what is ethos in a persuasive speech

Ethos Definition

What is ethos? Here’s a quick and simple definition:

Ethos , along with logos and pathos , is one of the three "modes of persuasion" in rhetoric (the art of effective speaking or writing). Ethos is an argument that appeals to the audience by emphasizing the speaker's credibility and authority. If the speaker has a high-ranking position, is an expert in his or her field, or has had life experience relevant to a particular topic, anything the speaker says or does to ensure that the audience knows about and remembers these qualifications is an example of ethos .

Some additional key details about ethos:

  • Ethos shares a root with the word "ethics ." This is helpful to remember because speakers often try to establish their own strong moral character by using ethos.
  • The word "ethos" is also often used to refer to a community or organization's characteristic belief or spirit, as in the sentence, "We will not give you a larger bonus than your coworkers: that is against our company's ethos of fairness." However, this guide focuses specifically on the rhetorical technique of ethos used in literature and public speaking.
  • The three "modes of persuasion"— pathos , logos , and ethos —were originally defined by Aristotle.
  • While ethos appeals to an audience's instinctive respect for authority, logos appeals to the audience's sense of reason, and pathos appeals to the audience's emotions.
  • Ethos is used in advertising just as often as it is used in public speaking and literature. Any commercial in which a celebrity endorses a product, for example, hopes to persuade its target audience by cultivating an aura of authority or expertise through its association with the celebrity—and is therefore an example of ethos.

How to Pronounce Ethos

Here's how to pronounce ethos: ee -thos

Ethos Explained

Aristotle (the ancient Greek philosopher and scientist) first defined e thos , along with logos and pathos , in his treatise on rhetoric, Ars Rhetorica. Together, he referred to e thos , logos , and pathos as the three modes of persuasion, or sometimes simply as "the appeals." Aristotle believed that in order to have ethos a good speaker must demonstrate three things:

  • Phronesis : Sound reasoning, and relevant experience or expertise.
  • Arete : Moral character.
  • Eunoia : Good intentions towards the audience.

Aristotle argued that a speaker in possession of these three attributes will naturally impress the audience with his or her ethos , and as a result will be better able to influence that audience. Over time, however, the definition of ethos has broadened, and the significance of the three qualities Aristotle named is now lost on anyone who hasn't studied classical Greek. So it may give more insight into the meaning of ethos to translate Aristotle's three categories into a new set of categories that make more sense in the modern era. A speaker or writer's credibility can be said to rely on each of the following:

  • Within literature, it's interesting to notice when characters attempt to invoke their own authority and enhance their ethos by reminding other characters of the titles they possess. Often, this can be an indication that the character citing his or her own credentials actually feels his or her authority being threatened or challenged.
  • In literature, this form of ethos is particularly relevant with respect to narrators. Authors often have their narrators profess impartiality or objectivity at the outset of a book in order to earn the reader's trust in the narrator's reliability regarding the story he or she is about to tell.
  • This type of ethos translates into literature quite easily, in the sense that characters' opinions are often evaluated within the framework of their professions.
  • Literary characters often use ethos to communicate similarity or likemindedness to other characters, and you can detect this by certain changes in their speech. In these situations, characters (as well as real-life speakers) often use a shibboleth— a specialized term or word used by a specific group of people—to show that they belong. For example, if you knew the name of a special chemical used to make jello, and you wanted to impress the head of a jello company, the name of that chemical would count as a shibboleth and saying it would help you show the jello executive that you're "in the know."

The Stagecraft of Ethos

In order to impress their positive personal qualities upon audiences, public speakers can use certain techniques that aren't available to writers. These include:

  • Speaking in a certain manner or even with a certain accent.
  • Demonstrating confident stage presence.
  • Having reputable people to introduce the speaker in a positive light.
  • Listing their credentials and achievements.

Put another way, the ethos of a speech can be heavily impacted by the speaker's confidence and manner of presenting him or herself.

Ethos and Ad Hominem

An ad hominem argument is a specific type of argument which involves attacking someone else's character or ethos, rather than attacking that person's position or point of view on the subject being discussed. Ad hominem attacks usually have the goal of swaying an audience away from an opponent's views and towards one's own by degrading the audience's perception of the opponent's character. For instance, if one politician attacks another as being "elite," the attacker may be seeking to make voters question whether the other politician is trustworthy or actually has the public's interest at heart. But the first politician is not in any way attacking their opponent's positions on matters of policy.

An ad hominem argument is not necessarily "wrong" or even a bad strategy, but it's generally seen as more dignified (another component of ethos ) for speakers to focus on strengthening their own ethos, and to debate their opponents based on the substance of the opposition's counterarguments. When a literary character uses an ad hominem argument, this can sometimes indicate that he or she is insecure about his or her own position regarding a certain issue.

Ethos Examples

Examples of ethos in literature.

Characters in novels often use ethos , as well as logos and pathos , to convince one another of certain arguments in the same way that a speaker in reality might use these techniques. In addition, authors often use a subtler form of ethos when establishing a narrator's reliability at the outset of a novel.

Ethos in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged

In Atlas Shrugged, a group of pioneering American industrialists, financiers, and artists go on strike against a corrupt government. As the strike nears its end, its leader—John Galt—delivers a speech to the nation about his ideals. He promises that the strike will end only if Americans allow him to remake the country according to his moral code, which he explains in the following lines:

Just as I support my life, neither by robbery nor alms, but by my own effort, so I do not seek to derive my happiness from the injury or the favor of others, but earn it by my own achievement. Just as I do not consider the pleasure of others as the goal of my life, so I do not consider my pleasure as the goal of the lives of others. Just as there are no contradictions in my values and no conflicts among my desires—so there are no victims and no conflicts of interest among rational men, men who do not desire the unearned and do not view one another with a cannibal's lust, men who neither make sacrifices nor accept them.

Galt not only creates an impression of moral rectitude, but also emphasizes his own self-sufficiency. He assures his audience that he expects nothing in return from them for sharing his personal views. In this way, his ability to cultivate an aura of impartiality and objectivity enhances his ethos.

Ethos in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter opens with a chapter called "The Custom-House," in which the unnamed narrator—who has a similar biography to Hawthorne—describes his job in a Custom House, a place where taxes were paid on imports in 18th century Massachusetts. The narrator's stories about his job have no relation to the actual narrative of The Scarlet Letter, except that he finds the scarlet letter of the title in the Custom House attic. This discovery inspired him to research the life of the woman who wore the embroidered letter, and to tell her story. By presenting himself as someone who merely discovered, researched, and "edited" the story the reader is about to begin, the narrator effectively creates the impression that his is a reliable historical account, thereby strengthening his ethos.

It will be seen, likewise, that this Custom-House sketch has a certain propriety, of a kind always recognised in literature, as explaining how a large portion of the following pages came into my possession, and as offering proofs of the authenticity of a narrative therein contained. This, in fact—a desire to put myself in my true position as editor, or very little more, of the most prolix among the tales that make up my volume—this, and no other, is my true reason for assuming a personal relation with the public.

Ethos in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby

In the opening lines of The Great Gatsby , the narrator, Nick Carraway, claims that he has followed one piece of his father's advice throughout his life:

In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since. 'Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,' he told me, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had.'... In consequence I'm inclined to reserve all judgements, a habit that has opened up many curious natures to me and also made me the victim of not a few veteran bores. The abnormal mind is quick to detect and attach itself to this quality when it appears in a normal person, and so it came about that in college I was unjustly accused of being a politician, because I was privy to the secret griefs of wild, unknown men...

Nick's tendency to reserve judgement makes him an ideal, objective narrator, while his awareness of his own economic and social advantages makes him a perfect guide to the privileged world of The Great Gatsby. Though he describes his non-judgmental, "neutral" affect with self-deprecating humor, it's a subtle way of strengthening his ethos as a narrator, and of causing the reader to eagerly anticipate hearing the stories that "wild, unknown men" have shared with him.

Examples of Ethos in Political Speeches

Every politician recognizes that a speaker must earn an audience's respect and trust if he or she expects to be listened to. As a result, it's difficult to find a political speech that doesn't contain an example of ethos. It's particularly easy to spot ethos in action when listening to speeches by candidates for office.

Ethos in Mitt Romney's Acceptance Speech at the 2012 Republican National Convention

When he accepted the Republican presidential nomination in 2012, Romney pointed to his business success as relevant experience that would serve him well if he were to take office:

I learned the real lessons about how America works from experience. When I was 37, I helped start a small company. My partners and I had been working for a company that was in the business of helping other businesses. So some of us had this idea that if we really believed our advice was helping companies, we should invest in companies. We should bet on ourselves and on our advice. So we started a new business called Bain Capital...That business we started with 10 people has now grown into a great American success story. Some of the companies we helped start are names you know. An office supply company called Staples – where I'm pleased to see the Obama campaign has been shopping; The Sports Authority, which became a favorite of my sons. We started an early childhood learning center called Bright Horizons that First Lady Michelle Obama rightly praised.

In addition to strengthening his ethos by pointing to his past achievements, Romney also hopes to portray himself as principled, rational, and daring when he explains how his company decided to "bet on ourselves and on our advice."

Ethos in John Kasich's 2016 Ohio Primary Victory Speech

After winning his first campaign victory, 2016 presidential candidate John Kasich told his supporters about his disadvantaged yet hardworking relatives to contextualize his own rise to success:

And you know, ladies and gentlemen, my whole life has been about trying to create a climate of opportunity for people. You know, as my father carried that mail on his back and his father was a coal miner, and you know, I was just told by my cousin—I didn't realize this—that my mother, one of four [children]‚ was the only one to graduate from high school. The other three barely made it out of the eighth grade because they were poor... And you know, as I've traveled the country and I look into your eyes... You want to believe that your children are going to have ultimately a better America than what we got from our mothers and fathers. That's the great American legacy: that our kids will be better than we are.

By saying that he comes from a modest background, Kasich hopes to convey that he is "just a regular American" and that he will advocate for other hard working Americans.

Ethos in Winston Churchill's 1941 Address to Joint Session of the US Congress

In this speech to the US Congress during World War II, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill enhances the ethos of his speech by emphasizing both the qualities he shares in common with the American people and the American Democratic values instilled in him by his parents:

I am a child of the House of Commons. I was brought up in my father's house to believe in democracy. "Trust the people." That was his message. I used to see him cheered at meetings and in the streets by crowds of workingmen way back in those aristocratic Victorian days when as Disraeli said "the world was for the few, and for the very few." Therefore I have been in full harmony all my life with the tides which have flowed on both sides of the Atlantic against privilege and monopoly and I have steered confidently towards the Gettysburg ideal of government of the people, by the people, for the people.

Examples of Ethos in Advertisements

Advertisers often attempt to use ethos to influence people to buy their product. Dressing up an actor as a doctor who then extols the benefits a medication is a way that advertisers used to try to gin up a little ethos , but such obvious practices of what might be called "fake ethos" are now regularly mocked. However, any celebrity endorsement or testimonial from an expert are also attempts to build up ethos around a product's endorsement. For instance, here's a Prudential Financial commercial that ups its ethos with an appearance by Harvard social psychologist Dan Gilbert.

Why Do Writers Use Ethos?

Politicians, activists, and advertisers use ethos because they recognize that it is impossible to convince an audience of anything if its members do not believe in the speaker's credibility, morality, or authority.

The use of e thos in fiction is often different from real-world examples. Authors are not usually trying to directly influence their audience in the way politicians or advertisers are. Rather, authors often show one of their characters making use of ethos . In doing so, the author gives insight into characters' perceptions of one another, their values, and their motives.

In addition, e thos is an especially useful tool for authors looking to establish a narrator's credibility. Having a credible narrator is hugely important to the success of a literary work. Books with narrators that never establish a reasonable claim to an objective viewpoint are nearly impossible to read because everything they say is cast in doubt, so that readers come to feel like they're being lied to or "jerked around," which is fatiguing. Although often enough readers simply assume that a narrator has credibility , if you've ever read a book where you felt you simply didn't like the narrator very much—or watched a television show where you felt that none of the characters were likable or believable—that might be another sign that the writer has failed to establish a character's ethos . There are circumstances in which a writer creates an unreliable narrator —a narrator who is either purposefully or subconsciously offering a slanted narrative—but ethos is just as crucial in creating such a narrator: the author must first establish the narrator's ethos and then slowly undermine it over the course of the book.

Other Helpful Ethos Resources

  • The Wikipedia Page on Ethos: An in-depth explanation of ethos , and how the concept has changed over time.
  • The Dictionary Definition of Ethos: A definition and etymology of the term, which comes from the Greek ethos meaning "character, custom, or habit."
  • Ethos on Youtube: An excellent video from TED-Ed about the three modes of persuasion.

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Understand The Difference Between Ethos, Pathos, And Logos To Make Your Point

  • What Is Ethos?
  • What Is Pathos?
  • What Is Logos?
  • Examples Of Each
  • What Are Mythos And Kairos?

During an argument, people will often say whatever is necessary to win. If that is the case, they would certainly need to understand the three modes of persuasion, also commonly known as the three rhetorical appeals: ethos , pathos , and logos . In short, these three words refer to three main methods that a person can use to speak or write persuasively. As you’re about to find out, the modes of persuasion are important because a speaker who knows how to effectively use them will have a significant advantage over someone who doesn’t.

The terms ethos , pathos , and logos and the theory of their use can be traced back to ancient Greece to the philosophy of Aristotle . Aristotle used these three concepts in his explanations of rhetoric , or the art of influencing the thought and conduct of an audience. For Aristotle, the three modes of persuasion specifically referred to the three major parts of an argument: the speaker ( ethos ), the argument itself ( logos ), and the audience ( pathos ). In particular, Aristotle focused on the speaker’s character, the logic and reason presented by an argument, and the emotional impact the argument had on an audience.

While they have ancient roots, these modes of persuasion are alive and well today. Put simply, ethos refers to persuasion based on the credibility or authority of the speaker, pathos refers to persuasion based on emotion, and logos refers to persuasion based on logic or reason.

By effectively using the three modes of persuasion with a large supply of rhetorical devices, a speaker or writer can become a master of rhetoric and win nearly any argument or win over any audience. Before they can do that, though, they must know exactly what ethos , pathos , and logos mean. Fortunately, we are going to look closely at each of these three ideas and see if they are really as effective as they are said to be.

⚡️ Quick summary

Ethos , pathos , and logos are the three classical modes of persuasion that a person can use to speak or write persuasively. Specifically:

  • ethos (character): known as “the appeal to authority” or “the appeal to credibility.” This is the method in which a person relies on their credibility or character when making an appeal or an argument.
  • pathos (emotions): known as “the appeal to emotion.” Pathos refers to the method of trying to persuade an audience by eliciting some kind of emotional reaction.
  • logos (logic): known as “the appeal to reason.” This method involves using facts and logical reasoning to support an argument and persuade an audience.

What is ethos ?

The word ethos comes straight from Greek. In Greek, ethos literally translates to “habit,” “custom,” or “character.” Ethos is related to the words ethic and ethical , which are typically used to refer to behavior that is or isn’t acceptable for a particular person.

In rhetoric, the word ethos is used to refer to the character or reputation of the speaker. As a rhetorical appeal, ethos is known as “the appeal to authority” or “the appeal to credibility.” When it comes to ethos , one important consideration is how the speaker carries themself and how they present themselves to the audience: Does it seem like they know what they are talking about? Do they even believe the words they are saying? Are they an expert? Do they have some experience or skills that tell us we should listen to them?

Ethos is important in rhetoric because it often influences the opinion or mood of the audience. If a speaker seems unenthusiastic, unprepared, or inexperienced, the audience is more likely to discount the speaker’s argument regardless of what it even is. On the other hand, a knowledgeable, authoritative, confident speaker is much more likely to win an audience over.

Ethos often depends on more than just the argument itself. For example, a speaker’s word choice, grammar, and diction also contribute to ethos ; an audience may react more favorably toward a professional speaker who has a good grasp of industry jargon and enunciates clearly versus a speaker who lacks the necessary vocabulary and fails to enunciate. Ethos can also be influenced by nonverbal factors as well, such as posture, body language, eye contact, and even the speaker’s choice of clothing. For example, a military officer proudly wearing their uniform bedecked with medals will go a long way to establishing ethos without them saying a single word.

Here as a simple example of ethos :

  • “As a former mayor of this city, I believe we can solve this crisis if we band together.”

The speaker uses ethos by alerting the audience of their credentials and experience. By doing so, they rely on their reputation to be more persuasive. This “as a…” method of establishing ethos is common, and you have probably seen it used in many persuasive advertisements and speeches.

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What is pathos ?

In Greek, pathos literally translates to “suffering, experience, or sensation.” The word pathos is related to the words pathetic , sympathy , and empathy , which all have to do with emotions or emotional connections. Aristotle used the word pathos to refer to the emotional impact that an argument had on an audience; this usage is still mainly how pathos is used in rhetoric today.

As a rhetorical appeal, pathos is referred to as “the appeal to emotion.” Generally speaking, an author or speaker is using pathos when they are trying to persuade an audience by causing some kind of emotional reaction. When it comes to pathos , any and all emotions are on the table: sadness, fear, hope, joy, anger, lust, pity, etc.

As you probably know from your own life, emotions are a powerful motivating factor. For this reason, relying on pathos is often a smart and effective strategy for persuading an audience. Both positive and negative emotions can heavily influence an audience: for example, an audience will want to support a speaker whose position will make them happy, a speaker who wants to end their sadness, or a speaker who is opposed to something that makes them angry.

Here is a simple example of pathos :

  • “Every day, the rainforests shrink and innocent animals are killed. We must do something about this calamitous trend before the planet we call our home is damaged beyond repair.”

Here, the author is trying to win over an audience by making them feel sad, concerned, or afraid. The author’s choice of words like “innocent” and “calamitous” enforce the fact that they are trying to rely on pathos .

What is logos ?

In Greek, the word logos literally translates to “word, reason, or discourse.” The word logos is related to many different words that have to do with reason, discourse, or knowledge, such as logic , logical , and any words that end in the suffixes -logy or -logue .

As a mode of persuasion and rhetorical appeal, logos is often referred to as “the appeal to reason.” If a speaker or author is relying on logos , they are typically reciting facts or providing data and statistics that support their argument. In a manner of speaking, logos does away with all of the bells and whistles of ethos and pathos and cuts to the chase by trying to present a rational argument.

