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Essay on Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

"Cleanliness is next to Godliness," is a wise saying that refers to the importance of cleanliness in a person's life. It was first quoted by an English cleric John Wesley in the year 1778. By saying so, he implied that as much as we devotedly pursue religion, we likewise need to opt for cleanliness also. 

The phrase instilled a sense of cleanliness in people and encouraged everyone to adopt clean habits and hygiene with the same devotion of commitment towards God. A clean mind and body are what God desires and society respects. This phrase also refers to the cleanliness of body, mind, and soul. The purity of thought automatically translates to the efforts one makes to maintain cleanliness. 

The meaning of Godliness is the quality of being Godly or devoutly Religious. Comparing it to cleanliness, it refers to the idea that every person must keep themselves and their home clean to be spiritually pure. When we keep ourselves and our surroundings neat and clean, we purify our bodies and mind from evil thoughts and negativity.

Cleanliness is the mantra to succeed in life as we can only perform well when we stay healthy. It is essential to remain clean and hygienic. Cleanliness is required for a healthy body and mind and hence a moral obligation for everyone. It reflects an individual’s identity about their character, nature, belief system, background, upbringing, and culture. Cleanliness is non-negotiable, and it is what you need to do for your wellbeing. So, it is the primary duty of every individual to keep himself and his surroundings neat and clean.

When cleanliness is a part of our lifestyle, we automatically aim to keep ourselves clean externally and internally, thus improving our personality. People often judge others by observing their attention to hygiene and attitude regarding cleanliness. This aspect has an impact even on the moral standards you maintain. Hence there lies a close connection between personal cleanliness and health. Cleanliness in your dressing also speaks volumes about how you do up yourself, your clothes, footwear, nails, etc. When we look neat and clean, it boosts our overall confidence, self-esteem, and self-respect.

So many cultures have a strict regime of washing hands and legs before entering the house. That's why in traditional setups, a bucket would be kept next to the house's porch so that people wash their hands and feet before entering the house. Washing hands is a norm in most homes before and after mealtime.

Benefits of Cleanliness

To achieve cleanliness, first, we need to understand its importance and benefits. Cleanliness is not only required for healthy and quality living but also has some other benefits as well. Here are the top 10 benefits of cleanliness that will help us to understand the importance of cleanliness in our lives:

Cleanliness minimises the chances of getting sick and can help us live a healthy livelihood. We all know that a dirty environment invites many diseases like Dengue, Malaria, etc. Germs and bacteria love to stay in dirty surroundings. By cleaning our surroundings, we can minimise the risk of falling sick and can stay healthy.

It helps you to be organised. When we clean our surroundings, our belongings get automatically categorised, and we are easily able to manage and find everything.

It keeps germs and viruses away. Regular cleaning doesn't let the mosquitoes or germs stay in our surroundings and help us to be healthy. It gives us mental peace. When everything around us is neat and clean, we feel mentally relaxed and happy.

Cleanliness increases our positivity. A dirty environment brings negativity moreover makes a person lethargic. When we clean ourselves and our surroundings, we feel positive vibes around us that keeps us happy and relaxed.

It increases our productivity. Our productivity directly depends on our health. When we live in a dirty environment, we tend to fall sick more often, which hampers our productivity. But when we live in a clean environment, we tend to work more positively, and our productivity also increases.

Cleanliness is good for mental health as it reduces stress and depression and gives you a feeling of well-being.

It enhances your personality. When we clean ourselves, we look well-groomed and more attractive.

Cleanliness changes people's perception of you. Everybody likes to maintain hygiene and be a hygienic person. When we live in a dirty environment or a messy state, people don't approach us. But when we live in a clean condition, we look more presentable, and people tend to approach us as they find us more organised and attractive.

Cleanliness reduces the cost of maintenance. When we keep things neat and clean, they last longer, and we don't have to spend much on their maintenance and care.

Now when we are aware of the benefits and advantages of cleanliness, we must focus on the ways to achieve cleanliness around us to live a healthy and peaceful life.

How to achieve Cleanliness?

Some simple, yet essential steps are required to achieve cleanliness. Moreover, cleanliness is not a one-day thing, but it is a habit that we must develop for a lifetime. It is a moral duty of an individual to keep himself and his environment clean and healthy for better living. To achieve cleanliness around us, we must follow these steps in our daily routine:

To achieve cleanliness, we must keep dustbins at required places to dump all the waste in it, instead of throwing it here and there.

It is essential to categorise the waste into two categories: Dry Waste and Wet Waste. We should keep two separate dustbins so that dry waste can be dumped in one dustbin and the wet waste in another. This will make waste management easy for all.

Don't just dump the waste in dustbins but also clean the dustbins regularly. We must use dustbins that have a lid on them to keep mosquitoes from flying away from them.

We should regularly do dusting in our home and office to keep all the belongings dust-free because dust invites many germs and causes allergies and diseases.

It is vital to keep our toilet hygienic and germ-free. For this, we must clean it twice a week with a good toilet cleaner and floor disinfectant.

It is also important to keep yourself neat and clean to achieve cleanliness. For that, we must take a bath regularly using good soap and shampoo.

We should also wash our clothes and utensils on time to keep them clean and germ-free. For that, we must use a good detergent or dishwasher cleaner that not only cleans them but also kills all the germs and bacteria present in them.

We should also cut our nails from time to time because they contain many germs which can go in our mouth while eating and can cause many diseases. Also, when we cut nails, we look more presentable and attractive.

Oral Hygiene is also very important to take care of our mouth and teeth. To keep them healthy and safe, we should brush them twice a day with germ-killing toothpaste. Also, we should rinse our mouth well with water after eating anything; otherwise, the germs will stay in our mouth, causing damage and stink.

We should also clean our hands regularly as many invisible germs are present on our hands when we touch anything. Before eating food, we should always wash our hands with a good soap or hand wash.

Cleanliness Campaigns

The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission) was launched on 2nd October 2014 on Mahatma Gandhi’s 145th birth anniversary and it has been a massive campaign for a few years to keep our surroundings, houses, offices, localities, city, state, and nation clean. It was first envisioned by Mahatma Gandhi - a clean India. 

World Environment Day, celebrated on 5th June every year, focuses on protecting our ecosystem. This awareness begins with each one of us keeping ourselves and our environment clean on an individual basis. So many organisations, businesses, schools, colleges, and NGOs have joined hands together to promote cleanliness and taken up the Swachh Bharat campaign to undertake cleaning of roads, parks, gardens, seashores, riverbanks, and other public areas. You can participate in Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and get featured with pictures of your volunteering activities towards cleanliness. Millions of students are pledging to make a clean India.

During the alarming spread of the Coronavirus pandemic, which still causes a great threat to so many lives, there has been a spiking rise in educating masses on the basics of cleanliness. Washing hands regularly and using sanitizers is the only way to fight diseases like these and save lives.

The term WASH stands for Water, Sanitisation, and Hygiene. It is essential that healthy living and hygienic regimes are followed. Cleanliness is the only way to tackle the spears of diseases, viruses, and germs. We can concentrate on our work better when working in clean living spaces, a clean body, and a clean mind. It is a culture that we must pursue and invest in.

Cleanliness has an overall impact on us and thus keeps us active, healthy, and productive in our work and growth. We are obligated to clean not only ourselves but also our environment and surrounding areas. Clean India is possible only when every individual seeks to make efforts towards the same.


By following these simple habits in our daily routine, we can keep ourselves and our surroundings neat and clean. Cleanliness is utterly essential to lead a healthy and peaceful lifestyle, and we should not neglect it. Instead, we should encourage other people as well to stay clean and lead a healthy life.


FAQs on Cleanliness is Next to Godliness Essay

1) Why did the boys keep the beautiful white horse on the first occasion?

If you go through the summary of "Summer of the Beautiful White Horse" minutely, you can see that Aram was 9 years old and Mourad was 13 years old. They were too young. When they got the beautiful white horse, they didn’t know the owner of the horse. The summary of Beautiful White Horse indicates that when they came to know about the owner of the horse, a severe dilemma loomed large in their minds, probably because of the fear that they hadn’t let anyone know about the horse. The words from John ended the dilemma in their minds, and they returned the horse to its owner. They could have easily denied that. But, they didn’t do that.  

2) What lessons can we acquire from The Summer Of The Beautiful White Horse?

The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse Class 11 teaches us the lessons of honesty, integrity, and ethics. The story is too appropriate for the Class 11 students. Most of the time in our lives, we cannot keep our minds strong in the face of greed and desire. We all make mistakes. But the boys in the story didn’t do that. They keep their heads calm and composed and win over greed and desire. The lesson can be applied in day-to-day life as these kinds of incidents happen in our lives too often.


Essay on Cleanliness is next to Godliness

Students are often asked to write an essay on Cleanliness is next to Godliness in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Cleanliness is next to Godliness


Cleanliness is a virtue that should be cultivated from a young age. It is often said, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” This phrase means that maintaining cleanliness is as important as worshipping God.

The Importance of Cleanliness

Cleanliness keeps our body, mind, and environment healthy. It helps prevent diseases and creates a positive atmosphere. Just like we respect God, cleanliness deserves respect too.

In conclusion, cleanliness is essential for our well-being. It is a godly act that should be practiced by everyone. So, let’s strive to keep ourselves and our surroundings clean.

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250 Words Essay on Cleanliness is next to Godliness

The adage ‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness’ conveys the importance of maintaining cleanliness in our lives. It suggests that just as we revere God, cleanliness should also hold an equally significant place in our lives. The concept of cleanliness extends beyond the physical act of keeping our surroundings clean, encompassing our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

The Physical Aspect

Cleanliness in the physical context refers to the regular act of cleaning our environment, personal hygiene, and ensuring a neat appearance. It helps prevent diseases, promotes health, and enhances our self-image. A clean environment is conducive for productivity and creativity, thus highlighting its importance in our daily lives.

The Psychological Aspect

On a psychological level, cleanliness plays a crucial role in maintaining mental health. A cluttered space can lead to a cluttered mind, increasing stress and anxiety levels. On the contrary, a clean, organized environment promotes calmness, clarity of thought, and positivity.

The Spiritual Aspect

In the spiritual realm, cleanliness is often associated with purity and divinity. Many religions and spiritual practices emphasize the importance of cleanliness, associating it with moral and ethical purity. It is perceived as a means to attain spiritual growth and connect with the divine.

In essence, ‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness’ is a comprehensive approach towards well-being. It encourages us to maintain cleanliness not just in our physical surroundings, but also in our thoughts, actions, and emotions. As we strive for cleanliness, we move closer to a state of peace, purity, and divinity, akin to godliness. Thus, cleanliness truly is next to godliness.

500 Words Essay on Cleanliness is next to Godliness

‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness’ is a well-known proverb highlighting the importance of cleanliness in our lives. This phrase implies that cleanliness is a crucial aspect of a virtuous and godly life. Just as godliness represents a pure state of being, cleanliness symbolizes purity, not just physically but also mentally and spiritually.

Physical Cleanliness

Mental cleanliness.

While physical cleanliness is easily noticeable, mental cleanliness is equally important but often overlooked. Mental cleanliness refers to maintaining a clean mind devoid of negativity, hatred, jealousy, and other harmful emotions. It is about nurturing positive thoughts and attitudes towards ourselves and others. Mental cleanliness can be achieved through practices like meditation, mindfulness, and self-reflection. It helps in promoting mental health, reducing stress, and improving overall well-being.

Spiritual Cleanliness

Spiritual cleanliness is the highest form of cleanliness. It refers to the purity of the soul and is often associated with moral and ethical cleanliness. It involves practicing virtues like honesty, kindness, compassion, and empathy. Spiritual cleanliness is about maintaining a clean conscience and being true to oneself and others. It can be cultivated through moral education and spiritual practices. It leads to inner peace, harmony, and a sense of fulfillment.

