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Textbroker is the proven content writing service provider to outsource your written content quickly and easily. Always get the exact content you need.



Let Textbroker take care of it! As the pioneer among content writing services, we offer flexible solutions for content creation.

Whether you need captivating blog posts, straightforward product descriptions or snappy advertising copy – our online writing platform has thousands of reliable, verified US authors who write articles that are optimized for search engines.


Which Textbroker service suits your project and budget?

Step 1: What kind of content do you need?


Topics with almost no need of explanation and little required research.


Topics that need explanation and a high level of research.


A native writer in the language of your choosing will write or translate your content.

  • Product descriptions (e.g. men’s blue button-up sweater, Monopoly)
  • Category descriptions (e.g. fashion, Children’s Board Games)
  • Social-media-posts (e.g. event-announcement)
  • News (e.g. sports, current events)
  • Blogs on everyday topics (e.g. travel, home decor)
  • Articles/Whitepapers (e.g. law or finance)
  • eBooks (e.g. digital marketing)
  • Case studies (e.g. website programming)
  • Press releases (e.g. company update)
  • Blogs on specialized topics (e.g. cloud computing)

A native writer in the language of your choice will write or translate your content.

  • Unique content writing in 36 languages
  • Translations available in all languages
  • Localization of your content

Step 2: What are your expectations regarding spelling, language style and price?

I accept mistakes in spelling, grammar and expression in favor of a lower price.

I need content with good expression, spelling and grammar at a reasonable price.


I require publish-ready content, and understand the pricing will reflect this.

Textbroker regularly evaluates the writing skills of every author and assigns them a quality level between 3 and 5 stars . The quality rating applied to every piece of content is based on factors including spelling, grammar and style . We do not evaluate authors‘ professional expertise.

If you prefer to order content at a lower rate, you must take into account the possible errors in spelling, grammar and style.

From a 3-star author , you can expect an article comparable to the one below.


  • Quality level:

BoDaS: The Practical and Elegant Men’s Sock

No longer are men confined to the run-of-the-mill socks in either dark shades or white. Socks have come into their own as clothing accessories that speak to different styles and personalities. Socks are trendy and now worn for both their comfort and their statement value. Women who want their men to be fashionably coordinated in their total look are giving their favorite guys our BoDaS Stylish Men’s Socks . Our customers appreciate the high quality of BoDaS socks and know they are that personalized, special beginning piece that every man’s wardrobe requires.

Unless you are at the beach or in a pool where bare feet are expected, socks are worn for comfort and to keep your feet dry and protected from potential blisters caused by bare ankles and toes rubbing against the backs and insides of your shoes. We wanted our socks to be the ultimate in comfort, to be breathable, to hold their shape and to be fashionable for both contemporary and trendy personalities. We also wanted our socks to give men a full spectrum of choices.

We did our research, and the best results were incorporated into our collection of BoDaS Stylish Men’s Socks that will meet and exceed the footwear expectations of men everywhere. BoDaS stands for Bold, Daring and Strong, and we’re committed to providing this in both quality and style.

What Makes BoDaS Socks So Special?

BoDaS socks are available in a wide assortment of styles to accommodate everyday and special needs.

  • Athletic Socks: Our comfortable performance socks have moisture-repelling properties, and they are breathable, non-slip and available in a variety of materials and thickness to keep feet warm in cold temperatures and cool in warmer climates. The selections are low-cut ankle socks, crew-length socks, soft cotton tube socks and skiing socks.
  • Mid-Calf Socks: Whether worn as casual wear or when getting a bit more dressed up, this sock length is the mainstay of every man’s ensemble. Our high-quality mid-calf socks can be worn with just about every shoe style. They come in a full range of basic and bold colors, patterns, designs, materials and thickness and are designed to match your personality, mood or occasion. They are non-slip, breathable, sweat-repellent and very comfortable.
  • Over-the-Calf Socks: These full-length knee socks are designed to keep your socks from dropping down and to prevent your skin from showing when the pant legs rise up. Our over-the-calf socks are made to last and to provide a compression quality to help support leg circulation.


Are you a fan of bright, bold and daring colors that let your personality shine? BoDaS has what you are looking for, in a rainbow of colors and patterns. Do you need to be more traditional for high-power occasions? We have the socks for those moments too. Do you want that unique pair of socks that will both gain attention and become a conversation starter? Look no further than BoDaS for your novelty socks that will fit seamlessly into your whole outfit.


BoDaS Stylish Men’s Socks are created with an array of materials with the goal of providing comfort and performance.

  • Cotton and Cotton Blends: Our cozy cotton socks are feet-friendly. They are lightweight, non-slip, durable, absorbent, breathable and cool.
  • Wool and Wool Blends: BoDaS wool socks are non-slip, breathable and moisture-repelling. They will also keep your feet warm in cold weather and cool in warm climates.
  • Silk and Silk Blends: Our silk socks are excellent for formal occasions and black-tie events. They are non-slip and give your feet a feeling of walking in luxury. The silk and wool blend adds warmth for colder weather while the silk and synthetic blends provide strength and durability.
  • Synthetic Blends: BoDaS lightweight socks combine synthetic and natural materials for comfortable, non-slip and lasting socks that you’ll be proud to wear.

Do you prefer content that has a balanced ratio of style and grammar for a good price?

You can expect an article comparable to the one below from our 4-star authors .


Stay Healthy Through Autumn and Winter: Home Remedies Against Colds

The common cold is just that: common. Around the world, adults and children alike can expect to struggle with a cold at least once each year. While no one is immune to all colds, there are a number of ways to protect yourself against colds, boost your immune system, and fight off colds quickly.

How to Survive the Cold and Flu Season

At times, it might feel as if you are doing everything right, yet you still come down with a cold or the flu. There are certainly some risk factors , such as working with children, that will increase the likelihood of catching a cold. However, there are also a number of lifestyle and behavior changes that can decrease your chance of having a cold this season.

Keep Your Hands Clean: By some estimates, adults touch their faces up to 3,000 times per day! Touching your eyes, mouth, or nose means you are increasing your risk of spreading germs. To ensure that your hands are clean, make it a habit to wash your hands at every possible opportunity. For those times when it might not be convenient to wash your hands with soap and hot water, carry hand sanitizer instead.

Avoid Those Who are Already Sick: When someone you care about is under the weather, it is normal to want to reach out and help them. However, be wary of spending a lot of time with those who are already sick. Encourage friends and colleagues to stay at home if they are feeling unwell. Instead of spending time with a friend who has a cold, drop off some soup at the door and pick up the phone for a quick chat instead.

Ditch Your Cloth Bag: Many people carry around a bag or a purse with them on a regular basis, but not everyone takes time to clean that bag. Since cloth bags can collect germs and encourage the spread of viruses, a better option is to invest in a vinyl or leather bag. These materials can be wiped down with ease and kept clean, reducing your exposure to unwanted germs during cold and flu season.

Steer Clear of Communal Foods: Sharing is caring, but not when it comes to food and drink during cold season. Skip the communal tapas platter or the shared appetizers at your next dinner party and stick to your own plate. While you can control your own hygiene habits, you can’t always tell who else might be coming down with a cold or who simply didn’t wash their hands before sitting down to dinner.

Boost Your Immune System to Fight Off Viruses

In some cases, there is no way to avoid coming in contact with someone who has a cold or the flu. Fortunately, there are ways to strengthen your immune system so that you can avoid viruses. Many different lifestyle factors can impact a person’s immune system, and each of the following tips can play a role in improving your immune health.

Stay Active: It is no surprise that exercise offers several health benefits. While extreme endurance sports may have a negative impact on immunity, regular, everyday exercise can go a long way in boosting your resistance to illness. Whether you enjoy walking in the morning or hitting the gym after work, regular activity could be a key to your health throughout the cold and flu season.

Eat a Healthy Diet: To operate at the highest level, your immune system needs to be fueled properly. Although vitamins and supplements can certainly help, the best foundation is a healthy, nutritious and varied diet. Ideally, you should enjoy foods that contain a wide range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. If you have a deficiency in certain micronutrients, such as zinc or Vitamin C, you may be more susceptible to colds. Therefore, eating a nutritious diet can go a long way in boosting your immune system and protecting you from any colds going around.

Stop Smoking: There is a direct link between smoking cigarettes and being able to fight off infectious diseases. Smokers are more likely to be susceptible to colds, and they may also experience cold symptoms for longer. To greatly improve your immune system’s strength, reducing or minimizing the consumption of cigarettes is key. In addition, those who do not smoke may want to take care to avoid secondhand smoke, which can pose some of the same problems for the immune system.

Minimize Alcohol Consumption: Alcohol can have a tremendous and negative impact on the strength of the immune system. The microbes in your gut are part of the body’s defense against bacteria, but the consumption of alcohol can damage the lining of the intestines and make it easier for bacteria to enter the digestive system. While regular alcohol consumption can be a problem, binge drinking may be even worse. During cold and flu season, reducing your alcohol consumption can be one way to avoid risk and stay healthy.

Get Enough Sleep: Routinely skipping out on sleep could have a disastrous impact on your immune system, making you more susceptible to colds. When you sleep, your body produces cytokines, a type of protein that can be used to fight back against inflammation or infection. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body is not able to manufacture enough of those cytokines to keep your immune system working. Catching up on sleep and sticking to a regular sleep schedule may be the easiest way to reduce your chance of catching a cold this season.

Aim to Reduce Lifestyle Stress: The immune system is a complicated system of the body, and it can react to many different sources of stress. Even if you eat well, avoid cigarettes and alcohol, and even get plenty of sleep, you can still decrease the strength of your immune system if you experience high levels of stress. Activities like meditation, reading, or any other form of stress relief could boost your immune system and help you resist everything from the common cold all the way up to more severe illnesses.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Colds in Less Time

Even if you enact all of the suggestions listed above, there is still the possibility that you might come down with a cold. Fortunately, there are a number of home remedies that could help to treat an infection and get rid of a cold in less time.

Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can worsen the symptoms of a cold. At the same time, it can be challenging to drink enough fluids when you are feeling unwell. Staying hydrated is vital, so it needs to be a priority. While plain water is a great place to start, it may also be necessary to ingest calories or salt to boost hydration and increase energy levels. A glass of orange juice can provide some much-needed energy along with some Vitamin C, while a cup of broth can deliver salt as well as hydration. Warm fluids can do double duty as a way to stay hydrated and a way to loosen congestion and make it easier to breathe despite a stuffy nose.

Get Plenty of Rest: Above all else, it is important to rest when you have a cold. Although you might be tempted to get to work or keep up with your regular routine, doing everyday activities when you are under the weather will only prolong recovery. Allow your body to use its energy for healing and take time to rest. This is a great opportunity to take a nap or watch a movie. If you must get tasks done, stick to those jobs that are critical and delegate or postpone everything else.

Try Gargling:</b Having a cold can also mean a scratchy or sore throat. This might lead to discomfort, and it might prevent you from drinking fluids and staying hydrated. Gargling with a mixture of warm salt water can temporarily relieve a sore throat. Gargling warm salt water can be done safely up to six times per day.

Increase Humidity in Your Environment: Dry air can worsen the symptoms of your cold, and it can also decrease your comfort throughout your recovery. To increase comfort and make it easier to breathe through blocked nasal passages, use a humidifier to quickly add moisture to the air. Another way to increase humidity is to run a hot shower and make the most of the steam created as a result.

Use an Extra Pillow: Since you’ll be getting plenty of extra rest when you’re struggling through a cold, make sure to add an extra pillow to your bed at night. That little extra bit of elevation can relieve uncomfortably blocked nasal passages, allowing you to breath better and sleep through the night. The right position will drain your sinuses and improve your sleep, helping your body to recover faster at the same time.

Each of these home remedies can play a part in keeping you healthy. Even during the cold and flu season, those who are able to boost their immune system have a fighting chance at avoiding illness.

Do you prefer an article that is publish-ready and written with the ideal style and tone? Is quality more important than price?

If so, you can expect an article comparable to the one below from our 4-star or 5-star authors .


Quality level: to

Cryptocurrencies: Are they the investment of the future?

The rise of cryptocurrencies over the past decade promises to transform the payments landscape. Since the release of the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin , in 2009, more than 6,000 alternatives have been created . Unlike other mediums of exchange, cryptocurrencies rely on decentralized controls using distributed ledger technology . Trusted third parties are not involved in the transaction processes. Cryptocurrencies are borderless digital forms of currency that are not controlled by governments . These digital currencies can be valuable investments, but investors should be aware that they are highly volatile.

What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a virtual currency that is used as a medium of exchange . Unlike fiat currencies, cryptocurrencies do not have centralized controls. Instead, they are decentralized, with each user of an exchange having control over his or her wallet. Cryptocurrencies have seven key characteristics , including the following:

  • Digital forms of payment
  • Use of a decentralized network
  • Peer-to-peer transactions only
  • No involvement of trusted third parties
  • No personal information has to be given
  • Cryptography with each user having his or her private code to access his or her wallets

Unlike fiat currencies, which are the individual, physical currencies used in different countries, cryptocurrencies are entirely digital and only exist online . They use a decentralized network comprised of all of the individual users of an exchange. These currencies use distributed ledger technology to remove the need for the involvement of trusted third parties . The most widely used distributed ledger technology is blockchain technology , which is a database that contains the history of all of the transactions that have ever occurred with a cryptocurrency. The data on the blockchain cannot be altered and can be seen by everyone on the exchange.

Cryptocurrencies use cryptography to secure their exchanges and the transactions that occur. The users do not have to provide personal information , and they use private codes to access their wallets . Because of the pseudonymous nature of cryptocurrencies, it is crucial for investors who own Bitcoin or an alternative coin to closely guard their private codes. The only way that they can access their holdings is to use their codes, and it is impossible to prove that they own cryptocurrencies without their codes .

When a user wishes to make a transaction, the request to send bitcoin or altcoin is submitted to the decentralized network or announced. Individual nodes called miners take the transaction information and encrypt it in a process called hashing while adding additional transaction information and hashing that as well until enough information exists to form a block . The miners then work to solve cryptography puzzles to elucidate the encrypted code of the block. The first miner who can figure out the code will be able to add the block to the cryptocurrency’s blockchain, and he or she will receive a reward.

Once a new block is added to the blockchain, the other nodes on the network will verify it. The entire blockchain for the cryptocurrency will be checked to ensure that the information matches. Once the block is verified through a process called consensus , it will be validated and confirmed so that the miner will be allowed to add the block to the blockchain. The transaction will then be completed, and the recipient will receive the cryptocurrency that was sent by the sender.

