Personality Growth

INFP Motivation: How the INFP Can Overcome Procrastination

by Kirsten Moodie | Jun 3, 2019 | Uncategorized

INFP Motivation: How the INFP Can Overcome Procrastination

For many of us motivation can be a challenging thing to conquer, and for some it can be even more difficult to overcome their procrastination tendencies. For the INFP this is certainly something they struggle with, since they have a tendency to become distracted by others things and not really want to focus on the tasks in front of them. INFPs become bored easily but also have rather active inner minds, which can cause them to drift in different directions. It is important for them to learn about strengthening their functions in order to adapt and become better at motivating themselves.

Why the INFP Struggles with Motivation

There are many reasons why the INFP often struggles the motivation, the biggest one is that they are easily distracted. When something new comes their way which inspires and excites them, then the INFP really does find themselves drawn in this direction. They have a hard time maintaining focus on things when it feels forced. They don’t enjoy obligation and feeling as if they are forced to get something done, or get it done a certain way. For the INFP having some freedom is important to them, or else they feel stifled. When they aren’t truly excited about what is in front of them, they really do have a hard time maintaining a sense of focus and finding this motivation.

Not only are INFPs distracted by things which excite them, but they can also become distracted by their own inner minds. They have such rich imaginations and inner worlds, and this makes it difficult for them to motivate to perform certain outside tasks. They have so much going on inside of their minds, so much richness which can keep them distracted and caught up for long periods of time. INFPs really do feel a sense of fulfillment inside of their own worlds and do enjoy a lot of time by themselves. Because of this they may not always feel this sense of outward motivation to get things done, especially tasks which bore them and feel much less rewarding than their own imaginations and minds.

INFPs don’t find it natural to focus on tasks which are repetitive or requires of them and so they do often lose interest. They don’t enjoy these types of boring tasks or projects, which makes it hard for them to really pull this motivation out of themselves. They often feel more inspired by bouncing around a bit, focusing on new things instead of the things which might feel a bit boring. INFPs might want to find motivation, but there are so many other things which just feel a bit more thrilling for the mind and heart of the INFP. This poses problems when there are certain things they really do need to take care of. For the INFP it really does have times where it becomes frustrating, especially when they want to find the motivation but are lacking the inspiration to really push themselves in that direction.

Strengthening Their Functions

A good way for the INFP to work on building motivation is by working on their weaker functions. Sometimes strengthening the functions they struggle with can be a great way to learn to be a bit better at motivation themselves. Te is the weakest functions for the INFP, and this is one which does often help when it comes to motivation. Sometimes the INFP can work on this by reflecting their feelings in a more logical manner. Connecting what they have strengths in to the qualities they possess in much weaker ways.

INFPs may have to attempt to learn certain habit, simply by taking it one day at a time. When it comes to strengthening Te it is best if they come up with little ways to organize their lives and keep themselves on a schedule. While INFPs cannot do this all of the time, simply having certain days which are a bit more scheduled can be helpful. Setting alarms for certain tasks, or even allotting themselves a certain amount of time to just daydream, can help them feel a bit more structured. While it can be a challenge, having these guidelines are often necessary for the INFP. Having some sort of calendar to keep things visually in front of them, is a good way to give them reminders of certain tasks or chores they are forgetting or procrastinating.

Sometimes INFPs can benefit from imitating the structure of others, in order to find ways of really growing their weaker functions over time. They can learn from observing or having people around them who possess stronger Te and are willing to be patient as the INFP grows and learns. They do enjoy growing and having the chance to become a more well-rounded person, but that doesn’t mean the progress isn’t difficult. While they are original people in their lives, that doesn’t mean they cannot use imitation as a means of helping them to motivate and prevent procrastination in their lives. Watching how others do things and emulating them, especially those they respect, can really be beneficial for the INFP.

Finding Incentives for Motivation

For the INFP sometimes incentives can actually be a helpful way to motivate themselves. If there is something truly important for the INFP which they want to get done, they can use incentives to help. They might be struggling to motivate themselves but that doesn’t mean they want to get this task done any less. So coming up with a rewards system and things they cannot allow themselves to have until the task is finished, can be surprisingly useful sometimes. Putting off their satisfaction until they can finish things, can certainly be a way for them to avoid procrastinating things until the last minute.

The important thing for the INFP is to find a balance with their motivation, and to not burn themselves out doing this. While they need to try and grow their weaker functions and focus more on things they need to adapt to. For the INFP pushing too hard in this direction can burn them out quickly, since working on weaker functions can do this for anyone. While trying to strengthen these functions can be truly useful in growing and becoming a better version of ourselves, this is something which should be done slowly and not all at once. INFPs can certainly find ways to motivate themselves better, but they don’t need to attempt to do this all in one day and end up crashing because of it. Balance is important and so they need plenty of time to themselves to dream and even procrastinate on occasion.

Read More About the INFP:

Complete INFP Article Collection

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12 Things INFPs Absolutely Need to Be Happy

INFP personality happy

The INFP is one of the rarest of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types, making up just 4 percent of the population. It’s no wonder INFPs often feel out of place in the world — there simply aren’t many people out there like them.

Creative and unique, INFPs are called “mediators” and “creative seekers.” Living a conventional, routine life isn’t enough for them. They dream of something more. Henry David Thoreau, who was thought to have been an INFP, wrote in Walden , “I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.” This quote speaks to the the INFP’s desires on the deepest level.

In a society designed for fast-talking, fast-moving extroverts, what do thoughtful and reflective INFPs need to be happy? Here are 12 things.

What an INFP Personality Needs to Be Happy

1. new ideas to explore.

INFPs are probably the most open-minded of all the personality types. Possessing an insatiable curiosity about life, their minds are always going. It makes them happy to entertain new ideas and possibilities. Rather than concerning themselves with “what is” (like an ISFP would), INFPs are interested in “what could be.” Like their extroverted counterparts the ENFPs, they approach life with an experimental attitude, always on the lookout for new experiences, lifestyles, and ideas. They see each new experience as an opportunity to grow into a better, more whole person. If life becomes mundane and routine, an INFP will wither.

2. An intimate understanding of who they are

Like INFJs, INFPs need to know who they are and what their purpose in life is. Life is a grand story, and they are at the center of it. Who were they yesterday, and how does that mesh with who they are today? How does their identity fit in with the world around them? Without an intimate understanding of themselves, INFPs will feel lost.

3. Human contact, not social contact

Being introverted , INFPs may shy away from large parties, networking events, and group activities. It’s not social contact INFPs crave — it’s mutual human understanding. They want to peek into another person’s world, thoughts, and emotions. They want to understand what other people are struggling with and what makes them tick. INFPs read people well, often quickly intuiting a person’s hidden feelings and motivations. (However, private by nature, INFPs rarely provide insight into their own.) Without close relationships based on mutual understanding, INFPs will be unhappy.

4. Purpose in their work

Sure, INFPs can punch in and punch out. They can do repetitive tasks if they have to. But if they don’t see a larger purpose behind it all, they will be unhappy. Conventional, routine jobs will feel soul-sucking. INFPs are at their best when they are working for causes they truly believe in.

5. A source of inspiration

Along with purpose and identity, INFPs need to feel inspired. For this reason, they often turn to books, movies, music, or artwork. Travel may also inspire them and help them further clarify their identity and purpose. Some INFPs even adopt a nomadic lifestyle, wandering from one place to the next, in search of meaning and inspiration.

6. An outlet for their creativity

INFPs possess the gift of language. Intuitive and keenly aware of others, they are excellent communicators. As masters of metaphor and symbolism, many of them become poets, musicians, and authors. Whatever the medium, INFPs see their creative projects as a means to express the deeper parts of themselves and better understand their place in the world. Without an outlet for their creativity, INFPs will feel hollow and empty.

7. Time alone

Sometimes INFPs are mistaken for extroverts, due to their excellent ability to communicate and their depth of caring for others. However, INFPs are truly introverts who, by definition , need plenty of time alone to recharge. Time to daydream, relax, and tease apart the meaning behind their experiences. And, of course, time to pursue their creative interests. Without alone time, INFPs will feel disconnected from themselves.

8. A focus on meaning, not on material things

INFPs value ideas, meaning, and inspiration. For this reason, many of them adopt a minimalistic lifestyle. Unlike INFJs and INTJs, whose inferior Extroverted Sensing function makes them crave luxury, quality, and sensual experiences, INFPs live a simpler, more Bohemian lifestyle. This allows them to focus more on the things they care about — like travel or their creative endeavors — and less on the uninspired, routine work that is usually necessary to earn a paycheck.

9. Time and space to make decisions that align with their principles

INFPs give patience and understanding to others — and they crave it in return. Deeply principled, INFPs make decisions based on what they believe is right. It doesn’t necessarily matter what the fastest route is, or what the data says, or what would please others. INFPs need to do what feels right to them . And sometimes, that means slowing down and looking at a situation from all angles before pulling the trigger.

10. Flexibility from others

We live in a society run by deadlines, schedules, and structure. We’re pushed to be more efficient and more productive today than we were yesterday. This is not how INFPs work. Every once in a while, they need to blow off their work and go take a walk in a beautiful place. Every once in a while, they will change their mind on a whim, canceling plans with their friends and instead staying home to journal. INFPs embrace all that life has to offer. When their inner spirit is calling, they need flexibility and understanding from others.

11. A partner who makes them a better person

Dreamy idealists, INFPs are looking for the perfect partner. Sometimes they dream so much that they put the object of their affection on a pedestal, playing and replaying scenarios in their mind about what will be. However, nobody’s perfect. Rather than clinging to a fantasy that may exist only in their mind, INFPs would be better off finding a partner who helps them grow. (INFPs love self-development.) As passionate, hopeless romantics who respect the independence of their partner, INFPs are fully worth the commitment — and will no doubt leave their partner happier and better off than they were alone.

12. The freedom to dream

INFPs dream of a better world. Of a better life for themselves. Of a society that is fair and equal. When INFPs dream, they dream big. And for many, it’s not just a dream. Think Joan of Arc, who was thought to have been an INFP. As a teenager with no military training, she led the French army to victory over the British during the Hundred Years’ War. Other famous INFPs include Princess Diana, Audrey Hepburn, Fred Rogers, John Lennon, Kurt Cobain, Tori Amos, William Shakespeare, Helen Keller, and Isabel Briggs Myers (creator of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). INFPs don’t just dream — they lead they way to a better world for everyone.

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Are You an INFP?

Some of these points are things a lot of people will identify with, and every INFP is going to be a little different. If you can relate to most of them, however, chances are good that you’re an INFP personality. Want to be one hundred percent sure? There’s an easy way to find out: Take this free personality assessment from Personality Hacker and see your personality type in minutes.

More INFP Resources

  • 19 Signs That You’re an INFP, the Most Idealistic Personality Type
  • 12 Secrets of the INFP Personality Type
  • How to Recognize an INFP Personality Type
  • INFJ or INFP? 5 Big Ways These Types Are Different
  • The Morning Routine of an INFP

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I’m the founder of this community and the author of two books: THE SECRET LIVES OF INTROVERTS , a manifesto for all the “quiet ones,” and SENSITIVE , an Amazon Best Book of the Year. An educator and a journalist, I’ve been featured in the NY Times, the Washington Post, Oprah Daily, the Guardian, and more. I started Introvert, Dear in 2013 because I wanted to write about what it was like being an introvert living in an extrovert’s world. My mission is simple: to empower introverts and sensitive people to embrace their strengths — and to start seeing their nature as a good thing. Since embracing my own introversion and sensitivity, I live a pleasantly boring life with my son in St. Paul, Minnesota.

INFP Motivations

The empath type.

When people are energized, driven, and focused, it can usually be attributed to energy-driving behaviors. Therefore, it’s important to know what kinds of activities motivate each personality type.

INFP personality types tend to be motivated and energized by...

  • Listening to and helping others
  • Spending time alone to regroup
  • Contemplating philosophical or complex challenges
  • Creatively solving complicated problems
  • Following flexible schedules that allow room for change

INFPs tend to enjoy being able to lend a helping hand to those around them. They are skilled listeners who often find motivation in making sure others feel heard and appreciated. Their natural attentiveness and conscientiousness helps them show great care toward other people’s needs. They thrive when given the chance to lend a helping hand to those around them. As introverts, INFPs find a great deal of energy in spending time by themselves. Although they still enjoy time with close family and friends, alone time is likely to help INFPs relax and think clearly, which will help them grow in the long run. When INFPs have plenty of time and space to reflect, they’re much more likely to feel energized and motivated. Contemplating complex, philosophical challenges and thinking abstractly may also excite and energize INFPs. They tend to enjoy considering big ideas and finding a new way to look at things. By taking the time to think about hypotheticals, INFPs are more likely to feel prepared for any situation that may come their way. Their open mind can be a great help when solving problems, which helps them feel like they’ve made a difference. INFPs tend to love thinking outside the box and using new ideas to resolve issues, which means they may find a creative solution that is ultimately more effective than what has worked in the past. INFPs are flexible and free-spirited. They may be motivated by schedules that allow them plenty of room to change or pursue new opportunities. They thrive when they feel free enough to make their own choices, rather than feeling trapped in a restrictive schedule. When INFPs have a chance to engage in energizing tasks, they’re more likely to feel happier and be more effective. They have a chance to use their strengths to their advantage and do what they love, which may ensure that they stick with something long-term.

Are you an INFP ? Take the 16-Personality test to see

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The INFP “Healer” Personality Type

  • Oct 13, 2015
  • by Joel Mark Witt

The INFP “Healer” Personality Type

In a few days I’m heading to the airport to pick up my ex-husband-in-law (aka Antonia’s ex-husband) for a visit. He’s an INFP personality type and over the past few years we’ve become friends.

Our personalities (ENFP and INFP) complement each other in many ways and I’ve learned a lot more about my own personal development journey by spending time around him.

We’ve had long conversations about the challenges he faces as an INFP. I’ve also been observing INFPs “in the wild” for a while now and the feedback we are getting from our INFP survey shows a few of the recurring challenges I’d like to tackle in this article.

As an INFP (Authenticity/Exploration in the Genius system) your mind is fundamentally wired differently from other personalities.

You’ve probably already heard that you are an introvert, intuitive, feeler, perceiver. And a lot of articles and resources focus on the behaviors you show the world as an INFP.

Behavior can be helpful – but it isn’t the complete picture when figuring out your personality.

I want to give you a peek inside your mind to expose the mental wiring that makes you an INFP.

Let’s get started.

INFP | The Mental Wiring Of Your Mind

Your four letter code INFP gives us insight into how your mind is learning information and making decisions.

The primary way your mind makes decisions is a mental process we’ve nicknamed “ Authenticity .” It’s technical name is Introverted Feeling.

When evaluating any decision – Authenticity asks the question “Does this feel right?” It’s a feeling process concerned with core values, motivation and conviction.

Imagine a four passenger car.

If one of your mental processes could drive – it would be Authenticity. Using this mental process puts you in flow. You’ve been using it your whole life. It’s how you decide what to do each day.

If Authenticity is how you make decisions as an INFP, then the mental process we’ve nicknamed “Exploration” is how you learn new information. The technical name for Exploration is Extraverted Intuition.

When looking at the world – Exploration asks the question “What if?”

  • “What if time is relative?”
  • “What if everyone was forced to hug each other instead of handshakes?”
  • “What if numbers had gender assignment – what gender would you assign to the number eight?”

Think about that four passenger car again… if Authenticity is the Driver seat – then Exploration is in the front passenger seat. It is your Co-pilot mental process and what we call your growth state.


Sitting right behind the Co-pilot is a mental process we call “Memory.”

Memory is all about precedent, safety, doing the reliable thing. It’s about realizing who you are based on your past and your ties to the past.

This mental process has the development of about a 10 Year Old child.

Finally, behind the Driver of Authenticity sits a mental process called “ Effectiveness .” We call this your blind spot or 3 Year Old mental process. Effectiveness is a thinking process and asks the question, “What works?” or “What gets the job done?” without regard to personal feelings.

Notice – we haven’t talked about INFP behaviors.

Instead, I’ve been talking about the mental wiring of your mind.

Behaviors can only give us clues to how your mind is wired. It’s far more interesting to dive into WHAT CAUSES our behaviors as people.

Here at Personality Hacker – We don’t talk about personality types for their own sake. We think understanding your personality is one of the best ways to frame your personal growth journey.

And we attract INFPs who are interested in personal growth.

Next, I’d like to address some of the most common INFP challenges.

INFP Challenge | Motivation

Okay, so motivation might be the single biggest challenge for INFPs. Remember that you make your best decisions using the feeling process of Authenticity.

So it’s easy to get into action when you feel like it. And when you don’t “feel like it?”

Well… good luck.

If you are another personality type and you’ve ever tried to motivate an INFP who didn’t feel inspired to action, then you know what I’m talking about. It’s all but impossible to encourage an INFP to take an action when they don’t want to.

On the other hand, if an INFP is inspired to take action nothing but death can stop them.

There is immense power in the Authenticity process in creating motivation for INFPs.

How do you as an INFP activate this Authenticity process, the very seat of your motivation?


Conviction is the INFP secret weapon to change the world.

Show me an INFP with conviction and I’ll show you an INFP getting. Shit. Done.

Conviction comes from knowing your inner wisdom and what matters to you in this life.

Not all conviction is created equal. You may have conviction around tipping servers at restaurants. You may also have conviction around not cheating on your spouse. One may be easier to over-ride than the other. So there are degrees of conviction.

“My feelings make me indecisive”

Conviction isn’t difficult for INFPs to develop. It actually feels right for you as an INFP to develop strong feelings about how things should be. Like I said, it sits with your Driver process of Authenticity.

The challenge is having a myopic view of what to be convicted about.

As an example, let’s suppose an INFP grew up in a home with an alcoholic parent. They may develop an understandable conviction against the use of alcohol. They decided early in life that they would completely abstain from any substance they have deemed dangerous. Alcohol in their mind has become public enemy number one and can never be used without causing harm. They have decided that they won’t even allow themselves to be around someone who is drinking.

Imagine this INFP, as they reach adulthood, petitioning local jurisdictions to temper the availability of alcohol. They may even extend their conviction to include other drugs like caffeine, tobacco, cannabis, etc.

The INFP in this hypothetical situation is absolutely CONVICTED (despite their very limited personal experience with substance) that alcohol is a great evil in the world.

And this INFP may be over valuing their own experience. The reality is, not everyone who uses alcohol abuses it.

So how would this INFP broaden their perspective on alcohol?

They could drink a beer. They could actually get buzzed a little. They could try alcohol for themselves and see if it always leads to abuse. Or at least hang out with people who are drinking to see for themselves if it always leads to abuse of the substance.

If you are an INFP with this exact conviction, what I just suggested is going to sound like heresy. You may even be turning off your ability to take in the rest of this article. But that’s the point – one can generate convictions based on singular experiences (as painful as they may be) and then close themselves off to new information.

Though understandable, “closed circuit” convictions are no longer about reality or even right verses wrong, they’re about self-protection. These ethics are no longer thoughtful and they become armor. And then we project our trauma onto the world turning it into a right versus wrong stance.

If you as an INFP unconsciously create a ‘one size fits all’ morality, you turn into the type of person you would normally rail against. The goal is not to compromise your convictions. The goal is to be thoughtful and open to new experiences.

The solution is activating your Co-pilot process of Exploration.

Remember that Exploration asks “what if?” questions. Exploration wants to see patterns in the external world. Exploration helps an INFP take in more information and craft better and better convictions over time.

So that’s my recommendation for staying on track with your convictions.

Now let’s get back to this idea of motivation.

There are two primary ways you can motivate yourself.

Conviction is the internal motivation we’ve already talked about. It’s the first piece of the puzzle for you as an INFP. Without a deep sense of conviction about the “right thing to do” you will flounder without direction.

The second part to motivation is external. This comes from already knowing what you want to do and enlisting the help of outside people and systems to help you get there.

I love the movie The Sandlot. The plot centers around a group of preteen boys in the 1960s who bond over backyard baseball, girls and living the “Tom Sawyer” style childhood. In one iconic scene they hit their only baseball over a neighbor’s fence. On the other side of the fence is a fierce creature they call “The Beast” who has now made it his personal business to prevent the boys from getting their ball back.

With no money to buy a new ball, it is inevitable that they find a way to get over that fence to retrieve their baseball. These boys want to play baseball – so they have the motivation to be creative and conquer all odds to get their ball back.

This is a great example of how you will create motivation for yourself as an INFP.

Let me explain. After you have sparked an internal motivation to do something how do you ensure you follow through with your decision? How do you follow through on what you know is right?

Create a circumstance that makes the outcome you desire an inevitable emergent.

A mentor of mine calls this “throwing your hat over the fence.” It basically works like The Sandlot movie example.

Figure out a way to make your desired outcome inevitable by setting up external systems to force yourself to completion.

My father is an Authenticity driver. He used this technique to motivate himself when I was growing up.

About a week or two before major holidays (when he knew my mother had invited guests to our house) he would start a major home improvement project. It wasn’t uncommon in early/mid December to come downstairs on a Saturday morning and see our kitchen floor tile ripped up, or a huge hole in the wall to the living room.

My mother would nervously bite her nails hoping that my dad would lay the new tile or finish the new walkway BEFORE family and friends came over for the Christmas events she had planned. He always finished (sometimes hours before guests arrived). He had no choice not to. My dad “threw his hat over the fence” and ensured sustained motivation long after his initial inspiration started to wane.

An example of this for you might be scheduling a seminar that you want to teach. You announce the date and time to your friends and family and post all over social media about your new seminar topics. You have committed to showing up at a certain time and place to deliver content that you must now create and refine. Talk about motivation!

This is how you as an INFP can create external motivation for yourself.

How will you “throw your hat over the fence?”

Leave me your personal ideas below in the comments.

INFP Challenge | Unrealistic Expectations

It’s common for INFPs to daydream and allow their heads to float in the clouds of imagination. An INFP’s imagination is super-charged, rich in color, texture and detail. The dreamland of the mind is amazing to an INFP and feels just as real as a walk along a sunny beach.

And yet when an INFP interacts with the “real world” of things and stuff, it never seems to match up. The fantasy is often way better than the reality.

“I’m disappointed in reality when it doesn’t match my ideals”

It feels to many INFPs that this world just isn’t made for them. If it was, people would be interested in individual expression, causes and improving how we honor each other as people instead of the cyclical financial reports of Wall Street, major corporations and governments.

As an INFP you may find yourself thinking…

  • People SHOULD be more loving.
  • People SHOULD be more honest.
  • People SHOULD live their individual expression.
  • People SHOULD live life to the fullest.
  • People SHOULD affirm the very essence of life and why we are human.

The above statements point to a deep sense of idealism that you as an INFP carry around in your daily life.

Idealism is good for INFPs. Idealism is what helps you know what is humane. Idealism helps us see the humanity in everything we do. Idealism helps cast a vision for what the world SHOULD look like.

The trouble starts when an attitude sets in. As an INFP steeped in idealism, you are tempted down one of two extreme routes.

First, you can develop a deep sense of helplessness and simply become disillusioned. Disillusionment feels awful and a lot of INFPs struggle with this emotion.

Second, you can try to make your idealism a reality and get frustrated at the lack of progress. This can lead to righteous indignation.

But Idealism can be good for an INFP if harnessed well.

As an INFP you CAN effect change and become a transformational leader.

It’s not your fault if transformational leadership seems to be out of your reach. Most businesses and governments reward “command and control” style leadership. That’s just not your style.

My guess is that nothing turns you off faster than hierarchies and rigid organizational structures that cripple individual expression.

So your INFP leadership style is going to be much different than a fortune 500 CEO or military leader. Remember your 3 Year Old process of Effectiveness we talked about above? That’s the Driver mental process of many of the “traditional” leaders you see propped up in popular culture.

Effectiveness is your blind spot.

So your leadership will become something different. Your best leadership comes from using your Authenticity to INSPIRE others to greatness.

I’m going to be straight with you here. As an INFP, projects will probably take longer for you than most people. However, you can accomplish a great deal if you can empower and inspire others to work along side you.

Start small and build up. You may not be able to inspire others to completely change the political system in the next five years. But you may be able to inspire your school board to change the curriculum in the local high school.

And once you have an example of inspiring change, you can start to scale up from there. Start small and build.

Your idealism wants to do it all RIGHT NOW.

Patience is needed. Keep at it and develop your inspiring passion. You will get there if you stay with it.

If the challenge for you as an INFP is unrealistic expectations, then start by bringing a new reality into the world one small step at a time.

When you acknowledge the world as it really is, you gain tremendous power for shaping a vision for what could be.

INFP Challenge | Validation

The frustrating thing is… no one will ever fully understand you as an INFP. In fact I believe that INFPs don’t fully understand themselves.

The reality is INFPs don’t actually want to be completely understood as individuals. If that statement causes you to pause, hang in there with me. I’m going to explain what I mean.

As an INFP you know it’s impossible to truly understand yourself. You can experience yourself. You can feel your emotions and motivations deeply. You can get very close to full understanding – but you can never fully understand why you feel the way you do.

