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Agriculture & Extension Education Graduate Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Women in Extension Persevering in Leadership Roles , Lexis Danielle Trickett

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Examining the use of social media applications by West Virginia agriculture producers , Mikayla Rae Hargis

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

What is the perceived self-efficacy of defined job competencies for West Virginia University Extension faculty? , Lacey Dawn Seckman

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Perceptions and Instructional Practices used by West Virginian Secondary Agricultural Teachers in Meat Science Education , Kindra D. Carr

Identifying the Technical and Teacher Skills Needed by In-Service Teachers to Effectively Teach an Agricultural Mechanics Course in West Virginia , Coleton Todd Payne

When Face-to-Face Communication Fails: A Case Study of WVU Extension Agents Utilizing Innovative Social Media Practices , Madison Brooke Quinn

Level of adoption of West Virginia agriculture teachers' usage of internet-based educational technology in the classroom , Travis Daniel Veach

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

An Assessment of the Methods Used to Teach Content Skill Sets Required for the Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resource Course , Lee I. Wright

Stockmanship Education and Evaluation , John K. Yost

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Challenges Perceived by Cooperating Teachers when Supervising Student Teachers in Agricultural Education , Samantha L. Cogle

Current Issues of Highbush Blueberry Producers with Pick-Your-Own Operations in the Northeastern United States , Brian T. Gould

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Impact of being a West Virginia State FFA President on Career and Personal Accomplishments as Perceived by Past State FFA Presidents 1955 to 2005 , Jada M. Bennett

Directing the Total Program of Agricultural Education as Perceived by Retired Secondary Agriculture Instructors in West Virginia , Dylan Demosthenes Johnson

Educational Opportunities for Dressage Participants as Perceived by Members of the United States Dressage Federation , Dawn E. Mackenzie

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

A Delphi Study of Challenges Perceived by West Virginia University Extension Agents , Caleb N. Smith

Factors Affecting Turnover as Perceived by County Agents who Voluntarily Left the West Virginia University Extension Service , Michael B. Withrow

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

The Influence of 4-H Judging Team Participation on Career Life Skills Development , Evan H. Anderson

Grazing Management Practices among West Virginia Beef Producers , Marcus T. McCartney

The Current Status of Meat Processing Facilities in Agricultural Education Programs in West Virginia , Eleanor Nicole Porter

Motivational Factors Contributing to the Choice of Agriculturally Related Careers , Lacey J. Sims

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Management Structure Impact on Economic Success of Farmers Markets , H. R. Scott

West Virginia High School Guidance Counselors Perceptions and Interactions with Agricultural Education Programs in Their Schools , Nicole Riggle Shipman

Mechanisms of Intracellular Calcium Homeostasis in the Developing and Mature Bovine Corpora Lutea An In-Depth Study to Promote Scientific Literacy through the Use of Primary Literature in an Introductory Biology Course , Marietta Felicidad Wright

Project Knowledge of 4-H Members Who Participated in the Equine Skillathon at the West Virginia State Fair , Kolby Denae Wyant

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

State Supervisors' Perceptions of Teacher Efficacy Regarding Alternatively Certified/Licensed Secondary Agriculture Teachers , Joshua E. Rice

A Case Study: How Students in a Small Rural West Virginia County Spend Their Out of School Time , Veronica R. Wilcox

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Training Techniques Used to Prepare National FFA Officer Candidates for the National FFA Officer Selection Process , Becky L. Berkebile

West Virginia 4-H Camp Songs and Music Traditions , Jason A. Burnside

Issues in the Care of Farm Animals: Current History of the Movement in Selected States , Jennifer N. Dunn

Factors Influencing 4-H Leader Volunteer Recruitment and Retention in Lincoln County , Rachael L. Payne

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Evaluation of information transfer between beef producers and Extension Agents in West Virginia , Travis J. Cullen

Veterinary anatomy laboratory impact study , Bess Catherine Hammill

Motivations, factors and issues concerning students at West Virginia University , Jeremy L. Kelly

Perceptions of West Virginia Beef Cattle Producers on Preparedness for an Agroterrorism Attack , Rebecca Laura Ours

Satisfaction of contract poultry producers in Virginia and West Virginia , Christina L. Richmond

The emphasis on Supervised Agricultural Experience programs by high school agricultural education teachers , John A. Workman

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Factors associated with international students' motivations to study at West Virginia University , Abimbola Akintounde

Perceptions of ethical practices in youth livestock shows , Sharon J. Ankrom

Perceptions of the Farmland Preservation Program by West Virginia farmers , Jamey Allen Murray

State supervisors roles in agricultural education curriculum: A national study , Becky L. Ridgeway

Adoption levels of integrated pest management among corn producers in West Virginia , Hari K. Vommi

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Current practices utilized by independent garden centers to extend the profitable season by returning customers, raising profit margins and implementing new practices , Nona Kay Hunt

Evaluation of information transfer between Extension Agents and dairy producers in Pennsylvania , Carrie B. Nelson

Agricultural awareness and perceptions of freshmen at West Virginia University , Laura L. Pfeifer

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Factors that influence an individual's decision to teach agricultural education , Lee Ann Hall

Attitudes of 4-H club leaders toward volunteer training in West Virginia , Jennifer Post

Perceptions of calf pool participants toward West Virginia calf pool organizations , Carrie M. Stemple

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

Livestock and dairy producers' knowledge of quality assurance issues , Andrea L. Flanagan

Knowledge and attitudes of West Virginia Extension agents and high school agricultural educators with regard to meat goats and the meat goat industry , Angela L. Kirk

Teaching leadership development at the secondary level: A national study , Nathan Taylor

Attitudes of county commissioners toward farmland preservation in West Virginia , Tina M. Wickline

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

Non-technical skills and traits needed to be career-ready graduates as perceived by agribusiness employers and recruiters , Thomas H. Brand III

Factors that influence 4-H club membership retention in West Virginia , David C. Hartley

Mass communication delivery methods used and possessed by Extension agents in West Virginia , Lisa Michelle Neehouse

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

Types of hardware and software in use and problems associated with their use in secondary agricultural education programs in West Virginia , David T. Aberegg

Characteristics of West Virginia secondary agricultural educators , James C. Beatty

Assessment of the learning styles of students at the Eastern Caribbean Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, Centeno, Trinidad and Tobago and identification of teaching methods used by instructors , Cynthia Marie Burskey

Assessment of tractor and all-terrain vehicle safety programs available to youth in West Virginia , Renee D. Chambers

Learning styles of extension agents responsible for pesticide re-certification training programs in West Virginia , Anne M. Custer-Walker

Recruitment strategies used by high school agriculture education teachers in West Virginia , Danny R. Dewhurst

Employment opportunities and skills necessary for entry-level employment in the timber industry , Robert E. Driscole

Knowledge and dissemination of sustainable agriculture practices by county extension agents in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia , Erin M. Hersman

Influence of a three-week wildlife education curriculum on knowledge and attitudes of South Carolina's Marlboro County High School ninth and tenth-grade biology students , Diane M. Krishon

Attitudes of extension agents and program assistants in West Virginia towards involvement of special needs populations in 4-H programs , Christina L. Reed

