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What's are some of the strangest ackowledgements you've ever seen in a masters/PhD thesis? [closed]

Typical "ackowledgements" section in a thesis thank supervisors, collegues, friends, family and/or deity.

There was a recent article on atypical acknowledgements, such as this one below:

can dissertation acknowledgements be funny

This got me curious, Hence the question— What are some funny, witty or strange ackowledgements you've ever seen in a thesis?

Have you ever seen something hateful or negative in the ackowledgements section of a thesis?

AK16's user avatar

  • 1 I think this is a highly subjective and opinion-prone question with no "correct answer", but there are lots of similar questions on here that you might find interesting, e.g.… –  henning no longer feeds AI Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 8:51
  • 3 The acknowledgments of my master's thesis, written around 25 years ago, contained quite a lot of "colorful" language (to say the least) and stirred a bit of commotion in the graduation board. The president wanted to remove the cum laude , but the other members eventually convinced him that I was not such a bad guy, after all. The secretary of the student office who received the copy of the thesis (at the time on paper) later said: "I knew he was up to something, he was grinning while handing in the copy!". –  Massimo Ortolano Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 9:27
  • 3 Can you please give the reference (or a link) to the paper that discusses unusual acknowledgements. –  Ben Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 10:45

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can dissertation acknowledgements be funny

MedSci Communications

Fun with Acknowledgements

by Dagmar Gross | Nov 20, 2019 | Nerdy Observations | 0 comments

can dissertation acknowledgements be funny

The Acknowledgements section appears at the end of the text in a scientific paper, right before the References section. It’s usually quite brief and acknowledges funding support, as well as the technical support or specialized expertise of individuals with specific elements of the study. In an MSc or PhD thesis, the lengthier Acknowledgments page is found at the front and extends gratitude to the supervisor, coworkers and fellow students, parents and friends.

In both cases, the Acknowledgements are the one place where the author(s) can have a bit of fun, with inside jokes and sometimes rather snarky comments. Today I’ll share some of my favorites found in an online search.

Some revolve around funding:

Three Italian researchers included an Unacknowledgements section: “This work was ostensibly supported by the Italian Ministry of University and Research. …  The Ministry however has not paid its dues and it is not known whether it will ever do.”

Evolutionary biologist Leigh Van Valen: “I thank the National Science Foundation for regularly rejecting my (honest) grant applications for work on real organisms, thus  forcing me into theoretical work.”

“Special thanks must go to Lewis Wright and Ross Watson, for the numerous days and weeks spent in the university library together, and Will Bates-Harrison and Alex Edwards for helping me make the most of my downtime. I’d also like to give David Cameron a massive shout out for swindling me out of an additional £6000 a year. Cheers Dave.”

Some gave rather passive-aggressive nods to reviewers and advisors:

“We appreciate the  very candid critical insights of 2 anonymous reviewers, M. Gompper, and K. Beard.”

“I thank Graham  Higman for allowing the dust of Oxford to rest on my unopened manuscript for thirty months.”

“We do not gratefully thank T.  Appourchaux for his useless and very mean comments.”

“We would like to thank Karla  Miller for sleeping late one morning, leaving Tim and Steve a bit bored, and Saad Jbabdi for making the brains look pretty.”

Some provide insight into how the authors completed the writing:

“Most of the paper was written during my daily commute from Vancouver to Surrey, Canada, and I would like to acknowledge T ransLink, Metro Vancouver’s regional transportation authority, for making the task of writing in buses and trains such an enjoyable exercise.”

“We acknowledge Snowpocalypse 2010 for  making the long-awaited completion of this paper possible.”

“B.J.H. would also like to thank the U.S. Immigration Service under the Bush administration, whose  visa background security check forced her to spend two months (following an international conference) in a third country, free of routine obligations—it was during this time that the hypothesis presented herein was initially conjectured.”

“My deepest gratitude goes to my family, mentors, colleagues, research participants, and to my adviser for the unending support in making this research possible. And to all of my friends, without you I would have graduated two years earlier.”

And sometimes pets played an important role:

“Sincere thanks to Enrico Bernard, Brock Fenton, Moe Gregory, and John Ratcliffe who graciously provided blood samples.”

Gregory, TR. (2000). Genome 43: 895-901. ( Moe being my cat .)”

“… I also want to thank my three rescued cats, Sean, Blue, and Funny, for keeping me company and keeping me entertained during countless hours of writing and proofreading. Adopt a rescued animal if you can!”

Peter van der Linden, in “Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets”: “I hereby dedicate this book to pizza, Dalmatian dogs, Sunday afternoons in a hammock, and comedy. The world would be a lot better off if there were more of these. I plan to become reacquainted with them all now the book is done. In fact, I think I’ll spend next Sunday afternoon swinging in a hammock, and laughing at my Dalmatian dog’s attempts to eat pizza.”

Some other honest Acknowledgements:

“The authors wish to thank coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, more coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, the person that served us the coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, extra coffee, and coffee. Also, our Moms.”

“I blame all of you. Writing this book has been an exercise in sustained suffering. The casual reader may, perhaps, exempt herself from excessive guilt, but for those of you who have played the larger role in prolonging my agonies with your encouragement and support, well … you know who you are, and you owe me.”

It’s all science, after all:

“The large number of acknowledgements is because we’re testing the theory that everyone mentioned in a book acknowledgement will buy at least one copy, probably what with relatives and everything. If you’d like to be in the acknowledgement of our next book, and you have a large family, write us.”

And finally, some fun Dedications:

“To Rachel, who dealt the worst game of Settlers of Catan in the history of humankind.”

“To Carley, who was a better person than I am even though she was a dog.”

“If this book is a success, I dedicate it to my students and colleagues, past and present, in the field of logic. … If the book is not a success, I dedicate it to the burglars in Boulder, Colorado, who broke into our house and stole a television, two typewriters, my wife Helen’s engagement ring and several pieces of cheese, somewhere about a third of the way through Chapter 8.

And my own personal favorite:

“This book is dedicated to all the family members who were angry that I dedicated the last book to someone who won the dedication in a Twitter contest.”

May these inspire you to perhaps get a bit creative with your own Acknowledgements.

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Dissertation acknowledgments [with examples]

can dissertation acknowledgements be funny

What are dissertation acknowledgements?

What to consider when writing your dissertation acknowledgments, who to thank in your dissertation acknowledgments, what (and what not) to write in your dissertation acknowledgments, good examples of dissertation acknowledgments, a final word on writing dissertation acknowledgments: have fun, frequently asked questions about dissertation acknowledgments, related articles.

While you may be the sole author of your dissertation, there are lots of people who help you through the process—from your formal dissertation advisors to the friends who may have cooked meals so that you could finish your last chapter . Dissertation acknowledgments are a chance to thank everyone who had a hand in the completion of your project.

Dissertation acknowledgments are a brief statement of your gratitude to advisors, professors, peers, family, and friends for their help and expertise.

In this guide, we’ll cover:

  • the most important things to consider when you’re writing your dissertation acknowledgments
  • who to thank in your dissertation acknowledgments
  • what (and what not) to write in your dissertation acknowledgments
  • short examples of dissertation acknowledgments

Once you’re at the stage where you’re writing your dissertation acknowledgments, you may be tempted to kick back and relax. After all, the hard part of writing the dissertation itself is over and a list of thanks should be simple to churn out.

However, the acknowledgments are an important part of your overall work and are something that most people who read your dissertation, including prospective employers, will look at.

Tip: The best dissertation acknowledgements are concise, sincere, and memorable.

Approach this part of the process, brief as it may be compared to the long haul of writing the dissertation, with the same high level of care and attention to detail. It’s an explicit and permanent statement of who made a real impact on your work and contributed to your academic success.

Plus, the people you thank are often deeply moved by being included—some even go so far as to frame the acknowledgments. Aim to make yours sincere, memorable and something that people will be touched by.

First things first: who should you include in your dissertation acknowledgments? If you’re not sure who to thank, try the brainstorming technique to generate some ideas. Consider these two approaches:

  • Make a list of everyone, both professional and personal, who was involved at any point during your work on your dissertation, and then thin down the list from there.
  • Make a list of the pivotal aspects of your process and think about who was involved and how they helped.

As you select the people and groups to include in your dissertation acknowledgments, keep in mind that it’s essential to acknowledge your supervisor and anyone else with a visible connection to your work.

It’s an unfortunate reality that not every supervisor goes above and beyond to provide feedback and guidance to the students they are supposed to supervise. However, leaving them out, even if you personally felt disappointed by their involvement or lack thereof, could be seen as a snub.

You should end up with a fairly short list of people to thank. While being mindful of professional etiquette and personal feelings, be choosy about who makes the final cut since your acknowledgments should be limited to no more than a page.

Now that you have your list of people and groups to thank, it’s time to start writing. Before your first pen or keystroke, however, check your university’s guidelines as your institution may have specific rules around what can and cannot be included.

The standard practice is to begin with the formal and then progress to the informal, so the first people to mention would be:

  • supervisors
  • committee members
  • other professional contacts

Use their full names and titles and go into brief detail about how they contributed to your work.

Once those are done, you can move on to the personal thanks, which can include friends, family, even pets. If you are so inclined, it is also considered appropriate to thank God or make mention of spiritual support.

You may also choose to inject a little humor at this point, but don’t get carried away and definitely don’t include sarcasm or critical comments of any kind, including self-critical ones. Remember that the acknowledgments precede your dissertation, so you want to be taken seriously.

A couple more basics that are essential when creating your acknowledgments:

  • Position: Acknowledgments should be placed after the title page and before the abstract.
  • Perspective: Write from the first-person perspective and speak in your own voice.

A really good way to get a sense of how to write your own dissertation acknowledgments is to read ones written by others. Notice which ones you respond particularly well to and use them as a model upon which to base your own.

Here are some good examples to help you get started:

I couldn’t have reached this goal without the help of many people in my life. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank them for their support.

First, my sincere thanks to my dissertation committee. The value of their guidance cannot be overstated. Dr. Elaine Gooding and Dr. Matthew Hunter provided much wisdom that helped me chart my course. I couldn’t have asked for a better supervisor than Dr. Fiona Moore, whose knowledge and experience guided me every step of the way.

Next, I’d like to thank my partner, Elliott. Your votes of confidence kept me going when my spirits dipped. I couldn’t have done this without you.

Last but not least, I’d like to acknowledge the emotional support provided by my family and friends. We made it to the top of the mountain! I look forward to celebrating with all of you.

This example is shorter, but still contains the key components:

Several people played a decisive role in my success and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them.

My chair, Dr. Ronald Saulk, provided invaluable support and infinite patience and I am truly grateful for all of his wisdom and guidance. I also owe the entire staff of the Wilhelm Library a debt of gratitude. From tracking down books and arranging for interlibrary loans to keeping the coffee maker in the lobby well-stocked and in good working order, they offered the practical help and kind gestures that made all the difference.

I’d also like to thank my family and God, for always being there for me.

One final piece of advice: enjoy this process. Writing a dissertation doesn’t happen every day, and the opportunity to acknowledge the important people in your life in a published format is as rare as it is wonderful.

What’s more, this part of your dissertation is unlike any other. It’s unbounded by the conventions that apply to the formal work. It’s a chance to really flex some creative muscle and let your personality shine through. So make the most of it and have fun!

In your dissertation acknowledgments, you thank everyone who has contributed to your work or supported you along the way. Who you want to thank is a very personal choice, but you should include your supervisors and anyone else with a visible connection to your work. You may also thank friends, family, and partners.

First, you need to come up with a list of people you want to thank in your dissertation acknowledgments. As a next step, begin with the formal and then progress to the informal, so the first people to mention would be supervisors, mentors, committees, and other professional contacts. Then, you can move on to the personal thanks, which can include friends, family, even pets.

Who you acknowledge in your dissertation is ultimately up to you. You should, however, thank your supervisor and anyone else with a visible connection to your work. Leaving them out, even if you personally felt disappointed by their involvement or lack thereof, could be seen as a snub. In addition, you can thank friends, partners or family.

There are many ways so you can acknowledge your dissertation supervisor. Some examples can be found in this article above. If you need more examples, you can find them here .

While acknowledgments are usually more present in academic theses, they can also be a part of research papers. In academic theses, acknowledgments are usually found at the beginning, somewhere between abstract and introduction. In research papers, acknowledgments are usually found at the end of the paper.

can dissertation acknowledgements be funny

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  • Thesis & Dissertation Acknowledgements | Tips & Examples

Thesis & Dissertation Acknowledgements | Tips & Examples

Published on May 3, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on July 18, 2023.


The acknowledgements section is your opportunity to thank those who have helped and supported you personally and professionally during your thesis or dissertation process.

Thesis or dissertation acknowledgements appear between your title page and abstract  and should be no longer than one page.

In your acknowledgements, it’s okay to use a more informal style than is usually permitted in academic writing , as well as first-person pronouns . Acknowledgements are not considered part of the academic work itself, but rather your chance to write something more personal.

To get started, download our step-by-step template in the format of your choice below. We’ve also included sample sentence starters to help you construct your acknowledgments section from scratch.

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Table of contents

Who to thank in your acknowledgements, how to write acknowledgements, acknowledgements section example, acknowledgements dos and don’ts, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about the acknowledgements section.

Generally, there are two main categories of acknowledgements: professional and personal .

