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12 Top Techniques for Customer Service Problem Solving

Giva Authorship Team

In the dynamic landscape of customer interactions, effective customer service problem solving is more than beneficial — it's a necessity. It's about recognizing that every conversation is an opportunity to transform a challenge into a solution. This approach leads to an enhanced customer experience, where every interaction is valued.

Customer Service Problem Solving

Along with the do's, we'll highlight some critical don'ts to avoid. Whether you're new to the industry or a seasoned professional, this blog post is dedicated to uncovering effective strategies and techniques that will elevate your customer service problem solving skills to the next level.

Understanding Customer Service Problem Solving: The Essentials

The essence of problem solving in customer service lies in effectively identifying, understanding, and addressing the challenges faced by the customer. This skill set goes beyond issue resolution; it encompasses empathy and practical knowledge to develop solutions that elevate the experience with your brand. On a general level, this can be achieved through active listening and ensuring that service representatives grasp each customer's unique situation. Most customers do not want robotic replies, especially when they are being told "no." They want tailored replies and solutions to their issues.

Why is problem solving in customer service so important? It stands as the cornerstone of building customer retention and trust. When issues are resolved with care and efficiency, it reinforces confidence in your brand. It also solidifies a strong, positive brand reputation. This proactive approach in addressing customer needs helps foster long-term relationships. Further, it ensures a lasting impact on your business's image and customer loyalty.

12 Key Customer Service Problem Solving Do's and Don'ts

Do regularly train and update your team's skills.

Why It's Important: Customer service training plays a vital role in keeping your team equipped to handle a wide array of customer issues effectively.

Example: Implement regular training sessions that cover new customer service tools, communication techniques, and updates about products or services. This could involve workshops on handling difficult conversations or training on new software features.

Best Practice: Schedule ongoing training and development programs. Encourage continuous learning by providing resources like webinars, workshops, and access to relevant industry content.

Do Celebrate and Share Positive Feedback

Why It's Important: Sharing positive customer experiences can motivate your team and demonstrate the value of excellent customer service.

Example: When a customer compliments a team member or expresses satisfaction with a resolution, share this feedback with the team. This not only boosts morale but also sets a standard for the quality of service.

Best Practice: Create a system for collecting and sharing positive customer feedback to highlight success stories and best practices. This can be done both internally within the team and externally on social media or marketing materials. You may also consider incentivizing positive feedback. For example, if an employee receives 20+ 5 star reviews via the customer feedback survey, they receive a $25 Starbucks gift card.

Do Utilize Technology to Enhance Efficiency

Why It's Important: Leveraging the right technology can significantly streamline service processes, leading to quicker problem resolution and more proactive customer support.

Example: Implementing a customer service ticketing system can help track and manage customer queries more efficiently, ensuring no issue is overlooked. Also, implementing chatbots on your website can create an added level of convenience for your customers.

Best Practice: Research and invest in customer service tools that suit your business needs. This might include CRM systems, chatbots, or advanced ticketing systems.

Read More: What is AI Ticketing and 10 of Its Benefits to Customer Support Businesses

Do Create Personalized Customer Engagement

Why It's Important: Personalized customer interactions based on the customer's history and preferences demonstrate a deep understanding of their needs.

Example: Use data from previous interactions to tailor your approach. An example is referencing a customer's past purchases or support issues when offering assistance. This shows the customer that they are valued and remembered.

As you go down this path, you can begin to segment your client base into specific customer types. Some examples might be the "tech-savvy," "senior citizen," and "business-owner." You can approach each of these customer types with a different style, and can even consider personalized email messaging.

Best Practice: Train your team to use customer data effectively to personalize each interaction. Utilizing CRM systems can help in storing and retrieving relevant customer information to make each interaction more personal and meaningful.

Do Offer Multi-Channel Support

Why It's Important: Providing multichannel customer support meets customers where they are most comfortable. This can be whether it's via phone, email, social media, or live chat.

Example: A customer prefers to communicate via social media messaging for quick queries but uses email for more detailed discussions. Offering both channels caters to their preferences.

Best Practice: Implement a strategy that integrates various communication channels seamlessly. This can help provide consistent and effective customer support across all platforms. Most employees can be cross-trained on all these platforms, which is something the organization should strive for.

Do Understand and Adapt to Generational Differences

Why It's Important: Effective communication strategies are key to tailoring your approach to meet the varying needs of each generation.

Example: While a baby boomer might prefer a detailed phone conversation with plenty of confirmation throughout, a millennial might favor a quick chat message.

Best Practice: Train your team to recognize and adapt to the differing needs of each generation. Coming up with a "cheat sheet" of things to keep in mind for each age bucket can be a great resource for employees.

Read More: Customer Service Excellence Across All Generations

Don't Make Assumptions About the Customer's Issue

Why Not: Jumping to conclusions without fully understanding the customer's problem can lead to miscommunication and potentially worsen the situation. It's crucial to approach each issue with an open mind.

Example: If a customer is unhappy with a product, avoid assuming it's due to user error. It could be a misunderstanding about the product's features or an actual defect. Assuming user error can infuriate a customer as they consider you are blaming them directly for the issue they are having.

Better Approach: Always ask clarifying questions and listen carefully to the customer's explanation. This ensures that you fully understand the problem before offering a solution. An example might be if you offer computer security software that requires user set-up. You, as the employee, should be knowledgeable about the process already. Ask the customer to explain the steps they took during installation to see if they have missed one or done things out of order.

Don't Neglect the Emotional Aspect

Why Not: Focusing solely on the technical side of a problem-solving process and ignoring the emotional intelligence in service can make them feel undervalued and frustrated. Focusing on emotional intelligence gives a more comprehensive understanding of the customer's feelings.

Example: If a customer is upset about a delayed shipment, simply explaining the logistics process without acknowledging their frustration can leave them feeling unheard. They want to know that you understand where they are coming from.

Better Approach: Empathize with the customer's emotional state. A simple acknowledgment like "I understand how frustrating this must be" can go a long way in calming an upset customer and building rapport. Using the logistics example, put yourself in the customer's shoes. They may be waiting for an important package, perhaps a medical device, or a birthday gift for a loved one. Each situation should be treated as if the package contains something of timely importance, not just any materialistic good.

Don't Overlook the Importance of Follow-Up

Why Not: Failing to follow up can leave customers feeling neglected and can lead to unresolved issues resurfacing.

Example: After resolving a customer's issue, not checking back to confirm their satisfaction can lead to missed opportunities for feedback and improvement. For example, let us say that you work for a telecommunications company. You visit a client to resolve an issue with a cable tv box that seems to turn off at random intervals of use. You have not heard from the customer in a week. Even though it is safe to assume that all is well, it is still a nice gesture to check in with the customer to ensure everything is working well. They will appreciate that and likely remember you for outstanding service.

Better Approach: Implement a system to routinely follow up with customers after their issues have been addressed. This will help increase satisfaction and provide valuable feedback. This can be done via an email survey, phone call, or even personal visits, depending on the type of business.

Don't Underestimate the Power of a Knowledge Base

Why Not: A well-maintained knowledge base is a vital tool for efficient problem solving. Neglecting it can lead to inconsistent or outdated information being provided to customers.

Example: Customer service representatives relying on an outdated knowledge base might provide incorrect information. This can lead to further customer frustration. For example, a customer may be calling you back about an issue regarding a malfunctioning cable TV box. If you do not have a record of the initial call notes, or have notes about a similar issue from two years ago, this is cause for confusion and frustration.

Better Approach: Regularly update and maintain your knowledge base. This ensures that your team has access to accurate and current information, which is important for effective problem-solving. Investing in good cloud-based knowledge base software is a prudent step.

Read More: Everything You Need to Know About Customer Service Knowledge Base Software

Don't Dismiss Customer Feedback

Why Not: Ignoring customer feedback can lead to repeated mistakes and missed opportunities. Customer feedback analysis is essential for continuous improvement and innovation.

Example: Not taking customer complaints seriously or considering them for future changes can result in a loss of trust and customer loyalty. For example, let us imagine that you manage the mens clothing design at a noteworthy athletic brand. You change the design of a pair of popular pants and start to receive negative feedback about the fit on post-purchase surveys. If you take no action, customers could boycott your brand.

Better Approach: While it is one thing to actively encourage customer feedback, it is another to action this feedback into a tangible result. Use received feedback to inform service improvements for customers and training programs for employees.

Don't Rely Solely on Scripted Responses

Why Not: Over-reliance on scripted responses can make customer interactions feel impersonal and ineffective, especially in complex problems.

Example: Using a standard script for a unique problem can frustrate customers who seek a more personalized approach. For example, imagine you are a customer looking for a refund on a product you did not receive, even though the company claims to have shipped it. If the company replies using a generic response such as, "while we are sorry your item did not arrive, we completed our end of the agreement by sending it out. Please follow-up with the shipping company." While this is technically correct, customers do not want to be passed from company to company to get their answer. In this case, it might be more valuable for the seller to contact the shipping company on the customer's behalf and open up an investigation. Going the extra mile saves the customer added time and frustration. It might also score you, as the seller, some extra points and loyalty.

Better Approach: Train staff to use scripts as guidelines rather than strict rules. Encourage them to personalize interactions based on the specific context and customer needs.

Read More: Seamless Customer Experience: Top 10 Strategies for Better Service Delivery

The Bottom Line: Mastering Customer Problem Solving

Effective customer problem solving is essential in the dynamic world of customer service, turning every interaction into an opportunity for positive change. As highlighted earlier, addressing and solving customers' problems is not just about quick fixes but about creating lasting relationships. This involves actively listening, empathizing, and using tailored strategies to meet individual customer needs. This approach not only resolves immediate concerns but also sets a high standard for customer service, contributing to the long-term success of any business.

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12 Essential Customer Service Skills In 2024

Laura Hennigan

Updated: May 3, 2024, 11:15am

12 Essential Customer Service Skills In 2024

Table of Contents

What are customer service skills, why good customer service is important, 12 essential customer service skills, how to nurture customer service skills, bottom line, frequently asked questions (faqs).

When it comes to choosing where to spend your money, it is the little things that count. A friendly smile, empathetic listening or someone remembering your name can have a big impact on brand loyalty. On the flip side, one negative experience can send you to a competitor quickly. That’s the power of good customer service and illustrates the importance of having excellent customer service skills. Keep reading to learn about what these skills are and the top ones to start implementing immediately.

Customer service skills are made up of the knowledge, tactics, expertise and understanding that are needed to make customers as satisfied as possible. These skills are developed through several different avenues, including training, support and experience. There are generally two different types of these skills: hard and soft.

Both types of skills are equally important and top customer service professionals are able to strike a good balance of hard and soft skills to provide the best experience possible. Coaching your customer service team to understand and use both sets of skills can make a huge difference in your overall customer service strategy.

Hard Skills

Hard skills are technical skills, ones that can generally be taught and measured. Knowledge and proficiency of hard skills are usually built through education and training and typically focus on the specific tasks that are needed to complete a job. Examples of hard skills in customer service may include note taking, data entry, research or gathering information.

Soft Skills

Soft skills are more difficult to quantify since they tend to be personal attributes. Soft skills are aspects that are developed in someone’s personality so while there can be some training to teach them, these skills are largely learned by an individual over time. Soft skills in customer service include active listening, empathy, conflict resolution and problem solving.

Customer service isn’t limited to a one-time interaction at the point of a sale, but rather is an ongoing process that touches on every part of the buyer’s journey. It includes numerous activities that occur before, during and after a purchase and, ultimately, means serving your customers to the best of your ability.

Good customer service is arguably the most important part of building and maintaining positive, long-term relationships with customers. With so many choices today, dissatisfied buyers won’t hesitate to take their dollars elsewhere, but satisfied customers will remain loyal to the brands that treat them well.

Investing in the planning, training and implementation of a high-quality customer service strategy is one of the most important expenditures a business can make. Demonstrating that you truly care about your customers is a powerful tool that can lead to increased sales, improved brand image and expanded growth.

Customer service is a broad term and what it looks like for your business may be different from others. But no matter what the industry is, good customer service generally needs to include the three C’s: Communication, consistency and caring. All of these must work together to establish trust and build loyalty, which leads to growth. These three components are the backbone to every customer service skill and should be relied upon repeatedly.

These are the 12 most essential customer service skills that businesses should implement.

1. Active Listening

First, customers want to be heard, especially when they aren’t happy or have a complaint. Active listening may be the most important customer service skill that businesses can adopt. Listening sounds like a simple thing to do, but active listening requires a great deal of focus and concentration. When engaging in active listening, customer service team members need to be attentive, patient and nonjudgmental for customers to feel that their issues are truly being heard.

Empathy pairs with active listening because it means the customer service agent is hearing what the customer is saying without any preconceived notions or judgments. It focuses on recognizing, managing and responding to the emotions of customers as well as keeping your own emotions in check. Being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and empathize with how they are feeling is a crucial part of providing excellent customer service.

3. Problem Solving

When customers reach out with an issue, their expectation is usually that the customer service team will help them solve the problem. It’s crucial that businesses have efficient problem-solving systems in place to help customers as quickly and effectively as possible. While, sometimes, there will be one clear resolution, such as a product refund, in other situations problem solving may look more like offering different options and helping the customer decide what will work best.

4. Conflict Resolution

Conflicts are stressful and stress can lead to short tempers, irrational actions and difficulty thinking clearly. You don’t want your customers to feel stressed, so managing and resolving conflicts as soon as possible is a critical part of good customer service. This is where empathy and active listening come into play since fully understanding what the issue is helps customer service agents figure out how to best resolve the situation before it escalates.

