• OAJ categories
  • CaseLaw Demo Video

UNHCR/HCP/2017/2 (Recruitment and Assigments Policy “RAP”)

  • A/2615 (Fifth Committee Report) 1
  • A/2615 (Report of the Fifth Committee) 1
  • A/53/342 (Secretary-General's report on Human resources management) 1
  • A/55/798/Add.1 (Note by the Secretary-General on the Report of the Joint Inspection Unit on young professionals (…)) 1
  • A/59/397 (Report of the SG to the GA) 1
  • A/61/822 (Secretary-General’s Report to the General Assembly) 1
  • A/62/294 (Report to the GA) 1
  • A/62/782 (Report of the SGl on the Administration of Justice) 1
  • A/64/267 (Secretary-General’s report of 7 August 2009 on the Administration’s strategic approach to staffing) 2
  • A/64/633 (Secretary General's Report on Global Field support strategy) 1
  • A/65/305 (Secretary-General’s report on the human resources management reform to the General Assembly) 2
  • A/65/537 (Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions) 1
  • A/67/780/Add.12 1
  • A/73/755/Add.15 1
  • ACABQ Report A/2581 1
  • Administrative Circular DT A/243-122 (Transfers of School Principals and Assistant School Principals) 2
  • Administrative Guidelines for Offices affected by an Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Outbreak 1
  • Code of Conduct for Legal Representatives and Litigants 3
  • Code of Conduct for Legal Representatives and Litigants in Person 0
  • Code of Conduct for the Judges of UNDT and UNAT 2
  • Controller’s instructions for the 2014-2015 biennium budget—by memorandum of 17 July 2013 1
  • DFAM Functional Assessment Standard Procedures 1
  • Document ADMIN-18 of the General Orders of UNSSS 0
  • Document ADMIN-18 of the General Orders of UNSSS 1
  • DSS Weapons Manuel of Instruction (MOI)/Section 2.36 1
  • E/ECA/CM/46/6 (Proceedings of the Sixth Joint Annual Meetings of the Conference African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development of the ECA and the AU Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance) 1
  • ECA Secretariat, Revised Strategic Framework/Biennial Programme Plan for the 2014-2015 biennium 1
  • Field Security Handbook 1
  • Field Technical Instructions No. 01/2016 (Lateral Transfers Initiated at the Request of Staff, Lebanon Field Office) 2
  • FTI 01/2016 1
  • General Staff Circular No. 06/2010 2
  • Guidelines for Determination of Level and Step on Recruitment to the Professional Category and Above 1
  • Guidelines for Performance Rebuttal Panels 1
  • Guidelines for the Selection of Locally Recurity Staff Members in the UN PKOs and SPMs 1
  • Guidelines on Acceptance of Gifts and Hospitality by the Procurement Division Staff (rev.1) (18 January 2001) 1
  • Guidelines on consideration for conversion to permanent appointment of staff 3
  • Guidelines on consideration for conversion to permanent appointment of staff members of the Secretariat eligible to be considered as at 30 June 2009 3
  • Guidelines on consideration for conversion to permanent appointment of staff members of the Secretariat eligible to be considered as of 1 July 2009 1
  • Guiding principles of conduct for OSLA affiliated counsel 1
  • ICSC 83rd session (ICSC/83/R.6) 2
  • ICSC Report to the GA (A/65/30) 1
  • ICSC Standards of Conduct for the International Civil Service 10
  • ICSC/57/R.15 1
  • ICSC/84/R.7 18
  • ICSC/84/R.8 18
  • ICSC/85/CRP.1 18
  • ICSC/ACPAQ/39/R.2 18
  • ICSC/ACPAQ/40/R.2 18
  • IMO Guidelines for the Investigation of Serious Misconduct, Appendix F 1
  • Inspira Applicant’s Manual 3
  • Inspira Manual for Hiring Managers (Version 3.0) 2
  • Inspira Manual for the Recruiter (Release 3.0) 1
  • Instructional Manual on the Staff Selection System (Inspira) 1
  • Internal Control Framework (2009) 1
  • IOM/FOM/27/2009 (Procedural Guidelines for Changes in the Status of Positions) 1
  • IOM/FOM/33/2010 (Policy and Procedures on Assignments and Promotions) 1
  • IOM/FOM/44/2013 2
  • ITC/EDB/2012/06 1
  • ITC/EDB/2014/06 1
  • ITC/EDB/2015/07 2
  • ITC/IC/2012/22 1
  • Manual for the Hiring Manager 4
  • Manual for the Hiring Manager on the Staff Selection System (Inspira) (2011) 1
  • Manual for the Hiring Manager on the Staff Selection System (Inspira) (2012) 1
  • Manual for the Recruiter on the Staff Selection System 1
  • Medical Insurance Plan 2
  • MINUSMA Code of Conduct 1
  • MINUSTAH Weapons Policy, Annex E 1
  • MONUC Code of Conduct on Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse 1
  • MONUSCO Code of Conduct 2
  • MONUSCO Comparative Review Process Guidelines (2017) 1
  • MONUSCO Information Circulars 1
  • Office of Human Resources Policy Guidance (Education Grant and Related Benefits during COVID-19) 1
  • OHCHR/PSMS/01/6 1
  • OIOS Investigation Manual 1
  • OIOS Investigations Manual 5
  • OIOS Manual of Investigation Practices 4
  • On-boarding of Staff for UN peace operations Standard Operating Procedure 1
  • Para. 4.2 of UNHCR/AI/2018/8/Corr.1 1
  • POLICY/DHR/2019/001 (UNICEF Policy on the Disciplinary Process and Measures) 1
  • Practice of the Secretary-General in disciplinary matters and cases of criminal (Compendium 1 July 2009 to 31 December 2020) 2
  • Recruitment policy for entry level language staff: Grading Guideline 1
  • Regular Programme for Technical Cooperation: Inter-Regional Guidelines and Principles for Effective Delivery of Capacity Development Support, 2012 1
  • Report of the Ad Hoc Inter-Agency Meeting on Security 1
  • Report of the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations (UN Document PC/20) 1
  • Report of the Redesign Panel on the UN System of Administration of Justice 1
  • Report of the Secretary-General on the Rules of Law 1
  • S/2018/530 4
  • ST/AI/2013/3 (Official Travel) 1
  • ST/IC/2018/7 (Education Grant and related benefits) 0
  • ST/IC/2018/7 (Education Grant and related benefits) 1
  • Standard Operating Procedure on Staff Selection System for Peacekeeping Operations and Special Political Missions (SoPs) 1
  • Standard Operating Procedure on Staffing Table and Post Management of UN Peace Operations 1
  • Standard Operating Procedures Governing the Use of Vehicles 1
  • Standards of Conduct for the International Civil Service 7
  • The Administrative Guidelines for Offices on the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, dated 19 January 2021 2
  • The UNDP’s Policy for Protection against Retaliation 1
  • UN 2015 Applicant’s Manual 1
  • UN DSS Manual of Instruction on Use of Force Equipment Including Firearms (Firearms Manual) 1