If you know this about yourself, how in the world can anyone else understand you?

They can’t.

If you are another type… Imagine that the criteria you use to make all of your decisions is perpetually questioned by nearly every person you encounter. And now add to that the phenomenon that you usually don’t know the best decision to make until after you’ve already made it. To put a cherry on top, it’s based on something you can’t possibly explain to another person (because it has no language) AND once you know the right decision, you know it with such certainty that you would die for it.

But you still can’t quite explain it beyond, “It just FEELS right.”

This is the Authenticity process. The criteria Authenticity uses is something so personal and subjective it can’t be fully explained to others. Authenticity users ‘know’ something is ‘right’ because they ‘feel it inside of themselves’. To anyone else other than an Authenticity user the usual response is, “Why do I care how you feel? Do the thing that .”

As an INFP you have so many nuanced and unexplained emotions that feel absolutely real. And when you articulate them – it feels like no one understands what you are actually feeling or expressing. It gets worse when other people start to project ill intent onto your expressions that are absolutely authentic and good natured.

It’s my opinion that it’s much better to seek VALIDATION rather than understanding.

Validation is about acceptance. Validation says “In spite of not fully understanding what you are trying to say – I know you. I KNOW you are a good person with good intent.”

It’s this lack of feeling validated that leads you to avoid conflict. When you disagree with someone they want to know your reasons. Stats are demanded from you. External proof and measurements are tossed around as the only real evidence for a viewpoint in an argument.

The INFP knows that the human spirit, core values, inner wisdom and authenticity need to have a voice in any debate. You as an INFP are hoping for validation on your viewpoints without data. But no one seems to care unless you have data to back up your claims.

The worst thing you can do as an INFP is let this isolate you. A lot of INFPs feel lonely for this very reason. No one seems to understand that just because an INFP doesn’t have a spreadsheet filled with numbers that their points are still valid.

Validation is huge for you as an INFP. And guess what?

You can’t expect ANYONE in the outer world to give you validation. Some may. But you can’t expect it.

So you can turn to internal validation. And many INFPs do this. The challenge again comes from not taking in enough actual experience to “validate” your internal validation.

In other words… if you as an INFP know that you are responsible for giving yourself the validation you need, you better be sure that you are experiencing enough of reality to test out your inner knowledge.

Your inner wisdom is only as good as the experiences you feed it. Get more experiences and you can trust and validate your own inner wisdom more and more.

How do you as an INFP get enough experience to help you validate your own conclusions and convictions?

Your mental process of Exploration of course. (Are you starting to see a theme emerge here?)

INFP Challenge | Communicating Ideas Clearly

Maybe you’ve had this experience as an INFP.

You’ve been sitting in a business meeting at work listening to your marketing team talk about how to integrate a new strategy into the business. Everyone is having a difficult time coming up with solution for the marketing challenges facing the company.

You’ve been quietly listening and letting your creative intuition do its magic. All of a sudden a clear deep impression strikes you about what to do. The solution is brilliant. It will completely solve the challenge and help meet your marketing goals for the year.

You wait your turn, raise your hand and begin to speak about your brilliant idea.

And everyone looks at you like you just uttered something in Pig Latin. You sense that people are confused about your idea. So you take another stab at explaining it. Your boss develops a very twisted and confused expression. People shift uncomfortably in their seats. Blank stares. Awkward coughs. Someone excuses themselves to the restroom.

You start to panic that you look silly in front of your co-workers. So you try again to explain your idea. Finally, halfway through your third attempt your boss cuts you off and says, “Thanks. That’s an interesting take. Why don’t you and I talk about this offline,” and moves onto the next person.

You feel marginalized. You feel foolish for even speaking up and trying. As an INFP, you hate feeling like this.

Why can’t your words seem to make sense to anyone else in the room? The ideas are clear in your own mind. Why do people act like you are speaking gibberish?

Later that day you write down your thoughts in a well crafted email to your boss. She writes back a few hours later praising your idea. She asks you to present these ideas at the next marketing meeting.

“I can’t verbalize my thoughts, but I’m excellent at writing them out.”

We hear all the time from INFPs who complain about expressing themselves. The crazy thing is that INFPs can make some of the best communicators. Some call INFPs wordsmiths.

And yet, when put on the spot, it can be a challenge for an INFP to verbally articulate all the ideas in their head.

Writing ideas down allows you to organize your thoughts before putting them into the world. And if you hone the skill of writing you can probably become very good at expressing yourself through that medium.

But how can you express yourself verbally?

Stop explaining things.

Instead, embody your communication. This can be obvious and easier for INFPs who are in the arts. It is fairly straightforward for an INFP to express themselves through their art, photography, painting, performance, poetry or music. Some of the great artistic visionaries of the world have been INFPs.

The challenge comes when you as an INFP need to interact in the business world or school or government. How do you embody communication in non-art type contexts?


Show me an INFP who has developed the skill of storytelling and I’ll show you an INFP who can communicate their ideas verbally.

Your INFP mind already thinks in terms of narratives and stories. So use your natural talents.

It may seem weird at first to tell a story in the middle of a marketing meeting, and yet think about how humans work. We all LOVE narratives. Netflix has over 65 million subscribers at the time of this writing who prove this. Tell stories to illustrate your ideas.

Learn to work with metaphor. Learn the art of spinning a great tale that inspires people to listen to what you say. It’s my belief that most INFPs identify themselves as artists. Fine artists. Performance artists. Business or marketing artists.

Live your art. Life is a stage after all.

Your voice and storytelling ability is part of how you “live your art.”

Try this out and leave me a comment below.

INFP Challenge | Trusting Yourself

Self-doubt plagues many INFPs. I think this is due to “seeing” the dark parts of your heart.

Human beings are emotionally complex. We don’t always have altruistic emotions and motivations. Sometimes our motivations and desires are downright frightening and dark.

Authenticity can see these dark parts of the human heart. It feels the darkness. It has the potential to resonate with truly evil and life terminating attitudes.

It is my belief that we all possess this ability in our hearts. We all have good and evil inside us. It’s just that Authenticity has a closer connection and the ability to find and feel these motivations directly.

As an INFP feels this internal darkness and begins to express it outwardly to other personality types, they can often feel invalidated. Other types don’t resonate with seeing this in themselves like the INFP.

And now the INFP begins to wonder if they are truly evil at the core. And again the loneliness sets in.

As an INFP you might say something like, “I know I’m not a bad person, but I look around and I seem to be the only one who is in touch with this heart darkness. Maybe I really am bad or wrong at the core of my identity.”

But deep in their heart an INFP could find reason for a bad motive or intent if they need to. So there’s an underlying insecurity that they aren’t truly acting in the best interest of othe rs. You deeply fear that you are as flawed as others might suggest and your own heart seems to show you.

If you add this “heart darkness” element to an INFP who is already insecure about their ability to stay motivated to accomplish tasks, vocalize their ideas in a clear manner and feeling a lack of external validation from others, it can cripple the self-esteem.

SELF. Esteem.

You are the only one who can give it. It’s job number one to grow yourself as a person.

Embedded in your personality description is a prescription for growth and I recommend you start with your Exploration mental process.

If you as an INFP begin expanding your experiences, you will see patterns in the world that bring new ideas, insight and understanding about how the world works.

It will help you gain a new sense of self-confidence. Your ideals about the world will be tested with feedback.

In your heart, you already know that you are unique and have deep wisdom. But you will always feel a nagging sense of insecurity unless you test your deep wisdom against the feedback of the “real world.”

At first it will be disheartening that the “real world” doesn’t match up to your ideals.

You may even be tempted to shrink back into daydreams, fantasies and feeling comfortable. And yet as you read these words you sense a deep intuition screaming from the depths of your soul that I’m right.

As an INFP it feels truly authentic to stand up and grab life by the throat. You get one ride on this planet. Why waste it in a fantasy land of wondering “what if?”

Instead, use your natural “What if?” Exploration process to live out an authentic and fully expressed life.

Your future self will thank you.

Your turn. I’m handing you the microphone.

Love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

~ Joel Mark Witt

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To get inside the experience of the INFP personality type it’s important to acknowledge how they enter the world and how the world responds back. #INFP #MBTI #Healer #INFP personality

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  • Oct 08, 2015
  • by Antonia Dodge

8 Styles of Intuitive Leadership

  • Oct 14, 2015

The INTJ "Mastermind" Personality Type


Charlotte @40

  • Charlotte @40
  • April 11, 2022 at 12:16 pm

Congratulations on getting that far! I’m 16 years into my novel. Organization is a sleek, pointy-eared little girl dog.

My experience is that if you use personal criteria and connections and what feels right to build a business, you will end up with other INFP’s. Who will inevitably depart as soon as there’s a smidgen of offense or difference in vision.

If you have the ability to actually hire someone, go about it like a boss. Know what you want going in, and don’t hire anyone on the spot. Use contracts. Contracts is a trust-hack.

If you can’t hire, find a partner who loves your vision but is more practical than you. And still use contracts.

And emotionally detach yourself from the app once you’ve given it your best. (Have a new project on the horizon if that helps.) I had an INFP defraud me as a publisher, because she couldn’t do that with her poetry book.

She was a fantastic poet whose book I was to publish. We edited the whole thing together and it was a labor of love for me. We were sympatico the whole way.

Then she found out I wanted to do the responsible publisher thing and hire a cover artist, instead of using her (quite drab and amateur) painting. (I did NOT critique it to her.) I believed in her work more than she did; and I felt that with the right cover and reviews, we could actually make a little money.

She was so panicked at the thought of someone else’s art representing HER art (even though I was ready to involve her at every step and make every accommodation to her vision) that she ran off with the book.

When I confronted her she said she didn’t want to make money with her poems. Never had. Just wanted them in a pretty little jacket of her own design.

She also said, “You should have made me sign a contract.” Unfortunately, her knowledge of contracts was so pathetic, she didn’t realize we HAD a contract based on our emails. I could have sued her, but I decided it was too much trouble. Lucky her.

Anyhow, that is what they call being “precious.” It’s more evil than it sounds.

I got nothing for months of work, and she couldn’t have cared less once her precious poems were safe from my evil money-grubbing grasp.

It’s a classic move for INFP’s and ISFP’s who are so undeveloped that they believe the beauty in their souls exempts them from the rule about not injuring other people.

Long story short, if you’re going into business, you might want to find someone who has a very hard-headed sense of what he owes you as his boss or partner. And who has skills you don’t. And you may want to inure yourself to the idea of the app being reworked in future by better coders.

Just do your research on contract law first.

  • April 11, 2022 at 11:46 am

You must be very sensitive to anything that, in some possible world, could possibly imply a group of people you may or may not be part of is even mildly delusional.

That’s quite an activation you’ve got going on there, buddy ol’ pal. I mean, you are SOOOO activated.

Wowsies. Lay off the weed, will ya?


  • Charlotte@40
  • April 11, 2022 at 11:41 am

I know an INFJ who is literally fearless. And I know lots of INFPs who are confused and afraid. I wouldn’t make courage the criterion for being an INFP.

More likely, if you’re an INFP, there’s some core loyalty which you protect from sight, which you feel you would die if it were torn from you. If you don’t have that, you may feel empty or bereft.

Anyhow, the tendency toward conviction beyond reasons – the loyalty toward wordless Deep Reason – this can manifest in many ways. There are billions of people, but only 16 types.


  • February 24, 2022 at 2:29 am

Joel, thank you so much for your insight. I listened to the INFP podcast episode earlier & was sobbing. 4 years ago I quit my job to develop an app and I have struggled endlessly with motivation. At first I was really inspired, but after it was taking so long, it became a huge source of insecurity. My parents and friends have been so perplexed by me & why I won’t just figure it out already or get a desk job. I feel as if I’ve lost my passion, inspiration, and self esteem. Honestly, I’ve spent majority of my time drowning in psychology, self help, and entrepreneurship books to try and understand myself and why I can’t just DO it already. I feel that this app is my life’s mission, will make the world a better place, and I feel this so deeply in my bones and refuse to be taken off course. I did teach myself graphic design and designed and built a prototype, and I’ve been learning coding too and have a pitch deck, so I do finally have a tangible product, but I’ve been stuck at next steps. I don’t trust other people to help me. I know I’ll get eaten alive in an investor meeting without analytical, data-based evidence that is not a natural area of understanding for me. I am also petrified of putting a creation of mine out into the world that could potentially expose me to the harshness of the world. I was badly bullied growing up and I have a crippling, perhaps irrational fear that I will be bullied on a national scale if I’m somehow successful. I don’t want to fail. And I’m scared to succeed. So I just do nothing.

Per the podcast, it really helps to know that I need to not marginalize people that can help me and to let my passion inspire and use storytelling. However, when we are in that place where we are scared to involve others, and of criticism, how do get past that and trust – when the worlds cruelty has dimmed our idealism and faith?

Would you consider doing a podcast episode furthering the discussion on building a business as an INFP? I loved the last 15 minutes of the general INFP one and would love to hear more of your thoughts. It feels impossible to do as an INFP! Thank you so much!


  • February 5, 2022 at 11:39 am

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INFP Personality


Mediators are poetic, kind, and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause.


Who is the Mediator personality type?

INFP (Mediator) is a personality type with the Introverted , Intuitive , Feeling , and Prospecting traits. These rare personality types tend to be quiet, open-minded, and imaginative, and they apply a caring and creative approach to everything they do.

Although they may seem quiet or unassuming, people with the INFP personality type (Mediators) have vibrant, passionate inner lives. Creative and imaginative, they happily lose themselves in daydreams, inventing all sorts of stories and conversations in their mind. INFPs are known for their sensitivity – these personalities can have profound emotional responses to music, art, nature, and the people around them. They are known to be extremely sentimental and nostalgic, often holding onto special keepsakes and memorabilia that brighten their days and fill their heart with joy.

Idealistic and empathetic, people with the INFP personality type long for deep, soulful relationships, and they feel called to help others. Due to the fast-paced and competitive nature of our society, they may sometimes feel lonely or invisible, adrift in a world that doesn’t seem to appreciate the traits that make them unique. Yet it is precisely because INFPs brim with such rich sensitivity and profound creativity that they possess the unique potential to connect deeply and initiate positive change.

All that is gold does not glitter; not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither; deep roots are not reached by the frost. J. R. R. TOLKIEN

The Gift of Empathy

INFP personalities share a sincere curiosity about the depths of human nature. Introspective to the core, they’re exquisitely attuned to their own thoughts and feelings, but they yearn to understand the people around them as well. INFPs are compassionate and nonjudgmental, always willing to hear another person’s story. When someone opens up to them or turns to them for comfort, they feel honored to listen and be of help.

Empathy is among the INFP personality type’s greatest gifts, but at times it can be a liability. The troubles of the world weigh heavily on their shoulders, and these personalities can be vulnerable to internalizing other people’s negative moods or mindsets. Unless they learn to set boundaries, INFPs may feel overwhelmed by just how many wrongs there are that need to be set right.

Speaking Their Truth

Few things make INFP personalities more uneasy than pretending to be someone they aren’t. With their sensitivity and their commitment to authenticity, people with this personality type tend to crave opportunities for creative self-expression. It comes as no surprise, then, that many famous INFPs are poets, writers, actors, and artists. They can’t help but muse about the meaning and purpose of life, dreaming up all sorts of stories, ideas, and possibilities along the way.

Through these imaginative landscapes, these soulful personalities can explore their own inner nature as well as their place in the world. While this is a beautiful trait, INFPs sometimes show a tendency to daydream and fantasize rather than take action. At times, these personalities may intensely deliberate with themselves in their heads, wrestling with their options until the last possible moment. To avoid feeling frustrated, unfulfilled, or incapable, INFPs need to make sure that they take decisive steps to turn their dreams and ideas into reality.

In Search of a Calling

People with this personality type tend to feel directionless or stuck until they connect with a sense of purpose for their life. For many, this purpose has something to do with uplifting others. And while they want to help anyone and everyone, INFP personalities need to focus their energy and efforts – otherwise, they can end up exhausted.

Fortunately, like flowers in the spring, an INFP’s creativity and idealism can bloom even after the darkest of seasons. Although they know the world will never be perfect, they still care about making it better however they can. This quiet belief in doing the right thing may explain why INFP personalities so often inspire compassion, kindness, and beauty wherever they go.


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INFP Cognitive Functions: Personal Growth & Self-Discovery Guide for the INFP Personality

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INFP Cognitive Functions

INFP Cognitive Functions explain the behaviour of the INFP personality. Dominant Introverted Feeling (Fi) & Auxiliary Extroverted Intuition (Ne) shape the personality of INFPs. Tertiary Introverted Sensing (Si) supports the INFP personality.

The Inferior Extroverted Thinking (Te) coupled with the four shadow functions (Fe, Ni, Se & Ti) are the problem or ignored areas for the INFP personality.

In this article we will undertake a comprehensive exploration of the INFP Cognitive Functions and embark on a journey of Personal Growth & Self-Discovery for the INFP Personality.

Drawing from Jungian psychology and ego development theories this article will provide INFPs with valuable insights for self-realization and personal growth.

Table of Contents

What are MBTI Cognitive Functions?

Based on Carl Jung’s ‘Psychological Types’ theory, MBTI Cognitive Functions serve as the foundation for understanding the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) Personalities.

There are two primary cognitive activities undertaken by the brains – Processing Information & making Decisions on that Information.

The cognitive functions used for Processing Information are called as the Perceiving functions and the cognitive functions used for making decisions are called as the Judging functions.

There are two Cognitive functions dealing with Perceiving (P):

  • Sensation (S) is the Cognitive Function in which we take in sensory stimuli to identify what is out there.
  • Intuition (N) is the Cognitive Function in which we understand the meaning of the stimulus by identifying patterns & connections from the stimuli.

Similarly, there are two Cognitive functions dealing with Judging(J):

  • Feeling(F) is the Cognitive function with which we decide how we value the particular cognitive stimulus
  • Thinking(T) is the Cognitive function with which we decide what action we should take in response to that particular cognitive stimulus

In the words of Carl Jung – “ Sensation establishes what is actually present, thinking enables us to recognize its meaning, feeling tells us its value, and intuition points to possibilities as to whence it came and whither it is going in a given situation. ”

Each of these Cognitive Function can be Introverted(I) or Extroverted (E). Hence, Thinking can be either Extroverted Thinking or Introverted Thinking and so on. This gives the eight function MBTI cognitive model as developed by John Beebe .

As per Jung Personality of a person is formed when the brain of a person starts showing a habitual preference for one of these Eight Cognitive Functions .

The Dominant Cognitive Function for the individuals shapes the personality of that individual. The Auxiliary Cognitive function broadens the personality of the individual. The tertiary cognitive function supports the personality of the individual. The inferior and the shadow cognitive functions causes problems to the personality of the individual.

In this article, we will dive into the INFP Cognitive Functions stack and explore how the INFP personality can use the INFP Cognitive Function stack personal growth and self-discovery.

For jumping to personality development guides for other MBTI personality types use the following table:

To know more about MBTI Cognitive Functions, click on this link ->  MBTI Cognitive Functions

INFP Cognitive Functions Stack

The following is an overview of the INFP Cognitive Functions Stack:

Introverted Feeling (Fi)INFPs navigate their inner world through a lens of personal values and morals. They have a deep sense of inner authenticity, and a desire for emotional congruence, often placing personal feelings above external factors. INFPs may see those with dominant Fi as genuine and authentic, finding resonance in their inner-driven values, but can also be critical if values misalign.
Extroverted Intuition (Ne)This function allows INFPs to see numerous possibilities and future potentials. They’re adept at recognizing patterns and enjoy playing with abstract concepts, often leading to bursts of creativity and insight. INFPs might be intrigued by others who lead with Ne, appreciating their creativity. They might, however, think they’re too scattered or inconsistent.
Introverted Sensing (Si)Si grounds the INFPs by providing a sense of stability. It involves recalling past experiences, adhering to traditions, and drawing from personal history to inform decisions. INFPs may respect Si-dominant individuals for their reliability and consistency but might also feel they’re too stuck in the past or resistant to change.
Extroverted Thinking (Te)This is the INFP’s weakest conscious function. It manifests as a desire to organize, make efficient decisions, and structure the environment, but can be a source of stress if overly relied upon. INFPs might admire Te-dominant individuals for their decisiveness and productivity but can also feel overwhelmed or judged by their forthrightness.
Extroverted Feeling (Fe)This shadow function represents an unconscious response to external emotions and group harmony. When stressed, INFPs might use this in a less mature way, trying to manipulate or become overly concerned with others’ views. INFPs might feel uneasy around dominant Fe users, feeling their own internal values overshadowed or feeling that group harmony is forced.
Introverted Intuition (Ni)Represents unconscious deep insights and visions. INFPs might tap into this when they’re introspecting but can also mistrust these insights as they prefer exploring open possibilities over singular visions. INFPs may feel that Ni-dominant users are too intense or too focused on a singular vision, potentially deeming them as too narrow-minded or deterministic.
Extroverted Sensing (Se)This is about being in the present moment, acting on immediate sensations. When INFPs are under immense stress, they might indulge in sensory experiences without considering consequences, a less mature expression of Se. INFPs might be wary of dominant Se users, admiring their spontaneity but also seeing them as potentially reckless or too focused on immediate gratification.
Introverted Thinking (Ti)This function, when accessed, can lead INFPs to overanalyze or become overly critical. It’s the least conscious function, and thus, its use can feel alien and may manifest in negative or distorted ways under stress. INFPs might feel disconnected from dominant Ti users, appreciating their depth but also feeling they are too detached or overly analytical.

Now, let’s take a deeper look at these Cognitive Functions and their development.

Introverted Feeling (Fi): The Dominant Function of INFP Cognitive Functions Stack

Overview of introverted feeling (fi).

Introverted Feeling is a cognitive function that involves being attuned to one’s inner values, emotions, and personal beliefs.

Individuals who possess a strong preference for Fi have a deep sense of individuality and an internal compass that guides their actions and decisions.

People with dominant or auxiliary Introverted Feeling have a natural inclination to align their behavior with their deeply held personal values.

They have a keen awareness of their own emotions and are highly attuned to the emotional nuances of others. They prioritize authenticity and strive to maintain inner harmony and integrity.

Overview of Dominant Cognitive Function

The dominant cognitive function represents the primary lens through which an individual engages with the world and organizes their experience.

It is typically the most developed and conscious function within an individual’s psyche, often manifesting as their preferred mode of operation.

The dominant function contributes significantly to an individual’s core identity, shaping their behaviour, values, and aspirations.

On receipt of the stimulus, the Dominant Function will automatically take over the processing of the stimulus, unless balanced by auxiliary and other functions.

When the dominant function is introverted, the individual directs their attention inward, emphasizing subjective experience, personal meaning, and inner reflection as sources of information and decision-making.

If the stimulus requires excessive outwards interaction, then there will be a habitual reluctance/avoidance of this interaction unless the extroverted auxiliary function is well developed.

In contrast, when the dominant function is extraverted, the individual tends to focus their attention and energy primarily on the external world.

They are more inclined to gather information from their environment, engage in objective analysis, and make decisions based on external data.

If the stimulus requires excessive inward introspection, then there will be a habitual reluctance/avoidance of this introspection unless the introverted auxiliary function is well developed.

Introverted Feeling as the Dominant INFP Cognitive Function

As the dominant cognitive function, Introverted Feeling shapes the way INFPs interpret and engage with the world around them.

Fi offers a deeply personal lens through which INFPs are profoundly attuned to their internal moral compass and values. This intrinsic focus ensures that INFPs prioritize authenticity and inner congruence above all else.

With Introverted Feeling, INFPs are constantly evaluating experiences, situations, and interactions against their core beliefs and values, ensuring that their actions and decisions are in alignment with their true self.

This strong internal value system makes INFPs incredibly empathetic and compassionate individuals, as they can easily resonate with the emotions and sentiments of others.

One of the core strengths of INFPs is their unwavering commitment to their principles, even in the face of external pressures or societal expectations.

Their dedication to their beliefs often leads INFPs to be deeply introspective, mulling over their feelings, passions, and moral stands.

In this world of introspection, the inner world of an INFP becomes richly intricate. Their thoughts are often tinged with emotion, aspiration, and a quest for personal understanding.

While this intense self-reflection can lead to profound insights, it can also cause INFPs to feel isolated or misunderstood, especially when they perceive the external world as being in conflict with their internal values.

However, as they mature, INFPs learn to bridge the gap between their inner world and external realities, striving to create harmony between their principles and the demands of everyday life.

The introspective nature and focus on personal values give INFPs a passionate and idealistic aura, drawing others towards their genuine nature.

Another significant aspect of Fi in INFPs is their ability to empathize without merging their feelings with others. Their strong moral compass aids them in standing up for injustices and advocating for causes they believe in.

Moreover, Fi fosters a deep love for individuality in INFPs. They are champions of personal expression and are drawn towards causes that emphasize human rights and individual freedoms.

