CBSE Class 12 Case Studies In Business Studies – Staffing

STAFFING Staffing: Definition Staffing is concerned with obtaining, utilising and maintaining a satisfactory and satisfied work force.

Importance of the Staffing

  • It helps in discovering and obtaining competent personnel for various jobs within an organisation.
  • By putting right person on the right job, it leads to a higher performance of the employees.
  • It ensures the continuous survival and growth of the enterprise through the succession planning for managers.
  • It helps to ensure optimum utilisation of the human resources.
  • It improves job satisfaction and morale of the employees through objective assessment and fair rewarding for their contribution.

Steps Involved in the Staffing Process

  • Estimating the manpower requirements on the basis of workload analysis and workforce analysis.
  • Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation.
  • Selection is the process of choosing from among the pool of the prospective job candidates developed at the stage of recruitment.
  • Placement and Orientation is done by giving the charge of the post to the employee for which he has been selected. It also includes introducing him to the other employees and familiarising him with the rules and policies of the organisation.
  • Training and development is done in order to ensure continuous learning of their employees so that they contribute effectively and efficiently towards the realisation of the organisational goals. Training is given to make a person job fit whereas development seeks to increase their potential for higher level jobs.
  • Performance appraisal is undertaken to evaluate the worth of an employee to the organisation.
  • Promotion and career planning are an integral part of people’s career and enhance their job satisfac tion.
  • Compensation refers to all forms of pay or rewards going to employees.

HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Human Resource Management: Definition Human Resource Management refers to the process of managing the employees within an organisation as human factor is recognised as the most important instrument of success in an organisation.

  • Staffing is considered to be an inherent part of human resource management as it deals with the human element of management and is concerned with obtaining, utilising and maintaining a satisfactory and satisfied work force.

Scope of Human Resource Management:

  • Recruitment
  • Analysing jobs, collecting information about jobs to prepare job descriptions.
  • Developing compensation and incentive plans.
  • Training and development of employees for efficient performance and career growth.
  • Maintaining labour relations and union management relations.
  • Handling grievances and complaints.
  • Providing for social security and welfare of employees.
  • Defending the company in law suits and avoiding legal complications

RECRUITMENT Recruitment: Definition Recruitment may be defined as the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisa tion.

Sources of Recruitment

  • Direct Recruitment
  • Casual Callers
  • Advertisement
  • Employment Exchange
  • Placement Agencies and Management
  • Consultants
  • Campus Recruitment
  • Recommendations of Employees
  • Labour Contractors
  • Advertising on Television
  • Web Publishing

SELECTION Selectiort: Definition Selection is the process of choosing the best candidate from a pool of applicants for the job.

Important Tests Used for Selection of Employees:

  • Intelligence Tests include important psychological tests used to measure the level of intelligence quotient of an individual.
  • Aptitude Test is a measure of an individual’s potential for learning new skills.
  • Personality Tests give an insight into a person’s emotions, reactions, maturity and value system etc.
  • Trade Test seek to measure the existing skills of the individual.
  • Interest Tests are used to know the pattern of interests or involvement of a person.

Steps in the Process of Selection

  • Preliminary Screening of the applications is done to eliminate those applicants who do not fulfill the minimum requirements of the job.
  • Selection Tests help in an objective assessment of certain characteristics of individuals and is free from personal bias.
  • Employment Interview is a face-to- face interaction between the interviewer(s) and prospective candidate.
  • Reference and Background check is carried out for the purpose of verifying information and gaining additional information about an applicant.
  • Selection Decision is made from among the candidates who pass the tests and interview.
  • The selected candidates are asked to undergo a medical examination before the job offer is made.
  • Job Offer is made to those applicants who have passed all the previous tests.
  • Contract of Employment is issued to the selected candidate and includes information like job title, duties, responsibilities, date of joining, pay and allowances, etc. if the applicant accepts the job offer.

Differences between Recruitment and Selection

1. Meaning Recruitment may be defined as the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation. Selection is the process of choosing the best candidate from a pool of applicants for the job.
2. Process It is a positive process. It is a negative process.
3. Sequence It precedes selection. It follows recruitment.

  TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Training: Definition Training is the process of increasing the knowledge and skill of the employees to perform specific jobs.

Development: Definition Development is the process of the overall growth of a person in all aspects.

Benefits of Training to the Organization

  • Training imparts systematic learning to employees thereby helping to avoid wastage of efforts and money and is considered better than the hit and trial method.
  • It increases the employees’ productivity both in terms of quantity and quality, leading to higher profits.
  • Training increases the morale of the employees and reduces absenteeism and employee turnover.
  • It helps in obtaining effective response to fast changing environment – technological and economic.
  • Training equips the future manager who can take over in case of emergency.

Benefits of Training to the Employee

  • Training leads to better career of the individual due to improved skills and knowledge during training.
  • It helps an individual earn more due to increased productivity.
  • It makes the employee more efficient in handling machines and less prone to accidents.
  • It increases the satisfaction and morale of employees.

Methods of Training:

  • Internship Training is a method for providing on the job training to the employees through a joint programme in which educational institutions and business firms cooperate. The learners carry on with their regular studies for the prescribed period. They also work in some factory or office to acquire practical knowledge and skills related to their specific field of expertise.
  • Vestibule training is a popular method for providing off the job training through which the trainees learn their jobs on the equipment they will be using at tKeir actual work place. This is usually done when employees are required to handle sophisticated machinery and equipment.
  • Induction training is given to the new employees in order to familiarise them with the key employees of the organisation and give information about the working of the organisation.
  • Apprenticeship training is provided to the people seeking to enter skilled jobs like plumbers, electricians or iron workers. They are provided training under the guidance of a master worker.

Differences between Training and Development

1. Meaning It is a process of increasing knowledge and skills. It is a process of learning and growth.
2. Purpose It is to enable the employee to do the job better. It is to enable the overall growth of the employee.
3. Scope It is a job oriented process. It is a career oriented process.
4. Level of employees It is suitable for the employees at the lower level. Developmental programmes are designed for middle and top level managers.


Question 1. Why is ’employment interview’ conducted in the process of selection? (CBSE, Delhi 2017) Answer: An employment interview is a formal, in-depth conversation conducted to evaluate the applicant’s suitability for the job in the process of selection. At the same time the interviewee may also seeks information from interviewer (if needed).

Question 2. Alpha Enterprises is a company manufacturing water geysers. The company has a functional structure with four main functions-Production, Marketing, Finance and Human Resource. As the demand for the product grew, the company decided to hire more employees. Identify the concept which will help the Human Resource Manager in deciding the actual number of persons required in each department. (CBSE, Delhi 2017) Answer: Workload analysis is the concept which will help the Human Resource Manager in deciding the actual number of persons required in each department.

Question 3. Explain briefly ‘transfers’ and ‘promotions’ as internal sources of recruitment. (CBSE, Delhi 2017) Answer:

  • Transfer: Transfers involves a horizontal movement of employees. In case of transfers an employee is shifted from one job to another, one department to another or from one shift to another. However, the salary remains unchanged and it may not result in any substantive change in the responsibilities and status of the employee. It is a good source of filling the vacancies with employees from over-staffed departments and is thus helpful in avoiding termination and in removing individual problems and grievances. At times it serves as a useful tool for training of employees for learning new jobs skills .
  • Promotion: Promotion is a vertical shifting of employees to a higher position, thereby increase in the responsibilities, facilities, status and salary. It helps to boost the morale, loyalty and level of job satisfaction of the employees. Moreover, a promotion at the higher level may lead to a chain of promotions at lower levels in the organisation.

Question 4. Why is ‘Aptitude Test’ conducted in the process of selection? (CBSE, OD 2017) Answer: An aptitude test seeks to measure the potential of individuals for learning new skills.

Question 5. Bhagwati Enterprises is a company engaged in the marketing of air-conditioners of a famous brand. The company has a functional structure with four main functions—Purchase, Sales, Finance and Staffing. As the demand for the product grew, the company decided to recruit more employees. (CBSE, OD 2017) Idetify the concept which will help the Human Resource Manager to find out the number and type of personel availale so that he could decide and recruit the required number of persons for each department. Answer: Workforce analysis will help the human resource manager to find out the number and type of personnel available in the organization.

Question 6. Explain briefly ‘Casual Callers’ and ‘Labour Contractors’ as external sources of recruitment. (CBSE, OD 2017) Answer:

  • Casual callers: Casual callers is considered to be relatively cheaper source of recruitment in comparision to the other sources. This is because the organizations has to primarily maintain a database in their offices of the unsolicited applicants who sent their resume in anticipation of job prospects. As an when a vacancy arises in the organization such job-seekers may be screened.
  • Labour contractors: Labour contractors proves to be a very useful resource for appointing the required number of unskilled workers at short notice. However, if the labour contractors who themselves are the employees of the organization decide to leave it for any reason then all the workers recommended by him are also likely to leave the work along with him.

Question 7. Human Resource Management includes many specialized activities and duties which the human resource personnel must perform. In the light of this statement, explain any four such duties performed by Human Resource Manager. (CBSE, Sample Paper, 2017) Answer: Human Resource Management includes many specialised activities and duties which the human resource personnel must perform. These duties are stated below:

  • Recruitment i.e., search for qualified people and stimulating them to apply for the job within the organisation.
  • Prepare job descriptions by analysing jobs, collecting information about jobs etc.
  • Developing suitable compensation and incentive plans for the employees.
  • Designing appropriate training and development of employees to foster efficient performance and career growth.

Question 8. Resolutions Pvt. Ltd. is a publishing company. Its book on Business Studies for class XII is in great demand. As a result, the employees in the marketing department are always racing against time. The employees have to work overtime and on holidays to cater to the demand. Managers in the marketing department are under stress as they have to handle more than two territories. The work stress has led to dissatisfaction among the employees and managers.

  • Name and explain the step of staffing process which has not been performed properly.
  • State the next two stages immediately following the step identified in part ‘a’. (CBSE, Sample Paper, 2017)
  • The step of staffing process which has not been performed properly is: Estimation of manpower requirements: It is the first step in the staffing process and is carried out with the help of workload analysis (assessment of the number and types of human resources necessary for the performance of various jobs and accomplishment of organisational objectives) and work force analysis (assessment of the number and type available).
  • Recruitment: Recruitment may be defined as the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation.
  • Selection: Selection is the process of choosing the best candidate from a pool of applicants.

Question 9. Joseph Bros is a firm manufacturing jute lampshades. It uses leftover jute pieces from various jute factories to manufacture economical lampshades which are supplied to various hotels in nearby towns. It employs men and women from nearby villages as workers for creating good lampshade designs. Joseph Bros, is not able to meet its targets. Namish, the supervisor of the company, was told to analyse the reasons for the poor performance. Namish found the following problems and suggested certain solutions in the working of the business. The number of workers employed was less than what was required for the work. As a result, the existing workers were overburdened. The firm decided to search for new workers and it asked the present employees to introduce candidates or recommend their friends and relatives to the firm. This enabled the firm to ‘put people to jobs’ and assured the attainment of objectives according to plans.

  • Identify the functions of management being performed by the firm in the above situation.
  • Name the concept and its source used by the firm to attract more workers for the firm.
  • State any two values being followed by Jacob Bros. (CBSE, Sample Paper 2016)
  • The ‘Staffing’ function of management is being performed by the firm.
  • Recruitment is the concept used by the firm to attract more workers to the firm. The firm is planning to use the external source of recruitment i.e ‘Recommendation of present employees’ to attract more workers to the firm.
  • Generating employment
  • Optimum utilisation of resources.

Question 10. Aakansha, Nikita and Parishma are the owners of a handicraft unit in the urban area of Dibrugarh in Assam, which is involved in the manufacturing and marketing of Sital Pati, traditional mats and Jappi (the traditional headgear). They decided to shift this manufacturing unit to a rural area with an objective of reducing the cost and providing job opportunities to the locals. They followed the functional structure in this organisation with a view to increasing managerial and operational efficiency. They assessed and analysed the type and number of employees required, keeping in mind that they had to encourage the women and the people with special needs belonging to the rural area. State the next three steps that they will have to undertake for obtaining a satisfied workforce for their handicraft unit. (CBSE, Sample Paper 2016) Answer: The next three steps that they will have to undertake for obtaining a satisfied workforce for their handicraft unit are as follows:

  • Placement and Orientation: Placement refers to the process of giving the charge of the job for which the employees have been appointed. Orientation may involve a series of activities related to introducing the new employee to other employees and familiarising him with the rules and policies of the organisation. Moreover, he is taken around the workplace and made aware of the fire safety policy, canteen, conference room etc.

Question 11. Mrs. Rajlaxmi is working as the Human Resource Consultant in a firm that manufactures cosmetics, which is facing a problem of high employee turnover. The CEO of the company has invited suggestion from her for retaining the talented employees and reducing the employee turnover. Mrs. Rajlaxmi recommends that the good employees be rewarded in a way that it creates a feeling of ownership among the employees and at the same time, makes them contribute towards the growth of the organisation.

  • Identify the incentive and explain its type which has been suggested by Mrs. Rajlaxmi to the CEO of the company.
  • Also explain any two other incentives of the same type. (CBSE, Sample Paper 2016)
  • Co-partnership / stock option, which is a type of financial incentive, has been suggested by Mrs. Rajlaxmi to the CEO of the company.
  • Retirement Benefits: An organisation may provide several retirement benefits to its employees after their retirement such as provident fund, pension and gratuity which provide financial security. These benefits serve as an incentive when they are in service in the organisation.
  • Perquisites: In many companies perquisites and fringe benefits are offered over and above the salary such as car allowance, housing, medical aid, and education to the children etc.

Question 12. Ashish, the Marketing Head, Raman, the Assistant Manager and Jyoti, the Human Resource Manager of Senor Enterprises Ltd. decided to leave the company. The Chief Executive Officer of the company called Jyoti, the Human Resource Manager and requested her to fill up the vacancies before leaving the organisation. Informing that her subordinate Miss Alka Pandit was very competent and trustworthy, Jyoti suggested that if she could be moved up in the hierarchy, she would do the needful. The Chief Executive Officer agreecs for the same. Miss Alka Pandit contacted Keith Recruiters who advertised for the post of marketing head for Senor Enterprises Ltd. They were able to recruit a suitable candidate for the company. Raman’s vacancy was filled up by screening the database of unsolicited applications lying in the office.

  • Name the internal/external sources of recruitment used by Senor Enterprises Ltd. to fill up the above stated vacancies.
  • Also state any one merit of each of the above identified source of recruitment. (CBSE, Delhi 2016)
  • The vacancy for the post of Human Resource Manager has been filled up through Promotion.
  • The vacancy for the post of Marketing Head has been filled up through the Placement Agencies and Management Consultants.
  • The vacancy for the post of Assistant Manager has been filled up through Casual Callers.
  • Promotion: It boosts the morale of not only the employee who is promoted but also of other employees as they get an assurance that their competence will also be recognised in due course.
  • Placement Agencies and Management Consultants provide specialised services to the organisations to recruit technical, professional and managerial personnel at middle and top level.
  • Casual Callers as a source of recruitment reduces the cost of recruiting workforce in comparison to other sources.

