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In This Article

  • Top Speech Examples
  • How To Write The Perfect Speech
  • Speech Template

Best Man Speech Ideas

  • Opening Lines
  • Toasts Examples
  • Speech Jokes
  • Speech Delivery Tips

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  • Wedding Party & Reception

Best Man Speech Magic: Crafting Words that Resonate and Inspire

Natalia Bayeva

Via Unsplash

Hey there! Your friend’s wedding is just around the corner, and he’s chosen you to be the best man? Crafting the perfect best man speech might seem daunting, but trust us, it’s simpler than you imagine.

Below, you’ll find a wealth of tips and examples from Wedding Forward team to guide you through crafting a best man speech that will leave a lasting impression. Moreover, our editorial team interviewed two distinguished experts in the field: Mindy Weiss, the founder of Mindy Weiss Party Consultants and a best-selling author, and Steven Greitzer, a wedding tech entrepreneur and officiant, serving as CEO of Provenance . Their invaluable tips and advice also have been integrated into this article.


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Top Best Man Speech Examples

It is much easier to write a best man speech when you have some examples to draw upon for inspiration. That’s why Wedding Forward team have prepared variety collection of inspired best man speech to help you craft your own!

Best Man Speech For Friend

Best Man Speech for Brother

“Good evening, hope everyone is having a good time tonight. I feel very privileged and honored to be standing here tonight celebrating this lovely union. Two years ago, Matt gave the best man speech at my wedding and made a lot of awkward jokes. So needless to say, I’ve been waiting for this moment for a really long time! For those who don’t know, I am Matt’s brother, Mike. I first met Matt when I was two years old at our parent’s house in Boston. To be quite honest, I wasn’t thrilled because I really wanted a sister. And I think he knew because Matt would do ridiculous things like throw my toothbrush in the toilet, pour water at me when I was asleep and run across the room naked when I had any friends over. This made me less popular than I already was. Matt always excelled in school, was captain of the debate team (apologies to Cara, but he can argue his way out of anything!) and can make a mean steak. The truth is, despite him being an annoying brother at the time, I came out winning in the end. Because of him and this beautiful night, I am getting the sister I always wanted. Cara, you’re beautiful and our family loves you so much. Thank you for making my brother so happy. Let’s celebrate this amazing union and raise a glass to the newlyweds ! On behalf of the groomsmen and bridesmaids, we’d like to wish you a life full of love, happiness, and joy. To everyone who made tonight happen, thank you. You’ve made this night very special.” Source

Short Best Man Speech

“Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? As the best man, I stand here today to say a few words about the remarkable love story between my incredible friend, [groom’s name], and his beautiful bride, [bride’s name]. [Groom’s name] and I have been through thick and thin together, and I’ve had the privilege of witnessing his growth as a person. But it wasn’t until [bride’s name] came into his life that I saw a change I can only describe as transformative. Their love is like a beacon, guiding them through life’s ups and downs. So here’s to the newlyweds—a couple who have found not just love, but true companionship. May your journey be filled with happiness, passion, and an everlasting bond.”

Funny Best Man Speech Examples

Best man talk for adam and kate.

“Adam and Kate – What a great day to get married! Marriage carries new responsibilities. Kate – from now on, you should never argue or disagree with Adam, because he is now the head of the family and the king of his castle. You will be expected to keep your hair and make-up perfect at all times – to dress in a way that pleases Adam. You should cook his favorite meals every night and encourage him to go out with his friends on a regular basis. Do these simple things and your marriage will be blessed with many years of happiness. Kate – I know that Adam loves you very much… because he spent a long time writing this speech for me. Congratulations to the both of you!” Source

Best Man Presentation for Sarah & Simon

“Sarah & Simon – every great relationship starts with rings. In the beginning, the phone would ring and just the thought of speaking to one another was exciting. Your love grew and so did your commitment to each other. The engagement ring soon came after. There were no doubts… your love was true. The engagement ring has now turned into a wedding ring and we are all here today to celebrate your marriage. Now of course… the suffer-ring begins. (smile and raise your glass) Peace and happiness to the new bride and groom!” Source

Speech for Neil and Claire

“Hi my name is Paul and Neil has asked me to be his best man for this wonderful occasion. I would like to say it is a very special honor but with it, comes the responsibility of giving the bloody speech. I would not say it is very comfortable to wear a tuxedo in a 30-degree church, which is not air-conditioned. The church ceremony I’m sure you’ll all agree was a wonderful, wonderful occasion. Maybe a little hot, but I’m glad to see so many of you have replaced your electrolytes with fuel of the alcoholic kind since the reception began. I have known Neil and Claire for_________ [how many years] years. You might say Neil and I met by accident, but it is no accident that Neil met Claire. If you know Neil you know he is an excellent athlete, in fact I noticed his Athletes foot right away. This was a man who had his knees and ankles shaved, for easy taping. I knew this was a hard-core sports fanatic. We both share a tremendous love of football and basketball. For many years, we have had a running bet during the season as to who will score more goals or more runs which of course, I always won. Neil is a ______________ [Groom’s Occupation] in Truro, and I thought__________________________________[Funny or quirky aspect about grooms occupation] Neil is a man who has dedicated his life to __________________[Grooms occupation] And now I’m sure will use his experience with ___________________________[what the Groom does in his occupation] in his marriage with Claire. It is great that Neil found Claire. He has always been looking for someone young, dynamic, intelligent, attractive, and with good health insurance. Neil and Claire met_________________________ [where they meet], But I have it on good authority that Neil started looking for a wife on the internet. And with a multitude of resources at his fingertips, he found some really great stuff, but sadly was unable to find himself a suitable partner. That is, until I mentioned to him that the correct category to be looking should be Woman Seeking Man. I explained the way it works, send an old picture when you still had lots of hair, lie about your height and weight, and at all other times be sincere and honest. I imagine that when Neil and Claire met and introduced each other he said I’m Neil and she said, “I need a Diamond.” So, Neil said, sure let’s pick one out. Claire is a Diamond. Neil is a gem; I think together they make beautiful jewellery. No Marriage would be complete without some brotherly advice to help set you on your way… So I canvassed the room and got some really good stuff for you! Love, honor and cherish each other, and don’t forget to take out the garbage. Your wife is always right. Just in case she is not right, refer back to #2. Always, yes always, notice every new hairstyle or dress. Do something nice for each other every single day. If she asks if something makes her look fat the answer is categorically, NO. Flowers are always a good Idea, even if you are not in trouble. There is really nothing better than a good foot rub or massage. Your wife is more important than sports. I guess. Even the cup final. It is a great joy for me to see Neil and Claire so happy. You learn things when you get older. Hmmm, I mean more mature. You make better decisions, isn’t it great that two people would entwine and commit to each other for life. Love, isn’t that what it is all about? We are here to celebrate that glorious event and this ceremony is all about letting the world know how much Neil and Claire’s love for each other is a reflection of one’s own soul in another’s. Anyway, it is time to celebrate the joyous and unbridled love that these two spectacular people will share the rest of their lives. Would you please stand now and join me in a toast. To love and laughter and happily ever after.” Source

What are the key elements that should be included in a memorable and heartfelt best man’s speech?

That is what Steven Greitzer, wedding tech entrepreneur and officiant, CEO of Provenance, said:

“There are many key elements to take into account when pulling together a great toast:

  • Include 2-3 stories in your speech that capture the essence of the groom and your friendship.
  • Make sure your speech is appropriate by discussing “no-go’s” with the couple beforehand.
  • Acknowledge the groom’s partner in your speech and speak about how the relationship has helped the groom grow (more on that below).
  • Offer a thematic takeaway, such as the importance of friendship or the strength of the couple’s love.
  • Be sure to practice

The Provenance Toast Builder is the best and easiest way to make sure your wedding toast captures what you’re trying to say.”

Try the Toast Builder

How to Write a Best Man Speech

For a great wedding speech, there are some simple rules you have to follow. Here you will find examples of best man speeches Dos and Don’ts from our editors.

  • Plan your speech ahead (think about your best man speech structure, choose formal or funny style) and practice.
  • Tell a short story ( keep the speech to about 5 minutes or less ) with jokes (2 or 3 will be enough).
  • Get sentimental at some point, make compliments to the bride.
  • Finish on an optimistic note (end your speech with love quotes or wishes for the happy couple).
  • Be thankful (express gratitude towards the couple, their family, and anyone who helped make the wedding happen).


  • Do not cross the 2-5 mins time limit.
  • Do not make it about you.
  • Avoid dirty jokes.
  • Do not ignore the bride. Let her know how happy you are, that she is ending up with your friend.
  • Avoid rude remarks. Keep your manners in check, even if it’s for a day.


how to give a best man speech at a wedding

Best Man Speech Templates

Click here to download free printable templates of best man speech!

When creating the Best Man speech outline for your talk, include the following elements to involve everyone, making one and all feel that they are important participants in the merrymaking for the newlywed couple:

Use a Magnetic Opening Line

The opening words of your Best Man presentation should grab everyone’s attention. If you favor a romantic approach to start off a speech, you can start with a statement like, “True love wins all,” and then list the various ways the Groom, through his true love for his Bride, has won all her attention and affections.

  • If some of the Groom’s favorite hip singer-songwriters date back to the 1960s and ’70s, you can quote from Bob Dylan: “ Love is just a four-letter word ,” going on to mention the many words of just four letters that relate to feelings of true love like “ kiss, hold, keep and ever. ” Be intent and clever with the use of language, and you will achieve better engagement with your audience.
  • If your tastes (or the tastes of the newlyweds) are somewhat more classical, you can start by quoting the familiar line from Elizabeth Barrett Browning: “ How do I love thee, Let me count the ways. ” This popular line has been repeated in many variations by countless poets and songwriters ever since, so have no fear of labeling yourself as an egghead when quoting it. This opening line will also give you a chance to mention the main virtues and attributes of the Bride.

Thank the Other Speakers

It is always appropriate and appreciated if you thank the other speakers for the occasion. These speakers usually include the Maid of Honor and the Bride’s Father as well as any other members of the wedding party that the Bride and Groom ask to speak.

It is always good form to express your gratitude for their contributions to this special moment and event. Never criticize or make jokes about what they say or how they say it. Just thank them politely and continue with your own remarks since you know very well how to write a best-man speech.

Congratulate the Newlyweds

Congratulate the wedding couple on this exciting first chapter in their lives together. This is the ideal time to tell the guests how you met your great friend, the Groom. If you happen to be the Groom’s brother or cousin, you can recreate moments of hilarity from your younger years together or shared experiences of suspense or intrigue.

Recalling funny incidents or telling best man speech jokes involving the Groom is totally acceptable, so long as you keep the format and content clean and respectable.

Expert tip from Steven Greitzer:

“A great best man speech strikes the perfect balance of humor and sincerity. You want it to be memorable, but for the right reasons. Check with the couple to see if there are any topics you need to avoid or any topics that might be of particular concern to anyone in the audience. In the Provenance Toast Builder , the couple has the option to call out any topic they do, or don’t, want you to include. If you have any jokes in your speech you are unsure about, run them by someone who is close to the couple who you trust. And if you have a feeling that a joke might upset them or not land well with the audience – err on the side of caution. It’s their big day, not yours! There’s a way to have a funny best man speech that doesn’t upset grandma. Find the balance.”

Compliment the Bride

Now it is time to pull out the stops and give high praise to the Bride using your knowledge of how to write a best man talk. Highlight and emphasize her finest qualities, talents, and accomplishments.

Let them know just how overjoyed you are to celebrate the marriage of these two special people of whom you think so highly. Then give the Bride another charming compliment using top-quality speech writing tips.

Read Messages from Absent Guests

Take time to read some messages from invited guests who could not attend the wedding. This gesture is always appreciated by the absent guests and the Bride and Groom, alike. It also includes their congratulatory thoughts and best wishes for the newlyweds in the day’s special events.

Include a Famous Quote or Poem

Enchant your attentive audience of wedding guests further by reciting a well-known quote or poem that suits the occasion. This adds a creative literary element to the post-wedding celebration for the honored couple. You may want to consult other templates, including a listing of groomsman speech examples.

Best Man Speech Quotes

Choose Best Man speech quotes that reflect the couple’s personality, add humor, and keep them relevant.

Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop. H. L. Mencken
Marriage is a workshop where husband works and wife shops.
A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. Mignon McLaughlin

Propose a Toast to the Wedding Couple

Raise your glass of champagne so the guests can eagerly follow your example as you deliver a heartfelt toast of optimistic good wishes for the excellent health, increasing wealth, and everlasting happiness of the newlyweds.

The toast should be given with gusto and true sincerity and may include mild best-man speech jokes. Remember that you speak for all the well-wishers in the room who want all the best for this newly married Bride and Groom, so put your best energy, spirit, and talents for convincing elocution into this featured Grand Finale.

The “Thankful” Speech

“Hello everyone, it’s such a pleasure to be here tonight as [Groom’s] best man. And I want to begin with saying what an honor it is that I was chosen to stand by your side today. You’ve always been someone that I looked up to and I am just beyond grateful that I get to share in this moment with you and [Bride]. [Groom] is someone that I’ve come to care for greatly over the years and I am so happy that he’s found someone to share his life with and start a family with. [Groom] has always been my right hand throughout the biggest moments of my life and I can’t wait to be able to watch everything beautiful unfold for the two of you. Cheers to a lifetime of happiness!”

The “Smart Move” Speech

“There’s an old saying about friendship that reads, “It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them,” and goodness that couldn’t be more true for me and my boy, [Groom]. I could go into all the funny stories that include some of that stupidity but instead I’d rather focus on all the smart moves he’s made. His friendships, the relationship he has with his family, his career, it’s all a reflection of the incredible man he’s become. But really, the smartest move he’s made is marrying you, [Bride]. Let’s toast to the best decision [Groom’s] ever made. I wish you a lifetime of love, happiness and success.”

The “She Was the One” Speech

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming out tonight to celebrate the wedding of two people we all love, [Bride] & [Groom]! When I first met [Bride], I knew that she was the woman [Groom] would end up marrying. Even if it hadn’t dawned on him quite yet, it was obvious to everyone around just how smitten he was with her. They talk about a bride’s glow, but this man was shining since the moment he met [Bride]. He changed for the better without realizing it. And we all could see it. He couldn’t stop talking about her. We’d go out with the boys and [Bride’s] name would be brought up every two minutes. So, when he came to me to tell me that he would be proposing my only response was, ‘Well, it’s about time!’ There’s something special about these two. They go together without forcing it. They love each other without fighting it. And they care about each other without thinking about it. She was the one from the very beginning [Groom], and we’re all so happy to be able to take part in your big day. Cheers!”

Best Man Speech Opening Lines

Your opening lines are your best-man speech icebreakers, so it’s important that they are good. Grab the attention of your guests with witty best man speech openers such as these.

  • “I would like to begin by congratulating the groom on his excellent taste in best men. He has really outdone himself this time, and I’m pleased.”
  • “I have been asked by the bride and groom not to share any embarrassing stories, crude jokes, or pranks during my best man’s speech… so I guess that’ll be it from me! Thank you all for listening.”
  • “If you cannot hear me at the back, nothing to worry about. By the complete silence in the front row here, you can rest assured that you’re really not missing much.”
  • “Is anyone here this afternoon feeling nervous and queasy at the thought of what lies ahead? If you are, it’s probably because you’ve just married (groom’s name).”
  • “All of you here who really know the bride must know that she is a wonderful person who deserves a good husband. Thank goodness (groom’s name) married her before she found one.”

