Role Model Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on role model.

Role Model Essay – There are many people in the world who blindly follow anyone. Also, they admire and love that person no matter what he does. A role model is a person who inspires you to be like him.

Moreover, a role model is the person you love and want to be like him. Besides this, the role model can be anyone from a celebrity to a politician to your family member.

Role Model Essay

My Role Model

The missile man of India Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam is my role model. He is my role model not because he has achieved great things in life and become the president of India. He is my role model because he dedicated his entire life to the country and its people especially school children.

His Achievement

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam worked his entire life and achieved many great things in life. But several of his bigger achievements are the testing of Atomic bombs at Pokhran, development of the missile Agni and Prithvi, and becoming the president of India . But there is one more thing which is of great importance that is after his retirement from the presidential post he started teaching because it was his passion.

role model essay for class 1

He always says that this young generation is the future of the country so guide them on the right path and they lead India to greatness.

His Personal Life

Dr. Abdul Kalam was so dedicated to his work that he usually sleeps late at night and wakes up early in the morning. Also, he never misused his power as a president of India. Besides, all this his family (brother and sisters) was also a very humble person who earn their living by doing work and they live simple lives.

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Qualities of a Role Model

There are certain qualities of a good role model which make him/her a great man/women. These qualities include a demonstration of confidence and leadership , communication with everyone, being unique, showing respect and concern for others, treating everyone equally, willingness to admit mistakes, and maintaining the same character inside or outside the job. If a person possesses these qualities then he/she can be an ideal role model.

How to be a Role Model for Others?

Being a role model to someone is not an easy task especially if you focus on being a role model. The thing about being a role model is that you only do the right thing and people starts to follow. Also, you do not have to achieve something bigger just follow your heart and the above-mentioned qualities and be patient and you will be a role model one day.

My Other Role Model

Apart from Dr. Abdul Kalam, I have other role models in my life that belong to different fields and different profession. The persons are Ratan Tata, Bill Gates, Will Smith, Sachin Tendulkar, Kapil Dev, Kalpana Chawla , Albert Einstein , B.R. Ambedkar, my father, and my mother.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Can a person have more than one role model?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Yes, it is not mandatory for anyone to have only one role model. You role model can be different persons, different field, and different professions.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Whom we can call a good role model?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”The person who confident, and helping, who communicates with everyone, respect others, treat everyone equally, influence other, accept his/her mistakes, and maintain a balanced character with everyone is the ideal role model for everyone.”} }] }

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10 Easy Essay On Role Model Ideas For Kids (Free Samples)

Simran Jain

An essay on role model is an important subject for kids to learn.

Someone we admire is a role model.

He or she is someone who inspires and motivates others to improve themselves.

Each of us has a specific person in mind when we discuss the concept of a role model.

Any member of our family, our acquaintances, or even a well-known figure might serve as a role model.

The ideals and ideas that a role model embodies and promotes might inspire us to strive to be better versions of ourselves.

Here is an essay on role model about my inspiration.


what is role model

A kid develops in a setting where he or she observes and learns from parents and other family members.

Additionally, he observes how his instructors and role models conduct class.

His seniors who play sports with him teach him new things.

We all follow the same routine, and this is how our psychological growth happens.

Our ideas mature, and we eventually zero down on the person we most admire.

A role model is a person like this. The role model we pick provides us with a great deal of inspiration.

Our personalities change as a result of the qualities we appreciate in others.

It might be your parent, a member of your family, or a famous person.

10-Line Essay On Role Model

Mother knows best

  • My mum serves as my example.
  • My mother serves as my first instructor, mentor, and source of support.
  • She has always supported me through good times and bad.
  • She is a stunning woman on the inside and out.
  • She is a fantastic chef, and she has taught me to value both people and food.
  • She inspires and gives me strength, hence she is my role model.
  • She motivates me to strive to be a kind person and a compassionate kid.
  • My mum has always encouraged us to believe in ourselves and aided us.
  • Of all the individuals I know, she has the most compassion.
  • My mother is the most significant example in my life since she gave up a lot of her time to raise us.

Short Essay On Role Model

Father Love

The one man who will never harm his daughter is his father.

The most beautiful relationship in the world is that between a father and daughter.

How fathers take care of their daughters and take pleasure in their outbursts is so adorable and sweet.

My father serves as my example.

He consistently favours me above my brothers since I am his first priority.

My father treats me like the most precious daughter in the entire universe and spoils me.

He is incredibly protective of me, just like any other parent is.

He always remembers to bring me a nice present when he travels for work.

Through every stage of my life, he helps and mentors me.

My father and I have an unspoken link of respect, love, and care.

He is an introvert and doesn’t usually show his emotions when he is unhappy, but I can relate to how he feels occasionally.

I am aware of the hurts in his heart and the battles he has fought all his life.

Even through the most trying times in his life, he has always given his children everything they need since they are the center of his universe.

He has a strong sense of morality and a deep belief in the goodness of others.

He is, nevertheless, incredibly kind-hearted and never ever wishes anyone in life ill.

My father puts a lot of effort, commitment, and sincerity into his job.

He prefers to live a simple life nonetheless; he is a simple man.

He encourages people to live moral lives.

I cherish him. He is the most special man I have ever met.

He will always be my role model, mentor, and life’s leader.

Extensive Essay On Role Model

role model Tinydale

Someone who inspires others is a role model.

I look up to Ratan Tata because he is the most giving person I have ever met.

He is renowned for having a golden heart despite being the chairman of the Tata group of companies.

He is a man with strong morals. His inspirational speech and phrases make clear what he is thinking.

He is a generous man who contributes a sizable sum to charity.

The enormous success of Tata Industries is a direct result of his sincerity and commitment.

A visionary manager who inspires his team to work towards a fresh outlook and fresh possibilities.

I see him as a risk-taker, someone who is full of ideals, and a man with only good thoughts.

He serves as an example to the youth.

Qualities Of My Role Model

Ratan Tata is a modest individual who is adamant about not receiving preferential treatment.

He travels by automobile and has a straightforward life.

He upholds the virtues of compassion, simplicity, and empathy, and he is my ideal.

Ratan Tata is an industrialist who is 84 years old and has continually shown that he is much more than a businessman.

Like him, I aspire to be kind and unselfish.

Many individuals were motivated to donate to charity by him.

Inspiring Quotes By Ratan Tata

“Business need to go beyond the interest of their companies to the communities they serve.”
“Power and wealth are not two of my main stakes.”
“A person who is trying to copy others will be a successful person for a while, but he won’t be able to succeed further in life .”
“None can destroy iron, but its own rust can. Likewise, none can destroy a person but his own mindset can’—This powerful quote suggests that nothing can stop a person from being successful, but only his mindset.
“Take the stones people throw at you. And use them to build a monument.”

