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Everyone struggles with homework sometimes, but if getting your homework done has become a chronic issue for you, then you may need a little extra help. That’s why we’ve written this article all about how to do homework. Once you’re finished reading it, you’ll know how to do homework (and have tons of new ways to motivate yourself to do homework)!

We’ve broken this article down into a few major sections. You’ll find:

  • A diagnostic test to help you figure out why you’re struggling with homework
  • A discussion of the four major homework problems students face, along with expert tips for addressing them 
  • A bonus section with tips for how to do homework fast

By the end of this article, you’ll be prepared to tackle whatever homework assignments your teachers throw at you . 

So let’s get started! 


How to Do Homework: Figure Out Your Struggles 

Sometimes it feels like everything is standing between you and getting your homework done. But the truth is, most people only have one or two major roadblocks that are keeping them from getting their homework done well and on time. 

The best way to figure out how to get motivated to do homework starts with pinpointing the issues that are affecting your ability to get your assignments done. That’s why we’ve developed a short quiz to help you identify the areas where you’re struggling. 

Take the quiz below and record your answers on your phone or on a scrap piece of paper. Keep in mind there are no wrong answers! 

1. You’ve just been assigned an essay in your English class that’s due at the end of the week. What’s the first thing you do?

A. Keep it in mind, even though you won’t start it until the day before it’s due  B. Open up your planner. You’ve got to figure out when you’ll write your paper since you have band practice, a speech tournament, and your little sister’s dance recital this week, too.  C. Groan out loud. Another essay? You could barely get yourself to write the last one!  D. Start thinking about your essay topic, which makes you think about your art project that’s due the same day, which reminds you that your favorite artist might have just posted to you better check your feed right now. 

2. Your mom asked you to pick up your room before she gets home from work. You’ve just gotten home from school. You decide you’ll tackle your chores: 

A. Five minutes before your mom walks through the front door. As long as it gets done, who cares when you start?  B. As soon as you get home from your shift at the local grocery store.  C. After you give yourself a 15-minute pep talk about how you need to get to work.  D. You won’t get it done. Between texts from your friends, trying to watch your favorite Netflix show, and playing with your dog, you just lost track of time! 

3. You’ve signed up to wash dogs at the Humane Society to help earn money for your senior class trip. You: 

A. Show up ten minutes late. You put off leaving your house until the last minute, then got stuck in unexpected traffic on the way to the shelter.  B. Have to call and cancel at the last minute. You forgot you’d already agreed to babysit your cousin and bake cupcakes for tomorrow’s bake sale.  C. Actually arrive fifteen minutes early with extra brushes and bandanas you picked up at the store. You’re passionate about animals, so you’re excited to help out! D. Show up on time, but only get three dogs washed. You couldn’t help it: you just kept getting distracted by how cute they were!

4. You have an hour of downtime, so you decide you’re going to watch an episode of The Great British Baking Show. You: 

A. Scroll through your social media feeds for twenty minutes before hitting play, which means you’re not able to finish the whole episode. Ugh! You really wanted to see who was sent home!  B. Watch fifteen minutes until you remember you’re supposed to pick up your sister from band practice before heading to your part-time job. No GBBO for you!  C. You finish one episode, then decide to watch another even though you’ve got SAT studying to do. It’s just more fun to watch people make scones.  D. Start the episode, but only catch bits and pieces of it because you’re reading Twitter, cleaning out your backpack, and eating a snack at the same time.

5. Your teacher asks you to stay after class because you’ve missed turning in two homework assignments in a row. When she asks you what’s wrong, you say: 

A. You planned to do your assignments during lunch, but you ran out of time. You decided it would be better to turn in nothing at all than submit unfinished work.  B. You really wanted to get the assignments done, but between your extracurriculars, family commitments, and your part-time job, your homework fell through the cracks.  C. You have a hard time psyching yourself to tackle the assignments. You just can’t seem to find the motivation to work on them once you get home.  D. You tried to do them, but you had a hard time focusing. By the time you realized you hadn’t gotten anything done, it was already time to turn them in. 

Like we said earlier, there are no right or wrong answers to this quiz (though your results will be better if you answered as honestly as possible). Here’s how your answers break down: 

  • If your answers were mostly As, then your biggest struggle with doing homework is procrastination. 
  • If your answers were mostly Bs, then your biggest struggle with doing homework is time management. 
  • If your answers were mostly Cs, then your biggest struggle with doing homework is motivation. 
  • If your answers were mostly Ds, then your biggest struggle with doing homework is getting distracted. 

Now that you’ve identified why you’re having a hard time getting your homework done, we can help you figure out how to fix it! Scroll down to find your core problem area to learn more about how you can start to address it. 

And one more thing: you’re really struggling with homework, it’s a good idea to read through every section below. You may find some additional tips that will help make homework less intimidating. 


How to Do Homework When You’re a Procrastinator  

Merriam Webster defines “procrastinate” as “to put off intentionally and habitually.” In other words, procrastination is when you choose to do something at the last minute on a regular basis. If you’ve ever found yourself pulling an all-nighter, trying to finish an assignment between periods, or sprinting to turn in a paper minutes before a deadline, you’ve experienced the effects of procrastination. 

If you’re a chronic procrastinator, you’re in good company. In fact, one study found that 70% to 95% of undergraduate students procrastinate when it comes to doing their homework. Unfortunately, procrastination can negatively impact your grades. Researchers have found that procrastination can lower your grade on an assignment by as much as five points ...which might not sound serious until you realize that can mean the difference between a B- and a C+. 

Procrastination can also negatively affect your health by increasing your stress levels , which can lead to other health conditions like insomnia, a weakened immune system, and even heart conditions. Getting a handle on procrastination can not only improve your grades, it can make you feel better, too! 

The big thing to understand about procrastination is that it’s not the result of laziness. Laziness is defined as being “disinclined to activity or exertion.” In other words, being lazy is all about doing nothing. But a s this Psychology Today article explains , procrastinators don’t put things off because they don’t want to work. Instead, procrastinators tend to postpone tasks they don’t want to do in favor of tasks that they perceive as either more important or more fun. Put another way, procrastinators want to do long as it’s not their homework! 

3 Tips f or Conquering Procrastination 

Because putting off doing homework is a common problem, there are lots of good tactics for addressing procrastination. Keep reading for our three expert tips that will get your homework habits back on track in no time. 

#1: Create a Reward System

Like we mentioned earlier, procrastination happens when you prioritize other activities over getting your homework done. Many times, this happens because homework...well, just isn’t enjoyable. But you can add some fun back into the process by rewarding yourself for getting your work done. 

Here’s what we mean: let’s say you decide that every time you get your homework done before the day it’s due, you’ll give yourself a point. For every five points you earn, you’ll treat yourself to your favorite dessert: a chocolate cupcake! Now you have an extra (delicious!) incentive to motivate you to leave procrastination in the dust. 

If you’re not into cupcakes, don’t worry. Your reward can be anything that motivates you . Maybe it’s hanging out with your best friend or an extra ten minutes of video game time. As long as you’re choosing something that makes homework worth doing, you’ll be successful. 

#2: Have a Homework Accountability Partner 

If you’re having trouble getting yourself to start your homework ahead of time, it may be a good idea to call in reinforcements . Find a friend or classmate you can trust and explain to them that you’re trying to change your homework habits. Ask them if they’d be willing to text you to make sure you’re doing your homework and check in with you once a week to see if you’re meeting your anti-procrastination goals. 

Sharing your goals can make them feel more real, and an accountability partner can help hold you responsible for your decisions. For example, let’s say you’re tempted to put off your science lab write-up until the morning before it’s due. But you know that your accountability partner is going to text you about it tomorrow...and you don’t want to fess up that you haven’t started your assignment. A homework accountability partner can give you the extra support and incentive you need to keep your homework habits on track. 

#3: Create Your Own Due Dates 

If you’re a life-long procrastinator, you might find that changing the habit is harder than you expected. In that case, you might try using procrastination to your advantage! If you just can’t seem to stop doing your work at the last minute, try setting your own due dates for assignments that range from a day to a week before the assignment is actually due. 

Here’s what we mean. Let’s say you have a math worksheet that’s been assigned on Tuesday and is due on Friday. In your planner, you can write down the due date as Thursday instead. You may still put off your homework assignment until the last minute...but in this case, the “last minute” is a day before the assignment’s real due date . This little hack can trick your procrastination-addicted brain into planning ahead! 


If you feel like Kevin Hart in this meme, then our tips for doing homework when you're busy are for you. 

How to Do Homework When You’re too Busy

If you’re aiming to go to a top-tier college , you’re going to have a full plate. Because college admissions is getting more competitive, it’s important that you’re maintaining your grades , studying hard for your standardized tests , and participating in extracurriculars so your application stands out. A packed schedule can get even more hectic once you add family obligations or a part-time job to the mix. 

If you feel like you’re being pulled in a million directions at once, you’re not alone. Recent research has found that stress—and more severe stress-related conditions like anxiety and depression— are a major problem for high school students . In fact, one study from the American Psychological Association found that during the school year, students’ stress levels are higher than those of the adults around them. 

For students, homework is a major contributor to their overall stress levels . Many high schoolers have multiple hours of homework every night , and figuring out how to fit it into an already-packed schedule can seem impossible. 

3 Tips for Fitting Homework Into Your Busy Schedule

While it might feel like you have literally no time left in your schedule, there are still ways to make sure you’re able to get your homework done and meet your other commitments. Here are our expert homework tips for even the busiest of students. 

#1: Make a Prioritized To-Do List 

You probably already have a to-do list to keep yourself on track. The next step is to prioritize the items on your to-do list so you can see what items need your attention right away. 

Here’s how it works: at the beginning of each day, sit down and make a list of all the items you need to get done before you go to bed. This includes your homework, but it should also take into account any practices, chores, events, or job shifts you may have. Once you get everything listed out, it’s time to prioritize them using the labels A, B, and C. Here’s what those labels mean:

  • A Tasks : tasks that have to get done—like showing up at work or turning in an assignment—get an A. 
  • B Tasks : these are tasks that you would like to get done by the end of the day but aren’t as time sensitive. For example, studying for a test you have next week could be a B-level task. It’s still important, but it doesn’t have to be done right away. 
  • C Tasks: these are tasks that aren’t very important and/or have no real consequences if you don’t get them done immediately. For instance, if you’re hoping to clean out your closet but it’s not an assigned chore from your parents, you could label that to-do item with a C. 

Prioritizing your to-do list helps you visualize which items need your immediate attention, and which items you can leave for later. A prioritized to-do list ensures that you’re spending your time efficiently and effectively, which helps you make room in your schedule for homework. So even though you might really want to start making decorations for Homecoming (a B task), you’ll know that finishing your reading log (an A task) is more important. 

#2: Use a Planner With Time Labels 

Your planner is probably packed with notes, events, and assignments already. (And if you’re not using a planner, it’s time to start!) But planners can do more for you than just remind you when an assignment is due. If you’re using a planner with time labels, it can help you visualize how you need to spend your day.

A planner with time labels breaks your day down into chunks, and you assign tasks to each chunk of time. For example, you can make a note of your class schedule with assignments, block out time to study, and make sure you know when you need to be at practice. Once you know which tasks take priority, you can add them to any empty spaces in your day. 

Planning out how you spend your time not only helps you use it wisely, it can help you feel less overwhelmed, too . We’re big fans of planners that include a task list ( like this one ) or have room for notes ( like this one ). 

#3: Set Reminders on Your Phone 

If you need a little extra nudge to make sure you’re getting your homework done on time, it’s a good idea to set some reminders on your phone. You don’t need a fancy app, either. You can use your alarm app to have it go off at specific times throughout the day to remind you to do your homework. This works especially well if you have a set homework time scheduled. So if you’ve decided you’re doing homework at 6:00 pm, you can set an alarm to remind you to bust out your books and get to work. 

If you use your phone as your planner, you may have the option to add alerts, emails, or notifications to scheduled events . Many calendar apps, including the one that comes with your phone, have built-in reminders that you can customize to meet your needs. So if you block off time to do your homework from 4:30 to 6:00 pm, you can set a reminder that will pop up on your phone when it’s time to get started. 


This dog isn't judging your lack of motivation...but your teacher might. Keep reading for tips to help you motivate yourself to do your homework.

