24 Slides. Your presentation will be as unique as anyone of these examples, and will reflect perfectly your brand and what you want to convey.

And depending how much time you invest a week in doing PowerPoints, it’ll probably even be more cost-efficient to hire presentation designers. This way you get better presentations that you could have done on your own, and at the same time, save time for your other tasks. So ask yourself: do you really need to learn how to design presentations? Or is it just another task taking time and energy from other more important things to do?

unique product presentation

If it’s just taking time away from you, why not let the professionals so what they’ve been trained to do? Here at 24Slides we have incredible designers that will make sure that your presentations is everything you want it to be. You can focus on your tasks at hand, and receive your presentation ready within 24 hours, and more professional-looking than ever.

Create professional presentations online

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How to Create a Great Product Presentation

How to Create a Great Product Presentation

Visual presentations can be a powerful tool for communicating new information to multiple people. The slides engage audiences visually and offer plenty of opportunities to capture their attention and dazzle their senses. It’s no wonder why product presentations are such a popular tool for pitching a new product.

Of course, knowing you need a product presentation is only half the battle. You or your team still have to design it. What makes a great product presentation, and how can you design an effective pitch deck?

Want to create a powerful and effective product presentation? Check out these 10 tips for designing a great product presentation:

1. Plan a powerful introduction

How do you plan to introduce yourself and your product? The first few seconds can make or break your product presentation as your audience either becomes enraptured with your topic or shifts its focus elsewhere. How will you engage your viewers and capture their attention? A powerful introduction is key to an efzzwefective presentation. Be sure to create an opening slide that is heavy on visual interaction and communicates a strong statement that leaves people yearning to learn more.

2. Keep everything on brand

A professional slide deck is one that stays on brand from start to finish. You don’t have to spend hours poring over the intricate design details of a PowerPoint deck. Beautiful.ai users can personalize a theme for their entire presentations, customizing all the colors and typography with just a couple of clicks. Users can even add a custom logo to appear on slides, ensuring that the entire deck stays on brand. Beautiful.ai’s Team Plan users can even lock in the right logo and brand elements across the entire organization, guaranteeing that every deck is fully on brand.

3. Use a product roadmap

Product roadmaps are perfect for bringing a vision to life since they include the essential elements of a successful pitch: vision and strategy, goals and objectives, launch timelines and more. Beautiful.ai features a product roadmap template that’s already professionally designed to be the perfect product presentation tool. The template can help users pitch new products to investors, visualize the trajectory of research and development, as well as inform and educate sales teams about up-and-coming products. The slides are already curated; users need only customize the appropriate content, and the presentation can be completed in just a few minutes.

4. Include a demo

Product presentations are designed to demonstrate how a brand can positively influence a buyer, investor or partner. Because most people prefer to see a product in action before making a major purchase, a demonstration video serves as an effective tool for promotion. By walking your audience through a product’s use, you can help viewers understand how your product is the solution to their problems. It’s easy to integrate a product demonstration video using Beautiful.ai, as well as a variety of other PowerPoint-alternative presentation software tools.

5. Feature engaging images

Want to engage your audience and ensure it remembers your product presentation? Add visual elements to your slides. It only makes sense: Studies show people remember about 10% of what they hear after 72 hours, but they can remember 65% if visuals are added to the oral presentation. It’s simple to add images like photos, icons and even infographics to presentations designed using Beautiful.ai. Not only do a plethora of Smart Slides feature eye-catching infographics like bar graphs, pie charts and scattergraphs, but the platform features a vast library with thousands of free stock photos, icons and even company logos.

6. Try a design sprint

A design sprint is a time-constrained process that uses design thinking to introduce a new product better. Through a design sprint, presentation designers can answer critical questions through design, prototyping and experimenting with new ideas over a five-day period. By participating in a design sprint , teams can reduce their risks when bringing a new product to market. While a design sprint can be very effective, many teams may be unsure exactly how to conduct one. Fortunately, Beautiful.ai features a design sprint presentation template to get users started. The customizable template includes everything needed for a design sprint, including the process steps and weekly deliverables.

7. Provide success stories

The proof is in the pudding, and audiences want to hear about examples of a product’s success. While it’s important to describe a product’s features and its benefits, it’s just as crucial to provide specific examples of the new product in action. Tell specific success stories to help cement the product’s value in the minds of your audience members. Even better, feature true success stories from real-life customers. Testimonials have been a tried and true sales tool for centuries, and they can be just as powerful when included in your product presentation slide deck.

8. Create a memorable close

Nobody wants to spend time designing an otherwise stellar presentation and lose their audience with a mundane close. Some speakers will close their product presentation with a call to action, but we recommend closing with a clincher – a final story, a compelling statistic or even an inspirational quote that will leave an audience thinking long after the last slide has concluded. Beautiful.ai users can choose from all sorts of different Smart Slide templates to serve as their closing slide , and add engaging images and even video to help keep an audience interested until the very end of the product presentation and beyond.

9. Delegate with deadlines

Collaboration can be key to designing a powerful product presentation, and the Beautiful.ai Teams Plan makes it easy to get the entire team involved and on task. Delegate different slides or portions of the slide deck to specific team members, then be sure and set deadlines to keep everyone on schedule. There’s no need to worry about scattered slides with the Beautiful.ai Team Plan . Keep everything in one place with our single, searchable library. Slides are instantly synced when changes are made, so everyone is always working on the most current version at all times.

10. Conduct a product reflection

Also known as a project retrospective, a product reflection helps teams dive deep into completed projects, assessing what worked and what could have been better. The process helps to inform future planning, but it has the potential to be a tedious task that gets left by the wayside once a product presentation is completed. By using Beautiful.ai’s project retrospective template, however, project managers can create an effective product reflection in half the time. The customizable template features all the necessary slides for a powerful retrospective including project inventory, time investment, feedback and wins. By using the project retrospective presentation template , teams can better understand where their efforts paid off and how they can improve future projects.

Samantha Pratt Lile

Samantha Pratt Lile

Samantha is an independent journalist, editor, blogger and content manager. Examples of her published work can be found at sites including the Huffington Post, Thrive Global, and Buzzfeed.

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Product presentation templates

Give your product the attention it deserves with Pitch’s sleek, customizable product presentation templates. From feature highlights to product demos, our versatile slide decks let you show off your product or business idea in a way that'll wow potential customers.

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100+ Creative Presentation Ideas You Can Steal Today

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Renderforest Staff

20 Aug 2023

11 min read  

100+ Creative Presentation Ideas You Can Steal Today

Have you ever struggled with forcing yourself to stay awake during a presentation? Don’t worry, you are not alone. 

In essence, a presentation is nothing but sharing ideas with others. Whether you intrigue and interest your audience or not depends on how interesting the topic is and how well you present it. 

Whether you plan on making a PowerPoint presentation with neatly designed slides or a video presentation with dynamic transitions, you first  need creative presentation ideas. 

That’s why we’ve created a comprehensive list of the most captivating and creative presentation ideas you can put to use. We have separated them into three main categories to make things easier for you.

Let’s dive right in!

Business and Management Presentation Ideas

Education presentation ideas, general presentation ideas.

create presentations and pitch decks

In business, presenting information and complex ideas in an easy-to-digest manner is crucial. If you already have a presentation idea, you only need to find a presentation template to bring it to life. But if you’re still looking for creative presentation ideas, read the list we’ve prepared below.

  • Corporate Presentation : Have you ever wondered what the best way is to build and communicate your company’s identity? Corporate presentations are great for promoting your brand, services, and products by simply talking about them.
  • Company Profiling : Introduce your team. Who are you? What are you passionate about? Your audience is interested to know more about your team members.
  • Company Story : What can strengthen the ties between you and your audience better than a compelling success story told through creative presentations?

Company story presentation

Use Template

  • Product Promos : Create a buzz around your new product with an engaging promo presentation.
  • Sales Pitch : Close that sale you’ve worked so hard for with a well-built sales presentation.
  • Office Tour : Present the cool interior design of your office. Show your favorite spots where you like to wind down with a cup of coffee or, hey, maybe a beer.
  • Product Features : Does your product have interesting features that not everyone knows about? Make a detailed presentation on all the hidden features of your product. Use images and videos to explain how everything functions.
  • Fundamental Principles : Choose a general topic in Business and Management and discuss it through your creative presentation. Here’s an idea: “Fundamental Principles of Strategic Planning.” Could be a great prompt to start with, right?
  • Best Strategies: Be it marketing, financial, or any other type of strategy, an overview of the best strategies can make for informative and useful presentation content.
  • Industry Introduction : Make a presentation about the industry your business operates. Use strong visuals to complement your content and introduce your industry in the best light possible.
  • Comparing Tactics : Make a presentation reflecting on and comparing various tactics.
  • Calculated Risks : We are all worried about possible risks when taking action. Risks are unavoidable. It’s a great idea to prepare your audience for the risks before they come across them. There is a multitude of ways to do it through creative presentations. Cover “Risks in Investing,” “Risks Associated With Trading Derivatives,” and so forth.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages : One never comes without the other. Introduce your team to the pros and cons of your plans, actions, and anything else you consider important.

