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Essay About Courage: Top 5 Examples and 6 Prompts 

Courage covers a range of topics and meanings. Here are examples and prompts to help you write your essay about courage .

Many believe bravery and courage mean the same thing and even use them interchangeably. However, though both describe heroic acts, they are not the same. Where bravery is the lack of fear, courage is taking action despite it. 

Some argue that courage takes more strength because it means sharing your story even though you may be ridiculed, rejected, and misunderstood. It takes courage to admit when you’re hurt or feel lost, vulnerable, and need help. 

If you’re having problems channeling and describing what courage is, here are examples that will assist you in connecting with this subject:

1. My Opinion About Courage by Gary Collins

2. moral courage by fernando wood, 3. courage by benjamin patrick, 4. the importance of courage by saloni, 5. essay on courage by manasi shewale, 1. what does courage mean to you, 2. your most courageous act, 3. a courageous hero, 4. things you are most afraid of, 5. what creates doubt, 6. a time when you failed to show courage and regretted it.

“And even then, she had no grudge against the world. She doesn’t think the world owes her. She never takes money or even grains that she hasn’t earned.”

In this essay, Collins shares his experience with courage through someone named Sunita. Sunita told Collins about her life and what made her who she is. Such as at a very young age, she fought to support herself because no one would have done that for her, and many other tales. 

Her stories made Collins realize how lucky he is and how he should be grateful for the many opportunities that come his way without the need to suffer as she did. He also includes that Sunita lives on to inspire others with her courage .

Check out these essays about beliefs .

“Moral courage is standing up for values such as honesty, fairness, compassion, respect, and responsibility but just having these values are not enough we have to try to put them into practice, and we have to commit to moral principles as well…”

Moral courage is doing what’s right and following what your conscience dictates. Wood has three significant elements of moral courage : principle , endurance, and danger.

He explains moral courage through Geoge Norris, Nelson Mandela, and Malala Youssafzai. These people took risks even if their lives were in danger to follow their conscience and do the right things. Wood instills that moral courage is essential in making a critical move, especially when choosing the greater good.

“ Courage is the only thing that gets us through the hard times, and the tempting opportunities. Courage is vital to the evolution of the human population. It is also an essential quality to becoming a successful person.”

Patrick discusses how courage helps a person succeed in life. He mentions that we all have courage , but some use it differently than others.

He gives an example of a girl who plays hockey, where the other members are all boys. They looked down on her because of her gender. But instead of giving up, she took it as a challenge and courageously showed them she could play at their level. She became friends with most of the team, but there was one boy who kept on bullying her. The boy misused his courage , but the girl used her courage to fight him off.

“ Courage is mental and moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. It is the firmness of mind and will in the face of danger or extreme difficulty.”

Saloni’s essay shows two kinds of courage : physical and moral. People who depend on physical strength show physical courage . They can protect and help others. If a person is weak, they are not physically courageous. 

On the other hand, one’s honesty connects to their moral courage . They are the ones with convictions and don’t support evil works. Even if you are a weak person, you can still be morally courageous. Unfortunately, this courage is rare nowadays because people are afraid of being attacked mentally and emotionally. To be morally courageous means to be a fighter to go against wrong-doings.

“It is very difficult to keep up your morals and therefore, gather up the necessary courage to fight against the wrong situations. Therefore, in today’s date, it is even rarer to find a person with the proper morals required to live a satisfactory life.”

Shewale shares little acts of courage in our everyday lives – such as a girl who loves to dance but is afraid of the stage or a person who’s readying themselves for a job interview. Courage is not only shown in grand scenes but in small acts that help us survive our daily lives.

The author further discusses events where courage helps in more controversial fields, such as injustices to farmers and students’ bullying. 

If you want to upgrade your writing style, check out these top essay writing tips to level up your essay.

6 Prompts on Essay About Courage

After reading relevant examples in essays about courage , it’s now your turn to try your hand at creating one. Below are prompts that can guide you in your essay writing:

There is no one definition of courage . It differs from each individual, and its meaning is affected by our experiences and knowledge. In this prompt, share the word “ courage ” and discuss what courage means to you. When do you feel courageous, and why? Then, describe personal experiences of being courageous or stories of courageous people who inspire you.

