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Check assessment grades, learner help center feb 13, 2023 • knowledge, article details.

This article will show you how to check your grades, understand assessment statuses, and view assessment feedback.

Check your grades

Assessment statuses, assessment feedback.

To view your grades: 

  • Open the course.
  • Open the Grades tab (from the left sidebar).

You’ll see all your assessments listed on this page. Here’s what you can find in your Grades tab:

  • The status of each assessment
  • Your assessment grades (and any adjustments to them).
  • The weight of each assessment (which shows how much that assessment counts toward your overall grade)
  • Your assignment due dates and personalized deadlines.
  • Whether an assessment is locked.
  • Peer review requirements.
  • Your final grade (once all assessments have been graded).

In private courses, you may also see your current grade.

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In your Grades tab you’ll see one of these statuses next to each assignment:

  • --: You haven’t started the assignment yet.
  • Started: Your assignment has been started, but not yet submitted. Your assignment won’t get a grade until it’s submitted.
  • Submitted: You submitted your assignment, but it doesn’t have a grade yet.
  • Graded: You submitted your assignment and it has a grade. This assignment doesn’t have a required passing score.
  • Passed: You completed the assignment, received a grade, and your grade is above the required passing score for that assignment.
  • Didn't Pass: You completed the assignment, received a grade, and your grade is below the required passing score for that assignment.
  • Dropped: This assignment’s score won’t be included in your final course grade.
  • Adjusted: Course staff, or a lateness policy, changed your grade for the assignment.

You can open an assessment and click View Feedback to see feedback on your assessment. This will show you your score for each question, and may also include additional info about each question.

In private courses, some assessments may be manually graded by your instructor. You’ll always be able to see your assessment score on your Grades tab, but you may not be able to view additional feedback. 

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what does dropped mean on an assignment

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what does dropped mean on an assignment

Digital Matters

An Emory blog about teaching with technology

Dropping Lowest Scores in Canvas

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In this post, I highlight the score dropping feature of Canvas assignment groups, discuss its approach, and share some background & the obscure details about this feature.

The Feature

One of the benefits of using Canvas’s assignments & grading tools is the option to automatically drop some score(s) from an assignment group. This feature’s most popular use is dropping the lowest scored item in a homework or quiz assignment group. It’s easy to activate this feature for an assignment group with these steps:

  • Choose Edit from an assignment group’s option menu (triple-dot icon).
  • Enter “1” in the Lowest Scores box (or a higher number, if you’re feeling generous).
  • Click “Save”.

For more details and screenshot, please see the Canvas instructor guide about Assignment Group Rules (it also explains the Never Drop rule – to designate assignments that must be kept in the assignment group total score – and the little-used Drop Highest rule). I suspect that learning about the Drop Lowest Scores feature may attract instructors who have yet to use Canvas to calculate their final scores to make the switch. (If you are such an instructor, consider joining & working through our online course for setting up your assignments & grading .)

The Approach

What does it mean to ignore the lowest score in an assignment group? It may seem obvious, but there are (at least) two possible approaches. One approach is to remove the assignment(s) for which a student scored their lowest percentage(s) in an assignment group. Canvas’s approach is to keep the assignment scores that result in the highest possible assignment group subtotal. When all assignments in a group have the same number of possible points, there is no difference in these approaches. But when there are different possible points for assignments in the same group, the approaches sometimes remove different assignments’ scores and produce different assignment group subtotals. The Assignment Group Rules guide offers an example of this type in its preamble (the top section with blue background). Although removing an assignment with a higher percentage goes against a common intuition, Canvas will remove it if doing so results in a higher assignment group subtotal. In other words, Canvas’s approach to dropping the lowest scores is to drop the worst scores .

Background & Obscure Detail 

The impetus for me to write this post was research I did while in conversation with an instructor who found differences between Canvas’s quiz subtotal and one they had calculated. Before this conversation, I had assumed that Canvas dropped the assignment with the lowest percentage in the group (it seemed both intuitively plausible mathematically and the plainest meaning of “lowest score”). But the instructor’s example showed that Canvas sometimes dropped assignments that did not have the lowest percentage in the group. I tried my hand in Excel at calculating subtotals with lowest quiz scores dropped and inferred that Canvas was dropping assignments in order to maximize each student’s percentage for the assignment group (because where our subtotals diverged, mine were lower than Canvas’s). Only after that exercise did I realize that the Assignment Group Rules guide linked above clearly states that this is Canvas’s approach. 😅

Curious to know how Canvas achieves its approach, I eventually searched through Canvas source code to read its routine. I was pleased to find a comment in the source code citing an article by Daniel and Jonathan Kane about dropping lowest grades . This article (certainly worth reading if one has some spare time and abundant curiosity) compares approaches, explores counterintuitive cases, and describes algorithms to find the highest possible subtotal that will results from dropping grades. Canvas code implements the bisection algorithm discussed in that article.

I find that the approach Canvas adopts is very persuasive despite running counter to my original intuition in a small number of cases. I hope that this post and the linked resources make clear the what, how, and why of dropping the lowest, i.e. worst, score(s) in Canvas.

Photo by Dan-Cristian Pădureț on Unsplash

what does dropped mean on an assignment

Questions about grades?

As a student, how can you obtain further information about your grades 7-jun-2018 • knowledge, information.

Select the issue:

Where can you find your final grade?

  • Your final grade is incorrect

You are unable to see your grade in the Grade Book

  • Your grade says "Dropped"

Follow these steps to locate your final grade:

  • Go to your course.
  • Click on Grades.
  • Note that your instructor may not release the final grade in the Learning Environment
  • Contact your instructor if your final grade is not visible

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Your final grade is incorrect

  • This setting ignores ungraded items when displaying your final grade in D2L
  • This may cause your grade to appear higher in D2L than it is if you have incomplete assignments.
  • Contact your instructor if you have any questions or concerns regarding your final grade.

User-added image

Your grades are only visible in the Learning Environment once your instructor has published them.

  • Contact your instructor and inform them that your grade is still not showing
  • They must contact us if they are unsure of how to make the grade visible

Your grade says Dropped

This could happen for the following reasons:

  • Instructor decided to drop the highest and/or lowest grade item in this category
  • Instructor decided to drop this assignment so it does not count toward final grade

Contact your instructor for more information on why your grade was dropped.

