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Taekwondo Black Belt Essay


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Tae Kwon Do Black Belt Essay

Kevin l. ryburn.

At nine years old, as a typical kid growing up in suburban Denver, I was exposed to martial arts like most kids, via movies and television. This primarily consisted of Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee movies: “Good Guys Wear Black”, “Lone Wolf McQuade”, “Enter the Dragon” and many others. My friends and I would have our parents drop us off at the local mall to eat fast food and watch one of these movies, as we fantasized about how great it would be do be able to do even a small portion of the things that our venerable heroes were able to do. Romantic notions and urban legends were spoken as fact about our hallowed gods.

However, unfortunately, I became sidetracked and didn’t pursue a martial arts career because we had other costumed heroes as well: the Denver Broncos, Philadelphia Phillies, Boston Bruins, Los Angeles Dodgers, Denver Nuggets and numerous others consumed our every waking thought. We went to school – which was considered a minor interruption in our athletic careers – to emulate these mythical figures on the playground. We played organized soccer, baseball, basketball and football with our friends. Tuesday and Thursday evenings were spent on the diamond, gridiron, and courts of the local schools improving our running, agility and shooting skills with the never-ending thought that one day soon, our inevitable path would lead us to athletic glory in the NBA, NHL, NFL or MLB. Actually, it was more than a dream; it was a foregone conclusion that we would one day play next to our heroes in professional sports; in other words, school was merely a distraction from our preparation for greatness.

Playing on recreational teams when you haven’t yet reached adolescence is quite a different matter from the ultra-cutthroat world associated with competitive sports teams in leagues and high school. What do you mean I have to “try-out” for the team? I was always the star of my team! This is about the time that reality hits you like a punch in the face. Hey! These other guys are good! Where did they come from? It is about this time that reality entered my life and I grasped the concept that I might not ever be a professional athlete (I now know that less than 1% of all student-athletes play professionally).

In high school, I played sports (soccer and football), but I was no longer the star of the team. I had officially been relegated to the unexceptional group of players that will never play beyond this threshold.

Anyway, I truly regret not pursuing martial arts as I know it would have helped me through some difficult situations in life. For example:

High school for me – as it likely is for most people – was a mixed bag of learning and preparing for college, meeting people, dating (or trying to), and being picked on. As a freshman, I was relatively small and there was one particular junior that seemed to take an unnatural interest in making my life miserable. His name was Jimmy and he was huge (and quite scary, to tell the truth). He would torment me in gym class, tackle me between classes in the hallways and drag me into the bathroom with the imminent threat of beating me up and countless other methods of menacing and intimidation. I spent my freshman and sophomore years terrified to walk down the halls and constantly checking to see if anyone was behind me. On one occasion, while playing in the gym during lunch, he actually showed up with a pair of handcuffs (yes, real police handcuffs), placed them on me and walked me out behind the gym. When he opened the door to the outside, there were at least seven (large, to me, at least), boys standing there. I stared in horror at these terrifying individuals unable to move as I was frozen in fear. “We’re going to kick your —!” I was unable to move; literally paralyzed with fright. They continued to stare at me, expecting to me do something (what exactly, I still don’t know to this day). I just stood there, unable to move, terrified beyond description.

After what seemed like hours (although it was probably more like a few minutes), these behemoths must have become bored with the whole situation, and they suddenly turned and left, calling me names as they did. Suddenly, it was just me and Jimmy, standing there staring at each other. Horrified at what might happen next, Jimmy suddenly turned and said, “You’re lucky, you little —–!” And with that, the entire episode was over, although it still haunts me to this day.

After attending college to study Civil Engineering, I started working as a Construction Engineer for the Colorado Department of Transportation in Denver. Being that construction is a testosterone-laden, masculine business as much as any other, there was quite a few instances of men attempting to physically intimidate me as a young (somewhat naïve) engineer of 23 years old. There were occasional slap-fights in construction offices, and I had more than one guy get right up in my face and stare me down – not only contractors, but coworkers as well – in an attempt to
 Actually, I’m not quite sure to this day what they were trying to accomplish. Alpha-male psychology, I guess.

