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60 Interesting Public Speaking Topics to Engage Your Audience


If you’re the type of person who gets head spinningly, palms-sweaty nervous when asked to make a public speech, you’re certainly not alone. As intimating and intimidating as it may seem, it’s true that having the ability to confidently stand in front of an audience and deliver a speech can be a super useful tool. Not only could it bring you better marks in school, it’ll also come in handy in future job applications, leadership positions, and even in everyday conversation. Now that you’re serious about conquering public speaking , the next step is knowing what to say. We’ve got your back on this one. Here’s a list of 60 interesting public speaking topics which promise to keep your audience engaged and eager to hear what you have to say. Customize them however you please, add more information and ideas of your own, and let your ideas do the talking! Let’s get going!

Interesting Public Speaking Topics

Public speaking provides a unique opportunity for speakers to share their opinions, experiences, and knowledge in an interesting way. Interesting public speaking topics can range from controversial to informative, from historical to present day, from fun to serious. When selecting a topic , it’s important to consider the interests of your audience as well as what you can provide appropriate supporting information on. Controversial or opinion-based topics can be engaging, but it’s important that all sides of the argument are presented fairly and no one in the audience is disparaged or excluded. Additionally, providing both sides of an argument here helps inform your audience and may even expose them to different perspectives. Informative topics are great for teaching audiences about specific subjects or movements, while delivering the information in an entertaining and interesting way. Explain how each piece fits into the bigger picture and build suspense throughout your talk. Additionally, if you have personal stories associated with the topic, by all means include them; these stories help make your presentation more memorable and engaging for your audience. Historical topics provide excellent fodder for a public speaking engagement; beyond teaching about specific events that occurred in our past, you can also shed light on important dates in history or major events of the past century. Providing context helps bring to life lessons from those points in time that still influence us today. Current events are also great platforms for public speaking – highlighting what is happening now provides a powerful connection between speaker and audience as everyone is probably equally (or almost equally) knowledgeable about it—and if not? You get to teach them! When presenting current events as your topic, make sure you use up-to-date sources and highlight any compliance changes or other political matters that could affect your audience directly. Now let’s move on to discuss current events as an interesting public speaking topic…

Current Events

When it comes to public speaking, current events make for a highly engaging topics. Depending on the agenda and purpose of the speech, current events can be used either to inform and educate the audience or to galvanize support and motivate action. When dealing with current events, speakers should strive to remain impartial while bringing forth both sides of the argument. For example, if the event is to discuss international trade policy in light of recent tariffs disputes between major trading partners, speakers should present both advantages and disadvantages of increased tariffs. Understanding the core issue at hand without commenting on the efficacy of each side’s policies is key in order to maintain an impartial outlook. Similarly, when addressing a complex social issue like discrimination against minority groups or income equality, it is important to provide a sober and nuanced overview of the issue while ensuring that all sides are properly represented. Naturally, as certain issues become particularly salient in the public debate , more detailed analysis may be necessary in order to provide a full account of the situation. With that said, presenters must always exercise caution when discussing hot-button topics so as not to alienate any portion of their audience. Finally, speakers may choose to conclude their discussion by proposing a plan for action or connecting their topic with wider implications for society. As such, choosing current events as one’s topic allows for an opportunity to create real change that can have tangible benefits for members of their audience. With this potential impact in mind, let us now explore creative ideas that are just as interesting but offer a different approach.

10 Current Events Topics

  • COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on society, economy, and healthcare systems
  • Climate change and environmental issues, including wildfires, hurricanes, and rising sea levels
  • Global politics and international relations, including tensions between countries and geopolitical conflicts
  • Technological advancements, such as artificial intelligence, automation, and the future of work
  • Social justice movements, including Black Lives Matter and #MeToo, and their impact on society
  • Mental health and wellbeing, including the effects of the pandemic on mental health and access to mental health services
  • Education and the challenges of remote learning and hybrid learning models
  • Immigration and refugee crises, including the global response and the impact on individuals and communities
  • Economic inequality and the wealth gap, including the effects of the pandemic on job losses and income disparities
  • The role of media and technology in shaping public opinion and discourse, including issues of censorship and misinformation.

Fun Public Speaking Topics

Public speaking can be an incredibly effective method of communication and expressing ideas to an audience. When selecting a topic for a public speaking event, it is important to choose one that will be engaging, exciting and entertaining . Fun public speaking topics are a great way to captivate your audience’s attention. Some fun topics popular today include conspiracy theories, humorous anecdotes and weird trivia questions. In addition to topics that can evoke laughter, you could opt for a conversation-like approach by selecting topics tailored towards discussing or debating current events or pop culture trends. This type of discussion creates a sense of involvement amongst your listeners, as they are likely to have their own opinions on the subject matter at hand. Knowing the interests of your audience makes it easier to pick one of these types of interesting conversation starters. Yet another type of enjoyable public speaking topic is one related to personal experience. By sharing stories from your own life you can create a connection with your audience because they realize you are not only knowledgeable about academic subjects but also about human experiences. For example, you could talk about how traveling abroad changed your perspective or how volunteer work with animals opened up new opportunities in your life. No matter what route you take, having a fun element in each speech encourages conversations , making it more engaging for the listener.

Here are 10 fun topics for public speaking:

  • The science of laughter and how it can improve mental and physical health
  • The history of popular board games and how they have evolved over time
  • The art of cake decorating and how to create beautiful and delicious desserts
  • The world of cosplay and the art of creating intricate costumes
  • The benefits of travel and tips for planning the perfect vacation
  • The world of online gaming and the rise of esports
  • The history of memes and how they have impacted popular culture
  • The art of mixology and how to make creative cocktails at home
  • The joys and challenges of pet ownership and the benefits of having a furry friend
  • The world of improv comedy and how to master the art of improvisation.

These fun public speaking topics spark imagination and interest from all those involved in the discussion. While brainstorming ideas, it is important to keep in mind that the topic should contain enough material to elaborate upon while maintaining a lighthearted spirit; balance is key!

Controversial Public Speaking Topics

Controversial public speaking topics can be excellent ways to engage your audience and spark a lively discussion. It is best to keep the language used respectful, as well as being mindful of the makeup of the audience you are presenting to. Popular controversial public speaking topics range from opinions about current events and politics, religion, gender roles and LGBTQ issues, amongst other things. When debating each side of the argument, it is important to make sure that one doesn’t invalidate or insult the opposing views.

Here are 10 controversial public speaking topics:

  • Gun control and the right to bear arms
  • Abortion and reproductive rights
  • Capital punishment and the death penalty
  • Immigration policy and border control
  • Affirmative action and equal opportunity employment
  • LGBTQ+ rights and marriage equality
  • The legalization of marijuana and other drugs
  • Animal rights and animal testing
  • Freedom of speech and hate speech laws
  • Climate change and the role of humans in causing and combating it.

No matter which topic you decide to explore, controversial public speaking topics provide a great opportunity for learning experiences. With great research beforehand, ambitious speakers can use these occasions to inform their audiences in meaningful ways. Moving on to the next section, motivational public speaking topics have become increasingly popular within the last several years. This type of speech aims to inspire its audience by inciting positive feelings and emotions while promoting an inspiring idea or action plan.

Key Points to Remember

Controversial public speaking topics can be engaging to an audience, but the language used should remain respectful regardless of opinions held. Popular topics include current events, politics, religion, gender roles, and LGBTQ issues. When debating both sides of a controversial argument, it is important not to insult or invalidate another viewpoint. Controversial public speaking gives speakers a great opportunity to enhance learning experiences with thorough research and information .

Motivational Public Speaking Topics

Motivation is a powerful tool that can influence and inspire people to realize their potential and reach unseen levels of success. When applied effectively, motivational public speaking topics can be incredibly impactful and help an audience take action on ideas they can implement in their daily life. The key to delivering an effective motivational talk is to focus on the idea of progress. Talk about how something good can be accomplished over time if dedication and hard work are continually applied. Present stories of real-life successes, as well as struggles, to illustrate these points and increase the audience’s engagement level. Make sure to inject positive energy into your speech by outlining strategies the audience can use to stay motivated while achieving their goals. By presenting topics in a motivational manner, you can help ensure that members of your audience feel encouraged, empowered, and inspired. If you are debating a controversial topic, make sure to present both sides of the argument within the same motivating framework.

Here are 10 motivational public speaking topics:

  • Overcoming obstacles and achieving success
  • Finding purpose and meaning in life
  • Building self-confidence and self-esteem
  • The power of perseverance and determination
  • Mindfulness and living in the present moment
  • Overcoming fear and taking risks
  • The importance of setting and achieving goals
  • Turning setbacks into opportunities for growth
  • Developing a positive mindset and attitude
  • The benefits of gratitude and appreciation in life.

Keeping these important principles in mind will allow you to deliver a compelling motivational presentation that helps your audience believe in themselves and develop clear directions for taking action. Taking the right steps today will bring better results tomorrow — this is a concept worth discussing during your talk.

Historical Topics for Public Speaking

History is a rich and complex tapestry of events, ideas, and movements that have shaped the world we live in today. Exploring historical topics can help us gain a deeper understanding of our collective past, and shed light on the challenges and triumphs of human experience. From the fall of the Roman Empire to the Civil Rights Movement, there are countless historical topics that continue to fascinate and inspire us. In this list, we explore ten historical topics that offer a glimpse into the great events and movements that have shaped our world.

Here are 10 historical topics to talk about:

  • The fall of the Roman Empire and its impact on European civilization
  • The French Revolution and the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte
  • The Industrial Revolution and its impact on society, economy, and technology
  • The American Revolution and the birth of the United States of America
  • The Renaissance and its impact on art, science, and culture
  • The colonization of the Americas and the impact on indigenous populations
  • The World Wars and their impact on global politics and international relations
  • The Age of Exploration and the impact of European colonization on the world
  • The Civil Rights Movement and the fight for racial equality in the United States
  • The Cold War and the global tension between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Persuasive Speech Topics

Persuasive speeches are designed to convince the audience to take a particular action, adopt a certain viewpoint, or support a specific idea. These speeches can be powerful tools for effecting change and promoting important causes. From protecting the environment to advocating for social justice, persuasive speech topics cover a wide range of issues that are relevant to our world today. In this list, we explore ten persuasive speech topics that can inspire and motivate audiences to take action and make a positive impact on the world around us.

Here are 10 persuasive speech topics:

  • The importance of recycling and reducing waste to protect the environment
  • The benefits of meditation and mindfulness for mental health and well-being
  • The need for stricter gun control laws to reduce gun violence
  • The importance of early childhood education for future success
  • The benefits of a plant-based diet for health and the environment
  • The need to address income inequality through progressive taxation
  • The importance of access to affordable healthcare for all individuals
  • The need for comprehensive sex education in schools
  • The benefits of renewable energy sources for a sustainable future
  • The need for increased support for mental health resources and services

Public speaking is not always an easy task. Whether you are presenting a persuasive or informative speech, it can be difficult to keep your audience interested and engaged. In order to do this, it is essential to choose the appropriate public speaking topics. The fifty-plus interesting public speakings topics suggested in this article can provide plenty of inspiration and help you deliver a powerful message to your audience. Whether you take a light-hearted approach or focus on a more serious subject matter, picking the right public speaking topics can make all the difference. Larger philosophical questions may prove intimidating and impractical as public speaking topics, while trivial conversation starters may bore your audience before they even start listening. To get the most out of your speeches, it is important to pick a topic that walks the line between engaging your listeners without making them uncomfortable or unsure of how to respond. It is also imperative that you develop solid argumentation and presentation skills if you want to succeed in public speaking. An entertaining speech must still provide solid facts and evidence while at the same time grabbing the attention of your listeners. A good balance between interesting content and persuasive rhetoric should help make any speech successful.

Responses to Frequently Asked Questions

What are some creative public speaking topics.

Creative public speaking topics can range from the exploration of current trends, to unique takes on traditional topics. For example, if discussing the current state of education, one could focus on the trend of more expensive tuition for higher education and dive into the implications this has for students and the job market, or discuss emergent strategies for providing greater access to educational opportunities in economically disadvantaged areas. Additionally, one could explore the current technology landscape and how it will shape future generations, or investigate developments in artificial intelligence that are redefining our understanding of what “intelligence” means. One could also take a more artful approach to public speaking and open up a dialogue about the power of creativity in solving problems or elicit discussion around empathy as a form of communication. Ultimately, creative public speaking topics are limited only by creative thought and provide an exciting opportunity for speakers to present inspiring ideas in entertaining ways.

What are some tips for choosing public speaking topics?

Some tips for choosing public speaking topics include: 1. Choose topics that are relevant to your audience. Make sure the topic is of interest to them and will keep their attention. 2. Research the topic thoroughly before speaking. Knowing the subject matter well will make it easier to engage your audience. 3. Select a topic that is both challenging and interesting. While choosing a subject that people might be familiar with can be safe, make sure it is still engaging and stimulating. 4. Avoid topics that are too controversial or sensitive. Refrain from such topics as they could lead to arguments or displeasing reactions amongst the audience members. 5. Expand on popular material but don’t plagiarize other speakers’ ideas. People like new concepts and appreciate hearing new information so challenge yourself to come up with something original!

public speech topics in english

151 Best Public Speaking Topics In 2021

Thu Oct 21, 2021

Do you love giving a speech in front of a large group of people or simply feel nervous about it? Sometimes, the lack of preparation and planning a good speech may cause the latter. With today's fast-paced environment, you will have to step up on stage to deliver a speech at some time in your life. Writing a compelling and insightful speech necessitates the selection of a suitable topic, extensive research. It will need the creation of individual ideas to communicate everything fact and opinion. It might be difficult to select a suitable speech topic for your speech . But don't worry, the work has been done for you! This blog provides a list of popular English speaking themes as well as some useful tips and methods. Be ready to effectively communicate your views and suggestions in front of the public. Table Of Contents:

List Of Best Speech Topics For Public Speaking

1-minute speech topics.

  • 2-Minute Speech Topics

Unique Speech Topics

Interesting speech topics, easy speech topics, speech topics on environment.

  • Speech Topics On Social Issues

Speech Topics On Greatest Leaders

Speech topics on education, speech topics on health, frequently asked questions.

Speeches are entirely about the speaker's own ideas. It should not be duplicated from another source. It ultimately boils down to what the speaker believes about any particular issue. Examine the following collection of English Speaking Ideas on various current topics and themes.

public speech topics in english

A 2-minute speech is an excellent method to start into public speaking and is often utilised in the classroom. It's brief. It's quick.

To make things easier for yourself, choose a topic that fascinates you and about which you can speak passionately.

  • Public Smoking
  • Bar Hours of Operation
  • Confirmed Alien Sightings
  • The Rape Culture
  • Indian Reservation Casinos
  • Marijuana Legalization
  • Making Prostitution Legal
  • The Dangers of Cosmetic Surgery
  • Adoption Across Cultures
  • What Causes Men to Have Affairs?
  • What Is the Importance of Reading?
  • Homelessness in the United States
  • Reducing the Legal Drinking Age
  • General Education Courses (20)
  • Is Online Dating Dangerous or Safe?
  • How to Speak English in America
  • Getting Your Pets Spayed/Neutered
  • Are Video Games Beneficial to Your Health?

Choosing new and exciting unique speech themes for your public speaking skills is vital. It can also help with any other special event that necessitates developing your own exceptional experiences. Read through these ideas and choose just the ones that are unique to you.

  • Seniors are no longer able to adopt children.
  • TV commercials are not works of art.
  • Allow students to use social media at school.
  • Cash will be phased out.
  • Music has the ability to heal.
  • Historic structures must be protected.
  • There should be a one-car-per-family regulation.
  • Marriage should be permitted only after the age of 25.
  • Parents who home educate their children should first have to pass examinations.
  • The Bermuda Triangle is not a work of fiction.
  • Medication has no effect on hyperactive youngsters.
  • It is possible to survive without internet access.
  • Leadership cannot be learned.
  • Married couples should engage in extramarital relationships.
  • Modern art just requires ambition.

Almost always, you will be required to present one or more compelling speeches throughout your career.

Unless the topic is appropriate, no matter how good your material or delivery is, you will fail to make an impression. As a result, when making this decision, one must use extreme caution and wisdom. Here are some interesting topics to choose from, especially if it’s your first on stage.

  • Reality television is a source of exploitation.
  • Reality programmes are far from authentic.
  • Computer-based learning is the most efficient.
  • Gamification and virtual reality are the educational technologies of the future.
  • Juvenile criminality is tolerated.
  • Prostitution need to be legalised.
  • To conserve endangered species, severe fines should be imposed.
  • Pollution of the environment is a worldwide issue.
  • The developed world is to blame for global warming.
  • Is Pink appropriate for men
  • Eco-fashion is the way of the future.
  • Fashion shows one's actual self.
  • Travel introduces fresh experiences.
  • Travel broadens your horizons.
  • Rhetorical learning is less essential than personal experience.

If you don't have much time to prepare or research , it's necessary to adhere to what you know. This will greatly reduce your burden because you already know the majority of what there is to know.

Here are some simple and easy speech topics on popular topics.

  • There are less professional ads in schools.
  • Why are single-gender public schools preferable than co-ed?
  • From cradle to finish, schools should educate students on healthy nutrition.
  • Students who engage in cyberbullying should be expelled from school.
  • Before getting married, you should live together.
  • Higher education is a basic requirement for success in today's world.
  • French fries and drinks should not be served in schools.
  • Students who study online are more likely to cheat.
  • Classic literature should be reserved for college students alone.
  • Every kid at every school should be required to wear a uniform.
  • After completing a basic education, students should be put in trade schools.
  • Exam results provide little insight into a student's skills.
  • History textbooks do not always tell the entire storey.
  • It is critical for students to learn about all global faiths in school.
  • Homeschooling outperforms formal education.

For public speaking , consider environmental speech themes and essay writing on many elements of our ecology. https://www.letstute.com/s/store/courses/Spoken%20English

Do you want to write about sustainability in the environment? These suggestions will serve to enliven your imagination.

  • The dangers of oil spills in the water.
  • Recycling should be made compulsory.
  • Why is it necessary to save oil?
  • Why should we use reusable bags?
  • Why should palm oil be banned?
  • Mining should be prohibited in environmentally vulnerable regions.
  • Disposable diapers pollute the environment.
  • In deciding how a person will turn out, the environment is more significant than heredity.
  • The dangers of drilling for oil in Alaska.
  • Fishing restrictions are required to protect the ecosystem.
  • Endangered species must be protected.
  • We need to put more money into alternate fuels.
  • Endangered oceans ought to be protected.
  • We should work for a paperless society.
  • Conserve the world's resources.
  • Rain forests must be safeguarded.

You may also like:

  • The massive list of 51 English speaking tips
  • How talk in English
  • 13 Actionable tips to learn English Speaking

Spoken English for Learners Online Course

Speech Topics on Social Issues

When working on a speech that asks you to write about a societal topic, you must be neutral in your research and writing. The topic you choose should be related to and relevant to the societal issue addressed in your speech. Here are a few issues that will have a bigger influence in terms of social affairs.

  • The notion that all individuals are equal
  • The statistics on homelessness in the United States are accurate. Fashion is the biggest cause of kid misbehaviour.
  • Corporate corruption is a major factor of poor economies in many countries.
  • Never take your right to privacy for granted.
  • People are not killed by firearms. People kill one other, and the meaning of beauty pageants is muddled.
  • The prevalence of spoiled children has increased as a result of media violence.
  • The world's biggest population has lost its cultural identity.
  • There is an urgent need to put an end to the maiming and abuse of schoolgirls.
  • China's one-child policy is justifiable.
  • In current culture, correct tipping etiquette and procedures
  • Unemployment, a growing crisis
  • The Importance of the Right to an Education
  • Child trafficking as an unspoken issue

The capacity to lead is extremely powerful since it allows you to influence the future and control the behaviour of others.

Choose a theme for your speech that focuses on the notion of leadership. By delving into this subject and expanding on it in your speech, you may not only increase your personal understanding of what makes a successful leader. However, also communicate your insights with your listening crowd. Pick on the topics below to exemplify leadership.

  • Jacinda Adern
  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Nelson Mandela
  • Winston Churchill
  • Martin Luther King Jr
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Mother Teresa
  • Napoleon Bonaparte
  • George Washington
  • Julias Caesar
  • Franklin D Roosevelt
  • Francoise Hollande
  • Pope Francis
  • Akbar the Great

Education is a human right to which everyone is entitled. When individuals differ on what is good and wrong with education, problems occur. As a part of public speaking, education becomes an important topic to address the audience about.

The topics listed below are ones that everyone working in or with education must deal with at some time.

  • The value of education in advancing one's career
  • Outside the classroom, there is a lesson to be learned.
  • The Advantages of E-Learning
  • E-learning vs. traditional classroom instruction
  • What will the future of education look like?
  • Is it appropriate for instructors and students to connect on social media?
  • Should homework be assigned in schools?
  • How to Achieve Academic Success in College Through Online Learning
  • Which is the better measure of success: theory or practise?
  • Various modes of learning and teaching
  • Before being admitted to school, one should undergo a psychological evaluation.
  • Do you believe it should be permissible for students to drop out before reaching the age of 18?
  • Should life skills classes be required in schools?
  • Should public universities be free?
  • Should laptops take the role of textbooks?

Today, public health speeches are required so that people may concentrate on promoting and safeguarding community health. It is critical to implant the concept of well-being in broad groups of people, with a focus on wellness.

Here is a list of compelling and instructive health and wellness speech themes. These are certainly, also for the purpose of enhancing your own thinking and that of others.

  • Diet beverages are frequently not diet at all, while ordinary beverages are not quite regular.
  • Going barefoot in the summer is beneficial to your feet.
  • Take a test to determine whether you are susceptible to any hazardous diseases or viruses.
  • Why you shouldn't work too hard if you have diabetes.
  • Breakfast is the most essential meal of the day for several reasons.
  • Fast food establishments should provide healthier choices.
  • Do you believe that sex education should be taught in schools?
  • People who live in cities will die younger.
  • Excessive salt consumption is harmful to one's health.
  • Consumption of meat should be decreased.
  • People should be more concerned about their sleep.
  • Why should you become an organ donor?
  • Why should we utilise homoeopathic remedies?
  • Why are vaccinations beneficial?
  • Are e-cigarettes preferable to cigarettes?

1. What are the 4 types of public speeches?

To master public speaking, you must first distinguish between four styles of public speaking:

  • Ceremonial Speaking
  • Demonstrative Speaking
  • Informative Speaking
  • Persuasive Speaking

2. What do you say in a 2-minute public speech?

Prepare your 2–3 main points ahead of time, and keep in mind that a successful presentation would include:

  • Captivating start, such as a strong quotation or questions that pique your audience's attention.
  • Introduction, major body, and conclusion are all well-structured.
  • A strong conclusion that will stay with the viewers.

3. What is the best topic for students?

The Best Speech Topics for Students:

  • Noise Pollution
  • Women Empowerment
  • Environment Pollution
  • Health and Wellness

4. What are the 7 elements of public speaking?

The 7 aspects of public speaking are:

  • The speaker
  • The message
  • The channel
  • The listener
  • The feedback
  • The interference
  • The circumstance

5. How do you practice impromptu speaking?

You may practise spontaneous speeches in two ways:

  • You're on your own. Every day, pick a different random topic and talk out about it.
  • Speak in front of a group. The greatest method to master spontaneous speaking is to practise in front of a group and receive expert criticism.

People are generally encouraged to talk about a current issue in order to help them become better public speakers. They are also required to acquire the skill of expressing themselves in front of an audience. Choosing the appropriate topic before you begin practising your speech may make all the difference. It is a method of keeping your audience engaged and from being bored. You may also choose one about which you are enthusiastic so that you can express it properly. When considering these persuasive English speech ideas, ensure you keep it interesting, engaging, short, and clear. Do you think we left something out? Or do you have a topic that you believe is significant and would want to add? Please mention them in the comments section below!

public speech topics in english


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public speech topics in english

112 Persuasive Speech Topics That Are Actually Engaging

What’s covered:, how to pick an awesome persuasive speech topic, 112 engaging persuasive speech topics, tips for preparing your persuasive speech.

Writing a stellar persuasive speech requires a carefully crafted argument that will resonate with your audience to sway them to your side. This feat can be challenging to accomplish, but an engaging, thought-provoking speech topic is an excellent place to start.

When it comes time to select a topic for your persuasive speech, you may feel overwhelmed by all the options to choose from—or your brain may be drawing a completely blank slate. If you’re having trouble thinking of the perfect topic, don’t worry. We’re here to help!

In this post, we’re sharing how to choose the perfect persuasive speech topic and tips to prepare for your speech. Plus, you’ll find 112 persuasive speech topics that you can take directly from us or use as creative inspiration for your own ideas!

Choose Something You’re Passionate About

It’s much easier to write, research, and deliver a speech about a cause you care about. Even if it’s challenging to find a topic that completely sparks your interest, try to choose a topic that aligns with your passions.

However, keep in mind that not everyone has the same interests as you. Try to choose a general topic to grab the attention of the majority of your audience, but one that’s specific enough to keep them engaged.

For example, suppose you’re giving a persuasive speech about book censorship. In that case, it’s probably too niche to talk about why “To Kill a Mockingbird” shouldn’t be censored (even if it’s your favorite book), and it’s too broad to talk about media censorship in general.

Steer Clear of Cliches

Have you already heard a persuasive speech topic presented dozens of times? If so, it’s probably not an excellent choice for your speech—even if it’s an issue you’re incredibly passionate about.

Although polarizing topics like abortion and climate control are important to discuss, they aren’t great persuasive speech topics. Most people have already formed an opinion on these topics, which will either cause them to tune out or have a negative impression of your speech.

Instead, choose topics that are fresh, unique, and new. If your audience has never heard your idea presented before, they will be more open to your argument and engaged in your speech.

Have a Clear Side of Opposition

For a persuasive speech to be engaging, there must be a clear side of opposition. To help determine the arguability of your topic, ask yourself: “If I presented my viewpoint on this topic to a group of peers, would someone disagree with me?” If the answer is yes, then you’ve chosen a great topic!

Now that we’ve laid the groundwork for what it takes to choose a great persuasive speech topic, here are over one hundred options for you to choose from.

  • Should high school athletes get tested for steroids?
  • Should schools be required to have physical education courses?
  • Should sports grades in school depend on things like athletic ability?
  • What sport should be added to or removed from the Olympics?
  • Should college athletes be able to make money off of their merchandise?
  • Should sports teams be able to recruit young athletes without a college degree?
  • Should we consider video gamers as professional athletes?
  • Is cheerleading considered a sport?
  • Should parents allow their kids to play contact sports?
  • Should professional female athletes be paid the same as professional male athletes?
  • Should college be free at the undergraduate level?
  • Is the traditional college experience obsolete?
  • Should you choose a major based on your interests or your potential salary?
  • Should high school students have to meet a required number of service hours before graduating?
  • Should teachers earn more or less based on how their students perform on standardized tests?
  • Are private high schools more effective than public high schools?
  • Should there be a minimum number of attendance days required to graduate?
  • Are GPAs harmful or helpful?
  • Should schools be required to teach about standardized testing?
  • Should Greek Life be banned in the United States?
  • Should schools offer science classes explicitly about mental health?
  • Should students be able to bring their cell phones to school?
  • Should all public restrooms be all-gender?
  • Should undocumented immigrants have the same employment and education opportunities as citizens?
  • Should everyone be paid a living wage regardless of their employment status?
  • Should supremacist groups be able to hold public events?
  • Should guns be allowed in public places?
  • Should the national drinking age be lowered?
  • Should prisoners be allowed to vote?
  • Should the government raise or lower the retirement age?
  • Should the government be able to control the population?
  • Is the death penalty ethical?