How to Do Homework When You’re Unmotivated 

At first glance, it may seem like procrastination and being unmotivated are the same thing. After all, both of these issues usually result in you putting off your homework until the very last minute. 

But there’s one key difference: many procrastinators are working, they’re just prioritizing work differently. They know they’re going to start their homework...they’re just going to do it later. 

Conversely, people who are unmotivated to do homework just can’t find the willpower to tackle their assignments. Procrastinators know they’ll at least attempt the homework at the last minute, whereas people who are unmotivated struggle with convincing themselves to do it at a ll. For procrastinators, the stress comes from the inevitable time crunch. For unmotivated people, the stress comes from trying to convince themselves to do something they don’t want to do in the first place. 

Here are some common reasons students are unmotivated in doing homework : 

  • Assignments are too easy, too hard, or seemingly pointless 
  • Students aren’t interested in (or passionate about) the subject matter
  • Students are intimidated by the work and/or feels like they don’t understand the assignment 
  • Homework isn’t fun, and students would rather spend their time on things that they enjoy 

To sum it up: people who lack motivation to do their homework are more likely to not do it at all, or to spend more time worrying about doing their homework than...well, actually doing it.

3 Tips for How to Get Motivated to Do Homework

The key to getting homework done when you’re unmotivated is to figure out what does motivate you, then apply those things to homework. It sounds tricky...but it’s pretty simple once you get the hang of it! Here are our three expert tips for motivating yourself to do your homework. 

#1: Use Incremental Incentives

When you’re not motivated, it’s important to give yourself small rewards to stay focused on finishing the task at hand. The trick is to keep the incentives small and to reward yourself often. For example, maybe you’re reading a good book in your free time. For every ten minutes you spend on your homework, you get to read five pages of your book. Like we mentioned earlier, make sure you’re choosing a reward that works for you! 

So why does this technique work? Using small rewards more often allows you to experience small wins for getting your work done. Every time you make it to one of your tiny reward points, you get to celebrate your success, which gives your brain a boost of dopamine . Dopamine helps you stay motivated and also creates a feeling of satisfaction when you complete your homework !  

#2: Form a Homework Group 

If you’re having trouble motivating yourself, it’s okay to turn to others for support. Creating a homework group can help with this. Bring together a group of your friends or classmates, and pick one time a week where you meet and work on homework together. You don’t have to be in the same class, or even taking the same subjects— the goal is to encourage one another to start (and finish!) your assignments. 

Another added benefit of a homework group is that you can help one another if you’re struggling to understand the material covered in your classes. This is especially helpful if your lack of motivation comes from being intimidated by your assignments. Asking your friends for help may feel less scary than talking to your teacher...and once you get a handle on the material, your homework may become less frightening, too. 

#3: Change Up Your Environment 

If you find that you’re totally unmotivated, it may help if you find a new place to do your homework. For example, if you’ve been struggling to get your homework done at home, try spending an extra hour in the library after school instead. The change of scenery can limit your distractions and give you the energy you need to get your work done. 

If you’re stuck doing homework at home, you can still use this tip. For instance, maybe you’ve always done your homework sitting on your bed. Try relocating somewhere else, like your kitchen table, for a few weeks. You may find that setting up a new “homework spot” in your house gives you a motivational lift and helps you get your work done. 


Social media can be a huge problem when it comes to doing homework. We have advice for helping you unplug and regain focus.

How to Do Homework When You’re Easily Distracted

We live in an always-on world, and there are tons of things clamoring for our attention. From friends and family to pop culture and social media, it seems like there’s always something (or someone!) distracting us from the things we need to do.

The 24/7 world we live in has affected our ability to focus on tasks for prolonged periods of time. Research has shown that over the past decade, an average person’s attention span has gone from 12 seconds to eight seconds . And when we do lose focus, i t takes people a long time to get back on task . One study found that it can take as long as 23 minutes to get back to work once we’ve been distracte d. No wonder it can take hours to get your homework done! 

3 Tips to Improve Your Focus

If you have a hard time focusing when you’re doing your homework, it’s a good idea to try and eliminate as many distractions as possible. Here are three expert tips for blocking out the noise so you can focus on getting your homework done. 

#1: Create a Distraction-Free Environment

Pick a place where you’ll do your homework every day, and make it as distraction-free as possible. Try to find a location where there won’t be tons of noise, and limit your access to screens while you’re doing your homework. Put together a focus-oriented playlist (or choose one on your favorite streaming service), and put your headphones on while you work. 

You may find that other people, like your friends and family, are your biggest distraction. If that’s the case, try setting up some homework boundaries. Let them know when you’ll be working on homework every day, and ask them if they’ll help you keep a quiet environment. They’ll be happy to lend a hand! 

#2: Limit Your Access to Technology 

We know, we know...this tip isn’t fun, but it does work. For homework that doesn’t require a computer, like handouts or worksheets, it’s best to put all your technology away . Turn off your television, put your phone and laptop in your backpack, and silence notifications on any wearable tech you may be sporting. If you listen to music while you work, that’s fine...but make sure you have a playlist set up so you’re not shuffling through songs once you get started on your homework. 

If your homework requires your laptop or tablet, it can be harder to limit your access to distractions. But it’s not impossible! T here are apps you can download that will block certain websites while you’re working so that you’re not tempted to scroll through Twitter or check your Facebook feed. Silence notifications and text messages on your computer, and don’t open your email account unless you absolutely have to. And if you don’t need access to the internet to complete your assignments, turn off your WiFi. Cutting out the online chatter is a great way to make sure you’re getting your homework done. 

#3: Set a Timer (the Pomodoro Technique)

Have you ever heard of the Pomodoro technique ? It’s a productivity hack that uses a timer to help you focus!

Here’s how it works: first, set a timer for 25 minutes. This is going to be your work time. During this 25 minutes, all you can do is work on whatever homework assignment you have in front of you. No email, no text messaging, no phone calls—just homework. When that timer goes off, you get to take a 5 minute break. Every time you go through one of these cycles, it’s called a “pomodoro.” For every four pomodoros you complete, you can take a longer break of 15 to 30 minutes.

The pomodoro technique works through a combination of boundary setting and rewards. First, it gives you a finite amount of time to focus, so you know that you only have to work really hard for 25 minutes. Once you’ve done that, you’re rewarded with a short break where you can do whatever you want. Additionally, tracking how many pomodoros you complete can help you see how long you’re really working on your homework. (Once you start using our focus tips, you may find it doesn’t take as long as you thought!)


Two Bonus Tips for How to Do Homework Fast

Even if you’re doing everything right, there will be times when you just need to get your homework done as fast as possible. (Why do teachers always have projects due in the same week? The world may never know.)

The problem with speeding through homework is that it’s easy to make mistakes. While turning in an assignment is always better than not submitting anything at all, you want to make sure that you’re not compromising quality for speed. Simply put, the goal is to get your homework done quickly and still make a good grade on the assignment! 

Here are our two bonus tips for getting a decent grade on your homework assignments , even when you’re in a time crunch. 

#1: Do the Easy Parts First 

This is especially true if you’re working on a handout with multiple questions. Before you start working on the assignment, read through all the questions and problems. As you do, make a mark beside the questions you think are “easy” to answer . 

Once you’ve finished going through the whole assignment, you can answer these questions first. Getting the easy questions out of the way as quickly as possible lets you spend more time on the trickier portions of your homework, which will maximize your assignment grade. 

(Quick note: this is also a good strategy to use on timed assignments and tests, like the SAT and the ACT !) 

#2: Pay Attention in Class 

Homework gets a lot easier when you’re actively learning the material. Teachers aren’t giving you homework because they’re mean or trying to ruin your weekend... it’s because they want you to really understand the course material. Homework is designed to reinforce what you’re already learning in class so you’ll be ready to tackle harder concepts later. 

When you pay attention in class, ask questions, and take good notes, you’re absorbing the information you’ll need to succeed on your homework assignments. (You’re stuck in class anyway, so you might as well make the most of it!) Not only will paying attention in class make your homework less confusing, it will also help it go much faster, too. 


What’s Next?

If you’re looking to improve your productivity beyond homework, a good place to begin is with time management. After all, we only have so much time in a it’s important to get the most out of it! To get you started, check out this list of the 12 best time management techniques that you can start using today.

You may have read this article because homework struggles have been affecting your GPA. Now that you’re on the path to homework success, it’s time to start being proactive about raising your grades. This article teaches you everything you need to know about raising your GPA so you can

Now you know how to get motivated to do homework...but what about your study habits? Studying is just as critical to getting good grades, and ultimately getting into a good college . We can teach you how to study bette r in high school. (We’ve also got tons of resources to help you study for your ACT and SAT exams , too!) 

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Ashley Sufflé Robinson has a Ph.D. in 19th Century English Literature. As a content writer for PrepScholar, Ashley is passionate about giving college-bound students the in-depth information they need to get into the school of their dreams.

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How to Avoid Homework Stress

Last Updated: March 28, 2019 References

This article was co-authored by Emily Listmann, MA . Emily Listmann is a private tutor in San Carlos, California. She has worked as a Social Studies Teacher, Curriculum Coordinator, and an SAT Prep Teacher. She received her MA in Education from the Stanford Graduate School of Education in 2014. There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 133,057 times.

Students of all kinds are often faced with what can seem like an overwhelming amount of homework. Although homework can be a source of stress, completing it can be a very rewarding and even relaxing experience if done in an organized and timely manner. Remember, homework is not intended as punishment, but is used to reinforce everything you’ve learned in class. Try to view it as a chance to sharpen your skills and understanding.

Managing Your Time

Step 1 Pick a time of day to do your homework.

  • Try to work earlier, rather than later, if possible. This way, you won’t be rushing to finish your work before bedtime.
  • Find a time of day during which you can concentrate well. Some people work best in the afternoon, while others can concentrate better on a full stomach after dinner.
  • Choose a time when you will have relatively few distractions. Mealtimes, times during which you have standing engagements, or periods usually used for socializing are not the best choices.
  • Allow enough time to complete your work. Making sure the total time you allow yourself for homework is sufficient for you to complete all your assignments is crucial. [1] X Research source [2] X Research source

Step 2 Start large projects as early as possible.

  • Save an appropriate amount of time for projects considering your normal homework load.
  • Estimate how much time you will need each day, week, and month depending on your usual workload. Allow yourself at least this much time in your schedule, and consider allotting a fair amount more to compensate for unexpected complications or additional assignments.
  • Reserve plenty of time for bigger projects, as they are more involved, and it is harder to estimate how much time you might need to complete them.

Step 3 Make yourself a homework schedule.

  • Get a day planner or a notebook to write down your homework assignments, and assign an estimated amount of time to each assignment. Make sure to always give yourself more time than you think you’ll need.
  • Plan to finish daily homework every day, then divide up weekly homework over the course of the entire week.
  • Rank assignments in due-date order. Begin on those assignments due first, and work your way though. Finishing assignments according to due-date will help you avoid having to hurry through homework the night before it must be handed in.
  • Allow more time for more difficult subjects and difficult assignments. Each individual person will have their strong subjects—and those that come a little harder. Make sure you take into account which subjects are harder for you, and allow more time for them during your scheduling.

Working Hard at School and in Class

Step 1 Ask questions.

  • If you’re too shy to ask questions, or don’t feel it’s appropriate to do so during class, write them down in your notebook and then ask the teacher or professor after class.
  • If you don't understand a concept, ask your teacher to explain it again, with specifics.
  • If you're having trouble with a math problem, ask the teacher to demonstrate it again using a different example.
  • Remember, when it comes to learning and education, there are no bad questions.

Step 2 Take good notes...

  • Pay attention to important terms and ideas. Make sure to note things your teacher stresses, key terms, and other important concepts.
  • Write clearly and legibly. If you can’t read your handwriting, it’ll take you longer to reference your notes at home.
  • Keep your notebook organized with dividers and labels. This way, you’ll be able to locate helpful information in a pinch and finish your homework quicker. [4] X Research source

Step 3 Record the class or lecture.

  • Get permission.
  • Sit up front and close to the instructor.
  • Make sure to label your recordings so you don't lose track of them.
  • Try to listen to them that same day while everything is fresh in your mind.

Step 4 Use any available time at school to begin your homework.

  • Work in class. If you finish a class assignment early, review your notes or start your homework.
  • Study at lunch. If you have time at lunch, consider working on homework. You can do this leisurely by just reviewing what you’ll need to do at home, or you can just jump right into your work.
  • Don't waste time. If you get to class early, use that time for homework. In addition, many schools let students go to the library during this unplanned time, and it's a great place to finish uncompleted assignments.