Advantages and disadvantages presentation slide


  • Debates : Make your presentation even more interactive by involving the audience in debates. Plus, debates and discussions are always helpful in establishing a better understanding of a topic.
  • SWOT Analysis : You can never go wrong with a proper analysis of business strategies, marketing plans, and more. So consider making an analysis presentation to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a specific business strategy.
  • Portfolio Presentation : Showcase your best projects and works. Why should anyone be interested in you if they haven’t seen your work? Presenting your best projects in a compelling and attractive format will increase your reputation quickly.
  • Current Trends : What are the current trends in business and management.  Always keep an eye on them to stay one step ahead of your competitors.
  • Challenges : Who doesn’t agree that challenges are tough? Making a creative presentation on challenges and the ways that you have overcome them will help you keep track of your development and also prepare for the future.
  • Reporting Progress : Why don’t you make weekly or monthly presentations on your performance, such as financial statements? Measuring and reporting your performance will smooth your path toward your goals.
  • Customer Testimonials : Present your customers’ responses and feedback on your product/service to see what steps you need to take to improve your offerings.
  • Profiles of Successful People : Encourage your team by introducing them to the experiences and achievements of successful people.
  • Tips and Tricks : If you want to cheer your audience up, provide them with hacks and tricks to deal with certain issues. This can include technical tricks and some tips on teamwork, for example.

Office tips presentation slides

  • Rules and Regulations : What are some of the rules that your company never breaks? Discuss the rules and regulations that apply to your team.
  • Top Criteria : Selecting a new quality management system is not easy, is it? Introducing the top criteria for a specific task can be a great presentation topic. How about making a presentation on “Top Criteria for Selecting a New Quality Management System?”
  • Product Development Process : Sometimes, we are interested to see how a product was created. Showcase the development process of your product through a presentation.
  • Most Effective Ways : It’s always good to be introduced not only to what to do but also to how to do it. So make a presentation on the best ways of conducting surveys, research, or anything else.

Product development guidelines slide example

  • Success Factors : This is something all of us are interested in. Introduce the success factors in different areas such as managing successful teams or product design tips.
  • Cause and Effect : This simple and informative presentation structure will be ideal to dive deeper into the intricate world of cause and effect.
  • Past vs. Present vs. Future : Growth will become more visible and obvious once you start comparing what you had before to what you have now. This can turn into a great summary of the major changes within a certain time period.
  • Comparisons : Compare different products/services. It’s a good strategy that will help you emphasize the good and the bad sides of a particular thing.
  • Positive and Negative Effects : It’s always important to show the two sides of a coin. Consider presenting the positive and negative effects of a certain thing. For example, the positive and negative effects of social media is a debated topic nowadays. Pick your topic and reveal it from both perspectives.
  • Problem-Solution Presentation : Identify a relevant problem. A great presentation format would be to introduce not only the complicated problem but its solution as well.
  • Training : Your presentation can become a training session. You can organize a theoretical part and add a practical portion too, like quizzes and discussions.
  • Graphs and Charts : One of the best ways to introduce your info is through statistical graphs and charts, combining survey and observational data. You can use visual animated scenes and infographics.

Key statistics report format

  • Popular Misconceptions : People are often mistakenly drawn from one end to another due to inaccurate data. Help your audience avoid misunderstandings about entrepreneurs, investors, and business management in general. Your presentation will guide them in the right direction, drawing the line between truth and lie.
  • Introduction to Business Topics : No matter the topic, it’s always useful to present basic ideas. Keep it short and clear. This can include an introduction to income statements, or any other important business concept.
  • Stages of a Process : Don’t leave your audience confused with theory but let them see the practical stages of how things are accomplished. (e.g., “The Stages of User Journey”)

User journey stages

  • Management : How do you efficiently manage a business? You can prepare dozens of presentations on management: be it resources, public relations, time, money, or anything else.
  • Competitor Analysis : Know your enemy! You’ve probably heard the famous saying, haven’t you? Track down your competitors and share the info with your team.
  • Appreciation : This presentation should be devoted to the team members who have done an exceptional job.
  • Unknown Facts : Pick a topic and reveal facts that are unknown to most people. What are some of the interesting and truthful facts that they don’t know about branding?

Brand recognition facts

  • Restrictions : No matter what business you have, restrictions are guaranteed. Make a presentation on the restrictions and limitations you face. (e.g. “Restrictions in Integrated Web Design”)
  • Big Breakthroughs : Want to feel proud of yourself and your team? Here is how you can do it: Reveal some cases when you have successfully overcome the toughest of obstacles and learned lessons as a result. Talk about the long path you have been on with your company.
  • Partners and Investors : Tell about your partners. Give info about investors. Cooperation is way more successful when team members are acquainted with the investors. Your presentation can have a strong influence on the performance of your team.
  • Business Ethics : As a significant part of business, it’s important to understand ethics. How about “Ethics in Marketing Research?” There are countless ethical issues.
  • Theories : Gather some of the most important theories that you find useful and prepare a good presentation with examples and visuals.
  • Product/Service Improvement : A briefing like this might include a recap of your product or service or a discussion of any possible improvement before the product is ready for the market.
  • The Rise and Fall of Brands : Don’t avoid talking about the failures and successes of other brands. Doing so can help you with your own journey.
  • Upcoming or Recent Events : Talk about exciting events that you are planning to organize or already have. For upcoming events, you can make a welcoming presentation, announcing the date and venue. Check out an example below:

Event presentation slide example

  • Inspiration : Get ready to give a professional and motivational talk to inspire your audience to take action towards targeted goals.
  • Explain Business Concepts : How does a certain idea or concept work? Give a specific and clear presentation on the concepts that not everyone is familiar with. How does a franchise work? How do partnerships work?
  • QA Presentation : Assure that your audience knows that your product/service is of the best quality.
  • Announcements : Is there a cool and intriguing event that’s coming? Give an announcement through your presentation. It can be short and clear, covering all the key points.
  • Discovery, Invention, Innovation : Share the most interesting discoveries and recent innovations in the business world.
  • How-to Presentations : If you are skilled at something, then you can make a presentation to guide others. Present a step-by-step guide for a specific task, such as conducting surveys or managing conflicts.

Whether it’s a school project or an online class presentation, you need to make it attractive and engaging. So, choose the topic wisely. Below are some education presentation ideas you can use for your next project.

  • Academic Presentation : If you want to educate and share info, then academic presentations with supporting visuals, presentation slides, and videos are what you need.
  • Explainer : Explainers are a powerful way of sharing essential information. You can make short and engaging  explainer videos  to include in your presentations.

  • Pros and Cons : Make a presentation explaining both pros and cons of a certain issue at stake.
  • Best Methods : Talk about various effective methods, be it methods of teaching, learning, or preparing for an exam.
  • Dos and Don’ts of Making Presentations : You can make a whole presentation just talking about presentation best practices . Separate what’s recommended and what’s not and then present those to your audience in a simple way.
  • Guidelines : Present the most effective guidelines for teaching, studying, and co-working.
  • Personal Experience : What can be more helpful for an audience than to learn from someone’s real-life experience? Make a presentation on your personal experience and share your most valuable insights.
  • Quiz-Presentation : Test your students. Make a presentation quizzing their knowledge and competence in a certain field. Why presentation? Because it’s both visually and technically effective.
  • Research : An attractive slideshow is one of the best ways to present your research. Try working on a visual and multimedia presentation to showcase the whole potential of your research in a visually appealing format.
  • Problem-Solving : Decide on an issue and prepare a set of solutions to offer. Don’t leave any questions uncovered. If a problem exists, so does its solution.
  • Project Proposal : How are you planning to get approval for your projects if you don’t propose the main idea and expected outcomes in a professional way? Give your project a classy presentation with this Minimal Titles Pack . 

  • Listing Presentation : Lists always work when you have big sorted data to introduce to your audience.
  • Controversial Topics : Attract your audience’s attention and keep them engaged with a controversial slide deck. Bring forward debatable issues such as euthanasia, AI, and more. Let your audience join you or argue against you.
  • Textbook Presentation : Introduce a textbook in a creative way through interesting visuals and supporting multimedia.
  • Curriculum : What if presentations are the best way of getting your audience acquainted with a curriculum. Alternatively, you can make your next presentation about how to develop a well-organized curriculum.
  • Dissertation : Prepare a presentation for your dissertation. But keep in mind that it has to be accompanied by proper supportive media.
  • Predictions Presentation : What will happen next? It’s fun to predict, isn’t it?
  • Instructions : Do you like giving instructions? Sometimes that’s what you need to do. Structure your presentation in a how-to format, giving instructions for certain actions, like “How to Work Out the Best Schedule?”
  • Precautions : Prepare your audience for the worst and hope for the best. Make a presentation on a set of warnings.
  • Case Studies : What’s the best way of demonstrating your case study? A multimedia presentation can be the answer.
  • Tricks and Hacks : Tips and tricks are always appreciated by your audience. Create an informative presentation on studying tips, time management tips, or anything else you might find interesting.
  • Success Stories : We are always eager to hear success stories. Why? Because they motivate us to move forward with hope for what’s to come. So, make a presentation, telling success stories to motivate teachers, learners, and everyone else.
  • Fact or Fiction : Draw a line between truth and lie, fact and fiction. Bust some myths about a topic of your choice to educate your listeners.
  • Data Analysis : Is a presentation the right place to start with data analysis? Not really. But once you have analyzed your data, showcase it in your presentation, demonstrating your analysis through charts and graphs.
  • Techniques : What kind of techniques can you cover? How about “Techniques for Memory Improvement,” or “ Teaching Techniques ?” You can make up a number of similar topics to share.
  • Recent Advancements : Share the recent advancement in the field of education. What are some of the newest teaching methods? What advanced methods do we need to implement to make the learning process more effective?
  • Steps in the Process : What are the best steps to take towards certain goals? Each path is different and thus requires different steps.
  • Interesting Facts : Gather a set of creative ideas and facts to cover in your presentations.

