how to write personal interests in resume

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List of 50 Hobbies & Interests for Your Resume in 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Hobbies/Interests Examples
  • Should Hobbies/Interests Be on a Resume?
  • Interests/Hobbies to Avoid
  • Adding Hobbies/Interests
  • Hobbies/Interests Tips
  • Hobbies/Interests FAQs

Imagine: You’re a hiring manager for an athletic clothing brand considering two candidates—both with great resumes . You’re having trouble deciding which of the two to move forward.

During your review, you notice one of the applicants is an avid runner. So, you decide to pick the one you think will be a slightly better cultural fit since the applicant likely aligns with the fitness-related clothing products your brand offers based on their running hobby.

But, why “running hobby” instead of “running interest?” Great question. There is a difference between hobbies and interests. Hobbies are things you actively participate in, whereas interests are your dreams or topics you’re fascinated by. That said, they can both be used effectively on a resume to make your already excellent skill set more personable and relevant.

We’ll dive into interests and hobbies to include on your resume and show you how to list them to gain a leg up in the application process.

how to write personal interests in resume

Hobbies & Interests Examples for a Resume

Job seeker and cat practice work-life balance with stretching break

Example Resume

Hobbies and interests resume example with 3 years of experience

Why these hobbies/interests work

  • Always choose hobbies and interests for your resume that relate to your field. 
  • Don’t be afraid to include something cool and credible, like being a Jeopardy contestant. 
  • Thought-provoking activities like helping troubled youths can effectively display your compassion and adaptability in difficult situations.

Most Common Hobbies & Interests for Resumes in 2024

Job seeker in purple shirt reviews past accomplishments and statistics to include in job materials

Knowing the value of hobbies/interests on a resume, you may wonder which ones are the most popular in the US. Here’s a quick overview.

  • At the top of the list, 40% of US adults have cooking/baking as a hobby or interest. This is a great one to list on resumes for culinary positions or when working around food. It also shows you can follow instructions precisely.
  • Want to show some expert research abilities? Reading is an excellent hobby for resumes when applying to jobs involving scientific research or business analysis, to name a couple.
  • Everyone’s interested in their pets. Plus, positions like vet techs or even care-based nursing roles can see directly translatable abilities from individuals who love and cherish their animals.
  • Applying to a tech-related role? Video games are a potential hobby/interest you could list. It can also show unique problem-solving abilities for analytical positions.
  • Nearly half of all jobs require outdoor work. So whether you’re applying to construction, agriculture, or other similar roles, many outdoor activities will be applicable. For instance, a gardening hobby could be great for an aspiring landscaper.

List of Hobbies & Interests for Your Resume

Recruiter points with yellow chalk to job skills and qualifications list on blackboard

Here’s an extensive list of hobbies and interests to potentially include on your resume.


What better way to demonstrate you’re a caring, civic-minded person than by including your volunteer efforts on your resume?

People want to work with kind people. Not to mention, many companies now give employees time off each year to volunteer for efforts they care about.

Volunteering ideas

  • Fostering animals
  • Serving within your religious organization
  • Firefighter/ EMT
  • Coaching youth sports teams
  • Volunteering with organizations that help the homeless
  • Assisting at local meetups or hackathons
  • Volunteering at an animal shelter
  • Working for local committees or organizations in your community (like the Board of Education, for example)

Mentioning how you exercise as one of your interests or hobbies can be a great way to build a quick bond with the person reviewing your resume.

However, saying something like “sports” in your interests section is not worth including. What sport do you play?

Exercise can be anything that gets the heart pumping. If you dance or do karate, those are unique hobbies that you should definitely mention on your resume.

Exercise ideas

  • Running (if you run events like 5Ks, say so!)
  • Weight lifting
  • Dance (salsa? square dancing?)
  • Basketball (do you play in a league?)
  • Rock climbing
  • Skiing/ snowboarding

Most companies would benefit by having a creative person join their company. If you’re looking for a career in marketing or design, that’s especially true.

Even if you’re looking for a job as a programmer or data scientist, creativity can still be an invaluable skill.

Listing “music” is not a particularly unique hobby. Saying you play guitar, however, may catch the employer’s eye.

If you have a portfolio of your work, you should link to it in your resume, too, if you’re really proud of it.

Creative ideas

  • Photography
  • Comic books
  • Classic films
  • Instruments (guitar, violin, piano, etc.)
  • Interior decorating
  • Writing (fiction? slam poetry?)
  • Calligraphy
  • Stand-up comedy


Much like your artistic endeavors can showcase your creativity to a prospective employer, an interest in strategic games indicates that you can strategize and plan.

We likely sound like a broken record but remember to be specific. Saying “video games” is not going to add value to your resume, whereas “PC gaming” might (do your research on the company to make sure this would be appropriate).

Puzzle/games ideas

  • Dungeons and dragons
  • Jigsaw puzzles
  • Crossword puzzles

Your hobbies or interests don’t have to be (and likely aren’t) confined by neat category distinctions. Just ask yourself whether your passion has the potential to showcase a valuable skill.

For example, in the list below, you’ll see brewing beer as a hobby. As long as the business you’re applying to is a more modern company, this could be appropriate to include. To be a successful brewer, you need to be precise and thorough—both great traits in a prospective employee.

Other ideas

  • Learning languages (which/how many languages have you learned?)
  • Foodie (talking about local restaurants can be a great way to break the ice in an interview)
  • Brewing beer
  • Cooking (which cuisine is your specialty?)
  • Baking (who doesn’t love the person who bakes for office parties?)
  • BBQing (this would grab our attention)
  • Social media (if you run a successful social account for a local cause, that can be an invaluable skill)

We know! That’s a lot of examples to look through! You can always list a slew of things you enjoy on your  resume outline  and narrow it down when you create a resume . We’ve also got some simple resume templates from Google Docs  with a section just for hobbies and interests.

Remember, your hobbies are supposed to be for your enjoyment. If you don’t think you have any hobbies for your resume that will work, that’s okay, too!

Should Hobbies and Interests Be on a Resume?

Young lady trying to decide about including her hobbies and interests in her resume.

Before we dive into the types of hobbies and interests you should add to your resume, we first need to answer the question of whether you should include them at all.

The primary factor in determining whether you should include a hobbies and interests section on your resume is the type of role and company you’re applying to .

While older, more established businesses are less likely to be intrigued by what you do outside of work, modern tech companies or startups will likely be interested in learning about your prospective cultural fit. One great way to demonstrate that on your resume is through your hobbies.

Hobbies and interests resume example with 2 years of experience

  • Entry-level candidates can approach  resume writing  with a “small but mighty” mindset.
  • For example, mentioning that you’re a World Sudoku Championship Competitor for not just one but  three  years in a row shows dedication and laser-like focus.
  • If you’re applying for a web development job, try adding a related side project like apps; alternatively, If you’re playing up your artistic side, talk about your interest in web graphics!

How to know whether you should list hobbies/interests

  • Read the  job description  of the role you’re applying to.
  • If the answer is “yes,” that’s a good indication that you should list hobbies and interests.
  • Visit the company’s website. Read their “about us” section as well as their employment pages.

When it comes to your resume,  not all hobbies and interests are created equal ! For example, some of us here at BeamJobs are expert television show binge-watchers. If there was a binge-watching championship, we think we could win gold. 

Still, this is a hobby we would leave off our resumes. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with this hobby; it’s just that it’s neither particularly unique nor noteworthy. Remember— the goal of your hobbies and interests are to help you stand out . If the hobby you include is something the hiring manager has seen hundreds of times, it won’t accomplish what you want it to on your resume.

This means you should be as specific as possible when describing your hobbies or interests. “Sports” is not the same as “captain of co-ed basketball team.”

Here are a few more examples of what we mean:

  • Wrong: Cooking
  • Right: Cooking Middle Eastern cuisine
  • Wrong: Travel
  • Right: Backpacking through Europe
  • Wrong: Music
  • Right: Electric guitar
  • Wrong: Volunteering
  • Right: Volunteering at local ASPCA
  • Wrong: Puzzles
  • Right: Expert at Sudoko

Interests and Hobbies to Avoid on a Resume

A young man looking through binoculars

If you’re on the fence about whether you should include a particular interest or hobby on your resume,  err on the side of caution . The last thing you want to do is turn a “yes” into a “no” by including something taboo on your resume. This means you shouldn’t list anything about politics on your resume (unless, of course, you’re applying for a job in politics).

This is not to say you should avoid talking about your volunteer experience through your local church if that’s your hobby! Just imagine you’re meeting someone you’d like to make a good impression on. If it’s a topic you’d avoid in that conversation, leave it off if you’d like to present a  professional resume . With that said…

BeamJobs’ co-founder, Stephen, knows a thing or two about including a hobby that, under different circumstances, would have been better left off his resume

Before I started BeamJobs with my brother and dove head-first into the world of resumes, I was a data analyst at a company called Chegg.

At that time, one of my biggest hobbies was playing poker. Now, as a data nerd, I took a very data-driven approach to playing poker. I studied the game religiously to develop a deep understanding of winning strategies and probabilities.

Since I was applying for jobs as a data analyst, I thought that would be worth including as an interest on my resume.  I also understood poker would likely not be appropriate for all of my job applications .

When it came time to apply to Chegg, I learned that the role I was applying for would be as an early employee for their recently acquired company, Imagine Easy Solutions. I researched the founders and learned they had a history of entrepreneurship.

As such, I included poker as a hobby on my resume. That gamble (poker pun intended) paid off. I learned during my interview that one of my interviewers was a big poker player.  This gave me an opportunity to elaborate on my data-driven approach to the game and how I would take a similarly quantitative approach to my job .

We hope this illustrates the potential positive impact of including unique interests or hobbies in your job applications.  They help humanize you and give you a potential common interest with your interviewers .

Stephen’s anecdote also highlights two important points:

  • Do your research on the company and role you’re applying for; make sure what you’re including as a hobby is relevant.
  • Don’t lie. By his own admission, Stephen would have been quickly exposed by a much better poker player in his interview had he told a lie!

How to Add Hobbies and Interests on a Resume

A young man working on his PC.

Before we dive into the best way to include hobbies or interests on your resume, let’s start with an example.

Hobbies and interests resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Have outdoor interests like kayaking? These kinds of hobbies can suggest experience in nailing the perfect photography shot and other design strengths.
  • Hobbies like fly fishing and comic art can suggest sociability and interconnectedness with others—good  soft skills to list on your resume .
  • You can use hobbies and interests to express that you’re well-rounded, but the way to really rock this section is by displaying those that directly or indirectly relate to the job you’re after. 

Guidelines for adding hobbies/interests to your resume

  • Add a specific section to your resume called “Hobbies,” “Interests,” or “Hobbies & Interests.”
  • Limit the number of hobbies you include to five at most.
  • We have brand-new  Google resume templates  and  Word resume templates  that already have this section built in. 
  • Be as specific as possible.
  • Don’t let this section be the reason your resume extends to two pages.

All of these rules follow the principle that your interests/hobbies shouldn’t be the focus of your resume.  They’re on your resume to add color.  Sadly, some hiring managers won’t put much or any weight on this section of your resume. That’s the reason you shouldn’t make it so prominent.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to land a job as a surgeon with your hobbies alone—you still need to have the right qualifications for the role! With that said, the more specific you are with your hobbies and interests, the more likely what you list will resonate with the person checking out your AI cover letter and resume . 

You also want to be able to relate your hobbies or interests to what makes you a particularly good fit for the role you’re applying to. Let’s look at a few examples.

Job title: Marketer

Hobby: Painting

How it relates: This demonstrates an eye for creativity and design—both important characteristics for a marketer.

Job title: Manager

Hobby: Long-distance runner

How it relates: Committing to improving at long-distance running requires dedication without the ability to see immediate results, which can happen in management as well.

Job title: Software engineer

Hobby: Baking cakes

How it relates: To be an effective baker, you need to be exact with measurements, temperatures, and time but also need a high degree of creativity. To be a strong developer, you must be creative and rigorously logical.

Job title: HR manager

Hobby: Volunteering as an EMT

How it relates: Much like an EMT, to be a good HR manager, you must be caring and empathetic while staying calm in tense situations.

Hobbies and Interests Resume Tips

A PC monitor and laptop on a desk displaying resume tips.

Most people don’t live to work; they work to live. Therefore, most of your time is likely going to be spent outside of your office.

Including your hobbies and interests on your resume is a great way to humanize yourself and become more than just a resume  to the hiring manager.

Tips for adding hobbies and interests to your resume

  • Research the company and job description for the role you’re applying for to determine if you should include hobbies.
  • Remember: Interests are related to topics you find interesting, while hobbies are activities you participate in and enjoy.
  • Keep this section short (four to five interests at most ) and move it to the bottom of your resume.
  • Your hobbies are for you—don’t take up a hobby just to please a potential employer.

A hobbies/interests section works great for entry-level candidates who want to include additional relevant abilities or when applying to companies that emphasize workplace culture in the job description. For example, many retail organizations emphasize their culture, so someone applying to be an entry-level retail clerk could benefit from a hobbies/interests section.

A hobby is something you actively do, whereas an interest is something you may be fascinated by or dream about. For example, someone who actively reads an hour per day could consider reading a hobby. On the other hand, someone fascinated by psychology could consider that an interest. You could even combine the two to say you enjoy reading about psychology, which could work great for an aspiring therapist.

Between one to three hobbies/interests works best for most resumes . It typically shouldn’t be the focus of your resume, but moreso act as a way to provide a bit more information or personability to your already excellent skill set.

Either the bottom or the left-hand side margin beneath your education and top skills is the best place for hobbies/interests. This placement leaves room for your work experience, education, and achievements to remain the primary focus of your resume.

Volunteer work is one of the best things to put in a hobbies/interests section when you don’t have work experience since it’s the most similar to a work-related environment. Otherwise, aim for things that are the most relevant to the position. For example, listing a favorite sport or fitness activity, such as rugby or HIIT training, could be great when applying for an entry-level job at a gym.

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Hobbies and interests on resume. List of 40+ good examples.

When it comes to adding hobbies and interests to your resume, there are two distinct schools of thought. Some people are firmly against mixing business with pleasure and believe that your resume should only include professional information. Others think that there are instances when adding hobbies and interests on a resume can actually strengthen your application.

The reasoning behind adding hobbies and interests on a resume is simple. Resumes tend to be very “dry” and adding a bit of personal information can help you show your “human” side and reveal more of who you are.

Today, we are going with the second school of thought. And if you decide to add the hobbies and interests section to your resume, here’s what you should take into account.

Hobbies and interests on resume. List of 40+ good examples.

Table of Contents

How to choose what hobbies and interests to include in a resume?

So, how do you choose the hobbies and interests that should make it on your resume?

To give the right answer to this question, we first need to establish that the hobbies and interests section on a resume is not just a space filler — it serves a purpose. Your hobbies and interests can reveal a lot about you as a job candidate. This is why it’s essential to put in some thought into what you choose to include on your resume.

What you may want to include as hobbies and interests on a resume directly depends on what type of job you are applying for and what specific qualities you want to highlight. However, if you are looking for some general examples of hobbies and interests that you can add to a resume, here they are.

Here are some good interests to put on a resume:

  • Sports (jogging, team sports, yoga, etc.). Including sports as an interest on your resume can show that you are disciplined, goal driven and lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Traveling. This can show your potential employer that you are worldly, adventurous and open-minded.
  • Learning foreign languages. This probably needs little explanation, but speaking a foreign language is always a plus when looking for a job.
  • Public speaking. This will show the hiring manager that you are a potentially good communicator and have confidence in social situations.
  • Blogging. This is another useful hobby to include on your resume as it speaks to your written communication skills . And most employers value writing proficiency. According to, there are actually several ways in which blogging can benefit your career.
  • Volunteering. If you have volunteering experience, it can often count as work experience. This means you know how to work in a team, achieve common goals, organize the working process — and that you are a proactive member of society. In fact, according to , collaboration is one of the top skills valued by hiring managers.
  • Club membership. Just like volunteering, being a member of a club is a favorable thing to include on a resume. It shows that you have interests outside of work and are a team player.

List of good hobbies and interests

Here are more examples of interests and hobbies that you can include on your resume:

Team sports (show that you are a good team player and comfortable working with others):

Individual sports (show that you are disciplined, independent and committed):

  • Marathon running/jogging
  • Martial arts
  • Snowboarding,

Creative hobbies (emphasize creativity, mindfulness and imagination):

  • Photography
  • Meditation,

Social hobbies (showcase your communication and collaboration skills ):

  • Board games
  • Public speaking
  • Language classes
  • Club membership
  • Volunteering
  • Learning about other cultures,

Related: How To Use Your People Person Skills to Land a Dream Job

Job specific hobbies and interests (these could be particularly helpful when applying for a specific position)

  • Learning foreign languages
  • Video editing
  • Programming
  • On-going education,

Now that we’ve covered what type of interests are good to include on a resume, let’s take a look at what you shouldn’t add to your resume hobbies section.

Here are some things you shouldn’t include in your resume:

  • Controversial interests. Just like you should avoid certain topics at a dinner party, it’s best not to mention certain interests on a resume. The biggest topics to avoid would be politics and religion.
  • Hobbies that are irrelevant to the job you are applying for. Once again, make sure that every interest you add to your resume “adds value” and makes you a stronger candidate in the eyes of your employer.
  • Interests that may interfere with your work . If you have hobbies that may be considered too risky or time-consuming, it may be best to leave them off your resume. For instance, if you are into extreme sports, your employer may think that this would cause a lot of work absences or make you less reliable.
  • Lies. It’s not a good idea to invent hobbies and interests that might make you a more interesting candidate but are simply untrue. These things generally tend to come out — and you may end up feeling nervous and unfocused as you try to keep up the lie.

Where do I put hobbies and interests on my resume?

Hobbies and interests are an optional section on your resume. This means that you can decide whether you want to add this particular section or not. What’s more, you can also edit this section of your resume depending on the job you are applying for.

Generally, the hobbies and interests section should come at the end of your resume, after the Education section. You can also put your hobbies and interests under Additional Information at the end of your resume.

Why are hobbies and interests important on a resume?

There are a number of reasons why you may want to include hobbies and interests on your resume. Your hobbies and interests section can set you apart from the competition and also let some of your personality shine through the otherwise dry and fact-based resume page. The key here would be to include personal interests that showcase your best qualities or make you a more desirable candidate for this particular job.

For instance, saying that you like to watch Netflix shows will probably provide very little additional information about you to your employer — especially if you are applying for a position of a sales manager. On the other hand, mentioning that you are into team sports can hint at your leadership and team playing abilities.

Let’s see when it is generally a good idea to add hobbies and interests on a resume.

  • Limited work experience. If you are applying for your first job, you can use the hobbies and interests section to fill in the gaps in your resume. You can use this section to show your potential employer that you are active, curious, easy-going, resourceful and more.
  • Your hobbies are relevant to the role. If you have hobbies that are relevant to the position you are applying for, it’s a good idea to include them on your resume. For instance, if you like to work on developing video games in your free time, this would definitely be a welcome skill in a lot of technical positions. Or, if you are a part of a public speaking club, this may look good on a teacher’s resume.
  • You are using the functional resume format. There are three main resume formats: the reverse-chronological format, the functional format and the combination format. Learn more about each resume format here . If you go with the functional resume format, you will be focusing on the skills relevant to the position you are applying for. In this case, hobbies and interests may fit very well with your resume as they can complement your skills and abilities relevant to the job you want to get. You can also use this section to emphasize your expertise and passion for the job.
  • There is extra room on your resume. A resume should be between one and two pages, depending on how much experience you have. If you feel like there is a lot of empty space left in your resume, you may want to add the hobbies and interests section to have it look more complete.

Related: Detail-Oriented: What It Means and Why It Matters

Hobbies and interests on resume: key takeaways

When properly planned and well written, the hobbies and interest section on your resume can be a powerful tool. It can help you stand out as a candidate and help highlight valuable skills and experience.

The key thing to keep in mind is that each hobby and interest you include should add value to your application and highlight a useful quality that you possess.

As we’ve mentioned above, the best categories of hobbies to add to your resume include the following:

  • Team sports
  • Creative hobbies (writing, design, etc.)
  • Volunteering, mentoring, coaching
  • Programming/coding
  • Meditation and mindfulness

Make sure to go over the hobbies you’ve included in your resume and ask yourself whether each item you’ve added makes you a better job candidate. If it doesn’t, consider removing it from your application.

3 thoughts on “ Hobbies and interests on resume. List of 40+ good examples. ”

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How to List Hobbies and Interests on a Resume (With Examples)

18 min read · Updated on August 28, 2024

Ronda Suder

Should you add personal interests to your resume?

A resume is a summary of your career that informs a future employer of your professional suitability. Personal interests and hobbies on a resume fall outside that traditional definition, but as employers become more interested in cultural fit, showcasing your personality in a job search is increasingly important.

However, how to include hobbies and interests on a resume is not straightforward. In this post, we consider:

How hobbies and interests are different

The benefits of including hobbies and interests on a resume

When you should include interests on a resume

When you should not include interests on a resume

How to include interests on a resume

Where to include hobbies and interests on a resume

The most common hobbies and interests to put on a resume and why they're relevant

Interests you should avoid including on a resume

What's the difference between hobbies and interests?

Though many use the terms “hobbies” and “interests” interchangeably, there are some subtle differences between the two.

Hobbies . Hobbies are activities you engage in regularly. They tend to be more hands-on activities that people participate in for enjoyment and relaxation. Hobbies require acquiring new skills and tend to need engagement and a time commitment. Examples of hobbies include engaging in a specific sport, writing, and cooking.

