How to Create a Comic Speech Bubble with Dynamic Sketch in Illustrator

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

Today we’ll look at the process of creating a comic speech bubble using DynamicSketch. This tool works well not only for hand drawing, but also to quickly create accurate and smooth shapes, for example circles and straight lines. Its intelligent functions enable you to speed up and eliminate some standard steps, which accelerates workflow in several times. So I am not afraid to call the Dynamic Sketch Tool – a WOW Tool!

I hope that you have already experienced it if not, download 14 day free trial now!

Creating a sketch

After downloading and installing DynamicSketch to your computer, the DynamicSketch Tool icon will appear in the Tools panel. To open the DynamicSketch panel, go to Window > DynamicSketch > DynamicSketch Panel.

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

The DynamicSketch panel allows us to set the variable line width dependence on several parameters, but to create a sketch using uniform paths will be enough, that is why I choose ‘None’ as the preset in the dropdown menu.

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

Turning off the fill, choose a neutral gray color for the stroke in the Color panel and set 10% Opacity in the Transparency panel. Paths with such properties are more similar to natural pencil strokes .

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

Now let’s reconfigure the Dynamic Sketch Tool for convenient operating. Open the Dynamic Sketch Preferences dialog box by either:

  • double-clicking on the tool’s icon in the tool bar, or
  • select the appropriate item in the fly-out menu of the Dynamic Sketch panel, or
  • press Enter/Return key when in the Dynamic Sketch Tool.

To create a sketch, settings will be slightly different from the default settings. Let’s see what I have changed and why.

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

  • I disabled the “Keep Selected” option. When creating many paths I found it hard to work when all the those paths are selected.
  • I disabled the “New Paths Have Basic Appearance” option. This allows you to create a new path with the properties of the current or last one selected. In particular, you will not need to choose Opacity in the Transparency panel every time.
  • I enabled the “Smooth Towards Circular” option. This allows you to create a circle with smoothing set to 100% in the Dynamic Sketch panel.
  • I enabled the “Only Edit Selected Paths” option. This helps avoid accidental editing of the created paths that do not need to be edited.
  • I disabled the “Show Dynamic Sketch Path Indicator” option. Path Indicators are used for fast selection of the existing dynamic paths, but with a large number of paths they may interfere, hiding part of the outline. Of course, this is an important control element and now you know where to switch it.

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Readers' Questions

How to make easy speech bubble comic style in adobe illustrator?
To make an easy speech bubble in Adobe Illustrator, follow these steps: Open Adobe Illustrator and create a new document. Select the "Rectangle Tool" from the toolbar on the left side of the screen. Click and drag on the canvas to create a rectangular shape for the speech bubble. Use the "Direct Selection Tool" (white arrow) to select the rectangle shape. Go to the top menu and click on "Effect" > "Stylize" > "Round Corners." In the Round Corners dialog box, adjust the Radius slider until the corners of the rectangle appear rounded. Click "OK." Select the "Pen Tool" from the toolbar. Click on the canvas to set an anchor point outside the rectangle shape, then click a second time to create a straight line that connects to one of the corners of the rectangle. Click again to set another anchor point at the position where you want the speech bubble's tail to start. Click and drag the handle of the last anchor point to adjust the curve of the tail. If necessary, you can add more anchor points and adjust their handles to refine the shape of the tail. Use the "Selection Tool" (black arrow) to select both the rectangle and the tail shape. Open the "Pathfinder" panel (Window > Pathfinder). Click on the "Merge" button in the Pathfinder panel to combine the rectangle shape with the tail shape, creating a single speech bubble. To add text inside the speech bubble, select the "Type Tool" from the toolbar. Click inside the speech bubble to create a text box and type in your desired text. Use the "Selection Tool" to position and resize the text as needed. That's it! You have now created an easy speech bubble comic style in Adobe Illustrator.

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How to Make a Speech Bubble in Illustrator

  • By Charlie Maurice
  • Published June 5, 2019
  • Updated December 11, 2023
  • 14 mins read

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

Speech bubbles are commonly used in graphic design to represent dialogue or thoughts in a visually appealing way. Whether you are creating a comic strip, infographic, or presentation, Adobe Illustrator provides a powerful set of tools to easily create speech bubbles. In this article, we will guide you through the process of making a speech bubble in Illustrator, step by step.

