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How can I see which Research Agreements are active in Civilization VI?

In Civilization VI , how can I see which Research Agreements I made with which Opponent Civilization?

This is different from Civilization V .

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galacticninja's user avatar

  • Do you mean alliances? –  Eric Commented Jan 10, 2019 at 7:01
  • No, Research Agreement, in diplomacy you can do that with an opponent to both gain tech boosts for a tech. –  Daan Commented Jan 10, 2019 at 10:53
  • 1 Try looking in the diplomacy menu. Sorry I can't be much help but usually everything you are trading or exchanging with the AI is listed there. –  Eric Commented Jan 12, 2019 at 19:28

In the top/top left there is a tab called reports. Select that and in there you can see what items you are currently trading out and getting in - under the current deals tab. It's the same place you can see yields, units etc.

(This is what I found out after launching the game and trying a lot of different buttons)

Here is also a mod you could use.

Wouter's user avatar

  • I don't see the research agreements there... –  Daan Commented Jan 12, 2019 at 13:38
  • I'll check tomorrow night again and change my answer if it doesn't work, I did this a few months ago on another forum, maybe an update changed it or I remember it wrong –  Wouter Commented Jan 14, 2019 at 10:05
  • @Flater, Civ VI has research agreements, Civ VI: Rise and Fall has research alliances –  Daan Commented Oct 8, 2019 at 13:00

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civ 6 research agreement

civ 6 research agreement

Sid Meier's Civilization V

civ 6 research agreement

Originally posted by Inquisitioner : You share research. As in, if one researches something the other one dose too. If you research same thing it goes faster as both doing it. So for example if you research one thing and the other guy too, it goes down from 4 turns to 2.

civ 6 research agreement

Originally posted by Tigris of Gaul : The science gained from this is usually very small UNLESS you get the rationalism policy and porcelain tower. This will more than double it.

civ 6 research agreement

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Civilization 6: How to Form Alliances


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Fallout 5's rumored setting could feel very familiar for one faction, fortnite: how to get cyclops, colossus, and jubilee (x-men bundle).

In Civilization 6, players guide their chosen people from stone clubs and furs to supercomputers and space travel, all the time trying to build a strong and prosperous society. Along the way, they'll have to contend with many of Civilization 6 's other Leaders, either making helpful friends or lasting enemies.

While there can only be one winner, Leaders in Civilization 6 are encouraged to trade and engage in diplomacy with each other throughout the game. The ultimate form of this diplomacy is the Alliance, a binding contract of mutual aid and protection.

RELATED: Civilization 6: How To Get Iron

How to Form Alliances in Civilization 6

Civ 6 Propose Alliance

There are two requirements that must be met for players to form an Alliance in Civilization 6 . First, both civilizations that want to enter the Alliance must have researched the Civil Service Civic. This Civic is found in the Medieval Era directly after Defensive Tactics and Recorded History. Additionally, the two civilizations must already be Declared Friends, which is a less formal and less binding precursor to the Alliance system.

Forming an Alliance with another player requires only these two factors and the willingness of each player. On the other hand, forming an Alliance with an AI Leader can be a lot trickier. All AI Leaders in Civilization 6 have their own personality. Their opinion of the player will be based on a combination of that personality, the player's actions, and other factors such as the player's strength and proximity. This means that players may have to work hard to convince a suspicious AI Leader to accept an Alliance. They may need to make concessions and offer one-sided trade deals, as well as playing to their particular personality. This personality can be discovered through Diplomatic Visibility.

The Benefits of Alliances in Civilization 6

Civ 6 Joao III Diplomacy Screen

In the base game of Civilization 6 , the benefits of Alliances are fairly straightforward. Firstly, they offer Open Borders and Shared Visibility, while also enabling Research Agreements and Defense Pacts. With AI civilizations, base game Alliances also make the AI Leader more likely to agree to other diplomatic proposals.

However, the Rise and Fall expansion greatly increases the importance and strength of Alliances. It also divides alliances into five different kinds, each with their own bonuses. A civilization can only be in one Alliance of each kind at a time. For example, a player who has formed a Research Alliance will have to choose a different kind of Alliance if they decide to ally with a second civilization.

Type of Alliance

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Research Alliance

Cultural Alliance

Economic Alliance

Military Alliance

Religious Alliance

RELATED: Civilization 6: Julius Caesar Leader Guide

How to Grow an Alliance in Civilization 6

A player's empire in Sid Meier's Civilization 6

When Civilization 6 Rise and Fall players form one of the five Alliance types, they and their ally will immediately gain the level 1 effects of that Alliance type. In order to unlock the higher level bonuses, which are significantly more impactful, each member of the Alliance must generate as many Alliance Points as possible.