INFPs often find solace in artistic expressions, seeing art as a medium to express their innermost feelings and beliefs.

The following is the overarching impact of Introverted Feeling (Fi) as the Dominant INFP Cognitive Function:

  • Authenticity and Moral Alignment: At the core of every INFP is a deep-seated need for authenticity. They strive to remain true to themselves, often prioritizing their personal feelings and values above external expectations. This alignment with their inner compass makes them principled and often seen as having high integrity.
  • Deep Emotional Understanding: INFPs often experience emotions intensely and are adept at introspecting these feelings. This self-awareness helps them navigate their emotions and aids them in understanding themselves better.
  • Passion and Idealism: Fueled by their dominant Fi, INFPs are passionate about their beliefs and are often idealistic, always hoping and striving for a world that aligns with their values.
  • Empathy and Compassion: While they have a strong internal focus, INFPs are deeply empathetic. They can understand and resonate with the feelings of others without losing their own emotional individuality.
  • Advocacy and Justice: INFPs are often advocates for causes they believe in, and they have a strong sense of justice. They are likely to stand up for the underdog and work towards creating a harmonious world.
  • Individualistic and Non-conforming: INFPs value their individuality and often resist conforming to societal norms that don’t align with their personal beliefs. They thrive in environments that allow them to be themselves.
  • Search for Depth and Meaning: Just as they are deeply attuned to their emotions, INFPs seek depth and meaning in their external world. They are drawn to profound topics, artistic expressions, and meaningful connections with others.

Impact of having an Introverted Dominant Cognitive Function on INFPs

It is important to understand that since the dominant function of INFPs is introverted, introversion will always dominate their lives, unless they learn to balance it with their auxiliary function.

Being introverted is a fundamental aspect of an INFP’s personality, as it refers to their preferred orientation and source of energy. Here are some ways in which being introverted impacts the personality of INFPs:

1. The Inner World Reigns Supreme: For the INFP, introversion magnifies the depth and vividness of their inner world. While the external world buzzes with stimuli, INFPs often find their richest experiences occur internally. Dreams, ideas, values, and emotions weave a tapestry that INFPs spend a lifetime exploring.

2. Deep Reservoirs of Reflection: Drawing upon their dominant function, Introverted Feeling (Fi), INFPs possess a profound capacity for introspection. They frequently evaluate experiences, ideas, and interactions against their internal value system, seeking alignment with their authentic self. This continuous introspective journey allows them to develop a keen sense of self-awareness.

3. Sensitivity to Surroundings: INFPs, with their introverted nature, can be highly sensitive to external environments. Overwhelming stimuli, such as loud noises or crowded spaces, can drain them quickly. This sensitivity, while challenging, also provides them with an ability to appreciate beauty, nuances, and subtleties that others might overlook.

4. A Need for Solitude: Solitude is not just preferred—it’s often essential for INFPs. It’s during these quiet moments that they recharge, reflect, and process their emotions. Being introverted means that INFPs require periods of solitude to balance out social interactions.

5. Authentic Relationships: While INFPs might not be the most outgoing type, they crave meaningful and authentic relationships. Surface-level interactions can feel unsatisfying. Instead, they seek connections that offer depth, understanding, and mutual respect. Their introverted nature guides them towards quality over quantity in relationships.

6. The Challenge of Expressing Themselves: Being introverted can sometimes pose a challenge for INFPs when it comes to expressing their feelings and thoughts, especially in unfamiliar settings. They might often feel that words fail to capture the depth and nuance of their internal experience.

7. The Shadow Functions: John Beebe’s Typology Model suggests that individuals have both conscious and unconscious cognitive functions. For INFPs, their extroverted shadow functions (like Extroverted Feeling) might manifest in moments of stress or conflict. When this happens, they might find themselves behaving out of character, driven by unprocessed external emotions.

8. A Journey Towards Balance: While introversion defines a core aspect of the INFP experience, personal growth often involves integrating aspects of extraversion into their lives. By understanding and occasionally embracing their extroverted shadow functions, INFPs can achieve greater balance and flexibility in their interactions with the world.

Now that we have understood how Dominant Introverted Feeling (Fi) impacts the personality of INFP’s lets understand the pitfalls of failing to balance the Dominant Function with other functions.

What happens when INFP’s fail to balance their Dominant Introverted Feeling

When INFPs fail to balance their dominant function, Introverted Feeling (Fi), with their auxiliary and other functions, it can lead to a range of challenges and imbalances in their personality and interactions with the world.

Here’s a detailed look at what might transpire:

  • Overwhelm of Emotions: An unbalanced Fi can lead INFPs to be consumed by their emotions. They might ruminate excessively on feelings, leading to bouts of melancholy, anxiety, or existential crises. While introspection is natural for INFPs, excessive introspection without external grounding can lead to a feeling of being “stuck.”
  • Isolation: INFPs might retreat from the world if they lean too heavily on their introverted feeling. Avoiding social interactions or circumstances that challenge their values can result in feelings of loneliness and isolation.
  • Difficulty in Decision Making: INFPs, when over-reliant on Fi, might struggle with decisions as they continually seek internal alignment and authenticity. They may overthink choices, worrying about how each option aligns with their personal values or how it might emotionally impact them.
  • Struggle with Objective Analysis: Fi is a subjective function, rooted in personal values and feelings. An over-reliance can make it difficult for INFPs to view situations from a detached, logical standpoint, which can be especially problematic in situations that require objective analysis.
  • Conflict Avoidance: In their quest for internal harmony and alignment with their values, INFPs might avoid conflicts, even when confrontation is necessary. This can lead to unresolved issues in personal and professional relationships.
  • Misunderstood by Others: Others might perceive INFPs as overly sensitive, irrational, or unpredictable when they’re heavily leaning into their Fi without a balance from their other functions.
  • Neglect of Practical Matters: Over-indulgence in the emotional and value-based world can sometimes lead INFPs to neglect day-to-day tasks, responsibilities, and practical matters. They might struggle with routine tasks that don’t resonate with their internal value system.
  • Difficulty Adapting to Change: If changes or new situations seem to clash with their deeply-held values, INFPs might resist or have difficulty adapting. They may become inflexible or struggle with transitions.
  • Shadow Function Activation: When dominant functions are out of balance, it can lead to the emergence of shadow functions. For INFPs, this might mean uncharacteristic displays of critical thinking (shadow Introverted Thinking) or becoming overly concerned with external validation (shadow Extroverted Feeling).

To counteract these challenges, it’s essential for INFPs to engage with their auxiliary function, Extraverted Intuition (Ne).

This function helps them explore new ideas, remain open to possibilities, and interact more fluidly with the external world. Developing their tertiary and inferior functions can also offer a more balanced approach to life and decision-making.

Mature Vs Immature expression of Dominant Introverted Feeling Cognitive Function in INFPs

When Fi is maturely expressed, it leads to profound insights and personal growth. However, an immature expression of Fi can present challenges and hinder development for INFPs. Let’s explore the characteristics of both

Mature Expression of Introverted Feeling (Fi) in INFPs:

A mature expression of Fi in INFPs is characterized by a deep understanding and respect for both their internal world and the external world they navigate.

They become adept at merging their profound sense of self with a nuanced understanding of others, leading to enriched personal relationships and meaningful contributions to the world around them.

Here’s what a mature expression of Introverted Feeling looks like in INFPs:

  • Deep Self-awareness: Mature Fi users have a profound understanding of their emotions and values. They can pinpoint why they feel a certain way and can articulate these feelings with clarity.
  • Balanced Authenticity: While staying true to oneself is a core tenet for INFPs, maturity brings about an understanding that authenticity doesn’t mean being rigid. Mature INFPs learn to express their authentic selves while respecting the context and the feelings of those around them.
  • Constructive Internal Boundaries: Instead of becoming overwhelmed by emotions, mature INFPs set internal boundaries. They acknowledge their feelings without letting them control every decision or reaction.
  • Empathy for Others: A mature Fi lends itself to deep empathy. INFPs can step into another’s shoes, understanding that while they have a strong value system, others do too, and it may differ from their own.
  • Value-driven Action: Mature INFPs don’t just introspect about their values; they act on them. They find ways to make a meaningful impact, channeling their strong internal beliefs into tangible contributions to causes or communities they care about.
  • Flexible Morality: While they have a strong moral compass, mature INFPs also understand the nuances of life. They recognize that situations can be multifaceted, and while they’ll never compromise their core values, they can navigate gray areas with discernment.
  • Effective Communication: While they are introspective, mature INFPs learn to communicate their feelings and needs effectively. They understand that for others to respect their values, they first need to express them coherently.
  • Resilience in the Face of Criticism: Earlier in life, criticism might deeply wound an INFP. With a mature Fi, they still feel the sting but are better equipped to process it, understanding that others’ opinions are based on different value systems and not taking it as a personal affront.
  • Seeking Harmony: Mature INFPs actively work towards creating environments of harmony. They navigate conflicts by seeking mutual understanding and are often the bridge-builders in divided situations.
  • Continuous Growth: INFPs with a mature Fi recognize the importance of growth. They remain open to introspecting and refining their beliefs and values as they gather more experiences and knowledge.

Immature Expression of Introverted Feeling (Fi) in INFPs:

An immature expression of Introverted Feeling (Fi) in INFPs can manifest in a variety of behaviors and tendencies that can pose challenges to themselves and their relationships.

Immature expression of Fi in INFPs centers around an overemphasis on the internal world of values and emotions without adequately engaging with the external world and its complexities.

Here’s what an immature expression of Fi might look like in INFPs:

  • Emotional Overwhelm: INFPs with immature Fi might become consumed by their emotions, making it hard for them to see situations rationally or objectively. Their emotional states could dictate their actions without filtering through reason.
  • Rigidity in Values: While having a strong moral compass is a virtue, an immature Fi might make INFPs too rigid or inflexible in their values, leading them to be intolerant of viewpoints or lifestyles that differ from their own.
  • Misunderstanding Criticism: INFPs in this state might take criticism extremely personally, seeing it as an attack on their character rather than constructive feedback.
  • Avoidance of Conflict: To protect their sensitive inner world, they might avoid conflicts at all costs, even when confrontation is necessary for growth or resolution.
  • Struggle with Decision-making: Being too introspective and over-relying on their feelings can lead to paralysis by analysis. They might overthink decisions based on how each choice aligns with their feelings, leading to procrastination.
  • Over-identification with Emotions: An immature Fi can cause INFPs to identify too closely with their emotions, leading them to statements like “I am sad” instead of “I feel sad,” making it harder to distance themselves from negative emotions.
  • Isolation: When feeling misunderstood or unable to align their environment with their inner values, they might isolate themselves, missing out on opportunities for growth through interaction.
  • Dependency on External Validation: While it’s paradoxical to the nature of Fi, immature INFPs might seek validation from select trusted individuals to affirm their feelings and values, making their well-being contingent on others’ perceptions.
  • Difficulty in Practical Matters: Being too engrossed in the realm of feelings and values can make them neglect practical and mundane tasks, leading to challenges in daily life.
  • Black and White Thinking: They might perceive situations, people, or even themselves in extremes, struggling to see the gray areas or nuances.
  • Fear of Change: Any change perceived as a threat to their value system might be met with resistance, even if the change is beneficial or inevitable.

Personal Growth and Development of Introverted Feeling (Fi) in INFPs:

For INFPs to foster personal growth and cultivate a mature expression of Introverted Feeling (Fi), they need to harness their strengths while addressing areas that might hinder their personal and interpersonal experiences.

Here’s a roadmap for INFPs in this developmental journey:

  • Self-awareness and Reflection: Regularly set aside time for introspection. Journaling can be particularly effective for INFPs, allowing them to process emotions, understand triggers, and clarify values.
  • Seek Feedback: It might be challenging, given the sensitivity of INFPs to criticism, but gathering feedback from trusted individuals can offer insights into blind spots and areas for growth.
  • Develop Practical Skills: Balance the abstract with the tangible. Learn time management, financial planning, or any other practical skill that balances the often ethereal world of Fi.
  • Engage with Different Perspectives: Reading, traveling, or simply conversing with individuals from different walks of life can expand understanding and bring nuance to deeply held values.
  • Set Healthy Boundaries: Learn to differentiate between your feelings and others’. While empathy is a strength, absorbing everyone’s emotions can be draining. Setting boundaries helps protect emotional well-being.
  • Embrace Change: Life is dynamic, and holding on too tightly to comfort zones can hinder growth. Engage with change, understanding that it doesn’t necessarily threaten values.
  • Practice Mindfulness and Grounding Techniques: Given the intensity of the Fi experience, techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and grounding exercises can help regulate emotions and stay present.
  • Seek Therapy or Counseling: A professional can provide tools and perspectives to navigate the intense inner world of Fi, especially if the INFP feels stuck or overwhelmed.
  • Engage in Collaborative Activities: Participating in group activities, whether artistic, athletic, or service-oriented, can teach compromise, understanding, and the balancing of personal values with group dynamics.
  • Cultivate Extraverted Intuition (Ne): As the auxiliary function of INFPs, Ne is a gateway to the external world. Exploring new ideas, brainstorming, and engaging in creative endeavors can balance and enhance the Fi experience.
  • Practice Active Listening: Instead of projecting personal feelings onto others, practice listening without immediately relating it back to personal experiences. This hones empathy and understanding.
  • Set Personal Goals: Having tangible goals, whether related to personal development, career, or hobbies, can provide direction and a sense of purpose, helping to navigate the vast internal landscape of Fi.
  • Learn to Differentiate Between Feelings and Facts: While feelings are valid, they aren’t always indicative of external realities. Developing the skill to differentiate between the two can lead to more objective decision-making.
  • Celebrate Small Achievements: Given the INFP’s propensity for idealism, they might sometimes feel they’re falling short. Recognizing and celebrating small wins can boost morale and motivation.

Developing a mature Fi involves a dance between the rich inner world of the INFP and the external realities of life.

By fostering self-awareness, building practical skills, and embracing external experiences, INFPs can cultivate a deeply resonant yet adaptable and effective way of moving through the world.

Extroverted Intuition (Ne): The Auxiliary Function of INFP Cognitive Functions Stack

Overview of extroverted intuition (ne).

Extroverted Intuition is a cognitive function that involves being attuned to possibilities, connections, and patterns in the external world.

Individuals who possess a strong preference for Ne are curious, imaginative, and open to exploring multiple perspectives and options.

People with dominant or auxiliary Extroverted Intuition have a natural inclination to see beyond the present and consider alternative ideas, viewpoints, and outcomes.

They enjoy brainstorming, generating creative ideas, and making connections between seemingly unrelated concepts.

Overview of Auxiliary Cognitive Function

The auxiliary function serves to support and complement the dominant function.

The auxiliary function is also conscious and well-developed but is used in a more controlled and deliberate manner. Unlike the dominant function which is entirely automatic, a deliberate effort is required to use this function.

When the dominant function is introverted, the extroverted auxiliary function is used to deal with the world. Because, introverts are using a limited auxiliary function, hence they feel drained after using the auxiliary function for some time.

The Auxiliary function provides balance and assists the dominant function in various ways.

Extroverted Intuition (Ne) as the Auxiliary INFP Cognitive Function

As the auxiliary function for INFPs, Extroverted Intuition (Ne) plays a critical role in shaping their interactions with the world around them.

While their dominant function, Introverted Feeling (Fi), dives deeply into personal values and emotional landscapes, Ne offers a window to the outer world, illuminating potentialities and connecting seemingly disparate concepts.

1. Exploration of Possibilities: Ne provides INFPs with a natural curiosity about the world around them. This function constantly seeks out new ideas, patterns, and potential outcomes. INFPs often have a “what if?” mindset, always looking for alternative perspectives or novel solutions to problems.

2. Connecting the Dots: Ne is adept at finding relationships between seemingly unrelated pieces of information. This allows INFPs to be innovative and creative thinkers, often surprising others with unique insights and perspectives.

3. Broadening Horizons: While Fi might make INFPs introspective and somewhat reserved, Ne pushes them to explore, whether that means traveling, reading widely, or simply trying out new hobbies and activities. This creates a dynamic balance between internal reflection and external exploration.

4. Empathy and Understanding: Combined with Fi’s depth of emotional understanding, Ne enables INFPs to imagine themselves in others’ positions readily. This makes them incredibly empathetic, as they can see multiple viewpoints and understand diverse feelings and motivations.

5. Fluidity of Thought: INFPs with a strong Ne can shift their perspectives easily, often playing devil’s advocate in discussions. They can debate various sides of an argument, not necessarily because they agree with them, but to explore them.

6. Open-mindedness: Ne-driven INFPs are open to new ideas and experiences. They resist forming fixed judgments about people or situations until they’ve considered a multitude of angles.

7. Appreciation for Symbolism and Metaphor: INFPs are often drawn to symbolic narratives, like myths, legends, and allegories, where Ne helps decipher the broader meanings and implications.

8. Procrastination and Indecision: On the downside, the myriad of possibilities that Ne presents can sometimes be overwhelming, leading to procrastination. INFPs might find it challenging to settle on one path because they see the potential in many.

9. Adaptability: In changing circumstances, the flexibility of Ne helps INFPs adapt. They can pivot their approach or perspective to fit the current context, making them resilient in the face of change.

10. Thirst for Learning: Ne drives a lifelong love for learning in many INFPs. They’re often self-taught in various areas, driven by a desire to understand the broader patterns and connections in the world.

Challenges and Growth:

While Ne brings a wealth of strengths to the INFP, it can also pose challenges. Its hunger for possibilities can make INFPs restless, always searching for the next big thing without grounding themselves in the present. They might also spread themselves too thin, jumping from one project or idea to the next without seeing anything through to completion.

How does Extroverted Intuition (Ne) differ in Dominant Vs Auxiliary Roles

Extraverted Intuition (Ne) manifests differently when it functions as the dominant cognitive function compared to when it serves as the auxiliary cognitive function.

Understanding these differences can help auxiliary users to learn the gaps in the expression of their auxiliary function and how they can learn from the dominant users to help mature the auxiliary function.

A mature auxiliary function is of utmost importance for leading a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Ne as a Dominant Function:

When Ne is in the dominant position, as seen in ENFPs and ENTPs, it’s the primary lens through which individuals perceive and interact with the world. These individuals are natural explorers of ideas and often have a restless energy about them.

  • Constant Exploration: Ne-dominants are perpetually in exploration mode. Their minds are always active, jumping from one idea to the next. They thrive on novelty and often seek out new experiences, perspectives, and possibilities. This restless curiosity often leads them to be jack-of-all-trades, as they find it hard to stick to one thing for too long.
  • External Processing: ENFPs and ENTPs, with dominant Ne, tend to process their thoughts externally. They might think out loud or need to discuss their ideas with others to clarify and refine their thoughts. They derive energy from these external interactions.
  • Adaptable and Spontaneous: Dominant Ne users are typically very adaptable. They are comfortable with uncertainty and can easily pivot when faced with new information or unexpected changes. This adaptability can sometimes be perceived as inconsistency.
  • Depth vs. Breadth: Ne-dominants often favor breadth over depth. They are more interested in exploring a wide range of topics superficially than delving deeply into one. This is not to say they lack depth, but their natural inclination is to spread their energy across various interests.

Ne as an Auxiliary Function:

When Ne serves as an auxiliary function, as seen in INFPs and INTPs, it acts in service to the dominant function, providing balance and breadth. While these individuals still value exploration of possibilities, they tend to do so in a more focused or reserved manner.

  • Supportive Exploration: For INFPs and INTPs, Ne acts as a supportive tool. It helps them explore and gather ideas, but always in relation to their dominant function (Fi for INFPs and Ti for INTPs). This means their explorations have a more purposeful or directed quality.
  • Internal vs. External: While Ne-dominants are inherently extroverted in their exploration, Ne-auxiliaries are more introverted. They may spend more time reflecting on the ideas and possibilities they’ve gathered before expressing them externally. This is because their primary orientation is towards their inner world, with Ne acting as a bridge to the external.
  • Depth and Focus: Unlike Ne-dominants, auxiliary Ne users often favor depth. They might explore fewer topics but will dive deeper into those they’re passionate about. This deeper exploration is guided and filtered by their dominant function.

Contrast of Extroversion vs. Introversion:

The primary difference between Ne-dominants and Ne-auxiliaries lies in their energy orientation. Ne-dominants, being extroverted, gain energy from their interactions with the external world. Their extroversion is not necessarily about social interactions but about engaging with external ideas, patterns, and possibilities. This is why they might constantly seek novelty and change.

In contrast, Ne-auxiliaries, though they use Ne to engage with the world, are primarily introverted. They need more time alone to process their experiences, feelings, and thoughts. Their explorations with Ne often serve to enrich their inner world rather than consistently pull them outward.

What happens when the Auxiliary Extroverted Intuition Cognitive Function is underdeveloped in INFPs?

When the auxiliary Extroverted Intuition (Ne) cognitive function is underdeveloped in INFPs, several implications arise in their personal development, behavior, and interactions with the world.

INFPs rely on Ne to provide a balance to their dominant Introverted Feeling (Fi) function. Without a well-developed Ne, their cognitive processes can become imbalanced.

Here’s what might occur:

  • Over-Reliance on Introverted Feeling: Without the balance provided by Ne, INFPs might become overly absorbed in their internal world of feelings, values, and personal beliefs. While introspection is natural for INFPs, an imbalance might cause them to become overly self-focused, potentially leading to excessive rumination or self-criticism.
  • Reduced Openness to New Ideas: Ne is responsible for sparking curiosity, exploring new ideas, and being open to external possibilities. Underdeveloped Ne might make INFPs less receptive to new perspectives, causing them to become more set in their ways or resistant to change.
  • Difficulty Seeing the Bigger Picture: Ne helps INFPs to connect the dots, see patterns, and consider various potential outcomes. Without a well-functioning Ne, they might struggle to see beyond the immediate situation or to consider alternative solutions to problems.
  • Struggle with External Exploration: An underdeveloped Ne could result in INFPs feeling overwhelmed or anxious about exploring the external world. This might lead to them avoiding novel experiences, which in turn limits their personal growth.
  • Difficulty in Decision Making: Ne aids in brainstorming, considering alternatives, and foreseeing potential outcomes. An INFP with an underdeveloped Ne might find decision-making to be daunting due to a lack of clarity in envisioning potential futures or consequences.
  • Less Engagement with the External World: Ne propels INFPs to engage with their surroundings, share their insights, and collaboratively brainstorm. Without this outward energy, INFPs might become more isolated, limiting their interactions and missing out on enriching experiences.
  • Stunted Creative Expression: Many INFPs are naturally creative, often driven by the possibilities and patterns perceived by Ne. If Ne is underdeveloped, they might struggle with creative expression, feel blocked, or lack inspiration.

To achieve a balanced and fulfilling life, it’s crucial for INFPs to cultivate and develop their auxiliary Ne function.

This doesn’t mean suppressing their dominant Fi but rather allowing Ne to complement and enrich it.

By doing so, they can navigate the world with a harmonious blend of introspection and exploration, drawing from the strengths of both functions.

How INFPs can develop their Auxiliary Extroverted Intuition Cognitive Function (Ne)?

Developing the auxiliary Extroverted Intuition (Ne) in INFPs can lead to a more balanced personality and enhanced decision-making, creativity, and interactions with the external world.

Here are several strategies that INFPs can employ to cultivate and strengthen their Ne:

  • Embrace Novelty: Ne thrives on new experiences. INFPs can feed their Ne by actively seeking out new activities, traveling to unfamiliar places, or trying out different hobbies and pastimes.
  • Engage in Brainstorming: INFPs can practice brainstorming sessions where they allow their minds to wander freely, connecting disparate ideas. This could be done alone with tools like mind maps or in group settings where diverse viewpoints can spark inspiration.
  • Consume Diverse Content: By reading widely, watching different genres of films, or listening to a variety of music and podcasts, INFPs can expose their Ne to a broad spectrum of ideas and perspectives. This helps in fostering a more adaptable and flexible mindset.
  • Engage in Discussions: Joining discussion groups, forums, or clubs where people share and debate ideas can be a wonderful way for INFPs to exercise their Ne. It encourages them to see different angles of a topic and to think on their feet.
  • Practice Improvisation: Activities like improvisational theater or music can be great for honing Ne. They require real-time, spontaneous responses and tap into the capacity to see myriad possibilities in any given moment.
  • Keep a Possibilities Journal: INFPs can maintain a journal where they jot down ideas, observations, and questions about the world around them. Over time, they’ll notice patterns, connections, and potential areas of exploration.
  • Limit Over-Analysis: While introspection is natural for INFPs, they should be cautious of excessively analyzing every situation. Sometimes, it’s beneficial to step back and let intuition guide the way without letting dominant Fi overshadow Ne.
  • Learn from Ne-dominant Types: Spending time with ENFPs or ENTPs, who have Ne as their dominant function, can provide INFPs with insights into how to effectively harness and express extroverted intuition.
  • Challenge Assumptions: Ne is about exploring every facet of an idea. INFPs can strengthen it by regularly challenging their assumptions and beliefs, asking “What if?” and allowing their minds to explore alternative scenarios.
  • Meditation and Mindfulness: While this might seem counterintuitive, grounding practices can help INFPs clear mental clutter, making it easier for Ne insights to surface. By being present, they might notice more about their environment, sparking intuitive connections.

