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The 30 best welcome messages for new employees

How do you welcome a new employee? Use these example "welcome to the team" messages for new hires.


Calendly Nov 17, 2021

Best welcome messages for new employees - hero image

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Wondering how to welcome a new employee to the team? Start by putting yourself in their shoes.

Taking a new role in an unfamiliar work environment is a lot like being the new kid at school — they tell you where your locker is and which classes you’re taking, but what you really want to know is how you’re supposed to act and what the social norms are. Do the cool kids raise their hands in class, or should you wait to answer the teacher’s questions? How will you make 

It sounds silly at first, comparing your new hires to seventh graders, but think about it: Don’t you feel better when you know what’s expected of you? That’s what makes good onboarding, and good onboarding matters. In fact,  69% of employees  are more inclined to stay with a company for at least three years if they had a great onboarding experience.

A new employee introduction email, Slack message, or note can go a long way in making a solid first impression when it comes to company culture, connecting the new person to the team, and setting the stage for success.

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The right welcome messages and what they say

When you're sending a welcome letter to a new employee on their first day, every word you say matters. What do you want them to know? What do you want them to believe about their talents and potential? Think about the key ideas you want them to take away from your message:

Inspire them to be a change-maker

It’s easy for new employees to feel like they have to keep their heads down and do things the way they’ve always been done. Tell your new hires that you welcome their fresh perspectives and that you hope they’ll inspire some positive changes.

Empower them to experiment

Being the “new kid” is always a little bit scary. People spend the entire interview process putting their best foot forward, and sometimes that means they walk in thinking they have to be perfect. You don’t want your new colleague starting off with that mindset. If they’re afraid, they won’t take chances. If they feel comfortable with making mistakes, they’ll experiment and maybe come up with your next great ideas.

Demonstrate your growth mindset

If you’re the kind of company that believes in developing the talents of all your employees, congratulations — you have a  growth mindset , and your workforce is more likely to be engaged. Start your new hires off right with a welcome note that tells them on their first day that you're there to help them reach their potential.

Let them know you're here for them

Who wouldn’t want to hear “We’ve got your back” on their first day at work? Instead of being the lone newbie, your new employee will immediately feel like a valued member of the team. They’ll be ready to ask for help and use their talents to support others’ success.

Tell them you value their perspective

When the members of your team have unique skill sets, experiences and backgrounds, they produce  better results . It’s important that starting on day one, your people know that their perspectives matter.

30 'Welcome to the team' messages [examples]

Feel free to use the following welcome messages as a template, and make them your own:

“Welcome to the team, [new employee’s name]! We only hire people we believe will make a difference here, and we’re proud to count you among that number. We look forward to helping you make waves.”

“Welcome! We’re thrilled to have you with us. We had a lot of applicants, and we chose you because we believe that your skills, experience and creativity will have a real impact on our team. We're so excited to have you be part of our team, and we can’t wait to see what you do!”

“Welcome to our team, [name]! We value the talents and ideas of everyone on our team, especially our new hires. We can’t wait to see what you’ll make happen.”

“Thanks for joining our team, [name]. We chose you from among all of our applicants because we believe that you’ll do great things with us. We hope you’ll always feel free to innovate, share your thoughts and help your teammates realize their ideas.”

“Welcome to the team, [name]! Our company is growing and changing every day and we’re thrilled to have you along for the ride. Please make waves — it’s why we hired you.”

“Congratulations and welcome, [name]! We can’t wait to see how you’ll shake things up around here.”

“Welcome! We hope you’ll always feel free to speak up, share your thoughts and challenge us. We’re all going to grow together here, and we look forward to it!”

“Congratulations and welcome aboard. We hand-picked you because we know you’ll help us rise to the next level, and we hope you’ll always feel free to take chances in your work.”

“Thank you so much for accepting the job offer with [company] — we hope you’ll feel right at home here. Never feel shy about sharing your thoughts and ideas — they’re why we brought you on board.”

“Welcome! We choose our new team members carefully and we’re proud to welcome you, with all of your talents and ideas and faults. Yes, faults — making mistakes is an important part of growth, and we hope you’ll never worry about trying to be perfect on the job. We sure aren’t!”

“Welcome, [name]! There’s no one in the whole world like you, and we’re proud to have you as a part of the team. We look forward to learning and growing with you in the years to come.”

“Congratulations on taking the next step in your career! We see great things in your future — that’s why we hired you. We hope you’ll ask questions, make mistakes and try new things, so we’ll all reach new heights together.”

“Welcome! We’re happy to have you on board and we can’t wait to help you reach new heights. Always ask questions when you have them and let us know how we can help you move forward. Around here, it’s all about the journey.”

“Welcome to the team, [name]! You're a great addition to the team, and we know you’ll accomplish amazing things here — we wouldn’t have hired you if we didn’t believe that. We look forward to supporting you along the way.”

“Congratulations on the new position, and many good wishes for your first day at [company name]. We want you to know that we believe in you and we’re behind you in everything you do here.”

“A warm welcome from the whole team here at [company]. We’re always working to build a strong, passionate and communicative team, and we believe that you’ll fit right in with us.”

“Congratulations and welcome to [company], [name]! We’re confident that we’ll all work well together in the weeks and months to come, and we hope you’ll always feel comfortable asking us for help — just like you’ll be there to support those who work with you.”

“Welcome and congratulations, [name]! We choose our team members carefully because when we on-board someone, we commit to their success. We look forward to helping you do the best work of your life with us.”

“Welcome to the team! We know that starting a new job can be intimidating, so we wanted you to know that we’re here to support you. You’re a part of a team now, and we know you’ll do great things here.”

“Welcome, [name], and thanks for choosing [company] as your next work home. You’re one of us now and we couldn’t be prouder.”

“Welcome, [name], we’re proud that you chose to join our team. We were thrilled to find someone with your abilities, ideas and great attitude.”

“We’re so happy to have you on our team, [name]. We’re pleased you decided to join us, and we hope you’ll come to us for help when you need it. We know we’ll be turning to you when we need your unique talents — the ones we hired you for.”

“A warm and enthusiastic welcome to you, [name]. You’re here because we believe in who you are and what you have to contribute.”

“Welcome to our unique, collaborative, dynamic and energetic team! We chose you because all of those words apply to you, so we know you’ll fit in perfectly with us.”

“Warmest of welcomes, [name]. You bring a unique perspective and background to our team, and we can’t wait to see what you’ll do with it. Always feel free to ask us for help — we’re here for you!”

“Welcome to our team! We brought you on with us because we saw something special in you — a fresh eye that can help take us to the next level. We know you’ll make waves and we’re committed to supporting you every step of the way.”

“A great big thank-you to you, [name] — we’re thrilled that you’re bringing your unique perspective and background to our team.“

"Welcome aboard! We hand-picked you to join our team because we believe in you and what you have to offer. Ask questions, share ideas and keep doing what you do.”

"We’ve never had someone quite like you on board, and that’s a huge compliment around here! We love your uniqueness and can’t wait to see what you’ll make happen.”

“Congratulations and best wishes on your first day, [name]! We love our new hires because you bring a perspective we’ve never had before. We hope you’ll speak up, push us to new heights and share your thoughts. That’s what helps us grow!”

Choosing your new employee welcome message

Bringing someone on board should be fun!  Get your team together  and create inspiring welcome aboard messages for the new joinee — the more the merrier. Use the ideas presented here, or come up with your own. Better yet, make sending welcome emails a consistent component of your company's onboarding process. 

The most important thing is that your welcome messages get the person excited to work with you and your team. Remember, a new team member only gets one first day, so make it count!

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21 Best Welcome Messages for New Employees [With Templates]

Shannon Hodgen

Need help onboarding international talent?

For new hires, there’s a rush of emotion that comes after accepting an offer of employment. They’re excited about the new role, eager to get started, and more than likely—they’re a bit nervous.

By sending a personalized welcome message—or welcome letter—you can keep new employees’ spirits high and ease their first-day jitters. Use these tips and templates to create your own new employee welcome messages, and ensure employees feel comfortable and confident when they join your team and all through their onboarding .

Why are new employee welcome messages important?

A welcome message creates a positive first impression and can increase your employee engagement and retention. Employees who have a negative onboarding experience are twice as likely to look for new opportunities in the near future. Here are a few more benefits of new employee welcome messages:

Clear direction for remote employees

A warm welcome message acts as a virtual kick-off. It answers the new hire’s basic questions and gives them a map of their first few hours or days in their new job.

The first day at a remote company isn’t the same as starting a new job in an office. There’s no new commute to navigate, no building to tour, and no new colleagues to shake hands with. Clear guidance in the welcome message lets the new hire know they’re on the right path, alleviating some stress of starting any new job ( remote or not).

Builds trust between employer and employee

When a new employee has a welcome email waiting for them in their inbox on their first day of work, it tells them your employee onboarding team (and company as a whole) was prepared for their arrival. Without this communication, your company can appear disorganized—or worse, the new employee may feel like you’ve forgotten about them.

Communicates your company culture and values

A welcome message is an easy way to communicate that you have a welcoming and inclusive company culture. You can make your message reflect your culture through the words you use, the topics you cover, and the tone of the message.

For example, if you have a more relaxed work environment, your welcome message should be more casual, including exclamation points, contractions, and some appropriate humor. If you have a formal work culture, your welcome message might read more professional and straightforward (while still sounding warm).

Makes employees feel valued and recognized

A personalized welcome message shows new employees you value them as an individual and that they aren’t just another cog in the machine. This is especially true for new hires joining large or hyper-growth companies. A nicely worded welcome message will ensure your new hires feel recognized and appreciated for who they are and the unique skills they bring to the table.

21 welcome message examples for new employees

Below, you’ll find templates for thoughtful welcome messages that vary in tone, focus, and length. Swap out the placeholder text for the employee’s name, the company name, and other personalized information to make these messages your own.

Casual employee welcome messages

1. Welcome to the [Company name] team! We can’t wait to get started. [Name] will be in touch soon to schedule your new hire orientation, coordinate your system access, and answer any questions you have.

In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about [Company], take a read through [Documents]. Also, keep an eye out for email invitations to the platforms we use on a daily basis, and please fill in the information required as soon as you get them.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to [Name] at [Email address] if you have any questions before your new hire orientation at [Time].

2. Welcome to the team, [Name]! Are you ready to make some magic? Before we get to the good stuff, we’ll lead you through your onboarding and training process. After that, you’ll have everything you need to hit the ground running as the new [Job title] on the [Team]! Check out the documents attached to this email to get started.

3. Congrats, [Name]! It’s your first day at [Company]. We know first days can be intimidating, but here at [Company], we’re trying to change that. Below, you’ll find a welcome package that includes a digital Starbucks gift card so you can grab a coffee on us!

Once you’re caffeinated, come back to your workspace and take your time reviewing the documents attached to this email. If you have any questions, please reach out to [Contact].

4. Day one—let’s do this, [Name]! Can you believe it’s finally here? We here at [Company] are just as excited as you are! Your skills, creative insights, and experience will take [Company] a long way.

In the next hour or so, you’ll receive an email from [Name] to schedule your onboarding meeting and answer any questions you have. Please review [Documents] to learn more about [Company]’s policies, practices, and culture.

5. Hey there, [Name]! Or should I say, the latest and greatest new team member at [Company]! Welcome to the first day of an exciting new chapter as our [Job title]. We can’t wait to see all the fantastic things you’ll accomplish with us. But first, let’s get you settled in.

[Name] will be in touch soon to schedule your first onboarding session. Until then, you can review the documents attached to this email. Please don’t hesitate to email [Name] at [Email address] if you have any questions—we’re all here to help!

6. Congrats—it’s your first day at [Company]! I’ll keep this short and sweet: Thanks for being you. We’re sure that with your unique talent and skills, you’re the right person to be our new [Job title]. You’ll do great things here, and we’re glad you’re officially part of the team. Cheers to this next chapter!

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Formal employee welcome messages

7. On behalf of the entire [Company] team, I wanted to extend a warm welcome on your first day. We are thrilled to have you as our new colleague and look forward to achieving new heights with you on board.

Our Onboarding Specialist, [Name], will contact you soon to schedule your first onboarding session. Until then, please read through [Documents] to gain a better understanding of [Company’s] history and position in the market.

8. Welcome to the team, [Name]. From the very beginning, we were impressed with your extensive experience and skills in [Industry] and knew you would be a fantastic addition to our [Department]. We know you will be a valuable asset to [Company] as we continue on this successful journey together, and send you our best wishes.

9. Many congratulations, [Name], on officially joining [Company] as our new [Job title]. With your skillset, we know you will be a fantastic asset to our team.

Please see the attached itinerary for today’s schedule. During this time, focus on reviewing company policies, dress code, employee handbook, and other critical information. If you have any questions, please contact [Name] at [Email address].

10. We are happy to welcome you to the team, [Name]. As our new [Job title], you will play a pivotal role in our team’s future success and growth. We are confident that your skillset will help you thrive in this endeavor.

We look forward to building a successful, long-lasting relationship with you and send you nothing but good wishes as you start your new career with us. Enclosed, you will find the necessary documents to begin your employee onboarding process. If you have questions, please contact [Name] at [Email address].

11. [Name]—welcome to the team. We are confident you will make a great addition to the [Department] here at [Company]. We have high aspirations here at [Company], but with your expertise, we are confident we can reach new heights. Please see the attached documents to get started.

Team-focused welcome messages

12. [Name]—you’re now officially part of the team! At [Company], we value our employees’ unique backgrounds and experiences and are excited to see what fresh new ideas you’ll bring.

We’re excited to have you as our new [Job title] and to get to know you better in the coming days. Come meet your new teammates today at [Time]—you should already see a meeting invite in your Google Calendar. Until then, you can read through the attached onboarding documents at your own pace.

13. Welcome to the team, [Name]! As you know, we pride ourselves on being a dynamic team with some of the industry’s top talent—and now, that includes you. We have big plans for the year ahead, and you’ll play an integral role in every step.

First on the list: Please check your email for an invitation to join our employee onboarding platform. There, you’ll find everything you need to get settled into your new role.

14. On behalf of the whole team here at [Company], welcome! You’re officially one of us. As you settle in, know that we are here to support you. The first few weeks at a new job can be a learning curve, but we’re in this together. We’ll see you at our first team meeting together at [Time]!

15. Happy first day at [Company], [Name]! Our entire team is buzzing with excitement that you’re finally here. As a values-driven team, finding someone with the right skills who shares our core values is a major win for all of us.

In this email, you’ll find some important documentation, including our company policies, employee handbook, and other information. We kindly ask you to review these documents over the next day to learn more about our company, culture, and best practices.

16. Congratulations, [Name]! You’ve just joined the best team in the world—in our opinion, at least. We’re small and tight-knit, so finding the right person for the [Job title] position was an important mission. Luckily, we found you!

We can’t wait to start working together. First up: Your meeting with [Name] at [Time]. You’ll see a meeting invitation in your inbox shortly. Have a great first day!

Welcome messages from a leader or manager

17. [Name]—I want to make sure you start your first day at [Company] off right by officially welcoming you to the team. I’ll see you at our first meeting at [Time], but if you have any questions before then, feel free to message me on Slack or email me at [Email address]. Settle in, and we’ll talk soon!

18. Welcome aboard, [Name]! You’ve made it to your first day at [Company], and I’m so glad you’re here. It was great getting to know you during the interview process. I know our journey working together is only going to get better from here.

We have great things ahead of us—but first, let’s rock day one! I’ll be in touch soon to kick everything off.

19. Sending a quick congratulations and warmest welcome on your first day at [Company]! I couldn’t be happier that today is finally here and that you’re officially on our team. With your expertise and insights, I just know our team has what it takes to skyrocket to the next level. Cheers to the great things we’ll accomplish together!

20. Welcome, [Name]! The whole team is thrilled to have you join us as our new [Job title] at [Company].

I wanted to share how much we value the skill and expertise you’re bringing to this new position. We dream big here at [Company], and we need the best on board—like you—to reach our goals. I look forward to achieving above and beyond with you on the team!

21. [Name], big congratulations are in order! You’ve made it through the interview process and are officially part of the [Company] team. Today is all about getting you settled and comfortable in your new role. Take some time to read through the attached documents, and I’ll be in touch soon to schedule your employee onboarding session.

Bonus: Long welcome message for a new employee

If you want to provide a new employee with detailed information about their new role before they get started, use a longer welcome message. Your message should include:

  • A personalized introduction
  • An overview of their first month
  • Key people they’ll be working with
  • Recurring meetings

Training to complete

  • Applications and systems to install
  • Expected work hours
  • Best practices for internal communication
  • Contact information for their team lead or onboarding lead

Here’s an example of what a longer welcome message could look like:

Welcome—officially—to the team!

We’re thrilled to have you join us on our sales team and know you’ll bring a lot of value to the role, especially with your experience in software sales.

This email has a few important sections for you to review as you settle into your new role, including company documents, who you’ll be working with, and what your first month will look like. So, let’s dive in!

Company documentation

Please review the following documents and policies:

  • Employee handbook
  • Sales playbook
  • Knowledge database

Your first month

Your first month will focus on training and knowledge building. You’ll be shadowing Dave and Mary starting next Monday. During this time, take as many notes as you need to. By the end of the month, we’ll have a mock sales call for you to demonstrate what you’ve learned. After that, we’ll start assigning you outbound calls in your market.

Who you’ll be working with

Here are a few key people you’ll work with in your role. You can book introduction calls with them directly via Google Calendar:

  • Carey Brown - Head of Sales
  • Dave Smith - Customer Success Manager
  • Ryan Singh - Sales Enablement Manager
  • Mary Johnson - Account Executive, SMB
  • Michelle Scott - Sales Development Representative

[Note: Include hyperlinks to key teammates' email addresses or LinkedIn pages so the new employee can get to know them.]

Recurring internal meetings

You’ll be invited to these meetings via Google Calendar. Please accept all as ongoing events:

  • Regional meeting: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9 a.m. EST
  • 1:1 performance review: Wednesdays at 2 p.m. EST
  • Weekly all-hands meeting: Mondays at 10 a.m. EST

By the end of the month, you should have completed the training for the following systems:

Apps and programs

Install and register for the following apps and programs (you’ll find invites for each of them in your inbox already):

  • Slack (web and phone)
  • Salesforce (web and phone)
  • Asana (web)

Our sales team is expected to be online from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST Monday through Friday. These hours are flexible, depending on our customer needs and business needs.

Team communication

The majority of our internal communication is conducted through Slack. You’ll see an invite to our Slack workspace in your inbox already. Browse and join any open channels of your interest, as well as the following mandatory channels:

  • #GlobalSales
  • #SalesLeads
  • #announcements

Next up is our Welcome Call at 11 a.m. Until then, take your time reading through this information and the additional emails I’ve sent. You don’t need to prepare anything for the call.

If you have any questions, please send me a message on Slack or email me at [Email address], and I’ll be happy to help!

Have a fantastic first morning, teammate!

How to make a new employee feel welcome with your message

Your welcome message should make the employee feel like it was written just for them—even if it was drafted from a template. Here are some tips for writing a new employee message that makes them feel welcome:

  • Use a friendly tone: Even if your organization is more formal, new employees want to hear from a colleague that sounds approachable and warm
  • Include a personalized introduction: Use their name throughout the welcome message and consider working in something interesting you learned about them during the interview process
  • Use forward-thinking language: Mention the great work you’ll do together and talk positively about the future to connote long-term commitment and dedication
  • Be detailed: If you’re sending an email, include a personalized and exciting subject line, since it’s the first thing they’ll see in their inbox. Or, handwrite the message if you’re mailing it to them in a physical welcome package

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Examples of Great Welcome Messages to New Employees

Need to write a welcome message to a new staff member? Don’t just wing it – here are crucial elements to include along with some great examples to consider.

welcome messages to new employees

You only have one chance to make a first impression.

When it comes to onboarding new employees, that first impression is crucial. According to O.C. Tanner , up to 20% of new hires leave within their first 45 days. 

That’s because the first few touchpoints of an employee’s journey within an organization can have a big impact on their integration and how well they do their job.

Companies with a strong onboarding process improve new hire retention by 82% and productivity by 70%, according to Brandon Hall Group . 

No, an onboarding process isn’t just about signing paperwork. It should help a new employee feel appreciated, included, and connected! It’s an opportunity to set clear expectations. Your organization’s onboarding experience is also the perfect time to reinforce your culture and values. 

Enter: employee welcome messages, an underrated yet hugely effective way to kick things off on the right foot. 

So, don’t just treat your welcome messages to new employees as something to cross off your to-do list. Put some thought into them to elevate your onboarding experience and make a positive first impression. Here’s what you need to know to write an outstanding welcome message for a new hire, team member, or temporary staffer. 

Things That Should Be In an Employee Welcome Message 

Ready to write your employee welcome message? Be sure to include the following key elements for best results – they will make newcomers and temp staffers alike feel valued, informed, and supported as they begin their journey with your organization. 

  • Personalized Greeting: Even if you work off a template, always address the person by name. Otherwise, your message will feel generic and impersonal. 
  • Introduction to the Company: Include a brief overview of the organization, its mission, values, and culture. This helps employees understand the environment that they will integrate.  
  • Introduction to the Team: Use your welcome message as an opportunity to make introductions to colleagues and supervisors. It gives the recipient an idea of who they’ll work with and helps them feel connected. 
  • Role and Responsibilities: Break down the new person’s role, responsibilities, and expectations for the job. It sets a strong foundation for their work and helps them get clear on their priorities. 
  • Onboarding Information: Provide all the details for a smooth onboarding process, including paperwork, training sessions, or meetings to attend. This helps new contributors navigate their first few days and weeks smoothly. 
  • Resources and Support: Include information about the resources and support available to employees, such as HR contacts or IT assistance. 
  • Policies and Procedures : Highlight important company policies and procedures. Is there a dress code? What are the expectations around remote work? How does the team collaborate and communicate? 
  • Welcome Note from Leadership: A welcome message from company leadership, such as the CEO or department head, is always a nice touch. It shows that the employee’s role matters and sets a positive tone for their journey. 
  • Encouragement and Support: Warm words of encouragement and support help new employees feel confident, motivated and included. Let them know you’re excited that they’re on board. 
  • Next Steps: Provide straightforward instructions on the next steps of the onboarding process, from completing forms to attending meetings or setting up tech tools. This helps new employees feel productive and engaged from the outset.

Best Welcome Messages for New Employees

Once you’ve gathered all the key elements and information required, tie everything together with a warm and welcoming note.

Here are the best employee welcome messages for different types of situations. 

Welcome Messages for New Employees

  • Welcome to [Company Name], [New Employee's Name]! We're thrilled to have you join our team. We’re here to support you every step of the way on this new journey. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions as you settle in. 
  • Hello, [New Employee's Name]! Congratulations on joining [Company Name]. We believe your unique skills and insights will have a significant impact on our success. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything. 
  • Welcome aboard, [New Employee's Name]! We're excited to welcome you to our team. Thank you for bringing fresh energy and talent to our workplace – we are looking forward to working with you and crushing goals together. Here's to a successful chapter ahead!
  • A warm welcome to [New Employee's Name]! We're excited to have you join us at [Company Name]. We have no doubt that your background and skills will help our team thrive. Let's create something amazing together. 
  • Welcome to the team, [New Employee's Name]! We're delighted to have you on board and can't wait to achieve great things together. If you have any questions or need anything, don't hesitate to reach out.
  • Hi [New Employee's Name]! Welcome to [Company Name]. We're excited to have you join our team and benefit from your expertise and passion. We look forward to working with you. Here's to a successful journey together!
  • Welcome, [New Employee's Name]! We're already celebrating your arrival at [Company Name]. We’re excited to collaborate with you and create memorable experiences as we achieve our goals! 

Welcome Messages for Existing Employees In New Role

  • Congratulations, [Employee's Name], on your new position as [New Role]! We're excited to work with you in this new capacity and see you continue to excel. Welcome to your new team – and your next chapter of growth and success.
  • Please join us in welcoming [Employee's Name] to their new role as [New Role]. We're confident that their expertise and skills will elevate our team to new heights. Congratulations, and best wishes for this new chapter! 
  • Please help me welcome [Employee's Name] as they step into their new role as [New Role]! Your dedication and commitment have been an inspiration, and we're excited to see you take on this new challenge. Welcome to the team! 
  • Welcome to your new role, [Employee's Name]! Your promotion to [New Role] is a testament to your contributions and commitment. We're excited to support you as you step into this new role and have no doubt you will make an impact here. Here's to continued growth and success!
  • Welcome, [Employee's Name], to your new role as [New Role]. We’re confident that you’ll excel with our team and are thrilled to benefit from your expertise and experience. Congratulations on this new opportunity – we're here to support you every step of the way.
  • Congratulations on your promotion, [Employee's Name]! Your hard work has paid off, and we're excited to work with you as you step into your new position as [New Role]. Welcome to our team! 
  • Welcome to your new role, [Employee's Name]! We're excited that you’ll be joining us as [New Role]. Your leadership, skills and passion will undoubtedly help our team thrive. Here's to a seamless transition and continued wins! We’re here if you need anything as you settle in. 