Recommended Reading

  • 35+ Best Presentation Software: Ultimate List 2023
  • The Art of Consulting Presentations
  • Timeline Presentations: Extensive Guide to Creating Visual Narratives

Here we have random presentation ideas that can inspire you. Make your next presentation a blast by introducing a new creative topic through a unique presentation design.

  • Introduction to a Topic : Often, we don’t really want to go deep into complex concepts but just need a short and clear intro to get a grasp of them. Make a presentation on the basics of the most intriguing and puzzling themes.
  • Ethics of a Certain Field : There are a number of important fields that need to be discussed in terms of ethics. For example, ethics in journalism is a very trendy and essential topic to discuss nowadays.
  • The Future : We are always interested in the future, aren’t we? We make plans for it. We carry hopes for it. Let’s make a compelling presentation that discusses the future of various fields, such as AI or the Internet.
  • Benefits : What are the benefits of a bilingual brain? Try to cover the benefits of a number of issues, such as digital transformation, or a healthy diet.
  • Risks : Discuss the risks of taking certain steps. When we know the risks we can circumvent them, can’t we?
  • Evolution : How do things evolve? It’s super important to present the ways that certain things unfold and change. How did artificial intelligence grow and evolve to such degrees?
  • Components: Pick some topics to discuss the components of. How about making a presentation on “Components of Web Applications?” Pretty interesting, isn’t it?
  • Alternatives : We always feel a need for alternatives. Make a presentation offering alternatives for different tools and objects. One example could be a presentation covering “The Best Free Alternatives to Microsoft Office.”
  • Memoir : Tell the stories of influential people or your own in a value-packed presentation.
  • Video Games : You can reveal the pros and cons of a game or just talk about the trendiest games as of now. You could also reveal statistics about the influence they have on gamers.
  • Music Album Presentation : Present a music album, composers, and musicians. You can talk about their tours, also including videos and audio files of the tracks.
  • Reviews and Reports : Do a book or a film review. Present your criticism and reflections on a book or movie of interest.

Report review presentation slide examples

  • Scientific Presentation : What are the recent scientific discoveries? Not all people are aware, right? Bring forward some intriguing info about the latest discoveries.
  • Job Interview Presentation : Impress your potential employers with a structured and clean job interview presentation.
  • Important Skills : What are the top skills needed in your industry? Create your list and share it.
  • Requirements and Qualifications : What are some requirements for a specific job position or a field in general? Share your experience and knowledge on this topic.
  • “Best of ” Compilation : Gather a list of the best movies, games, books, tools, meals, and anything else, really.
  • News : Sometimes, people don’t care to sit and listen to an hour-long news report. So, how about making a brief and informative summary of the most noteworthy news?
  • Experiments : Make a scientific or social experiment and reveal your results; they might be different from what you expected.
  • Life Story : Use presentation slides to tell about the life of a famous or personal story of an influential person. Use images, videos, and any other visual elements to make your story more vivid.

Making a compelling presentation doesn’t purely depend on presentation software , even though that’s also very important. To make an impactful presentation, one has to first figure out how to approach the topic and decide on the presentation design. 

We hope you found your topic on the list of creative presentation ideas presented above. Best of luck with creating presentations!

Ready to create your video presentation? Find hundreds of slideshow video template options, browse stock images to find a background image, use hand-drawn illustrations, add your color palette, customize your entire presentation the way you want, and share your creative presentation idea in an interesting way. Click the button to get started:

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unique product presentation

SketchBubble Official Blog

A Detailed Guide on How to Create a Powerful Product Presentation

Ashish Arora

We live in an era of unlimited goods and services. Every article that we consume has many other variants in the market. In such times of cut-throat competition, it is crucial to create a competitive edge and market your products strategically with stunning product presentations.

A great product presentation is key to capturing the attention of potential clients, demonstrating the value of your products, and closing sales.

In this article, we will walk you through the steps for creating a powerful product presentation, along with some examples to inspire your own. This article covers the following topics-

  • What is a Product Presentation
  • What is the Importance of a Product Presentation
  • How to Craft Effective Product Presentations
  • Templates that You Can Use in Your Product Presentation
  • Real-Life Examples of Splendid Product Presentations

What is a Product Presentation?

A product presentation is an important marketing tool that is used to raise awareness of, showcase, and promote your product to potential clients and investors. The core purpose of such a presentation is to create anticipation, excitement, and hype around the product and ultimately persuade the customer to purchase it. 

A successful product presentation should always be tailored according to the needs and interests of the audience. It should cover their pain points, provide them with solutions, and also make them understand how your product fits into their demographics and culture.

Importance of Product Presentations

1. communicate your unique selling proposition (usp).

One of the most important aspects of a product presentation is to effectively communicate the benefits, unique selling propositions, and exclusive features of your product. It is especially important for complex products or services that may be difficult to understand without a visual representation. 

For example, if you are a company that sells wooden and sustainable toys for kids, you can dedicate a few slides in your presentation to highlight how your toys are safe for children and the environment. 

2. Showcase Your Credibility and Expertise

Product presentations are an opportunity to showcase your credibility and expertise in your industry. By demonstrating your products and services in a professional manner, you can establish yourself as a trusted source of authority in your field. You can include testimonies and reviews of existing customers and build trust amongst your potential customers.

3. Deliver a Memorable Experience

Product presentations can be more than just presentations. If delivered creatively, they can be transformed into an amazing experience that leaves a lasting impression on your target audience. It can be extremely beneficial for keeping your products in their memory lanes for a long.

4. Improves Sales

Product presentations can have a direct impact on sales performance. When your potential customers are aware of the benefits and competitive edge of the products and have trust in your company, they will not hesitate to purchase your products. Thus, product presentations can increase sales and lead to massive growth for companies.

Templates that You Can Use in Your Product Presentations

You can save much of your time and energy by using expert-designed templates in your presentations. Crafting your slides from scratch can be extremely burdensome and tedious. Thus, it is better to add customizable templates to your slides and make your presentations look more professional and stunning.

1. Product Roadmap

product roadmap slide

A product roadmap showcases the journey of your product. Right from the idea behind it to its execution, it covers all areas of how the product was brought to life. You can incorporate this template in your presentation to throw some light on the milestones of product development and showcase the release plan.

2. Geological Maps

world map slide

Using maps in your product presentations can elevate the look of your slides and help you depict your brand presence. Harness the power of maps and showcase your customer base from various locations. You can also highlight areas with high demand for your product and locations where you wish to launch your next product.

3. Product Benefits

product benefits slide

Highlight the benefits of your products and put emphasis on their value with this template. You can use it to highlight the core competence and unique features of the product that differentiate it from others in the market.

4. Product Icons

product icons slide

Using product icons in your presentations, you can instantly capture the attention of your audience. You can complement icons with text to increase comprehension or replace text with icons to save space on your slides for other crucial content.

5. Product Vision

product vision slide

By using this template in your presentation, you can visualize a roadmap for your product. It will help you display your vision for the product, how you wish to develop it, and bring it to life.

6. Product Comparison Table

product comparison table slide

The product comparison table can be used to showcase a comparison of pricing and features of products of various brands and companies. You can also use it to display how your organization’s services and products are better than those of competitors.

7. Product Features

product features slide

Highlight your product’s features and its USPs with this template, ensuring your presentation puts emphasis on the selling points and uniqueness of your products. You can also talk in detail about the product’s design, quality, functions, and much more using this deck.

How to Create an Effective Product Presentation

Let us understand a few ways how you can create effective and memorable product presentations. Here are four tips with examples that will help you.

1. Get to Know Your Audience and Identify Your Goal

The first step to creating a stunning product presentation is to know your audience well. You must identify their expectations from the presentation and get to know their needs and wants. 

You can answer the following questions and analyze your audience’s requirements-

  • Are you presenting to potential investors or to customers?
  • What do they expect from your presentation?
  • What are their age group, gender, and background?
  • Are they the right fit for your product or service? 

Once you answer these questions, you can curate a presentation that would meet the expectations of your audience. It can help you keep them engaged and increase the chances of lead generation.

For example, Apple’s product presentations are an example of how you should identify the audience and the goal. The company knows that its audience is tech-savvy consumers, and its goal is to create excitement and anticipation for its latest product release.

2. Define Your Message and Create a Structure

Next, you must define the message that you wish to deliver. What is the core message that you want to communicate about your product, and how will you structure your presentation to convey it? 

A well-structured presentation should have a clear beginning, a middle with the pros and cons of the product, and an end with a logical flow that guides your audience through the core message.

For instance, Tesla’s product presentations are structured around the company’s mission. They highlight how the company aims to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. Each presentation showcases its latest products and technology and always ties back to its overarching message.

3. Harness the Power of Visuals and Graphics

People are more likely to remember information when it is presented in a visual form. Thus, using high-quality images, videos, and infographics can add life to your slides. You can incorporate multimedia such as GIFs, showcase your products with the help of augmented reality, demonstrate online avatars with NFTs, incorporate animations, etc.

For instance, luxury fashion house Gucci became the first in its field to launch its collection with an augmented reality fashion show. It started selling its items in the form of NFT tokens and became the talk of the town. This collaboration of fashion and technology made its campaign one of the best product presentations to date. 

Have a look at it here – https://vaultartspace.gucci.com/

4. Create a Sense of Exclusivity

Everybody has a fear of missing out on anything that is termed as exclusive or is available for a limited period of time. Product presentations usually create a sense of exclusivity and persuade the customer to buy the product. 

Let us understand it with the example of a luxury fashion brand, Hermes, and its iconic Birkin bag. Hermes offers extremely limited quantities of the Birkin, and to own it, one needs to take an exclusive appointment with the company. The waiting list can last for up to even six years, which has increased the anticipation for Berkin even more. This strategy of exclusivity has helped the luxury brand to create massive hype and create a stunning product presentation for the world.

