PhD Thesis Proposal & Critique

by Keira Horowitz

Aug. 24, 2017

  • Program in Media Arts and Sciences

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Phd thesis proposal.

After completing the General Exam milestone, students can begin preparation of the Dissertation Proposal and register for MAS.950: Preparation for PhD Thesis. The proposal committee must be approved by MASCOM and the proposal must be presented at a public proposal critique by the end of year 3 of the doctoral program, allowing for nine months before the dissertation defense.

To begin the proposal process:

  • The student will submit to MAS (via the MAS Degree Tracker ) an abstract (one page maximum) and proposed committee members (with short bios of any non-MAS committee members)
  • The student will also be expected to let their advisor and committee members know that we need their confirmation of approval via email.

MASCOM will review and approve the abstract and committee members. Students will receive approval via email confirmation from MAS staff.

After receiving committee/abstract approval, the student may go on to write the full proposal (using the guidelines listed below) for sharing with their committee. The completed proposal must be submitted to MAS via the MAS Degree Tracker .

We would expect that the student will also remind their advisor and committee members to send (via email to the MAS staff) confirmation of approval of the proposal document and any notes/comments. This new requirement means that MASCOM is no longer reading/approving the proposal document. Approval is dependent upon the student’s committee and verified by the MAS staff.

Thesis Proposal Guidelines

The Thesis Proposal should present a plausible argument for a specific approach to a well-defined problem, with the intention of making an original and significant contribution to knowledge in the field.

The proposal should include:

  • Abstract: A short overview of the key goals, questions, and expected contributions.
  • Goals or Problem Statement: What general problem are you addressing (often illustrated by a scenario)? Why is this a significant problem? What are your motivations? What makes this an especially appropriate problem for an MAS Dissertation?
  • Research Questions: What specific questions are you addressing?
  • Background: The intellectual framework and historical context for the Dissertation, including related research (with literature references). This section might be derived from the written component of your General Exam.
  • Research Plan: How will you carry out your research? What methodologies will you use? How will you evaluate the results?
  • Expected Results and Contributions: What results do you expect? What is new in the proposed research? Keep in mind that a PhD is, by definition, an "original and significant contribution to the field". What will you produce besides the document (physical artifacts, software, demos, videos, etc.)?
  • Timeline: A set of milestones to serve as checks on reasonable progress. Obviously subject to change in the face of the fortunes of research life! Don't forget there must be a minimum of nine months between the proposal critique and the dissertation defense.
  • Resources Required: What equipment or other resources will be needed?
  • Suggested proposal length is around 15 pages.

Once the MAS staff receives the completed proposal (with committee approval), the student will be allowed to schedule their proposal critique. MAS staff can book the room and make the announcement. Please allow at least 2-3 weeks from final proposal submission to the date of the critique.

The student will present at a public critique (see below). Afterwards, committee members will provide written feedback to the advisor and student (via email). If necessary, the student may need to edit or rewrite parts of the proposal. MAS and MASCOM will defer to the advisor’s decision on this issue, based on the content of the committee comments.

Proposal Critique Guidelines

The Proposal Critique will consist of:

  • a 30-40 minute public presentation (open to all members of the Media Lab community)
  • a 15 minute Q & A session with the general audience
  • a 30 minute private session with the full dissertation committee

To complete the proposal and critique process, the advisor must confirm to MAS when the committee has given final approval for the proposal. MAS will then confirm acceptance of proposal with advisor and student. A grade for MAS.950 will be given at end of current semester and the student can go forward to register for MAS.THG until completion of program. There must be at least nine months between the critique and the thesis defense.

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MIT BE Graduate Student Handbook

Thesis Proposal/Oral Exam

Oral examination, thesis proposal document.

Students are required to pass an oral examination to qualify for the doctoral degree. This proposal consists of a document submitted to an approved Thesis Committee at least one week prior to an oral presentation of the proposal to the Committee.

The nature of the proposal may vary, depending on the project, but it should provide motivation as well as describe and justify the envisioned approach along with summarizing progress made to date. Preliminary results supporting the proposed research are beneficial, but not required, for the Thesis Proposal/Oral Exam.

Each committee is free to choose its own criteria by which to judge the quality of thesis proposal. These criteria tend to include:

  • a proposal document that conforms to the BE Handbook’s guidelines,
  • a feasible research plan proposed and defended by the student that will result in a body of work that will meet the committee’s criteria for graduation, and
  • scholarship in the research field demonstrating that the student is capable of executing original, informed research in that field.

Thesis Committee

The Thesis Committee must be approved prior to the scheduling of the thesis proposal/oral exam presentation. See the Thesis Committee page for more information on assembling a committee.

The Thesis Proposal/Oral Exam must take place by December 1 of the 3rd year, with the specific date scheduled before the beginning of the Fall Semester of the third year.

If the student and advisor are convinced that a delay would serve the student’s interests better, they must petition the Graduate Committee by August 1st of the summer following the 2nd year with their reasoning along with their commitment for a target date; the Graduate Committee will approve or deny the petition request. Failure to complete the Thesis Proposal/Oral Exam according to this policy will constitute unsatisfactory progress with respect to subsequent enrollment and funding support. Under these circumstances the student will not be able to register for the spring semester of their 3rd year.


The student should be sure to register for  Thesis Proposal (20.951)  for 0-24-0 credit units during the term in which the Proposal is defended.

The formal presentation of the Thesis Proposal will serve as the Oral Examination. The purpose of the Oral Exam is to test the student’s ability to explain their thesis project, defend their scientific rationale, and propose alternate approaches, as necessary. BE’s oral examination is focused on subject matter in the proposal and related to the proposal. It is not intended as a general examination on biology.

Format of the exam

The student should prepare a 30-minute presentation based on the research plan outlined in the Thesis Proposal Document . The Thesis Committee members will have read and thought about the Thesis Proposal Document ahead of time. Given that the meeting lasts up to 2 hours, there will be ample time for questions/discussion during your presentation. If questions arise about the format or style of the presentation, the student should contact the Thesis Committee Chair.

The student is responsible for arranging the Thesis Proposal/Oral Exam meeting with the Thesis Committee Members. Students should plan for the meeting to take 2 hours. Generally, this meeting should be scheduled at least two months in advance because it may be difficult to find a mutually agreeable time for all involved. Students are also responsible for reserving the location; they may contact the BE Academic Office for help reserving a room. Once this meeting has been scheduled, the Thesis Committee members and the Academic Office must be notified by e-mail about the day, time, and location of the presentation.

The student should hand out printouts of their presentation slides to the Thesis Committee Members on the day of the meeting.

Evaluation Form

The day of the presentation, the student should provide the Committee Chair with an “ Oral Examination for the Doctoral Degree [pdf] ” form. The Committee Chair must complete this form to confirm the outcome of a Thesis Proposal/Oral Exam Presentation. The completed form should be submitted along with any comments or recommendations made by the Thesis Committee to the Academic Office. From there, copies will be distributed to the student, the advisor, and the Committee Chair.

If the proposal as presented is acceptable, a Pass grade will be recorded for 20.951, the student changes status from a graduate student to a PhD candidate, and the student is expected to begin a schedule of regular meetings with their thesis committee.

If the proposal requires changes or improvements to be considered acceptable, a Pass grade will be recorded and the student will advance to PhD candidacy but the student will be expected to improve the proposal according to the committee’s specifications before their next meeting.

If the proposal is unacceptable, the student will not be admitted to PhD candidacy. The student may either leave the program or complete a Master’s thesis . A student that completes a Master’s may apply for reinstatement into the PhD program or graduate with a Master’s degree.

At least one week prior to the Thesis Proposal presentation, the student should deliver a copy of the Thesis Proposal Document to each of the Oral Exam Committee Members and to the BE Academic Office. A signature from the Academic Office is required to confirm that the proposal adheres to the format described below.

Students who would like assistance in improving their writing skills or in any stage of writing a thesis proposal should contact the BE Communication Lab or the MIT Writing and Communications Center .

Thesis Proposal Guidelines

Title Page (One page) Include the title, the date, your name and signature, the advisor’s name and signature, and the notation “Thesis Proposal”.

Abstract (Less than 300 words on One page)  State the significance of the proposed research. Include long-term objectives and specific aims. Describe concisely the research design and methods for achieving these objectives. Highlight the specific hypotheses to be tested, goals to be reached, or technology to be developed, which are intended to be your original contributions. Avoid summaries of past accomplishments.

Overall & Objective Specific Aims (One page Maximum)  Articulate the overall objective of your thesis project, and outline a set of specific aims by which your work is intended to accomplish this objective. Be sure to clearly state the hypotheses to be tested, goals to be reached, or technology to be developed.

Background & Significance (Three to Five pages)  Sketch the background leading to the present research, critically evaluate existing knowledge, and specifically identify the gaps that your research is intended to fill. State concisely the importance of the research described in this proposal by relating the specific aims to the broad, long-term objectives.

Research Design & Methods (Six to Eight pages)  Along with the Objective & Aims section, this is the most important part of the proposal. The majority of your time should be spent making this part of your proposal strong, direct, and completely clear. Describe the research design and the procedures to be used to accomplish the specific aims of the project; it is generally most effective to do this according to the same outline as in the Objective & Aims section. Include how the data will be collected, analyzed, and interpreted. Describe any new methodology and its advantage over existing methodologies. Discuss the potential difficulties and limitations of the proposed procedures and alternative approaches to achieve the aims. As part of this section, provide a tentative timetable for the project. Point out any procedures, situations or materials that may be hazardous and the precautions to be exercised.

Preliminary Studies (Three to Four pages)  This section may alternatively be located before the Research Design & Methods section) Use this section to provide an account of your preliminary studies that are pertinent to your research project and that support your specific aims. Note: it is not necessary to have obtained a substantial amount of preliminary data in order to submit or defend the proposal, although it will be expected that you have begun to undertake some of the key methods to assess their feasibility.

Literature Cited (No page limits)  List all references. Each reference must include the title, names of authors, book or journal, volume number, starting and ending page numbers, and year of publication. References should be limited to relevant literature. References are not included in the page limits. However, only references pertinent to the proposed research should be included.

Appendix (No page limits)  Copies of published or submitted articles pertinent to the proposed research for which you are an author may be included. Such publications are neither expected nor required at the time of Thesis Proposal presentation.

Format and Page Limitations 

Proposals must be single spaced using 12 pt font and 1 inch margins. Figures may be embedded into the text, but they must be readable. The font within figures must be at least 9 point and the figure captions must be at least 10 point.

  • Devote one page each for the title page, abstract and specific aims.
  • Use between 13–17 pages for the remaining sections (Background & Significance, Preliminary Results, and Research Design & Methods). Note that although the maximum recommended page limits for these sections add up to a total of 17 pages, you are expected to expand and contract these sections as you see fit so that the total is no more than 17 pages.
  • Page limits include both text and figures. References are not included in the page limits.
  • The total length of the document should not exceed 20 pages (including 3 pages for the title page, abstract and specific aims; not including references or appendices).

PhD Thesis Guide

This phd thesis guide will guide you step-by-step through the thesis process, from your initial letter of intent to submission of the final document..

All associated forms are conveniently consolidated in the section at the end.

Deadlines & Requirements

Students should register for HST.ThG during any term in which they are conducting research towards their thesis. Regardless of year in program students registered for HST.ThG in a regular term (fall or spring) must meet with their research advisor and complete the  Semi-Annual PhD Student Progress Review Form to receive credit.

Years 1 - 2

  • Students participating in lab rotations during year 1, may use the optional MEMP Rotation Registration Form , to formalize the arrangement and can earn academic credit by enrolling in HST.599. 
  • A first letter of intent ( LOI-1 ) proposing a general area of thesis research and research advisor is required by April 30th of the second year of registration.
  • A second letter of intent ( LOI-2 ) proposing a thesis committee membership and providing a more detailed description of the thesis research is required by April 30th of the third year of registration for approval by the HST-IMES Committee on Academic Programs (HICAP).