Cleanliness and Godliness

In conclusion, the significance of cleanliness goes beyond mere physical cleanliness. It encompasses mental and spiritual cleanliness, leading to a holistic sense of well-being. It is a reflection of our respect for ourselves, others, and the environment. Cleanliness, in its true essence, is indeed next to godliness. It is about striving for a state of purity and harmony in all aspects of life. As responsible individuals, it is our duty to maintain cleanliness and inspire others to do the same. After all, cleanliness is not just a virtue but a way of life.

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Cleanliness is Next to Godliness Essay | Essay on Cleanliness is Next to Godliness for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Veerendra

Essay on Cleanliness is next to Godliness: A kid keeps applying the proverb “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” in his routine as he grows up. “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” is a proverb that he learns from his childhood and practices it in his daily life. From having a schedule to study to throwing the wrappers in a dustbin, everything is based on this proverb.

If a man really looks forward to being successful, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” is the mantra to stay calm, composed, and organized. When one follows this proverb diligently, it is not hard to maintain a healthy mind and body.

We have compiled some long and short essays for the use of the readers. You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more

Long and Short Essay on Cleanliness is next to Godliness for Kids and Students in English

Given below is an extended essay of approximately 400-500 words and is for the students of standards 7, 8, 9, and 10 and a short piece of nearly 100-150 words for the students of standard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Long Essay on Cleanliness is next to Godliness in English 500 words

The proverb, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” is a wise saying. The words “Cleanliness” and “Godliness” means being devoutly clean and devoutly religious, respectively. When a person refers to the term “Cleanliness”, he refers to the state of being pure and clean. Being clean does not necessarily mean keeping our surroundings clean, in a more holistic approach, one starts “Cleanliness” with themselves. The first step towards Cleanliness is to purify our minds and bodies to avoid the entry of evil and disturbing thoughts in our mind, and then gradually, we can move forward to cleaning our surroundings.

A successful life’s secret is organization. The more organized you are, the more are the chances of being successful in life. If a person is in the state of complete mental well-being and is the owner of a fit body, success will automatically crawl into his life. Having a healthy mind allows us to learn useful things much faster and apply them in our day to day lives.

It is a key to increase the thinking capability of an individual and the productivity in the work field. “Cleanliness” also means being hygienic. This inevitably reduces the chances of catching a disease and thus saves a lot of time spent lying in bed and taking medications.

There are some guidelines that one may follow in order to apply and utilize the purpose of the proverb, for example, we must keep in mind that a dustbin is a depot for germs and diseases and must be emptied regularly. Using a dustbin with a lid is highly recommendable.

Keeping the home and office dust-free is essential. This reduces the possibilities of catching allergies. Dirty toilets must be cleaned immediately. Not only is it a part of maintaining high-quality Cleanliness but also stops spreading severe illness and infections.

“Cleanliness is next to Godliness” helps to contribute to one’s religious and spiritual life too. The highest form of worshipping is purifying oneself to feel more energetic and refreshed. Living in a clean environment also helps to optimize psychological health, which further keeps one way from thinking and doing something evil.

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Maintaining a healthy life is beneficial in innumerable ways, primarily increased productivity and better relationships. One always likes to socialize with mentally sound, clean and physically sound people.

Short Essay on Cleanliness is Next to Godliness in English 150 words

“Every human must strive to uphold the proverb “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”, and by doing so, they will thrive too. Maintaining a clean surrounding and a fresh mind and body leads to a successful life. Our body and mind is our holy shrine. Keeping is clean helps in bringing spirituality and concentration.

One must keep their body and mind free from all kinds of impurities to obtain a much-organized life. Having an organized experience has its perks, like excellence in the work field, hugely depends on how faster one’s mind processes the information.

Thus, to conclude, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” is not just a proverb, but a virtue.

10 Lines on Cleanliness is Next to Godliness Essay 150 words

  • It means that keeping yourself clean will improve our lifestyle and soul.
  • This phrase is about the importance of Cleanliness to gain a healthier life.
  • Cleanliness is not only about physical cleansing of our body this also highlights the cleansing and purification of our thoughts.
  • In some traditions like Indian ones, Cleanliness is an essential part of the lifestyle and plays an integral role in every celebratory ritual.
  • “Cleanliness is Next to Godliness” was phrased by English cleric “John Wesley” in the 17th century.
  • During our childhood, we learn about the importance of Cleanliness from our teachers and parents.
  • Our daily clean upstarts with the simple process of brushing teeth and bathing.
  • We can prevent many diseases by just washing our hands before every meal.
  • Awareness about Cleanliness is necessary, and it has been proven, Governments of many countries such as India, started special awareness programs regarding Cleanliness.
  • Apart from the part about being healthy, we must practice Cleanliness as it is a sign of goodness and purity.

Frequently Asked Questions on Cleanliness is Next to Godliness Essay

Question 1. Why is it considered that Cleanliness is next to Godliness?

Answer: It is believed that when a person lives in a clean environment, he has a clear mind and body, which helps in bringing positivity and thus brings one closer to God.

Question  2. What is the significance of Cleanliness in our daily lives?

Answer: “Cleanliness” refers to the state of having a clean body and mind. It is essential to be cleaned inside out to maximize the productivity of work one does and lead a happy and healthy life.

Question 3. How can Cleanliness be described in simple words?

Answer: Cleanliness in general means a dirt, dust and stain free environment.

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Cleanliness is next to Godliness Essay

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Cleanliness is next to Godliness is a proverb that refers to the importance of cleanliness in human life and its connection with the spiritual growth and purity of body, mind and soul.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness is a widespread proverb which means maintenance of cleanliness lead a person toward goodness and humanity. We have provided below variety of essay on Cleanliness is next to Godliness under different words limit for the kids, children and school students. They can select any Cleanliness is next to Godliness essay according to their class standard:

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Cleanliness is next to Godliness 100 words

Cleanliness is next to Godliness means cleanliness lead the way to godliness or goodness. Through the practice of the proper cleanliness we can keep ourselves physically and mentally clean which really make us good, civilized and healthy human being. Cleanliness brings feeling of physically, mentally and socially well being and helps to make good personality and thus good impression on others. Cleanliness shows clean character of a person through his/her clean dresses and good personality. People with good character become moral and religious in their life. Cleanliness gives rise to good character by keeping body, mind and soul clean and peaceful.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness 150 words

Cleanliness is next to Godliness is a most famous proverb which tells us that practicing cleanliness is a very good habit and leads us towards goodness in every walk of life by keeping our body, mind and soul clean and peaceful. Being clean is very mandatory for all of us to get a healthy body and mind and ultimate success in the life. Maintaining cleanliness is the essential part of healthy living because it is the cleanliness only which helps to improve our personality by keeping clean externally and internally.

Keeping things clean is really important, just like the saying, ‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness,’ suggests. This phrase was first said by an English clergyman named John Wesley back in 1778. What he meant is that alongside our devotion to religion, we should also keep things clean.

Cleanliness is the responsibility of everyone and they need to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of their surroundings and themselves. A clean body keeps us healthy and away from the doctors thus saves from the medical expenses and time loss. Cleanliness brings good and positive thoughts in the mind which slows down the occurrence of diseases.

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Cleanliness is next to Godliness 200 words

Cleanliness is next to Godliness is the common proverb which promotes us to maintain cleanliness in our daily lives to get the feeling of well being. It highlights the importance of cleanliness in our lives and teaches us to follow the clean habits all through the life. Cleanliness is not only to keep ownself clean physically but it means to keep both physically and mentally clean by maintaining personal hygiene and bringing positive thoughts. Cleanliness is the way to godliness which means maintaining cleanliness and thinking good bring a person more near to the god. Being clean is very important for getting a good health and living moral life.

A clean and well dressed person indicates good personality and good character with impressive habits. Good character of a person is assessed by the clean dress and good manners. Cleanliness of body and mind improves the self-respect of any person. Cleanliness of the body, mind and soul lead towards the godliness which ultimately bring feeling of physically, mentally and socially well being person. A person needs to maintain cleanliness in daily life, need to follow a strict discipline and certain principles in the life. People who become clean are generally religious and god-fearing in nature and never feel hate or jealous to others.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness 250 words

The famous proverb ‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness’ express a lot to us. It indicates that cleanliness is the essential part of the healthy life. As we all know that the habit of cleanliness is in our tradition and culture. Our grandparents teach us properly to be clean always and promote us to do worship and eat meal after taking morning bath. They teach us to eat food only after doing proper hand wash and touch holy books and other holy things with clean hands. Even in some houses there are restrictions of entering to the temple and kitchen without taking bath. Priests tell us to take bath, wash hands and wear clean clothes before appear to the God or involve in the puja or katha. There was a strict tradition of hand washing before meals in the Jewish elders.

There is a close connection between personal cleanliness and moral health of the person. Personal cleanliness is considered as the symbol of purity of body and soul which is necessary to get healthy and spiritual connection. People who do not take daily bath or wear dirty clothes are generally lose their feeling confidence, self-respect and well being. So we can say that personal cleanliness safeguards us against dishonesty. All the advantages of the cleanliness proves the question that why religious people and religion founders have made cleanliness ritual necessary during spiritual occasions. Regular and proper cleanliness helps us to prevent from germs remaining long on the body and maintain our godliness.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness 300 words

Cleanliness is next to godliness which we can say that cleanliness is the way to godliness and without cleanliness we cannot get godliness. Many great people and social reformers in India (like Mahatma Gandhi, etc.,) had worked hard for the maintenance of personal and surrounding cleanliness to be physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy. Now-a-days, a clean India campaign called Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has been run by the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi in order to maintain the cleanliness in surroundings and make India a clean India.

Earlier too, many cleanliness programmes were run however became unsuccessful because of the not getting proper support of the common public. The celebration of World Environment Day is also takes place every year having the same objectives of cleanliness. We have adopted many things from the western culture however never caught their etiquette and habits related to the sanitation and hygiene. Cleanliness is the matter of attitude which is possible through the proper awareness among common people.

Cleanliness is a virtue which should be promoted among people of all age group and status to get complete command over the cleanliness. Proper and regular cleanliness brings good mental and physical health, tidiness, and purity of soul and mind. Cleanliness of body and mind provides spiritual and positive thoughts as well as helps to easily connect with the nature.

People who do not maintain their cleanliness become generally fed up because of many reasons like physical problems, mental disturbances, diseases, negative thoughts, etc. On the other hand, people who maintain their hygiene and personal cleanliness become always happy as they develop positive thoughts which help to balance body, mind and soul.

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Cleanliness is next to Godliness 400 words

Cleanliness is next to godliness is a most common and famous proverb which means cleanliness is everything for the goodness. People should keep themselves clean and bright to maintain their healthy life style and healthy living. Cleanliness is way to godliness and godliness is way to balance mind, soul and body. Being clean is the mean to keep ourselves physically and mentally clean. Keeping our body clean, tidy and well dressed makes us smart enough to get confidence and positive thoughts. Clean habits with nice dress sense creates good impression on others and good reputation in the society because cleanliness reflects a clean character of the person.

It is considered that the people maintaining cleanliness and develop the habit of dressing smartly, become clean character and generally pious and god-fearing. Such people have certain morals in their life and have clean heart by being godly. We can say that godliness starts with clean heart and clean heart can be of person with good character. This is the reason why priests of any religion tell to be clean from body and mind before worship. Cleanliness is the first and foremost thing to be near to the god.

On the other hand, being clean strengthens our immunity system and secures us from many chronic and acute diseases. However, clean people may catch diseases from dirty people but they are strong enough to tackle small problems. They can manage things in their surroundings related to the cleanliness including instructing poor and dirty people about cleanliness.

People maintaining their proper cleanliness feel shame in meeting with the people having dirty face, hands, soiled clothes and bad smelling clothes because they feel their insult while meeting with such type of people. Cleanliness of body is really very necessary for the good physical health. On the other hand, physical cleanliness gives inner cleanliness and keeps heart and mind clean. Cleanliness of mind keeps us mentally healthy and prevents from the psychological problems. So, the complete cleanliness keeps away from dirt and diseases as both go together, where there is dirt there is diseases.

