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Viva Presentation tips

18 tips to pass your Viva presentation

Viva Presentation of your PhD thesis requires you to prepare thoroughly. Viva Voce defense could be a failure if you don’t present properly. Learn tips on how to do PhD viva dissertation defense that makes you pass in doctoral viva. Face Viva exam confidently with an impressive opening speech. Keep some sample PhD viva questions and answers readily.

  • Adjust voice as per the room size during the presentation of PhD viva.
  • Clear Audibility is the first step for viva Voce success.
  • Present Confidently viva thesis presentation.
  • Do not stammer while defending PhD viva voce.
  • Learn how to make an appropriate eye contact during PhD viva presentation.
  • Keep ready some ready-made sample PhD viva answers.
  • Know how to extend PhD viva validity.
  • Never say you don’t know about any question
  • Try to give your best from nothing during doctoral viva presentation.

Here are my detailed advanced tips on how to pass viva voce during your PhD studies. These viva tips will help you remain confident throughout your presentation

What is a Viva Voce?

A PhD scholar does not consider completing the thesis paper an accomplishment because they are still required to go through the viva voce process.

Although there are countries such as Australia that do not require one to do so, others like the United States necessitate the scholar to go through the process.

A viva voce is an oral examination whereby the researcher is required to stand before a panel of examiners to defend their dissertation .

This is why it is essential for the scholar to ensure that they have clearly mastered the field and the chosen topic by conducting the research on their own.

During the viva voce, the evaluators are at liberty to ask whatever question they feel is related to the topic and the candidate has the obligation of answering the question satisfactorily.

Simply put, a viva voce is an oral presentation that is aimed at proving that the researcher commands knowledge on the topic and has gained knowledge on the field of study.

When is PhD Viva voce examination conducted during PhD

A PhD viva voce examination is the last thing that comes in the PhD process whereby the researcher is required to present themselves before evaluators and answer any questions thrown at them regarding the thesis.

That said, the viva voce comes after the candidate has submitted their thesis to the faculty. Upon receiving the research paper, the evaluators may require the scholar to present themselves in person and required to exhibit what they have learned during the Ph.D. process.

Therefore, a viva voce comes after submission of the thesis and before the candidate earns the doctorate title.

How long is the PhD Viva Voce Presentation with example

Many Ph.D. candidates are concerned by the duration that a viva voce takes and we would like to point out that it all depends on how prepared one is for the same.

Traditionally, a viva voce is supposed to take ninety minutes with no hassles. However, it boils down to the examiners’ decision and if they feel that the time is not enough, then they can extend the process up to three hours.

The purpose of the process is to evaluate how much knowledge one has acquired during the Ph.D. and whether they are capable of answering questions related to their topic.

Therefore, it is true to state that the length of the viva voce will depend on the examiners. If the candidate does not satisfy their expectations, they are bound to ask more questions thus the process I likely to take more time

How many examiners will site in PhD Viva Examination

Many scholars are concerned about with the viva voce since it makes almost all candidates nervous as is the case of any situation where one has to stand before viva examiners and defend their work.

When one is deemed qualified to do a Ph.D., they are assigned a supervisor who ensures that the Ph.D. process is not marred by challenges through offering advice to the scholar.

The examiners are mostly two all of which should come from the university’s faculty. To ensure that the evaluation process is effective, they are mostly chosen from the same field as the candidate. Although it is not a must, there are occasions where the examining body may also comprise of external members.

This implies that the minimum number of examiners is two but they can be more according to the university’s decision.

Viva Preparation Questions

  • What is the new thing that one feels to read your PhD dissertation?
  • How do you prove this experiment can change the way others think?
  • Explain the validity of your proposition with some examples.
  • Give one strong why should we accept your thesis to be authoritative.
  • What influenced you to make your thesis stand out from others

Why is PhD Viva Presentation conducted

A thesis is nothing short of a research paper which means that the scholar is expected to have taken their time to conduct thorough research using advanced techniques.

The main reason why a viva voce is conducted is to give the researcher an opportunity to defend their work before they are graded whether they meet qualifications or not.

The first thing that the scholar should know is that they should be able to defend their thesis which means that they should be aware of everything that is in the research paper. The reason for this is because one can never know what the examiners will ask and from which section of the thesis they will derive their questions.

It is essential that the scholar must ensure that they are prepared adequately by going through their thesis and ensure that they are able to answer any question arising from the same.

There are candidates who may be tempted to have other people write their thesis and although it may be perfect, the viva voce reveals the truth depending on whether they can defend the thesis or not.

Be what you are in your PhD Viva Exam

According to many candidates, the viva voce is an impeachment whereby they feel like they are grilled, but in a real sense, it is designed to prove to themselves and others whether they are in a situation to defend their title as a doctor of philosophy in their field.

It is therefore important for the candidate to ensure that they do not fall prey to brown nosing. They should not direct their efforts to sweet-talk the examiners by trying to impress them. Instead, the scholar is advised to play their role and prove to the evaluators that they are capable of defending what they have written in the thesis.

It is recommended that the scholar should be calm, relaxed and confident in their thesis and have the courage to stand before the examiners and express themselves.

The candidate should recognize the importance of the thesis and this is partly the reason why they have the responsibility of choosing their own topic and doing the research.

Never give one-word answers during Viva Voce viva exam

A viva voce must not be confused with a multiple choice questionnaire thus the researcher must appreciate that it is intended to diminish curiosity.

This cannot be achieved by giving one-word answers because the scholar is required to explain themselves as reflected in the thesis. Important to note is that a person’s standing or view on a certain view cannot be explained in a short statement.

The reason for this is because when one is asked a question during the viva voce, they are expected to state their position on the matter. The statement is not enough because it only triggers more questions.

Therefore, it is necessary that the scholar must support their claim by giving explanations as to why they support their arguments. In fact, the primary purpose of the viva voce is to ensure that the scholar can defend what they advocate for thus they should be in a position to give explanations and proof of what they are saying.

Be confident throughout the session (not over confident) during doctoral viva

According to human nature, there are people that find it easy to stand before others and air their view but the viva voce does not recognize that. It is essential that the scholar must be in a position to present themselves and stand for what they have presented to the faculty and the world.

At this level of learning, it is expected that the scholar must be confident enough to ensure that they can speak in front of a crowd leave alone two or three examiners. Confidence is a virtue that must be acquired by all scholars to ensure that they can stand before others and teach them or address key concerns that affect society.

However, the candidate must take caution not to be overconfident and the main reason for this is that too much confidence is interpreted as arrogance.

The bad thing about this is that the examiners are likely to get the wrong impression about the scholar. This is true because among the virtues that a Ph.D. teaches the candidate is patience and respect for others.

Do not show that you are afraid of Viva Voce of dissertation

The human mind is designed in such a manner that it controls the entire body and command activities that the individual will like and those that they will not.

One of the reasons why most scholars fail the viva voce process is that they tend to develop a negative attitude towards the same even before they go through the process.

It is essential that the scholar must be confident and not only outwardly but also inwardly. We recommend the scholar to ensure that they take all necessary measures to ensure that they do not exhibit fear in front of the examiners.

It is understandable that anyone is capable of nervousness while in front of a panel of examiners. However, we recommend that the scholar must pay attention to two things to boost their confidence. The first element is that they should prepare adequately for the process.

The second is that they should develop a positive attitude towards the viva voce. Adhering to these two advises is bound to increase the scholar’s confidence in themselves and their thesis.

My top Viva advice is to practice before one month

In the scholar’s life, before they take the Ph.D. course, it is true to say that they have gone through many examinations and passed. It is not automatic to pass an examination and it requires a lot of dedication and sacrifice.

Although there are individuals that may be tempted to take a shortcut, there is only one recipe to passing. All examinations require a lot of preparation and a viva voce is not exceptional.

This implies that the scholar must take their time to prepare for the viva voce beforehand. It is recommended that the candidate should take at least one month to prepare themselves.

It may seem like a difficult thing to do but we remind the scholar that they have a supervisor who has knowledge about the viva voce and they can offer useful advice that can make the process easy for the candidate.

Dress proper and be neat and formal during thesis viva preparation

The short description of a viva voce is that it is an oral presentation and therefore it means that there must be physical appearance.

Appearance has a powerful effect in that it creates a lasting impression on the examiners and therefore, the way that one presents themselves before the evaluators automatically make them judge the candidate’s character. The scholar wants the evaluators to be on their side and therefore the first thing that should pop in the scholar’s mind is creating a good impression.

It is essential because it may affect the examiners’ judgment which implies that a good impression is likely to yield good results while a bad impression is likely to yield bad results.

It is crucial that the scholar must dress formally for the viva voce and they should be neat. The proper dressing makes the scholar look responsible and in a position to defend their thesis.

Read your thesis once and thrice and prepare sample PhD viva answers

The viva voce is an oral presentation of the thesis and therefore it is necessary that the scholar must ensure that they have a proper understanding of their thesis before they engage with the examiners.

It is purposeful for the scholar to have 100% knowledge of the thesis even though it is common to forget some points. To avoid mistakes arising from being unable to answer some examiners’ questions, we recommend the scholar to make a point of revising the thesis before and after submitting to the faculty.

Some scholars might consider reading the thesis twice sufficient but this is not the case.