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Courses at UChicago

Weighting Grades, Giving Extra Credit, and Other Tips on Managing Assignments and Grades in Canvas

by Cecilia Lo | Aug 20, 2018 | Canvas , Canvas Features/Functions , How-tos

Canvas Gradebook

Canvas provides a fully functional gradebook that can help both instructors and students to keep track of their progress in a course. Once you figure out its few quirks, you will be able to manage grades with ease.

I. Some Terminology: Assignment Groups vs. Assignments, & How They Relate to Gradebook Columns II. Weighting Grades III. Muting Grade Notifications IV. Grade History – Who Changed The Grade When? V. Using Grading Schemes VI. Curving Grades VII. Giving Extra Credit VIII. Tools and Course Setup for Multiple TAs IX. Excluding an Assignment from the Course’s Final Grades X. Filtering by Modules, Automatic Late Policies, & Other New, Helpful Functions in the New Gradebook XI. Resources

I. Some Terminology: Assignment Groups vs. Assignments, & How They Relate to Gradebook Columns

There are two common sources of confusion in understanding and using Canvas assignments and gradebooks. One is the distinction between Assignment Groups and Assignments. Assignment Groups are categories of assignments, such as problem sets, papers, quizzes, exams, presentations, and participation. They are important for organizational purposes and particularly important if you want to weight grades. Assignments are individual assessment items that receive grades, as, for example, first paper, second paper, or final paper. Assignment Groups and assignments are created separately. You can move assignments into different Assignment Groups by dragging them on the Assignment Index page or editing the Assignment.

Assignment groups vs Assignments

Assignment groups vs Assignments

A second common source of confusion is how to create gradebook columns. In Canvas, assignments are tightly integrated with the Gradebook and the only way to create a gradebook column is to create and publish an assignment . This may seem unintuitive at first glance, as not all assignments require online submissions (e.g. attendance and participation or assignments done on paper). However, instructors can choose different submission types when they create an assignment— No Submission, Online, or On Paper . The one-to-one correspondence between the number of assignment items and the number of gradebook columns ensures that grading policy is transparent to the students and that both instructors and students always see the same number of assessment items.

II. Weighting Grades

You can have Canvas automatically calculate weighted grades in just a few clicks: on the Assignment Index page, click Options , select Assignment Group Weight , then enter the percentages for each Assignment Group. For example, in a course where the grades are determined as follows:

The process for weighting grades is:

To weight grades, go the the Assignments page, click on the Options button, select Assignment Groups Weight , select the Weight final grades based on assignment groups check box, enter the weights, and click Save .

How Canvas Calculates Weighted Grades for an Assignment Group

Canvas determines weighted grades by calculating:

  • the grade (in percentage) of individual Assignment Groups (sum of points scored divided by total possible points);
  • the total grade (sum of Assignment Group grades multiplied by their respective weights).

In the example for “Paper Assignments” Group above, there are 4 assignments, each worth 20 points; together they add up to 80 points. The Assignment group counts 30% towards the total grade. If a student scores 18, 16, 10, and 15 respectively, then

The subtotal grade for “Paper Assignment” is: (18 + 16 + 10 + 15)/80*100% = 73.75% The contribution of “Paper Assignment” to the Total grade is: 73.75% * 0.3 = 22.13%

Weighted Grades within an Assignment Group

In the above example, because each assignment has the same maximum points (20 points), each assignment contributes equally within the Assignment Group. If you wish a particular assignment to weigh more, just make sure it has a higher number of total points, or assign it to a separate Assignment Group.

Tips : If you have many assignments (about 10 or more) in one Assignment Group, and the total points for each assignment vary by one or two points, then by arithmetic the assignments contribute essentially equally to the Assignment Group grades, as the difference between each assignment after multiplying by the weighted percentage would be relatively small. (e.g. 1 point in an Assignment Group with a total of 100 points and which counts as 30% of the total grade is 0.3 points of the total grade.)

How Weighted Grades Appear in the Gradebook

In the Canvas Gradebook, each gradebook column (with linked heading) shows the raw points for an assignment (unless you have applied grade curving to it); the Assignment Group column (with black heading) shows the percentage a student scored for that Assignment Group; and the Total column shows the final, weighted grade.

In the example above, the Assignment Group column for “Paper Assignment (30.00% of grade)” is 73.75%.

NB : If a student didn’t submit a particular assignment, be sure to give it zero points. If you leave the score blank ( – ), Canvas will treat it as excused and ignore it in its calculation of the Assignment Group subtotal and Total scores.

For more about weighting grades, see:

III. Muting Grade Notifications

When instructors enter grades into Canvas’ gradebook, a notification is sent to the student automatically . Some students are prone to panic if they find that their peers have received their grades but they have not. You can release grades to all students simultaneously if you select Mute Assignment and stop notifications from going out until you “unmute” the assignment. Muting assignments allows you time to review and make grade adjustments without sending students multiple notifications.

To mute an assignment, go to Grades, click on the options dropdown for the assignment, and select Mute Assignment:

Mute Assignment link in Canvas Gradebook

Mute Assignment link in Canvas Gradebook

NB : Canvas does not include muted assignments in the Assignment Group and Total grade calculations—if it did, students would be able to calculate backwards and figure out what their grades are. Be sure to unmute assignments when you have finished grading them so that the gradebook calculations are correct.

For more about muting assignments, see:

IV. Grade History – Who Changed The Grade When?

From time to time you may wish to track how a student’s grade for a particular assignment changes over time, especially when there are multiple instructors or TAs giving grades in a course. Canvas’ Grade History tool can be helpful in such cases.

To access Grade History, click on the Options (gear) icon in Grades and select View Gradebook History . (In the New Gradebook, select the Gradebook dropdown, then “Gradebook History…”.)

To view grade history in the old Gradebook, select View Gradebook History from the gear icon on the Grades page, enter filter parameters and click the Filter button.

How to read Gradebook History

  • The Before column shows the grade before the change at a particular date and time (row).
  • The After column shows the grade after the change at a particular date and time (row).
  • The Current column always shows the latest grade; it is the grade a student has now.