5. Organization

Post-its filled with scribbled notes that others need to interpret is not how effective customer service works. Organization is key and every component needs to be as coordinated as possible. While everyday details like files and personal workspaces are important, it should also include bigger-picture organization, such as team structure and available resources. Being able to access both information and support quickly ensures that customer service agents will be able to assist customers confidently.

6. Good Memory

An already-annoyed customer who contacts customer service with an issue is guaranteed to get angrier and angrier the more they are asked to repeat themselves. Having a good memory is a customer service skill that will inevitably lead to a smoother dialogue, resulting in customers who feel less stressed and more taken care of. Small details, such as names, products and dates, are often important facts for customer service agents to remember.

7. Adaptability

Another important customer service skill is the ability to adapt and think on your feet. Circumstances can change quickly, depending on the nature of the issue and customer service agents must be able to pivot without hesitation. Adaptability in customer service means approaching a situation without expectations and knowing when it is time to switch directions to offer the most effective help.

8. Time Management

Customers want to receive prompt responses, and the only way for that to happen is when customer service teams are cognizant of their time management. Particularly in a call center setting where agents receive many calls daily, managing time will lead to shorter waits and less lag in replying. The best way to develop time management skills is to look at all current assignments and tasks and then prioritize them accordingly.

9. Knowledge

The quality of your customer service will rely heavily on team members’ knowledge about products and services. They need to know enough to answer questions, troubleshoot technical challenges and offer suggestions. It’s also important that representatives know when a customer’s issue has moved past their scope of knowledge and needs to be moved up to the next person in the customer service chain of command.

10. Communication

Whether in person, over the phone or electronically, communication is the cornerstone of customer service. Communicating effectively means taking the time to not only talk but also to listen. Customer service teams need to receive ongoing training that helps them learn how to communicate in many different situations as well as better understand what customers are truly seeking.

11. Transparency

Customers want their issues resolved, but they are also often interested in knowing how or why a problem may have occurred in the first place. Transparency in customer service doesn’t mean sharing all the trade secrets. Rather, it’s about being upfront and honest when helping to solve problems. Honesty goes a long way in building and maintaining positive customer relationships, even when it means admitting mistakes.

Unhappy customers are not funny and should never be treated like a joke. But when used correctly in certain situations, humor can be a powerful skill to help lighten the mood and diffuse tension. After figuring out what a customer is seeking and why they are frustrated, a well-timed funny comment is often exactly what is needed to help put the customer at ease and adjust their attitude.

Since most customer service skills are soft skills, making them more challenging to teach, you’ll need to make a concentrated effort to help nurture these skills in team members. Some ways to do this include:

  • Offer continuing education through workshops and webinars
  • Connect new employees with experienced mentors
  • Provide both initial and ongoing training about products and services
  • Support employees interested in taking additional courses or earning certifications
  • Create a comprehensive onboarding program
  • Ensure employees have constant access to a help center and frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Creating a customer service experience that will leave your customers feeling heard and cared for is one of the strategies needed to establish a long-term relationship with buyers. Whether their issue is large or small, customers need to feel like someone is invested in listening to them and helping find solutions. Investing the time and energy in training your team in excellent customer service strategies will benefit your business by building loyalty, establishing a reputation of helpfulness and, ultimately, promoting growth.

What are the qualities of good customer service?

The qualities of good customer service consist of the knowledge, tactics, expertise and understanding that are needed to make customers as satisfied as possible. These include active listening, empathy, problem solving, communication, conflict resolution, organization, memory, time management, adaptability, knowledge, transparency and humor.

What is the difference between hard and soft customer service skills?

Hard customer service skills are technical skills, ones that can generally be taught and measured. Knowledge and proficiency of hard skills are usually built through education and training. Soft customer service skills tend to be personal attributes, which people develop over time and cannot necessarily be taught.

What are the three C’s of customer service?

The three C’s of customer service are communication, consistency and caring. Working together, these components form the base for the entire customer service structure to help build brand awareness, establish customer loyalty and promote growth.

What are some common ways that customer service can occur?

Customer service can take place through a number of channels: in person, phone, email, live chat, text and social media.

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Laura is a freelance writer specializing in small business, ecommerce and lifestyle content. As a small business owner, she is passionate about supporting other entrepreneurs and sharing information that will help them thrive. Her work has been featured on Angi, Scary Mommy and Cubby.

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10 Tips and Techniques for Customer Service Problem-Solving

October 11, 2023

Start training your teams today

Tips and Techniques for Customer Service Problem-Solving

In the customer service world, challenges arise when you least expect them. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting, mastering the art of problem-solving is essential.

In this article, we’ll share with you 10 simple yet effective tips and techniques that will empower your team to navigate customer service issues like a pro.

From active listening to setting realistic expectations and offering solutions, these strategies will benefit your business by enhancing your team’s problem-solving skills and boosting customer satisfaction.

Why are problem-solving skills important in customer service?

Problem-solving skills are crucial in customer service because they turn frustrating situations into bright opportunities. When you effectively identify and address customer issues, you also show that you genuinely care about their satisfaction.

These skills build trust, improve customer loyalty, and lead to positive word-of-mouth recommendations. Moreover, they help your team handle challenges efficiently, reducing stress and improving overall job satisfaction.

In short, mastering problem-solving in customer service is the key to creating happy customers and a thriving, customer-centric business.

Customer Service Problem-Solving # 1 - Active Listening

Active listening is a vital technique in customer service problem-solving. It involves fully focusing on what the customer is saying, not just waiting for your turn to speak.

customer service problem solving - active listening

To practice it effectively, encourage your team to maintain eye contact, nod in acknowledgment, and use phrases like "I understand" to show empathy. Let them practice how to avoid interrupting and give customers the space to express themselves fully.

By truly hearing your customers’ concerns and needs, your team can respond more precisely and find solutions that leave customers feeling valued and satisfied. This successfully turns potentially challenging situations into positive experiences.

SC Training (formerly EdApp) can empower your customer service team's problem-solving skills by offering interactive and customized training courses. These problem solving training courses include SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Problem Solver course. There’s also a course on Dealing with Difficult Customers .

customer serivce problem solving - reporting and analytics

Through scenario-based simulations, your team members can practice resolving real-life customer issues in a safe learning environment. SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s reporting and analytics features allow you to monitor individual progress, identify areas for improvement, and provide targeted feedback.

Customer service problem solving - SC Training microlearning

With the flexibility of mobile learning , your team can also access training anytime, anywhere, making it convenient to sharpen their problem-solving abilities. Plus, SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s engaging and adaptive content makes sure that your team stays motivated and develops the critical skills needed to excel in customer service problem-solving.

Sign up to SC Training (formerly EdApp) for free to unlock your customer service team’s best potential.

Customer Service Problem-Solving # 2 - Stay Calm and Patient

Staying calm and patient is a superpower in problem-solving. When your team keeps their cool even in tough situations, it sends a reassuring message to the customer that they’re competent and there to help.

customer service problem solving - stay calm and patient

Some tips you can give them are to take deep breaths, to remember it's not personal, and to not rush through the conversation. Pausing to collect their thoughts can also lead to better solutions and prevent the situation from escalating.

With this customer service problem-solving skill, your team gains the upper hand in resolving issues effectively, creating happier customers, and making their jobs less stressful in the process.

Customer Service Problem-Solving # 3 - Apologize Sincerely

Apologizing sincerely is a golden technique in customer service. When your team members genuinely say, "I'm sorry," they show empathy and take responsibility for any inconvenience the customer has faced, regardless of fault.

customer service problem solving - apologize sincerely

This simple act of acknowledging their frustration can go a long way in diffusing tension and starting the path toward resolution when it comes to customer service problem solving. A sincere apology demonstrates that your customer service team cares about their experience and is committed to making it right.

So, don't let your team underestimate the power of a heartfelt "I'm sorry" in turning a customer's problem into an opportunity to leave them feeling valued and satisfied.

Customer Service Problem-Solving # 4 - Take Ownership

Taking ownership is a remarkable technique when dealing with customer problems. When your team members accept responsibility for resolving an issue, they send a clear message to the customer that their concerns matter to your business.

customer service problem solving - take ownership

It doesn't matter if your product or service caused the problem. By taking ownership, your team demonstrates a commitment to finding a solution and ensuring their satisfaction. This step builds trust and confidence in your customers, showing that your team is there to support them every step of the way.

Encourage your team to say, "I'll take care of this for you." It's a powerful way to transform challenges into opportunities in exceptional customer service problem solving.

Customer Service Problem-Solving # 5 - Set Realistic Expectations

Setting realistic expectations is an important step for customer service problem solving. When you communicate clear timelines, you're being honest and transparent with what the customer can expect.

customer service problem solving - set realistic expectations

This helps manage their expectations and prevents disappointment down the road. Under-promising and over-delivering is a technique your team can use to make sure that they have the time and resources needed to meet or exceed the commitments they’ve made.

This technique not only prevents misunderstandings but also creates a positive experience by showing that your team is dependable and trustworthy. It ultimately makes customers happier and more satisfied with the service they receive.

Customer Service Problem-Solving # 6 - Collaborate with Colleagues

Letting your team members collaborate with their colleagues for problem-solving is like having a superhero team for customer service in your organization. Sometimes, challenges are complex, and it's perfectly okay to call in reinforcements.

customer service problem solving - collaborate with colleagues

They can also involve other team members or departments when needed, ensuring that they have all the expertise and resources at their disposal. Effective internal communication is the key here; so make sure that everyone is on the same page.

This customer service problem solving example helps find more comprehensive solutions and demonstrates a unified commitment to customer satisfaction. So, remind your team that they’re not alone in this mission–collaborate, conquer, and make your customers' day better together.

Customer Service Problem-Solving # 7 - Offer Solutions

Offering solutions is not just about acknowledging the issue; it's about actively seeking ways to fix it. Presenting practical solutions to the customer's problem shows that your team is dedicated to making things right and that customer satisfaction is their top priority.

customer service problem solving - offer solutions

So when faced with examples of problem-solving scenarios, have your team discuss the options, outlining the pros and cons if necessary, to help your customers make an informed decision.

Offering solutions not only resolves the immediate problem but also fosters trust and loyalty, leaving customers feeling heard, valued, and confident in your team’s ability to provide exceptional service.

Customer Service Problem-Solving # 8 - Follow-Up

Once the issue is resolved, your customer service team shouldn’t leave your customers hanging. They should take the extra step to check in with them.

customer service problem solving - follow up

Whether it's a quick email or a phone call, asking if everything is going well shows that your team genuinely cares about their satisfaction even after the problem is resolved. It's a fantastic way to ensure their needs are fully met and to gather valuable feedback for continuous improvement.

Following up not only leaves a lasting positive impression but also transforms a simple resolution into a memorable and delightful customer experience . So, remind your team to circle back and make sure that your customers are smiling long after the issue is history.

Customer Service Problem-Solving # 9 - Document the Interaction

When your team members keep detailed records of customer issues and the steps taken to resolve them, they’re creating a valuable resource for your customer service team.

customer service problem solving - document the interaction

These records offer a clear picture of past challenges and solutions, making it easier to spot trends and identify areas for improvement. Plus, they guarantee consistency in your service by allowing any team member to pick up where you left off, providing a seamless customer experience.

Think of documentation as your team’s secret weapon for conquering future customer service adventures, helping them navigate problems with confidence and precision.

Customer Service Problem-Solving # 10 - Learn from Each Case

After resolving an issue, let your team take a moment to reflect on what went well and what could be improved. Have them analyze customer feedback and common issues to identify patterns and trends.

customer service problem solving - learn from each case

By turning each case into a learning opportunity, your team can continually refine their problem-solving skills and fine-tune your business’s customer service approach.

It's the key to growth, making sure that you and your team are always ready to tackle new challenges with even greater expertise. This ultimately creates happier customers.

Donna is an elearning content writer for SC Training (formerly EdApp), a mobile-based microlearning platform designed for today's digital training needs. When she's not writing web articles, she writes lines of code or songs or anything food-related.

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21 Key Customer Service Skills (and How to Develop Them)

Help Scout

It doesn’t matter how great your product is: If your customer service is poor, people will complain about it, and you’ll lose customers.

The good news: It’s not impossible to turn things around. Transforming your customer service from mediocre to great won't happen overnight, though. It requires a serious commitment to meaningful change, a team of rockstar support professionals, and work across the entire organization.

This is a chapter in our  Ultimate Guide to Running a Customer Service Team . When you're ready, check out the other chapters:

Chapter 1 – 21 Key Customer Service Skills (and How to Develop Them)

Chapter 2 – 13 Response Templates for Tricky Customer Service Emails

Chapter 3 – 12 Customer Service Phrases to Use (+ 8 You Should Avoid)

Chapter 4 – 10 Ways to Deliver Consistently Great Customer Service

Chapter 5 – 47 Pro Tips on How to Talk to Customers

Chapter 6 – 107 Customer Service Statistics and Facts You Shouldn't Ignore

Chapter 7 – Go-To Scripts for 16 Tricky Customer Service Scenarios

Chapter 8 – The 16 Best Customer Service Software Platforms for 2024

Chapter 9 – Customer Feedback: Why It’s Important + 7 Ways to Collect It

Chapter 10 – How to Set Customer Service Goals (+ 9 Example Goals)

Chapter 11 – Customer Appreciation Ideas: 17 Ways to Thank Customers

Chapter 12 – 4 Customer Success Plan Templates and How to Use Them

What is customer service?

Customer service is the act of providing support to both prospective and existing customers. Customer service professionals commonly answer customer questions through in-person, phone, email, chat, and social media interactions and may also be responsible for creating documentation for self-service support.

Organizations can also create their own definitions of customer service depending on their values and the type of support they want to provide. For example, at Help Scout, we define customer service as the act of providing timely, empathetic help that keeps customers’ needs at the forefront of every interaction.

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Why is customer service important?