Needed communication skills during initial employment as perceived by graduates of the West Virginia University Davis College of Agriculture, Forestry and Consumer Sciences , Jessica R. Rollins

Theses/Dissertations from 2003 2003

Factors influencing participation in the beef quality assurance program of the West Virginia Cooperative Extension Service , Sara D. Peacock

Evaluating runoff water quality and ammonia volatilization in three turkey litter application methods , Michael Dale Shamblin

Theses/Dissertations from 2002 2002

Opportunities and occupations in animal and veterinary sciences based on the current careers of West Virginia University alumni , Stacey Michelle Hawkins

Impact of student teaching experiences, personal demographics, and selected factors on the decisions of pre-service agricultural education teachers to enter into teaching , Gene Allen Hovatter

How farmers in West Virginia are using value-added processing to increase annual income , Jennifer Leigh Lewis

Evaluation of marketing methods used to promote extension programs as perceived by Master Gardeners in West Virginia , Tiffany Dale Rexroad

Theses/Dissertations from 2001 2001

Attitudes, knowledge, and implementation of biotechnology and agriscience by West Virginia agricultural education teachers , Jason E. Hughes

Unethical practices in exhibiting animals as observed by West Virginia extension agents and high school agriculture teachers , Jared Nathaniel Nestor

Perceptions of benefits/problems of part-time employment on the job performance of secondary teachers of agricultural education , Connie McClung Scarbrough

Major problems associated with the West Virginia forest sector as perceived by West Virginia Division of Forestry Service foresters , Michael Allen Westfall II

Pest management practices used by West Virginia corn growers , Leasa Dianne Wilkerson

Theses/Dissertations from 2000 2000

Philosophies of adult education as practiced by agricultural education teachers in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Virginia , Crystal R. Buckingham

Heavy metal redistribution in soils using compost as a soil amendment , Jason Thomas Morrison

Evaluation of the International 4-H Youth Exchange (IFYE) Program , Mary Elizabeth Williams

Theses/Dissertations from 1999 1999

Econometric analysis of household expenditures , Samuel Berhanu

Perceptions of students and teachers regarding agriculture in Leflore County, Mississippi , Ronald L. Howard

Physiological and genetic mechanism(s) of cold acclimation in Rhododendron , Chon Chong Lim

Experiences of selected West Virginia agriculture teachers who have established aquaculture units in their schools and have taught aquaculture classes for two years or more , Paul A. Lovett

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Agricultural Education and Studies

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Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Education

The Doctor of Philosophy Degree (Ph.D.) degree is a research-oriented degree. The program of study developed by the candidate builds on the previous undergraduate and graduate courses completed by the candidate. The program of study is designed to foster independent and creative thinking about agricultural education by the candidate. Emphasis is placed on selecting courses and educational experiences that enhance the breadth and depth of the candidate’s knowledge related to their major and minor fields study.

Candidates pursuing a Ph.D. degree must select a research problem, design a study, carry out the study, and document this study in the form of a dissertation. The selection of a dissertation topic is made by the candidate with the assistance of the major professor and program of study committee. The topic selected should reflect original thinking by the candidate and be concerned with some aspect of agricultural education that is within the research focus of the department.

Students will become well-versed in the following learning areas while in their tenure as a graduate student in the Agricultural Education program at Iowa State University:

  • Delivery Systems : Select, organize, and implement appropriate delivery systems to fit a variety of teaching and learning situations.
  • Learning Systems : Model and utilize appropriate learning principles and theories in agriculturally related learning situations.
  • Evaluation : Select, organize, and implement appropriate formative and summative evaluation strategies for accountability and program improvement.
  • Philosophy and Knowledge Base of Agricultural Education : Develop a foundation for one’s personal philosophy of agricultural education by synthesizing and evaluating appropriate philosophical models.
  • Needs Assessment Analysis : Develop and evaluate appropriate strategies for analyzing and assessing educational needs, situations, and processes.
  • Planning and Development : Organize educational programs utilizing appropriate planning and development models.
  • International Agricultural Education and Technology Transfer : Organize and evaluate international agricultural education programs based upon the principles of technology transfer.
  • Research Design and Analysis : Design, conduct, report, and evaluate quantitative and qualitative research utilizing appropriate design and analysis models.
  • Administration, Supervision and Leadership Development : Organize, conduct, and evaluate activities that further the mission of Agricultural Education, provide growth opportunities for its practitioners, and foster development of a vision for the profession.
  • Policy and Trends in Agricultural Education : Monitor the development of trends and administration of policies in and outside the discipline of Agricultural Education and explain their impact or potential impact on the discipline.

Admission Procedures

Before applying for admission, students are encouraged to acquaint themselves with the Department of Agricultural Education and Studies. Contact any of our faculty and staff at anytime with questions. It is important that your educational goals and interests align with the expertise and focus areas of the department. If you decide that one of our programs would help you to achieve your personal and professional goals, we cordially invite you to apply for admission. Directions for admission that are outlined on the Internet at:

Admission Requirements

The components listed below will be uploaded into the Office of Admissions portal. 

Key components of the application for admission include:

  • Application form.  There is a “Statement of Purpose” section on the application form. Statement of Purpose writing guide (pdf)
  • Three letters of reference. Note: At least one letter of recommendation should be from a university professor. Ask your university references to comment on your past academic performance, potential to succeed in graduate school, character and work habits, and whether or not they believe that a graduate program in Agricultural Education/Professional Agriculture is consistent with their knowledge of your personal and professional goals. It is recommended that the other two letters be from professionals in education or business and industry who are familiar with your overall abilities and goals. Ask references to be specific and identify factors that will help the admissions committee make an appropriate admissions decision. Please do not ask friends and relatives to submit reference letters.  When you add your recommenders and their email addresses to the Docfinity system, they will receive a link to upload their recommendation letter directly into the Docfinity system and your application.
  • An official transcript from all schools attended after high school.
  • A resume or vita. Applicants are expected to have three years of professional work experience in a career area related to agricultural education.
  • International students must meet the Graduate College English Proficiency requirement as described in the following document:

Application Deadlines

March 15 - Deadline for persons desiring admission in the following summer or fall semester. October 15 - Deadline for persons desiring admission for the following spring semester.

Program of Study Requirements

Program RequirementsRequired Course or EquivalentCredits
Introduction to ResearchAGEDS 5103
Instructional MethodsAGEDS 5203
Program Planning/EvaluationAGEDS 5243
Learning TheoryAGEDS 5333
Foundations of Agricultural EducationAGEDS 5503
Program EvaluationRecommend RESEV 5973
Required Seminars in AgEdAGEDS 6155
Professional InternshipAGEDS 6171-6
Program Leadership & AdministrationAGEDS 6253
Dissertation Research
AGEDS 69915
Qualitative Interviews and Focus GroupsAGEDS 5683
Research & StatisticsSelect6
Electives 18

Other requirements:

  • 36 credits must be earned at Iowa State University
  • Completion of a career-focused experience plan in the areas of teaching, extension, and research
  • Completion of written and oral preliminary examinations (conducted by candidate’s program of study committee)
  • Completion of final oral examination and defense of dissertation (conducted by candidate’s program of study committee)
  • PhD students are required to meet with all graduate faculty prior to establishing their POS committee
  • PhD students in Agricultural Education are required to spend at least one academic year on campus

For a specialization in Agricultural Extension Education, click here

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Ph.D. Program in Agricultural Education

Ph.d. in education with a focus in agricultural education.