By default, any Alliance generates 1 Alliance Point per turn. However, there are several ways that players can accelerate their progress. Players receive the following Alliance Points for the following actions:

  • +0.25 Points for sending at least one Trade Route to an ally (+0.5 for Cleopatra)
  • +0.25 Points for receiving at least one Trade Route from an ally (+0.5 for Cleopatra)
  • +0.25 Points with the Wisselbanken or Arsenal of Democracy Policy cards (or Democracy Government in Gathering Storm)
  • +0.5 Points for Leaders who are allied with Gilgamesh and at war with the same enemy
  • +0.5 Points for being members of the same Secret Society
  • +0.5 Points if either ally has Ibrahim as a Governor with the Khass-Oda-Bashi title

Alliances only last 30 turns on Standard speed, so each member has a strong incentive to work hard to reach Level 3. Finally, while a strong Alliance can prove to be a major benefit, players must also be ready to abandon the agreement if their ally is beginning to outpace them. The Civilization 6 victory conditions are a race to the finish line, and an ally of equal or greater strength can easily turn into a rival once players reach the final stretch.

Civilization 6 is available for iOS, Android, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE: Civilization 6: How To Use Builders

How to Use Builders

Civ 6: complete guide, how to get julius caesar leader for free (all platforms).

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In Civilization VI , there are many technologies that your civilization will be able to research and enhance throughout its existance. From the beginning of understanding mining, to robotics, nanotechnology, and nuclear fusion, all varieties of technology can be learned. 

Researching various technologies grants science points, passive bonuses, and the ability to create new units , buildings , or complete specific quests . Technologies can also be boosted by completing a mini-quest, allowing you to research them in a faster amount of turns.

civ 6 research agreement

Below is a list of all currently known Techs in Civilization VI.