Others may be overconfident and feel that they do not have to read the thesis again but this is usually a recipe to disaster. It is our recommendation that the scholar reads through the thesis at least three times to ensure that they are familiar with all the points discussed within.

Learn how to start your opening speech of PhD Viva

It may sound tricky to summarize a paper comprising of at least 50,000 words in as little as five minutes but it is possible and the scholar should practice doing so.

Essentially, the examiners expect the scholar to have mastered their thesis and therefore they should be able to point out the problem surrounding the topic as well as the causes and recommended solution briefly.

At the onset of the viva voce, the scholar must be in a position to introduce the dissertation to the examiners briefly. This involves presenting an overview of the research paper.

Among the different sections of the thesis is the abstract section which was explained as a summary of the research paper. While preparing for the viva voce, the candidate is advised to consider the abstract and use it as a guideline for the oral presentation.

Listen to what your examiner is asking clearly

The easiest way to fail in any examination is answering the wrong questions or failing to address what the examiner requires.

It is mandatory for the candidate to pay attention to what the examiner is asking and carefully analyze points that they require from the candidate.

By doing so, the scholar is in a position to give the right feedback with reference to the thesis. It means that it is important for the candidate to concentrate during the viva voce and they should ensure that they are not distracted by anything else. 100% concentration is a requirement for the viva voce process if the candidate is going to answer questions satisfactorily.

Do not argue under any circumstance (just defend)

It should be noted that a viva voce is not a form of a debate where two parties are engaged in arguing. The candidate should note that the examiners are already professors and they are not there to engage in a battle of wits.

What they require from the candidate is proof that they have learned during the research and that they are in a position to demonstrate that they command knowledge in their specific fields.

That said, rather than argue, the candidate must ensure that the presentation is based on defending the thesis and shows the validity of the scholar’s standing regarding the points presented in the dissertation.

Pass- short corrections-resubmit- Fail after Ph.D. Viva defense

After the oral presentation, the examiners make a point of presenting their results to the candidate which point out areas that were sufficiently answered and those that were not.

The candidate should look into areas where they gave wrong answers and make a point of researching and making the necessary changes.

The correct answers should be passed to the examiners. The candidate must ensure that the correct answers are written as briefly as possible.

Do not write stuff on your hands or hold slip while defending viva thesis

During the oral presentation, it is necessary that the scholar avoids writing points in their hands or slip. It is so because it acts as a way of showing that the scholar has not prepared sufficiently for the viva voce.

In addition, it creates the impression that the researcher is not fully aware of the content in the thesis. Using written points give the impression of someone who is presenting a speech that has been written for them.

The candidate does not want the examiners feeling that they have not done the research for themselves as this would automatically lead to a fail.

How to do viva presentation with an impressive eye contact

A good presentation is one that the candidate commands presence before the examiners as it shows that they are confident with their work. It also shows that the scholar has worked hard for the thesis and they have nothing to fear regarding the viva voce.

One way of showing the examiners that the candidate is prepared and has dedicated themselves to the research is by making constant eye contact with the examiners.

The researcher should also be careful not to give too much attention to one examiner and instead they should keep eye contact with all the researchers during the whole viva voce.

Plan some expected questions and your answers

Whichever situation that one finds that they are required to make a presentation before a panel or a group of people, the first thing that the person does is to prepare adequately.

It is useful for the candidate to expect some questions that are likely to be asked during the presentation and therefore the scholar should make a list of some of them and work on possible answers.

Although one cannot fully predict the type of questions, it is important for the candidate to conduct a research of previous viva voce that have been done on the same field. Also, the scholar must consult the supervisor who may have useful advice.

Be ready to explain the drawbacks of your thesis cleverly

There is no perfect research and all of them are liable to limitations which the candidate must make a point of acknowledging before they are asked.

The scholar must be prepared to mention the drawbacks and explain why they arise. Merely stating the drawbacks is not enough since it will only make the examiners curios and therefore the candidate must defend the thesis wit-fully taking care to show that the limitations could not be avoided.

Challenges encountered during the thesis should be noted since they might be helpful in explaining the limitations or drawbacks.

Make rehearsals before two days of your viva voce

It has been noted that the scholar must ensure that they are fully prepared for the viva voce before meeting the examiners. Apart from reading through the thesis at least three times, the candidate should ensure that they prepare for the presentation prior to the scheduled day of the meeting.

If possible, the candidate is advised to look for friends and prepare a mock viva voce whereby they act as the examiners and ask questions that the candidate feel could potentially be asked.

This process should be done at least two days before the presentation. A rehearsal is important because it assists the candidate to engage how much they know pertaining to their thesis and some areas that may not have been given adequate attention can be addressed.

Never say “I don’t know” Somehow defend PhD viva (Be it wrong its ok)

A research paper consists of a lot of content and it may not be possible to remember everything that is contained in the same. It is common for the examiners to ask questions that the candidate has not prepared themselves to answer but this should not deter them from answering.

In case the candidate encounters such questions, they should not hastily state that they do not have the answer. Instead, the candidate should take their time and reflect on the thesis and analyze the connection between the question and the thesis.

It is understandable if the answer is not correct but at least the candidate should try to answer the question.

Prepare some positive statements of English to use them during presentation of your viva

One way of preparing for the viva voce is to ensure that one has answers to the examiner’s questions. The main areas of concern are the main points and how they are relevant to the topic.

A presentation must have statements that can be defended at all times since they help the scholar to show the importance of the thesis to the community. Such statements must be positive in nature and exhibit backing up of the thesis.

They should be prepared in English since it is the universal language that is applicable to almost all job specifications in the job market.

How to present PhD viva presentation positively

Positive statements are one way of the researcher showing that they have confidence in themselves and the thesis. Throughout the viva voce, the candidate must ensure that they have a positive attitude which is essential because it draws the examiners on their side.

A positive attitude makes it possible to answer questions easily and there is a likelihood that the examiners may not ask questions that put the candidate in bad situations. It enables the scholar to be motivated and therefore they are able to answer questions freely without feeling tense.

Be audible and do not look shy during thesis viva presentation

It is understandable that some people may have difficulty in standing before people and speaking their minds. However, the scholar is advised to remember that this is their dissertation and the presentation is among the stakeholders that determine whether one will pass or fail.

To counter shyness, the candidate is advised to prepare themselves adequately before the viva voce process. It is important because it boosts the candidate’s moral and level of motivation.

A scholar that is prepared becomes confident in themselves and they also develop a positive attitude which makes it easier to face the examiners and answer any question hurled at them without fear.

If you have had any experience with public speaking skills, you can do this task very easily. But unfortunately, you might have been lazy not to learn these skills when your English Teacher taught you during your school days. You need to give your count now while doing your Ph.D. viva. These skills are very necessary to get through these oral sessions. The way you speak is what matters seriously for the examiners or the reviewers.

Once you are through enough to make it, you can become successful. This way you can become a lot more confident and you will pass this viva without any doubt. While presenting do remember that you have to make some preparation for the last two months. This preparation is the only backbone for your viva. If you do not prepare beforehand you will face trouble while presenting your Ph.D. viva oral

When you keep this in mind, there are some other tips, I want to give here. See how PhD candidates do their viva online. If you go on to youtube you will get many videos in real time. Learn from them how they are able to present during such stressful sessions. I suggest you watch at least one video about Ph.D. viva or any other sessions with respect to Viva. This will surely give you fuller knowledge and viva presentations presentation tips about viva

When you want to give Ph.D. viva, try to show respect who are around you. They may be irritating sometimes to face. But you must never lose temper if someone asks you an inappropriate question. These type of unrelated questions are very common while giving your Ph.D. viva oral examination.

Master all the techniques on how to face audience and PhD supervisor during your viva voce. The way you speak, the way you behave, the way you respond, the way you manage, the way you present. All such skills must be learned before going to viva session.

You cannot make yourself a bluff in front of others for simple questions. So in order to avoid this, you must take your viva seriously and make sufficient preparation.

Never lose heart rather increase your active participation in the viva. If someone corrects you, accept it humbly and proceed to the next defending minutes. So Ph.D. viva is not a big problem if you follow all these suggestions throughout the reading on how to do Ph.D. Viva viva tips

Syam Prasad Reddy T

Hello, My name is Syam, Asst. Professor of English and Mentor for Ph.D. students worldwide. I have worked years to give you these amazing tips to complete your Ph.D. successfully. Having put a lot of efforts means to make your Ph.D. journey easier. Thank you for visiting my Ph.D. blog.

is PhD tough

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How to Prepare a Presentation for Your Viva

6th February 2024

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how to prepare phd viva presentation

The viva is a pivotal moment in your academic journey. It’s your opportunity to showcase your PhD research, defend your findings, and demonstrate your expertise to an academic audience. While the prospect of presenting in front of examiners may seem daunting, thorough preparation and strategic planning can help you navigate the process with confidence and success. In this guide, we’ll show you how to prepare a presentation for your viva, making it compelling and effective.

Understand the Purpose of Your Viva Presentation

Before diving into the preparation process, it’s crucial to understand the purpose of your viva presentation. Your presentation serves as a platform to:

  • Summarise your research objectives, methodology, and key findings.
  • Provide context for your research within the broader academic field.
  • Engage in scholarly discourse and defend your research decisions.
  • Demonstrate your critical thinking skills and ability to articulate complex ideas.