Best Man Speech One-Liners

I am about to make the groom cry. I just received the food bill.
He is smart, tall, kind, generous….. Who am I actually talking about?
Hi, the groom is a great friend. Our friendship is 2hours old. I was hired as he’s got no friends.
His colleagues describe him as a first-class banker – I may have misheard them.
I heard some time that marriage is a 50/50 affair. Believe that at your own peril. We have factors called women and improper fractions.

One-liners are sharp jokes delivered in one sentence. A good one-liner is concise and meaningful. It is instant but loaded with humor that can keep the guests laughing for a while. It is important that the best man speech jokes contain one-liners.

Best Man Toasts Examples

“It’s been an emotional day, even the cake is in tiers.”
“Folks, I have been told I am not allowed to have a drink until AFTER my speech. If I seem like I’m in a hurry to finish, it’s because I am.”
“I hope the two of you have the two essential things it takes to have a successful marriage 1) a sense of humor 2) selective hearing.”
“Psychiatrists say that girls tend to marry men like their fathers. That must be why mothers cry at weddings.”
“Love is not about how often you say I love you, but how often you show that it’s true.”

Best Man Speech Jokes

“They say marriage is a journey, and tonight we celebrate the beginning of an epic road trip for the bride and groom. Just remember, guys, never forget to ask for directions!”
“They say the key to a successful marriage is patience, understanding, and a remote control with fresh batteries. Groom, make sure you always keep that remote handy!”
“Let’s raise our glasses to the newlyweds: may their love be like Wi-Fi, strong and never disconnecting, even in the midst of Netflix binges!”
“As the best man, it’s my duty to share a piece of advice with the groom: in marriage, always remember that a happy wife means a happy life… and also remember to nod and agree, even when she’s wrong!”
“Marriage is a lifelong commitment, just like the gym membership the groom signed up for and rarely uses. But this time, there are no cancellation fees!”

Best Man Speech Delivery and Presentation Tips

best man speech attire groom olly allars

When delivering your best man speech, it’s essential to captivate the audience with your words and presence. Here are some tips to ensure a memorable and engaging delivery:

  • Maintain good eye contact with the audience: Look directly at the guests while speaking. Eye contact helps establish a connection and shows that you are genuinely engaged with them.
  • Speak clearly and at a moderate pace: Enunciate your words clearly and avoid rushing through your speech. Speaking at a moderate pace allows the audience to understand and absorb your message effectively.
  • Use appropriate gestures and body language to enhance your delivery: Use hand gestures and body movements to emphasize key points and add energy to your speech. However, be mindful of not going overboard and distracting from your message.
  • Incorporate pauses for comedic timing and to allow the audience to react: Timing is crucial, especially when delivering humorous anecdotes or punchlines. Pause before and after delivering a joke to build anticipation and give the audience time to laugh and react.

By implementing these delivery and presentation tips, you’ll engage the audience, leave a lasting impression, and make your best man speech a memorable highlight of the wedding celebration.

Are there any common mistakes to avoid, and how to overcome nervousness or stage fright?

According to wedding planner Mindy Weiss, “speeches can help make or break a wedding” . And we agree with this opinion. Speeches have the power to elevate the celebration, bringing tears of joy and laughter to guests, while also creating cherished memories that last a lifetime. However, poorly delivered speeches can disrupt the flow and energy of the event, leaving guests feeling disconnected and the couple disappointed.

Steven Greitzer convinced that one of the biggest mistakes is when the person giving the wedding speech only talks about the partner they’re closest with, unintentionally making the other partner feel left out and unimportant: “To help remedy this, the Provenance Toast Builder gives you the option to either talk about each partner 50/50, or to talk 70% about your person and 30% about their partner (which is a good rule of thumb). The Toast Builder also has thoughtful prompts to encourage you to share why they’re both 1) good people and 2) a great match for each other.

What is the best man supposed to say in his speech?

The best man should share anecdotes about the groom, praise the couple, thank everyone, and propose a toast. Keep it lighthearted and sincere.

What do you say in a short speech for Bestman?

In a short best man speech, express gratitude, share a memorable moment about the groom, and toast to the couple’s happiness. Keep it concise and impactful.

How do I write a good man speech?

Write a good best man speech by including humor, expressing genuine sentiments, avoiding inappropriate content, and keeping it focused on the couple. Practice for smooth delivery and timing.

There is truly something for everyone today to create the perfect Best Man Speech for that very special couple and their after-wedding reception, dinner, and celebration. Fond remembrances, amusing stories and anecdotes, humorous quotes, and emotional phrases end with the joyful ring of a clever, yet heartfelt Best Man Toast to the Bride and Groom. The contemporary wedding is truly a work of love and art with all the trimmings and enticing treats for one and all to treasure and enjoy.

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Writing a Best Man Speech: Outline and Guide (+3 Examples)

  • by Marisa Jenkins
  • January 24, 2024

Being chosen as a bridal party member —especially as a best man or maid of honor —is a big deal. You have been given the opportunity to support someone in such a momentous part of their life. Your role comes with plenty of responsibilities, including making a speech at the reception.

Having an outline for your speech as a best man can be really helpful when you start writing the draft. Here is a classic and timeless example of an outline:

  • Self-introduction
  • Short icebreaker ( optional )
  • Stories about the groom
  • Talk about the partner
  • Talk about their relationship
  • Well-wishes and advice

Below is a more detailed explanation of each part of a best man speech outline, followed by a step-by-step guide—with tips—for writing the speech itself. Some examples are also provided to help you in the process. 

Best Man Speech Outline: Easy Template to Use

Greet everyone present (1–3 sentences).

Before anything else, make sure to greet the guests, bridal party, and vendors at the venue. Acknowledge their presence and the effort they put into being there on the newlyweds’ special day.

You can keep this part brief but upbeat to get your guests engaged and listening to your speech as a best man.

Example : Hey everyone! Thank you for making the time and effort to attend Ben and Stephanie’s wedding.

Introduce Yourself (1–2 Sentences)

At the reception, odds are most people—but not all—will know who you are. For everyone’s benefit, briefly introduce yourself and your relationship with the newlyweds.

Example : For those of you who don’t know me—first of all, how dare you? Kidding aside, my name is Ryan Drews, Mike’s best friend and life coach. We’ve known each other since high school.

(Optional) Short Icebreaker (1–3 Sentences)

If you feel like you still need to capture your guests’ attention, consider adding a short joke or anecdote before you get into the body of your best man speech. You can get a good laugh and set the tone for the rest of the speech. 

Example : Honestly, I was a bit nervous about giving this speech. People said it should only be as long as Gavin’s attention span. So… I guess that’s all for my speech, goodnight!”

Personal Stories and Memories With the Groom (1–3 Paragraphs)

Share a personal story that showcases your relationship and closeness with the groom. It does not necessarily have to be relatable, but make sure the memory will highlight the groom’s personality and positive traits.

You can also talk about the groom’s growth and development over the years. How much has he changed? How has he changed? Shed light on the positive changes you have observed since he and his partner got together .

Example : [Compare the groom’s personality during high school and today. He might be more mature, patient, and mentally strong than before. If you have one, share a story that illustrates these changes.]

Talk About the Partner (1–2 Paragraphs)

Do not forget about the star of the night—the other newlywed. Talk about your first impressions, the day you were first introduced, and any striking memories you have with them.

Example : [Where did you meet each other for the first time? Did you have dinner somewhere? What did you think of her initially, and how did this impression change?]

Talk About the Newlyweds (1–2 Paragraphs)

Compliment the couple and talk about their relationship. Highlight their strengths, share how you think they complement each other, and tell them how they make you—and everyone around them—feel.

Example : You two are an example of how a healthy dose of annoying each other can actually go a long way in making a relationship better. But all jokes aside, you guys inspire everyone around you to be kinder to one another and themselves.

Conclusion: Well-Wishes and Advice (1–2 Paragraphs)

The last part of a best man speech’s outline can contain well-wishes, advice, or both. Share any wisdom you have regarding marriage, and tell them that you are praying for the best for their future.

Example : Always remember that marriage is a two-player game: both of you must put in the same amount of effort to keep the game going. Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Linnehan! May the future be bright and boundless for you. 

Writing a Best Man Speech: Steps and Tips to Follow

man writing on pieces of paper

Step 1: Gather Material by Reflecting

Take a trip down memory lane and think about your relationship with the groom over the years. Write down any funny stories, milestones, and incidents that come up.

At the same time, think back on what you know about the groom’s relationship with his partner. How did they meet? How did you meet his partner for the first time? What makes their bond and journey special?

As you reflect, think about their qualities as individuals and as a couple. These traits will be a great addition to your best man speech.

Tip: Start Early

Do not leave your speech as a best man to the last minute. Ideally, start brainstorming and thinking of what to say as early as a few weeks before the wedding day. This will give you plenty of time to write, revise, and revise some more.

Step 2: Structure Your Speech

The outline above will help you structure your speech. However, feel free to add any personal touches or make changes to the order.

Tip: Decide What Tone You Want to Use

Spend a moment to decide how you want to deliver your speech. Do you want to be funny and witty? Do you want to sound casual? Do you want to flex your poetic muscles? Do you want to incorporate multiple styles and tones?

Step 3: Start the First Draft

Eventually, you have to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). Write everything that comes to mind, letting your past reflections guide you as you compose your best man speech.

Do not worry about making it perfect on the first try—no one ever gets it perfect on the first try. Let yourself word vomit until you have written everything you have in mind.

Tip: Do Not Go Too Heavy With Inside Jokes

Although you understandably want to show how well you know the groom and make your guests laugh, avoid sharing inside jokes. Everyone will not get it without explaining the necessary context; you simply may not have the time to do so.

Step 4: Edit and Refine Your Draft

Start with any obvious grammatical errors. Fix faulty subject-verb agreements, incorrect uses of prepositions, and whatnot. You can use apps like Grammarly or built-in grammar checkers to help you with this part.

As you go along, read the speech aloud or in your head to see if there are any awkward spots. You may have to rephrase certain parts or rearrange sentences to make your speech flow better.

Be patient with yourself, as it might take multiple revisions before you get a speech you are satisfied with.

Tip: Keep It Concise

Aim for a best man’s speech that does not exceed 4–6 minutes. Any more than that and you risk losing your guests’ attention.

Step 5: Practice Giving the Speech

After a few revisions, start practicing the speech out loud. One benefit of this is that you will spot more ways to revise your speech to make it better. 

At the same time, a practical tip is to mark points in your speech where you will pause for a moment and take a breath. This will make the delivery more relaxed and natural-sounding.

If possible, ask for a close friend or another bridal party member to listen to your speech. They can give you constructive criticism and feedback to further improve the content and your delivery.

Tip: Read the Room

As you practice your delivery to a test audience, pay attention to how they react to what you wrote. They might think that a certain anecdote is too embarrassing for the groom or that your speech has more humor than sincerity.

You might unintentionally humiliate yourself or the groom if you include stories that are too personal. Likewise, you might come across as insincere or performative if you try too hard with your speech.

Adjust your speech and delivery accordingly. As mentioned above, the revision process never stops—even as you give the speech at the reception, odds are you will make a few changes off the cuff.

Step 6: Make the Final Preparations

Print a few copies of your speech on high-quality stationery, as it is good to have extras in case something happens. If nothing else, it can be a wonderful keepsake for the newlyweds.

Make sure to have some positive coping mechanisms for stress as well. Look into breathing practices to help you manage your anxiety and stage fright.

Tip: Engage the Audience

Do not just read off your copy, since this will make you sound robotic. Pay special attention to making eye contact with guests, pausing for reactions, and ad-libbing when the opportunity presents itself. 

Speech from the Best Man: Heartwarming Examples

man giving a speech outdoors

1. Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention for just a few moments? Before I continue with my speech, I want to thank everyone for being here tonight. We know it isn’t cheap to attend a destination wedding, so we do want to make it clear that we will not be offering any rebate or cashback.

Anyway, for those of you who don’t know me, I’m Brian Mills. Nolan’s my cousin, and he has given me the honor—and stress—of being his best man. We actually only became close in high school when we both tried out for the basketball team.

Needless to say, both of us didn’t get in. We did continue practicing in our free time. These games allowed me to get to know Nolan better.

A lot has changed since then, huh? In high school, Nolan was wild, impulsive, and a bit irresponsible—we both were. Now, though, Nolan is reliable, clever, and puts everyone’s needs before his.

I remember when Nolan first introduced me to Lisa. His eyes were lit up in a way that I’d never seen before… not even when the Lakers won that championship in 2020! The more I got to know Lisa, the more I understood how perfect they are for each other; they’re both kind, adventurous, and passionate.

Lisa, I want to officially welcome you to the madness that is our family. We promise not to share too many embarrassing stories… at least until after your first anniversary.

Kidding aside, I have never seen Nolan as happy as he is with Lisa. You both bring out the best in each other, and it’s clear to all of us here that you share a love that is deep, genuine, and enduring.

So, let’s raise our glasses in a toast to Nolan and Lisa. May your love be modern enough to survive the times and old-fashioned enough to last forever. Cheers!

Thank you, everyone. Enjoy the rest of your evening!

2. Good evening, everyone! How’s your night going so far? I hope the food and drinks are all to your liking; we worked very hard tasting every dish our lovely caterer had to offer.

I’m Alex, and I have the great privilege of being David’s best man. Before I start, let’s give another round of applause to the beautiful couple. David, my man, you look sharp tonight! But I think I speak for everyone when I say: Emily, you’ve definitely stolen the show.

I’ve known David for almost 20 years now. We first met in middle school, and our friendship has been a rollercoaster ride ever since. From camping trips that turned into survival missions to late-night study sessions that rarely involved studying, I can say we’ve had our fair share of memorable moments.

But today, I want to focus on the biggest adventure David has had: his adventure with Emily. I still remember the day David told me about Emily. He said, “There’s this incredible woman.” And he was right. Emily, your kindness, intelligence, and sense of humor make you a perfect match for David. And David, well, I guess he isn’t too bad.

Together, you two are like a fine wine—you just keep getting better with time. David, you’ve found your soulmate in Emily. Your partnership is a testament to what every love should have—support, laughter, and a lot of patience (especially when David tries to cook or crack a joke).

Emily, welcome to our small, silly, but very loving friend group. You bring out the best in David, and for that, we are all grateful.

David, I have one piece of advice for you as you enter this new chapter: a happy wife is a happy life. Always remember that.

As we stand here in this beautiful venue, surrounded by friends and family, I am reminded of a quote I once heard: “Love isn’t about finding the perfect person. It’s about realizing that an imperfect person can make your life perfect.”/

So, let’s raise our glasses to David and Emily. May your life together be filled with endless love, laughter, and luck. Cheers!

Thank you, everyone. Let’s make this a night to remember!

3. Hi, everyone! I just want to take a few minutes of your time to say some words about our lovely newlyweds. My name is Charles, and Manny chose me as his best man.

The love story I’ve witnessed over the past six years is nothing short of magical. First of all, their growth as individuals is very laudable; I’ve seen Manny go from a slightly reckless and clueless college student to a calm and collected man. I can confidently say that Jenny’s presence has been transformative to Manny.

Jenny, it is clear that you and Manny are soulmates. Thank you for taking care of him, keeping him in check, and humbling him whenever he needs it.