Doing Your Homework

Step 1 Sit down and do your homework.

  • Get some fresh air
  • Go for a short run
  • Do push-ups
  • Walk your dog
  • Listen to music
  • Have a snack

Step 5 Stay positive.

  • Study groups break up the monotony of daily homework and make for a less stressful experience than trying to cram on your own.
  • Note that each person should turn in individualized assignments rather than collaborating to find the answers.

Balancing Homework with Life

Step 1 Avoid over committing yourself.

  • AP or IB classes often have 2 or 3 times the amount of reading and homework as regular courses.
  • Honors classes may have up to double the amount of work required as regular courses.
  • College students need to consider whether they want to take the recommended course load (often 4 classes) or more. More classes might help you finish your degree sooner, but if you are juggling work and extracurricular activities, you might be overwhelmed. [8] X Research source [9] X Research source

Step 2 Decide your priorities.

  • Rank your classes and activities in order of importance.
  • Estimate (realistically) how long your academic and extracurricular activities will take.
  • Figure out how much time you have overall.
  • If you’ve over committed, you need to drop your lowest ranked class or activity.

Step 3 Reserve time for your family and friends.

  • Make sure to reserve mealtimes for family, rather than working.
  • Try to set aside the weekend for family, and work only if you need to catch up or get ahead.
  • Don’t plan on working on holidays, even if you try, your productivity likely won’t be high.

Step 4 Make sure you get enough rest.

  • Pick a reasonable hour to go to sleep every night.
  • Try to do your morning prep work like ironing clothes and making your lunch at night.
  • Take a nap after school or after classes if you need. You’ll probably be able to do better work in less time if you are rested. [10] X Research source [11] X Research source
  • If you’re in middle or high school, talk to your parents and your teachers about the issue and ask them to help you figure out a solution.
  • If you’re a college student, reach out to your professors and advisor for help.
  • If it takes you much longer to finish your homework than it takes other students, it may be due to a learning difference. Ask your parents to schedule a meeting with a learning specialist.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Ask for help when you need it. This is the biggest thing you should do. Don't worry if people think you're dumb, because chances are, you're making a higher grade than them. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 4
  • Actually pay attention to the teacher and ask if you don't know how to do the work. The stress can go away if you know exactly what to do. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 2
  • Recognize that some teachers get mad if you do separate homework assignments for different classes, so learn to be discreet about it. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0

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Spend less time on homework

How many times have you found yourself still staring at your textbook around midnight (or later!) even when you started your homework hours earlier? Those lost hours could be explained by Parkinson’s Law, which states, “Work expands to fill the time available for its completion.” In other words, if you give yourself all night to memorize those geometry formulas for your quiz tomorrow, you’ll inevitably find that a 30 minute task has somehow filled your entire evening.

We know that you have more homework than ever. But even with lots and lots to do, a few tweaks to your study routine could help you spend less time getting more accomplished. Here are 8 steps to make Parkinson’s Law work to your advantage:

1. Make a list

This should be a list of everything that has to be done that evening. And we mean, everything—from re-reading notes from this morning’s history class to quizzing yourself on Spanish vocabulary.

2. Estimate the time needed for each item on your list

You can be a little ruthless here. However long you think a task will take, try shaving off 5 or 10 minutes. But, be realistic. You won’t magically become a speed reader.

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3. Gather all your gear

Collect EVERYTHING you will need for the homework you are working on (like your laptop for writing assignments and pencils for problem sets). Getting up for supplies takes you off course and makes it that much harder to get back to your homework.

The constant blings and beeps from your devices can make it impossible to focus on what you are working on. Switch off or silence your phones and tablets, or leave them in another room until it’s time to take a tech break.

Read More: How to Calculate Your GPA

5. Time yourself

Noting how much time something actually takes will help you estimate better and plan your next study session.

6. Stay on task

If you’re fact checking online, it can be so easy to surf on over to a completely unrelated site. A better strategy is to note what information you need to find online, and do it all at once at the end of the study session.

7. Take plenty of breaks

Most of us need a break between subjects or to break up long stretches of studying. Active breaks are a great way to keep your energy up. Tech breaks can be an awesome way to combat the fear of missing out that might strike while you are buried in your work, but they also tend to stretch much longer than originally intended. Stick to a break schedule of 10 minutes or so.

8. Reward yourself! 

Finish early? If you had allocated 30 minutes for reading a biology chapter and it only took 20, you can apply those extra 10 minutes to a short break—or just move on to your next task. If you stay on track, you might breeze through your work quickly enough to catch up on some Netflix.

Our best piece of advice? Keep at it. The more you use this system, the easier it will become. You’ll be surprised by how much time you can shave off homework just by focusing and committing to a distraction-free study plan.

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Can’t do Homework: What to do When Scared, Stressed or Unable

  • by Joseph Kenas
  • February 6, 2024

can't do homework

Assignments might be a pain, but it’s necessary to maintain good marks and stay on course in education.

Whether you’re a little overwhelmed with the number of assignments or simply a procrastinator, you may find yourself in a situation where you simply can’t complete your homework on time.

While you should always start your homework as early as possible, late assignments can be made up without too much trouble, provided you’re willing to put in the extra time.

In this article, we discuss various reasons why students can’t do their homework and some things to do when you are unable to complete it.

What to Do When you can’t do Homework

Failure to do Homework

If you’re reading this article, you’re probably in a pickle. You’ve got homework to do, but you just can’t seem to get it done.

It’s not that you don’t want to, you just can’t get yourself to do it.

It’s a problem for a lot of students. The good news is that there are solutions when can’t do your homework. Here are a few tips to consider:

1. Ask for a Deadline Extension

From time to time many students have to do something important that prevents them from being able to study for a test, complete an assignment or participate in an online class.

The solution is to ask your teacher for an extension. You can do this by email , in person, or even over the phone. If you know you will not complete your assignment in time, reach out to your teacher before the date of the submission.

Assignment extensions are almost always granted when you tell your instructor in time and give them a valid reason.

2. Hire a Writer

If you’re short on time, you may be considering hiring homework help. This can be a great alternative to giving up or making excuses for your teacher.

However, if you are going to hire a homework helper, you need to know what you are looking for. You might have friends or relatives who can do your work, but it is important to find an expert who can do the job right.

You need to make sure that the person you hire has the qualifications and experience to write a top-notch paper. There are a lot of homework services out there. The going rate for a homework help site is between $10 to $20 per page.

Some sites will also provide you with a free sample and a free revision, so you can make sure that the work is completed to your satisfaction. 

3. Defer the Course

If you are facing the problem of not being able to do your homework always, you should consider the option of deferring the course.

In some cases, it might result in more severe consequences than dropping the class, but if you are determined to pass the course and can’t do your homework due to some legitimate reasons, you should consider deferring it.

These reasons include some financial difficulties and other family problems.

4. Study more

Sometimes the homework is too hard and you cannot get the right answer for it. However, doing homework requires you to study.

You can do some research on the internet to find out more information about the homework. You can also refer to textbooks and class notes.

5. Take a Break to Relax

When you feel like you are tired of doing your homework, it’s time to take a break. Take a walk outside, go talk to your friends or have a snack.

You can also take a quick nap to rejuvenate yourself. Your brain will be able to think better if you give it some time to relax.

6. Friends to help

Doing Homework

When you cant do your homework, there is always a friend who can help you tackle it. It can be either a relative or someone who has passed the level of education you are in.

Try to get someone who is an expert in that field to help you. You can also get your friend from the same course so that you can help each other with ideas.

7. Consult your Teacher

If you’re stuck on a homework problem and you don’t have anyone to turn to for help, it’s always a good idea to consult the teacher.

Your teacher will have the answers you’re looking for and will be able to help you get back on track. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to your teacher, you can always go to another teacher at the same school or another school.

Reasons why Students can’t do their Homework

Students fail to complete their assignments for a variety of reasons. This understanding can help instructors change their teaching methods and help students more. Below are some of the reasons why students fail to do their homework:

1. Lack of Enough Time

Most students participate in a wide range of extracurricular activities. Although these activities are beneficial and can help children stay interested in school, they can also make it difficult for them to complete homework in time.

Also, some older students may have other obligations such as jobs.

2. Failure to Know the Importance of the Homework

If students recognized the importance of their assignment, they would be more motivated to complete it. Everyone, even students, wants to get involved in activities that will benefit their life.

Students can rebel because they see schoolwork as a waste of time. They believe that if they can successfully solve a few math questions, then fifty problems is a waste of time.

3. Failure to Understand the Homework

Doing Homework

One of the most common reasons students fail to do their assignments is a lack of comprehension.

If students don’t get adequate teaching, they don’t learn the fundamental abilities they require to do a project.

To ensure that learners understand the assignment at hand, teachers should make sure assignment directions are as explicit as possible.

4. Assignments from other Teachers

This is especially dangerous in high school when pupils have a variety of teachers instructors at this level frequently have no idea if students have assignments from other teachers.

They assume that students need only thirty minutes to do their assignments. However, if they have eight topics and each professor assigns thirty minutes of assignment, the learner will be working on them for three to four hours which is hard.

5. Lack of Feedback from Teachers

If a student complete homework, they anticipate receiving feedback. They may receive a grade, and they also desire feedback, particularly on written homework.

When the instructor fails to give this feedback, most learners do not see the point of the homework.

It’s therefore important for teachers to provide feedback either in writing or include the homework revisions in ca class discussion for the students to benefit.

6. Family Issues 

Some learners come from homes where education is not valued. The student is unlikely to receive help or inspiration to do assignments as a result.

Other homes place high importance on education, yet their parents are either unable or unwilling to assist their children with schoolwork.

Some students also reside in chaotic circumstances where they may lack a tranquil location to study or the necessary resources to complete their assignments.

what to do if your stuck on homework

Joseph is a freelance journalist and a part-time writer with a particular interest in the gig economy. He writes about schooling, college life, and changing trends in education. When not writing, Joseph is hiking or playing chess.

A Few Strategies to Help Slow-Working Students

March 27, 2016

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A parent recently asked me for advice about her son. Although his academic skills are strong, he feels the need to complete every task to absolute perfection; this means he finishes his work long, long after the rest of his peers. Not only are his teachers frustrated by the time it takes him to complete assignments, he doesn’t especially enjoy spending hours every night making all of his work just right.

It’s easy enough to say we want all our students to work at their own pace, and in most classrooms, some flexibility is built in to allow for this. Still, when a student completes work at a significantly slower pace than his peers, sometimes taking three or four times longer than everyone else, it can create problems for the student and his teachers: Group work gets more complicated, whole-class instruction is limited, and the student is too often put in an uncomfortable position as the one everyone else is waiting for . Furthermore, working at this slow pace means the student is simply putting too many hours in on school work, time that could be spent playing, reading, socializing, relaxing, or exploring other interests.

To help this parent and her son’s teachers come up with some ways to help him, I did a bit of research, pulled together some of my own suggestions, and added strategies offered by other teachers. I shared what I knew on my weekly Periscope broadcast (you can see a replay here ) and got lots more good tips from the teachers who were watching. Here’s a summary of what we all came up with.

First, Rule Out a More Serious Issue

Your first step in finding the best way to help this student is to determine whether a more serious issue is at the root of the problem. For an excellent overview of many of the causes of slow-paced work, read Steven Butnik’s article  Understanding, Diagnosing, and Coping with Slow Processing Speed . In the article, Butnik focuses on twice exceptional students—gifted students who also have additional learning challenges such as a learning disability or attention deficit disorder. “Understanding the role of slow processing speed is essential,” Butnik writes. “Gifted students with processing speed problems who are ‘missed,’ misdiagnosed, or mis-taught may become discouraged, depressed, undereducated, underemployed, or worse. By contrast, when these twice-exceptional (2e) children are understood and well-addressed educationally, they can become treasures who shine in unique ways.”

Consider whether the student is being held back by anxiety, a learning disability that is making the content difficult to process, a condition like dysgraphia that makes handwriting especially challenging, eyesight issues that make the board or papers hard to read, or auditory processing difficulties that make working in a busy, noisy classroom very difficult. If one or more of these underlying challenges is found to be the cause, you may be able to address the problem with an IEP or 504 plan, which could establish modifications for the student such as extended time on assignments, voice-to-text support, or reducing the number of tasks required to demonstrate competence.