Interests . Interests are things - ideas, topics, activities - you're interested in learning more about or engaging in more often. Interests often have a broader focus than hobbies, tend to be more intellectually driven vs. hands-on, and expand your understanding. They also tend to require less of a time commitment, since they can be explored through things like reading or asking questions.  Examples of interests include airplanes, filmmaking, and photography. 

For some, interests eventually become hobbies. You might also note that a hobby for one person might be an interest for another, and vice versa. 

So, on your resume, should you call them hobbies or interests? It depends. If you only have relevant interests, you can call the section “Interests.” The same goes if you only have relevant hobbies - call the section “Hobbies.” However, if you're including both interests and hobbies, refer to the section as “Hobbies and Interests.” 

What are the benefits of adding hobbies and interests on a resume?

There are a handful of benefits to adding hobbies and interests on your resume, with several outlined below. 

Offers a chance to build rapport. Interests and hobbies on a resume offer the chance to build a rapport with an interviewer during an interview . They may even feel comfortable about revealing some insights into their personal life. This is the ideal scenario – you want to work out what makes them tick, too.

Brings depth to your application. Including your interests and hobbies on a resume brings depth to your application, but only if they're relevant to the role. The best candidates get creative about how they position their hobbies and interests to enhance their career story.

Shows you're more than just your work persona. Including a couple of brief one-liners about your hobbies and interests shows that there's more to you than your work persona. As work-life boundaries blur, people want to collaborate with interesting colleagues. 

Highlights hard and soft skills. Hobbies and interests require and enhance soft and hard skills that can be highly relevant to open positions.  

Fills gaps. Hobbies and interests on a resume can help to fill in work experience and skills gaps you might have for the job you're seeking. 

When should you include hobbies and interests on your resume?

Here are examples of when it might be appropriate to include personal interests on your resume:

Entry-level professional. If you're an early-career professional with minimal work experience, including interests is a great way of outlining your motivations and giving the hiring manager a better idea of who they are employing. Two or three lines of personal interests are expected and will add to the application, but you still need to hint at why they are relevant for the role.

Experienced professional. The decision to include interests is less clean-cut for a more senior applicant. In most cases, you'll likely have plenty of relevant work experience to include on your resume. Still, most careers contain skills that can be developed outside of the workplace. If you genuinely have a hobby or interest that contributes to your effectiveness at work, there is no rule that says you shouldn't include it.

Career changer. If you're changing careers and have limited practical work experience, skills, or education related to the position for which you're applying, adding interests and hobbies could help fill in these gaps. 

Interests and hobbies emphasize your abilities. If you happen to have an interest or hobby that indicates you're good at the type of job you're applying for, include them. For example, suppose you're applying for a position that requires a lot of public speaking. In that case, you might include your interest in acting, as it highlights your ability to perform in front of audiences. 

It's requested in the job description. As is the case for any request listed in the job posting, if the employer requests for you to include your hobbies and interests, be sure you do!

The organization puts a lot of focus on employee qualities and traits. If you notice on a company's website that they tend to highlight their employees' extracurricular activities and personalities frequently, then adding hobbies or interests on a resume could help you to stand out. 

When should you not include interests or hobbies on a resume?

And now, here are the reasons you should not include hobbies and personal interests on a resume:

Lack of space. If you're finding that space is tight on your resume, the Hobbies and Interests section is the first that should be cut. Even the section header can take up valuable space. You should always prioritize your work experience if you have more to say. Remember that you may get a chance to mention your interests during an interview.

Lack of relevance. To reiterate, only include hobbies or interests that are relevant to the job. As much as you might like someone to know you can walk a tightrope like a champ, unless it adds value and is applicable, don't include it. 

How to include hobbies and interests on your resume

There are several ground rules in terms of adding interests on a resume. Let's discuss the main ones.

Research the requirements of the role

Before you work out whether you're including relevant interests, make sure that you understand the specifics of the role. Making a link with an interest and an obscure requirement of the job is a great way of showing that you know what you're getting yourself into.

Choose interests that match your workplace skills

Once you have a list of skills that your employer desires, be creative in how you match your hobbies with the role. The hiring manager will be reading a lot of resumes, so don't assume that they will automatically make the connection. Be clear about exactly why you're including your interest.

You never know when you might run into an interviewer who knows more about your hobby than you do. Resist the temptation to exaggerate the level of your participation, or it might become an embarrassing situation that will torpedo your chances of getting the job. Honesty is the best policy in a job search.

how to write personal interests in resume

You can include hobbies and interests on a resume in one of three places:

In a separate “Hobbies and Interests” section

In your Work Experience section

In your Skills or Competencies section

Hobbies and Interests section

If you choose to include hobbies and interests on your resume, the most obvious place to include them is in a stand-alone “Hobbies and Interests” section. In most instances, this should be the very last section you include on your resume. 

Work Experience section

While you might have space for a separate Interests and Hobbies section on a two-page resume, there's also the option of slipping an interest or hobby into bullet points or paragraphs around your work experience. If it fits with the point that you are making, it won't seem out of place.

Include bullets with an intriguing description. Just listing “swimming” or “horticulture” as a personal interest will be ignored. If your interest is relevant to the role, include a brief description that offers more detail to fire the hiring manager's imagination. You don't need to write this in full sentences. Include context and quantify with detail if possible. For example, if you're applying for a team lead or training position, you might include the following:

  • Swimming. Won the state U23 200m backstroke title. Trained 100+ juniors at the local club.

Skills or Competencies section

If you have one or two hobbies or interests that relate to a specific skill required for the job or would add value to the role, you could choose to include it in your Skills or Competencies section. For example, if graphic design is a hobby of yours and you're applying for a marketing or communications role, adding graphic design as a competency or skill could prove valuable in such a role. 

Hobbies and interests to put on a resume - examples

Now, let's get into the details of the interests to put on a resume that may be worth including and why. In this section, we highlight:

Different categories of hobbies or interests

A brief description of why each category can be relevant

The hard and soft skills related to the category that could add value

Specific hobbies and interests examples that you might include on your resume

In the competitive world of work, countless lessons can be transferred from sporting activities. Whether you are playing in a team or dedicated to individual glory, the drive to win and the experience of losing are two sides of the same coin. 

In general, including sports on a resume can speak to the following soft skills:



Interpersonal abilities



Ability to handle stress

Examples of sports hobbies and interests to put on a resume are:

Baseball. Everyone has different roles on any sports team. If one person is not doing their job, then the team is weaker. This is collective responsibility at its most basic.

Swimming. Swimming requires hours of dedication and preparation. Any endurance sport offers ample time to think about other aspects of your life.

Skydiving. Extreme sports indicate a risk-taker who is not afraid to push their limits. Perfect when you're figuring it out as you go along in an innovative industry sector.

Yoga. Any interest that involves looking within and clearing your mind of unwanted distractions should be beneficial. Yoga practitioners are often clear-headed decision-makers.

Fitness. The ability to maintain a regular fitness regime should never be underestimated. There are times when you won't want to hit the gym but you overcome your lethargy, which is also a valuable approach to work. 

Outdoor pursuits

Venturing outdoors into an uncertain world means that you often need to react to whatever nature throws your way. There's a reason why company away days are often held in outdoor activity centers. Outdoor adventures can teach us a multitude of lessons.

Some soft skills that those who face the great outdoors might have are:

Problem solving

Critical thinking

Working well under stress


Attention to detail



Examples of outdoor interests to put on a resume include:

Fishing. Patience is a key requirement for many roles. When the long-anticipated opportunity arrives, you need to reel it in confidently and with skill. The chance may not come again.

Orienteering. Working out and agreeing on a path forward is a common sticking point in many corporate settings. Orienteering teaches communication skills and teamwork.

Horticulture. Spending countless weeks preparing the ground for a flower that may only bloom for a short time requires attention to detail and visionary planning.

Camping. The ability to put the hustle and bustle of everyday life to one side and lose yourself in the great outdoors is incredibly good for your mental health. It also shows you have the ability to take time away to balance your work and personal life. 

The dedication and creativity that come with learning a musical instrument or training a singing voice can be put to good use in any workplace. The journey is similar when it comes to mastering a new skill at work. Practice makes perfect.

Soft skills relevant to many positions that are often highlighted by musical ability include:

Of course, the technical skills of playing an instrument or being able to sing would be highly relevant in sectors like theater and filmmaking, as well. 

Some music-focused hobbies or interests to put on a resume include:

Songwriting. Even writing an email requires filling a blank space with something meaningful. Songwriters understand how to make other people feel a certain way.

Singing or gigging. Standing in front of a crowd and performing are skills that will be useful at work. You will communicate confidently in any meeting or presentation.

Playing an instrument. The process of mastering an instrument never ends. Perfection has no limits. There's always a more difficult piece to play that you can't quite nail.


Every hiring manager wants to hire a selfless employee who will share duties and help others, even when it isn't specified in their job description. Someone with an interest in volunteering will be naturally inclined to make a difference to those around them.

When you showcase volunteer work on your resume, you're often emphasizing the following soft skills, as well:



Abstract thinking


Examples of volunteer work that candidates might choose to include are:

Charity work. The charity that you choose to support will offer an insight into your character. It may also provide a chance to bond with a hiring manager. 

Environmental activism. This is bordering on a controversial topic for some people, so include details about your environmental activities with care. If the company you're applying to is environmentally or green-focused, then you'll likely be safe to include it. 

Being a mentor. Mentoring outside the workplace is a fantastic source of positive energy. It will teach a multitude of influencing and people management skills.

Community work. Selflessly helping others is a trait of a valuable team player – so long as you know your limits. Sometimes, you need to be selfish and focus on your tasks.

Many creative dilemmas are solved outside of the workplace environment. Do you have the ability to think through a problem laterally when you're taking a shower or during your commute? Creative interests help the right side of your brain to see things differently.

Those with a hobby or interest that requires creativity often possess the following soft skills in addition to creativity:


Some creative interests to put on a resume include:

Painting or drawing. While painting is a leisurely pursuit that has little to do with many careers, are we discounting the observational skills of the perceptive artist?

Photography. An appreciation for how visuals can convey a message to make the required impact is central to marketing and sales-related roles. A picture is worth a thousand words.

Graphic design. As business moves increasingly online (and eventually into the Metaverse), graphic design skills come in handy in many careers. 

Blogging. Sharing your thoughts in a blog not only benefits your writing skills. As companies increasingly rely on employee advocacy, you can become a champion for their cause. Written communication skills are also a highly-sought after commodity. 

Poetry. Brevity lies at the heart of every successful team. Say what you want to say. Make sure that everyone gets it. Move on. Most workplaces could do with more succinct poets.

No one wants to hire a technophobe who is constantly asking colleagues for advice about how to use the basic functions of Excel. Sharing an interest in technology means that you may be the go-to person to ask when such questions crop up.

When including technology-focused interests, you're not only highlighting hard skills that employers eagerly seek, but soft skills, as well, like:

Openness to change

These are just a few of the technology-focused hobbies you might include on your resume:

Programming. An appreciation of coding and programming languages will soon be required in many non-technical industries. The future is digital. Are you ready?

Trading. Dabbling in stocks or crypto requires a level of risk tolerance that is rarely tested in a career. When you're investing your own money, you'll develop critical thinking skills.

Artificial intelligence. If you are this interested in the future of work, it's likely that you will have countless other fresh perspectives to bring to the workplace.

Online activity

While not every industry is dependent on an online presence, there are many functions where online activity is central to success. Sales, marketing, PR, human resources, and recruiting require employees with solid social media credentials and hard skills. 

In addition to the technical skills required for online activities, some of the soft skills include:




Examples of online activity hobbies include:

Social media. As social media evolves into a second life for so many of us, people who have developed an online audience can bring countless transferable skills to an employer.

E-sports. Split-second decisions in a virtual environment (alongside a team) mirror many jobs. Your job might not be a game, but your brain won't know any different.

Vlogging. Building an audience on YouTube or another similar platform requires creativity to work out what to say and the courage to put it out into the world.


Captivating a crowd has been a prized skill for millennia, and it's highly valued in the modern workplace. The ability to keep a screen of Zoom listeners engaged on an hourly basis is a skill that shouldn't be underestimated. Entertaining a crowd is a superpower. 

A few soft skills required for entertainment-related hobbies include:


Ability to improvise

Below are a few entertainment-related hobbies and interests to put on a resume:

Acting. While we might try to be true to our authentic selves at work, there are occasions where acting skills are required. The ability to play a part is important to maintain unity.

Comedy. If you have the God-given talent to make someone laugh, making friends and influencing others will come that little bit easier. 

Dance. Concentration and physical preparation are required to master a dance routine. Sometimes, you only get one chance to make an impression. Dancers can also perform under pressure.

Miscellaneous hobbies

Some hobbies might not fall neatly into a category, though they still offer fascinating insights into your personality and are worth mentioning.

Language learning. Choosing to learn a foreign language as a hobby is no small undertaking. You need a stellar memory and an organized mind to piece together the puzzle of language. Plus, many employers value bilingual candidates. 

Home improvement. Project management is ubiquitous in the workplace. Ensuring that a home improvement project runs smoothly demands many of the same project management skills.

Mindfulness. Slowing down and immersing yourself in mindfulness allows the tumult of worldly thoughts to fall into place. Prepare for success from a mindset of calm emptiness and focus. 

Which interests should you avoid adding?

When considering interests to put on a resume, avoid these types:

Illegal ones. Okay, you can laugh, but it's still worth mentioning. An employer might question your judgment if you tell them about your late-night parkour running across the city – avoid anything even remotely illegal. 

Religion or politics. As mentioned earlier, even environmental activities can be polarizing. Avoid anything with the potential to cause an argument. 

Ones requiring complex explanations. Omit any obscure activities that require a detailed explanation. Keep it simple and make sure that the employer will understand the workplace impact of the hobby.

Including hobbies and interests can add value

Now you know when it's okay to put hobbies and interests on a resume and when it's not. You also have plenty of examples of the types of interests to put on a resume that could help you to stand out and highlight vital soft and hard skills. Given that you likely have many relevant interests to put on your resume that might be worth mentioning, be selective in your choices and creative in how you present them using the guidelines above!

Still wondering if you should include hobbies or interests on your resume? And if you are, are you doing it appropriately? Why not upload your resume for a free review from our resume experts and find out?

This article was originally written by Paul Drury and has been updated by Ronda Suder.

Recommended reading:

What is a Resume? It's Much More Than You Think

How to Decide If You Should Turn Your Hobby into Your Life's Work

How to Check if My Resume is ATS-friendly for Free

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CVs & Résumés

  • Jan 16, 2024
  • 10 min read

How to Write about Hobbies and Interests on Your CV/Résumé

They can help you stand out from the crowd.

Chris Leitch

Chris Leitch

Editor-in-Chief & Résumé Expert

Reviewed by Chris Leitch

CV Résumé Hobbies and Interests

“Never, ever include hobbies and interests in your résumé.” That has been the golden rule for  CV  or  résumé writing  for decades now.

But it’s a very narrow-minded rule. It doesn’t take into account the many situations when mentioning your hobbies and interests can actually add value to your application.

Of course, we’re not talking about things like long walks on the beach — your résumé is not a dating profile, after all. We’re talking about pastimes, activities and general interests that help you create a more rounded presentation of your skills and strengths, and that demonstrate your fit to the position you’re applying for.

So, how do you write about hobbies and personal interests on a résumé?

From when to include this section in your résumé to how to mention your hobbies and interests, this guide has you covered.

When to include hobbies and interests in your CV/résumé

Mentioning hobbies and interests on your résumé isn’t always appropriate or necessary. If you’re applying for a C-suite role, for example, mentioning your interest in fashion would only hamper your application. Likewise, “if you’re trying to save space, drop these off your [résumé],” says Matthew Warzel, CPRW, a certified résumé writing expert and the president of  MJW Careers .

That said, there are several situations where listing hobbies and interests can add value to your CV/résumé, including when:

  • You have limited work experience
  • You have little educational experience
  • You are  switching careers or are new to the industry
  • They show your fitness with the company culture
  • They align with the job’s duties and responsibilities
  • You have extra room on your résumé
  • The employer specifically asks you to include your hobbies and interests
  • The company is looking for candidates with unique traits and personalities

­Warzel sums it up by saying: “The only instance I find them to be useful is if they either relate to the targeted role or are so unique [that they stop] readers in their tracks.”

Types of hobbies and interests to list (and avoid)

Once you’ve decided to include hobbies and interests in your résumé, it’s important that you choose the right ones — particularly those that reflect positively on you, showcase the  skills and qualities that employers look for , and help you demonstrate your overall fitness for the job.

Modupe Sarumi, a career transition coach and the founder of  Learnable by Dr Mo , advises to always leverage hobbies and interests to your advantage: “Avoid listing hobbies that portray you more as a liability, and focus on the ones that present you as an asset.”

Here are some good examples of hobbies and interests for your résumé:

  • Team sports, like bowling or football
  • Solo sports, like cycling or swimming
  • Artistic activities, like drawing or photography 
  • Arts and crafts, like DIY or sewing
  • Knowledge-based activities, like pub quizzes
  • Creative activities, like  blogging or painting
  • Outdoor activities, like gardening or hiking
  • Cultural interests, like literature or cinema
  • Academic interests, like psychology or sociology
  • Community involvement, like volunteering for a local charity
  • Musical activities, like singing in a choir or playing an instrument

And here are some bad examples to avoid:

  • Activities that make you sound antisocial, like stamp collecting
  • Activities that are violent, dangerous or, worse, illegal, like launching rockets into their air or hacking
  • Activities that reveal political allegiances or ideals
  • Activities that reveal religious affiliations or beliefs
  • Activities that make you sound lazy, like watching TV
  • Activities that may be controversial or polarising, like pole dancing or hunting
  • Hobbies or interests intended as a joke that can be misinterpreted, like “Scheming for world domination”
  • Hobbies or interests that go against the core values of the company you’re applying to

Where to list hobbies and interests in your CV/résumé

Your work history, education and achievements should be the focal point of your résumé. This means that if you choose to include hobbies and interests, they should  always  be placed at the very end of the document — no matter your level of experience or which  résumé format  you’re using.

You’ll need to separate these from everything else on your résumé and create a designated section for them. Make sure to give the section an appropriate name, like “Hobbies and Interests”, as you would with your résumé’s other sections.

Tips for writing about hobbies and interests

Here are a few things to keep in mind when putting your hobbies and interests section together:

1. Don’t add more than five

You want to keep this section as short as possible. It should only help the overall message you’re conveying to the employer: that you’re a good fit for the job and company.

A general rule of thumb is to list between two and five activities here — not every single hobby you ever picked up. Adding more than five hobbies and interests risks taking the focus away from what’s really important: your experience,  results  and achievements.

Likewise, if you’re just going to list a single hobby, you’ll end up wasting valuable real estate on your résumé, so you might as well leave out this section altogether.

2. Use bullet points

Recruiters are pushed for time, so they will usually only  spend a few seconds skimming your résumé  to determine whether it’s worth a more thorough review. And the more user-friendly your CV/résumé is, the better are the chances of this happening.

Your hobbies and interests (and everything else on your résumé, for that matter) should be skimmable, and this can be achieved by listing them as  individual bullet points . (Round bullets are the standard, but square bullets or even hyphens are fine, too. Whichever style you choose, though, make sure it’s consistent.)

3. Be specific

Rather than simply adding a list of hobbies at the end of your CV/résumé, provide a brief description for each one, explaining how it applies to the role or the company’s work culture.

For example, instead of simply listing travel among your hobbies and interests, say something like: “International travel to 25 countries to experience and learn about new cultures and traditions”. This can help you set yourself apart from the competition, particularly if the job you’re applying for involves  working with a diverse mix of people .

Always keep descriptions short, typically no longer than one line. “It doesn’t need to be a detailed biography,” says Nikki Thomas, founder of  Winning in Work .

4. Emphasize your transferable skills

Make sure that the hobbies and interests that you list in your CV/résumé somehow relate to the job you’re applying for.

“I recommend reviewing the job description and identifying the skills relevant to the day-to-day tasks,” says Tracy Cote, the Chief People Officer at  Zenefits .

This, of course, doesn’t necessarily mean they need to be directly related to the position, but they should at the very least be transferable and add value to your application. For example, playing chess might not seem very relevant to a job in  accounting , but it does demonstrate your  analytical thinking skills , which  are  relevant.

“The most important thing to keep in mind when listing hobbies in your résumé is to show recruiters and hiring managers that you are a multifaceted person with external interests and multiple skill sets,” says Cote.

5. Be honest

You might be tempted to add hobbies that you’re not actually invested in because you feel they will enhance your chances of getting an interview. But you should never embellish or downright  lie about anything on your résumé  — including something as seemingly trivial as your pastimes — because you  will  get caught.

The hiring manager will likely ask you about the hobbies you’ve listed, and you’ll be automatically disqualified from the pool of candidates when it becomes evident that you lied on your résumé. Dishonesty, after all, is  not  a quality that employers look for in employees.

Hobby examples for top professions

Listing hobbies on your résumé can help you stand out from other candidates, especially when they’re as relevant to the job as possible. Below are some examples for popular professions to give you an idea of what to put on your résumé:

  • Reading extensively, both fictional and non-fictional works.
  • Baking, participating in local bake sales (and treating my students!).
  • Yoga and meditation, as a way to wind down and stay in shape.

2. Accountant

  • Running, currently totaling 15k a week.
  • Local chess club member.
  • Camping and hiking, spending time outdoors.

3. Architect

  • Street photography — I maintain an active Instagram page.
  • Painting, as a means to relax and find inspiration for my work.
  • Origami making, occasionally running my own workshops.