Think about a time when you were courageous. Create an essay based on this event and describe in detail what happened. Convey your thoughts and feelings, and show why you were courageous. 

Essay About Courage: A Courageous Hero

Write an essay about a hero in your life. This could be a celebrity you admire, a relative or friend, or a teacher in school. Describe why this person is courageous, why you look up to them, and how they inspire you. Make sure to include fine details of their personality and how they act. This will make for an exciting and compelling essay.

The first step to being courageous is acknowledging you are afraid. Then, to get your fears out of the way, you need to identify what and why they exist. This prompt lets you connect with your readers who have the same worries. 

For example, you can share that you’re afraid of rejection, being alone, etc. Then, discuss why and what you plan to do to overcome them. You can also write about how you plan to be courageous while still afraid.

Our greatest challenge to succeeding in something is doubting ourselves. When we doubt ourselves, we start to think of all the things that can go wrong. So we show our courage by being afraid of these negative consequences but still trying and hoping for a good result. 

Share an experience when you still tried, even when you’re unsure. It doesn’t need to have the best ending. You only have to prove that it’s better to try and fail than fail without trying at all. 

There will always be times when we desperately want to be more courageous but fail to do so due to various factors. Write about that experience , share your feelings, and what you’ll do if you have the chance to repeat that situation. 

Do you want to write about another topic aside from courage ? Check out this list of best writing topics for students !


Essay on Personal Courage

Students are often asked to write an essay on Personal Courage in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Personal Courage

What is personal courage.

Personal courage is being brave in the face of fear. It’s about doing the right thing, even when it’s hard. Imagine standing up to a bully or speaking in front of a class. It takes guts to face challenges and not run away.

Types of Courage

There are many kinds of courage. Physical courage is about risking your safety. Moral courage means standing up for your beliefs. Emotional courage involves sharing your feelings, even if you might get hurt.

Why It Matters

Courage is important because it helps us grow. When we are brave, we can make new friends, learn new things, and become stronger inside. It’s like a muscle that gets better the more you use it.

Examples in Everyday Life

You show courage when you try new foods, ask a question in class, or help someone who is in trouble. It’s not just for superheroes; it’s for everyone, every day.

Building Personal Courage

250 words essay on personal courage.

Personal courage is the strength to face fear, pain, or challenges. It’s like being a superhero in real life, but instead of fighting bad guys, you’re battling your own fears. It’s not about being fearless, but about choosing to move forward even when you’re scared.

Types of Personal Courage

There are two main types: physical and moral. Physical courage means you can stand up to physical pain or danger, like defending a friend in trouble. Moral courage is standing up for what’s right, like speaking the truth even when it’s not easy.

Why is it Important?

Courage is key to growing up. It helps us try new things, like making a new friend or learning to swim. It also helps us stand up for ourselves and others. With courage, we can face bullies or admit when we’ve made a mistake.

How to Build Courage

Building courage takes practice. It’s like a muscle that gets stronger the more you use it. You can start with small challenges, like asking a question in class. Each time you face a fear and overcome it, you become a little braver.

In conclusion, personal courage is a special power we all have inside us. It helps us face tough times and do the right thing. Remember, being courageous doesn’t mean you aren’t afraid; it means you’re brave enough to go on despite the fear.

500 Words Essay on Personal Courage

Courage comes in many forms. Sometimes it’s doing something big, like moving to a new city. Other times, it’s small, like asking a question in class. Physical courage is when you might get hurt, like falling off a bike. Moral courage is when you stand up for what’s right, like telling the truth even if it gets you in trouble.

Why Is It Important?

Being brave helps us grow. When you try new things, you learn and become stronger. It’s like a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it gets. Courage also helps us to be good friends and family members. When we stand up for others, we show that we care and are willing to protect them.

Stories of Courage

You can become more courageous. Start with small steps. If you’re afraid of talking to new people, start by just saying “hi” to someone. Keep practicing, and soon, you’ll be having full conversations. Remember, it’s okay to be scared. Everyone is scared sometimes. The key is to not let fear stop you.