Example of Grade History

Example of Grade History

In the example above, on Jun 27, 2018 at 4:25pm, the Before column is empty because it is the first time a grade (0/20) is entered. On Aug 16, 2018, this grade is changed from 0/20 to 20/20. The Current grade for all rows is 16/20 because on Aug 17, 2018, the last time this grade was edited, the grade has been changed from 20/20 to 16/20.

NB : The dropdown selection can take a few seconds to display, especially if there are many students in a course. Be sure to click the maroon Filter button at the end to filter the results. You can filter for more than one category; for example, you can filter for student name and assignment name simultaneously.

V. Using Grading Schemes

You can apply a specific grading scheme to your assignment and/or overall course grade so that each letter or performance grade corresponds to a specific numeric grade range (e.g. A/Excellent = 91% to 100%; A-/Good = 88%-90%; etc). Once you have created a grading scheme, it can be reused in other courses you teach with just a few clicks.

Select Grading Scheme for an Assignment

To display letter grade for an assignment, edit the assignment, choose Letter Grade under the Display Grade as dropdown menu.

To display letter grade for an assignment, edit the assignment, choose Letter Grade under the Display Grade as dropdown menu.

  • Choose the appropriate grading scheme (see “Choose/Create New Grading Schemes” below).

Choose/Create New Grading Schemes

Click on the View Grading Scheme link under Display Grade as to choose the appropriate grading scheme.

Click on the View Grading Scheme link under Display Grade as to choose the appropriate grading scheme.

Click on the Select Another Scheme link at the top right to select another grading scheme.

Click on the Select Another Scheme link at the top right to select another grading scheme.

  • To create a new grading scheme, click manage grading schemes link at the bottom right, then click the Add grading scheme button on the right.

Use Grading Scheme for the Total Grade in Your Course

You can display the Total grade of your course as a letter/performance grade by going to Settings > Course Details > Select the check box for Enable course grading scheme > Choose the appropriate grading scheme > Click the Update Course Details button at the bottom of the page.

To enable grading scheme for the course total grade, go to course Settings , check the Enable course grading scheme box, click the Select grading scheme link, then select the appropriate grading scheme, click Done , then click the maroon Update Course Details button.

For more information, see:

  • [Overview] How do I use grading schemes in a course?
  • How do I add a grading scheme to an assignment?
  • How do I enable a grading scheme for a course?
  • How do I add a grading scheme in a course?

VI. Curving Grades

You can use the Canvas Gradebook to curve grades for individual assignments. When you enter a desired average grade, Canvas will automatically adjust the scores as a bell curve 66% around the average curve.

Grade curving is available for assignments only ; if you wish to curve the total grade of a course, you will need to do so manually. Grade curving cannot be undone (although you can use Gradebook History to view pre-curved grades) and is advisable in courses where only a certain number of students can pass, or when you require a fixed distribution of grades distributed throughout the class.

Step-by-step instructions on curving grades are available at:

VII. Giving Extra Credit

Do you want to give extra credit to students but are unsure how get Canvas Gradebook to recognize it? There are a few ways to do this:

Method 1: Add Extra Points to an Existing Assignment/Quiz

You can give extra credit to a particular assignment by adding the extra points to the total points a student scored, even if the student received a perfect score. Canvas allows you to give points greater than the highest possible points.

For example, If an assignment is worth a total of 100 points, a student earned a perfect score of 100, and you want to reward them with 5 extra credit points, you can enter 105 as the grade for the assignment.

If you use Canvas’ SpeedGrader for grading, you can enter the extra points in SpeedGrader. If you use rubrics in conjunction with SpeedGrader, you can add the extra points either to an existing rubric criterion or to an “Extra Credit” criterion. If you decide to add an “Extra Credit” criterion, make sure that the assignment point total excludes the total maximum extra credit points (i.e. the rubric is worth more points than the assignment) so that the actual assignment points are not affected by whether a student receives extra credit or not.

For example, if your rubric has four criteria with 4 maximum points each, and an “extra credit” criterion with 2 points each, then the maximum point total for your rubric is 4×4 + 2 = 18 points. But your assignment point total should be 16 points.

You can give extra credit in Quizzes as well. To adjust the point value for an entire quiz, use fudge points .

Method 2: Grant Extra Points in a Stand-alone “Extra Credit” Assignment and Gradebook Column

If you want to keep track of extra credit for the course as a whole, you can create a stand-alone extra credit assignment and gradebook column and adjust a student’s points as needed.

If you don’t weight your grades , you can create a separate assignment with 0 points. Any extra points given in this gradebook column will be added to the total points for the course.

If you weight your grades with assignment groups, you will need to create an extra credit assignment group with a weight greater than 0% and an assignment with greater than 0 points in order for Canvas Gradebook to calculate the total score correctly. All the assignment groups in your course plus the extra credit assignment group should weigh more than 100% in total.

One example of a correct setup for assignment groups with a maximum of 10% (or 10 points) extra credit for the course is:

Notice that the first 4 assignment groups, containing assignments that all students are assessed on, total to 100%. This ensures that any assignment placed within the Extra Credit assignment group will have either a positive or neutral effect on your students’ overall grade.

  • If you are weighting your assignment groups, please pay attention to how weighted groups can affect the Gradebook if assignments are worth zero points.
  • If you have drop rules set in an assignment group, adding extra points may affect your students’ scores.

For a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to give extra credit within Canvas, see:

VIII. Tools and Course Setup for Multiple TAs

If you have multiple TAs working from the same Canvas course site and they are each assigned to a specific group of students, Academic Technology Solutions can help you set up your course site so that they only see the grades of the students they are responsible for. To get started, email the URL of your course site and a brief description of your needs to [email protected] .

IX. Excluding an Assignment from the Course’s Final Grades

If you wish to provide feedback for assignments without the assignment counting toward Gradebook calculations, you can exclude the assignment in the final grade calculation. (Note: this excludes the grade for all students. If you want to assign an assignment to a specific group of students, you should specifically assign course sections , assign individual students , or assign course groups to the assignment.)