Question 13. Zenith Ltd. is a highly reputed company and many people wanted to join this company. The employees of this organisation are very happy and they discuss how they came in contact with this organisation. Aman said that he was introduced by the present Sales Manager, Mr. John. Benu said that he had applied through the newspaper and was appointed as the H.R. Manager. Vaibhav said that he was neither related to any employee of the organisation nor was there any advertisement in the newspaper, even then, he was directly called from IIM Ahmedabad from where he was about to complete his MBA.

  • The above discussion is indicating an important function of management. Name the function of management.
  • The management function identified in part (1) follows a particular process. Explain the step of this process which is being discussed in the above paragraph. (CBSE, Sample Paper 2015)
  • The function of management being referred to in the above lines is ‘Staffing’.
  • Recruitment is the step in the staffing process which is being discussed in the above paragraph. Recruitment may be defined as the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation. The various sources of recruitment mentioned in the above paragraph are: Aman: Recommendation of present employee. Benu: Advertisement in newspaper Vaibhav: Campus recruitment.

Question 14. Blue Heavens Ltd. purchased a new machinery from Germany for manufacturing some auto components. It was a cost-effective and quality production machine but during the production process, manager observed that the quality of the production was not as per standards. On investigation, it was found that there was lack of knowledge of using these hi-tech machines. So, frequent visits by engineers were required from Germany but this resulted in high overhead charges. Suggest what can be done to develop the skills and abilities of employees for producing quality products by using these hi-tech machines. Also state how the employees or the organisation will be benefited by your suggestion. (CBSE, Sample Paper 2015) Answer: Training should be provided to the employees to develop their skills and abilities for producing quality products by using these hi-tech machines. The benefits of imparting training to the employee are as follows:

  • Better career: Training leads to better career opportunities for the employees as it helps to improve their skills and knowledge of doing the job.
  • Increased earnings: Training leads to increased performance by the employees thereby helping them to earn more.
  • Increased efficiency: Training makes the employees more efficient in handling machines and less prone to accidents.
  • Improved motivation: Training increases the satisfaction and morale of employees thereby motivating them to work with greater enthusiasm.

Question 15. The workers of Gargya Ltd. are unable to work on new computerised machines imported by the company to fulfill the increased demand. Therefore, the workers are seeking extra guidance from the supervisor and the supervisor is overburdened with frequent calls of the workers. Suggest how the supervisor, by increasing the skills and knowledge of workers, can make them handle their work independently. Also state any three benefits that the workers will derive by the decision of the supervisor. (CBSE, OD 2015) OR The workers of Vyam Ltd. are unable to work on new and hi-tech machines imported by the company to fulfill the increased demand. Therefore, the workers are seeking extra guidance from the supervisors. The supervisor is overburdened with the frequent calls of workers. Suggest how the supervisor, by increasing the skills and knowledge of workers, can make them handle their work independently? Also state any three benefits that the workers will derive by the decision of the supervisor. (CBSE, Delhi 2015) Answer:

  • The supervisor may provide Vestibule training to the workers in order to enable them handle their work independently. Vestibule training is a popular method for providing off the job training during which the trainees learn their jobs on the equipment they will be using at their actual work place. This is usually done when employees are required to handle sophisticated machinery and equipment.
  • Increased earnings: Training leads to increased performance by the employees thereby helps them to earn more.

Question 16. Mohit Gupta is working with Yellow Security Services Ltd. He is also recruiting security guards for the company. The company provides security services in Delhi and Noida at short notice to various companies. The guards are recruited on a temporary basis. The guards provided by this company are known for their honesty and punctuality. Mohit Gupta is well-known in his village for providing employment to unskilled people.

  • Name the source of recruitment used by Yellow Security Services Ltd.
  • State any one disadvantage of this source of recruitment.
  • Identify the need of security guards which is being fulfilled by the company as per Maslow’s need hierarchy.
  • Identify any two values communicated to society in the above stated case. (CBSE, OD 2015)
  • External source of recruitment i.e. Labour contractor has been used by Yellow Security Services Ltd.
  • One disadvantage of the external source of recruitment is that the new employees may take longer time to settle in the organisation.
  • The basic physiological needs of the security guards are being fulfilled by the company.
  • Reliability /Dependability
  • Generating employment opportunities

Question 17. Prashant, the Director of a company, is planning to manufacture rugs for utilising waste materials from one of his garment factories. He decided that this manufacturing unit will be set-up in a rural area so that people of that area will have more job opportunities. For this, he wanted four different heads for Sales, Accounts, Purchase and Production Departments. He decided that one of them will be a differently-abled person, another from a minority community and one from a disadvantaged section of society. He gave an advertisement in the newspaper for the above vacancies.

  • Identify and state the next three steps Prashant has to follow in the staffing process after advertising for the above vacancies.
  • Identify any two values that Prashant wants to communicate by setting up this manufacturing unit. (CBSE, OD 2013)
  • Placement and Orientation: Placement refers to the process of giving the charge of the job for which they have been appointed. Orientation may involve a series of activities related to introducing the new employee to other employees and familiarising him with the rules and policies of the organisation. Moreover, he is taken around the workplace and made aware of the fire safety policy, canteen, conference room etc.
  • Training and Development: Organisations either have in-house training centres or make alliances with training and educational institutes. This is done to ensure continuous learning of their employees in order to strengthen their competencies for both present and future jobs. This helps to motivate them and enables them to perform better and contribute more towards the realisation of the organizational effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Optimum utilisation of resources
  • Rural development.

Question 18. Nishant, the director of a garment company, is planning to manufacture bags for the utilisation of waste material from one of his garments unit. He has decided that his manufacturing unit will set-up in a rural area of Odisha where people have very few job opportunities and labour is available at very low rates. He also thought of giving equal opportunities to men and women. For this, he wanted four different heads for sales, accounts, purchase and production. He gave an advertisement and short listed ten candidates per post after conducting different selection tests.

  • Identify and state the next three steps for choosing the best candidate out of the short¬listed candidates.
  • Also identify two values which Nishant wants to communicate to society by setting up this manufacturing unit. (CBSE, Delhi 2013; OD 2013)
  • Employment Interview: It is a face-to-face interaction between the interviewers and prospective candidate. It involves a formal, in-depth conversation that is conducted to evaluate the applicant’s suitability for the job.
  • Reference and Background Checks: At the time of filling up of the job application form,the prospective candidates are required to provide names, addresses, and telephone numbers of references for the purpose of verifying information and gaining additional information about him/her.
  • Selection Decision: The final decision about the selection is made from among the candidates who pass the tests and interview.
  • Rural development
  • Gender equality

Question 19. Harish, the director of a company, is planning to manufacture stuffed toys for utilising waste materials from one of his garment factories. He decided that this manufacturing unit will be set-up in a rural area so that people of that area will have more job opportunities. For this, he selected Rehman, Anita Banerjee, Harpreet Kaur and Umesh (a differently abled but very intelligent and creative person in designing) as the heads of Sales, Accounts, Purchase and Production Departments respectively.

  • Identify and state the next three steps that Harish has to follow in the staffing process after selecting the heads of different departments.
  • Identify any two values that Harish wants to communicate by setting-up this manufacturing unit. (CBSE, Delhi 2013)
  • Training and Development: Organisations either have in-house training centres or make alliances with training and educational institutes. This is done to ensure continuing learning of their employees and in order to strengthen their competencies for both present and future jobs. This helps to motivate them and enables them to perform better and contribute more towards the realisation of the organizational effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Performance Appraisal: It is a process of evaluating the worth of an employee to the organisation. It may be done in both formal and informal way. The process performance appraisal includes defining the job, appraising performance and providing feedback.
  • Sustainable development

Question 20. Sahil, the director of a garments company, is planning to manufacture bags for the utilisation of waste materials from one of his garments units. He decided that his manufacturing unit will be set up in the rural area of Odisha where people have very less job opportunities and labour is available at a very low rate. He also thought of giving equal opportunities to men and women. For this, he selected S. Chatterjee, Inderjeet Kaur, Aslam and Sarabjeet as heads of the Sales, Accounts, Purchase and Production Departments.

  • Identify and state the next two steps that Sahil has to follow in the staffing process after selecting the above heads.
  • Also identify two values which Sahil wants to communicate to society by setting up this manufacturing unit. (CBSE, OD 2013)
  • Placement and Orientation: Placement refers to the process of giving the charge of the job for which they have been appointed. Orientation may involve a series of activities related to introducing the new employee To other employees and familiarising him with the rules and policies of the organisation. Moreover, he is taken around the workplace and made aware of the fire safety policy, canteen, conference room etc.
  • Training and Development: Organisations either have in-house training centres or make alliances with training and educational institutes. This is done to ensure con¬tinuous learning of their employees and in order to strengthen their competencies for both present and future jobs. This helps to motivate them and enables them to perform better and contribute more towards the realisation of the organisational effectiveness and efficiency.


Question 1. Owing to the increased workload after demonetisation, the income tax employees of Karnataka and Goa region had urged the centre to increase manpower of the I-T department by filling up 35% vacancies which were lying vaccant. As there were confirmed reports about misuse of bank accounts, foreign exchange mechanism, gold purchases and adoption of various other dubious means for investing the unaccounted cash. In context of the above case:

  • Identify and explain the function of management being discussed in the above lines.
  • Identify and explain the particular step related to the function of management as identified in part (1) of the question which has already been performed. Also, state the next three steps to be performed after this step.
  • Staffing is the function of management which is being referred to in the above lines. The managerial function of staffing is concerned with obtaining and maintaining a satisfactory and satisfied workforce.
  • Selection: Selection is the process of choosing the best candidate from the pool of applicants.
  • Placement and Orientation: Placement refers to the process of giving the charge of the job for which they have been appointed. Orientation may involve a series of activities related to introducing the new employee to other employees and familiarising him with the rules and policies of the organisation. Moreover, he is taken around the workplace and made aware of the fire safety policy , canteen, conference room etc.

Question 2. Sia plans to start a play school at a prime location in the city. She offers a partnership proposal to her family friend Jyotika who has done a diploma in human resource management. As Sia understands that human resource management is critical to starting and running the school. The school needs an experienced and dynamic principal. It also needs talented and dedicated teachers and a competent administrative staff. Therefore, after determining the organisational structure of the school she initiates the staffing process with the help of Jyotika to fill in the various job positions as staffing is considered to be an inherent part of human resource management. In the context of the above case:

  • Outline the concept of human resource management.
  • Why is staffing is considered to be an inherent part of human resource management?
  • Human Resource Management refers to the process of managing the employees within an organisation as human factor is recognised as the most important instrument of success in an organisation. Therefore, it is a specialised activity which may require the expertise of many people depending upon the nature and size of the business.

Question 3. Nakul belongs to a small village in Varanasi. Being the only literate person in his immediate family, he decides to settle in a city. So he opens a sweets shop in Chandni Chowk, Delhi as he possesses extraordinary culinary skills. Very soon he starts getting requests from his cousins in the village to engage them in some kind of job in his business. Considering it to be his moral obligation, he engages five of his cousins in his business without paying any specific attention to their individual capabilities. This leads to wastage of materials, time, effort and energy, resulting in lower productivity and poor quality of products. As a result, the profitability of his business starts falling. Soon, he realised that for the success of the business it is essential that right kind of people must be available in right number at the right time. In the context of the above case:

  • Identify and explain the function of management that has been overlooked by Nakul.
  • Describe briefly the importance of the function of management as identified in part (1).
  • Staffing is the function of management that has been overlooked by Nakul. Staffing is the process of manning the roles designed into the organisational structure. It is concerned with obtaining, utilising and maintaining a satisfactory and satisfied work force. –
  • It helps to ensure optimum utilisation of the human resources. By avoiding over manning, it prevents under-utilisation of personnel and high labour costs. At the same time it avoids disruption of work by indicating in advance the shortages of personnel.

Question 4. Anuroop runs a law firm in Hyderabad. His firm offers valuable financial and legal consultancy services to the clients. Whenever the firm hires any new employees, on the first day of their joining, they are welcomed to the organisation and are given details about hours of work, holiday requests, sickness procedure, dress code, lunch arrangements, introduced to the daily operations and key people in the workplace, etc. They are also familiarised with the organisation’s policies and procedures, including complaints and dispute resolution, sexual harassment, emergency exits and evacuation procedure. In the context of the above case:

  • Name the type of training which is being referred to in the above lines.
  • Identify and explain the human needs of the new employees that are being fulfilled by Anuroop through this training.
  • Induction training is being referred to in the above lines.
  • Basic Physiological Needs: These needs are most basic in the hierarchy and are linked to primary needs like hunger, thirst, shelter etc. “they are given details about hours of work, holiday requests, sickness procedure, dress code, lunch arrangements etc.”
  • Safety/Security Needs: These needs offer security and protection from physical and emotional harm. “They are also familiar with the organisation’s policies and procedures, including complaints and dispute resolution, sexual harassment, emergency exits and evacuation procedure.”
  • Affiliation/Belonging Needs: These needs refer to affection, sense of belongingness, acceptance and friendship. “Whenever the firm hires any new employees, on the first day of their joining, they are welcomed to the organisation.”

Question 5. Deeksha is the general manager of a firm offering Telemarketing services. Telemarketing is a method of direct marketing in which a representative of the company solicits prospective customers to buy products or services, either over the phone or through a subsequent face to face, or Web conferencing appointment scheduled during the call. Deeksha ensures that all the call centre representatives are well versed with the local languages so that they can interact effectively with the prospective buyers. Moreover, the employees are provided training to improve upon their troubleshooting skills so that they do not spend too much time with every customer. By acquiring these skills the callers are able to add value to their message and also shorten the call durations, leading to increased customer satisfaction and profitability of the business. As a part of the firm’s policy, Deeksha encourages women, persons from backward communities and persons with special abilities to assume responsible positions in the organisation. In context of the above case:

  • Identify the type of communication barriers that Deeksha is able to overcome by ensuring that all the call centre representatives are well versed with the local languages.
  • What are benefits of training employees to an organisation?
  • List any two values that the firm wants to communicate to the society.
  • Deeksha is able to overcome the semantic barriers by ensuring that all the call centre representatives are well versed with the local languages.
  • Training imparts systematic learning to employees thereby helping to avoid wastage of efforts and money. It is considered better than the hit and trial methods.
  • Women empowerment

Question 6. Srija runs an NGO under the name ‘Sarthak’ in Delhi. The organisation is engaged in offering waste paper recycling services to all kinds of institutions in the Delhi NCR region. It also manufactures custom made paper stationery out of recycled paper on order for the interested institutions at a very competitive price. The website of ‘Sarthak’ provides a link to a Careers site wherein the people desirous of joining the NGO can use simple Job Search to find the right opportunity for themselves. The NGO also keeps a database of unsolicited applicants in its office so that job seekers may be notified of future opportunities when they arise. In context of the above case:

  • Identify the two sources of external recruitment being used by the NGO ‘Sarthak’ by quoting lines from the paragraph.
  • List any two values that Srija wants to communicate to the society.
  • Web Publishing:”The website of ‘Sarthak’ provides a link to a Careers site wherein the people desirous of joining the NGO can use simple Job Search to find the right opportunity for themselves”
  • Casual Callers: “The NGO also keeps a database of unsolicited applicants in its office so that job seekers may be notified of future opportunities when they arise.”
  • Environment sustainability .
  • Responsibility.