  • UN Field Security Handbook 1
  • UN Finance and Budget Manual 1
  • UN Headquarters Travel and Transportation Section Guidelines 1
  • UN Medical Insurance Plan (MIP) Rules 1
  • UN Policy on Annual Leave 1
  • UN Procurement Manual 5
  • UN Women Recruitment Selection Guidance 1
  • UNAT Practice Direction No.1 9
  • UNAT Practice Direction No.1/Section II.A.3 8
  • UNAT Practice Directions 2
  • UNDP Agreed Separation Arrangements 1
  • UNDP Annual Report of the Administrator on Disciplinary Measures (...) Fraud, Corruption and Other Wrongdoing (2011) 1
  • UNDP Guidelines for the Selection and Appointment of Resident Coordinators of November 2009 1
  • UNDP Legal Framework for Addressing Non-Compliance with UN Standards of Conduct (6 November 2007) 1
  • UNDP Medical Evacuation Policy and related procedures 1
  • UNDP OAI Investigation Guidelines 1
  • UNDP Performance Management and Development Policy 2
  • UNDP policy on consideration for conversion to a permanent appointment of UNDP staff members eligible to be considered as at 30 June 2009 1
  • UNDP Policy on Flexible Working Arrangements 1
  • UNDP Policy on Workplace Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Abuse of Authority (2005) 1
  • UNDP Rank-in-Post Policy 1
  • UNDP Recruitment and Selection Policy 3
  • UNDP Results and Competency Assessment Guidelines (RCA) 2
  • UNDP/ADM/97/17 (Accountability, Disciplinary Measures and Procedures) 1
  • UNFCCC Secretariat Bulletin B/2011/1 1
  • UNFPA Financial Rules and Regulations 1
  • UNFPA Policies and Procedures Manual 2
  • UNFPA Policies and Procedures Manual, Disciplinary Framework 4
  • UNFPA Policy on Harassment 4
  • UNFPA Policy on Separation from Service 1
  • UNFPA Procurement Procedures 1
  • UNFPA Procurement Procedures (2008) 1
  • UNFPA Procurement Procedures (2012) 1
  • UNFPA Staff Separation Policy 1
  • UNHCR Appointments, Postings, Promotion Board (APPB) Procedural Guidelines 12
  • UNHCR Comparative Review Policy 1
  • UNHCR Guidelines on Conducting Investigations and Preparing Investigation Reports (2012) 1
  • UNHCR IOM 018/2007-FOM 019/2007 (Policy on Achieving Gender Equity in UNHCR staffing) 3
  • UNHCR IOM 018/2007—FOM 019/2007 (Policy on Achieving Gender Equity in UNHCR staffing) 3
  • UNHCR IOM 087/2008-FOM 089/2008 (Policy for the Performance Management & Appraisal System) 7
  • UNHCR IOM/004/2011-FOM/005/2011 1
  • UNHCR IOM/009/2012-FOM/010/2012 (Inter-Office Memo No. 009/2012 and Field Office Memo No. 010/2012) 1
  • UNHCR IOM/019/2012-FOM/020/2012 1
  • UNHCR IOM/027/2009-FOM/027/2009 1
  • UNHCR IOM/029/2005-FOM/029/2005 (Inter-Office Memorandum No. 29/2005 and Field Office Memorandum No. 29/2005) 1
  • UNHCR IOM/04-FOM/05/2011 5
  • UNHCR IOM/044-FOM/044/2013 1
  • UNHCR IOM/049-FOM/050/2012 (Policy and Procedures on Assignments of Locally recruited Staff) 1
  • UNHCR IOM/051/2007- FOM/054/2007 (Revised Framework for Resource Allocation and Management) 1
  • UNHCR IOM/054/2005-FOM/054/2005 (Inter-Office Memorandum No. 054/2005 and Field Office Memorandum No. 054/2005) 4
  • UNHCR IOM/066/2012-FOM/067/2012 (Comparative Review Policy for Locally Recruited Staff Members) 1
  • UNHCR IOM/070-FOM/072/2008 1
  • UNHCR IOM/31/2000-FOM/32/2000 1
  • UNHCR IOM/54/97-FOM/61/97 1
  • UNHCR IOM/65/2003-FOM/65/2003 2
  • UNHCR IOM/FOM 034/2009 2
  • UNHCR IOM/FOM No. 027/2009 2
  • UNHCR IOM/FOM No. 027/2009 (Procedural guidelines for Changes in Status) 1
  • UNHCR IOM/FOM/064/2013 1
  • UNHCR IOM/FOM/33/2010 (Policy and Procedures on Assignments and Promotions) 3
  • UNHCR IOM/FOM/42/2006 1
  • UNHCR IOM/FOM/75/2003 6
  • UNHCR Policy and Procedures on Assignments and Promotions (PPAP) 3
  • UNHCR Policy on Achieving Gender equity in UNHCR Staffing 1
  • UNHCR Policy on Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Abuse of Authority 4
  • UNHCR Procedural Guidelines for Appointments, Postings and Promotions 2
  • UNHCR Promotions Policy 3
  • UNHCR Revised Policy and Procedures on Assignment 1
  • UNHCR Revised Policy and Procedures on Assignments 1
  • UNHCR/AI/2015/3/Rev. 1, Revised Administrative Instruction Introducing Procedures on Performance Management 0
  • UNHCR/AI/2019/16/Corrigendum ((Administrative Instruction on the Management of Temporary Appointments) 0
  • UNHCR/HCP/2014/12 (UNHCR Policy on Performance Management) 5
  • UNHCR/HCP/2014/12/Rev. 1, Revised Policy on Performance Management 0
  • UNHCR/HCP/2014/2 (Policy and Procedures for the Promotion of International Professional Staff Members) 6
  • UNHCR/HCP/2014/3 (Policy on Resolving Situations of Staff Members in Between Assignments) 1
  • UNHCR/HCP/2014/4 2
  • UNHCR/HCP/2015/9, Policy on the Administration of Fixed-Term Appointments 0
  • UNHCR/HCP/2017/2 (Recruitment and Assigments Policy “RAP”) 1
  • UNICEF Anti-Fraud Policy 1
  • UNICEF Financial and Administrative Policy 4: Cash Management, Supplement 1 – Cash Accounts 1
  • UNICEF Gender Parity and Equality Policy 2
  • UNICEF Human Resources Manual 1
  • UNICEF Human Resources Manual on Policy, Procedure 1
  • UNICEF OIAI Investigation Manual 1
  • UNICEF Policy on Staff Selection 1
  • UNICEF Policy on the Disciplinary Process and Measures 1
  • UNICEF Recruitment Strategy 2
  • UNICEF Supply Manual 1
  • UNICEF’s Human Resources Policy 2
  • UNIFIL HOM POL 12-06 Amdt 2 1
  • UNJSPF Pension Adjustment System (PAS) 3
  • UNJSPF Pension Adjustment System (PAS), Annex III 1
  • UNMIK Standard Operating Procedures for the recruitment of international Staff for Pillar I, Pillar II 1
  • UNMIS IC No. 327/2011 1
  • UNMIS Information Circulars 1
  • UNMISIC 218/2011 1
  • UNMISS SIU Standard Operating Procedures 1
  • UNOG Guidelines on Separation from Service - Retirement 1
  • UNOPS Guidelines for Performance Results and Assessment 1
  • UNOPS Operational Directive OD.PCG.2017.01 on Human Resources 2
  • UNOPS Organizational Directive No. 36 1
  • UNOPS Policy and Quality Management System 1
  • UNRWA Area Staff Circular A/04/2010 2
  • UNRWA Area Staff Circular No. 4/95 1
  • UNRWA Area Staff Selection Guidelines 1
  • UNRWA Education Technical Instruction No.1/08 1
  • UNRWA Investigation Policy (DIOS Technical Instruction 02/2016) 2
  • UNRWA Practice Direction No.3 1
  • UNRWA Transmittal Memorandum (TM) No.109 1
  • UNRWA Transmittal Memorandum (TM) No.113 1
  • UNU Personnel Policy 2
  • WFP Food Storage Manual 2
  • WFP Transport Manual 2
  • WFP Warehouse Management Handbook 1

