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  • Published: 24 January 2019

Financial literacy and the need for financial education: evidence and implications

  • Annamaria Lusardi 1  

Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics volume  155 , Article number:  1 ( 2019 ) Cite this article

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1 Introduction

Throughout their lifetime, individuals today are more responsible for their personal finances than ever before. With life expectancies rising, pension and social welfare systems are being strained. In many countries, employer-sponsored defined benefit (DB) pension plans are swiftly giving way to private defined contribution (DC) plans, shifting the responsibility for retirement saving and investing from employers to employees. Individuals have also experienced changes in labor markets. Skills are becoming more critical, leading to divergence in wages between those with a college education, or higher, and those with lower levels of education. Simultaneously, financial markets are rapidly changing, with developments in technology and new and more complex financial products. From student loans to mortgages, credit cards, mutual funds, and annuities, the range of financial products people have to choose from is very different from what it was in the past, and decisions relating to these financial products have implications for individual well-being. Moreover, the exponential growth in financial technology (fintech) is revolutionizing the way people make payments, decide about their financial investments, and seek financial advice. In this context, it is important to understand how financially knowledgeable people are and to what extent their knowledge of finance affects their financial decision-making.

An essential indicator of people’s ability to make financial decisions is their level of financial literacy. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) aptly defines financial literacy as not only the knowledge and understanding of financial concepts and risks but also the skills, motivation, and confidence to apply such knowledge and understanding in order to make effective decisions across a range of financial contexts, to improve the financial well-being of individuals and society, and to enable participation in economic life. Thus, financial literacy refers to both knowledge and financial behavior, and this paper will analyze research on both topics.

As I describe in more detail below, findings around the world are sobering. Financial literacy is low even in advanced economies with well-developed financial markets. On average, about one third of the global population has familiarity with the basic concepts that underlie everyday financial decisions (Lusardi and Mitchell, 2011c ). The average hides gaping vulnerabilities of certain population subgroups and even lower knowledge of specific financial topics. Furthermore, there is evidence of a lack of confidence, particularly among women, and this has implications for how people approach and make financial decisions. In the following sections, I describe how we measure financial literacy, the levels of literacy we find around the world, the implications of those findings for financial decision-making, and how we can improve financial literacy.

2 How financially literate are people?

2.1 measuring financial literacy: the big three.

In the context of rapid changes and constant developments in the financial sector and the broader economy, it is important to understand whether people are equipped to effectively navigate the maze of financial decisions that they face every day. To provide the tools for better financial decision-making, one must assess not only what people know but also what they need to know, and then evaluate the gap between those things. There are a few fundamental concepts at the basis of most financial decision-making. These concepts are universal, applying to every context and economic environment. Three such concepts are (1) numeracy as it relates to the capacity to do interest rate calculations and understand interest compounding; (2) understanding of inflation; and (3) understanding of risk diversification. Translating these concepts into easily measured financial literacy metrics is difficult, but Lusardi and Mitchell ( 2008 , 2011b , 2011c ) have designed a standard set of questions around these concepts and implemented them in numerous surveys in the USA and around the world.

Four principles informed the design of these questions, as described in detail by Lusardi and Mitchell ( 2014 ). The first is simplicity : the questions should measure knowledge of the building blocks fundamental to decision-making in an intertemporal setting. The second is relevance : the questions should relate to concepts pertinent to peoples’ day-to-day financial decisions over the life cycle; moreover, they must capture general rather than context-specific ideas. Third is brevity : the number of questions must be few enough to secure widespread adoption; and fourth is capacity to differentiate , meaning that questions should differentiate financial knowledge in such a way as to permit comparisons across people. Each of these principles is important in the context of face-to-face, telephone, and online surveys.

Three basic questions (since dubbed the “Big Three”) to measure financial literacy have been fielded in many surveys in the USA, including the National Financial Capability Study (NFCS) and, more recently, the Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF), and in many national surveys around the world. They have also become the standard way to measure financial literacy in surveys used by the private sector. For example, the Aegon Center for Longevity and Retirement included the Big Three questions in the 2018 Aegon Retirement Readiness Survey, covering around 16,000 people in 15 countries. Both ING and Allianz, but also investment funds, and pension funds have used the Big Three to measure financial literacy. The exact wording of the questions is provided in Table  1 .

2.2 Cross-country comparison

The first examination of financial literacy using the Big Three was possible due to a special module on financial literacy and retirement planning that Lusardi and Mitchell designed for the 2004 Health and Retirement Study (HRS), which is a survey of Americans over age 50. Astonishingly, the data showed that only half of older Americans—who presumably had made many financial decisions in their lives—could answer the two basic questions measuring understanding of interest rates and inflation (Lusardi and Mitchell, 2011b ). And just one third demonstrated understanding of these two concepts and answered the third question, measuring understanding of risk diversification, correctly. It is sobering that recent US surveys, such as the 2015 NFCS, the 2016 SCF, and the 2017 Survey of Household Economics and Financial Decisionmaking (SHED), show that financial knowledge has remained stubbornly low over time.

Over time, the Big Three have been added to other national surveys across countries and Lusardi and Mitchell have coordinated a project called Financial Literacy around the World (FLat World), which is an international comparison of financial literacy (Lusardi and Mitchell, 2011c ).

Findings from the FLat World project, which so far includes data from 15 countries, including Switzerland, highlight the urgent need to improve financial literacy (see Table  2 ). Across countries, financial literacy is at a crisis level, with the average rate of financial literacy, as measured by those answering correctly all three questions, at around 30%. Moreover, only around 50% of respondents in most countries are able to correctly answer the two financial literacy questions on interest rates and inflation correctly. A noteworthy point is that most countries included in the FLat World project have well-developed financial markets, which further highlights the cause for alarm over the demonstrated lack of the financial literacy. The fact that levels of financial literacy are so similar across countries with varying levels of economic development—indicating that in terms of financial knowledge, the world is indeed flat —shows that income levels or ubiquity of complex financial products do not by themselves equate to a more financially literate population.

