HLS Dissertations, Theses, and JD Papers

S.j.d. dissertations, ll.m. papers, ll.m. theses, j.d. papers, submitting your paper to an online collection, other sources for student papers beyond harvard, getting help, introduction.

This is a guide to finding Harvard Law School (“HLS”) student-authored works held by the Library and in online collections. This guide covers HLS S.J.D Dissertations, LL.M. papers, J.D. third-year papers, seminar papers, and prize papers.

There have been changes in the HLS degree requirements for written work. The library’s collection practices and catalog descriptions for these works has varied. Please note that there are gaps in the library’s collection and for J.D. papers, few of these works are being collected any longer.

If we have an S.J.D. dissertation or LL.M. thesis, we have two copies. One is kept in the general collection and one in the Red Set, an archival collection of works authored by HLS affiliates. If we have a J.D. paper, we have only one copy, kept in the Red Set. Red Set copies are last resort copies available only by advance appointment in Historical and Special Collections .

Some papers have not been processed by library staff. If HOLLIS indicates a paper is “ordered-received” please use this form to have library processing completed.

The HLS Doctor of Juridical Science (“S.J.D.”) program began in 1910.  The library collection of these works is not comprehensive. Exceptions are usually due to scholars’ requests to withhold Library deposit. 

  • HLS S.J.D. Dissertations in HOLLIS To refine these search results by topic or faculty advisor, or limit by date, click Add a New Line.
  • Hein’s Legal Theses and Dissertations Microfiche Mic K556.H45x Drawers 947-949 This microfiche set includes legal theses and dissertations from HLS and other premier law schools. It currently includes about 300 HLS dissertations and theses.
  • Hein's Legal Theses and Dissertations Contents List This content list is in order by school only, not by date, subject or author. It references microfiche numbers within the set housed in the Microforms room on the entry level of the library, drawers 947-949. The fiche are a different color for each institution.
  • ProQuest Dissertations and Theses @ Harvard University (Harvard login) Copy this search syntax: dg(S.J.D.) You will find about 130 SJD Dissertations dated from 1972 to 2004. They are not available in full text.
  • DASH Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard Sponsored by Harvard University’s Office for Scholarly Communication, DASH is an open repository for research papers by members of the Harvard community. There are currently about 600 HLS student papers included. Unfortunately it is not possible to search by type of paper or degree awarded.

The Master of Laws (“LL.M.”) degree has been awarded since 1923. Originally, the degree required completion of a major research paper, akin to a thesis. Since 1993, most students have the option of writing the LL.M. "short paper."  This is a 25-page (or longer) paper advised by a faculty supervisor or completed in conjunction with a seminar.  Fewer LL.M. candidates continue to write the more extensive "long-paper." LL.M. candidates holding J.D.s from the U.S. must write the long paper.

  • HLS Written Work Requirements for LL.M. Degree The current explanation of the LL.M. written work requirement for the master of laws.

The library generally holds HLS LL.M. long papers and short papers. In recent years, we require author release in order to do so. In HOLLIS, no distinction is made between types of written work created in satisfaction of the LL.M. degree; all are described as LL.M. thesis. Though we describe them as thesis, the law school refers to them solely as papers or in earlier years, essays. HOLLIS records indicate the number of pages, so at the record level, it is possible to distinguish long papers.

  • HLS LL.M. Papers in HOLLIS To refine these search results by topic, faculty advisor, seminar or date, click Add a New Line.

Note that beginning with papers from the 2023-24 academic year, papers will be available in digital format only. The workflow for this new process is underway.

HLS LL.M. Papers are sometimes available in DASH and Hein's Legal Dissertations and Theses. See descriptions above .

The HLS J.D. written work requirement has changed over time. The degree formerly required a substantial research paper comparable in scope to a law review article written under faculty supervision, the "third year paper." Since 2008, J.D. students have the option of using two shorter works instead.

Of all those written, the library holds relatively few third-year papers. They were not actively collected but accepted by submission from faculty advisors who deemed a paper worthy of institutional retention. The papers are described in HOLLIS as third year papers, seminar papers, and student papers. Sometimes this distinction was valid, but not always. The faculty deposit tradition more or less ended in 2006, though the possibility of deposit still exists. 

  • J.D. Written Work Requirement
  • Faculty Deposit of Student Papers with the Library

HLS Third Year Papers in HOLLIS

To refine these search results by topic, faculty advisor, seminar or date, click Add a New Line.

  • HLS Student Papers Some third-year papers and LL.M. papers were described in HOLLIS simply as student papers. To refine these search results, click "Add a New Line" and add topic, faculty advisor, or course title.
  • HLS Seminar Papers Note that these include legal research pathfinders produced for the Advanced Legal Research course when taught by Virginia Wise.

Prize Papers

HLS has many endowed prizes for student papers and essays. There are currently 16 different writing prizes. See this complete descriptive list with links to lists of winners from 2009 to present. Note that there is not always a winner each year for each award. Prize winners are announced each year in the commencement pamphlet.

The Library has not specifically collected prize papers over the years but has added copies when possible. The HOLLIS record for the paper will usually indicate its status as a prize paper. The most recent prize paper was added to the collection in 2006.

Addison Brown Prize Animal Law & Policy Program Writing Prize Victor Brudney Prize Davis Polk Legal Profession Paper Prize Roger Fisher and Frank E.A. Sander Prize Yong K. Kim ’95 Memorial Prize Islamic Legal Studies Program Prize on Islamic Law Laylin Prize LGBTQ Writing Prize Mancini Prize Irving Oberman Memorial Awards John M. Olin Prize in Law and Economics Project on the Foundations of Private Law Prize Sidney I. Roberts Prize Fund Klemens von Klemperer Prize Stephen L. Werner Prize

  • Harvard Law School Prize Essays (1850-1868) A historical collection of handwritten prize essays covering the range of topics covered at that time. See this finding aid for a collection description.

The following information about online repositories is not a recommendation or endorsement to participate.

  • ProQuest Dissertations and Theses HLS is not an institutional participant to this collection. If you are interested in submitting your work, refer to these instructions and note that there is a fee required, which varies depending on the format of submission.
  • EBSCO Open Dissertations Relatively new, this is an open repository of metadata for dissertations. It is an outgrowth of the index American Doctoral Dissertations. The aim is to cover 1933 to present and, for modern works, to link to full text available in institutional repositories. Harvard is not one of the institutional participants.
  • DASH Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard

Sponsored by Harvard University’s Office for Scholarly Communication, this is an open repository for research papers by members of the Harvard community. See more information about the project. 

Some HLS students have submitted their degree paper to DASH.  If you would like to submit your paper, you may use this authorization form  or contact June Casey , Librarian for Open Access Initiatives and Scholarly Communication at Harvard Law School.

  • ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (Harvard Login) Covers dissertations and masters' theses from North American graduate schools and many worldwide. Provides full text for many since the 1990s and has descriptive data for older works.
  • NDLTD Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations Union Catalog Worldwide in scope, NDLTD contains millions of records of electronic theses and dissertations from the early 1900s to the present.
  • Law Commons of the Digital Commons Network The Law Commons has dissertations and theses, as well as many other types of scholarly research such as book chapters and conference proceedings. They aim to collect free, full-text scholarly work from hundreds of academic institutions worldwide.
  • EBSCO Open Dissertations Doctoral dissertations from many institutions. Free, open repository.
  • Dissertations from Center for Research Libraries Dissertations found in this resource are available to the Harvard University Community through Interlibrary Loan.
  • British Library EThOS Dissertation source from the British Library listing doctoral theses awarded in the UK. Some available for immediate download and some others may be requested for scanning.
  • BASE from Bielefeld University Library Index of the open repositoris of most academic institutions. Includes many types of documents including doctoral and masters theses.

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  • Last Updated: Aug 20, 2024 8:59 AM
  • URL: https://guides.library.harvard.edu/studentpapers

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Stanford Law School | Robert Crown Law Library

Stanford Law School's Theses and Dissertations Collection

  • Early Thesis and Dissertation of Stanford Law School, 1929 to 1956
  • Theses and Dissertations of Stanford Law School,1970-1995
  • Stanford Program in International Legal Studies’ Theses, 1996 to 2010
  • Stanford Law School’s Dissertations, 1996 to 2010
  • Stanford Program in International Legal Studies Theses, 2011 to 2025

Collection Description

This collection contains Stanford Law School Students’ theses and dissertations written to fulfill the academic requirements for advanced degrees.   Historically, the collection of Theses and Dissertations were produced as part of the requirement coursework for receiving a Master of Laws (1933-1969), a Juris Doctor (1906-1932), or a Doctor of Jurisprudence.  