If you have a passion for agricultural/natural resources education, youth leadership development, community and civic leadership and engagement, STEM education, or career and technical education- this is a great opportunity for you!

The Department of Agricultural Education and Agricultural Sciences works closely with the College of Education to offer a valuable degree program that allows our students to be well prepared for faculty and administrative positions in universities, cooperative extension, supervisory, and administrative positions in state departments of education; as well as numerous positions in government and related industries. The program takes 3 years on average for degree completion if entering the program with a master’s degree.

This Ph.D. in education, with an emphasis in agricultural education, was co-developed by both colleges and provides our Ph.D. students with an unique and diverse program. Our graduates are highly sought after and are high performers in their careers.

In addition to receiving a high-quality education, our graduate students are given ample opportunity to receive graduate assistantships to help support them financially throughout their academic journey. Our graduate students positively impact agriculture education nationwide through active involvement in professional organizations, hands-on teaching experiences, research endeavors, and industry engagement.

Graduate students also have multiple opportunities to attend regional and national conferences where they present original research, create professional networks, and seek out new opportunities to grow both personally and professionally.

Explore more information about our program and how to apply below! 

More About the Program

The Agricultural Education doctoral option has a primary focus of preparing candidates to assume faculty positions in colleges or university agricultural education programs. Candidates assemble an individual program of study that provides a comprehensive knowledge of the teaching and learning process with a strong theoretical foundation and practical research experience in agricultural education. This program combines rigorous education with instruction and advising duties, along with multiple opportunities for professional development. 


Qualified candidates will receive assistantship funding to teach graduate and undergraduate courses in agricultural education, leadership, agricultural communications, and agricultural sciences. Assistantships are 9-month, .49 FTE positions with the opportunity for summer teaching employment. Salary and benefits are competitive and funded assistantships include tuition waivers. 

Areas of Research and Interest in Agricultural Education:

  • K-12 and Postsecondary Student Motivation
  • Leadership assessment and development
  • Teacher preparation and early career retention
  • Teaching Methods
  • Teacher recruitment, retention, and professional development
  • Equitable and inclusive practices in agricultural education

Connect with us and tell us more about your research inquiries!

Learning Outcomes 

Agricultural Education Learning Outcomes

Three overarching Graduate Council-approved Learning Outcomes for the PhD program are:

  • Produce and defend an original significant contribution to knowledge
  • Demonstrate mastery of subject material
  • Conduct scholarly activities in a responsible and ethical manner

In addition, the major aim of the Agricultural Education Ph.D. option is to develop students’ analytic skills, knowledge and sensibilities to:

  • Use meaningful and relevant social science literature to better understand and investigate questions in agricultural education research
  • Critically evaluate key social science research to construct arguments which further understanding of research in agricultural education
  • Synthesize a coherent point of view using evidence-based and theoretical arguments relevant to questions in agricultural education research

Application Process/Requirements

The Agricultural Education program is a minimum of 108 credits which include: a core curriculum in quantitative and qualitative research, 13 credits in a specialty area, a practicum, and a dissertation. Additional research methods and elective courses as approved by the major professor (faculty advisor). 

Applicant Requirements:  

  • Ability to pass the state of Oregon background check
  • 3.0 GPA or better 
  • Master’s degree in an appropriate field or equivalent professional experience (preferably in the areas of Agricultural Education, Extension Education, Agricultural Leadership, Agricultural Communications, or other related degrees)
  • Demonstrated capability of working independently as well as in teams
  • Willingness to collaborate in multi-disciplinary projects 

*Applicants are encouraged to contact KJ Joseph to discuss relevant prior experiences and education. 

Preferred qualifications include: 

  • Demonstrated excellent teaching skills
  • Demonstrated outstanding verbal and written communication skills

Application Materials: 

To apply, please send a current resume, unofficial transcript(s), contact information for three professional references, and a 2-page, double spaced personal statement describing your experience with teaching and desire to pursue a Ph.D. graduate degree to either KJ Joseph ( [email protected] ). After reviewing the application materials, qualified candidates will be invited for a video or on-campus interview.

Application Deadlines:  The Agricultural Education option has a rolling application process. Applicants are encouraged to contact KJ Joseph (541-737-5926) if interested. Upon departmental acceptance, applicants will then be asked to apply to the program through the College of Education . 

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Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences

The Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences degree program is designed to prepare students for careers in food, agricultural, and environmental sciences to meet the growing demand for research professionals in private industries, academia, and government agencies. The research-based terminal degree is offered for those candidates who have already completed a research-based MS degree in agricultural or related sciences. It requires a minimum of 24 credit hours of dissertation research: AGSC 8120, 13 credit hours of core courses, and 11 credit hours of elective courses as recommended by student’s dissertation research advisory committee.

Admission Requirements

The degree candidates shall file a program of study during the first semester of their residency into the program. The program of study shall include the courses which will be used to satisfy the degree requirements, as well as detailed plan how other requirements will be met. The student may later change the program of study with the written approval of the Department chair and the Graduate School.

The degree candidates must complete 9 credit hours of major core courses: AGSC 5110, AGSC 6350 and AGSC 7590 with a grade point average of 3.0 or above, successfully defended the dissertation proposal, passed both written and oral comprehensive examinations prior to obtaining admission to candidacy for the doctoral degree. After gaining admission to candidacy the student must complete an approved curriculum (minimum 11 hours of electives courses recommended by the student’s dissertation research advisory committee), enroll in two credit hours of Doctoral Seminar (AGSC 7610, AGSC 7620) and two credit hours of experiential learning courses (AGSC 6620 and AGSC 7200), complete a dissertation (at least 24 hours dissertation research; AGSC8120), and successfully defend the dissertation prior to gaining the Ph.D. degree (Please refer to Agricultural Sciences Graduate Student Handbook for milestones and specific dissertation requirements). The total number of credit hours required for Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences is 48 hours. PDF copy of the Program of Study - PhD in Agricultural Sciences

Program of Study Core Courses: 13 Credit Hours • AGSC 5110 - Research Methods (3)  • AGSC 6350 - Topics in Agricultural Sciences (3)  • AGSC 6620 - Research Ethics in Agricultural Sciences (1)  • AGSC 7200 - Experiential AgriScience Teaching in Higher Education (1)  • AGSC 7590 - Applied Multivariate Analysis (3)  • AGSC 7610, 7620 - Doctoral Seminar in Agricultural Sciences I, II (1-1) 

Dissertation Research: 24 Credit Hours • AGSC 8120 - Doctoral Dissertation Research (24) 