Mature Vs Immature expression of Auxiliary Extroverted Intuition (Ne) Cognitive Function in INFPs

The journey towards empathetic mastery for INFPs lies in the development of their auxiliary Extroverted Intuition (Ne) cognitive function.

Mature Expression of Extroverted Intuition (Ne) in INFPs:

A mature expression of Ne in INFPs represents a harmonious blend of introspective depth and expansive breadth. It adds dynamism to their personality, allowing them to navigate life with both passion and flexibility.

Here’s how a mature Ne expression manifests in INFPs:

  • Adaptive Mindset: Mature Ne in INFPs allows them to be more adaptable and open to change. They can adjust their plans based on new information, circumstances, or opportunities that come their way without feeling overly unsettled.
  • Curiosity-Driven Exploration: A mature Ne leads INFPs to a deep-rooted curiosity about the world. They’re eager to learn, ask questions, and explore diverse areas of knowledge, often becoming quite knowledgeable in a variety of subjects.
  • Seeing Potential in Others: INFPs with a well-developed Ne can readily identify and believe in the potential of others. They can inspire and encourage people to pursue unexplored avenues or possibilities.
  • Innovative Problem-Solving: They approach problems with creativity, often proposing innovative and out-of-the-box solutions. Their ability to see multiple angles and possibilities helps them address challenges in unique ways.
  • Holistic Thinking: Mature Ne allows INFPs to see the bigger picture. They can understand how different elements interrelate and can foresee possible future scenarios based on current trends or patterns.
  • Balanced Introspection: While INFPs naturally introspect due to their dominant Fi, a mature Ne ensures they don’t become overly self-absorbed. Instead, they can balance introspection with an outward focus, drawing insights from both their inner values and external observations.
  • Appreciation for Diversity: INFPs with mature Ne tend to be more accepting and appreciative of diverse thoughts, cultures, and perspectives. They understand that there’s a myriad of ways to approach life and value the richness that such diversity brings.
  • Constructive Dreaming: While dreaming and envisioning are natural for INFPs, those with a mature Ne channel their dreams constructively. They’re not just lost in daydreams but use their visions as a springboard for tangible actions and projects.
  • Balanced Decision Making: While their decisions are still rooted in personal values (Fi), a well-developed Ne allows them to consider a wide range of options and potential outcomes, leading to more informed and holistic decisions.
  • Energetic Engagement with the World: Mature Ne pushes INFPs to actively engage with the world, be it through travel, social interactions, or pursuing novel experiences. They’re invigorated by newness and enjoy the thrill of discovery.

Immature Expression of Extroverted Intuition (Ne) in INFPs:

Immature expression of the auxiliary function, Extroverted Intuition (Ne), in INFPs can manifest in various ways that may hinder their personal growth and relationships. Here’s what an underdeveloped or immature expression of Ne might look like in INFPs:

  • Overwhelm and Indecision: INFPs with immature Ne might feel overwhelmed by the multitude of possibilities and options in any given situation. This can lead to procrastination, indecision, or an inability to commit to a single course of action.
  • Flightiness: There might be a tendency to flit from one idea, project, or interest to another without seeing any through to completion. This inconsistency can stem from being easily distracted by the allure of something new.
  • Overreliance on Internal Values: While having strong internal values is typically a strength for INFPs, an underdeveloped Ne might mean they rely too heavily on these without considering external inputs, leading to a narrow or biased view.
  • Misreading Situations: Immature Ne can sometimes cause INFPs to misinterpret signals, jump to conclusions, or make connections that aren’t actually present, leading to confusion or misunderstandings.
  • Excessive Daydreaming: While dreaming is natural for INFPs, an immature Ne can lead them to get lost in fantasies without taking any real-world action. They might spend more time imagining alternate realities rather than dealing with their current one.
  • Fear of Unknown Outcomes: Instead of embracing uncertainty and potential, an underdeveloped Ne might make INFPs overly cautious or anxious about unforeseen consequences, limiting their willingness to take risks or try new things.
  • Impulsivity: On the flip side, without a balanced Ne, INFPs might also act on a whim without considering the ramifications of their actions, leading to unintended consequences.
  • Over Sensitivity to External Feedback: An immature Ne might cause INFPs to take feedback or criticism more personally than intended, especially if it contrasts sharply with their internal values or beliefs.
  • Difficulty Adapting to Change: While a developed Ne aids adaptability, its immature expression might make INFPs resistant to change, especially if they perceive it as a threat to their internal world or values.
  • Social Withdrawal: In situations where they feel overwhelmed by external stimuli or are unable to process the multitude of external possibilities, they might opt for withdrawal, avoiding social situations or new experiences.

Recognizing these tendencies is crucial for INFPs on their journey of personal growth. By being aware of these potential pitfalls, they can work towards developing a more mature and balanced expression of their Extroverted Intuition.

Personal Growth and Development of Extroverted Intuition (Ne) in INFPs:

For INFPs, their auxiliary Extroverted Intuition is not just a tool but a bridge between their profound inner values and the dynamic external world.

Through conscious nurturing and development, they can transform this bridge into a vibrant pathway, leading to enriched personal growth and a fulfilling journey of self-expression and connection.

The development of Ne is usually blocked by a dominant Fi with its tendency for extreme introversion. Ne development can also be blocked by immature expression of other cognitive functions of INFPs such as their tertiary Si or their inferior Te and other shadow functions.

In INFPs, if Ne is not getting naturally developed then they need to train their minds for Ne development.

This can be achieved by making Ne development a project on its own. Here are some strategies for refining the Auxiliary Ne:

  • Active Exploration: Ne thrives on exploration. INFPs can benefit from actively seeking out new experiences, be it travel, workshops, or even engaging with diverse literature. Such experiences provide fresh stimuli, enriching the Ne’s database.
  • Structured Brainstorming: While INFPs are natural brainstormers, structure can help hone this skill. Setting aside dedicated time for idea generation, followed by a filtering process, can ensure a more targeted and productive intuition.
  • Grounding Activities: Balance is key. Grounding activities, such as meditation, mindfulness practices, or even physical activities like gardening or pottery, can help INFPs stay rooted while they explore various intuitive avenues.
  • Collaborative Endeavors: Team projects or group activities provide a platform for INFPs to share and refine their intuitive insights. Feedback from others can offer a reality check, guiding their Ne towards more practical and actionable ideas.
  • Limit Distractions: In this age of information, it’s easy for Ne to get lost in a sea of irrelevant data. Curating information sources and taking regular digital detoxes can help INFPs keep their intuition sharp and relevant.
  • Creativity as an Outlet: Engaging in creative pursuits, whether it’s writing, painting, music, or any form of artistic expression, can channel the INFP’s Ne constructively.
  • Challenge Conventional Thinking: Playing devil’s advocate or engaging in thought experiments can help INFPs stretch their intuitive muscles, making their Ne more robust and flexible.
  • Seek Mentoring: Engaging with mentors, especially those who exhibit strong Ne, can provide insights, guidance, and strategies to nurture and refine this function.
  • Engage in Future-Planning: Setting aside regular intervals for planning and envisioning the future can provide a structured outlet for the INFP’s intuitive foresights.
  • Reflective Journaling: Capturing intuitive insights, patterns noticed, or even dreams can provide clarity and help in recognizing the growth and patterns in Ne development.

The Transformation of Maturing Ne

As INFPs invest time and energy into nurturing their Ne, they will begin to notice:

  • Enhanced Decision Making: With a refined intuition, choosing between possibilities becomes more straightforward and aligned with their deeper values.
  • Greater Implementation: Ideas begin to find a tangible form, leading to increased productivity and satisfaction.
  • Deeper Connections: Understanding patterns and connecting abstract dots enables richer interpersonal relationships and deeper understanding of societal dynamics.
  • Balance Between Dreaming and Doing: While their rich inner world remains a treasure, it is complemented by meaningful actions in the external world.

Introverted Sensing (Si): The Tertiary Function of INFP Cognitive Functions Stack

Overview of introverted sensing (si).

Introverted Sensing is a cognitive function that involves being attuned to past experiences, memories, and details.

Individuals who possess a strong preference for Si rely on their internal database of sensory information to make sense of their current reality.

People with dominant or auxiliary Introverted Sensing have a natural inclination to draw upon their past experiences and memories as a reference point for understanding and navigating the present.

They have a keen awareness of details, patterns, and routines. They value stability, tradition, and a sense of continuity.

Overview of Tertiary Cognitive Function

The tertiary function serves as a bridge between the dominant and inferior functions, offering a counterbalance and contributing to a more well-rounded personality.

While not as prominent as the dominant or auxiliary functions, the tertiary function plays a significant role in shaping an individual’s worldview and decision-making processes.

Introverted Sensing as the Tertiary INFP Cognitive Function

The tertiary Introverted Sensing in INFPs offers depth to the INFP personality by anchoring their dreams and values in the richness of lived experiences.

While Tertiary Si might operate in the background, its influence is profound, shaping the INFP’s journey through life with the wisdom of the past and a sensitivity to the present.

In the dance of cognitive functions, Si plays the essential role of grounding the INFP, adding stability to their intuitive flights and emotional depths.

As a tertiary Cognitive Function, Introverted Sensing (Si) influences the personality of INFPs as follows:

  • Connection to the Past: INFPs with a developed Si will often have a deep sense of nostalgia. They may cherish traditions, find comfort in routines, and frequently reference past experiences in decision-making.
  • Detail-Oriented Memory: When INFPs tap into their Si, they can recall past events with vivid clarity. This ability can manifest as an attention to specific details, often remembered based on how they felt during those experiences.
  • Grounding in Reality: While INFPs naturally lean towards future possibilities (thanks to Ne), their Si brings them back to the present moment, helping them make more practical decisions based on past experiences.
  • Consistency and Routine: INFPs may find solace in certain routines or practices that have proven comforting or beneficial in the past. This might contrast with their Ne, which craves novelty, leading to an inner tension between the familiar and the new.
  • Physical Sensitivity: Si can also make INFPs more attuned to their physical surroundings and bodily sensations. They might develop distinct preferences, such as for specific types of food, comfort items, or environments based on past positive associations.
  • Reluctance to Change: When Si is overly dominant, it might resist the explorative nature of Ne, making INFPs hesitant to embrace change or new methods, preferring to stick to what’s known and proven.

Balancing Si with Other Functions:

For a holistic personality development, INFPs must integrate their tertiary Si with their dominant Fi and auxiliary Ne. This integration allows them to:

  • Use their past experiences (Si) to inform their value-based decisions (Fi).
  • Contrast and balance the lure of new possibilities (Ne) with the lessons from the past (Si).
  • Achieve a synthesis where they can dream and explore (Ne) while staying rooted in practical realities (Si).

How does Introverted Sensing (Si) behave as an auxiliary cognitive function in INFPs?

The position of a cognitive function within an individual’s function stack in the MBTI greatly influences how that function manifests and is utilized by the individual.

While dominant and auxiliary Si-users lean heavily into their past experiences to navigate the present, tertiary users like INFPs experience Si as a more subtle, grounding force, often in tension with their explorative Ne.

Understanding these nuances helps in appreciating the multifaceted nature of cognitive functions and their manifestations across different personality types.

Introverted Sensing (Si) in Different Positions:

  • Primary Lens of Perception: For ISFJ and ISTJ individuals, Si is the primary lens through which they view and engage with the world. Their experiences are deeply internalized, and they have a keen ability to recall past events, details, and patterns with vivid clarity.
  • Trust in Past Experience: These types often look to the past to guide their present actions. They value tradition, consistency, and rely heavily on what they know to be tried and true. This can make them resistant to rapid change, preferring stability and predictability.
  • Detail-Oriented: Being Si-dominant means having an acute attention to detail. Whether it’s in their personal environment, in recalling past events, or in work tasks, they’re meticulous and thorough.
  • Supportive Role to Dominant Function: In ESFJs and ESTJs, Si supports their dominant function (Extroverted Feeling for ESFJ and Extroverted Thinking for ESTJ). This combination allows these types to be both people-oriented or task-oriented (respectively) while also valuing past experiences and traditions.
  • Practicality: With Si in the auxiliary position, these types often use past data and experiences to inform their decisions. They value efficiency and effectiveness based on what has worked before.
  • Balancing Exploration with Tradition: While they might be open to new experiences or ideas, especially if it serves their dominant function’s goals, they’ll often weigh these against past experiences to ensure they’re making informed decisions.
  • Subtle Influence: For INFPs, Si is not at the forefront of their decision-making or perception. However, it provides a grounding influence, subtly pulling them back to past experiences and known comforts.
  • Nostalgic Tendencies: INFPs can be deeply nostalgic, cherishing personal memories and the feelings associated with them. This can also manifest as a certain adherence to personal rituals or comforts.
  • Inner Tension with Ne: There’s an ongoing dynamic between the INFP’s auxiliary function, Extroverted Intuition (Ne), which is curious and explorative, and the tertiary Si, which seeks comfort in the familiar. This can create a push-pull effect where the INFP is torn between exploring new ideas and retreating to known comforts.
  • Less Reliance on Tradition: Unlike Si-dominant or auxiliary users, INFPs don’t necessarily adhere to societal or established traditions but might have personal rituals or values influenced by past experiences.

What happens when Introverted Sensing is underdeveloped in INFPs?

When the tertiary function, Introverted Sensing (Si), is underdeveloped in INFPs, it can lead to several challenges and imbalances in their personality and behaviors. Here’s what might manifest:

  • Difficulty Learning from the Past: One of Si’s primary roles is referencing past experiences to inform present actions. An underdeveloped Si might mean the INFP frequently makes the same mistakes or falls into recurrent patterns without recognizing or learning from them.
  • Over-reliance on Ne: With an underdeveloped Si, INFPs might lean too heavily into their auxiliary Extroverted Intuition (Ne). This could manifest as them always chasing novel experiences or ideas without grounding themselves in previous knowledge or understanding.
  • Struggle with Routine: Si also plays a role in appreciating routine and consistency. Without a balanced Si, INFPs might find it challenging to stick to routines, which can sometimes result in them feeling chaotic or scattered.
  • Lack of Practical Grounding: While INFPs are naturally inclined toward the abstract and theoretical thanks to their dominant Fi and auxiliary Ne, Si offers a balance by grounding them in tangible realities. If Si is underdeveloped, they might struggle to implement their ideas in practical ways.
  • Overwhelm with Sensory Details: Si, as a sensing function, helps process sensory details and experiences. An underdeveloped Si might mean the INFP gets easily overwhelmed in sensory-rich environments or struggles to process too many details at once.
  • Nostalgia Overdrive: While Si is related to past experiences, an underdeveloped Si in INFPs might manifest as them idealizing the past excessively, leading to feelings of melancholy or being stuck in bygone days.
  • Difficulty Maintaining Physical Health: Si is also somewhat connected to internal bodily sensations. INFPs with an underdeveloped Si might neglect their physical health, overlook signals their body is sending them, or struggle with consistent self-care.
  • Challenges in Organizing and Structuring: Si provides a sense of structure and order. Without it, INFPs might find it hard to organize their lives, work, or personal spaces, leading to inefficiencies or feelings of being overwhelmed.

How does Extreme Introversion kick-start the Fi-Si loop in INFPs?

As the dominant function of INFP’s is introverted, there is a tendency for INFP’s to become extremely introverted.

Extreme introversion refers to a state where an individual predominantly operates in their inner world and reduces interaction with the external environment.

While introversion is a natural preference for INFPs, extreme introversion means they might be avoiding external stimuli to an unhealthy degree.

When an INFP becomes excessively introverted – whether due to stress, trauma, or simply unhealthy habits – they might start to bypass their auxiliary function, which is extroverted.

As a result, they become trapped in a self-reinforcing cycle between their dominant and tertiary functions, both of which are introverted.

Thus Fi-Si loop refers to a situation where an INFP gets caught between their dominant function, Introverted Feeling (Fi), and their tertiary function, Introverted Sensing (Si), bypassing their auxiliary function, Extroverted Intuition (Ne).

Dynamics of the Loop:

  • Introverted Feeling (Fi) : This function is all about personal values, inner emotions, and authentic self-expression. When overused or in isolation, it can make INFPs overly self-focused and ruminative. They might become hyper-aware of their feelings and get stuck in a cycle of introspection without a clear way out.
  • Introverted Sensing (Si) : Si recalls past experiences, drawing upon history and internalized sensory information. For INFPs in a Fi-Si loop, this might mean continually referencing the past, reliving prior emotions, or getting stuck in nostalgic feelings. The loop can cause them to feel trapped in their history, constantly revisiting old wounds or idealizing bygone times.
  • Absence of Extroverted Intuition (Ne) : Ne is vital for INFPs as it allows them to see possibilities, generate new ideas, and connect disparate concepts. It provides an external focus, pulling them out from their inner world. When it’s bypassed, the INFP’s worldview can become limited and overly introspective.

The Effects of the Fi-Si Loop:

  • Rumination and Overthinking : INFPs might find themselves continuously mulling over past events, especially negative ones, unable to break free from those emotional memories.
  • Stagnation : Due to a lack of Ne-driven exploration, INFPs might feel stuck, unable to move forward or see beyond their current situation.
  • Increased Sensitivity : The loop can amplify negative emotions, making INFPs more prone to feeling hurt, offended, or upset by minor issues.
  • Resistance to New Experiences : Relying on past experiences (Si) and personal feelings (Fi) without the balancing influence of Ne can make INFPs wary of new experiences or changes.
  • Loop Reinforcement: The more INFPs stay within the Fi-Si loop, the stronger it becomes. The loop reinforces itself as they become increasingly disconnected from external reality and social interactions

How INFP’s can break the Fi-Si Loop?

Breaking the Fi-Si loop for INFPs requires a conscious effort to engage with their auxiliary function, Extroverted Intuition (Ne), and to incorporate external stimuli and activities into their routine. Let’s explore several strategies that INFPs can employ:

  • Embrace Novelty : Encourage the seeking out of new experiences. This could be as simple as picking up a new hobby, traveling to a new place, or even experimenting with different types of cuisine. Ne thrives on novelty and will be reinvigorated by new information and experiences.
  • Engage in Brainstorming & Creative Activities : Activities that stimulate the brain, such as mind-mapping, brainstorming, or even doodling, can ignite Ne. Whether it’s taking up a creative writing class or joining a group discussion on varied topics, these activities can help INFPs to break out of rumination and view situations from a fresh perspective.
  • Mindful Practices : Mindfulness and meditation can help INFPs stay present and avoid getting stuck in past memories. Grounding exercises can pull them out of rumination and back into the current moment.
  • Physical Activity : Engaging in physical exercises like jogging, dancing, or even just a brisk walk can shift focus from internal emotions and memories to the external environment. Nature walks can be particularly beneficial, combining both physical movement and sensory stimulation.
  • Seek External Feedback : Talking to trusted friends or a therapist can help INFPs gain an external perspective on their thoughts. These individuals can provide a sounding board, helping the INFP recognize when they’re spiraling and offering an alternative viewpoint.
  • Limit Triggers : Recognizing and limiting exposure to triggers that cause excessive rumination or nostalgia can help. This might mean limiting certain music, movies, or even interactions that send the INFP into a Fi-Si loop.
  • Establish a Routine : While Ne thrives on novelty, Si appreciates some structure. Establishing a balanced routine – one that incorporates both familiar activities and new experiences – can provide stability without feeding the loop.
  • Engage in Learning : Picking up a new skill or subject to study can engage Ne by presenting new concepts and challenges. It allows the INFP to focus on external information and process it in novel ways.
  • Artistic Expression : Encouraging external modes of expression, such as painting, music, or writing, can serve as an outlet for emotions and insights. It channels the introspection of Fi and the memories of Si into tangible forms, often providing clarity and relief.
  • Socialize More : Even if it’s just in small groups or one-on-one, socializing can pull INFPs out of their internal world. New conversations and perspectives can stimulate Ne, making them consider other viewpoints and possibilities.

Breaking the Fi-Si loop is a continuous process that requires self-awareness and effort. Recognizing the signs of being in a loop and proactively seeking balance will ensure that the INFP is leveraging all their cognitive functions harmoniously for personal growth and well-being.

Mature Vs Immature expression of Tertiary Introverted Sensing (Si) Cognitive Function in INFPs

Mature expression of introverted sensing (si) in infps:.

When Si is maturely developed in INFPs, it provides a stable foundation, anchoring their rich emotional world and vast imagination to the tangible experiences of the past. It allows them to move forward with a sense of continuity and grounding.

Here’s how a mature expression of Si looks in INFPs:

  • Rich Inner Archive : Mature Si provides INFPs with a well-organized internal database of past experiences, knowledge, and lessons learned. This repository aids in making informed decisions and understanding situations based on historical context.
  • Consistency and Routine : While they naturally embrace novelty due to Ne, a mature Si allows INFPs to also see the value in routines, traditions, and consistency. They can create structures in their daily life that provide stability and comfort.
  • Holistic Reflection : INFPs with well-developed Si can effectively reflect on past events, recognizing patterns and lessons. They can reconcile with past traumas, understanding them not just emotionally but also contextually.
  • Detail-Oriented : INFPs become more attentive to details. They can recall specific nuances of experiences, conversations, or readings which can aid in their creative or problem-solving endeavors.
  • Value for Tradition : While they’re naturally innovative, INFPs with mature Si can appreciate and respect traditions and established methods. They can recognize the wisdom and stability that tradition can offer.
  • Practical Implementation : Often dreamers, INFPs can leverage Si to ground their dreams and visions in practical steps. They become adept at translating their ideals into actionable plans based on past experiences.
  • Enhanced Empathy : Drawing from their own past experiences, they can empathize on a deeper level with others, understanding and relating to their struggles or joys.
  • Balanced Decision Making : While they primarily make decisions based on their values (Fi) and possibilities (Ne), a mature Si enables them to also consider past experiences and the practical aspects of a situation.
  • Resilience : With a well-developed Si, INFPs can draw strength from past challenges they’ve overcome. This sense of historical victory instills resilience and a belief that they can weather future storms.
  • Appreciation for the Present : By understanding the past deeply and seeing its connection to the present, INFPs can deeply appreciate the current moment, seeing it as a bridge between what was and what could be.

Immature Expression of Introverted Sensing (Si) in INFPs:

An immature expression of Si in INFPs can manifest as an over-attachment to the past and a resistance to the present.

This can hinder their growth, creativity, and ability to adapt. However, with awareness and intentional development, INFPs can balance and mature their Si, allowing it to effectively support and enrich their dominant Fi and auxiliary Ne functions.

Here’s how an underdeveloped or immature Si can manifest in INFPs:

  • Over-reliance on the Past : INFPs might get excessively stuck in past experiences, especially negative ones. They might dwell on past mistakes, regrets, or traumas, inhibiting their ability to move forward or be open to new experiences.
  • Resistant to Change : While INFPs are generally adaptable due to their Ne, an immature Si might make them unusually resistant to change, especially if they’re overly attached to specific routines or ways of doing things.
  • Detail Overwhelm : INFPs might become overly fixated on minor details, struggling to differentiate between essential and non-essential information. This can lead to them missing out on the broader perspective.
  • Difficulty Letting Go : Immature Si can lead to difficulties in releasing old habits, possessions, or memories that no longer serve them, leading to unnecessary emotional baggage.
  • Physical Disconnection : They might become less attuned to their bodily needs or sensations. This could manifest as neglecting physical health, irregular eating or sleeping habits, or not recognizing when they’re exhausted.
  • Paralysis by Analysis : An underdeveloped Si can make INFPs overthink decisions based on past experiences. They might ruminate on all the times a similar decision led to unwanted outcomes, making it difficult to take action.
  • Misplaced Nostalgia : There might be an idealization of the past or a yearning for “the good old days,” even if those times had their own challenges.
  • Avoidance of Practicality : INFPs might ignore the practical aspects of life, dismissing routines, and consistency as unnecessary or burdensome.
  • Sensory Overwhelm : In unfamiliar or chaotic environments, INFPs might become unusually overwhelmed due to an inability to filter sensory input effectively.
  • Black and White Thinking : Based on past experiences, they might prematurely judge situations or people, categorizing them rigidly based on limited prior encounters.

Personal Growth and Development of Introverted Sensing (Si) Cognitive Function for INFPs

For INFPs, the journey to developing their tertiary Si is both challenging and rewarding.

By embracing the past as a foundation and not a limitation, INFPs can harness the power of Si to enrich their present and envision a future that aligns seamlessly with their core values.

As with all growth, the path requires patience, self-awareness, and consistent effort. But with time, the INFP can find a harmonious balance between their dreams and reality, aided by the stabilizing force of a matured Introverted Sensing function.