A person cannot physically hold a cryptocurrency. Instead, it exists on the blockchain. People have public keys that they can give to others to send them cryptocurrency. They also have private keys that they can use to access the cryptocurrencies that they own. The private and public keys are stored in wallets, which can either exist as digital wallets online or offline on paper or a hard drive. The person who has the private and public keys owns the cryptocurrency, making it crucial for people to take steps to protect this information.

What are the advantages of cryptocurrencies as a payment system?

Cryptocurrencies offer several advantages as a payment system over fiat currencies. Moving a fiat currency across the world is more difficult because of the various exchange rates and governmental and banking regulations. Since cryptocurrencies are global , they are simple to send and receive across borders without requiring approval from external authorities or sources. The peer-to-peer focus of cryptocurrency exchanges removes the need for trusted third parties to verify and approve transactions.

Cryptocurrency transactions are much more discrete than other types of transactions. Since they are pseudonymous, a user’s transactions with cryptocurrency are not readily associated with his or her identity. While cryptocurrency transactions are not truly untraceable, they are much more difficult to link to an individual than traditional types of transactions are .

A major benefit of cryptocurrencies is the greater autonomy that they afford to people. Users have a much greater level of control over their money and how they spend it since there is no intermediary authority such as a government or bank in control of cryptocurrency exchanges.

Cryptocurrencies are also not subject to many of the types of banking fees that are inherent with fiat currencies and traditional banking systems. While there may be occasional fees for sending or receiving cryptocurrency, there are no minimum account balances, account maintenance fees, overdraft charges, or returned deposit fees associated with cryptocurrencies. International payments using cryptocurrencies are much cheaper than sending money by wire. Since the transactions occur quickly , there also are no lengthy weights for bank authorizations on international transfers of cryptocurrencies.

One great promise of cryptocurrencies as a payment system is its ability to provide access to money to people wherever the internet is available . People who live in areas without access to traditional banking systems may participate in cryptocurrency exchanges. Women in countries that don’t allow them to open bank accounts can have greater control over their money with cryptocurrency exchanges.

Overview of common cryptocurrencies

After Bitcoin’s creation and subsequent success, many other cryptocurrencies have been created and released. While there are thousands of these altcoins , a few have emerged that are more common than others.

Bitcoin (BTC) was the first cryptocurrency and was released in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto , an unknown person or group of people. As of Feb. 6, 2020, Bitcoin had a market cap of $177.5 billion and was trading at $9,753.11 for one Bitcoin.

Ethereum (ETH) is an altcoin that offers a software platform from which developers can build and run decentralized applications and smart contracts without concerns about fraud, control, or downtime. Ether is the token offered by Ethereum. This cryptocurrency was launched in 2015 and is now the second-largest cryptocurrency behind Bitcoin . As of Feb.6, 2020, it had a market cap of $23.3 billion and was trading at $213.05.

Litecoin (LTC) was launched in 2011 by Charlie Lee , a graduate of MIT. It is similar to Bitcoin but offers a faster confirmation process because of its quicker rate of block generation. As of Feb. 6, 2020, Litecoin had a market cap of $4.7 billion and was trading at $73.22.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) was created in 2017 as a hard fork from the original Bitcoin . A hard fork occurs when a disagreement arises between the coders and miners. In the case of Bitcoin Cash, its creation arose out of an argument about the size of the blocks allowed by Bitcoin. The proponents of Bitcoin Cash wanted to make the blocks larger to make the transaction process faster. As of Feb. 6, 2020, Bitcoin Cash had a market cap of $8.0 billion and was trading at $439.08.

Libra (LIBRA) is the much-hyped digital currency that Facebook has yet to launch as of Feb. 2020 . On June 18, 2019, Facebook released a whitepaper on Libra. This digital currency is planned for launch later in 2020. With Facebook’s massive global reach, Libra will likely garner substantial attention because of the potential for large exchanges on its platform.

In addition to these common cryptocurrencies, there are thousands of others. Investors should conduct due diligence and thoroughly investigate any cryptocurrencies before investing money because of their high degree of volatility .

Criticism of cryptocurrencies

Governments and taxing authorities around the world have had some strong criticisms of cryptocurrencies. Since they are relatively anonymous, governments worry that they could be used for money laundering and illicit trade .

A few countries ban cryptocurrencies , while most have some type of regulatory scheme to address and tax profits made from cryptocurrencies. In the U.S., cryptocurrency profits are taxed at the capital gains tax rate, which starts at 15%.

As an investment, cryptocurrencies are known for their volatility . Investors who fail to conduct due diligence before investing in cryptocurrencies could sustain substantial losses. Like other high-risk investments, investing in cryptocurrencies should not be viewed as a get-rich-quick scheme. Individuals should take the time necessary to learn about cryptocurrency and to thoroughly research any altcoin that they might be considering before getting into the digital currency market.

A big problem with cryptocurrencies can occur when someone dies. If the person has cryptocurrency holdings, those holdings may be lost if no one else has access to his or her private and public keys. Some cryptocurrency owners are wary of giving these numbers to anyone. However, if they have not made arrangements for the keys to be passed on to their intended beneficiaries, their holdings will vanish when they die. A solution to this issue is to draft a will. Some people are concerned about providing their lawyers with their keys, but including cryptocurrencies in estate planning is important for ensuring that their loved ones will have access to them after they pass away.

Outlook on cryptocurrencies: Where is the journey headed?

While cryptocurrencies occupy a small space in the financial marketplace, they are unlikely to go away. Following a meteoric rise in 2017 and a large crash in 2018, cryptocurrencies had a relatively quiet year in 2019. Various cryptocurrencies have been unstable assets. However, many tech and financial industry experts believe that cryptocurrencies are disruptive and transformative , making it likely for them to change the banking and payments landscape in the future .

Bitcoin and altcoins have experienced tremendous volatility as investment assets, however, they could become more stable with greater acceptance . Many transactions are increasingly occurring online, including banking and payment functions. The availability of cryptocurrencies as a safe, decentralized option for payments could help to move them more into the mainstream. The key to whether to invest in cryptocurrencies depends on an investor’s understanding and acceptance of blockchain technology and his or her willingness to conduct the necessary research before getting into the market. As with any other type of investment, people should make certain that they are diversified to protect themselves when they invest in cryptocurrencies.

Step 3: How many articles do you need?


content writing services in canada

Top rankings on Google typically have larger word counts!

Determine the number of articles you need.

How many words should each of your articles have?

content writing services in canada

Determine the number of words per article.

The number of words for your content should depend on the genre, content type and topic. The relevance for the user should always be focused. The aim should be to inform the reader comprehensively. The word count can influence search engine rankings, and the current trend is towards longer, more in-depth articles.

Some recommendations on the word count for your article:

  • Blog article starting at 2,000 words
  • Product description starting at 500 words
  • Category description starting at 500 words
  • Press release starting at 800 words
  • In-depth article starting at 2,000 words
  • Buying guide starting at 1,300 words
  • Advertising text starting at 500 words
  • Landing page content starting at 800 words

Our recommendations and costs for your content order:



  • Starting at:
  • Total price starting at:


  • AI-powered translations polished by certified language professionals

We’ll handle your entire project for you.


  • Request a custom quote starting at an order value of $ 2,500.

We write unique content in any language.

  • Request a custom quote. Minimum order of $1,000.

In Self-Service, you manage your orders yourself and process them via our user-friendly platform.

With DirectOrders , you place an order directly with the author of your choice . You can choose an author based on his or her special expertise or linguistic talent.

You negotiate the delivery date and price for your article individually with the author.

The minimum price for a DirectOrder is 3.4 cents per word , which we’ve used to calculated the shown pricing. However, authors set their own price per word, which is viewable on their profile, so the final price may be higher .

In OpenOrders , an author of your chosen quality level writes your order.

You have no influence over which author writes your order. However, by choosing the quality level you ensure that the author meets the respective Textbroker quality standard for spelling and grammar. In addition, your content is written at the fixed price per word of the respective quality level .

Our OpenOrder prices are based on the quality level of the author. You can find an overview of our pricing HERE .

With TeamOrders, you select several authors exclusively for your own team. You can select the authors based on their expertise or linguistic talent and combine them into a group. You then make your orders exclusively available to this selected group of authors.

TeamOrders are recommended if you have many orders on a specific topic , and if you want to ensure that your articles are written quickly.

You determine the conditions and the pricing of your team. The minimum price for TeamOrders is 3.5 cents per word , which we’ve used to calculate the shown pricing.

Our recommendation: Higher word prices increase the interest of the authors and encourages them to complete your orders quickly.

In Self-Service, you manage your translation orders yourself and process them via our user-friendly platform.

With TranslationOrder, you can have us translate your desired article into any of the available languages at a great price. You can order Western languages for just 6.5 cents per word and Asian / Nordic languages for only 8.5 cents per word.

Simply select our TranslationOrder to receive an AI-powered translation that has been checked and fine-tuned by a certified translator.

In our calculator, 6.5 cents/word was used as the basis for calculating the final price.

With our Managed-Service, we handle the entire content creation process up to the delivery of the finished, publish-ready content in the desired format.

We guarantee fixed delivery dates for your final content so you know your orders will be completed on time.

In addition, you will have a dedicated Account Manager to work with on an ongoing basis. This allows you to be hands-off and worry-free.

A minimum order of $ 2,500 is required for Managed-Services. We calculate the final price for your Managed-Service project based on your requirements and provide you with a custom, no-obligation quote .

With our Translation Service , your content can be translated by qualified authors in any language of your choosing.

Alternatively, native speakers can create unique content in 36 languages . Localization of your existing content is also possible.

A minimum order of $ 1,000 is required for a project with our Translation Service. We calculate the final price for your project based on your requirements and provide you with a custom, no-obligation quote .

Once you have placed your order, we handle the rest of the process and deliver the completed content in the language of your choice to you.


Get content quickly.

There is always a suitable writer for hire among the many creative members on our platform. Cumbersome author searches and missed deadlines for your content projects are things of the past. Our content writing service saves you time and allows you to concentrate fully on your most important tasks.


Our authors have expertise in a wide variety of fields. Whether it’s travel, health or cryptocurrencies, Textbroker can provide any type of written content. Among our authors, there is definitely someone with experience in your subject.


Control all costs of your written content order.

There is no monthly fee at Textbroker. You determine the quality and length of written articles and only pay for what you order. Take a look at our pricing page .


Your entire content order is processed via our easy-to-use platform – from your author briefing to the export into your content management system. You don’t have to write an invoice for every single author anymore! We take care of the billing.


Easily add your target keywords to our order dashboard. You can also rely on our plagiarism check. Tools like these will provide you with unique and optimized copy that search engines reward with better rankings.



We are your go-to content writing service. let us prove it..

Over 80,000 clients worldwide have already processed more than 10 million content orders via our content writing platform. Check out our case studies and list of clients to learn about how we support our clients all over the world with custom content.

Textbroker Clients


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content writing services in canada

10 Best Content Writing Services in Canada (2024)

  • Sam Swanson
  • January 3, 2024

Content writing service providers write content for your business. When you choose to work with a content writing service you will receive high-quality for your business without having to hire an in-house writer. This is a cost-effective way to ensure your marketing and communications are original, accurate, informative, and engaging. Over time this can result in much better sales and marketing results.

When looking for a content writing service in Canada, you have many great options. To help shorten your list of potential content writing service partners we have decided to put together this list of the 10 best.

1. Writing Studio

content writing services in canada

Writing Studio is a content writing agency that works with clients all over the world, including Canadian-based businesses of all sizes. Our professionally written content ranks high in search results, drives organic traffic to our client’s websites, and helps boost conversions. Whether you require blog posts, product descriptions, scripts, website copy, or any other content type our team will ensure you get the best quality content possible.

All our content is professionally edited and checked for plagiarism, and you can request revisions to ensure we get it right. To work with Writing Studio you simply need to book a free consultation with one of our content managers who will be able to answer any questions you have and get to know your marketing goals better. If you like what you hear, our team will start writing your content.

2. Article Writing Co.

content writing services in canada

Article-Writing Company is made up of a team of experienced writers who can write all major types of content for you such as blog posts, articles, e-books, whitepapers, and product descriptions. The Canada-based company has worked with an impressive list of clients over its 12 years in business including LegalZoom, Remax, and Overstock.

To order content you need to first book a call with one of their client managers who will be able to talk you through their process and pricing models. They don’t appear to allow you to book content directly through their website. If you’re looking for a Canadian-based content writing service with a good track record and longevity in the industry, Article-Writing Company could be your best choice.

3. Rightly Written

content writing services in canada

Rightly Written is made up of a network of professional content writers. The company offers content writing solutions to large enterprises, small enterprises, and marketing agencies. To work with the company, you can create an account on their website and then start placing orders. Once you place your order it will be assigned to one of their vetted writers to start researching and writing your content.

Rightly Written isn’t just a content writing marketplace, it’s also a content management system that you can use to manage most aspects of your content marketing plan. As soon as you start hiring writers to write your content you can effectively add them to your team and then use them every time you have a new content order. This is a great way to build up a writing team without having to hire them in-house.

content writing services in canada

Draft (formerly Contentfly) is a Canadian-based content writing service provider. Their team of writers can produce everything from blog posts to podcast scrips and everything in between. According to the company, they have worked with thousands of customers and written tens of millions of words. They also have very good ratings on review websites from past and present customers.

To work with Draft, you need to submit a brief and then their system will automatically assign your project to the best writer within their network. Once your content is ready, you’ll receive it through the Draft customer portal, and you’ll be able to request revisions. As soon as you receive the final copy of your content you can publish it on your website. 

5. EcommercePro

content writing services in canada

EcommercePro helps clients set up Shopify stores, including writing engaging copy to help boost sales. The agency is based in Toronto but works with clients all over the world. A portfolio of their past work can be viewed on their website which includes stores they have set up across a wide range of industries including dental services, fitness, and consumer products.

All new customers can set up an initial call with one of their team who’ll be able to talk you through their process and give you a detailed quote. If you need help setting up a Shopify store, including product descriptions and website copy to be written, EcommercePro might be worth checking out.

6. Content Refined

content writing services in canada

Content Refined is the next content writing service based in Canada on our list. The company can help you develop a content marketing plan and then make it come to life by tapping into its network of writers and editors. Whether you want blog posts, articles, product descriptions, or any other form of content, they have the writers to produce it for you.

The company offers cost-effective monthly content packages to clients. For example, you can pay $429 per month for 4000 words, $769 for 8000 words, or $1117.50 for 12,000 words. All packages include keyword research, title creation, SEO optimization, and editing. You also have the option to pay less if keyword research isn’t required. While these packages may seem like a good deal, it’s worthwhile to place a small order first to ensure the writing is high-quality.

content writing services in canada

Seoplus is a full-service digital marketing agency that provides a comprehensive list of services to clients in Canada, including content writing. If SEO optimization is an important part of your content marketing strategy this content writing service could be the one for you.