Start Early and Establish a Timeline

Begin your preparation well in advance of your viva date to allow ample time for research, drafting, and rehearsal. Establish a realistic timeline that includes milestones for outlining your presentation, gathering feedback, and refining your delivery. Breaking down the preparation process into manageable tasks will help you stay organised and focused as your viva date approaches.

Know Your Audience and Guidelines

Familiarise yourself with the expectations and guidelines provided by your academic institution or department regarding viva presentations. Understand the format, duration, and specific requirements for your presentation, including any additional materials or visual aids allowed. Tailor your presentation to your audience, which typically includes examiners, faculty members, and peers, by ensuring clarity and relevance in your content.

Structure Your Presentation Effectively

A well-structured presentation is essential for conveying your research findings coherently and engaging your audience. Consider the following structure:

  • Introduction: Provide an overview of your research topic, objectives, and methodology. Capture your audience’s attention and establish the context for your study.
  • Literature Review: Discuss relevant literature and theoretical frameworks that inform your research. Highlight key debates, gaps in the literature, and your research contributions.
  • Methodology: Describe your research design, data collection methods, and analytical techniques. Justify your methodological choices and address any limitations or challenges encountered.
  • Findings and Analysis: Present your research findings and data analysis, illustrating key patterns, trends, and insights. Interpret your findings within the context of your research question and theoretical framework.
  • Discussion: Engage in critical reflection on your findings, considering their implications, significance, and potential avenues for future research. Address any counterarguments or alternative interpretations.
  • Conclusion: Summarise the main points of your presentation, reiterate your research contributions, and conclude with a compelling closing statement.

Create Visual Aids and Supporting Materials

Visual aids such as slides, charts, and graphs can enhance the clarity and impact of your presentation. Use tools like Canva or Prezi to make your presentation more compelling. Keep your slides concise and visually appealing, using clear headings, bullet points, and relevant imagery. Practise effective use of visual aids to supplement your verbal explanations and reinforce key points. Additionally, prepare supporting materials such as handouts or supplementary documents to provide examiners with additional context and reference materials.

Rehearse Your Presentation and Seek Feedback

Rehearsal is key to delivering a confident and polished viva presentation. Practise your presentation multiple times, focusing on pacing, articulation, and body language. Time your presentation to ensure that you stay within the allocated timeframe and allow for questions and discussion. Consider recording yourself or presenting to a trusted colleague or mentor to receive constructive feedback on your delivery and content. A mock viva session with an expert academic could also be helpful to address incosistencies in your presentation. Incorporate feedback to refine your presentation and address any areas for improvement.

Prepare for Questions and Discussion

Anticipate potential questions and areas of inquiry that examiners may raise during the Q&A session following your presentation. Reflect on your research methodology, findings, and theoretical framework, preparing concise and well-reasoned responses to address queries effectively. Be open to constructive criticism and engage in scholarly discourse with examiners, demonstrating your depth of knowledge and ability to engage critically with your research.

Stay Calm and Confident on the Day

On t he day of your viva presentation , remain calm, composed, and confident in your preparation and abilities. Arrive early to familiarise yourself with the presentation venue and technical setup. Remember that your viva presentation is an opportunity to showcase your expertise and passion for your research. Approach the experience with enthusiasm and a positive mindset, embracing the opportunity to engage in academic dialogue and contribute to your field of study.

Embrace Your Viva Presentation With Confidence

Preparing a viva presentation requires thorough planning, meticulous attention to detail, and effective communication skills. By following these essential steps and guidelines, you can prepare a compelling and articulate presentation that demonstrates your research prowess and academic achievements. Approach your viva presentation with confidence, enthusiasm, and a commitment to scholarly excellence, knowing that you have diligently prepared to showcase your research to the academic community.

Need Support Before Your Viva?

Our team of experienced academics can provide valuable guidance to help you prepare successfully for your viva da y.  Fill out the form today to learn more about our tailored services for PhD students designed to elevate your academic performance and achieve your scholarly goals.

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Tips to Prepare PhD viva-voce Presentation Slides

Best PhD viva ppt slide preparation tips

Dr. Sowndarya Somasundaram

Preparation of neat PhD viva -voce presentation slides and perfectly presenting them in the given time is very important for a PhD viva-voce examination as it going to give a good impression on both the research scholar and supervisor or mentor by the examiners or moderators.

Before designing the presentation slides, the scholar has to decide what to include and what not to include in the slides. It is always a big deal for a scholar to include all the research findings and data in the presentation that was obtained during the research program (4 to 5 years).

The scholar has to remember that the presentation should include only the major research findings and key contributions as time management is important. Therefore, iLovePhD framed simple and useful tips to prepare PhD viva-voce presentation slides in this article.

General Structure of the PhD Viva-Voce Presentation Slides

how to prepare phd viva presentation

  • A title slide which includes Title , Supervisor name & affiliation, Scholar name, Date, and Venue
  • Presentation outline – Here you need to list your agenda
  • Introduction – Give a brief introduction about the background of your study. It may be of 2 to 3 slides.
  • Need for the Study – This is an important slide to convince the examiners and the audience to understand the importance of your study.
  • Problem Statement –This is also an important slide that should not be missed out. Problem statement should be of 4 to 5 lines indicating the purpose and intent of the research.
  • Objectives of the Study – List the key research objectives in a single slide and number them.
  • Methodology – Present the Methodology of your study with a neat flowchart. This may be of 1 to 2 slides.
  • Results and Discussion – This is the most important section in the PhD defense presentation.
  • Conclusion – Summarize the results and conclude the research outcomes with societal benefits.
  • Publication details – Present your publication details
  • References – List the relevant references.
  • Acknowledgment -Register your gratitude in the acknowledgment slide.
  • A Thank You slide

Sample PhD Viva-Voce Presentation Slides

The format of the presentation slides is presented below. This would give you an idea to prepare the slides.

phd viva presentation tips

Tips to prepare Ph.D. viva-voce presentation slides

  • Give a brief introduction about the background of your study. Always present the information in a bulleted manner rather than lengthy paragraphs. Don’t mess up the slide with too much information. Instead, you can give 4 to 5 key points in a slide.
  • Highlight the research gap or the existing limitations and then arrive at the need for the study. You can present the need for the study in the form of concept schematics, which makes the examiner and the audience understand it easily.
  • Present your problem statement clearly to establish the focus of your research.
  • List the key research objectives in a numbered manner ie., Objective 1, objective 2 like that. You know, it will be easy to follow.
  • Present the detailed methodology of your study with neat schematics or flowcharts to visually represent your research approach.
  • Discuss the important research findings and data presented in your thesis in a simple and bulleted manner. Don’t keep it as a paragraph in the slide rather you can present the findings with the help of graphs like bar charts, pie charts, etc. Always present your findings with scientific evidence.
  • Connect your findings with past relevant literature and emphasize the novelty of your research clearly. Also, highlight the key contributions of your study.
  • Use visual aids like schematics, graphs, and tables wherever necessary. Use real images to show your experimental set-up. Ensure the quality of the images are clear and readable.
  • Specify the experimental conditions at appropriate places.
  • Summarize the results of your research objectives and then conclude the research outcomes with societal benefits. It is very important to connect your research results with the societal benefits.
  • Use hyperlinks at appropriate places for presenting huge and important data like Datasets, experimental procedures, and important literature.
  • Check the flow and logical connectivity between each slide.
  • The last tip is to ensure that the flow of your presentation is in line with your thesis.

Bonus Tips to Prepare PhD viva-voce Presentation Slides

  • Maintain uniformity in designing the slide, preferably, use a white background with any dark-colored font.
  • Use legible font size and you can use Times New Roman or Arial font style.
  • Don’t forget to put the slide number. At the end of your presentation, examiners raise questions by pointing to the slide number. So, including the slide number at the bottom of your slide is very important.
  • Limit your presentation slides to 50 to 55 slides. It is expected to finish the presentation in 20 to 30 minutes. So, plan accordingly. Otherwise, you may have to speed up the presentation to finish it.
  • Finally, double or triple-check your slides and practice several times before presenting them on your final day.

By following the above-said tips, you can prepare well-organized presentation slides for your PhD defense.

If any of you want the sample format of the presentation slides, you can write us to this email ID [email protected] . We will share the PPT for your reference.

Happy researching!

Also Read: Top 38 Possible PhD Viva Questions

Tips to Prepare PhD Viva-Voce Presentation Slides

  • Academic presentation tips
  • best phd viva presentation ppt
  • Doctoral defense preparation
  • PhD defense slides
  • phd viva presentation
  • phd viva presentation tips
  • PhD viva-voce
  • presentation
  • Presentation slides
  • presentation tips
  • Research presentation strategies
  • Research Tips
  • Thesis defense slides
  • Thesis presentation tips
  • Tips for PhD viva
  • viva preparation
  • Viva presentation advice
  • viva-voce ppt

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Tips to Prepare PhD viva-voce Presentation Slides

Creating well-structured slides and delivering a refined presentation within the designated timeframe is crucial for a successful PhD viva examination.

Before designing the presentation slides, the scholar must carefully determine the content to include, taking into account what they should emphasize and what they can omit.