  • Should stores charge customers for plastic bags?
  • Should breeding animals (dogs, cats, etc.) be illegal?
  • Is it okay to have exotic animals as pets?
  • Should people be fined for not recycling?
  • Should compost bins become mandatory for restaurants?
  • Should electric vehicles have their own transportation infrastructure?
  • Would heavier fining policies reduce corporations’ emissions?
  • Should hunting be encouraged or illegal?
  • Should reusable diapers replace disposable diapers?

Science & Technology

  • Is paper media more reliable than digital news sources?
  • Should automated/self-driving cars be legalized?
  • Should schools be required to provide laptops to all students?
  • Should software companies be able to have pre-downloaded programs and applications on devices?
  • Should drones be allowed in military warfare?
  • Should scientists invest more or less money into cancer research?
  • Should cloning be illegal?
  • Should societies colonize other planets?
  • Should there be legal oversight over the development of technology?

Social Media

  • Should there be an age limit on social media?
  • Should cyberbullying have the same repercussions as in-person bullying?
  • Are online relationships as valuable as in-person relationships?
  • Does “cancel culture” have a positive or negative impact on societies?
  • Are social media platforms reliable information or news sources?
  • Should social media be censored?
  • Does social media create an unrealistic standard of beauty?
  • Is regular social media usage damaging to real-life interactions?
  • Is social media distorting democracy?
  • How many branches of government should there be?
  • Who is the best/worst president of all time?
  • How long should judges serve in the U.S. Supreme Court?
  • Should a more significant portion of the U.S. budget be contributed towards education?
  • Should the government invest in rapid transcontinental transportation infrastructure?
  • Should airport screening be more or less stringent?
  • Should the electoral college be dismantled?
  • Should the U.S. have open borders?
  • Should the government spend more or less money on space exploration?
  • Should students sing Christmas carols, say the pledge of allegiance, or perform other tangentially religious activities?
  • Should nuns and priests become genderless roles?
  • Should schools and other public buildings have prayer rooms?
  • Should animal sacrifice be legal if it occurs in a religious context?
  • Should countries be allowed to impose a national religion on their citizens?
  • Should the church be separated from the state?
  • Does freedom of religion positively or negatively affect societies?

Parenting & Family

  • Is it better to have children at a younger or older age?
  • Is it better for children to go to daycare or stay home with their parents?
  • Does birth order affect personality?
  • Should parents or the school system teach their kids about sex?
  • Are family traditions important?
  • Should parents smoke or drink around young children?
  • Should “spanking” children be illegal?
  • Should parents use swear words in front of their children?
  • Should parents allow their children to play violent video games?


  • Should all actors be paid the same regardless of gender or ethnicity?
  • Should all award shows be based on popular vote?
  • Who should be responsible for paying taxes on prize money, the game show staff or the contestants?
  • Should movies and television shows have ethnicity and gender quotas?
  • Should newspapers and magazines move to a completely online format?
  • Should streaming services like Netflix and Hulu be free for students?
  • Is the movie rating system still effective?
  • Should celebrities have more privacy rights?

Arts & Humanities

  • Are libraries becoming obsolete?
  • Should all schools have mandatory art or music courses in their curriculum?
  • Should offensive language be censored from classic literary works?
  • Is it ethical for museums to keep indigenous artifacts?
  • Should digital designs be considered an art form? 
  • Should abstract art be considered an art form?
  • Is music therapy effective?
  • Should tattoos be regarded as “professional dress” for work?
  • Should schools place greater emphasis on the arts programs?
  • Should euthanasia be allowed in hospitals and other clinical settings?
  • Should the government support and implement universal healthcare?
  • Would obesity rates lower if the government intervened to make healthy foods more affordable?
  • Should teenagers be given access to birth control pills without parental consent?
  • Should food allergies be considered a disease?
  • Should health insurance cover homeopathic medicine?
  • Is using painkillers healthy?
  • Should genetically modified foods be banned?
  • Should there be a tax on unhealthy foods?
  • Should tobacco products be banned from the country?
  • Should the birth control pill be free for everyone?

If you need more help brainstorming topics, especially those that are personalized to your interests, you can  use CollegeVine’s free AI tutor, Ivy . Ivy can help you come up with original persuasive speech ideas, and she can also help with the rest of your homework, from math to languages.

Do Your Research

A great persuasive speech is supported with plenty of well-researched facts and evidence. So before you begin the writing process, research both sides of the topic you’re presenting in-depth to gain a well-rounded perspective of the topic.

Understand Your Audience

It’s critical to understand your audience to deliver a great persuasive speech. After all, you are trying to convince them that your viewpoint is correct. Before writing your speech, consider the facts and information that your audience may already know, and think about the beliefs and concerns they may have about your topic. Then, address these concerns in your speech, and be mindful to include fresh, new information.

Have Someone Read Your Speech

Once you have finished writing your speech, have someone read it to check for areas of strength and improvement. You can use CollegeVine’s free essay review tool to get feedback on your speech from a peer!

Practice Makes Perfect

After completing your final draft, the key to success is to practice. Present your speech out loud in front of a mirror, your family, friends, and basically, anyone who will listen. Not only will the feedback of others help you to make your speech better, but you’ll become more confident in your presentation skills and may even be able to commit your speech to memory.

Hopefully, these ideas have inspired you to write a powerful, unique persuasive speech. With the perfect topic, plenty of practice, and a boost of self-confidence, we know you’ll impress your audience with a remarkable speech!

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  • Impromptu public speaking topics

-200 first-rate impromptu speech topics 

By:  Susan Dugdale  

  • 50 impromptu topics
  • Yet another 50 random speech topics
  • Then 50 more good impromptu speech topics
  • And finally, 50 funny impromptu speech topics.
  • Plus links to more impromptu speech topics and activities.

The topics cover a broad cross section of subject matter. Use them for table topics at your Toastmaster's Club, with your high school public speaking class as practice for debate competitions or, by yourself.

Some of them are quirky and funny.

Many are deliberately provocative to stimulate a response from both you, the speaker and, your audience!

Others are open-ended or neutral to allow whatever occurs in your mind to fit the topic. You could use those ones to tell a true story; a personal experience, share your personal bloopers, or talk about the meaning of life!

Any one of the 200 will make a good subject for an excellent impromptu speech.

These types of speeches, off the cuff and without much time to prepare, are a great way to polish communication skills. And, most importantly, they're fun!

Are you in a hurry & needing impromptu speech topics ready for use now?

Solve your problem in 5 minutes. Get the first list of 50 impromptu speech topics on this page plus 48 more in an instantly available print-and-go pdf. 50 + 48 = 98 impromptu speech topics!

Quick tips for practicing by yourself:

  • Choose a good topic, one that appeals to you from any one of the lists below.
  • Give yourself a strictly monitored preparation time of no more than one minute in which to note an opening, a couple of main points with examples and, a conclusion.
  • Deliver your speech while timing and, if possible, recording it. Aim to speak for a couple of minutes.
  • When you play the recording back, listen for speech structure, (Is there one?), content and fluency. Each of these combine to create the overall impact of your speech.

If you're using these impromptu speaking topics with a friend or in front of an audience in a classroom, use the same method but skip the recording.

Be sure though to allow enough time to give and receive feedback. Along with regular practice, it's a vital part of improving!

Ideally once you or your class has become more confident, you'll allow less preparation time.

The ultimate goal is to be given a speech topic, do some quick thinking and to begin speaking on the subject coherently and easily, almost immediately.

Traffic light on green -start your impromptu speech now!

Literally, you get given the topic, the green light, timer or stop watch is flicked on, you open your mouth and go!

Get help with impromptu speaking formats

If you've arrived at this page on impromptu public speaking topics without having seen my impromptu speaking tips page, pay a visit there too.

You'll get really useful information on structural patterns as well as delivery tips.

If you're new to making this kind of short duration speech, both will help a great deal.

The 7 patterns, in particular, are invaluable. They'll stop you from blundering aimlessly around blurting whatever occurs to you first! Something I remember doing quite frequently before I found them. ☺

Image: Opening screen of video 7 templates for impromptu speaking. Organize your speech quickly, easily and effectively.

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50 impromptu public speaking topics

  • My biggest concern for the future is...
  • Real wealth is never measured in money or possessions.
  • Conservation is survival.
  • Real love is not the stuff of pop songs.
  • If I were an animal I'd be a...
  • Plants have feelings too.
  • Junk food's popularity relies on marketing.
  • To err is human. To forgive is divine. Discuss.
  • The world is a smaller place these days.
  • The more we communicate, the less we really say.
  • When I grow up...
  • The best letter of the alphabet is...
  • Goals are good for you.
  • The most important lesson of my life so far...
  • Intelligence is not enough.
  • If I ruled the world...
  • Color affects the way people feel.
  • Ill health begins in the mind.
  • Team sports build strong individuals.
  • Laughter is the best medicine.
  • Fools and their money are easily parted.
  • Discipline is not a dirty word.
  • Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder.
  • Children learn what they live with.
  • My favorite day of the year is...
  • What characteristics make an ideal hero and why?
  • What and who is an average person?
  • Being young is over-rated.
  • In what situation is lying a good idea?
  • Does money make the world go round?
  • What human quality do we need more of and why?
  • Who has been the most influential person in your life and why?
  • How we look is unimportant. It's who we are on the inside that counts.
  • Fashion victims I have known.
  • Pets are for people who don't have children.
  • Summer is the best and worst of times. Why?
  • The media controls how and what we think.
  • Advertising targeting children is immoral.
  • Talking to someone and talking with someone are two different activities.
  • Real learning doesn't occur in a classroom.
  • What would you rather be - wise or intelligent?
  • True wisdom comes from experience.
  • A sense of humor is essential.
  • Uniforms stifle individuality.
  • What is normal is decided by the society we live in.
  • Manners matter.
  • Children should not watch television.
  • Art is essential to life.
  • Cities are for people not cars.
  • Peace is possible.   

Grab 'n go for busy people - Printable Speech Topics

Impromptu Speech Topics on the RUN

Image: label with parchment paper background. Text: 98 Serendipity Selection Printable Speech Topic Cards

Get the first 50 topics on this page PLUS 48 more. It's a Serendipity (little-bit-of everything) Selection in an instantly available printable format: 14 topics per A4 page.

Preview an extract. See the 14 topics on page 5 of 7.

Image: Preview button

98 printable impromptu speech topics

Select, print, cut-and-GO!

50 excellent random impromptu speech topics

Here's the second list of 50. If a topic ends with an ellipsis, (...), replace it with a word or phrase of your choice.

E.g. 'I wish I was...' might become 'I wish I was sitting on a beach with my best friend.', or 'I wish I was more courageous.'

  • What has more impact? Being beautiful or being kind?
  • I wish I was...
  • The color yellow reminds of...
  • Swear words are satisfying to say.
  • Share one important memory.
  • What have you said that you immediately regretted?
  • Explain how to withstand peer group pressure.
  • The only certainties in life are death and taxes.
  • Nationalism fuels wars.
  • Doing what you want, when you want, does not build character.
  • Every woman needs a husband.
  • Love is exploited by manufacturers and shopkeepers.
  • The Christmas season has been hijacked for profit.
  • Vital medicines should be free.
  • Social service should be compulsory.
  • Being poor is not a crime.
  • Love is not always the answer.
  • What does it mean to be in a black mood?
  • We should have Thanksgiving every day.
  • When is stealing necessary?
  • What is unforgivable?
  • Being wrong is good for us.
  • Who is the enemy? Why?
  • Ignorance is a root cause of violence.
  • What I loved doing most as a kid.
  • A saying I’ll never forget is...
  • The most important lesson I learned from my mother.
  • What foreign language should we learn.
  • If you could be a famous person for a day who would you be?
  • The silliest thing I ever saw.
  • An idea is never original.
  • Copying other people is not bad. It’s the way we learn.
  • Social media is both good and bad.
  • The item I value most.
  • We procrastinate because we are fearful of being wrong.
  • Learning not to pre-judge a person is very difficult.
  • The last book I read.
  • My favorite time of the day.
  • If I changed my name I’d change it to...
  • People in my family never...
  • Something I want to believe in but can’t.
  • Becoming educated is a life-long mission.
  • Learning to be grateful for what we have makes us happier.
  • Sexual predation is never acceptable.
  • Real friends love us, despite our faults.
  • How to tell the difference between real and fake news.
  • Describe an everyday miracle.
  • Being different makes the world a richer place.
  • Green washing is a modern crime.
  • The contents of my bathroom cupboard.

Another 50 good impromptu speech topics

And here's the third list!

  • Comfort food: what is the food that makes you feel good.
  • How I got my name and what it means.
  • What would happen if I had to be without my phone.
  • An everyday hero.
  • What qualities makes a person a leader?
  • It’s OK to be wrong and it’s OK to fail.
  • My favorite clothes: what are they, and why have you chosen them.
  • My favorite song: what it is, and why is it your favorite.
  • My favorite place: the place where I feel best.
  • The worst food I’ve ever eaten.
  • My favorite season of the year.
  • How being locked down over Covid has changed how we learn.
  • How the Covid pandemic changed my life.
  • What country I want to visit and why.
  • How to break a bad habit.
  • The best trick I ever played.
  • A skill I want to learn.
  • The difference between liking and loving someone.
  • Why keeping up with national and international news is important.
  • The sport that seems strangest to me.
  • Cars reflect their owners.
  • The clouds in the sky sometimes remind me of...
  • We need to take cyber-security seriously.
  • How can you tell if someone is telling a lie.
  • Trees communicate with each other.
  • What I collect, and why.
  • Curiosity underpins inventions.
  • I wish someone would explain to me why...
  • What I am most proud of about myself.
  • If you could go back in time, what time and event would you return to?
  • Three convincing reasons for not completing your homework.
  • Tell two truths and one lie. Ask the audience to pick the lie.
  • Why is it important to look someone in the eye?
  • What is the absolutely best way to relax?
  • Is there truth in the saying: “Clothes make the man”?
  • In what ways can sport be seen as a religion?
  • The three most annoying habits of people in my family.
  • How to sound and act like an expert.
  • Is it immoral for the immensely wealthy not to use their money to help people living in poverty?
  • Is there any truth in the saying: “Fake it until you make it”?
  • Why do some people behave as if they are superior to others?
  • My secret ambition is to become...
  • Name three words setting your peer group and generation apart from your parent’s generation? Eg. GOAT, dope, sick. What do they mean? How are they used?
  • Why girls should be allowed to play contact sports.
  • Why vaping should be banned along with cigarettes.
  • Why is it important to vote?
  • Who is the best person you have ever met? Why are they the best?
  • What would you do if you could do anything?
  • Explain these sayings: “take a chill pill” and “all that glitters is not gold”.
  • In what major ways has the world changed in the last 20 years?

Finally, 50 funny impromptu speech topics

  • What I wish I'd said. Responses I would have given if I was quick enough.
  • If you could choose a theme song, what would yours be and why?
  • If my pet could talk, this is what they'd say about me.
  • If you ran the news outlets, what would your top headlines for today be?
  • Tell us about the worst hair cut you ever had.
  • What clothing choices have you made in the past that you now regret?
  • If you were a hero for the day, what would you do?
  • Why does Murphy's Law (Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong) kick in when we're under pressure? 
  • What kinds of things are you a secret snob about?
  • Three reasons why I decided to take up extreme knitting.
  • Why sports cars should only be driven by young beautiful people.
  • What are the worst chores you've ever had to do around your home.
  • What is the funniest personal habit you've witnessed in your friends or family?
  • Three funny facts about your home country.
  • What's wrong with saving the best for last?
  • The best trick that's ever been played on me.
  • The real reasons why I decided to become a pop star.
  • Which celebrity would you invite to dinner?
  • What 'funny story' gets told over and over again in your family?
  • What food did you dislike the most as a child and why?
  • What's the silliest situation you've even been in?
  • Share an amusing situation where you read someone's body language wrongly.
  • What eccentric habits are you going to adopt?
  • If you could become someone else, who would you be and why?
  • What three things bore you the most?
  • What personal habit has caused you the most trouble?
  • Why is your daily horoscope always right?
  • What is the best day of the week, and why?
  • How to become an expert procrastinator.
  • Three things I wish my mother had told me.
  • Fascinating trivia - the useless facts I know.
  • How to recover from embarrassing yourself publicly. 
  • What's the real story behind the saying: "to beat around the bush" or "to take the cake"?
  • What would you invent if you could?
  • If you could meet a person from the past, who would it be, and why? 
  • What's your three top tips for living well?
  • If you could only have the same food every day, what would you choose?
  • What happened on your best 'worst' date?
  • The top ways to make people like you. 
  • The real reasons why people do not talk to each other on public transport.
  • The reasons why I will bequeath my fortune to my cat.
  • What item of clothing do you own that makes you feel good?
  • If you had a personal logo, what would it be? 
  • What words or phrases do people use that let us know who they mix with, and how old they are?
  • What is the silliest or most trivial problem you currently have?
  • If 'looks can kill', who would you most like to see in front of you and why? 
  • What thing have you kept for sentimental reasons? Why?
  • What words do people frequently use that annoy you immensely?
  • What is something you've misplaced or lost that had inconvenient consequences?
  • What online sites frequently cause you to lose track of time?   

EVEN MORE good impromptu speech topics!

10+ themed sets of fun impromptu speech topics fresh from the creative, wild and wacky department! 

If you're looking for inspiration for your public speaking class or you need table topics for Toastmasters, these are contagiously silly subjects:  lighthearted and nonsensical. (Like the bumper sticker wisdom quote illustrated below.)

Fun Impromptu Speech Topics   to get them laughing - the best way to learn ☺

Image: graduates in blue gowns. Text: Always remember you are unique. Just like everyone else.

Here's four themed sets of 20 table topic questions : Christmas, music, life-lessons and thought-provoking topic ideas. There's a printable for each set, plus an overview of table topics: its benefits, how a Toastmasters table topics session is run, what makes a good topic, the value of feedback, and more. 

Image: graphic of 4 people with 4 speech bubbles. Text: Table topics Toastmasters What, how, why, who and 80 plus topic ideas.

Another option are these 150 1 minute speech topics . They are split into 3 groups of 50: those suitable for kids, 50 work/career themed suggestions and another 50 just for fun. You'll also find 3 sample speech outlines and example speeches: text and audio. Plus a free printable speech outline.                

Image: Cartoon style clock face. Text: From zero to hero in 60 seconds. 150 one minute speech topics.

See example impromptu speech outlines

Click for example impromptu speech outlines . See how to take a topic and develop it into an outline for a speech. You'll find e xamples of seven different structural patterns: PREP, Problem - Solution, Cause - Effect - Remedy, Before - The Event - The Result, Past - Present - Future, and two more.

Each comes with a printable outline for your own use, which seems like an oxymoron doesn't it? In the same league as 'lead balloon' and 'civil war'. When did war become civil, or balloons filled with lead actually fly? They didn't.

Impromptu speaking and completing an outline only makes sense if you regard the outline as tool to help you commit the pattern to memory. Once you've got it, you'll no longer need to write your key points and their transitions out.

Go to impromptu speech outline patterns .

Banner: 7 impromptu speech outline patterns, completed examples plus printable outlines

Fun activities for practicing impromptu speaking

Image: a red cabbage - an unlikely candidate for an interview however in this public speaking game anything is possible.

For more impromptu speaking practice ideas visit this page of public speaking games . 

While some of these activities are drama based you'll find all 10 of them useful and FUN! They are especially good if you're a teacher looking for ideas to help you plan impromptu public speaking lessons for your class.

The One Minute Speeches activity featured below is included in the collection however it's minus the pdf of instructions, game variations and printable topics.

One minute speeches - 368 topics + instructions!

Image: Banner saying write-out-loud, One Minute Speeches

368 topics, instructions for introducing and running a session on One Minute Speeches, plus activity variations in an instantly available format. A great reusable impromptu speaking resource for busy teachers! Have a look: One Minute Speeches

Impromptu speech activities bundle

And for those of you who want more than one activity check out this  comprehensive bundle of   17 proven fun and effective impromptu speech activities , complete with full guidelines and printables. 

Image: colorful label for ebook  Text: 17 fun effective impromptu speech activities

speaking out loud 

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public speech topics in english

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public speech topics in english

Exploring Public Speaking Topics: Interesting Ideas for Students and Beginners in English

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  • Public Speaking
  • January 22, 2024

Best Public Speaking Topics

Did you know that public speaking consistently ranks as one of the top fears for people worldwide? It’s a common worry, something that is much needed skill in senior leadership , but here’s an interesting fact: speaking in front of an audience can transform from a nerve-wracking experience into a powerful and engaging opportunity with the right topic.

That is why, in this blog, we will explore the essential aspects of public speaking topics, from finding the right ones to specific ideas for different occasions. So, let’s dive in and uncover the secrets to delivering speeches that leave a lasting impression!

Tips To Find Interesting Public Speaking Topics

Identifying the perfect topic is like setting the stage for a memorable performance.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you find that engaging subject:

draft 1 200 best public speaking topics google docs

Identify the theme of the speaking event: Begin by understanding the overarching theme or purpose of the event. Whether it’s an informative seminar, a persuasive presentation, or an entertaining speech, aligning your topic with the event’s objectives sets the tone for success.

Know your audience: Your audience is your compass. Consider their interests, age group, and cultural background. A topic that resonates with them ensures a more engaged and responsive audience.

Share your personal knowledge: Authenticity is key. Draw from your personal knowledge and experiences. Your passion and genuine connection to the topic will shine through, making your speech more compelling.

Catch any latest related news: Stay informed about current events and trends related to your field or area of interest. Incorporating recent news or developments adds relevance and immediacy to your speech.

Make a list of possible ideas: Brainstorm a list of potential topics. Don’t worry about perfection at this stage; just jot down any ideas that come to mind.

Make a short topic list: Narrow down your list to a handful of topics that align with the event’s theme and your audience’s interests. Consider the ones that excite you the most.

Make a decision and stick with it: Commit to it once you’ve selected a topic. Avoid second-guessing or constant changes. Confidence in your choice enhances your delivery and makes your speech more impactful.

Types Of Persuasive Speech Topics

Now that you’ve nailed down the process of finding an interesting topic, let’s delve into the types of persuasive speech topics. Understanding these categories can help you tailor your speech to achieve specific objectives.

Here are the three main types:

draft 1 200 best public speaking topics google docs 1

1. Factual Persuasive Speech

In this type, your goal is to present concrete facts and information to persuade your audience. Choose topics where data and evidence play a crucial role. Examples include discussing the impact of climate change on communities or presenting statistics on the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

2. Value Persuasive Speech

When focusing on value persuasive speech, your aim is to convince your audience that a particular value or belief is essential. Topics might revolve around the importance of honesty, the value of diversity in society, or the significance of empathy in building strong relationships.

3. Policy Persuasive Speech

Here, your objective is to advocate for a specific course of action or propose policy changes. This type often involves discussing solutions to real-world problems. Topics could include advocating for stricter environmental regulations, proposing education reforms, or suggesting ways to address social inequalities.

1-Minute Speech Topics

For those moments when brevity is key, consider these short yet impactful 1-minute speech topics that can leave a lasting impression:

draft 1 200 best public speaking topics google docs 2

The power of a genuine smile.

Embracing change in life.

The importance of gratitude in daily living.

Overcoming fear and taking risks.

Nurturing meaningful connections in a digital age.

The impact of small acts of kindness.

Learning from failure: A stepping stone to success.

The value of time in our fast-paced world.

Finding joy in the little things.

The role of laughter in promoting well-being.

2-Minute Speech Topics

When you have a bit more time to elaborate, explore these 2-minute speech topics that allow for a deeper exploration of ideas:

draft 1 200 best public speaking topics google docs 3

The significance of self-motivation.

Balancing work and personal life for overall well-being.

The art of effective communication in relationships.

The impact of technology on modern relationships.

The role of education in shaping our future.

Embracing diversity for a harmonious society.

The importance of mental health awareness.

The influence of role models in our lives.

Harnessing creativity for problem-solving.

Building resilience in the face of challenges.

Easy Topics for Speech in English

For those taking their first steps into the world of public speaking, it’s crucial to start with topics that are accessible and relatable. Here are some easy speech topics in English for beginners:

draft 1 200 best public speaking topics google docs 4

The benefits of regular exercise.

My favourite hobby and why I enjoy it.

The importance of a healthy diet.

The impact of technology on daily life.

How to overcome common fears.

The joy of reading and its benefits.

My most memorable travel experience.

The role of pets in our lives.

The significance of friendship.

Setting and achieving personal goals.

Top 10 Public Speaking Topics For Students

Navigating the world of public speaking is a  valuable skill  for students. Here are ten engaging topics that resonate with the student experience:

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The Impact of Social Media on Student Life

Balancing Academics and Extracurricular Activities

The Pros and Cons of Remote Learning

Exploring Career Options in the Digital Age

The Role of Students in Environmental Conservation

Overcoming Challenges in Group Projects

Building Effective Study Habits

Nurturing Mental Health in the Student Community

The Influence of Technology on Education

The Power of Youth Activism in Creating Change

Top 10 Public Speaking Topics For Beginners

Entering the world of public speaking can be both exciting and challenging for beginners. Here are ten accessible and interesting topics to help newcomers find their voice:

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My Favorite Book and Why I Love It

A Memorable Family Vacation

The Importance of Kindness in Daily Life

How I Overcame a Personal Challenge

Exploring My Hobbies and Interests

The Impact of a Positive Role Model

What Friendship Means to Me

A Place I Dream of Visiting

The Joy of Learning Something New

My Goals and Aspirations for the Future

Now, let’s delve into speech topics related to the environment, an increasingly important theme in today’s world.

Top 10 English Speech Topics on Environment

As we become more conscious of our impact on the planet, discussing environmental issues becomes increasingly relevant. Here are ten compelling speech topics that beginners can explore to raise awareness about our environment:

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The Importance of Recycling in Daily Life

How Small Changes Can Make a Big Environmental Impact

The Role of Trees in Maintaining Ecological Balance

The Effects of Plastic Pollution on Marine Life

Simple Ways to Conserve Water at Home

The Significance of Renewable Energy Sources

The Impact of Climate Change on Global Weather Patterns

Biodiversity Conservation: Why It Matters

Sustainable Living Practices for a Greener Future

The Role of Individuals in Combating Environmental Challenges

Moving forward, let’s explore the intersection of public speaking and technology, a topic that continues to shape our world.