Year 4 

  • Beginning in year 4, (or after the LOI-2 is approved) the student must meet with their thesis committee at least once per semester.
  • Students must formally defend their proposal before the approved thesis committee, and submit their committee approved proposal to HICAP  by April 30 of the forth year of registration.
  • Meetings with the thesis committee must be held at least once per semester. 

HST has developed these policies to help keep students on track as they progress through their PhD program. Experience shows that students make more rapid progress towards graduation when they interact regularly with a faculty committee and complete their thesis proposal by the deadline.

September 2023 April 30, 2025 April 30, 2026 April 30, 2027
September 2022 April 30, 2024 April 30, 2025 April 30, 2026
September 2021 April 30, 2023 April 30, 2024 April 30, 2025
September 2020 April 30, 2022 April 30, 2023 April 30, 2024

Getting Started

Check out these resources  for finding a research lab.

The Thesis Committee: Roles and Responsibilities

Students perform doctoral thesis work under the guidance of a thesis committee consisting of at least three faculty members from Harvard and MIT (including a chair and a research advisor) who will help guide the research. Students are encouraged to form their thesis committee early in the course of the research and in any case by the end of the third year of registration. The HST IMES Committee on Academic Programs (HICAP) approves the composition of the thesis committee via the letter of intent and the thesis proposal (described below). 

Research Advisor

The research advisor is responsible for overseeing the student's thesis project. The research advisor is expected to:

  • oversee the research and mentor the student;
  • provide a supportive research environment, facilities, and financial support;
  • discuss expectations, progress, and milestones with the student and complete the  Semi-Annual PhD Student Progress Review Form each semester;
  • assist the student to prepare for the oral qualifying exam;
  • guide the student in selecting the other members of the thesis committee;
  • help the student prepare for, and attend, meetings of the full thesis committee, to be held at least once per semester;
  • help the student prepare for, and attend, the thesis defense;
  • evaluate the final thesis document.

The research advisor is chosen by the student and must be a faculty member of MIT* or Harvard University and needs no further approval.  HICAP may approve other individuals as research advisor on a student-by-student basis. Students are advised to request approval of non-faculty research advisors as soon as possible.  In order to avoid conflicts of interest, the research advisor may not also be the student's academic advisor. In the event that an academic advisor becomes the research advisor, a new academic advisor will be assigned.

The student and their research advisor must complete the Semi-Annual PhD Student Progress Review during each regular term in order to receive academic credit for research.  Download Semi Annual Review Form

*MIT Senior Research Staff are considered equivalent to faculty members for the purposes of research advising. No additional approval is required.

Thesis Committee Chair

Each HST PhD thesis committee is headed administratively by a chair, chosen by the student in consultation with the research advisor. The thesis committee chair is expected to:

  • provide advice and guidance concerning the thesis research; 
  • oversee meetings of the full thesis committee, to be held at least once per semester;
  • preside at the thesis defense; 
  • review and evaluate the final thesis document.

The thesis committee chair must be well acquainted with the academic policies and procedures of the institution granting the student's degree and be familiar with the student's area of research. The research advisor may not simultaneously serve as thesis committee chair.

For HST PhD students earning degrees through MIT, the thesis committee chair must be an MIT faculty member. A select group of HST program faculty without primary appointments at MIT have been pre-approved by HICAP to chair PhD theses awarded by HST at MIT in cases where the MIT research advisor is an MIT faculty member.**

HST PhD students earning their degree through Harvard follow thesis committee requirements set by the unit granting their degree - either the Biophysics Program or the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS).

** List of non-MIT HST faculty approved to chair MIT thesis proposals when the research advisor is an MIT faculty member.

In addition to the research advisor and the thesis committee chair, the thesis committee must include one or more readers. Readers are expected to:

  • attend meetings of the full thesis committee, to be held at least once per semester;
  • attend the thesis defense; 

Faculty members with relevant expertise from outside of Harvard/MIT may serve as readers, but they may only be counted toward the required three if approved by HICAP.

The members of the thesis committee should have complementary expertise that collectively covers the areas needed to advise a student's thesis research. The committee should also be diverse, so that members are able to offer different perspectives on the student's research. When forming a thesis committee, it is helpful to consider the following questions: 

  • Do the individuals on the committee collectively have the appropriate expertise for the project?
  • Does the committee include at least one individual who can offer different perspectives on the student's research?  The committee should include at least one person who is not closely affiliated with the student's primary lab. Frequent collaborators are acceptable in this capacity if their work exhibits intellectual independence from the research advisor.
  • If the research has a near-term clinical application, does the committee include someone who can add a translational or clinical perspective?  
  • Does the committee conform to HST policies in terms of number, academic appointments, and affiliations of the committee members, research advisor, and thesis committee chair as described elsewhere on this page?

[Friendly advice: Although there is no maximum committee size, three or four is considered optimal. Committees of five members are possible, but more than five is unwieldy.]

Thesis Committee Meetings

Students must meet with their thesis committee at least once each semester beginning in the fourth year of registration. It is the student's responsibility to schedule these meetings; students who encounter difficulties in arranging regular committee meetings can contact Henrike Besche at hbesche [at] (hbesche[at]mit[dot]edu) . 

The format of the thesis committee meeting is at the discretion of the thesis committee chair. In some cases, the following sequence may be helpful:

  • The thesis committee chair, research advisor, and readers meet briefly without the student in the room;
  • The thesis committee chair and readers meet briefly with the student, without the advisor in the room;
  • The student presents their research progress, answers questions, and seeks guidance from the members of the thesis committee;

Please note that thesis committee meetings provide an important opportunity for students to present their research and respond to questions. Therefore, it is in the student's best interest for the research advisor to refrain from defending the research in this setting.

Letters of Intent

Students must submit two letters of intent ( LOI-1 and LOI-2 ) with applicable signatures. 

In LOI-1, students identify a research advisor and a general area of thesis research, described in 100 words or less. It should include the area of expertise of the research advisor and indicate whether IRB approval (Institutional Review Board; for research involving human subjects) and/or IACUC approval (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee; for research involving vertebrate animals) will be required and, if so, from which institutions. LOI-1 is due by April 30 of the second year of registration and and should be submitted to HICAP, c/o Traci Anderson in E25-518. 

In LOI-2, students provide a description of the thesis research, describing the Background and Significance of the research and making a preliminary statement of Specific Aims (up to 400 words total). In LOI-2, a student also proposes the membership of their thesis committee. In addition to the research advisor, the proposed thesis committee must include a chair and one or more readers, all selected to meet the specified criteria . LOI-2 is due by April 30th of the third year of registration and should be submitted to HICAP, c/o Traci Anderson in E25-518.

LOI-2 is reviewed by the HST-IMES Committee on Academic Programs (HICAP) to determine if the proposed committee meets the specified criteria and if the committee members collectively have the complementary expertise needed to advise the student in executing the proposed research. If HICAP requests any changes to the proposed committee, the student must submit a revised LOI-2 for HICAP review by September 30th of the fourth year of registration. HICAP must approve LOI-2 before the student can proceed to presenting and submitting their thesis proposal. Any changes to the thesis committee membership following HICAP approval of LOI-2 and prior to defense of the thesis proposal must be reported by submitting a revised LOI-2 form to HICAP, c/o tanderso [at] (Traci Anderson) . After final HICAP approval of LOI-2, which confirms the thesis committee membership, the student may proceed to present their thesis proposal to the approved thesis committee, as described in the next section.

Students are strongly encouraged to identify tentative thesis committee members and begin meeting with them as early as possible to inform the direction of their research. Following submission of LOI-2, students are required to hold at least one thesis committee meeting per semester. Students must document these meetings via the Semi- Annual PhD Student Progress Review form in order to receive a grade reflecting satisfactory progress in HST.ThG.

Thesis Proposal and Proposal Presentation

For MEMP students receiving their degrees through MIT, successful completion of the Oral Qualifying Exam is a prerequisite for the thesis proposal presentation. For MEMP students receiving their degrees through Harvard, the oral qualifying exam satisfies the proposal presentation requirement.

Proposal Document

Each student must present a thesis proposal to a thesis committee that has been approved by HICAP via the LOI-2 and then submit a full proposal package to HICAP by April 30th of the fourth year of registration. The only exception is for students who substantially change their research focus after the fall term of their third year; in those cases the thesis proposal must be submitted within three semesters of joining a new lab. Students registering for thesis research (HST.THG) who have not met this deadline may be administratively assigned a grade of "U" (unsatisfactory) and receive an academic warning.

The written proposal should be no longer than 4500 words, excluding references. This is intended to help students develop their proposal-writing skills by gaining experience composing a practical proposal; the length is comparable to that required for proposals to the NIH R03 Small Research Grant Program. The proposal should clearly define the research problem, describe the proposed research plan, and defend the significance of the work. Preliminary results are not required. If the proposal consists of multiple aims, with the accomplishment of later aims based on the success of earlier ones, then the proposal should describe a contingency plan in case the early results are not as expected.

Proposal Presentation

The student must formally defend the thesis proposal before the full thesis committee that has been approved by HICAP.

Students should schedule the meeting and reserve a conference room and any audio visual equipment they may require for their presentation. To book a conference room in E25, please contact Joseph Stein ( jrstein [at] (jrstein[at]mit[dot]edu) ).

Following the proposal presentation, students should make any requested modifications to the proposal for the committee members to review. Once the committee approves the proposal, the student should obtain the signatures of the committee members on the forms described below as part of the proposal submission package.

[Friendly advice: As a professional courtesy, be sure your committee members have a complete version of your thesis proposal at least one week in advance of the proposal presentation.]

Submission of Proposal Package

When the thesis committee has approved the proposal, the student submits the proposal package to HICAP, c/o Traci Anderson in E25-518, for final approval. HICAP may reject a thesis proposal if it has been defended before a committee that was not previously approved via the LOI-2.

The proposal package includes the following: 

  • the proposal document
  • a brief description of the project background and significance that explains why the work is important;
  • the specific aims of the proposal, including a contingency plan if needed; and
  • an indication of the methods to be used to accomplish the specific aims.
  • signed research advisor agreement form(s);
  • signed chair agreement form (which confirms a successful proposal defense);
  • signed reader agreement form(s).

Thesis Proposal Forms

  • SAMPLE Title Page (doc)
  • Research Advisor Agreement Form (pdf)
  • Chair Agreement Form (pdf)
  • Reader Agreement Form (pdf)

Thesis Defense and Final Thesis Document

When the thesis is substantially complete and fully acceptable to the thesis committee, a public thesis defense is scheduled for the student to present his/her work to the thesis committee and other members of the community. The thesis defense is the last formal examination required for receipt of a doctoral degree. To be considered "public", a defense must be announced to the community at least five working days in advance. At the defense, the thesis committee determines if the research presented is sufficient for granting a doctoral degree. Following a satisfactory thesis defense, the student submits the final thesis document, approved by the research advisor, to Traci Anderson via email (see instructions below).

[Friendly advice: Contact jrstein [at] (Joseph Stein) at least two weeks before your scheduled date to arrange for advertising via email and posters. A defense can be canceled for insufficient public notice.]

Before the Thesis Defense 

Committee Approves Student to Defend: The thesis committee, working with the student and reviewing thesis drafts, concludes that the doctoral work is complete. The student should discuss the structure of the defense (general guidelines below) with the thesis committee chair and the research advisor. 

Schedule the Defense: The student schedules a defense at a time when all members of the thesis committee will be physical present. Any exceptions must be approved in advance by the IMES/HST Academic Office.

Reserve Room: It is the student's responsibility to reserve a room and any necessary equipment. Please contact imes-reservation [at] (subject: E25%20Room%20Reservation) (IMES Reservation) to  reserve rooms E25-140, E25-141, E25-119/121, E25-521. 