A good first step is to check your university’s guidelines, as they may have rules or preferences about the order, phrasing, or layout of acknowledgements. Some institutions prefer that you keep your acknowledgements strictly professional.

Regardless, it’s usually a good idea to place professional acknowledgements first, followed by any personal ones. You can then proceed by ranking who you’d like to thank from most formal to least.

  • Chairs, supervisors, or defense committees
  • Funding bodies
  • Other academics (e.g., colleagues or cohort members)
  • Editors or proofreaders
  • Librarians, research/laboratory assistants, or study participants
  • Family, friends, or pets

Typically, it’s only necessary to mention people who directly supported you during your thesis or dissertation. However, if you feel that someone like a high school physics teacher was a great inspiration on the path to your current research, feel free to include them as well.

Professional acknowledgements

It is crucial to avoid overlooking anyone who helped you professionally as you completed your thesis or dissertation. As a rule of thumb, anyone who directly contributed to your research process, from figuring out your dissertation topic to your final proofread, should be mentioned.

A few things to keep in mind include:

  • Even if you feel your chair didn’t help you very much, you should still thank them first to avoid looking like you’re snubbing them.
  • Be sure to follow academic conventions, using full names with titles where appropriate.
  • If several members of a group or organization assisted you, mention the collective name only.
  • Remember the ethical considerations around anonymized data. If you wish to protect someone’s privacy, use only their first name or a generic identifier (such as “the interviewees”)/

Personal acknowledgements

There is no need to mention every member of your family or friend group. However, if someone was particularly inspiring or supportive, you may wish to mention them specifically. Many people choose to thank parents, partners, children, friends, and even pets, but you can mention anyone who offered moral support or encouragement, or helped you in a tangible or intangible way.

Some students may wish to dedicate their dissertation to a deceased influential person in their personal life. In this case, it’s okay to mention them first, before any professional acknowledgements.

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After you’ve compiled a list of who you’d like to thank, you can then sort your list into rank order. Separate everyone you listed into “major thanks,” “big thanks,” and “minor thanks” categories.

  • “Major thanks” are given to people who your project would be impossible without. These are often predominantly professional acknowledgements, such as your advisor, chair, and committee, as well as any funders.
  • “Big thanks” are an in-between, for those who helped you along the way or helped you grow intellectually, such as classmates, peers, or librarians.
  • “Minor thanks” can be a catch-all for everyone else, especially those who offered moral support or encouragement. This can include personal acknowledgements, such as parents, partners, children, friends, or even pets.

How to phrase your acknowledgements

To avoid acknowledgements that sound repetitive or dull, consider changing up your phrasing. Here are some examples of common sentence starters you can use for each category.

Common sentence starters
Major thanks Big thanks Minor thanks

Note that you do not need to write any sort of conclusion or summary at the end. You can simply end the acknowledgements with your last thank you.

Here’s an example of how you can combine the different sentences to write your acknowledgements.

A simple construction consists of a sentence starter (in purple highlight ), followed by the person or entity mentioned (in green highlight ), followed by what you’re thanking them for (in yellow highlight .)


Words cannot express my gratitude to my professor and chair of my committee for her invaluable patience and feedback. I also could not have undertaken this journey without my defense committee, who generously provided knowledge and expertise. Additionally, this endeavor would not have been possible without the generous support from the MacArthur Foundation, who financed my research .

I am also grateful to my classmates and cohort members, especially my office mates, for their editing help, late-night feedback sessions, and moral support. Thanks should also go to the librarians, research assistants, and study participants from the university, who impacted and inspired me.

Lastly, I would be remiss in not mentioning my family, especially my parents, spouse, and children. Their belief in me has kept my spirits and motivation high during this process. I would also like to thank my cat for all the entertainment and emotional support.

  • Write in first-person, professional language
  • Thank your professional contacts first
  • Include full names, titles, and roles of professional acknowledgements
  • Include personal or intangible supporters, like friends, family, or even pets
  • Mention funding bodies and what they funded
  • Appropriately anonymize or group research participants or non-individual acknowledgments


  • Use informal language or slang
  • Go over one page in length
  • Mention people who had only a peripheral or minor impact on your work

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In the acknowledgements of your thesis or dissertation, you should first thank those who helped you academically or professionally, such as your supervisor, funders, and other academics.

Then you can include personal thanks to friends, family members, or anyone else who supported you during the process.

Yes, it’s important to thank your supervisor(s) in the acknowledgements section of your thesis or dissertation .

Even if you feel your supervisor did not contribute greatly to the final product, you must acknowledge them, if only for a very brief thank you. If you do not include your supervisor, it may be seen as a snub.

The acknowledgements are generally included at the very beginning of your thesis , directly after the title page and before the abstract .

In a thesis or dissertation, the acknowledgements should usually be no longer than one page. There is no minimum length.

You may acknowledge God in your dissertation acknowledgements , but be sure to follow academic convention by also thanking the members of academia, as well as family, colleagues, and friends who helped you.

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George, T. (2023, July 18). Thesis & Dissertation Acknowledgements | Tips & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 11, 2024, from

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Tegan George

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Academia Bees

Best Acknowledgement for Dissertation (10 Samples and Guide)

January 15, 2024

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By Mohsin Khurshid

Embark on a journey through the art of crafting heartfelt acknowledgments for your dissertation. Explore examples and a comprehensive guide on acknowledging those who made your project possible. Uncover the best practices in expressing gratitude, from family to mentors.

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Acknowledgement for Dissertation
  • 1.2 Dissertation Acknowledgement Sample
  • 1.3 Acknowledgement for Dissertation Paper
  • 1.4 Acknowledgement Sample for Dissertation
  • 1.5 Acknowledgement in Dissertation to Family
  • 1.6 Acknowledgement for Masters Dissertation
  • 1.7 Undergraduate Dissertation Acknowledgements
  • 1.8 Dissertation Acknowledgements Funny
  • 1.9 Example of Dissertation Acknowledgement to God
  • 1.10 Sample Acknowledgement for Dissertation File
  • 2 How to Write Acknowledgement for Dissertation:
  • 3 Conclusion

Ten Best Samples of Acknowledgement for Dissertation Project

Discover diverse examples showcasing gratitude in dissertation acknowledgments. Explore samples ranging from traditional expressions to unique acknowledgments for family, masters, and even humorous takes. Find inspiration for your own heartfelt acknowledgment.

Acknowledgement for Dissertation

I express my deep appreciation to my advisor for their unwavering guidance in shaping this dissertation. Their expertise and encouragement were vital throughout the research journey. Gratitude extends to my family, whose unwavering support made this academic endeavor possible.

I also acknowledge the contributions of colleagues and friends, creating a collaborative atmosphere that enriched my work. This acknowledgment is a heartfelt tribute to those who played a pivotal role in the success of this dissertation.

Dissertation Acknowledgement Sample

My sincere gratitude goes to all who contributed to this dissertation. Special thanks to my advisor, whose mentorship was invaluable. The support from family, friends, and colleagues created an uplifting environment. This acknowledgment is a token of appreciation to those who stood by me.

Each contributor, whether big or small, has left an indelible mark on this academic journey, and for that, I am truly thankful.

Acknowledgement for Dissertation Paper

In expressing gratitude for this dissertation, my heartfelt thanks go to my advisor for their continuous support and guidance. The collaborative efforts of colleagues and friends added depth to the research. Special acknowledgment is due to family, whose unwavering support sustained me.

This dissertation acknowledgment is a tribute to the combined efforts that made this academic endeavor possible.

Acknowledgement Sample for Dissertation

This acknowledgment is a sincere expression of gratitude to my advisor, mentors, and peers who contributed significantly to the completion of this dissertation. Their unwavering support, valuable insights, and encouragement have been pivotal in shaping the project.

I extend special thanks to [Advisor’s Name] for their guidance and patience, which made this journey a rewarding experience. This acknowledgment is a token of appreciation for the collaborative effort that made this dissertation possible.

Acknowledgement in Dissertation to Family

In the completion of this dissertation, my family has been a pillar of support and encouragement. Their unwavering belief in my capabilities and understanding during challenging times were instrumental. This acknowledgment extends heartfelt thanks to [Family Members’ Names] for their constant encouragement and unwavering support. Their role in this academic endeavor goes beyond words, and I am deeply grateful for their presence throughout this journey.

Acknowledgement for Masters Dissertation

Completing this master’s dissertation wouldn’t have been possible without the support and guidance of [Advisor’s Name]. Their mentorship and expertise played a crucial role in shaping this academic work.

I also extend my thanks to [Mention Other Contributors] for their contributions. This acknowledgment is a reflection of the collaborative effort that went into the successful completion of this master’s dissertation.

Undergraduate Dissertation Acknowledgements

Completing my undergraduate dissertation was a journey marked by invaluable support from various corners. I express my deep gratitude to my advisor for their guidance and patience throughout the process. Thanks are also due to [Mention Other Contributors], whose insights enriched my research.

The support from friends and family played a crucial role in navigating the challenges. This acknowledgment is a tribute to the collective effort that made my undergraduate dissertation a reality.

Dissertation Acknowledgements Funny

Embarking on the serious task of dissertation writing, a touch of humor lightens the load. Special thanks to my caffeine companion, coffee, for being a constant ally during those late-night writing sessions. Gratitude to my computer for not crashing during critical moments.

Humorous acknowledgment goes to [Include Something Funny], who brought laughter to the stressful times. This funny dissertation acknowledgment is a lighthearted nod to the quirks and challenges that made the academic journey memorable.

Example of Dissertation Acknowledgement to God

In completing this dissertation, I humbly acknowledge the divine guidance of God. My gratitude extends to the Almighty for providing strength, wisdom, and inspiration throughout this academic journey.

The acknowledgment to God is a heartfelt expression of faith, recognizing the unseen hand that guided me in moments of doubt and challenge. This dissertation stands as a testament to the divine support that made the impossible possible.

Sample Acknowledgement for Dissertation File

As I present this dissertation file, I express my sincere appreciation to all who contributed to its creation. Special thanks to my advisor and mentors for their guidance. This acknowledgment extends to family, friends, and colleagues whose support shaped this document. The acknowledgment for the dissertation file is a recognition of the collaborative effort that turned ideas into written words.

It’s a token of gratitude to those who played a role, big or small, in bringing this document to completion.

Sample Acknowledgement for Dissertation File

How to Write Acknowledgement for Dissertation:

Crafting an effective dissertation acknowledgment involves thoughtful consideration of those who contributed to your academic journey. Begin with a genuine expression of gratitude to those who played significant roles:

1. Primary Advisor:

Start with your primary advisor. Acknowledge their guidance, support, and mentorship.

2. Thesis Committee:

Extend gratitude to other committee members . Recognize their valuable insights and contributions.

3. Academic Mentors:

Acknowledge mentors, professors, or colleagues who provided guidance and support.

4. Fellow Students:

Include fellow students for their camaraderie and shared academic experiences.

5. Family and Friends:

Express appreciation for the unwavering support of family and friends. Acknowledge their understanding and encouragement.

6. Institutions or Funding Sources:

If applicable, acknowledge any institutions, organizations, or funding sources that supported your research.

7. Colleagues or Collaborators:

Recognize any collaborators or colleagues who contributed to the project.

8. Professional Contacts:

If relevant, include professionals in the field who provided assistance or insights.

When structuring your acknowledgment, consider starting with the most influential contributors, such as your primary advisor and committee members. Progress to those who played supporting roles, ensuring that each acknowledgment is sincere and specific. Use warm and appreciative language, keeping the acknowledgment concise and focused on those directly related to the dissertation.

In crafting your dissertation acknowledgments, draw inspiration from these examples. Express gratitude thoughtfully to create a meaningful acknowledgment section that reflects the collaborative spirit of your academic journey.

Acknowledgement for PhD Thesis (5 Samples and Guide)

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Thesis Acknowledgements Examples

5 Examples For Your Inspiration

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) | Reviewers: Dr Eunice Rautenbach | May 2024

The acknowledgements section of your thesis or dissertation is an opportunity to say thanks to all the people who helped you along your research journey. In this post, we’ll share five thesis acknowledgement examples to provide you with some inspiration.

Overview: Acknowledgements Examples

  • The acknowledgements 101
  • Example:  Formal and professional
  • Example:  Warm and personal
  • Example:  Challenge-centric
  • Example:  Institution-centric
  • Example:  Reflective and philosophical
  • FREE Acknowledgements template

Acknowledgements 101: The Basics

The acknowledgements section in your thesis or dissertation is where you express gratitude to those who helped bring your project to fruition. This section is typically brief (a page or less) and less formal, but it’s crucial to thank the right individuals in the right order .

As a rule of thumb, you’ll usually begin with academic support : your supervisors, advisors, and faculty members. Next, you’ll acknowledge any funding bodies or sponsors that supported your research. You’ll then follow this with your intellectual contributors , such as colleagues and peers. Lastly, you’ll typically thank your personal support network , including family, friends, and even pets who offered emotional support during your studies.

As you can probably see, this order moves from the most formal acknowledgements to the least . Typically, your supervisor is mentioned first, due to their significant role in guiding and potentially evaluating your work. However, while this structure is recommended, it’s essential to adapt it based on any specific guidelines from your university. So, be sure to always check (and adhere to) any requirements or norms specific to your university.

