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Nanoscience and technology articles within Nature Nanotechnology

Article | 14 August 2024

Coupled nanopores for single-molecule detection

In this study, the authors present the design and fabrication of reusable, atomically thin, coupled bilayer solid-state nanopores that enable the slowing down and positional tracking of molecules for label-free, single-molecule sensing.

  • Yung-Chien Chou
  • , Chih-Yuan Lin
  •  &  Marija Drndić

Article 12 August 2024 | Open Access

Durable and programmable ultrafast nanophotonic matrix of spectral pixels

Electrically addressable VO 2 elements show large resonance shifts during phase transitions, producing a brilliant colour change at a modulation rate of 70 kHz.

  • Tingbiao Guo
  • , Zhi Zhang
  •  &  Sailing He

Article | 05 August 2024

An artificial metabzyme for tumour-cell-specific metabolic therapy

A metabolic-enzyme-like nanocatalyst is reported, dubbed ‘artificial metabzyme’. Tumour cells can be metabolically reprogrammed to autonomously modulate and interact with immune cells, facilitating tumour-cell-specific metabolic therapy.

  •  &  Daishun Ling

Quantifying T cell receptor mechanics at membrane junctions using DNA origami tension sensors

The authors present nanoscale DNA origami tension sensors tethered to lipid membranes and reveal the magnitude, dynamics and driving mechanisms of molecular forces experienced by immunoreceptors at fluid membrane junctions.

  • , Jhordan Rogers
  •  &  Khalid Salaita

Research Briefing | 01 August 2024

A molecular spin on a scanning probe tip enables quantum sensing at the atomic scale

Quantum sensing at the atomic scale has proved challenging. Now, a quantum sensor comprising a molecular spin, which can be addressed by electron spin resonance, attached to the tip of a scanning tunnelling microscope enables the measurement of weak electric and magnetic fields with sub-ångstrom spatial resolution.

Article | 01 August 2024

Deep subwavelength topological edge state in a hyperbolic medium

A photonic topological edge state, achieved by employing hexagonal boron nitride and patterned gold films, confines light four orders of magnitude below the diffraction limit while preserving a high quality factor.

  • Lorenzo Orsini
  • , Hanan Herzig Sheinfux
  •  &  Frank H. L. Koppens

Article 31 July 2024 | Open Access

Polymersomes with splenic avidity target red pulp myeloid cells for cancer immunotherapy

Delivering immunomodulatory compounds to myeloid cells can activate innate immunity for cancer immunotherapy. Here the authors design a polymersome-based nanocarrier for delivering β-glucan to red pulp myeloid cells in the spleen and show that their strategy achieves tumour growth reduction in a melanoma model.

  • Annelies C. Wauters
  • , Jari F. Scheerstra
  •  &  Jan C. M. van Hest

Article 30 July 2024 | Open Access

Co-transcriptional production of programmable RNA condensates and synthetic organelles

Controlling RNA and protein condensation is helpful in synthetic biology. Here the authors show programmable assembly of synthetic RNA nanostructures into designer membrane-less organelles that selectively recruit ligands via protein-binding aptamers.

  • Giacomo Fabrini
  • , Nada Farag
  •  &  Lorenzo Di Michele

Article 29 July 2024 | Open Access

A modular DNA origami nanocompartment for engineering a cell-free, protein unfolding and degradation pathway

This study presents DNA-origami biocatalytic modular nanocompartments for programmed regulation of protein unfolding and degradation. These artificial nanofactories augment reaction kinetics, improve enzyme performance and reduce off-target effects.

  • , A. Jaekel
  •  &  B. Saccà

Article | 29 July 2024

Silk fibroin as a surfactant for water-based nanofabrication

The amphiphilic nature of silk fibroin makes it a natural surfactant. Here it is shown to mediate interface interactions, enabling the wetting of hydrophobic surfaces with aqueous solutions and facilitating water-processed nanodevice fabrication without previous surface modification.

  • Taehoon Kim
  • , Beom Joon Kim
  •  &  Fiorenzo G. Omenetto

Article 25 July 2024 | Open Access

A quantum sensor for atomic-scale electric and magnetic fields

The fabrication of a molecular quantum sensor on the tip of a scanning tunnelling microscope enables the detection of minute magnetic and electric fields of single atoms with sub-angstrom resolution.

  • , Dmitriy Borodin
  •  &  Ruslan Temirov

Article | 24 July 2024

Third-order nonlinear Hall effect in a quantum Hall system

Monolayer graphene in the quantum Hall regime exhibits a third-order nonlinear Hall response, which is robust against variations in magnetic field and temperature and provides insights into the interaction of chiral edge states.

  • , Hiroki Isobe
  •  &  Jian Shen

Electrically tunable space–time metasurfaces at optical frequencies

Spatiotemporal modulation of an electrically driven metasurface generates harmonic frequencies in space at optical frequency.