After participating in martial arts for the past three-plus years, I have really grown to love it. It combines everything I have been searching for my entire life: discipline and order, respect for elders (both age and rank), athletic ability, confidence and self-defense, all of which I could have used earlier in my life. So, my only regret is that I didn’t start doing this when I was nine when I was watching all of those Chuck Norris movies. I think I could have been a really great martial artist.

Now in my forties, with three kids and trying to keep them involved and allowing them to try new things, my daughter (Natalie) has tried baseball, swimming, dance, ballet, soccer, and several other activities, but she just couldn’t find the one that fit her personality. So, a few years ago, after she dropped-out of yet another activity, we were looking through the City of Lakewood activities book and my wife said to her, “Hey Natalie! Do you want to try Tae-Kwon-Do?” That was how it all began. Natalie went to a few months of classes (and so did I since I had to drive her) and then her questions started. “Dad? When are you going to do this with me?” I kept putting her off, thinking I’m too old, too out of shape, and any other excuse I could think of. The tipping point came when I finally realized that I have to sit through these classes (again, since I have to drive her), so I might as well do it to, since I’m going to be here anyway.

Since then, tae-kwon-do has, to put it simply, become part of our lives. We constantly talk about it. We are always discussing what happens in class, what might happen during the next class, our instructors, etc. Natalie and I both hate when we have to miss class for any reason. It has become woven into the fabric of our lives. It also has allowed me to do a tremendously fun activity with my daughter that we will share for the rest of our lives and to achieve the discipline, respect, and confidence that I have been searching for my entire life.

While I can’t say how long I will continue in tae kwon do, it is easy for me to say that I truly enjoy it and have no immediate plans to stop.

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Taekwondo Essay Examples

Taekwondo is a Korean martial art that has gained worldwide popularity. Many students practice Taekwondo as a way to improve their physical and mental health while also learning discipline and self-defense techniques. If you’re looking to write a college essay about Taekwondo, there are many interesting topics and ideas to explore.

One popular topic for a Taekwondo essay is the benefits of practicing this martial art. You can discuss how Taekwondo helps with physical fitness, such as improving strength, flexibility, and balance. You can also explore the mental benefits, such as increased focus and self-discipline, as well as how practicing Taekwondo can boost confidence and self-esteem.

Among various Taekwondo essay ideas, one of the mpst popular is the history and philosophy behind this martial art. You can delve into the origins of Taekwondo, its evolution, and how it differs from other martial arts. Additionally, you can explore the philosophy of Taekwondo, such as the principles of respect, perseverance, and self-control.

If you’re looking for Taekwondo essay examples, you can find inspiration from personal experiences. You can discuss how practicing Taekwondo has helped you overcome challenges, build relationships, or achieve goals. You can also explore how Taekwondo has impacted your life and what you have learned from the practice.

When writing a college essay about Taekwondo, it is important to follow the proper essay format. The essay should have a clear introduction, body paragraphs that support your ideas with evidence, and a conclusion that summarizes your key points.

Overall, there are many interesting topics and ideas to explore when writing a Taekwondo essay. Whether you focus on the physical or mental benefits, the history and philosophy, or personal experiences, make sure to showcase your passion and dedication to this martial art.

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How to Start a Black Belt

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Words: 705 |

Published: Mar 20, 2024

Words: 705 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Understanding the purpose of a black belt essay, researching and organizing key experiences and lessons, incorporating personal growth and transformation, acknowledging the influence of instructors and mentors, concluding with gratitude and commitment.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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tkd black belt essay

Black Belt Essay Examples

Taekwondo black belt essay.

Taekwondo is a Korean martial art that is practiced worldwide. It is a form of self-defense that combines physical and mental discipline. It is a sport that is based on the principles of respect, discipline, and self-control. The goal of Taekwondo is to use the body to defend oneself, while also developing physical, mental, and spiritual strength.