Other noteworthy findings emerge in Table  2 . For instance, as expected, understanding of the effects of inflation (i.e., of real versus nominal values) among survey respondents is low in countries that have experienced deflation rather than inflation: in Japan, understanding of inflation is at 59%; in other countries, such as Germany, it is at 78% and, in the Netherlands, it is at 77%. Across countries, individuals have the lowest level of knowledge around the concept of risk, and the percentage of correct answers is particularly low when looking at knowledge of risk diversification. Here, we note the prevalence of “do not know” answers. While “do not know” responses hover around 15% on the topic of interest rates and 18% for inflation, about 30% of respondents—in some countries even more—are likely to respond “do not know” to the risk diversification question. In Switzerland, 74% answered the risk diversification question correctly and 13% reported not knowing the answer (compared to 3% and 4% responding “do not know” for the interest rates and inflation questions, respectively).

These findings are supported by many other surveys. For example, the 2014 Standard & Poor’s Global Financial Literacy Survey shows that, around the world, people know the least about risk and risk diversification (Klapper, Lusardi, and Van Oudheusden, 2015 ). Similarly, results from the 2016 Allianz survey, which collected evidence from ten European countries on money, financial literacy, and risk in the digital age, show very low-risk literacy in all countries covered by the survey. In Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, which are the three top-performing nations in term of financial knowledge, less than 20% of respondents can answer three questions related to knowledge of risk and risk diversification (Allianz, 2017 ).

Other surveys show that the findings about financial literacy correlate in an expected way with other data. For example, performance on the mathematics and science sections of the OECD Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) correlates with performance on the Big Three and, specifically, on the question relating to interest rates. Similarly, respondents in Sweden, which has experienced pension privatization, performed better on the risk diversification question (at 68%), than did respondents in Russia and East Germany, where people have had less exposure to the stock market. For researchers studying financial knowledge and its effects, these findings hint to the fact that financial literacy could be the result of choice and not an exogenous variable.

To summarize, financial literacy is low across the world and higher national income levels do not equate to a more financially literate population. The design of the Big Three questions enables a global comparison and allows for a deeper understanding of financial literacy. This enhances the measure’s utility because it helps to identify general and specific vulnerabilities across countries and within population subgroups, as will be explained in the next section.

2.3 Who knows the least?

Low financial literacy on average is exacerbated by patterns of vulnerability among specific population subgroups. For instance, as reported in Lusardi and Mitchell ( 2014 ), even though educational attainment is positively correlated with financial literacy, it is not sufficient. Even well-educated people are not necessarily savvy about money. Financial literacy is also low among the young. In the USA, less than 30% of respondents can correctly answer the Big Three by age 40, even though many consequential financial decisions are made well before that age (see Fig.  1 ). Similarly, in Switzerland, only 45% of those aged 35 or younger are able to correctly answer the Big Three questions. Footnote 1 And if people may learn from making financial decisions, that learning seems limited. As shown in Fig.  1 , many older individuals, who have already made decisions, cannot answer three basic financial literacy questions.

figure 1

Financial literacy across age in the USA. This figure shows the percentage of respondents who answered correctly all Big Three questions by age group (year 2015). Source: 2015 US National Financial Capability Study

A gender gap in financial literacy is also present across countries. Women are less likely than men to answer questions correctly. The gap is present not only on the overall scale but also within each topic, across countries of different income levels, and at different ages. Women are also disproportionately more likely to indicate that they do not know the answer to specific questions (Fig.  2 ), highlighting overconfidence among men and awareness of lack of knowledge among women. Even in Finland, which is a relatively equal society in terms of gender, 44% of men compared to 27% of women answer all three questions correctly and 18% of women give at least one “do not know” response versus less than 10% of men (Kalmi and Ruuskanen, 2017 ). These figures further reflect the universality of the Big Three questions. As reported in Fig.  2 , “do not know” responses among women are prevalent not only in European countries, for example, Switzerland, but also in North America (represented in the figure by the USA, though similar findings are reported in Canada) and in Asia (represented in the figure by Japan). Those interested in learning more about the differences in financial literacy across demographics and other characteristics can consult Lusardi and Mitchell ( 2011c , 2014 ).

figure 2

Gender differences in the responses to the Big Three questions. Sources: USA—Lusardi and Mitchell, 2011c ; Japan—Sekita, 2011 ; Switzerland—Brown and Graf, 2013

3 Does financial literacy matter?

A growing number of financial instruments have gained importance, including alternative financial services such as payday loans, pawnshops, and rent to own stores that charge very high interest rates. Simultaneously, in the changing economic landscape, people are increasingly responsible for personal financial planning and for investing and spending their resources throughout their lifetime. We have witnessed changes not only in the asset side of household balance sheets but also in the liability side. For example, in the USA, many people arrive close to retirement carrying a lot more debt than previous generations did (Lusardi, Mitchell, and Oggero, 2018 ). Overall, individuals are making substantially more financial decisions over their lifetime, living longer, and gaining access to a range of new financial products. These trends, combined with low financial literacy levels around the world and, particularly, among vulnerable population groups, indicate that elevating financial literacy must become a priority for policy makers.

There is ample evidence of the impact of financial literacy on people’s decisions and financial behavior. For example, financial literacy has been proven to affect both saving and investment behavior and debt management and borrowing practices. Empirically, financially savvy people are more likely to accumulate wealth (Lusardi and Mitchell, 2014 ). There are several explanations for why higher financial literacy translates into greater wealth. Several studies have documented that those who have higher financial literacy are more likely to plan for retirement, probably because they are more likely to appreciate the power of interest compounding and are better able to do calculations. According to the findings of the FLat World project, answering one additional financial question correctly is associated with a 3–4 percentage point greater probability of planning for retirement; this finding is seen in Germany, the USA, Japan, and Sweden. Financial literacy is found to have the strongest impact in the Netherlands, where knowing the right answer to one additional financial literacy question is associated with a 10 percentage point higher probability of planning (Mitchell and Lusardi, 2015 ). Empirically, planning is a very strong predictor of wealth; those who plan arrive close to retirement with two to three times the amount of wealth as those who do not plan (Lusardi and Mitchell, 2011b ).

Financial literacy is also associated with higher returns on investments and investment in more complex assets, such as stocks, which normally offer higher rates of return. This finding has important consequences for wealth; according to the simulation by Lusardi, Michaud, and Mitchell ( 2017 ), in the context of a life-cycle model of saving with many sources of uncertainty, from 30 to 40% of US retirement wealth inequality can be accounted for by differences in financial knowledge. These results show that financial literacy is not a sideshow, but it plays a critical role in saving and wealth accumulation.