Currently, works received from students are produced under two different graduate programs.  Thesis are works were produced as part of the requirement for the Stanford Program in International Legal Studies (SPILS). SPILS was established in 1995 by Professors Lawrence Friedman and Thomas C. Heller, to educate international students, lawyers, judges, public officials, and other professionals trained in the study of law outside the United States.  Students in the SPILS Program are required to do interdisciplinary research that affects the global community.  The culmination of this program is a research project that each individual student develops over the course of the year under a faculty advisor, after which the earns a Master of the Science of Law degree.  The research project must demonstrate the student's ability to employ empirical methods of investigation and must addresses issues in the international community or within a specific country.  These can cover a large range of topics that analyze legal cultures, legal reforms, or public policy.  

Dissertations are produced under Doctor of Science of Law program or JSD.  The JSD program as we know it was revised for the Doctor of Jurisprudence in 1969 is designed for students who are interested in pursuing an academic career. Doctor of Science of Law Students are selected from the Stanford Program in International Legal Studies and those who have a postgraduate degree in Legal Studies.

All materials in this collection were donated by individual authors to the Stanford Law Library's Special Collections.

Collection Identity Number: LAW-3781

Finding Aid prepared by

Robert Crown Law Library Stanford, CA 94305-8610 Phone: 650.723-2477

  • Last Updated: Jun 4, 2024 10:36 AM
  • URL: https://guides.law.stanford.edu/c.php?g=1087208

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Law thesis and dissertation collection

examples of llm dissertations

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Presented here is a selection of theses and dissertations from the School of Law. Please note that this is not a complete record of all degrees awarded by the School.

This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

Recent Submissions

Isolation in scottish prisons: what does it mean to be alone inside a socio-legal analysis , taking legal change seriously: examining calls for modernising the rules providing for seller's liability for defective goods in the chilean civil code , conceptualisation and implementation of res judicata in the transnational arbitral legal order , out of place and out of time: older prisoners in chile , mind the gap: an empirical study of terrorism offences, law-making, and discretion , challenges and limitations of granting legal personality to distributed/decentralized autonomous organizations , development of international shipping standards under the auspices of the imo and their implementation in practice: a case study of thailand , adequacy of the ex post armed attack framework of the jus ad bellum in relation to the evolving means and methods of warfare , governing disputed maritime areas , what we say when we criminalise: a metanormative inquiry , testamentary law in england, c. 1450-1540 , sovereign immunity from execution of foreign arbitral awards in the 21st century , conceptualizations of addiction in harm reduction strategies for effective and ethical uk drug policy , liminality and the lived experience of law in medicine: the legal consciousness of physicians in encounters with people living as undocumented migrants , contested citizenship and statelessness in question: an anlysis of cases of overseas taiwanese people and tibetan exiles in taiwan , eternity and the constitution: the promise and limits of eternity clauses , hate speech in the british press: a theoretical and practical assessment of the case for broader regulation , liberty versus security under illiberal constitutionalism: the legality of criminalising humanitarian assistance in hungary and greece , operationalising ‘publicness’ in data-intensive health research regulation: an examination of the public interest as a regulatory device , worldmaking powers of law and performance: queer politics beyond/against neoliberal legalism .

examples of llm dissertations

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LLM Theses and Essays

Submissions from 2013 2013.

Some Important Causes for Settlement in American Civil Litigation , Felipe Forte Cobo

Submissions from 2011 2011

TO REVEAL OR CONCEAL?—AN ISP’S DILEMMA, Presenting a New “Anonymous Public Concern Test” for Evaluating ISP Subpoenas in Online Defamation Suits , Cayce Myers

Submissions from 2008 2008

Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies and the Roles Played by Multilateral Institutions , Amjad Ahasan Basheer

Universal Human Rights and Threat to International Peace and Security: The United Nations' Obligation to Intervene , Godfrey Mhlanga

Submissions from 2007 2007

Applicable Law Provisions in International Uniform Commercial Law Conventions , Paolo E. Conci

Licenses, Leases and Other Contractual Arrangements for the Exploration and Production of Petroleum A Comparative Study Between Nigeria and the United States , Omolara Elumelu

Judicial Review of International Commercial Arbitral Awards by National Courts in the United States and India , Aparna D. JUJJAVARAPU

Ethiopia's Sovereign Right of Access to the Sea under International Law , Abebe T. Kahsay

Comfort Women: Human Rights of Women from Then to Present , Jinyang Koh

Imports or Made-in-China: Comparison of Two Constitutional Cases in China and the United States , Xiao Li

Taxing Emotional Distress Recoveries: Does Murphy Show the Way? , Kaushal P. Mahaseth

The Land of the Free: Human Rights Violations at Immigration Detention Facilities in America , Caitlin J. Mitchel

International Legal Standards Governing the Use of Child Soldiers , Dorcas B. Mulira

Corporate Restrictions in Mexico and the United States , Dennis Rios

Regulating Transnational Corporation for Environmental Damage , Sonal Sahu

The Need for a Transnational Appellate Arbitral Review Body , Priya Sampath

A Consumption Tax versus a Federal Income Tax in the United States , Shelly-Ann R. Tomlinson

Financial Holding Company System and Relevant Legislation , Ye Wang

Submissions from 2006 2006

The Hamburg Rules , Kweku G. Ainuson

Tourism in Antarctica: History, Current Challenges and Proposals for Regulation , Juan Y. Harcha

Reconsidering the Medical Expert Witness System , Yunwei Jiang

A Comparative Study of the Legal Responses to Domestic Violence in the United States and Hungary , Adam Keri

Enforcement of Human Rights under Regional Mechanisms: a Comparative Analysis , Fekadeselassie F. Kidanemariam

Shareholders' Agreements in Close Corporations and Their Enforcement , Ricardo Molano Leon

A Comparative Study on the Trade Barriers Regulation and Foreign Trade Barriers Investigation Rules , Junrong Song

How to Deal with Multi-party Nominations of Arbitrators in International Commercial Arbitration - a Comparative Study of Appointment Procedures with Emphasis on U.S.-European Commerce between Private Entities , Marie-Beatrix Tupy

Balancing Regulations and Incentives for Foreign Direct Investment: a Case Study of Mexico and Kazakhstan , Dauren B. Tynybekov

Submissions from 2005 2005

The Legality of Humanitarian Intervention , Eric Adjei

A Comparative Assessment of U.S. Direct Investment in China and India , Kalpana Arjunan

Pre-contractual Obligations in France and the United States , Florence Caterini

Comparative Law: Alcohol, Drug Abuse & Jurisprudence from the United States to Korea , Hyun J. Cho

Commercial Speech in the United States and Europe , Oxana Valeryevna Gassy-Wright

Accountability of Transnational Corporations under International Standards , Lea Hanakova

Protection of "Persona" in the EU and in the US: a Comparative Analysis , Anna E. Helling

Income Tax Preferences to Foreign Investment in China since the Late 1970s , Xiaoyang Hou

Role of the World Bank and IMF in Issuing Loans to Russia: Responsibility, Tricks, Corruption, Mafia, and Important Use of Legal Enforcement , Elmira A. Makova

Governance and Responsibility of Multinational Enterprises: the Use of Codes of Conduct and Litigation to Change Multinational Enterprises' Behavior , Maria Fernanda Matach

Free Movement of Goods: a Comparative Analysis of the European Community Treaty and the North American Free Trade Agreement , Pedro A. Perichart

The Drafting Process For a Hague Convention on Jurisdiction and Judgements with Special Consideration of Intellectual Property and E-Commerce , Knut Woestehoff

The Drafting Process for a Hague Convention on Jurisdiction and Judgments with Special Consideration of Intellectual Property and E-commerce , Knut Woestehoff

Trade-related Environmental Measures and GATT: the Conflict between Trade Libralization and Environmental Protection , Fang Zheng