Real-Life Examples

Let us have a look at some of the best product presentations that have left an impeccable impression and created outstanding impacts.

1. Apple’s Product Launch Events 

Apple is known for its unique product launch events. These events are not just about showcasing new products, but are also an example of what a stunning product presentation looks like.

Apple’s presentations are staged in a theater-like setting, with dramatic lighting, music, and absolutely stunning visuals. The products themselves are showcased in a way that is both informative and visually appealing. These presentations are typically delivered by the highest-level executives of Apple, such as the CEO of the company, to give importance to and highlight the value of the products. 

2. Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” Campaign

Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign is an excellent example of a unique product presentation. The campaign replaced the Coca-Cola logo on bottles with popular names and phrases, such as “Share a Coke with John” or “Share a Coke with a Friend.” 

This unique presentation created a personalized experience for the consumer, making them believe that the entire product was created just for them. It added value to the customer’s experience and made them buy the product more often.

Share a Coke Campaign

3. GoPro’s “Be a Hero” Campaign

GoPro’s “Be a Hero” campaign is another example of a unique product presentation and how you can create a community around your product.

In this campaign, the company encouraged customers to share footage from their GoPro. This highlighted the product’s capabilities and inspired others to use the product in creative ways. This presentation not only highlighted the product’s features but also created a sense of togetherness among GoPro users.

Be a Hero Campaign

4. Samsung’s Galaxy Fold Launch

Samsung’s launch of the Galaxy Fold phone in 2019 was a massive success, and here’s how the company tactfully launched the device.

Samsung started by highlighting its edge in being the latest in technology to manufacture a phone that can be compact yet useful. In its demonstration, it unveiled a sleek design and unfolded it to showcase a bigger screen that would be more comfortable for the human eye. This stunning product presentation led to huge sales for the tech giant.

Product presentations are great opportunities for companies to launch and sell their products to the world. The quality of presentations can determine the success of products in the market.

With the rise of digital platforms, presentations have become easier to create and share with a bigger audience. By using expert-designed templates and graphics , companies can make their presentations mind-blowing and demonstrate their products in an interactive manner.

We hope this article helps you in your next product presentation. Let us know what you think in the comment section below!

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Ashish Arora

Ashish Arora

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Seize the opportunity to create lasting impressions and drive success by mastering the art of persuasive storytelling and engaging visuals with Venngage’s product presentation slide templates.

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  • See All Templates

How to Present a Product: 10 Secrets to a Successful Product Presentation

You may have developed the best product in the world. But without presenting it to your audience in the right way, it could still end up a flop. 

Presenting a new product or feature should help prospective customers discover everything they need to know about it. This includes unveiling all its functionalities and use cases. 

Beyond everyday consumers, your presentation should be aimed at prospective investors. You must include key financial information to help stakeholders determine if your product is worth investing in.

You’ve put so much effort into research, design, and production. But now’s not the time to slack off. In fact, the stakes have never been higher. A powerful and persuasive product presentation can generate leads and drive serious sales.

In this post, we’ll discuss how you can create an impactful and memorable product presentation to take full advantage of this opportunity. 

What Is a Product Presentation?

A product presentation introduces your product and explains it in detail, including how it works and how it helps customers overcome pain points. It often makes use of images, videos, and slideshows to help prospects, stakeholders, and potential investors understand a product’s features and unique selling points.

A product presentation should include the following:

  • An overview of your company and the products you offer.
  • An explanation of your product, its positioning in the market, and how it solves your target audience’s problems.
  • Use cases and testimonials.
  • A call to action to drive conversions.
  • Your conclusion.

unique product presentation

Let’s move on to our 10 top tips for creating a successful product presentation:

1.Choose a Slide Template Theme and Stick To It 

To give the impression of professionalism, you should stick to just one slide theme and use your brand colors to build an image in the minds of consumers. A product presentation theme with simple, clean lines will help you get your message across without too many distractions. 

You should also equip yourself with a high-quality AI photo editor to ensure that all your images are picture-perfect. 

2.Use Plenty of Visual Aids

Graphs, images, videos, and demonstrations are great tools for capturing your audience’s attention. Use them to your advantage to highlight your product’s key selling points. Include images of your product in action and helpful tips for users. 

If your product is a new piece of software, let’s say an email finder , you should look to add images of its various functionalities and a screen recording of its UI in action to demonstrate its ease of use and robust capabilities. Short-form video is one of today’s most effective marketing trends , making content digestible and engaging.

Even better, make your product presentation an interactive one – engaging your audience will encourage them to listen more attentively and ensure buy-in. 

You could ask an audience member to carry out a function after watching your demo. This will illustrate how user-friendly your product is. Make sure to prepare a comprehensive and easy-to-follow demo to ensure nothing goes wrong in front of your expectant audience.

3.Create Compelling Content 

Your aim is to create impactful and memorable content that converts. As long as you’ve done your audience research, this won’t be too tricky a task. You must address the features your audience cares about most and what pain points they need your product to resolve.

Your customers may, for example, be particularly environmentally aware – cater to this with your content. You could explain how your product contributes to a culture of sustainability and how you’ve considered environmental concerns in its production. 

If you have difficulty with this you could always look to hire product management consultants to help develop and promote your product.

4.Start as You Mean to Go On 

The beginning of your product presentation is crucial because how you begin will set the tone for the rest of the presentation. 

Your aim for the start of your presentation is to grab your audience’s attention and establish credibility. Don’t be too wordy or read from slides. Have a sense of humor and be engaging. 

Here are a few ideas to start your presentation off the right way:

  • Ask a question you can answer by explaining your value proposition right from the start – for example, “do you spend too much time on manual inventory management ?”. You can then describe how your solution would save time and labor in this area. 
  • Share an interesting story about how your product came into existence. Storytelling helps your audience relate to you and remember the key elements of your presentation.

5. Keep It Short

Remember that you won’t have your audience’s time and attention forever, so, just like writing an impactful blog post , keep your product presentation short and to the point. Think about the key message you want your audience to take away, and then consider how you can communicate this most efficiently. 

unique product presentation

7.Present With Confidence

As well as presenting your product information slides, how you present yourself is essential. 

Your presentation style, body language, and tone of voice play a crucial role and can make or break your presentation. The right body language helps you keep your audience engaged – so make an effort to:

  • Keep your posture relaxed- don’t slouch or hunch.
  • Maintain eye contact with your audience.
  • Speak clearly, not too fast, and at a good volume.
  • Make use of your space to interact with your audience.
  • Take pauses in your speech to help your audience absorb information and maintain focus.

8. Communicate Your Value Proposition

How do you demonstrate your product’s value compared to competitors?

Your value proposition should help you stand out above other businesses in your industry. Ultimately, you want to demonstrate how your product can help your audience most effectively. This is also a great time to show off your product reviews .

For example, say you were pitching DocuSign and trying to come out on top in the HelloSign vs DocuSign battle for market prominence. You’d want to promote DocuSign as the superior solution, drawing attention to its vast template options and integrations that stand above HelloSign’s offering.

During the presentation, you must seek to establish the credibility of your offering to solve your audience’s problems. Therefore, if you have a physical product – put it in their hands and let them try it out. If your product is a service – figure out how you can have them experience it. 

9.Know Your Venue

If possible, test all the tech at your presentation venue to address any issues in advance. Test your presenting laptop, that your slides load as they should and that your audio is working correctly. In addition, speaking to the venue about the internet connection helps ensure everything is as it should be. You could even make sure you have access to a wired connection, just in case. 

unique product presentation

9.Practice Makes Perfect

Practice your product presentation until you’re pitch perfect. Then you can unleash the presentation on a small group of friends, family, and colleagues. This method helps you to gauge reactions and get feedback.

Record your practice sessions and take notes to ensure you’re taking your time and not rushing through it. 

10.Encourage Follow-up Questions

At the end of your product presentation, prospects will probably have a few questions. 

Prospective customers might want to know about pricing, your guarantee, ease of use, and after-sales support. 

Let’s say you’ve built a multichannel inventory management solution. Prospects might ask questions like:

  • How will the software help us manage multiple warehouse operations?
  • Is your software cloud-based?
  • Will it support our company’s growth and future expansion plans?
  • Which marketing channels does your software support?
  • Does your software solution integrate with our business’s tech stack?
  • How long does the technology take to implement?

To address these inquiries efficiently, offering demo request forms on your website can streamline the process, allowing interested parties to directly request a demonstration tailored to their specific needs.

Preparing for potential questions in advance will give you the confidence to answer them post-presentation and show that you understand your prospect’s needs. It will also help you highlight the value of your product for your audience’s businesses. This will undoubtedly help you close the deal.

Your presentation should conclude with a summary of your slide deck and a clear call to action. Make your audience aware of their next steps following your presentation to get hold of your product. You should consider creating an ecommerce website for interested audience members to visit post-presentation.  

unique product presentation

What’s Next?

Remember – your product presentation is your chance to make a good first impression. 

It’s a fantastic opportunity for you to introduce your product to your target audience, prospective investors, and stakeholders and broaden their knowledge about your business and brand. Get this right, and you’ll move them along to the consideration and conversion stages of the sales funnel. With time, these customers will trust your business and become loyal brand advocates. 

Xiaoyun TU – Brightpearl

Xiao is the Global Head of Lead Generation at Brightpearl, a leading software for order management and retail operations. She is passionate about setting up innovative strategies to grow sales pipelines using data-driven decisions. Xiaoyun has also written for other domains such as SimplyBook.me and Prisync .

