
Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D)

– Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving –

⇓   Introduction to 8D

⇓   What is 8D

⇓   Why Apply 8D

⇓   When to Apply 8D

⇓   How to Apply 8D

Quality and Reliability Support | Quality-One

Introduction to Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D)

The Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D) is a problem solving methodology designed to find the root cause of a problem, devise a short-term fix and implement a long-term solution to prevent recurring problems. When it’s clear that your product is defective or isn’t satisfying your customers, an 8D is an excellent first step to improving Quality and Reliability.

Ford Motor Company developed this problem solving methodology, then known as Team Oriented Problem Solving (TOPS), in the 1980s. The early usage of 8D proved so effective that it was adopted by Ford as the primary method of documenting problem solving efforts, and the company continues to use 8D today.

8D has become very popular among manufacturers because it is effective and reasonably easy to teach. Below you’ll find the benefits of an 8D, when it is appropriate to perform and how it is performed.

What is Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D)

The 8D problem solving process is a detailed, team oriented approach to solving critical problems in the production process. The goals of this method are to find the root cause of a problem, develop containment actions to protect customers and take corrective action to prevent similar problems in the future.

The strength of the 8D process lies in its structure, discipline and methodology. 8D uses a composite methodology, utilizing best practices from various existing approaches. It is a problem solving method that drives systemic change, improving an entire process in order to avoid not only the problem at hand but also other issues that may stem from a systemic failure.

8D has grown to be one of the most popular problem solving methodologies used for Manufacturing, Assembly and Services around the globe. Read on to learn about the reasons why the Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving may be a good fit for your company.

8D - Problem Solving Format

Why Apply Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D)

The 8D methodology is so popular in part because it offers your engineering team a consistent, easy-to-learn and thorough approach to solving whatever problems might arise at various stages in your production process. When properly applied, you can expect the following benefits:

  • Improved team oriented problem solving skills rather than reliance on the individual
  • Increased familiarity with a structure for problem solving
  • Creation and expansion of a database of past failures and lessons learned to prevent problems in the future
  • Better understanding of how to use basic statistical tools required for problem solving
  • Improved effectiveness and efficiency at problem solving
  • A practical understanding of Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
  • Problem solving effort may be adopted into the processes and methods of the organization
  • Improved skills for implementing corrective action
  • Better ability to identify necessary systemic changes and subsequent inputs for change
  • More candid and open communication in problem solving discussion, increasing effectiveness
  • An improvement in management’s understanding of problems and problem resolution

8D was created to represent the best practices in problem solving. When performed correctly, this methodology not only improves the Quality and Reliability of your products but also prepares your engineering team for future problems.

When to Apply Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D)

The 8D problem solving process is typically required when:

  • Safety or Regulatory issues has been discovered
  • Customer complaints are received
  • Warranty Concerns have indicated greater-than-expected failure rates
  • Internal rejects, waste, scrap, poor performance or test failures are present at unacceptable levels

How to Apply Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D)

The 8D process alternates inductive and deductive problem solving tools to relentlessly move forward toward a solution. The Quality-One approach uses a core team of three individuals for inductive activities with data driven tools and then a larger Subject Matter Expert (SME) group for the deductive activities through brainstorming, data-gathering and experimentation.

D0: Prepare and Plan for the 8D

Proper planning will always translate to a better start. Thus, before 8D analysis begins, it is always a good idea to ask an expert first for their impressions. After receiving feedback, the following criterion should be applied prior to forming a team:

Collect information on the symptoms

Use a Symptoms Checklist to ask the correct questions

Identify the need for an Emergency Response Action (ERA), which protects the customer from further exposure to the undesired symptoms

D1: Form a Team

A Cross Functional Team (CFT) is made up of members from many disciplines. Quality-One takes this principle one step further by having two levels of CFT:

  • The Core Team Structure should involve three people on the respective subjects: product, process and data
  • Additional Subject Matter Experts are brought in at various times to assist with brainstorming, data collection and analysis

Teams require proper preparation. Setting the ground rules is paramount. Implementation of disciplines like checklists, forms and techniques will ensure steady progress.  8D must always have two key members: a Leader and a Champion / Sponsor:

  • The Leader is the person who knows the 8D process and can lead the team through it (although not always the most knowledgeable about the problem being studied)
  • The Champion or Sponsor is the one person who can affect change by agreeing with the findings and can provide final approval on such changes

D2: Describe the Problem

The 8D method’s initial focus is to properly describe the problem utilizing the known data and placing it into specific categories for future comparisons. The “Is” data supports the facts whereas the “Is Not” data does not. As the “Is Not” data is collected, many possible reasons for failure are able to be eliminated. This approach utilizes the following tools:

  • Problem Statement
  • Affinity Diagram (Deductive tool)
  • Fishbone/Ishikawa Diagram (Deductive tool)
  • Problem Description

D3: Interim Containment Action

In the interim, before the permanent corrective action has been determined, an action to protect the customer can be taken. The Interim Containment Action (ICA) is temporary and is typically removed after the Permanent Correct Action (PCA) is taken.

  • Verification of effectiveness of the ICA is always recommended to prevent any additional customer dissatisfaction calls

D4: Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and Escape Point

The root cause must be identified to take permanent action to eliminate it. The root cause definition requires that it can be turned on or off, at will. Activities in D4 include:

  • Comparative Analysis listing differences and changes between “Is” and “Is Not”
  • Development of Root Cause Theories based on remaining items
  • Verification of the Root Cause through data collection
  • Review Process Flow Diagram for location of the root cause
  • Determine Escape Point, which is the closest point in the process where the root cause could have been found but was not

D5: Permanent Corrective Action (PCA)

The PCA is directed toward the root cause and removes / changes the conditions of the product or process that was responsible for the problem. Activities in D5 include:

  • Establish the Acceptance Criteria which include Mandatory Requirements and Wants
  • Perform a Risk Assessment /  Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) on the PCA choices
  • Based on risk assessment, make a balanced choice for PCA
  • Select control-point improvement for the Escape Point
  • Verification of Effectiveness for both the PCA and the Escape Point are required

D6: Implement and Validate the Permanent Corrective Action

To successfully implement a permanent change, proper planning is essential. A project plan should encompass: communication, steps to complete, measurement of success and lessons learned. Activities in D6 include:

  • Develop Project Plan for Implementation
  • Communicate the plan to all stakeholders
  • Validation of improvements using measurement

D7: Prevent Recurrence

D7 affords the opportunity to preserve and share the knowledge, preventing problems on similar products, processes, locations or families. Updating documents and procedures / work instructions are expected at this step to improve future use. Activities in D7 include:

  • Review Similar Products and Processes for problem prevention
  • Develop / Update Procedures and Work Instructions for Systems Prevention
  • Capture Standard Work / Practice and reuse
  • Assure FMEA updates have been completed
  • Assure Control Plans have been updated

D8: Closure and Team Celebration

Teams require feedback to allow for satisfactory closure. Recognizing both team and individual efforts and allowing the team to see the previous and new state solidifies the value of the 8D process. Activities in D8 include:

  • Archive the 8D Documents for future reference
  • Document Lessons Learned on how to make problem solving better
  • Before and After Comparison of issue
  • Celebrate Successful Completion

8D - D0 Reference Card

8D and Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

The 8D process has Root Cause Analysis (RCA) imbedded within it. All problem solving techniques include RCA within their structure. The steps and techniques within 8D which correspond to Root Cause Analysis are as follows:

  • Problem Symptom is quantified and converted to “Object and Defect”
  • Problem Symptom is converted to Problem Statement using Repeated Whys
  • Possible and Potential Causes are collected using deductive tools (i.e. Fishbone or Affinity Diagram)
  • Problem Statement is converted into Problem Description using Is / Is Not
  • Problem Description reduces the number of items on the deductive tool (from step 3)
  • Comparative Analysis between the Is and Is Not items (note changes and time)
  • Root Cause theories are developed from remaining possible causes on deductive tool and coupled with changes from Is / Is Not
  • Compare theories with current data and develop experiments for Root Cause Verification
  • Test and confirm the Root Causes

Is Is Not Example

Example: Multiple Why Technique

The Multiple / Repeated Why (Similar to 5 Why) is an inductive tool, which means facts are required to proceed to a more detailed level. The steps required to determine problem statement are:

  • Problem Symptom is defined as an Object and Defect i.e. “Passenger Injury”
  • Why? In every case “SUV’s Roll Over”
  • Why? In every case, it was preceded by a “Blown Tire”
  • Why? Many explanations may be applied, therefore the team cannot continue with another repeated why past “Blown Tire”
  • Therefore, the Problem Statement is “Blown Tire”
  • Why? Low (Air) Pressure, Tire Defect (Degradation of an Interface) and High (Ambient) Temperature
  • Counter measures assigned to low pressure and tire defect

This example uses only 4 of the 5 Whys to determine the root causes without going further into the systemic reasons that supported the failure. The Repeated Why is one way to depict this failure chain. Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) could also be used.

3 Legged 5 Why

Learn More About Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D)

Quality-One offers Quality and Reliability Support for Product and Process Development through Consulting, Training and Project Support. Quality-One provides Knowledge, Guidance and Direction in Quality and Reliability activities, tailored to your unique wants, needs and desires. Let us help you Discover the Value of 8D Consulting , 8D Training or 8D Project Support .

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What is 8D? A template for efficient problem-solving

How you respond when problems arise is one of the most defining qualities of a manager. Luckily, there are tools you can use to master problem-solving. The 8D method of problem-solving combines teamwork and basic statistics to help you reach a logical solution and prevent new issues from arising.

You’ve spent months overseeing the development of your company's newest project. From initiation, planning, and execution, you’re confident this may be your best work yet.

Until the feedback starts rolling in.

There’s no sugar-coating it—things don’t always go as planned. But production or process issues are hardly a signal to throw in the towel. Instead, focus on honing your problem-solving skills to find a solution that keeps it from happening again. 

The 8D method of problem solving emphasizes the importance of teamwork to not only solve your process woes but prevent new ones from occurring. In this guide, we’ll break down what 8D is, how to use this methodology, and the benefits it can give to you and your team. Plus, get an 8D template to make solving your issue easier. 

What is 8D?

The eight disciplines (8D) method is a problem-solving approach that identifies, corrects, and eliminates recurring problems. By determining the root causes of a problem, managers can use this method to establish a permanent corrective action and prevent recurring issues. 

How do you use the 8D method?

The 8D method is a proven strategy for avoiding long-term damage from recurring problems. If you’re noticing issues in your workflow or processes, then it’s a good time to give this problem-solving method a try. 

To complete an 8D analysis, follow “the eight disciplines” to construct a statistical analysis of the problem and determine the best solution.

The eight disciplines of problem-solving

8D stands for the eight disciplines you will use to establish an 8D report. As you may notice, this outline starts with zero, which makes nine total disciplines. The “zero stage” was developed later as an initial planning stage. 

To illustrate these steps, imagine your organization experienced a decline in team innovation and productivity this past year. Your stakeholders have noticed and want to see changes implemented within the next six months. Below, we’ll use the 8D process to uncover a morale-boosting solution.

[inline illustration] D8 problem solving approach (infographic)

D0: Prepare and plan

Before starting the problem-solving process, evaluate the problem you want to solve. Understanding the background of the problem will help you identify the root cause in later steps. 

Collect information about how the problem has affected a process or product and what the most severe consequences may be. Planning can include:

Gathering data

Determining the prerequisites for solving the problem

Collecting feedback from others involved

[inline illustration] D0 Planning (example)

If we look back at our example, you may want to figure out whether this decline in morale is organization-wide or only applies to a few departments. Consider interviewing a few employees from different departments and levels of management to gain some perspective. Next, determine what knowledge and skills you will need to solve this lapse in productivity. 

D1: Form your team

Create a cross-functional team made up of people who have knowledge of the various products and workflows involved. These team members should have the skills needed to solve the problem and put corrective actions in place. 

Steps in this discipline may include:

Appointing a team leader

Developing and implementing team guidelines

Determining team goals and priorities

Assigning individual roles

Arranging team-building activities

[inline illustration] D1 Team members (example)

From our example, a solid team would consist of people with first-hand experience with the issues—like representatives from all departments and key people close to workshop-level work. You may also want to pull someone in from your HR department to help design and implement a solution. Most importantly, make sure the people you choose want to be involved and contribute to the solution.

D2: Identify the problem

You may have a good understanding of your problem by now, but this phase aims to break it down into clear and quantifiable terms by identifying the five W’s a and two H’s (5W2H):

Who first reported the problem?

What is the problem about?

When did it occur and how often?

Where did it occur (relating to the sector, supplier, machine, or production line involved)?

Why is solving the problem important?

How was the problem first detected?

How many parts/units/customers are affected?

[inline illustration] D2 Problem statement & description (example)

Use your team’s insights to answer these questions. From our example, your team may conclude that: 

Employees feel overwhelmed with their current workload. 

There is no real structure or opportunity to share new ideas.

Managers have had no training for meetings or innovation settings.

Disgruntled employees know they can achieve more—and want to achieve more—even if they seem disengaged.

Once you answer these questions, record an official problem statement to describe the issue. If possible, include photos, videos, and diagrams to ensure all parties have a clear understanding of the problem. It may also help to create a flowchart of the process that includes various steps related to the problem description.

D3: Develop an interim containment plan

Much like we can expect speedy first aid after an accident, your team should take immediate actions to ensure you contain the problem—especially if the problem is related to customer safety. 

An interim containment plan will provide a temporary solution to isolate the problem from customers and clients while your team works to develop a permanent corrective action. This band-aid will help keep your customers informed and safe—and your reputation intact.

[inline illustration] D3 Interim containment action (example)

Because your findings revealed workers were overworked and managers lacked training, your team suggests scheduling a few mandatory training sessions for leaders of each department covering time and stress management and combating burnout . You may also want to have a presentation outlining the topics of this training to get key managers and stakeholders interested and primed for positive upcoming changes. 

D4: Verify root causes and escape points

Refer back to your findings and consult with your team about how the problem may have occurred. The root cause analysis involves mapping each potential root cause against the problem statement and its related test data. Make sure to test all potential causes—fuzzy brainstorming and sloppy analyses may cause you to overlook vital information. 

[inline illustration] D4 Root cause & escape points (example)

In our example, focus on the “why” portion of the 5W2H. You and your team identify six root causes:

Managers have never had any training

There is a lack of trust and psychological safety

Employees don’t understand the objectives and goals

Communication is poor

Time management is poor

Employees lack confidence

In addition to identifying the root causes, try to pinpoint where you first detected the problem in the process, and why it went unnoticed. This is called the escape point, and there may be more than one. 

D5: Choose permanent corrective actions

Work with your team to determine the most likely solution to remove the root cause of the problem and address the issues with the escape points. Quantitatively confirm that the selected permanent corrective action(s) (PCA) will resolve the problem for the customer. 

Steps to choosing a PCA may include:

Determining if you require further expertise

Ensuring the 5W2Hs are defined correctly

Carrying out a decision analysis and risk assessment

Considering alternative measures

Collecting evidence to prove the PCA will be effective

[inline illustration] D5 Permanent corrective action (example)

Your team decides to roll out the training used in the interim plan to all employees, with monthly company-wide workshops on improving well-being. You also plan to implement meetings, innovation sessions, and team-coaching training for managers. Lastly, you suggest adopting software to improve communication and collaboration. 

D6: Implement your corrective actions

Once all parties have agreed on a solution, the next step is to create an action plan to remove the root causes and escape points. Once the solution is in effect, you can remove your interim containment actions.

After seeing success with the training in the interim phase, your stakeholders approve all of your team’s proposed PCAs. Your representative from HR also plans to implement periodic employee wellness checks to track employee morale .

[inline illustration] D6 PCA implementation plan (example)

To ensure your corrective action was a success, monitor the results, customer, or employee feedback over a long period of time and take note of any negative effects. Setting up “controls” like employee wellness checks will help you validate whether your solution is working or more needs to be done. 

D7: Take preventive measures

One of the main benefits of using the 8D method is the improved ability to identify necessary systematic changes to prevent future issues from occurring. Look for ways to improve your management systems, operating methods, and procedures to not only eliminate your current problem, but stop similar problems from developing later on.

[inline illustration] D7 Preventive measure (example)

Based on our example, the training your team suggested is now adopted in the new manager onboarding curriculum. Every manager now has a “meeting system” that all meetings must be guided by, and workloads and projects are managed as a team within your new collaboration software . Innovation is improving, and morale is at an all-time high!

D8: Celebrate with your team

The 8D method of problem-solving is impossible to accomplish without dedicated team members and first-class collaboration. Once notes, lessons, research, and test data are documented and saved, congratulate your teammates on a job well done! Make an effort to recognize each individual for their contribution to uncovering a successful solution.

