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Blog » Undergrad » Hong Kong » Application Process » How to Write the Perfect Personal Statement when Applying to Universities in Hong Kong for an Undergraduate Degree?

How to Write the Perfect Personal Statement when Applying to Universities in Hong Kong for an Undergraduate Degree?

The personal statement is the application component in which the students have the opportunity to articulate their skills and experience. This section is an essential component in your application when applying to universities in Hong Kong for an undergraduate degree.

What is a Personal Statement?

  A Personal Statement is a very important part of your application because it is an opportunity for you to showcase your skills, personality and achievements to the university. It is a 4000-character essay written by you which allows universities to understand why you are applying and why you are the best fit for the university.

While writing your personal statement, make sure to answer: 

  • What is your background?
  • What have you achieved? 
  • What have you done which stands out from other applicants?
  • Why are you a good fit for the course?
  • Why do you want to study in Hong Kong? 
  • How can you contribute to the University?
  • What have you learnt from your previous experiences? 

Tips to write a good personal statement

To produce an effective and well written personal statement, we have a few tips:

  • First off, plan the structure of the essay. Do this by creating a mind map which will include your background, your extracurricular activities, why you want to apply and other important details.
  • Emphasize the things you have done and the experiences you have been through. This could include a personal story or an anecdote which stands out from other applicants.
  • Be honest about your strengths, achievements and most importantly, make it your own work.
  • Remember to always keep in mind the character count. The personal statement should be coherent, concise and easy to understand.
  • Make sure to proofread your essay . Grammatical errors, sentence structure and language play a very important role as they can greatly influence your application decision.

Remember that the personal statement speaks about you so the most important thing is to be yourself while writing the personal statement.

If you need help with personal statements or application essays, get in touch with our university-specific mentors at UniRely. For more information, please visit our website to learn more about the process of applying to universities in HK for an undergraduate degree.