Question 7. Race Tech Ltd. is one of the top IT companies in India. The company does mass recruitment each year from different colleges offering fresher level job to the final year students. This helps in recruiting the brightest and the best available talent in the educational institutions. In context of the above case:

  • Identify the source of external recruitment adopted by the company.
  • Explain briefly any three advantages of using the external sources of recruitment.
  • Campus Recruitment is the source of external recruitment adopted by the company.
  • Qualified Personnel: Through the external sources of recruitment,the management is able to attract qualified and trained people to apply for the vacant job positions in the ^manisation.
  • Wider Choice: As the vacancies are advertised widely a large number of applicants from outside the organisation are likely to apply. This gives the organisation a wider choice while selecting the people for employment.
  • Fresh Talent: The organisations cannot fulfil all the vacancies from within the organisation. Therefore by using the sources of external recruitment they get a wider choice and it brings new blood into the organisation.

Question 8. Prateek has started an advertising agency in Gurgaon. One of the page on his company’s website contains the following information, “Welcome to all the visitors of this page who are looking for an opportunity to make a career in the field of advertising. The openings are available in the company at various levels, so don’t miss the chance.” This page includes a link to provide further details about the vacancies available in terms of the desired qualifications, experience, personality characteristics and so on. Through a continuous assessment of the number and types of human resources necessary for the performance of various jobs and accomplishment of organisational objectives and in relation to the number and type available, he gets the information on this page updated. In context of the above case:

  • Identify and explain the steps in the staffing process being carried out by Prateek by quoting lines from the paragraph.
  • Name the concept that relates to the details about the vacancies available in terms of the desired qualifications, experience, personality characteristics and so on.
  • Estimating the Manpower Requirements: It is the first step in the staffing process and is carried out with the help of workload analysis (assessment of the number and types of human resources necessary for the performance of various jobs and accomplishment of organisational objectives) and work force analysis (assessment of the number and type available). “Through a continuous assessment of the number and types of human resources necessary for the performance of various jobs and accomplishment of organisational objectives and in relation to the number and type available.”
  • Recruitment: Recruitment may be defined as the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation. “One of the pages on his company’s website contains the following information, “Welcome to all the visitors of this page who are looking for an opportunity to make a career in the field of advertising. The openings are available in the company at various levels, so don’t miss the chance.”This page includes a link to provide further details about the vacancies available.” “..he gets the information on this page updated.”
  • Job description is the concept that relates to the details about the vacancies available in terms of the desired qualifications, experience, personality characteristics and so on.

Question 9. Sunidhi runs a KPO (Knowledge Process Outsourcing) in Gurgaon. The services provided by her firm include all kinds of research and information gathering in fields such as financial market, medicine, animation and design, etc. Sunidhi believes that the success of the company can be achieved mainly through the people it chooses to employ. Therefore, she aims to attract the best people and provides them innumerable opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skill relevant to their position. In context of the above case, identify and explain the aspects of staffing being taken into consideration by Sunidhi by quoting lines from the paragraph. Answer: The three aspects of staffing being taken into consideration by Sunidhi are as follows:

  • Recruitment: Recruitment may be defined as the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation. “she aims to attract the best people”
  • Selection: Selection is the process of choosing the best candidate from a pool of applicants. “Sunidhi believes that the success of the company can be achieved mainly through the people it chooses to employ.”
  • Training: Training helps to upgrade the knowledge and skills of the employees so that their ability to perform in the present job can be enhanced. “..provides them innumerable opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skill relevant to their position.”

Question 10. Anushka is doing a course in fashion designing from an institute of repute. As a part of the course, she has been asked to take on-the-job training in an export house for a fortnight in order to gain an insight about various practical aspects related to designing. Anushka, through the references from her senior, joins an export house owned by an upcoming designer, Nandita. In context of the above case:

  • Name and explain the type of training which Anushka has been asked to undertake.
  • Explain briefly any one method for providing off-the-job training.
  • Internship Training is the type of training which Anushka has been asked to undertake. It is a joint programme of training in which educational institutions and business firms co-operate. The learners carry on with their regular studies for the prescribed period. They also work in some factory or office to acquire practical knowledge and skills related to their specific field of expertise.
  • Vestibule training is a popular method for providing off-the-job training. The term ‘vestibule’ means duplicate or replica. Under this method, the trainees learn their jobs on the equipment they will be using at their actual work place. The training is conducted away from the actual work floor at a place where actual work environments are created in a class room and employees use the same materials, files and equipment. This is usually done when employees are required to handle sophisticated machinery and equipment. .

Question 11. The employees of ‘Food Darbar,’ a restaurant, are trained through a structured programme that provides training in each area within the restaurant. The trainees learn the skills necessary for running each of the 12 workstations in the restaurant, from taking orders to the cooking area. This enables the employees to gain a broader understanding of all parts of the business and how the restaurant functions as a whole. The trainee gets fully involved in the department’s operations and also gets a chance to test her own aptitude and ability. When employees are trained by this method, the organisation finds it easier at the time of promotions, replacements or transfers. In context of the above case:

  • Name the type of training which ‘Food Darbar’ provides to its employees.
  • Distinguish between training and development on the basis of meaning, purpose and scope.
  • Job rotation is the type of training which ‘Food Darbar’ provided to its employees. It is a method of on-the-job training
1. Meaning It is a process of increasing knowledge and skills. It is a process of learning and growth.
2. Purpose It is to enable the employee to do the job better. It is to enable the overall growth of the employee.
3. Scope It is a job oriented process. It is a career oriented process.

Question 12. Sunder Lai runs a security service providers agency. Considering that psychological testing is a critical step for judging the potential of the prospective candidates for a career in law enforcement, he uses various types of psychological tests as part of the selection processes. This is done to ensure that potential new officers are emotionally and psychologically suited to carry out the requirements of the job. In context of the above case:

  • Briefly outline any one more type of test that Sunder Lai may use to assess the potential of the prospective candidates.
  • Briefly outline the steps involved in the selection process after conducting the assessment tests.
  • Interest Tests: Interest tests are used to know the pattern of interests or involvement of a person.
  • Reference and Background Checks: At the time of filling up of the job application form, the prospective candidates are required to provide names, addresses, and telephone numbers of references for the purpose of verifying information and gaining additional information about him/her.
  • Medical Examination: After the selection decision and before the job offer is made, the candidate is required to undergo a medical fitness test.
  • Job Offer: The next step in the selection process is job offer, given to those applicants who have passed all the previous tests.
  • Contract of Employment: After candidate accepts the job offer, a contract of employment is issued. Basic information that should be included in a written contract of employment will vary according to the level of the job, but it will include information like job title, duties, responsibilities, date of joining, pay and allowances, etc.

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12 Business Studies notes Chapter 6 Staffing

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CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Revision Notes CHAPTER – 6 Staffing class 12 Notes Business Studies

Staffing means putting people to jobs. It begins with human resource planning and includes different other functions like recruitment, selection, training, development, promotion and performance appraisal of work force.

Need and Importance of Staffing

1. Obtaining Competent Personnel: Proper staffing helps in discovering and obtaining competent personnel for various jobs.

2. High Performance: Proper staffing ensures higher performance by putting right person on the right job.

3. Continuous growth: Proper staffing ensures continuous survival and growth of the enterprise.

4. Optimum utilization of human resources: It prevents under-utilization of personnel and high labour cost.

5. Improves job satisfaction: It improves job satisfaction and morale of employee.

Staffing As a Part ofHuman Resource Management (HRM)

• Staffing • Function which all managers have to perform as all managers directly deal with people • Staffing refers to this kind of role played by all managers in small organizations. • As organizations grow and number of people employed increases, a separate department called the human resource department is formed which consists of specialists who are experts in dealing with people. • In fact early definitions of staffing focused narrowly on only hiring people for vacant positions. But today staffing is a part of HRM which encompasses not only staffing but also a number of other specialized services such as job evaluation, management of labour relations.

• Human Resource Management • Involves procuring, developing, maintaining and appraising a competent and satisfied workforce to achieve the goals of the organization efficiently and effectively. • Its purpose is to enable every human being working in the organization to make his best possiblecontribution..

2 . Recruitment: It refers to identification of the sources of manpower availability and making efforts to secure applicants for the various job positions in an organization.

3. Selection: It is the process of choosing and appointing the right candidates for various jobs in an organization through various exams, tests &interviews.

4. Placement and Orientation: When a new employee reports for duty, he is to be placed on the job for which he is best suited. Placement is very important process as it can ensure “Right person for right job”. Orientation/Induction is concerned with the process of introducing a new employee to the organization. The new employees are familiarized with their units, supervisors and fellow employees. They are also to be informed about working hours, procedure for availing leave, medical facilities, history and geography of organization and rules/regulations relating to their wages etc.

5. Training and Development: Systematic training helps in increasing the skills and knowledge of employees in doing their jobs through various methods. Development involves growth of an employee in all respects. It is the process by which the employees acquire skills and competence to do their present jobs and increase their capabilities for higher jobs in future.

6. Performance Appraisal: It is concerned with rating or evaluating the performance of employees. Transfers and promotions of the staff are based on performance appraisal.


(A) Recruitment: Recruitment may be defined as the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.

Sources of Recruitment (A) Internal Sources (B) External Sources

(A) Internal Sources of Recruitment Internal sources refer to inviting candidates from within the organization. Following are important sources of internal recruitment:

1. Transfers: It involves the shifting of an employee from one job to another, from one department to another or from one shift to another shift.

2. Promotions: It refers to shifting an employee to a higher position carrying higher responsibilities, prestige, facilities and pay.

3 . Lay-Off: To recall the temporary worker for work is called Lay-Off, who were temporarily separated from organization due to lack of work.

Advantages of Internal Sources Recruitment: (1) Employees are motivated to improve their performance. (2) Internal recruitment also simplifies the process of selection & placement. (3) No wastage of time on the employee training and development. (4) Filling of jobs internally is cheaper.

Limitation of Internal Sources (1) The scope for induction of fresh talent is reduced. (2) The employee may become lethargic. (3) The spirit of competition among the employees may be hampered. (4) Frequent transfers of employees may often reduce the productivity of the organization.

External Sources of Recruitment

When the candidates from outside the organization are invited to fill the vacant job position then it is known as external recruitment. The common methods of external sources of recruitments are:

1. Direct Recruitment: Under the direct recruitment, a notice is placed on the notice board of the enterprise specifying the details of the jobs available.

2. Casual callers: Many reputed business organizations keep a data base of unsolicited applicants in their office. This list can be used for Recruitment.

3. Advertisement: Advertisement in media is generally used when a wider choice is required. Example– Newspapers, Internet, Radio, Television etc.

4. Employment Exchange: Employment exchange is regarded as a good source of recruitment for unskilled and skilled operative jobs.

5. Campus recruitment and labour contractors can be used for the purpose.

Merits of External Sources

1. Qualified Personnel: By using external source of recruitment the management can attract qualified and trained people to apply for the vacant jobs in the organization.

2. Wider Choice: The management has a wider choice in selecting the people for employment.

3. Fresh Talent: It provides wider choice and brings new blood in the organization.

4. Competitive Spirit: If a company taps external sources, the staff will have to compete with the outsiders.

Limitations of External Sources of Recruitment

1. Dissatisfaction among existing employees: Recruitment from outside may cause dissatisfaction among the employees. They may feel that their chances of promotion are reduced.

2. Costly process: A lot of money has to be spent on advertisement therefore this is costly process.

3. Lengthy Process: It takes more time than internal sources of recruitment.

Selection Selection is the process of choosing from among the candidates from within the organization or from outside, the most suitable person for the current position or for the future position.

1. Preliminary Screening: After applications have been received, they are properly checked as regarding qualification etc. by screening committee. A list of candidates to be called for employment tests made and unsuitable candidates are rejected altogether.

2. Selection Tests: These tests include:

(a) Psychological tests which are based on assumption that human behaviour at work can be predicted by giving various tests like aptitude, personality test etc.

(b) Employment test for judging the applicant’s suitability for the job.

3. Employment Interviews: The main purpose of interview is:

(a) to find out suitability of the candidates.

(b) to seek more information about the candidate.

(c) to give the candidate an accurate picture of job with details of terms and conditions.

4. Reference Checks: Prior to final selection, the prospective employer makes an investigation of the references supplied by the applicant. He undertakes a thorough search into candidates family background, past employment, education, police records etc.

5. Selection Decisions: A list of candidate who clear the employment tests, interviews and reference checks is prepared and then the selected candidates are listed in order of merit.

6. Medical/Physical Examination: A qualified medical expert appointed by organization should certify whether the candidate is physically fit to the requirements of a specific job. A proper physical exam will ensure higher standard of health & physical fitness of employees thereby reducing absenteeism.

7. Job Offer: After a candidate has cleared all hurdles in the selection procedure, he is formally appointed by issuing him an Appointment Letter. The broad terms and conditions, pay scale are integral part of Appointment Letter.

8. Contract of Employment: After getting the job offer, the candidate has to give his acceptance. After acceptance, both employer and employee will sign a contract of employment which contains terms & conditions, pay scale, leave rules, hours of work, mode of termination of employment etc. Nishant wants to set a unit in rural area where people have very few job opportunities and labour is available at a low cost.

For this he wants four different heads for Sales, Accounts, Purchase and Production. He gives an advertisement and shortlists some candidates after conducting selection tests.

1. Identify and state the next three steps for choosing best candidates.

2. Also identify two values which Nishant wants to communicate.

Training: Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and technical skills of an employee for doing a particular job efficiently. Both existing employees and new employees get acquainted with their jobs and this increases job related skills.

Benefits to the firm:
Avoids wastage of time, effort and money involved in the hit and trial method.
↑ productivity(quality + quantity)thereby leading to ↑ profits
Equips future managers(to take over in emergencies)
↑ employee morale,↓ absenteeism and turnover
response to fast changing environment
↓ supervision, standardization of procedure and safety of operations
Benefits to the employee:

Improved skills an knowledge so better career opportunities

Better performance→ higher earnings

Less accidents

↑ satisfaction and morale of employees

Training Methods

(A) On the Job Method: It refers to the methods that are applied at the work place, where the employee is actually working. It means learning while doing. The following are the methods of On-the job training:

1. Apprenticeship Training: Under this, the trainee is placed under supervision of an experienced person (master worker) who imparts him necessary skills and regulates his performance. The trainee is given stipend while learning so that he/she can enjoy “earn while you learn” scheme.

2. Internship Training: Under this method an educational institute enters into agreement with industrial enterprises for providing practical knowledge to its students by sending them to business organizations for gaining practical experience.

3. Induction training is a type of training given to help a new employee in settling down quickly into the job by becoming familiar with the people, the surroundings, the job and the business. The duration of such type of training may be from a few hours to a few days. The induction provides a good opportunity to socialize and brief the newcomer with the company’s overall strategy, performance standards etc. If carefully done, it saves time and cost (in terms of effectiveness or efficiency etc.)