  • Jared Sisler
  • , Prachi Thureja
  •  &  Harry A. Atwater

Article 22 July 2024 | Open Access

Magnetic-field-driven targeting of exosomes modulates immune and metabolic changes in dystrophic muscle

Exosome targeting for therapeutic needs remains a challenge. Here, the authors show that ferromagnetic-nanotube-passivated exosomes promote the transition of proinflammatory macrophages to an anti-inflammatory state and myogenic maturation of dystrophic muscle progenitors in a murine model.

  • Chiara Villa
  • , Valeria Secchi
  •  &  Yvan Torrente

Article | 17 July 2024

Single-cavity loss-enabled nanometrology

A 2 nm displacement resolution of a centimetre-sized object in a 3 cm cavity is demonstrated.

  • , Yuanhao Mao
  •  &  Ken Liu

Research Briefing | 16 July 2024

Selective stimulation of calcium signalling pathways in astrocytes with graphene electrodes

Astrocytes respond to electrical stimulation via diverse calcium signalling dynamics, which are important to maintain brain function. The tunable properties of graphene oxide-based electrodes can selectively trigger these calcium signalling responses.

News & Views | 15 July 2024

Electricity generated from upstream proton diffusion

The upstream self-diffusion of dissociated protons induces long-lasting electricity generation in 2D nanochannels of MXene/PVA film with low water permeability.

  • Pengfei Wang
  •  &  Tingxian Li

Article | 15 July 2024

Electricity generated by upstream proton diffusion in two-dimensional nanochannels

In contrast to the classical streaming potential relying on downstream ionic diffusion, an upstream proton diffusion within two-dimensional nanochannels is found to continuously generate electricity, advancing hydrovoltaic technology.

  • , Wanqi Zhou
  •  &  Ling Qiu

Review Article | 10 July 2024

Understanding epitaxial growth of two-dimensional materials and their homostructures

This Review examines conventional epitaxial growth of 2D van der Waals materials, focusing on in-plane single-crystal monolayer growth and out-of-plane homostructure fabrication. It covers nucleation and orientation control, quality control measures, and homogeneous multilayer and twisted homostructure growth techniques, providing systematic insights for on-demand fabrication of 2D van der Waals materials and their industrial device manufacturing.

  • , Tianyao Liu
  •  &  Kaihui Liu

Article 10 July 2024 | Open Access

Graphene oxide electrodes enable electrical stimulation of distinct calcium signalling in brain astrocytes

Electrical stimulation of astrocytes using electrodes coated with graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide can be used to trigger specific calcium signals.

  • Roberta Fabbri
  • , Alessandra Scidà
  •  &  Valentina Benfenati

Article | 04 July 2024

Selective and quasi-continuous switching of ferroelectric Chern insulator devices for neuromorphic computing

Selective and quasi-continuous ferroelectric switching has been successfully implemented in devices based on topological Chern insulators, enabling the realization of 1,280 ferroelectric states for a proof-of-concept demonstration in noise-immune neuromorphic computing.

  • , Yongqin Xie
  •  &  Feng Miao

Photovoltaic nanocells for high-performance large-scale-integrated organic phototransistors

This work reports core–shell photovoltaic nanocells to enhance the photoresponse of the active layer and realize photolithographic manufacturing of large-scale-integrated organic phototransistors for high-resolution biomimetic vision.

  • , Renzhong Chen
  •  &  Dacheng Wei

Article | 03 July 2024

Integrated 1D epitaxial mirror twin boundaries for ultrascaled 2D MoS 2 field-effect transistors

Mirror twin boundaries in monolayer MoS 2 —line defects with reflection-mirroring symmetry—are one-dimensionally metallic. In this work, the authors fabricate these mirror twin boundary networks by epitaxity and incorporate them into ultrascaled 2D transistor circuits as gate electrodes.

  • , Gunho Moon
  •  &  Moon-Ho Jo

Article 02 July 2024 | Open Access

Electrically tunable giant Nernst effect in two-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures

A highly tunable Nernst effect has been demonstrated in graphene/indium selenide devices, achieving a record Nernst coefficient at ultralow temperatures, highlighting its potential for quantum technologies and low-temperature applications.

  • Gabriele Pasquale
  •  &  Andras Kis

Review Article | 01 July 2024

The future of two-dimensional semiconductors beyond Moore’s law

This Review explores adopting 2D semiconductors to overcome the scaling bottleneck of Si-based electronics. Recent trends and potential approaches for the development of 2D materials as a channel are discussed. Following this, the prerequisites, obstacles and feasible technologies for integrating contacts and gate dielectrics with 2D semiconductor-based channels are examined. The Review also provides an industrial perspective towards facilitating monolithic 3D integration.