When 86% of customers quit doing business with a company due to a bad experience, it means that businesses must approach every support interaction as an opportunity to acquire, retain, or up-sell.

Good customer service is a revenue generator. It gives customers a complete, cohesive experience that aligns with an organization’s purpose.

According to a variety of studies , U.S. companies lose more than $62 billion annually due to poor customer service management , and seven out of 10 consumers say they’ve spent more money to do business with a company that delivers great service.

Understanding that customer service is the cornerstone of your customer experience helps you leverage it as an opportunity to delight customers and engage them in new, exciting ways.

What are the principles of good customer service?

There are four key principles of good customer service: It's personalized, competent, convenient, and proactive. These factors have the biggest influence on the customer experience.

Personalized: Good customer service always starts with a human touch. Personalized interactions greatly improve customer service and let customers know that your company cares about them and their problems. Instead of thinking of service as a cost, consider it an opportunity to earn your customer’s business all over again.

Competent: Consumers have identified competency as the element that plays the biggest role in a good customer experience. To be competent, a customer support professional must have a strong knowledge of the company and its products, as well as the power to fix the customer’s problems. The more knowledge they have, the more competent they become.

Convenient: Customers want to be able to get in touch with a customer service representative through whichever channel is the most convenient for them. Offer support through the channels of communication your customers rely on most, and make it easy for customers to figure out how to contact you.

Proactive: Customers want companies to be proactive in reaching out to them. If one of your products is backordered or your website is going to experience downtime, proactively reach out to your customers and explain the problem. They may not be happy about the situation, but they will be thankful that you kept them in the loop.

By building your customer service strategy around these four main principles, you'll create a positive, hassle-free customer experience for everyone who deals with your company.

Customer service tips by business type and industry

B2B customer service

B2C customer service

SaaS support

Customer service in healthcare

Startup customer service

Customer service in education

Financial services customer service

Small business customer service

Customer service in nonprofit organizations

Ecommerce customer service

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21 key customer service skills

While delivering consistently good customer service requires work and alignment across your entire organization, a good place to start is your customer service team . It's important to hire people who genuinely want to help your customers succeed — and to pay rates that are attractive to skilled professionals.

Finding the perfect hire for a support team can be challenging. No particular checklist of job experiences and college diplomas adds up to the perfect candidate. Instead, you’re looking for qualities that can’t necessarily be taught.

These folks thrive on one-on-one interactions within their community. They love problem solving. They’re warm, approachable, and great at teaching other people how things work.

Here are the 21 customer service skills that every support professional should seek to develop and every leader should look for when hiring new team members.

Foundations of Great Service

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Foundations of Great Service

1. Problem solving skills

Customers do not always self-diagnose their issues correctly. Often, it’s up to the support rep to take the initiative to reproduce the trouble at hand before navigating a solution. That means they need to intuit not just what went wrong, but also what action the customer was ultimately after.

A great example? If somebody writes in because they’re having trouble resetting their password, that’s ultimately because they want to log into their account.

A good customer service interaction will anticipate that need and might even go the extra mile to manually perform the reset and provide new login details, all while educating the customer on how they can do it for themselves in the future.

In other situations, a problem-solving pro may simply understand how to offer preemptive advice or a solution that the customer doesn’t even realize is an option.

2. Patience

Patience is crucial for customer service professionals. After all, customers who reach out to support are often confused and frustrated. Being listened to and handled with patience goes a long way in helping customers feel like you’re going to alleviate their current frustrations.

It’s not enough to close out interactions with customers as quickly as possible. Your team has to be willing to take the time to listen to and fully understand each customer’s problems and needs.

3. Attentiveness

The ability to truly listen to customers is crucial to providing great service for a number of reasons. Not only is it important to pay attention to individual customers’ experiences, but it’s also important to be mindful and attentive to the feedback that you receive at large.

For instance, customers may not be saying it outright, but perhaps there is a pervasive feeling that your software’s dashboard isn’t laid out correctly. Customers aren’t likely to say, “Please improve your UX,” but they may say things like, “I can never find the search feature” or “Where is (specific function), again?”

You have to be attentive to pick up on what customers are telling you without directly saying it.

4. Emotional intelligence

A great customer support representative knows how to relate to anybody, but they’re especially good with frustrated people. Instead of taking things personally, they intuitively understand where the other person is coming from and they know to both prioritize and swiftly communicate that empathy.

Think about it: How often have you felt better about a potential grievance simply because you felt immediately heard by the other person involved?

When a support rep is able to demonstrate sincere empathy for a frustrated customer, even just by reiterating the problem at hand, it can help to both placate (the customer feels heard) and actively please (the customer feel validated in their frustration).

5. Clear communication skills

Your customer support team is on the front lines of problem solving for the product itself, and serves as a kind of two-pronged bullhorn.

On one side, they’ll be the voice of your company to your customers. That means they have to have a practiced grasp on how to reduce complex concepts into highly digestible, easily understood terms.

On the other, they’ll represent the needs and thoughts of customers to your company. For example, it doesn’t behoove the customer to receive a long- winded explanation on the ins-and-outs of solving a particular bug.

The ability to communicate clearly when working with customers is a key skill because miscommunications can result in disappointment and frustration. The best customer service professionals know how to keep their communications with customers simple and leave nothing to doubt.

6. Writing skills

Good writing means getting as close to reality as words will allow. Without an ounce of exaggeration, being a good writer is the most overlooked, yet most necessary, skill to look for when it comes to hiring for customer support.

Unlike face-to-face (or even voice-to-voice) interactions, writing requires a unique ability to convey nuance. How a sentence is phrased can make the difference between sounding kind of like a jerk (“You have to log out first”) and sounding like you care (“Logging out should help solve that problem quickly!”).

Good writers also tend to use complete sentences and proper grammar — qualities that subtly gesture toward the security and trustworthiness of your company.

Even if your company offers support primarily over the phone, writing skills are still important. Not only will they enable your team to craft coherent internal documentation, they signify a person who thinks and communicates clearly.

7. Creativity and resourcefulness

Solving the problem is good, but finding clever and fun ways to go the extra mile — and wanting to do so in the first place — is even better.

It takes panache to infuse a typical customer service exchange with memorable warmth and personality, and finding a customer service rep who possesses that natural zeal will take your customer service out of “good enough” territory and straight into “tell all your friends about it” land.

Chase Clemons at Basecamp advises the following:

“You want to have somebody who you don’t have to give a lot of rules and regulations to. You want to have somebody who is talking to a customer and understands ‘Their boss is really yelling at them today. This person is having a really bad day. You know what? I’m going to send them some flowers to brighten things up.’ That’s not really something you can teach. They have to go the extra mile naturally.”

8. Persuasion skills

Oftentimes, support teams get messages from people who aren’t looking for support — they’re considering purchasing your company’s product.

In these situations, it helps to have a team of people with some mastery of persuasion so they can convince interested prospects that your product is right for them (if it truly is).

It’s not about making a sales pitch in each email, but it is about not letting potential customers slip away because you couldn’t create a compelling message that your company’s product is worth purchasing!

9. Ability to use positive language

Effective customer service means having the ability to make minor changes in your conversational patterns. This can truly go a long way in creating happy customers.

Language is a crucial part of persuasion, and people (especially customers) create perceptions about you and your company based on the language that you use.

For example, let’s say a customer contacts your team with an interest in a particular product, but that product happens to be back-ordered until next month.

Responding to questions with positive language can greatly affect how the customer hears the response:

Without positive language: “I can’t get you that product until next month; it is back-ordered and unavailable at this time.”

With positive language: “That product will be available next month. I can place the order for you right now and make sure that it is sent to you as soon as it reaches our warehouse.”

The first example isn’t negative per se, but the tone it conveys feels abrupt and impersonal and could be taken the wrong way by customers — especially in email support when the perception of written language can skew negative .

Conversely, the second example is stating the same thing (the item is unavailable), but it focuses on when and how the issue will be resolved instead of focusing on the negative.

10. Product knowledge

The best customer service professionals have a deep knowledge of how their companies’ products work. After all, without knowing your product from front to back, they won’t know how to help when customers run into problems.

All new Help Scout employees, for example, are trained on customer support during their first or second week on the job; it’s a critical component of our employee onboarding process.

According to Help Scout's Elyse Roach, “Having that solid product foundation not only ensures you’ve got the best tricks up your sleeve to help customers navigate even the most complex situations, it also helps you build an understanding of their experience so that you can become their strongest advocate.”

Mitigating gaps in product knowledge

It takes time for team members to build up their product knowledge. And if you have a very complex product, it may take your team members years to learn every one of its ins and outs. However, the right customer support tool can help you mitigate those gaps in product knowledge.

For example, with  Help Scout , you can:

Create a database of saved replies that support agents can use to answer frequently asked how-to questions about your product.

Search your help center articles and insert links to them in responses without ever leaving the conversation view.

Set up automated workflows that attach helpful internal notes to conversations with instructions on how to reply.

Search all previously sent responses by keyword, tag, and more to see if someone else on the team has already answered the question.

Whether you're using Help Scout or one of its alternatives , make sure you browse the features available to help your teams deliver exceptional customer service.

11. Acting skills

Sometimes your team is going to come across people who you’ll never be able to make happy.

Situations outside of your control (such as a customer who's having a terrible day) will sometimes creep into your team's usual support routine.

Every great customer service professional needs basic acting skills to maintain their usual cheery persona in spite of dealing with people who are just plain grumpy.

12. Time management skills

On the one hand, it’s good to be patient and spend a little extra time with customers to understand their problems and needs. On the other hand, there is a limit to the amount of time you can dedicate to each customer, so your team needs to be concerned with getting customers what they want in an efficient manner.

The best customer service professionals are quick to recognize when they can't help a customer so they can quickly get that customer to someone who can help.

13. Ability to read customers

It's important that your team understands some basic principles of behavioral psychology in order to read customers' current emotional states. As Emily Triplett Lentz writes:

“I rarely use a smiley face in a support email when the customer’s signature includes ‘PhD,’ for example. Not that academics are humorless, it's just that : ) isn’t likely to get you taken seriously by someone who spent five years deconstructing utopian undertones in nineteenth-century autobiographical fiction.”

The best support pros know how to watch and listen for subtle clues about a customer's current mood, patience level, personality, etc., which goes a long way in keeping customer interactions positive.

14. Unflappability

There are a lot of metaphors for this type of personality — “keeps their cool,” “staying cool under pressure,” and so on — but it all represents the same thing: The ability some people have to stay calm and even influence others when things get a little hectic.

The best customer service reps know that they can’t let a heated customer force them to lose their cool. In fact, it is their job to try to be the “rock” for customers who think the world is falling apart as a result of their current problems.

15. Goal-oriented focus

Many customer service experts have shown how giving employees unfettered power to “wow” customers doesn’t always generate the returns many businesses expect to see. That’s because it leaves employees without goals, and business goals and customer happiness can work hand-in-hand without resulting in poor service.

Relying on frameworks like the Net Promoter Score can help businesses come up with guidelines for their employees that allow plenty of freedom to handle customers on a case-to-case basis, but also leave them priority solutions and “go-to” fixes for common problems.

16. Ability to handle surprises

Sometimes, customers are going to throw your team curveballs. They'll make a request that isn't covered in your company guidelines or react in a way that no one could have expected.

In these situations, it's good to have a team of people who can think on their feet. Even better, look for people who will take the initiative to create guidelines for everyone to use in these situations moving forward.

17. Tenacity

Call it what you want, but a great work ethic and a willingness to do what needs to be done (and not take shortcuts) is a key skill when providing the kind of service that people talk (positively) about.

The most memorable customer service stories out there — many of which had a huge impact on the business — were created by a single employee who refused to just follow the standard process when it came to helping someone out.

18. Closing ability

Being able to close with a customer as a customer service professional means being able to end the conversation with confirmed customer satisfaction (or as close to it as you can achieve) and with the customer feeling that everything has been taken care of (or will be).

Getting booted before all of their problems have been addressed is the last thing that customers want, so be sure your team knows to take the time to confirm with customers that each and every issue they had was entirely resolved.

19. Empathy

Perhaps empathy — the ability to understand and share the feelings of another — is more of a character trait than a skill. But since empathy can be learned and improved upon , we’d be remiss not to include it here.

In fact, if your organization tests job applicants for customer service aptitude, you’d be hard pressed to look for a more critical skill than empathy.

That’s because even when you can’t tell the customer exactly what they want to hear, a dose of care, concern, and understanding will go a long way. A support rep’s ability to empathize with a customer and craft a message that steers things toward a better outcome can often make all the difference.

20. A methodical approach

In customer service, haste makes waste. Hiring deliberate, detail-oriented people will go a long way in meeting the needs of your customers.

One, they’ll be sure to get to the real heart of a problem before firing off a reply. There’s nothing worse than attempting a “solution,” only to have it miss the mark entirely on solving the actual issue.

Two, they’ll proofread. A thoughtfully written response can lose a lot of its problem-solving luster if it’s riddled with typos.

Three, and this one may be the most important, it means they’ll regularly follow up. There’s nothing more impressive than getting a note from a customer service rep saying, “Hey! Remember that bug you found that I said we were looking into? Well, we fixed it.” That’s a loyal, lifetime customer you’ve just earned.

An important side note: The best hires are able to maintain their methodical grace under regular fire.

Since the support team is often tasked with the tough work of cleaning up other people’s messes, it’s especially important they understand how not to internalize the urgency — and potential ire — of frustrated customers. Instead, they know how to keep a cool head and a steady, guiding hand.

21. Willingness to learn

While this is probably the most general skill on this list, it’s also one of the most important. After all, willingness to learn is the basis for growing skills as a customer service professional.

Your team members have to be willing to learn your product inside and out, willing to learn how to communicate better (and when they're communicating poorly), willing to learn when it’s okay to follow a process — and when it’s more appropriate to choose their own adventures.