UNDT/2018/135, Azam

The Tribunal was of the view that, essentially, the Applicant attempted to create an administrative decision in an attempt to contest it. Whilst the approach discloses some imagination on the part of the Applicant, the absence of a response by the High Commissioner to the Applicant’s request does not create any direct legal consequence for him. Thus, there is no administrative decision, directly or by implication, that the Tribunal would have jurisdiction to consider. The Applicant has no right to make an appeal in respect of matters to which he was not a party. Indeed, the Applicant did not...

Policy Areas

  • What's new
  • Quality Standards for Programming
  • Social and Environmental Standards
  • Knowledge Product Production and Quality Assurance
  • Formulate Programmes and Projects
  • Engagement Facility
  • Multi-Country and South-South Cooperation Projects
  • Development Services
  • Select Implementing Partners
  • Select Responsible Parties and Grantees
  • Performance Based Payments
  • Appraise and Approve
  • Annual Planning
  • Deliver Results
  • Provide Oversight
  • Manage Change
  • Close and Transition
  • Standard Operating Procedure for Crisis Response and Recovery
  • Allocation of TRAC 3 Resources for Crisis Engagements
  • Inventory Management
  • Designation and Responsibilities of Signatories
  • Procurement of Banking Services
  • Opening and Closing of Bank Accounts
  • Establishment and Use of Electronic Banking Systems
  • Supplier Banking Information Set-up for IBAN
  • UNFCU Share Account Management
  • Management of Cash Planning/Forecasting of Cash Flows
  • Management of Cash in Crisis or Emergency Situations
  • Management of Zero-Balance Account System
  • Bank Account Reconciliation
  • Issuing Letters of Credit
  • Management of Local Investments
  • Safe Management
  • Handling of Cash and Receipts Treasury
  • Management of Petty Cash
  • Petty Cash Fund for Management Project (PCF)
  • Project Petty Cash Fund (PPCF)
  • Project Cash on Hand for DIM Projects (PCH)
  • Project Cash Advance (PCA)
  • Cash Operations
  • Financial Closure of Development Projects
  • Financial Closure of Trust Funds
  • Refunds to Donors
  • Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfers (HACT)
  • Direct Payments
  • Direct Cash Transfers and Reimbursements
  • UNDP Support Services to National Implementation (NIM)
  • Combined Delivery Report (CDR)
  • National Implementation
  • Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) Implementation
  • Parallel Fund Management
  • Pooled Fund Management
  • Pass-Through Fund Management: UNDP as a Participating UN Organization
  • Pass-Through Management: UNDP as Administrative Agent (AA)
  • Agency Implementation Finances
  • Direct Implementation (DIM) Modality
  • UNDP-supported Guarantees
  • EU Reporting
  • Financial Accountability and Internal Controls
  • Maintenance and Usage of Chart of Accounts
  • Record Retention, Data Security and Contingency
  • Financial Statements
  • Executive Board Papers
  • Certified Financial Reports
  • Core Contributions
  • Government Contribution to Local Office Costs (GLOC) from LIC and MIC
  • Government Local Office Cost (GLOC) Valuation of the In-Kind Contribution
  • Government Contributions from Net Contributing Countries (NCCs) and High Middle-Income Countries (High-MICs)
  • Non-Core Contributions
  • Revenue Management for Joint Programming
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Memorandum for Provision of Services (formerly Management Service Agreements)
  • US Letter of Credit (LOC) Agreements
  • Trust Fund Management
  • Pipeline Management
  • Country Co-Financing Cost Sharing Interest (Fund 11888), Non-Earmarked Programme Cost Sharing (Fund 30083), Country Co-Financing Project Residual balances (Fund 11890)
  • Purchase Orders (Obligations, Maintenance and Closure)
  • Prepayments
  • Accounts Payable
  • Disbursing Funds (Making Payments)
  • Regular Maintenance Accounts Payable
  • Hospitality Expense
  • Receipt of Goods, Services and Works
  • Raising E-requisitions
  • Quantum Financial Closure Instructions
  • Supplier Management
  • Write-Off Requests, Excluding Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets
  • Harmonized Conceptual Funding Framework and Cost Recovery Methodology
  • Cost Recovery from Other Resources - GMS
  • GMS Fee Set-up and Collection
  • Universal Price List (UPL) and Local Price List (LPL)
  • Expenditure of Income Accrued from Cost Recovery
  • Planning and Paying for Delivery Enabling Services to Projects
  • Multiple Funding Lines for Positions
  • Use of UPL and LPL
  • UN Agency Services
  • Service Clearing Account (SCA): Charging, Billing and Fee Collection
  • Common Services Project Management
  • Working with External Auditors
  • UNDP Legal Framework for Addressing Non-Compliance with UN Standards of Conduct
  • Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, and Abuse of Authority
  • Job Evaluation​
  • Settling-In Grant
  • Extended Monthly Evacuation Allowance (EMEA)
  • Language Allowance
  • Mobility and Hardship
  • Post Adjustment
  • Safe Driving Bonus (SDB)
  • Dependency Status and Allowances
  • Rental Subsidy
  • Deductions and Contributions
  • Recovery of Overpayments
  • Retroactivity of Payments
  • Currency of Payments
  • Elements of Remuneration
  • Night Differential
  • Principles of Remuneration
  • Staff Assessment
  • Salary Increments
  • Salary Advance
  • Salary Surveys
  • Overtime Compensation
  • Pensionable Remuneration
  • Temporary Appointment
  • Career Transitions
  • Eligibility for International Benefits and Entitlements and Determination of Official UN Nationality
  • Family Relationships
  • Recruitment and Selection Framework Policy
  • Selection and Reassignment Policy for International Rotational Posts
  • Experience and Academic Qualifications
  • Rules and Procedures for the UNDP Compliance Review Panel (CRP)
  • Interim Roster Rules of Procedure
  • Rank-in-Post
  • Hours of Work
  • Annual Leave
  • Family Leave
  • Parental Leave
  • Special Leave
  • Flexible Working Arrangements
  • Time off for Breastfeeding
  • Compensation for Death, Injury or Illness – Appendix D
  • Medical insurance: UN NY Empire Blue Cross PPO Medical Insurance
  • Malicious Acts Insurance Policy (MAIP)
  • Medical Insurance: UN NY Aetna Medical Insurance
  • Medical Insurance: UN NY HIP Health Plan
  • Medical Insurance : UN Worldwide Medical Insurance Plan
  • After-Service Health Insurance: ASHI MIP
  • Dental Insurance: UN NY Cigna Dental Plan
  • After-Service Health Insurance: ASHI UN
  • Medical Insurance: Medical Insurance Plan (MIP)
  • Group Life Insurance Plan (GLIP)
  • Pension Fund
  • Family Visit
  • Medical Evacuation Travel (MET)
  • Chartered Medical Evacuation Travel (CMET)
  • Rest and Recuperation
  • Relocation Shipment
  • Certificate of Service
  • Commutation of Annual Leave
  • Death Benefit
  • Last Day for Pay Purposes
  • Repatriation Grant
  • Entitlements upon Separation
  • Mandatory Age of Separation
  • Termination of Appointment
  • Abandonment of Post
  • Expiration of Fixed-term Appointment
  • Termination of Appointment for Reasons of Health
  • International Personnel Services Agreement
  • National Personnel Services Agreement
  • Partner Personnel Services Agreement
  • Service Contract
  • Non-Reimbursable Loan Agreements
  • Organizational Unit Restructuring
  • Performance Management and Development
  • Probation upon Appointment
  • Sustainable Procurement
  • Procurement Overview and Principles
  • Procurement Ethics, Fraud and Corrupt Practices
  • Procurement Authority and Increased Delegated Procurement Authority
  • Procurement Forecasting and Delivery
  • Transactional Procurement Strategies and Procurement Planning
  • Requisition and Procurement of Goods, Civil Works and Services
  • Sourcing and Market Research
  • Vendor Sanctions
  • Procurement Methods
  • Innovation Challenges
  • Quality Assurance for Health Products
  • Engaging CSO/NGO as a Responsible Party
  • Solicitation
  • Use of Online Quantum System
  • Submission and Receipt of Offers
  • Evaluation of Offers
  • Pre-Award Negotiations
  • Procurement Oversight and Procurement Review Committees
  • Contract Management
  • General Considerations of Contracting
  • Shipping and Insurance
  • Handling of Procurement Complaints
  • Payment and Taxes
  • Construction Works
  • Individual Contract
  • Long Term Agreements (LTAs) and Cooperation with UN Entities
  • Managing Partnerships
  • Policy on Due Diligence and Partnerships with the Private Sector
  • Private Sector Partnerships
  • Foundations
  • Property, Plant and Equipment
  • Acquisition and Maintenance (Furniture and Equipment)
  • Depreciation, Reconciliations Reports and Centralized Functions (Furniture and Equipment)
  • Disposal and Write-Off (Furniture and Equipment)
  • Acquisition and Maintenance (Plant and Property)
  • Depreciation, Reconciliations Reports and Centralized Functions (Plant and Property)
  • Disposal and Write-Off (Plant and Property)
  • Acquisition and Maintenance (Leasehold Improvements)
  • Depreciation, Reconciliations Reports and Centralized Functions (Leasehold Improvements)
  • Disposal and Write-Off (Leasehold Improvements)
  • Amortizations, Reconciliations, Reports and Centralized Functions
  • Intangible Assets: Acquisition, Development and Maintenance
  • Intangible Assets: Disposal and Write-Off
  • Vehicle Management
  • Type of Leases and Treatment in UNDP Books
  • Acquisition, Renewal and Termination of Premise Leases
  • Equipment Leases
  • Developing a Business Case for Local Presence
  • Clearing a Local Presence
  • Setting Up a Local Presence
  • Closing a Local Presence
  • Inoculations and Malaria Prevention
  • Medical Clearance
  • Security Clearance
  • UN Travel Documents and National Passport
  • Visas at Headquarters (New York)
  • Authorizing Official Business Travel
  • Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA)
  • Post Travel
  • Other Travel Allowances and Expenses
  • Route, Mode of Transportation, and Standard of Accommodation
  • Corporate Purchasing Card
  • Accountability System Policy
  • Information Disclosure
  • Internal Control Framework
  • Anti-Fraud Policy
  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Policy
  • Business Continuity Management
  • Delegation of Authorities
  • Participation and Role of UNDP Delegates at Major International Conferences and Events
  • Gifts Policy
  • Protection against Retaliation
  • Financial Disclosure
  • Evaluation Policy
  • Managing Prescriptive Content
  • Information Classification and Handling
  • Information Security Policy
  • Personal Data Protection and Privacy Policy
  • Electronic Signatures Policy
  • System Acquisition, Development and Maintenance Standards
  • ICT Disaster Recovery Standards for UNDP Offices
  • System Logon Banner Standards
  • Bring Your Own Device and Acceptable Usage of ICT Resources
  • Change Control and Release Management Standards
  • Application Development Standards & Scaling Framework
  • Electronic Funds Transfer Standards
  • Quantum User Access Standards
  • UNDP ICT Standards
  • Framework of Accountability for Security
  • Security Policy
  • Commercial Air Travel Safety Guidelines

