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science and technology a blessing or a curse essay

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science and technology a blessing or a curse essay

Science and Technology : Blessing or Curse?

Essays Science and Technology : Blessing or Curse?

Category : Essays

“Advancement in Science and Technology has given man power fit for 'God' yet he can't be 'God* unless has peace of mind, inner satisfaction respect for moral, ethical and spiritual values."

Today science and technology come to play key role in almost every branch of human activity. The wondrous advancement of science and technology in different spheres has completely changed the pace of way of living of the present society. If our forefathers could rise from their grave they would be amazed and bewildered to see the present world. In the field of education, health, transportation, banking, defense, communication, the progressive use of newer scientific and technological equipment, have changed the spectrum of functioning. The gradual use of computers in all walks of life has changed the means and modes of utilizing time and energy of present society.

 Blessing: Every new invention have its merits and demerits. No invention is itself a blessing or a curse, it is its use which the human being does to make it a blessing.

The higher food production and better quality of food grains arc possible due  to rapid progress in irrigation facilities and by the use of hybrid seeds and technically very easily operable tools and machinery. Today agriculture is to a great extent free from the vagaries of nature, rain or no rain, scant rain or excess rain, in any kind of weather a good production is ensured at least in developed countries. Dependence on wind, sun for air and light has since been a matter of ancient past. Comfort by coolers, AC and light through electricity has become very common. In the field of education. the distance learning through satellite, the on line education, the progressive use of internet is also a common feature.

 Sitting in India, one can well be taught by a professor delivering lecture in USA and can also put questions with the help of technologically advanced devices.

 The mind bogging advancement in the field of communication have brought the whole world in a small room. The network of satellites, computer network, internet. have decimated all the geographical barriers and brought the world so closer that one can communicate with a person sitting at millions of miles away through video conferencing as if looking face to face.

The tremendous advancement in nuclear technology, medical science, biotechnology etc. have made almost everything possible. The forecasting of weather. surgery of brain. Heart transplantation, heart valve change, planting of every human organ including eyes limbs and every bone has made a man more than immortal. The   progress in bio-science in genetic engineering has made the man envying wilh God.  The cloning of sheep has become a reality and now researches are being made in cloning of human being.

In the field of space technology, the Moon, Mars, has since explored by the man and efforts are being made to explore the other hidden secrets o! universe. Everyday new stars, new space bodies are being discovered. In addition to the inventions and discoveries made by science and technology, it has made the human life full of comforts and luxuries, all kinds of entertaining mode are available at hand.

A very important aspect of advancement in the field of science and technology is the analytical reasoning and removal of various orthodox cal and superstitious beliefs thus enlightening the common people.

Science and technology has given the man power fit to be the God yet he could not as by vagaries of his mind. lust for becoming almighty, he has put the world at the threshold of ruin. The science and technology has done wonders in inventions of warheads, nuclear and atomic weapons, space warships thus putting the entire world at ruinous peril. A switch can destroy the whole world. We had seen the devastation and destruction caused by the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and now there are more scientific more accurate warheads available that can destroy the whole world w it hour. The invention of chemical weapons has also jeopardized the whole civilization that may put the humanity in danger of incurable diseases.

The rap id progress i n genet ic engineering can make it possible to develop clone of human beings the disastrous effect of such invention can ruin every fabric of morality, ethics and the civilization.

The fast development in science and technology has put the balance of nature in great danger. The present day. Air, water and noise, pollution, the gradual global warming, has put the existence of world at stake . With rapid industrialization particularly in developed countries has resulted into imbalance in ratio of carbon-di oxide and oxygen in the environment. As per the report of Hadley Centre U.K.. by 2050 the trees and soils will start falling and perishing due to Global waning if no corrective measures are taken.

In pursuit of materialistic prosperity, we have been going for more and more unplanned industrialization that has resulted not only air pollution but also water pollution. Rivers, the natural source of pure and hygienic water, now become so much contaminated that even the water creatures, fish, tortoise, etc. are at the verge of extinction. Forest are decaying gradually. many species of wild animals have become a matter of past. Undoubtedly science and technology has given the man, much luxury, comfort, material prosperity, but wealth and prosperity is not the 'be- all and end -all'

of human life. Is there any material benefit more precious than life and material loss more awful than death. The worst curse of advancement in science and technology is that man has started feeling himself Almightily and ignoring the spiritual and human values. The man has lost his peace of mind. The inner satisfaction, the value of ethics in the realm of new and newer advancement in science and technology. What purpose all the material and physical prosperity serve if we have no peace of mind, no inner satisfaction? In brief, science and technology has brought both good and evil to the present world. No invention or technological advancement is itself bad or good. it is the user who turns it into blessings or curse. Machines are created for the luxury and comfort of man, if we use them to destroy others, they become curse, otherwise machines arc blessings It is the man, who has to ponder over the question what he wish to make the world a heaven or a hell, it is his decision which makes the science and technology a 'blessing' or a 'curse'.

1. wondrous—remarkable, unusual, extraordinary. 2. forefathers—settlement, dependency, subject state. 3. equipment—material, materiel, tools, machinery. 4. invention— inventiveness. imagination. 5. seam—scarce, insufficient, meager. 6. bewildered— confused, puzzled perplexed- 7.   demerit—fault, mark against one, bad mark.

8. amazed—entranced,. fascinated. 9. Mind-boggling—hard lo comprehend; confusing. 10. shrank—contract, shrivel, shorten. 11. envying—jealousy, resentment, covetousness. 12. explore—search, investigate, traverse. 13- devastation—destruction. defoliation. 14. weapons—armament, armor, ammunition. 15. existence— being, living.

survival. 16. soils—dirt, loam, clay. 17. prosperity—accomplishment, victory, success! unless. 18. spiritual—refined, pure, holy. 19. awful—terrible, wretched, (disagreeable. 20. Almighty-invincible. all-powerful, mighty, supreme. 21. luxury— gratification, costliness, expansiveness

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science and technology a blessing or a curse essay

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Artificial Intelligence – a blessing or a curse for sustainable development?

10 November 2023 – In recent years, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has grown rapidly, affecting many industries and areas of human life. But should we view AI as a blessing or curse? How about its impact on social development and the global goals? We spoke with  Professor Daron Acemoglu  of the Department of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who shared his take.

science and technology a blessing or a curse essay

A blessing or a curse? How do we ensure that AI is used for the greater good for people and planet?

“AI could be either a blessing or a curse. The future of AI remains unwritten, and it will depend on the choices we make in the current generation. There is no doubt that advances in generative AI tools, such as large language models, have been impressive. But these could be used for the greater good or for enriching a narrow elite, with all of the costs that this entails. To ensure we are on a socially beneficial path, we must start with a broader discussion, encompassing many more stakeholders than just the most powerful tech leaders, on what we can achieve with these new tools and what we want from them.

My view is that it is both technically feasible and highly socially desirable to have pro-worker and pro-citizen AI – meaning AI tools that increase worker expertise and contribution to the production process and empower workers and citizens. This is a critical first step because the current development path of the industry is centered on automation and control of information by a few large players. Moreover, I do not believe that we can escape this path unless voices from workers, civil society and the developing world are heard.”

What opportunities could AI bring towards advancing social development, reducing inequalities and protecting vulnerable groups? What are the pitfalls to look out for?  

“The digital technologies so far have been a major source of inequality.  My work with Pascual Restrepo  estimates that between 50% and 70% of all between-group inequality increase in the United States since 1980 is accounted for by the use of these technologies for automation. The danger is that we will continue the same path with AI. If we pursue this path, we will get even more inequality, both between different types of workers in the labor market and between capital and labor.

It is possible to use AI tools to increase the expertise of different types of workers in tasks that range from production to office work and creative activities. It is also possible to use AI tools to enable better democratic participation and civil society activity. But these more hopeful possibilities require a major redirection of how we are using AI and how we are developing AI.”

Can AI bring us closer to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals?

“This is one of the promises that boosters of AI make. I am not as optimistic on this. I see a path of how AI can be used for helping workers, as I explained in response to the previous two questions. But when it comes to central issues of sustainable development, such as combating extreme poverty in the developing world, fighting climate change, delivering better healthcare to billions of people around the world, and sustaining peace, the most important decisions are human decisions. AI could be a small help, but it would be misleading and counterproductive to think that technologies can by themselves solve these human problems.”

AI also raises some ethical concerns. What are the important ethical considerations and practical ways to deal with challenges when using AI?

“There are many ethical issues with AI. To me the most important one is that the current path of development is likely to disempower people as workers and citizens. We see this with the focus on automation; we see this with the way in which the gains from previous digital technologies are distributed (mostly to the already very rich); and worse of all, we see this in who controls information. AI is entangled with data and information. In my opinion, the biggest ethical problem arises when we allow the utilization of AI tools to monopolize information. This enables manipulation of both the economic landscape and politics according to their own agendas.”

