Wedding   Seating Chart

Use our unique wedding seating chart tool to effortlessly plan the arrangement of your reception or ceremony.   Create your personalized wedding plan. No hidden fees!   No sign-up required!

How to Make a Seating Chart for a Wedding

Creating your own wedding floor plan has never been easier with our user-friendly free tool. Whether you’re organizing the seating chart for your reception, or the wedding ceremony, you’ll find our template makes the whole process so straightforward. And not just for marrying couples. Wedding venues, planners, and catering teams will all find our seating chart maker streamlines the entire planning experience. With food choices, allergies and specific requirements all displayed on the chart in a style that makes it quick to understand what is required.

Illustration interface seating chart builder

How to Use Our Seating Chart Template to Build Your Own Arrangement

The beauty of our wedding table and ceremony seating chart tool, is that once your guest list is ready, you can simply import it onto our template. And quickly start placing guests in their correct positions, while dropping and dragging decor elements of your reception or ceremony. When you feel everyone is sitting in their appropriate places, you can simply download your seat map as a PDF. Ready to be sent to your caterer, venue, stationer, or whoever requires your guest seating information.

Illustration seating chart result

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Our Seating Chart Maker

To help you get started with our seating chart tool, we thought we’d share a simple step-by-step guide.

  • Upload your Excel guest list  to your private project, or manually add your guests.
  • Open our wedding reception seating chart, and  browse the items already on the template .
  • Click the ‘edit’ button  to open up the template.
  • Click the ‘add element’ button and select straight wall  from the dropdown.
  • Give your chart 4 surrounding walls , using the measurements from the floor plan provided by your wedding venue.
  • Add any inner walls, columns or dividing walls using the dropdown.
  • Place the relevant number of tables  required for your guests.
  • Begin adding guests to each table  by clicking the circles with numbers inside, and  selecting a name from your guest list  on the right.
  • Drop and drag the tables, and organize them using the ruler tool  and floor plan provided by your venue. Creating an accurate representation of the reception space.
  • Decide on where the  dance floor, stage and any large reception decor items  will be.
  • Add in miscellaneous decor,  safety points and utilities .
  • Download your floor plan as a PDF , including or excluding different presentation options, which can be found in ‘Export Settings’.

Tick off this wedding planning task in your project, and start onto the next!

What is a Wedding Seating Chart?

Creating a seating chart for any kind of event (especially a wedding) makes the whole process of visualizing where guests will be positioned within a space, so much more straightforward. It allows you to take a list of names and turn it into an accurate depiction of how the room will actually look. This graphical representation is almost a must for any large-scale event, especially when organizing a something as grand, and important as a wedding.

Illustration seating chart catering

Wedding Seating Chart Etiquette

Diplomacy is key when arranging wedding guests for a reception, or ceremony. Not all guests will know, get on with, or even like each other! Which is why it’s critical to think clearly, and carefully, about where each guest will be seated. Otherwise, you may end up with little pockets of anarchy, rather than a room full of celebrations!

Beyond dealing with any tricky relationships, it’s wise to consider family first when seating guests. For instance, yourselves, your parents and your partner’s parents should share a table at the reception, unless you opt for a sweetheart table for just the two of you.

Grandparents, siblings not in the wedding party, and the officiant and their spouse should also join the head table. That is assuming your parents aren’t divorced, which may mean you need to create another ‘head table’, which’ll allow parents to sit apart.

How to Arrange Wedding Guests

If you’re unsure of the personalities, or interests of all your guests, gather your close family together when preparing ideas for your seating layout. As they’ll be able to enlighten you on just what everyone is like. Getting a clear picture of who knows each other, and who will get along, is key to creating a harmonious reception.

A lot of your guests will not know each other well before sitting down together at the reception. This can be discouraging for some, but it often can’t be helped when arranging such a large number of people.

Wedding seating chart builder

To help guests quickly spark up conversation with one another, consider the work, interests, and ages of loved ones when pairing people together. By thoughtfully matching guests up, you’ll quickly find that on the night they have lots in common. And that’ll hopefully avoid any awkward silences.

If you’re struggling to remember which guest should, or could go with another type of guest, consider starting a color coded system on your invite list. By having a multicolored excel template and a wedding seating chart maker such as ours, that allows you to easily incorporate colors into the template, you’ll be able to quickly match up compatible guests.

How to Organize Wedding Reception Tables

A massive benefit of using a seating scheme, is that it allows you to clearly see which type of table arrangement will work best for your reception. Rectangular and circular are the two most popular table shapes. But there are many others, such as family style, which is great for informal weddings. Or there’s the U shape design, an arrangement that lends itself to intimate celebrations.

Consider thoroughly the type of table arrangement you choose, as it will greatly affect the interactions guests can have with each other.

Seating plan template

For instance, round tables are much-loved as they, depending on their size, allow all guests to interact with each other. Whereas rectangular tables, due to their long shape, often create two or more groups of guests. But, this shape of table is perfect if you have a large guest list, as it’ll allow you to fit numerous guests on one table, and not take up too much space within the room.

How to Organize Wedding Ceremony Seating

There are many ways you can configure your wedding ceremony seating chart , but typically the style you select will depend on how formal you want the occasion to be. And importantly, where it’ll be taking place. As some wedding ceremony venues, such as churches, will have set, structured seating in place.

If this is the case, then all you need to worry about is seating guests appropriately within the space. With VIP’s such as parents, grandparents, close family and the wedding party all sitting in the first and second rows. Typically, each family sits on either the left or the right-hand side of the marrying couple.

Illustration edit wedding ceremony chart

In the rows after immediate family and the wedding party, sits the rest of the guests, in order of importance or closeness to the couple. With this in mind, it’s good to use a wedding seating chart when planning your ceremony, as it helps to alleviate any confusion your guests may feel when they arrive. Unsure of exactly where, and which side they should be sitting on.

Illustration ceremony layout

By having a clearly laid out seat map, you’ll also be able to evenly distribute your loved ones. Something couples often regret not doing when they look back at their pictures, and see big gaps of guests, or uneven spaces.

Organize people ahead of time using a wedding seating chart app or tool, and you’ll find the whole ceremony experience is a lot smoother.

How to Use a Wedding Seating Chart for your Reception

Starting any kind of project with a blank page is typically pretty daunting. Which is why we created our wedding seating chart template. A useful starting off point that shows straight away the types of elements usually included in a wedding reception, and a suggestion as to where guests could be placed. From there you’re free to customize as you wish.

The best place to start when assembling your wedding reception seating chart , is with the layout of your tables and chairs. As the style you choose will determine what else can be placed within the space, while also dictating the guest experience.

When deciding between table shapes, it’s important to reach out to your wedding venue, and request the full layout specifications of the reception space. That way you’ll know how much room you have, not just for tables, but also the dance floor, stage, decor elements etc.

When you’re ready to place guests at their tables, you’ll quickly realize how powerful a wedding seating chart tool can be. A huge advantage of our seating chart maker, in particular, is that it allows you to simply import your guest list spreadsheet from Excel, and then instantly place invitees at their appropriate tables.

Example of interface for catering layout

Before, or after guests are positioned on the floor plan, you can personalize their avatars to better represent each guests’ individuality. For example, you can highlight the age group each guest is in, such as adult, teen, or infant. Following that, you can signify skin color, gender, and which side of the couple invited them — this final selection automatically gives avatars a signifying color.

Once guests are seated around the tables, and you’re happy with the arrangement, it’s time to place the rest of your decor! With our online wedding seating chart tool, you can drop and drag all the major focal points and elements you’d expect to find at a wedding reception right onto your chart!

To get you started, our template features items most couples would consider standard, such as a dance floor, stage, and restrooms. So all you have to think about is adding the fun stuff! Like smoke machines, DJ booths and your cake table!

Why a Wedding Seating Chart is Such a Useful Tool

Every guest is different, and when planning a wedding with lots of loved ones, that can lead to confusion. Food choices and intolerances are the perfect example, as each of your guests will likely need to choose their main course and could potentially be allergic to something on the menu. This information is vital for those in your catering team, and should be presented in a style that can be understood quickly by them.

By having a clear seating scheme for your reception, with all the important information about each guest clearly visible, the organization of your wedding will run a lot smoother than without.

Moreover, by utilizing the seating chart, it becomes effortless to create table seating cards for each layout's table. Afterward, you can produce an attractive grid of cards and display them on the wall, aiding guests in finding their designated places with ease.

Interface of editor table seating cards

This is an example of how the final result will look.

Example table seating cards

Table numbers will be automatically generated based on the table layout, and of course you can customize design.

Example of table number cards

Name cards are also automatically generated based on the seating layout.

Example of name cards

With our free wedding seating chart template, you can quickly and easily download your finished board using whichever details you need it to feature. Meaning, individual seating charts can be created for each of your respective vendors. Eliminating any confusion between them.

The Benefits of an Online Wedding Seating Chart Maker

When planning a wedding, at the very least, there will be two people organizing things (hopefully!). But typically, a wedding is not simply planned by the marrying couple. Mom, Dad, best friends, brothers, and sisters are all usually drafted onto the big day team to help in some way.

What’s great about using an online wedding seating chart, such as ours, is that everyone can share their input in real-time.

Wedding Planning Assistant is an online, cloud-based tool that helps couples plan every aspect of their celebration, not just their seating arrangement. From creating a free wedding website, to organizing a checklist and preparing place cards – you can do it all on our site, for free!

Each member of your wedding team, including planners and vendors, can be provided access to your online project. Anyone can get involved, whenever and wherever works best for them. Helping you to throw the best wedding ever!

Illustration editor of seating chart

When it comes to the seating chart for your wedding, being online, with all the information synchronized in real-time, is a game changer. For instance, whenever there’s an update to your guest list, anyone on your team will instantly be able to see it.

Maybe Mom has finally got an RSVP from your cousin in London, and has now found out she’s gone vegan. Mom can easily update that guests’ RSVP status, adding in her dietary requirements and potentially the meal choice too.

Having a wedding seating chart that’s online and instantly updatable by your whole team, stops anything being forgotten, and helps everyone stay on the same page, at all times. Key when trying to organize such a large group of people, each with needs and desires.

Ensure that Everything Fits in the Room Without Estimating

Experimenting with a seating chart, placing guests around tables and dropping elements of decor is fun. But without real-world measurements, there’s no way of knowing if your table design will actually fit within the space. Which would be a disaster!

Thankfully, our wedding seating chart tool allows you to easily, and accurately construct a scaled down version of your reception room. While also giving you the ability to precisely measure just how far each element (table, stage, large piece of decor) actually is from one another.

Then, once you’ve mapped out exactly where everything should be, there’s no need to worry about scaling your wedding table seating chart to fit on a poster board. Because our tool will automatically scale your plan to fit on either a portrait or landscape A1 page. The perfect size for your caterers, planners, venue or yourselves to print it out on .

All the key information will be visible, and you’ll get a clear feel for how the space will actually look.

Export Your Wedding Seating Chart Template to Excel

To serve your wedding guests successfully, your vendors will need as much information as possible, and have it displayed in a format that works for them. Usually, a wedding seating chart will work perfectly for them, as it’ll allow them to explore the room and get a fantastic overview of your guests.

Interface of seating chart Excel

But occasionally, it’s more useful for vendors to scan through a list of your guests, and filter out the information they require. And that’s precisely what our wedding seating chart template can do, with its export to Excel function via your guest list! This straightforward to use tool allows you to download your full list of guests, with all the information clearly laid out in pre-formatted columns.

Interface of seating chart PDF

Your caterer will love how easy it is to access the information they need about each of your guests, and it’ll (almost) eliminate any possibility of mistakes in service. But it’s not only your caterer who will benefit greatly from having your wedding seating chart template exported to Excel . Your planner, coordinator, and your wedding stationers will all do better at their jobs with this function.

Create Your Wedding Seating Chart Poster in No Time

Couples typically find piecing together their guest list and the seating assignment the most time-consuming, and arduous tasks during wedding planning. And we understand why! It’s hard to pick and choose who, and who not to invite to your wedding. But this painful task has to be done. And while we can’t make the job emotionally easier to deal with, we can make its operation, and subsequent application onto the seating chart, seamless.

From the moment you receive your first RSVP, to exporting the finished floor plan, you’ll wonder how else you could’ve got the job done. Couples often start their reception, and potentially wedding ceremony seating chart roughly 3 weeks before the big day. Once all the RSVP’s have been received.

By hand, pen on paper, this task can take days. And involve countless do-overs, scribbling out and frustrated nights. But when putting together a wedding seating chart using an online tool, you remove all of that stress.

Seating chart board

Suddenly, late RSVPs can be easily dropped and dragged into position. Table configurations can be altered at the click of a button, and you’ll instantly get a full picture of how your reception, or ceremony will look as soon as your guest list is uploaded.

Every guests’ icon can be quickly customized to represent their gender, race, or age bracket. While color coding is also available, allowing you to easily mark people according to their jobs, interests, or personality type. A huge advantage when attempting to pair up single guests, or create a harmonious table.

The entire process of using our wedding seating chart maker has been designed to be accessible. Easy for all to use. Meaning, no matter your experience level with online tools, you’ll be able to create a professional wedding seating chart board in much less time than it would to piece it together on paper, DIY style. And when planning a wedding, if any task can be made easier or quicker, that’s a massive plus!

Professional Seating Chart App Designed for Couples & Vendors

All the tools available on Wedding Planning Assistant have been designed thoughtfully, with both engaged couples, and professional vendors in mind.

Created to be useful to those busy planning their big day, in need of templates to help them work out their budget, or somewhere simple to build a wedding website.

While also being invaluable to wedding professionals who require a space to create a seat map, find other vendors and share their work with clients.

Sharing is a key part of why couples love creating not just their wedding seating chart with us, but many of the other vital parts involved in planning a big day. Because our platform has been designed to be collaborative. A place to build something together, with family, friends, but also wedding professionals.

If you’re at the very beginning stages of wedding planning, and you’ve recently hired a planner, or coordinator to help you put things together. You’ll understand how vital communication is when trying to keep things on schedule. Without regular check-in’s and confirmations, things can get forgotten, and a once well-planned timeline can begin to slide.

Avoid over-running your schedule, and always be up-to-date with what your planner is doing, by creating a project together on Wedding Planning Assistant. And our wedding seating chart app offers the perfect example for why you should.

This task in particular is typically completed within the final stages of wedding planning, and the process usually goes through many iterations before it’s ready. These last couple of weeks are frequently a stressful time for couples, with guests often sending RSVPs back at different times, dropping out last minute, or suddenly requesting special requirements. It’s a lot to deal with and can be hard to keep track, especially when you have a planner or coordinator who also needs updating.

Source: video example how to create seating chart

By using our online wedding table seating chart , you’ll be able to keep your whole team in the loop, including professionals, at all times. As soon as someone confirms their attendance, you or your planner can place them in the appropriate place on the seating scheme. Along with their unique set of requirements. Nobody skips a beat, nothing gets forgotten.

Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

Our wedding seating chart is an incredible reference to have when wedding planning, and your vendors will love its usability. But on the day, your guests will need something that’ll show them where their seats are. And there are so many ways you can present your reception plan that’ll not only coordinate nicely with your theme, but also delight your guests.

After only a quick Google search for wedding seating chart ideas , we’re sure you’ll discover a limitless amount of inspiration for your reception, or ceremony. And that’s without even looking at Pinterest! Having such a wealth of decor ideas at your fingertips can be a massive bonus when trying to find the perfect look. But it can also become a little confusing.

