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20 Reasons Why We Should Plant Trees

why we should plant trees essay

As native forests vanish at alarming rates but the importance of their services, they perform for us gains more recognition, planting trees has emerged as an iconic and highly impactful practice. Are you ready to find out the most amazing reasons why we should plant trees?

Trees are a part of our natural environment. They are used to build the very buildings that we live in, and we even write with, eat food from, sit on, and read from products that are made from them.

The significance of trees in our lives is beautifully depicted by our need to create protected areas where they can be admired. There are several tourist locations and traditions around the world that celebrate trees and their perceived powers on our wellbeing. These places often hold spiritual significance and cultural importance for communities surrounding them.

For example, you may have heard that in Japan, the practice of “Shinrin-Yoku” or forest bathing has gained popularity. It involves spending time relaxing in a forest, whilst trying to be present and perceive with all the senses the surrounding environment. This therapeutic practice is believed to reduce stress and boost overall wellbeing.

The banyan tree holds cultural and religious significance in India. Many believe that sitting or meditating under a banyan tree can bring about spiritual enlightenment and healing. Some banyan trees in India are considered sacred and are revered as a symbol of divine protection.

In Celtic traditions, certain trees are associated with each month of the year, forming the Celtic Tree Calendar. These trees are believed to possess unique healing properties and spiritual attributes during the given season.

As you can see, trees often represent the most sacred values of life. And because trees are so important, there are many reasons why we should plant more of them. Ready to learn more?

20 Reasons why do we need to plant trees in our environment?

Standing tall and strong in the landscape, well-rooted in the ground, with branches swinging in the wind, trees are one of the most stabilizing elements in the landscape. Wildlife and people have instinctively been drawn to trees for safety in times of discomfort and it has always worked in our favor…

#1 Trees hold soil in place & prevent erosion

Trees are a powerful tool in controlling soil erosion. They are one of the best natural defenses against land degradation processes. When we plant vegetation with deep roots, especially in vulnerable areas like riverbanks, hillsides, and streams, the soil becomes more stable and less susceptible to be misplaced.

According to data from Iowa State University, permanent vegetation cover, particularly native plants with deep roots like trees or shrubs, can reduce soil loss by over 50 percent (and even up to 100 percent in some cases) and surface runoff by an average of 30 percent.

Trees help to stabilize soils also by absorbing excess moisture with their roots and releasing it into the atmosphere through their leaves. This mechanism reduces oversaturation of soils with water during heavy rain periods, and helps to prevent flooding and nutrient loss.

Willow trees, for instance, are an excellent choice for erosion control. They grow rapidly, and their robust root system creates a strong binding network beneath the soil. Willows thrive in humid conditions and can even tolerate soils with higher salt concentrations. Moreover, they are known for their phytoremediation abilities, removing pollutants from soils and incorporating them into their biomass, contributing to a healthier environment when planted in the right location.

Additionally, the tree canopy acts as a windbreaker. Branches and leaves slow down the wind gusts and reduce the impact of wind on the soil. You can easily see the difference. In places where the soil is barren, a blow of wind easily rises lot of dust particles in the air, weathering away the upper soil layer.

A layer of leaves or needles, and other organic material on the ground fallen from trees acts as a natural mulch. Natural mulch protects upper soil layers from the direct impact of raindrops, which would dislodge soil particles and further cause erosion. Fallen tree leaves have one additional function. They gradually decompose and contribute to the formation of humus, which enriches soils and makes them healthy and fertile.

#2 Trees clean the soil pollutants

Trees have the ability to absorb pollutants from deeper soil layers and immobilize them in their woody parts. Through their roots creating a rich network that can reach as low as water table, trees prevent groundwater pollution from nutrient leaching and effectively remove soil contaminants. This includes agricultural pesticides and their degradation products as well as heavy metals (e.g. cadmium, lead, mercury), but also persistent organic pollutants.

According to the latest measurements, the capacity of trees to capture pesticide residues from soils varies between 40 to 100 percent. The range is fairly broad because it is affected by the tree type, soil characteristics and environmental conditions.

Trees like poplars and willows are generally known for being very efficient in pesticide uptake. That is why you can see willows planted along streamsides or on the lakeshores as protective buffers between water and agricultural land.

#3 Trees help to slow stormwater runoff

Trees do so much for water. Their role in water management in the natural and cultural landscapes is irreplaceable. By improving soil structure and increasing organic matter content in soils, trees promote water retention capacity of soils.

Their crowns shield larger areas of land from direct sunshine and decrease the evaporation. Soils then remain moist for longer periods of time, allowing neighboring plants to have better access to water from upper soil layers where their roots are.

One of the biggest water related problems in the modern landscape is runoff. Runoff mainly occurs on damaged lands that are stripped of vegetation, like paved surfaces, or surfaces that are eroding away, which includes even many agricultural lands. On these lands, 10 to 30 percent of rainwater is instantly lost by running off the surface and flowing into the nearest water bodies, along with soil nutrients, it has picked up along the way.

The result are soils devoid of nutrients that get dry too soon after the rain, forming a crust on the top. Surface runoff only increases the long-term impacts of drought and loss of biodiversity because less and less plants can survive in such conditions.

Tree roots and organic debris on the ground slow down runoff and hold back soil particles. This provides time for nutrients to get gradually used up by vegetation or get transformed by soil microbes into soil enriching products rather than immediately changing chemistry of water bodies.

#4 Trees recycle nutrients

Trees have a great capacity of maintaining soil fertility by building up organic matter and mediating nutrient cycling. Deeper and strong root systems of trees reach nutrients from deeper soil layers that would be unavailable to other plants. Trees incorporate these nutrients into their leaves. Nutrients “locked” in leaves are released during the process of decomposition after leaves have fallen on the ground. This enriches the upper soil layer and makes nutrients available to plants and crops growing in their vicinity.

Trees also release some nutrients through a process called leaching. When excess nutrients are taken up by the roots but not used immediately by the tree, they may be released back into the soil through rainwater, making them available for other plants or leaching into groundwater.

Did you know? Many trees form symbiotic relationships with mycorrhizal fungi, which attach to their roots. These fungi help the tree access nutrients from the soil in exchange for sugars produced by the tree through photosynthesis. This mutualistic relationship enhances nutrient uptake efficiency for both the tree and the fungi.

For example, tree species like Acacia, Alder or Black Locust, fixate atmospheric nitrogen into soil, making it available to crops that do not have this ability.

#5 Trees sequester carbon dioxide

As most of us learned in school, trees and other green plants take in carbon dioxide that humans and other organisms produce. Without trees, the levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere would be even higher than they are now .

Trees are extremely efficient at absorbing atmospheric carbon and utilizing it to form their bodies, but they also improve soil quality, making soils rich in organic matter and capable of storing higher amounts of carbon than degraded soils.

Through photosynthesis, trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it into biomass and oxygen.

Mature forests absorb and store enormous quantities carbon dioxide, within trees and small vegetation, as well in the form of decaying plant matter in the soil.

Forests in regions like the Congo and the Amazon represent some of the world’s largest natural reservoirs for greenhouse gases on land.

In fact, the Earth’s vegetation and soils consist of around 7,500 Gigatonnes (Gt) of CO 2 – that is more than double the amount of carbon from the atmosphere.

When forests are converted to agricultural land or logged on a massive scale, large quantities of CO 2 and other greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change.

#6 Trees produce oxygen

We often call tress the lungs of our planet because of their unique role in providing oxygen for us to breathe and improving the air quality.

Trees, more specifically native forests and rainforests, are estimated to generate roughly one third of the world’s oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. The remaining percentage comes from other sources, especially marine plankton.

Through photosynthesis, trees produce oxygen that humans and many other organisms depend on to live. During photosynthesis, trees use chlorophyll, a pigment found in their leaves, to capture sunlight. They combine carbon dioxide captured from the air with water absorbed through their roots to create glucose and oxygen.

Tropical rainforests are considered the “lungs of the Earth” due to their significant oxygen production. They are responsible for a substantial portion of the world’s oxygen supply. Their continuous destruction could bear serious consequences for the health of the planet.

#7 Trees clean the air pollutants

Trees intercept air pollutants like carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and particulate matter.

Trees capture and trap particulate matter from the air. Particulate matter are very fine particles that get stirred in the air from different sources (industries, agriculture). Due to their small size, they can harm living organisms if the exposure is long term or severe. These particles can be for example a thin cement dust, carbon soot or magnesium-lime dust. In some areas with heavy industries, dust particles make up to 35 percent of air pollution suspended in the air.

The leaves and branches of trees act as a physical barrier, capturing these particles and preventing them from remaining in the air, where they can be inhaled and cause respiratory issues to local residents.

Trees absorb gaseous pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, ozone, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These pollutants often come from transport emissions and industrial processes. The pollutants are absorbed through the small pores on the leaf surface, called stomata, and are then metabolized or stored within the tree’s tissues.

#8 Some animals are dependent upon trees

Trees are an important element contributing to the biodiversity on Earth. They provide important habitat for wildlife and are fundamental to many ecosystems on Earth.

Some animals live their entire lives in trees, and some, such as the Northern Spotted Owl in Washington State in the United States, cannot survive without old growth forests. This means that in places where is any deforestation happening, these species cannot thrive and will gradually disappear .

The canopy of mature trees provides a safe habitat for various birds, insects, and mammals. Birds build nests in the branches, while insects use the leaves as feeding and breeding sites. Small mammals like squirrels and monkeys find refuge and food in the treetops. Some of them do not leave the trees for most of their lives.

Fallen leaves and branches create leaf litter on the forest floor, providing shelter and food. The soil beneath trees also hosts a diverse community of microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, which play crucial roles in nutrient cycling and decomposition.

Hollows or cavities that form naturally in older trees serve as nesting sites and shelter for small wildlife. Trees also create corridors between different habitats, allowing animals to move and disperse through the landscape in safety from predators. Without this specific habitat, animals are in distress and exposed to many dangerous situations, one of them being even unwanted human-wildlife interaction. 

Flowering trees also attract pollinators and play a role in supporting their activity and health.

#9 Trees make cities more livable

A vibrant urban forest is especially important for cities . A healthy urban forest is one of the more important factors in the establishment of livable cities, by bringing nature into an artificial and human-constructed city environment.

Children can learn about nature within the city environment just by being around trees and observing and interacting with them. A view of trees and green spaces from hospital windows has been found to increase the healing of patients , decrease our stress, and children do much better in school when they have a view of trees and green space and can spend time playing in nature .

Even just a view of trees in cities can help to reduce stress and anxiety , and improve the overall well-being of an urban population. It has been found that having green spaces with trees in cities helps to reduce crime rates by approximately 50 percent [1] .

Trees contribute to the visual appeal of cities, providing green spaces, lush landscapes, and seasonal changes that enhance urban aesthetics. These natural elements improve the overall ambiance and attractiveness of urban areas.

Trees act beneficially also as natural sound barriers, absorbing and diffusing urban noise pollution, making neighborhoods quieter and more pleasant for residents and visitors.

#10 Trees increase property value

It is well-known that when a home has mature trees growing on the property, it will sell for 7 to 19 percent more than if there were no trees planted there [2] . For example, a study conducted by the U.S. Forest Service found that trees can add an average of $8,870 to a home’s sale price in certain areas.

The presence of trees enhances the appeal of a property and offers various benefits that attract buyers and tenants. Trees add natural beauty and visual appeal to a property, making it more attractive to most of us.

But there are more reasons why perhaps somehow instinctively, we prefer to live close to beautifully grown trees. They provide shade and reduce the need for air conditioning in the summer. Strategically placed trees can result in energy savings of up to 30% for cooling costs.

What’s more, trees act as natural screens. They create a sense of privacy, and their canopy reduces noise from neighboring properties or busy streets.

Trees create a positive first impression of a property and lead to increased curb appeal. Just think about it. Tree-lined streets and neighborhoods with green spaces are more preferred by most of us. They create a sense of community and contribute to the overall desirability of the location.

#11 Trees help to save energy

The presence of trees and other vegetation reduces air and surface temperatures through shade and evapotranspiration (the releasing of water vapor through a plant’s leaves). It has been found that temperatures in shaded areas can be as much as 20 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit (11 to 25 degrees Celsius) cooler than temperatures in unshaded areas.

The shading of buildings by vegetation decreases the demand for energy used for air conditioning, reducing air pollution and producing fewer greenhouse gas emissions [3] .

Trees release water vapor through a process called evapotranspiration, which cools the surrounding air. This process is similar to how sweating cools our bodies. The cooling effect from evapotranspiration further reduces energy consumption for cooling the air.

Trees planted in urban areas help mitigate the urban heat island effect, where cities are significantly warmer than surrounding rural areas due to human activities and heat-absorbing surfaces. By cooling the environment, trees reduce the demand for other means of cooling down the heated streets in cities.

Additionally, tree canopy absorbs solar radiation instead of reflecting it like hard surfaces of urban buildings and streets do.

#12 Trees create a sense of place

Trees can give a place unique character and beauty that can only be found in that specific place. Trees are iconic elements that define the landscape of a place. Different tree species, such as palm trees in tropical regions or oak trees in temperate climates, contribute to the unique visual identity of a location.

Trees with cultural or historical importance become symbols of the place’s heritage. They may be associated with local traditions, legends, or historical events, fostering a sense of continuity and rootedness in the community.

Trees display distinct seasonal changes, such as colorful autumn foliage or blooming in spring. These natural cycles become familiar and evoke a sense of time passing, making the place feel dynamic and alive.

Trees provide a sense of scale and verticality to landscapes, especially in urban areas where tall trees contrast with buildings. They offer a feeling of openness and natural space, even in dense urban environments.

Iconic trees or tree-lined avenues can serve as landmarks for navigation, helping people orient themselves in an area and creating a strong sense of place identity. Humans have a biophilic connection to nature, and trees evoke feelings of comfort and tranquility. Being surrounded by trees fosters a deeper emotional bond with the location.

Trees often become a backdrop for personal memories and experiences. People associate certain trees or tree-filled areas with moments from their lives, leading to a personal attachment and emotional connection to the place.

If you are interested in exploring this topic a bit more, have a look at our article: “ A Forest Without Trees .” The article goes into detail about the effects of the tree loss on the quality of our lives.

#13 Trees feed us

You can grow your own fruit or nuts in your backyard. By planting fruit or nut trees in your yard, you can produce abundant food for yourself and your family, and perhaps even enough to share with friends, neighbors, other family members, and others in your community.

Trees bear fruits such as apples, oranges, bananas, mangoes, and many more. These fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, providing essential nutrients for a healthy diet. Almonds, walnuts, cashews and other nuts that are nutritious and a good source of healthy fats, proteins, and minerals, also grow on trees. And there is more.

Coffee beans and cocoa are enjoyed globally by many of us and also originate from trees.

Some trees, like pine trees, produce edible seeds or pine nuts that are used in various cuisines. Other trees produce edible flowers – examples are elderflower and acacia flowers, which are used in culinary preparations, including salads and desserts.

Maple trees provide sap that is tapped to produce maple syrup, a natural sweetener used in various dishes and recipes. Cinnamon trees produce bark that is harvested and used as a popular spice, adding flavor to a wide range of dishes. Similarly, olive trees and coconut palms produce fruits with oil-rich seeds, providing edible oils widely used in cooking.

