aunt may's heart attack case study answers

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Myocardial Infarction (MI) Case Study (45 min)

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Definition of Myocardial Infarction (MI)

Myocardial infarction, commonly known as a heart attack, is a critical medical event that occurs when the blood supply to the heart muscle is severely reduced or completely blocked. It is a leading cause of death worldwide and a significant public health concern.

Introduction to Myocardial Infarction (MI)

This nursing case study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of myocardial infarction by delving into its various aspects, including its pathophysiology, risk factors, clinical presentation, diagnostic methods, and management strategies. Through the exploration of a fictional patient’s journey, we will shed light on the intricate nature of this life-threatening condition and highlight the importance of early recognition and intervention.

Background and Significance of Myocardial Infarction

Myocardial infarction is a sudden and often catastrophic event that can have profound consequences on an individual’s health and well-being. Understanding its underlying mechanisms and risk factors is essential for healthcare professionals, as timely intervention can be life-saving. This case study not only serves as a learning tool but also emphasizes the critical role of medical practitioners in identifying and managing myocardial infarctions promptly.

Pathophysiology of Myocardial Infarction

A crucial aspect of comprehending myocardial infarction is exploring its pathophysiology. We will delve into the intricate details of how atherosclerosis, the buildup of plaque in coronary arteries, leads to the formation of blood clots and the subsequent interruption of blood flow to the heart muscle. This disruption in blood supply triggers a cascade of events, ultimately resulting in the death of cardiac cells.

Risk Factors of Myocardial Infarction

Understanding the risk factors associated with myocardial infarction is vital for prevention and early detection. This case study will examine both modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors, including age, gender, family history, smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol levels. Recognizing these risk factors is instrumental in developing effective strategies for prevention and risk reduction.

Clinical Presentation Myocardial Infarction

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of myocardial infarction is crucial for timely intervention. We will present a fictional patient’s experience, illustrating the typical clinical presentation, which often includes chest pain or discomfort, shortness of breath, nausea, lightheadedness, and diaphoresis. Through this patient’s journey, we will highlight the importance of accurate symptom assessment and prompt medical attention.

Diagnostic Methods for Myocardial Infarction

Modern medicine offers various diagnostic tools to confirm a myocardial infarction swiftly and accurately. This case study will explore these diagnostic methods, such as electrocardiography (ECG), cardiac biomarkers, and imaging techniques like coronary angiography. By understanding these diagnostic modalities, healthcare professionals can make informed decisions and initiate appropriate treatments promptly.

Management Strategies for Myocardial Infarction

The management of myocardial infarction involves a multidisciplinary approach, including medication, revascularization procedures, and lifestyle modifications. We will discuss the fictional patient’s treatment plan, emphasizing the importance of reestablishing blood flow to the affected heart muscle and preventing further complications.

Nursing Case Study for Myocardial Infarction (MI)

Having established a foundational understanding of myocardial infarction, we will now delve deeper into Mr. Salazar’s case, tracing his journey through diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. This in-depth examination will shed light on the real-world application of the principles discussed in the introduction, providing valuable insights into the clinical management of myocardial infarction and its impact on patient outcomes.

Mr. Salazar, a 57-year-old male, arrives at the Emergency Department (ED) with complaints of chest pain that began approximately one hour after dinner while he was working. He characterizes the discomfort as an intense “crushing pressure” located centrally in his chest, extending down his left arm and towards his back. He rates the pain’s severity as 4/10. Upon examination, Mr. Salazar exhibits diaphoresis and pallor, accompanied by shortness of breath (SOB).

What further nursing assessments need to be performed for Mr. Salazar?

  • Heart Rate (HR): The number of heartbeats per minute.
  • Blood Pressure (BP): The force of blood against the walls of the arteries, typically measured as systolic (during heartbeats) and diastolic (between heartbeats) pressure.
  • Respiratory Rate (RR): The number of breaths a patient takes per minute.
  • Body Temperature (Temp): The measurement of a patient’s internal body heat.
  • Oxygen Saturation (SpO2): The percentage of oxygen in the blood.
  • S1: The first heart sound, often described as “lub,” is caused by the closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves.
  • S2: The second heart sound, known as “dub,” results from the closure of the aortic and pulmonic valves.
  • These sounds provide important diagnostic information about the condition of the heart.
  • Clear: Normal, healthy lung sounds with no added sounds.
  • Crackles (Rales): Discontinuous, often high-pitched sounds are heard with conditions like pneumonia or heart failure.
  • Wheezes: Whistling, musical sounds often associated with conditions like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  • Pulses refer to the rhythmic expansion and contraction of arteries with each heartbeat. Common pulse points for assessment include the radial artery (wrist), carotid artery (neck), and femoral artery (groin). Evaluating pulses helps assess the strength, regularity, and rate of blood flow.
  • Edema is the abnormal accumulation of fluid in body tissues, leading to swelling. It can occur in various body parts and may indicate underlying conditions such as heart failure, kidney disease, or localized injury. Edema assessment involves evaluating the degree of swelling and its location.
  • Skin condition (temperature, color, etc.)