Welcome Messages for Temporary Staffers and Contractors

  • Welcome to the team, [Temporary Staffer/Contractor's Name]! We're excited to be collaborating with you on this project. We have no doubt that your expertise and contributions will help us achieve our goals and we’re here if you need anything. 
  • Hi [Temporary Staffer/Contractor's Name]! Thank you for joining us and lending your skills to our team for this project. We’re looking forward to collaborating with you and we’re confident that your contributions will make an impact.
  • Welcome aboard, [Temporary Staffer/Contractor's Name]! We're glad to have you as part of our team for the [Time Period, e.g. next few weeks]. Your expertise and skills are greatly appreciated, and we look forward to collaborating with you. Please reach out if you need anything. 
  • Hi [Temporary Staffer/Contractor's Name]! Welcome to our team for the next [Time Period]. We're excited to have you on board, and we're confident that together, we'll achieve great outcomes. If you need anything, don't hesitate to reach out. 
  • Welcome, [Temporary Staffer/Contractor's Name]! We're excited to have your help with this project. Your skills are exactly what we need to achieve our goals. Let's make this project a success!
  • Welcome to the team, [Temporary Staffer/Contractor's Name]! We're excited to have you on board to support us, even if it’s for a short time. Your expertise and skills are appreciated and we’re excited to crush our goals with you.
  • Welcome, [Temporary Staffer/Contractor's Name]! We're excited to have you join us. Your skill set will play a crucial role in our project's success, and we're grateful to work with you. Let's make magic happen!

Welcome Messages for Remote/Hybrid Workers

  • Welcome to our team, [Remote Worker's Name]! We're excited to have you on board and can’t wait to get to know you better as we collaborate and crush goals together.  
  • Hi [Remote Worker's Name]! Welcome to our virtual team. We're thrilled to have you join us and can't wait to collaborate with you. Please don’t be shy and reach out anytime, even if it's just for a virtual coffee chat or to send memes in the group Slack! 
  • Welcome, [Remote Worker's Name]! We're excited to have you and are looking forward to getting to know you on video calls. We have no doubt we’ll achieve great things together! 
  • A warm welcome to you, [Remote Worker's Name]! Although you’re joining us from afar, we're grateful that you’re now part of our team. We’re confident that your skills and expertise will have a big impact on our success and can’t wait to work with you. 
  • Welcome, [Remote Worker's Name]! Your presence enriches our team dynamic, even from afar, and we're thrilled to have you on board. Let's leverage technology to collaborate and crush our goals! 
  • Welcome, [Remote Worker's Name]! We’re excited that you’ll be joining us and have no doubt that your contributions will help us step our game up. Looking forward to getting to know you. 
  • Welcome to [Company Name], [Remote Worker's Name]! We’re excited to have you join our remote team and we’re looking forward to achieving great things together.

Why Welcome Messages Are Crucial for Temporary Employees 

If you’re wondering whether it’s worth crafting personalized employee welcome messages for temp staffers, the answer is always yes!  Welcome messages for any type of employee but specifically for temporary employees foster a positive and inclusive work environment, communicate clear expectations to avoid precious time wasted, and set the employee up for success during their time at the company. Here are the benefits of welcoming temporary workers with a great message. 

  • Creating a Positive First Impression: With a warm and welcoming message, you’ll help temporary employees feel valued and included from the get-go. This breaks the ice! 
  • Fostering Engagement and Morale: It’s possible for temporary employees to operate as if they have less skin in the game than full-timers, but that doesn’t mean you can’t foster engagement and morale with them! A welcome message communicates that you care about including them and that they are part of your team. 
  • Clarifying Expectations: Temporary employees will need time to get familiar with your processes and culture. A welcome message is a great opportunity to communicate what matters the most and highlight expectations, responsibilities, and other relevant guidelines. Clarity and alignment are always key, regardless of the length of an employment contract. 
  • Facilitating Integration: Temporary employees have to navigate pre-existing team dynamics. A well-crafted welcome message can make this easier for them and help to facilitate their integration by making intros and giving an overview of ongoing projects. 
  • Reducing Anxiety: Starting a temporary job can be nerve-wracking. A welcoming note can help alleviate some of the anxiety that comes with joining an established team. Offer reassurance, support and guidance, and encourage open communication with a welcome message. 
  • Boosting Productivity: When temporary employees feel included and appreciated, they are more likely to deliver outstanding work. Express appreciation for their skills and emphasize the importance of their role to motivate them. 

How to Choose and Deliver the Right Employee Welcome Message

Now that you are equipped with various employee welcome message examples, there are a few more tips to keep in mind to choose and deliver the right one.  While you can draw inspiration from the examples above, personalization is key. You want every single employee to feel that you are eager to get to know them and work with them, whether they’re staying with you for a while or are only joining temporarily.  Address the recipient by name and express genuine enthusiasm about the fact that they’re joining the team. Include specific details about the employee's role, responsibilities, and the team they'll be integrating. This helps new staffers understand their place within the organization while grasping the importance of their contributions, from short-term projects to longer-term commitments. 

Inspire your new hire while also instilling corporate priorities and values by tailoring your message to mention how the employee's skills and experience align with the company's goals and values. The idea is to help all employees understand the organization’s ethos and their potential for advancement, even if they are temporary staffers. Sometimes, those positions do turn into permanent ones – treat them as such!  Moreover, use your message to clarify expectations, onboarding processes, and any other relevant information that will make the employee experience smoother. Clarity and transparency are especially important for people who may be working remotely or have a short timeframe to get familiar with the scope of their work. A checklist of essential action items to get started is a nice touch, such as setting up their workstation, attending training sessions or meeting specific stakeholders.  Your welcome message should always encourage transparent communication and open the door to feedback or questions. Make sure the employee knows they are welcome to actively participate in team activities regardless of their status. This helps build a sense of belonging from day one.  As for the delivery of your employee welcome message, consider leveraging multiple channels to ensure your words reach new team members effectively. From sending an email to giving them a shoutout in a company-wide Slack channel or mentioning them at an in-person team meeting, don’t hesitate to use several communication platforms. Keep in mind that some employees prefer digital communication, while others appreciate a more personal touch. Saying welcome in a few different ways helps to cover all the bases.  Finally, remember that your welcome message is only one piece of the puzzle. Following up with new employees after they’ve had a chance to settle in is a nice way to close the loop on the process of welcoming them. Start by asking how they’re adjusting and if they have any questions you can address.  Keeping the communication lines open shows your commitment to the success of all team members and helps reinforce a sense of belonging within the organization. By crafting welcome messages that resonate with both temporary and permanent workers, you set the foundation for a positive and productive working relationship for everyone involved.  This doesn’t just impact staffers. It can drastically influence your customer service, too. Welcoming workers with the right words – and the right tools, such as a staff-management platform like Workstaff – has a positive effect that trickles into the client experience.  Even the most short-term workers will be more likely to put their best foot forward when they feel connected to your mission and team. Empower and appreciate them from the start, give them the information they need to do their work well, and watch the success of your brand and services grow. 

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Resources: Blog | Polly

18 Examples of How to Say “Welcome to the Team”

A friendly “welcome to the team” message can make sure a new person knows you’re excited to have them. Find the right wording with these 18 examples.

Employee Experience

It pays to put effort into your onboarding experience. Recent research found that 70% of people who had an exceptional onboarding experience would say they have the “best possible job.” Making a great first impression on a new team member can help increase their engagement, investment level, and their excitement about their role. 

Knowing this, it’s worth investing in this new employee experience. A very simple way to make onboarding a more inviting experience is sending a brief “Welcome to the team” message. 

In this guide, we’ll take a look at:

Why a welcome message makes perfect sense

  • What to include in your welcome message
  • Examples of great welcome messages from managers and coworkers

Let’s explore welcome messages in more detail and discover why they’re essential, how to create them, and what to say. 

A from-the-heart welcome message can be a great way to: 

  • Set the tone for future communications
  • Start building a relationship with your new team member
  • Introduce your new hire to your company culture
  • Showcase your values and approach to support
  • Encourage employee engagement from the start
  • Guide your new team member towards their next steps

Use your welcome message as part of your overall onboarding process. Weave in other elements like automated new employee check-ins , team meetings with get-to-know-you icebreakers , new employee survey s , and an open forum where they can ask questions. 

💡Discover these great ideas and more in our guide to using Polly to help onboard your new team members . 

What to say in your “welcome to the team” message

It’s not always easy to know what to say beyond “welcome to the team!” — especially if you’re new to this. Whether you send a more formal welcome letter or an informal welcome email or Slack message, use these themes to help you put together an effective welcome message. 

Celebrate that they’re here

Every great welcome message should focus on welcoming your team member to their new position, team, and company. Phrases like “welcome to the team”, “we’re so glad you’re here”, and “we can’t wait to get to know you” all let your new hire know you’re excited about their presence. 

Offer support and comfort

It can be daunting joining a new team or company, and even the most confident of new employees can find it hard to navigate the transition alone. Use your welcome message as an opportunity to highlight where your new team member can find information, offer support, and let them know you’re there for them at any time. 

Encourage them to be curious

Many people that enter a new role tend to stay quiet at the start as they figure out their surroundings and work environment. Encourage your new hires to be creative, curious, and ask questions right away. Let them know you welcome their thoughts, challenges, ideas, and debates — and that you embrace a culture of transparency and innovation. 

Introduce their new team

Now is a great time to introduce your new member of the team to everyone else. Include a note in your welcome message about how the entire team is excited to meet them, so they feel like part of the team right away. If it’d be helpful, you could also mention the name of the buddy or mentor you’re pairing them with, and tell your new team member that they’ll get to know each other soon. 

18 Welcome messages to celebrate your new team member’s arrival

Use these welcome message templates to help you put together your own version, or use them as they are and simply add in the new team member’s name.

Welcome messages from a manager

It’s time to welcome someone new to your team! Here’s what to say to help them settle in and find their way around. 

Welcome messages from a team member

Someone new is joining your team and you’re eager to get to know them and show them around. Here’s how to share that enthusiasm with your new colleague.

Before you hit send on your welcome message, it’s important to tailor it to your new team member’s needs and preferences. Talk about why you’re excited to welcome them, in particular, to the team. Or, or embrace someone’s love for a particular TV show. 

Make your new team member feel welcome from the start

Sending a thoughtful welcome message is only one part of the onboarding process . As you rework your welcome message, consider reflecting on other areas of your experience too. 

Use Polly to help you improve your onboarding process with automated check-ins, in-context insights, and fun ways to engage and grow as a team. Learn more about how Polly’s employee onboarding features can help you create an impressive experience.

Try Polly for free to instantly improve your employee engagement.

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Written by Nicola Scoon

Nicola Scoon is a freelance writer that's passionate about employee engagement and better workplace experiences. She draws on her experience in internal communications to help companies create content that empowers, encourages, and motivates people to create better experiences for all.

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How to Welcome a New Employee: 30 Best Examples and Messages

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  • October 10, 2023

How to Welcome a New Employee: 30 Best Examples and Messages

Welcoming new employees can be a game-changer for any organization. A well-crafted welcome message not only sets the stage for a positive work environment but also contributes to employee engagement, retention, and productivity. Ready to learn how to welcome a new employee in a way that fosters a sense of belonging and sets them up for success? Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways

  • Welcome new employees with inspiring messages to create a positive onboarding experience
  • Prepare for their arrival with an onboarding checklist and assigned mentor/buddy
  • Foster collaboration, provide ongoing support & encourage professional development opportunities for successful growth!

The Importance of Welcoming New Employees

Welcoming new employees is a significant step, setting the tone for their long and successful journey with your organization. A warm welcome positively impacts retention and boosts productivity, ensuring that your new hires feel valued and appreciated from the very start. A well-crafted welcome message can create a sense of belonging, fostering connection and collaboration with the entire team.

Moreover, 69% of employees are more likely to stay with a company for three years or longer when they receive a warm welcome and have a positive onboarding experience. Companies that focus on a robust onboarding process will see remarkable benefits. Their new hire retention can increase by as much as 82%, while productivity increases by over 70%.

Creating a positive and welcoming atmosphere for new team members, including each new team member, paves the way for them to hit the ground running and feel confident in their abilities to contribute to the organization’s success.

How to Welcome a New Employee: 30 Best Examples and Messages

First Impressions Matter

First impressions play a pivotal role in creating a positive and welcoming atmosphere for new employees. It sets the tone for their experience and can have a lasting impact on their perception of the company culture. Providing a warm welcome, introducing the new employee to their dynamic team, and offering support and guidance can make them feel comfortable, appreciated, and eager to bring their fresh perspective to the team.

Sending a warm welcome email, giving a tour of the office, and presenting a welcome gift are great ways to make a new employee feel right at home and encourage them to bring their unique perspective to the team. Establishing a positive first impression fosters an environment that bolsters the confidence and excitement of new employees, encouraging them to contribute to the organization’s success.

Fostering a Sense of Belonging

Recognizing the unique skill sets, experiences, and backgrounds that new employees bring to the table creates a sense of belonging and value from day one. This fosters an environment where new hires feel their perspectives are valued by other team members and encourages them to:

  • Make mistakes
  • Learn from those mistakes
  • Contribute innovative ideas
  • Drive progress within the company

Creating an atmosphere that encourages new employees to take risks and make mistakes can open up exciting possibilities for experimentation and innovation. A supportive environment that fosters a sense of belonging encourages employees to share their ideas and contribute to the team’s overall success.

Welcome in the Team

We are thrilled to extend a warm “ welcome in the team ” to our newest member! Your arrival marks an exciting new chapter for us, and we couldn’t be more delighted to have you on board. The skills and experience you bring will undoubtedly be invaluable as we work together towards our common goals. This team has a long-standing tradition of camaraderie and collaboration, and we have no doubt that you will fit right in. Your unique perspective and fresh insights will be instrumental in driving innovation and progress within our ranks. Once again, welcome in the team, and we look forward to achieving great things together!

Crafting the Perfect Welcome Message

Group of people in a meeting discussing welcome message

Crafting the perfect welcome message involves considering tone, content, and tailoring messages to specific employee roles. A well-crafted welcome message should be full of enthusiasm, encouragement, and inspiration, making the new employee feel truly welcomed and excited to start their journey with the team on their first day.

Email, video, and in-person meetings are great ways to deliver a welcoming message to a new employee and make them feel part of the team. Paying attention to the tone and content of your welcome message helps demonstrate the company culture and values, leading new employees to feel excited about joining the organization.

Tone and Content

Setting the tone with warmth, support, and excitement is key when welcoming a new employee to the team. The content should be tailored to the employee’s role and expectations, so they know what to expect from their new role. Using uplifting language, radiating warmth and expressing excitement can create an inviting and motivating welcome message that reflects your company culture and values.

Examples of motivating language to use in a welcome message include “We are thrilled to have you join us!”, “We eagerly anticipate having you on board!”, and “We can’t wait to see what you bring to the team!”. Incorporating these phrases into your welcome message will help ensure that your new employee feels excited and motivated to embark on their journey with your organization.

Tailoring Messages to Employee Roles

An image of a team of employees gathered around a new colleague, smiling and holding a welcome sign to welcome a new employee

Tailoring welcome messages according to employee roles can help create a personalized and meaningful onboarding experience for new employees. It shows that the organization values their specific skills and contributions, helping them understand their role more clearly and feel more connected to their team and the overall company. This tailored approach sets the tone for a positive and productive working relationship from the very start, making it a great way to make new employees feel welcomed and valued.

For example, when welcoming a new employee in a new position, especially in a managerial role, you might say:

  • “We are thrilled to have you on board in your new job! Your expertise and knowledge will be a great asset as we work together on exciting challenges.
  • We are excited to partner with you on this journey.
  • We wish you every success!.”

For a new entry-level employee, you can craft a message that encourages them to be a driver of change, gives them permission to explore, and showcases your open-mindedness.

30 Inspiring Welcome Messages for New Employees

 Group of people smiling and holding welcome messages

In this section, we provide you with 30 inspiring welcome messages for new employees, categorized into formal, casual, and creative examples. These messages are designed to help you create a warm and welcoming atmosphere that fosters a sense of belonging and sets the stage for a long and successful journey with your organization.

Utilizing these messages will help ensure your new employees feel welcomed and appreciated.

Formal Messages

Formal messages demonstrate professionalism and respect, creating an encouraging atmosphere for the new employee’s journey. These messages set a positive tone for new employees by:

  • Using a warm and inviting tone
  • Making them feel appreciated and noticed
  • Fostering a sense of camaraderie
  • Ultimately strengthening workplace relationships.

Examples of formal welcome messages include: “Welcome to [Company Name]! We are delighted to have you join our team. We can’t wait to meet you on your first day and help you get settled in. Please don’t hesitate to ask us if you have any questions or need any help getting started.” and “Welcome to [Company Name]! We are excited to have you join us and can’t wait to see what you will bring to our team. We are here to support you and make sure you have everything you need to get started. Please reach out to us if you have any questions.”

Casual Messages

Casual messages create a friendly and approachable atmosphere, helping new employees feel comfortable and at ease. These messages are perfect for organizations with a more relaxed company culture, as they can help new hires feel more connected to their colleagues and the organization as a whole.

Examples of casual welcome messages include: “Hey there! I am absolutely thrilled to have the opportunity to work with you. This is going to be a great experience! Welcome aboard!” and “Can’t wait to meet you on your first day! We’re sure you’ll fit right in with our amazing team. If you have any questions or need anything, just give us a shout!”

Creative Messages

Creative messages showcase the company’s unique culture and values, making new employees feel excited to be part of the team. These messages can help create a welcoming and inviting atmosphere that encourages new employees to bring their fresh ideas and unique skills to the table.

Examples of creative welcome messages include: “We’re over the moon to have you join our team of creative thinkers! Your innovative ideas will help us accomplish amazing things together. Welcome aboard!” and “Get ready for a fantastic time with our energetic team! We can’t wait to share ideas, collaborate, and create something truly extraordinary. Welcome to the team!”

Intro for New Employee

Welcome to our team! We are thrilled to have you on board as our newest team member. This “ Intro for New Employee ” is designed to provide you with a comprehensive overview of our company, its values, and the exciting journey that lies ahead. As you embark on this new chapter, you’ll find that we foster a culture of collaboration, innovation, and continuous learning. Your unique skills and perspectives will undoubtedly contribute to our collective success. Throughout your onboarding process, you will have the opportunity to meet your colleagues, get acquainted with our projects, and gain insights into our organizational structure. We’re confident that you’ll quickly become an integral part of our dynamic team, and we look forward to achieving great milestones together.

Preparing for the New Employee’s Arrival

Group of people in a meeting discussing onboarding checklist

Preparing for the new employee’s arrival involves creating an onboarding checklist and assigning a mentor or buddy. An onboarding checklist ensures that all necessary resources and information are provided to the new employee, helping them feel confident and prepared for their new journey.

Assigning a mentor or buddy provides new employees with a go-to person for support, guidance, and advice, fostering a sense of belonging and connection to the organization.

Onboarding Checklist

An onboarding checklist plays a vital role in aiding new employees to feel confident and prepared for their new role. This checklist should include all necessary resources and information to empower the new employee and set them up for success, such as orientation materials, training schedules, and introductions to key team members.

To ensure success when creating an onboarding checklist, it is important to avoid common mistakes such as:

  • Neglecting the pre-life experience
  • Overlooking compliance
  • Overloading new hires
  • Not addressing generational gaps

Providing a comprehensive onboarding checklist helps your organization ensure a smooth transition for new employees and set them up for long-term success.

Assigning a Mentor or Buddy

Assigning a mentor or buddy to new employees is a valuable strategy for providing support, guidance, and advice during the onboarding process. A mentor or buddy can help new employees navigate the organization, answer questions, and address any concerns or challenges they may face in their new role.

Selecting the right mentor or buddy, providing training for the mentor, and establishing clear goals and expectations are essential steps to ensure a successful mentorship experience. Fostering open communication, encouraging knowledge sharing, and evaluating and adjusting as needed helps create a supportive environment where new employees can thrive.

Integrating New Employees into the Team

Group of people introducing themselves to a new employee

Integrating new employees into the team involves team introductions and encouraging collaboration. Team introductions help new employees feel welcomed and connected to their colleagues, fostering a sense of camaraderie and a positive work environment.

Encouraging collaboration promotes a positive work environment and helps new employees feel engaged and valued.

Team Introductions

Team introductions play a vital role in helping new employees feel connected to their colleagues and fostering a sense of camaraderie. By introducing new team members to a new employee, you create a welcoming atmosphere and give everyone the chance to get to know each other. This connection strengthens workplace relationships and encourages collaboration and teamwork.

Ideally, team introductions should be done through a company-wide email announcement, a team meeting, or even a team-building activity. This ensures that new employees feel welcomed and helps them forge connections with their colleagues, setting the stage for a positive work environment and increased employee engagement.

Encouraging Collaboration

Encouraging collaboration plays a significant role in promoting a positive work environment and helping new employees feel engaged and valued. Some benefits of collaboration include:

  • Fostering innovation
  • Encouraging creativity
  • Promoting teamwork
  • Increasing productivity
  • Contributing to overall success for the organization

To foster collaboration among new employees, consider:

  • Setting up team meetings
  • Assigning tasks that require collaboration
  • Providing team-building activities
  • Encouraging open communication

Creating an environment that encourages collaboration and teamwork can lead to increased employee engagement, satisfaction, and success for your organization.

Remote Team Building Activities

Engaging in remote team building activities is crucial for fostering camaraderie and enhancing collaboration among dispersed team members. These activities are designed to bridge the physical gap and create a sense of unity, even when team members are miles apart. One effective activity is virtual scavenger hunts, where participants search for specific items within their own homes, encouraging creativity and problem-solving skills. Additionally, online escape rooms provide a thrilling challenge that requires teamwork and quick thinking to solve intricate puzzles. Virtual team lunches or coffee breaks can also be a great way to simulate the informal interactions that naturally occur in an office setting. Furthermore, collaborative online workshops or skill-building sessions allow team members to learn together, strengthening their collective skills and knowledge. These remote team building activities not only promote a positive team culture but also help to establish a sense of belonging and mutual trust, which are essential for a successful remote work environment.

Ongoing Support and Engagement

Group of people in a meeting discussing check-ins and professional development opportunities

Ensuring ongoing support and engagement is vital for new employees to continue feeling supported and engaged throughout their journey with your organization. This includes regular check-ins to address any concerns or challenges they may face.

Offering professional development opportunities that demonstrate the company’s commitment to employee growth and success is also important in attracting potential job offer candidates.

Regular Check-Ins

Regular check-ins ensure that new employees continue to feel supported and engaged, addressing any concerns or challenges they may face. These check-ins provide an opportunity for open communication, feedback, and guidance, ensuring that new employees feel connected to their team and the organization.

Advantages of regular check-ins for employee engagement include:

  • Improved communication
  • Higher morale and engagement
  • Increased productivity
  • Fostering trust between managers and employees

Maintaining open lines of communication and providing ongoing support aids your organization in creating a positive work environment where new employees feel valued and engaged.

Professional Development Opportunities

Providing professional development opportunities demonstrates the company’s commitment to employee growth and success, fostering loyalty and satisfaction among new employees. These opportunities can include:

  • Training programs
  • Conferences
  • Mentorship programs
  • Certifications
  • Access to resources for self-directed learning

Offering professional development opportunities has several benefits:

  • Promotes employee growth and retention
  • Sharpens skills and knowledge
  • Helps employees stay up-to-date with industry changes
  • Increases employee engagement, thereby boosting the company’s reputation

Thus, investing in the growth and development of your employees equates to investing in the success of your organization.

Welcoming new employees plays a crucial role in setting the stage for a positive work environment, increased employee engagement, and long-term success. By crafting the perfect welcome message, preparing for the new employee’s arrival, integrating them into the team, and providing ongoing support and engagement, your organization can create a positive atmosphere that fosters employee satisfaction, loyalty, and productivity. Remember, a warm and well-crafted welcome message can make all the difference in setting your new employees up for a successful journey with your organization.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you say welcome to a new employee.

Welcome [name] to the team! We’re delighted to have you here and excited to get to know you. Congratulations on joining our organization, and we look forward to seeing what great things you do with us!

What is the best welcome message?

Welcome! I’m delighted to have you here with us today and excited for the journey ahead of us. We are so glad to have you here with us!

How do you welcome a new employee via email?

Welcome aboard, [new hire name]! We’re thrilled to have you join the team at [company name] and are looking forward to the positive impact you’ll make. We have your start date, time, dress code, contacts, and documents ready – let’s get you started right away!

What are some examples of motivating language to use in a welcome message?

We are thrilled to have you join us!, We eagerly anticipate having you on board!, and We can’t wait to see what you bring to the team!

How can team introductions help create a productive and positive work environment?