Final Draft: A complete draft of the thesis document is due to the thesis committee two weeks prior to the thesis defense to allow time for review.  The thesis should be written as a single cohesive document; it may include content from published papers (see libraries website on " Use of Previously Published Material in a Thesis ") but it may not be a simple compilation of previously published materials.

Publicize the Defense:   The IMES/HST Academic Office invites the community to attend the defense via email and a notice on the HST website. This requires that the student email a thesis abstract and supplemental information to  jrstein [at] (Joseph Stein)  two weeks prior to the thesis defense. The following information should be included: Date and time, Location, (Zoom invitation with password, if offering a hybrid option), Thesis Title, Names of committee members, with academic and professional titles and institutional affiliations. The abstract is limited to 250 words for the poster, but students may optionally submit a second, longer abstract for the email announcement.

Thesis Defense Guidelines

Public Defense: The student should prepare a presentation of 45-60 minutes in length, to be followed by a public question and answer period of 15–30 minutes at discretion of the chair.

Committee Discussion:  Immediately following the public thesis presentation, the student meets privately with the thesis committee and any other faculty members present to explore additional questions at the discretion of the faculty. Then the thesis committee meets in executive session and determines whether the thesis defense was satisfactory. The committee may suggest additions or editorial changes to the thesis document at this point.

Chair Confirms Pass: After the defense, the thesis committee chair should inform Traci Anderson of the outcome via email to tanderso [at] (tanderso[at]mit[dot]edu) .

Submitting the Final Thesis Document

Please refer to the MIT libraries  thesis formatting guidelines .

Title page notes. Sample title page  from the MIT Libraries.

Program line : should read, "Submitted to the Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology, in partial fulfillment of the the requirements for the degree of ... "

Copyright : Starting with the June 2023 degree period and as reflected in the  MIT Thesis Specifications , all students retain the copyright of their thesis.  Please review this section for how to list on your title page Signature Page: On the "signed" version, only the student and research advisor should sign. Thesis committee members are not required to sign. On the " Accepted by " line, please list: Collin M. Stultz, MD, PhD/Director, Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology/ Nina T. and Robert H. Rubin Professor in Medical Engineering and Science/Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

The Academic Office will obtain Professor Stultz's signature.

Thesis Submission Components.  As of 4/2021, the MIT libraries have changed their thesis submissions guidelines and are no longer accepting hard copy theses submissions. For most recent guidance from the libraries:  

Submit to the Academic Office, via email ( tanderso [at] (tanderso[at]mit[dot]edu) )

pdf/A-1 of the final thesis should include an UNSIGNED title page

A separate file with a SIGNED title page by the student and advisor, the Academic Office will get Dr. Collin Stultz's signature.

For the MIT Library thesis processing, fill out the "Thesis Information" here:

File Naming Information:

Survey of Earned Doctorates.  The University Provost’s Office will contact all doctoral candidates via email with instructions for completing this survey.

Links to All Forms in This Guide

  • MEMP Rotation Form (optional)
  • Semi-Annual Progress Review Form
  • Letter of Intent One
  • Letter of Intent Two

Final Thesis

  • HST Sample thesis title page  (signed and unsigned)
  • Sample thesis title page  (MIT Libraries)

MIT Libraries logo MIT Libraries

Distinctive Collections

MIT Specifications for Thesis Preparation

Approved November 2022 for use in the 2022-2023 academic year. Updated March 2023 to incorporate changes to MIT Policies and Procedures 13.1.3 Intellectual Property Not Owned by MIT .

View this page as an accessible PDF .

Table of Contents

  • Thesis Preparation Checklist

Timeline for submission and publication

  • Bachelor’s degree thesis
  • Graduate degree thesis

Dual degree theses

Joint theses, what happens to your thesis, title selection, embedded links.

  • Special circumstances

Signature page

Abstract page.

  • Acknowledgments

Biographical notes

Table of contents, list of figures.

  • List of tables
  • List of supplemental material

Notes and bibliographic references

Open licensing, labeling copyright in your thesis, use of previously published material in your thesis, digital supplementary material, physical supplementary material, starting with accessible source files, file naming.

  • How to submit thesis information to the MIT Libraries

Placing a temporary hold on your thesis

Changes to a thesis after submission, permission to reuse or republish from mit theses, general information.

This guide has been prepared by the MIT Libraries, as prescribed by the Committee on Graduate Programs and the Committee on Undergraduate Program, to assist students and faculty in the preparation of theses. The Institute is committed to the preservation of each student’s thesis because it is both a requirement for the MIT degree and a record of original research that contains information of lasting value.

In this guide, “department” refers to a graduate or undergraduate program within an academic unit, and “thesis” refers to the digital copy of the written thesis. The official thesis version of record, which is submitted to the MIT Libraries, is the digital copy of the written thesis that has been approved by the thesis committee and certified by the department in fulfillment of a student’s graduation requirement.

The requirements in this guide apply to all theses and have been specified both to facilitate the care and dissemination of the thesis and to assure the preservation of the final approved document. Individual departments may dictate more stringent requirements.

Before beginning your thesis research, remember that the final output of this research—your thesis document—should only include research findings that may be shared publicly, in adherence with MIT’s policy on Open Research and Free Interchange of Information . If you anticipate that your thesis will contain content that requires review by an external sponsor or agency, it is critical that you allow sufficient time for this review to take place prior to thesis submission. 

Questions not answered in this guide should be referred to the appropriate department officer or to the MIT Libraries ( [email protected] ).

  • Final edited and complete thesis PDF is due to your department on the date specified in the Academic Calendar.
  • Hold requests should be submitted to the Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate and Graduate Education or TLO concurrent with your thesis submission.
  • Thesis information is due to the MIT Libraries before your date of graduation.
  • Departments must transfer theses to the MIT Libraries within 30 days from the last day of class (end of term).
  • One week later (30 days from the last day of classes + 7 days) or one week after the degree award date (whichever is later) the MIT Libraries may begin publishing theses in DSpace@MIT.
  • If you have requested and received a temporary (up to 90-day) hold on the publication of your thesis from the Vice Chancellor, your thesis will be placed on hold as soon as it is received by the Libraries, and the 90-day hold will begin 30 days from the last day of class (end of term).
  • If your thesis research is included in a disclosure to the TLO, the TLO may place your thesis on temporary hold with the Libraries, as appropriate.

Submitting your thesis document to your department

Your thesis document will be submitted to your department as a PDF, formatted and including the appropriate rights statement and sections as outlined in these specifications. Your department will provide more specific guidance on submitting your files for certification and acceptance.

Your department will provide information on submitting:

  • A PDF/A-1  of your final thesis document (with no signatures)
  • Signature page (if required by your department; your department will provide specific guidance)
  • Original source files used to create the PDF of your thesis (optional, but encouraged)
  • Supplementary materials  (optional and must be approved by your advisor and program)

Degree candidates must submit their thesis to the appropriate office of the department in which they are registered on the dates specified in the Academic Calendar. ( Academic Calendar | MIT Registrar ). September, February, and May/June are the only months in which degrees are awarded.

Bachelor’s degree theses

Graduate degree theses, submitting your thesis information to the libraries.

Information about your thesis must be submitted to the Libraries thesis submission and processing system  prior to your day of graduation. The information you provide must match the title page and abstract of your thesis . See How to submit thesis information to the MIT Libraries section for more details .

The academic department is required to submit the thesis to the MIT Libraries within one month after the last day of the term in which the thesis was submitted ( Faculty Regulation 2.72 ). The thesis document becomes part of the permanent archival collection. All thesis documents that have been approved will be transferred electronically to the MIT Libraries by a department representative via the MIT Libraries thesis submission and processing system .

The full-text PDF of each thesis is made publicly available in DSpace@MIT . A bibliographic record will appear in the MIT Libraries’ catalog, as well as the OCLC database WorldCat, which is accessible to libraries and individuals worldwide. Authors may also opt-in to having their thesis made available in the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global database.

Formatting specifications

Your work will be a more valuable research tool for other scholars if it can be located easily. Search engines use the words in the title, and sometimes other descriptive words, to locate works. Therefore,

  • Be sure to select a title that is a meaningful description of the content of your manuscript; and
  • Do: “The Effects of Ion Implantation and Annealing on the Properties of Titanium Silicide Films on Silicon Substrates”
  • Do: “Radiative Decays on the J/Psi to Two Pseudoscalar Final States”

You may include clickable links to online resources within the thesis file. Make the link self-descriptive so that it can stand on its own and is natural language that fits within the surrounding writing of your paragraph. The full URL should be included as a footnote or bibliography citation (dependent on citation style).

  • Sentence in thesis: Further information is available on the MIT Writing and Communications Center’s website . The full-text PDF of each thesis is made publicly available in DSpace@MIT .
  • Footnote or Bibliography: follow the rules of your chosen citation style and include the full website URL, in this case

Sections of your thesis

Required (all information should be on a single page)

The title page should contain the title, name of the author (this can be the author’s preferred name), previous degrees, the degree(s) to be awarded at MIT, the date the degree(s) will be conferred (May/June, September, or February only), copyright notice (and legend, if required), and appropriate names of thesis supervisor(s) and student’s home department or program officer.

The title page should have the following fields in the following order and centered (including spacing) :

Thesis title as submitted to registrar

Author’s preferred name

Previous degree information, if applicable

Submitted to the [department name] in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree(s) of

[degree name]

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Month and year degree will be granted (May or June, September, February ONLY)

Copyright statement

This permission legend MUST follow: The author hereby grants to MIT a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free license to exercise any and all rights under copyright, including to reproduce, preserve, distribute and publicly display copies of the thesis, or release the thesis under an open-access license.

[Insert 2 blank lines]

Note: The remaining fields are left aligned and not centered

Authored by: [Author name]

[Author’s department name] (align with the beginning of the author’s name from the previous line)

[Date thesis is to be presented to the department] (align with the beginning of the author’s name from the first line)

Certified by: [Advisor’s full name as it appears in the MIT catalog]

   [Advisor’s department as it appears in the MIT catalog] (align with the beginning of the advisor’s name from the previous line), Thesis supervisor

Accepted by: [name]

[title – line 1] (align with the beginning of the name from the previous line)

[title – line 2] (align with the beginning of the name from the first line)

Note: The name and title of this person varies in different degree programs and may vary each term; contact the departmental thesis administrator for specific information

  • Students in joint graduate programs (such as Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) should list both their MIT thesis supervisor and the supervisor from the partner academic institution.
  • The name and title of the department or the program officer varies in different degree programs and may vary each term. Contact the departmental graduate administrator for specific information.
  • For candidates receiving two degrees, both degrees to be awarded should appear on the title page. For candidates in dual degree programs, all degrees and departments or programs should appear on the title page, and the names of both department heads/committee chairs are required. Whenever there are co-supervisors, both names should appear on the title page.

Here are some PDF examples of title pages:

  • Bachelor’s Degree – using a Creative Commons license
  • PhD candidate – using a Creative Commons license
  • Master’s candidate – dual degrees
  • Masters’ candidates – multiple authors
  • Masters’ candidates – multiple authors with dual degrees and extra committee members
  • Bachelor’s Degree – change of thesis supervisor

Title page: Special circumstances – change of thesis supervisor

If your supervisor has recently died or is no longer affiliated with the Institute:

  • Both this person and your new supervisor should be listed on your title page
  • Under the new supervisor’s name, state that they are approving the thesis on behalf of the previous supervisor
  • An additional page should be added to the thesis, before the acknowledgments page, with an explanation about why a new supervisor is approving your thesis on behalf of your previous supervisor. You may also thank the new supervisor for acting in this capacity
  • Review this PDF example of a title page with a change in supervisor

If your supervisor is external to the Institute (such as an industrial supervisor):

  • You should acknowledge this individual on the Acknowledgements page as appropriate, but should not list this person on the thesis title page
  • The full thesis committee and thesis readers can be acknowledged on the Acknowledgements page, but should not be included on the title page

Not Required

Please consult with your department to determine if they are requiring or requesting an additional signature page.

