187 Olympic Games Essay Topics: Modern, Ancient, Special Olympics & More

Did you know that the Olympic Games have existed for over 2,700 years?

The Olympic Games have a significant cultural influence and a rich history you can explore through research and writing.

This article will give you the tools to write an informative and engaging essay about the Olympic Games. Below, our expert team has provided topics and guidelines for writing a successful paper about this sports event.

  • 🔝 Top 10 Olympic Games Topics

✍️ Olympics Writing Prompts

🏐 modern olympic games essay: topic ideas.

  • 🏺 Ancient Greece Olympics: Topics Ideas
  • 🦼 Essay on Special Olympics
  • 🏅 Politics and the Olympics Essay

📝 The Olympics Essay: How to Write

🔗 references, 🔝 top 10 olympic games essay topics.

  • The history of the Olympic Games.
  • The most successful nations in the Olympic Games history.
  • The influence of the Olympic Games on the host city and country.
  • The role of technology in the Olympic Games.
  • The economics of the Olympic Games.
  • The controversy surrounding the Olympic Games.
  • The future of the Olympic Games.
  • The cultural significance of the Olympic Games.
  • The impact of COVID-19 on the 2020 Olympic Games.
  • The athletes to watch in the upcoming Olympic Games.

The picture provides topic ideas for a paper about the Olympic Games.

Do you need help deciding what to write about in your Olympics essay? Here are the most popular and researchable topic prompts you may use. They cover the main aspects of the Olympics-related issue and clarify what your essay or research paper may be about.

Prompt for Ancient Olympics vs. Modern Olympics Essay

This topic can be assigned to test your comprehension of the history of the Olympic Games and their timeline, dynamics, and development until modern times. In this compare-and-contrast essay, you can raise questions about how sports activities changed and analyze the key aspects of this event in old times and modernity:

  • Were ancient athletes awarded with medals as modern champions are?
  • Who carried the Olympic flag ?
  • How are ancient Greek and Roman traditions embodied in modern games?

Your essay can take a historical, comparative, or analytical perspective on all these subjects.

Prompt for Winter Olympic Games Essay

There’s so much to discuss about the Winter Olympic Games ! Consider some ideas:

  • Analyze the early history of the Winter Olympics.
  • Review the changes in the number of sports activities included in the list of competitions.
  • Explore the Winter Olympics during the 20th century (during and between the World Wars).
  • Discuss the 21st-century procedures connected to preparing and hosting the Olympics in the wintertime.

Some other interesting aspects include the complexities of host city nomination, glorious stories of Winter Olympics’ winners, the issue of doping, and the political side of sports (e.g., the 1980 boycott of the Taiwan national team in response to its tensions with China).

Prompt for Beijing Olympics Essay

Beijing hosted two Olympic Games – in 2008 and 2022 – so you’ll have plenty of material to write about when preparing an essay or article about this topic.

Since there were 14 years between these two grand events, the preparation and the country’s self-presentation during these two Olympics differed. You can prepare a well-researched comparative analysis of these differences. Consider comparing the following aspects:

  • The economic and political image of China during these events.
  • The organization of Olympic festivities.
  • The style of political leadership China revealed.
  • The global perception of China in 2008 and 2022.

It’s also interesting to examine how the restrictions on human rights and liberties were lifted during the Olympic Games and how these international events generally affected democracy in the PRC.

Prompt for Essay about Olympics 2012

The 2012 Olympics in London became notorious for many events:

  • Doping scandals. Many weightlifting athletes were caught using Turinabol and Stanozolol. So, the problem of stripping one person of their medals turned into massive defamation.
  • Athletic achievements. The 2012 Olympics were marked by numerous groundbreaking records and victories.
  • Economic impact. The event also stimulated the economy of London and the UK significantly.

All these topics can lay the basis for your reading and persuasive writing assignments on the London Olympic Games.

  • The role of Pierre de Coubertin in the modern Olympics.
  • Paying College Athletes: Reinforcing Privilege or Promoting Growth.
  • Modern Olympics as a globalized cultural and sporting event.
  • Olympics as a catalyst for urban change in the hosting countries.
  • Women at the modern Olympics.
  • Sports Marketing and How Its Affected by the Internet.
  • Olympic torch: changing symbolism.
  • The challenge of defining modern wrestling styles at the Olympics.
  • The philosophy behind the modern Olympics.
  • Future of the Olympic Games.
  • Pepperdine Basketball Team Coach’s Leadership Style.
  • Doping: now and in ancient times.
  • The Olympics and advertising.
  • Neomodern Olympic Games.
  • Sociocultural analysis of contemporary Olympics.
  • Sports Psychologist: Working With Athletes.
  • Fundamentals of the modern Olympic movement.
  • Women’s sport and the Olympics.
  • The Olympics and clean sport.
  • Coping with Stress in Athletes.
  • Ideas, values, and ideals behind the Olympics.
  • Paradoxes of Olympism.
  • A country’s home advantage at the Olympics.
  • How did the Olympic urbanization take place?
  • Comparing: Football and Soccer.
  • Ceremony vs. show at the modern Olympics.
  • Commercialization of the modern Olympic Games.
  • Preparing to Be an Effective Follower in Sports.
  • Legacies of the 1932 and 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles.
  • The theory of sports spectacle: a case of the Olympics.
  • Factors of eligibility and success at the ancient versus modern Olympics.
  • Coubertin’s rationale for reviving the Olympic Games.
  • Anthropology of the Olympic Games.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility in Sports Organizations.
  • Introduction of wrestling to the list of Olympic Games.
  • Budapest vs. Athens: options for Olympic revival.
  • Olympic Agenda 2020.
  • Professional Athletes Allowed to Use Steroids.
  • Olympics at the intersection of tradition and modernity.
  • Rules and reforms at the Olympics.
  • Predictability of gold medal performances at the Olympics.
  • Analysis of the National Basketball Association.
  • Olympics and visual art: visual content of Olympic posters.
  • Identity and management of the Olympic culture.
  • Olympic athletes’ nutrition: doping concerns.
  • Olympic marketing.
  • Positive Self-Talk and Its Impact on Athletes.
  • The International Olympic Committee and its legal status.
  • Rebranding of the Olympics: from oblivion to international significance.
  • Olympic education: core values.
  • Steroid Usage in Professional Sports.
  • The arts in the Olympics: evolution of status.

🏺 Essay about Ancient Greece Olympics: Topic Ideas

Looking for the best Olympic Games topic? Here are some exciting and fresh ideas for writing an essay about the Olympic Games of ancient times.

  • The rationale and mythology surrounding the Olympic Games.
  • The origin of the Olympic Games.
  • The concept of Ekecheiria (Olympic truce) in ancient times.
  • Mesoamerican Ballgame: The Origin, Cultural, Formal and Material Aspects .
  • The impact of the ancient Olympics on the spread of Hellenistic culture .
  • Religious festivities during the Olympics.
  • Eligibility criteria for athletic participation in the Olympics.
  • The fate of the Olympic winner: what privileges were they awarded?
  • Competing mythological stories about the origin of the Olympics: Heracles vs. Pelops.
  • Athletic events in the Mediterranean as the roots of the Olympics.
  • The peculiarities of the ancient Olympiad calendar.
  • Evolution of the Olympics from regional competitions to part of the Panhellenic Games.
  • Olympic vs. Pythian games.
  • Health Care Career Choice: Athletic Trainer.
  • The Olympic Games during the imperial period .
  • Robbery of the Olympia by General Sulla.
  • Revival of the Olympics under Emperor Augustus.
  • Unanimous winner: the infamous story of the Olympic Games and Emperor Nero.
  • The second revival of the Olympic Games under Philhellenic rulers.
  • Decline of the Olympics in the 3rd century AD: causes and processes.
  • Evolution of location choices for hosting ancient Olympic Games.
  • The culture of the Olympics: from religion to broader cultural significance.
  • Olympics and politics in ancient Greece.
  • Athletic activities included in the ancient Olympics.
  • Training for Olympic competitions in the ancient period.
  • Running as an ancient Olympic kind of sport.
  • The role of pentathlon in the ancient Olympics.
  • Sports Coaching Career and Its History.
  • Variety of equestrian events in the ancient Olympics.
  • The most famous Olympic athletes of ancient times.
  • The origins of the Olympic opening and closing ceremonies.
  • Exclusion of women from the ancient Olympics Games.
  • Cheating in the ancient Olympics.
  • Religiosity as the central aspect of the ancient Olympics.
  • VR technology for the reconstruction of the ancient Olympics.
  • The myth around universal eligibility of athletes.
  • Travel routines of ancient Olympic Games spectators.
  • Conditions for athletes and spectators at the ancient Olympics.
  • The first Olympic Games.
  • The fundamentals of the Olympic spirit: games for the gods.
  • Olympic Games’ lessons for peace .
  • The concept of athletic excellence in the ancient vs. modern Olympics.
  • The cultural significance of the ancient Olympics.