Submissions from 2004 2004

The Question of Non-trade Issues in the WTO from a Developing Country Perspective , Cecilia Alzamora

Cybercrime , Karissa Ayala

Protection of Children from Exploitation in West Africa: Illusion or Reality? , Afua Brown-Eyeson

Legal Structures of European Security and Defense Policy and War Powers under the U.S. Constitution , Heiko Buesing

U.S. Antidumping Law and Practices against Korean Exports , Jinwook Choi

Regulation of Hate Speech , Haiping Deng

The Institutional Framework of the European Union for the Conduct of Foreign Affairs , Frederic Eggermont

Comparison of New Zealand and United States Securities Markets through the Looking Glass of the Efficient Market Hypothesis , Carla Natalia Gargiulo

Private Party Participation in the World Trade Organizations , Taehyung Im

Issues Regarding the Most Effective Tool of U.S. Bankruptcy Law , Zeenat Kera

Contracts and Electronic Agents , Sabrina Kis

Historical Aspects of State Arbitration Policy , Elton R. Lanier

Regulating Non-territorial Commercial Environments in Territorial-based Legal Systems , Pedro Martin G. Less Andrade

Unilateral Refusals to Deal in Intellectual Property as Monopolistic Conduct , Bolanle Meshida

Comparative Analysis of Federal Income Tax Imposed on U.S. C Corporations and Russian Joint Stock Companies , Alina Y. Mitskevich

Legislation and Implementation of International Environmental Law by African Countries: a Case Study of Ghana , Brigitte L. Okley

The Challenges of Tax Collection in Developing Economies (with Special Reference to India) , Pramod K. Rai

Family Businesses, Choices of Legal Entity , Martina L. Rojo

Sound Record Producers' Rights and the Problem of Sound Recording Piracy , Stanislava N. Staykova

The Change of Corporate Governance Structure in the United States and Taiwan , Yifan Tseng

Fiduciary Duties of Directors in the Context of Going-private Transactions to the Minority Shareholders under Delaware Law , Yuan Wang

Recognition and Enforcement of International Commercial Arbitration Awards , Shouhua Yu

Submissions from 2003 2003

Interim Measures in International Commercial Arbitration: Past, Present and Future , Sandeep Adhipathi

Reservations, Human Rights Treaties in the 21st century: from Universality to Integrity , Pierrick Devidal

Technological Advances Leading to the Diminishing of Privacy Rights , Anabelle Maria D'Souza

Protection of Consumer Privacy in E-commerce , Choong L. Ha

Mergers and Acquisitions in Europe: Analysis of EC Competition Regulations , YoungJun Lee

Security Interests in Intellectual Property Rights: the Time Has Come for the Enactment of New Laws , Esteban Mazzucco

The Convergence of Trade and Environment and the Relative Role of WTO , Xiaoxi Meng

The Main Characteristics of State's Jurisdiction to Tax in International Dimension , Alfred Nizamiev

U.S. Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries: a Case Study of Malaysia, Mexico and South Africa , Abenaa A. Oti-Prempeh

Free movement of goods: A comparative analysis of the European community treaty and the north American free trade agreement , Pedro A. Perichart

A Historical View of Intellectual Property Rights in the Palestinian Territories , Ihab G. Samaan

Submissions from 2002 2002

An Analysis of the Duty to Negotiate in Good Faith: Precontractual Liability and Preliminary Agreement , Aarti Arunachalam

Multinational Corporations Facing the Varying Concepts of Jurisdiction : "forum non-conveniens", Contrasts between the Anglo-American and the European Law Systems , Sandrine Buttin

Minority Shareholders and Oppression in Close Corporations: Contracting as an Effective Protection Device , Marcella Machado Carneiro

Freedom of Speech, Cinema and Censorship: a Comparative Analysis of Issues of Freedom of Speech Violations as a Result of the Rating Regulation Authorities in the Motion Picture Industry in France and the United States , Stephanie Grenier

International Corporate Governance Practices and Their Implications on Investors , Namwandi Hamanyanga

Current Problems of International Taxation of Electronic Commerce , Nuran G. Kerimov

An End to the Political Question Doctrine in Korea?: A Comparative Analysis , Myeong-Sik Kim

The Evolution of the Law's Treatment of the Confessions of Mentally Disabled Criminal Suspects , John E. Knight

Public and Private Interests in Copyright Law: Creativity, Science and Democracy vs. Property and Market , Daryana I. Kotzeva

The Intra-enterprise Conspiracy Doctrine as Applied to Affiliated Corporations under Section 1 of the Sherman Act , Michael B. Menz

Privacy and Personal Data Protection in the Information Age: A Comparative Evaluation , Emeka B. Obasi

The Right to Freedom of Religion vis a vis Religious Intolerance in the New Millennium , Buihe P. Okenu

Conflict of Laws in the Enforcement of Foreign Awards and Foreign Judgments: the Public Policy Defense and Practice in U.S. Courts , Anupama Parameshwaran

Balancing Interests: Statute of Limitations and Repose in Medical Malpractice Cases , Laurie L. Paterson

A Comparison of Environmental Impact Assessment Process between the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) and the Basic Environmental Protection Act (BEPA) , V An Rhee

Offshore Investments , Ana Maura M. Safrin

Lawyers' Value in Mergers and Acquisitions under the New World of Multidisciplinary Practices , Yunling Wu

Submissions from 2001 2001



David vs. Goliath (2001): An Analysis of the OECD Harmful Tax Competition Policy , Truman Butler

Transfer Pricing: A Comparative Study of the French and U.S. Legal Systems , Valerie Ciancia



Foreign Direct Investment in Colombia , Juliana Gomez


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Law dissertations : a step-by-step guide

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examples of llm dissertations

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KD442 .L36 2018 Unknown

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  • Contributors


Creators/contributors, contents/summary.

  • Introduction
  • Finding and perfecting your topic
  • From a topic to a question
  • Creating a good research project
  • Planning the project
  • Creating a research plan
  • Online research
  • Methodology
  • Empirical research
  • Processing literature
  • Literature review
  • Writing the dissertation
  • Referencing
  • Structuring the dissertation
  • Navigating supervision
  • Obtaining a first and avoiding fails
  • Preparing for submission.

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Guide To LLM Dissertation Writing

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LLM Dissertation Writing

Choosing the topic

Five key considerations when choosing your dissertation topic are:

  • Why are you studying an LLM in thr first place?
  • Which modules have you enjoyed the most?
  • Which areas of the law have a good support base at your institution?
  • What are the strengths of your law library?
  • Is your potential topic a wide enough question?

Obviously, choosing a topic is a necessary stage to get underway before you can start researching and writing your dissertation. You should spend time carefully considering the subject of your dissertation as it might end up being the clincher for that  first job  after you finish your studies. Make sure you pick a topic that you find interesting, but that also has the balance of support from your lecturers and professors.

You'll need to be uniquely motivated to produce a dissertation about a subject that none of your lectures or professors knows much about. Understanding why you have picked the particular subject will ensure you're choosing the right topic, but don't spend too much time considering what to do as you'll need to get on with it. 

Dissertation support

You will have plenty of dissertation support organised through your law school. Some of it might be compulsory sessions that you must undertake as part of your LLM program, while others may be support sessions that can help you stay focused throughout your dissertation work.

Make sure you attend these sessions and don’t hesitate to ask questions if in doubt. It might be a good idea to share your dissertation structure with tutors or designated academic contacts that can give you feedback on your progress. Law school libraries usually have  books  that tell you how best to prepare for your dissertation. Keep an eye out for skills sessions on writing or research methods. These will prove useful when you get down to drafting content for your dissertation and will enable you to put to practice acquired skills that you picked up during these sessions.

Planning and organisation

Some people love creating a filing system and hopefully, you're one of them as this is a great way to organise your LLM dissertation. You'll need to keep your research well organised to enable you to quickly access it when you are writing your dissertation. It's a good idea to have research divided into chapters early on.

It's a good idea to follow a file management procedure to save your dissertation material. This material could consist of both printed (photocopies from the library or print-outs of research articles) and online documents. Try to follow a consistent labelling/naming convention so that you can locate documents quickly. For instance, if you have a vast number of online articles and research papers to go through, then categorise them in such a way that they fall under relevant chapters of your dissertation.

