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How to Write The Perfect Resume in 2024 (With Examples)

The ultimate guide to learn how to quickly create a resume utilizing best practices to help you land your next job.

Ed Moss

Introduction to writing a resume

We’ve all been there. You’re ready to apply for a new job or looking for a career change, and you haven’t updated your resume in quite some time. Or it’s your first job, and you’re not sure where to start. Resumes are a standard part of the job application process. Not having one - a good one - makes it very difficult to near impossible to land your dream job.

Unless you have some incredible connections that can help you bypass the interview stage, which is pretty rare, we highly recommend you give your resume a second look (or first!).

Beautiful resume templates to land your dream job

Executive Assistant

Why do you need a good resume?

Your resume is a way for you to market yourself and promote your career experience. Creating a resume lets hiring managers see how you'll bring value to their company.

It's important to know that your resume doesn't need to present all there is to know about you. It should summarize the most important aspects of your professional experience. As well as your education, interests and activities - when applicable. We recommend you tailor your resume to the position you're seeking. This means highlighting specific accomplishments and skills to the job you're applying for.

In this guide, we'll walk you through the following sections to help you craft the perfect resume:

  • Understanding the basics of creating a resume
  • Breaking down the resume layout and formats
  • Maximizing information on your resume to provide the most value

What tools should you use to build your resume?

Tip: Use an online resume builder . Don't use Microsoft Word. Always use an online resume builder. You'll never have to worry about finding files and you can export your resume as a PDF.

So you’re ready to get started on your resume. The most obvious of choices is to open up Microsoft Word, create a new document and get writing. If you haven’t already done this before, formatting in Microsoft Word is a painful experience.

You'll end up with an ugly resume template that has poor legibility and incorrect margins. Or due to the lack of design options, you’ll end up with a resume that looks standard and boring. In both cases, the chances of potential employers overlooking your resume are pretty high!

Crazy isn’t it? You've spent years building job experience but have to use Microsoft Word to tell that story. And if you can’t navigate around complicated tools, it'll lead to poor results. You might miss the opportunity to land your dream job. That doesn’t sound fair, and it isn’t.

Why should you use a resume builder?

Luckily, there are other options that exist. We’ve created the fastest and easiest resume builder available online. With a variety of pre-existing templates that are professional and field-tested. And there’s no messing around with font sizes, margins or colors. We’ve taken care of all that for you.

The benefits of using an online resume builder like the one we’ve created are much higher. Here are some of the top reasons to use a resume builder:

  • Hosting your resume online (in the cloud)
  • This means you can access your resume at any time and anywhere. Your resume will always be available through our website. You'll never worry about having the right computer programs installed. Or finding files on a messy desktop.
  • Creating unlimited resumes at no cost
  • We manage it for you and make finding your resumes super easy, so you never have to worry about things getting lost. Go ahead and create unlimited versions of your resumes!
  • High-quality resume designs
  • This is where we specialize. Our design team has tested the exact elements required for perfecting resume templates. We sweat the details so you never have to. We’ve spent countless hours choosing the most appropriate font and color combinations. Including ones that pass the stress tests of relentless Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

The other benefits of using Easy Resume’s online resume builder are:

  • Download your resume as a PDF. We recommend this file format so your resume always looks consistent.
  • Share a direct link to your resume. We’ll even host it for you at no cost.
  • Get exclusive access to guides, tutorials, and tips from career and industry professionals.

Understanding the 3 types of resume formats

Let’s break down the different types of resumes that employers generally look for.

  • Reverse Chronological
  • Combination
Tip: When in doubt, use a reverse chronological resume format. - About 95% of resumes use the reverse chronological format. Hiring managers are used to this as it lets employers see how your career has progressed.

1. Reverse Chronological Format

The most common is the Reverse Chronological format. It’s the most used and formatted to tell the story of your work experience in a chronological way. Employers prefer this format, as it gives them a historical overview of your career. Including the different job titles and responsibilities that you’ve had.

When should you use a reverse chronological resume template?

  • You have had a lot of prior work experience. This means either the number of jobs or the amount of work experience you’ve had.
  • You want to show how your career has progressed. For example, if you started as an associate and worked your way up to a senior-level position. The reverse-chronological format is a great way of showing your progression.

What if you have gaps between your work experience?

This is a very common question that we often receive. It’s usually in the form of:

“I’ve been out of work for 6-7 years after a certain life situation (i.e. having kids). The last job I had was in 2012, but recently I'm starting to apply for jobs again in 2019. What’s the right resume format for someone like me?”

First of all, no worries. This is a very common situation and happens with many people. As a hiring manager, having a gap like this can lead to questions and uncertainty about your resume. Which is why we recommend that you use a combination format.

2. Functional Format

The second type of resume format is the Functional or Skills-Based resume. This can be common for students and recent graduates starting to apply for their first job.

When should you use a functional / skills-based resume template?

  • You’re a student or recent graduate applying for jobs for the first time with no prior work experience.
  • You’re looking to make a career change.

Reasons why this is common for students and recent grads is due to their lack of prior experience. Given the fact that they’re starting to enter the workforce and apply for their first job. It’s well understood amongst employers that students won’t have a huge depth of work experience. There are other ways to let them know what you can help bring to the role you’re applying for by showcase the list of skills that you excel at.

It usually depends on the role you’re applying for. But there are some common ones that you can try to focus on like: Communication, Organization, Customer Driven, Effective Listener, Teamwork, etc.

What else can you add to your resume besides skills?

We recommend adding some extra activities for your career. Even if you haven’t attained any professional work experience yet. The few ways you can do that as a student is:

  • Find internships
  • Help volunteer at student-led or non-profit organizations
  • Participate in extracurricular activities
  • Take on side-projects

Not only will you have more examples of experience to show on your resume. You can show employers how much initiative and leadership you’ve performed on your own. This helps you stand out much better than a candidate who only lists generic skills.

For example, instead of only listing skills like:

  • Communication
  • Collaborative

An employer might prefer to move forward with a resume that looks like this:

  • Summer Intern at XYZ
  • Volunteered for non-profit at XYZ
  • Ran student organization for XYZ

What if you’re unable to get any kind of experience?

Fear not, your chances towards landing your first job can still be within grasp. We recommend taking an approach that explains the skills you’ve acquired. And how you’ve applied them in real-world settings.

Here’s an example of adding depth to your skill sets:

  • Demonstrated effective teamwork and leadership in various class projects by taking the initiative to organize group’s goals, objectives, and tasks.
  • Received consistent praise and admiration from course professors and team members as being highly collaborative, an effective communicator and group leader with clear presentation skills and abilities.
  • Organization
  • Meticulous about even the smallest of details. Always taking the extra effort towards making sure that filenames, folder hierarchy and labeling are descriptive, versioned, tagged and easily discoverable.
  • Received constant praise from past and present team members who were able to jump into any collaborative project and accurately trace back previous versions to see how decisions were made.

Do you see how this can be more effective than listing out a set of skills? Taking this approach will let employers know that you’re not only listing skills. But have also demonstrated how you were able to apply these skills and put them into action.

3. Combination Format

The final type of resume that we mentioned earlier is the Combination or Hybrid format. This combines concepts from both reverse chronological and functional/skills-based formats.

We recommend this format for jobs that expect relevant experience and technical skills. An example might be a Graphic Designer who has experience working in design agencies. As well as necessary skills like Branding, Sketching, Illustration, and Adobe Creative Suite.

Take a look at our in-depth guide on how to select the right resume format .

IT Specialist

Choosing the best resume template

Now that we know which software to use and the most common resume formats, let’s break down the actual template. This is the make-or-break deal. Picking the right resume template can be the deciding factor if a hiring manager gives you a call. Or if they skip past your resume and never bother to read it.

Our mission here at Easy Resume is to make sure that never happens to you! We’re working hard to make sure your resume is high quality and presented in a way that will impress recruiters.

When speaking with hiring managers, we found that 78% of the time they skip your resume is because of the design. Again, we don’t think that’s fair.

Here’s a checklist to use for your resume

We always use this checklist whenever creating any new resume template.

Use a clear heading structure

Incorrect : Don’t make all headings and body copy the same size.
Correct: Do use typographic hierarchy by using varying heading sizes and font weights.

Use legible, friendly and professional font combinations

Incorrect : Don’t use quirky and eccentric fonts like comic sans or papyrus.
Correct : Do use professional fonts that are easy to read and familiar. Fonts like Georgia, Helvetica, Calibri, and Cambia.

Use an ample amount of spacing

Incorrect : Don’t go overboard with spacing. Using a lot of white-space might spark joy, but not when your resume becomes three pages long because of it.
Correct: Do keep your margins tight but spaced even enough that your text isn’t hugging the borders of the page.
Incorrect : Don’t try to write your entire life story with every single job responsibility you’ve ever had. Recruiters on average spend about 7-8 seconds skimming through resumes. If it's two pages, the chances of them not spending even more than 2-3 seconds reading the second page is pretty low.
Correct: Do keep your information brief, relevant, and clear. If you REALLY need another page, make sure it’s valuable information. Otherwise, choose the right template that can fit the most words on a single page.

Use bullet points

Incorrect : Don’t write very long paragraphs about your work experience. Remember, your resume is a summary and a brief overview of your career. Your resume is not an autobiography of everything you’ve ever done.
Correct: Do use 3-4 bullet points to briefly describe your responsibilities. Feel free to add more bullet points if you have worked at only one or two jobs to fill up some more space.

Overview for writing a resume

Whew, that was a lot of information. Let's quickly summarize what we've learned.

1) Always use an online resume builder, instead of Microsoft Word

  • It’s always better to use an online tool instead of Microsoft Word.
  • Creating a resume template on Easy Resume will allow you to access your resume at any time. And access to unlimited resumes and a great selection of professional design templates.

2) There are 3 types of resume formats

  • Reverse Chronological -This is the most common. Use it if you have a lot of work experience and want to show your career progression over the years. ‍
  • Functional - If you lack work experience, use this format to emphasize your skill set. It’s great for students or recent graduates entering the workforce for the first time. ‍
  • Combination - If you have a lot of experience and a diverse skill set that is relevant to your job, use this advanced technique. For example, a web developer who has worked at a few technology startups. And has programming skills in languages like Python, PHP, and Javascript.