🦼 Essay on Special Olympics: Topics

  • Arguments against Special Olympics.
  • What drives Special Olympic athletes to participate?
  • Contribution of Special Olympics to social acceptance of people with mental disabilities.
  • Special Olympics and community integration of disabled athletes.
  • How Do Sports Affect Disabled People Psychologically?
  • The potential benefits of Special Olympics for the physically disabled.
  • Volunteering motivations among Special Olympics participants.
  • Self-concept and participation in Special Olympics.
  • The role of Special Olympics in making mental handicaps more understandable to the community.
  • Segregation of the Special Olympics program from other Olympic events.
  • Damaging effects of participant labeling as handicapped at the Special Olympics.
  • The stigmatizing effect of the term “special” in Special Olympics.
  • History and rationale behind Special Olympics’ creation.
  • Shriver’s ideas behind the Special Olympics program.
  • The symbolism of the Special Olympics logo .
  • Host cities for the Special Olympics World Games.
  • Eligibility criteria for participation in Special Olympic games.
  • List of sports activities covered in the Special Olympics program.
  • The concept of Unified Sport.
  • Health screenings for Special Olympics participants – the Healthy Athletes initiative.
  • Special Olympics and paternalism.
  • “We Want More Diversity but…” in Sports Clubs.
  • Psychosocial consequences of involvement in the Special Olympics.
  • Postural stability in Special Olympics athletes.
  • Ethical concerns surrounding the Special Olympics program.
  • Parental justifications for Special Olympics participation.
  • Commercialization of Special Olympics.
  • Special Olympics as a controversial program for people with severe disabilities.
  • Social skills development among Special Olympics athletes.
  • Disabled athletes and team sports.
  • Promoting social inclusion for people with severe disabilities via sport.
  • Cardiovascular health of Special Olympics participants.
  • Coaching at the Special Olympics.
  • Effects of Special Olympics participation on the self-efficacy of people with Down syndrome.
  • Prevalence of obesity among Special Olympics participants.
  • Injuries sustained during the Special Olympics contests.
  • Is Special Olympics a sport or social event?

🏅 Politics and the Olympics Essay: Topics

  • Nationalism and identity at the modern Olympics.
  • China’s soft power strategy at the Beijing Olympics.
  • Sports Analysis: Steroids and HGH in Sports.
  • A political history of the modern Olympics.
  • Olympics and Its Economic Impact.
  • Rebranding of China at the Olympics: Beijing vs. Rio.
  • Language policy in the planning of Olympic events.
  • Economic Impact of the London 2012 Olympics on the UK Economy.
  • Nation branding and country image: how the Olympic Games help shape them.
  • The concept of sport nationalism .
  • Institutions and governance of sport: a case of the Olympics.
  • Participation in the Olympic Games during warfare.
  • Physical Therapy Services for Sports Injuries.
  • China’s Olympic dream.
  • Dilemmas of intersecting sports and politics at the Olympics.
  • Political heritage of the Olympic Games.
  • Using Performance-Enhancing Drugs and in World of Sport.
  • Olympics as a tool of power and protest.
  • London 2012 Olympic Games.
  • Eurocentrism in the modern Olympic games.
  • Policy analysis of gender inequality in the Olympics.
  • Determinants of national success at the Olympics.
  • Modern Olympics as a celebration of capitalism.
  • Human Resource Management for Tourism, Sports and Creative Industries.
  • Mega-event Olympic politics: lessons for the hosting cities.
  • Jews and the Olympics.
  • Agenda 2020: promise and reality of organizational change.
  • The politics of Olympic doping: 1960-2008.
  • Behind the scenes of Olympic politics.
  • Gender politics of the Olympics.
  • Global politics and the Olympics.
  • The fundamentals of sports politics.
  • The 1936 Nazi games in Berlin.
  • Children Participation in Sports.
  • Political steering at the 2012 London Games.
  • Apoliticism and power games at the Olympics.
  • How to keep politics out of sports? The case of the Olympic Games.
  • Bribery charges in the IOC.
  • 2008 Olympic Games in China.
  • The Olympic Charter’s position on misconduct .
  • Corruption in the bidding process at the Olympics.
  • Macro-politics and the Olympic hegemony.
  • Sports-Related Problems and Conflicts.
  • Attempts to challenge the Olympic supremacy with alternative sports competitions.
  • Colonialism and sport at the Olympics.

In this section, we will explain how to write an essay about Olympic Games. Below, you will find detailed explanations and examples.

Olympic Game Essay: Introduction

The introduction should give the reader a clear understanding of the paper’s content and significance. This section should be engaging and informative, setting the stage for the rest of the essay.

Body Paragraph on Olympic Games

Use transitions to ensure your essay flows smoothly. Each section should build on the previous one and contribute to the overall argument or thesis statement.

Olympic Essay Conclusion

Then, reflect on the significance of the topic and its implications for the readers or society. Avoid presenting new information or arguments in the conclusion . Instead, this section should provide a sense of closure and leave a lasting impression of the writer’s ideas.

Now it’s time to follow the tips and guidelines outlined in this article to write a successful paper. Pick a topic that interests you, do research, and organize your essay logically. Use our free online topic generator if you need more ideas for your paper.

  • More Than the Games: The Olympics and the Global Spotlight on Societal Issues | University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • The Necessity of Considering the Challenges Facing Olympic Movement | ResearchGate
  • The Dirty Games: How London 2012 Became Tainted | The Guardian
  • Beijing Olympics Then and Now | NBC News
  • The Olympics — Then and Now | UCI School of Humanities
  • How to Write a Strong Body Paragraph for an Essay | MasterClass
  • Going for Gold: Research Topics on the Olympic and Paralympic Games | Frontiers
  • The History of the Olympic Games | BBC
  • Olympics: Topics in Chronicling America | Library of Congress

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Essay on Olympic Games

Essay on Olympic Games


Olympics is not an unfamiliar term among children. But they might not know the significance of the Olympic Games and the reason for their popularity. The Olympics present the mesmerising world of sports and the extreme talents of athletes. This essay on Olympic Games will be ideal for teaching its history, importance and other relevant facts to children.

Here, in this short essay on Olympic Games, we will see its history. The Olympic Games have their origin in ancient Greece, and now, it is the most prominent sports competition that is held every four years. Many athletes from different countries of the world compete in different events to showcase their abilities. The winners are given the Olympic gold medal, which is a symbol of great pride for every nation. Through the essay on Olympic Games in English, we will learn about the Olympic rings and Olympic torch, which captures the true essence of the Olympic Games.

Importance of Olympic Symbols

The Olympic Games were held for the first time in Athens in Greece in 1896. It was initiated to bring out the athletic talents of people as well as to promote world peace and show that unity is strength by bringing together athletes from different countries. This event includes both individual and team sports and is conducted once every four years at different locations. The summer and winter Olympics happen alternately every two years. We will also understand the meaning of the Olympic flag in this essay on Olympic Games.

The Olympic flag has a logo of 5 interconnected rings of colours blue, yellow, black, green, and red. The colours of the ring were chosen so because every country had at least one of these colours on their flag. The 5 rings denote 5 major continents of the world, and their interconnectedness shows that the world can work together in the mission to bring peace through this international sports competition.

Further, we can teach the meaning of the Olympic torch to children with the help of this short essay on Olympic Games. The Olympic torch/flame is lit a few months before the start of the Olympic Games in Greece, and this flame is carried to the host city through a torch relay. The carrying of the flame by people spreads the message of friendship and peace. The Games begin with the final runner lighting the cauldron with the Olympic flame during the opening ceremony.

Olympic Games

In this part of the essay on Olympic Games in English, we will see how athletes participate in the games and are honoured with medals when they win. Many sports and games like athletics, basketball, archery, gymnastics, swimming, figure skating, fencing, football, skateboarding, tennis, wrestling, weightlifting etc., are conducted during the Olympic Games. The athletes and players must initially clear a qualifying round by showing their skills and hard work before participating in the Olympic Games.

People watch the Games on television and see how the representatives of each nation are performing. The winners receive the gold, silver and bronze medals depending on their positions in their respective games. Besides, the national anthem of that particular country will be played when they are given the medals.

This short essay on Olympic Games will be helpful for children to understand the relevance of the Olympic Games. You can present your kids with more beautiful essays from our website.

Frequently Asked Questions on

Why are the olympic games held.

The Olympic Games are a symbol of national pride and unity, and it is held every four years to uphold world peace and develop brotherhood between nations.

How are participants selected for the Olympic Games?

Athletes and players endure years of hard work and dedication to participate in the Olympic Games. They train rigorously and present their abilities during a qualifying round, after which they will be chosen for the Olympic Games.