What interventions do you anticipate being ordered by the provider?

  • Oxygen therapy involves administering oxygen to a patient to increase the level of oxygen in their blood. It is used to treat conditions such as respiratory distress, and hypoxia (low oxygen levels), and to support patients with breathing difficulties.
  • Nitroglycerin is a medication used to treat angina (chest pain) and to relieve symptoms of heart-related conditions. It works by relaxing and widening blood vessels, which improves blood flow to the heart, reducing chest pain.
  • Aspirin is a common over-the-counter medication and antiplatelet drug. In the context of myocardial infarction (heart attack), it is often administered to reduce blood clot formation, potentially preventing further blockage in coronary arteries.
  • A 12-lead EKG is a diagnostic test that records the electrical activity of the heart from 12 different angles. It provides information about the heart’s rhythm, rate, and any abnormalities, helping diagnose conditions like arrhythmias, heart attacks, and ischemia.
  • Cardiac enzymes are proteins released into the bloodstream when heart muscle cells are damaged or die, typically during a heart attack. Measuring these enzymes, such as troponin and creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB), helps confirm a heart attack diagnosis and assess its severity.
  • A chest X-ray is a diagnostic imaging procedure that creates images of the chest and its internal structures, including the heart and lungs. It is used to identify issues like lung infections, heart enlargement, fluid accumulation, or fractures in the chest area.
  • Possibly an Echocardiogram

Upon conducting a comprehensive assessment, it was observed that the patient exhibited no signs of jugular vein distention (JVD) or edema. Auscultation revealed normal heart sounds with both S1 and S2 present, while the lungs remained clear, albeit with scattered wheezes. The patient’s vital signs were recorded as follows:

  • BP 140/90 mmHg SpO 2 90% on Room Air
  • HR 92 bpm and regular Ht 173 cm
  • RR 32 bpm Wt 104 kg
  • Temp 36.9°C

The 12-lead EKG repor t indicated the presence of “Normal sinus rhythm (NSR) with frequent premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) and three- to four-beat runs of ventricular tachycardia (VT).” Additionally, there was ST-segment elevation in leads I, aVL, and V2 through V6 (3-4mm), accompanied by ST-segment depression in leads III and aVF.

Cardiac enzyme levels were collected but were awaiting results at the time of assessment. A chest x-ray was also ordered to provide further diagnostic insights.

In response to the patient’s condition, the healthcare provider prescribed the following interventions:

  • Aspirin: 324 mg administered orally once.
  • Nitroglycerin: 0.4 mg administered sublingually (SL), with the option of repeating the dose every five minutes for a maximum of three doses.
  • Morphine: 4 mg to be administered intravenously (IVP) as needed for unrelieved chest pain.
  • Oxygen: To maintain oxygen saturation (SpO2) levels above 92%.

These interventions were implemented to address the patient’s myocardial infarction (heart attack) and alleviate associated symptoms, with a focus on relieving chest pain, improving oxygenation, and closely monitoring vital signs pending further diagnostic results.

What intervention should you, as the nurse, perform right away? Why?

  • Apply oxygen – this can be done quickly and easily and can help to prevent further complications from low oxygenation.
  • Oxygen helps to improve oxygenation as well as to decrease myocardial oxygen demands.
  • Often it takes a few minutes or more for medications to be available from the pharmacy, so it makes sense to take care of this intervention first.
  • ABC’s – breathing/O 2 .

What medication should be the first one administered to this patient? Why? How often?