Key Takeaways

  • Easily create speech bubbles in Adobe Illustrator for various design projects.
  • Utilize Illustrator’s powerful tools and features to customize your speech bubbles.
  • Experiment with different shapes, sizes, and styles to create unique speech bubbles.
  • Export your speech bubble as a scalable vector graphic (SVG) for versatile use.

Step 1: Open Adobe Illustrator and Create a New Document

Begin by opening Adobe Illustrator and creating a new document. Set the desired dimensions for your speech bubble depending on your project requirements. Consider the size of the text and the amount of content you want to include within the bubble.

*Pro tip: Experiment with various dimensions to find the perfect size for your speech bubble design.

Step 2: Select the Ellipse Tool

Select the Ellipse Tool from the toolbar on the left side of the screen. This tool allows you to create circular or oval shapes, which are commonly used for speech bubbles. Click and drag on the canvas to draw the initial shape of your speech bubble.

Step 3: Customize the Shape

Once you have created the basic shape of the speech bubble, you can customize it further using the various tools and features in Illustrator. Use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to adjust the anchor points and path of the speech bubble. You can also use the Stroke and Fill options in the toolbar to change the color and thickness of the outline and fill of the bubble.

Step 4: Add a Tail to the Speech Bubble

Speech bubbles often have a tail or pointer that indicates the speaker. To add a tail to your speech bubble, select the Pen Tool (P) from the toolbar and draw a shape that connects to the edge of the bubble. Adjust the anchor points and curve handles to create the desired shape. Use the Stroke and Fill options to customize the appearance of the tail.

*Interesting fact: The tail of a speech bubble is also known as a “callout” or “pointer.”

Step 5: Add Text

To include text within the speech bubble, select the Type Tool (T) from the toolbar and click inside the bubble. Begin typing the desired content, adjusting the font, size, and color as needed. You can also align the text to the bubble’s shape by selecting the text box and using the Warp options in the toolbar.

Step 6: Export as SVG

Once you are satisfied with the design of your speech bubble, it’s time to export it for use in your project. Click on “File” in the menu bar and select “Save As.” Choose the SVG file format, which allows for scalability without quality loss. Give your file a name and select the desired location to save it on your computer.

Table 1: Popular Shapes for Speech Bubbles

Table 2: Stroke and Fill Options

Table 3: Typography Warp Options

In summary, Adobe Illustrator provides a versatile set of tools to easily create customizable speech bubbles for your design projects. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this article, you can create visually appealing speech bubbles that effectively convey dialogue or thoughts. Experiment with different shapes, sizes, and styles to create unique speech bubbles that enhance your designs. With Illustrator’s exporting capabilities, you can save your speech bubbles as scalable vector graphics (SVG) for versatile use. Start creating stunning speech bubbles in Illustrator today!

Image of How to Make a Speech Bubble in Illustrator

Common Misconceptions

Creating a speech bubble in illustrator.

When it comes to making speech bubbles in Illustrator, there are several common misconceptions that people often encounter. Let’s explore these misconceptions and debunk them once and for all:

  • Speech bubbles can only be created with the Pen tool.
  • Speech bubbles cannot be customized to fit different shapes or sizes.
  • Using the default shapes in Illustrator is the only way to create a speech bubble.

Firstly, many people believe that speech bubbles can only be created using the Pen tool in Illustrator. While the Pen tool is indeed a popular method, it is not the only way to create a speech bubble. Illustrator offers various other tools such as the Ellipse tool and the Rectangle tool that can be used to create speech bubbles with ease.

  • There are multiple ways to create speech bubbles in Illustrator.
  • Using the Pen tool is just one of the methods.
  • Exploring different tools can lead to creative and unique speech bubble designs.

Secondly, another misconception is that speech bubbles cannot be customized to fit different shapes or sizes. This is far from the truth. Illustrator allows users to scale, rotate, and warp objects, giving you the flexibility to create speech bubbles of any shape or size. By manipulating anchor points and handles, you can easily customize the shape of the speech bubble to match your desired design.

  • Speech bubbles can be customized to fit any shape or size.
  • Illustrator provides tools to scale, rotate, and warp objects.
  • Manipulating anchor points and handles can help achieve the desired shape of the speech bubble.

Lastly, some people assume that using the default shapes in Illustrator is the only way to create a speech bubble. While the default shapes can certainly be used, they are not the only option. Illustrator offers the ability to create custom shapes using various tools and techniques. By combining shapes, using the Pathfinder tool, or creating your own design, you can achieve unique and eye-catching speech bubbles.