Disease causing germs breed and grow very rapidly in the dirt which causes infection or various epidemic diseases such as cholera. So, in order to be healthy, happy and a peaceful life we all should practice clean habits in every aspect of life because dirt symbolizes moral evil whereas cleanliness symbolizes moral purity.

FAQs on Cleanliness is next to Godliness

What does cleanliness is next to godliness mean.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness is the common proverb which promotes us to maintain cleanliness in our daily lives to get the feeling of well being. It highlights the importance of cleanliness in our lives and teaches us to follow the clean habits all through the life. Cleanliness is not only to keep oneself clean physically but it means to keep both physically and mentally clean by maintaining personal hygiene and bringing positive thoughts.

Why cleanliness is next to godliness?

Cleanliness is the way to godliness which means maintaining cleanliness and thinking good bring a person more near to the god. People who become clean are generally religious and god-fearing in nature and never feel hate or jealous to others.

What are the benefits of cleanliness?

Proper and regular cleanliness brings good mental and physical health, tidiness, and purity of soul and mind. Being clean strengthens our immunity system and secures us from many chronic and acute diseases. However, clean people may catch diseases from dirty people but they are strong enough to tackle small problems. Cleanliness of body and mind provides spiritual and positive thoughts as well as helps to easily connect with the nature.

What is Swachh Bharat Abhiyan?

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a cleanliness campaign by the Government of India launched in 2014 to stop the open defecation system in rural parts of India.

What is Clean India mission?

Clean India mission or Swachh Bharat Abhiyan or Swachh Bharat mission is a nation-wide campaign in India to bring a revolutionary change in the country's sanitation drive.

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Cleanliness is Next to Godliness Essay for Students [500 Words]

January 2, 2021 by Sandeep

Essay on Cleanliness is Next to Godliness: Cleanliness refers to qualities of being clean and hygienic. Godliness represents a devout state of religiousness and purity. Cleanliness is equivalent to godliness because it casts a positive influence on the well being of individuals. A hygienic ambience increases work productivity and keep diseases at bay. Maintaining personal hygiene and keeping our homes, offices and surroundings germ-free can lead to a blissful life. A clean and hygienic country displays a better productivity index.

Essay on Cleanliness is Next to Godliness in English

Below we have provided Cleanliness is Next to Godliness Essay in English, suitable for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10.

“Cleanliness can be defined as the purest emblem of the mind.”

Cleanliness is the act of keeping things related to you clean and pure. It includes physical, mental, spiritual, and environmental cleaning. Cleanliness is much about being neat and tidy. It is a way to maintain an environment that is free of pollution, contamination, and infectious diseases. This will ensure a sustainable and healthy life. According to doctors, cleanliness improves natural resistance to bacteria and dust and keeps us away from common allergies. Cleanliness is not a thing to be performed once. However, it is an ongoing procedure or a set of habits whose purpose is prevention and maintenance.

How to Achieve Cleanliness

“Do not call the world dirty unconscious of the fact you forgot to clean your glasses.”

Cleanliness starts from our homes, our localities, and with yourself. It is lame to blame the government or organization for not maintaining cleanliness. First, begin it at your level and then take it to a larger scale. There are a few steps one can learn how and where to start your journey of practicing cleanliness and maintaining hygiene.

The Dustbin holds the dirtiest items in your household or workplace. Dirt and organic waste are likely to attract insects and pests. They can be carriers of germs and viruses that cause common allergic diseases. Therefore, it is essential to clean your dustbin regularly. Always place a lid on it to avoid insects interact with it. Always clean and wash the dustbin with hot water to sanitise it from germs and bacteria.

How clean is your home, defines your lifestyle. Dusty fans and ceiling with spider webs look creepy and unpleasant. Always clean them every week. Use vacuum cleaners to remove hidden dirt, pet hairs, and other particles in sofas and mats. Separating the waste is equally important as removing it. Always keep liquid and solid debris separate as intermixing those results in the growth of bacteria and germs much more.

Benefits of Cleanliness

Here are a few points to explain why cleanliness is essential in our life.

  • It helps to prevent allergic diseases such as flu, chickenpox, cough and cold.
  • Keeping the surroundings, clean helps to prevent insects and parasites from breeding that prevent diseases such as dengue, malaria, etc.
  • Keeping your house and kitchen clean prevents food contamination.
  • Being clean and tidy boosts your confidence, and improves your lifestyle.
  • Personal hygiene helps you in preventing yourself from skin issues.

Being a part of this nature , it is our responsibility to keep the environment and oneself clean. Cleanliness is not just something to be done once or twice. It needs to be inculcated in our habits and teach our children about the benefit of being clean and tidy. We must practice it regularly, make it a habit, and encourage others. You cannot alone stop the contamination of the environment. Everyone needs to understand his or her role in the process.

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Importance Of Cleanliness Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

  • The Importance of Cleanliness -

A clean body, mind, and spirit are prerequisites to a pleasant personality. Everyone has to take a bath at least once a week. To maintain our health, we must bathe at least once daily. Here are a few sample essays on the importance of cleanliness.

  • 100 Words Essay on The Importance of Cleanliness

"Cleanliness is next to godliness," as the proverb goes, has some truth to it. It is a beautiful trait to possess. It keeps a man healthy and happy. Cleanliness should be instilled in our children from an early age. A clean environment protects us from pollution. Cleanliness stems from a desire for decency . There are two types of cleanliness: physical cleanliness and mental cleanliness. It is critical to remember that mental hygiene is just as vital as physical hygiene. It is critical to keep yourself clean in all aspects of your life, both physically and emotionally, inside and outside. Being clean reduces the risk of contracting infectious illnesses by eliminating breeding grounds for mosquitoes, bacteria, and other pests.

200 Words Essay on The Importance of Cleanliness

500 words essay on the importance of cleanliness.

Importance Of Cleanliness Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

A fantastic attribute to have as a person is cleanliness. It makes a man healthier and happier. Physical and mental cleanliness are the two types of cleanliness . Keeping one's body clean encourages physical wellness. Health cannot exist without good body cleanliness. It is often said that the dirt's handmaiden is the illness. In the soil, disease-causing microbes thrive and proliferate. We avoid pollution because of a clean environment. Typhoid and cholera are two epidemic diseases that commonly spread throughout towns and cities and have a devastating toll on human life. These diseases are often brought in due to dirty habits and the environment that they live in.

Both physical and mental hygiene are essential for maintaining health and self-respect. Nobody loves or respects a person if his mind is not pure, and free of impure desires and bad ideas. Success in every area of life requires good mental hygiene. The advantages of cleanliness are vast. The character of a noble personality is enhanced by clean attire and neat ideas, attitudes, and ways of living. Cleanliness is essential for indoor and outdoor spaces as well as the body and psyche . In reality, only godliness is more important than cleanliness. Everyone should work on keeping themselves clean.

Our everyday existence depends on cleanliness. Maintaining hygiene is our first line of defence against viruses and infectious illnesses. Personal hygiene includes washing our hands before eating and covering our lips when we cough. While cleaning is usually seen as having a practical utility in healthcare settings, it is only recognized as a required investment in other industries, including education, property management, food service, and hospitality . Most facility managers and building owners see cleaning as more of an expense than an investment.

In both physical and spiritual dimensions, cleanliness is essential to human life. The term "spiritual cleanliness" describes adhering to your religion's tenets and practices. On the other hand, the physical one is crucial to humanity's survival and well-being. In actuality, there is a connection between cleanliness and health. Practise proper hygiene if you want to stay healthy. It is crucial to follow healthy lifestyle habits and practice illness prevention.

Cleaning for Health & Wellness

Effective cleaning should be a vital component of a bigger plan to create healthier interior settings by eliminating contaminants that might make people sick. Infectious diseases are encouraged by poor hygiene and cleanliness. There is little question that a tidy, healthy workplace benefits everyone who works there, including residents, patients, staff, and students, by creating a welcoming atmosphere, encouraging initiative and collaboration, and improving health and general well-being.

Cleaning for Safety

Workplace cleanliness improves worker safety. People are more likely to like their jobs, work more, and worry more about their safety. Effective cleaning can reduce the number of trips, falls, and slides. Preventative measures can significantly reduce injury, such as keeping specific areas clean and well-maintained. Additionally, keeping an area clean helps lessen the risk of fire and worker exposure to hazardous compounds like dust and vapours that can cause allergic reactions.

Sustainable Cleaning

Individuals predisposed to allergic responses may be triggered by conventional chemical goods, especially after accidentally touching or consuming any chemical leftovers. According to some estimates, one-third of cleaning solutions in use today include substances that are harmful to indoor air quality and people's health. These substances may contain endocrine disruptors, skin and eye irritants, asthmagens, and other substances linked to cancer, reproductive diseases, and other health problems in people.

Practicing sustainability may be as easy and inexpensive as cleaning products with minimal volatile organic compound content. The possible long-term health effects of using conventional cleaning products are a reason to switch to environmentally friendly supplies. A sustainable cleaning routine may help with smell control, preserve a spotless appearance, and increase energy efficiency .

How to Maintain Cleanliness

There are various methods to make oneself and the surroundings happy while maintaining cleanliness. Regular brushing and bathing are essential aspects of preserving cleanliness. Similarly, washing your hands often, primarily before and after meals, is crucial. Since the coronavirus emerged, it has become even more crucial to wash our hands often. We also need to eat well and keep our nails cut.

Moving on to environmental cleanliness, we need to clean up the dirt around us routinely. Do your best to avoid using plastic bags and tossing trash carelessly to create litter. Waste and wastewater must be disposed of correctly . Most essential, use recycling and reuse strategies to monitor pollution levels. Thus, to ensure cleanliness, we must put all of this into effect.

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Essay on Cleanliness is next to Godliness for Students and Children | PDF Download

Essay on Cleanliness is next to Godliness for Students and Children | PDF Download

In this article, we have provided Importance, Short and Long Essay on Cleanliness is next to Godliness, Quotes, Images . The students who are in search of this article can go through the article for more information on the topic.

What is Cleanliness is next to Godliness?

Cleanliness is next to Godliness is the word reflecting on all the activities in life. Cleanliness means keeping ourselves and our surroundings clean. It is very important to be very clean and hygienic. The word “Cleanliness” means a lot in our daily life. Cleanliness paves the way to Godliness. Godliness means being pious and devoted to God. So the word is termed as Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Not only keeping our surroundings and self-clean, but it is also important to maintain cleanliness in the inner self.

Importance of Cleanliness

It is very important to be very clean and tidy. The cleanliness of a person safeguards health. A person who follows cleanliness in daily life is considered a perfect person. Cleanliness makes a person more confident and feels to be very active. Moreover, a person who is clean in and outside of the body gets connected to God easily. The purity within a person lets to be near God.

Short Essay on Cleanliness is next to Godliness

“Cleanliness is next to Godliness” word coined by John Welsey in 1778. This word had a greater significance at all times. Cleanliness is next to Godliness is the famous proverb. Cleanliness plays a very important role in every life Cleanliness means keeping ourselves clean and also our surroundings clean. People yet times do not maintain themselves clean and are prone to different kinds of health problems. Somehow, cleanliness endangers health. The dirt is the main cause of unhygienic. Cleanliness refers to both physical and mental good habits. Physical cleanliness refers to a physical appearance by the way of dressing. Mental cleanliness refers to the purity of the heart.

Being clean gives a person to be confidence and courage in all matters. To be honest a clean person in and outside gains a lot of respect in society. Since ancient times cleanliness is followed in all aspects. For example, washing your legs and hands while entering into pious places. Not at outside places, cleanliness is followed in houses too like washing hands before eating, entering the house with washed legs, etc. Cleanliness is a tradition that is next to godliness or goodness. People strictly follow cleanliness to avoid ill health. More conscious about their health the more they follow cleanliness. Grandparents from childhood days make a habit to be clean and healthy. In case if the surroundings are not clean it is the responsibility of each citizen to maintain the surroundings clean.