Each thesis must include an abstract of generally no more than 500 words single-spaced. The abstract should be thought of as a brief descriptive summary, not a lengthy introduction to the thesis. The abstract should immediately follow the title page.

The abstract page should have the following fields in the following order and centered (including spacing):

  • Thesis title

Submitted to the [Department] on [date thesis will be submitted] in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of [Name of degree to be received]

[Insert 1 blank line]

Single-spaced summary; approximately 500 words or less; try not to use formulas or special characters

Thesis supervisor: [Supervisor’s name]

Title: [Title of supervisor]

The Abstract page should include the same information as on the title page. With the thesis title, author name, and submitting statement above the abstract, the word “ABSTRACT” typed before the body of the text, and the thesis supervisor’s name and title below the abstract.


An acknowledgement page may be included and is the appropriate place to include information such as external supervisor (such as an industrial advisor) or a list of the full thesis committee and thesis readers. Please note that your thesis will be publicly available online at DSpace@MIT , which is regularly crawled and indexed by Google and other search-engine providers.

The thesis may contain a short biography of the candidate, including institutions attended and dates of attendance, degrees and honors, titles of publications, teaching and professional experience, and other matters that may be pertinent. Please note that your thesis will be publicly available online at DSpace@MIT , which is regularly crawled and indexed by Google and other search-engine providers.

List of Tables

List of supplemental material.

Whenever possible, notes should be placed at the bottom of the appropriate page or in the body of the text. Notes should conform to the style appropriate to the discipline. If notes appear at the bottom of the page, they should be single-spaced and included within the specified margins.

It may be appropriate to place bibliographic references either at the end of the chapter in which they occur or at the end of the thesis.

The style of quotations, footnotes, and bibliographic references may be prescribed by your department. If your department does not prescribe a style or specify a style manual, choose one and be consistent. Further information is available on the MIT Writing and Communications Center’s website .

Ownership of copyright

The Institute’s policy concerning ownership of thesis copyright is covered in Rules and Regulations of the Faculty, 2.73 and MIT Policies and Procedures 13.1.3 . Copyright covers the intellectual property in the words and images in the thesis. If the thesis also includes patentable subject matter, students should contact the Technology Licensing Office (TLO) prior to submission of their thesis.

Under these regulations, students retain the copyright to student theses.

The student must, as a condition of a degree award, grant to MIT a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free license to exercise any and all rights under copyright, including to reproduce, preserve, distribute and publicly display copies of the thesis, or release the thesis under an open-access license. The MIT Libraries publish the thesis on DSpace@MIT , allowing open access to the research output of MIT.

You may also, optionally, apply a Creative Commons License to your thesis. The Creative Commons License allows you to grant permissions and provide guidance on how your work can be reused by others. For more information about CC: . To determine which CC license is right for you, you can use the CC license chooser .

You must include an appropriate copyright notice on the title page of your thesis. This should include the following:

  • the symbol “c” with a circle around it © and/or the word “copyright”
  • the year of publication (the year in which the degree is to be awarded)
  • the name of the copyright owner
  • the words “All rights reserved” or your chosen Creative Commons license
  • Also include the following statement below the ©“ The author hereby grants to MIT a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free license to exercise any and all rights under copyright, including to reproduce, preserve, distribute and publicly display copies of the thesis, or release the thesis under an open-access license.”
  • Also include the following statement below the © “The author hereby grants to MIT a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free license to exercise any and all rights under copyright, including to reproduce, preserve, distribute and publicly display copies of the thesis, or release the thesis under an open-access license.”

You are responsible for obtaining permission, if necessary, to include previously published material in your thesis. This applies to most figures, images, and excerpts of text created and published by someone else; it may also apply to your own previous work. For figures and short excerpts from academic works, permission may already be available through the MIT Libraries (see here for additional information ). Students may also rely on fair use , as appropriate. For assistance with copyright questions about your thesis, Ask Scholarly Communications .

When including your own previously published material in your thesis, you may also need to obtain copyright clearance. If, for example, a student has already published part of the thesis as a journal article and, as a condition of publication, has assigned copyright to the journal’s publisher, the student’s rights are limited by what the publisher allows. More information about publisher policies on reuse in theses is available here.

Students can hold onto sufficient rights to reuse published articles (or excerpts of these) in their thesis if they are covered by MIT’s open access policy. Learn more about MIT’s open access policy and opt-in here . Ask Scholarly Communications for more information.

When including your own previously published articles in your thesis, check with your department for specific requirements, and consider the following:

  • Ensure you have any necessary copyright permissions to include previously published material in your thesis.
  • Be sure to discuss copyright clearance and embargo options with your co-authors and your advisor well in advance of preparing your thesis for submission.
  • Include citations of where portions of the thesis have been previously published.
  • When an article included has multiple authors, clearly designate the role you had in the research and production of the published paper that you are including in your thesis.

Supplemental material and research data

Supplemental material that may be submitted with your thesis is the materials that are essential to understanding the research findings of your thesis, but impossible to incorporate or embed into a PDF. Materials submitted to the MIT Libraries may be provided as supplemental digital files or in some cases physical items. All supplementary materials must be approved for submission by your advisor. The MIT Libraries can help answer questions you may have about managing the supplementary material and other research materials associated with your research.

Contact [email protected] early in your thesis writing process to determine the best way to include supplemental materials with your thesis.

You may also have other research data and outputs related to your thesis research that are not considered supplemental material and should not be submitted with your thesis. Research materials include the facts, observations, images, computer program results, recordings, measurements, or experiences on which a research output—an argument, theory, test or hypothesis, or other output—is based. These may also be termed, “research data.” This term relates to data generated, collected, or used during research projects, and in some cases may include the research output itself. Research materials should be deposited in appropriate research data repositories and cited in your thesis . You may consult the MIT Libraries’ Data Management Services website for guidance or reach out to Data Management Services (DMS)( [email protected] ), who can help answer questions you may have about managing your thesis data and choosing suitable solutions for longer term storage and access.

  • Supplementary information may be submitted with your thesis to your program after approval from your thesis advisor. 
  • Supplemental material should be mentioned and summarized in the written document, for example, using a few key frames from a movie to create a figure.
  • A list of supplementary information along with brief descriptions should be included in your thesis document. For digital files, the description should include information about the file types and any software and version needed to open and view the files.
  • Issues regarding the format of non-traditional, supplemental content should be resolved with your advisor.
  • Appendices and references are not considered supplementary information.
  • If your research data has been submitted to a repository, it should not also be submitted with your thesis.
  • Follow the required file-naming convention for supplementary files: authorLastName-kerb-degree-dept-year-type_supplemental.ext
  • Captioning ( legally required ): text versions of the audio content, synchronized with the video: ways to get your video captioned
  • Additional content, not required:
  • For video, an audio description: a separate narrative audio track that describes important visual content, making it accessible to people who are unable to see the video
  • Transcripts: should capture all the spoken audio, plus on-screen text and descriptions of key visual information that wouldn’t otherwise be accessible without seeing the video

For physical components that are integral to understanding the thesis document, and which cannot be meaningfully conveyed in a digital form, the author may submit the physical items to the MIT Libraries along with their thesis document. When photographs or a video of a physical item (such as a model) would be sufficient, the images should be included in the thesis document, and a video could be submitted as digital supplementary material.

An example of physical materials that would be approved for submission as part of the thesis would be photographs that cannot be shared digitally in our repository due to copyright restrictions. In this case, the photographs could be submitted as a physical volume that is referred to in the thesis document.

As with digital supplementary information and research materials, physical materials must be approved for submission by your advisor. Contact [email protected] early in your thesis writing process to determine if physical materials should accompany your thesis, and if so how to schedule a transfer of materials to the MIT Libraries.

Creating your thesis document/digital format

You are required to submit a PDF/A-1 formatted thesis document to your department. In addition, it is recommended that original files, or source files, (such a .doc or .tex) are submitted alongside the PDF/A-1 to better ensure long-term access to your thesis.

You should create accessible files that support the use of screen readers and make your document more easily readable by assistive technologies. This will expand who is able to access your thesis. By creating an accessible document from the beginning, there will be less work required to remediate the PDF that gets created. Most software offers a guide for creating documents that are accessible to screen readers. Review the guidelines provided by the MIT Libraries .

In general:

  • Use styles and other layout features for headings, lists, tables, etc. If you don’t like the default styles associated with the headings, you can customize them.
  • Avoid using blank lines to add visual spacing and instead increase the size of the spaces before and/or after the line.
  • Avoid using text boxes.
  • Embed URLs.
  • Anchor images to text when inserting them into a doc.
  • Add alt-text to any images or figures that convey meaning (including, math formulas).
  • Use a sans serif font.
  • Add basic embedded metadata, such as author, title, year of graduation, department, keywords etc. to your thesis via your original author tool.

Creating a PDF/A-1

PDF/A-1 (either a or b) is the more suitable format for long term preservation than a basic PDF. It ensures that the PDF format conforms to certain specifications which make it more likely to open and be viewable in the long term. It is best for static content that will not change in the future, as this is the most preservation-worthy version and does not allow for some complex elements that could corrupt or prevent the file from being viewable in the future. Guidelines on how to convert specific file types to PDF/A .

In general: (should we simplify these bullets)

  • Convert to PDF/A directly from your original files (text, Word, InDesign, LaTeX, etc.). It is much easier and better to create valid PDF/A documents from your original files than from a regular PDF. Converting directly will ensure that fonts and hyperlinks are embedded in the document.
  • Do not embed multimedia files (audio and video), scripts, executables, lab notebooks, etc. into your PDF. Still images are fine. The other formats mentioned may be able to be submitted as supplemental files.
  • Do not password protect or encrypt your PDF file.
  • Validate your PDF/A file before submitting it to your department.

All digital files must be named according to this scheme: authorLastName-kerb-degree-dept-year-type_other.ext

  • Thesis PDF: macdonald-mssimon-mcp-dusp-2023-thesis.pdf
  • Signature page: macdonald-mssimon-mcp-dusp-2023-sig.pdf
  • Original source file: macdonald-mssimon-mcp-2023-source.docx
  • Supplemental file:
  • Second supplemental file:
  • Read Me file about supplemental: macdonald-mssimon-mcp-2023-supplemental-readme.txt

How to submit thesis information to the MIT Libraries

Before your day of graduation, you should submit your thesis title page metadata to the MIT Libraries  prior to your day of graduation. The submission form requires Kerberos login.

Student submitted metadata allows for quicker Libraries processing times. It also provides a note field for you to let Libraries’ staff know about any metadata discrepancies.

The information you provide must match the title page and abstract of your thesis . Please have a copy of your completed thesis on hand to enter this information directly from your thesis. If any discrepancies are found during processing, Libraries’ staff will publish using the information on the approved thesis document. You will be asked to confirm or provide:

  • Preferred name of author(s)as they appear on the title page of the thesis
  • ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher. The goal is to support the creation of a permanent, clear, and unambiguous record of scholarly communication by enabling reliable attribution of authors and contributors. Read ORCID FAQs to learn more
  • Department(s)
  • A license is optional, and very difficult to remove once published. The Creative Commons License allows you to grant permissions and provide guidance on how your work can be reused by others. Read more information about CC .
  • Thesis supervisor(s)
  • If you would like the full-text of your thesis to be made openly available in the ProQuest Dissertation & Theses Global database (PQDT), you can indicate that in the Libraries submission form.
  • Open access inclusion in PQDT is at no cost to you, and increases the visibility and discoverability of your thesis. By opting in you are granting ProQuest a license to distribute your thesis in accordance with ProQuest’s policies. Further information can be found in the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Author FAQ .
  • Full-text theses and associated supplemental files will only be sent to ProQuest once any temporary holds have been lifted, and the thesis has been published in DSpace@MIT.
  • Regardless of opting-in to inclusion in PQDT, the full text of your thesis will still be made openly available in DSpace@MIT . Doctoral Degrees: Regardless of opting-in the citation and abstract of your thesis will be included in PQDT.