Our advice is to start, and concentrate on functionality. First and foremost, your wedding seating chart is there to direct guests to their place. It needs to be clear, obvious and enable loved ones to find their name and corresponding table in seconds. If not, you may end up with a lot of confused guests and a bit of a bottleneck, as people desperately try to find their name on the board .

Typically, the best way to avoid having lost guests is to simply list out your tables in numerical order, with the names of each guest under their corresponding table number. Whether you’ve got three tables or twenty tables, this system works. As does listing guests alphabetically, alongside their table number.

As long as the sign is big enough, and the font is clear. An A1 size board is typically a good size, but it will depend on your space and the number of tables/guests.

Once you’ve formatted the reception plan, found a font that works and maybe added a background or floral element. It’s time to find a pretty frame, an easel, and set it up somewhere guests will spot it easily.

Floor plan creator

Seating plan, seating arrangement, seating diagram, seating layout, seating scheme, seating assignment, seating chart generator, digital seating chart, electronic seating arrangement, seating chart builder.

Build your wedding seating chart effortlessly with our intuitive wedding seating chart builder.

The Wedding seating chart builder , along with all the accompanying tools on the Wedding Planning Assistant, have been meticulously designed to cater to the needs of engaged couples and professional vendors alike.

Seating Chart Builder

The seating chart builder empowers you to effortlessly create and customize your wedding seating chart. This intuitive tool provides a user-friendly interface where you can easily drag and drop tables, arrange seats, and assign guests with just a few clicks. With the seating chart builder , you have the flexibility to experiment with different layouts, seating arrangements, and guest assignments until you achieve the perfect seating plan for your special day. Simplify the process of designing your seating chart and ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience for your wedding guests with this powerful tool.

The floor plan creator is an essential tool that allows you to visualize and design the layout of your wedding venue. With this innovative tool, you can easily map out the arrangement of tables, dance floor, decorations, and other elements to create a comprehensive floor plan that aligns perfectly with your vision.

Crafting a well-organized seating plan is crucial for ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for your wedding guests. The seating plan tool enables you to assign guests to specific tables, strategically grouping them based on relationships, preferences, or any other criteria you choose. With this tool, you can easily create a seating plan that maximizes comfort, interaction, and overall guest satisfaction.

The seating arrangement feature allows you to arrange individual seats within each table of your wedding reception. With this tool, you can precisely position and assign seats to ensure optimal seating arrangements for your guests. Whether you prefer a traditional or alternative seating arrangement , this tool provides the flexibility to accommodate your unique preferences and guest dynamics.

Visualize your wedding seating arrangements with ease using the seating diagram tool. This tool generates a clear and comprehensive diagram that illustrates the seating layout of your venue. It helps you visualize the relationships between tables, seating positions, and the overall flow of your reception space, ensuring that every guest has a designated place in your seating plan.

The seat chart tool assists you in creating a detailed chart that displays the seating positions of individual guests at each table. This tool allows you to assign specific seats to guests, providing a precise and organized representation of your seating plan. Utilize the seat chart tool to efficiently manage guest seating and ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience for everyone.

With the seat map tool , you can generate an interactive map that showcases the seating arrangement in your wedding venue. This tool allows you to view the layout of tables, designated seating positions, and even provides additional information about each seat if desired. Use the seat map to assist guests in locating their assigned seats easily and efficiently navigate your reception space.

Designing the perfect seating layout is made effortless with the seating layout tool. This feature enables you to create a visual representation of your desired seating arrangement , illustrating the arrangement of tables, chairs, and any additional elements. With this tool, you can experiment with different seating configurations until you achieve the ideal layout for your wedding reception.

The seating scheme tool provides a systematic approach to planning your wedding seating arrangements. With this feature, you can organize and allocate guests to tables, ensuring a harmonious blend of relationships and preferences. The seating scheme tool offers flexibility and efficiency in creating a well-balanced and enjoyable seating plan for your special day.

Efficiently manage guest seating assignments with the seating assignment tool. This tool enables you to assign specific guests to designated seats or tables, ensuring a personalized and organized seating plan. With the seating assignment feature, you can effortlessly accommodate individual preferences, relationships, or any other criteria to create a memorable and enjoyable seating arrangement for your wedding guests.

The seating chart generator is a dynamic tool that effortlessly creates personalized seating charts for your wedding or event. With its intuitive interface, you can quickly input guest information, designate table layouts, and optimize seating arrangements. Whether you prefer traditional or unique seating styles, the seating chart generator allows you to experiment and refine until you achieve the perfect arrangement. Save time and eliminate stress as this powerful tool streamlines the seating planning process, ensuring a harmonious and enjoyable experience for your guests. Create a seamless seating chart with ease using the seating chart generator , and make your special occasion truly memorable.

A digital seating chart refers to a virtual or electronic representation of the seating arrangement for an event, such as a wedding, conference, or performance. Instead of using traditional paper charts or physical table layouts, a digital seating chart is created and managed using software or online tools.

Overall, a digital seating chart streamlines the process of planning and organizing seating arrangements, making it more flexible, efficient, and convenient for event organizers and attendees alike.

An electronic seating arrangement , also known as a digital seating plan or electronic seating chart, refers to the use of technology to create, manage, and organize the seating layout for events, gatherings, or venues. Instead of using traditional paper-based seating charts or physical diagrams, an electronic seating arrangement is created and manipulated using software, applications, or online tools.

Electronic seating arrangements are particularly useful for events with large numbers of attendees, such as weddings, conferences, banquets, and performances. They offer a modern and efficient way to manage seating logistics and enhance the overall event planning experience.

No sign-up needed!

If you don't want to create account, no problem. You can remain here and work in private mode.

Andy Hammond

Wedding expert and writer working for wedding industry

Uncover other relevant topics that are associated with the seating chart

The online Wedding Planning Assistant comprises a comprehensive collection of professional tools designed to assist you in independently organizing your celebration seating chart.

We offer an international wedding planner service , open to all. Soon we hope to make our software available in all languages, so far, we have created versions for these languages:

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5 Free Digital Wedding Seating Chart Templates to Simplify Planning

Organize your reception with these free resources.

table assignment for wedding

Photo by KT Merry

Between wrangling late RSVPs, finalizing your wedding-day timeline , and planning for any remaining wedding vendor payments, the final weeks counting down to your wedding date can feel like an obstacle course at times. One of the most important tasks to complete during this time is finalizing your guest list and composing your wedding reception seating chart . Trust us when we say this is one task you do not want to put off; after all, it usually takes a few tries to get the right mix of guests seated together. Following a wedding seating chart template is one of the best ways to simplify the process of getting your lists organized.

When working on your seating chart template, you'll be mixing friends from different social circles, immediate and extended family members from both of your families, and other guests that don't necessarily fit neatly into a category, such as close family friends and work colleagues. Some of your guests will be single, while others are coupled up or married. It's important to consider the potential for family tensions or drama, such as where to seat divorced parents , as well as where people are at the stages in their lives—seating newlyweds with a single friend who recently went through a major breakup might not be such a great match.

The bottom line is, of course , you want everyone to have an amazing time at your wedding day celebrations, and your reception layout is a big part of that equation. With so much riding on the outcome, we totally understand how working on your wedding seating chart template can be more than just a little nerve-racking.

Before you begin a wall full of color-coded Post-it Note chaos, know that there are some pretty fantastic and free digital seating chart tools out there that can help you streamline the process. These can allow you to move guests around from table to table with ease, and even design the space you're working with digitally based on specs from your venue. These digital wedding seating chart template options produce easily sharable results, ensuring everyone from your venue and vendors to key family members are on the same page.

Wedding planner Annie Lee advises couples to take into mind a few tips before working on their wedding seating chart templates. First, get a spreadsheet organized that you can work from. "When you put your guest list in a spreadsheet always put the first and last name in separate columns," she recommends. "When you have to alphabetize this list later and you have the entire extended Maguire family in attendance, you'll be so glad it's sortable."

Meet the Expert

Annie Lee is the principal planner of Daughter of Design and founder of

Lee also shares to remember the two most important guests on the list. "Don't forget to include yourselves," she says. "Couples always forget to add their names to the seating chart!" When you're finished, she advises to check your work. "Once your seating chart is complete, I always suggest making sure if you have 214 RSVPs that there are 214 seats assigned," Lee explains. "Can't tell you how many times two to three people were left off somehow!"

Ready to get started? Ahead, see five of our favorite digital wedding seating chart templates that won't require even a single cent of your wedding budget .


By using the drag-and-drop seating chart tool offered by WeddingWire , you can customize a seating plan and choose table shapes, as well as keep track of your RSVPs, all in one place. Plus, the site allows you to easily share your fancy new digital wedding seating chart template once it's complete. You can print, export, or email your floor plan to your venue (as well as your parents) so everyone is looped in on the arrangement. You can also find this tool in an app version for download in both the App Store and Google Play .

Wedding Planning Assistant

Courtesy of Wedding Planning Assistant

Want to properly visualize your wedding? Wedding Planning Assistant has a free seating chart tool that can help you plot out your seating chart within your reception layout. We love how you can easily customize the chart and gage where guests are relative to other tables and the dance floor.

When professional event planners, caterers, and other vendors will pay to use an online resource to draft seating charts for their events, you know it's a good one. Fortunately, AllSeated offers couples complimentary access to its online suite of tools, which includes a library of venues around the country. It's possible your actual venue is already available in their catalog, scaled to size and ready to go. All you need to do is import your guest list from Excel and assign tables based on your to-scale floor plan.

This tool can seem a little bit overwhelming at first, with countless options to choose from for table sizes and other additions to the room, but once you sit down and dive in, you'll find that it's easy enough to navigate to build the perfect seating chart. Once you've completed the seating plan for your reception, you can also utilize this tool for other wedding-related events such as your rehearsal dinner and day-after brunch using the same master list.

While Zola's seating chart tool isn't as robust as those offering the ability to click and drag tables, it certainly will help set you up for success. You'll need a free Zola account to start setting up your seating chart, but once you're all logged in, planning will be a breeze. Add in the number of tables you're planning and assign guests to each table. The tool will visually display them based on RSVPs, allowing you to filter out certain groups. Once your list is complete, you can download the finished chart in an Excel spreadsheet for easy access.

Style Me Pretty

For those of you that prefer working with a spreadsheet, Style Me Pretty has shared an excellent, color-coded seating chart template that you can save to Google Drive. It doesn't have drag and drop functionality, but it's extremely simple to use—especially for those who love Excel and Google Sheets.

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  • How to Create a Wedding Seating Chart

Don't let creating your wedding seating chart stress you out. Keep it simple with Zola's rundown of exactly how and where to place all of your wedding guests.

By Emily Forrest

outdoor wedding seating chart

The First Look ✨

  • A wedding table seating chart isn’t mandatory, but it can help you, your guests, and your catering staff maximize your reception venue space.
  • Consider your venue size and decide, based on your desired reception vibe and your guests, the type of tables you need and the floor map that best suits them.
  • Start your seating chart with the head table then seat your relatives, friends, coworkers, and others. Make sure you consider guests' relationships and personalities when you sketch your plans.

What's New: Table Numbers at Zola!

Shop Zola's latest addition to your full suite of day-of wedding paper— Table Numbers! Mix and match your favorite designs with your place cards , menus , and programs , and customize eveything from paper types, colors, fonts, shape, and style to create the ultimate personalized guest experience at your wedding reception.

Whether it's rustic , modern , or vintage , you can add a personal, diy touch to your wedding table, centerpieces, and table setting settings with unique wedding table numbers that stand out. Plus, Zola makes it easy to manage all your Day-of Paper , integrating details from your Guest List, RSPVs and Seating Chart seemlessly into your wedding planning process. Shop Zola's new table numbers today!

Where your guests will sit at your reception probably isn’t the first thing on your wedding planning checklist —and it doesn’t have to be. Once you receive those RSVPs , though, it’s time to start mapping out your wedding seating chart. Like lunch tables in high school, seating arrangements can carry a lot of weight. There are plenty of variables to consider, but making a chart for your wedding seating doesn’t need to be overwhelming—and can actually be fun. Here’s everything you need to know about your wedding table seating chart.

Why do I need a wedding table seating chart?

Well, you technically don’t. While open seating is always an option, many couples will create an assigned seating chart for their wedding. It’s traditional, sure, but a clear seating arrangement benefits everyone from the guests to the catering staff and helps you maximize your reception venue space . Assigned seats just tend to make things simpler. (You can always assign tables and let each guest choose their individual seat, too.)

Here are a few reasons to create wedding seating charts:

  • It ensures each table will be filled to its maximum capacity.
  • It makes it easy for servers to locate guests and provide them any previously requested meals or meal substitutes. (Some wedding venues may even require reception seating assignment for this reason.)
  • Wedding guests actually like to know where they’re sitting—it cuts confusion and any potential awkwardness.

How do I even begin making a guest list seating chart?

Before you even think about each wedding guest and their needs, first you need to consider the size of the space and of your tables. The size and shape of the tables will tell you how many guests can sit at each table. Wedding tables come in four basic shapes: round, rectangle, oval, and square, which should be discussed during the wedding planning process.

Square and rectangular tables make it easier for guests to chat across the table and next to one another. You can also typically fit more of these shapes into the space. Round tables, on the other hand, provide guests more legroom. These tables also may make your job easier as you’ll only need to pay attention to who’s sitting directly next to one another.

Once you choose your tables, map them out in the space, and know how many each will hold, then it’s time to start filling in your wedding seating chart with your guest names list.

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How To Make Wedding Seating Charts

Now the fun begins. Whether your wedding venue is big or small, organizing your wedding guests into tables comes with a number of considerations. So, before you start making your name cards, consider these factors. Here are some things to think about as you create your wedding seating plan.

1. Start with the head table.

It’s a good idea to seat the two of you first at your wedding table. Decide if you want to sit at a traditional head table made up of your wedding party or if you would prefer to sit together as a couple at your own private sweetheart table.

Traditionally, a head wedding table is long and straight. The couple sits in the center and the wedding party (and sometimes their dates) fills in the rest. If you go the sweetheart table route, you can place the wedding party at one or two other tables nearby. It’s up to you, but be sure to place yourselves first.

2. Place your parents and grandparents.

Next, it’s a good idea to figure out where your parents and grandparents will sit. If they’re not sitting with you (some couples will include their parents at the head table), be sure to keep them close. It’s common for both sets of parents to share a table at the reception so they can bond and bask in their children’s newly wedded glow. This table will also typically include both sets of grandparents and any siblings that aren’t in the wedding party.

In the case of divorced parents, things can feel a little more sensitive. You likely know the situation best so proceed with care. If things between your parents are comfortable—meaning, they can spend quality time together without any palpable tension—you may feel fine placing them together at a table.

If things are a little more strained, be sensitive. Consider letting each parent host their own table (if space allows) of close family and friends. Be sure to keep these tables equally close to yours so everyone feels included. Depending on each family’s situation, this could mean potentially four parents’ tables. If you feel unsure, talk to your parents. They most likely want what's best for you and will do what it takes to help you figure out a solution that works for everyone.

3. Figure out your family and close friends.

Once the key players and planners involved in your wedding are situated, it’s time to move on to your extended family and friends. Barring any significant unrest, your family should be pretty easy to place. Traditionally extended family members sit together with their immediate family members. So, your aunt will sit with her partner and their children, grandchildren, etc. Each family group can cover a full table or, depending on family size, you can, of course, combine families into one table.

It’s more common to place members of your respective families together, but feel free to mix it up if you want. Why not set one of your extended family groups with one of your partner’s? You’re all family now after all.

You know the saying “keep your friends close.” Well, that same sentiment works at your wedding. Simply put, sit your close friends together—and definitely mix them in with your partner’s BFFs, too. More likely than not, many of your friends already know each other and are eager to reunite to celebrate your fresh union.