Those who don’t seek to improve what they do — whether it’s building products, marketing businesses, or helping customers — will get left behind by the people who are willing to invest in their own skills.

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What if someone on your team is lacking these skills?

What if you're leading a team of support professionals who aren't open to improving their approach to customer service? What if they lack the skills above and don't seem to be interested in developing them? Help Scout's Mathew Patterson has a solution:

Often, the root cause of what could be perceived as a lack of skill or unwillingness to learn is the result of a work environment (current or prior) that didn't reward going above and beyond to provide excellent service.

Try providing your team with some clear guidelines for what you expect and some examples of what great customer service looks like at your company in a way that brings to bear all of these skills, and as you do it, make sure that you're celebrating those small wins as you see people starting to use these skills.

Once your team starts to see that their efforts are being acknowledged and rewarded, you'll have people start to get more engaged, and you'll have a clearer picture of whether or not there are actually people on your team who have real skill gaps that you need to work on.

The evolution of customer service

As Seth Godin wrote , customer service means different things to different organizations, but things aren’t going to end well for the companies who simply see customer service as a “cost-cutting race to the bottom.”

The bottom line: Great customer service is a growth center, not a cost center. It’s really that simple.

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11 Essential Customer Service Skills & How to Develop Them

February 1, 2024   •   9 min read

problem solving skill customer service

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Evidently, the list of customer service skills to grow in your workforce is dynamic and evolving. One can never be sure they have it all when it comes to delighting customers with stellar support while maintaining operational excellence and controlling costs. 

That being said, there is a definitive list of essential customer support skills identified after processing volumes of customer feedback to gauge what qualities customers value in support reps.  And we are sharing the list in this comprehensive article, along with proven tips to develop these skills in record time. Let’s get started.  

What are customer service skills?

Why is it important to have good customer service skills , 11 customer service skills essential to survive and thrive , 6 tips to hone your customer service skills , create delightful customer service experiences with sprinklr .

Customer service skills are a combination of interpersonal abilities, communication techniques and problem-solving competencies that individuals possess to effectively and positively engage with customers.  

These skills are essential in providing satisfactory service experiences, addressing customer needs and maintaining a positive relationship between the customer and the business.  

Let us look at some examples of customer service skills worth exercising: 

Empathy : Expressing sympathy and understanding when a customer faces challenges with a product or service. 

Effective communication : Providing concise and easy-to-understand instructions or explanations to customers. 

Problem-solving : Resolving a customer's complaint by offering alternatives or taking immediate corrective actions. 

Top-tier customer service skills are the linchpin of a successful and sustainable business, influencing critical aspects such as customer retention, brand perception and revenue.

Improved customer retention  

Loyal customers purchase repeatedly and recommend actively. Customers who experience exceptional service are more likely to become loyal patrons. The art of active listening, empathy and effective problem-solving creates a positive customer experience, fostering a connection beyond the initial transaction.  

You can improve customer loyalty and customer retention , building a solid foundation for long-term success by consistently delivering outstanding customer service . 

Enhanced brand perception  

Beyond individual transactions, good skills in customer service contribute significantly to a brand's overall presence in the market. Satisfied customers become enthusiastic brand advocates , sharing their positive experiences with friends, family and through online platforms. This word-of-mouth marketing is a potent force that amplifies brand visibility.  

A positive reputation for exceptional service sets a brand apart from the competition, creating a favorable image that lingers in the minds of consumers.

Also Read: 5 Steps to Build Brand Equity Using AI-Driven Insights

Organic customer acquisition

A brand known for its commitment to customer satisfaction stands out in a sea of options. Positive testimonials and reviews from existing customers act as powerful endorsements, influencing potential customers' decisions. The positive reputation created by exceptional service becomes a valuable asset, drawing the attention of individuals actively seeking reliable and customer-centric businesses.  

Thus, good customer service skills retain the existing customer base and serve as a beacon, attracting new customers and contributing to sustained business growth.

Customer service skills are pivotal in creating an environment where customers receive assistance and feel understood, respected and satisfied. Such skills collectively build strong, lasting relationships between customers and the business. Let's explore the top 11 skills you can hone to make service interactions a delight for your customers:

1. Empathy 

A PwC consumer intelligence report reveals that 64% of U.S. customers feel brands neglect the human touch in customer experience, of which customer service is a key pillar. 

Customer empathy allows support agents to connect emotionally with customers. This emotional connection fosters trust and loyalty, making customers feel valued and heard. 

When a customer expresses frustration with a product issue, respond empathetically, saying, "I understand how frustrating this must be. Let's work together to find a solution."  

Read More: How to Show Empathy in Customer Service: Learn from Experts  

2. Clear communication 

Clear communication is a powerful way to guide customers toward desired actions. It involves presenting information and influencing decisions clearly and distinctly. This skill clarifies product functions and features, increases customer trust and enhances customer satisfaction. 

Use clear communication to address customer queries smoothly. Try suggesting additional products by highlighting their benefits and how they complement the customer's initial purchase. 

3. Adaptability 

Adaptability takes the front seat in enabling support agents to tailor their approach to different customer needs and diverse situations. It ensures that customers receive personalized and effective assistance, regardless of the challenges. 

Adapt communication styles based on the customers’ preferences and the customer service channels they use for communication, whether they prefer detailed emails or snappy chats. 

Learn More: 13 Golden Rules for Customer Service Email Etiquette  

4. Impulse control 

Impulse control is vital in maintaining professionalism and composure, especially in emotionally charged customer service scenarios . It prevents hasty reactions that could escalate issues. By exercising impulse control, support agents contribute to a positive customer experience, even when faced with difficult or irate customers. 

When faced with an irate customer, practice impulse control by taking a deep breath before responding, ensuring a calm and collected demeanor. 

Be a Pro: Effective Tips to Handle Angry Customers  

5. Accountability 

Accountability fosters customer trust. When support agents take ownership of mistakes or issues, customers appreciate the transparency. This builds credibility and shows a commitment to resolving problems, ultimately strengthening the customer-business relationship. 

If a service error occurs, admit the mistake, apologize and outline the steps to rectify the situation.  

6. Active listening  

The practice of active listening improves customer engagement . By genuinely listening to customers, support agents gain a deep understanding of their needs and concerns. This facilitates accurate problem-solving and demonstrates to customers that their opinions are valued. 

During a support call,  

listen attentively to the customer's concerns 

repeat key points to show understanding 

ask clarifying questions 

7. Time management  

Handling one of the ten most demanding jobs worldwide is not a cakewalk; we acknowledge this fact. Time management can help cope with the stress and also ensure timely responses to customer inquiries. Quick and efficient resolutions contribute to customer satisfaction, preventing frustration due to delays. Proper time management is key to meeting service level expectations and maintaining a positive customer experience. 

Set realistic timelines for issue resolutions, factoring in the service level agreement (SLA) agreed upon with the client as well as your personal challenges. 

8. Technical knowledge  

Technical knowledge instills confidence in agents. Support agents can provide accurate information and effective solutions when they deeply understand products or services. This resolves issues promptly and enhances the customer's perception of the brand's expertise. 

Demonstrate technical knowledge by guiding customers through troubleshooting steps or explaining product features. Accelerate issue resolution by creating a knowledge base for your customers and employees.   

A comprehensive and organized knowledge base in Sprinklr Service

9. Positive attitude 

A positive attitude is contagious and sets the tone for positive customer interactions. It transforms challenges into opportunities, creating a more pleasant experience for customers and support agents. Positivity contributes to a nurturing and supportive customer service environment. 

Approach customer interactions enthusiastically, expressing genuine interest in assisting and resolving issues. 

Editor’s Pick: Tips to Become a Happier, More Positive Call Center Agent  

10. Professional language 

Professional language is essential for creating clear and respectful communication. It ensures that customers receive information understandably and appropriately. Using industry-appropriate language and acceptable customer service phrases builds credibility and maintains a high standard of customer service. 

Communicate using industry-appropriate language, avoiding jargon and tailor your tone to match the formality desired by the customer. 

Also Read: 3 Important Qualities of Customer Service  

11. Patience 

Patience is a virtue that prevents frustration, both for support agents and customers. It allows agents to navigate complex issues calmly and ensure customers feel heard and valued, even in prolonged or challenging interactions. Patience is key to providing thorough and effective customer support. 

Practice patience during lengthy support interactions, reassuring customers that their concerns are a priority. 

Now that you are well versed in the top customer service skills, let us explore some tips to fast-track your upskilling efforts. 

1. Never lose composure in tense situations  

By immersing yourself in the customer's perspective, understanding their emotions and responding with genuine concern, you create a connection that transcends the transactional.  

For instance, a customer is frustrated and demands a quick resolution. Say, “I understand you have a tight schedule. I will try my best to resolve the inconvenience quickly.”  

Interesting Read: Understanding the Science of Emotions Makes You Better at Customer Experience  

2. Be selective in your word choices  

Positivity in customer service is a potent elixir that shapes the tone of interactions. Choosing words carefully and framing responses tactfully creates an atmosphere that nurtures goodwill.  

For instance, instead of saying, "I can't help you with that," opt for, "Let me explore alternative solutions for you." This maintains a positive vibe and assures customers that their opinions are valued, contributing to a positive experience. 

3. Become aware of your triggers  

Patience is paramount in customer service, and self-awareness is the key to maintaining it. By identifying personal triggers that might provoke frustration, you equip yourself to respond calmly in challenging situations.  

For example, if faced with a demanding customer, take a moment to breathe and respond thoughtfully. This ensures that patience prevails, leading to more constructive resolutions and positive customer interaction. 

4. Prioritize clarity above persuasion  

Clear communication is an effective workplace skill . It emphasizes providing information transparently rather than attempting to persuade. Prioritizing clarity ensures customers comprehend the information being conveyed.  

For example, when explaining a product feature, use simple and direct language to ensure the customer understands the information presented clearly. 

5. Ask questions to arrive at accurate resolutions  

Elevating customer service to a personalized level involves engaging customers through thoughtful questioning. This not only demonstrates interest but also allows for tailored assistance.  

For instance, instead of assuming a customer's needs, ask open-ended questions like, "What specific features are you looking for in a product?"   

This encourages customers to share relevant information, enabling a more personalized and effective service. 

Need more inspiration? Check out these customer service tips to boost your CSAT  

To summarize, skilled agents can differentiate good customer service from excellent customer service that lingers in the customer’s psyche for a long time. Ongoing training and coaching can build a culture of upskilling and learning that is mutually satisfying for the company, customers and agents. 

To level up your customer service game, leverage a technological solution like Sprinklr Service that offers an AI-powered quality management module and integrated live coaching for customer service agents and managers. Built atop a super-powerful AI layer, Sprinklr scores agent skills objectively on technical and soft skills, benchmarking against the team and industry standards while recommending improvements tailored to each agent’s skill gaps. 

Sound unbelievable? Take Sprinklr Service for a free spin and witness results firsthand! 

problem solving skill customer service


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, customer service skills can be learned and improved over time through training, practice and feedback. Effective communication, empathy and problem-solving are key components that can be developed through continuous learning and experience. 

AI-powered quality management tools like Sprinklr Service offer live coaching and individualized recommendations to fill skill gaps and transform your customer service agents into top performers. 

Businesses assess customer service skills in their teams through customer feedback, performance metrics and evaluations. They may use customer satisfaction surveys, monitoring interactions, and performance reviews to measure communication, problem-solving and empathy skills. 

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problem solving skill customer service

Bishakh Dutta

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The Guide to Effective Customer Service Problem Solving

Sarah Chambers

Cases that start as “I don’t know” quickly become “I figured it out!”

“I don’t know” isn’t a good enough answer in customer support. When customers come to you with unique problems and unusual questions, we can’t refuse to answer them. In this guide, we’ll give you the steps to turn that “I don’t know” into something better:

“I don’t know, but I’m going to figure it out.”

With this guide to effective customer service problem solving, we give you a three-step process to follow:

  • take stock of the information you’ve been given,
  • gather any additional information you need,
  • and then work to solve the problem and respond to the customer.

Let’s get started.

Assess the information you have

Information is the most important tool in your tool belt. The first step in solving any problem is to identify all the information you already know. Whether this case was escalated to you for help, or if you’ve just realized that there may be more than meets the eye to this problem, take the time to lay out everything you know.

Customer’s tone

How does your customer feel about the situation? Are they technically minded, or are they struggling to describe technical issues ? Are they calm and cooperative? Or combative and frustrated? Is this a deal-breaker for them? Or is it just a weird bug? The demeanor of your customer will inform how you approach the situation going forward.

Customer’s history

Do a quick review of the customer’s previous support interactions, any purchases they’ve made, what plan type they are on, etc. This context will help you replicate the issue, as well as respond appropriately to the customer.

What’s happening?

Do you know enough about what’s happening? Have they sent through screenshots? Error messages? Console data? What were they trying to accomplish? It doesn’t need to be a technical problem for this step to still be important. Understanding what the customer’s motivation is will help solve a variety of issues.

Has this happened before?

It’s very unlikely that this is a brand new problem. Has the customer reported it happening before? Has any other customer reported it happening before? Help desk search functions are incredibly powerful tools. Search error messages and problem statements to see if other customers have reported similar issues. You can also search the internet to see if it’s a third-party issue. For example, if you’re using a third-party payment system, you might be seeing one of their errors when customers are purchasing on your website.

Gather more information

Okay, we’re partway there! If you didn’t have an epiphany while you were sorting through the information already at your disposal (sometimes that happens!), it’s time to gather more data.

Can you replicate it?

There’s no way to get more information than to get hands-on with the problem. Do you see the same thing happening?

If not, what information do you need to replicate it?

