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[SOLVED]   quartus pin assignments problem

  • Thread starter dipin
  • Start date Nov 10, 2016
  • Nov 10, 2016

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editing location assignment is not successful. not assignable

Super Moderator

Are you sure the pins are named PIN_ A21 and not just A21? I don't have Quartus installed anywhere so I can't check.  


Full member level 2.

are you sure that you select the device correctly ? "assignment > device " if you've done anything correct in pin planner list of your inputs and outputs will be displayed and you can assign a pin for each from combo box  

ads-ee said: Are you sure the pins are named PIN_ A21 and not just A21? I don't have Quartus installed anywhere so I can't check. Click to expand...

editing location assignment is not successful. not assignable

hamidmoallemi said: are you sure that you select the device correctly ? "assignment > device " if you've done anything correct in pin planner list of your inputs and outputs will be displayed and you can assign a pin for each from combo box Click to expand...


Reviewing Cyclone V manuals might help. A21 is a dedicated SoC resource, it can't be used as FPGA fabric I/O. For the same reason, the pin isn't offered in the Pin Planner selection when assigning I/O signals.  

FvM said: Reviewing Cyclone V manuals might help. A21 is a dedicated SoC resource, it can't be used as FPGA fabric I/O. For the same reason, the pin isn't offered in the Pin Planner selection when assigning I/O signals. Click to expand...

You didn't tell what you want to achieve, but apparently the development board design expects that the I2C is controlled by ARM processor.  


Use assignment editor rather than pin planner, or check the .qsf file to see if there is another variable handling these pins. You are perhaps using as template a design not 'empty', so something is likely already assigned to those pins as they said above.  

FvM said: You didn't tell what you want to achieve, but apparently the development board design expects that the I2C is controlled by ARM processor. Click to expand...
Hi, i wanted to connect a dac daughter board to de0 nano soc through LTC connector using i2c interface. after that need to send a 32 bit data(as specified in 2607 manual) to dac and read the voltage on output.i am using LTC 2607 as daughter board. thanks and regards Click to expand...
  • Nov 11, 2016
FvM said: I'm not sure if you understand the SoC FPGA concept. The Hard Processor System (HPS) has a number of dedicated I/O pins that can't be directly accessed by the programmable FPGA logic. A21 is one of it. It can be only used as I2C pin by the hardware I2C controller in the ARM processor and respective C code. The pin could be also configure as ARM GPIO, but that doesn't help for your intention to address the pin from FPGA logic. Click to expand...
if it not possible to access the pins, then how can i do it. Click to expand...

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PIN placement errors in Quartus

I am writing simple "blinking LED" Verilog code that will be run on a Cyclone10 LP (the device is called 10CL025YU256I7G) and will be tested on a Cyclone 10 Evaluation Kit (6XX-44504R-0D)

All code is written in Quartus Prime Lite 17.1

The link to the Cyclone EK User Guide:

The link to Cyclone EK Schematics:


The design module is:

The testbench module is here:

My sdc file is here:

My qsf file is:

When I compile the code, I get the following error:

ocrdu's user avatar

  • 1 \$\begingroup\$ Isn't the error obvious ? your pin assignments are wrong. Study the manual and assign pins correctly in sdc with proper names. \$\endgroup\$ –  Mitu Raj Commented Nov 27, 2019 at 18:35
  • 1 \$\begingroup\$ What do you see if you open the Quartus GUI and look at the assignment editor? It may be easier to debug if you set the pins through the GUI. \$\endgroup\$ –  Charles Clayton Commented Nov 28, 2019 at 5:56

If your board is in the database, Quartus should be able to populate the QSF file automatically. When configuring the project, were you able to pick your board from the list?

Presuming that didn't work for some reason, as suggested on your another question, take a look at the doc for your board.

Look for USER_LED0, for example (Ctrl-F works on this doc). It seems connected to pin L14 of the FPGA (and also indirectly to the R138 resistor, which likely threw you off).

Repeat the same for the other pins (the reset looks to be J15 and the clock E1, but please validate), and you should be good to go! Good luck!

