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[Solved] How to Upload PowerPoint to Google Drive

how to upload powerpoint to google drive

How to upload PowerPoint to Google Drive? This is a question many of us have been asking ourselves in recent years. For a long time, PowerPoint has been the first choice for creating presentations, but in the future, Google Slides has become an increasingly influential player. A few years ago, Google Slides couldn’t compete with Microsoft PowerPoint, but today Google Slides has taken several steps in the right direction, and today is a strong challenger to PowerPoint.

In this article, you will learn how to upload PowerPoint to Google Drive . Uploading a PowerPoint presentation to Google Drive can be in many ways, but the main reasons for uploading a PowerPoint presentation to Google Drive are:

3 Reasons to Upload Your PowerPoint to Google Drive

Google Drive offers a lot of storage space. Today, we rely more and more on storage in the cloud, which means that the storage capacity of our units is often very limited. Therefore, uploading PowerPoint to Google Drive is a very good option as this can save you a lot of storage space.

Furthermore, there is an option in Google Drive to convert your PowerPoint presentation to Google Slides. This is a great reason for you to learn how to upload PowerPoint to Google Drive. Once you’ve uploaded your PowerPoint to Google Drive, it’s very easy to convert it to Google Slides, giving you the ability to share your PowerPoint presentation even with those who don’t have Microsoft Office.

A third reason why it is good to know how to upload PowerPoint to Google Drive is to ensure that the recipient can open your presentation. Only in the past year have I talked to many companies that have opted out of Microsoft Office for the benefit of the Google Suite. If you are asked if you can submit your presentation via Google Slides instead, it is important that you do so.

How to Upload PowerPoint to Google Drive

In fact, there are two good ways to upload PowerPoint to Google drive. I will go through the different methods individually. Read through all of them and form your own idea of ​​which method is best for you to use.

Drag & Drop a PowerPoint into Google Drive

Below I describe a very simple method that shows how to upload PowerPoint to Google drive. This method is well suited if you have a PowerPoint presentation saved on your own computer.

  • Open Google Drive and sign in to your Google Drive account.
  • Navigate to the folder where you want to store your PowerPoint presentation
  • Locate your PowerPoint file on your computer and drag and drop the file to the surface of Google Drive, where it says, “Drop files here”.
  • You will now see a message in the lower right where it says something like “Uploading files”.
  • Done! Your PowerPoint is uploaded to Google Drive

This was the first and perhaps easiest method of how to upload PowerPoint to Google drive. This is usually the best method for most of us. However, I don’t really like to switch between the browser and folders on my local device, so the next method suits me better, because all the actions take place inside Google Drive.

Upload a PowerPoint Presentation from within Google Drive

The second method of how to upload PowerPoint to Google Drive is also suitable if you have your PowerPoint presentation saved on your local device . This is a simple method where you never leave the Google Drive interface.

  • Click on “New”, which you will find at the top left corner.
  • Click on “File upload”, and select your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Done! Your PowerPoint presentation is now uploaded to Google Drive.

How to convert your PowerPoint to Google Slides

Do you want to convert your PowerPoint to Google Slides? This is very simple! Locate the PowerPoint presentation that you just uploaded to Google Drive. Double-click to open the presentation. At the top of the screen, you will see a menu, click on it and select “Open with Google Slides”. You have now converted your PowerPoint to Google Slides.

Upload Your PowerPoint with Google Drive or OneDrive?

Google Drive is, as I mentioned before, a very good tool for sharing files to people who do not own a Microsoft Office license. Why I want to teach you how to upload PowerPoint to Google Drive instead of uploading to OneDrive is simple; Google Drive is completely free to use, and anyone can use it.

There are free versions of OneDrive as well, but I don’t think it’s as easily accessible as Google Drive. If you want to be absolutely sure that the recipient will be able to open your PowerPoint presentation, I recommend uploading your PowerPoint to Google Drive.

However, there is an exception. When to collaborate with others in a PowerPoint presentation and for several to edit the presentation; then I think you should use Microsoft OneDrive. Using Google Drive or Google Slides to edit PowerPoint presentations is not good. OneDrive has very good collaboration tools that are very suitable for this.

Final Words: How to Upload PowerPoint to Google Drive

As you have noticed, it is very easy to upload PowerPoint presentations to Google Drive. I have shown two different methods. What works best depends entirely on your needs and how you like to use Google Drive. I don’t like to switch between browsers and the desktop of my local device; therefore, the second method suits me better. Do you like “Drag & Drop” and have no problems switching between different windows; probably fits the first method better.

Finally, the most important thing is not what method you use to upload PowerPoint to Google Drive; the most important thing is that you do it. Google Drive is a great platform for sharing knowledge and information, and not least, PowerPoint presentations. In addition, it is very easy to convert your PowerPoint to Google Slides, enabling your colleagues and friends to edit the presentation with you.

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

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How to Convert PowerPoint to Google Slides (Step-by-Step)

  • PowerPoint Tutorials
  • Shortcuts & Hacks
  • October 11, 2019

In this article, you’ll learn two ways to convert PowerPoint to Google slides to take full advantage of the online Google Slides platform.

PowerPoint logo into the Google Slides logo

And while it’s easy to convert back and forth between PowerPoint and Google Slides, it’s important to keep in mind that not all your presentation content will properly convert (as discussed below).

That’s why I recommend using (and sticking with) whichever software program your team and/or clients are most comfortable using.

Note:  You can use your  Google Drive  platform to store and distribute your PowerPoint presentations without having to convert to the Google Slides file format.

To do that, simply upload your PowerPoint presentations to your Google Drive (as discussed below) and use it as a file folder.

To learn how to do the reverse and convert Google Slides to PowerPoint, read our article here .

Note:  Because Google Slides is an online platform, you will need access to the internet before you can upload and import PowerPoint files into its format.

[Watch] Converting PowerPoint to Google Slides

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Google Slides Pros and Cons

Google Slides is the second most popular program for creating and delivering presentations behind Microsoft PowerPoint.

And while some people prefer one program to the other, if you are trying to decide which program to use, I recommend choosing whichever program your client or project team is using.,

That will just make everyone’s lives easier.

Google Slides pros:

  • Free to use
  • Cloud-based – no software installation required
  • Offline mode to use when you’re not connected to the internet
  • Automatic saving
  • History review to check previous changes made
  • Easy to share for seamless collaboration
  • Works 100% the same on Mac and PC

Google Slides cons:

  • Basic animations and fewer transitions
  • Fewer and much less robust templates (there are some in a gallery of pre-made basic templates)
  • Has slightly fewer export formats than PowerPoint
  • Not accepted by many corporations and organizations with strict privacy rules

Upload PowerPoint to Google Slides

The first way to convert a PowerPoint presentation into the Google Slides format is to upload it to a Google Drive folder and then convert its file format.

To do that, simply follow these steps:

1. Open a Google Drive folder

Click your Google drive and then navigate to the folder with your presentation

To open a Google Drive folder to start the conversion process, simply:

  • Navigate  to your  Google slides login here
  • Find a  folder  and click on it to open it

Although you can later move your presentation to another folder in your Google Drive, it’s best to convert your PowerPoint presentation into a Google Slides document exactly where you want it to be.

This saves you from losing your presentation after you convert it.

2. Upload PowerPoint to Google Drive

There are two different ways you can get your PowerPoint presentation into Google Drive:

Right click within Google drive, find the PowerPoint presentation on your computer and click open

To upload a file directly from within a Google Drive folder, simply:

  • Right-click  inside your Google Drive folder
  • Select  Upload Files
  • Navigate  to your PowerPoint file
  • Select  your file
  • Click  Open

Another way to upload PowerPoint to Google Drive, is to just click and drag it into your Google Drive folder, as pictured below. This can be faster if you already have the file folder open on your computer, instead of navigating to it from your Google Drive.

You can click and drag a PowerPoint file into an open Google Drive folder to upload it to Google Drive

To learn how to snap your File Explorer windows side-by-side using your Windows 10 shortcuts, see our guide here .

Note: Uploading your PowerPoint presentations to Google Drive does not automatically convert them. Notice in the picture below that the presentation is still in the PowerPoint .pptx file format. So, simply uploading a PowerPoint file to Google Drive does not automatically convert it to Google Slides.

PowerPoint files display as .pptx files in your Google Drive, so we have not convereted the file by simply uploading it to Google Drive

3. Open PowerPoint in the Google Slides format

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

To open your PowerPoint presentation in the  Google Slides  file format, simply:

  • Right-click  your PowerPoint file
  • Select  Open With  in the action menu
  • Choose  Google Slides

Choosing Google Slides, you will see a conversion icon. When it’s complete, you will see your PowerPoint presentation as a  Google Slides  document, but it will still be in the .pptx file format as you see below, so we are not done yet.

Opening PowerPoint with Google Slides still leaves you with a .pptx file, so we are not done yet.

To finish the PowerPoint to Google Slides conversion process, continue on to the next step below.

Note:  Not all PowerPoint features are available in the Google Slides format. If your presentation has PowerPoint features that cannot be converted to Google Slides, you will see the warning at the top of your screen.

Google Slides warns you that some features in PowerPoint cannot be displayed in Google Slides

Some PowerPoint features can’t be displayed in Google Slides and will be dropped if you make changes.

This is a good time to double check your presentation to make sure all your PowerPoint slides have been properly converted. Things to look at are logos, pictures, animations, ink, etc.

4. Save your PowerPoint presentation in the Google Slides format

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

To finish your PowerPoint to Google Slides conversion process, simply:

  • Open the Google Slides  File  menu
  • Select  Save as Google Slides

Doing so, you will now see your presentation as a TRUE Google Slides presentation, as pictured below. The .pptx file extension is no longer be there.

Example of a PowerPoint presentation converted into Google Slides

On top of that, if you navigate back to your folder, you will see your presentation in both the Google Slides and PowerPoint file format.

After double-checking your Google Slides presentation, I recommend deleting your old PowerPoint file so you don’t get confused (unless you want to keep it as a reference).

5. Delete your PowerPoint presentation

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

To delete your PowerPoint presentation from your Google Drive, simply:

  • Navigate  to your Google Drive folder and  Right-click  your file (the .pptx one)
  • In the right-click menu, select  Remove

This leaves you with just the Google Slides presentation in your folder.

#2. Import PowerPoint to Google Slides

Instead of uploading your PowerPoint presentations to Google Drive and then converting them, you can import them directly inside of a Google Slides document.

You can do this in a blank presentation, or with an existing Google Slides presentation.

1. Open a blank Google Slides file

In your Google Drive, navigate to a folder, right-click and select Google Slides to create a blank document

To create a new Google Slides presentation to start the conversion process, simply:

  • Choose a  Folder  for where you’ll want your presentation to be
  • Right-click  and select  Google Slides

You can alternatively click the New  icon beneath the Google Drive logo to start a new presentation, instead of right-clicking.

Doing so opens a blank Google Slides document in a new tab in your web browser. This blank presentation is what you will use in the next few steps to convert your PowerPoint presentation.

Example of a blank Google Slides document that we will use to convert PowerPoint to Google Slides

Note:  Instead of starting from a blank  Google Slides   presentation, you can also start from within an existing  Google Slides  presentation and import your PowerPoint slides directly into it.

2. Open the Import slides dialog box

Open the Google Slides file tab and select Import Slides

To open the  Import slides  dialog box, from within Google Slides simply:

  • Open the Google Slides  File  menu
  • Select  Import Slides

3. Upload PowerPoint to Google Slides

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

To import slides from a PowerPoint presentation into your Google Slides document, simply:

  • Click the  Upload  option
  • Navigate  to your PowerPoint presentation and click on  Open  (or click and drag it into the dialog box)

Selecting your presentation, your PowerPoint is uploaded to Google Slides as pictured below. Depending on the size of your PowerPoint presentation, this could take a few seconds or a few minutes.