[inline illustration] 8D Team congratulations & reward (example)

8D report template and example

Check out our 8D report template below to help you record your findings as you navigate through the eight disciplines of problem solving. This is a formal report that can be used as a means of communication within companies, which makes for transparent problem-solving that you can apply to the entire production or process chain.

Benefits of using the 8D method

The 8D method is one of the most popular problem-solving strategies for good reason. Its strength lies in teamwork and fact-based analyses to create a culture of continuous improvement —making it one of the most effective tools for quality managers. The benefits of using the 8D method include: 

Improved team-oriented problem-solving skills rather than relying on an individual to provide a solution

Increased familiarity with a problem-solving structure

A better understanding of how to use basic statistical tools for problem-solving

Open and honest communication in problem-solving discussions

Prevent future problems from occurring by identifying system weaknesses and solutions

Improved effectiveness and efficiency at problem-solving

Better collaboration = better problem solving

No matter how good a manager you are, production and process issues are inevitable. It’s how you solve them that separates the good from the great. The 8D method of problem solving allows you to not only solve the problem at hand but improve team collaboration, improve processes, and prevent future issues from arising. 

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8D Management (8 Disciplines Management)

8d management

8D Management & The 8D of Problem Solving

Problems are a part of life and a business is no exception. Even with the best of intentions and systems, some errors can creep in and be hard to detect. It may be nothing serious or can have serious repercussions such as reputation damage, heavy fines, product recall, property loss, and so on. It becomes essential to identify the problem, its consequences on the one hand, and causes on the other to be able to not only resolve it for now but also ensure prevention of its recurrence. One of the methodologies, popular amongst engineers and professionals mainly in the automotive industry but now applied across several industries is the eight disciplines (8D) model. It helps to identify, correct, and eliminate recurring problems, affecting improvement in product and process.

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What is 8D?

What is 8D?

The 8D is a systematic, holistic and proven methodology designed to identify the root cause of a problem, plan a quick fix, and implement corrective actions and preventive actions to avoid their recurrence. If your product is defective or not meeting your customer requirements, then 8D is an excellent first step to improve Quality and Reliability.

One of the core parts of introducing 8D problem solving, greatly accepted by most disciplines of industries, and having huge effectiveness levels in improving product and process quality, would be 8D (Eight Disciplines). Key steps in the 8D methodology are forming a team, defining the problem, identifying and implementing interim containment, identifying the root causes, implementing and verifying permanent corrective actions, and avoiding future recurrence of problems. The 8D process for root cause analysis concludes by highlighting that the team members not only play a vital role but also recognizes them, hence reinforcing that this approach is a collaborative one. 8D has become very popular among manufacturers, assembly, and services around the globe because it is effective and comparatively easy to teach.

Introduction to 8d Problem Solving

The 8D approach to problem-solving, also known as the 8D methodology, is a systematic and comprehensive method used to address and resolve complex issues, particularly in manufacturing and other industries.

This 8D troubleshooting methodology involves a structured process designed to identify, correct, and prevent issues, ensuring that similar problems do not occur in the future.

By following the 8D process steps, teams can effectively perform root cause analysis and implement corrective actions.

The 8D structured problem-solving process is highly valued for its ability to provide a clear framework for identifying and eliminating the root cause of a problem, thereby enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Introduction to 8d Problem Solving

Why to Apply 8D Problem Solving Methodology?

The 8D methodology, developed to represent the best practices in problem solving, provides the engineering teams with an effective and efficient team-oriented problem solving skill, a better understanding of Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and how to use basic statistical tools required for problem solving. 8D helps the management understand and resolve problems better, identify necessary systemic changes and inputs for change , and facilitate a more candid and open communication in problem solving discussions.

8D improves the Quality and Reliability of your products, and if performed correctly, prepares the engineering team for future problems.

When to Apply 8D Problem Solving Process?

The 8D problem solving process is used to solve major, critical, chronic, and recurring problems. The 8D is typically required during safety or regulatory issues, customer complaints , warranty concerns, poor performance or test failures, internal rejects, and to minimize waste and scrap.

when apply 8D management for problem solving

How to Use Root Cause Analysis to Transform Your Safety Program

8d problem solving approach.

The 8D is a systematic process for the introduction and improvement of quality, and elimination of problems. Here we will show you the step by step approach of the problem solving tools that can make you proficient at identifying causes of problems, defining problems, and errors. Additionally, it helps identify root causes and take actions to solve and prevent identified problems in processes. So, let’s take a peep inside:

8d management planning and preparing

D0: Planning and preparing for the 8D

Proper planning and preparation are always a good start before taking any action. So, you need to consider the following before forming a team:

  • Problem description
  • Timeframe for the resolution
  • The number of resources to accomplish this

definition 8d problem solving

D1: Team establishment

Create a team with people who varied backgrounds and experiences which will lead to the best quality inputs and a complete solution. For the team to function smoothly, define clear roles, and responsibilities for your people, and have a team leader.

definition 8d problem solving

D2: Problem description

The 8D method’s primary focus is to describe the problem appropriately and objectively such that it captures all the vital information. During this analysis, repeated 5W1H (why, what, who, where, when, and how) are required to be asked to develop a clear description.

problem containment plan

D3: Problem containment plan

A temporary problem containment plan is sometimes needed to minimize the impact of the problem until you develop permanent solutions. On developing the plan based on the hypothetical cases, the resources for addressing the main problem can be released. At times, new processes may be required to work around the problem until you have a permanent fix.

definition 8d problem solving

D4: Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

With the problem temporarily contained, you can now turn to identify all of the root causes of the nonconformance . There are several tools to identify the actual root cause of an issue including the 5W1H to understand the problem in-depth, Fishbone diagrams to visually categorize causes, and Pareto charts to identify the vital causes.

definition 8d problem solving

D5: Permanent Corrective Action

Once the root cause of the problem is determined, the team can start brainstorming permanent corrections to identify what the best long-term solution will be. Brainstorming sessions combined with tools such as affinity diagrams help organize ideas based on their relationships and determine the best course of action.

definition 8d problem solving

D6: Implement and Validate the Permanent Corrective Action

Once the solution is identified, the management needs to implement and verify the corrective action using the PDCA (plan-do-check-act) approach for small-scale testing before large-scale rollout. Thus, the outcomes and corrective actions are tracked to ensure expected results. To successfully implement a permanent change, a project plan should incorporate:

  • Development of the project plan for implementation
  • Communicating the plan to all stakeholders
  • Validating improvements using measurement

definition 8d problem solving

D7: Prevent Recurrence

A complete solution of problems means preventing them from occurring. Besides, preventative measures should also be implemented for corrective actions in the 8D methodology. This requires reviewing management processes, operating procedures, and training manuals to ensure that best practices are followed.

At this stage, organizations should consider actions including updating process audit questions and regularly verifying them based on corrective actions to reduce risk in other processes, presenting poka-yoke or error-proofing devices to big-risk processes, and conducting red rabbit tests to see how long it takes poka-yoke devices to detect defective product.

definition 8d problem solving

D8: Verification and Team Celebration

Once the problem is solved, the ultimate step is to congratulate the team. It’s important to recognize their efforts and share their success across the organization because teams require feedback to allow for satisfactory closure. This facilitates motivation and employee engagement while helping you improve quality control, execute process improvements, and aid change management as you grow.

definition 8d problem solving

Create a team with people who are having varied backgrounds and experiences which will lead to the best quality inputs and a complete solution. For the team to function smoothly, define clear roles, and responsibilities for your people, and have a team leader.

problem description

A complete solution of problems means preventing them from occurring initially. Besides, preventative measures should also be implemented for corrective actions in the 8D methodology. This requires reviewing management processes, operating procedures, and training manuals to ensure that best practices are followed.

8D Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and 8D Corrective Action Process

The 8D Root Cause Analysis, as well as the 8D Corrective Action process, is a widely systematic approach in quality management , especially concerning 8D in quality control. This method includes eight comprehensive steps that are devised to problem solving by dealing with root causes of the problems comprehensively. The steps of the 8D process start with the formation of a team, a clear definition of the problem, and move on to interim containment actions. This is then followed by detailed root-cause analysis using the 8D RCA process, development and verification of permanent corrective actions, implementation, and recurrence preventing efforts. Encouraging details in the analysis: the 8D methodology steps encompass collaborative efforts and documentation that ensure durable solutions and continuous improvement in organizational processes. Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is embedded within the 8D process and includes the following steps and techniques:

CAPA raised per Year

Problem Symptom is measured and transformed to “Object and Defect”

CAPA raised per Year

Problem Symptom is reformed to Problem Statement using the 5W1H process

CAPA raised per Year

Potential Causes are gathered using the tools like Fishbone or Affinity Diagram

CAPA raised per Year

Problem Statement should fit using both the “is” and the “isn’t” sections of the question

CAPA raised per Year

Root Cause concepts are developed from remaining possible causes on the tool and related changes from is/is not

CAPA raised per Year

Compare theories with recent data and develop experiments for Root Cause Verification

CAPA raised per Year

Test and confirm the Root Causes

Candelis Audit Management Case study

Customer Success

3 Women Leaders Making a Powerful Impact in Global Quality and Safety Management

How to use the 8d approach.

8D portrays 8 steps of a structured approach to solve difficult, recurring, or critical problems by providing transparency, driving a team approach, and increasing the chances of solving the problem.

Proper plan for solving the problem and identify the prerequisites.

Team creation

Gather a cross-functional team with product/process knowledge.

Problem description and definition

Use the data and information to specify the problem by identifying in quantifiable terms the who, what, where, when, why, how, and how many (the 5W1H) for the problem.

Problem Containment Plan development

Develop and implement interim actions to eliminate the problem from any customer in the future.

Specify and assess Root Causes

Identify and review all relevant causes and sources of variation that analyze why the problem has occurred and figure out why the problem was not noticed at first using 5W1H or diagrams.

Verify Permanent Solutions

After collecting data confirm that the possible solutions will actually resolve the problem.

Implement and Validate Corrective Actions

Discuss and review results and develop plans to implement the best solutions or countermeasures.

Preventive measures

Transform the operation systems, management systems, procedures, and practices to avoid the recurrence of similar problems.

Compliment your team

Recognize the collective efforts of your team and formally thank them for their involvement.

8D Problem Solving Tools and Techniques

The 8D problem solving methodology is the set of tools and methods aiming for complex quality issues. 8D problem solving techniques are basically comprised of a fishbone diagram, 5 Whys analysis, Pareto charts, process flowcharts, and Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) to come to terms with the 8D framework. Integration with statistical tools and data analysis in every step of 8D analysis is sure to make the most accurate identification of the root cause.

This approach would ensure that cross-functional teams' participation would not only be present in the brainstorming sessions but also in the 8D problem solving process at the problem solving stage.

8D Problem Solving Tools and Techniques

Training in 8D Methodology

8D training is an inevitable imperative that makes its deployment in organizations effective. The 8D methodology provides all the necessary details that the teams could apply to the skills and knowledge required at every step in 8D of quality control . Training the workforce on 8D methodology will make them able to apply these aspects when dealing with real-world problems, which will better off the quality and efficiency of the entire organization. It ensures that all these measures and strategies have been inducted to make sure that 8D problem solving approaches are not just tools for problem solution but have been inducted to lay down the base for sustainable quality improvement and prevention practices in the organizational processes.

How to Enhance Quality and Efficiency in 8D Manufacturing?

Understand the Basics of the 8D Approach to Problem Solving

  • Familiarize yourself with the principles of the 8D methodology.
  • Recognize that the 8D process steps include team formation, problem

Form a Cross-Functional Team

  • Assemble a team with diverse skills and perspectives.
  • Ensure each member understands their role in the 8D structured problem solving process.
  • Use precise language to describe the problem.
  • Implement tools like the 5 Whys to aid in the root cause analysis 8d problem solving phase.

Implement Interim Containment Actions

  • Take immediate steps to prevent the problem from worsening.
  • Document these actions as part of the 8D troubleshooting methodology

Identify and Verify Root Causes

  • Conduct a thorough root cause analysis to pinpoint the underlying issues.
  • Utilize techniques like fishbone diagrams and Pareto charts in the 8D RCA process.

Develop Permanent Corrective Actions

  • Propose solutions that address the root causes identified.
  • Ensure these solutions are sustainable and prevent recurrence.

Validate the Corrective Actions

  • Test the solutions to ensure they effectively resolve the problem.
  • Collect data to confirm the effectiveness of the root cause analysis and the 8Dd corrective action process.

Implement and Monitor Solutions

  • Roll out the verified solutions across relevant areas.
  • Continuously monitor the impact to ensure long-term success.

Prevent Recurrence

  • Update processes and documentation to incorporate the new solutions.
  • Train employees on the new procedures to embed them in daily operations.

Recognize and Celebrate Success

  • Acknowledge the efforts of the team in solving the problem.
  • Use this opportunity to reinforce the importance of the 8D methodology in maintaining quality and efficiency.

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We have rolled-out CQ across our company to automate various elements of QMS requirements such as Document Management, Complaints, Non-conformances, Corrective Action (8D and A3), Supplier Management and Audit Management. We have been using the software for more than 2 years. We are glad to see how well the system is being used across the company. We have several thousand users on the system currently and working to scale the usage further. CQ solution has been configured to meet our needs, works elegantly across languages, across time zones, and business verticals. With integration between CQ and SAP to exchange critical data, the process automation provides a lot of productivity.

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8D Process Improvement in Different Industries

Automotive Industry

  • Application of 8D Methodology: Essential for addressing recurring quality issues and customer complaints.
  • Root Cause Analysis 8D Problem Solving: Identifies underlying issues affecting vehicle performance and safety.
  • 8D Structured Problem Solving: Used to enhance manufacturing processes and reduce defects.
  • 8D Process Steps: Followed rigorously to maintain high safety and quality standards in vehicle production

Aerospace Industry

  • 8D Troubleshooting Methodology: Critical for resolving complex technical issues and ensuring compliance with stringent safety regulations.
  • 8D RCA Process: Applied to investigate and eliminate root causes of system failures.
  • 8D Corrective Action Process: Ensures that preventive measures are implemented to avoid the recurrence of problems.
  • 8D Manufacturing: Focuses on precision and reliability in the production of aerospace components.

Electronics Industry

  • 8D Approach to Problem Solving: Used to tackle issues related to product design and manufacturing.
  • Root Cause Analysis and the 8D Corrective Action Process: Vital for maintaining product quality and reducing warranty claims.
  • 8D Process Steps: Helps in identifying and addressing defects in electronic components and assemblies.
  • 8D Methodology: Ensures continuous improvement and innovation in electronics manufacturing processes.

Healthcare Industry

  • 8D Structured Problem Solving: Applied to improve patient care and operational efficiency in healthcare facilities.
  • 8D Problem-Solving Steps: Utilized to address issues related to medical equipment and procedural errors.
  • Root Cause Analysis 8D Problem Solving: Enhances patient safety by identifying and eliminating causes of medical errors.
  • 8D Troubleshooting Methodology: Ensures that corrective actions are taken to prevent the recurrence of adverse events.

Food and Beverage Industry

  • 8D Manufacturing: Ensures product quality and safety throughout the production process.
  • 8D Approach to Problem-Solving: Addresses contamination issues and improves production line efficiency.
  • Root Cause Analysis and the 8D Corrective Action Process: Essential for maintaining food safety standards.
  • 8D Process Steps: Used to investigate and resolve quality issues in food production systematically.

Pharmaceutical Industry

  • 8D Methodology: Applied to ensure the consistency and safety of pharmaceutical products.
  • 8D RCA Process: Identifies and addresses root causes of deviations in manufacturing processes.
  • 8D Corrective Action Process: Implements preventive measures to ensure compliance with regulatory standards.
  • 8D Troubleshooting Methodology: Enhances production efficiency and reduces the risk of product recalls.

Consumer Goods Industry

  • 8D Structured Problem Solving: Used to resolve product design and manufacturing issues.
  • 8D Process Steps: Ensures consistent product quality and customer satisfaction.
  • Root Cause Analysis 8D Problem Solving: Identifies and eliminates causes of defects in consumer products.
  • 8D Manufacturing: Focuses on improving production processes and reducing waste.

Energy Industry

  • 8D Approach to Problem Solving: Applied to address equipment failures and improve operational reliability.
  • Root Cause Analysis and the 8D Corrective Action Process: Ensures the continuous improvement of energy production processes.
  • 8D Troubleshooting Methodology: Helps resolve complex technical issues in energy plants.
  • 8D RCA Process: Identifies and eliminates causes of energy generation and distribution inefficiencies.