Any research you do online will need to be backed up, and of course, you will have the dissertation itself backed up too. Do not have everything saved on one ancient laptop, instead build in a routine for how you save and backup your data daily so it just becomes part of how you work. If you start as early as you can on your dissertation, then you'll be able to build in planning time and create a realistic timetable for your work, with escapes from your dissertation to let you reflect on what you have done so far. 

LLM dissertation


There is no easy or quick way around this, you are just going to have to get going with the research as soon as possible. Remember that law libraries get busy during the second semester so you'll need to get there early in the mornings or stay late sometimes.

You also don't want to wait around for particular texts that have a limited availability. If you realise you need a book that someone else has checked-out of the library, then let the staff know as soon as you know so you have a chance of getting it. Don't forget about online law libraries and resources too, and speak with your academic staff if you are really struggling to access what you need. 

Don't wait until you think you've done all the researching before you start writing up your findings. Writing up an LLM dissertation takes time and thought. Start writing as soon as you start researching and keep planning the chapters of your dissertation as you delve deeper into the research. With a bit of luck and good planning, you will find that the chapters are easy to write. 

Editing and formatting

Find out before you write a single word what format your dissertation needs to be in for printing and submission. Your law school will likely have their own standards, so you should familiarise yourself with this document before you get started. Establish the right format straight away so you are not spending time at the last minute changing formats or the way you have referenced the whole document.

Don't underestimate how long it will take to edit your dissertation – expect to read through each chapter many times as each read through will show you new and interesting mistakes. And if possible, find a willing friend or family member to give it a final read – fresh eyes are likely to pick up small typos or mistakes.  

Printing and submitting

Aim to finish your LLM dissertation with a little time to spare. Towards submission deadlines, university printers are busy places and if you need to print your dissertation at a particular printer then check with them early on to understand how much time they need to get your document ready. You need time for them to print it and time for you to check the printed material as you need to check for formatting errors or any printing mistakes like double pages.  Once you've written your dissertation you can take a calm walk into your submissions office and hand over your dissertation. Obviously, everything went to plan and you've finished your dissertation with time to spare and now it's time to  relax a little .

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Theses from 2023 2023

Administrative Convenience or Deliberate Reform? The Impacts of the Colonial Judicial Legacy of the Pre-Colonial Justice System in South-Western Nigeria , Adewale Adekunle Adeyeye

Canada’s Cultural Property Export Controls: An Analysis of the Colonial and Heritage Discourses that Animate the Cultural Property Export and Import Act , Madeline Anne Davis

Unfortunate But Ordinary: A Study of Federal Court Approaches to Stays of Removal , Talia Joundi

Remedies in Canadian Parental Alienation Cases: Turning to Tort Law for Support , Zechariah Weicker Martin

Tokenized Finance and Monetary Law: The Evolving Role of the Central Bank in the Age of Digital Currency , Odunayo Emmanuel Olowookere

The Use of Arguments about Myths and Stereotypes to Appeal Sexual Assault Convictions in Canada , Ryan Andrew Quinn

Theses from 2022 2022

Transcending the Impasse: Towards an Indigenous Vision of Legality in Palestine , Juman Abujbara

Accepting the Unacceptable: Trinity Western University, Religious Freedom, and the Meaning of Liberal Constitutionalism , Robert Stephen Boissonneault

Executive Power, Territorial Jurisdiction, and the (Non-)Protection of Human Rights in Canadian Extradition , Jay De Santi

Law and Indigenous Religion: Theorizing a Complex Relationship , Kristen Elizabeth Lewis

Hartazgo: Understanding how #YoTeCreo emerged in Venezuela , Maria Corina Muskus Toro

Understanding the Failure of Police Reform in Nigeria: A Case for Legal History Through Literature , Olaoluwa Folasade Oni

Safety Valves: A Band-Aid Solution to the Ills of Mandatory Minimums? , Venus Sayed

Theses from 2021 2021

Fighting Climate Change with the Charter: An Inquiry into the Effects of Litigating the Right to a Healthy Environment , Kevin Patrick Berk

Access to Environmental Justice: NGO Environmental Advocacy on Mining-Related Environmental Issues in Mongolia , Ulziilkham Enkhbaatar

Aandaakonan inaakonigewin: Considering an Anishinaabe meaning to the Canadian law on consultation and accommodation , Veronica Ann Guido

Self-determination as resistance to legal violence: Jurisdiction, property, and the geographies of conflict in Unistoten and Xolobeni , Daniel Luke Huizenga

To Set Aside or To Not Set Aside the Agreement Pursuant to Section 56(4) of the Family Law Act: Applying Relational Theory to Domestic Contracts Involving Spousal Support Releases and Waivers , Sara Kun

Finding a Governing Law to Resolve Conflicts of Tax Laws , Catharine Marie McMillan

Transitional Justice, Peace and Everyday Reality: Somalilands Experience with Justice and Security-Sector Reform , Siham Rayale

Health Insurance, a False Dichotomy and a Negative Right to Abortion in Canada's Maritime Provinces , Clare Joanne Shrybman

Doomed to Fail: Ag-gag Laws and the Canadian Charter , Samantha Lynne Skinner

Theses from 2020 2020

With Great Advantage Should Come Responsibility: How the Territorialist Approach in Private International Law Maybe Overcome to Ensure Justice is Done for those Left in the Wake of Canadian Business Abroad , Michele Dominique Lemieux Charles

Sex Workers and the Best Interests of their Children: Identifying Issues Faced by Sex Workers Involved in Custody and Access Legal Proceedings , Julie Eleanor DeWolf

Using Charter Damages to Provide Meaningful Redress and Promote State Accountability: A Re-examination of the Omar Khadr Case , Katharine June Fisher

Towards Implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action in Law Schools: A Settler Harm Reduction Approach to Racial Stereotyping and Prejudice Against Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous Legal Orders in Canadian Legal Education , Scott James Franks

Punishing Black Bodies in Canada: Making Blackness Visible in Criminal Sentencing , Danardo Sanjay Jones

Liquid Laws: Extractivism and Unstable Authority , Caitlin Rose Sargeant Murphy

Girls, Who Run The World? Not Yet: An Analysis of the Underrepresentation of Women on Boards in Canada and the Underlying Theory of the Regulation Thereof , Diana Christine Nicholls

Procedural Discretionary Decisions and Access to Justice Before Administrative Tribunals , Rachel Elizabeth Weiner

Theses from 2019 2019

The Nigerian Niger Delta and the Invisible Hand of TREMF: Exploring the (IM)Possibility of Socio-Economic Justice Under the Un 'Ruggie' Guiding Principles , Ikenna Emmanuel Aniekwe

Presumptive Deference and the Role of Expertise on Questions of Law in Canadian Administrative Law , Cheryl Laura Bowman

Understanding Trans Racialized Youth Autonomy in Health Care Decision Making in Ontario , Gitanjali Natasha Lena

Theses from 2018 2018

Charter Damages: Private Law in the Unique Public Law Remedy , Peter Krikor Adourian

The Legal Treatment of Informal Caregivers of the Elderly in Canada and Australia: The Importance of Recognizing Relations in Creating Reforms , Sara Nicole Pon

Toxic Enactments: Materializing Estrogen and Regulation Under Canada's Food and Drugs Act, 1939-1953 , Lara Jessie Tessaro

Theses from 2017 2017

Indigenous Blockades and the Power to Speak the Law: From Settler Colonialism to Indigenous Resurgence , Christopher Eric Jon Albinati

The ECOWAS Court, Activist Forces, and the Pursuit of Environmental and Socioeconomic Justice in Nigeria , Okechukwu Emmanuel Effoduh

Security and Liberty, Transparency and Secrecy, Parliamentary Control of the Secret Services in Canada and Germany: A Comparative Approach , Sophie Christine Barbara Wiesehofer

Theses from 2016 2016

Class Roots: The Genesis of the Ontario Class Proceedings Act, 1966 - 1993 , Suzanne Erica Chiodo

How Ontarians Experience the Law: An Examination on Incidence Rate, Seriousness and Response to Legal Problems , Matthew Dylag

The Role of Judicial Discourse in Distorting the Public Inquiry Image: Is the Inquiry Becoming an Endangered Species? , Diana Morokhovets

Lost in Translation? The Difference Between Hearsay Rule's Historical Rationale and Practical Application , Christopher Lloyd Sewrattan