4. Software developer

  • Solving jigsaw, Sudoku and crossword puzzles.
  • Outdoor swimming throughout the year.
  • Playing the violin in a local orchestra.

5. Bartender

  • Theater group member, participating in amateur play productions.
  • DJing as a way to relax after work and engage in something creative.
  • Traveling as often as possible to learn about different cultures.

6. Copywriter

  • Journaling, as a way to declutter the mind.
  • Public speaking classes.
  • Blogging — I maintain my own blog with resources and advice for fellow writers.

7. Marketing executive

  • Weekly basketball practice, team captain.
  • Learning Spanish through online tutoring.
  • Digital art and 3D modeling — primarily on Adobe Photoshop and ZBrush.

8. Flight attendant

  • Scuba diving and underwater exploration — working towards my certification.
  • Writing short prose pieces on the places I visit and people I meet.
  • Watching documentaries, particularly on sustainable travel and living.
  • Gardening at home, including making my own floral arrangements.
  • Crossfit, as a way to stay fit both mentally and physically.
  • Singing in a local choir, often to fundraise for local charities.

10. Office administrator

  • C++ coding challenges — yes, just for fun!
  • Fostering dogs, until they find their forever homes.
  • Listening to professional development podcasts and audiobooks.

CV/résumé example with hobbies and interests

So, what would a typical résumé with a dedicated hobbies and interests section look like?

Here’s an example we put together, using one of our professionally designed and  ATS-friendly résumé templates , to give you an idea:

CV Résumé Template Example of Hobbies and Interests

Get the Transparent template

Want to try a different look? Stand out from the crowd with our 7-in-1 CV template bundle, plus get a free job application checklist! Get the bundle

Key takeaways

While many experts argue against adding your hobbies and interests on your CV/résumé, it is one of the most overlooked and underutilized  résumé sections .

With some careful thought and planning, mentioning what you do in your downtime can help you stand out from the crowd and is, as Thomas notes, “a chance to provide a human element to your CV”.

Some key things to remember when putting together this section on your résumé:

  • Make sure it makes sense to mention your hobbies and interests.
  • Be strategic with the ones you choose to include.
  • Put them in a dedicated section at the end of your résumé.
  • Use bullet points and brief descriptions.
  • Emphasize your transferable skills.

Got a question? Whether you’re skeptical about listing a specific hobby or wondering if you should even include a hobbies section in your CV/résumé, we’re here to help — just drop us a comment below!

Originally published on October 18, 2017. Updated by Electra Michaelidou.

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Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

Hobbies and Personal Interests on Your Resume

Should you include them or not?

Greg Faherty

Whether or not to  write a hobbies section on your resume is an ongoing debate  for many career advisors. Here you’ll find the pros and cons of a resume personal interest section.

When we first learn  how to write a resume , we’re often taught to include some of our hobbies or personal interests but later in life, we find that it seems less professional and are convinced to avoid them at all costs.

So, which is it?

Do we include hobbies on the resume or not?

And if so,  which are the best personal interests to put on a resume?

Read on for a guide with expert  advice on how to write a personal interests section for your resume  and what not to include as well as ideal  hobby examples for all types of jobseekers  to use to make an effective resume which will stand out from other candidates.

DOs and DON’Ts for resume interests

It is vital to keep in mind that a hiring manager will be reviewing dozens if not hundreds of resumes for possibly just one vacancy and can easily get bored of seeing the same  skills and qualifications  over and over which is why adding some interests can be of great benefit, as long as you follow the right guidelines.

DO – The first thing that all candidates must do when  adding a hobbies section to a resume  is to consider at all times that there resume must  represent them as a qualified, suitable applicant to the position and company  in question. That means it is essential to maintain an idea of the company, sector and role you are applying to.

DON’T – The  most important element to avoid throughout a resume  including in the personal interest section is  lying ! In some cases jobseekers may be tempted to fabricate a little white lie thinking it won’t be found out and can only help the application along.

Our resume experts cannot stress enough the  importance of not lying on a resume . It is not worth the risk, even in a less significant area of a resume.

DO – A  must-do to ensure your resume gets noticed  is to show your ‘you-ness,’  think of something unique  that will be memorable but intriguing to the employer, to make him or her want to contact you and have you as part of their team.

DON’T – Another aspect that you  must not include on a resume in a hobbies section  is anything related to  religion, politics or your intimate personal interests . This is a  basic rule of thumb for resumes  and any professional profiles on social networks or job applications.

DO – The aim of  listing hobbies on a resume  is to offer a part of your personality that may not shine through in your academic and professional experience but that can allow the prospective employer an  insight into who you are as a person , what drives you and in turn let them gauge whether you will fit well in their business or not.

Should you include your hobbies on a resume?

So you know what you should and shouldn’t put in a personal interest section but is it really a good idea to include hobbies on a resume?

Lots of human resource and resume experts may maintain that including a  section on your resume detailing your hobbies is perhaps unprofessional  or they see personal interests as irrelevant for a job application, however with the world’s business culture evolving so rapidly, it could end up being the  positive edge you need to convince a hiring manager  to contact you.

Your  resume is your first chance at showing a potential employer what you can offer  their company and that doesn’t just involve your  professional experience  and skills but also your expertise on a range of subjects, your passions and  what makes you a good candidate for the role  they advertise.

If you know you have what it takes to get the job but your  experience is limited , you can  use your personal hobbies in a way that demonstrate your abilities  that make you the appropriate candidate.

The main purpose of  including your personal interests in your resume  is to  stand out from other candidates  in the application process, make yourself memorable to the hiring manager and show them a part of your personality that speaks to them as a human being.

This helps the company or  hiring manager get to know you better as a person  and not just another resume with the skills and qualifications the position requires.

Of course, if you are applying for an  executive-level position in a corporate environment  it may be  more appropriate not to include hobbies in your resume . With each application, the candidate will have to use their own discretion after researching the business culture.

It does  depend majorly on the type of job or company  that you are applying to and all jobseekers should consider their individual profile before adding personal interests to a resume.

Further along the application process, such as  in a job interview or even a cover letter ,  mentioning hobbies could also be beneficial to your candidacy  as discussing personal interests often helps the body to relax and can build confidence to take the tension out of a stressful situation, thus you are able to show a more natural side when answering questions in a job interview.

If you’re still wondering whether or not to  include your hobbies on your resume , why not try out an  online resume builder  to get a clear digital vision of how your resume looks with all the information you need to include and then decide if you want to  show a little of your personal side to the prospective employer  as an extra – you never know who might share your interests!

How to write a personal interest section on a resume

Having decided to include a section for hobbies on your resume, now you need to know  how to write a personal interest section  that will land you the interview.

The  structure of a hobbies section for a resume  is simple as it is not one of the principle areas like the education or work experience sections. It should be a  short list  or simply a few lines indicating the hobby and a  brief descriptive  sentence to explain some aspect of the hobby and it’s relevance alluring to the skills you’ve gained or the knowledge it has given you.

The  hobbies section should be clearly titled  to ensure it is not encompassed with  volunteer work , honors and awards or another of the optional resume sections. It could be simply named ‘ Personal Interests ’ or could include other important facts or certificates that you are relevant to your job application under the heading  ‘Extracurricular.’

This part of a professional, student or  entry-level resume  should be the last thing for a hiring manager to see therefore the  hobbies section should always be put at the end .

It is essential to remember to  list the hobbies that illustrate how your character will harmonize with the company  and their work ethic.

After writing this section, review the  hobbies you choose to include in your resume  to ensure that any meaning construed from them is positive and  speaks of you as a strong candidate for the specific role  and company you are applying to.

How to find good hobbies to add to a resume

Some personal interests are not appropriate for a professional profile and should not be included in your resume. Follow these steps to find  the best hobbies for your resume .

Before getting into  how to write a hobbies section on your resume , you must prepare the  types of personal interests  or pastime activities you will list. The best method for  finding good hobbies to add to a resume  is by researching the sector, company and role you are applying for.

The following steps will show you  how to make a list of the most suitable interests to have on your unique resume :

  • Firstly start with the information you have to hand: the vacancy ad and the job description. Find the characteristics that are required or desired for the person specification.  Think of your hobbies in terms of the abilities you have learnt and match them with these personality traits.
  • Next you should start your standard research of the company in question by  taking a look at their website , paying special attention to an ‘about us’ or  employee profiles pages . You may find you even share hobbies or passions with one or more of the current staff members.
  • Thirdly, check any other  webs or social media sites that the company manages  to find out how they interact with partners, clients and customers. Take note of their  company culture  through their online activities and what they choose to share to be inspired to find similar interests.
  • Finally, look up the company on third-party websites, news sites, forums, review sites etc. for extra information which could bring something to your application or even for the interview.

Some of the  best hobbies to include on a resume  are those that help you to develop  transferable skills  which could be beneficial to your sector or position for example blogging for a marketing firm giving you existing knowledge of social media and internet publicizing or team sports for sales positions proving leadership skills or outgoing characteristics.

Tips for adding your hobbies

For a  winning resume with a personal interest section  that attracts attention for all the right reasons, take a look at these  tips for adding hobbies to a resume .

The following expert  advice for including extracurricular interests on your resume  will help you make the most out of a hobby section to  optimize your resume for the industry  and role you are seeking.

  • Be honest about your hobbies within reason, do not overshare and do not lie but you can  relate your interests to the company  or position offered.
  • Remember to consider the various skills you will have gained through your freetime activities and include these to show your suitability to the role.
  • Choose a few, select hobbies that  match the company culture  or work ethic.
  • Do not be too specific or peculiar as you want to be able to relate to a variety of people.
  • Use your hobbies to demonstrate skills  that you have mentioned in your resume objective or  qualifications summary .

Examples of hobbies and interests to put on a resume

Still struggling to find  good hobbies to put in your personal interest section ? Check out these expertly chosen examples .

As mentioned, it is  ideal to include a variety of hobbies or interests in your resume  if you decide that it is appropriate. The following  examples of hobbies  are optimized to  show certain skills or abilities that will be advantageous to different profiles .

  • Individual Sports  such as running marathons, swimming, skiing, tennis, training for triathlons etc. are great hobbies to showcase to demonstrate a person and who likes to challenge themselves and has a strong will power.
  • Team Sports  such as football, basketball, baseball, soccer, hockey, water polo etc. are also good examples of someone who already knows how to work well and communicate in a team, persevere for common goals and possibly possesses effective leadership skills in appropriate cases.

Also, sports are a good addition as they are a clear example of being physically fit which is beneficial if it is necessary for the position or if the company is dedicated to the health or exercise industry.

  • Technological hobbies  such as video editing, blogging or computing show a clear passion for the IT sector and extracurricular expertise.
  • Puzzles or certain game-playing  such as crosswords or chess demonstrate an analytical profile with problem solving or strategic planning skills.
  • Social hobbies  such as mentoring, volunteering or being part of a club establish the candidate as a person with interpersonal or communication skills.
  • Interests that involve  collecting objects  exhibit passion for a product and an acute attention to detail.

Whether you enjoy translating poetry, designing your own clothes or practising an extreme sport, it might be worth  including your interests as an extra section on your resume  because you never know where it might lead.

This is a  great way to end a winning resume  but if you’re struggling to get started, you could try using a  resume template  to get the basic structure and launch yourself from there. Or take a look at some of  ResumeCoach ’s  guides to writing an effective resume  section by section.

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How to showcase examples of hobbies and interests on your resumé

Don’t think a hobby is worth adding to your resumé? While they aren’t necessary, your passion projects can lend valuable insight into you as a person. They’re a great way to add some personality to your resumé, show how you balance work and life and add dimension to you as a person, not just an applicant.

Your hobbies reveal what’s important to you, like how you keep fit, let your creativity flow, or commit to self-development. They paint you as a well-rounded person. Sometimes, they can be key factors to support your suitability to the role you’re applying for. But is it always okay to add hobbies to your resumé? And if so, which do you choose?

In this article, we give you examples of interests for resumé and CV applications, and outline the hobbies you can include on your resumé to benefit both you and the hiring manager. Use these tips and your resumé will stand out  from the rest and hopefully lead to a job that’s just right for you.

Why you should include hobbies and interests on your resumé

The interests to put on a resumé should in some way relate to the role, even if it’s not obvious at first. This way, you’re showing what you’re passionate about while highlighting relevant skills. For example, say you’re in the tech industry and you love gaming and building PCs. You should include this in your hobbies as it shows you have a passion for technology and hardware, and demonstrates practical skills in setting up IT systems. You’ll stand out from other candidates who have the same qualifications and experience, but no proof of their interest in the field outside of a professional setting. 

How to choose the right activities for a resumé

You probably enjoy doing a wide range of different things in your own time – but some are more suited to your resumé than others. So which are the right activities for a resumé? 

Start by looking at the job you’re applying for and consider which of your interests, hobbies or activities may be relevant. Think about the skills and qualities the employer is looking for, especially the ones directly referenced in the job ad. For example, they may say there is heavy lifting involved. If you regularly go to the gym or do weight training, this may be something you add to showcase your suitability.

It should go without saying that you avoid mentioning any controversial, political or risky hobbies and interests. It’s best to appear as neutral as possible, unless those hobbies are especially relevant to the role you’re going for.

How to format interests and hobbies for a resumé

Picking hobbies for bolstering your resumé is just the first step. Next you need to properly format them so they flow well with the rest of your application. 

Where to include your hobbies and interests on a resumé

There are two places you would typically place your hobbies and interests on a resumé: 

  • As a list in its own section at the bottom of the resumé, underneath the work history , education and skills sections. 
  • In a brief career objective at the top of your resumé, included in two to three sentences about why your hobbies and passions make you ideal for the role.

Keep the hobbies listed brief, and ideally in bullet points if used in a section of their own. They should add to your resumé, not distract from it.

How to write a brief description of each hobby or interest

You may have space to add a few words about your hobbies and interests for resumé applications , especially if you’re still at the start of your career. Keep descriptions brief and try to connect them to the job, explaining how your hobby-related skills are a benefit to the company. Start by listing what the hobby or activity is, then provide a little more detail about it before linking it back to the role.

For example, you could say you play soccer to keep fit, an important part of jobs in landscaping, emergency services or construction. If you’re a copywriter, you could mention the genre of books you read, any personal blogs you keep, or writing clubs you belong to that show that you are passionate about your craft.

Examples of hobbies and interests for a resumé

If you’re stuck on what interests to include in your resumé, take a look at these examples to see what may work for you and the role you’re applying for. 

Sports and fitness activities

Mentioning sports and fitness activities on your resumé can be a good way to demonstrate you are fit, healthy and disciplined. They can be handy to add to resumés or applications for physically demanding jobs, like removalists, construction  trades , personal training , teaching and more.

Instead of putting these interests in a bullet list on your resumé, you can mention sports and fitness activities as a hobby in your cover letter . You can include examples of hobbies in cover letters in one or two sentences, for example:  I love to run in the early morning each day. I find it keeps me energised and mentally focused so that I can bring my best to work.

Creative pursuits such as painting, writing or music

Creative hobbies like painting, writing or playing a musical instrument can demonstrate to a hiring manager that you not only have creative skills but also have passion and self-motivation. They show you are a person who can probably think outside the box and find creative ways to solve a problem.

Applications for creative roles like graphic designers , art therapists , writers and content marketers could all benefit from listing creative pursuits. But you could also add them to other non-creative job applications too. 

For instance, a teacher may say in their cover letter: I enjoy the whole process of teaching and am committed to continuous learning. This is another reason why I love to play the violin. Often while I’m playing I come up with fun new ideas to bring to the classroom.

Volunteer work and community involvement

Volunteer work and community involvement should be added to your resumé, as long as it’s relevant. It shows your passion for helping people (or animals or the environment), your sense of community and your empathy – traits most companies highly regard.

Let’s say you’re a carpenter who has donated time to help repair homes in disadvantaged communities. This addition to your resumé shows a personal, caring side to you, and gives you a point of difference that should stand out in the mind of the interviewer. Your experience could have been something more casual; you may have donated your time to work behind the counter at a charity shop, which demonstrates your altruism alongside customer service and cashier skills. 

Travel and cultural experiences

Including travel as an interest to put on a resumé can give you an advantage for many roles. If the job ad mentions specific language skills, travel requirements or knowledge of other countries or cultures, then travel-related hobbies and experiences may increase your chances of getting a callback. 

For example, say you’re vying for a sales role that services a wide geographic area. These often involve travel of some kind and may see you pitching to businesses in other countries. Any experience with that country or culture could help increase your chances of securing an interview. 

For example: I love travelling and meeting new people. I spent six months in eastern Europe and picked up some local language skills. I gained an understanding of the various cultures there, which I feel would be beneficial for this role.

Professional development and continuing education

Every company benefits from their team bringing new skills to the table. If you’re currently studying or are interested in developing your skills, then this is something an interviewer would want to see on your resumé. Good education-related activities for resumés include skills you would put in an objective statement .

Digital marketing and technology roles are always evolving. These are just two fields where you could benefit from highlighting your dedication to ongoing development. For example, you may write something like: As someone who loves working in the digital space, I’m always making time to upskill wherever I can. Currently, I’m working through Google’s online certificates, so I’m always up to date on their changes.

Personal projects and hobbies that demonstrate skills relevant to the job

If you’re passionate about the work you do, it’s likely your career and your hobbies somewhat overlap. Tradespeople, decorators and real estate agents might renovate and flip houses in their spare time, while a content writer may write novels. If you have a personal project or hobby that demonstrates skills you can bring to the job, include them in your hobbies on your resumé. Just be prepared to elaborate on them in your interview. 

Common mistakes to avoid when including hobbies and interests for a resumé

Before deciding on hobbies and interests for a resumé, there are important details to consider. Here are some of the most common mistakes people make when adding their hobbies to their resumé:

  • Including irrelevant or unimpressive hobbies and interests. If it’s not relevant to the role, it’s best to leave it out or find more suitable options. Watching movies or going out with friends are not pastimes worth including. 
  • Being too vague or generic in your descriptions.  For example, ‘painting’ may mean one of many things. Do you paint walls? Are you a pro at portraits? Be as specific as possible.
  • Including controversial or risky hobbies and interests.  Avoid mentioning hobbies or interests that could conflict with the culture of the workplace or are politically charged. 
  • Overemphasising hobbies and interests at the expense of your professional experience.  If you don’t have space on your resumé for hobbies, don’t delete information about your technical skills , work experience or qualifications to fit them in. Your cover letter may be a better place to include them if you feel they’re relevant and could help you stand out.

In general, hobbies aren’t a priority on your resumé, but they are nice to have if they add value – just ensure they don’t raise questions or doubts. 

How to talk about your hobbies and interests in an interview

If you add hobbies and interests into your resumé, you’ll probably be asked about them in your interview. To prepare for these questions , make sure you consider how they would benefit your role in the company and why it’s something you prioritise in your life. 

When speaking about your hobbies and interests, show your passion for them. Enthusiasm is always a desirable quality in an employee. Keep your explanation positive and connect your passions  back to your work and the job requirements. For example, you’re a graphic designer who paints landscapes as a hobby. You could say that by painting in traditional mediums helps you learn more about shadows, light and texture, which you apply into your digital work to add depth and interest.

Adding your hobbies and interests to a resumé can add a unique touch to your application. It’s a different way to stand out from the crowd, showing passion for what you do or unique skills you have that may not be obvious by reading your work experience or education. It’s all about how you connect your hobbies and interests back to the job.

To most effectively showcase your hobbies and passions, be concise on your resumé and be ready to provide more explanation in your interview. Show your passion, discipline and the extra skills you’ve picked up, and you’ve got a winning combination to land the role you want.

Should I include hobbies and interests on my resumé if they're not directly related to the job?

Adding hobbies and interests on your resumé that aren’t directly connected to the job can be beneficial in more social or relaxed roles (and where you have space on your resumé). It’s best to leave them off if that space could be better filled with technical skills or work experience.

How many hobbies and interests should I include on my resumé?

To keep your resumé short, only include two or three relevant hobbies or interests on your resumé. Choose skills or traits that are relevant to the job or demonstrate a well-rounded personality. 

Can I include hobbies and interests that I don't actively participate in anymore?

It's generally better to include hobbies and interests on your resumé that you currently engage in, as they demonstrate your ongoing passion and skills. If your past hobbies are highly relevant to the job or showcase valuable skills, you can mention them. Just be prepared to discuss them if asked in the interview and explain how they still apply to the role. 

Should I include hobbies and interests that are controversial or potentially offensive? 

No, you should not include controversial or potentially offensive hobbies and interests on your resumé. It's important to maintain a professional image in your job application. Including such hobbies can create a negative impression and may hurt your chances of being considered for the position. Stick to safe and relevant hobbies that add value to your application.

How should I prioritise my hobbies and interests on my resumé?

Prioritise your hobbies and interests on your resumé by relevance. Start with those directly related to the job, followed by activities that demonstrate transferable skills. Highlight unique or standout interests to grab the recruiter's attention, but keep the list concise, focusing on two or three hobbies that best represent your qualifications and align with the job requirements.

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Personal Interests to Include On a Resume in 2024

how to write personal interests in resume

When writing your resume, it’s easy to get bogged down in a laundry list of job experience and education. But did you know that including personal interests can actually make you a stronger candidate? In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why personal interests are important to include on your resume, as well as the potential risks involved.

The Importance of Personal Interests on a Resume

Your personal interests can say a lot about you as a person, and can help differentiate you from other job candidates. They can show potential employers that you have a well-rounded personality, hobbies or skills that make you stand out, and may even indicate that you have a passion for something relevant to the job at hand. For example, if you’re applying for a marketing job, including a hobby like photography or graphic design could demonstrate that you have an eye for aesthetics and can think creatively.