8D Process Metrics and KPIs

  • Problem Resolution Time: This metric tracks the time taken from problem identification to resolution in the 8D root cause analysis process, ensuring timely corrective actions are implemented to prevent recurrence.
  • Recurrence Rate: By measuring how often a similar problem reappears after the 8D corrective action process, this KPI helps assess the effectiveness of the implemented solutions and continuous improvement efforts.
  • Root Cause Identification Accuracy: This KPI evaluates the precision and accuracy with which the root causes are identified during the 8D root cause analysis, ensuring that the correct issues are being addressed.
  • Corrective Action Implementation Rate: This metric tracks the percentage of corrective actions successfully implemented within the stipulated timeline, indicating the efficiency of the 8D corrective action process.
  • Customer Satisfaction Improvement: Monitoring changes in customer satisfaction levels following the 8D corrective action process can highlight the impact of the process on overall product quality and customer perception.

8D Process Metrics and KPIs

8D Problem Solving Report

8D problem solving reports and templates are useful tools to initiate a problem solving process. These reports are used to explain what 8D is and including information about each step so that one will know what needs to be done by attempting this to solve problems. Keeping these reports easily available can avoid repeating work on the same problems over and over again.

8D reports must be detailed and incorporate information at every step within the 8D process. Those who are working on the problem should provide sufficient information when completing a report so that someone who was not on the current 8D team can pull it out and understand what the problem was and what solutions were implemented.

Improve quality, eliminate problems and identify the root cause of a problem with 8d Methodology

Who can 8d help.

The 8D methodology is universally applicable for every organization that needs solving. Although, there are a few industries and sectors where this 8D approach is successfully used such as manufacturing, the automotive industry , engineering companies that manufacture products or parts, and medium and large-scale enterprises.

8D management

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Implementing the 8D Root Cause Analysis

Implementing the 8D Root Cause Analysis

Establish the Team

  • Assemble a cross-functional team: Ensure diverse perspectives and expertise.
  • Define roles and responsibilities: Clarify each member's contributions.
  • Team leader selection: Choose someone with strong leadership and problem-solving skills.

Describe the Problem

  • Problem statement creation: Define the issue clearly and concisely.
  • Use of data and evidence: Gather and present data to illustrate the problem.
  • Scope and impact: Detail how the problem affects processes, products, or customers.
  • Immediate actions: Implement temporary measures to contain the problem.
  • Verification of ICAs: Ensure the containment actions are effective.
  • Monitoring: Continuously monitor the situation until a permanent solution is found.

Determine Root Causes

  • Root cause analysis techniques: Utilize tools like the 5 Whys and Fishbone diagrams.
  • Data analysis: Examine data to identify patterns and anomalies.
  • Identify multiple root causes: Look beyond the obvious to find all contributing factors.

Develop Permanent Corrective Actions (PCAs)

  • Brainstorm solutions: Generate potential corrective actions.
  • Evaluate effectiveness: Assess the feasibility and impact of each solution.
  • Select the best solution: Choose the most effective and sustainable corrective action.

Implement and Validate PCAs

  • Action plan creation: Develop a detailed plan to implement corrective actions.
  • Execution: Carry out the corrective actions according to the plan.
  • Validation: Verify that the corrective actions resolve the problem effectively.
  • Standardization: Update processes, procedures, and documentation to include the new solutions.
  • Training: Educate employees on the new procedures to ensure consistent application.
  • Monitoring and review: Regularly review the effectiveness of the implemented solutions.

Recognize the Team and Celebrate Success

  • Team recognition: Acknowledge the contributions of each team member.
  • Celebrate achievements: Celebrate the success of solving the problem.
  • Document lessons learned: Record insights and lessons learned for future reference.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The 8D methodology is often used since it provides a consistent, simple, and thorough approach to solving raised problems at various stages. If properly applied, it gives several advantages such as:

A systematic approach for improving team-oriented problem solving skills

A clear understanding of basic statistical tools needed for problem solving

A practical understanding of the ‘ root cause analysis’ tool

Creating and expanding relative information about past failures and lessons learned to avoid future problems in the organization

Improving skills for corrective action deployment

When the team is trying to find the root cause of the problem and deploy corrective actions, some defective products will continue to be manufactured. To prevent these defective parts from reaching the customer, interim containment ensures that the defects are contained in the facility till the problem is completely solved. If defective parts reach the customer, it may result in warranty claims, field failures, and customer complaints.

To implement the 8D process successfully, the following factors are crucial:

The right team

An accurate description of the problem

Avoiding skipping through steps

Ensuring cooperation within the team and management support

Understanding the difference between real causes and possible causes

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Process AI

8D Chess: How to Use The 8 Disciplines for Problem Solving

definition 8d problem solving

Hospitals have developed something of a reputation for being rife with bad processes . When processes aren’t adequate, the result is an abundance of “workarounds”.

For example, when equipment or supplies are missing, a nurse might waste time running around searching for what is needed, and once the item is found, return to their previous duties.

One study indicates that nurses spend 33 minutes of a 7.5-hour shift completing workarounds that are not part of their job description.

This may well “put out the fire” so-to-speak, but really it is just a hastily applied band-aid that does nothing to treat the root cause of the problem.

More time is wasted and more problems will arise in the future because nothing has been done to prevent the initial problem from happening again.

Individual nurses are not at fault here; workplace culture often values expertise in the form of those who “get the job done”, which tends to pull against the notion of spending time building good processes (time in which the job is perhaps not “getting done”).

So how to approach the problem of problem solving ?

In a lean context, problem solving can be distilled into two simple questions:

  • What is the problem and how did it happen?
  • How can we make sure that it doesn’t happen again?

The 8D, or eight disciplines methodology, is a problem solving process – most likely one of the most widely used problem solving processes out there. It is used by many different countries, in many different industries, and many different organizations.

8D is designed to help you put out those fires, and make sure they don’t happen again.

In this article, I’ll introduce you to the 8D problem solving methodology and provide you with an outline of the basic process that you can hopefully apply in your own business, plus how you can enhance 8D with other tools and methodologies like Six Sigma , FMEA , and Process Street .

Here’s what I hope you’ll take away after reading:

  • An understanding of the basics of 8D
  • Advantages of using 8D
  • The purpose and objectives of each phase of the 8D process
  • An understanding of how to use 8D for problem solving
  • How 8D works with other problem solving tools
  • How you can use Process Street to maximize the potential of the 8D framework

Let’s begin with the origins of 8D – what is it, and where did it come from?

What is 8D?

8D (sometimes Global 8D or G8D) stands for eight disciplines, and is a problem solving methodology. It’s basically a process for understanding and preventing problems.

Much like how risk management seeks to take a proactive, preventative stance, 8D aims to gain insight into the root causes of why the problems happen, so they won’t happen again.

The 8D process involves eight (sometimes nine) steps to solve difficult, recurring problems. It’s a transparent, team-based approach that will help you solve more problems in your business.

8D origins: Where did it come from?

definition 8d problem solving

Despite the popular story that 8D originated at Ford, it was in fact developed in 1974 by the US Department of Defence, ultimately taking the form of the military standard 1520 Corrective Action and Disposition System for Nonconforming Material .

Ford took this military standard, which was essentially a process for quality management , and expanded on it to include more robust problem solving methods.

In 1987, Ford Motor Company published their manual, Team Oriented Problem Solving (TOPS) , which included their first iteration of the 8D methodology.

Initially termed Global 8D (or G8D) standard, it is currently used by Ford and many other companies in the automotive supply chain.

8D, PDSA, & other problem solving processes

problem solving processes

The disciplines of 8D follow the same logic as the Deming Cycle (also known as PDSA, and sometimes PDCA).

PDSA stands for Plan, Do, Study, Act (or Check, in the case of PDCA).

The similarity lies in the fact that both PDSA and 8D are designed to be used to improve processes. They’re both examples of cycles of continuous improvement.

Whereas 8D may be painted as a more generic problem-solving framework, structurally speaking both 8D and PDSA share a lot in common.

The simple idea of beginning with a clear objective, or desired output, and then testing, analyzing , and iteratively tweaking in a continuous cycle is the basis for both methodologies.

There are, of course, differences. We’ll cover the different applications of both 8D and PDSA in this article.

8D advantages

definition 8d problem solving

One of the main strengths of 8D is its focus on teamwork. 8D philosophy encourages the idea that teams, as a whole, are more powerful than the sum of the individual qualities of each team member.

It’s also an empirical methodology; that is to say that it is a fact-based problem solving process.

A branch of continuous improvement, proper use of 8D will help you coordinate your entire team for effective problem solving and improved implementation of just about all of the processes used in your business.

The 8 disciplines for problem solving

As you may have noticed, we’re starting with zero, which makes nine total disciplines. This “zero” stage was developed as an initial planning step.

D0: Plan adequately

Make comprehensive plans for solving the problem including any prerequisites you might determine.

Be sure to include emergency response actions.

D1: Establish your team

Establish your core team with relevant product or process knowledge. This team will provide you with the perspective and ideas needed for the problem solving process.

The team should consist of about five people, from various cross-functional departments. All individuals should have relevant process knowledge.

A varied group will offer you a variety of different perspectives from which to observe the problem.

It is advisable to establish team structure, roles, and objectives as far ahead in advance as possible so that corrective action can begin as quickly and effectively as possible.

D2: Describe the problem

Have your team gather information and data related to the problem or symptom. Using clear, quantifiable terms, unpack the problem by asking:

D3: Contain the problem (temporary damage control)

Depending on the circumstances, you may need to mobilize some kind of temporary fix, or “firefighting”.

The focus of this stage should be on preventing the problem from getting worse, until a more permanent solution can be identified and implemented.

D4: Identify, describe, and verify root causes

In preparation for permanent corrective action, you must identify, describe, and verify all possible causes that could contribute to the problem happening.

You can use various techniques for this, including a Failure Modes and Effects Analysis , or Ishikawa (fishbone) diagram .

It’s important that the root causes are systematically identified, described in detail, and promptly verified (or proved). How each cause is verified will depend on the data type and the nature of the problem.

Take a look at the section towards the end of this article for some more problem solving tools to help you decide the right approach.

D5: Identify corrective actions

You must verify that the corrective action you identified will in fact solve the problem and prevent it from happening again in the future (or whatever is your desired threshold of recurrence).

The best way to do this is to collect as much data as possible and by performing smaller-scale “pilot” tests to get an idea of the corrective action’s impact.

You can’t begin to identify the optimal corrective action until you have identified the root cause(s) of the problem.

D6: Implement and validate corrective actions

Carry out the corrective actions, and monitor short and long term effects. During this stage, you should assess and validate the corrective actions with empirical evidence.

Discuss and review results with your team.

D7: Take preventative measures (to avoid the problem happening again)

Here is where you make any necessary changes to your processes, standard operating procedures , policies , and anything else to make sure the problem does not happen again.

It may not be possible to completely eliminate any chance of the problem recurring; in that case, efforts should focus on minimizing possibility of recurrence as much as possible.

D8: Congratulate your team

It’s important to recognize the joint contribution of each and every one of the individuals that were involved in the process.

Team members should feel valued and rewarded for their efforts; this is crucial and perhaps the most important step – after all, without the team, the problem would not have been fixed.

Providing positive feedback and expressing appreciation helps to keep motivation high, which in turn improves the sense of process ownership and simply increases the likelihood your team will actually want to improve internal processes in the future.

How to use 8D for problem solving

The 8D method above outlines a proven strategy for identifying and dealing with problems. It’s an effective problem solving and problem prevention process.

In addition to avoiding long-term damage from recurring problems, 8D also helps to mitigate customer impact as much as possible.

More than just a problem-solving methodology, 8D sits alongside Six Sigma and other lean frameworks and can easily be integrated with them to minimize training and maximize efficacy.

8D is definitely a powerful framework on its own, but it really shines when combined with other synergistic concepts of lean and continuous improvement.

More problem solving tools that synergize well with 8D

8D has become a leading framework for process improvement, and in many ways it is more prescriptive and robust than other more simplistic Six Sigma approaches.

However, there are many Six Sigma methodologies, and even more frameworks for problem solving and process improvement .

The following improvement tools are often used within or alongside the 8D methodology.

DMAIC: Lean Six Sigma

dmaic process

DMAIC stands for:

The DMAIC process is a data-driven cycle of process improvement designed for businesses to help identify flaws or inefficiencies in processes.

Simply put, the goal with DMAIC is to improve and optimize existing processes.

Interestingly, the development of the DMAIC framework is credited to Motorola , whose work built upon the systems initially developed by Toyota .

In terms of working alongside 8D, you could use DMAIC to identify root causes as in D4; you could also implement the same techniques to better understand prospects for corrective actions as in D5, and D6.

We have a whole article on the DMAIC process, if you’re interested.

SWOT analysis

swot analysis

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. You can use a SWOT analysis to gain insight into your organization as a whole, or on individual processes.

The main synergy with 8D is in the identification of opportunities, threats, and weaknesses.

These can represent opportunities for process improvements, weaknesses in your process that could produce problems further down the line, and threats, both internal and external, that may be out of your direct control but that could cause problems for you.

Here’s a SWOT analysis checklist you can use to structure your own analysis:

FMEA: Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

fmea process

FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) is a way of understanding the potential for problems and making preemptive preparations in order to avoid them. It is a method of risk management .

It is a type of preventative risk management process, and so works well in the context of identifying causes of problems so you can better deal with them.

FMEA and 8D work well together because:

  • 8D can make use of information gathered during an FMEA process, like brainstorming sessions, to identify potential problems and their root causes.
  • You can reuse possible cause information gathered during an FMEA process to feed into different representational diagrams like the Ishikawa (fishbone) diagram, which will help in the 8D process.
  • 8D brainstorming data is useful for new process design. This allows the FMEA to take actual process failures into account, which produces more effective results.
  • FMEA completed in the past can be used as databases of potential root causes of problems to inform 8D process development.

Here’s a free FMEA template for you to get started ASAP:

The Pareto Chart

The Pareto Chart helps us understand the impact of different variations of input on our output.

In relation to 8D, Pareto Charts can help us prioritize which root cause to target, based on which will have the greatest impact on improvement (where improvement is the desired output of the 8D process).

Here’s the Six Sigma Institute’s example Pareto Chart :

definition 8d problem solving

Here we have a simple deductive reasoning technique that asks “why?” five times to dig into the root cause of a problem.

The logic here is that by asking the same question five times, you work progressively “deeper” into the complexity of the problem from a single point of focus.

Ideally, by the fifth question you should have something that has a high likelihood of being a root cause.

This example from Wikipedia does a great job of conveying how the process works:

  • The vehicle will not start. (the problem)
  • Why? – The battery is dead. (First why)
  • Why? – The alternator is not functioning. (Second why)
  • Why? – The alternator belt has broken. (Third why)
  • Why? – The alternator belt was well beyond its useful service life and not replaced. (Fourth why)
  • Why? – The vehicle was not maintained according to the recommended service schedule. (Fifth why, a root cause)

Ishikawa diagrams (fishbone diagrams)

Sometimes called “cause-and-effect diagrams”, they are as such used to visualize the cause and effect of problems.

The approach takes six different categories and places information about the problem into different categories to help you understand what factors could be contributing to the problem.

One advantage over the 5 Whys approach is the way this method forces a more holistic perspective, as opposed to the potentially narrow vantage point offered by zooming in on a single aspect or question.

According to the Six Sigma Institute, the 6 key variables pertaining to root causes of problems are:

  • Machine: Root causes related to tools used to execute the process.
  • Material: Root causes related to information and forms needed to execute the process.
  • Nature: Root causes related to our work environment, market conditions, and regulatory issues.
  • Measure: Root causes related to the process measurement.
  • Method: Root causes related to procedures, hand-offs, input-output issues.
  • People: Root causes related people and organizations.

There’s also this useful illustration of a company using a fishbone diagram to better understand what factors contribute to a company’s high turn around time.

definition 8d problem solving

Gap analysis

gap analysis graph

A gap analysis is concerned with three key elements:

  • The current situation, or “performance”
  • The ideal situation, or “potential”
  • What needs to be done in order to get from performance to potential, or “bridging the gap”

The “gap” is what separates your current situation from your ideal situation.

Businesses that perform a gap analysis can improve their efficiency and better understand how to improve processes and products.

They can help to better optimize how time, money, and human resources are spent in business.

There’s a lot that goes into a gap analysis, and quite a few different ways to approach it. Check out our article for a deeper dive into the gap analysis process.

Superpowered checklists

Checklists can be a great way to simplify a complex process into a series of smaller, easy-to-manage tasks. They’re one of the best ways to start using processes in your business.

By using checklists, you can reduce the amount of error in your workflow , while saving time and money by eliminating confusion and uncertainty.

What’s more, if you’re using Process Street, you have access to advanced features like conditional logic , rich form fields and streamlined template editing .