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editing location assignment is not successful. not assignable

Arria 10 SoC Dev Kit, Usb Uart - FPGA

Hi, I need to use the usb-uart port of the development kit on the FPGA side of arria 10. When I traced the signals on schematic, I found that J18 and J19 pins are for tx and rx relatively. However, these pins are shared io pins (there is no HPS in my project) and when I tried to loopback from the fpga(I wrote a VHDL code that connects rx to tx directly and made necessary assignments on the pin planner.), I saw that rx pin picks up the coming signals ( I saw it on the signalTap) but there is no return(cant recive the data back ). I searched the user guide and the web and coulndt find anything usefull.

Please help

Related VHDL code is basically this: uart_tx <= uart_rx;

uart_rx is assigned to PIN_J19 uart_tx is assigned to PIN_J18

Hi , I’m working on Arria 10 SoC dev kit too, i’m sorry to ask you here but could please provide me with tutorial that help me manipulate the FPGA side of the board only (no HPS), i want to load a simple Quartus project into the FPGA. Again i’m sorry for not providing any help for your problem.

I only created a project and used quartus to compile and program the device . Are you new with FPGA’s ?

yes i’m new , i learned how to run linux on the arm side of the board , and what i want to do is to configure (program) the FPGA side with a simple blinking LED project . I’m not sure on how to do it when using SoCs , is there any initialization the HPS part before configuring the FPGA ?

I had same problem, too. Then ı realized that in the refence design they used K17 and M17 as usb uart pins. And used them instead. İt worked

When I try to connect k17 and m17 pin planner said “Editing location assignment is not successful. Not assignable.” I think it is because k17 and m17 are HPS dedicated I/Os. So how can you connect UART to FPGA side? Can you explain? I want to use UART on the FPGA side only but all UART pins connected to HPS side. (my device: Arria10 SoC Dev Kit)

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C error saying expression is not assignable?

So I'm writing a program that takes a string input of three colors of a resistor band and calculates it's resistance.

I've taken the input, and this function uses strcmp (or strcasecmp) to compare the string with a list of colors. However, I am getting a compiler error saying "statement is not assignable", directly referring to the if/elseif statements.

I have the list in an array, but for the purpose of this I just used a string. Here is the function I am getting errors from. Do I maybe have to add a for or while loop?

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mch's user avatar

  • 3 Why did you tag as Java and C? –  Arc676 Commented Oct 29, 2015 at 13:56
  • 1 @Arc676 less wondering, more editing.... this is definitely not java, and not relevant to GNU or OSX people –  Vogel612 Commented Oct 29, 2015 at 13:57
  • Oh dear... the = sign is assignment; and == is comparisson. Now you figure out why the compiler issues "expression is not assignable". –  Paul Ogilvie Commented Oct 29, 2015 at 14:03

3 Answers 3

Edit: Compare to 0 not Null. See post of Arc676

JNK's user avatar

  • Use == if you want to compare two values like you did in if( color1[ g ] == '\n') Use = if you want to assign a value to a variable like you did in color1[g] = '\0'; –  JNK Commented Oct 29, 2015 at 13:59

You put an assignment instead of a comparison in your if conditions:

Use == to compare

Use 0 because that's what strcmp returns if the strings are equal (see this link )

Arc676's user avatar

Other users already noted that you error was to assign instead of compare in your if.

In these case, you got lucky that the compiler gave you error, but there are cases where the compiler might not warn you.

For example, if you write

if ( band1 = 0)

you would be assigning the value 0 to the variable band1, instead of comparing them.

That why many people prefer to write like this:

if ( 0 == band1 )

In this, case, if you forget the second =, it will give you an error, because the statement

if ( 0 = band1 ) is invalid

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editing location assignment is not successful. not assignable

editing location assignment is not successful. not assignable

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出现editing location assignment is not successful the pin is already assigned,但实际上名没有用到改引脚该怎么办


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editing location assignment is not successful. not assignable


editing location assignment is not successful. not assignable


editing location assignment is not successful. not assignable


editing location assignment is not successful. not assignable


editing location assignment is not successful. not assignable

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editing location assignment is not successful. not assignable

editing location assignment is not successful. not assignable

HPS 端外设的引脚 要不要分配? DE1-SOC

关于 HPS IO 复用 细节请参考我之前的博客:

HPS端普通外设引脚分配(uart、spi、I2C、USB、GPIO、ethernet、SD card等)

Hps 的 sdram 外设的引脚分配.