Whether or not the student’s slower pace can be given an official diagnosis, the strategies below are all possible ways to help.

Validate the Student’s Concerns

Sometimes, when a person demonstrates a thought or feeling that is problematic—such as the idea that she has to perfect an assignment before she turns it in—we attempt to change that feeling by dismissing it. We’ll say something like, “Perfect isn’t important! Your standards are too high!” What we think we’re doing is helping the person get past those feelings, but by flat-out denying her reality, we can actually make her cling more tightly to it.

Instead, if we begin by validating her feelings, we can help her manage the behavior that comes from them. In  The Power of Validation , Karyn Hall and Melissa Cook define validation as “the recognition and acceptance that your child has feelings and thoughts that are true and real to him regardless of logic or whether it makes sense to anyone else.” Validation is not the same as agreeing with her feelings or supporting the choices that come from them; it’s just letting her know that her feelings are recognized. Instead of trying to dismiss her desire to do perfect work, acknowledge it by saying something like “Doing high-quality work is important to you.” Once you have communicated to the student that you understand her feelings, you can then move toward helping her solve the problems this feeling creates for her.

Model Your Own Process

Students who frequently get stuck on school work may lack the problem-solving skills they need to get unstuck. So whenever you can, model your own strategies with teacher think-alouds, and get other students to do the same thing. Think-alouds can also help students let go of the kind of perfectionism that slows down creative tasks: Many kids believe that “good” students start a task at the beginning, do every part perfectly the first time around, then finish perfectly at the end. But real creative work is much less linear, so let them see you draft an idea, cross some things out, draft some more, skip over something you’re stuck on and move on to something else, then come back around and around until you reach a point where it’s good enough. And that last part is the most important—the part where you stop trying to get it perfect and declare the work good enough.

Talk Them Through It

Second-grade teacher Michael Dunlea finds that in many cases students get hung up on one specific aspect of an assignment, so if he is able to figure out what’s confusing them, he can help them continue. Sometimes it’s just that they don’t understand one particular word in the instructions, or they can’t answer the first part of a question, and that’s keeping them from moving on to the rest of it. If the child is shy or doesn’t know what they don’t know, they may not be capable of asking for the help they need; it just feels like they don’t get it.

With my own children, when they come to me for help with their homework, the first thing I’ll ask them to do is read the instructions to me out loud. They hate this, by the way, because they want me to just tell them what to do. But more than half the time, when they re-read the instructions, they discover some detail they had overlooked the first time around. Then they go, “Oh, never mind,” and wander away.

Set a Timer

For some people, simply setting a time limit for a task is enough to get them moving more quickly, so it’s worth a try with your slow-paced students. Use this one carefully, though: For some students, it could cause even more anxiety and make them shut down completely. So present this as one possible strategy you’d like to try, and see if the student thinks it might work. If it does, and you want to get more structured with this approach, take a look at the Pomodoro Technique , a method that has you work in 25-minute increments, then give yourself a small reward before starting another 25-minute chunk.

Break Large Tasks into Small Ones

Plenty of adults I know, including myself, have trouble getting started on a large task. And depending on the person, some tasks seem larger than others. Show the student how to take any assignment and break it into small, manageable chunks. Then put those chunks on some kind of checklist, so the student can mark off items as he finishes them. You create the list for the student the first time, then do it with him the second time, but eventually release responsibility so that he is able to create his own checklist.

Offer a “Can Do” and a “Must Do”

Lauren Bright often gives her second graders a list of tasks to complete. One task is a “must-do” that has to be done first, no matter what. Then she offers them up to three “can do” options to choose from after the “must do” is finished. Having these optional activities waiting at the end is often a good incentive for students to get the “must do”s taken care of.

Provide Estimated Times for Each Activity

When she noticed that some of her students took a lot longer than most to complete written assessments, high school English teacher Ruth Arseneault decided to add estimated times in parentheses beside each item. She found that this simple tweak helped slower-paced students get better at planning their work and rationing the time they spent on each task. This principle could be expanded to almost any classroom task: Whether it’s a written activity, a science lab, cleaning up after a project, or doing a set of math problems, letting students know about how long something should take can help them set a reasonable pace for themselves.

I learned this strategy when I was a college student from the book Problem-Solving Strategies for Writing by Linda Flower. You use it when you get stuck on a writing task. If you get to a point where you can’t figure out how to say something, just write “What I really mean is…” and continue in whatever language you would use if you were describing the idea to a friend.

Establish a Bare-Minimum Goal for Formative Assessment

Although he often lets his students take work home to finish, high school English and journalism teacher Gerard Dawson will have his slow-working students complete a specific portion of a task and show it to him before they take the rest home. This allows him to quickly assess whether the student is on the right track before they continue the work on their own.

Mix Low-Stakes with High-Stakes Tasks

To help her perfectionistic students learn how to flex their “good enough” muscles, high school English teacher Jori Krulder deliberately mixes high-pressure with low-pressure tasks. She alternates between the kinds of activities that require close attention to detail, like polished pieces, with quicker tasks that require a less rigid approach, like free writes, where students just have to get their ideas down as fast as possible.

Mark Problem Items for Later

Instructional coach Gretchen Schultek Bridgers advises students who get stuck on an item, especially on a test, to mark it with a small post-it note, a highlighter, or a star as a reminder to come back to the item later. This kind of strategy will be useful to everyone, not just your slow working students.

Whatever You Do…

I think it’s important to be sure you are strategizing with the student, not for him: Talk about this process as a team effort. Present a few of the above solutions and ask which one he’d like to try first. Then debrief afterwards to see how it worked. By giving the student ownership of the problem and its solution, you are building his self-efficacy. This is not something you’re “making” the student do; you’re just helping him figure it out. ♥

What Works for You?  Do you have an effective approach for helping slower workers pick up the pace? Share them in the comments so we can all learn together.

What to Read Next

what to do if your stuck on homework

Categories: Classroom Management , Instruction

Tags: differentiation , Grades 3-5 , Grades 6-8 , Grades 9-12 , Grades K-2 , time management


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Love this post! Any ideas for slow note takers? I teach high school world history and slow note takers drive me crazy! Any strategies to get them moving? I can lose a whole class (chatty) while one or two people finish writing notes.Thanks!

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Take a look at item #2 on this post about ineffective teaching practices . It’s all about note-taking, and while I would obviously not advocate giving them prepared notes, there are some links in that section that will take you to other articles about specific note-taking scaffolds and strategies that might help these students learn how to take notes in a way that works for them. I hope this helps!

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I am generally a slow worker, but I was always fast at note taking. My method: In a high school class I would have about 10 pages of notes at the end of a semester, where other students took 10 pages a week. Remind those students they don’t have to write down EVERY SINGLE THING you say!

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Some kids are slow note takers because they need some OT or PT therapies. All should see a special eye doctor called Vision Therapist to test if his eyes are able to work together. He may have a neurological disorder that inhibits his brain from tell his hand wht to write. But, until any of that gets done, ask the best student if she would get her notes copied (wherever there is a copier) and give them to you so you could give them to a student who has trouble writing. Decades ago we used carbon paper. The slow student will be grateful as long as no one knows about the “deal”.

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I find using structured notes with some of the parts and the organization provided speeds things up a lot. I use an interactive notebook. Students with difficulty copying from the board and organizing the info spatially will be much faster. The early finishers color code, highlight their notes, or make colorful boarders with the time. Encourage those done to reread and check they have everything and think of questions. This also allows more processing time for everyone.

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Hi! I’m in my second year of teaching high school math, grades 10 and 11, and I always post my own class notes on Google Classroom to help students who are slow note takers, struggle with taking neat organized notes, or who are absent. I think this is helpful for many students in my class, but I still worry that this method has holes in it. Can you offer any insight or feedback on this accommodation and it’s effectiveness?

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Hey Justin,

Check out Note-Taking: A Research Roundup , particularly section #7. I think you’ll find some helpful information there.

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Olá Jennifer!

Eu gostei dessa edição como um bom conselho para os educadores. Parabéns! Eloir

Obrigado, Eloir!

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Great ideas here! This is something that often occurs in my classroom and is something that I have personally struggled with as well. I connected with this both as a teacher and learner! Thanks for the tips!

Thanks, Samantha! I’m glad you found them useful.

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Great ideas thank you. I sometimes find that students don’t know how much is “enough”. At times, during writing I rule off where the children need to write too. I also tell them that they can write past the line and usually they do. They even get quite excited about it. I teach 8 and 9 year olds.

Rachel, thanks for sharing that idea!

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I love the WIRMI idea! What a great idea to get students past their writer’s block and to add voice to their writing! Thanks for posting!

Thanks, Jessica! I find myself using that one all the time to write blog posts. I hope it helps your students as well!

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Thank you so much for these suggestions! This year, I have an exceptionally bright, focused student who happens to be a much slower worker than my other students. You have provided more strategies to consider, and I appreciate that you stressed that I need to strategize WITH him and not FOR him. I want him to feel empowered and find ways to be able to pace and help himself.

Dawn, I love hearing this. I would love an update later on what worked for him!

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I have taught me students visualization techniques, including 12 structures of visualization, which they can use to increase their own comprehension of a learning task. This has been a powerful tool, especially for my slower learners. My students feel success with their ability to tap into their thoughts…and relate this thinking to task completion. In addition, I found that drawing is a tool which assists students (especially when paired with the visualization process).

Susanne, that’s a great suggestion. Do you happen to have any resources I could link to so other teachers can learn specific visualization techniques?

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I would suggest that teachers check out the Lindamood-Bell program Visualization and Verbalization (V/V). This program provided a model of introducing the visualization strategy and structures to students to increase comprehension. I have added the drawing piece to my teaching, as well, and have found it to be very effective with students of all abilities.

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This could not be more timely. I’m working with a 3rd grader who does legitimately need a little more time to process (not enough to qualify for anything) but is also an extreme perfectionist. I am going to work with her classroom teacher to chunk out tasks and work with the student to set reasonable time limits for each chunk. Thanks!!

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Thank you so much for providing the link to Steven Butnik’s article. I found it, along with your article, to be extremely timely and helpful. I have a high school freshman who is extremely frustrated right now. These resources have given me some ideas to discuss with him. Thank you!!

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I found some great ideas in your article. I’m trying to see how any of them can work best with a 6 year old. I had a kindergartner in my K/1 combo this year that was very bright, but moved and worked extremely slow. Just packing up his things at the end of the day was at times difficult to watch. Teaching in a group setting, he was often way behind and appeared lost. However, if I just sat and talked with him, giving him all the time he needed, he proved to be quite verbal with advanced vocabulary and critical thinking skills. His slow pace has not affected his pre school learning and I don’t want it to become a problem now. Any ideas for the first grade experience?

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My college age son was finally diagnosed twice exceptional. His ADHD was what triggered getting a 504 his senior year of high school. He was always the last to turn in his tests even in elementary school. His algebra 3 teacher mentioned to the 504 committee that even though he had a 101 in her class, he was always last. Thankfully, because of that teacher speaking up, my son is given extra time to complete tests in college. I will always be grateful for that!

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I love Can Do and Must Do lists for my 2nd graders. I am looking for strategies with a student that knows the academics when asked but writing it down takes her forever. She forms letters correctly and her fine motor skills are great. I have used the timer system, more wait time to complete a task and encouragement through words and mini rewards. Now she is refusing to do work in every class. Any suggestions for this 2nd grader?

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My daughter is in kindergarten. My husband and I recently had a meeting with her teacher about her slow pace. She is smart and understands everything, but she is the slowest pace child in her class. Which strategies would be best for a five year old?