Team introductions can create a productive and positive work environment by connecting colleagues, promoting collaboration, making everyone feel welcome, and improving communication.

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Tehsin Bhayani

AirMason was born when Tehsin was trying to create a digital culture book, but couldn’t find any solutions in the market that had all the features he needed. In 2016, AirMason officially launched. In five years, AirMason has created thousands of handbooks for more than 1,000 clients around the world.

How to Write the Perfect Welcome Messages in 2024

Crafting the perfect intro email for new employee in 2024, press esc to close.

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How to welcome new team members + 8 example welcome messages

Onboard new employees with the warmest of welcomes with these pointers, table of contents, the importance of providing a warm welcome to your new team members, 5 actionable tips for welcoming your new hire, 8 welcome new team member messages, how to make your team members feel right at home with range.

Onboarding a new team member is about more than informing them of the dress code or handing out a copy of the employee handbook.

It’s about setting up new team members for long-term success — and that means introducing them to coworkers, helping them settle in, and guiding them as they learn their way around your organization.

Whether your team is remote or working in the office , the welcoming process is one of the most important parts of onboarding. A proper welcome can make new team members feel comfortable and confident right from the get-go!

If you want to learn more, check out our in-depth guide to onboarding and welcoming new members to your team below.

Apart from it just being a nice thing to do, there are many good reasons to give new team members a warm welcome. Among the top reasons is that it shows professionalism.

Professionalism can make the difference between a new team member staying on board long term or quitting within a week. In fact, Gallup reports that only 12% of employees think their company does a good job with onboarding new team members .

Further research shows that 43% of HR professionals cite a lack of managerial involvement as the biggest challenge in the onboarding process. When you give a warm welcome, you illustrate that you have a great company culture with leadership that cares, for starters. It also speaks to good organizational skills.

First impressions count, too — and a welcome is the best way to make a great first impression on a new hire. It helps build genuine excitement at this new opportunity, setting new team members up for long-term success.

You want new employees to get off to a great start during their first week — and so do they. If you’re unsure how to provide the best welcome possible, we’ve got a few tips to help make a great first impression and give new team members the best possible chances of success.

1. Craft welcome email and messages for the email/messaging apps your team uses

Welcome emails and messages are essential, especially for teams working asynchronously. The same way you'd greet a dinner guest to make them feel at home, you need to welcome your new team member on their first day to help them settle in.

In your welcome email or message to your new team member, make sure you include the reasons why you hired them. Let them know that you’re excited to see the skills and know-how they bring to the table. It’s a good way to make new team members feel recognized right from the start.

If you use apps like Slack or another group messaging app, include a welcome message here, too. New team members might feel a bit shy about jumping into a group chat, and welcome messages serve as an excellent icebreaker .

2. Schedule introductions and training before a team member’s first day

Have you ever started a new job where the first few days feel like a hectic orientation process as managers rush you between training, introduce you to everyone, find you a workspace, and tend to all the other necessities? It’s an intimidating experience for new hires and one that speaks of a disorganized environment.

Smooth out your new hire's first day by scheduling intros and training before they start. This gives the new team member a roadmap to follow, and it assures them that your organization is prepared to bring in new people.

3. Provide new team members with all the essential tools before they start

Much like disorganized training and intros can be intimidating, it's also intimidating for new team members to have to set up their workspaces on day one. Worse, not preparing in advance can make new hires feel unimportant. Make sure their workspace is ready to go before their first day so that they can jump in confidently.

If your team members are working remotely and need certain pieces of equipment — a PC, printer, phone, webcams to connect to meetings — have those items sent to them well in advance of their first day on the job. Offer assistance to get the new tech set up if necessary to help the first day go as smoothly (and as technical-difficulty-free) as possible.

4. Make your team available to answer questions

Think back to when you were the new hire and how difficult and stressful it was, even if you had a wonderful onboarding experience. With that in mind, make sure that you extend some empathy toward your new team member. This means being available and patient.

New team members will likely have a lot of questions. Whether their concerns are significant or fairly minor, make it easy for them to ask those questions , and make sure they know how to contact you synchronously and asynchronously to ensure that they get the assistance they need. Encourage them to come to you with anything they need, be ready with answers, and be patient as they navigate their new environment.

5. Encourage casual 1:1s with new team members and existing team members

One-on-one time with their direct manager is one of the most important parts of the onboarding process for many new hires. The reason why is simple. You’re their primary source of information for everything: how to do the job, how various processes work, what the company culture is like, and how to interact with people.

This means that it should be a top priority to carve out some one-on-one time with your new hire. It doesn’t have to be anything official. Make it casual, offer whatever assistance your new team member may need, and spend some time chatting to get a better feel for each other’s personalities.

Set up your first one-on-one meeting with your new hire in Range . Start for free.

Be sure to create opportunities for your new team members to meet one on one with existing team members, too. This is one of the best ways to get everyone acquainted and help the new person feel comfortable with their new coworkers.

For remote workers, this could mean setting up Zoom meetings for everyone to jump in and say hello to the new hire, or creating a welcome message board within your async communications platform. You can also set up some fun video call activities to help everyone get acquainted.

A great welcome message is essential to kicking off that first week just right — but what's the best way to word your message? Making a new team member feel welcome doesn’t require a lengthy letter — just a quick, congratulatory note that gets their first day off to a great start.

If you need inspiration, we've compiled eight simple, personable message templates that you can customize and send easily via your team's communication platform.

[Name], welcome to our team! With your background, you’re going to be an amazing addition. Welcome aboard!

[name], congratulations on your new role we’re so happy to have you as part of the team, especially with the skills you bring to the table. looking forward to working with you, [name], we’re excited to have you here at [company name] take some time to get to know your new colleagues, and reach out to me with any questions. welcome aboard, welcome, [name] we’re so thrilled to have you as part of our team. we know that it takes time to settle into a new role, so please reach out with any questions you have. we hired you to help us make an impact, so don’t be shy, hi, [name] i’d like to extend my warmest regards for your first day of work here at [company name]. with your skills, you will be a valuable asset to our team. best of luck in your new position, congratulations and welcome aboard, [name] we selected you because of your impressive background, and we're excited to have you help us reach new heights. looking forward to your contributions, dear [name], welcome to our team i want to make sure you’re set up to do the best work possible, so feel free to reach out to me with questions i’m always available to help. congrats on the new role, hi, [name] congratulations on taking the next step in your career journey. we hired you because we see amazing things in your background — and in your future, too. welcome aboard we’re looking forward to working with you in the coming years..

One of the keys to helping new team members settle in is performing regular check-ins to see how they’re doing — especially during that first week.

Range can help you do just that. Our async check-ins allow your team members to communicate seamlessly, helping new hires stay in touch with you and vice versa, so nothing slips through the cracks in those critical early weeks.

With Range check-ins , you can:

  • Easily share your plan and what you accomplished
  • Integrate tools from across your workflow, including Asana, Github, Google Docs, Google calendar, and more
  • Reduce meeting load by keeping every team member informed and connected
  • Share updates via Slack or Microsoft Teams
  • Start your free team check-in with a template

⭐️ Enhance your onboarding strategy with more organized team communication

⚡️ sign up for range today for access to icebreakers, check-ins, goals, meeting agendas, and more., try range for free.

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welcome speech to new team

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welcome speech to new team

Finally! After all those interviews, you found your hire and are ready to welcome a new team member. While this has alleviated your stress as a manager, your new employee is likely a bit nervous as their start date approaches. 

Many compare the feeling of “starting a new job” to “the first day of school”. Remember those butterflies in your stomach as you walked through the unfamiliar hallways, wondering if you would fit in and make any friends? Well, the same can be said for an employee as they transition into a new position.

It's natural to feel a bit nervous about joining a new social environment, but as their manager, you have the opportunity to make the transition as welcoming as possible. But really, how important is properly welcoming a new employee to the team? Given that 20% of employee turnover happens within the first 45 days, you don’t want to blow the opportunity to make a great first impression with your new hire.

So how can you prepare an exciting experience around their first day? With a short “Welcome to the team” message to let them know just how happy you are that they’re a part of the team. Here are the top 30 welcome messages examples you can use to greet a new employee on your team.

Jump to the good stuff – 30 welcome message examples you can use:

  • Welcome messages for new employees (18 examples)
  • Welcome messages to a new colleague (3 examples)
  • Welcome messages from the CEO (3 examples)
  • Welcome messages from HR (3 examples)

Why are welcome messages important? 

As a manager to a new employee, your first duties are welcoming and onboarding that new hire. Feeling accepted and included is the best way to kickstart a positive work environment for the new employee – and you want to make sure they feel like they belong. After all, we are social creatures who crave connection and a sense of community, even in a professional setting. 

While this may seem pretty obvious, new employee onboarding has a massive impact on employee engagement , productivity, and retention. In fact, companies "with a strong onboarding process improve new hire retention by 82% and productivity by over 70%." Yet 24% of HR leaders have no onboarding program at all!

Welcoming new employees sets the tone for their entire experience with your company. Creating a positive atmosphere for new hires is like making a first impression at a party – if you’re friendly and welcoming, others are more likely to join the conversation and enjoy the event. But if you come off as cold and aloof, people will be far less likely to contribute and have a good time.

And making new employees feel welcomed and included can have a major ripple effect across your entire team. It fosters a sense of camaraderie that can improve overall morale – demonstrating that you value your employees and are invested in their success. 

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How to welcome a new employee

Welcoming a new employee to your team is the simple act of delivering a positive welcome message that can build even more excitement for their new role. 

One great way to kick off the welcome process is by introducing their new team members. This can help your new employee feel more at home and give your team the opportunity to meet them too!

So what’s the best platform for delivering your welcome message? This depends on your company’s unique communication style, but the important thing is that your other team members are included. Here are three great channels to deliver a welcome message to a new employee:

  • Welcome over Slack: Have a Slack channel that includes everyone on your team? Send your welcome message via Slack so everyone can say hi to the new employee.
  • Welcome in an email: If your team communicates more over email, send a new welcome message cc’ing everyone on your team.
  • Welcome in a team meeting: Are you an in-office group? Kick off your day with a quick welcome announcement to your team so everyone can shake hands with the new employee.

The best new employee welcome messages are informative, engaging, and supportive. Leave work environment details, like work hours, dress code, and office policies, for your onboarding plan – your welcome message should be around demonstrating your unique company culture and energy. Here are some important messages you want them to get from your welcome message:

  • You’re here for whatever they need
  • You’re excited to work with them
  • They’re going to be a valuable addition to the team
  • You want to hear their ideas
  • The company is at an exciting stage
  • They’re encouraged to experiment and explore

Finally, you want the new employee to feel as excited about the company as they are about the new role. If your company is stocked with swap, give them a small gift with your welcome message so they can feel extra appreciated (and also show off their new role in a company sweatshirt or hat).

30 "Welcome to the team" message examples

18 welcome messages for new employees.

  • "Welcome [name]! We're beyond excited to have you on the team!"
  • "We're thrilled to have you join our team! We can't wait to see all the great things you'll accomplish here."
  • "Welcome aboard! We know you'll do great things in your new role, and we're excited to support you every step of the way."
  • “Welcome to the team! Your skills and expertise will be invaluable as we tackle exciting challenges together.”
  • “I want to personally welcome you to our organization. I believe your contributions will make a significant impact, and I'm excited to see your growth here.”
  • “I'd like to extend a warm welcome on behalf of the entire team. We're confident you'll thrive in this environment and do big things.”
  • "We're so happy to have you here! Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need help settling in."
  •  "It's great to have you on board! We hope you'll enjoy working with us and feel right at home in no time."
  • "Hi there, [employee name]! Just wanted to take a moment to say welcome and let you know that we're excited to have you as a part of our team. If you have any questions or need anything, don't hesitate to reach out."
  • "Greetings and welcome to our team! We're so glad you've joined us, and we're looking forward to working with you. Please let us know if you need anything to get acclimated."
  • "Hey there, and welcome! We're excited to have you on our team, and we know you will do great things here. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out anytime."
  • "We are delighted that you’ve accepted the job offer with [company]. Our aim is to make you feel comfortable and at home here. Please don't hesitate to share your thoughts and ideas, as they are the very reason we’re so excited to work with you!"
  • "Dear [name], we are thrilled to have you on board our team – your selection from a pool of highly-qualified applicants is a testament to your incredible potential. We encourage you to freely express your ideas, innovate, and collaborate with your teammates to bring a collective vision to life. We look forward to achieving great things together."
  • "Welcome aboard! We're absolutely thrilled to have you join our team. Your skills and expertise will definitely make a big impact here. We believe that with your [list unique abilities or qualities here], we can achieve amazing things together. Get ready to embark on a long and successful journey filled with growth and endless opportunities for professional development. Our team is here to support you every step of the way as you settle in and contribute to our collective success."
  • "The warmest welcome to our newest team member! We are so excited about the fresh perspectives and ideas you bring to the table. Your [list personalized skills and expertise here] align perfectly with our goals, and we can't wait to see the positive impact you'll make. As you settle into your role, take the time to get to know your colleagues, [list notable colleagues here] and the various projects, [list relevant projects here] we're working on. Your contributions will help drive innovation and take us to new heights as a team."
  • "It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to our company. We believe that your fresh perspective and background will bring a valuable new dimension to our team. Your skills and expertise in [list personalized skills and expertise here] align perfectly with our mission and vision to [list relevant aspects of company mission or vision]. We encourage you to dive right into projects and collaborate with your colleagues. Welcome aboard!"
  • "Welcome to our team! We hope you feel right at home from day one. [Company name] is known for its friendly and supportive environment, and we're confident you'll find the same warmth and camaraderie here. If you need anything, don't hesitate to reach out to any of us. Take the time to familiarize yourself with our processes, goals, and values. Your unique skills and contributions will help us achieve new milestones and maintain our position as an industry leader.

3 welcome messages to a new colleague

  • Welcome aboard! We're thrilled to have you join our dynamic team. Feel free to reach out if you need any help settling in.
  • Hi there! Just wanted to extend a warm welcome and let you know that we're here to support you as you embark on this new journey.
  • It's great to have you as part of our team. Looking forward to working together and creating amazing things!

3 welcome messages from the CEO 

  • Welcome to our company! We're honored to have you join our team. Your dedication and talent will be instrumental in driving our mission forward.
  • As the CEO, I want to personally welcome you to our organization. Your unique perspectives and skills will be instrumental to our future success.
  • It's a pleasure to welcome you to our amazing team. We have great things in store, and I'm excited to have you contribute to our journey.

3 welcome messages from HR 

  • Welcome aboard! We're delighted to have you join our company. If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to the HR team.
  • On behalf of the HR department, I want to extend a warm welcome. We're here to support you throughout your employment and ensure a smooth transition. Let us know if you need anything to help you get settled and ready to go! 
  • Welcome to our organization! We believe you'll prove a valuable asset with your unique skills and experience, and we're here to assist you in any way we can.

3 welcome messages from the team 

  • Hey there, new team member! We're excited to have you join us. Looking forward to collaborating and achieving great things together!
  • Welcome to the team! We've heard great things about your skills and can't wait to see them in action. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything.
  • A warm welcome to our newest teammate! We're eager to get to know you and work side by side to accomplish our goals.

Hit the ground running with a warm welcome 👋 

Crafting a warm and engaging welcome message for new employees is a meaningful way to set the tone for their experience at your organization. By expressing genuine enthusiasm and offering helpful information, you can help new hires feel valued and supported from day one. And who knows - your welcome message might just inspire them to do great things at your company!

Did we miss anything? How do you welcome your new hires? Tweet us @reclaimai to let us know!

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welcome speech to new team

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How to Welcome a New Employee to The Team (The Awesome Way)

Are you getting ready to hire some new talent? Here are a few ideas for how you can welcome new employees so they feel valued on (and before) their first day.

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The first day at a new job can be overwhelming and stressful. There are lots of new names and faces to learn, a list of new responsibilities, and an unfamiliar environment to navigate. 

When your team is welcoming a new member, think about what you can do to help them navigate those first-day jitters and be pumped about getting started. Here’s how…

Why Is It Important to Welcome New Employees?

It is important to welcome a new employee so that they are both excited to join your team and equipped to dive into work. 

Good employee onboarding has been shown to improve retention by 82% and productivity by over 70%—equipping your employees to excel at their job starts before they ever step foot in the office.

When you’re welcoming a new employee, think about what you can do to help calm their nerves, get them up to speed on the projects they’ll be working on, and express that you’re glad they’re joining the team. 

Even for remote teams, it’s important to let your new-hire know that you’re excited to be working with them and recognize the talent they bring to the table. 

How To Welcome New Employees

There are so many ways you can help your new employee feel welcome. Here are a few ideas you can use as inspiration. 

Hint: Lots of people don’t like being put on the spot and asked to speak to a crowd of new coworkers. Steer clear of things that put the spotlight on your new-hire and instead, think of ways you can create spaces where everyone works to build two-way relationships. 

Send them a game-plan document

The game-plan documents lets them know what the onboarding process will look like. Send the document a few days before their start day at the office, and try to make it as comprehensive as possible. 

Here are some things to include in the document: 

  • Clearly state the start date and give them an idea of the schedule for their first day on-the-job. 
  • Let them know ahead of time about any training or social events you want them to attend—especially more introverted team members often find it helpful to be able to mentally prepare ahead of time for social events. 
  • Give them goals for the first 30, 60, and 90 days. 
  • Share company policies like dress code, employee code of conduct, 
  • Send them links to accounts you’re going to help them get set up ( for example Slack, project management tools, or company-specific email accounts).
  • Outline what projects they will be working on, who they will be collaborating with, and what stage the project is at. 
  • Give them a little introduction to the team members they will be meeting. 
  • Consider including everyone’s headshot so that the new team member can start to connect faces and names. 
  • Share contact information for their team leader, human resources, and their “office buddy.” (More on office buddies in a moment!)
  • Links to company documents like the employee handbook, benefits package, or other documents that could help them. 
  • Let them know if there is any paperwork they will need to fill out the first day, and if so what documentation, like government-issued ID or Social Security Card, they should bring with them to the office. 

Think of this document as a “catch-all” for their first couple of weeks. Take as much mystery out of the onboarding process as possible. 

Cater lunch or dessert

Catering lunch gives you the chance to introduce your new employee to other members of their team or, depending on company size, the entire company. Consider sending out a message to everyone invited reminding them that the goal of this time is to get to know their new team member. 

Here’s an example of what that could look like: 

“Hi team! We’re excited to welcome [employee name] to our [department name] team today. In celebration of having them join us, we’re going to have lunch in the breakroom. Please use this as an opportunity to enjoy some good food and introduce yourself to our newest team member!” 

Then, do your best to hang out with the new-hire and introduce them to their new coworkers. Encourage people to steer clear of “shop talk” and focus instead on building relationships with one another as individuals.

Here are some questions you can ask to help build relationships with others at work: 

  • What’s your favorite thing to do once you “clock out”? 
  • What led you to this field? (While this is work-related, it goes beyond the job and helps you learn about your colleague in a deeper way.) 
  • Did you see that basketball game the other night? 
  • Did you do anything exciting over the weekend? 
  • What’s something that happens pretty often in life that makes you happy? 

Remote teams may have a harder time building relationships. These types of informal hangouts are tricky to facilitate when everyone is miles apart. Try Doordashing lunch to everyone’s house and then host an informal Zoom call. 

Pro Tip: If you’re handling a remote onboarding, ask the entire team to send a short introduction—you don’t want your new-hire to be the only one introducing themselves as that can feel awkward. You could also send out a questionnaire with a few questions about each individual’s role on the team and a handful of lighter get-to-know-you questions targeting fun facts to help build relationships!

Call a team meeting 

A team meeting is a bit more of a professional welcome and can help the new-hire know what each person’s role is. Have people introduce themselves and say how they contribute to the team and something about themselves. 

Here are some ideas of questions you can ask each person at the meeting to answer:

  • What’s your name and role in the company? 
  • How long have you been with the company? 

And then pick a fun ice-breaker or two: 

  • If you had a full day with no errands or responsibilities, how would you spend it? 
  • What’s the best meal you’ve ever eaten? 
  • What’s one word to describe how you’re feeling about the coming year? 
  • Where have you traveled that you’d love to go back to? 
  • What’s a fact about you that surprises people? 

If you’re looking for some inspiration for a fun get-to-know-you question, check out these meeting icebreakers . 

Depending on the size of your company, you might choose to have the new-hire’s core team, the entire department, or the whole company attend this meeting.

Prepare their desk

Before your new team member comes to work, make sure their desk or office has been cleaned from the previous user. Just think how awkward it would be if they opened the drawer only to find the previous team member’s trash.

Instead of just leaving it completely empty, consider adding some pops of color with a welcome card (more on that in a moment) or even a balloon or two—if they seem like the type of person who would appreciate it. 

If you’re welcoming a remote team member, consider using an online card maker . You can even add background music! 

Set them up with an “office buddy” 

The first day at a new job is inevitably a bit overwhelming, but an office buddy can help remove some of that pressure and stress as the new employee has the chance to sit down with one person and get to know them a bit better. 

Consider introducing your new-hire to someone from a different department—this might make it easier to ask questions about people and interpersonal dynamics.

Make sure the established employee is willing to help the new-hire as they acclimate to the company. It could be discouraging if the new employee got ghosted by their new buddy before ever grabbing that first cup of coffee.

Give them a swag bag

Lots of companies have their own branded swag, but even if you don’t, consider what you can gift your new employee that will help them while working with you.

A gift bag filled with a notebook, pens, sticky notes, a planner, a coffee mug, and a welcome note can be a thoughtful way to let your newest team member know that you’re happy to have them. 

For remote teams, consider sending a package scheduled to arrive on or before your new employee’s first day.

Welcome Messages For New Employees

A warm welcome message can go a long way. It can be a handwritten letter on their desk, an email, or a Slack message. 

It doesn’t need to be long or cover any serious workplace topics since you already sent them the onboarding document. Instead, write a thoughtful note filled with warmth that lets them know you’re glad they’re there and look forward to working with them.

Here are some welcome message examples, but be sure to tailor it to your specific company tone and the employee you’ve just hired!

Excited welcome messages: 

  • Welcome to the team, [employee name]. We’re so excited to have you here and look forward to the work we’re going to accomplish together.
  • [Company name] is so lucky to have a hard-working employee like you join our team! I can’t wait to see what we accomplish together over the coming months and years. 
  • Congrats on joining the team! Here at [company name], we take great pride in working with the best of the best—just like you. We hope you have a great first day and please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.
  • Warmest welcome, [employee name]. We couldn’t be more excited to have you here. We hope you love working alongside the other energetic, creative, and forward-thinking individuals that make this company what it is.
  • We’re so excited to have you here, [employee name]. We think you’ll fit in great with our team of individuals who value collaboration, innovation, and hard work! 

Welcome messages for experienced hires: 

  • We’re so glad you’ve joined our team, [employee name]. Your years of experience are going to be so valuable, we can’t wait to hear your insight as you get settled in this position. 
  • Dear [employee name], we’re so glad that someone with your talent and enthusiasm is joining our team. Together we’re sure to reach new heights. 
  • Welcome to [company name]. Your background and expertise really stood out to us throughout the hiring process and we’re so glad you’ve chosen to accept our offer and join the team. 
  • Welcome! Our hiring team did an awesome job finding you. We can’t wait to see how your talent and expertise boost our team to new heights. 
  • Dear, [employee name], the hiring team did an awesome job finding you. We believe your unique background and expertise are really going to help us reach new heights. 

Welcome messages for less experienced hires:

  • Congrats on the new position! Your willingness to learn and creative problem solving really stood out to us and we’re glad to have you join us. Please reach out if you have any questions. 
  • Dear [employee name], you are a great asset to this team and we look forward to hearing your creative insights and fresh perspective. 
  • You’re an awesome addition to the team! We can’t wait to start working together and believe you’re going to be a valuable asset to the work we’re doing.
  • Welcome to [company name]. When we first started looking for someone to fill this position, we really wanted to find a passionate and dedicated individual—and we think you’re the perfect fit! 

Congratulatory welcome messages:

  • Congratulations on becoming part of the team! We’re honored to have someone like you joining us and look forward to getting to know you and working alongside you. 
  • Congrats and welcome aboard! We look forward to seeing the ways you’ll challenge us and help us think outside the box. 
  • Congrats on joining the team! You stood out from the dozens of qualified applicants because of your heart to help people and your passion to see the world become a little bit better every day. We can’t wait to accomplish great things together. 

Welcome messages with a reminder to reach out for help when needed: 

  • We’re happy to have you with us, [employee name]. We hope you have a smooth transition into your new role—please reach out with any questions you have. 
  • Welcome! The first day in a new environment can be a bit overwhelming, so please let us know if you have any questions. We are so excited to have you with us. 
  • Congratulations! Ever since we met you, we’ve been hoping you’d join our team and we are so excited that today is that day. Please reach out if there is anything we can do to help the transition go smoothly. 