A new UN Advisory Body on AI was launched by UN Secretary-General António Guterres on 26 October 2023. The new body gathers experts with deep experience across government, the private sector, technology, civil society, and academia, to support the UN in its efforts to ensure that AI is used for the greater good of humanity. Learn more from UN News  here .


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Review: Is technology a blessing or a curse?

By Ray Percival

5 March 1994

The Song of the Earth: Heidegger and the Grounds of the History of Being by Michael Haar, Indiana University Press, pp 192, £25

Michael Haar, professor of contemporary philosophy at the University of Paris, struggles in The Song of the Earth with the ancient problem of being. Metaphysics is traditionally divided into epistemology (what and how we know) and ontology (what sort of beings there are). Following Martin Heidegger and Georg Hegel, Haar regards ontology as more important and defines truth as the revelation of being. Applying this theory of truth to art, Haar maintains that a work of art reveals aspects of the Earth that would otherwise remain hidden, and he draws many fine examples from the poetry of Friedrich Holderlin to illustrate this.

In Britain, Heidegger is often referred to as a horrible example of how senseless metaphysics can become. Rudolf Carnap (one of the founders of logical positivism) used to quote from Heidegger to illustrate this: ‘Nihilation is neither an annihilation of what-is, nor does it spring from negation . . . nothing annihilates itself.’ To the untutored it must seem that something has gone very wrong here. Heidegger, it has been said, was trying to break out of stock categories, but if one feels that one understands the text one also wonders whether, like the Rorschach ink-blot test, the meaning comes from oneself rather than from the text. Haar’s book is sometimes a recapitulation of this experience, but some things are clear enough.

A pervasive assumption in the book is that the Earth is somehow a place that we humans could not do without, that we could never be at home anywhere else in the Universe, but technology erects a barrier between us and the Earth. The value of art is that it helps to connect us with the Earth by making it manifest. This reveals the unfortunate reactionary and parochial attitude behind this book.

Haar supports the natural, but he fails to see that the drives behind technology – people’s curiosity, exploration and desire to control – could not be more natural. They are, after all, part of our evolutionary heritage. As Konrad Lorenz, the famous ethologist, shows in Behind the Mirror, these characteristics become increasingly evident as we look along the phylogenetic series leading to Homo sapiens sapiens.

Another aspect of this antitechnology stance is Haar’s assertion that technology threatens the Earth because ‘When the world is reduced to a network of interchangeable connections, there are truly no longer any subjects who face objects, but only gigantic circulations of energy, products, information and consumption.’ This is the problem of alienation. What all writers on alienation since Marx have taken for granted was that alienation was both bad and avoidable.

Friedrich Hayek, the Nobel prizewinning economist, discusses the emergence of the extended society of worldwide markets in his book Fatal Conceit. He predicts that there will always be a tension between our instinctive need for the closeness and familiarity of the tribal-like grouping, in which each person knows every other individual and cooperates out of altruistic concern, and the needs of the worldwide system of cooperation between millions of individuals who neither know each other nor could know each other. Furthermore, in Unfathomed Knowledge, Unmeasured Wealth, William Bartley points out that the alienation of our products – the fact that we cannot fully predict or control what will happen to them once we have made them – is unavoidable.

The potential of any theoretically interpretable product, whether a theory or an invention, is literally infinite and therefore cannot be completely surveyed by the producer. Who could have seen all the developments predicated on Einstein’s theory or the wheel? Alienation is a universal phenomenon, not just of the so-called epoch of capitalism.

This is arguably a far more profound and informative analysis of truth than the Heideggerian idea that truth is simply the self-disclosure of being. One might at least think it relevant to Haar’s project. The fact is, much truth is not only manifest, but unfathomable. But the same applies to works of art. Paintings, sculpture, music and poems have meaning for us because of a tradition of interpretations within which a person makes his or her own limited and different interpretation. A composer may be pleasantly astonished by an unforeseeable variation in the performance of his score, for example, variations of tempo or instruments.

Ray Percival is organiser and chairman of the Annual Conference on the Philosophy of Sir Karl Popper.

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Essay on Science and Technology: Blessing or Curse?


“Advancement in Science and Technology has given manpower fit for ‘God’ yet he can’t be ‘God’ unless has peace of mind, inner satisfaction respect for moral, ethical and spiritual values.”

Today science and technology come to play a key role in almost every branch of human activity. The wondrous advancement of science and technology in different spheres has completely changed the pace of the way of living of the present society. If our forefathers could rise from their grave they would be amazed and bewildered to see the present world. In the field of education, health, transportation, banking, defense, communication, the progressive use of newer scientific and technological equipment, have changed the spectrum of functioning. The gradual use of computers in all walks of life has changed the means and modes of utilizing the time and energy of present society.

Every new invention has its merits and demerits. No invention is itself a blessing or a curse, it is its use which the human being does to make it a blessing.

The higher food production and better quality of food grains are possible due to rapid progress in irrigation facilities and by the use of hybrid seeds and technically very easily operable tools and machinery. Today agriculture is to a great extent free from the vagaries of nature, rain or no rain, scant rain or excess rain, in any kind of weather a good production is ensured at least in developed countries. Depending on the wind, the sun for air and light has since been a matter of ancient past. Comfort by coolers, AC, and light through electricity has become very common. In the field of education, distance learning through satellite, online education, the progressive use of the internet is also a common feature.

Sitting in India, one can well be taught by a professor delivering lectures in the USA and can also put questions with the help of technologically advanced devices.

The mindboggling advancement in the field of Communication has brought the whole world into a small room. The network of satellites, computer networks, internet, have decimated all the geographical barriers and brought the world so closer that one can communicate with a person sitting millions of miles away through video conferencing as if looking face to face.

The tremendous advancement in nuclear technology, medical science, biotechnology, etc. has made almost everything possible. The forecasting of weather, surgery of the brain, heart transplantation, heart valve change, planting of every humane organ including eyes limbs, and every bone has made a man more than immortal. The progress in bio-science in genetic engineering has made man envying with God. The cloning of sheep has become a reality and now researches are being made in the cloning of human being. In the field of space technology, the Moon, Mars, has since explored by man and efforts are being made to explore the other hidden secrets of the universe. Every day new stars, new space bodies are being discovered. In addition to the inventions and discoveries made by science and technology, it has made human life full of comforts and luxuries,all kinds of entertaining mode are available at hand.

A very important aspect of advancement in the field of science and technology is the analytical reasoning and removal of various orthodoxical and superstitious beliefs thus enlightening the common people.

Science and technology have given the manpower fit to be the God yet he could not as by vagaries of his mind, lust for becoming almighty, he has put the world at the threshold of ruin. Science and technology have done wonders in the inventions of warheads, nuclear and atomic weapons, space warships thus putting all the world at ruinous peril. A switch can destroy the whole world. We had seen the devastation and destruction caused by the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and now there are more scientific more accurate warheads available that can destroy the whole world within an hour. The invention o chemo cal weapons have also jeopardized the whole civilization that may put humanity in danger of incurable diseases.

The rapid progress in genetic engineering can make it possible to develop a clone of human beings the disastrous effect of such invention can ruin every fabric of morality, ethics, and civilization. The fast development in science and technology has put the balance of nature in great danger. In the present day, air, water, and noise, pollution, the gradual global warming, has put the existence of the world at stake. Rapid industrialization particularly in developed countries has resulted in an imbalance in the ratio of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the environment. As per the report of Hadley Centre U.K., by 2050 the trees and soils will start falling and perishing due to Global warming if no corrective measures are taken.

In pursuit of materialistic prosperity, we have been going for more and more unplanned industrialization that has resulted in not only air pollution but also water pollution. Rivers, the natural source of pure and hygienic water, now become so much contaminated that even the water creatures, fish, tortoise, etc. are on the verge of extinction. Forest are decaying gradually, many species of wild animals have become a matter Of the past. Undoubtedly science and technology have given man, much luxury, comfort, material prosperity, but wealth and prosperity are not the ‘be-all and end-all’ of human life. Is there any material benefit more precious than life and material loss more awful than death? The worst curse of advancement in science and technology is that man has started feeling himself Almighty and ignoring the spiritual and human values. The man has lost his peace of mind, inner satisfaction, the value of ethics in the realm of new and newer advancements in science and technology. What purpose all the material and physical prosperity serve if we have no peace of mind, no inner satisfaction?

In brief, science and technology have brought both good and evil to the present world. No invention or technological advancement is itself bad or good, it is the user who turns it into blessings or curses. Machines are created for the luxury and comfort of man, if we use them to destroy others, they become a curse, otherwise, machines are blessings. It is the man, who has to ponder over the question of what he wishes to make the world a heaven or a hell, it is his decision that makes science and technology a ‘blessing’ or a ‘curse’.