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></center></p><h2>Learn to Write HKU Personal Statement Through Examples and Pro Tips</h2><ul><li>January 2, 2024</li><li>Academic Writing Service</li><li>SOP Writing Service</li><li>Admission Essay Writing Service</li><li>Personal Statement Writing Service</li><li>LOR Writing Service</li><li>Motivation Letter Writing Service</li><li>Proofreading Service</li><li>Coursework Help</li><li>Thesis Help</li><li>Dissertation Help</li><li>Homework Help</li><li>Term Paper Writing Services</li><li>Essay Writing Services</li><li>SOP Writers Near Me</li><li>SOP Writing Service India</li><li>SOP Writing Service Hyderabad</li><li>SOP Writing Service Kerala</li><li>SOP Writing Service Bangalore</li><li>SOP Writing Service Delhi</li><li>SOP Writing Service Pune</li><li>SOP Writing Service Mumbai</li><li>SOP Writing Service Vijayawada</li></ul><p>Want to find out the simple but unspoken ways by which you can create an everlasting impression on your HKU personal statement? The reason why many personal statements fail to impress selectors is that they miss out on some important areas. Being aware of those areas will help you approach it differently. In this blog, we are discussing them in detail. </p><p>We have also included in it:  </p><ul><li>Proven writing steps and tips</li><li>Mistakes to keep away </li><li>Multiple HKU personal statement examples to download</li></ul><h2>What is the University of Hong Kong Personal Statement? Why Should You Have the Best One?</h2><p>University of Hong Kong personal statement is a document that consists of approximately 1000 words demonstrating your motivations for choosing HKU (Hong Kong University) and the particular higher education program. The document is considered to be a crucial one for your admission because: </p><ul><li>It helps the admission panel have an overall idea about your intentions.</li><li>From your personal statement for Hong Kong university, the admission panel can learn about your personality. </li><li>Personal statement for HKU provides insights into your aptitudes, strengths and soft skills with examples. </li><li>Personal statement helps selectors help the admission board to shortlist prospective candidates easily on a merit basis. </li><li>In the HKU personal statement, you can show what and how much you can contribute to the institute.  </li></ul><table><tbody><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td></tr></tbody></table><h2>Answers to These 7 Questions in Personal Statement Will Determine Your Admission to HKU</h2><ul><li>What is your academic and professional background? </li><li>What are your notable achievements? </li><li>How are you different from other applicants? </li><li>Why do you think you are suitable for this program? </li><li>What are your motivations behind choosing Hong Kong as your higher study destination? Why not other countries? </li><li>In what different ways can you contribute to Hong Kong University? </li><li>How have your previous experiences and exposure shaped your goals?</li></ul><h2>How to Format the University of Hong Kong Personal Statement?</h2><p>The way you format your HKU personal statement directly influences its acceptance rate. Stick to the following HKU personal statement word limit and other formatting factors.</p><table><tbody><tr><td> </td><td>Approximately 1000 words</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td>About 5000 characters</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td>Two to three pages</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td>Maintain a 1-inch margin on either side, top and bottom</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td>12 points</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td>Keep double spacing</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td>Times New Roman, Arial</td></tr></tbody></table><table><tbody><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td>HKU Personal Statement</td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr></tbody></table><h2>How to Write a Winning Personal Statement for Hong Kong University In 6 Steps?</h2><p>Now, let’s get started with writing the city university of Hong Kong personal statement. Follow these step-by-step instructions.</p><h2>Read about Hong Kong and HKU:</h2><p>As you are specifically required to talk about the factors that draw you to HKU and Hong Kong, read about them to develop a strong perspective to show your motivation. </p><h2>Understand the requirements:</h2><p>Like other universities, HKU has its own admission criteria and personal statement requirements. Refer to the official HKU website and understand the requirements.  Also, review a few HKU personal statement examples. </p><h2>Make your outline:</h2><p>It is important to make an outline incorporating every point in your checklist first. Verify that your outline doesn’t overlap any point which is obvious elsewhere. For instance, your GPA score.</p><h2>Build your points:</h2><p>Once your outline is ready, develop each point. If you get stuck at the introduction, leave it and carry on with the rest of the body. Come to the introduction at last and write it without causing it to contradict the body. </p><h2>Modify your sentences:</h2><p>After you have finished, read the personal statement wholly and then word by word. If any word or sentence looks incoherent, modify them appropriately. Also, replace complicated words with simple ones. </p><h2>Get it reviewed:</h2><p>Finally, get your personal statement reviewed by an expert, a colleague or a professor who can guide you. They could read it from a different angle and spot areas where your write-up lacks engagement, readability and accuracy. </p><h2>HKU Personal Statement Examples</h2><p>The structure of the oral region has always fascinated me, considering its overall impact on facial construction. Considering that the human face enjoys utmost exposure, as compared to other parts of the body, my choice to become a dentist was a natural outcome of my instinct. I was 15 when I read ‘The Smile Stealers’. It was then that the history of dentistry appealed to my intellect. Nurturing this innocent interest with care, here I stand today, ready to embrace a dynamic career in dentistry. A person’s appearance and image largely rest on the way he/she talks, smiles and presents incidents. Given that a significant section of people across the globe experience difficulties due to injury in their oral region, a logical choice for me would be to put on the mask of a dentist.</p><p>In an effort to gain a better insight into the area of my interest, I capitalized on my last summer internship. Integrating myself into several dentistry settings, I gained first-hand knowledge for four weeks. Thoroughly enjoying the fresh knowledge-acquisition process, I worked on orthodontics and implants. Most importantly, I realized that dentists need to go beyond their core skills while establishing a compassionate association with their patients. Besides, I talked to experienced dentists to learn how frustrating and stressful certain patients and cases can be. All these experiences strengthened my desire to be a part of the dentistry world and take care of patients who are suffering.</p><p>Besides, I enhanced my foundational knowledge in dentistry, undertaking a job at a local clinic in Mumbai, India. This was an invaluable learning experience for me. During this phase, I came to realize the value that soft and hard skills in dentistry hold for the professionals. In particular, I carried out dental drills, which helped me gain manual dexterity. Apart from this, I was fascinated with the processes like laser frenectomy and other procedures that dentists carried out on the gums. This mechanism enabled the patient to gain normal movement of the lower lip, which previously got strained from the gum. This was the first time I saw how a CO2 laser works practically. I realized the depth of dentistry, as the professional used a specific dye and killed the bacteria around the oral region. Most importantly, the patient enjoyed a joyous experience, and I look forward to bestowing such gratifying feelings to my patients in the coming years.</p><p>I also noticed how the dentists developed a rapport with the patients at the outset, so that they felt at ease. It was interesting for me to study the different social elements in the life of each patient. However, the end goal of the dentists was to establish the rapport. Eventually, I realized that communication and interpersonal skills hold the secret for success for reputed dentists.</p><p>Apart from being consistent in my academics, I have demonstrated my competence in trekking, playing saxophone and flute. In the summer of 2016, I embarked on an expedition to Nepal, climbing the highest peak in the world. During this expedition, I combated both mental and physical challenges. My energetic character keeps me active. In several programs and assemblies, I have played the flute and the saxophone. I also love interacting with people, as it enhances my confidence and communication skills. Rather than playing solo, I prefer playing these instruments in small orchestras. This is where every musician works together, complementing each other’s efforts. The cohesive efforts result in a mellifluous symphony, the secret of which lies in teamwork.</p><p>I have been a fervent learner all these years and would like to be a part of the sophisticated academic environment at your institute. Aligning my passion and professional goals, I hereby commit myself to the dentistry profession. A berth in your revered institution would propel me closer to my professional goals. I look forward to integrating myself into the progressive student community at your university.</p><p>Click the below button to download your copy of HKU personal statement sample PDF. Compare your own writing with the sample and find out where the latter needs more attention.</p><h2>Common Mistakes Students Make in Their HKU Personal Statement</h2><p>HKU has a lower acceptance rate. The most cited reason is mistakes in the personal statement. The following are some of the mistakes that students often make. </p><p>Try to avoid them in your writing. </p><h2>Lack of engagement:</h2><p>The write-up contains only statements.</p><h2>Not self-reflective:</h2><p>The document looks too detached from the writer. </p><h2>Not tailor-made to HKU:</h2><p>The personal statement looks too generic.</p><h2>Not genuine:</h2><p>The writer has included fabricated info to impress the committee. </p><h2>Plagiarism:</h2><p>The document is a copy of another Hong Kong university personal statement sample. </p><h2>How Do Professionals Write Personal Statements for HKU? The Secret Tips</h2><p>Check out these secret tips from experts and use them diligently as you write your document.</p><h2>Strictly adhere to the requirements:</h2><p>First and foremost, write your personal statement exactly as you are expected to write it. Be it adhering to the format or meeting the requirements, do not fail.</p><h2>Answer the personal statement prompts:</h2><p>Answering the question prompts we shared earlier in this blog is necessary to ensure the completeness of your document.</p><h2>Catchy introduction:</h2><p>Selectors will not read your personal statement word by word. They will mostly scan it. By making your introduction attractive, you can win their attention quickly.</p><h2>Do revision:</h2><p>Sometimes, you may have to rewrite an entire paragraph or a point. Only through multiple revisions, you can know which one needs a bit of revamping.</p><h2>Submit on time:</h2><p>Don’t wait for the deadline to submit your personal statement. Submit it at least a week or two earlier. This will enable you to enjoy the benefit of early bird applications. </p><h2>Use standard English:</h2><p>The quality of the language used in your personal statement HKU influences what and how selectors understand your story. So, it is inevitable to use standard English without errors. </p><h2>Why Study in Hong Kong?</h2><p>A lot of students, not only from Asia but also from Europe, America, Africa and the Pacific, flock to Hong Kong for higher education. Why do they prefer to study in Hong Kong? </p><p>Here are some reasons.</p><h2>Fastest-growing metropolis:</h2><p>Hong Kong is one of the fastest-growing metropolises in the world. Needless to say, the sheer number of opportunities it offers is on the rise.</p><h2>The major hub of higher education:</h2><p>Hong Kong is a major hub for higher education in Asia. Universities like HKU offer a myriad of higher study programs for students from all academic and professional backgrounds. </p><p><center><a href=

Diverse culture:

Hong Kong is a hugely multicultural city with people from all ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds. It is a place where everyone can feel at home.