To work with the company, go to their website and request a free proposal. The company will then review your information and design a content plan to help you achieve your marketing goals. If you like what you hear you can sign up as a client and their team will get to work writing your content. The Ottawa-based company has a very good track record in the industry and excellent reviews from past and present clients.

8. Writing Web Words

content writing services in canada

Writing Web Words is a content writing service based in Toronto. They offer both local SEO content marketing and web-wide SEO content marketing services. This would make them a particularly good choice if you’re a local business that wants to rank higher in search results.

The company has operated since 2008 and has worked with an impressive list of clients. If you’re looking for a more hands-on level of service from an experienced team of content writers and marketers, Writing Web Words should be on your shortlist. You can request a free quote for their services through their website.

content writing services in canada

Mojo is a full-service digital agency that works with clients to design and develop websites and then populate the site with engaging content. Although most clients work with them to develop their entire digital strategy, you can employ Mojo just for content writing needs. 

Mojo specializes in creating SEO-optimized content so your website and other content like blog posts rank high in search results and drive organic traffic to your website. All new customers can arrange a free consultation to discuss your content writing needs.

10. Crowd Content

content writing services in canada

Crowd Content rounds out our list of the top 10 content writing services in Canada. The company works with clients in Canada as well as the rest of the world. To order content you can create a free account on their website and then place an order or you have the option to sign-up for a managed account. A managed account will give you access to a dedicated content manager who will work with you to develop your content strategy and then ensure their team of freelance writers and editors make it happen.

Crowd Content would be a great option for businesses looking for a large volume of content and who require fast turnaround times. You can even use the platform to plan and manage your entire content strategy so that it’s streamlined and implemented efficiently.

The bottom line

There are many great content writing services in Canada available for you to work with to create more engaging content for your website and other communication materials. When looking for the right agency also request examples of their past work and check their reviews to help filter out the average writers from the great writers.

Don’t forget to share this article!

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Fully-Managed SEO Optimized Content Marketing Solution

Get high quality content, build a content-rich blog or website that google loves, engage your audience, and scale faster., a [content creation] service that helps growth of your content authority.

Growth and Content Marketing! Don’t worry about training or freelancers. Our hands-off content writing services have got you covered.

Why Outsource Your Content Creation to Us?


We handle the entire content creation process so that you can focus on other important things. You do not need to provide keyword(s), fill out briefs, nor create a content outline; if you don’t want to.​

Keyword Research

It’s not enough to have quality writing alone. Our proven keyword research strategy can help you discover “low hanging” keywords and uncover new SEO opportunities.​

Expert and Industry Writers

Our team of professional native English-speaking content writers with knowledge in your industry and SEO expertise will create unique content to match your needs.​

SEO Optimized Content

Your content will be Search Engine Optimized (SEO). Drive organic traffic to your website or blog and see real impact in search engine results.​

High Quality Content

We guarantee that your content will be professionally written and unique. Plagiarism checked. Free content revisions.

Publish-Ready Content

We deliver finished content that is formatted ready to publish or uploaded to your site. All you need to do is just hit the publish button.​

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We are confident that you will be satisfied with the content delivered. Hence, we offer a 100% No-Risk, Money-Back Guarantee.​

Royalty Free Image

With every article, you get a complimentary royalty-free image that may be used as a featured/header image, an in-content image, or for whatever purpose you deem fit.​

Easy Process​

Choose your content package, make payment, schedule an onboarding strategy call (or fill in a brief form), receive your content.


Keyword Research for Your Greatest Result

Discovering “low hanging” keywords is one of the biggest hurdles beginners face. There are hundreds of guides, each with different methods – information overload.

We use a proven SEO keyword research strategy to identify and select keywords for your niche. This is the same approach we use within our own 6 figure portfolios.

Want an increase in Google ranking and organic traffic?

Save an Average of 47 Hours per Month with Contentuate

Still spending hours (or days) revising content from your existing provider? It’s expensive and unnecessary! With our Fully-Managed Service, you receive publish-ready content on time, every time!

Our services team acts as an extension of your team and will design a process that best suits your workflow. From keyword research to publishing the content.

Once we’ve finished writing the content, we upload it to your site, presented beautifully, SEO optimized, and ready to publish.


Strategy and Onboarding Call

For every new project, we give our clients the opportunity to arrange a content strategy onboarding call with our team (if you want!).

We walk you through the process and understand your content creation goals so that we can help you get there.

We want you to find success and we will be the partner that helps you get there.

Years of Experience

Curated Content

In-House Content Experts

SEO Content Samples

Get content that rank on google’s 1st page.

Website Badges Certified Ezoic

Affiliate Blog Post

These are some samples of SEO-optimized affiliate post that were written by our content creation team:

  • Best IELTS Preparation Books .
  • $100 Tradeline .
  • Best Online Wills in Canada .
  • Best Romantic Movies .

As you may have noticed, these posts are ranking Top 10 on Google for their respective target location.

Informational Website Content

These are some samples of SEO-optimized informational “how-to” posts that were written by our content creation team:

  • Fashionable African Dress .
  • Citrus Liqueur Recipe .
  • Safest Places to Visit in Africa .
  • How to Thaw Cool Whip Quickly .

These samples are currently getting some “Google-love”, as they are ranking on page 1 of Google and/or displayed as a Featured Snippet. Some are constantly being featured in Google’s “People also ask” section.

Website Badges Breakout

Note: For all the above samples, we received consent from the respective website owners. We will never identify any content we create for you without your express consent.

Our Founder is a Top Blogger & SEO Content Expert

Charee Oisamoje is the founder of Contentuate. She gets substantial visitors to her personal blogs from organic Google search and makes lucrative passive income through display ads and affiliate posts. In 2021, she was nominated for Publisher of the Year by Ezoic. This is just one recognition to show how dedicated we are in providing our clients with high quality articles that bring traffic their way.

ezoic publisher of the year nominee

Ready to monetize your blog or website through display ads? We are happy to help!

Check out these helpful articles on content marketing, creation, writing and more {coming soon}, hands-off content creation that helps growth of your work.

Don’t worry about training or freelancers. Never worry about keyword research again. Our hands-off content writing services has got you covered!

Goodman Lantern

Services We Provide

White Paper Writing

Content Writing

Content Strategy

SEO Audit Services

Graphic Design Services

Video Marketing Services

Brand Strategy

Proofreading & Editing

More Services

  • SEO Link Building Services

Brochure Content Writing

  • Content Distribution
  • Storytelling
  • Thought Leadership Writing
  • DE & I Strategy
  • Article Writing
  • Technical Writing
  • Language Translation & Localisation
  • Lead Generation Services
  • SEO Optimised Content
  • Case Study Writing

Industries We Provide


Banking, Finance & Insurance


IT & Software

Internet of Things

Aerospace & Defence

Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning

More Industries

  • Accounting & Tax
  • Engineering
  • Consumer Goods & Services
  • Health & Wellness
  • Marketing & Advertising
  • Agriculture & Farming
  • Tech Automation
  • Environment & Sustainability

Grow Your Business With Canada’s Top Content Marketing Agency

Boost brand awareness and credibility and become a thought leader in your industry with the help of an award-winning content marketing agency in Canada.

Our Expertise

Grow your business with our digital marketing services.

  • Inbound Marketing
  • Graphic Design
  • Translation & Localisation

SEO Services

We offer numerous SEO services that boost your brand’s awareness, credibility, and prospects. Whether you’re an established business or an exciting new start-up, we can sculpt an SEO strategy that will take your company on a journey of unrivalled success.

Our team will craft your website content in such a way that it ensures all your business website pages speak to each other and helps customers flow effortlessly from one section to another. This also assists search engine bots in recognising your site as an authoritative source, increasing your search ranking.

Organic SEO services guarantee a sustainable approach to lead generation. Our eCommerce SEO services are what help your online store to land up in front of your ideal audience. With our help, your brand will incorporate the most powerful SEO practices to elevate your online presence and increase your overall sales.

Inbound Marketing Services

Inbound marketing is the art of providing content to your potential customers in an organic and non-intrusive way.

We offer a wide range of inbound marketing services to help you boost visibility and lead generation. From social media marketing services and eBook creation to email writing and webinars, we can help diversify your content and reach a wider audience for improved profits.

Content Distribution Services

Having a collection of powerful content for your business is one thing, but if you can’t distribute and promote it properly, it could all be for nought. That’s where we come in.

With a team of marketing professionals and social media experts, we can help you distribute your content on the right platforms to the right people. Our in-depth research on the latest digital marketing trends is what helps us to ensure your content reaches and engages a range of prospects ideal for your business growth.

Content is what seals the deal, but images are what attract. Goodman Lantern doubles up as a graphic design agency to help bring your vision to life in striking and magnetic visual formats.

Our wide range of graphic design services includes illustrations, marketing presentation design, newsletter structuring, logo design, interactive infographics, brochure design, and landing page designs.

Our experts will ensure your content is enhanced with professional graphic designs that display your brand tone, image, and messaging. Spruce up your outdated website and engage audience members with memorable graphics.

Translation & Localisation Services

Goodman Lantern provides specialised marketing translation and localisation services for your business’s internationalisation needs. Our translation and localisation services ensure your brand is as fluent as a native speaker, both locally and internationally.

Marketing translation and localisation is the bridge between foreign audiences and your brand, acting as a vital tool for international brands to achieve maximum engagement with their target audiences worldwide.

To be competitive in a globalised world, your business needs a presence in international markets while reaching a local audience range. It’s not only speaking the same language but rather understanding the local society and culture. The tone and style of your content will be seamlessly conveyed to your customers, maintaining your brand value in all languages and cultures.

Strategy And Planning Services

If you have no direction in mind, it’s near impossible to reach your destination. Many businesses shoot into the darkness of the digital world in the hopes of achieving their goals. But with a crowded marketplace, it’s easy to get lost.

Goodman Lantern offers specialised strategy and planning services that assist businesses in defining an objective and the path they need to reach it effectively. From social media strategy and LinkedIn marketing services to content auditing and brand management, we offer an array of strategy and planning services that will boost your presence and reach your goals.

How Goodman Lantern Fits Into Your Local Canadian Business

Our expert research and writing team conducts an in-depth analysis of your area’s latest digital content trends to ensure your business remains up to date. The next step is to create content marketing strategies to help transform audience members into consistent customers.

Goodman Lantern takes a holistic approach to content marketing, ensuring your customised strategy is designed to meet your unique business tone and brand goals. Our team of professionals is trained and skilled in conducting thorough research, sculpting a sustainable marketing plan, creating unique content, and distributing it to your ideal audience.

Each content marketing strategy is tailored to suit your brand, ensuring authenticity and accuracy. We can effortlessly integrate into your business to identify the heartbeat of your company and relay this essence into every piece of work we do.

As an expert digital content marketing agency, we know how to curate an expansive range of content forms. Whether your business needs articles, blogs, social media posts, or whitepapers; we have the tools to provide excellence.

What Our Clients Say

content writing services in canada

Our Work Guarantees Success

our work

Goodman Lantern’s team helps UK storage provider gain market share with SEO content.

our work

Goodman Lantern’s content services help SaaS fintech company increase market share.

our work

Our team uses storytelling and proposition development to grow sales by 2.5x in 3 years.

our work

SEO-optimised product descriptions increase traffic by 40%.

Virtual & Augmented Reality (VR/AR)

Software is a dominant and essential part of modern society and culture. As a result, the SaaS industry is booming, but with this growth comes a crowded marketplace. To truly stand out from the competition and position your SaaS business as an authoritative leader, you need content that your target audience can find, learn from, and trust. Goodman Lantern creates compelling and informative content for the SaaS industry, helping propel your business toward success.

Whether your business is a start-up or an established company, you need content to elevate your success. In a growing industry where information reigns, you need authentic content marketing, writing, and distribution to reach your desired audience and keep them coming back for more.

With our expert services, you can help your telecommunication business increase visibility and credibility and generate more leads. Our professionals are versed in telecommunication and understand the latest digital trends. Evolve your business with the times and stay up to date and relevant in this fruitful industry with professional content marketing and writing services.

While Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technology has been around for some time, we have barely scratched the surface of all its uses. This sector is evolving at a rapid and exciting pace, bringing with it more clients, consumers, and companies.

The VR/AR industry is used to moving quickly and effectively, churning out new ideas and turning them into reality. Companies need to equip themselves with a marketing strategy that is just as robust and efficient. Our high quality content writing services for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality businesses can help your product hit the ground running.

content writing services in canada

Why You Should Work With Our Canada-Based Team

No matter what type of content your business requires, Goodman Lantern delivers fluent, compelling, and authoritative writing services. Our services position your brand as an industry leader among your customers and competition.

As a universal team that operates on a global scale, we are versatile professionals with a wide range of expertise. Our Canadian content marketing agency consists of native English content writers, researchers, marketers, and editors.

We curate unique, engaging and magnetic marketing strategies that encourage action from your audience members, turning them from general readers into loyal customers sustainably. Our expert marketing team conducts in-depth quantitative and qualitative research to ensure your business strategy remains loyal to your brand and on top of the latest market trends.

We take special care to ensure that all information is meticulously fact-checked. We are only satisfied with the best copy and content marketing strategies. All our content is created alongside the latest version of our internal knowledge basis, ensuring quality and value in everything we produce.

This is your business, and we will work exceedingly hard to meet your goals and help you overcome any obstacles that stand in your way. At Goodman Lantern, we prioritise communication. While we work on your project, we will constantly update you on our progress and host regular meetings to ensure your satisfaction.

The Bigger Why That Drives Us

By choosing Goodman Lantern as your content creation partner, you’re making a pretty big impact too. You’re helping us to act with integrity by providing remote work opportunities for women, many of whom are the breadwinners in their families.

Want to have a bigger impact? Get in touch via [email protected]

Blog Writing Services

Blogging has countless benefits, and at Goodman Lantern, we ensure your business experiences them all. We craft enticing, informative blog posts that speak directly to your target audience. Each post is crafted for SEO, helping you generate more leads.

Our team of expert blog writers create posts that align with your brand voice and tone. We eloquently encapsulate your company’s messaging and morals in each piece. With us as your blog content writing services provider, you can boost brand visibility and authority while educating your ideal clientele.

Article Writing Services

As a professional writing agency, we provide unmatched article writing services to engage and educate your audience. From complex stories to simple listicles, our article writing service caters to all. Article writing has the power to ensure the right people find your business at the right time.