Hi Angie, this is Debbie Sachs, one of the Customer Experience Managers with CoP. Having several years of experience teaching 1st Grade I can share some thoughts for you to consider. First, do you see some of the same slow-paced behaviors at home or in other settings? The reason I ask is because it’s so important to dig down to the root of what’s going on. The strategies you try will really depend on what you observe. If you notice patterns of distraction, then consider finding ways to remove them. Example: Some kids are distracted just by markers or erasers sitting in the middle of the table…move them to another location. Also consider seating placement and proximity to the teacher. If you notice it’s difficult for her to complete a task in a reasonable amount of time, try setting a timer along with using a visual checklist. I’ve found checklists work great…they help kids become self-directed and provide a sense of accomplishment. If you notice patterns of perfectionism or “fear” of getting started, consider providing lots of modeling along with teaching her when she can put more time into getting work ready for an audience. You can also check out the post The Trouble with Amazing: Giving Praise that Matters The strategies you try will really be trial and error. You may have to play around to see what works best. And if you haven’t already read some of the other readers’ comments, check those out too. There are some other good suggestions. Thanks, Debbie

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I have a problem of being slow, my teachers, friends and family members say that I take an abnormal amount of time on one small task and when I study it takes me a whole day to study one small topic. Please help me

Hi, Olive. I’m a Customer Experience Manager with Cult of Pedagogy and a former teacher — thanks for writing in! I hear your frustration and want to run a few ideas by you. I’m assuming you’ve read through the post and am wondering if you came across anything you thought might be worth trying? If you’re comfortable, I suggest sharing the post with your family and teachers; these are the people who know you well and who work with you on a daily basis. Maybe they will see something in the research that makes them say, “Hey, this sounds like you! Wanna give this a try?” You also mentioned something about studying; take a look at 6 Powerful Learning Strategies You MUST Share with Students . There are great study strategies in this post that maybe you aren’t familiar with yet. You can also take a look at a bunch of videos made by Seth Perler ; he made these videos specifically for students who are looking for help with planning and organization. I hope you find these resources helpful, but regardless, I’d definitely continue having conversations with your family and teachers so you can get the support you need. Best Wishes!

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Hi, I am afraid I have no answer for your question, I just want you to know you are not alone. I too am an A+ student who barely has time for any life at all outside the university and my job, because I work very-very slowly and need time to understand things.

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Hi, hopefully you are doing well. Before bed time me and my son discuss how the day went. He told me the teacher made him stay behind while the rest of the class ran laps outside because he didn’t finish his work. Eventually causing him to cry. Is this a good method used by the teacher? My son gets distracted easily and has trouble keeping focus. Communication skills are excellent. He definitely works slow a lot of the time. Although his writing is neat.Should I question the teachers method?

Please help Jennifer Suby

Sorry, he is in grade 1. Writing skills are neat but slow.

Hi, Suby, this is really a great question. As a retired teacher who taught 1st grade for many years, I first suggest, if you haven’t already, requesting a meeting with the teacher. I do think it’s fair to keep in mind that for some kids, it can be appropriate to miss a recess/running laps to finish an assignment when time in class is purposely misused, and when the consequence is known in advance. (I will say though, I think recess as a consequence should be used sparingly and as a last resort.) Based on what you’ve shared about your son regarding his strengths and challenges with focus/task completion, I’m not sure this kind of consequence will be effective or have any benefit. I think moving forward it’s important for school and home to closely observe specific behavior patterns, take in data, and together discuss interventions to put in place that help your son be successful. You may find some helpful ideas in Jenn’s post, 7 Systems that Work for Outside-the-Box Learners . Overall, the idea is to consider systems that work to your son’s strengths and help manage his struggles. I hope this helps.

Thanks so much Debbie. I’ll schedule an appointment with the teacher to get the ball rolling Take care!

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My 7 year old (2nd grader) daughter’s teacher changed her grade from “needs improvement” to “not meeting expectations” insofar as focusing/completing task-assignments in timely manner and wants her to be evaluated. Although we’re 1st time parents, we’ve solicited feedback from 2 nieces (1st grade teacher and a child speech therapist) as well as from our daughter’s Home daycare provider who has known her for years, and no one feels she has any ADD or ADHD characteristics, that she’s as easily distractible as any 7 year old – and moreover, that she’s actually sorta nosey: even in a house full of kids doing all sorts of things/having conversations, etc, my daughter can tell you at any given moment exactly which kid took out which toy, and the details of all the conversations going on…like she tunes-in on everyone/everything. She’s always been like that, even as a toddler during “clean-up time” she’d toddle over to whichever kid with the toy THEY took out of the toybox for that kid to put the toy away that they took out – jokingly called her the toy-police! So, now that she’s in school and has been sorta enjoying “sprints” (self-exams, primarily math exams, where the kids time themselves to see how many math problems they can complete in 10 minutes), so in an effort to help her stay “focused” and complete her class tasks/assignments, I’ve told her she needs to think of every task/every assignment as a “sprint”…and believe it or not, THAT has seemed to help her, as-if it brings out the competitive edge in her, so for what it’s worth, I figured I’d share it. So, that’s one tip, and the other has been that we’ve employed a task/TO DO list that seems to help her “see” what she needs to accomplish… but consider, she’s only in 2nd grade, so “reading” a task list is challenging – and “time management” insofar as time needed to accomplish those tasks is still “nebulous” so off to the pediatrician we go. She’s already had the complete school assessment and they’ve ruled-out processing issues and determined that she’s “average” across the board, so I don’t know what’s left – other than to let her mature a bit more! I’m sure the teacher has concerns too, as we do, because our daughter’s biological parents both have developmental delays and mild mental retardation and some cognitive deficits, but from what all the evaluators have said at Early Intervention and those who evaluated her during the comprehensive school assessment, if she had any of those issues, they would have been evident by now…and they all agreed & assured us that we can stop worrying about those issues. Thank God! We’d appreciate any/all feedback! Regards, Anne Marie

Hi Anne Marie,

I work with Cult of Pedagogy and as a former 1st Grade teacher, I wanted to jump in here for a bit. Not knowing your daughter or having had the chance to observe her, it’s really hard to know what kinds of interventions might benefit her, but it sounds like you’ve got a strong support team and have already taken some important steps, including meeting with the pediatrician. If you haven’t already, I also suggest checking out Seth Perler ‘s site – you may find some relevant information and tips there. In the meantime, if your daughter is having difficulty “reading” a task list, consider using pictures instead. A timer might also help with time management. Observe any distractions that might get in the way and if possible, remove them. I hope this helps…maybe someone else will see this and jump in to share their insights as well.

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Hi Jennifer,

Thank you so much for this article. I am a freshman at Syracuse University and I have always been the slowest student in class (largely due in part to my perfectionism), and while I don’t nitpick at my handwriting anymore (rarely to be quite honest), it has made my first semester hell. I am studying architecture and while it is a demanding major, 20 all nighters was not the norm, and I could have avoided 17 of those (probably not the 3 before the 3 exercise finals) if my mindset of producing the perfect model or drawing did not carry over from childhood. I really wish my teachers in elementary school could have used these strategies when I was younger so I could have built a lasting foundation of not giving into the urge of producing something “perfect.” Nearly all of my teachers in elementary school would tell me to write faster or tell my parents in parent teacher conferences or report cards that I had to work on my speed and not care about my penmanship as much. The only teacher that gave me good advice on speeding up was professor Rosa, my architecture professor with whom I took my architecture pre-college course with. He opened my eyes to the impact of architectural design and the impact that well designed spaces can have. He also gave me the saying “think, say, do” to “do” instead of “think” or “say” because if you spend your time thinking you just have your thoughts/ideas and nothing to show for it, and if you just say something you’re all talk. I don’t discredit thinking or saying, but having a physical model/drawing translates better to our professors who are visual and give us better critiques on what is in front of them.

I have recently started talking to a counselor, and I plan on using these strategies along with the Pomodoro technique she has suggested. I also plan on visiting all of my former teachers to catch up with them and introduce this article with them because students quite frankly will not take the initiative to take actions that would be beneficial for them in the future.

Thank you again for the article, Naomi

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Hi, I would like to thank you for this wonderful advice, I’m a student having trouble with speed, but these methods don’t seem to work for me. Do you have any other suggestions?

Although this post does have a ton of suggestions, they certainly may not work for everyone. My first thought is to consider in what exact areas does that “speed” thing specifically seem to affect you; exactly how is it a problem and what might be getting in the way. Here’s another article you might want to check out: 7 Systems that Work for Out-of-the-Box Learners . See if anything there feels familiar; within the post is a link to Seth Perler’s site. Be sure to check that out as well — he’s got a lot of good stuff just for kids. The other thing I’d suggest, is to just make sure you continue to have communication with your teachers, family, counselor — the people who know you really well and see what kinds of suggestions they might have.

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I’m so happy that you shared this information. It’s going to really help a student in my class.

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No question, but I just wanted to say thanks for this article. My son has ADHD and a very low processing speed, despite scoring in the 95-99% in most other IQ rested other areas. 2e can be so hard for teachers (and teacher moms) to understand, and this article with the additional link to more 2e information is really helpful.

Thanks for letting us know you found this post to be helpful, Ashley! Might be a good one to share with teachers and admin!

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I give a weekly syllabus chart to my 7th graders on Monday of the week, with columns for the name of the activity, the estimated time, the basic directions and where more specific info can be found, the places to find resources, and the due date – this is a Nancy Sulla strategy. One day with about 30 minutes left of class, there was a “disturbance” at one of the home groups. I went over to check and found Jack and Amanda trying to convince Megan (a very slow worker) that she HAD to make a plan for what she was going to accomplish in that 30 minutes. She kept insisting that there was “nothing on the syllabus that would only take me 30 minutes.” They patiently explained again and again that she could just start a longer task and put 30 minutes into it. As understanding finally dawned, she looked around the table and said “You mean I can just do a little part of something if I have some extra time, but I don’t have to do the whole thing? I swear, Ms. H., I did not know this!” We discussed this as a work strategy, and when she came in the next day, she reported that she had tried it while cleaning her room. “I wanted to clean my room, but I only had 15 minutes before my mom said we had to go, so I looked around and decided to just organize my stuffed animals! It worked!” I was never so proud! We try so hard to unpack things for kids, but sometimes we just don’t know exactly how much to unpack – you can be sure this strategy is now included in my lessons!

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This article is awesome! Just what I needed, thank you!

Great to hear — thanks for letting us know!

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I’m glad some teachers nowadays care enough to help kids try to get past hurdles that will totally destroy quality of life if not addressed early. I wish I had such help. I now face a bleak future cause I’m too slow in everything and disability is not enough to have a quality life.

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Hi, My daughter is very smart girl, gate identified and is taking honor classes. She has always been a slow worker from the time she was in preschool. Now that she is in 8th grader I’m beginning to worry because she spends hours doing her homework. She claims she likes to take her time and do her work right, but I’m worried that she she’s up late working on homework that shouldn’t take her that long. She also takes long showers and moves at a slow pace in most of what she does. She also takes a long time getting ready for school or after school activities. I read the article and found a few strategies that I would like to try. But I was wondering if you can give me more specific advice on her. I find myself rushing her and frustrated when she doesn’t finish her work in a timely manner. Any suggestions?

Glad to hear there were a few ideas here that may be helpful. If you haven’t already, you may want to also check out 7 Systems That Work for Out-of-Box Learners . Also be sure to visit Seth Perler ‘s site. I’ve linked it here, but there’s also a link in the post.

Another article that I really like is Overwhelmed? Do Five Things . The suggestions here can be applied to anyone, whether school-related or not.

Other things to consider if you haven’t already: Scroll through the comments at the end of this post for possible ideas. Talk to your daughter’s teachers – are they seeing the same things you’re seeing at home? If so, ask if there are strategies they’ve implemented that they’ve found helpful or if they have suggestions you can try at home.

Hope this helps!

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Thanks for the advice to validate the student’s concerns. My husband and I will be moving soon and need to find a K-8 public charter school for our daughter. Keeping your advice in mind should help our daughter make the transition to her new school.

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Eileen, We are glad that you found the advice useful as you prepare for your daughter’s transition to a new school. Best of luck to you and your family!

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I need help teacher I have a 7 years old.. He is very slow And the teqcher is always complaining about his work… I really dont k ow how to help him Any advice please 😌

Not knowing the interventions that have already been put in place, my first suggestion is to try out some of the strategies from the post . Perhaps request a meeting with the teacher, admin, and counselor – share the article with them and find out what strategies, if any, have been implemented. Sometimes just making a few adjustments to something that’s already been tried can be helpful. For other ideas, take a look at 7 Systems That Work for Out-of-Box Learners and be sure to click on the link to Seth Perler’s site. Hope this helps!

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Love the ideas, I would like more ideas for slow students and students that need more attention.

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Hi Samantha! We’d recommend checking out 7 Systems that Work for Outside-the-Box Learners and our Differentiation and Personalized Learning Pinterest board. I hope this helps!

