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why so much homework viral video

‘Why so much homework’: 6-year-old Mahira Irfan’s appeal to PM Modi sparks real change

Mahira's father shared her video complaining about schoolwork to pm modi on whatsapp. little did mahira or her parents anticipate that she would soon be an internet sensation - and prompt the government to take action..

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‘Why so much homework’: 6-year-old Mahira Irfan’s appeal to PM Modi sparks real change

Little Mahira Irfan’s parents gave her a mobile phone on the condition that she would use it only for online classes. One day, fed up with her school work load, the six-year-old (nicknamed Myru) thought to complain to the only person she believed could do something Prime Minister Narendra Modi. So she filmed herself narrating all the hardships that kids her age were facing and asked ‘Modi Saab’ “Why so much homework?”

why so much homework viral video
Very adorable complaint. Have directed the school education department to come out with a policy within 48 hours to lighten burden of homework on school kids. Childhood innocence is gift of God and their days should be lively, full of joy and bliss. https://t.co/8H6rWEGlDa — Office of LG J&K (@OfficeOfLGJandK) May 31, 2021

The LG's reaction opened the floodgates and the video of Mahira went viral on social media. People couldn’t get enough of the little girl’s cuteness.

India Today got in touch with six-year-old Mahira Irfan, who told us what led her to shoot that video addressed to PM Modi. “I made the video because I have a lot of home work and the classes are long.”

The child is a student of Minto Circle School in Alochibagh area of Srinagar. However, she has attended very few classes at the school, since for last two years, schooling in Kashmir has been badly disrupted. First, educational institutes were closed for months after abrogation of Article 370 in August 2019. Then, lockdown happened in March 2020 and schools were closed indefinitely.

why so much homework viral video

'Why So Much Homework, Modi Saab?': 6-Year-old Kashmiri Girl Complains to Indian PM in Viral Video

Curated By : Buzz Staff

Last Updated: June 01, 2021, 08:12 IST

Image credits: Twitter Screengrab/File photo.

Image credits: Twitter Screengrab/File photo.

Following the Kashmiri girl's video going viral, the J&K Lieutenant Governor (L-G) Manoj Sinha, also noticed it.

As the second wave of the pandemic is slowly plateauing, most of India’s schoolchildren have realized they have to continue attending online school via Zoom and Google Meet, for the second year in a row. As the classes go virtual, students have been finding learning very different from what in-person learning was, and some are finding the homework assigned in these online classes even more. A video of a 6-year-old Kashmiri girl which is going viral is an example of just that. A video of a young Kashmiri girl complaining to Prime Minister Narendra Modi about the burden of homework and classes on school kids has gone viral on social media.

In the video, which had over 440,000 views, the student introduces herself as a six-year-old girl. She talks about the burden of classes and homework on a student of her age, and compares it to that of senior students. She tells the PM to give more homework to students in class “7-10” and not her. She then goes on to tell the PM that she attends back-to-back classes from 10 am to 2 pm which adds to the pile of homework, and leaves no time for her at all.

Modi saab ko is baat par zaroor gaur farmana chahiye😂 pic.twitter.com/uFjvFGUisI — Namrata Wakhloo (@NamrataWakhloo) May 29, 2021

Following the girl’s video going viral, the J&K Lieutenant Governor (L-G) Manoj Sinha, also noticed it. He replied to the tweet, saying “Very adorable complaint. Have directed the school education department to come out with a policy within 48 hours to lighten the burden of homework on school kids. Childhood innocence is gift of God and their days should be lively, full of joy and bliss.”

Very adorable complaint. Have directed the school education department to come out with a policy within 48 hours to lighten burden of homework on school kids. Childhood innocence is gift of God and their days should be lively, full of joy and bliss. https://t.co/8H6rWEGlDa — Office of LG J&K (@OfficeOfLGJandK) May 31, 2021

At the moment, most schools in India is still continuing online classes, with board exams having an uncertain future as educational institutes remain closed.

Read all the Latest News , Breaking News and Coronavirus News here.

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Students Are Turning to TikTok for Homework Help. Is That a Bad Thing?

why so much homework viral video

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Students are increasingly turning to social media platforms when they need to research topics for school.