Logos can be effective in arguments because, in theory, it is impossible to argue against truth and facts. An audience is more likely to agree with a speaker who can provide strong, factual evidence that shows their position is correct. On the flip side, an audience is less likely to support an argument that is flawed or entirely wrong. Going further, a speaker that presents a lot of supporting evidence and data to the audience is likely to come across as knowledgeable and someone to be listened to, which earns bonus points in ethos as well.

While Aristotle clearly valued an argument based on reason very highly, we know that logos alone doesn’t always effectively persuade an audience. In your own life, you have likely seen a rational, correct speaker lose an argument to a charismatic, authoritative speaker who may not have the facts right.

Here is a simple example of logos :

  • “According to market research, sales of computer chips have increased by 300% in the last five years. Analysis of the industry tells us that the market share of computer chips is dominated by Asian manufacturers. It is clear that the Asian technology sector will continue to experience rapid growth for the foreseeable future.”

In this paragraph, the author is using data, statistics, and logical reasoning to make their argument. They clearly hope to use logos to try to convince an audience to agree with them.

Do you need persuading to take this quiz on identifying ethos, pathos, and logos? We think you’ll be a champion at it.

Examples of ethos , pathos , and logos

Ethos , pathos , and logos can all be employed to deliver compelling and persuasive arguments or to win over an audience. Let’s look at a variety of examples to see how different speakers and authors have turned to these modes of persuasion over the years.

“Come I to speak in Caesar’s funeral. He was my friend, faithful and just to me […] You all did see that on the Lupercal I thrice presented him a kingly crown, Which he did thrice refuse: was this ambition?” —Marc Antony, Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

In this scene, Marc Antony is trying to win over the Roman people, so Shakespeare has Antony rely on ethos . Antony is establishing himself as both a person of authority in Rome (having the power to offer Caesar a crown) and an expert on Caesar’s true character (Antony was Caesar’s close friend and advisor).

“During the next five years, I started a company named NeXT, another company named Pixar, and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife. Pixar went on to create the world’s first computer animated feature film, Toy Story , and is now the most successful animation studio in the world. In a remarkable turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, I returned to Apple, and the technology we developed at NeXT is at the heart of Apple’s current renaissance.” —Steve Jobs, 2005

Here, Steve Jobs is providing his background–via humblebrag – of being a major figure in several different highly successful tech companies. Jobs is using ethos to provide substance to his words and make it clear to the audience that he knows what he is talking about and they should listen to him.

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“Moreover, though you hate both him and his gifts with all your heart, yet pity the rest of the Achaeans who are being harassed in all their host; they will honour you as a god, and you will earn great glory at their hands. You might even kill Hector; he will come within your reach, for he is infatuated, and declares that not a Danaan whom the ships have brought can hold his own against him.” —Ulysses to Achilles, The Iliad by Homer

In this plea, Ulysses is doing his best to pile on the pathos . In one paragraph, Ulysses is attempting to appeal to several of Achilles’s emotions: his hatred of Hector, his infamous stubborn pride, his sympathy for civilians, and his desire for vengeance.

“I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells. Some of you have come from areas where your quest—quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality.” —Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., 1963

In this excerpt from his “I Have A Dream” speech, King is using pathos to accomplish two goals at once. First, he is connecting with his audience by making it clear is aware of their plight and suffering. Second, he is citing these examples to cause sadness or outrage in the audience. Both of these effects will make an audience interested in what he has to say and more likely to support his position.

Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” speech is recognizable and noteworthy for many reasons, including the rhetorical device he employs. Learn about it here.

“Let it be remembered how powerful the influence of a single introduced tree or mammal has been shown to be. But in the case of an island, or of a country partly surrounded by barriers, into which new and better adapted forms could not freely enter, we should then have places in the economy of nature which would assuredly be better filled up if some of the original inhabitants were in some manner modified; for, had the area been open to immigration, these same places would have been seized on by intruders. In such case, every slight modification, which in the course of ages chanced to arise, and which in any way favoured the individuals of any of the species, by better adapting them to their altered conditions, would tend to be preserved; and natural selection would have free scope for the work of improvement.” —Charles Darwin, On the Origin of the Species , 1859

In this passage, Darwin is using logos by presenting a rational argument in support of natural selection. Darwin connects natural selection to established scientific knowledge to argue that it makes logical sense that animals would adapt to better survive in their environment.

“I often echo the point made by the climate scientist James Hansen: The accumulation of carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases—some of which will envelop the planet for hundreds and possibly thousands of years—is now trapping as much extra energy daily as 500,000 Hiroshima-class atomic bombs would release every 24 hours. This is the crisis we face.” —Al Gore, “The Climate Crisis Is the Battle of Our Time, and We Can Win,” 2019

In this call to action, Al Gore uses logos to attempt to convince his audience of the significance of climate change. In order to do this, Gore both cites an expert in the field and provides a scientifically accurate simile to explain the scale of the effect that greenhouse gases have on Earth’s atmosphere.

What are mythos and kairos ?

Some modern scholars may also use terms mythos and kairos when discussing modes of persuasion or rhetoric in general.

Aristotle used the term mythos to refer to the plot or story structure of Greek tragedies, i.e., how a playwright ordered the events of the story to affect the audience. Today, mythos is most often discussed as a literary or poetic term rather than a rhetorical one. However, mythos may rarely be referred to as the “appeal to culture” or the “appeal to myth” if it is treated as an additional mode of persuasion. According to this viewpoint, a speaker/writer is using mythos if they try to persuade an audience using shared cultural customs or societal values.

A commonly cited example of mythos is King’s “I Have a Dream” speech quoted earlier. King says:

“When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men—yes, black men as well as white men—would be guaranteed the ‘unalienable rights’ of ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.’ ”

Throughout the speech, King repeatedly uses American symbols and American history ( mythos ) to argue that all Americans should be outraged that Black Americans have been denied freedom and civil rights.

Some modern scholars may also consider kairos as an additional mode of persuasion. Kairos is usually defined as referring to the specific time and place that a speaker chooses to deliver their speech. For written rhetoric, the “place” instead refers to the specific medium or publication in which a piece of writing appears.

Unlike the other modes of persuasion, kairos relates to the context of a speech and how the appropriateness (or not) of a setting affects how effective a speaker is. Once again, King’s “I Have a Dream” speech is a great example of the use of kairos . This speech was delivered at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the 100th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation at the end of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Clearly, King intended to use kairos to enhance the importance and timeliness of this landmark speech.

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what is ethos in a persuasive speech

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Ethos, Pathos, Logos: 3 Pillars of Public Speaking and Persuasion

April 11, 2018 - Gini Beqiri

Persuasive speaking is a skill that you can apply regularly throughout your life, whether you are selling a product or being interviewed. 2,300 years ago,  Aristotle  determined the components needed for persuasive speaking. They are referred to as the three pillars of persuasion – ethos, pathos and logos. In this article, we discuss how to use the three pillars for public speaking.

What are ethos, pathos and logos?

Ethos, pathos and logos are modes of persuasion used to convince and appeal to an audience. You need these qualities for your audience to accept your messages.

  • Ethos : your credibility and character
  • Pathos : emotional bond with your listeners
  • Logos : logical and rational argument

Ethos – The Ethical Appeal

Ethos is Greek for “character” and “ethic” is derived from ethos.

Ethos consists of convincing your audience that you have good character and you are credible therefore your words can be trusted. Ethos must be established from the  start of your talk  or the audience will not accept what you say.

In fact, ethos is often established before your presentation, for example, you may be the CEO of the company you’re presenting to so you’re already perceived as a specialist.

Why is ethos important?

High EthosLow Ethos
Audience will concentrate and listenAudience will not concentrate or listen
Audience assumes you will share something useful and they respect youLow expectations and if you start poorly the audience will not listen
Audience are more likely to be persuadedAudience are less likely to be persuaded
You can give a bad speech but you are still able to persuade the audienceYour speech needs to be very good to persuade the audience

Characteristics of ethos

There are four main characteristics of ethos:

  • Trustworthiness and respect
  • Similarity to the audience
  • Expertise and reputation/history

1. Trustworthiness and respect

The audience are more likely to be respect you and think that what you’re saying is true if they  perceive you as trustworthy . This judgement is formed using factors such as:

  • Ethics and values
  • Generosity and sharing
  • If you’re part of a group that stands for the above values, such as an NSPCC worker

2. Similarity to the audience

Listeners are more likely to be convinced by someone they can relate to. For example, you may share:

  • Age and gender
  • Race and culture
  • Personality etc

If you do not share traits with your audience you can choose to adjust your:

  • Mannerisms and gestures
  • Visual aids

But don’t do too much as your listeners will seen you as not being genuine.

Tony Robbins Ethos - Authority

Tony Robbins, a well known authority in the life coaching space, giving a TED Talk on ‘Why we do what we do’.

3. Authority

If the audience perceive that you are an expert they are more likely to be persuaded by what you say. Remember that every presenter has authority because they are the speaker.

For example:

  • Political authority e.g. a prime minister
  • Educational authority e.g. teacher

4. Expertise and reputation

Expertise is your knowledge of the subject.

Reputation is what your audience knows about your knowledge of the subject.

Reputation depends on:

  • Achievements or acknowledgments from others in the area, such as, awards and testimonials.
  • Your experience and the amount of years you have worked in this area.
  • How involved you were with this topic – are you a key character?
  • Your expertise should be verified, for example, you may be talking about different therapy treatments and your expertise is shown by you being a successful Clinical Psychologist.
  • Your contribution to the area , perhaps through blogs, books, papers and products.
  • Your authority

Merging the four characteristics of ethos

Not all of characteristics have to be present to develop high ethos, for example, a university lecturer speaking to her students is most likely perceived as trustworthy as the lecturer is known to provide correct information, she has authority over the 18-21 year olds due to her job title and her age.

But she’s not similar to her students because of this. She has been working in this area for 30 years and at the university for 5 years (expertise) and has contributed largely to the area through a number of studies and subsequent papers (reputation). This is enough ethos for the audience to be persuaded by what she says.

Another person, such as a manager addressing her employees may have a different combination of these traits but still have enough ethos. It’s hard to achieve complete ethos, especially considering that having authority often reduces similarity.

Improve ethos

Authority and reputation are usually predetermined before your presentation so it’s difficult to change the audience’s mind about this. But it’s easier to change people’s perception about how trustworthy and how alike you are during the presentation.

Improve ethos day to day:

  • Become an expert in the topics you present on because people are more likely to want to listen to someone who has researched a topic for 10 years rather than 2 years.
  • Ensure that people know about your expertise by promoting yourself, for example, ensure that people can easily access testimonials, reviews, papers etc.
  • Treat the trustworthy characteristics as your values, so practice being honest, ethical, compassionate etc.

Improve ethos before a speech:

  • Research your audience , especially concentrating on the traits you share, so you know how to appeal to them.
  • Show up early to the presentation venue to show the audience that you want to be there.
  • If, for example, you are speaking at a wider event, such as a conference, try to attend as much of it as possible. This means that you and the audience are sharing an experience so they are more likely to perceive you as similar to them.
  • If the venue requires information to advertise your presentation, emphasise your ethos in this material so people will know why they should come and see your talk.

Tell stories during a presentation to increase ethos

Telling personal stories during a presentation is a great way to increase ethos.

Increase ethos during a speech:

  • In your introduction draw attention to your ethos because this is the best way to demonstrate your credentials to that particular audience on that particular day. Highlight vital facts that demonstrate the main four traits of ethos but which are relevant to the topic and the audience. Don’t make the introduction long and irrelevant.
  • Tell personal stories  that show the audience that you follow your own recommendations because they are more likely to believe you on other points that cannot easily be confirmed.
  • Facts, stats and quotes  should be up-to-date and from reputable sources, for example, between choosing from social media or Mind’s website to quote a statistic about anxiety, you would choose Mind’s website as this has high ethos which in turn increases your ethos.
  • Reference people in the audience or previous speakers or events earlier that day. This forms connections with the audience.
  • Be unbiased by admitting that you and your opposition’s side agree on at least one matter. This highlights that you are credible because you are treating the topic with consideration and fairness.

Improve ethos after the presentation

  • Always stay for as long as you can after your speech in case audience members want to speak with you. This will also help with future presentations as it’s likely that this will become part of your reputation.
  • Stick to your promises, for example, during the  questions and answers session  you may have agreed to find out an answer to a question and tell everyone – ensure that you do this to be seen as honest.

Pathos – The Emotional Appeal

Pathos is Greek for suffering and experience. Empathy, sympathy and pathetic are derived from pathos.

Pathos is to persuade by appealing to the audience’s emotions. As the speaker, you want the audience to feel the same emotions you feel about something, you want to emotionally connect with them and influence them. If you have low pathos the audience is likely to try to find flaws in your arguments.

Why is pathos important?

Emotions are motivators so the audience is more  likely to be persuaded  and act on your requests by using pathos. Pathos is more likely to increase the chances of your audience:

  • Understanding your point of view.
  • Accepting your arguments.
  • Acting on your requests.

Example of pathos during a speech

Girls Who Code Founder Reshma Saujani explains how one of her students created an algorithm to detect false positives in breast cancer testing after her dad was diagnosed with cancer.

Watch the full video here:  Why We Need Women in Tech

Improving pathos

  • Choose  emotional points and topics , for example “Beat your social anxiety” would trigger more powerful emotions than “Learn how to speak in a group.”
  • Use  analogies and metaphors  – linking your ideas with something your listeners already know about and feel strongly about can trigger emotional responses. For example, “They are awful” compared to “They are poisonous.” This will use the audience’s knowledge that poison is bad and therefore this issue needs to be dealt with.
  • Use  emotionally charged words , for example, say “This kitchen roll is a life-saver” rather than “This kitchen roll is great”. Another way to make a statement more emotional is to use  vivid and sensory words  which allow the audience to experience the emotion. For instance, “The smell of your grandparents’ house” will increase the recollection of hopefully warm memories, and therefore will trigger certain emotions.
  • Positive emotions, such as joy, should be linked with your claims.
  • Negative emotions, such as anger, should be linked to your rival’s claims.
  • Using  humour  increases the likelihood that the audience are enjoying themselves and so they are more likely to like you and listen to you.
  • Visual aids  can sometimes be more powerful than words, for example, showing an image of a scared small child will have more impact than saying that children are often victims of domestic violence.
  • Research your audience  and find out what their shared values are. Target these values and beliefs because they are strongly associated to emotions.
  • Storytelling  is a quick way to form an emotional connection. It’s often used to link a part of a key message with an emotional response – you’ll be familiar with seeing this in adverts asking for charity donations.
  • Match what you’re saying with your body language , face and eyes. People often mirror emotions so by matching your body language with your words you increase the chances of triggering the desired emotions.
  • Also  match your voice to your words , for example, if you want to show sadness  speak in a soft voice , if you want to show excitement then increase your pace etc.
  • Stand as close as you can to the audience  so the speech feels more personal – don’t hide behind the computer screen.
  • Use words that carry suitable connotations , for example, if you asked a group of men whether they would like to be called “tall”, “lanky” or “big”. Even though the words have essentially the same meaning, the men are more likely to choose the word that has the most positive connotation, in this case the word “tall”.
  • If you have accidentally  caused a negative emotion find out why and apologise . For example, perhaps there have been severe interpersonal conflicts that you were unaware of and a joke you made upset audience members.

Logos – The Logical Appeal

The word “logic” is derived from logos.

Logos is to appeal to logic by relying on the audience’s intelligence and offering evidence in support of your argument. Logos also develops ethos because the information makes you look knowledgeable. Ask the following questions to decide if you have achieved logos:

  • Are my messages coherent?
  • Does the evidence support my claims?
  • Will the audience’s actions lead to my desired outcome?

Why is logos important?

Essentially, logical arguments that make sense are not easily dismissed.

Improving logos

  • Be comprehensive : Make sure your points and arguments can be understood
  • Be logical : Ensure that your arguments make sense and that your claims and evidence are not implausible. Have a plan for dealing with opposing viewpoints that your listeners may already believe.
  • Be specific : Base your claims on facts and examples as your arguments will be accepted quicker than something nonspecific and non-concrete. The more easily the evidence is accepted, the more easily the conclusions will be accepted.

Be comprehensive

  • Use language that your audience will understand. Avoid jargon and technical terminology.
  • Use simple figures and charts to make the presentations more understandable.
  • Make the relationship between your evidence and conclusions clear.
  • Analogies and metaphors  are helpful especially when explaining new ideas and theories.

Engage the audience during your speech to increase logos

Engage the audience by asking them questions during your speech to increase logos.

  • Ensure that the  audience is involved  by asking them engaging questions. This will make them active listeners so they may even come to your conclusion themselves.
  • Talk about opposing views as this allows you to explain why your logical arguments are more reasonable.
  • Deductive reasoning  is looking at the evidence and  coming to a conclusion . For example. “I don’t like loud places. That restaurant is really loud. So I won’t like that restaurant.”
  • Inductive reasoning  is when you add rational pieces, perhaps beliefs, to the evidence and come to a conclusion. The evidence is used to infer a conclusion but the conclusion is not guaranteed. For example: “All the vegan restaurants I have eaten in have been good. This is a vegan restaurant. So it must be good.”

The audience are using both types of reasoning as you speak, so their beliefs may interfere with them accepting your conclusions. Overcome these by building your argument on the audience’s widely held beliefs – commonplaces. For example, a company’s main value and therefore commonplace may be “Compassion makes us the best company”.

Use the audience’s commonplace like a fact and apply it to a new situation. So if you want to encourage your staff to join a committee, use their commonplace, for example, rather than your belief say: “This committee needs considerate and kind-hearted people.”

Be specific

  • Facts and stats cannot be debated and they signify the truth.
  • Visual evidence, such as, objects and  videos  are hard to challenge.
  • Citing specialists and authorities on a topic increases the quality of your evidence and therefore your claims.
  • Tell stories, such as, case studies or personal experiences. The audience would like to hear your own stories if you’re a specialist, for example, “When I was excavating in Nottingham…”

There is uncertainty over which pillar is the most important – Aristotle thought that logos was vital but when used by itself it lacks impact. So ensure that you treat all three pillars with equal importance to succeed in persuading your audience.


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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, ethos, pathos, logos, kairos: the modes of persuasion and how to use them.

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General Education


Ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos all stem from rhetoric—that is, speaking and writing effectively. You might find the concepts in courses on rhetoric, psychology, English, or in just about any other field!