Safe for everyone:

 Hong Kong has one of the lowest crime rates in the world. Any incident of crime is taken seriously by authorities. The safety of the inhabitants is a priority concern for the government.

Well connected:

Hong Kong is well connected with other cities in the region as well as international capitals through direct flight services. 

How to Apply for HKU?

  • Register an account at the university’s official application portal. 
  • Begin your application process. 
  • Keep track of the date for the first round of evaluation and submit your application
  • Submit all your supporting documents including Hong Kong university personal statement and LORs 
  • Wait for the response from the admission committee.

Importance dates to remember

Application to HKUDate
Fall (full year)1 April
Spring2 September
Application DeadlineDate
Fall (full year)1 May
Spring28 September
Accommodation Application DeadlineDate
Fall (full year):29 May
Spring30 October
Visa Application DeadlineDate
Fall (full year)12 June
Spring31 October

Please note that this is a tentative chart of dates. Dates are subject to changes each year based on public holidays and weekends. 

Top Higher Study Programs That HKU is Known For

  • Social Sciences
  • Architecture
  • Business School
  • Engineering

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We are confident that we did. Do you have anything to suggest to us? 

We are on a mission to make this blog the ultimate source of information for everyone out there who wants to make an impact on their application through a strong HKU personal statement. 

Feel free to share your suggestion, feedback, doubts or questions regarding this blog in the comments below. 

We greatly appreciate your time.

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Before you fill in and submit us the application, please read this page and visit the website(s) of the respective programme(s) to which you wish to apply for admission for updates on the programme requirements.

Advance Offer

To facilitate outstanding candidates in making informed decisions among all early offers they receive from various universities, candidates who apply to CUHK on or before 16 November 2023 will be considered for an advance offer. In this round, successful applicants may be given a firm or conditional offer depending on individual merits, and those selected for advance offers will be notified by mid-January 2024.

Applicants who are not selected for an advance offer will automatically compete on equal footing with all other applicants in the Regular round, the application deadline of which is 4 January 2024.

Application Deadlines

Regular Round Deadline: 4 January 2024 Extended Deadline: 31 May 2024

Thereafter, applications may be accepted subject to the availability of places.

Please read the application guide and online application step-by-step guide before completing the application as they contain important information and guidelines that will assist you in completing and submitting your application.

Application Guide

Online Application Step-by-Step Guide

Supporting Documents

To facilitate the processing of your application, please make sure that you have fully completed and uploaded the following supporting documents (if available):

(i) Copies of your Hong Kong Identity Card, Dependant Visa, Passport and Entry Permit, if applicable (For verification purposes only. It will be deleted from the applicant’s file after the said purpose has been served.)

(ii) Copies of your academic transcripts, public examinations results and other credentials (if applicable):

  • high school reports/ transcripts and graduation certificate/ diploma
  • diploma/ sub-degree transcripts and graduation certificate
  • university transcripts/ degree certificate
  • result slip(s) of public examination(s) (e.g. IB/ SAT/ AP/ ACT/ GCE/ GCSE/ IGCSE/ Gaokao/ others). The University Code for College Board (for submission of SAT/ AP results) is 5690, and for ACT it is 7050.
  • English/ Chinese language test results (e.g. TOEFL/ IELTS/ others). The University Code for submission of TOEFL results is 0812.
  • certificates in support of professional/ academic achievements

(iii) Personal Statement (Resume/ Curriculum Vitae (optional))

(iv) Recommendation of an academic referee (online or by hardcopy)

Via online system: You can submit up to 3 referees’ information and check the referee submission status in the section “Online Recommendation Form” after submitting the online application and settling the application fee. Your referee will then receive an invitation email to log in to the “Online Confidential Recommendation System” to complete the Confidential Recommendation/ Referee Report. A referee can use the same account and password to complete the recommendations for different applicants who have invited him/ her as their referee. The referee will not receive a second password from us.

By hardcopy: You can print the Confidential Recommendation Form in the section “Paper Recommendation Form”. The completed form should be sent in a sealed envelope by post by either you or your referee directly to our office.

Counselors/ teachers who would like to submit a recommendation

Kindly make use of our Online Confidential Recommendation System to submit your recommendation. Please ask your students to nominate you as a referee by providing your particulars in the “Online Recommendation Form” section in the online application, after submitting the online application and settling the application fee. You will then receive from our system 2 emails which contain your login information. A referee can use the same account and password to complete the recommendations for different applicants who have invited him/ her as their referee. A referee will not receive a second password from us. Please login to your account at your earliest convenience and the system will guide you through the recommendation submission process.

For enquiries, please submit them here .

Application Fee

You will need to pay a non-refundable application fee of HK$450 for 2024 entry via ONLINE payment by either VISA or MASTERCARD through our Online Application System at the time of submission.

Application Status

You can check your application status online after your submission of the application and settlement of the application fee.

Check Application Status

For applications and results notification timeline of the selection exercise for 2024 entry, please check here .