Reasons Why He Is My Role Model

  • He occasionally flies in economy class and surprises the other passengers by doing so. This demonstrates that he is not a man who leads a lavish lifestyle and reminds us that, despite our wealth, we must maintain our sense of reality.
  • His main concern is the serious problem of malnutrition. He said that the nation’s mental and physical health will alter if children and expectant mothers don’t have good health. According to him, children are the future of the country, thus we must nurture them if we want a prosperous future for the whole world.
  • During the COVID-19 outbreak, he advised businesses against terminating workers. He also gave the country hundreds of crores during the epidemic to aid first responders and others battling the infection.
  • He thinks that everyone has the right to an education and that financial constraints shouldn’t be an obstacle.
  • About 80 families affected by the 26/11 tragedy were visited by him. He assisted several stray canines and urged his followers to do the same. On all of his social media accounts, he continuously stimulates and inspires others.

Essay On Role Model: Characteristics

By setting an example for others, good role models act as beacons of light and illuminate the path.

Here are some crucial traits of role model that make them stand out as natural leaders and aid in reminding you of what matters most.


A strong example exemplifies high moral principles.

Children develop and enhance their own values when they observe role models who are concerned about significant problems.

They are prepared to put their convictions into practice.

Models of behavior exhibit morality and honesty.

Confidence - Yes i can do it

People who exude confidence tend to attract others.

Good role models do this while still feeling justly proud of their achievements.

Without seeming conceited, they may be proud of their skills and accomplishments.



Role models show their commitment to a cause and show that they are prepared to put in the time and effort necessary to achieve it.

They resist giving up easily and keep going in the face of difficulty.

In order to be influential, role models need to show respect for others.

Young people cherish respect and hold individuals who treat others with it in high regard.

Positive And Inventive


By having a positive attitude in life, role models inspire and encourage others.

There aren’t many people who strive to be pessimists.

People who can think imaginatively and recognize the silver lining in adversity are role models.

Summary Tinydale

A role model is someone who encourages and inspires you to live morally upright lives.

Emulate your role model if you want to become like them.

Simply because they are affluent and gorgeous, many people look up to them and regard them as role models.

A person with an inflated ego, negative attitude, or selfishness is not someone to look up to.

On the other side, a role model is someone who encourages and pushes me to lead a good, productive life and who supports me while I work toward my desires and objectives.

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Essays About Role Models: Top 5 Examples and 7 Prompts

Check our guide, including top examples and prompts on essays about role models to write a high-quality piece about your idol and motivator.

How do you label someone a “role model”? Do you look for exemplary qualities like high intelligence, good leadership skills, and confidence? Role models are critical in personality development and life. For example, research proves that adolescents with positive role models, primarily those they know personally, do better academically and have more courage and self-respect. 

A role model is someone who excels in their field of expertise, inspires you to be a better person, and motivates you to follow an excellent path. They influence your life decisions and encourage you to become a lifelong learner. Who individuals decide to be their role models vary. Although most pick their parents , others also choose prominent people like celebrities, politicians, or singers. 

If you want to start writing about your role model, here are five sample essays to inspire you:


1. Best Role Model in Life by Prasanna

2. my role model: essay about my father by anonymous on, 3. word essay on true role models by pragati ghosh, 4. the role model qualities of martin luther king junior: leadership, courage, and self-discipline by anonymous on, 5. my mother: my inspiration and my role model by ankita yadav, 1. why should i have a role model, 2. my role models, 3. what is a role model, 4. disney characters and role models, 5. celebrities and singers as role models, 6. characteristics of a good role model, 7. how do role models affect young people.

“But for me, a role model is someone who motivates me and influences me to be a good human and positive person in life, who gives me a supporting hand to walk and run to achieve my dreams and goals. Role model is not someone who is full of ego, attitude or full of selfishness.”

Prasanna introduces her role model A.R. Rahman as someone who stimulates her desire to be an excellent musician. She mentions how vital it is to look for a role model in the field that you’re interested in. For her, it’s music. Rahman stirs up her passion for learning guitar and reaching the same achievements he had.

She believes anyone can be someone’s role model as long as they are a good person. Prasanna adds that a good role model must help you reach your dreams. She also shares her wish to meet her role model to thank him personally.

Are you interested in music? Check out these 10 essays about music .

“He is the one I always admire in my life. When I have children, I want to be similar to my father to do for my kids how he takes care of me.”

The essay shows the excellent characteristic of the author’s role model, their father. They describe him as a knowledgeable person who always encourages them to be strong in every situation and supports their goals in life. Further, the writer mentions that their father earns respect and admiration from others because of his hard work in becoming a successful businessman and a reputable human being. 

“A role model is somebody who has influenced us in our lives and whom we try to imitate and learn as we are aspired by them.”

Ghosh’s essay acknowledges that in today’s era, a person’s character, style, body language, virtues, deeds, and actions influence what type of role model they will be for others. She notes that an actual role model has self-confidence and good communication skills, shares similar thoughts with those they inspire, knows how to get credit, and does things with good intentions. She concludes her essay by advising the readers to choose their role models wisely.

“… He was a civil right activist and is one of the reasons why African Americans have rights.”

This essay expounds on Martin Luther King Jr .’s qualities that the author admires. These characteristics pushed the writer to choose him as their most significant role model. The piece recounts how Luther King Jr.’s leadership skills in fighting for equal rights and courage in speaking in front of police officers inspired the writer to be as brave as the activist and Baptist minister. The author also includes that despite being busy, Luther King Jr. finished his work on time because of self-discipline.

“She is a mother, a pilot, a driver, a cook, a good person, all at the same time. I not only want to be a pilot like her but want to copy her overall personality.”

In Yadav’s essay, she discusses how her mother became her role model. Aside from being a hard worker, she points out how she religiously follows schedules to be timely with her firm self-discipline. She believes her mother isn’t only the next Master Chef but also someone with a high sense of fashion. She’s a busy person with style. Yadav’s role model is with her at home – a mother, a mentor, and a perfect friend with a fantastic personality.

7 Writing Prompts for Essays About Role Models

Are you ready to write an essay about your role model? If you don’t have a role model or you’re having trouble coming up with a topic to start your essay writing, feel free to use the prompts below:

Most people, especially students, look for a role model to motivate them to find the right career path. At the same time, this path must also let them focus on goals, develop skills, and build character. Use this prompt to discuss your reasons why you want to have or have a role model. Then, introduce your role model by sharing their characteristics and what makes them special. You might also be interested in these essays about critical thinking.

Essays about role models: My role models

People have more than one role model. For this prompt, list your heroes and why you consider them as such. Then, pick the top ones and add their lessons’ impact on your life. Finally, you can include some of their inspirational quotes and explain why these sayings resonate with you.

Define what role models are all about and link relevant research or statistics that prove their importance. Then, talk about your understanding of being a role model and what qualities most look for in their role models today. 

Disney characters, especially princesses, are what young girls want to be. Share your stance on the debate of whether it’s okay for kids to use a fictional character as their role model or not. Affix your reasons why. Make your essay more convincing by adding examples, especially if you disagree with the idea that imaginary characters are worth being idolized.

Many look up to different celebrities and singers and consider them their role models. Some take it to the extreme and follow exactly what their idols do. Unfortunately, many become obsessed and follow even the wrong things, thinking they will gather the same fame and status as their idols. They also forget to live their own unique life. First, say something about youngsters worshipping popular artists. Then, add how people can select more positive and influential models to adore.