Financial literacy is also strongly correlated with a greater ability to cope with emergency expenses and weather income shocks. Those who are financially literate are more likely to report that they can come up with $2000 in 30 days or that they are able to cover an emergency expense of $400 with cash or savings (Hasler, Lusardi, and Oggero, 2018 ).

With regard to debt behavior, those who are more financially literate are less likely to have credit card debt and more likely to pay the full balance of their credit card each month rather than just paying the minimum due (Lusardi and Tufano, 2009 , 2015 ). Individuals with higher financial literacy levels also are more likely to refinance their mortgages when it makes sense to do so, tend not to borrow against their 401(k) plans, and are less likely to use high-cost borrowing methods, e.g., payday loans, pawn shops, auto title loans, and refund anticipation loans (Lusardi and de Bassa Scheresberg, 2013 ).

Several studies have documented poor debt behavior and its link to financial literacy. Moore ( 2003 ) reported that the least financially literate are also more likely to have costly mortgages. Lusardi and Tufano ( 2015 ) showed that the least financially savvy incurred high transaction costs, paying higher fees and using high-cost borrowing methods. In their study, the less knowledgeable also reported excessive debt loads and an inability to judge their debt positions. Similarly, Mottola ( 2013 ) found that those with low financial literacy were more likely to engage in costly credit card behavior, and Utkus and Young ( 2011 ) concluded that the least literate were more likely to borrow against their 401(k) and pension accounts.

Young people also struggle with debt, in particular with student loans. According to Lusardi, de Bassa Scheresberg, and Oggero ( 2016 ), Millennials know little about their student loans and many do not attempt to calculate the payment amounts that will later be associated with the loans they take. When asked what they would do, if given the chance to revisit their student loan borrowing decisions, about half of Millennials indicate that they would make a different decision.

Finally, a recent report on Millennials in the USA (18- to 34-year-olds) noted the impact of financial technology (fintech) on the financial behavior of young individuals. New and rapidly expanding mobile payment options have made transactions easier, quicker, and more convenient. The average user of mobile payments apps and technology in the USA is a high-income, well-educated male who works full time and is likely to belong to an ethnic minority group. Overall, users of mobile payments are busy individuals who are financially active (holding more assets and incurring more debt). However, mobile payment users display expensive financial behaviors, such as spending more than they earn, using alternative financial services, and occasionally overdrawing their checking accounts. Additionally, mobile payment users display lower levels of financial literacy (Lusardi, de Bassa Scheresberg, and Avery, 2018 ). The rapid growth in fintech around the world juxtaposed with expensive financial behavior means that more attention must be paid to the impact of mobile payment use on financial behavior. Fintech is not a substitute for financial literacy.

4 The way forward for financial literacy and what works

Overall, financial literacy affects everything from day-to-day to long-term financial decisions, and this has implications for both individuals and society. Low levels of financial literacy across countries are correlated with ineffective spending and financial planning, and expensive borrowing and debt management. These low levels of financial literacy worldwide and their widespread implications necessitate urgent efforts. Results from various surveys and research show that the Big Three questions are useful not only in assessing aggregate financial literacy but also in identifying vulnerable population subgroups and areas of financial decision-making that need improvement. Thus, these findings are relevant for policy makers and practitioners. Financial illiteracy has implications not only for the decisions that people make for themselves but also for society. The rapid spread of mobile payment technology and alternative financial services combined with lack of financial literacy can exacerbate wealth inequality.

To be effective, financial literacy initiatives need to be large and scalable. Schools, workplaces, and community platforms provide unique opportunities to deliver financial education to large and often diverse segments of the population. Furthermore, stark vulnerabilities across countries make it clear that specific subgroups, such as women and young people, are ideal targets for financial literacy programs. Given women’s awareness of their lack of financial knowledge, as indicated via their “do not know” responses to the Big Three questions, they are likely to be more receptive to financial education.

The near-crisis levels of financial illiteracy, the adverse impact that it has on financial behavior, and the vulnerabilities of certain groups speak of the need for and importance of financial education. Financial education is a crucial foundation for raising financial literacy and informing the next generations of consumers, workers, and citizens. Many countries have seen efforts in recent years to implement and provide financial education in schools, colleges, and workplaces. However, the continuously low levels of financial literacy across the world indicate that a piece of the puzzle is missing. A key lesson is that when it comes to providing financial education, one size does not fit all. In addition to the potential for large-scale implementation, the main components of any financial literacy program should be tailored content, targeted at specific audiences. An effective financial education program efficiently identifies the needs of its audience, accurately targets vulnerable groups, has clear objectives, and relies on rigorous evaluation metrics.

Using measures like the Big Three questions, it is imperative to recognize vulnerable groups and their specific needs in program designs. Upon identification, the next step is to incorporate this knowledge into financial education programs and solutions.

School-based education can be transformational by preparing young people for important financial decisions. The OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), in both 2012 and 2015, found that, on average, only 10% of 15-year-olds achieved maximum proficiency on a five-point financial literacy scale. As of 2015, about one in five of students did not have even basic financial skills (see OECD, 2017 ). Rigorous financial education programs, coupled with teacher training and high school financial education requirements, are found to be correlated with fewer defaults and higher credit scores among young adults in the USA (Urban, Schmeiser, Collins, and Brown, 2018 ). It is important to target students and young adults in schools and colleges to provide them with the necessary tools to make sound financial decisions as they graduate and take on responsibilities, such as buying cars and houses, or starting retirement accounts. Given the rising cost of education and student loan debt and the need of young people to start contributing as early as possible to retirement accounts, the importance of financial education in school cannot be overstated.

There are three compelling reasons for having financial education in school. First, it is important to expose young people to the basic concepts underlying financial decision-making before they make important and consequential financial decisions. As noted in Fig.  1 , financial literacy is very low among the young and it does not seem to increase a lot with age/generations. Second, school provides access to financial literacy to groups who may not be exposed to it (or may not be equally exposed to it), for example, women. Third, it is important to reduce the costs of acquiring financial literacy, if we want to promote higher financial literacy both among individuals and among society.

There are compelling reasons to have personal finance courses in college as well. In the same way in which colleges and university offer courses in corporate finance to teach how to manage the finances of firms, so today individuals need the knowledge to manage their own finances over the lifetime, which in present discounted value often amount to large values and are made larger by private pension accounts.