3) Follow our resume design guidelines

  • Utilize clear heading hierarchy, don’t make all fonts the same size. This will help your resume be easy to parse. Remember, recruiters spend an average of 6 seconds scanning your resume. Highlight the most important sections! ‍
  • Use legible fonts that are easy to read . Using professional fonts will make your resume more legible. Choose from fonts like Georgia, Calibri, Garamond, Arial, Helvetica, Cambria, Times New Roman, Verdana, Trebuchet, Gill Sans, and Tahoma
  • ‍ Use white-space conservatively . If you rely too much on white-space, you might end up with a 2-3 page resume. Keep your margins tight but spaced evenly to make it easy on the eyes for the reader. ‍
  • Use 1 page . As previously mentioned, hiring managers and recruiters spend an average of 6 seconds. They might look at hundreds of resumes and applications every week. The chances of them reading every single page from top to bottom is pretty slim. ‍
  • Use limited amount of color depending on your industry. Hiring managers need to notice the right parts of your resume. Using the right amount of color on your resume can help. ‍
  • se bullet points . As previously mentioned, hiring managers and recruiters spend an average of 6 seconds. They might look at hundreds of resumes and applications every week. The chances of them reading every single page from top to bottom is pretty slim.

Resume sections and details

Let’s take a closer look at the resume itself now. Resumes are typically broken down into the common sections:

Common sections to add on your resume

Resumes tend to have some common sections that employers are used to seeing. Here's a list of what's generally expected as best practice:

  • Heading / Name
  • Additional Contact Info
  • Your Objective
  • Your Education
  • York Work Experiences
  • Your Skills

Of course not all people are alike. There’s no one-size-fits-all model for resumes. Depending on your job, you might want to include more unique sections. Remember any information you include on your resume should have valuable insight into your experience. Employers want to know why you would be a great hire.

Other sections to include on your resume

If you don't have enough information for the sections described above, you can try to add some of these sections below. Keep in mind that you should only add it if it's relevant to the position you're applying for.

  • Volunteering
  • Achievements
  • Organizations
  • Certificates
  • Publications

As you can see, there are many sections to add depth to your resume. So don’t be alarmed if you’re lacking skills or experiences, there are other ways to let employers learn of your potential.

Tip: Only add information that’s relevant to the job you’re applying for. As a best practice, always remember that the most valuable details is the information that recruiters are specifically looking for in the job description that you’re applying to.

Let’s break down each of these sections and how to add the most value to them.

Adding contact information

Information about yourself is a critical element for your resume. It provides a brief description of who you are, where you're based and how to get in touch with you.

The most necessary contact information to add on your resume

There are quite a few ways to add your contact details, but here's what's most necessary.

  • Your First & Last Name . You may use a preferred name if that's what you'd rather go by. So for example, someone named "Robert" might prefer to go by a nickname like "Bob". You may also optionally include your middle name or initial. ‍
  • Your Email Address. Your email address is necessary if employers want to be able to reach you. Email is generally the most common way that recruiters use to get in contact with applicants.

Always use a professional email address.

Incorrect : Don't use an email address that sounds like you're still in grade school. Something like [email protected] will not look professional on your resume.
Correct : If you don't already have one, create a professional email address with your name on a service like Gmail. An email like [email protected] sounds much more professional.
  • Your Phone Number. Adding a phone number will let recruiters know that they can also reach you via phone call if that proves to be more convenient for them. If possible, use your work or cellphone number instead of your home number. ‍
  • Your Location. Adding your location lets employers know that you'll be able to physically make it to work. It's preferred that you list your city and state. Some people like to add their full mailing address. However, based on our research, we learned that it's not always important to add in your entire street address.

Let employers know where you're based, not your exact address.

Incorrect : Don't list your entire mailing address like 305 Main St, Apt#25. It's not always necessary. If an employer needs to know your mailing address, ask them and only provide if required.
Correct : You can simply list your city state and sometimes zip code, for example: New York, NY 10010. This will let employers know that you live and work in this geographic location. If you need a work visa or are looking to relocate, be sure to call that out.

Secondary contact information to add on your resume

  • Your Website or Blog. If you have a website or a blog, feel free to add it on your resume. Having a website can add to the professionalism of your experience.

Unnecessary contact information for your resume

  • Your Photo or Headshot. Adding a photo to your resume is a bit of a controversial topic. While it's not always recommended, and most ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) will ignore it - some countries like South Korea may prefer it. However, in most cases, it's not necessary. ‍
  • Your Date of Birth. To avoid any kind of age-based discrimination, it's best to leave your birthday out of your resume.

Adding social media profiles

If you have accounts on social networks, you might want to include them depending on how relevant it is. This will let employers know that you're active and knowledgeable about commonly used platforms online.

  • Linkedin is the most popular platform for networking amongst professionals. We recommend that you create a Linkedin profile if you don't already have one.
  • If you use Twitter for professional reasons, adding your Twitter handle can be a good way to show off your personality and interests for topics that you like to talk about. However, if you use it purely for personal reasons, you shouldn't add it.
Tip: Only add social media profiles if they showcase your professional experience. Normally, you shouldn't add your personal social media profiles on your resume. Unless you're using social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest to demonstrate your expertise and interests, there's no reason to include them on your resume. For example, if you're a web developer, you might want to include your Github or if you're a designer, you can include a link to your Behance portfolio.

Writing the perfect resume objective

Your resume summary or objective gives employers a very brief overview of your goal and what kind of position you're looking for. It should always be at the very top of the resume. Usually placed directly below your name and contact information. It's always important to leave a great first impression. Remember, hiring managers are spending only 6 seconds scanning your resume.

Here are the key pieces of information that your resume objective should include:

  • Your Job Title = e.g. Server
  • Your Experience (in years) = e.g. 10+ Years
  • Your Achievements = e.g. Managed parties and events upwards of 250+ guests and maintained customer satisfaction rate above 98%
  • Your Desired Goal = e.g. Looking for new opportunities to bring expertise to fine-dining establishments
  • Your Desired Goal (Personalized) = e.g. Looking to gain new skills and further develop fine-dining expertise at an upscale establishment like Janes Riverside Restaurant

Personalizing your resume objective to the specific company you're applying for can be a great way to make a first impression. We highly recommend tailoring each resume objective to the specific job and company you're applying to.

Follow these tips to write a great resume objective

This checklist will help summarize your experience into a resume objective that leaves a good first impression.

Avoid writing your resume objective in first person.

Incorrect : I am a server and have lots of experience working in various restaurants. I love working with customers.
Correct : Dynamic and engaged server with over 10+ years of experience who loves to provide warm and friendly customer service.

Quantify your achievements.

Incorrect : I worked many catering events and parties, and provided good customer service.
Correct :  Managed parties and events upwards of 250+ guests and maintained customer satisfaction rate above 98%.

Be clear about your desired goal.

Incorrect : I'm looking for a new job to get better at managing people and stores.
Correct : Looking for new opportunities to further develop hospitality and personnel management experience at fine-dining restaurants.

Putting all this together, a bad example of a resume objective might be the following:

Bad example of a Registered Nurse's objective

I am an experienced registered nurse, that has worked at large hospitals with experience taking care of patients and providing medical expertise. I'm looking for a position to help grow my nursing career.

Let's turn that into a better example of a resume objective, based on our guidelines:

Good example of a Registered Nurse's objective

Experienced and veteran RN with 12+ years of experience taking care of patient health. Skilled in providing high quality patient care in ER situations under intense pressure. Hired and trained a staff of 27 nurses and nurse assistants. Looking for a new role to bring empathetic care to the patients at Lincoln Hospital.

Take a look at our guide on how to write a killer resume summary or resume objective to learn more.


Summarizing your job experience

Your resume experience section is the most important aspect of your entire resume. It's a summary of your career experience and progression that outlines your responsibilities and achievements.

This is the section that you'll most likely spend most of your time on. It's good practice to make sure you consistently jot down any new experiences you've had, even if you're not looking for a job.

For example, if you recently landed a $200,000 deal by bringing on a new client at your firm, write that down somewhere you can remember. Over time, you'll have dozens of bullet points you can copy over to your resume when you are ready for a new job.

Here's a simple example of work experience

Server, red lobster.

November 2018 - Present • New York, NY

  • Greeted incoming guests and directed them to comfortable seating.
  • Memorized and informed guests of daily menu specials.
  • Made recommendations about food and beverages as well as other services provided by the restaurant.
  • Provided exceptional and friendly customer service by taking food and beverage orders and entering them in our PoS system.
  • Job Title = e.g. Server
  • Company Name = e.g. Red Lobster
  • Start & End Dates = e.g. November 2018 - Present
  • Location = e.g. New York, NY
  • Responsibilities & Tasks = e.g. Made recommendations and answered questions about our food, beverages and other restaurant functions and services.

This is a simple example, but it can be improved by adding more detail.

Follow these guidelines to really maximize your career experience

These principles will make your resume look more professional, relevant and attractive to hiring managers. This is where most job-seekers have the toughest time when writing their resume.

We highly recommend emphasizing your experience section with these guidelines:

  • Focus on achievements and outcomes. Instead of just writing about all of the tasks you did. Try your best to quantify some of the most key and impactful achievements you've made at the company. Using actionable verbs can help. ‍
  • Use keywords from the job description. If you're applying to multiple jobs, make sure you tailor each resume to the job description . A great way to tailor your resume is to use keywords from the job description itself. Not only will this feel more relevant to recruiters, but it significantly increases the chances of your resume passing an ATS which scans for common keywords. ‍
  • List only key responsibilities. Your experience section isn't meant to be a huge list of every single task you've ever done. Try to narrow your responsibilities to the ones that most relevant ones.

Here's a better example of work experience

  • Implemented Happy Hour pre-dinner special that drove an extra $7,500 in weekly revenue.
  • Trained and onboarded 6 servers to help increase waitstaff.
  • Promoted to Team Lead after receiving exceptional feedback from repeat customers.
  • Made food recommendations to customers that helped increase ordering by up to 15% for select items.

Adding skills to your resume

Showcasing skills on your resume lets employers understand the variety of your strengths. While skill sets can vary, the best approach is to use keywords from the job description to show how your skills are relevant.

In general, there are two types of skills you should consider adding to your resume.

  • Soft or Transferable Skills
  • Hard or Technical Skills

What are soft skills?

Soft skills (sometimes known as "transferable skills") are self-developed skills that will be valuable to employers to many different types of jobs. Some examples of these include communication, teamwork, organization and leadership. Listing soft skills is recommended if you're thinking about a career change where your skills would serve both industries.