The concepts of ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos are also called the modes of persuasion, ethical strategies, or rhetorical appeals. They have a lot of different applications ranging from everyday interactions with others to big political speeches to effective advertising.

Read on to learn about what the modes of persuasion are, how they’re used, and how to identify them!


What Are the Modes of Persuasion?

As you might have guessed from the sound of the words, ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos go all the way back to ancient Greece. The concepts were introduced in Aristotle’s Rhetoric , a treatise on persuasion that approached rhetoric as an art, in the fourth century BCE.

Rhetoric was primarily concerned with ethos, pathos, and logos, but kairos, or the idea of using your words at the right time, was also an important feature of Aristotle’s teachings.

However, kairos was particularly interesting to the Sophists, a group of intellectuals who made their living teaching a variety of subjects. The Sophists stressed the importance of structuring rhetoric around the ideal time and place.

Together, all four concepts have become the modes of persuasion, though we typically focus on ethos, pathos, and logos.


What Is Ethos?

Though you may not have heard the term before, ‘ethos’ is a common concept. You can think of it as an appeal to authority or character—persuasive techniques using ethos will attempt to persuade you based on the speaker’s social standing or knowledge. The word ethos even comes from the Greek word for character.

An ethos-based argument will include a statement that makes use of the speaker or writer’s position and knowledge. For example, hearing the phrase, “As a doctor, I believe,” before an argument about physical health is more likely to sway you than hearing, “As a second-grade teacher, I believe.”

Likewise, celebrity endorsements can be incredibly effective in persuading people to do things . Many viewers aspire to be like their favorite celebrities, so when they appear in advertisements, they're more likely to buy whatever they're selling to be more like them. The same is true of social media influencers, whose partnerships with brands can have huge financial benefits for marketers .

In addition to authority figures and celebrities, according to Aristotle, we’re more likely to trust people who we perceive as having good sense, good morals, and goodwill —in other words, we trust people who are rational, fair, and kind. You don’t have to be famous to use ethos effectively; you just need whoever you’re persuading to perceive you as rational, moral, and kind.


What Is Pathos?

Pathos, which comes from the Greek word for suffering or experience, is rhetoric that appeals to emotion. The emotion appealed to can be a positive or negative one, but whatever it is, it should make people feel strongly as a means of getting them to agree or disagree.

For example, imagine someone asks you to donate to a cause, such as saving rainforests. If they just ask you to donate, you may or may not want to, depending on your previous views. But if they take the time to tell you a story about how many animals go extinct because of deforestation, or even about how their fundraising efforts have improved conditions in the rainforests, you may be more likely to donate because you’re emotionally involved.

But pathos isn’t just about creating emotion; it can also be about counteracting it. For example, imagine a teacher speaking to a group of angry children. The children are annoyed that they have to do schoolwork when they’d rather be outside. The teacher could admonish them for misbehaving, or, with rhetoric, he could change their minds.

Suppose that, instead of punishing them, the teacher instead tries to inspire calmness in them by putting on some soothing music and speaking in a more hushed voice. He could also try reminding them that if they get to work, the time will pass quicker and they’ll be able to go outside to play.

Aristotle outlines emotional dichotomies in Rhetoric . If an audience is experiencing one emotion and it’s necessary to your argument that they feel another, you can counterbalance the unwanted emotion with the desired one . The dichotomies, expanded upon after Aristotle, are :

  • Anger/Calmness
  • Friendship/Enmity
  • Fear/Confidence
  • Shame/Shamelessness
  • Kindness/Unkindness
  • Pity/Indignation
  • Envy/Emulation

Note that these can work in either direction; it’s not just about swaying an audience from a negative emotion to a positive one. 

However, changing an audience's emotion based on false or misleading information is often seen as manipulation rather than persuasion. Getting into the hows and whys requires a dive into the ethics of rhetoric , but suffice to say that when you attempt to deceive an audience, that is manipulation.

If you really want to get an audience fired up about something, you can inspire righteous anger, which may or may not be manipulation. If somebody is offended that you’ve asked them for something, you can try making them feel sorry for you by turning indignation into pity— that’s manipulation.


What Is Logos?

Logos comes from a Greek word of multiple meanings, including “ground,” “speech,” and “reason.” In rhetoric, it specifically refers to having a sense of logic to your persuasion; logos-based rhetoric is founded in logic and reason rather than emotion, authority, or personality.

A logic-based argument appeals to a person’s sense of reason— good logos-based rhetoric will persuade people because the argument is well-reasoned and based in fact. There are two common approaches to logos: deductive and inductive arguments.

Deductive arguments build on statements to reach a conclusion —in effect, the conclusion is reached in reverse. A common method is to propose multiple true statements which are combined to reach a conclusion, such as the classic method of proving that Socrates is mortal.

All men are mortal, and Socrates is a man, therefore Socrates must be mortal.

That’s not really a case that needs to be argued, but we can apply the same framework to other arguments as well. For example, we need energy to live. Food gives the body energy. Therefore, we need food to live.  

All of this is based on things we can prove, and results in a conclusion that is true , not just theorized. Deductive reasoning works on the assumption that A = B, B = C, so therefore A = C. But this also supposes that all the information is true, which is not always the case.

Sometimes the conclusions you reach with deductive reasoning can be valid, as in the reasoning makes sense, but the conclusion may not be necessarily true. If we return to the Socrates argument, we could propose that:

All men eat apples. Socrates is a man. Therefore, Socrates must eat apples.

The problem is that we can’t prove that all men eat apples —some do, some don’t. Some might eat an apple once but never again. But based on our arguments, the conclusion that Socrates must eat apples is valid.

A strong deductive argument for logos-based reasoning will be composed of provable facts that can reach a provable conclusion. However, a valid but not entirely sound argument can also be effective—but be wary of shifting from persuasion to manipulation!

Another approach to logos-based rhetoric is inductive reasoning, which, unlike deductive reasoning, results in a probable argument rather than a definite one. That doesn’t mean that it is less effective—many scientific concepts we accept as truth are inductive theories simply because we cannot travel back in time and prove them— but rather that inductive reasoning is based on eliminating the impossible and ending in an argument that is based in sound logic and fact, but that may not necessarily be provable.

For example, all people with a cough have a cold. Kelly has a cough. Therefore, Kelly likely has a cold.

Our conclusion is likely , but not absolute. It’s possible that Kelly doesn’t have a cold—not because she doesn't have a cough, but because there are other possible causes, such as having allergies or having just breathed in some dust. The conclusion that she has a cold is likely based on data, but not absolute.

Another example would be that Kelly picks her nose. Kelly is a woman, therefore all women must pick their nose.

Inductive reasoning is based on generalizations. The first example, in which Kelly likely has a cold, makes sense because it’s based on something provable—that a sampling of people who have a cough have colds—and followed up with a likely conclusion. In the second example, this is a less sensible conclusion because it’s based on extrapolation from a single reference point.

If we reverse the claim and say that all women pick their noses, and Kelly is a woman, therefore Kelly must pick her nose, that would be more sound logic. Still not necessarily true—not all women pick their noses—but a more sound example of inductive reasoning.

Inductive reasoning can still be incredibly effective in persuasion, provided that your information is well-reasoned. Inductive reasoning creates a hypothesis that can be tested; its conclusion is not necessarily true, but can be examined.

As always, be wary of venturing into manipulation, which is more likely to be based on erroneous or misleading facts.


What Is Kairos?

Kairos is the Greek word for the opportune moment, which is precisely what it means in rhetoric. According to this principle, the time in which an argument is deployed is as important as the argument itself. An argument at the wrong time or to the wrong audience will be wasted; to be effective, you must also consider when you are speaking and to whom.

In effect, kairos means choosing the correct rhetorical device to match the audience and space in which you’re attempting to persuade. If you wanted to persuade people to go vegetarian, the middle of a hot dog-eating contest is probably not the right time. Likewise, you’re probably not going to persuade a room of data-driven scientists of something by appealing to pathos or ethos; logos is probably your best bet.

In essence, kairos asks you to consider the context and atmosphere of the argument you’re making. How can you deploy your argument better considering time and space? Should you wait, or is time of the essence?

As Aristotle famously said, “Anybody can become angry—that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way—that is not within everybody's power and is not easy.”

The goal of kairos is to achieve exactly that. Effective use of kairos strengthens your persuasion ability by considering how people are already feeling based on context. How can you influence or counteract that? Or maybe pathos isn’t the right approach—maybe cold hard facts, using logos, is more suited. Kairos works in conjunction with the other modes of persuasion to strengthen your argument, so as you’re putting a persuasive piece together, consider how and when it’ll be deployed!


How to Identify Ethos, Pathos, Logos, and Kairos

Understanding how the modes of persuasion work can make you better at identifying and picking them out. Not only is a better understanding of them useful for composing your own arguments, but it’s also beneficial when seeing other people’s arguments. When you understand how ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos work, you’re less susceptible to them.

Advertising is one of the places we see the modes of persuasion most often. Looking at each of these advertisements, you can see how they use each mode of persuasion to convince audiences to convince an audience of something.

Using celebrities is a classic example of ethos, which uses authority or recognition to convince an audience of something. In this case, celebrities like Michelle Obama, Lin-Manuel Miranda, and Janelle Monáe discuss the importance of voting.

It doesn’t matter that they’re not politicians or political scientists; audiences find them appealing and genuine. When they speak of the importance of voting, audiences listen because they like what these figures have to say . If talented, famous people like this are taking the time to vote, it must be important!

Historians or those well-versed in politics might make different arguments about why audiences should vote, but in this case, the goal is to inspire people. When we see people we admire doing things, we want to do them too; hence the reason that ethos works so well.

ASPCA’s commercials are some of the most infamous examples of pathos in advertising. Sarah McLachlan’s “Angel” plays over footage of abused animals in shelters, encouraging viewers to donate money to support the organization.

It’s not hard to understand why it works; both the song and the imagery are heartbreaking! You can’t help but feel sad when you see it, and that sadness, when followed up by a prompt to donate, encourages you to take immediate action.  And these ads are effective— the campaign raised millions of dollars for ASPCA .

By appealing to our emotions and making us feel sad, this advertisement encourages us to act. That’s a classic use of ethos—it influences our feelings through the one-two punch of sad music and imagery, encouraging us to perform the desired action.

In some cases, emotion and authority aren’t the right tactic. Logos often appears in tech advertisements, such as this one for the iPhone XS and XR.

Notice how the advertisement focuses on product shots and technological terms. Most audiences won’t know what an A12 bionic neural engine is, but it sounds impressive. Likewise, that “12 MPf/1.8 wide-angle lens, with larger, deeper 1.4 micron pixels” is pretty meaningless to most people, but the numbers suggest that this phone is something special because it uses scientific-sounding language.

It doesn’t matter whether audiences really understand what’s being said or not. What matters is that they feel confident that the ad is selling them something they need —in this case, impressive technological specifications that make this phone an improvement over others.

Kairos should ideally factor into all uses of the modes of persuasion, but timeliness can also be a big selling point. In this Christmas-themed M&Ms advertisement, the company uses timely humor to forge a connection between the holidays and M&Ms.

Because these commercials have been running for such a long time, there’s also a nostalgic attachment to them. Just as people look forward to new Budweiser advertisements during the Super Bowl, others look forward to seeing M&Ms or the Coca-Cola polar bear during the holidays.

Though this commercial doesn’t go out of its way to tell you the benefits of M&Ms, it does forge a connection between M&Ms and Christmas, encouraging people to purchase them around the holidays.


Examples of the Modes of Persuasion

Now that you’ve had some exposure to how ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos function and what they can do, you can test your ability to recognize them using the images below!


There are a few things to notice about this image:

  • The anonymous figure
  • The language
  • The use of a statistic

Can you figure out which mode of persuasion this represents?

The fact that the figure is anonymous tells us it’s probably not ethos. While we might be influenced by a person who’s in shape, there’s not really an appeal here based on the person—they’re just an image to support the ad.

“DOMINATE” is a pretty loaded word, suggesting that this may have elements of pathos.

However, take a look at that statistic. Whether it’s true or not, a hard statistic like that suggests that this ad is using logos to appeal to viewers. You can draw out an argument from there—75% of users lose weight within weeks. You’re a user. Therefore, you will likely lose weight within weeks.


What do you notice about this image?

  • The way the text frames the woman’s body
  • The name of the perfume
  • The color choice

What mode of persuasion is this?

Again, we don’t know who the model is, and perfume isn’t going to make us look like her, so we can count ethos out.

The ad seems pretty intent on making us look at certain things—the woman’s lips and chest in particular. What is it trying to make us feel?

“FORBIDDEN FRUIT” has a connotation of sensuality.

Red is a color commonly associated with passion.

When you combine the photo, the framing, the perfume name, and the color, you get a strong sense of sex appeal from the advertisement. This makes it an example of pathos—the ad is trying to make us feel a certain way . If we buy this perfume, maybe we would feel attractive, too.


How about this advertisement?

  • A serious-looking photo
  • Text promising “no more back pain”
  • “Doctor recommended.”

Seeing a doctor might make you tempted to think the answer is logos, but there’s no appeal to logic here.

“No more back pain,” is a nice promise, but there’s no attempt to appeal to emotions, so it can’t be pathos.

What’s important in this image is the combination of the doctor in the image and the line “doctor recommended.” This doctor might not be famous, but he does have authority, making this an example of ethos.

Our confidence in this treatment grows because we trust that a doctor understands how to address back pain.


What mode of persuasion is this?  Think about:

  • The framing

She does look fashionable and the ad mentions stylists, so it’s possible that this is ethos.

There are no statistics or arguments being made, so the answer probably isn’t logos.

Pathos is possible, but despite having a heavily made-up model, this ad is far less about sex appeal than the previous one.

But the text mentions a specific holiday—New Year’s—suggesting that this is kairos. Kairos can, and often should, be combined with all the modes of persuasion to be even more effective. In this case, the model’s appearance could suggest either ethos or pathos in addition to kairos. The message here is that you should act now, at the beginning of the year, to take advantage of the deal and to start the year off with a new style, much like the one the model is sporting.


Key Tips for Identifying Ethos, Pathos, Logos, and Kairos

Now that you know the difference between all the modes of persuasion, you’ll have a much easier time identifying them. If you run into trouble, you can always ask questions about what you’re seeing, hearing, or reading to understand what mode of persuasion it’s using.

#1: Is It Related to a Specific Time?

If the argument is based on a specific day or context, such as Valentine’s Day or appealing only to a select group of people, such as people with dogs, it’s more likely to be kairos.

#2: Does It Involve a Celebrity or Authority Figure?

Celebrities are often a dead giveaway that an argument is using ethos. But authority figures, such as doctors, dentists, or politicians, can also be used to appeal to ethos. Even regular, everyday people can work, particularly when combined with pathos, to appeal to you based on a mutual connection you have.

#3: Does It Involve Statistics?

Statistics are a huge clue that an argument is using logos. But logos can also just be a logical argument, such as that if plants need water, and it’s hard to remember to water them, you should buy an automatic plant waterer. It makes perfect sense, making you more likely to buy it, rather than changing your habits to remember to water your plants more frequently.

#4: Does It Influence Your Emotions?

If an argument tries to change your emotions, whether by making you sad, happy, angry, or something else entirely, it’s a good indicator that it’s using pathos. Sex appeal is one of the biggest examples of pathos in advertising, appearing everywhere from makeup ads to car commercials to hamburger advertisements.

What’s Next?

Need help understanding the historical context for The Great Gatsby to perfect your kairos-based argument?

You can always combine the modes of persuasion with literary devices to make your arguments even stronger!

Learn how to say "good morning" in Japanese ! Even if it's not a mode of persuasion, it's just good manners.

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Melissa Brinks graduated from the University of Washington in 2014 with a Bachelor's in English with a creative writing emphasis. She has spent several years tutoring K-12 students in many subjects, including in SAT prep, to help them prepare for their college education.

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 Ethos, Logos, and Pathos – A Simple Guide

 Ethos, Logos, and Pathos – A Simple Guide

4-minute read

  • 12th April 2023

Ethos, logos, and pathos are three essential components of persuasive communication . They’ve been used for centuries by great communicators to influence the beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors of their audiences. In this simple guide, we’ll take a closer look at these three components using examples from famous writing and speeches.

What Is Ethos?

Ethos is a persuasive appeal based on the credibility or character of the speaker or writer. It refers to the trustworthiness, expertise, or authority that they bring to the argument. It’s crucial in establishing the credibility of the speaker or writer and can be built in through a variety of means, such as reputation and sources, or language and tone.

How To Use Ethos

Ethos can be established through the speaker or writer’s reputation: if they are known for being knowledgeable, honest, and trustworthy, this can lend credibility to their argument. For example, in his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, Martin Luther King Jr. established his ethos by highlighting his role as a civil rights leader and his personal experience with racial injustice.

Another way you can achieve ethos in speech or writing is through the use of credible sources. For example, Rachel Carson established ethos in her book Silent Spring by providing extensive scientific evidence to support her argument that pesticides were harming the environment.

Finally, ethos can be accomplished through the use of language and tone . Using a professional and respectful tone can create the impression of credibility and authority. For instance, in his second inaugural address, President Abraham Lincoln employed ethos by using a solemn, reflective tone to convey the gravity of the situation.

What Is Logos?

Logos is a persuasive appeal based on logic and reasoning. It refers to the use of evidence and logical arguments to support the speaker or writer’s position.

How To Use Logos

One way you can implement logos in your speech or writing is through the use of statistics and data. When writing, or constructing a speech, try to incorporate reliable and credible stats or figures to strengthen your claims or argument and persuade your audience.

You can also employ examples and analogies to achieve logos. These can make your argument more accessible and understandable to a wider audience. For example, in his book The Tipping Point , Malcolm Gladwell uses the example of “the broken windows” theory to illustrate his argument that small changes can have a big impact on social behavior.

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Finally, logos can be established through the use of logical arguments . To ensure you have a logical argument, you should have a clear statement with definitions, examples, and evidence to support it. For instance, in his essay “Civil Disobedience,” Henry David Thoreau made a logical argument that individuals have a moral obligation to resist unjust laws.

What Is Pathos?

Pathos is a persuasive appeal based on emotion. It refers to the use of language and imagery that elicits an emotional response. Pathos can be used to create a sense of urgency, inspire empathy, or evoke a particular mood.

How To Use Pathos

Vivid imagery is a great way in which a writer or speaker can implement pathos. Using descriptive language to paint a picture in your audience’s mind is a powerful and persuasive skill. For example, in his poem “Dulce et Decorum Est,” Wilfred Owen used vivid imagery to describe the horrors of war and elicit an emotional response in his readers.