One of those platforms is TikTok, a video-sharing platform popular with K-12 students of various ages. Kids ages 4 to 18 spend an average of 91 minutes per day watching TikTok videos, according to data from parental control software maker Qustodio .

In fact, a general survey of TikTok users in the United States found that 1 in 4 use the platform for educational purposes, according to a new survey from online learning platform Study.com. And 69 percent of those who use TikTok for educational purposes said it has helped them complete their homework.

The Study.com analysis also examined what academic subjects had the most views on TikTok. English was first, followed by history, science, and math. Survey respondents who reported using TikTok for educational purposes said they used it most frequently for English classes.

Teachers who spoke with Education Week said they weren’t surprised that so many people use the platform for educational purposes.

“It’s the app where the majority of students are,” said Chris Dier, a high school history teacher in New Orleans and the 2020 Louisiana Teacher of the Year. “So it does make sense that a lot of them are getting their information from TikTok.”

While TikTok could be used to better engage students in lessons, it’s also been a big distraction. A string of viral challenges on the platform have caused headaches for educators. And like with other social media platforms, TikTok could be a forum for bullying and misinformation, along with data privacy concerns. The platform is owned by Beijing, China-based tech company ByteDance.

Plus, many experts remain critical of using social media platforms—such as Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter—for educational purposes. They say the platforms emphasize quick-hit learning, rather than deep discovery and analysis.

“It’s also important to distinguish the learning that might come from a TikTok video to that of a book or a longer article or even long-form video,” said Christine Elgersma, senior editor of learning apps for Common Sense Media, in an email. “We like short, and sometimes that works when it comes to homework: Kids might just want to know if they need a comma or how to cite a source.”

“But when it comes to critical thinking, forming opinions and values, or understanding key moments in history, surface learning just doesn’t do the subjects justice,” she added. “It may be able to provide one piece of a greater puzzle, but it isn’t suited to deeper thinking.”

Students bring information to class from TikTok

Still, some teachers say they use TikTok to meet students where they are, and then engage them in deeper learning through other approaches.

During the pandemic, when Dier was teaching remotely, he was making lengthy content videos for students. That’s when his students told him to try out TikTok.

“At first, I thought ‘I definitely don’t want to join whatever this app is. It’s for kids.’” Dier said. “But as I started teaching, I noticed that students were bringing in information from TikTok. I would ask them, ‘Where did you learn this information?’ They would say, ‘Oh, I heard about it on TikTok.’”

Eventually, Dier created an account and started sharing quick history lessons. “As teachers, we’re supposed to meet students where they are, to engage and make our content come alive. What better way to do that than to utilize the app [where] students are already watching content?” he said. (Dier’s TikTok account now has more than 146,000 followers.)


Claudine James, a middle school English/language arts teacher in Arkansas, also started a TikTok account after she realized her students weren’t watching the grammar and vocabulary video lessons she posted on YouTube.

During one stretch in the fall semester of 2020, she had more than 25 students absent due to COVID quarantine protocols, but her YouTube video lesson only had seven views.

When the students came back to class, James asked them why they didn’t watch the YouTube videos. Her students said they don’t watch videos on YouTube because they don’t spend time there.

“Someone said, ‘You should put them on TikTok. [Students will] be on there and they’ll just happen to see [the videos],’” James said.

Two years later, James said her TikTok videos on grammar, spelling, and other English lessons have been helpful to her current and past students. “I’ll have a past student send me a message like, ‘If you haven’t already, do a lesson on this, because I want you to explain it to me.’” (James now has 4.5 million followers on TikTok.)

For better or worse, TikTok caters to kids’ shorter attention spans

When asked why they use TikTok for educational purposes, 60 percent of survey respondents said the app is easy to access, 57 percent said it’s easy to understand, 51 percent said there’s a lot of content, and 47 percent said it’s free, according to the Study.com survey.

TikTok “presented a new way to deliver information that corresponded with students’ attention spans,” Dier said. “Attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. And now there’s an app that allows you to create content that caters to the attention span of younger generations.”