Name of Technology Description of Technology Boost Requirement Unlocks
Pottery Allows harvesting of Wheat and Rice. N/A Building: Granary
Animal Husbandry Allows harvesting of Cattle and Sheep. N/A Improvement: Camp, Pasture
Mining Allows chopping of Woods, and harvesting of Copper. N/A Improvement: Mine, Quarry
Sailing Allows Builders to embark. Found a city on the Coast. Improvement: Fishing Boats; Unit: Gallery
Astrology N/A Find a natural wonder. Building: Shrine, Stonehenge; Holy Site 
Irrigation Allows clearing of Marsh. Farm a resource. Building: Hanging Guardens; Improvement: Plantation
Writing N/A Meet another civilization. Building: Library; District: Campus
Archery N/A Kill a unit with a Slinger. Unit: Archer
Masonry Allows harvesting of Stone. Build a Quarry. Building: Ancient Walls, Pyramids; Unit: Battering Ram
Bronze Working Allows chopping of Rainforest. Reveals Iron. Kill 3 Barbarians. Building: Barracks; District: Encampment; Unit: Spearman
Wheel N/A Mine a resource. Building: Water Mill; Unit: Heavy Chariot
Celestial Navigation Allows Traders to embark, and allows harvesting of Fish. Improve 2 sea resources. Building: Great Lighthouse, Lighthouse; District: Royal Navy Dockyard
Currency N/A Make a Trade Route. Building: Market; District: Commercial Hub
Horseback Riding N/A Build a Pasture. Building: Stable; Unit: Horsemen
Iron Working N/A Build an Iron Mine. Unit: Swordsman
Shipbuilding Allows all land to embark across the ocean. Own 2 Galleys. Building: Colossus; Unit: Quadrireme
Mathematics +1 Movement for all naval . Build 3 different specialty districts. Building: Petra
Construction N/A Build a Water Mill. Building: Terracotta Army; Unit: Siege Tower
Engineering N/A Build Ancient Walls. District: Aqueduct; Unit: Catapult
Military Tactics N/A Kill a unit with a Spearman. Unit: Pikeman
Apprenticeship +1 Production to the Mine improvement. Build 3 Mines. Building: Workshop; District: Industrial Zone
Stirrups N/A Have the Feudalism civic. Unit: Knight
Machinery N/A Own 3 Archers. Improvement: Lumber Mill; Unit: Crossbowman
Education N/A Earn a Great Scientist. Building: Hagia Sophia, University
Military Engineering N/A Build an Aqueduct. Building: Armory; Unit: Military Engineer
Castles Bonus Culture for the Great Wall improvement for adjacency. Gain additional maximum Spy if playing as Catherine de Medici. Have a government with 6 policy slots. Building: Alhambra, Medieval Walls
Cartography +1 Gold from the Fishing Boat improvement. All naval and embarked can navigate Ocean tiles. +1 Movement for embarked . Build 2 Harbors. Unit: Caravel
Mass Production N/A Build a Lumber Mill. Building: Shipyard, Venetial Arsenal
Banking +1 Gold from the Quarry improvement. Have the Guilds civic. Buildings: Bank, Great Zimbabwe
Gunpowder  Reveals Niter. Build an Armory. Unit: Musketman
Printing Provides one more level of diplomatic visibility on all other . All Tourism yileds from Great Works of Writing are doubled. Build 2 Universities. Building: Forbidden City
Square Rigging N/A Kill a unit with a Musketman. Unit: Frigate
Astronomy N/A Build a University adjacent to a Mountain. Building: Potala Palace
Metalcasing N/A Own 2 Crossbowman. Unit: Bombard
Siege Tactics N/A Own 2 Bombards. Building: Renaissance Walls; Improvement: Fort
Industrialization +1 Production to the Mine improvement. Build 3 Workshops. Building: Factory, Ruhr Valley
Scientific Theory Allows Research Agreement diplomatic action. +1 Food from the Plantation improvement. Have The Enlightenment civic. Building: Oxford University
Ballistics N/A Have 2 Forts in your territory. Unit: Field Cannon
Military Science N/A Kill a unit with a Knight. Building: Military Academy; Unit: Cavalry, Redcoat
Steam Power +2 Movement for embarked . Reveals Coal. Build 2 Shipyards. Unit: Ironclad
Sanitation Stepwell improvements receive +1 Housing. Build 2 Neighborhoods. Building: Sewer; Unit: Medic
Economics N/A Build 2 Banks. Building: Big Ben, Stock Exchange
Rifling N/A Build a Niter Mine. Unit: Ranger
Flight Bonus Tourism to all improvements that provide Culture. Build an Industrial era or later wonder. Building: Hanger; District: Aerodrome; Improvement: Airstrip; Unit: Biplane, Observation Balloon
Replaceable Parts Upgrades Farm improvements to Mechanized Agriculture. +1 Food Adjacency bonus for every Farm improvement they are adjacent to. Own 3 Musketman. Unit: Infantry
Steel +1 Production from the Lumber Mill improvement. Build a Coal Mine. Building: Eiffel Tower; Unit: Artillery, Battleship
Electricity N/A Own 3 Privateers. Building: Power Plant, Seaport; Unit: Submarine
Radio N/A Build a National Park. Building: Broadcast Center; Improvement: Seaside Resort
Chemistry N/A Complete a Research Agreement. Building: Research Lab; Unit: AT Crew
Combustion +1 Movement for embarked . Reveals Oil. Extract an Artifact. Improvement: Oil Well; Unit: Tank
Advanced Flight Reveals Aluminum. Build 3 Biplanes. Building: Airport; Unit: Bomber, Fighter
Rocketry +1 Production from the Quarry improvement. Boost through Great Scientist or Spy. District: Spaceport; Improvement: Missile Silo; Project: Launch Earth Satellite
Advanced Ballistics N/A Build 2 Power Plants. Unit: Anti-Air Gun, Machine Gun
Combined Arms N/A Build an Airstrip. Unit: Aircraft Carrier, Destroyer
Plastics +1 Food to Fishing Boats. Build an Oil Well. Improvement: Offshore Oil Rig
Computers Grants the ability to construct an additional Spy. All Tourism yields are doubled. Have a government with 8 policy slots. N/A
Nuclear Fission Reveals Uranium/ Boost through Great Scientist or Spy. Project: Build Nuclear Device, Manhattan Project
Synthetic Materials +1 Gold to Camps. Build 2 Aerodromes. Unit: Helicoptor
Telecommunications N/A Build 2 Broadcast Centers. Unit: Nuclear Submarine
Satellites N/A Boost through Great Scientist or Spy. Project: Launch Moon Landing; Unit: Mechanized Infantry
Guidance System N/A Kill a Fighter. Unit: Mobile SAM, Rocket Artillery
Lasers N/A Boost through Great Scientist or Spy. Unit: Jet Fighter, Missile Cruiser
Composites N/A Own 3 Tanks. Unit: Modern Armor, Modern AT
Stealth Technology N/A Boost through Great Scientist or Spy. Unit: Jet Bomber
Robotics +1 Production to Pastures. Have the Globalization civic. Project: Launch Mars Habitation
Nuclear Fusion N/A Boost through Great Scientist or Spy. Project: Build Thermonuclear Device, Launch Mars Reactor, Operation Ivy
Nanotechnology N/A Build an Aluminum Mine. Project: Launch Mars Hydroponics
Future Tech N/A N/A Can be completed multiple times, increasing your points towards the Score Victory.