Programme and Project Management

Crisis response, financial resources management.

Human Resources Management


Partnerships, administrative services, accountability, information and communications technology.

Appointment and Promotion

Recruitment and Selection

Apr 22, 2020

Dec 31, 2024


Published in:

2.1.2 Recruiting and Hiring of Regular Staff

Formerly Known As Policy Number: 22.1

This policy reviews all phases of the recruiting and hiring process and the corresponding areas of responsibility.

Applicability: All regular staff of the University and SLAC (as defined in Admin Guide Memo 2.2.1: Definitions ), with some limitations:

  • Bargaining Unit —For policies specific to employees covered by collective bargaining agreements, see agreements at Labor Relations & Collective Bargaining . 
  • SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC) —Some procedures in this policy do not apply at SLAC. For procedures specific to SLAC, contact SLAC's Human Resources Department.
  • Hospital —"Hospital" refers to both Stanford Health Care (SHC) and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital (LPCH). The hospitals are separate employers, each with its own policies and procedures. Contact SHC or LPCH Human Resources.
  • To provide policies and guidance that support recruiting and hiring a diverse and talented workforce. To accomplish this, Stanford strongly encourages hiring supervisors to develop the broadest possible applicant pool allowing the best and the brightest candidates—internal and external—to fairly compete for all open positions. Through fair and open competition and application of equitable evaluation criteria, Stanford hires the best available candidates.
  • To meet University policies and practices and comply with federal and state regulations.

1. General Recruiting and Hiring Responsibilities

A. university human resources.

University Human Resources is responsible for developing, monitoring and overseeing employment policies and providing the University with support services necessary to attain staffing objectives.

b. Local Human Resources Manager

Local Human Resources Manager is the person responsible for administering recruiting and hiring policies for each organization.

c. Hiring Supervisors

Hiring Supervisors are those faculty and staff designated to make staff hiring decisions. Hiring supervisors are responsible for making such decisions in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the University and set forth in this Guide Memo. Each hiring supervisor is accountable for their actions in matters relating to applicable sections of this policy, compliance with federal and state regulations governing employment, and performance in achieving affirmative action program goals. Questions on these policies that cannot be resolved at the local level should be referred to the Vice President for Human Resources.

Guide to Supervisors

Typical responsibilities for university human resources.

  • Conducts full-service recruiting and recruitment programs
  • Develops recruitment and hiring-related programs
  • Consults on recruitment strategies, compliance, diversity, selection and on-boarding
  • Administers online recruiting systems and websites
  • Ensures regulatory compliance; administers recruiting and hiring policies
  • Oversees contingent staffing, international hiring, background checks, third party management (including executive search firms)

Typical responsibilities for Local Human Resources Managers

  • Represents needs of the unit to University HR
  • Develops programs to support local recruiting needs
  • Consults on, and facilitates, the recruiting process within the local unit and between the local unit and University HR
  • Conducts and coordinates position searches, including selection and use of employment search firms
  • Emphasizes the need to ensure affirmative action goals are considered by hiring supervisor
  • Implements and administers recruitment and hiring policies

Typical responsibilities for Hiring Supervisors

  • Makes selection and hiring decisions within the stipulated policies and parameters, including reviewing resumes, interviewing candidates, conducting reference checks, and documenting process and decisions
  • Implements recruiting and staffing policies, programs and processes locally
  • Contributes toward the achievement of affirmative action goals

2. Recruiting and Hiring Policies

A. equal employment opportunity & affirmative action.

In accordance with all applicable law, it is the policy of University to:

  • Comply with all affirmative action requirements, and
  • Provide equal employment opportunities for all applicants and employees.

All employees in a position to make hiring decisions (“hiring supervisors”) are expected to comply with the “Equal Employment Opportunity Statement” distributed annually by the University’s Diversity & Access Office and 1.7.3 Equal Employment Opportunity, Non-Discrimination, and Affirmative Action Policy ' provision on “Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy.”

The University complies with Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972 and its regulations. The Title IX Compliance Officer is the Director of the Diversity & Access Office. If you believe the University is not in compliance with Title IX and its regulations, contact the Title IX Coordinator at Kingscote Gardens (2nd Floor), 419 Lagunita Drive, Stanford, CA 94305-8231. Or, call (650) 723-0755 [TTY at (650) 723-1216] or email [email protected] .

b. Employment Rights and Preferences of Former and Current Regular Staff

The University gives current and former regular staff certain reemployment rights and preferences described below:

(1) Right to Reemployment or Return to Active Employment

(a) definition.

The right of a former regular staff to reemployment or return to active employment in their former University position to the extent required by law.

(b) Who Qualifies

Reemployment rights extend to former regular staff who:

  • Terminated employment to serve in the military. A department that receives an inquiry about reemployment of a former employee returning from the Armed Services should consult with an Employee Relations Representative.
  • Returns from a leave of absence on or before the agreed upon return date (e.g., military, childbirth, family, medical) when the leave was formally requested and granted in accordance with University policy.

(2) Hiring Preference

The University is committed to hiring the best qualified candidate for the job. When the qualifications stated in the job listing and predetermined job-related selection criteria are used to determine each candidate's qualifications, and more than one qualified candidate competes for a job, the employment offer must be extended first to the candidate who has preference according to 2.b.3 below.

(3) Order of preference

Follow this order when considering substantially equal candidates:

(a) First Preference:

Regular staff who have been given written notice of permanent layoff or who are permanently laid off under the policies in Guide Memo 2.1.17: Layoffs. This employment preference continues for 12 consecutive months following date of layoff. Layoff preference also applies to regular staff whose positions are being eliminated and who have been informed that they will be laid off if they do not obtain alternative employment in the same department/administrative unit.

(b) Second Preference:

Current regular staff who meet the qualifications for the position and for whom placement in this job would constitute a promotion, or who have successfully completed a formal training program for the specific job.

(c) Third Preference:

Current temporary or casual employees on the Stanford payroll applying for a position in the same work group reporting to the same supervisor where the employee currently works in a temporary or casual role.