For step-by-step instructions, see:

Alternatively, you can have Canvas automatically drop the lowest (or highest) grade in an assignment group. See for step-by-step instructions.

X. Filtering by Modules, Automatic Late Policies, & Other New, Helpful Functions in the New Gradebook

In January 2018, Canvas released the New Gradebook, which offers a number of enhanced features, such as filtering by modules, automatic late policies, and customizable coloring. The current gradebook is expected to be deprecated and replaced by the New Gradebook sometime in the second half of 2018. For more information on how to opt-in and use the new features, see ATS’ “ Introducing the New Gradebook ” blog post.

XI. Resources

You can see the complete Instructor Guides for the topics discussed above at:

  • Assignments
  • Discussion Forums
  • Online Quizzes
  • Speedgrader

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Schoology Plus

A web extension that enhances your schoology experience with numerous interface improvements.

Schoology Plus is temporarily down from the Chrome Web Store while a bug is being fixed. It should be back on the store by Monday. Please join our Discord server for updates and temporary download instructions.

Help & Docs What-If Grades Dropping Assignments

Dropping Assignments

“Dropping” assignments from the gradebook is a Schoology feature such that a certain number of the lowest scores in a category won’t be counted. Dropped assignments essentially don’t exist, and act as if they were never entered into the gradebook in the first place. Dropping an assignment produces the same result as your instructor deleting it. Dropped assignments display as having a strikethrough through the entire row.

Schoology Plus allows you to both drop assignments that currently count towards your grade and undrop assignments that are currently dropped.

To start, ensure grade editing is enabled. Either right-click the assignment in question or click the three-dot (“kebab”) menu on the right side of the assignment row. A context menu should appear. For a normal, undropped assignment, it should look similar to the following:

A Schoology Plus assignment context menu

Note: For Schoology Plus added assignments, “Drop” will instead be “Delete.” As discussed above, these operations are mathematically equivalent; the only difference is that normal dropped assignments can be undropped, whereas added assignments will disappear when deleted, and must be re-added. The context menu for an Added Assignment looks something like this:

Click “Drop.” The assignment will be dropped and no longer count towards your (simulated) grade, and the course and category grade displays will update accordingly.

A course with a simulated grade drop

Note that the assignment now displays like any other Schoology dropped assignment.

Schoology Plus “Added Assignment” assignment entries will disappear, instead of changing to a stricken-through display, when “Delete” is clicked.

Either right-click a dropped assignment or click the three-dot (“kebab”) menu on the right side of its assignment row. A context menu like the following should open:

A dropped assignment's context menu

Click undrop. Its strikethrough line should disappear and it should be re-added to the gradebook. Its effects on the category and course grades will be recalculated.

A course with an undropped grade

Note that even in cases where a drop is simulated (like this example), an undrop will not remove the grade modified error_outline indicator.

Canvas - Dropped Students FAQ

Beginning June 4th, 2018, when a student or auditor drops from a Canvas course, they will be marked as “inactive” instead of being removed from the course completely. Inactive students cannot view or participate in the course anymore, but instructors and TAs can still see inactive students’ work and grades.

The reason students are marked “inactive” instead of being removed completely is to preserve their activity and grades in the course before they dropped. To avoid cluttering your Canvas roster with drops that occur long before the course actually begins, students will only be marked inactive if they drop two days before the start of a fall or spring course, and four days before the start of a summer course. Students who drop earlier will simply disappear from the Canvas course.

You can do this in the Grades area of your Canvas course. To learn how, visit How do I view grades for inactive students?

If you have enabled the New Gradebook (beta) in your course, there is a different method for viewing inactive students. See How do I view inactive students in the New Gradebook? for more information.

Unfortunately, Canvas does not provide a way to filter out or hide inactive students within the People tool at this time. As a workaround, you can view a list of your students in the Grades area, where you can filter by active/inactive students.

The Activity by Date chart in the Analytics tool tallies the activity for all students that were active in the class that day, even if they were later marked inactive or removed completely from the course. The other charts in the Analytics tool like the Grades histogram exclude students who have dropped, whether they were removed completely or marked inactive as a result. Visit How do I view Course Analytics? to learn more about this tool.

Yes. Quiz statistics tally data for all students who attempted that quiz, even if they were later marked inactive or removed completely from the course. Visit this quiz statistics help page to learn more about these metrics.

No. Students who are marked inactive are not taken into account when curving grades in the gradebook, even if you are currently displaying inactive students in your view settings. Visit How do I curve grades? to learn more about this feature.

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What does it mean if an assignment says dropped?

Table of Contents

  • 1 What does it mean if an assignment says dropped?
  • 2 What does a dropped grade mean?
  • 3 Do teachers drop the lowest grade?
  • 4 What does dropped mean in class?
  • 5 What to do if grades are slipping?
  • 6 What does it mean when you drop an assignment?
  • 7 What happens when an assignment is not graded on canvas?

If your grade says “Dropped”, the instructor: Dropped the highest and/or lowest grade item in this category. Dropped this assignment so it does not count toward the final grade.

What does a dropped grade mean?

Dropping the lowest score means no or fewer make-up exams or quizzes, which is a good thing for the teacher. However, the material on that dropped exam or failed quiz is lost, as the student doesn’t or didn’t have to learn it.

How does dropping an assignment work?

Dropped grades are omitted from the course grade calculation, and the total points possible in the category are reduced by the point value(s) of the omitted item(s).

Why was my grade dropped?

A drop in grades could also indicate a serious problem such as substance abuse, or might be caused by an undiagnosed condition such as ADHD, problems with hearing or sight, or a learning disability.

Do teachers drop the lowest grade?

Many teachers allow students to drop the lowest score from a sequence of quizzes, tests, or homework assignments. When the number of grades is large, some teachers will even allow students to drop several of their low- est scores. In some circumstances, it can be non-trivial to determine the best grades to drop.

What does dropped mean in class?

unenrolling Drop a class refers to unenrolling in a course due to low grades or disinterest. Should a student drop a class after the add/drop deadline, it is considered a withdrawal and they will not be eligible for a tuition refund.

How do you drop the lowest grade in a GradeBook?

