Apr 10, 2023

How To Write Essays About Immigration (With Examples)

Immigrants bring diverse perspectives and skills that can enrich our societies and economies. If you want to gain insight into the impact of immigration on society and culture, keep reading!

Immigration, a subject deeply woven into the fabric of global discussions, touches on political, economic, and social nuances. As globalization propels many to seek new horizons, understanding the multifaceted impacts of migration is crucial. Crafting a compelling essay on such a vast topic requires more than just research; it demands the delicate weaving of insights into a coherent narrative. For those keen on delivering a polished essay on immigration, considering assistance from a reliable essay writing tool can be a game-changer. This tool not only refines the craft of writing but ensures your perspectives on immigration are articulated with clarity and precision.

Here are our Top 5 Essay Examples and Ideas about Immigration:

The economic impact of immigration on host countries, introduction.

In many nations, immigration has been a hotly debated issue, with supporters and opponents disputing how it would affect the home nation. The economic impact of immigration on host countries is one of the essential components of this discussion. Immigration's economic effects may be favorable or harmful, depending on many circumstances.

This article will examine the economic effects of immigration on the receiving nations, examining both the advantages and disadvantages that immigration may have. You will better know how immigration impacts a nation's economy and the variables that influence it after this article.

Immigration's effects on labor markets

An essential component of the total economic impact of immigration is how it affects labor markets. Immigration may affect labor markets, including shifting labor supply and demand, opening new job possibilities, and perhaps affecting local employees' earnings and prospects. This section will examine how immigration affects labor markets in receiving nations.

The shift in the labor supply is one of immigration's most apparent effects on labor markets. When more employees are available in the host nation due to immigration, there may be more competition for open positions. In fields that serve immigrant populations, such as ethnic food shops or language schools, immigrants can also generate new jobs.

Another significant impact of immigration on labor markets is its effect on wages and income distribution. Some studies have suggested that immigration can reduce wages for native workers, particularly those who are less educated or have lower skill levels. 

Immigrants can also contribute to economic growth and innovation, which can positively impact labor markets. Immigrants often have unique skills, experiences, and perspectives that can help drive innovation and create new job opportunities in the host country. Furthermore, immigrants are often more entrepreneurial and more likely to start businesses, which can generate new jobs and contribute to economic growth.

The effect of immigration on wages and income distribution

The effect of immigration on wages and income distribution is a crucial area of concern in the overall economic impact of immigration. Immigration can affect wages and income distribution in various ways, which can have significant implications for both native workers and immigrants. In this section, we will explore the effect of immigration on wages and income distribution in host countries.

One of the primary ways that immigration can impact wages and income distribution is by changing the supply and demand of labor. With an influx of immigrants, the labor supply increases, which can lead to increased competition for jobs. Some studies suggest that immigration harms wages for native workers, while others offer no significant effect.

Another way that immigration can impact wages and income distribution is through its effect on the composition of the workforce. Immigrants often fill low-skilled jobs in industries such as agriculture, construction, and hospitality, which tend to pay lower wages. 

Immigration can also impact income distribution by contributing to the overall level of economic inequality in a host country. While immigration can lead to lower wages for some native workers, it can also lead to higher wages and increased economic mobility for some immigrants. Furthermore, immigrants may face various barriers to upward mobility, such as discrimination or lack of access to education and training. This can lead to increased income inequality between native and immigrant workers.

The contribution of immigrants to economic growth and innovation

Immigrants have historically played a significant role in driving economic growth and innovation in host countries. In this section, we will explore the contribution of immigrants to economic growth and innovation and the factors that enable them to do so.

One of the primary ways that immigrants contribute to economic growth is through their entrepreneurial activities. Immigrants are often more likely to start their businesses than native-born individuals, and these businesses can create jobs and drive economic growth. Immigrant entrepreneurs have contributed to developing industries such as technology, healthcare, and hospitality. Additionally, immigrants are often overrepresented in STEM fields, which is critical to driving innovation and economic growth.