After selecting import, wait for your PowerPoint presentation to import into Google Slides

Note:  If you have already uploaded your PowerPoint presentation to your Google Drive, you can also use the  Presentations  tab to find the presentation you want to convert instead of uploading it from your computer.

If you have previously uploaded your PowerPoint presentation to your Google Drive, select the presentation tab instead of the import tab

4. Select the PowerPoint slides you want to convert to Google Slides

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

To import your PowerPoint slides into your Google Slides presentation, simply:

  • Select  the PowerPoint slides you want to import (or select  All  in the upper right-hand corner)
  • Check or uncheck  Keep Original Theme  (see note below)
  • Click  Import slides
  • Delete  the first blank slide

After your PowerPoint slides import into Google Slides, you will need to delete the first blank Google Slide in the presentation

Selecting  Import Slides , your selected slides are imported into the Google Slides format, and you are done. You can now edit or present your presentation in Google Slides.

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

Keep Original Theme

Selecting Keep original theme means that Google Slides converts your PowerPoint template (as best as it can) to the Google Slides format.

Un-selecting Keep original theme means that just your content will be imported into whatever Google Slides theme you are using (as best as it can).  To learn more about PowerPoint themes and how they work, read our article here .

So that’s how to convert PowerPoint to Google Slides and the different options you have.

Although you can quickly and easily convert between the two different formats, not all PowerPoint features will properly convert to the Google Slides format. So, to the extent that you can avoid converting back and forth, the better off you will be.

You can always keep your files in the PowerPoint format and still use your Google Drive to store and share your presentations with your team.

If you enjoyed this article, you can learn more about our PowerPoint training courses and other presentation resources,  visit us here .

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How to Convert Presentations from PowerPoint to Google Slides

How to Convert Presentations from PowerPoint to Google Slides | Quick Tips & Tutorial for your presentations

If you often use Google Slides for your presentations and you receive a PowerPoint template or presentation, you’ll need to convert it to a different format. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to convert your presentation from PowerPoint to Google Slides step by step. 

Converting a PowerPoint Presentation into a Google Slides Presentation

Importing a powerpoint presentation into google slides, importing slides from powerpoint into google slides, importing other file formats into google slides.

  • Select the PowerPoint file and import it into your Google Drive account. To do so, click New → File upload. Then locate the file in your computer and click Open. As an alternative, you can drag the file directly to your browser.
  • Once the file has been uploaded, double-click it.
  • Click Open with and choose Google Slides.
  • Your PowerPoint presentation will open in Google Slides. You can edit it and use it just like any Google Slides presentation. You’ll notice that some fonts might have changed, however.
  • Even though you can work with this PowerPoint presentation as if it were a Google Slides presentation, you might want to have it as a Google Slides file. To do so, click File → Save as Google Slides. Once done, a copy of this presentation will be created.
  • Create a new blank presentation in Google Slides.
  • Click File → Open. Select the .pptx file from your Google Drive account or your computer. For the latter, click the Upload tab first.
  • The presentation will be opened as a Google Slides presentation, not as a .pptx file.
  • Google Slides allows you to load specific slides from a different Google Slides presentation or from a PowerPoint presentation.
  • To do this, open the presentation where you want to import slides into.
  • Click File → Import slides.
  • A new window will open, where you’ll be able to see all the presentations available in your Google Drive account. If you want to import them from a presentation stored in your computer, click the Upload tab first.
  • Choose the presentation that contains the slides you want to import and click Select.
  • Select the slides you want to import. Check “Keep original theme” if you want to keep the theme of their original presentation, or uncheck it if you want them to be automatically adapted to your current presentation.

Perhaps you’ve used other presentation programs, such as OpenOffice Impress or Keynote. From the 2007 version on, PowerPoint is compatible with OpenOffice (.odp) files.

  • If you have an OpenOffice Impress presentation, you’ll need to convert it from .odp format into a PowerPoint file, first. To do so, click File → Save As. Select Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP. Then you just need to follow the instructions previously found in this tutorial.
  • If you have a Keynote presentation, you must save it as a PowerPoint file. To do so, click File → Export To → PowerPoint. Then follow the instructions previously found in this tutorial.

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

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How-To Geek

How to import a powerpoint presentation into google slides.

Did you receive a PowerPoint presentation, but you don’t have PowerPoint? Giving up on Microsoft Office and making the change to Google Slides? No problem; Google Slides lets you easily import PowerPoint presentations.

Quick Links

Did you receive a PowerPoint presentation, but you don’t have PowerPoint? Giving up on Microsoft Office and making the change to Google Slides? No problem; Google Slides lets you easily import PowerPoint presentations. And while it might not support some of the same features and effects of a PowerPoint presentation, it works pretty well.

To view a PowerPoint presentation on Google Slides, you must first upload the file to your Google Drive. Open  Google Drive , click “New,” and then click “File Upload” to get started.

Related: How to Insert Symbols into Google Docs and Slides

Navigate to your file(s) and then click “Open.”

Alternatively, you can drag and drop a file from your computer directly into the web browser for an easy upload.

Once your file uploads, right-click it, point to “Open With” on the context menu, and then select “Google Slides.”

Google then converts your presentation into a Google Slides file on your Drive account.

After you’ve finished editing your file, you can either  share it with others  or download and export your presentation back into a Microsoft PowerPoint format by going to File > Download As and then clicking the “Microsoft PowerPoint” option.

Related: How to Create Shareable Download Links for Files on Google Drive

If you’d rather download your presentation in PDF, ODP, JPEG, TXT, or other formats, you can do that too.

The file is then downloaded to the browser’s default download folder.

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

How to Convert PowerPoint to Google Slides [Step-by-Step]

  • Last updated December 29, 2023

Knowing how to convert PowerPoint to Google Slides can help you streamline presentations, increase accessibility, and improve your collaboration. If you need to switch from PPT to Slides, I’ve got you covered. 

In this guide, I walk you through the easiest ways to turn your PowerPoint into Google Slides. Let’s get started!

On the wrong page ? Click here to convert Google Slides to PowerPoint .

Table of Contents

What to Know Before Converting PowerPoint to Google Slides

  • You’ll need internet access. 
  • It’s easy to turn a PPT into Google Slides, but certain elements may not convert perfectly. 
  • Wait until your PPT presentation is finished before converting it to Slides.

How to Convert PowerPoint to Google Slides: 3 Methods

It’s quite simple to convert PPT to Google Slides. I’ve compiled three ways to accomplish this task.

Option 1. Upload & Convert PPT Presentations to Google Slides

Manually converting PowerPoint to Google Slides may take more time and effort.

Note : If you plan on storing and sharing the final PPT presentation (without editing it later). If you fall into this category, proceed directly to the next step.

  • To get started, open your PowerPoint file.

open powerpoint presentation

  • Go to File > Export .

file export powerpoint presentation

  • Choose “Create PDF/XPS Document.” Follow the prompts to save the file to your computer.

Create PDF/XPS Document in powerpoint

4. Log in to your Google Drive account and click the “New” button.

open new google slides presentation

5. Select “File upload.” Choose the PDF file you’ve just saved and upload it to your Google Drive.

ppt file upload to google slides

6. Right-click the PDF file and select Open with > Google Slides.

open with google slides selection

Option 2. Import PPT to an Existing Google Slide Presentation

You can also import PowerPoint slides directly into the Google Slides editor, where you can modify the layout and contents. This is especially beneficial if you combine various slides from different presentations.

  • Open a new, existing, or imported presentation in Google Slides .

A new PowerPoint presentation showing the option to “Import slides” into Google Slides.

  • Choose to keep the original formatting of your PowerPoint presentation or apply the theme of your existing Google Slides presentation.
  • Click “Import Slides” to add the presentation/slides to your existing Slides file.  You can add and edit text, images, and other elements with Google Slides’ built-in tools .

arrow pointing to import slides from ppt to slides

Note : This process is similar to inserting Google Sheets in Google Slides .

Option 3: Use Online Conversion Tools

You can also use an online conversion tool to transfer presentations from PowerPoint to Google Slides. Some popular programs include: 

  • CloudConvert
  • Upload your PowerPoint presentation to the website of your conversion tool. Either drag and drop the file or select it from your computer.

zamzar conversion homepage for ppt to slides transfer

  • Click the “Download” button. Note : Some conversion tools may save the file to your Google Drive account.

download complete ppt to google slides on zamzar site

Extra Tips for Converting PowerPoint to Google Slides

Before transferring files, there are a few issues to be aware of when converting PowerPoint to Google Slides.

  • Check the compatibility of your PowerPoint presentation’s fonts, images, and multimedia elements.
  • Try to keep the original formatting of the PowerPoint presentation.
  • If automatic conversion works poorly, convert the presentation manually. You can copy and paste the contents into a new Google Slides presentation.
  • After converting, be sure that charts and tables match the Google Slides format.
  • To convert multiple PowerPoint presentations, use the Google Slides API to automate the process.

Pros and Cons of Uploading a PowerPoint to Google Slides

Choosing between PowerPoint and Google Slides offers various advantages and disadvantages. 

pros cons uploading powerpoint to google slides

  • Google Slides is free to use for any GSuite user. 
  • The platform is cloud-based and doesn’t require any software installation.
  • You can check the timeline to see whether previous changes have been made.
  • It’s easy to share for seamless collaboration.
  • You can access it on iOS, PC, Android, and more.
  • Google Slides has limited basic animations and transitions.
  • The templates aren’t as robust as those on PowerPoint.
  • There are fewer export options.
  • Some corporations and organizations won’t accept the format.

Choosing PowerPoint vs. Slides: Which Is Better? 

PowerPoint is widely used because it’s available on nearly all Windows desktops, laptops, and other devices. The program has several tools and functions, like PowerPoint Designer, a unique feature that uses a suggestion engine to generate automatic design suggestions for each slide.

That said, Google Slides has exploded in popularity because it’s cloud-based and shareable via Google Drive.

Another advantage of using Google Slides is that multiple users with access to the file can change, edit, and save the presentation. Therefore, making it a great collaborative tool among teams. 

So, is Google Slides Better than PowerPoint? I think it’s preferable for Macbook users who need collaborative features (like me).

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i convert a powerpoint to google slides without losing the format.

To convert a PowerPoint to Google Slides without losing formatting, check for compatibility to ensure that fonts, images, and multimedia elements work on both platforms.

Next, try converting the presentation manually. Test it by copying and pasting the contents into a new Google Slides presentation. Make any necessary adjustments to charts and tables, then confirm that everything looks and functions correctly.

Why Does My PowerPoint Look Different on Google Slides?

There are a number of reasons that your slideshows look different. Google Slides may not support all of PPT’s features or fonts. There could be compatibility or aspect ratio issues, too. 

Whatever the case, try sticking to standard fonts and simpler designs in the future. Also, be sure to check compatibility before transferring anything. 

How Do I Open a Large PPT in Slides? 

To open a large PowerPoint presentation in Google Slides, reduce the size of images, audio, and video files. Next, convert the PowerPoint to a Google Slides format:

  • Select File > Save As > Google Slides
  • Upload the converted file to Google Drive. 
  • Open the file in Google Slides.

Wrapping up

Knowing how to convert PowerPoint to Google Slides is simple and straightforward. With this step-by-step guide, I hope you can easily convert your presentations to a more compatible, accessible, and presentable format! 

If you want to master your skills within either platform, consider checking out Udemy’s range of courses ! 