An employee’s first day can be stressful and overwhelming. Do your best to introduce them to others, let them know you’re glad they’re there, and be available to answer any questions they may have. 

Here are some things to remember when welcoming a new colleague to the team: 

  • As much as possible, try not to make them the center of attention as that can be stressful and overwhelming for many people. Instead, create spaces where the entire team is sharing a bit about themselves. 
  • Consider doing something fun and festive like decorating their desk, putting together a swag bag, or writing a welcome letter to help them see how excited you are to have them join you. 
  • Demystify the onboarding process by giving them the game-plan document before they get to the office so they have an idea of what their first day will look like ahead of time. 
  • Write a thoughtful note reminding them that you recognize their skills and are excited to work with them. 

If you are still in the hiring process, read up on how Google, Amazon, and Facebook hire the best people !

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40 Simple Yet Awesome Welcome Messages for New Employees


Crafting welcome messages for new employees is a tedious task.

They say, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” The quote holds when we are talking about onboarding new employees to the company. Making every employee feel comfortable and familiar with their new working environment is the best way to start a healthy work relationship. And this crucial step can help you pave the path for boosting employee engagement and building a productive workforce .

69% of employees who undergo effective onboarding are more likely to stay with an employer for at least 3 years, and 58% are more likely to stay on for more than 3 years. (Source: O.C Tanner )

Here’s a list of 40 thoughtful welcome messages that your new employees would love to hear. Choose the best ones from the list to convey your wishes and give them a great onboarding experience .

40 Awesome Welcome Messages for New Employees


We are delighted to have you among us. On behalf of all the members and the management, we would like to extend our warmest welcome and good wishes!

Welcome to the team! We are thrilled to have you at our office. You’re going to be a valuable asset to our company, and we can’t wait to see all that you accomplish.

The entire team of [name of the company] is thrilled to welcome you on board. We hope you’ll do some amazing work here!

A warm welcome and lots of good wishes on becoming part of our growing team. Congratulations and on behalf of all the members. We are all happy and excited about your input and contribution to our company.

We just heard that our company hired an excellent new employee to join our team, and guess what? That’s you. Welcome aboard!

Congratulations on being part of the team! The whole company welcomes you, and we look forward to a successful journey with you! Welcome aboard!

A big congratulations on your new role! On behalf of the members and supervisors, we would like to welcome you to the team. We are delighted and excited about working as a team starting today.

A warm welcome to the office! Your remarkable skills will be a great addition to our team and the company. We look forward to a mutually beneficial relationship with you!

Congratulations on being part of our dynamic team! The entire office welcomes you, and we hope to have a long and successful journey together.

We love to form a team, work with enthusiastic, creative people, and have a great learning attitude. And hear that you fit the bill perfectly. It's great to have you with us. Warmest welcome!


Having you in our company is a great honor! Indeed, all of us here are very excited to work with you. Welcome aboard!

Welcome aboard,[Name]! You are one of the most proficient and resourceful candidates we have hired so far. We hope you like the amenities here, and make sure your talents are utilized!

Welcome aboard! Our team is pleased to have you with us. Your expertise would be of great use to the company and its success.

An employee like you, intelligent, talented, and full of energy, is an asset to any company. We can’t wait to start working with you! Welcome to our company!

Related: 50 Work Anniversary Wishes and Quotes for Employees and Peers

Welcome aboard, new buddy! We are sure that you will prove to be a great addition to our team and the office!

It’s amazing to have such a young, fresh, and talented new member as part of our team. Hope we can together take the company to new heights. Welcome Aboard!

The office welcomes you today with open arms to be a part of our strong team! We hope we can together help the company grow bigger and broader.

Warm welcome and congratulations on getting hired! You are an asset to the company, and we hope you have a fantastic time working with the team!

Our heartiest welcome goes to you. Congratulations on being part of our growing and dynamic team here! We’re honored to have you with us!

Thanks for accepting the job offer. Your skills will be highly valuable for the team and the company. Welcome to the company!

We are thrilled to welcome you to the XYZ team here at [company name]. We are doing some exciting work here, and we are hopeful that your talent, enthusiasm, and fresh ideas will be invaluable to us!

Related: How To Write A Great Welcome Letter To New Employee In 2023: Explained With Pre-maid Templates .

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." --Helen Keller

Congratulations on becoming the newest member of this team! We hope you find your new role rewarding and challenging. Welcome Aboard!

Welcome aboard! We are proud to have you with us. We all have faith that you’ll deliver results, excel, and make us all proud.

Thanks for choosing to be part of the company! We are all working towards a common goal, and your contribution is integral. Congratulations, and welcome aboard!

Congratulations and welcome to the team! We believe that what a strong group of people can accomplish together is much larger, far greater, and will exceed what an individual can achieve alone.

We hope that your new journey with us will be exciting and fruitful. Welcome aboard!

Your talent and skill will add great value to our organization. We are hopeful that your learning experience will grow with us. Congratulations and welcome!

Having a talented individual like you will help us take another pivotal step towards the organizational goals. We look forward to working with you. Welcome!

We are thrilled to have you in our organization. Your skillset, creative mindset, and personality will positively impact the workforce. Hope you have a great time here!

With the organization growing rapidly, your addition to the team will greatly assist us in achieving our goals. We look forward to providing you with the best professional and personal opportunities.

Everyone on the team extends a warm welcome. With your exceptional skills and personality, we believe you will be a good fit for us.

Starting a new job can be overwhelming. But do not worry; we are here to help and support you in every way possible. So, sit back, relax, learn and enjoy the journey with us!

Welcome to a work culture that values a positive attitude and camaraderie. I hope you have a good time here!

With newer perspectives and ideas, we hope you bring a new dimension to our workplace. Welcome aboard, and congratulations!

We hope that you will surprise us with your innovative ideas and influence the whole organization in a positive way. Hope you have a good time working with us!

Hard work and dedication are something that we value the most, and we know that you are ready to put in all your efforts from the first day. Congratulations on joining the team!

Persist in your work, learn from your mistakes, cultivate positive relationships, and always give your all. That is all we ask from you. Congratulations and welcome to the team!

Never be afraid to try new things because that is exactly what we encourage our employees to do. You experiment, and you learn. The team is always available to help you. Welcome to the group. Hope you have an amazing time here!

Happy joining day! Please let me know if HR made you feel welcome because we have something better in the works. I am delighted you have decided to join us.

In Conclusion: Why Do Welcome Messages For New Employees Matter?

A warm welcome is essential for making your new employees feel at ease, developing strong peer relationships, and settling in quickly. Consider including an introduction to the team as part of your overall employee onboarding (and vice versa). It can be through a guided office tour, personal 1-to-1s, your employee newsletter , social channels, teambuilding exercises, or even a special office getting-to-know-you afternoon.

Darshana Dutta

This article is written by Darshana Dutta . She works as a Content Creator and Digital Marketer at Vantage Circle . She writes extensively on trends around employee engagement and transforming company culture. For any related queries, contact [email protected]


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50 Welcome Message to New Employees Templates (+ Extra Tips)

Is your team growing? It’s always exciting when someone new joins—usually a sign that your business is doing well, and that you’re ready to introduce new skills and fresh perspectives. While you’re busy getting everything organized (contracting, HR admin, laptops—it all takes quite a bit of time), don’t forget to welcome your latest recruit properly. Start by sending a nice welcome message to your new employee .

Why? Research suggests that 69% of employees are more likely to stay with a company for at least three years if they have a good onboarding experience. If they’re not happy, 20% of new employees leave within the first month-and-a-half of starting their job. Such a high turnover can be cumbersome and costly for your company.

Welcome messages to new employees matter - 69% of employees are more likely to stay with the company for at least 3 years after a great onboarding experience

The first impression you make matters. We’re here to help you make it a good one.

Why should you write “welcome to the team” messages?

You’ve worked at your company long enough to know all the ins-and-outs of the content of the work and the corporate culture. But for you new employee, everything’s new.

Until they get a handle on how things operate, they’re in the dark. Make it your job to make this transition smooth and easy.

Sending a “welcome to the team” message that lets them know that you’re pleased to have them on board casts your company in a positive light. It shows you already value their expertise and contribution. And making them feel welcome and appreciated right from the get-go helps you build a long-lasting and productive relationship.

It’s also an opportunity to remind them of what your company stands for and to inspire them to live up to certain values.

welcome speech to new team

How To Welcome A New Employee To The Team

Welcoming a new employee to the team is an important step in building a positive and inclusive work environment. Happy, welcomed employees will go the extra mile to make your customers happy. And they'll stay longer. In fact new employees who went through a structured onboarding program were 58% more likely to be with the organization after three years.

Here's some tips to make the onboarding process effective and welcoming:

1. Preparation Before Arrival : Ensure that their workspace is ready with necessary equipment and supplies. Having everything set up demonstrates organization and thoughtfulness.

2. Welcome Email or Letter : Send a welcome message before their first day. This can include an overview of their first day, what they should bring, and who they will meet.

3. First Day Agenda : Provide a clear schedule for their first day or week. This should include orientation sessions, meetings with key team members, and any necessary training sessions.

4. Introduction to the Team : Introduce them to their colleagues. This can be through a formal introduction in a team meeting or an informal meet-and-greet. Consider assigning a mentor or buddy to help them settle in.

5. Provide Essential Information : Share important information about the company culture, policies, and procedures. Make sure they know how to access resources they might need.

6. Set Clear Expectations : Discuss their role, responsibilities, and goals early on. This helps in aligning their efforts with team objectives.

7. Encourage Questions : Create an environment where the new employee feels comfortable asking questions. Regular check-ins can help in addressing any concerns or uncertainties.

8. Social Integration : Include them in social activities and team lunches. Social connections can greatly improve their comfort and integration into the team.

9. Feedback and Support : Offer constructive feedback and support as they learn their new role. Acknowledge their progress and contributions.

10. Long-Term Integration Plan : Develop a plan for their continued development and integration into the team. This could include ongoing training, participation in projects, and regular performance reviews.

Remember, the goal is to make the new employee feel valued, supported, and part of the team from day one. This not only helps in reducing their anxiety but also accelerates their ability to contribute effectively to the team.

Real example of a welcome message

Here's an example of a welcome message we used here at Magical. Whenever someone new joins the team, their manager will post a welcome message to the #general Slack channel providing some context on who they are, why they were hired, a fun fact, and a photo to help everyone put a face to the name. (This is extra important if you work at a remote company, like Magical.)

Welcome message to new employee example

What should you say to welcome a new employee? (5 Tips)

Your welcome message is the virtual equivalent of an in-person greeting (if your company is fully remote or hybrid , it might be the only greeting your employee gets for a while). This means that it needs to be everything you’d expect from an in-person introduction. Think big smiles, a hearty handshake and a friendly demeanor. Now, put that energy into your writing.

Alright, you're in the driver's seat ready to welcome a new team member. Your welcome message acts as your virtual handshake, an enthusiastic first impression that's crucial, especially if your company operates from the cloud. Picture your most inviting in-person hello - a solid handshake, friendly vibes, and a wide grin - then, let's translate that energy into a killer welcome note.  

  • Start strong. “Welcome aboard” or “Congratulations on joining our team” is an obvious but great way to start your message. If your welcome message is an email, use this as your subject line. ‍
  • Be warm and inviting. Even if your company culture is quite formal, it’s important that your welcoming note is warm and engaging. Make it personal. You can even mention some of the skills your new team member has: “We’re delighted to have your creative abilities and technical know-how in our team. Together, we know we can achieve great things.” ‍
  • Give them useful info. Your welcome note can be as long or as short as you like. You may choose to use it as an opportunity to share important information about the way things work, such as how to access the intranet, what different meeting rooms are called, and where your employee can go to grab a good bite to eat.
  • Personalize that Prose : Don’t shy away from recognizing the unique skills that your new teammate brings to the table. For example, "We're thrilled to have your inventive prowess and tech expertise within our ranks. Together, we’re ready to move mountains."
  • Outline Expectations : Let your newbie know what their first week should look like. This could include a schedule of introductory meetings or necessary training sessions. Additionally, provide them a handy roster of key contacts—for example, their HR partner, team leads, or their go-to IT expert. After all, we all know that tech can have its moody days. This not only helps them know what to expect, but it gives them a roadmap to feel a part of the team quicker.

You’ll likely send similar welcome messages out to all your new employees with a few small tweaks, so to make life simpler you can speed things up using an automated text expander with templates. Check out Magical . You’ll save hours every week.

Use AI to generate a welcome message template for you

Want to create a specific type of welcome message? Use this Magical template generator to create a custom template that says 'welcome' in exactly the right way. You can get specific with your prompt (for example, you can ask for 'a welcome message for a new marketing coordinator joining the team') and even choose the tone of voice you want to use. To generate an unlimited number of email templates, add the free Magical Chrome extension to your browser.


The best “welcome on board” email templates: 50+ examples

OK, let’s get down to business.

Here are a few ideas for welcome messages you may want to send out to new employees. These are just guidelines. Feel free to tweak or edit them according to what feels right for your company, culture and circumstances.

Welcome to the team emails

1. Welcome, [name]! We’re thrilled to have you with us. We really believe that your skills, experience and creativity are just what we’re looking for, and that you’ll be a great asset to our team.

2. Welcome to the team, [name]! We're so excited to have you with us and we can’t wait to see what you’ll do in your new role.

3. Congratulations on being part of the team, [name]! The whole company is delighted to have you on board. We know that we’re going to have a successful journey together.

4. A warm welcome to the office, [name]! Your remarkable skills are just what we’ve been looking for. You’re sure to be a great addition to our team and company.

5. Welcome to our team, [name]! We value the different talents and ideas of everyone in our team – yours included. We’re so looking forward to seeing what you get up to.

6. Thanks for joining our team, [name]. Our company is growing and changing all the time and we’re so excited to have you along for the ride.

7. Welcome to the team, [name]! Given your achievements at [previous company], we are excited to see how your innovative ideas will contribute to our growth.

8. A warm welcome and lots of good wishes on becoming part of our growing team, [name]. We are all happy and excited to have you here, and look forward to your contribution to our company.

9. Congratulations and welcome to our team, [name]. We’re here to help you feel right at home. If there’s anything you need, please let us know.

Personal welcome emails

10. Congratulations on your new role, [name]! We know you’re going to be a wonderful addition to our dynamic and passionate team. We can’t wait to work with you.

11. Hello, [name]! You've been highly recommended, and we're delighted that you've chosen us. Welcome to the team.

12. Hello and welcome to [company], [name]! We’re all about working with enthusiastic, creative people who want to learn and grow. We know that you’ll fit right in. It's great to have you with us.

13. Welcome, [name]. We chose you from all the applicants we interviewed because we believe that, together, we can do amazing things. We hope you’ll always feel inspired to innovate, share your thoughts, and push boundaries. Your colleagues are here to help you.

14. Welcome, [name]! At [company], we’re all about open communication and creativity. We want to hear your ideas, don’t be shy.

15. Congratulations and welcome, [name]! We thrive on innovation and change, and can’t wait to see how you’ll shake things up around here. Let’s get started.

16. Hello and welcome, [name]! We believe you’re going to be a valuable asset to our company and are here to encourage and support you along the way.

17. Hello, [name], and welcome. The entire team of [company] is thrilled to have you on board. We hope you’ll do some amazing work here!

18. Welcome, [name]! We’re so happy to have you with us, and hope that you’ll always feel free to speak up and share your views. At [company], we believe in growing together.

19. Congratulations and welcome aboard, [name]. We hand-picked you because we believe we can help each other grow and succeed. We know we’re in for a fantastic journey together.

20. Hello, [name], and thank you so much for accepting a position with us. We hope that you’ll be very happy here. Welcome!

21. Welcome, [name]! You’re one of a kind, and we can’t wait to hear all your thoughts and ideas. We look forward to learning and growing with you.

22. Congratulations on taking the next step in your career, [name]! We see great things ahead – it’s why we brought you on board. We invite you to ask questions, make mistakes and experiment. That’s how we’ll reach new heights together.

23. Congratulations, [name], and welcome to your first day with us. We want you to know that we believe in you and we’re behind you in everything you do here.

24. Welcome and congratulations, [name]! We choose our team members carefully because when someone joins our team, we hope to forge a long-term and successful partnership together. We can’t wait to start this journey with you.

25. Welcome, [name]! You’re the perfect addition to our team, and we look forward to helping you do the best work of your life with us.

26. Welcome to the team, [name]! We know that it can be a bit overwhelming starting a new job, but don’t worry. We’re here to help you in any way we can.

27. Welcome, [name], and thank you for choosing us. We couldn’t be prouder to have you on board.

Welcome to our department emails

28. A huge welcome to [name], coming to us from [another department]. We are excited to benefit from your unique perspective and expertise.

29. Welcome [name], and congratulations on your successful transfer from [previous department]. We are thrilled to tap into your wealth of experience.

30. Welcome, [name]! We've heard fantastic things about your skills and expertise, and we are confident that you are the missing piece we've been searching for.

31. Hello [name]! Transitioning from [previous department or company] is a significant move, but we're here to make it easy and worthwhile. Welcome to the team!

32. Warm welcome, [name]! Your reputation as a dynamic and creative individual precedes you. We're excited to see what innovative ideas you bring from [previous department/competitor].

33. Hello [name]! The transition from [previous department] is a significant step, but we're confident that you'll shine in your new role.

34. Welcome to the team, [name]! We're pleased that you've chosen to transfer from your previous department – your diverse experience will no doubt enrich our team's abilities.

Welcome back emails

35. Welcome back, [name]! Returning to a former environment can be daunting, but rest assure that we are here to make the transition as smooth as possible.

36. Welcome back, [name]! It's wonderful to have you rejoin our team after your time away. We're excited to see how your experiences will enhance our work environment.

37. Welcome aboard, [name]! We're looking forward to how your background and expertise in [specific field] can add to our team dynamics.

38. Welcome back, [name]! We're thrilled to have you rejoin our team and eager to see how your new experiences will shape our future success.

39. Welcome back, [name]! It's great to see an old face return. We're optimistic about how your growth during your time away will influence the team positively.

40. Welcome back to the team, [name]! Your experience away from us was valuable and we're eager to learn from your new perspectives.

Welcoming someone from another company

41. Warm welcome to [name]! Coming from our competitor gives you a unique edge and understanding that we're excited to learn from.

42. Hello and welcome, [name]! We're thrilled to have someone with your diverse experience and skills joining us.

43. Hello, [name]! As an esteemed individual in our industry, we are eager to see how your insights, especially from a competitor's perspective, will bring a fresh dynamic to our team.

44. Welcome to our team, [name]! Your past successes are an inspiration, and your ambition aligns perfectly with our mission.

45. Hello [name]! We're excited about this new chapter in your career. Welcome to the team and here's to future success together.

46. Hello, [name]! We're ecstatic about having a seasoned veteran like you joining our team. Your reputation precedes you, and we look forward to learning from you.

47.  Warm welcome, [name]! We can't wait to collaborate and grow with your assistance, fresh perspective, and proven expertise.

48. A hearty welcome to [name]. We admire your past achievements at [previous company], and look forward to achieving success together.

49. Dear [name], welcome to the team! We've admired your work for some time and can't wait to see what we will achieve together.

50. Welcome to our team, [name]! Your experience at [previous company] is just the ingredient we need for a dynamic and diverse team.

FAQ's About Welcoming New Employees

1.  What should be included in a welcome pack for new employees?   - Welcome packs typically include essential information like company policies, employee handbook, office map, IT setup instructions, and sometimes company-branded items or small gifts to make them feel welcomed.

2.  How can I make a new employee feel welcome on their first day?   - Prepare their workspace, introduce them to the team, schedule a team lunch or coffee break, and ensure they have a clear agenda for their first day. Personal touches like a welcome note can also make a big difference.

3.  What is the role of a buddy or mentor in welcoming a new employee?   - A buddy or mentor helps the new employee navigate the workplace, understand company culture, and provides support and guidance during the initial period of employment. They act as a go-to person for any questions or concerns.

4.  How can I help a new employee understand the company culture?   - Share stories and examples that reflect the company's values, encourage them to participate in company events and meetings, and introduce them to different team members who can share their experiences and insights.

5.  What are the key elements of an effective orientation program?   - An effective orientation program should include an introduction to the company’s history, mission, and values, overviews of various departments, compliance and policy training, and practical information about day-to-day operations.

6.  How long should the onboarding process last?   - The length of onboarding varies depending on the role and the company, but it typically spans from the first week to the first few months of employment.

7.  What are some common challenges new employees face and how can they be addressed?   - Common challenges include understanding company culture, feeling overwhelmed with information, and building relationships with new colleagues. Regular check-ins, clear communication, and providing resources for support can help mitigate these challenges.

8.  How can technology be used to improve the onboarding experience?   - Utilizing digital platforms for training, providing access to online resources, and using communication tools for team interactions can streamline the onboarding process and make information more accessible.

9.  How can I gather feedback from new employees about their onboarding experience?   - Conduct surveys or informal one-on-one meetings to gather feedback. This can help in identifying areas of improvement for future onboarding processes.

10.  What strategies can be used to integrate remote employees into the team?     - Use video conferencing for face-to-face interactions, create virtual coffee breaks or social hours, and ensure they have regular contact with their team and manager.

How to automate a welcome message to a new employee

While adding a personal touch to a welcome message is always important (don’t forget their name, for starters!), there are a few things you probably want to standardize so you can streamline your onboarding process. This is especially true if you’re growing fast.

‍ With Magical , you can replace all your repetitive typing tasks with just a few keystrokes. No complex setup needed. It just works like a charm and you can start in minutes, saving you hours every week. Perfect for HR pros and recruiters who need to regularly message candidates, new hires, and existing team members.

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How To Write the Best Welcome Message for New Employees

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Do you remember your first day of high school? Maybe you didn’t know how to get to your next class or felt out-of-place walking into the cafeteria. The first day at a new job can feel similarly stressful — despite being a few years older ( and wiser ) than when you started the 9th grade. 

A new hire might not know what to expect in terms of company culture or how to find their way around the office. A simple gesture like leaving a welcome letter on their desk or sending a team message in Slack to welcome and introduce them to other team members can go a long way. 

In fact, according to a recent survey by Glassdoor, a good onboarding process improves new hire retention rates by 82%. Although the onboarding experience encompasses more than a welcome note, these types of gestures help new team members feel valued and seen from the moment they start working with you.

What to say to welcome a new employee?

When you welcome a new employee, your message can do a number of things. You can let them know you’re glad they’ve joined the team, help them understand the work culture, or tell them what characteristics you value in them. Whether you send them an email or give them a handwritten note, keep it short and sweet. 

Let them know you’re excited they’re there with phrases like:

  • “We’re so glad you’ve chosen to come work at [company name]”
  • “We’re excited to get to know you and work alongside you.”
  •  “Congratulations! You’re going to be an amazing addition to this team.”

Set expectations for the work environment and describe the team culture by saying:

  • “We believe you’ll fit right in with our values of hard work and innovative thinking.”
  • “I’m glad to have another member joining our creative team.”
  • “Please reach out to me or others with any questions you may have — we value teamwork and want to be there for one another.”

Encourage them by letting them know what characteristics you see in them: 

  • “I think you’ll fit right in with the rest of the team — like you, they’re hard-working and goal-oriented individuals.”
  • “I’m excited to see how you use your expertise and innovative thinking to help us reach new heights!” 
  • “As a creative and passionate individual, we’re excited to see how you impact your team.”

This welcome message is something you can give them on their start date. Don’t worry about topics like benefits, dress code, or the minutiae of their job offer — those are details they can learn through looking at the employee handbook or by talking to human resources. If you’re their manager, you might also ask them to schedule a one-on-one meeting with you within their first week — just to ensure they’re settling in nicely.

Your priority is to help take away a few of those first-day jitters by welcoming them with genuine warmth.

How can you make a new employee feel welcome?

Making a new employee feel welcome goes beyond a Slack message or welcome note, but those small gestures can make a big difference. As they say, “You only get one chance to make a first impression.” Consider including company swag or another small welcome gift alongside the good wishes on their first day.

Start making new hires feel welcome before they ever “clock in.” Reach out to them during the window of time between their acceptance of the job offer and their first day to ask if they have any questions. You might send them helpful documents, introduce them to other team members on LinkedIn, and get them set up with any apps your team uses.

Many new hires have second thoughts about joining the team between receiving the job offer and their first day working with you. Especially in a tight labor market, another company may approach them with an offer, or they may have personal reasons. Stay on their radar and let them know that you’re looking forward to having them join the team before they ever step foot in the office. 

When you do a good job answering questions and providing resources leading up to a new colleague’s first day, your day-one welcome message doesn’t need to be long or detailed. Just make sure it conveys welcome wishes and that you’re looking forward to establishing a good working relationship with them. 

30 welcome messages you can send new team members 

Be yourself when sending a new employee welcome message! Whether you send a welcome email or write a handwritten note, infuse it with your personality — whether that’s more buttoned-down or goofy/friendly. A thoughtful welcome helps a new team member feel wanted and included in what’s happening. 