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Essay on Tokyo Olympics

Students are often asked to write an essay on Tokyo Olympics in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Tokyo Olympics

The tokyo olympics.

The Tokyo Olympics, officially known as the 2020 Summer Olympics, was an international sports event. It was held in Tokyo, Japan, from July 23 to August 8, 2021.


The Olympics was significant as it was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, marking a first in the Olympics history. Despite challenges, it symbolized global unity and resilience.

The event featured 33 sports with new additions like skateboarding and surfing. Athletes from all over the world competed, showcasing their skills and sportsmanship.

The Tokyo Olympics left a legacy of hope, proving that even in tough times, the human spirit prevails.

250 Words Essay on Tokyo Olympics


The Tokyo Olympics, officially known as the Games of the XXXII Olympiad, were a global spectacle held in Tokyo, Japan, in 2021. Originally scheduled for 2020, the event was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, marking the first peacetime postponement in Olympic history.

Unprecedented Circumstances

The Tokyo Olympics were unique due to the extraordinary circumstances under which they were held. The pandemic forced the organizers to implement stringent health protocols, including a ban on spectators, to ensure the safety of athletes and officials. Despite these challenges, the Games symbolized resilience and unity in the face of adversity.

Technological Innovations

The event was also notable for its use of advanced technology. From the extensive use of robots for various tasks to the implementation of 5G technology and virtual reality for enhanced viewer experiences, the Tokyo Olympics showcased Japan’s technological prowess.

Sporting Triumphs

The Games were a testament to the indomitable spirit of athletes. Despite the lack of a cheering crowd, athletes from around the world delivered spectacular performances, setting new records and inspiring millions.

The Tokyo Olympics served as a beacon of hope amidst a global crisis. It demonstrated the power of sports to bring people together, even in the most challenging times. The event’s successful execution under such circumstances was a testament to human resilience and the spirit of the Olympic Games.

500 Words Essay on Tokyo Olympics

The historical significance of the tokyo olympics.

The Tokyo Olympics 2020, held in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, marked a significant event in the history of the Olympic Games. The postponement was the first of its kind since World War II, signifying the global disruption caused by the pandemic. The Tokyo Olympics thus became a symbol of resilience and unity in a time of global crisis.

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Games

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the Tokyo Olympics. For the first time in history, the games were held without spectators, a decision made to ensure the safety of the athletes and the Japanese public. This created a unique atmosphere, with athletes competing in eerily quiet stadiums. Despite the lack of spectators, the games were broadcasted globally, reaching an audience of billions.

The Performance of Athletes

The Tokyo Olympics was a stage for remarkable athletic performances. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, athletes from around the world showcased their skills and determination. The games saw the rise of new champions, the return of seasoned veterans, and the breaking of several world records. These performances served as a testament to the indomitable spirit of the athletes and their dedication to their respective sports.

The Tokyo Olympics also stood out for its technological innovations. From the use of 3D athlete tracking technology to the introduction of robots for various tasks, the games highlighted Japan’s technological prowess. These innovations enhanced the viewing experience for audiences worldwide, while also assisting in the smooth running of the games.

The Cultural Showcase

The Tokyo Olympics was more than just a sporting event; it was a global showcase of Japanese culture. From the opening ceremony, which beautifully depicted Japan’s history and traditions, to the closing ceremony, which celebrated Tokyo’s vibrant pop culture, the games were a cultural feast. They highlighted Japan’s unique blend of tradition and modernity, offering a glimpse into the country’s rich cultural heritage.

The Legacy of the Tokyo Olympics

The Tokyo Olympics leaves behind a legacy of resilience and innovation. Despite the unprecedented challenges, the games demonstrated that it is possible to hold a large-scale international event safely amidst a pandemic. The Tokyo Olympics served as a beacon of hope, showing the world that even in the face of adversity, the human spirit remains unbroken.

In conclusion, the Tokyo Olympics was a significant event marked by historical disruptions, remarkable athletic performances, technological innovations, and a rich cultural showcase. It leaves behind a legacy that will be remembered for years to come. The games served as a testament to the power of unity and resilience, offering hope and inspiration to people around the world during a time of global crisis.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Titanic
  • Essay on Time Machine
  • Essay on The Road

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Lesson of the Day: ‘The Tokyo Olympics Explained’

In this lesson, students will learn more about the upcoming Summer Olympics and consider whether the Games should go on during a pandemic.

write essay on summer olympics

By Jeremy Engle

Students in U.S. high schools can get free digital access to The New York Times until Sept. 1, 2021.

Lesson Overview

Featured Article: “ The Tokyo Olympics Explained ” by Victor Mather.

After a year’s delay, the Tokyo Summer Olympics appear set to begin in July, with the Paralympics scheduled to start in August. “The world’s best athletes will once again compete in the pool, on the track, around the velodrome and high above the trampoline,” writes Victor Mather, a sports journalist for The New York Times. “But the circumstances will be most unusual.”

Japan has contained Covid-19 far better than most other large countries . But it now faces the challenge of welcoming thousands of athletes from around the world — without causing new outbreaks. Surveys indicate that a majority of people living in Japan think the Games should not go on this summer . Organizers are barring spectators from overseas, and cheering is forbidden at the Olympic torch relay, which kicked off in Fukushima Prefecture last month. However, years of planning — and billions in television dollars — mean Olympic organizers are eager to hold the event without postponing again.

In this lesson, you will learn more about the opportunities and concerns surrounding the 2020 Tokyo Games (despite coming a year late, the Games are still called Tokyo 2020) and share your own Olympic memories. In an activity later, we invite you to consider whether the Summer Games should proceed and whether it is time to rethink the Olympic mission.

Some of the greatest moments and achievements in sports have taken place in the Olympics, such as:

Jesse Owens winning four gold medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympics in front of Adolf Hitler, single-handedly shattering the myth of Aryan superiority.

The indelible image of John Carlos and Tommie Smith raising their fists in a Black Power salute during the medal ceremony in 1968.

The underdog amateur U.S. Hockey team defeating the Soviet powerhouse in 1980.

Michael Phelps winning 28 Olympic medals, with 23 of them gold , spanning over four Olympic Games.

Simone Biles dazzling judges and crowds to win both the individual all-around gold and team gold at the 2016 Games at Rio.

Before reading the article, take a few minutes to reflect upon and write about your own memories of the Olympics using the prompts below as a guide:

What do you know about the Olympics — its history and goals? What do you know about the challenges and controversies surrounding this year’s Tokyo Games, as well as from past Olympics?

Are you a big fan of the Olympics? Do you typically watch the sporting events with your family and friends? Do you have a favorite Olympic memory?

What do you like most about the Olympics? The goals of promoting international peace and cooperation? The showcasing of skills and artistry? The pageantry? The national pride?

Which events are you drawn to most? Track and field? Gymnastics? Ice skating? Snowboarding? Swimming? Do you have a preference between the Summer and Winter Games? Do you have a favorite Olympic athlete?

Are you concerned about the Summer Games being played during a pandemic? Do you plan to watch this year?

If you are in a classroom, share your answers with a partner and compare the similarities and differences in your experiences and opinions.

Next, watch this 360-degree virtual reality video about the history of the modern Olympics (until 5:43, when it starts talking about the 2016 Games in Rio de Janeiro). Afterward, write down two things that you have learned about the Olympics and one question that you have.

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Questions for Writing and Discussion

Read the article , then answer the following questions:

1. What are three significant or interesting facts or details you have learned about the 2020 Tokyo Olympics?

2. When have the Olympics been canceled in the past, and why? Why aren’t the Tokyo Olympics Games canceled even though the pandemic is still surging in parts of the world and surveys of the Japanese population indicate that a majority of people living there are against hosting the Games in Japan?

3. How is the International Olympic Committee addressing the safety of athletes and spectators? Do you agree with the organizers’ decision to bar most international fans?

4. What are the new sports and events this year? Which are most intriguing to you? If the International Olympic Committee invited you to propose a new sport for the 2024 Summer Olympics, what would it be and why?

5. What is your reaction to the two mascots of the Olympics and Paralympics — Miraitowa and Someity? The name Miraitowa is drawn from the Japanese words for “future” and “eternity.” Do you think the ideas of future and eternity best represent the 2020 Tokyo Olympics? What other concepts would you recommend to the International Olympic Committee if you were asked to help redesign or rename the mascots?

6. After reading the article, are you more or less interested in this year’s Olympics? What questions do you still have about the 2020 Tokyo games — or the Olympics in general? Do you plan on watching?

Going Further

Option 1: Learn more about how the pandemic and postponement have affected athletes.