Benefits of Taekwondo

Taekwondo is an excellent form of exercise that can help to improve physical fitness, strength, and flexibility. It is also a great way to relieve stress and improve mental focus. It can also help to build self-confidence and self-discipline. Additionally, Taekwondo can help to develop a sense of respect for others, as well as for oneself.

Requirements for a Taekwondo Black Belt

In order to receive a black belt in Taekwondo, a student must demonstrate a mastery of the techniques and principles of the martial art. This requires a great deal of dedication and hard work. Students must also demonstrate a commitment to the principles of respect, discipline, and self-control. A student must also demonstrate an understanding of the history and philosophy of Taekwondo.

Writing a Taekwondo Black Belt Essay

The process of writing a Taekwondo black belt essay is not an easy one. It requires a great deal of research and thought. The essay should reflect the student’s knowledge of the martial art and its history. Additionally, the essay should reflect the student’s commitment to the principles of Taekwondo.


The introduction of the essay should provide an overview of the student’s knowledge of Taekwondo and their commitment to the martial art. It should also explain why the student is interested in achieving a black belt.

The body of the essay should include a discussion of the history of Taekwondo, the benefits of the martial art, the requirements for a black belt, and the student’s personal reflections.

History of Taekwondo

The history of Taekwondo should be discussed in the essay. This should include an overview of the development of the martial art, its philosophy, and its relevance in modern times.

The essay should discuss the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of Taekwondo. This should include a discussion of the physical fitness benefits, the mental benefits, and the spiritual benefits of the martial art.

The essay should discuss the requirements for a black belt in Taekwondo. This should include a discussion of the physical, mental, and spiritual requirements for achieving a black belt.

Personal Reflection

The essay should include a personal reflection on the student’s experience with Taekwondo. This should include a discussion of the student’s commitment to the martial art, their dedication to the principles of respect, discipline, and self-control, and their personal goals for achieving a black belt.

The conclusion of the essay should provide a summary of the student’s knowledge of Taekwondo and their commitment to the martial art. It should also provide an overview of the student’s personal reflections on the martial art and their goals for achieving a black belt.

Karate Black Belt Essay

Karate is a Japanese martial art that is practiced worldwide. It is a form of self-defense that combines physical and mental discipline. It is a sport that is based on the principles of respect, discipline, and self-control. The goal of Karate is to use the body to defend oneself, while also developing physical, mental, and spiritual strength.

Benefits of Karate

Karate is an excellent form of exercise that can help to improve physical fitness, strength, and flexibility. It is also a great way to relieve stress and improve mental focus. It can also help to build self-confidence and self-discipline. Additionally, Karate can help to develop a sense of respect for others, as well as for oneself.

Requirements for a Karate Black Belt

In order to receive a black belt in Karate, a student must demonstrate a mastery of the techniques and principles of the martial art. This requires a great deal of dedication and hard work. Students must also demonstrate a commitment to the principles of respect, discipline, and self-control. A student must also demonstrate an understanding of the history and philosophy of Karate.

Writing a Karate Black Belt Essay

The process of writing a Karate black belt essay is not an easy one. It requires a great deal of research and thought. The essay should reflect the student’s knowledge of the martial art and its history. Additionally, the essay should reflect the student’s commitment to the principles of Karate.

The introduction of the essay should provide an overview of the student’s knowledge of Karate and their commitment to the martial art. It should also explain why the student is interested in achieving a black belt.

The body of the essay should include a discussion of the history of Karate, the benefits of the martial art, the requirements for a black belt, and the student’s personal reflections.

History of Karate

The history of Karate should be discussed in the essay. This should include an overview of the development of the martial art, its philosophy, and its relevance in modern times.

The essay should discuss the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of Karate. This should include a discussion of the physical fitness benefits, the mental benefits, and the spiritual benefits of the martial art.

The essay should discuss the requirements for a black belt in Karate. This should include a discussion of the physical, mental, and spiritual requirements for achieving a black belt.

The essay should include a personal reflection on the student’s experience with Karate. This should include a discussion of the student’s commitment to the martial art, their dedication to the principles of respect, discipline, and self-control, and their personal goals for achieving a black belt.