Professional Discretion and the Law: Impact of Actuaries on the Underfunding and Decline of Private Sector Single Employer Defined Benefit Pensions in Canada: How Many "Post Nortel" Pension Fiascos are Brewing in Canada? , Paul Charles Walker

Theses from 2015 2015

The Political Economic Dimensions of Executive Compensation Reform: Can the Foundations of Shareholder Primacy Be Sustained in the Post - Crisis Regulatory Environment? , Dezso Peter Arpad Farkas

They Promised to Leave Us Some of Our Land: Aboriginal Title in Canada's Maritime Provinces , Robert Colin Hamilton

The Failure of the Canadian Human Rights Regime to Provide Remedies for Indigenous Peoples: Enough Time Has Passed , Jeffery Gordon Hewitt

The Rule of Liberal Legalism: The Challenge of the Normativities of Multiple Modernities and Religious Diversity , Noorjahan Pirani Hirji

The Right to Self-Determination of a People: A Twailian Analysis of ICJ Decisions in Cameroon v. Nigeria, East Timor, and Western Sahara Cases , Ngozi Sunday Nwoko

Lets Talk About Sexual Assault A Feminist Exploration of the Relationship Between Legal and Experiential Discourses , Dana Erin Phillips

The Globalization of Crime Control: The Use of Non-criminal Justice Responses for Countering Organized Crime , Bjarni Halldor Sigursteinsson

Theses from 2014 2014

Labour Law and Triangular Employment Growth , Timothy John Bartkiw

Responsibility to Protect (R2P), The Responsibility of the International Community to Protect Syrian Citizens , Ghuna Bdiwi

Workplace Harassment: A Cross-Jurisdictional Comparative Analysis of Legislative Responses to this Workplace Phenomenon in Canada , Kayla Alice Carr

Migrant Construction and Domestic Workers in the Arab Gulf States: Modern - Day Slaves? , Omaya Chidiac

Contesting Risk, Precaution and Legitimacy: A Case Study of Lafarge , Savitri Vasanta Gordian

Rules of Disengagement: "Low Skill" Migrant Workers, Law and the Social Dimensions of Exclusionary Inclusion , Brendan Breckman Jowett

Recovering the Promise of Public Truth: Juridification and the Loss of Purpose in Public Inquiries , Jessica Mckeachie

A Comparative Study of Patent Infringement Remedies Related to Non-Practicing Entities in the Courts of Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States , Aleksandar Nikolic

The Allocation of Burdens in Litigation Between First Nations and the Crown , Michael Wilfred Posluns

The Application of Gladue to Bail: Problems, Challenges, and Potential , Jillian Anne Rogin

The March of Judicial Cosmopolitanism and the Legacy of Enemy Combatant Case Law , Madalina Lulia Sontrop

Legal Ethics as a Moral Idea: A Theory of Philosophical Legal Ethics Based on the Work of Lon Fuller , Emanuel Raul Tucsa

Informal Transnational Police-to-Police Information Sharing: Its Structure and Reform , Michael Robert Walton

Theses from 2013 2013

Grounding Equality in Social Relationships: Suspect Classification, Grounds of Discrimination, and Relational Theory , Jessica Nichol Eisen

Fuller and Godel: Prophets Against the Evils of Positivism: How the Natural Law is Necessary to Provide Legal Meaning and Consistency , Henry James Garon

Mapping the freedom to learn: making the case for student academic freedom in Canada , Angela Sylvia Regnier

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  • Dissertation Example

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An advanced postgraduate degree in law allows individuals who have completed their undergraduate law degree to specialise in a specific area of legal field.

Review Our Quality Dissertation Topics 

Get 3+ free Dissertation Topic Within 24 Hours

The LLM program offers in-depth study and research opportunities, enabling you to expand your knowledge and skills beyond what you acquired during your initial legal education. Here we share the LLM thesis example for you so they understand their outstanding dissertation better.

Example 1:   Comparative Analysis of Corporate-Veil Lifting Approaches in UK & US

Example 2:   Censorship and Freedom of Internet in the UAE Note : Below is a complete guide with some more examples and tips for you to ace the skill of dissertation writing in the field of LLM.


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Understanding the Importance of LLM Dissertation Examples 

LLM dissertation examples serve as guiding lights that illuminate your path towards academic success. 

These examples allow you to grasp the expectations and requirements of an outstanding dissertation in your field. 

By studying well-crafted dissertations, you gain insights into effective research methodologies, structuring your argument, and presenting your findings. Additionally, our LLM dissertation examples pdf guide can inspire you to explore innovative topics and uncover new avenues for legal research.

LLM Dissertation Examples 

  • The Impact of International Human Rights Law on Corporate Social Responsibility: A Comparative Analysis
  • Copyright Protection in the Digital Age: Balancing the Rights of Creators and Users
  • The Role of International Investment Law in Attracting Foreign Direct Investment: A Case Study of Developing Countries
  • Climate Change and International Law: Assessing the Legal Framework for Climate Action
  • Data Privacy and Protection in the Era of Big Data: A Comparative Study
  • The Evolution of Intellectual Property Rights in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Balancing Innovation and Access to Medicines 

Learning from Exemplary Dissertations 

Writing a dissertation is a significant task in a student's educational journey. It requires extensive research, critical analysis, and the ability to present original ideas in a structured. Here the writing structure helps the student a lot. Let's check it out. 

Clear Structure and Organisation

 Exceptional LLM thesis exhibits a logical flow and well-structured dissertation chapters . Analyse the introduction, literature review , methodology, findings, and conclusion to understand how the argument progresses and connects seamlessly.

Thorough Literature Review

A comprehensive review of existing legal literature sets the foundation for your research. Observe how authors critically analyse and synthesise relevant sources to identify gaps in the field and establish the significance of their research questions.

Effective Research Methodologies

Examining research methodologies employed by exemplary dissertations allows you to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. Consider whether quantitative or qualitative methods or a combination of both best suit your research objectives.

Compelling Argumentation

Pay attention to how a writer presents their arguments persuasively, supporting them with credible evidence and legal reasoning. Identify the techniques they employ to engage readers and sustain their interest throughout the dissertation.

Accurate Referencing and Citations

Exemplary dissertations demonstrate meticulous attention to referencing conventions, ensuring proper attribution of ideas and avoiding plagiarism . Familiarise yourself with the referencing style prescribed by your institution and follow it consistently.

3-Step  Dissertation Process!

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Dissertation Proposal

Utilising llm dissertation examples to enhance your work.

While studying LLM dissertation examples can be immensely valuable, it is essential to strike a balance between drawing inspiration and maintaining academic integrity. Here are some practical tips to make the most of these examples:

Use Examples as a Starting Point

Dissertation examples can serve as a foundation for your work, inspiring research questions and methodologies. However, remember to develop your unique approach and contribute something novel to the legal field.

Analyse Critically

Instead of blindly replicating the structure or content of an example, critically evaluate its strengths and weaknesses. Identify areas where you can improve and tailor your dissertation to meet your specific research objectives.

Seek Guidance from Mentors

Consult your academic advisors or professors for guidance on utilising dissertation examples effectively. They can provide valuable insights and help you navigate the challenges of crafting an exceptional LLM dissertation.


LLM dissertation examples are invaluable resources that can propel your academic journey to new heights. By studying these exemplars, you gain a deeper understanding of the expectations of the legal field and enhance your research and writing skills. 

Remember, while examples provide inspiration, it is crucial to maintain academic integrity and bring your unique perspective to the table. So, embrace the insights and lessons offered by exemplary dissertations, combine them with your originality, and embark on a remarkable LLM dissertation journey that leaves a lasting impact on the legal community.

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Law Dissertations

Law Dissertations

DOI link for Law Dissertations

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Law Dissertations: A Step-by-Step Guide provides law students with all the guidance and information they need to complete and succeed in their LLB, LLM or law-related dissertation. Written in an accessible, clear format and with plenty of tools to help put the theory into practice, Laura Lammasniemi will show students how to make writing a law dissertation easy, without compromising intellectual rigour.