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Can someone explain how Research Agreements work?

After I'm ahead in a game, AI requests Research Agreements, but wants me to kick in extra gold, GPT, and other resources.

Can the research i get possibly be worth all this extra stuff?

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Need some clarification on the Research Agreement

  • Thread starter saamohod
  • Start date Aug 3, 2014


  • Aug 3, 2014

Despite having read several googled explanations on how the R.A. works, I still don't seem to understand this feature fully. For example, when I get a message that the research agreement is over and I expect the promised boost to my research, I don't see it. Let's say I have 11 turns left before I discover a tech, and next turn after the R.A. is over I got 10 turns left. So where is the damn boost? Thanks people.  


Are you playing vanilla, G&K or BNW?  

Browd said: Are you playing vanilla, G&K or BNW? Click to expand...
saamohod said: BNW it is. Click to expand...
vra379971 said: I'd appreciate a GnK explanation if you can. Click to expand...


Senior Java Wizard

If the AI is an era or more behind you in BNW, definitely not worth it. But if they are in the same era, then you'll get more beakers than the gold you spent. You'll still get a better return cash buying a science building, but there are points at which you've already have all tech buildings possible and the next one is a long way in the future.  


Wannabe deity.

  • Aug 4, 2014

According to the civ5 wiki Porcelain Tower and Scientific revolution both give +%50 each.  

Individually, each of PT and SR increases the base yield of RAs by 50%, and together they double the base yield (100%). Since the base yield is 50% of the maximum, each of PT and SR contributes 25 percentage points to the total. In the xml, this is reflected by the following line in each: <MedianTechPercentChange>25</MedianTechPercentChange>  


I do sort of feel that BnW killed the Research Agreement feature. I think it was fine to have it require DoF, because that both serves as a limitation to the number of RAs you can and will form (which was out of hand before) and because it gives you an incentive to form a DoF. However, given that the output is now so bad that it's generally not worth the gold cost, they have just killed a feature without succesfully making DoF more meaningful.  


  • Aug 5, 2014

If an RA saves you just two turns, the gold:beaker value is on par with what you get from rush buying science buildings.  



Work hard - play hard.

beetle said: If an RA saves you just two turns, the gold:beaker value is on par with what you get from rush buying science buildings. Click to expand...
  • Estimate that rush buying a science building in a weak production gets you about 12 turns worth of extra beakers in that city.
  • Assume you have four cities, and this city is a quarter of your science, so that's roughly 3 turns of empire science.
  • For the cost of a science building, you could afford at least 2 RAs.
  • Value each RA as shaving two turns off research time, so each RA is worth 2 turns of empire science.
  • 2 RAs x 2 turns of empire science == 4 turns of empire science.
  • 4 turns of empire science > 3 turns of empire science.
  • qed: RAs have better gold:beaker value than rush buying science buildings.

@beetle You can't compare this in this way. Only one sentence - RA's are delayed beakers - you pay for them and wait 30 turns, with rush buy you have your science NOW!  

Please explain how the beakers being delayed invalidates my logic. I think the metric of “turns of empire science” finesses the issue. Even when you are comparing buying a science building on turn (N) with kicking off two RAs that turn, the RAs still net more beakers for the gold. Is three turns of empire science at turn (N) really worth more than four turns of empire science at turn (N+30)? But the compare both at turn (N) approach is not fair to RAs. There are very discreet points for rush buying science buildings. RAs have the strong advantage of being a continuing option after NC, so you can get them rolling early. A fair comparison is turn (N) universities to turn (N minus something) RAs. Since RAs are cheaper than buildings, a player does not have to save up as long, and can spend the gold sooner. We all know that gold spent earlier is more valuable than that spent later.  