4. Categorize the rest of your guests by groups.

Beyond your family and best friends, weddings also usually include other attendees from the various parts of your life. This mix is a little more random and, therefore, can be a bit more challenging to place in your wedding seating chart. The easiest way to handle the last handful of guests is to separate them by groups. For example, these wedding guests may fall into the following categories:

  • Your boss and colleagues
  • Your parents’ friends
  • High school friends

When seating your remaining guests, it’s nice to consider things like backgrounds, personalities, and interests. Many of these people will end up at tables together so it’s best to always take a moment to think about who could really mesh well together. Here's how we recommend handling each of these groups.

Boss and Colleagues

This group is totally dependent on your relationship with your boss and coworkers. It’s also important to consider your coworkers' relationship with your boss—they may or may not want to spend the night sitting next to their daily manager or colleague. Hopefully, though, if you invited people from your work life, you did so because you know they’ll have a fun time together and with the rest of your wedding guests.

If that’s not the case, you can seat your coworkers with a group of your close friends or high school friends. You can place your boss with a group of your parents’ friends or even with members of your extended family, depending on how the tables work out.

Parents’ Friends

Instead of stressing over this as a couple, let your parents take the reigns here—they’ll be happy to be involved. Trust us. They may even invite some of their closest friends to join them at their table. Either way, they’ll be the best judge of where to seat and how to group their attendees.

Additionally, you should also include your parents in any decisions about placing non-family members at family tables. If there are seats to fill at tables with your families, they’ll likely have an opinion about who should fill those places.

High School Friends

Depending on how many high school friends you invite to your wedding, they may take up a table of their own or you can likely combine forces with your partners’ friends from back in the day. However, if you don’t have enough old friends in attendance, find seats for them at tables with your college friends or even your coworkers. As always, consider personalities and interests. Presumably, though, anyone you put on your wedding guest list is there to celebrate you and your new spouse so there shouldn’t be any weirdness regardless of their setting assignment.

This group can go a number of ways. Typically, the vendors you'll include and feed at your reception include the DJ or band, your photographer(s) , and your wedding planner. Depending on your relationship with any other vendors, though, that could increase. If your wedding florist is a family friend, for example, you’ll, of course, include him or her, too.

In the case of vendors who don’t qualify as family friends, it’s best to simply ask each vendor what they would prefer. Many DJs will eat at their station because they usually play music during the cocktail hour and dinner. Similarly, wedding photographers are still on the clock. They may also prefer to grab a plate and eat somewhere quickly before getting back to work.

However, if you have a group of vendors that you would like to include in your wedding seating chart, offer them a table. If you are tight on space and need to fill in remaining seats, seat some friends or colleagues with them. Maybe you have a friend with an interest in photography or floral design—he or she could enjoy discussing these crafts with the experts behind your big day.

If you choose to include children at your wedding reception—and many people do—it’s best to consult your parents and the kids’ parents. These kids are likely your cousins so you can sit them with their parents at family tables. Alternatively, if you have a large number of kids in attendance, consider setting up a designated kids’ table. Have some crafts or activities at each place to keep everyone occupied.

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Wedding Seating Chart Etiquette

As you plan your wedding seating chart, there are a few considerations to keep in mind while you’re placing all of your guests for your wedding day.

Think about past relationships and histories.

There will undoubtedly be a few wedding guests that share some kind of tense history—exes or old frenemies or even family members who don’t get along. Stay cognizant of these past relationships and be considerate when making your seating plan. Yes, it’s your day, but don’t throw people together who really don’t mesh. It will only create an awkwardness that you don’t want at your reception.

Avoid the singles’ table.

It’s tempting to throw single guests into a table with the hopes that they’ll mingle and maybe even match up throughout the night. However, try to skip the singles’ table altogether. It could be embarrassing for your guests once they realize where they landed on your wedding seating chart. Similarly, don’t place your unmarried friend at a table of married couples. Try to use your best judgment and make everyone feel comfortable.

Consider personalities and interests.

We touched on this before, but keep your guests’ personalities and interests top of mind as you create your wedding seating chart . Don’t sit your more subdued coworkers with your rowdy college friends, for example. It might take some more thought and a few last-minute shuffles to really accommodate all of your wedding guests, but, again, it’s all in the name of a stress-free and fun reception.

Ultimately, your wedding seating chart should create a fun and comfortable atmosphere. Don’t let the seating plan drive you crazy, though. This is your celebration, and your wedding guests will treat it as such, regardless.

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  • Wedding Vendor Checklist
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A Practical Wedding: Wedding Planning, Inspiration, and Ideas

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How To Make A Wedding Seating Chart With Minimal Tears

Like Tetris, but with emotions

Colorful seating chart made with brightly colored rubber bands

T he wedding seating chart is one of those last-minute parts of planning that can surprise you with how hard (and time consuming) it is. So I’m here to give you all of the information you need to make creating your seating chart as easy (and tear-free) as possible.

seating chart graphic

You can’t move the seating chart to the top of your planning checklist : by nature, they have to be made at the end of the process, after your RSVPs have come in. And you and your partner have to be the ones to do it—not your planner (sorry), sister, or best friend. Also, egalitarian wedding alert: it’s painful to try and do this solo, so make sure you and your partner set aside time to work through this task together.

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Before I jump into specifics, I do want to point out that you don’t have to make a seating chart at all. You don’t even need to have enough tables for everyone. But consider the style of food service: if you’re serving anything that requires utensils, you want each one of your guests to have a seat at a table. I recommend assigning tables at the very least to avoid cafeteria-behavior: guests saving seats for all of their friends, guests who’ve come alone having to sit with strangers that they have nothing in common with, or couples having to split up due to space constraints. Spare everyone the awkwardness and plan out your tables.

Tips And Tricks For Creating A Wedding Seating Chart

What if I can’t fit all thirteen of my college friends at a table?

At most weddings, guests don’t spend much more than ninety minutes seated at their tables. At many weddings, those ninety minutes aren’t consecutive. Keep this in mind! You don’t have to make sure that everyone in each friend group is within a foot of one another, because they won’t be apart for very long (plus, they are adults). Although, if you’re keeping guests seated for six-courses that’ll take hours to get through, you may want to be a little more thoughtful here. In this scenario, it’s also worth giving guests who won’t know anyone a plus one to keep them company.

Place cards? Escort cards? Seating charts? What is all this?

If you’re going to assign seats or tables, you’ll need some combination of place cards, escort cards, and a seating chart. Here’s the difference:

  • Place cards mark each guest’s assigned seat. (How to remember it: they’re at each place .)
  • Escort cards tell guests their assigned table, and assigned seat if applicable. (How to remember it: they escort guests to their seats.)
  • Seating charts are essentially big posters that list every guest’s name along with their table assignment. Check out my favorite seating chart DIY here !

As always, you can choose whatever works best for your wedding. As you’ve probably noticed at weddings and on Pinterest, you don’t have to use actual cards for what are referred to as place and escort cards. You can use anything with the guests name and table number on it. So if you want to get creative, think about what your guests might like (if your partner’s family doesn’t drink, champagne glasses may not be the best choice here). Seating charts give tons of room for creativity, too, but make sure it’s large and posted high enough to see from a reasonable distance. Also, I’ve seen this done before and would advise against listing assigned seats on a seating chart. It’s confusing and your guests will most definitely forget their seat numbers by the time cocktail hour ends. If you want to assign seats, you can have place cards at the assigned table.

Where do we sit?

Listen to me: you do not need to have a sweetheart table. Whenever a couple tells me they don’t want to sit at their own table for two, they look like they’re telling me they didn’t do their homework. It’s okay! It’s your party! Sweetheart tables are great if you have a complicated family situation, and you sitting with one group versus another group is going to cause drama. They’re also great if one or both of you is an introvert and doesn’t want forced interaction during a meal. But beyond that, sit yourself with people you like.

Since more and more couples are going with long tables these days, I think a banquet-style head table with your immediate family and wedding party plus their dates is a fun option. You can also sit with just your parents, or just your wedding party and their dates. If you’re doing this, it’s ideal to put yourselves in the center of the room rather than at one end. You don’t want any of your guests to feel like they’re in the cheap seats.

Can I put thirteen people at a 60-inch round? It’s just one more person.

Before you start finalizing table assignments, make sure you have a good understanding of how many guests you can fit at each table on your floor plan. If you’re doing this thing more or less on your own, Meg covers things like “How many people can fit at this size table,” and “How far apart do my tables need to be so people can actually walk between them,” in the APW planner . But if you have a planner or caterer, ask for help: we can tell you, without any doubt, exactly how many guests you can fit at each table comfortably. We can also tell you how many will fit uncomfortably, or will look sad and unbalanced. Keep in mind that although it may seem like “just one more person,” at a certain point you cannot fit any more chairs around the table. Don’t make this mistake, because it is a tough one to fix once you’re setting up, and could even require an additional table (which, depending on circumstances, could be hard to get). Some examples are below:

For a 60-inch round, eight at a table is the sweet spot.

a table showing place settings for 8 persons

Ten is the absolute max, and is honestly a little bit tight. Look how close those place settings are to one another!

a table showing place settings for 10 persons

Six feels like you couldn’t fit these guests into other tables, so you just tossed them all together. Too much breathing room.

a table showing place settings for 6 persons

(For a 72-inch round, these same rules apply plus two: ten is ideal, twelve is tight, eight feels sparse.)

For a 6-foot-long rectangular table (which is usually considered standard), seating for six works best.

a rectangular table showing no endcap

You can increase that number to eight if you add endcaps, which is a seat at each end. I’d recommend adding both or neither here, to avoid having the single endcap feel like the “head” of the table.

a rectangular table showing an endcap seat

(For an 8-foot-long rectangle, you can seat eight before adding endcaps.)

And don’t forget to leave enough space between tables! A good minimum amount of distance between each table is 60 inches if you’re using rounds (add about 6 inches more for rectangles), but I like more space than that to allow wait staff and guests to move comfortably through the room. You’ll want half as much space between a table and a wall. No squeezing!

photo showing the distance of 60 inches between tables

OKay, we’re ready To Make A Seating Chart, Now What?

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I’m a systems and tech nerd. And there are lots of great tools out there, but I still think the best way to nail down seating is with a pen and paper. Index cards and sticky tabs are probably in your house somewhere, and that makes you fully prepared to take this on. Use the index cards to represent tables (write yourself a note for how many guests you can allocate to each one), then cut up sticky notes and label each one with a guest’s name. This allows you to move people around easily until it all feels right, like the perfect people puzzle.

index cards with names for the reception seating chart on small post-it flags

Once you have everyone sorted, I do recommend that you add this information to a spreadsheet (hello, master guest list sheet !) at the very least. If you’re doing assigned seating (not just tables) especially, your caterer is going to need this information. It’s also helpful to label seat numbers on your floor plan if you want seat number one at each table to be facing a certain direction, to be absolutely sure that whoever does lay the place cards gets it right.

Keep in mind as you do this that your guests will generally try to behave themselves. Being seated at a table with someone that you don’t have the warmest relationship with does not ruin a wedding! And you’ll know if you have particular guests who are likely to throw fits, or just cannot be seated with each other. For those folks, chose their table assignments carefully. Everyone else, though, will be more than fine. With that much joy in the room (and an open bar), it’s hard to be sour about a boring table.

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Allison Davis


Allison  Davis is the founder of Davis Row , a creative wedding and event planning company.  Allison  approaches everything with a friendly-yet-calm demeanor, quick sense of humor, and sometimes-overwhelming empathy. She lives in New York City, where she has produced weddings and events for the past five years.

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Wedding Seating Chart

10% off wedding*, 25% off save the dates. Code: WEDTEN , ends Thu 6/27. View all offers

Seating Charts

Designed by independent artists.

Estate Seating Charts

by Rebecca Durflinger

Wildflower Wreath Seating Charts

by Grace Kreinbrink

Mountaintop Seating Charts

by Peggy Jackson

San Diego, CA

Romantic Frame Seating Charts

by Annie Mertlich

Salt Lake City, UT

The Forest Seating Charts

by Elly Liyana

Singapore, Singapore

Sweeping Vine Seating Charts

by Christy Bergerson

Buckley, WA

Soft Arch Seating Charts

by Erica Krystek

Nouveau Flowers Seating Charts

by Ana De Sousa

Madeira, Portugal

Everly Seating Charts

by Kristie Kern

Lush Seating Charts

by Susan Moyal

Toronto, Canada

Farm And Field Seating Charts

by Jennifer Postorino

Scottsdale, AZ

Checker Wash Seating Charts

by Baumbirdy

Chicago, IL

Peaks Seating Charts

by Sarah Brown

Saint Joseph, MI

Memo Seating Charts

by Jessie Renee

Brisbane, Australia

Romantic Wreath Seating Charts

by Jessica Corliss

Iowa City, IA

Together Seating Charts

by Daisy Rizzo

Plainwell, MI

Grace Seating Charts

by Leah Bisch

Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA

Great Outdoors Seating Charts

by Petra Kern

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Reflection Seating Charts

by Kristy Kapturowski

Buffalo, NY

Over the Mountains Seating Charts

by Helen Halik

Tula, Russia

Poetique Seating Charts

by Kate Ahn

Luster Seating Charts

by Stacey Meacham

Greenville, SC

Arcadia Seating Charts

by Jennifer Wick

Harrisburg, PA

Oponki Seating Charts

by Gerrie Magnani

Prague, Czech Republic

Surface Seating Charts

by Amy Payne

Olympia, WA

Terrazzo Fram Seating Charts

by Amy Kross

Birmingham, AL

Vining Seating Charts

by Melinda Denison

Atlanta, GA

Floral Type Arch Seating Charts

by Joann Jinks

Sacramento, CA

Lovely Seating Charts

by Heidi Vanwinkle-Symmes

Portland, OR

At Sea Seating Charts

by Nicoletta Savod

Long Island, NY

Classic Love Seating Charts

by Lori Wemple

Huntersville, NC

Finally Seating Charts

by Julie O’Leary Green

Rochester, NY

Every Single Dawn With You Seating Charts

by Catherine Everett

Happiness Seating Charts

by Shannon Chen

Taipei, Taiwan

Tropical Oasis Seating Charts

by Joanna Griffin

Lund, Sweden

Retro Grid Seating Charts

by Simona Camp

Initial Seating Charts

by Laura Hankins

Chesterfield, MO

At Last Seating Charts

by Susan Asbill

Someone Like You Seating Charts

by Dijain Lien

Botanical Arches Seating Charts

by Kelly Schmidt

Vancouver, Canada

Blend Seating Charts

by Sarah Lenger

Layered Seating Charts

by Nikkol Christiansen

Classy Type Seating Charts

by Kimberly Fitzsimons

Funky Names Seating Charts

by Phrosne Ras

Cape Town, South Africa

Galeria Seating Charts

by Sweta Modi

Mumbai, India

Succulent Surround Seating Charts

by Chris Griffith

Greensboro, GA

Autumn Vows Seating Charts

by Cécile Kotsch

Offenbach, Germany

Garden Lights Seating Charts

by Kaydi Bishop

Collierville, TN

Natures Greens Seating Charts

by Bethan Lumb

Edinburgh, UK

Chic Gala Seating Charts

by Chryssi Tsoupanarias

Montreal, Canada

Vines of Green Seating Charts

by Rachel Nanfelt

Seattle, WA

Floral Burst Seating Charts

by Morgan Ramberg

Nolita Seating Charts

by Annie Clark

San Francisco, CA

Maya Rustica Seating Charts

by Lynn Knipe

Encinitas, CA

Kenai Seating Charts

by Carly Reed Walker

Richmond, VA

Fresh Sage Seating Charts

by Christie Kelly

The Woodlands, TX

Cascading Florals Seating Charts

by Jillian Palleschi

Verdure Seating Charts

by Oanh Tran

Zurich, Switzerland

Gilded Eucalyptus Seating Charts

by Lissabeth Anglin

Lubbock, TX


How to make a wedding seating chart? Based on your RSVP list and floor plan, assign guests to tables based on family, family, friends, or other groups of guests that you want to sit together. Once you have assigned guests to tables, you can start assigning seats. Personalize Minted's wedding seating chart template to reflect yours. For further guidance, you can read Minted’s helpful guide on creating a seating chart .

