The College Application

10 MSW Personal Statement Examples (with Commentary)

Get inspired by some of the best MSW personal statement examples below.

These personal statement examples are inspired by actual essays from students with whom we’ve collaborated, essays that contributed to their successful admissions. For confidentiality, key details have been altered.

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Table of Contents

Example 1: NYU MSW Personal Statement Sample

Prompt: ‘why i want to be a social worker’ essay.

At the tender age of five, as my family faced the challenges of immigrating to the United States, I quickly became attuned to the complexities surrounding us. This early brush with adversity sparked my quest for understanding, especially in the realm of adolescent experiences. Growing up in a household where my mother tirelessly cared for us, while my father remained emotionally distant, I learned to seek solace in introspection and daydreaming. These experiences laid the foundation for my deep empathy towards others and a commitment to understanding them beyond surface-level perceptions.

My ability to empathize with others, particularly adolescents, has been a guiding force in my life. Working with XXXX as a counselor, I revisited my own teenage years, recognizing the crucial need for guidance during this transformative phase. This realization has fueled my determination to specialize in counseling and therapy for adolescents, a path I am eager to pursue through NYU’s Master of Social Work program. I am convinced that effective counseling during adolescence is pivotal in shaping capable, responsible adults.

My internship at XXXX Health was a turning point. Observing clinical behavioral health therapists and working alongside a psychiatrist specializing in post-incarceration life, I gained profound insights into the long-lasting impact of disrupted adolescent experiences. Hearing the narratives of former inmates underscored the importance of early intervention in defining one’s identity. This experience intensified my desire to work with young individuals struggling to find their place in the world.

Choosing NYU Silver was a natural decision. The school’s esteemed faculty, particularly Dr. Kirk Jae James, resonates with my journey as an immigrant. Dr. James’ dedication to overcoming his challenging past and disproving stereotypes is not just inspiring; it mirrors the resilience and determination I strive to embody. His work with those affected by mass incarceration aligns closely with my aspiration to be a clinical therapist who can bring change to young lives.

New York City, the vibrant and diverse backdrop of NYU Silver, also greatly appeals to me. The city’s rich history of nurturing notable figures like Andy Warhol, Roy Halston, and Jean Basquiat speaks to its capacity to foster self-discovery and belonging. I am excited to immerse myself in this melting pot of cultures and ideas, which will undoubtedly enrich my learning and practice in clinical therapy.

My personal history, particularly my father’s struggle with his traumatic childhood, has taught me that resilience and determination are key to overcoming adversity. His journey, though fraught with challenges, has instilled in me the belief that embracing the unknown and being steadfast in one’s goals can lead to remarkable achievements. Carrying this lesson with me, I step into NYU Silver poised to embark on a journey towards becoming an influential clinical therapist for adolescents.

My path to NYU Silver is more than an academic pursuit; it is a commitment to my dream of guiding adolescents through their most vulnerable years. By combining my personal experiences with the comprehensive training at NYU Silver, I am ready to make a meaningful impact in the field of clinical therapy, helping young individuals navigate their formative years with understanding and resilience.


  • Personal and Cultural Background : Effectively connects early experiences as an immigrant to developing empathy, crucial for social work.
  • Professional Aspirations : Clearly links past experiences with seniors and an internship to a focused interest in clinical therapy for adolescents.
  • Academic Motivation : Draws a parallel between personal experiences and the inspiration found in NYU Silver’s faculty and New York City’s diversity.
  • Resilience and Determination : Reflects on lessons learned from family, particularly the father, instilling a belief in achieving ambitious goals.
  • Career Vision : Articulates a strong desire to impact adolescent lives, demonstrating an understanding of the field’s challenges and opportunities.

Verdict: The personal statement is heartfelt and well-structured, showing a clear link between the candidate’s background, their professional drive, and their chosen academic path. The reflection on personal and family resilience adds depth, positioning the candidate as a motivated individual ready to leverage their experiences for meaningful social work.

Example 2: Columbia MSW Personal Statement Sample

  • Part 1: Reflecting upon your decision and motivation to pursue the MSW, describe how attending CSSW will enable you to meet your goals as a social worker. What are your immediate and long-term social work goals?
  • Part 2: Describe a social problem of significance to you. Please discuss it in regard to societal contributions to the origin of the problem, experiences that have contributed to your identification and understanding of the problem, and possible ways of addressing the problem.
  • Part 3: Choose two attributes and provide examples as to how you exemplify these traits. Choose one attribute you would like to improve. How will attending the MSW program at CSSW help you in doing so?

1. Motivation and Goals for Pursuing MSW:

From a young age, I have been acutely aware of the disparities and injustices in my community. Growing up in a low-income neighborhood in Chicago, I witnessed firsthand the detrimental effects of poverty, limited access to quality education, and the cycle of violence. These early observations fueled my passion for social work, specifically my desire to develop community-based programs aimed at youth empowerment and education. My immediate goal is to work in a non-profit organization focused on urban youth development, while my long-term ambition is to establish a foundation dedicated to providing educational resources and mentorship programs for at-risk youth.

Attending the Columbia School of Social Work (CSSW) will provide me with the critical skills, knowledge, and network necessary to achieve these goals. CSSW’s commitment to social justice, its comprehensive curriculum, and the opportunity to learn from esteemed faculty and diverse peers will equip me with a nuanced understanding of social issues and effective intervention strategies.

2. A Significant Social Problem:

The social problem that resonates most with me is the school-to-prison pipeline, an issue rampant in many urban communities, including my own. This problem arises from a combination of societal factors such as underfunded public schools, zero-tolerance policies, and systemic racial discrimination. My understanding of this issue deepened through volunteering at a local youth center, where I encountered numerous teens who had been expelled from school and were at risk of entering the juvenile justice system.

Addressing this problem requires a multi-faceted approach, starting with policy reform to prioritize education and rehabilitation over punishment. Community-based intervention programs focusing on mentorship, counseling, and educational support can play a vital role in diverting at-risk youth from the criminal justice system. At CSSW, I hope to explore these interventions in-depth and develop effective strategies to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline.

3. Personal Attributes and Areas for Improvement:

Empathy : My empathy has been a guiding force in my social work journey. A poignant example was when I volunteered at a local youth center. There, I met a teenager named Marcus who had been expelled from school. By actively listening and engaging with him, I learned about his challenges at home and his struggles with learning disabilities. Understanding his situation, I worked with the youth center staff to develop a personalized educational plan and connect him with a mentor. This experience deepened my ability to empathize with individuals from diverse backgrounds, recognizing the unique challenges they face.

Resilience : My resilience was particularly tested when I spearheaded a community project to revitalize a rundown public park. The project faced numerous setbacks, including funding shortages and bureaucratic hurdles. Despite these challenges, I mobilized the community, organized fundraising events, and negotiated with local officials. The successful completion of the park not only provided a safe space for children but also reinforced my ability to persist in the face of adversity, a crucial trait for a social worker.

Area for Improvement – Policy Advocacy : My experience in grassroots initiatives has been rewarding, but it also highlighted the limitations of addressing social issues without policy change. For instance, while volunteering at the youth center, I realized that individual interventions, though beneficial, could not alone prevent the systemic issue of school expulsions leading to juvenile detentions. This recognition has fueled my desire to improve my skills in policy advocacy, an area where I see great growth potential. CSSW’s program, with its emphasis on policy practice, will be instrumental in helping me acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to advocate effectively for systemic changes.


Attending Columbia School of Social Work will be a pivotal step in my journey to becoming an impactful social worker. I am eager to engage with the CSSW community, learn from diverse experiences, and contribute my perspective towards creating meaningful change. I am committed to using the knowledge and skills gained from CSSW to fight for social justice and empower the youth in communities like mine.

  • Clarity of Motivation : The essay effectively communicates the candidate’s personal experiences and observations of disparities in their community as key motivators for pursuing social work.
  • Goal-Oriented : Clearly outlines immediate and long-term goals, demonstrating a focused vision for a career in social work.
  • Understanding of a Social Issue : The candidate’s insight into the school-to-prison pipeline, informed by volunteer experiences, indicates a deep understanding of this complex social problem.
  • Attributes and Self-Improvement : Demonstrates empathy and resilience through specific examples. Identifies policy advocacy as an area for improvement and connects this to CSSW’s curriculum.
  • Personal and Professional Growth : The candidate’s experiences, challenges faced, and the growth they seek align well with the offerings of the CSSW program.

Verdict: The candidate’s personal statement is compelling and well-crafted. It showcases a strong personal connection to the field, a clear understanding of relevant social issues, and a desire for professional growth that aligns with the CSSW program.

Example 3: UC Berkeley MSW Statement of Purpose Sample

Please address each of the following in your statement:

  • Describe your aptitude, motivation and preparation for graduate study in the field of social welfare; your future career goals in the profession of social work; and achievements that demonstrate your professional promise and leadership potential as a social worker.
  • Describe your academic and professional areas of interest in social work, including your chosen area(s) of specialization.
  • Demonstrate your understanding of contemporary issues and challenges in the professional practice of social work by posing a question or identifying a relevant problem/current issue you would like to explore, and how you might address it from the perspective of a masters’-level social worker.

My journey into the world of social work began with a deeply personal experience – caring for my youngest daughter who faced developmental and language delays. This challenge opened my eyes to the struggles of parents with special needs children and sparked my commitment to helping vulnerable groups. I founded a non-profit organization to support children in rural Russian orphanages, which expanded my drive to assist not only children but also adults suffering from trauma and PTSD. This path has led me to pursue the Master of Social Welfare program at Berkeley, where I aim to deepen my knowledge and skills for effective global impact.

My background is richly diverse. As a mother of four bilingual, multicultural children, I developed a keen interest in early bilingualism. For my thesis at XXXX State Linguistic University, I explored bilingual language development in infants and toddlers, focusing on methods used by parents raising bilingual children. This research, recommended for publication as a guide for multilingual families, heightened my awareness of the challenges immigrant families face globally. It solidified my resolve to find research-based solutions to social issues, a commitment I bring to Berkeley’s rigorous program.

Professionally, I thrived as a XXXX Director for XXXX in Russia, where I honed leadership skills by building a team of passionate educators. A notable achievement was our collaboration with XXXX Department, providing educational programs to young patients. This experience was transformative, broadening my perspective on social change and reinforcing my desire to make a meaningful difference.

As a certified life and leadership coach, I focused on assisting Russian-speaking immigrants and refugee women, many confronting dire challenges like domestic abuse and PTSD. These encounters underscored the need for specialized social welfare skills, steering me towards a Master’s in Social Work. My goal is to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, specializing in trauma and PTSD, and to contribute on an international scale, possibly with organizations like Doctors Without Borders.

Recognizing the critical role of language in social work, I have been learning Spanish and French to better connect with diverse patient populations. My linguistic background enhances my ability to engage effectively in multicultural settings. To gain practical experience, I completed a 90-hour training at Crisis Support Services of XXXX and began volunteering on their crisis line. This hands-on involvement, particularly during these challenging times, has further motivated me toward my LCSW goal.

UC Berkeley’s MSW program, known for its diverse student body and commitment to public service, is the ideal environment for me to grow. Surrounded by peers and faculty who share a dedication to social justice, I am eager to expand my understanding and prepare for a career dedicated to improving the lives of vulnerable individuals, families, and communities.

  • Personal Experience as Motivation : The statement effectively uses the candidate’s personal experience of caring for a child with developmental delays as a catalyst for their interest in social work.
  • Global Perspective : Showcases a strong commitment to international social issues through work with Russian orphanages and immigrant communities.
  • Professional Achievements : Highlights relevant professional experiences, including leadership roles and work with vulnerable populations.
  • Educational Goals and Alignment : Clearly articulates the desire to specialize in trauma and PTSD, aligning with Berkeley’s MSW program’s strengths.
  • Multicultural and Linguistic Skills : Demonstrates an understanding of the importance of cultural competence in social work, supported by multilingual abilities.