Pathos can also be accomplished by using personal anecdotes. The power of storytelling is an invaluable skill for any writer or speaker because it creates rapport and an emotional connection with your audience. For example, in her TED talk “The Power of Vulnerability,” Brene Brown shares personal stories about her struggles with shame and vulnerability to inspire empathy and connection with her audience.

Finally, pathos can be established through the use of rhetorical questions and appeals to shared values. A good example can be heard in Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. He poses his biggest question to his audience (and the world): “Now, what does all of this mean in this great period of history?” In response to this rhetorical question, he beautifully tries to persuade the audience to work together toward a common goal, stating, “It means that we’ve got to stay together. We’ve got to stay together and maintain unity.”

Ethos, logos, and pathos are powerful tools for persuasive speech and writing. By establishing credibility, using logical arguments, and appealing to emotion, speakers and writers can influence the beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors of their audiences. When used effectively, these elements can help to create meaningful and lasting change in the world.

Interested in learning how to elevate your writing with more literary devices? Check our other articles .

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Ethos, Logos and Pathos: The Structure of a Great Speech

“A speech is like a love affair. Any fool can start it, but to end it requires considerable skill.” — Lord Mancroft

The structure of a great oral argument has been passed down through the ages, starting with Aristotle. Not only is it an incredibly valuable skill to have, it’s important to know  how you’re being persuaded  when you’re a part of the audience. So using Sam Leith’s Words Like Loaded Pistols as our guide, let’s discuss Aristotle’s three modes of persuasion: Ethos, Logos, and Pathos.

But before we get into the specifics of the three modes, we need to decide on the structure of our argument itself. How? By doing the work required to have an opinion .

This phase is referred to as invention , but it’s not about making something up, it’s more about the information gathering or research phase of your work.

Invention is doing your homework: thinking up in advance exactly what arguments can be made both for and against a given proposition, selecting the best on your own side, and finding counterarguments to those on the other.

This research phase should not be limited to the subject matter, it should also include your audience. If there is one theme that resonates throughout Leith’s book, it’s that you must know your audience; their interests, prejudices and expectations. Without that grounding, you’re already setting yourself up for failure. (In other words, your moving speech on why we all need to take a social media holiday may not resonate at the Twitter shareholder meeting.)

Ethos is about establishing your authority to speak on the subject, logos is your logical argument for your point and pathos is your attempt to sway an audience emotionally. Leith has a great example for summarizing what the three look like.

Ethos: ‘Buy my old car because I’m Tom Magliozzi.’ Logos: ‘Buy my old car because yours is broken and mine is the only one on sale.’ Pathos: ‘Buy my old car or this cute little kitten, afflicted with a rare degenerative disease, will expire in agony, for my car is the last asset I have in the world, and I am selling it to pay for kitty’s medical treatment.’

The first part of ethos is establishing your credentials to be speaking to the audience on the specific subject matter. It’s the verbal equivalent of all those degrees hanging up in your doctor’s office. And once you’ve established why you are an authority on the subject, you need to build rapport. Ethos, when everything is stripped away, is about trust.

Your audience needs to know (or to believe, which in rhetoric adds up to the same thing) that you are trustworthy, that you have a locus standi to talk on the subject, and that you speak in good faith. You need your audience to believe that you are, in the well-known words, ‘A pretty straight kind of guy.’

So if you’re a politician and you’re speaking about reforming the legal system, it’s great to be a lawyer or a judge, but it’s even better to be a lawyer or a judge who comes from the same community as your audience. Between two speakers with identical credentials, the more closely relatable one will win the audience.

You’ll even see a reverse ethos appeal at times, an attack on an opponent which questions their credentials and trustworthiness and serves to alienate them from the audience. To head that off, it’s best to establish your ethos early on, both to give your attackers more of a challenge and to create a hook for your logos to hang on.

Here’s how Leith describes logos , the next link in the chain:

If ethos is the ground on which your argument stands, logos is what drives it forward: it is the stuff of your arguments, the way one point proceeds to another, as if to show that the conclusion to which you are aiming is not only the right one, but so necessary and reasonable as to be more or less the only one.

Think of this as the logic behind your argument. You want your points to seem so straightforward and commanding that your audience can’t conceive of an alternative.

Aristotle had a tip here: He found that the most effective use of logos is to encourage your audience to reach the conclusion to your argument on their own, just moments before your big reveal. They will relish in the fact that they were clever enough to figure it out, and the reveal will be that much more satisfying.

Another logos trick used often is the much abused syllogism.

The syllogism is a way of combining two premises and drawing a fresh conclusion that follows logically from them. The classic instance you always hear quoted is the following: All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore, Socrates is mortal.

While you need to take care with the syllogisms you use — false syllogisms can lead to obvious logical fallacies — they can be a powerful tool for helping your audience draw certain conclusions.

Aristotle also advocated the use ‘commonplaces’, or   accepted premises shared with the audience. The best arguments are soaked in them.

Associated with these general topics are ‘commonplaces’ (topos is Greek for a ‘place’). Any form of reasoning has to start from a set of premises, and in rhetoric those premises are very often commonplaces. A commonplace is a piece of shared wisdom: a tribal assumption. In the use of commonplaces, you can see where logos and ethos intersect. Commonplaces are culturally specific, but they will tend to be so deep-rooted in their appeal that they pass for universal truths. They are, in digested form, the appeal to ‘common sense.’ You get nowhere appealing to commonplaces alien to your audience. The wise persuader starts from one or two commonplaces he knows he has in common with his audience – and, where possible, arrives at one too.

Your use of commonplaces is also a good point to interject pathos , as many of these common beliefs can illicit an emotional response. Let’s dig into pathos .

Your logical argument will be that much more persuasive if it’s wrapped up with a good dose of emotion. Because of the way we use the word pathos in the modern world, you may be thinking of something dramatic and sad. But pathos is more nuanced than that; it can be humor, love, patriotism, or any emotional response.

The key here once again is to know your audience . If you are trying to evoke a sense of anger or sadness regarding mankind’s role in the decline of the honeybee, you might not get the response you want from the bee allergy support group.

You can even invoke pathos by admitting a wrong. ( We all make mistakes …) This can be a clever way to put your opponent off balance.

This is the figure, called paromologia in the Greek, where you concede, or appear to concede, part of your opponent’s point. It turns what is often necessity to advantage, because it makes you look honest and scrupulous, takes the wind out of your opponent’s sails, and allows you to shift the emphasis of the argument in a way finally favorable to you. It’s the equivalent of a tactical retreat, or of the judo fighter using an opponent’s momentum against him.

Another tool you can use with pathos is something the ancients called aposiopesis.

Aposiopesis – a sudden breaking off as if at a loss for words – can be intended to stir pathos. And even where something appears merely decorative – a run of alliteration or a mellifluously turned sentence – it serves to commend the speech more easily to memory, and to give pleasure to the audience. Delight is an end, as well as a means.

And we can’t forget joy and laughter. A well received joke can help you both connect with the audience (ethos) and bring home the pathos appeal.

… the joke can do more than just perk up a drowsing audience. It can be a powerful rhetorical tool. It participates in the pathos appeal inasmuch as it stirs an audience’s emotions to laughter – but more importantly, it participates in the ethos appeal, inasmuch as laughter is based on a set of common assumptions. As Edwin Rabbie argues in ‘Wit and Humour in Roman Rhetoric,’ ‘Jokes usually presuppose (even rest on) a significant amount of shared knowledge.

Ultimately, the three modes of persuasion are interconnected. It’s helpful not to think of them in a linear way but more like three overlapping circles. If you can create something with ethos, logos, and pathos peppered throughout, and tie it all into your audience’s belief system, you will have a very strong argument.

While Aristotle’s three persuasive appeals make appearances throughout the book, there is so much more to Words Like Loaded Pistols . Leith goes into depth regarding the five parts of rhetoric and the three branches of oratory. He also spend considerable time explaining the different figures, also known as the ‘flowers of rhetoric, which can be thought of as the literary weapons you can use in your war of words. If you have an interest in making your own presentations or speeches better, or in understanding the techniques a speaker is using when you are in the audience then this book is definitely worth the read. In the meantime check out our post on Wartime Rhetoric for some inspiration.

what is ethos in a persuasive speech

Ethos, Pathos, Logos For Trust, Sympathy, And Reason

Persuade using ethos, pathos, logos

Ethos, pathos, and logos are three modes of persuasion in public speaking. The concepts are based on Aristotle’s three artistic proofs. They refer to how speakers use credibility, emotion, and reason to elicit trust, sympathy, and reason.

Based on the Greek philosopher Aristotle’s groundbreaking treatise on rhetoric, ethos, pathos, and logos have remained at the core of effective communication. Ethos appeals to the credibility and authority of the speaker, pathos stirs emotions, and logos employs logical reasoning and evidence.

These three modes of persuasion have proven to be potent tools in crafting compelling arguments, mobilizing movements, and captivating audiences . They are at the core of modern-day debates and political speeches.

This article will unravel the intricacies of ethos, pathos, and logos, uncovering their individual strengths and discovering how they work harmoniously to create a persuasive impact.

Table of Contents

What Are The Three Types Of Appeals?

Here are the definitions of the three types of appeals:

Ethos bases its fundamentals on the  credibility, expertise, and moral character of the speaker or source.  It establishes credibility and trust with the audience by showcasing the speaker’s authority, knowledge, and integrity on a particular subject. 

Ethos relies on the audience’s perception of the speaker as someone trustworthy, reliable, and knowledgeable. This gains the audience’s confidence and willingness to listen. By employing ethos, speakers aim to demonstrate their expertise and ethical standing, ensuring that their arguments are perceived as valid and trustworthy.

Ethos builds trust and credibility

What Is An Example Of Ethos?

An example of ethos can be seen in a renowned surgeon giving a presentation on the benefits of a specific medical procedure. They begin by sharing their extensive experience and expertise in the field, highlighting their successful track record and years of practice.

They also mention their affiliation with prestigious medical institutions and research publications. By establishing their credibility and expertise, the surgeon appeals to ethos, instilling confidence in the audience and lending credibility to their persuasive argument.

Pathos targets the emotions, values, and beliefs of the audience. It seeks to elicit an emotional response, such as empathy, compassion, anger, or joy, to influence the audience’s decision-making process. 

Speakers create a connection and a sense of shared experience by tapping into the audience’s emotions. Pathos is often used to evoke empathy for a cause, stir enthusiasm for a product, or generate a sense of urgency and motivation. It relies on storytelling, vivid language, imagery, and personal anecdotes to engage the audience’s emotions and foster a persuasive impact.

What Is An Example Of Pathos?

When pathos is used in a speech, the examples often show worst-case and best-case scenarios to manipulate the audience’s emotions so that they take action or pull out their credit cards. Risks and benefits may be real, but appeal to pathos exaggerates them.

Pathos appeals to emotion

Advocates of climate change note that the temperature of the earth is rising as a result of global warming, and, as a result, temperatures and weather patterns are shifting. A speech relying on pathos might quote statistics and give examples that appeal to emotions by discussing severe weather patterns, more wildfires, rising energy costs, and even growth spurts among pests such as mosquitoes and ticks.

Animal rights activists pull the heartstrings with stories of abandoned pets and overcrowded animal shelters. Representatives of charity organizations that fight hunger and homelessness raise visions of starving children and desperate homeless people.

Speeches directed at teens talk about the risk of taking drugs and stress how not watching you drink at a party could result in somebody drugging you.

L ogos is based on logic, reason, and rationality and presents a well-structured and reasoned argument supported by evidence, facts, and logical reasoning. It aims to persuade the audience by appealing to their intellect and sense of logic.

Logos often involves using statistics, data, expert opinions, analogies, and logical frameworks to support the speaker’s claims and convince the audience of the validity of their argument. Logos aims to provide a logical sequence of thoughts, highlighting cause-and-effect relationships and constructing a coherent and compelling case.

Logos depends on logic

What Is An Example Of Logos?

Examples of logos might be present in a scientific research paper presenting evidence-based findings on climate change.

The paper carefully lays out the data collected from various sources, analyzes the trends, and presents logical arguments based on cause-and-effect relationships. It includes statistical analyses, charts, and references to peer-reviewed studies to support its claims.

By relying on factual information, logical reasoning, and scientific evidence, the paper appeals to logos, aiming to persuade readers through a rational and evidence-based approach.

How Does Logos Differ From Ethos?

Logos differs from ethos in its focus and persuasive strategy. While ethos relies on the credibility and character of the speaker or source, logos appeals to the audience’s sense of reason and logic.

Ethos seeks to establish trust and credibility by showcasing the speaker’s authority and expertise. On the other hand, logos rely on presenting a well-structured and reasoned argument supported by evidence, facts, and logical reasoning.

It emphasizes logical coherence, empirical evidence, and rational argumentation to convince the audience of the validity and soundness of the argument. Ethos appeals to the speaker’s character, while logos appeals to the intellect and logical thinking of the audience.

Maintaining The Integrity Of The Message

It is crucial to avoid logical fallacies and overly literal analogies to maintain the integrity of the message. With the advent of social media, the use of ethos, pathos, and logos has become even more influential in engaging subscribers and shaping public opinion.

By harnessing these  rhetorical strategies  effectively, communicators craft powerful messages that resonate and inspire change from their intended point of view.

How Are Ethos, Pathos, Logos Related To Aristotle?

The three appeals,  ethos, pathos, and logos , are closely associated with Aristotle, a renowned Greek philosopher and rhetorician who extensively studied and wrote about the art of persuasion in his work, “Rhetoric.” Aristotle considered rhetoric the art of discovering all available means of persuasion and recognized the significance of these three appeals in effective communication.

Aristotle emphasized the importance of ethos, which he referred to as the speaker’s or writer’s character and credibility. According to Aristotle, a speaker’s ethos plays a vital role in persuading an audience.

Ethos, derived from the Greek word for character, leverages the credibility of a spokesperson or a credible source to establish trust and authority. People are more likely to be convinced by someone they perceive as trustworthy, knowledgeable, and possessing good moral character.

Aristotle believed establishing a strong ethos involved demonstrating expertise, displaying fairness and goodwill, and maintaining personal integrity. Ethos serves as a foundation for building trust and establishing the speaker’s authority, increasing the audience’s receptiveness to the message.

Aristotle recognized the persuasive power of emotions and their role in influencing human behavior. Pathos, for Aristotle, referred to the appeal to the audience’s emotions. He understood that making the audience feel connected could evoke sympathy, empathy, anger, or other strong feelings, enabling the speaker to forge a deeper connection and resonance with the audience.

Aristotle emphasized the importance of understanding the audience’s emotional state and utilizing rhetorical devices such as storytelling, vivid language, and metaphors to evoke specific emotions. By employing pathos effectively, speakers could elicit an emotional response that could motivate the audience to adopt their viewpoint or take the desired action.

Aristotle considered logos as the appeal to reason and logical argumentation. Logos presents a well-structured and reasoned argument supported by evidence, facts, and logical reasoning. Known as the logical appeal, it relies on evidence and rational arguments to construct a strong case.

Aristotle emphasized the need for speakers to provide a coherent and logical progression of thoughts, using examples, analogies, and syllogisms to support their claims. He believed effective persuasion required a careful balance of logical reasoning and supporting evidence.

By employing logos, speakers could appeal to the audience’s intellect and logic, presenting a rational case that could convince the audience of the validity of their argument.

Aristotle’s recognition and exploration of ethos, pathos, and logos laid the groundwork for understanding the power of persuasion and the role these appeals play in effective communication. His work continues to be influential in the fields of rhetoric, communication, and persuasive speaking, serving as a cornerstone for studying and mastering the art of persuasion.

History of rhetoric - Aristotle, Plato, more in Athens

Why Is Each Type Of Persuasion Useful In A Speech?

Each type of persuasion, ethos, pathos, and logos, serves a specific purpose and contributes to the effectiveness of a speech.

  • Ethos is useful in a speech because it establishes the speaker’s credibility and trustworthiness. By showcasing expertise, experience, and integrity, the speaker gains the audience’s confidence and enhances their receptiveness to the message.
  • Pathos is useful in a speech because it taps into the audience’s emotions, creating a connection and resonance. By evoking empathy, compassion, or other strong feelings, the speaker engages the audience on a deeper level, making the message more memorable and compelling.
  • Logos is useful in a speech because it provides a logical and reasoned argument. The speaker appeals to the audience’s intellect and rationality by presenting facts, evidence, and logical reasoning. This helps to build a logical case, persuade through logical coherence, and convince the audience of the message’s validity.

Does The Audience Influence Which Type Of Persuasion To Use?

The audience plays a crucial role in determining which type of persuasion to employ in a speech. Different audiences have varying preferences, beliefs, values, and emotional triggers, and understanding these factors is essential for tailoring the persuasive strategy effectively.

Here’s how the audience influences the choice of persuasion:

The audience’s perception of credibility and authority depends on their background and prior knowledge. If the audience consists of experts or individuals who highly value expertise, emphasizing ethos by showcasing the speaker’s credentials, experience, and expertise will be particularly influential.

However, in certain situations where the audience is skeptical or holds different views, the focus on ethos may need to be adapted or supplemented with other appeals.

The emotional makeup and interests of the audience significantly impact the use of pathos. Some audiences may respond well to emotionally charged stories, personal anecdotes, or passionate appeals that resonate with their values and experiences.

It’s also crucial to consider cultural sensitivities and potential emotional triggers to ensure the emotional appeal resonates positively with the audience without alienating or offending them.

The level of analytical thinking and reliance on logical reasoning within the audience should guide the use of logos. Audiences valuing evidence-based arguments, logical coherence, and rational frameworks will be more receptive to a presentation heavily relying on logos.

Providing solid evidence and logical explanations and appealing to rational thinking helps win over audiences by prioritizing logical analysis and reasoning.

How Are These Concepts Used In Advertising?

In advertising , these three modes of persuasion are used strategically to capture attention, create an emotional connection, and persuade consumers to take action.

  • Ethos is employed in advertising by featuring trustworthy spokespersons, experts, or celebrities who endorse a product or service. Their credibility and authority lend credibility to the advertised claims and influence consumer perceptions and purchasing decisions.
  • Pathos is utilized in advertising to evoke emotions that resonate with the target audience. Advertisements often tap into feelings of joy, happiness, desire, or even fear to create an emotional response that captures attention and establishes a connection with consumers.
  • Logos is present in advertising through logical reasoning and evidence to support claims. Advertisements may highlight product features, comparisons, statistics, or scientific research to persuade consumers based on logical analysis and rational decision-making.