For example, there might be a job that requires candidates to be very strong in teamwork skills. If you’ve worked in team settings, and enjoy collaborating with other group members, this is a skill that you might want to call out.

Here's a list of common soft skills:

  • Taking Initiative
  • Problem Solving
  • Attention to Detail
  • Collaboration
  • Time Management
  • Critical Thinking
  • Decision Making
  • Presentation
  • Facilitation

What are hard skills?

Hard skills (also known as "technical skills") are specific skills that are learned to perform a certain task or master a craft. These skills are often completed during your job, and sometimes require specific education or training to learn and master. For example, some technical skills can include computers or hardware for jobs like a Web Developer or an IT person.

Adding technical skills to your resume will let employers know how you can solve different challenges using these skills you've acquired. We recommend using your career experience, as described above, to show real examples of how you applied your hard skills at your job. Make sure to keep them relevant to the job you're applying for.

Here's a list of hard skills for specific roles:

Web Developer

  • Ruby on Rails
  • HTML & CSS
  • Cross Browser Testing

Graphic Designer

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Wireframing

Data Analyst

  • Database Management
  • Google Analytics
  • Microsoft Excel

We have come up with a list of over 100 skills that you can include on your resume .

Data Analyst

Listing your education

The education section of your resume is an important call-out for showing your school experience and the degree(s) you've received. It's important that the education section of your resume is relevant to fit the position you're applying for.

Here's an example of the information you should add for your education.

  • School / University Name = e.g. Harvard University
  • Degree & Major = e.g. B.F.A in Arts & Literature
  • Minor = e.g. Minor in Spanish
  • Years Attended = e.g. Fall 2004 to Spring 2008
  • GPA ( optional ) = e.g. 3.8/4.0 GPA
  • Honors ( optional ) = e.g. Magna Cum Laude

The most important information to include is your degree (multiple if you have more than one), the schools you attended and during which dates. If relevant, providing more specific pieces of information like your major and minor can also help.

Tip: Always be truthful on your resume. It's not worth lying on your resume. Employers will quickly find out whether you're telling the truth or lying during an interview if they ask specific questions that you are unable to answer. Same goes for your Education. Employers can request a transcript to verify that your school information is correct.

You'll notice we also added GPA and Honors as optional. For GPA, it's not necessary nor required, and should be generally avoided unless you have a high GPA (greater than 3.8). Adding honors and achievements is also likely to be ignored by recruiters. Only add it if you have plenty of extra space on your resume. Otherwise save that space for more important and relevant information.

Additional sections for your resume

Now that we've learned about the most important sections to add on your resume, let's explore some other ways to demonstrate your full potential to future employers.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all model. Every person, every situation and every job is different. Your resume should be tailored based on a variety of these circumstances.

Here are some sections you can include on your resume:

Keep in mind, that you should only add these sections if 1) you have extra space or 2) it's very relevant to the job you're applying for.

  • Hobbies & Interests. This is a great way to show off your individual personality. Employers often care about maintaining company culture. Showcasing your different hobbies and interests can be a great way for them to get to know you, before even meeting you! Our advice on how to include hobbies on your resumes will be helpful.
  • Languages. Do you speak multiple languages? This is a skill that can become useful, even if it isn't required for the job. When listing languages, you may also write a proficiency level (native, fluent, basic) to show how skilled you are at communicating in that language. ‍
  • Volunteering Experience. If you spend time volunteering at different organizations, this can demonstrate to future employers that you're mission-driven and passionate about solving problems for others. If you're a student, acquiring volunteer experience can be a great way to substitute (with real impact!) for any lack of work experience. ‍
  • Certifications & Awards. Have you received any certifications and awards that celebrates achievements you've made in your career? If it's relevant to the job you're applying to, then this could be a great way to level up your expertise and skills. Take a look at our guide on including achievements and awards on your resume as well as including certifications on your resumes.

Browse more resume templates that fit your role

Ed Moss is an author for Easy Resume

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Professional resume templates to help land your next dream job.


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resume building tips 2021

Writing a resume that helps you get noticed is very important as you embark on your next search for a dream job. In 2022, your resume needs to be easy to review quickly, concise with the most important highlights related to the job you’re pursuing, keyword-friendly for the AI resume bots that may be reviewing it first, and more.

When deciding to update your resume for a new job search in 2022, don’t feel like you must do a complete overhaul when considering the below-mentioned resume -building tips. In most cases, you’ll edit it to reduce the fluff and highlight the things that matter the most . Your number one goal is to get an interview for the particular job you’re applying for; it’s not telling your life story. Many job seekers believe that every little experience they’ve had or project they’ve completed has to be on their resume , and that’s not the case, as you’ll see below.

We advise you to print out your current resume  and the job posting you’re most interested in and have a red pen available as you walk through these tips and tricks for writing a great resume in 2022.

Best Resume Building Tips

Reduce Your Resume to One Page

Decide whether or not to include your mailing address, utilize a straightforward and easy scan format, maximize the use of format spacing, margins, all-caps, and bolded font for readability, remove the fluff by sifting through dated and unnecessary buzzwords, show off your hard and soft skills, scrub your personal info and social media accounts, do not match your resume to your linkedin profile.

When considering these resume -building tips, the first thing to do is reduce it to one page . A single-page resume is a widely held preference for most recruiters and HR leaders. Back in the day, we used to think of a long resume as proof of professionalism, and that’s no longer true. You can still include all the bright moments of your career and many of the different jobs you progressed through. Just try not to elaborate too much, and remember to be concise. If you’re stretching to get your resume to one page, adjust your font to a minimum of 11 for the body, and a max of 14 font sizes for your name.

Below are quick resume writing tips that you should use to highlight relevant skills, your educational background with academic honors , and your work history to reduce a good resume to one page.

  • Only include relevant experiences to the job you are applying to
  • Cut repetitive bullets for different jobs
  • Leave out “references available upon request,” as employers will ask you when they want them
  • Make your name smaller, with max 14 font size
  • Get rid of your objective and skills section, especially if it’s taking up significant real estate
  • Leave out volunteer work if it takes you to two pages unless it’s very relevant to the job to which you’re applying
  • Leave out your high school unless you are in college looking for an internship or summer job
  • Put information about each position on one line
  • Format relevant leadership experience under work experience
  • Adjust your spacing but make sure everything is easy to scan
  • Put your contact information (city, professional email address, phone) on one line
  • Use a smaller font, minimum 11 font-size though
  • Don’t feel pressure to put three bullets but make sure they get your points across
  • Use bullet points with relevant information that makes you stand out
  • Only mention self-explanatory awards that are relevant
  • Leave off irrelevant experience
  • Submit it as a PDF unless otherwise specified
  • Save your resume as “Your Full Name Resume ” and not something like “First Initial Last Name Resume Update 2022 March – The Newest”

best resume writing tips to get a new job

Should you put your full address on your resume? Yes, you should add some form of location identifier , but it doesn’t necessarily need to be your complete address. There are different opinions about adding a street address to your resume . Some people find it necessary to have your prospective employer aware of your exact location, while others disagree. The consensus seems to point towards adding some form of location identifiers, such as adding just your city or state, your metropolitan area, or that you work remotely.

Reasons to put your full address on your resume include some employers expect it. It makes your resume ATS (Applicant Tracking System) friendly, makes the hiring process shorter, matches time zone compatibility for remote positions, and puts you in consideration for other jobs.

The reasons against putting your full address on your resume include personal security issues, the risk of employer location bias, unintentional disqualification if an employer sets up a location boundary, an outdated look, and space used.

Your career timeline isn’t as important as what you learned along the way. When updating your resume , even on an entry-level resume , state the milestones of your professional journey chronologically , and explain how they added to your skillset.

Generally speaking, there are four types of resume formats. Recruiters spend only a few seconds on every resume that lands on their desk. It would help if you crafted yours so that the most vital pieces of information are front and center. The good idea is to choose the proper format for your resume to do this. In some cases, resume templates can help get you started.

  • Chronological
  • Combination

Browse effective resume formats online for inspiration and choose a clearer  and more concise outline than your outdated resume . The aesthetics should first please you, but it should also be straightforward to read without exuberance. Choose a theme that’ll fit the image of your industry and a potential employer.

Below are a few resume formatting tips that may help you stand out and improve your current version.

  • Set half-inch margins on the top and bottom and .7-inch margins on the sides
  • Pick an 11 or 12-point resume font and stick to it
  • Utilize times new roman font for the cleanest, least dramatic look
  • Create a proper resume header format for your contact details with your name in a larger font than your address and phone number
  • Divide your resume into distinct sections, for example, contact information, work experience, and education (add skills, awards, and summary if room otherwise remove)
  • Use  relevant bullet points with action verbs  to talk about your experience
  • Be consistent with your resume formatting and stick to the same date format, for example, 1–2023, or January 2023
  • Use single spacing for bullets but add white space as necessary for readability
  • Add an extra space before and after each section heading
  • Don’t use photos on your resume unless the job description specifically asks for them
  • Make sure the company, job title, and dates are in all caps, highlighted, or bolded so they stand out and are easy to scan

An average human nowadays has an attention span of a little less than a Goldfish. The short attention span suggests that a three-page resume would seem overwhelmingly long. A busy employer will quickly move on to a briefer document and may miss out on your excellent qualifications.

Let’s remove the following fluff or dated items from your resume .

  • An objective or skills section at the top of your resume
  • Weird or potentially polarizing interests
  • Third-person voice
  • An email address from your current employer or an outdated one from Yahoo or Hotmail
  • Unnecessarily big words
  • Tiny, unimportant jobs from 20 years ago

As you know, resume space is vital, and utilizing unnecessary words and verbose language can backfire. Here are more terms to never include on a resume .

  • Team player
  • Hardworking or hard worker
  • Microsoft Office
  • Reference available upon request
  • I, she, he, him, her
  • Can’t or won’t
  • Unnecessary personal information
  • I know HTML, photoshop
  • Generalizations
  • Accomplished
  • Stay-at-home Mom
  • Responsible for
  • Results-oriented

job applicants writing resumes with keywords and formatting tips

Another great resume writing tip is to describe your current and previous work to frame your best traits. If you’re an expert in your field, write that before anything else. Leadership, conflict resolution, successful negotiation, and effective communication are among the most needed soft skills in the 2020s. Don’t just say that you have these skills, give examples that shed light on your best traits . If you missed it, check out our post on soft skills employers seek in the residential construction industry. Are you learning a new skill while searching for a new job ? Make sure to add it when building your resume .