The Purpose of Including Personal Interests

One of the main purposes of including personal interests on your resume is to help you connect with potential employers on a more personal level. It’s important to remember that hiring managers aren’t just looking for a candidate who can do the job – they’re looking for someone who will fit in with their company culture and team dynamic. By sharing some of your personal interests, you can help show that you’re a well-rounded person who can bring a unique perspective and skillset to the team.

The Risks of Including Personal Interests on a Resume

While personal interests can definitely add depth and personality to your resume, it’s important to remember that there are some risks involved as well. First and foremost, you don’t want your personal interests to distract from your professional qualifications or lead employers to make assumptions about you that could hurt your chances of landing the job. Additionally, some personal interests could be seen as controversial or potentially offensive – for example, including hobbies related to politics or religion could be a red flag for some employers.

Including personal interests on your resume can be a great way to set yourself apart from other job candidates and showcase your unique skills and personality. However, it’s important to be strategic about which interests you choose to share, and to ensure that they support rather than detract from your professional qualifications.

What to Consider When Choosing Personal Interests

When creating or updating a resume, many job seekers may be tempted to fill the personal interests section with everything they enjoy doing. However, choosing the right personal interests can be a strategic way to showcase skills or traits that are important for the job.

how to write personal interests in resume

A. Aligning Personal Interests with the Job Description

One way to choose relevant personal interests is to review the job description and highlight keywords or skills that the employer is seeking. Then, consider personal interests that align with those keywords. For example, if the job requires communication skills, highlighting personal interests such as public speaking or writing can demonstrate those skills.

Highlighting personal interests that align with the job can also show that the job seeker is passionate and dedicated to the field. For example, if the job is in the tech industry, highlighting interest in coding or attending tech conferences can demonstrate a willingness to stay current with industry trends.

B. Choosing Relevant and Appropriate Personal Interests

It’s important to choose personal interests that are not only relevant but also appropriate for the job. For example, if the job requires a lot of team collaboration, highlighting personal interests such as team sports or volunteer work can show that the job seeker enjoys working with others.

However, it’s important to consider the job culture and company values when selecting personal interests. For example, highlighting personal interests such as hunting or political activism may not be appropriate for all jobs or company cultures.

C. Avoiding Stereotypical and Generic Interests

Lastly, it’s important to avoid personal interests that are too common or generic, such as “reading” or “listening to music.” These personal interests may not add any value to the resume and can make the job seeker seem unoriginal.

Similarly, it’s important to avoid personal interests that can perpetuate stereotypes, such as “shopping” or “yoga,” which can reinforce gender or cultural biases. Instead, consider unique personal interests that can demonstrate skills or traits that are important for the job.

Choosing the right personal interests for a resume requires thought and consideration. Aligning personal interests with the job description, selecting appropriate personal interests for the job culture, and avoiding stereotypical and generic interests can make the resume stand out and showcase the job seeker’s potential.

Personal Interests that Demonstrate Skills

When it comes to building a strong resume, showcasing your personal interests can go a long way in demonstrating the skills and qualities that make you a valuable asset to a potential employer. Among the personal interests that can signal your ability to lead, innovate, communicate, and collaborate are:

A. Leadership and Organizational Skills

One way to communicate your leadership and organizational skills is to mention any experience you’ve had leading groups or projects outside of a formal work setting. For example, you might include volunteer work you’ve done as a team leader, a role you’ve played in organizing a community event, or leadership positions within an extracurricular group or club.

If you have a passion for leadership and organizational development, you might also consider mentioning any books, conferences, or workshops related to the subject you’ve attended or are currently pursuing.

B. Creativity and Innovation

Creative pursuits such as painting, writing, or music might not seem relevant to your professional life, but they can actually demonstrate your ability to think outside the box and generate fresh ideas. If you have any creative hobbies or interests, highlight them in your resume and explain how they inform your approach to problem-solving or project development.

Similarly, if you’ve participated in any innovation or entrepreneurship programs, mention those as well to showcase your ability to identify opportunities and take bold risks.

how to write personal interests in resume

C. Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Clear and effective communication is essential in any workplace. If you have experience in public speaking, writing, or developing content, incorporate these skills into your resume.

Highlight any volunteer work, club involvement, or other personal pursuits that have honed your communication skills. In addition, mention any language skills or cultural experiences that demonstrate your ability to connect with diverse groups of people.

D. Teamwork and Collaboration

No matter what industry you work in, the ability to work effectively with others is a must-have skill. If you’ve participated in team sports, community service projects, or group activities, highlight these experiences in your resume.

Be sure to describe any leadership or collaborative roles you played and the impact you had on the success of the team. Don’t forget to mention any skills or habits you developed during these experiences that make you an effective team player.

The personal interests you highlight in your resume should serve as evidence of the skills and qualities that make you a unique and valuable candidate. Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box and showcase your diverse talents—the right employer will recognize the value you bring to the table.

Personal Interests that Indicate Values

When it comes to crafting a compelling resume, including personal interests that indicate values can help you stand out from the crowd. In particular, interests that showcase philanthropy, volunteer work, environmentalism, sustainability, and cultural and diversity awareness demonstrate that you care about making a positive impact in the world around you.

A. Philanthropy and Volunteer Work

Being actively involved in philanthropic and volunteer work indicates that you have a sense of social responsibility and a desire to give back to your community. Including these interests on your resume can help potential employers see that you are committed to making a difference beyond your professional life.

For example, if you have volunteered at a local food bank or homeless shelter, you can highlight your organizational and communication skills by outlining the specific tasks you performed or the projects you organized. Similarly, if you have participated in fundraising efforts for a charity, you can demonstrate your ability to work collaboratively to achieve a common goal.

B. Environmentalism and Sustainability

With increased concern for climate change and sustainable living, demonstrating an interest in environmentalism and sustainability can resonate with potential employers seeking candidates who share these values. By highlighting your involvement in eco-friendly activities, you can showcase your dedication to creating a better future.

If you have participated in activities such as recycling efforts, clean-up campaigns, or conservation projects, you can emphasize your ability to work independently or as part of a team, and your commitment to sustainability. You may also mention any green initiatives you have taken in your personal life, such as composting, zero-waste living, or using alternative modes of transportation.

C. Cultural and Diversity Awareness

In today’s globalized and diverse world, cultural and diversity awareness is crucial in many industries. Showing that you have a strong interest and respect for other cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds can communicate that you are an inclusive and culturally sensitive candidate.

You can highlight your cultural interests, such as learning new languages, exploring different cuisines, or traveling to new places. You can also emphasize your involvement in community events that celebrate diversity and promote cultural exchange. By displaying your cultural and diversity awareness, you demonstrate that you possess a valuable skill set for working in an increasingly connected world.

Personal interests that indicate values can help you present a more complete and compelling image of yourself as a job candidate. By showcasing your commitment to philanthropy, environmentalism, sustainability, and cultural and diversity awareness, you can demonstrate to potential employers that you are not only a skilled professional, but also a well-rounded, socially conscious individual.

Personal Interests that Demonstrate Professional Development

When it comes to writing a killer résumé, including personal interests and hobbies is often overlooked. However, certain personal interests demonstrate professional development and can become a critical consideration for recruiters and hiring managers.

Here are three personal interests that can help demonstrate professional development:

A. Continuing Education and Certifications

In today’s fast-paced work environment, it’s essential to continue learning and stay current with the latest trends and developments in your industry. By listing relevant continuing education courses and certifications, you can show employers that you’re proactive and committed to your professional development.

Whether it’s attending seminars, taking online courses, or participating in professional development programs, showcasing your commitment to gaining new knowledge and competencies can be a valuable asset to your résumé.

B. Involvement in Professional Associations and Organizations

Getting involved in professional associations and organizations provides you with opportunities to network, gain industry insights, and develop new skills. Active participation in such associations not only demonstrates your passion and commitment to your profession, but it also helps to build your reputation and personal brand.

When listing your involvement in professional associations or organizations on your résumé, be sure to highlight the position you held, the projects you worked on, and any leadership or team-building skills you developed.

C. Industry-related Hobbies and Activities

Your hobbies and activities may seem unrelated to your career, but if you have a hobby that’s related to your industry, it can demonstrate your passion and interest in your profession. Clearly, listing hobbies that may put you at odds with the employer would not enhance your résumé, so be mindful of that.

For instance, if you’re an engineer, listing your hobby of building and tinkering with machines or inventing prototypes would be relevant to your profession. Listing your passion for photography as a hobby might not be directly relevant, but it does highlight skills such as attention to detail, creativity, and an eye for composition.

Personal interests can say a lot about you, beyond what’s on your résumé. By including personal interests that demonstrate your professional development, you can highlight some of your most valuable qualities in a way that convinces potential employers you’re the best person for the job.

Examples of Personal Interests for Various Industries

When crafting a resume, it’s always a good idea to include a section on personal interests. This not only adds personality to your professional profile, but it also helps potential employers get to know you beyond your work experience. Here are some examples of personal interests that might make sense to include in a resume for various industries.

If you’re applying for a job in finance, including personal interests that showcase financial acumen or an interest in money management can make you stand out as a candidate.

  • Investing: If you have experience researching and investing in stocks, mutual funds or cryptocurrency, this demonstrates knowledge about financial markets.
  • Leadership: If you have experience leading a team or volunteering as a financial advisor, this shows your ability to take charge and manage money effectively.
  • Economics: If you follow economic trends and regularly read financial publications like the Wall Street Journal, this shows an interest in the financial world.

B. Marketing

For a career in marketing, including hobbies and interests that show your creative, social or strategic skills can demonstrate your potential in the field.

  • Social Media: If you spend a lot of time on social media platforms and are knowledgeable about creating content that engages an audience, this makes you an attractive candidate for marketing roles.
  • Public Speaking: If you are comfortable with public speaking and have experience engaging an audience, this could translate into skills you can use in marketing presentations.
  • Photography: If you have a creative eye and can take high-quality images, this can highlight your artistic and visual skills that can be applied to marketing campaigns.

C. Technology

In the tech industry, including hobbies and interests that relate to programming, web development or software engineering can demonstrate a passion for the field.

  • Coding: If you enjoy learning programming languages or have experience creating websites or apps, this shows a strong technical background in the field.
  • Gaming: If you are interested in gaming and are knowledgeable about consoles, this can indicate an interest in technology and user experience.
  • Hackathons: If you partake in hackathons or attend tech events, this highlights your drive and commitment to the field.

D. Healthcare

For careers in healthcare, including personal hobbies and interests that reveal a passion for helping others can be a powerful tool to showcase your empathy and communication skills.

  • Volunteering: If you have volunteered at a hospital or a health-related organization, it shows your dedication to helping others and your understanding of the healthcare industry.
  • Fitness: If you are an athlete or have a passion for fitness, this shows your interest in healthy living and can translate to your work in the healthcare field.
  • Nutrition: If you have a personal interest in nutrition, you can bring this knowledge and experience to roles in healthcare, such as dieticians.

Including personal interests in a resume can help candidates stand out in the competitive job market.

How to List Personal Interests on a Resume

Including personal interests on a resume can help recruiters get to know you better as a candidate. Not only can it showcase your personality and character, but it can also demonstrate your skills and passions outside of work. However, it is important to keep in mind that not all personal interests belong on a resume, and there are certain guidelines to follow when including them.

A. Placement and Formatting

When deciding where to include personal interests on a resume, it is best to place them at the end of the document. This ensures that the focus remains on your professional experience and qualifications. Personal interests can be listed as a separate section, such as “Hobbies and Interests,” or they can be integrated into an existing section, such as the summary or skills section.

In terms of formatting, it is important to keep it simple and concise. Use bullet points to list your interests and avoid lengthy descriptions. Also, make sure that the font and size match the rest of the document to maintain consistency.

B. Language and Vocabulary

When describing personal interests on a resume, it is important to use appropriate language and vocabulary. Avoid using slang or technical jargon that may not be familiar to the reader. Instead, use simple and clear language that is easy to understand.

Also, try to tie your interests back to your professional life. For example, if you enjoy playing team sports, you can mention how it has taught you valuable skills such as communication and collaboration.

C. Including Personal Interests in Cover Letters

Personal interests can also be mentioned in a cover letter as a way to showcase your personality and differentiate yourself from other candidates. However, it is important to only include interests that are relevant to the job or company. Research the company culture and values to see if there are any shared interests or hobbies that you can mention.

When including personal interests in a cover letter, make sure to tie them back to your professional experience and qualifications. For example, if you enjoy volunteering, you can mention how it has taught you valuable skills such as leadership and problem-solving.

Including personal interests on a resume can help you stand out as a candidate, but it is important to do so in a strategic and appropriate manner. Place them at the end of the document, use simple language, and tie them back to your professional life. Additionally, mentioning relevant interests in a cover letter can further showcase your personality and qualifications.

Tips for Highlighting Personal Interests in Job Interviews

When preparing for a job interview, don’t overlook the importance of highlighting your personal interests. These interests can help showcase your personality, skills, and overall fit with the company culture. Here are some tips for incorporating personal interests into your job interview responses:

A. Incorporating Personal Interests into Responses

Be selective: Choose personal interests that are relevant to the job or company you are interviewing for. For example, if you are applying for a marketing position, mentioning your interest in social media could demonstrate your understanding of digital marketing.

Showcase your skills: Personal interests can also showcase skills that may be beneficial in the job you are applying for. For instance, if you enjoy playing team sports, emphasize your teamwork and collaboration skills.

Be honest: Don’t make up personal interests to try and impress your interviewer. If you don’t have any relevant interests, focus on your strengths and how they align with the job requirements.

Keep it concise: Don’t spend too much time discussing personal interests. The goal is to offer relevant information that demonstrates your fit with the company culture and the job requirements.

B. Demonstrating the Value of Personal Interests

Personal interests can add value to your job application in a variety of ways. Here are a few examples:

Demonstrating passion: Your personal interests can showcase your passion for the industry or job you are applying for. For example, if you enjoy writing, it could demonstrate your passion for communications and marketing.

Highlighting unique skills: Personal interests can highlight unique skills that may not be listed on your resume. For example, playing a musical instrument may showcase your creativity or attention to detail.

Networking opportunities: If you share an interest with your interviewer, it could create a memorable connection and build a rapport. This can help you stand out from other job applicants.

Personal interests can add depth and personality to your job application. By incorporating them into your interview responses, you can showcase your fit with the company culture and your overall suitability for the job.

The Role of Social Media in Highlighting Personal Interests

In today’s job market, it’s crucial to stand out from the crowd. One way to do this is by highlighting your personal interests. Including these interests on your resume can show prospective employers that you are a well-rounded individual who brings unique experiences to the table. Social media offers a great platform to showcase your personal interests and give potential employers a glimpse into your personality.

A. Including Personal Interests on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a professional networking site that offers a specific section to showcase personal interests. This section can be found under the “Accomplishments” tab on your profile. It’s important to keep in mind that LinkedIn is a professional platform, so make sure that the interests you include align with your career goals.

For example, if you’re applying for a job in marketing, you might mention your interest in social media and content creation. However, if you’re applying for a job in finance, you might want to highlight your interest in analyzing data or managing budgets.

B. Other Social Media Platforms to Showcase

While LinkedIn is a great place to showcase your personal interests, there are other social media platforms that can also be used to highlight your passions. For instance, if you enjoy photography, you might share your work on Instagram. Or, if you’re a writer, you might post articles or creative pieces on Medium.

One thing to keep in mind is to ensure your content is appropriate for each platform. While it’s important to show off your creativity and passions, you should still maintain a professional appearance. Additionally, it’s important to consider the audience of each platform. Make sure your content is relevant and engaging, and keep in mind the interests of your target audience.

C. Risks and Considerations in Sharing Personal Interests Online

While sharing personal interests online can be a great way to show off your personality and showcase your hobbies, it’s important to be aware of the risks and considerations involved.

For example, be cautious about sharing too much personal information or images. Think twice before sharing photos from a wild night out. Also, keep in mind that anything you post online can be accessed by potential employers, even if your profile is set to private.

It’s important to judge the tone of your content based on the platform you are sharing it on. For instance, Twitter is known for its more casual and snarky tone, while LinkedIn is more professional. Make sure to adjust your content and tone accordingly.

Lastly, be strategic about your online presence. Make sure your personal interests align with your career goals and reflect the image you want to present to potential employers.

Personal interests can be a great way to stand out on a resume, and social media provides an excellent opportunity to showcase these interests. However, it’s important to be aware of the risks and considerations involved in sharing personal information online.

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  • 22 Best Examples of Hobbies and Interests to Put on a Resume (5+ Tips)

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how to write personal interests in resume

You’ve climbed Mount Everest, volunteer at the dog shelter on the weekends and have a mint condition comic book collection, the question is: do you let an employer know? Or more importantly, does the employer care?

Many employers are for including a hobby or two on your resume, reasons being to show the personal side of a candidate and to use it as a conversation topic in an interview.

Hobbies and interests can give your resume a personality the employer can relate to, a feeling on who you may be.

That said, when writing a resume that will land an interview, would someone looking at it be impressed by what your hobbies or interests are? Is it relevant in any way to the position you’re applying for?

If the answer is no, then you might be better leaving this section off.

Sorry to break it guys, no recruiter is going to hire you over someone else because you like travel or fishing.

This isn’t a Facebook profile; your resume is a document that tells the employer why you’re a good match for the Job.


Employers spend approximately 3 minutes and 14 seconds looking at your resume, with 1 out of every 5 recruiters making up their mind about you in 60 seconds.

Your resume should, therefore, give the employer a concrete description of who you are and express your capabilities in under 3 ½ minutes.

A two year longitudinal study of 120 hiring managers conducted by North Western University’s Kellogg School of Management Studies , showed that approximately 51.2% of employers selected suitable candidates based on their hobbies and interests.

An article by The Guardian could not describe it better that personal interests and hobbies are used to demonstrate how fit you are for the advertised position.

For these and many other reasons we’ll see below, it is essential to carefully analyze the hobbies you need to include in your resume.

Of course this depends on the job opportunity you are applying for.

Each hobby you add is a window into your character, and you should be sure that it directs light towards desired attributes.

In this article we’ll discuss how you how you can craft your resume to stand out among hundreds, probably thousands of resumes sent for each job vacancy.


When deciding what to include as your hobbies, it is imperative to understand what your employers are looking for.

According to an article published by Forbes , the Job Outlook 2012 report, National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), cited the following as the most important skills employers look out for every time they receive a resume from a prospective employee.

Ability to be a Team Player

Potential employers want an assurance that you can work with other employees, share, and listen to their ideas, especially when handling group projects.

Being a team player also means that you should be willing to put the company’s and other people’s interests ahead of your own without expecting favors in return.

Ability to Communicate Both Inside and Outside the Organization

Employers want an effective communicator that can deliver concrete messages clearly, and also motivate and convince colleagues, juniors, and seniors in the workplace.

Excellent communication skills are also vital when talking to clients, and convincing them to approach the company for business.

Decision Making and Problem Solving Skills

Eventually, problems arise, and your reaction to each challenge could save or ruin the company.

Effective and efficient solutions are necessary during a crisis to prevent and also mitigate damage.

Making right decisions in the absence of supervision exhibits leadership skills and is a door to promotions and rewards.

Ability to Obtain Information and Process It

As a new employee, you are required to quickly integrate into the company system, with as little guidance as possible to avoid being a liability.

It is your responsibility to gather information if it is not handed to you, and use it to find your way, or produce constant output.

Ability to Plan Well

Depending on the rank of employment you are applying for, a secretary may not be provided. This means that the responsibility to file your work, organize it, and prioritize it based on size and dates due.

Without an efficient planning system or culture in place, it is easy to fall behind on all deadlines and lose trust from your seniors.

Ability to Actively Hone Your Skills

The ability to identify talent and hone it into something great is a plus because it portrays your ability to develop skills and efficiency during employment.

In the long run, you can become a valuable asset to the company.

Having a hobby, particularly one that motivates endurance, and also requires dedication shows passion.

Employers are looking for employees that are passionate about their jobs, to create value within them, and ensure that they can depend on them to keep pushing without supervision.

Well Rounded

By including hobbies in your resume, you demonstrate that there is more to you than just work. This is important as it presents you as an all rounded individual.

Maintaining a work-life balance shows your ability to juggle different aspects in life, and also shows that you value resting periods to keep you competitive and productive at work.


Your resume should be tailor-made to fit every job you are applying for. Instead of copying previous resumes, consider the job qualification expected, and include hobbies that display skills and personalities the employers may be looking for.

For example, Google is known to hire open and playful employees because, besides their educational qualifications, they would like to hire people that integrate into their culture.

However, according to the undercover recruiter , 50% of recruiters reject resumes due to clichés.

This means that your hobbies and interests should reflect the skills employers are looking for, without seeming obvious and boring.

According to the Business Insider , the following are hobbies and interests worth considering each of them is suitable for different job postings.

Practicing yoga demonstrates an ability to remain calm and maintain control in all situations. It also shows a mastery of self and a deeper understanding of a person’s emotions.

Jobs such as PR (Public Relations Management) and advertising require control of emotions due to many inter-human interactions.

Work that also involves service delivery in hotels requires a mastery of emotions to avoid frustrating clients.

For example, a manager in a restaurant has to remain calm when addressing rude customers. If your job involves high human interactions, yoga is an excellent addition to your list.

Strategic Games

An interest in games like chess demonstrates that you enjoy thinking strategically.

This type of strength is desirable for positions where policy development and strategy formulation are key.