Training and Development

Training is concerned with imparting technical knowledge in doing a particular job. But development is a wider process concerned with growth of an individual in all respects. However, both are related processes; training helps the employees in learning job skills whereas development shapes attitude of the employees.

Comparison of Training and Development

1. DefinitionIt means imparting skills and knowledge doing a particular jobIt means growth of an employee in all respects.
2. PurposeIt is concerned with maintaining and improving current job performance.It seeks to develop competence and skills for future performance.
3. MethodsIt is imparted through on the job method.It is imparted through off the job method.
4. InitiativeThe boss takes the initiative for imparting training to his subordinates.The individual takes the initiative for self growth and development.
5. DurationTraining programmes are organized for short terms.Development takes place over a large period of time.
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Class 12 Business Studies Notes for Staffing (PDF) – Study Material

Class 12 Business Studies Staffing – Get here the Notes, Question & Practice Paper of Class 12 Business Studies for topic Staffing Notes. Staffing Notes for Class 12 Business Studies are here. You can download the Staffing Notes PDF to study all the topics in this chapter. Moreover the class 12 Business Studies notes include chapter summary, definitions, examples, and key pointers for Staffing . Thus if you are studying class Business Studies (व्यवसाय अध्ययन), then the  Staffing notes  will help you easily understand the topic and ace it.

Class 12 Business Studies Notes for Staffing

Staffing is a critical part in the study of Business Studies . In India, it is taught in class. Therefore the class 12 Notes for Business Studies topic Staffing have been compiled by teachers and field experts. They explain the complete chapter of Staffing in one-shot . Whether you are studying the topic Staffing to complete your class syllabus, or for any competitive exam like JEE , NEET , UPSC, you can simply refer these notes to complete the chapter in one-shot!

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Staffing Notes for Class 12 Business Studies PDF

The PDF of Staffing class 12 notes is as follows. You can view the document here and also download it to use it anytime for future reference whenever you want to brush up your concepts of Business Studies.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Business Studies Staffing

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  • Chapter 6: Staffing

NCERT Solution for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6 - Staffing

NCERT Solutions are considered an extraordinarily helpful resource for students to prepare for the CBSE Class 12 Business Studies examinations. This study resource provides students with in-depth knowledge of the concepts covered, and the solutions collated by the subject matter experts are easy to comprehend and clear their doubts right away. Students can download the PDF of NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6 below and practise them without any time constraints.

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Very short answer questions ncert solutions business studies  class 12 chapter 6.

1. What is meant by staffing?

Staffing is a management function that involves the hiring of candidates suitable for the organisation by evaluating their skills and knowledge, and offering specific roles as per their skill set. It is involved in the fulfilment of human resource requirements for an organisation.

2. State the two important sources of recruitment.

Recruitment is the process of searching and hiring the right person for the job. It can also be said as the process of finding potential candidates suitable for the job and convincing them to apply for the post. Two important sources of recruitment can be defined as follows:

1. Internal Sources

2. External Sources

Internal sources refer to sources of recruitment within the organisation. It means any vacancy created is filled by an existing employee working in the organisation.

External sources of recruitment include hiring a new candidate either through agencies or conducting a direct hiring session.

3. The workers of a factory are unable to work on new machines and always demand the help of a supervisor. The supervisor is overburdened with their frequent calls. Suggest the remedy.

This situation can be controlled by providing the workers with proper training regarding the use of machines. It will increase their confidence and skill set. It will also result in faster working with no delay in performing the task.

4. The quality of Production is not as per standards. On investigation, it was observed that most of the workers were not fully aware of the proper operation of the machinery. What could be the way to improve the quality of production to meet the standards? (training).

The quality of the production can be improved by offering training to employees. This can be job training, where there will be a master worker whose role will be to train the employees in the use of machinery. The employees can learn and practise under the guidance of a master worker for a period of time before working individually. This type of training will help an employee to work with efficiency.

5. The workers of a factory remain idle because of the lack of knowledge of hi-tech machines. Frequent visit of an engineer is made, which causes high overhead charges. How can this problem be removed?

This kind of problem is dealt with by providing workers with proper training. These workers can be provided vestibule training which will reduce the frequent visits of the engineer. Vestibule training is the kind of training where the workers are made to practise on dummy machines, which are models of industrial equipment that the workers need to work on. Once they gain adequate exposure, the workers can be shifted to the factory to perform the work.

Short Answer Questions NCERT Solutions Business Studies  Class 12 Chapter 6

1. What is meant by recruitment? How is it different from the selection?

Recruitment is the process of searching and hiring the right person for the job. It can also be said as the process of finding potential candidates suitable for the job and convincing them to apply for the post. Whereas selection is the procedure of choosing the required set of candidates from a pool of candidates.

The points of comparison between recruitment and selection are as follows:

Meaning It is the process of searching and hiring the right candidate for the job. It refers to the process of choosing the best candidates from a candidate pool at the time of recruitment
Sequence It is the second stage of staffing It is the third stage in staffing, and it comes after the recruitment
Employment Contract The candidates who come for the recruitment process are not offered any form of employment contract by the organisation Candidates who are shortlisted for selection will be offered an employment contract by the organisation, which includes details of the appointment.
Characteristic The recruitment process is concerned with getting many candidates for the vacancy that is advertised. The selection process is about choosing the right candidate and discarding inappropriate candidates.

2. An organisation provides security services. It requires such candidates who are reliable and don’t leak out the secrets of their clients. What step should be incorporated into the selection process?

For conducting such a selection process, the tests that can be conducted are personality tests. Such tests will help recruiters identify the candidates with the most stable personalities, which is suitable for the job type that is offered.

3. A company manufactures paper plates and bowls. It produces 1,00,000 plates and bowls each day. Due to a local festival, it got an urgent order of extra 50,000 plates and bowls. Explain the method of recruitment that the company should adopt in the given circumstances to meet the order.

The method of choice in this situation is approaching labour contractors. Production of paper plates and bowls is done by workers or labourers who have low skills. Labour contractors have access to labourers looking for work opportunities and, therefore, will be able to provide the required manpower at the time of need.

4. Distinguish between training and development.

Training and development are closely related concepts but are distinct in their function. The focus is the same for both concepts, but there is a change in perspective. Training is related to the process of imparting abilities and skills that are required in a job, while development is the growth of an individual over a period of time.

The following points highlight the difference between training and development.

Meaning It is the process of enhancing the abilities and skills of an employee, which is essential to perform a job. It is the process that involves the overall growth of an employee.
Focus The focus of the training is job oriented. It is specific to the job that is assigned. The main focus of development will be overall growth and is, therefore, more career-oriented.
Scope Training has a narrow scope as it focuses only on how to make someone efficient in the assigned job Development has a wider scope as it is focused on the development of the personality of the individual. Training is considered a part of the development process.

5. Why are internal sources of recruitment considered to be more economical?

Internal sources of recruitment involve selecting an existing employee for a new position in the organisation. The way of recruiting is either through transfer or promotion. It is considered more economical because it saves time and money. The recruitment process is not that extensive as compared to external recruitment. There will be no expenditure on the training of employees, which is further cost-efficient. Therefore, in these ways, it is economical.

6. No organisation can be successful unless it fills and keeps the various positions filled with the right kind of people for the right job. Explain.

In today’s world, finding the right candidate for the job is pretty challenging, given the developments in technology, the nature of the job and the skill sets that are required. Staffing is an essential function of management that helps in the hiring of manpower for the organisation.

Staffing provides the following benefits:

1. Staffing helps in finding and selecting the best-suited candidate for the job.

2. It ensures that the right people are selected for the right job, which will help in increasing the overall efficiency and performance of the organisation.

3. By selecting the best candidates for the job, an organisation has a better chance of registering growth.

4. Staffing helps in manpower planning and helps in the proper utilisation of manpower. It also helps in filling up vacant job posts so that working efficiency is maintained.

Long Answer Questions NCERT Solutions Business Studies Class 12 Chapter 6

1. ‘Human resource management includes many specialised activities and duties.’ Explain.

Human resource is one of the essential functions of management which is involved with the hiring, development and management of resources in the form of humans for the organisation. It performs a lot of activities which includes determining the demand for recruiting, preparing plans for recruiting, conducting recruitment, selecting the best candidates, rolling out offer letter, inducting employees to the organisation, imparting training and development and finally, acting as support for employee grievances.

The following points will explain the activities that are performed by human resources:

1. Human resource planning

2. Recruiting the candidates (the process of finding candidates for jobs)

3. Determine the job and its specific requirements and perform research and analysis to prepare the correct job description.

4. Conduct training and development programmes for the newly joined employees as well as refresher programmes for existing employees.

5. Conduct performance appraisals for the employees on a quarterly/half-yearly/yearly basis.

6. Maintaining good relations with labours and paying attention to the labour union demands.

7. Act as the point of contact for handling employee complaints and grievances.

8. Assist in providing schemes for the welfare of employees.

9. Representing the company in various lawsuits and finding ways to prevent legal complications.

2. Explain the procedure for the selection of employees.

Selection is the process of choosing the best candidates from the pool of candidates that appear for a recruitment programme. It is a process that comprises various types of tests and interviews. The following steps are involved in the selection process:

1. The first step in the selection process is screening; in this process, candidates who do not fill the required criteria and qualifications are eliminated from the initial recruitment process. The process of elimination starts with the screening of the information that is provided by candidates in their application forms. Initial interviews conducted will also help determine the facts that are not present in the application and will be helpful in rejecting candidates.

2. The next step in screening is to put the candidates through a set of tests like the intelligence test, personality test and aptitude test. These tests assess the candidates on different levels and help recruiters determine their candidature.

3. The candidates who complete the tests are made to appear for the next round of interview, which is a personal interview. These are conducted to help the candidate know better by having conversations with the managers. This test also helps the recruiter assess the mental stability of the candidate regarding the job.

4. The candidates, once they complete the interview process, have to wait for some time when the organisation performs background checks on the employee; it can be asking the previous employer or colleagues and verifying the information as provided by the candidate.

5. After conducting all the checks and being satisfied, the candidate is shortlisted for the job offer.

6. There can be an optional medical examination of the candidate, and the final job offer is processed once the candidates clear the test.

7. The next step is sending out the offer letter, which contains information on the joining date and time at which to report to the office.

8. Employment contract: Once the employee joins, the final step is to get over with the documentation and provide the employee with the details such as salary, designation, HR policies, leave policies etc.

3. What are the advantages of training to the individual and to the organisation?

Training is an important event for any organisation. It is an activity that is aimed at building the skills and abilities of the individuals who are required to perform a job. It is an essential part of the job which is helpful in improving the knowledge of an individual. The nature of jobs changes with the changes in the business environment. The following are the benefits of training for the employee and the organisation.

Benefits to employee

i. Training provides employees with the skills to grow in their careers. It is helpful in improving knowledge of the processes, which is essential for future growth.

ii. An individual with training will be able to earn more than those without any kind of training. It improves working efficiency and results in a good performance.

iii. Training makes an employee more confident in handling work. The equipment and machines at the workplace will be easier to manage with proper training so that there will be less accidents.

iv. Training improves the self-confidence of the employees and helps them to face new challenges at work. The increased confidence also contributes to the sense of feeling of higher job satisfaction.

Benefits for organisation

i. Training is a systematic way of teaching processes. It will be, therefore, more efficient and saves the organisation time and money.

ii. Training helps individuals and makes them more efficient; the direct result is an improvement in productivity. The rise in employee productivity will result in the growth of the company.

iii. Training helps in preparing employees to face new challenges and situations. It helps in building an effective way to counter issues that arise in future.

iv. Good training helps in boosting employee morale. It gives proper confidence and motivation, which reduces employee turnover and absenteeism from work.

4. Kalu Consultants has launched exclusively for senior management professionals. The portal lists out senior-level jobs and ensures that the job is genuine through the rigorous screening process.

a. State the source of recruitment highlighted in the case above.

b. State four benefits of the above-identified source of recruitment.

a. is an online portal which serves as a common platform for job providers and seekers. It helps the candidates to find good jobs, and companies to find good candidates. This form of recruitment is called web publishing.

b. The benefits associated with web publishing are as follows:

1. Resumes get screened very fast on the website only as per the job title, which saves a lot of time for the recruiters. It makes the search for prospective candidates much easier. The added benefit is real-time interaction between the job seeker and the organisation.

2. The reach of online recruitment is across the globe, so more candidates can be hired.

3. The companies looking for candidates can put their brand on the recruitment website, which will help the recruitment company gain name in the market.

4. It makes the hiring process short as compared to traditional recruitment. Not only time is reduced, but it reduces costs also.

5. A company, Xylo limited, is setting up a new plant in India for manufacturing auto components. India is a highly competitive and cost-effective production base in this sector. Many reputed car manufacturers source their auto components from here.

Xylo limited is planning to capture about 40% of the market share in India and also export to the tune of at least ₹ 50 crores in about 2 years of its planned operations. Achieving these targets requires a highly trained and motivated workforce. You have been retained by the company to advise in this matter. While giving answers, keep in mind the sector the company is operating.

Questions: a. Outline the process of staffing the company should follow. b. Which sources of recruitment the company should rely upon? Give reasons for your recommendation. c. Outline the process of selection, which the company should follow with reasons.

a. The following process of staffing should be followed by the company.

1. Identify and prepare the number and types of personnel required for the setup.

2. Find suitable candidates who can fill the vacancies in the company and approach them to apply for the position.

3. Select the right candidate after performing a thorough interview process.

4. Help the employee get familiar with the working environment as it will make them feel comfortable.

5. Train the employee as per the requirements of the job description.

6. Determine the performance of the employee against the set of standards and provide appropriate feedback.

7. Promote employees who are good performers.

8. Provide appropriate compensation and benefits to the employees to keep them motivated.

b. The company should rely on recruitment sources that are external. The company is going to set up a new plant in a new region; therefore, candidates who are locals of that area will be the best resources as they will be familiar with the environment and working conditions of the local region, so it will be beneficial for the organisation.

c. The company should follow the following selection process:

1. Screen the candidates and reject those who are not matching with the job description.

2. Test the candidate using various types of tests, which can include an aptitude test, personality test, and intelligence test.

3. Arrange a personal interview session for candidates who make the cut from the tests. The manager will be able to judge the candidate further and help in assessing the candidate’s true potential.

4. Before finalising the candidate, perform a background check by taking references from the candidate about previous employers.

5. On finding the candidate suitable for the job, provide a confirmation.

6. Help the candidate with the employment contract and terms of employment.

6. A major insurance company handled all recruiting, screening and training processes for data entry/customer service representatives. Their competitor was attracting most of the qualified, potential employees in their market. Recruiting was made even more difficult by the strong economy and the ‘jobseeker’s market.’ This resulted in the client having to choose from candidates who had the ‘soft’ skills needed for the job but lacked the proper ‘hard’ skills and training.

Questions a. As an HR Manager, what problems do you see in the company? b. How do you think it can be resolved and what would be its impact on the company?

a. The following problems can be identified in the company:

1. There is a lack of qualified candidates in the company as most of the skilled candidates have been hired by the competitors.