Verdict: The candidate presents a compelling mix of personal motivation, professional experience, and academic alignment with the MSW program at UC Berkeley. Their diverse background and specific career goals make them an ideal candidate for the program.

Example 4: Cal State Fullerton MSW Personal Statement Sample

The quality of the writing in the personal statement will be evaluated, as will the applicant’s ability to thoroughly address the questions outlined below:

  • Describe how your personal background and life experiences have influenced your decision to pursue a graduate education in social work. Please include any challenges or hardships you may have overcome on your journey.
  • What are your expectations of graduate education at Cal State Fullerton in terms of your own development? Indicate any problems or limitations that should be taken into account in planning your graduate program.
  • Specify your career objectives as a professional social worker as you now conceive them. Indicate the fields of practice in which you are interested.
  • Describe your experiences with diverse populations and groups, and how those experiences have contributed to your interest in social work. Which population (defined by culture, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, psychological and/or physical functioning) would you like to serve and why?

While managing an in-school feeding program, I watched a 7-year-old boy take a modest meal at school, and save half for his siblings at home. Another girl expressed joy for the school meals she relied on. These encounters, and others like them, deeply impacted me, highlighting the critical issue of child hunger and food insecurity. My resolve to expand our school feeding program was fueled by these experiences, successfully growing it from 7 to 1,053 schools over five years.

After graduating, I joined the Philippine XXXXX in 2001, managing the Business and Peace Program in the XXXXX Region. Here, I worked with XXXXXX, identifying young Muslims for internships that fostered leadership and peace.

In 2008, I transitioned to the XXXXX Foundation, developing community programs and managing the in-school feeding program, which fed 40,000 children at its peak. These experiences solidified my commitment to child welfare and my belief in the power of social work.

Managing the feeding program, I faced ethical challenges, like discovering fund misappropriation by a local agency officer. I addressed this by establishing direct communication with schools and conducting random checks, ensuring program integrity.

Then in 2013, I took a break to focus on family and moved to XXXXX. Motherhood enriched my perspective, making me more empathetic, resilient, and dedicated to child welfare. Now ready to re-enter the social work field, I seek an MSW degree to update my skills and knowledge.

Post-MSW, I aim to influence policies and contribute to community-based solutions in the Philippines, aspiring to work with large non-profits and eventually with international agencies like UNICEF.

The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened child poverty in the Philippines, underscoring the urgency of my mission. At CSU Fullerton, I plan to study social work theories, understand child welfare systems, and apply these learnings to the Philippine context.

With a Master of Social Work degree, I am poised to join the effort to advance children’s welfare, equipped to make a significant difference in their lives. The Filipino children cannot wait. They need all the help they can get. And with a Master of Social Work degree from CSU Fullerton, the battle will have been half-won.

  • Personal Narrative as Motivation : The statement effectively uses the applicant’s personal experiences with poverty, domestic violence, and addiction to illustrate a deep-rooted motivation for pursuing social work.
  • Community Involvement and Professional Experience : Highlights significant community engagement and professional achievements, demonstrating a commitment to social justice and positive change.
  • Challenges and Ethical Considerations : Discusses challenges faced during professional work, showing problem-solving skills and ethical awareness.
  • Academic and Career Goals : Clearly articulates how an MSW will enrich the applicant’s knowledge and skills, aiming to influence policies and create community-based solutions.
  • Personal Growth and Family Perspective : Reflects on the lessons learned from being a stay-at-home mother, tying this to a renewed enthusiasm for child welfare work.

Verdict: The statement presents a well-rounded candidate with a compelling personal connection to social work, reinforced by active community involvement, ethical professional practice, and clear career goals. The applicant’s experiences and aspirations align well with the MSW program at CSU Fullerton- making them a strong candidate.

Example 5: Cal State Long Beach MSW Personal Statement Sample

How did you become interested in social work? What motivated you to choose social work as a profession?

My passion for social work and advocacy for equality is rooted in a fundamental belief: no voice should be silenced in the pursuit of a just society. Throughout my life, I’ve witnessed how advocates for equality are often marginalized, their concerns unheard. This fuels my commitment to actively work towards a just world, where standing up for justice is a right for all.

As a child of Mexican immigrants, I experienced the harsh realities of a low-income household. This upbringing ingrained in me deep empathy and an intimate understanding of the struggles faced by underprivileged communities. My parents’ relentless hard work and sacrifices, despite economic hardships, have been a constant source of inspiration. They taught me resilience, compassion, and the importance of community support.

My professional journey in social work began at XXXX Community Development Corporation, where I took a lead role in organizing a landmark meeting with elected officials. We successfully voiced community concerns, addressing critical issues like infrastructure and public safety. This experience honed my skills in advocacy and highlighted the power of active listening and engagement.

Furthering my commitment, I volunteered at XXXX Volunteers in Medicine, assisting in providing healthcare to those unable to afford it. Here, I learned the critical role of accessible healthcare and the importance of educating communities about healthy living. These experiences have solidified my resolve to pursue a career in social work, focusing on advocating for essential services and support for underprivileged communities.

My aspiration to become a licensed clinical social worker, specializing in children’s mental health, aligns perfectly with the academic rigor and diverse environment offered by the Master of Social Work program at CSULB. As an undergraduate at CSULB, I was captivated by the program’s depth and the diverse perspectives it embraced. The experiences shared with students from varied backgrounds deepened my understanding of the multifaceted challenges in our society.

I am fully committed to investing my time and resources in the coursework and fieldwork placements at CSULB. The opportunity to study in a stimulating environment, surrounded by professionals who share my passion, will provide a solid foundation for my career. I bring with me a wealth of practical insights from working with low-income communities, the homeless, the elderly, and drug users. These experiences, I believe, will contribute significantly to our class discussions and align perfectly with CSULB’s mission of supporting vulnerable and oppressed populations.

My journey in social work is a commitment to those who struggle to be heard. At CSULB, I aim to further my skills, knowledge, and understanding, preparing myself to be a force for change and a voice for the voiceless. My goal is to ensure that every child, family, and community I work with gets the opportunity to thrive, just as I strive to make a meaningful impact in the field of social work.

  • Strong Personal Connection : The statement effectively connects the candidate’s personal background as a child of Mexican immigrants to her empathy and understanding of underprivileged communities.
  • Professional Experience : Highlights relevant work in community development and healthcare, which demonstrates practical skills in advocacy and community engagement.
  • Academic and Career Goals : Clearly articulates the ambition to specialize in children’s mental health, aligning with CSULB’s program.
  • Commitment to Social Work Values : Demonstrates a deep commitment to social justice, aligned with the mission of CSULB’s social work program.

Verdict: The personal statement is comprehensive and well-constructed, effectively demonstrating the candidate’s passion, relevant experience, and alignment with CSULB’s Master of Social Work program. The candidate’s background and professional aspirations make them a strong fit for the program.

Example 6: San Jose State University MSW Personal Statement Sample

In the heart of a small migrant community, where the sting of social inequities was a daily reality, my path toward a career in social work began to take shape. My childhood, marked by the challenges of racial discrimination and economic struggle, instilled in me not only resilience but a deep understanding of the complex social fabric that shapes communities. It was these formative experiences, coupled with my time volunteering at a local shelter, that solidified my dedication to advocating for social justice.

Professionally, my experiences have been closely aligned with the values at the core of social work. Serving as a community organizer, I worked alongside local leaders to tackle critical issues like housing affordability and healthcare accessibility, gaining valuable insights into the world of policy advocacy. Another pivotal role was as a counselor for at-risk youth, where I developed a keen understanding of the challenges faced by young people from diverse backgrounds. This role was instrumental in refining my skills in empathy and communication.

Looking ahead, my immediate goal is to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a focus on trauma and PTSD. In the long run, I aspire to establish a non-profit dedicated to providing mental health services to marginalized communities. These ambitions are rooted in a deep-seated commitment to effecting lasting change for those society often overlooks.

San Jose State University’s MSW program, renowned for its emphasis on culturally competent practice, particularly with Latinx and other minority groups, aligns perfectly with both my personal and professional values. The program’s exceptional faculty and comprehensive curriculum stand out as ideal for nurturing my academic and professional growth.

In conclusion, I am confident that my time at San Jose State University will not only refine my existing skills but also expand my perspectives, equipping me to become an effective, empathetic social worker. I am eager to embrace the tools and knowledge that the program offers, to champion social justice and make a tangible difference in the lives of those most in need.

This MSW personal statement sample effectively showcases the candidate’s journey and motivation towards a career in social work. It does well in several key aspects:

  • Personal Experience : The statement begins with a compelling narrative about the candidate’s upbringing in a diverse, challenging environment, effectively linking personal background to their interest in social work.
  • Professional Alignment : The candidate skillfully ties their professional experiences, like community organizing and counseling, to the core values of social work- to demonstrate a clear understanding and commitment to the field.
  • Future Goals & Alignment with the Program : The statement outlines specific short-term and long-term professional goals, aligning them with the strengths of San Jose State University’s MSW program. This demonstrates the candidate’s purposeful choice of program and their understanding of how it will support their career objectives.
  • Flow and Clarity : The essay is well-structured, with each paragraph transitioning smoothly into the next, maintaining a clear and engaging narrative throughout.

Verdict: The statement presents a well-rounded, sincere, and focused candidate with a clear vision for their future in social work. It makes a strong case for their admission.

Example 7: Wayne State University MSW Personal Statement Sample

Your statement must address the following items:

  • The National Association of Social Workers set forth important guiding principles to address social workers’ ethical responsibility to clients, colleagues, employers and employing organizations, the social work profession, and society.
  • Describe how these ethical standards would shape your professional social work practice. How would you reconcile any conflicts between your personal values and the requirements of the profession?
  • Describe why you believe you are a good fit with the mission of the Wayne State University School of Social Work, particularly its urban mission.
  • Social workers are committed to social justice. Please describe your thoughts on a particular social and economic justice issue and how you intend to use your professional social work degree to address these issues.

As an African American with Native American roots, I have firsthand experience with the challenges faced by underserved communities. This background has deeply influenced my desire to pursue social work, driven by a belief in compassion, commitment, and competence. I aim to amplify my impact in this field by enhancing my skills, and I believe the MSW program at Wayne State University is the ideal setting for this growth.

My life in Detroit has exposed me to the myriad challenges of urban environments, from food deserts to unsafe public spaces and high crime rates. The city’s struggle with deindustrialization has led to job losses, property abandonment, and heightened poverty, which I believe positions me uniquely for Wayne’s urban mission. Understanding these issues firsthand, I feel equipped to contribute meaningfully to solutions.

In my current role with a youth assistance program, I work to prevent youths from entering the juvenile system and help rehabilitate those already involved. Our sessions include group counseling, academic enrichment, and life skills training, aimed at early intervention to improve life quality and academic performance.

My practice as a social worker is grounded in the ethical standards set forth by the National Association of Social Workers. I prioritize service above self-interest, as evidenced by my role as a Direct Care Worker for my sister with Autism Spectrum Disorder. I am committed to social justice and understand the importance of dignity and respect for every individual, regardless of their background. My experience with Wayne State University’s XXXXXX program has further reinforced the value of human relationships in social work.

I recognize the potential conflicts between personal values and professional responsibilities. In such cases, I intend to adhere to the profession’s ethical standards, ensuring that my personal beliefs do not hinder my ability to serve clients effectively.