Video Production

Adding skills such as video production demonstrates your abilities and familiarity with equipment used during video production, journalism, and broadcasting.

Video production may also come in handy when applying for job opportunities in newspaper and magazine production companies since you show a broader understanding of activities within the journalism industry.

Extreme Sport

Participating in extreme sports such as skydiving, or racing mountain bikes shows that you have an adventurous spirit, and also dare to take on the unknown.

These traits are essential for employees hoping to take up leadership positions because they are willing to go beyond expectations and face their challenges head-on.

Bloggers are free thinkers, expressive, and good communicators. An excellent blog is a great addition to your list of hobbies and interest when applying for marketing, and writing opportunities. However, blogging also goes beyond necessary writing skills.

The ability to share positive thoughts through well-structured language, and stand up to ridicule is also a leadership quality.

If your blog contributes to providing information into the industry in which the job lies, include it in your list for the employers to see your understanding of the job required.

Bloggers are free thinkers, expressive, and good communicators. An excellent blog is a great addition to your list of hobbies and interest when applying for marketing, and writing opportunities. However, blogging also goes beyond necessary writing and  photo-editing skills .

Musical Talents

Playing musical instruments, and performing as a singer requires attention to tones, and patience when learning.

Good music requires discipline and dedication, and if you are qualified to list musical skills in your resume, they may draw the attention of potential employers.

Musical talents go beyond the performance industry. For example, performing before a crowd without stuttering or choking shows confidence.


If you enjoy volunteering towards charitable work and helping out others, include it in your resume. Volunteering to help others exhibits self-drive, and also shows the compassionate side of you.

It also demonstrates an ability to initiate action without supervision and not expecting special rewards in the end.

An employer will be interested in a volunteer if he/she feels that he or she places the company’s needs before personal gain.

Some voluntary activities also offer opportunities to learn essential business skills and technical skills that may give you an advantage over other applicants.


Excellent photographers have an eye for details, excellent photo opportunities and also pay attention to details.

The art of holding the camera, allowing enough exposure and producing breathtaking images is a skill learned over time.

Including photography in your list of hobbies and interests shows that you are keen, observant and also patient.

Apart from being a useful addition when applying for a job in journalism and video production, photography is helpful in any other fields that require a keen and sharp eye.

According to statistics from the Pew Research Center,  5% of Americans participate in hobbies related to the environment such as outdoor and naturalist activities and gardening .

Practicing gardening shows that you are conversant with plants, and nature, and are willing to participate in events geared towards environmental conservation and sustainability.

If you are applying for jobs that call for environmental preservation, gardening is an excellent addition.

Captain of a Team Sport

Leadership goes beyond offices and is also demonstrated in the field during sports. Being a team captain in high-adrenaline environments shows that you are calm, decisive, intuitive, and even understanding.

When applying for leadership roles, including other leadership positions you hold in sports may go a long way in improving your chances of landing an interview.

Captains are not only leaders, but they are also team players and are also capable of coming up with effective and efficient solutions in case of an emergency.

Tech Hobbies

According to an article by the Oxford Royale Academy , hobbies such as programming and coding, or practicing digital marketing through Google Analytics data, are a great addition to jobs that require technical expertise.

On the other hand, tech hobbies are introverted and are therefore an advantage in jobs that require introverts.

Puzzles and Chess

If you are applying for a job that requires analytical and critical thinking, then filling in crossword puzzles and playing chess are great ways of boosting your brain’ s capacity.

Games such as chess improve intelligent strategizing and are therefore useful for jobs that require such skills. The games are also introverted and are great for employers looking to employee critical thinkers who appreciate their space.

Drawing and painting are excellent additions when applying for jobs that require artistic creativity.

For example, if you are a graphic designer, apart from mastering graphic design programs, you need a natural artistic skill to generate ideas for clients, and organize images to create impressive layouts.

Exploring different places, and having an ability to appreciate different cultures is easily demonstrated through traveling.

Travelling also gives you exposure and tips for surviving and enjoying different states across the globe.

If you are applying for a travel agent job, you have a higher chance of being employed if you are conversant with traveling regulations, and have tips that you can offer to clients.

A survey conducted by Cint on the distribution of Hobbies and Interests among people in France in 2016 -2017 showed that 9.67% of the respondents took up cooking as a hobby.

Specific jobs may give you an advantage if you enjoy cooking.

For example, chefs, and cook-TV show hosts should enjoy being around the kitchen and trying new recipes. If your job description falls in line with cooking skills, you can include cooking, and give specific details to get an advantage.

Some companies, mainly IT-based companies use gaming as a team-building activity.

When applying for IT industry jobs, including gaming, especially multi-player gaming may come in handy.

High Risk Pursuits

Activities such as skydiving show that you are happy to push boundaries and take risks. These strengths are desirable for people going into product leadership roles.

Fantasy Football

While gambling is often dismissed as a vice, it may be useful when done for pleasure.

Some businesses such as banking and venture capitalism require skills in gambling, and would, therefore, present significant opportunities for smart gamblers.

Stamp Collecting

Though old, and perhaps harder right now, stamp collecting is an excellent addition for people interested in antiques and history.

It also displays a natural effort to preserve history for future generations to see. For example, if you are applying for a museum guide position, including stamp collecting in your list of hobbies is a big plus!

Bird Watching

Positions such as wildlife conservation manager require individuals that are naturally enthusiastic about animal behavior and preservation of their natural habitats.

Bird watchers enjoy the silent outdoors and are very patient.

Research shows that participants with science related hobbies, such as bird watching, are active science news consumers and are likely to participate in science related-activities (42%).

Clubs/ Organizations

You could also include any clubs or associations you are active in.

For example, the Rotary, The Red Cross Community, a golf club or a book club.

Participating in club activities shows that you have top notch human interaction skills, and are also a team player.

If you choose to include reading in your list of hobbies, remember to keep it detailed because many people can read. Explain what you enjoy reading to give the employers an opportunity to question you about it.

What Hobbies and Interests should I Include in my resume?


While it is essential to have an impressive resume, lying about your skills and interests could give your employer the wrong impression.

You may be asked to perform tasks you do not understand based on everything you listed as a hobby.

Avoid embarrassing yourself, or become untrustworthy by not lying on your resume.

Pick hobbies that have relevant skills

It is possible to enjoy doing over ten things, but not have them on your resume. Your hobbies and interests should demonstrate skills that are essential in your job.

For example, an IT expert should include tech hobbies, rather than showcasing how good of a cook they are!

Avoid political and religious inclinations

Remember that your employer may not agree with your political and religious beliefs. Your hobbies should be free from any political or religious bias that could irk, or insult your potential employer.

Provide details

Instead of saying that you simply enjoy traveling, give a summary of some of the places you have traveled to.

If you enjoy blogging, mention some of the topics you enjoy writing about, any websites you may have and awards you may have received during your writing journey.

Keep the List Short but adequate

Remember that the Hobbies and Interests section is an addition.

Do not make it the main subject of your resume, and end up boring the employer.

Research the Company to Understand Their Work Culture

Remember that each hobby you include should be a stepping stone towards integrating with the company culture.

For Example, hobbies that require social interactions should not be used in introverted companies.

An article published by the CNBC revealed a study conducted by Top Resume among 379 recruiters to find the biggest resume deal breakers you should avoid.

However, that being said, if the the job you’re applying for is known for being a religious organization or a part of a political side, then you’ll want to include a hobby that exemplifies this.  For example, say you’re applying to a weapons company.  Then it would behoove you to include something that shows your interests in gun s as a hobby.


As stated earlier, all hobbies are an addition to the initial qualifications every employer advertises. Therefore, they should be placed last.

However, remember to keep the list as interesting as possible.

Sometimes, a good list of hobbies may be the key to getting your dream Job .


Including your hobbies and interests in your resume will help potential employers relate to you, and also evaluate your character before the actual job interview.

The list also creates an opportunity for a conversation during the interview and gives you an advantage over other applicants.

By providing a list of interests, employers can also integrate you into company activities such as sports activities, and improve recognition among your colleagues.

Ensure that all the hobbies you include are relevant to your job to increase your chances of getting employed.

Also, keep your list honest, detailed and as brief as possible for the employers to read through quickly.

22 Best Examples of Hobbies and Interests to Put on a Resume (5+ Tips)

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Personal Interests and Hobbies on Resume: A Unique Touch to Showcase Your Personality

Table of contents, introduction.

Personal interests and hobbies on resume blog will help you write better resumes. When it comes to creating a standout resume , showcasing your professional qualifications and work experiences is essential. However, adding a section on personal interests and hobbies can add a unique touch that sets you apart from other candidates. Including relevant hobbies can give employers a glimpse of your personality, passions, and potential cultural fit within the organization. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of incorporating personal interests and hobbies on your resume , along with tips on how to do it effectively to enhance your job application.

Section 1: The Importance of Personal Interests and Hobbies on Resume

1.1 Showcasing Your Personality

Your resume provides an overview of your qualifications and work experiences, but it may not fully reflect who you are as a person. Adding a section on personal interests and hobbies allows you to showcase your personality, interests, and values, giving employers a more holistic view of your character.

1.2 Differentiating Yourself from Other Candidates

In a competitive job market, every little detail counts. Including personal interests and hobbies can make your resume stand out from the crowd and leave a lasting impression on hiring managers. This unique touch can set you apart and pique the employer’s curiosity.

Section 2: How to Effectively Include Personal Interests and Hobbies on Resume

2.1 Relevance is Key

Choose hobbies and interests that are relevant to the job you are applying for. Consider how your hobbies can align with the company culture or the skills required for the position. For example, if you are applying for a role in a creative industry, mentioning your passion for photography or graphic design can be beneficial.

2.2 Highlight Transferable Skills

Certain hobbies and interests can showcase transferable skills that are valuable in the workplace. For instance, being part of a sports team demonstrates teamwork and leadership, while volunteering indicates your dedication to helping others.

2.3 Be Specific and Concise

When mentioning your hobbies, be specific and provide brief explanations of each interest. Use concise language and avoid vague terms. Instead of stating “sports,” specify the particular sport you enjoy, like “competitive basketball player” or “avid hiker.”

2.4 Avoid Controversial Hobbies

While it’s essential to showcase your personality, it’s equally crucial to be mindful of the hobbies you choose to include. Avoid mentioning any hobbies that may be controversial or potentially alienate the employer.

Section 3: Examples of Personal Interests and Hobbies on Resume

  • Volunteering: Active member of a local non-profit organization dedicated to environmental conservation, participating in community cleanup projects and tree planting initiatives.
  • Sports and Fitness: Avid cyclist and marathon runner, promoting a healthy lifestyle and discipline in achieving personal fitness goals.
  • Creative Arts: Passionate painter and sketch artist, showcasing creativity and attention to detail in producing captivating artwork.
  • Photography: Enthusiastic nature photographer, capturing scenic landscapes and wildlife with an artistic eye.
  • Blogging: Aspiring travel blogger, sharing experiences and cultural insights from worldwide travels.
  • Cooking and Baking: Self-taught gourmet cook, experimenting with diverse cuisines and hosting themed dinner parties.
  • Language Learning: Dedicated language learner, currently mastering conversational proficiency in Spanish and French.

Section 4: Personal Interests and Hobbies in the Interview Process

4.1 Be Prepared to Discuss Your Interests

If you include personal interests and hobbies on your resume, be prepared to discuss them in more detail during the interview. Highlight how your hobbies have contributed to personal growth, teamwork skills, or time management.

4.2 Tie Your Interests to the Role

During the interview, tie your hobbies back to the role you are applying for. Emphasize how your interests make you a well-rounded and valuable addition to the team.

Section 5: When to Avoid Including Personal Interests and Hobbies on Resume

5.1 Limited Space on the Resume

If your resume is already filled with essential qualifications, work experiences, and other relevant information, you may consider omitting the personal interests and hobbies section to prioritize essential details.

5.2 Irrelevant to the Job

If your hobbies have no relevance or connection to the position you are applying for, it may be best to exclude them from your resume.

Personal interests and hobbies on resume can be a valuable addition to your resume when included thoughtfully and strategically. By showcasing your personality, transferable skills, and cultural fit, you can create a well-rounded impression that sets you apart from other candidates. Remember to choose relevant hobbies and be specific in describing each interest. Use this section as an opportunity to demonstrate your passions and how they contribute to your overall personal and professional development. When integrated effectively, personal interests and hobbies can make your resume more memorable and enhance your chances of standing out in the competitive job market. has a consumer rating of 4.83 stars on Sitejabber .

how to write personal interests in resume

Introducing John Smith: Your Expert Resume Writer, Cover Letter Specialist, and Career Coach. Meet John Smith, your dedicated partner in crafting the perfect resume, compelling cover letter, and charting your career path to success. With a passion for helping individuals reach their professional aspirations, John brings a wealth of expertise to the table as a resume writer, cover letter specialist, and career coach.

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How to Write About Your Hobbies and Interests

Last Updated: March 15, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Christopher Taylor, PhD . Christopher Taylor is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Austin Community College in Texas. He received his PhD in English Literature and Medieval Studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 981,216 times.

The interests and hobbies section of a resume or college application provides a good opportunity to showcase your personality. A well-executed one can even compensate for a lack in experience or education. Although you might think that all resumes are alike, you should always gear your document toward the specific audience who will be reading it, taking into consideration what they want from you as an applicant. This article will discuss how to write about your hobbies and interests for the two audiences for a resume: a college admissions committee and a potential employer.

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Writing for a College Admissions Committee

Step 1 Format your application resume by priority.

  • College admissions committees are far more interested in your grades, work experience, skills and awards than they are in your hobbies and interests.
  • As such, the hobbies and interests section of your resume should be presented toward the end of your resume. End with it, don’t lead with it.
  • Prioritize individual activities as well. You can either list your activities chronologically, as you probably did in the “Work Experience” section, or from most to least impressive.
  • Always remember that resumes are “top-down” documents, meaning you should lead with what you most want the reader to know about you. [2] X Research source

Step 2 Use appropriate terminology.

  • Do not simply list all of your activities with commas. This suggests that you have nothing to say about what you did other than the fact that you did it. Break each activity into its own bullet point.
  • Decide whether you will write in full sentences or short phrases. A resume should not be overly long — ideally, it should fit onto a single page. If you find that your resume has too much length, use phrases rather than full sentences.
  • For example: “Tennis: state champions, 2013, 2014; co-captained varsity team, 2012-14; member of varsity team, 2010-14.
  • If your resume is not long enough and you need to develop length, you can write that same information out in full sentences: “Tennis: As a member of the varsity team from 2010 to 2014, I helped my team win the state championship in both 2013 and 2014. As co-captain from 2012 to 2014, I provided leadership both on and off the court, leading team workouts during the off-season and keeping teammates accountable to one another.”

Step 4 Demonstrate well-roundedness.

  • The activities section of your resume is the place to demonstrate that you don’t have a one-track mind. You have a variety of interests that can be developed over your four years in college.
  • If possible, present an array of activities that demonstrate an engaged, curious mind: athletics, volunteerism, academic teams, interest in both the humanities (speech team) and STEM areas (Mathletes), etc.
  • The more well-rounded you seem, the more appealing you will be to a committee that is trying to assess how you will develop over the next four years.

Step 5 Set yourself apart from the pack.

  • Demonstrate a high level of interest in at least one of your activities. If you were a team captain, elected official or an otherwise engaged member of a group, you need to highlight that as well as possible.
  • Describe the leadership qualities you may have developed through this activity: “As Key Club president, I chaired weekly meetings, delegated club responsibilities into committees, expanded our presence by recruited peers into volunteerism and oversaw member training before sending volunteers out into the community.”
  • Explain what peripheral qualities you developed: “Over my four years in the Key Club, I developed an abiding dedication to underserved populations in local communities.”

Step 6 Choose language carefully to dress up your activities.

  • Use the active voice throughout every document you submit in the application process. [6] X Research source The passive voice suggests that you passively received skills or qualities from your life experiences, whereas the active voice demonstrates your engagement: you earned those skills.
  • Note the difference between “Being on the football team taught me the importance of being a team player” and “I strengthened the team’s resolve and success by stressing to individual players the importance of group cohesion to the achievement of our goals.” Take credit wherever possible, even if you weren’t in leadership positions.
  • Even if you don’t think you got a lot out of an activity, think about what skills and qualities you could have developed. For example —you might have been an awful cheerleader, but you can still say “I devoted myself to grueling practices daily throughout the season and developed an effective time-management system, through which I balanced schoolwork and cheering while dedicating myself fully to both.”
  • Even if you’re not going to make the collegiate cheer squad, you’ve still demonstrated that you can manage your time — something you learned from cheerleading.

Writing for a Potential Employer

Step 1 Decide whether or not a “Hobbies and Interests” section is appropriate for this job.

  • Research the corporate culture of the company you’re applying to. Some companies encourage employees to bring their interests into the creative workplace, for example, Google explicitly cultivates an “open culture” workplace where hobbies are welcomed. A hobbies section would be very appropriate for an application in the tech industry with a company like Google.
  • However, if you’re applying for a position at an accounting firm, the corporate culture may not be as welcoming of your hobbies. Leave them off that resume.

Step 2 Be brief.

  • Choose interests that not only mean a lot to you, but also demonstrate the kind of person you are.
  • For example, “reading” is a fairly generic activity that doesn’t reveal that much about you. However, running marathons suggests that you possess a high level of dedication and that you can overcome obstacles.
  • "Listening to music" doesn't tell your employee anything about you, but "I have practiced classical piano for 17 years," tells them a lot.
  • "Volunteering," tells the employer something about you, but it's not as detailed as it could be. Say, instead, that you've volunteered weekly at the same soup kitchen for 3 years, or that you bring your expertise from your state champion high school football team to bear when volunteering as a coach for community football league.
  • Generally, hobbies that show leadership skills, personal initiative, dedication, or drive are good boosters for your resume.

Step 4 Connect your interests to the job.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Be careful about listing hobbies and interests indicative of thrill-seeking and risk-taking behaviors, as these qualities may work against you with certain employers. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Avoid sounding overly committed to your hobbies and interests, as this could indicate to potential employers that your personal interests may come before your career. For example, "I play chess every chance I get, as it is my goal to travel the country as a full-time competitor," could be geared for resume writing by rewording it as, "I enjoy the chess club because it stimulates my creative problem-solving skills and opens my mind to new ways of thinking outside the box." Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how to write personal interests in resume

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About This Article

Christopher Taylor, PhD

To write about your hobbies and interests for college admissions, frame them as something you dedicate your time towards rather than just something you have fun with. For example, on your college application, list them under the title “Extracurricular Activities” since this is more professional than “Hobbies” or “Interests” Choose to list the hobbies you’ve spent the most time on to show your dedication, whether that’s the tennis team, girl scouts, or piano. When you write about your hobbies, use an active voice and describe how you contributed to it. For example, you could write “I strengthened the team’s resolve and success by stressing to individual players the importance of group cohesion to the achievement of our goals. Alternatively, you could say, “I devoted myself to grueling practices daily throughout the season and developed effective time-management by balancing schoolwork and cheering.” To learn how to write about your hobbies and interests on a resume, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Do Personal Interests Belong on a Resume?

Wondering if you should include personal interests on your resume? Here’s what recruiters have to say about which hobbies belong on your resume and the best ways to include them.

a year ago   •   4 min read

Recently, there’s been a lot of emphasis on “bringing your whole self to work;” and listing personal interests on your resume can feel like an easy, low-stakes way to do that. That said, there’s also a lot of advice out there that says hobbies should never go on a resume, no matter what.

The truth is somewhere in the middle. At best, an interesting or relevant hobby can help you stand out or showcase positive qualities like teamwork , leadership , and dedication. At worst, it could make a hiring manager question your judgment or fit. Keep reading as we discuss:

  • Which job seekers can benefits most from including personal interests on a resume
  • The potential positive and negative outcomes from listing hobbies on a resume
  • How and where to list personal interests on a resume
  • What hobbies look good on a resume (and a few hobbies you should probably keep to yourself)

Should you include personal interests on your resume?

The short answer is: No, personal interests don’t belong on a resume.

The longer answer is: There are a few exceptions. Let’s take a look at some situations when it’s okay to break the rules and list personal interests on your resume.

When to put personal interests on your resume

You should consider including personal interests on your resume if:

  • You don’t have a lot of experience. The newer you are to your role, industry, or the workforce in general, the less relevant content you’ll have to put on a resume. Because of this, students and entry-level candidates can benefit most from including “extra” information like personal interests.
  • Your hobby is directly relevant. Anything related to the job can go on your resume, even if it’s personal and not professional.
  • It demonstrates transferable skills . Hobbies can be a good way of showing that you have soft skills like teamwork, communication , and a strong work ethic .
  • It shows cultural alignment. Hobbies can also be a way of showing that you’re a good fit — just make sure that you have a reliable idea of what the company culture and values actually are.
  • It’s a requirement. If you’re explicitly asked to include your personal interests, obviously do it. This can also work if you have essential skills but little to no professional experience using them — in this case, including hobbies, interests, and personal projects allows you to illustrate what you can do.

Since there are so many exceptions, does that mean there’s never any harm in listing personal interests on your resume? Unfortunately, no. The truth is, there are times when including personal interests can be actively harmful to your chances of landing a job.

If you're unsure about what to include or exclude, such as personal interests, on your resume, upload it to the tool below — it will scan your resume sections and offer suggestions on which ones should be improved or removed altogether.