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Dos and Don’ts of Product Presentation

unique product presentation

If you’re gearing up for your next product launch, you’re probably preparing a product presentation Powerpoint. Your new product presentation is not just about showing off your latest development. It’s also an opportune time for you to talk about your target audience’s needs and issues – and how your product management team sought to resolve them by creating the object featured in your presentation.

Here are some top dos and don’t when putting together and preparing to give over your product presentation.

Do: Prepare

"Are you ready" written in cursive red font

You can’t wing product management, so don’t assume you can wing your product presentation either. Study up on your new product and its launch, practice conveying your message using relaxed, yet authoritative body language and fully understand important subject matter. Never read directly from your slides. Your audience can do that just fine on their own.

Don’t: Waste their time

The early bird catches the hug

Instead of going on and on about how great your company is and describing irrelevant information in exasperating detail and with too much flair, adhere to the “ Time and 60% Rule .” Keep your product presentation short and simple, adjusting it product presentation to fit just 60% of the alloted time, saving extra minutes for questions, comments and explanations.

Do: Cater to your target audience

Waiter carrying lots of plates

Every prospective customer is unique, why should your Powerpoint – or your oral product presentation be any different? Rather than relying on a go-to, “generic” slideshow to win over your target audience, tailor your product presentation to meet the needs and provide added value to the potential customer sitting in the room. It is crucial that your product presentation demonstrates just how helpful your development can be to their workflow.

Don’t: Get too technical

It's TV, we aren't supposed to learn

Don’t bore – or worse, alienate your audience, by using too many industry buzzwords or other technical jargon not integral to getting you message across. It is important that your presentation focuses on the product’s benefits rather than on features and other complex tech-speak. While a certain amount of technical explaining is required to introduce your product to your target audience, you don’t want to run the risk of speaking over their heads and losing their attention before you’ve reeled them in.

Do: Be passionate

Lady drama

Believe in what you’re selling, create a connection and show value. Use personal stories, product presentation examples and custom demos to convey just how great your product is.  If you truly care in your product management results, your prospective customers will be far more likely to follow suit and convert.

Don’t: Be inauthentic

Guy from star trek

When launching a new product, it is extremely important to remember who you are – and what your product is. Know your and your offerings limitations and stick within them. Avoid big stunts that have little to no impact on your product or its presentation. Instead, spend the time you do have in front of an active audience engaging your listeners and selling them on your new, innovative product and the solution it provides.

Craft is a revolutionary SaaS product management platform that allows users to build workflows to their requirements. The single and agile place for agile teams to work, Craft helps SaaS product managers lay out their high-level product roadmaps, manage workflows and plan out product presentations, so they can develop and launch new products that customers can’t resist acquiring.

Create a product roadmap with Craft for a smart product presentation.

Elad Simon

CEO & Co-Founder, craft.io

Great products start with great product management

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Wideo » Blog » Video Marketing » Top 3 Secrets of A Successful Product Presentation

Top 3 Secrets of A Successful Product Presentation

by mngwide | Video Marketing , Wideo Tips

Product Presentation

A great product presentation blends two important components: the presenter’s delivery of the information and the visuals that illustrate it.

Pitching your product ideas to investors and colleagues means packaging information into a presentation that persuades your audience to take action. This is what ultimately makes a successful presentation.

So what steps can you take to create a great product presentation?

Be straightforward.

unique product presentation

Being clear about what your product is and how it helps your viewers is they key to capturing people’s attention and maintaining it. People are not likely to engage with the presentation in the first place if they’re not clear what it is, and more importantly, why it’s relevant. It can be hard to be straightforward and showcase value, so you might want to consider to hire presentation writing services for the best results.

How would you describe your product or service? Trim that description down to the essentials. Buzzwords or jargon can add a flashy element, but in a presentation that is meant to be precise, they can create confusion for the audience or even detract them from your business.

Try breaking up your presentation into more scenes to highlight certain words or ideas. Use visuals to complement your message in the right moments so that the viewer leaves the presentation with a clear idea of who your are, what you do and how, and why your business over the competition.

Pro-tips for an understandable, focused presentation:

  • Start with Why, Who, What
  • Avoid buzzwords

Be memorable.

unique product presentation

A clear but catchy presentation is a memorable one. Leave the audience with a clear takeaway. What major problem does your product solve? Instead of listing features that solve this problem, show them how.

It helps to think of your product presentation as a story to tell . You’re not just presenting facts; you’re narrating the story of the ways your product fixes a pain for the viewer. By breaking it down into a beginning, middle, and conclusion, you allow the audience to develop an understanding of what your business is about.

Pro-tips for a memorable presentation:

  • Tell a story
  • Don’t list features, build a narrative with the benefits
  • Use animations for visual impact

Be emotional.

unique product presentation

What I mean is: Relate to your audience’s emotions; don’t just tell them a list of facts. Your product presentation can have statistics, charts, and data visualization, however, if it doesn’t appeal to emotions, chances are it will fail to inspire any sort of action from the viewer. Emotional connection is what brings your presentation to life and what ultimately moves people.

Pro-tips for creating emotion:

  • Use anecdotes or a real-life story to tie your themes together
  • Match the design and feel of product presentation to the tone of your presentation

Is your business ready to discover the power of video? Try Wideo marketing video maker and create your own videos today. 

For more tips and templates: Product Video Maker

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Slider Revolution

Slider Revolution

More than just a WordPress slider

How to Create a Unique Product Presentation Slider for Your Site [Tutorial]

Want to create a product presentation slider for your ecommerce website that visitors are sure to notice in this tutorial, we’ll show you how..

unique product presentation

Product presentations are a great way to introduce customers to new products and their top features and benefits. While it’s common to place visually stunning product presentations on the home page or product page, that’s not the only use for them on an ecommerce website.

In this tutorial, we’re going to demonstrate how to create a product presentation for your blog with the help of the Chocolate Bar Product Presentation template .

Table of Contents:

Step 1: Delete the extra slide

Step 2: update the slide background colors, step 3: update the center piece’s colors, step 4: remove the navigation arrows, step 5: upload your product images, step 6: edit the foreground copy, step 7: edit the background copy, step 8: customize the button, step 9: update the bullets navigation, step 10: customize the global layers, how to design a beautiful product presentation slider.

When you build an ecommerce site, your product presentations play an important role in selling your goods. That’s why having a visually stimulating design such as this one is important:

That said, sometimes one of the most effective ways to sell your products is to not actively sell them. In this tutorial, we’re going to repurpose this template for a blog post on a liquor store’s website called “3 Creative Cocktails for Your Midnight Toast”.

The product presentation will still show off different products available in the store. However, the goal of the presentation is to give customers tips and recipes for crafting their own cocktails.

First time using Slider Revolution? Start with these overviews first:

  • Modules Overview
  • Module Editor Overview
  • Templates Quick Summary

There are four slides in this product presentation slider. We only need three.

If you’d like to delete any of the slides as well, go to “Slides” in the top toolbar. Then click the trash can icon that appears next to Slide #4 when you hover over it.

unique product presentation

Alternatively, if you need more slides, click the duplicate/copy icon to the right of the trash can to create new ones.

Learn more:

  • Adding, Deleting and Duplicating Slides

Each product’s slide has a unique background color. To edit it, go to “Slide Options” and “Background”. Click the color block to open the editor.

You can choose from a presets in the bottom-right corner or enter a custom HEX code in the Color field.

Before you move onto the next step, it’s a good idea to edit the background color of the module. While your visitors will only see it for a fraction of a second as the slider loads, setting it to match the color of the first slide (or even your cover image) will create a more seamless user experience.

You can do this by going to “Module Options”, “Layout”, and scrolling down to the “Module Background” section.

unique product presentation

When you’re done, save your changes.

  • Changing Template Background Colors and Images

The color strip that goes down the center of each slide is a layer called Middle Group . To edit the color of each, select the layer from the canvas or timeline. Then go to “Style” and “Background” to modify the color.

unique product presentation

Do this for each slide and then save your changes.

  • The Tools of the Color Selection Dialogue

We’re going to give our products a bit more room to breathe by removing the arrows navigation on the left and right sides of the screen. To do the same, hold down the Ctrl or command key. Then click on the following layers in the timeline editor:

  • Arrow-Right
  • Circle-Right
  • Circle – Left

Hit the Backspace or delete key and this will remove these components entirely.

Repeat this for each slide.

  • Selecting Layers via the Canvas or Timeline

In the template’s product presentation, we see wrapped and unwrapped chocolate bars. You can lay out your presentation in a similar manner. You can also use it to show different sides of your product.

Since we’re using this presentation to summarize our blog post’s tips, we need to do something different. So we’re going to place a photo of our liquor product on one side and then a photo of the recommended martini on the other.

When sizing your images, try to get them as close to the originals as possible. That way, you can minimize the amount of editing needed in Slider Revolution.

Pro tip: Your images should have a transparent background. That said, if they don’t have a built-in shadow, we’d recommend adding one as it’ll give your design some depth. You can do this using any type of design software.

The (wrapped) Chocolate image is 370px by 798px.

The (unwrapped) Open Chocolate image is 370px by 774px.

To replace the existing images, select them in the canvas or timeline. Then go to “Content” to upload your new ones.

If you need to resize either of the images, use the settings under “Size & Pos” to do so. Edit the value in the W field to change the width of your image. The H (height) will scale along with it.

unique product presentation

Note: While your new image sizes should scale up or down accordingly on smaller devices, responsive edits may still be necessary. You can review and make any necessary modifications by opening the responsive variant switcher in the top toolbar.

unique product presentation

When making changes from these views, they’ll only apply to the device you’re working on. So you won’t have to worry about the work you did in the main Desktop screen being overridden.