Another way that immigrants contribute to economic growth is through their impact on the labor force. Immigrants tend to be more mobile than native-born individuals, which can lead to a more flexible and adaptable workforce. Immigrants also tend to fill critical roles in industries such as healthcare and agriculture, which are essential to maintaining the functioning of the economy. By filling these roles, immigrants contribute to the overall productivity and growth of the economy.

The costs and benefits of social welfare programs for immigrants

The issue of social welfare programs for immigrants has been a controversial topic in many host countries. In this section, we will explore the costs and benefits of social welfare programs for immigrants and the policy implications.

One of the primary benefits of social welfare programs for immigrants is that they can help reduce poverty and promote social inclusion. Immigrants often face significant barriers to economic mobility, such as language barriers and discrimination. Social welfare programs can help provide a safety net for those struggling to make ends meet and promote social cohesion by reducing inequalities.

However, social welfare programs for immigrants also come with costs. One concern is that these programs may attract immigrants primarily seeking to access social welfare benefits rather than contributing to the economy. This can strain public finances and create resentment among native-born individuals who feel their tax dollars are being used to support immigrants.

Another concern is that social welfare programs may create disincentives for immigrants to work and contribute to the economy. If the benefits of social welfare programs are too generous, some immigrants may choose to rely on them rather than seek employment. This can create long-term dependence and reduce overall economic productivity.

The impact of immigration on public finances and fiscal policies

The effect of immigration on public finances and fiscal policies is a topic of significant interest and debate. This section will explore how immigration affects public finances and how host countries can implement budgetary policies to manage the impact.

One way that immigration can impact public finances is through taxes. Immigrants who are employed and pay taxes can contribute to the tax base of the host country, which can provide additional revenue for public services and infrastructure. However, immigrants who are not employed or earn low wages may contribute fewer taxes, which can strain public finances. 

Fiscal policies can be used to manage the impact of immigration on public finances. One guideline is to increase taxes on immigrants to offset the costs of public services they use. However, this can create a disincentive for highly skilled and educated immigrants to migrate to the host country. Another policy is to increase spending on public services to accommodate the needs of immigrants. However, this can strain public finances and lead to resentment among native-born individuals who feel their tax dollars are being used to support immigrants.

In conclusion, the economic impact of immigration is a complex issue with both costs and benefits for host countries. Immigration can impact labor markets, wages and income distribution, economic growth and innovation, social welfare programs, public finances, and fiscal policies. 

The social and cultural implications of immigration

Immigration has social and cultural implications that affect both immigrants and host countries. The movement of people from one place to another can result in a blending of cultures, traditions, and ideas. At the same time, immigration can also result in social and cultural tensions as different groups struggle to integrate and adjust to new environments. 

The social and cultural implications of immigration have become increasingly important in today's globalized world as the movement of people across borders has become more common. In this article, we will explore the various social and cultural implications of immigration and how they impact immigrants and host communities.

The impact of immigration on social cohesion and integration

Immigration has a significant impact on social cohesion and integration in host countries. Social cohesion refers to the degree to which members of a society feel connected and share a sense of belonging. In contrast, integration refers to the process by which immigrants become a part of the host society. Immigration can either enhance or hinder social cohesion and integration, depending on how it is managed and perceived by the host society.

Another factor that can impact social cohesion and integration is the level of diversity within the host society. Increased diversity can lead to greater cultural exchange and understanding but also social tensions and the formation of segregated communities. Promoting social interaction and cooperation among diverse groups can help mitigate these tensions and promote social cohesion.

The perception of immigrants by the host society also plays a significant role in social cohesion and integration. Negative stereotypes and discriminatory attitudes can hinder integration and create barriers to social cohesion. On the other hand, positive attitudes towards immigrants and their contributions to society can facilitate integration and promote social cohesion.

The role of language and communication in the integration of immigrants

Language and communication play a crucial role in integrating immigrants into host societies. Immigrants may need the ability to communicate effectively with others to overcome significant barriers to social and economic integration. Language and communication skills are essential for accessing education, finding employment, and participating in civic life.

Language is one of the primary barriers immigrants face when integrating into a new society. Without proficiency in the host country's language, immigrants may struggle to understand instructions, participate in conversations, and access essential services. This can lead to social isolation and hinder economic opportunities.