When not to put personal interests on your resume

Don’t include personal interests on your resume if:

  • You have extensive experience. Actual work experience and professional qualifications are far more relevant than personal interests.
  • They’re not relevant to the job you’re applying for. If it’s just taking up space and doesn’t actually add anything to your candidacy, leave it off.
  • Your interests are controversial. Politics, religion, and other sensitive topics risk being too divisive — unless the organization you’re applying to is explicitly involved in these topics, keep them out of your resume.
  • Your resume is already too long. If adding an extra section for personal interests makes your resume too long or harder to skim, you’re better off without them.

If you’ve weighed the pros and cons and decided that your personal interests are a good fit, here’s how to list them on your resume.

How to include personal interests on your resume

  • Choose the right interests. A truly resume-worthy hobby will either be directly related to the job you’re applying for or showcase transferable skills — see our list below for some suggestions.
  • Put them in the right place. This is usually a small section toward the end of your resume but could be higher up (scroll down for tips on how to choose).
  • Keep it brief. You don’t need to go on about how you’ve been playing basketball for twenty years and went to the state championships in high school. A simple, one-sentence bullet point is plenty.
  • Be critical. Sure, your painting is important to you, but will it be important to a hiring manager? With most hobbies, it’s okay to leave them on your resume if it’s important to you, but this should never be at the expense of more relevant content or compromise readability. If you find yourself having to remove other things to make room for hobbies or if it’s pushing your resume onto an extra page, leave it off.

Where to put hobbies and interests on a resume

There are two good options for listing personal interests on a resume: In your resume summary or in a dedicated Interests section.

Resume summary

If your hobby is relevant to the job you’re applying for — for example, if you’re applying for a multinational company and speak three languages, or if you want to be a brand ambassador and already have 500k followers, you should feel free to mention it upfront in your resume summary.

Separate resume section

If your hobby isn’t directly relevant but you feel it still belongs on your resume, the best place for it is in a short section toward the bottom of the page. Title it something like “Hobbies and Interests” or “Additional Information” and keep it to no more than a few lines.

Hobbies you should (and shouldn’t) put on a resume

Even if you’re in a situation where it’s okay to put personal interests on your resume, that doesn’t mean every hobby is a good fit. Here’s a (non-exhaustive) list of some personal interests that look good on a resume — and some that you should never list.

Resume-friendly hobbies and interests

Hobbies and personal interests that are a good fit for a resume include:

  • Volunteer work
  • Personal or educational projects
  • Blogging about industry trends
  • Team sports
  • Foreign language proficiency
  • Study abroad
  • Building apps or websites
  • Published articles or books
  • Tutoring or mentoring

Personal interests you should never list on a resume

On the other hand, you should avoid mentioning personal interests like:

  • Dangerous or extreme sports
  • Political activism
  • Religious activities
  • Hunting, shooting, and collecting firearms
  • Paranormal research or other “quirky” hobbies
  • Anything illegal
  • Career Advice

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When and How to List Personal Interests on Your Resume


  • List experience and education first. Mention your interests only after you've detailed your professional skills and qualifications--including your education level.
  • Beware of taboo subjects. If it has to do with a sensitive topic such as politics or religion , best to not mention it. Exception: If the job is with an organization whose views are known to be compatible with yours, then it can actually help to mention your interest in it.
  • Time test. If you're going to mention an interest or hobby, it's best that you've been engaged in the activity for at least a year or two. Employers are more likely to be impressed by an ongoing commitment than by a new or fleeting interest.
  • Connection with the job? Be prepared to talk about the outside interest in the interview , especially if you can link the activity to the job. For instance: Yes, I've thoroughly enjoyed being a Girl Scout leader. Not only do I take great pride in boosting the confidence of young women, I also enjoy organizing and planning long-term activities. And I think that can help me in this role as a project manager.

If you feel uncomfortable listing personal interests and hobbies on your resume, consider listing them in your profile on LinkedIn or some other social networking site. Most employers today look beyond the resume to social media sites to gather as much knowledge as they can on candidates before they extend a job offer.

RELATED LINKS 'How Do I Make My Resume Stand Out?' 5 Rules for Building a Great Resume Critique Your Resume Like a Hiring Manager

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18 Résumé Writing Tips to Help You Stand Out

By  Allison Pohle

Updated May 11, 2021 2:15 pm ET

  • A résumé isn’t just a list of every job you’ve ever had. It should demonstrate your accomplishments.
  • Mirror language used in the job posting so your résumé isn’t discarded by an applicant tracking system.
  • Use a clean and simple format. 

Companies increasingly  rely on software  to sort through applicants, which is why it is essential to tailor your résumé to ensure it makes the cut. Applicant tracking systems sort, scan and rank applicants by looking for keywords in applications. Although these programs can save time and money for employers, about 60% said such tools cause them to miss some qualified candidates, according to a 2016 survey of 1,200 job seekers and managers by CareerArc, a human-resources technology company, and Future Workplace, a research firm. Here’s how to make your résumé stand out to robots and humans alike. 

1. Highlight your achievements in your résumé. 

A common mistake job seekers make is believing a résumé is a recap of your career, when in reality, it should convey what you have accomplished, says Christy Noel, a career expert and author of “Your Personal Career Coach.” 

“I always say, spend less of your real estate describing your job, and more time describing your results,” says Ms. Noel.  

2. Customize your résumé.

Read over the job posting, and think about the work experience you have had that is most directly relevant to the position you are pursuing. You can leave out some past jobs and internships if the experience you had wasn’t related. Whatever you do: Don’t submit a generic résumé to dozens of postings. “Even if you have the best experience, if your résumé isn’t speaking directly to the position in which you are applying, there is a strong chance you’ll never even get an interview,” says Demisha Jennings, a certified professional résumé writer and founder and owner of She Assists LLC.  

The same applies to your cover letter. It is your chance to provide more detail on how your experience will help you succeed in the job.  Read our cover letter guide  for how to write one that makes you stand out.

3. Decide how to format your résumé.

Most of the time, a chronological résumé will work well for communicating your past experience. But, in some cases, a functional or hybrid résumé might be more appropriate.  Read more about résumé formats here.

4. Make your contact information easy to find.

Include your name, phone number, email address, city and state. It may also be appropriate to include the URL to your LinkedIn profile. You want it to be easy for hiring managers to reach out.

In addition to making it easy to connect with you, it is important to your job search that you grow your network.  Read our networking guide  for tips on how to do so.

5. Consider adding a summary. 

Many résumé templates leave space for an objective statement, outlining career goals, but that approach is outdated, says Ms. Jennings. Instead, consider a carefully worded summary. The summary is often the first place a hiring manager will look, and gives you an opportunity to introduce your skills high up on the page. You can also work in relevant keywords from the job description. “Recruiters are looking for what you can bring to the table and what you’ve done, rather than you saying, ‘I’m seeking a position,’” Ms. Jennings says. 

6. Great résumés should stand out to skim readers.

Most recruiters spend just a few seconds skimming through a résumé—with an average in one study of  7.4 seconds.  

To have the best chance of making an impression, ensure your job titles, company names and dates of employment are easy to read. The sections of your résumé should be adequately spaced, too, says Dana Leavy-Detrick, founder and director of Brooklyn Resume Studio. 

For additional ways to make a good impression on recruiters and headhunters, read  our guide on how to work with headhunters .

7. Make your résumé robot-friendly. 

Structure your résumé to meet the requirements of an applicant tracking system to give yourself the best chance of having it reach an actual human. Ms. Leavy-Detrick suggests the following:

  • Optimize keywords.  Use the same words and language that are in the job description. For example, three different companies might describe the same role as “programmer,” “developer” or “software engineer.” 
  • Use a straightforward format.  Avoid tables and text-based graphics, which might not get picked up by a scan of the résumé. Sans-serif fonts such as Arial or Helvetica are also best to ensure readability.
  • Think about order.  When formatting each line item of work experience, list the company name first, followed by the job location (city, state), your job title, and your start and end dates. Some résumés can get lost if the dates are listed before the job title. 

8. Prioritize relevant keywords. 

Tailoring your skills to include language from the job posting is an important way to let both the applicant tracking system and, eventually, a hiring manager, see how your prior qualifications tie into the job requirements. But just because you have a résumé full of keywords doesn’t mean you’ll automatically get an interview. “The ATS isn’t there to help the job seeker, it is there to help the employer review your skills against their most important qualifications,” says Ashley Watkins, a career coach and résumé writer with Write Step Résumés LLC. 

9. Craft compelling and concise bullet points.

The goal of a résumé is to list your accomplishments, rather than every duty you performed in the role. Résumé-writing experts recommend including no more than five bullet points per prior job listed. 

  • Don’t focus on tasks.  Many job seekers describe what they did every day, such as answering phones or creating marketing materials, Ms. Watkins says. “Simply copying and pasting the job description doesn’t account for the things you did great, that you did above and beyond your peers,” she says.
  • Instead, explain what those tasks achieved.  Emphasize your results. Ms. Watkins suggests asking yourself “Did I save [the employer] money? Did I save time? Did I improve a process? Did I build a relationship?” These will help you format your bullet points.
  • Use metrics.  Say what you achieved, then contextualize it—with figures if possible. You might not be able to put a monetary value on every accomplishment, but you can frame it by sharing details like the time it took or how many people were involved. “If you raised sales 50% in two months, that means a whole lot more than ‘I’m in charge of sales,’” Ms. Watkins says. 
  • Don’t omit accomplishments that aren’t quantifiable.  Not every achievement will have metrics to show success. If there are figures, you might not always have access to them. But that shouldn’t stop you from including them, says Ms. Leavy-Detrick. Perhaps you had a positive impact on the culture of an organization, or improved a struggling relationship with a client. These efforts could help to demonstrate your  soft skills.

10. Focus on transferable skills if you lack experience.

If you are applying for a job in a new field or you are an entry-level applicant and don’t have much direct experience, don’t worry. Highlight transferable skills you have developed in the past that will serve you well in the position, says Ms. Leavy-Detrick. For example, you could play up leadership skills you developed participating in an extracurricular activity or time-management skills you learned in a prior job.

11. Go beyond your work history, and include all relevant experience.

If you are new to the workforce, or are job-hunting after being laid off, you could also include related experience that was outside of a traditional full-time job, says Ms. Watkins. For example, you can highlight volunteer work, consulting projects or educational training, all as part of making the case for your unique value, she says.

12. Don’t worry too much about gaps in your résumé.

The Covid-19 pandemic economy resulted in many people being laid off or furloughed. Ms. Watkins says the 2020 job market reminds her of 2008, when she worked as a recruiter. The expectation at that time, she says, was that candidates would have  gaps  on their résumés or list more short-term positions. While it isn’t necessary to directly address the gaps in your résumé, you should be  prepared to talk about them in an interview . “The focus should not be centered on the fact that you were furloughed or laid off, it should be focused on you and your skills and what you do that impacts the company’s bottom line in a positive way,” Ms. Watkins says.

While it is common to list the months and years you started and ended positions in the job history section, you could just use years. This will draw less attention to a six- or eight-month gap, says Ms. Leavy-Detrick. 

13. Highlight relevant skills.

It is common to  add a skills section to your résumé , outlining expertise relevant to the position. You can include languages you speak, technical skills or courses you have done. If you lack experience, you can also complete some trainings, which you can find on LinkedIn and elsewhere, related to the job you are applying for and add the courses in this section, says Ms. Jennings.

14. Prioritize work experience over education.

The professional experience you have had is often more relevant to the position than your education history, which is why the work experience should be listed first. In the “Education” section, you should list where you attended college, if applicable, or the highest level of education you have attained. If you graduated with honors, you can flag that, but it isn’t necessary to list your GPA.

15. If you are early on in your career, a key résumé tip is to limit it to one page. 

If you are early on in your career, you should limit your résumé to one page. It is OK to start spilling onto a second page after you have eight to 10 years of experience, says Ms. Leavy-Detrick. 

16. Add some color for a stylish résumé that sets you apart. 

Your résumé should look clean and professional and you should keep applicant tracking systems in mind when formatting the document. But, if it is appropriate, you can add subtle accents of color in the section headings or in bars that separate sections as a way to differentiate your résumé. Ms. Leavy-Detrick doesn’t overstress the need for good design with her clients. “But it can definitely help,” she says. “When I say design, I don’t mean crazy graphic design. I mean having a polished application,” she says. “Think of it the same way you would coming dressed to an interview, it is part of your presentation, and so many people overlook this on the résumé.”

It may be appropriate to incorporate a more creative and graphic-based layout depending on the field in which you work and where you are applying. If you are applying for a position in a creative field, and you are emailing your résumé directly to a hiring manager, then it can be appropriate to use more designs, says Ms. Jennings. But if you are applying to a large company that uses an applicant tracking system or job portal, she says it is best to avoid using graphics unless you are working with a résumé writer who can help you get your resume through the system.

17. Proofread and double-check the formatting.

You may be eager to send your résumé or submit your application, but you should take the time to first check for typos and grammatical errors. You could also have a friend or family member look over it. When you are checking for errors, be sure to double-check the formatting. Sometimes the spacing can get thrown off when you save the file, so check how it looks as a saved document and, if you can, save it as a PDF before sending. 

18. Make sure the saved file name includes your name. 

Make less work for the hiring manager by including your full name in the file name of the résumé document.

What to read next

  • How to Prepare for a Job Interview
  • What Questions to Ask During a Job Interview
  • Common Job Interview Questions and How to Answer Them
  • How to Dress for a Job Interview
  • How to Write a Thank-You Email After a Job Interview  
  • How to Negotiate and Counter a Job Offer
  • How to Negotiate Salary for a New Job: The Do’s and Don’ts
  • Severance Pay: What It Is and Why You Should Negotiate a Package Before Accepting a Job

Corrections & Amplifications Ashley Watkins is a résumé writer with Write Step Résumés LLC. An earlier version of this article incorrectly said Write Steps LLC. (Corrected on Nov. 20)

Copyright ©2024 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8

Appeared in the November 23, 2020, print edition as '11 Résumé Tips to Help You Get Noticed

How to Write a Resume Summary (With 5 Examples)

As a job seeker in today's job market , your resume is the ticket to securing interviews. However, hiring managers get many job applications and have a mere 7 seconds to spend on each resume. So, this single document is your chance to leave an impression on them.

And this is where the resume summary takes centre stage. It piques the curiosity of hiring managers and encourages them to learn more about you. A resume summary sits at the top of your resume. It is like a teaser, offering a glimpse of your professional identity.

But what makes for an effective resume summary? And what should it contain to capture the hiring manager's attention?

In this article, we will understand what a good resume summary should look like. We will outline the key elements, and provide you with resume summary examples to guide you in creating a compelling one. You'll also learn what to do and what to avoid when crafting your resume summary.

What is a Resume Summary?

Understanding your target audience when writing a resume summary, key elements of a resume summary statement, writing a compelling resume summary, 5 professional resume summary examples, tailoring your resume summary to different industries, tips for optimising your resume summary for applicant tracking systems (ats).

  • The Dos and Don'ts of Professional resume Summary Writing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A resume summary is a short paragraph highlighting your relevant experience, relevant skills and your professional achievements. In short, the summary of a resume is like a quick preview of your past accomplishments.

The goal is to make the hiring manager want to read more about you, increasing your chances of landing your dream job. A good resume summary highlights your qualities and achievements right at the beginning. This shows the hiring managers that you are a good fit for the job position. It gives them a solid reason to consider hiring you.

A professional resume summary is often mistaken for a resume objective. A resume summary emphasises the skills and experiences that match the job you're applying for. While a resume objective outlines the position you seek and your career goals.

man writing resume summary

Various professionals may review your resume. This includes hiring managers, individuals in human resources, potential employers, and recruiters. Write a resume summary that aligns with their broader expectations for better odds.

This involves understanding the employer's expectations. Recognise the relevant skills and qualifications they seek in the people and i dentify what the company values in terms of abilities and relevant experience.

By doing this you ensure the resume summary resonates with your potential employer's preferences. This makes your application more compelling.

The length of a resume summary

When writing a resume summary statement, remember to keep it concise yet impactful. It should capture the reader's attention fast and should be 3 to 5 sentences long.

The structure of a resume summary

A well-structured resume summary follows a logical flow. It begins with a strong opening statement that generally has your qualifications summary. Follow this with a brief overview of your skills and achievements. And conclude it with a clear statement emphasising what you bring to the role.

The tone and style of a resume summary

The tone and style of a resume summary are key to making a lasting impression. Avoid casual language or jargon. Instead, opt for clear, action-oriented language that conveys confidence. Keep your tone professional, positive and engaging. The style should be consistent with the rest of your resume.

The use of keywords in a resume summary

Identify the relevant keywords from the job ad and weave them into your summary. This enhances your chances of getting past the initial screening.

Creating an engaging career summary can help you get your dream job. Write a resume summary with an attention-grabbing opening that intrigues the reader.

Next, add about your current job title, core skills and achievements. Mention the skills that closely match the job requirements. To make your past accomplishments more impactful, use numbers and data.

Additionally, communicate what sets you apart. Highlight any unique experiences you own. Also, avoid using vague language or including details that don't relate to the job.

With these tips in mind, develop an effective resume summary that proves you're the best fit for the job.

Looking to start writing your own resume summary? Here are some professional summary examples you can use as reference.

College student resume summary example

Dedicated college student majoring in Computer Science. Driven to apply academic knowledge, a creative mindset, and a strong work ethic to excel in the technology industry. Skilled in programming, data analysis and the ability to adapt to new challenges. Excited to contribute to XYZ Tech, while gaining valuable experience to support future career goals.

Entry-level job seekers resume summary example

Motivated and enthusiastic recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration. Strong foundation in business principles, including marketing, finance, and operations. Solid understanding of data analysis and proficiency in Microsoft Excel. Proven ability to work in team environments, with excellent interpersonal skills. Eager to contribute to a dynamic organisation and kickstart a successful career in the business field.

Receptionist resume summary example

Experienced receptionist with strong communication skills and a welcoming demeanour. Proven track record of efficiently managing front desk tasks, including greeting visitors, handling calls, and scheduling appointments. Adept at maintaining a professional and organised office environment. Seeking to contribute expertise in ensuring a positive and smooth guest experience.

Data analyst resume summary example

An experienced data analyst with a talent for translating complex data into actionable insights. Skilled at providing data-driven solutions resulting in a 15% increase in business performance. Proficient in utilising data visualisation tools to present findings, contributing to a 25% improvement in data understanding. Excited to apply analytical skills and contribute to the success of the organisation.

Executive assistant resume summary example

An executive assistant with a track record of providing support to C-suite executives. Expertise in managing complex schedules, coordinating high-level meetings, and maintaining confidentiality of sensitive information. Known for strong organisational and communication skills, ensuring seamless executive office operation.

If these samples are helpful to you, you can also check out these great resume templates .

Each industry has different needs and expectations. Understanding these requirements is crucial. It positions you as a well-prepared job seeker.

Adapting your resume summary involves aligning your qualifications with the specific industry's needs. It ensures that you highlight the most relevant aspects of your background that directly relate to the job you seek. This customisation increases your chances of standing out as the right person for the role.

Examples of industry-specific resume summaries

  • For healthcare roles, a resume summary may highlight patient care skills and relevant certifications.
  • In the technology field, you could showcase programming languages and project achievements.
  • In finance, your resume summary can include financial analysis and risk management skills.
  • In the culinary industry, a resume summary may spotlight culinary skills and achievements.
  • For engineering roles, it could showcase expertise in specific engineering projects and innovations.
  • In the education sector, it might highlight teaching methodologies and classroom achievements.

Writing industry-specific summaries will make you a more relevant and competitive job seeker.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are automated tools used by employers during the initial resume screening. ATS scans resumes for keywords and criteria set by the employer to filter suitable talent.

To make your resume summary ATS-friendly, analyse the job posting to identify important keywords and phrases. These could include technical skills, job-specific terms, and qualifications. Then blend these keywords into your professional summary, ensuring a natural flow and readability. This approach aligns your resume summary with the job. It also helps ATS recognise your qualifications, increasing your chances for further review.

Use headings such as "Summary" or "Professional Summary" so that the ATS identifies it with ease. Save your resume in PDF or .doc formats to ensure your resume is processed by various ATS software.

The Dos and Don'ts of Professional Resume Summary Writing

Writing a list of do's and don'ts

A professional resume summary statement is key in making you stand out. Below, you'll find a list of Dos and Don'ts to guide you in crafting a professional summary.

  • Tailor to the specific role: Align your summary with the job description. Emphasise the skills and experiences that make you a strong fit.
  • Use quantifiable achievements: Include specific numbers and metrics to illustrate your accomplishments. An example: “increased sales by 30%.”
  • Keep it concise: Limit your resume summary to 3 to 5 powerful sentences. Ensure they capture the essence of your achievements and qualifications.
  • Utilise industry keywords: Include relevant keywords from the job listing to make it ATS-friendly.
  • Maintain professional tone: Write a resume summary with a professional and positive tone, focusing on what you can offer to the employer.
  • Highlight your value proposition: Clearly articulate what makes you unique and how you can contribute to the company's success.
  • Use proper grammar and spelling: Edit and proofread to ensure your resume summary is free from grammatical and spelling errors.
  • Don't write in the first person: Are you unsure about using the first or third person for your resume summary? Then here's a simple rule: Always use the third person.
  • Don't be too generic: Avoid using vague sentences when writing a career summary statement as it can lead to missed opportunities. Craft an effective, specific resume summary to make yourself stand out to the hiring manager.
  • Don't include personal information. Avoid personal details such as your age, marital status, or photographs in your professional summary. Focus on professional qualifications and experiences.
  • Don't include irrelevant information: A good resume summary should focus on the experiences and skills. So don't write anything that is not pertinent to the job position.
  • Don't use a one-size-fits-all approach: Tailor the resume summary section for each job title to avoid using the same one for all.