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How to Convert Powerpoint to Google Slides

Change the presentation format to work with your preferred application

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

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What To Know

  • To drop into Google Slides: Open Slides . Go to File picker (folder icon) > Open a file > Upload > Drag the file to Drag a file here .
  • To upload to Google Drive: Open Drive . Go to New > File Upload > pick your file > Open with Google Slides .
  • To open with Google Slides: Open Slides . Press the Owned by... drop-down to pick the class. Select the file, and Edit as Google Slides .

This article explains how to open and edit a PowerPoint file in Google Slides, either by opening it directly through Slides or by importing it through Drive and editing it in Slides.

Drag and Drop a Powerpoint File Into Google Slides

Use this method if your Powerpoint file is located on a local drive. 

Open Google Docs.

If Slides is not already selected, in the upper-left corner of the application, select the menu (three bar) icon.

From the menu, choose Slides . 

In the upper-right corner of the Recent presentations section, select the file picker (file folder) icon. 

In the Open a file screen, choose Upload .

Open the folder where your Powerpoint file is stored. Drag the Powerpoint file into the Drag a file here section. 

Alternatively, use the blue file-picker button to find your local document through the operating system's file manager.

The file uploads and then becomes available for opening or editing like any other Slides document.

Formatting may change when you convert a PowerPoint file to Google Slides.

Upload a Powerpoint File Into Google Drive

This method will also work for files located on a local drive. 

Open Google Drive. 

In the upper-left corner, select New > File Upload . 

Navigate to the file you want to upload and select it. 

You’ll see an uploading message, then the file will show up in your Google Drive file list. Select the file.

At the top of the screen, from the menu choose Open with Google Slides . 

The converted presentation will appear in the Google Slides editing environment and you can work with it as you normally would.

Open a Powerpoint File From Google Slides

Use this method if your Powerpoint file is already located on your Google Drive. 

Toward the top of the screen, select the down-arrow and choose a class of document to view. 

Select your Powerpoint file. You’ll see a dialog box asking if you want to open the file in View Only mode, or Edit as Google Slides . Choose Edit as Google Slides . 

You can now work with the file as you normally would.

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Avantix Learning

How to Convert PowerPoint to Google Slides (5 Ways)

Icons PowerPoint to Google Slides.

Easily Convert a PowerPoint Presentation to Google Slides

by Avantix Learning Team | Updated August 8, 2023

Applies to: Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021 and 365 (Windows) and Google Slides

You can convert a PowerPoint presentation to Google Slides in several ways. You will first need to import or upload the PowerPoint deck into Google Slides and then make any changes you need. Google Slides will try to convert the presentation into compatible objects, tools and fonts but these programs do have differences so some elements may not convert well.

Google Slides is a cloud-based program and is updated regularly so menus, buttons and features may change. Notably, Google rolled out a new feature in 2019 to edit PowerPoint files directly in Google Slides without conversion. Prior to the upgrade, depending on the way you imported a PowerPoint file, Google may have made a copy of the PowerPoint file and created a new Google Slides file automatically. This is no longer the default setting.

If you have not already done so, you will need to set up a Google Drive account at . Note that if you have a Gmail account, you already have a Google Drive account with the same login details.

In this article, we'll review converting a PowerPoint presentation to Google Slides in 5 ways:

  • Open a PowerPoint presentation in Google Slides
  • Drag a PowerPoint file into Google Drive
  • Upload a PowerPoint file into Google Drive
  • Import all slides from a PowerPoint file into a Google Slides file
  • Import specific slides from a PowerPoint file into a Google Slides file

Recommended article: PowerPoint vs Googles Slides (Full Feature Comparison + Benefits)

Do you want to learn more about PowerPoint? Check out our virtual classroom or in-person PowerPoint courses >

For the following examples, we are using PowerPoint 2013 or later with Windows 10. The process is the same for other versions of PowerPoint and Windows. You can use Chrome or another browser.

Presentations will convert best if you have designed the PowerPoint deck as follows:

  • Titles are in title placeholders
  • Body text is in body placeholders (if possible)
  • Themes have been applied
  • Slide master(s) and layouts have been used
  • Images are good quality
  • Fonts are readable by Google Slides (standard or safe fonts should convert without a problem)
  • Links or hyperlinks work

The following are five ways to convert a PowerPoint presentation to Google Slides. It's up to you which method you prefer.

1. Convert PowerPoint to Google Slides by opening a PowerPoint presentation in Google Slides

The easiest way to convert a PowerPoint presentation to Google Slides is by opening the PowerPoint deck in Google Slides.

To convert a PowerPoint presentation to Google Slides by opening the file in Google Slides:

  • Navigate to in your browser and enter your login details if necessary.
  • At the top of the screen, click New, select Google Slides from the drop-down menu and then select Blank presentation. A blank presentation appears.
  • In the menu at the top of the screen, click File and then select Open. A dialog box appears.
  • Click Upload at the top of the dialog box.
  • Click Browse. A dialog box appears.
  • Navigate to the location of the file on your computer, click the file and then click Open. You can also double-click the file. The file will be named the same name as the PowerPoint file but will be in Google Slides format.
  • Edit the Google Slides presentation as required.
  • Double-click in the title and enter a name for the presentation.
  • On the top left, click the Slides icon (Slides Home) to return to the Google Slides area of Google Drive. Editing changes will be saved automatically.

When you select Open from the File menu, you will have the option of choosing from Google Drive as well as other locations including Upload:

Open dialog box in Google Drive with Upload selected.

2. Convert PowerPoint to Google Slides by dragging a PowerPoint file into Google Drive

To import a PowerPoint presentation into Google Slides by dragging the file into a Google Drive folder from your computer:

  • Double-click the folder where you want to store your imported PowerPoint presentation. In the folder, an icon may appear with Drop files here.
  • Drag the title bar of the Google Drive window down and resize the window so you can view both the Google Drive folder and your computer with the PowerPoint file.
  • Drag the PowerPoint file into the Google Drive folder. The file is still a PowerPoint or PPTX file at this point.
  • Double-click the file in the Google Drive folder to open it. A dialog box appears.
  • At the top, select Open with Google Slides. The PowerPoint file opens in Google Slides.
  • In the menu at the top of the screen, click File and then select Save As Google Slides to save the presentation in the Google Slides format. There will now be two copies of the presentation – the original PowerPoint presentation and the converted Google Slides file. These files are not linked.

In the following example, a PowerPoint presentation has been dragged into a Presentations folder in Google Drive:

Thumbnail of a PowerPoint presentation that has been dragged into a folder on Google Drive.

3. Convert PowerPoint to Google Slides by uploading a PowerPoint file into Google Drive

To import a PowerPoint presentation into Google Slides by uploading the file into a Google Drive folder:

  • Right-click in a blank area in the folder click Upload files from the drop-down menu. A dialog box appears.
  • Navigate to the location of the file on your computer, click it and then click Open. You can also double-click the file.
  • In the menu, click File and then select Save As Google Slides to save the presentation in the Google Slides format. There will now be two copies of the presentation – the original PowerPoint presentation and the converted Google Slides file. These files are not linked.

Upload files appears in the context menu when you right-click in a folder in Google Drive as follows:

Context menu that appears when you right-click in a folder in Google Drive.

4. Convert PowerPoint to Google Slides by importing all slides from a PowerPoint file into a Google Slides file

To import a PowerPoint presentation into Google Slides from within a new Google Slides file:

  • In the menu at the top, click File and then select Import Slides. A dialog box appears.
  • Navigate to the location of the file on your computer, click the file and then click Open. You can also double-click the file.
  • On the top right, click All.
  • Check or uncheck the option to Keep original theme as required.
  • Click Import slides.

The Upload option appears when you select Import Slides from the File menu:

Import Slides dialog box in Google Slides.

5. Convert PowerPoint to Google Slides by importing specific slides from a PowerPoint file into a Google Slides file

To import specific PowerPoint slides into a new Google Slides presentation:

  • Click each slide you want to import.

In the following example, specific slides have been selected for import:

Import slides dialog box in Google Slides with specific PowerPoint slides selected.

Why does a converted PowerPoint file lose or change formatting in Google Slides?

Google Slides will often change the formatting of your PowerPoint presentation when you convert it.

If Google Slides does not recognize the font that has been used in the PowerPoint presentation, it will convert the font to the closest available Google font. Google Slides uses web fonts by default and PowerPoint uses standard installed fonts on your computer by default.

After you convert a PowerPoint presentation to Google Slides, the formatting should be similar to the original formatting. However, you may need to fix formatting or objects in Google Slides.

Certain features are not supported during PowerPoint conversion to Google Slides:

  • Most PowerPoint animations and transitions
  • Links or hyperlinks (you will need to reinsert the links)
  • Embedded charts and videos (these will be converted to images but you can reinsert videos or recreate charts)
  • Linked Excel spreadsheets
  • SmartArt graphics (these will be converted to drawing objects)
  • Password protected files (they can be previewed in Google Drive but not converted to Google Slides)
  • VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) macros

If you have a lot of Excel charts and videos in your PowerPoint deck, you will have issues with conversion.

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More Resources

How to Add Audio in Google Slides

How to Remove the Background of an Image in PowerPoint

How to Group or Ungroup Objects in PowerPoint (with Shortcuts)

How to Insert a Check Mark or Tick Mark in Google Slides (3 Ways)

How to Make an Object Appear and Disappear in Google Slides Using Animations

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Microsoft PowerPoint: Introduction

Microsoft PowerPoint: Intermediate / Advanced

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Our instructor-led courses are delivered in virtual classroom format or at our downtown Toronto location at 18 King Street East, Suite 1400, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (some in-person classroom courses may also be delivered at an alternate downtown Toronto location). Contact us at [email protected] if you'd like to arrange custom instructor-led virtual classroom or onsite training on a date that's convenient for you.

Copyright 2024 Avantix ® Learning

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How to Convert PowerPoint to Google Slides (5 Ways)

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Home Blog Google Slides Tutorials How to Convert PowerPoint Presentations to Google Slides

How to Convert PowerPoint Presentations to Google Slides

How to convert PowerPoint presentations to Google Slides

A frequently asked question is how to convert PowerPoint presentations to Google Slides. The reason behind that is Microsoft moving to a subscription model for its Microsoft Office suite, making it harder to buy a lifetime offline version to use apps like PowerPoint. The annual subscription model has not been welcomed by all users, and many have moved away to free alternatives like Google Slides to avoid the hefty yearly price tag. For users looking to transition from PowerPoint to Google Slides, there are a few easy methods they can use to convert PowerPoint presentations to Google Slides.

How to Convert a PowerPoint to Google Slides

Convert and save a file in a google drive folder using google slides.

Many users have various PowerPoint presentations in bulk that they wish to upload and organize in Google Drive. They can do this by creating folders and uploading PowerPoint presentations to them. Simply go to your Google Drive account, and create or select a folder. Select New > File Upload to start uploading your presentation files.

Uploading a PowerPoint file to convert a PowerPoint presentation to Google Slides

You can select a PowerPoint file directly from your device and even upload multiple files in batch.

Uploading file procedure from PowerPoint to Google Slides

Once your presentation file is uploaded, select Open with > Google Slides via right-click menu.

Opening a ppt file in Google Slides to convert it to a Google Slides presentation

It might take a few minutes before the app can convert a PPTX or PPT to Google Slides to render and make the file ready for use.

Rendering a pptx file in Google Slides

While Google Slides provides many features native to PowerPoint, there are always some features that are different or not supported once the files are opened in Google Slides. If that is the case, you will get a prompt from Google Slides about unsupported features.