Just as gold now is more valuable than gold later, early beakers are more valuable than later beakers, especially if they get you to key tech points more quickly. For example, we all know that GSs will generate far more beakers the later they are bulbed, but it can still be advantageous to bulb a GS to, e.g., get Scientific Theory or Plastics that much more quickly or to jump to the Modern Era to grab an early Ideology. Even if the early science building does not enhance the yield of your RA (since your RA partner is generating fewer beakers), the extra raw science for those 30 turns should not be dismissed. In your example, you assume the early science building will take 12 turns to hard-build, but that rush-buying only accelerates your next tech by 3 turns. That may be an OK assumption in general terms, except it misses the point that the early science building will accelerate every subsequent tech as well. Also, the extra science building may, at the margin, yield you one more (or at least an earlier) GS, which the RA will not do. In any event, this is a contrived experiment. The choice is usually not (1) sign 2 RAs now and hard-build the science building over the next X turns vs. (2) cash-buy a science building now and defer that round of RAs for 30 turns. If that is your choice, you must have pitiful gpt and/or no luxury trades maturing any time soon. The more common choice, in my experience, is either (1) doing the RAs now and deferring rush-buying the science building until I have the gold or (2) rush-buying the science building now and doing one RA a few turns later and another some number of turns after that, perhaps funded with renewed lux and strategic resource trades, or a gpt for gold trade with the RA partner (assuming your RA partner has the gold). I usually do (1), if for no other reason than an ill-timed denunciation or DOW will kill the RA, but the science building will keep chugging along. Also, except right after researching Education, I think it is rare to be able to sign two RAs on the same turn -- usually one or more AIs lack the gold.  

@beetle: before you continue to go on about how much better RA's are, shouldn't you have BNW first, so you at least have some first hand experience with the new RA system?  



RAs really differ from vanilla, gnk and bnw. I don't find RAs being that beneficial because they often do give that research boost and most of the time you don't get as much research. Another thing that is possible during RAs is that you pay off money for research that other people can usually steal. Its like if you were funding research for other civilizations when other civilizations can simple spy and steal your technologies. Unless you go for the rationalism social policy tree and build the porcelain tower or somehow obtain the porcelain tower.  

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  1. Research Agreement

    A Research Agreement is an agreement that can be negotiated through diplomacy in the Civilization games. It gives both of the civilizations that sign it a bonus toward researching one or more technologies. Research Agreement is not present in (or the article has not been created for) the following games :

  2. What do I get from a research agreement? :: Sid Meier's Civilization VI

    Research agreements in 6 give you tech boosts (50% research time) Many of them can only be boosted through agreements or stealing the boost. ... Unless the Civ in question has a massive lead in a specific victory and they need to be stopped, or you intend to go for a Domination victory there is no reason to get pulled in to war bait. With ...

  3. How do I start a research agreement? :: Sid Meier's Civilization VI

    It's an option in the trade menu, although the AI seems very reluctant to accept the offer. You must of course first researched the tech for the research agreement to be possible to do. Then the other nation must have researched the ability to do research agreements as well. Now you're ready to do the agreements ONLY IF you both share the same ...

  4. Research agreement? : r/CivVI

    Given this you should already be able to make them, unless you've neglected researching this. I've not actually tried a research agreement yet, so I wouldn't know how to instigate one, sorry! As long as you have all the prerequisites for it the option should appear as something you can trade with other civs.

  5. Alliance (Civ6)

    A Level 3 Research Alliance gives a 10% Science boost when researching a tech your ally has already researched, or when researching the same tech. Common techs are marked with a blue Alliance icon.. In Rise and Fall, Alliances have been broken down into different types and present much greater possibilities. Research Agreements and Defensive Pacts are incorporated into the new Alliance mechanics.

  6. How can I see which Research Agreements are active in Civilization VI

    In the top/top left there is a tab called reports. Select that and in there you can see what items you are currently trading out and getting in - under the current deals tab. It's the same place you can see yields, units etc. (This is what I found out after launching the game and trying a lot of different buttons) Here is also a mod you could use.

  7. What does the Research Agreements do? :: Sid Meier's Civilization V

    heatson May 17, 2014 @ 7:32pm. You must have a Declaration of Friendship to do this. Once you do, you and another player can "donate" a set amount of gold to a reasearch agreement which takes about 30 turns on standard speed. Once the 30 turns are up, you and that person you have a research agreement with get a tech boost.

  8. Diplomacy (Civ6)

    Back to Civilization VI Go to World Congress Diplomacy is the art of making relations with other AI players in Civilization VI. It has been overhauled from previous versions of the game. It's a mechanic that evolves as eras pass, from a state of near constant warfare in ancient times to more civil interactions in the mid- and late game. In order to establish relations with any major or minor ...