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SOP for Hong Kong: Format, Samples & Writing Tips

university of hong kong personal statement

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SOP for Hong Kong: Guidelines of Universities

The following are some of the  top universities in Hong Kong  and the guidelines for SOP for Hong Kong are given as follows:-

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The  Chinese University of Hong Kong  caters to several doctoral programs, such as M.Phil. and Ph.D., across various fields of study including Accountancy, Business Administration, etc. These programs require the submission of a Personal Statement to the CUHK online application portal.

  • The personal statement must explain how the applicant was encouraged to pursue the degree program and the specified field of study
  • It must include the candidate’s future aspirations and how the program would help in achieving them
  • The academic background and interests of the applicant should be highlighted in the essay

Apart from the SoP, doctoral candidates are required to produce a research proposal indicating their thesis in the final years of research.

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

A 1-2 page “personal statement” is mandatory for the graduate degree programs offered by the  Hong Kong University of Science and Technology  (HKUST). The guidelines for the same are mentioned as follows:-

  • The essay should consist of at least 5 paragraphs explaining the candidate’s excellence and proficiency in the chosen field
  • The introductory paragraph should explain the reason the applicant chose the program, as well as his/her academic background
  • The following paragraphs should mention his/her experience in the industry, future goals, and motivation
  • The essay should conclude with the values that the candidate would add to the college

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

The  Hong Kong Polytechnic University ’s both undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs require a personal statement. The following are the guidelines for the Bachelor’s degree programs, such as BSc in Physiotherapy, BSc in Optometry, and BSc in Occupational Therapy:-

  • The essay must contain around 500 words
  • It should be written in English
  • It should explain the candidate’s motivation for choosing the program and field of study
  • The applicant’s academic background must also be included in the essay

For a majority of postgraduate taught programs, including MBA, MS, etc., the submission of a personal statement is compulsory. However, for postgraduate research programs, such as M.Phil. and Ph.D., the essay is optional and the Research Proposal is compulsory.

  • The Research Proposal should include the project title and motivation for selecting the project
  • The name of the project advisor, his/her academic qualifications, and experience should also be incorporated
  • The project synopsis, overview, and objects should be clearly specified
  • Mention the scope and applicability of the project
  • Explain your research methodology

City University of Hong Kong

In order to apply for the postgraduate-taught program of the  City University of Hong Kong , including MA, Master of Urban Design, and MSc, candidates must submit a 500-word applicant statement. The guidelines for the statement vary with the program but an overall outline for the same is pointed out as follows:-

  • You should explain your prior experience, such as employment, internship, etc., in the chosen field of study
  • Mention your academic achievements, background, and interests
  • Mention your motivation for the program and specialisation
  • Describe how the degree would shape your academic and professional career
  • Explain how you are the perfect candidate for the program and the institution

Hong Kong Baptist University

Hong Kong Baptist University  offers a wide variety of undergraduate programs that require the submission of a personal statement. The essay should not exceed 1,000 words and the guidelines for the same are listed as follows:-

  • Write how you developed an interest in the field of study
  • Explain the reason for pursuing the UG program
  • Mention your academic interests and academic background
  • Do not include the information that is already given in your Resume

Sample SOP for Hong Kong

From a very young age, I witnessed my father run his own business of clothes and garments. As I grew up, I started participating in the business by strategizing a business model, dealing with clients, and searching for suitable raw materials. Over time, my interest evolved in the field of marketing and business, which made me intrigued by the complexities of business, which further inspired me to pursue a BBA at BB Ganguly University in Kolkata.

During my undergraduate studies, I was exposed to a wide range of business-related subjects, including finance, business law, and entrepreneurship. Through these courses, I developed a strong foundation in marketing principles, analytical thinking, and critical reasoning skills, which I believe will serve as a solid base for my advanced studies at ABC University.

After completing the program, I was campus-placed into a leading establishment, “Care & Co.”, as a Business Development Executive. My task was to improve the company’s sales, establish new connections in the industry, and help in team building. As my job progressed, I was made head of the business and marketing team. I not only supervised the branch that I worked in but I was also in charge of other branches and their marketing strategies. This experience offered me valuable insights into the practical aspects of entrepreneurship and business management. It also strengthened my resolve to pursue further education. As my career progressed, I realised that I needed to take on more responsibility and challenging roles in this field in order to achieve my goals. Thus, I resigned after 5 years of loyal work.

My short-term aspiration is to pursue a career in international business. I am particularly interested in exploring the intersection of marketing and business analytics. My long-term goal is to collaborate with my father and actively contribute to the growth and success of our own establishment, striving it to one of the top positions. With the solid theoretical foundation, practical skills, and international perspective gained from ABC University, I am confident in my ability to make a meaningful contribution to the field.

I am interested in pursuing an MBA in International Business at ABC University due to the numerous exceptional opportunities it offers. The university is home to various research centres focused on areas such as Commercial, International Global, and Private trade. Throughout the year, each research centre organises seminars and lectures that are open to all postgraduate students. By pursuing an “MBA in International Business” at ABC University, I am confident that I will gain a comprehensive entrepreneurial education, establish valuable connections with experts in the field, and be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in my chosen career path. I look forward to being an active participant in the vibrant academic environment and contributing to the scholarly community at ABC University.

Check out another Sample SOP for Hong Kong !

Tips for Writing SOP for Hong Kong

A few tips and suggestions that should be followed while writing the SOP for Hong Kong are listed below:

  • Make sure there are no spelling mistakes or grammatical errors in the essay.
  • The essay should include an introductory paragraph and a conclusion.
  • Do not repeat yourself.
  • Try to include your personal experiences in the essay.
  • Do not exceed the word limit.
  • Do not use very long sentences as they increase the chances of errors.
  • Show your motivation and deviation toward the area of study.