When you’re done editing your images, save your changes.

  • Editing Images in Template Modules
  • Ensuring Modified Content Is Still Responsive

There are six text layers to edit in this step:

  • Description

To edit the copy, go to “Content”. From there, you can change what each of the text layers says.

Next, open the “Style” panel. Change the font and make other stylistic changes to the color, weight, spacing, and more.

If you changed the colors or weight of any of these text layers, consider doing the same to the separating lines between the Feature layers. You can also remove or add lines or change the style of them, if you like.

You can do this under “Style” and “Border”.

unique product presentation

Once you’re done customizing the text in the first slide. Repeat the process for all the other slides.

  • Editing Text from Template Modules

In the backdrop of each slide is the name of the company: “chocobliss”. It’s not just there for branding though. It also adds some texture to the solid background color.

You can follow this pattern and update the Text Overlay Bg layer with the name of your company. You could also add the individual product’s name or a relevant keyword here.

Edit this layer the same way you did the foreground text layers. Go to “Content” to change what it says and “Style” to customize the font, color, etc.

Pro tip: To keep the text looking more like a texture and not distract too much from the main text or product imagery, use a heavily stylized script or brush font.

Editing the Cta Button layer will be a lot like editing the text around it. There are a few exceptions.

To modify the button color, go to “Style” and “Background” to change the BG Color .

To change the button’s hover state, go to “Hover”. You can make basic stylistic changes as well as advanced transformations from this panel.

Lastly, to edit the button’s link, go to “Actions”. Since this is a product presentation, each slide’s link should be unique to the product (or, in our case, the recipe). Customize the Simple Link and then close the pop-up to save your changes.

Repeat this process for all of the slides.

  • Adding and Configuring Button Layers
  • Editing Links in Template Modules

Since we removed the sidebar arrows, we’re going to increase the visibility of the remaining bullets navigation.

To modify the navigation, go to “Navigation Options” and “Bullets”. You can choose a different style of bullet and then make changes to the color, size, spacing, and more from this panel.

  • Navigation Bullets

Lastly, go to “Slides” and open up the Global Layers. This is where the Preload-Background cover image is as well as the Logo that appears at the top of each slide.

unique product presentation

Start with the cover/preload image. It can be a promotional image showing your products or it can be a themed image. When exporting it, make sure the dimensions are at least 1920px by 1080px.

Select the Preload-Background layer and then upload your new image under either “Content” or “Style”.

The Logo is generated using a plain text layer. It’s the same text and font used in the background of each of the slides. So you can edit the text the same way here.

unique product presentation

Note: The Logo doesn’t necessarily need to be your logo or company name. For instance, we’ve added the blog post title to this spot in ours.

When you’re done with your edits, save your changes. Then open the Preview .

When you’re happy with how your product presentation turned out, embed it on the page it belongs on (whether that’s the home page, product page, or something else). There are two ways to do this. Either copy the embed shortcode from “Module Options” and add it to the page. Or use the Slider Revolution widget to do it inside your page builder.

  • Special Layers: Rows, Groups, Backgrounds & Global

Putting a twist on the product presentation slider

Product presentations are useful components on websites. They give you the chance to succinctly sum up the features and/or benefits of your newest or top products for customers.

There are other uses for a product presentation slider as we’ve demonstrated in this tutorial. So whether you’d like to introduce visitors to new products, share recipes with customers, or something else, the Chocolate Bar Product Presentation Template will make it easy to design one of your own.

unique product presentation

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Best PowerPoint Examples, Plus a Useful PowerPoint Template

By studying effective examples of PowerPoint slide decks, you can create better meeting slides, pitch decks, brand guides, and more.

Collage of PowerPoint slides for various presentations.

PowerPoint presentations are ubiquitous in the business world. You may not love making or watching them, but slide decks can still be a powerful tool for effective communication—when used correctly.

“Something as simple as a financials deck should be well-organized and easy to understand,” Margaret Pilarski, strategy director at branding agency Outline , says. “And you’ll get that information across to its intended audience if it is designed in a thoughtful way.”

Margaret and Outline’s creative director, Ky Allport, have helped bring brands like Omsom and Heyday Canning Co. to life. Although they clearly love bold design, they keep the slide decks they create for their clients fairly simple. One asset they provide their clients is a strategy deck designed in the client’s brand style.

“It gives brands an actual deck template that they could take and then repurpose for other things,” Ky says.

A good PowerPoint template can save you time designing your slides so you can focus on delivering an engaging presentation, and ensure you communicate clearly.

What is a PowerPoint presentation?

A PowerPoint presentation is a digital slideshow typically used to accompany a live presentation. PowerPoint presentations often include images, graphs, charts, and other visual assets to support the speaker’s main points .

Originally released for Apple Macintosh in 1987 (Microsoft purchased it later that year), PowerPoint was designed to replace transparent slides that had to be physically moved and focused with a slide projector. Today there is plenty of other software with similar features, but Microsoft PowerPoint still holds up to 95% of its category’s market share, and it’s a name that has become synonymous with slide-based presentations.

A single presentation, or deck, consists of multiple slides. Slides can provide a graphical representation of the data you share in your presentation, like:

  • A line graph showing profit over time
  • A pie chart that breaks down your customer base by age
  • A map showing your supply chain
  • An illustration of a proposed new packaging design

Alternatives to PowerPoint

Sometimes when people say “PowerPoint,” they’re actually talking about another presentation software, like Canva, Google Slides, or Keynote. Each has similar capabilities and includes basic presentation templates.

“Out of all of those, Canva is the most intentional for design,” Ky says. “You can upload your custom brand fonts, which you can’t do with PowerPoint or Google Slides.”

Ultimately, you should use the software that makes sense for your team. Outline, for example, uses Google Slides for internal presentations because most of its documentation lives in Google Workspace.

How to make a good PowerPoint presentation

Focus on content, keep it simple, stay consistent, make it legible.

Here’s how to create a stunning presentation slide deck that is visually appealing and engages your audience:

Adding a bunch of flashy graphics won’t keep your audience’s attention, and might just confuse them. You want your audience to remember the content of your presentation, not the look of your PowerPoint slides.

The best PowerPoint presentations seamlessly support your oral presentation. To achieve this, start by writing down what you want to say in your presentation.

Then, consider how visuals might support your points. For example, if you mention dates, you may want to include a timeline. Charts and graphs can make data easier to digest. Product features and packaging designs deserve their own photos or illustrations .

Most PowerPoint templates, including our free PowerPoint template, include a suite of slide templates relevant to a variety of business presentations.

Not every talking point needs its own slide. If it’s not obvious to you how visuals can support part of your presentation, it’s OK to stay on the previous slide until a visual feels necessary.

If you do feel the need to use slides to transition between concepts, try to find a word, short phrase, or image that represents the main idea of this part of your presentation.

Maintaining a consistent style throughout the presentation will give it a more cohesive feel, which is a major advantage of using a PowerPoint presentation template with your company’s branding. Adding your business’s logo and brand colors is an opportunity to strengthen your branding and give your presentation a more polished, professional look.

“It’s kind of like your brand’s dress code,” Margaret says. “Even if it’s just internal, it reminds everybody, ‘I came to work today to be this brand.’”

If you incorporate your brand colors and fonts into your presentation, make sure those fonts are easy to read and that there is enough contrast between the colors you choose. For example, use a light font on a dark background and a dark font on a light background.

If you’re presenting in-person, you want the people sitting in the back of the room to be able to read any text on your presentation slides. Use large enough fonts and keep text brief.

PowerPoint presentation examples

Nik sharma’s brand launch deck, heyday canning co.’s brand guide.

  • Hims&Hers’ pitch deck

Here are a few examples of great slide decks to inspire your own:

Title slide for How to Launch a Successful DTC Brand with photo of Nik Sharma and brand logos.

Nik Sharma ’s brand launch deck is a good example of when it’s OK to have a text-heavy deck. Nik is a marketing consultant for brands like Jolie Skin Co. and Brightland and writes a DTC marketing newsletter (he’s also been interviewed on Shopify Masters ).

The slide Your Shopify Site has text on the left and screenshots on the right.

This 34-page deck is a resource for Nik’s newsletter subscribers. Since it’s not meant to support a live presentation, there is a lot more text than you would find in a typical PowerPoint presentation. Nik breaks up the text with well-placed images, logos, and keywords that have colored backgrounds to emphasize their importance.

Heyday Canning Co. Brand Guide features dark orange text in a custom font on a yellow background.

This brand guide deck was created by Ky and Margaret of Outline for their client Heyday Canning Co . The 23-page deck shows how you can incorporate bold colors into a PowerPoint presentation without losing legibility.

The table of contents has just four sections: Logos, Typography, Color, and Application.

The deck’s table of contents doesn’t list every single slide; instead, Outline uses divider slides with different background colors to signal conceptual shifts.

Divider pages feature a single word in large font on a background of a contrasting color.

Throughout the deck, Outline uses font colors that contrast sharply with the background colors to ensure legibility. Slides that are image-heavy have a more muted background color, while text-based slides feature bolder colors.

The Hims&Hers logo covers a couple playfully applying face cream.

Hims&Hers’ Pitch Deck

One of the most important times you create a PowerPoint presentation might be to pitch your business or idea. Health care business Hims&Hers used this deck to fundraise in 2021.

Hims&Hers at a Glance features the company's mission statement, statistics, and a bar graph.

At that point, Hims&Hers was already an established company, with more than 100 employees, a dozen shareholders, and $138 million in revenue. The goal of this deck was to show future potential in the health care industry and position Hims&Hers as a category leader.