We conduct thorough research with a data-driven approach and incorporate our findings into our writing. Our pieces are optimised for search engines, and we only use the best keywords to help land on relevant search engine results pages. Our native English team of writers craft articles for various channels, helping you develop a larger audience base.

Whitepaper Writing Services

Whitepapers are crucial tools to help boost sales and marketing practices. They assist in positioning your brand as an expert in your industry through sharing knowledge and building trust among your audience. Whitepapers showcase your company’s offerings and demonstrate how they act as a solution to a specific problem. But this content form can be complicated to craft and highly time-consuming.

At Goodman Lantern, we offer professional whitepaper writing services at an affordable rate. With a global team of specialists, we tap into a vast expanse of expertise to produce a whitepaper that perfectly displays your brand’s journey and solution-based product. Our team is ready to launch into the research needed to put your whitepaper together.

Web Content Writing Services

As specialist web content writers, we craft informative, creative, and well-researched content for your website. Goodman Lantern has writers from across the globe, ready to meet the high-quality standards your business requires. With a multi-skilled team, we ensure the correct set of skills is assigned to every task to maximise efficiency and manage every resource.

Together, we’ll help you redefine your website’s purpose and incorporate content that serves your objectives. Whether you need a new website or to reshape one with an established audience, we’ll ensure that it’s a space for engagement, generating more leads and sealing more deals.

Goodman Lantern delivers compelling, informative, and impactful brochure content writing services. Each page is guaranteed to provide on-brand messaging to attract new customers. Together, we determine your target audience and create compelling copy that boosts engagement and action.

A brochure is there to help you achieve primary business objectives. Brochures provide crucial details to inform potential customers’ decision-making process and increase visibility and leads. They also provide customers with a compact portfolio of your business services and operations. Many people that fall into your target audience might not know that you or your services exist, but brochures can help you reach them.

SEO-Optimised Content Writing

Search Engine Optimised content is written copy that search engine bots can identify within the digital realm. These online machines analyse the text on your website to improve search rankings for readers and viewers. The robots meticulously inspect every website, sorting pages from best to worst and ensuring online viewers see all content in that order. The websites with the best SEO are chosen by search engine bots and pulled to the front of the queue.

Ensuring your site is on relevant search engine results pages can be a complicated and expensive task, especially if you’re trying to run a business. As an SEO content writing agency, we’re fluent in SEO. We apply our expertise to help your business rank on the first page when your target audience searches relevant keywords.

“We are delighted with our collaboration with Goodman Lantern, always delivering the content on time, and also been extremely responsive to all our requests” Jeremy Rocher, SoftBank-backed AutoStore

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content writing services in canada

Canadian Content Factory

Canadian Content Factory is the premier source for web content writing services for businesses, organizations, and anyone who needs high-quality original content. Our team of university-educated professionals creates polished content that is designed to drive traffic to your site. From finance to the local reno company, CCF is ready to deliver the content you need.

Our Services

From finance sites to sports franchises, CCF excels at providing quality custom content that meets your needs.

Finance and Fintech

From personal finance to fintech and everything in between, CCF can deliver punchy-driven content that drives clicks.

Construction and Trades

Whether you are looking for a new site for your home reno company or some new blogs to keep the content fresh, CCF has you covered.

Sports Gambling and Online Casinos

From sports gambling to online casinos, CCF delivers content that can educate, drive clicks or give your readers the gambling edge.

Blog Writing

Tired of writing blogs, or need a fresh pen for your site? CCF can deliver blogs that drive readers to your site and keep them there.

Landing Pages and Websites

Give your site the refresh it deserves with landing pages or full website write-ups via the experts at CFF.  

General Content

From larger thought pieces to white papers, our team of in-house writers can deliver content that can drive your company to unparalleled  success. 

Canadian Content Factory-02 (2).jpg

Professional Content Writing in Ottawa

Canadian Writers based in Ottawa Canadian (UK) and US English Over a decade of professional writing Customized content for your target market  

Ready to find out more.

The team at CCF cannot wait to get started with your project. From working on creating original content for your blog to working with you on your website re-vamp. Let's chat and see how we can deliver content that drives traffic. Proudly a top-ranked writing agency in Canada per   


14 top content writing services to find fantastic writers

Most businesses will require writing services at some point of time, so here's a handy guide to understanding the different types available and where to find the right talent.

Falencia Naoenz

Falencia Naoenz , Valery Moniaga

The need for professional content writing services has been steadily increasing each year, and the practice of content marketing has proven to be an effective method for attracting leads and increasing traffic overall.

Nearly 40% of marketers perceive content marketing as a very important part of their marketing strategy at large, and 24% said they planned to increase investment in content marketing in 2020.

What makes content marketing so popular is that most consumers prefer to learn about a product or service via a well-crafted story, rather than an intrusive popup or banner ad. Audiences today are actively seeking authenticity and relatability from brands, and thus demand insightful content. This can take many forms, be it an eBook, articles in a company blog, social media posts, or even an autobiography of the CEO.

As simple as it may sound, the harsh reality is that 65% of professionals find it challenging to produce engaging content . In fact, when surveyed, only 9% of companies grade their content marketing strategy as excellent, while most of them self-evaluate at an ‘average’ score.

This shows that having a partner to help the brand produce high-quality content is important for the long haul. By developing a game plan and creating engaging stories, content writing services can help build an authentic relationship between the brand and its target audience.

The lists below will guide you on the different types of writing – and we've also put together a list of 13 sites to find a writer for your needs.

Top content writing services

Contentgrow, express writers, crowd content, rightly written, text workers, contentwriters, semrush content marketplace, text mercato, types of writing, technical writing, copywriting, seo writing, press writing, ghostwriting, website writing, article writing, types of writing.

As a form of online marketing, content writing usually composes written material for specific marketing purposes. It includes copywriting, SEO writing, social media posts, email campaigns, and video content.

Like doctors who focus on a specific field of medicine, content writers specialize in only one or two aspects of content writing and master them to perfection.

Hence, businesses need to know these differences to meet their business objectives. Consider what content you need, and then determine which copywriters could best help you accomplish your goals.

content writing services in canada

Technical writing is content writing that clearly explains complex processes or topics. Technical writing is often used in science, engineering, and technology and requires a deep understanding of the subject matter.

Technical writing is essential for any organization to offer simple technical documentation that helps explain complex processes for its products, end-users, customers, and internal workforce.

Reports from the U.S. Department of Labour Statistics stated that employment for technical content writing is expected to rise at a 12% higher rate between 2020-2030 compared to the general standard of other writing professions.

Copywriting focuses explicitly on creating promotional materials, generating leads, and helping businesses promote their products and services.

This can include sales letters, advertisements, website content, and other marketing materials. Copywriters use persuasive language to persuade potential customers to take a straightforward action, such as signing up for a service or making a purchase.

content writing services in canada

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) writing focuses on improving a website's ranking by strategically incorporating specific keywords and phrases to help the website rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

SEO writing also ensures that the content is high-quality and provides value to the reader. This can improve the user experience on the website, which can also help to improve the website's search engine rankings.

They are usually used in blog posts, articles, and also website pages, especially pages featuring services or products.

content writing services in canada

Another form of content writing also includes press writing, which refers to developing written content to promote a product, service, or event to the media.

Press writing includes writing pitches, press releases, and other materials created to grab the attention of media members to get them to cover the product and service in their publication channels. Press writing is essential to content writing, as it can help boost a company's visibility and exposure.

On the other hand, Ghostwriting is a type of content writing in which a writer creates content for another person or company, but the work is published under the client's name.

Ghostwriting is often used by busy executives or public figures who need more time or expertise to write their content.

content writing services in canada

In content writing, website writing is a collection of related web pages that typically contain written content and media such as images and videos. Website writing provides information to users who visit the site and promote the products or services the site owner offers.

Website writing involves creating the written content for a website, including the text on each page and any additional resources such as blogs or articles. This content should be well-written, informative, and engaging to communicate the website's message effectively and attract and retain visitors.

It also often goes hand-in-hand with SEO writing in order to make a certain page rank higher in search results.

As the name suggests, it is a type of content writing that involves creating pieces for publication on the internet. Article writers use their expertise on a specific subject to craft well-researched articles that provide value to the readers.

These articles are typically published on websites or blogs to educate or entertain the readers. It can be informative, educational, or entertaining and is often used to build a relationship with readers and establish a brand's voice and personality.

content writing services in canada

Recommended firms offering content writing services


ContentGrow is likely the best option when seeking to save time and money on journalism-style writing and corporate blogging in the US or Asia. The team custom-curates the right talent for each project, so you can spend time focusing on what’s important to the business.

The workflow app itself is also a time saver. It reclaims hours content managers would otherwise spend digging through messy email chains and updating untenable spreadsheets.

The app and service are potentially free to use on the client-side. There is no subscription fee on ContentGrow. It facilitates payments between the client and its private freelance team and takes a small commission only when stories are complete. The margin can come from the client, the freelancer, or be split between both parties. Click here to get a shortlist of talent or sign up for a company account to get started.

content writing services in canada

This US-based firm claims to help with various content marketing needs, be it blog posts, press releases, web pages, newsletters, or video scripts. You’ll need to pay a monthly membership fee to use the services, ranging from US$1,000 to US$10,000 per month. This includes access to a 6,000+ writer pool and content creation services.


With more than 90 writers across multiple industries, this firm provides various content writing services, including long-form SEO articles, case studies, email copy, product descriptions, and marketing slides. The UK-based agency charges between US$95 to US$450 for blog articles.

content writing services in canada

This Canada-based firm is a self-serve platform to buy content from over 6,000 professional writers in its database. It has a strong base of writers in native English-speaking regions such as the US, UK, Canada, and Australia. The company specializes in SEO and web content, with prices starting from US$0.02-0.12 per word, depending on writer expertise.

content writing services in canada

Textmaster is a France-based SaaS for professional translation, web content writing, and proofreading. Textmaster offers translation and content creation in over 50 languages, with a standard turnaround time of 24 hours for translations. The firm charges US$0.09 per word, while content writing starts from US$0.07 per word.

rightly written content writing services

Based in Singapore, this firm provides a platform for managing content orders and output. Its specialty is corporate blogging, but the company also offers a wide array of other services such as technical writing, taglines, and review writing. The company’s rate starts from US$35 for a 500-word article and goes up based on writer expertise.

content writing services in canada

This US-based agency’s offering is quite straightforward. The firm offers article writing and website copywriting in eight specific verticals, which include entrepreneurship, legal, and real estate. Text Workers charges a flat fee of US$0.07 to US$0.10 per word for its services.

content writing services in canada

With a US-based team of writers, the firm offers a wide range of content creation services, which includes blog posts, social media posts, and newsletters. The firm will match your project with appropriate writers before the work commences. The firm’s pricing starts from US$99 per piece of content.

Additionally, ContentWriters also provides a content marketplace, where clients can purchase a completed article for US$110.

content writing services in canada

In 2019, the famous marketing software SEMrush expanded its offerings into the content creation space. The firm provides seven content creation types: articles, product descriptions, website copy, email newsletters, press releases, stocked media, and ebooks. For articles, the pricing starts from US$40 for 500 words.

content writing services in canada

Launched in 2015, this India-based content writing service provider may be the more affordable option for your needs. It’s extremely cheap, at only US$ 7 for a 500-word article. The firm claims that it works with “qualified writers,” and undergoes a series of checks to make sure the work result meets SEO best practices.

content writing services in canada

As the name suggests, this UK-based firm provides a variety of SEO-related content creation services. Apart from article creation, clients can also buy guest posts on other blogs, as well as business website indexing services. Working with US- and UK-based writers, SEO Butler charges US$25 for a generic 500-word article.

content writing services in canada

If you’re looking to create written content along with a video to accompany it, then this US-based firm can be a good choice. Verblio charges US$70 for a 600-word article, with an additional fee of US$75 for video creation. There are two types to choose from: teaser video (suitable for social media) and summary video (to help increase article engagement).

brafton - top content writing services

This is a good solution if you’re looking for an agency to handle your end-to-end blogging needs. Brafton offers various content creation services, including SEO-friendly articles, e-books, infographics, and website copywriting.

Brafton's cost structure depends on factors such as length, design, and topic requirements. The firm usually charges between US$400 and US$1,300 per article, while e-book creation starts from US$200 per page.

justwords top content writing services

Among the more budget-friendly choices in this list, Justwords is an Indian content agency specialising in offering multiple content writing services like long-format blogs, B2B, and ecommerce content. They also specialise in SEO content marketing services. Started in 2010, founder Payel Mukherjee emphasizes on quality and personalisation in every project they undertake.

Why use outsourced professional content writing services?

As the famous Peter Drucker once said, “Do what you do best and outsource the rest.” Hiring a content writing agency is the secret to helping brands get the best results with an appropriate budget and ideal turnaround time.

Here are a few reasons to invest in pro content writing services.

Level up content quality. Firms offering content writing services know how to hook your audience’s attention. According to data by Chartbeat, more than half of the people who visit a website spend less than 15 seconds there. On the other hand, 44% of millennials claim that they decide whether to click on a link after reading the headline alone. These stats show that content know-how can make or break the audience’s impression of a brand. By working with a content writing agency, brands can transform a business message into an interesting narrative, and avoid taking overly hard-selling positions.

Free up some time. As a business owner, hiring content writing services will help save an immense amount of time — and let you as an entrepreneur focus elsewhere. Relying on a freelance workforce allows you to be more focused on the pursuit of success. A study by ScaleTime also found out that CEOs who delegate have been shown to generate 33% more revenue than those with low delegation skills.

Boost online visibility. It’s no secret that Google prioritizes high-quality content over quantity. So it’s not just a matter of labor when trying to get onto the first page of the search results. Managers need to produce the most insightful content for each topic at hand. Brands have a better chance of doing this correctly when working with third-party experts.

In-house marketers often misjudge the value that content writing companies bring to the table. Sometimes, brand managers expect instant results. But the truth is that content marketing doesn’t work like that. The results more often come in like a slow, consistent burn. When done right, your investment in partnering a content writing agency will pay-off via increased traffic and more inbound leads over time — think months, or years even.

content writing services in canada

What kind of content writing services can be outsourced?


Here are some common services that can be outsourced to a content writing agency.

Corporate blogging

Blogging consistently is one of the main keys for businesses to successfully build brand awareness. Hubspot observed brands that publish 16 or more posts per month get almost 3.5 times more traffic than brands that publish 0 to 4 articles. Three key elements for successful corporate blogging include consistency, quality, and quantity.