Top 10 Public Speaking Topics On Technology

In our rapidly evolving world, technology plays a pivotal role in shaping our lives. Here are ten engaging public speaking topics that allow beginners to explore the impact of technology on society:

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The Pros and Cons of Social Media

The Influence of Technology on Communication

How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Industries

Navigating the Digital Age: Tips for Online Safety

The Role of Technology in Remote Work and Education

Exploring the Future of Virtual Reality

The Ethical Considerations of Emerging Technologies

The Impact of Smart Devices on Daily Living

Cybersecurity: Protecting Our Digital World

The Importance of Digital Literacy in the 21st Century

Now, let’s shine a spotlight on specific English speech topics related to significant cultural events and celebrations.

Top 10 English Speech Topics On Independence Day

Celebrating Independence Day is a momentous occasion that invites reflection and patriotic expression. Here are ten English speech topics that capture the spirit of this important day:

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The Significance of Independence Day Celebrations

Reflecting on the Journey to Independence

Honouring the Sacrifices of Freedom Fighters

Upholding Democratic Values in the 21st Century

The Role of Youth in Nation-Building

Preserving National Heritage and Cultural Identity

Fostering Unity in Diversity on Independence Day

The Evolution of Independence Day Celebrations Over the Years

Addressing Contemporary Challenges to National Unity

Inspiring Acts of Patriotism: Stories from History

Moving forward, let’s address a topic that demands attention – the impact of corruption on society.

Top 10 English Speech Topics On Corruption

Corruption remains a pressing issue affecting societies worldwide. Here are ten English speech topics that invite speakers to address the impact of corruption and discuss potential solutions:

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The Detrimental Effects of Corruption on Society

Strategies to Eradicate Corruption: A Collective Effort

The Role of Youth in Fighting Corruption

Transparency and Accountability in Governance

Corruption in Different Sectors: Unveiling Hidden Realities

The Economic Impact of Corruption on Development

Technology as a Tool to Combat Corruption

The Importance of Whistleblower Protection

International Collaboration Against Corruption

Building Ethical  Leadership  to Counteract Corruption

Now, let’s shift our focus to a topic that advocates for gender equality – Feminism.

Top 10 English Speech Topics On Feminism

Advocating for gender equality and women’s rights is crucial in today’s society. Here are ten English speech topics that allow speakers to explore different facets of feminism:

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Breaking Gender Stereotypes: A Call for Equality

The Importance of Women’s Empowerment in the Workplace

Feminism and Intersectionality: Understanding Diversity

Challenging Gender Bias in Education

The Role of Men in Advancing Feminist Goals

Addressing Body Image Issues: A Feminist Perspective

Achieving Equal Pay: Closing the Gender Wage Gap

Feminism in Literature and Media Representation

Feminist Movements Around the World

Empowering Women for a Progressive Society

These speech topics provide a platform for speakers to engage in conversations about gender equality, challenge stereotypes, and contribute to the ongoing movement for women’s rights. Now, let’s celebrate motherhood and explore speech topics related to Mother’s Day.

Top 10 English Speech Topics On Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is a special occasion to honour and celebrate the incredible influence of mothers. Here are ten English speech topics that capture the essence of Mother’s Day:

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The Unconditional Love of Mothers

Balancing Motherhood and Career: Navigating Challenges

The Evolution of Mother’s Day Celebrations

Celebrating Motherhood in Different Cultures

The Impact of a Mother’s Role in Child Development

The Role of Grandmothers in Family Dynamics

The Challenges Faced by Single Mothers

The Importance of Self-Care for Mothers

Mother-Daughter Relationships: Nurturing Bonds

Expressing Gratitude to Mothers on Mother’s Day

Moving forward, let’s explore a topic that has a significant impact on our economic and social systems – Capitalism.

Top 10 English Speaking Topics On Capitalism

Capitalism, as an economic system, influences societies globally. Here are ten English speaking topics that allow speakers to explore different dimensions of capitalism:

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The Pros and Cons of Capitalism

Income Inequality in a Capitalist Society

Entrepreneurship and Innovation in a Capitalist Economy

The Role of Government Regulation in Capitalism

Corporate Social Responsibility in Capitalist Business Models

Addressing Environmental Concerns Within Capitalism

The Impact of Globalisation on Capitalist Economies

Inclusive Capitalism: Bridging Socioeconomic Gaps

Exploring Alternative Economic Models to Capitalism

The Future of Capitalism in an Evolving World

Now, let’s explore speech topics related to the joy of reading and its impact on individuals and society.

Top 10 English Speech Topics On Reading

The joy of reading goes beyond the pages of a book, influencing individuals and society at large. Here are ten English speech topics that allow speakers to explore the significance and impact of reading:

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The Benefits of Reading for Personal Development

Fostering Empathy Through Literature

The Impact of Reading on Mental Health

The Role of Libraries in Promoting a Reading Culture

Diverse Perspectives in Literature: Broadening Horizons

The Influence of Book Adaptations on Popular Culture

Building Critical Thinking Skills Through Reading

The Joy of Discovering New Authors and Genres

The Power of Reading Aloud in Building Connections

Encouraging a Love for Reading in the Digital Age

Now, let’s explore a topic that addresses environmental concerns – Deforestation.

Top 10 English Speech Topics On Deforestation

Deforestation is a critical environmental issue that demands attention and action. Here are ten English speech topics that allow speakers to explore the causes, consequences, and potential solutions to deforestation:

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The Consequences of Deforestation on Climate Change

Sustainable Practices to Combat Deforestation

The Importance of Forests in Biodiversity Conservation

Deforestation and Its Impact on Indigenous Communities

Logging Industry Practices: Balancing Profit and Sustainability

Reforestation Initiatives: Restoring Balance to Ecosystems

The Role of Governments in Combating Illegal Logging

The Connection Between Deforestation and Loss of Wildlife Habitat

Consumer Choices and their Impact on Deforestation

Advocating for Global Cooperation to Address Deforestation

These speech topics provide a platform for speakers to raise awareness about the environmental consequences of deforestation and discuss strategies for sustainable forest management. Now, let’s turn our attention to speech topics that shed light on various social issues.

Top 10 English Speech Topics On Social Issues

Addressing social issues is crucial for fostering positive change in society. Here are ten English speech topics that allow speakers to explore different aspects of prevalent social challenges:

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Homelessness: Addressing the Root Causes

Combating Discrimination and Fostering Inclusivity

Mental Health Awareness: Breaking the Stigma

The Impact of Poverty on Access to Education

Substance Abuse: Understanding and Prevention

Cyberbullying: Navigating the Digital World Safely

Access to Healthcare: Bridging the Gap

Promoting LGBTQ+ Rights and Acceptance

Addressing Youth Unemployment and Underemployment

The Role of Education in Reducing Social Inequality

Now, let’s explore speech topics related to important days and events that hold significance globally.

Top 10 Public Speaking Topics On Important Days

Certain days and events hold special significance globally, providing opportunities for reflection and discussion. Here are ten public speaking topics that allow speakers to delve into the importance of specific days and events:

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World Health Day: Prioritising Global Health

International Women’s Day: Achieving Gender Parity

Earth Day: Uniting for Environmental Conservation

World Humanitarian Day: Recognising Aid Workers’ Contributions

International Day of Peace: Navigating Conflict Resolution

Global Youth Service Day: Empowering Young Change-Makers

World Food Day: Addressing Global Hunger Issues

International Day of Democracy: Promoting Civic Engagement

World AIDS Day: Combating Stigma and Raising Awareness

International Day of Happiness: Cultivating Well-being Together

These public speaking topics provide a platform for speakers to explore the significance of these days and events, fostering awareness and encouraging positive action. Now, let’s explore speech topics related to proverbs, which often encapsulate profound wisdom in concise form.

Top 10 English Speech Topics On Proverbs

Proverbs encapsulate timeless wisdom in succinct expressions. Here are ten English speech topics that allow speakers to explore the meaning and relevance of various proverbs:

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“Actions Speak Louder Than Words”: The Power of Deeds

“Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way”: Nurturing Determination

“Don’t Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch”: Lessons in Patience

“A Stitch in Time Saves Nine”: The Importance of Timely Action

“All That Glitters Is Not Gold”: Discerning True Value

“Honesty is the Best Policy”: Upholding Integrity

“Birds of a Feather Flock Together”: The Influence of Company

“Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth”: The Pitfalls of Overcrowding

“The Early Bird Catches the Worm”: Embracing Proactive Habits

“When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do”: Adapting to Cultural Contexts

These speech topics provide a platform for speakers to delve into the wisdom embedded in proverbs, offering valuable insights that remain relevant across different cultures and contexts. Now, let’s explore speech topics related to a fundamental aspect of human existence – Human Rights.

Top 10 Public Speaking Topics On Human Rights

Human rights are fundamental to the dignity and well-being of individuals worldwide. Here are ten public speaking topics that allow speakers to advocate for and explore various aspects of human rights:

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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Foundation and Significance

Women’s Rights: Empowering Half of the Population

LGBTQ+ Rights: Navigating Towards Inclusivity

Children’s Rights: Ensuring a Safe and Nurturing Environment

The Right to Freedom of Expression: Balancing Liberty and Responsibility

Racial and Ethnic Equality: Combating Discrimination

Access to Education as a Fundamental Human Right

The Impact of Armed Conflicts on Human Rights

Right to Healthcare: Addressing Disparities

Human Rights in the Digital Age: Navigating Challenges

Now, let’s explore speech topics related to the vital role of education in personal and societal development.

Top 10 Public Speaking Topics On Education

Education is a cornerstone for personal and societal development. Here are ten public speaking topics that allow speakers to delve into various aspects of education:

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The Transformative Power of Education

The Role of Technology in Shaping the Future of Education

Inclusive Education: Nurturing Diversity in the Classroom

Challenges and Opportunities in Remote Learning

Lifelong Learning: Embracing a Continuous Educational Journey

Education for Sustainable Development: Nurturing Global Citizenship

The Impact of Quality Early Childhood Education

Addressing Educational Inequality: A Call to Action

The Importance of Critical Thinking in Education

The Role of Teachers in Inspiring and Shaping Minds

Now, let’s conclude our exploration with a diverse set of miscellaneous speech topics.

Miscellaneous Speech Topics

In this diverse collection, we explore miscellaneous speech topics that touch on various aspects of life, society, and personal development. Here are ten engaging miscellaneous speech topics for speakers:

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The Art of Time Management in a Busy World

The Impact of Social Media on Interpersonal Relationships

The Journey of Self-Discovery: Navigating Personal Growth

The Significance of Mindfulness in Everyday Living

The Role of Humor in Relieving Stress and Enhancing Well-being

Overcoming Procrastination: Strategies for Productivity

The Influence of Music on Mood and Emotions

Exploring Cultural Diversity: Embracing Differences

The Power of Positive Thinking in Overcoming Challenges

Finding Balance in a Hectic World: Work-Life Harmony

These miscellaneous speech topics provide a broad canvas for speakers to address diverse aspects of life, offering valuable insights and fostering engaging discussions. Now, let’s wrap up with some tips for crafting an impactful public speaking speech.

Tips for Writing a Public Speaking Speech

Crafting a compelling and effective public speaking speech requires thoughtful planning and consideration. Here are some tips to enhance the impact of your speech:

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Know your audience: Tailor your speech to the interests and expectations of your audience, ensuring your message resonates with them.

Have an engaging opening: Capture attention with a compelling introduction – a quote, a surprising fact, or a thought-provoking question sets the tone.

Create structured content: Organise your speech clearly, with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Use transitions for smooth progression.

Practise with dedication: Rehearse your speech to become familiar with the content and improve your delivery. Practice boosts confidence and fluency.

Conclude with impact: Project confidence through good posture and eye contact. End with a strong conclusion, summarising key points or leaving a lasting thought.

By incorporating these tips into your speech preparation, you can enhance your ability to communicate effectively and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Mastering public speaking involves understanding your audience, choosing compelling topics, and delivering with confidence. From global issues to cultural celebrations, diverse topics provide ample opportunities for impactful speeches.

Craft your speech with a captivating opening, a well-organised body, and a powerful conclusion. Practice ensures a confident and authentic delivery, allowing your message to resonate with the audience. Armed with these insights and a rich variety of topics, you’re ready to captivate your audience. Step onto the stage, share your voice, and enjoy the journey of public speaking. Happy speaking!

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Rishabh Bhandari

Rishabh Bhandari is the Content Strategist at Kapable. Rishabh likes to transform complex ideas into captivating narratives relatable to the target audience. He loves telling stories through his content. He believes that stories have the power to shift mindsets and move mountains. He has 3 years of experience in educational blog writing and copywriting.

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333 Informative Speech Topics To Rock Your Presentation

A powerful presentation covers a compelling topic that sparks your interest and hooks the audience. Use this master list to find your next great speech idea.

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You have been assigned a speech, presentation, or essay, but you have no clue what to talk about. A powerful presentation begins with a compelling topic that sparks your interest and hooks the audience. But you also need to discuss something you feel excited to research and discuss. 

This guide contains 333 informative speech topics for your next presentation, plus pro tips for delivering the best presentation possible.

What Is An Informative Speech?

Informative speeches aim to teach or instruct the audience about a topic. They include objective information and fact-based research but can incorporate a unique perspective, compelling storytelling , or a powerful take-home message. Unlike a celebratory wedding toast or an inaugural speech , informative speeches are written specifically to educate.

The six key types of informative speeches are: 

  • Definition speeches : This speech aims to explain a concept or theory. For example, a speech topic starting with “What is…?” is usually a definition-type informative speech. 
  • Explanatory speeches : These speeches explain how something works. For example, an explanatory speech could explain how your brain processes information or how an electric car works. 
  • Demonstrative speeches : These classic “how-to’s” show the audience how to perform a task and often include a visual presentation. For example, students could teach their classmates how to be more productive or cook a healthy meal.  
  • Comparative speeches : When a speaker compares or contrasts two alternative things, they help the audience understand the similarities or differences between two topics. For example, a comparative speech may weigh the pros and cons of private versus public schools. 
  • Descriptive speeches : This informative speech describes a person, place, or thing and explains why the subject is essential. For example, a student may teach their classmates about a historical figure, or an entrepreneur may give a descriptive speech about the specifics of their product idea.
  • Persuasive informative speeches : Although persuasive speeches are often categorized separately, some informative speeches can cross over into persuasion by using evidence to convince the audience why a particular method or perspective is better than its alternatives. For example, a salesperson may give a presentation to convince clients to buy their services, or a mental health advocate may give a speech to persuade people to do yoga more regularly. 

How To Pick An Informative Speech Topic: The Five W’s

Whether you want to give a top-notch school speech assignment or a groundbreaking TED Talk , the best informative speeches have one thing in common: they deliver a purposeful message with a captivating delivery. You must understand the basic who, what, when, where, and why to pick the perfect topic. 

  • Who: Before you start looking for topics, you should know who your audience is. A college speech class is a far different audience than a room of conference attendees. Consider what your audience is interested in, why they should care about your speech and their level of knowledge about the topic. If you talk about something too basic, they may be bored, but if you discuss something too technical, they may have difficulty understanding your speech. 
  • What: Consider your passions and existing knowledge about a subject. The “what” of your speech is the meat of the presentation. Imagine a three-circle Venn diagram. The three circles are labeled: “things I am interested in,” “things my audience cares about,” and “things I can research.” The center point where these three circles overlap is the sweet spot for your speech topic. 
  • When (Length): The length of your speech can drastically impact how in-depth you dive into the topic. A five-minute speech should cover a niche topic or a high-level concept. A thirty-minute to an hour-long presentation can teach about a more detailed topic. 
  • Where: If you’re giving a speech in a meeting room at an office, your performance will likely be very different from speaking on stage in a large auditorium. Consider where you will be speaking and what kind of technology (projector, large screen, whiteboard, etc.) you will have available. The geographic location of your speech can also determine your selection of a local or regional topic relevant to the community. 
  • Why: Most importantly, you should know the purpose of your speech. If your goal is to get a good grade, it may help you pay more attention to following the teacher’s rubric. If your goal is to convince the audience to make a lifestyle change or donate to an important cause, you should structure your speech with the core “why” in mind. 

The best speeches combine a simple message with charismatic delivery, an easily digestible structure, and something the audience can relate to. The essence of a great speech is that it arouses something in the audience, such as the motivation to take action or to see things in a new way.

List of Informative Speech Topics: 333 Ideas to Spark Your Creativity

In an informative speech, it is essential to have plenty of evidence or data to support your claims. But even the most well-researched presentation can feel hollow without the passion for delivering it authentically. 

As you explore ideas for your speech, you should naturally gravitate toward intriguing and exciting topics. Giving a speech about something you think your teacher or colleagues will like (rather than what you’re truly interested in) could ultimately be inauthentic or boring. Take note of what makes your heart beat a little faster and follow that curiosity . 

Easy Informative Speech Topics

If you’re in a pinch, choose a speech topic that doesn’t require extensive explanations to get the point across. It may be a good idea to avoid anything controversial or technical. Instead, choose a straightforward demonstrative or descriptive topic with a wide range of online information.

  • How to improve your communication skills
  • The most memorable speeches in history
  • Why you should buy an electric car 
  • The most popular cars of the year
  • How to read body language  
  • Top habits of successful people
  • The most famous actors in history
  • The benefits of time in nature
  • Lesser known presidents
  • Most popular breeds of dogs
  • The worst natural disasters in the world 
  • How to eat healthier  
  • Harmful impacts of technology
  • How to survive without electricity 
  • The richest people in the world 
  • The top companies in the world
  • Child geniuses and prodigies
  • How does sugar influence the body?
  • The history of Disneyland
  • How to break bad habits
  • Top beauty products for younger skin
  • How to do your homework faster 
  • How to be more productive  
  • High school students should do these 5 things before graduating
  • Why high school students should take a gap year before college
  • The best healthy snacks 
  • Why you should go vegan
  • How to be more confident  
  • How to start a business
  • Fashion through the decades 

Pro Tip : Start your speech with an attention-grabbing hook that draws the audience in to listen. Try not to start by mentioning a technical difficulty (“Is this microphone working?”) or saying a lackluster nicety (“Thanks for having me.”).

Instead, try starting with:

  • A story: “I’m here for a reason. And It’s an interesting story….”
  • A big idea: “The single most important thing I want to share with you today is….”
  • A quirky one-liner or interesting fact: “You might have always thought….”

Here is a guide on How to Start a Speech: Best and Worst Speech Openers . 

You can also watch our video to learn the best (and worst) speech openers:

Informative Speech Topics for College

If public speaking isn’t scary enough, college speech classes can be brutal. You want to impress your professor without thoroughly embarrassing yourself in front of your peers. These topics are scholarly without being boring. 

  • How you can reduce your carbon footprint
  • Different forms of learning
  • The truth about microplastics and possible alternatives
  • How to ace a college test 
  • Why schools shouldn’t give homework 
  • America’s fastest-growing cities
  • The differences between female and male communication
  • The best marketing tactics
  • The importance of education for a country’s economy 
  • Ethical questions of artificial intelligence
  • Unique ways to stop global climate change
  • How to live to be 100
  • Benefits of E-learning
  • History of education in America
  • How to eradicate poverty
  • The real picture of foster care in America
  • How to decide on a college major
  • Pros and cons of the current education system
  • Economics of urban versus rural development
  • The history of agriculture 
  • How ancient Egyptians built the pyramids
  • How to prevent the top 5 leading causes of death in America
  • Understanding industrial hemp
  • Pros and cons of remote work
  • How college students can become millionaires by age 50 with monthly investing
  • How to start an organic garden
  • Private vs. public school
  • The importance of discipline
  • The most useful websites for college students
  • Where does public university funding come from

Fun Informative Speech Topics

Most people don’t realize that playful topics like video games and reality TV can still be informative. These less serious subjects have the potential to become great speeches that invoke laughter, excitement, or new perspectives. 

  • Can procrastination be good for you?
  • Myth or reality? We only use 10% of our brains
  • The funniest commercials of all time
  • Bizzare sports you didn’t know existed 
  • How snake venom attacks the body
  • What will humans look like in the future? 
  • Weirdest medical facts
  • The strangest phobias 
  • Secrets to a great relationship
  • The fastest cars in the world 
  • What causes hiccups
  • Evidence of life on Mars 
  • The world history of tattoos 
  • Why college students love fast food 
  • The evolution of video games 
  • How cryptocurrency can change finance 
  • Where do stereotypes come from?
  • The most bizarre conspiracy theories 
  • The most influential musicians of our time
  • Top craziest amusement park rides in the world
  • The most fun things to do when you’re bored
  • History of tattoo art
  • The seven wonders of the world
  • How to survive an annoying roommate
  • The truth about reality shows
  • How to create a bucket list
  • The secrets behind the best TV shows 
  • Weirdest foods taste surprisingly delicious
  • How to talk to people you don’t like 

Interesting Informative Speech Topics

The most viral TED Talks combine a compelling or unique idea with exceptional nonverbal delivery. These interesting topics are sure to get your audience thinking.

  • The neuroscience of attraction
  • Mind-blowing facts about volcanoes
  • The psychology of selling things 
  • Why you should turn your lawn into a garden
  • Proof that aliens are real/fake 
  • How to start a business for under $100
  • The history of America from a minority perspective 
  • How technology affects our brains
  • What would happen to the economy if everyone grew their own food?
  • The science and ethics of genetic modification 
  • How the electric car originated 
  • Elon Musk’s rise to success 
  • What is neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)?
  • How deaf people talk with emotion 
  • Why smiles are contagious 

Informative Speech Topics About Science

From biology to chemistry to genetics, science encompasses many subjects. Where modern technology meets cutting-edge discoveries, these topics are for inquisitive researchers who want to dig into the data. 

  • How your brain works
  • History of space exploration
  • How solar panels work
  • The evolution of plants
  • Fascinating origins of plant medicines
  • How DNA evidence is used
  • How galaxies are formed 
  • How science is influenced by corporations 
  • Why dinosaurs really went extinct
  • The oldest fossils ever found 
  • How does the human brain work?
  • The effects of music on the brain  
  • The life of Albert Einstein
  • How earthquakes can be predicted
  • The craziest scientists in history
  • What is CRISPR?
  • Potential cures for cancer 
  • What is epigenetics?

Pro Tip : Google Scholar and PubMed are two excellent resources for peer-reviewed scientific literature. Accredited institutions conduct these studies and have undergone the rigor of the scientific method. They even include easy copy-and-paste citations if you need to turn in a bibliography with your speech.

Informative Speech Topics about Animals 

From cuddly pets to the alien-like mystery creatures of the deep ocean, animals are universally fascinating. 

  • How to train a dog
  • The most dangerous animals in the ocean
  • How elephants use plants to medicate themselves 
  • The science behind the fastest animals in the world
  • Can depression be treated with emotional support animals?
  • Comparing reptiles versus mammals
  • The strongest animal in the world
  • Top 10 strangest animals on Earth
  • Comparing human and primate brains
  • Animals that have their own languages
  • Ethical questions with animal testing
  • What causes animals to become extinct? 
  • How to adopt a cat
  • Pros and cons of the pet adoption system
  • Is it kind to keep a monkey as a pet?

Informative Speech Topics Sports

Fitness, sports medicine, and professional sports teams are just scraping the surface regarding this subject. You can talk about the inspiring life of your favorite player or game history. The speech topics are perfect for anyone who loves to sweat and cheer.

  • How sports teach kids discipline 
  • The importance of physical activity for stress relief
  • Why companies should promote workplace fitness programs  
  • Top-paying careers in sports 
  • How people with disabilities can still play sports
  • Football culture in the American south 
  • The importance of sports for children’s socialization
  • The role of sports and masculinity in young boys 
  • Gambling problems in sports
  • What makes a great sports coach? 
  • The best football players of all time 
  • How yoga can complement workouts
  • How to prevent sports injuries 
  • The best physical therapy for college athletes
  • The life of Michael Jordan
  • Game-changing athletes in history 
  • Lebron James’ secret to success  
  • How Jackie Robinson transformed baseball 
  • The best nutrition for athletes, based on science
  • Top vegan athletes in the world 
  • Why cheerleading is/isn’t a real sport
  • Controversial moments in the Olympics 
  • Modern controversies about transgender athletes 
  • The most extreme sports in the world
  • How hockey changed my life
  • Pros and cons of CrossFit
  • Why swimming is one of the healthiest workouts
  • How adult hobby sports can improve socialization
  • Daily exercise improves mental health 
  • The best at-home workouts
  • Top marketing strategies used by the Super Bowl
  • How the Olympics promotes international peace 
  • Should pro athletes have salary caps?
  • How college athletes go pro
  • Top female athletes in the world
  • Interesting sports from around the world
  • Why height is not the most important factor in basketball
  • Why soccer is the most popular international sport
  • Why women’s soccer gets less media coverage than men’s
  • The best solo sports for introverts 
  • How handicapped people can still play sports 
  • The most inspirational handicapped athletes 

Bonus Tip: Level Up Your Speech With Stage Presence

Did you know that public speaking is actually a skill? Many people struggle with stage anxiety because they feel they ‘missed the memo’ on public speaking or they are lacking because they do not have a natural stage presence. Not true!

Stage presence and public speaking are skills you need to be taught—very few people have them naturally. 

Watch our video to learn 7 steps to overcome stage fright and beat performance anxiety:

Here are all the aspects of public speaking you can master.

  • How to make a first impression with an audience
  • How to have stage presence
  • Powerful body language
  • How to speak with a commanding voice
  • What to do with your hands while speaking

For every speaking skill you add to your toolbox, the less speaking anxiety you will feel.

If you want help really diving into your presentation skills, be sure to sign-up for our course…

pointing in photos

Master Your People Skills

  • Create a Memorable Presence
  • Communicate with Confidence
  • Achieve Your Goals

Have a question about the presentation or People School? Email Science of People support .

Cultural Informative Speech Topics

Learning about different cultures can drastically expand your viewpoint of the world. These speech ideas cover everything from language to ancient history to pop culture. 

  • How to learn about local culture while traveling
  • The importance of workplace culture
  • How to build a positive corporate culture 
  • How social media connects and promotes culture 
  • The oldest cultures in the world 
  • Modern versus traditional gender roles 
  • How women have transformed corporate leadership 
  • The dangers of hustle culture
  • How social media culture impacts self-esteem
  • How to learn from watching movies
  • The rise of podcasts and their role in modern culture 
  • The role of social media in business 
  • How immigrants maintain cultural traditions in their new countries
  • Ancient archeological artifacts you’ve never heard of
  • Native American spiritual traditions
  • Holy herbs and plants across global cultures
  • How to make an African tribal basket
  • The portrayal of black culture in the media
  • Culture of Scandinavia
  • Burial rituals in ancient Mesopotamia 
  • History and meaning of the Om symbol
  • The history of Buddhism
  • How to show respect in Japanese culture
  • The cultural history of African Americans 
  • Chinese traditional foods 
  • Top 10 foreign dishes you have to try before you die
  • The most important spiritual symbols in the world
  • Generational differences in Mexican culture
  • The symbolism of marigolds in Mexican traditions
  • What is Dia De Los Muertos?  