Language training programs are one way to address this issue. Effective language training programs can help immigrants learn the host country's language and develop the communication skills necessary for successful integration. These programs can also give immigrants the cultural knowledge and understanding essential to navigate the host society.

The effect of immigration on cultural diversity and identity

Immigration can significantly impact the cultural diversity and identity of both host societies and immigrant communities. The cultural exchange resulting from immigration can enrich societies and provide opportunities for learning and growth. However, immigration can also pose challenges to preserving cultural identities and maintaining social cohesion.

One of the primary ways in which immigration affects cultural diversity and identity is through the introduction of new customs, traditions, and beliefs. Immigrant communities often bring unique cultural practices, such as food, music, and art, that can enhance the cultural landscape of the host society. Exposure to new cultures can broaden the perspectives of individuals and communities, leading to greater tolerance and understanding.

The challenges and benefits of multiculturalism in host countries

Multiculturalism refers to the coexistence of different cultural groups within a society. It is a concept that has become increasingly important in modern societies characterized by race, ethnicity, religion, and language diversity. 

Multiculturalism is often promoted to promote tolerance, social cohesion, and the celebration of diversity. 

Challenges of multiculturalism

Multiculturalism presents a range of challenges that can impact host societies. These challenges include social division, discrimination, language barriers, and cultural clashes. For example, when immigrants share different values or traditions than the host society, this can lead to misunderstandings and conflict. Similarly, language barriers can limit communication and make it difficult for immigrants to integrate into the host society.

Benefits of multiculturalism

Multiculturalism can also bring a range of benefits to host societies. These benefits include increased cultural awareness and sensitivity, economic growth, and exchanging ideas and perspectives. For example, cultural diversity can provide opportunities for host societies to learn from different cultural practices and approaches to problem-solving. This can lead to innovation and growth.

Social cohesion

Social cohesion refers to the ability of a society to function harmoniously despite differences in culture, ethnicity, religion, and language. Multiculturalism can pose a challenge to social cohesion, but it can also promote it. Host societies can foster social cohesion by promoting the acceptance and understanding of different cultural groups. This can be achieved through policies and programs that promote intercultural dialogue, education, and community-building.

Discrimination and prejudice

Multiculturalism can also increase the risk of discrimination and prejudice. Discrimination can take many forms, including racial, religious, and cultural bias. Host societies can combat discrimination by implementing anti-discrimination laws and policies and promoting diversity and inclusion.

Economic benefits

Multiculturalism can also bring economic benefits to host societies. The presence of a diverse range of skills and talents can lead to innovation and economic growth. Immigrants can also get various skills and experiences contributing to the host society's economic development.

In conclusion, immigration has significant social and cultural implications for both host countries and immigrants. It affects social cohesion, integration, cultural diversity, and identity. Host countries face challenges and benefits of multiculturalism, including economic growth, innovation, and social change.

The role of immigration in shaping national identity

Immigration has always been a significant driver of cultural and social change, with immigrants often bringing their unique identities, values, and traditions to their new homes. As a result, immigration can play a crucial role in shaping national identity, as it challenges existing cultural norms and values and introduces new ideas and perspectives. 

In this article, we will explore the role of immigration in shaping national identity, including its effects on cultural diversity, social cohesion, and political discourse. We will also discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by immigration to national identity and the importance of embracing a diverse and inclusive national identity in today's globalized world.

Immigration and the evolution of national identity

The relationship between immigration and national identity is complex, as immigration can challenge and reinforce existing national identities. As immigrants bring new cultural practices and values, they challenge the existing norms and values of the host society, prompting a re-evaluation of what it means to be part of that society. This can create a more inclusive and diverse national identity as different cultural traditions and practices are recognized and celebrated.

At the same time, the influx of new immigrants can also create a sense of fear and anxiety among some members of the host society, who may view the changes brought about by immigration as a threat to their cultural identity. This can lead to calls for stricter immigration policies and a more limited definition of national identity, which can exclude or marginalize certain groups.