How should I organize the chart for an easy read? There are 2 ways to do this:

  • By Table Number: List guest names alphabetically by last name under each table assignment.
  • Alphabetical by Name: List every wedding guest in alphabetically by last name. Next to each guest’s name you can list their table assignment. This is recommended if you have guests more than 80 people.

What is the size of a wedding seating chart? Minted offers two sizes of weddings eating charts: 16” x 20” and 18” x 24”. Choose based on your space and the number of guests.

Where should I display the seating chart? Consider the entry area to the dining area or the welcome table where gifts and the guestbook are located. High visibility areas are your best bet. Using an easel is a classy and simple solution. You may also consider framing it or hanging it with ribbon.


For wedding planning veterans, it is a well-known fact that organizing a wedding seating chart can be a challenge. It is typically finalized weeks leading up to the wedding as the final RSVPs come in and table assignments are shuffled around to accommodate confirmed guests. There are countless ways to create your seating arrangements, such as grouping guests that have similar friends, live in similar areas, or maintain similar ages. There is also the added pressure of how you decide who sits at table 1 and how immediate family members should be grouped.

We understand that creating your wedding table seating can be overwhelming, no matter how you decide to organize the dining arrangements at your reception. Once your game plan is finalized, Minted is here to help ensure your layout is clearly communicated in a design-forward way so every guest can find their seat with ease. With over 40 original seating chart designs to choose from, you are sure to find one that speaks to the theme of your wedding, whether it’s modern, beachy , classic, vintage , rustic , bohemian, or otherwise.


There are two traditional ways to alert guests of their seating arrangements. Each of Minted’s wedding seating chart poster designs can feature either organizational option. If you’re looking for the pros and cons of both, review our helpful guide to creating a seating chart .

  • By Table Number: Your seating board can opt to be organized by table numbers, listing guest names alphabetically by last name under each table assignment. This allows guests to quickly see all the people sitting at each table and who may be near them.
  • Alphabetical by Name: This option simply lists every wedding guest in alphabetical order. Next to each guest’s name you can list their table assignment. It is recommended that you list alphabetically by the last name.


Weddings are personal, and there is no reason why your wedding seating chart design can’t reflect your personal tastes and style. In addition to style, we allow you to order as many signs as you need to accommodate your guest list size. Depending on where you opt to display your signage, customize the size to be either 16” x 20” or 18” x 24” to best fit your space. Additional customization features include easily manipulating the color theme to correspond with your wedding look.

Complete your personalization using our online tools, allowing you to save time and money in lieu of hiring a graphic designer or calligrapher. When completing your order, select between two luxe paper stocks. Our Signature option is our classic cotton-texture offering Minted customers have grown to love over the years. Upgrade to our DoubleThick option if looking for a sturdy and durable material that can better withstand outdoor elements. Finish off the presentation by selecting either square edges or rounded edges.


Minted’s designs are created by artists from over 50 states and 100 countries. Because our artists have such different backgrounds and perspectives, our themes and looks are broad and range from rustic to tropical to floral, and everything in between. Our wide and continually refreshed assortment ensures you’ll have a one-of-a-kind look for your wedding, as each seating poster design is exclusive to Minted. Not only do the themes differ greatly, but so do the art mediums and techniques used to create them. Shop clever creations made from watercolor, graphic art, typography, and more. Find a sign that matches other wedding stationery you have ordered such as your wedding invitations or place cards . We also have a wide variety of wedding signs so you can broadcast cohesive information to your guests throughout your venue.

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The Bridal Tip

Wedding Table Assignments Made Easy

So, you’re getting married! Congratulations! As you start planning your dream wedding, one crucial aspect to consider is table assignments. Properly organizing your guests can elevate the entire event and ensure a seamless experience for everyone involved. In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating effective table assignments and provide tips and resources to make it a breeze.

Importance of Table Assignments for a Smooth Wedding Experience

Table assignments play a significant role in creating a harmonious atmosphere at your wedding. By strategically placing guests together, you can foster connections and ensure a pleasant time for all. Proper seating arrangements also minimize confusion and help your guests quickly find their place, leading to a smoother flow of events.

Factors to Consider When Creating Table Assignments

When organizing your table assignments, several key factors come into play. First and foremost, consider the relationships and dynamics among your guests. If your aim is to spark lively conversations and encourage mingling, consider seating people with similar interests and backgrounds together. On the other hand, if you anticipate potential conflicts or prefer to keep certain groups separate, be mindful of those dynamics.

Additionally, take into account any special needs or preferences your guests may have. Some guests may require accessible seating or have dietary restrictions. Ensuring their comfort and satisfaction is crucial to guaranteeing a memorable experience for everyone.

The layout and logistics of your venue also influence table assignments. Familiarize yourself with the space and plan accordingly. Consider table sizes, the proximity of key areas (such as the dance floor or buffet), and any potential obstructions. This will help you create a practical and efficient seating plan.

Tips for Creating Effective Table Assignments

Now that you understand the factors to consider, let’s delve into some practical tips for creating effective table assignments:

Start Early and Gather Necessary Information

Begin working on your table assignments as early as possible. This allows ample time to collect accurate RSVPs and get a clear picture of your guest count. Create a spreadsheet to organize guest information, including meal preferences and any special requests.

Use a Flexible Seating Plan

Opt for a flexible seating plan that allows adjustments as RSVPs come in. Consider using movable place cards or a digital seating chart that can be easily updated. This flexibility ensures you can accommodate any last-minute changes or unexpected guests while maintaining a smooth and organized seating arrangement.

Group Guests Thoughtfully

Think strategically when grouping guests at each table. Aim for a balance of personalities and interests, mixing family and friends, and facilitating meaningful interactions. Avoid creating cliques or awkward dynamics by taking guest preferences into account.

Consider Guest Clusters and Interests

If you have a large number of guests from a particular social circle, consider creating tables specifically for them. This allows for a more comfortable and enjoyable experience as guests already know each other. You can also create tables based on shared interests, such as a table for avid travelers or music enthusiasts.

Tools and Resources for Organizing Table Assignments

Fortunately, numerous tools and resources are available to simplify the process of organizing table assignments:

Online Seating Chart Generators

Websites and apps like AllSeated and WeddingWire offer online tools that allow you to visualize and manage your seating plan digitally. These platforms often include features such as guest RSVP tracking and customizable floor plans.

Wedding Planner Apps and Software

Utilize wedding planner apps like WeddingHappy or software like Microsoft Excel to keep track of guest information and seating arrangements. These tools offer convenient templates and organization features that streamline the process.

Traditional Manual Methods

If you prefer a more hands-on approach, traditional manual methods still work wonders. Use index cards, a large poster board, or a physical seating chart to create and modify your table assignments.

Common Challenges in Creating Table Assignments and How to Overcome Them

While creating table assignments, you may encounter a few challenges that can be easily overcome with the right strategies:

Last-minute Changes and RSVP Updates

Keep communication channels open with your guests, allowing them to update their RSVPs or notify you of any changes. Having a flexible seating plan in place will help you quickly adapt to these last-minute adjustments.

Conflicting Guest Requests or Preferences

If conflicting guest requests arise, consider diplomatic compromises that ensure the overall cohesion and happiness of all attendees. Openly communicate with those involved to find mutually satisfactory solutions.

Balancing Table Sizes and Seat Assignments

Ensure an even distribution of guests across tables by considering both the number of guests per table and their seating preferences. Avoid overcrowding or leaving some tables sparsely occupied.

Creative and Fun Table Assignment Ideas

Make your table assignments memorable with these creative and fun ideas:

Unique Table Names and Themes

Instead of traditional table numbers, use creative table names that reflect your personality as a couple. Themes like favorite travel destinations, books, or movies can serve as exciting conversation starters.

Interactive and Engaging Table Assignments

Add an interactive element to your table assignments. Set up a photo booth with personalized name cards, or include small games or conversation prompts at each table to foster interaction among guests.

Personalized Place Cards and Displays

Leave a lasting impression by creating unique and personalized place cards. Incorporate elements that reflect your wedding theme or incorporate personal details, such as photos or handwritten notes.

Etiquette for Communicating Table Assignments to Guests

Effectively communicating table assignments to your guests is essential for a smooth and stress-free experience:

The Role of Wedding Invitations and RSVP Cards

Include a separate card or section in your wedding invitation suite that clearly communicates the details of the table assignments. If using online tools, provide instructions for accessing the seating chart and any necessary login credentials.

Providing Clear Instructions and Information

Ensure that your guests understand where and how to find their table assignment information. Include clear instructions in your invitation, such as directing them to a specific table display or online platform.

Handling Guest Inquiries and Special Requests

Be prepared to respond to guest inquiries regarding table assignments promptly. Be understanding and accommodating of reasonable special requests while still maintaining the overall integrity of your seating plan.

Final Thoughts on Making Table Assignments a Success at Your Wedding

Creating well-thought-out table assignments sets the stage for an unforgettable wedding experience. Remember to take guest dynamics, preferences, and venue logistics into consideration. Utilize the various tools and resources available to simplify the process, and don’t be afraid to get creative with your table names and displays. Communicate the assignments clearly to your guests and handle any inquiries with grace. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to creating a memorable and harmonious wedding celebration.

Table assignments at weddings are important for creating a smooth and enjoyable experience for both you and your guests. By considering guest relationships, preferences, and venue logistics, you can create effective table assignments that promote conversation and ensure a memorable event. Use available tools and resources to simplify the process and overcome any challenges that may arise. Incorporate creative and fun ideas, and communicate the assignments clearly to your guests. With these tips, your wedding table assignments will be a hit!

Photo of author

Jessica Rankin

table assignment for wedding

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36 Unique Wedding Seating Chart Ideas We’re Obsessing Over

woman in a fringe jacket and floral gown standing in front of a sage green unique seating chart ideas for a boho outdoor wedding surrounded by cacti

As the first thing your guests will see as they make their way to the reception, your wedding seating chart is kind of a big deal — and we’ve rounded up the best ideas to make it pop! This is your chance to set the tone for the rest of the evening, so why not make it count? From one-of-a-kind boho boards to edible escort card displays, these are the best wedding seating chart ideas to help you kickstart the party and welcome your favorite people in style!

But before we get into the rad ideas, we’re here to answer a few of your most burning seating chart questions. So take a seat , and let’s get started!

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Is Having a Wedding Seating Chart Even Necessary?

couple standing in front of their unique wedding seating chart ideas inspired by a bookshelf for a rustic outdoor wedding with text above the names reading "every love story is beautiful but ours is my favorite"

While having a wedding seating chart isn’t necessary, it can be a real life-saver, especially for large weddings. Seating charts keep your guests in the know and help them feel more comfortable as they make their way to the reception. This way, there’s no stress about finding a seat — and your guests won’t be wandering around aimlessly as the party begins.

Plus, wedding seating charts give you the chance to strategically place guests who know each other or who have similar interests next to each other. Think about it: you wouldn’t want your great aunt sitting awkwardly next to your college buddies all night, amiright?!

On a more practical level, seating charts are also essential if you’re serving plated meals rather than a buffet at your wedding. This is especially true if you have guests with specific dietary requirements, as a seating chart will help the catering staff identify who needs what meal. The same goes for guests who need other special accommodations, such as individuals with disabilities who need to be seated in an accessible space.

At the end of the day, you want your reception to be as inclusive and inviting as possible, and wedding seating charts are one of the best ideas for doing just that!

How much should you expect to spend on a wedding seating chart?

colorful hanging fringe unique wedding seating chart ideas in bold sunset inspired hues

How much you spend on a wedding seating chart will ultimately depend on the display’s size, design, and who is creating it. You can expect to spend anywhere from $50 for something simple to over $500 for a complex custom design.

If you’re hiring a calligrapher or getting your seating chart custom-made, you should budget a little extra for these services. But if you’re not looking to splurge on your wedding seating chart, there are also plenty of budget-friendly ideas that still make a statement!

For example, places like Etsy and Minted have a great collection of escort card and seating chart templates and ideas that you can customize to fit your style and display board. You can also think out of the box (literally!) and forgo the typical sign for unique escort card ideas instead, like a wildflower with each guest’s name and table number attached.

And of course, there’s always the DIY route! We’ve included tons of rad wedding seating chart ideas and escort card displays down below that you can recreate at home with the help of your craftiest friends and family.

The Best Places to Buy Wedding Seating Charts

elegant modern black arch-shaped wedding seating chart ideas with white text sitting on the floor surrounded by candles and flowers

Need some ideas for where to buy a unique and elegant wedding seating chart? Here are our top 3 places to find your perfect display!

  • Etsy : If you’re on the hunt for unique (and affordable) wedding seating chart ideas, Etsy is where it’s at. They feature dozens of designers and small businesses who will create your dream display — or provide you with the perfect template to create it yourself! Etsy also has other great ideas to bring your seating chart to life, such as elegant sign holders and unique escort cards.
  • Minted : When it comes to wedding stationery, Minted reigns supreme. And their wedding seating chart and escort card templates and ideas are no exception! Choose from multiple different templates , all designed by independent artists, and fully customize the size, colors, and fonts to make it your own. There’s truly something for every wedding style!
  • Your wedding planner or coordinator: If you’ve hired a wedding planner or coordinator, they may include the creation and execution of your seating chart as part of their services. Be sure to reach out to discuss design options and get their ideas for how to create your perfect wedding seating chart or escort card display.

How to Display a Seating Chart at a Wedding – Our Best Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

minimalist modern black and white elegant wedding seating chart ideas on a flower adorned easel

When it comes to wedding seating charts, there’s no one size fits all approach, and we’ve found some amazing ideas for how make this décor your own.

From fun and unique escort card displays to elegant and modern sign ideas, these are the wedding seating charts we can’t stop thinking about. Keep scrolling for our faves!

Creative and Unique Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

unique wedding seating chart ideas featuring creative matchbook escort cards attached to small square frames and verbiage that says "let us match you to your seat"

So you don’t want the same old wedding welcome sign that you’ve seen all over your Pinterest board….we feel you. That’s where these unique wedding seating chart ideas come in!

Here at GWS, we love seeing couples ditch tradition to do something unique and personal on the big day. We believe that the best wedding seating chart ideas are the ones that reflect your one-of-a-kind relationship and show off a little piece of your personality.

So whether you’re both book lovers or you’re tying the knot on the tropical island where you first met, we’ve rounded up the most creative and unique seating chart ideas for your one-of-a-kind wedding day — including a few rad escort card ideas!

1. Unique Vinyl Record Wedding Seating Chart Ideas for Music Lovers

creative music festival inspired unique wedding seating chart ideas with names on vinyl records for each table

photo: Love is Wedding Video & Photo | seating chart: Wildhouse Ink | planning + design: Gabriel Pilar Events

Want your wedding reception to feel like the ultimate music festival? Give your décor a “Loveapalooza” makeover with this rad vinyl record seating chart!

This is one of our favorite unique wedding seating chart ideas for music lovers or anyone planning a fun retro reception. We also love how the couple swapped basic table numbers for names of their favorite musicians — such a great conversation-starter!