Illustration of a hand reaching out from a phone controlling the puppet strings of a young person

TikTok could also be used to share information that’s often left out of textbooks or the curriculum that students might have never heard of otherwise, Dier said. For instance, Dier put together an educational TikTok video after he uncovered historical records about a reconstruction-era massacre orchestrated by white residents against Black people in a Louisiana community in 1868, fueled by whites’ fears that Blacks had gained the right to vote.

But because anyone can post a TikTok video, misinformation can be a problem. The majority of TikTok users judged the trustworthiness of the content by its number of likes (55 percent) and views (53 percent), as well as the number of followers the creator had (51 percent), according to the Study.com survey. Less than half, 44 percent, said they fact-checked a video before deeming it credible.

“[Misinformation] is an issue because I have heard students repeat things that they’ve heard from TikTok that are definitely not true,” Dier said. But when he corrects them, he said the students are “really receptive.”

“As history teachers, we teach students how to analyze the source, how to contextualize information, how to corroborate information with other sources. So in many ways, this push to TikTok also highlights the importance of teaching these types of skills in the classroom that can transcend just what we learned in class,” he added.

Elgersma echoed those sentiments.

“Likes and follows doesn’t mean a creator truly knows what they’re talking about, so it’s always best to fact-check and consult multiple sources,” she said.

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Lt Governor Demands Policy On Homework After Kid’s ‘Complaint’ Video Goes Viral

A six-year-old kashmiri girl said her classes begin at 10 am and continue till 2 pm..

Lt Governor Demands Policy On Homework After Kid’s ‘Complaint’ Video Goes Viral

A six-year-old Kashmiri girl is unhappy over the long hours of her online classes and decided to raise the issue with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The girl said her classes begin at 10 am and continue till 2 pm. “There is English, Mathematics, Urdu, EVS and then there is computer class”.

“So much of work is to be given to students of senior classes studying in Class 6, 7 and 10. Chotey bacho se itna kaam kyun rakhtey ho Modi Sahab (Why give so much homework to small kids, Modi Sahab),” asked the young girl in her video message, showing the stress she faces every day.

The ‘adorable' complaint about online classes has drawn the attention of Lt Governor Manoj Sinha compelling him to direct the School Education Department to come up with a policy within 48 hours to reduce the burden of homework on small kids.

“Very adorable complaint. Have directed the School Education Department to come out with a policy within 48 hours to lighten burden of homework on school kids,'' Mr Sinha tweeted in response to a video clip of the girl.

“Childhood innocence is gift of God and their days should be lively, full of joy and bliss,'' the tweet from office of LG J&K added.

Very adorable complaint. Have directed the school education department to come out with a policy within 48 hours to lighten burden of homework on school kids. Childhood innocence is gift of God and their days should be lively, full of joy and bliss. https://t.co/8H6rWEGlDa — Office of LG J&K (@OfficeOfLGJandK) May 31, 2021

The video clip, which was posted on Twitter on May 20, has got over 5 lakh views and 16,000 likes. Approximately 3,500 users have retweeted the video and several others have reacted to her complaint saying her “cuteness level was more than the altitude of Himalayas.”

A six-year-old Kashmiri girl's complaint to @PMOIndia @narendramodi regarding long hours of online classes and too much of school work. pic.twitter.com/S7P64ubc9H — Aurangzeb Naqshbandi (@naqshzeb) May 29, 2021
Ah! So cute and adorable Educational institutions need to relook at the entire spectrum and figure out the right sustainable strategies ,the core of which has got to be the shift in the pedagogies. Need to Engage and Empower the kids rather than simply increasing their screen — Meenu (@mg_meenu) June 1, 2021

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Lt Governor Demands Policy On Homework After Kid’s ‘Complaint’ Video Goes Viral

Why are kids given this much homework? 6-year-old J&K girl asks PM Modi in viral video

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A 71-second video addressed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi by six-year-old Mahiru Irfan, seeking a cap on duration of online classes, has propelled the girl from Kashmir to overnight media stardom as camera crews made a beeline at her residence for a soundbyte from her.

Mahiru and her family are relishing the media attention after she became an internet sensation on Monday with her video.