For ease of communication with potential clients around the globe, brands ought to create credible content that is then translated into multiple languages. By partnering with multiple content writing agencies, it’ll become easier to work with native speakers across the globe who can produce high-quality translations.

e-books and white papers

According to a study by GetResponse, e-books and white papers are among the top tools with the highest conversion rates when it comes to capturing email addresses.

SEO articles

Approximately 55% of marketers consider SEO to be the foundation of their overall marketing strategy. Using a great SEO content writing service will give your website the right kind of content with rich keywords. This, in turn, should generate greater traffic and more leads from search engines.

Social media copy

It’s a common mistake for marketers to copy and paste the same sentences to Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn posts. In fact, different apps have unique audiences, and thus require different tones and messaging. A professional social media copywriter can bring your ‘caption,’ ‘post,’ or ‘tweet’ to the next level — tailored for each social media platform.

There’s another upside to hiring a professional content writing company. Because they’re not directly affiliated with your brand, you may expect their objective opinions and honest feedback on the strategy overall — that is if you ask for it.

As third-party practitioners with no dog in the fight, their unbiased input can sometimes help your team better produce soft-selling messages that create a better sense of trust and loyalty from an audience.

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“Draft takes care of the whole copywriting process end to end. They've been great at helping us get our larger pipeline of content out quickly.”

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“Draft has been instrumental in helping us scale our content while maintaining high quality that both users and search engines love. We've beaten all projections thanks to the fantastic team at Draft."

Vetted writers covering a broad range of topic and types

We boast a 4.8/5 content quality rating on our platform. We've created content for over 16,000 customers spanning SMBs to Enterprise.

A typical writer on our platform has a 4.8 star customer rating and a rewrite rate of <1%. We rigorously vet writers and only accept the best.

We have over 1,000 writers spanning the US/Canada, UK and AU/NZ to handle various dialects and regional nuances.

Our writers come with experience in a variety of topics and content types. Not sure if we handle your niche? Contact us on live-chat.

Every content piece goes through plagiarism detection using Copyscape before it's delivered to you.

We pass content through our AI content detection tool to ensure it's 100% human generated.

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“With Draft, we found a risk-free solution for high-quality content. If there is ever any issue with the writing, the team is quick to provide revisions, & even find a new writer if it's really not a good fit.”

Simple pay-as-you-use pricing

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A blog post of 1,000 words will cost you USD 100. Back to you in 5 days

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“Draft is the best writing service I’ve ever used. We’ve published in publications like the Wall Street Journal and Inc Magazine.”

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Your most common questions about Draft, answered.

It takes 30 seconds to sign up for a Draft account and get access to your content creation dashboard. Create a content brief and get matched with the best writer to take it on. You can message your writers directly through the platform and track their progress. If you'd like any revisions made, you can do so free of charge!

The writers at Draft can take on a variety of content formats, essentially anything written. Primarily we handle blog posts, social posts, web page copy, and marketing emails. If there's something specific you're looking for, email us at [email protected] or shoot us a message on chat and we'll see if we can help you with your specific content needs!

With our flexible pay-as-you-go pricing, you can request as many content pieces as you'd like to be worked on in parallel. A content piece that's 1,000 words in length will be returned back in five days. Revisions and rewrites are not charged extra.

We do preliminary research on all content using publicly available information and include sources for any facts or statistics we quote. Please specify your requirements for citations if applicable.

Creating perfect content the first time can be tough, so we offer free revisions on any content you receive in case you'd like some tweaks. Our goal is to get you content that you're happy with and delivers value to your readers!

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Content Writing Services Canada – What your business needs to know about finding a content writer

Nerds On Site

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Are you looking for quality content writing services but don’t know where to start? Don’t worry; you’re not alone! With so many options available, it can be tough to determine which service is right for you.

Article Contents

That’s why we’ve put together this guide – to help make the process easier. So, whether you’re looking for website content, blog posts, or even some basic marketing materials, read on for our tips on finding the perfect content writing service for your needs.

Before we delve into this article, you should know that Nerds On Site provides search engine optimized (SEO) content writing services written by Canadian writers. So if you’re looking for a content writer that can provide well-written content that will rank, book a consultation today .

This comprehensive guide is going to cover the following topics; if you want to skip ahead, click on one of the following links:

The benefits of working with a content writing service

There are many benefits to working with a content writing service. First, you can save yourself a lot of time. Trying to create fresh, original content regularly can be a real challenge, and it’s one that many businesses don’t have the resources to handle internally. With a content writing service, you can outsource this task and free your team to focus on more important things.

Second, a content writing service can help ensure that your website always has fresh, relevant content. This is essential for attracting and keeping visitors and can also be a major SEO booster. Google loves fresh content, so having a steady stream of new articles, blog posts, and other pieces can do wonders for your search engine ranking.

Finally, working with a content writing service can help you save money in the long run. Yes, you’ll need to invest in quality content upfront. But ultimately, this will be much cheaper than paying someone internally who may not be versed in content creation – or worse, having no content at all.

Working with a content writing service is worth considering if you’re looking for a way to improve your website and attract more visitors. You can reap all of these benefits with the right partner.

What’s the difference between digital marketing agencies and content writers?

A saying goes, “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.” And while that may be true for some things, it’s often best to leave it to the professionals when it comes to marketing.

That’s where digital marketing agencies and content writers come in. Both offer essential services to help businesses reach their target audiences, but each has unique strengths.

Digital marketing agencies are typically made up of a team of experts who are well-versed in all things marketing. They understand the latest trends and technologies and know how to use them to achieve results. In addition, they often have access to a network of people and resources that can help get your message out there.

Content writers, on the other hand, tend to be more focused on the written word. They’re experts at crafting compelling copy that engages and informs your audience. And while they may not have the same breadth of knowledge as a digital marketing agency, they can often provide a more personal touch that can be invaluable in building relationships with your customers.

So, which one is right for you? It depends on your needs. A digital marketing agency is probably your best bet if you’re looking for someone to help you create a comprehensive marketing strategy. But a content writer is an excellent option if you need help creating high-quality content that engages and converts your audience.

What to look for in a content writing service

Now that we’ve covered the basics let’s look at what you should be looking for in a content writing service. Here are a few key factors to keep in mind:

This is the most crucial factor to consider. The whole point of working with a content writing service is to get high-quality, well-written content. So before you commit to any one service, take the time to read some samples. This will give you a good idea of your expected quality level.

If possible, try to find samples similar to the type of content you’re looking for. For example, if you need website content, look for pieces of website copy. This will give you the best idea of what to expect.

Also, don’t be afraid to ask around. If you know any other businesses that have used a content writing service, see if they have any recommendations.

Another essential factor to consider is experience. It’s always a good idea to work with a content writing service that has some experience in your industry. This way, you can ensure they understand your target audience and what type of content will resonate with them.

Of course, not all industries are created equal. If you’re in a more technical field, you may need to look for a content writing service that specializes in writing for your industry. On the other hand, if you’re in a more general field, you’ll likely have more options to choose from.

Topic Expertise

In addition to experience, it’s essential to consider a content writing service’s topic expertise. After all, you want to ensure they’re well-versed in the specific topics you need content for.

The best way to gauge a content writing service’s topic expertise is to look at their portfolio. This will give you a good idea of the topics they’re comfortable writing about.

You can also ask them about their experience with a specific topic. This is a great way to get a more detailed answer and get a feel for their level of expertise.

Finally, you’ll also need to consider the content writing service’s rates. Of course, you’ll want to find an affordable service. But at the same time, you don’t want to sacrifice quality for the price.

The best way to find a content writing service that’s both affordable and high-quality is to get quotes from multiple services. This will allow you to compare rates and determine the most cost-effective options.

Keep in mind that rates can vary depending on the type of content you need, as well as the length and complexity of the project. So be sure to get a quote that’s specific to your needs.

The top questions to consider when choosing a content writing company

What type of content are you looking for.

Are you looking for blog posts, marketing copy, or website copy?

Content creation is a vast field and falls into the even more extensive area of digital marketing. When considering which content writing company to choose, you first need to establish what kind of content you’re looking for.

Are you looking for someone to write blog posts around a specific topic? Perhaps you need help with your website’s copy or are starting a new marketing campaign and need some collateral? Regardless of the type of content, you’re looking for; it’s crucial to ensure that the company you’re thinking of working with can provide the services you need.

What is the purpose of the content?

Is it to sell a service or product? Is it to build authority in your industry?

Are you looking to sell a product or service with your content? Are you an eCommerce store trying to increase conversion rates? Or are you a B2B company looking to build thought-leadership in your industry?

The answer to this question will help you determine what kind of content will be most effective and, as a result, what type of content writing company would be the best fit.

For example, if you’re looking to sell a product, you’ll need content focused on conversion; this will differ from the type of content required if your goal is to build authority.

Knowing the purpose of the content, you’re commissioning will help ensure that you get the right type of content from the right company.

What is your target audience?

Who are you trying to reach with your content?

This question is linked to the previous one in that it will help determine the type of content you need. If you’re not sure who your target audience is, that’s ok – a good content marketing company will be able to help you with this. But it’s still worth thinking about before you make your decision.

Are you targeting small businesses? Working professionals? Stay-at-home moms? Once you know who you’re targeting, you can start thinking about the content that will resonate with them.

If you’re targeting working professionals, for example, you’ll need content that is informative and to the point; if you’re targeting stay-at-home moms, on the other hand, you’ll need content that is more relatable and personal.

What is your brand voice?

Do you want your content to be serious or funny? Professional or casual?

Your brand voice is how your company communicates with the world. You need to consider the tone and personality of your content before working with a content marketing company.

Do you want your content to be serious and professional? Or do you want it to be more light-hearted and casual? Perhaps you want a mix of both?

Your brand voice will help you determine the type of content marketing company you want to work with. If you’re looking for serious, professional content, you’ll need to find a company that specializes in that; if you’re looking for something more light-hearted, on the other hand, you’ll need to find a company that is comfortable with that tone.

What is your budget?

How much are you willing to spend on content?

Budget will always determine the quality of content you can get and the frequency you receive. Content writing isn’t as easy as getting someone to put down 1,000 words with your company name, there is a lot to consider, and you’ll need to understand some of the industry details to decide how to spend that budget.

While you may have a finite budget you want to spend when paying for content writing services, before you decide which provider you’re going to choose, you need to define what your goals are and what you’re hoping the content you’re paying for will achieve.

Using ContentFly’s matric in How Much Do Content Writers Charge? Writers come in 5 separate tiers;

First-tier freelance writers : Very talented writers capable of producing world-class content for major brands. Content will be well researched, well written, and optimized to rank for specific search terms and keywords. The average rate would be $6,000 per 4,000 words ($1.50/word).

Second-tier freelance writers  are also very talented and capable of producing high-quality content that ranks but has not yet broken into the major-brands market. $2,000 for 4,000 words ($0.50/word).

Third-tier freelance writers may be very talented writers capable of producing good content but may not have the knowledge or skills to create SEO-optimized copy. $1,200 for 4,000 words ($0.30/word).

The fourth-tier freelance content writer is typically mass-production shops that likely use AI-writing tools to complete articles quickly. Unlikely to be well researched, written, or optimized. $400 for 4,000 words ($0.10/word).

Finally, the fifth tier would include non-native writers that may be unable to provide high-quality content. Poor quality content can dramatically affect your website’s ranking and your ability to convert customers. Use this tier with caution. $280 for 4,000 words ($.07/word).

Knowing how much you’re willing to spend on content will help you find the right company for your needs.

What is your timeline?

Do you need the content right away? Or do you have a little bit of flexibility?

This is another crucial question to consider, as it will help you find a company that can meet your timeline.

Some companies can turn around content quickly, while others may take a bit longer. If you need the content immediately, you’ll need to find a company that can accommodate your timeline.

On the other hand, if you have a little bit of flexibility, you may be able to find a company that can give you a better rate.

Does it need to rank in Google?

Are you planning on driving more traffic to your website?

Search Engine Optimization, typically known as SEO, is the art of understanding how to create online content with a higher chance of being visible on search engines for particular search terms.

If you’re looking for your content to rank, gain backlinks, and grow your website’s authority, you don’t just need a writer ; you need a content writer with SEO knowledge who can create SEO articles and content.

The importance of SEO in content writing

Search Engine Optimized content writing isn’t a skill a writer would naturally have. Writing for humans and machines is not interchangeable and requires hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of testing and research until the writer can consistently provide results.

When searching for expert writers, the biggest question outside of budget is can they provide the services that you need. If your content needs to include being visible on a search engine, then you need to be very particular about the service you choose.

Spotting the difference between a writer and one that can produce SEO-optimized content is pretty simple. Do the content writers have a business website visible on the first page of Google for the search term you used? An example of this is by typing ‘ Content Writing Services in Canada ‘, outside of the list-type websites, did you find the service listed?

There is a chance they paid for professional web services to create the landing pages and rank well. Still, by investigating the company’s web pages, you will see if they discuss SEO content, write well-written copy, and sound like experts in their field.

Going one further, much like this blog post you’re reading today, does the company have a blog writing platform, and do they write professionally written content themselves?

How to get the most out of your content writing service

There’s no denying that a content writing service can be a valuable asset for any business. After all, who has the time to sit down and write compelling copy regularly? However, outsourcing your content writing needs isn’t enough – you must ensure you’re getting the most out of your service to see actual results.

Here are a few tips on how to get the most out of your content writing service:

Define your goals. What do you want to achieve with your content? Do you want to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, or boost sales? By defining your goals upfront, you’ll be able to measure the success of your content down the line more effectively.

Be specific with your instructions. The more specific you are with your instructions, the easier it will be for your writer to deliver high-quality content that meets your expectations. So take the time to outline exactly what you’re looking for before sending off your project.

Provide feedback. Once you receive the first draft of your content, don’t be afraid to provide feedback so it can be refined and improved. After all, your goal is to end up with content you’re happy with – which means being involved in the process.

Nerds On Site provides high-quality, optimized content written by Canadian writers.

If you’re looking for high-quality, well-optimized content that will help your website rank higher in search engines, look no further than Nerds On Site. Our team of experienced Canadian writers can help you create engaging and informative content that will capture the attention of your audience and help boost your website’s SEO. Contact us today to learn more about our content writing services or get a free quote !

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Content Writers Group

Content Writers Group helps professional service firms write, edit, and publish a content strategy that feeds minds (versus filling mindless feeds).

As F. Scott Fitzgerald said, “You don’t write because you want to say something. You write because you have something to say.” We all know that in the knowledge economy, the best way to sell your services is to establish yourself as an expert. In our blog, we’re sharing our expertise in content development, publishing, and business building.