2. Unique Limoncello-Inspired Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

limoncello inspired unique wedding seating chart ideas for a rustic wedding

photo: Marissa Nicole photography | event design + planning: Cali Curated | florals: Wild Greenery , as seen in this chic Tuscany-inspired wedding

Even if you’re not taking the long-haul flight overseas, you can still make your wedding feel like a Tuscan dream with this unique seating chart idea! In addition to the chic wood table cards, this display features a little glass bottle of limoncello for each guest.

If you’re looking for ideas to make your wedding seating chart stand out, it doesn’t get better (or more delicious!) than this. Plus, you can swap out the limoncello for any drink that fits your wedding theme, like tequila for a Cabo wedding or wine for a vineyard reception!

3. Creative Wedding Seating Chart Ideas for Book Lovers

creative library-inspired unique wedding seating chart for a rustic outdoor wedding with custom named book escort cards

photo: Juliana Aragon | planning + design: Jenn Robird Events | florals: Wilderland Studio | signage: Shimmer and Stain

Book lovers, prepare to fall head over heels in love with this book-themed seating chart display! Each book features a guest’s name and table number, kind of like a little library of your loved ones.

This seating chart would be SO cute if you and your partner are both writers or first bonded over your favorite books! We’re big fans of wedding seating chart ideas that showcase a bit of your personality or love story, and this is the cutest example.

Add a romantic touch with some tapered candles and gold candle holders . It’s like a romance novel come to life!

4. Party-Ready Unique Wedding Seating Chart Ideas With Disco Ball Escort Cards

elegant black unique wedding seating chart ideas with a disco ball escort card display and an arrangement of white flowers surrounding

photo: Alicia Mink | planning + design: A Good Affair | florals: Alina Fiore

We’re here for ALL the disco ball décor ideas, and this unique wedding seating chart is no exception! We love how elegant the large black display wall is, and how fun are those party-ready disco ball escort card ideas?!

It’s sparkly, it’s glamorous, and it’s definitely getting us in the party spirit! Pair your disco ball ornaments with larger disco balls (and some pretty flowers) for maximum shimmer and shine.

5. Unique Custom Cocktail Escort Card Ideas

creative wedding seating chart ideas where the attendee names and table info are printed on top of cocktails in coupe glasses with edible escort cards

photo: Leah Marie Photography | edible topper: Bee Box Design Studio | planning: Michelle Garibay Events | cocktails: Colette’s Catering

A glass of bubbly is mandatory for wedding receptions, and this seating chart gets the party started early! Your guests will love sipping from their gold-rimmed coupe glasses as they make their way to their seats and get to know their neighbors.

Plus, escort cards are the best unique wedding seating chart ideas if you don’t love the look of a traditional sign — plus it’ll save you some money on signage! And yes, those custom toppers are edible, for the perfect no-waste escort card display.

6. Tropical Wedding Seating Chart Ideas With Unique Coconut Escort Cards

tropical unique wedding seating chart ideas with a creative coconut water escort card display on a gold metal shelf

photo:  Jana Williams Photography  | design:  RO & Co. Events   | paper goods + signage: Prim & Pixie , as seen in this modern Palm Springs wedding

Speaking of escort card ideas….how cute is this coconut water escort card display?! It’s one of the best unique seating chart ideas for a tropical wedding. I mean, who wouldn’t love a refreshing coconut water (served out of an actual coconut) after a day of soaking up the sun?!

The mini escort cards also look super cute hung around the reusable gold straws — which perfectly match the glamorous gold shelves ! It’s the ultimate mix of fun and functional.

7. Unique Wedding Seating Chart Ideas With Fun Chair Details

fun modern black and white unique wedding seating chart with mini chair escort card details

photo: Abby Jiu | planning + design: Grit & Grace | calligraphy: Sophie Felts

Any “Mean Girls” fans in the house? You can’t go wrong with unique seating chart ideas that feature a classic pop culture reference — especially when they look this chic! From the cute 3D chairs to the black and white color scheme to the fun tag line, everything about this escort card display is perfection.

A inside scoop from the planner: “Always here for a moment of wow. When we found these black reception chair hooks ( at Ikea no less!) they seemed like the perfect compliment for our restauranteur/chef couple who have worked in some of DC’s top dining establishments for years. Pop on a fun tag line a-la “Mean Girls” and we had a winner.”

P.S., Chairs not your vibe? We also love these cute little hand gesture hooks and these whimsical animal hooks to attach to your wedding seating chart display and hang your escort cards off of. So cute!

8. Creative Custom Letter Escort Card Display

tree trunk adorned unique wedding seating chart ideas with custom letter escort card display that contains polaroid photos for each attendee

photo: Elsa Boscarello | planning + design: One Fine Day Events | paper details: Brown Fox Calligraphy | florals: Love and Lupines

We love unique wedding seating chart ideas that your guests can interact with, and this example really takes it to the next level. Not only does the display look incredible (those tree trunk slices are so rad!), but each escort card also includes a personal letter written by the couple.

As the planner explains, “In lieu of traditional escort cards, the couple wrote a letter to each guest accompanied by a photo and displayed it beautifully on a wall.” Such a thoughtful touch that’ll take your entire celebration to the next level!

9. Unique Retro-Meets-Celebratory Escort Card Display

fun black white and red unique wedding seating chart ideas with coupe glass escort card display and "Saluti!" written at the top in retro font

photo: Brogen Jessup | planning + design: Details Darling | seating chart: Wildhouse Ink , as seen in this glam pink and red Palm Springs wedding

The only thing better than raising a toast to the happy couple is doing it with your own personal coupe glass ! In addition to being one of the cutest wedding seating chart ideas, this escort card display also doubles as unique wedding favors. Win-win!

Plus, you can personalize this idea with so many different types of glasses. Maybe you love the classic flute instead of coupes, or want to give your guests a welcome shot . You can even mix and match different glasses for an eclectic, one-of-a-kind feel!

unique shot glass favor ideas for the big day

Show your guests some love with these unique wedding favors ! We’ve rounded up the most creative options for your special day.

10. Unique Hot Sauce Escort Card Display

fun unique hot sauce escort card display on a wooden shelf

seating chart by Wild Heart Events

Add a little ~spice~ to your reception with this hot sauce escort card display! This is one of our favorite unique wedding seating chart ideas for a Mexico wedding — or for love birds who love a little heat. These escort cards are best paired with a taco truck dinner!

Pro tip: Source the hot sauce locally to give your guests a taste of the destination. We also love any excuse to support local businesses!

Elegant Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

black and white elegant wedding seating chart ideas with a botanical escort card display on a black wall with white text that says "we saved you a seat"

Prepare for major ooohs and ahhhs with these elegant wedding seating chart ideas! Whether you’re planning a formal wedding or just want to add an extra classy touch to your reception, these seating charts understood the assignment.

Our favorite elegant wedding seating chart ideas feature gorgeous calligraphy, timeless designs, and a whole lot of flowers (just wait until you see the botanical escort card display!). They’re understated, but definitely not boring, and they instantly elevate any reception décor.

If we’re speaking your language right now, then scroll on to see the best elegant seating chart ideas for all wedding styles!

11. Elegant Column-Shaped Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

column shaped elegant wedding seating chart ideas with floral details on the inside of the column

design by All Buttoned Up Events

One of our favorite ideas to create a more unique and elegant wedding seating chart? Just swap the sign for a column! With this simple idea, your seating chart instantly feels more sculptural, intentional, and elevated.

We also love how this couple added blossoming flowers inside each column to make that transparent seating chart pop. So romantic!

12. Elegant Wedding Seating Chart Ideas for Punny Couples

white botanical arch shaped elegant wedding seating chart ideas with roses in water escort card display and text at the top that says "Our Best Buds"

planning: So Eventful | photo: Stephanie Lynn | escort display: Shimmer and Stain | florals: Jacqueline Ching Design

The arch-shaped table cards . The “escort card” vases of white roses. The clouds of baby’s breath. The PUN. We truly can’t decide which of these elegant wedding seating chart ideas are our favorite! (Okay, probably the pun.)

This display would be so gorgeous for an elegant springtime wedding or romantic garden reception.

13. Elegant DIY Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

elegant mirror wedding seating chart with gold wax seal details

elegant wedding seating chart ideas: ThePrettyPartyBoxx on Etsy

Looking for easy DIY wedding seating chart ideas (that still look elegant)? With such a refined look, no one will believe that you created this display all on your own!

All you need to recreate this look at home is a large mirror that matches your wedding style, small cards for each table assignment (here’s a great digital template to use), and wax seal decals . Quick, easy, and super affordable!

14. Elegant Surf-Themed Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

trio of acrylic sheets cut in the shape of surfboards making an elegant wedding seating chart idea

elegant wedding seating chart ideas: weddingsby on Etsy

While surfer-themed wedding seating chart ideas may not seem very elegant, this example is here to prove you wrong. Made of transparent acrylic, these surf boards -slash-seating charts look elevated and sophisticated — especially when paired with those blooming white flowers.

We can’t think of a cuter seating chart display for a formal beach wedding!

15. Elegant Wedding Seating Chart Ideas for Wine Lovers

wine bottle vase elegant wedding seating chart ideas with pink flower bouquets

elegant seating chart: MaPaParties on Etsy

Tying the knot in a vineyard? Or looking for an easy DIY for your old wine bottles? Introducing: one of our favorite elegant wedding seating chart ideas for wine lovers who want to stand out from the crowd!

These custom table cards are handmade with high-quality card stock, and they look so stunning tied to the painted wine bottles . Stick a few flowers in each bottle for an extra pop of color — these also make for gorgeous centerpieces!

16. Elegant Hanging Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

modern black and white hanging banner elegant wedding seating chart ideas with greenery details

photo:  Egor Zhelov  | design:  Feerique Event & Emotions , as seen in this industrial skyscraper Russian wedding

If you don’t love the look of a basic sign stand, this banner design will give your seating chart display the ultimate elegant + modern touch. It’s one of our favorite ideas for large spaces where you want to make a statement with your wedding seating chart.

To complete the look, don’t forget to frame your banners with hanging greenery. Eucalyptus branches would look especially cool here!

17. Elegant + Whimsical Display Board With Pressed Flowers

gold frame elegant wedding seating chart ideas with pressed flower details inside the frames

photo: Melia Lucida | calligraphy: Alannah Anderson | florals: Teresa Sena Designs

Dreamy would be an understatement! If you’re looking for whimsical wedding seating chart ideas, it doesn’t get better than this elegant floral display. Each table assignment is printed on a gold-trimmed double glass frame , which gorgeously displays colorful pressed flowers. So sweet!

For bonus points, we suggest using pressed flowers that match bouquet. You can do this yourself or work with your florist to create them. This way, they’ll also make meaningful keepsakes that you can hang in your home after the big day!

18. Elegant Arch-Shaped Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

muted grey and white elegant wedding seating chart ideas with an arch shaped sign

signage by With Love and Lumber

If you’re on the hunt for elegant wedding seating chart ideas that stand out (without feeling over-the-top) then you can’t go wrong with an arch. This arch-shaped board is elegant, sophisticated, and SO stylish. Plus, it goes with so many different wedding styles and themes!

Customize this seating chart display with your wedding colors, then add some statement flowers or a smaller sign with your names for the ultimate photo opp.

geometric diy reception backdrops

On the hunt for the ultimate photo op for your wedding reception? Don’t miss our list of epic DIY backdrops for all wedding styles!

19. Elegant Escort Card Ideas for Couples With Baby Fever

ombre green elegant wedding seating chart ideas with a unique baby name suggestion escort card display

event design:  LB Events

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage…as exemplified by this unique escort card display!

This is one of the cutest (and most elegant) wedding seating chart ideas for couples who are already expecting, or who are planning to grow their family ASAP after the big day. Each of the escort cards feature a blank space that guests can fill with their ideas for a baby name. Packaged in these ombré envelopes, it’s stylish AND fun!

If you don’t have baby fever quite yet but still love this escort card display, you can also make it your own with any question. Maybe you’re looking for marriage advice, suggested pet names, or destinations for your one-year anniversary trip. There are no wrong answers here!

20. Elegant Botanical Escort Cards

unique elegant live flower accented escort card display with 3D butterfly decals

photo: Louise Hagger | styling: Naomi Demanana | art direction: Abbey Kuster-Prokell | florals: Putnam & Putnam

Just picture how stunning an entire wall of these blossoming escort cards will look. We’re obsessed! Florals and weddings go hand-in-hand, and we love how this elegant escort card display brings your guests in on the action.

It’s one of our all-time favorite wedding seating chart ideas — not only will all the colorful flowers look (and smell) amazing, but the one-of-a-kind escort cards will make each of your guests feel special. The 3D butterfly decals also add a whimsical touch that’s simply to die for!

Rustic Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

adventure-themed rustic wedding seating chart ideas with a pink and off-white mountain design and carabiner escort card details

If you’re tying the knot in the mountains, on a ranch, or surrounded by nature, these rustic wedding seating chart ideas are for YOU.

We love a rustic wedding aesthetic — it’s nature-inspired, it’s a little bit boho, and it’s perfect for adventurous couples who would probably rather be hiking right now. And the same goes for these rustic wedding seating chart ideas, from the carabiner escort card display above to the bohemian details down below!

Keep scrolling for the best rustic wedding seating chart ideas for your outdoorsy affair.

21. Rustic Cutting Board Wedding Seating Chart Ideas for Foodies

unique rustic wedding seating chart ideas printed on hanging cutting boards with dried herbs and peppers in between them

rustic cooking-inspired wedding seating chart ideas by Rock Paper Scissors

For the couples who love to cook, why not choose wedding seating chart ideas that incorporate your shared passion? This seating chart display stands out with multiple cutting boards that are engraved with your table assignments.

Up for a DIY project? We found these customizable cutting boards on Etsy that would be perfect for this rustic look. Use twine to hang them on a wood stand, then decorate your display with dried herbs or ingredients that give a teaser for your dinner menu.

22. Eclectic Boho + Rustic Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

rustic wedding seating chart ideas printed on vases for boho backyard wedding with a neon sign that says stay awhile

photo: Anna Delores Photography | planning + design: Wild Heart Events | calligraphy: Sophie Loves Letters

Calling all boho babes! Bohemian wedding décor and rustic seating chart ideas go hand in hand, and we love the eclectic style of this example.

How rad are the boho vibes of the hanging mirrors , pastel vases, and that pretty wildflower display?! Mixed with the rustic wood background and tons of greenery, it’s perfect for a free-spirited backyard wedding. And don’t even get us started on that rad neon sign !

23. Rustic Denim-Inspired Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

unique rustic wedding seating chart ideas made from quilted denim back pockets with wildflowers coming out of them

planning + design + photo: Amorology | background: Back Up Backdrops

The Americana vibes of this unique seating chart are TOO GOOD. It brings together a patchwork of old denim (you can totally thrift this!). And we love the look of the flowers sticking out of the back pockets. Such a sweet touch!

It’s one of our favorite rustic seating chart ideas for a laid-back outdoor wedding or a western-inspired ranch reception. Best paired with cowboy boots and a wide-brim hat!

24. Rustic Wedding Seating Chart Ideas With Pottery Shot Glasses

rustic wood wedding seating chart ideas with pottery shot glasses as escort cards for a mountain outdoor wedding

photo: Victoria Carlson Photography | planning + event design: ae creative | calligraphy: My Fair Letters , as seen in this boho Oregon wedding

For wedding seating chart ideas that get the party started, look no further than this rustic escort card display! For this wedding, each escort card came with a keepsake stoneware shot glass — a seriously unique and rustic touch.