Long Essay on Cleanliness is next to Godliness

This is a Long Essay on Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Cleanliness is next to Godliness is the famous proverb that refers to cleanliness as for the sake of goodness. Cleanliness is the way to keep physical and mental health clean. To be clean is to have proper caution on the body. Everyone needs to be clean and tidy. Cleanliness means a lot for both the inner sense and as well as the outer sense. Physical cleanliness is the appearance, dress, posture of the body, habits, etc these are the things that constitute physical cleanliness. Mental cleanliness refers to the purity of the heart and soul of the body.

Personal Hygiene

A person who cleans in and out is considered a respectful person in society. A person can be judged in point of cleanliness by behavior, attitude, habits. Moreover, it is a tradition that is being followed for many years about cleanliness. Grandparents made it a habit since childhood to be clean and healthy. Cleanliness should become a habit that takes place in daily routine. Cleanliness reduces the chances of ill health. The more the person is clean he is away from the diseases and germs.

Protecting Environment

Other than that, all the environment which we live in needs to be very clean. The environment is the main cause for the purification of dust particles in the atmosphere. Trees in the environment take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the air. Suppose if the environment surroundings are not clean the air to breathe also gets polluted and this leads to various health problems resulting in the death of the person. So, to avoid such problems, it is everyone’s responsibility to keep the surroundings clean and healthy.

Responsibility of a Citizen

To maintain cleanliness in the surroundings, the Government launched the “Swachh Bharat” mission. This mainly focuses on the maintenance of the surroundings to be clean and tidy. The dustbin is made available for the people in public places to let the waste into it. on the other hand, people should feel responsible for maintaining cleanliness in the surrounding. Every citizen in the country is responsible for cleanliness for safeguarding the earth.

10 ways for Cleanliness

  • Take bath every day
  •  Washing hands before eating
  •  Brush teeth regularly
  •  Home cleanliness
  •  Wearing clean clothes
  • Keep Surroundings clean
  •  Keep kitchen hygienic
  • Avoid water contamination for a long time.
  •  Always maintain a lid on the cooked food
  •  Maintain proper dustbins at home and avoid throwing wastage on roads,

Bottom Line

Cleanliness is next to Godliness is the main factor in everyone’s life. It is important in life to safeguard health. Cleanliness ensures a person with benefits. Hence, Cleanliness is the next step for goodness or Godliness.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness | Quotes

  • “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.”― Mahatma Gandhi
  • “Juliet’s version of cleanliness was next to godliness, which was to say it was erratic, past all understanding and was seldom seen.”― Terry Pratchett, Unseen Academicals
  • “Cleanliness is not next to godliness. It isn’t even in the same neighborhood. No one has ever gotten a religious experience out of removing burned-on cheese from the grill of the toaster oven.”― Erma Bombeck
  • “If by the quarter of the twentieth-century godliness wasn’t next to something more interesting than cleanliness, it might be time to reevaluate our notions of godliness.”― Tom Robbins
  • “A virtuous woman is not moved by big names and flamboyance, but only men of profound wisdom and integrity move her.”― Michael Bassey Johnson
  • “Civilisation is the distance that man has placed between himself and his excreta.”― Brian Aldiss, The Dark Light Years
  • “Mrs. Joe was a very clean housekeeper but had an exquisite art of making her cleanliness more uncomfortable and unacceptable than dirt itself. Cleanliness is next to godliness, and some people do the same by their religion.”― Charles Dickens, Great Expectations
  • “To keep the air fresh among words is the secret of verbal cleanliness.”― Dejan Stojanovic
  • “Cleanliness’, chuckled Sir Benjamin, noting his great niece’s delighted smile as her eyes rested upon him, ‘comes next to godliness, eh, Maria?”― Elizabeth Goudge, The Little White Horse
  • “Environmental cleanliness begins with each desire to be clean.”― Lailah Gifty Akita
  • “Neatness and cleanliness is not a function of how rich or poor you are but that of mentality and principle.”― Ikechukwu Izuakor, Great Reflections on Success
  • “Nothing can make you clean than the blood of Jesus Christ.”― Lailah Gifty Akita
  • “We have the grace of strength to work, to clear our cities of any dirt.”― Lailah Gifty Akita

Cleanliness is next to Godliness | Images

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Cleanliness is Next to Godliness Essay

The phrase ‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness’ was first used by John Wesley in 1778. He was an English cleric who referred to the phrase in a sermon. His sole intention was to convey to the masses that the habit of keeping clean is as equal to godliness.

Short and Long Essay on Cleanliness is Next to Godliness in English

Find here some essays describing the fact ‘Cleanliness is Next to Godliness’ in short as well as in detail:

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) In 1778, this famous proverb was used by John Wesley for the first time.

2) This phrase depicts the importance of cleanliness in our life.

3) Clean body and surroundings create positivity and keep us closer to God.

4) Our concentration and spirituality are enhanced by cleanliness.

5) A clean environment gives us healthy and fit living.

6) Cleanliness saves us from various dangerous diseases.

7) Unhygienic activities are the major contributor to death rates.

8) Cleanliness is not limited to the body it also refers to cleaning your soul and thoughts.

9) It encourages people to adopt clean and healthy habits.

10) Generating awareness among people regarding the need for cleanliness is important.

Meaning of ‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness’ – Essay 1 (250 Words)


The phrase ‘Cleanliness is next to godliness’ is probably being used since 1778, when it was first quoted by an English cleric. It was meant to instill a habit of cleanliness in the people.

Meaning of Cleanliness is next to Godliness

The phrase ‘Cleanliness is next to godliness’ stresses on the need for cleanliness in humans. It promotes the adoption of clean habits and hygiene by the people by equating it with godliness.

The dictionary describes godliness as the quality of being devoutly religious. Therefore, the phrase implies that the habit of cleanliness should be as devotedly followed as the religion.

However, this doesn’t mean that the religion mandates cleanliness; rather it is advisable to adopt cleanliness as it is a symbol of religious piousness. It is no harm to be clean; rather it helps us in several ways.

In a broader perspective, the phrase also refers to the cleanliness of soul or the purity of mind. It is worth to have a purity of thought and intention in life as one display while following religious obligations. The purity of thought is what appeals most to the god that the worship itself. A clean mind and clean body are the qualities that the god desires in his disciples; though, certainly he doesn’t disowns those who don’t have these qualities, but still it is preferred.

The phrase was introduced wisely to instill a sense of cleanliness in humans. This was the reason why it was integrated with godliness. It was an effort to put cleanliness as a moral obligation on mankind for cleanliness.

Benefits of Cleanliness – Essay 2 (400 Words)

‘Cleanliness is next to godliness’ is a proverb that promotes cleanliness as an act of godliness. It states that any person should follow a clean habit and hygiene with the same devotion as he/she follows the religion.

Benefits of Cleanliness

Cleanliness in life is very important to pursue. The habit of cleanliness has several benefits on a person’s life. Cleanliness keeps us free from germs and disease. A person who devotedly practices cleanliness and adapts a neat hygiene level never falls ill, and always stays fit and healthy.

It also works wonders on the social aspects related to a person. Such a person is always respected in society and admired for his/her cleanliness. People state examples of his/her habits and they become ideals for others to follow.

A clean person not only keeps himself clean but also instills good quality into the family members, friends, relatives, etc. Such a person spreads the habit of cleanliness to the others who come in contact.

Also, a person who practices cleanliness is bound to keep the environment clean as well. Such a person is least likely to litter in public places and always dispose of the garbage in dust bins. He/she also ensures that no harm is done to the environment on their behest.

Justice to the Phrase

There are several things we could do to stay clean and do complete justice to the proverb ‘cleanliness is next to godliness’. We must keep in mind that our commitment to cleanliness must be the same as our commitment to religious beliefs and ethos.

That is we must as devotedly follow cleanliness as we follow our religious rituals. In other words, there is a need to integrate the same passion in following cleanliness that we display in the following religion.

There are several ways to do justice to the phrase. Adopting a daily routine for physical cleaning is one of them. Also, we must keep our clothes clean and the house of course. We also must take care to keep the environment clean as well. A clean person makes way for a clean society and a clean environment.

The phrase ‘Cleanliness is next to godliness’ is an ancient thought by English cleric John Wesley. Through this phrase; Wesley, tried to put an obligation for cleanliness on humans. Though no religious epic mandates cleanliness, but still, there is a moral obligation the human race to maintain cleanliness.

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness Essay

Origin and Moral of ‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness’ – Essay 3 (500 – 600 Words)

‘Cleanliness is next to godliness’ is an ancient proverb that equates the habit of cleanliness with being devotedly religious. That is, being clean is like a religious obligation and must be dealt with the same devotion.

Origin of the Phrase

Ancient Babylonian and Hebrew religions have references equating physical cleanliness with the purity of spirit. The earliest exact reference to the phrase ‘cleanliness is next to godliness’, is made by an English cleric and theologian, John Wesley in 1778, during one of his sermons named ‘on dress’.

In the Para 5 of his sermon ‘On Dress’ Wesley mentions the exact phrase:

“But, before we enter on the subject, let it be observed, that slovenliness is not part of religion; that neither this, nor any text of Scripture, condemns neatness of apparel. Certainly, this is a duty, not a sin. ‘Cleanliness is, indeed, next to godliness’.”

What the Phrase Implies

In the first line of the sermon stated above, Wesley states that slovenliness or untidiness isn’t to be accepted as a part of the religion. That is any religious proceeding must be carried out neatly and by persons with neat and hygienic appearance; though the requirement isn’t obligatory. It doesn’t mean that an untidy person has no right to pray or worship, but certainly, it is the duty of humankind to observe cleanliness in every aspect of life.

Cleanliness refers to the state of being physically clean, that is, keeping your body cleans with all respect. It also refers to keeping ones surroundings clean and having accountability towards the cleanliness of the environment. Godliness, on the other hand, refers to the devotion to God. Therefore, the phrase in ‘Cleanliness is next to godliness’ implies that we should make cleanliness a habit and also be devoted to it the same way as we are devoted to god.

The phrase certainly encourages one to adopt clean habits and hygiene, with the same commitment as one portrays towards God and religion.

A Moral Obligation

The phrase pushes a moral obligation on the people to keep their surroundings and self clean. People belonging to every faith around the world are devotedly honest towards their particular religion and faith. The phrase cleverly integrates cleanliness into religious sentiments, making the former an obligation on the people.

It is very evident that if something is compelled on the people by their religion then they are bound to follow it. The phrase ‘cleanliness is next to godliness’ very cleverly sends a message to the people that if they take pride in their religious devotion then they also must adopt to cleanliness and good hygiene.

In other words, religious devotion can only be complete if it is carried out neatly and adopting to neat habits and in a neat and clean environment.

The phrase also put an obligation on the people for maintaining personal hygiene and also keeping their personal belongings and environment clean. In a broader perspective the phrase also refers to the neatness in areas beyond physical self, that is the room, the house, and the society, etc. One shouldn’t only keep his/her body clean but also take steps to make the environment clean as well.

The phrase ‘Cleanliness is next to godliness’ is significant considering today’s context. Today, the world is suffering from pollution and its effects. The phrase teaches us to be neat and clean ourselves but also to keep our environment clean. It is very important that we all must understand the importance of the phrase and give cleanliness in our lives, the place it deserves. Cleanliness should be made a habit, whether you are religiously devoted or otherwise.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans . The term WASH stands for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene.

Ans . It is reported by United Nation that about 40% of the population of the world is devoid of basic handwashing facilities.

Ans . Mahatma Gandhi said that cleanliness is essential for good health and a clean environment.

Ans . World cleanup day is celebrated every year on the 3rd Saturday of September.

Ans . Cleanliness helps us in becoming healthy and leading a happy life.

Ans . Cleanliness saves us from falling ill and therefore we can study properly and bring good results.