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Who we work with

We work with purveyors of professional knowledge – highly skilled consultants, scientists, engineers, and experts of all types. While some are technology-oriented, others are more involved with administrative, legal and regulatory knowledge. All share great products, amazing services and stories worth talking about.

Many have been dabbling in content creation but find it takes up too much time and resources. Others have found it difficult to find a writer who “gets it,” in that they don’t capture their unique tone of voice or the complexity of their service offering. Our model addresses this exact conundrum. Our writers span virtually every sector, and our Brand Editors know how to define a strategy and manage it – so that your content meets your objectives.

What we’re about

CWG brings together the best journalistic minds from across the country with brand strategists who have 20 years of experience consulting professional service firms like yours.

But simply hiring a writer is a flawed content strategy

You had me at "app."

You had me at "app"

Picture of Derek Finkle

Where we’re from

We’re the evolution of Canadian Writers Group, a literary agency representing the top editorial talent in the country, and the branding expertise of Parcel, one of Canada’s top 50 fastest growing companies as named by PROFIT Magazine.

Our team includes the most talented, in-demand researchers, writers and editors from across Canada. Their expertise spans more than 60 subject areas. Many are experienced journalists who have contributed to The New Yorker , The Globe and Mail , The New York Times , National Geographic , Men’s Health , Report on Business , Today’s Parent , Toronto Life , and Canadian Business , to name a few.

If you’re the type who likes to engage in witty email exchanges, drop us a line at [email protected] .

If you’re the type who wants to really get to know a person, call us at 416-469-3333 .

Or if you’re just super busy, cut to the chase and get started.

When to contact us

  • Your brand is struggling to find its voice.
  • You’re full of great stories, but don’t know how to start.
  • You’re having difficulty implementing your content strategy.
  • You’re looking to build your SEO and organic search metrics.
  • Your stories are complex and not easily told.
  • You’re simply at a loss for words.

Or if you're just super busy, cut to the chase and get started.

Why read our blog

Words matter. They have the power to educate, to inspire, to relate and to engage. Words define opportunities, change conversations and create new partnerships.

For our latest insights into content strategy, join our mailing list to get notified of new articles and to receive our (well-written) updates!

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How we work

Our content plans and Writing Style Guide make it easy to develop content on a consistent, timely basis – so you can effectively build your expertise, your SEO and your business.

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Feeding minds

Insights on good content.

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Conversational interviews get to the story behind the data


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Tips for brand storytelling


Define your content strategy to capture your brand objectives

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  • Marketplace
  • Design Awards
  • Content Marketing Agencies

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Ignite Digital

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Digital Ink

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SEO Tech Experts Pvt Ltd

Major Tom

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Intero Digital

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Vital Growth Digital Marketing

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Bisera Stankovska

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infig content hub

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></center></p><h2>No. 1 Content Writing Services in Canada for Premium Quality Content</h2><p>Present in all canadian provinces and territories, experienced native canadian writers, content for business, professional and academic needs, zero errors and zero plagiarism guaranteed, why is it a good idea to invest in content writing services in canada.</p><p>Canada is the second largest country in the world. However, it has a tiny population. For the last few years, the Canadian government has been encouraging people and businesses from all over the world to come to the country and make investments. This has led to a surge in the demand for content writing services i n Canada. If you are a business, a student or a professional in Canada looking for tailored content for any of your needs, hiring an experienced content writer Canada is a great choice for the following reasons.</p><h2>SEO Optimization</h2><p>Content writing service in Canada specifically focuses on tailoring content as per the search engine algorithms that work in that country. This enhances your chances of online visibility.</p><h2>Content Optimization for Canadian Audience</h2><p>A professional who specialises in Canadian content writing will have a thorough understanding of the cultural nuances of the target audience in Canada. </p><h2>Thorough Knowledge of the Canadian Market</h2><p>When you make content for marketing purposes in Canada, verifying that the content aligns with the nuances of Canadian market dynamics is very important. </p><h2>Time Constraints</h2><p>To focus your complete attention on your business, profession or studies in Canada, you should be free from other responsibilities like content writing. In this scenario, getting the help of a content writer Canada is recommended. </p><p><center><img style=

Our Unique Methodology Makes Us Special Among Content Writing Companies in Canada

At Infig Content Hub , all our Content writers are passionate about what they do. They bring maximum value and quality to their output. Since the very beginning, we have been strictly following a unique content writing methodology which has helped us to live up to the expectations of our clients every time we serve them. This is how we draft your content. 

One-to-one Discussion

The first step in our content writing process is a detailed one-to-one discussion. During this discussion, we gather as many details as possible about the project from the client.

Content Mapping

Our writers will sit together and develop a content strategy to use for your unique content development process.

Content drafting

Our Content Writers will develop content for your specific marketing objective for Canada, capitalizing on the strategy we have designed for you.

Review and refining

We involve your participation in the content making process. Following the first draft completion, we send it to you to go over and let us know your suggestions.

Quality assurance

This happens after we have finalized your content. Our specially trained quality team will ensure that the content aligns with Canadian quality standards.

Order delivery

The polished content is delivered to your email address on or before the stipulated time.

Numbers Show Our Excellence as The Best Content Writing Services Canada

Secure content writing services in canada for your diverse purposes.

Besides writing content for businesses, we can write content for academic and professional purposes. As a dedicated content writer Canada, we consistently update our knowledge of content requirements across all verticals and purposes. Our offerings include: 

  • Business Plan Writing
  • Press Release Writing
  • Newsletter Writing
  • Social Media Content Writing
  • Guest Post Writing
  • Product Reviews
  • Forum Writing
  • Website Content
  • Article Writing Services
  • Blog Writing Services
  • Copywriting Services
  • Company Profiles
  • Business Proposal Writing
  • SOP Writing
  • Personal Statement
  • LOR Writing
  • Admission Essay
  • Motivation Letter
  • Dissertation
  • Resume Writing
  • Cover Letter
  • Personal Profile

Why Choose Us for Content Writing Services in Canada?

There are several providers offering content assistance in Canada. We want to make sure that your choice of us is logical. So, here are a few reasons that distinguish us from other Content writing agencies in Canada. 

Transparent Pricing and Policies

We give you a clear pricing structure and policies regarding our revisions before you order the services. 

Collaborative Approach

  During the writing phase, our writers will collaborate with you and ensure that the content is shaped as per your expectations and objectives in Canada. 

Assurance of High-end Quality

We don’t budge on quality. Our superior emphasis on ensuring top-notch quality will help you get premium content consistently from us.

100% Tailored Services

For whatever purpose you get content from us, we are committed to ensuring that it is tailored as per your unique business, professional or academic objective. 

Case Study – Treading the Challenging Times of the Pandemic

How john smith leveraged our content writing services in canada for business success during the pandemic.

John Smith from Toronto, Canada, approached our service during the pandemic. He had opened an eatery on the outskirts of the city just a few weeks before COVID-19 was declared a pandemic and social distancing became a norm. This meant shutting down his business. When he reached out to us, we did a market study and discovered there was ample room for him to take his business online. Instead of serving customers at the eatery, he could deliver food items directly to the homes of the customers. But the challenge was announcing the service to maximum potential customers. With our tailored assistance, John was able to build a strong online presence and use it to advertise all the different types of food delivery services he offered. 

We Serve in A Growing Number of Cities in Canada

We are present in a growing number of cities and all the ten provinces and three territories in Canada. Discover some of the key locations where you can find our content writing services in Canada. 

Hire Specialized Content Writer Canada for All Industries

At Infig, we have content writer Canada with specialized knowledge and expertise to draft engaging content for various industries. From IT to Healthcare to Manufacturing to E-commerce, we are ready to take up any challenging content writing task you have and draft highly creative and successful content for you. 

Satisfied Clients About Getting Content Writing in Canada Help from Us

Looking for a reliable content writing company in canada to accelerate your online growth with impeccable content let our team help., what makes your content writing services in canada stand out .

Several factors give us a competitive edge over other Canadian content writing services. First of all, we are a well-established service provider with more than a decade of experience in serving Canadian audiences across diverse industry verticals. Secondly, the diversity of expertise we have – SEO Analysts, Creative Writers, Bloggers, Researchers,Industry Specialists and so on – enables us to always come up with quality content. Additionally, we consistently try to keep our services in alignment with Canadian quality standards. 

Can you provide us with content writing services both in English and French for my business which is targeting a diverse Canadian audience?

We currently offer content writing services in Canada only in English. 

How do you ensure consistent brand voicing across different types of content you generate for Canadian businesses?

After you share your content requirements with us, we will dive into the industry, target audience demography, cultural nuances, and similar traits. We evaluate every customer touchpoint and pain point. We develop a unique content strategy for you based on these specialities. This approach enables us to ensure that the brand voicing is consistently retained across all types of content we draft for you. 

Can you share any sample content before I place the order? 

Absolutely. If you want to make an informed decision while placing an order for content writing services from us, we can help you do so by letting you review samples of our previous works. 

How do you ensure that your content reflects Canadian industry trends and is tailored as per the unique Canadian consumer behaviour? 

At Infig, we have a dedicated team consistently keeping track of every new development in Canadian businesses and industries. We document keyword trends, digital marketing trends, changes in SEO algorithms and many other nuanced areas. We develop your content strategy based on these insights. This helps us ensure that the content we make for you closely aligns with Canadian industry trends. Likewise, our close monitoring of the audience demography and tastes gives us the edge in ensuring content customization as per the consumer behaviour.

Our Global Locations

  • Saudi Arabia

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  • Articles Writing
  • Blog Writing

Get in Touch

  • Infig Content Hub, First floor, Ariyattil Building, Vakkatt Road, Chakkaraparamb, Vennala, Ernakulam, Kerala, India. Pin: 682032
  • [email protected]
  • +91 7907748919

  • Content Writing Services in Canada

content writing services in canada

Boost Your Brand with Strategic Content Marketing

Welcome to the next level of digital engagement for your Canadian business. In the competitive online arena, making a mark goes beyond mere ambition—it’s essential. Learn how focused content marketing can boost your brand’s online visibility and spur revenue growth.

Why is Content Marketing Critical for Canadian Businesses?

  • Greater Visibility: Reach your target audience throughout Canada with SEO-optimized content that stands out.
  • Trust and Authority: Position your brand as a trusted leader in your field with informative, relevant content.
  • Customer Connection: Connect with Canadians through narratives and content that resonate deeply.

Why Choose Me?

  • Customized Strategies: The Canadian market is diverse. I develop content strategies that appeal to local audiences, reflecting Canada’s rich cultural tapestry.
  • Tangible Outcomes: Aimed at real results, my content strategies boost your online presence and engagement, influencing revenue directly.
  • Broad Expertise: Offering everything from blog articles to social media campaigns, I provide a comprehensive range of content marketing services.

What Advantages Does Your Business Gain?

  • Market-Specific Content: Grasping the Canadian market nuances is crucial. I produce content that taps into local trends, tastes, and languages.
  • SEO Mastery: Boost your brand’s position in search results with content tailored for Canada’s online environment.
  • Engagement to Conversion: I focus on content that does more than attract views—it engages Canadian audiences and turns them into dedicated customers.

Ready to Boost Your Online Presence in Canada?

Your brand deserves recognition and engagement. By adopting a content marketing strategy specifically designed for the Canadian audience, let’s significantly expand your digital impact.

Reach Out Today to begin shaping your journey to content triumph in Canada. Together, we can drive impressive growth and solidify a robust online presence for your business.

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Best Content Marketing Agencies in Canada

Best Content Marketing Agencies in Canada

  • 26 Content Marketing
  • 20 Web Design
  • 18 Digital Strategy
  • 18 Branding
  • 18 Social Media Marketing
  • 23 IT & Technology
  • 22 Fashion & Retail
  • 19 Healthcare
  • 19 Food & Beverage

Featured Agencies

Prominent Content Marketing Companies of Canada

Massive media.

A leading branding and experience design agency for those with purpose. Massive crafts brand experiences and digital products that tell stories and start conversations.

Pound & Grain

High-level strategy and creative thinking; delivering results and connecting audiences. Pound & Grain is a fearless digital agency that hustles hard to make users happy.


Major Tom is a full-service digital agency that’s been purpose-built to help organizations thrive in an increasingly complex landscape.

content writing services in canada

Arnold Street Agency

With Arnold Street Agency’s social media, digital advertising, branding, creative, and web dev services, your brand will thrive in the digital space.


Fook Communications

We're a creative team that delivers tangible results by developing the most important parts of your brand: strategy, branding, websites, and campaigns.


Spark Social Agency

Spark connection, conversions & community. Your search for the perfect-fit social media agency partner is over.

Select a service type to discover the best digital marketing agencies!

DAN Member Agencies

Providing Content Marketing Services in Canada

All content marketing agencies in Canada have been vetted and verified against the following criteria:

  • Portfolio Quality
  • Reliable Services
  • Sectoral Expertise
  • Team Transparency

If you have any feedback regarding the agencies, please contact us .

content writing services in canada

  • Fashion & Retail
  • IT & Technology
  • Media & Entertainment
  • Non-Profit Organization
  • Telecommunications
  • Travel & Tourism


  • Beauty & Cosmetics


Agency Media

  • Food & Beverage
  • Wellness & Fitness


Brand Vision Marketing

content writing services in canada

Bold x Collective


Ignite Digital

Elite Digital Agency

Elite Digital


Social Media 55

Best Digital Marketing Agencies by Services in Canada

Discover the top-notch digital marketing agencies in Canada by browsing through wide range of services

  • AI Marketing Agencies in Canada
  • B2B Marketing Agencies in Canada
  • Branding Agencies in Canada
  • Creative Agencies in Canada
  • Digital Marketing Agencies in Canada
  • Digital PR Agencies in Canada
  • Digital Product Design Agencies in Canada
  • Digital Strategy Agencies in Canada
  • eCommerce Agencies in Canada
  • Email Marketing Agencies in Canada
  • Inbound Marketing Agencies in Canada
  • Influencer Marketing Agencies in Canada
  • Mobile App Development Agencies in Canada
  • Online Advertising Agencies in Canada
  • PPC Agencies in Canada
  • SEO Agencies in Canada
  • Social Media Marketing Agencies in Canada
  • Software Development Agencies in Canada
  • UX Design Agencies in Canada
  • Video Production Agencies in Canada
  • Web Design Agencies in Canada
  • Web Development Agencies in Canada

How to Choose a Content Marketing Agency in Canada

Content marketing is an essential tool for brands to connect with their audience, establish authority and drive business results in today’s digital environment..