The conclusion of the essay should provide a summary of the student’s knowledge of Karate and their commitment to the martial art. It should also provide an overview of the student’s personal reflections on the martial art and their goals for achieving a black belt.

Taekwondo Black Belt Essay Examples

My journey to becoming a black belt in Taekwondo has been a long and difficult one. I have been training for the past four years and have dedicated myself to the martial art and its principles. I have worked hard to learn the techniques and to develop my physical and mental strength. I have also worked hard to develop my respect for others and my self-discipline. I am proud to say that I have achieved my goal of becoming a black belt in Taekwondo.

I have been training in Taekwondo for the past five years and I am proud to say that I have achieved my goal of becoming a black belt. I have worked hard to learn the techniques and to develop my physical and mental strength. I have also worked hard to develop my respect for others and my self-discipline. I have found Taekwondo to be a great way to relieve stress and to improve my focus and concentration. I am proud of my accomplishments and am looking forward to continuing to learn and grow in my martial art.

My journey to becoming a black belt in Taekwondo has been a long and difficult one. I have worked hard to learn the techniques and to develop my physical and mental strength. I have also worked hard to develop my respect for others and my self-discipline. I have found Taekwondo to be a great way to relieve stress and to improve my focus and concentration. I am proud to say that I have achieved my goal of becoming a black belt in Taekwondo. I am excited to continue learning and growing in my martial art.

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Black Belt Essay: What It Is and What It Takes by Jasmine

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  • Post date August 19, 2014
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Jasmine is a provisional black belt candidate for 1st degree. Here’s her black belt essay, which tells the story of how she got interested in martial arts and how much she’s grown since then.

Jasmine was 12 at the time she wrote this, but she makes some observations that are really quite mature (I’m sure this is not surprising to anyone who knows her and her family). I highlighted a few quotes that I really liked.

1st place sparring!

“Black Belt: What It Is and What It Takes” by Jasmine

Before I started Tae Kwon Do, I watched the movie “Kung Fu Panda” in a theater. I thought all the tricks and maneuvers the “Furious Five” and “Po” did in the movie were awesome, and I decided I wanted to do Kung Fu. At that point in my life, I was eight, so I also thought that ninja-like abilities were the thing to have.

After the initial inspiration, my parents found a 2-week deal at Trinity Martial Arts in Arlington. At the end of those “nuf”* two weeks, my siblings and I made the decision to stick with it, and later my dad joined too (mom stuck with her yoga). Chris Aprecio, the instructor, made it look like being a black belt meant you could do cool things.

It’s been a long time since then, but now I know that being a black belt doesn’t just mean to have a black belt and be athletic (and that becoming a black belt doesn’t make you a superhero).

Black belt is a rank that shows high martial art achievement, but it’s also a sign that the person wearing it worked very hard. For me, a black belt is also someone that shows a strong passion for martial arts, always tries their best to make their accuracy and power better, and fix their mistakes. Many people that start doing a martial art aspire to earn one, though after a while, some people quit. It takes a lot of time and effort to get there (along with an abundance of sweat), and in my mind, it also takes some mental and physical traits.

Mentally, to be a black belt, you should have a black belt attitude, which can be obtained before earning the rank. Being a black belt means having indomitable spirit, never giving up, because that’s how you get there in the first place. You must be patient, for it takes time to get good at something. NO whining and complaining, and don’t think negative thoughts. You also should respect people. Being a black belt means you need to respect others, otherwise you won’t have their respect, and what kind of black belt would that be?

Physically, acting like a black belt means you can’t be mediocre. A black belt has to actually look like a black belt, going above and beyond the standards, always giving above 100% effort when able. Black belts should practice plenty, because there are always things that can be improved. Should your stances be longer? Can you bob up and down less when moving forward in one? Is that kick at waist level? Being a black belt means you should be able to ask yourself and answer such questions, then take the time to fix your mistakes. Since black belts are always going to be looked up to, they should always set a good example for lower belts. That way future black belts will also have high standards for themselves.