May your love be a sturdy lighthouse amidst a rough and rowdy sea, shining a light that will guide you through the darkness and unpredictability of life.

Congratulations to you two! Cheers to the future!

Final Thoughts

Being someone’s best man is a huge honor; it means you occupy such a special part of their life they wanted you to have this major role in their wedding.

When preparing a best man speech outline, the most important thing to keep in mind is authenticity—stay true to yourself. If you want to write an amazing, unforgettable speech, just focus on pouring your heart onto paper. Everything else will follow.

how to give a best man speech at a wedding

Marisa Jenkins

Marisa Jenkins is a wedding planner and event coordinator. Her main goal for WeddingFrontier.com is to simplify the wedding planning process by sharing her years of expertise in the industry.

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How to Give a Great Best Man Speech

If you’re freaking out about pulling off a best man speech at a wedding, we understand. There's an art to the best man speech. Here's our best advice for giving a great best man speech.

Best Man holding a paper with text "Best best man speech ever"

The First Look ✨

  • You should absolutely aim to tell a story, combine humor with emotion, address the groom’s new wife, and end with a sweet note.
  • Avoid long or rambling speeches, inappropriate material, telling inside jokes, and being too tipsy for the speech.
  • To give the best speech possible, prepare your material and practice it, don’t speak too fast or too slow, and don’t dwell on any mistakes you might make during the delivery.

Let me guess: if you’ve made it here, you’re a best man (or a best woman), and you’re nervous. First off, congrats on this special role of honor! You’re gonna do great. But if you’re freaking out about pulling off all of your groomsmen duties , especially having to write and deliver a best man speech on the wedding day, we understand. There is an art to the perfect best man speech. Too far in any direction, and a bad speech can negatively alter the mood of a wedding in a snap.

But before we make you even more nervous, take a cleansing breath and lower your heart rate: you’ve come to the right place. We’re here to guide through the process of writing and giving a stellar best man speech from start to finish, including a list of dos and don’ts, tips on subject matters, and a sample best man speech outline to focus your efforts. Follow our advice, and you’re sure to walk away with praise, admiration, and an awesome groomsmen gift .

Before we get into the do's and don'ts, we'll provide you with a short list of things to include in your speech. Generally, for a great best man speech, you'll want to:

  • Have an opening line that will grab the crowd's attention. This can be funny or sentimental, whatever you think works best.
  • Say congratulations to the bride and groom. Acknowledge the major commitment they just made and the event that brought you all together.
  • Say some nice words about the groom's new spouse. This is your friend's new life partner, say a few words about this person that highlights why they are perfect as the groom's spouse.
  • Tell a funny story or joke about your groom. Keep it appropriate and relevant to the audience.
  • Give a toast to the happy couple. Close out your speech with some nice words to wish the newlyweds a loving and happy marriage.


Best Man Speech Dos and Don’ts

Goes without saying, but this is an instance where “I’ll just wing it” doesn’t work in your favor. Although you don’t need to memorize your best man speech, don’t save this one until the night before. A few thoughts jotted down on a napkin will look like you didn’t put any care or thought into your words (because, uh, you didn’t). A month or two out, but no less than a week, take some dedicated time to compose your thoughts. This will also allow you time to seek input and feedback from others (more on this below).

DO Research and Crowdsource

The best best man speeches (with me?) are those that let the audience know a little bit more about the groom—in a good way—so try to include some funny and/or sweet stories from his childhood, adolescence, or young adulthood. Ask the groom’s parents, siblings, or other close friends for any great tidbits that you could weave into your speech for greater authenticity and dimensionality.

DO Be a Storyteller

As mentioned above, good stories make for a good speech. Take your listeners on a little journey about your friend and how we arrived at this day: what kind of person he is (as demonstrated by X anecdote from his past), how you know each other, how he met his partner, how their relationship grew, why they are such a great match, and what you hope for their future. If you can weave in a little thematic joke or a narrative through-line, even better.


DON’T Ramble

Tell a short (short) story, not a novel. No one wants to hear you digress about something unrelated to your key message, or worse, about yourself. Remember, this isn’t your show—this moment is about the newlyweds, so resist the urge to go off on a tangent.

DO Combine Humor With Emotion

A great speech includes a healthy mix of humor, sentimentality, good-natured ribbing, and sincerity. You want the groom, and the rest of the wedding guests, to feel both amused and touched by your words. If you’re naturally funny, include some clean jokes about the newlyweds that won’t hurt anyone’s feelings (jokes at your own expense are alway a safe bet). If you always botch the punch line, it’s perfectly fine to stick to a straightforward message of warmth and congratulations.

DON’T Be Too Mean, Crass, or Dirty

Making people laugh is good. Making people uncomfortable is not. I know I don’t have to remind you, but offensive, off-color, or any mean-spirited joke at the expense of an individual or group is a no-fly zone. If you stop and ask yourself, “Should I say this?,” that’s a good indication that you should just not. And if you normally swear like a sailor, watch your language and avoid profanity.

DON’T Tell Inside Jokes

If only you and the groom (or a small handful of other people) will understand what you’re talking about, then it’s probably not good material to include in a best man speech. You don’t want to alienate your audience by making them feel like they’re not in on the inside joke. Stick to universal topics and be inclusive in your story- and joke-telling.


DO Keep It Clean(ish)

This one is obvious, right? The key here is to know your audience. Remember that you’re not just addressing the groom and groomsmen, but every single wedding guest—which might include ages 3-93. Joking about adult topics must be done subtly and in good taste. To keep things classy, be intentionally vague and keep the examples lighthearted. Don’t go into sordid detail, don’t share anything that could get anyone in trouble, don’t reveal anything truly humiliating in an embarrassing story, and avoid bathroom humor.

DO Address The Groom’s New Spouse

So that your entire speech doesn’t feel awkwardly lopsided, be sure to say some kind, sincere, and personal words to your best bud’s new partner for life. If you are also friends with him/her, even more reason to share an anecdote about why this person is great individually and doubly great for your friend. Remember that this special day celebrates a step they’ve taken together, so be sure to address them both.


DO Borrow Language

Not all of us were born with the gift of gab. If Wordsworth you are not, there’s no shame in stealing some great lines from the masters. Look up some quotations on love, relationships, or marriage to either guide your speech’s theme or to pepper in at the beginning and end for greatest impact. Writers and essayists like MLK Jr., Pablo Neruda, Shakespeare, or any of the Romantic poets are good places to look for inspiring quotations.

DON’T Get Tipsy

While it might be tempting to throw back a few after the “I dos” to loosen up for your moment in the spotlight, use common sense. Has consuming a bunch of alcohol in a short amount of time ever helped you be more articulate, quick on your feet, or sensitive to the passage of time? My guess is no. Wait until after your speech to take advantage of the open bar, because it will be clear to the crowd (especially the groom) if you are not in your best frame of mind.

DO Practice Out Loud

Nowhere is the phrase “practice makes perfect” more true than in public speaking. Besides familiarizing yourself with the material, you’ll be able to hear any mistakes, awkward phrasing, or weird timing when experiencing the words out loud. Practice reading your entire speech to a partner or friend before the wedding reception, get their feedback (and have them time you so you know if you need to add or cut), and practice again until you feel solid.


DO Speak Clearly

If you have a bring-down-the-house kind of best man speech but no one can understand it, what good will it do? Make sure your one-liners zing and your heartfelt wishes bring tears by speaking loudly and clearly, enunciating your words, and appropriately using a microphone or any AV equipment that’s provided.

DON’T Dwell on Your Blunders

Every public speaker misses a line or trips up their words now and then. Rather than drawing attention to an error by apologizing profusely or joking about how bad a speech-giver you are, simply make a quick correction or skip over it and move on. Dwell any further, and your audience will get uncomfortable or lose confidence in you.

DON’T Just Read, Engage


Being nervous is totally normal—but if your nerves are too apparent, they can distract your audience or put them on edge. A clear sign of being nervous is racing through your speech like you’re competing for a NASCAR trophy. Take deep breaths, use the above tips about audience engagement, and speak nice and slowly. We promise, it’ll be over before you know it.

DON’T Go Long

That being said, don’t be longwinded or hog too much of the wedding reception’s precious timeline, or your audience will start wondering when they can get on the dance floor rather than pay attention to your eloquence. Stick to whatever time frame the couple recommended, or if you’re on your own, aim for 2-5 minutes.

DO End On a Sweet Note

No matter what else you say or do, end your best man speech with positivity. Giving a few words of congratulations on the marriage, happy wishes for the bride and groom's future together, and a general toast in the groom and his partner’s direction are customary (for a reason) and always well-received.


Best Man Speech Topics to Avoid

There are really never any circumstances under which the following topics are a good idea to bring up in a best man speech. Don’t touch these subject matters with a 10-foot pole:

  • Exes or previous marriages.
  • General negativity about marriage.
  • Illegal activity.
  • Pornography or strip clubs. Just don’t.
  • X-rated stuff.
  • Sex, drugs, drinking, gambling…use your judgment.
  • Bathroom stuff.
  • Your own drama.


Template for the Perfect Best Man Speech

Follow this general outline, and you’ll slay on the big day.

  • Salutation/introduce yourself
  • Thank the hosts for the great party
  • Funny, attention-grabbing opening line
  • Great anecdote(s) about the groom (best if it supports #3)
  • Reasons why the groom is great (as exemplified in #4)
  • Why the groom’s partner is great/a great match
  • Great anecdote about them as a couple (best if it supports #6)
  • Congratulations/beautiful quotation/sweet wishes
  • Toast to the happy couple’s future


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Tell Us Your Best And Worst Best Man Toast Stories

Please do not discuss sex or drinking. Please.

couple listening to a best man toast

D isclosure: I love a good best man speech. I tend to play it cool, but let’s be honest: I’ve made a living working in weddings, which means I love how on that one day, everyone shares how much they love you (even guys, who normally don’t wear their hearts on their sleeves). And that means that best man toasts are one of my favorite parts of the wedding. And while we all know that best man speeches have a long and sometimes sordid history, watching a guy tear up over how much he loves his friend from childhood can really, truly, bring down the house. I know, because it happened at our wedding. For us, the best man speech was one of the true highlights of the wedding reception, and I’d like to make that a universal wedding truth.

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What the world needs now is more touching and emotional best man speeches, so today we’re going to address the dos and don’ts of the best man speech. We all know that this toast has its own particular way of sometimes going… off the rails. Way off the rails, if the stories I’ve heard from the APW staff are any indication. (Though the best man speech at my friend’s wedding, where the fourteen-year-old best man tearfully announced the bride’s secret-only-to-the-parent’s-friends pregnancy is one for the ages. So that sort of off the rails we’ll allow, at least if you’re fourteen.)

So here are our twelve dos and don’ts, plus a handy best man speech script to get you to magic. The good kind of magic.

Writing a Brilliant Best Man Speech written over photo of best man wearing sunglasses inside, holding a mic, raising a glass as a bride and groom look on

  • Do be personal, but be appropriate.  You may not have the kind of friendship where you sit and have long talks about how much you love each other. (I know very few men with friendships like this.) So this may be your one chance to let your friend know how much you really care about them. It’s socially sanctioned, and the crowd will eat it up. So get your love for your best friend, brother, chess partner, or just all around great friend on paper, and speak your feelings. This once, at least.
  • Do not make jokes in dubious taste. This is obvious, right? In fact, maybe don’t make any jokes that aren’t just a way of saying, “I love you and your partner,” particularly if you don’t know exactly how the joke will land. For example, a broad joke at the expense of your friend is probably fine (“We all know Chris loves his board games, so it’s a testament to how great Michelle is that you are not listening to me give a toast congratulating Chris and his board games on a happy life together”), but a very specific joke that no one else will get is not okay, particularly if it isn’t clean as a whistle. (“Well, there was this one time we got stoned, and decided to drive a car, and we accidentally  drove it into a wall. But getting married to Cindy is a way better choice than driving a car into a wall, so I think this will probably end up fine.”)
  • Do plan ahead. You don’t have to show up with a perfectly edited speech, but a few weeks before the wedding is a good time to sit down and think about what you want to say. (Plus you then have plenty of time to practice.)
  • Do not run longer than your allotted time.  No one wants to listen to ten minutes of memories that they played no part in, video game references, or inside jokes. Two to five minutes is fine, but two minutes is better.
  • Do be thankful. Expressing gratitude toward the couple, their family, and anyone who helped make the wedding happen is always a good thing.
  • Do not make it about you. Sure, context is good (“I met Evan when we were in karate together…”) but keep it brief. And for goodness sakes, do not try to tell the story of your life, or your friend’s life, or your life together, while people start wondering if the bar is open for refills. Keep in mind, this speech isn’t about you, and it isn’t even just about your friend—really, it’s about the couple getting married.
  • Do have a story to tell. It doesn’t have to be long or even poetic, and it doesn’t have to be funny, but at this point in the wedding people are usually ready to tuck in and listen to something. Something nice. Talk about playing soccer or Mario Kart together as kids, talk about hanging out at a bar together in college (but DO NOT talk about the time you hung out at a strip club). Then, for bonus points, parlay that tale into a similar story about the couple that reinforces why they’re a great fit.
  • Do not ignore your friend’s partner. If you know and love your friend’s partner, lay it on thick. Realistically, this may be the only time you ever tell them how much you care about them. But if you don’t know them that well (or like them that much—hey, it happens) just talk about how happy they make your friend, and leave it at that.
  • Do try to memorize parts of your speech. You don’t have to nail it, but make sure you’re orating, not just reading off a piece of paper, especially at the beginning—connecting with guests is key.
  • Do not mention: Ex-partners of either member of the couple, sex, the divorce rate, or kids the couple might have in the future (unless the couple is very open about definitely wanting to have them right away, or a bride is actually currently pregnant, see above).
  • Do end on a positive note. It doesn’t have to be sugary sweet, but make sure you end on a strong, happy note.
  • Do not be rude.   I curse as much as the next sailor, but wedding toasts are generally not the place to drop the f-bomb. Mind your manners, even if you’ve had a drink already. Especially if you’ve had a drink already.

Now that you have the basics on lock, we have a best man speech template that will guide you to perfection… as long as you stay away from that-time-the-groom-blacked-out.

Pink Line

The Perfect Best Man Speech Template

Hi everyone, I’m                      ,                       ’s best man/best person/#1 fan.

I want to thank                       for asking me to be part of his/her big day. It really means a lot.

And thanks to my fellow wedding party members for all your work in making today special. You all look lovely/foxy/badass and it’s been fun/an adventure/unforgettable hanging out with all of you.

                     and I have been friends for           years. We’ve had a lot of good times together—we’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly, and lived to tell the tales. Of which there are many.

But one in particular stands out.

It was the time                       (Fill in story. Make it a suitable one!)                      .

But that’s when I knew what an awesome/caring/funny/most excellent person           (name)            is. And it makes me so beyond happy that he/she has found someone who sees and appreciates that.

(Name of partner) , you are marrying the best friend a person could ask for. You really bring out the best in him/her and I know he/she truly cares for you as well.

(Both persons’ names) , I am so excited for the both of you, and I know you’re going to be a great team. I wish you nothing but love and joy for many years to come.


I know you all want to dish about the worst best man speech you’ve ever heard. But while you’re at it, share the greatest one as well.