  • Nitroglycerin 0.4mg SL – it is a vasodilator and works on the coronary arteries. The goal is to increase blood flow to the myocardium. If this is effective, the patient merely has angina. However, if it is not effective, the patient may have a myocardial infarction.
  • Aspirin should also be given, but it is to decrease platelet aggregation and reduce mortality. While it can somewhat help prevent the worsening of the blockage, it does little for the current pain experienced by the patient.
  • Morphine should only be given if the nitroglycerin and aspirin do not relieve the patient’s chest pain.

What is the significance of the ST-segment changes on Mr. Salazar's 12-lead EKG?

  • ST-segment changes on a 12-lead EKG indicate ischemia (lack of oxygen/blood flow) or infarction (death of the muscle tissue) of the myocardium (heart muscle). 
  • This indicates an emergent situation. The patient’s coronary arteries are blocked and need to be reopened by pharmacological (thrombolytic) or surgical (PCI) intervention.
  • Time is tissue – the longer the coronary arteries stay blocked, the more of the patient’s myocardium that will die. Dead heart tissue doesn’t beat.

Mr. Salazar’s chest pain was unrelieved after three (3) doses of sublingual nitroglycerin (NTG). Morphine 5 mg intravenous push (IVP) was administered, as well as 324 mg chewable baby aspirin. His pain was still unrelieved at this point

Mr. Salazar’s cardiac enzyme results were as follows:

Troponin I 3.5 ng/mL

Based on the results of Mr. Salazar's labs and his response to medications, what is the next intervention you anticipate? Why?

  • Mr. Salazar needs intervention. He will either receive thrombolytics or a heart catheterization (PCI).
  • Based on the EKG changes, elevated Troponin level, and the fact that his symptoms are not subsiding, it’s possible the patient has a significant blockage in one or more of his coronary arteries. 
  • It seems as though it may be an Anterior-Lateral MI because ST elevation is occurring in I, aVL, and V 2 -V 6 .

Mr. Salazar was taken immediately to the cath lab for a Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI). The cardiologist found a 90% blockage in his left anterior descending (LAD) artery. A stent was inserted to keep the vessel open.

What is the purpose of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI), also known as a heart catheterization?

  • A PCI serves to open up any coronary arteries that are blocked. First, they use contrast dye to determine where the blockage is, then they use a special balloon catheter to open the blocked vessels. 
  • If that doesn’t work, they will place a cardiac stent in the vessel to keep it open.[ /faq]

[faq lesson="true" blooms="Application" question="What is the expected outcome of a PCI? What do you expect to see in your patient after they receive a heart catheterization?"]

  • Blood flow will be restored to the myocardium with minimal residual damage.
  • The patient should have baseline vital signs, relief of chest pain, normal oxygenation status, and absence of heart failure symptoms (above baseline).
  • The patient should be able to ambulate without significant chest pain or SOB.
  • The patient should be free from bleeding or hematoma at the site of catheterization (often femoral, but can also be radial or (rarely) carotid.

Mr. Salazar tolerated the PCI well and was admitted to the cardiac telemetry unit for observation overnight. Four (4) hours after the procedure, Mr. Salazar reports no chest pain. His vital signs are now as follows:

  • BP 128/82 mmHg SpO 2 96% on 2L NC
  • HR 76 bpm and regular RR 18 bpm
  • Temp 37.1°C

Mr. Salazar will be discharged home 24 hours after his arrival to the ED and will follow up with his cardiologist next week. 

What patient education topics would need to be covered with Mr. Salazar?

  • He should be taught any dietary and lifestyle changes that should be made.
  • Diet – low sodium, low cholesterol, avoid sugar/soda, avoid fried/processed foods.
  • Exercise – 30-45 minutes of moderate activity 5-7 days a week, u nless instructed otherwise by a cardiologist. This will be determined by the patient’s activity tolerance – how much can they do and still be able to breathe and be pain-free?
  • Stop smoking and avoid caffeine and alcohol.
  • Medication Instructions
  • Nitroglycerin – take one SL tab at the onset of chest pain. If the pain does not subside after 5 minutes, call 911 and take a second dose. You can take a 3rd dose 5 minutes after the second if the pain does not subside. Do NOT take if you have taken Viagra in the last 24 hours.
  • Aspirin – take 81 mg of baby aspirin daily
  • Anticoagulant – the patient may be prescribed an anticoagulant if they had a stent placed.  They should be taught about bleeding risks.
  • When to call the provider – CP unrelieved by nitroglycerin after 5 minutes. Syncope. Evidence of bleeding in stool or urine (if on anticoagulant). Palpitations, shortness of breath, or difficulty tolerating activities of daily living.