2. The company employees lack the hard skills required for the job; this results in poor performance of the employees.

b. To resolve this problem, the following steps can be taken:

1. Employees should be provided proper hard skills training in order to make them more suitable for the job.

2. The company can try an external recruitment process in order to attract the best talents. The agencies will shortlist such candidates as deemed suitable for the job.

7. Ms. Jayshree recently completed her Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management. A few months from now, a large steel manufacturing company appointed her as its Human Resource Manager. As of now, the company employs 800 persons and has an expansion plan in hand, which may require another 200 persons for various types of additional requirements. Ms. Jayshree has been given complete charge of the company’s Human Resources Department.

Questions 1. Point out what functions is she supposed to perform? 2. What problems do you foresee in her job? 3. What steps is she going to take to perform her job efficiently? 4. How significant is her role in the organisation?

1. Being a Human Resource Manager, Ms. Jayshree should be looking to hire candidates for the company. This falls under the staffing function. She must ensure that the hiring of the candidates should be as per the expansion plan of the company, and the candidates that are hired should be the ideal candidate for the position. She must also check if the employees are getting proper training and also are motivated.

Her role will consist of the following functions:

a. Preparing job descriptions for individual positions.

b. Recruitment of candidates who are qualified for the job.

c. Developing the salary structure for the employees.

d. Conducting interviews of the candidates.

e. Arrange proper training of new candidates.

f. Look after the welfare of employees.

g. Address employee complaints and grievances.

h. Defend the company in lawsuits and legal matters.

2. We can foresee the following problems in her job:

a. The job role requires her to perform multiple functions on a daily basis.

b. Finding the right candidate for a role is a tedious job.

c. She has to identify sources of recruiting candidates.

d. She needs to arrange proper training for the employees to develop the necessary skills required for the job.

3. She has to take the following steps in order to perform efficiently in her job:

a. Devise a proper staffing plan that has an estimate of human resource requirements of the present as well as the future.

b. The minimum qualification for the jobs should be decided in advance.

c. There should be a proper structure and assessment tests for screening the potential candidates.

d. The selection test should be properly conducted along with the interview.

4. The role of Ms. Jayshree is very important for the organisation. She has to ensure the right candidates are getting selected for the job. Any mistake in hiring the wrong candidate will result in a waste of time and cost, which impacts not only the performance but also the efficiency of the organisation. Her job is to ensure the selected candidates are best suited to be part of the organisation.

In the following ways, the human resource function can be important for the organisation:

1. Hiring of right candidate leads to high performance and efficiency.

2. Growth and survival of employees in the organisation can be planned by managers.

3. Helps in maintaining employee morale and provides motivation to employees in the form of rewards and recognition.

4. Assists in the proper utilisation of resources for the organisation.

NCERT Solution for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6 – Staffing provide students with a comprehensive introduction to the concepts. It provides a clear picture of what is the staffing.

Concepts covered in this chapter are listed below:

  • Meaning of staffing
  • Importance of staffing
  • Staffing as a part of Human Resource Management
  • Staffing process
  • Recruitment

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6 provides a wide range of illustrative examples, which helps the students to comprehend and learn quickly. The above-mentioned are the solutions according to the Class 12 CBSE syllabus. For more solutions and study materials of NCERT solutions for Class 12 Business Studies, visit BYJU’S or download BYJU’S – The Learning App for more information and the best learning experience.

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  • Staffing is the process of filling various positions in an organization.
  • It involves workforce planning, recruitment, selection, training, development, promotion, compensation, and performance appraisal.
  • Staffing is important as it recognizes the value of each individual employee.
  • It is the managerial function of filling and maintaining positions in the organization structure.
  • In a new enterprise, staffing follows planning and organizing functions.
  • In an existing enterprise, staffing is a continuous process.

Importance of Staffing  

  • Obtaining Competent Personnel:  Effective staffing facilitates the identification and acquisition of skilled individuals for diverse job roles.
  • High Performance: Optimal staffing leads to enhanced performance through the appropriate alignment of individuals with suitable job positions.
  • Continuous growth:  Effective staffing is crucial for the sustained existence and progress of the organization. 
  • Optimum utilization of human resources: Proper staffing prevents the inefficient utilization of staff and excessive labor expenses.
  • Improves job satisfaction:  Proper staffing enhances job satisfaction and boosts employee morale.

Staffing as a part of Human Resource Management

  • Staffing is a critical function of Human Resource Management that all managers need to perform.
  • It involves filling positions in the organization and ensuring they are occupied by qualified individuals.
  • Staffing is closely linked to organizing, as positions are determined and then people are required to work in those positions.
  • The staffing function deals with managing the human element of an organization, which is crucial for its success.
  • Managers have the responsibility of selecting, training, motivating, and developing employees.
  • In small organizations, managers may handle all responsibilities related to employees' salaries, welfare, and working conditions.
  • As organizations grow, a separate Human Resource department is formed with specialists managing people.
  • The size of the Human Resources department indicates the size of the business, with larger companies having specialists for each function within the department.

Human Resource Management involves a range of specialized activities and duties.

  • These include recruitment to find qualified individuals, job analysis to prepare job descriptions, and developing compensation and incentive plans.
  • It also involves training and development for employee performance and career growth.
  • Maintaining labour relations, handling grievances and complaints, and providing social security and welfare for employees are also important responsibilities.
  • Lastly, HR is responsible for defending the company in legal matters and avoiding legal complications.

Enhancing job satisfaction and morale

Ensuring continuous growth

Obtaining competent personnel

Preventing underutilization of personnel and high labor cost

Correct answer: C. Obtaining competent personnel

Explanation :

  • Proper staffing involves the process of identifying and acquiring skilled individuals for various job positions within an organization.
  • It focuses on placing competent personnel in suitable roles, which contributes to the overall effectiveness and success of the organization.

Evolution of Human Resource Management

  • The concept of human resource management (HRM) has replaced traditional labour welfare and personnel management.
  • The emergence of trade unions created a need for a link between owners and workers, leading to the role of a labour welfare officer.
  • The labour welfare officer's role was limited to basic welfare activities and was not highly regarded by workers or owners.
  • The introduction of the factory system led to the need for personnel officers who were responsible for recruitment, selection, and placement of employees.
  • The human relations approach recognized the importance of the human factor in an organization's success.
  • Technological developments required new skill development and employee training, leading to the recognition of people as a valuable resource.
  • The increased scope of work led to the replacement of personnel managers with human resource managers.
  • Staffing is an inherent part of HRM, involving the practice of finding, evaluating, and establishing relationships with people for a purpose.
  • Staffing is both a function of management (like planning, organizing, directing, and controlling) and a distinct functional area of management (like marketing and financial management).
  • Staffing is referred to as both a line and staff activity, meaning it is an essential function of managers and an advisory role played by the HR department.

Staffing Process

Staffing Chapter Notes | Business Studies (BST) Class 12 - Commerce

  • Estimating the Manpower Requirement: It involves the following:   (a) Making an inventory of current human resources regarding qualification, training & skills (b) Assessing future human resource needs of all departments.   (c) Developing a program to provide human resources. Job Analysis is an intensive way of finding details related to all jobs.  
  • Recruitment: It refers to identifying the sources of manpower availability and making efforts to secure applicants for the various job positions in an organization.
  • Selection:  It is the process of choosing and appointing the right candidates for various organizational jobs through various exams, tests &interviews.  
  • Placement and Orientation:  When a new employee reports for duty, he is to be placed on the job for which he is best suited. Placement is very important process as it can ensure “Right person for right job”. Orientation/Induction is concerned with the process of introducing a new employee to the organization. The new employees are familiarized with their units, supervisors and fellow employees. They are also to be informed about working hours, procedure for availing leave, medical facilities, history and geography of organization and rules/regulations relating to their wages etc.  
  • Training and Development: Systematic training helps in increasing the skills and knowledge of employees in doing their jobs through various methods. Development involves growth of an employee in all respects. It is the process by which the employees acquire skills and competence to do their present jobs and increase their capabilities for higher jobs in future.
  • Performance Appraisal: It is concerned with rating or evaluating the performance of employees. Transfers and promotions of the staff are based on performance appraisal.  
  • Promotion and Career Planning:  Organizations need to address career development and promotional opportunities for their employees. Managers should design activities that help employees grow and reach their full potential. Promotions involve being placed in positions of increased responsibility, often resulting in higher pay and job satisfaction.
  • Compensation:  Organizations must establish wage and salary plans for their employees. Different pay plans can be prepared based on the value of the job. Compensation refers to all forms of pay or rewards given to employees, including direct financial payments (wages, salaries, incentives) and indirect payments (insurance, vacations). Direct financial payments can be time-based (salary/wages paid regularly) or performance-based (pay based on productivity). Various methods can be used to calculate compensation under incentive plans. Pay plans can be a combination of time-based pay and performance-based incentives. Other factors that influence pay plan design include legal, union, company policy, and equity considerations.


Training and development.

Performance Appraisal

Correct answer: D. Performance Appraisal

  • Performance appraisal is the process of rating or evaluating the performance of employees.
  • It involves assessing the job performance of individuals and providing feedback on their strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Transfers and promotions within the organization often depend on the results of performance appraisal.

Recruitment may be defined as the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.  

Sources of Recruitment

  • Recruitment aims to attract potential employees who have the necessary qualifications and characteristics for the available jobs.
  • The process of recruitment occurs before the selection of the right candidate for the organization.
  • The process of recruitment includes identifying labor sources, evaluating their validity, selecting appropriate sources, and requesting applications from prospective candidates for job openings.
  • The two main sources of recruitment are internal (filling positions from within the organization) and external (hiring candidates from outside the organization).

Staffing Chapter Notes | Business Studies (BST) Class 12 - Commerce

Internal sources refer to inviting candidates from within the organization. Following are important sources of internal recruitment:  

  • Transfers: Transfers involve moving an employee from one job, department, or shift to another without changing their responsibilities or status. Transfers can result in changes in duties, responsibilities, and working conditions, but not necessarily salary. Transfers can be used to fill vacancies in over-staffed departments or branches. Job transfers can help avoid termination and resolve individual problems and grievances. Employees being transferred should be capable of performing their new job. Transfers can also be used for employee training and learning different jobs.
  • Promotions:  Promotions involve promoting employees from lower positions to higher positions.Promotions lead to higher responsibilities, facilities, status, and pay for the employee. Promotions improve employee motivation, loyalty, and satisfaction. Promotions can have a psychological impact, as they can lead to a chain of promotions at lower levels in the organization.

Advantages of Internal Sources Recruitment:  

  • Motivation and Performance Improvement: Promotions and internal transfers motivate employees to improve their performance. This can lead to a chain of promotions at lower levels, encouraging employees to work with commitment and loyalty. 
  • Simplified Selection and Placement:  Candidates already working in the organization can be evaluated accurately and economically. It is a more reliable way of recruitment since the candidates are already known to the organization.
  • Training and Development:  Transfers serve as a tool for training employees and preparing them for higher jobs. People recruited from within the organization do not require induction training.
  • Workforce Management: Transfers allow for the shifting of workforce from surplus departments to those with staff shortages.
  • Cost-effectiveness:  Filling jobs internally is cheaper compared to recruiting candidates from external sources.

Limitation of Internal Sources   

  • Reduced scope for fresh talent: When vacancies are filled through internal promotions, the organization may miss out on the opportunity to bring in new and diverse perspectives, limiting the infusion of fresh talent into the company.
  • Potential employee lethargy:  If employees are guaranteed time-bound promotions through internal recruitment, they may become complacent and lack motivation to perform at their best.
  • Incompatibility with new enterprises: Internal sources of recruitment may not be suitable for new organizations that require a significant number of new hires to establish their workforce.
  • Impaired spirit of competition:  Relying solely on internal recruitment may hinder the healthy competition among employees, as they may feel less motivated to compete for promotions or advancements. 
  • Reduced productivity due to frequent transfers: Frequent transfers of employees within the organization can disrupt workflow and reduce productivity, as employees may need time to adjust to new roles and responsibilities.

External Sources of Recruitment

When candidates from outside the organization are invited to fill the vacant job position, then it is known as external recruitment. The common methods of external sources of recruitment are:  

  • Direct Recruitment: 1. Notice placed on notice-board specifying job details 2. Job-seekers assemble on specified date and selection done on the spot 3. Suitable for filling casual vacancies of unskilled or semi-skilled jobs
  • Casual Callers: 1. Reputed organizations maintain database of unsolicited applicants 2. List of job-seekers screened to fill vacancies as they arise 3. Reduces cost of recruiting workforce
  • Advertisement: 1. Used when wider choice is required 2. Senior positions filled through this method 3. Provides more information about organization and job 4. Brings in a flood of response, may include unsuitable candidates
  • Employment Exchange: 1. Good source of recruitment for unskilled and skilled operative jobs 2. Compulsory notification of vacancies required by law 3. Helps match personnel demand and supply
  • Placement Agencies and Management Consultants: 1. Private agencies and professional bodies assist in technical and professional areas 2. Provide nationwide service in matching personnel demand and supply 3. Charge fee for services, useful for extensive screening 4. Management consultancy firms assist in recruiting middle and top-level executives
  • Campus Recruitment: 1. Colleges and management institutes popular source for technical, professional, and managerial jobs 2. Recruitment from educational institutions well-established practice
  • Recommendations of Employees: 1. Applicants introduced by current employees or their friends and relatives 2. Known background of applicants, preliminary screening takes place
  • Labour Contractors: 1. Maintain close contacts with labourers and provide unskilled workers at short notice 2. Workers recruited through labour contractors who are employees of the organization
  • Advertising on Television: 1. Telecasting vacant posts over television gaining importance 2. Detailed job requirements and organization profile publicized
  • Web Publishing: 1. Internet becoming common source of recruitment 2. Specific websites provide information about job seekers and job openings 3. Visited by prospective employees and organizations searching for suitable candidates.

Merits of External Sources  

  • Qualified Personnel:  By using external source of recruitment the management can attract qualified and trained people to apply for the vacant jobs in the organization.  
  • Wider Choice: The management has a wider choice in selecting the people for employment.
  • Fresh Talent: It provides wider choice and brings new blood in the organization.
  • Competitive Spirit: If a company taps external sources, the staff will have to compete with the outsiders.  

Limitations of External Sources of Recruitment:   

  • Dissatisfaction among existing employees: Recruitment from outside may cause dissatisfaction among the employees. They may feel that their chances of promotion are reduced.  
  • Costly process: A lot of money has to be spent on advertisement therefore this is costly process. 
  • Lengthy Process: It takes more time than internal sources of recruitment.  

Direct Recruitment

Correct answer: C. Direct Recruitment

  • External sources of recruitment involve inviting candidates from outside the organization to fill vacant job positions.
  • Direct recruitment is one such method where a notice is placed on the notice board of the enterprise specifying the details of available jobs.
  • This method attracts individuals who are not currently employed within the organization.

Selection is the process of choosing from among the candidates from within the organization or from outside the most suitable person for the current position or for the future position.  

Process of Selection

Staffing Chapter Notes | Business Studies (BST) Class 12 - Commerce

The successive stages in selection process are:  

1. Preliminary Screening:  After applications have been received, they are properly checked as regarding qualification etc. by screening committee. A list of candidates to be called for employment tests made and unsuitable candidates are rejected altogether.  