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Founder & Editor-In-Chief

Meg is the Founder of APW, and has been the sites EIC for the past twelve years. She has written two best selling wedding books:   A Practical Wedding   and  A Practical Wedding Planner .  Meg’s work has been referenced in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, NPR, Jezebel, and Refinery29 . She’s also written hugely viral wedding articles for Buzzfeed. She lives in Oakland, CA with her husband and two children. For more than you ever wanted to know about Meg, you can visit MegKeene.com .

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how to give a best man speech at a wedding

12 Best Man Speeches To Get Inspired By

Writing a rockstar best man speech that both WOWS the crowd and inspires everyone doesn’t come easy. There has to be a little bit of preparation and practice. Today we’re giving you 12 best man speech examples that can help you get started. These best man samples can be modified to include your own personal stories and memories . They are super easy to deliver and are simple to remember. But if you feel that you need a complete guide to writing and delivering a killer wedding speech, we have you covered too! Click here for your complete guide to speeches.

There is no doubt the biggest fear when delivering a speech is simply the public speaking aspect of it, but there is also a fear of messing up with some helpful tips on avoiding wedding speech mistakes that will have the guests hanging on every word.

Traditional Wedding Speech Order

Before we get into the actual speech examples, it’s essential to know when the best man is scheduled to present his speech. Of course, any couple tying the knot can mix up the wedding speech schedule to suit their own needs, but here is the traditional wedding speech order.

Here’s the ultimate guide to the traditional wedding speech order.

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Things To Include In Your Best Man Speech

Knowing how to write a best man speech is equally important to delivering it. Here are a few traditional things that you should include in your best man speech.

Oh! And before you let the anxiety about public speaking set in, experts say it’s best to keep your best man’s speech to under 5 minutes. So, it’s really not that bad after all.

Your Best Man Speech Should Cover

  • Share how you know the groom.
  • Why they chose you as the best man (great opportunity to throw in some funnies)
  • Describe the bride and groom
  • Describe the groom before he met the bride. And how he has changed
  • Quick story of how they met and how he shared his feelings for her with you
  • If you are married, you can share advice you have received or things you have learned

Inspiring Best Man Speech Examples

A best man speech to the ultimate single inspiring couple.

First up, we have an example of a pretty simple, straight-to-the-point best man speech. It’s light in tone, offers excellent praise for both the bride and groom, and has a great closing.

“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! 

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is _____ (your name), and I have the honor of being ____’s (groom’s name) best man. I have known him since we were kids, and I have seen him grow into the amazing person he is today. Looking at him getting married today seems surreal because it feels like yesterday when we were kids, doing the most embarrassing things possible; don’t worry, I will not tell anyone about it. ? 

We all know the accomplishments of (groom’s name) but what you guys don’t know is that he is an invaluable friend. He is the kind of person who asks you how your day was and would be a great listener. He is someone you can lean on, who answers the phone when you’re having one of the lowest moments of your life or pick you up at 3 in the morning to drive you back home safely without any questions. Thank you (groom’s name) for being the best friend I could ask for. And I believe that you will excel at your role as a husband as well. 

(Bride’s name), I must say you look beautiful today. Over the time of our friendship, I have never seen (groom’s name) so happy.  You make him a better version of himself, and it is because of you, we always see him with a goofy smile on his face. In marrying this joker, you are getting a kind and passionate, considerate, and fun-loving husband. He is a great friend, and I can’t even imagine how great of a husband he will be. 

Thank you for being the most fantastic couple and being the ultimate inspiration for all of us singles out here! I wish you both prosperity in the years to come. 

Let’s toast to this beautiful couple!”

Groom kicking up shoes with arms around groomsmen celebrating wedding day

The Absolute Best Man Speech

Wow! This is the best, best man speech we have ever seen and delivered by the bride’s brother, that also just happens to be the groom’s best friend. It is filled with laughter, praise, memories, and heartfelt sentiments. From beginning to end, it is the BEST! Oh, and if you think you need some tips on “ how to deliver a great best man speech ,” watch this and takes notes. He is a great public speaker.

Heartfelt Best Man Speech With A Touch Of Humor

“Hello everyone! May I have your attention, please! 

As many of you already know me, and those who don’t, I am ___ (your name), the groom’s best friend. Before I begin, here’s a heads up, I asked (groom’s name) before writing this speech if there was anything that I shouldn’t say, and he said no. So if I spill the beans today, it is all his fault. 

(Bride’s name) you look radiant today, the most gorgeous bride I have ever seen, so sad that you have to spend all your life with this guy, after all, I am the best man here today, right? I can’t even imagine the embarrassing moments he will bring into your life. 

Alright, alright, before (groom’s name) kills me, I should stop goofing around! In all seriousness, (bride’s name) by marrying (groom’s name), you are getting a husband who is kind and compassionate, who will not only be a great husband but a best friend who will be there for you at each step of the way. In you, he has found the love of his life, which shouldn’t be a surprise for anyone because you are the most tender-hearted woman I have ever seen. And I know that you will make the best wife for (groom’s name). I can see in (groom’s name)’s eyes how much he loves you, the kind of love that keeps growing every single day. 

(groom’s name) you have always pushed me to be the better person, and seeing you today becoming the man you are and starting a family with this lovely lady is so inspiring to me. In (bride’s name), you have found your ideal match, but I must admit she might be a bit more fun and sensible than you are! Well, jokes apart! I wish you both the best in your new life together.

Let us all raise our glasses to the new Mr. and Mrs. (both of their names) and wish them a long and beautiful married life!”

Killer Best Man Speech Filled With Humor & The Best Toast Ever!!

Wow! This speech is a great one! The groom’s younger brother is the best man, and he delivers a funny speech full of heartfelt feelings and one of the best wedding toasts we’ve ever heard. Watch until the end.

Best Man Is Superman & Groom Is His Kryptonite

“Of course, my name is Joe, and I’d like to thank Ben for finally confirming that I am indeed his best man, after 19 years of best-friendship.

Best friends for 19 years. Just think about what was happening 19 years ago. Lance Armstrong won his first Tour de France. Furbabies were the craze of a nation. Brad Pitt was named the sexiest man alive. 

On behalf of the bridesmaids and groomsmen, I would like to thank Ben and Shannon for including us on their unforgettable day. What a fantastic day it has been so far, and so much of Shannon’s hard work and preparation has gone into it. Ben, you just sit there and enjoy yourself.

Speaking of the bridesmaids, aren’t they looking fantastic? Thank you, girls, for making sure that Shannon looks as beautiful as ever and that she made it here on time. For anyone who knows Shannon, that is an achievement in itself.

A bit about Ben and I, we first met in elementary school and I’m not sure why we initially became friends as he doesn’t really like sport whereas I could watch a ping-pong match on TV. After that, it was probably Pokémon cards, and he had a Charizard I wanted, but over the years, the more I’ve got to know him, the more I’ve realized how much of a businessman he is. I’m expecting an invoice for the food we’ve enjoyed today.

After we moved from elementary school, we got split up and didn’t really speak before finding each other again in college – how romantic! It was here that we’d master the art of plagiarism. Well, at least I would. Ben got caught copying a classmate’s work. What let him down, you ask? He didn’t even change the name on the footer.

Another one of my favorite memories during college was in 2009. We had a riding lawnmower, rope, and horse feed bags to play with. I ended up dressing Ben up in horse feed bags and pulling him around the field for 20 mins, like a budget version of Jackass.

As life progressed, Ben left college to start work, and I stayed on, so again we lost contact through no fault on either part until a few years later where we reconciled and have remained as close as we’ve ever been since. It sounds like a story about how a stray dog kept finding his way home, doesn’t it?

In all honesty, if I’m Superman, Ben is my kryptonite. I’ve got a lot to thank Ben for, mainly for his help building my confidence with other people, specifically women. I know this is something he likes to brag about, but it’s true. As kids who were both a little on the chubby side of life, Ben gave the best piece of advice on girls that anyone has ever given me. “It’s ok to be fat; you’ve just got to be fat and funny. The more they’re laughing, the less time they have their eyes open”. I’ll take this piece of advice to my grave.

Ben. – *face Ben* – I would like to think that in the times when you have called upon me for help, I have always been there for you and not let you down because you have always been there for me. I look back at some of the stuff we have done together, and it makes me proud to have a mate like you. We have had some truly great times and have shared some great experiences together, memories I will never forget. I have been honored to have been your best man and want you to know that I look up to you more than you could imagine. Just remember, love is like a circle; it goes on forever. It’s not like a triangle; triangles have corners. It’s like a circle.

Ladies and gentlemen, it truly has been an honor delivering this speech to you, so please, join me in raising your glasses to the happy couple!”

A Truly Inspirational Best Man Speech, Oh! And it Doesn’t Hurt Shawn Johnson’s The Bride.

Brother of the groom and best man shares many stories of growing up, emergency room visits, and other memories that brothers experience together. But then he shares how much he is proud of the groom and how much he inspires him in life. A great example of a best man speech with few nerves, even though the bride is a celebrity (Shawn Johnson, the Olympic Gymnast).

A Humble Best Man Speech With Witt & Style

When you’re a witty yet humble guy, it can be hard to put together a best man speech that is sentimental and humble but still includes a little humor. This is an excellent example of all those things combined.

“Good evening, ladies, gentlemen, and single ladies. In case you are wondering, I am indeed the footloose and fiancé-free Best Man. Paul, I’m glad to have you ruled out as competition finally. In fact, my feelings are shared in the lyrics of the famous Queen song ‘Another One Bites the Dust.’ But, honestly. I couldn’t be more proud to stand here today with my best friend watching him become a husband and family man. Man, am I honored. 

Paul and I have done many things together during our almost life-long friendship. Over the years, we’ve built go-carts together, rode our bikes together, played football together, bunked school together, tried to chat up girls together – note the word “tried” there – fixed up cars together, occasionally got drunk together, and now we are sharing a top table together.

And like all friends, we’ve certainly had our downs as well as our ups. I remember back to times when a petty argument would arise from nowhere. Then Paul would call me smelly, and I’d call him ‘big ears.’ And then it would spiral out of all proportion, and we’d each end up running home in tears. But sure enough, the next day, Paul would drop me an email from work, and we’d make up. As good mates do, however old.

But it was particularly in our teenage years that these little spats became quite frequent and would often arise over a young lady. They’d generally be of the ‘I saw her first, ‘no, I did’ variety. I’d like to say we worked these disputes out equitably, but Paul was the smooth-talking, early-developer of the two of us, and he genuinely believed he could have any girl he pleased. Unfortunately for him, though, he never managed to please any.

Until that is, he met his lovely bride. Since then, I’ve never known him to be happier. And, considering he’s now spending less time hanging out at bars and less time on the golf course, it’s certainly a testament to the way he feels about Linda.

Now, as Paul’s chief golf partner and drinking buddy, it’s not that great for me. But I’m man enough to stand here today and tell you that I don’t resent it. And how could I when I see how very happy they are together?

And I, as much as all of you, want that happiness for myself. But, uh, sorry, I mean, I want their happiness to last forever. And I do.

Ladies and gentlemen, on a final and serious note, please be upstanding and raise your glasses to my very best friend and his beautiful new wife. To Paul and Linda.”

Best Man Embarrasses Bride In A Friendly Roast

This is how you write, deliver and kill a best man speech in under 5 minutes. The best man and groomsmen had a completely unique idea for a wedding speech, and it is GREAT! This is a must-watch and recreate if you want a funny and memorable best man speech. Oh, and 1.7 million views isn’t half bad.

Heartfelt And Personal

Every best man speech doesn’t have to include funny or embarrassing stories. In this best man speech, we love how he kept it simple and to the point.

“Good afternoon, everyone; I am Mitchell. You may not know me, but Lucas and I go way back, all the way to preschool, in fact. And I must say that we have been brothers from another mother, locked in mischief together since the very start.

But despite some of our best efforts, this beautiful day has gone off without a hitch. A special thanks to everyone who worked hard and came together to make today possible. I have a few loving words to read from well-wishers who could attend today (read off messages sent from people who could not attend).

Well, I must agree! Their kind words are absolutely right. Lucas is a heck of a guy. I guess I first realized that on the day we met. There he was, already in our Pre-K room, doing his best to fit in. 

He always was a little awkward when meeting new people, at least of the female sex. That was until he met Melanie. And thank goodness for that. Lucas, I hate to tell you this, but I have seen a few of your ex-girlfriends over the years, and I can certainly attest that the best woman won out. Or at least the most beautiful and kind, at any rate. Doesn’t Melanie look stunning today? And I must say, the bridesmaids do as well. If you are interested, I am footless & fiance-free. Ask for my number after this is over.

I would like to offer you both a tiny bit of advice today as you start this new adventure in life together. Lucas always treats Melanie like the queen and angel that she is. And Melanie always remembers that Lucas loves you and could not get through life without you. Seriously, I have seen and been with him when he’s without you. And it was a mess.

But, seriously, I wish you both a life full of love, peace, faith, and prosperity. You are both the nearest and dearest friends. Your life together is sure to be an unbelievable and fantastic new chapter that we will all be blessed to witness. So, now, please join me to give a toast to Lucas and Melanie.”

Epic Best Man Speech – Movie Trailer Idea

Another tremendous inspiring best man speech if you’re looking for something absolutely unique. The best man acts like he forgot his speech and has to “run out” to get it. This turns into the funniest and most creative best man speech ever. This is how you go viral with a wedding speech. To date, they have over 13 Million views on YouTube!! Incredible.

Short & Sweet Best Man Speech

Sure! It’s perfectly fine to keep your best man’s speech short & sweet. Here is an example of how to do it.

“Ladies and gentlemen. I met Jose a long time ago. We have been friends for over 15 years. In that time, he has proven himself to be an incredible friend and a truly good & honest man. I value my friendship with Jose and am honored to be here as his best man today. I am also looking forward to building the same great friendship with his beautiful new bride Beckie.

I know one important thing about Beckie. She has made Jose happier than I have ever seen him. So today is a day filled with joy and happiness. But it is not just “A” day… it’s the beginning of a new journey, painting their love story on a canvas of life for us all to watch. So on behalf of everyone here, thank you both for allowing us to be part of your story. I wish you both health and happiness, and may God bless your marriage.”

11 Year Old Best Man Kills His Best Man Speech

Ever thought about asking a child to be your best man? It probably doesn’t happen too often, but this 11-year-old boy absolutely delivers a hilarious speech. And with no notes and in just two minutes!! Watch it now. Who would’ve thought a young boy could be so poised and witty delivering a speech at age 11?

Your Ultimate Guide to Writing a Meaningful Wedding Speech

Bride and groom listening to groomsmen's speech at wedding

  • Lauren is a contributor for The Knot covering topics such as music, cakes, venues and speeches.
  • She has been published in a wide array of lifetsyle-oriented publications including SELF and Allure.
  • Lauren is a proud graduate of Syracuse University's SI Newhouse School of Public Communication.

Getting asked to speak at a wedding is exciting, but it can also be nerve-wracking, especially since you're not a professional speaker or speechwriter! So, if you're unsure how to write a wedding speech , know you're not alone. Whether you're a member of a wedding party or a parent or sibling of the soon-to-be-married couple, you may be wondering what to say in a wedding speech. However, that's where we come into the picture: Keep reading for a full rundown of wedding speech tips , insight and, last but not least, a fully written example that you can use as a guide. Happy speechwriting!

In this article:

How to Write a Wedding Speech

Wedding speech example, wedding speech tips.