Discuss the typical characteristics people associate when they think of a “role model.” Then, give examples of these ideal individuals and share your preferences when favoring a role model.

Role models should motivate and inspire the youth to reach their goals and live as good people. Open discourse about the benefits of having a positive role model and how they can help change the unhealthy behaviors of today’s youth. Make your piece more compelling by adding the adverse effects of having a negative role model. 

Excellent grammar and punctuation are crucial to ensuring a good grade in your essay. See our guide to grammar and punctuation  to know more.

For help with your essay, check our round-up of best essay writing apps .

10 Lines on My Role Model

A role model is a person who inspires people to live meaningful lives. Role models motivate young people to live the life of integrity, optimism, compassion and hope. Very simple people in society or family can be our role models. They can be our parents or friends who guide us during a difficult time. Role model plays an important part in developing personality and attitude of an individual. The values, belief and behaviour are the three important traits which are deeply influenced by our role model in life.

Ten Lines on My Role Model in English

We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on My Role Model in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You can add these lines in your essays and paragraph writing in your exam as well as in the school competition. These lines will also help you to gain knowledge about this topic.

1) My father is the role model of my life.

2) I always desire to become like him.

3) He is only the earning member of my family.

4) He does a lot of effort to provide us everything that we need.

5) He encourages me whenever I am hopeless.

6) He guides me in every step of my life.

7) His teachings in form of moral values are valuable.

8) He is a disciplined man and does all his work on time.

9) I learn to be strong and hardworking from his life experiences.

10) I am very proud of my father and love him a lot.

10 Lines and Sentences on My Role Model

1) We all are inspired by someone in our life.

2) The person who motivates us is our role model.

3) It can be a family member or any famous personality.

4) We ultimately want to become like the person who influences us.

5) My role model is Dr. Abdul Kalam.

6) He became a successful scientist even after having a life full of adversities.

7) He was a very simple living and high thinking person.

8) His quotes encourage me whenever I feel hopeless.

9) He spent his time with children and taught them valuable things.

10) His achievements are milestones in the history of India.

10 Lines on My Role Model

10 Sentences on My Role Model

1) My role model is my mother.

2) She loves me unconditionally and takes great care of me all the time.

3) She has played various roles for me in my life be it a teacher, mentor or nurturer.

4) She always teaches me the importance of honesty and simplicity in life.

5) She has done lot of sacrifice and struggles for my studies and career.

6) She is constantly worried about my health and safety when I am outside home for work.

7) She faces all the problems in life with a smile and stands firm and brave during difficult times.

8) She is very hardworking and very kind in nature.

9) I have deep faith on her and always take advice when I am in difficult situation.

10) My mother is the source of motivation for me when it comes to supporting the goals and ambitions in my life.

5 Lines on My Role Model

1) My role model is Mr. Ratan Tata.

2) He is a humble and down-to-earth man.

3) He has brilliant leadership qualities.

4) I find his business sense very inspiring.

5) His success and hard work motivate me.

20 Lines on My Role Model

1) A role model is an individual whose life can be followed by others, especially the younger generation.

2) We have many people in our society who can be role models for youths in India.

3) My role model is the very famous Indian politician, Sri Narendra Damodardas Modi.

4) Narendra Modi is 14 th and current Prime Minister of India.

5) Narendra Modi was born in a Gujarati family on 17 th September 1950 in Vadnagar.

6) He is known for his rising from a humble background to the post of Prime Minister of India.

7) He is a very hard working individual and an able administrator.

8) He served three terms as a Chief Minister of Gujarat from 2001 to 2014.

9) He follows yoga in daily routine to keep his body fit and active throughout the day.

10) He has emerged as a key figure globally for making efforts to tackle climate change.

11) Narendra Modi is very focused on his work.

12) His down-to-earth nature helped him to win many elections.

13) His powerful speeches are very influential.

14) PM Narendra Modi is also a risk taker that inspires me.

15) Despite of being a Prime Minister, he is a very simple man.

16) He is a good listener who always listens to his audience.

17) PM Narendra Modi is an excellent team player.

18) His unique ideas and campaigns make him a good role model.

19) He is intelligent and has good decision-making power.

20) Narendra Modi always motivates us to work hard.

Role models help in shaping an individual’s character, attitude and behaviour. They have a deep influence on the life of youths and have the ability to inspire and motivate them in order to achieve the goals of life. Every individual should have a role model in his/her life.

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  • Essay on Role Model


An Introduction

A child grows in an environment looking and learning at his parents and other family members. He also watches how his teachers and mentors teach the class. He learns from the elders playing sports with him. We all do the same and our psychological development takes place. Our thought process develops and we then focus on a personality that admires us the most. This personality is called a role model. We get immense inspiration from the role model we choose. Our personalities develop following the traits we admire in a person. This person can be your parent, your family member, or a celebrity.

Role Model Essay 

My role model is Charlie Chaplin. He is one of the greatest comedians and film producers of all time. Charles Spencer Chaplin, a brilliant child, who was born in the poor part of London on 16 th April 1889. His mother was suffering from a psychological disorder. His father died due to alcoholism. He was left in an abyss where his caretakers were not able to pay the rent as well. They changed rooms and were not able to eat every day. He developed a world of his own when his mother suffered from madness spells.

His mother supported his family by sewing clothes. Eventually, she could not afford to rent a sewing machine. His early days were spent with homeless children when his mother was treated in a hospital. Even if he belonged to a tragic background and lived a sad childhood, he never failed to make everyone laugh with his performance. He developed as an excellent actor, director, producer, and almost all kinds of skills needed to produce a silent movie. His best creations that still make people laugh and cry at the same time are City Lights, Modern Times, The Kid, A woman of Paris, The Gold Rush, etc.

He became a very famous actor admired by all. He directed, acted, edited, and produced most of the films. We can say he was a perfectionist in every sense. He even took a dig at Adolf Hitler, the dictator of Germany, and mocked him in his film ‘The Great Dictator’ released in 1940. He was so brave that no one was ready to fund, act, or release this movie that mocked the superpower. He did it taking it as a challenge and mocked the Fuhrer with his toothbrush moustache.

This is why I admire Charlie Chaplin. Even though he had a very sad childhood, he still managed to find food in his life. He was strong enough to stand tall and gave the world’s best comedic performance of all time. He also got the longest standing ovation in the Oscars. Everyone clapped and cheered when he received it for 11 minutes straight. Despite being clad with poverty and extreme hardship, he never went into the abyss of sadness. He recognized his talent and wanted to remain in the virtual happy world of comedy.

He is my favourite personality in the world due to his versatility and multiple talents. He said ‘A day without laughter is a day wasted’. He always wanted to see everyone smiling and laughing. He wanted to be the reason for everyone’s laughter and happiness. He also said ‘I always walk in the rain so that no one can see my crying.’ It is easy to imagine the pain behind this line but his act never revealed his sad life at all.

I came to know about his childhood and real-life stories when I read his autobiography. He represents every common man we know. He is our refined image. For him, life was a long story with a lot of comedy. His perspective of seeing life is what I admire. Charlie Chaplin had a life full of struggle and sufferings, still, he was able to bring smiles on millions of faces throughout his life. Everyone loved his work and at one phase of his life, he was at the peak of his life, where he signed many shows and films.