This article offers straightforward yet invaluable tips to prepare PhD viva-voce presentation slides.

Example of a Ph.D. Viva-Voce Presentation Slides Structure:

Tips for preparing a successful ph.d. viva-voce presentation:.

Here are some tips for preparing a successful Ph.D. viva-voce presentation:

This presentation not only influences the perception of the research scholar, supervisor, or mentor but also leaves a lasting impression on the examiners or moderators. It is essential for the scholar to meticulously curate the content of their presentation slides, focusing on highlighting the most significant research findings and key contributions while managing the extensive amount of data gathered over several years.

It is also advisable to incorporate hyperlinks for accessing extensive data or references and ensure the use of high-quality and readable images.

Furthermore, maintaining a limited number of slides and ensuring a seamless flow and connectivity throughout the presentation are crucial elements. By adhering to these guidelines, research scholars can create compelling presentations that aptly communicate their research findings and leave a strong impression during their PhD viva-voce examination.

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How to prepare for your viva: 8 useful tips

Agata frymus.

21 June 2018

1: Read your thesis

No matter how many times you have done it before, reading your thesis a week or two before the viva is always a good idea. Although I have proofread my thesis several times before the submission, this time my focus shifted : rather than looking for spelling mistakes, typos and missing references, I concentrated on the quality of my argument. What are the research questions posed in each chapter? What are the main findings? And, most importantly, how could this work be improved?

To make sure I actively engaged with the ideas developed by the thesis, I highlighted some parts of the texts and made notes. I also produced a rather short document in which I summarised each of my eight chapters (as well as the introduction and conclusion) according to the following criteria:

  • Key arguments and findings
  • Methodology and scholarship used

Thinking about my work in those fairly broad terms helped me to understand how to explain it to those who might not be familiar with the specificity of my subject. Additionally, it enabled me to reflect on the potential shortcomings of the research I conducted, which proved instructive during the viva discussion. Although this might sound like a laborious process, let me assure you that it was not. I have spent about a week (if not less) reading the thesis and making notes, and it wasn’t even the only thing I was occupied by (which brings me to my next point).

how to prepare phd viva presentation

Part of the table/ document I produced as I was re-reading my thesis

2: Don’t over prepare 

How long is one supposed to spend on viva preparation? Given the importance of the examination, you might be tempted to think that the longer the better, right? Well…not exactly. After all, everyone I talked to (see point 4) admitted they regretted spending too much time on the prep. Even though I have heard stories of PhDs devoting a month – or more –  solely to viva-related study, I decided to be sensible and spend no longer than two weeks on preparations. Two weeks in which my mind won’t be occupied by anything else but the viva. When I shared my plan with my supervisor, he deemed it extravagant. ‘How long do you need to read something?’, he asked, and I’m glad he did. The thing is, as a PhD student you have spent at least three years researching your topic. At this point, you are the expert in your chosen field; it is probably fair to assume that you do not need weeks and weeks of additional study. You have already done the groundwork. Be confident in your knowledge.

3: Think about the potential questions

One of the best things you can do to maximize your chances of a confident viva performance is to consider the potential viva questions and the way in which you could approach them. There are plenty of websites that provide you with sample discussion points that are likely to be raised by your examiners and most of them are broad enough to be applicable to your thesis, regardless of the specificity of your topic. I used these and these as starting points. Considering the questions in advance will add to your confidence as you will be less likely to be taken by surprise. If you do, however, end up being mildly shocked by the question asked by the examiner, do not panic. It is perfectly fine to take some time to gather your thoughts, or even write main points down on a piece of paper if the question is more complex.

Some of the questions I have been asked at the beginning of my viva included:

  • Why have you chosen these particular stars as your case studies? What sparked your interest in them?
  • How did you go about conducting your research?
  • What are the differences between researching print copies of fan magazines and the online/ digitised versions?

Most of the questions, however, related to specific paragraphs and passages from my thesis. The worksheet I produced as part of the prep process (see point 1), enabled me to anticipate criticism and answer such questions without feeling like I’m losing my ground.

how to prepare phd viva presentation

You don’t necessarily need to write your answers down either: one of my friends told me they went on long walks during which their pondered the potential discussion points and subsequent responses.

4: Talk to people who have passed their viva

The views expressed by those who have successfully passed their viva seemed to share a similar tone: it’s nothing to worry about, it’s nowhere as scary as you think it will be, it will be fine, and so on. This, in itself, is quite reassuring. Talking to friends and colleagues about their experiences , however, might give you some interesting insights too. I really dreaded questions relating to the critical choices I made in the process of compiling my thesis: why have I chosen this star/ fan magazine, and not a different one? How should I explain something that was, in many respects, not only an analytical, but also a personal choice? What I understood as a result of those conversations was that simple, honest answers (‘these specific fan magazines are easily available in the digital form and are searchable’/ ‘Pola Negri has something of a cult status in Poland, where I come from’) are often the best ones.

5: Arrange a mock viva

It’s a truism, I know, but confidence is key. Even if you have conducted high quality research, your points will not come across particularly strong if you mumble or are not able to express yourself clearly. Before presenting any paper or a lecture I always, always make sure I practice my presentation in front of friends, family members or anyone who is willing to listen. This gives me a better understanding of how I will behave under pressure , because a certain amount of stress is always there, no matter if I present in front of my boyfriend or an academic audience of 30.

Therefore, I think it is crucial to run a mock viva as part of one’s preparation. It will not always increase your confidence at the actual thing, but it will also give you some useful feedback regarding your answers and performance. For example, my mock viva – which I organised with a fellow PhD student and my supervisor as examiners – made me realise that I need to be more explicit when talking about my methodology, starting with more general terms. Although I have explained the importance of post-colonialism, critical race studies and feminism in structuring my approach, I failed to mention gender and film studies, which are much broader and probably more important categories. Secondly, the feedback I received as the result of this exercise boosted my confidence. Despite the fact my heart was racing/ my hands were shaking/ I felt very anxious, neither of my mock examiners noticed any of it. At the end, the mock examination turned out to be much more stressful than the real one!

Alternatively, you can arrange a mock viva with friends, or even video record your answers on your phone. Whilst watching yourself might sound painful, it could show you that you never come across as bad as you think you do. It’s scientifically proven.

6: Know your examiners

I find interviews/ examinations/ any form of discussion less threatening if I have met the person doing the questioning. This might not work as effectively for everyone, but somehow meeting one of the examiners in person beforehand – even if that meant simply knowing their tone of voice and general demeanour – made me feel much more confident in myself. If you feel the same way, I would suggest you try to meet your examiners in an informal setting. They will probably be fine with a coffee sometime before the viva, as long as you explain your reasoning and stay away from discussing your PhD and the viva itself.

My viva took place on Tuesday. I spent the last couple of days leading too it doing absolutely nothing in terms of preparation, assuming, rather correctly, that it will achieve little more than stress me out.  I went to see a friend over the weekend (we made vegan burritos) and stayed at another friends’ house the night before, watching First Dates. I know that people deal with stress differently, but for me, preparing earlier and then taking my mind off the viva was the best thing I could do. Have a bath/ go on a hike/ exercise the night before; whatever works.

how to prepare phd viva presentation


8: And finally… Enjoy it!

The viva is a rare opportunity to discuss your research with two people who not only have read your thesis in its entirety, but who are also likely to be specialists in your field . Make the most of the opportunity it offers, and enjoy yourself as you do; after all, you produced a valuable piece of work and there is no reason why you should not feel happy about it.

how to prepare phd viva presentation

Agata Frymus  is a Marie Skłodowska Curie post-doctoral fellow at University of Ghent, Belgium, where she works on black cinemagoing in the 1920s and 1930s.​  Her main research interests include silent film, classical Hollywood and the history of gender and race representations in American culture. Agata’s work has been published in  Celebrity Studies Journal ,  Early Popular Visual Culture   and the ​ Historical Journal of  Radio, Film and Television .

Disclaimer: The IAMHIST Blog is a platform that offers individual scholars the opportunity to present their work and thoughts. They alone are responsible for the content, which does not represent the view of the IAMHIST council or other IAMHIST members.

What a timely email to land in my in-box: mine is on the 4th July!

Remember that your examiners will be wanting you to showcase your research in best possible light. Remember that you are the world’s expert in your thesis topic, and that the viva is a rare–maybe a once-in-a-lifetime–opportunity to discuss your work in the greatest depth with experts whom you respect. Remember that you have lived with and love your topic and will naturally be enthusiastic as well as highly knowledgeable about it.

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5 tips for passing your PhD viva

Every Doctoral researcher is expected to defend their thesis through an oral test known as a viva voce - so discover how to prepare for your PhD viva and ensure you make a good impression on the examiners

1. Understand what's expected of you

The PhD viva exam has traditionally always taken place in person, with the interview style discussion overseen by at least two (internal and external) examiners. Afterwards, you would be provided with a joint written report detailing any corrections that need to be made.

However, during the pandemic, the online PhD viva become more commonplace with this exam more likely to take place via Microsoft Teams, Skype or Zoom. Even now, a number of years later, many universities still allow for the viva to take place online, or a hybrid of online and in-person assessment.

The virtual experience still follows much the same format, but you'll be briefed in advance about the arrangements and any technical aspects to bear in mind. You can prepare for an online PhD viva by reading our video interview tips .