Writing your wedding speech is no easy feat. To help ensure things go as smoothly as possible, we tapped into Renée Dalo, owner of Moxie Bright Events in Los Angeles, California. Below, she shares a step-by-step guide.

Brainstorm a great opening.

To captivate other guests' attention, Daloe recommends taking some time to brainstorm a great opening. For example, she says, "Try to resist saying, 'For those of you who don't know me, I'm Erica's sister, Michelle.'" Instead, skip this entirely in favor of something more fun and creative.

Start with a story.

…but be sure to make it a short one, says Dalo. "Make sure it's relevant to your friendship and/or the couple." When selecting what story to share, the wedding pro recommends sterling clear of any that involve ex-partners—and for that matter, anything negative about the newly married couple. "Even if you think it's funny , she says, "it's not." Instead, think of a special moment or fun memory you shared with the couple. What did it involve? What was so great about it? All of these things are worth considering as you jot down your wedding speech.

Share your well wishes.

After all, what would a wedding speech be if it didn't include some well wishes for the newlyweds? "Make sure to include both people in the couple in your remarks," advises Dalo.

End with a toast.

Cap off your speech on a fun and sentimental note by ending with an actual toast . Dalo recommends this foolproof example: "Please join me in raising a glass to the happy couple. Cheers to X and Y, and best wishes for a lifetime of laughter!" Afterward, go in for a hug with the couple, making for the perfect photo op !

Rehearse away.

After you write your speech down, spend a significant amount of time rehearsing it so that you feel confident and comfortable while giving the actual speech. "Don't try to wing it," says Dalo. "You're going to want to rehearse this [so that] you can be as calm and present as possible."

Still trying to figure out where to start? Don't fret: If you could use some additional assistance writing your wedding speech, consider Provenance , which helps users create personalized, meaningful wedding speeches using AI-powered tools along with real responses to personal questions.

Take the Provenance Toast Builder , for example. Couples can invite those who will be giving wedding speeches—including the father of the bride , mother of the bride , father of the groom , mother of the groom , maid of honor and best man —to use the Toast Builder. Upon being invited to use the platform, these individuals will "get alerted to how long their speech can be," as well as any other important information to mention—or steer clear of. "From there," says Provenance CEO Steven Greitzer, "you can see the status of the speech and the estimated length."

To help get those creative juices flowing, check out the below wedding speech example.

Hi! As Lisa's younger sister—and now maid of honor—I've had the unique privilege of growing up alongside her. Since we're just two years apart, we've been each other's built-in best friends from the start. Like most sisters, we bickered constantly throughout our childhood, hurling insults over clothing, makeup and missing pieces of jewelry: I'll finally admit it, Lisa, I was the one who lost your charm bracelet at summer camp! All kidding aside, I hope I've made it up to you with this epic speech.

When Lisa first met Jay on the train coming home from work (romantic, I know!), we lived together in a tiny one-bedroom apartment in the city, an experience that only brought us closer together. After their first date to their now-favorite pizza place, she came home all giddy—bubbly, smiling, and laughing. She told me that the two of them already planned their next date. I had never seen her so happy. The look in her eyes since that night has not faded, and if I know Jay—which I do!—he will make sure it never will.

Like Lisa, Jay is kind, patient, and compassionate, and this was evident from the first time we met, which was right before his and Lisa's second date. I ran to the door to catch a glimpse of the guy who was slowly but surely stealing my sister's heart. Upon meeting, Jay and I instantly hit it off. He greeted me by name, hugged me, and took the time to sit down and truly get to know me. Less than 10 minutes later, we were already cracking jokes. It was clear to me then that Jay was, without a doubt, my sister's perfect match.

Lisa and Jay, you've set the bar (very) high for all of your friends and family when it comes to relationship goals. The love and commitment you share with each other is inspiring and everlasting. I know Jay will spend the rest of his life making Lisa happy and supporting her through every endeavor—and I know she'll do the same, too.

So, Lisa and Jay, I wish you nothing but a lifetime of love and happiness together. And I'm so excited to have a front-row seat to all that's in store. Everyone, please join me in raising a glass to the newlyweds!

Keep it short and sweet.

According to Dalo, your wedding speech should be "no more than three minutes." She continues, telling The Knot, "Three minutes is a long time, and when you figure in getting up to the mic and then hugging afterward, it's about five minutes total which is ideal." If you go any longer, you run the risk of losing guests' attention and potentially boring them (a no-no in our book!).

Acknowledge both partners.

"A big speech taboo that we see way too often is when the person giving the speech only talks about the partner they're closest with, unintentionally making the other partner feel left out and unimportant," says Greitzer. If you need a helping hand, Greitzer recommends using the Provenance Toast Builder , which offers "thoughtful prompts to encourage you to share why they're both 1) good people and 2) a great match for each other."

Bride giving speech during wedding reception.

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How to Write—And Deliver—The Perfect Wedding Speech

By Shelby Wax

How to Write a Perfect Wedding Speech

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If one of your nearest and dearest is tying the knot, it’s possible you may be asked to give a speech during the wedding festivities. And while having an opportunity to share your love and memories at a major milestone event is an honor, there’s no denying that it’s a big ask—especially if public speaking isn’t your forté. A wedding speech presents a unique challenge: There’s no set formula for how the speech should play out, but it often requires sentimentality, a touch of humor, and the good sense to know when to wrap it up.

Are you a member of the wedding party that wants to (or has been asked to) give a toast at an upcoming celebration? Read ahead to learn how to write and prepare for your big moment.

Who Gives a Wedding Speech?

Image may contain Housing Building Architecture House Villa Person Adult Dress Clothing Formal Wear and People

First off, it’s important to make sure that the couple definitely wants you to give a toast at their celebrations. Traditionally, the maid of honor, best man, and parents of the couple will give a speech at the wedding. However, the couple should explicitly ask these guests well in advance to give a speech so they have plenty of time to prepare. They may also choose additional wedding party members to give toasts at the reception or pre-wedding parties; but if the couple has not asked you to give a speech, do not prepare one. Speeches are carefully placed into a wedding timeline so the day will stay on schedule, and an additional five minutes could cut into strategically timed moments of the celebration.

The to-be-weds also have the right to curate the day as they wish, and occasionally at a rehearsal dinner or welcome party, the couple may open the floor to additional toasts. But if this doesn’t happen, grabbing the mic unexpectedly for an off-the-cuff speech (especially after a few glasses of wine) will not be appreciated.

How to Write a Wedding Speech

How to Write a Perfect Wedding Speech

If you are asked to give a toast, it’s important that you don’t just wing it. “First, recognize that speechwriting is a creative process,” shares Allison Shapira, founder and CEO of Global Public Speaking . “Give yourself plenty of time to be creative (i.e. not the night before, when you already have so much to stress about). Wait for your most creative time of the day, and turn off any distractions. Spend some unrushed time thinking about your relationship to the couple, and what you’d like to say.”

While there’s no exact template to follow, there is a good basic formula to adhere to. “The framework I recommend for a wedding speech is: story, message, blessing,” she shares. “Tell a heartwarming story, share the message or value behind that story, and then offer a blessing or wish for the couple based on that message.”

“Typically, we advise our speakers to try to bring the audience on a journey where you initially try to make them laugh, then get to the real depth of the speech and earn some tears, then bring the whole speech full circle with a deep insight or story about the couple that ends with a funny final punch,” shares Steven Greitzer, CEO and founder of Provenance , an AI company that specializes in helping write personalized wedding vows, ceremonies, and toasts. “It’s important to have a good balance of humor and sentimentality because, if it’s a full roast, it can feel like you’re just doing a standup comedy show for your own benefit and it could lack substance. Or, if it’s too overly emotional, it can get heavy and perhaps a bit too somber for a wedding celebration.”

When choosing a story, Shapira recommends reading the room. “It should obviously be good-natured, without making anyone look bad. And, it all depends on the family dynamics,” she says. “What one family considers good-natured, another family could consider scathing. Choose someone in the audience whom you think could give you some helpful feedback, and practice the speech with them in advance.”

How to Write a Perfect Wedding Speech

By Hannah Jackson

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By Hannah Coates

Greitzer adds that it's important that both members of the couple are highlighted in the speech. “Great anecdotes showcase who each person was before meeting, their synergy together, and their individual and collective growth,” he shares. If you don’t know one member of the couple very well, don’t be afraid to get creative. “One of the best speeches I’ve seen was from a bridesmaid who hadn’t really been able to spend too much time with her best friend’s fiance because of the pandemic,” Greitzer shares. “She creatively read texts she found in her phone that gave her a hilarious timeline of her friend falling in love.”

If you’re still not sure where to begin, consider giving an AI platform a try to help you form your toast. “The Provenance tools guide speakers to create unique, and personal ceremonies, vows, and toasts without the stress. It’s a partner in your brainstorming process; a way to help you verbalize what you were trying to say—but faster,” explains Greitzer. “Instead of being some outdated, mad-libs-style template, the expert-curated prompts inspire special stories and insights, ultimately weaving your responses together into a custom, editable first draft.”

A final writing tip from Shapira? “I definitely recommend creating an outline but do not recommend writing the speech out word for word. When we script the entire speech, it sounds too formal,” says the public speaking expert. “I recommend first brainstorming the content, rearranging it into a logical structure, then drafting a general outline which you can bring with you to the event. While it may look better to simply give the speech ‘from the heart,’ the stress involved in trying to memorize your speech is simply not worth it.”

How to Deliver a Wedding Speech

Writing a wedding speech is half the battle—next comes your performance. It’s important that your toast has a good flow, feels natural, and doesn’t drag on. Here’s where the idiom “practice makes perfect” rings true. Shapira advises giving yourself a few weeks of rehearsal to make your speech feel authentic and fluid. Her recommendations? “Read your speech out loud and make sure it stays within the time you have allotted. Read it to someone else and get their feedback. Record it and watch it back. We use a tool called AMPLIFY to get AI-based feedback.” She adds, “Don’t memorize the speech, but do read it out loud and make sure it sounds like your voice.”

The ideal length of a toast is between two to four minutes, which translates to around 500 to 1000 words on a page. Still, Greitzer notes, “The perfect length for the wedding toast complies with whatever length the couple wants it to be. Many guests don’t realize that long speeches can impact the whole evening’s timeline and affect the caterer, DJ, and so much more.”

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While it’s now common to see toasts being read off a phone, both experts agree that it’s much better to print out your speech. “Reading off of a phone comes with the risk of distractions from notifications, a weird backlight that can affect the color of your face in photos, finicky technical difficulties, and having that annoying sound interference with the mic,” says Greitzer. (You also should make sure your speech is legible with a large font and wide spacing so you can easily find your place.)

The final hurdle of giving a wedding toast is getting over your nerves. “Find a quiet place right beforehand to center yourself (perhaps the bathroom or a corner of the room), pause and breathe, and remind yourself why you care about the couple,” recommends Shapira. She also adds—perhaps unsurprisingly—that it’s best to hold back on alcohol consumption ahead of the toast. “No one expects a perfect or professional speech; they want a unique, authentic message. The speech isn’t about you—it’s about the couple. Once you reframe the fact that the center of attention isn’t on you, you can relax.”

How to Write a Perfect Wedding Speech

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How to Write a Best Man's Speech

Last Updated: January 17, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Patrick Muñoz . Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 2,654,777 times.

Even the most talented public speaker can get nervous about giving the best man's speech at a wedding. Being the best man is one of the biggest honors you can receive at a wedding, and you're expected to give a speech that respects that honor, makes the crowd laugh and cry, and pays tribute to the special couple on the most important day of their lives. The important thing to do when making a best man's speech is to thank people for being there, describe your connection to the groom, and to make people laugh while avoiding any cringe-inducing comments. If you want to know how to write a moving and memorable best man's speech, then see Step 1 to get started.

Sample Best Man Speeches

how to give a best man speech at a wedding

Writing a Special Speech

Step 1 Be yourself and don't worry about giving some formal speech that doesn't reflect you.

  • For example, most best man speeches have a bit of humor in them for levity and to get the crowd going. But if this really isn't for you and making jokes just feels too forced, you don't have to follow that convention.
  • On the other hand, if you're known for your humor and sarcasm, you don't have to force yourself to be overly sentimental. Just a few words of honest sentiment would get the message across without making you feel like you're faking it.
  • If public speaking is not for you, don't be nervous about it. You can even make a joke about how much you love public speaking, or about how this is the groom's way of punishing you/getting you back for that time you made him push your car up a hill.

Step 2 Keep it short.

  • Though your speech should be well prepared in advance, take a look at the crowd; if people are particularly restless or eager to drink and dance, then you may want to cut out that second anecdote you weren't sure about.
  • Though it's typical for the best man and maid of honor to give a speech, there may be other speeches given out there. The father of the bride sometimes speaks, and there may be two maids of honor and thus, two speeches. And maybe even drunk Uncle Bertie will try to say a few words. If there are a number of speeches, then it's especially important to keep it short so the crowd doesn't spend all night listening to people talk.

Step 3 Write and practice your speech in advance.

  • Don't be embarrassed about keeping a written version of your speech with you when you go up there during your big moment. Even if you don't use it as a reference, just having it there can make you feel more confident about not making any mistakes.

Step 4 Look for inspiration.

Delivering Your Speech

Step 1 Stay sober enough to do a good job.

  • Remember that people often videotape best man's speeches. You don't want yourself looking sloppy on camera for all of eternity.

Step 2 Ask the audience to give you their attention.

  • Depending on how the reception goes, someone else may introduce you and you won't have to do this part. But be prepared in advance in case you're given the microphone and find that your audience isn't exactly rapt.

Step 3 Introduce yourself.

  • "For those of you who don't know me, I'm Brian, [groom's name here]'s little brother."
  • "I'm Jake, [groom's name here]'s best friend. I've known him since the seventh grade, and I've known [bride's name here] ever since their second date."
  • "I'm Danny, [groom's name here]'s best friend. I've known [groom's name] and [bride's name] ever since our freshman year of college. We all lived in the same hall."

Step 4 Express gratitude.

  • It's also nice to thank the guests for being there. You can also thank the bridal party.
  • Optionally, you can also thank the bridesmaids. Mention what great friends they have been for the bride and tell them how lovely they look. You can play this for laughs a bit as long as you don't come off sounding like a total creep. You can say something about the lovely color of the dresses, how big of a help they've been during the wedding, and whatever else you can say that is quick and tasteful.

Step 5 Make a light-hearted joke at the groom's expense.

  • Remember that half of the people in the room may not know each other. People should be able to find your speech funny and moving without knowing the groom or hearing an excessive amount of detail about someone they don't know. Of course, if it's a more intimate wedding and it seems like most people do know each other, then you can go into a bit more detail, if you like.
  • If you're the groom's brother, you can joke around about how he used to tease you mercilessly when you were little, or how you used to give him a hard time. You can also make a joke about how not much has changed in that regard.
  • Remember to keep up a nice emotional balance. You should have as many sweet and heartfelt comments about the groom as jokes. [6] X Research source

Step 6 Tell a touching story about the groom.