#14 Trees are an investment for our communities and for future generations

When we plant trees, we are giving a gift to the environment and to our communities. Trees are long-lived organisms, and investing in tree planting and conservation is a way to leave a lasting legacy for future generations to enjoy the benefits of a greener and more sustainable world.

Since many species of trees can live for hundreds of years or more, our “investment” tree planting may perhaps last far beyond our own lifetimes.

Trees play a crucial role in mitigating climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Their presence helps combat air pollution, improve water quality, and promote overall environmental health for decades of time.

Trees also enhance our resilience to climate change by providing shade and cooling. They reduce the urban heat island effect and decrease our vulnerability to losses during extreme weather events.

#15 Trees help to maintain local water cycles

Trees play a very important role in maintenance of local water cycles . Trees hold water, prevent flooding, recharge underground aquifers, and maintain water vapor in the atmosphere, increasing the opportunity for rainfall.

When forests are cut down, the water vapor in the atmosphere disappears in an area, decreasing precipitation and increasing the risk of drought and desertification. By planting trees, some of these negative effects may be reversed.

Tree roots absorb water from the soil, reducing surface runoff and helping to recharge groundwater aquifers. In fact, a mature tree can absorb hundreds of gallons of water from the soil each day. Trees also release water vapor through their leaves in a process called transpiration. This release of water into the atmosphere contributes to the formation of clouds and precipitation, which is a crucial part of the water cycle.

What you may not know is that tree canopies intercept rainfall, and the leaves capture pollutants and sediment present in stormwater runoff. This natural filtering process helps improve water quality and reduces the impact of urban runoff on local water systems.

Trees help control flooding by reducing the speed and volume of stormwater runoff. They act as natural buffers, slowing down the flow of water during heavy rainfall and helping to prevent flash floods. Trees contribute to the replenishment of groundwater by allowing rainwater to percolate into the soil instead of immediately running off. This helps recharge underground water reservoirs, maintaining the local water supply.

In mountainous regions, forests play a critical role in preserving snowpack. Trees provide shade and act as windbreaks, reducing snowmelt and extending the release of water downstream, contributing to water availability during drier months.

In the Amazon rainforest, trees play a crucial role in maintaining regional rainfall patterns through the process of transpiration, contributing to the “flying rivers” phenomenon, where moisture from the forest is transported by winds and influences rainfall in other regions.

#16 Trees help to buffer storms

Trees help to reduce windy conditions during storms. They act as windbreakers on the land, protecting other vegetation – even crops, but also buildings and human structures. The dense canopy of trees provides additional protection by slowing down raindrops and reducing the impact of heavy rainfall on the ground, which can help prevent soil erosion and flooding. But trees play also a protective role in coastal areas.

During storms, strong winds and low atmospheric pressure can push seawater toward the shore, causing a storm surge. Mangrove trees act as a natural barrier that slows down and absorbs the force of incoming waves.

Mangroves have an extensive root system that stabilizes the soil. Their roots trap sediment and organic matter, gradually building up the shoreline and protecting it from erosion caused by waves. In addition to reducing storm surge height, mangroves act as a buffer against coastal flooding. Their dense root systems and vegetation slow down floodwaters, providing a natural defense against inundation.

Trees along riverbanks and floodplains slow down floodwaters and reduce the velocity of flowing water. This helps control flooding, protecting downstream areas from the rapid and destructive flow of water.

#17 Trees produce products for our use

Trees produce many important products that we use in our daily lives, including wood, medicine, and food.

For example, the Moringa tree is considered to be a superfood and super herb, with all parts of the tree being useful for food or medicine, and the seeds are even used in some developing countries for water purificationa.

Other useful products from trees include cinnamon made from the bark of the Cinnamon Tree, using Willow bark as a form of natural aspirin, and using the technique of coppicing trees to obtain woody materials without killing the trees.

Everyone knows that trees are a source of timber and wood, extremely important materials that accompany us on our daily errands in the form of paper, or wooden furniture. Many trees bear edible fruits and nuts, providing a significant portion of our food supply. Examples include fruits like apples, pears, oranges, lemons, and almonds, coconuts.

Did you know that natural rubber comes from a special kind of tree found South East Asia and Africa. Rubber trees produce a milky fluid called latex. The latex is collected in pails and then the water is removed from it so that it can be turned into raw rubber. Other trees produce gum and resins used in the production of adhesives and pharmaceuticals.

Cork oak trees provide cork. Trees like oak and chestnut contain tannins, which are used in tanning leather and producing ink and dyes. Trees such as hemp and flax produce fibers that can be used to make textiles, rope, and paper.

#18 Trees are visually beautiful

Planting trees is a great way to add a touch of beautiful nature to your property and improve the aesthetics of a place. Knowing all their benefits to our wellbeing, it’s no wonder we are perhaps instinctively programmed to admire trees and seek refuge under their calming canopy. 

Trees come in a wide range of shapes and sizes, from tall and majestic conifers to graceful weeping willows and compact ornamental trees. Each species has its unique growth patterns, adding diversity to the visual landscape.

Trees also display captivating seasonal changes throughout the year. From the fresh green leaves of spring to the vibrant hues of autumn foliage, the visual transformation of trees with the changing seasons is a true delight.

Many trees produce stunning flowers and blossoms, creating breathtaking displays of colors and scents. Cherry blossoms, magnolia flowers, and jacaranda blooms are just a few examples of trees with eye-catching flowers.

Trees in urban environments bring nature into cities, providing refreshing green spaces that contrast with the surrounding built environment. Certain individual trees, like ancient and giant sequoias or iconic trees like the baobabs, become famous landmarks and tourist attractions, admired for their grandeur and beauty.

#19 Trees help control noise

Trees help to curb loud noises in the air. Trees absorb and dampen sound waves, reducing the intensity of noise in their vicinity. According to research conducted by the U.S. Forest Service, a dense tree belt can reduce noise by 5 to 10 decibels, which is equivalent to cutting perceived noise levels in half.

When planted strategically around a property, trees can even help to reduce loud urban noises from freeways and airports. Studies have shown that well-planted tree barriers can reduce noise levels by up to 10 decibels.

The leafy canopies of trees act as sound-absorbing surfaces, helping to muffle and disperse noise. Trees with dense foliage are particularly effective at reducing high-frequency sounds.

The rustling of leaves and gentle swaying of tree branches can produce soothing “white noise,” which helps mask and alleviate background noise, creating a more pleasant acoustic environment.

Studies have shown that the presence of trees around schools contributes to improved acoustic conditions, leading to better learning environments for students.

#20 Trees have potential to prevent and stop wildfires

In some situations, trees could play a crucial role in wildfire prevention and mitigating the spread of wildfires. This happens when the forests are managed in a proper way. Proper forest management includes controlled burns, thinning, and frequent removal of deadwood. These techniques reduce the amount of fuel available for wildfires to ignite and spread.

Additionally, trees can be strategically used as firebreaks to create natural barriers that slow down or stop the spread of wildfires. Trees around homes and structures could create a buffer zone that reduces the risk of fire reaching buildings. Properly spaced and pruned trees decrease the likelihood of fire spreading to structures.

Planting fire-resistant tree species and creating greenbelts with well-maintained vegetation can help create a fire-resistant landscape, especially in urban-wildland interface areas.

In some ecosystems with certain types of forests, periodic natural fires are part of the natural cycle. In these areas, fire management practices should focus on controlled or prescribed burns to mimic natural fire regimes and maintain ecosystem health to prevent out of control wildfire outbreaks.

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Essay on Benefits of Planting Trees

List of essays on the benefits of planting trees, essay on the benefits of planting trees – 10 lines on the benefits of planting trees for kids (essay 1 – 150 words), essay on the benefits of planting trees – short essay for children (essay 2 – 250 words), essay on the benefits of planting trees (essay 3 – 300 words), essay on the benefits of planting trees – with conclusion (essay 4 – 400 words), essay on the benefits of planting trees – social, economic, environmental benefits (essay 5 – 500 words), essay on the benefits of planting trees – for school students (class 3, 4 and 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 standard) (essay 6 – 600 words), essay on the benefits of planting trees – long essay for college students (essay 7 – 750 words), essay on the benefits of planting trees – how trees protect our environment (written in english) (essay 8 – 1000 words).

Benefits of planting trees is massive. As the world advances and pollutes the environment, the only possible way to make men realize the basics and to make him reunite with nature is to bring awareness on the planting of trees.

Trees are one of the important sources of life on earth. Had the trees not been there, we would have not had such a beautiful environment to live in. However, with the increase in urbanisation, there has been large-scale deforestation which has affected all of us. Thus, it is important to understand the benefits of planting trees.

Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for school students (Class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Standard) and college students.

Benefits of planting trees have long been emphasized by our ancestors. Worshipping of trees is just another way to acknowledge the benefits of planting trees. Trees provide us with shade, fruits, flowers, and bark. But the most important benefits of planting trees include fresh air (oxygen) and their role in the food chain.

Trees are natural ventilators. Apart from that, many valuable medicines are extracted from various parts of the plants. One of the several other benefits of planting trees is that roots of trees hold the soil tightly. As a result, the chances of flood diminish sharply. The roots also conserve the groundwater and support the water cycle.

Environment day and Earth day, etc., are celebrated to throw light on the benefits of planting trees. Trees are our best friends. No amount of words would be enough to list all the benefits of planting trees.

Planting trees is one of the main reason that makes this planet habitable. They are the source of oxygen which is essential for survival of all living beings on the Earth. Without this, there is no possibility of life. There are many other benefits of planting trees which include environmental, social and economic benefits.

Environmental Benefits of Planting Trees:

As referred above, they are the only source of oxygen. They take up the carbon dioxide from atmosphere and release oxygen. Planting more trees can help in reducing the levels of air pollution as they absorb pollutant gases and filter out the particulates. It also maintains the temperature of an area at a lower level than an area that does not have trees. They are also the habitat for birds and many other animals. Trees are also a source of fruits and flowers. Benefits of planting trees also include reducing soil erosion and slow the run off.

Social Benefits of Planting Trees:

Trees planted in an area around a society can be used as a park for children and adults. They provide space for recreational activities like picnics and morning walks. Presence of trees and forests also make activities like hiking and trekking more fun for people who are interested in adventure.

Economic Benefits of Planting Trees:

Trees are not only a source of oxygen, they are also a source of biotic materials like wood, resin, fiber, honey, rubber and many others. These are the raw materials for many industries.

There are many benefits of planting trees but people still do not realize their importance. To keep the Earth as a habitable living planet, we need to take responsibility.

There are several benefits of planting trees and it is important to be aware of it as it will give you even more incentive to plant trees and thereby contribute to a better and greener environment.

The Green Environment:

Our environment is suffering a great deal and owing to the extensive exploitation of earth because of human activities it seems like the carrying capacity of earth has been impacted. This is why by choosing to plant trees, you can make the right difference in your environment.

The Oxygen Effect:

When we are talking of the benefits of planting trees, one of the important things which we need to add is that it surely assists in making the environment safer and can help in sustaining life for a longer period. It is owing to the presence of trees that there is sufficient oxygen level and it also traps the carbon dioxide too.

So, those who want to make sure that you are improving the oxygen content in the atmosphere; you should plant trees and even let others know the benefits of planting trees as this will lead to a cumulative effect.

Understanding the Benefits of Planting Trees:

You need to educate people about why planting tress has become one of the important activities. Until and unless people grasp this knowledge, they won’t do their bit. If you want life to thrive on the planet, it is really important to ensure that we do not deplete the plant cover.

By understanding the benefits of planting trees and doing your bit, you might start the best of mitigation strategies and this could lead to the chain effect which is truly desired at the moment.

We have done a lot of ruthless exploitation of mother earth and it is about time that we pay back to the mother earth. So, understand the endless benefits of planting trees and start planting a few right in your backyard.


Benefits of Planting Trees:

Benefits of planting trees are numerous and this needs to be enunciated to every citizen to help have a successful outcome. Being the source of oxygen for humans to breathe is one of the primary benefit of planting trees. Trees have the amazing capability of absorbing the Carbon dioxide in air and letting out Oxygen during the process of photosynthesis whereby energy is produced.

Another major benefit of planting trees is that it maintains the temperature of the surroundings as it provides shade, breaks up the heat and releases clean air. Benefit of planting trees is directly proportional to the cost effectiveness in home cooling mechanisms. This also helps in fresher air for the people.

Benefits of planting trees also includes providing shelter to birds and animals. Trees are the source of food, protection for these birds and animals. Other tiny reptiles and hibernating animals make their homes closer to trees so that they have sufficient food.

Another significant benefit of planting trees is the reduction in Soil erosion due to floods. Harvest from Orchards leads to a drastic increase in income which ultimately results in the development of economies and this can be cited as another important benefit of planting trees.

Sensitizing Benefits of Planting Trees:

While the benefits of planting trees are immense, sending across this message to humans is very important. There are several NGO’s who strive to build a cleaner environment by planting trees and emphasizing the benefits of planting trees and discourage deforestation . Sankalp Taru Foundation, Youth Services for Peace, Say Trees, Grow Trees, Green Yatra, Reforest India, Green Life India and Tree Plantation are some of the important NGO’s in India which helps bring out the message to the citizens.


One of the Chinese proverbs says “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now .” Benefits of planting trees is enormous and is imminent need of the hour. Climatic changes can be curbed by planting more trees and amending the temperature of the earth. Benefits of planting trees leads to social and economic wellbeing of the world. Each and every one of us have to make conscious effort to plant trees and enhance the quality of life.

Trees give us oxygen and are an important condition for the sustenance of life on earth. But, do we really give them the respect they deserve? Is it not that for our personal needs we have uprooted numerous trees and paved way for urbanisation? All this has not just affected the environment, but it has affected us the most as we have disturbed the balance of nature which was essential for our own survival. Hence, it is the need of the day is to understand the benefits of planting trees.

The Benefits of Planting Trees:

It is not only the oxygen for which the trees are important to us. There are numerous other things as well. In fact, it would not be wrong to say that it is not possible for us to survive on earth without the trees being around.

One of the benefits of planting trees is that they are visually appealing. Having trees around us is a boost to our eyes. An area full of trees looks so visually appealing that it helps us beat your stress levels and the fresh air around the trees energises us. Other benefits of planting trees are that children love to play around them and it gives a boost to the outdoor activities of children, giving them a healthy life. One of the most talked about the benefits of planting trees is that they protect us from the sun and provide the elders with a sitting ground for them to relax under their shade.

There are economic benefits of planting trees as well. The foremost is that the produce from trees is used for commercial purposes and even exported to other nations. This helps in the economy of the country. Economic benefits of planting trees include that they give livelihood to the people as cultivating trees and selling their produce helps them earn their living. Moreover, the beautification of the landscape also results in higher property rates, thereby benefitting the economy and the people.

Most importantly, there are environmental benefits of planting trees. One of the foremost is that we get plenty of oxygen for our own survival. Moreover, other benefits of planting trees include that trees help in reducing pollution levels and give us a healthy environment to live. Additionally, other benefits of planting trees are that they help in stopping the clouds and cause rainfall. Also, they bind the soil together and prevent soil erosion. Furthermore, there are many species of animals and birds which are dependent on trees for their survival. Trees, in fact, are essential for all living beings.