Personal Courage in Everyday Life

You don’t have to fight dragons to be brave. Personal courage is also about standing up to bullies, trying a food you’ve never eaten before, or admitting when you’ve made a mistake. It’s about being honest with yourself and others.

Encouraging Others

Personal courage is a special kind of bravery that everyone has inside them. It’s about facing your fears, big or small, and doing the right thing even when it’s hard. By being brave, we learn, grow, and can help others. Remember, it’s okay to start small, and with each brave step, you’ll become more courageous. So, next time you’re feeling a little scared, take a deep breath, and remember that you have the power to be brave.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

Happy studying!

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what is courage for me essay

Melanie Greenberg Ph.D.

The Six Attributes of Courage

Quotes and exercises to help you be your best and bravest self..

Posted August 23, 2012 | Reviewed by Devon Frye

  • Courage is not just physical bravery; it can also mean speaking out against injustice, for example, or taking a financial risk to follow a dream.
  • Courage also means feeling afraid, yet choosing to act anyway.
  • Reflecting on one's past displays of courage can help summon more courage for the present.

Courage is something that everybody wants—an attribute of good character that makes us worthy of respect. From the Bible to fairy tales; ancient myths to Hollywood movies, our culture is rich with exemplary tales of bravery and self-sacrifice for the greater good. From the cowardly lion in The Wizard of Oz who finds the courage to face the witch, to David battling Goliath in the Bible, to Star Wars and Harry Potte r, children are raised on a diet of heroic and inspirational tales.

Yet courage is not just physical bravery. History books tell colorful tales of social activists, such as Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela, who chose to speak out against injustice at great personal risk. Entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs and Walt Disney, who took financial risks to follow their dreams and innovate, are like modern-day knights, exemplifying the rewards and public accolades that courage can bring.

There are different types of courage, ranging from physical strength and endurance to mental stamina and innovation . The below quotes demonstrate six different ways in which we define courage. Which are most relevant to you? In the last section, I present an exercise to help you define and harness your own courage.

1. Feeling Fear Yet Choosing to Act

“Bran thought about it. 'Can a man still be brave if he's afraid?' 'That is the only time a man can be brave,' his father told him.” —George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones

" Fear and courage are brothers." —Proverb

"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear." —Nelson Mandela

"There is no living thing that is not afraid when it faces danger. The true courage is in facing danger when you are afraid." —L.Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

"Being terrified but going ahead and doing what must be done—that's courage. The one who feels no fear is a fool, and the one who lets fear rule him is a coward." —Piers Anthony

"Courage is about doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared. Have the courage to act instead of react." —Oliver Wendell Holmes

2. Following Your Heart

“Passion is what drives us crazy, what makes us do extraordinary things, to discover, to challenge ourselves. Passion is and should always be the heart of courage.” —Midori Komatsu

"And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition . They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” —Steve Jobs, Stanford commencement speech, June 2005

"To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily. To not dare is to lose oneself."
 —Soren Kierkegaard

“It takes endure the sharp pains of self discovery rather than choose to take the dull pain of unconsciousness that would last the rest of our lives.” —Marianne Williamson, "Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of 'A Course in Miracles'"

3. Persevering in the Face of Adversity

"When we are afraid, we ought not to occupy ourselves with endeavoring to prove that there is no danger, but in strengthening ourselves to go on in spite of the danger." —Mark Rutherford

"A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer." —Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

"Most of our obstacles would melt away if, instead of cowering before them, we should make up our minds to walk boldly through them." —Orison Swett Marden (1850-1924)

"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, 'I'll try again tomorrow.'" —Mary Anne Radmacher

what is courage for me essay

“'Go back?' he thought. 'No good at all! Go sideways? Impossible! Go forward? Only thing to do! On we go!' So up he got, and trotted along with his little sword held in front of him and one hand feeling the wall, and his heart all of a patter and a pitter.” —J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

“It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.” —Mark Twain

4. Standing Up for What Is Right

"Sometimes standing against evil is more important than defeating it. The greatest heroes stand because it is right to do so, not because they believe they will walk away with their lives. Such selfless courage is a victory in itself." —N.D. Wilson, Dandelion Fire

"Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes." —Maggie Kuhn, social activist