In order to make a presentable SOP for Hong Kong, candidates may look for samples given on the official websites of top universities. Moreover, consulting academic advisors will help you in introspecting and brainstorming innovative ideas for the essay.


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Applicant Statement

If you are applying for P04, P07, P13, P15, P19, P25, P39, P52, P60, P64, P80, P81, P82 or P88 your applicant statement should cover:  

MA in Communication and New Media (code: P25) (no more than 500 words)

  • Describe your prior experience (including employment, internship, voluntary service or any other involvement) in communication, media, or marketing industries;
  • Your knowledge and skills of new media technologies (e.g., design and production of online or offline content)
  • Your career plans after graduating from our program

MA in Creative Media (code: P81) (no more than 500 words)

  • In your statement, indicate clearly the stream to which you are applying.
  • Identify and describe your interest in the stream to which you are applying as directly and specifically as possible.
  • Discuss any relevant education, training, employment, or personal interests related to the stream to which you are applying.
  • Explain how this qualification is relevant to your career goals.
  • Please upload your statement as a separate document rather than using the box provided in the Admission Application System.
  • Applicants are not required to submit a portfolio, but are welcome to do so. Materials that are not in English should include at least an English summary. Applicants may upload their portfolios as supporting documents via their application account. You may refer to the School's website for details.

Please note that a well-considered and thoughtful personal statement is an important component of your application.

MA in Global Business Management (code: P07) (no more than 200 words for each question)

  • Why you are applying for the MAGBM programme at this time, why you feel qualified to pursue it, and how you hope to benefit from it
  • Provide descriptions, date, and duration of any pertinent international experience not mentioned in your employment history; e.g. time spent living or attending schools abroad, extended overseas vacations etc​
  • Please upload one independent writing sample from school or work in the past year.

MA in Integrated Marketing Communication (code: P39) (no more than 500 words)

  • Describe your prior experience (including employment, internship, voluntary service or any other involvement) in communication, media or marketing industries;
  • Your knowledge and skills of, or academic training in, integrated marketing communication

Master of Architecture (code: P82)

  • Describe your prior experience (including internship, professional attainments or any other informal involvement) in architecture, or any construction-related industries (please specify);
  • Discuss your ability and eagerness to be a professional in the discipline of architecture;
  • Your career aspirations, and how the MArch (P82) programme might help you to achieve them

Master of Urban Design and Regional Planning (code: P64)

  • Describe your prior experience (including internship, professional attainments or any other informal involvement) in architecture, planning, civil engineering, surveying and construction-related industries;
  • Discuss your ability and eagerness to be a professional in the discipline of urban planning and design;
  • Your career aspirations, and how the MUDP (P64) programme might help you to achieve them

MFA Creative Media (code: P80) (no more than 500 words)

  • Describe your background and career/artistic aspiration.
  • Explain your reasons for applying for admission to the MFA.
  • Applicants are required to submit a portfolio of creative work with an artist statement to the School of Creative Media (SCM) through the School’s online Portfolio submission system.
  • Portfolio materials may include still photography, paintings / drawings, sculpture, musical compositions / performances, films / videos, software, multi-media productions, academic or creative writing, or other forms of imaginative activity. Please refer to the School’s portfolio submission web page for details of the requirement and submission period.

MSc in Applied Economics (code: P13) (no more than 1,000 words)

  • Your interest in economics
  • (Optional) Discuss at least one topic in economics that you find most interesting
  • Your background in quantitative analysis/skills gained in your undergraduate studies
  • Your career aspirations, and how the MSAE programme might help you to achieve them

MSc in Civil and Architectural Engineering (code: P60) (no more than 500 words)

  • Describe your prior experience (including internship, professional attainments or any other informal involvement) in construction-related industries;
  • Discuss any relevant education, training, employment, or personal interests in areas related to the stream to which you are applying;
  • Your career aspirations, and how the P60 MSc programme might help you to achieve them

MSc in Construction Management (code: P52) (no more than 500 words)

  • Your career aspirations, and how the P52 MSc programme might help you to achieve them

MSc in Finance (code: P04), MSc in Financial Engineering (code: P15) (no more than 500 words)

  • Why you are interested in the field of specialization that you are applying to (e.g., Finance or Financial Engineering)
  • How the programme fits into your career path
  • If you are in a non-finance major, emphasize how a finance programme can help you when you cover each of the two points above
  • Why you think that you will do well in our programme

MSc in Management and Innovation (code: P19) (200 words or less for each question)

  • What are your purpose and objectives for pursuing a master's degree now?
  • Why do you choose to apply for our programme?
  • What qualifications, skills, or experience that you possess will be of value to our programme?
  • How do you see yourself five to ten years from now?  

MSc in Venture Creation (code: P88) (no more than 100 words)

  • Describe your interest in venture creation.
  • Describe your prior involvement in entrepreneurial activities.

university of hong kong personal statement

UK and HK Personal Statement Guide + 2 example formats

university of hong kong personal statement

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • Our History
  • Conferences
  • Seminars & Workshops
  • Department Handbook 2023/24
  • Department Newsletter
  • Full-time Faculty
  • Faculty Affiliates (by Courtesy)
  • Adjunct Faculty (Honorary)
  • Adjunct Faculty Offering Instruction
  • Emeritus Professors
  • Master Degree Programme
  • Doctoral Degree Programme
  • Research & Teaching Support Staff
  • Administrative Structure
  • Executive Committee
  • Interdisciplinary Research Projects
  • Computational Social Science
  • Crime, Deviance & Law
  • Economy, Politics & Society
  • Family, Gender & Sexuality
  • Population, Health & Migration
  • Stratification & Education
  • Major Programme
  • Minor Programme
  • Double Degree Options
  • Course Listing & Schedule
  • Research Methods and Data Analytics
  • Sociology and Liberal Studies (applicable to students admitted in 2021/22 and before)
  • Sociology and Social Policy
  • Society, Sustainability and Technology
  • Society And Sustainable Development
  • Collaborative Programmes
  • Exchange & Study Aboard
  • Awards and Scholarships
  • Career Path
  • Sharing by students and graduates
  • Academic Integrity
  • Student Association
  • Introduction
  • Programme Information
  • Study Scheme
  • Course List
  • Information for current students
  • Study Plan and Course List
  • Course Selection
  • Teaching Timetable
  • Useful Links
  • Awards and Scholarships (to be confirmed)
  • Facilities at CUHK
  • Sociology Programme Admission Brochure
  • What is Sociology
  • JUPAS Application
  • Non-JUPAS Application
  • Admissions Information
  • Requirements