Trees are important for all of us, be it humans, animals or birds. But, we have somehow not protected them and perhaps that is why as on today we have been affected by global warming, severe pollution levels and other ill effects of deforestation. But it is still not so late. We must all understand the benefits of planting trees and encourage others as well to plant more and more trees. It is for the own betterment and the sooner we understand this the better it is for us.

The benefits of planting trees is multifarious that ranges from having a beautiful environment to preventing the global climate change. They are the primary source of food and they contribute significantly to the environment in many useful aspects. So, trees are the vital resources for the survival of all living beings. Therefore, Governments world over and stakeholders are taking steps to prevent deforestation and propagate the benefits of planting trees.

Air & Atmosphere:

Trees breathe in Carbon dioxide and breathe out Oxygen. This cycle has been provided by nature to sustain other living beings. The primary resource of our survival is the oxygen that we breathe in. The oxygen received in our lungs is transported by red blood cells to the entire body for producing energy.

Further, the Carbon dioxide breathed in by the trees is one of the greenhouse gases. This and other greenhouses, when released into the atmosphere form a layer and trap the heat from the sun. They result in the increase of the atmospheric temperature. This harmful Global Warming and the eventual Climate Change affects the livelihood of all creatures on the earth. So, one of the primary benefits of planting trees is to get clean air for breathing and reduce the Greenhouse Effect.

Water & Soil:

Next to oxygen in the air, water is the next vital element that sustains living beings. Trees receive the rainwater and hold them in the land. This prevents clean water from flowing into storm water drains. Further, they act as watersheds and hold the flood waters for some time before slowly releasing them into the earth and atmosphere. So, they maintain the water table of an area and provides us with potable water.

Moreover, the root system of the trees hold the soil underground. They deter the top soil from being washed away during rains and floods. Thus, benefits of planting trees include prevention of soil erosion, which reduces the dangers of landslides.

Biodiversity & Ecosystem:

Trees contribute to a rich biodiversity and healthy ecosystem. Birds, animals, insects and fungi make their home in the trees and contribute to a diverse ecosystem. This balanced environment in turn contributes to the wellbeing of human beings.

Trees are producers of food and are found at the bottom of the food chain. They produce their own food through photosynthesis and contribute significantly to the entire ecosystem. So, the benefits of planting trees include the fruits and nuts that we obtain from them. They are highly nutritious and good for food. Further, trees are rich source of medicines that could heal our diseases in a natural way.

Health & Wealth:

Apart from providing clean air, water and food, the benefits of planting trees are significant in their contribution to the mental health of human beings. Their greenery and freshness act as stress busters to release the human mind. Thus, the benefits of planting trees finds a place in the creation of positive vibration in the atmosphere.

The trees on the highways provide a soothing effect to the riders. They act as shields for residences and commercial establishments on busy roads.

Children are also found to develop good memory when provided with green spaces in their environment. The benefits of planting trees applies in hospitals too enabling patients to recover quickly from surgeries.

When good health is maintained, it in turn reduces the loss of our wealth. Happiness and prosperity abounds with the absence of disease in the body. Such a freedom from sickness is one of the best benefits of planting trees.

They further add beauty and aesthetic sense to buildings, and enhance their value too.

Economy & Development:

Trees reduce our dependence on cooling systems to a large extent during summer. They also act as windbreakers during winter, reducing our dependence on heating systems. Thus, they cut down our utility bills and contributes to the economy. So, the benefits of planting trees has an impact on the growth and development of a nation itself.

An understanding of the benefits of planting trees releases us from ignorance. It helps us to avoid cutting living trees to replace them with inanimate buildings or for other purposes. It also gives us the responsibility to nurture them for the sake of our future generation. Therefore, we need to do our best to sensitize our fellow beings and propagate the benefits of planting trees.

The benefits of planting trees are immeasurable. Plants and trees are the major reasons why the earth is still in existence and we are still able to dwell on it. Plants and trees provide us with the oxygen we need for survival. Apart from basically keeping us alive, there are many other little and big benefits we get from planting trees.

There are a lot of merits of tree planting; a few of these benefits are the provision of shelter and food for the birds and other animals, the absorption of the harmful gases polluting the environment and also serving as shade from the sun and when it is hot. Trees give economic, social and environmental benefits. This is why environmental specialists and the government always talk about the need to plant more trees. Some of the many benefits of tree planting would be discussed here.

Most of the benefits of planting trees are widely known to everyone. Trees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen so that the balance of ecology in and around the environment can be maintained. Trees also help in absorbing most id nit all of the gases that are harmful and presents us with pure and very fresh air for the purpose of breathing. It can be seen that the planting of more trees will mean even purer and fresher atmosphere. Even though the exponentially increasing pollution of our environment can barely be controlled, the effects of pollution can be reduced by the planting of more trees.

The areas and regions that have a higher population of trees are always way cooler when compared to places where there are little or no trees. Trees also serve as a form of protective sheet that shields us from the extremely harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

Trees are habitats for a lot of animals most especially birds and some other animal species. Trees are also major food sources for all living creatures from human beings to animals, fruits, flowers and the leaves of various trees are consumable; planting trees means we have supply for shelter and food. Trees can also help in the control of water of water pollution and battling soil erosion. What trees do is hold the soil firmly together and slow the runoff of water down.

It is important to talk about the social benefits of planting trees. The urbanisation and the shift from nature due to the technology around us have not been good on us. Therefore, the planting of more trees is a good method of reconnecting and getting close to nature. The planting of trees in rows in parks and garden in cities and towns serve as a suitable location for people to meet and socialise. Parks can be useful to people for evening strolls, morning walks and even yoga sessions. It is a very good place for the children to socialise and play.

There is also the opportunity for a variety of recreational activities. Forests and reserves can also be used for activities like hunting and hiking. Our moods can be uplifted by a good and soothing environment and trees are important in doing that. With all of the stress of work and life these days, it is necessary that we find things that help lift our mood and the way of getting rid of stress and lifting our mood is through nature. Trees are believed to have extraordinary healing properties, some researchers have said that a patient that looks at plants and trees from their windows are prone to heal a lot faster.

Like the social benefits of planting trees, there are also associated economic benefits of planting trees. Trees can be used as wood that are employed in the building and construction of a lot of things like stationary items, houses, furniture, boats and so many more. Trees can also provide resin, fibre, tannins, rubber, honey and many more. As the number of trees we plant increases, so also the number of ways we can use the tree increases.

There would also be an increase in the amount of factories required to build these things which subsequently means a lot more people will be employed and there will be more businesses around which helps boosts economic development and prosperity. The benefits of planting trees are immeasurable and quite enormous but we still find way to overlook them and play down their importance. It is essential that we come to realise how extremely important and beneficial the planting of trees is to our environment.

Benefits of planting trees are immense. Trees are vital for all of us because they provide everything that we need. They are one of the best reason for balancing the ecology and also play an essential role in maintaining the weather conditions. You need to plant the right trees in the right place.

Can you think about a situation, living in a bare land without trees or plants? Can you think of living there for your entire life? Well, a big ‘NO’ is the answer to all these questions. These questions make you realize the benefit of planting trees and how important trees are. Living in a bare land is definitely not a smooth thing you can consider, and without trees, it feels like a homeless human being in a shady place.

Unscrupulous cutting of trees is a social menace and doing such actions are a direct challenge to the existence of society. It is essential to cut trees for meeting various necessities, but it also important to go for systematic felling and replantation of trees. Therefore one should always plant more and more trees to avoid unforeseen natural calamities, climate changes, and other challenging circumstances.

How trees protect our environment?

Does this topic even owe an explanation? Trees are the core of our living, and the benefits of planting trees and its importance cannot be written in a few words. It has a compelling place as it protects our environment in multiple ways. Trees are not only essential for living a good life, but they are incredibly beneficial to safeguard our environment.

The following are some of the benefits of planting trees:

1. Trees Fight against Pollution:

Trees are a survivor as they fight against pollution and it is one of the significant benefits of planting trees. Planting trees help in evolving more fresh air in the atmosphere which ultimately safeguards human beings from breathing the polluted air. The clean air is very low and inhaling the contaminated air is the dangerous thing somebody can ever do. Therefore, planting trees is very important to decrease the quantity of polluted air from the environment.

2. Eviction of the Loss of Vigorous Soil:

Healthy soil is significant for maintaining the environment. If we plant trees frequently, then the erosion of healthy soil can be avoided to a great extent. It doesn’t matter how big or small, thick or thin the roots of the trees are. If we plant trees, its roots can hold healthy soil from erosion, and it will ultimately decrease the risk of floods as well. The roots of the tree can keep the soil and resist/avoid any possible hill slides (landslides).

3. Shed for Everyone:

We can say with confidence that ‘Trees are a Life-Saver’. One of the best benefit of planting trees is that it creates a shadow which is essential for everyone. You can plant trees and get your own shed whenever life takes you through the toughest road. Living near and around trees help you to inhale the fresh air which is much needed. Trees help in protecting us and the environment by providing shadow from the sun and more clean air in the atmosphere.

4. Look After our Animals:

Can anyone ever think that trees can be mothers too? Well, they are. Trees act as mothers when they look after the animals in our environment. They literally provide everything to the animals from food to shelter. Animals are a part of our environment and protecting those means protecting the environment. Trees give shelter to the animals and birds which are important for all of us and is yet another alluring benefit of planting trees.

How planting trees help in maintaining greenhouse gases?

Apart from being a lifesaver, trees are also helpful in absorbing the greenhouse gases which are detrimental and ruinous for our health. More than the required amount of carbon dioxide in the environment is injurious, and trees help in maintaining that balance. Human beings inhale oxygen whereas trees exhale oxygen for us. So, planting more trees will lead to clean and fresh air in the environment with more oxygen.

For maintaining a healthy and clean environment, it is essential for trees to inhale CO2. By planting numerous trees, you can give so much to yourself and the environment. Trees are valuable and advantageous for our environment because they also absorb harmful greenhouse gases.

Ozone is a potent greenhouse gas which is said to slaughter many people in different ways. Ozone has its primary presence in the stratosphere, but its presence is capable of affecting the climate in the most disastrous way. Trees absorb ozone to a great extent and reduce the risk of danger as well. Trees are the foundation of our environment, and one should value it like a small baby who needs to grow.

Benefits of planting trees are not over yet:

If you thought that trees are valuable and profitable for only the above points, then you’re going wrong. Planting trees comes with many more superior benefits.

Some of them are:

i. Trees bear fruits, and fruits supply us essential vitamins and nutrients. So, planting trees means more fruits.

ii. Trees act as a shield for everyone and especially children from harmful Ultraviolet rays of the Sun. UV rays may cause skin cancer, but trees are always there to protect us from the destructive rays.

iii. Trees provide wood and paper. In some rural areas, selective trees are tillered to extract paper and timber out of it. Not all trees face axing.

iv. Trees are a canopy for our wildlife. Birds, squirrels, and bees are never afraid of living a good life because they have trees as their home.

Some interesting facts about trees and the benefits of planting trees:

i. A large tree can cool the neighborhood 11 degrees more in summer than a small tree.

ii. A large tree can clean 70% more pollution than a small tree.

iii. The cooling statistics of a large tree is equal to 20 hours running on an air-conditioner.

iv. Presence of trees can reduce the rate of regression, which may help to lower crime rates.

Trees are powerful, eminent, and consequential for all of us. With immense importance in our lives, trees offer seamless service for the environment. They should be treated and nurtured nicely so that human beings can survive on this planet. The benefits of planting trees are beyond your imagination, therefore, plant trees and rise above all the manners and ethics of humanity. Plant the right tree for matching to the purpose.

Benefits of Planting Trees , Environment , Environmental Pollution , Trees

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6 Ways Trees Benefit All of Us

From a city park to a vast forest, trees deliver for us when we help them thrive.

October 09, 2020

Several people sit on a grassy hill under the shade of large trees. The New York City skyline is in the distance.

Trees have been with us throughout our whole lives. They’re the background of a favorite memory and that welcome patch of green our eyes seek as we gaze out our windows—an activity we’re doing a lot these days.

While they are silent and stationary, trees hold tremendous powers, including the power to make all our lives better and healthier.

If a tree has power, a forest has even more. What superpowers do trees have?

A Valdivian Coastal Reserve park guard stands between two giant Alerce trees covered in moss and leaves.

#1: Trees eat the greenhouse gases that cause climate change—for breakfast.

More like breakfast, lunch and dinner. Trees’ food-making process, photosynthesis, involves absorbing carbon dioxide from the air and storing it in its wood. Trees and plants will store this carbon dioxide throughout their lives, helping slow the gas’s buildup in our atmosphere that has been rapidly warming our planet.

Smarter management of trees, plants and soil in the US alone could store the equivalent carbon of taking 57 million cars off the road ! Trees are looking out for us so we have to look out for them. Older, larger trees store a lot more carbon than young trees, so it’s important that in addition to planting new trees, we conserve and protect the giants of our forests like these ancient trees in South Carolina .

People lounge in the shade  of trees on Billings Lawn of Fort Tryon Park. The Hudson River in New York is visible.

#2: Trees boost our mental health while raising our physical health.

A healthy tree can lead to a healthy you and me. A study by a TNC scientist shows that time in nature—like a walk among the trees in a city park—correlates with a drop in anxiety and depression.

The good news: it doesn’t take a lot of time in nature for these soothing powers to kick in. You may have felt the benefits from a short walk or hike in your neighborhood. We’re drawn to green spaces, and for good reason.

Trees are more than just trees. 🌲🌳🌴 (video via @Nature_IL ) pic.twitter.com/tE6Fibu5kA — The Nature Conservancy (@nature_org) August 24, 2020

Access to nearby green space also contributes to better physical health by encouraging us to move around and exercise. Because we move around more when we have access to trees and parks, nature can help lower rates of obesity.

An aerial view of The Spaghetti Junction in Louisville, Kentucky, a mess of multiple highways converging.

#3: Trees clean the air so we can breathe more easily.

Leave it to leaves. Trees remove the kind of air pollution that is most dangerous to our lungs: particulate matter. This pollution arises from the burning of fossil fuels, and can reach dangerous concentrations in the largest cities as well as in neighborhoods near highways and factories .

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TNC is in the middle of the first controlled experiment testing neighborhood tree planting for health benefits  in the same way that a new pharmaceutical drug would be tested.

Tree’s leaves will filter this dangerous pollution, but only if they’re planted near the people who need them; most of the filtration occurs within 100 feet of a tree. More trees in cities, especially in lower-income neighborhoods close to highways and factories, can reduce ailments like asthma and heart disease that cause 5% of deaths worldwide.

Fallen trees on a forest floor, covered in moss and surrounded by dead leaves and bare tree trunks.

#4: Trees give a home to the wildlife we love.

From our windows, many of us can see how much our feathered and furry neighbors enjoy their ‘high-rise apartments.’ Even a single tree can provide vital habitat for countless species.

An intact forest can do even more, creating a home for some of the most diverse and resilient webs of life on the planet. Old-growth forests, the forests that we need to protect most urgently, create habitat at the ground level, at the top of their tree canopies, and everywhere in between. All of these different types of habitat in a single area allow so many diverse species to thrive .

A shaded street in Park Slope, Brooklyn, New York City, lined with many tall trees.