A timeline of digitization of industries starts with Amazon in 1994 and ends with Hims&Hers Today.

Because the audience for this presentation is potential investors, there are lots of numbers in this deck. Hims&Hers uses a variety of different types of data visualization to keep the deck engaging, including bar charts, pie charts, timelines, and line graphs.

Circles illustrate the health care industry's size relative to other multi-trillion dollar markets.

For each data visualization, there is some accompanying text explaining a key takeaway. A visualization plus a short explanation is a great way to help your audience digest data.

PowerPoint examples FAQ

What is the 5-5-5 rule in powerpoint.

The 5-5-5 rule of PowerPoint suggests that each slide should contain no more than five lines of text, each with a maximum of five words. A presentation should have a maximum of five text-heavy slides in a row.

How do you write a good PowerPoint presentation?

Your PowerPoint should enhance—not repeat or distract from—your oral presentation. To achieve this, start by drafting what you want to say. Then, think of how visuals can support your points. For example: Use graphs and charts to support data and photos or diagrams to illustrate product features.

When should you use a PowerPoint presentation?

Create presentations whenever you need to share information that would be best supported by visual assets like charts, graphs, renderings, or diagrams.

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Can’t Believe Your Eyes? Discover the New LEGO® Ideas Disney Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas set

LEGO Ideas Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas Set

13th August 2024: Today, the LEGO Group stumbles into Christmas Town with the reveal of the highly anticipated LEGO® Ideas Disney Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas set. Based on the iconic 1993 film, the intricately designed set brings the eerie charm and playful details of the movie to life in brick-form.

Prepare to be immersed in a ghoulishly delightful world and give the holidays a macabre makeover with three iconic locations from the beloved animated classic: Disney’s Spiral Hill, Jack Skellington’s house and Halloween Town Hall. Build nostalgia and revel in authentic details which include a lift-off roof revealing Disney Jack Skellington’s Christmas formula, a detailed graveyard, a walking bathtub and the Town Hall lectern where Jack delivered his famous speech.

This collector’s set includes eight beloved Disney characters: Jack Skellington, Sally, Santa Claus, Lock, Shock, Barrel, Zero the dog, and a two-faced brick-built figure of The Mayor.

The set was designed by UK-based LEGO fan Simon Scott as part of the LEGO Ideas programme. Once designed, 10,000 people voted for it to be made into a real set. Talking about his design, Simon said, “I’m a massive fan of LEGO builds and Disney Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas film so I’m honoured to see my creation come to life in physical brick form. The film is such a family hit with young & old fans from around the world. The ideas team have done a fantastic job creating a wonderfully playable set that is just as appealing as a display piece.”

With 2,193 pieces, the LEGO® Ideas Disney Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas set offers a rewarding building experience for fans and collectors.

The LEGO® Ideas Disney Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas set is available for LEGO Insiders from 3rd September at www.LEGO.com/Nightmare and LEGO Stores and for all from 6th September priced at €199.99 / £169.99 / $199.99.


Product information: LEGO® Ideas Disney Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas   Age: 18+ RRP: €199.99 / $199.99 / £169.99 Pieces: 2196 Product No.: 21351 Dimensions:

LEGO Insiders: 3rd September 2024 Available: 6th September 2024

About the LEGO Group   The LEGO Group’s mission is to inspire and develop the builders of tomorrow through the power of play. The LEGO System in Play, with its foundation in LEGO bricks, allows children and fans to build and rebuild anything they can imagine.

The LEGO Group was founded in Billund, Denmark in 1932 by Ole Kirk Kristiansen, its name derived from the two Danish words LEg GOdt, which mean “Play Well”.

Today, the LEGO Group remains a family-owned company headquartered in Billund. Its products are now sold in more than 120 countries worldwide. For more information: www.LEGO.com.

About the LEGO Ideas platform LEGO® Ideas offers fans the opportunity to submit their own brick creations with the chance to have their concept brought to life with the help of LEGO master designers and a share of the profits. Find out more at www.ideas.LEGO.com.

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Powerpoint Templates and Google slides for Offering Unique Product

Save your time and attract your audience with our fully editable ppt templates and slides..

Products And Services Offered Fun And Unique Craft Material Company Fund Raising Pitch Deck

This slide provides an overview of the products and services offered by the knitting and crochet company. The products offered by the company are yarn, buttons, accessories and needles. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Products And Services Offered Fun And Unique Craft Material Company Fund Raising Pitch Deck. This template helps you present information on four stages. You can also present information on Products And Services, Buttons, Accessories using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Types Of Differentiation For Unique Product Offering Gain Competitive Edge And Capture Market Share

This slide showcases various types of differentiation strategies that can be implemented by organization and target the untapped niche market segment. It includes horizontal, vertical and mixed differentiation. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Types Of Differentiation For Unique Product Offering Gain Competitive Edge And Capture Market Share. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Horizontal Differentiation, Vertical Differentiation, Mixed Differentiation. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Types Of Differentiation For Unique Product Offering Product Launch Strategy For Niche Market Segment

This slide showcases various types of differentiation strategies that can be implemented by organization and target the untapped niche market segment. It includes horizontal, vertical and mixed differentiation. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Types Of Differentiation For Unique Product Offering Product Launch Strategy For Niche Market Segment. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Horizontal Differentiation, Vertical Differentiation, Mixed Differentiation using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Types Of Differentiation For Unique Product Offering Customized Product Strategy For Niche

This slide showcases various types of differentiation strategies that can be implemented by organization and target the untapped niche market segment. It includes horizontal, vertical and mixed differentiation. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Types Of Differentiation For Unique Product Offering Customized Product Strategy For Niche. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Horizontal Differentiation, Vertical Differentiation, Mixed Differentiation using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Types Of Differentiation For Unique Product Offering Focused Strategy To Launch Product In Targeted Market

This slide showcases various types of differentiation strategies that can be implemented by organization and target the untapped niche market segment. It includes horizontal, vertical and mixed differentiation. Introducing Types Of Differentiation For Unique Product Offering Focused Strategy To Launch Product In Targeted Market to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with one stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Vertical Differentiation, Horizontal Differentiation, Mixed Differentiation, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Types Of Differentiation For Unique Product Offering Low Cost And Differentiated Focused Strategy

This slide showcases various types of differentiation strategies that can be implemented by organization and target the untapped niche market segment. It includes horizontal, vertical and mixed differentiation. Introducing Types Of Differentiation For Unique Product Offering Low Cost And Differentiated Focused Strategy to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with one stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Horizontal Differentiation, Vertical Differentiation, Mixed Differentiation, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Unique Selling Proposition Of The Product Offered By The Company Evaluating Startup Funding Sources

This slide provides information about the unique points about the product along with the details related to customer requirements, features that the product or brand offers and the target audience. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Unique Selling Proposition Of The Product Offered By The Company Evaluating Startup Funding Sources. This template helps you present information on three stages. You can also present information on Unique, Selling, Proposition, Selling Proposition using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Types Of Differentiation For Unique Product Offering Porters Generic Strategies For Targeted And Narrow

This slide showcases various types of differentiation strategies that can be implemented by organization and target the untapped niche market segment. It includes horizontal, vertical and mixed differentiation. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Types Of Differentiation For Unique Product Offering Porters Generic Strategies For Targeted And Narrow. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Horizontal Differentiation, Vertical Differentiation, Mixed Differentiation. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Unique Value Proposition Cost Leadership Strategy Offer Low Priced Products Niche Market

This slide showcases canvas that can help organization to identify unique value proposition for differentiated focus strategy. Its key elements are problem, solution, competitor offerings, common practices in industry, formulating USP and features.Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Unique Value Proposition Cost Leadership Strategy Offer Low Priced Products Niche Market. This template helps you present information on six stages. You can also present information on Megapixel Cameras, Providing Smartphone, Competitor Offerings using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Types Of Differentiation For Unique Product Offering Focus Strategy For Niche Market Entry

This slide showcases various types of differentiation strategies that can be implemented by organization and target the untapped niche market segment. It includes horizontal, vertical and mixed differentiation. Introducing Types Of Differentiation For Unique Product Offering Focus Strategy For Niche Market Entry to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with one stage, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Regional Growth, China Mature, Growth Emerging, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Overview Of Startup Funding Sources Unique Selling Proposition Of The Product Offered

This slide provides information about the unique points about the product along with the details related to customer requirements, features that the product brand offers and the target audience.Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Overview Of Startup Funding Sources Unique Selling Proposition Of The Product Offered. This template helps you present information on three stages. You can also present information on Products Customers, Provides Frequent, Advantage Peers using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Companys unique selling proposition for the customers offerings product ppt powerpoint presentation gallery grid

The slide shows the details about companys product differentiation comparing to its competitors. It also provides key pain points or requirements of the consumers. Presenting this set of slides with name Companys Unique Selling Proposition For The Customers Offerings Product Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Gallery Grid. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are Marketplace Offerings, Value Proposition, Customer Needs. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Pitch deck to public offering unique selling proposition of the product customer want ppts slides

This slide shows the USP of the product along details related to customer requirements, features that our brand offers and the company target audience. Presenting this set of slides with name Pitch Deck To Public Offering Unique Selling Proposition Of The Product Customer Want Ppts Slides. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are Offering Unique, Selling Proposition, Product Customer, Want. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Product and services offered unique selling proposition of product ppt download

Diverse sorts of Services and items offered by your organization are displayed in this slide. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Product And Services Offered Unique Selling Proposition Of Product Ppt Download. This template helps you present information on five stages. You can also present information on Product And Services Offered using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Product offering assessment process unique selling proposition of product ppt professional