If you can’t replicate the issue, it’s probably because you’re doing something different or in a different environment. What information do you already have about the customer’s environment? What do you need to know in order to do exactly the same thing?

  • Environment: browser version, extensions (try it incognito?), other settings.
  • Steps: can they record a screengrab? What are they trying to do? What error message do they get?
  • Specific settings: what account are they using? What version of your product are they using? If you can try it in their account (using “admin mode” or “god mode” so you can see it without asking for their username or password), does it happen for you as well?

Ask other people

Now’s the time to check in with other people on your team to see if they have any ideas. Have they ever seen something similar?

Depending on your relationship with your product and engineering team, you may also be able to check in with them at this point. However, many teams have a more formal bug reporting process in place to prevent “side of the desk” questions from interfering with their workflow. If that’s the case, you may want to do more research first.

Solve the problem

Now you’ll need to actually solve the problem for the customer. It might require finding a workaround, or reporting a bug to the development team.

Bug or works-as-designed?

Once you’ve replicated the issue, you’ll need to decide whether that is the way it’s supposed to work, or if you’ve found a bug. If it’s a bug, congrats! You can file a bug ticket and ask your engineering team to fix it. If it’s a feature or a design flaw, you may need to make a case for an update. In this case, the complex problem may turn into a feature request.

Is there a workaround?

Can you get to the customer’s desired end result in another way? Whether the issue turns out to be a bug or a feature, if you can find another way to achieve their goal, your customer will be happy!

Write a great response

Once you’ve replicated the issue, solved the problem, found a workable solution, or at least documented the bug for a future fix, you need to get back to the customer. Writing an empathetic, thorough response can make all the difference in a complex situation.

In many cases, your response will follow the same steps as a great customer service apology :

  • Offer explanation
  • Fix the problem
  • Wrap it up and let them know what’s next

Resources for Customer Service Problem Solving

We all need a little help sometimes. If you’re learning how to fix more difficult problems, these resources can help.

Help Scout’s Art of Troubleshooting

On a mission to troubleshoot a bug? This guide is super helpful .

Support Details website

Customer service problem solving

Learn how to use Developer Tools, especially Web Consoles

Customer service problem solving

Be like Sherlock, and look for clues!

Customer support requires communication skills and problem-solving skills. Looking for the clues to solve the puzzle becomes a big part of your job as soon as you start to take on more difficult customers. With this guide to customer service problem solving, you’ll have a systematic way to approach those tough questions. Cases that start as “I don’t know” quickly become “I figured it out!”

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Sarah Chambers is a Customer Support Consultant and Content Creator from Vancouver, Canada. When she’s not arguing about customer service, she’s usually outdoors rock climbing or snowboarding. Follow her on Twitter @sarahleeyoga to keep up with her adventures.

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17 Key Customer Service Skills [List & Resume Examples]

problem solving skill customer service

Poor customer service is hard to forget. One mistake and you are out. Businesses understand it better than ever. As a result, skilled customer service representatives are in high demand.

It is clear that you can’t have happy customers without offering amazing support. Period.

But which customer service skills translate into great customer service experiences? Is good service more than solving a customer’s issue?

In this article:

  • Customer service hard skills and soft skills
  • What personality traits make a good customer support rep
  • How to improve customer service skills
  • How to list your service skills on a resume

If you want to learn more about delivering excellent customer service, you can also read:

  • Do You Know What Customer Service Means at All?
  • What is Customer Retention? 8 Best Strategies [+Apps]
  • 7 Ways to Deliver Excellent Customer Service [Examples & Tips]
  • Customer Success Essentials [Metrics, Stories, & More]
  • Customer Support vs. Service [Definition + Software]

What are the best customer service skills and traits?

Here is our list of good customer service soft skills, hard skills, and personality traits.

Soft skills for customer service:

  • Emotional intelligence
  • Body language
  • Clear communication
  • Active listening
  • Conflict resolution
  • Decision making
  • Problem solving
  • Time management

Hard skills for customer service:

  • Foreign language fluency
  • Technical knowledge
  • Typing speed
  • Knowledge of CRM software
  • Microsoft Office/Google Docs Editors
  • Live chat, chatbots, and email software

Personality traits for customer service representatives:

  • Determination
  • Responsibility

Learn how to improve customer service and recreate in-store experiences

Let’s discuss each of these customer service core competencies in detail.

If you need general training, you may also be interested in joining a training program for agents. Here are some of our recommended courses and useful exercises: 19 Best Customer Service Training Programs & Activities

1. Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to recognize and manage emotions. This refers both to your own emotions as well as those of your customers.

High levels of emotional intelligence and empathy are critical for dealing with customers. It has become one of the main criteria for employee development. People with high emotional intelligence outperform employees with high IQ but low EQ .

Emotional Intelligence model

Many modern organizations use EQ assessments on a regular basis. It is one of the essential customer service skills.

There is a very strong correlation between your emotional intelligence and your results as a support agent. On average, high-performing customer service representatives get better scores on emotional intelligence tests. A report by TalentSmart demonstrates that they score 17% higher than engineering and 3% higher than sales departments.

Empathy is the most important component of EQ for customer service jobs. A good agent should be able to see every problem through the customer’s eyes. Here are some useful resources that will help you develop and improve EQ—especially empathy:

  • 13 Best Emotional Intelligence Activities & Exercises
  • Useful Phrases That Convey Empathy to Customers

2. Positive body language

The role of body language in retail customer service is invaluable. However, it is difficult to put it into an easily definable framework. Some say that 90% of communication is body language. Others argue that 55% is nonverbal, 38% is the tone of voice, and the remaining 7% are words and their meaning as such.

It is difficult to measure the exact impact of your posture or voice. But controlling your body language is a necessary skill for a customer service agent. Unless you are using live chat or other text-based types of customer service , obviously.

Proper posture might be instinctive for you already. But the ability to communicate through body language is also something you can learn. Make sure to:

  • Maintain eye contact with a customer (but do not stare at them)
  • Smile and nod to acknowledge customers and what they say
  • Try to use a calm, low-pitch voice that is not too dynamic
  • Observe the behavior of your customers to read what’s on their minds (e.g., if they are irritated or in a hurry)

Body Language for customer service: make eye contact, nod, smile and observe

If you want to learn more about conveying the right message through your body language or read your customers’ body language like a book, check out:

  • How to Read Your Customer: The Body Language of Yes and No
  • 6 Tips for Increasing Customer Satisfaction Through Positive Body Language

3. Clear communication

Have you ever tried to make a written transcript of your conversation? Sometimes we may think we are communicating in a clear and effective manner. But in fact, most of our everyday conversations with friends are very chaotic and choppy. Chatting with someone is very different from explaining a complex technical issue.

Cohesive communication is one of the most important items on our customer service skills list. Fortunately, you can communicate with your customers very effectively using fine-tuned canned responses . Today, there is no need to come up with original answers to every question from scratch and write new messages. You can achieve clear communication by crafting and perfecting your regular set of canned replies.

Obviously, troubleshooting unusual issues will still require your full attention. You can always reach a good communication level with customers if you follow a process. For example, you should break down your instructions into several steps. Ask for feedback after each step and rephrase the instructions that were misunderstood. This way you can clear up any issue.

Here are two interesting pieces on improving your communication skills for customer service:

  • 15 Tips for Better Customer Service Communication
  • 7 Rules for Effective Customer Service Communication

4. Active listening

Active listening is a technique that uses paraphrasing and reading non-verbal conversation cues. It gives you more insights about customers and allows you to follow their train of thought. Active listening is equally essential when interacting through office phone systems or live chat tools, as you have to comprehend customers’ needs and concerns quickly and accurately. By asking follow-up questions you ensure that you are on the same side.

Our recent customer experience survey shows that businesses are very bad at listening to customers . Only 17% of customers believe that online businesses listen to them. It is a little bit surprising since the problem is easy to address. You can instantly improve the quality of customer experience by using proven formulas.

Some of the most powerful phrases that you can ask to steer customer service conversations in the right direction are:

  • Could you tell me a little bit more?
  • It sounds like you are experiencing [X], am I correct?
  • I’m sorry you have to go through that
  • It would make me angry too
  • Let’s make sure that I’ve got everything right

By using active listening skills you show a customer that you understand them. It allows you to make an instant connection. Active listening helps to convey that their problems are your problems too and you feel responsible for finding a solution.

Further readings to improve your customer service active listening skills:

  • How to Listen to Customers Effectively
  • 20 Best Practices For Live Chat Etiquette

5. Conflict resolution

In customer service, conflict resolution and de-escalation techniques are used every day. To deliver good customer service , an agent should be a good negotiator and know how to calm down a raging bull.

Conflict Resolution skills and qualities  presented in an infographic: communication, stress management, impartiality, EQ, empathy, negotiation

Being able to deal with customer complaints and angry customers can be hard at first. But you can learn some useful statements and tricks to turn those situations around:

  • Stay calm and don’t argue, even if you are right
  • Withhold your judgment and keep your opinions to yourself
  • Use empathy, apologize to your customers, and show that you understand how they feel
  • Offer a solution and describe the end result
  • Provide different alternatives and empower the customer to make the ultimate decision
  • Shift the focus of the conversation on achieving the outcomes described before
  • Make sure that the problem has been solved
  • Thank your customer for providing feedback and bringing the problem to your attention

If you want to find out more about resolving difficult situations with unhappy clients, read:

  • How to Handle Customer Complaints [10+ Response Examples]
  • How to Deal With Angry Customers in 5 Easy Steps [Tips & Examples]

6. Decision making

Working as a customer support agent requires thinking on your feet. You don’t have to always make the best decision. But you need to be decisive and display confidence. Customers want to be taken care of—and they won’t trust you if you don’t know what you are doing. You should, at the very least, try to make a good impression.

If you want to make a good impression and make the best decisions, keep the following things in mind:

  • Focus on your goal . Think what is the ultimate reason why customers reach out to you.
  • Make decisions fast . Try to develop a habit of making decisions quickly. Even if something goes wrong, it will be a valuable lesson for the future.
  • When in doubt, dig deeper . If you can’t decide on the right solution, it may mean that you don’t have enough information. It’s a good idea to ask the customer for details.
  • Ask for help if you need it . Consult with someone who knows more about the topic if you still can’t decide on your best option.

Be careful! Being decisive does not mean that you can make arbitrary judgments. You should make sure what kind of decisions you are allowed to make and which ones are beyond your competencies. Your future customer success manager should prepare a well-defined policy. Situations such as giving discounts or accepting returns should be spelled out. Just stick to the rules.

7. Problem solving

The primary job of a customer support agent is to solve the problems of customers. And you can’t really do that if you are not willing to experiment, analyze, and try out different approaches. Sometimes you’ll have to be very creative and think outside the box.

Comics presenting a job interview conversation

You can solve anything if you break down the process into smaller steps. Follow this pattern to deal with any challenge thrown your way:

  • Describe the problem in your own words and make sure that you understand it
  • Check if someone solved a similar problem already (and how they did it)
  • Prepare a list of possible solutions and analyze their pros and cons.
  • Eliminate the most difficult, expensive, or otherwise impossible and prohibitive ideas
  • Determine your main course of action and a backup plan
  • Put the plan into action and see if it works. Try to draw additional conclusions and go back to step 1 if it doesn’t.

The most important part of problem-solving is identifying what the problem actually is. You should always try to dig deeper and understand why a customer wants to achieve something.

For example, people keep asking how to trigger automatic messages with Tidio’s JavaScript API . But when our agents ask some follow-up questions it turns out that those users don’t need the API. They can create chatbots to reach their goals instead.

8. Time management

Multitasking is a myth. People can’t really handle many processes simultaneously. But what they can do is divide their time into smaller chunks and use it more effectively . It is another important customer service skill.

There is a very simple way to help your customers around the clock. Many businesses improve customer experience with AI chatbots. In some situations, you don’t need a customer support team at all. One bot can do the job. Find out  how to start with Tidio chatbots here .

But customer service is usually very hectic in itself, right? Do we need to organize our time and work at all? Isn’t it just about dealing with incoming calls as they pile up?

Well, things get complicated if you handle one “important” case for three hours and try to catch up by speeding up during the rest of the day.

It may be a good idea to start using time and task management techniques. For example, the Eisenhower Matrix can help you decide which tasks to prioritize.

Eisenhower matrix: urgent vs. important

Try to measure how long it takes to provide assistance to an average customer. Then you can determine which cases take more effort and require more time. Once you start measuring it, you can discover many patterns and insights. You’ll learn that:

  • You can delegate some cases to other agents
  • It’s better to take regular breaks than to do customer service marathons
  • Setting benchmarks and allocating time slots improves your efficiency
  • It is perfectly fine to be assertive and provide customers with resources instead of direct supervision

Time is a critical factor in customer service. You should know when to devote it to providing help and when it’s better to focus on other tasks.

Read more about time management as a tool in your customer service skillset:

  • 6 Time Management Tips for Call Center Agents

9. Foreign language fluency

Customer service outsourcing is extremely popular. There are high chances that you are not a native speaker of the language that you’ll use to chat with customers. Working on your spoken language fluency is the single most important hard skill for customer service.

Interestingly, you don’t need to worry if you have a slight accent. Being able to communicate effectively is more important than perfect pronunciation. Using the right intonation and stressing critical words is something you should really pay attention to.

You shouldn’t obsess about using advanced vocabulary. Instead, try to make your language sound more natural by:

  • Using filler words such as well/um/right/let’s see to make your sentences less choppy (just don’t overdo it)
  • Speak out loud as you practice and record it on your mobile—listen to the recording to catch your mistakes
  • Use a chatbot like Chirpy Cardinal to practice “neverending” conversations online in real-time

If you want to brush up on your English speaking skills, check out this document provided by Maryland Department of Labor:

  • English for Speakers of Other Languages: Customer Service Curriculum

10. Technical knowledge

People don’t call customer service for fun. They usually need technical support. This means that you must understand the ins and outs of your product. And—let’s face it—they are more likely to need help with their malfunctioning smartphone than a non-electrical device.