#5: Trees cool down your life, and could even save it.

Trees give us all shade—and that’s a good thing! Temperatures are rising and heatwaves are getting longer due to climate change. Some places feel the heat more than others. Neighborhoods with lots of pavement absorb more heat and can be five to eight degrees hotter than surrounding areas. These areas also stay hotter later into the night, which is detrimental to our health.

Enter our branchy, leafy neighbors. A tree’s shade acts like a natural air conditioning and can even keep down the energy costs of our actual air conditioning systems, which are increasingly working overtime.

The rushing water of Elder Creek, with moss covered banks, as it flows into South Fork of Eel River in Angelo Reserve.

#6: Trees filter your water, making your drinking supply cleaner and more reliable.

Raise a glass to a tree near you! Actually, raise your glass to trees far from you, as your water has traveled on a long journey to your faucet. Trees store and filter more than half of the water supply in the United States.

Forests do this by removing pollutants and sediments from rainfall and then slowly releasing the water back into waterways and underground aquifers. Thanks to trees, this naturally cleaner water is easier and cheaper to treat before it ends up in your tap . The water supply is also steadier because all of the rainwater didn’t end up in a river right away; it seeped through these natural filters over time.

To fully use their powers, trees need our help.

While trees are resilient, they are not invincible—and they need our help. When you support The Nature Conservancy, you’re helping to plant more trees, protect old forests and restore forests that have been partially developed. So, together, we’re helping our planet and giving an important gift to our children and their children.

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The Benefits of Planting Trees for our Planet

Why are trees important to the environment.

Trees help clean the air we breathe , filter the water we drink, and provide habitat to over 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity.

Forests provide jobs to over 1.6 billion people, absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere, and are key ingredients in 25% of all medicines. Have you ever taken an Aspirin? It comes from the bark of a tree!

Here are the six pillars that explain why trees are vital:

Trees clean the air

Trees help to clean the air we breathe. Through their leaves and bark, they absorb harmful pollutants and release clean oxygen for us to breathe. In urban environments, trees absorb pollutant gases like nitrogen oxides, ozone, and carbon monoxide, and sweep up particles like dust and smoke. Increasing levels of carbon dioxide caused by deforestation and fossil fuel combustion trap heat in the atmosphere. Healthy, strong trees act as carbon sinks, offset carbon and reducing the effects of climate change .

A single tree can be home to hundreds of species of insect, fungi, moss, mammals, and plants. Depending on the kind of food and shelter they need, different forest animals require different types of habitat. Without trees, forest creatures would have nowhere to call home.

  • Young, Open Forests: These forests occur as a result of fires or logging. Shrubs, grasses, and young trees attract animals like black bears, the American goldfinch, and bluebirds in North America.
  • Middle-Aged Forests: In middle-aged forests, taller trees begin to outgrow weaker trees and vegetation. An open canopy allows for the growth of ground vegetation prefered by animals like salamanders, elk, and tree frogs.
  • Older Forests: With large trees, a complex canopy, and a highly developed understory of vegetation, old forests provide habitat for an array of animals, including bats, squirrels, and many birds.

Trees protect biodiversity

Trees help cool the planet by sucking in and storing harmful greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into their trunks, branches, and leaves — and releasing oxygen back into the atmosphere. In cities, trees can reduce ambient temperatures by up to 8° Celsius. With more than 50% of the world’s population living in cities — a number expected to increase to 66% by the year 2050 — pollution and overheating are becoming a real threat. Fortunately, a mature tree can absorb an average of 22lbs of carbon dioxide per year , making cities a healthier, safer place to live.

Did you know that hospital patients with rooms overlooking trees recover faster than those without the same view? It’s impossible to ignore that feeling of elation you get while walking through a calm, quiet forest. Trees help reduce stress and anxiety, and allow us to reconnect with nature. In addition, shade provided by tree coverage helps protect our skin from the ever-increasing harshness of the sun.

Trees help reduce stress and anxiety

Social Impact

From arborists to loggers and researchers, the job opportunities provided by the forestry industry are endless. We don’t just rely on trees for work, though. Sustainable tree farming provides timber to build homes and shelters, and wood to burn for cooking and heating. Food-producing trees provide fruit, nuts, berries, and leaves for consumption by both humans and animals, and pack a powerful nutritional punch.

Trees play a key role in capturing rainwater and reducing the risk of natural disasters like floods and landslides. Their intricate root systems act like filters, removing pollutants and slowing down the water’s absorption into the soil. This process prevents harmful waterslide erosion and reduces the risk of over-saturation and flooding. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Association, a mature evergreen tree can intercept more than 15,000 litres of water every year.

Trees play a key role in capturing rainwater

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holding a small pine tree seedling in a gloved hand


Planting trees helps fight climate change—but we need billions more seedlings

The U.S. must more than double the production of seedlings to meet reforestation goals, researchers say.

Planting trees has quickly emerged as a seemingly simple way to soak up carbon emissions. Everybody likes it: Environmentalists, politicians, and corporations alike are pushing for a rapid expansion of reforestation efforts to help meet climate goals.

This means growing trees— and lots of them —with the expectation that they’ll capture and store carbon dioxide and help prevent it from warming the world beyond the Paris Agreement target of 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit (2 degrees Celsius) above pre-industrial temperatures.

But according to a new study in the journal Frontiers in Forests and Global Change , there aren’t enough tree seedlings currently being grown, at least in the United States, to keep up with those goals. If reforestation efforts are to help tackle climate change, the study finds, tree nurseries across the U.S. will have to increase their production to at least three billion seedlings per year— more than double current levels.  

This needs to happen “sooner than later,” said the study’s lead author, Joe Fargione, science director for The Nature Conservancy's North America Region. “You can’t plant a tree until you grow it. And you can't grow it in the nursery until you have the seed.”

In order to better understand how to increase national tree production levels, Fargione and over a dozen other researchers surveyed 181 federal, state, and private nurseries and foresters last year, representing at least half of all seedling production in the U.S.

The results, released last month, show that the nation’s nurseries are currently producing 1.3 billion seedlings per year, which are mostly going to replace existing trees harvested by timber companies or lost to wildfires. To expand U.S. forests onto an additional 64 million acres identified by the study as ripe for reforestation—and carbon storage—would take another 1.7 billion seedlings a year. That brings the total needed from nurseries to three billion a year, more than a 130 percent increase.  

For Hungry Minds

Ramping up seedling production that much, and making sure they live long enough to trap enough carbon emissions, will cost tens of billions of dollars, according to the study. It will require training specialized seed collectors and investing in new infrastructure, as well as bolstering long-term monitoring to ensure forests survive in the face of pests, disease, drought, and wildfires—threats that are all on the rise because of climate change.

Pressure to regrow and protect forests is at an all-time high. Last August, over two dozen local governments, companies, and nonprofits across the U.S. committed to the World Economic Forum’s initiative to globally plant a trillion trees by 2030. Last October, then-President Donald Trump signed an executive order committing the U.S. to that same goal. With such bipartisan support, some environmental nonprofits are hopeful the Biden administration will build on this initiative.

Beyond individual corporate or local goals, growing trees can contribute something to national climate targets. The land sector—which includes everything from tree planting and avoiding deforestation to increasing the amount of carbon stored in soils—accounted for a small portion of the U.S. Obama-era commitment to reduce emissions by up to 28 percent under the Paris Agreement. According to one estimate, if all 64 million acres identified in the study were reforested, that would represent roughly 7.5 percent of the emission reductions needed to meet the nation’s Paris Agreement commitments.

The current rate of reforestation, however, can’t even keep up with the amount of land that has been burned by devastating wildfires across the American West in recent years. Climate change is only expected to make wildfires more intense, which will increase that backlog.

“We’re just now recognizing the increasing backlog of areas that need to be planted that aren't being met yet,” said seed ecologist and study co-author Olga Kildisheva, a project manager at The Nature Conservancy.

Planting more trees to offset carbon emissions will further increase demand for seedlings. The good news, said Fargione, is that only a third of public and private nurseries surveyed are currently operating at full capacity. That means there’s a big opportunity to expand.

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Seedling production peaked over 30 years ago. In the late 1980s, more than 2.6 billion seedlings were produced each year in the U.S. Once the 2008 recession shuttered many nurseries across the country, that number dropped to less than one billion. “Imagine losing 75 percent of your capacity,” said Dan Rider, associate director of the Maryland Forest Service, of the impact that the recession and other factors have had on the state’s John S. Ayton forest tree nursery. “Our story's not unique.”

  It’s going to take a lot of work to scale back up, said Eric Sprague, vice president of reforestation at American Forests, a conservation organization that helped spearhead the new study as well as the trillion-trees initiative. But doing so, he says, is “going to be a huge part” of whether or not the U.S. achieves its reforestation goals.

“It’s not just about expanding and improving what we have,” Sprague said, “but actually adding new nurseries to meet this goal.”

If all nurseries, both public and private, operated at maximum capacity, the study estimates an additional 400 million more seedlings could be grown each year. Researchers also expect a further 1.1 billion seedlings could be produced annually if the majority of nurseries expanded beyond their current capacity, which most surveyed in the study said they’d be willing to do. Add all of this to the 1.3 billion currently being grown, and production would be nearly at the three billion per year minimum that the study recommends.

Turning up the volume

Boosting seedling production and planting them means increasing support and investment across the entire process. As the study found, there has been “chronic under-investment” in specialized labor, infrastructure, and training. “Workforce challenges,” said Sprague, “are the number one barrier to scaling up.”

Seed collectors need to understand everything from predicting when certain species will release their seeds—making them available to gather—to how to safely clean seeds. Staff then need to be trained on how to test the seeds’ quality and store them so they stay viable over the years. “It's a perishable product; it needs to be treated carefully,” said study co-author Greg Edge, a forest ecologist with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ Forestry Division. Yet the number of people specializing in this work continues to dwindle.

Nurseries, meanwhile, rely only on a handful of year-round staff; the rest are seasonal workers who help with sowing, harvesting, sorting, and packing. It can be difficult to attract these workers, though, due to the remote locations of many nurseries, as well as competition from other agriculture jobs. Immigration policies can also affect the number of available workers, the study noted.

Not only are seeds and labor in short supply, but the infrastructure is old, said Charles Eckman, horticulturist at the federal J.W. Toumey Nursery in Michigan. And while adding or improving greenhouses can be a great way to expand capacity and grow seedlings more quickly than in the field, he said, it has to be planned years ahead of when the seedlings are needed.  

The upfront financial cost for nurseries can be a big risk. “We're trying to predict today, like literally right now, ‘Well, what's the market going to look like in two years?’” said Rider in Maryland. “In the nursery business you have to spend all of your money today, for site prep, fertilizer, and everything else that goes into the ground … and you won’t get that money back for two years.”

Planning for survival

A tree-planting campaign with stable, long-term funding—whether federal or private—could provide nurseries the certainty they need to ramp up production, experts agreed.

The Frontier study is based on the assumption that planting trees is the main way to meet reforestation goals, said Karen Holl, professor of environmental studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz, who wasn’t involved in the study. Protecting existing forests, as well as encouraging natural regeneration, shouldn't be forgotten, she said.

And even a tree-planting campaign can be doomed by a “misplaced emphasis on how many trees are planted rather than how many survive,” the study warned. It calls for developing guidelines on what seeds will thrive in different environments, especially as climate change shifts plant species to new regions.

“It's not just about planting a tree. It needs to be done thoughtfully and well, because you can't just stick a tree in the ground and come back in 100 years and have a forest,” said Edge. It takes an immense amount of money, labor, and patience to turn a seed into a sapling. “We don't want to just waste our time sticking a seedling in the ground that'll die.”

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Importance of Trees Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

Trees are one of nature's most priceless gifts to us. Our lives are made easier by the items we can obtain from trees. It makes the entire globe more beautiful. The same goes for thinking of trees and life. We shall thus talk about the significance of trees today in order to emphasize their role in our lives.

Importance of Trees Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

100 Words Essay On Importance Of Trees

Both the ecosystem and human life depend on trees. Life would not have been possible without trees. We get food and oxygen from trees , two of life's most essential elements. As humanity progressed, we began to cut down trees for food, medicine, and other economic purposes. Our reliance on trees hasn't lessened even today. In actuality, our reliance on trees has never been greater. As inhabitants of the planet, it's our duty to inform everyone about the significance of trees and the need to conserve them. To accommodate the over growing population, we have begun clearing vast tracts of forests which in turn is harming the environment and people.

200 Words Essay On Importance Of Trees

Since the beginning, trees have given us food and oxygen , both of which are necessary for life. Life on earth is impossible without trees. Additionally, they give us food and medicine. Because trees meet the needs of contemporary living styles in communities and cultures, their value is increasing daily in the current era.

Everyone needs plants and trees to survive. Plants provide either all direct or indirect requirements for life. Fruits and medicines are produced by trees. Trees are the source of a wide range of different products, including wood, rubber, cotton, paper, etc.

Animals, insects, birds, and a variety of other living things call trees home. Trees produce food and contribute greatly to the ecology as a whole through photosynthesis. This procedure purifies the air and maintains a healthy environment.

Trees help water evaporate, which maintains the Earth's water cycle . The root systems of trees were designed by nature to prevent the soil below from being swept away by rain and floods. This prevents soil erosion and landslides from occurring.

We must understand how crucial trees are to lead fulfilling lives. People ought to cultivate at least five plants each year. The current situation demonstrates the necessity for increased tree planting in the world today. As a result, we must continue to plant trees if we want to live long and healthy lives.

500 Words Essay On Importance Of Trees

Trees are one of nature's greatest gifts . It is impossible to deny the importance of trees in the lives of all living things. They not only give us an infinite number of things, but they also create calmness and harmony in the earth. The survival of all life on Earth depends heavily on plants and trees.

Oxygen and Global Warming

For our protection, trees take in carbon dioxide from the air and exhale clean oxygen. This cycle supports other living things in this world. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. When released into the atmosphere, this greenhouse gas along with others creates a layer that traps solar heat. They cause the temperature of the atmosphere to rise. As a result, the planet becomes warmer. Thus, increasing tree cover will purify the air and lessen the impact of global warming.

Trees support a diverse, healthy ecosystem. A diverse ecology is created by the animals, insects, birds, and fungi that live in trees. At the bottom of the food chain, trees make their own nourishment. Through a process known as photosynthesis, they manufacture their own food and make a substantial contribution to the ecosystem as a whole. In addition, trees are a rich source of medications that are utilised in Ayurveda to treat disorders naturally.

Water Balance

Rainwater is captured by trees and stored in the ground. By doing this, clean water is kept from running and from wasting in sewers. Additionally, they serve as watersheds, holding back floodwaters for a while before gradually letting them flow into the ground and atmosphere. So they provide us with a water bed and preserve the area's water foundation. In order to prevent landslides and soil erosion, trees' root systems are so well designed by nature that they hold the soil below from being carried away during rain and floods.

Healthy Life

We receive clean water, food, and air from trees. Our stress is reduced by its freshness and greenery. It creates pleasant energy in the air. Additionally, trees offer cool shelters throughout the summer and during rain. Lush trees and environment contributes to a happier and healthier mood . Studies have shown that patients who come into contact with nature recover quickly. There are many benefits that trees offer us for a better quality of life.