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Essay on Science Is A Blessing Or Curse

Students are often asked to write an essay on Science Is A Blessing Or Curse in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Science Is A Blessing Or Curse

Science: a blessing or a curse.

Science has brought countless benefits to humanity, from medical advancements to technological innovations. It has increased our understanding of the world around us and improved our quality of life. However, science can also be used for harmful purposes, such as the development of weapons of mass destruction or the pollution of the environment.

Science as a Blessing

Science as a curse.

While science has brought many benefits, it can also be used for harmful purposes. For example, science has been used to develop weapons of mass destruction, such as nuclear bombs and chemical weapons. These weapons have the potential to cause widespread death and destruction. Additionally, science has been used to pollute the environment, which can have a negative impact on human health and the planet.

Science is a powerful tool that can be used for good or for evil. It is important to use science responsibly and to consider the potential consequences of our actions before we use it.

250 Words Essay on Science Is A Blessing Or Curse

Positive Impacts of Science

Science has revolutionized the field of medicine. It has led to the development of vaccines and antibiotics, which have saved countless lives. Additionally, scientific research has helped us understand the human body and its functions, leading to improved treatments for various diseases.

Science has also played a crucial role in technological advancements. From computers to smartphones, scientific discoveries have transformed the way we live and communicate. These advancements have made our lives easier, more convenient, and more connected.

Negative Impacts of Science

While science has brought many benefits, it has also presented challenges. The development of destructive weapons like nuclear bombs has raised concerns about the potential for widespread destruction.

Balancing Science and Ethics

The ethical implications of scientific research are a topic of ongoing debate. It is essential to strike a balance between scientific progress and the potential risks and consequences. Scientists and policymakers must work together to ensure that scientific advancements are used for the betterment of humanity and not for its destruction.

500 Words Essay on Science Is A Blessing Or Curse

Science: a blessing or a curse, benefits of science: a source of knowledge and progress.

Science has been instrumental in expanding our knowledge and understanding of the world. Through scientific research and experimentation, we have gained insights into the workings of the universe, from the smallest particles to the vast cosmos. This knowledge has led to the development of innovative technologies that have revolutionized our lives, from medicine and transportation to communication and energy.

Science: The Power of Healing and Disease Prevention

Science: the challenge of environmental impact, science: the ethical dilemmas of genetic engineering and ai.

As science continues to advance, it presents us with new ethical dilemmas. Genetic engineering, for example, raises questions about the potential unintended consequences of altering the genetic makeup of organisms. Similarly, the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked debates about the potential risks associated with autonomous systems and the impact on jobs and society as a whole.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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science and technology a blessing or a curse essay

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Technology and Global Health: Is it a Blessing or a Curse?

November 19, 2020 · 1 comment · technology , uncategorized.

We were blaming it often. Apparently technology was a blessing and a curse . It is human nature to always evolve, and with its evolution and the new hazards faced, it is our nature to blame something for it. 

science and technology a blessing or a curse essay

When the COVID-19 pandemic started to evolve, one thing was clear: Technology would help us handle this pandemic. Everyone started working remotely because technology could allow us. We ordered online and we had delivered our order in our house. Doctor’s appointments were shifted online, just a call or a video call away. Apps were made to show you if you were in close contact with a COVID-19 case. Public Health officials were able to do contact tracing and to deliver public health messages through technology.

So how is technology helping health :

  • Is Helping to Fight the Opioid Crisis

Delaware created a free new app which shows people what actions they need to take in the event of an opioid overdose. It also helps on how to recognize an overdose and where to buy naloxone locally to reverse such an event. Lifes can be saved if you know how to recognize an overdose and if you have access to naloxone usage.

  • Is Helping to Fight Skin Cancer

Do you have a mole which has suddenly changed form or color and you are unsure about it. Or do you just want to keep an eye on them. Nothing can compare to a doctor’s appointment, but there is an application which can help you. They can track moles and lesions which can potentially become skin cancer.  Early detection of skin cancer can make it curable and completely reversible. Here are some of the apps you can use.

  • Is Helping to Train and Educate Physicians 

A lot of telehealth centers have helped communities in training providers about the best practices to tackle different health issues.  Examples of training are multiple and diverse. Minnesota for example is training its primary care doctors through a Prevention Pilot Project. The program involves training on pill consumption cut, care for opioid use disorder, and the use of MAT (medication assisted treatment) which uses medications to help withdrawal symptoms.    

  • Is Helping During COVID-19 Pandemic

We already mentioned some of the examples, but one that stands out is how technology is helping doctors in treating patients. When a new disease emerges, protocols are not immediately available. Doctors learn from their experience and from others’ experiences. The New England Journal of Medicine created a treatment stimulation to help doctors in deciding what was the right approach and treatment for different cases 

Why is technology important to health information?

science and technology a blessing or a curse essay

Health information through technology can improve health outcomes and achieve health equity. According to Healthy People 2020 health information technology is important because they bring about an age of patient- and public-centered health information and services.

When we combine IT tools and effective health communication processes, there is the potential to:

  • Improve health care quality and safety
  • Increase the efficiency of health care and public health service delivery
  • Improve the public health information infrastructure
  • Support care in the community and at home
  • Facilitate clinical and consumer decision-making
  • Build health skills and knowledge

What about technology and Global Health 

Even though the great benefits of technology in health, communities in low and middle income countries are missing out on the benefits of digital health and technology usage. One of the reasons is because they continue to face a fragmented digital health landscape in which multiple public and private actors and agencies with varied technologies and interests are working separately and with overlap. According to the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine: “there is a lack of coordinated funding aligned with government priorities; limited regional leadership and peer support; and a lack of low-cost, easily reused, and adapted technologies such as those built with open source softwares.”

science and technology a blessing or a curse essay

The Global Initiative on Health Technologies  is a WHO initiative which aims to make health technologies available to communities in resource-limited settings. They want to challenge the business and scientific community to identify and adapt “innovative” technologies that can have a significant impact on public health and they want to challenge the international community to come up with frameworks.

In 2018 a self-insertable and removable  one-year contraceptive vagin al ring  received regulatory approval from the FDA; this form of contraception can help women overcome barriers to consistent use in countries like Uganda.   Male contraceptive gel , a technology that could bring more equality to the burden of family planning, is now on its phase 2 clinical trial. 

Different partners are working to find innovative and applicable solutions. A lot of student projects are on Innovation and Global Health Systems. From health care app to help women refugees to hurricane-resistant vegetable gardens. Imperial College London has an annual student competition on global health innovation  They welcome ideas from improving hygiene conditions to developing diagnostic tools for usage in remote areas. Yale and Stanford do have the same award type of programs.

The bottom line remains that even though we have advanced in technology, technology access and its usage remains low in middle and low income countries. We have the potential to find solutions and innovations which do not need to be the “discovery of the year”. They can be small things which will help the local community. We need to monitor, evaluate, adapt, and advocate and the most important way is to go where the people are . Only by being in the local community we can learn the local context and can learn what works, and what does not. 


Tags: global health · GSUGLOBALHEALTH · technology

One Comment

' src=

Thank you for sharing such great thoughts on global health and technology! You are completely right about “going where people are.” It is very important to understand the cultural context of a community before introducing a new idea or change in that community.

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Essay on “Science: Blessing or Curse?” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Science: Blessing or Curse?

Essay No. 01

Introduction:  Impact of science on humanity is undeniable. On the face of it, science and its inventions appear to be an unalloyed blessing. However, if we ponder a little, disturbing signs too appear.

          How a blessings ? Effect on material well-being and mental attitudes; advantages of scientific discoveries in daily life- gadgets to remove drudgery, electricity, communication, transport, entertainment, computers; health-medicine, preventive and curative, control of disease and epidemic; industry, agriculture and economic development. As for mental attitude-scientific perspective banishes obscurantism and superstition; develops questioning spirit, objective outlook.

How a curse ? Each o f the blessings cited above has a dark side to it- a curse. Material well-being has led to crass materialism and consumer culture; discoveries of science have also produced weapons and means of destruction; use of scientific and technological means of production and comforts has degraded environment, caused pollution; new diseases resistant to drugs keep coming up; technological devices meant for health field misused to kill- foeticide, for instance; spirit of inquiry and positivism, if carried too far, can suppress essential humanity and actually restrict the free range of thought and imagination; gadgets and inventions can make man dependent and , in fact, kill his creativity.

          Conclusion : So, is science a blessing or a curse? It would do well to recall what Milton said in a different context- the mind is its own place, it can make a hell of heaven or a heaven of hell. Science is, in fact, amoral; what man makes of it is man’ s responsibility. Man can use it creatively or destructively, turn it into a blessing or get crushed under its curse.     