Believe it or not, there was a time when marital status and the number of kids you had needed to appear on a resume . Familial status is no longer the case; recruiters generally avoid asking about these details. That said, go light on personal information in this uber-professional document, including non-relevant hobbies, and only present relevant social media handles. Lastly, this is an excellent time to remind you to scrub your social media channels that might have the information you don’t want to share with a potential employer.

  • Make your accounts private if necessary
  • Hide or delete any inappropriate posts
  • Deactivate all old or unused accounts
  • Add more appropriate photos
  • Add a professional bio to your accounts if necessary
  • Edit your handles and URLs
  • Post-industry-related news, quotes, or articles

Tailor Your Credentials with Pertinent Keywords, the Job Requirements, and the Industry

Lastly, as you consider these resume writing tips, do your best to tailor your credentials to the job requirements to show you’re a good fit. We recommend updating your resume for each job, if different, and focusing  on keywords and notable topics in your industry .

Like the points above, keywords are words or short phrases related to specific job requirements. They are the skills, abilities, credentials, and qualities a prospective hiring manager might look for in a candidate. When a hiring manager looks through a pile of resumes, they scan each resume to find these keywords. Many companies even use automated applicant tracking systems (ATS), or talent management systems, to screen candidates for job openings. An ATS works by eliminating resumes that are missing specific keywords. If the software or the hiring manager does not detect any of the keywords in your resume or cover letter , your application might get thrown out.

Embedding keywords in your resume or cover letter is a great way to demonstrate, at a glance, that you fit the position’s requirements. That said, it’s essential, when updating your resume , that you have many of the crucial keywords specific to your background and the job you are applying to in your resume . We advise referencing the job description for many of the most relevant keywords.

job seeker using best writing resume tips and tricks

You do not want to make your resume and LinkedIn profile the same. While your job history, dates, and education should match, LinkedIn should be more informal . Hiring managers will go to your LinkedIn profile to learn more about you, which is generally evident in your writing style. There are significant differences between resumes that get you hired and your LinkedIn profile, and it’s important to distinguish the two.

That said, don’t mistake an informal voice for being unprofessional. There are creative ways to make your LinkedIn profile professional and relaxed. Further, recruiters want to see different information, and it could signal to a recruiter that you’re lazy, not creative, or don’t understand what LinkedIn is used for. Generally, an executive resume should talk about business details, while LinkedIn should be more conversational about how you accomplished certain things.

There’s a fine line between crafting the perfect executive resume and writing a solid LinkedIn profile. Many executives use executive resume services to help distinguish the two.

Additional Resume Writing and Interview Tips for 2022

At Matchbuilt, in addition to helping you build a resume , we pride ourselves on supporting our candidates during the interview process. We’re jam-packed with tips regarding evidence-based recruiting practices, how to answer difficult interview questions such as “Why should we hire you?”, preparing for a Skype or Zoom interview , and tips for your LinkedIn profile —getting ready to resign from your current position? Try to leave without burning bridges .

resume building tips 2021

About Mark Matyanowski

As the founder of MatchBuilt, with over 18 years of recruiting and coaching experience and 8+ years in executive roles at a leading Fortune 100 company, I am deeply committed to guiding professionals in their career paths.

Our team at MatchBuilt offers expert support in enhancing resumes, optimizing LinkedIn profiles, and preparing for interviews. Our blog, drawing on our rich experience and industry insights, is a valuable resource for job seekers.

We take pride in successfully guiding job candidates to top-tier company roles while empowering individuals to achieve their career ambitions, irrespective of their background or educational level.

The Ultimate Guide on How to Write a Resume in 2021

Posted on 21 jul 2021.

We are now in the second half of 2021. Have you found meaningful work yet? If your resume is not getting you the results you want, it may be time to clean it up a bit with a few key resume writing tips 2020 . Make sure to use these tips to get ahead of the competition and finally get your foot in the door toward the career path you’re aiming for.

resume writing tips 2021

1. Plan your resume

Perhaps the most important of all resume writing tips 2021—before you begin writing a resume in 2021, you must first decide which type of resume works best: chronological, functional, or combination. Here’s the definition for each one so you’ll know the right one to write for your career situation.

• Chronological resume – the traditional type of resume, with the work experience listed in reverse chronological order.

• Functional resume – the type of resume that prioritizes skills over experience in order to take away attention from problematic career decisions.

• Combination resume – picks the best qualities of both the chronological and functional resume and merges them.

After choosing your resume type, you need to plan your resume sections according to the position and your specific career situation. Most people arrange their sections like so:

• Summary Statement

• Work Experience

• Professional Organizations

• Education

• Skills and Certifications

You can personalize these sections according to your needs, but avoid deviating too much from what recruiters and hiring managers expect to see.

2. Begin with a personal branding statement

For 2021 resume tips, well-crafted personal branding is not only important but crucial. Just like the “Bio” section of your social media pages, your resume’s personal branding statement gives a better understanding of who you are and your mission. Below your job title, write a sentence or phrase that best encapsulates your passion, profession, and/or accomplishments. Here are some tips to keep in mind: Use active verbs, focus on what you’re good at, and think over the keywords and make sure they feel fresh, not overused. Here are some examples:

• I build brands with small businesses.

• I make B2B transactions simpler and more cost-effective.

• Helping IT professionals achieve technical mastery over integrated management systems.

As one of the key resume writing tips to use for resume writing 2021 , keep working on your bio statement until you’re convinced that it conveys you as the ideal candidate for the job.

3. Write an impactful professional summary

A professional summary serves as an appetizer for the rest of your resume. Write it effectively, and your reader will be encouraged to read the rest of your application. As you write your summary statement, consider your unique strengths, experiences, and accomplishments that you believe are relevant to the job you’re applying for.

• Customize it specifically for the job position.

• Apply keywords used in the job listing.

• Quantify your achievements with solid numbers and figures.

• Sum up all that you have to offer.

Read the job posting carefully, then evaluate your own skills and experiences to identify the value that you can bring to the job and organization.

4. Keep it simple, clean, and modern

Your resume serves as your professional first impression, so you need to make sure it looks well-organized. It represents you formally, so here are a few of the more important resume writing tips you must remember: only use high-quality paper, and print only in black and white, because it helps establish you as a serious applicant. Choose a contemporary font, such as Calibri, Garamond, or Helvetica. Strive for the perfect balance of white space and print. Keep the size of the text between 10 and 12 for legibility, and only use single spacing for your paragraphs. Finally, keep the side margins one inch wide on both sides, as this is the universally accepted standard for formal letters.

5. Hit the right keywords

Many companies and business enterprises today employ an applicant tracking system (ATS), a type of computer program that basically scans and screens resume before they are read by recruiters and hiring managers. The way these applications work is that they basically pore through resumes looking for keywords specific to the job posting. Needless to say, if your resume doesn’t contain these keywords, your application has no chance of reaching the eyes of those who will supposedly hire you.

One of the crucial resume writing tips this year: the way to beat ATS is to ensure your resume possesses the right keywords and phrases, and this requires reviewing the job post carefully and taking note of prominent terms used. For a resume tips example, let’s say you were applying for a warehouse manager position, some of the keywords you’re likely to come across include:

• Trucking inventory

• Shipping and receiving

• Cycle counting

• Vendor management

By using job-specific keywords in your resume organically and naturally, you increase your chances of passing ATS screening, getting you closer to landing that ever-important job interview.

6. Be direct and concise

As you refine your resume, you need to make sure your document emphasizes the qualities that can help you stand out from the competition. This means you need to focus on skills, experiences, and accomplishments that are relevant to the job. Avoid peppering your resume with unnecessary and irrelevant information, as these may make you appear as someone who has very little to offer to the position in question. Recruiters will appreciate a lean resume more than that has been stuffed with unrelated experience.

7. Link to your LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn has become the preferred platform for brands and organizations to engage with a professional demographic. With over 87 percent of recruiters regularly using the platform, it is now considered a huge mistake for job hunters to not have a LinkedIn profile—even more so if they fail to link it to their application.

By linking your LinkedIn profile to your resume, you provide potential employers with a way to “get to know” you beyond your document. Expect them to go through your profile and posts to see if your skills and professionalism are up to par with what they’re looking for in a candidate. Likewise, you should also expect them to look for sensitive content that may put their branding at risk. Take the time to clean up your social media pages by hiding or deleting any inappropriate posts.

8. Present your accomplishments in a quantifiable manner

Recruiters love to see hard, solid numbers on a resume because it confirms to them that you were successful at your previously held jobs. Whenever you list your accomplishments, make sure you display them using percentages, proportions, or monetary amounts. For a resume tips example, if you worked as a salesperson at your old job, don’t just say that you regularly met the company quota—let your potential employer know what the quota was, how many months were you able to meet or exceed it, and how much your previous your company profited from your efforts. Here are some resume writing guides 2021 examples of what you could say:

• Generated over 20 percent of the company’s sales total over a four-year period.

• Met and exceeded delivery targets over a 2-year period, resulting in zero production downtime for the manufacturing company during the said period.

• Created and carried out skill workshops that improved employee productivity by 20 percent.

9. Be honest

It’s easier today for employers to research a candidate’s references and work history, so don’t conflate your achievements in an attempt to impress. If a recruiter finds contradictory information when they look you up on the Internet, you may just lose the chance of getting hired. Worse, you could even get blacklisted, and no recruiter will want to work with you. For resume writing 2021, this means that your resume will never be read by a hiring manager, and finding the next job or career opportunity only becomes that much more out of reach. Be truthful and avoid such consequences.

Need more tips on resume writing 2021?

Resumeble’s Career Advice section has many useful articles to help you develop your resume into the best application document it can possibly be. If you need help with your resume, we have expert writers who will work with you one on one to chisel your resume into a top-caliber application that showcases your best qualifications and highlights the value that you can deliver as an employee. Take advantage of our highly in-demand resume writing 2021 services today.

  • 7 seconds: this is how long your resume has either to impress or be ignored by the recruiter
  • 300+: average number of applications one corporate job opening posted online receives
  • 3%: number of sent resumes that result in interviews

Transform your career and beat the odds!