2. Selection Tests:  These tests include:  

(a) Psychological tests which are based on assumption that human behaviour at work can be predicted by giving various tests like aptitude, personality test etc.  

(b) Employment test for judging the applicant’s suitability for the job.  

3. Employment Interviews: The main purpose of interview is:  

(a) to find out suitability of the candidates.  

(b) to seek more information about the candidate.  

(c) to give the candidate an accurate picture of job with details of terms and conditions.  

4. Reference Checks: Prior to final selection, the prospective employer makes an investigation of the references supplied by the applicant. He undertakes a thorough search into candidate’s family background, past employment, education, police records etc.  

5. Selection Decisions:  A list of candidate who clear the employment tests, interviews and reference checks is prepared and then the selected candidates are listed in order of merit.  

6. Medical/Physical Examination: A qualified medical expert appointed by organization should certify whether the candidate is physically fit to the requirements of a specific job. A proper physical exam will ensure higher standard of health & physical fitness of employees thereby reducing absenteeism.  

7. Job Offer:  After a candidate has cleared all hurdles in the selection procedure, he is formally appointed by issuing him an Appointment Letter. The broad terms and conditions, pay scale are integral part of Appointment Letter.  

8. Contract of Employment: After getting the job offer, the candidate has to give his acceptance. After acceptance, both employer and employee will sign a contract of employment which contains terms & conditions, pay scale, leave rules, hours of work, mode of termination of employment etc. Nishant wants to set a unit in rural area where people have very few job opportunities and labour is available at a low cost.  

Preliminary Screening

Selection Tests

Employment Interviews

Reference Checks

Correct answer: B. Selection Tests

  • Selection tests are conducted as part of the selection process to assess the applicant's suitability for the job.
  • These tests can include psychological tests, aptitude tests, and other assessments that help predict the candidate's behavior and capabilities in the workplace.
  • The purpose of these tests is to gather objective information about the candidates' skills, knowledge, and abilities relevant to the job requirements.

Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and technical skills of an employee for doing a particular job efficiently. Both existing employees and new employees get acquainted with their jobs and this increases job related skills.  

Benefits to the Organization:  

1. It enhances employee’s productivity and quality.  

2. Training increases employee’s morale.  

3. Employees get new technical knowledge.  

4. Efficient use of machines.  

Benefits to the Employee:  

1. Improved skills and knowledge of employee.  

2. Increased performance by the individual help him to earn more.  

3. Less accidents.  

4. Training increases the satisfaction and morale of the employee.  

Training Methods

On-the-job method.

It refers to the methods that are applied at the work place, where the employee is actually working. It means learning while doing.  

The following are the methods of On-the job training:  

  • Apprenticeship Training:  Under this, the trainee is placed under supervision of an experienced person (master worker) who imparts him necessary skills and regulates his performance. The trainee is given stipend while learning so that he/she can enjoy “earn while you learn” scheme. 
  • Internship Training: Under this method an educational institute enters into agreement with industrial enterprises for providing practical knowledge to its students by sending them to business organizations for gaining practical experience.  
  • Induction training is a type of training given to help a new employee in settling down quickly into the job by becoming familiar with the people, the surroundings, the job and the business. The duration of such type of training may be from a few hours to a few days.  The induction provides a good opportunity to socialize and brief the newcomer with the company’s overall strategy, performance standards etc. If carefully done, it saves time and cost (in terms of effectiveness or efficiency etc.)  

Off-the-Job Methods

Off-the-job training refers to the training where the subordinates learn by doing at a place away from the workplace. It includes: 

  • Classroom Lectures/ Conference: It is a method of training where information is conveyed through lectures for conferences. 
  • Films: It is a method of training where important information or skills are demonstrated using films, televisions, videos or presentations. 
  • Case study: It is a method of training where actual work situations of the past are discussed to identify problems, analyse its causes, and develop alternative solutions to solve problems
  • Computer Modelling:  It is a method of training where the actual work environment is imitated by programming a computer. 
  • Vestibule Training: It is a method of training where a duplicate work environment called 'vestibule" is created to train employees with the technical and operating skills. 
  • Programmed instructions: It is a method of training where specific skills or knowledge are broken into units and arranged in a logical and sequential learning package. 

Training, Education and Development

Staffing Chapter Notes | Business Studies (BST) Class 12 - Commerce

Apprenticeship Training

Classroom Lectures/Conference

Vestibule Training

Programmed Instructions

Correct answer: C. Vestibule Training

  • Vestibule Training is a method of off-the-job training where a duplicate work environment called a "vestibule" is created to train employees with the technical and operating skills required for their job roles.
  • In vestibule training, employees can practice and learn in a simulated work environment that closely resembles their actual work setting.
  • This method allows trainees to gain hands-on experience and develop their skills without affecting the real work process.
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FAQs on Staffing Chapter Notes - Business Studies (BST) Class 12 - Commerce

1. What is the role of staffing in Human Resource Management?
2. What is the process of staffing?
3. What are the sources of recruitment?
4. Why is staffing important in an organization?
5. What is the relationship between staffing and Human Resource Management (HRM)?
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Staffing Class 12

staffing case study pdf class 12

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  • Jun 26, 2021

Staffing Class 12 Notes

The subject of Business Studies class 12 deals with management functions such as planning, organising, and after organising, comes the topic of staffing. As per Dale Yoder’s words, “Staffing is that phase of the management which deals with the effective control and use of manpower or human resources.” This blog will cover some important study and revision notes on the chapter of staffing class 12 as per the syllabus of business studies . So get ready with a pen and notebook in hand and read this blog till the end. 

This Blog Includes:

What is staffing, need and importance of staffing, staffing: as a part of human resource management (hrm), process of staffing , estimating manpower requirement, advantages of internal sources of recruitment, limitations of internal sources of recruitment, advantages of external sources of recruitment, limitations of external sources of recruitment, selection , training and development, benefits of training , methods of training, difference between training and development, short questions on staffing class 12, long question answers for staffing class 12.

Must Read: Controlling Class 12

As per the chapter of Business Studies, Staffing Class 12, it is defined as the process of putting the right people to jobs. This process begins with human resource planning and includes different other functions like:


  • Development
  • Performance appraisal of the workforce 

The importance of staffing class 12 can be described on the basis of the following factors and points:

  • Filling the roles by obtaining competent personal
  • Helps in placing or assigning the right person at the right job
  • Increases the growth of enterprise
  • Enables optimum utilisation of human resources
  • Helps in competing
  • Helps in improving the job satisfaction and morale of employees

As we all know, staffing class 12  is one of the management functions in an organisation that all managers have to perform. Managers have to deal with people or human resource directly. Hence, staffing becomes an important function because as and when the organisation grows, the number of people needed to complete the assigned tasks and deadlines will also grow. For this, more people will be employed in the organisation. Sometimes when a company reaches that stage, a separate department called the human resource department or HRM is formed, consisting of line manager(s) and those who are good at managing and dealing with other people or the organisation’s human resource. 

The fun fact is that earlier, staffing was only focussed or limited till the hiring of people for specific or vacant positions. As evolution happened and over the period of time, staffing has become a part of HRM that consists of not only staffing but also other things such as job evaluation, management of labour relations and other activities like: 

  • Human resource planning
  • Recruitment, selection and placement
  • Performance appraisal
  • Compensation
  • Social security
  • Career growth

Also Read: Business Environment Class 12 Notes

According to the chapter of Staffing class 12, the process of staffing involves the following steps:

  • Estimating the manpower requirements
  • Placement and orientation
  • Training and development
  • Promotion and career planning

The chapter of staffing class 12 tells us about estimating the manpower requirements which consists of:

  • Making of inventory of existing human capital in terms of qualifications, training & abilities.
  • Evaluation and assessing of all departments’ future needs for human resources.
  • To establish a curriculum for the provision of human capital.

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As per the Staffing class 12 chapter, recruitment can be defined as a process or step of the staffing process that deals with searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in an organisation. There are 2 sources of recruitment:

  • Transfers 
  • Promotion 

There are several advantages of internal sources of recruitment as per the chapter of staffing class 12. They are mentioned below.

  • It is more economical and viable.
  • It helps in motivating the existing employees.
  • Through transfer, employees get training also in the form of the job position.
  • No wastage of time on employee training and development by the organisation
  • Filling of jobs internally is way cheaper.
  • The internal recruitment process also simplifies the entire recruitment or staffing process and, of course, selection & placement too.
  • Availability of fresh talent is reduced in the organisation 
  • Sometimes, employees may become lethargic 
  • The spirit of competition among the employees is also hampered
  • The productivity of the organization also decreases due to frequent transfers of employees 
  • Direct Recruitment
  • Casual callers
  • Advertisements
  • Employment Exchange
  • Placement agencies and management consultants
  • Campus recruitment
  • Recommendations of employees
  • Labour contractors
  • Factory gate

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We now move on to the several advantages of external sources of recruitment as per the chapter on staffing class 12. They are mentioned below.

  • Availability of fresh talent
  • qualified personnel
  • Wider Choice 
  • Competitive Spirit is maintained throughout the organisation 

The limitations of the same are mentioned below.

  • Dissatisfaction among existing employees
  • Costly process
  • Lengthy Process

The next step after the recruitment process is selection. It deals with discovering the most promising and suitable or rightful candidate to fill up the vacant spot of job position in the organisation. According to Staffing class 12, the process of selection is a lengthy process that includes the following steps:

  • Preliminary screening
  • Intelligence test
  • Aptitude test
  • Personality test
  • interest test
  • Employment interview
  • Reference and background checks
  • Selection decision
  • Medical examination
  • Contract of employment

We now look the important points of training and development and its features.

  • As per the chapter of staffing class 12, training refers to the process of equipping the employees with the necessary and required skills to perform the job. 
  • On other hand, development can be described as the overall growth of the employees in the organisation as it focuses more on personal growth and successful employees development. 

Tabulated below are the important benefits of the chapter staffing class 12.

Attitude formation.
Aids in or helps in
solving operational problems.
Reduced learning time.
Better performance.
Managing manpower need. Helps to adopt changes.
Boost up morale and employee satisfaction.
Less chance of accidents.
Better career options.
Earnings are increased.

Must Read: Business Studies Class 12 Project

According to the chapter of staffing class 12, the various methods of training are as follows: 

  • Apprenticeship programmes
  • Internship training
  • Job rotation
  • Classroom lectures
  • Computer modelling
  • Vestibule training
  • Programmed instruction

The last segment of the chapter on staffing class 12 looks at the difference between training and development. They are tabulated below.

Training refers to the process or procedure of imparting rightful and necessary skills and knowledge of a particular job to the employees.Development refers to the overall growth of the employee in all aspects of an organisation. 
It is done for maintenance and improving or revamping the current performance of the employees. It seeks to develop those skills which may be required in future. 
Training is imparted through on the job method.Development is imparted through off- the job method.
The duration of training programmes is short term.Development takes place over a longer period of time. 

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Ques:1 How is staffing a continuous process? State

Answer: Staffing is a continuous process because new jobs may be created and some of the existing employees may leave the organisation.

Ques:2 What is meant by Induction Training?

Answer: Induction training means introducing the selected employees to other employees and familiarising him with the rules and policies of the organisation.

Ques:3 How does staffing help to ensure higher performance of employees?

Answer: Staffing ensures higher performance by putting the right person on the right job.

Ques: 4 HRM is the most important task. Why?

Answer: The success of an organisation in achieving its goals is determined to a great extent on the competence, motivation and performance of its human resources.

Ques:1 Define the staffing process and the various steps involved in it.

Ans: The staffing process of the management is concerned with acquiring, developing, employing, remunerating and retaining people. The following steps are involved in the staffing process:

(i) Estimating the Manpower Requirements The first step in the staffing process is determining the present manpower inventory and assessing the present and future manpower requirements of the organisation keeping in mind the production schedule, demand etc.

(ii) Recruitment Recruitment may be defined as the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation. For this various sources can be used like transfer, promotion, advertising, job consultants etc.

(iii) Selection Selection is the process of choosing from among the pool of prospective job candidates developed at the stage of recruitment. It involves a host of tests and interviews.

(iv) Placement and Orientation Orientation is introducing the selected employee to other employees and familiarising him with the rules and policies of the organisation. He is taken around the work place and given the charge of the job for which he has been selected. Placement refers to the employee occupying the position or post for which the person has been selected.

(v) Training and Development All organisations have either in-house training centres or have forged alliances with training and educational institutes to ensure continued learning of their subordinates. By offering the opportunities for career advancement to their members, organisations are not only able to attract but also retain its talented staff.

(vi) Performance Appraisal After the employees have undergone a period of training and they have been on the job for some time, there is a need to evaluate their performance. The employee is expected to know what the standards are and the superior is to provide the employee feedback on his/her performance. The performance appraisal process, therefore, will include defining the job, appraising performance and providing feedback.

(vii) Promotion and Career Planning It is very important for all organisations to address career related issues and promotional avenues for their employees. They must provide opportunities to everyone to show their potential and in return promotions can be provided.

(viii) Compensation All organisations need to establish wage and salary plans for their employees. There are various ways to prepare different pay plans depending on the worth of the job. Compensation therefore, refers to all forms of pay or rewards going to employees.

Ques:2 Distinguish between training and development.

MeaningTraining is a learning process in which employees get an opportunity to develop skill, competency and knowledge as per the job requirement.Development is an educational process which is concerned with the overall growth of the employees.
TermShort TermLong Term
Focus onPresentFuture
OrientationJob orientedCareer oriented
ObjectiveTo improve the work performances of the employees.To prepare employees for future challenges.
Number of IndividualsManyOnly one
AimSpecific job relatedConceptual and general knowledge

Ques: 3 What are the advantages of training to the individual and to the organization?

Answer 3: Training is an important event for any organization. It is an activity that is aimed at building the skills and abilities of the individuals which is required to perform a job. It is an essential part of a job which is helpful in improving the knowledge of an individual. The nature of jobs has changed with the changes in the business environment. Here are the benefits of training for the employee and the organization.

Benefits to Employee

1. Training provides the employee with the skills to grow in the career. It is helpful in improving knowledge of the processes which is essential for future growth.

2. An individual with training will be able to earn more than those without any kind of training. It improves the working efficiency and results in good performance.

3. Training makes an employee more confident of handling work. The equipment and machines at the workplace will be easier to manage with proper training. There will be less accidents.

4. Training improves the self-confidence of the employees and helps them to face new challenges in work. The increased confidence also contributes to the feeling of higher job satisfaction.

Benefits for Organization

1. Training is a systematic way of teaching processes. It will therefore be more efficient and saves the organisation time and money.

2. Training helps individuals and makes them more efficient; the direct result is the improvement in productivity. The rise in employee productivity will result in growth of the company.

3. Training helps in preparing employees in facing new challenges and situations. It helps in building an effective way to counter issues that arise in future.

4. A good training helps in boosting employee morale. It gives proper confidence and motivation which reduces the employee turnover and absenteeism from work.