Essay No. 02

Science: A Blessing or Curse

The thirst for knowledge and to penetrate mysteries of nature gave rise to more and more of science. Today man occupies the highest position in the whole of the creation only because of his scientific achievements and developments. The impact of science can be felt in every walk of life and every human activity. It has transformed the entire world. With the help of science man has very well harnessed the forces of nature. He has conquered space, mastered the seven seas and yoked electricity to his service. The forces of nature, which were regarded as cruel, hostile and worshipped as such, are now at his humble service.

As a result of scientific developments, the distances have been reduced and the world has become more unified and cohesive.  Radio, television, telephone, teleprinters, aeroplanes, space-crafts, etc., have given us new and faster means of communication. They. have revolutionized the life of men. Man has landed on the moon and the day is not far when he would leave his foot-prints on other planets as well. His achievements in the field of medicine, surgery, education, industry, commerce, agriculture, etc., are no less spectacular. Man has conquered many diseases which were regarded as fatal in the past. He has controlled the rate of mortality, and average life-span has increased considerably. On the whole the standards of living have been improved a lot and life has become so convenient and comfortable. The positive side of science is too dazzling. But science is not an unmixed e joy or blessing. Its negative side is too disturbing. No doubt science has bestowed upon us so many wonderful gifts, has vastly widened our horizon of thinking and doing, yet it has created many very serious problems which defy solution.

The question is often asked whether science is a blessing or a curse. The question makes one pause and ponder a little. And in answer one finds that science has both created and annihilated. In one hand it holds bombs and deadly missiles, in the other there is a bouquet of prosperity and development. When one thinks on the question, one is reminded of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the two cities of Japan devastated by the bombs. One is reminded of the last Two World Wars and of the third looming large. The ecological and environmental problems bequeathed by scientific and industrial development make man sad and pensive. The neurotic fear of nuclear war has turned man’s life into a trauma. He cannot sleep well, nor can he rest in peace because of these and such other threats and problems. It is only the balance of power which is saving the world from an unprecedented disaster and havoc. But who knows when this balance may be upset by a false move. There is no limit to the destructive role being played by science. Now we have nuclear weapons which can destroy the entire earth many times over and in no time. The horrors of destruction are too many to be counted.

But is science really responsible for all these horrors and possible destruction? Can we attribute vicious motives to science? No, certainly we cannot. Science is a systematic knowledge of things. It is an instrument which can be used both for constructive and destructive purposes. The defect does not lie in the instrument itself, but in the user. It is man who is responsible for all the present ills and evils. The devil within is really to be blamed. It is our moral and ethical weakness which is to blame and not science. The scientists are generally good and humane. They want to serve the humanity at large. They are never willing to destroy anything. A scientist is basically a creator, but the politicians, the men and women at the helm of national affairs force them to make misuse of science. In modern times, a scientist is not an independent person. He has to work under the full control of a head of state and his men. In the ultimate analysis, it is the politician who is wholly responsible for such evils as caused by scientific developments.

Deprived of ethics and morals, science becomes a blind force. Science is fire, it is a great power. Now it can be used both for good and evil purposes. It is upto you whether you use it in generating nuclear power or a bomb. Science is neither good nor bad. It is a pure knowledge. If you misuse it, you are to blame, not the knowledge, but its users. Sans sanity, sans morals and good sense, knowledge is bound to be misused for destruction and for evil purposes. In order that science remains a blessing only, it is necessary that man never loses his balance of mind, that he uses’ science and knowledge only for the betterment of humanity. The rich and developed countries should pool their resources for the development and growth of the poor, and not for the creation and development of means of war and destruction. By itself knowledge is a boon, a blessing and bonanza. The evil is not in science but within man himself. Science, in its applied form, delves deep into the mysteries of nature and creation for the benefit of mankind. It harnesses the forces of nature to serve man faithfully like an obedient servant, but the devil in man, when let loose, turns science into a purse by generating weapons of horror and destruction. In fact, science is not responsible at all for any of our dehumanizing results. There is no know and visible limits to the creative activities and aspects of science. It is these that man should confine his knowledge to.

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science and technology a blessing or a curse essay


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It’s a nice field for the growing students

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This is the for children to understand “How the science is blessing or curse”.

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English essay on “science a blessing or a curse” best essay, paragraph for class 9, 10, 11, and 12, science a blessing or a curse.

The gifts of science are indisputable and countless. There can be no denying the fact that science has made so much progress that the life of a man, society, nation and the world has advanced tremendously. The knowledge gained through science and scientific technology speaks volumes about man’s ingenuity and skill. If all this was not achieved by science it would be no wonder that even today, a man might have been the animal as he was in the ages past — i.e. just another animal. It is Science that has given us all the amenities of modern living that we can proudly boast of and enjoy.

The drudgery of household work has been reduced to almost nil by the numerous gifts of science. You have many tasks to do, and there is a machine to do them for you. In its social aspect, no matter where we want to go, whomsoever we want to meet, the scientist has helped us and we have umpteen scientific modes of traveling to and fro. We want entertainment; the radio and then the television is at our doorstep to do the job, in our drawing rooms or in the bedrooms. If we want to gain knowledge we have other media — books. This is also the result of the mechanization of solving problems. When we want to know more about other countries of the world, we have the internet to help us out. So, in a nutshell, we can say that the twins of science and mechanism have brought us out of the darkness of the woods. Let us understand that science and mechanization are the two sides of the same coin – science is the subject, and mechanization is the outcome. We can say the two are like two bodies and one soul.

Our lifestyle is now undoubtedly much above and the animal that of manages back. This journey has taken man centuries but, it has been worth it. Now, having studied the gifts of Science to mankind, it will do us some good if we do some introspection and try also to study how, and to what extent we are now misusing our scientific knowledge. As far as science is helping man to make life better it is very good but, does a man stop there? He continues his so-called study and research which further leads him on to the destructive capability of science. We are in for making bombs, using nuclear energy for purposes of destruction. Today man has the most destructive weapons ever produced. One bomb can annihilate civilization. In the event of a third world war, there is no doubt that man will perish. It is at this aspect of scientific growth we must put a stop to whose gain will it be if the world is destroyed? I am sure it will benefit none. Yes, none at all. We must understand that we should not pursue the track that leads to annihilation. All the gifts of science must be enjoyed to the full and that can happen only if man survives to taste the fruits of mechanization. Production of destructive weapons the greatest curse of science to men.

On the home front also it is felt that too much mechanization, accounts for our inability to work for own self. We get so used to machines that our bodies get absolutely frozen and become unfit to do any work. Moving about all the time in cars makes our physique. This creeps several diseases. We become basically very lazy.

On the national front, mechanization has led to industrialization which, in turn, has given birth to extensive unemployment and capitalism. Machines being devices to save labor have mercilessly thrown thousands out of employment, and capitalism has led to class struggle. The big capitalists exploiting the poor laborers.

At the lowest and smallest level of life, man has lost his own humaneness as though he himself has become a machine. He has got so enmeshed in the machines that he has lost all contact with his own species that make for his live company. This live company has been sacrificed for the mechanical idiot box. As soon as a man loses touch with his kin, he is most likely to become a machine whose company he keeps all the while. The human touch which was so special about a family and society is getting lost as every individual has become more or less a machine.

Besides these mundane and down-to-earth results of scientific growth, there is one very important aspect which has got lost. Science leaves no place to accommodate God or religion. The scientific and mechanical mind can understand only what he sees or something that can be explained with some amount of reasoning. God and religion are two things that can have no mathematical formulae to explain. Today’s man cannot understand this so-called foolish premise of the existence of any God.

This disbelief in God is leading to further degeneration of the family and the society, the two essential composites of a healthy nation. There does not in today’s context seem to be any force that can convince man of the necessity of being God-fearing and thus being good. Man understands only what he can see and these days his vision is too blurred to see the place of God in the scheme of things. This irreligious attitude of man is further bringing down to the lowest ebb, the sensitivity of our very beings.

Thus we see that the blessings of science through innumerable, have a matching number of abuses. The abuses are so great that they even pose the danger of complete annihilation of the human race, both physically and mentally and of course spiritually. Looking at the sum total of the scenario the abuses outnumber the blessings. This is because man is basically destructive by nature and getting too much scientific know-how will only confirm his doom.

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Is Technology a Blessing or a Curse? Examining the Pros and Cons of Technological Advancement

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By Happy Sharer

science and technology a blessing or a curse essay


Technology has become an integral part of our lives. From smartphones to smart homes, technology has revolutionized how we live, work, and play. But is technology a blessing or a curse? This article will explore the pros and cons of technology and its impact on different industries, education, and human interaction.

Analyzing the Pros and Cons of Technology

There are many advantages and disadvantages to using technology. It is important to understand the pros and cons of technology in order to make informed decisions about its use.