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20 Basic Resume Writing Rules That'll Put You Ahead of the Competition

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If you’re thinking about taking a new step in your career, your resume’s probably high on your mind. When’s the last time you updated it? How will you transfer the skills from your current job or industry to a new one? How will you set yourself apart from other candidates? How long and horrible will this revision process actually be?

Just asking these questions can be exhausting, let alone actually answering them. And, if you’re not fresh off the job search, the thought of thinking everything through and creating an interview-worthy resume can be exhausted.

Fear not! We’ve come up with the 20 basic rules that will get you that much closer to success.

1. Keep it to One Page

This is a biggie! If a hiring manager’s spending six seconds looking at your resume, he or she might not even get to the second page! Unless you’re applying to be an executive or a partner somewhere, one page will be sufficient and is a widely accepted “best practice.” To cut it down, remember the purpose of it—it’s not to showcase everything you’ve ever done, but rather to show that you have the background, skills, and experience for the job at hand.

2. Avoid Spelling or Grammar Errors

Another biggie. There are some recruiters who will discount your resume the second they see a spelling or grammar error. Although it can be painful, make sure you don’t just read over your resume several times, but also that you have a friend take a peek, too.

3. Watch Your Tenses

This is another common error that can really hurt you in the eyes of hiring managers. As a general rule, if something on your resume is in the past, use the past tense (managed, delivered, organized) and if you are still actively in the role, use the present tense (manage, deliver, organize).

4. Avoid the First Person Pronouns

As a general practice, don’t use words like “I” or “me” or “my.” So, instead of saying “I hit and exceeded company sales quotas 100% of the time” say “Hit and exceeded sales quotas 100% of the time.”

5. Send Your Resume as a PDF

Saving your resume as a PDF (rather than a Word and document) freezes it as an image so that you can be sure hiring managers see the same formatting as you. If you send it any other way, there’s a chance that the styling, format, font, and so on, could look different on their computer than yours.

6. Label Your Resume File Correctly

Too many people save this important document with random or generic file names like sgks123.pdf or resume.pdf. Remember that recruiters can see the name of the file that you send them and also remember that they get tons of resumes every day. Make it super clear whose resume they should click on by saving it under a logical name like FirstName_LastName_Resume.pdf.

7. Format in a Logical Structure

Even more important than naming the file in a logical manner is laying out your resume in a logical manner. How you lay it out really depends on where you are in your career path and what you’re looking to do next. While chronological the default, it’s not always the best way to make your case. Muse writer Lily Zhang lays out the other options that might work better for you.

8. Make Sure It’s Easy to Read

You might be tempted to just shrink the text to get your resume to fit on a page. (Which is funny, because remember all those times in school when you made it 12.5 to make it longer? Life!) While you can adjust the size to some degree, never go below 10-point font.

9. Keep it Organized and Visually Appealing

Remember how hiring managers usually spend just six seconds looking at your resume? Help them maximize that time by making your resume super clear and easy-to-read. You want each section bolded (maybe capitalized) and each job title bolded. Make your life easier by using a template .

10. Keep it Consistent

Just like you want your verb tenses to be consistent throughout, it’s also important that the formatting is, too. If one title’s bold, the other titles should be bold. If one bullet point has a period at the end, the other bullet points should have that as well.

11. Include Context

When you list out your experience, be sure to include context. What city, state (or country) did this job take place in. Did you travel and operate in multiple cities? What dates did you have that experience? Was it for five months or five years? Context matters!

12. Quantify as Much as Possible

Anyone can say that he or she excelled at his or her last job. So, you need to prove to the hiring manager that you truly did. Numbers, percentages, and supporting facts go a long way in showing that you have a track record of success. For example, rather than saying “successfully hit sales quotas” as a bullet point in your resume you should say “successfully hit sales quotas 100% of the time and exceeded goals by 25% in the last 5 months.” You can even do this if your position doesn’t involve using numbers.

13. Name Drop (and Title Drop) Like You’ve Never Done Before

This is your chance to brag. If you got a promotion or a raise because of your performance, you should mention it. If you worked with the CEO of the company or were a point of contact for a large, corporate customer, mention their names! This goes a long way in showing that you can run with important people. It shows that you’re confident. It shows that you’re capable. (Of course, make sure you’re presenting the facts accurately and not exaggerating.)

14. Don’t Include References

Don’t use any of your precious space to include the names and contact info for your references (or to write things like “references available upon request”). This document’s for recruiters to decide if they want to talk to you, not your references. If they get to the point in the application process where they want to speak to these people, they will reach out to you and ask for those names. Until then, no need to mention.

15. Use Your Judgement When it Comes to Creativity

Some industries are more creative than others. If you’re working in digital media or design or elementary school education, it might make sense for your resume to be creative and colored. If you’re applying for a job in finance, operations, or most corporate jobs, you probably want to keep it black and white and structured. Be thoughtful when it comes to your creativity (or lack thereof).

16. Don’t List Everything You’ve Ever Done

There should be a purpose for every word. When you’re writing and editing, ask yourself this question, “Will this sentence help me get the job I want?” If not, you should consider editing that sentence or removing it.

17. Think About the Person Reading Your Resume

It’s important to remember that there’s a real person reading this. And it’s also important to remember that it’s her job to find awesome candidates to interview and present to her boss or team. It’s also not her job to do you any favors. So you should think about her when you’re writing your resume. How can you make her job easier? How can you write your resume in such a way that she gets excited when she sees it, thinks you’re perfect for the job, and is willing to put herself out there by presenting you to her team.

18. Think About What Makes You Different

It’s important that you be yourself during the application process (obviously putting your best foot forward). This includes what you write on your application materials. Don’t hesitate to show who you really are, your likes and interests, your personality, what makes you unique, and so on. While this definitely requires some judgment calls (for example, expressing personality when applying for a traditional role in a traditional industry might not be the best move) it could ultimately be the thing that sets you apart and gets you hired.

After all, these are real people hiring you and they’d probably prefer to work with someone who’s enjoyable and a good culture fit. And if your personality isn’t a fit for the job, you probably wouldn’t have been happy there any way so it works out for everyone.

19. Think About the Specific Job You’re Applying To

One of my favorite tricks to help communicate that you are the perfect person for a job is to read the job description and list out key phrases. Then, when you’re writing or editing your resume, find ways to incorporate those words and phrases from the desired job description into your resume. This can be super useful when a machine or human recruiter skims it.

20. Think of This as a Storytelling Document

Many of the tips that I’ve mentioned all point to the general idea that your resume should clearly and concisely tell the story of “you”—helping hiring managers understand why you’re the right person for the job. This is, in fact, the entire purpose. Ultimately, when you re-read and edit it, make sure that it tells the story of your background, the skills you gained along the way, the experiences that you’ve had, and makes it crystal clear why you’ve ended up where you are today and why the role that they are hiring for is the perfect next step for you.

Yes, this is a lot. The good news is that you’re not alone in the process. The job search is hard, so make sure you’re reaching out to friends and family for support (or, even just for distractions). And, if you think you might want a more professional second set of eyes on your materials, Muse Coach Connect can set you up with an expert who offers resume writing services . Just remember, that when you’re feeling overwhelmed—and 20 rules can do that to you—that following these guidelines gives you a huge head start among all the other applicants.

resume building tips 2021

30 Resume Tips And Advice For 2024 [With Expert Insights]

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In This Guide:

Resume writing tips

Tips on resume formatting

Tips on how to design a resume that gets noticed

Tips on research and application

Common mistakes to avoid when crafting your resume

Tips on what a good resume includes

Tips on how to write a resume if don't have much experience

Resume image 1

Quick Answer: Follow these 30 resume tips to craft a standout resume. Show passion, be specific about impact, exude confidence, tailor to each job, use a master resume, seek feedback, include social media links, highlight promotions, use power words, explain job gaps, use quantifiable numbers, mention career changes, utilize achievements, use colors strategically, research the company, follow up, and avoid common mistakes.

At the end of every year, we sit down at the Enhancv headquarters, and we analyze our database to come up with the best resume tips. This year is no different. We spent a week or so sifting through data, speaking with resume writing experts, and infusing some Enhancv know-how to craft the 2023s ultimate list of resume tips.

There’s a lot to read, so I’ll keep this intro short. Below you’ll find a list of twenty-six resume writing tips that will get you an interview. We’ll also go through a few important questions like “ Will the video resume take over? ” and “Will the traditional resume finally die?”.

The TLDR answer to both, for now, is definitely “No.”, but recruitment is changing, and so is the traditional resume.

Resume writing tips: Write a resume like a professional.

Writing a great resume is no easy task. You have a lot of work in order to transform a good resume into a great one.

How you write is how recruiters picture you. We’ve gone in-depth on the topic of how to write an impressive resume , but we’re also going a step further with the tips below to ensure your resume stands out .

Tip #1. Show your passion (project).

This tip is for: Job seekers with little or no experience.

Every employer wants you to be passionate about what you do. To grab their attention right from the start of your job search, you need to show a passion for the industry you’d like to join or the job you’re aiming to get. The most effective way we’ve seen this done is by sharing a side-project connected to the position you’re applying for.

showing passion project on resume louis grenier.jpg

Let’s take a look at Louis, for example. Louis used an Enhancv resume to get a job at HotJar .

When he applied for a Content Marketer position at Hotjar, Louis featured his side project on his resume. Having interviewed over 10 of the top marketers on his podcast, he knew this would catch the HotJar team’s attention.

Featuring his passion project was vital to get him an interview. He was as specific as possible, including his results. Louis believes this moved the needle for him.

Every Enhancv resume template supports a specific passion project section that you can use to showcase projects you’ve worked on, but aren’t necessarily related to employment.

Further reading

  • Programming projects for resume: tips & examples
  • How to list projects on a resume: a concise approach

Tip #2. Be specific and show your impact.

This tip is for: Experienced applicants.

You’ve probably heard this advice before, but “be specific” and “show impact” is pretty vague. What exactly means to “show impact?”

It boils down to ensuring every bullet in your experience section answers this question: “What was the result of my involvement?”.

Doing this ensures your resume will instantly stand out from the rest, particularly those which only list responsibilities.

In addition, instead of 10 bullets per job position, focus on 3-5 but make them count. They should be short, concise, and as specific as possible. You can also use Laszlo Bock’s formula: Accomplished X as measured by Y by doing Z .