Thesis research should be undertaken in light of MIT’s policy of open research and the free interchange of information . Openness requires that, as a general policy, thesis research should not be undertaken on campus when the results may not be published. From time to time, there may be a good reason for delaying the distribution of a thesis to obtain patent protection, or for reasons of privacy or security. To ensure that only those theses that meet certain criteria are withheld from distribution and that they are withheld for the minimum period, the Institute has established specific review procedures.

Written notification of patent holds and other restrictions must reach the MIT Libraries before the thesis in question is received by the MIT Libraries. Theses will not be available to the public prior to being published by the MIT Libraries. The Libraries may begin publishing theses in DSpace@MIT one month and one week from the last day of classes.

Thesis hold requests should be directed to the Technology Licensing Office (TLO) ( [email protected] ) when related to MIT-initiated patent applications (i.e., MIT holds intellectual property rights; patent application process via TLO). Requests for a thesis hold must be made jointly by the student and advisor directly to the MIT Technology Licensing Office as part of the technology disclosure process.

Thesis hold or restricted access requests should be directed to the Office of the Vice Chancellor ([email protected]) when related to:

  • Student-initiated patents (student holds intellectual property rights as previously determined by TLO) [up to 90-day hold]
  • Pursuit of business opportunities (student holds intellectual property rights as previously determined by TLO)[up to 90-day hold]
  • Government restrictions [up to 90-day hold]
  • Privacy and security [up to 90-day hold]
  • Scholarly journal articles pending publication [up to 90-day hold]
  • Book publication [up to 24-month hold]

In the unusual circumstance that a student wants to request a hold beyond the initial 90-day period, they should contact the Office of Vice President for Research , who may consult with the TLO and/or the Office of the Vice Chancellor, as appropriate to extend the hold. Such requests must be supported by evidence that explains the need for a longer period.

Find information about each type of publication hold, and to learn how to place a hold on your thesis

After publication

Your thesis will be published on DSpace@MIT . Theses are processed by the MIT Libraries and published in the order they are transferred by your department. The Libraries will begin publishing theses in DSpace@MIT one month and one week from the last day of classes.

All changes made to a thesis, after it has been submitted to the MIT Libraries by your department, must have approval from the Vice Chancellor or their designee. Thesis documents should be carefully reviewed prior to submission to ensure they do not contain misspellings or incorrect formatting. Change requests for these types of minor errors will not be approved.

There are two types of change requests that can be made:

  • Errata: When the purpose is to correct significant errors in content, the author should create an errata sheet using the form and instructions (PDF)  and obtain approval first from both the thesis supervisor or program chair, before submitting for review by the Vice Chancellor.
  • Substitution: If the purpose of the change is to excise classified, proprietary, or confidential information, the author should fill out the  application form (PDF) and have the request approved first by the thesis supervisor or program chair, before submitting for review by the Vice Chancellor.

Students and supervisors should vet thesis content carefully before submission to avoid these scenarios whenever possible.

You are always authorized to post electronic versions of your own thesis, in whole or in part, on a website, without asking permission. If you hold the copyright in the thesis, approving and/or denying requests for permission to use portions of the thesis in third-party publications is your responsibility.

MIT Libraries Thesis Team [email protected] |

Distinctive Collections Room 14N-118 | 617-253-5690

Technology Licensing Office [email protected] | 617-253-6966

Office of the General Counsel [email protected]  | 617-452-2082

Office of Graduate Education Room 3-107 | 617-253-4680 [email protected]

MIT Libraries,  Scholarly Communications Ask Scholarly Communications

Office of  the Vice Chancellor Room 7-133 | 617-253-6056 [email protected]

Office of the Vice President for Research Room 3-234 | 617-253-8177 [email protected]

MIT Writing and Communications Center Room E18-233 [email protected] |

Preparing and Submitting a Proposal

Key references.

MIT Policies and Procedures: “14.0 Research Policies and Public and Private Support”

Frequently Asked Questions about Preparing and Submitting a Proposal

A  proposal  is a detailed request for funding prepared in accordance with the sponsor’s instructions that must comply with Institute policies and sponsor requirements. Upon submission, a proposal becomes an official record of what MIT promised to a sponsor.

  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Principal Investigator (PI) : prepares the proposal in conjunction with an administrative or fiscal officer.
  • Research Administration Services (RAS) : provides Institute endorsement, submits proposals, and accepts awards on behalf of MIT and its faculty.

See  Roles and Responsibilities  for additional details. 

Approval and Submission

In accordance with  VPR Policy on Late Submission of Proposals , complete and final proposals must be submitted to RAS five business days in advance of the sponsor deadline date. 

Five-Day Calculator

This tool has been developed to help determine when a proposal is due to RAS.

  • Uniform Guidance Fixed Rate Requirements
  • F&A Methodology
  • F&A Components
  • MIT Use of a de minimis Rate
  • Fund Account Overhead Rates
  • Allocation Rates
  • Determination of On-Campus and Off-Campus Rates
  • Employee Benefits (EB) Rates
  • Vacation Accrual Rates
  • Graduate Research Assistant Tuition Subsidy
  • Historical RA Salary Levels
  • MIT Facts and Profile Information
  • Classification of Sponsored Projects
  • Types of Sponsored Awards
  • How Are Sponsored Projects Generated?
  • Cost Principles and Unallowable Costs
  • Direct and Indirect Costs
  • Pre-Proposals / Letters of Intent
  • MIT Investigator Status
  • Components of a Proposal
  • Special Reviews
  • Applying Through Workspace
  • Proposal Preparation Checklist
  • Proposals and Confidential Information
  • Personnel Costs
  • Subcontracts and Consultants
  • Annotated Budget Justification - Federal Research
  • Annotated Budget Justification - Non-Federal Research
  • Annotated Budget Justification - Federal Non-Research
  • Annotated Budget Justification - Non-Federal Non-Research
  • Kuali Coeus Approval Mapping
  • Submission of Revised Budgets
  • Standard Contract Terms and Conditions
  • Contractual Obligations and Problematic Terms and Conditions
  • Review and Negotiation of Federal Contract and Grant Terms and Conditions
  • Industrial Collaboration
  • International Activities
  • MIT Export Control - Export Policies
  • Nondisclosure and Confidentiality Agreements
  • Negative Confirmation On Award Notices
  • Routing and Acceptance of the Award Notice
  • COI and Special Review Hold Notice Definitions
  • Limiting Long-Term WBS Account Structures
  • SAP Project WBS Element Conditions
  • Child Accounts
  • Budgets at Award Setup
  • Kuali Coeus Electronic Document Storage (EDS)
  • Billing Agreements
  • PI Absence from Project
  • Cost Transfers
  • Uniform Guidance and the FAR
  • MIT Standard Terms and Policies
  • Guidelines for Charging Faculty Summer Salary
  • Key Personnel
  • Limitations on Funds - Federal Contracts
  • Project Budgets
  • No-Cost Extensions
  • Reporting Requirements
  • Return of Unexpended Funds to Foundations
  • When a PI Leaves MIT
  • Research Performance Progress Reports
  • Closing Out Fixed Price Awards
  • Record Retention
  • Early Termination
  • Reporting FAQs
  • Using SciENcv
  • AFOSR No-Cost Extension Process
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Department of Defense Disclosure Guidance
  • Department of Energy / Office of Science Disclosure Guidance
  • Introduction to Industrial Sponsors
  • General Considerations for Industrial Proposals
  • SRC Guidance to Faculty Considering Applying for SRC Funding
  • Find Specific RFP Information
  • Industrial Proposal Checklist
  • Proposal Formats
  • Special Requirements
  • Deadline Cycles
  • Model Proposals
  • Non-Competitive Industrial Proposals
  • Master and Alliance Agreements With Non-Standard Proposal Processes
  • Template Agreements
  • New Consortium Agreements
  • Competitive Industrial Proposals
  • Collaborative (No-cost) Research Agreements
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration Disclosure Guidance
  • NASA Graduate Research Fellowship Programs
  • NASA PI Status and Definitions
  • NIH Checklists and Preparation Guides
  • National Institutes of Health Disclosure Guidance
  • Human Subjects and NIH Proposals
  • NIH Data Management and Sharing
  • NIH Research Performance Progress Reports
  • Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry (GOALI) proposals
  • MIT Guidance Regarding the NSF CAREER Program
  • Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Supplements
  • National Science Foundation Disclosure Guidance
  • NSF Participant Support Costs
  • NSF Proposals: Administrative Review Stage
  • NSF Collaborations
  • NSF Pre-Award and Post-Award Actions
  • NSF Reporting
  • NSF Frequently Asked Questions
  • NSF Requirements for Harassment Free Environment
  • NSF Safe and Inclusive Working Environment
  • Process, Roles and Responsibilities
  • What Is Allowable/Eligible Cost Sharing?
  • MIT’s Preferred Cost Sharing Funds
  • Third-Party Cost Sharing
  • Showing Cost Sharing in a Proposal Budget
  • Sponsor Specific Instructions Regarding Location in the Proposal
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The EECS Department requires that students submit a thesis proposal during their first semester as MEng students, before they have begun substantial work on the thesis. Thesis proposals are brief documents (1500-2500 words) which focus on the ultimate, novel goals of your research project. While it is nearly impossible to extrapolate exactly what could (or will) happen during the course of your research, your proposal serves as a thoughtful approximation of the impact that your project could have as new work in the field, as well as an agreement between you and your thesis research advisor on the scope of your thesis.

Finding a Thesis Research Advisor

MEng thesis research advisors are not required to be EECS faculty members; however, research advisors from other departments, or non-faculty research advisors, must be approved by the EECS Undergraduate Office .

It is the sole responsibility of a student in the MEng program to find a thesis research advisor. There are many ways to go about this process:

  • If you are still an undergraduate, look for UROP or SuperUROP opportunities . Many MEng projects stem from UROPs.
  • Consider what areas you might be interested in working in, and search relevant lab webpages for people working in those areas. Many EECS MEng students work in RLE, CSAIL, MTL, LIDS, or the Media Lab, but you don’t need to limit your search to these labs. If you find a person whom you think might be a good match, reach out to them with a short email explaining why you’d be interested in MEng opportunities with their group.
  • Attend seminars held by research labs that interest you.
  • Reach out to instructors you know who teach in the area you’re interested in, as they may be able to point you in a useful direction. Instructors that you’ve gotten to know well (even if they don’t work in your area of interest) as well as your advisor are also useful resources, for the same reasons.
  • Keep an open mind to opportunities that are outside of your area. Many students do very interesting MEng projects with faculty from other departments.
  • Subscribe to the EECS Opportunities List , which often has advertisements for MEng projects.

Writing Your Proposal

Once you’ve found a thesis research advisor, you should get to work proposing a thesis. Your thesis proposal should be completed while you are in continual conversation with your research advisor. The proposal itself should be divided into five sections:

  • The introduction, to introduce the reader to the topic of your thesis.
  • Related work, which describes previously-published work that is relevant to your thesis.
  • Proposed work, which describes the work you will be doing for your thesis.
  • Timeline, which breaks down your proposed work into concrete steps, each with an approximate due date. At a minimum, you should describe what you plan to do each semester of your MEng, but many students give a timeline that is broken down by months, not semesters.
  • A bibliography

The EECS Communication Lab provides additional support for thesis proposal writing. You can see more detailed guidelines, as well as examples of previous MEng thesis proposals, here .