Financial education can also be efficiently provided in workplaces. An effective financial education program targeted to adults recognizes the socioeconomic context of employees and offers interventions tailored to their specific needs. A case study conducted in 2013 with employees of the US Federal Reserve System showed that completing a financial literacy learning module led to significant changes in retirement planning behavior and better-performing investment portfolios (Clark, Lusardi, and Mitchell, 2017 ). It is also important to note the delivery method of these programs, especially when targeted to adults. For instance, video formats have a significantly higher impact on financial behavior than simple narratives, and instruction is most effective when it is kept brief and relevant (Heinberg et al., 2014 ).

The Big Three also show that it is particularly important to make people familiar with the concepts of risk and risk diversification. Programs devoted to teaching risk via, for example, visual tools have shown great promise (Lusardi et al., 2017 ). The complexity of some of these concepts and the costs of providing education in the workplace, coupled with the fact that many older individuals may not work or work in firms that do not offer such education, provide other reasons why financial education in school is so important.

Finally, it is important to provide financial education in the community, in places where people go to learn. A recent example is the International Federation of Finance Museums, an innovative global collaboration that promotes financial knowledge through museum exhibits and the exchange of resources. Museums can be places where to provide financial literacy both among the young and the old.

There are a variety of other ways in which financial education can be offered and also targeted to specific groups. However, there are few evaluations of the effectiveness of such initiatives and this is an area where more research is urgently needed, given the statistics reported in the first part of this paper.

5 Concluding remarks

The lack of financial literacy, even in some of the world’s most well-developed financial markets, is of acute concern and needs immediate attention. The Big Three questions that were designed to measure financial literacy go a long way in identifying aggregate differences in financial knowledge and highlighting vulnerabilities within populations and across topics of interest, thereby facilitating the development of tailored programs. Many such programs to provide financial education in schools and colleges, workplaces, and the larger community have taken existing evidence into account to create rigorous solutions. It is important to continue making strides in promoting financial literacy, by achieving scale and efficiency in future programs as well.

In August 2017, I was appointed Director of the Italian Financial Education Committee, tasked with designing and implementing the national strategy for financial literacy. I will be able to apply my research to policy and program initiatives in Italy to promote financial literacy: it is an essential skill in the twenty-first century, one that individuals need if they are to thrive economically in today’s society. As the research discussed in this paper well documents, financial literacy is like a global passport that allows individuals to make the most of the plethora of financial products available in the market and to make sound financial decisions. Financial literacy should be seen as a fundamental right and universal need, rather than the privilege of the relatively few consumers who have special access to financial knowledge or financial advice. In today’s world, financial literacy should be considered as important as basic literacy, i.e., the ability to read and write. Without it, individuals and societies cannot reach their full potential.

See Brown and Graf ( 2013 ).


Defined benefit (refers to pension plan)

Defined contribution (refers to pension plan)

Financial Literacy around the World

National Financial Capability Study

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Programme for International Student Assessment

Survey of Consumer Finances

Survey of Household Economics and Financial Decisionmaking

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This paper represents a summary of the keynote address I gave to the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics. I would like to thank Monika Butler, Rafael Lalive, anonymous reviewers, and participants of the Annual Meeting for useful discussions and comments, and Raveesha Gupta for editorial support. All errors are my responsibility.

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Lusardi, A. Financial literacy and the need for financial education: evidence and implications. Swiss J Economics Statistics 155 , 1 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1186/s41937-019-0027-5

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Received : 22 October 2018

Accepted : 07 January 2019

Published : 24 January 2019

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s41937-019-0027-5

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Essay on Financial Literacy for Students and Children

Importance of financial literacy, an introduction to financial literacy.

We go to schools, colleges, universities to complete our educated and start earning our livelihood. We take up jobs, practise professions or start our own businesses so that we can earn money to make our living. But which of these institutions make us capable of managing our own hard-earned money? Probably a very few of them. 

Our ability to effectively manage our money by drawing systematic budgets, paying off our debts, making buying and selling decisions and ultimately becoming financially self-sustainable is known as financial literacy. 

Financial literacy is knowing the basic financial management principles and applying them in our day-to-day life. 

Financial Literacy – What does it Involve? 

From simple practices like keeping a track of our expenses and understanding the need to spend money if we like a product to striking a balance between the value of time saved and money lost, paying our taxes and filing of tax returns, finalizing the property deals, etc – everything becomes a part of financial literacy. 

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As human beings, we are not expected to know the nitty-gritty of financial management. But managing our own money in a way that it does not affect us and our family in a negative way is important. We certainly do not want to end up having a day with no money at hand and hunger in our stomach. 

essay on financial literacy

Why is Financial Literacy so Important?

Financial literacy can enable an individual to build up a budgetary guide to distinguish what he buys, what he spends, and what he owes. This subject additionally influences entrepreneurs, who incredibly add to financial development and strength of our economy. 

Financial literacy helps people in becoming independent and self-sufficient. It empowers you with basic knowledge of investment options, financial markets, capital budgeting, etc.

Understanding your money mitigates the danger of facing a fraud-like situation. A few strategies are anything but difficult to accept, particularly when they’re originating from somebody who is by all accounts learned and planned. Basic knowledge of financial literacy will help people with foreseeing the risks and argue/justify with anyone learned and well-informed.

What should you read on / get informed about in Financial Literacy?

  • Budgeting and techniques of budgeting
  • Direct and indirect taxation system
  • Direct tax slabs
  • Income and expense tracking 
  • Loans and debt – EMI management 
  • Interest rate systems: fixed versus floating
  • Business and organisational transaction studies
  • Elementary Book-keeping and Accountancy
  • Cash in-flow and out-flow Statements
  • Investment & personal finance management
  • Asset management:
  • Business negotiation skills and techniques
  • Make or buy decision-making
  • Financial markets 
  • Capital structure – owner’s funds and borrowed funds
  • Fundamentals of Risk Management
  • Microeconomics and Macroeconomics fundamentals

While there are various media to learn about financial literacy, we recommend that you join a short-term, weekend programme which helps you get financially literate.

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Financial Literacy: What It Is, and Why It Is So Important To Teach Teens

Education is the key to a successful financial future

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What Is Financial Literacy?

Understanding financial literacy.

  • Why It Matters

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Financial literacy is the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing.