1.1 We will need to see your supporting documents to assess your application. Electronic or photocopies will be sufficient initially. If we make you an offer and you accept it, you must submit your originals by the deadline stipulated in the admission notifications.
1.2 After you have completed your online application, please submit and upload copies of the following supporting documents to the “ ” (the System).  The supporting documents are:

For final year students, academic results should be as of the final term in the last academic year. Marks/grades for the current academic year are not required. For graduates, include a full transcript with grades/marks of all courses attended.

Copies of the “Student Copy Transcript” issued by CUHK are accepted. Academic reports generated from CUSIS are not accepted.

A copy of the latest official transcript of the Bachelor studies with official chops issued by the Registry/ Academic Secretary (教務處/ 檔案館/ 學生成績專用章) of your university.

Students who graduated from Master’s Degree/Associate Degree/Higher Diploma programmes should also upload a copy of the official transcript of their studies in the respective program.

Students who have participated in a long-duration exchange programme that constitutes part of their studies should also upload a copy of the transcript of the exchange studies issued by the host university.

Submit an accepted Grading Scheme indicating the marks/GPA for achieving an average grade of not lower than “B” in the “ ”.

A Grading Scheme is a document that states the marks for each grade (e.g., Grade A is for marks ranging from 90 to 100, Grade A- is from 85 to 89) or grade point conversion (e.g., Grade A carries a converted point of 4.00 and Grade A- is 3.70). The Grading Scheme is usually shown at the bottom/back of the transcript, stated in Student Handbooks, or posted on your institution’s websites where you check your academic results.

If the Grading Scheme is not shown on the transcript provided by applicants, they should provide a copy of the document that shows the Grading Scheme.

If the Grading Scheme is obtained from a website accessible without logging in, please state the URL of the website.

If the Grading Scheme is obtained from a website that requires logging in, please take a screenshot of the Grading Scheme and paste it into a Word file.

If your University does not have a Grading Scheme, seek assistance from your Registry (教務處/檔案館) to issue a letter confirming that no Grading Scheme has been adopted by your University.

Graduates: Please upload your graduation certificate to the System.

Final-year students: If your graduation certificate is not yet available, you are not required to submit it.

Please visit the Graduate School website for information about the “ ” under Admissions Requirements.

Submit a 500-word English Personal Statement. In the statement, please state your reasons for applying to this program, your expectations of the study, and your professional interests and goals, among other topics.

Applicants who obtained degrees from universities in Mainland China should provide these reports issued by the CHESICC (學信網).

A copy of your HKID or other identity document stated in the Graduate School Application Form. Non-local applicants are required to submit another official identity document, such as a passport or an EEP card (港澳通行証), including their English name for verification purposes, if applicable.

Applicants have the option to submit the confidential recommendation using any of the following methods:

The Confidential Recommendation can be written in English, traditional Chinese or simplified Chinese

1.3 If you have any additional supporting documents, please submit them using one of the following ways:

By email to:

By post to:

MA in Sociology Programme
Department of Sociology
Room 431, 4/F, Sino Building
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

1.4 Documents not in English or Chinese should be accompanied by an official certified translation in either English or Chinese.
1.5 Applicants are required to provide true, accurate and complete information to support their applications. Any misrepresentation in the documents and information provided will result in disqualifying their applications and subsequent enrolments at the University.


The application period for the 2025-26 Programme begins on 1 October 2024. Due to high competition, applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their applications and materials as soon as possible. The Admission Panel will start reviewing applications once all required materials are received. Applications will only be reviewed until the end of the Priority Round. Later stages of the competition are more competitive as there are fewer places available. Offers will only be made while places are still open.

Priority Round: Online Application Deadline – 8 November 2024

Final Round: Online Application Deadline – 28 February 2025

  • Privacy Policy

university of hong kong personal statement

Application for Transcript, Certifying Letter and Report on Curriculum Details

Notes for Applicants

i. Transcript:
  a. It is an official proof of a student/graduate’s academic achievements.
  b. It is a formal document listing the full record of the academic activities and achievements of the student/graduate during his/her period of study at the University.
ii. Certifying letter:
  a. It is a letter to certify a student’s current status in the University with details of date of admission, programme of study, expected date of graduation, etc.
  b. For graduates, the Letter of Certification also states the conferred degree and the date of conferment.
iii. Report on Curriculum Details
  a. It sets out the study scheme and course descriptions of a student/graduate’s Programme.
  b. It is usually requested by bodies of accreditation or institutions which need to verify the level of academic attainments of the student/graduate.
Applicants may apply for the documents by submitting applications online via .


If a certified true copy of the certificate is needed, the applicant should bring the original copy of the graduate certificate to the Graduate School in person for our handling of the application. Students/graduates should submit a hardcopy application in person at the Graduate School.