Drop Lowest Assignment Scores from GradeBook

  • From the GradeBook, click Settings.
  • Click the Categories tab.
  • At the top of the Categories page, select an assignment category.
  • At the top of the list of assignments, enter the number of low assignment scores to be dropped in Drop lowest Category assignments.

Is a dropped Grade bad?

Dropping a class is much better for your GPA than failing a class or getting a C or D in it is because a dropped class does not affect your grade point average. Dropping a class may also raise your GPA because it can allow you to spend more time on other classes and raise your grades in them.

What to do if grades are slipping?

Talk to them about taking on an extra assignment that would help raise your grade. Extra credit might entail doing something like participating in a science fair, writing an extra essay, or giving a presentation to the class. It never hurts to ask! Don’t redo old work at the expense of new work.

What does it mean when you drop an assignment?

Why does my grade say ” dropped ” on my Report Card?

What’s the difference between dropped grades and dropped grades?

What happens when an assignment is not graded on canvas?

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After the solar eclipse: Eyesight blurry? What are the symptoms of eclipse blindness? What to look for

The 2024 solar eclipse brings a rare event to ohio, but safe viewing is essential to avoid "eclipse blindness" and what could become permanent eye damage..

Ohio will witness a unique and spectacular event when the solar eclipse darkens skies around the state. A large swath of the state will be shrouded in total darkness as it falls in the path of totality (even if data suggests that path might now be smaller ).

Hopefully you're prepared with the best glasses or have supplies to construct a viewer at home . If not, you'll want to forget about watching this eclipse. Here's why.

Looking at the sun during an eclipse without protection can permanently damage your eyes

Fast forward to the hours after the solar eclipse :

You witnessed an amazing celestial sight that reminded you of our place in the cosmos. Or you stepped outside long enough to check it out, post a pic to Facebook and call it a day. But now  your eyesight is a bit blurry , and straight things look a little curved. Did you damage your eyes?

Even a short glance at the sun  without proper protection  can cause temporary or permanent damage to your eyes. Sunglasses aren't enough, you need  ISO-certified solar eclipse glasses  which block  about 1,000 times  more sunlight.

So make sure your glasses are approved, undamaged and within arm's reach today. The solar spectacle will last most of the afternoon in Ohio, but the path of totality will last just a few minutes.

When does the solar eclipse start in Ohio?

Have your eclipse glasses ready after lunch, Buckeye State stargazers. According to National Eclipse , Ohio residents can first see the moon overtake the sun at 1:53 p.m. before it fully reappears at 4:30 p.m.

The eclipse totality will last from 3:08 to 3:19 p.m. as it cuts a swath from southwest to northeast Ohio. Cincinnati and Columbus lie just south of the path of totality (northern suburbs of both cities will experience total darkness), but Akron, Cleveland, Kent and portions of North Canton lie in the path of totality.

Here's when some Ohio cities along its path can expect the total eclipse, and how long totality will last:

  • Hamilton – Begins at 3:09:09 p.m., will last 1 minute, 42 seconds.
  • Dayton – 3:09:29 p.m., will last 2 minutes, 43 seconds.
  • Springfield – 3:10:15 p.m., will last 2 minutes, 34 seconds.
  • Marion – 3:11:14 p.m., duration 3 minutes, 34 seconds.
  • Delaware – 3:11:36 p.m., will last 2 minutes, 35 seconds.
  • Fremont – 3:11:46 p.m., duration 2 minutes, 38 seconds.
  • Dublin – 3:11:59 p.m., will last 1 minute, 23 seconds.
  • Port Clinton – 3:12:12 p.m., duration 3 minutes, 30 seconds.
  • Toledo – 3:12:17 p.m., duration 1 minute, 53 seconds.
  • Mansfield -- 3:12:23 p.m., will last 3 minutes, 16 seconds.
  • Ashland – 3:12:43 p.m., duration 3 minutes, 19 seconds.
  • Wooster – 3:13:39 p.m., duration 2 minutes, 25 seconds.
  • Akron – 3:14:14 p.m., will last 2 minutes, 46 seconds.
  • Cuyahoga Falls – 3:14:15 p.m., will last 2 minutes, 56 seconds.
  • Cleveland – 3:13:46 p.m., will last 3 minutes, 49 seconds.
  • Kent – 3:14:31 p.m., will last 2 minutes, 47 seconds.

What was the last solar eclipse in Ohio? When is the next one?

Congress voted to welcome the Ohio to the United States in 1803. The Buckeye State was still a toddler the last time it experienced a solar eclipse in 1806. Eclipse glasses were decades away from being invented.

Ohio's next solar eclipse comes a little sooner than 281 years, but the 2024 event is still a once-in-a-lifetime show for many viewers – the next one won't happen until 2099.

Let's be clear: If you're in Cincinnati or Columbus on April 8, you won't see a total solar eclipse

How do I know if I damaged my eyes during the April eclipse? What are the symptoms of eclipse blindness?

So you watched the eclipse with glasses, but maybe they slipped off, were damaged, or were never ISO certified. How do you know if you damaged your eyes?

The retinas of your eyes have no nerve endings, so even if they are damaged, you may not feel any pain. But according to the  American Academy of Ophthalmology , you should go see your ophthalmologist if you experience any of these symptoms a few hours or even days after the eclipse:

  • Blurry vision.
  • Headache and/or eye pain.
  • Vision loss or a black spot at the center of a patient’s sight in one or both eyes.
  • Increased sensitivity to light.
  • Distorted vision (a straight line may look bent or curvy).
  • Changes in the way you see color, known as "dyschromatopsia."

How long can I look at the sun if I'm using eclipse glasses?

According to the American Astronomical Society, while some glasses and viewers include warnings about looking through them at the sun for more than 3 minutes at a time, as long as your glasses are compliant with the ISO 12312-2 safety standard and are undamaged, "you may look at the uneclipsed or partially eclipsed sun through them for as long as you wish."

What does looking at the sun do to your eyes?

Ever started a fire by using a magnifying glass to focus sunlight onto a point?

The lens of your eye does essentially the same thing when it focuses the light you see onto the retinas at the back of your eye, the  American Academy of Ophthalmology  explained. The retina is the light-detecting part of your eye that transmits those signals to the brain. Direct, intense light can burn a hole in them or destroy retinal cells almost immediately.