The chair of the viva is usually the internal examiner, although it can be an independent person. If you and the examiners agree, your PhD supervisor can also be present.

The examiners' main objective is to ascertain that you've written your own thesis, so if you have and are ready to talk through how you completed it, there's no need to panic. You may even enjoy the viva voce test.

In addition to assessing your thesis, the examiners are also there to assist you in deciding how and where this research might be published.

There are various results between a 'pass' and 'fail' but it's very rare to slip up at this point of a PhD. Most Doctorate awards will be made upon the condition that a number of minor corrections are made, with re-submission requests far less common.

While the pass rate is high, the viva exam itself can still be intellectually demanding. This is because you'll be debating issues that are conceptually complex, so preparation is crucial to your success.

At the end of it, whatever the outcome, be prepared to take on board any advice, as the examiners are there to help you improve your argument or the presentation of your thesis.

2. Know your thesis inside out

While this isn't a memory test - as you're fine bringing notes and a copy of your thesis with you - it's still important to gain a good understanding of what you've written and be knowledgeable about your field of study.

You'll need to think carefully about where this original piece of work would be placed in the context of the wider body of research carried out in this field. Questions will be asked about this, as well as whether the project could possibly be developed further through any future research.

As you'll be explaining parts of the document to the examiners (who'll also have a digital or physical copy), make sure the pagination is the same in your version as the one they're looking at to avoid any issues regarding everybody being on the same page.

If you get stuck at any point during the viva exam, you can use looking at the thesis as an excuse to re-focus and gather your thoughts.

3. Anticipate the PhD viva questions

The examiners will have prepared a series of questions for you to answer at the viva voce, but this is nothing to get too concerned about. The questions will all be based on your thesis - what it's about, what you did and what you found out - and why this matters, in relation to your field of study.

So when getting ready for the viva, consider the types of questions you're likely to be asked, including:

  • What original contribution has your thesis made to this field of study?
  • Explain the main research questions you were hoping to address.
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of your thesis?
  • If you had to start the thesis again, what would you do differently?
  • If funding was no object, describe how you'd follow on from this project.
  • What are your plans for the future?

It can be helpful to practise your answers beforehand, ideally vocalising them by arranging a mock mini viva - although, as you aren't restricted in terms of referring to notes in the exam, you can leave room for spontaneity, and you don't need to learn it all off by heart.

If your viva is being held online, you can ensure any technical issues are identified before the day by having a run through with your supervisor or a friend.

While it may sound simple, stick to answering the questions posed. It's really easy to go off on a tangent and this can open up other lines of enquiry from the examiners - possibly in areas you hadn't expected to be quizzed about.

On the other hand, it's completely fine to bring personality to your reasoning and use stories as a means of describing the learning process you've gone through and the techniques mastered over the last three or four years that have brought you to this point.

4. Learn about your examiners' own work

The senior and well-respected academics who'll be reading your thesis will have their own ideas on conducting PhD standard research. Therefore, it's worth taking a look online at their academic and LinkedIn profiles to discover if there's any correlation with the research they've had published and your own work.

From this, you should be able to gain a better idea of their motivations, their possible views on your thesis and the kinds of questions they might wish to discuss after having read through it.

You should research up-to-date theories, read any recent papers on the subject and speak to others who've recently had their own viva exam. Think about how your work differentiates from the research carried out by others in your chosen field.

Prepare to provide any supporting evidence asked of you by the examiners - for example, they may request to see experimental data you mention once the exam is over.

It's also necessary to check the policies and practices in place at your university and be sure of what the roles of the examiners are and how the viva panel will be structured. In many cases, Doctoral students can choose the examiners conducting the PhD viva.

5. Plan towards the viva exam

From the moment you know the date of your viva voce, work backwards and plan the steps you'll need to take before the day itself. Allow enough time to assess and review your work so that as the day approaches, you can focus on the practicalities.

This encompasses everything from making sure you relax, eat and sleep well the day before to arranging transport so you get to the viva on time.

An online PhD viva will present its own challenges, so ensure your working space is presentable and you still make an effort in terms of what you'll be wearing.

It's always advisable to adhere to interview etiquette and go with something that's both smart and comfortable. By looking the part, this should get you in the right frame of mind to communicate in a professional manner.

In the build-up, avoid any situations that might make you feel stressed and instead try to adopt a positive attitude, one that results in a genuine eagerness to engage in a debate about the work you've been toiling over.

If you're travelling to the exam, be sure to check that you have everything you need, including the thesis, plus any notes or other materials that will help support your claims.

The Doctoral viva can last between one and four hours - usually two - so it's necessary to pace yourself to get off to the best possible start.

Remember, the examiners aren't trying to trip you up - they want you to pass and are primarily there to hear you talk about your project. So, after the polite introductions, they'll typically start with an icebreaker to put you at ease and help calm the nerves.

It's meant to be an open and honest conversation about your work, so feel free to politely disagree with the examiners, especially on areas you feel strongly about. Don't forget to use examples from your thesis to back up what you're saying, remembering to be clear and concise.

If you know your way around your thesis and can explain your thinking and way of working, this test shouldn't be a problem. And if you don't know the answer to a specific question - admit it, as it's better to concede your limitations in an area than ramble on and hope they don't notice you're struggling to come up with an explanation.

Remember that no research is perfect, so it's important to appreciate this during the discussion - but don't be too overcritical about your work either, as that's not your job.

Finally, as the PhD viva can quickly move from a series of friendly questions to those that are more in-depth, take some time to think before answering. Don't worry about any periods of silence from the examiners, as this certainly isn't an indication that you're doing badly.

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14 top tips to help you prepare for the PhD viva



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The viva examination can be an exciting but nerve-wracking experience – the culmination of years of hard work and research. Prior planning for the event will help ease the nerves and boost your confidence.

The following ideas are taken from publications, my own experience and discussions with other PhD students and should help you prepare for a more enjoyable viva. You don’t need to do all of these. Remember, if you’re at the stage where you’re preparing for your viva, you’ve already done 99% of the work!

1) Annotate your thesis I used highlighters and different pens as well as post-its indicating emphasis, important literature, the contribution of the study, typos, useful extracts, and sections.

2) Find out about the viva process Who will be there? What are their roles? Would you like your supervisors to attend? Take part in the Cardiff University Doctoral Academy viva course to understand what to expect.

3) Do some (more) research Look at the examination procedures, university guidance, and criteria. To what extent does your thesis meet the criteria?

4) Get reading I read the book How to Survive Your Viva: Defending a Thesis in an Oral Examination by Rowena Murray; it is filled with helpful information about viva preparation.

5) Think ahead Plan certain topics in advance that you can refer to during the viva, such as:

  • the key authors/main studies in the field
  • the gap in research and your original contribution
  • a short summary of the thesis
  • a more extended summary of the thesis
  • summaries of each chapter
  • questions for the examiner
  • the highlights of your thesis

6) Practise and rehearse What are the most commonly asked questions in your field? Plan and practise your answers in advance. Elaborate; plan how you can extend the answers. Think about how to say what you did and why you did it. I found listening back to recordings of myself answering some trickier questions really effective.

7) Buy yourself time Plan what you will say if you do not know the answer to a question. The examiners may ask you things that you have not thought about. You are allowed to ask for clarification, or you can come back to the question later.

8) Present at a conference This will help you to practise articulating your work to others, get used to answering questions about your research and gain confidence. You know your research better than anyone; be ready to defend it.

9) Mock it up Arrange a mock viva with your supervisors or ask a colleague to ask you questions. Practise giving concise and confident answers in an examination situation.

10) Look at the examiners’ work You are probably already familiar with what they have done; they may ask about things they are interested in and have published about.

11) Listen to podcasts The PhD Life Raft podcast has excellent episodes, such as  Preparing for Your Viva , and What Does a PhD Examiner Look for in a Thesis? . Some Viva Survivor podcast episodes could also be beneficial.

12) Visualise and mentally prepare Imagine yourself in the viva situation, successfully discussing your research. Think about all the achievements, the efforts you have put in, successes, and positive feedback throughout your PhD. Everyone gets nervous. Can you rest, exercise, or do something enjoyable in the days leading up to the viva?

13) Prep your ‘on the day’ details What will you wear? Pack paper and pens for note taking and the annotated thesis. What else are you going to take with you? The viva can last up to a few hours; will you need water, food, or your laptop?

14) Finally, try to enjoy the big day! The viva is a unique opportunity to discuss your work with experts in the field. They have spent time reading your thesis; now is your opportunity to demonstrate your contribution, your knowledge of the field, the work you have put in, your learning, and your research skills.

Get in touch with Kaisa on Twitter/X and LinkedIn.

You can also hear more about her PhD journey on the PhD Life Raft Podcast .

Want more tips?

The Doctoral Academy is running the following online sessions on the Viva:

  • Examination and the Viva (Humanities and Social Sciences) – 29 November
  • The Viva – 11 December

Book your place now via the Learner Portal .

Have you signed up to Dr App yet?

On this resource you’ll find lots of great videos including one on preparing for the viva. To sign up, complete our  Dr.App registration form .

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5 Tips for Preparing for Your PhD Viva

Picture of Zebastian D.