With that groundwork laid, let’s look at a few dissertation and thesis acknowledgement examples . If you’d like more, check out our collection of dissertation examples here .

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Example #1: Formal and Professional

This acknowledgement formally expresses gratitude to academic mentors and peers, emphasising professional support and academic guidance.

I extend my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Jane Smith, for her unwavering support and insightful critiques throughout my research journey. Her deep commitment to academic excellence and meticulous attention to detail have significantly shaped this dissertation. I am equally thankful to the members of my thesis committee, Dr. John Doe and Dr. Emily White, for their constructive feedback and essential suggestions that enhanced the quality of my work.

My appreciation also goes to the faculty and staff in the Department of Biology at University College London, whose resources and assistance have been invaluable. I would also like to acknowledge my peers for their camaraderie and the stimulating discussions that inspired me throughout my academic journey. Their collective wisdom and encouragement have been a cornerstone of my research experience.

Finally, my sincere thanks to the technical staff whose expertise in managing laboratory equipment was crucial for my experiments. Their patience and readiness to assist at all times have left a profound impact on the completion of my project.

Example #2: Warm and Personal

This acknowledgement warmly credits the emotional and personal support received from family, friends and an approachable mentor during the research process.

This thesis is a reflection of the unwavering support and boundless love I received from my family and friends during this challenging academic pursuit. I owe an immense debt of gratitude to my parents, who nurtured my curiosity and supported my educational endeavours from the very beginning.

To my partner, Alex, your endless patience and understanding, especially during the most demanding phases of this research, have been my anchor. A heartfelt thank you to my supervisor, Dr. Mark Brown, whose mentorship extended beyond the academic realm into personal guidance, providing comfort and motivation during tough times.

I am also thankful for my friends, who provided both distractions when needed and encouragement when it seemed impossible to continue. The discussions and unwavering support from my peers at the university have enriched my research experience, making this journey not only possible but also enjoyable. Their presence and insights have been pivotal in navigating the complexities of my research topic.

Example #3: Inclusive of Challenges

This acknowledgement recognises the wide range of support received during unexpected personal and academic challenges, highlighting resilience and communal support.

The path to completing this dissertation has been fraught with both professional challenges and personal adversities. I am profoundly grateful for the enduring support of my supervisor, Dr. Lisa Green, whose steadfast belief in my capabilities and academic potential encouraged me to persevere even during my lowest moments. Her guidance was a beacon of light in times of doubt.

I must also express my deepest appreciation for my family, who stepped in not only with emotional reassurance, but also with critical financial support, when unexpected personal challenges arose. Their unconditional love and sacrifice have been the foundation of my resilience and success.

I am thankful, too, for the support services at the university, including the counselling centre, whose staff provided me with the tools to manage stress and maintain focus on my academic goals. Each of these individuals and institutions played a crucial role in my journey, reminding me that the pursuit of knowledge is not a solo expedition but a communal effort.

Example #4: Institution-Centric

This acknowledgement succinctly appreciates the financial, academic, and operational support provided by the university and its staff.

This dissertation would not have been possible without the generous financial support from the University of Edinburgh Scholarship Programme, which enabled me to focus fully on my research without financial burden. I am profoundly grateful to my advisor, Professor Richard Miles, for his sage advice, rigorous academic guidance, and the confidence he instilled in me. His expertise in the field of microbiology greatly enriched my work.

I would also like to thank the staff at the university library, whose assistance was indispensable. Their patience and willingness to help locate rare and essential resources facilitated a thorough and comprehensive literature review. Additionally, the administrative and technical staff, who often go unmentioned, provided necessary support that greatly enhanced my research experience. Their dedication and hard work create an environment conducive to academic success.

Lastly, my peers’ encouragement and the intellectual environment at the university have been vital in completing my research.

Example #5: Reflective and philosophical

This acknowledgement reflects on the philosophical growth and personal insights gained through the support of mentors, peers, and family, framing the dissertation as a journey of intellectual discovery.

Completing this thesis has been not only an academic challenge but also a profound journey of personal and philosophical growth.

I am immensely grateful to my mentor, Professor Sarah Johnson, for encouraging me to explore complex ideas and to challenge conventional wisdom. Her guidance helped me navigate the philosophical underpinnings of my research and deepened my analytical skills. My fellow students in the Philosophy Department provided a supportive and intellectually stimulating community. Our discussions extended beyond the classroom, offering new insights and perspectives that were crucial to my thesis.

I am also deeply thankful for my family, whose intellectual curiosity and spirited philosophical debates at home sparked my interest in philosophy from a young age. Their continuous support and belief in my academic pursuits have been instrumental in my success.

This dissertation reflects not only my work but also the collective support of everyone who has touched my life academically and personally. The journey has taught me the value of questioning and the importance of diverse perspectives in enriching our understanding of complex philosophical issues.

Dissertation/thesis template for the acknowledgements section

FREE Acknowledgements Template

To help fast-track your writing process, we’ve created a free, fully editable template . This template covers all the necessary content for a generic thesis or dissertation acknowledgements section. If you’re interested, you can download a copy here .

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The acknowledgements section of a thesis/dissertation

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  • Acknowledgements for PhD Thesis and Dissertations – Explained
  • Doing a PhD

The Purpose of Acknowledgements

The acknowledgement section of a thesis or dissertation is where you recognise and thank those who supported you during your PhD. This can be but is not limited to individuals, institutions or organisations.

Although your acknowledgements will not be used to evaluate your work, it is still an important section of your thesis. This is because it can have a positive (or negative for that matter) influence the perception of your reader before they even reach the main body of your work.

Who Should I Acknowledge?

Acknowledgements for a PhD thesis will typically fall into one of two categories – professional or personal.

Within these categories, who you thank will ultimately be your decision. However, it’s imperative that you pay special attention to the ‘professional’ group. This is because not thanking someone who has played an important role in your studies, whether it be intentional or accidental, will more often than not be seen as a dismissal of their efforts. Not only would this be unfair if they genuinely helped you, but from a certain political aspect, it could also jeopardise any opportunities for future collaborations .

Professional Acknowledgements

This may include, but is not limited to:

  • Funding bodies/sponsorship providers
  • Supervisors
  • Research group and lab assistants
  • Research participants
  • Proofreaders

Personal Acknowledgements

  • Key family members and friends
  • Individuals who inspired you or directly influenced your academic journey
  • Anyone else who has provided personal support that you would like to mention

It should be noted that certain universities have policies which state only those who have directly supported your work, such as supervisors and professors, should be included in your acknowledgements. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you read your university guidelines before writing this section of your thesis.

How to Write Acknowledgements for PhD Thesis

When producing this section, your writing style can be more informal compared to the rest of your thesis. This includes writing in first person and using more emotive language. Although in most cases you will have complete freedom in how you write this section of your thesis, it is still highly advisable to keep it professional. As mentioned earlier, this is largely because it will be one of the first things your assessors will read, and so it will help set the tone for the rest of your work.

In terms of its structure, acknowledgements are expected to be ordered in a manner that first recognises the most formal support before moving onto the less formal support. In most cases, this follows the same order that we have outlined in the ‘Who Should I Thank’ section.

When thanking professionals, always write out their full name and provide their title. This is because although you may be on a first-name basis with them, those who read your thesis will not. By providing full names and titles, not only do you help ensure clarity, but it could also indirectly contribute to the credibility of your thesis should the individual you’re thanking be well known within your field.

If you intend to include a list of people from one institution or organisation, it is best to list their names in alphabetical order. The exception to this is when a particular individual has been of significant assistance; here, it would be advisable to list them.

How Long Should My Acknowledgements Be?

Acknowledgements vary considerably in length. Some are a single paragraph whilst some continue for up to three pages. The length of your acknowledgement page will mostly depend on the number of individuals you want to recognise.

As a general rule, try to keep your acknowledgements section to a single page. Although there are no word limits, creating a lengthy acknowledgements section dilutes the gratitude you’re trying to express, especially to those who have supported you the most.

Where Should My Acknowledgements Go?

In the vast majority of cases, your acknowledgements should appear directly after your abstract and before your table of contents.

However, we highly advise you to check your university guidelines as a few universities set out their own specific order which they will expect you to follow.

Phrases to Help You Get Started

Dissertation acknowledgements example for researchers and PhD students

We appreciate how difficult it can be to truly show how grateful you are to those who have supported you over the years, especially in words.

To help you get started, we’ve provided you with a few examples of sentences that you can complete or draw ideas from.

  • I am deeply grateful to XXX…
  • I would like to express my sincere gratitude to XXX…
  • I would like to offer my special thanks to XXX…
  • I would like to extend my sincere thanks to XXX…
  • …for their assistance at every stage of the research project.
  • …for their insightful comments and suggestions.
  • …for their contribution to XXX.
  • …for their unwavering support and belief in me.

Thesis Acknowledgement Examples

Below are three PhD thesis acknowledgment samples from which you can draw inspiration. It should be noted that the following have been extracted from theses which are freely available in the public domain. Irrespective of this, references to any individual, department or university have been removed for the sake of privacy.

First and foremost I am extremely grateful to my supervisors, Prof. XXX and Dr. XXX for their invaluable advice, continuous support, and patience during my PhD study. Their immense knowledge and plentiful experience have encouraged me in all the time of my academic research and daily life. I would also like to thank Dr. XXX and Dr. XXX for their technical support on my study. I would like to thank all the members in the XXX. It is their kind help and support that have made my study and life in the UK a wonderful time. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my parents, my wife and my children. Without their tremendous understanding and encouragement in the past few years, it would be impossible for me to complete my study.

I would like to thank my supervisors Dr. XXX and Dr. XXX for all their help and advice with this PhD. I would also like to thank my sisters, whom without this would have not been possible. I also appreciate all the support I received from the rest of my family. Lastly, I would like to thank the XXX for the studentship that allowed me to conduct this thesis.

I would like to thank my esteemed supervisor – Dr. XXX for his invaluable supervision, support and tutelage during the course of my PhD degree. My gratitude extends to the Faculty of XXX for the funding opportunity to undertake my studies at the Department of XXX, University of XXX. Additionally, I would like to express gratitude to Dr. XXX for her treasured support which was really influential in shaping my experiment methods and critiquing my results. I also thank Dr. XXX, Dr. XXX, Dr. XXX for their mentorship. I would like to thank my friends, lab mates, colleagues and research team – XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX for a cherished time spent together in the lab, and in social settings. My appreciation also goes out to my family and friends for their encouragement and support all through my studies.

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How to write acknowledgments for a dissertation, published by steve tippins on april 23, 2020 april 23, 2020.

Last Updated on: 22nd May 2024, 04:22 am

If you are wondering how to write your dissertation acknowledgments, that means you are basically finished. Congratulations! You have done the hard work and are just putting the finishing touches on your masterpiece and deciding who to thank.

Seriously though, deciding whom to acknowledge and how to do it is important.

How to Write Dissertation Acknowledgements

There are a few things to keep in mind when writing your dissertation acknowledgements:

  • Know your school’s requirements
  • Thank the right people from your institution
  • Thank the right people from your personal life
  • Add a touch of humor (when appropriate)
  • Keep it the appropriate length

Jump to: Dissertation Acknowledgements Example

Know Your School’s Requirements

The first thing to do is check with your university to see if there are any requirements for or limitations on what to write in the acknowledgments for your dissertation. Some schools have page or word limits. 

Others may limit the types of things that you can say, but for the most part I have seen few limitations. Universities recognize that it takes a village, so to speak, and they want to give you ample opportunity to recognize those who’ve played a part in your success.

Who Should I Thank in My Dissertation Acknowledgments?

Finishing a dissertation is a celebration. Go ahead and tell those who are meaningful that you appreciate them. 

woman thinking while holding her eyeglasses

It is generally best to start with the most formal relationships and move from there to the personal. Keep in mind that there is a certain political aspect to your list of acknowledgements, so be careful to avoid leaving out anyone at your institution who made a contribution. These are some of the people to consider thanking as a courtesy:

can dissertation acknowledgements be funny

  • Committee members
  • Supervisors
  • Librarians (generalists and specialists)
  • Other academics
  • Professional colleagues
  • Classmates who contributed in some way
  • Research participants

The acknowledgement section of your dissertation is also a great place to thank those in your personal life who contributed to your ability to go to school and take the time to write this tome. These can include:

  • Past teachers
  • Family — parents, spouses, children, extended family members
  • If you are religious, thanking God (using whatever name is appropriate to your religion) is acceptable as well
  • Pets (I saw a student thank her cat for keeping her company during the many long nights of writing in her office)

I once had someone ask about thanking a therapist. This is fine, but I would suggest asking their permission first.

Should I Add Humor in my Dissertation Acknowledgements?

Dissertations can be somewhat dry, so adding a little bit of humor may make it more fun for both you and the reader — and a degree of humor is appropriate in the acknowledgements section. I once read an acknowledgement that said, “And now that I will have time to tend to relationships, I want to thank my three unborn children for being patient.” 

couple laughing on the couch while writing acknowledgments on a laptop

Another student recounted a cute family story in one sentence that captured the sacrifices his family made to support him.

With regard to humor, remember to maintain a level of professionalism and avoid straying too far into the weeds. Avoid critical (including self-critical) humor or presenting anyone in a bad light. Remember that prospective employers will likely be perusing this document.