Good customer service agents need to be tech-savvy. There is no way around it, especially if you want to work in a corporate environment. The majority of customer service agents have to look things up on their computers and solve technical problems.

Being able to use a computer doesn’t count as a technical skill. You shouldn’t list it on your resume because it is obvious that you should be able to use it. Focus on enumerating specific software tools and technologies instead.

Understanding how products work is an essential customer service skill for SaaS companies. For example, our customer service representatives need to have extensive knowledge on:

  • Ecommerce platforms and technologies
  • Chatbots and conversational interfaces
  • Marketing automation and email marketing
  • Integrating live chat widgets on websites

If you are looking for a customer service job, it may be a good idea to show that you are familiar with the products that the company offers. It shows that you are curious and that learning new things doesn’t scare you. Doing it before your actual product knowledge training sends a good signal.

11. Typing speed

This customer service skill is pretty straightforward. The faster you type, the faster your response time . It has a direct impact on your performance as an agent and makes your life a lot easier. This skill is also quite easy to learn and measure.

Typing speed is usually measured by multiplying your accuracy and the number of words typed per minute. For example, if my typing speed is 70 words per minute but my accuracy is 92% (words without a typo), my adjusted typing speed is 64 WPM (70 WMP x 92%).

Scale from to professional typinst presenting typing speed benchmarks

Typing speed benchmarks:

  • Slow: below 20 WPM
  • Average: 20-40 WPM
  • Fast: 40-60 WPM
  • Professional typist: 60-90 WPM

Some companies make it a formal requirement and may assess your typing speed during an interview. For example, to work at Concentrix your typing speed should be at least 35 words per minute.

Go to this website to check your typing speed:

  • Online Typing Speed Test

12. Knowledge of CRM software

Customer service representatives usually use CRM software solutions such as Zendesk or Zoho. The tools are quite similar and getting used to them is only a matter of time. Still, if you have experience with a dedicated customer service app, your chances are brighter.

Some of the best apps that companies use include:

Contact view in Tidio panel

To find out more, check out our ranking of the best customer database software .

Make sure you are not confusing CRM software with project management and team collaboration apps such as Jira, Asana, Trello, or Slack.

13. Microsoft Office/Google Docs Editors

Talking to customers makes up the majority of your work as a customer service rep. But what about the rest? Well, dealing with documents, reports, and presentations is a pretty safe bet. 

Sooner or later, you’ll be asked to prepare some kind of a spreadsheet or a dashboard with your results. Or write a detailed onboarding plan for new junior employees. Or help with presenting your company’s quarterly customer service KPIs .

The majority of businesses collect customer feedback by copy/pasting it into an Excel or Google Sheets file. Organizations tend to prefer Google Docs Editors because they make sharing documents easier.

Make sure to know how to create basic documents in:

  • Google Docs (Word alternative)
  • Google Sheets (Excel alternative)
  • Google Slides (PowerPoint alternative)

14. Live chat, chatbots, and email software

The customer service landscape has changed drastically over the last several years. Today, a live chat customer service agent equipped with quick replies and AI chatbot assistants can do the work of 10 call center agents.

Why is live chat so effective? Think of using a sort of autopilot—controlling and adjusting the exchange of messages rather than writing them from scratch. An agent is supervising the customer service flow and intervenes only if they have to.

It is also the favorite communication channel of about 46% of customers. Tools like Tidio allow you to switch between channels and provide omnichannel service. You can start a conversation through a live chat widget, continue it by exchanging emails, and finish on Facebook messenger. And you can manage everything in one dashboard. Firing up chatbots or canned messages is a matter of two clicks.

15. Determination

Determination is the ultimate personality trait for a customer service agent. You must be able to persevere and get to the bottom of a problem even when customers call you names. And you must constantly work on your customer service skills to increase customer satisfaction levels.

You need empathy to understand customers, but it can also take its toll on your mental balance. At first, the amount of work and stress can be overwhelming.

If you are determined to go the extra mile and deliver amazing experiences to customers, it will give you more motivation. After some practice, you’ll learn to get everything under control.

Grit score results example

You can measure if you are a determined person by taking a test designed by Angela Ducksworth. Your Grit Score will help you understand if you need to work on the strength of your character and perseverance. For example, West Point cadets usually score higher than Ivy League undergraduates.

16. Responsibility

This one may sound like a cliche. Responsibility is something that the majority of job applicants declare as their strong side. For pretty much every position imaginable.

But, in customer service, it is really crucial that you handle every case from start to finish and never leave your clients in the dark.

The common tasks and customer service requirements include:

  • Managing a high volume of incoming messages (or calls)
  • Building relationships with customer
  • Providing accurate information and answering customer questions
  • Meeting customer problem resolution quotas
  • Documenting customer interactions
  • Managing customer accounts
  • Increasing customer retention

You wouldn’t want an irresponsible person to take care of them all, would you?

17. Patience

Customer service professionals should be patient. They must be able to use positive language even if they are dealing with a frustrated customer.

Or if they are exchanging messages with people who take their time to type their messages in.

Incidentally, you can take a peek at customers’ messages even before they send them!

You can find more about premium features offered by one of the top customer service platforms here.

How to list customer service skills on a resume

OK, we have the complete list of excellent customer service skills. But you are probably asking yourself—which skills should I put on my resume for customer service? Surely I can’t put “nice moves and good body language” right next to my Microsoft Excel proficiency!

Skills for customer service resume:

  • Active listening skills
  • Adaptability
  • Attentiveness
  • Customer orientation
  • Cross-selling and up-selling techniques
  • Familiarity with de-escalation strategies
  • Great command of the language
  • Good communication skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Positive attitude
  • Proactive approach
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Self-control
  • High sense of responsibility
  • Team player

Here is an example of a resume that highlights customer service skills and qualifications:

Customer service skills resume

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 202 555 019
New York, NY

A customer service representative with 7+ years of experience and good customer service skills. Nice presentation, customer-centric approach, and familiarity with conflict resolution techniques. Ready for new challenges and increasing customer retention of your business.

, CurbServic
New York, NY
January 2016–June 2021

▫️ Answered 50+ calls per day
▫️ Managed social media conversations
▫️ Helped build customer relationships
▫️ Onboarded new customer service team members

, Call Signal
Brookhaven, NY
August 2013–January 2016

▫️ Handled the live chat and email communication with premium customers
▫️ Helped to organize the processes within the support team
▫️ Designed a customer support chatbot to reduce the workload by 40%
▫️ Collected feedback through customer satisfaction surveys

Bachelor of Arts in English
The Borough of Manhattan Community College
Graduation: 2013

✔️ Active listening
✔️ Positive language
✔️ Up-selling
✔️ Chatbot automation
✔️ 60+ WPM typing speed 
✔️ Google Docs Editors
✔️ Salesforce
✔️ Tidio
✔️ Jira

Check out the top customer service interview questions and answers to better prepare yourself and boost your chances of getting the job.

You can become an awesome agent even without much job experience. Typical resume skills for customer service include emotional intelligence, empathy, and clear communication. The way you approach other people is more important than working for X years at a specific company.

If you need more tips on deciding which skills you should put on your customer service resume, here is a useful guide:

  • What Skills to Put on a Resume  

Building a customer support team is extremely difficult. If you meet several of the requirements mentioned in this article, you are already among the top. And you can improve the remaining customer service skills through practice.

Customer service representative skills that you should focus on:

  • Voice tone/cohesive writing

If you are looking for a job in customer service, make sure to mention at least some of them on your resume.

Still, you can always enhance the effectiveness of your customer service efforts by using the right tools. Want to try an app that turns mediocre customer service skills into great customer experiences? See what happens if you have great customer service skills already.

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Kazimierz Rajnerowicz

Kazimierz was one of the original authors of Tidio Blog. His primary objective was to deliver high-quality content that was actionable and fun to read. His interests revolved around AI technology and chatbot development.

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  • The Call Center Glossary

a call center agent utilizing their customer service skills to provide a great customer experience

Call Center Outsourcing

The 6 most important customer service skills.

Good customer service skills among your brand representatives is a must—so why is it often so difficult to define exactly what skills make good customer service possible? 

One reason is that customer service is a multifaceted, complex job, involving both soft skills (such as empathy and patience) alongside hard skills (such as product knowledge and efficiency). When hiring or training customer service representatives—or just improving and upskilling your current team—it’s important to keep in mind both the soft and hard skills required, and train on both. 

The best skills for customer service—which we’ll outline below—will help you or your customer service team: 

  • work and communicate more effectively
  • employ creative problem solving to find more satisfactory solutions 
  • interact with difficult customers with empathy and patience

The result of all of this? Customer service that goes above and beyond to help customers feel valued, stay loyal to your brand and enjoy a standout experience. 

Why Good Customer Service Skills Are So Important

Good customer service can make or break your business. Don’t believe us? Just look at the data: 

  • 68% of customers would be willing to pay more for products or services from a company that offered great customer service.
  • 92% of customers would stop doing service with a company after three (or fewer!) negative interactions.
  • Companies that offer excellent customer service drive revenues 4-8% higher than that of their competitors. 

More effective customer service and excellent customer experiences improve brand loyalty, reputation and drive sales. 

And obviously, good customer service starts with good customer service skills. With skilled customer service representatives , your support for customers is more effective, personalized, valuable and simply easier. 

Customer expectations for service and experiences are also rising—and specialized skills can help you and your team deliver. Customers want employees who can answer their questions quickly and are knowledgeable enough to provide accurate answers, but they also want to interact with friendly representatives who know what customers want. 

Customer Service Skills Your Organization Must Master

So, what customer service skills are most important? Here are six customer service skills that your organization must master to take your customer service to the next level. Remember: while these skills are essential for anyone with direct customer contact—namely, customer service and support representatives—they should be mastered by anyone who interacts with the customer in even small ways—that includes sales, product, marketing teams and more. 

Effective Listening Skills

Effective listening skills are one of the most important customer service skills agents need to master. Successful customer service involves accurately understanding the customer concern or complaint, and following active listening techniques to ensure the customer feels heard and understood. 

Customer service agents who are skilled listeners will be attentive to the situation at hand and able to understand what the customer both is and isn’t saying. Non-verbal communication such as body language (if applicable), tone, vocal cues, attitude, choice of words and more all contribute to what the customer is communicating. 

Active listening—being present in the conversation, listening to verbal and non-verbal cues, seeking to understand, and reflecting back what the customer is saying—can all help increase effectiveness of your customer service and improve customer satisfaction. 

Clear communication

Along with effective listening skills, customer service agents must be clear communicators across any channels they operate. This can include both written and verbal communication, whether it’s over the phone, on live chat or via Twitter. 

Of course, there are different standards and conventions for different channels—how agents talk to customers on Twitter is necessarily different than how they should talk to them via email. As a result, customer service reps need to be skilled in both understanding the conventions and expectations of each channel, and be able to master how to communicate clearly and concisely within each. 

Soft skills such as empathy and listening are essential for customer service. While it may be difficult to teach empathy to agents, it’s still an essential customer service skill to master. 

When customer service agents are empathetic, problems are solved more quickly and satisfactorily, because the customer feels heard and understood. As a result, they’re likely to be more satisfied with the solution and the interaction overall. 

It’s not just that customers feel more understood though—empathetic customer service agents are more likely to understand the heart of the issue, therefore providing more creative and satisfactory solutions faster. This can lead to faster handle times, improved first call resolutions, and of course, more satisfied customers. 

In addition, when customers feel heard and supported, it leads to increased brand loyalty and affinity—which means better relationships with customers and more valuable customers for your brand. 

Communicative control

While agents need to ensure that the content of their messages is clear, concise and accurate, it’s equally important for agents to be skilled in controlling the emotion and mood of their message. For example, customer service agents must be able to keep their cool, even when the customer is frustrated, angry or gets impatient. It’s essential that agents are able to maintain communicative control rather than matching the mood or tone of the customer. 

After all, customer service is often an intense job—many customers who call are already frustrated with the solutions they’ve tried, and bring that frustration into the call. Good customer service agents know how to diffuse the situation and tension, and find a favorable solution, all while staying calm and composed. 

In addition, agents should be able to be polite but assertive—staying friendly and positive while still maintaining control of the conversation. Many customers can be pushy or demanding. Good customer skills ensure that you can negotiate a favorable solution while still staying within company policy and being polite. This is no easy task! But it’s an essential skill for customer service representatives to master. 

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Patience & a positive attitude.

These soft skills may often be overlooked, but their importance shouldn’t be understated! Customer service agents must have a positive attitude and plenty of patience for handling all of their customer interactions. 

While your customer service representatives may answer the same question hundreds of times each day, it’s essential for them to remember that, for the person calling, it is their first interaction. As a result, agents must be patient and understanding, providing a good experience for both their first and their hundredth call of the day. 

Customer service agents also need to practice patience when it comes to listening to customer queries and finding solutions. Impatient agents may jump to trying to find a solution and wrap up the call before the customer has really described the nature of their concern, leading to frustrated customers who feel they’re not being heard and inadequate solutions. 

Beyond patience in problem-solving and empathy, attitude during the customer service process is important. Of course, customers value friendliness and a positive attitude—don’t we all?—but your agents’ friendliness and positivity can make an impact on your bottom line too. 

How? Almost three-quarters of customers said friendly customer service agents increase their loyalty to a brand. Friendly agents improve customer service and satisfaction, and more satisfied customers tend to spend more , remain loyal to your brand for longer, and refer more customers . 