Asked why she posted the video message to the prime minister, she said there was too much classwork happening online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. "There should be some time for the kids to play as well. There are classes and after that homework," she told reporters.

In the one-minute-and-eleven-second video posted on Twitter, the girl appeals to Modi to ease the burden of homework on schoolchildren.

The video, which went viral on social media and has so far garnered nearly 3.3 lakh views and nearly 19,000 thousand likes, caught the attention of Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha, who directed the School Education Department to come out with a policy in 48 hours to ease the burden of homework on the school students.

"Assalamualaikum Modi sahib! My classes are from 10 am till 2 pm...This much homework is for students of class 6, 7, 10. Why are kids given this much homework Modi sahab?" she says in the video.

The video moved Sinha, who described it as a "very adorable complaint".

Very adorable complaint. Have directed the school education department to come out with a policy within 48 hours to lighten burden of homework on school kids. Childhood innocence is gift of God and their days should be lively, full of joy and bliss. https://t.co/8H6rWEGlDa — Office of LG J&K (@OfficeOfLGJandK) May 31, 2021

The school education department, which had been mulling over the ill effects of long online classes, came out with fresh guidelines limiting daily online classes to half-an-hour for pre-primary students and 90 minutes for primary and middle ones.

The guidelines came within 24 hours of Sinha's directions to the school education department to come out with a policy in 48 hours after the video went viral on social media.

"The school education department has decided to limit daily online classes for a maximum one-and-a-half hour for class 1 to 8, spread across two sessions. For class 9 to 12 online synchronous learning will not be more than 3 hours," the LG wrote on his official Twitter handle.

He said in the case of the pre-primary students, the interaction with their parents on a given day shall be only of half-an-hour and also asked teachers to avoid assigning homework to students up to class five.

"Concerned authorities to ensure the strict implementation. Homework up to class 5 should be avoided. Authorities and schools to plan a joyful learning experience engaging parents as well," he said in another tweet.

Sinha said the children need more time to play and interact with parents, which is "the biggest learning experience a child can have".

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Viral Video: 6-yr-old Girl Asks Modi Saab ‘Why So Much Homework for Little Kids?

A video of a six-year-old baby girl making an adorable complaint to prime minister narendra modi is going viral on social media, nh web desk.

A video of a six-year-old baby girl making an adorable complaint to Prime Minister Narendra Modi is going viral on social media. In the video, the cute girl, who is from Jammu and Kashmir, can be seen complaining to ‘Modi Saab‘ about a huge burden of homework to little children through online education.

“Assalamualaikum Modi sahib”, is how the girl starts her video message to the PM as she complains of her teachers giving her too much homework through Zoom classes. A twitter user posted a video and captioned it as: “Modi saab ko is baat par zaroor gaur farmana chahiye (Modi Sir should take a note on this).”

Towards the end of the video, the girl can be seen making a cute face and saying “Ab kya kare? (What should we do now?)” as she ends the video with “Assalamualaikum Modi sahib."

The video caught the attention of Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha. Taking to Twitter, Sinha retweeted the video and wrote, “Very adorable complaint. Have directed the school education department to come out with a policy within 48 hours to lighten the burden of homework on school kids.

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The Economic Times

6-year-old Mahira Irfan's question to PM Modi: ‘Why so much homework?’

After complaining to Prime Minister Narendra Modi through a video that went viral about children being overburdened with homework, six-year-old Kashmiri girl Mahira Irfan on Wednesday said she wants to go to school.

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why so much homework viral video

‘Dad will save you’: tearful little China girl complains to father about ‘endless’ homework in viral video, charms online observers

  • Cute girl weeps, says she is ‘very, very tired’, mother films her, giggling
  • Buries her head in father’s chest and calms down as he pats her back

Liya Su

The story of a sweet little girl in China complaining to her father about having too much homework has delighted mainland social media.

The girl, from Henan province in central China, was filmed by her mother on March 6 crying and saying she was tired and could not cope with her “endless” homework anymore.

She sought comfort in a hug with her father, Wutong Video reported.

In the clip, the girl and her father are sitting on the couch at home. She buries her face in his chest and weeps. Her father holds her close and taps her gently on the back.

why so much homework viral video

“Why do I have so much homework? How can I finish it?” she asks, bursting into tears.