1. Recognize the Value of Si: Before embarking on this developmental journey, it’s essential for INFPs to recognize and appreciate the value Si brings to their lives. Si, at its core, is about internalizing past experiences and using them as a reference for future decisions. It grounds the INFP, provides stability, and offers a touch of practicality to their otherwise abstract thinking.

2. Create Routines and Habits: One of the most practical ways to nurture Si is by establishing routines. INFPs often shy away from rigid structures, but a gentle, self-crafted routine can provide them a sense of security and predictability. It could be as simple as a morning or bedtime routine or setting specific times for meals.

3. Engage in Mindful Sensory Activities: Activities that require focused attention on the senses can help INFPs connect with their Si. This might include cooking, gardening, pottery, or even slow, mindful walks in nature. By tuning into the sensory experience, INFPs can learn to appreciate the present moment and the richness of the physical world.

4. Reflect Constructively on the Past: Instead of dwelling negatively on past experiences, INFPs should practice constructive reflection. This means revisiting past events with an aim to extract lessons, understand patterns, and gain insights for future growth.

5. Ground Yourself in the Physical World: Si is closely tied to the body and its sensations. Regular physical activity, be it yoga, dancing, or simply stretching, can be immensely beneficial. It not only promotes physical health but also allows INFPs to become more attuned to their bodily needs.

6. Seek Feedback from Sensing Types: Engaging in discussions with dominant or auxiliary Si users (like ISFJs or ISTJs) can provide valuable insights. Their natural inclination towards detail, practicality, and past experiences can offer a fresh perspective and challenge the INFP to see things differently.

7. Set Aside Time for Practical Tasks: While INFPs might prefer delving into abstract concepts, it’s beneficial to allocate time for practical tasks, be it organizing their space, planning the week ahead, or learning a new tangible skill. Over time, these tasks become less daunting and can even provide a sense of accomplishment.

8. Embrace Change Gradually: Resisting change is a common trait in an immature Si. INFPs can work on this by making incremental changes in their lives. This gradual approach can help them adapt without feeling overwhelmed.

Expression of Inferior and Shadow Cognitive Functions

Beyond the Dominant, Auxiliary and Tertiary Cognitive functions lies the unconscious and immature cognitive functions.

These include the Inferior function and four Shadow functions.

Inferior function is the least developed cognitive function in the top four functions.

The four Shadow functions are unused and underutilised by the brain and fall into the unconscious.

Being in the unconscious, the expression of these Inferior and Shadow functions are either Repressed or Overcompensated.

  • Repressed: The individual ignores, denies or suppresses the Inferior & Shadow Cognitive Functions, dismissing them as irrelevant or undesirable. Consequently, this may lead to an overemphasis on the Dominant function, resulting in rigid behaviours and a narrow perspective.
  • Overcompensated: In contrast to repression, overcompensation occurs when Inferior & Shadow Cognitive Functions become exaggerated and take control over the individual’s behaviour. This may lead to impulsive or reckless decisions, driven by the fear of inadequacy and the need to prove oneself.

Integrating these Inferior & Shadow functions helps individuals achieve a more balanced and harmonious relationship with their dominant traits, leading to enhanced self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and healthier decision-making.

By embracing the wisdom of the unconscious and the influence of past experiences, individuals can embark on a transformative journey towards self-discovery and inner harmony.

Extroverted Thinking (Te): The Inferior Function of INFP Cognitive Functions Stack

Overview of extroverted thinking (te).

Extroverted Thinking is a mode of thinking that focuses on organizing and structuring the external world according to logical principles and efficient systems.

Individuals who possess a strong preference for Te tend to prioritize objectivity, effectiveness, and practicality in their decision-making and problem-solving processes.

People with dominant Extroverted Thinking have a natural talent for analyzing and evaluating information in a logical, systematic, and objective manner.

They value efficiency, productivity, and results. They are skilled at setting goals, developing action plans, and executing tasks in a methodical and organized manner.

Overview of Inferior Cognitive Function

The inferior function represents the psychological territory that individuals often struggle to access or develop due to their preference for other dominant functions.

It typically resides in the opposite attitude (extraversion or introversion) and the opposite cognitive function (thinking, feeling, sensing, or intuition) to their dominant function.

The presence of the inferior function can introduce various challenges and tensions within an individual’s personality.

These challenges are rooted in the individual’s unconscious resistance to engage with the inferior function and the discomfort that arises from accessing unfamiliar aspects of their psyche.

Hence, the Inferior function is either repressed i.e. ignored, denied or rejected OR the inferior function is overcompensated i.e it’s expression is exaggerated, impulsive, immature and driven by need to prove oneself.

Extroverted Thinking (Te) as the Inferior INFP Cognitive Function

In the depth psychology understanding of personality, the inferior function serves as both a point of vulnerability and a potential gateway to deeper personal growth.

For the INFP, Te represents the objective, logical, and external organization of thoughts and the environment, which contrasts sharply with their dominant Fi’s subjective, values-driven introspection.

Here are some of the challenges INFPs face due to their Inferior Te:

  • Overwhelm with Practical Tasks: INFPs may feel out of depth when handling tasks that require swift, linear decision-making or systematic organization, especially if they’re outside their comfort zone or familiar environment.
  • Uncharacteristic Outbursts: Typically known for their calm and reflective demeanor, INFPs can surprise those around them with sudden and intense displays of criticism or assertiveness. This can be a reactive expression of their suppressed Te trying to take control.
  • Struggle with External Organization: An underdeveloped Te can manifest as difficulty in organizing external spaces, managing time efficiently, or setting and maintaining schedules. Procrastination, especially on tasks requiring structured thinking, might be more frequent.
  • Difficulty in Objective Decision Making: INFPs might sometimes find it challenging to make decisions based purely on objective data, preferring instead to rely on their personal values or feelings. This can sometimes lead to perceived indecisiveness.
  • Inefficient Task Execution: There might be a tendency to get lost in the nuances of a task or to focus too much on certain details, making them less efficient in task execution than they would be with a more developed Te.
  • Challenge in Articulating Thoughts: Even though INFPs have profound insights and a rich inner world, they might sometimes face challenges in articulating their thoughts, ideas, or feelings in a concise and logically structured manner, especially when put on the spot.
  • Over-Sensitivity to Criticism: A less mature Te can make INFPs more susceptible to external criticism, especially if it’s presented in a blunt or unfeeling manner. They might interpret it as a personal affront rather than constructive feedback.
  • Difficulty Setting Boundaries: INFPs, especially those who haven’t tapped into their Te, might find it challenging to set clear boundaries, leading to situations where they might feel taken advantage of or overwhelmed by others’ demands.

By recognizing these challenges, INFPs can work on consciously developing their Te function, not to the extent of overshadowing their dominant Fi, but enough to achieve a more balanced and holistic approach to life’s situations.

How can INFPs develop their Inferior Extroverted Thinking (Te) Cognitive Function?

Developing one’s inferior function is a journey of personal growth and balance. For INFPs, enhancing their Extroverted Thinking (Te) means cultivating a more structured, objective approach to life, complementing their naturally strong introspective and values-based orientation.

Here are some ways INFPs can develop their inferior Te:

  • Embrace Routine and Structure: Although routine might feel restrictive to INFPs, introducing a modest amount of structure can benefit them. This can be as simple as establishing a daily or weekly routine, setting clear goals for the day, or organizing their workspace.
  • Practice Time Management: Using tools like planners, calendars, or digital apps can help INFPs allocate time efficiently. They can set specific time slots for tasks, ensuring they don’t get lost in ideation without action.
  • Seek Feedback: INFPs should invite objective feedback on their projects or ideas. By welcoming constructive criticism, they can refine their perspectives and ensure they are on the right track.
  • Engage in Debates: Engaging in friendly debates or discussions can help INFPs practice looking at things from a logical standpoint, separate from their personal values. It helps them articulate their thoughts more concisely and consider multiple viewpoints.
  • Break Tasks into Steps: INFPs can benefit from breaking larger projects into smaller, manageable steps. This allows for a systematic approach, making it easier to track progress and stay organized.
  • Collaborate with Te-dominant Types: Working with individuals who have dominant Te, like ENTJs or ESTJs, can provide INFPs with insights into logical decision-making, efficiency, and structured approaches.
  • Educate Themselves on Logical Frameworks: Reading books or attending courses on logical reasoning, project management, or any systematic framework can help strengthen their Te.
  • Self-reflection: INFPs should periodically assess situations where their emotions took precedence over logic. Recognizing these instances and understanding the underlying triggers can guide them towards a more balanced response in the future.
  • Set Boundaries: To prevent feelings of overwhelm or burnout, INFPs should practice setting clear boundaries. This can be in terms of time, energy, or commitments. It helps them be more effective and assertive.
  • Practice Concise Communication: INFPs can work on communicating their ideas more succinctly and directly. This might involve preparing ahead for discussions or writing down their points to ensure clarity.

Developing Te doesn’t mean suppressing or devaluing the dominant Fi. Instead, it’s about achieving a balance that allows INFPs to navigate the world with a combination of heartfelt authenticity and effective pragmatism. This integrated approach can lead to more fulfilling relationships, personal growth, and professional success.

How does extreme stress cause Grip behaviour in INFPs?

In the MBTI framework, the “grip” experience refers to an individual becoming unusually and uncharacteristically dominated by their inferior function due to prolonged stress or pressure.

For INFPs, their inferior function is Extroverted Thinking (Te). When INFPs are in the grip of their inferior Te, they might behave in ways that are quite foreign to their natural preferences.

Causes of Grip Behavior in INFPs:

  • Chronic Stress: Long periods of unrelenting stress, without adequate relief or coping, can push an INFP into grip behavior. This can be due to personal, professional, or health-related reasons.
  • Feeling Overwhelmed: Situations where INFPs feel they have too many responsibilities without a clear sense of how to prioritize or handle them can lead to grip behavior.
  • Consistent Invalidations: Regularly feeling invalidated, especially about their deeply-held values or feelings, can lead INFPs to become increasingly stressed.
  • Loss or Grief: Major personal losses or significant life changes can plunge INFPs into their grip state.

Manifestations of Grip Behavior in INFPs:

  • Obsessive Thinking: INFPs might become fixated on external data, details, or organization in a rigid and unhealthy way, becoming critical and pedantic.
  • Impulsiveness: Contrary to their typically introspective nature, they might make hasty decisions without their usual thorough contemplation.
  • Increased Criticism: They may become uncharacteristically critical and blunt, both towards themselves and others, often focusing on inefficiencies or mistakes.
  • Overexertion: INFPs might throw themselves into work or tasks, believing that sheer hard work can resolve their inner turmoil.
  • Withdrawal: An overwhelmed INFP might become socially withdrawn, avoiding interactions even with close friends or family.
  • Neglecting Emotional Needs: They might dismiss or undervalue their own and others’ feelings and values, which is at odds with their usual empathetic nature.

How can INFPs come out of Grip Behaviour?

Emerging from grip behavior requires understanding, self-awareness, and actively seeking balance.

For INFPs who find themselves dominated by their inferior function, Extroverted Thinking (Te), due to prolonged stress or challenges, the following steps can be beneficial in breaking free from this grip:

  • Self-Recognition: The first step is recognizing the grip behavior. INFPs need to be self-aware enough to notice when they are acting uncharacteristically critical, impulsive, or neglecting their emotional needs.
  • Prioritize Self-Care: Engaging in self-care activities, such as reading, journaling, spending time in nature, or indulging in creative pursuits, can help INFPs reconnect with their dominant function, Introverted Feeling (Fi).
  • Seek Support: Talking to trusted friends or family members can provide an external perspective, helping INFPs recognize their grip behavior. Sometimes, merely verbalizing feelings and challenges can be cathartic.
  • Limit Stressors: Whenever possible, INFPs should try to identify and reduce sources of chronic stress. This might mean delegating tasks, setting boundaries, or even seeking a change in environment.
  • Break Tasks into Manageable Steps: Instead of being overwhelmed by the bigger picture, breaking tasks into smaller, achievable steps can help. This approach utilizes Te in a healthy way, making it an ally rather than a source of stress.
  • Reconnect with Values: Reflecting upon and revisiting personal values and feelings can help INFPs recalibrate. This might mean reviewing personal goals, meditating, or seeking spiritual connection.
  • Seek Professional Help: If grip behavior is persistent and affecting daily life, seeking therapy or counselling can be beneficial. A professional can provide tools, insights, and coping strategies tailored to the individual’s needs.
  • Acceptance and Kindness: INFPs should remember to treat themselves with the same compassion and understanding they typically offer others. Accepting that everyone has moments of imbalance and that it’s okay to seek help is crucial.
  • Engage in Novel Experiences: Since Extroverted Intuition (Ne) is the auxiliary function for INFPs, trying something new or changing up routines can help break the grip of Si and re-engage Ne.
  • Stay Physically Active: Physical activity, whether it’s regular exercise, yoga, or even just walks in nature, can help in clearing the mind and reducing the physiological impacts of stress.

Emerging from the grip is a process, and it’s essential for INFPs to remember that they have the inner resources and resilience to navigate challenges. With patience, understanding, and the right strategies, they can find their way back to balance.

How does Mature expression of the Inferior Cognitive Function – Extroverted Thinking (Te) look like in INFPs?

When INFPs maturely integrate their inferior function, Extroverted Thinking (Te), into their cognitive function stack, it manifests in a number of positive and constructive ways. A mature expression of Te in INFPs can be described as follows:

  • Efficient Action-taking: Instead of getting lost in their inner world of values and feelings, mature INFPs can use Te to execute decisions and take tangible actions towards their goals, effectively turning their visions and ideals into reality.
  • Objective Analysis: While INFPs naturally prioritize personal values and subjective experiences, with mature Te, they can also assess situations objectively. They can weigh pros and cons, consider data, and make logical decisions when required.
  • Organizational Skills: The chaos that sometimes surrounds the INFP’s inner world gets a structure. They become better at organizing their time, setting schedules, and managing tasks.
  • Healthy Boundaries: A mature Te helps INFPs to assert themselves and set clear boundaries. They become more capable of saying “no” and standing up for themselves when their values are compromised.
  • Clear Communication: While they might naturally communicate in abstracts and emotions, mature INFPs can convey their thoughts in a straightforward and concise manner when the situation demands it.
  • Problem Solving: Mature Te aids INFPs in approaching problems methodically. They can devise systematic plans, break tasks into manageable steps, and lead efforts if necessary.
  • Balanced Decision-making: While they will always prioritize their Fi values, mature INFPs can also factor in logical and practical considerations, resulting in well-rounded decisions.
  • Collaboration: Recognizing the importance of collective effort, INFPs with developed Te can work efficiently in teams, valuing the input of others and coordinating efforts for a shared goal.
  • Embracing Constructive Criticism: Instead of feeling personally attacked, mature INFPs can see constructive criticism as a tool for growth. They appreciate feedback that helps them improve and reach their objectives.
  • Flexibility in Thinking: While they have a strong sense of internal values, mature expression of Te allows INFPs to adjust their views and plans based on new information or changing circumstances.

A mature expression of Te in INFPs doesn’t overshadow their dominant function, Introverted Feeling (Fi), but rather complements it. It offers a balance between their rich inner world of values and the external world’s demands, allowing them to navigate both realms with grace and efficacy.

Extroverted Feeling (Fe): The Opposing Shadow Function of INFP Cognitive Functions Stack

Overview of extroverted feeling (fe).

Extroverted Feeling is a mode of decision-making and interpersonal engagement that focuses on understanding and responding to the emotions, needs, and values of others.

Individuals who possess a strong preference for Fe are highly attuned to the emotional climate of their environment and prioritize maintaining harmonious relationships.

People with dominant or auxiliary Extroverted Feeling have a natural ability to empathize with others, understand their perspectives, and create a sense of emotional connection.

They are skilled at reading social cues, assessing the emotional needs of those around them, and adjusting their behavior to promote harmony and cooperation.

Overview of the Opposing Shadow Cognitive Function

The opposing shadow function refers to the opposite orientation of the dominant function.

Being unconscious, the Opposing shadows cognitive possibilities are either ignored or viewed with suspicion and distrust.

This places a cognitive block on the personality of the individual as they fail to understand the benefits of a mature expression of the shadow.

Hence, the Opposing Shadow function is either repressed i.e., ignored, denied or rejected OR the opposing function is overcompensated i.e., its expression is exaggerated, impulsive, immature and driven by need to prove oneself.

By acknowledging the presence of shadow and consciously engaging with it, individuals can broaden their perspectives, enhance their adaptability, and find greater balance in their decision-making processes.

Through shadows integration, individuals can unlock new avenues for personal growth, creativity, and a more holistic expression of their unique personalities.

Extroverted Feeling (Fe) as the Opposing Shadow INFP Cognitive Function

As INFPs primarily rely on Introverted Feeling (Fi) as their dominant function, Extroverted Feeling (Fe) occupies the shadow position.

INFPs and Extroverted Feeling (Fe)

  • Natural Resistance : Given that Fi is about authenticity and personal values, INFPs have a natural resistance to the collective harmonizing nature of Fe. INFPs prioritize personal authenticity and may see the conforming tendencies of dominant Fe users (like ESFJs and ENFJs) as insincere or overly focused on external approval.
  • Distaste for Collective Norms : INFPs might have an aversion or skepticism towards things that are done “because that’s how everyone does it.” They might be resistant or even rebellious against societal norms or traditions they feel don’t align with their inner values.
  • Challenges with External Harmony : INFPs might find it challenging to create or maintain external harmony at the expense of their own feelings or beliefs. While they deeply desire personal harmony and understanding, they can be hesitant or even unwilling to compromise their inner values just to fit in or to appease others.
  • Projection : One of the primary ways shadow functions manifest is through projection. INFPs might see and judge the negative aspects of Fe in others without recognizing that they, too, sometimes exhibit these behaviors, especially under stress or when feeling threatened.
  • Stress & Defensive Behaviors : When feeling particularly insecure or defensive, INFPs might overly use or misapply Fe. This could manifest as an uncharacteristic desire for external validation, becoming overly accommodating, or being hyper-aware and sensitive to group dynamics and hierarchies.

The Impact of Shadow Fe on the INFP Personality:

  • Emotional Intensity : When confronted with situations where they believe they have to conform or when their deeply held values are challenged, INFPs can exhibit an unexpected emotional intensity. This might come across as outbursts or moments of assertiveness.
  • Avoidance of Confrontation : Even though they value authenticity, their shadow Fe might make them avoid direct confrontation, especially if they perceive it might disrupt group harmony.
  • Struggling with Feedback : INFPs may struggle with feedback that they perceive is aimed at making them conform to societal norms rather than constructive individual growth.
  • Overemphasis on Authenticity : While authenticity is vital for INFPs, an underdeveloped or shadowy interaction with Fe can make them overly resistant to external input, seeing any advice as an attempt to compromise their true self.

INFPs, with their dominant Fi, have a rich inner world that cherishes individual values and authenticity. The opposing shadow of Fe brings challenges but also opportunities for growth.

By recognizing and integrating the positive aspects of Fe—like understanding group dynamics, considering collective needs, and fostering external harmony—INFPs can achieve a more holistic approach to relationships and societal interactions.

The dance between Fi and shadow Fe, when navigated with awareness, can lead to profound personal development and deeper connections with others.

How can INFPs develop their Opposing Shadow Extroverted Feeling (Fe) Cognitive Function?

Developing the Opposing Shadow function, especially for a complex type like the INFP, requires patience, self-awareness, and a willingness to step outside one’s comfort zone. While it’s essential to understand that INFPs will never use Fe in the same natural way as dominant Fe users (like ENFJs or ESFJs), they can still tap into its energy in specific contexts to enrich their personal growth and improve interpersonal relationships. Here’s how:

1. Recognize the Presence of Shadow Fe: The first step in working with a shadow function is to recognize when it’s operating. Shadow Fe might manifest in INFPs as an unexpected sensitivity to group dynamics, a sudden desire for external validation, or a reactive push against perceived conformity. By identifying these moments, INFPs can start to integrate this energy more healthily.

2. Seek Feedback: While INFPs deeply value authenticity, they can benefit from occasionally seeking feedback about their actions and decisions. This doesn’t mean compromising their values, but rather understanding how their actions might be perceived by the collective, helping them navigate social situations more effectively.

3. Engage in Group Activities: By purposefully engaging in group activities or community service, INFPs can practice tuning into the group’s needs and harmonizing with others. This is a safe way to exercise their Fe without feeling they are betraying their core values.

4. Develop Active Listening Skills: Active listening is a skill that revolves around understanding others without imposing one’s own viewpoint. For INFPs, this can be an excellent way to tap into the empathetic side of Fe, allowing them to connect with others deeply without the necessity of conformity.

5. Practice Empathy: While INFPs are naturally empathetic due to their dominant Fi, practicing empathy in a more externalized way—by truly attempting to understand others’ feelings and perspectives—can help them relate to others better and develop their shadow Fe.

6. Reflect on Moments of Conformity: It’s essential for INFPs to differentiate between moments when they are choosing to harmonize with others for the greater good and moments where they feel they are being inauthentic. Reflecting on these situations can help them find a balance.

7. Explore Artistic Expressions Involving Collaboration: Engaging in group artistic projects, like theater, dance, or music ensembles, can allow INFPs to practice blending their individual expressions with that of a group, allowing a gentle exploration of Fe dynamics.

8. Study Dominant Fe Users: Observing or interacting with dominant Fe users (like ENFJs and ESFJs) can give INFPs insights into how Extroverted Feeling operates. This can be an opportunity to learn and perhaps even adopt some beneficial Fe-oriented behaviors.

9. Embrace the Journey: Remember, integrating shadow functions is a lifelong journey. The goal isn’t to master Fe but to understand its influence and harness its energy when beneficial.

How does Mature expression of the Shadow Cognitive Function – Extroverted Feeling (Fe) look like in INFPs?

The mature expression of shadow Extroverted Feeling in INFPs is not about replacing their dominant Fi but about complementing it.

It offers them a broader toolkit to navigate the complexities of interpersonal relationships, group dynamics, and societal expectations.

The journey of developing Fe provides INFPs with a richer, more balanced perspective of themselves and the world around them.

Here’s what mature Fe looks like in INFPs:

1. Balanced Individuality and Harmony: Mature INFPs understand the importance of maintaining their individuality while also valuing group harmony. They recognize that sometimes, the collective good can coincide with their personal values. In such cases, they might willingly prioritize group harmony without feeling they’re compromising their authenticity.

2. Enhanced Empathetic Connection: Though INFPs are naturally empathetic, a mature Fe allows them to resonate with others in a more externalized manner. They can pick up on group emotions, moods, and values, making them more attuned to social atmospheres and dynamics.

3. Effective Communication: A mature expression of Fe means INFPs can communicate their deep feelings and values in ways that are accessible and relatable to a broader audience, bridging the gap between their rich inner world and the external world.

4. Willingness to Compromise: While staying true to their core values, mature INFPs with developed shadow Fe recognize the occasional necessity of compromise, especially in close relationships. This doesn’t mean losing their essence but ensuring that the relationship’s fabric remains intact.

5. Active Participation in Group Dynamics: INFPs with mature Fe feel more comfortable engaging in group settings, understanding the importance of shared experiences and the joy it can bring. They might actively participate in group discussions, events, or projects without feeling overwhelmed or overly defensive of their individuality.

6. Recognizing the Value of External Validation: While INFPs are primarily self-referencing, mature Fe allows them to appreciate and sometimes seek external validation, understanding its importance in certain contexts, like career advancement or relationship reassurance.

7. Constructive Feedback: INFPs with a mature shadow Fe can provide feedback in a manner that is both honest and considerate, ensuring that their words foster growth without unnecessary harm.

8. Acceptance of Social Protocols: Though they might not always agree with certain social norms, mature INFPs recognize their importance in maintaining social cohesion. They might choose to adhere to these norms in specific contexts, seeing the broader picture of social harmony.

9. Enhanced Leadership Qualities: While INFPs are not stereotypical leaders, those with developed Fe can take on leadership roles that prioritize emotional well-being, harmony, and collective values, leading with empathy and consideration.

Introverted Intuition (Ni): The Critical Parent Shadow Function of INFP Cognitive Functions Stack

Overview of introverted intuition (ni).

Introverted Intuition is an inwardly directed, intuitive perception of patterns, possibilities, and connections that are not immediately apparent to others.

It involves the ability to deeply grasp underlying meanings, implications, and future outcomes without relying on concrete sensory information.

Individuals with a strong preference for Ni have a natural inclination to see beyond the surface-level details and focus on the hidden potential and underlying concepts.

People who possess Introverted Intuition as their dominant function often have a heightened sense of foresight and a knack for recognizing patterns and trends.

They may have a strong sense of destiny or a future-oriented perspective.

They are inclined to think in terms of possibilities and are adept at synthesizing disparate information to form holistic understandings.

This function allows them to effortlessly generate insights, make connections, and envision multiple outcomes or scenarios.

Overview of the Critical Parent Shadow Function

The Critical Parent function resides in the inferior position of an individual’s function stack, acting as a counterbalance to the Auxiliary function.