Advertising as persuasion

What Is Kairos?

Understanding the rhetorical triangle and employing rhetorical strategies allows speakers to tailor their messages to specific audiences and contexts, such as high school students or activists inspired by Martin Luther King Jr.’s “ I Have a Dream ” speech. Additionally, recognizing the relevance of kairos, the opportune moment, ensures that persuasive appeals are timely and impactful.

Adam Howarth

Adam covers the topic of Public Speaking for Digital Authority. From his first experience of oratory with his school debating society to his more recent experiences of promoting the local business scene in Wrexham, Wales, he has always been involved in public speaking.

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Examples of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in Persuasive Speeches

examples of ethos pathos logos

Ever fumbled for words while convincing someone to sign up for your club or buy something you're promoting on stage?

It happens. For this reason, Aristotle came up with three essential tools you can use in your everyday speech to persuade people for almost anything: ethos, pathos, and logos.

Here are some vivid examples of ethos, pathos, and logos to help you understand what they are and how to use them in your arguments.

The Three Tools That Guide Your Speech

Ethos, pathos, and logos are Greek words that make up the rhetorical triangle. Aristotle was the first to come up with them and wrote these concepts in his book, Rhetoric .

You can use them in any argument if you want to drive your point across or sell something: an idea, a product, or a brand.

Whether it is a sales pitch, a compelling argument, or a speech, these three modes of persuasion can sway your audience's perspective. Their presence since ancient times depicts their strength and significance.

Ethos is Greek for “character,” "credibility," or "authority." It refers to a person's character when they are presenting an argument.

The stronger the character or, the more influential the speaker is, the more they can change someone’s point of view regarding a particular subject.

You wouldn’t be enraptured, hanging on to her every word when J.K Rowling was giving a TED talk if she wasn’t a famous author, right?

Therefore, many brands and companies try to get celebrities to advertise for them. When people become fans, they religiously love what the celebrity loves and hates what the celebrity doesn't like.

This is the power of ethos. Here is how to establish ethos in a speech .

examples of ethos

There are tons of examples of ethos in advertisements, movies, speeches, and daily life. Highlighted below are some of them.

Albus Dumbledor used ethos in the movie The Goblet of Fire when he went against the Ministry of Magic to tell his students how Cedric Diggory died. He knew they would believe him because he was Headmaster. He said:

"I think, therefore, you have the right to know exactly how he died. You see, Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort. The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this. But I think to do so would be an insult to his memory."

In a commercial, you’d see 4 out of 5 dentists recommending a particular toothpaste. That's how brands convince viewers to buy their products by backing them up with credible people.

As a physics student, you tune in to a TED talk by Brian Greene and believe everything he says because he’s a theoretical physicist and a string theorist.

Pathos is Greek for “emotion,” “suffering,” or “experience.” This rhetorical strategy appeals to people's feelings when used in an argument.

It invokes people’s senses, nostalgia, memory, and experiences. It is used in ads and videos to persuade people to follow a call to action.

When pathos is embedded in a message, it moves people, driving them to take action. Pathos can trigger any intended emotion in people, such as sympathy, pity, and empathy.

Why do you think romance sells so much, be it novels, movies, or stories? It pulls at the reader’s heartstrings, connects them to the characters, and makes them want something similar.

Below are some examples of pathos in everyday life, movies, and ads.

An excellent way to convince people to donate to a puppy shelter is to show them how brutally they'll die if they don't donate.

The Evian commercial in which adults look like toddlers when they look at their reflections depicts the "bandwagon effect." Light-heartedly, it uses feel-good emotion to convince people to buy their water.

In their ad, IKEA convinces people to opt for home delivery for £3.95 by showing a person stuck in traffic after buying from the brand. This appeals to people because we like comfort, right?

Unlike ethos and pathos, logos rely on logic. It is a Greek word that means “logic” or “reason.” It uses logical reasons to convince people about something.

When you use logos in your everyday speech or arguments, you try to mention facts or data to support your idea.


While ethos uses the speaker's credibility to persuade people about something, pathos uses emotion to trigger people. Logos simply relies on logic and cuts to the chase.

You can easily persuade an audience using reason and logic in your argument; however, emotions do get the best of us as humans. For this reason, there are three modes of persuasion.

The following are a few examples of Logos.

Al Gore, a renowned environmentalist, used logos in his speech “The Climate Crisis Is the Battle of Our Time, and We Can Win,” in 2019. He tells people what exactly is happening that is causing climate change and cites scientific research and experts in his speech as well:

"I often echo the point made by the climate scientist James Hansen: The accumulation of carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases—some of which will envelop the planet for hundreds and possibly thousands of years—is now trapping as much extra energy daily as 500,000 Hiroshima-class atomic bombs would release every 24 hours. This is the crisis we face."

In the Versatile Stain Remover ad by OxiClean, you see Billy Mays use the stain remover to clean different products to showcase the product's ability as a stain remover.

An iPhone commercial shows the smartphone's different features that make it stand out from the rest.

Some More Examples of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos

Almost everyone uses these three modes of persuasion in one form or the other in their arguments. Let’s see how famous people have used them through time.

"During the next five years, I started a company named NeXT, another company named Pixar, and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife.

Pixar went on to create the world's first computer-animated feature film, Toy Story and is now the most successful animation studio in the world.

In a remarkable turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, I returned to Apple, and the technology we developed at NeXT is at the heart of Apple's current renaissance."

—Steve Jobs, 2005

Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, relies heavily on ethos here. He uses his authority as a founder of successful tech companies to show people why they should listen to him.

"I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations.

Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells. Some of you have come from areas where your quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality."

—Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., 1963

Martin Luther King Jr. was famous for fighting for civil rights. In the above excerpt from his speech “I Have a Dream,” he uses pathos to empathize with his audience.

He informs them that he understands they have suffered a lot and have come out of a painful time. This evokes emotion in the audience, and they can connect with King easily.

"Let it be remembered how powerful the influence of a single introduced tree or mammal has been shown to be.

But in the case of an island, or of a country partly surrounded by barriers, into which new and better-adapted forms could not freely enter, we should then have places in the economy of nature that would assuredly be better filled up if some of the original inhabitants were in some manner modified; for, had the area been open to immigration, these same places would have been seized on by intruders.

In such a case, every slight modification, which in the course of ages chanced to arise, and which in any way favored the individuals of any of the species by better adapting them to their altered conditions, would tend to be preserved; and natural selection would have free scope for the work of improvement."

—Charles Darwin, On the Origin of the Species, 1859

Charles Darwin appeals to logic or logos in his book Origin of the Species by talking about the rationale of natural selection.

He talks about how species have evolved with time to better adapt to their environment, a.k.a survival of the fittest. You can see how he uses a logical argument to talk about natural selection.

Conclusion: Ethos, Pathos, Logos

Ethos, pathos, and logos have survived the test of time and are used almost everywhere today. You can find them embedded in commercials, movies, speeches, TED talks, and day-to-day arguments.

These three tools of persuasion appeal to different aspects of humanity: authority, emotion, and logic. When used together, they form a solid argument that can convince anyone of its gist.

Ethos uses the speaker’s authority or credibility to persuade the audience. Pathos uses emotion to trigger people to take action. On the other hand, logos rely on facts and logic to drive a point across.

All three are very important to use in any argument.

what is ethos in a persuasive speech

what is ethos in a persuasive speech

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Ethos, Logos, & Pathos: The Three Parts of a Persuasive Presentation

Every persuasive speech you’ve heard in your life—a marketing spiel, a political campaign speech, a call to action—is governed by the same three pillars of speech. These pillars have already been laid out more than 2,000 years ago, but they remain as relevant to the persuasive speeches you endeavor today.  

In his work, On Rhetoric , the great philosopher Aristotle spelled out the three elements of appeal that work together to make a speech persuasive: ethos, logos, and pathos. If you want to make your public speaking more compelling, looking into these three pillars is valuable in convincing your audience to hear your message.   

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In this article, we’ll go into detail about what these three pillars mean, and actionable points of how to maximize them on your next presentation. 

What Are Ethos, Logos, and Pathos? 

To successfully give a persuasive presentation, you must look to master these three pillars of persuasive speech: 

  • Ethos : the ethical appeal; your authority, credibility, and character
  • Logos : the logical appeal; your arguments’ strength, soundness, and coherence
  • Pathos : the emotional appeal; your arguments’ emotional bond and impact on your listeners

Let’s put these elements into context and see how they work. Let’s say you are a salesperson trying to sell your company’s newest car to a customer. If you are going for strong Ethos, you can say, “As someone who has worked with cars for 15 years, I can guarantee that this model is the most economical one.”

If you want to attack with Logos, you can load up on the car’s newest features and go, “This car is designed with a new camera system, smart suspension, a multizone climate system, and more latest features to make your drive 200% better than other models.” 

And if you’re going for Pathos, you can say, “Your kids will just love this new car, and it’s perfect in bringing your whole family on a road trip to the beach.” 

Do you see how these pillars each persuade the customer in a different way? All persuasive speakers use a combination of Ethos, Logos, and Pathos to drive the message home and win over their listeners. Understanding the rhetorical triangle and its components is one of the first steps toward improving your presentation skills.

Now let’s go a little deeper to see how you can employ these three pillars to deliver a strong, persuasive presentation yourself.  

But First, Invention 

Before you can decide how you’re going to appeal to your audience, you must first gather the necessary information that will guide you on your feat. As the famous Roman orator Cicero explained, this step is called Invention , the discovery and development of the arguments that govern your message. 

You must do ample research and information gathering, not only about your topic but also about your audience. You must understand your listeners, their interests, inclinations, biases, and expectations. Without this grounding, you’re setting yourself up to blindly create strategies that are not targeted to your listeners. 

Using this research, you can now decide on how you’re going to entice your audience by leveraging the three pillars of persuasion. 

Ethos: The Ethical Appeal

Ethos is all about character. It defines how credible, trustworthy, and relatable you are as a speaker. Before your audience listens to what you have to say, they first examine you to see if you have locus standi , or the right to be heard. 

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It’s not enough that you have the credentials or the expertise to talk about the subject, but you need to translate this by building trust and rapport with your audience. You can exude more Ethos if you are confident when you’re presenting, shown in your voice, gait, mannerisms, and even attire.    

Another thing that increases Ethos is similarity and relatability. When presenting, you can use a shibboleth —a specialized term used by a specific group of people—to show that you are in the know. Make the effort to show that you are part of the group and that your message heeds listening to. 

Logos: The Logical Appeal

Logos is all about your arguments. Does your message make sense? Is it supported by facts and evidence? Can it counter any opposing opinion? 

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Logos appeals to your audience’s reason and intelligence, and what your listeners are looking for is to find the truth through the facts of the argument. This not only entails traditional facts like statistical data and figures but relevant stories as well. Depending on the context, you can include personal experience and case studies to further amplify the Logos of your speech.   

Your arguments must also be comprehensive and easy to understand. If the context allows, effective visual aids are powerful in making sure your audience grasps the message. To make your slides more appealing and reach your audience, you can design a killer presentation by using free & good backgrounds for presentations .

Pathos: The Emotional Appeal 

Pathos is all about emotional impact. The most memorable and persuasive speeches all had high Pathos, those that stirred strong emotions within us and compelled us to understand and follow the speaker’s point of view. 

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Source: free Ethos Pathos Logos PowerPoint template

Choose which emotion you want to evoke in your audience that will amplify your message. If you’re trying to sell a product, induce joy and desire. If you’re asking for donations for a sick patient, induce pity and hope. And don’t forget the power of humor in engaging your audience and increasing your likeability. 

One of the most effective strategies to increase Pathos is to tell a story. Paint a picture, and link an emotional response to the most important parts of your message to make them memorable. 

Understanding Ethos, Pathos, and Logos and how they work is the first step in improving your public speaking and presentation skills . The next step would be to put them into practice. Using some of the actionable points we have shared, plan out how you’re going to best appeal to your audience. Once you’ve mastered the three pillars, your speech is guaranteed to drive its message home. 

Ethos, Logos, and Pathos are valuable benchmarks that you can follow to make sure your presentation is compelling and impactful to your listeners. While some may argue that one pillar is more important than the others, a persuasive speech with a balanced combination of all three pillars of a rhetorical triangle will always be more successful than a speech only focusing on one. 

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Module 10: Persuasive Speaking

Persuasive strategies using ethos, learning objectives.

Define persuasive strategies using ethos.

Ethos is the way a speaker establishes their credibility and conveys to the audience that they can be trusted.

Ethos is important in any kind of speech situation, but it is especially important when trying to persuade an audience. If your audience doesn’t view you as credible and trustworthy, they likely aren’t going to be persuaded by your argument. Therefore, it can be helpful to explain to your audience why you are a credible source they should give consideration to.

Through the course of delivering your arguments and sharing reliable, credible supporting evidence, you can demonstrate to your audience that you have taken the time to understand your topic and the evidence behind your argument.

Purdue’s Online Writing Lab provides writers concrete tips on being a credible author.  Many of these tips also apply just as well to speakers, including:

  • Use only credible, reliable sources. Cite those sources properly.
  • Show you have an open mind about your topic by acknowledging beliefs and values on both sides of the argument in an accurate way.
  • Explain why you are interested in this topic. If you have personal experience, share it.
  • Organize your argument in a logical and easy-to-follow manner.  [1]

The last point is especially important in a speech because your audience won’t have the option to re-read the parts of your speech they find hard to follow.

To Watch: ANna Maria Chávez, Girl Scouts National convention 2011

When Anna Maria Chávez gave this speech in 2011, she had just been appointed CEO of Girls Scouts of the USA. Her speech thus had a double function: to celebrate the convention and the organization, but also to introduce herself to the viewers—both at the convention and around the world. The first part of her speech is a classic appeal to ethos, both establishing her credibility and demonstrating her commitment to the Girl Scouts. Chávez does this by telling the story of how she became a girl scout and what she learned from Girl Scout camp (starting at 3:56):

One day my best friend when I was ten years old came to school and said, “I’m going to be a Girl Scout.” And I said, “Well, I want to be a Girl Scout too!” And then I thought, “What does that mean?” So I ran home and I told my parents and my grandmother—my Nana—that I was going to Girl Scout camp. And my Nana, she said, “Mi hija, no, no, no, we came from the migrant camp, we don’t go back that way.” But I wanted to go, and so I went!

Shortly after attending Girl Scout camp, Chávez says, she saw a situation she wanted to change. Her mother said, “Well, Anna Maria, what do we do in these instances?” Eventually, young Anna Maria realized that she needed to become a lawyer if she wanted to change things, and so, she says, “As a Girl Scout, by then the age of 12, I was headed to law school.”

The next part of her story demonstrates another facet of ethos: by telling the story of going to Yale, and then law school, and then becoming advisor to “a U.S. president, a vice president, two cabinet secretaries, three federal administrators, two governors, and a husband,” she establishes that she has the authority and credibility to lead a national organization. (The “…and a husband” joke demonstrates humor and relatability, which are as important as impressive credentials in appealing to ethos).

You can view the transcript for “Anna Maria Chavez 2011 National Convention Speech 1 of 2” here (opens in new window) .

What to watch for:

Chávez starts her speech by talking about some of the events she’s visited at the convention. If you’re speaking as part of a multi-part event, it can be good to open with a quick discussion of some of the other remarkable things that have happened at the event, things that impressed you, things you’ve learned, or memories you’ll take away.

  • https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/academic_writing/establishing_arguments/rhetorical_strategies.html ↵
  • Anna Maria Chavez 2011 National Convention Speech 1 of 2. Provided by : Girl Scouts of the USA. Located at : https://youtu.be/Ce7u908gbrc . License : Other . License Terms : Standard YouTube License
  • Persuasive Strategies Using Ethos. Authored by : Mike Randolph with Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution

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what is ethos in a persuasive speech

Understanding Ethos, Pathos, and Logos: The Foundations of Persuasive Speaking

  • Carolyn Manion Kinnie
  • January 30, 2024

Table of Contents

Here at The Speaker Lab, we talk a lot about how to launch a speaking business. Usually, we focus on the “business” part. Fundamentals like establishing your pipeline and setting your speaker fee are key to really succeeding as a speaker. But mastering the business side will only take you so far if your talk isn’t persuasive! How do you make sure your message sticks with your audience? That’s what we’re diving into today. Learning how to speak persuasively will help you deliver a compelling talk that listeners remember. And what do we find at the heart of persuasive speaking? Three age old terms coined by an ancient Greek: ethos, pathos, and logos. 

Today we’re breaking down how ethos, pathos, and logos play a role in persuasive speaking in any field, on any topic. If you’re busy crafting your signature talk , it’s easy to get caught up in the weeds and forget to look at the big picture. That’s why we’re getting back to the basics–all the way back to the fourth century B.C.

Aristotle and Persuasive Rhetoric  

Aristotle’s Rhetoric is one of the foundational philosophical works at the basis of what we consider persuasive speaking. In the Rhetoric, he explains that ethos, pathos, and logos are three ways that any speech–no matter what kind of speech–can have a persuasive effect. So what exactly do these words mean? 

Ethos refers to the character of the speaker. Good, bad, old, young, famous, obscure…any attribute that belongs to the speaker as a person . Would you more willingly listen to someone whose character is honest and trustworthy or a well-known con man? The ancient Greeks felt the same way. Listeners are more likely to take advice from a speaker whose character they trust.

Keep in mind that character qualities in a speaker can be positive or negative depending on context. A speaker’s age on either end of the spectrum can give a negative impression of either inexperience or outdatedness. But youthfulness characterized by drive and ambition (or old age characterized by wisdom and self-reflection) comes across extremely favorably, especially to other young people! 

If ethos centers on the speaker, pathos centers on the audience. A speaker leveraging e thos appeals to their own character, one using pathos appeals to emotion. To master pathos, you must influence your audience’s emotional state throughout your talk in a way that contributes to your message. While your credibility goes a long way toward winning their trust, if you fail to evoke the right emotions you will quickly lose their interest. You can be the most rational, data-driven speaker and ruin the impact of your talk by “giving someone the ick,” as the kids say these days! By using vivid words and dynamic nonverbal cues, you can profoundly impact your audience’s feelings as they listen to your talk.