"From caring comes courage." —Lao Tzu

" Anger is the prelude to courage." —Eric Hoffer

5. Expanding Your Horizons; Letting Go of the Familiar

"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore." —Lord Chesterfield

“This world demands the qualities of youth; not a time of life but a state of mind, a temper of the will, a quality of the imagination , a predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the life of ease.” —Robert F. Kennedy

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." —Anais Nin

6. Facing Suffering With Dignity or Faith

“There is no need to be ashamed of tears, for tears bear witness that a man has the greatest of courage, the courage to suffer.” —Viktor Frankl

"The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances." —Aristotle

"Until the day of his death, no man can be sure of his courage." —Jean Anoulh

"A man of courage is also full of faith." —Marcus Tullius Cicero

Courage-Building Exercise

For this exercise, you will need a notebook and pen, as well as a quiet, uninterrupted space in which you can reflect. Beginning with the first definition of courage—"feeling afraid yet choosing to act"—answer the following questions:

Think of a situation as an adult when you felt afraid, yet chose to face your fear.

  • What did you observe, think, and feel at the time? (e.g., "I saw the rollercoaster and felt butterflies in my stomach")
  • What did you or the people around you say, think, and do to help you face your fear? (e.g., "I told myself that if little kids could go on it, so could I")
  • At what point did your fear start to go down? How did you feel afterwards?
  • Now, think back on a situation in childhood in which you faced your fear. How was it the same or different than the first situation?
  • Finally, think of a situation you are currently facing that creates fear or anxiety . What are you most afraid of? (e.g., being fired if I ask my boss for a raise)
  • Now, is there a way to apply the same skills you used in the two earlier situations to be more courageous in this situation? Remind yourself that you have these skills and have used them successfully in the past. What mental or environmental barriers stand in the way of using these skills? How can you cope with or get rid of these barriers?

Repeat this exercise over the course of a week, using each definition of courage above. On Day 7, come up with your own definition of courage that is most meaningful to you and repeat the whole exercise using this definition.

Melanie Greenberg Ph.D.

Melanie Greenberg, Ph.D. , is a licensed clinical psychologist and life coach practicing internationally via distance technologies. She is a former professor, national speaker, and the author of The Stress Proof Brain .

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Global Peace Careers

5 Inspiring Essays on Courage

Courage is a value held in high regard. There are countless quotes and explanations of what “courage” is. Some believe it’s the same as being fearless, while others say that courage is doing the right thing even if you’re afraid. Brene Brown says that “You can choose courage, or you can choose comfort, but you can’t choose both.” Courage is about stepping outside of what’s familiar and comfortable. Here are five essays exploring what courage looks like:

“The Gift and Power of Emotional Courage” (2017) – Susan David

While technically not an essay, the transcript from this 2017 TEDTalk (and the speech itself) is a powerful exploration of emotional courage. Dr. Susan David, who lost her father when she was 15, describes how she dealt with grief. Societies often encourage people to suppress these types of emotions. She talks about a “radical acceptance” of every emotion, even the hard ones, and how this acceptance is necessary for true happiness. This acceptance isn’t easy. It takes courage. She has an especially poignant way of describing courage: she calls it “fear walking.”

Dr. Susan David is a world-leading management thinker and Harvard Medical School psychologist. She’s also an author and contributor to publications like The Harvard Business Review, New York Times, and more. David lectures around the world for clients like the United Nations, Google, and the World Economic Forum.

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“Profile in Courage” (2004) – Dana Calvo

The photo of a single protester facing off a line of tanks is one of history’s most iconic images. In this essay from Smithsonian Magazine, readers learn the story behind it. In 1989, students from over three dozen universities gathered in Tiananmen Square to protest government corruption, joblessness, and attacks on free speech. The government declared martial law, sending tens of thousands of troops to the area. Violence erupted. Several hundred protesters were killed, thousands wounded. The story of the photograph, taken by 33-year old Jeff Widener of the Associated Press, is a story of courage.

Dana Calvo is a former national and foreign journalist. She now works in television.