All black belts should strive to do all of these things, so should those who are not black belts. Black belts were all lower belts at some point, and as the instructors at NWSMA say, “A black belt is just a white belt that never quits.”

*In the spirit of a rather silly (yet amusing) NWSMA tradition, Jasmine avoids using the word “fun” in her essay. Because we all know there is no fun in martial arts, only hard work–our students must say “nuf” in class instead of “fun.”

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1st Gup Syllabus - Taranaki ITF Taekwondo

<strong>Black</strong> <strong>Belt</strong> <strong>Essay</strong>FROM ONE BLACK BELT TO ANOTHER...I was always interested in Karate but living in a small rural community there wasno such thing as martial arts, only rugby or netball and I didn’t think I had the legsfor netball. So I played rugby thinking that if I ever moved to a city I’d take upKarate.A few years later my flat-mate took up T.K.D, curiosity got the better of me so Iwandered down to check it out. I was fascinated with the instructor, a small Asian2nd dan black belt. His ability to move at lightening speed with beautifullybalanced kicks was what impressed me most. Before long I was doing an 8th kupgrading. While I found the patterns meaningless, their only value being a passinggrade, I really enjoyed the free sparring and tournaments. This was the main focusof our training session with very little time spent on patterns or pad-work. Aftereach club night I would come home bruised and battered but I didn’t mind as Ithought that was part and parcel of Taekwon-Do.So I entered a few tournaments through the grades, won some and lost some,, inthe process of which I received a broken nose, broken arm, was knocked out andlost the odd litre of blood. I quickly learnt the need to improve my free-sparringtechnique so that I wouldn’t be severely beaten.After four and a half years of tournaments and training I was ready for a black beltgrading. The grading started at 8:30 at night, but not before around twenty-fivecolour belt students had done their gradings. These students and their assortedsupporters were invited to watch my solo performance, naturally I found thishighly beneficial to my totally nerve-wracked state. I swear those with acutehearing could hear my knees knocking.The grading consisted of one randomly selected pattern, a black belt pattern, twothree minute rounds of full contact free sparring with current black belts, a threeminute full contact round against two red belts, knife attack self defence, one stepsparring, pad-work and a four directional board break with jumping kicks. In totalit was around 25 to 30 minutes of Hell. At the conclusion of the test I was asked tosit down in the middle of the hall and wait for my result, after ten minutes I wasinformed that I had passed. So there it was, in a nutshell, black belt done - piece ofcake. After a few more tournaments, a few more cuts and bruises, I opened myown club.Now that I had my own students things suddenly started getting more technical.They were asking me questions about movements in patterns for which I had noanswers. I’d thought about these questions myself, and assumed there was some

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tkd black belt essay

Black Belt Testing Information

This page will have all the information you need to prepare for Black Belt Testing including:  - KEY DATES - REQUIREMENTS - WRITTEN TEST INFORMATION - ESSAY PROMPTS - FEES  - FORMS - MANDATORY TCON REGISTRATION!


I wanted to congratulate each of you for making it to this point in your Taekwondo journey! You are eligible for Black Belt Testing during the upcoming testing cycle. We host two tests every year and please know this is a MAJOR TIME COMMITMENT once the testing cycle begins! There is never a rush for testing, it is always better to wait if you are unsure if you are ready to make the commitment at this time. I have faith in each of your abilities to achieve this goal so long as you put 100% Effort into your practice and preparation. I am here to support you in your training so please don't hesitate to ask for help.  Best of luck! Master Cam