Submitting Your Proposal

The thesis proposal, and research advisor approval of the proposal, are typically due on the last day of classes each semester (see here for official deadlines) and there are no formatting requirements for the thesis proposal. When you are ready to submit, you can do so here . If you change your topic or research advisor, you should submit a new proposal.

6-A students must also submit a thesis proposal release letter. These letters can be sent to [email protected] and should follow one of the two templates below.

  • For 6-A companies
  • For non-6-A companies

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Doctoral Degrees

A doctoral degree requires the satisfactory completion of an approved program of advanced study and original research of high quality..

Please note that the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Science (ScD) degrees are awarded interchangeably by all departments in the School of Engineering and the School of Science, except in the fields of biology, cognitive science, neuroscience, medical engineering, and medical physics. This means that, excepting the departments outlined above, the coursework and expectations to earn a Doctor of Philosophy and for a Doctor of Science degree from these schools are generally the same. Doctoral students may choose which degree they wish to complete.

Applicants interested in graduate education should apply to the department or graduate program conducting research in the area of interest. Some departments require a doctoral candidate to take a “minor” program outside of the student’s principal field of study; if you wish to apply to one of these departments, please consider additional fields you may like to pursue.

Below is a list of programs and departments that offer doctoral-level degrees.

ProgramApplication OpensApplication Deadline
September 1December 1
September 15January 7
September 15December 15
October 1December 1
September 1December 1
September 15November 13
September 15December 1
September 15December 1
October 1December 1
September 15December 1
September 1December 1
September 15December 15
September 16December 1
August 1December 1
September 10December 10
September 15December 15
September 15December 15
September 1December 1
September 14December 15
September 15December 15
September 15
October 1December 1
SeptemberDecember 1

October 1December 15
September 15December 15
September 1December 15
September 15January 2
September 15December 15
October 9December 15
October 1January 15
September 5December 15

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  • Biomechanics
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  • Climate, Environment, and Toxicology
  • Immunoengineering
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  • Microbiome Engineering and Infectious Disease
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PhD Program

MIT Biological Engineering’s mission is to generate and communicate new knowledge in the application of engineering principles in biological systems and to educate leaders in our discipline. We focus at the interface of engineering and biology on combining quantitative, physical, and integrative engineering principles with modern life sciences research. MIT BE offers a graduate PhD degree, and only accepts PhD applications through the annual Departmental process for admission fall term of the following year.

PhD-level training in BE prepares students to conduct research that will:

  • Explain how biological systems function in terms of biological/chemical/physical mechanisms, and how they respond when perturbed by endogenous, environmental, and therapeutic factors
  • Engineer innovative technologies based on this understanding and apply technologies to address societal needs across all sectors including, but not limited to, biomedicine
  • Establish new biology-based paradigms for solving problems in areas of science and engineering that have not historically been impacted by biological approaches

In addition, PhD-level training in BE prepares students to translate this research for positive impact in the world by developing skills to:

  • Explain technical subject matter clearly, accurately, and in a compelling and contextual manner for a range of audiences
  • Engage collaboratively in diverse teams to contribute biological engineering expertise needed for multidisciplinary projects
  • Exercise intellectual and operational leadership to advance on goals in technically and organizationally complex scenarios
  • Exhibit integrity and ethical judgment in the design of research and the application of research results

Degree Requirements

BE PhD students complete two core courses in the first year, supplemented with four additional electives ( Course Requirements ). Individual students pace their own progress through elective coursework in consultation with their academic advisor.

In addition to the course requirements, students present an oral thesis qualifying exam to be completed by the end of the fall term in their third year.

BE PhD students complete research rotations in the fall and winter of their first year and select a BE Faculty member as a research and thesis advisor. Students carry out thesis research with the guidance and support of their advisor and a thesis committee formed by the student. Technical communication is an important part of the BE PhD curriculum. Students gain and practice scientific communication skills through one or more terms of teaching experience at the graduate or undergraduate level and research-focused activities including poster and oral presentations at Departmental events including our retreat, the Bioengineering and Toxicology Seminar (BATS) seminar series, and culminating in delivery of a written PhD thesis and oral defense of their thesis work.

For More Information

  • Graduate application
  • Graduate student FAQ
  • BE Application Assistance Program
  • Graduate student life
  • Graduate student handbook
  • Meet the graduate students

Please contact the BE Graduate Academic Office for additional information regarding BE educational programs.

At the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics

MIT PhD Opportunities in Logistics and Supply Chain

Mit interdisciplinary scm phd study opportunities.

MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (CTL) researchers advise select students in the  Interdepartmental Doctoral Program in Transportation  led by MIT’s Mobility Initiative, a cross-disciplinary graduate program in transportation which provides graduate degrees for students interested in transportation studies and research. 

The Interdepartmental Doctoral Program in Transportation provides a structured and follow-on doctoral program for students. The interdepartmental structure of the degree allows students flexibility in developing individually tailored paths of study that cross both disciplinary and departmental lines. The student’s research is performed at, and is supervised by faculty at the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics. Detailed requirements for the program can be found  here .

Additionally,  The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE)  and  The Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS)  offer PhD research opportunities in Logistics and Supply Chain as a part of their degree programs.

Students are encouraged to apply to the  Interdepartmental Program  or may apply directly to the CEE or IDSS departments and indicate on their application their interest in pursuing research in Logistics and Supply Chain. Students must apply through either CEE or IDSS and indicate on their application their interest in pursuing research in Logistics and Supply Chain. Students would then develop an  interdisciplinary degree proposal  with their department committee and submit to the Office of Graduate Education for approval.

Application deadlines to doctoral programs vary by department.

MIT SCALE Network Doctoral Study Opportunities

University of zaragoza phd in logistics and supply chain management.

This full-time program follows the highest international quality standards for doctoral studies, from the intensive admissions process to the comprehensive exam and thesis defense. Students in their second year can spend a semester or longer at MIT and have the opportunity to study at other leading business and engineering schools. The ZLC PhD degree and MIT-Zaragoza certificate enable graduates to take faculty positions at leading universities around the world or to become innovation leaders for international companies.

MIT Logistics & Supply Chain PhD Program Links:

  • Interdepartmental PhD Program in Transportation and application info
  • CEE PhD program and application info
  • I DSS PhD program and application info

MIT SCALE Network Logistics & Supply Chain PhD Info:

  • ZLC’s Doctorate program

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Graduate Program

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Certificate in Aerospace Innovation

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phd proposal mit

Graduate study in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics includes graduate-level subjects in Course 16 and others at MIT, and research work culminating in a thesis. Degrees are awarded at the master’s and doctoral levels. The range of subject matter is described under  Graduate Fields of Study . Departmental research centers’ websites offer information on research interests. Detailed information may be obtained from the Department Academic Programs Office or from individual faculty members. For more information about MIT AeroAstro graduate degree programs, email [email protected] .

Master of Science (SM)

The Master of Science (SM) degree is a two-year graduate program with beginning research or design experience represented by the SM thesis. This degree prepares the graduate for an advanced position in the aerospace field, and provides a solid foundation for future doctoral study. The  general requirements for the Master of Science degree  are cited in the section on General Degree Requirements for graduate students. The specific departmental requirements include at least 66 graduate subject units, typically in subjects relevant to the candidate’s area of technical interest. Of the 66 units, at least 21 units must be in departmental subjects. To be credited toward the degree, graduate subjects must carry a grade of B or better. In addition, a 24-unit thesis is required beyond the 66 units of coursework. Full-time students normally must be in residence one full academic year. Special students admitted to the SM program in this department must enroll in and satisfactorily complete at least two graduate subjects while in residence (i.e., after being admitted as a degree candidate) regardless of the number of subjects completed before admission to the program. Students holding research assistantships typically require a longer period of residence. In addition, the department’s SM program requires one graduate-level mathematics subject. The requirement is satisfied only by graduate-level subjects on the list approved by the department graduate committee. The specific choice of math subjects is arranged individually by each student in consultation with their faculty advisor.

SM Requirements

  • English evaluation Test (for non-native English-speakers if not previously satisfied at MIT)
  • Technical writing requirement if not previously satisfied at MIT
  • Math requirem ent
  • 66 subject units, not including thesis units, in graduate subjects in the candidate’s area of technical interest
  • Within the 66 subject units, a minimum of 21 units from AeroAstro subjects
  • Classes taken on a pass/fail basis do not count towards degree requirements
  • Minimum cumulative grade point average of 4.0
  • Term-by-term thesis (16THG) registration and progress evaluation
  • Acceptable thesis. View SM Thesis Archive (via DSpace).

Doctoral Degree (Ph.D. or Sc.D.)

AeroAstro offers Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and Doctor of Science (Sc.D.) doctoral degrees that emphasize in-depth study, with a significant research project in a focused area. The admission process for the department’s doctoral program is described previously in this section under Admission Requirements. The doctoral degree is awarded after completion of an individual course of study, submission, and defense of a thesis proposal, and submission and defense of a thesis embodying an original research contribution. The general requirements for this degree are given in the section on  General Degree Requirements . Program requirements are outlined in a booklet titled  The Doctoral Program [PDF] . After successful admission to the doctoral program, the doctoral candidate selects a field of study and research in consultation with the thesis supervisor and forms a doctoral thesis committee, which assists in the formulation of the candidate’s research and study programs and monitors his or her progress. Demonstrated competence for original research at the forefront of aerospace engineering is the final and main criterion for granting the doctoral degree. The candidate’s thesis serves in part to demonstrate such competence and, upon completion, is defended orally in a presentation to the faculty of the department, who may then recommend that the degree be awarded.

Doctoral Program Objectives & Outcomes

AeroAstro’s doctoral program objectives are:

  • to produce original research and technologies critical to the engineering of aerospace vehicles, information, and systems.
  • to educate future leaders in aerospace research and technology.

Upon graduation, our doctoral students will have:

  • a strong foundation in analytical skills and reasoning
  • the ability to solve challenging, engineering problems
  • an understanding of the importance and strategic value of their research
  • the ability to communicate their research with context and clarity

These degrees, for which the requirements are identical, are for students who wish to carry out original research in a focused field, and already hold a master’s degree. AeroAstro offers doctoral degrees in 13 fields. A description of general MIT doctoral requirements appears in the MIT Course Catalogue .

Ph.D./Sc.D. Requirements

  • Qualifying Field Evaluation, completed within three terms of entering the department. (See below for more information.)
  • Completion of Research Process and Communication (RPC) Course
  • Formation of a thesis committee and first meeting confirmed by filing a virtual Doctoral Record Card within 2 regular terms of admission to the doctoral program.
  • Completion of the major concentration with a minimum of 60 units and completion of the minor concentration with a minimum of 30 units, as approved by the student’s thesis committee
  • Math requireme nt
  • Minimum cumulative 4.4 grade point average
  • Thesis proposal and defense within 3 regular terms of admission into the doctoral program.
  • Successful thesis submission and defense within 4 regular terms of passing the thesis proposal defense. View the doctoral thesis archive (via DSpace.)

See the AeroAstro Doctoral Program Guide for additional guidelines and the PhD Quick Guide for a complete overview.

Doctoral Qualifying Field Evaluation

A student seeking entrance to the department’s doctoral program must complete a course-based evaluation in their chosen field of study . Information about the doctoral program and the doctoral qualifying process can be found in the department’s Doctoral Program Guide .

Field Evaluation Process Timeline

July 1The will be made available on the Department website for future planning purposes. This is the finalized list (with possible course additions being the only change from that published the previous Fall) for the class of students that will initiate the FE process in September.
Mid-AugustAll students are welcome to attend the information seminar on the Field Evaluation Process provided by the Graduate Program Administrator and the Chair of the GC. 
Early September Fall Registration Day: Initiation Forms are due to the Graduate Program Administrator from students who are in the 3 semester of their graduate program.
Late December/Early JanuaryFall Grade Deadline: Completion Forms are due to the Graduate Program Administrator, including PhD advisor signature, grades, and cumulative GPA.
Mid-JanuaryCompletion/Outcome of the Field Evaluation is confirmed for all participating students.
FebruaryPhD Orientation session for all students who pass the FE. Students who have yet to initiate the exam check-in with their advisors on progress towards their FE course completion.
MayField Exams will be held for students who need to take them.