In “ What These Athletes Learned From Their Pandemic Pauses ,” The Times features an interview with the Olympic team hopeful Sunisa Lee, 17, who had been prepping to compete in the 2020 Tokyo Games. The pandemic threw those plans off course and brought heartbreaking tragedy to her family, as a beloved aunt and uncle died of Covid-19, just 13 days apart:

What’s helped me get through this year is remembering that it’s been a weird time for everybody. Now I think pretty much everybody on the national team is back training like usual. I’ve been able to do all my skills, but getting through my routines is hard because I need more endurance after taking so much time off. The biggest thing that’s changed since last year is that there are so many new girls trying for the Olympic team now. It’s crazy how many new girls there are! They’re ones who didn’t qualify for 2020 because they were a year too young, but now qualify for 2021 because the rules changed to let girls turning 16 next year compete. Personally, I feel like it’s unfair, and I’m sure a lot of the other older girls agree with me. It puts a lot more pressure on us older gymnasts, but we do have a lot of experience and that means a lot.

The interview concludes:

Of course, it’s my nightmare that the Olympics won’t happen after all and that I trained a whole extra year for nothing. But I’ve convinced myself that they are going to happen. I have to believe that I’m training for Tokyo. I have to envision it. A couple of months ago, I decided to focus on being more positive, and I think it definitely helps me if I really have a bad day — or a bad year. It helps to remind yourself that things don’t stay bad forever. So 2021 has to be better than 2020. I just know it will be. I’ll never forget 2020, that’s for sure, because it tried so hard to break me and, you know what? It didn’t.

Read the rest of the article, or one of these Times pieces profiling Olympic athletes during the pandemic:

“ After a Covid Scare, an Olympic Hopeful Recovers Her Optimism ”

“ Adam Ondra’s Race to the Top ”

“ An Olympic Dream Dashed by a Nasal Swab ”

“ Olympians Have Another Year to Prepare for Tokyo. It’s a Blessing and a Curse. ”

“ Athing Mu Might Be America’s Fastest Teenager. How Much Faster Will She Be in 2021? ”

“‘ It’s a Pretty Big Bummer’: Olympic Dreams on Hold ” (Video)

Then, discuss with your class: How has the pandemic affected Olympic athletes? What have they learned about themselves through the experience? What does the opportunity to compete in the Olympics mean to participating athletes? What would another postponement or the cancellation of the Tokyo Games mean to them? How does the article, or video, change your understanding and perspective on the Olympics? Based on your research, would you ever want to compete in the Olympics? If you could participate in any event, what would it be?

Option 2: Do you think the Olympics should be played this summer in Tokyo?

In “ It’s Time to Rethink the Olympics ,” Kurt Streeter writes about how displacements, human rights violations, health concerns and overspending have dogged the Games in recent years. He argues that the time has come to press pause and reimagine the Olympics:

In July, yet another wildly overbudget Summer Games, originally slated for 2020 but postponed because of the pandemic, will begin in Tokyo. The timing remains awful. Japan has worked hard to tamp down the coronavirus, but now cases are creeping up, and the nation’s vaccination rate is lagging. Organizers just rerouted the torch relay planned this week to reach the streets of Osaka , where one health official said the spread of new variants had pushed the medical system to “the verge of collapse.” Into this troubled environment, 11,000 athletes from all corners of the globe will descend, along with coaches, officials, Olympic support staff, media workers and more. The Tokyo Games could end up being a three-week superspreader event that leads to death and illness across Japan and far beyond.

The essay continues:

Then there are the Winter Games, scheduled for February 2022 in and around Beijing. Anticipation has mostly centered on whether they should be boycotted because China has been repeatedly accused of brutalizing its own people. China denies such claims, but the Biden administration, the Canadian parliament, United Nations officials and up to 180 human rights organizations have said China is engaged in genocide against ethnic Muslim minorities . That’s on top of the current Chinese regime’s brutal record of crackdowns on dissent in Hong Kong and Tibet, which its officials have continued to deny.

Mr. Streeter proposes ideas for possible changes:

Stop awarding the Games to authoritarian nations that blatantly disregard human rights. Give athletes greater power — not just so they can protest from the medal stands, but so they can be equal partners in shaping the entire Olympic movement. Instead of hopscotching across the world, consider alternatives. Maybe park the Games permanently at a pair of well-used venues — one for summer, one for winter. That would cut costs, environmental damage and displacement. It would also end the churn of a bidding process that invites corruption. Or decentralize. Hold individual events in already built sites across the globe during a three-week window. Sure, we’d have to give up the spectacle of a lavish opening ceremony and the thought of athletes from different sports mingling in Olympic Villages. But in an interconnected world full of lavish spectacle, is all that still a must?

What is your reaction to Mr. Streeter’s concerns and criticisms of the 2020 Tokyo Games and 2022 Winter Games in Beijing? Do you agree that it is time to rethink the Olympics? How would you respond to Mr. Streeter’s questions: Should the Olympics continue to exist if they keep causing such harm? Are the benefits worth the costs? What could genuine reform look like?

Tell us what changes, if any, would you make to the Tokyo Games or to future Olympics and why.

To help you form your opinion, you might want to explore The Times’s Tokyo Summer Olympics topics page or read one of these recent articles:

“ The Olympics Are On! But Why? ”

“ Olympics Updates Ground Rules for Games: Daily Tests and Dining Alone ”

“ How Can the Olympics Protect 78,000 Volunteers From the Coronavirus? ”

“ Ahead of Tokyo Olympics, Better Drug Testing Is a Hard Promise to Keep ”

“ When Are the Olympics? Here’s the Schedule for Tokyo. ”

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• Find all our Lessons of the Day in this column . • Teachers, watch our on-demand webinar to learn how to use this feature in your classroom.

Jeremy Engle joined The Learning Network as a staff editor in 2018 after spending more than 20 years as a classroom humanities and documentary-making teacher, professional developer and curriculum designer working with students and teachers across the country. More about Jeremy Engle

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Understanding The Aim and Impact of The Olympic Games

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Published: Feb 12, 2019

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Argument Writing as an Olympic Sport: 4 Steps to Gold Medal Writing

My students used to struggle to find strong evidence to support their claims when writing argument essays. Some would choose the first semi-related quote they could find. Others were unmotivated and searching through hundreds of pages of text was a daunting task.

All of that changed with a simple shift: making argument writing an Olympic sport.

What human does not love a healthy competition? Students love competing, and they love the Olympics. Why not make finding the strongest evidence, deconstructing an argument, and developing a strong writing piece Olympic events?

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Here's how:

1. Do a simple classroom transformation.

I'm not into large, expensive transformations, but I love to throw up some streamers and get the music pumping. For the Olympics, simply play the Olympic theme music from YouTube found here (the video has a great Olympic ring image to display on your screen as well).

Use some inexpensive red, yellow, and blue streamers from the Dollar Store to make your classroom feel festive. You can also purchase some inexpensive gold medals from Amazon (linked here ). Use the medals to decorate and to hand out as prizes. To really spice things up, use a fun microphone (linked here ) with an echo effect so kids can share evidence like Olympic announcers--they'll never forget the experience OR the power of strong evidence!

write essay on summer olympics

2. Make finding evidence a gold medal event.

The first Olympic Event I introduced to students was The Strongest Evidence Competition. Students were given two sides of an argument topic and asked to find three piece of evidence to support each argument. After finding their evidence, they were tasked with identifying the evidence that was the strongest. Students were so motivated to find the strongest evidence, and they were practicing essential analysis skills. The quality of evidence students were finding was amazing.

Next, students volunteered as Olympians. Olympians stepped to the front of the classroom with lots of fanfare and Olympic themed music and read their evidence into an echoing microphone. Classmates were asked to listen to each Olympian's evidence and vote for the strongest evidence they heard.

To end, I tallied the votes and announced the gold, silver, and bronze level winners. I used a stool, a chair, and the floor as my podium and announced names into the microphone. Kids were so excited, and the best part? They had incredibly strong evidence to use in their argument writing the next day.

write essay on summer olympics

3. Carry the Olympic theme throughout your study.

After our Strongest Evidence Competition, students were given their first group Olympic event: Deconstructing an Argument. Students were given a mentor text and asked to identify the claim, counterclaim, supporting reasons, and evidence.

Later, as we completed "Winning Outlines," I circulated the class and handed out "Caught Being Awesome" medals to students who wrote powerful claims, counterclaims, well-structured paragraphs, introductions, and closing paragraphs. Download the medals for free here .

write essay on summer olympics

4. Celebrate argument writing with a Closing Ceremonies.

Publishing writing as a final draft deserves a celebration, and the closing ceremonies are the perfect way to celebrate writing Olympic-style!

For our closing ceremonies, I played closing ceremonies highlights on my Smartboard as students entered the room. You can find the video here . I paused the video and instructed students to open or take out their argument essays and display them on their desks. I handed each student three sticky notes. Then, I instructed students to walk or dance their way around the classroom while I played Olympic themed music.