Logos is where the rubber meets the road. This is your argument–how you prove your point with evidence and logic. No good speech can go without logos, though it can play a greater or lesser role depending on the context. Logos is especially important when the desired impact of your talk requires big changes from your audience in thought or action. Industries and events that rely heavily on research and data will also have high expectations for the logos in your talk. 

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Applying ethos, pathos, and logos to your own talk.

Now, we’ll go through a few practical applications of ethos, pathos, and logos to your professional speaking business. As you book speaking gigs, keep in mind how your marketing, content, and delivery can reflect these principles. We don’t intend to burden you with extra steps on the route to your next speaking gig. You don’t have to be a Greek philosopher to figure this out! Often, it just requires a little extra introspection as you compose and rehearse your talk.

Applying Ethos

Your ethos  is the story your personal brand tells on and off the stage. Focus on establishing expertise, authority, and credibility before and during your talk.  Your audience will find you more persuasive if they already trust you. That’s why it’s important to write your speaker bio effectively with references to your experience in the field.

Relating to your audience in your talk will also establish a powerful ethos. If they know that you are someone like them, they are more likely to agree with your argument. Tell stories that connect your experiences to those of your audience.

Citing data and known authorities also contributes to a positive ethos. Without realizing it, your audience will associate the authorities to whom you appeal with you. Appeal to inspiring figures and well-reputed sources already trusted by your audience–they will trust you. Appealing to a screenshot of a random tweet you found on the internet or treating unverified theories as facts will simply discredit you.  

Offstage interactions play a huge role in  ethos  too. Try to take the time to chat with your audience after your talk, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Make friends with mission-driven speakers in your field who are easy to work with and genuinely care about their audience. Event planners and audience members alike will see you as someone accessible rather than aloof. As your reputation precedes you to each speaking engagement, back it up with the version of yourself who goes onstage.

Applying Pathos 

Swaying your audience’s emotions can rarely carry your entire argument. But it can be a huge help. Feeling a variety of emotions will keep your listeners from getting bored and put them in the right headspace to receive the information you want to communicate. 

Think of your talk as an emotional journey on which you embark with your audience. When you write your speech section by section, think about what you want the audience to be feeling at each point. Anticipation, as you introduce a meaningful story that leaves them breathless? Somber gravity, as you present facts and data about a troubling situation to which you present solutions? Enthusiasm, as you offer a transformative business solution that, while difficult, might get them out of a rut? Amusement, as you tell a funny joke to hook their attention? 

You are their guide on this journey, so it’s up to you to tell them (without literally telling them) how to feel. Delivery and nonverbal communication are key here. Voice intonations, hand gestures , pauses, and facial expressions can add emotional weight to even the driest of phrases. Often, the best way to elicit a new emotion is to tell a story ! Stories can support your message, offer humorous diversion, or transition to a new topic…all while guiding emotions along the way. 

Applying Logos 

Neither ethos nor pathos directly concern the content of your talk, but logos does. Logos is the logical argument you make. You can ruin the effects of great pathos and ethos by failing to adequately support your argument. Sure, if your main purpose is to hype up your audience, you will likely rely more on pathos. But if you fail to connect everything you say to the point or (even worse) cite exaggerated facts or falsehoods, any listening ear will immediately discredit what you have to say. On the other hand, if you struggle to emotionally connect with your audience and have little experience in your field, great logos can still carry your point across and convince a skeptical audience. 

Think of Logos as simply speaking the truth with clarity. Back up your claims and cite any important data or statistics. Use compelling examples from client results you were responsible for with or well-established research. Avoid fallacies and over-fluffy modes of speaking that might throw your audience off. Many speakers try to cover up weak links in their argument with jargon or convoluted palaver. Don’t do that! If the data doesn’t back up your argument, it’s time to reevaluate your argument. 

Many speakers unintentionally obscure a good point by going off track. Your stories, jokes, and elaborations should all support one clear message. If you try to communicate too many messages at once, you’ll leave your audience adrift. Some tips? Replace long tangents with more relevant stories. For a talk on a broad topic, only delve into one or two examples in detail. If you’re speaking about something specific or granular, only give the most necessary background information. 

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Exemplary Persuasive Speeches

To wrap up, let’s look at some classic examples of how speakers use ethos, pathos, and logos to persuade their audiences. 

Winston Churchill’s address to Congress in December 1941 utilizes ethos remarkably well to assure the assembly that he is speaking as a friend, not a foreigner. He reminds them that his own mother was American. He emphasizes his understanding of the American system of representation as a “child of the House of Commons.” Then, he further details that the King himself gave him permission to meet with the president! This way, he appeals to two very venerable heads of authority. As he moves on into a grim but stirring vision of the war, its past present and future, his credibility and trustworthiness are well-established. 

Marc Antony’s speech from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar is a timeless example of powerful pathos . He immediately plays into the emotions of his audience by reminding them that his purpose is not to deliver a panegyric, but to bury a friend. “When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept” he reminds the Romans, giving them cause for self-reflection upon whether their empathy matched Caesar’s. As if his appeal “You all did love him once” was not stirring enough? He finishes off “My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar, / And I must pause till it come back to me.” Absolutely gutting! (Incidentally, Marc Antony also leverages some reverse psychology ethos by referring to Caesar’s murderer Brutus as “an honourable man” throughout.)

Frederick Douglass ’ moving address “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” is a long speech worth reading. Indeed, it could be used as an example for all three pillars of persuasion! He appeals especially to logos by examining the documents of the American Founding and pointing out the hypocrisy with which they have long been interpreted regarding slavery. Then he declares: “Take the constitution according to its plain reading, and I defy the presentation of a single proslavery clause in it. On the other hand it will be found to contain principles and purposes, entirely hostile to the existence of slavery.” He supports his point with facts (the text of the constitution was easy to fact-check) and clear, concise argumentation. The powerful impact of his words even today stands a testament to his mastery of rhetoric.  

You should always use a combination of ethos, pathos, and logos to speak persuasively. Your niche will likely determine which you spend the most time emphasizing. For example, a motivational speaker in an intensely personal field like relationships, grief, or mental health will likely need to leverage a lot of pathos. A speaker who tries to convince professionals of any kind to make big changes will need a great deal of logos to show why their proposed solution is better than “what we’ve always done.” And any speaker in any field offering a potentially controversial solution will need to establish an ethos that is authoritative and trustworthy.

Ethos, pathos, and logos have played an integral role in the art of persuasive speaking for over 2000 years. Even the greatest speakers continue working on this skill well into their careers. While we are no longer Greek orators in marble amphitheaters, Aristotle’s principles can help you craft your speech and finesse your delivery for maximum impact. 

  • Last Updated: March 7, 2024

Picture of Carolyn Manion Kinnie

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Ethos, Pathos, Logos: 3 Pillars of Public Speaking

2300 years ago, Aristotle wrote down the secret to being a persuasive speaker , the secret which forms the basis for nearly every public speaking book written since then.

Do you know the secret?

If you don’t, you might be wondering what a 2300-year-old theory has to do with public speaking in the year 2010.

In a word — everything!

In this article , you’ll learn what ethos, pathos, and logos are (the secret!), and what every speaker needs to understand about these three pillars of public speaking.

What are Ethos, Pathos, and Logos?

So, what are ethos, pathos, and logos?

In simplest terms, they correspond to:

  • Ethos : credibility (or character) of the speaker
  • Pathos : emotional connection to the audience
  • Logos : logical argument

Together, they are the three persuasive appeals . In other words, these are the three essential qualities that your speech or presentation must have before your audience will accept your message.

Origins of Ethos, Pathos, Logos — On Rhetoric by Aristotle

  • Ethos, Pathos, Logos - Introduction
  • What is Ethos?
  • How to Establish Ethos
  • What is Pathos?
  • How to Develop Pathos
  • What is Logos?
  • How to Convey Logos

Written in the 4th century B.C.E., the Greek philosopher Aristotle compiled his thoughts on the art of rhetoric into On Rhetoric , including his theory on the three persuasive appeals.

Many teachers of communication, speech, and rhetoric consider Aristotle’s On Rhetoric to be a seminal work in the field. Indeed, the editors of The Rhetoric of Western Thought: From the Mediterranean World to the Global Setting call it “the most important single work on persuasion ever written.” It is hard to argue this claim; most advice from modern books can be traced back to Aristotle’s foundations.

Before you can convince an audience to accept anything you say, they have to accept you as credible .

There are many aspects to building your credibility:

  • Does the audience respect you?
  • Does the audience believe you are of good character?
  • Does the audience believe you are generally trustworthy?
  • Does the audience believe you are an authority on this speech topic?

Keep in mind that it isn’t enough for you to know that you are a credible source. (This isn’t about your confidence, experience, or expertise.) Your audience must know this. Ethos is your level of credibility as perceived by your audience.

We will define ethos in greater detail , and we will study examples of how to establish and build ethos .

Pathos is the quality of a persuasive presentation which appeals to the emotions of the audience.

  • Do your words evoke feelings of … love? … sympathy? … fear?
  • Do your visuals evoke feelings of compassion? … envy?
  • Does your characterization of the competition evoke feelings of hate? contempt?

Emotional connection can be created in many ways by a speaker, perhaps most notably by stories . The goal of a story, anecdote, analogy, simile, and metaphor is often to link an aspect of our primary message with a triggered emotional response from the audience.

We will study pathos in greater detail , and look at how to build pathos by tapping into different audience emotions.

Logos is synonymous with a logical argument.

  • Does your message make sense?
  • Is your message based on facts, statistics, and evidence?
  • Will your call-to-action lead to the desired outcome that you promise?

We will see why logos is critical to your success , and examine ways to construct a logical, reasoned argument .

Which is most important? Ethos? Pathos? or Logos?

Suppose two speakers give speeches about a new corporate restructuring strategy.

  • The first speaker — a grade nine student — gives a flawless speech pitching strategy A which is both logically sound and stirs emotions.
  • The second speaker — a Fortune 500 CEO — gives a boring speech pitching strategy B.

Which speech is more persuasive? Is the CEO’s speech more persuasive, simply because she has much more credibility (ethos)?

Some suggest that pathos is the most critical of the three. In You’ve Got to Be Believed to Be Heard , Bert Decker says that people buy on emotion (pathos) and justify with fact (logos). True? You decide.

Aristotle believed that logos should be the most important of the three persuasive appeals. As a philosopher and a master of logical reasoning, he believed that logos should be the only required persuasive appeal. That is, if you demonstrated logos, you should not need either ethos or pathos.

However, Aristotle stated that logos alone is not sufficient. Not only is it not sufficient on its own, but it is no more important than either of the two other pillars. He argued that all three persuasive appeals are necessary.

Is he right? What do you think?

Next in this Series…

In the next article of this series, we examine ethos in greater detail .

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I once heard these three terms applied to the writings of the apostle Paul and they made good sense then too. You’ve done a tremendous job of introducing these pillars – can’t wait to see what the next few posts hold!

Indeed! Ethos, pathos, and logos apply to all forms of persuasive communication

Great thought-provoking post.

I think the strength of each point relies on your audience, and what you are trying to persuade them of. For example, a sales presentation may use pathos as its main strength, while a financial presentation may use logos.

Ultimately though, I’d agree with Aristotle and say that all three are necessary in order for the speaker to truly get his message across.

Yes, you’re right. It depends on your audience, your message, and the context. In certain situations, one of the three may be more important. The danger, however, is to assume that the other two are of no importance at all, and this is rarely the case.

Excellent article Andrew. Waiting to read more in the following posts.

About the importance of Ethos, Pathos and Logos, I have something to add.

Assume you are going to listen to a talk by a stranger. What comes to mind first (may not be more important)? Ethos. We ask ourselves, who is this person? We try to find more about the person.

You may choose to listen to him or you may choose to ignore.

Once you start listening to him, you are exposed to emotions (in his speech) and the logic in his speech. You can be convinced by either of these. But you will act ONLY if you are emotionally moved. Logic alone is not enough. We all know what is right but how often do we do what is right?

To summarise, I feel Ethos Pathos Logos come in a sequence. Ethos comes first. Hence, we should not compare it to the other two. Between Pathos and Logos I feel humans act on emotions and not on logic. Hence, Pathos scores over Logos (though all of us want to believe that we are more logical and less emotional).

This is my honest take on the subject. Thanks for bringing it up.

Great look at a classic resource, Andrew. The Greeks had mastered the art of persuasive speaking long before PowerPoint!

I tend to agree with Jessica. You decide on the mix of ethos, pathos and logos in your speech after you analyse the audience. An academic audience might judge on ethos, a political rally on pathos, and a finance committee on logos. But in the end, a great speech has a mix of all three.

An interesting and important introduction to making persuasive presentations. Thanks. U L Mehta

Free version online: http://classics.mit.edu/Aristotle/rhetoric.html

Well written, enjoyed very much. Thanks!

I really liked the article.If i have to describe in one word”eyeopener” for an aspiring Speaker.

This is a very interesting article. I really agree with those three points. I use a website called Present.Me to help me with those qualities when public speaking. It allows you to attach a video of yourself presenting to your Powerpoint slides. Not only does it mean you can send a present.me in your place if you cannot attend a presentation, but you can also work on your performance by watching it and hearing yourself. Hope this helps.

I am a CST 100-002 student at Northern Virginia Community College: Annandale Campus.

I think, that all 3 rubrics are very important. Ethos is very improtant, because if you cant trust the speeker or cant find a connection with, you probably will not give enough attention to the whole speech. Next; Pathos. What is a part of Ethos to give your speech more expression. Last but not least; Logos. To deliver a speech that makes sense and everyone can understand.

Student at NVCC public speaking. I personally think a speech that has a logical base with an emotional appeal. An audience can connect better with someones emotions but it must have logic behind it so it can be a good argument or speech. If the audience just hears a speech with ethos it can become boring and hard to connect to.

I am learning about this in My CST 100-02 class from NVCC Annadale campus. I had very little knowledge of ethos, pathos, and logos prior to taking this class. I believe that is it very importan to have all three ethos, pathos, and logos while giving a speech on pursuasion. I also think that pathos is the most important because many people go on an emotional stand. To persude someone, it is necessary to have all three present. It is absolutely amazing that this theroy came in ancient greek from Aristotle. It is the basis to writing a persuasion speech.

As a student in CST 100-02: Principles of Public Speaking at the Annandale Campus of Northern Virginia Community College I should say that as Aristotle said Ethos Pathos and Logos should appeals in one’s speech together. In fact, they complete each other so if a speaker doesn’t have any of these in his speech it looks like a defective speech. Also, about the question that you had that which one is important I can tell that Logos is the answer as Aristotle said. I think Logic can be understood very early by the audience. The best way to prove logic to the audience can be giving some examples to clear everything for them. Although,Pathos is the one that I think should be the second important one after Logos because by the emotion that speaker gives to the audience he can be much effective on them.

I am a CST 100-002 student at Northern Virginia Community College and I have to say this article gives the “secret” to a successful persuasive speech. From my prior knowledge, I know that Aristotle taught the youth to do public speaking which was looked at as a threat to society because persuasive speakers were able to sway people from distancing themselves from their beliefs. With this in mind, I think pathos is the most powerful component of the three pillars because if you connect with the audience, they will engage in what you have to say and it is a lot more memorable with the support of logos.

Hello, my name is Bahaa student in CST 100-36: Principles of Public Speaking at the Annandale Campus of Northern Virginia Community College. After reading this article it opened my eyes to the true factors to presenting a great speech. Ethos, is what can define as reputation. Too be credible you need to be known as a person with good character as well as other things listed. Whatever the speech is about the emotion, the look as well as the tone need to represent it so the audience can feel it.

Great Article. All 3 should always be in a speech if you want to make it good. I think that Pathos is first of all because we all have emotions and is a way we all connect to each other and express what we do and what we say. If you have a connection with Pathos then the other 2 are easily going to follow.

Ethos, Pathos, and logos This article clearly explains the pillars of public speaking, Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. I really enjoyed reading it. In my opinion, all three are essential elements in public speaking; however, depending on different situations, they might differently take part. The best way to determine which one of these factors outweighs the others is by analyzing the audience and kind of speech that is being delivered. For example, if the audience is composed of well educated and high ranked people, maybe ethos and logo come before the pathos; however, in other situations, for example talking for younger audience, the pathos outweigh the other two. Thanks, Jhabiz Nourmohammadi Student in CST 100-02: Principles of Public Speaking at the Annandale Campus of Northern Virginia Community

I am a CTS 100-02 student at NVCC Annandale campus. It could be true that Logos is the most important one. If we deliver message that makes sense and base on facts, automatically people will respect and believe us.

I am a student at the NOVA Annandale Campus CST 100-02. We’ve been learning about this in class and I really think that all three are essential in speech. If you don’t have ethos, you’ve lost your audience before you’ve even finished your speech. If you don’t have pathos, your audience cannot connect on an emotional level, which is important and effective. Logos is also important on a logical basis, you want your speech to have factual evidence and for it to make sense. All three together are a recipe for a great speech.

I am a student at the NOVA Annandale Campus CST 100-02. We’ve been learning about this in class and I really think that all three are essential in speech. If you don’t have ethos, you’ve lost your audience before you’ve even finished your speech. If you don’t have pathos, your audience cannot connect on an emotional level, which is important and effective. Logos is also important on a logical basis, you want your speech to have factual evidence and for it to make sense. All three together are a recipe for a great speech..

I am student in CST 100-36: Principles of Public Speaking at the Annandale Campus of Northern Virginia Community College. By reading this article, I have understood the importance of these three pillars of public speaking. Now I understood that why our professor focused on to know everyone in the class from day one. He was trying to increase Ethos of each student. I also understood that we can improve Pathos and Logos individually but not Ethos. I believe that these three pillars of public speaking played a huge role in first presidential debate.

I am a student in CST 100-36: Principles of Public Speaking at the Annandale Campus of Northern Virginia Community College

Depending on the speech pathos could be the most important pilliar of speech. Motivational speeches or speeches for entertainment certanly draw more from pathos. I agree that logos should be the most important of the three but its clear that popularity is more important, especially for the masses. Looking at the presidential election that it going on, credibility and facts are sidelined to everything else during their campaigns.

I am a student at the NOVA Annandale Campus CST 100-02. I think that a speech should have ethos and pathos to it. Without ethos or pathos there would be a harder time to connect to the speaker. Yes logos is important as well because the speech must make sense but I dont think that it is quite the important

I am from the class Principles of Public Speaking at the Annandale Campus of Northern Virginia Community College.