  • Tell a funny story. This will not only break up the formality of the ceremony, but also help endear the couple to the audience. A great way to grab everyone’s attention would be to introduce it by saying “I'm about to let you in on a secret about the groom" or "the groom begged me not to include this story in my speech but I simply had to."
  • Alternatively, tell a touching story. A particularly appropriate story might describe how the bride and groom met or something sweet that helped move their relationship forward. Since you are the groom’s best friend, this might be a good place to describe how you watched him fall head-over-heels for the bride.
  • If you can't think of any appropriate stories or don't know the bride well enough to include her in one, make some observations about love or marriage in general, or about the groom's feelings for the bride. Even if you haven't spent a lot of time with the bride, you can make observations about the first time the groom told you about the bride, or what the groom said about their first date.

Step 7 Avoid mentioning any sensitive subjects.

  • Though you want to choose a humorous anecdote, make sure it is appropriate for everyone; the last thing you want is to come across as humiliating or mean-spirited.
  • If you mention that time when the groom and bride broke off their engagement for three weeks or talk about how much more fun your best friend used to be before he got with his "ball and chain," then his wife may never forgive you. You don't want to sever your relationship, or put it in question, over something like saying a few thoughtless words in a speech.
  • Don't make it a speech about how you first really didn't like your buddy's wife and then came around, either.
  • And lastly, do not think it's funny to insult the venue or the food. Someone shelled out a lot of hard-earned cash for what you might think are tacky Christmas lights or rubbery chicken.

Step 8 Expand on the groom's virtues.

  • You can talk about something the groom did for you. Say something like, "I'll never forget the time Mark helped me move across the country to follow my dream. I couldn't have done it without him."
  • It's completely normal to find this part a little embarrassing. Just remember that this is your buddy's day, and no one's going to laugh at you for getting a little sappy.

Step 9 Don't forget to pay homage to the bride.

  • If you don't know the bride very well, that's okay. Instead of saying that bluntly, you can say something like, "Though I haven't spent as much time with Mary as I would have liked, I could tell right away that she was right for Jeff."

Step 10 Give a compliment about the bride and groom's relationship.

  • Say something like, "Even when Mary and Jeff are on the opposite side of a room, you can feel them looking out for each other. They don't have to be glued together to have such a strong, incredible bond."
  • You can also make a comment about how much you admire their relationship and have always looked for a love as strong as theirs (if you're single). If you're married, you can share some thoughts on marriage and why the groom and bride are a great match.
  • You don't have to overdo it and say they are a perfect pair, meant for each other, soul mates, or the like, if you don't really feel that way. You can mention the strengths of their relationship without making it sound too forced.

Step 11 Wrap it up with a quote.

  • Don't force yourself to do this unless you find one that's really fitting. There's another one that goes, "Marriage isn't about looking at each other. It's about looking outward in the same direction."

Step 12 Propose a toast.

  • You can say something like, "Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to propose a toast to Mary and Jeff. May they have years of joy, happiness, and health ahead of them."
  • You can also say something like, "Here's to a lifetime of happiness for Mary and Jeff."
  • If the bride took the groom's last name, you can propose the toast to "Mr. and Mrs. Thompson."

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Make the bride's family, who may not know the groom, feel comfortable about the groom taking over his new protective role and starting a new life with the bride. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Keep mints in your pocket, as you will be getting up close and personal with many on the day of the wedding. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

how to give a best man speech at a wedding

  • Stay sober before giving your speech. Looking like a drunk will sour everyone's impression of you and may call the groom's judgment into question. Thanks Helpful 28 Not Helpful 55
  • Don't force humor. If you don't like speaking in public and aren't confident in your ability to be funny, it's much better to read a serious speech off index cards than to try to become a comedian for one night. Most jokes from "Best Jokes for Weddings" books or web sites are not funny. No one will be mad at you for not being funny enough, but every single person in the room will cringe if you suddenly transform into Michael Scott. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Unless you're certain that you know all of the guests and their tastes, do not let your speech get off-color. Skip the dirty jokes, the suggestive remarks about the honeymoon, and the stories about the groom's ex-girlfriend. They probably aren't appropriate. This isn't a locker room. Even if the groom and his friends find them funny, the bride and her mother probably won't. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 1

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  • ↑ https://www.artofmanliness.com/character/etiquette/how-to-write-deliver-good-best-man-speech/
  • ↑ Patrick Muñoz. Voice & Speech Coach. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.
  • ↑ https://www.theknot.com/content/best-man-speech
  • ↑ http://www.askmen.com/money/how_to/best-man-speech.html

About This Article

Patrick Muñoz

To write a best man's speech, try to keep your speech around 2-4 minutes so you don't lose everyone's attention. Start your speech by introducing yourself and saying how you know the groom and bride. Then, share a touching story about the groom and maybe even throw in a light-hearted joke. You should also compliment the bride as well as the bride and groom's relationship. Finally, wrap up your speech with a nice quote and propose a toast. To see examples of a best man's speech, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Best Ways To End Your Best Man’s Speech

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66 Creative Toasts to End Your Best Man Speech

  • Posted by by Lisa Plaitt

As the best man, you will have the duty of writing a speech for the newlyweds. During this time, you can keep it lighthearted and playful, or opt for something straightforward and simple.

No matter what, you will have to make sure that you honor the bride and groom, and wish them a happy future together. 

While you might have the best man’s speech down to a T , how do you end it with a toast? In this article we have put together 66 different ways to give your best man toast that you can adapt and change.

So, whether you are looking to make fun of the newlyweds, or want to keep it serious, here are 66 ways to raise a glass to the lucky couple. 

Toasts to the Happy Couple

  • “To my best friend [NAME] and his beautiful wife/groom [NAME] – here is to a wonderful future filled with lots of love and true happiness.”
  • “It has been a huge honor to be your best man. However, it has become an even bigger honor to ask everyone in this room to toast the newly married couple. To the bride and groom!”
  • “Let us all wish the bride and groom many years of love and happiness. May you be the kind of friends that only lovers can be. May you love each other in the way only best friends are able to.”
  • “To the happy couple, may their love story unfold like a fairytale, with many a happy ending, and not a single wicked stepmother in sight.”
  • “Here’s to the couple, may their love be like a cozy fire in the winter – warm, comforting, and always there to chase away the chill.”
  • “To the newlyweds – may you always look at each other with the same sparkle in your eyes as when you first met!”
  • “May their marriage be filled with love, laughter, and a mutual understanding that no matter what, they will always be each other’s wingman.”
  • “Let us lift our glasses in celebration of the union of two remarkable individuals. May your marriage be a testament to how you both make each other stronger, more self-assured and madly in love with one another through the years.”
  • “May your marriage never feel like hard work, but instead be full of moments that are as easy as breathing. May it bring out the best in you and give you even more reason to be thankful every day.”
  • “Let’s raise a glass to a love that will make even Cupid jealous, and may their marriage be filled with laughter, adventure, and all the good things in life.”

Toasts to the Groom

  • “Cheers to the groom, who has found a partner in life who can tolerate his witty humor and two left feet on the dance floor.”
  • “A heartfelt congrats to the groom who finally found the missing piece to his puzzle, and I have to say, she fits him like a glove – a really pretty, elegant glove.”
  • “To the handsome groom, may your love for your bride continue to be the anchor that steadies you both through life’s storms.”
  • “May you, dear groom, be imbued with courage, wisdom, and love to be the best husband and partner you can be.”
  • “Here’s to the groom, for having great taste in women! He found his queen among a sea of frogs and convinced her that she’s a real princess. May your love story last forever, and may you live happily ever after! Now, let’s raise our glasses and drink before she run away at midnight! Cheers!”
  • “Here’s to the groom: he may have once been a single man, but now he’s got two bosses!”
  • “Cheers to the groom, who is finally taking the plunge after years of dating! Now that you have found your perfect match, I just hope she doesn’t change her mind and leave you heartbroken. So make sure to stay on your best behavior – no more late nights out with the boys!”
  • “In honor of this special day, I’d like to offer the groom some advice: As long as you two are willing to split the remote control and always make sure there’s enough toilet paper in the house, I’m confident your marriage will last forever.”

Toasts to the Bride

  • To the beautiful bride, may your happiness be as radiant and timeless as the dress you wear today.
  • Here’s to the woman who stole the groom’s heart and forever captured his love.
  • Let’s raise a glass to the bride, whose smile brightens up even the dreariest of days, and who, today, takes her vows with the one she loves most.
  • You have brought so much light and beauty into the world and today, as you marry your soulmate, you shine brighter than ever.
  • To the stunning bride, here’s to a lifetime of love and adventure, of sharing everything, and always standing by each other’s side.
  • “Here’s to the bride! A woman with an eye for detail and a heart of gold. She never fails to surprise us all with her words and actions, but most especially with the way she loves our groom.”

Toasts to the Future

  • “Let us toast to the remarkable bond my buddy and his partner possess. Even though it wasn’t easy, they made it through and taught us that no matter what challenges stand in the way, true love will always find a way. Cheers!”
  • “Let nothing stand between the two of you—not even time or distance—and may every day bring more love than the last. Congratulations to the bride and groom! May your future be bright, beautiful, and full of blessings. Cheers!”
  • “Wishing you both a lifetime of health and happiness, where you can continue to explore all that life has to offer together as one. May you keep smiling with every struggle and crying with every joy – knowing that whatever comes your way will bring even more strength to your relationship.”
  • “Here’s to the beautiful journey ahead – may it always be filled with genuine happiness in each other’s arms! Congratulations!”
  • “Here’s to the couple as they begin this next chapter in their lives together. May they have strength to overcome any obstacles that come their way, courage to take risks when necessary, and compassion to understand one another despite life’s differences.”
  • “Let’s toast to the special bond shared between this loving couple – one filled with trust, respect and admiration. Here’s wishing them a long and happy life together as husband and wife, surrounded by family and friends who can’t help but smile when thinking about them!”

Funny Best Man Toasts

If you have created a best man speech that has plenty of funny lines that will capture the room and cause lots of laughter, then you will want to end it that way too.

Here you will find a few examples to get your inspiration flowing.

Related read: 60 Funny Wedding Wishes for Newlyweds

  • “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of my best friend and his better half. I’d like to take this opportunity to raise a toast to them on such an auspicious occasion.”
  • “To my best friend, I’m so happy he has found someone who loves him just as much as I do!”
  • “To my dear friend [Groom’s name], who I’ve known since we were kids, I must say, it’s about time you grew up and got married. I mean, seriously, what took you so long? But, in all honesty, I couldn’t be happier for you, my friend.”
  • “May their marriage be like coffee: strong, hot and never bitter!”
  • “To the bride and groom, may their love be like a game of chess – always evolving, never boring, and always ending with a mate.”
  • “It comes as no surprise that we were not shocked when [NAME] asked [NAME] to marry them. We knew [NAME] had found the one when he stopped playing his Playstation. To the happy couple!”
  • “To the bride and groom, may they never argue over who is the real boss in their relationship, but instead always play rock, paper, scissors to settle it.”
  • “For the last time, I am going to ask everyone in the room to raise their glass and – if you are still able to – stand and wish the newlyweds a happy and bright future!”
  • “If you had trouble hearing me at the back – I did ask to use a microphone, but the silence at the front of the room should help to reassure you that you are not missing a thing. Here’s to the bride and groom!”

Advice Toasts

  • “Before I end this speech, I want to give some advice to the best man. Always remember to say the three magical words: ‘You’re right dear’. To the bride and groom!”
  • “Let’s make sure this day is just as special as possible; after all, you only get married once – or at least we hope you do.”
  • “May the newlyweds find prosperity in all aspects of life, excluding a receding hairline, which seems to be an unavoidable reality.”
  • “I once read that the best man’s speech should always take as long as the amount of time it takes the groom to make love. So, here is to the happy couple!”
  • “Thank you everyone for keeping the clapping to a minimum today. I have a terrible hangover. I couldn’t let the groom drink alone last night, could I? Let’s raise a final glass to the new Mr and Mrs [NAME].”
  • “And now that I have come to the end of my speech, it has been great to have been a part of the only few minutes the bride wasn’t able to plan. Here’s to the happy couple!”

Best Man Toasts for Brother

Sometimes your best man is your brother. Here are a few ideas to end that toast.

  • “It is with great honor that I stand here today and raise a toast to my wonderful brother – may the next chapter of his life be just as amazing as the last! Cheers!”
  • “To my best friend, who also happens to be my brother, and his new wife. Let’s raise a glass to the many wonderful years that are ahead. Now, let’s dance, be merry, and eat cake!”
  • “It is said that as my brother’s best man I am supposed to talk about what good qualities he has, and to sing his praises. However, I won’t lie and I cannot sing. To the happy couple!”
  • “So raise a glass to my bro, who has more friends than Instagram followers – but just as many likes!”
  • “It became obvious that my brother had fallen in love and found the one when he spent a lot more time with [BRIDE] instead of his Xbox.”
  • “Here’s to my bro! A man who knows what he wants in life, except for a wife. He was so sure of himself until that fateful day when she said yes and turned his world upside down.”
  • “This day has been a long time coming. My brother has finally admitted that I am the best man.”
  • “May this marriage be the beginning of a brand new chapter in your lives, and may it bring lots of love and wonderful moments that you can share together.

Toasts That Include a Quote 

If you like a good quote, then find one that suits the occasion. Here are a few to think about: 

  • “To end this speech, I would like to tell you some wise words that Socrates once said: ‘My advice to you is to get married. If you find a good wife, you will be happy. If not, you will become a philosopher.’ To the newlyweds!”
  • “Oscar Wilde once said: ‘The man who says his wife cannot take a joke forgets that she took him’. To the bride and groom!”
  • “Just before we raise a glass to [NAME] and [NAME], here is something Pauline Thomason once said: ‘Love is blind. Marriage is an eye-opener.’ To the newlyweds!” 
  • “Just like Dr. Seuss once said: ‘You know when you are in love when you cannot fall asleep because your reality is finally better than your dreams’.
  • “Emily Bronte once said: ‘Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same’. To Mr and Mrs [NAME].”

Toasts to the Bridal Party

While not traditional (the groom is the one who often toasts the bridesmaids), you can also compliment them too. Here are some examples:

  • “I want to say a special thank you to all the bridesmaids. They have been wonderful and helpful throughout the process and today.
  • “To the bridesmaids: Here’s to you all for being there with my sister during this exciting time. May your friendship remain strong as she embarks on this wonderful journey of marriage and new beginnings.”
  • “Please raise your glasses to… The bridesmaids!”
  • “Here’s to two of the best bridesmaids anyone could ask for! Without you, the wedding day would not have come together as perfectly and joyfully as it did. From helping with the dress fittings to doting on the bride during her special day, I want to thank both of you for your unwavering support and friendship.”
  • “To the bridesmaids – may they always stay as beautiful and graceful as they are today!”
  • “To a long-lasting friendship between these beautiful ladies, who have been by each other’s side through thick and thin. May your bond be strong for many years to come.”

Final Thoughts

Whether you choose a heartfelt, humorous, or nostalgic toast, the most important thing is that your words come from the heart and reflect the love and joy of the newlyweds’ union.

With these 66 creative and meaningful toasts, you’ll have the confidence and inspiration you need to deliver a memorable and unforgettable best man speech.

So, raise your glass and make a toast to the happy couple and their beautiful future together.

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how to give a best man speech at a wedding

Lisa Plaitt

Hello, I’m Lisa Plaitt and I have been married to my wonderful husband for almost five years. We met almost a decade ago now and I love him more everyday. But on my wedding day - the day that was supposed to be about celebrating us - I was far too stressed to enjoy it. My husband proposed to me in spring and it was a very lowkey setting, in our backyard without anyone else around to see it. It was a perfect proposal. But then everything got real, and I was suddenly thrust into planning mode.