How to use Process Street for 8D problem solving

Good problem solving relies on good process. If you’re trying to solve problems effectively, the last thing you want is your tools getting in your way.

What you want is a seamless experience from start to finish of the 8D methodology.

The best kinds of processes are actionable. That’s why you should consider using a BPM software like Process Street to streamline recurring tasks and eliminate manual work with automation .

Process Street’s mission statement is to make recurring work fun, fast, and faultless. By breaking down a process into bite-sized tasks , you can get more done and stay on top of your workload.

Sign up today for a free Process Street trial!

Problem solving is an invaluable skill. What’s your go-to process for problem solving? We’d love to know how it compares with the 8D method. Let us know in the comments!

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definition 8d problem solving

Oliver Peterson

Oliver Peterson is a content writer for Process Street with an interest in systems and processes, attempting to use them as tools for taking apart problems and gaining insight into building robust, lasting solutions.

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What is the 8D Problem Solving? And How to use the 8D Report?

The 8D problem-solving process (also known as the 8 Disciplines) is very different from previous processes we explored previously, such as the Double Diamond process or the IBM Design Thinking. The 8D process works in a rigid standardised nature to address the crisis caused by problems. The 8D process aims to walk with the team to highlight the problem, its root causes and propose a long-term solution. The process is documented in an 8D report which includes details of each of the eight stages. At the end of this article, we will explore an example report, and you can find a free 8D report template to download.

In times of crisis, companies face the challenge of analysing and solving problems efficiently in a short time to save developed projects. Problem-solving techniques such as the  TRIZ method  and  Hurson’s Production Thinking Model  allow companies to overcome crises and solve problems using less effort and time.

  • Stage Gate Process: The Complete Practice Guide
  • The Double Diamond Design Thinking Process and How to Use it
  • A Guide to the SCAMPER Technique for Creative Thinking
  • Design Thinking Tools: Reverse Brainstorming

Brief History of the 8D Problem Solving

The 8D method was first implemented by the US government during WW II as a military standard and was referred to as the Army Directive 1520, “Remedies and disposal of nonconforming materials.” In 1987, the demand for a team-oriented problem-solving method increased among the management organisation in the automotive industry to find a way to eliminate recurring issues.

Ford Motor Company published their manual,  Team Oriented Problem Solving (TOPS),  which includes their 8 Disciplines of the problem-solving process. The process was initially used to deal with quality control and safety issues inside the company but later expanded its role to a team approach problem-solving method. The 8D process is employed by engineers and designers to identify, analyse, and correct problems by eliminating the primary source that caused the problem.

So, what are the eight steps in the 8D methodology? The 8D problem solving process includes 8 Disciplines. In the mid-90s, a D0 step for planning was added to the process. The 8D steps include the following:

  • D1: Team formation
  • D2: Describe the problem
  • D3: Develop a temporary containment plan
  • D4: Determine and verify root causes
  • D5: Verify the permanent solution
  • D6: Implement the permanent solution
  • D7: Prevent recurrence
  • D8: Congratulate your team

The 8 Disciplines aim to achieve the following targets while solving the specified problem:

  • Think as a team while solving the problem
  • Isolate the situation and understand its causes
  • Identify the factors that contribute to the problem
  • Provide a temporary solution to halt the impact of the problem
  • Eliminate the causes of the problem and the factors contributing to it
  • Prevent the problem from recurring

When Should the 8D Problem Solving be Used?

Based on the above targets, the 8D problem solving process is designed for complex problems whose solution exceeds the ability of one expert. Also, it aims to establish communication for problem resolution through different levels inside the company. In some situations, the consumer or the management team requests the application of the 8D process through several forms or documentation.

While 8D problem solving is suitable for recurring problems that may repeatedly occur within a project or company, it is not ideal for simple issues that can be solved quickly by individual efforts. The process is unsuitable for a problem that can be solved with a straightforward solution. The 8D process is designed for complex issues, which require several weeks to solve and the involvement of at least four people.

8D problem solving provides a systematic process to find and solve problems. Therefore, if the situation requires choosing between alternative solutions, 8D acknowledges that other tools may help solve the problem better than the 8D process.

8D problem solving

How to Apply the 8D Problem Solving Process?

The steps below form the 8 Discipline process to achieve targeted problem solving through the eight steps.

This discipline is also known as the Pre 8D because it aims to understand the problem and determine if the 8D process is the correct method to use. At this stage, the team aims to answer general questions such as:

  • Is this a new problem, or has it happened before?
  • Is this a recurring problem?
  • What is the history of this issue?
  • What was the method used to solve the problem before?

At this stage, the target is to learn about the problem’s history and decide if the 8D process is the best tool to solve the problem.

D1: Team Formation

Thinking as a team can produce more efficient solutions than trying to solve a problem alone. The team includes all the stakeholders involved in the situation. The team communicates with each other and performs brainstorming to solve the problem (check  Design Thinking Tools: Reverse Brainstorming ). If the team does not know each other, the brainstorming time can be used to learn how to teach members to explore ideas together. Methods can be used in brainstorming sessions such as mind mapping , Six Thinking Hats , and  Lego Serious Play.

D2: Describe the Problem

After team formation, the second step is to understand the problem and its risks. This stage starts with a risk analysis to identify the situation and how it can affect the project flow. Several methods can be used to analyse the problem from different perspectives, including  SWOT analysis ,  SCAMPER technique , and similar tools. This stage is essential to building a clear vision of the problem and ensuring all stakeholders have the same understanding of the situation.

D3: Develop a Temporary Containment Plan

While solving the problem, there should be a temporary containment plan to prevent the problem from affecting the rest of the project or the final product. This temporary containment solution is a short-term operation such as adding more labour, increasing the quality measurements, applying a risk plan, etc.

It is essential to understand that the containment action is not the real solution and can only be used for the short term. Therefore, this action can be applied internally and not affect the process of reaching a permanent solution.

D4: Determine and Verify Root Causes

This stage aims to investigate the root causes of the problem; it can be considered the core of the 8D problem solving process. In many problems, what we see as causes are symptoms of other root causes. This misunderstanding can lead to inaccurate attempts at solutions that can have negative consequences in the future and leave the underlying problem unsolved.

An intensive investigation should be implemented because, in many cases, the root cause is hidden inside the process and covered by many symptoms, which is confusing. Some tools can be used to define the root causes of the problem, such as  brainstorming , statistical analysis, flow charts, audits, etc.

D5: Verify the Permanent Solution

Once the root cause is defined, the solution becomes apparent, and the team better understands how to solve the problem. However, the symptoms and other related factors may create difficulties deciding how best to apply the solution. So, these other factors should be considered when determining the permanent solution to the dilemma.

When choosing the permanent solution to the problem, it should meet the following criteria to ensure it is the ideal solution for the problem:

  • The solution should be practical
  • The solution should be feasible
  • The solution should be cost-effective
  • The solution should not fail during production
  • The solution should be implemented in all affected facilities in the company

D6: Implement the Permanent Solution

Once the solution is approved, this step tends to work as an action plan. This plan aims to outline the steps to implement the solution. It is common to ask questions in this stage: What should be done? Who should be involved in the correction plan?

More documentation and detailed plans should be created if the solution is complex and needs further procedures. The method may include training the team and checking the plan’s progress for further development and improvement.

D7: Prevent Recurrence

Once the action plan is set and ready to be implemented, the team should establish a plan to prevent the problem from occurring in the future. The action plan should be tested and documented as part of the process to avoid the recurrence of the problem. Some of the tools that can achieve this goal are Control Charts, Capabilities Analysis, and Control Plans.

D8: Congratulate the Team

After completing the task and implementing the solution, the team deserves an acknowledgement of their work and a celebration. This event will positively impact the stakeholders and reflect recognition of employees’ efforts from the management inside the company.

How do you Write an 8D Report?

The primary documentation used in the problem solving process is the 8D report. Korenko et al. (2013) presented an example of the 8D problem-solving application, Application 8D Method For Problems Solving . After this example, you can find a free 8D Report template that you can download and use for both commercial and noncommercial applications. The first part of the report, D0, includes information about the problem and the project details related to the project. D1 section contains details of the team involved in the project, roles, titles and contact information. D2 part of the report includes a detailed description of the problem and possible visual images to show the problem clearly. The report can consist of the type of damage of the failure and the function where the problem occurs (Figure 2).  

8D Report example

D3 includes details of the temporary solution for the problem required to stop the damage rapidly. In this part, the temporary remedy is described, particularly the symptoms affect, the responsibility, and the validation of the action. In D4, the team uses a root-cause method such as the 5WHYs or the Cause-Effect analysis (Fish Bone method). These methods help the team to identify the root causes of the problem. In Figure 3, the 5WHYs method is used several times to identify the root cause of the problem. 

8D Report example

D5 of the report provides details about the permanent solution to fix the problem. Unlike the temporary solution, this aims to element the root causes of the problem. This section includes the procedure’s name, the reason to use it, the responsibility, the management approval to apply it and the expected date of completing the utilisation of the solution, as seen in Figure 4. In the following stage, D6, the team provides details on the implementation and validation of the permanent action.

8D Report example

D7 provides details about preventing the recurrent problem, such as the name of the action after the validation process in the previous stage. Also, this stage provides details of the cause behind this action and elements about its responsibility and implementing details. Finally, in D8, the report includes a summary of the procedure and the proper approvals related to the procedure implementation (Figure 5). 

8D Report example

Free 8D Report Template Download

Free 8D Report Template

You can download the below 8D report, which you can use for commercial and noncommercial projects. Don’t forget to mention Designorate as the source of this free 8D report.

The 8D Problem Solving process provides a reliable and systematic method that ensures that the problems inside a company or project are solved by eliminating their root causes and preventing recurrence. However, it is most suitable for complex problems that can take weeks or even months to solve. Therefore, the first stage aims to determine if the 8D process is ideal for the problem or if more straightforward tools should be implemented. If the 8D problem solving method is appropriate for your business problem, you have a step-by-step template to guide you through your attempts to find a suitable solution to the obstacle you need to overcome.

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Dr Rafiq Elmansy

As an academic and author, I've had the privilege of shaping the design landscape. I teach design at the University of Leeds and am the Programme Leader for the MA Design, focusing on design thinking, design for health, and behavioural design. I've developed and taught several innovative programmes at Wrexham Glyndwr University, Northumbria University, and The American University in Cairo. I'm also a published book author and the proud founder of Designorate.com, a platform that has been instrumental in fostering design innovation. My expertise in design has been recognised by prestigious organizations. I'm a fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA), the Design Research Society (FDRS), and an Adobe Education Leader. Over the course of 20 years, I've had the privilege of working with esteemed clients such as the UN, World Bank, Adobe, and Schneider, contributing to their design strategies. For more than 12 years, I collaborated closely with the Adobe team, playing a key role in the development of many Adobe applications.

definition 8d problem solving

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definition 8d problem solving

Published: November 7, 2018 by Ken Feldman

definition 8d problem solving

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the number of different approaches to problem solving. Some of the most common ones are PDCA , DMAIC , A3, 6S , Agile , 5 Whys , fishbone diagrams , and others. In this article, we’ll look at the 8D process for problem-solving and process improvement. We will present the benefits of 8D along with some best practices and an example of how to use it. This will provide you with some practical applications for use in your own organization.

Overview: What is the 8D process? 

The history of 8D is somewhat controversial. While everyone seems to agree that the popularity of the approach can be credited to Ford Motor company, the basis of the process is a little less clear. Senior leadership at Ford saw the need for the Powertrain division to have a methodology where teams could work on recurring problems. 

In 1986, work began to develop a manual and training course that would create a new approach to solving engineering design and manufacturing problems. The title of this manual was Team Oriented Problem Solving (TOPS), and it was first published in 1987. But where did the original idea come from?

Many give credit to the U.S. War Production Board, which developed a simple, four-step approach in 1945 for improving job methods. Here’s what they looked like.

1945 Job Methods improvement document from the U.S. War Production Board

Image source: allaboutlean.com .

In reality, the 8D process is officially known as the Eight Disciplines of Problem-Solving. To make things a little more confusing, it’s really nine steps. While originally developed as 8 steps or disciplines, it was subsequently revised to include a step zero, which was to plan and prepare for solving the problem.

A list of the 8 disciplines in the 8D process

Image source: ASQ.org .

Let’s provide a little more detail for each step.

  • D0 — Plan: Collect information and data on the problem symptoms. Decide what preparations will be needed to complete the 8D process. Decide whether you will need an Emergency Response Plan to minimize or mitigate the immediate impact of your problem on the customer.
  • D1 — Create a team: Put together a cross-functional team consisting of a core group plus a selection of subject matter experts ( SMEs ). Be sure to provide everything the team will need to be successful, including any training needed to properly execute the process.
  • D2 — Define and describe the problem: Using relevant data, describe the problem in as detail as possible. Be sure to focus on your problem at this point, not your solution.
  • D3 — Contain the problem: Protect your customer by creating containment actions to prevent any further negative impact to them.
  • D4 — Identify, describe, and verify root causes: You can use a multitude of tools such as the 5 Whys, fishbone diagrams, brainstorming , and others to identify potential root causes. Use data to validate your root causes.
  • D5 — Choose corrective actions: Select the most appropriate actions to resolve and eliminate the root causes of your problem. 
  • D6 — Implement and validate your corrective actions: Implement your recommended solutions and corrective actions, and continue to monitor to assure yourself that they actually solved your problem.
  • D7 — Take preventative measures: Revise your systems to proactively try to prevent these and similar problems from arising in the future.
  • D8 — Congratulate your team: Communicate the work of the team and celebrate their efforts.

3 benefits of the 8D process 

It goes without saying that removing problems, improving your process, and preventing future problems will provide many benefits to your organization. Here are a few.

1. Simple and effective 

The 8D process has been compared to the PDCA model. Like PDCA, 8D is structured, organized, and simple in concept. 

2. Drives you to the root cause 

By following the sequential steps, this process should lead you to the elimination of your problem and prevent it from arising again. 

3. Team approach 

The use of a cross-functional team composed of a core group of people working in the problem area as well as subject matter experts contributing on an as needed basis will give you the synergy of combined knowledge and experience that should lead you to a solution. 

Why is the 8D process important to understand? 

While simple in concept, there are a number of things you should understand that will make this process both effective and efficient.

Elimination of the root cause

If you understand and follow the 8D steps, you will be able to eliminate — or at least mitigate — the negative impact of your problem.


The 8D steps are sequential and build on each other. If you have the discipline to stay on track, you will optimize the use of the 8D process. 

Problem-solving tools 

8D is a process and methodology. You will need to understand the purpose of each step so you can apply the proper problem-solving tools in each step.  

An industry example of 8D

A consumer product company located in Mexico City was experiencing an increase in its delivery trucks returning without having made product deliveries to its customers. There did not seem to be an obvious reason or solution, so the president of the company chartered a team to look into the problem. He assigned the company’s Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt to put together and facilitate a team and chose to use the 8D problem-solving methodology.

He followed the process by first having a planning and preparation meeting to lay out the plan for analyzing the problem. He suggested that some of the delivery supervisors go out into the field to see if they can observe any unusual conditions. They also collected some data and recorded their observations.

A vigorous brainstorming session ensued in which the team listed all the possible reasons the problem was occuring. These potential root causes were validated by the data that was collected and the observations of the supervisors. They discovered the trucks were coming back without delivering all of the product because the customers didn’t have enough money to pay for the product. These were very small customers who had to pay cash on delivery.

The question then became: Why didn’t they have enough money? The next root cause was that the trucks were arriving later in the day, after the customer had already paid for most of their other deliveries and thus had no money left. Why were the trucks arriving so late? Because they got stuck in traffic because they left the yard too late. Why were they leaving so late? Because they were loading the trucks and doing the paperwork in the morning.

Eventually, the team arrived at a solution that had the trucks loaded, prepped, and ready to go when the drivers arrived early in the morning. The result was a dramatic reduction in returned goods and a significant increase in cash flow. The president was confident that the use of the 8D process got them to the right solution quickly and efficiently.

3 best practices when thinking about the 8D process

Like most of the other problem-solving approaches, there are some recommended practices that will help you and your team be successful. Here are a few that will help you stay on track. 

1. Pick the best team that you can 

Don’t seek volunteers, but hand-select the best team members that are available. It will be their knowledge and expertise that will make the team successful. Likewise for the team facilitator or leader.

2. Take your time 

Don’t rush to solutions or what you think is the root cause of your problem. Thoroughly explore your problem so that the solutions that you eventually come up with will resolve the problem and prevent future occurrences. Think creatively.

3. Be specific about what your problem is

Use data to help you understand your problem. Don’t just rely on anecdotal stories or assumptions to decide the root cause of your problem.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about 8D

1. when should i use the 8d process.