“This Is A Crisis of Civil-Military Relations” (2020) – Eliot A. Cohen

In this piece, author Eliot Cohen examines what’s going on with military leadership in the age of the Trump administration. While these people are willing to “take a bullet” for America and take on responsibility for the “gravest decisions anyone can make,” they must now show a different kind of courage. Under President Trump’s leadership, the military brass must stand up and risk getting fired. While this essay describes a specific situation between two incredibly powerful branches of American society, it taps into the essence of courage. Courage comes with risks. It often requires people to risk something they didn’t anticipate losing.

Eliot A. Cohen is the dean of The John Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. He served as the Counselor of the Department of State from 2007-2009. A contributing writer at The Atlantic, he’s also the author of The Big Stick: The Limits of Soft Power and the Necessity of Military Force.

“How To Find and Practice Courage” (2020) – Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

This essay opens with a story of a CEO who went against shareholder advice to do what he believed was right, even as he feared the consequences. What gave him courage? Had it always been there under the surface? If you’re interested in brain science and the psychology behind courage, this is a great piece. At the end, it offers techniques on how to “practice courage,” such as going out of your comfort zone and taking care of your body when it’s afraid.

Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries is a psychoanalyst, management scholar, and executive coach. At INSEAD in France, Abu Dhabi, and Singapore , he is the Distinguished Clinical Professor of Leadership Development and Organizational Change. He wrote Down the Rabbit Hole of Leadership: Leadership Pathology in Everyday Life (2018).

“The Six Attributes of Courage” – Melanie Greenberg

What is courage? It’s something most people recognize when they see it, but there are different kinds of courage. In this essay, Dr. Greenberg briefly describes six defining characteristics of courage. She uses quotes from people like Nelson Mandela, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and others. Attributes include following your heart and letting go of what’s familiar and comfortable. The piece concludes with a courage-building exercise.

Dr. Melanie Greenberg is a psychologist, speaker, author, and coach. Her book The Stress-Proof Brain is an Amazon bestseller. She travels the world giving talks to non-profits, businesses, and professional organizations. Active on Twitter, she has been featured in media like CNN, Forbes, BBC Radio, and more.

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Courage Essay - Nuts and Bolts

By: Angelina Grin

Courage Essay - Nuts and Bolts

The Merriam-Webster dictionary gives the following definition of courage: it is mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. As if a fairly clear explanation, however, for many people this concept has different manifestations. Courage, bravery, boldness are synonymous words. They are associated with manifestations of human nature in any emergency situation, and sometimes in everyday life. That is why this topic is quite common for essays in high schools.

Courage Essay Example for You

Essay on courage: historical figures as the best example.

Our article will give you all the answers to the question of "How to write my essay on courage?"

Courage is a very important human trait. Some people think that brave people are exclusively soldiers, rescuers, firefighters and do not consider themselves as such. But I do not agree with this opinion, I believe that everyone can be courageous.

Courage, in my opinion, is a characteristic of a person that complements his boldness. Courageous people are not afraid of responsibility, do not shy away from actions, they have a sense of duty and will always come to the rescue. It may sound a little exaggerated and festive, but in everyday life, courage can be manifested in different ways.

You can often see students at school, having received bad grades, tearing pages from the diary, trying to hide this fact. But there are other students: they go home, show their parents the diary and are responsible for their grades. I can call these children courageous, because even such an act requires moral courage.

Someone will disagree with me and say that it is empty, that it is not the case at all. But everything in life starts small: the responsibility for evaluation in the future can lead to the responsibility for greater actions.

How to become courageous? You need to believe in yourself, look around and ask yourself the question "What can I do?". Maybe someone needs help? You do not have to go far - you can help your mother, grandmother. You can reach out to them for help on the first request, without referring to school workload or headaches. Furthermore, you can protect the weaker when the opportunity arises. You can confess to bad deeds and endure punishment. Courage comes from within and it begins with boldness.

As people grow older, each of their characteristics becomes stronger. Love - in relation to their own children, courage - in more important courageous act for society. One of the best examples of courage is Nelson Mandela. Mandela began his adult life as an underground resistance leader, grew up as a political prisoner, and became a symbol of his country's transition to a multinational and multiracial democracy when he became its president. He is a great example of a man with incredible moral strength. In addition to political victories, he committed other acts worthy of respect. After the death of his eldest son from AIDS, he struggled with the spread of the disease. Thus, he once again showed courage when he spoke publicly about this loss at a time when the topic of AIDS was almost taboo. Mandela died as a great man - in the eyes of many as great as his hero Gandhi, as a man who changed the country, using not the force of arms, but a moral example.