Economy and Environment

Fruits and medicines made from trees are sold to many nations and contribute to economic progress. People can make a life by growing trees and selling their produce. Paper and wood come from trees which contribute greatly to many businesses and keep the economy running.

Trees also keep the environment natural and serve as a natural air conditioner in the heat. Trees play a significant role in our lives and the environment, providing a seamless service. We have somehow failed to safeguard them, which may be the reason why we are currently experiencing the negative repercussions of deforestation, such as severe pollution and global warming. In order for humans to exist in our world, trees must be well-cared for. We ought to inspire others to grow their tree populations. The sooner we realize this, the better it will be for us because it is for our own good.

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Essay on Importance of Planting Trees

Students are often asked to write an essay on Importance of Planting Trees in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Importance of Planting Trees

Why trees matter.

Trees are vital for life on earth. They provide oxygen, store carbon, and offer shelter to countless species.

Climate Control

Trees absorb harmful carbon dioxide, reducing the impact of climate change. They also cool the environment by providing shade.

Supporting Biodiversity

Trees are home to many creatures. They play a key role in maintaining biodiversity by providing habitats and food sources.

Health and Well-being

Trees improve our health by filtering harmful dust and pollutants from the air. They also enhance mental well-being, providing peaceful, green spaces for relaxation.

Planting trees is a simple yet powerful act to protect our planet.

250 Words Essay on Importance of Planting Trees

The intrinsic value of trees.

Trees are an integral part of our ecosystem, providing a host of benefits that are essential to our survival and well-being. They play a pivotal role in maintaining the balance of our environment by absorbing carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas, and releasing oxygen, which is vital for our existence.

Climate Change Mitigation

Climate change, a pressing global issue, is largely driven by human activities that release excessive amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Trees act as natural carbon sinks, absorbing atmospheric carbon dioxide and reducing the impact of climate change. By planting more trees, we can counteract the effects of deforestation and forest degradation, thereby mitigating global warming.

Biodiversity Conservation

Trees are vital for maintaining biodiversity. They provide habitat and food for a myriad of species. Loss of trees can lead to a decline in biodiversity, disrupting ecosystems and leading to the extinction of species. Planting trees helps in conserving biodiversity and maintaining ecological balance.

Economic Value

Trees also have economic value. They provide timber, fruits, and medicinal plants, contributing to the economy. Additionally, they prevent soil erosion and help in maintaining the fertility of the land, which is essential for agriculture.

The Psychological Impact

Trees have a positive impact on mental health. Studies have shown that exposure to green spaces reduces stress and improves mood. Planting trees in urban areas can improve the quality of life and contribute to the well-being of the residents.

In conclusion, the importance of planting trees cannot be overstated. It is a simple, yet powerful action that can contribute to environmental sustainability, biodiversity conservation, economic growth, and mental well-being.

500 Words Essay on Importance of Planting Trees

The crucial role of trees in our ecosystem.

Trees play a pivotal role in maintaining the health and vibrancy of our planet. They are the lungs of the Earth, absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, thereby contributing to the balance of our atmosphere. Their importance extends beyond their ecological functions, providing economic, social, and aesthetic benefits.

Ecological Importance of Trees

Trees are the cornerstone of our ecosystems and biodiversity. They provide habitat for countless species, from insects to large mammals. In forests, they create a complex, interconnected community of life, each species playing a role in the overall health of the ecosystem.

Trees also play a significant role in climate regulation. They absorb carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas, and release oxygen. This process not only purifies the air we breathe but also mitigates the effects of climate change. Furthermore, trees help control the local climate by providing shade and reducing heat in urban areas.

Economic and Social Benefits of Trees

Trees provide numerous economic benefits. Many industries, such as timber, paper, and fruit production, rely on trees. They also contribute to tourism and recreational activities, enhancing local economies.

From a social perspective, trees have a profound impact on our well-being. Studies show that green spaces, including trees, contribute to mental health by reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Moreover, trees in urban areas can foster community cohesion by creating shared spaces for social interaction.

The Aesthetic Appeal of Trees

Trees add beauty to our surroundings, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of both urban and rural landscapes. They provide a sense of tranquility and peace, making our environments more enjoyable. This aesthetic value is often underestimated but is crucial in creating livable cities and preserving our cultural heritage.

The Urgency of Tree Planting

Despite their importance, trees are under threat from deforestation, urbanization, and climate change. It is estimated that we lose billions of trees each year, which has devastating impacts on biodiversity, climate, and human well-being.

Tree planting is a simple, cost-effective, and powerful tool to combat these issues. It restores degraded lands, enhances biodiversity, and helps sequester carbon. However, it is not just about quantity; the quality, diversity, and location of trees planted are equally important.

In conclusion, trees are indispensable for our planet. They provide ecological, economic, social, and aesthetic benefits that are vital for our survival and well-being. As such, it is our responsibility to protect existing trees and plant new ones, ensuring a healthier and more sustainable future for all. The importance of planting trees cannot be overstated, and it is a cause that requires our collective efforts.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Happy studying!

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The Canopy Project

5 reasons we need trees for a healthy planet.

  • 5 Reasons We Need…

March 21, 2024

Since the start of human civilization, we’ve cleared 46% of trees globally . And today, with our sprawling urban areas and wide open fields, it’s tough to envision what a truly wooded world looked like. 

In 2022 alone, we lost 22.8 million hectares of tree cover to deforestation, logging and fires — equivalent to a soccer field of trees every six seconds. Climate change doesn’t help matters: New findings suggest that deforestation, alongside rising temperatures, is transforming what’s left of our forests, keeping trees smaller and younger.

To ensure a safe, healthy future, we must restore these forest habitats. Here are five reasons we need trees. 

1. Trees purify our air and combat climate change 

Forests are carbon sinks that help slow climate change by removing carbon from the atmosphere and storing it in trunks and soil. And old-growth trees — trees that have reached old age without major human disturbances like logging — hold much larger amounts of carbon and harmful pollutants than their younger counterparts.

Today, trees absorb 30% of global emissions every year . And when we burn them or cut them down, all of that pollution gets released into the air. A recent study estimated that from 2010 and 2050, global forest loss will result in 3.5 to 4.2 billion metric tons of greenhouse gasses entering the atmosphere each year. Even small amounts of air pollution contribute to a plethora of health issues that affect society unevenly .

why we should plant trees essay

2. Trees provide housing to millions of species that protect us from disease

50 percent of all plants and animals on Earth live in rainforests. We now know that almost two million species worldwide are at risk of extinction -– nearly double the number we had estimated just five years ago.  

A quarter of our medicine comes from plants found in the rainforest, and if you add the species in coral reefs, species make up 40–50 percent of our pharmaceuticals . As we continue to encroach on and destroy forest habitats, however, we lose these valuable species and create bigger threats. 

Already, three out of every four new infectious diseases in people come from animals, and this number has only increased as we’ve moved into wildlife habitats and increased contact. But studies show that high levels of biodiversity actually have a “dilution effect” on disease within hosts, making diseases less likely to jump to humans. 

In other words, protecting forest habitats and the species that live within them could prevent the next pandemic .  

3. Trees cool our streets and cities

2023 was the hottest year on record. 2024 looks set to be even hotter . 

Trees, though, cool the Earth by blocking sunlight and providing shade — air temperature under trees can be 25°F cooler than surrounding air. They can also reduce energy use for cooling and heating. The Department of Energy states that planting trees around your house can reduce solar heat gain from windows and roofs, thus reducing costs for air conditioning. 

Trees also help control climate through evapotranspiration — a process where water is drawn up through the soil by the roots and evaporates from the leaves. The surrounding air cools as the water transforms to vapor. One tree can transpire 11,000 gallons of water into the atmosphere per year.To combat the heating effects of concrete in cities, studies suggest we need at least 40 percent canopy coverage. With over half of the world’s population living in cities — notoriously hotter because of concrete, poorer air quality, limited shade and green space, buildings — we must try all we can to beat the heat .

4 . Trees protect against floods and water pollution

Mature trees protect communities against flash floods and landslides by stabilizing soil and absorbing water — between 1,500 and 2,000 liters of water per year . On the other root (hah), a lack of trees can lead to increased runoff and floods . 

Tree roots also filter harmful chemicals and pollutants from storm runoff that ends up in lakes, streams and rivers. Forests provide drinking water to more than 150 million people in the United States, according to the U.S. Forest Service. 

Or, put simply: more trees = cleaner water.

why we should plant trees essay

5. Trees ease the mind during stressful times 

If we continue to destroy the environment, we’ll be living in very stressful conditions: droughts, massive storms, pandemics, floods. But trees have a double effect on society: fighting climate change while relieving stress.

Trees in rural and especially urban areas benefit our mental and physical wellbeing. Studies show that urban trees result in better health outcomes for local communities, including improved cardiovascular function, more thermal comfort, and reduced anxiety.  

Spending just a few minutes outdoors can reduce blood pressure , relieve stress and build a stronger immune system . But there are even benefits from viewing nature from a window, like increased job satisfaction . 

It’s going to take more than reforestation 

Investing in reforestation (like through EARTHDAY.ORG’s The Canopy Project ) can certainly help slow climate change, and provide many benefits to both humans and the environment in the short and long term. Planting forests is a critically important way to help restore our Earth . 

But while planting trees is important, we must also address the underlying issues of air and water pollution, the burning of fossil fuels, and the impact of mass consumption which are all part of the climate change problem. In addition to championing trees, please sign our Plastic Petition to force the governments of the world to fight plastic production and pollution. Think about buying less and rejecting Fast Fashion. Work your Green Muscle Memory so that you make Earth-friendly decisions every single day.

Perhaps most importantly this November, Vote Earth — advocate and vote for candidates who take a strong, long-term stance for our environment, stand up for our planet, and understand that climate change is real and that it is here.

  • biodiversity
  • canopy project
  • conservation
  • restore our earth



Related stories, armenia changes the world, one sapling at a time, leaf it to reforestation to save our habitats, electing environmentalism.

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Tree-planting has become a cornerstone of many environmental campaigns in recent years. The call to plant trees is everywhere, seen as a simple and effective way to help reduce the impact of carbon emissions and restore natural ecosystems. 

Perhaps the most ambitious example is the 1 trillion trees campaign launched by the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2020 in support of the UN’s Decade of Ecosystem Restoration, which aims to restore, protect, or plant 1 trillion trees by 2030. That followed a similar campaign aiming to plant 1 trillion trees by 2050 which was kicked off in 2018 by nature nonprofits including WWF . 

This year Brits have been encouraged to join a nationwide tree planting effort in honour of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee . 

Redditors have even got in on the act when in 2019, when they created a flood of memes encouraging prominent YouTuber Mr Beast to plant 20 million trees to celebrate hitting 20 million subscribers. Mr Beast, real name Jimmy Donaldson, accepted the challenge, started a fundraiser, and teamed up with the tree conservation charity the Arbour Day Foundation to help smash the target. 

But why is there such a big emphasis on tree-planting to curb the climate crisis? And can the humble tree really save the world? 

The 3 Biggest Things You Should Know About Tree Planting

  • Trees are the ultimate carbon storage machines — 400 tons of carbon can be locked into just one hectare.
  • Restoring a forest the size of the US would store 205 billion tons of carbon — two-thirds of the 300bn tons emmitted since the industrial revolution.
  • Tree planting initiatives must be well-researched and planned —bad programmes will do more harm than good.

How trees work 

Trees are the ultimate carbon storage machines. Like all plants, they take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere for their own growth and energy, a process called photosynthesis. They produce oxygen which we breathe as a byproduct of this process. 

Woodlands and forests can lock up carbon for centuries – which is something humans and the planet desperately need them for, given the damage done to the atmosphere by carbon-emitting human activity. 

According to the Woodland Trust, a UK conservation charity, 400 tons of carbon can be locked into one hectare (which is 10,000 square metres — or about two and half football pitches) of woodland alone. 

It follows then that cutting down trees has serious consequences for carbon emissions. A 2018 study found that in Oregon, US, logging had been responsible for releasing 33 million tons of carbon dioxide each year since 2000, dwarfing other sources of carbon emissions such as transportation in the state. 

All trees store carbon but it’s thought that tropical rainforests are even more useful when it comes to defending against climate change. They grow rapidly and produce rainforest cloud cover that reflects the sun rays back into space, according to the Rainforest Alliance. They are also vital for the weather system – helping to create rain through the water vapour transpiring from their leaves which in turns helps prevent droughts in the region. 

Estimates for the amount of carbon in the atmosphere that the Amazon rainforest has stored vary hugely. But whatever the figure, studies have shown that it has helped to mitigate the carbon emissions produced by all the nations in its surrounding area. 

For all of these reasons, climate scientists have hailed the benefits of planting trees and protecting the trees that we already have. 

A huge study from ETZ Zurich University, published in 2019, concluded that by restoring a very large area of forest globally, equivalent to the size of the US, it would store 205 billion tons of carbon. That’s about two thirds of the 300 billion tons that has been released into the atmosphere as a result of human activity since the industrial revolution, the study found. 

Professor Thomas Crowther, who led the study, said that the results were “mind-blowing.”

He said: “We all knew that restoring forests could play a part in tackling climate change, but we didn’t really know how big the impact would be…But we must act quickly, as new forests will take decades to mature and achieve their full potential as a source of natural carbon storage.” 

How humans are damaging the role trees can play

However, both global warming and deforestation pose a huge threat to the important role forests play in protecting the planet. 

Recently, devastating evidence has emerged that because of the damage done to the Amazon rainforest, it is losing its ability to store carbon . In fact various activities both natural and human-caused are leading to it in some cases releasing greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous oxide into the atmosphere. As a result, scientists are extremely concerned by emerging evidence that parts of the Amazon are becoming a carbon source, not a carbon sink. 

Drying wetlands and soil compaction from logging, for example, can increase emissions of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide, a study from March 2021 concludes .

Another study from May 2021 found that rising temperatures can slow down a tree’s ability to photosynthesise as quickly, although the process still happens. 

Why planting trees alone isn’t enough 

While all this evidence means it is vital that forests are protected and more trees are grown so that future generations can benefit from their carbon-capture capacity, there’s evidence that we can not rely simply on “planting trees” to save the world from climate change. 

In 2020 some scientific research suggested that if tree-planting initiatives are badly designed they can actually be unhelpful. That’s because of the risk of them creating not particularly diverse “monoculture” (meaning one type of species) areas of woodland, and because there is a debate about how much carbon very young trees can actually capture, according to an article about the studies by the BBC. 

Professor Eric Lambin from Stanford University pointed to a scheme in Chile that he found accelerated biodiversity loss. “If policies to incentivise tree plantations are poorly designed or poorly enforced, there is a high risk of not only wasting public money but also releasing more carbon and losing biodiversity," he said.

Activist Greta Thunberg has echoed this concern and told the Davos meeting where the 1 trillion trees initiative was launched that “paying someone else to plant trees” was not enough. 

​She has made it clear that tree planting efforts have to work alongside concerted efforts to stop our reliance on fossil fuels and cut emissions, and tweeted in 2019 that: “Yes, of course we need to plant as many trees as possible. Yes, of course we need to keep the existing trees standing and rewild and restore nature. But there’s absolutely no way around stopping our emissions of greenhouse gases and leaving fossil fuels in the ground.”