It manifests as an internal “voice” that evaluates and judges the individual’s thoughts, actions, and decisions, often leading to feelings of guilt, self-doubt, or shame.

Being in the unconscious, the Critical Parent Shadow function is either repressed i.e. ignored, denied or rejected OR the Critical Parent Shadow function is overcompensated i.e it’s expression is exaggerated, impulsive, immature and driven by need to prove oneself.

Introverted Intuition (Ni) as the Critical Parent Shadow INFP Cognitive Function

In Jungian Depth Psychology and particularly in John Beebe’s model, the “Critical Parent” or “Witch/Senex” position is the fifth function in an individual’s cognitive stack.

For INFPs, this function is Introverted Intuition (Ni). It is termed as the “Critical Parent” because its influence often emerges as internal criticisms, nagging doubts, or worries about the future.

Let’s delve deeper into how the shadow function of Ni manifests in the psyche of an INFP:

1. Pessimistic Projections: When INFPs are under stress or when their primary functions are not being satisfied, Ni can manifest as an overly pessimistic view of the future. These projections are not based on external data (as it would be with their auxiliary Ne) but rather from an internal sense of how things “might” or “should” be. It can lead INFPs to get stuck in a loop of negative outcomes, which may never come to pass.

2. Obsession with Hidden Meanings: INFPs may find themselves obsessing over underlying meanings or patterns in situations or relationships, interpreting personal experiences with an overly analytical lens. This could lead to a tendency to overthink decisions or read into situations more deeply than necessary.

3. Doubt in Personal Intuition: Ni in the critical parent position can make INFPs question their own instincts and insights. This might cause an internal tug-of-war, where they feel unsure about trusting their judgments or following their heart.

4. Perfectionism: Ni might cause INFPs to envision an idealized, “perfect” version of an outcome. When reality doesn’t align with this vision, they might experience deep dissatisfaction, even if the actual result is more than adequate.

5. Ruminating on Past Mistakes: While INFPs tend to be future-oriented with their Ne, an unhealthy Ni might lead them to fixate on past mistakes, constantly playing scenarios over and over, thinking of how things could have been different if another path was chosen.

6. Disconnection from Present Reality: An overactive Ni can make INFPs feel detached from the present moment. They might be so engrossed in internal visions and meanings that they overlook the immediate external world.

7. Skepticism of External Intuition: INFPs might become skeptical or even dismissive of external possibilities and new ideas (Ne), instead relying heavily on their internal perceptions and visions (Ni), leading to a more closed-off attitude.

For personal growth, it’s essential for INFPs to be aware of this shadow function. Recognizing its influence allows them to differentiate between genuine intuitive insights and the more critical, doubting voice of their shadow Ni.

The integration doesn’t mean eradicating this voice but understanding it as a part of the self, which, when balanced, can provide depth and a richer internal dialogue.

How can INFPs develop their Introverted Intuition (Ni) – the Critical Parent Shadow Cognitive Function?

Developing the Critical Parent shadow function, particularly Introverted Intuition (Ni) for INFPs, involves recognizing, understanding, and integrating this deeper layer of the psyche into conscious awareness.

It’s a challenging endeavor, as shadow functions often manifest in less conscious and sometimes problematic ways.

Nevertheless, a mature integration of Ni can enrich the INFP’s perspective and enhance their intuitive abilities.

Here are some steps INFPs can take to develop and integrate their shadow Ni:

1. Awareness and Acceptance: Begin by acknowledging the existence of Ni as a part of the cognitive toolkit, even if it’s in the shadow. Understanding its influence, especially during stressful times, is crucial.

2. Meditation and Reflection: Practices like meditation can help INFPs delve deeper into their internal processes. This can assist in distinguishing between the optimistic exploration of Ne and the more profound, singular vision of Ni.

3. Journaling: Writing down dreams, visions, and profound thoughts can provide a platform for Ni to express itself. Over time, patterns may emerge, offering insights into the deeper, more symbolic aspects of the INFP’s psyche.

4. Engage in Solo Ideation: While group brainstorming caters more to Ne, solitary brainstorming or ideation can encourage the focused, visionary aspect of Ni. Delve deep into a topic without external interruptions.

5. Seek Feedback: Sharing and discussing one’s intuitive hunches or visions with trusted individuals can be enlightening. They might provide an outside perspective, helping to refine and clarify the Ni insights.

6. Study Ni-Dominant Individuals: Look to INFJs and INTJs, who lead with Ni, for examples of this function in action. Observing or conversing with them can offer insights into how Ni operates.

7. Limit Sensory Overstimulation: Occasionally, it can be beneficial to limit excessive external stimuli to allow Ni a clearer channel for expression. This might involve reducing screen time, seeking quiet places, or engaging in sensory deprivation practices.

8. Engage in Symbolic Activities: Activities like tarot reading, studying archetypes, or engaging with mythology can offer a structured way to tap into the symbolic realm that Ni often inhabits.

9. Reframe Negative Projections: When faced with overly pessimistic visions of the future or ruminations on the past, challenge these thoughts. Try to reframe them in a more balanced way, considering both potential pitfalls and opportunities.

10. Seek Professional Guidance: Working with a therapist, especially one versed in Jungian psychology, can help INFPs navigate the complexities of their shadow functions, offering personalized guidance on integrating Ni.

How does Mature expression of the Critical Parent Shadow Cognitive Function – Introverted Intuition (Ni) look like in INFPs?

Mature expression of the Critical Parent Shadow Function, particularly Introverted Intuition (Ni) in INFPs, manifests as a deeper understanding of the world that complements their dominant and auxiliary functions.

When fully developed and integrated, shadow functions can serve as useful tools in an individual’s cognitive toolkit, even if they don’t come as naturally as the primary functions.

Here’s how a mature Ni might manifest in an INFP:

1. Holistic Understanding: While INFPs typically enjoy exploring various possibilities (thanks to their auxiliary Ne), a mature Ni allows them to converge these possibilities into a cohesive understanding or vision, looking beyond the immediate options to a singular underlying theme or outcome.

2. Balanced Visionary Insight: INFPs with a well-developed Ni can access deeper insights or visions about the future. These visions tend to be more focused and singular compared to the explorative nature of Ne. They’ll be able to weigh their broad-ranging ideas (Ne) with focused insights (Ni), leading to more balanced and grounded visions.

3. Deeper Introspection: While INFPs are naturally introspective, a mature Ni can take this introspection to a profound level, allowing them to see patterns and connections in their personal growth journey and life’s experiences.

4. Enhanced Empathy: Though INFPs are already empathetic, integrating Ni might allow them to understand people on a deeper, symbolic level. They may pick up on unspoken intentions, future possibilities, and the core essence of an individual, transcending surface-level impressions.

5. Integrating Past Experiences: INFPs with mature Ni are better at synthesizing their past experiences into their current understanding. They can see how past events have shaped them and make connections that offer profound personal insights.

6. Reduced Overwhelm: While immature Ni might manifest as being overwhelmed by pessimistic visions or negative ruminations, a mature Ni can better navigate these feelings. INFPs can take these deeper insights and balance them with their natural optimism and exploration.

7. Strategic Decision Making: A well-developed Ni can assist INFPs in making decisions that are more in line with their long-term visions and goals, rather than being purely reactive or overly explorative.

8. Appreciation for Symbolism: INFPs with mature Ni may develop a deeper appreciation for symbolic content in art, literature, and life. They can derive profound meaning from symbols and archetypes, enriching their creative and imaginative endeavors.

Extroverted Sensing (Se): The Trickster Shadow Function of INFP Cognitive Functions Stack

Overview of extroverted sensing (se).

Extroverted Sensing is a cognitive function that involves being attuned to the immediate sensory experiences and the external environment.

Individuals who possess a strong preference for Se are highly aware of their surroundings, enjoying the present moment and engaging with their senses.

People with dominant or auxiliary Extroverted Sensing have a natural inclination to live in the “here and now.”

They are often energetic, action-oriented, and focused on sensory experiences. They are adept at noticing details, taking in sensory information, and responding quickly to their environment.

Overview of the Trickster Shadow Function

The Trickster is situated as the seventh function in the cognitive stack, opposing the Tertiary function.

It represents an archetypal energy that challenges the individual’s ego identity, leading to unpredictable and paradoxical thoughts, behaviours, and beliefs.

The Trickster is characterized by its playful nature, often leading to situations where it seems to be both helping and hindering simultaneously.

Being in the unconscious, the Trickster Shadow function is either repressed i.e. ignored, denied or rejected OR the Trickster Shadow function is overcompensated i.e it’s expression is exaggerated, impulsive, immature and driven by need to prove oneself.

Extroverted Sensing (Se) as the Trickster Shadow INFP Cognitive Function

When Se takes on the role of the Trickster, it often catches the INFP off guard, leading them into unforeseen pitfalls or blindsiding them in some way.

Here’s how Se as a Trickster function influences the INFP personality:

1. Overwhelm with Present Realities: INFPs thrive in the realm of ideas, future possibilities, and internal values. When they are thrust into a situation demanding immediate attention to details or rapid response to sensory stimuli, they may feel overwhelmed or out of their depth.

2. Misperception of External Details: INFPs might occasionally misread or overlook tangible details in their environment. They could forget where they placed an item, misjudge their physical abilities, or not notice changes in their immediate surroundings.

3. Impulsiveness in Unfamiliar Situations: Although INFPs are generally contemplative, when the Trickster Se catches them off guard, they might become unexpectedly impulsive, making decisions without their usual thoughtful introspection.

4. Resistance to External Pressure: The INFP might feel irritated or even rebellious when external situations (especially forceful, sensory ones) demand conformity. A loud environment, physical pressures, or sudden demands can cause them to retract or push back.

5. Occasional Sensory Indulgences: When the Trickster Se takes hold, an INFP might dive deep into sensory pleasures without their usual restraint. This could manifest in bouts of binge-eating, overspending, or any form of sensory excess.

6. Neglect of Immediate Surroundings: In its shadow form, Se may cause INFPs to neglect their immediate environment. They might forget to engage in routine chores, or not notice a cluttered room.

7. Misjudgment of Situational Dynamics: In stressful moments, INFPs might misinterpret real-time events. This isn’t about misunderstanding people (which is more of an Fe issue) but about misjudging situations. They could underestimate time constraints or be caught off-guard by sudden changes.

8. Desire for Tangible Outcomes: In its shadowy grip, INFPs might exhibit a surprising and uncharacteristic urge for tangible results or external validation. They could become fixated on materialistic outcomes, which is at odds with their typically introspective and values-driven nature.

The Trickster function serves as a reminder that even within the depths of our psyche, there are aspects that can throw us off if not understood and integrated.

For INFPs, it’s essential to recognize when and how this Trickster Se is influencing their behavior or perceptions.

By being aware of its mischievous ways, they can work towards understanding it, not being blindsided by it, and even harnessing its energy when appropriate.

How can INFPs develop their Trickster Shadow Extroverted Sensing (Se) ?

Developing the Trickster Shadow function is a complex endeavor. Given that this is a deep shadow function, it is not directly accessible in the way dominant or auxiliary functions are. However, with conscious effort, INFPs can integrate and develop their Extroverted Sensing (Se) to avoid being blindsided by its more challenging aspects. Here are some strategies:

1. Engage in Sensory Activities: Activities that demand a heightened sensory presence can be beneficial. This includes dancing, cooking, painting, or any hands-on craft. These allow INFPs to tune into the external world and become attuned to the immediate sensory details.

2. Mindfulness and Meditation: Mindfulness practices focus on being present in the moment, which is the essence of Se. By regularly practicing mindfulness or meditation, INFPs can cultivate an awareness of their external environment and become more in tune with the here and now.

3. Physical Exercise: Engaging in sports or regular physical activities can help INFPs tap into their Se. Whether it’s yoga, jogging, or team sports, these activities can ground them in their bodies and the external environment.

4. Travel: New environments can stimulate the senses in unexpected ways. Traveling forces one to be more alert and responsive to the external environment, allowing INFPs to practice and engage their Se.

5. Limit Overindulgence: Recognizing when they’re succumbing to sensory excess (like binge-eating or overspending) is crucial. By setting boundaries and being mindful of their tendencies, INFPs can prevent the Trickster from leading them astray.

6. Journaling: INFPs can benefit from documenting moments when they feel overwhelmed or taken off-guard by sensory details. Over time, patterns might emerge, helping them anticipate and manage such situations better.

7. Seek Feedback: Talking to friends, especially those with strong Se, can provide insights. These individuals can offer a different perspective on situations, helping INFPs see what they might have missed or overlooked.

8. Practice Adaptability: By intentionally placing themselves in unfamiliar situations, INFPs can practice responding to the moment. This doesn’t mean they should constantly step out of their comfort zone, but occasional challenges can be growth-inducing.

9. Regular Environment Checks: Setting regular intervals to scan and organize their immediate environment can help. This practice ensures they’re not overlooking significant changes in their surroundings.

10. Limit Overthinking: Given the introspective nature of INFPs, they may overthink situations. Practicing decisive actions, even in minor day-to-day decisions, can help them tune into Se’s real-time, responsive nature.

How does Mature expression of the Trickster Shadow Extroverted Sensing (Se) look like in INFPs?

In Jungian psychology, especially when exploring the shadow functions, it’s important to understand that these functions are generally less developed and less conscious than one’s dominant or auxiliary functions.

As such, a “mature expression” of a shadow function, especially one as deep in the shadow as the Trickster, won’t look like a highly developed primary or secondary function.

However, it would involve a certain balance, awareness, and lessening of the negative impacts traditionally associated with it.

For INFPs, Extroverted Sensing (Se) as the Trickster function can often manifest in various tricky and unconscious ways.

Yet, with awareness and intentional work, a mature expression of Se in INFPs might look something like this:

  • Presence in the Moment: While INFPs are typically future-oriented or drawn to their inner world, a mature Se expression would allow them to be present, enjoying the sensory details of the current moment without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Adaptive Response: Instead of feeling blindsided by unexpected changes in their environment, mature Se would allow the INFP to adapt more readily, even if it’s outside their comfort zone.
  • Appreciation for Aesthetics: While INFPs naturally appreciate beauty, a mature Se might manifest as a heightened sense of aesthetics, enjoying arts, nature, and sensory experiences more deeply.
  • Physical Grounding: Instead of neglecting physical needs or sensations, the INFP would be more in tune with their body. This could mean addressing physical discomforts promptly or engaging more regularly in physical activities.
  • Reduced Sensory Overwhelm: While INFPs might typically feel overwhelmed in highly stimulating environments, mature Se would allow for better management of sensory input, knowing when and how to withdraw or adapt.
  • Pragmatic Action: While decision-making for INFPs is often values-driven and introspective, a mature Se could bring a dose of practicality, allowing the INFP to make choices that are both in line with their values and pragmatically effective.
  • Less Trickery: The Trickster function, by its nature, can be misleading. Mature Se would involve recognizing when they’re being led astray by misreading sensory cues or over-indulging in sensory experiences and taking steps to correct course.
  • Engagement with the External World: While the INFPs’ natural inclination might be towards introspection, mature Se would encourage more regular and rewarding interactions with the external world, whether that’s nature, art, or social environments.

Introverted Thinking (Ti): The Daemon Shadow Function of INFP

Overview of introverted thinking (ti).

Introverted Thinking is a cognitive function that involves the internal analysis, evaluation, and organization of information based on logical principles and frameworks.

Individuals who possess a strong preference for Ti have a natural inclination to seek clarity, coherence, and precision in their thinking processes.

People with dominant or auxiliary Introverted Thinking have a deep desire to understand the underlying principles, systems, and structures that govern the world.

They engage in critical thinking, analysis, and problem-solving with an emphasis on logical consistency and objective criteria. They value intellectual rigor and strive for accuracy and precision in their thoughts and ideas.

Overview of the Daemon Shadow Function

The Daemon is situated as the eighth function in the cognitive stack, opposing the Inferior function.

It represents an archetypal energy that dwells in the deepest realms of the psyche, often remaining largely inaccessible and unconscious.

The Daemon is associated with aspects that are essential yet often elusive to the individual’s conscious understanding.

Being in the unconscious, the Daemon Shadow function is either repressed i.e. ignored, denied or rejected OR the Daemon Shadow function is overcompensated i.e it’s expression is exaggerated, impulsive, immature and driven by need to prove oneself.

Introverted Thinking (Ti) as the Daemon Shadow Function

Given that the INFP is primarily driven by their dominant Introverted Feeling (Fi) which is concerned with personal values, emotions, and authenticity, the impersonal, analytical nature of Ti can often be quite foreign and elusive.

How INFPs View Their Daemon Introverted Thinking (Ti):

  • Foreign and Elusive : INFPs might find the critical, detached analysis of Ti unfamiliar and sometimes unsettling. It’s not their natural way of processing information. Instead of dissecting an idea for logical consistency, as Ti would, they’re more inclined to weigh it against their personal values.
  • Defensive Mechanism : When INFPs tap into Ti, especially under stress or when feeling threatened, they might become hypercritical or fall into a mode of over-analyzing, in an attempt to understand and control their environment.
  • Ambivalence : Given that Ti is deep within their shadow, INFPs might have mixed feelings about it. They can admire its precision and clarity in others but might feel frustrated or even guilty when they recognize it within themselves, especially if it comes out during moments of stress.

Impact on INFP Personality:

  • Overthinking : While INFPs are introspective by nature, under the influence of shadow Ti, they can become stuck in a loop of over-analyzing and second-guessing their decisions, particularly if they are feeling insecure.
  • Detachment from Emotions : Under the grip of shadow Ti, INFPs might detach from their natural empathetic and value-driven state, becoming uncharacteristically cold and analytical.
  • Challenging Personal Values : An activated Ti might push an INFP to question and critically analyze their deeply held beliefs and values. This can be destabilizing but also transformative if approached with self-awareness.
  • Internal Conflict : The contrast between Fi and Ti can create internal turmoil. While Fi wants to stay true to personal feelings and values, shadow Ti might push for detached logic, causing confusion.
  • Potential for Growth : As with all shadow functions, when recognized and integrated consciously, Ti can offer INFPs a new perspective. It can encourage them to strengthen their arguments, refine their beliefs, and approach problems with a more balanced perspective.

In the transformative language of Jungian psychology, confronting and integrating the Daemon function can lead to profound personal growth.

For INFPs, this involves reconciling their deep-seated values and feelings with the analytical, detached nature of Ti.

When navigated with self-awareness, this integration can allow INFPs to achieve a richer understanding of themselves and the world around them.

How can INFPs develop their Daemon Shadow Introverted Thinking (Ti) Cognitive Function?

Developing the Daemon Shadow function, particularly Introverted Thinking (Ti) for INFPs, is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor.

Integrating this shadow aspect can lead to more balance, clarity, and depth in the INFP’s cognitive process.

Here are some steps and strategies that INFPs can consider:

  • Self-awareness : The first step to working with any shadow aspect is recognizing it. INFPs should strive to become more aware of instances when they slip into a Ti mode, especially during stress. Journaling or reflective conversations can help in identifying patterns.
  • Study Logical Frameworks : Dive into subjects that emphasize logical consistency and critical thinking, such as philosophy, mathematics, or computer programming. Engaging with these fields can provide an INFP with a structured approach to understanding Ti.
  • Engage in Debate : While it might be outside their comfort zone, INFPs can benefit from engaging in intellectual debates. This not only exercises Ti but also helps them understand how it feels to think in a detached, analytical manner.
  • Practice Detachment : While it’s essential for INFPs to stay true to their values, they can occasionally practice viewing situations without emotional involvement, focusing solely on facts and logic. Over time, this can help integrate the analytical nature of Ti.
  • Seek Feedback : Interacting with strong Ti users (like INTPs or ISTPs) can be beneficial. They can provide feedback and demonstrate effective use of Ti in real-world scenarios.
  • Mindfulness and Meditation : Mindfulness practices can help INFPs stay present and recognize when they are shifting into shadow functions. Being conscious of these shifts can help in understanding and eventually integrating them.
  • Challenge Personal Beliefs : INFPs can occasionally play devil’s advocate to their deeply held beliefs. This exercise can help in critically examining and refining their values, ensuring they are grounded in both feeling and thinking.
  • Acceptance : Understand that it’s natural for Ti to feel foreign and sometimes uncomfortable. Accepting it as a part of the self, rather than resisting or fearing it, is essential for integration.
  • Seek Balance : Remember, the goal isn’t to replace dominant Fi with shadow Ti but to achieve a balance between feeling and thinking, allowing for a more holistic decision-making process.
  • Therapy or Coaching : If an INFP finds it challenging to confront and integrate shadow functions, they might consider seeking therapy, especially from practitioners familiar with Jungian depth psychology or MBTI.

How does Mature expression of the Daemon Shadow Cognitive Function – Introverted Thinking (Ti) look like in INFPs?

Mature expression of the Daemon Shadow Cognitive Function, especially Introverted Thinking (Ti), in INFPs manifests as a harmonized blend of their dominant Fi and their shadow Ti.

Instead of these functions working against each other, they can complement one another, enabling the INFP to navigate the world with greater nuance and clarity.

Here’s what this mature integration might look like:

  • Balanced Decision Making : While their core decision-making process is rooted in personal values and feelings (Fi), mature INFPs can seamlessly incorporate logical analysis (Ti) when required. This doesn’t mean they’ll compromise their values, but they can approach situations with a balanced mix of emotion and reason.
  • Critical Self-Reflection : Mature INFPs can critically assess their beliefs and values, ensuring they’re not only deeply felt but also logically consistent. This introspective process helps in refining and solidifying their personal identity.
  • Nuanced Understanding : A well-integrated Ti allows INFPs to dive deeper into topics, understanding them not just emotionally but also structurally. They can grasp intricate details and make sense of complex systems or theories.
  • Clear Communication : While INFPs are naturally gifted in expressing their feelings, integrating Ti allows them to articulate their thoughts with precision, making their communication more effective, especially in debates or intellectual discussions.
  • Open-mindedness : A mature Ti integration helps INFPs remain open to alternative viewpoints. They can entertain a thought without accepting it, allowing them to engage with diverse perspectives while staying true to their values.
  • Problem-Solving : In situations that demand a solution-oriented approach, mature INFPs can set aside their feelings momentarily to dissect a problem logically, coming up with efficient solutions.
  • Self-Regulation : INFPs with a mature expression of Ti can recognize when they’re slipping into emotional overwhelm and can employ logical strategies to ground themselves.
  • Informed Advocacy : Passionate about causes close to their heart, a well-integrated Ti ensures that their advocacy is not only heartfelt but also informed, well-researched, and methodically planned.
  • Tolerance for Ambiguity : While INFPs prefer clarity in their values and judgments, a mature Ti allows them to be comfortable with ambiguity, understanding that not all questions have immediate answers.

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K. D. Singh

After graduating from IIT Kharagpur and IIM Lucknow – I have spent over 15 years in building a Balanced, Healthy & Productive Life using the power of Mind-Body Hacking Techniques.

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How To Be A Successful INFP: Tips And Strategies

Are you an INFP struggling to find success in your career or personal life?

As one of the 16 personality types in Myers and Briggs’ typology, INFPs have a strong need to act authentically and live in congruence with their values. However, this can often lead to feeling unmotivated or unfulfilled in traditional work environments.

But fear not, there are ways for INFPs to find success and purpose in their lives. In this article, we’ll explore tips and strategies for INFPs to thrive in mission-driven careers, manage their inner critic, and honor their deeply held values while navigating the constraints of everyday life.

So, let’s dive in and discover how to be a successful INFP!

How To Be A Successful INFP

1. Find a mission-driven career that aligns with your values

INFPs thrive in careers that allow them to make a meaningful contribution and connect to their values. This may mean exploring non-traditional work environments, such as collaborative workspaces or digital platforms, where you can express your creativity and independence.

Consider careers in healthcare, psychology, social work, or the creative arts. These fields offer opportunities to make a positive impact on others while also honoring your deeply held values.

2. Manage your inner critic

As an INFP, you may struggle with self-doubt and negative self-talk. It’s important to recognize when your inner critic is firing up and learn how to manage it effectively.

Practice self-compassion and reassure yourself the same way you would reassure a friend. Remember that your self-critical thoughts are just thoughts and not necessarily true. Don’t let them sap your motivation or hold you back from pursuing your goals.

3. Embrace different perspectives

While it’s important to honor your deeply held values, it’s also important to be open-minded and embrace different perspectives. Don’t let your idealism turn against you and prevent you from making changes or achieving your goals.

Practice using your intuition, empathy, and adaptability to explore different viewpoints and find common ground with others. This will help you grow as a person and expand your horizons.

4. Use your strengths to your advantage

As an INFP, you have many strengths that can help you succeed in both your personal and professional life. Use your self-awareness, intuition, empathy, adaptability, curiosity, and open-mindedness to your advantage.

For example, if you’re pursuing a creative career, use your intuition and curiosity to explore new ideas and push boundaries. If you’re working in healthcare or social work, use your empathy and adaptability to connect with patients or clients on a deeper level.