How Long Should Dissertation Acknowledgments Be?

I have never seen an acknowledgement section go beyond one page. Keep it to those who really helped you through the process.

How Do You Write an Acknowledgment for a Dissertation: Example

The best way to learn how to write acknowledgements for a dissertation is by reading the acknowledgements section in dissertations previously published by your institution. However, to help you get started, here is an example of an acknowledgement for a dissertation.


There are many who helped me along the way on this journey. I want to take a moment to thank them.

First, I wish to thank my dissertation committee . Without their guidance, I would not have made it. Dr. Betty Rubble and Dr. Colin Slate served as wise committee members, and Dr. Barney Rubble, my Chair, went above and beyond to help me reach my goal.

To my friends, my parents, and my siblings: you put up with me being distracted and missing many events. I am forever grateful for your patience and understanding. I hope to have time now to reconnect with each of you.

Finally, to my wife, Charlotte, and my daughter, Jane: your love and understanding helped me through the dark times. Without you believing in me, I never would have made it. It is time to celebrate; you earned this degree right along with me.

When to Write Dissertation Acknowledgements

woman with curly hair taking notes in her home office

I’ve seen a surprising number of students turn in drafts of their proposals with the acknowledgements section already written. I suppose the thinking goes, “the more sections I complete now, the less I’ll have to do later.” And it must be tempting to fill out a section that doesn’t require any citations.

While there’s nothing wrong with drafting the acknowledgements section ahead of time, it’s best to keep it saved separately from the draft of your proposal. Acknowledgements are supposed to be written retroactively, and your Chair and committee members may find it strange to be thanked before they’ve finished the work of guiding you through the dissertation process. 

How to Write Dissertation Acknowledgements: Summary

The acknowledgement section of your dissertation is the least controlled area of the document. There are no special headings needed or word counts. I suggest you take your time and really think about those who helped you complete this journey and give them the thanks they deserve.

You can give them a card or take them out to dinner, and that’s a great idea. But an acknowledgement in your dissertation is a permanent reminder and an announcement to the wider world that these people really made a difference in your life and your future. Some proud parents have framed their child’s acknowledgement page! Try to make yours worthy of framing. 

can dissertation acknowledgements be funny

And remember, though this is your opportunity to thank others, the way that you do so (and the care you put into it) is a reflection of who you are. As much as you might be tired of writing, it’s worth putting genuine effort into this section, as it will speak to everyone who reads it about who you are as a person.

Wondering what’s next after you have your PhD? As a PhD coach, I help recent graduates reach their goals , whether that’s landing their dream job at a university, diving into research, creating your own business, or beginning a career outside of academia.

Steve Tippins

Steve Tippins, PhD, has thrived in academia for over thirty years. He continues to love teaching in addition to coaching recent PhD graduates as well as students writing their dissertations. Learn more about his dissertation coaching and career coaching services. Book a Free Consultation with Steve Tippins

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Dissertation Acknowledgement Examples - 8+ Examples

Thomas Babb

If you’re getting ready to write your dissertation acknowledgement, first of all, congratulations! Writing any thesis is an arduous process, one which you’re nearing the end of. Dissertation acknowledgement examples vary in length and style, mainly due to the fact that you can personalise them to whatever extent you want.

Your dissertation acknowledgement will likely be one of the very last things you write during your dissertation . After you’ve done the brunt of the hard work on actually getting everything down on paper, you now have the challenge of thanking people. Especially for us Brits, this can be a fairly awkward affair, as you don’t want to come off as too ridiculous.

If you’re looking for a helping hand, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll walk you through the main questions to ask yourself when writing your thesis acknowledgements. We’re going to touch upon what the acknowledgement is, different types you could write, who you should include, and even a few perfect dissertation acknowledgement examples to get you started.

You’ll be signing off on your dissertation in no time!

What is a Dissertation Acknowledgement?

An acknowledgement section of your thesis will include a personal thank you to anyone who has helped you along your writing process. This could include personal relations, like a partner or a friend. More commonly, a dissertation acknowledgement will focus on academic help that you’ve had along the way. From professors to lab technicians, this is your moment to give thanks for the hard work everyone has put in.

No one writes a dissertation completely by themselves. While you might have done the heavy academic lifting in coming up with an idea and carrying it through to the end, that doesn’t mean that you’ve been in isolation for the whole process. Normally, there’s someone - or many people - that you want to thank. Some famous dissertation acknowledgement examples even focus on someone’s dog or cat.

Remember, this is your dissertation, you can really thank whoever you want. Just a small warning before you begin writing, be sure to double-check your institution’s guidance. Some universities have specific guidelines for writing acknowledgements. Be sure to look out for anything you can’t include, as well as general guidance for word counts.

But, at the end of the day, this is your piece of writing. While we always suggest you follow recommended guidelines, you can do what you want with your dissertation. Just remember that you can’t change this once submitted, so it's good to be sure you’ve included everyone you want to be mentioned the first time around.

Dissertation acknowledgement

Professional and Academic Acknowledgements in a Dissertation

No dissertation is completed in isolation. From people who read through your work to academic supervisors who guided you through the project, there are plenty of people to thank. Use your dissertation acknowledgements to give thanks to these people. When naming, be sure to stick to full names and titles.

After a lengthy writing process, it’s likely that you’re on a first-name basis with your supervisor. However, it’s good practice to use their title and full name to credit them.

There is no hard or fast rule in this section, but be sure to give thanks to those people that really helped you out. Consider mentioning:

  • Dissertation supervisors - These are the people that have guided you through the whole process. Without them and their help, you might not have ended up with such a strong final piece of work. Out of absolutely everyone, these people are the ones that are most commonly thanked in dissertation acknowledgement examples.
  • Academic staff who directly contributed to the project, perhaps lab technicians or your research group - Don’t forget about people who were there for you. Not everyone has to be a fundamental piece of the puzzle, but the fact that they helped you should metric a line or two in your thesis acknowledgements.
  • Colleagues that helped you in your research or proofread your project - Friends often help you in more ways than one during your academic research. From actively helping in your project by providing guidance or proofreading to maybe just being there when you needed it, friends go a long way. Be sure to name-drop those that were there for you.

One important factor to take into account is that if you have received any funding, you should credit them as well. Even if it’s only one sentence, it’s important to pay thanks to the benefactors of your project.

Consider concluding with, “I give additional thanks to X Foundation, which granted me the opportunity to undertake this study”. This also applies to the university that you’re working under, it’s always a good idea to give thanks to your own institution.

These are slightly more formal requirements, but will almost always appear in professional dissertation acknowledgement examples for this reason.

Personal Acknowledgements in a Dissertation

Your thesis also provides an opportunity to acknowledge your close circle, giving thanks to the important people in your life who got you through it. Although writing a master’s thesis, PhD thesis, or dissertation thesis is an academic process, the mental side also requires support.

Take this as an opportunity to thank the people who made the process any easier for you. Once again, it’s unlikely that you did the whole process in complete isolation. Even if these people didn’t actively help with your work, it’s important to note that they could have helped on the mental side.

From taking a break to go for a drink with your friends to talking through the emotional weight of completing your dissertation project with your partner, being around people can help in more ways than one. If you benefitted from their help, be sure to thank:

  • Your partner
  • Close friends that supported you through the process
  • Your family

Across these categories, you should devote a paragraph or two to giving out some praise. Remember, these people were there for you. The least you can do is mention them by name in the final draft of your thesis!

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How to Write a Dissertation Acknowledgement

Now you know who you’re going to mention, it’s time to get writing! There are some key things to remember. First of all, the style of writing should be more informal than the actual dissertation. Make sure to use the first person (I) and employ emotive language where you can. You want to make sure you show your gratitude!

When mentioning names, there are two styles you can follow. The first of these is to move through alphabetical order. This keeps everything in an easy-to-read fashion, while also avoiding any semblance of bias.

However, you could also opt for giving thanks in order of importance. Of course, some people are more essential in your project than others. Your acknowledgements could reflect this by starting with the person who has helped you most. Your supervisor would be a good place to begin.

Although there is no hard and fast rule when discussing acknowledgement length, it’s a good idea to keep it under one page. This will be the first thing your examiners read when working through your thesis. Due to this, it’s best to get straight to the point, thank who you need, and move onto the project!

Once again, we want to make sure you know that you can structure or handle your dissertation acknowledgements in any way you would like. If you’re ready to show the love, make it a five-page letter. If you want to keep it short and sweet, a few sentences will do. It's always good to consult an English tutor to ensure your acknowledgements are clear, grammatically correct and well-written.

As we’ll show you now, dissertation acknowledgement examples come in all shapes and sizes.

Dissertation Acknowledgement Examples

Once you’ve worked out who you need to thank and the style you’re going to use, it’s time to get writing. If you’re still a little stuck, here are some examples from our senior Oxbridge tutors to get you going!

Dissertation Acknowledge Example One – Strictly Academic

I would like to give thanks to my supervisors, Dr. X and Prof. Y, for their enduring support and much-appreciated advice throughout my dissertation. Without their invaluable guidance, this project would not have been possible. The University of X Y Department also receives my deepest gratitude, with continual support, guidance and academic advice from the whole faculty, forming a treasured part of this dissertation. Finally, this project would not have taken place without the support of the X Foundation. I give my thanks to all involved.

Dissertation Acknowledge Example Two – Mixed Personal and Academic

First of all, I’d like to express my deepest gratuities to the X scholarship funded by the X for their ongoing support. I would also like to extend my thanks to Prof. X, who kept me on the right track while also ensuring the project was enjoyable and productive. I could not have done this without them. I have to also mention my family, without their constant love and support, I would not be in the position I am today.

If you need any help with crafting your acknowledgements section, be sure to reach out to one of our expert online tutors .

Dissertation Acknowledge Example Three

Thank you to Dr. X from the University of Y for their generosity during my project. I’m boundlessly thankful for their help and guidance throughout the toughest stages of this dissertation.

Big thanks to my partner Z, who often brought me coffee and snacks while I was sitting in my chair for what seemed like hours. There’s no better soundboard than you, and I’m eternally grateful for all your support throughout this project.

Dissertation Acknowledge Example Four

We are grateful for the prolonged support of Dr X, professor in Y at the University of Z. Without their help, guidance, useful comments, and suggestions, we would not have ended up with a well-versed piece of writing. To Mrs X, who helped to edit and critique our work, we extend a big thank you.

To all of the many colleagues that persuaded us to follow this line of inquiry and provided us with a continual course of constructive criticism. It would be difficult to name them all, but we extend our thanks to everyone that was involved in our project.

Of course, we cannot end our acknowledgements without thanking our partners. Their insight and guidance were the shining light that beckoned us through our research project.

Finally, we turn to the department of X at the university of Y for their countless hours of support across our extended education.

Dissertation Acknowledge Example Five - Itemised List of Contributors.

I am very grateful to the entire network of members that participated in this project:

Professor X (University of Y), Professor X (University of Y), Professor X (University of Y), Name Last Name (University of Y), Professor X (University of Y), Name Last Name (University of Y), and of course, Professor X (University of Y).

A special thanks goes out to Professor X (University of Y), who was the lead supervisor on my thesis and to whom I owe a great deal of gratitude for their shining advice and constant compassion.

Dissertation Acknowledge Example Six

I am grateful to the entire Collective of Departments and the X team for giving me access to the Y resources that made this project possible. A big thanks goes out to Name Last name and Name Last name in particular, for the opportunity to work together on such an exciting project, one that has been near to my heart for quite some time.

Thanks to the X department for facilitating access to the collections and granting me permission to use images 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42 across this research project. The showcase of artefacts and documents from the Y collections were also vital in this study, with my thanks going out to the team for allowing me to spend hours in their facilities.

A very special thanks to Professor X for helping to meticulously check my work, pointing out new directions for research and guiding me to a stronger final conclusion. Finally, I turn to my partner Y, without who I would never have been able to finish this dissertation.

To all those mentioned and those that have slipped my mind, I thank you.

Dissertation Acknowledge Seven - Short and Sweet

I would like to thank all contributors that added to this project, especially Prof. X, who was my main supervisor.

Dissertation Acknowledge Example Eight

The research behind this project was funded by the XYZ Institution. My first thanks goes to them for giving me the opportunity to conduct such a detailed investigation of this topic. Equally, I acknowledge the support given to me by the University of X, including the head of the department of Y, Dr. X Y. Their guidance and ongoing support for the last three years have turned a turbulent period in my life into one that I treasure.

I’m eternally grateful to those that contributed to this project. To my close friends, Name Name and Name Name, both of which I turned to when I was struggling getting pen to paper, I extend my thanks.

Of course, I could not have finished this dissertation without emotional support from my partner, Name Name, who got me through the many ups and downs of the process.

Final Thoughts

No matter which dissertation acknowledgement example you end up using as your guide, the most important thing to remember is that you should fill the section with genuine gratitude. Whether you go all out or just write one or two lines, make sure to get in the people that really matter to you.

While finishing a dissertation is a time to rejoice and feel proud of yourself, you should also make sure you thank those that got you there. We also recommend that you check out our guide on how to write an acknowledgement for a dissertation , which includes some of the very best tips that you can turn to.