In addition, framing solutions in positive language during customer interactions can go a long way in making sure customers feel understood and valued. For example, if a customer isn’t satisfied with their item and wants a refund, but your company only offers exchanges or store credit, there’s two ways to frame the solution:

With negative language : “Sorry, we don’t offer refunds.” 

With positive language: “We’re sorry it wasn’t the right fit for you! We can send you a prepaid shipping label to send that back to us and we’d be glad to exchange it for something else or give you store credit to find something you’d like instead.” 

Training customer service agents to use positive language helps to spin negative situations into a win for customers, improving overall customer satisfaction.

Problem-solving skills

Almost all of customer service is problem-solving: a customer calls in with a question, a concern or a problem of some sort, and the customer service agent steps in to provide a solution. 

With self-service and live chat options becoming more prevalent for easy questions such as store hours, beginning a return or exchanging an item, customer service agents are now more than ever handling a higher volume of complex calls. After all, when customers can easily access most information and solutions on their own, it leaves customer service agents to deal with the truly difficult problems. 

As a result, customer service agents need to have exceptional problem-solving skills. Not only do they need to know where and how to find answers for customer queries, but they should also be empowered to find solutions and create solutions when they don’t yet exist. 

Creativity is a big part of problem-solving: being able to think outside of the box, find novel solutions, put information together in new ways, and so on. At the same time, customer service representatives need to know how to be creative within set boundaries, that is, while still adhering to rules and service guidelines. 

To improve these skills, it can help to have agents engage in regular team training involving problem solving games or riddles, creativity exercises, or role-playing exercises where they can take turns responding to invented customer inquiries and providing feedback for each other on the solutions provided. 

How To Master Your Customer Service Skills

Of course, mastering all of these skills won’t come overnight. Whether you are seeking to improve soft skills in customer service like patience or empathy, or hard skills such as better written communication, mastering these takes time and practice. 

For business leaders who are overseeing a team of customer service representatives, the key is to provide plenty of practice and training . While most agents receive training during the onboarding process, training after that can be lacking. According to a report from Salesforce , 55% of agents say they need better training to do their jobs well. 

Ongoing training for agents can include self-service training modules that can be accessed at any time, regular skill refreshes, individual and group training and other options to ensure agents skills are consistently being practiced and improved. 

In addition, regular Quality Assurance and feedback processes ensure that agents know which skills and areas of customer service they need to improve, and have a clear roadmap to improve them. Implementing a clear Quality Assurance process typically involves recording calls or other customer service interactions, reviewing them regularly against a standard rubric, and assigning agents feedback on how to improve based on clear KPIs or quality rubrics. 

Feedback for agents to master their customer service skills should come from a variety of sources—QA results, supervisors and managers, and customers themselves. Engaging customers in post-call or post-interaction satisfaction surveys (often used to measure CSAT) can be helpful feedback for agents. However, direct feedback from managers or supervisors on their specific skills that could be improved is helpful as well. 

For customer service agents, practicing small, actionable steps over time is the best way to improve your skills. For example: 

  • To improve your patience , be aware of what triggers you and what situations you feel most impatient in. Find a specific phrase or action you can silently repeat to yourself or do to regain your patience and calm attitude when you find yourself growing frustrated. 
  • To improve your communication skills , practice communicating your message via different channels: say it out loud, write it down, make it a long message, then make it as short as possible. Get feedback on your communication, and aim for clarity and transparency. 
  • To improve your empathy , practice putting yourself in another person’s shoes. You can do this with friends, relatives, strangers or even fictional characters. Practice seeing the world through their eyes and relating to their problems—and then put those skills to use when listening to a customer. 

If you’re looking to improve your customer service, consider working with a customer experience partner like Global Response. Our team of CX experts will provide you with a team of brand ambassadors who have expertise in the most important customer service skills. Working with a partner like Global Response also ensures your customer service team receives regular training, feedback, QA checks and everything they need to deliver exceptional customer experiences on behalf of your brand. 

Connect with a Global Response expert today and start delivering exceptional experiences.

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20 Essential Customer Service Job Skills (& How to Gauge Them)

Tristen Taylor

Published: August 08, 2023

Unfortunately, some customer service teams have developed a less-than-desirable reputation. This is because bad experiences haunt customers — like being left on hold for thirty minutes, or having to repeat the same problem three different times, or speaking with a rep who sounds more like a robot than a human.

customer service job skills

Of course, not all customer service teams fit into this stereotype. In fact, many are genuinely thoughtful and receptive to customers. However, it can be hard to shake those tricky preconceived notions which may leave you feeling a bit discouraged.

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If you want to hire a stellar customer service employee, they should have a certain set of skills that truly connects them with customers and creates a satisfying experience with your organization. We‘ve curated the following list of essential customer service job skills and what interview questions you can ask to gauge them, but before we dive in, let’s define what it means to work in customer service.

What is customer service?

Customer service is the act of providing assistance, support, and solutions to customers before, during, and after their interaction with a company. It encompasses many skills like effective communication, empathy, and more to deliver a positive and satisfactory customer experience.

what is customer service

8. Professionalism

A manager would want a customer service candidate with professionalism because it establishes a positive and trustworthy image for the company. Professionalism ensures that the candidate represents the company with integrity and respect, maintaining high customer service standards.

It also fosters excellent communication skills, handling any customer interactions with politeness, courtesy, and professionalism, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Interview Question: How do you handle difficult or challenging customers while maintaining a professional demeanor?

This question helps managers determine a candidate's ability to handle challenging situations with grace, demonstrating professionalism and ensuring a positive representation of the company.

9. Situational awareness

Quick thinking comes from understanding situational awareness — mindfulness towards events occurring in an environment and understanding what they mean for you. However, in respect to customer service, situational awareness is the ability to “read” customers at any given moment and understand what they're thinking and feeling.

This skill is highly valuable as it can determine words or actions, moving forward. If a customer seems to be wary, reps can work hard to make them feel more comfortable. If they seem to be starting to get angry, your team can start doing damage control before the situation gets out of hand. Being mindful of the customer's state will help reps fine-tune conversations to best-fit customer needs.

Interview Question: How do you personally tailor each customer interaction to the individual customer?

Situational awareness is based on the idea of being mindful of the differences between individual customers, rather than treating every single customer the same way. So, this question will help you understand how the candidate would plan to do just that. Strong candidates will likely bring up tailoring interactions by reading the situation before acting.

10. Persuasion

While reps should always be kind to customers and mindful of their emotions, your service team is often there for the purpose of persuading customers to use some product or service. This isn‘t manipulation but understanding how that product or service can improve your customers’ lives. Customers don't always know what product would be best for them but often will trust a service rep who confidently recommends one.

Customer service reps should be strong persuaders. This doesn‘t mean aggressively trying to get customers to purchase something they don’t want or need. It means actively listening to what issues they're facing in their life or with their current product or service and coming up with options to resolve these issues — whether that be through purchasing or upselling and cross-selling.

Interview Question: Convince me to buy your favorite product.

This statement might stump candidates for a moment. That‘s okay; give them time to think. However, their response will show you how well they can persuade you to buy something. Since they should develop a deep understanding of and love for your company’s products as an employee, they should be able to persuade customers to buy your products as easily as they could their favorite product.

11. Adaptability

Customer service employees constantly face surprises, like when a customer suddenly blows up over a minor inconvenience. Perhaps, a rep is faced with a technical problem and has no idea how to go about solving it. Or, a customer wants help with a brand new product that your team hasn't quite gotten the hang of, yet. Rather than panicking, customer service reps should be able to think quickly on their feet.

Customer service employees aren‘t expected to be endless encyclopedias who have all the answers to life questions. But, they are expected to think quickly about how to get customers the answers they need. Whether that be improvising on the spot, passing them on to a more qualified coworker, or asking to get back to them once they’ve properly researched the answer, customers will appreciate your team's ability to have an immediate response.

Interview Question: How do you handle unexpected changes in customer demands or priorities?

While the intentions of this question might be a bit obvious, they‘ll still force the candidate to think on the spot. The candidate will have to think back on a time when they exercised this skill and how they handled this type of situation will be telling of their future as an employee. If they aren’t able to think of a distinct memory, that may be a warning sign.

12. Technical Skills

Technical skills allow customer service reps to effectively troubleshoot and resolve customer issues related to products or services. This proficiency enables the candidate to provide accurate information, guide customers through technical processes, and offer solutions that accommodate their specific needs.

Additionally, having technical skills empowers the candidate to handle a wider range of customer inquiries, enhancing their ability to provide more comprehensive support.

Interview Question: Describe your experience using customer service software or other tools to assist customers.

Managers should ask this question to assess candidates' proficiency in using essential tools, ensuring they can navigate systems effectively to provide efficient customer support.

13. Conflict Resolution

Customer service is all about solving problems. Usually, those problems are related to your company‘s products or services. Service reps troubleshoot and get customers moving on with their day. However, some conflicts, as mentioned above, can be related to a customer’s negative attitude. These are the ones that tend to be the most challenging for new service reps.

Diffusing an angry customer is no easy task, but the best customer service reps will know the right words to use to calm down the customer. And, if they‘re unable to calm them down, they should know when it’s time to pass the case on to a manager.

Interview Question: Have you ever faced a situation where you had to mediate a conflict between customers? How did you handle it?

This is a great question to ask candidates who have some experience working with customers. The candidate will likely be in a situation where they’re faced with an angry customer, so you'll want to know they can be trusted to turn the situation around.

14. Detail-Oriented

Strong attention to detail is a skill that managers want their teams to demonstrate on a day-to-day basis. How your service rep presents themselves, completes tasks, and answers customer inquiries reflects the quality of the brand as a whole.

Interview Question: How do you ensure that you enter accurate and detailed information when documenting customer interactions?

This question helps managers assess a candidate's meticulousness in recording accurate information, ensuring smooth handoffs and comprehensive issue resolution.

15. Multitasking

Managers want a customer service candidate with multitasking skills because it enables them to handle multiple customer inquiries simultaneously, improving productivity and efficiency. Multitasking skills allow the candidate to effectively prioritize and manage competing tasks, ensuring that customer needs are met in a timely manner. And, being able to multitask helps the candidate adapt to a fast-paced environment, reducing customer wait time.

Interview Question: Provide an example of a time when you had to handle multiple customer inquiries simultaneously. How did you manage?

Managers should evaluate candidates' ability to handle high volumes of customer inquiries by multitasking effectively without compromising service quality or response time.

16. Positive Attitude

While you might not think of this as a skill, in a customer service job, maintaining one certainly is.

Service reps oftentimes are the first people that customers speak to in a business, and it's their responsibility to create a welcoming and friendly environment for customers. A positive attitude allows the candidate to approach each customer interaction with enthusiasm and genuine care, enhancing the overall customer experience.

It also enables the candidate to handle customer complaints constructively and empathetically, turning potentially negative experiences into positive ones.

Interview Question: How do you maintain a positive attitude when dealing with challenging or demanding customers?

This question enables managers to assess candidates' ability to maintain a positive, empathetic, and helpful attitude when dealing with difficult customers, ensuring customer satisfaction.

17. Cultural Sensitivity

Cultural sensitivity ensures that the candidate respects and values differences, avoiding any potential misunderstanding or offense. By being culturally sensitive, the candidate can navigate cross-cultural communication challenges, tailor their approach to individual cultural preferences, and ultimately provide a more inclusive and customer-centric experience.

Interview Question: How do you ensure that you provide outstanding service to customers from diverse backgrounds?

You want to bring a candidate onto your team that will provide excellent service to every paying customer. The last thing you want is to hire an employee that lands your business in hot water from unacceptable language or behavior.

18. Teamwork

A positive team dynamic within the customer service department is crucial to any business. Effective teamwork allows the candidate to support and assist colleagues, creating a seamless experience for customers. It also ensures that the candidate can effectively communicate and coordinate with other team members, facilitating efficient problem-solving and enhancing the overall customer journey.

Interview Question: Describe a situation when you had to collaborate with colleagues from other departments to resolve a customer issue or inquiry. How did you approach it?

Managers should evaluate candidates' ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams, ensuring collective efforts to resolve complex customer issues efficiently.

19. Productivity

Any manager would want a customer service candidate with productivity skills because it ensures efficient handling of customer inquiries and requests, maximizing the team's output. Productivity skills enable candidates to manage their time effectively, prioritize tasks, and work on multiple customer cases simultaneously without compromising quality.

Interview Question: How do you maintain productivity while still ensuring excellent customer service?

This question enables managers to assess a candidate's ability to balance productivity without compromising service quality, ensuring efficient resolution of customer inquiries.

20. Follow-Through

A customer service candidate that can follow through demonstrates reliability and commitment to solving for the customer. When the candidate follows through on customer inquiries or concerns, it builds trust and confidence in the company, enhancing customer loyalty. Additionally, following through on customer service interactions ensures that no customer is left unresolved, leading to higher customer satisfaction and a positive reputation for the company.

Interview Question: Can you give an example of a time when you had to follow up with a customer to ensure their issue was completely resolved?

Managers should ask this question to evaluate candidates' commitment to resolving customer issues fully, ensuring proactive follow-up and exceptional service.

Understand the Key Aspects of Customer Service

Customer service jobs require reps that are multifaceted and prepared to meet each customer's unique needs. By asking intentional interview questions and gauging each candidate for the qualities listed above, your business will have a star-studded team that your customers will appreciate.

Editor's note: This article was published in April 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.


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50 Best Customer Service Skills for 2024 [Complete Guide]

problem solving skill customer service

Customer service skills are the abilities and characteristics that allow a professional to interact effectively with customers while addressing their needs and concerns. These skills involve a combination of interpersonal, technical, and communication abilities that ensure customers receive the best possible experience when interacting with a business.