Fees per single copy including postage of local or ordinary air mail:
Transcript HK$50 per copy
Certifying Letter HK$50 per copy
Report on Curriculum Details HK$150 (First copy per application)
  HK$50 (Subsequent copy in the same application)

We recommend “Registered Mail” for dispatch of hard copy official documents, especially for locations outside Hong Kong.  A tracking number for the document(s) will be given.  HK$15.5 will be additionally charged.  Note that the application fee, once paid, is non-refundable and non-transferable.

For online application:
i. Credit card (issued by Visa, Mastercard, UnionPay)
ii. Faster Payment System (FPS) 
iii. WeChat Pay / AliPay / UnionPay / BocPay
For hardcopy application :
i. Payment by ATM Service
This service is only applicable to students admitted in 1986 and thereafter. 
ATM cardholder of HSBC, Hang Seng Bank or JETCO member banks may pay at these banks' ATM machines.  Please select the CUHK and choose bill type "02"; input (a) ten digits of the CUSIS ID (for graduates in year 2010-11 or after) or (b) first seven digits of the student ID (for graduates in year 2009-10 or before) for the bill account number.
ii. Payment by Cheque/Bank Draft 
Applicants may send a cheque or bank draft made payable to "The Chinese University of Hong Kong" to the Graduate School Office.

Payment by EPS
Applicants can make payment by EPS at the Graduate School when submitting the application form.

( )

Transcript 5 working days (normally) 

10 working days (Special Schedule):

1. Application for Chinese transcripts from graduates of 2010 or before)

2. Requests made during peak seasons in July and August

3. Requests for stating when the Graduate Certificate was issued on the transcripts [i.e., stating “ ”] will be handled after the above specified date.  The transcript will be available 7-10 working days after respective degree conferment dates. For example, transcripts for the degree conferred on 31 July will be available around 9-14 August.*

Certifying Letter

The certifying letter will reflect as to whether Senate has approved the relevant academic awards and the letter will also state that i) the award certificate will be issued in due course or ii) the award certificate was issued in [the month and year concerned], whichever applicable.

5 working days (normally)


10 working days (Special Schedule):

1. Requests made during peak seasons in July and August

2. Requests for stating both the Senate approval date and graduate certificate issue date on the certifying letters will be handled after the above specified dates.  The letter will be available 7-10 working days after respective degree conferment dates. For example, letters for the degree conferred on 31 July will be available around 9-14 August.*   

5 working days upon receipt of Graduate Division’s confirmation of student's graduation status (for IANG Visa application)

Report on Curriculum Details 15 working days

Payment must be settled within one month from the date of application. Failing this, the concerned applications will be regarded as invalid and will be cleared from the application system and application records.


* It is important to note that the Senate approval of the graduation status of the student concerned and when the Graduate Certificate was issued will not be stated on the certifying letter/transcript before it has actually taken place, which will take approximately two months counting from the date the concerned student has completed all graduation requirements (i.e. after the release of grades for courses taken). Please refer to for information about the workflow of graduation assessment. 


i. Collect in person:
  a. Applicants may collect the document at the Graduate School during its office hours.
  b. Uncollected documents will be destroyed six months from the date of application without further notice.
ii. Collect by authorised person:
  a. If another person is authorised to collect transcript(s)/other document(s) on behalf of the applicant, the authorised person should bring along the authorisation form stating the HKID Card/passport number of the authorised person. The photocopy of applicant's HKID Card/passport and the authorised person's HKID Card/passport will also be required for verification. The identification documents will be returned after inspection.
  b. Uncollected documents will be destroyed six months from the date of application without further notice.
  c. Authorisation form:
iii. Mail or registered mail:

The document is to be sent directly by local or ordinary air mail or registered mail according to the mailing address provided by the applicants. Please indicate clearly the name of the recipient, the mailing address and the purpose of the application in the application form/Online Application System.

  a. If a tracking number is required, please choose registered mail. For non-local address, it is advised that you choose registered mail as a tracking number will be available.
  b. No tracking number is available for the option “send by mail”.
  c. If the document is to be delivered to Mainland China and Taiwan, please enter the address in Chinese.

For delivery to Mainland China and Taiwan, please enter the address in Chinese.  It is advisable that you provide the phone number near the address as well.

  e. Applicants may enquire information regarding the mailing services of the Hongkong Post at , or EMS at for letters sent to Mainland China.
iv. Email:
  a. Applicants may choose “Send by email” by stating so in the remarks section.
  b. Please provide the email address in the addressee section.
  c. If you have requested to receive an electronic copy of the document, its hard copy will not be sent out.
v. Courier service: 
  a. Applicants will have to directly contact the courier and settle the payment with the couriers.
  b. Please choose “Send by mail” and state in the remarks section that courier service will be arranged by the applicant.
  • The Graduate School will send electronic copy in lieu of the hard copy directly to World Education Services (WES) through their online channel. Please choose “Send by email” and enter the email address for receiving the document for our processing.
  • The Graduate School accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage of the documents during postal delivery. Applicants should submit a new application after the previous application has been completed. Application fee as a result of this cannot be waived under any circumstance.
IASP Programme

Postgraduate Diploma in Education /

Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Education

Bachelor’s Degree Programme
i. The personal data provided in the application form will be used by the Graduate School for the purpose of processing the application only. All information provided, when no longer required, will be destroyed.
ii. For correction of or access to the personal data after submission of the application form, please contact the Graduate School by filling out an  .
iii. Information provided on the application form may be transferred to other departments/administrative units within CUHK for consideration and granting approval, where applicable.
 Certifying Letter  
 Report on Curriculum Details  
  • For enquiries, please contact the  Graduate School .


HKU Undergraduate Handbook

university of hong kong personal statement


The University of Hong Kong, Asia’s Global University, delivers impact through internationalization, innovation and interdisciplinarity. It attracts and nurtures global scholars through excellence in research, teaching and learning, and knowledge exchange. It makes a positive social contribution through global presence, regional significance and engagement with the rest of China.