  • Default shapes are not the only option for creating speech bubbles.
  • Illustrator provides tools for creating custom shapes.
  • Combining shapes or using the Pathfinder tool can result in unique speech bubble designs.

Image of How to Make a Speech Bubble in Illustrator

Illustrator Versions Used to Create Speech Bubbles

Illustrator is a versatile graphic design software that allows users to create various elements, including speech bubbles. The following table showcases the different versions of Illustrator commonly used by designers to make speech bubbles:

Speech Bubble Variations

Speech bubbles can come in various shapes and styles. The table below highlights different types of speech bubbles commonly used in graphic design:

Common Colors for Speech Bubbles

The color of a speech bubble can greatly impact its visual appeal and convey specific meanings. The table below displays some common colors used for speech bubbles:

Fonts Suitable for Speech Bubbles

The choice of font greatly affects the overall appearance and readability of speech bubbles. The following table showcases some fonts frequently used for speech bubble text:

Speech Bubble Examples in Popular Media

Speech bubbles are prevalent in various forms of media, including comic books and animated series. The following table highlights iconic speech bubbles from popular media:

Steps to Create a Speech Bubble in Illustrator

Creating a speech bubble in Illustrator involves several steps. The table below breaks down the process into actionable points:

Tools Used in Illustrator to Enhance Speech Bubbles

Illustrator offers various tools to enhance and embellish speech bubbles. The table below showcases some commonly used tools:

Social Media Platforms Utilizing Speech Bubbles

Speech bubbles play a vital role in visual communication on social media platforms. The table below highlights social media platforms and their utilization of speech bubbles:

By understanding the principles behind creating speech bubbles in Illustrator and exploring various applications and design elements, designers can effectively incorporate speech bubbles in their work. Whether for comic strips, illustrations, or social media, speech bubbles provide a visually engaging way to convey dialogue and narratives.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i create a speech bubble in adobe illustrator.

To create a speech bubble in Illustrator, follow these steps: 1. Open Adobe Illustrator and create a new document. 2. Select the Ellipse tool from the toolbar. 3. Click and drag on the canvas to draw a rounded shape for the main body of the speech bubble. 4. Use the Direct Selection tool to adjust the shape by dragging the anchor points and handles. 5. Click on the “Add Anchor Point” tool and add anchor points where you want your speech bubble’s tail to be. 6. Use the Pen tool to connect the anchor points and form the tail of the speech bubble. 7. Apply color, stroke, or any desired effects to the speech bubble. 8. That’s it! You’ve successfully created a speech bubble in Illustrator.

Can I edit the speech bubble after creating it?

Yes, you can easily edit the speech bubble in Illustrator by using the Direct Selection tool and the Pen tool. With the Direct Selection tool, you can move, resize, and reshape the bubble and its tail. By selecting the anchor points with the Pen tool, you can further modify the shape of the bubble and adjust its size, position, or curvature as needed.

How can I customize the appearance of the speech bubble?

To customize the appearance of the speech bubble: 1. Select the speech bubble shape or its parts. 2. Use the Fill and Stroke options in the toolbar to change the color of the bubble or its outline. 3. Apply gradients, patterns, or textures by selecting the desired options from the Fill or Stroke panel. 4. Adjust the stroke weight, dash pattern, or roundness using the Stroke panel. 5. Experiment with different blending modes, opacity settings, and effects to further enhance the appearance of the speech bubble.

Can I add text to the speech bubble?

Yes, you can easily add text to the speech bubble in Illustrator. Simply use the Type tool to click inside the bubble area and start typing. You can then format the text by selecting it and using the Character and Paragraph panels to change font, size, color, alignment, and other text properties to suit your needs.

Is it possible to resize the speech bubble without distorting it?

Yes, you can resize the speech bubble without distorting its shape by using the Scale tool in Illustrator. First, select the speech bubble, then choose the Scale tool from the toolbar. Press and hold the Shift key while dragging the corner handles to resize the bubble proportionally. This way, the speech bubble will maintain its original shape while adjusting its size.

Can I save the speech bubble as a reusable graphic style?

Yes, you can save the speech bubble as a reusable graphic style in Illustrator. Here’s how: 1. Select the speech bubble. 2. Open the Graphic Styles panel by going to Window > Graphic Styles. 3. Click on the “New Graphic Style” button in the panel. 4. A new graphic style will be created based on the appearance of the selected speech bubble. 5. To apply the saved graphic style to other shapes or objects, simply select the desired element and click on the created graphic style in the panel.