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Cleanliness Paragraph & Essay For Class 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9 in 200, 300, 350, 400 Words

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Table of Contents

Cleanliness Paragraph for Class 5

250 words cleanliness essay for class 5.

Cleanliness is the state of being clean and free from dirt, germs, and impurities. It is essential for maintaining a healthy and hygienic environment. Cleanliness not only refers to the cleanliness of our physical surroundings but also includes personal hygiene and the cleanliness of the mind and soul.

Physical cleanliness involves keeping our surroundings clean, such as our homes, workplaces, schools, and public places. It requires regular cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, proper waste management, and maintaining good sanitation practices. By practicing cleanliness, we can prevent the spread of diseases, improve air quality, and create a pleasant and welcoming environment for ourselves and others.

Personal hygiene is equally important for overall cleanliness. It involves maintaining the cleanliness of our body, such as regular bathing, brushing teeth, washing hands, and wearing clean clothes. Personal hygiene helps to prevent the spread of germs, reduce body odors, and promote good health.

Cleanliness of the mind and soul refers to keeping our thoughts and emotions clean and positive. It involves developing good habits, practicing mindfulness, and cultivating positive attitudes towards oneself and others. A clean mind brings clarity, peace, and happiness, while a cluttered mind leads to stress, negativity, and chaos.

In conclusion, cleanliness plays a vital role in our lives. It is not just about keeping our physical surroundings clean but also about maintaining personal hygiene and nurturing a clean mind and soul. By practicing cleanliness, we can ensure a healthier, happier, and more harmonious world for ourselves and future generations.

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Cleanliness Paragraph for Class 6

300 words cleanliness essay for class 6.

Cleanliness is a vital habit that everyone should develop from a young age. It refers to keeping ourselves and our surroundings neat and tidy. A clean environment promotes good health and well-being. When we maintain cleanliness, we prevent the spread of diseases and ensure a safe living space for all.

In our daily lives, cleanliness begins with personal hygiene. We must make it a habit to wash our hands regularly, brush our teeth, and bathe daily. Apart from personal cleanliness, it is equally important to keep our surroundings clean. This includes picking up litter, keeping our rooms organized, and maintaining cleanliness in common areas.

A clean environment not only looks appealing but also has a positive impact on our mental and physical well-being. Clutter and dirt create a sense of chaos and can lead to stress and anxiety. On the other hand, a clean and organized space promotes productivity and a positive mindset.

In schools, cleanliness plays a significant role in creating a conducive learning environment. It is crucial for students to keep their classrooms clean by organizing their desks and disposing of waste properly. This fosters a sense of responsibility and discipline among students.

Furthermore, cleanliness extends beyond our immediate surroundings to the larger community. As responsible citizens, it is important to take care of public spaces such as parks, streets, and public transportation. By disposing of waste responsibly and participating in community clean-up initiatives, we contribute towards creating a cleaner and healthier society.

In conclusion, cleanliness is a valuable habit that should be instilled in every individual, starting at a young age. It promotes good health, enhances productivity, and fosters a sense of responsibility. By maintaining cleanliness in our personal lives, schools, and communities, we contribute to a clean and vibrant environment for all to enjoy.

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Cleanliness Paragraph for Class 7

250 words cleanliness essay for class 7.

Cleanliness is an essential aspect of our daily lives. It encompasses both personal hygiene and maintaining a clean environment. As children in year 7, it is crucial for us to understand the significance of cleanliness and develop habits that promote a clean and healthy lifestyle.

Firstly, personal hygiene plays a vital role in keeping ourselves healthy. Regularly washing our hands with soap and water prevents the spread of harmful germs, reducing the chances of falling sick. Brushing our teeth twice a day maintains oral hygiene, preventing dental issues and bad breath. Taking a shower regularly keeps our body clean, refreshed, and free from body odors.

Secondly, cleanliness extends beyond personal hygiene and includes keeping our surroundings clean. It is important to develop the habit of properly disposing of waste, whether it’s throwing garbage in designated bins or recycling. By doing so, we contribute to the cleanliness of our surroundings and help protect the environment.

Furthermore, a clean environment promotes a positive mindset and enhances efficiency. A clutter-free workspace allows us to focus better on our studies and tasks, improving our productivity. By keeping our classrooms and school premises clean, we create a welcoming and conducive learning environment for everyone.

In conclusion, cleanliness plays a significant role in our overall well-being, and it is crucial for year 7 students to develop clean and healthy habits. By maintaining personal hygiene and keeping our surroundings clean, we can lead healthier lives, protect the environment, and create a positive learning environment. Let us embrace cleanliness as an integral part of our lives and inspire others to do the same.

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Cleanliness Paragraph for Class 8

350 words cleanliness essay for class 8.

Cleanliness refers to maintaining a state of being clean and free from dirt, germs, and unnecessary clutter. It is essential for maintaining a healthy and hygienic environment. Year 8 is an important phase in a student’s life, where they develop habits and values that shape their future. At this stage, emphasizing the importance of cleanliness is crucial.

A clean environment helps minimize the risks of illnesses and promotes physical well-being. It includes personal hygiene, such as taking regular showers, brushing your teeth, and wearing clean clothes. Additionally, maintaining a tidy living space is equally important. This includes organizing belongings, regularly cleaning rooms, and disposing of waste properly.

Cleanliness also extends to public spaces. Students should be taught to avoid littering and to actively participate in community programs, such as beach clean-ups or tree plantation drives. Keeping the surroundings clean not only benefits individuals but also society as a whole.

Cleanliness fosters a sense of discipline and responsibility among students. It teaches them to be mindful of their actions and their impact on others. A clean and organized workspace improves focus and productivity. By maintaining cleanliness, students learn important life skills that can benefit them in their academic and professional careers.

Moreover, cleanliness contributes to mental well-being. A clean environment promotes a sense of calm and reduces stress levels. It boosts self-confidence and enhances mental clarity. Students who prioritize cleanliness are more likely to develop a positive outlook on life.

In conclusion, cleanliness plays a crucial role in a student’s life, particularly during Year 8. By fostering good habits and values, cleanliness ensures a healthy and hygienic environment. It benefits not only individuals but also the society as a whole. Encouraging cleanliness in Year 8 can have a lasting impact on students, helping them develop into responsible, disciplined, and focused individuals.

Cleanliness Paragraph for Class 9

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Paragraph on cleanliness for Year 9

Cleanliness is a fundamental aspect that plays a pivotal role in maintaining a healthy and hygienic environment. It encompasses not only physical cleanliness but also mental and emotional cleanliness. Cleanliness promotes the overall well-being of individuals and leads to a better quality of life.

Physically, cleanliness ensures that our bodies are free from dirt, germs, and diseases. Regularly washing hands, taking showers, and keeping our surroundings clean help prevent the spread of infections and illnesses. Additionally, maintaining a clean and organized living space creates a pleasant ambiance and reduces the risk of accidents.

Mentally and emotionally, cleanliness refers to keeping our thoughts and emotions pure and free from negativity. Just as dirt accumulates in our surroundings, the mind can also get cluttered with negative thoughts and toxic emotions. Practicing mindfulness, self-reflection, and engaging in activities that bring joy and peace can help maintain mental and emotional cleanliness.

In conclusion, cleanliness is an essential value that should be cultivated from a young age. By inculcating cleanliness habits, individuals can contribute to creating a healthier and more harmonious society. It is key to remember that cleanliness is not just about tidying up our physical surroundings, but also about nurturing a positive mindset and healthy emotions.

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Cleanliness is next to Godliness | Essay | Meaning & Expansion of Idea

December 7, 2017 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

To be clean is to keep ourselves as well as our immediate surroundings in a formidable state, i.e., free from any foreign substances that may disrupt our peaceful and hygienic survival.

It is very appropriate to say that “ Cleanliness is next to Godliness ”. This proverb was first used by John Wesley in 1778, however its origins runs back to ancient Babylonian and Hebrew texts.

Table of Contents

What is it to be clean?

Cleanliness can be broadly classified into two broad categories:

Personal Hygiene – This refers to being clean in the bodily sense. Involving brushing, bathing and personal sanitation. This is extremely important for the prevention of various sorts of pathogenic diseases that are increasing day by day due to increase in Global temperature (which favours growth of such insects and parasites).

If we do not maintain proper personal hygiene, we may end up spreading various diseases to our loved ones as well as to the general population, which in the worst case may even induce a widespread epidemic.

Diseases like hepatitis, cholera, malaria, etc. are caused due to poor observance of personal hygiene. Various means of maintenance of personal hygiene include Sanitizers, Soaps, Shampoos, Anti-Septic Lotions, etc.

Environmental Hygiene – Just like personal hygiene refers to keeping one’s body clean, environmental hygiene is the practice of keeping the environment around us free from any sort of hazardous substances which may result in the disruption of the ecological balance and might distort the food chain leading to a more or less apocalyptic future where we will be left with no option but to get annihilated along with all other species.

The environment just like anything in the world loves to stay in a state of homeostasis and that includes proper waste disposal and management. Often times, due to pressure of population on the environment, we tend to neglect the most important aspect of healthy living, namely Waste Disposal and Management.

It is extremely important to our survival, more so in this era of rapid industrialization, when we are being surrounded and getting chocked by a plethora of toxic substances as a byproduct of industrial processes. Many factories dump their waste (which is often untreated) straight into large water bodies.

This causes the aquatic life to be polluted too, which in turn threatens human life when consumed causing a superfluous array of diseases ranging from paralysis to fluoride poisoning and eventually to death.

Problems to Cleanliness

Cleanliness is next to Godliness essay

  • Of the 355 million menstruating women in India, only 12% use sanitary pads. This may lead to various infections and diseases including the deadly cervical cancer. With such horrifying numbers, not even in our wildest dreams can we make developed India a reality.
  • A study done by the Hygiene Council, supported by Reckitt Benckiser, published that in a survey, 92% of chopping boards were found contaminated, 45% of homemakers don’t wash the fruits and vegetable pre-consumption and only 44% of children are made to wash their hands after playground activities. These statistics are of the most horrifying nature for a developing nation like ours as it holds the key to unlocking a Pandora’s Box of diseases that may ruin an entire generation’s future.
  • As per the recent Cleanliness Report of the Government, 52.1 percent of India still defecates in the open. This lays the foundation of a generation toiling with diseases like cholera and hepatitis. Even in our neighboring tine country Bangladesh, which got its independence much later than ours, only 5% people defecate in the open.
  • What is more surprising is that in India, access to toilet and its subsequent usage are not at all correlated. Almost 60% of the population has sanitary toilets installed at their houses but only 48.9% of the population uses those toilets.
  • When it comes to open trash disposal, statistically, we are in a more dilapidated state. We tend to throw trash anywhere and everywhere. We litter clean roads, parks, beaches as well as water bodies. Here lack of proper education and awareness is the foremost culprit. People are often seeing spitting tobacco on the clean walls and roads. They even litter places where dustbins have been provided. A dustbin culture is what we have to develop. Use of a Blue and Green dustbin as professed by the Health Ministry, enumerates the disposal of wet and dry waste in them respectively.

What can be done?

Various steps are being taken up by individuals as well as administrative bodies to mitigate the problem of uncleanliness:

  • The major issue in India which poses a hindrance to the achievement of complete hygiene both personal and environmental is the lack of awareness. Although the government is taking steps like airing audio advertisements and posters promoting cleanliness, the problem has to be solved at the root level. Preliminary and primary education syllabuses must call for the schools to inculcate in children the habits of personal and environmental sanitation. Under the Integrated Children Development Scheme (ICDS), children are supposed to be taught cleanliness, washing hands, proper waste disposal and personal sanitation. However, recent media reports have evidences supporting the fact that these kids are not being taught anything, rather the food provided to them is also contaminated. The grants and proceeds paid by the government for the purchase of free sanitary pads and hand wash soaps have been gulped away by dishonest individuals.
  • The Central Rural Sanitation Programme (CRSP) started in 1986 focused on the construction of individual sanitary toilets for personal use.
  • The Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan , India’s own cleanliness drive, is an important step taken up by the Government for the fabrication of the foundation for a clean India. It was announced on 2 nd October, 2014 at Rajghat, New Delhi. This Programme aimed at undertaking massive cleaning of the Ganga and various others polluted rivers as well as providing proper sanitation to the downtrodden, underprivileged and remote areas. Factories beside the Taj Mahal and other places of historic importance have also come under intense scrutiny of the environmental impact assessment teams.