Advantages of Technology

One of the main advantages of technology is increased efficiency and productivity. With the help of technology, tasks that used to take days or weeks can now be completed in minutes or hours. This increases productivity and allows businesses to get more done in less time.

Another advantage of technology is improved quality of life. Technology has made everyday tasks easier and more efficient. For example, modern appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers have greatly reduced the amount of time and effort needed to complete household chores.

Enhanced communication is another benefit of technology. We can now communicate with people across the world in just seconds through email, social media, and video chat. This has opened up new opportunities for collaboration and connection.

Finally, technology can lead to cost savings. Businesses can use technology to automate processes, which can reduce the need for manual labor and other resources. This can result in significant cost savings for businesses.

Disadvantages of Technology

While there are many advantages to using technology, there are also some potential drawbacks. One of the main concerns is security issues. As technology becomes more advanced, so do the potential threats from hackers and other malicious actors. Companies must invest in robust security measures to protect their data and systems.

Another disadvantage of technology is the loss of privacy. With the proliferation of social media and other online services, it can be difficult to keep personal information private. Companies must be mindful of how they collect and use customer data in order to ensure privacy is protected.

Social isolation is another concern associated with technology. The use of technology can lead to less face-to-face interaction, which can lead to feelings of loneliness and depression. It is important to maintain balance between online and offline activities.

Finally, technology can lead to job loss. Automation and other advances in technology have resulted in fewer jobs for humans. Companies must be aware of this and take steps to ensure employees are not adversely affected by technological advancements.

Examining the Impact of Technology on Society

Examining the Impact of Technology on Society

The impact of technology on society is both positive and negative. While there are many advantages to using technology, there are also some potential drawbacks that must be considered.

Positive Impacts

One of the main positives of technology is access to education. Technology has enabled students to access educational resources from anywhere in the world. This has increased access to educational opportunities for people who may not have had access before.

Another positive impact of technology is greater connectivity. People are now able to connect with friends, family, and colleagues from all over the world. This has allowed us to create and maintain relationships that would otherwise be impossible.

New opportunities have also been created as a result of technology. Innovations such as artificial intelligence and machine learning have opened up new possibilities for businesses and individuals alike.

Finally, technology has improved health care. Medical professionals are now able to diagnose and treat patients more quickly and accurately due to advances in technology. This has improved patient outcomes and saved lives.

Negative Impacts

However, technology also has some potential negative impacts. One of the main concerns is unintended consequences. Technology can sometimes have unforeseen negative effects on society that were not anticipated at the time of its development.

Another potential downside is the lack of human interaction. With the rise of technology, people are increasingly relying on machines instead of interacting with each other. This can lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection.

Increased risk of cybercrime is another potential consequence of technology. As technology becomes more advanced, criminals are finding new ways to exploit vulnerabilities and steal sensitive data.

Finally, there is the risk of becoming overly dependent on technology. If people become too reliant on technology, they may lose the ability to think and act independently.

Investigating How Technology is Used in Different Industries

Technology is used in a variety of different industries. Here we will look at how technology is being used in four key areas: automotive, healthcare, financial services, and retail.

Automotive Industry

The automotive industry has seen a surge in technological advancements in recent years. Automakers are now using advanced technologies such as sensors, cameras, and artificial intelligence to develop smarter, safer, and more efficient vehicles.

Healthcare Industry

The healthcare industry has also benefited from advances in technology. Medical professionals are now able to diagnose and treat patients more quickly and accurately with the help of technology.

Medical records are now stored digitally, making it easier to access and share patient information. Telemedicine has also become more popular, allowing patients to receive medical advice without having to leave their homes.

Financial Services Industry

Technology has revolutionized the financial services industry. Banks and other financial institutions now use advanced software and technologies to process payments and manage accounts more efficiently.

Artificial intelligence is being used to detect fraud and other suspicious activity. And blockchain technology is being used to provide more secure and transparent transactions.

Retail Industry

The retail industry has also been transformed by technology. Stores now use digital kiosks, self-checkout systems, and other technologies to streamline the shopping experience.

Retailers are also taking advantage of e-commerce and mobile technologies to reach new customers and offer more personalized experiences.

Exploring the Benefits and Drawbacks of Technological Advancement

Overall, technological advancement can bring both benefits and drawbacks. It is important to weigh the pros and cons in order to make informed decisions about its use.

One of the main benefits of technology is increased productivity. With the help of technology, businesses can complete tasks faster and more efficiently. This can lead to cost savings and increased profits.

Enhanced customer experiences are another benefit of technology. Retailers are now using technologies such as virtual reality and augmented reality to create more immersive shopping experiences for customers.

Improved workplace safety is another potential benefit. Technologies such as robotics and automation can help reduce the risk of accidents in dangerous environments.

Finally, technology can lead to increased efficiency. Automation and other advances can help streamline processes and reduce the need for manual labor.

However, technology can also have some potential drawbacks. One of the main concerns is job loss. As technology becomes more advanced, fewer human workers are needed, resulting in fewer job opportunities.

Increased stress is another potential downside. As technology becomes more pervasive, people may feel pressure to keep up with the latest trends and innovations.

Decreased morale is another potential issue. If employees feel like they are being replaced by technology, they may become demotivated and less productive.

Finally, technology can lead to increased costs. Companies must invest in new technologies in order to stay competitive, which can be costly.

Discussing the Role of Technology in Education

Discussing the Role of Technology in Education

Technology has changed the way we learn and teach. Here we will look at the positive and negative impacts of technology on education.

Positive Impact

One of the main benefits of technology in education is improved learning environments. Technology has enabled students to access educational materials from anywhere in the world, giving them the freedom to learn when and where it suits them best.

Increased access to educational resources is another benefit. Students can now access textbooks, lectures, and other materials online, making it easier to find the information they need.

Personalized learning experiences are another potential benefit. Technology can be used to tailor lessons to individual student needs and interests, making learning more engaging and effective.

Finally, technology can increase engagement and motivation. Interactive tools such as games and simulations can help keep students engaged and motivated to learn.

Negative Impact

However, technology can also have some potential negative impacts. One of the main concerns is reduced creativity. If students become too reliant on technology, they may lose the ability to think and solve problems independently.

Increased distractions is another potential issue. With the abundance of devices and apps, it can be difficult for students to focus on their studies.

Over-reliance on technology is another potential problem. If students become too dependent on technology, they may struggle when faced with tasks that require critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Finally, there is the risk of inequality in educational access. Not everyone has access to technology, which can put them at a disadvantage compared to those who do.

Assessing the Effects of Technology on Human Interaction

Assessing the Effects of Technology on Human Interaction

Technology can have both positive and negative impacts on human interaction. Here we will look at the benefits and drawbacks of technology on human interaction.

One of the main benefits of technology is enhanced communication. People are now able to connect with others from all over the world in just seconds through email, social media, and video chat.

Increased access to people and information is another potential benefit. With the help of technology, people can now access vast amounts of information from the comfort of their own homes.

Improved connectivity is another potential upside. Technology has enabled us to create and maintain relationships with people from all over the world.

However, technology can also have some potential drawbacks. One of the main concerns is the loss of face-to-face interaction. With the rise of technology, people are increasingly relying on machines instead of interacting with each other.

Increased isolation is another potential downside. The use of technology can lead to feelings of loneliness and disconnection.

Reduced empathy is another potential issue. Without face-to-face interaction, it can be difficult to convey emotions and feelings.

In conclusion, technology can be both a blessing and a curse depending on how it is used. There are many advantages to using technology, such as increased efficiency and productivity, improved quality of life, enhanced communication, and cost savings. However, there are also some potential drawbacks such as security issues, loss of privacy, social isolation, and job loss.

The impact of technology on society is both positive and negative. Technology can improve access to education, create new opportunities, and improve health care. But there are also some potential negative impacts such as unintended consequences, lack of human interaction, increased risk of cybercrime, and dependence on technology.

Technology is being used in a variety of different industries, from automotive to healthcare. It can bring both benefits and drawbacks, such as increased productivity, enhanced customer experiences, improved workplace safety, increased efficiency, job loss, increased stress, decreased morale, and increased costs.

Finally, technology can have both positive and negative impacts on human interaction. On the one hand, it can enhance communication, increase access to people and information, and improve connectivity. On the other hand, it can lead to the loss of face-to-face interaction, increased isolation, and reduced empathy.

Overall, technology can be both a blessing and a curse depending on how it is used. It is important to consider the pros and cons in order to make informed decisions about its use.

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Hi, I'm Happy Sharer and I love sharing interesting and useful knowledge with others. I have a passion for learning and enjoy explaining complex concepts in a simple way.