  • By Zebastian D.
  • December 13, 2019

Preparing for your PhD Viva

You’ve just passed a massive milestone: writing and submitting your PhD thesis. This has been the culmination of at least three years of work and is definitely a cause for celebration. But the journey’s not fully over just yet – you still have the viva to pass. In the UK the viva usually lasts a few hours and involves a detailed discussion of your thesis with two expert examiners; your primary supervisor may or may not sit in this. Expect the viva to be tough – you’ll need to be able to defend your PhD thesis and respond to questions designed to probe your understanding of your subject. But if you prepare for it well, you’re likely to come out of it having had an enjoyable experience discussing your work with people genuinely interested in your project.

Here are some tips to help you prepare for the day.

1. Know Your Thesis

You should expect your examiners to have spent a considerable about of time going through your PhD thesis and the content of it will be fresh in their mind; make sure it’s fresh in yours too. Yes, you’re the one that’s written it but, if you’ve planned well , you may have written some of your chapter content quite a while ago. Equally, I would definitely recommend checking to see if any new papers in your field have been published since writing your chapters and submitting your thesis.

2. Know Your Examiners

Your examiners will be experts in their fields, and at least one (if not both) will be experts in the same field of your research. Make sure you look up papers they’ve published and think about how they fit in with your work. It’s likely that some of their line of questioning in the viva will be based around their contributions to the research area.

3. Think of Possible Questions

It’s a good idea to spend time with your supervisor to think of possible questions the examiners may ask you. In particular, can you predict the tough questions that might come your way and how you might best answer them? Are there any areas within your work that you would consider as limitations for your studies and that you should be prepared to acknowledge? Some preparation here and even a mock interview will go a long way in making the actual thing feel easier.

4. Bring a Copy of Your Thesis

Make sure you have your own printed copy of your PhD thesis that you bring along with you to the viva. Make notes and highlight pages and sections within it that you especially want to bring attention to. You might also find it useful to print separate larger copies of key results (e.g. graphs or figures) that you think would be useful to discuss. Some props that help explain concepts (if relevant) can also be a brilliant way to guide the discussions to areas you’re most comfortable with.

5. Focus on Your Strengths

Try to view the viva as an opportunity to showcase the new knowledge you have added to your field of research. Focus on the positives that have come out of your work; all projects will have some areas of weakness but there’s no need to highlight these to your examiners unless directly asked about them. Coming into your viva with one or two papers published (if possible) is a great positive – it’ll give you confidence that your work has already stood up to peer-review and is a very good way to present your contributions to research.

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Dr Clarence gained her PhD in Higher Education Studies from Rhodes University, South Africa in 2013. She is now an honorary research associate at the University and also runs her own blog about working as a researcher/parent in academia.

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Dr Ayres completed her PhD at the University of Warwick in 2017, researching the use of diamond to make electrochemical sensors. She is now a research scientists in the water industry, developing different analytical techniques and sensors to help keep our water systems safe.

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  • Completing your DPhil

Preparing for the Viva Exam


The Viva exam is an integral part of completing your DPhil. See the links at the bottom of this section for information and guidance on the formal University processes and what you need to do. This section also includes advice and hints and tips on how to prepare.

Don’t expect to do your Viva without preparing for it - take the preparation as seriously as writing your thesis. Take and plan the time to do the preparation – have a look at the Time Management section for help with this. You won’t be able to do everything that is suggested in this section, so think about the areas where you feel less confident, and prioritise those.

This content draws on the presentation made by Professor David Gavaghan on the   Completing your DPhil  course, and on material from Dr Melanie Ghoul , who delivers the Viva Preparation and Practice course for the Division.

The aim of the Viva is

  • To check that the research in your thesis is of the required standard for a DPhil*
  • To check that the work in your thesis is your own
  • To check that you have a general knowledge of the research area covered by your thesis commensurate with holding a DPhil in that area

*The standard is 'that the student present a significant and substantial piece of research, of a kind which might reasonably be expected of a capable and diligent student after three or at most four years of full-time study in the case of a full time student, or eight years in the case of a part-time student.'

How to prepare

There is a lot you can do to prepare for your Viva and make it an effective and also – dare we say it – enjoyable experience! Yes, people do find it enjoyable to talk about their work and discuss it with their examiners – who are also after all, knowledgeable in your field. Remember that however many experts there are in your field, you are the only person who has done your specific piece of research, so you are the expert in your DPhil, and your examiners will be interested to hear about it.

Dr Melanie Ghoul delivers the Viva Preparation and Practice Course  for the Division. Her slides for the Viva Preparation course  provide comprehensive information and advice on the kind of things you can do to prepare in different areas. Working through them will help you get ready for the exam. These are some suggestions to help you replicate the face to face activities referred to in the slides:

Listing concerns

You are encouraged to think about and note your concerns, and discuss them with friends / colleagues / supervisor / others in your field. If that’s not possible, think about and note what you can do to address each concern.

  • What strategies can you formulate?
  • Who can you ask to help you?
  • Where can you find information?

The examiner’s perspective

Talk to your supervisor and other academics in your field who have acted as examiners. What is their perspective?

  • What are they looking for the candidate to demonstrate during the viva?
  • What is their advice?
  • What is the purpose of the viva, in their opinion?
  • What makes a strong viva performance?
  • What makes a weak performance?
  • Advice on how to prepare beforehand
  • Advice on how to cope during the viva.

 The University’s Memorandum for Examiners will also give you a perspective on what they are looking for.

The Student's Perspective

Find someone – in your field or another – who has recently completed their Viva. Ask them how it was.

  • What did they do to prepare?
  • What do they wish they had done differently?
  • What kind of questions did the examiners ask?
  • What advice do they have for appointing examiners?
  • What other advice do they have for you?

Practice Session

The face to face Viva preparation course offers an opportunity for a ‘live’ short practice session with other students. You could organise the same kind of session with fellow students or colleagues.  There are some ideas for questions in this Vitae resource .

Other resources and ideas

Vitae pages on The Viva . These contain useful information, including book recommendations and a Viva preparation checklist.

Book: How to Survive your Viva, R Murray

Formal bits

The Division's pages on Examination and Graduation , which include a section on the Viva.

The University page on Research Examinations .

On this page

How to prepare your viva opening speech

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A viva, or PhD thesis defence, typically starts with an opening speech by the PhD candidate. This opening speech can be prepared in advance. How? By following six simple steps that take you from checking university requirements, to structuring and practising your viva opening speech.

What is a viva opening speech?

A viva opening speech is a short presentation of the PhD thesis by the PhD candidate. It typically lasts between 10 and 30 minutes and kicks off the PhD defence during which the candidate has to answer questions from the examiners.

Questions from examiners are relatively unpredictable. A viva opening speech, however, can be prepared and practised in advance! Therefore, it constitutes a major part of getting reading for a PhD thesis defence.

Step 1: Check the requirements for your viva opening speech

Therefore, the first step to preparing a viva opening speech should always be to find out the specific regulations of your university.

Step 2: Define the audience for your viva opening speech

Once you are aware of your university’s regulation concerning viva opening speeches, it is smart to think a bit more about the target audience of your speech.

The target audience for your viva opening speech will influence the level of detail in your presentation, the complexity of the information, and the language and terminology you will use.

Step 3: Develop key messages for your viva opening speech

Now it is time to brainstorm about the content of your viva opening speech! One harsh truth is that you simply cannot include everything. Summarising the work of 3, 4 or more years in a few minutes is incredibly challenging. You have to be selective. You have to summarise, abstract and prioritise.

The key messages for your viva opening speech should be in line with the nature of your PhD thesis. For those who have read your PhD thesis in advance, the content of your viva opening speech should not come as a surprise.

Step 4: Structure your viva opening speech

Common ways to structure viva presentations are around the table of contents of the PhD thesis, around key findings, key arguments, or around case studies.

Step 5: Create visual support for your viva opening speech

As with regular presentations, avoid too much text on slides. Instead, make strategic use of images, photographs, figures or diagrams to develop your storyline and bring your points across.

Step 6: Practice your viva opening speech

You should practice your viva opening speech up to the point that you can present freely, without reading from your notes. However, don’t learn the whole speech by heart. It is always noticeable if someone just recites text, and it will make you sound like a robot.

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how to prepare phd viva presentation

How to create an Impactful PhD Viva-Voce Presentation

  • Posted On July 11, 2023


  • Creating well-organized slides and delivering a polished presentation within the allotted time is of utmost importance for a successful PhD viva-voce examination.
  • This aspect significantly impacts the impression made on the research scholar, supervisor, or mentor by the examiners or moderators.
  • Before designing the presentation slides, the scholar must carefully determine the content to include, taking into account what they should emphasize and what they can omit.
  • The challenge lies in selecting the most significant research findings and key contributions, considering the extensive amount of data accumulated over the course of the research program (typically spanning 4 to 5 years).
  • It is crucial for the scholar to exercise time management , ensuring that the presentation focuses on the essential aspects.

To assist in this endeavor, we have compiled a blog outlining simple yet valuable tips for preparing PhD viva-voce presentation slides.