Linchpins for Myocardial Infarction Nursing Case Study

In summary, Mr. Salazar’s case highlights the urgency of recognizing and responding to myocardial infarction promptly. The application of vital signs, EKG, cardiac enzymes, and medications like aspirin, nitroglycerin, and morphine played a pivotal role in his care. Diagnostic tools like echocardiography and chest X-rays contributed to a comprehensive evaluation.

Nurses must remain vigilant and compassionate in such emergencies. This case study emphasizes the importance of adhering to best practices in the assessment, diagnosis, and management of myocardial infarction, with the ultimate goal of achieving favorable patient outcomes.

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Nursing Case Studies

Jon Haws

This nursing case study course is designed to help nursing students build critical thinking.  Each case study was written by experienced nurses with first hand knowledge of the “real-world” disease process.  To help you increase your nursing clinical judgement (critical thinking), each unfolding nursing case study includes answers laid out by Blooms Taxonomy  to help you see that you are progressing to clinical analysis.We encourage you to read the case study and really through the “critical thinking checks” as this is where the real learning occurs.  If you get tripped up by a specific question, no worries, just dig into an associated lesson on the topic and reinforce your understanding.  In the end, that is what nursing case studies are all about – growing in your clinical judgement.

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aunt may's heart attack case study answers

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Mặc dù chính phủ, quốc hội, bộ y tế đã ban hành nhiều văn bản nhằm tháo gỡ tình trạng thiếu thuốc, vật tư y tế tại các bệnh viện, thực tế bệnh viện vẫn thiếu thuốc, vật tư, người bệnh phải đi mua từ băng gạc đến kim tiêm, bệnh nhân truyền máu tại viện huyết học và truyền máu trung ương - Ảnh minh họa: dƯƠng liỄutại buổi cung cấp thông tin cho báo chí chiều 15-12, bộ y tế cho hay việc thiếu thuốc không phải do văn bản hướng dẫn của bộ y tế, cũng không do ảnh hưởng kết quả đấu thầu tập trung cấp

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Tại sao lại có bệnh ung thư lại gọi là k ung thư là gì, uống thuốc không đúng bệnh có sao không, bạn có mắc những lỗi này khi uống thuốc không, vì sao bệnh ung thư tử cung, nguyên nhân gây ra bệnh ung thư cổ tử cung là gì, vì sao bệnh ung thư vòm họng giai đoạn đầu: hình ảnh, dấu hiệu và điều trị.

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  2. Solved Aunt May's Heart Attack Braude, S., Goran, D., and

    Aunt May's Heart Attack Braude, S., Goran, D., and Maxfield, S. 2011. Case Studies for Understanding the Human Body, 2nd Edition. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. pp 51-53. Peter couldn't understand why his spider sense was tingling. His wife Mary Jane had forgiven him, ye again. His boss, Mr. Jameson, had given him back his job, yet again.

  3. SOLVED: Aunt May's Heart Attack Braude, S., Goran, D., and ...

    VIDEO ANSWER: So the quintuple bypass surgery is used on the patients who are suffering from coronary artery disease to improve the circulation of blood from heart to other parts of the body. Before the surgery occurs, anesthesia is given to the

  4. Unit 3 Assessment for Feedback and Grade

    Unit 3 Assessment Aunt May's Heart Attack (#12) By: Sarah Levy Course Code: SBI3U Case Study Case Study Case Study Image Source: ILC Summary of Case Study Summary of Case Study Overview of Case In this case study titled, Aunt May's Heart Attack, Peter's Aunt May has been taken to

  5. Aunt May's Heart Attack (pptx)

    What brought on Aunt May's abrupt attack, during which she had both weakness and difficulty breathing The inefficient pumping of blood by Aunt May's heart led her to experience shortness of breath and a feeling of weakness. This took place as a result of the oxygenated blood being unable to reach other areas of the body and the deoxygenated blood being unable to reach the lungs in an efficient ...