Can I create a speech bubble with a different shape than a rounded rectangle?

Yes, you can create a speech bubble with different shapes in Illustrator. Instead of using a rounded rectangle, you can experiment with other shapes such as polygons, stars, or custom shapes created with the Pen tool. The process involves drawing and reshaping the chosen base shape, adding anchor points for the tail, and connecting them using the Pen tool to achieve the desired speech bubble.

Can I download pre-made speech bubble shapes or templates?

Yes, there are various websites that offer pre-made speech bubble shapes or templates that you can download and use in Illustrator. Simply search for “speech bubble vector templates” or “speech bubble shapes for Illustrator” online, and you’ll find numerous resources available for free or for purchase. These templates can provide a helpful starting point if you’re looking to save time or want to explore different design options.

Are there any shortcuts or tools that can expedite the speech bubble creation process?

Yes, there are a few shortcuts and tools in Illustrator that can expedite the speech bubble creation process: – “E” key: Selects the Ellipse tool, making it quick to draw the rounded shape for the speech bubble. – “A” key: Selects the Direct Selection tool for easy editing of anchor points and handles. – “/ ” (forward slash) key: Hides the anchor points and paths, allowing you to focus on the visual appearance of the speech bubble. – Pathfinder panel: Utilizing various Pathfinder operations like Unite, Minus Front, or Divide can help create unique shapes for speech bubbles. – Graphic Styles: By creating and saving custom graphic styles, you can quickly apply consistent appearances to multiple speech bubbles.

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How to Make Bubbles in Adobe Illustrator

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Bubbles are easy and fun to make in Adobe Illustrator. You can make a bubble by creating a couple of circles, and playing with the strokes. Looking to create something more advanced? How about a 3D bubble?

In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to make different styles of bubbles in Adobe Illustrator. 

There are so many types of bubbles you can make – transparent bubbles, cartoon bubbles, soap/realistic bubbles, etc. I can’t cover all in one tutorial, so let me show you the very basics and some tips on what you can do to customize your vector bubbles in Adobe Illustrator. 

Note: The screenshots from this tutorial are taken from Adobe Illustrator CC Mac version. Windows or other versions can look different.  

How to Make Vector Bubbles in Adobe Illustrator

Let’s take a look at how to create a bubble shape/outline. You can use this type of bubble for cartoons or illustrations. 

Step 1: Choose the Ellipse Tool from the toolbar, hold the Shift key, and click and drag on the artboard to make a perfect circle . Use the keyboard shortcut Shift + X to change the Fill and Stroke color. 

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

If your object has a fill color, change it to none. You should have a circle only with a stroke color like this: 

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

Step 2: Use the Ellipse Tool to create two more circles or simply duplicate the one you just created twice. 

Move the two new circles to an overlapping position like this, and slightly increase the circle in front. (I changed the circles to a different color so that you can see which ones I’m talking about. )

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

Step 3: Select the overlapping circles (two darker lines), go to the Properties > Pathfinder panel, and click Minus Front . 

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

If you’re not familiar with the Pathfinder Tool and want to learn more, feel free to check out my How to Use the Pathfinder Tool in Adobe Illustrator tutorial. 

You’ll see a result like this. 

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

Feel free to add other details if you want, if not, this is already a simple vector bubble shape. You do need to style it a bit though. 

Step 4: Select both shapes, go to the Properties > Appearance panel Change the stroke weight and profile. I also changed the corner to rounded corners, but it’s up to you how you like the path. 

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

This is how they look right now. 

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

You can add a background color, add an outer glow to make them look more “alive”. How about this? 

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

This type of bubble is good to use for your comic-style drawing or illustration. 

If you want to make a more realistic transparent bubble, you can fill the bubble with a transparent gradient by following the steps below.

How to Make a Realistic Transparent Bubble in Illustrator

Step 1: Use the Ellipse Tool to make a circle. 

Step 2: Open the Gradient panel from Window > Gradient . Or select the Gradient Tool from the toolbar.

Step 3: Select the circle, go to the Gradient panel and choose Radial Gradient .  

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

Click on the first (white) gradient slider, and change the color to light blue. Choose the second (black) gradient slider, and change the color to white. 

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

Feel free to add background color so that you can see the adjustment better.