Thesis proposal and defense examples

The following are a few examples of successfully written and defended thesis proposals by doctoral candidates within AeroAstro. These may be downloaded and examined as part of your preparation for the Thesis Proposal Defense, a required part of our doctoral program.

  • Xun Huan – A Bayesian Approach to Optimal Sequential Experimental Design Using Approximate Dynamic Programming – 2013 – Proposal – Defense
  • Ashley Carlton – Scientific Imagers as High-Energy Radiation Sensors – 2017 – Proposal – Defense
  • Maria de Soria Santacruz Pich – Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves for RBR Applications – 2013 – Proposal – Defense

Interdisciplinary Programs

The department participates in several interdisciplinary fields at the graduate level, which are of special importance for aeronautics and astronautics in both research and the curriculum.

Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Statistics

The Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Statistics provides training in statistics, including classical statistics and probability as well as computation and data analysis, to students who wish to integrate these valuable skills into their primary academic program. The program is administered jointly by the departments of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Economics, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, and Political Science, and the Statistics and Data Science Center within the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society. It is open to current doctoral students in participating departments. For more information, including department-specific requirements, see the  full program description  under Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs.

Air Transportation

For students interested in a career in flight transportation, a program is available that incorporates a broader graduate education in disciplines such as economics, management, and operations research than is normally pursued by candidates for degrees in engineering. Graduate research emphasizes one of the four areas of flight transportation: airport planning and design, air traffic control, air transportation systems analysis, and airline economics and management, with subjects selected appropriately from those available in the departments of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Economics, and the interdepartmental Master of Science in Transportation (MST) program. Doctoral students may pursue a Ph.D. with specialization in air transportation in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics or in the interdepartmental Ph.D. program in transportation or in the Ph.D. program of the Operations Research Center (see the section on Graduate Programs in Operations Research under Research and Study).

Biomedical Engineering

The department offers opportunities for students interested in biomedical instrumentation and physiological control systems where the disciplines involved in aeronautics and astronautics are applied to biology and medicine. Graduate study combining aerospace engineering with biomedical engineering may be pursued through the Bioastronautics program offered as part of the Medical Engineering and Medical Physics Ph.D. program in the Institute for Medical Engineering and Science (IMES) via the Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology (HST). Students wishing to pursue a degree through HST must apply to that graduate program. At the master’s degree level, students in the department may specialize in biomedical engineering research, emphasizing space life sciences and life support, instrumentation and control, or in human factors engineering and in instrumentation and statistics. Most biomedical engineering research in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics is conducted in the Human Systems Laboratory.

Today, the aerospace sector has returned to its original roots of innovation and entrepreneurship, driven not exclusively by large government or corporate entities, but by small and mid-size firms. These are experimenting with, and launching electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing and electric Short Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL and eSTOL) vehicles, cutting-edge CubeSat missions, and new drone-enabled services that offer data analytics in agriculture, renewable energy and in other sectors. Students in Aerospace Engineering and related fields have expressed a strong desire to hear from and learn about how to launch their own ventures and initiatives in aerospace. Responding to this need, AeroAstro is proud to launch a new Certificate in Aerospace Innovation in collaboration with the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship. To learn more, please visit the website for Certificate in Aerospace Innovation .

Computational Science and Engineering (SM or Ph.D.)

The  Master of Science in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE SM)  is an interdisciplinary program for students interested in the development, analysis, and application of computational approaches to science and engineering. The curriculum is designed with a common core serving all science and engineering disciplines and an elective component focusing on specific disciplinary topics. Current MIT graduate students may pursue the CSE SM as a standalone degree or as leading to the CSE Ph.D. program described below. The  Doctoral Program in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE Ph.D.)  allows students to specialize at the doctoral level in a computation-related field of their choice through focused coursework and a thesis through a number of participating host departments. The CSE Ph.D. program is administered jointly by the Center for Computational Science and Engineering (CCSE) and the host departments; the emphasis of thesis research activities is the development of new computational methods and/or the innovative application of computational techniques to important problems in engineering and science. For more information,  see the program descriptions  under Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs.

Joint Program with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

The  Joint Program with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)  is intended for students whose primary career objective is oceanography or oceanographic engineering. Students divide their academic and research efforts between the campuses of MIT and WHOI. Joint Program students are assigned an MIT faculty member as an academic advisor; thesis research may be supervised by MIT or WHOI faculty. While in residence at MIT, students follow a program similar to that of other students in their home department. The  program is described in more detail  under Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs.

Leaders for Global Operations

The 24-month  Leaders for Global Operations (LGO)  program combines graduate degrees in engineering and management for those with previous postgraduate work experience and strong undergraduate degrees in a technical field. During the two-year program, students complete a six-month internship at one of LGO’s partner companies, where they conduct research that forms the basis of a dual-degree thesis. Students finish the program with two MIT degrees: an MBA (or SM in management) and an SM from one of eight engineering programs, some of which have optional or required LGO tracks. After graduation, alumni lead strategic initiatives in high-tech, operations, and manufacturing companies.

System Design and Management

The  System Design and Management (SDM)  program is a partnership among industry, government, and the university for educating technically grounded leaders of 21st-century enterprises. Jointly sponsored by the School of Engineering and the Sloan School of Management, it is MIT’s first degree program to be offered with a distance learning option in addition to a full-time in-residence option.

Technology and Policy

The Master of Science in Technology and Policy is an engineering research degree with a strong focus on the role of technology in policy analysis and formulation. The  Technology and Policy Program (TPP)  curriculum provides a solid grounding in technology and policy by combining advanced subjects in the student’s chosen technical field with courses in economics, politics, quantitative methods, and social science. Many students combine TPP’s curriculum with complementary subjects to obtain dual degrees in TPP and either a specialized branch of engineering or an applied social science such as political science or urban studies and planning. See the  program description  under the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society.

MIT and Student Financial Services will be closed Monday, September 2, in observance of Labor Day.

Funding and aid: Graduate funding and aid

At the graduate level, financial aid is largely decentralized, as available funds are managed directly by departments.

Funding is usually available from each individual department to support doctoral students for the duration of their time at MIT. Typically, at the time of admission, doctoral students receive offers of funding in the form of research and teaching appointments or fellowships, which cover the cost of full tuition and health insurance, and provide a salary or stipend. Funding for master-level students is more limited, and depends greatly on the program of study , so students may be required to seek their own sources of funding or utilize student loans .

Graduate funding may take the form of research, instructor, and teaching assistantships, fellowships, traineeships, scholarships, grants, and/or other forms of employment , such as working as a resident advisor in an undergraduate residence.

Please note: Applicants are considered for funding after they have been accepted into a graduate program. There is no separate application for financial aid prior to admission for any program of study.

Funding for students in need

MIT provides assistance to graduate students experiencing financial hardships , has established new ranges to stipends and changes to health insurance rates and plan benefits, and offers additional health and well-being support resources .

Hardship funds are tax-reportable income and may reduce eligibility for educational loans. If you want to explore how a fund of this type would impact you, please contact us to discuss your options.

MIT Technology Review

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This is MIT and yes, we have bananas

The Banana Lounge offers beanbag chairs, camaraderie, and a free, potassium-rich snack to students and visitors alike.

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Attending lectures and movies in 26-100 has been an integral part of the MIT experience for generations of students, but since 2018 they have also embraced what’s become another quintessential Institute experience just across the hall: picking up a banana in 26-110, officially the Karl Taylor Compton Room but now better known as the MIT Banana Lounge.

Open 24 hours a day during the school year, the lounge is stocked with free bananas and hot drinks. At times the foot traffic is brisk enough to produce a detectable banana gradient on campus, centered on the first floor of the Compton Laboratories and marked by a stream of people with the fruit in their hands or backpacks. 

Walk through the lounge door and you’ll discover beanbag chairs, Lego bricks, plants, walls decorated with student art, and a magnificent bank of floor-to-ceiling windows looking out onto the “Outfinite” (MIT’s North Corridor walkway) and MIT.nano . Banana boxes stacked three to six feet high sit on wheeled carts. 

On a glorious mid-May afternoon, two students sift through the open boxes atop each stack, looking for fruit at the perfect point of ripeness. More people enter the lounge, head straight for the boxes, grab a bunch, and leave. Others take a single banana and sit down. Some just sit. The vibe is a mix of library, coffee shop, and grocery store. 

Most of the students in the lounge are working together in small groups, but one in a hoodie is peering deeply into his laptop. “I’m here almost every day,” says Victor O. Ogunsanya ’27. “I recommend noise-canceling headphones.”

Another student walks over to the crates and starts to tidy things up. He consolidates three half-filled boxes into a single crate; then he removes the paper, plastic strips, and supports from the two boxes he’s emptied and flattens them. His name is Colin Clark ’26. He’s both president of the MIT Association of Student Activities and one of the lounge’s student volunteers. 

As a volunteer, Clark says, one of his jobs is “to count how many bananas are left.” His tally isn’t very precise; he just reports the number of boxes, with full boxes counting as one and others as one-half. The broken-down boxes are typically donated to Boston Area Gleaners, which uses them to distribute food to the needy.

A few days after that May afternoon, a group of Harvard Business School students and assorted friends and family members swings by the lounge during a tour. Their leader, a recent MIT grad, takes two bunches of bananas from a box and passes them around. 

“I’m amazed at how perfectly formed these are,” says one of the visitors. 

I, too, take a banana from the bunch. It’s warm. “This is MIT,” I joke. “They are probably fresh out of the fabricator.”

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A student in a nearby chair hypothesizes that perhaps the fruit is warm because bananas are slightly radioactive. (He’s not the first to propose this theory. Clark had previously mentioned, “I was thinking that it would be fun to use a hypersensitive Geiger sensor and count the radiation coming from the bananas.”) We check the website of the US Environmental Protection Agency, which confirms that bananas are indeed among the most naturally radioactive foods, because of their high potassium concentration. The radiation level is minuscule, however, since the stable K-39 and K-41 isotopes account for most of the potassium in a banana; only about 0.012% is K-40, which has a half-life of 1.25 billion years. ( The EPA website notes that you’d need to eat 100 bananas to roughly double your typical daily exposure to radiation in the US. )

In fact, bananas are warm because they are undergoing “exothermic ripening,” explains Banana Lounge cofounder Malte B. Ahrens ’17, who has become something of an expert on all things banana-related. The heat results from the conversion of starch into sugar. 

Food insecurity affects a surprisingly large number of MIT students. For some the problem is money. For others, it’s time.

Ahrens, an undergraduate in mathematical economics who hasn’t quite graduated, Zoomed into the Banana Lounge in May to discuss its origins. (He was in Europe, studying the classics while on an academic leave.) He says that he, Katherine Nazemi ’17, and Willy Wu ’19 came up with the idea in 2015 when he was chair of the Undergraduate Association’s Innovation Committee. 

The goal, says Ahrens, was to create a “comfortable, non-dorm hangout space” with the feel of a coffee shop or salon, ideally at the heart of the campus. In the past, students might have used the coffeehouse lounge on the third floor of the Stratton Student Center, but it was open only intermittently in the 2010s.

The Innovation Committee hosted meetings and design sessions, and by 2017 the concept included spaces where students could nap and get free nourishment, in the form of bananas and coffee. 