Electives: 11 Credit Hours • AGSC 5130 - Advanced Animal Nutrition (3)  • AGSC 5015 Principles of Organic Agriculture ((3)  • AGSC 5050 Methods of Teaching Agricultural and Environmental STEM (3)  • AGSC 5060 Statistics for Research (3)  • AGSC 5170/6170 Advanced Poultry Production and Management (3)  • AGSC 5180 Soil Classification (3)  • AGSC 5190 Plant Breeding (3)  • BIOL  5190 Ecology (3)  • AGSC 5220 Plant Growth Substances (3)  • AGSC 5230 Advanced Propagation of Horticultural Plants (3)  • AGSC 5260 Environmental Analysis (3)  • AGSC 4270/5270 Biosecurity and Bioforensics (3)  • AGSC5280 Advanced Poultry Nutrition and Biotechnology (3)  • AGSC 5290 Omics (3)  • AGSC 5320 Wetlands Ecology & Management (3)  • AGSC 5340 Cell and Tissue Culture (4)  • AGSC 5350 - Independent Study of Contemporary Issues and Problems (3)  • AGSC 5470 Immunochemistry in Biotechnology (3)  • AGSC 5500/7500 Environmental Issues and Sustainability (3)  • AGSC 5510/7510 Ecosystem Science and Management (3)  • AGSC 5520 Advanced Food Processing and Engineering (3)  • AGSC 5530 Advanced Technologies in Detection and Food Analysis (3)  • AGSC 5560 Food Product Development and Sensory Science (3)  • AGSC 5570 Climate Change (3)  • AGSC 5590 Forest Ecology and Management (3)  • AGSC 5900/7900 Applied Entomology (3)  • AGSC 6010 Gene Structure & Function (3)  • AGSC 6270 Advanced Agricultural Biosecurity (3)  • AGSC 6510 Advanced Geospatial Information Systems (3) : • AGSC 6520 Advanced Spatial Analysis (3)  • AGSC 6525 Remote Sensing and Image Analysis (3)  • AGSC 6530 Advanced Geospatial Metadata (3)  • AGSC 6540 Advanced Spatial Database Design and Management (3)  • AGSC 6550 Advanced Geospatial Information Systems Application and Design (3)  • AGSC 6560 Advanced Global Positioning Systems (3)  • AGSC 7010 Advancement in Agricultural Biotechnology (3)  • AGSC 7040 Plant Tissue Culture Methods and Application (3)  • AGSC 7050 Biotechnology in Animal Reproduction (3)  • AGSC 7260 Advanced Environmental Analysis (3)  • AGSC xxxx Climate Smart Agriculture (2)  • Guided Elective (3)

For more information, contact the Graduate coordinator: Dr. Bharat Pokharel , (615) 963-6054.

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Doctoral education

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) is one of Sweden’s top research universities and offers an extensive range of research degrees.  Our doctoral students are part of a supportive research community and an exciting and challenging research culture.

New doctors by examination at the doctoral award ceremony.

Admission to doctoral studies

Learn more about the admissions process and requirements for doctoral education.

phd thesis in agricultural education

Doctoral studies at SLU

Doctoral studies at SLU train students to become skilled independent researchers.

Public defences and licentiate seminars at SLU

Sustainability of food waste prevention through food consumption.

Agricultural Economics Ph.D. Program

A doctoral degree in Agricultural Economics prepares students for careers in academia, agribusiness, consulting firms, financial institutions, government, or non-governmental organizations. Opportunities will vary depending upon the student’s choice of specialty area. Please visit our  Specialty Areas  webpage for more information .

Below you will find information about:

Preliminary exams.

  • Ph.D. and M.S. Graduate Degree Requirements​

Graduate students take comprehensive examinations in order to test their professional competence. We call them prelims, but they are often called “qualifying” or “general” exams at other PhD programs. Our rules regarding the prelim exams can be found in the department's  policies and procedures manual . 

Successful completion of the preliminary examinations constitutes formal admission to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree. The preliminary examination consists of two parts: economic theory and the prospectus. An examination in microeconomic theory is administered by the Department of Economics (June and August).  Students are required to take this examination as soon as ECON 615, 606, 607, and 609 core courses are completed. The prospectus examination is administered by the Department of Agricultural Economics.  The purpose of the examination is to check competency in the chosen field and preparation for embarking on dissertation research. For details on upcoming exams, please contact Graduate Program Chair   Carson Reeling . 

Thesis Option

​Professional Option

​Minimum course credits



(includes acceptable M.S. credits)

AGEC 60200



​M.S. Thesis

Minimum Ag Economics Credits



(excluding special problems courses)

Core Economic Theory Credits 




​Core Quantitative Credits  




Other Core Required Credits  




​Minimum Specialty Credits




​Minimum Credit at 500+ Level 




​Maximum Transfer Credits  



​No Limit

​Minimum Research Credits 




​Total Credits  




  • MS - ECON 51100, ECON 51200;  PhD - ECON 60600, ECON 60700, ECON 60900, and ECON 61500
  • MS – either STAT 51200 or AGEC 65000, plus AGEC 55200; For the Professional MS in International Agribusiness, AGEC 55200 and AGEC 65000 are required;  PhD - ECON 67000, AGEC 65100, AGEC 65200, AGEC 65400 (2)
  • MS – the Professional MS in International Agribusiness has additional requirements, including AGEC 57100 (1 credit), AGEC 57200 (2 credits) AGEC 57300 (3 credits), and a Capstone Project. Check with the Graduate Coordinator for details;  PhD - AGEC 62500 (3) or ECON 60800 (2) by permission
  • Use of course below the 500 level on a Plan of Study requires approval from the Graduate Committee. Written requests for approval should justify the inclusion of these courses on a course-by-course basis. MGMT/OBHR coursework must represent less than 50 percent of the credit hours on a Plan of Study.
  • Credit for acceptable courses taken at other universities may be transferred after one satisfactory semester in residence. Undergraduate  transfer credits from another university must be declared in excess for the BS Degree, must be taken for graduate credit, and must be equivalent to Purdue 500  or 600 level courses. Equivalency of transfer credits to Purdue credits is determined by the Graduate School. A maximum of nine credits may be transferred if earned as excess undergraduate credit or in post-baccalaureate status at Purdue University.
  • The research credits for the professional option MS degree are in the form of a special problem, the MS thesis and Ph.D. dissertation research credits are not considered "courses".
  • The Graduate School requires that all courses appearing on the Plan of Study be passed with a grade of C- or better.

Note: Pass-fail grades are acceptable only for prerequisites. Courses must be taken for a grade to be listed on the Plan of Study. Prerequisite courses and grades will appear on the student's official transcript.

Have Questions? Contact Us!

Ryan Good, Graduate Coordinator, (765) 496-5338


The Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) had its genesis from establishment of an Agricultural School at Saidapet, Madras, Tamil Nadu, as early as 1868 and it was later relocated at Coimbatore.