The primary aim of this book is to tackle the issues that cause anxiety to law students undertaking a dissertation so that they can focus on the research that you find exciting. As well as explaining the process of research and outlining the various legal research approaches, the book also provides practical, step-by-step guidance on how to formulate a proposal, research plan, and literature review. The second edition expands guidance to LLM and Masters students, and provides up-to-date guidance on how to complete your project using both online resources and remotely. Unlike other law research skills books, Law Dissertations: A Step-by-Step Guide includes a section on empirical research methodology and ethics for the benefit of students who are studying for a Masters in law.

Packed full of exercises, worked examples, and tools for self-evaluation, this book is sure to become an essential guide for law students, supporting them on every step of their dissertation journey.


Chapter 1 | 5  pages, introduction, chapter 2 | 9  pages, finding and perfecting your topic, chapter 3 | 11  pages, from a topic to a question, chapter 4 | 9  pages, creating a good research proposal, chapter 5 | 7  pages, planning the project, chapter 6 | 7  pages, creating a research plan, chapter 7 | 14  pages, online research, chapter 8 | 15  pages, legal research methods and approaches, chapter 9 | 18  pages, empirical research, chapter 10 | 13  pages, assessing literature, chapter 11 | 10  pages, literature review, chapter 12 | 16  pages, writing the dissertation, chapter 13 | 15  pages, referencing, chapter 14 | 12  pages, structuring the dissertation, chapter 15 | 11  pages, navigating supervision, chapter 16 | 7  pages, aiming for a first and avoiding fails, chapter 17 | 5  pages, preparing for submission.

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Law LLM Dissertation module (LW50107)

Understand the main rules, aspects, and stages of researching and writing a dissertation

This module will help you conduct work on a master’s dissertation. This covers choosing a topic, defining a title, and using research assistance tools. It will conclude in writing the dissertation.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • understand the main rules, aspects, and stages of researching and writing the dissertation
  • learn about the rules that apply to the dissertation. You will also learn about the roles of the supervisor and supervisee
  • develop the necessary skills to conduct research and write your dissertation
  • use your background knowledge and organise initial ideas. This will allow you to defining a topic, research question, and hypothesis
  • learn how to use research assistance tools such as Zotero and Endnote
  • understand how to write an outline. You will also learn to manage time and resources to complete your dissertation

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • bring together all skills learned to prepare, research, and write your dissertation
  • produce a professional dissertation using correct referencing guidelines and tools

Assignments / assessment

  • final dissertation (100%)

This is supported by supervision and guidance. This includes the selection of an initial topic and an extended outline on which oral and written feedback is given.

Your dissertation is expected to be relevant to your named degree award.

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

  • independent study

This module is supported by classes delivered as part of LW50107 Legal Research Skills. There are also 8 hours in the spring semester dedicated to preparing for the dissertation. This includes one session from Library Services staff.

This module is available on following courses:

University of Leeds logo

  • Study and research support
  • Academic skills

Dissertation examples

Listed below are some of the best examples of research projects and dissertations from undergraduate and taught postgraduate students at the University of Leeds We have not been able to gather examples from all schools. The module requirements for research projects may have changed since these examples were written. Refer to your module guidelines to make sure that you address all of the current assessment criteria. Some of the examples below are only available to access on campus.

  • Undergraduate examples
  • Taught Masters examples

These dissertations achieved a mark of 80 or higher:

The following two examples have been annotated with academic comments. This is to help you understand why they achieved a good 2:1 mark but also, more importantly, how the marks could have been improved.

Please read to help you make the most of the two examples.

(Mark 68)

(Mark 66)

These final year projects achieved a mark of a high first:

For students undertaking a New Venture Creation (NVC) approach, please see the following Masters level examples:

Projects which attained grades of over 70 or between 60 and 69 are indicated on the lists (accessible only by students and staff registered with School of Computer Science, when on campus).

These are good quality reports but they are not perfect. You may be able to identify areas for improvement (for example, structure, content, clarity, standard of written English, referencing or presentation quality).

The following examples have their marks and feedback included at the end of of each document.





The following examples have their feedback provided in a separate document.


School of Media and Communication .

The following outstanding dissertation example PDFs have their marks denoted in brackets.

(Mark 78)
(Mark 72)
(Mark 75)

(Mark 91)
(Mark 85)
(Mark 85)
(Mark 85)
(Mark 91)

(Mark 85)
(Mark 75)

This dissertation achieved a mark of 84:


LUBS5530 Enterprise

MSc Sustainability




The following outstanding dissertation example PDFs have their marks denoted in brackets.

(Mark 70)

(Mark 78)

examples of llm dissertations

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Dissertation Topics in Law for LLM Students


  • Updated on  
  • May 9, 2023

Dissertation Topics in Law for LLM Students-03 (1)

The last academic challenge before the completion of your postgraduate degree is a dissertation or thesis. Many students pursuing LLM are often confused while deciding the correct topic for the dissertation as it requires a lot of research. To help you with the dissertation this blog contains ideal law dissertation topics for LLM in India. Keep reading to know more!

This Blog Includes:

How to choose the best dissertation topic, advantages of choosing a good dissertation topic, criminal law dissertation topics, international law dissertation topics, family law dissertation topics, employment law dissertation topics, international commercial law dissertation topics, law dissertation topics india, intellectual property law topics in dissertation, constitutional law topics in dissertation, sports law topics in dissertation, medical law topics in dissertation, commercial law dissertation topics, company law dissertation topics, tort law dissertation topics, eu law dissertation topics, the english legal system and constitutional and administrative law dissertation topics.

A lot of research and hard work is required to decide what is a correct and valuable topic for the dissertation or thesis. It is seen in various students that before graduation the dissertation is the last hurdle in the way. It is advised to pursue a topic after valuable research and most importantly that goes with the student’s interests.

Also Read: Dissertation Topics

There are an array of benefits when you choose a good and valuable dissertation topic. These advantages include:

  • This helps you in the analysis of the topic and deep research.
  • Present you with a program to enhance your investigative skills.
  • In explaining your subject option, you should be prepared to show how your previous research experiences ended up with great knowledge. 
  • You can find a degree of education useful for postgraduate research.

Also Read: Law Entrance Exams: India & Abroad

Criminal law is the body of law regulating crime and criminal activities in India. This proves to be an important topic and is interesting as well. Some of the criminal law dissertation topics are:

  • A Significant Study of Struggle against Girls in India
  • Case Debate on business trial in India
  • An Analysis on Terrorism and Lawlessness Against Infants in India
  • A survey on Legislation against private terrorism in India
  • Significant Evaluation Of Death Cost In India
  • An Analysis of Juvenile Justice System and Order in India
  • The appearance of the group is in the criminal law process
  • The Root Elements of the Infant Mergers
  • White-Collar Crime Law in India
  • Criminology and Criminal Justice

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International law dissertation is another amazing topic where you can add your relevant thoughts. Some of the unique international law dissertation topics are:

  • What are the significant aspects of collective civil obligations in now’s global order?
  • What are the causes that cause application of foreign order at the state standard also complex?
  • Figure out the very important issues encountered by establishing universal rules.
  • What are the effects of accelerated market restraints on people? Can such a thing be explained?
  • What are global challenges encountered by international businessmen, when installing service projects in third group societies?
  • What are the effects of letting offenders continue to their native land for action?
  • How seeing abuse as a foreign war case will change the position of African people?
  • What are the important challenges encountered by companies that are coming in the global travel industry from the ocean.
  • What universal rules regulate copy? How should this case be corrected?
  • Which governmental law of the UK is sufficiently sufficient to be carried out universally?