Charlie’s Booming Phase

He signed contracts with the mutual film corporation for a really huge sum to make 12 two-reel comedies. These were “The Floorwalker”, “The Fireman”, “The Vagabond”, “One A.M.” (a production in which he was the only character for the entire two reels with the exception of the inclusion of a cab driver in the opening scene), and many more such works.

The Phase of Independence

As we are already aware of his association with Mutual, the same association contract expired in 1917 when Charlie decided to establish himself as an independent producer for fulfilling his desire for expansion and leisure. He started working on planning for his own studio, which was situated in the residential section of Hollywood at La Brea Avenue. Charlie entered into a new agreement with the First National Exhibitor’s Circuit in 1918. His successive commercial venture was the production of the comedy dealing with the war. Shoulder Arms was released in the year 1918 at a most opportune time which led to the high popularity of Chaplin at the box office.

Charlie has created a deep impact on many lives and he has also acted as an inspiration to many of us. In 1966, he produced his last picture, “A Count from Hong Kong” for Universal Pictures, his only film that was in colour, starring Sophia Loren and Marlon Brando. Chaplin’s son Sydney has a major role in the films and three of Chaplin’s daughters have few parts in it.

The Impact He Made on the World and His Contribution to Arts and Society

Charlie Chaplin was a man who formed millions of smiles in the early 1900s. Despite the fact that his movies were silent films and also, in black and white, he put immense colour into everyone’s life. He managed to work his magic through actions and free minds as well as speak the minds of ordinary people, whether it is about the horrors of life as a soldier in the two World Wars or the dehumanization of work or about the wonderful sensations of love in “City of Lights”. He was not scared or bogged down to clearly show what he believed in.

His amazing sense of narration and subordinating the story with mere actions make him a great master of pictures. Charlie Chaplin can be described as a man who, despite great misfortunes, managed to transform the “nightmarish” situations that he experienced in silent comedy. He was a comedic icon among other actors and yet, he was the best. Coming from a poor background, he finally became a person whom everyone knows and loves. Such an impression he has made across the world that Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom knighted him as Sir Charlie Chaplin in 1975.

He expired at the age of eighty eight on 25th December 1977. He has left a deep impression on many lives and has set an example for many of us.


FAQs on Essay on Role Model

1. What is a Role Model?

Ans: A role model is a personality that influences another person’s life. Anyone can follow anyone as a role model and feel inspired to become the same. In literal words, a role model is a strong personality with excellent traits that an individual admires. It is the traits of that personality that amaze, encourage, and inspire people. This personality can be a family member, parent, celebrity, sportsman, or anyone. These people have something strong in their personalities that is not found often in common people.

2. Why should We have a Role Model?

Ans: There is a saying that life is an endless journey of learning new things and becoming better. This is where a person needs a role model. A strong personality with beautiful traits is what we need to follow and become a better person. If we consider the example we have taken in this essay., we will find that Charlie Chaplin had the strength to survive. Even though he was sad and spent his childhood mostly with homeless children, he still developed the personality that made everyone laugh and happy. Even though his silent movies had no words and are a century old, they still make us happy and give us the ultimate lessons of life.

3. Whom can You Consider a Role Model?

Ans: A person with strong characteristics and impressive qualities should be chosen as a role model. We find so many people around us that admire in a way or another. This person can be a hardworking vegetable seller or an astronaut. We all need to find out the strong traits that make the person admirable and follow them. It is then we can make ourselves better. 

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Key Points To Note When Writing On ‘My Teacher’ For Lower Primary Classes

My favourite teacher essay – 10 lines in english, short essay on my teacher, long paragraph on ‘my teacher’ for kids, what will your 1st, 2nd or 3rd grader learn from ‘my teacher’ essay.

Essays are extremely important for children studying in classes 1, 2, and 3. And often, when at school, they are the closest with their teacher, implying that an essay on the topic ‘My Teacher’ is perfect for such young kids. Experts state that writing improves critical thinking and problem-solving, and skills as words need to be written in a specific structure and order. Also, there is a deep connection between reading and writing. Once children learn to write at a young age, it helps them identify the connection between letter sounds and phonetic sounds.

Did you know that essay writing is a crucial element in most competitive examinations across the globe? This is exactly why the concept of creative writing needs to be taught to a child from the very beginning. Over here, we will discuss how to write a paragraph on their teacher.

You can help your children express their feelings by writing a few lines on their teacher. For early and young learners, such as classes 1, 2 and 3, creative writing is an opportunity to express what they learn and experience. When a child begins to write what they feel, this enables a range of life-long skills. So, do ask your children to write a paragraph about their teacher.

A teacher plays many important and significant roles in our lives such as a guardian, guru, learning instructor, mentor, and guide. A teacher shows us the path to success in different stages of our lives. Young kids have delicate minds, and when they are provided with an opportunity to write on a specific topic, they try to express their views from their hearts. It is a beautiful experience to watch a child express their innocent views in simple and short sentences. With the following tips in mind, you can teach them to write an excellent essay on their teacher:

  • An essay primarily comprises an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • You can start by introducing your school – the name and location of your school. You can then mention which class you are studying and your favourite teachers.
  • In the body of the essay you can describe your favourite teacher and what are the qualities in them that make them special to you.
  • You can also speak about how your teacher helps, guides, and corrects you.
  • Art the conclusion stage of the essay, you can write about how you would always be thankful to this teacher of yours, and what is that one important life skill you have learnt from them.

Teachers are, undoubtedly, some of the most essential people in a child’s life, and are also the most important people, next to parents, for students. Children begin learning in their elementary schools with the help of teachers. Then a student’s next phase after elementary school is middle school, where teachers guide students through the crucial adolescent changes. Students then mature as young adults during their middle school journey with various life-related questions. High school teachers then guide, support, and impart values to the student’s new life phase questions. The highest level of satisfaction in every teacher is to watch their students grow and achieve success in their respective lives. When asked to write an essay on the topic ‘my teacher’, for classes 1 and 2, you can use the following ten lines. You can even tweak it to use for writing a few lines on the same topic for class 3 –

  • To honour every teacher’s contribution to a student’s life, Teacher’s Day is celebrated annually on September 5th.
  • A teacher helps students learn important values for life.
  • Teachers play a big role in moulding and shaping a student’s life.
  • A student’s accomplishments provide teachers with enormous satisfaction and pride in good education.
  • My teacher never forgets to give us a warm hug before we enter and walk out of our classes every day.
  • She teaches us Science and tells us a lot of interesting facts and stories.
  • Teachers play the role of second parents in imparting life values and helping in our overall development.
  • My teacher is very disciplined and punctual and always comes to class on time.
  • My teacher makes the most effort to make learning fun for us and is always ready to help us whenever we are stuck.
  • In this way, my class teacher is an important figure in my life, like a guide, who inspires us to do well in our studies regularly.