This brings us all towards the end of the chapter on staffing class 12. We hope that the blog will come in handy for that last moment revision before exams and fetch you more marks in the exams. So keep studying and score higher with Leverage Edu . If you are wondering what to do after the commerce stream in class 12th, get in touch with our experts at Leverage Edu who will help you every step of the way! Sign up for a free session today!

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12

Business Studies Class 12 Revision Notes Chapter 6 Staffing

August 16, 2017 by Sastry CBSE

NCERT Solutions CBSE Sample Papers Business Studies Class 12 Business Studies

Points to remember

1. Staffing It consists of manpower planning, recruitment, selection, training, compensation, promotion and maintenance of managerial personnel. According to Dale Yoder, “Staffing is that phase of the management which deals with the effective control and use of manpower or human resources.”

2. Importance of Staffing (i) Filling the roles by obtaining competent personal (ii) Placing right person at the right job (iii) Growth of enterprise (iv) Optimum utilisation of human resources (v) Helps in competing (vi) Improves job satisfaction and morale of employees (vii) Key to effectiveness of other functions


4. Activities of Human Resource Management (i) Human resource planning (ii) Recruitment, selection and placement (iii) Career growth (iv) Performance appraisal (v) Motivation (vi) Compensation (vii) Social security

5. Staffing Process The steps involved in the staffing process are (i) Estimating the manpower requirements (ii) Recruitment (iii) Selection (iv) Placement and orientation (v) Training and development (vi) Performance appraisal (vii) Promotion and career planning (viii) Compensation

6. Recruitment It refers to the process of appointing possible candidates for a job or a function. It has been defined as the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in an organisation.

7. Sources of Recruitment There are two sources of recruitment (i) Internal (ii) External

8. Internal Sources Under internal source of recruitment the vacant job positions are filled by inducing the existing employees of the organisation (i) Advantages (a) It is economical. (b) It motivates the existing employees. (c) Through transfer employees get draining also in the form of job position.

(ii) Drawbacks (a) No fresher new ideas will come in the organisation. (b) There will be limited choice. (c) Not suitable for new organisation. (d) Frequent transfer may reduce the productivity of employee

(iii) Methods Under the internal recruitment following methods of recruitment are used (a) Transfer (b) Promotion

9. External Sources When the candidates from outside the organisation are invited to fill the vacant job position then it is known as external recruitment. (i) Advantages (a) Fresh talent (b) Wider choice (c) Qualified personnel (d) Latest technological knowledge (e) Competitive spirit

(ii) Drawbacks (a) The morale of existing employees goes down. (b) Lengthy process. (c) The new employees may not adjust in the rules and regulation of the organisation. (d) It is expensive.

(iii) Methods The common methods of external sources of recruitment are (a) Direct recruitment (b) Casual callers (c) Advertisement (d) Employment exchange (e) Placement agencies and management consultants (f) Campus recruitment (g) Recommendations of employees (h) Labour contractors (i) Advertising on television (j)Web publishing (k) Factory gate

10. Selection It can be defined as discovering most promising and most suitable candidate to fill up the vacant job position in the organisation.

11. Process of Selection (i) Preliminary screening (ii) Selection test (a) Intelligence test (b) Aptitude test (c) Personality test (d) Trade test (e) Interest test (iii) Employment interview (iv) Reference and background cheeks (v) Selection decision (vi) Medical examination (vii) Job offer (viii) Contract of employment

12. Training and Development (i) Training Training means equipping the employees with the required skill to perform the job. (ii) Development It refers to overall growth of the employee. It focuses on personal growth and successful employees development.

13. Benefits of Training for Organisations (i) Reduced learning time (ii) Better performance (iii) Attitude formation (iv) Aids in or help in solving operational problems (v) Managing manpower need (vi) Helps to adopt changes

14. Benefits of Training for Employees (i) Better career options (ii) Earning more (iii) Boost up the morale (iv) Less chance of accidents


16. Training Methods (i) On the Job Methods (a) Apprenticeship programmes (b) Coaching (c) Internship training (d) Job rotation (ii) Off the Job Methods (a) Classroom lectures (b) Films (c) Case study (d) Computer modelling (e) Vestibule training (f) Programmed instruction

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Staffing Class 12 Notes PDF (Handwritten & Short Notes)

Students who have opted commerce stream, need to understand better and score well in questions regarding the chapter Staffing. Class 12 students can smoothly perform better with the help of Staffing Class 12 notes. Accordingly students can also understand other chapters of Class 12 Business Studies in a better way. 

Students can also practise some sort of questions from the Staffing Class 12 notes. Practising Staffing questions on a regular basis can help students to increase their accuracy level. Accordingly, students can also improve their inner confidence in attempting questions of the chapter Staffing. Inner confidence is a must for all students to decrease the level of stress while giving the Class 12 Business Studies board exam. Therefore, here we provide the Staffing Class 12 Notes in PDF file format.

Staffing Notes Class 12 PDF

The Staffing notes Class 12 PDF are one of the important study materials while preparing for the chapter. Students generally refer to the notes after completing the chapter Staffing. Class 12 notes is a collection of short summaries of sub-topics, topics and key points. With the help of these summaries, students can remember the important points on their fingertips. 

How to Download the Staffing Notes Class 12 in PDF?

All students studying in Class 12, need to have easy and free access to the Staffing notes Class 12 in PDF. Steps to download the Class 12 Business Studies Notes are:

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Features of the Staffing Notes Class 12

Features of Staffing notes Class 12 are considered to be an important and noticeable part. Those important features of Class 12 Business Studies notes are: 

  • Number of the Unit is Given: Inside the Class 12 Staffing notes, the number of the unit is given. Accordingly students can easily identify the chapter name with the help of unit number of Class 12 Business Studies. 
  • All Concepts are Completed: In the Class 12 Staffing notes, all the concepts are completed. Students can get a brief knowledge about the chapter Staffing. 
  • Questions are Given: On the last page of the Class 12 Business Studies notes, different questions regarding the chapter Staffing are given to practise. Accordingly students can also improve their comprehensive skill for the chapter Staffing. 
  • Chapter Name is Included: The chapter name of Staffing is mentioned inside the Class 12 Staffing notes. Through the notes, students can get a brief idea about the chapter Staffing. 
  •  Provided in a Simple Language: The Staffing Class 12 notes are provided in a simpler language. Through this, students can easily understand all complex topics in a simpler manner. 
  • For CBSE Board And State Boards: It is generally created for students studying in Class 12; thus, CBSE board as well as state board students can use the Staffing Class 12 Notes as it is suitable for them.

Benefits of Staffing Notes Class 12

The Staffing notes Class 12 has been associated with many benefits which includes helps to pay attention, helps in remembering the topics, etc. Through these students can easily score well in Class 12 Business Studies board exam papers. 

  • Helps in Paying Attention: Class 12 Staffing notes can help students to pay attention and to stay alert throughout the preparation. Accordingly, Class 12 students can easily discover and cover different types of topics and concepts in a creative way. 
  • Helps in Revising the Topics: With the help of Staffing notes Class 12, students can smoothly revise all the topics. According to which, students can boost their preparation for the chapter The Staffing and can perform well. 
  • Can Attract Many Students as Eye-Catching Format of Notes is Given: The Class 12 notes of the chapter Staffing in the PDF have an eye-catching format. This format can attract many Class 12 students to complete the chapter The Staffing. 
  •  Can Increase Comprehensive Skill: The Class 12 notes of the chapter The Staffing can aid students to increase their comprehensive skill. According to these skills, students can easily score well in the questions of the chapter The Staffing. 
  • Helps Students to be Active During the Preparation: It is a must for all students to remain active and alert while preparing for the chapter The Staffing. Students can be active and alert with the help of Class 12 Staffing notes. Accordingly students can cover and revise each and every concept included in the Business Studies chapter The Staffing. 
  • All Topics Are Covered: Inside the Class 12 Staffing notes, all topics are covered in a perfect manner so that students can easily complete the whole chapter. 

Strategy Tips to Cover the Chapter Staffing  

It is a must for Class 12 students to follow some strategy tips to cover The Staffing. Important strategy tips are: 

  • Finish off the Chapter: First and foremost tip is to finish off the chapter The Staffing in a proper and accurate way. 
  • Routine Practise of Questions: After completing the chapter Staffing, students need to have a routine practice of questions. Regular practice can help students to improve their accuracy level in attempting questions. 
  • Jot Down The Mistakes: While analysing the questions, students can get to know their flaws. After identification, it is very important that students jot down their mistakes. Through this step, students can easily remove their earlier mistakes while attempting Staffing questions. 
  • Try to Study During the Day: Many students prefer studying during the night but it is good to study during the day. As students would have a higher ability to concentrate in the chapter The Staffing. There are many benefits other than this, those are: natural daylight is better than artificial light, both friends and teachers are contactable to clear doubts. 
  • Remain Focused: Throughout the preparation of the chapter Staffing, students are advised to remain focused. Accordingly, students can cover various topics whether it is easy, moderate, or difficult. 
  • Revise Within a Day: After starting the revision process of Class 12 Staffing it is very important to complete the revision within a day otherwise the extension in revision will not aid much value in the preparation.
  • Take Constant Breaks: It is a must to take constant breaks while preparing for the chapter Staffing. As students can lose their track of preparation if proper short breaks are not taken.  
  • Try to Remain Calm: Class 12 students need to remain calm while preparing for the chapter Staffing in order to try to remove their exam stress and anxiety. 

Why Is It Important To Go Through The Staffing Class 12 Notes? 

It is a must to go through the Staffing Class 12 notes as it is considered as important study material. In this Class 12 Business Studies notes, topics and concepts are explained in a brief manner. Through this study material, students can understand all Staffing topics in an effective manner. These notes can be generally used during the last minute revision that help students memorise all topics of Staffing easily and help them solve questions in a better way. 

What Are Class 12 Staffing Notes and Why Is It Popular? 

The Class 12 Staffing notes are short and compressed content which includes all topics and concepts brief in an organised manner, better presentation and easier explanations. These notes help students to improve their grip for the chapter Staffing. Strong foundation for the chapter Staffing can help students to improve their score and because of these reasons the revision notes of Class 12 Staffing is popular among students.

Is Staffing Class 12 Notes Relevant to Exam Preparation?

Yes, the Staffing Class 12 notes are very much relevant during the preparation. The Class 12 Accountancy content is very accurate and contains relevant topics for students to study. Accordingly, students don’t need to search for various important topics here and there. Accordingly, students can easily study relevant content of the Class 12 Business Studies chapter Staffing if they refer to the NCERT Class 12 Business Studies Notes. 

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CBSE Important Questions on Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6 - Staffing

  • Class 12 Important Question
  • Business Studies
  • Chapter 6: Staffing


CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Chapter-6 Important Questions - Free PDF Download

Staffing is a complex process that involves a number of steps, including workforce planning, job analysis, recruitment, selection, placement, and induction. It is important to get each step right in order to build a high-performing workforce.

This PDF download contains a collection of important questions and answers on staffing for CBSE Class 12 Business Studies students. The questions are based on the latest CBSE syllabus and have been compiled by expert Business Studies teachers. The answers are comprehensive and informative, and they will help students to understand the key concepts of staffing.

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Study Important Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6 - Staffing

Very Short Answer Questions (1 - 2 Marks)

1. Why is an "employment interview'' conducted in the selection process?

Ans: The purpose of an employment interview is to evaluate the applicant's suitability for the job post by seeking information from him and to check whether there exists a suitability between the person and the type of job.

2. What is it called when the managerial function involves filling and maintaining positions in the organization structure?

Ans: Staffing function is referred to here.

3. "Staffing makes for higher performance by putting the right person on the right job". Is this statement true or false?

Ans: This statement is true as staffing helps in improvement of performance through arranging the right people, at the right time, and on the right job.

4. Apha Enterprises produces water geysers and has a functional structure with key functions in Production, Marketing, Finance, and Human Resource. To meet rising demand, the company plans to hire more staff. What concept will assist the Human Resource Manager in determining the specific number of people needed for each department?

Ans: Workload Analysis is a concept that will assist the Human Resource Manager in determining the real number of people necessary in each department.

5. Why is the "Aptitude Test" conducted in the process of selection? 

Ans: The Aptitude Test in the process of selection is conducted to measure an individual's potential for learning new skills.

6. This involves recruiting, selecting, developing, utilising, compensating, and motivating an organisation's human resources. What is the name of the concept described here?

Ans: Human Resource Management.

7. What is the next step after selection?

Ans: Placement and Orientation.

8. It seeks to attract suitable applicants to apply for available jobs. Give the term?

Ans: Recruitment.

9. These are managed by the Government to hire individuals for both unskilled and skilled operational positions. What is being talked about here? 

Ans: Employment exchanges.

10. Which type of personnel do management consultancy firms recruit?

Ans: Management consultancy firms help the companies/ firms to recruit technical, professional and managerial personnel.

11. Why induction is not required in the internal source of recruitment?

Ans: As employees are already familiar with the organization, an induction programme is not required in case of internal source of recruitment.

12. State the meaning of placement as a staffing function.

Ans: Once the job offer has been accepted by the selected candidate he is placed on the new job. Proper placement of an employee reduces absenteeism. As a result, placement refers to matching the right person to the right job.

13. It's a test employed in employee selection to gauge someone's ability to learn new skills. What is its name, and describe two other tests.

Ans:   Aptitude tests are used to measure an individual's potential for learning new skills

Other Tests are:

Personality Test: Personality tests provide clues to a person's emotion, mindset and type of personality.

Intelligence Tests: These assess a person's decision-making and adaptability abilities.

14. Trainees are placed under the supervision of an experienced worker to gain advanced skills, such as becoming a plumber or electrician. What training method is being discussed here?

Ans: Apprenticeship program.

Short Answer Questions (3 or 4 Marks)

15. What's the term for and how do you define the process that assists in identifying potential candidates for a job or a role?

Ans: Recruitment is finding possible employees and encouraging them to apply for company positions, starting with the initial interview. It's about locating potential employees to enhance the chances of hiring the best people. There are two types: internal, within the company, and external, outside the company.

Internal Sources: The term "internal sources of recruiting" refers to employing personnel from within the company. In other words, people applying for various roles are those who are currently employed by the same company. For example, promotions and transfers.

External Sources: Employees hired from outside the organization are referred to as external sources of recruiting. In other words, the job seekers in this scenario are individuals who are not affiliated with the organization. For example, casual callers, campus placement, advertisement, management consultants etc.

16. Mr. Naresh, who just finished his M.B.A. in Human Resource Management from an Indian Institute of Management, is now the Human Resource Manager in a Truck Manufacturing Company. With 1,500 employees and plans to expand by hiring 500 more, Mr. Naresh is in charge of the entire Human Resource Department. Outline the specific tasks that Mr. Naresh is expected to handle as the Human Resource Manager of the company.          

Ans: Recruitment, training, career development, compensation and benefits, employee relations, industrial relations, employment legislation, compliance, disciplinary and grievance concerns, redundancies, and other HR-related tasks are all handled by HR managers. 

The position necessitates keeping up with rapidly changing topics such as employment law. As a Human Resource Manager, Mr. Naresh is expected to undertake the following specialized tasks:

Analysing jobs.