Courageous are the teachers who spend their nights checking our notebooks and putting all their best into us, courageous are the pilots of the planes that take to the skies every day. Doctors, saving people's lives every day, also show courage, because the decision to take this path already requires determination and courage. Salesmen, janitors, educators, police officers - all people in life at least once find themselves in a situation where they have to show courage.

Everyone is courageous in their own way, someone does their daily work without thinking about the fact that in someone's eyes he appears as a hero and a daredevil. You just have to look around and think about the surrounding people, and then you can be surprised: how different everyone is! How many brave and courageous people there are in the world!

The Best Tips for Writing a Courage Essay

The following tips guide students in the right direction when working on a courage essay.

  • Your essay will be a reflection on the concept of courage. So it is worth starting with the main thing - how do you understand this human virtue.
  • Argue your point in the body of the essay - give as many examples from life as possible. Have you met brave people? Where and under what circumstances did they show their courage? Think of examples from literature and movies - there are many worthy characters.
  • Finally, describe once again your vision of the concept of courage. In what it is shown most of all?
  • If you want to get high-quality homework help on the subject of courage, contact a good writing service. Professional authors will write you a unique essay, check it for plagiarism and provide an essay editing service.

Many plots of classical literature are devoted to brave people. It is literature that allows us not to forget about the great feats, many of which are based on real events. Even more examples of brave people exist in real life. Next, we will talk about people of great courage in history and literature, that you can use as an example in your essay.

  • Beowulf is a kind of ideal courageous hero. His battle with Grendel is an allegorical description of the warrior's struggle against evil in himself. He defeated Grendel, which means both evil in himself and his fears. This is a manifestation of true courage.
  • "Profiles in Courage" is a work written by John F. Kennedy, President of the United States, who died for his advanced views on the reconstruction of America and world relations. The 35th President of the United States remained in world memory as one of the country's brightest political figures. His tragic death continues to arouse genuine interest in the personality and views of the great man. The book was written by him personally long before his election to the presidency. This is a historical and biographical story written in simple language. The author talks about the general traits of the outstanding Americans, famous for their steadfastness and loyalty to great goals. Reveals Kennedy's secret and his personality - political courage. Today, students from various schools and universities compete for the title of best author in The Profile in Courage Essay Contest.
  • "Courage is when you know in advance that you have lost, and yet you get down to business and in spite of everything in the world you go to the end. You rarely win, but sometimes you still win." Harper Lee, "To kill a Mockingbird" . Atticus taught his children to really think and ask the right questions, and to walk with their heads held high when everyone around them thinks you are different.
  • Stephen Crane's "The Red Badge of Courage" is a story about growing up. It was written 30 years after the Civil War, but has not lost its relevance. The work answers the question of what courage is. Sometimes we have to face our fears to know ourselves in a new way. It is in this case that we show our courage. The story of Henry Fleming and his journey from a frightened, young man to a courageous soldier illuminates important themes many students encounter in their lives, including overcoming fear, soldiering duty and honor, definition of courage, and seeking redemption.

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It's sad that so many people don't acknowledge bravery in our everyday lives. This is what I kind of need, but there were no words I felt that were good to use.

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Importance Of Believing In Myself During My Study Days

My father always to say to me: “if you want people to know you without telling them your name, first you must courage yourself to do something that they won’t”. Im too obsessed with that words and that give me courage to myself to further...

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The True Meaning Of Courage And Perseverance

I believe courage takes perseverance because courage is something that comes straight. From the heart even if you might feel like breaking down because of your battle with weaknesses, but perseverance is a lot like pride it's not giving. Its persistence and tenacity, the effort...

Account of Courage of the Elderly Veterans

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Theme of Courage in Ethan Frome

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Dogs as Symbols of Courage and Honor

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Courage as One of the Most Important Virtues

Courage: the state or quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain or vicissitudes with self-possession without fear. According to the thesaurus dictionary we can also define courage as the mental or moral strength of venture, persevere, and withstand...