Policy conflicts may occur between consideration of the hiring preferences and consideration of affirmative action goals. In these circumstances, consult with the local Human Resources Office before making an offer of employment.

c. Employment of Related Persons

Employment by a related person in any position (e.g., regular staff, faculty, other teaching, temporary, casual, third party, etc.) within an organizational unit can occur only with the approval of the responsible Vice Provost, Vice President (or similar level equivalent to the highest administrative person within the organizational unit), or their designee. Under no circumstances may a supervisor hire or approve any compensation action for any employee to whom the supervisor is related. An individual may not supervise, evaluate the job performance, or approve compensation for any individual with whom the supervisor is related.

Even when the criteria discussed here are met, employment of a related person in any position within the organization must have the approval of the local human resources office, in addition to the approval of the hiring manager's supervisor, including faculty supervisors. 

Employment by a related person in any position (e.g., regular staff, faculty, other teaching, temporary, casual, third party, etc.) within an organizational unit can result in an actual or perceived conflict of interest and is strongly discouraged.

The university recognizes that relationships may develop in the workplace. The university expects its employees to disclose relationships as appropriate, and specifically in the case of direct reporting relationships and/or potential conflict of interest situations. Failure to properly disclose a relationship or family connection may lead to corrective action measures being taken.

All of the above requirements also apply to employing and hiring those with consensual sexual or romantic relationships. In addition, consensual sexual or romantic relationships must also be disclosed in compliance with section 4 in Guide Memo 1.7.2: Consensual Sexual or Romantic Relationships In the Workplace and Educational Setting .

Definition of Related Person - The employee’s spouse; same-sex domestic partner; children of the employee, spouse or same-sex domestic partner; parents and parents-in-law; parent surrogate; brothers and sisters of the employee; grandparents and grandchildren of the employee; and, any other dependent family member who lived in the employee’s residence.

d. Rehiring Former Regular Staff

Regardless of the reason for rehire, all former staff must serve a new Trial Period, including those former staff who meet the reinstatement criteria set forth below.

(1) Reinstating the Hire Date:

Former regular staff will have their hire date reinstated if they left the University in good standing and meet these timelines:

  • Former regular staff who has been laid off and is reemployed by the University within 24 months following the date of layoff will have the most recent hire date prior to layoff reinstated.
  • Bridging of service by restoring the most recent hire date in a benefits-eligible position before termination,
  • Restoration of any sick leave balance at the time of termination, and
  • Vacation accrual rate based on the reinstated hire date.

(2) Rehire After Involuntary Discharge

If a regular staff member was terminated from the University for cause, supervisors must consult their local HR Office and Employee Relations Representative before rehire or reinstatement. An individual who was terminated for gross misconduct is not eligible for rehire.

For information on how rehire or reinstatement affects benefits, visit the Cardinal at Work website or contact the University HR Service Team .

Hiring Hospital Employees - See Guide Memo 2.1.4: Hiring Employees from Stanford Health Care or its Predecessor Companies for information on applicability of University employment policies and eligibility for University benefits when hiring regular staff who was previously employed by Stanford Health Care (or its predecessor companies) or Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital.

e. Age as a Hiring Factor

Age (except for persons under 18 who have not graduated from high school) may not be used as a factor in hiring unless it can be shown as a necessary job qualification.

f. Employment of Minors

Before an offer of employment is made, the hiring department must obtain a work permit for applicants under age 18 years who have not graduated from high school. A permit is obtained from the applicant's school district and is retained in the department file.

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and California law restricts the hours and conditions of employment for minors. Because restrictions on the employment of minors can be complex, supervisors should consult with their local Human Resources Office about specific cases. General restrictions include:

  • Except as part of approved University programs (e.g., Take Our Children to Work Day), minors are not permitted to visit in areas where they would not be permitted to work as employees.
  • Minors ages 16-17: In addition to the above, prohibited from working on hazardous jobs. No other restrictions.
  • Minors ages 14-15: In addition to all the above, during school session, cannot work more than 3 hours/day, 18 hours/week. During school vacation, cannot work more than 8 hours/day, 40 hours/week.
  • Minors under age 14: In addition to all the above, prohibited from most non-agricultural work.

3. Policies and Practices—Search Phase

A. job descriptions.

Before a job description is entered into the HR Applicant Tracking system:

(1) Hiring supervisor's responsibilities:

Identify the functions of the job, define and describe the duties and responsibilities of the position, include required regulatory training, develop and document objective criteria for the selection process, and obtain local Human Resources Office's confirmation of position level and salary range. For guidance, visit Staff Compensation . Qualifications cannot unnecessarily prevent or lessen the employment opportunities for any class of applicants or potential applicants, as identified in Section 2.b.

(2) Local Human Resources Office's responsibilities:

Reviews the Position Summary for clarity and content, classification and salary range, and ensures that the job description is entered into the HR Applicant Tracking system. The job requisition is also reviewed for appropriateness of posting. All job postings must include the pay range for the position. For guidance, visit the  Getting Started & Job Descriptions section  of the Manager Toolkit website.

Selection Criteria -  Use the job description and other relevant criteria established by the hiring supervisor (including education, experience, essential skills, abilities and competencies) to screen applicants and aid in the selection process.

b. Announcing Job Openings

(1) local human resources offices.

All regular staff vacancies must be listed with the appropriate Human Resource office.

  • For SLAC, SLAC Human Resources Department.
  • For campus, University Human Resources: Talent Management & Workforce Strategy announces all openings on  Stanford Careers  and may use other media as appropriate.

(2) Temporary Employment

Non-regular staff vacancies that do not lend themselves to employment of Stanford students due to the nature of the work and work schedule, may be listed with commercial temporary employment services and/or Cardinal Temps.

(3)  Text of Advertisements

Advertising and other notification of vacancies must be non-discriminatory and must include reference to the University's commitment to affirmative action and equal opportunity: “Stanford is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.”

c. Posting Period

(1) definition.

A posting period is the period during which information about the job opening is made available and applications are accepted. Generally, postings should not exceed six months except where the hiring supervisor is actively seeking and reviewing applications for the position.

(2) Length of Posting Period

All vacant positions except those filled through an approved posting period waiver (see Section 3.d for information on waivers) are posted online for a minimum of 10 calendar days. The posting period begins when the approved online requisition updates the Applicant Tracking system. Applications are accepted through the full posting period. If a job code changes on a posted vacant position, it must be reposted online for a minimum of 10 additional calendar days. 

(3) Changes in Posting Period

Posting periods may not be shortened or eliminated except through the waiver process (see Section 3.d). Posting periods may be extended at the hiring supervisor's discretion and applications may be accepted beyond the posting period at the supervisor's discretion.

(4) Timing of Employment Offer

Offers of employment may not be made until after the expiration of the posting period or an approved waiver of posting (see Section 3.d).

d. Waiver of Posting

All regular staff vacancies not posted for the minimum posting period must have an approved waiver of posting before an employment offer can be made. Waiver requests are reviewed and approved by University Human Resources: Talent Management & Workforce Strategy.

(1) Affirmative Action Goals

Waivers are not available for positions that fall within EEO job categories for which Stanford has an affirmative action goal.

(2) Approval Criteria

The hiring department must document the reason for requesting the waiver. The local Human Resources office must submit the waiver request to University Human Resources: Talent Management & Workforce Strategy. University Human Resources: Talent Management & Workforce Strategy may approve the waiver request if it meets at least one of the following criteria:

  • The department documents critical operational need, or
  • There is a uniquely qualified/skilled applicant and it is unlikely a better qualified candidate would apply, or
  • The department is reusing a recent (within past six months) applicant pool for a comparable job likely to result in a similar pool.

(3) Denial Criteria

University Human Resources: Talent Management & Workforce Strategy may deny a waiver request if it is determined that the requested action would be inconsistent with the University’s waiver or affirmative action policies.

e. Recruitment of Applicants

(1) definition of an applicant.