Here are some ideas for some warm welcome wishes. Feel free to use them as a template for a personalized welcome note for new coworkers. 

  • Welcome to [company name], [employee name], we’re excited to have you here as part of the team! You’re an awesome addition, and we’re thrilled for the fresh perspective you’ll bring to the table. Situating yourself as a new member can be challenging, so please reach out with any questions you may have and know that we’re glad you’re here.
  • Welcome aboard! We had a lot of great applicants for this role, but you really stood out from the crowd — I believe your expertise and personality will really help us reach new heights.
  • Best wishes on your first day! We’re so glad that you’re part of the team. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions that may come up. As a team, we’re excited to have you with us and happy to help you adjust to this new environment.
  • [Employee name], we’re so glad to have you as part of the team here at [company name]. Your skill set and expertise are going to be an amazing addition to the team.
  • Welcome to the team [employee name]! We’re so excited to have you here. The office is providing lunch today so you can get a chance to meet the whole team!
  • Congratulations! You’re joining an amazing team that works hard to find innovative solutions. We wish you all the best as you embark on this new journey with us!
  • We’re so excited you’ve decided to join [company name]! We believe you’re going to be a valuable asset to our work here, and are so excited to get to know you as we work on exciting projects here together.
  • Dear [employee name], we’re thrilled to have you as a new team member. You really stood out during the interview process as a go-getter and creative thinker, and we believe you’re the missing part of our team that’s going to help us do amazing things.
  • Congrats! From the dozens of qualified applicants, you really stood out as an innovative and hard working person. We know the first day at a new job can feel a little overwhelming, so please know that we’re here for you and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
  • Happy first day in your new position! We’re so glad you’ve decided to become a part of the [company name] family. Your skill and expertise are going to help us reach new heights.
  • The management team here at [company name] want to wish you a warm welcome. Please let us know if there are any ways we can help you as you get acclimated to the new role.
  • The day has finally come — after the long search, we’re so excited to be able to officially welcome you to the team. Your warmth, skill, experience, and creativity are exactly what we were looking for, and we can’t wait to see the way you’ll impact our team and the work we do here at [company name].
  • It’s so exciting that you’re here! Ever since we met you, we’ve been hoping and looking forward to having you join our team. Can’t wait to see what you and your team here will accomplish!
  • You’re joining an amazing team of creative, kind, and highly-skilled individuals. We hope your time here is filled with inspiration, fun, and innovation.
  • Warmest welcome from the management team here at [company name]. You’re a great addition to this team and we can’t wait to reach new heights together.
  • This team has been serving the community in amazing ways for over 10 years. We’re so excited to have your fresh perspective and insight that we believe will help us accomplish great things.
  • Warm welcome from the management team here at [company name]! We’re excited to get to know you and see how your years of expertise are able to help us reach new heights together.
  • One of our highest values is teamwork, and we believe you’re going to be an amazing addition to our team! Please reach out with any questions you have and we hope you have an amazing first day.
  • Here at [company name], we have many talented, skilled individuals. We believe you’re the perfect fit to join us as we tackle new projects. Your expertise speaks for itself, and your team player attitude made you the exact person we were looking for!
  • Dear [employee name], we’re so glad you’ve accepted our invitation to work with us. We look forward to seeing the ways in which you’ll help us reach new heights here at [company name].  
  • We’re so fortunate to have you with your optimism and willingness to learn from our team! Hope you have a great first day — the entire team looks forward to getting to know you better.
  • Congrats on your new position! We’ve been looking forward to having you join us and can’t wait to start collaborating on projects.
  • Welcome to the team! We here at the management team are confident that you’ll be an amazing addition to [company name].
  • The recruitment team did an amazing job hiring a creative, compassionate, and innovative individual — you! We’re glad you’re here and look forward to working alongside you for many years to come.
  • Happy first day! Please reach out if you need anything and know that we’re delighted to have you here.
  • Dear [employee name], we look forward to having your years of experience and insight join our team and help us as we move into this new season of growth with [company name].
  • Our team just got significantly better! We’re glad you’re here and look forward to having your go-getter attitude and willingness to learn from our dynamic team.
  • Hey there! It’s great to have you as part of the team — we’re going to reach new heights together.
  • Happy first day at [company name]! The recruitment team really struck gold when they found you. We can’t wait to start working together — please ask any questions and let us know if there’s anything you need as you settle in.
  • Congratulations! We’re glad to have you with us at [company name]. You really stood out from the competition and we think you’ll be the perfect fit for our team of dynamic individuals. 

Going forward

Remember to use a warm welcome message to let new employees know you’re glad to have them with you and look forward to working together with them. Thoughtful welcome wishes can have a strong impact and set the tone for your time working with a new colleague.

If you’re their manager, it’s also a good idea to set up a meeting within the first week. Doing so helps the two of you get to know each other, and it provides an opportunity to make sure their onboarding experience is running smoothly. We recommend including your scheduling link within your welcome message.

Feeling valued and seen can improve employee engagement which can help boost your team to the next level.   

For efficiency in recruiting and sourcing the right candidates, here's what to read next:

  • Recruitment Planning (with Templates)
  • The Best AI Recruiting Tools

About the author

Judy Tsuei

Judy Tsuei is a Simon & Schuster author, speaker, and podcast host. She has been writing for Clockwise for several years while also being featured in MindBodyGreen, BBC Travel, Fast Company, Hello Giggles, and more. As the founder of Wild Hearted Words, a creative marketing agency for global brands, Judy is also a mentor with the Founder Institute, the world's largest pre-seed accelerator. Judy advocates for mental and emotional health on her popular podcast, F*ck Saving Face. Follow along her journey at WildHeartedWords.com.

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The 101 Best Welcome Messages for New Employees

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welcome messages for new employees

Imagine you have joined an organization known for its vibrant culture and friendly work environment, but your manager forgets to wish you a hearty welcome on your first day. Just like that, all your expectations come crashing down, and you think to yourself, did I make the right decision after all?   

It is no myth that the first welcome is what sets the tone for the rest of the journey to work. The first few talks with the new employees can heavily impact the way they will perceive their work. In fact, according to a study conducted by  Glassdoor , great employee onboarding can improve employee retention by 82%.  Welcome messages for new employees  come in all shapes, sizes, and forms. They can be sent electronically via email or can be said in person. Any new hire will be nervous on their first workday, but a simple act of saying, “Hey! It is nice to have you join our team” can make them feel more welcomed and comfortable.    

Thoughtful  welcome messages for new employees  will be the starting point of a long-lasting and firm relationship between them and the organization. Now, you might ask, what can all be said in a welcome message? Honestly, it is a cinch of a task. Just imagine yourselves in their shoes and say things that will make them feel at home. 

welcome message for new employee

This is what a welcome message looks like on Darwinbox Vibe.

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To make your job as a manager or as a team member easy, listed below are exquisitely crafted 101 welcome messages for new employees that can be used as-is or can even be personalized:  

  • “Welcome aboard, it is a pleasure to have you join our team. Let us create magic.”    
  • “We’re elated to have you join our team. On behalf of the entire organization, we would like to heartily congratulate you!”   
  • “Sometimes, challenges and struggles are exactly what we need in our lives. It is great you are experimenting with this new role. May you welcome every effort, every struggle, and every challenge. May you open your wings and fly!”   
  • “Welcome, the team is going to be stronger than ever since we’ve got you now!”    
  • “Lots of good wishes on becoming a part of this vibrant organization. Looking forward to collaborating with you.”    


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  • “I am sure with all the years of experience you bring to the table; the organization has hit a jackpot. Welcome to the team.”   
  • “Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” Likewise, you have taken the first step by joining our incredible organization. Rest assured; everything is going to be top-notch. Welcome to the team.”    
  • “We’re sure you’ll be an asset for the team, please make yourself feel at home!”    
  • “I heard someone dynamic was joining us, and that’s you. We’re delighted!”    
  • “Hearty Congratulations, can’t wait to use all the expertise you have to grow out of bounds.”    
  • “Congratulations, you are one of us now. Our team follows only one principle and that is to have as much fun as you can while working. I am expecting the same from you. Please feel comfortable and ask any questions you might have.”  
  • “The whole company welcomes you, and we look forward to a successful journey with you! Welcome aboard!”    
  • “Welcome aboard, I can already see us progressing better than ever. Your skills are a major value addition to the team.”    
  • “First jobs are always very intimidating but can be a less daunting experience with the right team. I promise you that our team is going to support you throughout should you face any trouble. Please feel free to reach out to anyone. Congratulations! And Welcome.”    
  • “Let us have a great time working together! Cannot wait to start this journey with you.”    
  • “Many-many congratulations, you are among the very few people who made it to the firm. The entire team is looking forward to meeting you.”    
  • “A very warm welcome [employee’s name], we are pleased to have you join us on the marketing front. I can see the growth is now going to sky-rocket.”    
  • “Your skills are going to be a tremendous asset for us as a company, welcome!”    
  • “We are more than thrilled to have a young talent such as you join our team. It is time we brought in a fresh perspective. Congratulations!”   
  • “Warmest welcome! Together, let us innovate and take this company to new heights.”    
  • “We hope you had a smooth onboarding experience. The entire team awaits to meet you!”    
  • “Welcome [employee’s name], Hope you have a wonderful time here!”   
  • “Congratulations, you are joining a team of mavericks. Wishing you a successful journey with our team!”    
  • “We look forward to fostering a lasting relationship with you and the team, welcome!”    
  • “Welcome aboard, I hope you had a great start, here’s wishing you lots of luck!”    
  • “It is great to have you as a part of the team that is known for its agility. We are confident that you are going to make our work better and we’re delighted that you have chosen to join us.”    
  • “Warm welcome, we are happy to have someone who shares the same core values as the rest of the team. We look forward to utilizing your skill-set and experience of the years to achieve greater and better results.”    
  • “Welcome to the [organization’s name], we are here to help you get started and please feel free to ask questions at any time.”    
  • “Welcome on board, we aren’t a team but a family. It is great to have another family member join us to create more magic!”    
  • "Congrats on making it! The whole team is looking forward to bringing your creative insights on board."    
  • “The recruitment team has done a great job at getting you to join us! Congratulations on making it to our organization.”    
  • “A big congratulations on your new role! I promise it is going to be exciting for you to work with us.”    
  • “Thank you for joining our team. We believe that you will do remarkable things with us. We hope you’ll always feel free to share your knowledge and ideas with the team.”    
  • “We are honored to have you join our organization. Only onwards and upwards from here!”    
  • “Welcome aboard! Whatever may come our way, any ups, or downs, we are in this together as a team.”    
  • “Congratulations on joining one of the best organizations in the world. You are among the brightest minds we have here, and it will be our honor if we can add any value to your skills.”    
  • “It’s great to have an employee with such high energy levels amongst us. We are certain that it is going to be only the best experience for you from now on. Welcome!”    
  • “Welcome to the team. For us, our employees are our greatest assets, and we hope to ensure that you are being valued here. We have lots of things in store for you.”    
  • “This is only the beginning. Congratulations on being the only person selected for this challenging opportunity from hundreds who were interviewed.”    
  • “Congratulations and welcome aboard, you have joined the right place that will not only value your work but also help you develop your skills better.”    
  • “We are pleased to have you on board with us. I welcome all experiences. You never know which one is going to surprise you.”    
  • “Another gem added to our team! It is time we started innovating and building for the future. Together we can all set new standards and reach higher goals. It is extremely gratifying to have you on the team.”    
  • Happy first day! Thanks for joining us. We cannot wait to get to know you and see what you can do! The team is overjoyed.”    
  • “Welcome. I am thrilled you decided to join our team on the path to success. Your talent and outlook will be invaluable to our team dynamic as well as the goals we share.”    
  • “Congratulations on joining our team. We value hard work and dedication in our team, and I know that you are already ready to put that in!”  
  •  “Cue the confetti! We have [employee’s name] bringing with them innovative ideas and talents to lead us to the path of success. Welcome aboard!”    
  • “Dynamic, hardworking, passionate, and skilled are the kind of people we look forward to working with. And we cannot be happier to have found all of this in you. Congratulations and welcome!”
  • “Happy day of joining! Please tell me the HR gave you a good welcome. Because we have something even better planned. I am really happy you decided to join us.”  
  • “Welcome! I hope you resonate with what Hellen Keller says, "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."    

Read more: Everything You Need To Know About Virtual Onboarding

  • “Congratulations on becoming the newest member of this team! I hope you find your time with us rewarding.”    
  • “Happy first day! I understand it can be overwhelming to get to know everyone and all the work but please feel free to reach out to anyone on the team. We are always there!”   
  • “Pat on your back and feel proud. This is one of the best organizations to work with and you have accomplished it. Welcome!”    
  • “Welcome aboard [employee’s name], the team shall be your new home. We hope to make this an enriching experience for you.”    
  • “Welcome to the most creative team of the organization, we look forward to using your creative intellect to progress better than ever.”    
  • “Congratulations and welcome! I hope you are settling in okay. Should you face any issues, I am just a call away.”    
  • “Kudos on making it to the organization. We’re the best in what we do and with you, we would like to only head onwards and upwards.”    
  • “Bravo! You have made it to the most dynamic team of the organization. With you onboard, we want to achieve only success!”    
  • “Welcome aboard, this is only the beginning. We hope together we can reach greater heights and create value both for ourselves and the organization.”    
  • “It brings me immense pleasure to welcome you to our team. I have gone through your past achievements, and you have done commendable so far. I hope this is going to keep continuing.”    
  • “I understand how difficult it can get to adjust to new working environments. I have been through the same, but I hope my team and I will do our best to help you in any way we can. Welcome to the team.”    
  • “It is with great pleasure that I wish you a warm welcome on board. I am fully confident that you are going to have a seamless transition into your new role. Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out to anyone from the team.”    
  • “We like to think of ourselves as a family more than a work team and I know that I’m speaking for everybody here when I send you my warm wishes of welcome.”    
  • “First day at work can be nerve-wracking, but not with a helpful team by your side. Again, I’d like to congratulate you on joining our amazing team.”    
  • “I heartily welcome you to our esteemed organization. I hope that you are getting comfortable here. With all the experience that you have, I am excited that we will be working together.”    
  • “You are a terrific addition to our team, and the entire team is looking forward to getting to know you more in the coming days. Please reach out to anyone with any queries that you might have. Congratulations and welcome!”    
  • “It is our pleasure to have you on board on this roller coaster journey that we all have accepted to join. I hope we can make it fun, educational, and worthwhile for you!”  
  • “You are being added to a team of leaders! Initially, it can be daunting but soon you will find your way through it all. Welcome!”    
  • “Congratulations on your acceptance to our team. I hope you will be able to navigate through. It might get a little too hectic here but be assured that there is always support available.”  
  • “I am happy that you have chosen to work with our organization, and I know we will do great things together. It is going to be a thrilling experience I can promise. So, get ready for it!”    
  • “Welcome [employee’s name], I would welcome the opportunity to show you around and introduce you to your new coworkers. Please feel at home!”  
  • “Congratulations on taking the plunge to join us. Let us have some icebreakers to get to know the entire team and yourself. I believe that will ease it out for you. Anyways, I am always here should you feel lost at any moment.”    
  • “New jobs come packaged with excitement as well as nervousness, it is okay to feel scared initially. But things will fall into place very soon. I wanted to let you know that the entire team is eager to meet you and has activities planned for you. So welcome aboard!”    
  • “Feeling happy is an understatement. We, as a team, always look forward to new minds joining us. Congratulations and welcome to the best team you’ll ever be a part of.”    
  • “New people always bring new perspectives and that is helpful in our growth. It is great to have you onboard and we are looking forward to your contribution in the future. Congratulations, you deserve this!”  
  • “The team is pleased to have you join us. We know that you are going to fit right in here. So, make yourself comfortable and gear up for some amazing work. Congratulations, [employee’s name]”    
  • “Congratulations! We are honored to have you with us. Let us begin our journey as a wonderful team, and your journey as our amazing employee”    
  • “We feel lucky to have a skilled and qualified person like you join us. Let us begin our exciting journey from here. Congratulations and welcome.”    
  • “As you join the company, we wish you all the best for your future here. We will try our best to make you feel valued and supported. Welcome.”    
  • “Congratulations! We feel lucky as a team to have you join us. Here we assure you growth, knowledge, and most importantly comfort. Welcome.”  
  • “Congratulations on your achievement. We look forward to getting to know you and your amazing skills. Here we believe that if we stand united, anything is possible. Welcome to the team!”    
  • “We are thrilled to have you joining us in this journey. With extraordinary work like yours, we are sure that the future’s going to be great. Welcome!”    
  • “Welcome! We as a team are excited and look forward to seeing your contribution to the company. Here the employees are our most prized possession(s). So, get ready to be treated like a gem! Congratulations!”    
  • “Our aim here is to give you the most comfortable and friendly environment, so you would love what you do. Congratulations! We hope to make deliver the best work with you.”    
  • “Our recruitment process is extremely challenging, so firstly, congratulations on cracking that. It is a testimony to your amazing skills and talent. We hope we will be able to add value to your experience. Congratulations again!”    
  • “It is a fact that only the toughest and the smartest make it to the top, and we’d like to believe we are curating a team such as that. We are thrilled to have you onboard to pursue our vision of success! Hearty Welcome.”  
  • “If anything, the most vital step to success in any career is deciding which organization to join, which firm will value our talent, and which company and the team will help us grow! You have made the right decision and we hope to see you on the path to success! Welcome.”  
  • “Congratulations on starting a new chapter of your life, of considering us worthy of partnering with. I hope you will learn a lot from your time here at our organization.”  
  • “Every end is a new beginning, and I am proud of you for taking the next step of joining our esteemed organization. Going forward in your work, I will give you only one piece of advice. Stay curious.”    
  • “Welcome [employee’s name]. We appreciate the ‘can-do’ attitude from all our team members, and we hope to see the same from you. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you might have at any time. We are a family after all.”    
  • “It is important in today’s rapidly changing work environment to keep up with the trends and constantly improve ourselves. I appreciate that you are challenging yourself by taking up this new role. I would like to assure you that we are always there with you every step of this journey. Congratulations and welcome to the team!”    
  • “A warm welcome to the office! I hope everything went well till now. And I can promise everything will go great henceforth as well. The team is very warm and welcoming, so you wouldn’t face any problems.”    
  • “On behalf of the team, I would like to heartily welcome and congratulate you. We always look forward to the infusion of new ideas and fresh thoughts. Hence we are delighted to have you onboard.”  
  • “Congratulations! You made it. It is not easy to beat so many candidates, but you were exceptional and hence you are here. I hope you will display the same enthusiasm and curiosity going forward. Settle in well.”    
  • “Welcome aboard! We are proud that you chose us to start your career with. You are at the right place and in the right hands. We promise that it is going to be a very fruitful experience.”    
  • “I am the happiest of all when any new person joins us. It is our opportunity to learn from their experience and thereby better our work. We are thus extremely excited to have you join us, we look forward to working together.”    
  • “It is cliché but true that teamwork makes the dream work. We had to put in lots of thoughts when hiring someone for this position. And we are delighted that it is you. A warm welcome on being a part of our organization.”    
  • “It is often said that to reach the stars, you need to start somewhere. And it is incredible that you chose our organization to start your career with. We hope we will meet your expectations. Welcome aboard!”     
  • “Welcome to our team. Give in your best and rest should be fine. Also, remember to have fun while you work. Work can get tiring sometimes and you must keep reminding yourself to take breaks.”    
  • “Congratulations on joining us! The first piece of advice I give anyone who joins my team is that they ensure a healthy work-life balance. After all, you can work only if you are fit! I hope you are settling in okay.”  
  • “Huge congratulations on joining our company. Our people are our greatest asset, and we take utmost pride that we have the happiest employees. However, we are open to suggestions and criticisms. Keep them coming. Have a wonderful first week ahead!” 


A tiny, good deed goes a long way, and these welcome messages can be your ‘go-to’ starter pack for wishing and welcoming your new employees. These well-curated  welcome messages for new employees  are friendly and will help your new hires settle in and feel comfortable in their new workspace. Please feel free to use them when greeting and do the best you can to make them feel at home.  


Recommended Reading

What is employee self-service all you need to know, your comprehensive guide to employee experience journey mapping [with template], unveiling darwinbox engage: listen, decode, act, speak your mind.

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25 Best Welcome to the Team Messages for New Employees

Welcoming a new member to your team is an exciting time for all. It allows for a fresh approach to the working environment by onboarding a new key player to your team. Sending a quick email or message to the new hire gives you a chance to introduce yourself, connect with them and send encouragement as they begin their new role.

Finding the right words to say to a new employee can feel like a challenge, especially when you haven’t gotten to know them yet. We’ve got 25 messages to help you start your correspondence off on the right foot!

Offer insight and extend your knowledge

If you play a leadership role, offer yourself as a guide and helpful resource. It’s a great way to help a new employee feel welcomed.

  • Welcome, [name]! As you start this new role, know that we are all here to support you in any way we can. We are so excited to have you as a part of the team and can’t wait to see all the great things you do!
  • Congratulations on beginning this role! We know great things are in your future, it’s just one of the many reasons you were hired. We hope you always ask questions, try new things and make mistakes along the way; it’s the best way to learn and grow!
  • Welcome to the team! We’re excited to see you step into this new position. Please don’t hesitate to reach out at any time, I’d be happy to connect regarding any questions or insights about this position or the company.
  • Congratulations on this step in your career! We are so excited to have you onboard and look forward to all that is to come for you. I remember being new on the team and would be happy to connect about adjusting to this position and help answer any questions you may have, reach out at any time!
  • Welcome, [name]! I wanted to reach out and let you know how excited I am that you’ve joined our team! If you ever have any questions or need support on a project, know that I am always a call or chat away.

Get to know them better

Everyone has a story to share. Be willing to take the extra time to connect personally and professionally with someone newly hired. This will help to build a better working relationship.

  • Welcome, [name]! We are all so proud to have you as a part of our team and look forward to getting to know you better. We know you will thrive as you learn and grow in the years to come!
  • Welcome to the team! We’re thrilled you chose to join us and can’t wait to see what you accomplish with your unique ideas, abilities and positive attitude!
  • Welcome, [name]! We are so excited to have you onboard and will set up a time for us all to meet as a team soon. We can’t wait to learn more about you and your ideas for this role!
  • We’re thrilled to have you with us! As an applicant, you stood apart with your vast experience, unique skills and innovative ideas; all of which we know will help our team grow! We look forward to getting to know you better as you begin this journey.
  • Congratulations and welcome, [name]! We are so excited you have you as a part of our team and look forward to seeing how you positively impact our work.

Inspire and empower

You don’t want to intimidate people with overly high expectations. However, there’s nothing wrong with positive words that welcome talented individuals into the company. Let them know you are excited to work together and to see all the ways that they will help the team.

  • Excited to welcome you to the team! We believe you will do great things in this role and hope you always feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and ideas with everyone.
  • Welcome, [name]! We know you are going to accomplish amazing things in this role and are excited to watch all that you achieve.
  • Welcome and congratulations, [name]! You were chosen because we truly believe you will have great success in this role. We look forward to seeing the work you accomplish and supporting you in any way we can along your journey!
  • Best wishes on your first day, [name]! We can’t wait to see you take this role to new heights and offer a fresh perspective to the team. Always feel free to share your thoughts and push us to be a better and more innovative company.
  • Welcome and congratulations, [name]! We’re confident that you will exceed expectations in this role and look forward to working alongside you as a team. Please ask for help in any areas you need it. We know you will be there to support others in the same way soon!

Lend a helping hand

Good culture is always fostered when people are willing to help one another. It creates a shared spirit of working together for a common cause. Extending offers for help can become something that his reciprocated by them in the future.

  • Welcome, [name]! Happy to have you join the team and know you can always ask questions and we’ll be more than willing to help you moving forward. Excited to be alongside you as you embark on this new journey.
  • Warmest of welcomes, [name]! I look forward to collaborating with you in this role – always feel free to ask for help, all of us on the team are here for you!
  • Congratulations on this step in your career! We can’t wait to see all you accomplish and will be here for any support you need along the way. I’ll set up a meeting soon to answer any questions you may have during the training process.
  • Welcome to [company], [name]! We are all so excited to have you on board and are here to support you in any way we can. Please don’t hesitate to reach out!
  • Excited to have you join the team, [name]! Please know that we are all here to help you in any way we can and look forward to working more in depth together soon.

Keep it short and sweet

Don’t leave a welcome unspoken. Take a quick minute to engage someone that has recently been hired. It builds good culture and will make them feel good about their decision to join the team.

  • Welcome to the team! It’s so great to have you join us and I look forward to collaborating with you.
  • Hey, [name]! It’s great to have you join the team. I’m excited to see all you contribute to our group!
  • Welcome! We’re so enthusiastic to have you on board, and truly believe you will excel in this role.
  • Welcome to the [company] family, we’re so glad you chose to join our team. We are all so ecstatic to have you alongside us!
  • Congratulations on the new role! I’m so excited to work with you in this position and see all the incredible things you accomplish.