When you are financially literate, you have the essential foundation for a smart relationship with money. This can help start a lifelong journey of learning about the financial aspects of your life. The earlier you start to become financially literate, the better off you'll be because education is the key to a successful financial future.

Key Takeaways

  • The term “financial literacy” refers to understanding a variety of important financial skills and concepts.
  • Financially literate people are generally less vulnerable to financial fraud.
  • A strong foundation of financial literacy can help support various life goals, such as saving for education or retirement, using debt responsibly, and running a business.
  • Key aspects of financial literacy include knowing how to create a budget, plan for retirement, manage debt, and track personal spending.
  • Financial literacy can be obtained through reading books, listening to podcasts, subscribing to financial content, or talking to a financial professional.

Investopedia / Paige McLaughlin

Since about 2000, financial products and services have become increasingly widespread throughout society. Whereas earlier generations of U.S. residents may have purchased goods primarily in cash, various credit products are popular today, such as credit and debit cards and electronic transfers. A 2021 survey by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco revealed that 28% of all payments were made via credit card, with only 20% being made in cash.

Given the importance of finance in modern society, a lack of financial literacy can be very damaging to an individual’s long-term financial success.

Pitfalls of Illiteracy

Being financially illiterate can lead to many pitfalls, such as being more likely to accumulate unsustainable debt burdens, either through poor spending decisions or a lack of long-term preparation. This, in turn, can lead to poor credit , bankruptcy, housing foreclosure , and other negative consequences.

Thankfully, there are now more resources than ever for those wishing to educate themselves about financial topics. One such resource is the U.S. government-sponsored Financial Literacy and Education Commission, which offers a range of free learning opportunities.

Financial literacy can help protect individuals from becoming victims of financial fraud, a type of crime that is becoming more commonplace.

Scope of Financial Literacy

Although many skills might fall under the umbrella of financial literacy, popular examples include household budgeting, learning how to manage and pay off debts , and evaluating the tradeoffs between different credit and investment products. These skills often require at least a working knowledge of key financial concepts, such as compound interest and the time value of money.

Financial literacy can cover short- and long-term financial strategies. The strategy you use will depend on several factors, such as your age, investment time horizon, and  risk tolerance . Financial literacy also encompasses knowing how investment decisions made today will impact your tax liabilities in the future.

Financial products such as mortgages, student loans, health insurance, and self-directed investment accounts have grown in importance. It is imperative for individuals to understand how to use them responsibly. It's also important to know which investment vehicles are best to use when saving, whether for a financial goal like buying a home or for retirement.

Other developments in finance such as e-wallets, digital money, and P2P lending can be convenient and cost-effective but require that consumers be educated adequately to use them to their advantage.

Why Financial Literacy Matters

It supports financial well-being.

Day-to-day living expenses, living within your means, short-term borrowing, long-term budget forecasting. To manage these and other essential financial realities properly as you go through life, you must be financially literate.

It is important to plan and save enough to provide adequate income in retirement while avoiding high levels of debt that might result in bankruptcy, defaults, and foreclosures.

In its "Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2022" report, the U.S. Federal Reserve System Board of Governors found that many Americans are not prepared for retirement. Twenty-eight percent indicated that they have no retirement savings, while about 31% of those not yet retired felt that their retirement savings were on track. Among those who have self-directed retirement savings, about 63% admitted to feeling low levels of confidence in making retirement decisions.

Millennials' Challenge

Lack of financial literacy has left millennials—the largest share of the American workforce—unprepared for a severe financial crisis, according to research by the TIAA Institute. Even among those who reported having a high  knowledge of personal finance , only 19% answered questions about fundamental financial concepts correctly.

Forty-three percent reported using expensive alternative financial services, such as  payday loans  and pawnshops. More than half lacked an emergency fund to cover three months’ of expenses, and 37% were financially fragile (defined as unable or unlikely to be able to come up with $2,000 within a month in the event of an emergency).

Millennials also carry large amounts of student loan and mortgage debt. In fact, 44% of them said they have too much debt.

Though these may seem like individual problems, they have a wider effect on the entire population than previously believed. The lack of knowledge of mortgage products prior to the 2008 financial crisis created widespread vulnerability to  predatory lending . The financial impact of that crisis affected the entire economy.

Financial literacy is an issue with broad implications for economic health.

If you are a younger individual, retirement may seem years away. Yet it is one of the best goals to begin saving for. That's because the earlier you start, the longer your invested savings will have to compound and the more money you'll end up with. An employer-sponsored retirement account, such as a 401(k) , can help.

Benefits of Financial Literacy

Broadly speaking, the benefit of financial literacy is that it empowers individuals to make smarter decisions about their finances. In addition:

  • Financial literacy can prevent devastating financial mistakes : Floating rate loans may have different interest rates each month, while traditional individual retirement account (IRA) contributions can’t be withdrawn until retirement. For someone unaware of these and other financial facts, seemingly innocent financial decisions may have long-term implications that cost them money or impact life plans. Financial literacy helps individuals avoid making mistakes with their personal finances.
  • Financial literacy prepares people for financial emergencies : Topics such as saving or emergency preparedness get individuals ready for uncertain times. Though losing a job or having a major unexpected expense can be financially impactful, an individual can cushion the blow by saving regularly.
  • Financial literacy can help individuals reach their goals : By better understanding how to budget and save money, individuals can create plans that define expectations, hold them accountable to their finances, and set a course for achieving important financial goals. Though someone may not be able to afford a dream today, they can create a plan that can help make it happen.
  • Financial literacy gives rise to confidence : Imagine having to make a life-changing financial decision without all the necessary information. With knowledge about finances, individuals can approach major life choices with greater confidence. They'll be more likely to achieve the outcome they desire and less likely to be surprised or negatively impacted by unforeseen outcomes.

Strategies to Improve Financial Literacy Skills

Developing financial literacy involves learning and practicing skills related to budgeting, managing, and paying off debts , and more. It means understanding and using credit and investment products wisely. The good news is that, no matter where you are in life and financially, it’s never too late to start practicing good financial habits.

Here are several practical strategies to consider.

Create a Budget

Track how much money you receive each month and how much you spend. You can use an Excel spreadsheet, paper, or a budgeting app . Your budget should include income (paychecks, investments, alimony), fixed expenses (rent/mortgage payments, utilities, loan payments), discretionary spending (nonessentials such as eating out, shopping, and travel), and savings.