The appearance of a pptx file in Google Slides - Example of PowerPoint presentation imported into Google Slides

You can preview what changes need to be made to adjust effects and features not supported by Google Slides (if any) from the View details option.

Limitations of Google Slides for converting a PowerPoint Presentation - PowerPoint to Google Slides conversion - some features are not available

To convert a PowerPoint file uploaded to Google Slides, go to File > Save as Google Slides .

Saving a presentation to Google Slides after conversion

The Save as Google Slides option opens the file with a version that completely converts it to Google Slides.

Import PowerPoint Slides to Google Slides

To directly open a file from the Google Slides app, open a blank presentation.

Opening a blank slide deck in Google Slides - Importing PowerPoint Slides to Google Slides

Go to File > Import Slides to select specific slides or to upload a complete deck. Select File > Open to upload PowerPoint to Google Slides.

To import specific slides, pick the ones you want in your presentation deck and click Import slides . 

Importing selected slides from PowerPoint to Google Slides

This will upload the PPT or PPTX to Google Slides.

Note: If the file contains features not supported by Google Slides, you will get a prompt to view the features that cannot be saved. Go to File > Save as Google Slides to convert PowerPoint to Google Slides. This will turn PowerPoint into Google Slides.

Editing a PPT presentation in Google Slides - Self introduction slide example

To save the file to a specific folder, select the file in Google Drive and click Move to .

The Move To option in Google Slides

This will allow you to select a folder to move your presentation deck. Click Move to move the file. You can also select multiple files and move them to a specific folder in bulk.

Moving a converted PowerPoint presentation file to a folder

After conversion, the different versions of presentation files can be identified with noticeably unique icons in Google Drive. The following image shows the same file in the PowerPoint version (left) and Google Slides version (right).

A comparison between original and converted pptx files to Google Slides

When converting PowerPoint to Google Slides, it’s best to be mindful of where your files are located and organize them in Google Drive folders for easy access. There will inevitably be features that Google Slides will not support for some PowerPoint files. In that case, it should be ensured that there are no broken elements and necessary changes are made to slides to retain the cohesiveness of uploaded PowerPoint presentations.

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

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how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

How to convert a powerpoint file to google slides

Unlock collaboration: Learn to convert PowerPoint files seamlessly into Google Slides for enhanced teamwork and efficiency.

Profile Picture Sanskar Tiwari

Sanskar Tiwari

How to Convert PowerPoint to Google Slides:

Access google drive:.

notion image

Upload the PowerPoint File:

notion image

Right-Click on the PowerPoint File:

notion image

Select "Open with" > "Google Slides":

notion image

Edit and Collaborate (Optional):

notion image

Save the Google Slides Version:

Download as powerpoint (optional):.

notion image


Frequently asked questions:, will the formatting of my powerpoint file remain intact after conversion, can i collaborate on the converted google slides presentation in real-time, are there any features in powerpoint that may not be supported in google slides, what happens to embedded media files (videos, audio) during the conversion process, related blogs, how to create a ppt from an earnings forecast document for corporate meetings, how to create a ppt from project term paper document, how to make a ppt from school lessons word document, how to turn word-based scientific posters into powerpoint presentations, how to insert slide numbers to slides in ms powerpoint, how to change the size of powerpoint slide, how to insert audio to a slide in google slides, how to save canva presentation as google slides, how to convert word project overviews to powerpoint project presentations, stunning presentations in seconds with ai.

Install MagicSlides app now and start creating beautiful presentations. It's free!

App screenshot

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How to convert a PowerPoint to Google Slides

Zak Islam

While PowerPoint is widely used to develop presentations, Google Slides has become a popular alternative. Part of what makes it so popular is that it's free to use, as is other Google software such as Google Docs and Google Sheets – which is a stark contrast to the premium price you'll pay for Microsoft Office and PowerPoint.

Converting a PowerPoint file using Google Slides

Using google drive, importing specific slides.

If you're looking to jump ship from PowerPoint to Slides, Google makes it easy to do so. In fact, it takes little more than a few clicks to convert a PowerPoint to Google Slides. Whether you need to change the format for a coworker or want to permanently switch to the free platform, here's a look at how to convert your PowerPoint deck into a Google Slides presentation.

What You Need

Microsoft PowerPoint

A computer, laptop, tablet, or phone with access to Google Slides

Step 1: Open Google Slides and click Blank under Start a New Presentation .

Step 2: At the top, under the title settings, click File > Open .

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Step 3: Click the Upload tab and choose the Select a File From Your Device button. Locate your PowerPoint file and open it (the extension will be .pptx).

Google will now convert that PowerPoint file into a Google Slides format. Once the process is completed, it will automatically be saved into your Google Slides account via Google Drive.

Conveniently, you can now edit that presentation online and, when the need arises, convert it back to a Microsoft PowerPoint file ( File > Download > Microsoft PowerPoint ).

Another way to convert a PowerPoint file to Google Slides is by using Google Drive.

Step 1: Go to your Google Drive account's home page. Click the New button and then File Upload . Select your PowerPoint file.

Step 2: Select the file on Google Drive, right-click it, and click the Open With tab. Finally, click the Google Slides tab.

Step 3: The PowerPoint will be displayed within Google Slides. Unlike uploading directly via Google Slides, you will have to save the file for this method. Select the File tab and click the Save As Google Slides option from the drop-down menu.

Google Slides’ ability goes beyond just converting an entire PowerPoint file. You can also choose specific slides you want to import as opposed to the entire presentation itself.

Step 1: Open a new Google Slides presentation. Within the File tab, select the Import Slides option and then choose the Upload tab. Select the PowerPoint file from your PC.

Step 2: Google will now populate a thumbnail-based view of all the slides contained within that PowerPoint file and allow you to select which specific ones you wish to import and convert. Click the Import Slides button when you’re done.

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How to Convert a PowerPoint Presentation to Google Slides

Want to convert your PowerPoint presentations and open them in Google Slides? Here's how to do it easily.

Google Slides and PowerPoint are both powerful tools for creating presentations. Though PowerPoint might be more equipped and reputable, Google Slides has the advantage of being in sync with Google Drive.

With Google Slides, you can share your presentations, and work with your team on the same presentation online in real-time. But what if you want the best of both worlds? Is it possible to create presentations with PowerPoint, but open them with Google Slides? Absolutely! Read on to find out how exactly you can do this.

How to Open a PowerPoint Presentation With Google Slides

Google Slides supports many common presentation formats including PPTX, PPT, POTM, POTX, and more. The latest versions of Microsoft PowerPoint use the PPTX extension, and luckily, Google Slides supports this format.

Google Slides doesn't require you to make any changes to the original PowerPoint presentation. You can seamlessly open PowerPoint files with a couple of clicks.

  • Go to your Google Drive .
  • Navigate to the directory where you want to store the PowerPoint presentation.
  • Click + New in the top left corner.
  • Select File upload .
  • Select your PowerPoint presentation from your device.
  • Click Open . Your file will now upload to Google Drive.
  • Once the upload is complete, double-click the file.

Just like that, you can now view and share your PowerPoint presentation in Google Slides. The themes and styling present in the PowerPoint presentations will stay intact.

How to Import PowerPoint Slides to a Google Slides Presentation

In some cases, rather than the whole thing, you might want to implement only some slides in a PowerPoint presentation into a Google Slides presentation . Thanks to the Google Slides' Import slides feature, you can directly import the slides to Google Slides and won't have to recreate them.

  • Go to Google Slides and open your presentation.
  • Go to the File menu.
  • Select Import Slides .
  • Go to the Upload tab, and then click Select a file from your device .
  • Select your file and then click Open . The slides from the file you just selected will appear.
  • Click the slides that you want to import.
  • Click on Import slides .

The PowerPoint slides that you just selected will now show up in your Google Slides presentation. If the elements in your PowerPoint slides were editable, then they will be editable in Google Slides as well. Just like before, the themes and styles used in the PowerPoint slides will be transferred as well.

From PowerPoint to Google Slides

PowerPoint and Google Slides are both capable presentation tools, and deciding which is the best ultimately boils down to your preferences.

However, if you're looking to present your PowerPoint presentation with Google Slides, or to import a couple of slides, Google Slides has made that easy. You can move your presentation or bits of it to Google Slides with just a couple of clicks.

2-Step Verification for your LAPU Google account is now mandatory as of Feb. 1, 2024. Sign up now or check if you have 2-Step Verification enabled.

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

Upload PowerPoint Presentation to Google Drive

Google Docs allows you to upload a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation which then can be converted to a Google Docs Presentation, thus allowing for collaboration. 

Supported file types: .ppt, .pps, .pptx

Note: If you are using Apple's Keynote then you will need to first save the Keynote presentation as a PPT: File > Export > PPT

Follow these steps to share your video with your instructor and fellow students: 

Navigate to   and sign in to your LAPU email account.

Once you are in Google Drive select the New button > File Upload .

Locate your PowerPoint presentation and select Open to upload to Google Drive. 

Once your upload is complete, select the file name in the upload status window to navigate to open uploaded file.

Note: The file will remain as a PowerPoint file in Google Drive. If you would like to convert the file for Google Slides, select File > Save as Google Slides.

Click here for more information on uploading files to Google Drive.

Share Your Presentation from Google Drive via a Link

A. Set visibility option to anyone with the link can view

Go to

Right-click the file or folder you'd like to share

Select Share

Choose the visibility option: "Anyone with the link" 

Choose Access: Anyone "Can View”

Select Save

B. Send the link to a shared file

Go to .

Copy the link at the top of the sharing settings.

Paste the link into your assignment text submission in box.

Click here for more information on sharing files with Google Drive.

Collaborate on a file in Google Drive

To collaborate on a presentation once it has been uploaded you will need to convert the file in Google Drive first. Then share the presentations with your collaborators by clicking "Share" and entering their email addresses. When you share the presentation make sure to select "Can edit." By doing so you have given them access to edit the presentation itself. 

Real Time Collaboration

If other people are editing a presentation simultaneously with you, you'll see their names at the top of the page. You'll also be able to chat with other viewers and collaborators in View presentation mode (available in the upper-right corner of the edit page).

Click here for more information on collaborating on a document in Google Drive.

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Switching to Slides from Microsoft PowerPoint

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Note: Comparisons are based on Microsoft Office versions 2010, 2013 and 2016.

Comparison at a glance

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How to save or share a Google Slides presentation?

Google Slides can be a great platform to create a presentation. By creating and storing your files in the cloud, you will be able to work on the slideshow from anywhere in the world. However, to do this effectively, you will need to know how to save and share your slides.

 How to save Google Slides?

First, you might want to learn how to save your work. In Google Slides, this is a straightforward process. As you write, the document will be saved to the cloud automatically. The updated copy will be available the next time you open the Google Slides presentation.

How to save Google Slides to flash drive?

In some cases, you might want a physical copy of your presentation. This copy will allow you to alter it, even without access to the internet. For this reason, you might want to save it to a flash drive. To do this, you will need first to insert the drive into the computer. Then, you will have to download the file. You can do this by navigating to the  File  button on the top left-hand side of the screen.

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

Clicking on this button will open a drop-down menu. In this area, you will have to find and select the  Download As option. This option will create another menu with a list of the formats that you can use. Select the one that will best suit your needs.

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

Once you download the file, you will have to open it and select the  Save As  option. Then, you have to select the  Computer option. This option will bring up a list of all the files on your computer.

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

Navigate to the flash drive and click  Save .  In some cases, you might also have to adjust the title of the file.

How to share Google Slides?