The Wayne State University School of Social Work’s urban mission resonates with my experiences and aspirations. My understanding of Detroit’s unique challenges aligns with the school’s focus on urban social work. I am particularly interested in addressing issues of poverty and economic disparity, leveraging my post-masters degree to initiate impactful programs like fundraisers for low-income students and collaborations with local food banks.

I am aware of the challenges in understanding certain aspects of social work, such as the dynamics of gang involvement. To address this, I plan to engage in continuous learning about various community issues to enhance my ability to serve diverse populations effectively.

My journey has not been without its challenges. While I have been actively involved in addressing the needs of victims of gang violence, I recognize a gap in my understanding of gang culture. To bridge this gap, I am committed to learning more about gang dynamics, history, and the socioeconomic factors that influence gang membership. This knowledge will be crucial in my work with at-risk youth, allowing me to provide more targeted and effective interventions.

Balancing the demands of graduate studies with work, family, and financial responsibilities will be challenging, but my experience in the Wayne State University XXXXX program has equipped me with valuable skills in time management and prioritization. I am prepared to fully commit to the MSW program, confident that it will transform me into an impactful social work professional aligned with Wayne State’s mission.

  • Alignment with University’s Mission : The statement effectively aligns the student’s personal and professional experiences with Wayne State University’s urban mission.
  • Ethical Awareness : Demonstrates a clear understanding of social work ethics and a commitment to upholding these standards in practice.
  • Conflict Resolution : Thoughtfully addresses potential conflicts between personal values and professional responsibilities, indicating maturity and professional readiness.
  • Commitment to Social Justice : Shows a strong dedication to social justice, particularly in addressing economic disparities and poverty.
  • Continuous Learning : Emphasizes a willingness to learn and grow, especially in areas like understanding gang dynamics, which is crucial for effective social work.
  • Personal Experiences : Successfully uses personal experiences to illustrate a deep understanding of the challenges faced by underserved communities.
  • Realistic Approach : Acknowledges and prepares for the challenges of balancing graduate studies with other life responsibilities.

Verdict: The applicant shows a strong alignment with the program’s focus, demonstrates ethical awareness, and possesses a clear commitment to social justice and continuous learning. The statement shows maturity and readiness for the challenges of graduate study in social work.

Example 8: University of Pittsburg MSW Personal Statement Sample

Please describe in your personal statement the following:

  • Influences in your life that led you to select social work as a profession
  • Why you are applying to the University of Pittsburg School of Social Work
  • How an MSW will help you achieve your career goals
  • Your special skills and abilities, your strengths as well as your limitations
  • How your abilities will contribute to your development as a professional social worker
  • Discuss a contemporary issue that is of concern to you

Printed on my grandfather’s funeral brochure was an old Irish proverb: “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; love leaves a memory no one can steal.” This sentiment has resonated with me deeply, as I have experienced significant loss in my life, from cancer to accidents and suicide. These experiences have not only shaped my understanding of grief but also steered me towards a career in social work, specifically in gerontology and hospice care.

During my final quarter at XXXXXXX State College, I met a hospice social worker whose impact on families dealing with end-of-life situations was profound. Her approach to helping families accept, celebrate life, and find peace in farewells deeply inspired me. It was then that I realized the power of social work in providing comfort and dignity in life’s final stages.

I am applying to the University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work because of its strong gerontology program and its commitment to addressing contemporary issues like the impact of COVID-19 on the aging population. The pandemic has starkly highlighted the disparities in our healthcare system, especially concerning end-of-life care. I aim to contribute to this field by developing solutions to these emerging challenges, ensuring dignity and comfort for all in their final moments, regardless of their racial or socioeconomic status.

My work experience in childcare and hospitality has equipped me with patience, empathy, and a strong work ethic, qualities essential for a career in social work. Additionally, my volunteer work with XXXXXXX and the XXXXXXX has given me valuable experience in community service. However, I recognize my tendency to be overly trusting as a limitation. In the field of social work, discernment is crucial, and I am actively working on balancing empathy with professional objectivity.

At the University of Pittsburgh, I am particularly interested in courses like Grief and Loss: Interventions, Implications, and Understanding, and Direct Practice with Older Adults. These courses, coupled with field education in aging, hospice, or hospital settings, will be instrumental in achieving my career goals.

My commitment to serving the Pittsburgh community stems from my deep-rooted connection to the city. Witnessing the impact of the university’s alumni in the field has further motivated me to pursue my MSW here. I am fully aware of the challenges that lie ahead in the field of social work, but I am confident that the guidance and training offered by the University of Pittsburgh will equip me to tackle these challenges effectively.

My personal experiences with loss, combined with my professional aspirations and commitment to social justice, make me a suitable candidate for the MSW program. I am eager to contribute my skills, work ethic, and unique perspectives to the University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work and to grow into a compassionate and effective social worker.

  • Connection of Personal Experience to Career Choice : Effectively links personal encounters with loss to a passion for social work, particularly in gerontology and hospice care.
  • Alignment with Program’s Strengths : Clearly identifies why the University of Pittsburgh’s program, with its focus on gerontology, is a strong fit for the candidate’s career goals.
  • Discussion of Contemporary Issues : Addresses the impact of COVID-19 on the aging population, showing awareness of current challenges in social work.
  • Self-awareness and Growth : Acknowledges personal limitations, like being overly trusting, and the intention to work on balancing empathy with professional objectivity.
  • Relevant Skills and Experience : Highlights experiences in childcare, hospitality, and volunteer work, which showcase skills valuable in social work.

Verdict: The statement demonstrates a clear connection between personal experiences and professional aspirations. It aligns effectively with the program’s focus, displays awareness of current social issues, and shows a commitment to personal growth- making the candidate a strong fit for the University of Pittsburgh’s MSW program.

Example 9: Case Western Reserve University MSW Personal Statement Sample

Discuss significant factors influencing your decision to pursue a Master of Science in Social Administration (MSSA).

  • Your essay should include information regarding your interest in the social work profession, your intended concentration/specialization, and career goals.
  • Please reflect on how any past school, community, volunteer, professional work, and leadership experiences will contribute to your success as a graduate student.
  • Describe how you see yourself contributing to the vibrancy of our student body and school community.
  • Describe any strengths or limitations that might influence you being successful in your field placement.
  • Finally, please include why the Mandel School is a good fit for your educational goals.

My decision to pursue a Master of Science in Social Administration (MSSA) at the Mandel School is deeply rooted in personal and professional experiences that have highlighted the profound impact of social work. My journey began with observing the complexities of mental health within my family, which instilled in me a passion for understanding and advocating for mental health care.

Growing up, I watched a beloved family member struggle with mental health challenges. Witnessing their battle and the ripple effect it had on our family stirred in me a resolve to support others facing similar trials. This resolve only deepened with the birth of my daughter, Eve, when I encountered my postpartum mood disorders. Through receiving treatment and support, I was empowered to overcome these challenges, which further fueled my aspiration to assist women grappling with similar issues.

In my professional role as a Health Coach and Personal Trainer, I’ve had the privilege of supporting clients like John and Anna, whose mental well-being was intertwined with their physical health goals. These experiences have honed my ability to listen empathetically and devise holistic approaches to wellness that I believe will be invaluable in my social work practice.

My immediate career goal is to establish a private practice focused on women’s mental health, particularly addressing postpartum mood disorders. I am inspired to create a space where women can seek help without stigma or silence. In the long term, I aspire to influence mental health policy, advocating for accessible care and support systems that recognize and address the silent struggles many women face.

The Mandel School’s commitment to academic excellence and its vibrant student body resonate with my educational and professional ethos. The school’s innovative approach to social work education, particularly in mental health, makes it an exceptional fit for my aspirations. My compassion, coupled with my professional experience and personal journey through mental health challenges, will contribute to the rich tapestry of the Mandel School community.

Ultimately, I envision my time at the Mandel School as a transformative experience that will not only deepen my understanding of social work but also equip me with the skills to make significant contributions to the field. With a community that fosters diversity of thought and experience, I am confident that my educational journey here will prepare me for a fulfilling and impactful career in social work.

  • Personal Connection : The statement effectively establishes a personal connection to social work through the candidate’s family experiences with mental health.
  • Professional Relevance : It highlights relevant work experience that translates well into social work competencies, particularly in understanding clients’ holistic needs.
  • Clear Career Objectives : The candidate articulates well-defined short-term and long-term goals that align with their personal experiences and professional aspirations.
  • School Alignment : There is a strong emphasis on how the Mandel School’s ethos resonates with the candidate’s goals, suggesting a thoughtful choice in their application.
  • Contribution to Community : The statement outlines how the candidate’s unique experiences and compassion will add value to the student body and fieldwork.

Verdict: The candidate’s personal statement is compelling, demonstrating a strong, authentic motivation for pursuing an MSSA and a clear vision for how the Mandel School will help fulfill their career objectives.

Example 10: University of Pittsburg MSW Personal Statement Sample

  • Influences in your life that led you to select social work as a profession.
  • Why you are applying to Pitt’s School of Social Work.
  • How an MSW will help you achieve your career goals.
  • How your abilities will contribute to your development as a professional social worker.
  • discuss a contemporary issue that is of concern to you.

At just seven years old, I witnessed the harsh realities of poverty, domestic violence, and addiction within my family. These experiences instilled in me a passion for social work, especially after seeing how social workers supported our family through my parents’ mental health and addiction challenges. This inspired me to pursue a career in this field to use my background and skills gained from an MSW program to assist individuals and families in their recovery processes.

Growing up, our family was caught up in a custody battle, leading my siblings and me to frequently navigate foster care and courtrooms. My parents’ struggle with addiction was alleviated by the support of social workers and case managers, who provided housing, food assistance, service coordination, and counseling. Tragically, both my parents eventually succumbed to drug overdoses. Though painful, these experiences further reinforced my commitment to social work and helping others facing similar struggles.

In recent years, I have been actively involved in social justice activism. My roles as a community organizer and development director for XXXXX Summer Camp, a non-profit empowering girls and non-binary youth through music and mentorship, highlighted the need for improved mental and behavioral health services. Volunteering as a delivery driver and food packager with XXXXX Aid during the COVID-19 pandemic underscored the importance of community support for those in need.

My experience in event coordination, donor relationship building, and electoral campaign work has enabled me to contribute to meaningful change in my community, such as the successful XXXXX Wage initiative in Oregon, which improved the lives of countless workers. Serving on the XXXXX Democratic Committee for Ward Four, I have amplified community voices and supported candidates who advocate for accessible mental and behavioral health services, safe and affordable housing, and environmental protection.

A contemporary issue that concerns me is the effectiveness of harm reduction techniques in treating mental health and dual-diagnosis clients. I aim to explore how these techniques can be integrated into traditional substance abuse treatment models to better meet the mental health needs of individuals like my parents. Additionally, I am interested in how mental health professionals and addiction treatment providers can collaborate to provide comprehensive care for dual-diagnosis clients.

Obtaining an MSW will empower me to become a skilled, compassionate, and trauma-informed clinician. My goal is to contribute to accessible mental and behavioral health services, particularly for trauma survivors, and advocate for inclusive, culturally responsive, and restorative justice practices.

I am empathetic and easily connect with people, and my resilience in adversity will contribute to my development as a professional social worker. These qualities have supported me in helping my sister Cheyan and in my social justice work.

I chose the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Social Work for its highly-ranked program and specialization in mental health. This program aligns with my goal of employing harm reduction strategies for dual-diagnosis clients. Additionally, its proximity to my family will enable me to support them while pursuing my education.