  • Ki Seok Kim
  • , Junyoung Kwon
  •  &  Jeehwan Kim

Article | 25 June 2024

Regioselective epitaxial growth of metallic heterostructures

A one-pot kinetically controlled synthetic framework for constructing regioselective architectures in a series of well-defined metallic heterostructures is demonstrated, in which phase and morphology regulation of Pd–Sb substrate are implemented to validate the kinetically controlled synthesis.

  •  &  Xiaoqing Huang

Analysis | 21 June 2024

Projected performance of Si- and 2D-material-based SRAM circuits ranging from 16 nm to 1 nm technology nodes

Simulations show that two-dimensional-material-based static random-access memory (SRAM) circuits leverage their low parasitic capacitance, counteracting performance declines due to increased interconnect resistance and potentially surpassing Si-based SRAM in terms of both performance and energy efficiency at advanced technology nodes.

  • Yu-Cheng Lu
  • , Jing-Kai Huang
  •  &  Vita Pi-Ho Hu

Article | 19 June 2024

Resolvin D1 delivery to lesional macrophages using antioxidative black phosphorus nanosheets for atherosclerosis treatment

Targeted black phosphorus nanosheet-based therapeutics that efficiently deliver resolvin D1 to lesional macrophages for the treatment of atherosclerosis by reducing oxidative stress and resolving inflammation have been discussed.

  • Zhongshan He
  •  &  Wei Tao

Review Article | 14 June 2024

Multidimensional vision sensors for information processing

This Review provides a framework for processing multidimensional vision information at the sensory level and illustrates the working mechanisms as well as design principles of hardware implementations.

  • Zhaoqing Wang
  • , Tianqing Wan
  •  &  Yang Chai

Article | 07 June 2024

Polystyrene nanoparticles trigger aberrant condensation of TDP-43 and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-like symptoms

The progression of neurological disorders might be influenced by environmental factors. Here the authors show that exposure to polystyrene nanoparticles leads to aggregation of the protein TDP-43, which is involved in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), triggering ALS-like symptoms in animal models.

  • , Bingwei Yang
  •  &  Guibin Jiang

News & Views | 06 June 2024

New dimensions for fluorescence-based barcoding in complex mixtures

Combining single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) and fluorescence lifetime information inside an anti-Brownian electrokinetic (ABEL) trap makes it possible to distinguish dozens of biomolecules in a sample mixture. This method enables extensive barcoding of biomolecules with a minimal set of chemical components and opens up a path toward biomolecule quantification in complex mixtures.

  • Thorsten Hugel

Review Article | 06 June 2024

Towards realizing nano-enabled precision delivery in plants

Nanocarrier delivery has huge potential in agriculture; however, there are significant scientific and societal barriers to overcome. In this Review, the authors explore the state of the field, what lessons can be learned from nanomedicine, and discuss what scientific and societal issues need to be addressed.

  • Gregory V. Lowry
  • , Juan Pablo Giraldo
  •  &  Jason C. White

Article 06 June 2024 | Open Access

Vacuum levitation and motion control on chip

By combining fibre-based trapping and position detection with cold damping through planar electrodes, cooling of a silica nanoparticle particle motion to a few hundred phonons on a chip is achieved.

  • , Marc T. Cuairan
  •  &  Romain Quidant

Article | 06 June 2024

Strong chiroptical nonlinearity in coherently stacked boron nitride nanotubes

Multiwalled boron nitride nanotubes, featuring coherently stacked structures with monochirality, homo-handedness and unipolarity among the component tubes, show a large nonlinear chiroptical response.

  • , Chenjun Ma

Article | 24 May 2024

Topological valley Hall polariton condensation

Polariton condensation of topological propagating edge states is demonstrated with halide perovskite microcavities.

  •  &  Wei Bao

Article | 23 May 2024

Bone-marrow-homing lipid nanoparticles for genome editing in diseased and malignant haematopoietic stem cells

The ability to genetically modify haematopoietic stem cells would allow the durable treatment of a diverse range of genetic disorders but gene delivery to the bone marrow has not been achieved. Here lipid nanoparticles that target and deliver mRNA to 14 unique cells within the bone marrow are presented.

  • Xizhen Lian
  • , Sumanta Chatterjee
  •  &  Daniel J. Siegwart

Research Briefing | 22 May 2024

Combining two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy with atomic force microscopy

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is coupled with time-domain two-dimensional infrared (2DIR) spectroscopy to develop AFM-2DIR nanospectroscopy, which combines the spatial precision of AFM with the rich spectroscopic information provided by 2DIR spectroscopy. Application of this method reveals the anharmonicity of a carbonyl vibrational mode and the possible energy transfer pathways of hyperbolic phonon polaritons in isotope-rich hexagonal boron nitride.