Often, when you create a presentation, you might want other people to deliver their feedback to help you improve the project. One of the best ways of doing this is by sharing your slides with them. To  Google Slides  share, go to the  File  button in the top left-hand corner. This button will open a menu. At the top of the page, you should see the  Share icon. Clicking on this will allow you to choose to whom you send it. Often, the way you will share a file is by entering an email address. If you want to send a message explaining the message, you can click on the p encil  icon. Once you have finished, you should hit the  Done  button.

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

Google Slides can be a great tool to employ when you are trying to create a presentation, allowing you to collaborate with your workmates and store the presentation in the cloud. So, use these tips to make sure that you always have access to your files.


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The article is useful, but how can I be sure that my presentation is safe when I share it? We need to be careful!

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Cristine, Yes, I agree. When sharing your presentation, it’s crucial to pay attention to access rights to control who can view or edit it.

' src=

What if I don’t have internet access but need to work on the presentation?

' src=

Thanks for the helpful information. This guide came in handy when I was trying to save my presentation.

' src=

Hi! How do you save a Google Slides presentation to a flash drive?

Hello! To save a Google Slides presentation to a flash drive, follow these steps:

– Insert the flash drive into your computer. – In Google Slides, go to the “File” menu in the top left corner of the screen. – Click on this button to open a dropdown menu. – Find and select the “Download As” option. – In the menu that appears, choose the desired file format. – After downloading the file, open it and select the “Save As” option. – Then choose the “Computer” option. – Navigate to the flash drive and click “Save”. In some cases, you might also need to adjust the file name.

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Can I share the presentation with someone who doesn’t have a Google account?

Yes, you can create a public link to the presentation, and anyone can view it without a Google account.

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If I share the presentation, will other people be able to edit my slides?

It depends on the access rights you provide. You can allow view-only or also editing.

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Art of Presentations

How to Download Google Slides Presentation [Complete Guide!]

By: Author Shrot Katewa

How to Download Google Slides Presentation [Complete Guide!]

If you are a Google Slides user, you probably already know that Google Slides works on cloud storage. Meaning that your presentation files are stored online and can be accessed using just a browser. You no longer need to carry the physical file on a thumb drive. But, what if you intentionally need to save a Google Slides presentation? In that case, how do you download a Google Slides presentation?

To download a Google Slides presentation, simply open the presentation file in your browser. Then, click on the “File” menu and select the “Download” option. Choose the format (such as .pptx, .pdf, etc) in which you need to download the file, and save the presentation on your computer.

While that’s just a quick explanation, if you need a detailed step-by-step pictorial description, continue reading as I will be sharing the same below in the article. Plus, I will also share with ninja tips that will allow you to download just the audio or even a protected presentation to your computer!

So, let’s get started!

A Quick Note Before We Begin – if you want to make jaw-dropping presentations, I would recommend using one of these Presentation Designs . The best part is – it is only $16.5 a month, but you get to download and use as many presentation designs as you like! I personally use it from time-to-time, and it makes my task of making beautiful presentations really quick and easy!

1. How to Download a Google Slides Presentation?

Downloading a google slide presentation is very simple and absolutely free for Windows, Mac and other operating systems. There are a few ways you can download a google slides presentation on your computer which you can choose from, according to your preference.

In this section, I will show you step-by-step, the 3 ways you can download Google Slides presentation on your device.

1a. Save Google Slides as a PowerPoint File

The fastest way to save a Google Slides file as a Power Point file is to use the “Download” option in the “File” tab that you can find on the upper left corner of the ribbon. Here is a detailed step-by-step guide of the whole process:

Step-1: Click on File Tab and Select Download

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

When the Google Slides document is open, you can find the “File” tab on the top left corner of your screen. Select that tab and you will find the “Download” option.

Step-2: Select the “Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)” Option

After selecting the “Download” option, there you will find a series of convertible formats to download to your computer. Select the “Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)” option.

Step-3: Open the Downloaded file.

After you select the “Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)” option the download will begin automatically and the preview of the downloaded file will be displayed on the bottom left corner of your screen (if you are using Google Chrome as your browser) which will lead you to the downloaded PowerPoint file.

1b. Download Google Slides as a PDF

The process of Downloading a Google Slides presentation file as a PDF file is very simple and the steps of doing it is very much similar to downloading it as a Microsoft PowerPoint file. Here is a step-by-step guide to the entire process.

Step-1: Click on the “Download” Option from the “File” tab

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

As we’ve learned from the previous section, the “Download” option in the “File” Tab is the first step to begin the process.

Step-2: Select the “PDF Document (.pdf)” option

Inside the “Download” option there is a range of convertible formats to choose from. Click on the “PDF Document (.pdf)” option.

Step-3: Open the downloaded PDF document

Right after clicking on the “PDF Document (.pdf)” option, the downloading process will being and the file will be downloaded in a few seconds.

A preview of the file will be found on the bottom left corner of the screen and the file will be found in the “Download” folder of your computer.

1c. Save Google Slides as Images

It is a bit tricky to download all the google slides into images since there is no ready option to do so. In any case, I will show you how to do it step-by-step below;

Step-1: Open the “Download” option from the “File” tab

When the Google Slides window is open on your computer screen, you can find the “File” tab in the top left corner of your screen. Open the “Download” option.

Step-2: Download the file as a Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)

To download the google slides as images, you have to first download it as a PowerPoint .pptx format.

Step-3: Open the Downloaded Presentation file on Microsoft PowerPoint.

After downloading the Googles slides presentation on your computer, open the file with Microsoft PowerPoint.

Step-4: Click on the “Export” option in the “File” tab

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

At the top left corner of the screen you can find the “File” tab which will take you to the “Export” option.

Step-5: Select the “JPEG File Interchange Format” button in the “Change File Type” option

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

At the bottom of the “Export” option you will find the “Change File Type” option which will allow you to select “JPEG File Interchange Format”

Step-6: Select the “Save As” or “Export” button

After selecting the “Save As” button in a pop-up will show you the file name destination and file type. For Mac users, you can directly click on the “Export” button (as shown in the image above).

After selecting the “Save” button each slide will be converted into a JPEG image and saved in a folder together.

2. How to Download Google Slides Presentation with Audio?

Downloading Google Slides Presentations with audio can be a little trouble because after downloading it as a Power Point presentation, the file open in a different window instead of the presentation background. Here is a step-by-step to solve that problem.

Step-1: Download the Audio by right clicking the mouse on the audio bar

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

By selecting the speaker icon on the slide, you can turn on the audio in the presentation. Upon turning it on, right click on the audio bar and select “Save audio as”.

Step-2: Save the audio on your computer

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

By selecting the “Save audio as” option, a pop up will appear the screen. Select the “Save” button

Step-3: Download the Google Slides Presentation as a PowerPoint File

Download the presentation as a PowerPoint presentation on your computer as explained in the previous section of this article.

Step-4: Insert the Audio in Your PPT File

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

Open the slide where the audio was embedded on the google slide presentation. When the slide is open, go to the “Insert” tab on the upper part of the Power Point file.

By going to the “insert” tab, there is the “Audio” option in the top right part of the screen as shown in the figure

By clicking on the “Audio” option in your presentation, a pop-up window will appear. Select the audio downloaded for the presentation and hit “Insert”

Step-5: Re-arrange the position of the speaker icon

By inserting the audio into your presentation, an audio icon will appear at the center of the screen. Reposition the icon and you’re all set. This is just an optional step.

3. How to Download a Protected Google Slides Presentation?

There are no easy ways to download protected google slides presentations to your computer. There is no available direct links or download buttons. But there is a simple way of generating a direct download link from shared or protected files. Each step of the process is described below:

Step-1: Click on the Protected Google Slides presentation URL edit?usp=sharing

There is a link in the URL box located at the upper part of your browser. The link should look something like the link above

Step-2: Select the “edit?usp=sharing” part of the URL

In the link select the part of the URL from “edit” until the end. (check the section of the link that has been written in bold formatting

Step-3: Write “export/pptx” on the selected part

Your link should look something like this – export/pptx

Upon selecting the colored part of the URL, write “export/pptx” in its place. The URL should look like how it has been written above. 

Step-4: Press “Enter” to Open the New Link

The new link that you’ve created is a direct download link and so upon opening it, your presentation file should start downloading automatically.

4. How to Download Embedded Google Slides Presentation from a Website?

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to download an embedded google slides presentation from a website. However, there is a quick and simple way to download the presentation by simply making two bookmarks on your internet browser. The process is described below;

Step-1: Create a bookmark named “Open Google Sides”

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

The first step is to create a bookmark named “Open Google Slides” on your preferred browser. Simply click the star mark on the right corner of your url box (for Google Chrome) and change the name of the bookmark to ‘Open Google Slides’.

Step-2:  Paste the JavaScript code in the url section.

With a click on the “More” option, there will be a pop-up box for you to paste a url. Paste the following code into the url box.

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

Copy and Paste the code mentioned below – javascript: var n = document.querySelectorAll(‘iframe[src*=docs\\.google]’)[0], k = document.createElement(“a”); k.setAttribute(“href”,n.getAttribute(“src”)); k.setAttribute(“target”,”_blank”); k.setAttribute(“style”,”display:block”); k.innerText = “Open Google Slides”; n.parentElement.insertBefore(k,n);

Step-3: Make a similar bookmark with the name “Extract Slides”

Simillar to the last step, another bookmark make another bookmark, but name it ‘Extract Slides’ and instead of the previous code, paste the following code on the url box:

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

Copy and Paste the below-mentioned code – javascript: var atag = “punch-viewer-content”,     btag = “-caption”,     ctag = “aria-setsize”,     dtag = “aria-posinset”,     msvg = document.getElementsByTagName(“svg”),     node = document.querySelectorAll(‘[class$=”‘ + btag + ‘”]’)[0],     view = document.getElementsByClassName(atag)[0],     size = node.getAttribute(ctag),     data = “”,     func = () => {       data += msvg[0].outerHTML;       if((i = node.getAttribute(dtag))==size) document.write(data);       else, setTimeout(func,10)     }; func()

Step-4: Download the embedded file

Once the bookmarks are in place, simply go to the website with the embedded presentation and click on the “Open Google Slides” bookmark. It should open a link on top of the embedded presentation to be downloaded.

5. How to Download a Google Slides Presentation Published to the Web

When there is no direct link to downloading a google slides presentation in a website, it can be frustrating to find complex ways to download it. But I will show you a simple way of creating a direct download link. The process is described below.

Step-1: Scroll to the last character of the shared protected google slide presentation URL

There is a link in the URL box located at the upper part of your browser. The link should look something like the link below:

In the link select the part of the URL that I intentionally made bold, to explain the process.

Upon selecting the bold part of the URL, write “export/pptx” in its place. The URL should look like the link showcased above. 

Step-4: Open the new link

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Credit to Benzoix for the Featured Image of this article.

How to convert Google Slides to a PowerPoint presentation in 4 easy steps

  • It's easy to convert Google Slides to a PowerPoint presentation on your computer. 
  • To save a Google Slides presentation as a PowerPoint deck, use the File menu to download the Google Slides file as a PowerPoint (.pptx) file.
  • Your browser will then give you the option to open or save the PowerPoint file on your computer. 
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories .

Whether you regularly use Google Slides or Microsoft PowerPoint , it's just a matter of time before you need to convert one of those files into the other. 

If you have a PowerPoint presentation that you need to convert into a Google Slides deck, read our article, " How to convert a PowerPoint presentation to Google Slides in 2 different ways ." 

If you need to go the other way and save a Google Slides presentation as a PowerPoint deck, it's even simpler. Here's how to do it.