Also Read: What is a Dissertation? Meaning, Projects, Report Work

Some of the most important and unique family law dissertation topics are:

  • Separation case for father and female representatives of the group, makes it favour any particular gender or is it merely a sense
  • Matrimonial Act and how it affects women who join without their permission. What is the attitude of decisions about made mergers and how can one explain it in the court of decision
  • Residential part by stepmothers and offspring, how goes on the case provide everybody has their got right and place
  • Youth insurance problems in the unified kingdom, which of the state shows to have very trouble with such arguments and why is it so
  • Adolescent abuse-is it important to discipline your children and youths? What is the perimeter between youth abuse and correcting your children for setting their limits
  • Internal disorder and its effect on the boy and female representatives personally, which of them picks up a greater claim in the mind of order and how can we get rid of that biasness
  • Protection problems for separated mothers, how goes on it go and what goes on the statute have to do about the protection of the child for each mother
  • How looks at the proper form thing if a man is incapable to provide and provide his house owing to lack or scarcity of means
  • Long-distance communications and their fair significance cut off from the spiritual and artistic attitudes
  • Minor job- what are we looking at to abolish it and how goes on our constitutional process set limits and provide that they are found

Employment law dissertation enables you to craft perfect research on your thesis or dissertation. Some of the employment law dissertation topics are:

  • The link between trade and morality in the UK. An academic context.
  • A study of the relationship between sports departments and their service contracts.
  • The effect of variation in the business decisions of the UK after starting the EU.
  • The task of infant employment regulations in the UK. How does the judiciary remain fighting developing youth employment?
  • The influence of civil responsibility service in UK regulations.
  • A study of the market association in the UK study of the business requirements and principles.
  • A provisional review of business decisions in the station waggon part of the UK and EU. Who gets the first job benefit and rights insurance systems?
  • An in-depth study of justice fees in the validities of UK legislation.

Some of the international commercial law dissertations you can choose from are:

  • An assessment of the enemy-pollution bill in the UK. Its origins and effects on the state leaders.
  • A strategic study of the joint cloak and how the decision can pass through it.
  • The performance of UK legislation in affecting joint difficulties while preserving major human rights.
  • A symposium on the differences enveloping the purview of field 33 groups do 2006 in the UK
  • The effects of setting reasonable requirements for the principal’s needs. How does the organisation do well under this?
  • An in-depth assessment of economic regulation programs at attending institutions in the UK.
  • The effect of UNCITRAL’s performance on the unification of universal economic legislation in the UK.

Also Read: How to Write Acknowledgement for Dissertation?

Some of the Indian legal topics you can choose for your dissertation are:

  • Handgun Case in India: Provision of a Different Structure
  •  Animal investigation: Order in India
  • Wire advertising and constitutional structure
  •  Joint Civil Power and change
  • Moral Orders and Cases in producing societies
  • Men Investigations and Indian constitutional practice
  •  Improvement of infants and proper conflict

Some of the catchy and interesting dissertation topics that you can choose as a dissertation topic for law assignment:

  • Scientific advances and present IP rule in India
  • IP rules and the safety of/on Internet
  •  New patent statutes and digitalisation

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Here are some of the finest dissertation or thesis topics for constitutional law dissertation topics are:

  • Accident plans in India: A study
  • Legal exploitation and its interest: An assessment
  • Application of International Cases in Indian Legal Structure
  • Able expression in virtual life and Indian Custom

Also Read: Dissertation vs Thesis

A constantly fascinating subject, sports provides a large range of fields and issues to judge from to create your analysis report. It can deal with universal order, national order, carrying out parties, power, and often better.

Here are some of the finest dissertation (thesis)points on Sports law:

  • Doping and Sports: National and International fair innuendo
  • Legalisation of speculating in India: Law and Cons
  • Handling sports organisations and their constitutional ramifications
  • Transgender animals and Indian Custom

Medical law dissertation is another great topic you can choose from, some of the medical law dissertation topics are:

  • Member retention: Fair experts and cons
  • Miscarriage in India: A global review
  • Made fertilisation: Provision of primary training to find out these matters
  • Supported suicide: Fair, honest and therapeutic ethics
  • Animal torture: A fair claim research

Also Read: Law Courses

Commercial Law is one such topic where a wide area of study is to be covered because it cannot be described within a single legal jurisdiction. A commercial law dissertation often involves comparisons with other countries. Listed below are some topics for Commercial Law Dissertation:

  • A critical assessment of the international commercial arbitration system as a cost-effective and efficient means to administer justice in commercial disputes
  • An assessment of security over personal property when it comes to the matter of possessory and non-possessory forms of security and other legal devices
  • An investigation of the emergence of new manifestations of international commercial law
  • A critical assessment of the passing of risk in the commercial law in England and Wales
  • A critical assessment of the Future of consumer protection in England and Wales in the post-Brexit era

There is a great scope of producing an effective Company Law Dissertation as it provides you with potential sources. From the Companies Act 2006 to corporate governance, you have a lot of options to choose from. Listed below are some great Company Law Dissertation Topics:

  • A critical analysis of the shareholder versus stakeholder basis of corporate governance
  • Arguments for and against ‘stakeholder theory’ and to what extent are they still valid?
  • Should the OECD’s Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital 2010 be ratified into UK Law?
  • To what extent has Environmental Law merged together Vicarious and Corporate Liability
  • Is the English maintenance of the “internal management” model failing to bring company law in the 21st Century?

The word Tort comes from the Latin term torture which means “Wrong”. In simple terms, Tort Law is supposed to address the civil wrongs done to a person, accidentally or incidentally. The victim/injured/aggrieved party is provided with compensation for the damages.

This area of law is one of the most important aspects of law study as it demonstrates the circumstances through which an individual is held accountable for another party’s injury either done intentionally or omissions or even by accident. Listed below are some topics for a Tort Law Dissertation to make it easier for you to draft an effective dissertation:

  • Importance of foreseeability and policy in establishing a duty of care
  • Analysis of the rules regarding the recovery of economic losses in tortious actions
  • When it comes to matters of occupiers’ liability under the Occupiers Liability Acts of 1957 and 1984 respectively, when is a trespasser, not a trespasser?
  • Wrongful Restraint of a man’s Liberty: Meaning, Defense and Remedy
  • Why might the duty of care afforded to children be considered to be a step too far regarding the recognition of tortious liability?

Also Read: All About PhD Thesis

EU Law is considered as an expandable area of academic interest, particularly due to the UK’s recent Brexit from the Union. There is a wide range of dissertation topics you can consider for an EU Law Dissertation, from UK’s Brexit to the superiority of EU Law. Listed below are some great dissertation topics to start with your EU Law Dissertation:

  • Critical Analysis of the UK’s Separation from the EU.
  • Brexit and EU economy: How the UK’s decision has affected EU trade.
  • An argument: Is EU Law actually superior?
  • Importance of the enforcement actions against EU Member States as part of the European law-making process.
  • How has the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of 1950 contributed to the recognition of human rights internationally?

The English Legal System and Constitutional and Administrative Law may be classified into 3 key areas-

  • The nature of the Constitution may be considered in areas including, but not limited to, the recognition and application of conventions and the rule of law. 
  • Evaluation of the roles of the legislature, executive and parliament in the context of the recognition of the separation of powers, which could include legislation’s passage through Parliament, the delegation of legislation, the relationship between Parliament, the crown and the Royal Prerogative, and the executive, legislative and judiciary’s relationship.
  • Judicial Review includes the basis for intervention, such as ultra vires and illegality, procedural irregularity, irrationality, proportionality, and the nemo judex rule.

A number of areas can be covered in this dissertation as the English Legal System and Constitutional and Administrative Law is quite different from other legal systems as the role of the judge differs in an adversarial system. The major difference is in how a trial is pursued. Some topics for an English Legal System and Constitutional and Administrative Law Dissertation are as mentioned below:

  • The Role of natural justice  in the UK Constitution
  • Are conventions still a valid part of the UK Constitution?
  • Is the Royal Prerogative an essential part of the British Constitution?
  • Are the current models of statutory interpretation fit for purpose, especially as the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) and European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) infer a more active approach for judges?
  • In what ways will the relationship between constitutional and administrative law in England and Wales be affected by Brexit?

The following are the popular law universities in the world: Harvard University Columbia University Stanford University

Here are some of the finest dissertation or thesis topics for constitutional law dissertation topics are: Accident plans in India: A study Legal exploitation and its interest: An assessment Application of International Cases in the Indian Legal Structure Able expression in virtual life and Indian Custom

The average salary of a lawyer in India is 3.5 Lakh per year.

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Build an LLM Application using LangChain

By: Levi Masonde   |   Updated: 2024-09-02   |   Comments   |   Related: More > Artificial Intelligence

You are a software developer witnessing the AI revolution, just like everyone. Most developers are at a crossroads: do you join the revolution or hope it's a phase that won't affect you and your work in the long run? With the introduction of new technologies like ChatGPT4o and all the industry-leading companies having AI incorporated into their businesses, it is safe to admit that we have reached a point of no return, and AI will only increase in popularity and influence in all businesses.

So, how do you get involved with AI as a developer? Where do you start?