The role of immigrants in shaping cultural diversity

Immigrants have played a significant role in shaping cultural diversity in many countries. Their arrival in a new land brings their customs, traditions, beliefs, and practices, which contribute to society's richness and vibrancy. 

One of the key ways in which immigrants have shaped cultural diversity is through their contributions to the local community. Immigrants bring a wealth of knowledge, skills, and talents that can benefit the societies they move to. For example, they may introduce new cuisines, music, art, and literature that add to the cultural landscape of their new home. This can create a more diverse and inclusive society where different cultures are celebrated and appreciated.

Another important aspect of cultural diversity is the challenges immigrants face when adapting to a new culture. Moving to a new country can be a daunting experience, especially if the culture is vastly different from one's own. Immigrants may struggle with language barriers, cultural norms, and social customs that are unfamiliar to them. This can lead to feelings of isolation and exclusion, which can negatively impact their mental health and well-being.

The challenges of maintaining social cohesion amidst diversity

Strengthening social cohesion amidst diversity is a complex challenge many societies face today. Cultural, ethnic, religious, and language diversity can lead to tensions and conflicts if managed poorly. 

One of the main challenges of maintaining social cohesion amidst diversity is the need to balance the interests of different groups. This involves recognizing and respecting the cultural, religious, and linguistic diversity of society while also promoting a sense of shared identity and common values. This can be particularly challenging in contexts with competing interests and power imbalances between different groups.

Another challenge is the need to address discrimination and prejudice. Discrimination can take many forms, including unequal access to education, employment, housing, hate speech, and violence. Prejudice and stereotypes can also lead to social exclusion and marginalization of certain groups. Addressing these issues requires a concerted effort from the government, civil society, and individuals to promote tolerance and respect for diversity.

Promoting inclusive policies is another crucial factor in maintaining social cohesion amidst diversity. This includes policies promoting equal opportunities for all, regardless of background. This can involve affirmative action programs, targeted social policies, and support for minority groups. Inclusive policies can also create a sense of belonging and ownership among different groups, which helps foster social cohesion.

In conclusion, immigration profoundly influences the formation of national identity. As individuals from various backgrounds merge into a new country, they not only introduce their distinct cultural and ethnic traits but also embark on a journey of personal growth and adaptation. This process mirrors the development of key skills such as leadership, character, and community service, essential for thriving in diverse environments. These attributes are not only vital for immigrants as they integrate into society but are also exemplified in successful National Honor Society essays , where personal growth and societal contribution are celebrated. Thus, the experiences of immigrants significantly enrich the societal tapestry, reflecting in our collective values, beliefs, and practices.

To sum it all up:

To recapitulate writing a five-paragraph essay about immigration can be challenging, but with the right approach and resources, it can be a rewarding experience. Throughout this article, we have discussed the various aspects of immigration that one can explore in such an essay, including the economic impact, social and cultural implications, and the evolution of national identity. 

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Writing an Immigration Essay: 75 Essay Topic Ideas

persuasive essays on immigration

The whole world watches the immigration drama that occurs in the USA. Separated families, tears, anger, escalation of antimigration attitudes in society—this all are consequences of immigration regulations.

Writing an essay on immigration may seem difficult enough. However, the IvyPanda team is here to help you. Just keep reading and you’ll find out simple tips to ace your assignment.

Immigration Essay: Research the Problem

Before you start drafting your essay outline, you should understand what is immigration, its causes, forms, and develop your opinion.

What is immigration? This is the process of acquiring permanent residence in a foreign country. And, accordingly, an immigrant is a person who undergoes this process.

Why do people decide to immigrate?

Actually, every person has their own reason. But we gathered most common immigration causes below:

  • Economics. Most people decide to move to other country when they are not satisfied with conditions in their homeland: lack of jobs, low salaries, high taxes, corruption. All of these make a person seek a better life.
  • Politics . In some countries, government bans certain parts of population from occupying certain positions, gaining education they want, etc. For example, lists professions and occupations that are prohibited for woman.