I remember in my junior year of high school, we spent the whole year learning about incorporating ethos, logos and pathos into all of my English writing. Now I am in college, and learning about it in public speaking. I believe that a speech without ethos, logos and pathos, is not whatsoever an effective speech.

Hi I am a student in CST 100-02 at the Annandale Campus of Northern Virginia Community College.

After reading the article I believe that all are a great way to get your point across and a great way to be heard. But like the scenario above with the 9th grader versus the CEO you do not necessarily have to have all three to be a reliable source.

There is a certain way to hold your self and a certain way of delivery that implies Ethos, If you can come out there with the kind of, lets call it swagger for want of a better term, if you come out there with the kind of swagger that makes you not arrogant but believable and put the force of your confidence behind that act, that is a truly powerful move and that will build your Ethos.

Logos, while important no doubt, I feel is less something to strive for and more of something that should be there before you speak publicly period. If you don’t make sense, how will you be understood? and if you are not understood, your Ethos will go out the window, and if you are not supported by your audience logically by Logos and credibly by Ethos, then you will have Pathos, but it will be negative.

So all three pillars are connected and share the rewards and consequences. Now if you have one you do not necessarily have them all but if you have one in one direction, negative or positive, it is much easier to continue to head in that direction with your audience, and if its negative, its much harder to dig your self out of that hole because we as audience members and listeners do not easily forgive or forget when it comes to rough speech making.

Good article, thought provoking. Makes you think about what you say and why you say it.

William Zach Roberts

Nhat Doan from CST 100-36: Principles of Public Speaking at the Annandale Campus of Northern Virginia Community College. This is a useful article for our persuasive speech later on in the course. Now I know which part I need to focus on in order to deliver a good persuasive speech. Even though I don’t have that much credibility as a student, I believe my logic will fill right in.

Hi I am a CST 100-036 student at Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale Campus. I also think that all are very important. But pathos is more important then the others. By using the element of pathos you connect with your audience, they might even give you credibility. And because they gave you the credit, they believe that you are talking the truth and at the end they even think that your thoughts are logical. That is how religion used as a political power and it is really persuasive for a majority of people.

I am a student at the NOVA Annandale Campus CST 100-02.

It seems to me like these three pillars are like a three legged stool. If you lose one of them it gets incredibly hard not fall down. As a result, a truly great speech will have all three pillars to some degree. However, I notice that in most speeches a speaker will rely on one or two more than the others. Although the others are present in the speech, the take a back seat to one or two of the other pillars.

It is difficult to say which of these pillars is most important. I think it depends on who your audience is to a large degree. However, if I had to pick, I would have to say that pathos seems the most important. Entire countries have been called to war based on emotional appeal. This is a loose argument, though, as all of the pillars are vital to a good speech.

This was a thought provoking article and it will make me think about how I construct my speeches.

I’m a student in CST 100-36: Principles of Public Speaking at the Annandale Campus of Northern Virginia Community College. I feel that this article is very true. If speeches didn’t have these elements then the speech would be defective. You want people to be entertain and learn something with what you have to say. In my opinion, to have a very good speech, you have to have these three elements. A person should stand out so he or she could be remembered as a person who gave a really good speech. Without one or 2 of the elements then the speech is just a speech. It will be very boring to listen to and I would fall asleep. These points are important and people should put them into there everyday speech.

as a student in CST 100-02: Principles of Public Speaking at the Annandale Campus of Northern Virginia Community College i appropriated articles like this it makes me a better speaker. I learned about ethos pathos and logos in history in high school and never thought twice about it but now that i see how it affects a speaker and there audience and the outcome i have a whole new appreciation for them.

I am a cst 100-002 student at nova. Although the 3 persuasive appeals are equally important, i find my self more inclined to use logos but as aristotle said just logos isnt enough, so i think that using a mixture of the three appeals combined with knowledge of the audience, you can create a great speech.

I am a student in this Principles of Public Speaking class at the Annandale Campus of Northern Virginia Community College. I think Ethos, Pathos, Logos are very important in a persuasive speech because we have more opportunities to persuade the audience.

Good evening. I am a student in CST 100-36 at the Annandale campus of NoVa Community College. When in doubt, side with Aristotle. Logos alone is not enough, but having no ethos seems to be a non-starter. Pathos can be incredibly powerful, but cannot stand alone, unless the audience is not paying attention. Obviously having a balance of all three would be best, but if any of them are dispensable, it would be pathos.

Hi, i am student from Nvcc Annandale in Cst 100-036. This article breaks it down easily for me and gives me insight on what a great speech is. The most important to me is definitely Logos(Logic) because even though credibility is important, i think a well put logical speech can cover up for someone who is not as credible as others. If the speech gives good points and evidence, and they can relate it to the audience then ethos might be out shadowed. All 3 of these appeals will make the speech most efficient.

Hello Im CST 100-36 Student from northern virginia community college in Annandale campus. I really thank you because you posted the article that will really help me with the speech. I also believe that the audience can be connect with the speaker who is emotional more easily. But the speech should be also logical at the same time. I will try to remember this article for my future speeches.

Hi, I am a CST 100-036 student at Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale Campus.

The article is very informative. I personally like this topic, which is about the importance of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. In my perspective, Logos is the most important one among the three. It is the determinant of each and every speech that a person gives. Why? Simply, the content of any speech is most crucial. If a speech delivers truthful contents, includes true facts, gives reasonable examples, audience would love to believe in the speech, as well as the speaker of that speech. Ethos is a factor that help the audience to determine the credibility of the words that the speaker speaks. Pathos is the way to deliver the content of the speech toward the audience. Although each of them contributes to the success of a speech, the content/info from the speech is the most important thing. Audience who wants just the most insight info from the speech, will care only to what the speech mainly concentrates in. Thank you for the article.

Long term (assuming one does not go back over and over again to the audience I think Logos is more important. But if one is trying to persuade in the short term (say a few days) Pathos is stronger. Just my view.

I’m a sixth grade teacher getting ready to prepare students to do a persuasive essay and oral report. Most of the examples they will be seeing prior to this are from the civil rights and abolitionists movement. I understand that most of the examples in logos are “concrete” in nature, and most in pathos are emotional. Where does something like morality and ethics(a large part of the argument against slavery and racism)fit in which has components of both?

Alice, I think you’ve answered your own question. Speakers can use both pathos and logos when making morality and ethical arguments. For example, consider a speech about slavery.

Pathos appeals include things like photographs of slaves being mistreated; descriptions of the horrible conditions on ships bringing slaves across the Atlantic; stories about slaves being ripped from their families and sold at auctions. All of these can invoke very strong emotional responses.

Logos appeals include things like a discussion of basic human rights and freedoms; a step-by-step argument about how slaves were not “better off” in the “care” of their owners; historical traces of slavery in other civilizations. All of these could make use of careful, reasoned logical arguments.

I really am excited to find such a rewarding group ofworthwhile articles on my favorite topic: persuasive speaking!!! Thank you.

This is excellent. As an educator, I refer to your website to teach my students the fundamentals of speech writing. It is succinct and encapsulates the key points in a well-considered manner.

Renee Durieux from CST 100-037N. I think this article made a really good point. It is easy to overlook pathos and ethos and focus only on logos (logic) when writing a speech. Throwing out a bunch of facts on the topic might seem like the best strategy to convince others, but if they don’t trust you, or they are bored they won’t listen. I think each of the three are necessary for a good convincing speech, and therefore none of the three are more important than the others, they must come together.

I’m a student of NOVA and currently taking CST-100 (036N). I agree with the three pillars of public speaking. Being credible is one of the most important thing on a speech and its better to be known as someone that is reliable. The emotional factor has to be the connection with the audience. Lastly the logical argument should make the prefect ending for the speech.

I remember learning this in high school. Very important during an essay. Didn’t think so much about using it towards a speech. Its a refresh and a great way to help with a persuasive speech. I think all are importance, one cant be one without the other. CST 100-36: Principles of Public Speaking at the Annadale Campus of Northern Virginia Community College

I’m a student at NOVA and I’m currently taking CST-100 (036N) with Professor Tirpak. I’ve used Logos, Ethos and Pathos before when writing essays for English but I never thought that they could be used for speeches as well. I also think that the most important of these three pillars would probably be Pathos, simply because connecting with the audience is the most important part of any speech. Ethos is definitely important, because the more credibility you have the more willing people will be to listen to you, but even someone with no credibility can give a fantastic speech by using the power of Pathos.

I am a student in Professor Tirpak’s CST 100-036 class.

These three pillars are what define your speech. While I wouldn’t say that one is inherently more important than the other, I would argue that ethos, pathos, and logos can vary in importance for different types of speeches. A technical report before colleagues will require strict attention to logical argument, while a speech designed to rally a crowd will be more intently focused on pathos. In all speeches though, each of the three aspects should be present.

So glad I came across your article, and have enjoyed following the comments (mostly of students) at the end. I’m signing up for more content loaded six minutes…and for the interaction it stimulates. Lots going on. Thanks!

Thank you so much, this has really been an eye opener.

These three pillars I learnt while at Junior College. Entering the work force and business world has proven how important that lesson was. Great explanations. Thanks.

Just referred to this article to complete an essay! In my essay, we were required to analyze an article and point out where and how the author uses all of the different appeals. It was kinda tricky because I had a news article, and in news articles, the authors “try” to publish “unbiased” pieces, but of course there’s always some bias in their writings to give their newspublisher some leverage. So for me, finding pathos arguments in the news article was pretty tricky. The author mainly relied on ethos and some logos to prove his claims, but thanks to the stuff you posted about pathos, I was able to find one pathos appeal in his article (seriously, there was only one!). Thanks so much for this post!

I think that all three Ethos, Pathos and Logos are essential to master the art of persuasive communication, to not have creditability, or logic then Pathos in my view is useless. Where will you emotions be when you know that the speaker is not credible and have no logics behind his/her speeches?

Nice job Andrew

These articles are truly beneficial to my studies in Criminal Justice

That was a great post Andrew. Being a toastmaster myself and watching the speech again I would say your analysis is very insightful and provides actionable steps to be used in a speech or even meetings and other speaking engagements. I’ve recently wrote a post about Life Lessons that you can derive from his speech and did mentioned your analysis of the speech. You can read it on my blog http://sumo.ly/afaP

Thanks Andrew for introducing such important pillars to learn, can’t wait to read more of your articles for better understanding to exercise.

The most important one is ETHOS because,if you can not display your talent or deliver your message in such a way that your audiences are convinced;you can not gain any respect or high esteem from them.This means you have to show your credibility in your speech through references and quotes of other scholars to effect behavioral change.I AM A PG STUDENT OF SBCC UNIVERSITY OF CALABAR NIGERIA.

Thanks. This site has really helped as i prepared for my CC2

Monica Mombasa, kenya

Watt is the three aspects of credibility? and watt is artistic proof ? I can not understand it!

I think that these are excellent tips because I have to give a speech and make a poster in ELA about a group that is being oppressed (my topic is LGBTQA).You have done a great job on descibing these three topics!

I think Pathos being that connection from sender to receiver or rather speaker to audience is sustained by Logos that logical argument and then gives way to Ethos credibility. That’s just my take on it.

very interesting I like the article he is very emotional and well put together nice.

I think it depends on your audience as well, and your message. I agree that all three are necessary at some point in the presentation to capture your audience attention and keep it throughout the entire presentation.

I believe that pathos is the most important. For example, the Gettysburg Address. There was so much emotion because many soldiers had just died. Ethos would be completely unhelpful in this speech, and logic doesn’t really work in the scenario either. No one wants to hear logic when their friends and family were just killed.

This article has all the required information, which i required for my persuasive presentation. In short it is an eye-opener. Thanks to the author of this article as well as my professor who recommends this article to me.

Recent Tweets

Ethos, Pathos, Logos: 3 Pillars of Public Speaking https://t.co/uAammoIYxr — @JastrzebskiJ Sep 27th, 2016
Ethos, Pathos, Logos: 3 Pillars of Public Speaking https://t.co/WpXWFuLRrz — @Rjones5236 Jan 29th, 2017
Ethos, Pathos, Logos: 3 Pillars of Public Speaking https://t.co/63xD1loFL4 by @6minutes — @MatteoCone Feb 23rd, 2017
Ethos, Pathos, Logos: 3 Pillars of Public Speaking https://t.co/zJv9Kj2slk by @6minutes — @ae_bellamaven May 22nd, 2017
Improve on your persuasion skills! Its an amazing concept #ethos #logos #pathos #DESMDM https://t.co/CxTLwTVZUE — @hvgalla Sep 19th, 2017
@VenkatSundar77 Not ethos, rather, pathos tends to move the needle. Here’s a quick link: https://t.co/g7IwbwGaEe — @sreedhari_desai Sep 26th, 2017
What I’m studying I my Principles of Public Speaking Class! https://t.co/FKDMx9rYEL — @Laedee Oct 18th, 2017
Absolutely essential in modern publics peaking: Ethos, Pathos, Logos: 3 Pillars of Public Speaking… https://t.co/Rtx6v81Kbv — @LucilleOssai Jul 1st, 2018
Ethos, Pathos, Logos: 3 Pillars of Public Speaking – https://t.co/YlOvKaWHOL — @hperezsegnini Aug 24th, 2018
Ethos, Pathos, Logos: 3 Pillars of Public Speaking https://t.co/EhEKCIL9St by @6minutes — @ChambeshiS Sep 21st, 2018

33 Blog Links

What is Ethos and Why is it Critical for Speakers? « Pillowtalk Toastmasters — Feb 1st, 2010

Persuasion a La Aristotle | Speaking Freely — Mar 13th, 2010

And politicians get it wrong… regularly… « Reinhardt’s Ramblings — Apr 12th, 2010

Content is king, but watch the queen… « Reinhardt’s Ramblings — May 4th, 2010

A Public Speaking Alphabet | Manner of Speaking — Sep 4th, 2010

Do your slides help? « Reinhardt’s Ramblings — Oct 25th, 2011

3 Rules of Public Speaking | jameskennedybeijing — Nov 3rd, 2011

11 Presentation Tips on 11/11/11 « Alex Rister — Nov 11th, 2011

Modes of Persuasion: Introduction to Ethos « Alex Rister — Dec 14th, 2011

Ethos, pathos, logos « RCM 401: Oral Rhetoric — Jan 4th, 2012

Let the Numbers Tell the Story | Geronimo Coaching Now — Jan 17th, 2012

Presentation Basics « Alex Rister — Feb 5th, 2012

3 Ways Writers can Persuade a Reader | STAGE WRITE with Lynne Gentry, Author — Feb 10th, 2012

Public speaking resources | RCM 300: Effective Professional Communication — Mar 13th, 2012

When Promoting Your Business, Are You Stretch Armstrong? - Simpson Speaks | Simpson Speaks — May 5th, 2012

Nationally Rhetorical | Agent3155 — May 12th, 2012

A Presentation’s Goal Is Not To Entertain « Creating Communication — May 27th, 2012

6 ways to make your messages “sticky” | Leanne W Smith — Aug 5th, 2012

Why don’t we think about non-verbal communication when we’re singing in church? | St. Eutychus — Aug 7th, 2012

Ethos, pathos, logos « convincingly — Aug 21st, 2012

Presentation in the workplace: Delivery | Leanne W Smith — Aug 23rd, 2012

Dumas pathos | Johnbyk — Sep 3rd, 2012

‘Ethos, Pathos, Logos: 3 Pillars of Public Speaking’ by Andrew Dlugan | Communication Weekly Newsletter — Sep 5th, 2012

3 Secrets to Influencing People [video] | Engaging Leader — Oct 12th, 2012

CON SỐ 3 HUYỀN DIỆU « Phung Huy EDU — Oct 21st, 2012

B2B STORYTELLING — Dec 12th, 2012

Best of 2012: My Favorite Things « Creating Communication — Dec 29th, 2012

Six Minutes to the Rescue: Audience Analysis 101 | Tweak Your Slides — Jan 26th, 2013

Reflections on Teaching » Blog Archive » Week 19 2013: Public Speaking — Feb 5th, 2013

What Is Your Ethos Building Story? : Spectacular Speaking Antwerp — Feb 25th, 2013

Logos, Pathos, Ethos – What is More Important? Why? | zachtok — Mar 7th, 2013

The rhetorical triangle updated | Speak for Yourself — May 5th, 2013

Teaching and Learning Persuasion | Creating Communication — May 22nd, 2013

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Ethos, Logos, Pathos for Persuasion

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You may be surprised to learn that much of your life consists of constructing arguments. If you ever plead a case to your parents—in order to extend your curfew or to get a new gadget, for example—you are using persuasive strategies. When you discuss music with friends and agree or disagree with them about the merits of one singer compared to another, you are also using strategies for persuasion.

Indeed, when you engage in these "arguments" with your parents and friends, you are instinctively using ancient strategies for persuasion that were identified by the Greek philosopher Aristotle a few thousand years ago. Aristotle called his ingredients for persuasion pathos , logos , and ethos .

Persuasion Tactics and Homework

When you write a research paper , write a speech , or participate in a debate , you also use the persuasion strategies mentioned above. You come up with an idea (a thesis) and then construct an argument to convince readers that your idea is sound.

You should become familiar with pathos, logos, and ethos for two reasons: First, you need to develop your own skills at crafting a good argument so that others will take you seriously. Second, you must develop the ability to identify a really weak argument, stance, claim, or position when you see or hear it.

Logos Defined

Logos refers to an appeal to reason based on logic. Logical conclusions come from assumptions and decisions derived from weighing a collection of solid facts and statistics . Academic arguments (research papers) rely on logos.

An example of an argument that relies on logos is the argument that smoking is harmful based on the evidence that, "When burned, cigarettes create more than 7,000 chemicals. At least 69 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer, and many are toxic," according to the American Lung Association. Notice that the statement above uses specific numbers. Numbers are sound and logical.

An everyday example of an appeal to logos is the argument that Lady Gaga is more popular than Justin Bieber because Gaga's fan pages collected 10 million more Facebook fans than Bieber's. As a researcher, your job is to find statistics and other facts to back up your claims. When you do this, you are appealing to your audience with logic or logos.

Ethos Defined

Trustworthiness is important in research. You must trust your sources, and your readers must trust you. The example above concerning logos contained two examples that were based on hard facts (numbers). However, one example comes from the American Lung Association. The other comes from Facebook fan pages. You should ask yourself: Which of these sources do you suppose is more credible?