Article 15 May 2024 | Open Access

Single-molecule fluorescence multiplexing by multi-parameter spectroscopic detection of nanostructured FRET labels

FRETfluors—nanostructures with Cy3 and Cy5 dyes and a DNA scaffold—are used to generate distinct spectroscopic signals from different configurations and mixtures of mRNA, dsDNA and proteins in an anti-Brownian electrokinetic trap for single-molecule multiplexed sensing.

  • Jiachong Chu
  • , Ayesha Ejaz
  •  &  Allison H. Squires

Article | 15 May 2024

Atomic-force-microscopy-based time-domain two-dimensional infrared nanospectroscopy

Integrating atomic force microscopy with time-domain two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy provides insights into molecular structures, mode coupling and energy transfers with high spatial resolution.

  •  &  Xiaoji G. Xu

Superionic fluoride gate dielectrics with low diffusion barrier for two-dimensional electronics

Superionic fluoride dielectrics with a low ion migration barrier are capable of excellent capacitive coupling and are highly compatible with scalable device manufacturing processes for integrated electronics.

  •  &  Hongtao Yuan

Analysis | 15 May 2024

A large-scale machine learning analysis of inorganic nanoparticles in preclinical cancer research

This analysis leverages a large-scale literature review, text mining, statistics and machine learning to identify trends, shortcomings and future opportunities in developing and deploying inorganic nanoparticles for cancer diagnosis and therapy.

  • Bárbara B. Mendes
  • , Zilu Zhang
  •  &  João Conde

Article | 13 May 2024

Janus liposozyme for the modulation of redox and immune homeostasis in infected diabetic wounds

Therapies for treating bacterial infection and increasing wound healing are needed. Here the authors report a liposozyme that combines reactive oxygen species generation and scavenging for antibacterial action and modulation of redox and immune homeostasis, increasing wound healing.

  • Tingting Wei
  • , Tiezheng Pan
  •  &  Chunqiu Zhang

News & Views | 06 May 2024

Gentler, nanoscale ion implantation

By manipulating the glass transition of the electrolyte, nanometre-resolution electrochemical ion implantation doping can be achieved in various polymeric semiconductors.

News & Views | 29 April 2024

Tuning light by the vibes

The emission wavelengths of semiconductor lasers based on group-IV materials can be efficiently reconfigured by using strained nanomechanical resonators.

  • Fabio Pezzoli

Article | 29 April 2024

Actively tunable laser action in GeSn nanomechanical oscillators

An on-chip tunable laser operates by harnessing nanomechanical resonances at the radio frequency, achieving ultralow tuning power consumption.

  • Hyo-Jun Joo
  • , Jiawen Liu
  •  &  Donguk Nam

Functionalized nanowires for miRNA-mediated therapeutic programming of naïve T cells

Ex vivo engineering of T cells for adoptive T-cell therapy without pre-activation is challenging and hinders therapeutic efficacy. Here, using nanowires, the delivery of microRNAs to primary naïve mouse and human CD8 + T cells without pre-activation for immune protection against pathogens is demonstrated.

  • Kristel J. Yee Mon
  • , Sungwoong Kim
  •  &  Ankur Singh

Toroidic phase transitions in a direct-kagome artificial spin ice

Toroidic phases and their phase transitions are notoriously hard to study in natural materials. Now, a direct-kagome spin ice provides access to two low-temperature toroidal phases, ferrotoroidicity and paratoroidicity, as well as to toroidic phase transitions.

  • Wen-Cheng Yue
  • , Zixiong Yuan
  •  &  Yong-Lei Wang

Article | 22 April 2024

Nanoscale doping of polymeric semiconductors with confined electrochemical ion implantation

A simple manipulation of an electrolyte’s glass transition enables nanoresolved electrochemical ion implantation doping in a variety of polymeric semiconductors.

  • Lanyi Xiang
  •  &  Daoben Zhu

Nanosurface-reconstructed perovskite for highly efficient and stable active-matrix light-emitting diode display

Acid-etching-driven nanosurface reconstruction of perovskite quantum-dot pure-red LEDs facilitates a peak external quantum efficiency of 28.5% and a half-lifetime of 30 h at 100 cd m −2 luminance, enabling highly efficient solution-processed active-matrix perovskite displays.

  • , Yifeng Feng
  •  &  Zhizhen Ye

Article 16 April 2024 | Open Access

Giant nanomechanical energy storage capacity in twisted single-walled carbon nanotube ropes

A single-walled carbon nanotube spring stores three times more mechanical energy than a lithium-ion battery, while offering wide temperature stability and posing no explosion risk.

  • Shigenori Utsumi
  • , Sanjeev Kumar Ujjain
  •  &  Katsumi Kaneko


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research papers on nanoscience and nanotechnology