How to convert Google Slides to PowerPoint

1. Open Google Drive in a web browser. 

2. Locate and open the Slides deck that you want to convert to PowerPoint. You can zero in on your slides by clicking the three horizontal lines at the top left of the page and choosing "Slides" from the menu.

3. In the open presentation, click "File."

4. Click "Download" and then click "Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)."

A PowerPoint version of the document will be saved to your computer. Find the file depending upon what browser you're using:

  • In Firefox, you'll see a dialog box that lets you open the file in PowerPoint or save it to your hard drive.
  • In Google Chrome, the file will be automatically downloaded. You can find it in the download bar at the very bottom of the browser window. 
  • In Microsoft Edge, you should see a dialog box at the bottom of the browser asking if you want to open or save the file.

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On February 28, Axel Springer, Business Insider's parent company, joined 31 other media groups and filed a $2.3 billion suit against Google in Dutch court, alleging losses suffered due to the company's advertising practices.

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Google Slides

How to Turn Google Slides into a Video?

How to Turn Google Slides into a Video?

Table of Contents

Using slides for presentations is a popular choice. However, if you don’t plan on giving the presentation live more than once, converting it into a video might be a better option. This way, you can add your voice to the presentation, and viewers won’t have to manually click through each slide.

Videos are easier to share and don’t run into compatibility issues like slideshows might. While Google Sheets and Excel can work together, they’re not always perfectly compatible. Videos, on the other hand, can be played on almost any modern video player or platform, including YouTube.

Although Google doesn’t have this feature built-in, there are free add-ons available in Google Workplace that can do the job. In this guide, we’ll show you how to use one of these add-ons, along with a few more methods, to convert your presentations into videos effortlessly.

How to Convert Google Slides to Video?

Looking to take your Google Slides presentations to the next level? Converting them to videos allows you to share them more easily and create engaging content. Here are several methods to achieve this:

1. Make Use of Add-ons:

Creator Studio is a handy tool you can add to Google from the Google Workspace Marketplace. It changes Google Slides into GIF images and MP4 video files. You can also add an MP3 audio file or record your voice to narrate your presentation. When your presentation becomes a video, it will include the background sound you added. If you want to know more, take a look at the step-by-step instructions below: 

Step 1 – Install:  Go to  Extensions > Add-ons > Get add-ons . Search for “ Creator Studio ” and install it.

Step 2 – Open:  Go to  Extensions > Creator Studio > Create Video .

Step 3 – Customize:  Set  Output width  and  Interval between slides . Choose  Video File (MP4)  or  Video with Audio  (if adding narration).

Step 4 – Convert:  Click  Go  and wait for the video to render.

download your video from creator studio

2. Using PowerPoint 

If you have access to Microsoft PowerPoint, you can export your Google Slides presentation as a PPTX file and then use PowerPoint’s built-in “Create a Video” feature. This method offers advanced control over video quality and resolution, making it suitable for professional presentations.

Step 1 – Download:  Go to  File > Download as > Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx) .

download pptx from google slides

Step 2 – Open in PowerPoint:  Launch PowerPoint and open the downloaded file.

Step 3 – Export to Video:  Go to  File > Export . Choose  Create a Video .

Step 4 – Customize:  Select the desired  video quality  and  resolution .

Step 5 – Record Narration (Optional):  Click  Record Narration  to add your voiceover.

Step 6 – Save:  Click  Create Video  and choose your preferred saving location.

3. Using Canva 

Canva, a popular design platform, allows you to import your Google Slides presentation and convert it into a video. With its user-friendly interface and pre-designed templates, Canva is a great option for creating visually appealing video presentations without extensive editing skills. To convert your slides using Canva follow these steps: 

Step 1 – Import Slides:  Go to  Canva  and click  Create a Design . Choose  Presentations  and select  Import from Google Slides .

Step 2 – Edit (Optional):  Make any desired edits using Canva’s editing tools.

Step 3 – Convert to Video:  Click the  Share  button and choose  Download as MP4 .

4. Using a Recording App 

For a quick and straightforward solution, consider using a screen recording app. While this method doesn’t offer the same level of customization as the other options, it can be effective for basic presentations where narrating your slides is sufficient. Have a look at the steps below to see how it’s done: 

Step 1 – Choose an App:  Select a screen recording app like Loom or Screencastify.

download loom extension

Step 2 – Set Up Recording:  Choose the recording area (entire screen or specific window).

Step 3 – Record:  Start recording your presentation while narrating or adding annotations (if the app allows).

Step 4 – Stop Recording:  End the recording and edit the video (optional) using the app’s features.

Step 5 – Save:  Download the final video in your preferred format.

What are the Benefits of Converting Google Slides into a Video?

1. easy to watch and share.

When making presentations, people often use formats that anyone can easily see. Videos are one such format because they work on phones, TVs, computers, and tablets. This makes them accessible even for those who aren’t familiar with Google Slides. People can share videos on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, or others without needing special software.

Plus, videos don’t need any special programs to watch or share files. Unlike Google Slides, which needs a Google account to see and send files.

2. Engaging Content Everywhere

Videos work well on different platforms, reaching a wide audience. They get lots of likes and comments on social media. You can also put videos on websites for tutorials and demos, making your site more exciting and keeping people’s attention longer.

If you add a video to emails, people are more likely to click and watch. It’s a way to keep people interested using modern techniques like email marketing.

3. Better Storytelling

In business, presentations can be really important. Sometimes Google Slides might not be enough to explain ideas to investors. Using videos can make storytelling better by mixing text with pictures and effects. Adding voiceovers and narrations can make presentations more personal.

Videos can create strong emotional connections with music and animations. When explaining hard stuff, videos can make it easier for people to understand ideas.

4. Easy Offline Viewing

Change Google Slides into a video and get a file with all the pictures and stuff. You can save this file on your device or share it with others. Unlike Google Slides, you don’t need the internet to see the file. You can download videos and watch them later, even if you’re not online. Also, you can record conferences to remember what was said later.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i convert google slides to powerpoint.

You can change your Google Slides into PowerPoint. Just download your Google Slides file as a PowerPoint file. To do this, go to the top bar, click on “File,” and then select “Download.”

How to Convert Google Slides to PowerPoint with Audio?

Unfortunately, you can’t directly convert Google Slides to PowerPoint with audio. You’ll need to export the Slides as a PPT file. After downloading it, open the file in Microsoft PowerPoint and then add the audio manually.

Will my slide animations work in the video?

Sometimes, depending on the method you choose.

How long does it take to convert Google Slides to video?

It depends on the length of your presentation and the tool you use.

Save Time and Effortlessly Create Presentations with SlidesAI

App screenshot

How To Add Video or Audio to Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint

Marco Lancaster

Google Slides offers an excellent platform to infuse style and vibrancy into your routine workplace presentations. Moreover, it serves as a versatile tool for educational settings, seamlessly adaptable for students across different age groups. Brimming with an array of graphics, animation tools, and immersive features, Google Slides empowers users to enhance their presentations. Additionally, the capability to incorporate personal audio and video content further enriches the slideshow experience. ( Via )

Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, and the Benefits of Adding Videos or Audio to your Presentations

Microsoft PowerPoint, like Google Slides, is a powerful tool for creating engaging presentations. One notable advantage of PowerPoint is its widespread use in business environments, offering compatibility with the Microsoft Office suite and seamless integration with other applications. Additionally, PowerPoint provides a wide range of design options, including templates, themes, and customization features, allowing users to create visually appealing presentations tailored to their needs.

Incorporating videos or audio into your PowerPoint or Google Slides presentations can significantly enhance their effectiveness and audience engagement. Videos and audio serve as dynamic multimedia elements that can convey information more effectively than text or static images alone. They help break the monotony of slideshows. They are extra ways to capture the audience’s attention and create a more immersive and memorable experience.

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

Furthermore, adding videos or audio allows presenters to demonstrate concepts, provide examples, or share testimonials more compellingly and persuasively. Whether it’s showcasing product features, explaining complex processes, or sharing customer testimonials, multimedia elements can add depth and credibility to your presentation.

Users can embed video or audio files directly into their slides or link to external sources for playback. Additionally, PowerPoint provides options for customizing playback settings, such as autoplay, looping, and timing, to ensure a seamless and synchronized presentation.

How To Add Audio in Google Slides

If you’re eager to enhance your Google Sheets presentations with captivating audio and visuals, this guide is tailored just for you. Here’s how to seamlessly incorporate these attention-grabbing elements:

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

Adding audio to Google Slides:

  • Ensure that the audio file you intend to use is stored in your Google Drive under the same Google account. Google Slides supports MP3 and WAV audio formats.
  • Open Google Slides and sign in to your account. Access the presentation where you wish to include the audio and navigate to the specific slide where you want it placed.
  • Select “Insert” from the menu and then choose “Audio.”

These simple steps enable you to effortlessly integrate audio files into your Google Slides presentations, enriching them with engaging auditory elements.

  • Once you’ve located the desired audio file, simply select it and click on the “Select” button located at the bottom of the window. This action confirms your choice and inserts the audio file into your Google Slides presentation.
  • Once inserted, the audio file will be visible on your slide. You have the flexibility to select and drag it to any desired location within the slide.
  • Upon insertion, the Format Options sidebar will automatically open. In the “Audio Playback” section, customize the playback settings according to your preferences.

– Start Playing: Choose between “On Click” or “Automatically” to determine when the audio playback should commence.

– Options: Adjust the volume using the slider. Additionally, utilize the checkboxes to enable optional settings such as hiding the playback icon (applicable for automatic playback only), enabling loop playback, and halting playback upon slide advancement.

Once you’ve finalized the playback settings for your audio, you can close the Format Options sidebar. To access the sidebar again later, you can follow any of these methods:

  •  Right-click on the audio icon and select “Format Options.”
  • Click on the audio icon and choose “Format Options” from the top toolbar.
  • Select the audio icon and navigate to “Format” > “Format options” in the menu.

Unlike Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides currently lacks an audio recording feature. However, you can still incorporate audio narration by creating the narration externally and uploading it as described above.

How to Add Video in Google Slides

Google Slides

To add a video to your Google Slides presentation, you have several options available. Whether it’s a YouTube video, a URL link, or a video stored in your Google Drive, here’s how you can incorporate it seamlessly:

  • Step 1: Sign in to Google Slides and navigate to the specific slide in your presentation where you intend to insert the video.
  • Step 2: From the menu, click on “Insert” and then select “Video.”
  • Step 3: In the pop-up window, located at the top, select the desired location for your video file: either by searching on YouTube, entering a URL, or choosing from Google Drive.

Once you’ve found the video you wish to use, simply select it and click the “Select” button to proceed.

  • Step 4: Once inserted, the video will appear on your slide, allowing you to freely drag it to any desired location. Additionally, you can resize the video by dragging any of its corners or edges.
  • Step 5: Upon insertion, the Format Options sidebar will open, enabling you to customize the video playback settings.

– Play: Choose between “On Click,” “Automatically,” or “Manually” to determine the starting point for video playback.

– Start At and End At: Specify the specific segments of the video you wish to play by entering the start and end times or using the “Use Current Time” option.

– Mute Audio: If you prefer not to play the video’s audio, simply check the box labeled “Mute Audio.”

  • Step 6: After completing the customization of your video’s playback settings, simply close the Format Options sidebar. To access the sidebar again at a later time, you can follow these steps:
  • 1. Right-click on the video and select “Format Options.” 2. Click on the video and choose “Format Options” from the top toolbar. 3. Select the video and navigate to “Format” > “Format options” in the menu.

Unlike documents in Google Docs, Google Slides offers the flexibility to incorporate audio and video elements into your presentations. If these multimedia components enhance your slideshow, don’t hesitate to include them for a more engaging and dynamic presentation!