Anyone can start a Facebook page. Lady Gaga may have 50 different fan pages, and each page may contain duplicate "fans." The fan page argument is probably not very sound (even though it seems logical). Ethos refers to the credibility of the person posing the argument or stating the facts.

The facts provided by the American Lung Association are probably more persuasive than those provided by fan pages since the American Lung Association has been around for more than 100 years. At first glance, you might think that your own credibility is out of your control when it comes to posing academic arguments, but that is incorrect.

Even if you write an academic paper on a topic that is outside your area of expertise, you can improve your credibility—using ethos to persuade—by coming across as a professional by citing credible sources and making your writing error-free and concise.

Pathos Defined

Pathos refers to appealing to a person by influencing his emotions. Pathos is involved in the strategy of convincing the audience by invoking feelings through their own imaginations. You appeal through pathos when you try to convince your parents of something. Consider this statement:

"Mom, there is clear evidence that cellphones save lives in emergency situations."

While that statement is true, the real power lies in the emotions that you will likely invoke in your parents. What mother wouldn't envision a broken-down automobile perched by the side of a busy highway upon hearing that statement?

Emotional appeals are extremely effective, but they can be tricky. There may or may not be a place for pathos in your research paper . For example, you may be writing an argumentative essay about the death penalty.

Ideally, your paper should contain a logical argument. You should appeal to logos by including statics to support your view such as data that suggests that the death penalty does/does not cut down on crime (there's plenty of research both ways).

Use Appeals to Emotion Sparingly

You may also use pathos by interviewing someone who witnessed an execution (on the anti-death penalty side) or someone who found closure when a criminal was executed (on the pro-death penalty side). Generally, however, academic papers should employ appeals to emotions sparingly. A long paper that is purely based on emotions is not considered very professional.

Even when you are writing about an emotionally charged, controversial issue like the death penalty, you can't write a paper that is all emotion and opinion. The teacher, in that circumstance, will likely assign a failing grade because you haven't provided a sound (logical) argument.

  • “ What's In a Cigarette? ”  American Lung Association,
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  • Logos (Rhetoric)
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  • Pathos in Rhetoric
  • Artistic Proofs: Definitions and Examples
  • Definition and Examples of Ethos in Classical Rhetoric
  • What Is a Rhetorical Device? Definition, List, Examples
  • Persuasion and Rhetorical Definition
  • What is an Appeal in Rhetoric?
  • An Introduction to Academic Writing
  • AP English Exam: 101 Key Terms
  • How to Write a Persuasive Essay
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Persuasive Speeches — Types, Topics, and Examples

What is a persuasive speech.

In a persuasive speech, the speaker aims to convince the audience to accept a particular perspective on a person, place, object, idea, etc. The speaker strives to cause the audience to accept the point of view presented in the speech.

The success of a persuasive speech often relies on the speaker’s use of ethos, pathos, and logos.

Success of a persuasive speech

Ethos is the speaker’s credibility. Audiences are more likely to accept an argument if they find the speaker trustworthy. To establish credibility during a persuasive speech, speakers can do the following:

Use familiar language.

Select examples that connect to the specific audience.

Utilize credible and well-known sources.

Logically structure the speech in an audience-friendly way.

Use appropriate eye contact, volume, pacing, and inflection.

Pathos appeals to the audience’s emotions. Speakers who create an emotional bond with their audience are typically more convincing. Tapping into the audience’s emotions can be accomplished through the following:

Select evidence that can elicit an emotional response.

Use emotionally-charged words. (The city has a problem … vs. The city has a disease …)

Incorporate analogies and metaphors that connect to a specific emotion to draw a parallel between the reference and topic.

Utilize vivid imagery and sensory words, allowing the audience to visualize the information.

Employ an appropriate tone, inflection, and pace to reflect the emotion.

Logos appeals to the audience’s logic by offering supporting evidence. Speakers can improve their logical appeal in the following ways:

Use comprehensive evidence the audience can understand.

Confirm the evidence logically supports the argument’s claims and stems from credible sources.

Ensure that evidence is specific and avoid any vague or questionable information.

Types of persuasive speeches

The three main types of persuasive speeches are factual, value, and policy.

Types of persuasive speeches

A factual persuasive speech focuses solely on factual information to prove the existence or absence of something through substantial proof. This is the only type of persuasive speech that exclusively uses objective information rather than subjective. As such, the argument does not rely on the speaker’s interpretation of the information. Essentially, a factual persuasive speech includes historical controversy, a question of current existence, or a prediction:

Historical controversy concerns whether an event happened or whether an object actually existed.

Questions of current existence involve the knowledge that something is currently happening.

Predictions incorporate the analysis of patterns to convince the audience that an event will happen again.

A value persuasive speech concerns the morality of a certain topic. Speakers incorporate facts within these speeches; however, the speaker’s interpretation of those facts creates the argument. These speeches are highly subjective, so the argument cannot be proven to be absolutely true or false.

A policy persuasive speech centers around the speaker’s support or rejection of a public policy, rule, or law. Much like a value speech, speakers provide evidence supporting their viewpoint; however, they provide subjective conclusions based on the facts they provide.

How to write a persuasive speech

Incorporate the following steps when writing a persuasive speech:

Step 1 – Identify the type of persuasive speech (factual, value, or policy) that will help accomplish the goal of the presentation.

Step 2 – Select a good persuasive speech topic to accomplish the goal and choose a position .

How to write a persuasive speech

Step 3 – Locate credible and reliable sources and identify evidence in support of the topic/position. Revisit Step 2 if there is a lack of relevant resources.

Step 4 – Identify the audience and understand their baseline attitude about the topic.

Step 5 – When constructing an introduction , keep the following questions in mind:

What’s the topic of the speech?

What’s the occasion?

Who’s the audience?

What’s the purpose of the speech?

Step 6 – Utilize the evidence within the previously identified sources to construct the body of the speech. Keeping the audience in mind, determine which pieces of evidence can best help develop the argument. Discuss each point in detail, allowing the audience to understand how the facts support the perspective.

Step 7 – Addressing counterarguments can help speakers build their credibility, as it highlights their breadth of knowledge.

Step 8 – Conclude the speech with an overview of the central purpose and how the main ideas identified in the body support the overall argument.

How to write a persuasive speech

Persuasive speech outline

One of the best ways to prepare a great persuasive speech is by using an outline. When structuring an outline, include an introduction, body, and conclusion:


Attention Grabbers

Ask a question that allows the audience to respond in a non-verbal way; ask a rhetorical question that makes the audience think of the topic without requiring a response.

Incorporate a well-known quote that introduces the topic. Using the words of a celebrated individual gives credibility and authority to the information in the speech.

Offer a startling statement or information about the topic, typically done using data or statistics.

Provide a brief anecdote or story that relates to the topic.

Starting a speech with a humorous statement often makes the audience more comfortable with the speaker.

Provide information on how the selected topic may impact the audience .

Include any background information pertinent to the topic that the audience needs to know to understand the speech in its entirety.

Give the thesis statement in connection to the main topic and identify the main ideas that will help accomplish the central purpose.

Identify evidence

Summarize its meaning

Explain how it helps prove the support/main claim

Evidence 3 (Continue as needed)

Support 3 (Continue as needed)

Restate thesis

Review main supports

Concluding statement

Give the audience a call to action to do something specific.

Identify the overall importan ce of the topic and position.

Persuasive speech topics

The following table identifies some common or interesting persuasive speech topics for high school and college students:

Persuasive speech topics
Benefits of healthy foods Animal testing Affirmative action
Cell phone use while driving Arts in education Credit cards
Climate change Capital punishment/death penalty Fossil fuels
Extinction of the dinosaurs Community service Fracking
Extraterrestrial life Fast food & obesity Global warming
Gun violence Human cloning Gun control
Increase in poverty Influence of social media Mental health/health care
Moon landing Paying college athletes Minimum wage
Pandemics Screen time for young children Renewable energy
Voting rights Violent video games School choice/private vs. public schools vs. homeschooling
World hunger Zoos & exotic animals School uniforms

Persuasive speech examples

The following list identifies some of history’s most famous persuasive speeches:

John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address: “Ask Not What Your Country Can Do for You”

Lyndon B. Johnson: “We Shall Overcome”

Marc Antony: “Friends, Romans, Countrymen…” in William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar

Ronald Reagan: “Tear Down this Wall”

Sojourner Truth: “Ain’t I a Woman?”

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The art of persuasive speech: How to speak with confidence

Art of persuasive speech how to speak with confidence header|Rhetorical Triangle overview graphic|Duarte Story Map overview graphic|Duarte Big Idea overview graphic

Phoebe Perelman

The spoken word is a catalyst for change. From the boardroom, to the newsroom, to the courtroom, to the dining room – words are used not only to inform, but to influence. Every speech you give and conversation you have are opportunities to shape the world around you. In our inundated information economy, the value of your ideas is determined by your ability to persuade.

What is a persuasive speech?

A persuasive speech is a form of communication intended to influence the beliefs, attitudes, and actions of others. Whether you’re an L&D leader shaping organizational culture, a sales manager overseeing a team, or a social media strategist responsible for justifying ad spend, persuasive speaking is an integral part of your job description.

I’m sure you can think of some prime persuasive speech examples. Maybe Martin Luther King, Jr.’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech comes to mind. Or Al Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Truth.’ Or maybe that time your daughter tried to convince you to adopt a ferret.

Persuasive speeches come in many forms, but some persuasive speeches move masses (or result in new family mascots), while others don’t make a dent. Why?

Why your persuasive speaking might not be working

If you’ve ever failed to foster organizational change, close a deal, or motivate a team, you may be thinking more about what you want to say than what the audience needs to hear. We’ve all been there! But in order to persuade people, you first need to understand them.

Reason #1: Not studying your audience

Put yourself in the audience members’ shoes by answering the following questions:

  • Who are they?
  • What do they do?
  • What do they dream of?
  • What keeps them lying awake at night?
  • How will your idea, product, or point of view benefit them or solve a problem they care about?
  • What are their existing feelings and beliefs about the topic at hand?

By considering what they care about, you can determine the type of content they’ll resonate with. And by acknowledging their resistance points, you can prepare to address any counterarguments or rebuttals.

Reason #2: Not using enough data

Another common pitfall we see is when speakers lean too heavily into emotional content without including any supporting evidence. Your argument will stall quickly if there’s no research, data, or other qualitative and quantitative metrics to back up your Big Idea™.

Reason #3: Not communicating your data well

On the opposite spectrum, speakers can also lean too heavily into logical content, relying solely on facts and figures with no story. “ Data doesn’t speak for itselfe , it needs a good storyteller,” says Nancy Duarte, CEO of Duarte Inc. “The findings [from the data] can stay buried without the help of a communicator.”

Neither instance is ideal. Persuasive speeches and presentations alike require a rhetorical juggling act with three specific elements.

You can learn more about this in our best-selling workshop, Duarte DataStory®. It was specifically designed to help professionals in data-intense roles learn how to communicate better, and tell stories through their data, to win buy-in.

How do you craft a persuasive speech?

Persuasive speeches need three imperative components. And these three persuasive speaking components have held true for over 2,000 years. We all have Aristotle to thank for this timeless wisdom. They are ethos, pathos, and logos, and we’ll go into why they are needed when you begin to structure your persuasive speech.


3 components of a persuasive speech structure

Make sure your persuasive speech structure includes some aspect of the three below elements. They are a huge tool for ensuring your persuasive presentation is a success.

Ethos: Establishing credibility

Establishing credibility as a speaker is crucial to winning over an audience. After all, would you take advice from a doctor who hadn’t gone through medical school? I think not. People are more likely to listen to someone they perceive as:

  • Knowledgeable
  • Trustworthy
  • And ethical

You can establish credibility by demonstrating confidence, conveying your expertise, and sharing relevant experience (in a humble, non-braggy way of course).

Pathos: Emotional appeal

One of the most effective persuasive strategies is tapping into the emotions of your audience. We can learn a lot about emotional appeal by looking at advertisements. Companies aren’t just selling a product – they’re selling a feeling, or a better state of being. Cars become calls to adventure, clothing becomes a boost of confidence, and software becomes a time-saver. These outcomes are illustrated through stories, metaphors, and vivid language or imagery. The same tactics can be incorporated into a persuasive speech.

Logos: Logical appeal

No matter how trustworthy you seem, or how compelling your stories are, most people need tangible proof. That’s why concrete evidence is essential to any speech or presentation. Include facts, statistics, customer examples, and expert validation to bolster your claims and enhance the credibility of your message.

As I said above, it’s important to cover your bases and include elements of all three persuasive appeals when outlining your main messages. Speaking of outlines…

How to use a persuasive speech outline

Now that you have your three components for your persuasive speech structure, it’s time to make your persuasive speech outline.

Step 1. Identify your Big Idea™

Start by determining a Big Idea™ for your talk. What is the main point you want the audience to walk away with? This will serve as a thesis of sorts.


Step 2: Compile content to validate your Big Idea™

Next, determine what key messages you need to make to validate your Big Idea™. These may include problems, solutions, topics, specific events, periods in time, etc. You can then start to organize these messages into chapters.


Step 3: Gather supporting points

Once you’ve defined your chapters, you can add supporting points. Those are your stats, quotes, stories, use cases, metaphors, personal anecdotes, etc.

Step 4: Read it back and fill in gaps

Your outline is probably looking good by now, but you’re not quite done. Review your outline out loud to see how it transitions from one point to the next. This is your chance to rearrange and reconsider your content. Ask yourself:

  • Does my outline address the audience-specific questions posed earlier?
  • Have I incorporated every side of the rhetorical triangle?
  • Does it flow?
  • Am I using contrast to keep my audience engaged?

Once you feel good about the messy middle of your presentation, start to brainstorm a captivating hook and compelling call to action.

Step 5: Determine your visual aids for your persuasive speech

Visual aids come in all shapes and sizes. Depending on your audience size, goals, and intent, there are a multitude of options when it comes to selecting the right visual aid for your persuasive speech. We’ve covered the topic of how to choose the right visual aid for your speech, so let’s assume is a presentation (our specialty!)

What is a persuasive presentation?

A persuasive presentation is when you choose to deliver your persuasive speech with the use of a digital presentation deck. This is typically done with slide presentation software, and they usually have helpful features like speaker notes or slide templates to help you tell your story in a visually appealing way.

Presentations offer something that speeches don’t: visuals. Visuals enhance your ability to elicit emotion and provide supporting evidence.

The most persuasive slides are simple, easy to understand, and complementary to your verbal message. So, keep your main message in mind, stick to one idea per slide, and make sure your slides can pass the Glance Test™.

Want more info on slide design principles? Allow me to save you some reading time by directing you to our on-demand webinar: Designing slides and visual aids that pop.

What is a call-to-action speech?

If you don’t intend to move someone with your persuasive presentation, then you might as well send an email. A call-to-action speech is the same as a persuasive speech. It should move your audience into action through the art of persuasion.

At Duarte, we believe that every speech is a persuasive speech, and no persuasive speech is complete without a call to action. A call to action is a directive for the audience based on your end goal. What do you want to achieve with this talk and what do you want the audience to do to help you achieve that goal?

  • Champion your brand?
  • Complete a training course??
  • Schedule a second sales conversation?

A call-to-action could also involve changing belief systems or getting the audience to adopt a new point of view. Maybe you don’t need them to act on something, but instead to feel differently about a person, product, or process.

Before developing your CTA, ask yourself: “who are they when they walk in the room, and who do I want them to be when they leave the room?”

What qualities do you need to improve your persuasive communication?

Persuasive speaking involves more than just content. You could have the most robust, audience-centric script, but without public speaking prowess, your efforts will go to waste. The way you deliver your speech or presentation has everything to do with the likelihood of influencing an audience. Capturing and holding an audience’s attention requires a certain type of stage presence. Fortunately, you don’t need to be born with uncanny charisma – you can learn how to leverage your voice and speak with confidence.

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The best way to nail your persuasive speech is with Duarte

There’s a lot that goes into persuasive speaking. And that tracks – it’s not easy to change people’s actions and beliefs! The content you choose, the visuals you use, and the way you deliver all play a role in persuasion. And more often than not, it’s helpful to seek an outside perspective to pressure test your persuasive speech.

Duarte works with the world’s biggest brands to develop persuasive stories and visuals that have won countless hearts and minds. From CEOs giving their keynotes to thousands, to product marketers getting their go-to-market product launches just right, we can help!

So, if you’re prepping for a main-stage or career-defining event where you need to influence an outcome, consider working with a persuasive expert from our agency.

If you’re confident in your content, but not in your persuasive stage presence, hone in on delivery by working with a speaker coach.

Or, if you don’t have a specific persuasive presentation to prepare for, but want to learn how to shape ideas into persuasive narratives, you can enroll in a public speaking and presentation skills course like Resonate® that will teach you how to:

  • Analyze your audience so you can deliver value, even when they resist
  • Clarify the core of your idea
  • Create supporting content with the story structure used by history’s greatest communicators
  • Distill and communicate complex ideas with clarity

And that concludes the persuasive speaking basics. Let’s recap. The best way to prepare for persuasive speaking opportunities is to:

  • Think audience-first
  • Consider counterarguments
  • Incorporate ethos, logos, and pathos
  • Use an outline
  • Craft a clear call to action
  • Add visuals if possible
  • Refine your delivery
  • Pressure test with an external perspective (like ours)

Put these tactics to the test before your next persuasive speech and see just how influential you can be.

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  • Corpus ID: 270605270

Persuasive Through Ethos, Logos, and Pathos in BTS' Speech at The White House

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    3 components of a persuasive speech structure. Make sure your persuasive speech structure includes some aspect of the three below elements. They are a huge tool for ensuring your persuasive presentation is a success. Ethos: Establishing credibility. Establishing credibility as a speaker is crucial to winning over an audience.

  23. What Is Ethos?

    Ethos is a persuasive technique in which individuals rely on their credibility or character to sway others. When someone comes across as trustworthy, we are receptive to their message. Due to this, speakers and writers strive to impress upon us that they have authority on the subject matter and sincerity and, therefore, are worth listening to.

  24. Persuasive Through Ethos, Logos, and Pathos in BTS' Speech at The White

    The purpose of this study is to analyze BTS' speech regarding racial issues towards Asians at The White House from the perspective of Rhetorical theory using the elements of ethos, logos, and pathos. The speech reflected the reality of racism towards Asian ethnic groups, as well as a solution to end this problem by fighting racism at all levels ...