Want to radically improve your presentation skills? Watch our video for 10 presentation ideas:

Informative Speech Topics About History

They say, “history repeats itself.” Consider giving a unique or lesser-known perspective about historical events for a thought-provoking speech. Use museum artifacts and first-hand accounts to guide your points. 

  • The Civil Rights Movement
  • The oldest civilizations in the world
  • Nelson Mandela’s historical impact
  • The truth about colonization and Thanksgiving 
  • How the Industrial Revolution impacted the environment 
  • The real story of the Titanic 
  • The craziest criminals in history  
  • What caused the Great Depression? 
  • What schools get wrong about black history 
  • Religion during the age of the Aztecs
  • Archeological evidence of aliens
  • Ancient history of dogs and wolves 
  • What caused the Salem witch trials?
  • The American Revolution
  • The role of Christianity in slavery
  • Human rights violations throughout history
  • How life changed for Native Americans after colonization 
  • The role of urbanization on the changing American landscape
  • The cowboy era: myths and truths 
  • The American Constitution
  • The most influential people in world history
  • Forming of the United Nations
  • What caused World War I?
  • Financial panics and recessions throughout history
  • The Prohibition era 
  • What led to consumerism in society? 
  • The Vietnam War
  • The California Gold Rush
  • The true story of Pocahontas
  • Little-known facts about Mexican history

Informative Speech Topics About Music

Music is the soundtrack to our lives. Beyond mere entertainment, its impact dives into the roots of culture, identity, and brain function. Here are some exciting ways to incorporate your love of music into an informative speech. 

  • How music can help mental health 
  • Why you should learn an instrument
  • How listening to music improves your productivity
  • Genres of music 
  • Links between classical music and IQ
  • Why do people bond over music 
  • Rarest instruments in the world
  • The easiest instruments to play
  • Best country musicians of all time
  • How hip hop music has shaped culture in America
  • Evolution of rap and hip hop 
  • The origins of rock n’ roll in southern blues music
  • The history of opera
  • The best electronic dance music
  • The impact of reggae music
  • How punk rock got its start 
  • How folk music shaped Appalachia 
  • Country music hall of fame
  • Must-see musical landmarks around the world
  • Importance of gospel music
  • The ethics of sampling other artist’s music
  • How music shapes subculture 
  • Has social media made record companies obsolete?
  • The importance of musical education in public schools
  • Music as a form of protest
  • How sad music helps you overcome heartbreaks
  • Why music shapes generations
  • How dancing can change your mindset
  • From the phonograph to iPhone: History of music machines

Health Informative Speech Topics

The ever-changing landscape of health offers a wealth of resources. Leave an impact on your audience by inspiring them to improve their eating habits or approach healthy living in a new way. Be sure to find the right sources for these speeches to make sure you are citing correct health science.

  • How to extend your lifespan 
  • Links between diet and mental illnesses 
  • How to cook healthy food on a budget 
  • Why a daily walk outside can transform your health
  • History of herbal medicine 
  • Let food be thy medicine: From Hippocrates to modern day food pyramid
  • Why you should do yoga for 15 minutes a day
  • Benefits and drawbacks of a vegetarian diet
  • The healthiest fruits in the world 
  • What is really in processed food?
  • Is weight lifting or cardio better for burning fat?
  • How agriculture affects our health
  • The gut microbiome
  • The dangers of pesticides in our food system
  • How soil health impacts human health 
  • Who controls the food system? 
  • The science behind keto diets
  • The dangers of low-fat diets
  • Top 5 best foods for brain function
  • The daily habits of the healthiest people in the world
  • Differences in definitions of health
  • European versus American food ingredients 
  • The role of fats in brain function 
  • How to fix a headache
  • The benefits of magnesium
  • The best supplements, according to science 
  • The main signs of a stroke
  • The chronic disease epidemic in America 
  • How to lose weight the healthy way
  • Why you should avoid eating seed oils
  • Why you should stop eating gluten 
  • How to prevent arthritis
  • The real causes of diabetes
  • Is meat actually bad for you? Pros and cons
  • How to stop the mental health epidemic 
  • How dental health impacts your digestion
  • Amazing benefits of black seed oil
  • The Harvard Longevity Project: Why happy people live longer
  • Ancient health remedies from around the world
  • Why you should eat fermented foods
  • Causes of cancer and how to prevent it
  • Why people should donate their organs
  • Effects of radiation
  • The healthiest cultures in the world 
  • Why obesity is a modern problem
  • How to have stronger bones
  • Healthcare access for minorities
  • Why fast food restaurants are addictive
  • Pros and cons of salt
  • How to overcome stress
  • The dangers of e-cigarettes
  • People need to drink more water
  • The insurance and healthcare system in America
  • How friendships improve your health
  • Why couples should exercise together
  • Benefits of dark chocolate
  • Dangerous food additives you’ve never heard of
  • Easy ways to improve your nutrition
  • How to reverse hair loss
  • Secrets to have healthy hair
  • Benefits and drawbacks of stem cell research 
  • Why you should stop drinking soda
  • How to reduce asthma attacks
  • Health benefits of ginger
  • Why you should drink tea

Key Takeaways: Find Inspiration for a Speech

Any informative topic can be used to craft a speech, but a showstopping presentation requires thinking outside the box and approaching your speech from a unique point of view. Before you settle on a topic for your next speech, be sure that your speech idea is:

  • Authentically interesting : Discussing something that doesn’t spark your interest is no use. Choose a topic or idea that you actually care about for an authentic and passionate delivery. 
  • Relevant to your audience : If you don’t know your audience, you might as well be speaking to a wall. Professional presenters understand the general knowledge level of their audience and what information will be valuable or interesting to them. 
  • Easy to research : Obscure topics can be alluring and challenging to research. Choose a topic that has plenty of information available in books or online. Be sure to use reputable sources and cite them when necessary.
  • The proper length : The depth and detail of your speech ultimately depend on the length of time you have to talk. Pick a subject that you can thoroughly describe in the allotted time frame.  

Once you narrow down a few of your favorite topic ideas, start brainstorming how you want your speech to impact the audience. Use these 10 Presentation Ideas That Will Radically Improve Your Presentation Skills , such as:

  • Why you should save the best for first and last
  • How to design epic presentation slides
  • Why you shouldn’t over-rehearse
  • How to own the stage 

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75 Persuasive Speech Topics and Ideas

October 4, 2018 - Gini Beqiri

To write a captivating and persuasive speech you must first decide on a topic that will engage, inform and also persuade the audience. We have discussed how to choose a topic and we have provided a list of speech ideas covering a wide range of categories.

What is persuasive speech?

The aim of a persuasive speech is to inform, educate and convince or motivate an audience to do something. You are essentially trying to sway the audience to adopt your own viewpoint.

The best persuasive speech topics are thought-provoking, daring and have a clear opinion. You should speak about something you are knowledgeable about and can argue your opinion for, as well as objectively discuss counter-arguments.

How to choose a topic for your speech

It’s not easy picking a topic for your speech as there are many options so consider the following factors when deciding.


Topics that you’re familiar with will make it easier to prepare for the speech.

It’s best if you decide on a topic in which you have a genuine interest in because you’ll be doing lots of research on it and if it’s something you enjoy the process will be significantly easier and more enjoyable. The audience will also see this enthusiasm when you’re presenting which will make the speech more persuasive.

The audience’s interest

The audience must care about the topic. You don’t want to lose their attention so choose something you think they’ll be interested in hearing about.

Consider choosing a topic that allows you to be more descriptive because this allows the audience to visualize which consequently helps persuade them.

Not overdone

When people have heard about a topic repeatedly they’re less likely to listen to you as it doesn’t interest them anymore. Avoid cliché or overdone topics as it’s difficult to maintain your audience’s attention because they feel like they’ve heard it all before.

An exception to this would be if you had new viewpoints or new facts to share. If this is the case then ensure you clarify early in your speech that you have unique views or information on the topic.

Emotional topics

Emotions are motivators so the audience is more likely to be persuaded and act on your requests if you present an emotional topic.

People like hearing about issues that affect them or their community, country etc. They find these topics more relatable which means they find them more interesting. Look at local issues and news to discover these topics.

Desired outcome

What do you want your audience to do as a result of your speech? Use this as a guide to choosing your topic, for example, maybe you want people to recycle more so you present a speech on the effect of microplastics in the ocean.

Jamie Oliver persuasive speech

Persuasive speech topics

Lots of timely persuasive topics can be found using social media, the radio, TV and newspapers. We have compiled a list of 75 persuasive speech topic ideas covering a wide range of categories.

Some of the topics also fall into other categories and we have posed the topics as questions so they can be easily adapted into statements to suit your own viewpoint.

  • Should pets be adopted rather than bought from a breeder?
  • Should wild animals be tamed?
  • Should people be allowed to own exotic animals like monkeys?
  • Should all zoos and aquariums be closed?


  • Should art and music therapy be covered by health insurance?
  • Should graffiti be considered art?
  • Should all students be required to learn an instrument in school?
  • Should automobile drivers be required to take a test every three years?
  • Are sports cars dangerous?
  • Should bicycles share the roads with cars?
  • Should bicycle riders be required by law to always wear helmets?

Business and economy

  • Do introverts make great leaders?
  • Does owning a business leave you feeling isolated?
  • What is to blame for the rise in energy prices?
  • Does hiring cheaper foreign employees hurt the economy?
  • Should interns be paid for their work?
  • Should employees receive bonuses for walking or biking to work?
  • Should tipping in restaurants be mandatory?
  • Should boys and girls should be taught in separate classrooms?
  • Should schools include meditation breaks during the day?
  • Should students be allowed to have their mobile phones with them during school?
  • Should teachers have to pass a test every decade to renew their certifications?
  • Should online teaching be given equal importance as the regular form of teaching?
  • Is higher education over-rated?
  • What are the best ways to stop bullying?
  • Should people with more than one DUI lose their drivers’ licenses?
  • Should prostitution be legalised?
  • Should guns be illegal in the US?
  • Should cannabis be legalised for medical reasons?
  • Is equality a myth?
  • Does what is “right” and “wrong” change from generation to generation?
  • Is there never a good enough reason to declare war?
  • Should governments tax sugary drinks and use the revenue for public health?
  • Has cosmetic surgery risen to a level that exceeds good sense?
  • Is the fast-food industry legally accountable for obesity?
  • Should school cafeterias only offer healthy food options?
  • Is acupuncture a valid medical technique?
  • Should assisted suicide be legal?
  • Does consuming meat affect health?
  • Is dieting a good way to lose weight?

Law and politics

  • Should voting be made compulsory?
  • Should the President (or similar position) be allowed to serve more than two terms?
  • Would poverty reduce by fixing housing?
  • Should drug addicts be sent for treatment in hospitals instead of prisons?
  • Would it be fair for the government to detain suspected terrorists without proper trial?
  • Is torture acceptable when used for national security?
  • Should celebrities who break the law receive stiffer penalties?
  • Should the government completely ban all cigarettes and tobacco products
  • Is it wrong for the media to promote a certain beauty standard?
  • Is the media responsible for the moral degradation of teenagers?
  • Should advertising be aimed at children?
  • Has freedom of press gone too far?
  • Should prayer be allowed in public schools?
  • Does religion have a place in government?
  • How do cults differ from religion?

Science and the environment

  • Should recycling be mandatory?
  • Should genetically modified foods be sold in supermarkets?
  • Should parents be allowed to choose the sex of their unborn children?
  • Should selling plastic bags be completely banned in shops?
  • Should smoking in public places be banned?
  • Should professional female athletes be paid the same as male athletes in the same sport?
  • Should doping be allowed in professional sports?
  • Should schools be required to teach all students how to swim?
  • How does parental pressure affect young athletes?
  • Will technology reduce or increase human employment opportunities?
  • What age should children be allowed to have mobile phones?
  • Should libraries be replaced with unlimited access to e-books?
  • Should we recognize Bitcoin as a legal currency?
  • Should bloggers and vloggers be treated as journalists and punished for indiscretions?
  • Has technology helped connect people or isolate them?
  • Should mobile phone use in public places be regulated?
  • Do violent video games make people more violent?

World peace

  • What is the safest country in the world?
  • Is planetary nuclear disarmament possible?
  • Is the idea of peace on earth naive?

These topics are just suggestions so you need to assess whether they would be suitable for your particular audience. You can easily adapt the topics to suit your interests and audience, for example, you could substitute “meat” in the topic “Does consuming meat affect health?” for many possibilities, such as “processed foods”, “mainly vegan food”, “dairy” and so on.

After choosing your topic

After you’ve chosen your topic it’s important to do the following:

  • Research thoroughly
  • Think about all of the different viewpoints
  • Tailor to your audience – discussing your topic with others is a helpful way to gain an understanding of your audience.
  • How involved are you with this topic – are you a key character?
  • Have you contributed to this area, perhaps through blogs, books, papers and products.
  • How qualified are you to speak on this topic?
  • Do you have personal experience in it? How many years?
  • How long have you been interested in the area?

While it may be difficult to choose from such a variety of persuasive speech topics, think about which of the above you have the most knowledge of and can argue your opinion on.

For advice about how to deliver your persuasive speech, check out our blog  Persuasive Speech Outline and Ideas .

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600+ Best Topics For Speech in English

Topics for speeches play an important role in this process by providing a way to focus our attention on the things that are most important to us. A speech is an important tool in preserving and celebrating culture. By sharing stories, traditions, and values, speeches help to keep culture alive and passed down from generation to generation.

In addition, speeches can be used to promote understanding and respect for a wide range of perspectives. By sharing our own cultures with others, we can help to create stronger English writing skills and convey innovative ideas. 

When choosing a topic for a speech, it is important to consider what cultural values you want to share with your audience. What types of people is it targeted at – school students? What stories do you want to tell? What traditions do you want to celebrate? By carefully selecting unique speech topics for your audience, you can ensure that your speeches are truly meaningful.

When To Give a Speech?

Anytime you have something important to say, you may want to give a speech. From wedding toasts to eulogies, speeches are a great way to share your thoughts on a variety of topics. However, not all occasions are appropriate for a speech. In general, it is best to give a speech when you have something specific and interesting to say. This could be an opinion on a current event, a personal story, an emotional topic, or even a humorous anecdote.

Avoid giving speeches simply for the sake of speaking, as this will likely bore your audience. Instead, focus on finding topics about personal experiences that you are passionate about and that will add value to the event. With careful planning and delivery, your speech is sure to be a hit!

How to Prepare a Speech?

Before you can give an amazing speech, you have to come up with a topic for speech that is both interesting and appropriate for your audience.

Depending on the occasion, you may be able to choose any topic you like. However, if you’re giving a speech for a class or work, you’ll need to make sure that your topic is relevant to the course or job.

Once you’ve selected a topic, it’s time to start preparing your speech. The first step is to gather information about your topic. If you’re giving a speech about a current event, you’ll need to stay up-to-date on the latest news. For other topics, you may need to do some research in books or online.

The next step is to organize your information into an outline. This will help you determine what points you want to make and how to transition between them.

Finally, start practicing your delivery. Pay attention to your speed, volume, and body language. Make sure you have an informative speech prepared as if you are reciting a persuasive essay. With a little practice, you’ll be ready to give an unforgettable speech. 

Below is a wide-ranging list of the best topics for speech in English that you can use as a jumping-off point to create the perfect speech. These effective speech topics range from issues surrounding public schools, parental pressure, public transportation, and the depletion of the Ozone layer. Enjoy reading this huge list to find your next passion project!

List of Best English Speech Topics:

Speech topics for students on the importance of education.

  • A basic right: All children have the right to an education
  • A stepping stone: Education is the first step in reducing poverty
  • An investment: Investing in education pays off in the long term
  • Benefits for the economy: A educated workforce is good for the economy
  • Improving health: Education can lead to better health outcomes
  • Reducing crime: Education can reduce crime rates
  • Barriers to education: Why some children don’t have access to education
  • The gender gap: Why girls face greater obstacles to education
  • Education in emergencies: How education can help in times of crisis
  • Right to education: The struggle to make education a reality for all
  • Global citizenship: How education can create global citizens
  • Consequences of illiteracy: What happens when people cannot read or write
  • The power of education: How education can empower individuals and communities
  • Preserving culture: How education can help preserve cultural traditions
  • Building peace: How education can promote peace
  • Creative thinking: How education can foster creativity
  • Critical thinking: How education can teach critical thinking skills
  • Independent learning: How education can encourage independent learning
  • Connecting the world: How education can connect people across the globe
  • Environmental education: How education can raise awareness of environmental issues
  • Social justice: How education can promote social justice
  • Human rights: How education can advance human rights
  • Inclusive education: Why every child deserves an inclusive education
  • Technology in education: How technology can enhance education
  • Special needs education: How special needs education can make a difference
  • Early childhood education: The importance of early childhood education
  • Adult literacy: Why adult literacy matters
  • Vocational training: The benefits of vocational training
  • Higher education: Why higher education is important
  • Distance learning: The advantages of distance learning
  • Continuing education: The benefits of continuing education
  • Indigenous education: The importance of Indigenous education
  • Religious education: The role of religious education in society
  • Sex education: Why sex education is important
  • Language education: The importance of language education
  • Financial literacy: The importance of financial literacy
  • Digital literacy: The importance of digital literacy
  • Civic literacy: The importance of civic literacy
  • Legal literacy: The importance of legal literacy
  • Media literacy: The importance of media literacy
  • Scientific literacy: The importance of scientific literacy
  • General knowledge: The importance of general knowledge
  • Character building: How education can help build character
  • Leadership: How education can develop leaders
  • Service: How education can promote a spirit of service
  • Volunteerism: The benefits of volunteerism
  • Mentoring: The power of mentoring
  • Tutoring: The benefits of tutoring
  • After-school programs: The importance of after-school programs
  • Extracurricular activities: The benefits of extracurricular activities
  • Summer programs: The importance of summer programs

Speech Topics for Students on the Importance of Climate Change

  • The definition of climate change.
  • The causes of climate change.
  • The effects of climate change.
  • How climate change is affecting India specifically.
  • How climate change affects the world as a whole.
  • The potential future impacts of climate change.
  • Why the issue of climate change is important.
  • The possible solutions to climate change.
  • Why we need to take action on climate change.
  • What we can do to reduce our impact on climate change.
  • How Climate Change is Making India’s Summers Hotter
  • Deadly Heatwaves Becoming More Common in India Due to Climate Change
  • Drought in India: Climate Change Threatens Millions with Hunger
  • Climate Change is Causing Extreme Flooding in India
  • Glaciers in the Himalayas are Melting Due to Climate Change
  • Climate Change is Making it Harder for India’s Farmers to Grow crops
  • Wildfires in India are Getting Worse Due to Climate Change
  • Climate Change is Contributing to Air Pollution in India
  • India’s Coastal Areas are at Risk from Rising Sea Levels Due to Climate Change
  • Diseases are Spreading in India Due to Climate Change
  • People are Dying from Heat Stroke in India Due to Climate Change
  • Scarce Water resources in India are Stressing Communities Due to Climate Change
  • Crop Yields are Decreasing in India Due to Climate Change
  • Farmers are Struggling to Adapt to Climate Change in India
  • Animal Populations are Suffering in India Due to Climate Change
  • Coral Reefs in India are Dying Due to Climate Change
  • Wetlands in India are Disappearing Due to Climate Change
  • Desertification is Spreading in India Due to Climate Change
  • Soil Erosion is Increasing in India Due to Climate Change
  • Storms and Cyclones are Getting Stronger in India Due to Climate Change
  • Climate Change is Making it Harder for India to Meet its Energy Needs
  • Dams and Reservoirs in India are at Risk from Climate Change
  • Climate Change is Threatening India’s Snow-capped Mountains
  • India’s Infrastructure is at Risk from Climate Change
  • Climate Change is Impacting India’s Monsoon Season
  • India’s Summer Monsoon is Getting Stronger Due to Climate Change
  • India’s Winter Monsoon is Weakening Due to Climate Change
  • Climate Change is Disrupting India’s Rainfall Patterns
  • The Indian Ocean Dipole is Influencing India’s Weather Due to Climate Change
  • El Nino and La Nina Events are Impacting India’s Weather Due to Climate Change
  • India is Experiencing More floods Due to Climate Change
  • India is Experiencing More Droughts Due to Climate Change
  • India is Experiencing More Extreme Heatwaves Due to Climate Change
  • India is Experiencing More Extreme Cold Spells Due to Climate Change
  • India is Experiencing More extreme storms Due to Climate Change
  • Climate Change is Causing an Increase in wildfires in India
  • Climate Change is Causing an Increase in insect populations in India
  • Climate Change is Contributing to Deforestation in India
  • Climate Change is Causing Soil Degradation in India
  • Climate Change is Causing Glaciers in the Himalayas to Melt
  • Climate Change is Causing Sea Levels to Rise in India
  • Climate Change is Making it Harder for India to meet its future water needs
  • Climate Change is Threatening India’s food security
  • India is Losing agricultural productivity Due to Climate Change

Best “1-minute speech topics” in English for Indian Students

  • Time management
  • Goal setting
  • Effective studying techniques
  • Public speaking tips
  • Overcoming stage fright
  • The art of persuasion
  • The power of body language
  • The importance of eye contact
  • How to develop a charismatic personality
  • The secrets of success
  • The importance of networking
  • How to start your own business
  • How to be a leader
  • The qualities of a good leader
  • The art of negotiation
  • How to handle difficult situations
  • How to resolve conflicts
  • How to take criticism
  • How to deal with failure
  • How to motivate yourself
  • The importance of time management
  • Setting priorities
  • Making a plan
  • Overcoming procrastination
  • Self-discipline
  • Taking action
  • Persistence
  • Adaptability
  • Learning from mistakes
  • Being creative
  • Brainstorming ideas
  • Finding innovative solutions
  • Being open-minded
  • Thinking outside the box
  • Dealing with stress
  • Managing your emotions
  • Keeping a positive attitude
  • Staying focused
  • Being organized
  • Having self-control
  • Flexibility
  • Making decisions
  • Being responsible
  • Building relationships
  • Communication Skills
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Critical Thinking
  • Stress Management
  • Creative thinking
  • Change Management
  • Negotiation

Best “2-minute speech topics” in English for Indian College Students

  • India’s rich cultural heritage
  • The importance of education
  • The need for more female leaders
  • Achieving personal goals
  • The power of positive thinking
  • The benefits of meditation
  • The importance of taking care of our environment
  • The need for world peace
  • The plight of the poor and needy
  • The problem of child labour
  • The importance of family values
  • Drugs and alcohol abuse
  • The teenage years – a time of great change
  • Coping with peer pressure
  • The challenges of life
  • Overcoming adversity
  • The power of love
  • The value of friendship
  • Learning from our mistakes
  • Forgiveness
  • The importance of respect
  • Building self-confidence
  • Getting along with others
  • Developing a strong work ethic
  • Setting and achieving goals
  • Staying healthy and fit
  • Say no to drugs
  • The dangers of smoking
  • Career choices – making the right decision
  • furthering your studies
  • The importance of good communication skills
  • The art of public speaking
  • The power of the written word
  • Striving for excellence
  • Coping with failure
  • Taking responsibility for your actions
  • The importance of being true to yourself
  • Making responsible decisions
  • The importance of setting standards for yourself
  • The challenge of change
  • The quest for knowledge
  • Being assertive
  • The joy of learning
  • The power of imagination
  • Living your dreams
  • The importance of having a positive attitude
  • The importance of taking action

Best “3-minute speech topics”

  • The importance of preserving our environment
  • The need for more stringent laws to protect women’s rights
  • The role of education in empowering women
  • The contribution of Indian scientists to the world
  • The successes of the Indian startup ecosystem
  • The potential of the Indian economy
  • The rise of digital India
  • The problem of child labour in India
  • The challenge of providing affordable healthcare in India
  • The battle against corruption in India
  • The fight against terrorism in India
  • India’s relations with its neighbours
  • The water crisis in India
  • The air pollution crisis in India
  • The plight of farmers in India
  • The problem of homelessness in India
  • The challenge of providing housing for all in India
  • The need for more effective sanitation facilities in India
  • The need for better waste management in India
  • The issue of open defecation in India
  • The importance of voting in India
  • The problem of malnutrition in India
  • The problem of dowry in India
  • The problem of child marriages in India
  • The need for more vocational training in India
  • The role of the media in India
  • The problem of fake news in India
  • The power of social media in India
  • The need for financial literacy in India
  • The problem of job security in India
  • The need for more startups in India
  • The rise of the gig economy in India
  • The need for skills development in India
  • The importance of lifelong learning
  • The changing nature of work in India
  • The future of work in India
  • The need for flexible work arrangements in India
  • The role of technology in the future of work in India
  • The Gig Economy – opportunities and challenges
  • The sharing economy – opportunities and challenges
  • The rise of artificial intelligence – opportunities and challenges
  • The impact of digitalization on jobs – opportunities and challenges
  • The future of education in India
  • The role of technology in education in India
  • The need for more inclusive education in India
  • The importance of digital literacy in India

 Speech Topics on Important Social Issues

  • Social Media: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
  • The Dangers of Distracted Driving
  • The Impact of Social Media on Society
  • The Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet
  • The Dangers of Texting and Driving
  • The Importance of Environmental Conservation
  • The Negative Effects of Genetically Modified Foods
  • The Dangers of Animal Testing
  • The Negative Effects of Factory Farming
  • The Importance of Sustainable Agriculture
  • The Dangers of Fracking
  • The Negative Effects of Nuclear Energy
  • The Positive Effects of Solar Energy
  • The Positive Effects of Wind Energy
  • The Dangers of Oil Spills
  • The Negative Effects of Plastic Pollution
  • The Impact of Climate Change on the World
  • The Importance of Recycling
  • The Dangers of Cigarette Smoking
  • The Negative Effects of Alcohol Abuse
  • The Dangers of Drug Abuse
  • The Importance of a Healthy Lifestyle
  • The Dangers of Obesity
  • The Importance of Exercise
  • The Dangers of Anorexia
  • The Dangers of Bulimia
  • The Importance of Mental Health
  • The Negative Effects of Stress
  • The Importance of a Good Night’s Sleep
  • The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation
  • The Negative Effects of Pressure on Students
  • The Dangers of Cheating in Exams
  • The Negative Effects of Ragging
  • The Importance of Gender Equality
  • The Negative Effects of Domestic Violence
  • The Negative Effects of Child Abuse
  • The Importance of Women’s Empowerment
  • The Negative Effects of dowry
  • The Negative Effects of casteism
  • The Negative Effects of racism
  • The Negative Effects of religious intolerance
  • The Importance of harmony and peace
  • The Negative Effects of war
  • The Negative Effects of terrorism
  • The Importance of human rights
  • The Negative Effects of child labour
  • The Importance of education
  • The Negative Effects of child marriage
  • The Importance of cleanliness
  • The Negative Effects of Noise Pollution
  • The Importance of Protection ofWildlife
  • The Negative Effect of deforestation

Speech Topics about Yourself

  • Introduce yourself
  • Tell us about your family
  • Where are you from?
  • Tell us about your hometown
  • What are your hobbies?
  • What are your favorite foods?
  • What kind of music do you like?
  • What are your favorite movies?
  • What are your favorite sports?
  • What school do you go to?
  • What grade are you in?
  • What are your favorite subjects in school?
  • Do you have any pets?
  • If so, what kind and what are their names?
  • What are your plans for after graduation?
  • What are your plans for the summer?
  • What are your plans for the future?
  • What is your favorite thing to do?
  • What is your favorite color?
  • What is your favorite animal?
  • What is your favorite food?
  • What is your favorite sport?
  • What is your favorite hobby?
  • What is your favorite thing to do outside?
  • What is your favorite thing to do inside?
  • What is your favorite place to go?
  • What is your favorite thing to eat?
  • What is your favorite drink?
  • What is your favorite type of food?
  • What is your favorite season?
  • What is your favorite weather?
  • What is your favorite month?
  • What is your favorite holiday?
  • What is your favorite thing to wear?
  • What is your favorite thing to buy?
  • What is your favorite thing to get as a gift?
  • What is your favorite thing to do for fun?
  • What is your favorite thing to do with friends?
  • What is your favorite thing to do with family?
  • What is your favorite game to play?
  • What is your favorite way to relax?
  • What is your favorite stress reliever?
  • What is your favorite thing to do when you’re bored?
  • What is your favorite way to stay fit and healthy?
  • What is your favorite beauty routine?
  • What is your favorite thing to do when you’re feeling down?
  • What is your favorite thing to do when you’re happy?
  • What is your favorite thing to do when you’re sad?
  • What is your favorite thing to do when you’re angry?
  • What is your favorite thing to do when you’re excited?
  • What is your favorite thing to do when you’re scared?
  • What is your favorite thing to do when you’re feeling stressed?