5. Practice self-care

Finally, don’t forget to practice self-care! As an INFP, it’s important to take care of yourself both physically and emotionally.

Make time for activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, such as playing music or spending time in nature. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who understand and appreciate your unique perspective on the world.

By following these tips and strategies, INFPs can find success and purpose in their lives while staying true to their authentic selves. Remember, success is not just about achieving external goals but also about living in congruence with our values and finding fulfillment in our daily lives.

Understanding The INFP Personality Type

INFP (introversion, intuition, feeling, perception) is one of the 16 personality types identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. People with this personality type are often described as “idealists” or “mediators” and tend to be introverted, creative, and driven by high values.

INFPs have a strong need to act authentically and will never be truly happy unless they are true to themselves. They spend a lot of time exploring their own purpose in life and thinking about how they can use their skills and talents to best serve humanity.

One of the key strengths of INFPs is their ability to achieve independence and pursue career paths or goals that are outside the norm. They have a natural inclination towards entrepreneurship or freelance work, where they can take creative risks and enjoy testing themselves.

INFPs also have a tendency towards self-doubt and negative self-talk. It’s important for them to manage their inner critic effectively and practice self-compassion. By recognizing when their inner critic is firing up, INFPs can reassure themselves and not let negative thoughts hold them back from pursuing their goals.

INFPs are known for their idealism and strong values, but it’s important for them to be open-minded and embrace different perspectives. By using their intuition, empathy, and adaptability to explore different viewpoints, INFPs can find common ground with others and grow as individuals.

Finally, practicing self-care is crucial for INFPs to maintain their emotional and physical well-being. They should make time for activities that bring them joy and fulfillment and surround themselves with supportive friends and family who appreciate their unique perspective on the world.

Finding Purpose And Meaning In Mission-Driven Careers

INFPs are driven by a sense of purpose and meaning in their work. They want to make a positive impact on the world and connect with their values in their careers. Finding a mission-driven career that aligns with their values is crucial for INFPs to feel fulfilled and motivated.

Careers in healthcare, psychology, social work, or the creative arts can be a good fit for INFPs. These fields offer opportunities to make a difference in people’s lives while also allowing INFPs to express their creativity and individuality.

INFPs should also consider non-traditional work environments, such as collaborative workspaces or digital platforms, where they can work autonomously and have control over how and when to complete a project.

It’s important for INFPs to manage their inner critic and practice self-compassion. Negative self-talk can hold them back from pursuing their goals and making a meaningful contribution to the world. By practicing self-care and surrounding themselves with supportive friends and family, INFPs can overcome self-doubt and negative self-talk.

INFPs should also embrace different perspectives and use their strengths to their advantage. Their intuition, empathy, adaptability, curiosity, and open-mindedness can help them connect with others on a deeper level and find common ground.

Ultimately, finding purpose and meaning in mission-driven careers is essential for INFPs to feel fulfilled and motivated. By following these tips and strategies, INFPs can find success while staying true to their authentic selves.

Managing The Inner Critic: Overcoming Self-Doubt And Procrastination

As an INFP, you may find yourself struggling with self-doubt and procrastination. Your inner critic can be particularly harsh, causing you to doubt your abilities and hold back from pursuing your goals. Here are some strategies to help you manage your inner critic and overcome self-doubt and procrastination:

1. Recognize your inner critic

The first step in managing your inner critic is to recognize when it’s firing up. Pay attention to the negative self-talk that arises when you’re feeling anxious or uncertain. Notice the patterns in your thinking and the triggers that set off your inner critic.

2. Challenge your inner critic

Once you’ve recognized your inner critic, challenge it with evidence-based thinking. Ask yourself if the thoughts you’re having are based on facts or assumptions. Look for evidence that contradicts your negative beliefs.

For example, if you’re feeling like a failure because you didn’t complete a project on time, remind yourself of all the times when you have succeeded in the past. Focus on your strengths and accomplishments, rather than your perceived weaknesses.

3. Practice self-compassion

Be kind to yourself and practice self-compassion. Treat yourself as you would treat a friend who is struggling with self-doubt. Remind yourself that it’s normal to have doubts and fears, and that everyone makes mistakes.

4. Break tasks into smaller steps

Procrastination often stems from feeling overwhelmed by a large task. Break tasks into smaller steps to make them more manageable. Set realistic goals for each step and reward yourself when you complete them.

5. Use deadlines to your advantage

As an INFP, you may find that deadlines help motivate you to get things done. Use this to your advantage by setting deadlines for yourself, even if they’re self-imposed. Hold yourself accountable for meeting these deadlines and use them as a way to track your progress.

6. Take action

Finally, remember that the best way to overcome self-doubt and procrastination is to take action. Don’t wait for motivation to strike – create it by taking small steps towards your goals every day. Even if you don’t feel like it, force yourself to take action for just a few minutes each day. You’ll be amazed at how quickly motivation can follow action.

By managing your inner critic and taking action towards your goals, you can overcome self-doubt and procrastination and achieve success as an INFP. Remember to be kind to yourself and stay true to your values as you pursue your dreams.

Honoring Values In Everyday Life: Tips For Authentic Living

As an INFP, it’s essential to honor your values in everyday life to live an authentic and fulfilling life. Here are some tips to help you do just that:

1. Identify your values

Take some time to reflect on what values are most important to you. This may include things like creativity, compassion, authenticity, or social justice. Once you’ve identified your values, make a conscious effort to align your daily actions with them.

2. Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness can help you stay connected to your values and live in the present moment. Take a few minutes each day to sit quietly and focus on your breath. This can help you stay centered and make more intentional choices throughout the day.

3. Set boundaries

As an INFP, you may have a tendency to put others’ needs before your own. While it’s important to be compassionate and empathetic, it’s also crucial to set healthy boundaries.

Learn to say “no” when you need to and prioritize your own needs and well-being. This will help you stay true to your values and avoid burnout.

4. Be true to yourself

Authentic living means being true to yourself and expressing your unique perspective on the world. Don’t be afraid to speak up and share your thoughts and ideas, even if they go against the status quo.

Remember that authenticity is not about being perfect or having all the answers. It’s about being honest and vulnerable with yourself and others.

5. Practice gratitude

Gratitude can help you stay connected to what’s most important in life and cultivate a positive mindset. Take some time each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for, whether it’s a supportive friend or a beautiful sunset.

By honoring your values in everyday life, you can live an authentic and fulfilling life as an INFP. Remember that success is not just about achieving external goals but also about staying true to yourself and finding joy in the present moment.

Building Strong Relationships As An INFP

Building strong relationships as an INFP can be challenging, but it is also deeply rewarding. INFPs value authentic connections and meaningful relationships, and they are fiercely loyal to those they care about. Here are some tips for building strong relationships as an INFP:

1. Be true to yourself

INFPs are known for their authenticity and sincerity. It’s important to stay true to yourself and your values in any relationship. Don’t compromise your beliefs or values for the sake of pleasing others. Instead, find people who share your values and interests and build relationships with them.

2. Communicate effectively

INFPs tend to be reserved when it comes to expressing their feelings, but effective communication is crucial in any relationship. Practice expressing your thoughts and feelings in a clear and respectful manner. Listen actively to others and try to understand their perspective.

3. Practice empathy

INFPs are naturally empathetic and compassionate. Use this strength to connect with others on a deeper level. Try to see things from their perspective and understand their feelings and motivations.

4. Be patient

INFPs tend to take their time when it comes to building relationships, but this patience can pay off in the long run. Take the time to get to know someone before committing to a deeper relationship. Don’t rush into anything before you’re ready.

5. Set boundaries

INFPs tend to be sensitive and caring, but it’s important to set boundaries in any relationship. Be clear about your needs and expectations, and don’t let others take advantage of your kindness.

By following these tips, INFPs can build strong, meaningful relationships that honor their values and bring joy and fulfillment into their lives. Remember, building strong relationships takes time and effort, but it’s worth it in the end.

Overcoming Challenges: Coping With Stress And Burnout As An INFP

INFPs are sensitive and empathetic individuals who may struggle with stress and burnout. Here are some tips for coping with these challenges:

1. Take alone time and sensory experiences

When feeling stressed, INFPs can benefit from taking a warm bubble bath or engaging in other sensory experiences. This can help them access their tertiary Sensing side and find some peace and quiet to think things through.

2. Recognize the signs of stress

INFPs tend to appear quiet, distant, rigid, tense, and critical when they are emotionally overwhelmed. By recognizing these signs, INFPs can take steps to manage their stress before it becomes overwhelming.

3. Take small steps to overcome procrastination

INFPs tend to procrastinate until there is not enough time to do everything. To overcome this tendency, INFPs can take small steps towards their goals, even if they don’t feel totally ready. This can help them reduce stress and build confidence.

4. Target inefficiencies with a plan of action

INFPs may become stressed out by inefficiencies in their personal or professional lives. To overcome this, they can create a plan of action to target these inefficiencies and then execute it.

Finally, INFPs should prioritize self-care to prevent burnout. This may include engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment, surrounding themselves with supportive friends and family, and taking care of their physical and emotional health.

By following these tips, INFPs can cope with stress and burnout while staying true to their authentic selves.

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INFP Personality Type: Traits, Motivation, Functions, Development, Relationships, Careers of the Mediator

Stefan Speaks AI

  • March 21, 2024
  • INFP , MBTI , Types


The Mediator, INFP Personality Type

The INFP Personality Type captures a unique blend of traits and values. Commonly referred to as the Mediator, this personality type combines introversion, intuition, feeling, and perceiving characteristics that define how they interact with the world.

Sensitive at their core, INFPs exhibit empathy for others in tandem with fervent individualism. This distinguishing combo draws on their natural capacity to understand varying perspectives without losing sight of their personal beliefs.

INFPs’ sensitivity nurtures an environment for creativity to thrive tinkering around unconventional ideas that often set them apart. These individuals deeply value authenticity through which they channel consistent actions aligned with personal commitments true to themselves and those around them.

Seeking meaningful relationships forms part of integral life streams where INFP navigates interactions anchored by sincere intent and transparency.

While other personality types might focus more intensely on reasoned logic or practical results, the approach taken by of an INFP is much different due to greater emphasis on feelings rather than facts alone upon reaching decisions and in using intuitive understanding when dealing with complex situations.

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INFP Meaning

INFP, a term often encountered in personality discussions and tests, actually represents four distinct traits: Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Perceiving in the MBTI System. This combination crafts the unique INFP profile marked by a deep commitment to internal values and an empathetic worldview.

First up is ‘Introversion,’ where INFPs primarily focus inward; their inner landscapes are rich with thoughts, ideas, and feelings fueling creativity and imaginative problem-solving capabilities.

The second trait is ‘Intuition.’ Rather than focusing solely on hard facts or concrete experiences for decision-making, INFPs lean towards possibilities – original interpretations crafted from their vivid imaginations play key roles here.

The third ingredient of the mix is ‘Feeling’ which signifies how they process information emotionally – placing more emphasis on personal values than impersonal logic.

Lastly comes ‘Perceiving.’ This implies flexible lifestyles as per their desires instead of being bound strictly by rules or schedules- these individuals tend to be open-minded enough to enjoy life’s unpredictability rather than resist it.

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What are the Subtypes of INFP?

The INFP personality type spans across two main subtypes: Assertive Mediator (INFP-A) and Turbulent Mediator (INFP-T). Each subtype demonstrates unique characteristics that differ in various situations.

The INFP-A is often more self-assured, exuding an air of confidence, resilience, and composure even when facing challenges. They are less likely to worry about their decisions or be affected by external criticism.

On the flip side is the INFP-T subtype which tends to second-guess themselves frequently due to a lack of internal assurance. The turbulent variant will likely express ongoing feelings of self-doubt and may not handle stress, as well as their assertive counterpart does.

What is the INFP-A (Assertive) main subtype?

 The INFP-A (Assertive) main subtype is characterized by strong self-confidence and the ability to assert oneself in various situations. They are often seen as independent, proactive, and decisive individuals.

This subtype tends to be more self-assured and focused on their goals, which can lead them to be more driven and motivated than other INFP subtypes.

They are also less prone to stress and anxiety and are better at handling criticism and conflict. Overall, the INFP-A subtype combines the natural empathy and creativity of the INFP personality with strong assertiveness and confidence. 

What is the INFP-T (Turbulent) main subtype?

The INFP-T (Turbulent) is a subtype of the broader INFP personality type. This specific subtype commonly exhibits self-doubt and may frequently question their own decisions, leading to potential indecisiveness or uncertainty.

The turbulent inner world of this subtype often results in intense emotions and heightened anxieties compared to other subsets. As people-pleasers, they harbor an ingrained need for approval which feeds into their lack of self-confidence.

Nevertheless, their deep connection with their feelings aids them in understanding others on an empathetic level few can match.

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What are INFP Personality Traits using the Big 5 Model?

INFPs exhibit five significant personality traits in the comprehensive Big 5 model of personality .

The first trait,  openness to experience, embodies their fertile imagination and eagerness for novelty. Their creativity leads them to seek out original solutions, often veering away from conventional approaches.

They have a low degree of conscientiousness ; they are easygoing and can go with the flow. They can be spontaneous and don’t require a strict structure.

Extraversion is low as INFPs typically thrive on solitude and independent activities without much need for external stimuli or interaction. The Agreeableness trait is high in INFPs due to their caring nature, keen interest in others’ feelings, and desire for harmony rather than conflict.

Neuroticism comes last as it depends on its subtype. The Turbulent subtype corresponds to high neuroticism, while Assertive is associated with low neuroticism and high emotional stability . 

What are INFP’s Values and Motivations?

Guided by their core values and beliefs, INFPs navigate life with authenticity and introspection. They place a high value on individuality, often nurturing creativity and spirituality.

As sensitive introverts, they absorb a whirlpool of emotions; these deep feelings become a source of inspiration for them. This unique blend of compassion with intense emotion fuels their imagination resulting in an expansive view full of possibilities.

Motivation stems from  personal growth for the INFPs  who find fulfillment in helping others discover their paths. Personal values steer INFPs towards purpose-filled careers where they can manifest their idealism into real-world action Gaining energy through introspection, independence is vital to this personality type which allows them room to devote time alone weighing thoughts against personal values.

Thus mapping out creative approaches that combine meaning with practical results becomes inherent to the thoughtful nature of an INFP.

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What are the Key INFP Characteristics?

These characteristics don’t define every INFP but give an overall picture of what an individual belonging to this personality type tends to exhibit more frequently than other traits across diverse contexts and situations throughout life spans.

  • They are introverted individuals who often prefer to spend time alone or with a small, trusted group of friends.
  • INFPs draw their energy from the inner world of ideas and emotions.
  • They are extremely sensitive and empathetic, showing great care for others’ feelings.
  • Their nonjudgmental nature leads them to accept and value all types of people for who they are.
  • A unique trait of INFPs is their humor – quirky yet insightful, bringing a light-hearted twist to conversations.
  • Being fiercely individualistic, they wish to live life in alignment with their values and principles.
  • Possessing deep emotional insights, they understand human motivations better than most.
  • Despite their reserved nature, INFPs form deep connections with those close to them, radiating warmth and caring towards them.
  • Creativity flows abundantly in INFPs; they use it not just in artistic pursuits but also problem – solving scenarios.
  • Driven by idealism, many INFPs strive for something more significant than day-to-day activities – an overarching goal or purpose that injects meaning into everything they undertake.
  • Honesty is a cornerstone for INFP personalities; authenticity in their actions is etched deeply into their value system.
  • Finally, conflict distresses them; owing to their compassionate nature, they get genuinely upset when there’s disharmony in relationships or unmet expectations leading to disappointment among people around them.

What are the Cognitive Functions and the Functional Stack of an INFP?

The cognitive functions of an INFP — namely introverted feeling (Fi), extraverted intuition (Ne), introverted sensing (Si), and extraverted thinking (Te) — form the basis of their cognition.

The Fi, or Dominant function, is most prominent in their personality structure, focusing on internal values over external expectations. This means they have a deep inner emotional world that is highly personal and private.

Next, comes the Auxiliary function Ne which involves processing information through impressions, possibilities, and meanings. It helps them profoundly understand other people’s emotions by looking at broader concepts rather than isolated facts.

Subsequently, Si or Tertiary Function enables the INFPs to compare present experiences with past ones thereby facilitating learning from history.

Last but not least important is Te or Inferior Function – generally underused compared to their dominant one- allowing them to efficiently organize the external environment when necessary though it often drains them emotionally due to its contrasting nature with Fi.

These integral functions all combine to mark INFP personalities as deeply empathetic souls who are often in tune with how others feel around them while valuing authenticity above everything else.

What is INFPs’ Dominant Function? Introverted Feeling

The dominant function of INFPs, or introverted feeling, influences their decision-making process and values. INFPs rely heavily on their inner emotions and personal values when making choices or judgments.

They have a well-developed sense of empathy and are deeply in tune with their own emotions and those of others. Their dominant function also enables them to quickly assess whether something aligns with their values or not.

This introverted feeling function plays a crucial role in the INFPs’ search for authenticity and personal meaning in all aspects of their lives. 

What is INFPs’ Auxiliary Function? Extraverted Intuition

Extraverted Intuition, also recognized as Ne, serves as the auxiliary function for INFPs. This unique trait manifests itself in a variety of ways but prominently makes INFPs natural seekers of new ideas and possibilities.

They possess an uncanny ability to generate innovative concepts and make connections that others often miss. The Extraverted Intuition enables them to perceive patterns in external events and draw creative parallels between seemingly unconnected notions.

This inclination towards exploration extends into their desire for personal growth, fueling their insatiable curiosity even further. Many INFP Careers stem from this ingrained drive for innovation and creativity provided by their Extraverted Intuition.

It allows INFPs to excel in fields where ingenuity thrives such as writing, artistry, counseling, or entrepreneurship – essentially roles permitting a creative approach while helping others.

A person sitting alone on a mountain summit, overlooking a vast landscape.

What is INFPs’ Tertiary Function? Introverted Sensing

The INFP personality type has Introverted Sensing (Si) as its tertiary function. By nature, Si is a conservative role that values respect for tradition and the past. It plays a critical part in guiding an idealistic and future-oriented INFP to stay grounded and balanced.

Understanding the interplay of their functions can provide insights into how INFPs make decisions or respond to different situations. One practical application of Si in an INFP’s cognitive structure lies within their tendency toward introspection, often observing from varied viewpoints while trying to anchor themselves with reliable information or memories.

However, it’s essential to note that while this function aids the INFP personality type significantly, it isn’t as intuitive for them as feeling or intuition due to its tertiary position in their cognitive stack.

This placement means they may sometimes struggle when requiring more substantial use of Si-related tasks such as managing finer details or sticking rigidly to time-honored methods without room for creative flexibility.

Still, ongoing development of this function will harmonize better with their dominant introverted feeling over time.

What is INFPs’ Inferior Function? Extraverted Thinking

Extraverted Thinking (Te) serves as the inferior function for the INFP personality type. Though it’s not their strongest suit, they wield this ability unconsciously to organize and shape their environment objectively.

It gives them a practical side that complements their dominant introverted feeling abilities.

However, firmly rooted in intuition and feelings, INFPs can sometimes find Extraverted Thinking difficult to navigate or process effectively. This phenomenon, known as “The grip,” occurs when trying to manage overwhelming logical problems or external systems at odds with the typical preferences of an INFP.

During these stressful situations, previously hidden traits may surface as part of someone’s character – rigorous rationality and methodological problem-solving could peek through their normal empathetic demeanor!

How does the INFP’s Functional Stack Develop?

INFPs’ dominant function is Introverted Feeling (Fi). This function is deeply internal and focuses on understanding and evaluating individual values and beliefs.

INFPs rely heavily on their internal compass to make decisions and form opinions. Their dominant function develops early in life and is often a guiding force throughout their development. 

As they mature, INFPs may strengthen their dominant function by seeking out opportunities to explore their own emotions and values. This helps them to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world. 

Here is how they develop from childhood to maturity.

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Phase I (Childhood)

During Phase I, the childhood years of an INFP, a significant focus is given to cognitive function development. The child’s worldviews and emotional state become heavily influenced by their dominant function, which is Introverted Feeling.

This emphasis on introverted feelings can lend to a rich inner life but may also lead to challenges in decision-making and managing emotions. Unresolved feelings or negative experiences during this period might overshadow logical thinking structures for INFP children.

However, this phase also stimulates growth towards becoming empathetic and compassionate individuals enriched with vivid imaginations as they mature into adulthood.

Phase II (Adolescence-30s)

Phase II spans the tumultuous period of adolescence through to the early 30s for INFP individuals. During this time, they delve deeper into self-awareness and start discovering their place in the world.

This exploration often invokes conflict between their intuition and other facets of personality such as feelings, thoughts, or sensing abilities. These clashes unleash a series of challenges, especially during teenage years when puberty aligns with ongoing brain development.

Navigating these struggles aids in cultivating a deeper understanding not only of personal experiences but also of others’ perspectives on life based on varying Myers-Briggs personality types.

Consequently, it fosters empathy which is key in maturing relationships both at home and work front – an aspect that continues evolving well beyond adolescence into adulthood! The growth journey –personal or professional– does not cease there; rather it marches forward throughout one’s 30s.

Phase III (30s, 40s, & Beyond)

In this stage, typically occurring in the 30s and beyond, INFP persons see their function stack become well-integrated. Their identity matures as each cognitive function harmonizes with the others.

Self-acceptance replaces self-doubt from prior years allowing them to showcase a strong commitment towards their heartfelt aspirations.

Fulfilling careers does not always mean possessing specific degrees for INFPs at this phase. It’s about courageously pursuing what truly speaks to their hearts without fearing societal judgment.

The introverted feeling continues to guide career choices while they express gratitude found through personal growth and balanced living.

A person alone in a sunlit forest, surrounded by nature.

Personal Growth for INFPs

From the complex realms of their adventuresome spirits, INFPs continually strive for personal growth and self-discovery. Expressing an insatiable curiosity about life’s mysteries, they seek to gain unique insights into themselves and understand their place in the world.

Far-reaching ideals form the foundation of the INFP’s quest for growth. Their rich internal lives bubble with endless possibilities.

Personal development comes naturally to these individuals as they love learning and challenging themselves. Living a purpose-filled life is paramount for them – this often pushes them out of their comfort zones, leading to significant personal transformation over time.

They readily embrace change if it aligns with their deep-rooted values, making them flexible and adaptive on a path laden with vibrant opportunities for self-enhancement.

INFPs take immense pleasure in solitary activities that drive introspection fostering bigger leaps toward inner enlightenment. Like pouring out heartfelt poetry or losing themselves in good literature – such endeavors give wings to their creative genius while also serving as potent catalysts for further refinement of spirit.

Cracking open doors towards healing aspects within that need mending also forms part of an INFP’s journey towards becoming better versions of themselves every day – proof positive that when fueled by desire tempered in integrity, anything is achievable!

What are INFP’s Hobbies, Interests, and Preferred Careers?

INFPs, as those with an introverted personality type, naturally enjoy solitary activities that stimulate their imagination and creativity. Known for nurturing their inner worlds, they find great pleasure in reading books, drawing or painting, playing a musical instrument, or composing music.

Writing is also among the popular hobbies of INFPs since it allows them to express their thoughts and emotions freely.

Their imaginative approach extends far beyond casual hobbies; it impacts professional choice too. Careers fostering creativity often work best with this personality type: think graphic design or photography careers wherein thought becomes tangible creation.

Musician roles fit quite well due to INFP’s innate sense of rhythm and harmony.

Authenticity matters greatly alongside this creative trait during job selection—a genuine connection between inner values can influence career success for the INFP significantly.

Counseling sectors tend to fulfill this need quite effectively by providing opportunities to help others grow while achieving personal satisfaction—coaching positions could be equally promising in delivering such rewarding experiences.

On a side note about formal education requirements, many suitable careers for an INFP like acting don’t necessitate possessing any degree—an endearing quality paving greater way for passionate individuals willing to chase dreams devoid of traditional academic boundaries.

What types of Work Environments do the INFPs prefer?

INFPs thrive in work environments that allow them to express their creativity and individuality. This personality type does best in spaces where they have the freedom to generate new ideas and solve problems creatively.

Such settings nurture the imaginative side of INFPs, serving their need for innovation and original thinking.

Avoiding high-stress situations is essential for this personality type as it may hinder their productivity and job satisfaction. They value tranquility, structure, mutual respect, and understanding at their workplace.

An environment with little autonomy or one that does not resonate with their values can prove stifling for INFPs. Therefore they prefer jobs that align with a cause they are passionate about – like psychology which perfectly combines their preference for creative problem-solving while aiding others.

Top 10 INFP Careers

Here are the top 10 Jobs for INFPs.