Normally it hurts to look at the sun and humans naturally squint or look away. Even a few seconds can be too much. But during an eclipse, the visible sunlight is reduced and it becomes possible to look directly at it without discomfort for longer periods of time. You may not even know you've damaged your eyes until the next day.

The result is solar retinopathy or retinal burns. It can happen from looking at the sun or at too-bright reflections of sunlight off snow or water. The most common cause of solar retinopathy is viewing a solar eclipse, also called eclipse blindness.

It's rare, but it can be permanent. The  2017 eclipse , which passed from Oregon to South Carolina, is thought to have caused about 100 cases, according to the  American Astronomical Society , out of the estimated 150 million people who witnessed it. But since solar retinopathy doesn't cause complete blindness, many people with minor cases may have never reported it or even known they had it.

How long will damage from looking at an eclipse last?

Researchers have found that some patients "may see symptoms ease over time," according to  David Hutton  for Ophthalmology Times. The cones in the retina are resilient and resist damage, experts say.

In a 1976 study, some patients saw their symptoms clear over time, and researchers found that some cases saw an "excellent recovery" in the first three months.

However, others have suffered permanent damage resulting in impaired vision in the form of a small blind spot in one or both eyes and distortion.

Is damage from looking at a solar eclipse treatable?

No. There is no treatment.

You should have an ophthalmologist scan your eyes to see how much damage has been done and they can monitor them over the next few months to chart any recovery, but the only thing you can do is wait and hope for it to go away.

And avoid looking at the sun.

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Kanishka Singh is a breaking news reporter for Reuters in Washington DC, who primarily covers US politics and national affairs in his current role. His past breaking news coverage has spanned across a range of topics like the Black Lives Matter movement; the US elections; the 2021 Capitol riots and their follow up probes; the Brexit deal; US-China trade tensions; the NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan; the COVID-19 pandemic; and a 2019 Supreme Court verdict on a religious dispute site in his native India.

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Inflation came in hot at 3.5% in March, CPI report shows. Fed could delay rate cuts.

what does dropped mean on an assignment

Inflation ran hot for a third straight month in March, raising questions about when the Federal Reserve will feel confident that price pressures are subdued and it can begin cutting interest rates.

Overall prices increased 3.5% from a year earlier, up from 3.2% in February, driven largely by the rising cost of rent and gasoline, according to the Labor Department’s consumer price index. On a monthly basis, costs rose 0.4%, similar to the previous month.

What is core inflation right now?

Core prices, which exclude volatile food and energy items and are watched more closely by the Fed, increased 0.4% in line with February's rise. That kept the annual increase at 3.8%.

Is inflation really going down?

Since reaching a 40-year high of 9.1% in June 2022, inflation has slowed dramatically. But after rapid improvement in the fall, price increases have accelerated on a monthly basis to a range of 0.3% to 0.4% so far this year.

Protect your assets: Best high-yield savings accounts of 2023

Products such as used cars, furniture and appliances have gotten less expensive as pandemic-induced supply bottlenecks have unwound, though goods prices jumped in February. But the cost of services such as rent, car insurance and transportation keep rising, in part, because pandemic-related pay increases have slowed only gradually as worker shortages have eased.

Is inflation easing in your state? The 5 states with the highest inflation and the 5 with the lowest. See where yours ranks.

Barclays expects the monthly price gains to slowly moderate, bringing down yearly inflation to 3% and core price increases to 3.1% by the end of the year – still well above the Fed’s 2% goal.

Are interest rates going down in 2024?

In recent weeks, Fed Chair Jerome Powell has said the uptick in prices in the first two months of the year could have been a blip and inflation is still heading toward the 2% target “on a sometimes bumpy path.”

But the larger-than-expected rise in March could set off more worries that market-friendly interest rate cuts will be pushed back, especially with the economy and labor market performing so robustly recently.  

The futures market is now betting the Fed's first rate cut will be pushed back to September, with the Fed lowering rates just twice this year. It had been predicting the first cut in June and a total of three decreases in 2024, in line with Fed officials' median estimate last month.

In a note to clients Wednesday, economist Paul Ashworth of Capital Economics wrote, "The third consecutive 0.4% (monthly) rise in core CPI pretty much kills off hopes of a June rate cut."

And Kathy Bostjancic, Nationwide's chief economist, said the report "will undermine Fed officials’ confidence that inflation is on a sustainable course back to 2% and likely delays rate cuts to September at the earliest and could push off rate reductions to next year.”

Since March 2022, the Fed has hiked its benchmark short-term rate from near zero to a 22-year high of 5% to 5.25% to tame inflation, though officials have paused since July. Higher rates increase consumer and business borrowing costs and tend to curtail economic activity.

What is the US stock market doing right now?

Stock prices weakened in response to the higher inflation rate. As of 10:45 a.m. EDT, the S&P 500 fell 0.73% and the Dow Jones Industrial Average slipped 0.84% as investors grew concerned that expected interest-rate cuts may come later than hoped. Prices for 10-year Treasury bonds, which are sensitive to inflation, fell and pushed up their yields to 3.1%.

Inflation is shaping up a key issue in the presidential election. President Joe Biden said in a statement that the latest numbers show that while inflation has fallen more than 60% from its peak, more still must be done to lower costs.

“Prices are still too high for housing and groceries, even as prices for key household items like milk and eggs are lower than a year ago," Biden said.

What is the reason for gas prices rising again?

Gasoline prices rose 1.7% in March, the second increase after four straight monthly declines. The Russia-Ukraine war has constrained Russian crude oil supplies. And demand is picking up as the spring driving season gears up and producers are switching to more expensive summer blends.

Will rent go down in 2024?

Together, the cost of housing and gas accounted for more than half the monthly increase in overall prices

Rent increased 0.4% in March, easing slightly from the prior month but the latest in a flurry of hefty gains. That nudged down the annual rise to a still elevated 5.7% from 5.8%. Economists expect rent increases to moderate, based on new leases, but that has filtered through just gradually to existing leases.

The cost of some other services also kept drifting higher. Medical care increased 0.6%; car repairs, 1.7%; and auto insurance, 2.6%. Airfares, though slipped 0.4% on falling jet fuel prices.