Black woman works in an office

  • Wars. Even though we’re living in the 21st century, wars still occur. And the desire to save immigrants’ families, and escape from death leads to increasing number of refugees.
  • Human right and freedom. We all want to live in a better place with our loved ones, being able to choose a career, and religion, regardless of our social or marital status. However, some countries ban same-sex marriage, some religions and religious trends other than the dominant ones. There are also a lot of countries where there is no freedom of speech. Imagine that even a short post in your social media account may lead to a prison.
  • Personal causes. It may be a desire to take the career to the next level, a realisation of childhood dream to live in a certain place, to acquire education in a certain institution or country, etc.

Immigration can be legal and illegal. Legal immigration means that the person is acquiring the residential status in accordance to government regulations. On the other side are immigrants who decide to try and flee to foreign countries illegally .

Is it bad? You have conduct a thorough research and form your opinion.

China street food

If you’re doing your research for illegal immigration essay, you should also investigate effects of it. Mostly, it negative impacts on economics. Illegal immigrants take any job that provides an income to support their families. Employers use this labor force without paying any taxes, providing insurance and often pay less than minimum wage. This leads to legal job cuts and lower budget revenues. And, as a result, cuts in social, education, public health, and other important programs occur.

Among other effects, we can name the rise of terrorist and criminal activities. You can explore this topic when writing the immigration essay or paper on terrorism.

Relatively easy way of illegal immigration leads to reduced motivation for legal immigration. It’s cheaper and easier.

If you’re writing the overpopulation essay, you can mention that overpopulation can be both cause and effect. The lack of access to fresh water, poverty, and pollution makes people seek for the better life somewhere else. And, as a consequence, immigration explosions provoke overpopulation, cut of legal jobs, increased pollution in the destination country.

Immigration Essay: Stick to the Structure

Now, let’s get back to the writing. First of all, brainstorm some ideas of your immigration or overpopulation essay. Write them down and then pick the topic that appeals to you the most. Don’t forget to check if there are enough sources for your paper. There are plenty of free essays and examples to help you with all of that.

The next step is to create an essay outline. A typical essay structure consists of introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Even if you need to write a five-paragraph essay, you must include these elements.

First things first, let’s start with the essay introduction. In the intro of any type of essays, you must give a hook to your readers and provide an essay thesis. Engage your readers with a couple of suggestions about the problems of immigrants that you’ve researched.

Little girl sitting on a street

As for the essay body, its contents may vary depending on the type of assignment. In the argumentative or persuasive essay, you must put several arguments supporting your point of view. In the for and against essay, provide a counterargument after each argument. If you’re writing an opinion essay, express your thoughts and don’t forget to keep a logical flow. Otherwise, your readers will be bored and quickly lose their attention.

As well as the introduction, a conclusion is also a mandatory element. In this part, you must restate thesis and ideas, presented in a body without repeating it. Write it in other words.

Top 15 Immigration Essay Topics You Should Try

  • Changing Attitudes Towards Migrants in the US.
  • India–Pakistan Border Conflicts Today.
  • Much-needed Reforms to Improve the US Immigration Process.
  • How News Influence Our Opinion on Immigrants.
  • Cultural Relationships between Migrants and Locals.
  • New Methods of Immigrant Integration into Society.
  • How Immigration Influences Global Economy.
  • Language, immigration, and the clash of cultures.
  • The Ways Illegal Immigration Affects Canadian Society.
  • Immigration Laws in the UK: What Can Be Improved.

Immigration Essay: 65 Topic Ideas

Now you know how to write your essay on immigration. But you may need some ideas. That’s why IvyPanda’s experts prepared some excellent topic ideas and essay samples you may use in your assignment.

All you have to do is just check the list below, pick up ones that you find the most interesting and use them as an inspiration.