When I stopped the music, students sat at the nearest argument essay and left positive, detailed feedback for their classmates. After three rounds, we shared some of the gold-medal qualities we noticed in our classmates writing and ate Froot Loops (the cheapest Olympic ring snacks to serve to 100+ middle schoolers!).

We had so much fun transforming our classroom into The Argument Olympics, and my students argument writing was stronger than ever. Save time by grabbing my two week The Argument Games writing unit here .

The Argument Olympics two week unit

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The Olympics – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay For Kids


Key Points To Note: Essay On ‘Olympics’ for Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on ‘olympics’ for kids, a paragraph on ‘olympics games’ for children, essay on ‘olympic games’ in 200 words for kids, long essay on ‘olympic games’ for children, what will your child learn from this essay, interesting facts about olympics for kids.

To make young students understand the importance of sports, schools give them the task of writing an Olympics essay in English. An essay on Olympics for class 1, 2 and 3 students teach them the importance of the Olympics in the sporting world. Olympics sees the participation of more than 200 countries and numerous athletes. Participating in the Olympics is a matter of highest prestige for any sportsperson. Young students should know that sports are integral to all-round development and personality. An Olympic essay is a great topic to create an interest in sports in young kids. Through an essay on the Olympics, they will learn about this prestigious event and improve their English language skills.

Writing an essay about the Olympics may be difficult for young children. To assist them in writing an essay on the Olympics, here are some key points they can use:

  • Explain what the Olympics are.
  • Write about the history of the Olympics.
  • Mention the various sporting events.
  • Write about the importance of the Olympic Games.

Lower primary students are not very efficient in essay structure. Here are 10 lines on Olympic Games that will assist in writing an essay for class 1 and 2 students:

  • The Olympic Games are the foremost sporting event in the world.
  • In the Olympic Games, nations and athletes from across the world participate in different sporting competitions.
  • They are held every four years in different locations.
  • There are summer and winter Olympics every two years under these four years.
  • The Olympic symbol has five intertwined rings.
  • The five intertwined rings represent the unity of the world’s five inhabited continents.
  • Many Olympic Games are now added, such as the Winter Olympics, Paralympics, and Youth Olympics.
  • The Summer Olympics has 26 sports, and the Winter Olympics has 15 sports.
  • The International Olympic Committee is in charge of the Olympic games.
  • During the Olympic Games, athletes and other people worldwide unite to celebrate the spirit of sportsmanship.

The composition of the Olympic Games is a good way to teach young kids the importance of the sporting event. Here is a short paragraph on Olympics for children:

The Olympic Games are an important event in the international sports world. The foremost sporting event sees participation by athletes from more than 200 countries. In addition to sports fans, millions worldwide see the live telecast of the Olympics games and its awards ceremonies. The games are held every four years. The Winter and Summer Olympics are held every two years alternatively in four years. The athletes who qualify for the games get huge recognition. The sportspeople who win are celebrated by their countries and receive many prizes and rewards from the government. Over the years, the Olympic Games have united people across countries due to their love for sports.

Here is a short essayon Olympics for lower primary students. They can read this and take inspiration to write an Olympics essay for their class work.

The Olympic Games are the topmost sporting event in our world. Ancient Greece was the birthplace of the Olympic Games. They had religious importance since they were held in Olympia, Greece, in honour of Zeus, the leader of the Gods. At the time, representatives from the many city-states competed in athletic events and combat sports like horse and chariot racing, wrestling, and pankration every four years. The Games were played to bring unity and peace to the city-states; therefore, the Grecians called it the Olympic Peace.

The modern Olympic Games began in 1896 in Athens, Greece, and are conducted every four years. They include numerous sporting contests. After the first Olympic Games, the second was held in Paris, France in 1900; four years later, the third event was in St Louis in the United States.

The Olympic Games were halted during World Wars I and II, and participation was curtailed during the Cold War owing to boycotts. They were once again postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They have resumed back, bringing a cheer to every sport-loving person.

A long essay is perfect for making kids understand the Olympic games’ history, importance, and impact. When they read and write long essays, they understand the significance of the Olympic Games and improve their essay writing skills. Here is a long essay on Olympics for children:

The Olympic Games are the ultimate sporting event for every sports fan. However, apart from knowing about the sports, most people don’t know much about the grand event. Let us know in detail about the history, importance, and modern transformation of the prestigious sporting event, the Olympics.

History of Olympic Games

The Olympics originated in 776 B.C. in ancient Greece. Initially, the games were all about religious and political importance. They started to bring peace to the warring city-states of the country. Then too, they were held every four years. However, they failed to accomplish their goal. The city-states kept fighting. So, they were stopped. Pierre de Coubertin, a French Baron, revived them in 1894. The objective of the revived Olympic games was the same, to bring harmony and unity across the world through the love for sports.

Olympic Games In The Modern Era

In the modern era, the Olympic games have changed their format a bit. In the ancient Olympic games, when someone won any sporting event, they were awarded laurel wreaths. In the modern Olympics, athletes win medals of Gold, Silver, and Bronze for coming first, second and third, respectively, in any sporting event. They continued the same four-year format as earlier. However, there now exist Summer Olympics, Winter Olympics, Youth Olympics, and Paralympics.

The Symbolism of The Olympic Games

Athletes from several countries compete in the Olympic Games. It is seen as a sign of international brotherhood that cuts beyond national boundaries. Five interconnected rings make up the Olympic emblem, symbolising harmony among the five continents – North and South America, Africa, Australia, Europe, and Asia. Blue, yellow, black, green, and red are the primary colours in the Olympic rings. The rings are arranged over a white background, which serves as the flag’s background. The opening ceremony of the Games begins with the symbolic lighting of the torch. The athletes participating in the event also swear an oath at the ceremony.

Impact of Olympic Games

The Olympic Games get live telecast across the world for the entire world to witness, as people feel patriotic when they see representatives from their countries participating in different sporting events. Nations get together as a community to watch the games and support their players.

Olympic Games serve an important role in bringing the nations together through their love for sports and celebrating the achievements of exceptional athletes.

Your child will learn lots of information about the Olympics through an Olympics essay. They will know the history of the games, their origin, and the reasons behind the games. They will also understand the importance of Olympic Games in uniting nations through sports. Most importantly, they will develop an interest in sports, which will make them inclined to play sports, which is crucial for their overall development.

Some interesting facts about Olympics for kids:

  • In 1896, the first modern Olympic games were held.
  • Till date, the maximum number of Olympic medals have been won by the United States.
  • International Olympic Day is celebrated on June 23
  • In 1900, women participated in the Olympic games for the first time.
  • Each hosting country designs its torch for the Olympic Games.
  • The International Olympic Committee decides which country will host the games.
  • ‘Citius, Altius, Fortius’, which means ‘Faster, Higher, Stronger’ is the official Olympic motto.

Few FAQs on Olympics:

1. What is an Olympic Village?

The International Olympic Committee makes special accommodation arrangements for the athletes’ participation in the games. The place where all necessary arrangements are made is called Olympic village. The International Olympic Committee ensures that the host country has made adequate accommodations and facilities for all athletes. The committee is in charge of their lodgings, safety, living quarters, training fields, transportation, and commuting, among other things.

2. What Day Is Known As The Black Day of Olympics?

5th September 1972 is remembered as the Black Day of the Olympics. On this day, terrorists attacked and killed several people, including athletes, during Olympics in Munich, Germany.

The Olympics are not just a sporting event but a celebration of sportsmanship and international unity. Through an Olympics essay, your child will understand its importance and significance in bringing countries together.

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An Ideal Summer Olympics Location Essay

Typically, athletes are not invited to discuss the place of the Olympic Games’ location; instead, the choice is left to chance, being defined by the outcomes of the previous game and the location of the winner country. However, if the choice was left to athletes, I would encourage the committee to consider Madrid as a perfect location for the Summer Olympic Games. Due to its climate, diverse culture, and economic capacities, it represents massive potential as a Summer Olympics host.

Among the core arguments in favor of Madrid as a venue for the Summer Olympic games, its alignment with core economic requirements must be mentioned. Over the past few years, Madrid has been showing impressive economic development, which indicates that it will meet the set economic criteria for holding the Summer Olympics (Szabolcs et al., 2022). Likewise, the extent of diversity and richness of its cultural legacy places Madrid at the top of the list of cities that ought to be regarded as candidates for the Summer Olympics host.

Last but not least, the city’s climate must be mentioned as an essential factor when considering its potential as a Summer Olympics host. To make it beneficial, the city authorities will need to consider increasing the range and diversity of Madrid’s tourist attractions. Why the specified change will require a substantial amount of money, the presence of a well-developed infrastructure will allow minimizing costs. As an athlete, I will need basic resources, which will be provided at a local hotel. The specified change will also affect the fans, who will come not only to support their favorite athletes, but also to admire the beauty of the place.