Speech Topics about Proverbs

  • The value of silence
  • Time is money
  • Don’t judge a book by its cover
  • Honesty is the best policy
  • A stitch in time saves nine
  • There’s no place like home
  • Blood is thicker than water
  • Curiosity killed the cat
  • Fortune favors the brave
  • All that glitters is not gold
  • You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs
  • Two heads are better than one
  • Actions speak louder than words
  • Better late than never
  • A penny saved is a penny earned
  • Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
  • Nothing ventured, nothing gained
  • You can’t have your cake and eat it too
  • There’s more than one way to skin a cat
  • The early bird catches the worm
  • You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear
  • Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
  • If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it
  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
  • An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
  • Better safe than sorry
  • Make hay while the sun shines
  • Nothing is certain except death and taxes
  • Look before you leap
  • The grass is always greener on the other side
  • There’s no such thing as a free lunch
  • All good things must come to an end
  • When in Rome, do as the Romans do
  • A leopard can’t change its spots
  • You can’t teach an old dog new tricks
  • Every cloud has a silver lining
  • Hope springs eternal
  • Where there’s a will, there’s a way
  • All’s fair in love and war
  • Break a leg
  • It takes two to tango
  • Kill two birds with one stone
  • That’ll be the day
  • Over the hill
  • Take it with a grain of salt
  • See eye to eye
  • Put up your dukes
  • Rule of thumb
  • The roof over your head

Speech Topics about Special Occasions

  • A graduation speech
  • A best friend’s wedding speech
  • A toast at a retirement party
  • A toast at a business lunch
  • A Halloween party speech
  • A Thanksgiving dinner speech
  • A Christmas dinner speech
  • A New Year’s Eve party speech
  • A Super Bowl party speech
  • An Academy Awards party speech
  • A Fourth of July picnic speech
  • A Memorial Day speech
  • A Labor Day speech
  • An Earth Day speech
  • A Mother’s Day speech
  • A Father’s Day speech
  • A Valentine’s Day speech
  • A Sweetest Day speech
  • A St. Patrick’s Day speech
  • An Easter speech
  • A Passover speech
  • A Hanukkah speech
  • A Kwanzaa speech
  • A Ramadan speech
  • A Diwali speech
  • A speech on one’s birthday
  • An anniversary speech
  • A going away speech
  • A welcome speech
  • A retirement speech
  • A victory speech
  • A defeat speech
  • A promote speech
  • A demote speech
  • A raise speech
  • A bonus speech
  • A holiday speech
  • A religious speech
  • A political speech
  • A campaign speech
  • A commencement speech
  • An acceptance speech
  • A refusal speech
  • A thanksgiving speech
  • A get-well speech
  • A baby shower speech
  • A bridal shower speech
  • A housewarming speech
  • A block party speech
  • A welcome home speech
  • A veterans’ Day speech

Speech Topics for Indian Students

  • The benefits of learning a second language
  • How to be a good student
  • Time management for students
  • Goal setting for students
  • The importance of getting a good education
  • Why reading is important
  • How to overcome procrastination
  • The importance of proper study habits
  • The importance of taking responsibility for your own learning
  • The importance of asking for help when you need it
  • The difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
  • The importance of setting goals and working toward them
  • Coping with disappointment
  • Persevere in the face of setbacks
  • Accepting responsibility for your actions
  • The importance of taking initiative
  • The value of hard work
  • The importance of being persistent
  • The importance of having a growth mindset
  • The importance of optimism
  • The importance of resilience
  • The importance of flexibility
  • The importance of determination
  • The importance of adaptability
  • The importance of teamwork
  • The importance of good communication
  • The importance of conflict resolution
  • The importance of self-awareness
  • The importance of empathy
  • The importance of emotional intelligence
  • The importance of being assertive
  • The importance of being open-minded
  • The importance of being considerate
  • The importance of being patient
  • The importance of being tolerant
  • The importance of being honest
  • The importance of being responsible
  • The importance of being reliable
  • The importance of being a good role model
  • The importance of setting a good example
  • The importance of being a good listener
  • The importance of being grateful
  • The importance of showing kindness
  • The importance of having integrity
  • The importance of being authentic

“Best English Speech Topics” for Students in India

  • India and its culture
  • The beauty of nature in India
  • India’s festivals
  • The Taj Mahal
  • India’s history
  • The diversity of India
  • Indian cuisine
  • Indian music
  • Indian fashion
  • The caste system in India
  • Poverty in India
  • The healthcare system in India
  • The education system in India
  • Women’s rights in India
  • Arranged marriages in India
  • Caste-based discrimination
  • Child labour in India
  • The rise of the middle class in India
  • Corruption in India
  • Inequality in India
  • Communal violence in India
  • The rise of Hindutva
  • The Kashmir conflict
  • The U.P.A government
  • The two-party system in India
  • The emergency
  • The Bhopal gas tragedy
  • The 1984 anti-Sikh riots
  • The 2002 Gujarat riots
  • The Naxalite movement
  • The Green Revolution
  • The White Revolution
  • The Chipko Movement
  • The Bhoodan Movement
  • The Sarvodaya Movement
  • The Narmada Bachao Andolan
  • The Anti-Arrack Movement
  • The Anti-Liquor Movement
  • The Prohibition Movement
  • The Jallianwala Bagh massacre
  • The Quit India Movement
  • Partition of India
  • The Hyderabad Liberation Movement
  • The Goa Liberation Movement
  • The Mizo National Front
  • The Assam Movement
  • The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

 Speech Topics for Students in India Learning English Pronunciation and Grammar

  • The English alphabet
  • Pronouncing vowels
  • Pronouncing consonants
  • Common English contractions
  • Linking sounds in words
  • Assimilating foreign sounds into English
  • The schwa sound
  • Stress and intonation
  • Rhyming words
  • Word Families
  • Compound words
  • Words with Silent Letters
  • Proper nouns
  • Possessive nouns
  • Possessive adjectives
  • Articles “a, an, the”
  • Demonstrative pronouns “this that these those”
  • Personal pronouns “I, you, he, she, it, we, they”
  • Relative pronouns “who, whom, whose, that, which”
  • Reflexive pronouns “myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves”
  • Possessive pronouns “mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs”
  • Indefinite pronouns “all, any, some, enough, many, few, both, each, either, neither, one, someone, no one”
  • Prepositions “about, above, across, after, against, along, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beneath, between, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, inside, into, like, near, of, off, on, onto, out, outside, over, past, since, through, to, toward, under, up, upon, with, within, without”
  • Regular verbs “walk, talk, laugh, jump, swim, read, write, listen, watch, learn”
  • Irregular verbs “be, was/were, has/have, do, did, get, can/could, may/might, shall/should, will/would, must”
  • Action verbs “run, bake, sing, dance, cry, paint, play”
  • Helping verbs “am, is, are, was, were, be, being, have, has, had, do, does, did, can, could, should, would, may, might, must”
  • Transitive verbs “I read a book.”
  • Intransitive verbs “He laughed.”
  • Regular Verbs in the Present Tense “I walk to school.”
  • Regular Verbs in the Past Tense “We played in the park.”
  • Regular Verbs in the Future Tense “She will sing a song.”
  • Compound Verbs “He is going to swim.”
  • Gerunds “Swimming is fun.”
  • Participles “He has Crying.”
  • Regular verbs in the present progressive tense “I am walking to school.”
  • Regular verbs in the past progressive tense “We were playing in the park.”
  • Regular verbs in the future progressive tense “She will be singing a song.”
  • Compound verbs in the present progressive tense “He is going to swim.”
  • Gerunds in the present progressive tense “Swimming is fun.”
  • Participles in the present progressive tense “He has been Crying.”
  • Regular verbs in the present perfect tense “I have read a book.”
  • Regular verbs in the past perfect tense “We had played in the park.”
  • Regular verbs in the future perfect tense “She will have sung a song.”
  • Compound verbs in the present perfect tense “He has gone swimming.”
  • Gerunds in the present perfect tense “Swimming has been fun.”
  • Participles in the present perfect tense “He has been crying.”
  • Regular verbs in the past perfect progressive tense “We had been playing in the park.”

Characteristics of a Good Speech: Tips and Tricks

If you’re looking for some persuasive speech ideas, then look no further! Here are some tips and tricks to help you choose the perfect topics for your next speech.

Define Your Audience

Consider your audience. Who are you speaking to? What are their interests? You’ll want to choose a topic that is both interesting and relevant to your audience. For example, if you’re planning a speech on technology, then make sure your audience has a background in science. 

Define Your Message

Think about what you want to achieve with your speech. Are you trying to inform, persuade, or entertain? Once you know your purpose, you can narrow down your topic list. For example, if you’re trying to inform your audience about a new product, then you’ll want to choose a topic that is both informative and relevant to their interests. However, if you’re trying to persuade your audience to vote for a particular candidate, then you’ll want to choose a topic that is both persuasive and relevant to their interests.

Make sure that your topics are well-researched. This will help ensure that your speeches are well-informed and accurate. Remember, your audience is counting on you to provide them with accurate information! It only takes a quick search to find a hole in your argument. 

Practice makes perfect! Before delivering your speech, be sure to practice it several times. This will help you iron out any nervousness and delivery issues. Additionally, it will help you memorize your material so that you can focus on engaging with your audience during the actual speech.

Form a Strong Conclusion

Don’t forget to end with a bang! Your conclusion should leave a lasting impression on your audience. Be sure to restate your main points and end with a call-to-action or inspiring quote.

By following these tips, you’ll be sure to choose the perfect topics for your next speech!

This blog has given you a wealth of topics for all kinds of speeches, as well as tips and tricks for delivering them effectively. With so many topics to choose from, you should have no trouble finding one that resonates with your audience.

Keep in mind the purpose of your speech and choose a topic accordingly. Give yourself a proper trial period to practice and perfect your delivery. In addition, remember to focus on delivering your message clearly and concisely. By following these tips, you can be sure that your next speech will be a success!

There are a number of topics that could be considered for an English-prepared speech. One option is to highlight a particular aspect of the English language, such as its history or development. Another possibility is to focus on the use of English in different parts of the world. Alternatively, one could explore some of the major challenges that English speakers face, such as grammar or vocabulary. Whatever topic is chosen, it is important to select something that will be both interesting and informative for the audience.

There are a number of topics that would be suitable for a one-minute speech in English. First, you could choose to speak about a current event or news story that interests you.  Alternatively, you could share your thoughts on a controversial issue, such as gun control or immigration. Alternatively, you could simply tell a personal story or share an experience that has had an impact on you. Whatever English topic you choose, make sure that you are confident and articulate in your delivery.

There are a variety of topics that would be suitable for a two-minute speech. Here are just a few examples: – The importance of the vote – What is E-waste Management – The dangers of texting and driving – The benefits of a plant-based diet – How to reduce stress in your life – The importance of getting enough sleep Whatever topic you choose, make sure it is something you are passionate about so that you can deliver an engaging and convincing speech in 2 minutes. Good luck!

There is no one right way to design the structure of a speech. However, there are some topics that are typically covered in speeches. For instance, many speeches will start with an introduction. The introduction is generally used to grab the audience’s attention and give them an overview of what the speech will be about. The body of the speech is then used to cover the main points of the topic in more detail. The conclusion is used to sum up the main points of the speech and leave the audience with something to think about. By following this basic structure, you can ensure that your speech covers all of the important topics and information that you want to share.

A good persuasive speech topic is one that captures the audience’s attention and inspires them to action. While there are many topics that could potentially be used for a persuasive speech, some topics are more likely to engage the audience and lead to productive discussion. Ultimately, the best topics for persuasive speeches are ones that spark passion and debate in the audience.

A persuasive speech is a presentation with the purpose of convincing the audience to accept a particular point of view. The speaker will typically choose a side on a controversial issue and then use facts and logic to support their position. In some cases, emotion may also be used to sway the audience. While anyone can give a persuasive speech, it takes practice to deliver an effective one. When choosing a topic, the speaker should select something they are passionate about and have a strong opinion on. They should also be sure to choose a topic that is current and relevant to their audience. Once the topic has been selected, the speaker will need to do their research and develop an outline of their main points.

Learn from History – Follow the Science – Listen to the Experts

What’s the one thing that makes LillyPad so special? Lilly! Lilly’s a personal English tutor, and has people talking all over the world! Lilly makes improving your English easy. With Lilly, you can read in four different ways, and you can read just about anything you love. And learning with Lilly, well that’s what you call liberating! 

For learners of all ages striving to improve their English, LillyPad combines the most scientifically studied and recommended path to achieving English fluency and proficiency with today’s most brilliant technologies!

Additionally, the platform incorporates goal-setting capabilities, essential tracking & reporting, gamification, anywhere-anytime convenience, and significant cost savings compared to traditional tutoring methodologies.

At LillyPad , everything we do is focused on delivering a personalized journey that is meaningful and life-changing for our members. LillyPad isn’t just the next chapter in English learning…

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Do you want to improve your English? Visit www.lillypad.ai.

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Bethany MacDonald

Bethany MacDonald has contributed articles LillyPad.ai since 2020. As their Blog Lead, she specialises in informative pieces on culture, education, and language learning

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public speech topics in english

190+ Creative English Speaking Topics to Speak to Anyone

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Spoken English Fluency: The Key to Success

Benefits of practicing english speaking topics, 190+ english speaking topics for learners, 1. daily life and personal experiences, 2. hobbies and personal interests, 3. travel and adventure, 4. education and learning, 5. health and wellness, 6. culture and entertainment, 7. career and professional development, personalized coaching to save the day.

An image of English speaking topic book

English is widely accepted to be the language of business. Globally, approximately over 1.5 billion people speak English as their first or second language. It is therefore no wonder that English speaking proficiency is directly related to employability and other opportunities.

Let's face it, when it comes to learning and improving spoken English, practicing basic English speaking topics plays a pivotal role. It goes beyond mastering grammar and vocabulary; it empowers individuals to express themselves confidently, engage in meaningful conversations, and connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds.

In this blog, we will list a wide range of English speaking topics fluency. By diversifying your conversations and exploring various subjects, you can enhance your language skills, broaden your knowledge, and develop the ability to express your thoughts and opinions effectively.

So, whether you are a beginner looking to build a strong foundation or an advanced learner aiming to refine your fluency, this comprehensive list of will provide you with the necessary resources and inspiration to take your English-speaking abilities to new heights.

Practicing English speaking topics helps individuals avoid boredom and monotony, making the learning process more enjoyable.

It expands vocabulary and enhances language proficiency, allowing individuals to express themselves effectively on different English speaking topics .

Engaging with diverse English speaking topics fosters critical thinking skills and encourages individuals to share their opinions confidently.

We now list for you a range of English speaking practice topics to improve your spoken English. The category of topics covers a wide range of scenarios to prepare you well for any encounters in the personal or professional space that would need you to speak in English.

If you want to practice any of these topics with a 1-1 real human, click here. ​

Photo by: Ivan Shilov on Unsplash

English speaking topics on daily life and personal experiences are important because they allow you to effectively communicate your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in various social situations. It helps you connect with others, share your stories, and build stronger relationships in both personal and professional settings. The following table lists some English speaking practice topics to hone your spoken English on in your daily life and gives some example sentences.

1. My Morning Routine

Sentence 1: "Every morning, I start my day with a refreshing cup of coffee."

Sentence 2: "I like to go for a jog in the park as part of my morning routine."

2. A Memorable Family Vacation

Sentence 1: "During our family vacation to Nainital, we enjoyed looking at the mountains."

Sentence 2: "One of the most memorable family vacations was when we visited the Taj Mahal."

3. My Favorite Hobby or Pastime

Sentence 1: "In my free time, I enjoy playing the guitar and composing my own music."

Sentence 2: "One of my favorite hobbies is gardening, and I love growing flowers and vegetables in my backyard."

4. A Childhood Memory

Sentence 1: "One of my fondest childhood memories is building sandcastles at the beach with my siblings."

Sentence 2: "I still remember the excitement of my first day of school as a child."

5. Cooking Adventures and Favorite Recipes

Sentence 1: "Last weekend, I tried a new recipe for homemade pizza, and it turned out delicious."

Sentence 2: "I enjoy experimenting with different spices and creating unique dishes in the kitchen."

Click the button below to practice topics 1-1 with an expert speaker.

Practicing English to talk about your hobbies and interests helps you communicate your passions and connect with others who share similar interests, leading to meaningful conversations and new friendships. Feel free to choose any of these topics as a starting point for engaging English conversations about your hobbies and interests.

1. Photography

Statement 1: "I love capturing beautiful landscapes during sunset."

Statement 2: "Photography allows me to express my creativity through images."

2. Playing a Musical Instrument

Statement 1: "I have been practicing the guitar for five years now."

Statement 2: "Playing the piano helps me relax and unwind after a long day."

3. Painting and Artistic Expression

Statement 1: "I enjoy experimenting with different painting techniques."

Statement 2: "Art allows me to express my emotions and thoughts visually."

4. Gardening

Statement 1: "I have a small vegetable garden where I grow my own produce."

Statement 2: "Taking care of plants brings me a sense of joy and fulfillment."

5. Cooking and Culinary Adventures

Statement 1: "I love trying out new recipes from different cuisines."

Statement 2: "Cooking allows me to explore my creativity in the kitchen."

public speech topics in english

Talking in English about travel and adventure helps you share your exciting experiences, explore new places, and have conversations that ignite a sense of curiosity and cultural discovery.

1. Trekking in the Himalayas

Sentence 1: "I recently trekked to Everest Base Camp in the Himalayas. The views were amazing!"

Sentence 2: "I hiked in Himachal Pradesh and saw beautiful snow-capped mountains."

2. Wildlife Safari in Indian National Parks

Sentence 1: "I went to Ranthambore National Park and saw a Bengal tiger."

Sentence 2: "Jim Corbett National Park was thrilling with elephants and leopards."

3. Exploring the Backwaters of Kerala

Sentence 1: "I cruised through Kerala's backwaters on a houseboat, it was peaceful."

Sentence 2: "I loved the landscapes and meeting locals along the backwaters in Kerala."

4. Heritage Sites and Monuments in Rajasthan

Sentence 1: "The Amber Fort in Jaipur was impressive, and I enjoyed exploring Rajasthan's history."

Sentence 2: "Seeing the Taj Mahal in Agra was a dream come true, it's a beautiful monument."

5. Beach Destinations in Goa

Sentence 1: "I relaxed and tried water sports on the beaches of Goa like Calangute and Baga."

Sentence 2: "Goa has a lively nightlife with beach parties and live music."

Photo by: Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash

Practicing English for speaking about education and learning allows you to discuss various subjects, gain knowledge, and express your ideas. It helps improve intellectual growth and build effective communication skills. Here are 50 simple English speaking topics on learning and education for English learners to practice:

1. I enjoy reading books and learning new things.

2. My favorite subject in school is science because I love conducting experiments.

3. I like to solve puzzles and brain teasers to improve my critical thinking skills.

4. Learning English is important for communication with people from different countries.

5. I often watch educational videos online to expand my knowledge.

6. Math is challenging, but I find it interesting to solve problems.

7. I practice writing in English by keeping a journal and writing about my daily experiences.

8. I listen to English podcasts to improve my listening skills.

9. I ask questions in class to clarify my understanding of the topic.

10. Group discussions help me to express my ideas and opinions confidently.

11. I use flashcards to memorize vocabulary words and their meanings.

12. I enjoy learning about different cultures and traditions from around the world.

13. I participate in debates to enhance my persuasive speaking skills.

14. I watch English movies with subtitles to improve my language comprehension.

15. I use language learning apps to practice English grammar and vocabulary.

16. I practice pronunciation by listening to native English speakers and repeating after them.

17. I take notes during lectures to help me remember important information.

18. I read news articles in English to stay updated on current events.

19. I attend English conversation clubs to practice speaking with others.

20. I set achievable goals to track my progress in language learning.

21. I use online language exchange platforms to practice speaking with native English speakers.

22. I enjoy learning through hands-on activities and experiments.

23. I challenge myself to read books that are slightly above my current reading level.

24. I use mnemonic techniques to remember difficult words or concepts.

25. I practice English speaking with a language partner over video calls.

26. I use online resources to improve my English grammar and writing skills.

27. I participate in language competitions to showcase my language proficiency.

28. I watch TED Talks in English to learn about various topics and improve listening skills.

29. I write essays on different subjects to enhance my writing skills.

30. I create flashcards with pictures to associate them with English words.

31. I join English language clubs or communities to practice speaking in a supportive environment.

32. I use English-language news websites to read articles and improve reading comprehension.

33. I practice English pronunciation by recording my voice and listening for improvement.

34. I use language-learning apps that provide interactive exercises for grammar and vocabulary.

35. I participate in role-playing activities to practice real-life English conversations.

36. I watch English TV shows or movies with subtitles to improve listening and reading skills.

37. I challenge myself to learn at least five new English words every day.

38. I practice listening to English songs and try to understand the lyrics.

39. I read children's books in English to build vocabulary and improve reading fluency.

40. I use English language-learning websites to access resources and practice exercises.

41. I watch educational YouTube channels to learn new concepts and improve language skills.

42. I practice summarizing articles or stories in English to improve reading comprehension.

43. I join online forums or discussion boards to interact with other English learners.

44. I use English-language apps for daily vocabulary exercises and word games.

45. I listen to English podcasts or audiobooks while commuting or doing household chores.

46. I practice speaking English in front of a mirror to work on pronunciation and fluency.

47. I use language learning websites to connect with language exchange partners around the world.

48. I write short stories in English to practice creativity and storytelling skills.

49. I practice giving presentations in English to improve public speaking abilities.

50. I take English language lessons.

public speech topics in english

Engaging in English conversations about health and wellness enables you to explore topics related to well-being, share experiences, and learn about strategies to maintain a healthy lifestyle, promoting overall physical and mental wellness. Here are 50 English speaking topics related to health and wellness for English learners:

1. I try to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.

2. I go for a walk every day to stay active and improve my fitness.

3. Drinking enough water is important for staying hydrated and maintaining good health.

4. I like to practice yoga to relax my mind and stretch my body.

5. It's important to get enough sleep to rejuvenate our bodies and minds.

6. I enjoy going for a jog in the park to get some fresh air and exercise.

7. I try to limit my intake of sugary foods and drinks for better dental health.

8. Meditation helps me to reduce stress and improve my mental well-being.

9. Regular exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy weight and boosting energy levels.

10. I make sure to wash my hands thoroughly to prevent the spread of germs and infections.

11. I take breaks from sitting and stretch my body to prevent stiffness and improve circulation.

12. Eating a nutritious breakfast helps me start the day with energy and focus.

13. I enjoy spending time in nature as it promotes relaxation and reduces stress.

14. I practice deep breathing exercises to calm my mind and reduce anxiety.

15. Taking regular breaks from screens and technology is important for eye health.

16. I try to include a variety of colorful vegetables in my meals for a range of nutrients.

17. I practice mindfulness to stay present and appreciate the little joys in life.

18. Adequate rest and relaxation are crucial for overall health and well-being.

19. I try to avoid processed foods and opt for whole, natural foods instead.

20. Daily stretching helps to improve flexibility and prevent muscle tightness.

21. I make sure to wear sunscreen when I go outside to protect my skin from harmful UV rays.

22. Getting regular check-ups with the doctor helps me monitor my health and catch any issues early.

23. I enjoy listening to calming music to unwind and reduce stress.

24. I like to try new healthy recipes to keep my meals interesting and nutritious.

25. Spending time with loved ones and engaging in social activities positively impacts mental health.

26. I practice good posture to prevent back pain and maintain a healthy spine.

27. I try to incorporate at least 30 minutes of physical activity into my daily routine.

28. I limit my intake of sugary beverages and opt for water or herbal tea instead.

29. I prioritize self-care activities like taking a warm bath or practicing self-reflection.

30. I avoid smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke for better respiratory health.

31. I make time for hobbies and activities that bring me joy and reduce stress.

32. I aim to get at least 8 hours of quality sleep each night for optimal rest and recovery.

33. I practice positive affirmations to boost self-confidence and maintain a positive mindset.

34. I choose stairs over elevators whenever possible to incorporate more movement into my day.

35. I practice good oral hygiene by brushing my teeth twice a day and flossing regularly.

36. I try to limit my screen time before bed to promote better sleep quality.

37. I engage in regular cardiovascular exercises like cycling or swimming for a healthy heart.

38. I take breaks from work or studying to give my mind a chance to rest and recharge.

39. I enjoy practicing a hobby like painting or playing an instrument for creative expression.

40. I try to manage stress through techniques like journaling, deep breathing, or meditation.

41. I choose whole grains over refined grains for better nutrition and sustained energy.

42. I listen to my body's hunger and fullness cues to maintain a balanced approach to eating.

43. I practice gratitude by acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of my life.

. I make time for leisure activities that help me relax and unwind, like reading or gardening.