June 2024 Testing Cycle Important Dates

February 20 , 2024

Training Cycle Begins

May 18 , 2024

MANDATORY Pre-Test - 3pm

May 30 , 2024

Written Test

June 20 , 2024

Essay, Community Service Project, & Payment Due in Full

June 22 , 2024


Training Regimen/Class Requirements

There are  MANDATORY classes only open for Black Belt Candidates planning to test in the current testing cycle. These classes depend on your current belt.  CURRENT HIGH BROWN BELTS : TUESDAYS 7:00 - 8PM CURRENT BLACK BELTS : THURDSAYS 7:00-8PM This MANDATORY class will begin on Tuesday, February 20. If a student must miss a mandatory class, they may schedule a private lesson with Master Cam to cover the missed material.  During the testing cycle, students should be attending: - A minimum of TWO Candidate Specific classes per week (see above) - A minimum of ONE Sparring Class per week (Tuesday or Thursday) - A minimum of ONE additional class of choice per week  This is a minimum of FOUR classes per week to prepare for testing. (This does not mean 4 days per week, students may attend multiple classes per day to reach 4 classes per week.) It is strongly encouraged to attend as many classes as possible and to attend multiple classes per day to immerse yourself in the curriculum. (All Black Belt Candidates are welcome to participate in Advanced Kids class, Forms class, and Teen/Adult class.)

Assistant Teaching

Teaching is a great way to promote a thorough understanding of the curriculum as well as improve leadership skills.  All Black Belt candidates age 15+ participating in this testing cycle must assist with teaching a minimum of 1 class per week . Please email Master Cam ASAP to schedule your teaching day if you are not already doing so. For students under the age of 15, teaching is optional. These students must attend a minimum of 3 Instructor Training classes and be signed off by Master Cam prior to helping in classes. It is rare for students under age 15 to be signed off to teach classes.  Instructor training is once per month, the Friday before color belt testing from 6:30-7PM, open to all candidates. ALL 2nd Degree Candidates are required to assist with a minimum of 2 classes per week. ALL 3rd Degree Candidates are required to assist with a minimum of 3 classes per week.

The written test is administered 2-3 weeks before the final Black Belt Testing after Pre-Testing. Candidates can find all relevant information in the student manual and should take advantage of the manual as a study guide. Anything in the Manual is fair game for the surprise question! Major Topics and Format: 1. Long Answer - Discuss 3 benefits of studying Taekwondo. - 6 points 2. Tenets and Meanings- 2 Questions fill in the blank- 2 points 3. Taekwondo Oath- 2 Questions fill in the blank- 2 points 4. Forms and Meanings- I will say the name of the Korean Form and you will say the meaning- 3 Questions Multiple Choice- 3 points 5. Belts and Meanings- 3 Questions Multiple Choice- 3 points 6. Kicks in Korean- I will have the Korean word and you will say the name of the kick in English- 3 questions Multiple Choice - 3 points 7. One Surprise Question- 1 point A 70% score or higher is required to pass. 2 attempts can be made. 

Additional Info for 2nd Degree

1. What is the meaning of the Black Belt? 2. Meanings of the 6 ITF forms (Chonji through Joon Gun) 3. Meaning of Koryo

Additional Info for 3rd Degree

1. Meanings of the additional forms

Please put your best effort into your writing. We want to learn more about you as a person through these essays. 

The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you and what did you learn from the experience?  (2-pages, double-spaced, standard font/size/margins)

Discuss something you are passionate about changing within your community to create a more positive and peaceful future. What are the steps YOU can take to influence this change.  (3-pages, double-spaced, standard font/size/margins)

What is the greatest challenge you are currently facing? Why is it hard for you and what specific actions are you taking (or planning to take) to overcome this challenge? (3-pages, double-spaced, standard font/size/margins)

Community Service Project

Develop and Execute a Community Service Project. Write a one-page description of what you did and what you learned from the experience. 4 hours per month of community service/outreach for 2-months MINIMUM! This is not helping with chores around the house. TKD teaching hours are also not eligible. This is something above and beyond that demonstrates your efforts to contribute to your community, or a nonprofit that is meaningful to you. Get creative with this and find something you truly care about! We understand many nonprofits have an age requirement to volunteer. In the past, young candidates have organized food drives, clothing drives, collected donations for a nonprofit of their choice, put together care packages for the homeless, volunteered at the school, as much more. The possibilities are endless... this is really about developing civic mindedness and a philanthropic spirit.  KC is happy to feature your service project or fundraiser in our newsletter to boost the reach of your project. Please email Ms. Stephanie if you would like your project to be shared in a newsletter.