Pay Yourself First

To build savings, this reverse budgeting strategy involves choosing a savings goal, such as paying for higher education, deciding how much you want to contribute toward it each month, and setting that amount aside before you divvy up the rest of your expenses.

Pay Bills Promptly

Stay on top of monthly bills, making sure that your payments are always sent to arrive on time. Consider taking advantage of automatic debits from a checking account or bill-pay apps, and sign up for payment reminders (by email, phone, or text).

Get Your Credit Report

Once a year, consumers can request a free credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus —Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion—through the federally created website AnnualCreditReport.com.

Review these reports and dispute any errors by informing the credit bureau of inaccuracies. Because you can get three of them, consider spacing out your requests throughout the year to monitor your credit regularly.

In a 2022 survey by the Federal Reserve, 27% of adults in the U.S. reported not "doing okay" financially. The number who reported not living comfortably increased from 2021.

Check Your Credit Score

A good credit score enables you to obtain the best interest rates on loans and credit cards, among other benefits. Monitor your score via a free credit monitoring service. Or, if you can afford to and want to add an extra layer of protection for your personal information, use a credit monitoring service . In addition, be aware of what can raise or lower your scores, such as credit inquiries and credit utilization ratios.

Manage Debt

Use your budget to stay on top of debt by reducing spending and increasing repayment. Develop a debt reduction plan , such as paying down the loan with the highest interest rate first. If your debt is excessive, contact lenders to renegotiate repayment, consolidate loans , or find a debt counseling program.

Invest in Your Future

If your employer offers a 401(k) retirement savings account, be sure to sign up and contribute the maximum to receive the employer match . Consider opening an IRA and creating a diversified investment portfolio of stocks, fixed income, and commodities. If necessary, seek financial advice from professional advisors to help you determine how much money you will need to retire comfortably and develop strategies to reach your goal.

Example of Financial Literacy

Emma is a high school teacher who tries to inform her students about financial literacy through her curriculum. She educates them on the basics of a variety of financial topics, such as personal budgeting, debt management, saving for college and retirement, insurance, investing, and even tax planning. Emma’s students can and will use these concepts for things like renting an apartment, getting a first job, or even just paying for fun activities such as going to the movies.

Understanding concepts such as credit cards, bank accounts, interest rates, opportunity costs, debt management , compound interest, and budgets, for example, could help her students start saving and manage the student loans that they might rely on to fund their college education. It could keep them from amassing dangerous levels of debt and threatening their credit scores.

Similarly, she expects that certain topics, such as income taxes and retirement planning, will eventually prove useful to all students, no matter what they end up doing after high school.

Why Is Financial Literacy Important?

Financial literacy gives an individual the tools and resources they need to be financially secure throughout their life. The lack of financial literacy can lead to many pitfalls, such as overspending and accumulating unsustainable debt burdens. This, in turn, can lead to poor credit, bankruptcy, housing foreclosure, or other negative consequences.

How Do I Become Financially Literate?

Becoming financially literate involves learning and practicing a variety of skills related to budgeting, managing and paying off debts, and understanding credit and investment products. Basic steps to improve your personal finances include creating a budget, keeping track of expenses, making timely payments, being prudent about saving money, periodically checking your credit report, and investing for your future.

What Are Some Popular Personal Budget Rules?

Two commonly used personal budgeting methods are the 50/20/30 and 70/20/10 rules, and their simplicity is what makes them popular. The first entails dividing your after-tax, take-home pay into three areas: needs (50%), savings (20%), and wants (30%). The 70/20/10 rule also follows a similar blueprint, recommending that your after-tax, take-home income be divided into segments that cater to expenses (70%), savings or reducing debt (20%), and investments and charitable donations (10%).

What Are the Principles of Financial Literacy?

There are five broad principles of financial literacy. Though other models may list different key components, the overarching goal of financial literacy is to teach individuals about earning, spending, saving, borrowing, and protecting their money.

Financial literacy is the knowledge of various aspects of personal finance and the ability to make smart decisions about money.

It includes preparing a budget, knowing how much to save, recognizing favorable loan terms, understanding what impacts credit, and distinguishing different investment options that can be used to save for retirement.

The financial skills that come from financial literacy can help individuals handle their personal finances responsibly which, in turn, can help them protect the well-being of their financial futures.

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. “ 2022 Findings from the Diary of Consumer Payment Choice .” Page 6.

U.S. Department of the Treasury. “ Financial Literacy and Education Commission .”

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. “ Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2022 .” Pages 68, 71.

Bolognesi, Andrea and et al. “ Millennials and Money: Financial Preparedness and Money Management Practices Before COVID-19 .” TIAA Institute Research Dialogue , no. 167, August 2020, pp. 5, 6, 15, 22.

Bolognesi, Andrea and et al. “ Millennials and Money: Financial Preparedness and Money Management Practices Before COVID-19 .” TIAA Institute Research Dialogue , no. 167, August 2020, pp. 13.

Federal Trade Commission. " Free Credit Reports ."

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. “ Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2022 .” Page 5.

MyMoney.gov. " My Money Five ."

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What is financial literacy?

financial literacy essay pdf

Key takeaways

  • Financial literacy is a measure of how well you understand money topics like credit cards, insurance, and investing.
  • The more someone understands financial basics, the more likely they are to spend below their means and save for emergencies and retirement, according to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).
  • Financial literacy is even more important today as most workers save for retirement themselves, without pensions.

For many people, finance terms sound like a foreign language. But if you don't understand the basics of managing money and the lingo used to talk about it, it could be tricky to reach financial goals like paying off debt, buying a home, or saving for retirement. The good news is that you don't have to be a Wall Street pro to hit these targets. Mastering a few basic financial literacy concepts could help you get there.

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Financial literacy is a person's understanding of money topics. Someone who's financially literate would be able to set a budget , manage a bank account, and achieve a good credit score . Financial literacy could also include more complex skills like managing debt, buying insurance, investing, and retirement planning.

The more familiar you are with these topics, the higher your financial literacy. If you're not sure how your financial knowledge stacks up, you could test your knowledge using free online quizzes from reputable financial organizations or universities to measure your overall understanding of money matters.

Why is financial literacy important?