“Too tired, right?” the father asks her.

“Very tired, very tired,” she tells him.

Her mother, who was behind the camera, giggled at their conversation.

“Dad will save you,” the father says, adding: “Let’s stop doing homework for now. We’re taking a rest.”

Though still weeping, she appeared to calm down.

“Too much homework makes my hands tired,” she tells her father, who wipes the tears from her face with a tissue. Her mother could not stop herself from chuckling again.

The story has captivated many people on mainland social media.

“Hahaha, she is very cute,” one person said.

“She is great. She knows how to express her emotions,” said another.

“Yes. Instead of lecturing the girl, the father shows he understands her feelings. What a loving family,” a third said.

In China, the pressure to succeed in education has been fuelled by high unemployment figures among the 16-24 age group.

why so much homework viral video

After hitting new highs between April and June 2023, unemployment among that demographic reached 21.3 per cent and only began dropping below 20 per cent a month later.

As a result, academic pressure for young children in primary schools has increased.

In October 2023, a student in northwestern China called the local education authority more than 10 times in an hour to report that his school had held extracurricular classes during the week-long National Day holiday.

In another incident in last September, an 11-year-old boy from Shanghai who argued with his parents about the pressure of homework, left a goodbye note and ran away from home in the middle of the night.

why so much homework viral video

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Home Work Pressure: 6-Year-Old Demands Answer From PM Modi, "Itna Kaam Kyu Dete Ho?"

The viral video, which received more than 18k likes on Twitter, features the child complaining about a lot of homework pressure on her and that her classes begin at 10 am and continue till 2 am.

why so much homework viral video

Viral homework video: As online classes are the new normal, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, children have expressed their grievances regarding the same since the beginning. Watch this 6-year-old ask Modi Ji how a child is supposed to sit for 4 hours of online classes.

As the video of a Kashmiri girl demanding a reduction on the "huge" syllabus she is burdened with goes viral, Twitteratti takes the cue to relate the child's frustration with their own child's reaction.

"English, Mathematics, Urdu, EVS and computer", she complained, " Chote bacchon ko itna kaam kyu dete ho Modi Saab ? (Why are small kids burdened with so much homework, PM Modi)"

"This much work pressure is for elders who study in class 7 and 8," she added.

Modi saab ko is baat par zaroor gaur farmana chahiye😂 pic.twitter.com/uFjvFGUisI — Namrata Wakhloo (@NamrataWakhloo) May 29, 2021

A user expressed her relatability with the video, "she reminds me of my younger one who is also six-years-old and a padhai chor. "

😘😂😂poor Modi Saab is answerable and responsible for everything these days,her reminds me of my younger one who is also 6 and padhai Chhor — Purnima Rao (@PurnimaRao12) May 29, 2021

Some netizens tried to calm the frustrated child, by commenting "difficult tasks help you to become stronger and sharper. Best of luck Beta and don't be afraid of this."

Don't worry Beta, I understand this is bit difficult but then again you are meant to handle difficult tasks! Correct! Easy task to koi bhi Kar lega. Par difficult tasks help you to become stronger and sharper. Best of luck Beta and don't be afraid of this. — subhash (@cfasubhash) May 30, 2021

However, others resonated with the video, providing her complaints with a mature perspective that claim the burden on children during such crisis times is too much. "It is a matter of fact that the duration of the online classes is prolonged which makes the children tired," a user commented, "there should be some considerations on the duration of the classes against the backdrop of certain concerns such as health, tiring h/w, etc."

So adorable 🥰... But it is a matter of fact that the duration of the online classes are prolonged which makes the children tired and there should be some considerations on the durations of the classes against the backdrop of certain concerns such as health,tiring h/w,etc. — Imad Kirmani (@KirmaniImad) May 29, 2021

Another user wrote, "Better to split the classes and stop teaching them EVS and comp, she is 6."