Included:  1. Kukkiwon (World Taekwondo Headquarters) Black Belt Certification 2. KCTKD Black Belt Certification 3. Additional Belt Test Preparation & Classes 4. Administration of Pre-Test 5. Administration of Written Exam 6. Bringing in Grandmaster Kim to judge final Black Belt test 7. Administration of final Black Belt testing 8. Custom Embroidered Black Belt (If you or your child already has a Black Belt on the Future Leaders wall- $50 will be subtracted from the total). If you would like to order a students black belt please let me know and we will get it ordered and up on our Future Leaders wall for $50 to be subtracted from final payment.


In order to register your Black Belt with Kukkiwon, this step is REQUIRED. You will not receive a Kukkiwon Certificate without completing your TCON profile AND emailing Ms. Stephanie with the required information! 2nd/3rd degree candidates do not need to recreate a profile if they have in the past, but still need to email Ms. Stephanie with your User ID and DOB! Don't forget to upload a profile image. This is the photo that will be printed on your Kukkiwon Membership Card... so upload an ID Photo (head shot - think Driver's License photo!). If you don't upload an image, your membership card will not have your photo on it. 

Watch the Video Below and Follow the Directions!

Once Profile is created, email [email protected] with the following information!

- USER ID (case sensitive) - Date of Birth - Nationality (if not American) - Kukkiwon Number (for 2nd degree +) (This information must be exactly as it was entered in TCON!)

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  2. Taekwondo black belt test essay. The Black Belt Journey : My Black Belt

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  6. My Karate Black Belt Essay

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  1. TKD Black Belt Testing

  2. Punch Board Break

  3. When you get your TKD black belt during basic training
 Inside the Wave

  4. Areesha Jannat Tkd Black Belt Special player Of SHAHBAZ TAEKWONDO ACADEMY SUKKUR are performed Demo

  5. Sparring Black Belt 1st Dan 7yo at Sport TKD Open Championship 2024

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  1. Taekwondo Black Belt: My Journey

    Taekwondo black belt essay examples abound, as this is a significant achievement in the martial art of Taekwondo. Obtaining a black belt in Taekwondo signifies that a student has achieved a high level of proficiency in the martial art and has demonstrated the discipline, perseverance, and determination required to attain this level.

  2. Black Belt Essays

    Black Belt Essays showcases inspiring essays by our black belt students, sharing their journeys, wisdom, and achievements in martial arts. Amerikick Martial Arts - CALL/TEXT Master Tosten 1856-797-0300

  3. Black Belt Candidate Essays Archives

    Here is a black belt essay from Tyler! Tyler is an adult provisional black belt candidate for 1st degree in taekwondo. In this essay, he talks about how different martial arts training was from his childhood ideals. He also talks about the importance of persevering in the face of his own limitations, and looking for the deeper meaning in his ...

  4. Taekwondo Black Belt Essay

    Taekwondo Black Belt Essay. Topics: Recreation and Sports Study Taekwondo. Words: 678. Page: 1. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples.

  5. Black Belt Essay: What It Is and What It Takes by Nathan

    Nathan is a provisional black belt candidate for 1st degree. Here's his black belt essay, exploring what black belt means to him. I really love this essay, and I love that Nathan is such a strong example for his kids and for other students in our school. I took the liberty of highlighting a couple quotes that really resonated with me.

  6. Black Belt Essay: What It Is and What It Takes by Tyler

    Tyler receiving his advanced brown belt in 2015. Here is a black belt essay from Tyler! Tyler is an adult provisional black belt candidate for 1st degree in taekwondo. In this essay, he talks about how different martial arts training was from his childhood ideals. He also talks about the importance of persevering in the face of his own ...