I am eager to return to the University of Pittsburgh and embark on this transformative journey to become a professional social worker. The MSW program will enable me to make a significant difference in the lives of those who need compassionate and trauma-informed care. I am confident that this program will honor my family’s legacy and empower me to create positive change for countless individuals and families in need.

  • Personal Experience as a Motivation : The applicant compellingly uses their personal history of overcoming poverty, domestic violence, and addiction to demonstrate a deep-rooted motivation for pursuing social work.
  • Community Involvement : The statement highlights significant community engagement and activism, showcasing a commitment to social justice and change.
  • Professional Development : Details about event coordination, campaign involvement, and leadership roles show the applicant’s ability to effect change and work collaboratively.
  • Academic and Career Goals : The applicant clearly articulates their interest in harm reduction techniques and their intent to enhance their skills through the MSW program.
  • Personal Qualities : Empathy and resilience are emphasized as strengths that will aid in their development as a social worker.

Verdict: The statement presents a well-rounded candidate with a powerful personal connection to social work, backed by active community involvement and clear professional goals. Their commitment to addressing complex social issues, coupled with their personal strengths, shines throughout the statement.

Before you go…

You should be inspired enough to craft your authentic MSW personal statement. But you still need experienced eyes to deeply review it for flow, tone, logical structure, and clarity! See how I can help you below…

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Graduate School Admissions: Writing an Effective Personal Statement

By: David C. Prichard, Ph.D.

This article focuses on the central role that the personal statement plays in the MSW application process. Strategies are presented for writing an effective statement that will highlight and emphasize applicant strengths congruent with the values of particular Schools of Social Work. The author has chaired the MSW Admissions Committee at the University of New England (UNE) over the past three years, and has assisted in the review of several hundred MSW application packages. During this period, the application procedures were completely revamped, and UNE was subsequently acknowledged in 1995 by the Council on Social Work Education in its Site Visit Report for reaffirmation of accreditation as having developed an admissions process that is "one of the more elaborate, perhaps, in social work education," and for using " . . . as primary sources of decisions, its applicants' personal statements and references." It is from this background that the author offers practical insights and suggestions for writing a personal statement that will increase the likelihood of a good match between student applicant and MSW program.

The Admission Process

Admission policies and procedures among Schools of Social Work vary widely; so too, do the criteria used to evaluate MSW applicants. In general, schools use GRE scores and academic transcripts as quantitative measures to predict academic success. The personal statement, letters of reference, and the application form (including employment and other social work-related experience) are qualitative indicators that may be used to suggest the "fit" between the applicant and the particular school. As the validity of GRE scores comes under increasing criticism (Donahoe & Thyer, 1992), Schools of Social Work, like UNE, are increasingly relying on the personal statement as a qualitative measure of the likelihood of an applicant's "success" with a particular MSW curriculum.

UNE may be representative of a more heavy emphasis on narrative to evaluate MSW applicants. In this approach, two faculty review each student application on the following 6 criteria:

  • work-related (paid and volunteer) and life experiences;
  • meaning attached by applicant to work-related (paid and volunteer) and life experiences;
  • previous academic and professional training;
  • composition and content of personal statement;
  • references, and;
  • experience with and understanding of human dignity, empowerment, social justice, and oppression.

GRE scores are not considered, and the use of undergraduate GPAs is minimized. The faculty reviewers are made familiar in advance with the application materials, particularly regarding where data related to each of the six evaluative criteria may be located within the materials. Reviewers are instructed to consult the student's personal statement for data in all categories but references; the data in all categories are in turn measured against the School's mission statement. Given this approach to evaluating MSW applications, applicants should craft their personal statements carefully, keeping the School's mission statement in mind.

The Personal Statement and the School Mission Statement

The personal statement should reflect careful consideration of the schools to which the applicant has chosen to apply. It gives applicants the opportunity to highlight experiences and reasons for their interest in the field, and allows the school's Admissions Committee to evaluate the compatibility between the values and goals of the applicant and those of the school, while maintaining and assuring diversity within the student body. Without question, well-developed personal statements have contributed to the acceptance of many applicants; poorly written ones to the non-acceptance.

The values and goals of Schools of Social Work vary greatly, and applicants should seek schools whose mission statements fit well with their own values and goals for practice. What are the values and principles that form the foundation of the school? Applicants should reflect upon these carefully. What do they mean? If a school emphasizes the concepts of oppression, social justice, empowerment, dignity, compassion, and respect, what do these mean and how has the life of the applicant been affected in these areas? One of the tasks of the applicant is to tap into her internalized experience of these values to allow the richness of her life to come alive.

The purpose of a well-written personal statement is three-fold. First, it should describe how the applicant's interest in social work developed; second, it needs to consider the applicant's perception of personal strengths and areas in need of development in relation to becoming a professional social worker; and third, it should describe an understanding of the school's mission statement in relation to the applicant's experience and vision of professional social work.

What events in her total life experiences have led the applicant to the field of social work? What is her story, and how did it lead her to apply to this specific school? This is the opportunity to show the link between what may appear on the surface to be disparate life experiences. It is the chance for the applicant to narrate her story and come alive to the faculty reviewer and become a living, thinking, feeling human being with a life full of meaningful experiences.

A Case Example

Using the values of the mission of the UNE School of Social Work, let's examine how an applicant might incorporate the values of the School to carefully craft a summary paragraph in a personal statement. The mission statement of the UNE School of Social Work states, in part, a commitment ". . . to the values of human dignity, individual and cultural diversity, individual and collective self-determination, and social justice . . . to struggle against oppression including all forms of discrimination, social and economic injustice, and violence . . . assessment of social, psychological, economic and organizational oppression, (and) their impact on people's lives, and the strengths people have developed to endure, resist, and change . . . and to promote human relationships grounded in mutuality, compassion, and dignity."

An applicant might present her life and professional experiences using the language and terminology consistent with the values of the stated mission of the School. A paragraph in the personal statement, then, might read as follows:

The values that the School presents in its mission statement are not just words for me. As a lesbian, I have lived the oppression of a society grounded in heterosexist patriarchy, and have experienced firsthand the social and economic injustices suffered by my women and lesbians friends, as well as the working poor. A quiet person by nature, I have discovered a voice that I did not know I had. I have added my voice to those seeking equal rights for same sex partners and continue my struggle to receive health care benefits for my partner of 15 years. I have come to recognize and value the strengths and resiliencies I have developed by necessity to survive the neglect and abuse of my childhood and use these in my ongoing struggle against the discrimination and societal injustices that I experience as a woman and as a lesbian.

Notice how this excerpt from a fictional applicant allows the applicant to come alive to the reader in a passionate, enthusiastic manner while clearly using the language and the values presented in the mission statement of the School. It should be clear that the values of the School and those of the student appear compatible and that there might be a good match here.

In the following fictional excerpt, note the apparent incongruence between the values and goals of the applicant and those of the School, suggesting a poor fit between the School and applicant.

In conclusion, I have always been intrigued by psychological issues, and have actually done quite a lot of reading in the field. I feel that I am an excellent communicator and that I would be able to help clients deal with their problems. My ultimate goal is to become part of a group private practice, and although I am concerned about the current insurance problems and third party reimbursement concerns, I believe that there continues to be a need for MSWs to help people with their psychological and social problems. I believe that the MSW is the most powerful degree to have to provide psychotherapy to clients, and that we will become increasingly recognized by HMOs and managed care companies as the most effective providers. This is the degree that will most aptly enable me, as a psychotherapist in private practice, to help those afflicted with mental illness to become more productive members of society.

Either of these excerpts may be acceptable and, perhaps, even appropriate, depending on the School to which the applicant is applying; however, given the summary of the values of the above School, the first excerpt clearly represents a better fit than the second. In the first we experience a strengths-based perspective and a genuine sense of the struggles and of the "voice" of the applicant-the person behind the words; in the second, we see a more traditional pathology-based perspective and an emphasis on the career ambitions of the applicant.


Four general recommendations are offered to applicants. First, they need to come to a clear understanding of their own values and career goals, and how these are informed by their total life experiences. Second they should come to a clear understanding of the values and goals of the School of Social Work to which they plan to apply. This may be accomplished through faculty, field instructor, and alumni interviews, review of mission statements, review of past core curriculum syllabi, and a library search and review of the literature produced by current faculty. Third, they need to determine which Schools have values that are compatible with their own. Fourth, they need to develop personal statements that reflect the influences in their lives that contributed to an interest in the profession of social work. These statements should reflect a clear understanding of the mission statement of the particular school.

In summary, the purpose of the application process is to give the applicant and the school the chance to screen one another. Applications should be completed only after careful examination of the mission and goals of particular schools, and personal statements need to show a clear understanding of and connection to the values and goals of the school and its curriculum. Perhaps the most useful recommendation for potential applicants is to take the time to reflect on and write out the values and beliefs that guide their lives, inform their behavior, and provide meaning to their life experiences, and to seek out schools that are compatible to these. This done, the personal statement should flow naturally and genuinely, because it will be based on the knowledge, truth, wisdom, and authenticity of personal life experience.

David C. Prichard, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor of Social Work and Chair of the MSW Admissions Committee at the University of New England.

Copyright © 1996 White Hat Communications. All rights reserved. From THE NEW SOCIAL WORKER , Fall 1996, Vol. 3, No. 2. For reprints of this or other articles from THE NEW SOCIAL WORKER (or for permission to reprint), contact Linda Grobman, publisher/editor, at P.O. Box 5390, Harrisburg, PA 17110-0390, or at [email protected] .

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Social work personal statement basics

According to University Campus Suffolk social work admissions tutor Martin Fookes, talking about your personality should not be the dominant feature of your personal statement. It’s your understanding of what social work is all about, and how you reflect on your experiences, skills, and prior reading that will indicate whether or not you are sufficiently well-prepared.

Here are some more tips gathered from tutors (with special thanks to staff at Anglia Ruskin, Leeds, Portsmouth, and Sheffield Hallam Universities, and University Campus Suffolk). You won't be able to cover them all, but they will help you to focus your application, or perhaps to see what you need to do to strengthen it.

Your knowledge of social work

  • Your statement should demonstrate an understanding of what social work as a profession is all about – along with the skills, knowledge, and experience you will bring to it.
  • Discuss what you’ve learned or what's inspired you from relevant books, magazines, websites, documentaries, or social issues reported in the media, but perhaps steer away from talking about popular literature.
  • Going to university open days or conferences and talking to students and tutors will offer you some extra insights into the course.
  • It’s okay to talk about personal experiences that shaped your interest in the degree, especially if you’re a mature applicant, but be prepared to talk openly about it at interview .
  • Don't focus your interest on a narrow or specialist area of social work, but show a willingness to engage with issues that span the entire spectrum of society, including the elderly.

Relevant work and extra-curricular experience

  • Make the most of every opportunity to gain experience of supporting people: in care homes, community schemes, youth clubs, play schemes, holiday clubs, after-school clubs, nurseries, mentoring, anti-bullying schemes, or working with the elderly or people with a disability.
  • Always demonstrate what you’ve learned from your experience, and how it has helped you develop appropriate skills or qualities.
  • Talk to social workers about the work they do, what they like about it, and what recent developments have impacted on their work, and reflect on this in your statement.
  • Relevant transferable skills from employment or extra-curricular activities could also be worth mentioning.

The right skills and qualities for social work

  • Demonstrate your resilience and the ability to analyse situations critically.
  • You should also be able to show values of non-discriminatory behaviour and an understanding of the effects of disadvantage in society.
  • Do also reflect on an aspect of your academic learning, and explain what it has taught you about social work, or any appropriate skills it has helped you develop – and if it’s relevant to you, perhaps mention barriers you've overcome yourself.
  • Think about solid illustrative examples of your skills in action, especially if those skills are relevant to social work – organisation, committment, motivation, being able to work effectively with others, and so on.
  • Try to avoid clichés – say more than just 'I have a passion for helping people' or 'I am a people person,' by demonstrating how and why. This is a career that will require you to work objectively within professional boundaries.