Use this process when you’re trying to solve for safety or regulatory issues, increasing customer complaints, warranty costs (which indicate greater-than-expected failure rates), internal rejects, waste, scrap, and poor performance or test results.

2. Can the 8D process be used in non-manufacturing processes?

Yes. While the 8D process was developed in the manufacturing function of Ford Motor Company, it can just as easily be applied in any type of process or function where you are experiencing problems.

3. What is the difference between the 8D and 5D process? 

For a less complex problem, you may decide to use a 5D process. This simplified process will have you form a team, identify your problem, implement containment actions, identify the root cause, and implement corrective actions to eliminate the problem.

So, what is the 8D process? 

The 8D process, also known as the Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving, is a method developed at Ford Motor Company used to resolve problems. It is focused on product and process improvement. 

The purpose of 8D is to identify, correct, and eliminate recurring problems. It establishes a permanent corrective action based on a problem analysis and determination of the root causes. Although it was originally comprised of eight stages, or “disciplines,” it was later revised to nine to include a planning and preparation stage.

About the Author

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Ken Feldman

Tech Quality Pedia

What is 8D ? 8D CAPA Report | Eight Disciplines of “Problem Solving”

“ 8D ” Methodology basically uses eight disciplines or principles of “ Problem Solving “. This Problem Solving Technique is widely used by quality engineers and managers of automotive industries. 

This approach is also commonly used by other professionals working in Manufacturing, Government, Construction, Healthcare, IT/BPO, and other service sectors.

The objective/purpose of the 8D Methodology is to identify and define the problem statement effectively for necessary Corrective and Preventive actions – CAPA to stop/prevent the recurrence and occurrence of the problem.

The corrective actions are basically taken on the identified root cause to prevent the recurrence of the problem whereas preventive actions are taken in advance on potential causes of failure to prevent the occurrence of the problem.

The horizontal deployment of corrective action i.e. corrective actions implementations in other products, machines, or services sometimes referred to as preventive actions also.

The basic 7 QC Tools are commonly used in 8D Report generation and problem-solving methodology/approach/steps.

And apart from 8D , there are various Problem-Solving techniques or methodologies like PDCA Deming Cycle, Quality Circle , and Six Sigma – DMAIC , etc. that are commonly applied in a variety of organizations to identify and solve work-related quality problems.

8D CAPA Report is mainly demanded by all OEMs and IATF 16949 certified companies from their suppliers ( at least ISO 9001 certified) to solve customer complaints or quality-related issues.

Table of Contents

8D Approach | 8D Problem-Solving Steps

8D Problem Solving Steps

The eight disciplines for process improvement or problem-solving are as follows:

8D Step – D1: Establish the Team

  • Identify team leader and team members.
  • Establish a team of competent people with product/process knowledge.
  • Cross-functional team-CFT members must be related to the concerned problem.
  • Identify the team’s goals and objectives.

D2: Defining the problem

  • Define the problem clearly using the 5W2H approach and Process flow diagram-PFD.
  • Problem definition shall be based on facts, not opinions.

D3: Containment or Interim Actions

  • Containment action is also known as Interim action or Short term action.
  • Interim actions are immediate actions/first aid taken against the problem to stop defects/suspected material outflow at the customer end.
  • Interim actions protect the customer’s production line from the arisen quality problem until we define the root cause and implement necessary countermeasures.
  • Examples of containment actions are: Displaying of QAN-Quality Alert Note, customer complaint awareness training to all concerned, defective or suspected material/parts segregation at the WIP stage, store location, ready for the dispatch-RFD stage, supplier end, transit, and customer end.

D4: Identifying & Verifying Root Cause

Root Cause Analysis-RCA is a systematic approach to determining and identifying the Root Cause of the problem. We can use 7 QC tools,5 Whys, 4M or 6M factors, and a Fishbone diagram for RCA.

Steps for Root Cause Identification:

  • Use the Brainstorm technique and Fishbone diagram to identify all possible potential causes related to your problem. Consider all 4M or 6M factors in potential cause identification.
  • Verify/Validate the identified potential causes.
  • Now, Select the best potential cause that contributes to the problem/effect.
  • Drill down the selected potential cause using the 5-Why approach to arrive at the root cause of the problem.
  • Identify the root cause on both the Occurrence and Detection or Inspection side.
  • Verify the root cause for necessary measures.

Note: Don’t end the root cause with the operator’s negligence, lack of training, etc. while identifying the root cause using the 5Why tool. The problem always occurred when there is a gap in the system/procedure/standards.

D5: Identify Permanent Corrective Actions-PCA

  • Identify and Select the permanent corrective actions that address and correct the root cause. In other words, the selected PCA will resolve the problem of the customer.
  • Solutions/PCA determined to be the best of all the alternatives.
  • Document and verify the Permanent Corrective Action (PCA).

D6: Implementing the Permanent Corrective Action

  • Implement the best permanent corrective actions (PCA) and ensure effective monitoring of implemented actions.
  • Detect any undesirable side effects of implemented corrective actions.
  • Return to root cause analysis, if necessary. In other words, if a still problem exists, you may need to fine-tune your actions or re-analyze the problem to identify a new root cause.

D7: Preventive Actions

  • Ensure horizontal deployment of corrective actions, i.e. Ensure similar types of problems will not occur in other machines, products, and services.
  • Update the Systems, Processes, Procedures, and Documents like PFC , control and FMEA to prevent a recurrence.
  • Implement Poka-Yoke (mistake-proofing or error-proofing) to make the system or processes safer and more reliable.
  • Ensure effectiveness/sustenance monitoring of permanent corrective actions.

8D Step – D8: Team Recognition

  • Congratulations to your team.
  • Celebrate the successful conclusion of the problem-solving effort.
  • Organization to express thanks to the team.
  • Document lesson learned card-LLC and display at all respective areas.

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What is 8D (Eight Disciplines)? – Problem Solving Process

Eight Disciplines ( 8D Method) – 8 Disciplines Process, which can be translated as the Eight-Step Process of Responding to a Quality Problem. This method aims to treat defects quickly and consistently and to prevent such problems by preventing them. It boosts customer satisfaction and, despite the possible high costs at first, reduces costs in the medium term.

The eight steps of 8D Method are:

Eight Disciplines ( 8D ) Method

Step 1 (D1) – Formation of a working group on the decision trouble.

This is the first step in the8D process and the first part of Report 8D method. In this step, you determine the composition of Working Group 8D. Working Group8D shall be cross-functional and shall include technologist, designer, representative of the Quality Control Department and other specialists who will be involved in the localization of the problem, determining the causes of the occurrence defect, elimination, and prevention of the problem.

Step 2 (D2) – A detailed description of the defect : 8D.

This step includes a detailed description of the problem specified by the consumer. The problem should be described clearly and unambiguously. It is necessary to consider the data on the operation of the last one to two years, as well as 8D reports with the same defect (if any). in this step report 8d lists the problem information from the data Consumer. The information should contain the following items:

  • Name consumer organization;
  • Description claims;
  • Information about the product (name, batch, date of delivery, etc.);
  • When the problem was encountered for the first time;
  • Where is a problem was noted;
  • Assessment criticality of the defect.

Step 3 (D3) – Definition urgent measures.

This step explains the content of the problem and localizes it. Immediately after receiving information about the defect must be entered urgent measures to prevent the transfer of products into operation, in which may occur this or a similar defect. Based on initial investigation, it is necessary to determine the location of all products (parties) that could potentially be affected by the same issue and identify them. The report should include, if possible, the part numbers (batches) and the date of manufacture of potentially defective products.

Step 4 (D4) – Definition causes of this defect.

This step consists of a defect analysis and establishing the root causes of the problem. The corresponding part is also contained in the report 8D method, annexes may be added for clarification. It is necessary to give a detailed description of the cause of the defects, which allows you to understand why they happen. Then describe the root cause, indicating how it affects the mechanism of the defect. All phenomena originating from this the root causes and leading to the defect should be listed in the explanation. It is necessary to prove that the identified cause leads to established defect, for this purpose various methods are used (brain assault, affinity chart, multi-vote, Ishikawa diagram, “5-Why” analysis, method 5W+1H, bounce tree analysis (FTA), scattering (scattering) diagram, Pareto diagram, control charts, a method for analyzing the types and consequences of potential defects (FMEA)).

5 Step (D5) – Formulation and verification of corrective Action.

In this discipline, all possible corrective actions are identified, aimed at eliminating the root cause of the problem. Corrective executors the actions and schedule should be indicated in this part of the report. Also recommended, that an explanation of each corrective action regarding Root cause. Sometimes setting the best corrective actions for addressing the root cause requires preliminary assessments and studies. This is called “verification of corrective actions”. These steps are followed by being carried out in cases where the scope of work is very large, and the price of an error, expressed in money and time, too great. Verification is also possible corrective actions in practice to prove their effectiveness and exclude undesirable side effects.

6 Step(D6) – Implement corrective actions and track their impact.

Activities that have been audited and have received a positive result should be implemented. This section should the completion dates and executors of corrective actions are listed, and data showing that corrective actions do lead to eliminating the root causes. Any shortcomings in the effectiveness of corrective actions should be eliminated to improve them. In conclusion, there should be urgent events that have been cancelled.

Step 7 (D7) – Preventive actions to prevent recurrence of defects.

This step should not be confused with Fixing the cause of a specific problem. Problem prevention includes identification products or delivery kits that are equally exposed to the action problems identified by the consumer, even if they have not been identified in this situation. in the report you should specify all the warning actions and their executors and dates of implementation. An important aspect of this step is standardization and implementation of corrective actions that may affect similar products in the future. If necessary, activities should be introduced in training. At this stage, it is necessary to answer the questions: how it could arise defect, why it was not possible to prevent the defect, how the defect will be prevented in future, whether it is necessary to transfer the problem to other processes, nodes, depots.

Step 8(D8) – Performance Evaluation Group 8D.

The final step of the 8D process is to inspire the team with leadership. for a job well done. The condition for completion is that the reason problems have been clarify and prove, measures to eliminate as before them introduction. And after were tested for their effectiveness and were introduced measures to prevent the recurrence of the defect. At this point, the report should approve.

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definition 8d problem solving

8D stands for the 8 disciplines of problem solving.

They represent 8 steps to take to solve difficult, recurring or critical problems (often customer failures or major cost drivers).

The structured approach provides transparency, drives a team approach, and increases the chance of solving the problem.

  • D1: Create a Team : Gather a cross-functional team of about 5 people with product/process knowledge, and have them gather information and data related to the problem or symptom
  • D2: Describe the Problem : Use the data and information to quantify and clarify the problem into a statement. Ask the 5W2H’s (who, what, where, when, why, how, and how many) for the problem.
  • D3: Develop Containment Plan : Define and implement interim containment actions to isolate the problem from any customer in the future.
  • D4: Determine and Verify Root Causes : Identify and verify all applicable causes and sources of variation that explain why the problem has occurred (special vs . common cause).
  • D5: Verify Permanent Solutions : Collect data to confirm that the possible solutions will actually resolve the problem. Perform on a small-scale or “pilot” project first.
  • D6: Define and Implement Corrective Actions : Discuss and review results, and develop plan to implement best solutions or countermeasure .
  • D7: Prevention : Modify the management systems, operation systems, procedures and practices to prevent recurrence of this and similar problems.
  • D8: Congratulate the team : Formally thank team members for their involvement. Use approaches that appeal to each individual member, as not everyone wants to be rewarded the same way.

Some versions of 8D include a D0, making it 9 steps (which creates a little confusion).

8D has become a standard methodology to improve processes, as it is much more prescriptive than A3 or PDCA .

The following improvement tools are often used within the 8D methodology:

  • Ishikawa diagrams (Cause and Effect diagrams, C&E diagrams or Fishbone diagrams )
  • Pareto charts or Pareto diagrams
  • 5 Why’s
  • 5W and 2H (Who, What, Where, When, Why, How, How often)
  • Statistical Process Control ( SPC )
  • Scatter plots or scatter diagrams
  • Design of Experiments (DOE)
  • Check sheets
  • Histograms or Capability Analysis
  • Failure Modes and Effects Analysis ( FMEA )
  • Flowcharts or Process Maps
  • 8D on Wikipedia
  • Ford 8D Overview (2002)
  • Lean.org: What’s the difference between 8D and A3?
  • Take a root cause analysis course (which covers 8D and root cause analysis tools): Live classroom or Online

definition 8d problem solving

Additional Resources

  • 8D for Problem Solving – creativesafetysupply.com
  • Training to Use 8D Problem-Solving Tactics – blog.creativesafetysupply.com
  • Implementing Six Sigma – hiplogic.com
  • Eight Steps To Practical Problem Solving – kaizen -news.com
  • Six Sigma Principles – blog.5stoday.com
  • A Few Tools for Continuous Improvement – lean -news.com
  • Design For Six Sigma (DFSS) – iecieeechallenge.org
  • Failure to Explore Failure – jakegoeslean.com
  • Top Tips For Process Improvement – 5snews.com
  • Glossary: A3

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Home > Quality Management > The 8D Problem-Solving Method: What is it And How To Use It

The 8D Problem-Solving Method: What is it And How To Use It

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The 8D ( 8D Problem-Solving Method ) method, also known as 8 disciplines, first appeared in Ford’s 1987 “Team-Oriented Problem Solving” manual. It is a tool that has stood the test of time and has become the first solution used by the company known today as Global 8D. Although the 8D method has been around for years, many companies still face the problem of low resolution and poor use of fixes.

Eight Laws of Problem-Solving ( 8D Problem-Solving Method ) are an efficient, effective, and proven way to identify the root cause of a problem, plan a quick solution, and prevent a solution, treatment, and recurrence of the problem. If your product is faulty or does not meet customer expectations, the 8D is a great first step toward improving quality and reliability. The 8D has become very popular with manufacturers, installers, and workshops worldwide due to its efficiency and ease.

8D Problem-Solving Method

Organizations can benefit from improving their production processes and preventing problems that can hinder productivity. This approach provides businesses with the necessary and practical tools to increase efficiency and take action when necessary.

The 8D Problem-Solving Method is the process of teaching and improving quality and eliminating problems. Here we will show you a step-by-step troubleshooting tool to help you identify the problem and identify issues and errors. It also helps identify root causes and take steps to resolve and prevent problems identified in the process. So, let us look at the steps:

1. D0: Planning and Preparation-

Planning and proper planning is a good start before taking action. The process begins with devising a plan and analyzing the problems the organization wants to solve. In this step, company leaders combine information from different sources and generate ideas. In general, at this stage, they identify the problem that needs urgent attention, the main resources that can be used to solve the problem, and the parties involved in the resolution process. The planning phase forms the basis for the next step.

Therefore, before building a team, you should consider:

  • Problem description
  • The time frame for resolution
  • Resources needed to complete the job.

2. D1: Formation of a Team-

This process is based on the creation of groups that will be part of the problem-solving process. During teamwork, the team leader will usually select someone with experience on the job and identify areas to consider in hiring professionals with skills in these areas. The group may also choose a leader to lead its efforts in the problem-solving process.

Building teams to do the 8D Problem-Solving Method is a weak spot for many organizations. Collaborating with people from relevant organizations is important because you cannot solve the problem without first-hand knowledge. If a part problem, the engineer responsible for the design should be in the team. If a production problem, it should be walked around by the staff from the special work area. Do not make the mistake of thinking that the 8D is a job only a competent person can do at their desk.

3. D2: Describing Problem-

The main purpose of the 8D approach is to accurately and objectively describe the problem so that all important information is captured. This step involves writing down detailed information and information to describe the problem, and this is another area where people run into a lot of trouble. Problem definition may mean walking the field to observe the problem on the production floor, reviewing quality data, and/or confirming/not validating the problem.

Organizations can further identify and solve the problem by identifying the problem. During this time, the team reviews issues that need fixing, and management maintains good communication with everyone on the team. Describe the situation in meaningful terms to help identify the potential and type of problem. Often, at this stage, the team writes problem statements, gathers information, and creates diagrams and charts to add to the project.

4. D3: Problem Containment Planning-

Sometimes it is necessary to develop a temporary problem management plan to reduce the impact of the problem until a permanent solution is found. New methods are needed to fix the problem until a permanent solution is found. Problem-solving is a process that takes time and goes through many stages. It is important to have a contingency plan when dealing with serious and persistent problems. Issue management can help reduce the immediate impact of an incident on a product or customer. Temporary protection plans often use quick, easy, and inexpensive measures that the team can reverse at a later stage if needed. With advice, it is important to analyze the results and monitor the situation carefully to prevent further damage.