45. I try to include regular strength training exercises to build muscle and improve overall fitness.

46. I use natural remedies and essential oils for minor ailments and to support my well-being.

47. I limit my consumption of processed snacks and opt for healthier alternatives like nuts or fruits.

48. I engage in activities that challenge my mind, such as puzzles or learning a new language.

49. I try to maintain a positive support network of friends and family for emotional well-being.

50. I practice deep relaxation techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation, to reduce tension and promote calmness.

Let's now move on to the rather exciting English speaking topics for beginners in the field of culture and entertainment.

Talking in English about culture and entertainment allows you to discuss various aspects of art, music, movies, traditions, and customs. It helps you appreciate different cultures, share your interests, and learn about diverse forms of entertainment.

1. Traditional Festivals and Celebrations

Sentence 1: "During Diwali, people light lamps and celebrate with fireworks to symbolize the victory of light over darkness."

Sentence 2: "Holi is a colorful festival where people play with water and colored powders to celebrate the arrival of spring."

2. Music and Dance

Sentence 1: "Bollywood music is popular in India and many people enjoy dancing to its energetic beats."

Sentence 2: "Classical Indian dance forms, like Bharatanatyam and Kathak, are known for their graceful movements and expressions."

3. Indian Cuisine

Sentence 1: "Indian cuisine is known for its rich flavors and spices, such as curry, biryani, and masala chai."

Sentence 2: "Popular Indian dishes include samosas, butter chicken, and dosas, which are enjoyed by people around the world."

4. Traditional Clothing and Fashion

Sentence 1: "Saris are traditional Indian garments worn by women, while men often wear kurta-pajama for special occasions."

Sentence 2: "The vibrant colors and intricate designs of Indian textiles make them unique and admired globally."

5. Indian Cinema and Bollywood

Sentence 1: "Bollywood movies are popular in India and feature a mix of drama, romance, music, and dance."

Sentence 2: "Actors like Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan have a huge fan following and are known for their iconic performances."

Now that we have covered culture and entertainment, let us shift our focus to learning some English speaking topics for beginners in career and professional development. Many of us face

public speech topics in english

You can discuss topics related to job skills, career growth, networking, and personal success. It helps you gain insights, learn from others' experiences, and explore opportunities for professional advancement. Here are 50 simple English speaking practice topics related to the field of career and professional development for English learners:

1. I am working on improving my communication skills to excel in my career.

2. I believe setting clear goals is important for professional success.

3. I enjoy attending workshops and seminars to enhance my knowledge and skills.

4. Networking is a valuable tool for expanding professional connections and opportunities.

5. I am developing my leadership abilities to advance in my career.

6. Continuous learning is essential for staying updated in today's competitive job market.

7. I am exploring different career paths to find the one that aligns with my passions.

8. Time management skills are crucial for maintaining productivity and meeting deadlines.

9. Building a strong professional network can open doors to new career opportunities.

10. I am working on improving my problem-solving skills to overcome challenges at work.

11. Professional development courses help me stay relevant and grow in my field.

12. I believe in the importance of seeking feedback to improve my performance.

13. I am honing my presentation skills to confidently deliver impactful presentations.

14. Developing a positive work ethic is key to achieving long-term career success.

15. I am learning to adapt to change and embrace new technologies in my industry.

16. I am researching different companies and industries to find the right career fit.

17. Effective teamwork is essential for accomplishing goals and fostering a positive work environment.

18. Developing strong negotiation skills can lead to successful outcomes in business.

19. I am working on enhancing my problem-solving abilities to tackle complex tasks.

20. I believe in the power of lifelong learning for personal and professional growth.

21. I am improving my resume and cover letter writing skills to stand out in job applications.

22. Developing strong time management skills helps me stay organized and meet deadlines.

23. I am seeking mentors in my field to guide and support my career growth.

24. Continuous self-improvement is important for advancing in my chosen profession.

25. I am gaining industry-specific knowledge through online courses and certifications.

26. I am attending career fairs to explore job opportunities and network with potential employers.

27. Effective communication skills are vital for building strong professional relationships.

28. I am developing my critical thinking skills to make informed decisions in my career.

29. I believe in the importance of maintaining a work-life balance for overall well-being.

30. I am enhancing my problem-solving skills by seeking innovative solutions to challenges.

31. Professional development workshops provide valuable insights and skills for career growth.

32. I am practicing active listening to better understand colleagues and clients.

33. I am improving my organizational skills to increase productivity and efficiency at work.

34. Effective time management allows me to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines.

35. I believe in the power of continuous learning to stay ahead in my career.

36. I am developing my networking skills to connect with professionals in my industry.

37. I am researching potential employers to find companies that align with my career goals.

38. Building a strong personal brand can enhance my professional reputation.

39. I am seeking opportunities to take on leadership roles and develop my management skills.

40. I am working on improving my public speaking skills for effective presentations.

41. I am expanding my knowledge through reading industry-related books and articles.

42. I am developing my problem-solving abilities to overcome obstacles in my career.

43. I believe in the importance of adapting to change to thrive in today's dynamic work environment.

44. I am seeking feedback from supervisors and colleagues to grow and improve in my role.

45. I am exploring different career paths to find the one that aligns with my strengths and interests.

46. Continuous professional development helps me stay updated in my field and improve my skills.

47. I am enhancing my interpersonal skills to build strong relationships

with coworkers and clients.

48. I believe in the power of setting ambitious goals to drive my career growth.

49. I am improving my teamwork and collaboration skills to contribute effectively to group projects.

50. I am developing a growth mindset to embrace challenges and seek opportunities for learning.

Some of these English topics for speaking can help you prepare for interview or job-related situations. You can also read this blog for some additional guidance on presentations in the workplace. 

To conclude, personalized coaching and guidance are crucial for new English learners seeking to improve their speaking skills. By exploring various topics and joining a reputable spoken English tutoring program , individuals can enhance their language development significantly. At Clapingo , we offer 1:1 personalized attention and instruction in your native language, ensuring a comfortable and effective learning experience. Take the next step in your language journey and book a demo with Clapingo today. Our experienced tutors are ready to help you build confidence and fluency in your English conversations. Don't miss this opportunity to unlock your full potential - schedule your demo with Clapingo now!

Which topic is the best for speaking English?

The best English topic for speaking depends on your interests and knowledge. Choose a topic that encourages discussion and select topics with relevant vocabulary for your needs.

What can I talk about for 5 minutes?

For a 5-minute conversation, you can talk about various topics such as a quick personal introduction, sharing a memorable travel experience, discussing a favorite book or movie, describing a hobby or interest, or talking about a recent news article.

How can I practice English speaking daily?

You can practice English speaking daily by engaging in conversations with native speakers or language partners, joining English-speaking clubs or communities, watching movies, TV shows, or listening to podcasts in English, using language learning apps or websites, and practicing speaking aloud while doing everyday tasks.

How can I improve my English speaking conversation?

You can improve your English speaking conversation by focusing on pronunciation and intonation, building vocabulary through reading and word games, using idioms and expressions to sound more natural, practicing active listening and responding appropriately, and seeking feedback and learning from your mistakes.

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English speech topics

English speech topics | 100+ best topics to engage your audience!

Do you want to deliver a compelling speech then choose your topic wisely yes, good topics help you leave a lasting impression. to help you, we have compiled a list of the best english speech topics that you can use to deliver a captivating speech. keep reading, table of contents, english speech topics | learn to give an effective speech, structure of a speech, have a strong opening , short and crisp, conclude with a question, types of english speech topics , speech topics on environment , english speech topics for students about education, 2 minute speech topics, speech topics for students on proverbs, english speech topics on social issues, >1 minute speech topics, speech topics for students on important events, topics for speech on world leaders, key takeaways.

A speech is a formal address to an audience to convince, persuade, inspire, or inform. From historic moments to the present, there are extraordinary examples of spoken language and the best English speech topics. It can and has changed the world. 

When we talk about ideal English speeches, we can never miss out on Martin Luther Jr.’s speech. The famous “I have a dream” was delivered by him in 1963. On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. addressed more than 200,000 people. His speech became globally prominent for the repetitive phrase “I have a dream.” King’s moving speech became a central part of the heritage.

This is a perfect example to tell you that you need to understand a topic while choosing a topic to give a speech. In addition, emotional topics evoke sentiments and increase the chances of achieving the desired results. 

So, let’s move ahead and learn all about delivering the best speech and some good topics for speech in English. 

While you can create your own structure for the speech, this is a basic outline that you can follow to hook your audience with a well-structured piece. 

  • Start with a quote- You can start with a quote on the topic.
  •  A brief introduction- Then, briefly introduce the subject.
  • The current situation- Next, explain the current situation, the problem (if any), and the corrective actions that are taken to improve the situation. Some topics have their strengths and weaknesses. Cover them one by one.
  • Pick up the best points- There may be too many points about a subject. It is a good idea to pick some of the best and stick to them, or your audience will be overwhelmed. Most importantly, always start with your strongest side. 
  • Know the subject- It is important not to deviate from the subject. You might have an urge to link one point to another, which may deviate you from the main points. But you have to refrain from doing it.
  • Conclusion- End your speech with a solution or an opinion. When giving a solution to a problem, remember to include some steps.

Tips for giving an English speech

public speech topics in english

There may be times when you are not aware of some English speech topics, but you are asked to speak on those. Do not get overwhelmed; just follow these tips to nail your speech! 

To keep your audience hooked right from the get-go, you need to have a strong opening. After your opening statement, you can state a fact or some quote relevant to your topic, which will keep the audience wanting more. A strong opening statement can do wonders in how closely your audience listens to you.

Remember to follow a particular structure. It’s a framework that shapes your speech and helps you get going. Therefore, write down the ideas you come up with and then stitch them together. As a result, each part will have something interesting for the audience to talk about.

You deliver a speech in front of different types of people. To ensure that your message is delivered successfully to everyone, you need to make sure you use the correct words. Only the right words can express your message. Therefore, the level of complexity should match the audience you are speaking to.

Your speech may have an incredible point, but if you don’t convey it well, it won’t work. Make sure you present it in a way that everyone is comfortable, with and that the audience finds relevant. You can draw from real-life instances, as it will bring a more human element to your speech. Make sure to also briefly explain why you have mentioned the story and hence its relevance to your topic.

As mentioned in the previous paragraph using an example will support your speech and help you prove your claim. It also helps to persuade viewers for better engagement. Make sure people buy what you offer and use only enough examples to add that emotional touch to your speech.

The worst thing one can do is give a long speech. Summarize your views in a short and informative piece. In fact, the longer it is, the more mistakes you make. If someone is spending time listening to you, make sure it’s worth it.

A good speech gives you something to think about and ending your speech with a question can give that effect. Based on your topic, you can question your audience and give them some food for thought. This will also encourage them to learn and educate themselves more on the topic if the cards are played right.

  • Instead of learning all your points on the topic, try to understand it. A speech has an impact when it seems effortless and personal. 
  • No matter if you have a high or low GPA, universities will want you to be a part of their program if you can conduct yourself well and clear your entrance examinations. 

It’s time to learn some types of English speech topics to make you ready to give any kind of speech!  

  • Fact-based and compelling speech- Use facts and numbers to prove whether a topic is right or wrong. 
  • Persuasive speech- Discuss whether something is morally correct.  
  • Policy persuasive speech- Promote policies, laws, etc.

List of English speech topics for students

public speech topics in english

When it comes to choosing a topic in English for speech, your choices are endless. This list of some interesting topics for speech in English will help you make the right choice! 

  • Does punishing a bully a good idea? 
  • How confidently do you speak in public? 
  • Does a test result determine the value of a student?
  • Do video games encourage violence?
  • How do you overcome the fear of math ?
  • Are e-books better than paperback books?
  • Should children under 10 be allowed a smartphone?
  • Benefits of recycling things!
  • Should we ban smoking in public places? 
  • Should zoos be banned? 
  • It’s time to ban animal testing.
  • Is the ban on plastic bags useful? 
  • Should exotic animals be kept as pets?  
  • What is the government doing to combat global warming ?
  • How can you manage water pollution? 
  • What will happen if everyone uses bamboo toothbrushes?
  • How can we protect the oceans?
  • Causes of massive coral bleaching 
  • What does sustainable development mean?
  • The great Pacific garbage patch.
  • The effects of industrial and household waste.
  • A talk on green energy conversion

public speech topics in english

  • Education System in XYZ.
  • Girls’ Education.
  • Value of Education .
  • Should uniforms be banned? 
  • Do we need to allow mobile phones in school?
  • Pros and cons of co-educational institutions.
  • How does offline learning help students develop social skills?
  • Are boarding schools better than full-time schools?
  • Does skipping a year help students? 
  • Is learning to make a PowerPoint presentation a waste of time?
  • There should be the same rating system for all students. 
  • Pros and cons of remote learning
  • Should cafeterias be mandatory in all schools? 
  • Are smart classes beneficial to students?
  • Does dropping a year help students?
  • Should we allow mobile phones in school?
  • Learning about all world religions in school is important.
  • Impact of social media on people.
  • Can money buy happiness?
  • Public transport should be free for all.
  • Importance of art in one’s life.
  • Should body-shaming be a punishable offense? 
  • Having pets benefits people.
  • Should education be free for all?
  • Adopt, don’t shop is the new wave! 
  • Does having a low GPA impact your career?
  • How to overcome your fears.
  • How has technology benefited society?
  • Do exam results alone determine a child’s worth?
  • Which is better: Rote learning or hands-on learning?
  • A bad workman always blames his tools.
  • Action speaks louder than words.
  • A jack of all trades is master of none.
  • A good listener is a silent flatterer.
  • All that glitters is not gold.
  • Among the blind, one-eyed man is the king.
  • An idle brain is the devil’s workshop.
  • As you sow, so you shall reap.
  • What goes around comes back around.
  • Curiosity killed the cat.
  • Time is money.
  • Road safety
  • Unemployment
  • How does the gender pay gap affect the economy?
  • Importance of women empowerment.
  • Mitigate poverty for a happy world.
  • How to stop racial discrimination?
  • Importance of equality in today’s world.
  • Saving the world
  • Leadership skills
  • Positive thinking
  • Meditation and yoga
  • How does reading help transform one’s life?
  • Goal setting
  • Breaking bad habits
  • A favorite fictional character
  • Importance of including sports in life.
  • Value of time
  • Independence day
  • Republic day
  • Mother’s day
  • Father’s day
  • Children’s day
  • International men’s day
  • World population day
  • World health day
  • Human rights day
  • Teacher’s day
  • Zero discrimination day
  • Pride month
  • Black lives matter
  • Mahatama Gandhi
  • George Washington
  • Jawaharlal Nehru
  • Alexander the Great
  • Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Winston Churchill
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Nelson Mandela
  • Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Choose topics you understand and emotionally connect with.
  • Follow a structured speech format with a strong opening, introduction, key points, and a solution or opinion in conclusion.
  • Use an engaging opening, appropriate vocabulary, relevant examples, and keep your speech concise.
  • Explore various types of speech topics, including fact-based, persuasive, and policy-related, along with a list of topics for students in different categories like education, environment, social issues, and important events, and world leaders.

All in all, a good speech takes time and effort. It might not be perfect at first, but practicing will help you get better. Choose the right topic, and feel free to express your thoughts and opinions. Also, practice the above-mentioned English speech topics and ace all your speech competitions. 

We hope you enjoyed reading this blog and got some good topics for speech in English. If you have any questions/ suggestions, reach out to us ! Also, drop a comment to let us know your thoughts about the blog! All the best for your upcoming exam!

Liked this blog? Read: Top 8 motivational speeches students should listen to

1. What is the best topic for a 2-minute speech?

Answer- Some ideas for a 2-minute speech topic could be- 

  • Social impact of COVID-19
  • Is online learning better than offline learning
  • Proper use of the 3Rs- Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
  • Extinction of rare species
  • E-waste management

2. What is a mini-speech?

Answer- A mini-speech is generally ‌given by a host to introduce another speaker.

3. What should be kept in mind while preparing a speech? Answer- It is important to note that they need to inform, educate, persuade, or motivate the audience. In other words, you must make them accept your point of view.

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public speech topics in english

English Speech Topics for Students


  • Updated on  
  • Apr 2, 2024

english speech topics for students

Writing an exciting and thoughtful speech requires selecting a good topic, researching it thoroughly, and forming individual opinions to express the same. School students are usually asked to speak on a contemporary topic to help them become good public speakers as well as learn the art of expressing oneself in front of an audience. While many speech competitions often allot topics beforehand, you might also have heard of extempore where topics are given on the spot for speech. This blog brings you a list of common English speech topics as well as some helpful tips and tricks that can assist you in effectively expressing your thoughts and opinions in front of an audience. Before starting, we would like to give you one piece of advice: you can also Humanize AI to humanize these topics for better readability and human touch, if required. Let’s begin!

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This Blog Includes:

List of best english speech topics for students, 1-minute speech topics, 2-minute speech topics, 3-minute speech topics, easy topics for speech in english, english speech topics on environment, english speech topics on technology, english speech topics on independence day, english speech topics on diwali, english speech topics on corruption, english speech topics on feminism, english speech topics on mother’s day, english speaking topics on capitalism, engish speech topics on gandhi jayanti, english speech topics on reading, english speech topics on communism, english speech topics on deforestation, english speech topics on social issues, english speech topics on important days & events, english speech topics on greatest leaders in india & around the world, english speech topics on indian culture, english speech topics on proverbs, english speech topics on human rights, english speech topics on education, english speech topics on the importance of water, miscellaneous speech topics, types of persuasive speech topics, tips for writing and speaking a speech.

Speeches are all about one’s thoughts. It should not be copied from somewhere. It is all about what the speaker thinks of any given topic. However, take a look at the following list of English Speech topics on different contemporary issues as well as concepts.

  • The Best Day of My Life
  • Social Media: Bane or Boon?
  • Pros and Cons of Online Learning
  • Benefits of Yoga
  • If I had a Superpower
  • I wish I were ______
  • Human Rights
  • Environment Conservation
  • Women Should Rule the World!
  • The Best Lesson I Have Learned
  • Paperbacks vs E-books
  • How to Tackle a Bad Habit
  • My Favorite Pastime/Hobby
  • Why should every citizen vote?
  • Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Is it real or not?
  • Importance of Reading
  • Importance of Books in Our Life
  • My Favorite Fictional Character
  • Introverts vs Extroverts
  • Lessons to Learn from Sports
  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

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  • Importance of Kindness
  • Is there Value in Homework?
  • Things I learned in Lockdown
  • How can food be recycled?
  • Should Art be a part of the school curriculum?
  • Should schools teach sign language?
  • Women make better presidents/prime ministers
  • Why books are better than movies?
  • Life was better when technology was simple
  • Impact of technology on our health
  • Should children’s reality shows be banned?
  • Learning in the Wake of COVID-19
  • Hard Work vs Smart Work
  • What Makes Learning Fun?
  • The Coolest Inventions You’ve Seen
  • Nuclear Energy
  • Importance of AI in Education
  • Importance of Extracurricular Activities
  • Should exams be banned?
  • How to Tackle Bullying in Schools?

  • Speech about dreams
  • Speech about life
  • Speech on time
  • Speech on discipline
  • Speech on happiness
  • Speech on kindness
  • Speech on value of time
  • Speech on health and fitness
  • Speech on Doctor
  • Speech on Nurse
  • Graduation Day Speech
  • World Health Day Speech
  • Sex Education Speech
  • Importance of Education
  • Is it beneficial to learn a Second Language?
  • Music has healing power
  • Success in life
  • Self Confidence
  • 18th birthday
  • Love is more powerful than hate
  • Social Impact of Covid-19
  • How can Online Learning be Fun?
  • Make Public Transport Free
  • Should violent video games be banned?
  • Speech on Learning

Exploring English Speech Topics? You must also take a look at Extempore Topics !

  • Climate Change
  • Ozone Layer Depletion
  • Reducing Water Levels
  • Deforestation
  • Global Warming
  • Waste Management
  • Water-Saving Techniques
  • Reducing the Green Cover of Earth
  • Endangered species need protection
  • Importance of fishing regulations
  • Importance of investing in alternative fuels
  • Impact of ocean acidification on marine organisms
  • The misuse of the term “sustainable development” by environmentalists
  • Microbial benefits
  • E-Waste Management
  • Natural Disasters and their impact on economic growth
  • Energy alternatives – Only solution to the environmental damage
  • Extinction of rare species
  • World Environment Day
  • Disaster Management
  • Over and Improper Use of Natural Resources
  • Air, Water and Soil Pollution
  • Efficiency of Recycling

Also Read: How to Write Dialogue: Format, Tips and Examples

  • Technology and Mental Health
  • Privacy in the Digital Age: Navigating the Challenges of Data Collection and Surveillance
  • The Impact of Technology on Society
  • Artificial Intelligence: The New Normal
  • The Role of Social Media in Communication and Social Interactions
  • Sustainable Technology: Innovations for a Greener Future
  • The Rise of E-commerce
  • Gaming Technology: Entertainment, ESports and Interactive Experiences
  • The Digital Divide: Bridging the Gap for Equal Access to Technology
  • The Ethical Dilemmas of Emerging Technologies

Also Read: English Vocabulary: Meaning, Types, Tips to Improve

  • The Journey of Independence Day
  • The Significance of Independence Day
  • Indian Independence Day
  • Remembering the Founding Fathers
  • The Spirit of Independence
  • Independence Day and Volunteering
  • Independence Day Speeches
  • India’s Road to Freedom
  • Independence Day and National Identity
  • Independence Day in the Digital Age
  • Independence Day and Women’s Empowerment
  • Diwali: The Festival of Lights and Its Significance in Hindu Culture
  • Diwali and the Victory of Good Over Evil
  • Diwali and the Art of Giving
  • Diwali and the Spirit of Forgiveness
  • Diwali and Cultural Exchanges
  • Diwali and the Essence of Joy
  • Diwali and Social Responsibility
  • Diwali and Artistic Expressions
  • The Rituals and Traditions of Diwali
  • Diwali and the Symbolism of Light
  • The Economic Consequence of Corruption
  • Corruption and International Aid
  • Media and Corruption
  • Fighting Corruption
  • Corruption in Politics
  • The Role of Transparency and Accountability in Curbing Corruption
  • The Role of Technology in Combating Corruption
  • Whistleblowing and Protecting Mechanism
  • Corruption in Business and Corporate Practices
  • Understanding Feminism
  • The Future of Feminism
  • Feminism and Parenting
  • Feminism and Online Activism
  • Feminism and Environmental Activism
  • Feminism and Reproductive Rights
  • The Gender Pay Gap: Examining Inequalities in the Workplace
  • Feminism and its Evolution
  • Feminism and Body Positivity
  • Feminism and Media Representation: Encouraging Authentic and Diverse Portrayals of Women
  • Expressing Gratitude and Love to Mothers
  • The Influence of Mothers in Shaping Our Values and Beliefs
  • Motherhood and Education
  • Mother’s Day and Volunteerism
  • Mother-Daughter Relationship
  • The Role of Mothers in Shaping Society
  • Mother’s Day Crafts and DIY Gifts
  • Learned Lessons from Mothers
  • Mother’s Day Around the World: Cultural Traditions and Celebrations
  • Capitalism: An Introduction to the Economic System and its Principles
  • The Future of Capitalism
  • Pros and Cons of Capitalism
  • Capitalism and Globalisation
  • Capitalism and Consumerism
  • Capitalism and Financial Crisis: Undertaking the Risk and Mitigation Measures
  • Capitalism and Environmental Sustainability
  • Capitalism and the Role of Government
  • Corporate Social Responsibility in Capitalism
  • Capitalism and the Digital Economy
  • Mahatma Gandhi: The Father of the Nation and His Ideals
  • Remembering Gandhi: Reflecting On His Life and Legacy
  • Gandhi’s Influence on the Indian Independence Movement
  • Satyagraha: The Power of Truth and Nonviolent Resistance
  • Gandhi’s Philosophy of Swaraj
  • The Role of Women in Gandhi’s Freedom Struggle
  • Gandhi’s Teaching on Education and Moral Values
  • Gandhi’s Lasting Legacy
  • Gandhi’s Vision for a Just and Inclusive Society
  • The Relevance of Gandhi’s Principles in Today’s World
  • The Influence of Reading on Emotional Intelligence and Empathy
  • Reading and Mental Health
  • Benefits of Reading
  • Reading and Empowerment
  • The Role of Reading in Academic Success and Lifelong Learning
  • Promoting a Reading Culture: Encouraging Reading Habits in Society
  • Reading Biographies and Memoirs
  • Reading and Social Connections
  • The Joy of Reading: Escaping Into the Different Worlds and Characters
  • Reading and Personal Identity
  • The Current State of Communism
  • Communism: An Introduction to the Ideology and Its Historical Context
  • The Evolution of Communist Movements
  • The Role of the State in a Communist Society
  • The Fall of Communist Regimes
  • Communism and Religious Freedom
  • Communism and Gender Equality
  • Communism and Workers’ Rights
  • The Criticisms of Communism
  • Deforestation: Causes, Consequences and Global Impact
  • Deforestation and Climate Change
  • Deforestation and Carbon Sequestration
  • Deforestation and Individual Actions
  • Deforestation and Wildlife Trafficking
  • Deforestation and Sustainable Development
  • Deforestation and Indigenous Communities
  • Deforestation and Biodiversity Loss
  • Deforestation and Forest Fires
  • The Importance of Forests

Quick Read: Speech on Nuclear Energy

  • Women Empowerment
  • Education of Girl Child
  • Unemployment
  • Casteism 
  • Reservation
  • Importance of Maintaining Hygiene
  • Child Labour
  • Social Distancing
  • Organ Donation
  • Importance of the Right to Education
  • Child Trafficking
  • Cultural Diversity
  • Struggles of Immigrants
  • Impact of Globalisation
  • Adult education
  • Independence Day
  • Mother’s Day
  • World Cancer Day
  • World Population Day
  • World Health Day
  • Ambedkar Jayanti
  • Gandhi Jayanti
  • Human Rights Day
  • Zero Discrimination Day
  • Women’s Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Anti-Terrorism Day
  • Hindi Diwas 

Check out this list of all the important national and international days in 202 4 !

  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Jawaharlal Nehru
  • Raja Rammohan Roy
  • George Washington
  • Albert Einstein
  • APJ Abdul Kalam
  • Nelson Mandela
  • Kailash Satyarthi
  • Diversity in India
  • Speech on Holi
  • The Role of Yoga and Meditation in Indian Culture and Its Global Impact
  • The Importance of Traditional Indian Clothing
  • Indian Folklore
  • Indian Festivals
  • The Art of Indian Dance
  • Traditional Indian Medicine (Ayurveda)
  • Indian Epics and Mythology
  • Social Customs and Etiquettes in Indian Society
  • Indian Sports and Games

Also Read: Speech on Indian Culture

  • Honesty is the best policy
  • When there’s a will, there is a way
  • Actions speak louder than words
  • Knowledge is Power
  • Ignorance is Bliss
  • Don’t judge a book by its cover
  • Hard work is the key to success

Explore these proverbs & their meanings through this blog on Difficult Phrases !