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Social work personal statement example 20.

I believe that everyone deserves to have a good quality of life and to have their fundamental human needs met; but my personal and professional experience has exposed me to the numerous barriers vulnerable people face to achieving this.

I see Social Work as an opportunity to improve the lives of society’s most vulnerable by upholding their rights, protecting them from harm and by taking a holistic, person centred approach in helping them to build meaningful lives for themselves. Social Work is a field that suits my strengths, interests and professional approach to working; as well as one that affords the opportunity for continuous personal growth and development.

I have extensive personal, paid and voluntary experience of supporting others with their health and social care needs. I currently work as an NHS Peer Support Worker. I am part of a community based, multidisciplinary team that provides intensive, specialist support to young people who have experienced psychosis. My role involves using my own lived experience of mental ill health and recovery to support patients on their own journeys. I work directly with nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, peers, psychologists and psychiatrists. I have taken the opportunity to shadow colleagues so that I can observe and learn from their work. This has given me an excellent insight into the roles of the various professions that work to support service users.

I am a passionate advocate for the Recovery model in my work and am part of various steering groups across my NHS trust that seek to further recovery focused, strengths based care. I am a creative, flexible thinker who enjoys problem solving and believes in the value of reflective practise. As a Peer Worker, my role involves working alongside my clients in a collaborative relationship that is directed by them. I feel that it is important to consider the whole person - including their strengths, aspirations and values - when assessing their needs.

I particularly enjoy working with clients who display challenging behaviour; as in my experience this is usually a manifestation of unmet or unidentified needs. This can be an opportunity to make a profound difference in somebody's life by working creatively and flexibly to help them obtain the tools that they need to live more fulfilling lives. As well as personal and professional experience, I also have a good level of academic ability. At GCSE, I achieved excellent results. I did not progress in my education at the time despite my love of learning. I was diagnosed with and successfully treated for ADHD later in my life, and I understand now how this affected my ability to access opportunity.

This is another reason I am passionate about inclusion and addressing barriers to attainment. I am currently studying a course of Higher Education which shows my ability to work at the level required of me at university. I am an enthusiastic, avid reader and as part of my role, I am often required to research, understand and summarise evidence. I am capable of writing in an academic style and understand how to reference appropriately. I have written resources for professionals and patients; and designed and delivered training sessions on recovery focused working. I have been trained in a number of skills that are relevant to health and social care including Motivational Interviewing, ACT, Working with autistic people, Risk Assessment, Safeguarding and Working with Psychosis. I can also submit a portfolio of written work to support my application if required.

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My statement as a mature student. I only applied to one university and have been made an offer :-)

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Guide to Effective Social Work Personal Statements

Table of Contents

A social worker is someone who helps people navigate life’s challenges. They use a variety of skills, including emotional intelligence, communication, and problem-solving, to help people achieve their goals.

Social workers help clients understand how circumstances impact them and offer support and guidance to create positive change in their lives. If you need help crafting a  social worker personal statement , don’t fret. You’re in the right place.

Understanding Personal Statements

Personal statements are short paragraphs that showcase a person’s values, qualities, and character . They are important in all applications, whether job or college. 

The rationale behind personal statements is they help recruiters understand an applicant better. Personal statements are less about writing skills and more about effectively representing your best traits. Even so, many people still have a difficult time writing effective statements. 

Don’t get discouraged if you count among them. Here are some tips to help you write a compelling social work personal statement.

Tips for Writing a Social Work Personal Statement

Social work personal statements don’t have to be difficult. You need only follow a few rules to deliver a compelling representation of your values and character. 

Start by Introducing Your Passion

Begin your social work personal statement like any other essay. – With a compelling introduction.

Whether you’re applying to a university program or a job, recruiters will care about your passion and dedication to social work. Your first statement should show your connection to the field and your willingness to study. 

Use Clear, Concise Language

Your personal statement’s main purpose is to give recruiters a glimpse of your personality . Clear, concise language is the best way to deliver a strong message and allow readers to accurately understand your thoughts.

While you can add Social Work jargon, make sure to limit them. You wouldn’t want to muddle your message by overusing them.

Give Specific Illustrative Examples

Specific examples are key to showcasing your value and passion as a social worker. Specific examples also give the reader an idea of your social work experience and which cases you can handle. Remember that the most life-changing experiences will always have the most vivid details.

Leverage Emotion

Social work can get extremely stressful. For someone to forego expressing their emotions can be strange, given a social worker’s exposure to the harsh realities of the job. Don’t be afraid to show how your experiences made you feel and how they changed you. 

Showing your emotions makes for an authentic personal statement that is more likely to capture attention.

Proofread Your Work

Finally, take the time to go through your work. While mistakes are far from a reason to disqualify your application, they can hurt the impression you leave. Check your work for any spelling and grammatical errors and correct them accordingly.

Social Worker Personal Statement Samples

four person hands wrap around shoulders while looking at sunset

I am an experienced social worker, and my years of practice have instilled in me the capacity to comprehend individuals’ unique situations and needs. I can remain empathetic while maintaining a practical approach to problem-solving.

Additionally, I have developed the ability to exercise diplomacy in difficult conversations. This has been essential for fostering relationships between service providers and community members. 

I am confident that I possess the necessary experience and skill set to be an asset to any organization.

I aim to pursue a career in Social Work. I believe that gaining a degree from a reputable university is the best way to start my journey. My current role involves working with families in vulnerable home situations, guiding them through what can be an incredibly difficult process. This has given me first-hand experience of the positive impact that social work can have on people’s lives. I’ve also learned the importance of understanding both sociology and psychology when it comes to providing support. 

I am passionate about developing my skills and learning more to offer better care to those who need it most. I’m confident that a Social Work graduate course at a good university would give me the tools I need. It will also equip me with the necessary knowledge for different roles within the field. 

I look forward to continuing my studies and establishing a successful career where I can help make life better for disadvantaged families. I will apply all of my enthusiasm, dedication, and hard work to achieve this.

I have been working with children for years, helping them face the day-to-day issues of their health and well-being. Through my professional experience in a variety of roles, I have helped people from diverse backgrounds. They’ve learned to open up, read pages that changed lives, and play together as a group. 

They know they can rely on me. 

This has given me an invaluable opportunity to pursue social work in graduate school. Here, I am confident I can help more people in need and hone my craft even further. Knowing some require assistance is humbling yet empowering. It drives me to better myself daily to be fully equipped to make a positive impact.

As a Social Work student, I have committed myself to the well-being of children for years. My experience in working with them has given me invaluable insight into how best to approach them and provide the care they require. 

While not every situation is the same, my listening capacity lets me quickly ascertain each child’s circumstances. As such, it brings me great pleasure to make meaningful contributions toward empowering these vulnerable members of society.

As a social work student, I have deeply invested in advancing the well-being of underserved communities. With unwavering commitment and compassion, I strive to provide support for those who are facing difficult circumstances. 

As a lifelong learner and advocate for the marginalized, I work to refine my knowledge and develop innovative social work strategies. 

A  social worker personal statement   is a relatively easy task as long as you follow a set structure and apply our tips. Always remember the purpose of your content, and write with purpose. May you have a prosperous social work career! 

Guide to Effective Social Work Personal Statements

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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How to Craft Your Social Work Personal Statement (And Why You Should)

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A bad social work personal statemen t can ruin your chances of gaining admission to a UK university to pursue a social work degree programme.

It can make or break your application so you need to make it perfect!

Research shows that a common problem with writing social work personal statements is poor structure and failure to highlight relevant skills/experience. So,

What is a Social Work Personal Statement?

A social work personal statement entails writing a personal essay about yourself, educational, and career goals. 

Your social work personal statement should include experiences and anything else relevant to application for admission into a social work programme.

The statement is part of a larger, more comprehensive application requirement.

Therefore, a social worker uses the personal statement to communicate to the admission board.

The social work personal statement for university admission is a chance for you to explain why you want to study social work, your experience and skills that show you will commit to the programme.

In the UK, when applying for a place at a university to study social work, you submit your personal statement alongside the university application via the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS).

How Should I Structure my Social Work Personal Statement?

Your personal statement should follow a methodical structure where there is a flow in your presentation.

You can use headings to break up the text in each section if you prefer.

Paragraphs should follow seamlessly using the following structure.

  • Introduction
  • Middle Content

What Should a Social Work Personal Statement Include?

social work personal statement

 A social work, personal statement should contain the standard application information such as; 

  • Contact number
  • Relevant qualifications
  • Standardised test scores
  • Any information on a higher education taster course that you may have taken part in
  • Personal circumstances that may have affected your educational performance.
  • Whether you encountered any financial hardships during your studies or whether you received a bursary to cover the cost of your education
  • Clubs and societies that you belong to which may sport or creative, etc
  • Reasons for applying for social work and include any of your ambitions and interests
  • Employment experiences or any volunteering work that you may have done.
  • Why you are suitable or deserve a place i.e. this may be due to experience gained from work or achievements on work.
  • Any skills and qualities that you may have – include essential social work skills such as organisation, communication, critical thinking, time management and multi-tasking.
  • Your preparation – highlight courses you may have taken to prepare you for the social work programme.
  • Add any volunteering work you may have done to prepare for your application.
  • Give examples where possible to evidence relevant skills and knowledge that will enable you to make an impact in the social work department.

What Should you Put on a Personal Statement?

A personal statement summarises who you are and therefore it should have your strengths and any relevant work experience.

A personal statement should include the education you’ve got and any skills that you may have gained.

The skills gained may be teamwork, time management, or organisational skills.

Include hobbies and interests that show skills relevant to what you are applying for e.g. being a team leader in a care home shows leadership skills.

How Do You Introduce Yourself in a Personal Statement?

social work personal statement

A perfect introduction on a personal statement is one that helps your reader to learn essential details about you.

When writing the introduction part of your social worker’s personal statement, ensure the section portrays a positive image of yourself.

Your introduction should be enthusiastic and should highlight why you want to pursue a social work degree programme.

Otherwise, the reader may not be interested to read further if there is any negativity in the introduction.

Therefore, while introducing yourself in a personal statement, 

  • Explain who you are
  • What you do, and all the positive information the reader needs to know about you.
  • Be logical and use brief paragraphs.
  • Be succinct and clear.

What Should You Put in the Middle Paragraphs of a Personal Statement

Your middle paragraphs should be engaging.

Go in-depth about yourself, your experiences and aspirations.

These may include:

  • Any of your own experience with social work.
  • Any volunteering experience or relevant work in social work
  • A summary of why you are interested in social work
  • Mention the precise area of interest within social work you want to pursue example children or adult.
  • Include your career aspirations
  • Any reasons you think you will perform well in the social work program.
  • Why you choose social work program
  • Your strengths
  • Whether you understand the demands, a career in social work will put in your life and emotions.
  • How you plan on managing such demands.

Do not forget to mention why the program is right for you and how you intend to use skills learnt from it in the future.

What Should You Put in the Conclusion of a Personal Statement?

social work personal statement

So how do you end a social work personal statement?

The conclusion of your personal statement should;

  • Concentrate on the fundamental idea in a brief style.
  • It should have the summary of the key ideas in short form and your plans.
  • Brief and remember to summarise why you are the ideal candidate.
  • Overall, aim for three or five paragraphs.
  • Thank the admission team for considering your application and bring it to a close.

What Not to Talk About in a Personal statement.