More encouraging: Some goods prices dropped, with used cars falling 1.1%, new vehicles edging down 0.2% and appliances dipping 0.7%. Apparel prices, though, rose 0.7% and furniture increased 0.3%.

Are food prices going up or down?

Grocery prices were unchanged for a second month, nudging up the annual increase to a still modest 1.2% and providing consumers continued relief from big price gains during the pandemic.  

Breakfast cereal prices fell 1.6%, bread slid 0.9% and cookies dropped 1.2%.

But proteins generally climbed. The cost of uncooked ground beef increased by 0.7%, bacon jumped by 0.9% and eggs surged by 4.6% amid another bird flu outbreak.

Contributing: Michael Collins

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IRS reminder: 2024 first quarter estimated tax payment deadline is April 15

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IR-2024-95, April 5, 2024

WASHINGTON —The Internal Revenue Service today advised taxpayers, including self-employed individuals, retirees, investors, businesses and corporations about the April 15 deadline for first quarter estimated tax payments for tax year 2024.

Since income taxes are a pay-as-you go process, the law requires individuals who do not have taxes withheld to pay taxes as income is received or earned throughout the year. Most people meet their tax obligations by having their taxes deducted from their paychecks, pension payments, Social Security benefits or certain other government payments including unemployment compensation.

Generally, taxpayers who are self-employed or in the gig economy are required to make estimated tax payments . Likewise, retirees, investors and others frequently need to make these payments because a significant portion of their income is not subject to withholding.

When estimating quarterly tax payments, taxpayers should include all forms of earned income, including part-time work, side jobs or the sale of goods or services commonly reported on Form 1099-K .

Income such as interest, dividends, capital gains, alimony and rental income is normally not subject to withholding. By making quarterly estimated tax payments, taxpayers can avoid penalties and uphold their tax responsibilities.

Certain groups of taxpayers, including farmers and fishers, recent retirees, individuals with disabilities, those receiving irregular income and victims of disasters are eligible for exceptions to penalties and special regulations .

Following recent disasters, eligible taxpayers in Tennessee , Connecticut , West Virginia , Michigan , California and Washington have an extended deadline for 2024 estimated tax payments until June 17, 2024. Similarly, eligible taxpayers in Alaska , Maine and Rhode Island have until July 15, 2024, and eligible taxpayers in Hawaii have until Aug. 7, 2024. For more information, visit Tax relief in disaster situations .

In addition, taxpayers who live or have a business in Israel, Gaza or the West Bank, and certain other taxpayers affected by the terrorist attacks in the State of Israel , have until Oct. 7, 2024, to make estimated tax payments.

Paying estimated taxes

Taxpayers can rely on Form 1040-ES, Estimated Tax for Individuals , for comprehensive instructions on computing their estimated taxes.

Opting for the IRS Online Account streamlines the payment process, allowing taxpayers to view their payment history, monitor pending payments and access pertinent tax information. Taxpayers have several options to make an estimated tax payment, including IRS Direct Pay , debit card, credit card, digital wallet or the Treasury Department's Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) .

To pay electronically and for more information on other payment options, visit . If paying by check, be sure to make the check payable to the "United States Treasury."

Publication 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax , offers detailed information for individuals navigating dividend or capital gain income, alternative minimum tax or self-employment tax, or who have other special situations.

The IRS recommends taxpayers use the Tax Withholding Estimator tool to accurately determine the appropriate amount of tax withheld from paychecks.

Regularly monitoring withheld taxes helps mitigate the risk of underpayment, reducing the likelihood of unexpected tax bills or penalties during tax season. It also allows individuals to adjust withholding upfront, leading to larger paychecks during the year and potentially smaller refunds at tax time.

Filing Options

The IRS encourages people to file their tax returns electronically and choose direct deposit for faster refunds. Filing electronically reduces tax return errors because tax software does the calculations, flags common errors and prompts taxpayers for missing information.

The IRS offers free online and in-person tax preparation options for qualifying taxpayers through the IRS Free File program and the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance and Tax Counseling for the Elderly programs .

In addition, the Direct File pilot program, a new option that allows eligible taxpayers to file their federal tax returns online directly with the IRS for free, is currently available in 12 participating states.

Assistance available 24/7 on offers tax assistance 24/7. To address general tax concerns, taxpayers can access various online tools on the IRS website, to include the Interactive Tax Assistant , tax topics and frequently asked questions to get answers to common questions.

The IRS has also posted translated tax resources in 20 other languages on to communicate to taxpayers who prefer to get information in other languages. For more information, see the IRS Languages page on

More information:

⦁     Topic no. 653, IRS notices and bills, penalties, and interest charges

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  2. Why does my grade say "Dropped"?

    Why does my grade say "Dropped"? If your grade says "Dropped", the instructor: Dropped the highest and/or lowest grade item in this category. Dropped this assignment so it does not count toward the final grade. In either case, contact the instructor of the course for more information. Created by D2L, Brightspace Help is a comprehensive and ...

  3. How does drop lowest grade work?

    A rule to drop the highest score will remove the assignment score (s) from a student's group percentage calculation that will result in the lowest possible score for that group. Dropping both the lowest and the highest score (s) removes any outlying scores and calculates a student's grade based upon the remaining middle scores. Dropping ...

  4. Check assessment grades

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  5. Dropping Lowest Scores in Canvas

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  6. Viewing Grades and Feedback

    Determining Dropped Grades. An instructor may configure some scores to be dropped. Assignments that are dropped and not tabulated in the final grade have a due date and score in a light gray font. Hovering over the name of a dropped assignment will prompt a message about the grade being dropped to appear. Additional Resources

  7. Solved: Dropping the lost grade and unsubmitted assignment

    The harder-to-understand concept is on when grades are dropped. Since you have seven assignments and are dropping three, none of the scores will be dropped until there are at least two graded assignments. People may think that if the rule is to "drop 3" that it only starts happening after there are four.