Temporary protection minimizes the impact of the problem during a permanent solution, which is especially important when product quality or safety is at risk. Many automakers make the mistake of stopping at this point and causing confusion and correction. Sorting materials or clearing clutter only fixes the symptoms, not the cause. The result: repeated problems, higher costs, and loss of business.

5. D4: The Root Cause Analysis (RCA)-

There are many tools available to identify the true root cause of a problem. With the issue temporarily resolved, you can now begin to identify the cause of the inconsistency.

Once the interim plan is in effect, the next step will be an in-depth analysis of the root of the problem. The team examines each potential resource through in-depth analysis and testing. They bring in all relevant test data and discuss the unidentifiable details of the method. This issue is common and can help organizations better identify problems and prevent their recurrence in the future. Organizations often use marketing and visualization tools such as Five WHYs, the Fishbone diagram to visualize the cause, and the Pareto charts to identify root cause analysis.

6. D5: Analyzing Permanent Corrective Action-

Once the team has identified the source of the problem, we can decide what the best solution is. Networking with tools such as social mapping can help plan ideas and identify best practices through relationships.

After determining the best solution, the team evaluates corrective action against the root cause of the problem and escape points. With this information, they can compare corrections and write their results. At this stage, they can also make a risk assessment of each solution they create and choose the most appropriate one. Brainstorming combined with tools such as affinity diagrams helps organize ideas based on relationships and determine the best course of action.

7. D6: Implementing & Validating Permanent Corrective Action-

Management should be involved in verifying correct operation and this means that they must be present in the workshop to measure performance and in regular reviews of key performance indicators (KPIs). Leadership should be exemplified by examining the process from the paying customer’s perspective. It is worth noting that the 6 steps of the 8D Problem-Solving Method are when you are finally ready to use the correction, demonstrating the critical role of planning in this process.

Once a solution is identified, management should implement corrective actions using the PDCA (Plan Do Check Act) process with small tests before expansion. So, keep track of the results and tweak the fix to get the desired results. To achieve and implement a permanent change, the strategic plan should include:

  • Creating an action plan
  • Communicating the plan to all stakeholders
  • Recognizing improvement using metrics

8. D7: Preventing Recurrence-

Once the best solutions have been identified and tested, it is important to pursue permanent corrective action to eliminate roots and escapes. Generally, the organization pulls back the management plan from time to time, creates an action plan for the right action, and then communicates it to all stakeholders. To implement the plan, organizations monitor instant results and results over time. It also monitors the effectiveness of permanent fixes.

The organization should decide to take steps such as updating the process of checking questions and performing regular preventive maintenance on them, ensuring defect-free products for high-risk processes, and rejecting to avoid risking other processes.

9. D8: Recognizing Team Contributions-

When the problem is solved, the last step is to congratulate the team. Because teams need feedback to achieve great results, it is important to recognize their efforts and share their success across the organization. This increases motivation and employee engagement while helping you develop quality control, implement process improvements, and manage change as you grow.

At the final stage of the process, the team reviews their work and discusses the project and its achievements. Effective communication and comparison before and after the 8D Problem-Solving Method process helps the team. Awareness of personal effort and feedback is important during this period as it can increase job satisfaction.

About Henry Harvin 8D Analysis Course:

Henry Harvin’s 8D Problem-Solving Method Analysis course is designed to identify the root cause of a problem, develop a short-term solution strategy, and implement long-term solutions to prevent the recurrence of the problem and 8D gives you an understanding of Root Cause Analysis. It’s not just about solving problems. However, it can help prepare your engineering team for the future.

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Learning Benefits:

  • Learn and find clear information on 8D analysis courses.
  • Learning various 8D Problem-Solving Method analysis principles.
  • Understand government processes and products.
  • Design advanced knowledge using project management.
  • Manage performance, and understand capacity and growth.

Youtube URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IX4eMOJC4VE

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Benefits of the 8D Problem-Solving Method include a better way to find the root cause, establish the necessary measures to eliminate the root cause, and apply the right treatment. The 8D method also helps find the control that is causing the problem to escape. The purpose of learning escape points is to improve management’s ability to identify failures or their causes (when and when they occur again). Finally, the prevention cycle examines the sequence of events that allowed the failure and the process that caused it to exist.

The 8D Problem-Solving Method approach is universally applicable to any organization that needs a solution. However, there are some industries and businesses that have been successful using this 8D method, such as manufacturing, the automotive industry, engineering companies that produce products, and large and medium-sized businesses.

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Youtube URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9MUBLT0DjI

To complete the 8D process, the following are important:   i. Good team.   ii. A correct description of the problem.   iii. Not skipping the 8D Problem-Solving Method steps.   iv. Cooperation within the team and management support.

Some errors continued to occur as the team tried to locate the source of the problem and implement the correct solution. To prevent these defective products from reaching consumers, interim containment ensures that the defect remains in place until the problem is completely resolved. If the customer reaches the wrong location, it can lead to liability, failure, and customer dissatisfaction.

The 8D Problem-Solving Method report is a document used to document the 8D process, detailing the implementation of solutions and evaluating the effectiveness of solutions.  

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8D: Tools and Techniques

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Author: Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft is an experienced continuous improvement manager with a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and a Bachelor's degree in Business Management. With more than ten years of experience applying his skills across various industries, Daniel specializes in optimizing processes and improving efficiency. His approach combines practical experience with a deep understanding of business fundamentals to drive meaningful change.

Are you grappling with recurring problems in your organization and searching for a structured way to resolve them once and for all? Look no further than the 8D Problem-Solving Methodology —a comprehensive eight-step approach initially developed in the automotive industry but widely applicable across various sectors.

This systematic method not only aids in diagnosing the root cause of a problem but also offers a roadmap for effective solutions. However, maximizing the potential of the 8D process involves more than just following its steps. It requires the strategic application of specific tools and techniques at each stage. In this educational blog post, we will guide you through the tools and techniques best suited for each of the 8 Disciplines, empowering you to turn challenges into opportunities for improvement. So, let’s delve into this toolkit and make your problem-solving journey as efficient and effective as possible.

D1: Form a Team

The first step in the 8D Problem-Solving Methodology is to form a cross-functional team. A well-assembled team is the backbone of any successful problem-solving initiative. While it may be tempting to rush through this step, investing time and effort here can pay dividends later. Let’s explore some of the key tools that can assist you in forming an effective team.

Suggested Tools:

1. raci matrix.

The RACI Matrix is an invaluable tool for defining roles and responsibilities within the team. The acronym stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed. By using this matrix, you can clearly specify:

  • Responsible : Who is doing the task?
  • Accountable : Who is ensuring the task gets completed?
  • Consulted : Who needs to provide input?
  • Informed : Who needs to know the outcome?

Clear delineation of roles prevents overlap, ensures accountability, and minimizes confusion later in the process.

RACI Matrix Template

2. Skills Matrix

Selecting team members with the right set of skills is crucial. A Skills Matrix can help you in this aspect by providing a visual representation of each potential team member’s skills and competencies. You can rate skills on a scale (e.g., 1 to 5) and identify gaps that need to be filled. The matrix can include both technical and soft skills like communication, leadership, and domain expertise.

Key Takeaway:

An effective problem-solving team is not just a group of people; it’s a carefully chosen set of individuals with complementary skills and clearly defined roles. Utilizing tools like the RACI Matrix and Skills Matrix can immensely help in this phase, setting the stage for a successful problem-solving endeavor.

By taking the time to carefully form your team and define everyone’s roles and responsibilities, you lay a strong foundation for the rest of the 8D process. Remember, a well-prepared team is more likely to find sustainable solutions and less likely to encounter roadblocks down the line.

D2: Define the Problem

After assembling a competent team, the next critical step in the 8D Problem-Solving Methodology is defining the problem. A well-defined problem serves as a clear roadmap, guiding your team in the right direction from the start. Ambiguity at this stage can lead to misdirection and wasted resources. So what tools can help you clearly and concisely articulate the problem?

1. 5W2H Method

The 5W2H method is a powerful tool for problem definition. It involves asking a series of questions to gain a comprehensive understanding of the issue at hand. These questions include:

  • Who is involved or affected?
  • What exactly is the problem?
  • When did it occur?
  • Where did it occur?
  • Why is it a problem?
  • How did it happen?
  • How much is it affecting?

By systematically answering these questions, you define the problem in a manner that is both comprehensive and easily understandable for everyone involved.

Problem Definition - is / is not template

2. SMART Criteria

The SMART criteria focus on setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals for the problem-solving effort. This approach helps ensure that the problem is clearly defined and that the team has a focused, achievable objective to aim for.

  • Specific : Clearly define what needs to be achieved.
  • Measurable : Set criteria for measuring progress and success.
  • Achievable : Ensure the goals are realistic given the resources.
  • Relevant : Align the goals with broader organizational objectives.
  • Time-bound : Establish a timeline for solving the problem.

An image of SMART targets

Defining the problem is not a mere formality; it is a necessity for effective problem-solving. A well-defined problem ensures that everyone is on the same page and focused on the right issues. Tools like the 5W2H method and SMART criteria offer invaluable frameworks for achieving this clarity. They help dissect the problem into manageable parts, setting the stage for focused root cause analysis.

D3: Contain the Problem

Once you have a team in place and a well-defined problem, the next step in the 8D Problem-Solving Methodology is containment. This stage is often overlooked but is crucial for limiting the damage and preventing the problem from exacerbating. Containment actions are essentially short-term solutions aimed at halting the spread of the issue while you work on finding a permanent fix. Let’s delve into some tools that can guide you in this phase.

1. Check Sheet

A Check Sheet is a simple yet effective tool for collecting and organizing data. It’s often a paper-and-pencil tool that allows for quick data collection in real-time. For example, if the problem is a high rate of defects in a manufacturing line, a Check Sheet could be used to tally the number of defects by type or time of occurrence. This provides valuable insights into the scope and pattern of the problem, aiding in containment.

2. SWIFT Checklist

The SWIFT (Short Window Immediate Fix Technique) Checklist is a tool designed for rapid assessment. It outlines immediate actions that should be taken to contain the issue. The checklist could include questions like:

  • Are there safety issues that need immediate attention?
  • Can the affected products be quarantined?
  • Do stakeholders need to be informed?

By quickly going through the SWIFT Checklist, you can prioritize the most critical containment actions and implement them without delay.

Containment is not just about putting a temporary fix; it’s about preventing the problem from causing further harm or affecting other processes. Tools like the Check Sheet and SWIFT Checklist can be instrumental in quickly assessing the situation and implementing immediate containment actions.

Utilizing these tools allows you to create a rapid response mechanism, thereby minimizing the impact and scope of the problem. As you transition to finding a long-term solution, these containment measures ensure that the situation remains under control.

D4: Root Cause Analysis

Reaching the root cause analysis stage in the 8D Problem-Solving Methodology signifies a pivotal moment. Here, you transition from understanding and containing the problem to actually solving it. Identifying the root cause(s) is fundamental to ensuring that the issue doesn’t recur. While containment measures provide short-term relief, it’s the root cause analysis that offers a long-term solution. Let’s examine some essential tools that can assist in uncovering the underlying issues.

The “ 5 Whys ” is a powerful questioning technique that helps you drill down into the root cause of a problem by asking “Why?” repeatedly. Often, the apparent issue is just a symptom of a deeper problem. The 5 Whys technique encourages you to move beyond the symptoms and discover the underlying cause.

For instance, if the issue is frequent machine breakdowns, asking “Why?” might reveal:

  • Why is the machine breaking down? Because of excessive wear and tear.
  • Why is there excessive wear and tear? Because maintenance isn’t performed regularly.
  • Why isn’t maintenance regular? Because there’s no schedule.
  • Why is there no schedule? Because it was never made a priority.
  • Why was it never a priority? Because of a lack of awareness about its importance.

5 Why Root Cause Analysis Template

2. Pareto Analysis

Pareto Analysis is based on the Pareto Principle, which states that 80% of problems are often due to 20% of causes. By identifying and focusing on these significant causes, you can resolve the majority of issues with minimum effort. Pareto Analysis typically involves collecting data and creating a Pareto Chart to visualize which factors are most impactful.


3. Fishbone Diagram (Ishikawa)

Though also used in problem definition, the Fishbone Diagram is invaluable for root cause analysis as well. It allows you to categorize potential causes and delve deeper into each, often in combination with other tools like the 5 Whys or Pareto Analysis.

definition 8d problem solving

Identifying the root cause is not merely a step in the process; it’s the cornerstone for effective corrective action. Tools like the 5 Whys, Pareto Analysis, and Fishbone Diagram provide a structured approach to dig deep into the problem and unearth its roots. Only by understanding the root cause can you implement solutions that are not just quick fixes but long-lasting remedies.

D5: Choose and Verify Corrective Actions

After identifying the root cause of the problem, the next logical step in the 8D Problem-Solving Methodology is to choose and verify corrective actions. It’s crucial to remember that not all solutions are created equal. Some may offer a quick fix but not a long-lasting one, while others could inadvertently introduce new issues. Therefore, this stage involves a delicate balance of selecting an effective solution and ensuring it doesn’t have unintended consequences. Let’s explore some of the tools that can guide you in making informed decisions.

1. FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis)

FMEA is a structured approach for evaluating the potential failure modes of a proposed solution and their impact. By predicting how things could go wrong, you can proactively address these issues before they occur. The FMEA process involves the identification of failure modes, assessment of their effects, and prioritization based on their severity, occurrence, and detectability. This prioritization helps you focus your resources where they’ll be most effective.

FMEA Example

2. Pilot Testing

Before implementing a corrective action on a full scale, it’s prudent to test it on a smaller scale to verify its effectiveness. Pilot testing allows you to:

  • Evaluate the impact of the solution without large-scale commitment.
  • Identify any adjustments or optimizations needed.
  • Collect data to validate the solution’s efficacy.

Pilot tests should be carefully designed to mimic the conditions under which the full-scale implementation will occur. This way, the results are indicative of what you can expect in the broader application.

Choosing a corrective action is a significant milestone, but verifying its effectiveness is equally crucial. Tools like FMEA and Pilot Testing enable you to rigorously evaluate your chosen solutions, mitigating risks and ensuring that the corrective actions will address the root cause without creating new problems.

By diligently applying these tools, you not only select the right corrective action but also build a robust verification mechanism. This two-pronged approach ensures that your solution is not just theoretically sound but practically effective as well.

D6: Implement Corrective Actions

Reaching the implementation phase of the 8D Problem-Solving Methodology is a big step. You’ve formed a team, defined the problem, contained it, identified its root cause, and chosen and verified corrective actions. Now, it’s time to put those actions into play. However, effective implementation is easier said than done. It requires meticulous planning, execution, and monitoring to ensure the corrective actions yield the desired results. Let’s look at some of the tools that can help you master this crucial stage.

1. Gantt Chart

A Gantt Chart is an excellent tool for project planning and tracking. It provides a visual timeline for the tasks involved in implementing the corrective actions. The chart specifies:

  • Start and end dates
  • Responsible parties
  • Dependencies between tasks

This visual representation makes it easier to manage resources and timelines, ensuring that implementation stays on track.

LLS Project Gantt Chart Excel Template

2. PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act)

The PDCA cycle is a four-step approach for implementing changes in a controlled manner. Each step serves a specific purpose:

  • Plan : Establish the objectives, processes, and metrics for the corrective action.
  • Do : Execute the plan on a small scale initially.
  • Check : Measure the outcomes against the planned objectives and analyze the results.
  • Act : Make adjustments based on the analysis and either scale the implementation or revisit the plan.

By cycling through these steps, you can continually refine your implementation approach, ensuring it aligns with your objectives.

The PDCA - Plan, Do, Check, Act Cycle

Implementation is the stage where your problem-solving efforts come to fruition, but it’s not a one-and-done deal. Effective implementation requires continuous monitoring and adjustment. Tools like the Gantt Chart and PDCA cycle provide you with the means to implement corrective actions in a structured, controlled, and measurable way.

Remember, a well-planned implementation not only solves the current problem but also equips your organization with the knowledge and experience to tackle future challenges more effectively.

D7: Prevent Recurrence

Successfully implementing corrective actions is an accomplishment, but the 8D Problem-Solving journey doesn’t end there. The next crucial step is to ensure that the problem doesn’t recur. This phase focuses on institutionalizing the improvements you’ve made, ensuring they are sustainable over the long term. It involves both documentation of new best practices and ongoing monitoring. Let’s explore the tools that can help solidify these new standards.

1. Standard Work

Standard Work refers to the documentation of the new best practices that led to the resolution of the problem. These could be new procedures, guidelines, or checklists that need to be followed. Standard Work serves multiple purposes:

  • It provides a clear and easy-to-follow guide for team members.
  • It ensures that the successful corrective actions are repeated, thereby making the improvements sustainable.
  • It serves as a training resource for new employees or for refresher training for existing staff.