Content marketing agencies in Canada help businesses build a loyal and engaged customer base, increase brand loyalty, and drive long-term success by consistently delivering valuable and relevant content.

When choosing a content marketing agency in Canada, evaluate the agency’s experience and expertise by reviewing their past performance and client testimonials. Make sure the agency understands your target audience and industry. Creativity and innovation are equally important; look for an agency that can bring fresh ideas and unique approaches to your content strategy and campaigns.

Second, consider the agency’s ability to measure results and deliver measurable return on investment. Take budget and cost into account, but also focus on the value and long-term potential of the content marketing company’s services.

Communication and collaboration are essential to a successful partnership, so choose an agency that is responsive and open to feedback. Taking the time to consider these factors will help you choose a content marketing agency in Canada that aligns with your brand’s goals and enables your business to grow through engaging and effective content.

Moreover, there are a few critical questions you should ask the content marketing agencies you want to work with in Canada.

What is your experience working with businesses in my industry?

Understanding the agency’s experience in your industry can reveal their expertise in crafting content that resonates with your target audience. Ask the agency to share some client references or testimonials. Speaking with their current or past clients in Canada can provide valuable insights into their working relationship and the results they have achieved.

Can you provide examples of successful content marketing campaigns you’ve executed?

Request case studies or examples of their previous work to assess the quality and effectiveness of their content strategies. Knowing their expertise in various content formats will help align their capabilities with your content needs. In this regard, you can ask the agency how experienced they are on the following content formats and ask them to show you examples of their work in these different formats.

– Blogs and Articles – Social Media Content – Video Content – Infographics – Ebooks and Whitepapers – Case Studies – Podcasts – Email Newsletters – Interactive Content – Content for SEO

How do you develop content strategies and which metrics do you track to measure the content marketing campaigns?

Learn about the agency’s approach to developing a content strategy and how they align it with your business goals and audience. A comprehensive understanding of your target audience is crucial to creating relevant and engaging content. Ask about the content marketing agency’s audience research methods.

Understanding the performance metrics they track will help you measure the effectiveness of the content marketing campaigns and their impact on your business. Also, learn about their content distribution strategies and how they ensure that content reaches the right audience through various channels, and how they measure the results.

What is your pricing structure and how do you charge for your content marketing services?

Discuss their pricing model and ensure it aligns with your budget and provides value for the services offered. If the agency works with a retainer model, learning which type of works are included in different content marketing service packages and how they charge for these works will protect you from possible increases in the budget in the following stages.

What Services do Content Marketing Agencies in Canada Provide?

Content strategy.

The content strategy service offered by content marketing agencies in Canada involves the development of a comprehensive plan that outlines how content will be created, distributed, and promoted to achieve specific business objectives. It is a strategic roadmap that aligns content efforts with your target audience, brand identity, business goals, and your budget.

SEO Content Writing

SEO content writing services are offered by content marketing agencies to help businesses improve their search engine rankings by creating high-quality content that is optimized for search engines. SEO content cover a variety of formats, including website content, blog posts, articles, infographics, ebooks, whitepapers and case studies.

Social Media Content

By offering a variety of social media content, content marketing agencies in Canada can help businesses reach their target audience and achieve their marketing goals. The types of social media content that are offered vary depending on the agency, but some of the most common types include, image posts, video posts, text posts, polls and quizzes, Q&A sessions and social media ads.

Digital Content Creation

Content marketing agencies also create digital content formats different from SEO and social media focused content to appeal to the various preferences and consumption habits of the target audience. Some of the common digital content creation services include, business presentations, ebooks and whitepapers, email newsletters, and interactive content such as quizzes, polls and assessments.

Video Content

Video content services involve the creation, production, and promotion of various types of video content formats, such as product demos, explainer videos, interviews, customer testimonials, brand stories, behind-the-scenes footage, event coverage, and more. Content marketing agencies in Canada leverage their expertise in video production and storytelling to craft engaging and compelling videos that resonate with the target audience.

B2B & eCommerce Content

B2B content and eCommerce content are typically targeted at a more specific audience than other types of content. B2B content is often used to generate leads or build relationships with potential customers, while eCommerce content is often used to drive sales. If you have a B2B or eCommerce brand, you should consider working with content marketing companies that have experience and successful case studies in these areas.

Free Listings

of Content Marketing Firms in Canada


Our expertise in SEO, digital marketing, and analytics ensures that our clients achieve their goals.


Loomo Marketing

Vancouver's full-service agency for digital marketing, branding, SEO, and data-driven strategies. We deliver tailored solutions for mid-sized businesses.


Road Agency

Dedicated to supporting small to medium enterprises, offering services like branding, marketing, sales, and customer experience.


GamePlan Marketing

Welcome to GamePlan Marketing, your premier IT marketing agency based in Canada.


Tahoors Creative Marketing

We help you build a credible brand online, have a high-converting website, and target your clients anywhere they are.


C&C Idea Lab

A full-service creative agency, blends artistry and technology to transform concepts into captivating visual stories with a skilled team of professionals.


Able & Howe

Optimize Your Team Resources with Able & Howe's In-Source Marketing: Fractional CMO, Fractional Marketing Director & Strategists (Mds), Fractional Marketing Execution.


Crew Marketing

We're a strategic & creative marketing agency with a focus on Consumer Goods Categories (Food & Beverage, FMCG, health & wellness, etc.) and related consumer services.


Behind every great product is an even better story, let's tell your story together.


Evolve Agency Group

Collaboratively creating solutions that evolve brands & businesses.


Ripple Design & Marketing

We drive business growth through expert marketing strategy & compelling brand design.



We are a Vancouver-based digital marketing agency. We specialize in SEO, PPC, web development & strategy for results-driven marketing programs and transparent pricing.


Organix Media

Organix Media is a digital marketing start-up specializing in SEO Strategy, SEO Content, and SEO Web Design


Buzz Marketing

A marketing agency located in Downtown Kelowna. We leverage proven marketing strategies to attract more customers and grow your business.


Digital Commerce Partners

Semrush's PM's words sums it up: 'DCP is the only agency we're keeping.' Our work with Backlinko and TTT reflects our commitment to top-tier content and SEO strategies.


Kobzza Marketing Agency

Meet Kobzza, the marketing agency that gets results. With our expertise in web design, Google Ads, and SEO Services.


Neighbourhood Creative

An award-winning marketing agency based in Toronto and Miami propelling brands, entrepreneurs, and experiences, all under one roof.


Stralent Brand Management

Stralent is a boutique brand strategy and full-service marketing firm that helps clients break new ground in branding and attract premium clients.


Measure Marketing Results

We help scaling and growth centric companies get more customers & revenue.


Third Wunder

Third Wunder stands as a forward-thinking digital marketing agency, leveraging data insights and its extensive experience & passion for crafting innovative solutions.

Articles and Case Studies on Content Marketing

Discover more content marketing articles on our blog!


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10 Best Content Writing Services Canada: Ultimate Guide 2024

Are you looking for the best content writing services in Canada ? Look no further! In this ultimate guide, we will explore the top 10 content writing services available in Canada in 2024. Whether you need blog posts , website content , or social media updates , these services have got you covered. Let's dive in and find the perfect content writing service for your needs!

Important Statistics about Content Writing Services in Canada

  • 1. The content writing industry in Canada is expected to grow at a CAGR of 15% from 2021 to 2026.
  • 2. Over 70% of businesses in Canada outsource their content writing needs.
  • 3. The average cost per word for content writing services in Canada is $0.10 to $0.25.
  • 4. 90% of consumers find custom content useful and are more likely to trust a brand that provides valuable content.
  • 5. Content marketing generates three times as many leads as traditional outbound marketing, and costs 62% less.
  • 6. 72% of marketers say relevant content creation is the most effective SEO tactic.
  • 7. 94% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn as part of their content marketing strategy .
  • 8. 60% of marketers create at least one piece of content each day.
  • 9. 80% of internet users interact with both social media sites and blogs.
  • 10. 91% of B2B marketers use content marketing to reach customers.

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content writing services in canada

1. ContentWriters

ContentWriters is a leading content writing service that offers high-quality, SEO-friendly content for business es in Canada. With a team of experienced writers , they can create engaging blog posts , website content, and social media updates to help you attract and retain customers. Their services are affordable, starting at just $0.10 per word, and they offer a quick turnaround time. Whether you need content for a small business or a large corporation, ContentWriters has the expertise to deliver.

Why Choose ContentWriters?

ContentWriters stands out for its commitment to quality and customer satisfaction . They have a rigorous screening process to ensure that only the best writers join their team. Their writers are experts in various industries, allowing them to create content that resonates with your target audience . Additionally, ContentWriters offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so you can be confident that you'll receive content that meets your expectations.

2. Scripted

Scripted is a popular content writing service that connects businesses with professional writers . They offer a wide range of writing services, including blog posts, articles, whitepapers, and more. With their easy-to-use platform, you can request content and collaborate with writers to ensure that your vision is brought to life. Scripted also provides a content calendar feature , allowing you to plan and schedule your content in advance.

Why Choose Scripted?

Scripted is known for its user-friendly platform and talented pool of writers. They carefully vet their writers to ensure that they have the necessary skills and experience to deliver high-quality content . Scripted also offers a satisfaction guarantee, so if you're not happy with the content you receive, they will work with you to make it right. With their content calendar feature, you can stay organized and ensure that your content is published on time.

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content writing services in canada

Verblio is a content creation platform that connects businesses with a network of freelance writers . They offer a variety of content types , including blog posts, articles, ebooks, and more. With their easy-to-use platform, you can request content, provide guidelines, and collaborate with writers to create content that aligns with your brand voice and objectives. Verblio also offers a subscription plan, allowing you to receive a set number of content pieces each month.

Why Choose Verblio?

Verblio stands out for its large network of talented writers. They have writers with expertise in various industries, ensuring that you'll find a writer who understands your niche. Verblio also offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so if you're not happy with the content you receive, they will revise it until it meets your expectations. With their subscription plan, you can easily manage your content needs and receive a consistent flow of high-quality content.

4. Crowd Content

Crowd Content is a content writing service that connects businesses with a network of professional writers . They offer a wide range of content types, including blog posts, product descriptions , social media updates, and more. With their intuitive platform, you can easily request content, provide instructions, and communicate with writers to ensure that your content meets your requirements. Crowd Content also offers a content ordering API, allowing you to integrate their services into your existing workflow.

Why Choose Crowd Content?

Crowd Content is known for its user-friendly platform and high-quality content. They have a rigorous screening process to ensure that only the best writers join their network. Crowd Content also offers a satisfaction guarantee, so if you're not satisfied with the content you receive, they will work with you to make it right. With their content ordering API, you can streamline your content creation process and easily manage your orders.

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content writing services in canada

5. WriterAccess

WriterAccess is a content creation platform that connects businesses with freelance writers . They offer a wide range of writing services, including blog posts, articles, press releases , and more. With their easy-to-use platform, you can request content, set deadlines, and communicate with writers to ensure that your content is delivered on time and meets your expectations. WriterAccess also offers a content analytics feature , allowing you to track the performance of your content.

Why Choose WriterAccess?

WriterAccess is known for its large pool of talented writers and user-friendly platform. They have a rigorous vetting process to ensure that their writers have the necessary skills and experience to deliver high-quality content. WriterAccess also offers a satisfaction guarantee, so if you're not happy with the content you receive, they will revise it until it meets your expectations. With their content analytics feature, you can gain insights into the performance of your content and make data-driven decisions

6. Textbroker

Textbroker is a content writing service that connects businesses with a network of professional writers. They offer a variety of content types, including blog posts, articles, product descriptions, and more. With their easy-to-use platform, you can request content, provide instructions, and collaborate with writers to create content that aligns with your brand voice and objectives. Textbroker also offers a self-service option, allowing you to browse their writer pool and select writers based on their expertise.

Why Choose Textbroker?

Textbroker stands out for its large network of writers and flexible pricing options . They have writers with expertise in various industries, ensuring that you'll find a writer who understands your niche. Textbroker also offers a satisfaction guarantee, so if you're not happy with the content you receive, they will work with you to make it right. With their self-service option, you can have more control over the writer selection process and choose writers based on their ratings and reviews.

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content writing services in canada

7. Express Writers

Express Writers is a content writing agency that offers a wide range of writing services. They have a team of experienced writers who can create blog posts , website content, social media updates, and more. With their personalized approach, they take the time to understand your brand and objectives to deliver content that resonates with your target audience. Express Writers also offers a content strategy service , allowing you to develop a comprehensive content plan

Why Choose Express Writers?

Express Writers is known for its personalized approach and high-quality content. They have a team of skilled writers who are experts in various industries. Express Writers also offers a satisfaction guarantee, so if you're not satisfied with the content you receive, they will revise it until it meets your expectations. With their content strategy service, you can develop a cohesive content plan that aligns with your business goals .

8. ContentFly

ContentFly is a content creation platform that connects businesses with a network of freelance writers. They offer a variety of content types, including blog posts, articles, newsletters, and more. With their easy-to-use platform, you can request content, provide guidelines, and collaborate with writers to create content that reflects your brand voice and objectives. ContentFly also offers a subscription plan, allowing you to receive a set number of content pieces each month.

Why Choose ContentFly?

ContentFly stands out for its large network of talented writers and subscription-based pricing. They have writers with expertise in various industries, ensuring that you'll find a writer who understands your niche. ContentFly also offers a satisfaction guarantee, so if you're not happy with the content you receive, they will revise it until it meets your expectations. With their subscription plan, you can easily manage your content needs and receive a consistent flow of high-quality content.

iWriter is a content writing service that connects businesses with a network of freelance writers. They offer a variety of content types, including blog posts, articles, ebooks, and more. With their easy-to-use platform, you can request content, set deadlines, and communicate with writers to ensure that your content is delivered on time and meets your requirements. iWriter also offers a content rewriting service, allowing you to improve existing content.

Why Choose iWriter?

iWriter is known for its affordable pricing and quick turnaround time. They have a large pool of writers with varying skill levels, allowing you to find a writer who fits your budget and requirements. iWriter also offers a satisfaction guarantee, so if you're not satisfied with the content you receive, they will work with you to make it right. With their content rewriting service, you can enhance your existing content and make it more engaging.

Upwork is a freelancing platform that connects businesses with freelance writers from around the world. With their vast talent pool, you can find writers with expertise in various industries and niches. Upwork allows you to post job listings , review proposals, and hire writers based on their skills and experience. You can also communicate with writers directly through the platform to ensure that your content meets your requirements.

Why Choose Upwork?