These shot glasses were then filled for the father of the bride’s pre-dinner toast. We’ll cheers to that cute idea!

P.S. If you can’t find cute shot glasses with handles, you can also recreate this escort card display with small shelves for each glass. Here are some handmade pottery glasses to get you started!

25. Rustic Tapestry Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

elegant outdoor rustic white tapestry wedding seating chart ideas with simple black text

rustic seating chart template: SplendidMoment on Etsy

If you love simple and modern wedding seating chart ideas but want to add a rustic touch, why not swap your sign for a tapestry? This chart would look so elegant hanging from a tree at your outdoor venue — but you can also display it on a barnyard door or from a boho stand.

Just be sure to secure the bottom of the tapestry so all your table assignments don’t blow away in the wind!

26. Rustic Wedding Seating Chart Ideas for a Beachy Reception

boho blue rustic wedding seating chart ideas with macrame hanging from the top of the display and pampas grass decor adorning the sides

photo: Josh Elliott | design: Intertwined Events

Planning a wedding on the coast? We love the beachy vibes of this wedding seating chart display! The baby blue hue brings the ocean theme into your décor, especially when accented with the dip-dyed macrame.

For more ideas on how to take this wedding seating chart to the next level, opt for textured accents like driftwood, woven baskets , and fluffy pampas grass .

27. Rustic Display Board With Boho Mirrors

rustic wedding seat chart made with boho wicker and rattan mirrors with the attendee names written on them

We’re suckers for a good gallery wall, and we can’t get enough of this rustic + boho take on the look. The shining mirrors mixed with the woven accents? Perfection!

It’s also one of our favorite wedding seating chart ideas that’s super easy to pull off. Just gather several mirrors with textured frames (you can also try to thrift these!), then either draw your table assignments on each mirror with a paint pen , or use these vinyl lettering decals !

Modern Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

elegant minimalist modern wedding seating chart ideas with classic black typeface and a bunch of babys breath flowers in the top right hand corner of the display

Forget tradition — you’re keeping things modern on the big day! And we’ve found the perfect modern seating chart ideas for the job.

There’s nothing dated about these gorgeous displays, and they’ll add the perfect contemporary touch to your big day. We’ve rounded up trendy designs (hello, color!), minimalist styles, and a few funky twists.

Here are our faves!

28. Modern Rainbow Envelope Escort Card Wedding Seating Chart Idea

modern wedding seating chart idea with escort card envelopes displayed in a rainbow stripe pattern with forest green text at the top of the display saying find your seat

credits: photography: Betsi Ewing | planning : Julian Leaver Events | design : Kcidy Design

We love a wedding seating chart idea that’s both super cute + modern, while also being simple enough to DIY. The BEST. This dreamy escort card display features the sweetest collection of colorful envelopes, arranged like a rainbow, and WE. ARE. OBSESSED.

Pull this escort card look together with a custom-made wood letter display and an adorably colorful envelope set .

29. Modern Wedding Seating Chart Ideas for a Pop of Color

bright colorful abstract column modern wedding seating chart ideas with dried tropical botanical decor

design + florals: Shindig Chic

We LOVE colorful wedding seating chart ideas, and this modern example is one of our faves! Column designs are such a rad alternative to your typical seating sign — but it’s really the bright colors that make this example pop.

With splashes of funky shapes and pastel hues (swap these out with your wedding colors!), it’s perfect for an artsy wedding or fun retro reception. Add a boho touch with arrangements of pampas grass or dried botanicals. Obsessed!

selection of dried flowers and dried flower bouquets placed in a collection on a shelf

For the boho couples, dried flowers are the perfect finishing touch to your wedding décor. Here’s where to buy the prettiest arrangements — as well as a few tips to help you incorporate them into your big day!

30. Modern Roman Numeral Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

elegant stone hued block style wedding seating chart ideas with roman numerals and modern white ceramic vases holding botanicals

photo: Stephans Photography | custom background: The Styled Kind | florals: Wild Greenery

Want your reception décor to feel absolutely regal? Don’t settle for anything less than a stunning display like this one!

It’s one of the best wedding seating chart ideas for couples who want something timeless and trendy at the same time, with large modern blocks featuring roman numerals for each table number. Complete with a few eclectic bouquets displayed in different modern vases , it’s made for standing out!

31. Minimalist + Modern Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

wooden easel holding modern sign wedding seating chart ideas with minimalist black and white typeface

wedding seating chart sign: PearlyPaperDesign on Etsy

This one’s for the minimalists! Keep it sweet and simple with this alphabetical seating sign . This is one of our favorite wedding seating chart ideas for a straightforward approach — at first glance, your guests will instantly know how it works and where to sit. No deciphering or searching necessary!

Plus, this black and white chart looks ultra elegant and goes with EVERY wedding style. Zhuzh it up with romantic florals for a garden ceremony or add a copper sign holder for a formal venue. The options are truly endless!

32. Fun Rainbow Modern Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

cute bright alphabetical 5 block rainbow column modern seating chart ideas with vases sitting on each colorful block

planner: Christina Baxter | florals: Blossom Bay | photo: Clay Austin

On the other end of the spectrum, why not opt for wedding seating chart ideas that inject a little color into your reception décor?! These rainbow blocks are sparking some serious joy, and we love how fun they look with the matching colorful vases and flower arrangements on top.

A little inside scoop from the planner: “These custom monochromatic escort display blocks were just one of the many sculptural moments from Jennifer & Matt’s wedding day. The design was meant to feel contemporary both in color use and bloom selections from the talented Blossom Bay.”

Such a fun and modern take on color!

33. Modern Wedding Display Board With a Fruity Twist

unique modern seating chart ideas with rustic fresh fruit details arranged on white shelves

photo: Michaella Jelin | planning + design: Smooth As Butter Weddings | florals: Samara Florals

Take a seat — and a snack — with this adorable modern seating chart! If you’re planning an outdoor summer wedding, this is one of the best ideas for bringing the venue and season into your seating chart décor. If you’re looking for a ~fresh~ idea that stands out, it doesn’t get better than this!

Plus, this modern wedding seating chart is super easy to DIY! Just print out small table arrangement cards , then arrange some fresh fruit next to each one on a bookshelf or large display wall. Voila!

34. Elegant Arch-Shaped Modern Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

elegant orange and peach hued arch shaped modern wedding seating chart ideas with romantic candle details and black text

modern wedding seating chart ideas by Prete Prints

This is another one of our favorite arch-shaped wedding seating chart ideas, this time with a modern edge. We’re obsessed all the little details that make this modern display pop, from the smaller board for your names to the sweet “our favorite people” title.

Accented with a few flickering candles (you can also swap these for electric candles !), it’ll instantly set a romantic mood for your reception.

35. Modern Wedding Seating Chart Ideas With 3D Table Cards

cute boho arch shaped modern wedding seating chart ideas with blush pink curved edge plus sign details with the table numbers and guest names listed on them

arch wedding seating chart ideas: ProperLetter on Etsy

Okay, okay, one more of the best arch-shaped wedding seating chart ideas — just because we love them so much! This board stands out with those colorful 3D details, which remind us of modern, funky flowers.

Get this modern seating chart customized with your wedding colors and display it next to a gorgeous flower arrangement. Simple, but definitely not boring!

36. Abstract Modern Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

unique boho modern wedding seating chart ideas with cute colorful geometric details and abstract shape vases adorning the bottom

photo: Jenny Smith & Co. | planning: Pop the Champagne | florals: Shindig Chic , as seen in this tiki-chic LA wedding

Why not have a little fun with your wedding seating chart ideas? This display goes above and beyond the typical board to welcome your guests with something funky and unforgettable. It’s the perfect way to set the tone for the rest of your evening!

For an out-of-the-box design, play around with different shapes, colors, and textures. Arrange them all on a modern wedding sign stand for a totally one-of-a-kind look!

How to Make a Wedding Seating Chart

elegant wedding seating chart ideas with white calligraphy and wax seal details attached to a mirror

Now that you’ve narrowed down your favorite design ideas, it’s time for the hard part: actually creating your wedding seating chart! But don’t worry — this process doesn’t have to be as stressful as it sounds. Once you have your complete guest list, here are a few simple steps to follow to create a seating chart that checks off all the boxes:

Step 1: Create a floor plan. If you haven’t already decided on the shape of your tables, now’s the time. Before you get started with your wedding seating chart ideas, you’ll need to know how many guests can be seated at each table, as well as how the tables will fit in your space. It helps to map out your reception venue (including your tables, dance floor, and other focal points) on a dry-erase board or piece of paper to visualize the flow of the space.

Step 2: Group Your Guests. For this step, you’ll need have a complete guest list handy, including any plus-ones. Then for the fun part — assigning your loved ones to table groups based on their relationships, common interests, and dynamics. Maybe you want to create a reunion table for your high school friends, or seat your two baseball-loving uncles next to each other. The goal here is to create an atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable and can enjoy the celebration!

Step 3: Assign Each Table. Now that you have your guests sorted into groups, it’s time to assign them to specific tables in the venue. To make this easier, we suggest following the seating order listed down below (start with your immediate family, then your wedding party, then your close friends, and so on). It’s important to also consider any special accommodations that guests may need, such as unobstructed access to their seat.

Step 4: Design the Seating Chart. And finally, let’s bring it all together with a beautifully designed seating chart! Using our unique wedding seating chart ideas as inspiration, create a physical display that makes it easy for your guests to figure out exactly where they’re sitting. Be sure to include the table numbers (or names) and make the typeface readable for all your guests. Choose a spot at the entrance of your reception venue to display your chart, and you’re good to go!

What is the order of seating at a wedding?

couple standing on front of their unique puzzle piece inspired seating chart ideas for an elegant outdoors wedding

When creating your seating chart, it’s important to consider the order of seating for a wedding. Here’s a quick run-down to get you started!

  • The Wedding Couple: Aka, you! You’re the star of the show, so you’ll be seated at the first table, also known as the head table.
  • Parents and Immediate Family: Next up, it’s time to honor your parents and immediate family members. The parents of the bride and groom are usually seated at a special table close to the head table — and in some cases, they may even be seated at the first table with you.
  • Wedding Party: Your bridesmaids, groomsmen, and any honorary members are typically seated at a designated table. Again, this may be a shared head table with the newlyweds, or a separate table nearby.
  • Relatives and Close Friends: The next closest tables to the head table will be your close friends and relatives. Consider you relationships with your guests as you’re creating your groupings to make assigning these tables a little easier!
  • Coworkers and Acquaintances: Typically, guests you don’t have as close of a relationship with will be placed further away from the head table. These could include coworkers, family friends, neighbors, and other acquaintances who don’t necessarily require a front-row seat.

Who sits at table 1 at a wedding?

guest looking at a modern black wedding seating chart with acrylic table plates surrounded by white baby's breath flowers

So, who earns a front-row seat at table 1 (also known as the head table) at a wedding? This VIP section is typically reserved for the newlyweds, the wedding party, and/or parents and other close family members.

Some couples may opt for a sweetheart table for just the two of them — in this case, your bridesmaids, groomsmen, and close relatives will be seated at separate tables next to table 1.

Whatever you choose, just be sure you’re reserving prime tables for these special guests. It’s a big day for them, too, and they’ll want to be able to celebrate this special moment with the two of you!

Prep For the Big Day With Our Most Popular Planning Guides

two brides standing in front of their rustic letter-inspired unique wedding seating chart examples for an elegant outdoor wedding

Now that you’ve narrowed down your favorite wedding seating chart ideas, it’s time to wrap up the rest of your wedding planning checklist!

For the brides, complete your wedding day look with our ultimate guide to wedding gowns , as well as our complete wedding shoes guide . And for the perfect finishing touch, don’t miss our list of the prettiest wedding bands for women!

For the grooms, we have you covered with our unique suit ideas for a dapper wedding day ‘fit. And also be sure to check out our round-up of the best wedding bands for men, too!

And let’s not forget your “I do” crew! Help them look their best with our complete guide to bridesmaid gowns and our list of the best groomsmen suits . We’ve even rounded up the most adorable flower girl dresses to complete the ensemble!

Which of these wedding seating chart ideas were your fave? Let us know in the comments below!

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How to Make a Wedding Seating Chart (Without Stressing Out)

Kayla is a freelance writer for

table assignment for wedding

Some wedding-planning tasks are easier to cross off your list than others—but even the more difficult tasks can be done with minimal stress. Take making a seating chart for your wedding, for example. Many find arranging their guests among their wedding's reception tables to be a total headache, but it doesn't have to be that way. We're here to walk you through exactly how to make a wedding seating chart.

First things first: Start devising your wedding seating plan about two to three weeks before the big day , once you've (hopefully) heard back from everybody you've invited. To begin, you'll need to scour your RSVPs and figure out who's actually coming (which is who you need to seat). Once you have that list, you'll also need to decide on a wedding seating layout—what types of tables do you want to have and how are you going to arrange them in your reception space? If you're struggling to answer these questions yourselves, you can always consult your wedding planner. You can also turn to other factors, like your budget and venue, to figure out what makes the most sense in terms of furniture rentals and the like.

From there, you'll settle on where to place each person. Unfortunately, there's no steadfast approach for deciding who gets what chair, but the following tips will help you navigate a handful of situations. (Remember: You can always assign guests a particular table instead of a specific seat if that makes it easier!)

Choose Your Table Shape

Once your guest list is finalized, you'll need to determine how many tables you'll need and how many people will be seated at each one. Keep in mind that shape plays an important role. While rectangular ones make it easier for guests to chat, round tables might be simpler for you to sort (you'll only need to pay mind to who's sitting directly next to one another).

Put Pen to Paper

It's helpful to literally map out your seating chart. You can laminate pieces of paper printed with table shapes that you can label with dry erase markers, or you can use an online tool like All Seated . If you prefer color coordinating, divide your guest list into categories arranged by color (your college friends might be represented with pink, his in blue, and family in yellow, for example) and write out everyone's names on the appropriate colored Post-it flag. Then, arrange—and rearrange—them on photocopied outlines of your table arrangements.

Seat the Two of You First

Since it's your big day, your table should be centrally located. Typically, you'll sit at a table by yourselves with your wedding party or with your parents and a few close relatives and friends. You also have the option of sitting at a sweetheart table, which is reserved for just the couple of the hour.

Then Seat Your Wedding Party

Depending on the size of your wedding party—and how many of them invited plus-ones—you can seat everyone together at one long head table, or divide the group among several tables that are situated near you and the groom.

Put Family First

After you seat yourselves, place your parents somewhere close (unless they're sitting with you). Unlike the ceremony, where the groom's and bride's sides traditionally sit separately, at the reception, you can mix things up and seat everyone together.

Ask Your Parents for Help

Odds are that you don't know every one of your parents' friends as well as they do. Include them in the process by giving them a say as to where their friends should be seated.

Find Common Ground

When seating remaining guests, put people who know each other together instead of intentionally trying to mix things up. That said, when placing people who may not know each other at one table, consider their life experiences and interests. If you know your best friend, Rachel, is a hardcore hockey fan, you might seat her next to John, who played in college. Your ultimate goal is to create an atmosphere where your guests can have fun.

Avoid a Singles' Table

Although love is in the air, don't be tempted to play matchmaker and seat all of the single guests together. Instead, intersperse single guests among couples, focusing on common interests, not relationship status.

Bring Children Together

Kids like being around other kids, so a kid's table, and similarly, one for teenage guests, is a good way for everyone to have some fun, parents included!

Practice Sensitivity

In terms of table placement, consider your guests' specific needs. Grandparents will likely have a better time in a well-lit area away from the band and speakers within view of the dance floor, but not in the thick of it.