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Hello, my son is a slightly above average student more so in mathematics so flies through it. He is a fifth grader in a sixth grade class. For the last three years he has been put up in the next class with four other students. (this is a whole different concern of mine for next year!:)) However in English/ writing, he is a lot slower. No trouble spelling and yes as mentioned above (on the website) he is one of the ‘wants to get it perfect’ 🙂 However my concern is the amount of work being expected of the children to complete within the school working week. E.g. Spelling work (which inadvertently turns into homework as there is alot but no timeframe supplied for any of the tasks except it is expected to be completed by Friday after being handed it on the Monday). Hopefully I haven’t taken too much advantage of your time and expertise but would be nice to run it by someone from ‘outside’ the small town we live in. And yes I am going to set up a meeting with the teacher and perhaps the principal. I just wanted to get a professional opinion on this beforehand, as if this is standard then we just have to deal with it. So I have included the list of just the spelling tasks below for your feedback, if you are able to find the time… these are from last term;

1. List your 20 spelling words for the week 2. Put four of your spelling words into sentences (make them interesting and minimum two lines long). 3. Create three adjective pyramids using three of your words. 4. Write as many rhyming words for three of your spelling words as you can. 5. Write the dictionary meaning for three of your words, get someone to write the word that fits the meaning. 6. Create your own word find using all of your 20 spelling words. 7. Write eight of your spelling words in code, have someone attempt to crack your code. 8. Put all your words in alphabetical order. 9. Break each of your spelling words into syllables 10. Word Jumble- choose two different spelling words and try to form as many new words from them as you can, list them. 11. (Fast finisher) Write a narrative using some of your words.

The above is not homework, he already has homework but it always gets brought home as he does not get enough time in the classroom to complete it.

The next lot of spelling we received for this week is; 1. List your 20 words 2. Scramble five of your words, have a classmate unscramble 3. Draw a picture and hide your words in it, get a classmate to find them. Circle the words with a red pen. 4. Write the first five of your words and get someone else to match them to the base word e.g. cheerfully——–cheer 5. Write one letter on each line until you have written words 6-10?? 6. Write five of your words with a vowel, take away the vowel/s and get a classmate to put them back in. 7. Syllable Sort: your word have syllables in them so count how many you have (this is copied exactly as it is on the work sheet, doesn’t make sense to me??) 8. Squiggle Words: write your words three squiggly (again copied as is). 9. ‘Write’ five of your words with magazine cut outs 10. Write all of your words that are verbs and draw an example, then sort out the adjectives, then nouns etc.

Given all the assignments they have been given, on top of ordinary class and home work just for this term, I feel this is overload.

Apologies for such an exhaustive letter, look forward to your feedback and opinion.

Kindest Regards concerned Mother Yvette

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I think I am understanding two concerns in your comment. One – that the amount of work kids are being asked to do at school is spilling into homework, and two – is all that work even necessary? Is it making an impact on (your child’s) learning? Your child may need a different amount or different type of spelling practice than another child. What if students were to take a pre-test to determine which words they need to practice most and then choose a few activities from the list to practice just those words?

I think what we’re really thinking through here is the quantity versus the quality of the work. Are students engaged in genuine learning experiences that will help the concepts stick, or are they merely being compliant? Are things starting to feel like busy work?

I’m a member of the Cult of Pedagogy team, and I am happy to share a few resources that might be of interest to you. Feel free to use them as a springboard for discussion when you meet with your child’s teacher, which by the way, is a great way to build that partnership in the best interest of your child! Here you go:

Homework: How Much is Too Much? Beyond the Weekly Word List How To Deal with Student Grammar Errors

I hope this helps. Maybe others will see this and jump in, as well!

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Hi there. I’m a consultant, author, and CoP contributor who has studied and written (a lot!) about vocabulary learning. The kind of work you’re describing surely keeps kids busy, but it doesn’t seem to provide the kind of application-level practice that would get words to “stick” — both the spelling, and, more importantly, the meaning. I highly recommend this succinct book by Camille Blachowicz, for your own learning — or perhaps as a gift for the school! Also, please feel free to email me at [email protected] if you’d like to talk further.

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what to do if your stuck on homework

confident parents confident kids

A site for parents actively supporting kids' social and emotional development.


Posted on October 8, 2019 by confidentparentsconfidentkids

Frustrations over Homework? Practice this Coping Strategy…

what to do if your stuck on homework

Research confirms that short breaks help a person’s brain refresh and process. Staring at the page may not produce any new thinking in your child and in fact, staying there when irritated can burn valuable fuel and decrease motivation to put in the hard work necessary to get through the learning process.

But if he walks away, gets some fresh air, or moves a bit, he might feel differently. This small change of scenery can boost thinking skills in powerful ways. He can think more clearly and become a better problem-solver when he returns. He may even gain some new ideas or solutions to his problem removed from the work setting. This functions in the same way that we experience the “shower effect.” Do you get your best ideas in the shower too? Or perhaps your most creative thoughts come when you are driving in the car with no laptop or notepad at the ready? Or maybe when you’ve laid down to go to sleep for the night, your brain starts firing off brilliant thoughts. In order to access our top thinking skills, we require a mental rest. Consider that a short brain break for your child is working with their natural thinking processes to facilitate them, not fight against them.

So although our intention to promote grit and “stick-to-attive-ness” in our children comes from a genuine hope to help them be successful, teaching and promoting brain breaks can help children learn to manage their emotions more effectively while working. And in addition, they may be able to extend their focused attention when they return to work with added motivation from the fuel they’ve gained.

Here are some simple ways to teach, practice, and promote the essential brain break.

Talk about the Brain Break during a regular (non-frustrating) homework time.

Or if homework is consistently frustrating, then pick a non-homework time to talk about how to take brain breaks.

Brainstorm ideas.

See if you can come up with a few ideas together. What can your child do when taking a brain break? You might ask: “ What makes you feel better or gives you comfort when you’re feeling frustrated? ” You can share some restorative ideas like walking outside and breathing in the fresh air, doing some jumping jacks or a yoga pose, getting a drink of water, or visiting a favorite stuffed friend. For young children, imitate your favorite animal. Hop like a bunny or jump from limb to limb like a squirrel. For older children, listen to your favorite song or play on a musical instrument. Have your child write or draw their ideas. Keep that paper in your homework location so that when it’s needed, you can remind your child to take a look at what ideas she’s had and pick one. Daniel Goleman’s book entitled “ Focus; The Hidden Driver of Excellence ” recommends getting outside in nature as one of the most restorative (and just stepping outside your front door counts!). He also writes that checking email, surfing the web, or playing video games are not restorative so avoid those when you are generating brain break ideas.

Discuss school brain breaks.

Yes, brain breaks are key at school too. But does your child’s teacher offer them? Even if they do, they are likely structured breaks for all students and may not serve your own child’s needs at the moment she has them. Help her learn self-management skills by figuring out what she can do in the midst of frustrating moments when she is sitting at her desk completing a worksheet or taking a test. Because mindfulness simply means becoming aware of your body and your thoughts and feelings (and holding compassion for those feelings – not judgement), it can be done anywhere. Your child could count to ten slowly while breathing deeply. Your child could tap each finger on her page individually while breathing noticing the touching sensation. She could wiggle each toe in her shoes noticing how that feels. These pauses can help her bring her focus back to her work.

Set a timer.

Brain breaks should not be long. After all, your child has work to accomplish and especially on school nights, time is limited. So allow enough time to move away and change the perspective but not so much time that your child gets involved in another activity. One to three minutes could be enough to accomplish that goal. Also, put your child in charge of the timer. You don’t want to be the one managing this break. Give your child that responsibility.

Do a dry run.

Practice is important before using it. Include deep breathing in your practice. For young children, try out hot chocolate breathing or teddy bear breathing to practice this important part of the break. For older children, you can merely count to ten while breathing or exaggerate the sound of your deep breathing together. Call “ brain break. ” Move away from work, breathe deeply, and try out your child’s idea for one restorative practice. This practice will ensure that she is well-rehearsed and can call upon that memory when she’s feeling frustrated and taken over by her flight or fight survival brain.

Notice, remind, and reinforce through reflection.

After you’ve generated ideas and practiced, then notice when you see your child getting frustrated. You might say, “ I notice you have a frustrated look on your face. Would a brain break help ?” Then after she does a brain break and her homework is complete, reflect. “ Did that help you and how did it help you? ” in order to maximize her learning.

For parents, teaching and promoting brain breaks with your child can serve as a helpful reminder to us. Yes, we also require brain breaks as we deal with a myriad of responsibilities and attempt to use focused attention with our child, as well as our work, as well as our household and social responsibilities. If you notice you are feeling overloaded with it all, how can you incorporate brain breaks into your own day to help you become more effective? I think I’ll take one…right now.

For Educators, check out this great article on Edutopia on how to incorporate brain breaks and other focusing activities into your daily classroom routines.

Brain Breaks and Focused Attention Practices


Goleman, D. (2013). Focus; The hidden driven of excellence . NY: Harper Collins.

Kim et al. (2018). Daily micro-breaks and job performance: General work engagement as a cross-level moderator. Journal of Applied Psychology. 103 (7) 772-786.

Originally published on February 17, 2019.

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Category: Building a Positive Family Environment Tags: brain breaks , Coping skills , Dealing with big feelings , frustrating homework , homework frustrations , learning challenges , Self-management , upset during homework

11 Comments on “Frustrations over Homework? Practice this Coping Strategy…”

Thanks for your share. There are as many ways to learn as there are people. Since college, I found methods for learning that reduced after school study time from 20 hours to nearly none. As a teacher, I shared some of these ideas, but encouraged the kids to find what works for them. They could use what I shared, try it, but find what works for them. Here’s what I shared: As the teacher lectures, read the book/text (splitting attention for high functioning students), or read the book soon after the lecture (which I gave time). I would take notes as the teacher talked, but also summarize paragraphs as I read (like one or two phrases each). I also got into the habit of drawing pictures to explain each page (main point). Now, this sounds complex, but it isn’t, all happening at the same time. She lectures, I’m reading and listening: listening for the main points. As I’m reading, I’m summarizing paragraphs and drawing pictures so I can visualize what is happening. At home, all I do is read the notes and look at the pictures, while it’s fresh, to review. Never had to study for tests except to review the notes and think about them. The students who understood this improved in grades. I taught them to learn through understanding, not memorization. Understand and all the pieces fit. Some kids used aspects of this, borrowing, but including their own ideas. The main thing is to understand as you go.

Wow! Thank you sincerely for sharing how you study and advise others! This is so excellent. I really appreciate how you incorporate multiple ways of grappling with the material as you are learning it – summarizing, drawing pictures. These are terrific study methods. I think this is a blog article of the future since very few schools actually take the time to teach study skills. Are you a parent too? My criteria for writing an guest article is that you are a parent (of an 0-18 year old in your household) and have experience/expertise in child development or social and emotional development. If you are interested and fit that criteria, I hope you’ll email me at [email protected] . Thanks for the excellent comment! Best, Jennifer

You’re not going to beleive me when I explain. I was married once, but no children. However, as a teacher, I gathered that if I didn’t have my own children, the work of teaching would be worth the time. But, I think, my friends and family would tell you they think I’m unusual. I’m not. I simply wanted to understand learning and how best to learn, since I hated school while growing up and looked for easier ways. I’ll share something, and people can read my site for other articles (Those articles aren’t the most popular, because writing seems to block the communication that happens in person.). This was when I trained a horse. I had learned some riding in college, then helped people learn beginning riding in summer camp. But I had never trained a horse. **One day, while at work, a friend told me of another friend who was looking for someone to train his 2/3 year old thoroughbred horse. It had never been trained, never been saddled: basically, it was a pet. So, I told him I could train the horse. He didn’t ask if I had ever trained a horse, just if I could. Of course I could. Had no idea what was going to happen. I read one book on the horse whisperer and one magazine about horse training tips. I thought about horses. I knew I liked them, been around them while learning riding, so I figured all would be good. Then, I thought about what training might look like, visualized lessons, wrote down ideas, then went one step at a time. Met the horse, with the owner. Got to know the horse. Two weeks later, we could walk, trot, cantor, gallop, walk backwards, and open gates while sitting on the horse. But we were a partnership. I just listened to what the horse was telling me. This isn’t hard. It’s just all too many of us have been educated out of our common sense. We’ve lost that innate knowing that children have. When I teach, I try to support what children already have, teaching them to trust themselves, but they must do the work. Hope this helps.