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  • Wedding Reception Ideas

The Wedding Speech Order You Should Follow at Your Reception

We outline traditional and modern approaches so you can choose the flow that works best for you.

Getty Images / KristianGjorgjiev

In This Article

When you think about it, wedding speeches are to the reception what vows are to the ceremony. They inject emotion, joy, and personality into your event—and give all guests a chance to know the couple (and the people closest to them) a bit better. Since these special toasts are arguably one of the most important parts of your party, you likely want to do all you can to ensure they go off without a hitch, from timing them right to observing the correct flow.

As with most big-day details, there is a traditional order of wedding speeches to follow. While this age-old format makes a lot of sense—it gives your wedding's biggest VIPs (your parents!) the opportunity to speak first—it isn't mandatory; in fact, there are plenty of ways to adjust the wedding speech order at your celebration so that it better reflects your family or your priorities. “Nowadays, couples have their choice of following whatever order they’d like—or doing away with speeches altogether,” says wedding planners Bianca Hall and Erica Vanco of Estera Events . “Weddings only need to follow the rules and values that are important to you as a couple.”

Meet the Expert

  • Bianca Hall and Erica Vanco are the co-owners and lead planners of Estera Events , a firm based in Chicago. 
  • Bree Swartz is the owner and creative director of Blossom Events , a Brooklyn-based full-service boutique design and planning company.
  • Kelly McWilliams , the founder of her eponymous wedding planning business in southwest Florida, has been in the industry since 2002.
  • A wedding and event planner and the founder of Rachel Behar Events , Rachel Behar is based in Brooklyn.

It's important to remember that while wedding speeches hold deep value, one size doesn't necessarily fit all. To help you navigate both the traditional and modern wedding speech order, we tapped Hall, Vanco, and a mix of other wedding planners for their best advice.

When Should Wedding Speeches Happen During the Reception?

Before we get into the order of wedding speeches, it's important to first determine when they should take place. Should the slate of toasts happen before or after the meal? According to our experts, there's a sweet spot: It's best to start speeches when food service begins. You have a few options. You can time a few speeches at the start of the meal, during the salad course, or begin during the main one, which often takes a little longer to get through. Another option is to hold off on speeches until dinner is just about finished; this allows satiated attendees to digest before getting back up for a full—and uninterrupted—night of dancing.

Wedding planner Kelly McWilliams, who has it down to a science, recommends the following reception timeline, with speeches peppered in strategically:

  • Introductions
  • First dance
  • Parent speeches
  • First course
  • Best man or maid of honor speech
  • Best man or maid of honor speech (the better speaker always goes last!)
  • Cake cutting
  • Second course
  • Parent dances
  • Couple speech
  • Dance floor opens

The Traditional Order of Wedding Speeches

The traditional wedding speech order is a little old-school. “It originated as a way to reflect the dynamics of the families involved and symbolize them blending together on this special occasion—beginning with the bride’s parents, then the groom’s parents, followed by the groom and the best man,” say Hall and Vanco. “The curated sequence was also meant to conclude the formalities with lighthearted anecdotes and camaraderie, leading into the rest of the celebration.”

Below, you'll find the traditional order of wedding speeches, which is as follows: the father (or parents) of the bride, the father (or parents) of the groom, the groom (or couple), the maid of honor, and finally, the best man. 

1. The Father of the Bride or Parents of the Bride's Speech

Historically, the bride's father —or both of her parents—take the first speech of the night. “This is typically the way it was done because the parents of the bride would traditionally pay for the wedding, and having them kick off the toasts indicates to guests that they were the hosts,” say Hall and Vanco. 

2. The Father of the Groom or Parents of the Groom's Speech

The father or parents of the bride are usually followed by the father or parents of the groom. This formality gives a nod of respect to another essential couple of the evening. “Having the parents of the couple kick off the celebration is highly recommended. They are full of love, joy, and gratitude, and really sets the tone for the evening,” says Bree Swartz, a wedding and event planner.

3. The Groom or Couple's Speech

Tradition indicates that the groom (or both the bride and the groom!) make a brief speech next as a way of thanking everyone for gathering to celebrate. “Having the bride and groom toast next keeps the energy up—and they can express their gratitude to their parents and guests,” says Swartz. (This may be the traditional approach, but many couples give their toasts first or last—as always, do what's best for you).

4. The Best Man and Maid of Honor's Speeches

Though the traditional wedding order would jump straight to the best man's speech, these days the maid of honor typically always says a few words, too. The best man’s speech is usually saved for last.

It is typical for these wedding party VIPs to come at the end of the speech portion of the evening—and their remarks do typically follow the parents'. “Having the best man and maid of honor raise a glass towards the end of dinner helps kick off those party vibes that guests are looking for when it's time to hit the dance floor,” says Swartz. 

Getty Images / Anchiy

How to Switch Up Your Wedding Speech Order

While the traditional wedding speech order does provide a blueprint (and offers a good model for honoring your wedding's VIPs), it certainly isn’t set in stone. “The speech order may change based on various factors such as family dynamics, cultural traditions, or personal preferences,” Hall and Vanco say. And it's possible—probably, even—that you won't do all speeches at once. All of our planners champion couples to make their own decisions that align with their vision. “The only 'wrong' wedding speech order is one that doesn’t represent your style or feel right for you,” says Swartz. There are plenty of ways couples can shake up wedding speeches however they see fit.

Reduce the Number of Speakers

Many couples choose to shorten the length of their ceremony, and they can take the same approach during the speech portion of the reception to improve its overall flow. “We like keeping this to three speech-givers maximum,” says wedding planner Rachel Behar. “We’ve all seen them drag on and everyone just wants to get to dancing!” 

Space the Speeches Out

If having a full suite of speeches is important to you, but you want to keep everyone's energy up, take a brief pause; this can have the same impact as curtailing the total number of toasts. “We usually recommend a break in toasts before inviting the best man and maid of honor up. This gives guests a breather, and they are more likely to stay present when taking in two to three speeches at a time,” says Swartz. 

Stick to the Rehearsal Dinner Only

It’s quite common to hear speeches at rehearsal dinners these days. In fact, “some couples may choose to do all speeches the night before at the rehearsal dinner, rather than having any on the wedding day,” say Hall and Vanco. This will definitely encourage a simpler, tighter reception, and allow those preparing speeches to relax and enjoy the main event—but this certainly isn't for everyone.

Let the Most Nervous Person Go First

For couples unconcerned with the traditional order of wedding speeches, allowing the most anxious speaker to take the mic first is a compassionate choice. “If anyone is naturally nervous, have them go first,” affirms Behar. Remeber that “weddings need only follow the rules and values that are important to you as a couple,” Hall and Vanco say, so if ensuring that everyone stays as comfortable as possible during your party is a priority, this might be the right option for you.

Include Other Speakers

If the couple has a very important person in their life who isn’t necessarily a parent, maid of honor, or best man, there is no reason why they shouldn’t make a speech. “The only requirement is that this person be meaningful to the couple and should be a leading force in their lives, and that it feels natural and special,” says Behar. Hall and Vanco agree: “While each speaker contributes to the celebration, no one speaker is essential, allowing flexibility for couples to tailor the order as they see fit.”

Tips for Writing a Memorable Wedding Speech 

A great wedding speech is sweet, succinct, and best expressed when memorized—though Hall and Vanco say printing it off is fine. Here are some of our experts' best tips for writing a wedding speech that knocks it out of the park.

Speak from the Heart

Sure, we live in the era of AI—but your wedding toast should't be penned by a robot. "We recommend writing from the heart,” says Swartz. All of our experts agree that writing honestly about your connection to the couple and their best qualities makes for the best possible toast.

Follow an Outline 

Adhering to a loose structure, though, will help you stay on track, and there are plenty of online templates to lean on. “Go for an engaging opening, share meaningful anecdotes or memories, and offer well-wishes for their future together, while maintaining a balance of sincerity and humor throughout,” Hall and Vanco suggest as a framework. McWilliams echos the importance of nailing the opening, so be sure to focus on this part as you build out your toast: "Wedding speeches that resonate most start with a story and not an introduction," says McWilliams.

Thinking about the best way to open your toast? Skip the obvious first line, “For those who don’t know me...” and lead with a story, instead. "The truth is that nobody cares who you are until you tell a story that attaches you to the couple," advises McWilliams.

Consider the Audience 

If you’ve grown up with the bride or groom, there’s a good chance you have some colorful stories to share. However, the ability to read the room is key. “Consider the audience and tailor your content to resonate both with both the couple and their guests,” say Hall and Vanco. Save those crazy college stories for the bachelorette party. "Stories that contain anything that could embarrass the couple or anyone in the room should not be included," adds McWilliams.

Keeping your speech concise is also crucial for keeping your audience engaged. “No more than five minutes,” confirm Hall and Vanco.

Focus on the Couple

Sure, you should (at some point) introduce yourself—but remember who the speech is about. Focus on stories about the couple; you should be a secondary character, not the main one. “Give insight to the couple from when they were younger, to their school years, to now. Shine a light on who they were and who they have become,” says Behar. You can then parlay your observations. “Share the moment you knew this time was different for these two love birds or when you knew they were the one for each other,” offers Swartz. 

Offer Advice 

If you’re in a long-term, committed relationship, a wedding speech can be an ideal time to offer sage advice. “Find words of wisdom or draw from your own experience on what it takes to build a lasting partnership, and raise a glass as you share your wishes for this next step in their journey together,” says Swartz. If you don't have the personal experience to back these sentiments up, stick to warm words, instead. "I think including your personal hopes for their future is very thoughtful," says McWilliams, who suggests saying something like, "My hope for you, and I think all of us here, is that you have a lifetime of the love and happiness that you have always shown us and that you are feeling here today."

Tips for Delivering a Memorable Wedding Speech

Crafting a great speech is important, but delivery is everything. Set yourself up for success with some of these public speaking tips.

Print It Out (and Use a Large Font)

To avoid looking disengaged and oddly lit, our experts recommend not reading off your phone. Instead, print or write out your speech in a large typeface. “It is typically dark in the room and if there are lights, they are very bright,” says Behar. “The larger the font, the easier it will be for you to read.” 

Remember That Practice Makes Perfect 

Familiarizing yourself with your material is so important—we cannot overstate this. “Practice your speech beforehand to build confidence and ensure a smooth delivery,” Hall and Vanco say. If possible, read your speech out loud for another person you trust to gauge the audience’s reaction and get comfortable with flow.

Speak Slowly

Though you might be nervous, giving a speech isn’t like completing a race—faster is not better. Speak slowly and clearly while focusing on the couple. “Making eye contact with the couple can help you focus on the gift you’re giving them versus focusing on the crowd of people,” says Swartz. 

Taking space to breath will also keep your pace where it needs to be: “Embrace the moment with enthusiasm and sincerity, and remember to breathe and take pauses as needed,” Hall and Vanco suggest. If you’ve built in some laughs or tearful reactions, give them time to play out. 

Above all else, take control of the moment and stay calm. “Remember why this is meaningful to you,” says Behar. Additionally, Swartz suggests taking deep inhales and even slower exhales to help you feel grounded. “I’ve seen some ladies take off their heels before they toast so they feel extra grounded, and I’m here for it,” she says.

Ultimately, those giving speeches should practice and speak sincerely. And when it comes to the order of those speeches? Couples should do whatever they want. “This is your night to celebrate your love in your own way, and you should be nothing but excited to have your chosen loved ones raise a glass to you,” says Swartz.

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how to give a best man speech at a wedding

I'm Great at Giving Wedding Speeches—But Here's the One Thing I'd Never Do During My Toast

Allow me to not-so-humble brag for a second: I’m really good at wedding speeches.

I’ve now officiated four weddings, given a best man speech, delivered a half dozen wedding toasts and I’ve helped a number of friends write wedding speeches. These public displays of my affection for the happy couple are always well received, and there’s one large reason why my speeches go over better than those of others: I don’t wing it and I don’t go off script.

You may now be thinking to yourself, duh, of course I’d prepare my remarks in advance . But that’s not what I mean. I don’t just prepare. I write out every. Single. Word. And then I read every. Single. Word. No deviation. No improv. No winging it.

The Horror Story

Everyone thinks they can lightly prepare their wedding speech or toast and just riff in the moment. This is a huge mistake . Best men, maids of honor, officiants, parents of the bride or groom—I’ve seen them all transform from happy-go-lucky wedding guests to deer in headlights right before my very eyes. They only prepare some bullet points. Or they decide they’ll just tell a funny story. But things never go over as they want. Inevitably, nerves take over, jokes don’t land, things they wanted to say get left out. Or even worse, the speech will go on and on and on while we all sit in our seats silently screaming to ourselves, Land the freaking plane, Grandma!

I’ve seen some of my funniest friends absolutely bomb during a wedding speech even though I know they’re good public speakers. Why? They jot down a couple notes and try to just “be in the moment.”

At a recent wedding in upstate New York, I watched one of the funniest people I’ve ever met (no exaggeration, honestly) start sweating bullets during his best man toast. He clearly had prepared a couple of jokes that he thought he could somehow navigate between in the moment. But when his first joke didn’t land, he began to panic. He began stuttering. He began searching through his notes for a way to salvage the moment. His voice began to quiver. The speech…wasn’t great. But it wasn’t the worst one of the night.

The other groom’s best man didn’t lose confidence. In fact, I’m pretty sure he thinks he delivered the best wedding speech in history. But he’d be wrong. His speech went on for sooooo long. He glanced down at a couple of notes he had brought with him periodically, basically as a reminder of the embarrassing story about the groom he wanted to tell next. With no script to read from, he had no idea that he lost his audience at about minute five and that by minute 11 we were all looking at our watches wondering how much longer it'd be before we could dance the damn Cha-Cha Slide.

This all could have been avoided…

My Foolproof Advice

At the same wedding that I watched these two loved ones struggle, I officiated a ceremony that was followed by handshakes and back pats from every friend I knew and every family member I’d never met before. It was a success because I had crafted (and rehearsed) a ceremony over the course of weeks—and then I read exactly what I had written down.

A wedding speech isn’t easy, but I would highly discourage anyone from leaving anything to chance. On the contrary, I recommend crafting a speech, practicing it, honing jokes, cutting out unnecessary details and practicing in front of a trusted friend. And then, when you get out in front of the crowd, just stick to the script. It hasn’t failed me yet!

A Few Other Tips

Besides keeping things scripted, I do have a few other small pieces of advice I can offer. First of all, keep it brief . It’s much better to err on the side of too short than too long. Second, don’t make it about yourself —keep it about the bride or groom. In fact, why not make a joke out of that? Early on in my wedding speech or toast, I’ll introduce myself and how I know the bride or groom, followed by the line, “But today isn’t about me…at least according to the program.” Cue the laughter. It kills every time, and it breaks the ice early on. (Feel free to steal it—the best comedians steal from one another.)

And that brings me to my next two tips: break the ice right away and make things funny . Breaking the ice can be difficult, so I recommend either making a self-deprecating joke right at the top of your speech (I personally go with, “You probably recognize me as the one who looks like Adrian Brody, only more sinewy and with less money”) or encouraging everyone to be loud right away (“This isn’t one of those quiet weddings so let’s give a big, rowdy round of applause for our bride and groom…”).