Get Creative With Table Assignments

Once you finally settle on seating assignments (phew!), use the seating chart and table numbers as opportunities to get personal. Whatever their form, arrange your guests' names in alphabetical order with legible table assignments in a format that will guide guests to their seats smoothly.

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Episode Show Notes

A Template For Your Wedding Seating Chart and Tips

April 10, 2022

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Whether you’re a couple about to get married or you’re a wedding planner, you would probably love to find a template for your wedding seating chart to make the table assignments process easier and stress-free. If so, you may be wondering:

  • Where can I download a template for my wedding seating chart?
  • How do I assign the table assignments in my wedding seating chart?
  • Who should I assign to a table first in my wedding seating chart?
  • How should I set up the template for my wedding seating chart?

Wedding table and seat assignments can be a dramatic endeavor fraught with tension and disorganization. Lucky for you, in today's blog post, we're reviewing the basics of wedding table seat assignments. I'm also providing you with a template for your wedding seating chart!

If you're new around here, hi, I'm Desiree. I'm a wedding planner based in Rochester, New York and the host of the podcast Ask the Planner . I've been doing seating for events and weddings for longer than my skincare routine would have me admit). I can't wait to help you with this important topic for wedding planning.


table assignment for wedding


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EPISODE 61HIGHLIGHTS:  Wedding Table & Seat Assignments 101

To fast-forward to a specific part of the podcast episode, check out the timestamps below:

  • Life update: Waterpark mishaps  [07:55]
  • Paper and pencil Approach [12:58]
  • Social Tables Tactic  [17:56]
  • How to Organize your Guests  [22:00]
  • Seating Chart Etiquette [25:07]
  • Personal Account: Don't Separate Couples [27:54]
  • Tips for the Wedding Day! [32:17]
  • Episode recap [34:24]

Links Mentioned in the Episode

  • The Ultimate Wedding Planning checklist
  • Visit the ASK THE PLANNER Wedding Planning Templates Shop 
  • @AskthePlannerPodcast on Instagram
  • Book a 90-minute Clarity Call to get wedding planning help specific to your unique situation

Thank you to our podcast sponsors! 

  • LoveStream – Get 10% off ANY virtual wedding package with my code Ask10 !

And if you prefer to read, here's the summary of the podcast episode!

I’m excited to share this blog with you because I personally love seating. Making a wedding seating chart feels like a big giant puzzle to me. I find it very cathartic to put together different floorplans in the space. And then I think it’s actually kind of fun to plop each little body into their seat. But I get not everyone’s like me.

So today we’re going to talk about 4 main things when planning your wedding seating chart:

  • Tools to make your wedding seating chart, whether you’re a paper and pencil or tech-savvy type of person, I have a solution for you.
  • The seat assignment process – who you should seat first, second, and so on.
  • Etiquette to consider for your wedding seating chart
  • Organizational tips for your wedding day

1: Templates for Your Wedding Seating Chart

Before we dive into the actual seating, first I’m going to talk about what you’ll need to track your seating.

  • Paper and Pencil
  • Excel Spread Sheet
  • Social Tables

Okay, now the old-fashioned way to do seating was with paper and pencil. Some people like to do it this way because they’re visual and they don’t like tech. I personally think this is the slowest, but if you're tackling seating all in one weekend with your parents, this method could work.

To do this, type out each person’s name and put them on a strip of paper that you will then cut out. You could also write them all on small sticky notes. I recommend putting one name per sheet, instead of by couple so you can see quickly how many you have at each table.

Next, you would either draw circles on a poster board or use paper plates. These circles or paper plates represent your tables. Hopefully, they’re laid out like the floorplan of the room where your wedding reception will be. 

Then you would move the sticky notes to each plate based on where you want them to sit. Once you're done assigning each sticky note to a plate, you would then record them in a spreadsheet to give to your calligrapher or to upload to Minted for your escort cards.

2: Spreadsheet for Your Wedding Seating Chart

The next way to set up your wedding seating chart is with a spreadsheet. Across the top of the columns, you have Seat #, Table Number, First Name, Last Name, Meal Selection, and Notes.   Next, you would look at your floorplan and number each table.   I like to start with Table 1 closest to the main doors. Table 2 is next to it on the right, and so on. However, the important thing here is not to number your tables based on rows. Instead, you need to snake the numbers around the room.

So for example, say I had 3 rows of 5 tables each. Table 1 is on the far left. Table 2 is next, all the way to table 5 on the far right.

Table 6 would be right next to Table 5 in the row adjacent to it. It would NOT be under Table #1 because guests don’t move around the room like that.

Next you would go down the first and second columns and number them by the number of seats at each table. So if Tables 1 and 2 had 8 seats each and table 3 had 10 seats, you would number it as follows.  

First seat, table 1.  

Second seat, table 1.

Third seat, table 1. etc etc. 

You would do the same for Table 2.

You would do this for as many tables you have in the room – not based on how many guests you will because some tables will have 1 or 2 open seats depending on how the couples and singles shake out. 

3: Using Social Tables for Your Wedding Seating Chart

The third and final template or tool to set up your wedding seating chart is my favorite and uses a tool called Social Tables . 

Social Tables is a seating platform that I’ve been using since I can remember – over a decade now. I used to actually appear on their marketing videos long, long ago when I lived in D.C. as they were just starting out and my company worked with them closely to get the platform up and running. 

Social Tables is great because they have a spreadsheet import tool that takes your guest list and adds it to the platform before you assign everyone to a seat. 

Then, you take each little person and just drag and drop them to a table. So it’s like our Analog version of paper plates and sticky notes, but much faster and wastes less paper. 

Once you’ve dragged and dropped each person onto a table, you can export the list and give it to your calligrapher to write out your wedding seating chart.

You can either track all your RSVPs in social tables with everyone’s meal selection or you can track it outside of Social Tables and import it into the platform so that when it spits out your report, it also has everyone’s meal selection with their table assignment.

Here's a video on the Social Tables website to help you get started.

Wedding Seating Chart How-To

Okay, now that we’ve talked about the ways to set up your seating chart, let’s talk about how to go about assigning everyone to a table.

1) Assign Your VIPs to a Table

Naturally, you'll want to assign yourself and your partner to a table. Will you be sitting with your wedding guests or at a sweetheart table?

Next, decide if you’ll be sitting with your wedding party or your family. 

There’s no right or wrong way to assign this. It will really depend on how big your wedding party is and how big your family is.

I’ve had it where the couple sat with their siblings and their parents all at the head table and they only needed 10 seats. Then their wedding party, which was small, sat at the tables next to them.

You could also do the reverse and sit with all of your wedding party. Then, your parents can sit together to allow them more time to visit with one another and bask in their children's nuptials. 

If there are too many at the head table because some of your parents have remarried, consider giving each of your parents their own tables to host. Then, they can sit with their siblings or your godparents, their siblings, etc. It’s up to you as you know the family dynamics.   If your parents aren’t seated next to you, make sure all their tables are equidistant to yours so no one feels slighted. You can even make it so that the parents are seated so that they face your table so they get the best view of you. It all depends on how much you thought you want to put into it.

2) Assign Family or Friend Groups to a Table Second

After you've assigned your VIPs to their tables, next you and your partner should assign friend groups and important family members. Start with whoever is more important and where you want them to sit. Do you want your friends to sit closer to you or do you want to give them a seat closer to the bar?

Do you want your family to be close to your parents or will they want to be closer to the dance floor? Do you want to prioritize your aunts and uncles over third cousins? There are lots of different scenarios to consider.

3) Assign Your Remaining Guests

These are the people that you care less about where they sit but they need a place to sit. You can use them to fill in holes in the tables, or they get their own table. It really depends on how many there are. 

If the remaining people are friends of your parents, ask them to help guide you on where and with whom they should sit. 

Other than that, just be patient and be open to moving people around based on how many you can seat at a table.

Seating Chart Etiquette

Of course we can't discuss table and seating chart assignments without touching on etiquette and do’s and don’ts of seat assignments.

1) Seat people together that have like or common interests.

You don’t always have to seat all your high school friends with only other high school friends. Definitely make sure someone has a friend at each table, but consider mixing it up so that guests can get to know other guests at the wedding. 

2) Avoid Having a Singles table.

Even if they’re part of your “leftovers” meaning they didn’t fit into a specific category or they don’t know a lot of people, make sure you take them into consideration and seat them with people of similar interests or backgrounds. Or if someone is particularly quiet or shy, seat them with someone that will be warm and inviting. I’m not advocating for seating them with the most gregarious and talkative of the group, but putting them with someone that will engage them and include them in the conversation will make them feel appreciated and thought of, which will go a long way in how they enjoy the evening. 

3) Consider Having a Kids Table

It can be nice for younger guests to be seated with their peers. They’ll enjoy having company with people near them in age. You can even provide them with coloring sheets or another age-appropriate activity. This will also help the servers avoid unknowingly setting a glass of champagne at their seat if they know it’s a kids table.

Just try not to seat them too far from their parents so they can keep a close watch on them and avoid any mishaps from taking place. 

4) Avoid Separating Couples

I’ve talked about this in past blog posts, but please DO NOT SEPARATE COUPLES. Do not seat one person in your wedding party at your head table and then put their spouse, partner, or date at another table. 

First of all, it’s rude. You’re basically telling the other person that they’re second class and they don’t get to sit with their husband, wife, or girlfriend. While they’re there to celebrate you, they’re also there to  enjoy a nice evening with their significant other. Nothing will ruin that faster than making them sit at different tables.

This happened to me once and I will never forget it. My husband, to whom I’d been married for seven years, was seated with the bride and groom. I was seated at a table with my back to him you know so I could turn around all night and talk to him and not talk to the people at my table. 

The couple also sat another wife next to me because her husband was also seated at the head table (my husband was a long-time friend and the other husband was a cousin / close friend). But if I’d known I wasn’t going to sit with my husband, I might not have hired a babysitter and stayed home with the kids.  

Maybe that’s selfish on my part, but I’ve mentioned this on Instagram and other places and other people have passionately agreed with me that they hated it when it happened to them. 

Remember: People remember how you make them feel, so make sure you consider this when you assign people to their tables. 

Tips for Wedding Day

And that brings us to our final segment, which is tips for the wedding day.

1) Bring Extra Copies of Your Wedding Seating Chart

I’ll keep this part brief. The main thing is to have extra copies of your seating chart for your caterer and wedding planners so they know where guests are in case they need to locate them.

2) Note Allergies and Dietary Restrictions on Your Wedding Seating Chart

Make sure you note any allergies or dietary restrictions in your seating chart. Your calligrapher likely won’t need this, but your caterer definitely will.

3) Note the Open Seats on Your Wedding Seating Chart

Finally, make sure you note ahead of time where there are open seats at tables. For example, if most of your tables can seat 8 but you had a couple that only needed 7 seats, make sure you note that in case you have any last-minute guests show up and you need a place for them. This will let you know where you can shuffle some guests around and avoid putting guests at an already full table.   And seriously, pay attention to the seating chart. You can only physically fit so many at a table. There’s only so much room for china, flatware, and glassware. At a certain point, it will be comical and messy. So try to avoid overloading one table.

If you have questions about any of this, I would love to know. Just leave a r eview of the podcast on Apple Podcasts and write your questions in the review and I’ll incorporate them into a future episode.  If there are specific guests you want me to interview or topics you want me to cover in a future episode, let me know who that is in your review, too! 

If you want even more help with your wedding planning, I’m only a phone call away, and you can schedule a 90-minute clarity call with me where we’ll talk through a specific issue or question you have. 

For those of you that are excited to plan your wedding on your own, check out my Ultimate Wedding Planning checklist in the Wedding Planning Templates Shop . It’s one of my most popular items and for a good reason!

If there’s something that you’re looking for that’s not in the shop, just let me know. I want to create resources that you want and that will help you!


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How To Do Table Assignments For Wedding?

Table of Contents:

Wedding table assignments are a crucial aspect of wedding planning, and it is essential to finalize your attendee list before starting. The seating chart should be made in close proximity to the couple getting married, as this signifies status. The floor plan should also be created, with tables assigned according to their proximity.

To create a seating chart, use a drag-and-drop seating chart tool like WeddingWire, which allows you to customize a layout, choose table shapes, and track RSVPs. Creative ideas for seating charts include acrylic seating charts, water color designs, calligraphy & monogram designs, and greenery designs.

Organizing the seating chart can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. Start by devising your wedding seating plan, ensuring that there is enough space for guests to sit comfortably. For example, a room with a 10m x 10m = 100 sq m area can hold approximately 200 standing guests, 140 guests at rectangular tables, 100 guests at circular tables, and 176 guests seated in rows.

When using social tables for your seating chart, ensure that there is enough breathing room for guests. Color code and label your seating chart, assigning names or groups for each table. For clarity and ease, arrange guests names alphabetically by last name and their assigned table number.

To create a wedding seating chart, start with the bride and groom, and give the bride’s family and groom’s family, especially the parents and friends, their assigned seats. If guests cannot fit at one table, split them down the middle and fill in each table with other guests.

Assigning guests to tables and leaving space for plus-ones and dates can help cut costs.

📹 DIY Seating Chart + Wax Seals ✨ NO CRICUT NEEDED ✨ Quick & Easy Wedding DIY

This DIY wedding tutorial shows how to create a beautiful wax seal seating chart for your wedding! This quick and easy seating …

How To Do Table Assignments For Wedding?

How do you give a creative seating assignment at a wedding?

We’ve gathered 8 seating chart ideas that will make your wedding stand out! Mirrored Glass Seating Display … Picture frame seating display. Shot glass and lime escort cards. … Wood seating sign. … Acrylic seating signs. … Succulent escort cards. … Festive ornament place cards.

Looking for great seating chart ideas? Look no further. Saphire Event Group has seen thousands of seating charts during its 45 years in the wedding industry. Some are truly memorable.

We’ve gathered our 8 favorite seating chart ideas to make your wedding stand out!

How do you work out a wedding table plan?

How to Create a Wedding Seating Chart: 1. Create an electronic or physical seating chart. 2. Keep the venue in mind. 3. Figure out where your parents will sit. 4. Keep your wedding party close. 5. Ask your parents to help seat their friends. 6. Skip the singles table. 7. Consider a kids table. 8. Make sure all table assignments are clear. While not required, most couples create a wedding seating chart. Assigned seats make things simpler for you and your guests at any kind of sit-down dinner, like your wedding reception. Many venues require reception seating because it helps wait staff manage the dinner service. A seating chart can be a helpful tool, but it can seem overwhelming at first. Don’t worry. We’re here to help with this. Planner Chanda Daniels says couples should talk to their venue before making a seating chart. Ask for different layouts based on the guest count to see what’s possible, including dance floors and photo booths. This helps you decide where to seat guests. She also suggests working on this with your partner on a Saturday morning. Put the names on index cards and work on it like a puzzle, Daniels says. Then wait a day or two before it’s due. Once you’re done, send it to your planner. Have fun! Chanda Daniels is the founder of Chanda Daniels Planning & Design, a wedding planning company in California.

Wedding seating chart template

What is the etiquette for seating parents at a wedding?

Seating family. Seat married parents. The bride’s parents sit in the first pew or row on the left, facing the ceremony. The groom’s parents sit in the first row on the right. At same-sex weddings, the couple might seat guests on one side or the other. If there are two aisles, the congregation sits in the center. The bride’s parents sit on the left, the groom’s on the right. Seat widowed parents. If the bride or groom’s parents are widowed, they may want to be by their side during the ceremony. This is fine. Their guest is treated as an honored guest.

Seating divorced parents. If the bride or groom’s parents are divorced, seating needs to be planned carefully and the ushers need instructions. It can be tricky. Divorced parents may or may not get along, or the bride may be close to one parent and not the other. Tact and diplomacy are important for keeping the peace.