Immigrant women applauds

So, grab a cup of tasty coffee or tea and choose the immigration, poverty, or overpopulation essay topic:

  • The Impact of Immigration on the Economy of the USA
  • Migration, Immigration, and Emigration, and their Effects on Religion, Women, and Minorities in Egypt
  • Illegal Immigration
  • Argument for Measures to Control Illegal Immigration
  • Free-rider problem and illegal immigration
  • The History of Canada, Its Position on Immigration
  • Economic Contribution of Slaves and Present Day Legal and Illegal Immigration
  • Legal Immigration versus Illegal Immigration in America
  • Crossing Borders: Immigration Issue
  • Immigration and Crime Rate
  • Pros and Cons of Immigration for the Immigrants
  • Immigration Admissions and Control Policies
  • Immigration and Ethnic Relations
  • Illegal immigration in the US
  • World Publics Welcome Global Trade – but not Immigration
  • Maria Full of Grace and De Nadie: Immigration in Terms of Shots and Angles
  • World Hunger
  • History of Indigenous Australians before the arrival of the First Fleet
  • Legislating homeland security
  • White Australian Policy
  • Globalization in Politics and on the World peace
  • Illegal Migration
  • Poverty among Women and Aboriginals
  • The Singer Solution to World Poverty
  • Poverty in America Rural and Urban Difference
  • Immigrants on poverty
  • Effects of Poverty on Immigrant Children
  • Global Poverty
  • Ending global poverty
  • Women Immigrants from Asia
  • Immigration
  • Mexican American Discrimination
  • Citizenship
  • High Population Growth
  • Causes and Consequences of Native American Migration
  • Illegal Immigrants and Amnesty: A Pro Argument
  • Labor migration and remittances in the middle east
  • Challenges of the Arab Gulf States
  • Overpopulation
  • 19th Century Industrialization, Technologies, and Business Strategies
  • Diverse Backgrounds
  • A response to the article “Inequality and the American Dream”
  • Undocumented workers in the United States
  • Difficulties of a Child in a Foreign Linguistic Environment
  • Global Population Issues and Population in Our Country
  • Impact of illegal immigrants on America
  • The unemployed and illegal immigrants in the United States are more likely to be involved in crime than the employed and legal immigrants
  • Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants
  • Dealing with Illegal Immigrants in the US
  • Should Illegal Immigrants be Deported?
  • Immigration as political issue in the USA
  • Immigration policy
  • The concept of citizenship in the United States
  • Nation of Immigrants
  • Anglo-American Western Expansion
  • Politics of Globalization
  • Immigration Debate
  • Recent population trends and their impact on cities and suburbs
  • Impacts of Overpopulation on the Environment
  • Bioregionalism
  • What causes poverty in the world
  • The Cause and Effect of the Growing Population
  • Poverty in urban areas
  • The Worrying Population Statistics
  • Population Pressure
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The Morning

Race and politics.

We’re covering the rightward shift among voters of color.

People stand at yellow polling booths.

By David Leonhardt

After Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016, many political scientists and pundits came forth with a simple explanation. Trump had won, they said, because of white Americans’ racial resentment.

These analysts looked at surveys and argued that the voters who had allowed Trump to win were distinguished not by social class, economic worries or any other factor but by their racial fears. “Another study shows Trump won because of racial anxieties — not economic distress,” as a typical headline, in The Intercept, put it.

I never found this argument to be persuasive. Yes, race played a meaningful role in Trump’s victory, given his long history of remarks demeaning people of color. But politics is rarely monocausal. And there were good reasons — including Barack Obama’s earlier success with Trump voters — to believe that the 2016 election was complex, too.

Eight years later, the “it’s all racial resentment” argument doesn’t look merely questionable. It looks wrong.

Skewed polls?

Since Trump’s victory, a defining feature of American politics has been the rightward shift of voters of color. Asian, Black and Hispanic voters have all become less likely to support Democratic candidates and more likely to support Republicans, including Trump.

In each group, the trend is pronounced among working-class voters, defined as those without a four-year college degree. (The Democrats’ performance among nonwhite voters with a college degree has held fairly stable.)

If anything, Democrats’ weakness among voters of colors appears to have intensified since 2022. Among white voters, President Biden has about as much support as he did four years ago, Nate Cohn, The Times’s chief political analyst, has pointed out . But Biden’s support among Black, Hispanic and Asian voters has plummeted. (My colleagues Jennifer Medina and Ruth Igielnik focused on the Latino shift in a recent article.)