Step 4: Click on the gradient slider on top and move it toward the white color. 

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

Change the blue color opacity to about 10%, which is almost transparent, and change the white color opacity to about 50%. 

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

Your shape will be filled with a transparent gradient. 

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

Try it on an image and see how it looks! 

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

Another way to make realistic bubbles is by making them in 3D. It’s a bit more complicated but you’ll get it by following the steps below.

How to Make 3D Bubbles in Adobe Illustrator

There are two easy ways to make 3D bubbles in Illustrator. You’re probably thinking about the 3D Tool, right? Definitely, it’s one of the methods. Alternatively, you can also use the Mesh tool . 

Personally, I think the Mesh tool creates a better effect, but I’ll include both methods so you can choose the one that works best for you.

Method 1: Mesh Tool

If you want to create a 3D bubble using the Mesh tool, you’ll need to find an image with reference colors. For example, I’m using this image. The result is not going to be the same, but you’ll need to create a gradient mesh. 

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

Step 1: Choose the Ellipse Tool from the toolbar, hold the Shift key, and click and drag on the artboard to make a perfect circle . 

Step 2: Choose the Mesh tool (keyboard shortcut U ) from the toolbar. 

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

If you can’t find the Mesh Tool on your toolbar that’s because you’re using the basic toolbar. You can quickly change it to the advanced toolbar from Window > Toolbars > Advanced . 

Click on the circle to create the mesh. The area you click is where you’ll be able to create gradient colors. For example, following the reference image, I created a mesh like this: 

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

The anchor points are where you can add colors. 

Step 3: Click on one of the anchor points and choose the Eyedropper tool (keyboard shortcut I ) from the toolbar. Use the Eyedropper tool to sample color by clicking on the color from the reference image. 

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

Tip: You can move around the anchor points or handles to adjust the color area, as you can see I moved my mesh. 

Got the idea? Now keep sampling color until you get an ideal result. You can always add more anchor points by clicking on the shape. 

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

Tip: I highly recommend using the keyboard shortcuts U and I to switch between the Mesh tool and Eyedropper tool because it allows you to work much faster. If you want to color the edges, you can use the Direct Selection tool, click and drag to select multiple anchor points, and color them at the same time. 

See it’s not the quickest way to make a bubble but you get a fancy bubble. 

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

Using the 3D features in Illustrator to make bubbles is much easier. 

Method 2: 3D and Material

Since Adobe Illustrator simplified its 3D features, it’s really easy to use them because you can simply apply a 3D effect to objects in a couple of clicks. 

In this case, select the circle, and go to the overhead menu Effect > 3D and Material > Inflate . 

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

Your circle should look like this. 

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

I know it’s not an ideal bubble, and that’s why I prefer the Mesh tool method.  But you can adjust the lighting and opacity , or use other tools to give it a touch-up. 

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

And if you add a couple more bubbles and change the lighting of each one, the effect isn’t that bad. What do you think?

how to create speech bubble in illustrator

Wrapping Up

Depending on the type of bubbles you need for your design, you can use different ways to create bubbles in Adobe Illustrator. Making the bubble shape is quick and easy, all you need to do is create a couple of circles, manipulate the shapes, and play with the strokes. 

Making 3D bubbles can be trickier. I’d say the best effect is made with the Mesh tool, but it also takes longer. So, it’s up to you 😉

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Illustrator is a design program made by Adobe Inc. This site is not associated with Adobe.

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How do I make a speech bubble in Illustrator?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 6:35 pm

Making a speech bubble in Illustrator is easy. First, create a new file.

Select the Rectangle tool (M), and then click and drag to create a rectangle. Enter 100px in the height and width fields, and then click OK.

Select the Ellipse tool (L), and then click and drag to create an ellipse.

Select the Polygonal Lasso tool (L), and then click and drag to create a polygonal line.

Select the Speech Bubble tool (T), and then click and drag to create a speech bubble.

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Barbie and Kyle make plans for the post-charter season

Before things soured between them, Barbie and Kyle spoke separately about their bond. 

"I have been changing for Kyle, and it feels good," Barbie said in an interview on the episode, as Kyle made plans to travel with her after the charter season .

During a Facetime call with his mom, Kyle admitted that he had fallen in love with the Argentinian. 

"In all seriousness, I actually think I fell in love, it's really f-cked up," Kyle told his mom on the call. He elaborated on his feelings in his own interview, saying, "I've not brought many girls home to meet my mother. My relationships don't tend to last. I think I see a future with her. I think I am in love with Barbie."