Gizchina News of the week

How to add audio on microsoft powerpoint.

Google Slides

To add audio to your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, follow these detailed steps:

  • Before you begin, ensure that your audio file is in a compatible format such as MP3 or WAV.
  • Make sure the audio file is saved in a location where it can be easily accessed.
  • Launch Microsoft PowerPoint and open the presentation to which you want to add audio.
  • Go to the slide where you want to insert the audio.
  • Click on the “Insert” tab at the top of the PowerPoint window.
  • In the “Media” group, select “Audio.”
  • Choose “Audio on My PC” if the audio file is stored locally, or select “Online Audio” to insert audio from an online source such as OneDrive or YouTube.
  • Navigate to the location where your audio file is saved.
  • Select the audio file and click “Insert.”
  • Once the audio is inserted, a speaker icon will appear on the slide.
  • Click on the speaker icon to select it.
  • Go to the “Playback” tab that appears on the PowerPoint ribbon.
  • Set the playback options such as “Start” and “Stop” to control when the audio should begin and end.
  • Choose whether the audio should play automatically or on click.
  • Adjust volume settings and other playback options as needed.
  • Preview the slide to ensure the audio plays as intended.
  • Test the presentation in slideshow mode to verify that the audio syncs correctly with the slide content.
  • Once you are satisfied with the audio placement and settings, save your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Share your presentation with others, ensuring that they have access to the audio file if necessary.
  • Keep in mind any copyright restrictions if using audio from third-party sources.

By following these steps, you can effectively add audio to your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, enhancing the overall experience for your audience.

How to Add Video in Microsoft PowerPoint

Adding video to your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation can elevate your slides to new heights by engaging your audience with multimedia content. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to seamlessly integrate video into your PowerPoint slides:

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

  • Prepare Your Video: Before adding the video to your presentation, ensure that it’s in a compatible format. PowerPoint supports various video file formats such as .mp4, .mov, and .avi. Also, consider trimming or editing the video to fit the desired length and content.
  • Open Your PowerPoint Presentation: Launch Microsoft PowerPoint and open the presentation in which you want to add the video.
  • Navigate to the Slide: Go to the slide where you want to insert the video. Click on the slide in the slide thumbnail view on the left side of the screen.
  • Insert Video: Click on the “Insert” tab in the PowerPoint ribbon at the top of the screen.
  • Online Video: Insert a video from an online source such as YouTube. Enter the video’s URL in the dialog box and click “Insert.”
  • Video on My PC: Insert a video saved on your computer. Navigate to the location of the video file, select it, and click “Insert.”
  • Adjust Video Size and Position: After inserting the video, you can resize and reposition it on the slide as needed. Click and drag the corners or edges of the video to resize it. To move the video, click and drag it to the desired location on the slide.
  • Start Automatically: Set the video to play automatically when the slide appears.
  • Loop until Stopped: Configure the video to loop continuously until manually stopped.
  • Rewind After Playing: Automatically rewind the video to the beginning after it finishes playing.
  • Preview and Test: Once you’ve inserted the video and adjusted its settings, preview the slide to ensure that the video plays correctly. Click the “Slide Show” button in the bottom-right corner to enter presentation mode and test the video playback.
  • Save Your Presentation: After adding the video, save your PowerPoint presentation to preserve the changes. Click on the “File” tab in the PowerPoint ribbon and select “Save” or “Save As” to save the file to your desired location.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate video into your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, enhancing its visual appeal and engaging your audience with multimedia content. Experiment with different video formats, playback options, and slide designs to create dynamic and impactful presentations.

In conclusion, both Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides offer powerful tools for incorporating audio and video elements into your presentations, enhancing engagement, and conveying your message effectively.

With Microsoft PowerPoint, you can seamlessly integrate audio files and video clips, allowing for dynamic presentations that capture your audience’s attention. By following the step-by-step guides provided, you can customize playback options and ensure smooth integration of multimedia content into your slides.

Similarly, Google Slides provides users with the ability to add audio and video, offering flexibility and creativity in presentation design. Whether you’re delivering a business pitch, educational seminar, or creative project, Google Slides allows you to enhance your slides with immersive multimedia elements.

By leveraging the capabilities of both platforms, presenters can create engaging and impactful presentations that leave a lasting impression on their audience. Whether you choose Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides, incorporating audio and video elements can elevate your presentations and effectively communicate your ideas.

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About the author Marco Lancaster Marco is the HARDWARE & OS EXPERT of Gizchina for the past 4 years. He is Fascinated for technology. He is constantly diving into the Software Development Field and is an expert in all kind of Hardware. He is passioned for the Chinese world of Smart Devices and an addict for technology in general.

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How to group and ungroup elements in google slides.

Group objects to format them together with ease

Creating presentations with Google Slides is a breeze. Slides has a simple interface, collaboration features, and a soothing design. It's a solid alternative for people who don't use Microsoft PowerPoint. The service works across most devices, including Android phones, tablets , iPhones, desktop PCs, and laptops. The best part is that it's free.

Making slideshows can take time, no matter how much you enjoy it. Tasks like moving around, formatting, and adjusting objects feel never-ending when you're dealing with many elements. Work smarter and use the app's grouping feature to save time and effort. This guide shows you how to group and ungroup elements in Google Slides so that you can spend more time churning out creative ideas.

What is object grouping in Google Slides?

Google Slides allows you to group objects like images, shapes, diagrams, text boxes, and charts so that you can manage them as a single set. Moving the group doesn't disturb the relative position of the elements. While the group shifts, all elements keep the same distance from each other.

How to fix YouTube embeds in Google Slides (AKA Error 150)

You can perform the same action on multiple items in one go, thus avoiding repetition. For instance, you can add filters, and also move, adjust, color, and resize elements as one group.

How to group elements in Google Slides

Google Slides lets you group shapes, images, and text boxes. However, you can only perform the task on elements on the same slide.

Grouping items on the desktop

You can select the objects and use the grouping option on the items in Google Slides. There are two ways to select them.

Click and drag: Selects all the objects within the rectangle. It's quick and easy but doesn't offer flexibility.

You'll see a blue outline for the selected elements. We selected the sun, moon, cloud, and lightning bolt in this example. There isn't a blue outline for the heart.

Use the Shift key : Click an object. Press the Shift key and click on the other objects you want to group. We selected the sun, cloud, and lightning bolt in this instance. The moon and heart remain untouched.

Select the elements you want to group using any method listed above. Here's how to group them:

  • Click Arrange from the menu bar at the top and scroll down to select Group .
  • Alternatively, right-click within the blue box and choose Group .

To group items on a Windows PC or laptop, select the elements and press Ctrl + Alt + G . Mac users can use the shortcut Cmd + Option + G .

Grouping items on mobile

We use an Android phone for this section, but iPhone users cano follow along.

Here's how to select and group elements on the Google Slides mobile app:

  • Open the presentation you want to edit.
  • Tap and hold the first object in your group.
  • Tap the other objects.
  • The selection box increases in size as you add elements. The selected items are highlighted with a blue outline.
  • Select the Group objects icon at the top of your screen.

How to ungroup elements in Google Slides

You can easily ungroup an item in Google Slides if you add it accidentally.

Ungrouping items on the desktop

Here's how to ungroup items on the desktop:

  • Right-click any one of the elements.
  • Select Ungroup .
  • Alternatively, click the grouped item and choose Arrange > Ungroup .

Use the shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Shift + G on a Windows PC to ungroup an item. On a Mac, press Cmd + Option + Shift + G .

Ungrouping items on mobile

Here's how to ungroup elements on the Google Slides mobile app:

  • Tap and hold one of the grouped elements.
  • The group option at the top of the screen is active again.
  • Select the Group icon to ungroup the item.

Click the Slideshow button in the upper-right corner of your Google Slides screen to open your presentation in full-screen mode.

Why can't I group elements in Google Slides?

You can't group objects in Google Slides if the group objects option is gray instead of black. There are many reasons behind this. You'll see the option only if two or more objects are selected. You might miss a few items if you don't hold the Shift button while selecting them. Another cause could be that you already grouped the elements. In this case, the group feature is grayed out while the ungroup option is active.

Additionally, you can't group certain elements. For instance, you can't add tables and YouTube videos to a group. Troubleshoot the issue by checking if the group option is gray when you select a new item.

How to add a hanging indent in your Google Slides presentation

Get creative with google slides.

Grouping elements helps you apply formatting options to the whole group in one go. If you added an item by mistake, you can easily ungroup it. Google Slides has features like a transparency editor , autoplay, and collaboration tools to make your slideshows more engaging and professional-looking. If you don't have the patience to create beautiful presentations, choose from the best Google Slides templates suitable for work, businesses, and schools.

how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

5 Better Alternatives To Google Slides

I f you're looking to create a compelling presentation to showcase a new idea or persuade others, Google Slides may be the first option that comes to mind. But with few built-in templates, basic themes, and a limited graphics collection, you'll likely have a hard time making your presentation stand out against others.

If you want to make your presentation truly stand out, there are several alternatives to Google Slides that offer extra perks and features to give your presentations an edge. While Google focuses on integrating Slides with its other work-based apps like Sheets and Docs, other presentation apps focus more on design elements, transitions, and themes to help you convey your brand or personal image throughout your presentation.

We've tested these Google Slide alternatives to give you an idea of other available options to deliver impactful presentations. If you're looking for a way to make boring information more fun and engaging, here are the best presentation apps to replace Google Slides.

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Microsoft PowerPoint

There's a reason so many businesses around the globe use Microsoft PowerPoint. Building its reputation as the go-to option for delivering high-quality presentations, the software generated $100 million in annual sales only three years after its initial release in 1990.

Microsoft PowerPoint may be Google Slides' largest competitor, but there are plenty of unique features that can add an extra flourish to your slides. PowerPoint excels in its impressive library of custom animations and slide transitions, which are fairly limited in Google Slides. Another unique feature is its AI-powered Designer tool. This provides professional design schemes that mirror the words used in your slides. For instance, if your title slide is named "Basketball Team 2024," Designer will automatically suggest pictures and slide layouts associated with basketball.

As PowerPoint has been in development longer than Google Slides, it naturally offers more nuanced features if you're looking for something specific. For example, you can save individual slides as an image file (using .png or .jpeg formats) or as a separate presentation file. There's also a large library of free PowerPoint templates designed to speed up your workflow. Moreover, PowerPoint integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Teams with its PowerPoint Live function, allowing you to easily share your presentation with your co-workers.

Prezi offers an innovative approach to showing presentations with its unique canvas feature. Unlike traditional presentation software, Prezi lets you zoom and pan around a flexible canvas. The canvas may feel distant to something of a presentation program, but there is still some linear order provided thanks to the Timeline view.

Finding ways to visualize data is one of the biggest challenges when dealing with presentation software. Prezi resolves this struggle with the help of its Story Blocks: a series of infographics available in multiple designs to visually represent data. You can easily edit infographics and even add animations to individual shapes. This can help add a story to your presentation and help you emphasize key points.

To further enhance your presentation visually, Prezi offers several topic path settings, which let you change how Prezi transitions from one topic to another. These options include subtopics, which are super helpful for breaking large chunks of information down. If you're looking for a unique, modern approach to presenting information, Prezi is a top pick.

If you're looking to create a professional presentation to convince potential clients about your business idea, Slidebean is a popular choice among professionals with plenty of customization options. One of the issues with Google Slides is its fairly limited template library, which is filled mostly with basic designs. Slidebean offers a better alternative with a broad selection of innovative templates split into categories for convenience.