All of these sentiments are a great way to introduce yourself and extend a warm welcome to the newest member of your team. Making sure that you start your communication off strong is a vital component to building repour as you begin working together. By being welcoming and showing encouragement from the beginning it will only help to make your future interactions more productive.

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Mar 18, 2022

How to write welcome emails and messages to new employees

How to welcome a new employee? Learn to write welcome emails, messages, and letters to new employees with the help of our welcome email templates and more than 50 examples.

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Lawrie Jones

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Samuli Pehkonen

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Just starting as an entrepreneur or in HR and wondering how to welcome a new employee? Welcoming new colleagues to the team every week and out of ideas? Want to make an impression when welcoming a new manager?

You've come to the right place.

Our guide to writing welcome emails, messages, and letters to new employees covers everything you need to know about making new joinees feel welcome:

  • First, we'll cover the typical ways companies welcome new hires to the team.
  • Then we'll break down the welcome email format and the process of writing a welcome message for a new employee, including welcome greetings, phrases, and quotes. We'll also provide you with more than a dozen welcome email examples.
  • Finally, to top it off, we'll show you how to make new team members feel welcomed with the help of Flowrite (test it out below). Ready to get started?
Say 'hi' to a new hire with our guide to writing new employee welcome emails. New employee welcome emails are messages a colleague, boss, or leader sends to a new joinee welcoming them to the company. In this guide, we break down the process of creating new employee welcome emails and provide 12 examples that you can use.

How do companies welcome their new employees

Suppose you're new to HR, recruiting people department for the first time, or starting as an entrepreneur. In that case, you may be wondering how companies welcome new employees. 

As well as traditional welcome emails and welcome messages to new employees, innovative firms have different practices for ensuring a new hire feels at home from the very first day. 

Employee orientation, onboarding processes, buddy systems, and other informal ways of integrating the new joiners are essential at fostering a positive and thriving company culture where everyone feels comfortable and can perform at their best. 

If you're searching for some new employee welcome inspiration, we have listed 10 ideas and examples to inspire your approach for welcoming new co-workers aboard.

New employee welcome gift

A welcome gift for a new employee is a sure-fire way to show that you care about your team members. 

Welcome baskets for new employees often include brand merch and utilities that new hires need when starting the job. Some companies even let employees pick and choose from a catalog of options to ensure that they cater to a diverse employee base. 

Check out Intel's new employee welcome gift box if you're searching for some inspiration. Think welcome gift boxes are a waste of money? The best boxes can go viral, with thousands of shares and likes on social platforms such as LinkedIn.

New employee welcome kit

Welcome kits for new employees are similar to gift baskets but are stacked full of the latest tech. Welcome kits can include a phone, tablet, laptop, and more. 

Tech companies and start-ups have made an art out of welcome packs, creating an incredible experience. Apple, Facebook, LinkedIn, and similar tech leaders invest time and money in creating welcome packages that are precise to the last detail. 

Check online, and you'll see thousands of unboxing videos from eager new employees wanting to share their swag.

We recommend watching a video of Google's new employee welcome kit for new employee welcome kit ideas and examples.

Welcome card for new employee

Call us old-fashioned, but nothing quite says 'welcome' like a physical card even in our technologically advanced age. 

A welcome card message for a new employee is typically the same as you'd use in an email. But, welcome cards can be sent to the staff member's home before they begin, left waiting on their desk, or included as part of a welcome package.

Welcome cards enable you to be creative and inspirational with designs and branding for your business. Use your welcome card to make a statement!

New employee welcome banner

If your team works in an office, a welcome banner for a new employee is a celebratory gesture that can be a welcome surprise.

However, a sign or poster waiting in the lobby or at their desk can make those who don't enjoy being at the center of attention feel uncomfortable. So even though you would consider a welcome aboard sign as a fun way to welcome a new employee, think about how the employee will think of it before going ahead.

New employee social media post

Well, how to welcome a new employee on social media then? A LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook post announcing new hires is standard in smaller companies. 

It feels good to know that your company is proud to have you, doesn't it? The same approach can be used for a website in a blog post or short interviews introducing new talent.

New employee meet and greet

Many companies organize meet and greet for new professional family members to meet their immediate colleagues and co-workers from other teams and departments. 

These laid-back and informal gatherings are an excellent way for staff to get to know each other outside of the daily grind. HR pros or managers typically organize meet and greet events.

New employee meeting invitations are distributed via email to those who want to welcome the new starter. Snack, nibbles, and drinks are optional (but appreciated!).

New employee breakfast or lunch

A welcome breakfast or lunch for a new employee is an even more informal way to bring co-workers together and get to know each other. 

Especially if you are a CEO of a small company, it doesn't take much effort to send out a new employee welcome lunch invite. Instead, you can sit down and share sandwiches, but breaking bread outside the business premises is even better.

As the business owner, it's up to you whether you pay, but it's not expected in most cases. Just make sure to let everyone know to avoid any misunderstandings.

New employee press release

A press release to welcome a new employee is a formal way to introduce someone; they're often used for high-profile executive hires or roles in the public interest.

Press release announcements are less about the new employee and more about the company's interest and public profile. However, who wouldn't enjoy being newsworthy and having their (brief) moment in the spotlight?

New employee speech

Welcome speeches are a traditional and formal way to announce and welcome hires to a business. Most often given by the CEO, member of the leadership team, or the person's manager, a welcome speech can be a powerful way to motivate the worker and the whole team and organization. 

Welcome speeches can do more, too, acting as a creative way to underline the company's value, culture, and mission. This can help bring the whole group together to work towards common goals.

Fun ways to welcome a new employee

The first day in any new job can be a little stressful, regardless of how long you've been working and how skilled you are. Luckily, humor is an excellent way to break the ice. 

Team building activities and games that allow (or force, depending on your perspective) people to get to know one another are a great way to introduce new team members. If it fits your company culture, a welcome new employee meme or gif can be just what the doctor order to lighten up the mood.

Humor is personal, so be sensitive when sending messages or creating memes.

How to welcome a new employee virtually

The employee welcome examples typically take place in an office setting. However, as many organizations embrace hybrid working or have staff working entirely at home, do they still work? 

While staff may not have met their colleagues in person (and may never do so), they should still feel part of the team. In addition, many of the ideas above can be implemented virtually and performed remotely.

There are a plethora of tools that allow organizing engaging virtual events that don't feel like yet another Zoom call. For example, some solutions randomly pair team members for virtual coffee breaks or lunches to help build new connections or strengthen existing ones. 

So, the sky (or the internet, to be precise) is the limit for your imagination. The good news is that even if none of these ideas fit your workplace, welcome emails, messages, and gift boxes all work remotely. Even in our flexible working world, these tried and tested ways to welcome new employees play a crucial part in the onboarding experience.

Welcome email format for new joinee

So, you've decided to write a new employee welcome letter, but unsure of the format. The welcome email format for a new starter is straightforward. It should be familiar to anyone who has written a formal email or letter before. 

There are four core elements to any welcome email for new employees:

  • Email subject line
  • Email greeting
  • Email sign-off

Next, let's look at how that works in practice.

New employee welcome email subject line

The new employee welcome email subject line should be personalized and positive; beyond, it's up to you!

You can be serious and formal, creative, or even funny if you want to. The subject line should suit your culture be clear and positive. 

The easiest solution is to select a greeting from our 30 welcome phrases for new employees below. Just remember to personalize each message and use the person's name if you can.

Expert tip: check the spelling and then double-check it before sending.

How to greet a new employee

When deciding how to greet a new employee, the standard is to use their first name and surname. Beyond that, it's up to you!

When writing a formal email, you'd typically use "Dear", followed by the person's name. However, the formal rules on how to start an email don't apply to internal emails.

You'll want your email to be warm and welcoming, not cold and impersonal. You can go with  'Hi' or ' Hello' and use one of the 30 welcome phrases for new employees below.

Writing a welcome email for new employee

Unlike a formal email to a customer or client, the welcome email format for a new employee is flexible. You can be creative, funny, or stick with a more formal approach with the body of the email.

The body of the email essentially consists of only two parts:

  • Welcome greeting
  • Self-introduction

The examples later in this guide demonstrate how to be creative when using the new employee welcome letter format. You'll see how we create several example emails and letters that are professional and show a bit of personality.

Sign-offs for welcome messages

When it comes to deciding how to end an email , the rule of thumb is to go with the same tone you chose to begin your email with.

Let's make it simple: If you went with "Hi," you can end the welcome email with "Best", or in case you opted for "Dear," it's good email etiquette to close with a more formal sign-off such as "Sincerely,".

You can also include a functional email ending phrase before the sig-off. Here are some examples of phrases that can enhance the sentiment of your welcome wishes.

  • Looking forward to working with you
  • Excited to have you onboard
  • Thanks for joining us, and welcome aboard

For more welcome phrases for new employees, check out the next chapter of this guide before diving deep into welcome message examples.

30 welcome phrases for new employees

So, what to say when someone joins your team? 

When a growing company regularly welcomes new hires, developing creative ways to say welcome can be challenging. It's tough to send out new employees' welcome messages every week. 

For all you CEOs, managers, and HR professionals searching for an alternative to "welcome on-board-board" or struggling to find an answer to the question: "What's another word for welcome to the team?" this is for you!

No matter how lost for words you are, these 30 welcome phrases for new employees will help you conquer writer's block. These can all be used in professional welcome emails, and you'll be adding to your vocabulary as you use them.

Here are 30 welcome phrases for new employees:

• Welcome to the team

• Welcome to our team

• Welcome to the firm

• Welcome to a new job

• Welcome back to our team

• Welcome back and congratulations on...

• Welcome aboard

• Welcome and thanks for joining us

• Happy to have you on the team

• Glad to have you on the team

• Great to have you onboard

• Excited to have you onboard

• Delighted to have you join us

• All the very best in your new role

• Looking forward to you joining our team

• Super excited to work with you

• Congratulations and welcome to the team

• Congratulations on joining the team

• Congratulations and welcome aboard

• Welcome our new...

• We would like to extend our warmest welcome to...

• Today we welcome...

• Please join me to welcome...

• Please join me in welcoming our new team members

• Please join me in extending a warm welcome...

• Let's welcome our new employee...

• Warm welcome to our family

• We're excited to have you onboard

• We are thrilled to have you

• We are happy to welcome you...

How many times have you read (or written) "Please join me in welcoming..."? It's among the most common and overused welcome phrases you'll ever find. You'll find it's used repeatedly when a new colleague joins an organization. But, as we've detailed above, there are better ways to greet new employees (and provided 30). We hope that the following welcome email samples mean you won't be left scratching your head when you're asked to create yet another new employee welcome email. 

10 welcome quotes for a new hire

Using welcome quotes for new employees is an easy way to make new colleagues feel welcome and provide a little inspiration on their first day. 

Welcome message quotes can be hearty and warm to even funny depending on your personality, the company culture, and the new starter. 

When making a call on welcome quotes for colleagues, you should also consider how much you know about the new hire when you welcome them aboard. For example, you can crawl the internet for quotes or use one of the ten tried and tested favorites we've picked below.

Here are 10 welcome quotes for any new hire:

  • "All strange and terrible events are welcome, but comforts we despise." — Cleopatra
  • "Sometimes the hurdles aren't really hurdles at all. They're welcome challenges, tests." — Paul Walker
  • "Welcome the challenges. Look for the opportunities in every situation to learn and grow in wisdom." — Brian Tracy
  • "Welcome all experiences. You never know which one is going to turn everything on." —Jim Rohn
  • "Welcome every experience the looms of fate may weave for you." — Marcus Aurelius
  • "Extend your arms in welcome to the future. The best is yet to come!" — Anthony de Mello
  • "I'm open for choices. I always welcome new ideas. I'm always eager to learn. I'm never going to close my mind from learning." - Cesar Millan
  • "Welcome to my house! Enter freely. Go safely, and leave something of the happiness you bring!" -Bram Stoker
  • "Embrace the truth. Speak the truth. Be the truth. When we welcome the truth, we live our lives like it's golden." -Iyanla Vanzant.
  • "Confusion is the welcome mat at the door of creativity." -Michael J. Gelb.

Not sure if a quote will work? Don't worry. Sometimes a warm or humorous quote may not be suitable. In that case, stick to the standard welcome wishes in your message to a new employee. Want to see how to make it work? In the next chapter, we provide 10 example welcome emails to employees. 

12 welcome email to new employee examples

The best way to explain the concepts above is to put them into practice in our new employee welcome email examples. We've created 12 standard sample welcome messages for new employees. These new employee welcome letter samples can be cut and pasted. Still, we'd encourage you to personalize them before sending them. Here are 12 sample welcome emails to new employees.

Welcome aboard message

Here's a standard and straightforward welcome aboard message for any new starter. We're welcoming them to the organization, putting their role in context, and opening an avenue for vital communication in those first few weeks.

Welcome to the team email sample

The generic example above is an organizational welcome; here's a welcome to the team example. We've gone with a different intro to the welcome to the team email template, as it's less formal and more friendly. Why? Because this is the person you'll be working with closely, and nobody likes a stuffy boss.

Welcome to the company email template

A welcome email from a senior leader should follow the formal email rules. We start with a professional greeting, a short welcome, and a sign-off. This formal email is likely to be followed by a more personal greeting from colleagues and managers.   Here's a welcome to the company email template.

Welcome email to new employee from manager sample

In this welcome email to new employees from the manager sample, we provide a more supportive message that reflects the role of a boss. A manager's job is to provide support and guidance personally and professionally, so the tone should be friendly and open. Here's an example of a welcome email to a new employee from a manager that's focused on building a relationship.

Welcome email to new colleague sample

Sending a welcome email to a colleague is a nice touch that sets the scene for a positive relationship from day 1. In this welcome email to new colleague sample, we offer some kind words from a new friend. Here's our welcome email to the new colleague sample.

Sample welcome letter to new employee from HR

A welcome email from the HR team is standard practice before the first day. It sets out specifics such as the date, time, and details of the first day. As you'd expect, a welcome letter from HR is written in a formal tone of voice.

It's also a great way to prep a new starter, getting them to learn more about the company and the culture before they begin. Check out our sample welcome letter to new employees from HR.

Sample welcome letter to new employee from CEO

An email from the CEO to a new employee can be inspirational, encouraging, and friendly, but it's unlikely to be personalized. This sample welcome letter to new employees from the CEO is a cookie-cutter template that you can use for each new hire.

Sample welcome email announcing new employee

This sample welcome email announcing a new employee is a short message to an entire organization. Imagine a small company where everyone knows one another and will come together to welcome a new employee, and you'll see what we mean.  Check out our welcome email announcing a new employee.

Welcome introduction email for new employee sample

So, your boss has sent out an introduction email like the one above; now, how do you follow it up? This welcome introduction email for the new employee sample is a friendly way to introduce yourself and explain what you do, your interests, and how you can help.

Welcome new boss email sample

A welcome email from an outgoing manager to an incoming one is a personal and professional courtesy. If you can't meet in person, you can provide handover details with important information they'll need to do their job. You can also provide some information on projects, personnel, and potential problems (if you want). Just be sure not to put them off in this sample email to a new boss (from the old one).

New employee welcome letter from IT department

A new employee welcome letter from the IT department is important at ensuring they have everything they need to be productive from the start. It's also a critical part of safety and security, keeping your files, software, and systems protected. Here's a sample welcome email to a new employee from the IT department.

Welcome message for a new employee with a quote

Earlier in the article, we provided inspirational quotes you might want to use in a welcome email. Here's how to use welcome quotes for a new employee in a professional email from a friendly manager to a new starter.

We hope you find these welcome letter to new employee samples useful. When using these welcome emails to new employee examples, personalize them. No new joinee wants a basic email, but spend a little time, and you can craft something rewarding that they'll remember throughout their time at your company.

Welcome email template for a new employee by Flowrite

Flowrite is an AI writing assistant that turns your instructions into ready-to-send emails and messages, like this:

It will help you save time, communicate effectively and achieve more. We even dare to claim that it's the fastest way to write welcome emails and messages to new employees.

Starting a new job is stressful, but a kindly-worded welcome to the team or welcome aboard email can work wonders in calming the nerves of the new hire.

When writing a welcome letter to new employees, focus on making them feel at home with the welcome greeting. Also, introduce yourself in the welcome message in a way that the new joinee knows when to turn to you at work and feel comfortable also in more casual exchanges with you.

You can also tell them something about the business and benefits of working at your company. Keep it brief, personalized, rely on welcome phrases for new employees, and spice things up with welcome quotes.

And if you're still stuck on how to welcome a new employee, Flowrite and our welcome email template are here for you.

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15 Inspirational Welcome Messages for Your New Employees


We have gathered 15 inspirational welcome-to-the-team messages that will impress your new hires and make them feel like a part of the team from day one.

welcome speech to new team

New employees are often apprehensive about stepping into a new role in an unfamiliar environment where they probably don’t know anybody.

That is why it is of uttermost importance to make them feel welcome, comfortable, and appreciated from their first day.

And what better way to do that than sending them a warm welcome message telling them you are delighted to have them on board?

To help you with the employee onboarding process and to make their first contact with new employees easier, we have gathered 15 inspirational welcome-to-the-team messages that will impress your new hires and make them feel like a part of the team from day one.

A Formal Welcome Message

If you want to send your new employees a strictly professional welcome message, you can always opt for the one that is simple in design and formal in copy.

As you can see from the example below, even just a few lines where you share your elation that they joined the company will make their first day an exciting experience.

Example of a formal welcome message by SINC

The message is written in a positive tone, with an emphasis on showing the new hire that you are pleased to have them on board and confident that they will be a great addition to the team.

The message also conveys information about the documents they must complete and offers them help if they have any questions.

One thing is for sure–with a well-written welcome message like that, your new employees will feel more confident and motivated to start working for you from the first day.

A Friendly Welcome Message

Of course, if you don’t want to be too formal, you can always spice things up by sending your new employees a more casual and friendly welcome message.

In addition to a warm tone and copy, emails such as this can contain emojis, gifs, and even photos from the last team building event.

The following example is a fantastic illustration of writing a friendly email to welcome your new employees to the company .

Example of a friendly welcome message by Josh Loe

By putting yourself in the new employee’s shoes and acknowledging that starting a new job can be stressful, you are helping your new employee relax on their first day in the office.

By referring the recruit to the motivational blog posts written by other employees, instead of often tedious corporate documents, you can make them enthusiastic about the job from the get-go.

You are basically conveying the message that you value people first and foremost, and that there will be a lot of time to deal with formalities later. And that is sure to leave the new employees with a great first impression.

A Welcome Message From the Manager

Starting a new position can be an overwhelming experience for new employees.

A welcome message from their superior can significantly reduce their first-day anxiety. In the following example, you will discover how you can use such a message to make them feel more comfortable from the start.

Example of a welcome message from the manager by The Balance Careers

The manager welcomes the new employee to the team, mentions the start date, and briefly describes what goes on on the first day.

Then, she schedules meetings with the HR department and other coworkers for the newcomer, outlines the dress code as “casual” so that they don’t have to worry about their outfit, and further invites the new employee to join other team members over lunch in a more informal environment.

The great thing about letters like this is that the manager can send them in advance and give the new employees a glimpse of what they can expect on their first day.

As they will see that their superior has already prepared everything for their arrival, they can start their new position far more relaxed and stress-free.

The “Welcome to the Team” Messages

No one is more qualified to make the new employee feel warmly received than the other team members.

After all, they are the ones who will be working closely with the newest addition to the team.

Just how far this kind of message can go when it comes to offering an exciting start to the recruit comes across clearly in the example below.

The “Welcome to the Team” Messages by Snacknation

As all the team members are listed in the CC, the new employees get the feeling as they’re already part of the team.

This message is not just brimming with enthusiasm, but it is also quite informative for the new employee about to step into the unknown.

To get to know other team members, the new hire has been given a cheat sheet with brief information about other employees and an invite to participate in quizzes from Quizbreaker.

When they are welcomed in such a way, the new employees will instantly feel emotionally invested in joining the team. And we are sure they will be pretty excited to start as soon as possible.

A Message That Encourages Growth

To welcome your new hires to the company, you can also send them messages that encourage positive thinking and a goal-oriented mindset.

The message that greets Apple employees on their first day is a perfect example of that.

Example of a message that encourages growth by Apple

As you can see, the message doesn’t list tasks and assignments to be completed on the first day. It speaks more of the company’s values and principles, encouraging professional growth from the get-go.

Highlighting that they don’t expect new hires to play it safe, but to embrace risk, Apple is basically raising the bar for new employees and telling them they’re in for a once-in-a-lifetime experience .

They speak to the newcomers’ intrinsic motivation, that inner drive to be better and strive for excellence.

With an encouraging message like this, you can pass on your principles to the new employees from the beginning, motivating them to develop skills and beliefs that will enable them to be successful in your company.

A Welcome Message From the CEO

The greeting message from the CEO carries particular weight. After all, the CEO is the key figure in the company.

You can send a message like this in an email or include it in your company’s personalized employee handbook, as in the example from Bananatag.

Example of a welcome message from the CEO by Bananatag

Besides welcoming new employees to the company, in this letter, the CEO, who is also a co-founder, shares his insider thoughts about how the company came to life, what was the idea behind it, and how it helps clients today to solve their email marketing problems.

In this genuinely personal and warm note, the CEO further explains why every new employee is essential for the company's development and how they can contribute to its success.

A welcome message like this can indeed be a game-changer when it comes to conveying expectations to the new hire and sharing the company’s culture and values with them.

A “Thank You for Joining Us” Message

With a message like this, you are basically welcoming your fresh recruits and sending them the message you are looking forward to seeing them join and contribute to the team.

A welcome message doesn’t necessarily have to be long and detailed. You can be brief and personal, and still get the right impact.

Example of a “thank you for joining us” message by Canva

You can get the whole team, as well as the manager, CEO, or HR representative to sign it, or you can send it unsigned as it is. You can write it in the form of a note, an email, or even a card.

You can even accompany it with a company’s swag and hand it to the new employee on their first day, as you can see in the example from Canva above.

Greeting cards and hand-written notes are universally loved. There’s no reason not to use them in a professional setting as well.

A Welcome Message for New Employees From HR

As the welcome message from HR usually covers a lot of technical details, it will give the new hires a sense of security that they’re in capable hands as they start their new job.

The template from Workable shows us how you can write this kind of message, so that it’s not only informative, but also very friendly.

Example of a welcome message for new employees from HR by Workable

The template includes all the information that you expect from HR. First, it instructs about the date of their first day and the location of the HR office.

Further, the message informs the new hire of their schedule. They will have to sign papers, meet the team manager, get acquainted with policies, and there is also a link to the employee handbook.

In messages like this, you can also give the new employee an overview of the perks and benefits, outline what documents they have to bring, and highlight other things necessary for them to start working.

A message from HR can really make a difference when it comes to starting on the right foot and can be a great addition to other greeting emails that you send to your new employees.

A Message With an Inspirational Quote

The best way to add a touch of inspiration to your welcome message is to use the power of quotes.

Quotes can be a wonderful way to use other people’s beautifully written words to get your new employees excited about their new journey in your company.

Example of a message with an inspirational quote by Archbee

For example, you can use this quote from Simon Sinek, or any other profound words that you think will be motivational for your new employees.

Also, inspirational quotes can give your new employees an idea of the core principles you want them to follow in their everyday work.

For example, suppose you incorporate the quote mentioned above into your welcome message. In that case, you are basically saying that you expect them to be proactive and not be afraid of starting something new.

Quotes can genuinely be a brilliant way to add excitement to your welcome message. And the great thing about it is that there is a treasure trove of epic quotes out there from which you can draw inspiration.

A Welcome Message on Social Media

If you want your new employees to feel super special on their first day, you can welcome them by announcing to the world that you have a new talent in the team.

You can use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or any other preferred social network for that purpose.

As communication on social media is less formal than in an email or official company letter, you can get as creative as you like.

For instance, you can use the pictures of the new employees, share fun facts about their interests and hobbies, or outline their biggest accomplishments.

Example of a welcome message on social media by Velox Media

Plus, by welcoming your new employee on social media, you will open the door for comments, congratulations, and welcome wishes not only to the team members but also to friends, family, and other followers who will see the post. This will have the added benefit of extending your company’s reach.

One thing is for sure, a thoughtfully crafted and witty message on social media will help your new team member feel super welcome and excited to work for your company from day one.

A “Welcome Aboard” Message on a Company’s Internal Feed

Internal feeds can be an excellent way to engage with your staff, but you can also use them to announce the arrival of a new team member.

You can use a standardized copy as a template, or you can, which is preferable, customize your message for every new employee, at least with just a few specific words.

If your internal platform allows you this possibility, it would be advisable to include the new employee's picture.