Natural language AIs like ChatGPT4o are powered by Large Language Models (LLMs). You can look at the overview of this topic in my previous article . As much as theory and reading about concepts as a developer is important, learning concepts is much more effective when you get your hands dirty doing practical work with new technologies.

In this tutorial, we will build an LLM application using LangChain to show you how to start implementing AI in your applications. We will create a question-answer chatbot using the retrieval augmented generation (RAG) and web-scrapping techniques.


  • Visual Studio Code

What are LLMs?

LLMs are natural language machine learning models built using neural networks pre-trained with trillions of tokens (text data). LLMs split sentences into tokens, or groups of characters, before sending the prompt to the model using a tokenization method. You can learn more about LLMs in this article: Large Language Models (LLMs) to train artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT .

What is LangChain and How It Works

LLMs, by default, have been trained on a great number of topics and information based on the internet's historical data. If you want to build an AI application that uses private data or data made available after the AI's cutoff time, you must feed the AI model the relevant data. The process of bringing and inserting the appropriate information into the model prompt is known as retrieval augmented generation (RAG). We will use this technique to enhance our AI Q&A later in this tutorial.

LangChain is a Python framework built to enable developers to feed custom data to LLMs and to interact with LLMs in the following ways:

  • Chains : Creates a chain of operations within a workflow. LangChain enables you to link actions like calling APIs, querying multiple LLMs, or storing data into one operation.
  • Agents : Makes decisions based on the output of the LLM.
  • Memory : Maintains the state and history of context across different interactions.
  • Indexes : Uses tools that manage and create indexes to be queried by LLMS using vector stores.
  • Retrievers : Fetches relevant information from various sources, such as databases, APIs, document collections, or retrieval augmented generation, based on queries generated by LLMs.

Text Embedding Models and Vector Stores

Text embedding is a way to represent pieces of text using arrays of numbers. This transformation is essential for Natural Language Processing because computers understand numeric representation better than raw text. Once the text is transformed, it exists on a specific coordinate in a vector space where similar texts are stored close to each other.

Vector stores are responsible for storing vectors and running vector searches for you. First, you must get data from your source and embed it into a vector store. When you want to send a query, the query is embedded and then the vector store searches for similar vectors from the vector store, sending the results back as the answer:

Vector stores

Source: https://python.langchain.com/v0.1/docs/modules/data_connection/vectorstores/

Large Language Model Providers

Different LLM providers in the market mainly focus on bridging the gap between established LLMs and your custom data to create AI solutions specific to your needs. Essentially, you can train your model without starting from scratch, building an entire LLM model. You can use licensed models, like OpenAI, that give you access to their APIs or open-source models, like GPT-Neo, which give you the full code to access an LLM.

Creating an LLM Application

In this section, you will create the base for a Q&A application. This is when you send a question to the LLM and get an answer. As discussed earlier, you can use the RAG technique to enhance your answers from your LLM by feeding it custom data.

First, you must install LangChain on your environment. To do this, open your terminal on Visual Studio Code and run this pip command:

Next, use the following pip command for the dotenv module:

Then, create a .env file and add the following code:

Keep in mind that you might have to add your API keys to your system's environment variables.

Then create a new file named LLM_App.py and add the following code to check if your environment can pick up your variables:

When running this code, you should see this output:

Variable pickup output

Then, let's add Cohere as our LLM provider. Login to Cohere, use the default API key, and add it to your .env file:


Once done, install the LangChain Cohere using this pip command:

Let's start writing code for a Q&A application with no custom external data. Using the default RAG class on your LLM_app.py file, add the following code:

This will provide an answer to be displayed on your terminal:

RAG query response

The results seem great. But, if we run the function again, these are the results:

RAG query response

As you can see, the results are now different and incorrect this time. Unfortunately, nobody can technically explain why this happens. It is all part of AI “hallucination.”

One way of increasing the accuracy of your LLM search results is by setting the temperature parameter to 0 when declaring your LLM on the LLM_app.py file. This is on line 55:

This ensures that your results do not change too much when re-run.

Using Web Scrappers with LLMs

Another way of increasing the accuracy of your LLM search results is by declaring your custom data sources. This way, your LLM can answer questions based mainly on your provided data source. Using a tool like Apify, you can create an automated web-scrapping function that can be integrated with your LLM application. This will enable you to choose a web data source for your LLM queries.

To avoid mixing the two codes prematurely, create another Python file named ApifyQA_app.py and add the following code:

Running this query, which is the same query we ran on the previous script, you get this result:

web scrap LLM query results

This is a result that reflects the website's content:

MSSQLTips website

As you can see, the results are heavily influenced by the data source we feed our LLM.

This tutorial covers an LLM that uses a default RAG technique to get data from the web, which gives it more general knowledge but not precise knowledge and is prone to hallucinations. We also covered web-scrapping retrievers added to an LLM. This ensures that the LLM outputs have controlled and precise content.

LLMs played a huge role in pushing AI to the spotlight, especially today, as most companies want to eventually have custom AI systems. Starting an AI system from scratch can only be done by companies with huge pockets; most will have to settle for existing LLM models and customize them to their organization's requirements.

This tutorial teaches you the basic concepts of how LLM applications are built using pre-existing LLM models and Python's LangChain module and how to feed the application your custom web data.

  • Learn how to use LangChain Prompt Templates with OpenAI LLMs .
  • You can also learn more about how LLMs work .
  • Learn how to Create AI Models with T-SQL to Buy or Sell Financial Securities.
  • Learn more about Artificial Intelligence Features in Power BI for Report Development.
  • Learn how they use Large Language Models (LLMs) to train artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT .

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About the author

MSSQLTips author Levi Masonde

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Social Security

Get your social security statement ( en español ), social security statement.

Your Social Security Statement (Statement) is available to view online by opening a my Social Security account. Millions of people of all ages now use these online accounts to learn about their future Social Security benefits and current earnings history.

For workers age 60 and older who do not have a my Social Security account, we currently mail Social Security Statements three months prior to your birthday.

There are many benefits to having a personal my Social Security account. It provides secure access to your Statement , allows you to change your address, verify your reported earnings, and estimate your future benefits. If you receive benefits, you can get the new and improved cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) notice earlier than you would receive it in the mail.

A growing number of forms are now available online and no longer require wet signatures, making it easier and quicker to get necessary forms to us using your account. We encourage you to submit necessary forms online.

Many of our notices are now available online. You can choose to get available notices online instead of by mail and can choose to receive email or text alerts when you have a notice available. Getting available notices online means not needing to wait for it to arrive in the mail or the notice getting lost or misplaced.

Online Statements can be accessed for people living overseas (domestic earnings only) with an ID.me account. Please visit www.ssa.gov/foreign for more information.

Sign in Create your account

Sample Statement

We redesigned the Statement to make it easier for you to read and find the information you need!

The redesigned Statement now includes a bar graph displaying your personalized retirement benefit estimates at nine different ages, depending on when you want benefits to start. It also includes your earnings history, and information on how to report an error if you find one.

We encourage you to review your Statement annually. Below, you can view a sample Statement and the valuable information it provides. Your personal Statement may include different language, depending on your situation.

  • Social Security Statement Samples
  • Online Statement
  • Statement for People with Noncovered Earnings
  • Mailed Statement

Fact Sheets Added to Statement

We have added new fact sheets to accompany the Statement . The fact sheets are designed to provide clarity and useful information, based on your age group and earnings situation. They can help you better understand Social Security programs and benefits.

These fact sheets include:

  • Retirement Ready (Fact Sheet For Workers Ages 18-48)
  • Retirement Ready (Fact Sheet For Workers Ages 49-60)
  • Retirement Ready (Fact Sheet For Workers Ages 61-69)
  • Retirement Ready (Fact Sheet For Workers Ages 70 and Up)
  • Social Security Basics For New Workers
  • How You Become Eligible For Benefits
  • Additional Work Can Increase Your Future Benefits
  • You Have Earnings Not Covered By Social Security
  • Medicare Ready
  • Supplemental Security Income And Other Benefits


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    Another way of increasing the accuracy of your LLM search results is by declaring your custom data sources. This way, your LLM can answer questions based mainly on your provided data source. Using a tool like Apify, you can create an automated web-scrapping function that can be integrated with your LLM application.

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