PhD viva-voce examination

Example Structure for a Ph.D. Viva-Voce Presentation Slides:

1: Title Slide

2: Presentation Outline

3: Introduction

4: Identification of Research Gaps or Rationale for the Research Study

5: Problem Statement

6: Objectives of the Study

7: Methodology

8: Results and Discussion

9: Conclusion

10: Publications

11: References

12: Acknowledgements

13: Thank You Slide

Please note that you can modify this general structure according to the specific requirements of your Ph.D. viva-voce presentation.

Tips for Preparing an Effective Ph.D. Viva-Voce Presentation:

1. provide a concise introduction to the background of your study:.

  • Begin your presentation with a brief overview of the research topic, highlighting its significance and relevance in the field.
  • Present the background information in a concise manner, using bullet points instead of lengthy paragraphs.

2. Highlight research gaps and clearly state the problem statement:

  • Emphasize the research gaps or the need for your research study, demonstrating the gap in knowledge or existing limitations.
  • Clearly articulate your problem statement to establish the focus of your research.

3. Clearly outline the objectives and methodology of your study:

  • List the specific objectives of your study, outlining the goals you aimed to achieve.
  • Present the methodology you employed, using neat schematics or flowcharts to visually represent your research approach.

4. Present research findings and data effectively:

  • Present the important research findings and data from your thesis in a simple and concise manner, using bulleted points instead of paragraphs.
  • Reserve the detailed explanations and scientific evidence for your oral defense presentation, and use the slides to highlight key results.

5. Connect your findings with relevant literature and emphasize novelty:

  • Connect your research findings with existing literature, highlighting how your work contributes to the field and addresses the research gaps identified.
  • Emphasize the novelty and originality of your research, showcasing its unique aspects or approaches.

6. Utilize schematics, graphs, and tables for data representation:

  • Use visual aids such as schematics, graphs, and tables to present data and experimental conditions effectively.
  • Avoid using detailed statements and opt for visual representations that can convey information more efficiently.

7. Summarize research objectives and conclude with societal benefits:

  • Summarize the results of your research objectives, highlighting the key outcomes and their implications.
  • Conclude your presentation by emphasizing the broader societal benefits or potential applications of your research.

8. Use hyperlinks for presenting extensive data or references:

Incorporate hyperlinks at appropriate places in your presentation to provide easy access to extensive data, datasets, experimental procedures, or relevant literature.

9. Ensure high-quality and readable images:

Pay attention to the quality of images used in your presentation. Ensure they are clear, visually appealing, and easily readable for the audience.

10. Keep the number of slides limited and maintain flow and connectivity:

  • Limit the number of slides to around 50 to 55 to maintain a concise and focused presentation.
  • Ensure a smooth flow and logical connectivity between each slide, allowing the audience to follow your presentation effortlessly.


In conclusion, a well-organized and polished presentation is crucial for a successful PhD viva-voce examination. The presentation has a lasting impact on the research scholar, supervisor, or mentor as observed by the examiners or moderators. When preparing the presentation slides, the scholar should carefully select the content, emphasizing the most significant research findings and key contributions while managing the extensive amount of data accumulated over several years.

To assist in this endeavor, we have provided a general structure for PhD viva-voce presentation slides that you can modify to meet specific requirements. Additionally, we have outlined valuable tips for preparing an effective presentation.

The tips include providing a concise introduction , highlighting research gaps, clearly stating the problem statement, outlining objectives and methodology, presenting research findings and data effectively, connecting findings with relevant literature, utilizing visual aids, summarizing research objectives, and concluding with societal benefits. It is also recommended to use hyperlinks for extensive data or references and ensure high-quality, readable images.

Furthermore, it is important to keep the number of slides limited and maintain flow and connectivity throughout the presentation. By following these guidelines, research scholars can create compelling presentations that effectively communicate their research and make a strong impression during their PhD viva-voce examination.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to create an impactful phd viva-voce presentation.

Creating well-organized slides and delivering a polished presentation within the allotted time is of utmost importance during the PhD viva-voce examination. For detailed guidance, you can read our article on Impactful PhD Viva-Voce Presentation .

What are the key steps in writing a successful PhD thesis?

Writing a successful PhD thesis involves careful planning, thorough research, clear organization, and effective writing. For detailed guidance on each step, you can read our article on Key Steps in Writing a Successful PhD Thesis .

How to manage research stress and stay motivated?

Managing research stress and staying motivated during your PhD journey is essential. We’ve compiled some helpful tips in our article on Managing Research Stress and Staying Motivated for PhD Students .

Introduction: To assist in this endeavor, we have compiled a blog outlining simple yet valuable tips for preparing PhD viva-voce presentation slides. Example Structure for a Ph.D. Viva-Voce Presentation Slides: 1: Title Slide 2: Presentation Outline 3: Introduction 4: Identification of Research Gaps or Rationale for the Research Study 5: Problem Statement 6: Objectives of…

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How do i prepare for a phd viva, phd viva presentation, phd viva questions.

It is a matter and pride great amount of pride to get done with your Ph.D. degree. A great number of efforts goes into making it happen. But preparing dissertations, thesis and getting it reviewed by the panel is no less than a herculean task. Even though you are done with preparing your thesis, yet the journey continues. There exists one big task to complete or to say a bridge to cross before finally getting your thesis approved and being conferred with the doctorate. This essential part during the doctorate or Ph.D. program is the viva. After you have prepared your thesis, the next step is submission to the panel wherein it will be reviewed and the student will be intellectually tested for their knowledge that they have put into the process.

Passing through this hurdle will ensure your doctorate degree which requires little more labor and a lot of sharp wits. So, before heading on to discuss how one can manage or survive the rig-ours of Ph.D. viva let’s take a sneak peek through the actualities of why the viva is conducted and later move towards tips and tricks to ease the entire process:

Why is a Viva required?

Viva is an oral examination wherein students are tested on their thinking caliber in front of a big panel of experts. The primary purpose of a viva is to understand how much does the student know about the topic and to understand their level of contribution. Well, doesn’t that make you read through your work and prepare well for the viva before getting through the actual process?

What does Viva include?

As any other viva session, a Ph.D. viva includes a lot of question and answers with you on the latter side of the panel. The thesis prepared by you will be thoroughly reviewed by experts right from the topic to the format. The formal purpose is to have a direct discussion with the students to test their knowledge of the subject.

Ph.D. being an important degree and thesis being the most essential aspect of the course. Thence one cannot deny its level of crucial and importance. Viva also includes Ph.D. viva presentation wherein the student will be required to prepare a PowerPoint presentation surrounding the topic. The PowerPoint presentation will include all the minute points and details most importantly those points which you wish to highlight in your study, mentioned in a gist. This not only makes the entire process less cumbersome or writing, preparing and presenting viva but also throws out light about the student’s knowledge of the topic.

Summarizing of the topic

The Ph.D. viva begins with the student asked to summarize the entire topic in a gist. The student must thus prepare themselves in advance to speak about your topic, the reason for choosing the topic, what does it convey. Additionally, it is recommended to read the entire thesis well before the presentation and viva, jotting down important points which can be put forth as questions. The summary will be the first ground to set your impression on the invigilator. The topics may also lead to debates, wherein your caliber and expertise in the subject will be tested further.

When preparing for Viva:

Be well abreast with the university’s terms and policies. Each and every institution and university have their own set of terms and conditions. Therefore, it is imperative to primarily read through the conditions and accordingly prepare yourself for the big day. You could also try to find about the panel that would be conducting the viva and get an understanding from peers about the kind of questions they pose and what to expect during the viva, which will prove to be cherry on the cake for your preparation.

  • Go through your thesis

Go through your theses, but now not as a student but as a third person. This will help you see through the prism of your thesis and help you gauge any loopholes and whether the research is up-to-date. Moreover, never underestimate the time spent by the examiners in reading through your thesis. And thus, this calls for you to be an equal expert who can handle the questions tactfully.

Along with reading through your thesis, check whether there have been any recent papers which are published in the particular topic same as yours and if so, ensure to read through them to be abreast with the latest happenings.

  • Hit the bull’s eye

During a Ph.D. viva, there are usually two examiners who would be present during the process. One who is an external expert from the field, who is not usually from your university and the other an internal one who is a subject expert associated with your field. Your onus is to win the minds of both. It is usually the external examiner who will be shooting the questions. Thus, being pretty updated with the subject knowledge, reading about the contributors who are related to your topic in some way is the best way out for winning the doctorate.

  • Prepare your answers

This is an important aspect of the viva and it all depends on how you defend your research.From this perspective, it is necessary to defend your point of view and claims, explaining your contribution and knowledge of the topic. Remember that no project is ever perfect, however, letting the examiner know you have contributed your best to the project is all the more important. For this, you can kick-start with anticipating some of the most sought questions and probable ones which you consider will be asked during the viva. Primarily looking for those which are most asked during a Ph.D. viva will ease your task to a large extent. Mostly the questions will be related to your literature review and conceptual points.

  • Practice the technique of answering

Well, you are not going to get a chance for reading your answers from your laptop verbatim in front of the examiner. However, being well prepared like knowing the answers like the back of your hand is the most important aspect. Articulate your answers and try to present yourself an answer in the tone you would be using for answering the examiner.

  • Take a printed copy of your thesis at the time of viva

It is always better to have an extra copy of your thesis present with you at the time of viva. In this copy, mark the important points and highlight them which you think might be useful at the time of viva. This will surely leave an impression on the examiner about your commitment to and involvement in the topic.