Their bliss didn't last long, though.

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During the final crew dinner out, Barbie grew frustrated with Kyle when he decided to disrobe to jump into the water. Afterwards, the pair spoke about their issues. 

"I am literally falling in love with you and you are worth it to me," Barbie said. 

"I am in the wrong, I am in the wrong," Kyle responded. "I'm trying my heart out here, and I'm sorry I'm being such an idiot. I am being an idiot. I've not felt like this in a long time, and you know that."

"I love you," Barbie said, and Kyle responded, "I love you too, mate."

Split of Kyle Stillie and Barbie Pascual doing interview clips in their yachtie uniforms for below Deck

Why did Barbie Pascual break up with Kyle Stillie?

After admitting that they were in love with one another, things quickly soured between Kyle and Barbie on the Season 11 finale. 

In the van on the way back to St. David , stew Xandi Olivier told Barbie that she would have fired her had she been the chief stew.

The comment irritated Barbie, who didn't appreciate Xandi for being quite so candid. Barbie fired back at Xandi and fellow interior team members Fraser Olender and Paris Field , and she also got upset at Kyle for not defending her. 

"You need to relax a little bit," Kyle said while the two sat side-by-side in the car.

Barbie Faces off With "Rude" Charter Guest Who Demands Food "That I F-cking Like"

"And if you don't start backing me..." Barbie said in response.

"I'm back in your corner, but I'm telling you, you need to shut the f-ck up," he continued. "Like, that's me back in your corner." 

"You're supposed to be the person on my team," she said once the crew got back to the boat. "All you did is back other people now. Get the f-ck away from me, leave me alone. "

She referred to Kyle as "backstabbing," before she decided to leave the boat a night early.

"This is the worst thing that could have happened," Kyle admitted. 

"You guys wanted to drive me batsh-t crazy?" Barbie said in her cabin as she packed her bags. "You win! Everybody wins... and I quit. I f-cking quit."

"I'm gonna go straight to a five-star resort," Barbie added, and she did leave the boat in a car for the night. 

In case it wasn't already clear, her boatmance with Kyle had come to an end. 

"Me and Kyle are freaking done," she said. "I'm never gonna be with somebody who doesn't have my back, and now, to have this guy I broke down every wall with, and to have this guy I went against my family with, to have this guy sit next to me and let these other people attack me is just — Kyle is the biggest disappointment of them all. I never want to see Kyle again." 

Barbie Pascual Reveals the Surprising Reason She Isn't Divorced and "Legally Married" to Her Ex

Did barbie pascual quit below deck .

Barbie may have left the yacht early, but she doesn't consider it actually quitting. 

"This is not me quitting, because my job's done," she clarified in an interview on the episode. "All I've done this whole season is put my ego aside and work on myself. And to have these people continuously continue to be against me just sucks. Nobody here cares about me."

Kyle Stillie and Barbie Pascual reflect on the end of their relationship

The morning after Barbie left the boat, Kyle read the text he received from Barbie out loud to Bosun Ben Willoughby.

"'Change your f-cking flight, I never want to see you again,'" Kyle read out loud. "Put my heart on the table..." 

In an interview, Kyle admitted that he was "gutted" by what happened with Barbie.

Though Barbie didn't pop back up on the episode, she did tell Captain Kerry Titheradge what went down over the phone.

"You know, I'm just disappointed that this all went down like this," she said. "I'm done, you know? I don't need to be on a yacht where people are attacking me. I need to work on myself, but I also need to work on myself with people that care about me, not with people that don't."

In an interview, Kerry acknowledged that Barbie had been struggling to fit in during her time on St. David .

"I feel for her, because she tried," he added.

Are Barbie Pascual and Kyle Stillie still together today?

When Barbie appeared on the May 13 episode of Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen , she confirmed that she did not get back together with Kyle.

"No," she responded when asked if the two were still romantically involved.

She also shared that she's in a relationship with someone else. 

"I have a boyfriend," she revealed. "Super in love, actually."

Stream Below Deck on Peacock now. 

  • Barbara Pascual
  • Kerry Titheradge
  • Kyle Stillie
  • Relationships

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  3. How to Draw a Speech Bubble in Adobe Illustrator

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  4. How To Draw A Speech Bubble In Adobe Illustrator

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  8. Get Creative with Vector Speech and Thought Bubbles

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