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Student Essays

Essay on Science is blessing

7 Essays on Science A Blessing or Curse [ 2024 ]

Science has given us proper education in various disciplines which have made our life easier. It has also taught us how to live in better way by telling about all things related to nature, society and universe. So it can be said that science is a blessing for people in general although it has some negative impact on humans in general. The curse part of science should be taken very seriously by the scientists so that they can reduce its negative impact on people as much as possible.

Essay on Science; A Blessing or Curse

Science is a blessing as well as a curse for mankind. It has given us much knowledge about various phenomena, which was not known to our forefathers. But on the other side, scientists have also harmed us in many ways by spoiling our environment and making it dirty and polluted. In fact science cannot be termed as good or bad as it comprises both good and bad things together. Yet, there are some ways by which science can be called as a blessing for human beings.

Essay on Science is blessing

How Science is Blessing?

  • Science is power which brings prosperity for the people.

The growth of science has given rise to better technology, techniques, equipment and devices which are helpful in improving our lives. It has made many things easy that were difficult earlier. As a result, it has become possible for man to give more time to his talent and interest rather than spending it in doing hard and tiresome jobs.

  • It provides information about the surroundings of the world.

In past, people could not have access to so much information about the world because the means of communication were limited and scattered across areas making it difficult for people to transfer knowledge from one place to another. But with growing science and technology, people have become aware of many things about world and can easily get information from remote places.

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  • Science has helped us to know the unknown things in nature

In past, no one could make a guess at what was going on inside the earth because nobody had seen its interior part which is still not visible to us. But with the help of modern science, we know many unknown things in nature like what is inside the earth and how does it happen.

  • Science has made our lives comfortable by saving time, energy and efforts

With the invention of electricity, steam power, motor cars, aeroplanes etc., life has become easier than ever before making us comfortable. Earlier, people used to do jobs manually and it took a lot of time to complete a job but now machines have done away with it. So, we can save our time and efforts by using machines for work.

  • Science has made available food products in plenty which make us healthy

In past, if one wanted to enjoy taste and nutritive value of various food items, one had to procure them from nearby areas because transportation routes were limited. This process took a lot of time creating shortage in foods which adversely affected health. But with the growth of science, transportation has become easy making all types of food products available in plenty.

  • Science gives us right information about the flora and fauna of various parts of world

In past, people had to rely on hearsay about certain things because those areas were not reachable. But now with the help of science, we have proper knowledge about plants and animals living in those places as well as their habitats.

  • Science provides us new inventions, techniques and devices to solve the problems

From time to time, science gives us new inventions and techniques which help in making life easy. For example, washing machines have taken away the need of manual labour for cleaning clothes, power generators are useful for removing load shedding in case of electricity supply failure. So in this way, science is helping people in solving their problems.

  • Science helps us to increase our income and wealth

We can easily improve our economic conditions using science by producing more goods and services which will fetch us better income than what we were getting before its invention and application. It has given rise to new industry of making machines and equipment for earning more profit.

  • Science gives us a better understanding of our surroundings

In past, people had very little knowledge about the world. They were not aware of different languages, cultures and traditions etc. But with the help of science, we have received proper education which has increased our knowledge on many fronts helping us to know worlds around us more closely.

  • Science is the source of all our knowledge

Before the emergence of science, people had very little information about various disciplines. They did not have proper knowledge of nature, society and universe. But with the development of science, man has become wiser by receiving new ideas and concepts regarding sciences. Without it the world would be full of ignorance where no progress could be made.

Is Science a Curse?

1. the world is dirty and polluted.

We cannot deny the fact that we are living in an environment which contains many harmful pollutants, more than ever before. These are mainly released by cars, factories, industries, electricity plants etc., which have made our surrounding dirty and polluted. So it can be said that science has harmed us to some extent by making our environment dirty and polluted.

2. There is too much stress on Science education for children

Children are forced to study science from primary classes itself, right from 5th standard. This has caused them more pressure than required which might have negative impact on their personality development during childhood. So it can be said that Science education is a curse for children.

3. Science has made us less spiritual

Science is inclined towards materialistic things and has no place for anything related to spirituality, whereas religion can be termed as source of knowledge about human life which tells people the way they should live. But science doesn’t care about our feelings and emotions, it only cares about physical world. So it can be said that science has deprived humans from their spiritual life, thus making them less spiritual.

4. Science tells us wrong things about God

Because science has no room for spirituality, it gives wrong information regarding the existence of god. Though many scientists claim to be atheist but there are still some other who believe in god and talk about him/her through scientific language, which is not true at all. So it can be said that science has made us godless by giving wrong information about him/her.

5. Science has no place for love and affection

Science doesn’t care about our emotions, they only deal with physical world and talk about laws of nature such as gravity, magnetism etc. which can be proved by laboratory experiments or any other means. They don’t say anything about the feelings and emotions of a person. So it can be said that science tells us nothing about how to love someone or how we should behave towards our loved ones.

6. Science has no place for moral values

Science doesn’t talk about human morality unless it is related to physical world like goodness, justice, honesty, mercy etc., which can be proved through experiments or any other means. If you talk about this morality to a scientist, he/she will definitely deny it as they don’t have any base for them. So it can be said that science cannot tell us anything about our moral values.

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There are many arguments in favour and against the statement that science is a curse.  While some people say that science is a blessing, others say it is a curse. But the arguments are not strong enough to prove which side is right.  So it is difficult to say whether science is a blessing or curse. However,  it can be said that science is both a blessing and curse, depending upon how it is used.

Science is a Blessing Essay:

Science is a blessing that has revolutionized the way we live. It has brought about significant advancements in every aspect of our lives, from health to communication to transportation and beyond. Without science, life as we know it would be unimaginable.

One of the greatest blessings of science is its impact on healthcare. Thanks to scientific research and technology, diseases that were once considered incurable can now be treated, extending and improving the quality of human life. Moreover, medical science has also made tremendous progress in the field of diagnostics, allowing for early detection and prevention of illnesses.

Another area where science has had a profound impact is communication. With the invention of telephones, mobile phones, and the internet, staying connected with loved ones has become easier than ever before. We can now communicate with people from all over the world in real-time, breaking down barriers and bringing us closer together.

Science has also transformed our means of transportation, making it faster, safer, and more efficient. From cars to airplanes to trains, we have seen major technological advancements that have made traveling easier and more accessible for everyone. This has not only expanded our horizons but has also boosted the economy and global trade.

Furthermore, science has played a crucial role in addressing environmental issues. Through ongoing research and development, we have been able to find renewable sources of energy that are more sustainable and eco-friendly. This has helped reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, which are harmful to the environment.

But perhaps one of the most significant blessings of science is the knowledge and understanding it has brought us about the world around us. Through scientific discoveries, we have been able to unravel the mysteries of nature and gain a deeper understanding of our place in the universe. This has not only expanded our minds but has also inspired us to continue pushing the boundaries of human knowledge.

In conclusion, science is truly a blessing that has transformed our lives for the better. From healthcare to communication to transportation and beyond, it has made our world a more connected, efficient, and sustainable place. As we continue to make advancements in science, let us not forget to use this blessing for the greater good of humanity and our planet

Science is a Bane Essay:

Science has brought us countless advancements and progress in the fields of technology, medicine, and communication. However, along with these benefits comes a darker side of science that cannot be ignored.

One of the major concerns regarding science is its impact on the environment. The rapid industrialization and technological development have resulted in pollution and depletion of natural resources. This has led to climate change and other environmental issues that pose a threat to our planet’s sustainability.

Moreover, the advancements in science have also brought about ethical concerns. The development of nuclear weapons and genetic engineering has raised questions about the consequences of playing with nature and manipulating it for our benefit. The introduction of artificial intelligence has sparked debates on the potential dangers of creating machines that can surpass human intelligence.

In addition, science has also contributed to the widening gap between the rich and the poor. The unequal distribution of resources and access to technology has created a divide between developed and developing nations, leading to social and economic disparities.

Furthermore, the pursuit of scientific progress often comes at a cost. Animal testing and experimentation have been hotly debated topics, with many arguing that it involves inhumane treatment of animals. The race for new discoveries and breakthroughs has also resulted in unethical practices, such as plagiarism and manipulation of data.

It is crucial to acknowledge that science, like any other field, is not perfect. While it has brought about numerous benefits and advancements, it also poses significant challenges and ethical dilemmas. It is essential to carefully consider the consequences of scientific progress and to use it for the betterment of society rather than as a tool for self-destruction.

In conclusion, science is a bane that cannot be ignored. It has the power to bring about both positive and negative impacts on our world. As responsible individuals, we must strive to use science in an ethical and sustainable manner, understanding its limitations and potential consequences. Only then can we truly harness its potential for the betterment of humanity. So, it is up to us to ensure that science remains a boon rather than a bane in our world.