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phd thesis in agricultural education

Ph.D. in Agricultural Extension Education

  • To meet out the vast challenges of the new educational policy ,the 21st century skills are contemplated
  • Moreso the changing and deteriorating soil health ,pollution ,ecosystem destruction, climate related disasters ,dire need of organic farming ,water related isssues ,fast depleting ground water havoc, the famers needs and expectations are studied for the best implications for improvement
  • The research impetus at the doctorate level will focus on the educational technology ,risk management,policy planning and ICT based advanced applications .
  • The department strives to develop the policy brief for the government to develop programmes for the upliftment of the farmers
  • The recent trends are touched to analyse the pros and cons of the farming system research
  • The central core of the research augur well if an attitude scale may be constructed to add sheen to the research
  • Advanced methodologies are introduced for reorienting the old methodology for which exclusive workshops are conducted for refreshment of the students and updating and renewing by the faculty too.
  • Action research and expost -facto are given due significance as of now the present biological research also frame themselves in action research for effective output ,outcome and telling impact with quantifiable results
  • Motivational /perception and other psychological indices are formed to enrich the departments qualitative research endeavours
  • Advanced softwares and tools are exposed for the precise and valid results for fool-proof implications
  • Developing the intellect to suggest measures for the disaster Management
  • Gearing for trans disciplinary research

Why this programme?

  • Focused research in agricultural issues
  • Production Efficiency and marketing trends are analysed on thread bare
  • Conservation, development and use of natural resources.
  • Management on the farm and in the home.
  • Sensitisation of the innovative farming methods to sustain agriculture
  • Youth development for profitable and digital marketing based approaches
  • Leadership development for administrative positions in corporate world
  • Public affairs.

phd thesis in agricultural education

Study Programme

The Doctoral  programme in Agricultural Extension and Communication has been designed following the UGC guidelines. The course imparts:

  • Agricultural extension students an enabling environment for better learning
  • Develop globally competitive human capacity in extension education
  • Promote research on frontier areas of agriculture and its allied activities.
  • Foster international alliances and collaborative initiatives to reach global excellence.
  • Promoting entrepreneurial skills of the students
  • Excel in scientific endeavours
  • Equipping in management extension and extension research

Application and Admission

  • Applications are invited from the eligible candidates with the eligible OGPA.
  • An open advertisement will be given for admission.
  • Entrance examination will be conducted for screening and selection.
  • Allocation and adoption of quota is followed EWS, Community and ICAR.
  • Seats are allotted based on the approval of the Dean (SPGS) and subjected for variation based on the seats allotment

Future Career

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Master’s in Agricultural Extension course

Doctoral degree Course

After admission the students undergo a set of courses that help them understand the basics of Agricultural Extension as per the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) with a total credit load of 100 credits, of which 75 credits are exclusively earmarked for their Thesis Research.

Doctoral thesis research

On completion of the  courses in the first year, the students start their thesis research. Each student is assigned to an experienced faculty, approved by the Dean of School of Post-Graduate Studies, who would guide the student on his/ her choice of research topic

Research internship

The students are exposed to several scientific events like symposia and conferences. Many are encouraged to have internship training at other institutes for a couple of months, either in India or abroad.

Student Experiences

phd thesis in agricultural education

Myself R. Arun Kumar. I am studying I Ph.D in this department. I very much like this department since it is like my second home to me and also the facilities and the faculty of the department are the best that I have ever received. The setup of the department and also the syllabus framed for the degree programme kindles me interest to aspire even more developments in extension discipline. I have the aim of becoming a Professor and I believe that I am progressing towards the right pathway by selecting this campus and also this wonderful department.

phd thesis in agricultural education

I am Weijimlu Tayang and I am from the state of Arunachal Pradesh. Even though I am from other state, I never ever felt like that since the hospitality provided by the department starting from my admission to the department until now is simply awesome. I thought that language would be a barrier to survive in the department, but the faculty as well as the students are very friendly towards me and we converse each other comfortably in English. This shows that the faculty and the students are well trained and are experienced both in vocabulary and subject knowledge too. I purposively selected TNAU after hearing from many vocals. But when it is being experienced in real life, I am really honoured to study in this department.

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Agricultural education Research Topics [for MS Ph.D Thesis]