Since Madrid has been advancing economically and technologically, while also showing impressive diversity and having a unique cultural legacy, it should eb considered as a perfect host for the Summer Olympic games. Namely, the city has impeccable weather for most of the summer, which suggests that it will provide the appropriate setting for the Olympic games. Therefore, Madrid needs to be seen as a contender in hosting the Sumer Olympics.

Szabolcs, M., Nagy-Tóth, N. Á., Dávid, L. D., Gogo, A. F. C., & Bujdosó, Z. (2022). The role of sports policing and tourism safety at the Summer Olympics. Sustainability , 14 (10), 5928.

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IvyPanda. (2023, August 23). An Ideal Summer Olympics Location. https://ivypanda.com/essays/an-ideal-summer-olympics-location/

"An Ideal Summer Olympics Location." IvyPanda , 23 Aug. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/an-ideal-summer-olympics-location/.

IvyPanda . (2023) 'An Ideal Summer Olympics Location'. 23 August.

IvyPanda . 2023. "An Ideal Summer Olympics Location." August 23, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/an-ideal-summer-olympics-location/.

1. IvyPanda . "An Ideal Summer Olympics Location." August 23, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/an-ideal-summer-olympics-location/.


IvyPanda . "An Ideal Summer Olympics Location." August 23, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/an-ideal-summer-olympics-location/.

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Essay on Olympics - 100, 200, 500 Words

The games have been held since ancient times, and the modern version of the Olympics was established in 1896 in Athens, Greece. The Olympics feature a wide range of sports, including track and field, gymnastics, swimming, and basketball, among others .

  • 100 words Essay on Olympics

The Olympic Games are a multi-sport event held every four years in which athletes from around the world come together to compete in various events. The Olympic Games are considered the world's foremost sports competition and are held in different cities around the world.

The Olympic Games are not only a platform for athletes to showcase their talent and compete at the highest level, but they also serve as a symbol of international unity and peace. The Olympic motto, "Citius, Altius, Fortius" (Faster, Higher, Stronger) , embodies the spirit of the games and inspires athletes to push the limits of human achievement.

200 words Essay on Olympics

500 words essay on olympics.

Essay on Olympics - 100, 200, 500 Words

Imagine a world where athletes from different countries come together to compete, not against each other, but in celebration of humanity's shared love of sports. That's exactly what the Olympics represents. The Olympic Games are a multi-sport event held every four years that brings athletes from around the world together to compete in various events and showcase their skills.

The Olympic Games have a rich history that dates back to ancient Greece, where the games were held as a religious festival in honour of Zeus. Over time, the games evolved into a celebration of athletic excellence and international unity. The modern version of the Olympics was established in 1896, and since then, it has been held in cities all over the world, from Athens to London to Rio de Janeiro.

Sports and Competition

The Olympics feature a wide range of sports, from traditional events like track and field and gymnastics to more modern sports like skateboarding and surfing. The competition is fierce, with athletes pushing themselves to the limit to win gold, silver, and bronze medals. But at the same time, the Olympics promote a spirit of sportsmanship, as athletes from different countries come together to celebrate their shared love of sports.

The Olympic Spirit

The Olympic Games are more than just a sports competition ; they are a symbol of international unity and peace. The Olympic motto, "Citius, Altius, Fortius" (Faster, Higher, Stronger), embodies the spirit of the games and inspires athletes to push the limits of human achievement. The Olympics bring people together, regardless of their race, religion, or nationality, and showcase the best that humanity has to offer.

The Olympic Games are a multi-sport event that bring athletes from all over the world together to compete and showcase their skills. But the Olympics are about much more than just sports. They are about celebrating athletic excellence, the human spirit, and our shared love of competition. The Olympics inspire us to push the limits of what is possible and to never give up, no matter how difficult the road may be.

Real-Life Stories of Olympic Inspiration

One of the most inspiring stories in Olympic history is that of Jesse Owens, who won four gold medals in track and field at the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Owens defied Adolf Hitler's belief in Aryan supremacy by winning gold in front of a stunned German crowd, and his performance remains one of the defining moments of the 20th century.

Another inspiring story is that of gymnast Simone Biles, who won five medals, including four golds, at the 2016 Rio Olympics. Biles, who overcame childhood abuse and neglect to become one of the greatest gymnasts of all time, inspires us with her strength, determination, and grace.

The Olympic spirit can also be seen in the story of runner Derek Redmond, who was competing in the 400-metre race at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics when he pulled his hamstring. Instead of quitting, Redmond refused to give up and with the help of his father, he hobbled to the finish line, to the cheers of the crowd. This moment of perseverance and courage remains one of the most memorable moments in Olympic history.

The Inspiring Story of Sarah Attar: Breaking Barriers at the Olympics

Sarah Attar is a runner from Saudi Arabia who made history by becoming the first woman from her country to compete in the Olympics. In 2012, she took part in the 800-meter race at the London Olympics, and although she finished last, her participation was a momentous occasion.

Difficulties Faced | Growing up in a country where women's sports were not encouraged, Attar faced numerous challenges in her athletic journey. Despite the cultural barriers, she refused to give up on her dreams and continued to train, honing her skills and becoming one of the best runners in Saudi Arabia.

When Attar was selected to compete in the London Olympics, she knew that her participation would be a major milestone, not just for her, but for women's sports in her country.

Embracing Opportunity | Despite these challenges, Attar embraced the opportunity to represent her country on the world stage. As she ran, the crowd cheered her on, and when she crossed the finish line, she was met with a standing ovation. Although she did not win a medal, her participation was a victory in itself, as it broke down barriers and paved the way for future generations of female athletes in Saudi Arabia.

Sarah Attar's story is an inspiration to us all, reminding us that with determination and a willingness to break down barriers, anything is possible. Her participation in the Olympics was a powerful statement, and her courage in the face of adversity will continue to inspire athletes and fans around the world for generations to come.

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Olympic Games: Story of the modern games

Last updated on October 16, 2023 by ClearIAS Team


The Olympic Games, often referred to as the Olympics, is a global sports event that brings together athletes from around the world to compete in various sports and disciplines. The history of the Olympic Games is rich and spans thousands of years. Read here to learn about the story of the Olympics.

The proposal from the Organising Committee of the Olympic Games Los Angeles 2028 (LA28) to include five new sports has been accepted by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Session held in Mumbai. Cricket (T20), Baseball/softball, flag football, lacrosse, and squash  will be in the program at LA28.

The history of the Games goes back around 3,000 years, to the Peloponnese in Ancient Greece. Sports contests organized at Olympia took place every four years and acquired the name Olympic Games.

The exact reasons for the birth of the Games are still unknown, as history has become mixed up with mythology.

Table of Contents

Ancient Olympics (c. 776 BCE – 394 CE)

The origins of the Olympics can be traced back to ancient Greece, with the first recorded Olympic Games held in Olympia in 776 BCE.

These ancient games were held every four years in Olympia to honor the Greek god Zeus. They featured athletic competitions, including foot races, discus throwing, and combat sports like wrestling and boxing.

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  • In addition to the Olympics, there were other major Panhellenic Games held in ancient Greece, including the Pythian Games at Delphi and the Isthmian Games at Corinth.
  • These games attracted athletes from various Greek city-states and helped foster a sense of unity among the Greek people.
  • The four-year interval between the Ancient Games editions was named an “Olympiad”, and was used for dating purposes at the time: time was counted in Olympiads rather than years.

There were originally three main criteria for participating in the ancient Olympic Games.

  • The athlete had to be male, of Greek origin, and freeborn. Women (exceptions were made for owners of horses), slaves, and foreigners were excluded.
  • After the conquest of Greece by Rome in 146 BC, the Romans were able to join the Greek athletes.

The Olympic Games continued for several centuries but declined during the Roman period. The games were banned by the Roman Emperor Theodosius I in 394 CE, marking the end of the ancient Olympics.

Revival of the Modern Olympics (Late 19th Century)

The idea of reviving the Olympic Games was proposed by Pierre de Coubertin, a French educator, in the late 19th century.

  • He believed that the Olympics could promote international understanding and goodwill through athletic competition.
  • The International Olympic Committee (IOC) was founded in 1894, and the first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896.

The modern Olympics quickly gained popularity and expanded to include various sports and events.

  • Women competed for the first time at the 1900 Games in Paris. Of a total of 997 athletes, 22 women competed in five sports: tennis, sailing, croquet, equestrianism and golf.
  • Since 1991, any new sport seeking to join the Olympic program must have women’s competitions.
  • With the addition of women’s boxing to the Olympic program, the 2012 Games in London were the first in which women competed in all the sports on the program.
  • In the early years, the Olympics were strictly for amateur athletes. However, this changed over time, and the Olympics gradually opened up to professional athletes, allowing them to participate.