  • The Role of International Organisations in Promoting and Protecting Human Rights
  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: A Milestone in Human History
  • Gender Equality: Breaking Barriers and Empowering Women
  • Ensuring a Safe and Sustainable Environment for the Next Generation
  • The Right to Education: Empowering Minds
  • Bridging the Gap Between the Rich and Poor
  • Human Rights and Armed Conflicts
  • Global Fight to Combat Human Trafficking
  • Human Rights and Climate Change
  • Religious Freedom: Tolerance and Coexistence in a Diverse Society

To know what to mention in such speech topics, explore the Great Personalities in the World !

  • Importance of teacher in your life
  • SAT scores for college application
  • Student bullies should be expelled
  • Consequences of cheating in exams
  • Homeschooling is better than normal schooling
  • Importance of value education
  • Importance of sports and physical exercises
  • Schools vs colleges
  • What is the difference between a school, college and university in the USA?

Check Out: Synonyms List

  • The Water-Energy Nexus
  • The Essence of Water: Exploring the Live-giving Properties of H2O
  • Water as a Driver of Economic Growth and Prosperity
  • Water Security: Ensuring Equal Access and Quality for All
  • Water and Agriculture
  • The Role of Water in Ecosystems
  • Water and Blue Economy
  • Water Diplomacy: Promoting Collaboration for Transboundary Water Management
  • Water and Cultural Significance: Exploring Symbolisms and Rituals
  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH): Foundational for Human Health and Dignity
  • Article 370
  • Women rights
  • The Constitution of India
  • Youth of India
  • Culture of India
  • Importance of Unity
  • Generation Gap
  • Importance of Value Education
  • Old Age Homes
  • Family Values
  • Leadership skills
  • Rise of Smart Classes
  • Grading System
  • Importance of Practical Education
  • Benefits of Co-Education
  • Importance of Co-Curricular Activities
  • The uselessness of Power-Point Presentations
  • Rise of Technology
  • Excessive usage of the Internet
  • Speech on Fear
  • Speech on Dependence on Technology
  • Importance of Social Media
  • Speech on India of My Dreams
  • Indian Education System
  • Speech on My India

While exploring persuasive English speech topics, you must make sure that they are stimulating, engaging, concise and clear. There are three main types of Persuasive Speech topics which are:

1. Factual Persuasive Speech : These topics include facts, figures and statistics to thoroughly analyse the given topic and assess whether it’s true or false.

2. Policy Persuasive Speech : Discussing policies, laws and reforms, these speech topics critically examine the advantages and disadvantages of the given policy or law and suggest the improvements that can be made.

3. Value Persuasive Speech : Mainly focusing on social or political issues, these speech topics present the critique and argument of whether certain actions are morally right or not.

While speaking on a particular topic, there are certain things that you must keep in mind to make your speech expressive and effective. Let’s take a look at some useful topics that help you in acing any topic you are speaking on.

tips for writing and speaking

  • Always research the topic. If you are participating in an extempore, then make sure to go through the common and popular topics as well as the unconventional ones that you might get. Preparation is the key to delivering an impressive speech. For inspiration, look up various speech examples to see how effective speakers engage their audience
  • Whether you are given a topic on the spot or you are prepared for the speech, it is always pivotal that you seem interested in speaking about it. Relate the given issues to your own life and this will help you in giving it your twist.
  • Pay extra attention to your body language and enunciation. While a gesticulative approach will make you seem outward, having timid body language can cause a wrong impression.
  • Ponder upon the different viewpoints on a topic . Try to present a holistic view of the given topic but don’t forget to present your opinion on it as well. Along with this, don’t try to take sides unless the topic demands you to.
  • Involve your audience, if possible. This way, you will be able to interact with the people and it will also be useful in fighting the fear of public speaking.
  • Don’t mug up a speech. It becomes evident when someone just speaks on a topic continuously and the audience might realise that you have memorized it or you might forget a certain part which will let the whole speech fade away from your brain.
  • Instead, make notes about the topic in your mind, remember certain keywords and try to maintain a particular flow in your speech.
  • Incorporate humour in your speech in a way that you do not offend anyone or overdo it but get a positive reaction from the audience. Humour is a great way of lightening the mood as well as ensuring the whole speech is interactive and engaging.
  • When you need more specialized assistance, a  US essay writing service  can be a valuable resource for crafting your speech.

While preparing for English Speech topics, you must also check out IELTS Speaking Topics !

Juvenile delinquency is acceptable. Prostitution should be legal. Underage driving should be punishable by law. Beauty pageants for children should be banned. Prisoner’s right to vote. Voting rights should not be universal. Guns should be banned from college campuses.

A three-minute speech is undoubtedly a wonderful starting point for public speaking. This is because you need to communicate with your audience more effectively when you just have a short amount of time. In addition, the speech ought to be concise, pertinent, and clear.

Life is the gift of God in the form of trust that we will make it meaningful in whatever we can. We are all unique individuals. No one is born like you and no one will ever be, so cherish your individuality. Many times, I come across people accusing God of things that they don’t have. They always cursing their lives.

 2-minute speeches are  short and crisp speeches of about 260-350 words .

Related Reads

Thus, we hope that this list helps you in preparing for different English speech topics. Gearing up for IELTS ? Sign up for an online demo session with our experts at Leverage Edu and we will assist you in preparing for its different sections as well as improving your reading, listening, speaking and writing skills to ensure that you ace the exam with flying colours!

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I take english speaking classes, please provide me sone more material to help student’s.

Here are some articles on books and study material that will help your students- https://leverageedu.com/blog/english-speaking-books/ https://leverageedu.com/blog/books-by-charles-dickens/ https://leverageedu.com/blog/best-books-by-george-orwell/

I want topic on students and online classes

It is helpful for my school homework thanks 😸

Glad we could help!

Nice advise 👍

Thank you, Pragya!

Not good topics 🤔🤔

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200 Simple Speech Topics

200 Simple Speech Topics

This curated selection of 200 simple speech topics is crafted to spark inspiration and captivate listeners. Ideal for class projects, professional presentations, or honing your public speaking prowess, these themes are tailored to seize your audience’s interest and keep them engaged.

  • The Importance of Recycling
  • Why We Should Plant More Trees
  • My Favorite Book and Its Impact on Me
  • The Role of Pets in Our Lives
  • How to Stay Healthy on a Budget
  • The Benefits of Daily Exercise
  • The Power of Positive Thinking
  • The Influence of Social Media on Teenagers
  • How to Manage Time Effectively
  • The History of the Internet
  • Ways to Conserve Water
  • The Impact of Music on Our Emotions
  • The Importance of Learning a Second Language
  • The Effects of Global Warming
  • How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
  • The Value of Teamwork
  • Tips for Public Speaking
  • The Benefits of Volunteering
  • Personal Finance Tips for Students
  • The Best Vacation I Ever Had
  • The Evolution of Video Games
  • How to Cook a Simple Meal
  • The Significance of Cultural Diversity
  • The Art of Negotiation
  • Why We Should Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
  • The Mysteries of Space Exploration
  • The Beauty of Poetry
  • What Makes a Good Leader
  • The Challenges of Online Learning
  • How to Develop Self-Discipline
  • The Importance of Family Dinners
  • The Dangers of Texting While Driving
  • The Wonders of the Ocean
  • The Life of a Famous Historical Figure
  • Understanding Body Language
  • The Power of Forgiveness
  • The Joy of Helping Others
  • Why Breakfast Is the Most Important Meal of the Day
  • The Future of Transportation
  • Ways to Combat Procrastination
  • The Growth of Renewable Energy
  • How to Build Self-Esteem
  • The Role of Education in Personal Development
  • The Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.
  • The Impact of Television on Society
  • The Significance of Dreams
  • Achieving Work-Life Balance
  • The Benefits of Reading Everyday
  • The Importance of Voting in a Democracy
  • The Problem of Plastic Pollution
  • Simple Ways to Save Money
  • The Importance of Art in Education
  • How to Stay Safe Online
  • The History of Your Hometown
  • Why We Should Support Local Businesses
  • The Importance of Sports in Character Building
  • How to Handle Peer Pressure
  • The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
  • The Benefits of Yoga and Meditation
  • The Importance of Perseverance
  • The Impact of Advertising on Consumers
  • Tips for a Successful Job Interview
  • The Benefits of a Gap Year
  • The Contributions of Isaac Newton
  • How to Maintain a Healthy Work Environment
  • The Thrill of Adventure Sports
  • The Process of Making Chocolate
  • The Life Cycle of a Butterfly
  • The Significance of Traditions and Customs
  • How to Create a Personal Budget
  • Dealing with Stress as a Student
  • The Effects of Caffeine on the Human Body
  • The Importance of a Good Night’s Sleep
  • The Benefits of Eating Organic Foods
  • How to Stay Motivated in Difficult Times
  • The Impact of Brexit on Europe
  • Tips for Learning a New Language
  • The Rise of Electric Vehicles
  • The Process of Photosynthesis
  • The History of the Olympic Games
  • Why It’s Important to Stay Informed About Current Events
  • The Advancements in Telecommunications
  • How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking
  • The Significance of Bees to Our Ecosystem
  • The Benefits of Studying Abroad
  • The Importance of Clean Energy
  • How to Improve Communication Skills
  • The Evolution of Smartphones
  • The Dangers of Smoking
  • The Story of a Significant Invention
  • The Impact of Fast Fashion
  • The Value of a College Education
  • The Importance of Preserving Wildlife
  • The History of Cinema
  • How to Set and Achieve Personal Goals
  • The Effects of Sleep Deprivation
  • The Role of the United Nations
  • The Challenges of Climate Change
  • The Principles of Sustainable Living
  • The Power of Storytelling
  • The Benefits of Learning to Play a Musical Instrument
  • The History of Your Favorite Holiday
  • Why We Should Use Public Transportation
  • The Journey to Self-Acceptance
  • The Future of Space Travel
  • Ways to Prevent Bullying
  • The Significance of Renewable Resources
  • The Joys of Gardening
  • How Technology Affects the Way We Communicate
  • The Process of Overcoming Adversity
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  • The Advantages of Bilingual Education
  • The History of the Internet Meme
  • Tips for a Healthy Heart
  • The Rise of Online Shopping
  • The Life of Mahatma Gandhi
  • The Importance of Critical Thinking
  • The Benefits of a Minimalist Lifestyle
  • How to Embrace Cultural Differences
  • The Effects of Sugar on the Body
  • The Advantages of Cycling
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  • The Role of Women in History
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  • The Importance of Regular Check-Ups
  • The History of the English Language
  • The Consequences of Deforestation
  • How to Develop a Growth Mindset
  • The Benefits of Being Bilingual
  • The Thrill of Traveling to New Places
  • Understanding Global Economics
  • The Significance of Historical Landmarks
  • Simple Ways to Improve Memory
  • The Impact of Fashion on Society
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  • How to Build a Successful Team
  • The Art of Compromise
  • The History of Democracy
  • How to Deal with Conflict in Relationships
  • The Power of a Smile
  • The Evolution of the English Novel
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  • The Effects of Pollution on Health
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  • Tips for Stress-Free Travel
  • The Role of Education in Economic Development
  • How to Adopt a Pet Responsibly
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  • The Significance of Community Gardens
  • The Challenges of Learning a Musical Instrument
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200 Descriptive Speech Topics

Speech Topics in English for Students and Children

Many times we have wanted our voices to be heard and also inspire others with our ideas and thoughts. However, we aren’t able to do so in the correct manner sometimes. It is mostly because one fails to find the right words at the right times. That is why we have speeches. They help you attract the attention of the audience and make people listen to you. In school and college, speech topics become a part of our lives. While it is comparatively easy to write an essay, to deliver a speech is an entirely different thing. Proper persuasive speech topics can help you inform and convince your target audience. In order to do that, you need to do thorough research and state valid points to make a good impression.

When we talk about persuasive speech topics, it is important to note that they must inform, educate, convince or motivate your audience. In other words, you will be influencing them to accept your point of view. The finest persuasive speech topics are always stimulating, daring and very crisp and clear. Always remember to choose an interesting persuasive speech topic. It will help attract the attention of the listener or reader from the start to the end. Moreover, make sure to have ample knowledge about the topics, which will assist you in counter-questioning.

When choosing your persuasive speech topic, make sure it is familiar so you can prepare it easily. Further, your audience must care about the topic and must be able to easily visualize them. The main point is to make sure to not choose something that is overdone. Emotional topics help stimulate more emotions and give better chances of achieving the desired outcome.

Types of Persuasive Speech Topics

  • Factual Persuasive Speech – Use facts and figures to prove whether the topic is true or false
  • Value Persuasive Speech – Argues whether something is morally correct or not
  • Policy Persuasive Speech – Speeches that try to advance policies, laws and more.

There are a lot of persuasive speech topics that we consider interesting enough to be chosen as given below. All these persuasive speech topics are relevant and will remain so for a long time. When it comes to choosing persuasive speech topics, your options are infinite. We have compiled some of the best ones to help you make a good impression.

Toppr has done all the thorough research on your behalf so you can solely focus on delivering the speech excellently. In this article, we have listed out numerous important speech topics from various categories for special occasions, on prominent leaders, motivational, persuasive speech topics and more. They are appropriate for everyone from school students to college ones. Our vast collections of speech topics ensure you find anything and everything that you are looking for. Following is a great list of speech topics divided into different categories like persuasive speech topics and more for a better and quick search:

Persuasive Speech Topics

List of 100+ Speech Topics for Students and Children

List of persuasive speech topics.

  • Will punishing bullies help?
  • How to speak confidently in public?
  • Do exam results alone determine a child’s worth?
  • Do video games promote violence?
  • How to overcome the fear of Maths?
  • Should schools have longer recess time?
  • Should schools make swimming lessons mandatory?
  • What is the best age to own a mobile phone?
  • What is better: Paper books or E-Books?
  • How to overcome exam fever?

List of Persuasive Speech Topics on Environment

  • How will recycling help us?
  • Should there be a ban on smoking in public places?
  • Should zoos be banned?
  • Should there be a ban on animal testing?
  • Will banning plastic bags help?
  • Should exotic animals be kept as pets?
  • Is the government doing enough to tackle Global Warming?
  • How to control water pollution?
  • What is better: Buying pets or Adoption?
  • Why Elephant riding is unethical?

Speech Topics about Prominent Leaders

  • APJ Abdul Kalam Speech
  • Jawaharlal Nehru Speech
  • Lal Bahadur Shastri Speech
  • Mahatma Gandhi Speech
  • Speech On Swami Vivekananda

Speech Topics about Yourself

  • My Aim In Life Speech
  • My Mother Speech
  • My School Life Speech
  • My School Speech

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

Speech Topics on Environment and Nature

  • Climate Change Speech
  • Global Warming Speech
  • Save Environment Speech
  • Save Water Speech
  • Speech About Nature
  • Speech On Air Pollution
  • Speech On Deforestation
  • Speech On Disaster Management
  • Speech On Environment
  • Speech On Importance Of Water
  • Speech On Pollution
  • Speech On Waste Management
  • Speech On Water
  • Speech On Water Pollution
  • Speech On World Environment Day

Speech Topics on Festivals and Events

  • Speech on Ambedkar Jayanti
  • Children’s Day Speech
  • Christmas Day Speech
  • Gandhi Jayanti Speech
  • Hindi Diwas Speech
  • Human Rights Day Speech
  • Independence Day Speech
  • International Women’s Day Speech
  • Labour Day Speech
  • Mother’s Day Speech
  • Speech On Baisakhi
  • Speech On Diwali
  • Speech On World Population Day
  • Teachers Day Celebration Speech
  • Teachers Day Speech
  • Welcome Speech For Independence Day
  • Tryst With Destiny

Speech Topics on Proverbs

  • Health Is Wealth Speech
  • Knowledge Is Power Speech
  • Laughter Is The Best Medicine Speech
  • Speech On Unity Is Strength

Speech Topics for Special Occasions

  • Best Man Speech
  • Best Farewell Speech
  • Annual Function Speech
  • Farewell Speech For Colleague
  • Retirement Farewell Speech
  • Thank You Speech
  • Thank You Speech For Award
  • Thank You Speech For Birthday
  • Thank You Speech For Farewell
  • Vote Of Thanks Speech
  •  Welcome Speech For Republic Day
  • Welcome Speech For Annual Function
  • Welcome Speech For College Function
  • Welcome Speech For Conference
  • Welcome Speech For Event
  • Welcome Speech For Farewell

Speech Topics on Social Issues

  • Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Speech
  • Clean India Speech
  • Organ Donation Speech
  • Road Safety Speech
  • Speech On Child Labour
  • Speech On Agriculture
  • Speech On Cleanliness
  • Speech On Corruption
  • Women Empowerment Speech
  • Speech On Unemployment

Speech Topics about Education

  • Importance Of Education Speech
  • Speech on Education
  • Speech On Books
  • Speech On Education System In India
  • Speech On Girls Education
  • Value Of Education Speech

Speech Topics for Kids

  • Doctor Speech
  • Speech On Money
  • Speech On Mother
  • Speech On Music
  • Speech On Respect
  • Speech On Sports
  • Speech On Sports And Games
  • Speech On the Importance of Teacher in Our Lives
  • Speech About Friendship
  • Speech On India
  • Speech On Junk Food
  • Speech On Grandparents

Speech Topics on Public Speaking Topics

  • Speech On Article 370
  • Speech On Constitution Of India
  • Election Speech
  • Leadership Speech
  • Political Speech
  • Speech About Youth
  • Speech On Fashion
  • Speech On Generation Gap
  • Speech On Indian Army
  • Speech On Indian Culture
  • Speech On Internet
  • Speech On Technology
  • Speech On Unity
  • Speech On Yoga
  • Speech On Travel And Tourism
  • Speech On Health
  • Speech On Importance Of Cleanliness

List of Persuasive Speech Topics on Education

  • Should school uniforms be banned?
  • Should we allow mobile phones in school?
  • Co-Education has more benefits or drawbacks?
  • What is better: Rote learning or Hands-on Learning?
  • Boarding schools are better than Day schools?
  • Dropping a year helps students or not?
  • Are PowerPoint presentations a waste of time?
  • Having the same grading system for all students, is it fair?
  • Should it be mandatory for all schools to have a canteen?
  • Are smart classes beneficial to students?

Motivational Speech Topics

  • Speech About Dreams
  • Speech About Life
  • Speech On Time
  • Speech On Discipline
  • Speech On Happiness
  • Speech On Kindness
  • Speech On Value Of Time
  • Speech On Health And Fitness

Tips for Writing a Speech

It does not matter if you have the most innovative ideas if you don’t execute them well in your speech. A good speech always invokes emotion, is well-researched and addresses relevant subjects. In order to write a good speech, make sure to follow the points given below:

Structure: Always remember to have a definite structure when you begin writing your speech. It is a frame that will give shape to your speech and help keep you on track. Jot down all ideas coming to your mind and then connect them so that each part has something interesting to keep the audience intrigued.

Vocabulary: A speech is meant for an audience that is filled with different types of people. You need to make sure you are using the right words so your message is conveyed successfully to each and every one. Only the right words can express and highlight your message. Thus, the level of complexity must match the level of the audience of your speech.

Relatable: Your speech is what you make of it, if your speech has incredible points but you don’t deliver it well, it won’t work. Try to include relatable things in the speech to make everyone comfortable and deliver it in a humanized manner so the audience relates to you as well as your speech.

Examples: When you use examples, it helps support and proves your point in a better manner. It also helps convince the audience and result in better engagement. Try using just enough examples so people buy what you are offering and also to add that emotional edge to your speech.

Short: The worst thing you can do to your audience is to deliver a long speech. Do not try too hard and sum up your views in a short and informative speech. In fact, the longer you take, the more mistakes you will make. When someone is investing their time to listen to you, make sure it is worth it.

To sum it up, a good speech requires time and effort. Try to pick the right topic if it’s in your hand and express your thoughts and opinions freely, without any hesitance. Consistency is key, you won’t get it perfect the first time, but eventually, you will get there.

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Speech for Students

  • Speech on India for Students and Children
  • Speech on Mother for Students and Children
  • Speech on Air Pollution for Students and Children
  • Speech about Life for Students and Children
  • Speech on Disaster Management for Students and Children
  • Speech on Internet for Students and Children
  • Speech on Generation Gap for Students and Children
  • Speech on Indian Culture for Students and Children
  • Speech on Sports for Students and Children
  • Speech on Water for Students and Children

16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

this was very helpful it saved my life i got this at the correct time very nice and helpful

This Helped Me With My Speech!!!

I can give it 100 stars for the speech it is amazing i love it.

Its amazing!!

Great !!!! It is an advanced definition and detail about Pollution. The word limit is also sufficient. It helped me a lot.

This is very good

Very helpful in my speech

Oh my god, this saved my life. You can just copy and paste it and change a few words. I would give this 4 out of 5 stars, because I had to research a few words. But my teacher didn’t know about this website, so amazing.

Tomorrow is my exam . This is Very helpfull

It’s really very helpful

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Speech Topics for Kids

Ai generator.

public speech topics in english

Giving a speech can be an exciting and rewarding experience for young learners. Speech for Elementary Students helps them develop confidence and communication skills early on. Middle School Speech assignments further enhance these abilities, preparing students for more complex speaking engagements. Informative Speech topics are particularly beneficial, as they encourage research and the clear presentation of ideas.

What are Speech Topics for Kids?

Speech topics for kids are specific subjects or themes selected for young students to prepare and deliver speeches on. These topics are designed to be age-appropriate, engaging, and educational, helping children develop their public speaking and communication skills.

Examples of Speech Topics for Kids


  • My Favorite Animal : Describe your favorite animal and why you like it.
  • The Best Day Ever : Share a story about the best day you’ve ever had.
  • Why We Should Recycle : Explain the importance of recycling and how it helps the environment.
  • What I Want to Be When I Grow Up : Talk about your dream job and why it interests you.
  • My Favorite Book : Discuss your favorite book and what makes it special to you.
  • The Importance of Friendship : Describe why friends are important and how to be a good friend.
  • A Fun Family Tradition : Explain a family tradition and why it’s meaningful to you.
  • Why Exercise is Important : Discuss the benefits of exercise and ways to stay active.
  • A Place I’d Like to Visit : Talk about a place you’d love to visit and why.
  • The Benefits of Reading : Explain why reading is important and how it can be fun.
  • More Examples of Speech Topics for Kids
  • How to Make a New Friend : Share tips on making new friends and getting along with others.
  • My Favorite Hobby : Describe a hobby you enjoy and why it’s fun.
  • The Best Season of the Year : Explain which season is your favorite and what you like to do during that time.
  • Why We Should Protect Endangered Animals : Discuss the importance of saving endangered species and how we can help.
  • A Day in My Life : Describe a typical day in your life from morning to night.
  • The Importance of Honesty : Explain why being honest is important and how it affects relationships.
  • My Role Model : Talk about someone you admire and why they are your role model.
  • The Funniest Thing That Ever Happened to Me : Share a funny story from your life.
  • How to Stay Healthy : Give advice on eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep.
  • The Value of Teamwork : Discuss why working together with others is important and how it can lead to success.

Simple Speech Topics for Kids

  • My Favorite Food : Talk about a food you love to eat and why it’s your favorite.
  • A Trip to the Zoo : Describe a visit to the zoo and the animals you saw.
  • Why I Love My Pet : Share what makes your pet special and fun to have.
  • My Favorite Movie : Discuss your favorite movie and why you enjoy it.
  • The Best Holiday : Explain which holiday you like the most and what you do to celebrate it.
  • A Fun Day at the Park : Describe a day you spent at the park and the activities you enjoyed.
  • Why I Like Summer : Talk about the things you love to do during summer vacation.
  • My Favorite Sport : Explain what sport you enjoy playing or watching and why.
  • A Great Birthday Party : Describe your best birthday party and what made it special.
  • My Favorite Superhero : Share who your favorite superhero is and why you admire them.

Speech Topics for Kids in English

  • The Importance of Kindness : Explain why being kind to others is important and how it makes a difference.
  • My Favorite Holiday Tradition : Describe a holiday tradition you love and why it’s special to you.
  • The Best Book I’ve Read : Talk about a book that you enjoyed reading and why you would recommend it.
  • How to Take Care of a Pet : Share tips on how to properly care for a pet and keep it happy.
  • The Importance of Healthy Eating : Discuss why eating healthy foods is important for our bodies.
  • A Memorable Family Vacation : Describe a family trip that you enjoyed and what made it memorable.
  • Why We Should Save Water : Explain the importance of conserving water and how we can do it.
  • My Dream Job : Talk about what you want to be when you grow up and why.
  • The Benefits of Team Sports : Discuss why playing team sports is beneficial and how it teaches teamwork.
  • A Day Without Technology : Imagine spending a day without any gadgets and describe what you would do.

Speech Topics for Kids about School

  • My Favorite Subject : Talk about the subject you enjoy the most and why you like it.
  • The Importance of Homework : Explain why doing homework is important for learning.
  • How to Be a Good Classmate : Share tips on how to be helpful and friendly to classmates.
  • The Best School Field Trip : Describe a memorable field trip you went on and what you learned.
  • Why School Rules Matter : Discuss the importance of school rules and how they help keep everyone safe.
  • The Role of Teachers : Talk about why teachers are important and how they help students learn.
  • How to Prepare for a Test : Share your best tips for studying and getting ready for a test.
  • The Funniest Thing That Happened at School : Tell a funny story about something that happened at school.
  • Why Reading is Important : Explain the benefits of reading and how it helps with schoolwork.
  • How to Make School More Fun : Give suggestions on how to make school more enjoyable for everyone.

Short Speech Topics for Kids

  • My Favorite Game : Talk about a game you love to play and why it’s fun.
  • Why I Love My Family : Share what makes your family special to you.
  • The Best Part of My Day : Describe the part of your day that you look forward to the most.
  • Why We Should Help Others : Explain the importance of helping people in need.
  • My Favorite Season : Discuss which season you like best and what you enjoy doing during that time.
  • How to Stay Safe Online : Share simple tips on staying safe while using the internet.
  • Why Exercise is Fun : Talk about why you enjoy being active and how it makes you feel good.
  • A Place I Love to Visit : Describe a place you love to go and what makes it special.
  • The Importance of Sharing : Explain why sharing is important and how it helps build friendships.
  • My Favorite Thing About School : Talk about what you like most about going to school.

Funny Speech Topics for Kids

  • If I Were the Principal for a Day : Imagine what changes you would make if you were the school principal for a day.
  • The Day My Pet Took Over : Describe a funny story where your pet did something unexpected and hilarious.
  • Why Homework Should Be Banned : Give humorous reasons why homework should be banned forever.
  • My Most Embarrassing Moment : Share a funny and embarrassing story from your life.
  • If I Had a Superpower : Talk about a silly superpower you’d want and the funny things you’d do with it.
  • The Funniest Thing My Sibling Ever Did : Describe a hilarious incident involving your brother or sister.
  • The Day Everything Went Wrong : Tell a story about a day when nothing went as planned and how it turned out funny.
  • Why Parents Should Have Bedtimes : Give humorous reasons why parents should have early bedtimes just like kids.
  • If Animals Could Talk : Imagine what funny things animals would say if they could talk.
  • My Weirdest Dream : Share a strange and funny dream you had and what happened in it.