This chart compares the 2020 results with the findings from the most recent New York Times/Siena College poll:

As John Burn-Murdoch, the chief data reporter at The Financial Times, wrote last week : “I think this is simultaneously one of the most important social trends in the U.S. today, and one of the most poorly understood.”

This newsletter is the first of a two-part series about the development. Today, I hope to convince you that the trend is real and not simply, as some Democrats hope, a reflection of inaccurate poll numbers. In part two, I’ll look more closely at the likely causes.

Young populists

It’s true that polls are not the same as elections, and Biden may improve his standing by November. With far more campaign cash than Trump, Biden will have a chance to frame the election as a choice between the two, rather than a referendum on the country’s condition.

But the evidence for the trend is much stronger than the 2024 polls. A decade ago, many Democrats assumed that the extremely high levels of support they received from voters of color during Obama’s presidency would continue. They haven’t. In 2022, for instance, the party’s disappointing performance among nonwhite voters helped Republicans win the national popular vote in House elections. This year, Biden may need to improve on the party’s 2022 showing — which would be vastly different from what polls now show — to win re-election.

“There’s been a lot of whistling past the graveyard about this,” Nate Silver wrote in his newsletter about the trend. “Dems ought to invest more time in figuring out why this is happening instead of hoping that the polls are skewed.”

The most helpful frame is social class. In many ways, the rightward shift of voters of color is surprising, given this country’s history of racial politics. I certainly did not expect the Trump era to feature a narrowing of racial polarization.

But when viewed through a class lens, the shift makes more sense. In much of the world, working-class voters, across racial groups, have become attracted to a populism that leans right while sometimes including left-wing economic ideas, such as trade restrictions. This populism is skeptical of elites, political correctness, high levels of immigration and other forms of globalization.

Today’s populists “are more diverse than the stereotypical ‘angry old white men’ who, we are frequently told, will soon be replaced by a new generation of tolerant Millennials,” Roger Eatwell and Matthew Goodwin, two British scholars of politics, have written . Indeed, Democrats today particularly struggle with young voters of color, Nate Cohn has explained.

The old racial-resentment story about Trump’s victory was alluring to many progressives because it absolved them of responsibility. If Trump’s appeal was all about racism, there was no honorable way for Democrats to win back their previous supporters.

The true story is both more challenging and more hopeful. The multiracial, predominantly working-class group of Americans who have soured on mainstream politics and modern liberalism are not all hateful and ignorant. They are frustrated, and their political loyalties are up for grabs.

Related: I discuss the art of middlebrow politics in a Times review of two new books about U.S. history.


Israel-hamas war.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in the Middle East. He is there to push for a temporary cease-fire in Gaza.

Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Senate Republicans remotely after Senator Chuck Schumer, a Democrat, criticized him and called for a new election in Israel.

Why isn’t aid getting to people in Gaza? It’s complicated, but inspections and violence have contributed to delays. See graphics that explain the issue .

More International News

Ireland’s prime minister, Leo Varadkar, is resigning from his post . His resignation was a surprise .

The E.U. has found a way to make Moscow pay for weapons for Ukraine: using interest earned on frozen Russian assets.

A Mexican cartel is swindling retirees. Call centers offer to buy seniors’ timeshare properties then drain their bank accounts .

2024 Elections

Trump said he’d likely support a nationwide abortion ban after 15 weeks of pregnancy with some exceptions, calling it a reasonable compromise.

Biden’s campaign had more than twice the amount of money the Trump campaign had at the end of last month.

California voters narrowly approved a $6.4 billion bond to help homeless people with mental illnesses and addiction .

Democratic lawyers plan to challenge third-party candidates’ efforts to get on the ballot . They fear the candidates might siphon votes from Biden in swing states.

Texas Border

An appeals court heard arguments over a Texas law that lets the police arrest migrants who illegally enter the state. The law is blocked for now .

Texas has been testing the limits of its state-run border control. Explore this stretch of the southern border to see how.

The fight over the border is an example of how some states are circumventing gridlock in Washington. Other Republican states are working on immigration bills .