The Olympics have often been influenced by global events and politics. They were canceled during World War I and World War II .

  • The Games have also been the stage for political protests and boycotts, with notable incidents occurring during the 1968 Mexico City Olympics and the 1980 and 1984 Olympics.

Winter Olympics

The Winter Olympics were introduced in 1924, and the Paralympic Games for athletes with disabilities began in the mid-20th century.

  • The first Winter Games were held in Chamonix (France), in 1924. Initially called the “International Winter Sports Week”, this event was renamed the “1st Olympic Winter Games” only in 1926 at the IOC Session in Lisbon.

From 1924 to 1992, the Summer and Winter Games were each held in the same year, every four years.

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  • After 1992, the Summer and Winter Games are each still held every four years but the Summer Games are celebrated during the first year of an Olympiad, and the Winter Games are held in the third year.

In 1948, Sir Ludwig Guttmann organized a sports competition involving 16 World War II veterans with spinal cord-related injuries in Stoke Mandeville, England. Four years later, competitors from Holland joined, and the international movement, now known as the Paralympic Movement, was born.

Modern Olympics

The Olympic Games have continued to evolve, introducing new sports and disciplines, such as basketball, snowboarding, and skateboarding.

The number of participating nations has also increased, reflecting the global nature of the event.

The Olympic Games are not just about sports but also promote values like friendship, respect, and excellence. The Olympic motto is “Citius, Altius, Fortius” (Faster, Higher, Stronger).

The next Olympics will be held in:

  • In Paris, France, in 2024.
  • In Milan and Cortina d’Ampezzo, in Italy, in 2026.
  • In Los Angeles, USA, in 2028.
  • In Brisbane, Australia, in 2032.

International Olympic Committee

The International Olympic Committee is the guardian of the Olympic Games and the leader of the Olympic Movement.

  • It acts as a catalyst for collaboration between all Olympic stakeholders, including the athletes, the National Olympic Committees, the International Federations, the Organising Committees for the Olympic Games, the Worldwide Olympic Partners and Olympic broadcast partners.
  • It also collaborates with public and private authorities including the United Nations and other international organisations.

The modern Olympics face challenges related to issues like doping, commercialization, and the environmental impact of hosting the games. There is also ongoing debate about the choice of host cities and the cost of organizing the event.

  • Hosting the Olympic Games is a massive financial undertaking for the host city and country. The costs of infrastructure development, security, and event organization can lead to substantial financial burdens and the risk of cost overruns.
  • The environmental impact of hosting the Games is a growing concern. There is pressure to ensure sustainable practices in infrastructure development, transportation, and event management. Host cities are encouraged to consider long-term benefits beyond the Games.
  • Security threats are a constant challenge for Olympic organizers. Protecting athletes, officials, and spectators from potential terrorist attacks or security breaches requires extensive planning and resources.
  • Ensuring a level playing field and preventing doping scandals remains a challenge. Anti-doping measures are continually evolving to detect and deter cheating by athletes.
  • The physical and mental well-being of athletes is increasingly in focus. Issues like athlete abuse, harassment, and the pressures of competition need to be addressed to create a healthy and safe environment for competitors.
  • Developing extensive infrastructure for the Games often results in underutilized facilities post-event. Ensuring a productive and sustainable legacy for these structures is a challenge.
  • Geopolitical tensions can impact the participation of certain countries or disrupt the diplomatic and peaceful spirit of the Games.
  • Public support for hosting the Games can fluctuate, with some host cities experiencing significant opposition due to concerns about costs, displacement of residents, and other factors.
  • Climate-related challenges, such as extreme weather conditions or environmental changes, can affect the scheduling and safety of outdoor events.
  • Advances in technology impact the Games, from improving athletic performance to enhancing the viewing experience.
  • Ensuring the ethical conduct of officials and administrators is a constant challenge. Concerns about corruption, transparency, and fair decision-making need to be addressed.

The Olympic Games have become one of the world’s most-watched and celebrated sporting events, bringing together athletes and nations in the spirit of competition and international cooperation. The Games continue to evolve, adapt to contemporary challenges, and uphold their historical values.

Related article:  Target Olympic Podium Scheme

-Article by Swathi Satish

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Essay on Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, Tokyo Olympic 2021 Essay

Essay on olympic games tokyo 2020.

Let's see the essay on Olympic games Tokyo 2020.

Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Essay

In the series of Olympic Games , Tokyo 2020 Olympics Games was held from 23 July 2021 to 8 August 2021 in Tokyo, Japan with some preliminary events that began on 21 July 2021. Emperor Naruhito formally opened the games on 23 July 2021 at the opening ceremony held in the Olympic Stadium in Tokyo. Tokyo Olympic games were originally scheduled to take place from 24 July 2020 to 9 August 2020, but due to pandemic Covid-19 , the event was postponed and rescheduled. Tokyo Olympic Games 2020 was largely held with no public spectators permitted due to pandemic COVID-19.

Essay on Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, Tokyo Olympic 2021 Essay

Sports, Events and Disciplines: Essay on Olympic Games Tokyo 2020

Encompassing a total of 50 disciplines, Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 featured 339 events in 33 different sports. 11,656 athletes from 205 countries participated in Tokyo Olympic 2021. Sport Climbing, Surfing, Karate, and Skateboarding were included the first time and made their Olympic debut. 15 new events within existing sports were also added in Olympic Games Tokyo 2021. These include 3x3 basketball, freestyle BMX, and the return of madison cycling, as well as 9 new mixed events in sports viz table tennis, shooting, archery, judo, triathlon, 4x400 m relay running, and 4x100 m medley swimming.

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Top Medal Winners: Summer Olympic Games Tokyo 2020

India in tokyo olympic 2020.

With the finest performance of all-time India secured 48th rank with 1 gold, 2 silver, and 4 bronze medals in Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. 

Indian athlete Neeraj Chopra won Gold medal in javelin throw and made India proud in these dark times of deadly pandemic. Following the golden throw by 23-year-old boy from Panipat, Haryana, millions of Indians became emotional on hearing the national anthem at the Olympics for the first time since Beijing 2008.

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Total four bronze medals were won by Indian athletes during Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. Indian Hockey Team grabbed bronze medal for India at Tokyo Olympic 2021. Another bronze medal for India was won by Badminton player, PV Sindhu in Women's singles Badminton. Lovlina Borgohain also won bronze medal for India in Women's Welterweight Boxing. Wrestler Bajrang Punia won bronze medal for India in 65 kg category during Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. With a wonderful performance in Tokyo Olympic 2020, these athletes made India proud.

Hope you liked this essay on Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 and this is helpful in your essay writing preparation.

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The Olympics Essay – Essay Writing on Olympic Games for Students and Childrens

June 11, 2020 by Study Mentor 4 Comments

Table of Contents

The Olympic Essay – Essay 1

History of olympic games.

3000 years before, from now, the ancient games took place in honor of Lord Zeus. It was all started from a town named Olympia near the Peloponnese peninsula in Greece. Olympics were first held in 776 BCE. These games were held every 4 years from 8th century B.C. to 4th century A.D. Coroebus was a cook from ancient Greece who first won the first Olympic game, becoming the first-ever Olympic champion by winning a 192-meter race. 

The name Olympic is being given due to the place Olympia in Greece from which it has been started. The ancient Olympic Games were put on a stop when the Romans conquered the Greek empire. When the Romans conquered Greece during the mid of the 2nd century B.C. slowly, the standards of the game started to diminish. Moreover, in A.D. 393, the ancient Olympic Games were stopped.

The rise of modern Olympic games

Then it took another 1500 years when in 1896, the first modern Olympic took place in Athens, Greece. It was possible due to the efforts of a Frenchman named Baron Pierre De Coubertin. He was a person who showed a keen interest in the physical enhancement of people and was dedicated to the work of physical education for people. When he first visited the site of the ancient Olympic Games, he came up with a new scheme to start these games again with a different plan. When he went back to France, he arranged a meeting with the sports authority of France in November of 1892. He then managed to create an Olympic community, which was the leading organization that made the Olympics possible again.

The history of modern Olympics

In 1924 it was the first time when the 8th Olympic Games took place in Paris. It was the first time when the Olympics were held anywhere outside Greece. With 100 women and a total of 3000 contestants from around the world took place in those games. The level of the Olympics started to rise. From them, it became a matter of prestige for every country. Every nation desired to be part of the Olympics. Initially, contestants from 14 nations competed in the first modern Olympics.