Currently Stanford requires resumes for regular staff positions to be submitted through the Stanford Careers (or Jobs@SLAC ) website. Consistent with this requirement, an applicant is defined as any person who meets all of these criteria:

  • The individual submits a resume for a specific position through the Stanford Careers (or Jobs@SLAC ) website,
  • Stanford considers the individual for employment in a particular position,
  • The individual's resume indicates the individual possesses the basic qualifications for the position, and
  • The individual at no time during the selection process prior to receiving an offer of employment removes him/herself from further consideration or otherwise indicates that their is no longer interested in the position.

(2) Equal Opportunity Policy

With the assistance of University Human Resources: Talent Management & Workforce Strategy and the local Human Resources Office, departments must make every effort to recruit qualified individuals for job openings, keeping in mind the university's commitment to equal opportunity and affirmative action, and any specific affirmative action goals (as opposed to quotas or preferences, which may not be used) established for specific classifications and departments.

(3) International Recruitment

Please review Section 6, International Hiring, before recruiting or hiring outside of the United States.

(4) Search Firms

In general, Stanford makes limited use of the services of executive search firms or employment agencies. In the instances where it is necessary to use such services (e.g., senior level vacancies), departments must consult with the local Human Resources Office before making any arrangement with an outside firm or agency.

The hiring supervisor is accountable for assuring that the firm or agency is fully informed with regard to its responsibility for meeting the University’s institutional affirmative action and record keeping responsibilities. Consultation on search firms is available from University Human Resources: Talent Management & Workforce Strategy.

For a checklist on how to choose a search firm that meets Stanford’s requirements to provide a widely diverse selection of applicants and the ability to track the applicant pool, go to the  University Human Resources: Talent Management & Workforce Strategy website .

Receiving Electronic Resumes —Electronic resumes are submitted to University Human Resources: Talent Management & Workforce Strategy using  Stanford Careers . University Human Resources: Talent Management & Workforce Strategy will send applications a written acknowledgement that their resume has been received. Electronic resumes are submitted to SLAC using  Careers at SLAC .  

4. Policies and Practices—Selection Phase

A. employment application form.

  •  All interviewed applicants must complete and sign a Stanford University application form .
  • Stanford does not accept incomplete application forms.
  • Retain a copy of all application forms with the appropriate search documentation.
  • The successful candidate’s application form must be retained in the personnel file (see Guide Memo 2.1.3: Personnel Files and Data ).

b. International Candidates

Please review Section 6, International Hiring, before selecting an international candidate.

c. Interviews

(1) standard administration.

Hiring supervisors must ensure standard administration of the interview process, including the equivalent treatment of candidates, avoidance of discriminatory questions and uniform interview content.

(2) Accommodation

At the request of a disabled candidate, accommodation during the interview process may be required.

(1) Prior Approval

All testing or screening devices used in the employment process must be approved by the AVP, Recruitment & Talent Management in consultation with the Diversity & Access Office, as appropriate. Only standardized, validated test instruments may be considered.

(2) Accommodations

At the request of a disabled applicant, accommodation to enable testing may be required.

(3) Applicability of Test

When used, approved tests must directly relate to essential job functions and be given to all applicants or finalists under the same or equivalent conditions. The test must be scored, evaluated and used as a selection factor equally for all applicants or finalists and maintained with other applications and selection materials.

e. Reference Checks

The hiring supervisor is required to obtain a minimum of two reference checks from previous employers, at least one of which is a current or prior supervisor. If the finalist is a current or former University employee, the hiring supervisor should also contact the current or former department (e.g., supervisor and/or Human Resources Manager). Reference checks must be part of the candidate’s evaluation and may be used as a factor in the hiring decision if the information is job-related. No offer of employment can be made before completing the hiring process, including reference checks.

The hiring supervisor must exercise caution to assure that:

  • The names of those contacted for references are retained in the search documentation with any unsolicited written references provided by the candidate,
  • Inconsistent or negative information obtained in a reference check is corroborated, if possible, before it is used in making a hiring decision, and
  • Reference information used in the hiring decision is job-related and can be shown to be a predictor of job performance.

Local Human Resources Offices may provide consultation.

f. False and/or Misleading Statements

Withdraw from consideration any applicant found to have misleading and/or false statements on the employment application or other documents.

g. Review of Personnel Files

Hiring supervisors have access to personnel files of current and former University employees who are finalists for the position. No offer of employment can be made before the hiring supervisor or Human Resources reviews the personnel files.

Contact the local Human Resources Office for details and assistance (see Guide Memo 2.1.3: Personnel Files and Data ).

5. Hiring Decisions, Offers and Documentation

A. hiring decisions.

Hiring decisions for regular University staff positions are based on the relative job-related qualifications of the applicants for the positions, with full consideration of the employment rights and preferences specified in Section 2.b.

  • The hiring supervisor is responsible for judging the relative qualifications of each applicant and for making the hiring decision, consistent with University policy and applicable governmental laws and regulations.
  • The local Human Resources Office is responsible for reviewing proposed hiring decisions and for ensuring compliance with regulations, laws, and/or University employment policies.
  • The Diversity & Access Office, if notified by an applicant or administrator regarding a particular opening, may delay a proposed hiring action for further review if it appears inconsistent with the University's Affirmative Action Program.

b. Employment Offers

(1) timing of offer.

Employment offers should be made after:

  • The expiration of the posting period (or, after approval of a waiver request), and
  • The employment action (including in-hire salary) has received all required approvals.

(2) Conditional Offer of Employment

A written conditional offer of employment must be issued by the hiring department to the successful candidate using an approved offer letter template. Approved templates include those for standard hires, promotions and out-of-country hires. If a background check is required by policy, the written conditional offer of employment will inform the candidate that the offer is contingent upon successfully completing and passing a background check.

Workplace Accommodation - At the request of a candidate or applicant who has a disability, workplace accommodation may be needed. The hiring supervisor should refer to Guide Memo 2.2.7: Requesting Workplace Accommodations for Employees with Disabilities .

Out-of-Country - If this is an offer of employment for the applicant to work in a primary site outside the U.S., Staffing Services will assist the local Human Resources Office with arrangements. See Section 6 for details on International Hiring.

c. Background Checks

Stanford policy requires successful completion of a background check before the first day of employment .  Additional background checking may be required in some job classifications (e.g., Deputy Sheriffs). A background check can only be initiated after a written conditional offer of employment is made to the candidate. Local Human Resources Offices will provide information on specific requirements.

d. Criminal Records

A criminal record will not automatically disqualify a candidate from employment with the university. University Human Resources/Employee & Labor Relations will conduct an individualized assessment of any criminal record revealed during the background check process. If individual circumstances warrant, a candidate with a criminal record may be disqualified from employment.

e. Documentation and Record Keeping

(1) pre-employment.

New, transferred, rehired or promoted employees may not start work in the new position until all appropriate forms have been signed and processed.

(2) Non-Selected Applicants

  • The hiring supervisor is responsible for oral or written notification to all non-selected applicants who were interviewed.
  • The hiring supervisor must ensure that all search summary records are completed, including indication of all applicants' status (disposition data) in the HR Applicant Tracking system. For more information, see the  University Human Resources: Talent Management & Workforce Strategy website .

(3) Completeness

Records must include the resume and application materials of all applicants for a position, as well as documents pertaining to individuals considered for the position.

(4) Patent and Copyright Agreement

All employees must complete a Patent and Copyright Agreement Form (SU18) as a condition of employment.

(5) Retention Time

The hiring department must retain records relating to a search, selection and employment decision for a minimum of four years following the decision. Should there be a dispute (grievance/litigation), the documents must be retained until the matter is resolved, if not resolved by the conclusion of the four-year period.

(6) More Information

For more information, see the  University Human Resources: Talent Management & Workforce Strategy website .

6. International Hiring

Hiring, transfer or assignment of regular staff outside of the united states.

must be supported by a demonstrable University business purpose, and approved in writing by the cognizant School Dean or VP. Copies of such approvals should be forwarded to the Global HR Programs Manager in University Human Resources and the Global Business Director in Business Affairs.

Employees assigned or working outside of the United States

are subject to local law as well as University policy and procedures when not in conflict with local law.