As parents, we may have observed that children tend to listen to their teachers more than their parents. This clearly demonstrates the importance of the teacher’s impact on students. Teachers impart crucial and valuable life lessons to their students. This can be used an example of a short essay on this topic for class 3, or a short paragraph about the favourite teacher:

I study in Delhi Public School and there are a total of thirty teachers in my school. All the teachers in the school are good, but my favourite is Mr. Rishabh Singh. He is polite, well educated, friendly, and an excellent teacher. He considers all the students as his own children and guides us as a friend and mentor. We enjoy his class a lot as he makes us happy too. Thus, I am forever grateful and incredibly proud to have such a great teacher.

Note: This example can even be referred to by students of class 2.

A teacher is a life-changing role model who influences a child’s growth development and inculcates essential everyday values. Schools often require students to write a paragraph on their favourite teacher for class 3, as teachers are the developmental blocks of society. The following can be used as an example of a long essay on my class teacher:

My favourite teacher is someone who imparts essential and valuable lessons, and guides students to always take the right path in life. The best teachers aim to achieve a balance of both positivity and negativity in each student’s life. However, just as a coin, there are two types of teachers- teachers that are understanding, and teachers that are strict. An understanding teacher enhances teaching scenarios. Some teachers always remain in a person’s memory due to the role they have played in a student’s life. One such teacher who will always remain in my memory is Mrs. Smita Bansal, our 2nd standard Art and Crafts teacher. Though she taught Art, Mrs. Smita always helped us out with any problem we faced in school. She was a teacher whom every student went to for any kind of advice. She had the great ability to motivate all students. She was always kind, helpful, and generous. She always treated students like friends, and always had time for them, and understood them. She also told us to never think negatively and always think positively. I am so grateful to have her in my life.

Note: The above example can also be used for a long teacher paragraph for class 3.

The composition about /my class teacher’ will help your child learn to make points before beginning their description. Writing essays will also inculcate emotional and intelligent skills in children. Finally, the essay makes them appreciate their teachers.

In this way, these tips can help children to write a cohesive and beautiful paragraph or essay on their teachers, regardless of whether they are in class 1, 2 or 3. So, you too can use these tips and help your child improve in creative writing, starting with one essay at a time.

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83 Role Model Topics & Examples

If you wish to explore the qualities of a person you admire or talk about a celebrity, check these role model essay examples and original topics prepared by our team .

🤫 Secrets of Powerful Role Model Essays

🏆 best role model topics & essay examples, 📌 most interesting role models to write about, 👍 good role model topics for research, ❓ role model questions.

How can one define a role model? Who are the role models in today’s society? Role model essays serve the purpose of answering these questions. These assignments can help students to understand the meaning of role models better.

It is not hard to write a good role model essay, but you should know some secrets of making your paper powerful. Before we discuss some useful tips, you can select a problem for your research. Here are some essay topics and titles we can suggest:

  • The significance of parents as role models
  • The role of a teacher in society / Teachers as role models
  • The significance of a role-model leadership
  • What qualities do positive and negative role models have?
  • The role of the mother in a family (or a role model essay on parents in general)
  • How can negative role models affect children?
  • Celebrities have a moral responsibility to be good role models

Remember that you can also ask your professor to provide role model essay examples, if possible. Once you have selected a topic for your paper, you can start working on the essay. Here are some secrets of creating a powerful essay:

Think of the issue you want to discuss (you can select one from our examples) and do preliminary research on it. Although the topic of a role model may not seem hard, it is best to learn as much about it as you can.

Ask your professors about the sources you can use. In general, scholarly sources and peer-reviewed articles are the most important sources of information.

Develop a role model essay outline. Your paper should be well-organized to keep the reader’s interest. Make separate sections for the most significant arguments and remember to include an introductory paragraph and a conclusion.

Your introduction should present the problem you are discussing. Include a thesis statement at the end of the paragraph. A thesis can look like this:

  • Celebrities should be aware of their responsibility to be positive role models.
  • Define a role model. You can look up the definition in dictionaries and discuss your opinion on it. Discuss examples of positive and negative role models.
  • Discuss the qualities that make a person a role model. Should someone be smart to become a role model? Is kindness important? Do academic achievements make someone a role model? Make your paper engaging by discussing these debatable issues.
  • Support your arguments with evidence from your preliminary research. It will make your opinions look reliable. At the same time, do not rely on outside sources solely. Your essay should incorporate a unique perspective on role models and existing knowledge on the issue.
  • When working on an argumentative essay, include a refutation paragraph and discuss an alternative viewpoint on the issue. You should prove that your opinion is more reliable.
  • A role model essay conclusion should include all of your arguments and the main points of the paper.
  • Make sure that you use correct grammar and sentence structures. Check it several times to make sure that there are no mistakes in it. Pay attention to the spelling of words, too. If you are not sure that the grammar is correct, ask your peers to look through the paper for you.

Do not forget that we also have some free paper samples that will provide you with ideas for your essay!

  • Celebrities as Good Role Models In the conclusion, it was affirmed that celebrities’ accomplishments are easily identifiable to the public, as is the case with Angelina and Oprah, and this makes them good role models.
  • Role Model: Nelson Mandela Through the African National Congress party, Mandela was determined to undergo any form of suffering for the sake of the South Africans blacks who were facing a lot of suffering at the hand of apartheid.
  • Role Model as a Communicator My role model as a public communicator is very intelligent and ethical when presenting his speech to the public; he sticks to a single topic throughout.
  • Willy Loman, a Poor Role Model to His Two Sons Biff and Happy The main theme in the play is sustained in the play with the sons of Willy attaining their personality from their father.
  • Oprah Winfrey as Role Model The young Oprah was raised on a farm by her grandmother, and she maintains that the care her grandmother gave her early on probably saved her life.
  • The Role Model ‘Central Woman’ in the Literature The other side of her personality is the merciful woman. What seems to be motivating the grandmother is her role and responsibility as a grandmother.
  • Positive Role Model in “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen To sum up, A Doll’s House presents the harsh life of the mother and wife, Nora, who is trapped with her husband with no choices and goals.
  • Ernie Davis as a Football Role Model He was an exceptional player born ahead of his time, as he stood out on the football field as the first African American to win the Heisman trophy in 1961, and to be chosen for […]
  • Gloria Steinem: A Role Model for Millions of Women However, for the majority of women, the situation changed considerably after the initiation of the suffrage movement in the 19th century, which found its reflection in the women’s rights movement of the 20th and 21st […]
  • Father as a Male Role Model During the days when schooling was considered to be accessible only to the children of the opulent, those who were not privileged enough to go to school, remained at home and helped their parents in […]
  • Education and Leadership Role Modeling Generally, the article is of great significance to education, for it provides a guideline on what leadership trainers should emphasize in their endeavors of ensuring that education builds all round and sound mind leaders, who […]
  • Significance of a Male Role Model for Forming Tomas and Gabe’s Personal It is possible to pay attention to Tomas and Gabe’s visions of masculinity referring to the ideas developed by Tomas in relation to the question, to the opinion which is characteristic for Gabe, and to […]
  • Parents as Failed Role Models: A Doll’s House and Fight Club The drinking culture of parents revealed in the story of the Fight Club underscores the elements that increase children’s exposure to alcohol and drug taking.
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  • How Do Role Models Affect You Emotionally?
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  • Why Parents Are the Best Role Models?
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Essay on Role Model in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Role Model: There are so many people we follow these days on social media and in real life as we love them and admire their values. We also get inspired and influenced by some people we meet or simply know about. Every person has unique qualities and behavioral traits. Sometimes, someone’s qualities attract our attention and we start liking that person, irrespective of gender or other differences. We love or get inspired by their unique qualities, abilities and also nurture a dream to be like them one day. These personalities that our heart craves to follow and personify are our role models. A role model could be anyone. S/he could be a politician, an actress or an actor, a well known philanthropist, social activist etc. S/he could even be someone you know very dearly, like your father, mother or uncle etc.