Wedding seating arrangement ideas

How to write a table plan?

PAPER. Paper lovers, unite! This is the RMW team’s favorite method. Get a big sheet of paper. Draw a bird’s-eye view of your venue and table setup. Write all guests’ names on post-it notes and arrange them. Move John, Susan, and Arabella around as you plan the tables with your partner. Use color-coded Post-its to highlight your family and spouse. Or, separate family from friends.

Wedding table plan decorations. Your guests will see the table plan on the day, so you can keep it simple or make it fancy. There are many ways to make a beautiful and useful decoration in our links below. RELATED: DIY Glass Bottle Table Plan DIY Hula Hoop Table Plan 10 Best Table Plan Ideas For Your Wedding Listen to Charlotte and Becky talk about wedding table plans in the RMW Podcast.

Digital seating chart wedding

How many tables do you need for a 100 person wedding?

If you expect 75 guests and have chosen rectangular tables that seat 6, divide 75 by 6. The answer is 12.5. For weddings and other sit-down dinner events, round up when planning how many banquet tables to rent. You will need 13 rectangular tables. Or, 10 round or square tables that seat 8. It’s better to have extra space than not enough seating. If you expect 100 guests, you will need 13 round or square tables that seat 8 people. Or, 17 rectangular tables that seat 6 people. If you expect 150 guests, you will need 19 round or square tables that seat 8 people. Or, 25 rectangular tables that seat 6 people.

What is the minimum space between tables and chairs? You’ll also want to plan for enough space between tables and chairs so your guests have room to move and mingle. Here are some tips to help your guests feel comfortable.

The minimum space between rectangular and square tables and chairs is 52 inches; the minimum space between round tables and chairs is 60 inches. Place the back of your chairs about 18 inches away from the table. The back of a chair that is placed against a wall should have at least 30 inches of clearance. Place chairs at the same table at least 16 inches apart.

How to design a table plan?

How to Make Your Own Wedding Table Plan. Before you choose designs or visuals for your wedding table plan, create your seating plan. The most important part of planning your wedding table plan is deciding who is going to sit where, how many tables you’re going to have, and what shape they’re going to be. If you don’t know who’s sitting where, how can you ask someone to design your seating plan? The Hitched table planner helps you plan and finalize your seating plan. Once you’ve done this, you can use the ideas above to create your own look.

Wedding seating chart etiquette names

How do you display table assignments at a wedding?

This wood-framed seating display is perfect for a rustic wedding. It’s easy to make. Print out the table assignments and put them on chicken wire with clothespins. Add greenery and flowers to the corners of the frame, then put the display in a place where guests can see it at cocktail hour. A vintage wedding seating chart on an old-fashioned typewriter is a classic touch. If you can, find an old typewriter in a color that matches your wedding palette. Or put flowers in a vase next to it. If your wedding is large and the seating chart is too long for one page, frame the other pages and place them next to the typewriter.

Planning a winter wedding? Add some winter touches to your celebration. Collect pine cones on winter walks and use them to make a seating card display. Use pine cones as card holders or arrange cards with cones on a wood table. You can also get ideas from our Christmas flowers and greenery guide.

Do bride and groom parents sit together at reception?

Where should parents and grandparents sit? If you have big tables, you can have a family table where the bride and groom’s parents and grandparents sit together. Or, each set of parents can have their own table and be seated with close family and friends. If parents are divorced, each can host their own table. Where should single friends sit? Use common sense. Put singles near friends or family they like. Don’t have a singles table. Your single guests might feel uncomfortable. What about kids? If you have children at your reception, either seat them with their parents or at a children’s table nearby. Check out our ideas for a kid-friendly reception.

How many tables do I need for a 150 person wedding?

Budget for wedding reception tables. Adding more tables means more expenses because each table needs more linens and centerpieces. If you’re planning for 150 guests, They fit at 15 round tables or 18 rectangular ones. Rectangular tables mean you pay for three more tables, linens, and centerpieces. Add up the numbers and check your budget. Check with your venue. Some have free tables. These are usually round tables. The availability of tables affects your decision. If your venue offers free round tables but you want rectangular ones, you’ll need to add up the rental cost for each table. Round tables are cheaper and create a traditional mood.

How to make your own wedding table plan?

Plan your table settings well in advance. Get a room layout from your wedding reception venue. Set your RSVP date at least a month before the wedding. Table planning! The very phrase is enough to send shivers down anyone’s spine who has ever planned an event. It doesn’t have to be scary. Planning a wedding table is like playing musical chairs with 150 people. Your two uncles might argue over the starters, but your two friends might bond over musicals. Don’t worry! We’ve got some tips to help you plan your wedding table. Do you need a wedding table plan? You can have a table plan for your wedding if you want to. Smaller weddings don’t need one. Most couples choose to have one. Even if your wedding is relaxed, you want your guests to be relaxed too. A table plan ensures everyone has a seat with someone they know. It means tables with 15 guests won’t be crammed with chairs while others are half empty. It means your VIP guests sit where you want them (and your brother or best friend isn’t stuck in a random corner). It helps the catering staff easily understand special dietary requirements, and it makes the seating process easy and stress-free for everyone.

Wedding seating chart template excel

Is it better to do assigned seating at a wedding?

It makes things more formal and cheaper. Seating adds elegance to the event. Placards make your table decorations look polished and let you personalize your guests’ experience. A seating arrangement helps you stay on budget. This saves on decorations and food.

It’s creative. Assigned seating lets you add decorations or match personalities to enhance your guests’ experience at your wedding reception. You might want to pair an introvert with someone who is outgoing. Also, adding personal touches at each table makes a big difference for your guests.

Drawbacks of Assigning Seats for Your Wedding Reception. More planning ahead. Assigning seats for your wedding reception reduces stress on the day, but increases stress in planning ahead. Matching guests can be fun, but it can also be daunting and time-consuming. You may also have to account for changes and additions, which can throw off planning. If you’re overwhelmed and don’t have time to think about this, you may want to go with an open seating policy at your reception.

📹 DIY Seating Charts | Acrylic & Wood | Cricut Wedding Sign w/ Canva

This step by step tutorial shows how to create seating charts using Canva and Cricut! Don’t have a Cricut? Just download the …

How To Do Table Assignments For Wedding?

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table assignment for wedding

Christina Kohler

As an enthusiastic wedding planner, my goal is to furnish couples with indelible recollections of their momentous occasion. After more than ten years of experience in the field, I ensure that each wedding I coordinate is unique and characterized by my meticulous attention to detail, creativity, and a personal touch. I delight in materializing aspirations, guaranteeing that every occasion is as singular and enchanted as the love narrative it commemorates. Together, we can transform your wedding day into an unforgettable occasion that you will always remember fondly.

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“They’re really centered around having this warmth, love, and care for other people,” one anonymous source told Rolling Stone. “There’s a real contrast between that and the way that they treat the people who are closest to them across the board. It’s the opposite of what this person is touted and paid to be.”

Van Ness responded to the allegations, which were published in early March, on Wednesday’s “ Table Manners ” podcast, saying things were “taken out of context” and that the journalist wanted to “make [Van Ness] look as bad as possible.”

Still, Van Ness “didn’t even get on social media ... for like three weeks, and any time I tried to dip my toe in, I would immediately see something that was so intensely hurtful.”

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“I think a lot of people were looking for a reason to hate me or looking for a reason to be like, ‘See I always knew that they were a fake c—,’” Van Ness said.

The reality star did acknowledge that the story inspired self-reflection and encouraged them to step away from the spotlight to process what had happened.

“One thing it taught me was that I had been getting so much self-esteem from social and my job that I didn’t really think that I did get so much self-esteem from it,” Van Ness said.

“My family was so supportive, and my husband, and my team.”

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  1. Wedding Seating Chart Tool

    You can create your layout digitally with circular or square tables, the right number of seats, and even custom areas for the bar(s), dance floor, and more. Then, drag/drop your guests to be placed at each table and customize until you are satisfied. Finally, easily export or print to share with your wedding planner and venue!

  2. Seating Chart Template

    The beauty of our wedding table and ceremony seating chart tool, is that once your guest list is ready, you can simply import it onto our template. ... With the seating assignment feature, you can effortlessly accommodate individual preferences, relationships, or any other criteria to create a memorable and enjoyable seating arrangement for ...

  3. 33 Wedding Seating Chart Ideas to Creatively Organize Your Day

    A wedding escort card is an object, meant to be taken by guests, displaying attendee names and table assignments. A seating chart similarly disseminates table assignments, but via a stationary display for guests to look at, but not interact with. If used, place cards tell wedding guests specifically which seat at their table belongs to them. (Psst.

  4. 30 Wedding Seating Chart Ideas We Love

    Rainbow Wedding Seating Chart. Sposto Photography. At a "retro beach rainbow"-themed wedding, guests found their seating assignment according to color, not number, on an installation designed by the bride and built by the groomsmen. See More Details from This Color-Blocked Wedding. of 30.

  5. 23 Creative Wedding Seating Chart Ideas That Will Wow Your Guests

    Guide guests to their seats in style with these creative wedding seating chart ideas, from chalkboards to mirrors. 90 years of expert advice and inspiration, for every couple. Subscribe

  6. Weddings Seating Charts: Etiquette and Tips

    She also recommends working on this with your partner on a Saturday morning with brunch. "Put the names on index cards and start working on it like a puzzle," Daniels advises. "Then sit with it ...

  7. Wedding Seating Chart

    Table assignments at a wedding can be a stressful task. This Excel seating chart template will make it easy to create the perfect seating arrangement. It will take your guest list and help you create a table plan. The spreadsheet has five tabs. The first one explains what you need to do step by step to create your table plan.

  8. Wedding Seating Chart

    You can create your layout digitally with circular or square tables, the number of seats you need, and even custom areas for the dance floor, cake table, and more. Then, drag and drop your guests at each table and customize to your liking. Finally, easily export or print to share with your wedding planner and venue!

  9. Wedding Seating Chart Templates to Simplify Planning

    By using the drag-and-drop seating chart tool offered by WeddingWire, you can customize a seating plan and choose table shapes, as well as keep track of your RSVPs, all in one place. Plus, the ...

  10. How to Create a Wedding Seating Chart

    The First Look . A wedding table seating chart isn't mandatory, but it can help you, your guests, and your catering staff maximize your reception venue space.; Consider your venue size and decide, based on your desired reception vibe and your guests, the type of tables you need and the floor map that best suits them.; Start your seating chart with the head table then seat your relatives ...

  11. 26 Creative Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

    Print out table assignments and attach them to chicken wire with mini clothespins. Embellish the corners of the frame with greenery and flowers, ... If your wedding is large and all the names won't fit on a single page, frame the other typed-out seating-chart pages and place them next to the typewriter to keep the traffic flow smooth.

  12. What to Know About Wedding Seating Chart Etiquette

    Relationships, and possible tensions, between guests should be kept in mind when creating wedding table assignments. If your wedding is going to serve as a reunion for many college friends, seat them together so they can catch up. If a friend is attending alone and won't know many people, put them at a table with strong conversationalists and ...

  13. How To Create Your Wedding Seating Chart

    Too much breathing room. (For a 72-inch round, these same rules apply plus two: ten is ideal, twelve is tight, eight feels sparse.) For a 6-foot-long rectangular table (which is usually considered standard), seating for six works best. You can increase that number to eight if you add endcaps, which is a seat at each end.

  14. How to Create Your Wedding Seating Chart

    1. Start early. Before all the RSVP responses come in, you can find inspiration from wedding blogs, social media, and your vendors for a seating chart design and layout that will fit your theme, colors, and venue. You'll need to set your RSVP deadline for at least two to three weeks before the wedding.

  15. Wedding Seating Charts & Table Assignment Boards

    Next to each guest's name you can list their table assignment. This is recommended if you have guests more than 80 people. What is the size of a wedding seating chart? Minted offers two sizes of weddings eating charts: 16" x 20" and 18" x 24". Choose based on your space and the number of guests.

  16. Free custom printable wedding seating chart templates

    Make your wedding reception a fun and relaxing event for everyone. Don't think twice about having a seating chart for your wedding. Just a few rules to follow: seat the elderly and guests with mobility issues away from the dance floor, with easy access to the buffet table and other necessities; group your friends accordingly and keep exes apart, and give your parents a special spot.

  17. Wedding Table Assignments Made Easy

    Final Thoughts on Making Table Assignments a Success at Your Wedding. Creating well-thought-out table assignments sets the stage for an unforgettable wedding experience. Remember to take guest dynamics, preferences, and venue logistics into consideration. Utilize the various tools and resources available to simplify the process, and don't be ...

  18. Table Planner Free & Easy To Use

    Create visual seating with a click. Just drag-and-drop your guests into their seats as individuals or groups. You can event auto-seat all your guests in a click. Plus, find empty seats fast using our free table planning software. And, prepare catering and vendors with all the details with easy exporting.

  19. 36 Unique Wedding Seating Chart Ideas We're Obsessing Over

    35. Modern Wedding Seating Chart Ideas With 3D Table Cards. arch wedding seating chart ideas: ProperLetter on Etsy. Okay, okay, one more of the best arch-shaped wedding seating chart ideas — just because we love them so much! This board stands out with those colorful 3D details, which remind us of modern, funky flowers.

  20. Must-Know Etiquette Tips When Creating a Wedding Seating Chart

    "In order to communicate those seating assignments to guests, couples can either create escort cards, indicating which table each guest has been assigned to, or they can have the assignments in list form and on display for all guests to see," says Leah Weinberg, wedding planner, owner, and executive planner at Color Pop Events.

  21. A Template For Your Wedding Seating Chart and Tips

    EPISODE 61HIGHLIGHTS: Wedding Table & Seat Assignments 101. To fast-forward to a specific part of the podcast episode, check out the timestamps below: Life update: Waterpark mishaps [07:55] Paper and pencil Approach [12:58] Social Tables Tactic [17:56] How to Organize your Guests [22:00] Seating Chart Etiquette [25:07]

  22. 30 + Most Popular Seating Chart Ideas for Your Wedding Day

    To help you get some inspiration for your own seating chart, take a look at these creative ideas below. 1. Acrylic Seating Chart. 【water color design】. 【calligraphy & monogram design】. 【Greenery design】. 2. Window and Door. Photo Credits: via Glamour and Grace / via Bridal Musings.

  23. Wedding Table Assignment How-To

    Step 4: Assign Guests to Tables. Now that you know who is coming, where the tables are located, and which tables are which, you're finally ready to assign people to tables. Begin with the easy guests: your parents and immediate family members. Generally, each set of parents will have their table near the couple's table, regardless of ...

  24. Need help with wedding table assignments?

    Wedding table assignments are a crucial aspect of wedding planning, and it is essential to finalize your attendee list before starting. The seating chart should be made in close proximity to the couple getting married, as this signifies status. The floor plan should also be created, with tables assigned according to their proximity.

  25. A year ago, her engagement ring vanished at a hospital. She still

    The Assignment with Audie Cornish ... They'd met at a party, and by the end they were holding hands under the table. He saved up to buy her the ring. ... Faye and Tom Bauman on their wedding day ...

  26. Country Music Star Cole Swindell's Wedding Reception at a ...

    The newlyweds, who met at a Nascar race and fell in love a few years later on the set of Cole's music video for "Some Habits," invited over 250 guests to Cortina Farms , a private estate ...

  27. Jonathan Van Ness responds to being called a 'monster' at work

    Johnathan Van Ness of Netflix's 'Queer Eye' responds to allegations that they are a 'monster' to work with, one who frequently lashes out at others on set.