Employment Options - Employment regulations in other countries may be very different than the U.S. In light of operational and regulatory complexities, careful consideration should be given to the various employment options in satisfaction of programmatic requirements, before considering an international hire, transfer or assignment.

  • Consult with your HR Manager, and ask for a copy of the International Human Resources Checklist for Stanford University Human Resources Managers.
  • See Plan Global Activities
  • For additional guidance, consult Global Business Services (GBS) who can direct you to the cognizant central oversight office
  • See Administrative Guide Memo 11.2.22 International Employees .

Administrative Costs -  Assignments outside of the United States typically involve significant additional administrative costs in light of the regulatory and operational complexity involved in such assignments. Accordingly, the supervisor hiring or assigning the employee outside of the United States is responsible for ensuring that the added administrative expense of such an assignment is covered by the applicable budget for the duration of the assignment.

Work Authorization - Work authorization and immigration issues may require significant lead-time, and HR managers are responsible for ensuring that appropriate documents are secured prior to foreign employment. The local Human Resources Office cannot process an assignment until the proper work authorization is obtained. All offer letters must be approved by the local Human Resources Office in consultation with the Global HR Programs Manager.

Consulting Arrangements -  It should be noted with caution that what may appear to be a consulting arrangement by U.S. standards, could in fact constitute an employment relationship in a foreign country, potentially triggering employment, tax and other regulatory considerations.

In general, the same policies and practices are required for international hires as detailed in the ensuing guidelines for U.S. employment. However, local country norms and requirements take precedence, and it is the responsibility of local HR managers and the supervisor to ensure that the employee is apprised of such requirements prior to the effective date of the assignment. Assignments should be of a limited duration for the purpose of addressing tax, expatriate status and visa considerations.

Additional guidance may be obtained from the Global HR Programs Manager at [email protected] in University Human Resources and/or the Global Business Director in Business Affairs.

Related Policies

2.1.3 personnel files and data, 2.1.4 hiring employees from stanford health care or its predecessor companies, 2.1.17 layoffs, 2.2.1 definitions, 2.4.1 visas for and employment of foreign nationals, 1.7.4 equal employment opportunity, non-discrimination, and affirmative action policy, 2.2.7 requesting workplace accommodations for employees with disabilities, 11.2.22 international employees.

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Registration Associate at UN High Commissioner For Refugees - UNHCR

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Registration Associate

  • Job Type Full Time
  • Qualification BA/BSc/HND
  • Experience 3 years
  • Location Taraba
  • Job Field Administration / Secretarial  

Job ID 20641 Location Takum, Nigeria Salary Grade G6 Hardship Level D Family Location Type Pending Eligible Applicants This position is advertised open to internal and external applicants. Procedures and Eligibility Interested applicants should consult the Administrative Instruction on Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (RALS) Duties and Qualifications

Organizational Setting and Work Relationships

The Registration Associate is a member of the Registration team and is normally supervised by the Registration Officer. The Registration Associate is responsible for supporting all activities related to registration, and with ensuring that registration is effectively used for the identification of specific protection needs, for the management of operations, and for the achievement of durable solutions.

Depending on the size and structure of the Office, the Registration Associate may provide day-to-day supervision, direction and support to UNHCR staff engaged in registration and related activities (including Reception, Filing and Data Management staff), and monitors the efficiency and quality of registration processes, identity and entitlement documentation activities and population data management. The Registration Associate collaborates closely with Protection, Programme, Operational Data Management and Information Management colleagues as well as with Government authorities and partners on the provision of quality population data for the delivery of registration activities. All UNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflected in their job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies and UNHCR¿s core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity.

  • Assist in the implementation of registration strategies and methodologies for populations of concern.
  • Assist in the supervision and daily running of registration team activities, where required.
  • Conduct registration interviews when required in accordance with registration standards and guidance.
  • Provide counselling to, and responds to queries from, asylum seekers and refugees regarding UNHCR's registration procedures and their rights and entitlements.
  • Maintain accurate and up-to date records and data related to all registration cases.
  • Identify persons with specific needs and ensure timely referral to protection follow-up as required.
  • Collaborate with protection staff and/or partners in the delivery of assistance and programming, including provision of identity and entitlement documentation.
  • Draft correspondence and reports relating to registration activities in the operation, when required
  • Provide statistics and draft reports related to registration data, as requested.
  • In consultation with the supervisor, make decisions related to the day-to-day operations of the registration unit and devise registration procedures which are efficient and effective.
  • Draft and submit reports and statistics related to registration.

Perform other related duties as required.

Minimum Qualifications

Education & Professional Work Experience

  • Years of Experience / Degree Level
  • For G6 3 years relevant experience with High School Diploma; or 2 years relevant work experience with Bachelor or equivalent or higher

Field(s) of Education Not applicable.

Certificates and/or Licenses

  • Social sciences;
  • Statistics;
  • Mathematics;
  • Information technology;

(Certificates and Licenses marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Relevant Job Experience Essential Good computer skills, particularly in data management. Desirable Training in basic principles of international protection. Experience in working with UNHCR proGres software.

Functional Skills

  • *DM-Data Management
  • MS-Data Collection and Analysis
  • *IT-Computer literacy
  • IT-IT Refugee Systems & Applications
  • CL-Programme Management (project formulation, programme cycles and reporting standards)
  • TR-Training/Coaching/Facilitation
  • EX-Experience in international organization (United Nations or similar)
  • PR-Experience in Registration

(Functional Skills marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Language Requirements For International Professional and Field Service jobs : Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English. For National Professional jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English and local language. For General Service jobs : Knowledge of English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English. This is a Standard Job Description for all UNHCR jobs with this job title and grade level. The Operational Context may contain additional essential and/or desirable qualifications relating to the specific operation and/or position. Any such requirements are incorporated by reference in this Job Description and will be considered for the screening, shortlisting and selection of candidates. Position Competencies Core Competencies

  • Accountability
  • Communication
  • Organizational Awareness
  • Teamwork & Collaboration
  • Commitment to Continuous Learning
  • Client & Result Orientation

Managerial Competencies Not specified.

Cross-Functional Competencies

  • Analytical Thinking
  • Technological Awareness
  • Planning and Organizing

Language Requirements Please also note that English is essential for this Job Opening. Additional  Information A written test will be conducted for this position which will be followed by a competency-based interview.

Method of Application

When the page opens, click on Nigeria, then click on your preffered job.


Internal Candidates:

Interested staff members should consult the policy Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (UNHCR/AI/2020/1/Rev.1 dated 31 March 2020). If you have questions regarding your eligibility, you may also contact the HR Unit.

An applicant who has internal status is a staff member holding an indefinite or fixed-term appointment in any duty station in the country. Former UNHCR General Service staff members, having held an indefinite or fixed-term appointment for an uninterrupted period of at least one year may apply for internally advertised vacancies at their previous grade or equivalent or one grade above, if the seniority requirements are met, for a period of two years for Male candidates and three years for Female candidates following separation.

External Candidates:  External candidates must meet the essential minimum requirements of the position  and candidates who are not citizens of the country  must comply with all eligibility requirements for employment in line with the prevailing legislative prerequisites in the country. Completed and relevant university education can count as maximum 50% of the required years of work experience.

Remuneration:  A competitive compensation and benefits package is offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, please visit the portal of the International Civil Service Commission at:  http://icsc.un.org

Submission of Applications:

Internal Applicants:

Please log on to your MSRP accounts to complete your application(s)

External Applicants:

Use the Links in the jobs

Closing Date

Closing date is 11:59 GMT / 03 July  2020.

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UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Budget and Finance Assistant

Assistant manager accounts, finance assistant – national position, assistant public health officer.