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Long and Short Essay on Role Model in English

Below we are providing Essay on Role Model of varying lengths in English.

These Long and Short Essay on Role Model have been written in simple and easy to grasp language for you to easily reiterate it when required.

You can use these long and short essays on role models during any school assignment or debates and discussions held in school or interschool competitions.

Hope, following role model essay will be helpful for you, go through this page and select the best one for you:

Role Model Essay 200 words

I love my mom; I love her the most, is the thought that comes to my mind when I think about her. She is the one who loves me unconditionally and cares for me beyond imagination. When she embraces me I get the most tranquil feeling in life. She knows it all before even I know what I want in my life. She reads my silence, my tears, my mind and my heart. But, does she know that she has the biggest place in my heart…?

Life doesn’t come with any manual it just comes with a mother and all our questions and doubts in life are answered. One person that I always want besides me is my mom. She constantly plays so many roles in my life be it a teacher, mentor, cook or a doctor and so on. Her selflessness is unmatched. She endures all the problems in life with a smiling face and stands strong and firm. She is my inspiration to be a strong and loving mother. Although she is truly my role model. Though, I never know whether I can ever fit in her shoes.

It breaks my heart when she is upset or when she falls sick. I have one little prayer to God; just keep my parents healthy and happy forever.

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Role Model Essay 300 words

Father is the only man in the world who will never hurt his daughter. A father daughter relation is the most beautiful relation in the world. It is so cute and touching how fathers care for their daughters and enjoy their tantrums. My father is my role model.

I am his first priority and he is always partial towards me than my brothers. He pampers me and makes me feel like the most special daughter in the world. Like every other father he too is very protective for me. He never forgets to buy special gifts for me from everywhere he travels for business. He supports me and guides me through each and every phase of my life.

I share unexpressed bond with my father that comprises of respect, love and care. He is an introvert who generally doesn’t express his feelings when he is upset, but I understand how he feels on different occasions. I know the wounds of his heart and the struggles he has done throughout his life. His children are his world and he has always provided them with what they want, even in the most challenging periods of his life. He has always been strong and firm, but he never complains or shows that he is tired of being so strong, but I do know, I really know he is and it really pinches my heart.

He believes strongly in humanity and lives with his ethics in life. However he is the most kind-hearted person and never ever wishes evil for anyone in life. He is hardworking, dedicated and sincere in his work. However he is a simple person and loves to live a simple life. He inspires to be a good human being in life.

I love him. He is the most special man in my life. He will forever be my hero, mentor and also guide throughout my life.

Role Model Essay 400 words

My role model is the nation’s heart throb, ace cricketer, Virat Kohli. His dedication towards his work and his love for his family is what I love about him. He inspires me on both personal and professional level.

His Booming Career

Virat Kohli, the current Indian National Cricket team’s captain was born in November 1988. He is one of the best batsmen of India. He has been ranked as one of the world’s most famous athlete’s by ESPN. In IPL he plays for the Royal challengers Bangalore.

He made his ODI debut for Indian Cricket Team against Sri Lanka at the age of 19. In 2013 he made his ODI debut. He reached number one spot in ICC ranking for ODI batsman for the first time in 2013. Kohli got tremendous success in 20-20 format and won the Man of the Tournament twice in ICC world 20-20. Since Feb. 2018 he is currently ranked 3 rd in the world. However kohli has made several Indian batting records including the fastest batsman, fastest ODI century and the fastest 10 th century.

He has received several awards such as ICC world Cricketer of the year 2017, player of the year in 2012 and 2017, BCCI’s International Cricketer of the Year 2011-12, 2014-15 and 2015-16 seasons. He was also given Arjuna Award in 2013 and Padma Shri in 2017. His competitive attitude and growth in such a short time is such an inspiration. I aspire to have a booming career just as Virat Kohli.

Virat Kohli’s Fitness Regime

I have been following Virat Kohli on social media and have been watching his workout videos repeatedly. Virat Kohli was not the healthiest player in his early days of career. But his dedication and discipline to fitness sets him apart. He always prefers to have healthy food and also makes sure he consumes mineral water. He keeps a strict check on his fitness and diet regime. His fitness goals are truly an inspiration for all the youngsters including me.

Virat Kohli’s Social Causes:

In 2013 Kohli started a charity foundation Virat Kohli Foundation, VKF. VKF aims at helping the under privileged children and raising funds for charity. He also supports the anti-drug campaign, and I watched the video online where he attended the inaugural ceremony of the campaign titled “Yes to Cricket and No to Drugs’ he advised thousands of school children to say no to drugs and substance abuse. He inspires me to be a socially responsible Indian Citizen.


He inspires us to stay focused and dedicated in what you do. Therefore there is no doubt that this young man is the role model for almost all the youths in our country including me, as he is an all-rounder.

Also Read: How to Become a Cricketer?

Role Model Essay 500 words

Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru had a charming personality. When I started learning about him from my dad, I was highly motivated, which made me read more about him. In spite of his high educational background, he was determined to fight for India’s freedom. In his inspirational speech for youth his message was to aim big, aim to excel in what you do; this will make u a bigger person in life. I have learned from him that if you are determined and you aim big you will achieve great heights. He remained loyal to the country and was devoted to guide the economy towards success. His modern thoughts and selfless service to our country was incredible. Thus I really admire his ideas of liberalism and nationalism.

Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru’s Personal Life

Jawaharlal Nehru was born in Allahabad on 14 th of Nov, 1889. His father Motilal Nehru was one of the top lawyers of India. He was provided his early education at home by private tutors. In 1990, he moved to England at the age of fifteen and joined Cambridge University. He then studied Law at London’s Inner Temple. Nehru got attracted to ideas of socialism, liberalism and also nationalism. He returned to India in 1912 at the age of 22 and practiced law with his father. In 1916 he was married to Smt. Kamla Devi.

Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru’s Role in Freedom Fight for India

Jawaharlal Nehru highly influenced by Mahatma Gandhi’s personality when he first met him in Lucknow session of National Congress. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru saddened with the Jallianwala Bagh Incident, April 1919. He got the opportunity to visit the place and listen to the people, when he exonerated by British Government. In 1920’s non-cooperation movement he arrested for his active role in Satyagraha movement. He spent more than 9 years in British Jail at different time periods. He used to write letters to his daughter, Indira Gandhi, on Indian and world history from jail. The letters later became successful books published as Glimpses of World History and Discovery of India.