Thunberg has joined broadcaster Sir David Attenborough in supporting the idea of “rewilding” the world. In a film she created with writer George Monbiot they highlighted that means not just planting more trees, but protecting and restoring lots of different types of wild areas including mangrove forests, wetlands, and seagrass meadows that all play a role in carbon capture. 

It’s clear that planting trees is a useful tool that we can use to help mitigate the effects of climate change and protect the planet, but it’s something we need to research to do the right way alongside continuing our efforts to reach net-zero emissions .  

Global Citizen Explains

Defend the Planet

Why Tree Planting Is So Important in the Fight Against Climate Change

July 23, 2021

Essay on Save Trees for Students and Children

500+ words essay on save trees.

Essay on Save Trees: From childhood, we have heard that trees are our best friend but in practical life, we didn’t see anyone who treats trees as their friends. Although they are the most valuable life source on the earth. They benefit every life form in a direct or indirect way. And the earth is connected to them to maintain a natural balance. In this essay on save trees, we are discussing the reason why our friends need saving.

They nourish us and protect us in many ways. Also, they keep our environment green and clean. So, it becomes our responsibility to repay them for the things they do for us by saving them. Besides, large trees are more beneficial than small ones because they capture more carbon, capture more water, combat the heat, filter greenhouse gases , gives shelter from heat and sunlight , etc. So, it can be said that we depend on them more rather than they on us.

essays on save trees

Advantages and Importance of Trees

As we have discussed the benefits of trees in short but here we are going to discuss them in detail. Plants and Trees fight the climatic changes that are destroying the earth. They also filter the air that we breathe and absorb all the harmful chemical gases and odors from the environment. Also, they take in the harmful carbon dioxide and gives out oxygen.

They are good for the diversity of flora and fauna. They give us food, shelter and many more things that we can’t count. Besides, they never demand anything from us and also prevent soil erosion , water evaporation . Above all, they control and manage the effects of wind, sun and, rain.

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How to Save Trees?

The human has become aware and serious about this issue and started doing the best they can do to save trees. The forest departments and government have banned the illegal cutting of trees. And they are going digital so that they can save paper which will reduce the number of trees cut down for making paper.

Apart from that, the forest area after cutting of trees should be replanted with new ones. Also, we should teach our children to plant trees and ask them to pass it on their friends and acquaintances.

why we should plant trees essay

The least that we can do is to plant some pots in our home rooftops or garden and ask our neighbor to do the same. Also, if we see the removal of a tree then we should inform the local authority about it to create awareness. Above all, strict laws should be made for people who illegally or without permission cut these trees for their own benefits.

The various life form is able to survive on earth due to plants. If we remove plants from the earth even for one day then the survival of man will become difficult.

Besides, they are the source of water and fresh oxygen on earth. Cutting trees means destroying life on earth. So, the time has come that we to be responsible for the action we have done till now. And start finding ways to save this Green Gold.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why saving trees are so important?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Saving trees benefit us more than it will benefit trees. The reason for that is they give us food, shelter, protection from sunlight, clean air to breathe and many countless more benefit that we ignore.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How can we save trees?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”We can save trees by following methods – Planting more and more trees,Stopping cutting of trees,Creating awareness about the importance of trees.”} }] }

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Essay on Importance of Trees

Trees have very much importance because they make the earth fit for the existence of humans and other living organisms.

They provide us with air to breathe, food to eat and shelter to live and play a major role in keeping us alive and providing us a comfortable life.

We should plant more and more trees to ensure a clean and green environment and to promote healthy living.

Essay on Importance of Trees 100 Words:

Trees are our life’s companions, they make us live by absorbing carbon dioxide and provide air oxygen.

If there were no trees, then life on earth would not have been possible, it is our nature to keep the whole earth green and happy.

Trees continue to give us something throughout our life, yet we cut trees for our personal selfishness.

Today it is a matter of great irony that we are bent upon destroying the trees that are giving us life.

If we have to save the Earth, then more and more trees have to be planted.

Importance of Trees Essay 250 Words:

Trees are a precious gift of nature, due to the trees, this green earth and our life is happy.

Trees are true warriors who fight pollution for us right from birth and give us clean and beautiful environment.

Trees have been on our earth for thousands of years, they cannot move but can breathe like humans. Trees absorb pure toxic carbon dioxide and provide pure oxygen to us.

Trees gives fruits and grains for us to eat throughout our life, rain is also due to which we get water to drink, clothes, wood for fuel, paper, rubber, herbs for curing diseases.

During rainy days, soil erosion is prevented, leaves of trees make the land fertile, trees give other animals an equal place to live and other valuable mineral wealth is also given by them.

But gradually since industrialization and urbanization has increased, the trees have been indiscriminately harvested by humans, due to which the natural balance of the fall has been disturbed.

Due to lack of trees in cities, there is less rainfall and air pollution also remains in greater quantity.

If the cutting of trees continues at this speed, then the day is not far when the Earth will be destroyed.

Trees are very important for our lives, so we have to make people aware and plant more and more trees so that our future will be safe and clean.

Essay on Importance of Trees 500 Words:

Trees are unique product of nature, trees are valuable assets of a country and they are also called green gold.

The climate is clean and beautiful where there is a large amount of trees, also there is a lot of mineral wealth available to live life there.

In our country of India, trees are worshiped, they are given much respect as any human being.

But ever since we have started adopting western civilization and as urbanization is increasing, due to the growing of trees, the trees are being harvested at a rapid speed, the trees are not being planted fast.

This is not only happening in our country, it is happening all over the world, due to this the entire climate change of the earth has crooked.

Benefits of Trees:

(1) Trees make the environment clean and beautiful.

(2) Trees provide clean oxygen to us by absorbing contaminated and poisonous carbon dioxide and other gases from our atmosphere.

(3) Where there is a large amount of trees, there is also a small amount of noise pollution because the density of the trees does not allow the noise to spread.

(4) Wherever the tree is in large quantity, there is no erosion of the land and with the help of these, the acidity of the land also decreases.

(5) We get organic manure from the dry leaves of trees, which makes the land fertile.

(6) Trees provide us cool shade in summer.

(7) Due to trees, the atmosphere of our earth changes from time to time, due to which the balance of the earth remains.

(8) We get flowers, fruits, rubber, lacquer, silk, paper, matchmaking, wood, herbs and other mineral substances from trees.

(9) Trees prevent floods by stopping excessive water flow.

(10) Due to trees, our wildlife wealth is safe today.

(11) Due to trees, every place gets the right amount of rain, due to which we get more potable sweet water for the crop.

(12) Trees are the life guards of all beings.


The tree is our valuable asset, if we continue to exploit it, then this wealth will end then our life will also end.

We have to understand the importance of trees because they are the protectors of the whole nature, as long as it is present on earth, then there is life on earth.

Without these the earth will become just a dry and barren planet.

Today, due to increasing urbanization and our slight selfishness, the number of trees has reduced, whose change you can see that the temperature of the earth is increasing and the environment has also become balanced.

Therefore, we have to increase the number of trees by becoming aware of today, our environment and life can continue to run smoothly.

Essay on Importance of Trees

Short Essay on Importance of Trees 1000 Words:

Trees have a lot of importance in our life because of the rise of human civilization and early people used to spend their lives in the group of trees (forests).

We have built houses with these leaves and branches, from which we have got wood for food and energy.

We have made weapons from trees and hunted with their help and science has also started from trees because when the first wheel was made it was made of wood.

It is a matter of great irony that the trees due to which we are living today with so much happiness, prosperity and taking clean oxygen, we are destroying them in return.

According to a Hindi proverb, it is like hitting a battle-axe on your foot because as soon as the trees become extinct from our earth, human civilization will also be destroyed at the same time.

Importance of Trees in Human Life Essay:

(1) We get oxygen from trees.

(2) Trees help reduce air, water and noise pollution.

(3) They get valuable herbs from which many diseases are cured.

(4) We get fruits and grains from the trees to eat.

(5) Dry wood is obtained from trees by which we can get energy by burning fire and can make doors, bunk wheels, machine parts, small arms, water vessels etc.

(6) Trees provide cool shade to us during summer, due to which we feel less hot.

(7) We get glue, silk, rubber, polish paper and other minerals from the trees, which is very important for our industry business and our life.

(8) The ozone layer of the earth is protected due to trees, due to which we are protected from ultraviolet rays coming from the sun.

(9) Due to trees, there is a good amount of rainfall, which increases the rivers, ponds and ground water, and we get clean and sweet water to drink.

(10) Due to trees, the surface of the earth remains cool due to which the temperature does not increase.

(11) Due to trees, the earth’s environment is able to function systematically.

(12) Trees prevent erosion of the land and prevent flooding.

(13) Due to trees, the chance of earthquake also decreases to some extent.

(14) Trees keep greenery in nature and cool air moves throughout the environment.

Importance of Trees in Wildlife:

Trees are also very important in the life of wildlife animals because the tree is their home, wildlife animals also get food only through trees.

To avoid the scorching sun during the summer days, they sit in the shade of trees, some wildlife hide behind trees to hunt themselves.

Birds build their nests on trees and use their small branches to make nests, therefore, where there are more trees, animal birds are found in large quantities.

Side Effects of Deficiency of Trees:

At present, the forest of trees has been replaced by cement forests, due to which the environment of the entire earth has been affected.

What will the loss be due to lack of trees, we will understand through the following points:

(1) Due to the lack of trees, water, air and noise pollution are increasing in huge quantity due to which various kinds of serious diseases are spreading in human life.

(2) Due to the lack of trees, the temperature of the earth is increasing by 1 to 2 degrees every year.

(3) Due to shortage of trees, rain is not getting the right amount in all places, due to which in some places drought, there is flooding in some places and nature is being destroyed.

(4) The peace and happiness that comes from trees is not being found because people have surrounded buildings in place of trees, due to which neither clean air nor sunlight can reach there properly. .

(5) Pollution has increased so much that people’s lives have been in trouble, in some cities, it has come so far that people now walk with masks on their mouths.

(6) Earth’s atmosphere has gone twisted due to lack of trees, due to which earthquakes and tsunamis occurs.

(7) Due to lack of trees, the desert is continuously expanding.

(8) Due to excessive felling of trees, the volcanoes which have become calm again become active due to which toxic gases are released which is harmful for the whole earth.

(9) Due to the cutting of trees, the life of wildlife animals has been in danger, some of their species have also become extinct and some are on the verge of extinction.

(10) Human nature has also become short-tempered and angry due to changing climate.



Conclusion for Importance of Trees Essay:

Trees are an integral part of our life and it is our responsibility to protect them.

As long as trees exist on the earth, only human civilization exists, so we have to protect trees.

Today the time has come again when the Chipko movement took place to save the trees because trees are being cut down for urbanization and big highways, but they are not being planted again.

Forests are being indiscriminately harvested by some greedy people but nothing is being done by the government.

Not only our government has appointed many forest protectors to save trees, but they are also helping to cut down trees due to some greed.

Due to this, the entire environment of the earth is being affected, if this continues, then in the coming few years, there will be a lack of water to drink and food to eat, as well as the lack of the most important clean air for life. It will be done.

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4 thoughts on “Essay on Importance of Trees”

This is so nice thanks for your help guys

Trees are the lungs of world

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Essay on Benefits of Planting Trees for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Trees and plants are one of the main reasons why we are alive on this earth. They provide the life giving oxygen without which our survival on this planet is simply impossible. Besides this, there are various other benefits of planting trees. There are numerous benefits of planting trees. Some of the benefits they offer include absorbing harmful gases that pollute the environment, providing food and shelter for birds and animals and providing shade during hot summer days.

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Long and Short Essay on Benefits of Planting Trees in English

Here are essays of varying lengths on benefits of planting trees and save trees to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any one Benefits of Planting Trees Essay of your interest:

Benefits of Planting Trees Essay 1 (200 words)

The importance of planting trees has been emphasized time and again. This is because of the numerous benefits they offer. One of the main benefits of planting trees is that they provide us with the life giving oxygen. Without the presence of oxygen the survival of living beings is not possible.

Planting trees is also essential because they have the power to absorb the harmful gases. The growing pollution caused due to carbon mono-oxide, sulphur dioxide and other harmful gases and smoke emitted by vehicles and industries is controlled and purified to a large extent because of the presence of trees.

Trees also provide shelter to birds and animals. On a hot summer day, they even provide respite from the scorching sun to the travellers. Trees make our planet worth living. But even though trees offer numerous benefits and we cannot imagine our lives without them, we are cutting them at a rapid pace to fulfil various needs.

Wood is used for making various products of necessity as well as luxury. This is the reason why several trees are being cut each day. The growing population is another reason why numerous trees are being cut speedily. Forests are being turned into industrial areas and residential places.

It is the time government must put a restriction on the cutting of trees and encourage people to plant more of them.

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Benefits of Planting Trees Essay 2 (300 words)


Trees are an essential part of the environment. The survival of human beings and other species of animals is not possible without the existence of trees and plants on earth. This is the reason why cutting of trees is condemned and the government propagates to plant more and more trees.

Benefits of Planting Trees

The need to plant trees is stressed upon time and again. Here are the various benefits of planting trees:

  • Source of Oxygen

The first and the foremost benefit of planting trees is that they inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. And the need of oxygen in the environment is known to all.

  • Absorb Harmful Gases

Trees do not only inhale carbon dioxide but also absorb various other harmful gases from the environment thereby rendering freshness to the atmosphere. There is so much vehicular and industrial pollution these days. Planting more trees would help in getting rid of the polluted air to a large extent.

  • Keep the Climate Cool

Trees keep the environment cool. They help in beating the heat. Their cooling is so much so that it can reduce the requirement of air conditioners in the nearby places up to 50%.

  • Provide Shelter

Birds build nests on the trees thereby providing shelter to them. Trees are also home for spider monkeys, koala, green tree python, tree-kangaroos and various other species of animals.

  • Provide Food

Trees bear fruits and provide food for birds, animals as well as human beings. Cows, goats and other herbivorous animals also eat leaves.

  • Control Air and Water Pollution

Trees do not only absorb harmful gases to control air pollution but also play an important role in controlling water pollution.

It is time to recognize the importance of planting trees and take it as a responsibility to contribute whatever little we can in this direction.

Benefits of Planting Trees Essay 3 (400 words)

Various benefits of planting trees have been stated time and again. On the surface level, you may just see a few of these benefits however as you look deeper and feel one with them, you will know how they are extremely essential for our existence.

NGOs Supporting Planting of Trees

There are a number of non profit organizations that have taken up the responsibility to build a cleaner and greener environment by planting trees. These organizations also discourage the cutting of trees. Some of the NGOs working in this direction in our country include Sankalp Taru Foundation, Youth Services for Peace, Say Trees, Grow Trees, Green Yatra, Reforest India, Green Life India and Tree Plantation.

The sole aim of these NGOs is to sensitize people about the benefits of planting trees and engage them in doing so. Numerous people supporting this cause have joined hands to make our country greener and are working in this direction. Those working with these organizations plant trees to spread greenery. From time to time they also run campaigns to encourage more and more people to do so.

We can plant trees in our nearby area to support the cause. However, if we want to bring about a major difference, we must join these NGOs to work on a large scale.

Benefits of Planting Trees must be Sensitized

Government must support non-profit organizations to help them propagate the importance of planting trees. It must also put a restriction on the cutting of trees. Planting trees would never be enough if they are cut ruthlessly at a rapid pace.