The fact of the matter is that even after seven decades of independence, we have not achieved the goals that we set for ourselves.

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Cleanliness is next to Godliness Essay

Cleanliness is next to Godliness is a proverb that refers to the importance of cleanliness in the human life and its connection with the spiritual growth and purity of body, mind and soul.

Long and Short Essay on Cleanliness is next to Godliness in English

Cleanliness is next to godliness essay 1 (100 words).

Cleanliness is next to Godliness means cleanliness lead the way to godliness or goodness. Through the practice of the proper cleanliness we can keep ourselves physically and mentally clean which really make us good, civilized and healthy human being. Cleanliness brings feeling of physically, mentally and socially well being and helps to make good personality and thus good impression on others. Cleanliness shows clean character of a person through his/her clean dresses and good personality. People with good character become moral and religious in their life. Cleanliness gives rise to good character by keeping body, mind and soul clean and peaceful.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness

Cleanliness is next to Godliness Essay 2 (150 words)

Cleanliness is next to Godliness is a most famous proverb which tells us that practicing cleanliness is a very good habit and leads us towards goodness in every walk of life by keeping our body, mind and soul clean and peaceful. Being clean is very mandatory for all of us to get a healthy body and mind and ultimate success in the life. Maintaining cleanliness is the essential part of healthy living because it is the cleanliness only which helps to improve our personality by keeping clean externally and internally.

Cleanliness is the responsibility of everyone and they need to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of their surroundings and themselves. A clean body keeps us healthy and away from the doctors thus saves from the medical expenses and time loss. Cleanliness brings good and positive thoughts in the mind which slows down the occurrence of diseases.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness Essay 3 (200 words)

Cleanliness is next to Godliness is the common proverb which promotes us to maintain cleanliness in our daily lives to get the feeling of well being. It highlights the importance of cleanliness in our lives and teaches us to follow the clean habits all through the life. Cleanliness is not only to keep ownself clean physically but it means to keep both physically and mentally clean by maintaining personal hygiene and bringing positive thoughts. Cleanliness is the way to godliness which means maintaining cleanliness and thinking good bring a person more near to the god. Being clean is very important for getting a good health and living moral life.

A clean and well dressed person indicates good personality and good character with impressive habits. Good character of a person is assessed by the clean dress and good manners. Cleanliness of body and mind improves the self-respect of any person. Cleanliness of the body, mind and soul lead towards the godliness which ultimately bring feeling of physically, mentally and socially well being person. A person needs to maintain cleanliness in daily life, need to follow a strict discipline and certain principles in the life. People who become clean are generally religious and god-fearing in nature and never feel hate or jealous to others.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness Essay 4 (250 words)

The famous proverb ‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness’ express a lot to us. It indicates that cleanliness is the essential part of the healthy life. As we all know that the habit of cleanliness is in our tradition and culture. Our grandparents teach us properly to be clean always and promote us to do worship and eat meal after taking morning bath. They teach us to eat food only after doing proper hand wash and touch holy books and other holy things with clean hands. Even in some houses there are restrictions of entering to the temple and kitchen without taking bath. Priests tell us to take bath, wash hands and wear clean clothes before appear to the God or involve in the puja or katha. There was a strict tradition of hand washing before meals in the Jewish elders.

There is a close connection between personal cleanliness and moral health of the person. Personal cleanliness is considered as the symbol of purity of body and soul which is necessary to get healthy and spiritual connection. People who do not take daily bath or wear dirty clothes are generally lose their feeling confidence, self-respect and well being. So we can say that personal cleanliness safeguards us against dishonesty. All the advantages of the cleanliness proves the question that why religious people and religion founders have made cleanliness ritual necessary during spiritual occasions. Regular and proper cleanliness helps us to prevent from germs remaining long on the body and maintain our godliness.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness Essay 5 (300 words)

Cleanliness is next to godliness which we can say that cleanliness is the way to godliness and without cleanliness we cannot get godliness. Many great people and social reformers in India (like Mahatma Gandhi, etc) had worked hard for the maintenance of personal and surrounding cleanliness to be physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy. Now-a-days, a clean India campaign called Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has been run by the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi in order to maintain the cleanliness in surroundings and make India a clean India.

Earlier too, many cleanliness programmes were run however became unsuccessful because of the not getting proper support of the common public. The celebration of World Environment Day is also takes place every year having the same objectives of cleanliness. We have adopted many things from the western culture however never caught their etiquette and habits related to the sanitation and hygiene. Cleanliness is the matter of attitude which is possible through the proper awareness among common people.

Cleanliness is a virtue which should be promoted among people of all age group and status to get complete command over the cleanliness. Proper and regular cleanliness brings good mental and physical health, tidiness, and purity of soul and mind. Cleanliness of body and mind provides spiritual and positive thoughts as well as helps to easily connect with the nature.

People who do not maintain their cleanliness become generally fed up because of many reasons like physical problems, mental disturbances, diseases, negative thoughts, etc. On the other hand, people who maintain their hygiene and personal cleanliness become always happy as they develop positive thoughts which help to balance body, mind and soul.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness Essay 6 (400 words)

Cleanliness is next to godliness is a most common and famous proverb which means cleanliness is everything for the goodness. People should keep themselves clean and bright to maintain their healthy life style and healthy living. Cleanliness is way to godliness and godliness is way to balance mind, soul and body. Being clean is the mean to keep ourselves physically and mentally clean. Keeping our body clean, tidy and well dressed makes us smart enough to get confidence and positive thoughts. Clean habits with nice dress sense creates good impression on others and good reputation in the society because cleanliness reflects a clean character of the person.

It is considered that the people maintaining cleanliness and develop the habit of dressing smartly, become clean character and generally pious and god-fearing. Such people have certain morals in their life and have clean heart by being godly. We can say that godliness starts with clean heart and clean heart can be of person with good character. This is the reason why priests of any religion tell to be clean from body and mind before worship. Cleanliness is the first and foremost thing to be near to the god.

On the other hand, being clean strengthens our immunity system and secures us from many chronic and acute diseases. However, clean people may catch diseases from dirty people but they are strong enough to tackle small problems. They can manage things in their surroundings related to the cleanliness including instructing poor and dirty people about cleanliness.

People maintaining their proper cleanliness feel shame in meeting with the people having dirty face, hands, soiled clothes and bad smelling clothes because they feel their insult while meeting with such type of people. Cleanliness of body is really very necessary for the good physical health. On the other hand, physical cleanliness gives inner cleanliness and keeps heart and mind clean. Cleanliness of mind keeps us mentally healthy and prevents from the psychological problems. So, the complete cleanliness keeps away from dirt and diseases as both go together, where there is dirt there is diseases.

Disease causing germs breed and grow very rapidly in the dirt which causes infection or various epidemic diseases such as cholera. So, in order to be healthy, happy and a peaceful life we all should practice clean habits in every aspect of life because dirt symbolizes moral evil whereas cleanliness symbolizes moral purity.

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Essay on “Cleanliness is Next to Godliness” English Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12 for College and Competitive Exams.

Cleanliness is next to godliness.

There is supreme truth in this famous sentence. It is felt that the Almighty is a pure entity. He is above hate, revenge, anger, and all the corrupting influences of the world. Such is His purity that all the religions urge the mankind to attain it. They have even chalked out various paths and methods by which mankind can become pure. One such path is through the process of cleanliness, both physical and spiritual. All the religions demand that we keep our surroundings clean before we venture on to the path of meditation. There is also a scientific truth in this thought. Neat and clean surroundings give us good health and clarity of thought. A person is able to concentrate if the area around him is tidy. Cleanliness destroys disease-carrying germs. On the other hand dirt and garbage give rise to infections and diseases. An ill person is an unhappy person. He has to waste valuable energy and money in order to become well once again. Precious time is lost in this way. Therefore if one is to be able to focus all his abilities towards some constructive work then one has to keep himself clean. It is only when one does one’s duty properly that one comes closer to the Almighty.

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Importance of Cleanliness Essay

500 words essay on importance of cleanliness.

Each one of us enjoys living in a clean environment. We all have the ability to maintain cleanliness as it is not a tough task. Cleanliness is a habitual process that we must do on a daily basis. For instance, personal hygiene and environmental cleanliness are equally important to lead a happy life. The importance of cleanliness essay will explain this in further detail.

importance of cleanliness essay

Importance of Cleanliness

Cleanliness is a very essential component of human life in both physical and spiritual terms. Spiritual cleanliness refers to following the beliefs and rituals of your religion. On the other hand, the physical one is essential for the well-being of and existence of humanity.

It is essential to lead a healthy and well life. In fact, health and cleanliness are related to each other. To get good health, one must practice hygiene. It is essential to practice maintaining good health and prevent diseases .

Moreover, equally important is the cleanliness of our environment. When you maintain cleanliness, you can prevent disease and lead a healthy life. Health professionals advocate hygienic practices to prolong the lives of individuals.

Moreover, when the environment is clean, safety is enabled. For instance, we must ensure no spilling of water to prevent people from falling. Similarly, clearing bushes around homes will offer safety from harmful insects and animals.

Further, we must not only clean the environment but organize the environment carefully. In other words, put away harmful objects to prevent accidents. Similarly, in the food industry, cleanliness is of the utmost importance.

It ensures the well-being of the consumers. Most importantly, cleanliness enables the extension of a lifespan of an object. When you keep the metallic objects free from dust and rust, they will have a longer shelf life.

Thus, we see how cleanliness is important in every sphere of life. Whether it is living or inanimate objects, everything requires cleanliness. Moreover, it is also a moral virtue that makes people admirable.

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How to Maintain Cleanliness

There are many ways through which one can maintain cleanliness and keep themselves and the environment happy. A major way of maintaining cleanliness is brushing and bathing regularly.

Similarly, it is also important to wash hand as often as possible, mostly before and after meals. With the onset of the coronavirus, it has become even more important to wash our hands repeatedly.

Further, we must keep our nails trimmed and eat healthy food. Moving on to environmental cleanliness, we must clean the mess in our surroundings regularly. Try your best to avoid plastic bags and littering around by throwing garbage carelessly.

It is essential to effectively dispose of waste and wastewater . Most importantly, adopt reusing and recycling techniques to monitor pollution levels. Thus, we must practice all this and more to ensure cleanliness.

Conclusion of Importance of Cleanliness Essay

We must all do our bit to maintain cleanliness in our life. There are many initiatives launched by the government to practice cleanliness but it won’t work unless all of us do. It helps in inculcating good habits in citizens of the country. Along with practising it ourselves, we must also stop others from disturbing cleanliness.

FAQ of Importance of Cleanliness Essay

Question 1: What is the importance of cleanliness?

Answer 1: Maintaining cleanliness is a vital part of healthy living as it helps to improve our personality by staying clean externally and internally. It is everybody’s responsibility and one should keep themselves and their surroundings clean and hygienic.

Question 2: What are the effects of cleanliness?

Answer 2: Cleanliness has many positive effects on everyone. It directly impacts the ability to learn and has a significant effect on the mind of students. When there is a dirty environment, it may increases levels of stress. Moreover, cleanliness keeps one happy.

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Essay on Cleanliness is Next to Godliness [ Importance in Points ]

Cleanliness is next to godliness. It is a great virtue and has a great importance in life. Like all other topics, Cleanliness is also an importance topic for essays, speeches or paragraphs for exams!