These 11 below mentioned nations won some sort of medal in the first modern Olympic games-

  • Great Britain
  • United States

The United States is becoming the nation to win the maximum number of gold medals (11), and Greece, the hosting nation won the maximum number of overall medals (46). The Olympics held in 1896 were considered the most successful games. It was the game that hosted the maximum number of nations. It became a sign of friendship among those nations. Since then, these games are being organized as a gesture of respect and great camaraderie between different nations around the world. 206 nations in 2016 took part in the Olympic Games that were held in Brazil. Till now, the USA has won the maximum number of medals (2520) in Olympic Games. Baron de Coubertin is known as the father of the modern Olympics.

It was until the year 1994 that summer and winter Olympics used to take place in the same year. Participants from around the world gathered inside the stadium on the day of the opening ceremony of games. These contestants march around the stadium. Greece, due to the original place of the games, is given priority, so the sportsmen from Greece are the first in the march, and the last are from the country in which games are being organized.

Significance of Olympic rings

You must have noticed that the symbol of Olympic has 5 rings with blue, yellow, black, green, and red are the color that comprises the Olympic symbol, which is being represented on a flag. These five rings constitute five continents. The blue ring represents Europe, the yellow ring represents Asia, the black ring represents Africa, the green ring represents Oceania, and the red ring represents America.

Hosting ceremony

On the opening ceremony of the games, several athletes are selected to raise the flag light the Olympic flame. This flame lights up until the last Olympic game. Every sports person who takes part in the game takes an oath, which is commonly known as the Olympic oath. This oath, a vow that every athlete takes that took part in the game, will play its honesty and will perform his best.

The winners are being honored with gold, silver, and bronze medals according to their positions in the game. The medals are being given at the end of every event of games. The athletes are being selected by the sports authority of the respected country to represent their nation, the Olympic Games. It is the duty of the sports authority of the country to select the finest athlete to represent their nation. Whosoever wins at the end of each event medals are given to them with the national anthem of their country being played at the sports arena. 

Selection of athletes

It is the duty of the international Olympic committee to make proper arrangements for the games and the arrangement of commute and proper living facilities for the athletes. The places where the contestants stay during the games is known as the Olympic Village. The primary duties of this committee are to look after the safety, living facility, training grounds, transport for the athletes. Management of stadium and living space is also the duty which this committee has to take care of.

These Olympics games are divided into two segments the summer games and the winter games. Summer games generally take place in the summer season, and winter games take place during mid of February. 

Black day for Olympics

The 5th of September 1972 is considered as a black day in the history of the Olympics. Many terrorists entered the arena and killed several athletes. These games were held in Munich, Germany.

Only with the efforts of Baron Pierre de Coubertin, it was made possible for the Olympics to happen again. We should respect the athletes who sacrifice their comfort and luxury for the respect of their nation, for the peace of the world, and the sake of friendship.

The Olympic Essay – Essay 2

The first Olympic Games took place in 1896 in Athens in Greece . The aim of the Olympic was to bring together athletes from various countries in order to promote world peace. This aim remains the same even today. The Olympic Games include a variety of individual and team sports.

In 1920, the first Olympic flag was presented. The flag contains five interconnected rings upon a white background. Each of the rings stands for one of the five major continents; they are interconnected to symbolize that the world can work towards peace through this international competition.

olympic games

The rings are blue, yellow, black, green and red. These colours were chosen because at least one of them appears on the flag of every country in the world.

The Olympic Games are held once in every four years and at different location each time. Two locations are chosen each time-one to host the winter Olympics and the other for the summer Olympics. It’s a very special honour to participate in the Olympic Games.

Participants spend years training for this special event. Qualifying for a spot on the Olympic team varies for each sport. However, dedication, skill, motivation, hard work, and desire to win are a part of the right formula for anyone dreaming of participating in the Olympic Games.

For each event the first three prizes are the gold, silver and bronze medals. In 1896, first prizes were silver medals because gold was considered of lower value than silver. At the Olympic Games at st Louis in 1904, gold replaced silver as the first-place medal.

olympic games

The gold medals presented today are actually made from sterling silver. They are then covered with a thin coat of pure gold.

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March 24, 2020 at 5:15 pm

NYC one…it is very simple to understand the language and know the thoughts of essays….like it….

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March 26, 2020 at 9:54 pm

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Thanks for the essay. This essay was very useful

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Very interesting

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Essay on the Olympics

The Olympics play an important part not only the sport life but also in the cultural life of the global community. the Olympics involve nations from all over the world and they are the major sport events in every four years in the entire world. At the same time, the Olympics attract not only sportspersons but also spectators, who are interested in sports and who either attend Olympics in the area, where they take place, or watch the Olympic Games broadcasts.The Olympics have a considerable impact on the development of the personal, national and global identity of people because the Olympic Games are the major event in the sport life of the world and people get involved into the Olympics at all level, from individual participation or involvement into the Olympics to the national and global level when people form and support their national teams and compete with other teams and sportspersons from all over the world. Therefore, the Olympics are socially important events that take place every four year and shape the individual, national and global identity.

Historically, the Olympics were internationally significant event that unite people from all over the world. The Olympics are the major sport event that takes place every four years. The Olympics is the ultimate manifestation of the greatest achievements in the field of sport since every sportsperson participating in the Olympic Games. There are winter and summer Olympic Games which are conducted in winter and summer every four year respectively. The Olympic Games include all the sports registered by the International Olympic Committee as Olympic sports. Sportspersons and teams are qualified for the Olympic Games in the course of the competitions which take place prior to the Olympics during four years period.

Moreover, the Olympics have a considerable symbolic significance. For instance, historically, the Olympics were associated with the time, when all wars either ended up or stopped for the time the Olympics ran. The Olympic Games become a unifying event that unites people on the ground of their love to sport and healthy lifestyle.

At the same time, the Olympics have a considerable impact at all levels from the individual level to the global one. However in spite of the level of the impact of the Olympics, the Games contribute to the formation of the imagined community which allows people to shape the imagined identity, which though is short run and fades away, when the Olympics end. People perceive the Olympics in different ways but they can hardly stay indifferent or unaffected by the Olympics.

In addition, it is possible to distinguish participants of the Olympics and the spectators, i.e. those individuals, who attend the competitions as well as those, who watch broadcasts of those competitions (Chomsky, 1997). Sportspersons participating in the Olympics develop their identity feeling their unity as the community of sportspersons. Even though this community is imagined in a way, because they may never encounter each other in their life before or after the competitions, but during those few weeks of the Olympic Games, they live like a sort of family or community, where all sportspersons feel their belongingness to that community, no matter how short run the existence of this community is (Bagdikian, 2000). The audience of the Olympics comprises another large group of people which may unite in imagined communities and develop their identities within those communities. These communities may exist at the local level, as well as at the national or even international level.

People can unite into small communities and change their identity while being a part of those small communities at the local level. For instance, people attending a sport bar on the regular basis develop their identity. They may not even know each others’ name and they may invent their new identity being united by their passion to sport and the Olympic Games.

At the national level, people can also unite in imagined community of fans supporting their national teams and sportspersons representing their countries on the Olympics. In such a situation, people feel their unity as the nation but they have the authentic feeling of the belongingness to the community, where they can feel being a part of the nation. In such communities, they develop their identities that may be different from the identity, which they have in their everyday life. For instance, the Olympics may raise patriotic feelings and emotions that contribute to the unity of members of the imagined community consisting of fans of sports and people interested in the Olympics.

Moreover, individuals can develop broader communities, at the international level, when each person attending the Olympics feel being members of one community that unites people, who like the Olympics so much that they have abandoned everything and came to watch the major sport events of the Olympics. They may create their small communities in social networks, where they create new imagined identities (Bagdikian, 2000). New communities unite people interested in the Olympics. They can use social networks to establish social relations and communicate with each other and steadily form the international community of people, who are interested in the Olympics and who want to attend the Games.

At the same time, they can shape their imagined identity to spend a few weeks in their imagined community. If they use social networks to establish friendly relations with other community members, they can create new identities and other users will never know, whom they really communicate with. Such a freedom of the development of the imagined community allows users and people interested in the Olympics they construct their new identities feeling the unity of their community (Chomsky, 1997).

The formation of the identity at all levels among both sportspersons and spectators occur under the impact of the Olympics and its media presentation. In this regard, it is worth mentioning the fact that the identity of people united by the Olympics occurs under the impact of the Games. The media of the Olympics contribute to the formation of the original atmosphere of the Games that make them a distinct sport event. The Olympics are the brand that always attracts many people from all over the world. For instance, the Olympics is one of the main sport events for professional sportspersons, who view the win on the Olympics as the major achievement in their professional sport career.

As for fans and spectators at all levels, they also are vulnerable to the impact of the Olympics. In this regard, the impact of the traditional perception of the Olympics as the exclusive sport event and the past of the Olympic Games that dates back to the time of ancient Greece is particularly strong. Spectators view their presence on the Olympics as if they are present on the important historical event.

Essay on  the Olympics part 2

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