  9. Can you guys explain the importance of Research Agreements ...

    Put simply: You and a civ you have declared friendship with sign a Research Agreement. It costs you both a fixed value of gold (eg. 250). This value goes up over time. When the agreement concludes (30 turns), both parties gain the last 8 turns of their own science output in one go. Let's say your empire is producing 250 Science per turn.

  10. Research Agreements

    The research agreement instantly finishes, (granting all bonuses) if either civ completes researching the target technology. The further both civilizations are from getting the tech, the longer the agreement takes to finish. (I think this checks both civs, but it might be the further behind one, or maybe even the closer one, duno.

  11. Can somebody explain Research Agreements to me? : r/civ

    Gaminic. • • Edited. Research Agreements give a one-time boost in research. Two Civs with a Declaration of Friendship have to invest a sum of gold, then wait 30 (Standard) turns for it to complete. If the Civs go to war within that 30turn period, the RA is cancelled completely and there is no refund.

  12. How do research agreements work?

    Attached is a save one turn before my agreement completes and the turn of completion. I got no boost to my research except for what my empire produce that... Home. Forums. New posts Search forums. ... Downloads Civ:BE - Downloads Civ5 - Downloads Civ4 - Downloads Civ4: Col - Downloads Civ3 - Downloads Civ2 - Downloads Civ1 - Downloads Alpha ...

  13. Research Agreements (vanilla)

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  14. Civilization 6: How to Form Alliances

    In the base game of Civilization 6, the benefits of Alliances are fairly straightforward.Firstly, they offer Open Borders and Shared Visibility, while also enabling Research Agreements and Defense ...

  15. Civilization 6 Guide

    Research boosting and eureka moments in Civilization 6 - it's grand; I was very confused at first too. ... Research boosting and eureka moments in Civilization 6 - it's grand; I was very confused ...

  16. Techs

    updated Oct 20, 2016. In Civilization VI, there are many technologies that your civilization will be able to research and enhance throughout its existance. From the beginning of understanding ...

  17. Research Agreements

    Research Agreements. Thread starter Half Nelson; Start date Jul 6, 2017; Half Nelson Ancient Mariner. Supporter. Joined Jun 10, 2006 Messages 303 Location Dundee, Scotland. Jul 6, 2017 #1 ... Civ 6 Air Power. lokblaze; Sep 19, 2023; Civ6 - Strategy & Tips; Replies 3 Views 2K. Nov 22, 2023. Ordnael.

  18. It appears that the research agreement mechanic will be ...

    It appears that the research agreement mechanic will be different in Civilization 6. Yeah, rather than getting a generic dump of science to be used by whatever you are researching, you instead focus on a specific technology. When completed, you get some progress to that research; I think you actually get the eureka for the technology.

  19. Research Agreements (BNW)

    Basics of Research Agreements. Research agreements become available to a civilization when it has researched Education. For an investment of gold, an embassy in each capital, and a DOF, two civilizations may agree to sign a research agreement. The length of the research agreement is determined by game speed (30 turns on Standard speed).

  20. I'm so glad I worked out what "Research Agreements" do! : r/civ

    Those aren't all research agreements (a few of the other civs demanded 1gpt on my part) but I just leapt forward through a whole era of tech along the top line of the tech tree..! (Also, it's a modded game - that's why my sea resources are so insane. And yes, I used Custom Advanced Setup to fill my sea with fish.)

  21. Campus Research Grants (Civ6)

    Back to List of projects Campus Research Grants is a project in Civilization VI. It becomes available after building a Campus district (or one of its replacements). This project turns the Campus into a center for accelerated research activity, which also engages the entire city production infrastructure. The project draws talents from across your empire to participate in the effort, converting ...

  22. Can someone explain how Research Agreements work? : r/civ5

    Research agreements have a base cost that increases per era. Research agreements can only be signed during a declaration of friendship, but they can continue even if the friendship ends, unless broken by a declaration of war or extinction of the other civ. If you and the AI are in the same era, or even if the AI is ahead of you, the AI will ...

  23. Need some clarification on the Research Agreement

    G&K research agreement math: RA beakers = n% * (min (a/3, (a+b)/6) where. a = sum of your beakers over RA length. b = sum of your RA partner's beakers over RA length. n% = RA modifier % (base 50% + 25% from Scientific Revolution + 25% from Porcelain Tower) Using the same numbers from my earlier example, if a = 6000 beakers (average of 200 ...