Oh my goodness! I love it! I love your example of training a horse and how you learned what you could be then and then deep dove into a partnership of learning with the horse. That’s beautiful! That is how we all learn, isn’t it? It’s just that we adults seem to run into many fears and barriers as we attempt to let go of some of the control while we allow for our learning partner to try and take chances and experiment. It’s a dance for sure. I also love that you hated school but loved figuring out how learning takes place and how you could do it in a way that your students actually derived joy from the experience. Just wonderful! Thank you for writing! You have a whole lot of wisdom to share! Glad you are blogging about it! Please keep in touch. Best, Jennifer

By the way, Jennifer, you’re one of the reasons I keep trying to encourage others to see how easy learning is.

Thank for that comment! I appreciate it. I too am a student of learning and think we can gain a whole lot from learning from our children!

Good ideas. L,M >

Hi Jennifer, Brain break tricks you shared are really helpful for parents , teachers and students as well. Not every time one can go for vacation or on a trip. Many parents feel helpless when they see kids struggling with their work. I am sure if they document such tips and tricks and go through it every if and then, then it would be more helpful for them. ‘Deep breath’ technique is really wonderful for elders as well, it calms and fresh you up with in minutes. School and tuition teachers also need to learn and use such tactics to involve kids in better way. Thanks for sharing.

Zayden, I agree! Breaks and teaching coping strategies can be such empowering tools for parents as they support learning at home. Appreciate your feedback! 🙂 Jennifer

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4 Things College Students Do When They Are Struggling With Their Homework and Assignments

College life can be very challenging . Be it academics, part-time jobs, or extracurricular activities, life does not get easier when you are in college. Even with all the freedom students get to experience, in college, they barely have much free time on their hands. 

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Things get tougher when these students have to deal with the pain of doing homework and assignments for all their coursework. With at least five or six courses in a semester, it is easy to see how challenging it gets once all that work starts piling up.

In most cases, students manage to get done with these assignments and homework. However, there are always those one or two courses or assignments that are more difficult than the rest. Not every student can finish these assignments properly, and those who do, have to work five or ten times harder than for any of their other assignments. 

So as a college student, how do you deal with homework and assignments that make you struggle, and often make you think that you should just drop out?

#1 Going through Class Notes and the Course Materials

Checking your class notes and course materials should be the first course of action to take if you are struggling with an assignment or homework. After all, the questions set in these papers are surely related to the course and what was taught in class. Hence, you should be able to find the answers in your books, lecture slides, or class notes, given you were attentive during the classes.

The best way to go through notes and course materials is by looking for keywords and phrases that fall in line with the questions themselves, or at least the topic. Skimming through them should help you find the answer almost instantaneously. It might take some time to go through everything, but it will all be worth it if you can find the answer.

#2 Getting Help from a TA or Teacher

You will not find all the answers in your books or class notes, in which case you should get in touch with your course teacher or teaching assistant (TA). Do not, however, reach out to them without studying the notes and course materials. 

The first thing they will ask you when you take your problems to them is how you tried solving them. And they will only help you if you have attempted to help yourself first. Thus, never seek help from your TA or course instructor without knowing about the topic, or going through the class materials first.

#3 Seeking Help Online

The internet is arguably the best place to look for solutions to all your academic problems. Be it a math problem or an English essay, you can find proper guidance to every subject and course online. A simple google search should answer most of your questions. YouTube can always provide you with a more in-depth lecture or tutorial on answering those stressful questions.

Homework assistance websites can also help you with detailed guidelines on how to solve all those difficult problems and questions. Homeworkmarket is one place where you can expect such kind of support. 

The platform’s recent rebrand to Sweetstudy has not changed any of the facilities or features that students used in the past. With professional tutors and experts from related fields, you can rest assured that you will be getting the best guidance for your homework and assignments. 

Not only will they help you finish your work, but will make sure it is correct, and that you know how they approached the problem. Hence, the next time you are stuck with something similar, you can always refer to the way the experts from Sweetstudy handled it.

#4 Studying in Groups

When everything else fails, you can always rely on your friends or classmates for some help. Do not simply copy their work and submit it. Not only is that plagiarism, but it also does not help you learn anything. 

Instead, try to study in groups , sit with the problem together, and solve it collectively. A few minds working together on an issue is always better than just one mind stressing over it. 

Doing one or more, or even all of these for particular assignments can help you get through the struggle with a bit of ease. That being said, you do need to put in effort from your end as well, otherwise, things will only keep getting more difficult. Of course, as a college student, you will have to push your limits, but remember to do so in a healthy manner. Prioritize your mental and physical health, and then worry about homework and assignments.

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Q: Homework Triggers Epic Tantrums from My Child

Sometimes, the mere thought of buckling down for homework after a long day of school is enough to invite meltdowns and anguish from students with adhd and executive function challenges. you know they are tired and worn out, but still the work must be done — and without nightly terrors. try these tricks to defuse the situation..

Leslie Josel

Q: “Many nights, my son falls apart at the mere mention of homework. Or, he convinces himself an assignment is too difficult and gives up – after a major meltdown. He doesn’t want to get a zero for not completing work, but is completely blocked emotionally. He feels like he’s too stupid. How can I help him recover after an emotional breakdown?”

When a child suffers a meltdown at 7pm, we as parents focus on getting through the meltdown. But what we need to do is rewind the day back to 8am, and think of all of the things that led to this point. Where is the break down beginning? What is leading us to this point? Typically these major tantrums don’t happen out of the blue.

Homework doesn’t start when your child sits down to do homework. It starts when he first walks into his first class of the day. Does he hear what the teacher had to say? Does he have his homework from the night before? Does he even know what is being asked of him? Does he need some systems and strategies in place to refuel his executive functions after depleting them all day at school?

My son had a similar issue. He was explosive about getting homework done. Here are a couple things that worked for us:

[ Free Download: How Well Does Your Teen Regulate Emotions? ]

  • Play “I Spy” and focus on what is getting in the way of your child’s work . Is it using Twitter during homework time? Or difficulty sustaining effort?
  • Engage your child in the process of getting started . While you are having a snack after school, ask, “What’s your plan?” Or, “What are your priorities for tonight?” This can prepare his brain for what’s next for the evening without nagging him.
  • Make it easy to get started . I tried to make things as simple as possible to avoid overwhelm. A sheet of 20 or 30 problems – even if they were simple computations – would put my son into a tailspin. Instead, I would put out one math problem or one vocabulary word at the beginning just to get the ball rolling. Remove barriers to entry by starting small and simple. If your child gets stuck, ask, “What’s your first step?” This can help dial back the overwhelm.
  • Stop distractions and procrastination . I would sit in the room with my son while he worked. I wasn’t communicating, or helping after he got started, just being there – doing something else, and sometimes re-directing him back to work. Act like a force field to keep your child focused and anchored to whatever task he’s trying to complete.
  • Get moving . Grab the flashcards and take the dog out for a walk. Ask them as you move around the neighborhood. By the time you get home, the assignment is complete, but it didn’t feel like studying . Do math problems with sidewalk chalk – anything to break up the emotion of the moment.

Not every strategy works for every student – throw a few things against the wall and see what sticks. This advice came from “ Getting It Done: Tips and Tools to Help Your Child Start — and Finish — Homework ,” an ADDitude webinar lead by  Leslie Josel  in September 2018 that is now available for free replay.

Do you have a question for ADDitude’s Dear Teen Parenting Coach? Submit your question or challenge here.

The opinions and suggestions presented above are intended for your general knowledge only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your own or your child’s condition.

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Take a Break and Focus

If you find yourself stuck along the way, take a break from the homework task. Visit EWritingService if you need help with your writing tasks. You can even step outside to give your mind time to breathe. Most students encounter problems in their studies due to lack of focus.

Before you seek math homework help, make sure your focus is on the problems alone.

If you find yourself stuck along the way, take a break from the homework task.

Most students encounter problems in their studies due to lack of focus.

Redirect attention

Taking a break helps clear your mind and redirect all attention to the task at hand.

You should use this break to refocus your mind on the task at hand.

Step outside

You can even step outside to give your mind time to breathe.

Go Through the Assignment Requirements

One of the biggest mistakes students make when handling homework is trying to complete the tasks in a rush. If you don’t read the requirements thoroughly, you are most likely going to get stuck. Take time to go through the guidelines and if you need any clarifications, talk to your teacher. By rereading the instructions, you get a better understanding of what the task requires and your mind is up for the task.

Create the Right Atmosphere

If you are stuck with your homework, take a step back and look at your surroundings. The problem could be in the environment where you are working. Make sure you create enabling atmosphere where you can concentrate and focus. Ensure you have created a serene environment devoid of distractions before you go online and search “someone to write my homework for me,”It is easier to work on assignments when you switch all electronic devices and find a secluded place.

Divide the Task into Smaller Chunks

If you can’t find a way out of the homework problems, review the entire task and divide it into chunks. It is easier to start with the easiest problems to gain more confidence.

You will feel more motivated when you get some work out of the way. Make sure you use a homework planner detailing all the tasks and from it, pick the topics which you find easy to work on.

Get expert help

If you have tried all techniques and you still find yourself stuck, it is time to seek professional online homework help. There are some highly reliable homework companies where you can find talented homework helpers.

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“The experts offer custom homework solutions to suit any needs. It is the easiest way to complete your homework quickly and learn a lot in the process.“ — John Cena
“Using the tips presented on this blog, it is possible to move forward if you are stuck with your homework assignment. Try them out. “ — Keith Larsen

This is prbably the best homework writing blog.

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Creative people and fresh ideas. Great!

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Take a short break. Get help from your parents. Look on internet . All these things can be solved on homework. And could get a high grade! You do not have hard work after all them things could help you but if they don't then don't worry it will be figured out some day. And please remember. Don't panic!

Ask your teacher or someone who knows what they're doing.

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Here are some ideas:

  • Read that section of the textbook again for help
  • Read over your class notes to see if the teacher gave you hints
  • Do a search on the internet - just type the question into your search engine and hit "enter"
  • Ask another classmate for help
  • Skip that question and ask the teacher for extra help tomorrow!

Call a friend.

email the teacher.

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Look in the textbook index.

yea just wat he/she said

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Don't know too... I'm doing my Science Homework and I'm stuck on it too! :(

Where can I find science homework help and tutors?

Science can be a struggle. If your child is having a problem with his or her homework you can check out this website where they can help you on what you need.

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Homework helps you to learn science and remember what you've learned better.

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You're stuck on science homework too? Haha, I have no idea, but it should be in the section of your reading that your getting the question from.

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A hypothesis is guess or an estimate that you make in a science class work, science homework, and in science fairs too.

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What metal when connected to magnesium would produce a high voltage?

Carbon. I did this in science with a volt metre and we stuck carbon and magnesium into a lemon then attached it to the voltmetre. It gave a high reading but I dont know why, that is what my homework is!! CARBON xx

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Brainpop is a homework help website -- it does have a science section, yes.


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How to Stay on Top of Homework

Last Updated: March 2, 2024 Approved

This article was co-authored by Emily Listmann, MA . Emily Listmann is a private tutor in San Carlos, California. She has worked as a Social Studies Teacher, Curriculum Coordinator, and an SAT Prep Teacher. She received her MA in Education from the Stanford Graduate School of Education in 2014. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article received 12 testimonials and 89% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 200,758 times.

It's sometimes tough to keep up with excessive amounts of homework each week. You might enjoy a subject, but feel overwhelmed at the same time. To stay on top of your assignments, it is a good idea to log all of your work details into a planner or calendar. Maintaining a regular study schedule will make it easier to finish everything on time as well. If you are stuck, you can always approach your teacher, classmates, parents, or even a tutor for additional help.

Making the Most of Your Time

Step 1 Use down time to study.

  • Lunchtime is a great opportunity to work on an assignment and so is the commute home, as long as someone else is driving. If you have a part-time job, take advantage of the slow moments.
  • If your instructor gives you time during the class period to study, take advantage of it. It is especially important to make good use of study halls if you are an athlete. [2] X Research source

Step 2 Keep a homework planner.