People must be sensitized about the importance of planting more trees by emphasizing on their benefits. The propagation of the same can be done by way of radio, television, newspapers, social media, hoardings and leaflets. The contact details of the NGOs must be spread by way of these mediums. The problem right now is that even though many people want to work in this direction however they do not know the right means to contribute their bit.

It is also a good idea to teach the students about the importance of planting trees from the very beginning. Educational institutes can take the initiative to plant trees by engaging their students in the task from time to time.

As a Chinese proverb states, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” So do your bit and make this place more beautiful.

Benefits of Planting Trees Essay 4 (500 words)

Plants and trees make this planet worth living. Without the existence of trees, we cannot imagine life on earth. One of the basic benefits of planting trees is that they provide the life-giving oxygen and absorb carbon-dioxide exhaled by animals. However, not just oxygen trees also provide us fruits, wood, fibre, rubber and much more. Trees also serve as shelter for animals and birds.

Trees Boost Health

Among the various benefits offered by trees, this is one of the most significant one. Trees boost our health in various ways. Here is a brief look at how they impact our health positively:

  • Reduce the Effect of Pollution

Trees do not only inhale carbon dioxide but also absorb various harmful gases emitted by vehicles and industries. These are thus a natural way of reducing the pollution. Planting more trees means reducing pollution. Besides, air pollution, trees also aid in reducing noise and water pollution. An environment devoid of pollution is certainly healthier.

  • Provide Medicines

Many trees and plants including apple, ash, cedar, beech, aloe vera, basil, white pine and silver birch are known for their medicinal properties. While the barks of some of these trees possess medicinal qualities, the leaves and fruits of others are known to offer relief. Various medicines are derived from these trees to prevent/treat various illnesses. With the increasing requirement for various medicines and treatments, it is essential to grow more such trees.

  • Burst Stress

Trees have the power to rejuvenate us instantly. Spending time under a tree on green grass can reduce your stress drastically. The sound of the birds chirping on the branches of the trees, the rustle of the leaves when the wind passes through and the smell of the leaves and flowers on the trees – all have a calming effect on our sensations and burst stress. Researchers also claim that hugging trees can act as a great stress reliever. Stress which is a cause of various physical and mental ailments these days can thus be reduced by trees.

  • Offer Natural Healing

It is said that leafy trees, gushing streams, and green valleys all offer a natural healing property. This is because they offer fresh air to breath and have a calming effect on us. This is the reason why people are suggested to visit hill stations to recover from their illnesses. It is also said that those who remain closer to trees and nature incur fewer diseases. They also heal faster compared to those who stay shut in their artificial urban environment.

Trees: Essential for Our All Round Development

Trees and plants are actually essential for the all round development of a person. A place where there are no trees appears naturally sad whereas a place surrounded by a good number of trees automatically becomes lively and worth living/visiting. Trees do not only keep us physically fit but also aids in the development of our mind. Trees have a calming effect on our mind and calmness is the key to being patient. Someone who is patient can take better decisions and work well in different situations.

Trees make this world a much better place to live. We must thus plant more and more trees and inspire others to do the same.

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Benefits of Planting Trees Essay 5 (600 words)

Trees offer environmental, social as well as economic benefits. This is the reason why the government and environmental specialists emphasize on the importance of planting more and more trees. Here is a brief look at the various benefits of planting trees.

Environmental Benefits of Planting Trees

The environmental benefits of planting trees are known to all. They exhale oxygen and inhale carbon dioxide to maintain the ecological balance in the environment. They also absorb all the harmful gases and give us fresh and pure air to breathe. Planting more trees means fresher air and purer atmosphere. The growing pollution cannot be controlled but its effect can be undermined by planting more and more trees. The places inhabited by large number of trees are quite cooler compared to the concrete jungles that cannot do without air conditioners. Trees build a sheet to protect us from the harmful ultra violet rays.

Trees also serve as a habitat for birds and various species of animals. Besides, the leaves, flowers and fruits they bear are a source of food for the living beings. Planting trees means having sufficient food and shelter. This is not it. Trees help in controlling water pollution and preventing soil erosion. In the hilly areas they slow down the run off and hold the soil.

Social Benefits of Planting Trees

Urbanization has cut the people from their roots. People are seen engrossed in the modern day gadgets and are moving away from the nature. Planting more trees is a good way to keep them close to the nature. Growing rows of trees and building garden and parks at short distances in towns and cities provides an easy place for the people to socialize. People come here for morning walks, evening strolls, yoga sessions and laughter therapy. These also serve as a safe place for the kids to play and socialize. So, these offer a chance to indulge in various recreational activities. Planted forests give you the chance to indulge in activities such as hiking, hunting, etc.

A good environment helps in uplifting our mood and trees help in building the same. With so much stress around these days we all seek things that give us pleasure and uplift our mood. What we don’t realize is that nothing can burst our stress as easily and quickly as the nature. Trees are also known for their healing properties. Researchers claim that patients who view trees and plants out of their window tend to heal faster.

Many of the social benefits of planting trees are related to their economic benefits.

Economic Benefits of Planting Trees

Trees provide wood that is used for building various things such as furniture, houses and stationary items to name a few. Besides, trees also provide fibre, resin, rubber, tannins, honey and much more. So the more trees we plant, the more things we can build. More factories to manufacture such things means greater number of businesses which is good for the economic prosperity of those involved in the business as well as the country as a whole. More factories and greater number of booming businesses also mean more employment opportunities for people. Trees also increase the rate of properties. A place surrounded by trees offers a good environment to live and is thus more in demand.

So, the benefits of planting trees are enormous however we still overlook their importance. It is time we realize how important these are for our environment as well as our social and economic well being. Each one of us must take it as a responsibility to plant trees whenever and wherever we can to make our planet a better place to live.

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Students Learn the Importance of Tree Planting and Care to Create Healthy Communities

why we should plant trees essay

TD Green Streets supports innovative practices in community forestry. Through the program, municipalities are eligible to receive one of ten $20,000 grants in support of local forestry projects in low- to moderate-income (LMI) neighborhoods. Guest post by Kristin Ace, Chairperson of Morristown Shade Tree Commission, 2017 TD Grant recipient.

The Morristown Shade Tree Commission partnered with the Morris School District and City Arborist for a school tree planting project that would add trees to The Lafayette Learning Center Preschool and the Morristown High School. The tree planting was part of the town’s Arbor Day celebrations where the public was invited to help plant.

The TD Bank Grant helped us plant two large gardens and 21 trees in areas that would benefit not only our town and residents but improve children’s learning. It has been documented that children learn better when they are surrounded by nature, so enriching their environment with trees and flowers will enable them to become better students.

The planting project would also help us raise awareness on the importance of trees and shrubs. The best way to inspire a love for nature is to start teaching it at a young age. By having students learn every aspect of tree planting and care, from picking a species to putting it in the ground and everything in between, it becomes second nature to them.

They learned how to plant and care for a garden. And now they understand why the practices we taught them are important to our well-being. By having high school students teach what they learned to the preschoolers, they not only become advocates, but, they get to experience the wonder and delight of a child’s view, which strengthens their own experience.

We wanted to be inclusive and reach as many people as we could through the project, so every piece of information that we shared was written in English and Spanish. It was another way for us to bridge the gap and build community.

But planting a school garden doesn’t come without its challenges, like convincing parents the importance of the trees. Most did not understand why caring for trees before, during, and after they are planted leads to healthy trees. It prompted opportunity for education, like explaining that we can’t just throw a tree or shrub in the ground and walk away. We had to emphasize that planting a tree in an urban environment is not the same as a tree growing in a forest and that a tremendous amount of care is needed.

Planting trees and gardens at schools helps beautify the community. The newly planted trees will clean the air.  They will clean the water runoff from the buildings with their roots. They not only enrich the students and residents’ lives, they enrich the earth that they now inhabit. As the gardens start to flower, they will attract bees, birds, and butterflies — all of which we need to pollinate food gardens in the community.

The scenery will bring an aura of peace to the area. Personally, it eases my soul to watch the birds, insects, and wildlife flit among the trees and flowers. If I feel stress from the outside world, I go into nature to quiet my mind and bring me to a place of serenity. So, I imagine that for the high school students who are under great pressure, bringing nature to them is a relief. To now be surrounded by greenery, singing birds, and blooming flowers when before it was a barren concrete landscape, is a gift that gives a million times over the cost to put it all together.

One of the most rewarding parts of the project was that even though it was about education, no one had to teach the preschool children to be happy about trees. They understand that to the core of their being. Watching them dance, hug, and sing to the trees was delightful beyond measure. To bear witness that kind of joy and appreciation was the best part of the whole experience.

Read more stories like this and learn about the TD Green Streets Grants Program .

why we should plant trees essay

Mary Sweeney

Program Manager, Program Services, Certified Arborist

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  • Tree Plantation Essay


Essay on Tree Plantation

Tree planting is the process in which tree seedlings are transplanted generally for forestry, land reclamation, or landscaping purposes. Tree plantation is very necessary because trees provide oxygen to the environment and make the air quality better. If more trees are planted, then the world's environment will become a safer place to live in. Tree plantation also reduces pollution, thus making the life of future generations secure. Through this tree plantation essay, one will have a clear overview of this topic.

Tree Plantation Essay in English

The tree is the key to a pollution-free environment for a long time because they are responsible for providing oxygen, improving the quality of air, climate amelioration, conserving water, soil preservation, and supporting wildlife. Due to all these reasons, tree plantation has become necessary in the present scenario as pollution is at a peak. Tree plantation is the only way to control pollution to some extent.

Afforestation in Tree Plantation

In silviculture, the tree plantation activity is known as afforestation or reforestation. This process involves planting seedlings in an area where the forest has been damaged by a fire, disease, or harvested or got destroyed by some human activity. As we know that pollution is increasing at an alarming rate, different countries are making various strategies to fight with this situation, and tree plantation is one of the most important strategies that is being adopted. Many reforestation companies have also been formed, which are responsible for planting trees in the deforested lands. Trees remove carbon dioxide and release oxygen to the air, thus making the air quality better for living beings. The knowledge gained through this paragraph shows the importance of tree plantation essays.

Benefits of Tree Plantation 

Plants have a complete cycle of taking in Carbon DiOxide (CO2) and giving out Oxygen. Co2. Thus planting more trees would help in reducing the amount of CO2 that is present in the atmosphere.

The more the number of trees are planted, the cleaner the air will get. Having enough oxygen and reduced CO2 would make the air clean and free from pollutants. 

Plants also have the ability to naturally filter dirty water. Thus planting more trees would not only result in cleaner air, but it would also make the water clean too. 

Temperature has been constantly fluctuating due to a decrease in the number of plants. Plants can maintain atmospheric temperatures. In hot regions, having more plants would help regulate the heat. 

Trees and plants are home to many wild creatures. A lot of birds build their nests on trees. Plants support wildlife. Planting more trees would not only help humans but it will support the whole biodiversity.

Planting trees makes the environment immediately more beautiful. Trees help prevent soil erosion. They also absorb different pollutants and thus make the air-water and earth cleaner.  



Deforestation can be described as voluntary cutting down forests. Trees are usually cut in large numbers to provide more space for humans. This is a direct result of the population explosion. People are looking for more land to build their homes or to make space for growing more crops. Forests are also being cut down to provide more wood that is used as a building material as well as fuel.      

Up until a century ago, a lot of lands were covered by forests. Around 2000 years ago, almost 80% of the planet was covered in forests. However today only 20%-30% of those forests exist. The rate of destruction of forests is more than the rate of its replenishment. This means that if we continue to destroy our environment at this rate, soon no tree will be left on earth. Therefore humans need to control the destructive nature and plant more trees.    

Disadvantages of Deforestation 

Cutting down forests does not only destroy the beauty of nature but is also very harmful to every living creature.

Humans and animals produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and inhale Oxygen. This oxygen is not present naturally on the Earth. Rather it is created by the plants through a process that is known as photosynthesis. Cutting down a large number of trees will reduce the amount of oxygen that is present on the planet. 

Forests are home to different types of living organisms. They support a lot of animals, insects, reptiles, and plants. Cutting down forests means the complete destruction of biodiversity. Many species of animals have already become extinct due to deforestation. The constant activity of deforestation will soon lead to an episode of mass extinction.

Trees not only support flora and fauna but are also responsible for maintaining the fertility of the soil. The roots of the plants hold the most fertile top layer of soil in place. When trees are cut, their roots are destroyed too. This leads to the problem of soil erosion. 

Cutting down forests is like bringing a permanent change that is almost irreversible in nature. A lot of trees take 20- 30 years to grow back. During this time the birds and animals that have been surviving due to the trees, become extinct.

Tree Plantation in Different Countries

After European colonization, the forests in Australia have suffered a lot and were heavily affected. The Government and many individuals have attempted to restore the forests by massive tree plantations. One of the non-profit organizations known as Greening Australia has planted a total of 1 million trees in different regions of Australia and has become one of the major tree planting companies in the globe. As per the tree plantation essay, you can imagine how important it is.

In Canada, tree plantation is carried out by private reforestation companies. These reforestation companies fight with one another for getting the contract from the logging companies. Planting of the tree is done according to the logging companies, and the planters should always maintain the qualities of trees as similar to the qualities mentioned in the contract.

Climate Change

Deforestation is one of the main reasons for the earth's climate change. As per some scientists, it is said that deforestation is responsible for around 18-25% of climate change. This is why some big organizations like the United Nations, World Bank, and other leading organizations are encouraging tree plantations worldwide. From this tree plantation essay, one can see the importance of tree plantation. The amount of carbon dioxide is increasing in the air, and that is because it is absorbing the UV rays of the sun and making the atmosphere warmer. Trees are the only way to overcome this problem because they absorb carbon dioxide from the air, thus making the air cleaner. From the tree plantation essay in English, it is proved that tree plantation is very much needed in today's time.

A Short Essay on Tree Plantation

In simpler words, tree plantation means to plant seedlings in the ground for growing more trees in an area. Tree plantation is very much required in countries where deforestation has increased a lot. With tree plantation, one can restrict the problems that may arise due to deforestation. One of the major problems of deforestation, which is pollution, can be reduced to some extent through the increased rate of tree plantation. In this short paragraph on tree plantation, it is cleared that tree plantation is very important.According to a tree plantation paragraph for Class 10, it is said that a reduced rate of tree plantation on heavy deforestation areas can cause climate change because deforestation increases the level of carbon dioxide, and without the required amount of tree, it is difficult to remove it from the air.Through this short essay on tree plantation, one can get some idea of what are the true requirements of tree plantation in today’s time and why it is so important for the world.

With this tree plantation essay, it is clear that tree plantation is the key to save the earth from pollution. This is why many countries have now started to concentrate on increasing the rate of tree plantation to make the earth a safer place to live for the future generation. One may have learned all this in tree plantation in school essays. Every country should aim to increase afforestation rather than deforestation. Tree planting is cost-effective, thus making it simpler to achieve the goal of making the earth a safer place by making it free from pollution. The effects of climate change can also be controlled by increasing the rate of tree plantation.