Placement and orientation.

Training and development of employees.

Performance Appraisal of employees.

Developing compensation and incentive plAns:

Maintaining labour and management relations.

Handling grievances and complaints of employees/workers.

Providing for the employees' social security and well-being.

Defending the company in legal proceedings and avoiding legal entanglements.

17.  Vinod, the Human Resource Manager, Umesh, the Assistant Manager, and Ashok, the Marketing Head, all decided to leave Hitashi Enterprises Ltd. The CEO asked Vinod to fill the vacancies before departing. Vinod recommended his capable and trustworthy subordinate, Rajesh, for a promotion. The CEO agreed, and Rajesh reached out to 'Zenith Recruiters' to advertise the Marketing Head position. A suitable candidate was recruited through the process. For Umesh's vacancy, they screened unsolicited applications in the office's database, successfully filling the positions before the departures.

What are the internal and external sources of recruitment that 'Hitashi Enterprises Ltd.' utilized to fill the mentioned vacancies?

Ans: The internal/external sources of recruitment used by 'Hitachi Enterprises Ltd." to fill- up the various positions are listed below.

Promotion:   It was used to fill the position of human resource manager, on which Vinod worked previously. 

Placement Agencies and Management Consultants: For the position of Marketing Head, on which Ashok worked previously.

Casual Callers:  They are being considered for the position of Assistant Manager, on which Umesh worked previously.

(b) Also, state any one merit of each of the above-identified sources of recruitment.

Ans: The following are the merits of the above listed sources of recruitment.

Placement Agencies and Management Consultants: Because of their expertise and specialization in the field of hiring new blood, they assist in attracting the required personnel to the organization.

Casual Callers':  It's the cheapest way to get a job.

Promotion: Promotions among current employees can be an excellent source of new hires. Through promotions the background and reference checks need not to be done, and the cost of induction is also saved, as the employee is from the organization itself.


18. Explain briefly “transfers” and “promotions” as internal sources of recruitment. 

Ans:  The explanations are given below:

Transfers: Job vacancies are filled through transfers by transferring qualified personnel from one department of the organization to the department where the vacancies exist. Transfers is a horizontal process in which employees that are transferred are rarely given new duties or employment positions. Hence the nature and type of job remains the same.

Promotions: Promotion means when an employee is being placed at a position of increased responsibility and authority. Promotion and career planning is important. Promotions and transfers among current employees can be an excellent source of new hires. Promotion refers to an employee being promoted to a higher position with increased status, compensation, and responsibility.

19.  Explain briefly 'Casual Callers' and 'Labour Contractors' as external sources of recruitment.

Ans: Casual Callers: Many reputable businesses maintain a database of uninvited applicants in their offices. It approaches them as vacancies exist and persuades them to apply for the positions available. This list can be screened and the best candidate is selected.

Labor Contractors: Employers turn to labour contractors to hire low-skilled workers or labourers. Labor contractors keep in close contact with labourers and other workers, and they call them for work as and when needed.

20.  Present day human resource management is a broader concept." Explain?

Ans: Present day human resource management is a broader concept because today's human resource management the following activities are performed:

Assists in the achievement of company goals as well as personal goals of personnel.

Employees efficiently and effectively use their skills and expertise.

Increase employee job satisfaction.

Maintain a high level of morale and positive interpersonal relationships inside the organization.

It also focuses on ensuring peace and harmony within the employees of the organization.

This aspect of HRM is also concerned with the working environment and facilities.

It is a highly delicate sector that necessitates cautious interactions with labour or employee unions, addressing their grievances, and effectively resolving disputes in order to keep the company at peace and concord.

21. Do you agree with the statement, "Internal sources of recruitment are better than external sources of recruitment"? Provide two reasons to support your answer.

Ans: Yes, i agree with this statement and the two reasons in support of my answers are:

Qualified Personnel : An external source of recruiting allows qualified individuals from outside the organization to join. This is advantageous to both the organization and the external applicants.

Wider Choice: Using an external source of recruitment increases the number of applicants by a factor of ten, hence expanding the range of options. After assessing the qualities and talents of all applicants, the managers can appoint the most competent individuals.

22.  State the benefits of employee's training.

Ans:   The benefits of employee's training to the organization and the individual are:

Benefits to the organization

Economic Operations: Trained staff makes efficient and cost-effective use of existing resources.

Increases Productivity: It boosts production quality and quantity, because the trained staff has a better understanding of the tools, equipment, work etc.

Employee benefits include:

Learning New Talents: A well-trained employee learns new skills, and adds to his overall performance and productivity.

Increased Income: Skilled employees can excel in their roles, resulting in higher earnings and recognition from supervisors in the workplace. Therefore, superior and quality performance contributes to increased income.

23. The factory workers struggle to operate new machines and consistently seek assistance from their supervisor, causing the supervisor to feel overwhelmed with their frequent requests. Propose a solution to address this issue. 

Ans: Workers of factories should be trained through Vestibule Training. Employees are trained on the equipment they will be working with.. However, the training takes place away from the actual work environment. In a classroom, a realistic work atmosphere is provided, with employees using the same materials, files, and equipment they are supposed to use at the workplace. This is typically carried out when employees need to operate advanced machinery and equipment.

24. Define training. How is it different from Development?

Ans: The enhancement of skills, abilities, and competency required for a given work profile is referred to as training. The differences between training and education are highlighted in the following sections. 



Simply put, it is the process of an employee's knowledge and abilities being increased.

To put it simply, it is a learning and growth process.

Long Answer Questions (5 or 6 Marks)

25.  Describe briefly the steps involved in the process of staffing.

Ans: The steps involved in the process of staffing are as follows:

Estimating Manpower Requirement:

This step involves drafting work force requirements, defining job-related activities, and estimating the type of employees with a certain set of skills, knowledge, qualifications, and experience.

Workforce analysis enables the enterprise to assess the number and type of employees necessary for the completion of a work.


Recruitment is the process of finding potential employees and encouraging them to apply for positions within the company.

Employees can be found through both internal and external sources.

The term "internal sources of recruiting" refers to employing personnel from within the company. In other words, people applying for various roles are those who are currently employed by the same company. For example, transfers, promotions etc,

Employees hired from outside the organization are referred to as external sources of recruiting. In other words, the job seekers in this scenario are individuals who are not affiliated with the organization. For example, advertisement, casual callers, campus placement, management consultants etc.

It is the process of selecting and hiring the most suitable candidates for specific jobs in an organization. This involves conducting various exams (verbal or written), tests, and interviews.

The type of tests include:

Personality tests

Aptitude tests

Situational tests

Interest tests etc.

It guarantees that the organization receives the most qualified candidate.

The candidates' self-esteem and prestige are boosted as a result of the selection process.

Placement and Orientation:

As a result, Orientation involves presenting the selected person to other employees as well as familiarising him with the organization's rules, regulations, and policies.

The employee filling the position or post for which the person has been chosen is referred to as placement.

 Training and Development:

Through various ways, systematic training assists employees in improving their abilities and knowledge in performing their duties.

Employee development entails an employee's improvement in all areas, including performance, knowledge, and so on.

The training could be on the job training or off the job training depending upon the nature and type of work.

Performance Appraisal:

Performance appraisal means evaluating an employee's current or past performance as against certain predetermined standards.

Once an employee has undergone training his/ her performance is evaluated.It is focused with the continual examination of an organization's personnel performance.

This step helps in finding out the deviations, as well as improvement areas.

Promotion and Career Planning:

Promotion entails being assigned to positions with greater responsibilities.

Employee morale must be boosted, and they must be motivated to reach their maximum potential, therefore promotion and career planning are critical.

Compensation :

All forms of payment made by an organization to its personnel are referred to as compensation. E.g.salaries, incentives, commission etc.

26. What do you mean by "on the job training'? Explain any three methods of 'on the job' training.

Ans: On-the-job training refers to the training where the subordinates learn by doing in the workplace, under the supervision of superiors.

Apprenticeship Programme: Apprenticeship programmes puts the trainee under the guidance of a master worker, The trainee receives stipend while learning so that he/she can enjoy the "earn while you learn" scheme.

Coaching: In the early stages, coaching might involve trainees watching their supervisor to learn the essential skills needed for operating a machine. The trainee collaborates closely with an experienced manager, who takes full responsibility for their development.

Internship Training: The educational institution makes an agreement with businesses or corporations to offer hands-on knowledge to its students. This is done by sending students to business organizations to gain practical experience.

Position Rotation: In this type of training, the trainee is moved from one department to the next or from one job to the another. Job rotation permits trainees to interact with other employees, which helps departments collaborate more effectively in the future.

27.  What is meant by recruitment? How is it different from selection?

Ans: The process of finding and encouraging qualified candidates to apply for a particular position is called recruitment. In contrast, selection is the process of evaluating and choosing the necessary candidates from the gathered pool. The following points highlight the differences between recruitment and selection.

Basis of Difference




Recruitment refers to the process of finding and instigating the required personnel for a job.

Selection refers to the process of choosing the right candidate out of the gathered pool developed at the time of recruitment.


In the staffing process, recruitment is at the second stage. 

In the staffing process, selection is at the third stage and succeeds recruitment.

Employment Contract

The candidates gathered under recruitment are not  offered any employment contract from the organization.

The candidates who successfully complete the process are offered an employment  contract by the organization containing such information as date of joining , terms and conditions , etc.


Recruitment process involves attracting as many people as possible for the job.

Selection process involves choosing only appropriate candidates and rejecting the non- suitable ones.

28. What are the advantages of training to the individual and to the organization?

Ans: Training is an important aspect of any organization. It tries to improve people's abilities and skills in order for them to execute a job. Training is an important aspect of the job that aims to improve a person's aptitude and expertise in accordance with the job requirements. The complexity of work has increased as the business environment has changed. Thereby, training has become even more essential.

The following are some of the most important advantages of training for both the employee and the company.

Benefits to the Employee

Improved Career Prospects: Employee training improves their ability and knowledge, which helps them advance in their careers.

Earn More: By helping the individual to learn more it assists them to earn more. Training enhances the individual's understanding and knowledge. Thereby, it improves their efficiency and performance. As a result, they will be able to earn more money.

Less Prone to Accidents: Training aims to make staff more proficient and efficient in operating machines. Jobs that require people to deal with sophisticated machines or in high-risk regions should place a heavy emphasis on training and development, as it aids them in adopting preventative measures. As a result, the employee is less likely to have an accident.

Self-Confidence: Individual development and training directs individuals to work more efficiently, which in turn boosts required morale. It boosts their self-esteem and self-reliance, resulting in increased job satisfaction.

Benefits to the Organization

Less Wastage: Training is a concept that involves systematic learning of work. It is a more efficient means of learning than any hit-or-miss approach. As a result, less time and money is wasted. As a result, it aids in the most efficient use of resources.

Increased Profits: Training improves people's productivity at work by developing them and making them more efficient. The company's profits increase as both qualitative and quantitative productivity increases.

Managerial Efficiency: Training trains personnel to meet new problems in a variety of settings, which improves managerial efficiency. This enables children to develop appropriate answers to a variety of situations. Training also equips the future managers to take precautionary steps in case of emergency.

Absenteeism is Reduced: Effective training helps to increase staff morale. As a result, it aids in the reduction of absenteeism and staff turnover.

Effective Response: It helps in obtaining effective response to fast changing technological and economic environments.

Chapter-Wise Important Questions

Chapter 1 - Nature and Significance of Management

Chapter 2 - Principles of Management

Chapter 3 - Business Environment

Chapter 4 - Planning

Chapter 5 - Organising

Chapter 7 - Directing

Chapter 8 - Controlling

Chapter 9 - Financial Management

Chapter 10 - Financial Markets

Chapter 11 - Marketing

Chapter 12 - Consumer Protection

Chapter-Wise Revision Notes on Class 12 Business Studies  

Chapter 1 - Nature and Significance of Management Notes

Chapter 2 - Principles of Management Notes

Chapter 3 - Business Environment Notes

Chapter 4 - Planning Notes

Chapter 5 - Organising Notes

Chapter 6 - Staffing Notes

Chapter 7 - Directing Notes

Chapter 8 - Controlling Notes

Chapter 9 - Financial Management Notes

Chapter 10 - Financial Markets Notes

Chapter 11 - Marketing Notes

Chapter 12 - Consumer Protection Notes

Chapter 13 - Entrepreneurship Development Notes

Why are Important Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6 Necessary?

Vedantu’s Important Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6 are the finest material to understand and practice the topics in the best way.

The material carries all the information in detail and pointwise.

All the cases of the material are solved in the simplest way which explains the term clearly.

Vedantu’s Important Questions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6 Staffing provides all the main topics so that the student can focus on it and prepare for the exam. 

Staffing is a crucial facet of organizational management, involving the recruitment and development of human resources. It ensures the right individuals are placed in the appropriate roles and encompasses processes like identifying requirements, selection, placement, training, and fair compensation. Staffing maintains the organization's workforce and adapts to changes such as employee turnover and growth. It is fundamental to organizational success.

In addition to these important questions, you can further enrich your study materials by accessing a wide array of NCERT Class 12 Question Papers for various subjects. For a comprehensive revision approach, don't forget to explore the last-minute revision notes provided on Vedantu's website. These combined resources will be instrumental in helping you excel in your academic endeavors and grasp the subject matter with confidence. 


FAQs on CBSE Important Questions on Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6 - Staffing

1. What is the importance of staffing class 12 business studies?

Staffing helps businesses to grow by ensuring that they have the right people, with the right skills and experience, in the right roles. This leads to better performance, increased productivity, and improved customer satisfaction.

2. What is the summary of chapter staffing for class 12?

Staffing is the process of finding, hiring, and placing the right people in the right jobs within an organization. It involves a variety of steps, including recruitment, selection, training, development, promotion, compensation, and performance appraisal.

3. What is staffing in business studies class 12?

Staffing is the management function of ensuring that an organization has the right people, with the right skills and experience, in the right roles.

4. What are the three components of staffing?

Staffing is the process of recruiting, selecting, and training employees to meet the needs of an organization.

5. What is the role of staffing?

Staffing is the process of matching the right people to the right jobs within an organization to ensure that it has a talented and qualified workforce.

6. What is the basic principle of staffing?

Right person at the right job with the right pay is the basic principle of staffing.

7. How do you identify staffing needs?

AnsTo better understand staffing needs, you can compile a list of current job descriptions and analyze your current staff, including the number of employees working, the size of each team, and the competencies of each member.

CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Important Questions

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    Class 12 NCERT Solutions Business Studies - Staffing - Free PDF Download NCERT Solutions provides the finest and easy solutions for Class 12 Business Studies Chapter 6. The material provides essential questions for Chapter 6 of Business Studies.

  20. Important CBSE Questions on Class 12 Chapter 6

    CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Chapter-6 Important Questions - Free PDF Download Staffing is a complex process that involves a number of steps, including workforce planning, job analysis, recruitment, selection, placement, and induction. It is important to get each step right in order to build a high-performing workforce.

  21. CBSE Class 12

    Enrol for CBSE Class 12 Case Studies on Staffing: Class 12 NCERT conducted by Mann Garg on Unacademy. The course is taught in English.