  • This system only works if you keep up with it. Spend time each Sunday evening looking over your planner and making sure that all dates and assignments are entered in correctly. Estimate if you've allowed yourself ample time for each activity.
  • Some people prefer to schedule their week down to the hour. Others prefer to create a basic “to-do” list for each day. Try a few different approaches to see what works the best for you. [4] X Research source
  • Consider using an app, such as iHomework, to keep track of your assignments and deadlines. These apps can alert you when an assignment is almost due. Many homework apps are free or inexpensive. [5] X Research source
  • Alarms or alerts can also be useful for reminding you to sit down and go over your work schedule or update your planner at a designated time (e.g., every Sunday evening after dinner).

Step 4 Start with items that are due first.

  • For example, if a paper is due tomorrow, it gets priority over a worksheet that you must complete by next week. Don't get distracted by the idea of multitasking—try to focus your attention on 1 project at a time.

Step 5 Stick to a study schedule.

  • When creating your schedule, consider when you work the best. Some people prefer to work late into the night, while others enjoy working in the morning. There is nothing wrong with getting up early to get a jump on homework as long as you can stick to that schedule.

Step 6 Take short breaks.

  • Get up and move around during your breaks. You're probably sitting while working, so now is the time to get the blood flowing and re-energize. Take a quick walk. Eat a healthy snack, like some almonds, and drink a bit of water too.

Step 7 Set study goals.

  • When a major research project is due, a good goal would be to complete the research part of the process well in advance of the final deadline, giving you time to write. This is a realistic goal and it breaks up a larger project, making it seem more doable.
  • Part of setting goals is keeping your priorities in order. Recognize those activities that can wait until the weekend, such as shopping, and do them then. Also, keep an eye on your extracurricular activities to make sure that you can still achieve your academic goals while participating. [9] X Research source
  • Your phone can be a major source of distraction. Consider turning it off while you're studying, or put it on airplane mode so that you can't browse the web or receive notifications.

Doing Quality Work

Step 1 Pay attention in class.

  • Try to find something interesting within the subjects that you might consider “boring.” For example, if you dislike history but enjoy fashion, you might find the history of fashion and dress really exciting. Ask your teacher about it and see if you can use this interest in your homework.

Step 2 Take note of the assignment details.

  • This is a good practice to follow as it will help you on most tests as well. It is usually better to leave nothing blank on an exam, as your instructor may be able to award you partial credit for the attempt.

Step 4 Check your final work.

  • Have a designated area where you put projects that are “in progress” so you don't confuse them with homework that needs to be turned in.

Getting Help from Others

Step 1 Ask your teacher questions.

  • For example, if your teacher normally assigns 5 chapters to read over the weekend and she didn't say anything about it this time, you might want to ask her. You could say, “Do we need to do our usual chapter reading this weekend?”
  • If your teacher is okay with it, you could also ask how long a certain assignment should take to finish. This will help you to better schedule your time for the week. [13] X Research source

Step 2 Request extra help from your teacher.

  • You might approach your teacher and say, “I'm just not getting that math worksheet. Is there a time this week when we can sit down and look it over together?”
  • If you ask for help in this way, make sure that you've started the work yourself. Don't expect your teacher to do the work for you.

Step 3 Get your parents involved.

  • If you live and study at home, your parents could also help to create a good study space by keeping the area quiet and preventing other family members from interrupting you. [16] X Research source

Step 4 Study in a group or in pairs.

  • Make sure that you are only working together on projects that given the “okay” for group work by your teacher. Otherwise, you could be committing a version of academic dishonesty by not following the rules of the assignment.
  • You can also meet with your group virtually thanks to various programs that allow you to video chat with numerous people at once, such as Google Hangouts.

Step 5 Hire a tutor.

  • Libraries are a great source of information about tutoring and other resources. Just call your local library and ask what programs they have in place to help students. [19] X Research source

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  • Make sure to eat right, get a good amount of sleep, and exercise regularly. Taking care of your body will lead to better work and it will also help to counter the stress of constant assignments. [20] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Choose a few designated study spaces where you feel the most productive. They should be quiet and comfortable, allowing you to concentrate all of your attention on your work. If you are in public, wear headphones to cut down on distractions. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If the homework is on previously covered material, use your notes to aid you with it. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

what to do if your stuck on homework

  • Be careful when doing your homework on a computer. Make sure to save your work regularly and have a back-up plan in case your technology fails. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Try not to take on too many classes at once, if you can. Every class will add to your homework burden and can create a very stressful scenario for you. [21] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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Yes, You Can Opt Your Kids Out of Homework—Here’s How

One mom says her kids haven't been doing homework for years. Here's how she opted them out and what experts say.

Guille Faingold / Stocksy

When Juliana Porter thinks about the feeling that homework induces, one word comes to mind: dread. With afternoon and evening time constraints, the North Carolina mom of three wants her kids to have some time to relax and unwind, so homework is often pushed until during or after dinnertime.  

“The subject we’ve found to be the most challenging is math, in large part because strategies and ‘show your work’ are often required to get correct answers,” says Porter. “But as parents who are not in the class to learn new methods, we’re not able to help. Or we can help, but it’s not the correct method being taught and adds to our child’s confusion. These at-home cram sessions usually end in frustration for both child and parent.”

The Porter family’s experience isn’t unique. Research published in the Child & Youth Care Forum found more than 25% of parents and kids say homework “always or often interferes with family time and creates a power struggle,” while more than 36% of kids say homework sometimes forces them to get less sleep in grades 3 to 6. According to Stanford research , 56% of students surveyed say homework is a primary source of stress.

While many families do their best to help their children complete homework with as little frustration as possible, my family has chosen a different option: to simply skip it. And I don’t mean just skipping it on the nights it's difficult either. For four years, my family has totally opted out of homework, which I’ve learned doesn’t produce enough benefits for the stress it causes. And I want other parents to know that opting out of homework is an option for their kids, too.

Homework: How to Opt Out

If your child goes to an open admissions public school, opting out of homework can be something you consider. While it may be a particularly good choice if homework is causing major household stress, you don’t have to wait until your child is miserable to act if they (or you) would simply prefer to spend the time in other ways. There are no legal requirements that students complete work outside of school hours and, for many children, the actual determinants of homework outweigh the theoretical benefits. 

To opt out, I send a note to each of my children's teachers at the beginning of the year letting them know that my child will not be completing homework, that their overall grade should not be impacted, and that they should not be penalized in any way for not turning in homework assignments.

I also let them know that we're committed to our kids' education, that we read together most evenings, and that, if my child is struggling or needs extra support in any subject, we're happy to brainstorm solutions to help them get the practice they need. Though no teachers have pushed back yet (and several have told us they wish they were not required to assign homework and that more families knew they could opt out), we have a small folder of research on the detriments of homework that we could share with an administrator if needed. 

Opting out has worked well for our family but implicit bias might mean that other families don't receive the same neutral or positive reaction that our white family does. 

"Many minoritized and historically marginalized families never consider opting out of homework, even when they know that it's not meaningful," says Sequoya Mungo, Ph.D. , an educational equity consultant and co-founder of BrownLight Inc. , a company helping to create positive diversity and inclusion results in educational, nonprofit, and corporate environments. "When white families make these types of educational choices, they are viewed as forward-thinking and seen as advocates for their children's education. Teachers and others often think that they're being proactive and identifying other enrichment opportunities for their kids. When non-middle class and non-white families opt out, the assumption is that parents don't value education and don't want to, or are unable to, help their kids with homework.” 

According to Dr. Mungo, coming with research or policy can be helpful as even some school level administrators are unaware that opting out is within your rights as parents. “The more prepared you are, the more likely you are to not be met with pushback.” 

Why Families May Want to Opt Out of Homework

Since homework is so prevalent, many assume it's vital, or at least important, to kids' academic growth. But the reality is murkier. "There's really no good evidence that homework completion positively impacts kids' academic growth or achievement," says Samantha Cleaver, Ph.D. , a reading interventionist and author of Raising an Active Reader: The Case for Reading Aloud to Engage Elementary School Youngsters . 

A 2006 meta-analysis of homework and achievement found moderate correlation in middle school and little correlation in elementary school, while there was negative correlation (that is, more homework means less learning) in third grade and below.

While research shows homework can help high school kids improve grades, test results, and likelihood of going to college, the reality is academic pressures in the U.S. have increased over the last two decades, and so too has the amount of homework that kids are assigned. The National Education Association (NEA) recommends no more than 10 minutes of homework per night per grade level, but that's often not what's happening. According to a 2015 study, elementary school students are being assigned more than is recommended , sometimes almost triple the amount. And, often, even when educators are assigning homework they think falls in this window, it can take some students, particularly those who are “behind” already or who have learning disabilities, much more time to complete. 

Excessive homework can negatively impact sleep, mental health, and stress levels. It’s also important to note homework is an issue of equity, since not every child has the same opportunities at home. "When kids are doing work in school, the classroom environment serves as somewhat of an equalizer,'' says Dr. Mungo. "Kids have access to the same teacher and generally the same resources within the classroom setting. At home, kids have different environments, different access to resources, and different levels of support." This means kids with less support and more challenges often end up getting lower grades or being penalized for not turning in work for reasons totally outside their control.

Making Change on Homework

Parents who don't want to be the only ones opting out can work to change the homework culture at their school. Consider reaching out to your principal about your homework concerns or connecting with other parents or the PTA to help build support for your cause.

And if you do opt out, don't be shy about letting other parents know that's what you've chosen to do. Sometimes just knowing there is an option and that others have opted out successfully can help families decide what's right for them.

What to Do With the Extra Time

When Porter thinks about what a life without homework would be like, she envisions a much more relaxed evening routine. “I imagine a scenario where my kids can do their after-school activities, read more, get outside, and generally just decompress from the daily eight-hour grind that is school with no more dread and no more crying,” she says.

If you opt out of homework and find your family with more time for other sorts of learning, leisure, or adventure, be thoughtful how you’ll structure your new routine and talk with your kids about the value of doing nothing, the importance of family time, or how to spend their time in ways that matter to them.

And if you want to be sure they're getting in some valuable post-school learning, consider repurposing your previous homework time to reading with your kids. "Reading aloud has benefits long after your kids can read on their own," says Dr. Cleaver. "Encourage them to choose books about subjects they're interested in, snuggle up together, and enjoy watching them learn through active reading."

But reading isn’t the only way to reap benefits. "There are lots of things that kids can do after school that will positively impact their growth and development that don't involve sitting down to do more of the work they've done at school,'' says Dr. Cleaver. "Time to decompress through play or relaxation isn't just fun, it actually helps kids' brains and bodies relax, making them more open to learning."

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what to do if your stuck on homework

What to Do If Your iPhone Is Stuck in SOS Mode

T ens of thousands of Americans lost cell phone service due to AT&T’s network outages on Thursday morning, causing concern about users' access to emergency helplines. Many customers have been faced with cell phones stuck in SOS modes.

“Some of our customers are experiencing wireless service interruptions this morning. Our network teams took immediate action and so far about three-quarters of our network has been restored,” Cricket Wireless said in a statement to TIME.

“We are working as quickly as possible to restore service to remaining customers.”

Some cities have reassured residents that their services should remain operational despite the lack of service, though many iPhone users have noticed that the disruption has caused their phones to go into SOS mode. 

SOS mode, a status that can be seen in the upper right corner of an iPhone, signals that a connection is poor. If a user is connected to the internet, they should still be able to use their phone to browse online. However, that designation means that only emergency calls or texts can be completed. 

Here’s what to know about SOS mode. 

Why does your phone go on SOS mode?  

Phones might go on SOS mode because they no longer have a cellular connection. iPhone users should still be able to make an emergency SOS call, if necessary. 

If a user sees “no service” or “searching” in the status bar, then they cannot make any calls. 

How to fix an iPhone that’s stuck in SOS mode?

There is no easy solution to fix phones that are stuck in SOS mode because it might be due to problems that are out of your hands. For instance, users impacted by the national outage have to wait for their carrier to resolve issues in order for them to be able to use their phones again. 

Apple support recommends users check that they are in an area with cellular network coverage. They should also check if there is a carrier settings update by going to Settings- General-About. 

Users should also check that their cellular data is turned on under settings. If they have a physical SIM card, they should try to remove and insert it back in. 

Other times, it might be useful to restart an iPhone. Users can do so by pressing and holding the volume button and side button until the screen shows the power off option. Wait for your device to completely turn off before trying to turn it back on, Apple says .

Contact us at [email protected] .

AT&T Outage: Here's what to do if your iPhone is stuck on SOS mode.


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