Upwork stands out for its vast talent pool and flexibility. You can find writers with different skill levels and price points, allowing you to find a writer who fits your budget and requirements. Upwork also offers a secure payment system, ensuring that you only pay for work that meets your standards. With their communication tools, you can easily collaborate with writers and provide feedback to ensure that your content is delivered on time and meets your expectations.

Choosing the right content writing service is crucial for the success of your business. Whether you need blog posts, website content, or social media updates, the top 10 content writing services in Canada listed above can help you create high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your target audience. Consider your budget, content needs, and desired level of collaboration when selecting a service. With the right content writing service by your side, you can attract and retain customers, boost your online presence , and achieve your business goals.

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What are content writing services?

Content writing services refer to professional writing services that provide high-quality and engaging content for various purposes, such as websites, blogs, articles, social media, and more. These services are offered by skilled writers who specialize in creating compelling and informative content to meet the specific needs of businesses and individuals.

Why should I consider using content writing services in Canada?

There are several reasons to consider using content writing services in Canada. Firstly, Canadian writers are known for their excellent command of the English language and their ability to create engaging and well-researched content. Additionally, content writing services in Canada often offer competitive rates and flexible packages to suit different budgets and requirements. Lastly, by outsourcing your content writing needs to professionals, you can save time and focus on other aspects of your business or personal projects.

What should I look for in a content writing service in Canada?

When choosing a content writing service in Canada, it is important to consider several factors. Firstly, look for a service that has a team of experienced and skilled writers who specialize in your industry or niche. This ensures that they have the knowledge and expertise to create content that resonates with your target audience. Additionally, consider the service's portfolio and client testimonials to gauge the quality of their work. It is also important to inquire about their turnaround time, pricing structure, and any additional services they offer, such as SEO optimization or content strategy development.

Content writing services

By native english writers.

100% human-written content Provided with AI detector scan report

Starting as low as $0.03/word. No commitment, no minimum amount.

Our writing services

  • Individually customized content
  • Native English-speaking writers and editors
  • 100% human-written content run through GPTZero, the most trusted AI detector
  • Checks for grammatical, spelling, and syntax errors by expert editors
  • Content uniqueness verified by a plagiarism checker
  • 100% ownership of the delivered articles
  • No minimum order requirement
  • Unlimited revisions

Who we are?

With Textun, you do not need to worry any longer about the quality of your outsourced content writing. We find, vet, hire, and train quality article writers to suit your every need.

Since 2010, Textun has thrived as a specialized content writing agency providing high-quality, unique, and individually customized articles designed with your specific needs in mind and at affordable prices. The dozens of professional writers and editors we employ at Textun are all native U.S. and UK English-speakers from diverse, varied backgrounds. Whether you need SEO articles, blog posts, website content, product descriptions, reviews, or any other sort of material on any topic, Textun provides professional article writing services that will increase your search engine ranking and attract your clients’ attention.

At Textun, quality does not diminish with price. We constantly endeavor to keep our prices lower than the competition but we never compromise on quality and originality. Our writers do their best to ensure the complete satisfaction of our clients. Repeat business at Textun remains well above the average for the industry due to our proven reliability, the consistency of our work, and the exacting efforts of our professional article writing staff. We always strive to provide the best possible content writing service and we work hard to create long-term relationships with our clients. We consider you a partner, not just a customer, and we want to grow with you.

Why choose Textun?

Clients Served

Articles Written

Years’ Experience

9 Best Content Writing Services

5 Best Content Writing Services

5 Top Online Content Providers

Top 10 Article Writing Agencies

What do our clients say about us?

I am so impressed with my experience on Textun. Their team is professional and truly talented. It’s hard to find a dependable and affordable source for article writing services. I’m very happy and highly recommend them!

Jenny Mulroney, Rhode Island

We needed writing services and they didn’t disappoint. With the help of Dan and all the team of experts we were able to get some quality work and meet our deadlines on time.

Alice Smith, Vermont

The team did a great job on the content for my website. The content is smart and spot-on. It’s just what I wanted. The conversion rates for my site have gone up ever since the update.

John Delano, California

I would like to say Thank You for the articles you have written for me, they are perfect and I did not have to change a thing. The cost is fantastic for what I received and as soon as I finish typing this I will be ordering more. I used your service about a year ago and could not remember the name of your content writing company but after browsing the Internet I found your company again and was so relieved.

Adam Hossack, London, United Kingdom

Textun provided SEO articles that were professional and quality content for my sites. I have constructed several websites, and they have always been a great help. I tell all my friends in the business that they should use their services.

Kelly Roosevelt, Ohio

Textun has managed bulk assignments smoothly and made it look effortless. Always on time and professional, they are a great provider!

Lance Westbrook, Massachusetts

We required high-quality and specific writing for our website and Textun came through with work that was exactly what we requested. On top of that, they were extremely responsive and flexible and a great group to work with.

Stefan Johnston, Melbourne, Australia

We have been through a number of services to find copy writers. We’re glad to have found Textun. Their services are always well researched and reliable. I’ve told countless clients about them and will continue to tout their services. Keep doing the great work you do.

Kyle Douglas, Bristol, United Kingdom

Before turning to the experts through Textun I was hard pressed because none of the writers I could find at any content writing agency could produce the interesting and well-written articles I was looking for. Thank goodness a friend recommended their SEO content writing services! Now I’m getting great content without having to sift through a dozen different venues. What is most important to me is that the articles grab the readers’ attention. Ever since I used their service my site visitation has gone up!

Greg Damon, Arizona

Textun gave us precise and excellent work for our website that was in need of highly researched reports in addition to other written content. They worked with us and paid attention to every detail. They’re our first stop for our website content now.

Bruce Mathers, Indiana

5 gold stars on the work delivered. The subject was complex in its nature but they delivered work that was high-quality and reliable. Looking forward to working with them again definitely.

Sonia Marion, Texas

The service provided by Textun goes above and beyond. The work provided by the writers combines their affordable skills with professional conduct. They are accommodating and very flexible. The articles for my cruise site were written exactly as I wanted and they were a pleasure to work with.

Justin Kinnear, North Dakota

I’m thrilled with Textun and the work on the articles they have given to me. I’ve never used an article writing service before but they have made the experience simple and enjoyable. The work was high quality and the writers understood the products perfectly. The articles were unique and easy to read for the average person.

Kim Conklin, California

I am beyond impressed with the work done by Textun. From the first experiences with them, they have been very professional and worked to stay in contact with me and achieve the requirements we need. We are beyond impressed with the work they have done.

Sandy Smith, Florida

When it comes to marketing, Textun has been instrumental in completing web content writing service requirements that we need. They are a great team and have been invaluable. The articles are superbly written as well as researched to a standard that was phenomenal. Dan and the group come highly recommended. I know they will do a fantastic job on any project that needs to be completed in a timely manner.

Lana Trent, Liverpool, United Kingdom

When you manage a site like I do, deadlines are key but so is content. The content I’ve received from Textun has been a lifesaver and really turned the stats and visits to my site around. They’re higher than ever before and keep on growing. Thank you!

Dana Reeves, Toronto, Canada

I’ve seen the great results of Textun first-hand. Dan has been great at helping and assisting me with everything I need. I would tell anyone to use their service. I’ve seen more high-quality work from them than any other content writer or content writing company I’ve tried.

Jack Frohock, Virginia

You do the best work in the biz! I’ve never had content writing so smooth. Your team is easy to work with and reliable for anything you need. It’s nice to work with such a professional content writing agency.

Larry Hudgens, Michigan

Thanks to the work you have done. I’ve been able to meet deadlines quicker than ever before. You’re a wonder and I’ve recommended you to all my associates for your great work.

Nathan Fillmore, Texas

Samples of articles

Textun prides itself on our ability to satisfy all your content writing needs. Give us any subject matter and let our writers create effective, practical content that will leave a lasting impression on your customers. At Textun, we don’t just write articles – we create them.

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Have any questions.

We are always happy to assist!


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  5. Captivate Your Audience with Engaging Content Writing Services

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  1. Top Content Writing Agencies in Canada

    9 Top-Reviewed Content Writing Services Companies in Canada 2024 On the main pages of Clutch we have listings for 155 Content Writing Services firms located in Canada. Between all of those Content Writing Services companies, we have collected over 64 reviews and ratings posted as recently as 6/8/24.

  2. Content Writing Service by Experts

    BULK ORDER TRANSLATIONS IN MULTIPLE LANGUAGES! The Textbroker content writing service provides you with fast, easy and scalable translations in any language worldwide. Manage your translations easily through our online platform with our new TranslationOrder. Alternatively, you can have unique content written in your preferred language.

  3. 10 Best Content Writing Services in Canada (2024)

    7. Seoplus. Seoplus is a full-service digital marketing agency that provides a comprehensive list of services to clients in Canada, including content writing. If SEO optimization is an important part of your content marketing strategy this content writing service could be the one for you.

  4. Top Content Writing Services

    40% Content Marketing. 20% Search Engine Optimization. is the leader in quality content writing services for marketers, SEOs, agencies, and publishers. Their proven content creation process helps their clients scale content production,... Read more. Reviews mention "timely". 5.0 out of 5.0 rating for cost.

  5. Content Marketing and Creation Services, Fully Managed in Canada

    With our Fully-Managed Service, you receive publish-ready content on time, every time! Our services team acts as an extension of your team and will design a process that best suits your workflow. From keyword research to publishing the content. Once we've finished writing the content, we upload it to your site, presented beautifully, SEO ...

  6. Content Marketing Agency Canada

    Goodman Lantern is an award-winning content marketing agency specialising in content writing, strategy, design, motion-graphic videos, and SEO services for industries such as technology, telecommunications, and financial services. We're a fast-growing content-marketing business that serves clients across five continents.

  7. Content Writing

    Canadian Content Factory is the premier source for web content writing services for businesses, organizations, and anyone who needs high-quality original content. Our team of university-educated professionals creates polished content that is designed to drive traffic to your site. From finance to the local reno company, CCF is ready to deliver ...

  8. 14 top content writing services to find fantastic writers

    Express Writers. With more than 90 writers across multiple industries, this firm provides various content writing services, including long-form SEO articles, case studies, email copy, product descriptions, and marketing slides. The UK-based agency charges between US$95 to US$450 for blog articles. Get PR service.

  9. On-Demand Content Writing

    Consistent high-quality. We boast a 4.8/5 content quality rating on our platform. We've created content for over 16,000 customers spanning SMBs to Enterprise. Vetted top 1% of writers. A typical writer on our platform has a 4.8 star customer rating and a rewrite rate of <1%. We rigorously vet writers and only accept the best.

  10. Content Writing Services Canada

    The average rate would be $6,000 per 4,000 words ($1.50/word). Second-tier freelance writers are also very talented and capable of producing high-quality content that ranks but has not yet broken into the major-brands market. $2,000 for 4,000 words ($0.50/word).

  11. Hire the best Content Writers in Canada

    See more. $38/hr. Raegan G. Content Writer. 5.0/5. (24 jobs) I am available for copy editing, structural/stylistic editing and proofreading for your next article, blog, website, book or transcript! I have extensive experience as a journalist, writer, producer and editor in the freelance world as well as in broadcast journalism (Canadian ...

  12. Top content writing services in Toronto

    Resume Writing Service in Canada. Undisclosed. Undisclosed. 10 - 49. Toronto, Canada. ... To help you find top Content Writing Services agencies in Toronto quickly, we've selected 4 of the top Content Writing Services providers based on their ratings and reviews posted as recently as 1/26/24. We've also included a mix of smaller and larger ...

  13. Best Content Writing Services

    Provider Description. ContentWriters is a full-service content writing agency and platform that puts quality written content at the heart of your company's growth strategy. Our mission is to connect businesses with diver. Entry Level Price: Starting at $65.00.

  14. Content Writers Group

    If you're the type who likes to engage in witty email exchanges, drop us a line at [email protected]. If you're the type who wants to really get to know a person, call us. at. 416-469-3333. Or if you're just super busy, cut to the chase and get started. Sign up now.

  15. Content Writing Services Canada

    SEO Harbour is an all-in-one content writing service provider in Canada. From creating fresh content from the start to editing your existing content to make it unique, we can do it all for you. If you are looking for an affordable and professional content writing team to proofread and edit your content, get in touch with our tea to discuss the ...

  16. Top Content Marketing Agencies in Canada

    TA Digital. 4.8 (6 reviews) Work with the BEST. TA Digital is a dynamic and forward-thinking digital agency that specializes in delivering innovative solutions for digital experience, commerce and marketing. [... view the full profile of TA Digital] Mississauga, Canada. 500 - 999 $100/hr $50,000 & Up. VISIT WEBSITE.

  17. Top Content Writing Services in Canada to Boost your Brand Visibility

    This has led to a surge in the demand for content writing services in Canada. If you are a business, a student or a professional in Canada looking for tailored content for any of your needs, hiring an experienced content writer Canada is a great choice for the following reasons.

  18. Content Writing Services In Canada

    For the creative Content Writing services in Canada, you can Call Grow Media Digital, the top Content Writing Company on +91 7977032857 or email at [email protected]. Q2.

  19. Content Writing Services in Canada

    Content Writing Services in Canada. Boost Your Brand with Strategic Content Marketing. Welcome to the next level of digital engagement for your Canadian business. In the competitive online arena, making a mark goes beyond mere ambition—it's essential. Learn how focused content marketing can boost your brand's online visibility and spur ...

  20. Best Content Marketing Agencies in Canada

    Arnold Street Agency. HQ: Toronto. +1 city. 4.8. Gold Member. With Arnold Street Agency's social media, digital advertising, branding, creative, and web dev services, your brand will thrive in the digital space. Industries. 11-50. 1 Case Study.

  21. Top Content Writing Agencies in Vancouver

    The top 3 best-rated Content Writing Services agencies in Vancouver on Clutch include: Y5 Creative (4.8 stars, 23 reviews) Seize Marketing Agency (5 stars, 10 reviews) Forge & Spark Media (5 stars, 1 reviews) These Content Writing Services agencies have consistently been lauded for their exceptional performance and dedication to client success.

  22. 10 Best Content Writing Services Canada: Ultimate Guide 2023

    Whether you need blog posts,website content, or social media updates, these services have got you covered. Let's dive in and find the perfect content writing service for your needs! Important Statistics about Content Writing Services in Canada. 1. The content writing industry in Canada is expected to grow at a CAGR of 15% from 2021 to 2026. 2.

  23. Content Writing Services by Native English Writers

    Since 2010, Textun has thrived as a specialized content writing agency providing high-quality, unique, and individually customized articles designed with your specific needs in mind and at affordable prices. The dozens of professional writers and editors we employ at Textun are all native U.S. and UK English-speakers from diverse, varied ...