In 1929 Jawaharlal Nehru got elected as the president in Indian national congress and he promoted the goal of complete Independence from British Rule. At the A.I.C.C. session in Bombay in 1942 August 7 Pt. Nehru moved the ‘Quit India’ resolution. On August 8 1942 he detained along with other leaders for the last time. In 1947, Pakistan created as new country for Muslims and India for Hindus. British withdrew and Jawaharlal Nehru became Independent India’s first Prime Minister. Nehru knew he had to build a new India and had to guide the economy towards success and he worked in that direction.

Pt. Nehru’s nationalism marked as a pride in country’s heritage. Pt. Nehru’s charm, educational background and selfless service to the nation presented the face of active India. He was the maker of new modern India. His overall personality inspires me to serve the society and our nation selflessly, think open-mindedly and aim to lead in what I do and never give up. He inspires me to be a responsible Indian citizen. I take part in many social activities with my mom to help people. I aim to be a social worker and he is my role model.

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Role Model Essay 600 words

I am a big Bollywood fan and my role model thus happens to be a Bollywood celebrity. I aspire to be like the perfectionist of the industry, Amir Khan.

Personal Life, Family and Success in Bollywood

Amir Khan was born on 14 th march 1965 in a family of film makers. His father, Tasir Hussain, was a producer and Uncle Nasir Hussain was a producer-director in 1970’s. He made his debut in the film industry as a child artist at the age of eight in a hit movie Yadon Ki Barat in 1973. Amir Khan has evolved as an actor in 45 years since he made his first appearance in the movies.

Amir Khan is a legendry superstar in the Indian film Industry and a role model for every aspiring actor. He has established great heights in Bollywood and art films. He made his debut as a lead actor in movie Qayamat se Qayamat Tak opposite Juhi Chawla in 1988 directed by Mansoor Khan and produced by Nasir Hussain which launched him to stardom. Although he found his box-office success with Dil in 1990 and Dil Hai Ke Manta Nahin in 1991. He won his place in the heart of audience with Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar in 1992 and was there to rule forever.

Success in Bollywood

He has given variation to his audience by playing diverse characters in different genres. He has cherished for super hits like Andaz Apna Apna, Rangeela, Raja Hindustani, Lagaan, Three Idiots, Sarfarosh, Dangal, Mangal Pandey and many more. Amir Khan very selective in his roles and chooses to work in one film a year to dedicate his full time and energy for the role. His movies heartfelt and cherished for lifetime.

Like every other actor he too had his share of hits and flops, he has endured controversies and embarrassments too. He has criticized and appreciated for his work. The road to stardom is never easy but Amir has constantly evolved and re-invented his persona. He is no doubt Indian cinemas most loved and esteemed figure now.

He has given variation to his audience not only as an actor but has also made his mark as a producer, director, TV show host and a playback singer. Amir Khan is the founder of Amir Khan Productions. His production Colonial drama Lagaan has drawn International attention to Indian Cinema. Lagaan a big blockbuster hit and has won number of awards in various categories. The film has also won public’s Choice award at Switzerland’s Locarno Film Festival. Lagaan has also been in the UK’s list of top ten films.

His directorial debut film Taare Zameen Par a drama on dyslexia proved to be a huge success winning him the National Film Award for best film on family welfare as well as number of other star screen and film fare awards.

Amir Khan also made his debut in television on 6 th May, 2012 by hosting a show Satyamev Jayate, a talk show discussing various social causes. Not only on television but Amir Khan associated with several social causes in his real life. He has raised voice to support various campaigns and protests such as Jan lok pal bill, Narmada Bachao Andolan. Also UNICEF regional goodwill ambassador and the brand ambassador of Incredible India Tourism campaign. He supports various causes such as Disaster relief, Environment health, Health, Education, Human rights, Slavery and Human Trafficking, etc. He constantly tries to create awareness about social issues through his movies.

Mr. Perfectionist, apart from his on-screen work, is an actor who takes his responsibility towards the society seriously. I really admire the overall personality of this star. He is truly an inspiration for me. I am a die-heart fan of him as his vision towards life inspires me.

Essay on Role Model FAQs

How do you write a role model essay.

To write a role model essay, start by describing your role model, their qualities, and how they inspire you.

What is a role model in your own words?

In your own words, a role model is someone you admire and look up to as a positive example in your life.

Why your mother is your role model?

Your mother is your role model because of her love, sacrifices, and the way she guides and supports you.

What is the role of a mother essay?

The role of a mother essay discusses the crucial responsibilities and influence a mother has in a family.

Who is your role mother?

Your role model can be anyone you admire, like a teacher, a family member, or a famous person.

How your father is your role model?

Your father is your role model due to his strength, guidance, and the values he imparts to you.

What is the role of a father essay?

The role of a father essay highlights the important contributions and support provided by fathers in a family.

Who is a father essay?

A father essay explores the qualities and significance of a father in one's life.

How do you start a role model essay?

To start a role model essay, introduce your role model, their impact on your life, and why you admire them.

What is a role model short note?

A role model short note is a brief description of someone you look up to for their positive qualities.

What is a good role model essay?

A good role model essay discusses the positive traits and actions that make someone an admirable influence in your life.

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My Role Model Essay In 100, 200, 250, 300 & 500 Words

Looking for inspiration? Read these essays on my role model, including my teacher, grandmother, parents, mom, and dad. Discover what makes them so special and how they have influenced the writer’s life.

Table of Contents

My Teacher Is My Role Model Essay In 100 Words

My role model is my teacher. She is a source of inspiration to me because of her dedication to teaching and her ability to make learning fun. She has a positive attitude and always encourages me to do my best. She is patient and understanding, and she never gives up on me even when I struggle. She has taught me the importance of hard work, determination, and perseverance. I admire her for her intelligence, kindness, and compassion. I aspire to be like her someday and make a positive impact on the lives of others, just as she has on mine.

My Grandmother Is My Role Model Essay In 200 Words

My role model is my grandmother. She is the embodiment of grace, strength, and resilience. Despite facing many challenges in her life, she has never lost her sense of humor, her kindness, or her love for her family. She has taught me the importance of family, of being there for one another, and of always looking on the bright side. She has a generous spirit and is always willing to lend a hand to those in need. She has inspired me to be a better person and to always strive for excellence in everything I do. I am grateful to have her in my life and to learn from her wisdom and experience.

My Parents Are My Role Model Essay In 250 Words

My role models are my parents. They have been my constant support and encouragement throughout my life. They have instilled in me the values of hard work, honesty, and kindness. They have taught me to believe in myself and to never give up on my dreams. They have shown me what it means to be responsible, caring, and compassionate. They have always been there for me, no matter what, and have sacrificed so much to provide for me and my siblings. They are my heroes, and I admire them for their strength, resilience, and unwavering love. I aspire to be like them someday and to make them proud. I am grateful for everything they have done for me and for the example they have set for me to follow.

My Mom Is My Role Model Essay In 300 Words

My role model is my mom. She is a strong , independent, and caring woman who has always been there for me. She has taught me the importance of education, of standing up for what I believe in, and of being kind to others. She is my biggest supporter and my best friend. She has encouraged me to pursue my passions and to never give up on my dreams. She has shown me what it means to be a good person and to always be true to myself.