What does that mean in practice? Here’s Laszlo Block’s (Google’s SVP People Operations) explanation :

Start with an active verb, numerically measure what you accomplished, provide a baseline for comparison, and detail what you did to achieve your goal.

Good example

In 2024, companies want candidates who can have a positive impact on their business. So show them what you can bring to the table. And keep in mind that this can be volunteer work as well.

  • How to use volunteer experience to make your resume stand out
  • 125 Easy resume action verbs to make your resume better

Tip #3. Be confident.

This tip is for: Everyone.

Your resume is a document that represents not only your areas of expertise but also you as a person. it needs to come across on your resume that you’re proud of who you are and what you’ve achieved. You can do this by keeping your resume consistent, specific, and balancing the professional (experience, education, projects, etc.) with the personal (passions, most proud of, life philosophy).

  • Resume sections: everything you need to know
  • Perfecting the education section on your resume

Tip #4. Don’t copy-paste the keywords.

how ats detects resume keywords 2.png

Our friends from Fairygodboss (a career blog for women) shared their top resume advice for 2024:

Always tailor your resume! Your generic, send-to-everyone resume won’t land you a competitive job (or even get you in the door for an interview).

Here’s what you can do: Take a highlighter, either physical or digital, and mark each word in your resume that relates to the job you’re applying for. Within the job description, you should find each skill and responsibility and then see if you have something that corresponds to your resume.

While you don’t want to copy and paste all these words in arbitrarily, you do have to demonstrate—with your resume—that you’ve read the job description, have the relevant work experience and history, and have the required skills.

  • Resume keywords to land interviews and get hired

Tip #5. Use a master resume to speed up the resume tailoring.

This tip is for: Everyone

Another helpful tip is to create a master resume which has all the relevant skills, job experience and volunteer work listed. A master resume is a general resume template that includes all your work history, volunteer experience , education , and skills . It's basically a generic resume with a record of all the details of your career.

You may find that your master resume is chock-full of information, which is okay because you can pull the most relevant information to create tailored resumes. Job seekers find that using a master resume can actually cut down on the time that it takes to create each resume.

Tip #6. Let someone else review your resume.

It’s never a bad idea to ask someone to look at your resume . Especially if it’s someone who knows you well. Often, they can give you a hand by identifying your strengths and spotting mistakes.

Make your resume with Enhancv make sure to go to the “Share” menu and choose “Get comments from friends” – you can get immediate feedback straight in our resume builder.

Tip #7. Add links to your social media profiles.

Once recruiters receive a resume, many of them go ahead and check your social media accounts, 38% of them to be exact . Why not make it easier for hiring managers and share links to your LinkedIn or Dribble or StackOverflow?

If you share your LinkedIn profile , make sure it’s updated, so it’s in line with your resume. It's in your best interest to update it with a personalized "About Me" section.

You can be a little more personal in your LinkedIn profile, highlighting your key motivations and sharing the challenges you enjoy taking on. You also can write it in the 1st person, rather than the more formal 3rd person, and this helps to share your own unique perspective on your career progression.

Don’t share your personal Instagram or Facebook. Only add those networks if they’re related to your profession. Personal social media accounts aren’t meant for professional use.

Tip #8. Include other relevant links.

Biron from Career Sidekick shared his best advice for creating a resume with us:

Add a link! Most employers and recruiters read resumes digitally, so 2021 is a great time to start adding a link or two.

Putting a link will show them you’re tech-savvy, make your resume stand out at first glance, and increase the time employers spend looking at your background overall.

Here are three ideas of what you can link to:

  • A case study showing a before-and-after of a past project. What results did you achieve? How did your past employer benefit from the work you did? Talk about real results, metrics and benefits to that employer, and how you got those results. You can create this as a Google Doc and share the link in your resume “Work History” section underneath your bullet points for that role.
  • Create a short, 1-2 minute video explaining why you applied for their job and why you’re a great fit. Walk them through the most relevant pieces of your background and show them that you really took the time to read their job description before applying. You can upload this as an “Unlisted” video on YouTube, so only people you’ve shared the link with can view it.
  • Put a link to your online portfolio. If you’re a writer, graphic designer, programmer, or anyone else who could showcase past work in a portfolio, consider creating one and putting a link to it on your resume. If you have a website or blog, you can link to that. If not, you can create a one-page portfolio as a Google Doc for free.

Tip #9. Choose which experience to share wisely.

This tip is for: Mid– to very experienced applicants.

We also reached out to Jon from Jobscan . Here’s what he had to add:

Tailoring your resume to the job description isn’t only about matching keywords and trying to beat applicant tracking systems.

Emphasize the responsibilities and accomplishments within your relevant experience that are most important to the job for which you’re applying, even if they weren’t where you spent most of your time.

For example, let’s say you had a job in which you spent 27 hours per week fulfilling orders and managing inventory for the company’s online store. You spent the other 13 hours providing customer support.

When you apply for a new job as a Customer Service Representative, you don’t need to begin your work experience section with the fulfillment and inventory duties that took up most of your time.

Instead, start with and emphasize your customer support skills and experience because it’s what the employer needs to see in order to qualify you for the role.

Your other relevant experience can still be mentioned, but it doesn’t need to take up 70% of your resume space just because it took up 70% of your week.

Tip #10. Use power words.

Keywords are the nouns–skills, background, experience, achievements—employers look for when filtering candidates.

Power words, on the other hand, are the verbs that emphasize your chosen keywords. Both play a role in helping you win a job.

Weak language like “responsible for” or “accomplished” does your achievements a disservice.

Go for more creative power words that not only emphasize what you did but also tell a story .

Power words to use on your resume

  • Implemented

Tip #11. Use a professional email address.

Don’t use the cutesy email you had in high school or college. Use a professional email address instead, with your first and last name as the username.

More tenured applicants should stop using old emails from older providers like Hotmail, Livewire, or AOL.

No one uses a Verizon email address in 2024 – instead stick with Gmail.

Tip #12. Hire a professional resume writer.

Holly from The Work At Home Woman mentioned:

If you’re having trouble crafting your resume, or worse yet, you’re not landing any interviews, it may be time to hire a professional resume writer .

Resume writers are often trained career coaches who write persuasively and can help you eloquently showcase your skills and expertise.

And since they do this for a living, they know all the strategies, resume pointers, and layouts that will make your application stand out.

Resume writers can also help if you’re switching careers, as they know how to spin your current talents into attributes for the new occupation you’re trying to break into. This small investment may help you land your dream job a lot faster.

Get critiques from multiple resume writers first before choosing one. Most offer free critiques, so this is a great way to test if you’ll like how they would approach your application before actually committing to one.

If you don’t want to hire a professional resume writer, we have an amazing resume grader baked into our resume builder .

Tip #13. Keep your resume subheadings simple.

There’s such a thing as being too clever.

Regardless of your chosen resume format or layout, you should always keep your subheadings straight to the point and easy to understand.

An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) will parse all the text from your resume, often stripping it of its design and fancy formatting.

But… and this is huge but, the ATS will use the subheadings listed to interpret the text underneath it.

Avoid catchy but ATS-confusing subheadings like:

  • Qualifications
  • Accreditations
  • Professional background
  • Academic Achievements

Tip #14. Use quantifiable numbers.

Use quantifiable figures to paint a clear picture of your achievements. While this is harder than the other resume tips here, especially if you don’t make it a habit to track your work, it certainly is the most impactful.

This applies not only to job-specific technical skills like sales, programming, or operations, but also in terms of soft skills .

Ways to add quantifiable figures to your resume

  • Money or resources saved
  • Profit earned
  • Labor hours saved
  • Sales growth
  • Manpower growth

Time and dollar figures, of course, aren’t the only ways to add numbers to your resume. You can also talk numbers in terms of:

  • Range: Great way to use numbers if you can’t give an exact figure
  • Frequency: Show how often you did something to prove mastery
  • Size: Team size, number of app downloads, restaurant size, or basically anything that could show the scale of your success or responsibilities

Tip #15. Explain job gaps.

This tip is for: People with experience.

Maybe you were laid off; maybe you were sick, perhaps you had to take care of your ailing parents. Whatever it is, the important thing is how you present yourself. Your resume is where you control the narrative, so it’s only natural that you control this part of your professional history, too. Don’t let recruiters judge you based on incomplete information. Tell them what happened by including a short note on your resume. There’s no need to dress it up. A one-liner in between job entries, or at the end of a short job in case of furloughs or company closure, is fine.

You could write:

  • Company closed
  • Layoff due to downsizing
  • Maternity leave
  • Relocated to a new city

Sure, this isn’t like the many boost-up-your-credentials resume tips listed here. But if you have a job gap, it needs to be addressed.

If you are on furlough due to COVID-19 or have been laid off due to this situation, then make a line item on your resume that says you were placed on furlough or the company closed. Because everyone has been affected by the pandemic, it is okay to mention it on your resume.

Dr. Heather Rothbauer-Wanish, Certified Professional Resume Writer

It’s better than waiting and finding out after the recruiter doesn’t call you because of the unexplained job gap in your resume.

Tip #16. Mention career changes in your work history.

This tip is for: Those switching careers

When you're branching out into a new career, be sure to mention your previous work history, while also highlighting that you're jumping headfirst into a new career. By mentioning the career change, you can show hiring managers you're changing careers, rather than just applying to any new position.

U/StageOne 2591 , shares in their Reddit post that they've reviewed over 1000 resumes. They've found that it's better to be upfront with a shift in careers, while highlighting relevant skills related to each career, both the one that you're transitioning out of and the one you're entering. Addressing is your switch in careers is better than leaving it left unexplained. U/StageOne 2591 shares a great example of how to spin a career transition to highlight transferable skills:

“Sales professional with 5 years+ years of experience looking to transition into the position of a front-end web developer. Previous experience developing websites for 3 local business clients.”

This shows that you’re not just applying to random jobs — you’re ACTUALLY trying to transition into a new field.

  • How to write a career change resume

Tip #17. Recent graduates should use their accolades in school.

This tip is for: Students or recent graduates

Many job seekers who are fresh out of college struggle to fill their resume, as they don't have a ton of experience in their field. If that's you, then you can share additional relevant information about the awards and accolades that you picked up throughout your college career in your educational background section.

Receiving honors in your degree or a Summa Cum Laude distinction may set you apart from other job applicants. This is especially true if you're applying for an internship or other entry-level position. You may also choose to highlight other skills, including the ability to speak a foreign language.