  • Any personal exploits which may be unrelated to your educational and professional goals should not be in the personal statement. This is because they may shine an unflattering light on you.
  • You should not include the application information in the personal statement. This is to avoid a repetition of answers requested on application forms.
  • Don’t lie or exaggerate in a personal statement because they may discover the falsifications during the interview process.
  • Don’t complain about past educational experiences or circumstances that have caused difficulties. This is because evaluators are likely to respond to positive personal statements.
  • Avoid irrelevant digression in your personal statement since it’s an opportunity to write about your educational and professional goals.
  • Avoid mentioning other people – this means you should only focus on yourself and not what others who may have worked with have achieved.

Related reads:

  • Example Personal Statement
  • Social Worker Personal Statement Example

Top Tips For Writing a Strong Personal Statement

1. stay focused while writing the personal statement.

You should keep in mind the core purpose of the personal statement.

The personal statement should just provide information to help others understand who you are.

2. Structure your personal statement

A personal statement with too much text makes a reader bored, and a little one makes you look lazy.

Your paragraphs should also flow effortlessly and logically.

3. Be original

Be creative and detailed in your personal statement without losing focus to avoid stereotyped sentences.

4. Think of what you want to gain

Linking your ambitions towards what you want to gain shows your drive and passion and also ensures your application is unique.

5. Be positive

You should talk positively about the course and yourself.

This will help in conveying your passion and enthusiasm.

6. Proofread your personal statement

Proofreading your work is a vital last step because you correct spelling and grammatical errors.

Asking help from friends and family members will help.

This is because a sloppy personal statement may cost you your place for admission.

Draft your personal statement and ask a family member or friend to proofread it.

7. Give yourself plenty of time

Try to give yourself ample time for writing your social work personal statement.

If your reader identifies an unstructured, poorly constructed personal statement, it will immediately put you at a disadvantage.

That is why giving yourself time to proofread is important to avoid mistakes.

In addition, familiarise yourself with what you’ve written before any interviews.

Tips To Write a Killer Personal Statement

social work personal statement for university application

  • Give yourself enough time
  • Organise your thoughts so that you have a plan before you write the personal statement.
  • Know what they expect of you
  • Don’t use the same personal statement for every university application – you may have the same interview panel!
  • Let our personality shine through the application by making your personal statement interesting
  • Show genuine interest and passion in your application as this is the key to standing out
  • Tell them the reasons they should choose you by presenting yourself in a positive light.
  • Use excellent grammar and punctuation
  • Proofread your writing
  • Use a professional tone of voice

What is the Good Length for a Personal Statement

Before writing your personal statement, check the application guidelines for word count.

If they don’t specify the word count, keep it short between 250-500 words, which is equivalent to one side of A4.

Some universities require two sides of the A4, which is 500-900 words.

By following all the above tips your social work personal statement will surely stand out among all the others.

You should include the standard application information and an overview of who you are in the social work personal statement.

Demonstrable interest in social work practice, perhaps including some references of books you have read.

Evidence your commitment, skills and desire to pursue a social work degree qualification.

An excellent social work personal statement will create a positive impression.

It will help you show the admissions board that you are right for the social work course.


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Why study social work (personal statement)


In applying for social work, you will need to write a social work personal statement that explains why you want to study social work . 

In this article, I have appended my own personal statement below. This was the personal statement I submitted that eventually helped me to get a place in the University of Nottingham (UK). I hope it gives you an example to learn from.

Also, I wanted to add some tips that helped me write a personal statement. 

1. Set a deadline for your personal statement. 

No work will ever be perfect. Yet we often fall into the fallacy of writing and rewriting, editing and re-editing. We think we can make the perfect personal statement that will land us in social work. 

We can’t make it perfect. Before you start writing, you need to know when you have to stop and submit. There is a saying in Chinese that goes, 画蛇添足 (painting legs onto a snake). It tells the story of an art competition. During that competition, an artist, in his quest for perfection, ended up adding legs to his painting of a snake. Naturally, he lost. 

The moral of the story is that there will never be a perfect picture, or perfect personal statement. What matters is that you have tried.  

social work personal statement

2. Start writing your personal statement. 

Often, our quest for perfection or plain procrastination stops us from writing. Frequently, we try planning in detail, without actually writing. In my experience, I was pushed for time. I had been awarded a scholarship, but no university place offered to me. Due to the urgency of the matter, I had to write quickly. I had to submit. 

There was no time to think. 

Similarly, rather than spending too much time thinking, simply start writing. Writing has a magical way of sorting out your thoughts. Later, you can always come back to edit it. 

social work personal statement

3. Include real-life examples of why you want to study social work. 

As you can see below, I included examples from my own experiences being helped by a social worker and helping others as a volunteer. The truth is: facts tell, stories sell. Stories give the applications panel another side to you. They make you real. 

In writing your stories, be clear about what your role was. What did you contribute? What did you do? What was your impact? Did anyone praise you?

why study social work personal statement

Secondly, link it to the wider motivation for social work. What did your experience teach you? How did it push you to decide on a career in social work? 

Lastly, you need to clarify. Why does social work matter to you?

4. Edit your personal statement. 

Grammatical and spelling mistakes are a no-no. They show that you have not spent as much effort as you should have on your personal statement. When editing, print out a copy of your personal statement, and then read it out loud. 

Secondly, reading it out aloud helps you to hear the arguments. It lets you see if the arguments make sense, flow well, and are cogently linked together. 

This advice, from Cal Newport’s book, How To Be A Straight A Student, helped greatly. You can read it if you would like to get your first too!

5. Give your personal statement to someone else to read. 

Fortunately, I had a friend who was a social worker. She agreed to read my personal statement. From that reading, she gave me valuable feedback on what I could improve on. 

Having someone else to read removes our blind spots. Having interacted so much with your personal statement, you might be too emotionally invested in it to remove parts that are not as good. Therefore, having someone else helps to make your essay much better. 

I hope the advice here helps you to write a better personal statement on ‘why study social work?’

discuss your social work personal statement with someone else

Example of personal statement

This was the personal statement I wrote that eventually allowed me to be accepted into the University of Nottingham’s BA Social Work course.

Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.” Indeed, I have come to see how a life well-lived is one through which we give out of the largesse of our hearts. With a desire to engender positive change in the society around me, contributing to the community that has nurtured me, studying social work develops the expertise needed to aid the communities around me. 

My desire to study social work stems from a wish to help people deal with the befuddling complexities of life, for which there is often no proper problem-solving method, and certainly no correct answer. What piqued my interest in social work was a first-hand encounter with social workers, who inspired me to take up social work myself.

In college, I remembered seeing my mother bent over the toilet bowl, vomiting out the remains of her previous meal. Days later, she was stripped of her once lustrous, beautiful hair. Watching my mother buried under blankets, trying to keep warm, I was overcome by a sense of helplessness. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in June. The months after were a harrowing experience. 

So often used to the pillar of strength my mother represented, to see her reduced to such a state, ravaged by the destruction of cancer, terrified and frightened me. As the eldest in the family, I had to take on additional responsibilities at home on top of my academic workload. It was arduous juggling the various obligations. There were times when exhaustion overtook me, causing me to fall asleep in my uniform, waking up only to fight another day. 

However, I was fortunate to have the guidance of a social worker, who helped me regain emotional balance. She enabled me to stand on my own two feet again, anchoring myself in the midst of the changes that were happening around me. Just as I have been so helped, I desire to offer lifebuoys of aid to others, assisting them in finding greater emotional stability and eventually soaring towards a more fulfilling life.

Intrigued by the complexities of social work, I joined YGOS, a welfare organization reaching out to youths from disadvantaged backgrounds, as an intern. There, I worked with youths who were doing poorly academically and exhibiting behavioral problems. I enjoyed the opportunity I had to personally mentor these youths, working closely with them to improve their academic grades and attitude towards learning. Having a hand in molding them positively, revealed the possibilities that social work offered in eliciting real change in the community around me.

The myriad of opportunities that an overseas education offers me excites me. Exposure to a different welfare system will further my perspectives on the various welfare models in the world, and broaden my horizons on the pros and cons that each welfare system inherently possesses. Studying overseas will push me out of my comfort zone, forcing me to live independently. Experiencing another culture, environment, and country will open my eyes to the diversity in the world, and begin seeing the world in a different lens. 

Beyond school, I volunteer regularly with the Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore. In one of my earliest experiences volunteering, I was teaching a boy to write the alphabet “A”. After struggling for thirty minutes, he threw up his arms, exclaiming, “I don’t know how to write this!” For him, the writing of such a simple alphabet had already prompted so much difficulty. 

It was a reminder that in the search for the academic “A”s in our lives, it is such a blessing to even have the chance to search. Volunteering regularly has equipped me with empathy, which will aid me in better understanding my clients’ needs, finding lasting solutions for them.

Through social work, I hope to impact the world, shaping it, one person at a time, community by community, walking with my clients through some of their darkest emotional tunnels, and helping them to find the light again.

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How to write an effective personal statement for a social work job

Many people incorporate a short personal statement at the top of their cv, but social work employers may ask for more. jonathan coxon, managing director of social work recruitment consultancy liquid personnel, gives six tips on how to sell yourself..

When applying for a social work job, you may be asked to write a covering letter or separate personal statement to accompany your application. More likely you will be asked to complete a specific application form for the employer, which will include a question along the lines of: “Please give your reasons for applying for this job and what you will bring to the team.” Here are six top tips on how to showcase your ability: 1. One size does not fit all One personal statement is not suitable for multiple applications – your statement should be tailored to each role you are applying for. Refer closely to the job description, the person specification – including any essential and desirable requirements – and any other relevant guidance provided by the employer. Focus on clearly explaining how your experience and skills will fulfil and exceed their requirements. 2. Demonstrate your knowledge with facts Don’t just make broad statements. It’s not sufficient to say: “I have a strong working knowledge of child protection procedures.” Instead, back this up with meaningful examples, such as: “I have worked in a child protection team for X months”, “I have completed a placement in a local authority child protection team”, “I have received additional training in recognising signs of abuse and neglect”, “I have held a caseload of X child protection cases”, or “I can conduct section 47 investigations to a high standard.” 3. Be concise and explicit Avoid waffle and ensure you put your points across in a concise way, keeping your statement relevant to the job in question. Rather than just describing your skills and experience, explain exactly why this is relevant to the organisation and how they will benefit from employing you. 4. Take your time Draft your personal statement carefully. If you’re filling in an application form, don’t just start writing directly onto the form – plan your answer first. Remember that this is one of your best chances to showcase your skills during the application process. Employers will have to read a massive selection of applications and CVs from potential new recruits, so yours needs to stand out and sell yourself well. There is a good chance that the job you’re applying for will involve written work (e.g. report writing), so your statement will provide the employer with a very clear indication of your written skills. This is another reason to plan carefully and check thoroughly. 5. Show you care Express your enthusiasm for the role and use positive language. One of the most important qualities for a social worker is a genuine desire to support other people, so make sure this comes across in your writing. 6. Remember the basics Read any instructions carefully and stick to the rules set out by the employer. Check if there is a word limit and whether you are allowed to use additional pages for your answer. Finally, and crucially, check your spelling and grammar thoroughly and ask someone else to take a look for you.

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How to Write a Personal Statement for a Counseling Master’s

Graduate student writing at a desk

Need to write a personal statement for your counseling graduate school application? This guide will help you craft a standout statement by focusing on your unique experiences and aligning them with your program.