The University of Hong Kong will endeavour:


  • Undergraduate Handbook

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  1. Get Expert HKUST Personal Statement Writing Assistance

    university of hong kong personal statement

  2. How to write a personal statement for Hong Kong universities

    university of hong kong personal statement

  3. HKU Personal Statement

    university of hong kong personal statement

  4. How to write a personal statement for Hong Kong universities

    university of hong kong personal statement

  5. If you are looking for HKU personal statement help, then take a look at

    university of hong kong personal statement

  6. How to write a personal statement for Hong Kong universities

    university of hong kong personal statement


  1. What is a personal statement? Do I need to write one for each programme

    You should upload a personal statement of no more than 1,000 words detailing your interest in applying to the University, the programme (s), etc. You will only be able to submit one personal statement regardless of the number of your programme choice (s).

  2. Personal Statements

    A "Personal Statement" is an important vehicle through which you introduce yourself to a third party for a specific purpose - enrolling in a graduate school, applying for a scholarship, seeking an internship opportunity, or applying for a job. To write a good Personal Statement, the skills required are as delicate as creating Coffee Art - and practice makes perfect! The following sections will ...

  3. Admissions Requirements

    In addition to satisfying the requirements for admission to the curriculum concerned, an applicant who is seeking admission on the basis of a qualification from a university or comparable institution outside Hong Kong of which the language of teaching and/or examination is not English is required to obtain one of the following examination result.

  4. PDF Step by Step Guide to Common Application HKU

    "The University of Hong Kong" is added to your College List Go to "My College" and continue the application Continue the application by filling these sections uired to submit a personal statement to HKU. Please provide your personal statement by Personal Statement

  5. 10. What should I write in my personal statement?

    10. What should I write in my personal statement? You may wish to explain why you are interested in the exchange programme, and why have you chosen HKU as host university. There is no word limit.

  6. Personal Statement: Study in Hong Kong

    The personal statement is the application component in which the students have the opportunity to articulate their skills and experience. This section is an essential component in your application when applying to universities in Hong Kong for an undergraduate degree.

  7. Applicants Requirements

    Applicants with degrees awarded by overseas universities by distance learning or by completing a curriculum of short duration may be required to provide assessment reports from the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) on the level of qualification obtained.

  8. How to Write an HKU Personal Statement with Examples

    HKU personal statement is a document that consists of approximately 1000 words showing your motivations for choosing Hong Kong University for higher education.

  9. Application Guides

    Please login to your account at your earliest convenience and the system will guide you through the recommendation submission process. You will need to pay a non-refundable application fee of HK$450 for 2024 entry via ONLINE payment by either VISA or MASTERCARD through our Online Application System at the time of submission.

  10. SOP for Hong Kong: Format, Samples & Writing Tips

    The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology A 1-2 page "personal statement" is mandatory for the graduate degree programs offered by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). The guidelines for the same are mentioned as follows:-

  11. Application Procedures

    The successful submission of an online application consists of the following steps: 1. Establish your account. Register your account when you use the online system for the first time. Provide full name, a valid email address and a username. Your account will be identified by the username in future.

  12. Admissions

    CUHK Postgraduate Application: Take a few simple steps and prepare for your application. Create an online account to submit application. Learn More.

  13. What would be considered a good personal statement?

    What would be considered a good personal statement? In general, we try to learn more about the applicant as a person e.g. on personality, aspirations, and motivation/suitability for the program applied.

  14. Law

    Applicants should also submit a personal statement not exceeding 1,500 words and a brief curriculum vitae. Details of the programme and admission requirements can be found at

  15. Applicant Statement

    Applicant Statement. If you are applying for P04, P07, P13, P15, P19, P25, P39, P52, P60, P64, P80, P81, P82 or P88 your applicant statement should cover: MA in Communication and New Media (code: P25) (no more than 500 words) Describe your prior experience (including employment, internship, voluntary service or any other involvement) in ...

  16. PDF HKU Online Application System

    Upload supporting documents Update some of your personal information You are encouraged to: Check for our emails regularly and keep up-to-date with our information Follow us on The University of Hong Kong International Undergraduate Admissions Facebook Page

  17. Inspire

    UK and HK Personal Statement Guide + 2 example formats Page updated

  18. Personal Statement Examples (With Definition and Tips)

    Recent graduate If you're a recent graduate and have little working experience, here's a sample of a personal statement that you can use as a reference: I am a recent graduate in English Education from the Education University of Hong Kong.


    Submit a 500-word English Personal Statement. In the statement, please state your reasons for applying to this program, your expectations of the study, and your professional interests and goals, among other topics. ... The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong: 1.4:

  20. CUHK Graduate School

    CUHK aims to cultivate higher degree graduates to serve the sophisticated needs of the society and to contribute through the highest quality research to human knowledge.

  21. Vision and Mission

    The University of Hong Kong, Asia's Global University, delivers impact through internationalization, innovation and interdisciplinarity. It attracts and nurtures global scholars through excellence in research, teaching and learning, and knowledge exchange. ... designed to develop fully the intellectual and personal strengths of its students ...

  22. Breadcrumb

    While you are working hard on your university application, we are here to assist you in every possible way! Here is a virtual information session to guide you through the preparation of a compelling personal statement, and you can also learn more about the scholarships available from HKU!

  23. PDF The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    Personal Statement Resume / Curriculum Vitae (optional) Recommendation of an academic referee Via online system: You can submit up to 3 referees' information and check the referee submission status in the section "Online Recommendation Form" after submitting the online application and settling the application fee.

  24. PDF THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG Personal Information Collection Statement

    For Research Postgraduate applicants to the University, the GDPR Focal Point for this privacy notice is the Personal Data Protection Controller, Graduate School, Room P403, Graduate House, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong (email: [email protected]).