Tip #18. Include promotions in your resume if you’re applying for an internal position.

This tip is for: experienced professionals

If you're applying for a new position within your company with a new hiring manager, you should share promotions you received while working for said company. You can share this helpful bit of information when you list your responsibilities, highlighting how you've received additional duties while you advanced within the company.

Tip #19. Make sure you properly write each job description in your experience section.

For the most part, the experience section on a resume takes up most of your application. That’s prime real estate. Unfortunately, most applicants waste it by describing their day-to-day activities, while they can make it much more impactful. The secret is to highlight achievements rather than job duties. We already mentioned the importance of talking numbers, so if you skimmed the article so far, jump back to Tip #14. Use quantifiable numbers .

Resume building tips: how to format a resume

While how you write your resume is important, you want the hiring managers actually to read your resume to the very end.

That’s why we’ve packed some resume best practices on formatting that will make sure your resume gets read.

  • The best resume formats you need to consider (5+ examples included)

Tip #20. Make every section count.

Having onely one page to fit your whole professional career is not the easiest thing to do, especially if you have extensive professional experience. For this reason, make sure you include only relevant information and sections that will increase the value of your resume.

You can also achieve this by leaving some of your experience out, especially anything which isn’t relevant to the job or company you’re applying for. (Like that waitressing job you did in college.)

Tip #21. Use a reverse chronological format.

This tip is for: Applicants with experience.

When you write your experience section, another rule of thumb is to use a reverse chronological resume template . This means starting from the most recent position first.

Keep your dates consistent, e.g. if you decide to specify months, make sure you mention months everywhere.

We have a pretty in-depth guide on reverse chronological resumes order resumes too.

Tip #22. Keep your resume one to two pages long.

This tip is for: For mid–to very experienced applicants.

Generally, resume experts agree on the fact that resumes should be a page long. While we’re all fine and dandy with one-page resumes, we should also have to admit that two pages are pretty great too. Make sure you keep your resume no longer than two pages. It doesn’t matter how much of an experience you have, truth be told, you can probably shorten it to two pages.

We’ve written a very in-depth guide on resume length that gives you all the information on the topic. Furthermore, you can learn how to fit a lot of experience in a single page in our one-page resume guide or how to properly build a two-page resume .

Tip #23. Create a separate section for notable achievements.

Add a section specifically for your achievements . This is yet another way to tailor your resume to a specific job.

Doing this allows you to minimize the editing work you have to do. Just select two to three achievements most relevant for your desired job, then put it in a separate section.

Use bolding, italics, and all caps to highlight other achievements, such as those related to soft skills for your job.

Resume design tips: How to design a resume that gets noticed

How you write and format your resume may be the difference between getting called for an interview or not, but the design of your resume is what ultimately will get you remembered by the hiring manager.

One of the best resume building pointers we could give you is to make sure that the design of your resume is just perfect. After all, you want to choose a font that makes your resume easy to read and complement it with a color scheme that gets noticed.

We’ve built Enhancv with a focus on creating the most beautiful resumes in the world – focusing on keeping the design professional and ATS-friendly, while ensuring hiring managers can understand why you’re the best person for the job.

Tip #24. Use colors to stand out.

color resume example resume tips.jpg

Applying for a job in the 21st century can’t be done with a black and white resume. One of the resume tips the designers and creatives in our readers will like – use colors. We should emphasize that making your resume more colorful means that you should use colors that complement each other and keep your resume looking professional. Having a bit of color on your resume can help you stand out from the pile of black and white sheets of paper that’s already sitting on the desk. If you use the colors of the company you’re applying for, it will instantly signal that you’ve done your research and that it’s not just another position you’re applying for—you really care and want this one.

If you’re applying for a highly corporate or a governmental job, stick to a traditional resume template . If you decide to use colors, use combinations of gray and black, or navy. Check out Enhancv’s resume builder for different color combinations to choose from.

Research and application tips: How to make sure your resume gets you an interview.

And last but not least, you’ll have to be smart when you apply for a job.

Depending on where you live, you may apply alongside 500 other people for the same job position. This can be quite daunting, that’s why you want to make sure your resume gets to the right person.

Here are our pointers to make sure your resume gets read–from networking to research and application.

Tip #25. Analyze the job ad and include the skills they’re looking for within your resume.

job description with resume keywords in it.jpg

Companies get hundreds of applications per position and hiring managers use applicant tracking systems to help them go through the pool of applicants faster. That’s why each job ad a recruiter publishes contains keywords – these job ads are later put into the ATS and the software screens the resumes looking for particular keywords from the job ad.

It’s mandatory that you include the skills from the job description. This means that you meet the job requirements and you’ve read the job description thoroughly.

Before you start writing your resume, analyze the job description and write down these things:

  • Keywords describing skills (both soft and hard skills)
  • Keywords describing your experience (years, responsibilities, etc.)
  • Keywords describing culture (“tight-knit team”, etc.)
  • Why you believe you’d be a good fit.
  • After you do this, make sure you use those keywords in your resume. The key here is to make it look natural rather than stuff every section with keywords.

Other keywords to look out for:

  • Certifications – read our job-specific guides and resume examples for relevant job certifications.
  • Tools or programs required for the job.
  • Education and degree – Ph.D., master’s, or specific bachelor’s degree.
  • Location – companies often use city names or zip codes to narrow down candidates for local-specific jobs.

Tip #26. Send your resume to the right person.

Send your resume to a relevant person instead of just blindly submitting it through a website or job portal.

Yes, many vacancies posted on job platforms don’t reveal the name of the recruiter or hiring manager. But that’s no excuse not to do your research and find the relevant person.

If you’re like many of the candidates who tout “online research” as one of their skills, this should be an effortless task for you.

Here’s how to prove it:

  • Copy a couple of sentences from the job ad and paste it on Google. Chances are, the job ad is also posted on their website or LinkedIn. If it’s on LinkedIn, the job ad will show the name of the recruiter at the bottom.
  • If the Google search doesn’t yield any results, look up the company’s website and visit their team’s about page. Find the company recruiter and the manager of the department you want to join, then look up their names on LinkedIn and other social media. For startups or small companies, find the CEO, and send your resume directly to them. These extra little steps can really help you stand out.

To find a recruiter or CEO’s email, you can use some free tools such as Hunter or Voila Norbert. Also, you can check their social media profiles or send them a LinkedIn message.

Tip #27. Research your potential colleagues.

It’s easier than ever to find your potential employer and their team members on social media. Right after you read the job description thoroughly, get to know the potential employer. See what their values are, what’s the company all about, etc.

Then try to mirror their language into your resume. When your potential employer reads it, they’ll feel like you already know each other.

Granted, this isn’t one of the resume hints you can easily pull off with ten minutes of work.

But the extra prep work you do here will pay off in dividends once your resume catches their attention.

Plus, you can use your research to do well on the interview.

Tip #29. Give yourself enough time.

Honestly, when it comes to resumes, what most of us want is to spend five minutes on it and have a resume that will get us that dream job.

But good things take time and so does the writing of a good resume. Remember, the upside is getting the job you want, so spending a bit more effort is worth it.

If you try to rush things, it may result in more mistakes, and you might overlook some important things. Think about resume writing as a creative process of self-discovery.

Turn on the music you like and check out some amazing resume examples for 2021. Once you have enough inspiration, go ahead and start writing.

Tip #30. Name your resume PDF or Word file properly.

When you send your resume and your cover letter to a potential employer, they often put them all in one place. That’s why it’s best to name your files properly, including your first and last name, as well as your target job.

In practice, this means: Elon-Musk-Engineer-resume / Elon-Musk-Engineer-cover-letter

This way, if your resume ends up in a file with many others, your potential employer will be able to spot your name straightaway.

Common mistakes to avoid when crafting your resume.

Some of the most common reasons applicants don’t get called for an interview for their dream job position are actually quite minuscule. They just leave a bad impression.

By far, the most common mistakes are typos. Can you believe you did not get a call for a job interview because you made a typo?

Typos alongside length and design are the most common resume mistakes . Luckily, the Enhancv resume builder takes care of all this while you focus on the more important things.

What should a good resume include?

A good resume should be packed with everything that’s needed to show your experience, passions, and know-how.

In other words, a good resume should clearly showcase your experience and know-how . This means that it’s not necessary to include every job you’ve ever had, just the ones that are relevant to the position you’re applying for.

What to include in your resume if you don't have any experience?

But how to craft a powerful resume if you don’t have the experience you may wonder. After all, with no experience, even the best resume tips won’t help you, right?

Fret not, because a resume is not only about experience. People gravitate towards showing how many years they’ve worked and where they’ve worked, because that is what they know how to do best.

The real strength in a resume lies when you show the impact you’ve made. Whether it was a side-project, or at your first job that has nothing to do with the position you’re applying for, impact shows that you’re proactive and result-driven.

We’ve made an in-depth guide on how to craft a powerful resume if you don’t have much experience .

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resume building tips 2021

Microsoft 365 Life Hacks > Writing > 10 proven tips for building better resumes

10 proven tips for building better resumes

Applying for new jobs is exciting—and stressful. Updating or creating a new resume can be a challenge, especially if you haven’t changed jobs recently. If you’re confused or discouraged, it’s time to get some tried-and-true resume help.

Woman using a digital pen inking to review a resume Word document using HP Spectre X360

In this blog post, we rounded up necessary information about resumes, and ten tips to help yours shine.

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What is a resume?

Most recruiters ask job candidates to send their resumes alongside cover letters and recommender information. In academia, they ask for curriculum vitae (CVs) . These are rarely requested in a business setting.

In the business world, a resume is a single-paged document that lists a person’s professional background and skills. It can cover a variety of topics, including your:

  • Professional summary
  • Certificates
  • Awards and honors

While resumes often contain these core materials, they rarely look the same. You can organize your resume chronologically, by function, or a mix of the two. You can use plain white paper with black lettering, or add color and interesting shapes.

You can format your resume however you’d like, as long as it is organized and appealing. However, it does need to reflect your unique qualities.

Why is having a good resume relevant?

Resumes are often the first thing recruiters look through. Cover letters, recommenders, and professional websites come later.

Recruiters spend 7.4 seconds screening your resume before they decide whether or not to keep looking at it. In that time, recruiters must be able to determine your work history and if you’ll be suitable for the position.