Key takeaways

  • A compelling personal statement for a counseling master’s program should narrate personal characteristics, career aspirations, and potential contributions, connecting with the admissions committee beyond academic achievements.
  • The personal statement should follow a clear narrative and provide specific examples from academic, professional and extracurricular experiences to demonstrate your readiness for the program, while demonstrating fit by aligning personal values and goals with the program’s unique offerings.
  • Start early, stay organized, and maintain a professional tone while writing your personal statement; address any weaknesses thoughtfully and avoid common mistakes such as clichés, excessive praise, or misuse of buzzwords.

Understanding the personal statement

The personal statement is your chance to give admissions officers a clear picture of who you are beyond the grades and jobs listed in your transcripts and resume. It’s a narrative essay that details your personality, career aspirations , and potential contributions to the field of mental health counseling. Crafting compelling personal statements is crucial to making a lasting impression on the admissions team. Think of a personal statement as the thing that transforms you from a collection of data points to a memorable portrait for those reviewing your graduate school application.

Key questions to consider before you begin

As you begin the writing process, make some notes of your past experiences. Here are some prompts to help you brainstorm the contents of your essay:

  • What life events made you into the resilient, determined individual you are today?
  • How have experiences in your academic background prepared you for grad school?
  • Have your career goals changed from what they were during your undergraduate education? Why?
  • Has a family member inspired you to take this path, either through their career or personal experiences?
  • Can you pinpoint the spark that ignited your passion for counseling, the moment when you realized that it could be your future career?

As you piece together your narrative, consider how these experiences align with your academic and career goals, as well as the broader impact you envision making through your work.

Essential components of a successful personal statement

Perhaps the most intimidating thing about a graduate school personal statement is knowing that you have a lot to communicate in a relatively short essay. You need to thread your personal background with your aspirations, using examples that encapsulate your commitment, and demonstrating a clear fit for the counseling program you’re aiming to join. But if you make an outline and list all the things you want to mention, you can be sure to properly accentuate your unique strengths and also paint a vivid picture of your potential success.

Crafting a clear narrative

Keep in mind that your narrative is not a full autobiography but a focused reflection of your resilience and empathy and the other corners of your life that have informed your desire to support others as a counselor. Share those poignant moments and insights that underscore your drive and passion for helping other people, and ensure that your narrative communicates not just a series of events, but the values and strengths you bring to the program. Don't forget that the personal essay also provides an opportunity to explain any discrepancies you think might come across in your other application materials such as poor grades or professional experiences in an unrelated field.

Using specific examples

Each assertion about yourself should be backed by solid examples. Specific examples, whether they are from your academic, professional, or recreational experiences, provide the evidence that substantiates your suitability for the graduate program.

Perhaps you’ve delved into personal research on mental health initiatives, or you’ve dedicated time to volunteer work that’s enriched your understanding of community needs. These anecdotes are the good examples that will allow the admissions committee to see beyond your transcripts and test scores, into the heart of your commitment and potential.

Demonstrating program fit

Demonstrating fit with the graduate program requires an understanding of the program’s strengths and a clear articulation of how its offerings align with your career aspirations.

For instance, if you’re drawn to Oklahoma City University’s commitment to social justice within their counseling program , mention how your values and experiences resonate with this ethos. Discussing aspects of a particular program that align with your future plans can distinguish you as a worthwhile applicant, genuinely interested in the unique offerings of the program. Most graduate programs will have full curriculums and faculty listed online. Make note of courses that sound exciting , faculty members who are conducting research projects you're interested in, and program outcome statements that align with your career goals, and find a way to mention them in your statement. By highlighting these specific elements, you show that you have done your research and are genuinely interested in the program.

Key tips for writing a personal statement

As you work on your grad school essay, remember these crucial pointers:

Start early and stay organized

Don't underestimate the time it will take you to write your best personal statement. Take the time to brainstorm, self-reflect, and polish your narrative until it shines with clarity and purpose.

Organization is your compass in this process, helping you navigate deadlines, requirements, and revisions with ease. Keep a keen eye on the specifics, such as word counts, spelling of university names, and formatting, ensuring that your personal statement not only meets expectations but exceeds them.

Addressing weaknesses thoughtfully

While your accomplishments will shine in your personal statement, don’t hesitate to acknowledge the challenges that have intermittently clouded them. Addressing weaknesses such as a low GPA or a challenging phase in your academic journey can actually highlight your resilience and capability for growth.

However, tread thoughtfully. Reflect on whether the personal statement is the right place to discuss these issues, and if so, ensure that the narrative emphasizes your positive qualities and the lessons learned, rather than dwelling on the negatives.

Maintaining a professional tone

A personal statement marred by grammatical errors or colloquialisms can weaken the impression you’re trying to make. Be genuine, be yourself, but remember the context. This document is a professional communication with the admissions committee, and as such, it should reflect the seriousness with which you approach this opportunity. While tools like ChatGPT could help you create an outline or can perform a grammar check on your application, avoid using it to actually write. The best personal statements resonate from their authenticity. Additionally, many graduate programs have tools they use to scan for the use of such technology and may count it against you.

Common mistakes to avoid

Beware of starting with clichés or ending with banalities—your opening and closing lines should be as impactful as the core of your statement. Avoid excessive praise of the field, focusing only on academic achievements, and misusing buzzwords. These common missteps can dilute the authenticity of your narrative and leave the admissions committee underwhelmed. Remember, admissions committees are reading hundreds of personal statements, make yours stand out.

Get help writing your personal statement for Oklahoma City University

For those aiming to be part of Oklahoma City University’s online M.Ed. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program, rest assured that guidance is available throughout this process. Admissions outreach advisors are at your disposal, ready to guide you through every step of crafting a personal statement that resonates with the program’s ethos and expectations.

Schedule a call to tap into the wealth of knowledge and support that OCU offers. From writing your personal statement, to putting together your letters of recommendation , to preparing for your interview , their expertise can be the beacon that illuminates your path to a successful graduate school application.

Return to Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Complete the form below before proceeding to the application portal.

Oklahoma City University has engaged Everspring , a leading provider of education and technology services, to support select aspects of program delivery.

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Sample Personal Statement Communication

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Stanford Ph.D. Communication

One of the most poignant history lessons I have ever learned was taught to me outside of the classroom on a crowded carpeted floor with other black members of Swarthmore College’s student body. The lights dimmed and the pioneering African-­‐American historian, John Hope Franklin, lectured to us through the medium of a film made more than two decades ago. I listened, fascinated, as he explained how Europe had first appropriated Christianity, the radical religion of North Africa and much of the Arab world. As Christianity took root in Italy through its newly converted emperor, painters and sculptors by edict, as well as by choice, began to depict Biblical stories through what would become masterpieces  of European art. In one of the world’s greatest public relations campaigns, the image of God was anthropomorphized into the person of Christ rather than the message of Jesus of Nazareth.  And Jesus, who must have resembled the bronzed and brunette mestizo of the Palestinian region, instead became a light skinned European. The center of Christianity became Rome, and Christianity began a journey that transformed it from the marginalized religion of the oppressed to the religion of conquerors and imperialists. The use of manipulated images changed the course of history. So effective was this campaign that many Christians today, regardless of ethnic background or nationality, have difficulty picturing God as anything other than a man with pale skin and long, wavy hair.  

This example clearly reveals that the power of history lies with who tells it, or in other words, the wielders of communication.  Franklin’s use of film conveyed an even clearer message – that not only can one study the function of communication  in society, but one can also use its mediums to propagate formal thought and education regarding society’s development.  His piece exemplifies the way in which the academic world provides scholars with space to reflect critically on areas of interest while producing meaningful works that both shape and depict history. This powerful insight led to my decision to pursue a Ph.D. degree in Communication  at Stanford University, a program that provides its students with extensive research skills to examine the media’s influence in contemporary  society. A Ph.D. will allow me to become a scholar-­‐journalist, not only engaging viewers, but actively evaluating my work’s effects and influence—I want to tell a story and understand its impact at the same time.  

The way that stories are told, repeated, modified, and accepted or rejected has always intrigued me. As a 3 rd grader, I led a one-­‐girl petition to replace my elementary school’s old and suspiciously abbreviated history books. In high school, I wrote and directed a play that the principal ultimately censored because she feared its message would trigger a riot among the members of our racially stratified student body. When a group of white students came in blackface to a Halloween party at my putatively liberal college, I captured students’ voices on film and produced a script that depicted the outpouring of 

emotions and frustration from a variety of perspectives. While pursuing my self-­‐designed major in Social Justice, I grew to value the empowering influence of images, words, and even songs in accelerating the progress of social change worldwide, as evidenced in the U.S. Modern Civil Rights Movement and the anti-­‐apartheid struggle in South Africa. In my work as a journalist in public television, I have helped produce news stories that narrate the lives of the poor and disenfranchised.  And I have learned to appreciate the power that communication  has in shaping identity and altering human behavior.   

My academic pursuits have pushed me beyond the confines of my own knowledge and provided me with a framework within which I explore these insights and the effects of communication  in contemporary  society. I can now connect the influence of the media to Antonio Gramsci’s idea that hegemony is not just domination, but the governance of the many by the few with both coercion and consent. My studies have led me to discern the exploitative, revisionist, and consumerist aspects of the entertainment  media and its impact on people’s actions. Today, I find myself struggling with the need for national guidelines in media and the importance of self-­‐policing in a society where information should be free and accessible.  

My senior thesis in college, an ethnography of a small Newark, NJ Protestant congregation,  showed me the centrality of communication  within the Black Church and the church’s institutional impact on its surrounding community. This place of worship sits in the center of a troubled, struggling city where 

its core issues often are marginalized or overlooked by the news media. The media, instead, excessively reports on polarizing faith controversies such as 

sexuality and war, forcing the church to walk a careful line of involvement and outreach. My eyes were opened further to the world of media and politics around me and I began to ask more questions: Where did the line of media and politics blend? In what way did each segment of media— entertainment,  news, mainstream, alternative, documentary—create and generate a nation’s culture and interests, and in what ways did it simply reflect them? 

Currently, I work as a journalist for the Public Broadcasting System’s Emmy Award-­‐winning television show “NOW.” My experience at NOW has given 

me opportunities  to ask questions and expose truths that often are obscured or denied, a skill that I believe will be critical to my work as a scholar. Most recently, I was able to propose and help produce a show about voter disenfranchisement efforts surrounding the latest midterm elections. My time in television has encouraged me to examine the ways that historical events are used in contemporary  entertainment  media to not only reinvent history, but also play out modern conflicts regarding various social issues. For example, I am interested especially in the remakes of films that were incendiary social commentaries  for their time, like “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” or “The Stepford Wives.” Do their re-­‐articulations attack the political, moral, and ethical intent of the originals? Does contemporary entertainment media attempt to reconstruct history and how does that inform us?  

As I pursue my Ph.D., I will gain the tools to explore these questions and others building upon skills I have already acquired. My undergraduate  major was both self-­‐designed and interdisciplinary,  so I have no doubt that I am prepared for self-­‐directed and multi-­‐faceted study. As a teacher, I created lessons and engaged elementary students in various subjects; it was a position I immensely respected and a role I hope to resume in a university setting. Having already gone through the process of a lengthy research project, I am confident that with support and guidance I will study and write a dissertation that adds to the scholarly field. My interests are complementary  to the areas of focus in your Communication  program, and I look forward to working with the outstanding members of your faculty. Of particular interest to me is the work of Dr. Jon Krosnick, who studies how the presentation of information affects choice and behavior, and Dr. Marcyliena Morgan, who examines the diverse uses of language among people of African descent; their mentorship and research will greatly influence my own. I am ready to participate in and contribute to the process of social change through my work as a professor and scholar. I aspire to teach, write, and produce works that comment critically on the strengths, weaknesses, and hidden truths of our society. There is no better place to begin this tremendous task than in your program, and I hope for the opportunity to do so.  