Standard Work Instructions (SWI) Example Excel Template - Free to download

2. Control Charts

Control Charts are used to monitor process performance over time. These charts can help you:

  • Identify any variations in the process.
  • Distinguish between normal variations and those that need attention.
  • Trigger corrective actions if the process goes out of the defined control limits.

Regularly updating and reviewing the Control Charts ensures that you catch any deviations before they turn into bigger problems.

Statistical Process Control SPC Control Chart

Prevention is indeed better than cure. The most effective problem-solving initiatives are those that not only solve the immediate issue but also prevent its recurrence. Tools like Standard Work and Control Charts offer a structured way to document and monitor the improvements, making them a part of your organizational culture.

By diligently using these tools, you not only secure the gains made but also create a proactive environment where potential issues are identified and addressed before they escalate.

D8: Congratulate the Team

The final step in the 8D Problem-Solving Methodology is often the most overlooked but is crucial for long-term success: congratulating the team. After navigating through a complex problem-solving journey, taking a moment to acknowledge and celebrate the hard work is vital. It not only boosts morale but also encourages a culture of continuous improvement. Let’s delve into some tools and practices that can help you effectively close out your problem-solving initiative.

1. Recognition and Rewards

Acknowledging the hard work and dedication of the team is essential for maintaining a motivated and engaged workforce. Recognition can take various forms:

  • Public acknowledgment in team meetings or company-wide announcements.
  • Certificates or plaques to commemorate the achievement.
  • Small rewards or bonuses, where appropriate.

This recognition serves as a reminder that efforts are appreciated, which in turn fosters a positive work environment.

2. Lessons Learned Document

Closing out a problem-solving initiative offers a prime opportunity to capture what worked and what didn’t. A Lessons Learned Document serves this purpose:

  • It details the challenges faced, how they were overcome, and any roadblocks encountered.
  • It captures best practices for future reference.
  • It identifies areas for improvement, offering a starting point for future problem-solving endeavors.

Sharing this document organization-wide can serve as a valuable resource for other teams facing similar challenges.


A job well done indeed deserves recognition, but it also lays the groundwork for future improvements. Tools like Recognition and Rewards and the Lessons Learned Document not only celebrate success but also institutionalize the knowledge gained. This twofold approach not only marks the successful completion of one problem-solving initiative but sets the stage for ongoing improvements and future successes.

By taking the time to celebrate and reflect, you not only acknowledge the efforts made but also capture valuable insights that can guide your organization’s continuous improvement journey.

Successfully navigating the 8D Problem-Solving Methodology is a commendable achievement, but the journey doesn’t end with implementing a solution. Each step, from forming a team to congratulating them, is a building block in your organization’s culture of continuous improvement.

Employing specific tools like RACI Matrix, 5 Whys, FMEA, and Control Charts at different stages ensures that your problem-solving efforts are not just effective but also sustainable. These tools offer more than just a way to tackle issues; they provide a structured approach to learning from them. Remember, the goal isn’t just to solve a single problem but to refine a system that becomes increasingly resilient and efficient over time. So, take a moment to celebrate your achievements, and then gear up for your next challenge, armed with the knowledge and tools that will make your problem-solving journey even more impactful.

  • Sharma, M., Sharma, S. and Sahni, S., 2020. Structured Problem Solving: combined approach using 8D and Six Sigma case study.   Engineering Management in Production and Services ,  12 (1), pp.57-69.
  • Broday, E.E. and Júnior, P.P.A., 2013. Application of a quality management tool (8D) for solving industrial problems.   Independent Journal of Management & Production ,  4 (2), pp.377-390.
  • Engineer, A.T.D., 2016. Managing project using 8D technique.   Management ,  7 (6), p.67œ76.

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Daniel Croft

Daniel Croft is a seasoned continuous improvement manager with a Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma. With over 10 years of real-world application experience across diverse sectors, Daniel has a passion for optimizing processes and fostering a culture of efficiency. He's not just a practitioner but also an avid learner, constantly seeking to expand his knowledge. Outside of his professional life, Daniel has a keen Investing, statistics and knowledge-sharing, which led him to create the website www.learnleansigma.com, a platform dedicated to Lean Six Sigma and process improvement insights.

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Table of content.

1 What Exactly is an 8D Problem-Solving Method?

2 Benefits of Implementing 8D Problem-Solving Approach

3 Steps Involved in 8 Disciplines of Problem Solving for Improved Product Quality


definition 8d problem solving

Certainty Blog

Mastering 8d problem solving: a comprehensive guide for businesses.

Table of contents

  • What is 8D Problem Solving?
  • The 8 Disciples of Problem Solving
  • Implementing 8D Problem Solving Methodology

Example of Successful 8D Problem Solving

  • Common Challenges and Best Practices

Measuring the Effectiveness of 8D Problem-Solving Efforts

The Eight Disciples (8D) of Problem Solving

Problem solving is a vital skill for any business that wants to survive and thrive in today’s competitive and dynamic environment. However, not all problems are created equal. Some are simple and straightforward, while others are complex and multifaceted. How can businesses effectively tackle these challenging problems and prevent them from recurring?

One of the most powerful and proven problem-solving methodologies is 8D problem solving. 8D stands for eight disciplines, which are a series of steps that guide teams through the process of identifying, analyzing, resolving, and preventing problems. 8D problem solving can help businesses improve their quality, reduce their costs, and enhance their customer satisfaction.

What is 8D Problem Solving

8D problem solving is a structured and systematic approach to solving complex problems that require cross-functional collaboration and root cause analysis. It was developed by Ford Motor Company in the late 1980s as a way to address customer complaints and improve product quality. Since then, it has been widely adopted by many organizations across various sectors.

The core principles and objectives of 8D problem solving are:

  • Focus on the customer’s needs and expectations
  • Involve a multidisciplinary team with relevant expertise and authority
  • Use data and facts to support decision making
  • Identify and eliminate the root causes of the problem
  • Implement corrective actions that prevent reoccurrence
  • Document and communicate the problem-solving process and results

The 8D methodology differs from other problem-solving approaches in several ways. First, it emphasizes team-oriented problem-solving. Second, it follows a sequential and logical order of steps that ensures thoroughness and consistency. Third, it uses various tools and techniques to facilitate analysis and action. Fourth, it incorporates feedback loops and verification methods to ensure effectiveness and sustainability.

The Eight Disciples of Problem Solving

D1: establish the team.

The first step in the 8D approach is to form a team that will work on the problem. The team should consist of members who have knowledge, experience, or involvement in the problem area. The team should also have a leader who will coordinate the activities and communicate with stakeholders.

The purpose of establishing the team is to:

  • Define the roles and responsibilities of each team member
  • Establish the scope and boundaries of the problem
  • Set the goals and expectations for the problem-solving process
  • Allocate the resources and time required for the process

D2: Describe the Problem

The second step in this problem-solving method is to define and describe the problem in detail. The team should use data and facts to describe the problem as accurately as possible. The team should also use tools such as the 5W2H method (who, what, where, when, why, how, how much), Six Sigma, or an IS/IS NOT matrix to clarify the aspects of the problem.

Defining and describing the problem allows businesses to:

  • Establish a common understanding of the problem among the team members
  • Identify the symptoms, effects, and impacts of the problem
  • Quantify the magnitude and frequency of the problem
  • Specify the criteria for evaluating potential solutions

D3: Develop Interim Containment Actions

The third step in 8D problem solving is to develop interim containment actions that will prevent or minimize the negative consequences of the problem until a permanent solution is found. The team should identify and implement actions that will isolate, control, or eliminate the causes or sources of variation that contribute to the problem.

When you develop interim containment actions, you:

  • Protect the customer from defective products or services
  • Reduce the risk of further damage or harm
  • Maintain operational continuity and stability
  • Buy time for root cause analysis and corrective actions

D4: Determine Root Causes

The fourth step in the 8D method is to determine the root causes responsible for creating or allowing the problem to occur. The team should use data analysis tools such as Pareto charts, histograms, scatter plots, or fishbone diagrams to identify possible causes. The team should also use root cause analysis techniques such as 5 Whys, fault tree analysis, or Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA) to verify or validate the causes.

The purpose of determining root causes is to:

  • Understand why the problem happened
  • Identify all possible factors that influence or contribute to the problem
  • Eliminate superficial or symptomatic causes
  • Prevent jumping to conclusions or making assumptions

D5: Choose Permanent Corrective Actions

The fifth step in 8D problem solving is to choose permanent corrective actions that will address or remove root causes permanently. The team should generate multiple possible solutions using brainstorming techniques such as SCAMPER (substitute, combine, adapt, modify, put to another use, eliminate, reverse) or TRIZ (theory of inventive problem solving). The team should also evaluate each solution using criteria such as feasibility, effectiveness, cost, risk, or impact.

Choosing permanent corrective actions helps to:

  • Select the best solution that meets customer needs and expectations
  • Ensure that root causes are eliminated or prevented from recurring
  • Consider trade-offs between different solutions
  • Plan for implementation challenges or barriers

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D6: implement permanent corrective actions.

The sixth step in 8D problem solving is to implement permanent corrective actions that were chosen in D5. The team should develop an action plan that specifies who will do what by when using tools such as Gantt charts or PDCA cycles (plan-do-check-act). The team should also execute the action plan according to schedule using tools such as checklists or standard operating procedures.

The purpose of implementing permanent corrective actions is to:

  • Put the chosen solution into practice
  • Monitor progress and performance during implementation
  • Resolve any issues or problems that arise during the implementation
  • Document changes or modifications made during implementation

D7: Prevent Recurrence

The seventh step in 8D problem solving is to prevent recurrence by ensuring that permanent corrective actions are effective and sustainable. The team should verify that root causes have been eliminated using tools such as control charts or statistical process control (SPC). The team should also validate that customer requirements have been met using tools such as surveys or audits.

Preventing reoccurrence helps to:

  • Confirm that permanent corrective actions have solved the problem
  • Evaluate customer satisfaction with products or services after implementation
  • Identify opportunities for further improvement or optimization
  • Standardize best practices or lessons learned from implementation

D8: Recognize Team Efforts

The eighth step in 8D problem solving is recognizing team efforts by acknowledging their contributions and achievements throughout the process. The team should celebrate their success by sharing their results with stakeholders using tools such as reports or presentations. The team should also appreciate their efforts by rewarding them with recognition or incentives.

The purpose of recognizing team efforts is to:

  • Motivate team members for future challenges
  • Build trust and rapport among team members
  • Enhance team morale and cohesion
  • Promote a culture of continuous improvement

Implementing 8D Problem-Solving Methodology

Implementing an 8D problem-solving methodology can be challenging for many businesses due to various factors such as organizational culture, resources, or complexity. However, with proper planning, preparation, and execution, it can be done successfully.

Here is some practical guidance on how businesses can effectively implement the 8D process:

Define clear roles & responsibilities for each discipline

One of the key factors for successful implementation is having clear roles & responsibilities for each discipline within the 8D process. Each discipline requires specific skills, knowledge, or authority that may not be available within a single person or department.

Therefore, it is important to assign appropriate roles & responsibilities for each discipline based on their expertise & involvement in the problem area.

Some examples of roles & responsibilities are:

8D Problem Solving Discipline Roles and Responsibilities

By defining clear roles & responsibilities for each discipline, businesses can ensure accountability, transparency, and collaboration throughout the process.

Establish a common language & framework for communication

Another key factor for successful implementation is having a common language & framework for communication among team members & stakeholders. Communication is essential for sharing information, ideas, or feedback during the process.

However, communication can also be challenging due to different backgrounds, perspectives, or expectations among team members & stakeholders. Therefore, it is important to establish a common language & framework for communication that can facilitate understanding, alignment, and agreement throughout the process. Some examples of common language & framework are:

  • Using standard terminology & definitions for the 8D process
  • Implementing visual tools & templates to document & present the 8D process
  • Using common metrics & criteria to measure & evaluate the 8D process
  • Establishing feedback mechanisms & channels to communicate & collaborate during the 8D process

By establishing a common language & framework for communication, businesses can ensure clarity, consistency, and quality throughout the process.

Provide adequate training & support for team members

A third key factor for successful implementation is providing adequate training & support for team members who are involved in the 8D process. Team members need to have sufficient knowledge, skills, or confidence to perform their roles & responsibilities effectively. However, team members may not have prior experience or exposure to the 8D process or its tools & techniques. Therefore, it is important to provide adequate training & support for team members that can enhance their competence & capability during the process. Some examples of training & support are:

  • Providing formal training sessions or workshops on the 8D process or its tools & techniques
  • Offering coaching or mentoring from experts or experienced practitioners on the 8D process or its tools & techniques
  • Contributing access to resources or references on the 8D process or its tools & techniques
  • Maintaining feedback or recognition of team members’ performance or improvement during the 8D process

By providing adequate training & support for team members, businesses can ensure effectiveness, efficiency, and engagement throughout the process.

To illustrate the versatility and applicability of 8D problem solving across different industries and contexts, here is a hypothetical example of successful 8D problem solving:

Example: Reducing Customer Complaints in a Food Manufacturing Company

A food manufacturing company was facing a high rate of customer complaints due to foreign materials found in their products. The company used 8D problem solving to address this issue and improve product quality. Here are the steps they took within each discipline:

The company formed a cross-functional team consisting of representatives from quality assurance, production, engineering, and customer service. The team leader was the quality assurance manager who had the authority and responsibility to coordinate the activities and communicate with stakeholders.

The team defined and described the problem using data and facts from customer complaints and product inspection records. The team used the 5W2H method to clarify the aspects of the problem. The problem statement was: “In the past six months, we have received 25 customer complaints due to foreign materials such as metal shavings, plastic pieces, or wood chips found in our products.”

The team developed interim containment actions that would prevent or minimize the occurrence of foreign materials in their products until a permanent solution was found. The team identified and implemented measures such as increasing the frequency and intensity of product inspection, installing additional metal detectors and filters in the production line, and segregating and quarantining any products that were suspected or confirmed to contain foreign materials.

The team determined the root causes that were responsible for creating or allowing foreign materials to enter their products. They then used data analysis tools such as Pareto charts and fishbone diagrams to identify potential causes. Root cause analysis techniques such as 5 Whys to verify or validate the causes were also implemented.

Ultimately, they found that there were three main root causes:

  • inadequate maintenance of equipment that resulted in metal shavings or plastic pieces falling off during operation;
  • improper handling of raw materials that resulted in wood chips or other contaminants being mixed in during storage or transportation;
  • lack of awareness or training of staff on how to prevent or detect foreign materials in products.

The team chose permanent corrective actions that would address or remove root causes permanently. The team generated multiple possible solutions using brainstorming techniques such as SCAMPER and TRIZ. They also evaluated each solution using criteria such as feasibility, effectiveness, cost, risk, or impact. Eventually, they selected the best solutions that met customer needs and expectations.

The solutions were:

  • implementing a preventive maintenance program for equipment that included regular inspection, cleaning, and replacement of parts;
  • establishing a quality control system for raw materials that included verification, testing, and labeling of incoming materials;
  • conducting a training program for staff on how to prevent, detect, and report foreign materials in products.

The team implemented permanent corrective actions that were chosen in D5. An action plan that specified who would do what by when using tools such as Gantt charts and PDCA cycles was then developed. They then executed the action plan according to schedule using tools such as checklists and standard operating procedures.

The team prevented recurrence by ensuring that permanent corrective actions were effective and sustainable. They first verified that root causes had been eliminated using tools such as control charts and statistical process control (SPC). Next, they validated that customer requirements had been met using tools such as surveys and audits. After implementing permanent corrective actions, the rate of customer complaints due to foreign materials dropped by 90%.

Team efforts were recognized by acknowledging their contributions and achievements throughout the process. The team celebrated their success by sharing their results with stakeholders using tools such as reports and presentations. Management also appreciated their efforts by rewarding them with recognition or incentives such as certificates, gift cards, or bonuses.