My mom is a hardworking and resilient person. She has faced many challenges in her life but has never given up. She has always found a way to overcome adversity and to come out stronger on the other side. She is an inspiration to me and to everyone who knows her.

One of the things I admire most about my mom is her selflessness. She always puts others before herself and is always willing to lend a helping hand. She volunteers her time to help others in need, and she never expects anything in return. Her kindness and compassion have touched the lives of many people, and she has made a positive impact on the world.

My mom has also taught me the importance of family. She has always put her family first and has worked hard to create a loving and supportive home for us. She has taught me the value of spending time with loved ones, of cherishing memories, and of being there for one another through thick and thin.

In conclusion, my mom is not only my role model but also my hero. She has taught me so much about life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. I am grateful for everything she has done for me and for the example she has set for me to follow. I hope to be able to make her proud someday and to pass on the wisdom and values she has taught me to future generations.

My Role Model Essay In 500 Words

My role model is my dad. He is a man of great character, intelligence, and strength. He has always been there for me and has provided me with the guidance and support I need to succeed in life. He has instilled in me the values of hard work, determination, and perseverance. He has taught me to never give up on my dreams and to always strive for excellence in everything I do.

My dad is a successful businessman, and I have always admired his work ethic and his ability to lead others. He has taught me the importance of setting goals, of working hard to achieve them, and of never settling for mediocrity. He has also shown me the importance of taking risks, of embracing change, and of adapting to new challenges and opportunities.

One of the things I admire most about my dad is his kindness and generosity. He is always willing to help others in need and has a heart of gold. He volunteers his time and resources to help those less fortunate than himself and has made a significant impact on the lives of many people. He has also shown me the importance of treating others with respect and dignity and of never judging people based on their appearance or background.

My dad is a man of integrity and honesty. He always does the right thing, even when it’s not the easiest thing to do. He has taught me the importance of being true to myself and to my beliefs and of standing up for what I believe in, even when it’s unpopular or difficult. He has also shown me the importance of being accountable for my actions and of taking responsibility for my mistakes.

Finally, my dad is a man of great love and devotion. He loves his family more than anything in the world and has always put us first. He has been a constant source of support and encouragement and has always been there for us, no matter what. He has taught me the importance of family, of being there for one another, and of cherishing the time we have together.

In conclusion, my dad is not only my role model but also my hero. He has taught me so much about life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. I am grateful for everything he has done for me and for the example he has set for me to follow. I hope to be able to make him proud someday and to pass on the wisdom and values he has taught me to future generations.

FAQ: About Role Model

What is a role model?

A role model is a person who sets a positive example and inspires others to emulate their behavior or achievements.

Why is it important to have a role model?

Having a role model can help us to set goals, stay motivated, and make positive choices. It can also provide us with a sense of direction and purpose in life.

How do you choose a role model?

It’s important to choose a role model who shares your values and goals. Look for someone who is successful in an area that you admire and who exhibits qualities that you respect.

Can a role model be a fictional character?

Yes, a role model can be a fictional character, such as a superhero or a character from a book or movie. However, it’s important to remember that real-life role models can offer more practical and tangible guidance.

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  • Class 1 My Father Essay

My Father Essay For Class 1

Father refers to the male parent of a child in a family. He is a very important member of the family. He is the one who takes care of the entire family including his own parents, wife and children. He earns his bread and butter for his family and tries his best to fulfil their needs and demands.

A father is one who maintains strict discipline among the family members and is looked upon with respect by everyone. He shows the right path to his children and motivates them to achieve the goals of their lives through proper education. A father is one who stands rock solid beside his family and protects them from the evils of society. He acts as the root of his family and binds each member with love and respect.

Here we bring forth “My Father Essay for Class 1” kids so that they can read this as a reference and write an essay to express their feelings and thoughts on this topic.

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My Father Essay For Class 1

My Father Essay In English For Class 1

  • My father’s name is Raj Sharma.
  • He is a loving person who takes care of my entire family.
  • He is an Engineer and is a very hardworking person.
  • He is an intelligent person who answers all my questions.
  • My father respects his own parents, my mother and each member of my family.
  • He maintains good relations with our relatives, friends and neighbours.
  • He drops me and my sister to school and my mother to work every day.
  • He helps me and my younger sister in our studies every day.
  • He teaches us good manners, humanity and morals of life.
  • My father is my role model and I want to become like him one day.

Children have innocent minds and when given a chance to write on a given topic, they try to express their thoughts in simple and short sentences. Writing a topic of their personal choice gives them an opportunity to convey their feelings in words thereby indirectly improving their English writing skills too. The above sample “My father essay in English for class 1” is a modest attempt from our end to help young learners to be upfront in expressing their thoughts in simple words. To know more about other essay topics , you can also download our learning app – Disney BYJU’S Early Learn and learn different topics in detail.

role model essay for class 1

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Role Models Essay Examples

Essays about role models aim to explore the influential individuals who inspire and guide others through their actions, values, and achievements. The purpose of such essay examples is to highlight the positive impact that role models have on personal development, education, and societal progress. These essays celebrate the qualities that make role models exceptional and encourage readers to reflect on the attributes they admire and aspire to emulate. 1. Inspiration and Empowerment Primary goals of essays about role models is to inspire and empower readers. These essays showcase the stories of individuals who have overcome challenges, demonstrated perseverance, and achieved success. By sharing these stories, essays encourage readers to set ambitious goals, believe in their potential, and pursue their aspirations. Role models often embody virtues such as integrity, compassion, determination, and leadership. Essays on this topic focus on these values, discussing how they contribute to personal growth and the betterment of society. These essays encourage readers to integrate these values into their own lives. Role models essays encourage readers to reflect on the qualities they admire in others and to identify the role models who have influenced them. Through self-discovery, readers gain a deeper understanding of their values and aspirations, helping them make positive life choices. Tips for Writing Essays About Role Models:

Select a Role Model: Choose a role model who has personally influenced you or made a significant impact in their field. Thesis Statement: Begin with a clear thesis that introduces the role model and outlines the main qualities you will discuss. Personal Connection: Share personal anecdotes or experiences that illustrate how the role model has affected your life. Highlight Key Qualities: Discuss the specific qualities, achievements, and contributions of the role model. Impact on Society: Explore how the role model’s actions have influenced others and society as a whole. Lessons Learned: Reflect on the lessons and values you’ve learned from the role model and how they have shaped your own growth. Encourage Self-Reflection: Encourage readers to reflect on their own role models and qualities they admire. Conclusion: Summarize the role model’s significance and the lasting impact they’ve had on your life and society.

Essays about role models celebrate the individuals who inspire us to become better versions of ourselves. By exploring their qualities and achievements, these essays encourage readers to learn from their examples and work towards personal growth and positive societal change.

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About Role Models

A role model is someone others look to as a good example. A role model is someone who is worthy of imitation — like your beloved teacher or a well-behaved celebrity. Just as a model is something that represents an inspirational ideal, a role model is someone who inspires others to imitate his or her good behavior. uses cookies to offer you the best service possible.By continuing we’ll assume you board with our cookie policy .--> -->