当我直接在DE1-SOC 的 GHRD 工程里面为HPS端的串口分配管脚的时候,它提示:Editing location assignment is not successful. Not assignable.

editing location assignment is not successful. not assignable

 在HPS IP 里面,你想要你的 uart 外设 用HPS 的哪些引脚资源,就可以在HPS IP 里面对应的设置 HPS I/O Set0 还是 HPS I/O Set1 还是  HPS I/O Set2,这里的 HPS I/O Set0、 HPS I/O Set1、 HPS I/O Set2对应到电路里面其选择的引脚是:

editing location assignment is not successful. not assignable

 DE1-SOC 对应的 SOC FPGA 芯片 引脚信息还可以参考intel的这个文档(for 5CSEMA5 device)( [](如下:

editing location assignment is not successful. not assignable

 DE1-SOC的 uart外设在板子硬件上固定到 C25引脚和B25引脚了,所以直接在HPS IP里面选择  HPS I/O Set0即 完成了 引脚分配(pin assignment)。

 HPS 的 SDRAM 外设 则需要run Qsys自动生成的hps_sdram_p0_pin_assignments.tcl 文件:

editing location assignment is not successful. not assignable

editing location assignment is not successful the pin is already assigned,

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    ACTION: To avoid receiving this message in the future, Intel recommends using the Assignment Editor to create and change assignments, rather than editing the Quartus Prime Settings File manually. Moreover, back-annotation of location assignments may not work if you change Quartus Prime software versions, since synthesis changes may alter the ...

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  8. [SOLVED]

    1,731. hi, i am using quartus to connect a DAC daughter board to de0 nano soc through LTC connector. i am using i2c protocol.but when i do the pin assignments , its saying that ""value entered is not a valid location" . i am trying to connect i2c_sda to PIN_A21 & i2c_scl to PIN_B21 in pin planner. my module initiation is. Code: module fpga_i2c(.

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  10. Arria 10 SoC Dev Kit, Usb Uart

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  16. C error saying expression is not assignable?

    Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. ... more editing.... this is definitely not java, and not relevant to GNU or OSX people - Vogel612. ... Now you figure out why the compiler issues "expression is not assignable". - Paul Ogilvie. Commented Oct 29, 2015 at 14:03. Add a comment | 3 Answers

  17. editing location assignment is not successful the pin is already

    有人在吗,出现editing location assignment is not successful the pin is already assigned,但实际上名没有用到改引脚该怎么办好像是之前分配引脚时弄错了,后来重新 ... editing location assignment is not successful the pin is already assigned, ,EETOP 创芯网论坛 (原名:电子顶级开发网) ...

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  21. HPS 端外设的引脚 要不要分配? DE1-SOC

    当我直接在DE1-SOC 的 GHRD 工程里面为HPS端的串口分配管脚的时候,它提示:Editing location assignment is not successful. Not assignable. 原因是:HPS 端的UART 不能手动在pin planner里面分配, 因为硬件已经分配好了。 那它是在哪里分配的呢?

  22. editing location assignment is not successful the pin is already

    出现editing location assignment is not successful the pin is already assigned,但实际上名没有用到改引脚该怎么办. 好像是之前分配引脚时弄错了,后来重新分配就不行了. 先把佔用的空出來才能再assign. 上一篇: 有做过usb host controller或2.0hub的高人吗?. 求助请进!. 下一篇 ...

  23. 22.1 pro: set_instance_assignment not accepting wildcard?

    But as mentioned, when you edit the .qsf manually and the design has not been compiled yet, when you use the wildcard, Quartus does not know about that object yet. If you were to use the GUI instead, you always have to perform at least Analysis & Elaboration first so signals and objects appear in the Pin Planner or the Assignment Editor.

  24. PDF Dairy Business Innovation Initiatives

    costs incurred for a common or joint purpose benefitting more than one cost objective, and not readily assignable to the cost objectives specifically benefitted, without effort disproportionate to the results achieved. In accordance with . 2 CFR § 200.414 (f), any non‐Federal entity that does not have a current, negotiated