Now coming to what to do during a viva:

  • First impression matters

The first few minutes of introduction is all that can create an impression. Therefore,,keep a calm demeanor with no pinch of nervousness (though it is bound to exist). You will be getting a total of 15 minutes to articulate your knowledge to the examiner regarding the project. You must hence prepare well for your answers which showcases your knowledge of the topic, thinking-process and more importantly your confidence.

Avoid short and non-specific answers, this can turn the whole viva upside down.Thus, ensure you break the ice of silence and march ahead in the journey of achieving the Ph.D. degree and adding the prefix of Dr. to your name.

  • Do not think negative

Often examiners do not render comments to the students. This gets students into a pickle wherein they consider the answers to be either wrong or not so impressive to the examiners. Most often the institutional policy prohibits giving comments and sometimes the examiner notes it in the thesis remark.

  • Be ready for a healthy debate

A presentation or viva might not always be a smooth ride. There might be moments of debates that would require you to showcase your prowess. So don’t miss the opportunity, answer each question tactfully. The student here must know when to be more tactful, conceptual and when to apply a friendly tone.

  • When in doubt better to get it clarified

No one is a wizard and during the viva, there might be moments due to nervousness and a constant hit of questions when you need to look through your thesis for reference. Thus, herein you can ask your examiner for some time to write it down and during the time conceptualize your answer.

  • No time bar

Be well prepared and know that your viva might go on for one to 3 hours or even more. So accordingly, be well prepared with your answers and focus on explaining and expressing your contribution to the topic in a precise and concise manner.

While it might seem stressful, a Ph.D. viva is quite easy if you have a good understanding of the topic and confidence in yourself.

So running through the whole points:

  • Be confident
  • Read through the thesis
  • Mark important points

Be tactful with your answers to sail through the viva smoothly.

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How to present an effective and successful viva voce

Some tips for editing and proofreading academic work, tips and strategies to prepare for your oral viva voce presentation.

viva voce presentation

Table of Contents

As with your dissertation or thesis, the organization of your viva Slideshow should be consistent. It is prudent to adhere to the thesis’s framework. And besides, you already have given it some consideration and ensured that everything makes sense.

In this manner, you can avoid adding to your workload. However, keep in mind that the presentation is not really a recitation of your thesis verbatim. Simply summarize the most critical and interesting points. By covering the following topics, you may create a strong framework for any viva presentation:

Degree of relevance

Your thesis was in-depth in its examination of a particular issue, a particular area of study. You explain it and explain why it is important in the opening section of the viva PowerPoint presentation. What value does it provide to academic knowledge, the general public, or a particular avenue? Why this specific query? This enables you to demonstrate to your listeners why you selected your subject and why they should listen to everything you’ve to say.

Research background

This is where you go into more depth about the context of your research issue, i.e. the most significant ideas and methods which already exist on the subject or that inspired your inquiry. This assists your audience in anticipating any complicated interrelationships and explains the foundation around which your work is constructed.

Research methodology

This section details your approach to your job. Was your study qualitative or quantitative in nature? Have you conducted interviews, analyzed data, or assessed a body of literature? This is your opportunity to demonstrate to your examiners how meticulously you worked and why you selected this specific approach.

Research findings

Now is the time to share the findings of your study. Were there any unexpected outcomes? If you did, how did you handle them? Are the outcomes consistent? Where did you run into problems and also how did you overcome them? Utilize this area to speak candidly and transparently about your study. It is a chance to demonstrate that you have taken the subject seriously and thoroughly, rather than just selecting the simplest route.

Finally, describe your findings succinctly and succinctly, and respond to the research question given at the outset. Additionally, you may offer your own view on whether you obtained the outcome you anticipated or if your study came to an unexpected conclusion.

If you are required to show your sources at the conclusion of your viva, you should discuss this with your supervisors or consult the rules. If in doubt, it is best to be cautious and make a list of sources.

List of research publications

Another thing the examiners might ask is for you to briefly present a list of your published research papers and conference proceedings. So be sure to have a detailed list ready so that you can quickly present this and go over each of your research papers that are related to your thesis project.

The final part

The final part of the viva voce, after you have finished your presentation, is the question and answer session. This is the part when the examiners would ask you some detailed questions regarding  your work. Here is where you really have to put in the effort to defend all aspects of your research. Is you have worked hard on writing your thesis, and know it inside out, this wouldn’t be an issue, as you would be confident in your answers and the examiners would clearly see this.

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The PhD Proofreaders

Impressing the Examiners: How to Prepare for Your PhD Viva

May 27, 2020

how to prepare for your viva

So you’ve come to the end of your PhD studies and have submitted your thesis.

Now it is time to prepare for your PhD viva.

You might feel like everything you’ve worked for is riding on it, and in some ways, it is. But as long as you’re prepared, you should have no problem on the day.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to prepare for your PhD viva, as well as some PhD viva tips for how to handle it on the day.

Read on for more information.

Framing the Way You Think About Your PhD Viva

There aren’t many people with PhDs. While the number is certainly growing , you’ll be entering into an elite group.

You may think that your PhD viva is an exam where internal and external experts in your field will be waiting to trip you up and look for ways to sabotage you. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

Everyone there is rooting for you to succeed. They want to add another expert to their ranks, especially one who has something important and interesting to add to that field’s conversation.

Very rarely will you have someone on your panel who is trying to make you deliberately fail.

Think of it as a chance to talk about your work with fellow experts in your field. Often, they’re excited for the conversation they’ll be having with you about your work.

You can also think of it as an opportunity to show off what you’ve done to people who are where you might aspire to be.

Preparing for a Viva

After you’ve written and  submitted your thesis , it’s a good idea to take a break from it for a while. Focus on a hobby, read a few books not related to your thesis, or start a new project.

This clears your mind and allows you to look at your thesis with fresh eyes when you prepare for your viva.

Re-read your thesis before you go to your viva. It may sound silly, but you’ve been working on it for several years. Some of the arguments you’ve made may now seem a bit fuzzy to you, as you’ve been working on the minutiae of the chapters.

You need to make sure you remember the overarching theme of your thesis, as well as the arguments you’ve made in each chapter. Most examiners will allow you to bring in notes, and there will be a copy of your thesis for your referral. Don’t be afraid to make notes for yourself.

If you want to book a mock-viva with a real thesis examiner then get in touch. We run regular mock-vivas. 

Overall: familiarise yourself with the major themes in both the thesis as a whole but also in individual chapters.

Practise, Practise, Practise

Practise summing up the main points of your thesis. You’ll be asked about your major argument, as well as some of the minor arguments you’ve made within the thesis.

By now, you’ve likely already presented your thesis (or parts of it) at conferences, or discussed it at length with your advisor. If you’re worried about how well you’ll be able to do this, remember that you have done this previously.

You may even want to hold a practice viva where some of your friends or family members ask you about your research. You should be able to explain it in a way that is understandable to them, on some level. Obviously, they’re not experts in your field, but they should be able to have some grasp of what your thesis is about after explaining it to them.

how to prepare phd viva presentation

Your PhD Thesis. On one page.

Anticipate the questions.

Speak to your advisor before you have your viva. Discuss with him or her some of the questions that may be asked beforehand. Or, you can ask your department, who may have a guide for PhD or MA students defending their theses. Or, you can look at the guide we’ve published . 

If you can anticipate the questions beforehand, you won’t feel as nervous when they’re asked. While they may ask you a few questions you won’t anticipate to ensure you’ve written the thesis yourself, you will still likely be able to rehearse the answers to the majority of their questions.

On the Day of the Viva

On the day of the viva, arrive early with plenty of time to spare. You may consider spending the night nearby if you live far away. Make sure you know where to go, and are properly fed and hydrated. You may wish to bring water with you to the viva itself. Re-read your notes and try to focus on relaxing. Don’t overthink it. 

Manage Your Expectations

Don’t expect to pass with zero corrections. This does happen but is usually very rare. You may hear of your colleagues doing this, and feel disappointed if you don’t.

Most people pass with minor or major corrections. Some people will be required to resubmit following very major revisions. This may seem like a huge blow, but remember that most people go on to resubmit their thesis successfully.

Very rarely do people not pass, or are awarded a lower degree because their thesis was not “good enough.” Your advisor has likely done a great job of helping shape your PhD, and you should expect that you will pass if you’re prepared, but likely with some form of corrections.

How to Prepare for Your PhD Viva

We hope this article answered your question of how to prepare for a PhD viva. Preparing for a viva can be nerve wracking, as it may feel as though the culmination of the past few years are all riding on this one moment. Remember, everyone is rooting for you to pass, even your examiners.

Not quite ready to submit your thesis? Have a look at our  PhD thesis writing course , where we can help you become a better writer and be ready to take your PhD with confidence.

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Sounds good, doesn’t it?  Be able to call yourself Doctor sooner with our five-star rated How to Write A PhD email-course. Learn everything your supervisor should have taught you about planning and completing a PhD.

Now half price. Join hundreds of other students and become a better thesis writer, or your money back. 

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    On the day of the viva, arrive early with plenty of time to spare. You may consider spending the night nearby if you live far away. Make sure you know where to go, and are properly fed and hydrated. You may wish to bring water with you to the viva itself. Re-read your notes and try to focus on relaxing.