Common Challenges and Best Practices in 8D Problem Solving

Despite its benefits and advantages,

8D problem solving can also pose some challenges for businesses that want to implement it effectively. Some of these challenges are:

  • Resistance to change from staff or management who are used to existing processes or practices
  • Lack of commitment or support from senior leaders who do not see the value or urgency of problem-solving
  • Difficulty in defining or measuring problems
  • Insufficient data or information to support analysis or decision making
  • Conflicts or disagreements among team members or stakeholders due to different opinions or interests

To overcome these challenges and ensure successful 8D problem solving, businesses can adopt some best practices such as:

  • Communicating the benefits and objectives of 8D problem solving to staff and management
  • Securing the buy-in and sponsorship of senior leaders who can provide direction and resources
  • Using clear and objective criteria to define and measure problems
  • Collecting and analyzing relevant and reliable data or information
  • Resolving conflicts or disagreements through constructive dialogue and compromise

To ensure that 8D problem-solving efforts are not wasted or forgotten, businesses need to measure the effectiveness and impact of their initiatives. Measuring the effectiveness of 8D problem-solving efforts can help businesses:

  • Assess whether they have achieved their goals and expectations
  • Evaluate whether they have improved their performance and customer satisfaction
  • Identify areas for further improvement or optimization
  • Demonstrate their value and credibility to stakeholders

To measure the effectiveness of 8D problem-solving efforts, businesses can use various methods such as:

  • Key performance indicators (KPIs) that can be used to quantify the results or outcomes of 8D problem-solving initiatives. Some examples of KPIs are customer satisfaction scores, defect rates, cycle times, or cost savings.
  • Data collection and analysis tools that can be used to gather and interpret data or information related to 8D problem-solving initiatives. Some examples of data collection and analysis tools are surveys, audits, control charts, or statistical process control (SPC).
  • Periodic reviews and feedback mechanisms can be used to monitor and evaluate the progress and performance of 8D problem-solving initiatives. Some examples of periodic reviews and feedback mechanisms are reports, presentations, meetings, or feedback forms.

By measuring the effectiveness of 8D problem-solving efforts, businesses can ensure that they are continuously improving their quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

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8D Problem Solving IIENSTITU

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In this episode of the IIENSTITU podcast, we delve into the intricate world of 8D problem-solving, a methodology that has revolutionized the way industries tackle operational and quality challenges. Originating from the automotive sector and embraced by a myriad of fields, the 8D approach offers a structured and effective pathway to not only address immediate issues but also to fortify against future obstacles. Join us as we break down each of the Eight Disciplines, from assembling a dynamic team to implementing sustainable solutions and preventing recurrence. Whether you're a seasoned professional in manufacturing, healthcare, IT, or any industry facing complex problems, this comprehensive analysis provides valuable insights into achieving high-quality outcomes through teamwork, precision, and a proactive mindset. Dive into the origins, steps, and real-world applications of the 8D problem-solving process, and discover how mastering this methodology can lead to continuous improvement and organizational resilience.

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8D Problem Solving Process

Home » 8D Problem Solving Process

The 8D problem solving process is team structured, consisting of 8 steps (the ‘8 disciplines’). It is a methodology to find the root cause of a problem, put in an interim fix while a deeper investigation is carried out, and then put in place a permanent solution that prevents the problem from being repeated.

Here’s what the 8D process steps look like:

The Eight ‘8D Problem Solving Process’ Steps

The 8D problem solving process is team structured, consisting of 8 ‘8D steps’ (or disciplines) which are:

1. TEAM: The best team would consist of people who have; specific knowledge of a product or process, time to dedicate to the effort, the skill set to apply to solve the problem, authority to make decisions. Collectively, the team would be ‘the subject matter experts’ on this particular problem. Bear in mind, the team may change for each particular problem being solved.

2. DEFINITION: At this stage, the team starts to understand the problem in more detail. It would include using analytical tools (risk analysis, SWOT analysis…). It is critical the team builds a clear picture of the problem and reports this to the stakeholders so that they have a full understanding of the implications of the problem.

3. INTERIM FIX: Implementation of a short-term fix will stop the problem escalating until a permanent corrective action can be implemented. The main objective here is to stop defective products from reaching the customer or end-user.

4. ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS: Identifying the root cause of the problem is essential. Ideally, the team can verify the root cause has been found by being able to turn the problem on and off at will. There are a number of tools used during this process such as Brainstorming, Five Whys, FMEA, Fault Tree, Fishbone Diagram, Flowcharts, and Affinity Diagrams to name a few.

5. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Once the root cause has been identified, the team should be able to generate corrective actions that can be tested for verification. Guidelines to consider for implementation are:

  • The solution should be practical
  • The solution should be feasible
  • The solution should be cost-effective
  • The solution should be stable and not fail after implementation

6. VALIDATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF CORRECTIVE ACTION: A key step is to verify and validate the corrective action/s to ensure the problem is solved without having any other side effects or knock-on effects. Examples of tests that can be utilized in this step are the HALT (highly accelerated life test) or the HASS (highly accelerated stress screening) test.

7. PREVENT RECURRENCE: Here the team are ensuring the problem does not reoccur. They will be updating processes and procedures, training and sharing the knowledge of what they discovered during the process, and ensuring all documentation is up-to-date.

8. TEAM ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: It is important that the team get recognized for their efforts in resolving the problem. This will motivate other staff and potential future team members.

Note: The 8D template has to be adapted in the medical industry, for example. The company needs to add a step (assessing the impact of the countermeasure/s on the safety and effectiveness of the device), as requested by ISO 13485.

How to complete an 8D?

You may also find this video about how to complete an 8D report useful:

The 8D is a type of corrective action plan . We also wrote about why to use a corrective action plan like the 8D report in this post over on QualityInspection.org: Use a Corrective Action Plan after a Failed Inspection

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Respect the worth of other people's insights

Problems continuously arise in organizational life, making problem-solving an essential skill for leaders. Leaders who are good at tackling conundrums are likely to be more effective at overcoming obstacles and guiding their teams to achieve their goals. So, what’s the secret to better problem-solving skills?

1. Understand the root cause of the problem

“Too often, people fail because they haven’t correctly defined what the problem is,” says David Ross, an international strategist, founder of consultancy Phoenix Strategic Management and author of Confronting the Storm: Regenerating Leadership and Hope in the Age of Uncertainty .

Ross explains that as teams grapple with “wicked” problems – those where there can be several root causes for why a problem exists – there can often be disagreement on the initial assumptions made. As a result, their chances of successfully solving the problem are low.

“Before commencing the process of solving the problem, it is worthwhile identifying who your key stakeholders are and talking to them about the issue,” Ross recommends. “Who could be affected by the issue? What is the problem – and why? How are people affected?”

He argues that if leaders treat people with dignity, respecting the worth of their insights, they are more likely to successfully solve problems.

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“To solve problems, we need to commit to making time to face a problem in its full complexity, which also requires that we take back control of our thinking,” says Chris Griffiths, an expert on creativity and innovative thinking skills, founder and CEO of software provider OpenGenius, and co-author of The Focus Fix: Finding Clarity, Creativity and Resilience in an Overwhelming World .

To do this, it’s necessary to harness the power of the unfocused mind, according to Griffiths. “It might sound oxymoronic, but just like our devices, our brain needs time to recharge,” he says. “ A plethora of research has shown that daydreaming allows us to make creative connections and see abstract solutions that are not obvious when we’re engaged in direct work.”

To make use of the unfocused mind in problem solving, you must begin by getting to know the problem from all angles. “At this stage, don’t worry about actually solving the problem,” says Griffiths. “You’re simply giving your subconscious mind the information it needs to get creative with when you zone out. From here, pick a monotonous or rhythmic activity that will help you to activate the daydreaming state – that might be a walk, some doodling, or even some chores.”

Do this regularly, argues Griffiths, and you’ll soon find that flashes of inspiration and novel solutions naturally present themselves while you’re ostensibly thinking of other things. He says: “By allowing you to access the fullest creative potential of your own brain, daydreaming acts as a skeleton key for a wide range of problems.”

3. Be comfortable making judgment calls

“Admitting to not knowing the future takes courage,” says Professor Stephen Wyatt, founder and lead consultant at consultancy Corporate Rebirth and author of Antidote to the Crisis of Leadership: Opportunity in Complexity . “Leaders are worried our teams won’t respect us and our boards will lose faith in us, but what doesn’t work is drawing up plans and forecasts and holding yourself or others rigidly to them.”

Wyatt advises leaders to heighten their situational awareness – to look broadly, integrate more perspectives and be able to connect the dots. “We need to be comfortable in making judgment calls as the future is unknown,” he says. “There is no data on it. But equally, very few initiatives cannot be adjusted, refined or reviewed while in motion.”

Leaders need to stay vigilant, according to Wyatt, create the capacity of the enterprise to adapt and maintain the support of stakeholders. “The concept of the infallible leader needs to be updated,” he concludes.

4. Be prepared to fail and learn

“Organisations, and arguably society more widely, are obsessed with problems and the notion of problems,” says Steve Hearsum, founder of organizational change consultancy Edge + Stretch and author of No Silver Bullet: Bursting the Bubble of the Organisational Quick Fix .

Hearsum argues that this tendency is complicated by the myth of fixability, namely the idea that all problems, however complex, have a solution. “Our need for certainty, to minimize and dampen the anxiety of ‘not knowing,’ leads us to oversimplify and ignore or filter out anything that challenges the idea that there is a solution,” he says.

Leaders need to shift their mindset to cultivate their comfort with not knowing and couple that with being OK with being wrong, sometimes, notes Hearsum. He adds: “That means developing reflexivity to understand your own beliefs and judgments, and what influences these, asking questions and experimenting.”

5. Unleash the power of empathy

Leaders must be able to communicate problems in order to find solutions to them. But they should avoid bombarding their teams with complex, technical details since these can overwhelm their people’s cognitive load, says Dr Jessica Barker MBE , author of Hacked: The Secrets Behind Cyber Attacks .

Instead, she recommends that leaders frame their messages in ways that cut through jargon and ensure that their advice is relevant, accessible and actionable. “An essential leadership skill for this is empathy,” Barker explains. “When you’re trying to build a positive culture, it is crucial to understand why people are not practicing the behaviors you want rather than trying to force that behavioral change with fear, uncertainty and doubt.”

Sally Percy

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  1. What is 8D? Eight Disciplines Problem Solving Process

    The 8D problem solving model establishes a permanent corrective action based on statistical analysis of the problem and focuses on the origin of the problem by determining its root causes. Although it originally comprised eight stages, or disciplines, the eight disciplines system was later augmented by an initial planning stage.

  2. Eight disciplines problem solving

    Eight Disciplines Methodology ( 8D) is a method or model developed at Ford Motor Company used to approach and to resolve problems, typically employed by quality engineers or other professionals. Focused on product and process improvement, its purpose is to identify, correct, and eliminate recurring problems. [1]

  3. Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D)

    The Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D) is a problem solving methodology designed to find the root cause of a problem, resolve it, and prevent recurring problems.

  4. Guide: 8D Problem Solving

    8D Problem Solving is a systematic and structured approach used to solve business related problems. It names has been given by the fact there are 8 steps or 8 disciplines that are followed to identify, correct and eliminate recurring problems. 8D Problem Solving is regarded as robust methodology that has proven its worth across…

  5. What is 8D? Eight Disciplines for Problem Solving

    8D (or Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving) is a methodology for solving problems that aims to identify the root cause of the problem and provide a solution. 8D is a great first step in improving quality and reliability. Ford Motor Company created this problem-solving method, which was then called Team Oriented Problem Solving.

  6. 8D Problem Solving Process

    The 8D Problem Solving Process helps you do both of these seemingly-contradictory things, in a professional and controlled way. In this article, we'll look at the 8D Problem Solving Process, and we'll discuss how you can use it to help your team solve major problems.

  7. What is 8D? A template for efficient problem-solving

    The eight disciplines (8D) method is a problem-solving approach that identifies, corrects, and eliminates recurring problems. By determining the root causes of a problem, managers can use this method to establish a permanent corrective action and prevent recurring issues. First introduced by Ford, the 8D method offers a consistent way of ...

  8. What is 8D? Eight Disciplines of Problem-solving Methodology

    The 8D approach to problem-solving, also known as the 8D methodology, is a systematic and comprehensive method used to address and resolve complex issues, particularly in manufacturing and other industries. This 8D troubleshooting methodology involves a structured process designed to identify, correct, and prevent issues, ensuring that similar ...

  9. 8 Disiplines of Problem Solving (8D)

    The 8D Problem Solving methodology is commonly known as "Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving" or simply "8D." It is a structured, team-based approach to identifying, analyzing, and resolving problems, particularly in the areas of product quality and process efficiency.

  10. 8D Chess: How to Use The 8 Disciplines for Problem Solving

    The 8D, or eight disciplines methodology, is a problem solving process - most likely one of the most widely used problem solving processes out there. It is used by many different countries, in many different industries, and many different organizations.

  11. What is the 8D Problem Solving? And How to use the 8D Report?

    The 8D Problem Solving process provides a reliable and systematic method that ensures that the problems inside a company or project are solved by eliminating their root causes and preventing recurrence. However, it is most suitable for complex problems that can take weeks or even months to solve.

  12. The Evolution of 8D Problem-Solving: From Basics to Excellence

    This blog post aims to guide you through the captivating history and evolution of the 8D Problem-Solving approach. From its early days as a checklist in quality management to its modern adaptation using advanced statistical tools and cross-industry applications, we'll explore how 8D has transformed into a comprehensive, adaptable, and highly effective method for tackling problems in various ...

  13. 8D Process

    The 8D process, also known as the Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving, is a method developed at Ford Motor Company used to resolve problems. It is focused on product and process improvement. The purpose of 8D is to identify, correct, and eliminate recurring problems.

  14. 8D Problem-Solving Process: How To Apply the 8 Disciplines

    8D problem-solving is an approach that quality engineers and manufacturers use to identify and address challenges throughout a project. 8D refers to the eight different disciplines, or steps, that the process entails. Note that since its inception, the 8D problem-solving method has added a stage for planning at the beginning of the process.

  15. FAQ: What Is 8D? Eight Disciplines Problem-Solving Explained

    The eight disciplines (8D) are a systematic, team-based method of problem-solving that seeks to determine the underlying reasons for the problem and to fix reoccurring issues. Learning the eight disciplines problem-solving process can help you discover effective methods for determining the underlying cause of problems and implementing the right ...

  16. What is 8D ? 8D CAPA Report

    "8D" consist of Eight disciplines of "Problem Solving" and widely used in Engineering, Manufacturing & Service Industries. Find 8D steps with explanations.

  17. What is 8D (Eight Disciplines)?

    Eight Disciplines ( 8D Method) - 8 Disciplines Process, which can be translated as the Eight-Step Process of Responding to a Quality Problem. This method aims to treat defects quickly and consistently and to prevent such problems by preventing them. It boosts customer satisfaction and, despite the possible high costs at first, reduces costs ...

  18. 8D

    8D stands for the 8 disciplines of problem solving. They represent 8 steps to take to solve difficult, recurring or critical problems (often customer failures or major cost drivers). The structured approach provides transparency, drives a team approach, and increases the chance of solving the problem. D1: Create a Team: Gather a cross-functional team of about

  19. The 8D Problem-Solving Method: What is it And How To Use It

    The 8D ( 8D Problem-Solving Method) method, also known as 8 disciplines, first appeared in Ford's 1987 "Team-Oriented Problem Solving" manual. It is a tool that has stood the test of time and has become the first solution used by the company known today as Global 8D. Although the 8D method has been around for years, many companies still face the problem of low resolution and poor use of ...

  20. 8D: Tools and Techniques

    The first step in the 8D Problem-Solving Methodology is to form a cross-functional team. A well-assembled team is the backbone of any successful problem-solving initiative. While it may be tempting to rush through this step, investing time and effort here can pay dividends later. Let's explore some of the key tools that can assist you in forming an effective team.

  21. Explained: 8 Disciplines of Problem Solving for Improved ...

    8D is commonly referred to as "8 Disciplines" or "8 Critical Steps" for solving quality problems. It is a team-oriented method of managing quality issues, which is highly disciplined and effective. Based on the teamwork, this method offers stepwise guidelines to identify the root cause, define and implement the segregation actions, and finally develop and implement CAPA to mitigate the ...

  22. 8D Problem Solving: A Guide for Businesses

    One of the most powerful and proven problem-solving methodologies is 8D problem solving. 8D stands for eight disciplines, which are a series of steps that guide teams through the process of identifying, analyzing, resolving, and preventing problems. 8D problem solving can help businesses improve their quality, reduce their costs, and enhance their customer satisfaction.

  23. ‎IIENSTITU: 8D Problem Solving on Apple Podcasts

    In this episode of the IIENSTITU podcast, we delve into the intricate world of 8D problem-solving, a methodology that has revolutionized the way industries tackle operational and quality challenges. Originating from the automotive sector and embraced by a myriad of fields, the 8D approach offers a s…

  24. 8D Problem Solving Process

    The 8D problem solving process is team structured, consisting of 8 steps (the '8 disciplines'). It is a methodology to find the root cause of a problem, put in an interim fix while a deeper investigation is carried out, and then put in place a permanent solution that prevents the problem from being repeated.

  25. Stumped? Five Ways To Hone Your Problem-Solving Skills

    Problems often arise in organizational life. From understanding the root cause of a problem to using the power of empathy, here are five strategies for solving problems.