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Thomas Babb

Written by: Thomas Babb

Thomas is a PhD candidate at Oxford University. He served as an interviewer and the lead admissions test marker at Oxford, and teaches undergraduate students at Mansfield College and St Hilda’s College. He has ten years’ experience tutoring A-Level and GCSE students across a range of subjects.

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How to Write Acknowledgements for Your Dissertation (And What NOT to Include)

If you’re looking for insights into how to write acknowledgements for your dissertation , chances are you are coming to the end of what has been a long journey of countless hours of research, discussion, and revision. You may be tempted to rush the acknowledgments section; after all, the main content of the dissertation is where it’s all at.

How to write the dissertation acknowledgements section

However, the acknowledgements section serves an important purpose: it provides a space to express gratitude to those who supported you along the way. This section, typically a concise statement located at the beginning of your dissertation, allows you to thank everyone who contributed to your academic journey, from advisors and peers to family and friends.

However, writing effective acknowledgements requires a balance of professionalism and personal touch, and it’s important to strike the right tone to convey genuine gratitude without coming across as too informal. This is where dissertation editing services can be useful.

In this article, we will explore how to craft sincere acknowledgements for your dissertation, highlight whom to include and whom you might consider leaving out, and discuss the common pitfalls to avoid.

Understanding the Acknowledgements Section of a Dissertation

The acknowledgements section of a dissertation allows the author to express gratitude to those who played a significant role in their academic journey. In terms of the overall structure, the acknowledgements is typically placed after the dissertation abstract and before the table of contents. This section is your opportunity to acknowledge the support and assistance you received. The tone of the acknowledgements should be formal yet personal, reflecting genuine appreciation without deviating into informality or colloquialisms.

Purpose and Placement

The main purpose of the acknowledgements section is to thank those who have contributed to your scholarly work, either directly or indirectly. It serves as a formal gesture of appreciation and is a testament to the collaborative nature of academic pursuits. As it is one of the first sections readers encounter, it sets the tone for the document and offers a glimpse into the personal academic relationships and support network behind the research.

Tone and Style

When writing your acknowledgements, aim for a tone that is both professional and warm. The language should be straightforward and respectful, avoiding overly elaborate expressions or informal terms. While it is personal, maintaining a level of professionalism is key to respecting the formal academic framework and structure of your dissertation.

If you’re looking for more specific insights into the right tone and style for a dissertation, see our guide to how to write a dissertation.

Good vs. Bad Acknowledgements in Dissertations

To help illustrate the difference between effective and ineffective acknowledgements, here is a comparative table:

Warm yet professional; expresses genuine gratitude. Overly casual, uses slang, or is humorously off-tone.
Clearly mentions specific contributions of each acknowledged person. Vague or overly generic; lacks specificity in gratitude.
Concise; long enough to mention key contributors, but not overly lengthy. Either too brief to be meaningful or excessively long and rambling.
Maintains a professional tone even while being heartfelt. Too personal or informal, potentially including inappropriate details about social relationships or events.
Focuses on academic and supportive contributions related to the dissertation. Focuses on personal anecdotes or irrelevant details that do not pertain to the academic or supportive nature of the contributions.

Who to Acknowledge

Choosing whom to thank in your dissertation acknowledgements can be a reflective process. Here’s a guide to consider when deciding who makes it into your acknowledgements:

  • Academic advisors and committee members : These are the people who have provided you with direct, substantial academic guidance and support throughout your research. Mention them specifically, noting how they helped you.
  • Other faculty and staff : Include faculty members who have been influential in your academic career, even if not directly part of your dissertation process. Also, consider thanking administrative and support staff who have assisted you with administrative tasks or provided necessary resources.
  • Peers and colleagues : Thank peers who contributed directly or indirectly to your project. This might include fellow graduate students or colleagues in your field who offered insights or moral support.
  • Family and friends : Acknowledging family and friends is optional but common. It’s appropriate to thank them for emotional and practical support, but keep this section concise and focused on how they helped facilitate your academic work.

Should you Thank Your Proofreader in Your Acknowledgements Section?

Yes, it is appropriate and often recommended to thank your proofreader in the acknowledgements section of your dissertation. Proofreaders play a crucial role in refining your work, ensuring clarity, correctness, and coherence in your writing. Acknowledging their contribution not only shows your gratitude but also reflects your commitment to producing a high-quality document.

When thanking your proofreader, consider these points:

  • Be specific about their contribution : Mention how their proofreading improved your dissertation, such as their help with grammar, punctuation, style, or clarity.
  • Keep it professional : Even if your proofreader is a close friend or family member as opposed to a formal dissertation proofreading service , the acknowledgements should maintain a professional tone, focusing on their role in relation to your academic work.
  • Express genuine thanks : A simple, sincere expression of gratitude often resonates more than overly effusive praise.

For more insights into what is, and is not permissible, see our guide to editing services for your dissertation

How to Write Acknowledge for Your Dissertation

Writing the acknowledgements section involves striking the right balance of professional tone and personal sentiment. Here are some tips to help:

  • Start with formal thanks : Begin by thanking your academic mentors and anyone who contributed directly to the dissertation. This sets a professional tone.
I am profoundly grateful to my supervisor, Professor Anna Thompson, for her invaluable guidance and steadfast support throughout the course of this research. Her expertise and insightful critiques have been crucial in shaping this work.
  • Be specific : Detail the nature of the support you received. This not only personalizes the acknowledgement but also makes it more meaningful.
Special thanks to Dr. Mark Lee, whose expertise in statistical analysis was instrumental in interpreting the data for Chapter 4. His detailed feedback and suggestions significantly enhanced the accuracy of the results presented.
  • Maintain brevity : While it’s important to cover all significant contributors, avoid overly lengthy descriptions. A concise thank you is often more powerful.
I extend my gratitude to the staff at the University Library for their assistance in sourcing rare materials, and to my colleagues in the research group for their encouragement and insightful discussions.
  • Close on a personal note : After acknowledging professional support, you can briefly mention personal supporters like family and friends.
Finally, I would like to thank my family for their unwavering love and support during my studies. To my partner, Emma, thank you for your patience and understanding, which made all the difference during my busiest times.

What Not to Include in Your Acknowledgements Section

While the acknowledgements section offers some flexibility, certain elements are best left out:

  • Overly personal information : Avoid sharing overly personal or private details about your life or the lives of those you are thanking. Keep the focus academic and professionally relevant.

Avoid : “I would like to thank my partner, Alex, for enduring endless nights of takeout and putting up with my grumpy moods when the data analysis seemed endless. Your hugs made all the difference.”

Instead : “I am grateful to my partner, Alex, for the constant support and patience throughout the duration of my studies.”

  • Controversial or negative comments : This is not the venue to air grievances or critique the institution, colleagues, or processes. Maintain a positive tone throughout.

Avoid : “Thanks to the university administration for finally processing my application after several unnecessary delays, and to Professor Smith for eventually providing the guidance promised at the start of my project.”

Instead : “I appreciate the university administration for their assistance with my application and Professor Smith for his guidance.”

  • Jokes and informal language : While a light-hearted touch can be endearing if done tastefully, avoid any form of humor that might be misinterpreted or deemed unprofessional.

Avoid : “Big shoutout to my lab rats for not blowing anything up this semester and keeping the coffee pot full during those all-nighters!”

Instead : “I extend my thanks to my laboratory colleagues for their diligent work and for maintaining a supportive team environment.”

  • Excessive flattery : While it’s appropriate to express gratitude, overly effusive praise can seem insincere. Keep your acknowledgements genuine and grounded.

Avoid : “I am immensely indebted to the world’s best advisor, Dr. Jones, whose unparalleled genius and boundless knowledge transformed my humble efforts into groundbreaking research.”

Instead : “I am thankful to Dr. Jones for his expert guidance and valuable insights, which greatly contributed to the success of my research.”

Example of a Great Dissertation Acknowledgements Section

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor, Professor Linda Roberts, whose expertise, understanding, and patience, added considerably to my graduate experience. Her willingness to give her time so generously has been very much appreciated. I thank her for her guidance and constant encouragement throughout the course of this research. My sincere thanks also go to the members of my thesis committee, Dr. James Park and Dr. Susan Cho, for their insightful comments and suggestions, which have been invaluable throughout the entire research process. I am also grateful to my colleagues in the Department of Molecular Biology at XYZ University for their help and support. In particular, I wish to acknowledge Dr. Henry Adams for his assistance with the electron microscopy part of my project. His expertise in cell imaging has greatly contributed to the quality of my work. I must also thank the staff of the XYZ University libraries for their tireless assistance in helping me track down resources and manage an immense amount of data. Their help has been a cornerstone in the completion of this dissertation. Special thanks to my friends and family, who provided me with unfailing support and continuous encouragement throughout my years of study and through the process of researching and writing this dissertation. This accomplishment would not have been possible without them. Thank you to my mother for her personal support and to my partner for providing a peaceful home environment in which to write. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my fellow graduate students for all the productive discussions as well as the fun times we have had over the years. This research was funded by the XYZ Research Grant, which has been a financial lifeline. I am grateful for the support provided by this funding.

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Thesis & Dissertation Acknowledgements

Dissertation Acknowledgements

Acknowledging those who support your graduate work is an important, yet often overlooked, component of a thesis or dissertation. While the focus is rightly placed on the research and writing itself, taking time to recognize those who helped make it possible is a meaningful gesture of gratitude. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to crafting effective and thoughtful acknowledgments.

We’ll first define what acknowledgments are and explain their purpose within a graduate paper. Next, we’ll offer tips for including the right people and expressing your appreciation in a sincere yet polished way. Examples will illustrate how to structure and format your acknowledgments properly. We’ll also discuss common dos and don’ts to help you avoid any missteps. By the end, you’ll feel confident in your ability to acknowledge all those who supported you throughout your graduate journey.

What Are Dissertation Acknowledgments?

Dissertation acknowledgments provide an opportunity to thank the key individuals who supported and guided the completion of doctoral research. This formal yet personal section allows the author to recognize those who offered invaluable expertise, feedback, encouragement, and more throughout the dissertation journey.

According to recent research studies on dissertation acknowledgments:

  • They help to recognize the extensive support network that was invaluable in helping the student complete their research project. This network is often overlooked despite playing a big role.
  • Including acknowledgments helps to personalize the dissertation and shows the human/personal side of the work, rather than just seeing it as an academic document. This can help examiners engage with the thesis.
  • It creates positive feelings and goodwill towards the student from those acknowledged. Supervisors especially appreciate public recognition of their efforts and guidance.
  • Expressing appreciation has well-documented mental health benefits for students during the stressful thesis writing process. It provides an opportunity to reflect on the support received.
  • For professional master’s students, acknowledgments can strengthen industry connections and partnerships that may benefit future career opportunities.

How To Write Dissertation Acknowledgments

Here are the basic steps on how to write dissertation acknowledgements:

  • Thank your committee members. Be sure to thank your advisor, committee chair, and other committee members for their guidance and support throughout your dissertation journey.
  • Acknowledge any funding sources. If you received financial support through grants, scholarships, or a teaching/research assistantship, thank the organization or department that provided these resources.
  • Appreciate friends and family. Express gratitude to loved ones for their encouragement, understanding, and patience as you dedicated long hours to your research and writing.
  • Cite any additional mentors. If other faculty, colleagues, or professionals provided valuable advice or expertise, acknowledge their contributions here as well.
  • Proofread carefully. Have someone you trust review your acknowledgments to catch any errors before final submission. Make sure information is formatted and presented professionally.

Dos And Don’ts Of Dissertation Acknowledgments

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind:

  • Express deep gratitude and appreciation for your supervisors’ guidance and support throughout your PhD journey. A heartfelt thank you goes a long way.
  • Acknowledge any funding sources that enabled your research. This is important for them to see the impact of their investment.
  • Thank friends and family for their encouragement, patience, and for believing in you. Their support was invaluable.
  • Keep it concise yet meaningful. One well-written paragraph is sufficient to acknowledge all contributors.
  • Proofread your acknowledgments to ensure the correct spelling of names and appropriate language. This shows respect for those thanked.


  • Forget to acknowledge anyone who significantly helped your research and writing. Leave no stone unturned to show appreciation.
  • Use overly casual language or be too brief that it comes across as insincere. Strike the right tone of gratitude.
  • Exceed one paragraph length which may distract readers from your actual dissertation work.
  • Include any negative comments no matter how you felt at times during your PhD journey. Keep it positive!

Examples Of Effective Dissertation Acknowledgments

Here are some examples of dissertation and thesis acknowledgements. They demonstrate gratitude to people who provided thesis help or had any impact on your dissertation:

“I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Mitra, for his invaluable guidance and feedback throughout this research project. His expertise in the field of cognitive psychology helped shape the direction of my study. I am also grateful to my committee members, Dr. Jones and Dr. Williams, whose insightful comments and questions about my proposal and defense helped strengthen my work. Finally, I wish to acknowledge the financial support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.”
“I am deeply grateful to my family for their unwavering love and encouragement during my graduate studies. To my parents, Jane and John, thank you for your emotional support and for believing in me. To my partner Sam, thank you for your patience, for keeping me fed on late nights of writing, and for always reminding me to take breaks. I could not have done this without all of you in my corner.”
“I wish to thank my advisor Professor Johnson for her guidance and feedback throughout this research. I am also grateful to my committee members Dr. Smith and Dr. Williams for their insightful comments. Finally, I want to acknowledge the support of my friends and family who encouraged me every step of the way.”
“I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Professor Jennifer Smith for her invaluable guidance, feedback, and support throughout this research. I am also thankful for the insightful contributions of my committee members, Dr. Michael Jones and Dr. Samantha Williams, who provided thoughtful comments and challenges that helped strengthen my work. Finally, I wish to acknowledge the unwavering encouragement of my friends and family, who motivated me throughout this lengthy process. I could not have completed this endeavor without the assistance of these important people.”