A professional resume summary is your first opportunity to say, "I'm the one you're looking for." A well-written resume summary is more than words. It's your professional identity in a nutshell, and it can open doors to exciting career opportunities.

Remember, a strong resume summary sets the stage for a successful job application. Invest the time and effort to craft one that leaves a lasting positive impression.

  • What is the ideal length of a resume summary? ⁠Resume summary statements are typically 3 to 5 sentences long. Keep it brief and provide a qualifications summary to grab the hiring manager's attention. ⁠
  • Should I include my resume objective in my resume summary? ⁠No, you should not include your resume objective in your resume summary. ⁠A resume summary highlights your qualifications, relevant job experience, skills and accomplishments. But, a resume objective statement focuses on your personal career goals and what you aspire to achieve in the job. ⁠ ⁠Including your resume objective in the resume summary could confuse potential employers. So it is best to keep them separate on your resume. ⁠
  • How do I tailor my resume summary to different job postings? ⁠To tailor your resume for different jobs, read the job ad thoroughly. Focus on matching the skills, using the right keywords and highlighting your achievements. Create unique resume summaries for each job ad to improve your chances of getting interviews. ⁠
  • Can I use the same resume summary for different job applications? ⁠No. It is not recommended to use the same resume summary for different job applications. Each position may have unique requirements and preferences. Hence it is advisable to personalise your resume depending on the job you are applying for. ⁠
  • How do I make my resume summary stand out from the competition? ⁠To make your resume summary stand out from other job applicants, highlight what makes you unique. Emphasise specific skills, past accomplishments, and experiences. Use numbers to quantify your achievements. Also add the right keywords from the job posting to align with the job's requirements. ⁠
  • Why is a professional summary important in a resume? ⁠A professional summary in your resume offers a quick overview of your key skills and relevant job experience. Its primary purpose is to help the hiring manager quickly grasp why you're a strong fit for the job. Crafting a good professional summary sets a positive tone for your resume. It also increases your chance of securing job interviews. ⁠
  • Should you write your complete professional experience in the resume summary? ⁠No, a well written resume summary should be concise. It should offer a quick snapshot of your qualifications. Extensive details belong in the later sections of your resume.

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Anna Muckerman

Office Administrator CV Examples & UK Templates

Office Administrator CV Examples & UK Templates

Choosing the right CV format for an office administrator

Include your contact information, make use of a summary, outline your office administrator work experience: career journey to date, include the relevant key skills that make a great office administrator cv, detail your education & relevant administrative certifications, pick the right cv layout and design for an office administrator cv.

Proactive office administrators ensure everyone stays on track in the office. These talented multi-taskers wear many hats, from fielding calls and preparing professional documents to managing office supplies and organising filing systems. 

Employers are looking for office administrators who can apply their skills, experience, and high standards to ensure the office runs like a dream! So, how can you convince them that you’re the administrator they should hire?

To land this key position, you’ll need a well-written CV that shows off your proactive outlook, top-notch organisation skills, attention to detail, and team-focused approach. Get ready to launch a successful job search with our office administrator CV that demands attention!  

CV guide for an office administrator CV

Accelerate success with Our guides and CV examples cover over 150 professions, and our CV builder makes creating a compelling CV easier than ever.

This CV guide and corresponding office administrator CV example will cover the following:

How to write an office administrator CV

  • How to add your contact information
  • Using summaries
  • Adding your administrative experience
  • Listing education and relevant experience
  • Picking the right CV design/layout

The first stage in crafting a top-tier office administrator CV is to be clear about the structure you will use. Your CV should include these key components:

  • The CV header
  • The CV summary (aka profile or personal statement)
  • The employment history section
  • The CV skills section
  • The education section

Office administrators often have a broad range of duties and responsibilities, which can be tricky to condense into a concise one or two-page document. In order to create an office administrator CV that will be successful, you’ll need to fully research the role and employer so that you can tailor your CV and highlight your most impressive administrative achievements.

What is your unique selling proposition? What makes you different from other job applicants? What value can you bring to the employer? The answer to these questions is what will set you apart in this competitive job market.

Try this formula to ensure you tick all the boxes on the hiring manager’s checklist:

  • Quantify achievements rather than simply listing responsibilities in your work experience section . What have you achieved in past administrative roles? Perhaps you streamlined administrative processes or implemented new systems that boosted efficiency. If so, explain how you achieved this and any positive outcomes.
  • Tweak your CV for each job opportunity. Use the job description as your guide and tailor your CV so that it fully meets the criteria of the advertised role.
  • Ensure professional formatting and use bullet points to break up large sections of text so recruiters can easily read and digest your information. This tends to work best in the work experience section, where bullet points can help your achievements to stand out.
  • Optimise your CV with appropriate keywords from the job description. This will help you get past applicant tracking systems that many companies now use.

Always optimize your CV for ATS

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) use algorithms to scan CVs for keywords that match the job description, ranking them according to keyword frequency. Those CVs that rank highly are likely to earn a review by a recruiter, whereas the rest will sink to the bottom of the list. 

Highlight keywords or terms that are emphasised as important or repeated in the job description, then sprinkle these terms across your CV. For example, an office administrator job posting may list the following essential requirements: 

  • “Office Administrator”
  • “Customer service”
  • “MS Office”
  • “Communication skills”
  • “Attention to detail”

Your CV profile summary, when integrating these keywords, could read: 

“Energetic Office Administrator, with a solid foundation in providing optimal administrative support and customer service in fast-paced service environments. Skilled in office software, including advanced knowledge of MS Office. Eager to apply strong communication skills and attention to detail to facilitate smooth and effective office operations.” 

In most cases, the best CV format to use for your office administrator CV is reverse chronological. This format details recent work experience listed under dated employer headings, starting with your current or most recent job and working back to earlier roles. Most hiring managers expect to see this format and, as a result, find it easy to read.

If you’re just starting out as an office administrator, the functional CV format might offer a better solution. This structure prioritises skills and strengths, with little or no focus on any work experience. While this format tackles a lack of experience, it can be viewed a bit like smoke and mirrors by recruiters who may think you’re hiding something. ATS also struggle to parse a skills-based CV as keywords are in the “wrong” place. 

A good compromise is a hybrid (combination) CV format. Often considered the offspring of the reverse chronological and functional CV, this format places equal weight on skills and experience. Perfect if you’ve acquired a little work experience as well as transferable skills.

Your CV needs to be super organised, polished, and professional—also qualities of a great office administrator. Stick to a one-page, clean, crisp, and modern CV design that is straightforward for the hiring manager to read. 

Check out our CV templates if you need some inspiration and choose the format that best suits your situation. We also have several administration CV examples you can review. 

One way to distinguish yourself from other job applicants is with an eye-pleasing CV header that draws attention to your contact information. Essentially, this is your visual brand, so it needs to communicate that you’re the full package: positive, proactive, and professional.

Make sure you use the same header design for your cover letter. By presenting your CV and accompanying cover letter as a matching pair, you’re showing your regard for cohesiveness and the finer details. Here’s what you need to include: 

  • Full name & title . List your first and last name in a large font and bold text, followed by the title of the role you are pursuing.
  • Professional email address . Include a straightforward email address, such as [email protected] . Avoid anything quirky or unprofessional.
  • Phone number . Share a phone number where you can be easily reached, complete with a professional voicemail message.
  • Location . Your full address on a CV is no longer expected. Provide your city or general location or a ‘Willing to relocate' if applicable.
  • LinkedIn . Include a link to your LinkedIn profile. Just check this is updated and consistent with the information on your office administrator CV.

Don’t include:

  • Social media : Avoid including any personal social media accounts, such as Instagram, X, YouTube, or Facebook.
  • Personal details : Personal details, such as marital status, number of children, date of birth, and your NI number, are not expected or required on your CV.

Teddy Bennett

Office Administrator 

07911 123 456

Norwich, UK

[email protected]

LinkedIn profile

Administrative Specialist 


5 Alderstone Terrace, Norwich, UK

Your professional summary is your initial pitch to the hiring manager, so it needs to set the tone and introduce you as an efficient, reliable, and top-notch office administrator. 

How have you reached this point in your career? What are your passions and aspirations? How do these fit with the requirements of the office administrator role? Bottom line: what can you do for this company if hired? An impressive summary will highlight your administrative talents and give the hiring manager a good sense of the value you can bring to their company.

Stick to three or four key sentences that outline your core administrative experience, top soft skills (communication, organisation, and multi-tasking) and the unique value you can offer. This could include your ability to administer multifaceted operations, your commitment to delivering seamless client care, or your proven success optimising administrative systems and processes.  

You will, of course, go into more detail elsewhere in your CV but this will give hiring managers a quick insight into what you have achieved and can achieve in the future. 

Need inspiration for your summary? Check out our related CV examples : 

  • Administrative assistant example
  • Personal assistant example
  • Administrator example

You can find adaptable placement CV example summaries below:

Detail-oriented professional, with valuable administrative and customer service skills gained via volunteer work for a local charity. Highly organised, with the ability to manage multiple tasks concurrently to exacting standards. Articulate and confident communicator.

Experienced, proactive office administrator, who acts with tact, discretion, and professionalism at all times. Skilled in complex diary management, events coordination, and general office management. Proficient in MS Office Suite and various office management software. 

Dynamic and reliable senior administrator, with 8+ years administrative experience in the FMCG sector. Superior organisation and communication skills, applied to ensure seamless office operations and lead the administrative team. Optimised office efficiency by 35% in current role via the introduction of automated systems.

The all-important work experience section is your opportunity to show employers that you’re the perfect administrator for their office. 

Using the job description as your guide, list your current (or most recent) job at the beginning of this section, then work back in reverse chronological order to earlier roles. Just include experience relevant to your target role, covering no more than 10-15 years.

Creating dynamic, concise bullet points under each employer and role heading will make your work history more impactful. Action verbs can build even more momentum. Verbs such as ‘organised,’ ‘handled,’ ‘maintained,’ and ‘revitalised,’ can be applied to create some impact.

As an office administrator, it can sometimes be difficult to include quantifiable information when it comes to detailing achievements on your CV. While you may not have been assigned specific targets, there are bound to be areas where you have gone above and beyond to achieve results. Avoid simply listing administrative responsibilities, for example:  

  • Delivered excellent patient service
  • Optimised internal systems and processes to enhance performance
  • Supervised junior administrators

. Offer insight into what you can achieve by describing beneficial results, such as: 

  • Recognised for customer-centric approach and strong problem-solving skills, leading to an increase in client satisfaction of 25%
  • Directly contributed to the practice of securing AGPAL accreditation as part of the project team tasked with optimising internal administrative policies
  • Successfully trained and mentored new employees to ensure smooth integration to the administrative team

Take a look at the office administrator employment history CV sample below:

Office Administrator at Aviva, Norwich  June 2018 - Present 

  • Manage calendars, schedule appointments, and coordinate meetings for senior executives
  • Handle incoming and outgoing correspondence, including emails, letters, and packages
  • Maintain and update filing systems, ensuring easy retrieval of important documents
  • Assist with the preparation of reports, presentations, and other materials
  • Liaise with various departments to ensure effective communication and collaboration

Administrative Assistant at Kettle Foods, Norwich  April 2016 - May 2018 

  • Provided comprehensive administrative support to the HR department
  • Maintained employee records, processed new hire paperwork, and assisted with onboarding
  • Coordinated travel arrangements and expense reports for staff
  • Assisted with the planning and execution of company events and meetings

How to write an office administrator CV with no experience

Writing a CV is tricky enough, but what if you’re targeting an office administrator role with zero experience? In this situation, your CV needs to highlight your potential to excel in the role whether that is via relevant education, transferable skills or experience. 

Focus on your educational background. If you’ve completed a degree, diploma, or certificate in business administration or a related field then highlight this prominently on your CV. Any training, projects, or coursework that showcase administrative skills should also be included.

Even without direct experience, it’s likely that you’ll have used a range of administrative skills in other settings. For instance, you may have had a part-time job in a local shop or worked on a group project as part of your academic studies. Both of these situations require great organisational, communication, teamwork , and problem-solving skills. Reference these skills in action in your CV will help you fill in the gaps.

Extracurricular activities can also be a huge bonus. Sports teams, clubs, volunteer work, hobbies, or interests that are relatable to the role of an office administrator can also be used to address a lack of direct work experience. 

Don’t let a lack of experience deter you from applying for an office administrator job posting that catches your eye. Employers are increasingly focusing on skills when making hiring decisions and you have more skills than you think!  

Your skills section should speak the language of the job description by including terms that are repeated and emphasised as important. This includes both hard skills and soft skills . 

Highlighting your hard (administrative) skills, such as diary management, preparing professional documentation, or organising events, could really give you an edge over the competition.

Soft skills are equally important. Administrative roles typically require top-level organisation skills as well as strong customer service, communication, and collaboration skills.  

If you’re wondering how best to outline your skills, check out our CV builder which provides examples of key skills as well as proficiency levels you can adjust. You can also include your own unique skills to add that personal touch.

Here’s what the skills box looks like in our office administrator CV template. 

  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Office Management Software
  • Strong Communication and Interpersonal Skills
  • Excellent Organisational and Time Management Abilities
  • Detail-oriented and Adaptable

Skills are easy to list, but tangible evidence is much more enticing. When writing your office administrator CV, always think of examples to back up what you are stating. Link each key skill to specific situations and positive outcomes to pique the recruiters' attention.

For example, in your professional profile and work experience, highlight your: 

  • Administrative skills by showcasing the level of your experience and whether you’ve worked in SMEs or large corporate organisations.
  • Technical capabilities by highlighting knowledge of systems such as MS Office Suite Google Workspace. Gmail, Dropbox, Zoom, and Expensify.
  • Teamwork by describing your success working in a cross-functional team in a demanding office environment.

Interviewers will want to hear about your administrative skills in action once you move to the next stage of the recruitment process, so it’s good to be prepared. 

Follow up once on a job application if you don’t hear anything back

Sometimes your application may be overlooked due to the sheer volume of responses a recruiter receives after posting a job advert. You have nothing to lose by sending a polite follow-up email a week or so after sending your initial application and this may just put you back on the radar. Set up a spreadsheet to track your applications.

Moving on to your education section. Keep this clear and direct, with relevant degrees or diplomas in reverse chronological order. If you’ve completed a degree, you don’t need to include your earlier education. Recruiters will understand the steps you’ve taken to reach this level. 

Beyond your degree, this section is a great opportunity to list any training and professional development activities as these will be of great interest to hiring managers:

  • Professional courses and certifications . Courses, workshops, and seminars improve your admin skills and show your commitment to professional development.
  • In-house training . Feature any company training programs covering administration, customer service, data management, technical skills, and leadership in your CV.

Check out the education section from our adaptable CV sample below:

Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, University of East Anglia, Norwich 

  • Graduated: June 2016

Recruiters receive hundreds of CVs on a daily basis, with often little time to read them fully, so having the right CV layout and design is critical. Similar to an organised stationery cupboard, you want the reader to easily find what they are looking for.  

While a splash of colour here and there is fine, avoid adding a lot of design elements and bright colours as this can be distracting. We recommend a modern format with clear sections, professional font , and the use of colour splashes sparingly. 

The office administrator CV sample below follows these principles and uses a two-column format which is visually appealing and also maximises valuable space. 

It’s not always easy to get your CV design right the first time, but with the help of our tried and tested CV templates , you should be able to create your very own masterpiece with ease.

Office administrator text-only CV example

Highly organised and efficient office administrator with over 6 years of experience in managing day-to-day operations, providing exceptional administrative support, and ensuring smooth functioning of office procedures. Adept at multi-tasking, problem-solving, and maintaining a professional demeanour in fast-paced environments. Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite and various office management software. Committed to fostering positive relationships with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders to drive organisational success.

Employment history

Key takeaways for building an office administrator CV

In order to land the best administrative opportunities, your CV needs to showcase your stellar organisation and communication skills, strong attention to detail, flexible approach, and ability to work with professionalism and discretion.

Showcase your skill-set and tailor your CV as much as possible to the specific office administrator role and company using the job description as your guide.

Make your life easier using our online CV builder to create your office administrator CV with adaptable templates and AI-powered content.

Attractive CV templates at your fingertips

  • Career Exploration
  • Arts, Communications, & Media
  • Education, Nonprofit, & Public Health
  • Business, Consulting, Finance, & Marketing
  • Government, International Affairs, Law, & Public Policy
  • Health Professions Advising
  • Career Essentials Resources
  • Graduate School
  • Application Support
  • Short Internship Projects (SHIPs)
  • Fellowships for Undergraduates
  • Fellowships for Graduates
  • Class of 2025 Fellowship Planning
  • Fellowships for International Students
  • Civic Engagement

Writing a Personal Statement

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Preparing to Write

Brainstorming, don't forget, sample prompts.

A personal statement is a narrative essay that connects your background, experiences, and goals to the mission, requirements, and desired outcomes of the specific opportunity you are seeking. It is a critical component in the selection process, whether the essay is for a competitive internship, a graduate fellowship, or admittance to a graduate school program. It gives the selection committee the best opportunity to get to know you, how you think and make decisions, ways in which past experiences have been significant or formative, and how you envision your future. Personal statements can be varied in form; some are given a specific prompt, while others are less structured. However, in general a personal statement should answer the following questions:

  • Who are you?
  • What are your goals?
  • How does this specific program/opportunity help you achieve your goals?
  • What is in the future?

A personal statement is not:

  • A variation of your college admissions essay
  • An academic/research paper
  • A narrative version of your resume
  • A creative writing piece (it can be creative, though)
  • An essay about somebody else

Keep in mind that your statement is only a portion of the application and should be written with this in mind. Your entire application package will include some, possibly all, of the materials listed below. You will want to consider what these pieces of the application communicate about you. Your personal statement should aim to tie everything together and fill in or address any gaps. There will likely be some overlap but be sure not to be too repetitive.

  • Personal Statement(s)
  • Transcripts
  • Letters of recommendations
  • Sample of written work
  • Research proposal

For a quick overview of personal statements, you might begin by watching this "5 Minute Fellowships" video!

If you are writing your first personal statement or working to improve upon an existing personal statement, the video below is a helpful, in-depth resource.

A large portion of your work towards completing a personal statement begins well before your first draft or even an outline. It is incredibly important to be sure you understand all of the rules and regulations around the statement. Things to consider before you begin writing:

  • How many prompts? And what are they? It is important to know the basics so you can get your ideas in order. Some programs will require a general statement of interest and a focused supplementary or secondary statement closely aligned with the institution's goals.
  • Are there formatting guidelines? Single or double spaced, margins, fonts, text sizes, etc. Our general guideline is to keep it simple.
  • How do I submit my statement(s)? If uploading a document we highly suggest using a PDF as it will minimize the chances of accidental changes to formatting. Some programs may event ask you to copy and paste into a text box.
  • When do I have to submit my statement(s)? Most are due at the time of application but some programs, especially medical schools, will ask for secondary statements a few months after you apply. In these instances be sure to complete them within two weeks, any longer is an indication that you aren't that interested in the institution.

Below is a second 5 Minute Fellowships video that can help you get started!

Before you start writing, take some time to reflect on your experiences and motivations as they relate to the programs to which you are applying. This will offer you a chance to organize your thoughts which will make the writing process much easier. Below are a list of questions to help you get started:

  • What individuals, experiences or events have shaped your interest in this particular field?
  • What has influenced your decision to apply to graduate school?
  • How does this field align with your interests, strengths, and values?
  • What distinguishes you from other applicants?
  • What would you bring to this program/profession?
  • What has prepared you for graduate study in this field? Consider your classes at Wellesley, research and work experience, including internships, summer jobs and volunteer work.
  • Why are you interested in this particular institution or degree program?
  • How is this program distinct from others?
  • What do you hope to gain?
  • What is motivating you to seek an advanced degree now?
  • Where do you see yourself headed and how will this degree program help you get there?

For those applying to Medical School, if you need a committee letter for your application and are using the Medical Professions Advisory Committee you have already done a lot of heavy lifting through the 2017-2018 Applicant Information Form . Even if you aren't using MPAC the applicant information form is a great place to start.

Another great place to start is through talking out your ideas. You have a number of options both on and off campus, such as: Career Education advisors and mentors ( you can set up an appointment here ), major advisor, family, friends. If you are applying to a graduate program it is especially important to talk with a faculty member in the field. Remember to take good notes so you can refer to them later.

When you begin writing keep in mind that your essay is one of many in the application pool. This is not to say you should exaggerate your experiences to “stand out” but that you should focus on clear, concise writing. Also keep in mind that the readers are considering you not just as a potential student but a future colleague. Be sure to show them examples and experiences which demonstrate you are ready to begin their program.

It is important to remember that your personal statement will take time and energy to complete, so plan accordingly. Every application and statement should be seen as different from one another, even if they are all the same type of program. Each institution may teach you the same material but their delivery or focus will be slightly different.

In addition, remember:

  • Be yourself: You aren’t good at being someone else
  • Tragedy is not a requirement, reflection and depth are
  • Research the institution or organization
  • Proofread, proofread, proofread
  • How to have your personal statement reviewed

The prompts below are from actual applications to a several types of programs. As you will notice many of them are VERY general in nature. This is why it is so important to do your research and reflect on your motivations. Although the prompts are similar in nature the resulting statements would be very different depending on the discipline and type of program, as well as your particular background and reasons for wanting to pursue this graduate degree.