And include jokes where you can, but keep it clean. No one wants to awkwardly look over to the mother of the groom to see how she’s reacting after you make an off-color joke. Jokes can also be difficult, but that’s why you practice in advance (and why you practice in front of a friend). Keep the ones that work and ditch the ones that don’t.

You’ll Be Fine

The biggest thing to remember? This isn’t a life-or-death situation. This is a day of celebration where everyone wants you to succeed in your toast. And if you prepare in advance, practice your script and then read it word for word, you’ll have nothing to be nervous about. Before you know it, you’ll be high fiving the father of the bride as he congratulates you for totally nailing your speech.

The ‘24-Hour Photo Freeze’ Is the Wedding Etiquette Rule We Need in Our Lives

I'm Great at Giving Wedding Speeches—But Here's the One Thing I'd Never Do During My Toast

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I'm Great at Giving Wedding Speeches—But Here's the One Thing I'd Never Do During My Toast

I’ve seen some of my funniest friends flop during their speech.

Author image: Screenshot 2023 05 04 at 1.11.39 PM

Allow me to not-so-humble brag for a second: I’m really good at wedding speeches. I’ve now officiated four weddings, given a best man speech, delivered a half dozen wedding toasts and I’ve helped a number of friends write wedding speeches. These public displays of my affection for the happy couple are always well received, and there’s one large reason why my speeches go over better than those of others: I don’t wing it and I don’t go off script. You may now be thinking to yourself, duh, of course I’d prepare my remarks in advance . But that’s not what I mean. I don’t just prepare. I write out every. Single. Word. And then I read every. Single. Word. No deviation. No improv. No winging it.

The Horror Story

Everyone thinks they can lightly prepare their wedding speech or toast and just riff in the moment. This is a huge mistake . Best men, maids of honor, officiants, parents of the bride or groom—I’ve seen them all transform from happy-go-lucky wedding guests to deer in headlights right before my very eyes. They only prepare some bullet points. Or they decide they’ll just tell a funny story. But things never go over as they want. Inevitably, nerves take over, jokes don’t land, things they wanted to say get left out. Or even worse, the speech will go on and on and on while we all sit in our seats silently screaming to ourselves, Land the freaking plane, Grandma!

I’ve seen some of my funniest friends absolutely bomb during a wedding speech even though I know they’re good public speakers. Why? They jot down a couple notes and try to just “be in the moment.”

At a recent wedding in upstate New York, I watched one of the funniest people I’ve ever met (no exaggeration, honestly) start sweating bullets during his best man toast. He clearly had prepared a couple of jokes that he thought he could somehow navigate between in the moment. But when his first joke didn’t land, he began to panic. He began stuttering. He began searching through his notes for a way to salvage the moment. His voice began to quiver. The speech…wasn’t great. But it wasn’t the worst one of the night.

The other groom’s best man didn’t lose confidence. In fact, I’m pretty sure he thinks he delivered the best wedding speech in history. But he’d be wrong. His speech went on for sooooo long. He glanced down at a couple of notes he had brought with him periodically, basically as a reminder of the embarrassing story about the groom he wanted to tell next. With no script to read from, he had no idea that he lost his audience at about minute five and that by minute 11 we were all looking at our watches wondering how much longer it'd be before we could dance the damn Cha-Cha Slide.

This all could have been avoided…

My Foolproof Advice

At the same wedding that I watched these two loved ones struggle, I officiated a ceremony that was followed by handshakes and back pats from every friend I knew and every family member I’d never met before. It was a success because I had crafted (and rehearsed) a ceremony over the course of weeks—and then I read exactly what I had written down.

A wedding speech isn’t easy, but I would highly discourage anyone from leaving anything to chance. On the contrary, I recommend crafting a speech, practicing it, honing jokes, cutting out unnecessary details and practicing in front of a trusted friend. And then, when you get out in front of the crowd, just stick to the script. It hasn’t failed me yet!

A Few Other Tips

Besides keeping things scripted, I do have a few other small pieces of advice I can offer. First of all, keep it brief . It’s much better to err on the side of too short than too long. Second, don’t make it about yourself —keep it about the bride or groom. In fact, why not make a joke out of that? Early on in my wedding speech or toast, I’ll introduce myself and how I know the bride or groom, followed by the line, “But today isn’t about me…at least according to the program.” Cue the laughter. It kills every time, and it breaks the ice early on. (Feel free to steal it—the best comedians steal from one another.)

And that brings me to my next two tips: break the ice right away and make things funny . Breaking the ice can be difficult, so I recommend either making a self-deprecating joke right at the top of your speech (I personally go with, “You probably recognize me as the one who looks like Adrian Brody, only more sinewy and with less money”) or encouraging everyone to be loud right away (“This isn’t one of those quiet weddings so let’s give a big, rowdy round of applause for our bride and groom…”).

And include jokes where you can, but keep it clean. No one wants to awkwardly look over to the mother of the groom to see how she’s reacting after you make an off-color joke. Jokes can also be difficult, but that’s why you practice in advance (and why you practice in front of a friend). Keep the ones that work and ditch the ones that don’t.

You’ll Be Fine

The biggest thing to remember? This isn’t a life-or-death situation. This is a day of celebration where everyone wants you to succeed in your toast. And if you prepare in advance, practice your script and then read it word for word, you’ll have nothing to be nervous about. Before you know it, you’ll be high fiving the father of the bride as he congratulates you for totally nailing your speech.

The ‘24-Hour Photo Freeze’ Is the Wedding Etiquette Rule We Need in Our Lives

Screenshot 2023 05 04 at 1.11.39 PM

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Couple mortified after best man delivered 'best punchline at a wedding ever' during speech

Couple mortified after best man delivered 'best punchline at a wedding ever' during speech

The newlywed couple were left very red faced after the nsfw anecdote.

Brenna Cooper

Creating the perfect wedding speech is one of the hardest jobs given to a best man. How funny should you be? What if your jokes aren't well received?

This headache is also shared by the bride and groom as well, who stand to see their marriage begin on awkward terms if someone decides to divulge the wrong information.

However, these fears didn't occur to one best man, who opted to make sure his brother endured the most mortifying few minutes of his life.

Check out the cringe-inducing speech in the clip below:

For Scottish best man Derek, there was no joke off limits when it came to writing a speech for his brother Gary's wedding.

Following Gary's nuptials to Kirsty at Doubletree Dunblane Hydro, Perthshire back in 2022, Derek delivered a particularly cheeky speech, which left his brother and new sister-in-law very red faced.

In the viral clip, which was originally shared by We Are One Wedding Films on TikTok , Gary recalled a particularly steamy Christmas morning Derek and Kirsty had spent together.

He began: "One Christmas morning, I got up in my mum and dad's house, buzzing I may add. Walked down the stairs to open my presents only to be greeted with a slap from my mum. 'What did I tell you about bringing folk back here?'

"[So] I say, 'What are you talking about mum, I've been in my bed the full night'.

Best man Derek. TikTok / @weareoneweddingfilms

"Obviously she's not thinking about golden child next door," he added.

Derek then went on to add that the family were opening presents together in the living room when they heard 'rustling' from the 'wee room in the auld house, as we called it', prompting Derek to go and investigate.

He continued: "At this point I go up the stairs, open Gary's room, and there you have it, Kirsty Currie, lying with her legs at ten to two.

"She certainly never came down the chimney in that position. Anyway, Merry Christmas, Kirsty."

The bride and groom were left completely red faced at the speech. TikTok / @weareoneweddingfilms

The couple clearly weren't expecting to hear the tale shared with the entire wedding party, as they could be seen covering their faces in shame before breaking out into awkward laughter.

While Gary and Kirsty couldn't believe what they'd just heard, the couple's guests were thankfully able to see the funny side of the tale judging by their roaring laughter in the background.


Viewers of the viral video were also left in stitches, taking to the comments section to share their reactions.

"The absolute fear in the groom's eyes. That's when you know the speech is going to be good," one person wrote, while a second commented: "The Scottish have a way of telling stories that isn't matched anywhere."

"She's a good team player, love the way the bride laughed it off," a third person commented.

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She took the “something borrowed” portion of the wedding a little too literally.

A groom who revealed his newly wedded wife had been cheating on him with his best man got the ultimate revenge — revealing her disloyal ways to their guests during his wedding speech.

The shocking wedding drama was shared on the Unfiltered Bride podcast , hosted by Gloucestershire wedding planners Georgina and Beth, who were in disbelief over the tale, which they heard through a third party.

According to the podcast hosts, the furious groom announced his wife’s infidelity to all the guests by handing out photos of the bride having sex with the best man.

“Groom stands up and says ‘Just before I like properly get started, there’s envelopes coming round now, if you could all open them up. Yeah, those are pictures of the bride f–ked the best man, so I’ll be leaving now,'” Georgie explained, telling the story in the clip.

Close up shot of man holding ring box.

The groom then abruptly stormed out with his entire family and left hers to foot the bill for the reception, per the tale’s retelling.

“The bride’s family paid for everything. Karma is a bitch,” the host said. “Karma is a bitch, the best man as well!”

The clip quickly racked up hundreds of comments, with users sharing their thoughts on the situation.

“I don’t blame him at all!! I’d do the same,” one user exclaimed.

Others refused to believe the story was real.

“This is such an old urban myth,” one TikToker said doubtfully.

“I’ve seen this recirculating on Twitter for like ten years now,” another wrote.

Some users asked why he would go through with the ceremony if he had no intention of seeing the marriage through — but some TikTokers assured them if they hadn’t filed the paperwork, it wouldn’t be official yet.

“It would be annulled instantly, as long as he has his hands on the paperwork,” one person commented.

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  10. How to Write a Best Man Speech

    The bar staff. [Pause for laughter] For [the couple], cheers to a lifetime of love and laughter! Best man speech example for all the happy tears: "So let's raise a glass to [the couple's] love. John Lennon said, 'A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.'.

  11. How to Give a Great Best Man Speech

    Avoid long or rambling speeches, inappropriate material, telling inside jokes, and being too tipsy for the speech. To give the best speech possible, prepare your material and practice it, don't speak too fast or too slow, and don't dwell on any mistakes you might make during the delivery. Let me guess: if you've made it here, you're a ...

  12. How to Write a Wedding Speech: Examples, Tips, and Advice

    On the roster to give a wedding speech? Public speaking experts provide tips on how to give the best toast at any wedding event. 90 years of expert advice and inspiration, for every couple.

  13. Easy Ways To Write The Perfect Best Man Speech

    Two to five minutes is fine, but two minutes is better. Do be thankful. Expressing gratitude toward the couple, their family, and anyone who helped make the wedding happen is always a good thing. Do not make it about you. Sure, context is good ("I met Evan when we were in karate together…") but keep it brief.

  14. Best Man Speech: Your Comprehensive Guide

    4. Tell a story-make a connection. The ideal way to structure a best man speech is to find a connection between a story about your friend and your support for the couple. Share a story about how your friend would always lament that he would never find a woman with x,y, and z qualities, but how he finally did in his new bride.

  15. 12 Best Man Speeches To Get Inspired By

    Your Best Man Speech Should Cover. Share how you know the groom. Why they chose you as the best man (great opportunity to throw in some funnies) Describe the bride and groom. Describe the groom before he met the bride. And how he has changed. Quick story of how they met and how he shared his feelings for her with you.

  16. How To Give the Perfect Best Man Speech (With Examples)

    9. Go back through your speech and look for inside jokes. Remember, you likely know the groom better than many others in the room. While an inside joke or two definitely isn't the end of the world ...

  17. How to Write a Wedding Speech: Your Easy Step-by-Step Guide

    End with a toast. Cap off your speech on a fun and sentimental note by ending with an actual toast. Dalo recommends this foolproof example: "Please join me in raising a glass to the happy couple. Cheers to X and Y, and best wishes for a lifetime of laughter!" Afterward, go in for a hug with the couple, making for the perfect photo op!

  18. How to Write a Perfect Wedding Speech

    Traditionally, the maid of honor, best man, and parents of the couple will give a speech at the wedding. However, the couple should explicitly ask these guests well in advance to give a speech so ...

  19. How to Write a Best Man's Speech (with Pictures)

    It's about looking outward in the same direction." 12. Propose a toast. Wishing the couple the best in their lives together is the most important part of the speech. This should wrap up your speech and bringing everyone together. Raise your glass of champagne and will the other guests to toast to the happy couple.

  20. Wedding Speech Order & How to Write a Toast

    Maid of honor: The maid of honor takes the mic immediately following the best man's speech. Host (s): The wedding reception is traditionally hosted by the bride's parents (if applicable). The father of the bride and/or mother of the bride will congratulate the newlyweds and give a toast. Couple: The couple may wish to say a few brief words to ...

  21. 66 Creative Toasts to End Your Best Man Speech

    Toasts to the Happy Couple. "To my best friend [NAME] and his beautiful wife/groom [NAME] - here is to a wonderful future filled with lots of love and true happiness.". "It has been a huge honor to be your best man. However, it has become an even bigger honor to ask everyone in this room to toast the newly married couple.

  22. How to Give a BEST MAN SPEECH (Delivering a Toast to the Groom)

    So you've been asked to be BEST MAN in your friend's wedding and now you're preparing to give a speech. First off, congratulations! If the groom has asked yo...

  23. 15 Tips For Your Best Man Speech (Brother Edition)

    Pro tip: Do not offer thanks to guests or vendors. That is the job of the host of the wedding whether that is the bride and groom or their parents. 3. Do use a common theme. Finding a theme for your speech is one of the best ways to make it successful.

  24. The Wedding Speech Order to Follow at Your Reception

    2. The Father of the Groom or Parents of the Groom's Speech. The father or parents of the bride are usually followed by the father or parents of the groom. This formality gives a nod of respect to ...

  25. I'm Great at Giving Wedding Speeches—But Here's the One Thing I ...

    Early on in my wedding speech or toast, I'll introduce myself and how I know the bride or groom, followed by the line, "But today isn't about me…at least according to the program.". Cue ...

  26. I'm Great at Wedding Speeches But I'd Never Do This

    Published May 20, 2024. AlexanderFord/Getty Images. Allow me to not-so-humble brag for a second: I'm really good at wedding speeches. I've now officiated four weddings, given a best man speech, delivered a half dozen wedding toasts and I've helped a number of friends write wedding speeches. These public displays of my affection for the ...

  27. BEST MAN SPEECH TIPS. ‍♂️ I'm a wedding vow and ...

    TikTok video from The Wedding Speech Coach (@speechesbylindsay): "BEST MAN SPEECH TIPS.🤵🏼‍♂️ I'm a wedding vow and speech coach, and I'm helping wedding speakers give the BEST speeches in 2024. If you're going to be a best man, you need to be aware of these three tips before giving your speech: 1️⃣ Use a speech template (I have one available) 2️⃣ Don't be too ...

  28. Couple mortified after best man delivered 'best punchline at a wedding

    Check out the cringe-inducing speech in the clip below: For Scottish best man Derek, there was no joke off limits when it came to writing a speech for his brother Gary's wedding. Following Gary's ...

  29. Groom blasts bride for cheating with best man in scathing wedding speech

    00:00. 00:50. She took the "something borrowed" portion of the wedding a little too literally. A groom who revealed his newly wedded wife had been cheating on him with his best man got the ...

  30. Harrison Butker speech: The biggest mistake he made in his

    Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker railed against LGBTQ rights, diversity initiatives and President Joe Biden in a divisive speech at a small Catholic college in Kansas. Then he brought ...