Difference Between A Thesis And Dissertation Acknowledgement

Here are the key differences between a dissertation acknowledgement and a thesis acknowledgement:

  • Purpose: A dissertation acknowledgement thanks those who helped with a doctoral degree, while a thesis acknowledgement recognizes support for a master’s degree. The dissertation generally requires more extensive research.
  • Tone: A dissertation acknowledgement is more formal since a Ph.D. is a higher academic achievement. Thesis acknowledgements can be slightly less formal.
  • Length: Dissertation acknowledgments tend to be longer since doctoral research often spans several years. Thesis acknowledgements are typically 1-2 paragraphs.
  • People thanked: Dissertation acknowledgements often recognize a wider network of supporters over many years, including committee members, program directors, funding bodies, colleagues, friends, and family. The thesis acknowledgements focus more on academic advisors, committee members, and peers who directly contributed to the research project.
  • Placement: Both usually come after the abstract or preface/foreword and before the table of contents. Dissertation acknowledgements may also appear after the dedication page. Thesis acknowledgements are usually placed earlier in the document.
  • Language: Dissertation acknowledgements use more sophisticated vocabulary to reflect the advanced academic level. The thesis acknowledgements have simpler language.
  • Detail: Dissertation acknowledgements may provide brief details about how different individuals specifically supported the research journey. The thesis acknowledgements focus more on general thanks.

Get Dissertation Assistance

We hope this comprehensive guide has equipped you with the knowledge and examples for how to write acknowledgement for dissertation. Remember that acknowledgments serve as an opportunity to express gratitude to those who supported your academic journey.

With the tips provided, you can be sure to properly recognize all those who helped make your research possible. It is also important to recognize that the support of others extends beyond the immediate needs of your research. Mentors, advisors, friends, and family provide invaluable emotional support during the challenges of graduate study. Their encouragement helped sustain your efforts and motivated you to persevere, even during frustrating periods.

This support network is truly worthy of recognition for helping you achieve this important academic milestone. We encourage you to draw upon the eloquence of your writing to sincerely convey how grateful you are for the contributions, both tangible and intangible, of all those who played a role in helping you reach this significant point in your career.

To take your work to the next level, consider engaging the skills of professional dissertation writers. Our team of experts has assisted countless graduate students in completing their theses and dissertations through superior research, writing, and dissertation editing help . Whether you need assistance with specific sections or would like us to handle your entire project, our dissertation writers can help you produce outstanding work efficiently and effectively.

Rely on the leaders in the industry to help you cross the finish line with a dissertation that truly reflects your highest abilities. Contact us today to discuss how we can support the final steps of your academic journey.

Who should I acknowledge in my thesis or dissertation?

You’ll want to acknowledge anyone who provided meaningful support during your graduate studies and research. This typically includes your advisor(s), committee members, lab mates, friends, and family who supported you emotionally, and funding sources. Be sure to obtain permission from individuals before acknowledging them.

How do I properly word my acknowledgements?

Acknowledgements should be heartfelt but formal in tone. Address individuals by their full names and titles or roles (e.g. “Dr. John Smith, my academic advisor”). Express your sincere gratitude for their contributions while maintaining a professional tone. Avoid fluff and hyperbole.

Is there a standard format for acknowledgements?

While formats vary, acknowledgements commonly have an introduction thanking all contributors, followed by paragraphs organized by relationship (advisor, committee, friends/family). Consider a brief introduction thanking all who supported your work, then address advisors together thanking them for their guidance, then the committee thanking them for their time and feedback, then any funding sources or departments, and finally friends and family.

How long should acknowledgements be?

Acknowledgements pages are typically one paragraph or one short page. Keep it concise while still recognizing all meaningful contributors. Edit out redundant or less important acknowledgements if it exceeds one page. Your thank you to each individual or group should be one to three sentences max.

What if I accidentally leave someone out?

Mistakes happen, so don’t stress if you realize a minor omission after submission. For important contributors, contact your advisor to discuss options like submitting an addendum page. In the future, have others review your acknowledgements to catch any other oversights before the final submission. A thoughtful acknowledgement shows gratitude, even if not perfectly comprehensive.

Richard Ginger is a dissertation writer and freelance columnist with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the writing industry. He handles every project he works on with precision while keeping attention to details and ensuring that every work he does is unique.

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How to Write Dissertation Acknowledgements

Published by Owen Ingram at August 13th, 2021 , Revised On August 29, 2023

Acknowledging someone means thanking them. The acknowledgement section in a dissertation is used to express gratitude towards all those who have helped you prepare the dissertation.

Both professional and personal acknowledgements can be included in it. The acknowledgement section comes in between the title page  and the  abstract page . It is best suited to be on one page.

The writer has the liberty to use  personal pronouns (I, we, my, etc) in this section, as this section allows more of an informal way of writing. Here is a quick guide to help you understand how to write acknowledgements for your own dissertation .

Dissertation Acknowledgement Example

Let’s start with an example, so you have an idea of the basics, to begin with.

How to Write Dissertation Acknowledgements?

“I am deeply grateful for the guidance and support of my supervisor, Dr. Smith, whose insights and feedback were invaluable throughout this journey. I also extend my appreciation to my family for their unwavering encouragement and to my friends for their understanding during this endeavor.”

“I am deeply grateful for the guidance and support of my supervisor, Dr. Smith, whose insights and feedback were invaluable throughout this journey. I also extend my appreciation to my family for their unwavering encouragement and to my friends for their understanding during this endeavour.”

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Academia Insider

Acknowledgements For Thesis Examples: Just Copy & Edit!

Writing acknowledgements for your thesis is an opportunity to express gratitude to those who have supported your academic journey.

This section, often overlooked, is where you can personally thank everyone from advisors and peers to family members who’ve provided both professional and emotional support.

This article provides structured examples and essential tips to help you craft meaningful acknowledgements, ensuring you appropriately recognise the contributions of all who aided your research and writing process.

How To Write Thesis Acknowledgements

Thank your supervisor first. Also acknowledge academic staff like lecturers and lab technicians.
Mention peers or collaborators significantly contributing.
Acknowledge grants and participants who provided data. Mention supporting organizations, omit financial specifics.
Thank friends and family for support and practical help. Use informal tone. 
Briefly thank pets or places providing a conducive writing environment. Adds personal touch.
Order from most formal to least based on style and project. Ensure tone is respectful and warm.
Check university guidelines for format, especially about placement and length of acknowledgements.
Proofread carefully to avoid errors. Have someone else review this section for oversights.

What Is An Acknowledgement?

What is a thesis acknowledgement, and why do people write them?

The acknowledgement section of your thesis or dissertation is an integral part of academic tradition. Here, you have the unique opportunity to thank those who have significantly contributed to your research project.

This section typically appears right after the abstract and before the table of contents in your thesis , placing it prominently at the beginning of your document.

In a thesis acknowledgement, you extend your sincere thanks to everyone who played an important role in your academic journey. These could include you:

  • Family members
  • Funders, or 
  • Supervisor.

can dissertation acknowledgements be funny

Writing this section allows you to reflect on the collaborative nature of academic work and ensures that everyone who contributed feels appreciated.

Whether it’s the direct help from your research team or the moral support from loved ones, acknowledging these contributions shows your gratitude and recognises their importance in your successful completion of the thesis.

How To Write Acknowledgement Section For Thesis Or Dissertation?

Writing the acknowledgement section in your thesis or dissertation can feel like a breath of fresh air after the rigorous academic writing you’ve been steeped in.

Here’s a step-by-step approach that ensures you acknowledge all who contributed.

Step One: Start with Professional Acknowledgements

Your first move should be to thank your supervisor or dissertation advisor. This person likely had the most direct impact on your research and might also be involved in evaluating your thesis.

Mention any other academic staff who supported you. These could be anyone really, but usually include:

  • librarians,
  • lab technicians, or

Step Two: Acknowledge Academic Peers and Collaborators

Next, consider your peers, fellow researchers, or any collaborative partners.

If someone from your research team or another student contributed significantly, mention them by name and describe their input.

A typical line could be, “I like to acknowledge John Smith for his insightful contributions to the data analysis phase of this project.”

Step Three: Mention Funding Sources and Research Participants

can dissertation acknowledgements be funny

If your research was funded by a grant or scholarship, acknowledging these sources is crucial.

You don’t need to delve into the specifics of the financials but do mention the organisation and how it supported your work. 

If your project involved participants who contributed data or other valuable information, they should also be recognised here.

Step Four: Include Personal Acknowledgements

After the more formal citations, you can get a bit more personal. Thank friends and family who offered emotional support or even practical help, like proofreading drafts of your paper.

can dissertation acknowledgements be funny

If you feel it’s fitting, you can also thank those who provided less tangible forms of support, such as inspiration or encouragement during challenging times.

Here, a more informal tone is acceptable. You might say, “I am immensely grateful to my family for their unwavering belief in my abilities and endless patience.”

Step Five: Consider Any Unusual Helpers

In some cases, people include acknowledgements of their pets for companionship or even places that offered a conducive environment for writing.

This should be brief but can add a charming touch to your acknowledgements, reflecting your personality.

Step Six: Review for Order and Tone

Revisit the order of your acknowledgements after drafting them.

The typical hierarchy goes from the most formal to the least, but your personal style and the nature of your project might influence this.

Ensure the tone remains respectful and professional but also warm where appropriate.

Step Seven: Conform to Your University’s Guidelines

Before finalising, check your university’s guidelines for the thesis format. Some institutions have specific requirements for the acknowledgements section concerning its placement or maximum length.

This step ensures your thesis complies with all formal requirements and respects academic protocols.

Step Eight: Proofread and Edit

Finally, proofread your acknowledgements carefully. Errors here, although less critical than in your main academic text, can still distract or give a poor impression.

You might ask a friend or family member to read through this section—they might remind you of someone you’ve overlooked!

The acknowledgement section, while less formal, is a significant part of your thesis. It not only allows you to thank those who supported you but also shows your ability to appreciate and recognise the contributions of others. 

It’s your opportunity to reflect on the collaborative efforts that have shaped your academic endeavour.

Acknowledgements For Thesis Example

If you want something that you can use right away, here’s a template for writing a thesis acknowledgement.

This template encapsulates all the steps and recommendations you might need to craft a heartfelt and professional section in your dissertation:


I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, [SUPERVISOR NAME], for her unwavering guidance and expert advice throughout the course of this research. Her insights and dedication have been pivotal to the success of this project.

I am also grateful to the members of the faculty, [FACULTY MEMBER NAME] and [FACULTY MEMBER NAME], whose expertise in my area of study greatly enriched my work. My thanks extend as well to the library staff at [UNIVERSITY NAME] and the laboratory technicians, especially [NAME], for their invaluable assistance.

Special thanks are due to my colleagues and fellow researchers, particularly [NAME] and [NAME], for their collaboration and the critical role they played in data collection and analysis. Their perspectives and rigor helped shape many of the project’s most crucial phases.

I acknowledge the financial support I received from [NAME OF GRANT OR SCHOLARSHIP], which was essential in facilitating my research. I am also thankful to all the participants who willingly shared their experiences and data, contributing immeasurably to the findings of this study.

On a more personal note, I would also like to thank my family for their love and encouragement. To my parents, [NAME(S)], thank you for your endless patience and support. My siblings, [NAME(S)], provided not just relief from the stresses of academic life, but also eagerly participated in brainstorming sessions. I am immensely grateful for every moment of comfort and motivation that they provided.

I would like to thank my dog, [NAME] who was always by my side during those long nights of writing and revising. His presence brought a sense of calm and companionship that was more helpful than he might realise.

As I conclude this section, I reflect on the journey that was made easier through the support and encouragement from each individual mentioned, and many unmentioned. Each of you played an important role in making not just this thesis, but my entire educational experience at [UNIVERSITY NAME] both possible and memorable.

This template follows a structured yet personal approach, allowing for the expression of sincere gratitude while adhering to academic norms.

It’s important to adapt this template to fit the specifics of your situation, the contributions of each individual you wish to thank, and any guidelines provided by your university.

can dissertation acknowledgements be funny

Remember, this section not only recognises the support you’ve received but also reflects your appreciation for the collaborative effort involved in your academic achievements.

Thesis Acknowledgements Examples Explored

In crafting your thesis acknowledgements, you celebrate the collaborative spirit of your academic journey. 

This guide ensures that you eloquently express gratitude to those who’ve shaped your scholarly pursuits—from mentors and colleagues to family and friends. 

By following these structured steps and adapting them to your personal and institutional requirements, you create an acknowledgements section that not only meets formal standards but also reflects your heartfelt appreciation for the support you’ve received.

can dissertation acknowledgements be funny

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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can dissertation acknowledgements be funny

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Writing a dissertation  is a hard task, but it is too early to relax after completing it. Before defending your scientific thesis, you must write dissertation acknowledgements.