  6. Aunt may's heart attack case study.pdf

    Overview of case study In this case study titled° Aunt May's Heart Attack° Peter's Aunt May has been to the hospital after having a heart attack° and this is not the first time± Part of the reason she has heart issues° is because of her big heart° which according to her cardiologist° is a dangerous sign of weakening cardiac muscle±

  7. Aunt May s Heart Attack Case Study.pptx

    View Aunt May;s Heart Attack Case Study.pptx from SNC B3U at Stephen Lewis Secondary School, Mississauga. Case Study Presentation AUNT MAY'S HEART ATTACK Ebrahim Shahid OVERVIEW OF THE CASE HOW AI Homework Help

  8. Aunt May s Heart Attack Case Study.pdf

    View Aunt May;s Heart Attack Case Study.pdf from SNC B3U at Stephen Lewis Secondary School, Mississauga. Case Study Presentation AUNT MAY'S HEART ATTACK Ebrahim Shahid OVERVIEW OF THE CASE HOW DOES ... Question 5 Answer saved Marked out of 100 Flag question Question text A client. document. came from a priori knowledge which predicted a 11 ...

  9. Case Studies for Understanding the Human Body

    Completely revised and expanded, the second edition of Case Studies for Understanding the Human Body is the ideal resource for students enrolled in any Anatomy and Physiology or Human Biology Course. The case studies work well in a cooperative learning setting where students work together to review and solve open-ended questions associated with each case.

  10. Myocardial Infarction (MI) Case Study (45 min)

    Understanding the risk factors associated with myocardial infarction is vital for prevention and early detection. This case study will examine both modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors, including age, gender, family history, smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol levels. Recognizing these risk factors is instrumental ...

  11. Aunt May's Heart Attack Case Study Answers

    Aunt May's Heart Attack Case Study Answers: 725+ Hours Hands-On . That's for our teaching majors; clinical experience and internships are key for all majors. Highlight Links. Contact CONTACT CONTACT. Original text. Keyboard Navigation. The Black Male College Explorers Program is a progressive intervention program designed specifically to ...

  12. Understanding the Human Body: Aunt May's Heart Attack & Cardiac

    Bio 201 Fall 2023 Prof. N. Starkova City University of New York York College Bio 201 Principles of Biology Laboratory Assignment 3. Aunt May's Heart Attack Braude, S., Goran, D., and Maxfield, S. 2011. Case Studies for Understanding the Human Body, 2nd Edition. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. pp 51-53. Peter couldn't understand why his spider sense was tingling.

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  14. CASE STUDY 12

    CASE STUDY 12 - Aunt May's Heart Attack.pdf - Doc Preview. Pages 3. Total views 10. A. Y. Jackson Secondary School. BIOLOGY. BIOLOGY SBI3U. HighnessValorScorpion18. 6/3/2022. ... These are the incorrect answers. . RELIAS Dysrhythmia - Advanced A Clinical Assessment User Organization. Date Completed: 1/23/2022 Score Breakdown s Score ...

  15. Heart Attack Case Study

    Cardiovascular System - Heart Attack. From Case Studies for Understanding the Human Body. S. Braude, D. Goran, and S. Maxfield. Uncle Jake and Aunt Leah were playing golf last week. On the sixth hole, Jake told Leah that he was having unusual pain in his left arm and chest. All of a sudden he felt weak and complained that his shirt was much too ...

  16. Aunt May's Heart Attack Case Study Answers

    Aunt May's Heart Attack Case Study Answers - is owned and operated by. RATATATA LTD. 48 Vitosha Boulevard, ground floor, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgarian reg. number: 206095338

  17. Aunt May% 27s Heart Attack Case Study Answers

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  18. Aunt May's Heart Attack Case Study Answers

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  19. Solved 8. The cardiologist jokingly blamed Aunt May for

    Integrative Challenge Question 11. Which steps could someone like Peter's boss, J. J. Jameson, take to lower his risk of heart attack? Assignment 4. Aunt May's Heart Attack Braude, S., Goran, D., and Maxfield, S. 2011. Case Studies for Understanding the Human Body, 2nd Edition. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. pp 51-53.

  20. Aunt May% 27s Heart Attack Case Study Answers

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  21. General functions of the rbcs and wbcs and blood

    100% (1) View full document. general functions of the RBCs and WBCs and blood proteins. (slides 30-35) Answer all the questions in "Aunt May's Heart Attack" case study. . Study the question in the EKG lab and relate the parts of the EKG to the function of the heart and to the heart sounds. Respiration: Gas Exchange (Lab 6 Slides) Explain ...

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  23. Aunt May's Heart Attack Case Study Answers

    Learn how the Scanlan Center for School Mental Health is improving outcomes for Iowa's youth and educators and how our students, faculty, staff, and alumni are making a positive impact and improving lives in the 2021-22 College of Education Annual Report.