Financial literacy is important because you make financial decisions every single day. Being financially literate could help you make better money choices and avoid costly missteps. For example, someone who doesn't understand how credit card interest rates work might not realize how expensive it is to carry an unpaid balance, so they fall into debt—though having high expenses and low income is another common reason. Because many parents don't discuss money with their children, unless you brush up on financial literacy fundamentals , you could be at risk of repeating any money mistakes your family made.

Financial literacy is especially important when it comes to retirement. In the past, many workplaces offered pension plans to cover employees' cost of living when they stopped working. Now, you likely need to pay for retirement by yourself, using savings from an individual retirement account ( IRA ) or employer-sponsored plan, like a 401(k) . But if you don't know how to harness the power of these saving vehicles, you might not have enough money in retirement. That's why it pays to be financially literate and understand the different accounts that could be available to you.

Financial literacy statistics

Understanding money is the first step to managing it well, yet only 64% of Americans received a passing grade on a basic financial literacy quiz from S&P Global. 1 This lack of knowledge cost the average American $1,506 in 2023, according to a survey from the National Financial Educators Council. 2 And it can have a costly impact on day-to-day life too.

  • 60% of US adults live paycheck to paycheck, including more than 40% who make 6 figures, according to LendingClub. 3
  • 36% of Americans have more credit card debt than emergency savings, according to a Bankrate survey. 4
  • And 33% of Americans have no savings at all, according to a survey by Ramsey Solutions. 5

The flipside is that when people have more financial literacy, they do better with saving money, avoiding debt, and planning for long-term goals like retirement.

Because of financial literacy's impact, many states are requiring high schools to offer personal finance classes, with some even making it a graduation requirement. In fact, Fidelity has helped develop curriculum for high schools across the country.

Personal financial literacy basics

Improving your financial outlook could start with understanding some key topics and bringing that knowledge into your day-to-day money management practices. Here's some of what you need to know.

Bank accounts

A bank account gives you a place to save your money, pay bills, and deposit checks. The type of account you use—checking, savings, or money market, for example—will depend on whether you plan to access your cash daily, save it for an emergency, or grow it over time. And there may be other options . 

Of the millions of bank accountholders, many might not understand how their accounts work, especially what banks might charge them. These could include fees for not keeping a large enough balance, overdrafting (or spending more cash than is available), or using out-of-network ATMs. Others offer low- or no-fee accounts, often tied to regular direct deposits of paychecks, or higher annual percentage yields (APY), which is a yearly return on the money you put in.

A budget tracks how much money you have coming in, as well as how much you spend and how you spend it. By understanding where your money goes, you might find ways to cut costs and save more. A good budgeter makes sure to never spend more than they bring home. Here are 7 steps to learn how to budget . Want a personalized budget you don't have to make yourself? Fidelity's Budgeting Tool Log In Required helps develop one for you. Plug in your income, and in seconds you'll get a budgeting framework based on national average estimates you can easily tweak to fit your actual spending habits. To get more specific suggestions, you can connect your bank accounts.

Emergency savings

You never know when you might need money because of losing your job, surprise car repairs, or medical bills. Start by setting aside $1,000 or 1 month's worth of essential expenses. Then aim to build up 3 to 6 months' worth of expenses in your emergency savings account.

Credit cards and debt management

Credit cards can be a valuable tool if you use them wisely. But credit cards are loans—and they could get you in trouble if you run up balances without paying them off before you get charged interest. Be sure to read the terms and conditions that come with each card so you understand how it works, including the APR interest rate, the payment deadlines, rewards, and penalties, like for missing a minimum monthly payment or spending past your limit. These 7 credit card tips could also help.

If you have other loans, like a mortgage or student loan, they'll also have a specific set of guidelines, interest rates, and deadlines that will determine how you'll pay them off. 

Once a year, check your credit report as well. This report shows how well you've been managing debt and may include a credit score , which sums up in a 3-digit number how reliable you are with paying back debts on time. A higher score makes qualifying for future loans and credit cards easier and could potentially get you better interest rates on mortgages, car loans, and other loans.

A financial plan with goals

Financial planning is creating a comprehensive plan to help reach your financial goals. By considering your whole financial life, it provides guidance on reaching both, short-term targets as well as larger, long-term ones, like retirement, buying a new house, saving for college, and/or donating to charity. With this plan, you can determine how much you may need to save annually as well as how to invest appropriately to hit these various goals.

Investment and retirement accounts

While saving money in the bank is a good start, investments like stocks , bonds , mutual funds , and exchange-traded funds ( ETFs ) could potentially grow your nest egg even more. To maximize your financial literacy, aim to understand how each one works (just click the links for explainers), as well as the different rules for retirement accounts like an IRA and 401(k) .

Insurance helps protects you, your family, and your most valuable belongings (and could keep you from having to pay out of pocket) in case of an accident, illness, or death. Some insurance types to consider are life, disability, health, home, and auto. Consider having enough coverage to protect your family in the event of loss, and discuss the details of your policies with your provider so you know how they work before you need to file a claim.

How can you increase your financial literacy?

You can increase your personal financial literacy with a bit of studying. It won't happen overnight, but it's also much less complicated than it may seem initially. Here are some ways to wise up.

Fidelity's Learning Center

Get the basics all in one place through articles from Fidelity you could read at your own pace. Many are written for newbies, so they're easy to understand. Some good sections to start with: Saving and budgeting money , Managing debt , and Investing for beginners . Or you could have financial literacy basics come to your inbox with the Smart Money newsletter .

A personal finance course could help boost your financial literacy. A community college may offer one in your area, but there are also online courses covering financial literacy for beginners. Some cost a pretty penny; others are free.

Books and professionals

There are countless books on personal finance. You could consider checking out a variety of them to get different perspectives on how to manage your money at different stages.

Financial planning seminars

Local financial planners and investment firms regularly host free events on topics like insurance, investing, and retirement planning. They do so in hopes of recruiting new clients, but you could attend just to learn more. Your employer may also offer seminars to explain employee benefits like health insurance and a 401(k)—consider taking advantage. Here's another way to learn insurance basics and other ideas for crisis-proofing your life .

A financial advisor

For more hands-on guidance, you could work directly with a financial advisor . They will walk you through how to put a financial plan together and answer any of your questions.

When it comes to finance, a little knowledge goes a long way. But don't just take any social media star's word for it. Stick with well-established companies and credentialed financial pros instead.