Dissertation acknowledgements allow the author to express appreciation to those who provided support during the research and writing process. This section provides an opportunity to recognize the contributions of other individuals and institutions who helped with your study.

Although this section is not taken into account when your dissertation defense is evaluated, it can impress readers and the academic community. Still, this page is not easy to handle, since you should follow certain rules. Read on this guide and find out how to write a thesis or dissertation acknowledgements without effort. Don’t forget to check out examples that will surely come in handy.  

What Is Acknowledgement: Dissertation

Acknowledgement in dissertation is an optional section. It is a common courtesy rule in any academic community. Acknowledgements are placed immediately after the front page. This section contains personal thanking to all people who have helped and supported you with dissertation writing. This is not only a formal  acknowledgement . It can also be a recognition of these people’s contribution to a full-fledged research. After all, you’ve probably got advice from professors or asked to find the necessary literature. Chances are that you also enjoyed the support of your beloved ones.  

Who Should You Thank in Dissertation Acknowledgements

A list of people you can thank may vary greatly. But we recommend including these people in dissertation acknowledgements :

  • funding bodies
  • supervisors (both current and former ones, if there have been a few of them)
  • laboratory assistants
  • research participants.

It is not required to dedicate a separate paragraph to each of them. This can take the text beyond 1-page limits. You can unite them into groups or not mention them if their contribution was not significant enough. A separate part should be dedicated to your dissertation defense committee chairman . Do not highlight any of them, try paying the same attention to each member of your list. After a formal list of dissertation participants, you can thank an informal group of people. These may be parents and other family members, spouses, children, friends. Even pets or shop assistants will do – in short, everyone who has influenced your work.  

No one limits you when choosing your acknowledgment section volume. Still, we recommend writing down your appreciation in 1 page. As a rule, no one exceeds this length and for good reason. It’s not too long and complicated, but long enough to mention all important members of your research process. Nevertheless, figure out your alma mater’s requirements. Sometimes, the limitations are set by educational institutions.

For formatting PhD dissertation acknowledgements, you should follow certain criterias:

  • Place a page at the very beginning of your thesis — right after your title page and before the  dissertation abstract .
  • Align all margins on both sides.
  • Place the ‘Acknowledgements’ title at the top of your page and center-align it.
  • Leave 4 space lines after the title.

How to Write Acknowledgements for Dissertation

Before you start writing Ph.D. dissertation acknowledgements , you should make a list of those who have made an important contribution to creating your study. You should distinguish personal support from professional help. Still, your writing style may be slightly informal. But you should not lean toward common speech. It is better to follow a semi-formal style. Remember that it’s not a dissertation itself – there is no need to use complex terms. Having gathered your wits and thinking of all those who supported you in writing your scientific work, proceed to our writing tips:  

  • Work on a professional style. Make all merits in acknowledgement concise but succinct. Mention the provided help without going into unnecessary details.
  • Stick to all recommendations. Some educational institutions set requirements for how an acknowledgement page should look like. Some schools even provide a sample. But most universities still guarantee creative freedom.
  • Put the most important people first. Sort those who will receive acknowledgement by the importance of their contribution made. An alphabetical list  is not recommended.
  • Don’t exclude your advisor from a list. Even if your supervisor’s support wasn’t that significant, they still have contributed to your research. Besides, some people may perceive this as disrespect for advisor’s achievements.

Now, let’s see how to mention professional and personal contributions in a dissertation.

Professional Acknowledgements

It is recommended dedicating the beginning of your appreciation section to professional acknowledgement. This section implies gratitude to:

  • Academic community
  • Research supervisor

Think of those people who provided you with support and helped with collecting and handling all information. Here are some examples of professional acknowledgement:

Example of dissertation acknowledgement

These are examples of formal acknowledgement to all scientists who have helped with your research. It is a great opportunity to highlight some merits of the scientific team. But it is equally important to mention the names of sponsors if they supported you financially.

Personal Acknowledgements

Keep your final part for personal acknowledgement to those who were the most meaningful. These can be family members, partners and friends who have inspired you. Here, a less formal style is appropriate, you can add quotes, poems, even put a touch of humor to your text – this is not prohibited. Take a personal approach into account and include personal facts. Provided this approach, your acknowledgement will be as complete as possible. Specify not only the first and second names of people involved, but their positions and titles if there are any. Thus, we suggest the following personal dissertation acknowledgements sample:  

Personal dissertation acknowledgements sample

Do not make it too personal. Keep in mind that you are still writing a part of your scientific thesis, even if it does not affect the evaluation. If you doubt your skills, contact our academic writing service. Whether it’s a dissertation or a research paper, we will compose a work in line with all requirements.

Dissertation Acknowledgements Examples

Below, please find a short sample of what dissertation acknowledgements may look like in general. As you can see, a writer has mentioned important people from both professional and personal circles. All paragraphs should be well-organized and of equal size.

Dissertation Acknowledgements Examples

Contact our  academic writers  who can add professional touches to this section, as in the example above.  

Acknowledgement Template Dissertation

Follow our recommendations and you will be able to write a dissertation acknowledgement yourself. Feel free to use this dissertation acknowledgements template to express gratitude you have accumulated over the years of scientific work. If you ever need proper hands-on  dissertation proposal writing services , feel free to ask StudyCrumb.

Acknowledgement template dissertation

Bottom Line

The best dissertation acknowledgements are a reflection on an opportunity that you got. It is an informal part of the scientific work that won’t be considered during the evaluation process. However, common courtesy generally requires you to work on this section. To write a good acknowledgement part, you should mention those whom you really appreciate. You can thank them in prose. Besides, you can also allow a little restrained humor if allowed by the person’s status. If you are in need of expert backing – contact StudyCrumb dissertation writing service . We’ve got a dedicated team of professional writers who have extensive experience in the scientific field. They are ready to handle any part of your dissertation and deliver it in time.  

Frequently Asked Questions

1. where do the acknowledgements go in a thesis or dissertation.

Usually, dissertation acknowledgements are placed after the title page and before your abstract page. This is a section where you thank everyone who has helped, inspired, and supported you when writing your scientific thesis. Place an acknowledgement page before the main text. This will help readers understand who has contributed to your work.

2. How long should the acknowledgements be?

There are no specific requirements for how long dissertation acknowledgements should be. We recommend including your recognition in 1 page with standard layout. Start your acknowledgement with the most important people. Work on sincere but brief recognition. You can expand this list a bit later, but usually there is no such need. By keeping to 1-page text volume, you will be able to highlight the most valuable assistants who have really ensured the success of your scientific work.

3. How do you express gratitude in Acknowledgement?

We recommend not going deeply into listing all merits of your assistants. After all, an acknowledgement in dissertation is a text that will allow you to remember all those to whom you are grateful. Use the sample phrases “I am grateful...”, “I express gratitude to...”, “I am deeply grateful...” and others. They will help you express your attitude to all important people, while not setting this page apart from the main style of your dissertation.

4. How do you thank your boss in Acknowledgement?

You can omit highlighting your boss in the acknowledgement of your dissertation. Especially if he has put a minimum of effort into your work. But if this is not a case and their support was sufficient, work out your gratitude deeply. Specify his academic degree and given assistance. Remember all important moments of cooperation. This will show that you appreciate this specialist.


Joe Eckel is an expert on Dissertations writing. He makes sure that each student gets precious insights on composing A-grade academic writing.


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  • Thesis & Dissertation Acknowledgements | Tips & Examples

Thesis & Dissertation Acknowledgements | Tips & Examples

Published on 4 May 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on 4 November 2022.


The acknowledgements section is your opportunity to thank those who have helped and supported you personally and professionally during your thesis or dissertation process.

Thesis or dissertation acknowledgements appear between your title page and abstract  and should be no longer than one page.

In your acknowledgements, it’s okay to use a more informal style than is usually permitted in academic writing , as well as first-person pronouns . Acknowledgements are not considered part of the academic work itself, but rather your chance to write something more personal.

To get started, download our step-by-step template in the format of your choice below. We’ve also included sample sentence starters to help you construct your acknowledgments section from scratch.

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Table of contents

Who to thank in your acknowledgements, how to write acknowledgements, acknowledgements section example, acknowledgements dos and don’ts, frequently asked questions.

Generally, there are two main categories of acknowledgements: professional and personal .

A good first step is to check your university’s guidelines, as they may have rules or preferences about the order, phrasing, or layout of acknowledgements. Some institutions prefer that you keep your acknowledgements strictly professional.

Regardless, it’s usually a good idea to place professional acknowledgements first, followed by any personal ones. You can then proceed by ranking who you’d like to thank from most formal to least.

  • Chairs, supervisors, or defence committees
  • Funding bodies
  • Other academics (e.g., colleagues or cohort members)
  • Editors or proofreaders
  • Librarians, research/laboratory assistants, or study participants
  • Family, friends, or pets

Typically, it’s only necessary to mention people who directly supported you during your thesis or dissertation. However, if you feel that someone like a secondary school physics teacher was a great inspiration on the path to your current research, feel free to include them as well.

Professional acknowledgements

It is crucial to avoid overlooking anyone who helped you professionally as you completed your thesis or dissertation. As a rule of thumb, anyone who directly contributed to your research should be mentioned.

A few things to keep in mind include:

  • Even if you feel your chair didn’t help you very much, you should still thank them first to avoid looking like you’re snubbing them.
  • Be sure to follow academic conventions, using full names with titles where appropriate.
  • If several members of a group or organisation assisted you, mention the collective name only.
  • Remember the ethical considerations around anonymised data. If you wish to protect someone’s privacy, use only their first name or a generic identifier (such as ‘the interviewees’).

Personal acknowledgements

There is no need to mention every member of your family or friend group. However, if someone was particularly inspiring or supportive, you may wish to mention them specifically. Many people choose to thank parents, partners, children, friends, and even pets, but you can mention anyone who offered moral support or encouragement, or helped you in a tangible or intangible way.

Some students may wish to dedicate their dissertation to a deceased influential person in their personal life. In this case, it’s okay to mention them first, before any professional acknowledgements.

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After you’ve compiled a list of who you’d like to thank, you can then sort your list into rank order. Separate everyone you listed into ‘major thanks’, ‘big thanks’, and ‘minor thanks’ categories.

  • ‘Major thanks’ are given to people who your project would be impossible without. These are often predominantly professional acknowledgements, such as your advisor , chair, and committee, as well as any funders.
  • ‘Big thanks’ are an in-between, for those who helped you along the way or helped you grow intellectually, such as classmates, peers, or librarians.
  • ‘Minor thanks’ can be a catch-all for everyone else, especially those who offered moral support or encouragement. This can include personal acknowledgements, such as parents, partners, children, friends, or even pets.

How to phrase your acknowledgements

To avoid acknowledgements that sound repetitive or dull, consider changing up your phrasing. Here are some examples of common sentence starters you can use for each category.

Common sentence starters
Major thanks Big thanks Minor thanks

Note that you do not need to write any sort of conclusion or summary at the end. You can simply end the acknowledgements with your last thank-you.

Here’s an example of how you can combine the different sentences to write your acknowledgements.

A simple construction consists of a sentence starter (in purple highlight ), followed by the person or entity mentioned (in green highlight ), followed by what you’re thanking them for (in yellow highlight .)


Words cannot express my gratitude to my professor and chair of my committee for her invaluable patience and feedback. I also could not have undertaken this journey without my defense committee, who generously provided knowledge and expertise. Additionally, this endeavor would not have been possible without the generous support from the MacArthur Foundation, who financed my research .

I am also grateful to my classmates and cohort members, especially my office mates, for their editing help, late-night feedback sessions, and moral support. Thanks should also go to the librarians, research assistants, and study participants from the university, who impacted and inspired me.

Lastly, I would be remiss in not mentioning my family, especially my parents, spouse, and children. Their belief in me has kept my spirits and motivation high during this process. I would also like to thank my cat for all the entertainment and emotional support.

  • Write in first-person, professional language
  • Thank your professional contacts first
  • Include full names, titles, and roles of professional acknowledgements
  • Include personal or intangible supporters, like friends, family, or even pets
  • Mention funding bodies and what they funded
  • Appropriately anonymise or group research participants or non-individual acknowledgments


  • Use informal language or slang
  • Go over one page in length
  • Mention people who had only a peripheral or minor impact on your work

You may acknowledge God in your thesis or dissertation acknowledgements , but be sure to follow academic convention by also thanking the relevant members of academia, as well as family, colleagues, and friends who helped you.

Yes, it’s important to thank your supervisor(s) in the acknowledgements section of your thesis or dissertation .

Even if you feel your supervisor did not contribute greatly to the final product, you still should acknowledge them, if only for a very brief thank you. If you do not include your supervisor, it may be seen as a snub.

In the acknowledgements of your thesis or dissertation, you should first thank those who helped you academically or professionally, such as your supervisor, funders, and other academics.

Then you can include personal thanks to friends, family members, or anyone else who supported you during the process.

The acknowledgements are generally included at the very beginning of your thesis or dissertation, directly after the title page and before the abstract .

In a thesis or dissertation, the acknowledgements should usually be no longer than one page. There is no minimum length.

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George, T. (2022, November 04). Thesis & Dissertation Acknowledgements | Tips & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved 11 June 2024, from

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How to Write the Acknowledgements Section?