Research Area/ Research Interest: Agricultural education

Research Paper Topics for  Masters and PhD Thesis and publication

  • Influences and Barriers to Agricultural Education Curriculum Adoption by Ugandan Secondary Teachers
  • Adopting new technologies during the crisis: An empirical analysis of agricultural sector
  • ‘Success to the Shropshire Chamber of Agriculture’: a reappraisal of the role of chambers of agriculture in Britain during the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries
  • Evaluation of the Quality of Practical Teaching of Agricultural Higher Vocational Courses Based on BP Neural Network
  • The impact of agricultural extension type and form on technical efficiency under transition: An empirical assessment of wheat production in Uzbekistan
  • Youth in livestock and the power of education: The case of “Heirs of Tradition” from Colombia, 2012–2020
  • It takes a village: a novel process for responding to emerging issues in agricultural health and safety
  • Ex-slaves and the rise of universal education in the South, 1860-1880
  • Do Information Networks Enhance Adoption of Sustainable Agricultural Practices? Evidence from Northern Dry Zone of Karnataka, India
  • Datafication, Digitisation, and the Narration of Agriculture in Malawi: From Productivity Measures to Curated Folklore
  • Maintenance Skill Training Gives Agricultural Socialized Service Providers More Advantages
  • Purposeful education for Africa
  • Status and Changes in Composition of Agricultural Household’s Income in India
  • Entrepreneurial ecosystem for cooperatives: The case of Kyrgyz agricultural cooperatives
  • Development and Adoption of Model-Based Practices in Precision Agriculture
  • Gamification Research: Preliminary Insights Into Dominant Issues, Theories, Domains, and Methodologies
  • Development of Multi-dimensional Scale to Measure Attitude of Farmers Towards Conservation Agricultural Practices
  • Evaluating an Agricultural Community Suicide Prevention Program: Instrumentation and Impact
  • From distress migration to selective migration: Transformative effects of agricultural development on seasonal migration
  • Maternal and paternal employment in agriculture and early childhood development: A cross-sectional analysis of Demographic and Health Survey data
  • Agricultural livelihood systems typology for coping with diversity in smallholder farming system research: A demonstrative case in South-western Burkina Faso
  • Farmers’ Independence Level in the Urban Area of Subak Sembung Denpasar City, Bali Province, Indonesia
  • Farming in Transition in East Africa: Financial Risk Taking and Agricultural Intensification
  • Leadership in Agricultural Co-Operatives: Identifying Core Competencies for Effective Governance
  • Public Investment, Environmental Regulation, and the Sustainable Development of Agriculture in China Based on the Decomposition of Green Total Factor …
  • Evaluation of socio economic characteristics of farmers
  • The Increasing Relevance of Immunobiology Within a Connected Animal Science Curriculum
  • Fiscal support and carbon productivity of agriculture—Empirical evidence from China
  • Characteristics of urban agricultural heritage sites: Policies and management methods for their conservation in China, Germany, and Italy
  • Access to and Use of Agricultural Information among Maize Farmers in Ejura Sekyedumase Municipality
  • The Emergence of Progressive Education
  • Building capacity for socio-ecological change through the campus farm: a mixed-methods study
  • Agricultural communities’ risk assessment and the effects of climate change: A pathway toward green productivity and sustainable development. Front
  • Agricultural Studentsâ Attitude and Behavior on Plagiarism in Tarbiat Modares University
  • Innovative Strategies in agricultural production units: knowledge in development of new services and value chains
  • Application Possibilities of Data Science Tools in Agriculture: A Review
  • How Does Poverty Alleviation Relocation Affect the Non-Agricultural Employment of Women’s Labor Forces? Evidence from Southern Shaanxi Province
  • Applying blockchain security for agricultural supply chain management
  • College students’ grit, autonomous learning, and well‐being: Self‐control as a mediator
  • The burdens of participation: A mixed-methods study of the effects of a nutrition-sensitive agriculture program on women’s time use in Malawi
  • A Probe into Rural Education Revitalization—Based on a Theoretical Investigation into the Symbiosis of Urban–Rural Educational Resources
  • Farmers’ precision pesticide technology adoption and its influencing factors: Evidence from apple production areas in China
  • Towards an Expanded Notion of Skills Ecosystems
  • Long-term and intergenerational effects of education: Evidence from school construction in Indonesia
  • Graph attention network for global search of atomic clusters: A case study of Agn (n = 14−26) clusters
  • New Framework for Multidimensional Environmental Well-being for Sustainable Development
  • Online learning through google classroom: Effects on students critical thinking skills in chemistry
  • Evaluation of the Reasons for Health and Safety Risks in Agriculture by Integration of ANP and PROMETHEE Methods
  • Challenges to agricultural production in Asia in the 21st Century
  • Factors Affecting Farmers’ Environment-Friendly Fertilization Behavior in China: Synthesizing the Evidence Using Meta-Analysis
  • Conceptualizing women’s empowerment in agrifood systems governance: A new framework
  • Abundance and Characteristics of Microplastics in the Soil of a Higher Education Institution in China
  • Factors correlated with the propensity to use automation and mechanization by the US nursery industry
  • Impact of Adoption of Climate-Smart Agriculture on Food Security in the Tropical Moist Montane Ecosystem: The Case of Geshy Watershed, South-West Ethiopia
  • The Agricultural Marketplace and Women’s Work
  • The Impact of Different Uses of the Internet on Farmers′ Adoption of Soil Testing and Formulated Fertilization Technology in Rural China
  • Information and communication technologies'(ICTs) use among farmers in Qena Governorate of Upper Egypt
  • Climate Change, Agricultural Productivity, and Food Security
  • Social Ecosystem for Skills Research: Inclusivity, Relationality and Informality
  • Better Living by Their Own Bootstraps: Black Women’s Activism in Rural Arkansas, 1914-1965
  • Detection of heavy metals in food and agricultural products by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
  • Impact of livelihood strategies and capitals on rangeland sustainability and nomads’ poverty: A counterfactual analysis in Southwest Iran
  • Addressing food insecurity in Richmond area of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: The role of cash transfers
  • An Exploratory Study on Pattern and Factors Influencing Out Migration among COVID-19 Returned Migrants in North Bihar
  • Economic Value and Latent Demand for Agricultural Drought Forecast: Emerging Market for Weather and Climate Information in Central-Southern Nigeria
  • Binary Logistics Regression Model to Analyze Factors Influencing Technology Adoption Process Vegetable Farmers Case in Central Java Indonesia
  • When Opportunity Knocks: China’s Open Door Policy and Declining Educational Attainment
  • Governing agricultural data: Challenges and recommendations
  • A Method for Selecting Suitable Plant Species to Control of Rill and Gully Erosion in South of Ardabil Province
  • Analysis on the Path of Design Specialty Promoting Rural Revitalization under the Mode of School-local Cooperation
  • Coming of age for the rhizosphere microbiome transplantation
  • Nutritional status and its associated factors among under five years Muslim children of Kapilvastu district, Nepal
  • Current scenario and challenges of plastic pollution in Bangladesh: a focus on farmlands and terrestrial ecosystems
  • Integration of IoT and Big Data Technologies for Higher Education
  • Effects of low temperature on distribution and metabolism enzyme activity of carbon and nitrogen of Medicago ruthenica (L.)
  • Developing Institutions and Inter-Organizational Synergies through Digitalization and Youth Engagement in African Agriculture: The Case of “Africa Goes …
  • Some results for a variation-inequality problem with fourth order p (x)-Kirchhoff operator arising from options on fresh agricultural products
  • Disparities in economic achievement across the rural–urban divide in Pakistan: Implications for development planning
  • Regression discontinuity designs in agricultural and environmental economics
  • Promoting agricultural technologies with positive environmental effects: Evidence on tree planting in Indonesia
  • The Influence Of Growth Of Micro Small And Medium Enterprises (Umkm) And Unemployment On Growth Indonesian Economy
  • Migration Attributes in Adaptation and Its Correlates during Pandemic: The Socio-ecological Interpretation
  • Status of household food security, its determinants, and coping strategies in the Humbo district, Southern Ethiopia
  • Women’s role of caregiving for under-five children: Implications for dietary diversity and food security in Ghana
  • Factors associated with farmers’ use of indigenous and scientific climate forecasts in Rwenzori region, Western Uganda
  • Fund Utilization Pattern of PM-KISAN Beneficiaries