Assess your products capabilities through various steps provided in this slide. Introducing Product Offering Assessment Process Unique Selling Proposition Of Product Ppt Professional to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with six stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Competency Identification, Competency Ranking, Maturity Assessment, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Product offerings assessment process contd company unique selling proposition of product ppt rules

Assess your products capabilities through various steps provided in this slide. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Product Offerings Assessment Process Contd Company Unique Selling Proposition Of Product Ppt Rules. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Product Offerings Assessment Process Contd. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Product offerings assessment process contd develop unique selling proposition of product ppt designs

Assess your products capabilities through various steps provided in this slide. Introducing Product Offerings Assessment Process Contd Develop Unique Selling Proposition Of Product Ppt Designs to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with two stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Develop Competencies, Review, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Product offerings assessment process contd unique selling proposition of product ppt guidelines

Assess your products capabilities through various steps provided in this slide. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Product Offerings Assessment Process Contd Unique Selling Proposition Of Product Ppt Guidelines. This template helps you present information on three stages. You can also present information on Competency Identification, Competency Ranking, Maturity Assessment using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

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China's outbound investing quota crunch spurs foreign asset managers to get creative

  • Medium Text

Illustration photo of a China yuan note

  • Offshore investment flows surge as China growth weakens
  • Total quotas set at $167 billion as of end-July
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Reporting by Selena Li in Hong Kong and Alessandro Diviggiano in Beijing; Editing by Sonali Paul

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. , opens new tab

Philippines, China trade blame after vessels collide in the South China Sea

Ukraine says it has destroyed another bridge in Russia's Kursk region

Ukrainian air forces destroyed another strategic bridge over the Seym River in Russia's Kursk region, limiting the supply capacity of a Russian group opposing the Ukrainian advance, Ukraine's commander said on Sunday.

Colorized transmission electron micrograph of mpox virus particles captured at the NIAID Integrated Research Facility in Fort Detrick


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  2. Creative Product Presentation Template

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  3. The 29 Best Presentation Layout Templates for 2021 [Plus Design Ideas]

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  4. 10 Steps to Creating a Powerful Product Presentation

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  5. Top 5 Benefits of Choosing Custom Presentation Boxes for Product

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  6. Unique Product Features Unique Product Performance Technologies Quality

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  1. 11 Product Presentation Examples Driving Business Results

    A product presentation is a business slide deck that highlights a product's market, key features, advantages, and unique value proposition. It's crafted to inform potential customers, investors, or partners—with the goal to inspire action, such as making a purchase or investing in the product.

  2. 10 Steps to Creating a Powerful Product Presentation

    Step 8: Determine Follow-Up Questions and Provide Answers. At the end of your product presentation, prospects or investors are likely to have a handful of questions about your product. Typically prospective customers ask questions to know if the product is a right fit for their organization.

  3. Product Presentation Examples

    A product presentation is a presentation you use to introduce your company's new or renovated product, or a newly developed feature, for people to get to know more about it. In this type of presentation, you'll take your audience through what it is, how it works, and how it helps solve their problems. For example, the Tinder pitch deck and ...

  4. Make a Product Launch Presentation (+ Examples & Templates)

    Interactive product launch presentation templates offer a structured starting point. They come packed with features that are optimized to engage and guide your audience through the story of your product. Grab one and create your best deck yet. Sales demo presentation. SaaS product business proposal.

  5. 105+ Creative Presentation Ideas to Engage Your Audience

    2 Be Minimal. Using a minimal design composition is one of the unique presentation ideas. The trick is to have just enough information and visual details for the viewer to feel comfortable seeing the slides. A minimal design can instill calm and awe in your audience when done right.

  6. Must-Have Product Presentation Templates with Examples and ...

    A good product presentation communicates a product's value, features, and benefits to its target audience. It should be visually appealing, well-structured, and engaging. A successful product presentation highlights the product's unique selling points, addresses customer pain points, and demonstrates how the product solves those issues.

  7. 7 Unique Presentation Examples That Will Inspire You

    This presentation is a great example of how to do it right. Every single slide reflects its product in a playful, innovative way. e) Oracle. Oracle's PowerPoint is another great presentation of example of the creative style. This presentation takes a plan, boring PowerPoint and transforms it into a unique one.

  8. How to Create a Great Product Presentation

    A powerful introduction is key to an efzzwefective presentation. Be sure to create an opening slide that is heavy on visual interaction and communicates a strong statement that leaves people yearning to learn more. 2. Keep everything on brand. A professional slide deck is one that stays on brand from start to finish.

  9. 10+ Free Product Presentation Templates

    1. Choose a template. Pitch offers a wide range of premium templates for any type of product presentation. Save time designing slides from scratch by choosing a template that best suits your needs ...

  10. 100+ Creative Presentation Ideas You Can Steal Today

    Use Template . Product Promos: Create a buzz around your new product with an engaging promo presentation.; Sales Pitch: Close that sale you've worked so hard for with a well-built sales presentation.; Office Tour: Present the cool interior design of your office.Show your favorite spots where you like to wind down with a cup of coffee or, hey, maybe a beer.

  11. Top 10 New Product Launch Presentation Templates with ...

    In 2007, Apple CEO Steve Jobs made a presentation for the iPhone at the Mac World event, showcasing how it would change the world. That game-changing product launch presentation changed lives, as it introduced to the masses to touch-screen interface devices with built-in cameras, cross-media synchronization, and many other features.

  12. A Detailed Guide on How to Create a Powerful Product Presentation

    Thus, it is better to add customizable templates to your slides and make your presentations look more professional and stunning. 1. Product Roadmap. A product roadmap showcases the journey of your product. Right from the idea behind it to its execution, it covers all areas of how the product was brought to life.

  13. Free Product Presentation Templates

    Work with one of Venngage's range of product presentation templates, designed with various brand and product style in mind. From there, you can customize the design with your own images, text and branding elements to create a unique and personalized presentation. Venngage's drag-and-drop editor makes it a breeze for you to experiment ...

  14. 10 Secrets to a Successful Product Presentation

    A product presentation introduces your product and explains it in detail, including how it works and how it helps customers overcome pain points. It often makes use of images, videos, and slideshows to help prospects, stakeholders, and potential investors understand a product's features and unique selling points. A product presentation should ...

  15. Free Product Presentation Templates & Google Slides Themes

    These presentation templates are suitable for product presentations. They can be used by marketing teams, sales representatives, or entrepreneurs to showcase their products to potential clients, investors, or stakeholders. The templates are designed to effectively highlight the features, benefits, and unique selling points of the product.

  16. Top 10 Product Introduction Templates with Examples and Samples

    All product lifecycle stages, even pricing is explained in a usable format to ensure your product launch is a success. Even better, each of these templates is 100% editable and customizable. This means you get a starting point, the structure, and the capability to tailor each presentation to unique audience profile.

  17. Product Presentation

    Keep your product presentation short and simple, adjusting it product presentation to fit just 60% of the alloted time, saving extra minutes for questions, comments and explanations. Do: Cater to your target audience. Every prospective customer is unique, why should your Powerpoint - or your oral product presentation be any different?

  18. Free Google Slides and PPT Templates Product-Themed

    Download the Strategic Product Roadmap for Business presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different...

  19. Top 3 Secrets of A Successful Product Presentation

    A great product presentation blends two important components: the presenter's delivery of the information and the visuals that illustrate it. Pitching your product ideas to investors and colleagues means packaging information into a presentation that persuades your audience to take action. This is what ultimately makes a successful presentation.

  20. How to Create a Unique Product Presentation Slider for Your Site

    Table of Contents: Step 1: Delete the extra slide. Step 2: Update the slide background colors. Step 3: Update the center piece's colors. Step 4: Remove the navigation arrows. Step 5: Upload your product images. Step 6: Edit the foreground copy. Step 7: Edit the background copy. Step 8: Customize the button.

  21. How To Develop a Successful Product Presentation

    How to create a product presentation. Here are some steps you can use to create your own product presentation: 1. Plan your introduction. Determine how you want to introduce yourself. An introduction in a product presentation can be brief, as the presentation typically focuses more on the product being described.

  22. Best PowerPoint Examples, Plus a Useful PowerPoint Template

    What is a PowerPoint presentation? A PowerPoint presentation is a digital slideshow typically used to accompany a live presentation. PowerPoint presentations often include images, graphs, charts, and other visual assets to support the speaker's main points.. Originally released for Apple Macintosh in 1987 (Microsoft purchased it later that year), PowerPoint was designed to replace ...

  23. LEGO Ideas Disney The Nightmare Before Christmas

    Its products are now sold in more than 120 countries worldwide. For more information: www.LEGO.com. About the LEGO Ideas platform LEGO® Ideas offers fans the opportunity to submit their own brick creations with the chance to have their concept brought to life with the help of LEGO master designers and a share of the profits. Find out more at ...

  24. Offering Unique Product PowerPoint Presentation and Slides PPT

    The stages in this process are Offering Unique, Selling Proposition, Product Customer, Want. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience. Slide 1 of 2. Product and services offered unique selling proposition of product ppt download.

  25. Mayo-crazed NFL quarterback inspires unique cologne scent

    The product retailing for $8 has sold out, but is expected to be back on shelves. ... Mayo-crazed NFL quarterback inspires unique cologne scent 00:51 Now playing - Source: CNN. Video Ad Feedback ...

  26. China's outbound investing quota crunch spurs foreign asset managers to

    Soaring demand from Chinese investors for offshore investments has left foreign banks and fund managers scrambling to ration outbound-investing quotas despite the recent selloff in the U.S. and ...