  • This statement should illustrate your academic background and experiences and explain why you would excel in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (UMass Amherst - M.S. in Civil Engineering).
  • Describe your academic and career objectives and how the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies can help you achieve them. Include other considerations that explain why you seek admissions to the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and your interests in the environmental field (Yale - Master of Environmental Management).  
  • Please discuss your academic interests and goals. Include your current professional and research interests, as well as your long-range professional objectives. Please be as specific as possible about how your objectives can be met at Clark and do not exceed 800 words (Clark University - M.A. in International Development and Social Change).
  • Write a 500- to 700-word statement that describes your work or research. Discuss how you came to focus on the medium, body of work, or academic area you wish to pursue at the graduate level. Also discuss future directions or goals for your work, and describe how the Master of Fine Arts in Studio (Printmedia) is particularly suited to your professional goals (School of the Art Institute of Chicago - MFA in Studio, Printmaking).
  • Your statement should explain why you want to study economics at the graduate level. The statement is particularly important if there is something unusual about your background and preparation that you would like us to know about you (University of Texas at Austin - Ph.D in Economics).
  • Your personal goal statement is an important part of the review process for our faculty members as they consider your application. They want to know about your background, work experience, plans for graduate study and professional career, qualifications that make you a strong candidate for the program, and any other relevant information (Indiana University Bloomington - M.S.Ed. in Secondary Education).
  • Your autobiographical essay/personal statement is a narrative that outlines significant experiences in your life, including childhood experiences, study and work, your strengths and aspirations in the field of architecture, and why you want to come to the University of Oregon (University of Oregon - Master of Architecture).
  • Personal history and diversity statement, in which you describe how your personal background informs your decision to pursue a graduate degree. You may refer to any educational, familial, cultural, economic or social experiences, challenges, community service, outreach activities, residency and citizenship, first-generation college status, or opportunities relevant to your academic journey; how your life experiences contribute to the social, intellectual or cultural diversity within a campus community and your chosen field; or how you might serve educationally underrepresented and underserved segments of society with your graduate education (U.C. Davis - M.A. in Linguistics).
  • A Personal Statement specifying your past experiences, reasons for applying, and your areas of interest. It should explain your intellectual and personal goals, why you are interested in pursuing an interdisciplinary degree rather than a more traditional disciplinary one, and how this degree fits into your intellectual and personal future (Rutgers University - Ph.D in Women’s and Gender Studies).
  • Your application requires a written statement to uploaded into your application and is a critical component of your application for admission. This is your opportunity to tell us what excites you about the field of library and information science, and what problems you want to help solve in this field. Please also tell us how your prior experiences have prepared you for this next step toward your career goals and how this program will help you achieve them (University of North Carolina Chapel Hill - Master of Science in Library Science).
  • After watching the video, please describe what strengths and preferences as a learner you have that will facilitate your success in this innovative curriculum. What challenges in our curriculum do you anticipate and what strategies might you use to address these challenges? (MGH Institute of Health Professions PT - They recently redesigned their curriculum)
  • Your personal goal statement should briefly describe how you view the future of the field, what your goals are to be part of that future, and what brought you to pursue an advanced education degree in your chosen field. You may include any other information that you feel might be useful. (Northeastern PT)
  • Personal Statement: In 500 words or less, describe a meaningful educational experience that affected your professional goals and growth and explain how it impacted you. The educational experience does not need to be related to this degree. Focus on the educational experience and not why you think you would be a good professional in this field. (Simmons PT)
  • Personal Statement (500 word minimum): State your reasons for seeking admission to this program at this institution. Include your professional goals, why you want to pursue a career in this field and how admission to this program will assist you in accomplishing those goals. (Regis College Nursing)
  • “Use the space provided to explain why you want to go to this type of program.” (AMCAS)
  • Address the following three questions(Though there is no set limit, most statements are 1–2 pages, single-spaced.): What are your reasons for pursuing this degree? Why do you wish to pursue your degree at this institution? How do you intend to leverage your degree in a career of this field? (Boston University MPH)
  • Please submit a personal statement/statement of purpose of no more than 500 words for the department/degree of choice. Professional degree essays require a clear understanding of the _______ field and how you hope to work within the field. Be sure to proofread your personal statement carefully for spelling and grammar. In your statement, be sure to address the following: what interests you in the field of _____ what interests you in a specific degree program and department at this institution and what interests you in a particular certificate (if applicable). Please also describe how you hope to use your ________ training to help you achieve your career goals. (Columbia PhD in Public Health - Epidemiology)
  • Because each Home Program requires significant original research activities in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree, we are interested in obtaining as much information as possible about your previous research experiences. Those who already have such experience are in a better position to know whether they are truly interested in performing ______ research as part of a graduate program. Please include specific information about your research experience in your Statement of Purpose. You may also use the Statement to amplify your comments about your choice of Home Program(s), and how your past experiences and current interests are related to your choice. Personal Statements should not exceed two pages in length (single spaced). Make sure to set your computer to Western European or other English-language setting. We cannot guarantee the ability to access your statement if it is submitted in other fonts. (Stanford Biosciences PhD)
  • Your statement of purpose should describe succinctly your reasons for applying to the Department of ____ at ___ University. It would be helpful to include what you have done to prepare for this degree program. Please describe your research interests, past research experience, future career plans and other details of your background and interests that will allow us to evaluate your ability to thrive in our program. If you have interests that align with a specific faculty member, you may state this in your application. Your statement of purpose should not exceed two pages in length (single spaced). (Stanford Bioengineering PhD)
  • Statement of purpose (Up to one page or 1,000 words): Rather than a research proposal, you should provide a statement of purpose. Your statement should be written in English and explain your motivation for applying for the course at this institution and your relevant experience and education. Please provide an indication of the area of your proposed research and supervisor(s) in your statement. This will be assessed for the coherence of the statement; evidence of motivation for and understanding of the proposed area of study; the ability to present a reasoned case in English; and commitment to the subject. (Oxford Inorganic Chemistry - DPhil)

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How to create a high school student resumé

Leaving high school is an exciting milestone, whether you’re continuing your studies or headed into the workforce. As you start applying for jobs (or apprenticeships or university placements), you might have noticed the importance of a certain document: your resumé.

Even though you may not have any experience behind you, a resumé for a high school student is an essential tool. It provides a snapshot of your potential, showcasing your skills, experiences and interests . It’s a great way to paint a picture of who you are and what you can offer an employer. We'll take you through the steps of creating a resumé for school leavers and students that will leave a lasting first impression.

Purpose of a high school student resumé

Why does a high school student need a resumé? A resumé can help bridge the gap between your current school achievements and your future goals. Here are a few reasons why it’s worth spending time putting your resumé together.

Applying to university

University, or further education of some form, is the next step for many school graduates. Your resumé provides a great overview of your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, volunteer work, and any other relevant experiences. It’s a great way to showcase your strengths, interests and more, which may be vital if there’s strong competition for the degree or university you want to get into.

Applying to jobs

A resumé is essential when entering the workforce, whether you’re looking for part-time , summer or internship positions. It allows employers to gain a snapshot of your skills and suitability for the job. The resumé should highlight any relevant experience, such as volunteer work, school projects and leadership roles in clubs or sports teams.

Applying to scholarships

A resumé helps you stand out when applying for scholarships, offering an overview of your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, community service and any awards or accolades. Your resumé should emphasise any strengths or achievements that meet the scholarship's criteria.

Components of a high school student resumé

While you might not have extensive professional work experience behind you as a high school student, creating an effective resumé all comes down to what you include to put your best self forward. 

Profile summary

The profile summary is a brief introduction of who you are and what you offer. Its main purpose is to capture the reader's attention and make them want to learn more about you. Think of it as your personal ‘elevator pitch’, summarising your strengths and experiences that are relevant to the opportunity you’re applying for.

  • Brief introduction:  mention your current educational status (e.g., “A recent high school graduate...”).
  • Key qualifications: highlight any qualifications you have that make you a strong candidate. If you have a school certificate or secondary score, mention it here. Be sure to include your highest school level completed or qualification achieved.
  • Relevant experiences or achievements: include any relevant experiences or achievements that align with the job or opportunity. This could be leadership roles in school clubs, participation in sports teams or volunteer work.
  • Personal traits: add a few personal traits that make you memorable. These could be characteristics like being a quick learner or a creative thinker, or having good time management skills and a positive attitude.

Experience section

The experience section is where you can list your work history, including part-time jobs, internships, volunteer work and extracurricular activities. It’s an opportunity to provide some concrete examples of your skills and abilities in action. Here’s what to include:

  • Relevant duties and skills: for each experience listed, include a brief description of your duties and the skills you developed. Be specific about your responsibilities and try to quantify your achievements where possible (e.g., “Led a team of 5 in organising school charity events”).
  • Highlights and achievements:  mention any significant achievements or highlights during your time in each role. This could include awards, recognitions, or successful projects you contributed to.

As a high school student, you may not have formal work experience . In this case, it's important to mention other types of experience that can demonstrate your skills:

  • Volunteer experiences: include any volunteer work you've done, such as community service, involvement in non-profit organisations, or participation in charity events. Describe the role you played and the skills you gained from these experiences.
  • Extracurricular experiences:  this includes involvement in sports teams, clubs, student government and other school-related activities. Highlight any leadership roles or significant contributions you made in these activities.

Education details

The education section is an important part of a high school student’s resumé as it provides an indication of your commitment to learning, areas of academic interest and any notable achievements. It often forms the bulk of your qualifications, so it’s important to get right. Here’s what you should include:

  • Current school and location: start with the name of your high school and its location (city and state/region).
  • Estimated completion date: if you’re still in high school, include your estimated graduation date. This gives the reader an idea of where you are in terms of education level.
  • Relevant courses: list any courses that are relevant to the job or opportunity you're applying for. For example, if you're applying for a tech internship, you might include computer science or mathematics courses.
  • Academic achievements: mention any academic honours, awards or recognition you’ve received. This includes impressive results in any school challenges or competitions. 

Key skills section

The key skills section is where you can showcase your abilities to paint a picture of your strengths beyond academic achievements and work experiences. It allows you to directly point out the skills you have that align with the opportunity you are applying for. Here are some high school resumé examples of what you can list:

  • Organisation : your ability to manage your space, your tasks and keep track of deadlines. 
  • Time management:  the ability to efficiently manage your time, prioritise responsibilities and meet deadlines. 
  • Communication: both written and verbal communication skills are essential to include. If you can, mention specific communication skills, like writing reports, speeches, podcasts or emails, giving presentations or contacting customers. 
  • Public speaking: if you have experience in public speaking, through presentations in class, participating in debate clubs, or MCing events, this is a valuable skill to list. 
  • Technical skills: depending on your interests and experiences, you might include skills like proficiency in software or coding languages, or other technical abilities relevant to your field of interest.
  • Teamwork:  the ability to work well in a team, collaborate with others and contribute effectively to group projects.
  • Problem solving: your ability to identify problems, think critically and come up with effective solutions.

Common mistakes to avoid

When creating a resumé, especially as a high school student, it's easy to make little mistakes  that can take away from your skills. Being aware of these can help you write a more professional resumé. Here are some key pitfalls to avoid:

  • Choosing a colourful, busy design: while it might be tempting to make your resumé stand out with colourful designs, it's important to keep it plain, so it’s easy to read.  Tip:  stick to a clean, simple layout with a standard font. Use bolder, larger headings to create clear sections, and use bullet points to organise your information. 
  • Not using action verbs:  using passive language can make your achievements seem less impressive. Tip:  start your bullet points with strong action verbs like “managed,” “created,” “led,” or “organised”. This makes your experiences sound more dynamic and impactful.
  • Not proofreading:  one of the most common mistakes is submitting a resumé with typos or grammatical errors. Tip: always proofread your resumé multiple times. It can also be helpful to have someone else review it, as they might catch errors you've overlooked.
  • Overloading with irrelevant information: it's important to keep your resumé concise and relevant. Tip: tailor your resumé to each application, focusing on experiences and skills that are most relevant to the opportunity. Keep it to one page, highlighting only the most significant points.
  • Failing to tailor the resumé: using a generic resumé for every application is a common mistake.  Tip:  customise your resumé for each application. Review the job description or criteria and highlight the experiences and skills that align most closely with them.

Resumé template for high school students

Creating a resumé as a high school student with no work experience can be a bit daunting. However, with the right structure and content, you can still make your resumé eye-catching and memorable. The key is to showcase your skills, achievements and potential. 

Below is a high school student resumé with no work experience template that you can use as a starting point. Highlight your strengths in areas outside of work experience . Focus on what you have accomplished in school, through volunteer work and in extracurricular activities, to present a well-rounded picture of your capabilities. Include any hobbies you have that are relevant to your application. [Your name in a large font] Personal Information [Address] [Phone number] [Email address] [Professional profile/Personal website] (optional)

Objective Statement [Write a brief statement about your career or educational goals and what you hope to achieve in the position you're applying for.]

Education [Name of high school], [city, state/region] Expected Graduation: [month, year] Relevant Courses: [List any courses relevant to the job or field of interest]

Work Experience (if applicable) [Job title], [employer name], [city, state] [Dates of employment]

  • [Briefly describe your responsibilities and any achievements. Use action verbs and quantify results when possible.]

Volunteer Experience [Role], [organisation name], [city, state] [Dates of participation]

  • [Describe your role and contributions. Highlight any skills developed and achievements.]

Extracurricular Activities [Activity name], [role/position], [school/organisation name] [Dates of participation]

  • [Describe your involvement and any notable accomplishments.]
  • [Skill 1]: [Brief description or example of how you've demonstrated this skill]
  • [Skill 2]: [Brief description or example]
  • [Add additional skills as relevant]

Awards and Honours

  • [Award/Honour 1], [Year]
  • [Award/Honour 2], [Year]
  • [Add additional awards/honours as relevant]

Hobbies and Interests (optional)

  • [Hobby 1] [Mention any relevant skills]
  • [Hobby 2]  [Mention any relevant skills]

References Available upon request.

High school student resumé example

Creating a resumé as a high school student can be tricky if you’ve never had to write a resumé before. To help guide you, this example integrates the key components mentioned above, tailored to a high school student.

Micah Lee Resumé

Personal Information Micah Lee 123 Maple Street, Hometown, State/Region, 1234 Phone: (123) 456-7890 Email: [email protected] Objective Statement Motivated high school senior seeking a part-time position in retail, where I can apply my strong communication skills and dedication to customer service. Eager to learn and contribute to a collaborative team environment.

Education Hometown High School, Hometown, State Expected graduation: June 2025 Relevant courses: English, Social Studies

Work Experience Volunteer, Hometown Community Library ⁠June 2023 - Present

  • Assist in organising and cataloguing books.
  • Help set up and manage community events and reading programs
  • Strong organisational and customer service skills

Extracurricular Activities Member, Hometown High School Debate Team September 2022 - Present

  • Participate in debate competitions, honing public speaking and critical thinking skills.
  • Collaborate with team members to research topics and develop arguments.
  • Organisation: demonstrated through managing school projects and volunteer responsibilities.
  • Time management: balanced academic workload with extracurricular activities effectively.
  • Communication: strong written and verbal communication skills developed through debate team participation.
  • Public speaking: gained confidence and proficiency through regular debate competitions.
  • Winner, Regional High School Debate Competition, 2024

Whether or not you have any professional experience behind you, creating a resumé as a high school student is a great way to showcase your strengths and abilities gained through education and other opportunities. Consider it an investment in your future that will grow and evolve as you gain more personal and professional experiences. 

How to create a resumé for a high school student with no work experience?

To create a resumé for a high school student with no work experience, focus on academic achievements, extracurricular activities, volunteer experiences, skills and any relevant school work. You can also highlight qualities relevant to the role. This can include things like leadership, teamwork and other soft skills.

What is an example of a high school student's objective for a resumé?

An example of a high school student's objective for a resumé could be: 

“Motivated high school student seeking a part-time position in retail, where I can apply my strong communication skills and develop my customer service skills. Eager to learn and contribute to a team environment”. 

This objective is clear, aligns with the job and highlights key personal strengths.

How do you put high school on your resumé if you haven't graduated yet?

If you haven't graduated high school yet, list your high school's name and location, followed by your expected graduation date. For example: “Example High School, City. Expected graduation: June 2025”. 

Can I include my part-time job experience on a high school student resumé?

Yes, you can and should include casual and part-time job experience on a high school student resumé. It shows you have workplace experience, a proactive work ethic and time-management skills. List the job title, employer and dates of employment, and briefly describe your responsibilities and the skills you developed.

Should I include references on my high school student resumé?

Including references on a high school student resumé is optional. If you have limited space, you can simply state “References available upon request” . If you choose to include references, make sure they are people who can positively attest to your abilities and character, such as teachers or supervisors from volunteer work. And make sure you ask them first!

Can I include extracurricular activities on my high school student resumé?

Absolutely. Including extracurricular activities on your resumé is highly recommended. They can showcase skills such as leadership, teamwork and time management. Include activities like sports teams, special interest clubs and any other activities or groups outside of school.

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Kamala harris plan to tax unrealized capital gain is scary, here’s why.

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RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA - AUGUST 16: Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Vice President Kamala ... [+] Harris speaks on her policy platform, including improving the cost of living for all Americans, at the Hendrick Center For Automotive Excellence on August 16, 2024 in Raleigh, North Carolina. This is the candidate's first major policy speech since accepting the democratic party nomination.(Photo by Grant Baldwin/Getty Images)

As a presidential candidate, Vice President Harris has piggybacked on many of President Biden’s tax plans, including his pledge not to raise taxes on anyone making under $400,000 a year . But she has plenty of other big plans for your taxes listed here that reprise Biden’s tax goals, with some of her own ideas thrown in.

They include raising top marginal rates on the top earners from 37% to 39.6%. In 2019, she floated a 4% “income-based premium” on households making more than $100,000 to pay for Medicare for All, but this has not yet resurfaced in 2024. Among the more controversial of the Biden proposals—which Harris has repeated—is a tax on unrealized capital gains for taxpayers with wealth greater than $100 million. It may be labeled a “billionaire tax,” though $100 million is a tenth of a billion.

Even so, few may want to defend billionaires (or someone with a mere $100 million for that matter) in the current climate. Some argue this fairly targets extremely wealthy Americans who have taken advantage of tax rules to pay lower rates than their secretaries. For example, wealthy people can tap their resources by borrowing money rather than selling something that would trigger tax. Some attack the proposal as a wealth tax that will chill investments of capital.

Unlike an income tax, Harris’ new wealth tax would work like this. Households worth more than $100 million would pay an annual minimum tax worth 25% of their combined income and unrealized capital gains. Say you purchase stock for $10 a share. It doubles to $20 in the first year, but you still hold it. Even though you haven’t sold it, that $10 gain would be subject to the new tax.

Real estate would work the same way. You buy a house, building, or land. The increase in value over time would be taxed every year, even though you still hold it. We have never had a tax on gains that are not “realized,” meaning sold. In that sense, this new tax would be groundbreaking, a point we’ll come back to.

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Apart from policy, there are administrative issues galore. How do you go about valuing everything every year to be taxed? Public company stock would be straightforward. But most assets could be a nightmare, and who in the end gets to carry the day on value? Disputes about value in tax cases are legendary and voluminous. Nearly every estate tax case with the IRS includes valuation disputes , often with competing experts. In income tax cases, charitable contributions of noncash assets such as real estate or crypto often also end up in major valuation fights.

Just imagine what annual value statements with tax returns might look like, in a world where the increase in value since last year turns into taxes. Capital gains have always been singled out for lower taxes, not higher. And except in the case of estate tax measured on death, it has been nearly sacred not to tax “earnings” you didn’t receive.

Besides, what if value spikes one year, you pay tax, and then it plummets the next year? You still have the now worthless asset and can’t sell it for much. So why the unheard-of shift to tax something before its time?

What is arguably the scariest part of this idea? What if this opens the door to a more generalized effort by the government to tax you on something that you still own? Right now the proposal is only to use this wealth tax for the truly wealthy. Not just billionaires, but also anyone with at least $100 million.

Once we start down this path, could we some years from now face a tax like this for someone with $20 million, $10 million, even $1 million? You get the idea. Even if the “billionaire’s tax” to hit anyone at $100 million passes, there could be court challenges based on what the U.S. Constitution says about the government’s taxing power. The Supreme Court has not fully ruled on a question like this, although one recent guidepost came in a 2024 tax case, Moore vs. USA , in which the Supreme Court upheld a tax on undistributed foreign assets.

The chances of this wealth tax passing may not be high. Harris would need to win, and both the Senate and House would need to be controlled by Democrats. In any event, this proposal could signal the dawn of new taxes and more coming. You can read more about Harris’ big plans for your taxes.

Robert W. Wood

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    For instance, resumes in countries like Germany and Brazil typically feature fewer skills, with an average closer to 5 skills per resume. This suggests that American candidates may feel a stronger need to highlight a diverse range of competencies to meet the expectations of US employers.

  27. Writing a Personal Statement

    A personal statement is a narrative essay that connects your background, experiences, and goals to the mission, requirements, and desired outcomes of the specific opportunity you are seeking. It is a critical component in the selection process, whether the essay is for a competitive internship, a graduate fellowship, or admittance to a graduate school program.

  28. How to write a high school student resumé

    [Write a brief statement about your career or educational goals and what you hope to achieve in the position you're applying for.] Education [Name of high school], [city, state/region] Expected Graduation: [month, year] Relevant Courses: [List any courses relevant to the job or field of interest] Work Experience (if applicable)

  29. Workipedia by MyCareersFuture

    Workipedia by MyCareersFuture

  30. Kamala Harris Plan To Tax Unrealized Capital Gain Is Scary ...

    They include raising top marginal rates on the top earners from 37% to 39.6%. In 2019, she floated a 4% "income-based premium" on households making more than $100,000 to pay for Medicare for ...