  • Analysis of the effective components of packaging on the willingness to buy food products
  • Mission & Vision
  • Potential Fungicide Candidates: A Dual Action Mode Study of Novel Pyrazole-4-carboxamides against Gibberella zeae
  • Pestalozzi and Pestalozzianism: Life, Educational Principles, and Methods of John Henry Pestalozzi
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic and Food Price Increase in Nigeria: Examining the Role of ICT
  • The Influencing Factors of Pro-Environmental Behaviors of Farmer Households Participating in Understory Economy: Evidence from China
  • World health statistics 2023: monitoring health for the SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals
  • Utilizing Hybrid Metaheuristic Approach to Design an Agricultural Closed-loop Supply Chain Network
  • From believers to skeptics: Latent class analysis of COVID‐19 protective practices and perceptions among agricultural community members
  • University–Community Partnership in Nepal
  • Systematic Approach to Sustainable Development in Agricultural and Food Systems-Example of Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Arctic Zone
  • Community-based tourism as a post-COVID-19 development strategy in agricultural communities
  • Investigating the Impact of Digital Transformation on the Labor Market in the Era of Changing Digital Transformation Dynamics in Saudi Arabia
  • Scholarship for catching up? The Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP) scholarship program as a pillar of economic development policy
  • … Management Models For The Development Of Human Resources Quality, Economic Potential, And Financial Governance Policy In Indonesia Ministry Of Education
  • The Impact of Cultural Memory and Cultural Identity in the Brand Value of Agricultural Heritage: A Moderated Mediation Model
  • Farmers’ Readiness for Organic Farming: A Study of Aligarh District in Uttar Pradesh
  • American higher education in the twenty-first century: Social, political, and economic challenges
  • Determinants of Improved Chickpea Variety Adoption: The case of Southern Ethiopia
  • Does pesticide use in agriculture present a risk to the terrestrial biota?
  • Rural depopulation on agricultural technological choice in China
  • Application in Evolutionary Novelties and Diversities: Medicine, Agriculture, and Conservation
  • The Comparison of Vertical Soil Water Distribution under Surface-Drip Irrigation and Subsurface-Flood Irrigation
  • … Synthesis of 12-Tetrazolyl Substituted (E)-5H-Quinazolino[3,2-a]quinazolines via Sequential Ugi-Azide/Staudinger/aza-Wittig/Addition/Ag(I)-Catalyzed Cyclization
  • Impact of land acquisition for large-scale agricultural investments on food security status of displaced households: The case of Ethiopia
  • The link between entrepreneurship and STEM education
  • Determinants of Credit Accessibility and Performance of Smallholder Rice Farmers: A Case of the West Region of Cameroon
  • Ethylicin Inhibition of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola In Vitro and In Vivo
  • A trusted IoT data sharing and secure oracle based access for agricultural production risk management
  • Iodine-Induced Self-Assembly Structure Transition of Organic Molecules on the Ag (111) Surface
  • Information about Material Available Online: Planning Strategies and Considerations for the Effective Use of the Emerging Technology
  • COVID-19 in Bangladesh: A systematic review of the literature from march 2020 to march 2021
  • (Small) Farmer Livelihoods under Liberalised Agricultural Market Environment in India: Can Farmer Producer Companies be an Alternative?
  • Cyber Security for Detecting Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Agriculture 4.0: Deep Learning Model
  • Food for thought? Experimental evidence on the learning impacts of a large-scale school feeding program
  • Economics of Sesame Marketing in Nigeria
  • Stakeholder’s practices for the sustainability assessment of professional urban agriculture reveal numerous original criteria and indicators
  • An experimental case study on forum-based online teaching to improve student’s engagement and motivation in higher education
  • Investigating the role of Herat University on the entrepreneurship of graduates Case Study;(Graduates of Engineering, Computer Science and Economics).
  • Jointly Creating Sustainable Rural Communities through Participatory Planning: A Case Study of Fengqing County, China
  • Access and Gate-Keeping Force in Higher Education: A Narrative Analysis of Students’ Experience in Higher Education
  • Environmental sustainability in agriculture: Identification of bottlenecks
  • Strategic Priorities for Developing Digital Economy in Russian Agriculture
  • Climate change in Brazilian agriculture: vulnerability and adaptation assessment
  • Conventional and intermittent drying modeling of agricultural products: A review
  • Is modern African education counterproductive?
  • Gene Expression Classification for Biomarker Identification in Maize Subjected to Various Biotic Stresses
  • Acceptance Intention and Behavioral Response to Soil-Testing Formula Fertilization Technology: An Empirical Study of Agricultural Land in Shaanxi Province
  • The Dawn of Industrial Agriculture in Iowa: Anthropology, Literature, and History. By E. Paul Durrenberger
  • Climate change and energy use efficiency in arid and semiarid agricultural areas: A case study of hamadan-bahar plain in Iran
  • Assessment for Efficient Achievement of Disaster Resilience in India
  • Parent councils, parent involvement, and parent satisfaction: Evidence from rural schools in China
  • General Methodological Issues of Agrocyborgs:(From Human to Plant)
  • Effects of Information Acquisition and Risk Bearing on Farmers’ Green Technology Adoption Behavior: Microscopic Evidence from Ningxia
  • Influencing factors and partitioning methods of carbonate contribution to CO2 emissions from calcareous soils
  • ” We Could Be Much Further Ahead”-Multidimensional Drivers and Barriers for Agricultural Transition
  • A gendered lens for building climate resilience: Narratives from women in informal work in Leh, Ladakh
  • Racial and Ethnic Comparisons in Satisfaction with Services Provided by the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children in …
  • Understanding local ecosystem dynamics in three provinces of the lowlands of Nepal
  • Effects of Entrepreneurial Behaviour on Market Outlets Choice: Evidence from Rice producers in Ashanti Region, Ghana
  • The Planetary Health Academy—a virtual lecture series for transformative education in Germany
  • Enhancing public awareness and practice of prostate cancer screening among African men: A scoping review
  • Analysis of Smallholder Maize Farmer’s Technical Efficiency and Farm Management Practices in the West Region of Cameroon
  • … perform on the United States Medical Licensing Examination? the implications of large language models for medical education and knowledge assessment
  • Phosphorus-Solubilizing Microorganisms: A Key to Sustainable Agriculture
  • Perception on and the intention to use 5G technology in Malaysian SMEs
  • Female gender interests and education in women entrepreneurs’ definition of success in Uganda
  • Education for rural development: forty years on
  • Effective microorganisms (EM) technology in plants
  • Citizen science for assessing pesticide impacts in agricultural streams
  • GO-ing for Gold: Global Perspectives on Creating a Gold Standard for Global Ophthalmology (GO) Education
  • … Input into the Baltic Sea—An Assessment of the Updated Baltic Sea Action Plan and Its Implementation through the Common Agricultural Policy in Germany
  • Gender Inequality in the Cocoa Supply Chain: Evidence from Smallholder Production in Ecuador and Uganda
  • Identifying and planning military potential and national power: the case of the Israeli civilian-military planning units
  • COVID-19 and food security in Ethiopia: do social protection programs protect?
  • Mechanism and Empirical Test of the Impact of Consumption Upgrading on Agricultural Green Total Factor Productivity in China
  • Margaret Gilpin Reid (1896–1991)
  • Analysis on the changes of fertilization intensity and efficiency in China’s grain production from 1980 to 2019
  • Organizing educational broadcasting
  • Does small-scale irrigation provide a pathway to women’s empowerment? Lessons from Northern Ghana
  • The Significant of Science and Engineering Education in Afghanistan
  • Effect of COVID-19 on Small-and Medium-Scale Enterprises in Nigeria: Which Sector Is Mostly Affected?
  • Preparation and Characterization of Cellulose Nanoparticles from Agricultural Wastes and Their Application in Polymer Composites
  • Interfacial structure and mechanical properties of ZrO2 ceramic and GH4169 alloy joint brazed with Ag-TiH2 composite filler
  • Relating risk preferences and risk perceptions over different agricultural risk domains: Insights from Ethiopia
  • Evolutions of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in Mg–5Li–1Zn–0.5Ag–0.5Zr–xGd Alloy
  • The future of medical education and research: Is ChatGPT a blessing or blight in disguise?
  • Extent of Adoption of Intercropping Practices Among Farmers of Haryana
  • Education of the Roma/Gypsy children in Romania
  • An Algorithm to Detect Endangered Cultural Heritage by Agricultural Expansion in Drylands at a Global Scale
  • Peak and fall of China’s agricultural GHG emissions