Example of a “welcome aboard” message on a company’s internal feed by Asana

That will stop other team members from guessing who the new face in the office is and enable them to introduce themselves if they encounter each other in the lunchroom or hallway.

If you post welcome messages on your internal communication platform, you can also encourage likes, comments, and congratulations.

But unlike public social media posts, only team members can share their congratulations in the comments, thus helping the new hires get a first impression of who the peers they will be closely working with are.

A Welcome Message on Slack

Many companies nowadays are using Slack to communicate because it is easy and convenient.

As everybody in the company is already there, it’s a great idea to utilize all the advantages Slack offers to send a welcome message to your new employee.

You will be able to do it in a somewhat more casual tone and share a few facts about their accomplishments and interests without going into too much detail.

And while doing so, you can liven up your message by using the magic of emojis. The rest of the team will quickly pitch in to welcome the newcomer with a ton of exciting emoticons.

Example of a welcome message on Slack

You can, of course, have a special channel assigned only to your new hires, as you can see in the example above. That way, besides welcoming them, you will have the chance to give them the necessary onboarding materials.

But as Slack is a communication platform, why not make the most of it and give your newbie a proper welcome from everyone on the team.

A Welcome Message From Their Work Buddy

On their first day, new employees often feel they are put in the spotlight and need to present themselves in the best possible light.

This rather stressful situation can easily be bypassed with a welcome message from their work buddy.

As we already discussed in the previous article, a work buddy is a colleague of a similar age and rank designated to the new employees to help them during the onboarding.

The example from Buffer takes this part to a whole new level by offering recruits not one, but three buddies to help them along the way.

Example of a welcome message from their work buddy by Buffer

Friendly, funny, and warm at the same time and sent to the new hires prior to their first day, this welcome message will leave the new employees enthusiastic about the company that takes such good care of their staff.

With a welcome message like that and the guaranteed help from three pairs of helping hands, there is no doubt that the new employee will hit the ground running in no time.

A Video Welcome Message

Welcoming your new employees and conveying important facts about your company to them can be hard to do when you only have a few written lines at your disposal.

So why not reap the benefits of modern digital tools such as video to share your excitement and culture with your new hires?

Videos ate a great way to impress the new employees on the first day and impart on them the company’s culture, mission, and vision, especially if they are being welcomed by the CEO—as in this video from Pioneer Human Services.

When the CEO addresses how the company contributes to the community, she testifies to the company’s culture and principles, inviting the new employee to develop the same values and beliefs.

A professionally filmed welcome video like this can be great in expressing what the company is all about, what sets it apart, its future goals , and what kind of contribution the new employee can make.

This will definitely greatly benefit the new employee from the start.

A Welcome on Your Company’s Website

Some companies go to great lengths to announce the arrival of a new employee on their corporate website.

This is especially effective if they will be working in more client-facing positions, such as real estate or marketing.

If the clients or customers are informed about the new employee they will soon conduct their business with, the new hire’s transition into the new role will be much easier, as the clients will be more welcoming.

The example below paints an excellent picture of how you can structure such an announcement on your web page.

Example of a welcome on your company’s website by Professional Project Partners

By including a nice picture taken outside the office environment, accompanied by tidbits about the newcomer’s previous career, you can present the new employee in a friendly, easy-going, yet professional manner.

The only problem with this kind of announcement is that it can quickly become outdated. Soon a new employee will not be a newbie anymore, so it is good to keep that in mind and notify a web admin about possible future updates.

All in all, this kind of welcoming can be a great way to make sure that your working relationship begins on a positive note and can make your new employee feel special from the start.

In this post, we’ve gathered 15 inspirational welcoming messages that you can use to welcome your new employees and set the stage for their future adventures in your company.

Some are more formal, others more friendly in nature, but all of them aim to motivate the new employee and relieve the stress of starting out at a new job.

Whichever you choose as the best approach for welcoming on board, you’re sure to leave a lasting positive first impression on your new talents.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the importance of sending a welcome message to new employees, what could a friendly welcome message to new employees include, what is the significance of a welcome message from a manager or ceo, how could a welcome message on social media be beneficial for a new employee, what is the role of a welcome message that encourages growth.

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Read more in, onboarding new hires.

welcome speech to new team

7 Ways to Welcome a New Employee (with Welcome Message Examples)

Every new employee knows how important it is to make a great first impression. but it's just as important for employers. here's how to ensure you are doing all you can to create an awesome first day..

First impressions count. That’s why it’s important that you have everything set up to give new starters a first day at work to remember – for all the right reasons.

We always remember the first day we start a new job, and those memories are especially long-lasting if things didn’t go smoothly.

Why is it important to welcome a new employee?

Giving new team members a warm welcome isn’t just a polite thing to do. The way that someone starts within your organisation can set the tone for their entire career with you.

Put yourself in their shoes. If you are welcomed into a team to start a new position, having been given all of the information and tools you need, with a set training schedule and a friendly introduction to your new coworkers, you’re going to feel confident. You can hit the ground running with genuine excitement.

But what if your first day at a new business is messy and badly organised? You may finish your first day wondering if you made the wrong decision in accepting this job offer.

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7 ways to make new employees feel welcome

Tip #1. onboard employees before their first day.

A first day at work spent filling out paperwork and waiting to get logged into a computer can be tedious and uninspiring. It can also make your business look disorganised.

The sooner your new hire fills out all the necessary HR and payroll forms, the better.

Employment Hero offers a paperless onboarding solution that makes this process quick and efficient. In fact, it can all be done days or even weeks before the new employee starts – making it one less thing they need to worry about on day one.

Using an HRIS platform can help with more effective communication between new employees and existing staff. You can also easily create announcements, display your company culture, create a welcome message, and introduce new hires to the rest of the whole team.

The ultimate recruitment and onboarding guide

Tip #2. Start on a Wednesday at 10am

After much experimentation we’ve found here at Employment Hero that Wednesday at 10am is an optimal start day and time. A shorter working week means new employees won’t be overloaded with information and have the weekend to digest all they’ve learned.

A midweek start is also easier on the team. Mondays and Tuesdays are usually busy and existing team members aren’t able to give as much time as they’d like to their new coworker.

Tip #3. Notify the entire team about the arrival of the new team member

Communicate the details of a new starter’s arrival with the entire team a few days beforehand, so that their team members can prepare a few words for their introduction.

You can also get your new team member to fill up a short ‘ new starter bio ‘ to introduce themselves to the team and get the conversation flowing.

This will help avoid those situations where everyone’s too busy to offer nothing more than a quick ‘hello’ to a new starter – because that’s the kind of thing that can make a new workplace seem less than welcoming.

introducing a new employee to the team

Tip #4. Check that their workspace is ready for their first day at work

Having a new employee’s equipment set up makes a huge difference. Ensure that when they start their computer is ready to go and relevant log-in information is clearly communicated.

The next step is to get creative and make a new starter’s desk look and feel welcoming! You could pin up a welcome sign, or leave them a gift basket filled with snacks and company merch.

If you’ve hired someone remotely, make sure that their equipment is delivered a few days prior to their start date. Giving them their working tools in advance will help team members feel prepared for their first day, instead of having them anxiously waiting for the postman.

Photo of a new employees desk at Employment Hero

Tip #5. Assign them a mentor to help them out on their first day

Here’s something that the better HR departments have been doing for a while – assigning mentors to new team members, and creating HR ‘mentoring’ packs full of essential advice.

A good mentor will be someone the new hire can trust to show them the ropes and answer their questions. It could be someone doing a similar job in the same team, but it doesn’t have to be. There are lots of advantages in having a mentor from another part of the business that can offer your new employee a different perspective.

The opportunity of becoming a mentor could also be seen as a mutually beneficial relationship for employees interested in management.

Tip #6. Prepare an induction checklist

Effective inductions give an overview of the company culture and values, the different teams and how they work plus information about goals and responsibilities. It’s an essential part of employee onboarding.

An induction helps a new starter feel more involved with a company and quickly gets them on board with your mission and the big goals you are trying to achieve. This knowledge keeps the whole company, including new talent, aligned.

An induction should contain all the information the new person needs to be aware of, and the people they need to be introduced to in order to do their job effectively. An example of this checklist can be found in our employee onboarding template .

Go through this onboarding checklist with your new starter on their first day, so that they understand their induction plan and why it’s needed.

Tip #7. Don’t let a new employee eat lunch alone

Organise a team lunch on a new employee’s first day! This seems like a no-brainer but you’d be surprised by how many companies do not do this. If a group lunch isn’t possible try to make sure at least one other team member can dine with the new employee.

If you’re working remotely, a lunch meeting with the person’s entire department is a great alternative. Don’t forget to make sure lunch is provided with something like a meal delivery voucher.

How to write a welcome message for new team members

Whether you’re working remotely or in the office, delivering a welcome message to your new team member on or before their first day is a great way to set the tone.

You may choose to send this message as a hand-written note, but a welcome email is probably a little easier to pull off! Customise your welcome messages for new employees to reflect their new role and your company’s values.

16 welcome message examples

To make it easy for you, we’ve come up with a selection of examples.

General employee welcome messages

1. the warm welcome.

Hi [new team member name],

I’m thrilled to be welcoming you to [company name]. 

Our recruitment team were incredibly impressed with your application and the knowledge you shared during the interview process. We know that you are going to be an incredibly valuable asset to the business and we can’t wait to see what you achieve with us. 

I’ve attached your welcome pack which includes an employee handbook with all the information you need for a successful first day. I’d also like to introduce you to your buddy [name] who will be able to answer any questions.

Welcome aboard!

2. The inspirer

Hey there [new team member name],

Welcome to the team! We are delighted to have you and know that you will do amazing things here. 

We want our new team members to feel empowered from day one. With your exceptional skills and knowledge, we are excited to have your fresh perspective. So please, don’t feel shy – pass on any feedback or innovative ideas around our [product/service] or our induction process to me or [direct manager name] during your first week.

Our team is powered by our company values, and we’re always looking for ways to make life better for our [customers/clients]. We’re excited to have you join us on our mission. 

Best wishes,

An inspired team is a dynamic team. Learn more about how to create an inspired workforce .

3. The team-centric

Welcome aboard! On behalf of the entire company, we’re thrilled that you have decided to join our team. 

At [company name], we pride ourselves on our fantastic team culture. We believe that the best work is done collaboratively, and we can’t wait to add your fresh insights into the mix. 

While you’ll meet the entire team in time (we know it can be intimidating to memorise the names of all your new colleagues in one day), please know that the entire office welcomes you. For today, we invite you to have lunch with your immediate team at [time].

Wishing you a successful journey through onboarding and a great first week!

4. The short and sweet

Welcome to [company name], [new hire name]!

I hope your first day with us is an enjoyable one. I’ve attached all necessary information here but please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or if I can help make your first week easier in any way. 

Looking forward to working with you, welcome aboard!

Professional or formal employee welcome message examples

5. the polished approach.

Dear [name],

We would like to warmly welcome you to [company name]. Please find attached our employee welcome pack, which contains important information around your onboarding and induction process. 

After your initial induction session, please join us for morning tea in the [location] at [time]. This will give you an opportunity to meet your new colleagues and ask any questions you may have.

Passing on good wishes for an enjoyable first day.

6. The simple and sophisticated

Good morning [name],

On behalf of everyone at [company name], I’m extremely pleased to welcome you. 

Please see attached our employee handbook, where you will find the information required for your first week; including details around dress code, working hours and company policies. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the human resources team at [email address].

Kind regards,

Casual or informal employee welcome message examples

7. the friendly face.

Hey there [name],

Welcome aboard! Everyone in the [department name] is incredibly excited to have you join our team, and we can’t wait to collaborate with you. 

I’d love to check in with you after your first induction meeting to answer any questions you might have about the role, company or anything else. You can get in touch with me at [contact details].

Whenever a new employee begins their first week we also love to catch up as a team, so you can expect an invitation for a get-together shortly.

See you soon,

8. The emoji fan

Hey there [name]! 👋

Just dropping you a quick welcome email to celebrate your first day with us!🎉

I know you’ll be super busy (I can see you have lots of induction meetings in your calendar 📅), but I wanted to quickly wish you a happy first day! I hope you’re having fun learning all about the business and our plans for growth 🚀

Let’s catch up for some ☕ this morning? We love to welcome a new team member with lattes (and croissants). 

See you soon! 🙌

Welcome message examples based on team type

9. the remote-first.

Welcome to the team! I hope that you received all of your equipment and are feeling ready for your first day!

I know it can be a little tricky to get started remotely, but we have all the information you need to make it a smooth process! Please see attached all the details about your equipment, our company meeting schedule and some other helpful info for your first week!

I’m only ever a phone call away, so please feel free to get in touch at [contact details]. We’ve also organised a virtual lunch for you at [time], and I’ve attached a food delivery voucher for you.

See you on Slack!

10. The office-first

I’ll pop by your desk in a minute to say hello, but I thought I’d send you a quick welcome email while you’re getting set up! 

At [time] I’ll give you a little tour of the office and show you how to use our printers, meeting rooms and coffee machine! All other relevant information should be in your welcome pack on your desk.

We generally all have lunch at [location] at [time] so please join us!

Welcome message examples based on team member type

11. the new junior.

Hey [name], 

Welcome to the team! I hope you’re having a wonderful day so far. 

We pride ourselves on being the best team mates to each other, and we’re here to support you as you get started! You’ll get a chance to meet everyone this afternoon after your induction session. 

We hope that all of our new team members feel confident in speaking up, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you’re unsure about anything! 

12. The new manager

So great to have you onboard! Just checking in here to make sure you have everything you need for your induction session this morning?

This afternoon I’ve scheduled meetings with your direct reports, their names and contact details are… 

Your team is really looking forward to meeting you, we can’t wait to see the strategic direction you’re going to take them in and we know you’ll be a great asset to the business. 

13. The new leader

Welcome to the [company name] team! 

We’re incredibly excited to have you start with us, and we know you’ll be a tremendous asset to the business. We can’t wait to see your leadership in action. 

Please see all the relevant company information attached, and please let me know if you have any questions or require anything further. I’m more than happy to assist. 

Welcome message examples based on office location

14. the city office.

Welcome aboard! We’re incredibly excited to have you join the team. 

To make your first day easier, I’m sending over some details about getting to our office at [office address]. 

The closest [train station / bus stop] is… and the following services are the best way to get here… 

To access the office building… 

While we have an office kitchen and break room, if you’re looking for coffee or lunch we recommend checking out…[cafe names]. 

Have a great first day!

15. The suburban office

Welcome to the team! 

To make your first day easier, I thought I’d send over some details about getting to our office at [office address]. 

If you’re planning on driving to the office, parking is available at [parking location].

While we have an office kitchen and break room, if you’re looking for coffee, lunch or snacks nearby there are a few cafes in the local area… [list].

Looking forward to welcoming you!

16. The country office

Welcome to [company name].

To make your first day easier, I thought I’d send over some details about getting to our office at [office address].

As there are limited public transport options nearby, we strongly recommend driving to the office. Parking is available at [parking location].

The closest place to purchase food and coffee is [cafe location]. We also have an on-site kitchen and coffee machine for your convenience.

Make every new team member’s onboarding process a breeze

If you need some assistance in getting your new starter settled in, Employment Hero can help. We’ve got a slick online onboarding process that will speed things up and make life easier, for your HR department AND your new employees.

To see how you can become a master of onboarding with Employment Hero, and give your new hires their best onboarding experience ever, learn more about our onboarding features here or book a demo with one of our business specialists to see them in action.

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Welcome Speech for New Employee – 4 Sample Formats

There is no hard and fast rule for when and how many employees to hire. So it is a basic format that while you get any new employee onboard, you give them a formal welcome, and that can in face to face, in the form of an email to the whole team, or some new and unconventional ways like teleconferencing, etc.

This welcome message should be a very positive start for the person who has joined the team, as it is rightly said the first impression is the last impression. Try to make it concise with a brief introduction of the person and the company. 

Table of Contents

Welcome Speech for New Employee Samples

Welcome speech for new employee sample 1.

Hello everyone, and Welcome Mr. XYZ,

It is a matter of joy for us as Mr. XYZ has joined the company and the operations team as the head of operations. He is someone who has a collective experience of almost 13 years and worked across domains but is specialled in IT operations.

We are very happy that he accepted the offer and decided to join us. We believe that his presence will guide us in the direction of progress and there is more and more success waiting for us in the next year and a new decade. We are going to use his experience and build a team of employees who will then work under him and add to the feather of the company. He basically hails from Atlanta but now, with his wife and kids has settled here in Florida.

His interests are traveling and cooking, and hence we feel that on our next company outing, we are going to have the opportunity to taste food made by him.

With this, I would like the whole team to welcome him wholeheartedly and help him settle into the organization as soon as possible.

Human Resources


Welcome Speech for New Employee Sample 2

Hello team,

I know the Monday blues are yet to hit, but before that, I want to announce the entry of one more teammate into our organization. Please welcome Miss Betty Johnson, who is joining us from today as a Human resource executive.

She has finished her Masters’s in Human resources from a very reputed college and has experience of over three years. She is specialized in mass recruitment, but here, she will be taking care of the onboarding of new employees to the team. We welcome you, Betty; you see us growing. We want to make sure that you are totally comfortable in the team and hence have arranged a small high tea in the evening. The organization is pleased to offer you the role and would want to help you in every possible way.

She has been a state-level performer in Salsa and is an extrovert, so we know that the new employees are going to love her, and she is going to love her team and the organization as well. Please, Betty, make yourself comfortable in the new company. We welcome you again, have a nice day!


Welcome Speech for New Employee Sample 3

Hello teammates,

I hope that everyone is enjoying their Friday evenings in preparation for a very happening weekend ahead. But guys, before you proceed with your weekend, please take a moment to read the mail.

We are very happy to share the news with you all that after months of discussions, interviews, and meeting different people, we have found the right man for the role of Vice president.

He is a person with extensive experience in the banking field and has been a consultant to various startups in the domain.

It is an honor for us to have Mr. Ryan onboard. He is a very dear friend and colleague of our Chief operating officer. Mr. Ryan is an angel investor and has been there in the industry for the last 20 years.

He has been awarded various awards for his contributions to the banking domain. Many national and international news channels have interviewed him.

He is going to join us from today onwards and will be meeting all of you in the next week, where we will have a small get-together so that you all get to meet him personally and share perspectives. Till then, wave him a hi, if you see him passing in the lobby as he loves interacting with people. Welcome, Mr. Ryan. We are pleased to be having you in our family.

Welcome Speech for New Employee Sample 4

Hello My dear colleagues and friends, and a very warm welcome to Mrs. Rita

What better would we have shared with you all other than finding a new senior developer for our team? Mrs. Rita will be leading the product development team.

She is joining from today and we are glad to share with you all that she is an alumnus of Columbia state university and she currently is doing research on distributed databases.

She is very excellent and has an exceptional record in product development. She held multiple certifications in the field of informational technology and was previously working on Facebook. She is a native Indian but was born and brought to Seattle. Mrs. Rita is a proud mother of two beautiful girls and has been married for the last 15 years. We got to know that she has traveled to almost 21 countries in the world, and that’s her passion.

She wants to gather experiences from traveling and one day writes a book about all of them. She is going to collaborate with you ll to deliver good projects at a time that she thinks is no big deal. She will now be solely managing the product development department, including the in-house projects as well.

We are glad that a senior experienced person like her chose us, and we will make sure that her journey with us lasts forever and she gets stories from here as well to write in her book. Welcome, Mrs. Rita. Welcome, Onboard. An adventurous journey awaits you on the other side.

Regards Managing Director

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Rahul Panchal

“Business, marketing, and blogging – these three words describe me the best. I am the founder of Burban Branding and Media, and a self-taught marketer with 10 years of experience. My passion lies in helping startups enhance their business through marketing, HR, leadership, and finance. I am on a mission to assist businesses in achieving their goals.”

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Search the United Nations

New york city, 05 june 2024, secretary-general's special address on climate action "a moment of truth" , antónio guterres.

Secretary-General António Guterres delivers his special address on climate action from the American Museum of Natural History in New York.

We do have a choice: Creating tipping points for climate progress – or careening to tipping points for climate disaster. This is an all-in moment. The United Nations is all-in – working to build trust, find solutions, and inspire the cooperation our world so desperately needs. It’s We the Peoples versus the polluters and the profiteers. Together, we can win.  But it’s time for leaders to decide whose side they’re on. Tomorrow is too late. Now is the time to mobilise, now is the time to act, now is the time to deliver. 

Dear friends of the planet,

Today is World Environment Day.

It is also the day that the European Commission’s Copernicus Climate Change Service officially reports May 2024 as the hottest May in recorded history.   

This marks twelve straight months of the hottest months ever. 

For the past year, every turn of the calendar has turned up the heat.

Our planet is trying to tell us something.  But we don't seem to be listening.

Dear Friends,

The American Museum of Natural History is the ideal place to make the point.

This great Museum tells the amazing story of our natural world. Of the vast forces that have shaped life on earth over billions of years. 

Humanity is just one small blip on the radar.

But like the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs, we’re having an outsized impact.

In the case of climate, we are not the dinosaurs.

We are the meteor.

We are not only in danger.

We are the danger.

But we are also the solution.

So, dear friends,

We are at a moment of truth.

The truth is … almost ten years since the Paris Agreement was adopted, the target of limiting long-term global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius is hanging by a thread.

The truth is … the world is spewing emissions so fast that by 2030, a far higher temperature rise would be all but guaranteed.

Brand new data from leading climate scientists released today show the remaining carbon budget to limit long-term warming to 1.5 degrees is now around 200 billion tonnes.  

That is the maximum amount of carbon dioxide that the earth’s atmosphere can take if we are to have a fighting chance of staying within the limit.

The truth is… we are burning through the budget at reckless speed – spewing out around 40 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide a year.

We can all do the math.

At this rate, the entire carbon budget will be busted before 2030.

The truth is … global emissions need to fall nine per cent every year until 2030 to keep the 1.5 degree limit alive. 

But they are heading in the wrong direction. 

Last year they rose by one per cent.   The truth is… we already face incursions into 1.5-degree territory.

The World Meteorological Organisation reports today that there is an eighty per cent chance the global annual average temperature will exceed the 1.5 degree limit in at least one of the next five years.

In 2015, the chance of such a breach was near zero.

And there’s a fifty-fifty chance that the average temperature for the entire next five-year period will be 1.5 degrees higher than pre-industrial times.

We are playing Russian roulette with our planet.

We need an exit ramp off the highway to climate hell. 

And the truth is… we have control of the wheel.

The 1.5 degree limit is still just about possible.

Let’s remember – it’s a limit for the long-term – measured over decades, not months or years.

So, stepping over the threshold 1.5 for a short time does not mean the long-term goal is shot.

It means we need to fight harder.

The truth is… the battle for 1.5 degrees will be won or lost in the 2020s – under the watch of leaders today. 

All depends on the decisions those leaders take – or fail to take – especially in the next eighteen months.

It’s climate crunch time. 

The need for action is unprecedented but so is the opportunity – not just to deliver on climate, but on economic prosperity and sustainable development.

Climate action cannot be captive to geo-political divisions.

So, as the world meets in Bonn for climate talks, and gears up for the G7 and G20 Summits, the United Nations General Assembly, and COP29, we need maximum ambition, maximum acceleration, maximum cooperation - in a word maximum action.

So dear friends,

Why all this fuss about 1.5 degrees?

Because our planet is a mass of complex, connected systems.  And every fraction of a degree of global heating counts. 

The difference between 1.5 and two degrees could be the difference between extinction and survival for some small island states and coastal communities.

The difference between minimizing climate chaos or crossing dangerous tipping points.

1.5 degrees is not a target.  It is not a goal.  It is a physical limit.

Scientists have alerted us that temperatures rising higher would likely mean:

The collapse of the Greenland Ice Sheet and the West Antarctic Ice Sheet with catastrophic sea level rise;

The destruction of tropical coral reef systems and the livelihoods of 300 million people;

The collapse of the Labrador Sea Current that would further disrupt weather patterns in Europe;

And widespread permafrost melt that would release devastating levels of methane, one of the most potent heat-trapping gasses.

Even today, we’re pushing planetary boundaries to the brink – shattering global temperature records and reaping the whirlwind.    

And it is a travesty of climate justice that those least responsible for the crisis are hardest hit: the poorest people; the most vulnerable countries; Indigenous Peoples; women and girls.

The richest one per cent emit as much as two-thirds of humanity. 

And extreme events turbocharged by climate chaos are piling up:

Destroying lives, pummelling economies, and hammering health;

Wrecking sustainable development; forcing people from their homes; and rocking the foundations of peace and security – as people are displaced and vital resources depleted. 

Already this year, a brutal heatwave has baked Asia with record temperatures – shrivelling crops, closing schools, and killing people.   

Cities from New Delhi, to Bamako, to Mexico City are scorching.  

Here in the US, savage storms have destroyed communities and lives.