FAQs on Tree Plantation Essay

1. Which Trees Produce More Oxygen?

As we all know that the oxygen is decreasing in the air, and the carbon dioxide level is increasing at an alarming rate. Therefore we need to plant trees that can extract more oxygen into the air, and such trees are Douglas-fir, spruce, true fir, beech, and maple. These trees are capable of cleansing the air by giving more oxygen to the air.

2. What is the Importance of Tree Plantation?

The tree is the key to making the environment a safer place to live in, and they do that by providing oxygen into the air, improving the air quality, climate amelioration, water conservation, soil preservation, and supporting the wildlife of the earth. This is why tree plantation is important in today's world.

3. What is Climate Change?

Climate change can be described as the unnatural shifts that have taken place in the weather of any region. For example, areas that have never witnessed a snowfall have been facing the problem of snow blizzards. The inexplicable changes and spikes in the temperature of a region can be called climate change. Climate change has taken place due to deforestation and high carbon emissions while burning fossil fuels.

4. How can Tree plantations help manage the problem of Climate Change?

Plants absorb carbon. Planting more trees can help the planet by solving the problem of climate change. The carbon emitted due to fossil fuels will be used by plants during photosynthesis. The problem of constant rise in temperature can be solved by afforestation. Apart from this having more trees will also help in making the environment clean and free from toxins. Planting trees will help solve the issue of climate change. 

5.   What is deforestation?

Deforestation has been described as the deliberate act of cutting down more forests. Throughout history, humans have been clearing forests to make space for living and cultivating food. At the beginning of civilization, it was not extremely harmful. But today very little area is left that is covered by forests. Cutting down trees destroys and disrupts the whole life of that area. This is because a lot of other creatures are dependent on trees for their survival. 

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Why Schools Should Plant Trees

Education is, of course, an investment in the future. Nurturing the mind of a child is challenging, expensive, and time-intensive, and takes the dedication and expertise of an entire community of professionals for over a decade to complete. But in the end it pays off in order to foster a populace who can productively participate in and improve our society, and ultimately nurture and support the next generation in addition to past ones. Trees are also, of course, an investment in the future. Like schoolchildren, they can sometimes be messy or temperamental and require more care than we may have energy for, but they are absolutely worth the investment because they will grow to enhance our communities and to give back both in the short term and far into the future. Education and tree planting are two of the best investments we can make for a prosperous future, so what could be better than combining the two, and planting trees at schools?

Trees and Schools

Trees provide a wealth of environmental, social and economic benefits to our homes, neighborhoods, schools and communities. Trees and forests improve air and water quality, sequester carbon dioxide, reduce stormwater and flooding, shade and cool their surroundings, produce oxygen, provide habitat for wildlife, increase property values, and improve human physical and mental health. Children and youth have the most to gain from connections with nature, especially trees and forests. Studies continue to illustrate the benefits of connecting children with nature . The presence of trees and vegetation at schools, parks, and neighborhoods supports children's development, learning, focus, and can reduce the symptoms of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Green environments can improve school performance. Research at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign found that young girls that grew up with greener settings showed better concentration, exhibited less impulsive behaviors, had higher self-discipline and were able to handle peer pressure. Middle-school students with views of nature at school showed reductions in misbehavior, feelings of unfriendliness and absenteeism. A study of public high school students found consistent improvements in student behavior and performance when there were views of nature. The presence of nature (even just views) help student recovery from mental fatigue and stress.

Students can be involved with nearly every part of the tree establishment process, which is not only helpful for growing the trees but also beneficial to the children. In a time when many children spend little time outdoors, are not as physically active as recommended, and are nervous about the future of their environment, tree planting is as important as ever to both their bodies and minds. Students in middle or high school could help decide which trees to plant, which will help the students gain valuable experience in doing research and critical thinking, and knowledge of the trees that they will potentially someday need to know about for careers or as homeowners. Planting and tree tending days can be fun and impactful for students of all ages; they will not only go home with good memories but a sense of satisfaction that they have made a positive impact on their world. A new tree planting is also an excellent outdoor classroom to practice recently learned skills in math, science, reading, and writing.

A true forest will be the most valuable both environmentally and pragmatically, but adding even just a few trees to an area will still be hugely beneficial. Decades of research show that in a developed area like a school campus, even moderate shade from trees will benefit air quality, reducing rates of asthma and the brutal heat of summer. Trees also have dramatic positive impacts on mental and physical health, both of which are critical to prioritize for children. The leaves of native trees can be stunning to look at in the autumn but also form the base of food webs: feeding insects and other herbivores. In turn, they feed songbirds and mammals. Not only do our native critters also deserve to be here, but they will almost universally spark joy, curiosity, and creativity for children who get to see them.

Planting trees and tending to them until they can begin to care for us is certainly worthwhile, but like any investment, careful planning is prudent, and the effort will take some upfront resources and work. Luckily there are many organizations around Pennsylvania whose primary focus is to help reduce or eliminate the upfront burden of tree planting, so that making the decision is as easy as an afternoon in the shade.

Success Story

When school district leadership sees the value in planting trees, it's a win-win for students, teachers, administration, parents, campus visitors, and the broader community. In 2019, Tom Horton, the Director of Facilities at Carlisle Area School District (Cumberland County), had a vision to transform an unutilized section of the campus into a forested plot of land. The acreage be planted was affectionately known as the "Back 40" and ran adjacent to the cross-country trail, as well as the Pennsylvania Turnpike. His primary goal for the site was to increase carbon sequestration, however the other ecosystem services and educational opportunities provided by the reforesting project were a welcome bonus. This project also supported Horton's vision of greening the district's properties, ideas of which included a green-roof teaching and research pavilion, car charging stations, and more green stormwater infrastructure among the campuses.

Partners were convened, including representatives from Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay (ACB), Penn State Extension's Master Watershed Steward (MWS) Program, Dickinson College, and Carlisle Construction Materials. In November 2020, eight of the ten acres were planted by contractor with funding from the U.S. Forest Service leaving the last two acres to be planted by students the following spring.

Student plants trees during a snow squall

After months of Covid-related stress and tension, masking, and shifting school schedules, two planting days were scheduled with some members of the Carlisle High School Science Department. ACB provided advance training to the teaching team and volunteers. The MWS coordinator organized equipment and materials, arranged schedules and logistics with the teachers, and recruited Master Watershed Stewards and other community volunteers to be onsite during planting to help students check and replace trees and manage the equipment. In April 2020, more than 300 students finally stepped outside and planted approximately 500 trees to complete the last two acres. Bill Bechtel, Geo-environmental Science Teacher, said "That was a very difficult year and I felt like [those planting sessions were] the first time I was able to connect with many of the students. It was certainly the first time we did any real hands-on science that year."

A volunteer transports tree saplings to school

Since then, over the course of two days each spring and fall, four or five teachers hike about half a mile to the planting site with each science class to get hands dirty. Overall, this involves 300-400 students checking on the site and replacing trees which have not survived. The replacement trees are provided by an ACB volunteer who collects and propagates native tree seeds.

The site is also checked monthly during the growing season by ACB Riparian Rangers and Master Watershed Stewards. These volunteers are trained by ACB to provide consistent maintenance for and tracking of the trees. These critical volunteers help ensure the success of newly planted reforesting projects.

Master Watershed Stewards check tree tubes at a high school

Advanced Placement Biology Teacher Jimmy Wilkinson said of the field experiences, "Every year students cite tree planting as one of the top three highlights of the year. They love getting outside and planting something that will be there long after they graduate. We also took time in class this year to study the different kinds of trees that we planted and the benefits they provide to the ecosystem. It was a blast to see students get excited to plant a tree they learned about!"

School principal planting a tree

"For some students, this may be the first time they have had a chance to do plantings of this volume, or to engage in a high school campus project that has so many beneficial and long-lasting impacts." said Carlisle High School Science Program Supervisor Sam Moyer. "The partnership with ACB and the MWS program has enhanced the science curriculum, provided a well-organized and valuable field experience, and allowed the students to help create a forest that will provide so many benefits for people, wildlife, and the planet." Holly Smith, former MWS Coordinator for Cumberland, Franklin, and Adams counties underscored the enthusiasm and cooperation of the high school science teachers, and district administration and maintenance department. "Without their support, the project doesn't succeed. Carlisle has raised the bar for campus transformation, innovative outdoor classroom opportunities, and community partnerships."

When students are onsite, they recognize when they return to campus in the future, they can tell their families, "I helped plant this forest." This legacy, now rebranded as "Horton's Hill," will benefit generations to come.

Getting Ready to Plant

Those considering tree planting projects on school campuses might begin by engaging with partners and stakeholders. This includes experts, such as the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation & Natural Resource Bureau of Forestry , watershed and forestry specialists at your county's conservation district, and other organizations that plant a lot of trees and/or can help find funding. Next, gather the school district leadership - maintenance team, curriculum director, and a few key teachers. The school district will want to know that the project will be economically viable and succeed into perpetuity. Teachers may need assistance not only with working in the field with students, but also with lessons or activities related to watersheds and forests. That's where your community volunteers enter. The Master Watershed Steward program trains volunteers in topics related to watershed management and restoration and facilitates volunteer participation in projects just like this. If your county has a MWS Program, contact the coordinator. Local watershed associations may also have knowledgeable volunteers who can help. Note: Be sure your community volunteers have required background clearances to work with youth before becoming involved. The key is finding a team that is dedicated to the success of the project, is willing to think outside the box, and will further the project over time even through staff turnover. Remember to not reinvent the wheel. If you know of a successful school campus planting project, contact those involved and learn their key strategies and lessons learned.

As students experience repeated tree planting and tending sessions over time, and participate in related studies such as phenology, pollination, ecology, and habitat, their lens changes and they begin thinking beyond themselves and into the future. If they are young enough, they can appreciate some of the campus transformation during their K-12 academic career. This can be life changing for individual students and the broader community, and ultimately, benefits wildlife, water and air quality, and helps offset climate change.

High school students personalize a stake on a tree tube

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    Trees help to clean the air we breathe. Through their leaves and bark, they absorb harmful pollutants and release clean oxygen for us to breathe. In urban environments, trees absorb pollutant gases like nitrogen oxides, ozone, and carbon monoxide, and sweep up particles like dust and smoke. Increasing levels of carbon dioxide caused by ...

  7. Essay on Plant a Tree to Make Our Planet Safer for Students

    Conclusion. In conclusion, planting a tree is a simple act with big benefits. It cleans the air, protects the soil, helps the water cycle, and provides homes for wildlife. By planting trees, we can all help to make our planet a safer, healthier place to live. So let's pick up a shovel, find a seed, and start planting!

  8. Benefits of Planting Trees Essay

    Benefits of Planting Trees Essay: Forests are called the lungs of Earth, then trees must be the bronchioles of the planet. Our survival highly depends on trees because they are our oxygen and food providers. ... We should preach and practice planting trees because it is for our benefit. Taking care of trees now with time and effort, will in ...

  9. Why the World Needs Millions of Trees

    It's widely accepted that planting a huge number of trees is one of the best solutions to climate change available today. There's even enough land available to increase the world's forest cover by 30% without affecting cities or farms. The UN is highly confident that restoring forests is "one of the most effective and robust options for ...

  10. Planting trees helps fight climate change—but we need billions more

    If reforestation efforts are to help tackle climate change, the study finds, tree nurseries across the U.S. will have to increase their production to at least three billion seedlings per year ...

  11. Importance of Trees Essay

    500 Words Essay On Importance Of Trees. Trees are one of nature's greatest gifts. It is impossible to deny the importance of trees in the lives of all living things. They not only give us an infinite number of things, but they also create calmness and harmony in the earth. The survival of all life on Earth depends heavily on plants and trees.

  12. Essay on Importance of Planting Trees

    The Psychological Impact. Trees have a positive impact on mental health. Studies have shown that exposure to green spaces reduces stress and improves mood. Planting trees in urban areas can improve the quality of life and contribute to the well-being of the residents. In conclusion, the importance of planting trees cannot be overstated.

  13. Tree Essay for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Tree. Tree Essay- Trees are our best friends because they clean the air we breathe. Likewise, they also clean the water and soil and ultimately make the earth a better place. It is also a fact that people who live near trees are healthier, fit, and happier than people who do not. Moreover, it is our responsibility to look ...

  14. 5 Reasons We Need Trees for a Healthy Planet

    Here are five reasons we need trees. 1. Trees purify our air and combat climate change. Forests are carbon sinks that help slow climate change by removing carbon from the atmosphere and storing it in trunks and soil. And old-growth trees — trees that have reached old age without major human disturbances like logging — hold much larger ...

  15. Why Tree Planting Is So Important in the Fight Against Climate Change

    It's clear that planting trees is a useful tool that we can use to help mitigate the effects of climate change and protect the planet, but it's something we need to research to do the right way alongside continuing our efforts to reach net-zero emissions . Tree planting is critical because of the ability to capture carbon and draw down ...

  16. Essay on Save Trees for Students and Children

    And the earth is connected to them to maintain a natural balance. In this essay on save trees, we are discussing the reason why our friends need saving. They nourish us and protect us in many ways. Also, they keep our environment green and clean. So, it becomes our responsibility to repay them for the things they do for us by saving them.

  17. Essay on Importance of Trees

    Importance of Trees in Human Life Essay: (1) We get oxygen from trees. (2) Trees help reduce air, water and noise pollution. (3) They get valuable herbs from which many diseases are cured. (4) We get fruits and grains from the trees to eat. (5) Dry wood is obtained from trees by which we can get energy by burning fire and can make doors, bunk ...


    Here are five reasons we need trees and how they help us on a daily basis. 1. Trees help fight climate change. Acting as the lungs of the planet, through the process of photosynthesis, trees pull carbon out of the air, store it and replace it with oxygen. In fact, it's estimated that Australian forests store 22 billion tonnes of carbon within ...

  19. 9 Reasons to Plant a Tree

    Cisterns should be used to hold the water underground. Face it, too many trees have been cut down around the world causing havoc on the climate. The world needs a lot of healing through planting billions more trees. The Earth can become ill just as we can. We can cure the Earth by planting many more trees as the world had thousands of years ago.

  20. Essay on Benefits of Planting Trees for Children and Students

    Benefits of Planting Trees Essay 4 (500 words) Introduction. Plants and trees make this planet worth living. Without the existence of trees, we cannot imagine life on earth. One of the basic benefits of planting trees is that they provide the life-giving oxygen and absorb carbon-dioxide exhaled by animals.

  21. Students Learn the Importance of Tree Planting and Care to Create

    The TD Bank Grant helped us plant two large gardens and 21 trees in areas that would benefit not only our town and residents but improve children's learning. It has been documented that children learn better when they are surrounded by nature, so enriching their environment with trees and flowers will enable them to become better students ...

  22. Tree Plantation Essay for Students in English

    A Short Essay on Tree Plantation. In simpler words, tree plantation means to plant seedlings in the ground for growing more trees in an area. Tree plantation is very much required in countries where deforestation has increased a lot. With tree plantation, one can restrict the problems that may arise due to deforestation.

  23. Why Schools Should Plant Trees

    Trees and Schools. Trees provide a wealth of environmental, social and economic benefits to our homes, neighborhoods, schools and communities. Trees and forests improve air and water quality, sequester carbon dioxide, reduce stormwater and flooding, shade and cool their surroundings, produce oxygen, provide habitat for wildlife, increase ...