Therefore, keeping this in mind, we have written an Essay on Cleanliness is Next to Godliness, means, story, hygiene, benefits, importance, for students, in 100,200,300 or 500 words for students. This essay is quite helpful for class 3,4,5,6,9,10th grade level students.

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness Essay For Students


Cleanliness is next to godliness is famous phrase. It implies the vital role of cleanliness in the life of man. It indicates cleanliness is a basic virtue. It takes you close to God. God loves that person who keeps their self as well as their environment neat and clean. It has integral part importance in every religion.

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All the religions of world pays heed towards cleanliness. There are special teachings on being neat and clean. All the religion advice their followers to follow the principle of cleanliness.

Essay on Cleanliness is next to godliness

It is the best quality in man. It is often related to spirituality. Spirituality emphasizes on internal cleanliness of a person. One should be morally and ethically fair in his dealings.

It will bring him closer to God. The wider concept of cleanliness is to keep environment clean. It was includes be good to everyone to keep the balance in your society.

Role in Society

Cleanliness is not only important for a person but it also plays important role in stabilizing a community It is very basic concept of developed society. Human is a social animal. He lives in a society. It is very important to keep his society neat and clean. The maintenance of hygiene is very important factor of healthy lifestyle. one should not only care for his personal hygiene but also take care of his society.

It is very important for health of every person. Diseases are mainly cause by ill hygiene. Heaps of garbage and pollutant water is causing a lot of troubles for people.

Responsibility of a individual

Individual can play a important role in it. there are basic responsibilities of a individual of a society. He should keep his society neat and clean. He should not throw garbage and trash in open air. It is very important to discard the trash in proper way.

Every person should play his individual role for effective results. One should use dustbins and does not throw trash on street. We should also keep our public places, hill station, parks and beaches etc neat and clean.

One should ovoid all the measures that lead to pollution in our environment. It is also a message of God. He wants us to follow the cleanliness to keep our self and society healthy.

In short, cleanliness is very important for healthy lifestyle. government should also play its role. It should build a managed way of treating trash. It is major problem in developing countries and basic reason of poor health among individual.

Number of people dies of malaria, typhoid and many diseases due to bad measures of cleanliness. It is very important to create awareness among public about cleanliness. Government should try it best to work for improvement of waste department of waste management.

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It should also try to recycle things. Beside, teacher should teach their pupils to follow the principles of cleanliness. Its importance for better and healthy lifestyle should be highlighted.

cleanliness creates poise in one`s life. It is very important for every person to keep clean. It will bring him close to his God. It is way to keep his God happy and to lead satisfied life.

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Essay on Cleanliness and Hygiene


Do your children run straight from the playground to have food without washing their hands? Is watching cartoons the first thing they do in the morning before brushing their teeth? These are simple instances from our daily life which signify the importance of cleanliness and hygiene. This essay on cleanliness and hygiene will focus on its importance and discuss tips to keep ourselves clean.

As the proverb goes, cleanliness is next to godliness ; maintaining cleanliness and hygiene is a good habit that we must nurture in our children from an early age. They may feel that washing their hands or taking a bath is a humongous task. But if taught at the right age about the significance of cleanliness and hygiene, they will grow up to be responsible individuals. Let us make our children realise the value of maintaining proper hygiene through this essay on cleanliness and hygiene in English.

Essay on Cleanliness and Hygiene

Importance of Cleanliness and Hygiene

We know that there are lots of germs and bacteria around us. They thrive in unhygienic conditions, so we should observe cleanliness every time. In this essay on cleanliness and hygiene, we will be focusing on why it is crucial to maintain personal hygiene.

If children touch or eat food with their dirty hands, germs will enter their bodies and cause various illnesses. Similarly, it would not be pleasant for others if we stand or sit near them with sweat dripping from our bodies and giving off a foul smell. By keeping ourselves clean and maintaining proper hygiene, we will be able to stay away from diseases.

Along with safeguarding our health and wellbeing, cleanliness and hygiene will ensure we stay refreshed and relaxed throughout the day. After a tiring day at school or work, a quick shower will bring your energy back. It is wise to start practising cleanliness and hygiene at a young age so that this habit will stay with you forever.

Moreover, this essay on cleanliness and hygiene in English emphasises that cleanliness and hygiene must be exercised at home and in our surroundings. By regularly tidying our homes and collecting the litter in the environment , we can keep our surroundings neat and thus prevent the spread of diseases. People will look at us with respect if we are clean and hygienic, and it will also make us feel rejuvenated.

Ways to Ensure Cleanliness and Hygiene

In this essay on cleanliness and hygiene, we will see different ways to follow hygiene at the personal level and in our homes and surroundings. Maintaining hygiene is a simple task, so let us teach our children some golden rules of cleanliness and hygiene through this essay on cleanliness and hygiene in English.

Washing our hands before and after eating, bathing regularly, cutting our long nails, cleaning our clothes and hair, and brushing our teeth twice a day are some of the ways to look after our personal hygiene. Also, try to eat healthy food and drink clean water. We must also keep our homes neat by dusting and mopping all the rooms and windows. Clothes and other things on shelves must be neatly arranged, and the carpets must be vacuum cleaned frequently.

Next, in the essay on cleanliness and hygiene, we will see how we can keep our environment clean. Try not to throw away the waste or litter on the road while travelling and remember to put it in the dustbin. Through these simple measures, we can ensure to keep ourselves clean and healthy. Let us make our children follow such healthy habits with the help of some amazing essays from BYJU’S.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to maintain cleanliness.

It is necessary to keep ourselves clean because it will keep us away from germs and diseases. Moreover, practising personal hygiene will improve the quality of our life.

How can we maintain cleanliness and hygiene?

Cleanliness and hygiene can be practised both at the personal level and in our surroundings. By bathing, washing hands and cleaning clothes, as well as not littering our surroundings, we can maintain cleanliness and hygiene.

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10 Lines on Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

The phrase “Cleanliness is Next to Godliness” was given by John Wesley in the year 1778 in his sermon in the church, but this idea is very old and it can be found in Hebrew and Babylonian religious texts. Cleanliness has a vital role in the life of each and every person. It is related with our personal health and hygiene such as washing hands and legs before meals, taking bath and brushing teeth daily etc. In order to clean our body and surroundings we use different things like shampoo, soap, detergent, cleaner, brush and toothpaste etc.

The basic meaning of this phrase is that if a person keeps himself neat and clean then he will remain healthy and no disease will affect him. It will help him to live happily with performing his tasks in a better way.

Ten Lines on Cleanliness is Next to Godliness in English

We have provided 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on cleanliness is next to godliness in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. After reading these lines you will know that who gave this phrase, what does it mean, for which two things stress on cleanliness is given, cleanliness is a part of which country’s tradition, what are some basic steps to clean ourselves, why keeping ourselves clean is so important etc. You can add these lines in your essays and paragraph writing in your exam as well as in the school competitions.

1) “Cleanliness is Next to Godliness” is a phrase which was coined by “John Wesley” in 1778.

2) It means that we must keep ourselves clean because it gives goodness to our souls.

3) This phrase showcases the importance of cleanliness for a healthy life.

4) Cleanliness not only means cleaning of our body but it also emphasizes on cleanliness of thoughts.

5) In Indian tradition, cleanliness is an integral part of the lifestyle and every ritual or celebration is incomplete without cleanliness.

6) The importance of cleanliness is taught from our childhood by our parents and teachers.

7) Brushing our teeth and bathing daily is the first process to clean ourselves.

8) Washing hands before having meals is the best habit which saves us from various diseases.

9) Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is one of the best initiatives taken by the government to make India a clean country.

10) Cleanliness not only helps us to keep healthy but it is also a sign of purity and goodness.

10 Lines and Sentences on Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

1) Cleanliness is next to godliness directs us to adopt good habits of cleaning to achieve good health.

2) The proverb “Health is Wealth” is closely associated with cleanliness is next to godliness.

3) It is believed that a healthy mind lives in a healthy body and healthy body could only be achieved through cleanliness.

4) Cleanliness protects us from various diseases like cholera, dysentery etc which may sometimes prove fatal.

5) Physical cleaning can be gained by washing our hands, legs, daily bathing, brushing our teeth, taking fresh and hygienic food etc.

6) Mental cleaning can be achieved through meditation, yoga, satsang and reading good books etc.

7) Cleanliness spreads from an individual to the society and from society to entire country.

8) If any country has to achieve its godliness i.e. development, then first it must adopt cleanliness.

9) By cleaning its roads, streets, localities, villages etc, a country can take its first step towards development.

10) Cleanliness is not only government’s responsibility but people should also put their efforts to keep our country clean and beautiful.

5 Lines on Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

1) It highlights the advantages of cleanliness.

2) Cleanliness gives us healthy life.

3) It helps to generate confidence.

4) It increases spirituality and concentration.

5) We should keep our surroundings clean.

20 Lines on Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

1) The phrase strongly emphasizes on maintaining neatness and personal hygiene.

2) In a broader perspective, some believe that the phrase refers to both cleanliness of body and mind.

3) The origin of phrase dates back to ancient times, even found in Hebrew religious documents.

4) It can be construed that if your mind as well as your body is clean, you become equivalent to God.

5) In other words, it would be impossible to achieve godliness without a clean body and soul.

6) The phrase was repeatedly used by Mahatma Gandhi in his speeches.

7) The phrase also suggests that a clean soul can only reside in a clean body.

8) In other words, it also suggests that cleanliness is the fundamental prerequisite for any religious reverence.

9) Being clean is symbolic of a clean and kind heart and a noble soul.

10) It also emphasizes that ritualistic cleansing is fundamental to many religious procedures.

11) The phrase “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” encourages people to maintain neatness and personal hygiene at all cost.

12) Mahatma Gandhi opined that, only when both of our body as well as mind is clean that it could be considered next to godliness.

13) The phrase emphasizes that spiritual cleaning as well as a clean body is essential for someone to achieve godliness.

14) In the other words- a person with clean soul and body can be considered equal to God.

15) Cleanliness is next to Godliness means that having a clean body and clean mind is a godly act.

16) Mahatma Gandhi used the phrase to encourage people for cleanliness of thoughts and body.

17) The phrase spares one from cleanliness of apparels; nevertheless, it us a duty to stay neat and clean from inside and in appearance.

18) Only someone with a clean mind and soul will achieve godliness, either religiously or through self introspection.

19) Cleanliness is also a symbol of good health and a better hygiene, leading to prosperity.

20) Without cleanliness one would be bogged down with disease and infections making godliness impossible to achieve.

10 Lines on Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

It is considered that people who maintain cleanliness are more protected from the diseases. Cleanliness brings us good health whereas dirtiness brings diseases and illness. We can see that a person who is healthy will always perform better than a person who is ill. The importance of cleanliness for the society has lead to the “Swachh Bharat” campaign which was launched by the Prime Minister of India, on 2 nd October 2014, to bring cleanliness and make our country neat, clean, beautiful and healthy.

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essay on cleanliness is next to godliness for class 6

Cleanliness is next to Godliness : Time is Gold so Practice makes Perfect that is why cleanliness is next to Godliness.

“Every human must strive to uphold the proverb “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”, and by doing so, they will thrive too. Maintaining a clean surrounding and a fresh mind and body leads to a successful life. Our body and mind is our holy shrine. Keeping is clean helps in bringing spirituality and concentration.

One must keep their body and mind free from all kinds of impurities to obtain a much-organized life. Having an organized experience has its perks, like excellence in the work field, hugely depends on how faster one’s mind processes the information.

Thus, to conclude, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” is not just a proverb, but a virtue.

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Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness Essay – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Children


Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on cleanliness is next to godliness for kids, a paragraph on cleanliness is next to godliness, short essay on cleanliness is next to godliness for children, long essay on ‘cleanliness is next to godliness’, what will your child learn from ‘cleanliness is next to godliness’ essay.

This article mainly focuses on an essay on cleanliness for classes 1, 2 and 3. A wise proverb goes, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” John Wesley, an English preacher, was the first to cite it. It’s a saying that kids have heard since childhood, and it would be great if they put it into practice in daily life.