I Love you lil Dolll , You are such a cute girl. I wish i could help you out with your homework. I request the teachers to not burden these kids with online classes. Better to split the classes and stop teaching them EVS and comp, she is 6 😡 @the_viralvideos @narendramodi @Zoom — Open To Criticism (@SaDawood5) May 29, 2021

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Welcome to r/school! It’s school, class is in session! (Mushroom foraging class is bi weekly on Fridays)

Why is there so much homework in American schools?

I always see people complaining they have to get less than 6 hours of sleep to keep up with homework and no time for any actual fun in life. Do american teachers just not know the amount of homework being given out? Do they just not care?


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  6. 6-yr-old Girl Asks Modi Saab 'Why So Much Homework for Little Kids

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  7. Lt Governor Demands Policy On Homework After Kid's 'Complaint' Video

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  8. Six-year-old Jammu and Kashmir girl becomes media sensation after

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  9. Why are kids given this much homework? 6-year-old J&K girl asks PM Modi

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  10. Why so much homework, Modi saab: 6-year-old Kashmiri girl in viral video

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  11. Viral Video: 6-yr-old Girl Asks Modi Saab 'Why So Much Homework for

    A video of a six-year-old baby girl making an adorable complaint to Prime Minister Narendra Modi is going viral on social media. In the video, the cute girl, who is from Jammu and Kashmir, can be seen complaining to 'Modi Saab' about a huge burden of homework to little children through online education.

  12. 6-year-old Mahira Irfan's question to PM Modi: 'Why so much homework

    After complaining to Prime Minister Narendra Modi through a video that went viral about children being overburdened with homework, six-year-old Kashmiri girl Mahira Irfan on Wednesday said she wants to go to school.

  13. 'Dad will save you': tearful little China girl complains to father

    The story of a sweet little girl in China complaining to her father about having too much homework has delighted mainland social media. The girl, from Henan province in central China, was filmed ...

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    my first commentary video please give me tips if you dont like it

  16. Home Work Pressure: 6-Year-Old Demands Answer From PM ...

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  17. IDK why this video makes me laugh so much credit to @OFFICIEL_KHALED #

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  18. (Unpopular?) opinion: School & homework consume too much of ...

    As a junior high teacher, I have reached the conclusion that schools expect a disproportionate amount of students' time when both time in class and homework time are considered. I have students who arrive at school between 7:30 and 8 a.m. and don't leave until 3:30 to 3:45 p.m. daily. And that's if they don't have extracurricular activities ...

  19. Why would they give so much homework on weekends

    Weekends are reserved for anxiety. Fridays are for doing homework due that night, Saturdays are to say you're gonna do homework but end up staring at your screen for 15 minutes before leaving, and Sundays are for procrastination and working till 3:00am. Its to "make up" for all the work you didnt do during the weekend.

  20. Video Of Kashmiri Kid Adorably Ranting About Too Much Homework Goes Viral

    Adorable 6-Year-Old Kashmiri Girl Complains To PM Modi About Homework, Video Goes Viral. Public TV. 12:38. Malaynials X Motif Viral Ranting Bersama Pendebat Viral. Gempak. 1:31. ... Viral Video: 6-yr-old Girl Asks Modi Saab 'Why So Much Homework for Little Kids? National Herald. 1:33. RANTING: On Ramp Rant l MUST WATCH Ride To Work Rant ...

  21. I'm so fucking sick of doing homework for 10 hours a day every day

    During the weekdays, my boyfriend gets up to go to work at 9, and I get up with him and hit the computer for HOMEWORK HOMEWORK HOMEWORK and TEACHING TEACHING TEACHING. Two days a week, I have class almost nonstop, and get done at 9pm. Then the days I don't have class, I have NO CHOICE but to work on homework the whole day. EVERY. DAY.

  22. 'Dad will save you': tearful little China girl complains to father

    T he story of a sweet little girl in China complaining to her father about having too much homework has delighted mainland social media.. The girl, from Henan province in central China, was filmed ...

  23. Why is there so much homework in American schools? : r/school

    This. Kids will go home and mom or dad are incapable of helping with the material in a lot of STEM classes. If mom is a nurse working 2nd shift and dad is a CDL truck driver, they may not be able to help with Algebra II or Physics all the time. But screw around and classwork becomes homework cause we gotta move on.