Is Science a Curse Essay:

Science and technology have undoubtedly transformed our lives for the better. From life-saving medical advancements to convenient gadgets that make everyday tasks easier, science has played a critical role in modern society. However, with every great invention, there are often unforeseen consequences. Some argue that science is a curse rather than a blessing, pointing to issues such as environmental destruction and ethical dilemmas surrounding new technologies. In this essay, we will explore both sides of the argument and come to a conclusion on whether science can truly be considered a curse.

On one hand, advancements in science have undeniably brought about significant progress and improvement in our daily lives. For instance, modern medicine has greatly increased our life expectancy and improved the quality of life for many individuals. Diseases that were once considered fatal can now be cured or managed effectively. In addition, science has revolutionized the way we communicate and access information, making our lives more convenient and efficient.

However, it is also important to acknowledge that with progress comes consequences. The rapid development of technology has led to environmental issues such as pollution and climate change. Our reliance on fossil fuels and unsustainable practices have had a devastating impact on the planet. Moreover, some argue that science and technology have also caused social issues, such as the widening gap between wealthy and impoverished nations.

In addition to these external factors, science itself can be seen as a curse due to ethical concerns surrounding certain advancements. For example, controversial technologies like genetic engineering and artificial intelligence raise questions about the limits of human intervention and the potential consequences of playing God. Furthermore, advancements in weaponry have greatly increased the destructive power of war, causing immense suffering and loss of life.

Despite these valid concerns, it is important to note that science itself is a neutral concept. It is how we choose to use scientific knowledge that determines whether it becomes a blessing or a curse. Science has the potential to bring about great progress and benefit society, but it is up to us as individuals and as a society to use it responsibly.

In conclusion, while science has undoubtedly brought about both positive and negative impacts on our world, it is not inherently a curse. Rather, it is the way we choose to harness scientific advancements that determines their impact on society. It is crucial for us to continue having ethical debates and discussions surrounding new technologies, in order to ensure that we use science for the greater good.

Uses and Abuses of Science Essay:

Science, as a discipline of study, has been making leaps and bounds in the modern world. It has transformed our lives in countless ways, making things easier, faster and more efficient. From advancements in medicine to breakthroughs in technology, science has improved our standard of living and enhanced our understanding of the natural world.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. Science can also be used for negative purposes, leading to harmful consequences. This misuse of science is known as the abuse of science.

One major way in which science is misused is through the development and creation of weapons. The advancements in technology have made it possible to create powerful and destructive weapons that can cause mass destruction and loss of life. These weapons are often used for political gains or to exert control over others, resulting in devastating consequences.

Moreover, science has also been used to manipulate and exploit the natural environment. In the pursuit of economic growth and development, human activities have caused environmental degradation, leading to climate change and other ecological issues. This abuse of science for personal gain has resulted in long-lasting damage to our planet and threatens the survival of many species.

Another way in which science is misused is through unethical experimentation on living beings. Animals and even humans have been subjected to harmful experiments in the name of scientific progress, disregarding their well-being and rights. This blatant disregard for ethical considerations highlights the dark side of science.

On the other hand, science has numerous uses that have greatly benefited society. Medical advancements have increased our lifespan and improved the quality of life for many individuals. Communication has been revolutionized through technology, making it easier to connect with people from all over the world. Transportation has become faster and more efficient, allowing us to travel long distances in a short amount of time.

Moreover, science has also helped in solving various mysteries and understanding the complexities of our universe. From space exploration to advancements in genetics, science has provided us with a deeper understanding of our world and allowed us to push the boundaries of human knowledge.

In conclusion, science can be both a blessing and a curse. It is up to us, as responsible individuals, to ensure that we use science for the betterment of society and not for personal gain or harm. By promoting ethical practices and responsible use of scientific knowledge, we can harness the true potential of science and create a better world for future generations.

Science is a Boon Debate Points:

Science has undoubtedly taken the world by storm, revolutionizing our lives in more ways than one. It has made our lives easier, opened up new possibilities and pushed humanity to greater limits. However, with every blessing comes a curse, and the same can be said for science. Many argue that while it has brought us so much progress, there are also negative consequences that cannot be ignored. This has led to a heated debate on whether science is truly a boon or not.

One of the main points in favor of science being a boon is its ability to improve our quality of life. From advanced medical treatments to high-tech gadgets, science has given us the tools and knowledge to enhance our lives significantly. It has made healthcare more accessible and efficient, leading to increased life expectancy and better overall health. Additionally, science has also made communication and transportation faster and more convenient, connecting us with the rest of the world like never before.

However, on the other side of the argument, some believe that science has caused just as much harm as good. One of the main concerns is the impact on our environment. The rapid advancement in technology and industrialization has contributed to climate change, pollution, and the depletion of natural resources. Furthermore, scientific advancements have also led to the creation of weapons of mass destruction, posing a threat to humanity itself.

Another point that is often raised in this debate is the ethical dilemma surrounding certain scientific breakthroughs. For example, advancements in genetic engineering raise questions about the ethics of manipulating genes and creating “designer babies”. Similarly, the use of artificial intelligence and automation has raised concerns about job displacement and the potential loss of human control.

Despite these valid arguments against science being a boon, it is important to remember that science itself is neutral. It is how we choose to use it that determines its impact on society.

Science is a Curse Paragraph:

When we think of science, we often associate it with progress and advancements. And while it’s true that science has brought us many benefits, there is also a darker side to it. Science can be seen as a curse in many ways.

One of the most significant examples of science as a curse is its impact on the environment. With the development of technology and industry, air and water pollution have become major issues. The use of harmful chemicals in agriculture and the burning of fossil fuels for energy has led to climate change, deforestation, and a decline in biodiversity. All of these consequences have a severe impact on our planet, making it difficult for future generations to thrive.

Moreover, science has also played a role in creating new weapons of mass destruction. The advancement of science has allowed us to create nuclear weapons, chemical and biological warfare, and even cyber weapons. These tools have the potential to cause mass destruction and loss of life, and their mere existence poses a constant threat.

But perhaps the most significant way that science can be seen as a curse is through its impact on society. While advancements in medicine have extended our lifespan and improved the quality of life, it has also created societal issues. The over-reliance on medication has led to antibiotic resistance, and the development of addictive drugs and substances has resulted in widespread addiction.

While there is no denying that science has brought us many benefits, we must acknowledge its darker side. It is essential to use scientific advancements responsibly and consider their potential consequences before celebrating them wholeheartedly.

Only then can we truly harness the power of science for good and avoid its potential curses. So, let’s strive to use science for the betterment of society and our planet, rather than letting it become a curse that we cannot control.

  • Why science is a blessing or curse? Science can be a blessing when it leads to advancements in medicine, technology, and quality of life. However, it can also be a curse when misused for destructive purposes like weaponry.
  • Is science a blessing or a curse – write an article for or against the topic in about 200 words? Science is undeniably a blessing to humanity. It has improved our lives in countless ways, from medical breakthroughs that save lives to technological innovations that connect us globally. However, like any powerful tool, it can be misused. The key lies in responsible use. Let’s focus on using science for the betterment of all.
  • Is modern science a blessing? Modern science has brought tremendous benefits to society, including longer life spans, improved healthcare, and technological advancements. So, yes, modern science is a blessing when harnessed for the common good.
  • What is the meaning of the blessing of science? The “blessing of science” refers to the positive impact and benefits that scientific discoveries and advancements bring to society, such as improved health, convenience, and overall well-being. It underscores the idea that science has the potential to improve human lives and the world at large.

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Technology Can be Blessing, Curse to Students

By Alexandra Pittman | July 3, 2012

science and technology a blessing or a curse essay

Many college students seem to have forgotten what a university is for because they have become lost within their own technology.

Students have succumbed to relying on increasing technological developments, and without iPhone in hand, laptop at the ready and Kindle in the bag, some do not even know how to act in society.

Our culture has evolved into a bustling society of technology. Where once there was nothing more than ink and paper, the world today might not be able to exist without app-filled phones, a texting-based language and, most importantly, instantaneous access to new information.

With such inventions and innovations, we have created alternative means of communication and broken the boundaries that hindered making vast connections.

Fifty years ago it may have been days before breaking news in Chicago reached Paris. Today, it takes seconds. Through the use of social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Skype, people now can communicate with one another whenever, wherever.

Technology is a blessing – but it can also be a curse.

We live in an age of information overload. With the advent of new technologies on a continual basis, giving people access to more information at a faster rate than ever, society is reaching a point where there is just too much stuff to absorb.

With a simple motion on a touch screen, everyone has the opportunity to search and discover millions of books and billions of video files. Knowledge has never before been so easily accessible. Unfortunately, it is the kind of knowledge that most people are gravitating toward that is most concerning.

William Shakespeare and Jane Austen are left at the wayside as talking-dog YouTube videos and Draw Something competitions seem to dominate our culture. Online sitcom marathons have replaced reading a book, which sometimes consists of nothing more than scanning SparkNotes.