The E.P.A. issued new tailpipe pollution limits meant to ensure that most new cars are electric or hybrid by 2032. Fossil fuel companies are likely to challenge the regulations in court .

A record-breaking heat wave hit West Africa in mid-February. Climate change made this heat 10 times as likely, a report found.

The Federal Reserve left interest rates unchanged but signaled that it was likely to cut rates three times this year.

Reddit priced its shares high for its initial public offering. The site’s journey from toxic cesspool to trusted news source is a content moderation success story , Kevin Roose writes.

Other Big Stories

A bipartisan bill to fund the government contains wins for both parties . Democrats reauthorized a program that fights H.I.V. worldwide; Republicans secured cuts to foreign aid.

A group of politically connected lawyers made millions from one of the largest Medicaid settlements in history, a Times investigation found.

The U.S. hit a new low in the World Happiness Report — 23rd place — in large part because of unhappiness among people under 30.

Oprah’s special on weight loss highlighted how the industry is rebranding . Telling people obesity is a disease and not their fault changes decades of messaging, Tressie McMillan Cottom writes.

New York’s governor wants the subway system to be safe . She should start with making stations accessible for disabled people, Julie Kim writes.

Senegal’s president, who refuses to leave office, threatens the country’s hard-won stability , Boubacar Boris Diop writes.

Here is a column by Pamela Paul on the funny stories behind our injuries .


Preserved remains: This is what village life was like in Britain 3,000 years ago .

Mental health: Climate cafes are offering a place for Americans to discuss their anxiety about the changing planet .

Antique: A British woman bought a brooch at a fair. She didn’t know how much it was worth .

Talking or yapping? TikTok has repurposed an old term .

Lives Lived: Martin Greenfield made suits for presidents, movie stars and athletes. For years, none knew the origin of his expertise: He learned to sew at Auschwitz. Greenfield died at 95 .

M.L.B.: The Dodgers fired Ippei Mizuhara, translator for superstar Shohei Ohtani, after the player’s representatives accused Mizuhara of “massive theft” to use Ohtani’s money for gambling purposes.

March Madness: The first round of the men’s tournament tips off at noon Eastern. Sixteen games will air today. (Before the first game begins, you still have time to join The Morning’s bracket pools for the men’s and women’s tournaments. Let us know you did with this Google form .)

N.F.L.: Mike Williams signed a one-year contract with the New York Jets yesterday; a breakfast sandwich may have convinced him.


How it started: A century ago tonight, a dinner party in New York set in motion one of the most influential cultural movements of the 20th century. Charles S. Johnson and Alain Locke, two Black academic titans, gathered the brightest of Harlem’s creative and political scene to mingle with white purveyors of culture. The relationships formed that night would soon blossom into the Harlem Renaissance.

At the time, little was written in the news media about the party. But Veronica Chambers, a Times journalist, and Michelle May-Curry, a curator in Washington, D.C., have reconstructed the evening . They used rarely seen letters and other archival material.

More on culture

Letters from a love triangle: Eric Clapton’s handwritten messages , being auctioned this week, shed light on how Clapton wooed Pattie Boyd away from George Harrison.

Late-night hosts joked about Trump and March Madness.


Serve seared boneless chicken thighs over a bed of herbs, browned whole garlic cloves and greens.

Buy a classic white T-shirt. (For men and women .)

Use the best tumbler .

Here is today’s Spelling Bee . Yesterday’s pangram was fanciful .

And here are today’s Mini Crossword , Wordle , Sudoku and Connections .

Thanks for spending part of your morning with The Times. See you tomorrow. — David

Sign up here to get this newsletter in your inbox . Reach our team at [email protected] .

David Leonhardt runs The Morning , The Times’s flagship daily newsletter. Since joining The Times in 1999, he has been an economics columnist, opinion columnist, head of the Washington bureau and founding editor of the Upshot section, among other roles. More about David Leonhardt


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    Here are our Top 5 Essay Examples and Ideas about Immigration: The economic impact of immigration on host countries; Introduction. In many nations, immigration has been a hotly debated issue, with supporters and opponents disputing how it would affect the home nation. The economic impact of immigration on host countries is one of the essential ...

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