Courage as a Path to Self-Development

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What Is Courage And Why Need It In Our Life

The ability to do something that frightens you, having strength while facing grief or pain, and the ability to act on your beliefs despite danger or disapproval are all definitions of courage. Courage is something that isn't always easy to have, but those who are...

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Lesley J. Vos

The given prompt: Is it just about facing fears, or is there more depth to what constitutes bravery?

Courage, a word often adorned with grandeur, is a common motif in tales of heroism. But does courage merely mean facing fears? Or does it possess deeper nuances, weaving a richer tapestry of bravery? To understand courage in its entirety, let’s delve into its multifaceted nature.

Undoubtedly, confronting one’s fears is a significant aspect of courage. Whether it’s standing atop a tall building for someone afraid of heights or voicing an unpopular opinion amidst naysayers, facing fears demands bravery. This form of courage is easy to recognize, often met with applause and admiration.

However, courage isn’t always loud or visible. Sometimes, it’s the quiet strength displayed in adversity. Consider a single parent working multiple jobs to ensure their child’s education, or an individual battling mental health challenges, pushing through each day. Their battles might not always be apparent, but their courage is undeniable.

Venture into the realm of ethics, and you encounter moral courage. It’s the will to stand by one’s principles, even if they’re unpopular or come at a personal cost. Whistleblowers, who expose wrongdoings at their workplaces, knowing the potential repercussions, or individuals who refuse to partake in a collective wrongdoing, showcase this form of bravery. They prioritize their moral compass over convenience.

There’s a form of courage that’s less about a moment and more about persistence: the courage of endurance. It’s seen in the marathoner pushing through the last mile, the student who persists despite multiple failures, or the artist who continues to create despite endless rejections. This courage isn’t about confronting a singular fear but about enduring, persisting, and refusing to give up.

So, is one form of courage superior to another? Not quite. Each form of bravery, whether it’s facing fears head-on, showcasing silent strength, adhering to moral principles, or enduring against odds, has its value. What’s crucial is recognizing and respecting these varied bravery forms, even if they don’t fit conventional courage definitions.

In essence, courage is multifaceted. It’s not just about grand gestures or heroic acts. It’s also about the small, everyday decisions, the silent battles, and the will to stay true to oneself. Whether it’s in tales of heroism or the subtle stories of everyday life, courage shines through, reminding us of the indomitable human spirit.

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Here is All You Need to Know About an Essay on Courage

Patricia Stones

Heroic moments create feelings of awe, respect, and reverence, which all come together to elicit a euphoric feeling. We all want to be heroes in our own lives, but we often doubt and underestimate ourselves. An essay on courage is meant to celebrate ourselves or those who were able to overcome fear and self-doubt to achieve something truly remarkable. This inspires readers to be bold and fearless in times of difficulty and uncertainty. The essay can take on a descriptive, expository, analytical, or even argumentative angle. Regardless of the style, it must be able to clearly define and illustrate bravery.

Here we provide all the needed info to write the essay that scores high!

Table of Contents

What is Courage Essay and How Do You Write One?

A courage essay is meant to describe or depict what it means to be courageous. The essay can be based on the author’s actions or the actions of those around them. Alternatively, the essay can be about a prolific or historical figure who showed courage against all the odds. Defining courage can be difficult as it is often very subjective. Courage has different definitions for different people based on their values, experiences, and environments. You can imagine a schoolteacher and a soldier discussing bravery. They would have very different ideas!

Some consider courage to be a lack of fear in circumstances that would undoubtedly elicit fear. Others see it as the ability to persevere through difficult times. Actions that some consider being courageous may be deemed as reckless and rash by others. To some courage is about taking risks but to others, courage is knowing when to back down.

Regardless of the definition, what is clear is that courage is a trait most people yearn to possess, and that is why people love to write and read about it. Writing about courage doesn’t have to be difficult at all because courage can be whatever you want it to be. You just have to convince readers to see the courage too.