Free food was critical because food insecurity affects a surprisingly large number of MIT students. For some the problem is money. For others, it’s time: “They choose to work rather than travel to the west side of campus to take advantage of dining options, and resort to informal options like free food in academic departments or skipping entire meals,” states a 2018 report by MIT’s Food Insecurity Solutions Working Group. That report found that 13% of MIT’s undergraduates and 2% to 8% of graduate students had trouble accessing food during the semester. 

In the fall of 2017, the Innovation Committee submitted a proposal to the MIT MindHandHeart Innovation Fund to try out the banana lounge as a 12-week experiment. Their request: $3,600 for bananas, $150 for plates, $1,260 for newspapers, $3,000 for couches, $450 for 15 electric kettles, $480 for flowers, and $5 for labels, for a total of $10,385. But the proposal was rejected; the fund’s administrator had concerns about how the project would be sustained. Bananas are cheap—roughly 18 cents each when bought in bulk—but they aren’t free.

“The funding rejection in October 2017 hit us pretty hard, but we rallied afterwards and became stronger because of it,” Ahrens says. “It got us to look more broadly—engaging with faculty, especially, but also the Institute archives—and it ultimately motivated us to just try it as a short experiment. Some things need to be felt in order to be understood.”

What started as an idea for a lounge space offering free food became a serious research project. “We conducted a small literature review as a team—everyone reading a few reports, summarizing them, and presenting findings to the team,” says Ahrens. “We found that our desire for space to hang out (‘social space’) and vision for campus (architecture supporting innovation) wasn’t new … Most of the ideas have been around for a long time—at MIT, at least all the way back to [architect William Welles] Bosworth and the design of Walker Memorial. Execution is hard. And long-term sustainability even more so.”


The team visited many spaces, interviewed MIT faculty (especially those who had also been students), and assembled a research package with 48 sources, including reports from visits to Harvard, BU, Georgia Tech, and Wellesley, as well as an examination of social space at 10 companies, including Google, Pixar, and Bloomberg.

With a little money in hand—a bit left over in the UA Innovation Committee budget and a small grant from the dean for student life, Suzy M. Nelson—the students then looked for a suitable space to test their idea. In February 2018 they discovered that the Compton Lounge was available. Formerly the physics faculty lounge and then a lounge for mathematics undergrads, it was open to all students, but its windows had been boarded up during the construction of the Lisa T. Su Building (MIT.nano) across the walkway. 

The space seemed ideal for a weeklong pilot.

The students scrounged furniture from around campus and never got around to buying the newspapers. On April 4, 2018, they started giving out free bananas, tea, coffee, and hot chocolate. They also provided a Lego set and beanbag chairs for downtime between classes.

The pilot was such a success that Nelson authorized an additional $1,000 out of her discretionary fund to help the Banana Lounge keep operating through the end of the semester .

The lounge remained open through May 25, distributing 10,000 bananas and 5,000 drinks. Over those seven weeks, members of the UA Innovation Committee and other student volunteers checked on the lounge more than 330 times to monitor usage and record banana levels. The total cost was $2,300 in capital expenses and $3,000 for operations, paid for by the UA Innovation Fund and the $1,000 grant from Nelson.

The MIT faculty’s Committee on Student Life toured the lounge, after which it endorsed the pilot in its annual report to MIT’s president as “a shining example of what our undergraduate students can accomplish on their own to enhance their common spaces on an extremely modest budget.” 

Brad Feld with bananas

Early on, students ran to the Yell-O-Glow banana-ripening facility in Chelsea (even during snowstorms!) and Ubered back with boxes of bananas. Then they ordered them from MIT Dining, and team members like Nicole Teichner ’22 got them to the lounge

The Banana Lounge reopened that fall—without the plywood on the windows—and flourished over the next three semesters with support from the UA’s innovation fund and small donations from students, alumni, and parents. In May 2019, MIT’s Borderline art collaborative unveiled a gallery of original student paintings hung along the lounge’s main wall atop a student-created mural of clouds. The lounge even acquired a spinet piano, which is parked in the hallway outside, so it’s now common to hear live music when classes aren’t in session in 26-100. MindHeartHand at one point ran a series of weekly events in the lounge, such as seminars on exercise and health, and it occasionally supplies free cupcakes.

In the fall of 2019, the lounge gave out nearly 100,000 bananas. 

On March 8, 2020, Rylan Schaeffer, who was then completing a master’s at Harvard and working on research in a lab at MIT, mentioned the campus “banana gradient” on his blog. (Now a PhD candidate in AI at Stanford, Schaeffer remembers the lounge fondly. “As someone paying an expensive tuition with little income to pursue a future in academia, I was very appreciative of free food wherever I could find it,” he recalls.)

The following day, MIT started postponing and canceling events in response to the covid pandemic. Shortly thereafter the lounge was closed. 

In the fall of 2021, the Banana Lounge was allowed to reopen from 6 a.m. till 2 a.m. Students advocated for round-the-clock banana access, which was finally restored in September 2022. But a bigger problem was paying for all those bananas. In the spring of 2021, as the students were preparing to reopen the lounge, Ahrens had realized that it would take a fifth of the entire UA budget to satisfy the growing demand for free bananas, coffee, and tea. 

That’s when Zoe Sheill ’24, then a first-year student, remembered that she had met Brad Feld ’87, SM ’88, a venture capitalist and philanthropist, during her high school internship at Pioneer Square Labs in Seattle. She reached out to Feld, asking if he could help.

students hanging out in the Banana Lounge

Feld was excited by the idea. “I have always loved bananas,” he says. “My default breakfast is whole wheat toast with peanut butter and banana slices. I also have a secret love for frozen chocolate-covered bananas. Plus, I’ve always thought of myself as somewhat bananas.”

Feld covered most of the cost of the bananas for the 2022-’23 school year, with the UA and the Division of Student Life providing additional funds. The following year Feld persuaded his ADP fraternity brothers Eran Egozy ’93, MEng ’95, and Alex Rigopulos ’92, SM ’94, the inventors of Guitar Hero and cofounders of Harmonix Music Systems, to begin supporting the lounge as well. (Egozy is also a professor of the practice in MIT’s Music and Theater Arts Section.) Still more alumni kicked in funding for 2023-’24. Now it is even possible to donate to the Banana Lounge through the website .

The lounge celebrated its fifth anniversary in April 2023 by distributing its millionth banana.

“The Banana Lounge is fundamentally an entrepreneurial endeavor,” Feld says. “I think any support MIT gives to the Banana Lounge is excellent, but it has to be student led to be successful. Many of the best things I experienced at MIT were student driven. Ultimately, I don’t think the funding is the issue, but rather the continued leadership by the students who run the Banana Lounge, which will naturally evolve over time.”

performers playing a violin, a piano and an oboe while students watch

In 2019, the student artists of MIT Borderline painted a mural and created original artwork for the Banana Lounge’s quiet area, which gives students a place to rest and relax.

President L. Rafael Reif gave a shout-out to the Banana Lounge in May 2022 in his last presidential charge to the graduating class . “In its charming quirkiness, the Banana Lounge is ‘very MIT,’” Reif said. Then he ticked off an impressive (and MIT-like) list of reasons for its success: students prototyped the lounge and tested it in real-world conditions, analyzed multiple fruits and supply chains to minimize cost, tracked and calibrated environmental conditions for the fruit, secured funding from Feld, and “developed the cutting-edge concept of ‘free coffee.’” 

“Already, the lounge has served more than 500,000 bananas—two of which were mine,” Reif said, noting that he prefers mangoes. 

In November 2022, Admissions blogger Amber Velez ’24 proclaimed the Banana Lounge the fourth-best place to sleep on campus . It beat out the Hayden and Barker libraries but was bested by the Course [ x ] Lounge (where x is any integer from 1 to 24), “your empty classroom after recitation,” and “your 9 a.m. class.” 

The lounge remains entirely student run, although MIT does provide cleaning services. In 2018, students would lace up their sneakers and run to Yell-O-Glow, a giant banana-ripening facility in Chelsea, to pick up full crates and Uber them back to campus. At one point they got bananas from MIT dining halls, which also sourced from Yell-O-Glow through a produce supplier; while that was convenient, adding two layers of middlemen resulted in significant bruising (affecting 5% to 20% of bananas) and more waste. But consumption has since increased enough to support a separate order to Yell-O-Glow. Students email their order by midnight three times a week, and by around eight the next morning, the company delivers 40-pound 100-banana crates to the Stata loading dock. The students get the pallets from there to the lounge, taking great care to minimize bruising. 

Ahrens says it’s been critical to optimize the supply chain, which extends 3,000 miles to Central America and spans a couple of weeks from harvest to lounge. They’ve focused their efforts on the final days and miles, he notes. Their top priority is reliability—providing students 24-7 access to bananas—and they aim to maximize quality as they minimize waste, cost, and student labor, all while dealing with the constraints of the lounge’s limited space and the speed at which bananas ripen (which is temperature sensitive). 

students studying in the Banana Lounge

The Banana Lounge team has collaborated with experts from the likes of Del Monte and AgroAmerica; Ahrens and Thérèse Mills ’21 even flew to Central America on a mission to trace the banana supply chain from planting, picking, cutting, cleaning, packing, shipping, and ripening all the way through delivery to the lounge. “But our greatest teacher has been necessity and learning from our mistakes along the way,” says Ahrens. They’ve had to deal with under- and overripe bananas, too many and not enough, unexpected campus events, snowstorms, missed deliveries, AC failures, and cold damage in the winter, to name a few challenges.

“We have great data,” says Ahrens. “Every delivery we’ve ever had has been logged (594 deliveries) with notes on quality, ripeness, company, and country of origin, and we check in on the space three times a day on average, logging banana levels and busyness, among other data points. From this we can predict with decent accuracy consumption at any hour and track recurring issues to raise with Yell-O-Glow and/or the banana companies. For example, when there was an issue with bananas splitting, we were able to alert that banana company and, with them, trace it back to an issue they had unloading at the port.”

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But even with all that data, intuition is critical, Ahrens says, noting that “banana demand is elastic in several ways.” For instance, the ripeness of the stock plays a role, and if the supply dwindles, a scarcity effect boosts demand.

In 2023, the UA’s Food Security Committee found that food insecurity had dropped slightly since 2017 but still affects more than 10% of MIT undergrads.Its 2023-’24 report makes clear that the Banana Lounge is helping students who would otherwise be skipping meals. “If I forget to pack lunch, I can’t really afford to eat on campus,” reported one student responding to the UA survey. “Going back home takes time since I live off campus, so I often just resort to bananas (banana lounge) and S^3 bars [from Student Support Services].”

The lounge celebrated its fifth anniversary in April 2023 by distributing its millionth banana; by May 2024, the total count had jumped to 1.9 million. The Banana Lounge team expected to hand out roughly 800,000 bananas in the 2023-’24 academic year, with a validated waste rate (as reported by student volunteers) of 0.47%, although the actual waste is likely twice that. But even a 1% rate is remarkable, considering that bananas are among the leading causes of supermarket food waste because consumers just won’t buy them if they have brown spots.More than 5 billion bananas are discarded in the US every year, according to Dana Gunders of the Environmental Law Institute. Asked how the Banana Lounge keeps its waste level so much lower than grocery stores can manage, Ahrens says: “Because we obsess over it.”

a view down into a box of bananas with a sensor and wires in the center

All told, the lounge has served 359.3 metric tons of bananas in the 27,120 hours it has been operational—and has had bananas in stock 98.52% of the time it’s been open since September 2021. In its quest to keep improving, the Banana Lounge team is looking into collecting better data, improving ventilation, and further reducing student labor. But the main focus remains providing bananas 24-7. Or, as Ahrens puts it, “always, always being there for students.”  

“The lounge is more than just the bananas,” he says. While bananas draw students in, they also keep them there long enough to bump into other people. “It’s a place to study, rest, play, create, run into friends, chat, and collaborate with others on wild projects,” says Ahrens. “We believe a good commons can bring people together and make a difference.” 

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