Because of texting, phone calls are becoming less common and only used for special circumstances. Text messages continue to get shorter every day, whether because we have begun to disregard the English language or grow in laziness, and abbreviations now constitute our day-to-day language.

Spellcheck for a paper or resume is no longer simply helpful, but requisite because spelling skills seem to be eroding.

Though it is both groundbreaking and breathtaking to have access to such multitudes of information, society is taking it for granted. Society is taking knowledge for granted.

Technological development has become a No. 1 priority, with millions of dollars fueled towards science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Arts and humanities have been left behind, and it is these disciplines that often find themselves face-to-face with budget cuts.

So how durable can our society be with a heavy dependence on all things technologically based?

If one day our world were to come crashing down around us, if our technology no longer worked for us, we would be reintroduced to an era of chaos. We would not even begin to understand a way to cope without instantaneous information and continually updating connections. Our networks and infrastructures would be destroyed instantly.

We must appreciate our past rather than just have a funneled outlook of our future.

True success in technological innovation cannot be achieved without accepting the responsibility that such power over information has granted us.

Students shouldn’t be constricted by their time. It is not an excuse to be ignorant and incapable of common speech, or to favor long acronyms and textspeak because society dictates it is popular.

After all, why seek an education if you’re going to become lost in an online world?

College is a time for discovery and exploration, where students should take advantage of the knowledge outside their door. They should strive to avoid the distractions and all the minutiae that technology has created.

Sometimes all that is needed to break these influences is to move away from the computer screen, hide the phone from our grasp, and expand our minds beyond this age of information overload.

In short, we need to remember how to learn.

UCF Forum columnist Alexandra Pittman is a University of Central Florida junior majoring in creative writing and journalism , and can be reached at [email protected] .

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Is modern technology a blessing or a curse.

Scotty Martin | March 24, 2017


That little device always buzzing in your pocket  — so tempting to just check it for a couple seconds.

Then, what went from a couple seconds transformed into a couple minutes, and now you’ve missed the teaching of the new unit. The relatively recent addition of phones and technology to the lives of high schoolers has added a debate about its strong influence on students education.

Thinking back to the times your phone was used, how often did you actually use it for educational purposes?

Smartphones represent just one of many technological changes in the last couple of decades. Reflecting on school before the outbreak of modern digital  technology, things were much less efficient in the past.

For example, instead of having ready use of copy machines and printers, students and teachers had to resort to things such as mimeograph machines to make copies.

Instead of making multiple clean copies quickly, a person had to put up with a painstakingly slow hand crank machine, which could produce one copy through each rotation.

If a teacher desired to show a film in class, he or she would have to put in a request for a 16mm film and a projector. If provided, then it was up to the teacher to decide whether he or she could even operate it their self, or if a technology crew was needed.

It may sound inefficient, but back then, it’s all the teachers knew. In some respects, the technology from then was directed to complete the same tasks as technology does now, just at a much less-efficient rate.

In this day and age, however, a much more powerful and addicting device has been produced. The relatively new handheld smartphone offers a wide range of useful variety to the user; with abilities to access internet, gaming, social life, and much more.

That can be a blessing or a curse, in the view of some teachers.

“The access of knowledge we have has so exponentially mushroomed,” says David Bailey, a Lincoln teacher currently in his 49th year of teaching.

Bailey is very aware of the plusses and minuses of the smartphone, but in his opinion, a phone in a student’s hands is only a distraction.

“Students just aren’t that sneaky, they think they are, and I find that insulting,” says Bailey on unpermitted phone use in the classroom. “They become a distraction quite often in learning.”

Along with Bailey, Gary Pearlz, another Lincoln teacher currently in his 16th year of teaching, possesses a very similar view. “I’m not afraid to use the word addiction,” says Pearlz.

He believes that the smartphone has posed a new threat to a student’s ability to focus or take the time and solve a tough problem without quick stimulation of a phone. From his own experiences, he says, “I do see more difficulty in engaging deeply and staying engaged [since phones became widespread].”

“The solutions phones offer are slight improvements over what we had before, at the price of a whole lot of brand new distractions and addictions and bad habits,” says Pearlz.

Pearlz uses a pocket system, requiring his students to put their phone in a pocket near the door of the classroom as they enter the room.

He is very concerned with the road society is headed down with the smartphone. In his words, it seems to be an “epidemic of destruction,” as the phone comes with a high price for society.

“I believe we are making it a lot harder for ourselves.”

Although phones may be a very frustrating annoyance to teachers, Pearlz doesn’t completely blame the students for their addictive behavior.

“People who program phones know exactly what works to get our attention, to keep it, and to get us to want to keep coming back and checking,” he says.

And indeed he is correct. For example, Twitter (and other social media apps) have a notification section. The app designers strategically make it so the notification pops up 2-3 seconds after entering the app. Former Google employee Tristan Harris told the PBS NewsHour, “It’s like a slot machine.”

The time delay builds up anticipation, and once the user is able to see the new notification, it releases a chemical that is pleasing to the senses. “You become more addicted to checking it again the next time,” says Harris.

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Science and technology a 'blessing' or a 'curse'?

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You seem to be stating a conclusion rather than answering a question but I will try to apply a little logic to this.

Starting with the earth, we can say that almost everything is both a blessing and a curse.

We have terrible natural disasters but we also have a pretty nice place to call home. Our bodies are an unbelievable complex of both science and technology and serve us well, but we still have horrific diseases and accidents. Even humans are both good and evil.

On this plane of existance, everything that we know and use is both a blessing or a curse.

As we use the brains that we have been blessed with, though, we are weeding through the curses and adding to the blessings.

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Science is a Blessing or a Curse?

Science is a blessing because we can get new information on healing people or creating new technology.

Is science and technology are a blessing or a curse?

Science and technology can be both a blessing and a curse. They have greatly improved our standard of living, healthcare, and communication. However, they also bring challenges such as environmental degradation and ethical dilemmas. Ultimately, it is how we harness and use science and technology that determines whether they are a blessing or a curse.

Is human genetic engineering a blessing or a curse?

Science is always neutral; it is what people use it for, that is the blessing or curse.

Technology blessing or curse?

CURSE... Young children today are too distracted and occupied to spend time with their families.

Why is technology a curse?

Technology is not generally categorized as a curse. Some consider it a miracle or blessing, since it connects people and makes life easier. Technology does have it's downsides too.


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    Technology is a blessing - but it can also be a curse. We live in an age of information overload. With the advent of new technologies on a continual basis, giving people access to more information at a faster rate than ever, society is reaching a point where there is just too much stuff to absorb. With a simple motion on a touch screen ...

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    So, of course- technology is blessing for us. Technology is a necessary to live and to prove conditions of our live. New technologies help in every field of our life. It is possible to invent a new medicines against dangerous diseases. It is possible travel by car of talking by phone. We can multiply a positive examples in different field of ...

  20. Is modern technology a blessing or a curse?

    That can be a blessing or a curse, in the view of some teachers. "The access of knowledge we have has so exponentially mushroomed," says David Bailey, a Lincoln teacher currently in his 49th year of teaching. Bailey is very aware of the plusses and minuses of the smartphone, but in his opinion, a phone in a student's hands is only a ...

  21. Essay On Science

    Main Points. Introduction :- The modern age is the age of science. The influence of science can be seen in every walk of life. Because of science, the world today has become wonderland compared to the ancient world. Blessings of Science :- Science has made many significant contributions to human life; increased their happiness and comfort greatly.

  22. Free Essay: Technology: Blessing or Curse

    It's the same with everything else, computers, medicines, cars, planes… and even with simple things like pencils or pens. Everything is improvement; everything used technology to be created. What should remain in our consciences is if what we do with it will either bless or curse our…. 362 Words. 2 Pages.

  23. Science and technology a 'blessing' or a 'curse'?

    Science is the blessing as well a curse because people uses technology for there evil purposes (make bombs and arms to kill peoples and for robberies) as well as good purposes (making mobile phone ...

  24. "School uniforms

    Semantic Scholar extracted view of ""School uniforms - a blessing or a curse?"" by E. Dobozy. ... Search 219,352,279 papers from all fields of science. Search. Sign In Create Free Account. Corpus ID: 157462126 "School uniforms - a blessing or a curse?"

  25. Comparative preclinical assessment of drug-coated balloons: a blessing

    DOI: 10.4244/eij-e-23-00052 Corpus ID: 268467347; Comparative preclinical assessment of drug-coated balloons: a blessing and a curse for clinical translation. @article{Joner2024ComparativePA, title={Comparative preclinical assessment of drug-coated balloons: a blessing and a curse for clinical translation.}, author={Michael Joner and L{\'e}a Wild}, journal={EuroIntervention : journal of ...