The John F. Kennedy Profiles in Courage Essay Contest

You may be wondering why you would ever be required to write an essay based on courage. Well, thousands of students write courage essays every year as part of the John F. Kennedy profiles in courage essay contest. In case you have never heard of it, the contest tasks American high school students with writing a unique and imaginative essay that shows their comprehension of political courage as portrayed by John F. Kennedy. While serving as Senator of Massachusetts and recovering from surgery in 1956, Kennedy authored the acclaimed book Profiles in Courage. The book is a collection of biographies of eight American Senators whose actions stood out to Kennedy. The biographies depict political moments of courage, bravery, and integrity exemplified by the Senators. Some of the Senators featured include John Quincy Adams, Sam Houston, George Norris, and Lucius Lamar.

The essay contest challenges students to identify politicians and lawmakers who have shown courage and fearlessness by taking a stand on ethical principles. Students must be able to do this in under 1,000 words and are encouraged to feature elected officials who have not previously been written about. The short essay on courage pretty much tasks students to carry on the work of John F. Kennedy by celebrating individuals who have proven to be courageous in politics. A $10,000 scholarship is awarded to the winner, and they have the honor of accepting their prize at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library in Boston. The runner-up, finalists, and semi-finalists all receive a cash prize towards their college tuition.

Here Are Some Great Courage Essay Examples

Courage is a rich topic, and there are numerous ways you can write about it. These are a few courage essay ideas that can help you get those creative juices flowing.

  • The meaning of courage

This is a multi-faceted topic that gives you the chance to define courage from your perspective. You may have come across different types of courage. Sometimes it’s simple deeds that go uncelebrated while other times it’s remarkable deeds that receive great praise and recognition. A definition essay on courage allows you to write about what courage truly means to you.

  • Courage when faced with death

Death is inevitable, but no one is ever truly ready to die. Death scares us all which is why it takes immense courage to face death head on. Think of someone who put their lives at risk for the sake of others. Or someone who is nearing death and handling the inevitable courageously.

  • Courage to take a stand

It takes courage to sacrifice your comfort and freedom for others. Taking a stand and saying no to the vices in society is brave. Write about a moment where you or someone else was brave enough to say no and the consequences of this decision. For a moral courage essay, think of activists, revolutionaries, or the ordinary people whose bravery changed the world.

  • Courage to be yourself

We are all unique, and yet we spend our lives trying so hard to fit in. Standing out of the crowd is courageous because most people prefer to conform to please others. Courageous people remain true to themselves in a world that is constantly trying to change them. Think of someone who always speaks their truth, no matter what others think. Someone who isn’t afraid to be themselves.

  • Courage to overcome

They say life can be unfair. And it truly can be for some people. Think of people who have endured great tragedy and still managed to keep going. Or those who started off life with a great disadvantage but never gave up.

  • How to build courage

Are we born with courage, or does it manifest when we need it most? Think of the factors that go into courage – genetics, environment, personality, resilience, and experiences. What advice would you give someone who is in dire need of some courage?

We hope these courage essay examples help give you a better idea of what is required. If you’re still having difficulty putting your thoughts together about what is courage essay, then you’re in luck! Our writing services are available to you.

We Can Help You Write Your Courage Definition Essay!

Writing an essay regarding courage does not require courage. All it requires is help from someone who wants to see you succeed. We are here to provide you with high-quality help as you complete your essay. We have a team of experienced, dedicated, and amazing writers who are capable of handling any angle you would like your essay to take.

If you have been asked to write an essay about courage by your tutor and you are not sure where to start, then we are here to help. As we earlier mentioned, courage has different definitions depending on who you ask. What you might consider being courageous may not necessarily impress others.

This is why many students struggle with writing courage essay. You can provide us with one of the ideas presented above or allow our writers to have free-reign over your essay. Either way, we guarantee that you will receive a well-written and impactful essay that will resonate with your tutor and anyone else who reads it.

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Home / Essay Samples / Life / Emotion / Courage

Courage Essay Examples

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About Courage

Courage (also called bravery or valor) is the ability to do something that frightens one.

Physical courage – Feeling fear yet choosing to act. Emotional courage – Following our heart. Intellectual courage – Expanding our horizons, letting go of the familiar. Social courage – To be ourself in the face of adversity. Moral courage – Standing up for what is right. uses cookies to offer you the best service possible.By continuing we’ll assume you board with our cookie policy .--> -->