The acknowledgements section is where you recognize everyone who has helped you during the research and writing process. It’s not simply a method of expressing gratitude; it’s also a way of acknowledging that you needed support along the way.

There is no way that a dissertation can be finished by a single individual. Surely, you’ve had help along the process, whether in the form of moral support or advice on the thesis itself.

This is one of the few sections of a dissertation where you have the freedom to add your personal touch.

The dissertation acknowledgements should generally be one page long and appear after the title page and before the abstract.

You can use a more informal approach in the acknowledgements than is typically allowed in academic writing. This isn’t a part of your academic work; instead, it’s an opportunity for you to express something more personal. As a result, first-person pronouns are acceptable in this section.

Check Your University Requirements

The first step is to check with your university to determine if there are any rules or restrictions on what you may include in your dissertation’s acknowledgments. Some universities impose word or page limitations.

Others may place restrictions on the sorts of things you may say, but we haven’t seen many. Universities understand that it takes a village to raise a dissertation, and they want to provide you with sufficient opportunities to thank those who have contributed to your success.

Who Can you Thank?

In general, there are two categories of people you may thank. People who assisted you in researching and writing the dissertation are listed in your professional acknowledgments, whereas people who offered non- academic assistance are listed in your personal acknowledgments.

Only individuals who have directly contributed to the material, such as academics and other professionals, are allowed to be acknowledged at some universities. Check your university’s rules to see if there are any restrictions.

It’s a good idea to start with the professional acknowledgments. The traditional order is to go from most formal to least formal, however there is no fixed rule.

Let’s take a look at each category separately.

Professional Acknowledgements

These are persons who, in their professional or academic capacity, assisted you with your dissertation. They may have given resources, helped you in formulating the dissertation’s focus and main arguments, or played an important part in data gathering.

They may have also walked you through a significant portion of your study’s methods and approach, or enabled you to participate in their own research project for practice.

It’s critical not to overlook anyone who may have assisted you along the way, particularly those in the professional sphere.

You should acknowledge the academics and funders who helped you with your research.

  • Supervisors or advisors
  • Technicians
  • Laboratory staff
  • Peers and colleagues who may have helped you
  • Organizations or institutions that lent you support
  • Research participants
  • Editors and/or proofreaders

You may be required by certain institutions to acknowledge your editors and proofreaders. Check with your university’s policies to determine if this is necessary.

When it comes to titles, make sure to utilize full names. If multiple people from a group or organization helped you, just mention the group’s or organization’s name. Use simply their first name or a generic identification if you want to protect their privacy.

If you had a discussion with an authoritative individual in your field of study or received feedback in any way, acknowledging their contribution, however small, can help to strengthen the authority of your own research.

Personal Acknowledgements

After acknowledging all of the people that helped you in completing the dissertation, you might acknowledge those in your own life who have inspired or encouraged you as you worked on the project.

There’s no need to name everyone in your family or group of friends. You may want to highlight someone in particular if they were particularly inspiring or encouraging.

  • Family members

Keep in mind that it’s preferable to thank those who supported you while you were working on your dissertation.

Include Funding Information in this Area

Thank your financial supporters in addition to appreciating the academic effort and moral support that helped you accomplish the dissertation. This includes any awards or scholarships you’ve received, as well as funding organizations and private contributors.

Is It Okay if I Acknowledge a Member of my Family First?

Personal acknowledgments may be particularly important and sincere for certain people, especially if the study was done at a difficult time. Some students prefer to dedicate their dissertation to a deceased family member; in this instance, the dedication should come first, followed by any professional acknowledgments.

Is It Okay if I Acknowledge God?

You may mention God in your dissertation, but be sure to recognize the members of academia, as well as family and friends who assisted you.

Is It Okay if I Acknowledge a Pet?

Yes! During the research and writing process, some students choose to express gratitude to their pet for providing company or comfort. You may absolutely include them if you believe they assisted you in some manner, but it’s not a good idea to put your cat ahead of your supervisor or funding bodies!

How to write the Acknowledgements Section?

You don’t need to spend much time thinking about an introduction or a conclusion; simply start with “I’d like to thank you” and explain how they helped with the project. Similarly, you might close with a final thank you.

In terms of acknowledgment structure and organization, prioritize the order based on the type of help they provided. Traditionally, professional acknowledgments must come first, followed by personal acknowledgments.

Since the acknowledgments section is not part of the dissertation body, you can use a more informal writing style here. While you have the ability to deviate from traditional academic writing conventions, it’s preferable to keep things concise and professional.

Write their complete names and titles when thanking your academic collaborators.

  • Professor Charles Wodehouse
  • Robert Sullivan, PhD

If you got assistance from any public or private organizations or institutions, make a list of their full names.

  • The New York Public Library
  • Child Rights and You, London Chapter

To begin, consider the following samples of popular acknowledgment sentences:

  • I’d want to express my gratitude to Nikola Tesla, my supervisor, for his advice throughout the process.
  • Professor S. Jobs is to thank for inspiring my interest in the development of innovative technologies.
  • Dr. Jane Goodall, my research partner, was important in determining the direction of my research. I am really appreciative for this.

There is no need to include a conclusion or summary at the end. Your last thank you might bring the acknowledgments to an end.

Where Should the Acknowledge Section be?

The acknowledgments section follows the title page and before the abstract. While this is the general rule, check your university’s rules to see if this page has a specific place.

How Long Should the Acknowledgements Section be?

This section should usually be no more than a page long. It might be as brief as a single paragraph or as long as the entire page. The length of this section is determined by the number of people you wish to thank.

Can I Add Humor to the Acknowledgement s Section?

Dissertations may be dry, so adding a little humor can make it more enjoyable for both you and the reader — and a little humor in the acknowledgments part is okay.

Avoid using critical (or self-critical) humor or casting someone in a negative light. Keep in mind that this paper will most likely be reviewed by prospective employers.

While it is okay to be funny or amusing in this section, be sure that it retains the professional tone that is expected of a dissertation.

Here are a few examples of researchers who put their sense of humor to good use on paper:

  • “Lastly, I’d like to thank Jacques Derrida, whose pedantic observations about language have furthered research in my field considerably.”
  • “My deepest gratitude goes to Rico, my parrot, who, perched on my shoulder daily, provided unwavering support and unexpected moments of wisdom.”

It is seen that a surprising number of students submit proposal drafts with the Acknowledgments Section completed. “The more parts I do now, the less I’ll have to do later,” the reasoning goes. It’s also understandable that filling up a part that doesn’t require any citations is tempting.

While there’s nothing wrong with planning out your acknowledgments section ahead of time, it’s preferable to store it apart from your proposal draft. Your Chair and committee members may find it unusual to be acknowledged before they’ve finished helping you through the dissertation process, as acknowledgments are intended to be written retroactively.

You might even limit yourself to only writing the preface. It’s a little redundant to do both, considering they’re essentially the same thing. It is unnecessary to thank individuals before and after the main work.

Thank those who assisted you and provide some more information about the document in the preface. You can choose which of these two options is preferable for your dissertation.

-Isabell S.

can dissertation acknowledgements be funny

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Discussion forum for current, past, and future students of any discipline completing post-graduate studies - taught or research.

Acknowledgement section cringe

So I stumbled over someone's (rather declamatory) graduation post on social media and found a picture of his thesis' acknowledgement section attached to it that I found noteworthy.

Apart from not mentioning any academic advisor/colleague he thanked all the people who did not believe in him because that made him believe in himself but foremost he thanked himself for being a such a resilient human being.

What have you come across so far? Have you noticed cultural differences?

Where I wrote my first thesis it was pretty much common to keep it simple, mention your advisor(s) and everyone related to your work academically and maybe mention something they provided to the accomplishment of your thesis. I'm sure you can be a bit more self-expressive but thanking yourself is absurd to me.

Edit: It's not a dissertation but a final thesis for a Bachelor's in (something like) civic engineering

Edit: By no means I want to imply that untypical acknowledgements are cringy. I actually appreciate them. What I do find cringy is:

Thanking yourself, as I find it overly self-celebratory.

Pretending the world is full of haters that "don't believe in you" or want to see you fail. Over the years I told a number of people that I studied and none of them had a pronounced reaction to it one way or the other. Nobody really "didn't believe in me", no haters.


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    sincere. They often use words or phrases that might sound funny or awkward, or they may simply repeat the words "thank you" over and over again. Therefore, this handout should help you write your Acknowledgements section of your dissertation. According to one source, the Acknowledgements section of a Ph.D. dissertation is the most

  7. Best Acknowledgement for Dissertation (10 Samples and Guide)

    This funny dissertation acknowledgment is a lighthearted nod to the quirks and challenges that made the academic journey memorable. Example of Dissertation Acknowledgement to God. In completing this dissertation, I humbly acknowledge the divine guidance of God. My gratitude extends to the Almighty for providing strength, wisdom, and inspiration ...

  8. Thesis Acknowledgements Examples

    Example #3: Inclusive of Challenges. This acknowledgement recognises the wide range of support received during unexpected personal and academic challenges, highlighting resilience and communal support. The path to completing this dissertation has been fraught with both professional challenges and personal adversities.

  9. Acknowledgements for PhD Thesis and Dissertations

    The Purpose of Acknowledgements. The acknowledgement section of a thesis or dissertation is where you recognise and thank those who supported you during your PhD. This can be but is not limited to individuals, institutions or organisations. Although your acknowledgements will not be used to evaluate your work, it is still an important section of your thesis.

  10. How to write acknowledgements in a thesis or dissertation

    Top tips to write acknowledgements. Plan Ahead: Make a list of the people you want to acknowledge and their specific contributions to your work.; Follow University Guidelines: Check your university's formatting and content guidelines to ensure your acknowledgements adhere to them.; Use First Person: Unlike the rest of your thesis, the acknowledgements can be written in the first person.

  11. How to Write Acknowledgments for a Dissertation

    There are a few things to keep in mind when writing your dissertation acknowledgements: Know your school's requirements. Thank the right people from your institution. Thank the right people from your personal life. Add a touch of humor (when appropriate) Keep it the appropriate length. Jump to: Dissertation Acknowledgements Example.

  12. Dissertation Acknowledgement Examples

    Some famous dissertation acknowledgement examples even focus on someone's dog or cat. Remember, this is your dissertation, you can really thank whoever you want. Just a small warning before you begin writing, be sure to double-check your institution's guidance. Some universities have specific guidelines for writing acknowledgements.

  13. How to Write Acknowledgements for Your Dissertation (And What NOT to

    This is where dissertation editing services can be useful. In this article, we will explore how to craft sincere acknowledgements for your dissertation, highlight whom to include and whom you might consider leaving out, and discuss the common pitfalls to avoid. Understanding the Acknowledgements Section of a Dissertation

  14. What was the funniest acknowledgement that you have read on a paper/thesis?

    This one. "I would like to thank every member of my committee except one.". This thesis is dedicated to all thesis that are not dedicated to themselves*. *Only funny for math thesis. Hi everyone, I'm about to finish my Bachelor thesis and of course acknowledgements is one of the important part of the thesis/papers.

  15. Thesis & Dissertation Acknowledgements

    Tone: A dissertation acknowledgement is more formal since a Ph.D. is a higher academic achievement. Thesis acknowledgements can be slightly less formal. Length: Dissertation acknowledgments tend to be longer since doctoral research often spans several years. Thesis acknowledgements are typically 1-2 paragraphs.

  16. How to Write Dissertation Acknowledgements

    The acknowledgement section in a dissertation is used to express gratitude towards all those who have helped you prepare the dissertation. Both professional and personal acknowledgements can be included in it. The acknowledgement section comes in between the title page and the abstract page. It is best suited to be on one page.

  17. Acknowledgements For Thesis Examples: Just Copy & Edit!

    How To Write Thesis Acknowledgements. Thank your supervisor first. Also acknowledge academic staff like lecturers and lab technicians. Mention peers or collaborators significantly contributing. Acknowledge grants and participants who provided data. Mention supporting organizations, omit financial specifics. Thank friends and family for support ...

  18. Dissertation Acknowledgements

    For formatting PhD dissertation acknowledgements, you should follow certain criterias: Place a page at the very beginning of your thesis — right after your title page and before the dissertation abstract. Align all margins on both sides. Place the 'Acknowledgements' title at the top of your page and center-align it.

  19. Thesis & Dissertation Acknowledgements

    The acknowledgements section is your opportunity to thank those who have helped and supported you personally and professionally during your thesis or dissertation process. Thesis or dissertation acknowledgements appear between your title page and abstract and should be no longer than one page. In your acknowledgements, it's okay to use a more ...

  20. Quora

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  21. How to Write the Acknowledgements Section?

    August 27, 2021 by TrueEditors. The acknowledgements section is where you recognize everyone who has helped you during the research and writing process. It's not simply a method of expressing gratitude; it's also a way of acknowledging that you needed support along the way. There is no way that a dissertation can be finished by a single ...

  22. Acknowledgement section cringe : r/GradSchool

    Acknowledgement section cringe. So I stumbled over someone's (rather declamatory) graduation post on social media and found a picture of his thesis' acknowledgement section attached to it that I found noteworthy. Apart from not mentioning any academic advisor/colleague he thanked all the people who did not believe in him because that made him ...