After the initial scan, recruiters want to review the highlights of your career. If your resume is well-written, they see your job history at its finest.

Resume help: 10 resume tips

So how can you make your resume stand out? You should:

  • Use simple formatting. Recruiters will scan your resume quickly. If the formatting is overly complex, they might put it down. Carefully balance font style, font size, layout, and design. Use bullet points and bold headings to break up the text.
  • Place an overview or mission statement at the top. Your most important information should be at the top of your resume. An overview at the top gives your recruiter a good sense of you right away.
  • Include both hard and soft skills. Today’s recruiters aren’t just looking for hard skills. They want to be sure that you can thrive in their offices, too. Depending on the job you’re applying for, include a mixture of both hard and soft skills.
  • Show results where you can. Don’t just mention your capabilities. You’ll need to show results, too. Include numbers where you can, and give small, telling details that show how you have helped projects succeed.
  • Leave off what you can. Packed resumes often look disorganized. Include what is relevant to the role you’re applying for. You can leave off items like your mailing address and social media accounts, too, unless they’re necessary.
  • Be consistent with your design and text. To help make your resume clear, ensure your colors and fonts are consistent. If you use specific tactics in formatting, like bullet points or sentence fragments, stay consistent throughout.
  • Get creative. If you work in a creative field, experiment with design and presentation. If you don’t work in a creative field, you can still get creative with your text. Think of ways to reword items to exemplify their challenges and how you overcame them.
  • Keep it to one page. Recruiters expect a one-page resume. While this can be a hurdle, it’s also a good thing. One page forces you to focus on the aspects of your history and present skills that matter.
  • Proofread. Finally, you’ll need to proofread. Grammar and spelling errors can make your resume look unprofessional. It can help to read your resume out loud. You might even want to put your resume away for a day and come back to it later with fresh eyes.

Should you ever pay for resume help?

There are various businesses and freelancers who will write your resume for a fee.

If you are extremely stressed out about your resume and have absolutely no idea where it should start, this can be a good option. It might help your anxiety to know that a professional is in charge. Plus, your resume writer will certainly write you a relevant, clear resume.

However, if you pay someone to write your resume:

  • It will cost you
  • The finished product might seem clichéd
  • It will be difficult for them to reflect your personality
  • Your writing at a later stage (cover letter, emails, thank you note, etc.) might seem obviously different

Authoring your resume is free, and you’ll be able to make it unique. When you get a job, it will be apparent to your coworkers that the person who wrote your resume was you.

Plus, if you have a Microsoft account, you can use templates to get you started.

Getting resume help with templates in Word

Word resume templates are free for anyone who wants to start their resume off strong.

If you’re short on time, you can simply select a template, enter your information, and be done with it. If you just want a place to get started, Microsoft templates are easy to personalize.

With templates in Word—and our ten tips—you can get the resume help you need to start wowing recruiters.

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How to write a competitive resume in 2021.

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Here's what you need to know to make your resume stand out in 2021.

Tell me if this sounds familiar: You’ve been on the job search for a while. You’ve been coming across a lot of listings that you are interested in. You know that you have qualifications and the right profile for these jobs, but you’re just not getting any follow-through or calls back. 

The problem here could very well be in your resume. You may be exactly right that you’re a good fit for the potential jobs to which you are applying, but you may not be nailing your resume.

You may think creating an effective resume is as simple as hitting the marks with your relevant experience. Think again.

You may imagine a benevolent hiring manager leaning back in their chair with a printed copy of your resume, smiling and circling relevant details. In fact, your resume is more likely to meet the cold, unfeeling algorithm of an AI before it ever makes it to a human. In fact, only around 25% of resumes ever make it through the algorithm to a HR professional. 

The good news is that, these days, there are so many amazing resources to help you write a killer resume that is certain to hit the mark when it comes to beating the algorithms and setting you up for job-seeking success.

Here is what you need to know about writing an effective resume, as well as some of the best online tools to get the job done. 

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The first thing to keep in mind about navigating resume-writing in 2021 is that before your resume ever gets in front of a recruiter or a hiring manager, you’re likely to have to pass through an ATS.

So, what is an ATS? I’m sure if you’ve been navigating the online job search, you’ve seen this term floating around. 

ATS stands for Applicant Tracking System . An Applicant Tracking System is a software program utilized by hiring professionals to streamline the process of screening candidates. 

Sometimes referred to as a talent management system, ATS software programs handle many aspects of the hiring process from using algorithms to sort applications and resumes to collecting information and scheduling interviews. These days, 90% of companies are using ATS software in their hiring processes. 

But what does this mean for a candidate? Well, the most important feature of an ATS that job applicants must consider is the resume scanning tools. ATS systems are often the first stop for your application and resume. The ATS will scan your resume for relevant information, especially keywords, and determine whether or not to advance your application to the next phase. 

All of this can happen before your resume ever makes it to a hiring manager, meaning before you can even be considered, you have to beat the algorithm. 

Before I jump into some of the great online resources available to help you write an ATS-compatible resume, let’s start with some of the basic boxes to check to make sure that your resume is up to snuff.

A recent study by Cultivated Culture analyzed over 125,000 resumes in hopes of determining the most important aspects of an effective resume.  Here are some great takeaways, as well as some tips I’ve learned by guiding my clients through generating resumes that will play nice with an ATS:

  • Keywords are key: When it comes to ATS, keywords are the name of the game. ATS will usually compare your resume against a job description in order to determine how well you meet the criteria for certain positions. The Cultivate Culture study found that the average resume only utilized 51% of relevant keywords. Scan job descriptions to make sure that you are hitting keywords in the description in your resume. 
  • Include your LinkedIn profile in your resume. Many people don’t think to include their LinkedIn profile link in their resume. In fact, only 48% of resumes reference a LinkedIn profile. Including your LinkedIn profile has been shown to boost your chances of landing an interview.
  • Don’t get too wordy. A lot of people exceed the ideal word length for their resume, which research shows to be between 475–600. Data shows that resumes over 600 words are 43% less hireable . And yet 77% of resumes are outside the ideal range. So, when it comes to word length, sometimes less is more. 
  • Formatting and word choice matter. You may be tempted to show off your InDesign skills or your English-major vocabulary, but when it comes to creating a resume that will pass the ATS test, simplicity is your friend. Simple formatting and headers such as “skills” and “experience” will help to ensure that your resume is processed right. The Muse offers some more helpful tips on formatting.

With all this in mind as you embark on writing your new resume, here are some great online tools that will help you put your best foot forward in the first steps of the hiring process.


ResyMatch is an awesome free service created by Cultivated Culture. I love the simplicity of its functions. 

You upload or paste your resume on one side of the page, and input the job descriptions and simple metrics on the other side. It’s as simple as that. 

From there, ResyMatch uses technology very similar to an ATS system that would represent the first step of your resume’s journey to the eyes of a hiring manager. 

From there, ResyMatch will generate a score based on how closely your resume matches up to the job description. You also get a breakdown of areas that you could improve your resume to better align with the job description. 

The best part: ResyMatch is truly free. You’ll never have to set a reminder to cancel after your first free month. For a great free software that is simple and intuitive, ResyMatch gets my vote. 

If you’re looking for a resume scanner that boasts some more robust features, Jobscan is an excellent tool. 

Similar to ResyMatch, Jobscan can help you analyze your resume alongside a job description, and assess areas for improvement, including in-depth breakdowns of how the skills on your resume match the skills posted in a job description. 

But the Jobscan features go above and beyond. Not all ATS software is created equal, nor will they necessarily behave the same way. Jobscan has data on which ATS software companies are using, and can provide specific tips for how to best align your resume for a certain company’s hiring software, including the majority of Fortune 500 companies!

Jobscan is also a great place to organize your job search, by allowing you to keep track of jobs you’ve applied for, and create data based on how your job search is going. 

The list of excellent Jobscan features for your job search goes on and on. They have excellent resume templates, really great cover letter writing features, and even tools to help you optimize your LinkedIn profile. 

Overall, Jobscan is an excellent choice as a one-stop-shop for streamlining your resume building, job search and application process.

If you’re looking for an excellent tool to help compare your resume in real time as you are going about your job search, JobSeer is one of my recent favorite tools. 

One of the reasons I love JobSeer is that it works as a browser extension for Chrome, thereby allowing you to integrate it into your existing workflow when it comes to job searching on your favorite career platforms. 

Here’s how it works: you create a profile on your new JobSeer account, and upload your resume. Then you can head to your favorite place to look for jobs, and open the JobSeer extension. 

To start a search, you will input some of your desired job titles, your skills, location, and other metrics related to potential job listings. Once you’ve inputted this information, JobSeer will conduct a scan of job listings and provide a customized search based on your individual metrics. 

Here’s where it gets interesting: for each of the jobs in a given search, JobSeer will provide you with a score based on how well your resume matches a certain job listing, including a breakdown of which skills you have listed on your resume are relevant for a certain job, and which skills are missing. 

This data gives you the opportunity to see exactly what matches and doesn’t match about your resume, helping you to create a resume that is a better fit for a given job description by adding the skills you might be missing to your resume—provided that you really have those skills of course!

JobSeer also offers other amazing features, such as an estimated salary generator, and up to five free email addresses per day related to your job search to help you connect with potential recruiters or even other employees with whom you might have a connection. JobSeer even offers a “company insights” section, which gives you data based on a company's size, revenue and other relevant information. 

I love this program, because it offers such functionality, while still allowing a user to navigate their job search on their favorite platforms such as Indeed, LinkedIn or Google.

One downside of the program is that it is designed to work only with the Google Chrome browser. So if you are a Safari or Firefox loyalist, you may have to cave and download Chrome. All in all, though, I think it’s a small price to pay for such excellent job search and resume-writing functionality.

In many ways, the advent of online job searches has made life for job seekers and recruiters alike more streamlined. However, it can also be very intimidating, especially when you consider all the ways in which AI-based recruiting tools such as ATSs can trip up your job search.

But fear not, with a good understanding of how these systems work, and a little help from some of the many excellent online resume and job seeking tools, your resume writing and online job search can be more informed and targeted than ever before.

Ashley Stahl

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    Carefully balance font style, font size, layout, and design. Use bullet points and bold headings to break up the text. Place an overview or mission statement at the top. Your most important information should be at the top of your resume. An overview at the top gives your recruiter a good sense of you right away.

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  22. Zety

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