  • Developing micro level resilience index for Indian Sundarban adopting Resilience Indicators for Measurement and Analysis (RIMA) methodology
  • Entrepreneurial Potential and Agribusiness Desirability among Youths in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Spatio‐temporal patterns in the woodiness of flowering plants
  • Design and Implementation of a Decision Support Tool to assist the ranking of fossil-energy-free technologies and strategies for a given farm
  • Exploring influences of shallow topography in stable boundary layers: The SAVANT Field Campaign
  • Effect of organic fertilizer and nitrogen levels on plant growth characteristics in Wheat-Corn rotation
  • Prevalence of bovine herpesvirus 1 antibodies and risk factors in dairy cattle of Iran’s central desert
  • Distribution characteristics of plastic film residue in long-term mulched farmland soil
  • Higher education spatial planning in the geographical area of the country
  • The Role of Transformational Leadership in Developing Innovative Work Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Employees’ Psychological Capital
  • The Impact of Off-Farm Employment on Farmland Production Efficiency: An Empirical Study Based in Jiangsu Province, China
  • Locking crops to unlock investment: Experimental evidence on warrantage in Burkina Faso
  • Nord University: Teacher education in transition
  • Tuning Ag-modified NaTaO3 to achieve high CO selectivity for the photocatalytic conversion of CO2 using H2O as the electron donor
  • The Entrepreneurship Ecosystem of Food Festivals—A Vendors’ Approach
  • Responsible antibiotic use labeling and consumers’ willingness to buy and pay for fluid milk
  • The regulatory effect of cooperation degree in increasing tobacco farmers’ income by mitigating production risk shocks
  • Distribution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Organochlorine Pesticides in Agricultural Soil from Xiamen City
  • Fostering Preservice Teachers’ Social Justice Awareness and Intercultural Competence through a Virtual Global Community of Practice
  • How does innovation consortium promote low-carbon agricultural technology innovation: An evolutionary game analysis
  • No tillage outperforms conventional tillage under arid conditions and following fertilization
  • Rural restructuring: global processes and their responses
  • Exploring The College Enrollment of Students from Rural Areas: Considerations for Scholarly Practitioners
  • Research on the Cooperative Education Mode of Civil Aviation Transportation Specialty under the Background of Emerging Engineering Education
  • Influence of Mobile in Addressing Information Asymmetry among Indian Farmers: Evidence from North India
  • The changing structure of school to work transition in Brazil
  • Sustainable Husbandry?—A Comparative LCA of Three Lamb Breeding Systems in Turkey
  • First farmers: the origins of agricultural societies
  • Immersive education: Designing for learning
  • Farmers’ willingness to adopt sustainable agricultural practices: A meta-analysis
  • Gender and rurality
  • Effect of Insurance Subsidies on Agricultural Land-Use
  • Poverty Alleviation Through Education: China’s Approach and Its Significance to the World
  • Agricultural biomass-based carbon cathode materials for lithium-sulfur batteries: a systematic review
  • Understanding the power disruption and its impact on community development: An empirical case of Pakistan
  • Economic Efficiency of Climate Smart Agriculture Technology: Case of Agrophotovoltaics
  • Does the early bird catch the worm? Evidence and interpretation on the long-term impact of school entry age in China
  • Compliance with pre-harvest interval rules in apple production—A comparative analysis of green nudges among fruit growers and agricultural students in Germany
  • Biographical dictionary of North American and European educationists
  • Enhancement of online education in engineering college based on mobile wireless communication networks and IoT
  • Colligating ecological footprint and economic globalization after COP21: Insights from agricultural value-added and natural resources rents in the E7 economies
  • Mechanisms of changing speciation and bioavailability of selenium in agricultural mollisols of northern cold regions
  • A bimetallic Ag 15 Cu 12 (ScC 6 H 11) 18 (CH 3 COO) 3 nanocluster featuring an irregular Ag 12 kernel
  • Credit risk management in small-scale farming by formal financial institutions during the COVID-19 era: Nigerian perspective
  • A new multi-dimensional framework considering environmental impacts to assess green development level of cultivated land during 1990 to 2018 in China
  • Modern And Simple Society Education In Dealing With Socio-Cultural Changes, Modernization And development
  • Multi-agent modeling for linking a green transportation system with an urban agriculture network in a food-energy-water nexus
  • The Precariousness of Walloon Peri-Urban Agricultural Lands
  • UPLC-MS/MS Analysis of Naturally Derived Apis mellifera Products and Their Promising Effects against Cadmium-Induced Adverse Effects in Female Rats
  • The Covid 19 pandemic and the attitudes of consumers of agritourism farms towards health and physical activity
  • Economics of Biotechnological Processes in Sustainable Development
  • Plasmonic Ag modified Ag3VO4/AgPMo S-scheme heterojunction photocatalyst for boosted Cr (VI) reduction under visible light: Performance and mechanism
  • School Principals’ Self-Efficacy beliefs and Level of Technology Integration in Moroccan Public Schools
  • Smallholder coffee-based farmers’ perception and their adaptation strategies of climate change and variability in South-Eastern Ethiopia
  • Economics of off-Season Cucumber Production in Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area of Enugu State
  • Recent Advancements in Agriculture Robots: Benefits and Challenges
  • Regulating agriculture
  • … recommendations: Summary from the basic life support; advanced life support; pediatric life support; neonatal life support; education, implementation, and teams; and …
  • The mis-education of the Negro
  • Developing a prototype centre using agricultural smart sensors to promote agrarian production with technology
  • Solar energy: A promising renewable source for meeting energy demand in Indian agriculture applications
  • Designing an expert-led Bayesian network to understand interactions between policy instruments for adoption of eco-friendly farming practices
  • Green reverse logistics technology impact on agricultural entrepreneurial marketing firms’ operational efficiency and sustainable competitive advantage.
  • Prediction of the concentration of antimony in agricultural soil using data fusion, terrain attributes combined with regression kriging
  • Atroposelective Access to 1, 3‐Oxazepine‐Containing Bridged Biaryls via Carbene‐Catalyzed Desymmetrization of Imines
  • Cooperative Heterogeneous Robots for Autonomous Insects Trap Monitoring System in a Precision Agriculture Scenario
  • International transfer of vocational education and training: A literature review
  • Evaluation of some soil properties in agricultural lands of Semnan province and its effect on greenhouse gas emissions trends (Case study: Bastam region …
  • Assessment of Subsurface Drainage Strategies Using DRAINMOD Model for Sustainable Agriculture: A Review
  • The impact of information and communication technology on poverty in MENA countries, an empirical study
  • Trend analysis on Community-based Health Information Communication, Multi-Sectoral Approach and its Correlation with Children Nutritional Status in the …
  • The Protective Effect of Theaflavins on the Kidney of Mice with Type II Diabetes Mellitus
  • Global impact of COVID-19 on agriculture: role of sustainable agriculture and digital farming
  • Untargeted Lipidomics Revealed the Protective Effects of Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside on Bisphenol A-Induced Liver Lipid Metabolism Disorder in Rats
  • Climate Change and Agricultural Output: The Need for Policy
  • Economic Connectiveness and Pro-Poor Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Agriculture
  • Agro ecological base differences of village based local chicken performance and household product consumption in Amhara Region, Ethiopia
  • Foliar Fertilization of Potassium Silicon Improved Postharvest Fruit Quality of Peach and Nectarine [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] Cultivars
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40 Facts About Elektrostal

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy , materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes , offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development .

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy , with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

Elektrostal's fascinating history, vibrant culture, and promising future make it a city worth exploring. For more captivating facts about cities around the world, discover the unique characteristics that define each city . Uncover the hidden gems of Moscow Oblast through our in-depth look at Kolomna. Lastly, dive into the rich industrial heritage of Teesside, a thriving industrial center with its own story to tell.

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How do i analyse data for my dissertation.

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