  • Creative Writer: INFPs thrive on expressing their individuality, making creative writing an ideal career.
  • Career Counselor: Guiding others to find fulfilling careers enriches an INFP’s sense of purpose.
  • Social Worker: With a focus on helping people, this profession aligns well with the empathetic nature of INFP personality types.
  • Psychologist: This field allows INFPs to apply their natural understanding of human emotions and motivations.
  • Actor: Through varied characters, acting provides an outlet for INFP’s deep well of emotion and creativity.
  • Graphic Designer: With their inherent aesthetic sensibility and creativity, graphic design can be a fulfilling pursuit for many INFPs.
  • Nutritionist: This career connects directly to an INFP’s values about health and wellness, providing a sense of mission.
  • Librarian: This quiet environment coupled with the opportunity to spread knowledge makes librarianship appealing to many introverted types like the INFPs.
  • Anthropologist: The opportunities to explore different cultures align with the open-mindedness that most INFPs possess.
  • Special Education Teacher: A chance to make a significant impact on students’ lives often appeals deeply to compassionate and patient personalities like the INFPs’.

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How are INFPs in Personal Relationships?

INFPs cultivate deep, meaningful relationships. They show tremendous dedication and care towards their partners, offering emotional support at every turn. Their idealistic nature makes them strive for harmony in all facets of the relationship.

This personality type is inclined towards listening to their partner’s needs and desires before expressing theirs.

Friendships with INFPs are characterized by genuine empathy and concern. They take friendship seriously, often forming strong bonds established on mutual understanding and respect.

As parents, they encourage creativity and individuality in their children while providing a nurturing environment.

However, conflict can be particularly distressing for this personality type who seeks happiness through harmony both internally and externally. Drawing on their inherent adaptability helps them work around discord in personal relationships without losing sight of authenticity or depth.

Formulations like ‘on the other hand’, and ‘however’ further certify arguments while working around abrupt transitions

How do people see INFPs?

Others often perceive INFPs as sensitive, caring, and deeply compassionate individuals. They are usually seen as unique characters capable of seeing the world through a particularly creative lens.

This quirkiness can manifest in an attraction to eclectic hobbies or unconventional interests that may puzzle more traditional types.

In social settings, INFPs might be viewed as slightly reserved, especially when compared to extroverted personality types. Yet their preference for intimate interactions shouldn’t be mistaken for shyness.

To others, they appear drawn towards careers fueled by a mission-aligned strongly with their values – something that allows them to express their creativity while contributing positively towards society’s betterment.

The priority of harmony, authenticity, and honoring individuality which INFPs place on relationships doesn’t go unnoticed either. Many people find comfort in the accepting aura radiating from these introverts who are intrinsically driven by a deep spiritual insight into human nature.

How are Friendships with INTPs?

INFPs hold friendships in high regard, viewing these bonds as avenues for personal development and positive changes. They are fiercely loyal to their confidants, often going the extra mile to ensure their well-being.

Their empathetic nature makes them exceptional listeners who readily offer emotional support when needed. Despite struggling at times with voicing their feelings and goals, they profoundly connect with friends who align with their core beliefs and values.

Devoting quality time within their inner circle of friends is something an INFP greatly treasures.

What are INTPs in Romantic Relationships?

In romantic relationships, INTPs, also known as the Logician personality type, possess unique traits shaped by their functional stack.

Comprising introverted thinking, extraverted intuition, introverted sensing, and extraverted feeling, their functional stack develops in a specific order. This development starts with their dominant function of introverted thinking, which serves as their primary tool for problem-solving and analyzing concepts in relationships.

As their second function, extraverted intuition aids INTPs in exploring new possibilities and connections within their romantic partnerships. The third function, introverted sensing, enables them to recall past experiences and gather relevant information.

Lastly, extraverted feeling assists INTPs in understanding and expressing emotions, often leading to proper emotional support and empathy within their relationships. Overall, INTPs’ functional stack plays a vital role in their approach to romantic relationships, providing them with a unique perspective on love and connection. 

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How is INTP’s Parenting Style?

INFPs thrive in the role of parenting, creating nurturing and supportive environments for their children to grow. With a unique blend of caring nature and creativity, they inspire learning beyond conventional methods.

These parents often encourage their kids to pursue interests and values that match their natural inclinations, which results in honest communication between them. Treating parenthood not just as a responsibility but also as an opportunity for personal growth, INFPs have the potential to raise compassionate children while enjoying the journey’s rewarding experiences.

INFP in Culture

INFPs naturally express their individualistic and nonjudgmental nature within the cultural sphere, placing high value on uniqueness and authenticity. This personality type typically seeks to understand its purpose, identity, and role in culture through a lens of creativity and introspection.

Vocationally drawn towards arts, communication, design, education, or face-to-face service roles that contribute meaningfully to broader society.

Living a life seeped with intentionality is key for INFPs; this often includes cultivating unconventional perspectives or delivering insight through distinctive creative activities.

Their natural roles as mediators are seen within varying cultures as they intuitively leverage their ability to empathize deeply with different viewpoints while promoting harmony and understanding.

This strength gives them a remarkable talent for fostering interpersonal relationships across various societal strata bridging socio-cultural gaps seamlessly.

How rare is the INFP personality type?

The INFP personality type, often referred to as the “Mediator,” is indeed a rarity in our world. They make up about 4% of the global population. This percentage may seem small, but it’s this uniqueness that allows these introspective and idealistic individuals to add rich perspectives and innovative ideas to any situation or environment.

So while they might be fewer in number than other types, their influence can’t be underestimated!

A person surrounded by books and art in a vibrant and imaginative world.

Who are Famous INFPs?

Helming from various fields of life, many famous figures embody the INFP personality type. These individuals are lauded for their creativity, humility, and empathetic nature.

  • William Shakespeare: Possibly the most celebrated playwright throughout history, he penned countless plays and sonnets brimming with emotional depth and imaginative ideas.
  • J.R.R. Tolkien: Renowned for his creation of a complex, distinct world in ‘The Lord of the Rings’, Tolkien’s inventive prowess reflects typical INFP traits.
  • Johnny Depp: This reputable actor is known not only for his versatile roles but also for his introspective persona off-screen.
  • Princess Diana: Adored by the masses for her compassionate nature and humanitarian efforts, Diana’s actions align with the INFP’s desire to make a positive impact on the world.
  • John Lennon: The former member of The Beatles channeled his creativity into music that advocated love and peace, reflecting INFPs’ idealistic personality traits.

INFP Quotes

Each INFP individual expresses their characteristics uniquely, as shown in these impactful quotes.

  • “The world is not to be put in order; the world is order incarnate.” – Henry Miller, suspected INFP
  • “Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man’s desire to understand.” – Neil Armstrong, suspected INFP
  • “I dwell in my imagination, but reality also suits me fine.” – Anais Nin, confirmed INFP.
  • “As long as you are pure life and I am pure life, we can’t fall in love with each other.” – Vincent Van Gogh, believed to be an INFP
  • “Toleration; it is the greatest gift of the mind.” – Helen Keller thought to be an INFP.
  • “I like people who dream or talk to themselves… I like them for they are double … They are here and elsewhere.” – Albert Camus suspected INFP.

10 Fun Facts about INFPs

Let’s dive into some noteworthy facts about INFPs.

  • INFPs are commonly known as the dreamers and idealists out of all 16 personality types.
  • They are value-driven and naturally empathetic, which allows them to understand and share the feelings of others truly.
  • Their sensitivity and compassion can sometimes lead to them getting easily hurt or misunderstood.
  • Just being individualistic is not only what describes them; they also embrace their nonjudgmental approach towards life that helps them accept people as they are.
  • Those with the INFP personality type have a particular knack for creativity, often thriving in careers that allow for self-expression or imaginative problem-solving.
  • At their best, INFPs bring emotional healing, empathy, creativity, and encouragement to any situation or relationship they find themselves in.
  • These qualities stem from their belief system that guides their decisions based on personal values rather than rationality or practicality.
  • Emotional communication can challenge them at times as they tend to prioritize the needs of others over expressing their fears and ambitions.
  • They are often drawn to leadership roles because they excel at encouraging others and providing a positive vision for people to rally around.
  • However, they face struggles in efficiently organizing large-scale projects due to their preference for taking things as they come rather than sticking to a definitive plan.

Free Personality Tests 🤩

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1. What does the term ‘INFP’ stand for?

The four letters of INFP in the function stack refer to Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving – a unique personality type characterized by functions like deep thoughts and feelings.

2. Can you list some traits typical of an INFP personality?

People with INFP personality traits are often quiet, sensitive, and creative folks who gain energy from their inner world rather than the outside world. They’re also known to avoid conflict.

3. Are all INFPs creative individuals?

Primarily yes! INFPs are usually deemed creative people who may have strong inclinations towards careers catering to their ability to explore truth, meaning, and personal feelings through art or other creative pursuits.

4. Do people with an INFP personality type share common strengths and weaknesses?

Yes, they do! Strengths of this personality type include being empathetic, compassionate truth-seekers who care deeply about making the world a better place while their weaknesses can involve feeling overwhelmed due to sensitivity leading them sometimes feel lonely.

5. How would an opposite personality impact relationships with an INFP person?

When engaging with personalities very different from theirs’, especially those inclined towards logic-based decision-making over emotions; it might cause conflicts because of differing perspectives on issues but would provide ample opportunity for growth as well.

6. Does every suitable career fit into an INFPS’s strengths?

Not always! While there could be numerous great career matches considering our knowledge of typical INFP musicians or artists; however, in roles involving extensive teamwork or confrontation – regarded as careers to avoid -independent & peace-loving types like INFPs might struggle significantly.

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Temperament: NF Idealist

Unique, Creative, Unconventional

Unique, Creative, Unconventional

There’s no doubt about it, INFPs are  unique . They lead their lives according to an inner compass that can often lead them off the beaten path and in their own direction. INFPs are also gifted with a  creative spark  that allows them to generate new, unconventional and even  revolutionary ideas . Their thoughts and ideas are frequently focused on people, and they have an easy time relating to – and understanding – their fellow human beings. In fact, INFPs often appear to have an  x-ray vision  into the inner-workings of other people. Most successful INFPs attribute success to an innate ability to flex their style to meet others more than halfway. This makes them naturals at  effective communication , and they are usually considered to be  excellent listeners  – rarely judging, just seeking to understand.

Bursts of Inspiration

Bursts of Inspiration

Flexible ,  casual ,  spontaneous  and  easy going , INFPs like to leave their options open as long as possible. It is not uncommon for them to  struggle to stay organized , and they can be easily distracted from the task at hand.  Luckily, they actually prefer to prepare rather last minute when the urgency is high. INFPs tend to work in bursts of inspiration and take a lot of mini-breaks, rather than steadily throughout the day or week. They tend to be  very flexible  and open to changing plans last minute.

Idea Generators, Visionaries

Possibilities, Future Focused

INFPs are “ idea generators ” much more than they are “detail people,” and they love to discover “win-win” solutions that have a long- term positive impact on people. There are two phases of most projects or meetings: 1) the initial “big picture,” “vision setting” stage; and 2) the logistics or “action items” stage.  Innovative visionaries , INFPs shine during the former, gaining much more energy from envisioning  future possibilities  and idea generating then from completing concrete tasks. They tend to lose steam toward the end of projects when everything is decided.

Driven by Personal Values

Driven by Personal Values

INFPs have very  strong personal values , which have a large impact on their actions and decisions. They seek to feel that they are living their lives in accordance with their values and what  “feels” right  to them. Unlike their IN T P colleagues (who are exceptionally logic driven), IN F Ps are uncomfortable making decisions based predominantly on impersonal, logical analysis. INFPs trust their hunches more than most, and have a tendency to  read between the lines  of what others are saying more than any other type.

Calm, Reserved, Sympathetic

Calm, Reserved, Quiet

INFPs tend to have a  relaxed outward appearance  that has a calming influence on others.  Reserved  and  modest , INFPs are not likely to “advertise” their own strengths, and it can take many encounters to get to know them. First impressions do not always give a sense of their incredible  warmth ,  generosity , and  kindness .

Deep Inner World

Deep Inner World

Inside the mind of all INFPs is a rich, well-developed inner world that they tend to keep rather  private . They are one of the most  sympathetic  types, who genuinely care about and enjoy people, and strongly value their relationships. Being in highly social environments tends to drain their energy, and they crave time inside their own head to process and recharge. With those in their “ inner circle ,” INFPs show a much more talkative, passionate, and enthusiastic side.

INFP's are the Type Most Likely to...

  • Read between the lines
  • Have a “sixth sense” at times
  • Follow their hunches; make decisions based on what “feels” right
  • Value uniqueness and originality in themselves and others
  • Reflect on who they really are, and on the meaning and purpose of life
  • Do work that has personal meaning for them and betters others’ lives
  • Have a calming influence on others
  • Not follow “the pack”
  • Enjoy an assignment with maximum creative license
  • Give others the benefit of the doubt

The 16 Personality Types

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  • INFP Overview
  • INFP Strengths
  • INFP Careers
  • INFP Relationships

The INFP at Work

At work, the INFP is not particularly driven by money or status, preferring work that aligns with their personal values and allows them to help others. INFPs are typically motivated by vision and inspiration, and want to engage with projects and causes that feel important to them.

INFPs enjoy the process of creative problem-solving, and want to understand complex issues. They appreciate innovation, and want to come up with original ideas to improve circumstances for people. An ideal job for a Healer allows them to express their individuality in the way they work, and takes advantage of their ability to see unique solutions.

INFPs enjoy working autonomously and having control over how and when to complete a project. They often enjoy participating in teams, although they want to be free to put their own personal stamp on their work. When they do work with other people, it's important to the INFP that they be cooperative, supportive, and flexible, and that they have similar passion for their ideals.

INFP Career Stats

  • Second lowest average income of all the types, at $31,508
  • Most likely of all types to stay home with their children
  • Fourth lowest in job satisfaction out of all the types
  • Slightly more likely than average to be self-employed

The INFP on a Team

The infp as a leader, top careers for the infp.

Caring, creative INFPs tend to choose careers that let them express their individuality and their personal values. Many INFPs work in helping professions, where they can bring their compassion and empathy to others. INFPs also frequently choose to work in creative and artistic occupations which allow them to think freely and be their unique selves.

Top careers for the INFP include:

Arts, Design, and Communications

  • Fine Artist
  • Fashion Designer
  • Graphic Designer
  • Multimedia Artist or Animator
  • Film Editor
  • Interpreter or Translator
  • Photographer
  • Public Relations Specialist

Community and Social Service

  • Mental Health Counselor
  • School or Career Counselor
  • Community Service Manager
  • Social Worker

Business and Management

  • Human Resources Specialist
  • Training or Development Manager

Science and Health Care

  • Anthropologist
  • Psychologist
  • Sociologist
  • Chiropractor
  • Nutritionist
  • Genetic Counselor
  • Massage Therapist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Physical Therapist
  • Speech-Language Pathologist
  • Veterinarian
  • Veterinary Technician

Education and Library

  • Archivist or Curator
  • Elementary School Teacher
  • Preschool Teacher
  • Professor or College Instructor
  • Special Education Teacher

INFP Careers to Avoid

It is important to note that any personality type can be successful in any occupation. However, some occupations are well suited to the natural talents and preferred work style of the INFP, while other occupations demand modes of thinking and behavior that do not come as naturally to this type. Occupations that require the INFP to operate outside their natural preferences may prove stressful or draining, and often sound unappealing to INFPs who are choosing a career.

The following occupations have been found to be unpopular among INFPs, based on data gathered from surveys of the general population.

  • Military Officer
  • Police Officer
  • Materials Engineer
  • Electrician
  • Systems Analyst
  • Sales Manager
  • Financial Manager
  • Cost Estimator
  • Engineering Technician
  • Chemical Engineer
  • Licensed Practical Nurse

Molly Owens Molly Owens is the founder and CEO of Truity. She is a graduate of UC Berkeley and holds a master's degree in counseling psychology. She began working with personality assessments in 2006, and in 2012 founded Truity with the goal of making robust, scientifically validated assessments more accessible and user-friendly. Molly is an ENTP and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she enjoys elaborate cooking projects, murder mysteries, and exploring with her husband and son.

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Are Four-Day Work Weeks—Good or Bad for Introverts?

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8 INFP Weaknesses and How to Turn Them to Your Advantage

What’s infp personality.

INFP is an acronym for a person who’s Introverted-iNtuitive-Feeling-Prospecting. It’s a rare personality type among the  16 Myers-Briggs personality types  composing only 4.4% of the population.

Upon pinpointing the INFP “weaknesses,” I tried to turn these into better perspectives. We are hardwired this way to direct us on a bigger purpose.

8 Most Common INFP Weaknesses

The survey shows that 43.73% of INFP respondents struggle the most with Procrastination, followed by Overthinking (30.03%). The least problematic was Interest-hopping which received only 0.58%

8 INFP Weaknesses and How to Turn Them into Strengths  

1. procrastination.

Although prospecting may sometimes work, this aspect significantly weighs productivity down.

How to stop procrastination

I’ve organized my schedules before, only to realize that I spent more time scheduling than following them.

Step 1: Set deadlines with 3 rd party involved

Step 2: have time to procrastinate.

“Oh! We want to diminish procrastination, yet we must procrastinate? Are you not contradicting yourself?”

It’s a better strategy than burning yourself out for a week and not functioning for a month.

2. Self-criticisms (Leading to Anxiety)

Moreover, we think people can’t help us. Not because they can’t understand us, but because INFPs rarely listen to anyone’s advice. 

How should an INFP deal with self-criticisms and anxiety?

Step 1: face the problem.

I found that facing the problem is a step to overcoming anxiety.

Step 2: Recognize which one is your fight and which isn’t

3. emotional decision-making, how do infps overcome emotional decision-making, 1. avoid deciding when you’re too excited., 2. deciding when restless.

For example, INFPs can give up high-paying jobs that make a comfortable living just because it doesn’t sync with passion. It’s illogical for others, but passion and emotional health play significant roles.

When to leave a job, relationship, or organization

4. confused with too many interests, how do infps overcome interest-hopping.

The real problem is when we listen too much to the people who can’t cope with our spontaneity.

5. Overthinking

Overthinking was my enemy before I graduated.

Instead of  thinking  of the solution,  act  on the solution.

6. Struggle in making friends

I had a lively and energetic high school life. College – quite good, too. 

INFPs aren’t bad at making friends

My conclusion is that INFPs aren’t that bad at making friends. Instead, we’re picky about who enters our circle.

7. Can’t keep routine work

Furthermore, INFPs desire financial stability, but not if it suppresses freedom and flexibility.

Look Closely at which Factors in a Job Interest You

Use such experiences to find your place. You wouldn’t know where you should be if you didn’t take a step where you shouldn’t.

Disliking routine work doesn’t equate to laziness

8. inability to finish projects.

“Project starters but aren’t finishers.”

INFPs want success, and they want it now. Without instant gratification, it’s difficult for INFPs to keep working on their plans.

INFPs must break down a task into small, bite-sized goals.

INFP weaknesses aren’t really weaknesses.

Are INFPs Good Leaders?

Are infps intelligent.

Was this helpful? If you’d like to  support  my work, you can  buy me a coffee  at  Ko-fi ! Thank you! 🙂

Margarette Mathias

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The INFP is known as the Idealist, the Mediator, and the Healer of the Myers Briggs theory. INFPs are deeply individualistic and walk to the beat of their own rhythm. They see the world through an imaginative lens, and live rich, personal inner lives. INFPs are guided by an unwavering desire to be authentic and stand firmly by their values. Through careful introspection, and attention to their own emotions, they become compassionate to the plights of others.

As an INFP do you need inspiration or motivation to get something done?

Like for example with poetry, unless there’s an emotional or interesting idea or something inspiring in mind I’ll do it otherwise I will be hesitant to do it.


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  2. INFP Motivation: How the INFP Can Overcome Procrastination

    The important thing for the INFP is to find a balance with their motivation, and to not burn themselves out doing this. While they need to try and grow their weaker functions and focus more on things they need to adapt to. For the INFP pushing too hard in this direction can burn them out quickly, since working on weaker functions can do this ...

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  4. 4 Ways INFPs Can Make the Most of Their Cognitive Functions

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    What an INFP Personality Needs to Be Happy. 1. New ideas to explore. INFPs are probably the most open-minded of all the personality types. Possessing an insatiable curiosity about life, their minds are always going. It makes them happy to entertain new ideas and possibilities. Rather than concerning themselves with "what is" (like an ISFP ...

  7. INFP Motivations

    INFP personality types tend to be motivated and energized by... INFPs tend to enjoy being able to lend a helping hand to those around them. They are skilled listeners who often find motivation in making sure others feel heard and appreciated. Their natural attentiveness and conscientiousness helps them show great care toward other people's needs.

  8. INFP Personality Type

    INFP Challenge | Unrealistic Expectations. It's common for INFPs to daydream and allow their heads to float in the clouds of imagination. An INFP's imagination is super-charged, rich in color, texture and detail. The dreamland of the mind is amazing to an INFP and feels just as real as a walk along a sunny beach.

  9. Introduction

    INFP (Mediator) is a personality type with the Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Prospecting traits. These rare personality types tend to be quiet, open-minded, and imaginative, and they apply a caring and creative approach to everything they do. Although they may seem quiet or unassuming, people with the INFP personality type (Mediators ...

  10. INFP Cognitive Functions: Personal Growth & Self-Discovery Guide for

    INFP Cognitive Functions explain the behaviour of the INFP personality. Dominant Introverted Feeling (Fi) & Auxiliary Extroverted Intuition (Ne) shape the personality of INFPs. Tertiary Introverted Sensing (Si) supports the INFP personality. The Inferior Extroverted Thinking (Te) coupled with the four shadow functions (Fe, Ni, Se & Ti) are the problem or ignored areas for the INFP personality.

  11. How To Be A Successful INFP: Tips And Strategies

    4. Use your strengths to your advantage. As an INFP, you have many strengths that can help you succeed in both your personal and professional life. Use your self-awareness, intuition, empathy, adaptability, curiosity, and open-mindedness to your advantage. For example, if you're pursuing a creative career, use your intuition and curiosity to ...

  12. INFP Personality Type: Traits, Motivation, Functions, Development

    The INFP-A is often more self-assured, exuding an air of confidence, resilience, and composure even when facing challenges. They are less likely to worry about their decisions or be affected by external criticism. On the flip side is the INFP-T subtype which tends to second-guess themselves frequently due to a lack of internal assurance.

  13. What Does an INFP Need to be Happy at Work?

    INFP. Your unique personality type is suited to particular kinds of roles in the workplace. INFPs - people with preferences for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling and Perceiving - seek work that aligns to their personal values and allows them to help others. When your career choices are driven by your values, without actually trying them out ...

  14. How does an INFP stay motivated? : r/infp

    find path (s) you can ride on, it may be the path your heart wants or a path that can lead to what your heart wants to go with. then, hustle hustle hustle (whether quietly in your personal time) or out there with exercise. learn to discipline and snap out of dreaminess when the need arises. 2.

  15. TypeCoach the 16 Personality Types: INFPs

    Inside the mind of all INFPs is a rich, well-developed inner world that they tend to keep rather private.They are one of the most sympathetic types, who genuinely care about and enjoy people, and strongly value their relationships.Being in highly social environments tends to drain their energy, and they crave time inside their own head to process and recharge.

  16. I Have Too Much Homework To Do But I Have No Motivation Or No ...

    35 votes, 11 comments. 191K subscribers in the infp community. INFPs never seem to lose their sense of wonder. One might say they see life through…

  17. The Best Careers for INFP Personality Types

    The INFP personality type is Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving, which means they are energized by time alone, focused on big picture ideas and concepts, led by their values and feelings, and spontaneous and flexible. This combination of personality preferences produces people who are open minded, creative, and deeply committed to ...

  18. What helps with motivation? : r/infp

    The INFP is known as the Idealist, the Mediator, and the Healer of the Myers Briggs theory. INFPs are deeply individualistic and walk to the beat of their own rhythm. They see the world through an imaginative lens, and live rich, personal inner lives. INFPs are guided by an unwavering desire to be authentic and stand firmly by their values.

  19. Fellow INFPs, how do you get motivated? : r/infp

    21 votes, 24 comments. 214K subscribers in the infp community. The INFP is known as the Idealist, the Mediator, and the Healer of the Myers Briggs…

  20. 8 INFP Weaknesses and How to Turn Them to Your Advantage

    8 Most Common INFP Weaknesses. Per the survey I conducted among 343 INFP respondents, here are the percentage of weaknesses INFPs struggle with the most: The survey shows that 43.73% of INFP respondents struggle the most with Procrastination, followed by Overthinking (30.03%). The least problematic was Interest-hopping which received only 0.58%.

  21. Can somebody help me get some motivation to do my math homework

    Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 5 votes and 16 comments

  22. As an INFP do you need inspiration or motivation to get ...

    The INFP is known as the Idealist, the Mediator, and the Healer of the Myers Briggs theory. INFPs are deeply individualistic and walk to the beat of their own rhythm. They see the world through an imaginative lens, and live rich, personal inner lives. INFPs are guided by an unwavering desire to be authentic and stand firmly by their values.