  1. Recruitment marketing in 3 easy steps

    recruitment and assignment of locally recruited staff

  2. Expert Tips on Recruiting Employees Effectively

    recruitment and assignment of locally recruited staff

  3. Top 3 Reasons to Use a Recruitment Agency

    recruitment and assignment of locally recruited staff

  4. 5 Tools to Help You Recruit Better Employees

    recruitment and assignment of locally recruited staff

  5. What is The Meaning of Recruitment? |What is Recruitment Process| Explained In A Simple Way

    recruitment and assignment of locally recruited staff

  6. 3 Tips For Recruiting, Hiring, And Onboarding Employees

    recruitment and assignment of locally recruited staff


  1. Assignment 3b

  2. Recruitment & Selection

  3. CM Sri Revanth Reddy handing over appointment letters to the newly recruited Staff Nurses

  4. Photography Assignment Locally vs Globally

  5. Assignment Topic: Communication between manager and staff

  6. Creative Recruiters


  1. Administrative Instruction on Recruitment and Assignment of Locally

    Following the release of the new Administrative Instruction on Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (RALS) and its entry into force as of 1 May 2020, UNHCR Russia is pleased to announce an open call for applications for UNHCR Group 2 candidates, for General Service positions in the UNHCR Moscow country office.

  2. PDF UNSMS Security Policy Manual

    1 For the purpose of this policy, locally recruited personnel are United Nations personnel who are in posts subject to local recruitment, irrespective of their nationalities or the length of time they may have been in the country (see for example, paragraph 4.4 of the Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations).

  3. PDF G00174 Summary of Benefits Applicable to Locally Recruited Staff Across

    Pre-Assignment Visit and assignment location for staff and one dependent; plus 125% Round-trip economy class tickets between originating location of DSA for 5 days Relocation Travel Economy class if the flight duration is less than 5 hours; Less than first class (e.g., business class) if at least 5 hours; for staff and eligible dependents

  4. Registration Assistant

    As reflected in paragraph 36 a) and b) of the Administrative Instruction on Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (RALS), this Job Opening is open to internal candidates (Group 1 and Group 2), based in the country, at all grade. ... - Former locally recruited UNHCR staff members who held an indefinite or fixed-term appointment ...

  5. UNHCR/HCP/2017/2 (Recruitment and Assigments Policy "RAP")

    UNHCR IOM/049-FOM/050/2012 (Policy and Procedures on Assignments of Locally recruited Staff) 1 UNHCR IOM/051/2007- FOM/054/2007 (Revised Framework for Resource Allocation and Management)

  6. Recruitment and Selection Framework Policy

    Government Contribution to Local Office Costs (GLOC) from LIC and MIC; Government Local Office Cost (GLOC) Valuation of the In-Kind Contribution ; Other Resources Government Contributions from Net Contributing Countries (NCCs) and High Middle-Income Countries (High-MICs) Non-Core Contributions

  7. PDF Job Title Assistant Human Resources Officer Job ID 34323

    Applicants should consult the Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (RALS), UNHCR/AI/2020/1/Rev. 2 dated 16 March 2021. If you have questions regarding your eligibility, you may also contact the HR Unit. Internal candidates: An applicant who has internal status is a staff member holding an indefinite or fixed-term

  8. PDF Job Title Senior Administrative Assistant (PSP) Job ID: 33288

    Applicants should consult the Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (RALS), UNHCR/AI/2020/1/Rev. 2 dated 16 March 2021. If you have questions regarding your eligibility, you may also contact the HR Unit. Internal candidates: An applicant who has internal status is

  9. Readvertised-Data Management Associate

    Interested staff members should consult the Administrative Instruction on Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (RALS, UNHCR/AI/2020/1/Rev.2). If you have questions regarding your eligibility, you may also contact the HR Unit. ... "Recruitment as a UNHCR staff member and engagement under a UNHCR affiliate scheme or as an ...

  10. Assistant Field Officer

    JO# 39216, Assistant Field Officer, NOA, Position Number, 10020778 - in Replacement Capacity (Internal/External) Closing Date: Sunday, 14 August 2022 (Midnight Geneva / Prishtina time) The management of the advertised openings in this announcement is in line with the provisions of the UNHCR Administrative Instruction on Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (RALS). The ...

  11. 2.1.2 Recruiting and Hiring of Regular Staff

    Formerly Known As Policy Number: 22.1. This policy reviews all phases of the recruiting and hiring process and the corresponding areas of responsibility. Applicability: All regular staff of the University and SLAC (as defined in Admin Guide Memo 2.2.1: Definitions ), with some limitations: Bargaining Unit —For policies specific to employees ...

  12. Administrative Associate

    Eligibility: Interested staff members should consult the Administrative Instruction on Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (RALS, UNHCR/AI/2020/1/Rev.2). If you have questions regarding your eligibility, you may also contact the HR Unit. In line with the RALS, the below category of candidates are eligible to apply for ...

  13. Administrative Associate, G6, PN: 10035625

    Interested staff members should consult the Administrative Instruction on Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (RALS, UNHCR/AI/2020/1/Rev.2). If you have questions regarding your eligibility, you may also contact the HR Unit. 4 ... I. Current locally recruited UNHCR staff members holding a temporary appointment up to a maximum ...

  14. Locally Recruited Staff Definition

    Locally Recruited Staff The Director shall employ such Locally Recruited Staff for clerical and other duties as are necessary for the normal functioning of the Centre. In the same vein, Treasury, through the 2018 National Budget, also re-affirmed Government's commitment to rationalise expenditures related to: ...

  15. Associate Government Liaison Officer

    Interested applicants should consult the Administrative Instruction on Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (RALS). Applicants must be nationals of, and be locally recruited ...

  16. Registration Assistant

    This position is advertised open to Group 1, Group 2, if applicable, and external applicants. Interested applicants should consult the Administrative Instruction on Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (RALS). Applicants must be nationals of and be locally recruited within the country of their employment. Registration Assistant

  17. Assistant Field Officer

    This position is advertised open to internal and external applicants. Interested applicants should consult the Administrative Instruction on Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (RALS). Applicants must be nationals of, and be locally recruited within the country of their employment. Assistant Field Officer

  18. PDF United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (Unhcr Internal/External

    Interested staff members should consult the Administrative Instruction on Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (RALS, UNHCR/AI/2020/1/Rev.2). If you have questions regarding your eligibility, you may also contact the HR Unit. In line with the RALS, the below category of candidates are eligible to apply for

  19. Information Management Associate

    In line with Administrative Instruction on Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (RALS, UNHCR/AI/2020/1/Rev.2) timeframe for filling of vacancies should in principle be reduced by ...

  20. Registration Associate at UN High Commissioner For Refugees

    Procedures and Eligibility Interested applicants should consult the Administrative Instruction on Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (RALS) Duties and Qualifications. Organizational Setting and Work Relationships. The Registration Associate is a member of the Registration team and is normally supervised by the Registration ...

  21. WSDOT Project Delivery Method Review Task Force Meeting

    Additional information. Location: via Microsoft Teams Meeting ID: 229 139 642 726 Passcode: ioiXsn Or call in (audio only): +1 564-999-2000,,944696543# Phone Conference ID: 944 696 543# Meeting documents. Agenda - pending; Meeting minutes - May 22, 2024 - pending

  22. ACA Now

    In this issue: upcoming webinar on navigating challenging interactions, a video interview with the new director of accreditation, the latet Project Real Job blog, and more. View the issue

  23. Senior Field Assistant

    Applicants must be nationals of, and be locally recruited within the country of their employment, (Angola) Interested applicants should consult the Administrative Instruction on Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (RALS).

  24. Technical Officer (Hlth Sys. Strengthening for Immunization)

    OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMMETo contribute to the prevention and control of vaccine preventable diseases (VPD), with specialfocus on improving routine immunization coverage, measles and rubella elimination,maintaining elimination of polio as well as maternal and neonatal tetanusand introduction of new vaccines, To assist Member countries to establish sustainable systems thatensure good access to ...

  25. Resettlement Assistant

    This position is advertised open to internal and external applicants. Interested staff members should consult the Administrative Instruction on Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (RALS, UNHCR/AI/2020/1/Rev.2). Duties. - Prepare written documentation for resettlement submission; ensure that records / files of individual cases ...

  26. Registration Assistant (2 Positions)

    Interested applicants should consult the Administrative Instruction on Recruitment and Assignment of Locally Recruited Staff (RALS). Registration Assistant ... Please note that UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of it recruitment process (application, interview, meeting, travelling, processing, training or any other fees). ...