2-minute Speech Topics for Students

  • The Benefits of Reading : Discuss why reading is important and how it can be fun and educational.
  • The Importance of Recycling : Explain how recycling helps the environment and what we can do to recycle more.
  • My Favorite Hobby : Talk about a hobby you enjoy and why it’s meaningful to you.
  • The Best Vacation I Ever Had : Describe a memorable vacation and what made it special.
  • Why Kindness Matters : Explain the impact of being kind to others and how it can make the world a better place.
  • How to Stay Healthy : Share tips on eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep to stay healthy.
  • The Role of Technology in Our Lives : Discuss how technology affects our daily lives, both positively and negatively.
  • Why Teamwork is Important : Explain the benefits of working together with others to achieve a common goal.
  • My Favorite Season : Describe your favorite season and what activities you enjoy during that time.
  • The Value of Education : Talk about why education is important and how it can shape your future.

Persuasive Speech Topics for Kids

  • Why School Uniforms Should Be Optional : Argue why students should have the choice to wear school uniforms.
  • The Benefits of Having a Pet : Explain why every child should have a pet and the positive effects it can have.
  • Why Homework Should Be Limited : Persuade your audience that students should have less homework.
  • The Importance of Learning a Second Language : Convince others why learning a second language is beneficial.
  • Why Recess Should Be Longer : Argue for the benefits of having a longer recess period at school.

What Makes a Good Public Speaking Topic?

Relevance and interest.

  • Personal Interest : The speaker should be genuinely interested in the topic. Passion and enthusiasm can make the presentation more engaging.

Clarity and Focus

  • Clear Focus : The topic should be specific and well-defined. A narrow focus allows for a deeper exploration of the subject.

Informative and Educational

  • Informative Content : A good topic should provide valuable information or insights. It should educate the audience on a particular subject.

Feasibility and Scope

  • Feasible Scope : The topic should be manageable within the time frame allotted for the speech. Avoid topics that are too broad to cover effectively in the given time.

Emotional and Intellectual Appeal

  • Emotional Appeal : A good topic can evoke emotions and connect with the audience on a personal level. Stories, anecdotes, and personal experiences can enhance this connection.

Call to Action

  • Actionable : Many good public speaking topics include a call to action, encouraging the audience to take specific steps or change their behavior based on the information presented.

The Three Different Kinds of Speeches

Informative Speeches : To educate the audience about a specific topic, Present facts, data, and information without bias.

Persuasive Speeches: To convince the audience to accept a particular viewpoint or take a specific action.

Entertaining Speeches: To amuse, entertain, and engage the audience, Often includes humor, stories, and anecdotes.

Tips to Prepare and Present a Good Speech

  • Understand Your Audience
  • Structure Your Speech
  • Practice, Practice, Practice
  • Use Visual Aids Wisely
  • Engage with Your Audience

What are good topics for a School President Speech?

A good School President Speech should address school improvements, unity, and leadership qualities.

How can I make my Narrative Speech interesting?

Make your Narrative Speech interesting by including personal experiences, vivid descriptions, and a clear structure.

What should be included in an Orientation Speech?

An Orientation Speech should include a warm welcome, an overview of the school, and helpful information for new students.

How do I start a Welcome Speech for Students?

Start a Welcome Speech for Students with a friendly greeting, introduce yourself, and express excitement for the new school year.

What makes a great Student Council Speech?

A great Student Council Speech should be clear, confident, and outline your plans and how you will represent students’ interests.

Can humor be included in a School President Speech?

Yes, appropriate humor can make your School President Speech more engaging and relatable.

What’s an example of a Narrative Speech topic?

An example of a Narrative Speech topic is “My Most Memorable Family Vacation.”

How long should an Orientation Speech be?

An Orientation Speech should be concise, ideally between 5-10 minutes.

What tone should a Welcome Speech for Students have?

A Welcome Speech for Students should be friendly, inclusive, and motivational.

How can I practice my Student Council Speech?

Practice your Student Council Speech by rehearsing in front of friends or family and getting feedback.


Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

10 Examples of Public speaking

20 Examples of Gas lighting

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The King's Speech 2024

His Majesty’s most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament.

The King in the House of Lords

The King’s Speech

My Lords and Members of the House of Commons, My Government will govern in service to the country.

My Government’s legislative programme will be mission led and based upon the principles of security, fairness and opportunity for all.

Stability will be the cornerstone of my Government’s economic policy and every decision will be consistent with its fiscal rules. It will legislate to ensure that all significant tax and spending changes are subject to an independent assessment by the Office for Budget Responsibility [Budget Responsibility Bill]. Bills will be brought forward to strengthen audit and corporate governance, alongside pension investment [Draft Audit Reform and Corporate Governance Bill, Pension Schemes Bill].

Securing economic growth will be a fundamental mission. My Government will seek a new partnership with both business and working people and help the country move on from the recent cost of living challenges by prioritising wealth creation for all communities. My Ministers will establish an Industrial Strategy Council. It is my Government’s objective to see rising living standards in all nations and regions in the United Kingdom.

My Ministers will get Britain building, including through planning reform, as they seek to accelerate the delivery of high quality infrastructure and housing [Planning and Infrastructure Bill]. They will also pursue sustainable growth by encouraging investment in industry, skills and new technologies.

My Government is committed to making work pay and will legislate to introduce a new deal for working people to ban exploitative practices and enhance employment rights [Employment Rights Bill]. It will seek to establish the appropriate legislation to place requirements on those working to develop the most powerful artificial intelligence models.

My Government believes that greater devolution of decision making is at the heart of a modern dynamic economy and is a key driver of economic growth and my Ministers will introduce an English Devolution Bill [English Devolution Bill]. Legislation will be introduced to give new powers to metro mayors and combined authorities. This will support local growth plans that bring economic benefit to communities.

A Bill will be introduced to allow local leaders to take control of their local bus services [Better Buses Bill]. My Ministers will bring forward legislation to improve the railways by reforming rail franchising, establishing Great British Railways and bringing train 8 operators into public ownership [Passenger Railway Services (Public Ownership) Bill, Rail Reform Bill].

Taken together these policies will enhance Britain’s position as a leading industrial nation and enable the country to take advantage of new opportunities that can promote growth and wealth creation.

My Government recognises the urgency of the global climate challenge and the new job opportunities that can come from leading the development of the technologies of the future. It is committed to a clean energy transition which will lower energy bills for consumers over time. A Bill will be introduced to set up Great British Energy, a publicly owned clean power company headquartered in Scotland, which will help accelerate investment in renewable energy such as offshore wind [Great British Energy Bill]. Legislation will be brought forward to help the country achieve energy independence and unlock investment in energy infrastructure. A Bill will be introduced to support sustainable aviation fuel production [Sustainable Aviation Fuel (Revenue Support Mechanism) Bill]. My Government recognises the need to improve water quality and a Bill will be introduced to strengthen the powers of the water regulator [Water (Special Measures) Bill].

My Government will seek to strengthen the border and make streets safer. A Bill will be introduced to modernise the asylum and immigration system, establishing a new Border Security Command and delivering enhanced counter terror powers to tackle organised immigration crime [Border Security, Asylum and Immigration Bill]. Legislation will be brought forward to strengthen community policing, give the police greater powers to deal with anti social behaviour and strengthen support for victims [Crime and Policing Bill, Victims, Courts and Public Protection Bill].

Measures will be introduced to improve the safety and security of public venues and help keep the British public safe from terrorism [Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill]. My Government will bring forward plans to halve violence against women and girls.

My Ministers will seek to raise educational standards and break down barriers to opportunity. Action will be taken to get people back in employment following the impact of the pandemic. A Bill will be introduced to raise standards in education and promote children’s wellbeing [Children’s Wellbeing Bill]. Measures will be brought forward to remove the exemption from Value Added Tax for private school fees, which will enable the funding of six and a half thousand new teachers. My Government will establish Skills England which will have a new partnership with employers at its heart [Skills England Bill], and my Ministers will reform the apprenticeship levy.

Legislation will be introduced to give greater rights and protections to people renting their homes, including ending no fault evictions and reforming grounds for possession 9 [Renters’ Rights Bill]. Draft legislation will be published on leasehold and commonhold reform [Draft Leasehold and Commonhold Reform Bill].

A Bill will be introduced to establish an independent football regulator to ensure greater sustainability in the game and strengthen protections for fans [Football Governance Bill].

My Government will improve the National Health Service as a service for all, providing care on the basis of need regardless of the ability to pay. It will seek to reduce the waiting times, focus on prevention and improve mental health provision for young people. It will ensure mental health is given the same attention and focus as physical health. My ministers will legislate to modernise the Mental Health Act so it is fit for the twenty first century [Mental Health Bill]. A Bill will be introduced to progressively increase the age at which people can buy cigarettes and impose limits on the sale and marketing of vapes [Tobacco and Vapes Bill]. My Ministers will also legislate to restrict advertising of junk food to children along with the sale of high caffeine energy drinks to children. A draft Bill will be brought forward to ban conversion practices [Draft Conversion Practices Bill].

My Government will take steps to help rebuild trust and foster respect. Legislation will be brought forward to introduce a duty of candour for public servants [Hillsborough Law]. A Bill will be introduced to establish a statutory Armed Forces Commissioner to act as a strong independent champion for our gallant Armed Forces and their families [Armed Forces Commissioner Bill].

Legislation on race equality will be published in draft to enshrine the full right to equal pay in law [Draft Equality (Race and Disability) Bill].

My Government will strengthen its work with the devolved governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland so that the best outcomes possible are delivered for citizens across the United Kingdom. My Ministers will establish a new Council of the Nations and Regions to renew opportunities for the Prime Minister, heads of devolved governments and mayors of combined authorities to collaborate with each other.

My Government will continue to support the political institutions and devolved government in Northern Ireland. In consultation with all parties, measures will be brought forward to begin the process of repealing and replacing the Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Act 2023 [Northern Ireland Legacy Legislation].

Measures to modernise the constitution will be introduced including House of Lords reform to remove the right of hereditary peers to sit and vote in the Lords [House of Lords (Hereditary Peers) Bill]. My ministers will strengthen the integrity of elections and encourage wide participation in the democratic process.

The Government will propose a modernisation committee of the House of Commons which will be tasked with driving up standards, improving work practices and reforming procedures.

My Government will ensure a strong defence based on the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation’s common values of individual liberty, democracy, human rights and the rule of law. Its commitment to NATO will remain unshakeable. It will maintain a strong Armed Forces, including the nuclear deterrent. To ensure that the United Kingdom’s defence capabilities are matched to the changing nature of global strategic threats, my Government will conduct a Strategic Defence Review.

My Government will continue to give its full support to Ukraine and its people and it will endeavour to play a leading role in providing Ukraine with a clear path to NATO membership.

My Government will seek to reset the relationship with European partners and work to improve the United Kingdom’s trade and investment relationship with the European Union. My Ministers will seek a new security pact to strengthen cooperation on the mutual threats faced by the United Kingdom and the European Union.

My Government will play its part in trying to secure long term peace and security in the Middle East. It is committed to a two state solution with a safe and secure Israel alongside a viable and sovereign Palestinian state.

Later this week, my Government will host the European Political Community meeting at Blenheim Palace. The Queen and I look forward to our Visit to Samoa alongside the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in October, and our Visit to Australia.

Members of the House of Commons

Estimates for the public services will be laid before you.

My Lords and Members of the House of Commons

Other measures will be laid before you.

I pray that the blessing of Almighty God may rest upon your counsels.

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My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

224 School Speech Topics for All Grades [High School, Middle School, Elementary]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

In this article:

High School

Middle school, elementary school, school speech topics checklists, list of school speech topics.

school speech topics

  • Girls are under more pressure in high school.
  • Schools must not sell unhealthy foods.
  • Cyberbullies should be suspended from school.
  • Peer pressure will help students grow.
  • Parents must not pay kids for good grades.
  • Students don’t spend enough time reading books.
  • Class sizes make a big difference.
  • Schools must get involved with obese students weight issues.
  • All students should join the gym.
  • Schools should offer rewards for good test scores.
  • Cheerleading isn’t a sport.
  • The media is to blame for the pressure of girls wanting perfect bodies.
  • Mass-shooting in schools can be prevented.
  • 16 is an appropriate age to start dating.
  • The in crowd is usually the most insecure group.
  • Failing is a blessing in disguise.
  • Students do not know how to live in the moment.
  • Fashion isn’t all that important.
  • The methods used to deal with bullies are not effective.
  • Private schools are not better than government schools.
  • Co-ed schools are better than single-gender schools.
  • Recess time must be extended.
  • Standardized tests are not a measure of a students ability.
  • Textbooks shouldn’t be replaced by technology in high schools.
  • Students shouldn’t be graded for gym.
  • Birth control should be available at schools.
  • Cheating at school is getting worse.
  • Sugary drinks should not be sold at school.
  • Healthy school lunches are a lost cause.
  • Boys hide their body image pressure.
  • Smoking makes students outcasts.
  • ‘Name and shame’ does not change teenage behaviour.
  • Bystanders must be held responsible for not intervening when there is trouble at school.
  • Gay students need older gay role models.
  • It should be illegal for under 21’s to buy cigarettes.
  • Grouping students by ability only benefit the smartest ones.
  • Students are less religious than their parents.
  • It is important to have a mix of friends to socialize with.
  • Kids purposely make parenting hard.
  • Helping a friend isn’t always good.
  • Not every teacher has the ability to inspire students.
  • High school kids don’t need helicopter parents.
  • High schools don’t recognize a student’s full potential.
  • Class sizes should not exceed 20 students.
  • Extra online classes are worth it.
  • School should be all year round.
  • Parents embarrass their kids too much.
  • Attractive students have an advantage over others.
  • Students have no interest in government matters.
  • Hard work is more important than talent.
  • The morning after pill shouldn’t have an age restriction.
  • Group work in class should be kept small.
  • The best way to learn is alone.
  • Teachers don’t use technology to its full potential.
  • Dropping out of high school should be an illegal offense.
  • The racial make up of a school is important.
  • Outings to museums have no educational value.
  • Creativity isn’t something that can be taught.
  • Students have too much workload.
  • Untidy handwriting is a sign of intelligence.
  • Student’s interests will change in high school.
  • It is important to take career assessment tests.
  • Students do not have to get involved with everything in high school.
  • Weekend jobs make students more responsible.
  • It is important that students volunteer in fields of interest.
  • Students must know their place in the classroom.
  • Teachers want to create leaders.
  • Tutors are necessary even with good grades.
  • Locker room talk is demeaning to female students.
  • Driving must be taught in High School.
  • Plagiarism is getting out of hand.
  • The importance of not being a follower.
  • Students should focus school work ahead of a social life.
  • Students should leave a team if they are never chosen to play.
  • Leaving high school with no clear career path isn’t a bad thing.
  • Students should always have condoms with them.
  • Never shrug off small assignments.
  • High school should be treated as if it were a job.
  • Web filters at school are not restrictive enough.
  • There is too much focus on sports in high schools.
  • All students should get involved in exchange programs.
  • Group projects only cause conflict.
  • Teachers should be allowed to refuse problem students in their classes.
  • Principals don’t help develop teachers enough.
  • Corporal punishment is abuse.
  • Robotics now and in the future – is it helpful in the daycare business?
  • Your most embarrassing moment at school and the way you saved your face, solve and fix the awkward situation.
  • Amazing discoveries or facts you have never heard of before and like to introduce to your class.
  • Adventure racing and famous heroes on motorbikes – so-called off the road movie clips could be nice video aids Such as Steppenwolf.
  • Astronomical signs and their meanings. Make it personal by asking a volunteer to give all the info you need.
  • Nursing your parents when they get older. Lots of young people do that in their spare time, and they do not often speak about it. Take a chance and show them the world of voluntary care by friends, children, and neighbors.
  • Islands in Oceania, in the tropical Pacific Ocean region. There where the date line starts.
  • Railroads and trains from 1850, and great train builders and engineers is a high school speech topic to work out.
  • How to visit and enjoy an art museum with an audio guide tour on your ears.
  • Strange experiences in a restaurant or bar and the moral lesson you draw after that.
  • Hurricanes, how they start and their international accepted standards for name giving (boys and girls names from a to z).
  • Food photography is much difficult than you think.
  • A narrow escape from trouble …
  • How to organize surprise parties.
  • Why are television soaps popular – did you know a whole team of scenarists writes the storylines – often three per edition?
  • I want a new law on … Well feel free to repair and remedy abuses.
  • What do you think about often when you enter the school?
  • What have you always wanted to do and did not have the courage to ask or really act?
  • What would you like to change and why? This one is especially good as graduation input and output.
  • Things we can’t understand.
  • What are your community activities?
  • Suggestions for a school field trip in the autumn.
  • Dream explanation, ask for dreams, explain them. Consult dream reading professional and keep away from the shabby occult business.
  • Rhetorical questions, Socratical debating techniques.
  • Great places to go in the world.
  • Hiking trails nobody knows and you want to share.
  • See Europe in seven days after high school!

Middle school speech topics for public speaking and oral writing assignments from outdoor activities to Greyhound racing and Rodeo riding to sports games. I have brought into being several themes, suggestions and easy to develop ideas for school:

  • My hobby and pet peeves.
  • Free time activities that you can recommend.
  • What brands or products are popular in this school and why?
  • Unusual experiences in the last year.
  • Outdoor activities, and indoor activities on a rainy day.
  • Why we are no longer kids but are called young adults.
  • Suggestions for fun weekends.
  • Animation characters and their voices.
  • Antarctica research of penguins.
  • Aviation pioneers.
  • Celebrities, actors, and actresses.
  • Computer games are great middle school speech topics if you have an interested audience who likes to game at home.
  • Flying discs tricks on the beach side.
  • Foreign flags and their story – perhaps you should play the anthems too for a full picture.
  • Reasons to abandon grounding rules.
  • Rodeo riding: how to survive more than 30 seconds on the riding machine 🙂
  • Strange world records set in history.
  • Skateboarding tips and tricks, safe on the sidewalks.
  • Greyhound racing and the bet systems that are used.
  • The world would be a better place if … (fill in your highest dreams)
  • Environmental problems in our community.
  • Fashion trends in the last century.
  • Pen pals or email pals; how traditional patterns have changed.
  • My favourite sports games on television.
  • My checklist for if you move to another town.
  • Kid cooking is cool – if you know how to prep recipes 🙂
  • My trip abroad to Europe or Latin-America.
  • Monitoring butterflies in the field outside and in our garden.
  • Aztec masks and their amazing stories and secrets hidden inside.
  • Mythological monsters such as the Minotaur and Nymphs.
  • How to organize a fun weekend for the whole family.
  • If I was born hundred years ago, I would be …:
  • African masks and their meaning in holy rituals.
  • Ancient Chinese emperors and their interesting uniform and dress looks.
  • The Ice Age; when, how and the causes are good K-6 subjects to come across.
  • Pollution sources in our world, and what to do about them in a cost-friendly way at home.
  • A Day In the life of a kid in Ancient Rome, compare it with your own modern life.
  • Discovering caves are cool grade 6 speech topics to tell something more and show them the work of speleologists.
  • Traditional fairy tales from around the world – remember the thick book of the Grimm Brothers?
  • Puppets and their funny looking but indeed very serious theatrical performances from Java, Indonesia.
  • The Diary of Anne Frank (book or movie) and the meaning today.
  • My penpal or better: email-pal from the other side of the world.
  • The secrets of the Egypt King Tutankhamun.
  • If I was a journalist, I should investigate …
  • If I won one million dollars, I would …
  • When I am grown up I want to become a / an …
  • Last weekend I was at …
  • The funniest thing that ever happened to me this month or year.
  • Things that make you happy right away if you have the power to buy or dictate.
  • Ways I use to relax.
  • Favorite sports moments.
  • The character I want to be in a movie the hero with heroic courage / or the villain who gets the worst of it in the end.
  • My most memorable vacation trip till now.
  • The best summer camp games I have ever played and enjoyed very much.
  • My favorite spot in the woods near our cabin.
  • Your most favorite memories are also great grade 6 speech topics too to talk about in school.
  • When you take a walk in the woods, you can see more than you might think …
  • Recipes for kids, orally like your favorite meals and food.
  • Cool home computer games I like to play, criticize, review and share in class.
  • The day I was sick and I must see the doctor.
  • Pot and care for a plant or small vegetable ishard labor and needs patience.
  • How to make a marionette puppet – a grade 8 speech topic for the artistic
  • Birds in our backyard, you’re perplexed about the miles they flew to get there.
  • Oceans of the world: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, and Arctic gulf streams.
  • A ride in a truck for transporting heavy objects.
  • What is a decent dress code for a serious dinner at official moments:
  • My musical instrument and the lessons I take.
  • Why giraffes have long necks.
  • Animals I should take in Noah’s Ark – and the philosophy behind it.
  • Why I like to dance my favorite dance.
  • I cope with fear of public speaking for this grade 8 speech by … (secret tactic)
  • Magic tricks with simple playing cards for every unexpected occassion.
  • Exotic fruits and vegetables in grocery stores; look up where they come from.
  • Best 3D paper models: cars, robots, spaceships, airplanes, buildings.
  • Things to expect when your mother is pregnant.
  • Birds, bears and rabbits spend the winter by sleeping, why?
  • My first visit to a dentist: the correct way to brush and floss your teeth.
  • Family members I admire: uncles, aunts, nieces or nephews.
  • Music festivals and the big logistics puzzle of the organizing parties involved.
  • History of the Panama Canal, and the way the pilotage handle very big ships.
  • How does global warming affect the icebergs?
  • If I was my father or mother for one day.
  • My favorite era in history.
  • What’s in my room at home.
  • The school field trip I would like to make.

Elementary school speech topics on animal keeping, favorite things to do at home or the playground and specific hints that lead to innumerable variations:

  • What makes me happy.
  • Our last vacation trip.
  • Fairy tale characters you would like to talk with.
  • Magic tricks you can show.
  • Funny things my pet has done. A great quantity of this special theme is to be sorted out of animals and keeing them at home. Do consult your atending if you may bring an animal in class. In case of hesitation – do not cross this line:
  • My favorite family story.
  • Oceans in the world.
  • My neighbourhood.
  • Funny Halloween costumes, inspires to lots of funny elementary school speech topics.
  • A visit to the doctor, dentist.
  • How does it feel to wake up an being a giant?
  • Places I lived.
  • Why I want to travel in space to the interstellair universe.
  • The best paper airplanes withput less folding work.
  • How boomerangs return to their sender.
  • Circus clowns in all sorts and characters.
  • My one-day internship at the fire department.
  • Fireworks on New Year’s Eve.
  • The best fishing spots.
  • My best birthday ever.
  • I am good at …
  • This is the song I like to sing every day is: …
  • Making puzzles of thouands pieces and the tricks I have learned.
  • Police uniforms or fire department attire outfits.
  • What can you see in the zoo?
  • Musical instruments in an full orchestra.

School speech topics tips for verification and 1-2-3 step checking at the secondary middle, high and elementary public speaking homework assignments on teaching skills. In a nutshell: they are easy to answer questions to make a better choice for creating the best result.

Also on this page, you will discover tips to concrete communication issues and education resources. They lead you in the right direction; you only have to use your fantasy.

Let the imaginary juices flow in your brains!

Can We Write Your Speech?

Get your audience blown away with help from a professional speechwriter. Free proofreading and copy-editing included.

Read all my checks for writing subjects and after you have completed that task follow all secure education idea links to the online education lists I have shaped and modified in class education material:



More aggravated lists of themes and valuable information regarding different subjects for future generations education are below. As well as a summary of the implications and / or requirements of what you have found, and school speech topics you could analyze in class.

You can sort out any ideas you like to talk about in oral lessons, scan the possible suggestions and think about what your audience like to hear you talking about: cite short passages and quotation excerpts from well-known experts in the field of research, or refer to good knowledge illustrations and sustainable proof.

Learn to gather material from outside sources about your thread for grades 9 through 12 learning, and deliver your opinion strongly and concisely. Give plain reasons for something you believe. Foster support for your solution, theory or device.

This is principally beneficial for achieving higher education institute assertiveness when you are on stage and put two or more views together, and provide a reason for putting them together by logical reasoning. Another method is approaching the subject matter in both positive and negative lights.

Tracing how something has induced artificially from an earlier state to its current form could welcomed by higher pedagogic instructors.

Next tip: workout extensive information on indoor and outdoor recreation activities to tempt your public to explore other activities than dating, dancing and drinking in a local bar.

Sports is a candidate for finding senior graded school speech topics. E.g. sport as profession to earn a living. With a scientific twist you make it more sophisticated, and because you’re highly qualified and have an actively learning attitude you are able to get their thesis commitment.

Some moves that matter in lower classes are the so-called critize teaching skills, often described as asking and wondering through critical inquiry:

You can help your teacher and fill her or him with enthusiasm by going extracurricular in proposing a particular judgment on a certain top topicality and examen the validity of the arguments by criticizing. This has been in practice in the late seventies – when things went the old-fashioned and more severe way 🙂 – but this technique has made a terrific comeback and is now used in grades 5 through 8 homework assignments.

Many of my visitors look for sixth grade inspiration, or class 6 if you live in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, Primary 5 or 6 in Singapore, and 6ГЁme in France for example. Anyway, in what country you are right now does not matter; all school speech topics are created for children in the range of eleven and twelve years old.

The same holds good for class conversations of (usually) thirteen to fourteen years old who try to cover explanations of various objects and their meaning in the accustomed world of the eight grade population.

Children speak the truth, is often said 🙂 And that saying is more than true. Give them something to chew on in public – from colouring plates to planting and caring for trees – and it is so easy, a younger persons can do it 🙂

More for girls and boys – although it depends on the specific age or progress of the pupils – can be found at this index number two. Help them to be able to get to know the material, and to make the first steps on the path of learning the rudimentary public speaking skills (that are valuable for their whole life).

I have shaped a list that also contains some reference information for nursery and primary and kindergarten material.


10 Tips to Write the Best High School Valedictorian Speech

Ceremonial Speech Topics

9 thoughts on “224 School Speech Topics for All Grades [High School, Middle School, Elementary]”

The topics are 1: the worst day in my life 2: how can we take care of our elders at home. 3: good qualities about your classmates. 4: how I learnt cycling. 5: if you are alone at home and a stranger enters what would you do.

My topic ideas are: Why I hate speeches (for middle school or elementary school) My favorite type of music (for elementary school) Why parents shouldn’t spank their children and better ways to punish children (for elementary school)

The key to success is positive thinking

My favorite holiday

Wow. Just wow.

mental health is an important issue

“Prayer should be compulsory”…that’s my suggestion of a topic

At school there should be a free period where you can do anything you want

Why is the canteen so expensive?

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Vivamus integer non suscipit taciti mus etiam at primis tempor sagittis euismod libero facilisi.

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