We’ve seen drought disasters declared across southern Africa;

Extreme rains flood the Arabian Peninsula, East Africa and Brazil;

And a mass global coral bleaching caused by unprecedented ocean temperatures, soaring past the worst predictions of scientists.

The cost of all this chaos is hitting people where it hurts:

From supply-chains severed, to rising prices, mounting food insecurity, and uninsurable homes and businesses. 

That bill will keep growing.  Even if emissions hit zero tomorrow, a recent study found that climate chaos will still cost at least $38 trillion a year by 2050.

Climate change is the mother of all stealth taxes paid by everyday people and vulnerable countries and communities. 

Meanwhile, the Godfathers of climate chaos – the fossil fuel industry – rake in record profits and feast off trillions in taxpayer-funded subsidies.

Dear friends,

We have what we need to save ourselves. 

Our forests, our wetlands, and our oceans absorb carbon from the atmosphere.  They are vital to keeping 1.5 alive, or pulling us back if we do overshoot that limit.  We must protect them. 

And we have the technologies we need to slash emissions. 

Renewables are booming as costs plummet and governments realise the benefits of cleaner air, good jobs, energy security, and increased access to power.

Onshore wind and solar are the cheapest source of new electricity in most of the world – and have been for years.

Renewables already make up thirty percent of the world’s electricity supply.

And clean energy investments reached a record high last year – almost doubling in the last ten [years].

Wind and solar are now growing faster than any electricity source in history.

Economic logic makes the end of the fossil fuel age inevitable.

The only questions are:  Will that end come in time?  And will the transition be just? 

We must ensure the answer to both questions is: yes.

And we must secure the safest possible future for people and planet.

That means taking urgent action, particularly over the next eighteen months:

To slash emissions;

To protect people and nature from climate extremes;

To boost climate finance;

And to clamp down on the fossil fuel industry.

Let me take each element in turn. 

First, huge cuts in emissions.  Led by the huge emitters.   The G20 countries produce eighty percent of global emissions – they have the responsibility, and the capacity, to be out in front.

Advanced G20 economies should go furthest, fastest;

And show climate solidarity by providing technological and financial support to emerging G20 economies and other developing countries. 

Next year, governments must submit so-called nationally determined contributions – in other words, national climate action plans.  And these will determine emissions for the coming years.

At COP28, countries agreed to align those plans with the 1.5 degree limit. 

These national plans must include absolute emission reduction targets for 2030 and 2035.

They must cover all sectors, all greenhouse gases, and the whole economy.

And they must show how countries will contribute to the global transitions essential to 1.5 degrees – putting us on a path to global net zero by 2050; to phase out fossil fuels; and to hit global milestones along the way, year after year, and decade after decade.   That includes, by 2030, contributing to cutting global production and consumption of all fossil fuels by at least thirty percent; and making good on commitments made at COP28 – on ending deforestation, doubling energy efficiency and tripling renewables.

Every country must deliver and play their rightful part.

That means that G20 leaders working in solidarity to accelerate a just global energy transition aligned with the 1.5 degree limit.  They must assume their responsibilities.

We need cooperation, not finger-pointing.

It means the G20 aligning their national climate action plans, their energy strategies, and their plans for fossil fuel production and consumption, within a 1.5 degree future.

It means the G20 pledging to reallocate subsidies from fossil fuels to renewables, storage, and grid modernisation, and support for vulnerable communities.

It means the G7 and other OECD countries committing: to end coal by 2030; and to create fossil-fuel free power systems, and reduce oil and gas supply and demand by sixty percent – by 2035.   It means all countries ending new coal projects – now.  Particularly in Asia, home to ninety-five percent of planned new coal power capacity.

It means non-OECD countries creating climate action plans to put them on a path to ending coal power by 2040. 

And it means developing countries creating national climate action plans that double as investment plans, spurring sustainable development, and meeting soaring energy demand with renewables.

The United Nations is mobilizing our entire system to help developing countries to achieve this through our Climate Promise initiative.

Every city, region, industry, financial institution, and company must also be part of the solution.

They must present robust transition plans by COP30 next year in Brazil – at the latest:

Plans aligned with 1.5 degrees, and the recommendations of the UN High-Level Expert Group on Net Zero.

Plans that cover emissions across the entire value chain;

That include interim targets and transparent verification processes;

And that steer clear of the dubious carbon offsets that erode public trust while doing little or nothing to help the climate.

We can’t fool nature.  False solutions will backfire.  We need high integrity carbon markets that are credible and with rules consistent with limiting warming to 1.5 degrees.   

I also encourage scientists and engineers to focus urgently on carbon dioxide removal and storage – to deal safely and sustainably with final emissions from the heavy industries hardest to clean.  

And I urge governments to support them.

But let me be clear: These technologies are not a silver bullet; they cannot be a substitute for drastic emissions cuts or an excuse to delay fossil fuel phase-out.

But we need to act on every front.

The second area for action is ramping up protection from the climate chaos of today and tomorrow.

It is a disgrace that the most vulnerable are being left stranded, struggling desperately to deal with a climate crisis they did nothing to create.

We cannot accept a future where the rich are protected in air-conditioned bubbles, while the rest of humanity is lashed by lethal weather in unliveable lands.

We must safeguard people and economies. 

Every person on Earth must be protected by an early warning system by 2027. I urge all partners to boost support for the United Nations Early Warnings for All action plan.

In April, the G7 launched the Adaptation Accelerator Hub.

By COP29, this initiative must be translated into concrete action – to support developing countries in creating adaptation investment plans, and putting them into practice.

And I urge all countries to set out their adaptation and investment needs clearly in their new national climate plans.

But change on the ground depends on money on the table.

For every dollar needed to adapt to extreme weather, only about five cents is available.

As a first step, all developed countries must honour their commitment to double adaptation finance to at least $40 billion a year by 2025.

And they must set out a clear plan to close the adaptation finance gap by COP29 in November. 

But we also need more fundamental reform.

That leads me onto my third point: finance.

If money makes the world go round, today’s unequal financial flows are sending us spinning towards disaster.

The global financial system must be part of the climate solution.

Eye-watering debt repayments are drying up funds for climate action.

Extortion-level capital costs are putting renewables virtually out of reach for most developing and emerging economies.

Astoundingly – and despite the renewables boom of recent years – clean energy investments in developing and emerging economies outside of China have been stuck at the same levels since 2015.

Last year, just fifteen per cent of new clean energy investment went to emerging markets and developing economies outside China – countries representing nearly two-thirds of the world’s population.

And Africa was home to less than one percent of last year’s renewables installations, despite its wealth of natural resources and vast renewables potential. 

The International Energy Agency reports that clean energy investments in developing and emerging economies beyond China need to reach up to $1.7 trillion a year by the early 2030s.

In short, we need a massive expansion of affordable public and private finance to fuel ambitious new climate plans and deliver clean, affordable energy for all.

This September’s Summit of the Future is an opportunity to push reform of the international financial architecture and action on debt. I urge countries to take it.

And I urge the G7 and G20 Summits to commit to using their influence within Multilateral Development Banks to make them better, bigger, and bolder. And able to leverage far more private finance at reasonable cost.

Countries must make significant contributions to the new Loss and Damage Fund. And ensure that it is open for business by COP29.

And they must come together to secure a strong finance outcome from COP this year – one that builds trust and confidence, catalyses the trillions needed, and generates momentum for reform of the international financial architecture.

But none of this will be enough without new, innovative sources of funds.

It is [high] time to put an effective price on carbon and tax the windfall profits of fossil fuel companies.

By COP29, we need early movers to go from exploring to implementing solidarity levies on sectors such as shipping, aviation, and fossil fuel extraction – to help fund climate action.

These should be scalable, fair, and easy to collect and administer. 

None of this is charity.

It is enlightened self-interest.

Climate finance is not a favour. It is fundamental element to a liveable future for all.

Dear friends,   Fourth and finally, we must directly confront those in the fossil fuel industry who have shown relentless zeal for obstructing progress – over decades. 

Billions of dollars have been thrown at distorting the truth, deceiving the public, and sowing doubt.

I thank the academics and the activists, the journalists and the whistleblowers, who have exposed those tactics – often at great personal and professional risk.

I call on leaders in the fossil fuel industry to understand that if you are not in the fast lane to clean energy transformation, you are driving your business into a dead end – and taking us all with you.

Last year, the oil and gas industry invested a measly 2.5 percent of its total capital spending on clean energy.

Doubling down on fossil fuels in the twenty-first century, is like doubling down on horse-shoes and carriage-wheels in the nineteenth.

So, to fossil fuel executives, I say: your massive profits give you the chance to lead the energy transition. Don’t miss it.

Financial institutions are also critical because money talks.

It must be a voice for change.

I urge financial institutions to stop bankrolling fossil fuel destruction and start investing in a global renewables revolution;

To present public, credible and detailed plans to transition [funding] from fossil fuels to clean energy with clear targets for 2025 and 2030;

And to disclose your climate risks – both physical and transitional – to your shareholders and regulators. Ultimately such disclosure should be mandatory.

Many in the fossil fuel industry have shamelessly greenwashed, even as they have sought to delay climate action – with lobbying, legal threats, and massive ad campaigns. 

They have been aided and abetted by advertising and PR companies – Mad Men – remember the TV series - fuelling the madness.

I call on these companies to stop acting as enablers to planetary destruction. 

Stop taking on new fossil fuel clients, from today, and set out plans to drop your existing ones.

Fossil fuels are not only poisoning our planet – they’re toxic for your brand.

Your sector is full of creative minds who are already mobilising around this cause. 

They are gravitating towards companies that are fighting for our planet – not trashing it.

I also call on countries to act.

Many governments restrict or prohibit advertising for products that harm human health – like tobacco. 

Some are now doing the same with fossil fuels.

I urge every country to ban advertising from fossil fuel companies.  

And I urge news media and tech companies to stop taking fossil fuel advertising.

We must all deal aso with the demand side.  All of us can make a difference, by embracing clean technologies, phasing down fossil fuels in our own lives, and using our power as citizens to push for systemic change. 

In the fight for a liveable future, people everywhere are far ahead of politicians.

Make your voices heard and your choices count. 

We do have a choice. 

Creating tipping points for climate progress – or careening to tipping points for climate disaster. 

No country can solve the climate crisis in isolation.

This is an all-in moment.

The United Nations is all-in – working to build trust, find solutions, and inspire the cooperation our world so desperately needs.

And to young people, to civil society, to cities, regions, businesses and others who have been leading the charge towards a safer, cleaner world, I say: Thank you.

You are on the right side of history.

You speak for the majority.

Keep it up.  

Don’t lose courage. Don’t lose hope.

It is we the Peoples versus the polluters and the profiteers. Together, we can win.  

But it’s time for leaders to decide whose side they’re on.

Tomorrow it will be too late.

Now is the time to mobilise, now is the time to act, now is the time to deliver.

This is our moment of truth.

And I thank you.

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On The Red Carpet

Could 'genius: mlk/x' be the next season in 'genius' franchise to receive emmy nominations.

The Emmy Award-winning anthology franchise, "Genius," may have nominations in store for the latest season

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LOS ANGELES -- Two of the most impactful people in the civil rights movement are the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X.

In National Geographic's docu-series, "Genius: MLK/X," the show sheds a new light on their interwoven stories and the philosophies that fueled their campaigns, while humanizing the two titans.

Through this show, viewers are given new insights into the men's roles as husbands, fathers and sons.

Kelvin Harrison Jr., who plays Dr. King, couldn't help but express his fascination for the man. "We forget how young they were. He's just a baby, you know? And he has babies, and he has a wife, and he's in love! Also, these men were so alive! They loved to have a good time."

"Malcolm operated from a place of love, and he operated from a place of light. He was advocating for protecting his loved ones, protecting his community, protecting anyone who looked like him," explained Aaron Pierre, who plays Malcolm X.

"Genius: MLK/X" is part of the anthological series, "Genius," which chronicles the stories of some of the world's most impactful innovators. Previous seasons have explored the lives of Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso and Aretha Franklin.

Over the course of the "Genius" series, the show has picked up 18 Primetime Emmy nominations, winning Outstanding Cinematography for a Limited Series or Movie and Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Limited Series or Movie for "Genius: Picasso."

"Genius: MLK/X" is now streaming on Hulu and Disney+.

The Walt Disney Company is the parent company of Hulu, Disney+ and this ABC station.

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Resident Coordinator's speech: The SBTi and Climate Symposium - From Climate Pledges to Action

Connexion Conference & Event Centre, Bangsar South City, Kuala Lumpur

Yang Berhormat Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability

Ms. Julie Amoroso Grabin, Regional Lead, UNFCCC/ RCC Asia and the Pacific

Mr Faroze Nadar, Executive Director, UN Global Compact, Malaysia & Brunei Chapter

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is a genuine honour to speak at this event convened by the UN Global Compact Network for Malaysia and Brunei. 

Today we address what is perhaps the most pressing challenge of our times, that of halting accelerating climate change. This is an issue with global, regional and national impacts; and it is one that threatens our environments, our economies, our societies, and ultimately, our very existence. 

Climate change is a challenge which the world is currently failing to address effectively. Businesses, the world over, have both a direct stake and a significant role in delivering durable solutions.

I have three sets of messages to convey. I begin with a quick progress review of SDG 13, the climate change goal, and share some data which underline the severity of the situation.  Second, I set out key urgent actions that the UN is advocating for, to both halt climate change and mitigate its existing impacts. Third, I come to Malaysia, to set out key directions for businesses, and offer some policy steers for Government. 

At the global level, all the evidence and analysis point to the 1.5 degree increase in average temperatures enshrined in the Paris Agreement, as hanging by a thread. 

The data is unambiguous. Drawing on the UN’s SDG Progress Report for 2023, for the world as whole, none of targets within SDG 13 are on-track to be met by 2030; some 60 per cent are lagging; 20 per cent show regression on the 2015 starting point; and the final 20 per cent lack sufficient data to make a judgment either way. 

For Asia Pacific, newly published data for 2024 paints a bleak picture. Overall, progress on SDG 13 shows regression on 2015, and while there has been improvement over 2023, none of the targets are on track; some 20 per cent are assessed as lagging; 20 per cent have regressed; and a striking 60 per cent lack sufficient data. 

This is far from ideal for a region which has traditionally performed well developmentally.  Progress on de-carbonization is still very weak, and Asia-Pacific now accounts for 95 per cent of newly planned coalfired power production.  

For Malaysia, performance is better, but there are several major issues. Analysis undertaken by my office last year found that one third of SDG13 targets are on track, and two-thirds are unlikely to be met by 2030. While awareness and capacity are improving, and the policy response has begun to kick-in, several major metrics – carbon emissions and the impacts of climate related events - continue to worsen.

In sum, the salient facts are now clear. Climate change is real and accelerating, and it is driven by human activity. The impacts of unchecked global warming will be enormous and Malaysia will not be spared. 

To quote the UN General Secretary, unlike the last global extinction event, we are both the dinosaurs and the meteor , we are both the threatened and the threat. 

This brings me to my second set of messages – There are solutions to prevent such a cataclysm and today is an opportunity to call for urgent and collective actions.

Foremost, we need very deep cuts in emissions. 1.5 per cent is more a limit than a target; it is a tipping point that would likely result in the melting of the great ice sheets, catastrophic rises in sea levels, and the collapse of major climate regulating sea currents. The economic and social knock-on effects of these events are incalculable.

Avoiding this necessitates radical changes in the energy mix, the complete phase out of fossil fuels, alongside rapid growth in renewables, dramatic improvements in energy efficiency and changes in producer and consumer behaviours. While this will be disruptive for both business and consumers, there are also major opportunities to be realized, including commercial ones.  

The meta-level vehicle for delivering emissions reductions remains the system of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). These will be revisited next year following the Global Stocktake. While greater reductions should be borne by the World’s leading emitters, all countries and all sectors must now contribute, and reductions must include all greenhouse gases. Given where we are, this will require aggregate emissions reductions of 9 per cent every year until 2030. 

Second, we need to meet the costs, but also share the burdens. This requires increased public and private finance to enable investment and delivery of greater technological innovations.  

The likely costs of transition are sizeable, and financing must be centre-stage. Efforts to deliver higher levels of ODA for developing countries must be redoubled.  Equally, greater private sector flows and new financing instruments are essential. In turn, Governments must provide unambiguous policy signals to ensure the stability and security that investors require. 

Specific measures include the ending of fossil fuel subsidies, and the pricing of carbon, either via taxes or mandatory trading regimes. While not a silver bullet, technology can also make a major contribution. New thinking is needed on how we harness and share technologies and the know-how to transform production processes. This includes the enhancement of carbon capture and storage and making these techniques available to all countries. 

Third, natural ecosystems - oceans, wetlands, and forests - absorb vast quantities of carbon, and through optimization, have the potential to absorb still more. Urgent efforts are needed to preserve and expand these carbon sinks, and in turn to protect them from biodiversity loss and pollution. 

Fourth, I underline the importance of equity within countries - between groups and areas, and crucially for this audience, between economic sectors, and large versus small enterprises. This applies to all the dimensions that I have listed: ensuring fairness in the allocation of emissions reductions targets; expanding the availability of financing; making available proprietary and other technologies; and recognizing the contribution of remote, often indigenous communities by way of their stewardship of natural ecosystems. 

Finally, I come to Malaysia. I have four key messages, two for the business community here today, and recognizing the presence and leadership of the honourable minister, two further messages for Government.

Echoing the absolute need for rapid reductions in emissions, we need to see a step change away from fossil fuels, including the complete phase out of coal, and further growth in renewables. While recognizing the challenges for certain sectors, the trajectory is clear; renewables, especially on- and off-shore wind, and solar generation, already produce far cheaper energy; and with the pricing of carbon, fossil fuel investments will become stranded assets. Diversification, renewal, and progressive disinvestment are vital. Encouragingly this is already underway in Malaysia. We are seeing the rapid growth of greener forms of power production.     

Emissions reductions must apply to all enterprises. As noted, this is not merely good for climate change but also positive for businesses’ bottom lines. And here I recognize the tangible contribution of the Global Compact. Enabling company-level transitions, via initiatives like the SBTi, and Faster Forward, can deliver substantial value-added.

My second message to business concerns the pivotal issue of financing. I refer here both to the quantum of funds available for businesses, and the types of financing instruments. Malaysia has successfully developed deep and liquid capital markets, and in recent years, Bank Negara, the Government, and the Securities Commission have facilitated new green investment channels. It is imperative that the finance sector builds upon and leverages these comparative advantage and initiatives, and that businesses take up financing opportunities. 

Yet again, I underline that this makes both climate sense and business sense - delivering enhanced returns to the providers of capital, while also ensuring more secure finance at lower cost, to the users of capital.

I come now to the Government, and first, its leadership role. I commend several major positive steps, not least the adoption of the National Energy Transition Roadmap and other frameworks, and the firm commitments to reduce carbon emissions by 45% by 2030, and to achieve net zero by 2050. 

It is vital that these plans and commitments are now consolidated. This could begin with an enhanced NDC offer ahead of COP30 in 2030, followed by a package of supporting incentives and initiatives. In the language of economics, it is important to “ get the key prices right” , specifically by progressively ending fossil fuel subsidies and placing a price on carbon. 

Importantly, Government also needs to actively manage and smooth the transition, by compensating those most affected but least able to bear the burden of fiscal changes, and by facilitating greener forms of production and consumption.  

My second message to Government is the absolute centrality of building a partnership between all stakeholders - government, civil society, business, and citizens. Indeed, the scale of the transition implies the need for a new climate-based social contract .  

In the Malaysian context the forthcoming Climate Change Bill provides an opportunity for achieving this - by allowing for the institutionalization of targets and delivery mechanisms, and the gaining of popular consent. 

Very finally, these efforts can also have impacts beyond Malaysia’s shores - providing an exemplar governance model for enabling pathbreaking climate action at national level. Malaysia’s forthcoming chairmanship of ASEAN in 2025 provides an ideal vehicle for showcasing this experience, and initially delivering regional, and later via participation in UN-events, global reach. 

I am encouraged by the level of participation shown by the business community today. I thank you for your attention and renew my appreciation to UNGCMY for the opportunity to speak at this very timely event.

Thank you. 


Karima El Korri

Goals we are supporting through this initiative, un entities involved in this initiative.


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  11. How to Welcome a New Employee to The Team (The Awesome Way)

    Welcome to the team, [employee name]. We're so excited to have you here and look forward to the work we're going to accomplish together. [Company name] is so lucky to have a hard-working employee like you join our team! I can't wait to see what we accomplish together over the coming months and years.

  12. 40 Short Yet Awesome Welcome Messages for New Employees

    Persist in your work, learn from your mistakes, cultivate positive relationships, and always give your all. That is all we ask from you. Congratulations and welcome to the team! Never be afraid to try new things because that is exactly what we encourage our employees to do. You experiment, and you learn.

  13. 50 Welcome Message to New Employees Templates (+ Extra Tips)

    Personal welcome emails. 10. Congratulations on your new role, [name]! We know you're going to be a wonderful addition to our dynamic and passionate team. We can't wait to work with you. 11. Hello, [name]! You've been highly recommended, and we're delighted that you've chosen us. Welcome to the team.

  14. The Best Welcome Messages for New Hires + Examples

    14. You're joining an amazing team of creative, kind, and highly-skilled individuals. We hope your time here is filled with inspiration, fun, and innovation. 15. Warmest welcome from the management team here at [company name]. You're a great addition to this team and we can't wait to reach new heights together. 16.

  15. The 101 Best Welcome Messages for New Employees

    Welcome to the team.". "We're sure you'll be an asset for the team, please make yourself feel at home!". "I heard someone dynamic was joining us, and that's you. We're delighted!". "Hearty Congratulations, can't wait to use all the expertise you have to grow out of bounds.". "Congratulations, you are one of us now.

  16. 25 Best Welcome to the Team Messages for New Employees

    Welcoming a new member to your team is an exciting time for all. It allows for a fresh approach to the working environment by onboarding a new key player to your team. Sending a quick email or message to the new hire gives you a chance to introduce yourself, connect with them and send encouragement as they begin their new role.

  17. 50 Examples for Welcome Emails and Messages to New Employees

    New employee speech. Welcome speeches are a traditional and formal way to announce and welcome hires to a business. Most often given by the CEO, member of the leadership team, or the person's manager, a welcome speech can be a powerful way to motivate the worker and the whole team and organization.

  18. Top 15 Inspiring Welcome Messages for New Employees!

    15 Inspirational Welcome Messages for Your New Employees. We have gathered 15 inspirational welcome-to-the-team messages that will impress your new hires and make them feel like a part of the team from day one. New employees are often apprehensive about stepping into a new role in an unfamiliar environment where they probably don't know ...

  19. 21 Short Welcome Messages For New Employees

    Here's the link: (add a link to the virtual meeting space) Chat soon! Welcome to the team, (new employee name)! New city, new office, new beginnings! From everyone here at (company name) we wish you success on your journey! It's great to have you with us. See you on (new employee starting date) at (starting time).

  20. 7 Ways to Welcome a New Employee (With Message Examples)

    Tip #7. Don't let a new employee eat lunch alone. Organise a team lunch on a new employee's first day! This seems like a no-brainer but you'd be surprised by how many companies do not do this. If a group lunch isn't possible try to make sure at least one other team member can dine with the new employee.

  21. How to welcome new employees (With steps and examples)

    How to write a welcome message for new employees. Here are some steps to help you create a great message to welcome new employees to your company: 1. Express the message's purpose clearly. Start your message by establishing its purpose. Using a descriptive phrase such as 'Welcome to the team' informs the reader that the purpose of the message ...

  22. Welcome Speech for New Employee

    Welcome Speech for New Employee Sample 1. Hello everyone, and Welcome Mr. XYZ, It is a matter of joy for us as Mr. XYZ has joined the company and the operations team as the head of operations. He is someone who has a collective experience of almost 13 years and worked across domains but is specialled in IT operations.

  23. 21 Ways to Say "Thank You for Welcoming Me to the Team" for New

    21 Ways to Say "Thank You for Welcoming Me to the Team" for New Employees - Kudoboard. When you join a new company, first impressions are huge. On your first day, say "thank you for welcoming me to the team" with these messages.

  24. Secretary-General's special address on climate action "A Moment of

    Brand new data from leading climate scientists released today show the remaining carbon budget to limit long-term warming to 1.5 degrees is now around 200 billion tonnes.

  25. Could 'Genius: MLK/X' be the next season in 'Genius' franchise to

    National Geographic's "Genius: MLK/X," the new season of Emmy Award-winning anthology franchise, "Genius," may have Emmy nominations in store.

  26. Resident Coordinator's speech: The SBTi and Climate Symposium

    Yang Berhormat Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability Ms. Julie Amoroso Grabin, Regional Lead, UNFCCC/ RCC Asia and the Pacific Mr Faroze Nadar, Executive Director, UN Global Compact, Malaysia & Brunei Chapter Ladies and gentlemen, It is a genuine honour to speak at this event convened by the UN Global Compact Network for Malaysia and Brunei.