Writing essays helps students acquire important abilities and capabilities in their education, making them more valuable. It also allows children to develop a formal and ordered writing style that reliably conveys information. Essay writing is important as it encourages critical thinking by requiring you to consider a subject and come to a conclusion. It encourages kids to evaluate various arguments to develop stronger viewpoints. Through critical thinking, students learn to observe many views and ideas.

Kids are assigned to write essays on cleanliness very frequently as it encourages good habits. There are points that you can remember which will help you to build a good essay:

  • Talk about how cleanliness helps to reduce the risk of many infectious diseases like malaria, dengue, etc.
  • Discuss how cleanliness also helps in being organised.
  • Emphasise the importance of being organised.
  • You can also talk about how it improves your personality.
  • Write about how it can prevent food contamination.
  • Talk about how cleanliness helps to maintain a very healthy lifestyle.
  • Conclude with how cleanliness is a good trait to be followed and positively impacts our lives.
  • Write with a positive tone throughout the entire course of the essay.

For an essay on cleanliness for class 1 & class 2, there are a few points that you can add to your write-up. Here are 10 lines on the topic:

  • Cleanliness is important for one’s mental health because a clean environment has a good influence on the mind.
  • We should also practise cleanliness since it reflects goodness and purity.
  • It improves our efficiency. Our health has a direct impact on our productivity. We tend to work more happily and productively when we are in a tidy environment.
  • Cleanliness minimises maintenance costs. Things last longer when we maintain them neat and clean, and we don’t have to spend as much on their upkeep and care.
  • “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” is one of the finest government efforts to make India a clean country.
  • Cleanliness protects us from infections such as cholera, dysentery, and others that can be fatal.
  • A clean individual maintains hygiene and teaches positive qualities among their family, friends, associates, and relatives.
  • The saying “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” implies that the practice of cleanliness should be treated as a religion.
  • Cleanliness is not just the government’s duty; citizens should also contribute to keeping our nation clean and lovely.
  • Cleanliness should have great significance in our lives and we must maintain clean habits.

Essay writing mainly includes paragraphs. Here is a short paragraph that can help with writing your essay:

A clean atmosphere is healthier for you. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle necessitates cleanliness. Cleanliness keeps us healthy and free of pathogens. A person who is always healthy and fit practises cleanliness and holds a high degree of hygiene. Being clean denotes a pure and tender nature and a noble soul. People can better focus on their tasks when their surroundings are tidy.

Furthermore, owing to a hygienic environment, brain memory improves. Cleanliness encompasses not just the physical washing of our bodies but also the cleansing and purifying of our minds. “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” is a virtue, not merely a saying.

Here is an example of a short essay on cleanliness is next to godliness which can help your children write a compact essay:

“Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” This phrase was used for the first time in a sermon by John Wesley, an English preacher. However, the concept is centuries old and can be seen in Hebrew and Babylonian religious scriptures. Cleanliness is the key to success in life since we can only function at our best when we are healthy. It is important to maintain a clean and sanitary environment. A tidy and well-dressed person has a positive attitude and outstanding habits. Cleanliness and decent manners are indicators of a person’s good character. It enhances our confidence, personality, and self-respect when we seem nice and clean. A clean body keeps us fit and away from the doctors, saving us money and time. Cleanliness is also important for one’s mental health. It is because a clean environment has a good influence on our minds. Mahatma Gandhi also promoted and advocated this thought.

A long essay can be helpful for writing an essay for class 3, and here are some subheadings that can be included under this topic.

What Does ‘Cleanliness is Next To Godliness’ Mean?

The wise saying “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” represents the importance of cleanliness in one’s life. John Wesley, an English preacher, was the first to cite it. Cleanliness is the condition of being physically tidy or keeping your body and surroundings clean. This also implies taking care of the environment and being responsible for environmental cleanliness. This act should be followed religiously.

As a result, the statement “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” suggests that we must make cleanliness a routine and commit ourselves to it in the same manner as we devote ourselves to God. This phrase’s core meaning is that if a person maintains himself nice and clean, he will stay healthy and free of sickness, enabling him to live comfortably while executing his tasks effectively.

Importance Of Cleanliness

Cleanliness benefits our physical and mental well-being as well as the environment. It also enables us to cleanse ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually. Living in a clean, tidy hygienic environment leads to a healthy lifestyle.

Furthermore, cleanliness strengthens our immune system, improves sleep, and makes us happy. Being sanitary is also an important aspect of cleanliness. This inevitably lowers the risk of contracting illnesses, saving time spent laying in bed and taking medications. Food contamination can also be avoided by keeping your home and kitchen clean. Personal cleanliness too aids in the prevention of skin problems.

Cleanliness boosts our well-being. A dirty and polluted atmosphere not only produces negativity but also makes a person lazy. We sense wonderful vibrations around us whenever we clean ourselves and our environment, which keeps us happy and content. Cleanliness is a quality that should be encouraged among individuals of all ages and social classes. Regular and proper cleaning promotes mental and physical health, neatness, and spiritual and mental purity.

How Can You Achieve Cleanliness?

 Cleanliness can be achieved in very few and simple steps like:

  • Every day, cleanse your body thoroughly.
  • After using the restroom, wash your hands with soap.
  • Brush your teeth two times a day.
  • When sneezing or coughing, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue (or your sleeve).
  • After interacting with pets and other animals, wash your hands.
  • When you eat on the sofa or couch, food crumbs might sometimes fall on it. Ensure that you clean them right away.
  • Vacuum, brush or mop the floors regularly.
  • Foods should always be covered with a lid, not left uncovered, since they attract a variety of creatures, including cockroaches.
  • After your dinner, rinse and wash the plates since dirty vessels are full of germs.
  • The drainage in the bathroom should be effective, and water buildup should be minimised.
  • Personal hygiene should be given utmost importance. Germs can infiltrate your house through various channels, and you could be a carrier of germs.

Your child will learn about the importance and benefits of cleanliness and how it is important to be hygienic for a better lifestyle. They will also acknowledge their duty to maintain clean surroundings.

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  6. Cleanliness is Next to Godliness Essay

    Long Essay on Cleanliness is next to Godliness in English 500 words. The proverb, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness" is a wise saying. The words "Cleanliness" and "Godliness" means being devoutly clean and devoutly religious, respectively. When a person refers to the term "Cleanliness", he refers to the state of being pure and ...

  7. Cleanliness is next to Godliness Essay for Students

    Cleanliness is next to Godliness 150 words. Cleanliness is next to Godliness is a most famous proverb which tells us that practicing cleanliness is a very good habit and leads us towards goodness in every walk of life by keeping our body, mind and soul clean and peaceful. Being clean is very mandatory for all of us to get a healthy body and ...

  8. Cleanliness is Next to Godliness Essay for Students [500 Words]

    January 2, 2021 by Sandeep. Essay on Cleanliness is Next to Godliness: Cleanliness refers to qualities of being clean and hygienic. Godliness represents a devout state of religiousness and purity. Cleanliness is equivalent to godliness because it casts a positive influence on the well being of individuals. A hygienic ambience increases work ...

  9. Importance of Cleanliness Essay

    Here are a few sample essays on the importance of cleanliness. 100 Words Essay on The Importance of Cleanliness "Cleanliness is next to godliness," as the proverb goes, has some truth to it. It is a beautiful trait to possess. It keeps a man healthy and happy. Cleanliness should be instilled in our children from an early age.

  10. Essay on Cleanliness is next to Godliness for Students and Children

    Cleanliness is next to Godliness is the word reflecting on all the activities in life. Cleanliness means keeping ourselves and our surroundings clean. It is very important to be very clean and hygienic. The word "Cleanliness" means a lot in our daily life. Cleanliness paves the way to Godliness. Godliness means being pious and devoted to God.

  11. Essay on Cleanliness For Students In English

    The concept of cleanliness has been important for humanity since ancient times. That's why it is said, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness.". Cleanliness keeps us healthy and away from all types of diseases. Things like bad breath, strong body odour, dirty fingernails, stained teeth, smelly feet, or unkempt beards lead to unhygienic health ...

  12. Essay on Cleanliness is Next to Godliness for all Class in 100 to 500

    Origin and Moral of 'Cleanliness is next to Godliness' - Essay 3 (500 - 600 Words) Introduction. 'Cleanliness is next to godliness' is an ancient proverb that equates the habit of cleanliness with being devotedly religious. That is, being clean is like a religious obligation and must be dealt with the same devotion.

  13. Cleanliness Paragraph & Essay For Class 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9 in 200, 300

    250 Words Cleanliness Essay for Class 5. Cleanliness is the state of being clean and free from dirt, germs, and impurities. It is essential for maintaining a healthy and hygienic environment. Cleanliness not only refers to the cleanliness of our physical surroundings but also includes personal hygiene and the cleanliness of the mind and soul.

  14. Cleanliness is next to Godliness

    To be clean is to keep ourselves as well as our immediate surroundings in a formidable state, i.e., free from any foreign substances that may disrupt our peaceful and hygienic survival. It is very appropriate to say that " Cleanliness is next to Godliness ". This proverb was first used by John Wesley in 1778, however its origins runs back ...

  15. Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness Essay for Children

    An essay on cleanliness is next to godliness is an eye-opener for everyone and a reminder to maintain cleanliness. It is a crucial factor in the health of you and your family members. Cleanliness helps protect our health and spirit and save Earth. It also brings us closer to God because it allows us to worship God with our hearts and souls.

  16. Cleanliness is next to Godliness Essay

    Cleanliness is next to Godliness means cleanliness lead the way to godliness or goodness. Through the practice of the proper cleanliness we can keep ourselves physically and mentally clean which really make us good, civilized and healthy human being. Cleanliness brings feeling of physically, mentally and socially well being and helps to make ...

  17. Essay on "Cleanliness is Next to Godliness" English Essay, Paragraph

    Cleanliness is Next to Godliness. There is supreme truth in this famous sentence. It is felt that the Almighty is a pure entity. He is above hate, revenge, anger, and all the corrupting influences of the world.

  18. Importance Of Cleanliness Essay in English

    Answer 2: Cleanliness has many positive effects on everyone. It directly impacts the ability to learn and has a significant effect on the mind of students. When there is a dirty environment, it may increases levels of stress. Moreover, cleanliness keeps one happy. Share with friends.

  19. Essay on Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

    Therefore, keeping this in mind, we have written an Essay on Cleanliness is Next to Godliness, means, story, hygiene, benefits, importance, for students, in 100,200,300 or 500 words for students. This essay is quite helpful for class 3,4,5,6,9,10th grade level students.

  20. Cleanliness and Hygiene Essay for Kids

    This essay on cleanliness and hygiene will focus on its importance and discuss tips to keep ourselves clean. As the proverb goes, cleanliness is next to godliness; maintaining cleanliness and hygiene is a good habit that we must nurture in our children from an early age. They may feel that washing their hands or taking a bath is a humongous ...

  21. 10 Lines on Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

    1) "Cleanliness is Next to Godliness" is a phrase which was coined by "John Wesley" in 1778. 2) It means that we must keep ourselves clean because it gives goodness to our souls. 3) This phrase showcases the importance of cleanliness for a healthy life. 4) Cleanliness not only means cleaning of our body but it also emphasizes on ...

  22. Essay on Cleanliness is next to Godliness in 100 words

    Cleanliness is next to Godliness : Time is Gold so Practice makes Perfect that is why cleanliness is next to Godliness. "Every human must strive to uphold the proverb "Cleanliness is next to Godliness", and by doing so, they will thrive too. Maintaining a clean surrounding and a fresh mind and body leads to a successful life.

  23. Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness Essay

    This article mainly focuses on an essay on cleanliness for classes 1, 2 and 3. A wise proverb goes, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness.". John Wesley, an English preacher, was the first to cite it. It's a saying that kids have heard since childhood, and it would be great if they put it into practice in daily life.