The app's user interface is easy to navigate so that you can create slides in less time. Each slide has a dedicated Design and Outline tab. You can use the Outline tab to quickly edit the information on each slide without being distracted by all the visual elements. Another productivity-enhancing feature is the ability to generate a presentation theme from your website. Simply enter your URL, and Slidebean will automatically apply the theming to your presentation.

Slidebean is another presentation app to take advantage of AI. Using the Auto-Design feature, you can generate recommended slide layouts based on your existing content. It also features AI text suggestions designed to suit different industries. Overall, Slidebean offers a quicker, more efficient method for creating stunning presentations compared to Google Slides.

Canva is a well-known app among graphic designers, but it's also capable of making stunning presentations. The app also has mobile editions, so you can easily create and edit presentations on your Android phone , iOS device, or tablet. As long as you have an internet connection, you can modify your designs wherever you are.

To get started, head to Canva's online presentation maker . Canva offers a vast range of templates categorized by topic, which easily surpasses the simple templates in Google Slides . While some of the templates are only available to Canva Pro members, there is an ample amount of free templates to help you get started. You'll also find a large selection of stock photos, shapes, and illustrations to create beautiful customized slides.

Because Canva is built for graphic designers, you can access several features to give your presentation consistent theming. These include color palettes, font sets, and even a brand kit that allows you to add your company's fonts (available to Pro members only). One time-saving feature is Canva's Uploads tab, which lets you access recently uploaded media files. This offers a convenient way to copy content between different presentations.

Visme is a powerful visual design tool able to create videos, infographics, and presentations. One of the perks of using Visme is the company's free educational content, which offers advice on how to create impactful content to boost your brand. After signing up, the company also asks whether you're using Visme for your business, education purposes, or personal use to offer personalized tips.

In terms of charts and graphs, Visme offers some of the most impressive features we've seen from a presentation app, so you can effortlessly convey important statistics. From the Data tab, you can access dozens of graph styles to visually represent your data. Then, simply double-click a chart inside your presentation to edit the values instantly in a simple table format.

Another area that Visme excels in is collaboration. You can either generate a link to publish your presentation on the web or share your presentation privately with others. For each team member, you can choose who can view, edit, and comment slides for a seamless workflow. There's also a Slack integration that lets you receive messages whenever changes are made to your presentation. Visme is free for all users, with limited features available in its premium plans.

Read the original article on SlashGear .

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how to save a powerpoint presentation to google drive

Create a presentation

Create a presentation in powerpoint for the web.

Your browser does not support video. Install Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash Player, or Internet Explorer 9.

With PowerPoint for the web running in your web browser, you can:

Create presentations that include images, videos, transitions, and animations.

Get to your presentations from your computer, tablet, or phone.

Share and work with others, wherever they are.

If you're using the desktop version of PowerPoint on a Windows PC, see the PowerPoint Quick Start .

If you're using the desktop version of PowerPoint on a Mac, see Office for Mac Quick Start Guides and PowerPoint for Mac Help .

Create, open, and name a presentation

Go to .

The app launcher icon in Office 365

Select New blank presentation , open a Recent file, select one of the themes , or start with a presentation template .

To name the presentation, select the title at the top and type a name.

If you need to rename the presentation, select the title and retype the name.

Create a presentation

Add a slide

Select the slide you want your new slide to follow.

Select Home > New Slide .

Select Layout and the you type want from the drop-down.

Slide Layouts in PowerPoint

When working in PowerPoint for the web, your work is saved every few seconds. You can select File > Save a Copy to create a duplicate copy in another location.

Or choose File > Download As to save a copy to your device.

Use Download a Copy to save the presentation to your computer

When you're online, AutoSave is always on and saves your changes as you work. If at any time you lose your Internet connection or turn it off, any pending changes will sync as soon as you’re back online.

The AutoSave Toggle in Office

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  1. [Solved] How to Upload PowerPoint to Google Drive

    Open Google Drive and sign in to your Google Drive account. Navigate to the folder where you want to store your PowerPoint presentation. Locate your PowerPoint file on your computer and drag and drop the file to the surface of Google Drive, where it says, "Drop files here". You will now see a message in the lower right where it says ...

  2. How to Convert PowerPoint to Google Slides (Step-by-Step)

    4. Select the PowerPoint slides you want to convert to Google Slides. To import your PowerPoint slides into your Google Slides presentation, simply: Select the PowerPoint slides you want to import (or select All in the upper right-hand corner) Check or uncheck Keep Original Theme (see note below) Click Import slides.

  3. How to Convert a PowerPoint to Google Slides

    Locate and select your PowerPoint file, then click "Open." After the file uploads to Google Drive, right-click it and choose Open With > Google Slides. The presentation will open in Google Slides but remain a PowerPoint file as you can see next to the name on the top left. Click File > Save as Google Slides from the menu to convert it.

  4. Switch from Microsoft PowerPoint to Google Slides

    On your computer, open a document or presentation in Google Docs or Google Slides. Click Insert Chart From Sheets. Click the spreadsheet with the chart you want to add, then click Select. Click the chart you want to add. If you don't want the chart linked to the spreadsheet, uncheck "Link to spreadsheet."

  5. How to Convert Presentations from PowerPoint to Google Slides

    Select the PowerPoint file and import it into your Google Drive account. To do so, click New → File upload. Then locate the file in your computer and click Open. As an alternative, you can drag the file directly to your browser. Once the file has been uploaded, double-click it. Click Open with and choose Google Slides.

  6. How to Import a PowerPoint Presentation into Google Slides

    Navigate to your file (s) and then click "Open.". Alternatively, you can drag and drop a file from your computer directly into the web browser for an easy upload. Once your file uploads, right-click it, point to "Open With" on the context menu, and then select "Google Slides.". Google then converts your presentation into a Google ...

  7. How to Convert PowerPoint to Google Slides [Step-by-Step]

    To get started, open your PowerPoint file. Go to File > Export. Choose "Create PDF/XPS Document.". Follow the prompts to save the file to your computer. 4. Log in to your Google Drive account and click the "New" button. 5. Select "File upload.". Choose the PDF file you've just saved and upload it to your Google Drive.

  8. How to Convert a Powerpoint to Google Slides in 2 Ways

    How to convert a PowerPoint to Google Slides. 1. Open Google Drive. 2. Select "New" in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. 3. Select "Upload File." Choose to upload a new file. Peter Aitken ...

  9. How to Convert Powerpoint to Google Slides

    From the menu, choose Slides . In the upper-right corner of the Recent presentations section, select the file picker (file folder) icon. In the Open a file screen, choose Upload . Open the folder where your Powerpoint file is stored. Drag the Powerpoint file into the Drag a file here section. Alternatively, use the blue file-picker button to ...

  10. Convert PowerPoint (PPT) to Google Slides on Import (+Video

    Step 1: Drag Your PowerPoint File Into Google Drive. To get started here, open your Google Drive folder in Chrome. Navigate to the folder where you'd like to store your imported presentation. Click on it to open it up. Get started by opening your Google Drive account. In the center of your screen, you'll see text reading Drop Files Here.

  11. How to Convert PowerPoint to Google Slides (5 Ways)

    Click Upload at the top of the dialog box. Click Browse. A dialog box appears. Navigate to the location of the file on your computer, click the file and then click Open. You can also double-click the file. The file will be named the same name as the PowerPoint file but will be in Google Slides format.

  12. How to Convert PowerPoint Presentations to Google Slides

    Go to File > Save as Google Slides to convert PowerPoint to Google Slides. This will turn PowerPoint into Google Slides. Example Self Introduction Slide Template for Google Slides. To save the file to a specific folder, select the file in Google Drive and click Move to. This will allow you to select a folder to move your presentation deck.

  13. How to convert a powerpoint file to google slides

    After making any necessary adjustments, ensure to save the changes to your new Google Slides presentation. Download as PowerPoint (Optional): If needed, you can always download your Google Slides presentation as a PowerPoint file by navigating to "File" > "Download" > "Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)."

  14. How to convert a PowerPoint to Google Slides

    Another way to convert a PowerPoint file to Google Slides is by using Google Drive. Step 1: Go to your Google Drive account's home page. Click the New button and then File Upload. Select your ...

  15. How to Convert a PowerPoint Presentation to Google Slides

    Click + New in the top left corner. Select File upload . Select your PowerPoint presentation from your device. Click Open. Your file will now upload to Google Drive. Once the upload is complete, double-click the file. Just like that, you can now view and share your PowerPoint presentation in Google Slides. The themes and styling present in the ...

  16. How to Save Powerpoint as Google Slides

    In this tutorial, I explain how to convert your powerpoint file into a google slides file. This is a very simple process once you know the basic steps. In ...

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    Do consider subscribing, it's totally free: this video, I'm teaching you how to...

  18. Course Help

    Locate your PowerPoint presentation and select Open to upload to Google Drive. Once your upload is complete, select the file name in the upload status window to navigate to open uploaded file. Note: The file will remain as a PowerPoint file in Google Drive. If you would like to convert the file for Google Slides, select File > Save as Google ...

  19. Switching to Slides from Microsoft PowerPoint

    Open a PowerPoint presentation. In Drive, double-click a PowerPoint file. A preview of your file will open. At the top, click Open with Google Slides . Any changes that you make are saved to the original Microsoft Office file. For more details, see Work with Microsoft Office files. Access a presentation offline in OneDrive.

  20. How to save or share a Google Slides presentation?

    Hello! To save a Google Slides presentation to a flash drive, follow these steps: - Insert the flash drive into your computer. - In Google Slides, go to the "File" menu in the top left corner of the screen. - Click on this button to open a dropdown menu. - Find and select the "Download As" option.

  21. How to Save a PowerPoint Presentation? [PPT & Other Formats!]

    To save a PowerPoint presentation on a flash drive or any external device, follow the 3 simple steps. Step-1: Click on the "File" tab. In the menu ribbon located at the top of the screen, click on the "File" tab. In the "File" menu, click on the "Save As" option. Step-2: Click on "Browse".

  22. How to Download Google Slides Presentation [Complete Guide!]

    Step-1: Click on File Tab and Select Download. When the Google Slides document is open, you can find the "File" tab on the top left corner of your screen. Select that tab and you will find the "Download" option. Step-2: Select the "Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)" Option.

  23. How to Convert Google Slides to a PowerPoint in 4 Steps

    1. Open Google Drive in a web browser. 2. Locate and open the Slides deck that you want to convert to PowerPoint. You can zero in on your slides by clicking the three horizontal lines at the top ...

  24. How to Turn Google Slides into a Video?

    Choose Presentations and select Import from Google Slides. Step 2 - Edit (Optional): Make any desired edits using Canva's editing tools. Step 3 - Convert to Video: Click the Share button and choose Download as MP4 .

  25. How To Add Video or Audio to Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint

    Save Your Presentation: After adding the video, save your PowerPoint presentation to preserve the changes. Click on the "File" tab in the PowerPoint ribbon and select "Save" or "Save As ...

  26. Google Slides: How to group and ungroup elements

    Creating presentations with Google Slides is a breeze. Slides has a simple interface, collaboration features, and a soothing design. It's a solid alternative for people who don't use Microsoft ...

  27. 5 Better Alternatives To Google Slides

    For example, you can save individual slides as an image file (using .png or .jpeg formats) or as a separate presentation file. There's also a large library of free PowerPoint templates designed to ...

  28. Create a presentation in PowerPoint for the web

    Notes: If you're using the desktop version of PowerPoint on a Windows PC, see the PowerPoint Quick Start.. If you're using the desktop version of PowerPoint on a Mac, see Office for Mac Quick Start Guides and PowerPoint for Mac Help.