  8. Questions about grades?

    Your grade says Dropped. This could happen for the following reasons: Instructor decided to drop the highest and/or lowest grade item in this category; Instructor decided to drop this assignment so it does not count toward final grade; Contact your instructor for more information on why your grade was dropped. Back to top

  9. Solved: Grades Dropping

    With a max score of 100% for any assignment, then the max score in the class is 100%. furthermore if an assignment grade is above their current average, then their average should go up. If the assignment grade is below their current average, then the average should go down. If students are reporting that they got a 100% on an assignment and ...

  10. Weighting Grades, Giving Extra Credit, and Other Tips on Managing

    A second common source of confusion is how to create gradebook columns. In Canvas, assignments are tightly integrated with the Gradebook and the only way to create a gradebook column is to create and publish an assignment.This may seem unintuitive at first glance, as not all assignments require online submissions (e.g. attendance and participation or assignments done on paper).

  11. A Grade Shows as D

    A Grade Shows as Dropped in the Gradebook. Instructors have the option of dropping a number of grades in a specific category. If you see the word "Dropped!" in place of a grade in your Grades list, do not worry. This means that your instructor is dropping one or more grades in that category. An instructor may give 7 Projects and drop the lowest ...

  12. Dropping Assignments

    Dropped assignments display as having a strikethrough through the entire row. Schoology Plus allows you to both drop assignments that currently count towards your grade and undrop assignments that are currently dropped. To start, ensure grade editing is enabled. Either right-click the assignment in question or click the three-dot ("kebab ...

  13. Canvas

    Beginning June 4th, 2018, when a student or auditor drops from a Canvas course, they will be marked as "inactive" instead of being removed from the course completely. Inactive students cannot view or participate in the course anymore, but instructors and TAs can still see inactive students' work and grades.

  14. What does "dropped score mean" : r/college

    Reply. cahutchins. • 1 yr. ago. It means your teacher has their gradebook set up to "drop the lowest score" in an assignment category, it basically ignores your worst grade when calculating your overall grade. It's a nice cushion against missing an assignment or choking on a test. They might explain this in the grading policy in their ...

  15. How does Gradebook calculate automatically dropped grades

    Now we enter the third assignment grade. The highest two assignment grades are kept, so the lowest assignment grade (Assignment 2) is dropped:Assignment 1 (10 points) (1 st highest grade - kept); Assignment 2 (8 points) (lowest grade - dropped); Assignment 3 (9 points) (2 nd highest grade - kept); Student One's Assignments grade is now 85%:. 8 + 9 = 17 points earned

  16. Canvas: Assignment dropped : r/college

    Canvas: Assignment dropped. On one of my assignments, it states that an assignment has been dropped and will not be counted in the final calculation. It shows that its dropped but my grade is still the same. Will this change at the end of the semester?

  17. Ungraded Assignments in Canvas

    It's, therefore, important to actually enter a zero grade when a student doesn't complete an assignment, rather than to leave it ungraded. For large classes where missed assignments are common, there is a shortcut. In the drop-down list of any grade book column, you can use the "Set Default Grade" option to enter zeros for any ungraded assignments.

  18. What does it mean if an assignment says dropped?

    Dropped this assignment so it does not count toward the final grade. What does a dropped grade mean? Dropping the lowest score means no or fewer make-up exams or quizzes, which is a good thing for the teacher.

  19. Explanation for ASSIGNMENT DROPPED • Assignments

    On Zangle, the grade system, it says ASSIGNMENT DROPPED. This is a good thing. It means a student's work is in but not yet graded. It does not mean an assignment is missing; just the opposite. THe Dropped designation will go away once the grade is entered, in a few weeks. Hope this helps. Mr. Freeman

  20. Solved: Submitted late to an assignment that says 'This as

    The 10% late deduction is a standard for everyone in the class. It drops your score usually per day that percentage until 0 or a certain threshold (like 50%) However, the "This assignment does not count towards the final grade" is based on a rule your teacher has set up for a particular group of assignments.

  21. What does dropped mean in Infinite Campus? (2024)

    What does it mean if an assignment is dropped? It means a student's work is in but not yet graded. It does not mean an assignment is missing; just the opposite. THe Dropped designation will go away once the grade is entered, in a few weeks. Hope this helps.

  22. Eclipse blindness: Symptoms of retina damage from looking at the sun

    The lens of your eye does essentially the same thing when it focuses the light you see onto the retinas at the back of your eye, the American Academy of Ophthalmology explained. The retina is the ...

  23. Debunking solar eclipse myths, including dangerous radiation : Solar

    In reality, a solar eclipse brings a temporary sharp drop in solar radiation — an event that ham radio operators have been eagerly anticipating for months, with competitions and experiments ...

  24. What does it mean to be a 'working royal' and how do its members get

    Related episodes:The U.K.'s most famous family firm in crisis For sponsor-free episodes of The Indicator from Planet Money, subscribe to Planet Money+ via Apple Podcasts or at Music ...

  25. Am I missing something: dropping X lowest assignment grades ...

    Student A does not get sick (and so gets to drop two lowest quiz grades). Student B is sick twice during the semester and has to skip two quizzes (and so has to drop those two scores). At the end of the semester, student A's expected score is ~92 (average of 10 random samples excluding the first two order statistics), while student B's is ...

  26. How do I know when my instructor has graded my assignment?

    View Assignment Grade. A dot next to the assignment indicates the assignment that has been graded [1]. The indicator disappears when you navigate away or refresh the page. The score column displays the score given to the assignment [2]. In the Grades page, you can also see if the assignment includes scoring details, comments, or rubrics.

  27. US does not expect to be drawn into war but predicts attack by Iran

    The United States expects an attack by Iran against Israel but one that would not be big enough to draw Washington into war, a U.S. official said late on Thursday.

  28. In CPI report today, March data shows inflation rise

    Breakfast cereal prices fell 1.6%, bread slid 0.9% and cookies dropped 1.2%. But proteins generally climbed. The cost of uncooked ground beef increased by 0.7%, bacon jumped by 0.9% and eggs ...

  29. IRS reminder: 2024 first quarter estimated tax payment deadline is

    IR-2024-95, April 5, 2024 — The Internal Revenue Service today advised taxpayers, including self-employed individuals, retirees, investors, businesses and corporations about the April 15 deadline for first quarter estimated tax payments for tax year 2024.