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  2. The importance of financial literacy and its impact on financial

    Using financial instruments: From mortgages to crypto assets. Given that the use and good management of basic financial instruments, such as bank accounts, presents difficulty for many people, more complex financial instruments pose an even greater challenge, especially in the context of accelerated digitalization of financial services, which brings new risks for consumers (OECD 2018).


    According to Sudakova (2017), financial literacy is knowledge and beliefs that can influence a person's decision-making and financial planning. However, financial literacy in people aged 18-25 is ...

  4. PDF The Economic Importance of Financial Literacy: Theory and Evidence

    They also. suggest that, in countries with generous Social Security benefits, there will be fewer incentives to. save and accumulate wealth and, in turn, less reason to invest in financial literacy. 4 Glewwe (2002) and Hanusheck and Woessman (2008) review the economic impacts of schooling and cognitive development.

  5. (PDF) Financial literacy and the need for financial education: evidence

    Financial literacy and the need for financial education: evidence and implications. December 2019. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 155 (1):1. DOI: 10.1186/s41937-019-0027-5. License. CC ...

  6. PDF Financial Literacy, Financial Education and Economic Outcomes National

    Financial Literacy, Financial Education and Economic Outcomes Justine S. Hastings, Brigitte C. Madrian, and William L. Skimmyhorn NBER Working Paper No. 18412 September 2012, Revised October 2012 JEL No. C93,D14,D18,D91,G11,G28 ABSTRACT In this article we review the literature on financial literacy, financial education, and consumer financial ...

  7. PDF Financial Literacy of College Students and the Need for Compulsory

    no. No Family and Scouting Workshops. Also, economics in high school was a helpful class with an excellent teacher to explain the importance of credit, etc. My parents always drove home the importance of paying off credit card debt. I took out only one credit card with a limit of 300, and never maxed it out.

  8. PDF The Case for Financial Literacy

    were able to correctly answer one question about tax literacy. This number dropping to 3% when all three tax literacy questions were considered 7 . The lack of tax literacy across the globe is an alarming problem, as the absence of such knowledge can lead to poor, mismanaged financial decisions. In many countries, failure to file

  9. PDF The importance of financial literacy

    sarily mean strong literacy skills. † Only one in ten students across participating OECD countries and economies is able to tackle the hardest financial literacy tasks. † About 15% of students, on average, score below the baseline level of performance in the financial literacy scale. † Gender gaps in financial literacy among 15-year-olds ...

  10. PDF Financial literacy and the need for financial education ...

    School-based education can be transformational by preparing young people for important financial deci-sions. The OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), in both 2012 and 2015, found that, on average, only 10% of 15-year-olds achieved maximum proficiency on a five-point financial literacy scale.

  11. (PDF) The importance of financial literacy and its impact on financial

    Importantly, financial literacy matters: it helps people make. savvy financial decisions, including being less influenced by framing, better understand information. that is provided to them ...

  12. PDF Recommendations for Improving Youth Financial Literacy Education

    Figure 1: Conceptual diagram of financial literacy as a complex, dynamic construct Early Financial Education In K-12 public schools, students do not typically receive financial education until the ...

  13. PDF Financial Literacy

    A key to financial literacy is the ability to apply core skills that boost capacity to make informed and intentional decisions, plan for actions that align with personal values and aspirations, and navigate through financial systems with confidence and competence. Examples of these skills are described below:

  14. Financial literacy and the need for financial education: evidence and

    Across countries, financial literacy is at a crisis level, with the average rate of financial literacy, as measured by those answering correctly all three questions, at around 30%. Moreover, only around 50% of respondents in most countries are able to correctly answer the two financial literacy questions on interest rates and inflation correctly.

  15. PDF Behavioral Determinants of Household Financial Choice: Three Essays

    In this essay, I use a new financial literacy scale to analyze the possible decline in financial decision making ability in old age. Respondents are asked 16 basic questions about basic balance sheet concepts, investments, insurance and credit. Using descriptive and multivariate analyses, I analyze

  16. [PDF] A synthesis of Review of Literature on Financial Literacy Among

    The ability to manage personal finances has become increasingly important in today's globalized world. Finances are an important part of everyday life and financial literacy is the best way to prevent over-indebtedness of citizens. Financial literacy helps individuals to improve their level of understanding of financial matters which enables them to process financial information and make ...

  17. The Effects of Financial and Economic Literacy on Individual Policy

    The hypothesis tested in my first essay is that financial literacy affects economic policy preferences. I analyze data from the British Election Study and test my theory on support for free trade in the United Kingdom. Findings suggest that financial literacy does affect economic policy preferences. On average, financially literate individuals ...

  18. (PDF) A Study on Financial Literacy and Financial Behaviour

    Financial literacy helps individuals make more assertive and efficient decisions in the monetary context of their lives. This paper measures the level of financial literacy of individuals and ...

  19. Full article: Role of financial literacy in achieving financial

    1. Introduction. Financial inclusion, measured as access to and use of financial services; is a key enabler to eradicating poverty and enhancing prosperity (Demirgüç-Kunt & Klapper, Citation 2012; D.-W. D.-W. Kim et al., Citation 2018).It is also recognized as an important policy tool to achieve Universal Financial Access (UFA) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by different ...

  20. Essay on Financial Literacy for Students and Children

    Financial literacy can enable an individual to build up a budgetary guide to distinguish what he buys, what he spends, and what he owes. This subject additionally influences entrepreneurs, who incredibly add to financial development and strength of our economy. Financial literacy helps people in becoming independent and self-sufficient.

  21. Financial Literacy: What It Is, and Why It Is So ...

    Financial literacy is the education and understanding of various financial areas. This topic focuses on the ability to manage personal finance matters in an efficient manner, and it includes the ...


    2. Abstract: This paper deals with the influence of Financial Literacy on the Quality of Life. Bearing in mind. that finances and financial literacy are constant and unavoidable c ompanions of our ...

  23. PDF Financial Literacy

    Financial Literacy Financial literacy is the understanding of key financial concepts and skills. Someone's level of financial literacy is a strong indicator of how financially successful they will be in the future. Financial literacy for college students is especially important. College students face unique economic challenges. They are at an

  24. Financial literacy: What is it and why is it so important?

    Financial literacy is a person's understanding of money topics. Someone who's financially literate would be able to set a budget, manage a bank account, and achieve a good credit score. Financial literacy could also include more complex skills like managing debt, buying insurance, investing, and retirement planning.