  7. PDF Black Belt Essays

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  8. Tae Kwon Do Black Belt Essay

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  9. PDF My Life and Taekwondo

    red/black belt some 12 years or so earlier with a different school. A broken hand and life ... this is an essay on my own life with Taekwondo, but The Studio has been an integral part of that. I didn't just go to the Studio for my lessons, I completely unintentionally and unknowingly, at first, became part of something

  10. Taekwondo Essays: Samples & Topics

    Taekwondo black belt essay examples abound, as this is a significant achievement in the martial art of Taekwondo. Obtaining a black belt in Taekwondo signifies that a student has achieved a high level of proficiency in the martial art and has demonstrated the discipline, perseverance,...

  11. I need help with ideas about what my black belt essay should ...

    Etc. Talk about how you better understand the tenets of TKD and grown as a whole... Otherwise, there are plenty of other contentious issues if you are interested. The downfall of TKD due to the sport aspect. The commercial side impacting training quality and the McDojo black belt systems. Should an 8 year old have a black belt?

  12. How To Start a Black Belt: [Essay Example], 705 words

    Earning a black belt in martial arts is a significant achievement that requires dedication, discipline, and perseverance. It is a symbol of mastery and expertise in a particular martial art and represents years of hard work and commitment. Writing a black belt essay is an essential part of the process, as it allows the practitioner to reflect on their journey, growth, and the impact that ...

  13. Karate and Taekwondo Black Belt Essay Examples

    Taekwondo Black Belt Essay. Taekwondo is a Korean martial art that is practiced worldwide. It is a form of self-defense that combines physical and mental discipline. It is a sport that is based on the principles of respect, discipline, and self-control. The goal of Taekwondo is to use the body to defend oneself, while also developing physical ...

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  15. Black Belt Essay: What It Is and What It Takes by Jasmine

    Black Belt Essay: What It Is and What It Takes by Jasmine. Jasmine is a provisional black belt candidate for 1st degree. Here's her black belt essay, which tells the story of how she got interested in martial arts and how much she's grown since then. Jasmine was 12 at the time she wrote this, but she makes some observations that are really ...

  16. Need help with my 500 word Black Belt essay : r/taekwondo

    Compare where you were physically, mentally, and emotionally before you started and where you are now. Another way to look at this essay: what will it mean to you to have a black belt. From now on, when you come to class wearing a black belt, what will that mean to you. We have our names stitched on our black belts, so for me it meant never ...

  17. Does your school require essays for black belt testing?

    Essays are required starting at red belt. The black belt test essays have more strict requirements such as length and appropriate content. We had a 12 year old write a single paragraph mostly about skateboarding and I made him rewrite it. The title is "Tae kwon do and my life" not skateboarding
sheesh lol.

  18. Black Belt Essay

    I swear those with acutehearing could hear my knees knocking.The grading consisted of one randomly selected pattern, a black belt pattern, twothree minute rounds of full contact free sparring with current black belts, a threeminute full contact round against two red belts, knife attack self defence, one stepsparring, pad-work and a four ...

  19. Taekwondo Black Belt Essay

    Black Belt Essay Taekwondo is a form of traditional, Korean martial arts. It is a discipline that strengthens both the mind and the body. Today, it has become a global sport that is practiced internationally. Taekwondo has been developing with the 5000-year long history of Korea, being called by several different names in the course.

  20. Black Belt Testing

    There are MANDATORY classes only open for Black Belt Candidates planning to test in the current testing cycle. These classes depend on your current belt. CURRENT HIGH BROWN BELTS : TUESDAYS 7:00 - 8PM. CURRENT BLACK BELTS : THURDSAYS 7:00-8PM. This MANDATORY class will begin on Tuesday, February 20. If a student must miss a mandatory class ...

  21. Testimonials

    See our testimonials and what people are saying at Asheville Sun Soo Martial Arts.Read our testimonials, and find out what our students and their families have to say about our martial arts school. 828-505-4309

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    Tkd Black Belt Essays - Arts & Humanities. Annie ABC #14 in Global Rating Place an order. 1(888)814-4206 1(888)499-5521. 407 . Customer Reviews. Jan 14, 2021. 377 . Customer Reviews. 578 . Finished Papers. Tkd Black Belt Essays: Tinggalkan ...