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The State Of Workplace Communication In 2024

Leeron Hoory

Updated: Mar 8, 2023, 12:37pm

The State Of Workplace Communication In 2024

Table of Contents

Key takeaways, communication tools used in the workplace in 2023, how covid-19 continues to affect work communication, the majority of workers use digital communication tools for up to 20 hours a week, digital communication tools are affecting work-life balance, how ineffective communication affects the work environment, digital communication tools are increasing stress in the workplace, most workers prefer email to other digital communication options, how workers are using digital communication to connect, how many people still work from home in each state, methodology.

With work from home increasing to 58% of the workforce (92 million workers), digital communication has become a focal point of workplace communication and productivity. Following an analysis, Forbes Advisor found that Colorado and Maryland had the highest number of remote workers. The survey also found that 28% of all respondents report using a voice-over-internet-protocol (VoIP) phone system . While half of the respondents we surveyed worked in a hybrid environment, 27% worked remotely and 20% on-site.

  • Workers are spending an average of 20 hours a week using digital communication tools.
  • Forty-five percent of workers feel more connected to their team as a result of using digital communication.
  • Digital communication makes 58% of workers feel like they need to be available more often.
  • Sixty percent of workers feel increased burnout as a result of communicating digitally.
  • Nearly half of workers report their productivity being affected by ineffective communication.
  • Forty-two percent of workers experience stress trying to form responses that convey the right tone of voice.

The days of the phone call may not be behind us, despite how many other communication platforms there are today. Workers are finding that the more effective communication platforms range in the type of communication they provide, whether that be instant messaging, video calls or VoIP systems. Google Meet and Zoom ranked highest for video calls, being used by 40% and 46% of respondents, respectively.

Remote and hybrid workers are using VoIP systems to communicate more often than in-office workers. VoIP systems were used by over a quarter of total respondents, with 37% of remote workers using them, 23% of on-site workers and 24% of hybrid workers.

The most effective communication tools for in-office, hybrid and remote workers

The most effective communication tool varied between on-site, remote and hybrid workers. For on-site workers, the mobile phone was the most effective method of communication for 38% of respondents, followed by landline (22%) and Zoom (21%). For people working remotely, Zoom was the most effective method for 22% of respondents, as well as Google Chat (also 22%). Hybrid workers followed a similar trend: 31% ranked Zoom as the most effective and 23% ranked Google Meet as the most effective.

Most people turn to tools beyond the standard phone to communicate at work, with 14% of respondents using VoIP when they didn’t prior to the pandemic. Over 20% of them are remote workers. It may seem obvious that more people began using Zoom (24% of respondents), but mobile phones also saw a spike in use by 20% after March 1, 2020.

Over 40% of workers feel more connected to their team since Covid-19

While Covid-19 changed the way offices and teams communicate, it didn’t necessarily lead to workers feeling less connected across the board. A total of 45% of workers who took the survey actually felt more connected to their team after Covid-19 (43% of on-site, 52% remote and 46% hybrid workers).

Some workers did feel less connected (25%). Remote workers were the most likely to report feeling less connected (34%) while the numbers were lower for on-site workers (27%) and hybrid workers (20%). There were also those who experienced no change. Of these respondents, on-site workers were the most likely to report no change (28%).

Many workers spend all day in front of a screen. The highest percentage of respondents (16%) said they spend 21 to 25 hours per week on digital communication platforms. That’s around five hours per day on average.

Fifteen percent spent 16 to 20 hours, 14% spent 11 to 15 hours and 12% spent six to 10 hours. There was a sharp decrease when the numbers reached 31 to 35 hours: only 5% said they spent this much time on digital communication tools. Digital communication tools took up the use of more than a 40-hour workweek for 2% of respondents.

With so many digital communication tools available, more workers are feeling pressure to stay connected to their coworkers outside of normal working hours. Nearly 25% of workers said that they always feel pressured to stay connected to their peers, while 35% said they often feel pressure. On the other end—those who felt free from pressure—the numbers were much smaller. Seven percent said they rarely felt pressure while 10% said they never do.

Digital communication increased burnout for 60% of workers

Whether working from home, on-site or both, digital communication has a high chance of increasing feelings of burnout. Our survey showed that 60% of respondents said that digital communication increased feelings of burnout. Nearly 70% of remote workers said they experienced burnout from digital communication. Hybrid and on-site workers were less likely to experience burnout as a result of digital communication: 56% and 49% respectively.

Only 11% of workers report that ineffective communication does not have any effect on them. For the rest of the respondents, poor communication greatly affected workers in many areas. Most notably, it impacted productivity for 49% of respondents. Nearly 50% of respondents reported that ineffective communication impacted job satisfaction while 42% said it affected stress levels.

Poor communication is affecting trust for 45% of workers

For over 40% of workers, poor communication reduces trust both in leadership and in their team. Remote workers were more affected, with 54% reporting poor communication impacts trust in leadership and 52% reporting it impacts trust in the team. For on-site workers, poor communication did not impact trust to the same extent, though it still had a big impact: 43% reported trust in leadership was impacted and 38% said trust in their team was affected.

Job satisfaction relies on effective communication for the majority of workers

Respondents reported that effective communication impacted several areas of work. Forty-two percent said it impacted cross-functional collaboration. Job satisfaction is another big area that is affected by communication: 48% said they were impacted. Nearly half of the respondents said their productivity was impacted.

For 46% of respondents, seeing messages ignored for long periods of time led to stress in the workplace. The notification that their manager is typing a message caused stress for 45% of respondents. Many other aspects of digital communication led to stress as well: crafting digital responses with the right tone of voice (42%), deciphering the tone behind digital messages (38%), last-minute video calls from leadership (36%) and turning off your camera when on video calls (35%).

When it comes to preferred methods of communication, many workers prefer old-fashioned tools. Email is the most popular tool, with 18% of total respondents marking it as their preference (25% of remote workers and 10% of on-site workers). Video calls were the next popular choice (17%) followed by direct messages (16%). For on-site workers, in-person conversations were by far the most preferred method of communication, with 34% of respondents saying it’s their preference.

  • Preferences were the same across gender, though varied considerably when it came to video calls: 22% of male respondents preferred video while 12% of females preferred video.
  • Age played a role in preference of communication methods: 40% of respondents between 59 and 77 preferred in-person conversation while that was only true for 17% of people ages 18 to 26 and 16% of people ages 27 to 42.

For many workers, digital communication is an essential part of their day, but they differ in the methods of communication they use. More than half (56%) of respondents use video for their communication and 55% use audio. Personalized greetings are less common (44%). Emojis and GIFs are still relatively common forms of communication: 42% and 34% respectively.

  • Female respondents preferred personalized greetings more than male respondents: 47% compared with 40%.
  • Male respondents preferred audio more than female respondents: 63% compared with 50%. Video followed a similar pattern: 61% (male) versus 53% (female).
  • Respondents of ages 43 to 58 had the highest preference for GIFs: 42% compared with 31% of respondents between the ages of 18 and 26.
  • Respondents between 18 and 26 years old were the most likely to prefer video (69%). Preference for video declined with age: 60% of respondents between the ages of 27 and 42, 50% of people between 43 and 58 years old and only 23% of people surveyed between the ages of 59 and 77.

Forbes Advisor found the total number of people working from home in each state in 2023. The survey found that the percentage of remote workers varied by state. Between 20% and 24.2% of people work from home in the 11 states with the largest work-from-home workforce.

  • Washington has the highest percentage of people who work from home at 24.2% of the workforce working at home, followed by Maryland (24%) and Colorado (23.7%).
  • Massachusetts was the next state with the highest percentage of people working from home (23.7%), followed by Oregon (22.7%), Virginia (22.3%) and New Jersey (22.1%).
  • Mississippi has the smallest workforce of people who work from home. Of the 1.2 million workers, only 6.3% (76,556) of people work from home.

While much has changed in the world of digital communication since Covid-19, there have also been constants. Email and phone are still two of the most preferred methods of communication, despite the numerous options and tools available. VoIP systems are increasing in popularity as well, with 28% of all respondents using them. Workers are spending an average of 20 hours per week on digital communication platforms—that’s half the 40-hour workweek.

Looking ahead, it will be important for teams and small businesses to establish productive systems of digital communication, especially given that over half of the people we surveyed reported that digital communication leads to increased burnout.

If a company or team establishes a healthy culture around digital communication, it can potentially lead to better job satisfaction, increased productivity and higher trust in a company’s leadership and the team.

Forbes Advisor commissioned a survey of 1,000 employed Americans who work in an office setting by market research company OnePoll, in accordance with the Market Research Society’s code of conduct. The margin of error is +/- 3.1 points with 95% confidence. The OnePoll research team is a member of the MRS and has corporate membership with the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR).

To find the number of workers in each state who work from home, Forbes Advisor sourced data from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey .

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Leeron is a New York-based writer with experience covering technology and politics. Her work has appeared in publications such as Quartz, the Village Voice, Gothamist, and Slate.


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    Concentrate on the fundamental idea in a brief style. It should have the summary of the key ideas in short form and your plans. Brief and remember to summarise why you are the ideal candidate. Overall, aim for three or five paragraphs. Thank the admission team for considering your application and bring it to a close.

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    Browse our range of Social Work personal statement examples. Gain inspiration & make sure you're on the right track when writing your own personal statement. Order Prospectus

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    How to write an impactful personal statement . When writing your personal statement it's important to dig deeper to show admissions committee's why you would be a great fit for the program. Here are some examples of what to say instead: Solve a social justice problem connected to your experience . Think about your past experiences.

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    Avoid waffle and ensure you put your points across in a concise way, keeping your statement relevant to the job in question. Rather than just describing your skills and experience, explain exactly why this is relevant to the organisation and how they will benefit from employing you. 4. Take your time. Draft your personal statement carefully.

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    Personal Statement [email protected] (502)852-2173 Strategies for writing a personal statement Make a strong case for yourself: Your statement should be constructed on the central argument that you are a good fit for the program, and the program is a good fit for you.

  25. How to Write a Personal Statement Destined to Standout

    1. Trigger Memories: Start by revisiting your past to spark memories that showcase unique aspects of your life and personality. Look through old photos, scrapbooks, social media feeds, or diaries. These sources can remind you of forgotten experiences, hobbies, or milestones that reveal your passions and character. 2.

  26. How to Write a Personal Statement for a Counseling Master's

    The personal statement should follow a clear narrative and provide specific examples from academic, professional and extracurricular experiences to demonstrate your readiness for the program, while demonstrating fit by aligning personal values and goals with the program's unique offerings. Start early, stay organized, and maintain a ...

  27. Sample Personal Statement Communication

    A Ph.D. will allow me to become a scholar-­‐journalist, not only engaging viewers, but actively evaluating my work's effects and influence—I want to tell a story and understand its impact at the same time. The way that stories are told, repeated, modified, and accepted or rejected has always intrigued me. As a 3 rd grader, I led a one ...

  28. What Are Professional Development Goals? 10 Examples

    10 examples of professional development goals. Here are ten examples of professional development goals to inspire your own: 1. Develop a new skill set. Growing professionally often means expanding the arsenal of things you're able to do. What skill you choose to develop can depend on your industry, job, and personal preferences.

  29. 54+ Good Resume Objective Examples & Writing Guide

    First sentence: Self-introduction where you mention your years of relevant experience (if any) and degree or level of education. Second sentence: Your most job-relevant hard and soft skills. Third sentence: The role you're targeting and how you plan to help the company achieve its goals.

  30. The State Of Workplace Communication In 2024

    Many workers spend all day in front of a screen. The highest percentage of respondents (16%) said they spend 21 to 25 hours per week on digital communication platforms. That's around five hours ...