Explanation of customer service skills

Effective customer service requires a range of skills, both technical and soft. Technical skills include product knowledge, the ability to handle customer complaints, efficient response and resolution of issues, and being able to work with various customer service systems. Soft skills, on the other hand, are more related to interpersonal communication, such as active listening, empathy, patience, and problem-solving.

Importance of customer service skills

Customer service skills are critical for businesses as they play a significant role in building brand reputation, customer loyalty, and overall success. Excellent customer service enhances the customer experience, improves satisfaction, and increases the likelihood of repeat business. It also helps a business stand out in a crowded market, leading to more positive reviews and referrals.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. In customer service, empathy means putting yourself in the shoes of the customer and being able to feel and relate to their concerns.

Showing empathy in customer service is important for building trust and creating a positive customer experience. It can help customers feel heard, valued, and understood, which can lead to increased loyalty and repeat business.

To demonstrate empathy, it’s important to listen actively to the customer, acknowledge their emotions, and respond with genuine care and concern. This can be done through verbal and non-verbal cues, such as using a compassionate tone of voice, offering words of understanding, and using body language that shows attentiveness and concern.

problem solving skill customer service

Examples of demonstrating empathy in customer service include:

Acknowledging the customer’s frustration and offering a solution that meets their needs.

Offering personalized support and assistance throughout the customer’s journey.

Providing timely and transparent communication about any issues or delays.

Expressing gratitude for the customer’s patience and understanding.

Going above and beyond to exceed the customer’s expectations and create a memorable experience.

Empathy is a critical skill for effective customer service. By showing care and concern for the customer’s emotions and needs, businesses can foster strong relationships and enhance the overall customer experience.

Active Listening

Active listening is the practice of fully focusing on and comprehending a speaker’s message. In customer service, active listening involves paying attention to a customer’s needs, processing the information, and responding appropriately.

A. Definition of Active Listening in Customer Service

Active listening in customer service refers to the ability to hear and understand a customer’s needs, questions, and concerns while providing them with undivided attention. It involves listening to them without interruption, paraphrasing what they have said, and reflecting back to them what you have understood.

B. Why Active Listening is Important for Customer Service

Active listening is crucial in customer service because it has a direct impact on customer satisfaction. When a company practices active listening, customers feel heard, understood, and valued. This, in turn, builds customer loyalty, enhances the company’s reputation, and increases sales.

C. How to Practice Active Listening

To practice active listening, you should focus entirely on your customer and avoid distractions. Stay present, listen to their words and tone of voice, and seek to understand not just their message, but also the motivation behind it. Repeat back what you have understood to make sure you have captured the customer’s message accurately. Most importantly, remain empathetic and non-judgmental throughout the conversation.

D. Examples of Active Listening in Customer Service

When a customer is experiencing an issue with their product, an active listener would listen patiently, ask clarifying questions, and take steps to resolve the issue. This demonstrates concern and empathy for the customer’s needs.

problem solving skill customer service

If a customer calls in to leave feedback on a product, an active listener would take the time to genuinely listen, thank the customer for their input, and ask follow-up questions. This shows that the company values customer feedback and is open to making improvements.

If a customer expresses frustration or anger, an active listener would acknowledge their feelings, apologize for any inconvenience, and work towards finding a solution. This response demonstrates understanding and a willingness to help.

Active listening is an essential skill in customer service that should never be overlooked. When companies practice active listening, they can quickly resolve customer issues, build loyalty, and improve their bottom line.


Communication is a crucial aspect of customer service, and effective communication skills are essential for providing excellent customer service. In this section, we will discuss effective communication skills for customer service, the importance of listening and speaking in customer service, and how to communicate effectively with customers.

A. Effective Communication Skills for Customer Service

Effective communication skills are the cornerstone of excellent customer service. These skills involve being able to convey information and ideas clearly and concisely, using both verbal and non-verbal communication. Effective communication skills for customer service may include the ability to:

  • Use positive language and tone
  • Empathize with customers
  • Use active listening skills
  • Pay attention to non-verbal cues
  • Communicate with cultural sensitivity
  • Use clear and concise language

By using these skills, customer service representatives can create a positive experience for their customers and build strong relationships.

B. Listening vs. Speaking in Customer Service

Listening is an essential skill for effective communication in customer service. By actively listening to customers, representatives can gather information, understand their needs, and build positive relationships. On the other hand, speaking is also important, especially when it comes to conveying information.

Therefore, customer service representatives must find the right balance between listening and speaking. They must listen attentively to customers, give them time to express themselves, and respond appropriately. Replying without letting the customer complete their sentence can make them feel unheard or judged, which can lead to an unsatisfied customer.

C. How to Communicate Effectively with Customers

To communicate effectively with customers, representatives need to follow some basic guidelines, such as:

  • Start by greeting customers with a positive attitude
  • Listen actively and empathize with customers
  • Avoid using jargon or technical terms
  • Take notes throughout the conversation to ensure understanding

By following these guidelines, representatives can ensure that customers feel heard, understood, and valued.

D. Examples of Effective Communication in Customer Service

Effective communication can lead to positive outcomes in customer service, such as increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. Here are some examples of effective communication in customer service:

  • Using positive language to frame negative news in a way that does not make customers feel offended or frustrated.
  • Demonstrating empathy by acknowledging and responding to customers’ concerns and frustrations.
  • Providing clear, concise, and accurate information that answers customer’s doubts and questions.
  • Offering effective solutions to customers’ problems that actively address their needs and preferences.
  • Keeping communication channels open and responsive so that customers feel listened to and able to give feedback.

These examples demonstrate that effective communication is a powerful tool in customer service that can lead to excellent outcomes.


Problem-solving is one of the most essential skills required in customer service. It refers to the ability to find effective solutions to customer complaints, concerns, or issues. The process involves analyzing the problem, identifying the root cause, and finding the appropriate solution.

In customer service, problem-solving is important because it allows companies to resolve customer issues quickly and efficiently. It also helps to meet customer needs and demands, which, in turn, enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Practicing effective problem-solving skills is crucial for customer service teams to ensure that they are equipped to handle any possible issues that may arise. Some ways to improve problem-solving skills include active listening, asking the right questions, seeking feedback and guidance, and using collaboration and creativity.

Examples of problem-solving in customer service can range from small issues such as resolving billing discrepancies to larger problems like recovering a lost package or addressing product defects. For instance, a customer service representative might fix a broken link on a website or help a customer navigate through a complex return process.

Effective problem-solving is a critical skill for any customer service team. By prioritizing customer needs and developing solutions that address their concerns, customer service teams can build long-lasting relationships with customers and ultimately contribute to business success.

In customer service, patience is defined as the ability to remain calm and understanding while dealing with irate or frustrated customers. It involves listening to them, empathizing with their situation, and taking the necessary steps to resolve their issues.

Patience is important for customer service because it helps to build trust and improve the overall customer experience. With patience, you can:

Create a positive impression: When customers feel heard and understood, they are more likely to feel satisfied with the service they receive.

Increase loyalty: Customers who feel valued and appreciated are more likely to return and recommend your business to others.

Resolve conflicts effectively: Patience helps to de-escalate tense situations and find a mutually-beneficial solution.

To develop patience in customer service, it is important to practice active listening, remain empathetic, and remain calm and composed in the face of difficult situations. Other strategies include:

Taking breaks: Taking a moment to step away from a difficult customer interaction can help you clear your mind and approach the situation with a fresh perspective.

Practicing stress-reduction techniques: Deep breathing, meditation, and exercise can all help to reduce stress and increase patience.

Examples of patience in customer service include:

Remaining courteous and professional while dealing with an irate customer who is yelling and being rude.

Taking the time to thoroughly understand a customer’s concern, even if it takes longer than expected.

Empathizing with a customer who is unhappy with a product or service, and working to find a solution that meets their needs.

Patience is a vital skill for anyone working in customer service. By remaining calm and understanding, you can build strong relationships with customers and improve the success of your business.


Adaptability is the ability to adjust and modify one’s approach or behavior in response to changing circumstances. In customer service, this means being flexible and open-minded when dealing with different personalities, situations or challenges.

Adaptability is important for customer service because customers have different needs, preferences and behaviors. A one-size-fits-all approach is ineffective and can lead to frustrated and dissatisfied customers. By being adaptable, customer service representatives can tailor their approach to each customer and situation, leading to more positive outcomes.

To embrace change in customer service, it is important to stay up-to-date with new technologies, tools, and trends. It is also crucial to have a growth mindset and be willing to try new things and learn from past experiences. Encouraging feedback from customers and colleagues can also provide insights on areas for improvement and opportunities to adapt.

Examples of adaptability in customer service include:

  • Customizing responses and solutions based on the customer’s communication style or preferences.
  • Adjusting to unexpected changes or challenges, such as handling a last-minute product recall or addressing a dissatisfied customer.
  • Being open to feedback and using it to improve processes or procedures.
  • Embracing new technologies and channels of communication to better serve customers, such as implementing chatbots or social media support.

Adaptability is a critical skill for customer service representatives to deliver exceptional customer experiences in today’s fast-paced and ever-changing environment. By embracing change, staying flexible, and being open to new ideas, customer service teams can demonstrate their adaptability and improve customer satisfaction.


As a customer service representative, perseverance is the ability to maintain a positive attitude and continue working towards a resolution, even when faced with challenging situations or difficult customers.

A. Definition of perseverance in customer service

Perseverance in customer service means being committed to finding a solution and taking the necessary steps to resolve a customer’s issue. It requires patience, resilience, and a positive mindset to stay focused and motivated, even during tough moments.

B. Why perseverance is important for customer service

Perseverance is essential for customer service because it shows customers that their needs are taken seriously and that the company is committed to resolving their issues. Without perseverance, customer service representatives may give up too easily or become frustrated, causing customers to feel neglected or dissatisfied.

C. How to stay persistent in customer service

To maintain perseverance in customer service, representatives should prioritize active listening, stay calm and empathetic, and remain solution-focused. Other strategies include keeping a positive attitude, taking breaks when needed, and seeking support from colleagues or supervisors.

D. Examples of perseverance in customer service

One example of perseverance in customer service is when representatives work tirelessly to resolve complex issues, even when it means going above and beyond their normal duties. Another example is when representatives continue to engage with frustrated customers until a resolution is found, even if it takes multiple attempts or follow-up calls.

In a recent case, a customer contacted a company’s support team with an urgent issue that needed immediate attention. Despite initial setbacks, the representative remained persistent, gathering all necessary information and working with other departments to find a solution. The customer was impressed with the representative’s commitment to finding a resolution and left a positive review, highlighting the importance of staying perseverant in customer service.

Perseverance is a critical skill for any customer service representative. By staying committed to finding solutions and maintaining a positive attitude, representatives can build trust and foster loyalty with their customers, ultimately contributing to the success of the company.

Knowledge of the Product/Service

As a customer service representative, having knowledge about the product or service you offer is crucial to providing excellent customer service. It can help you understand the customer’s needs and provide the best advice or recommendations possible.

A. Importance of product/service knowledge in customer service

Product or service knowledge is important in customer service because it helps to build trust with the customer. Customers are more likely to trust and invest in a product or service when the representative they are dealing with is knowledgeable and confident about the product or service they are offering. It can also help a customer service representative to anticipate potential issues and offer solutions to customers more efficiently.

B. How to gain knowledge of the product/service

To gain knowledge about the product or service, a customer service representative should start with their company’s resources, such as training materials, manuals, and internal company documentation. Additionally, they can utilize customer feedback and reviews to understand common issues or concerns.

It is also important for a customer service representative to engage in ongoing education about the product or service. Attending training sessions, webinars, or conferences related to the industry can help to expand their knowledge and provide them with useful information to share with customers.

C. How to communicate product/service knowledge to customers

Communicating product or service knowledge to customers can be done in a variety of ways, including:

Explaining features and benefits: Describe how the product or service can help the customer and highlight specific features and benefits that meet their needs.

Answering questions: Respond to customer questions promptly and accurately, providing as much detail as necessary to ensure the customer is satisfied with the information provided.

Using relatable language: Speak in a language that customers can understand, avoiding technical jargon that may be confusing.

Offering product or service recommendations: Based on the customer’s needs or preferences, make recommendations for other products or services that may be of interest to them.

Providing instructions for use: If necessary, provide detailed instructions for using the product or service, helping the customer to understand how to get the most out of their purchase.

D. Examples of product/service knowledge in customer service

Here are some examples of product or service knowledge in customer service:

A customer service representative for a skincare brand is able to recommend different products based on the customer’s skin type and concerns.

A representative for a software company is able to troubleshoot issues by explaining the steps necessary to resolve an issue in a clear and concise manner.

A representative for a home appliance company is able to provide detailed information about specific product features and benefits that directly address the customer’s needs.

A representative for a telecommunications provider is able to explain different service plans and features based on the customer’s budget and usage needs.

A representative for a online retailer is able to answer customer questions about product ingredients and materials used in the manufacturing process, providing customers with peace of mind about their purchases.

Positive Attitude

Customer service is all about providing satisfactory solutions to customers’ problems and creating a positive image of your company. One crucial ingredient in achieving great customer service is a positive attitude.

A. Definition of a positive attitude in customer service

A positive attitude in customer service refers to a mindset where you treat every customer with respect and kindness. It means creating an environment that is inviting and welcoming to customers, where they feel valued and appreciated. It involves staying positive and focused, even when dealing with difficult customers or challenging situations.

B. Why a positive attitude is important for customer service

A positive attitude is essential in customer service for several reasons. Firstly, it helps you build a strong relationship with your customers, which leads to better customer engagement and higher customer retention rates. Secondly, a positive attitude creates a comfortable and welcoming environment that instills trust and confidence in customers, encouraging them to continue doing business with you. Lastly, a positive attitude helps you deal with challenging customers and problems in a constructive and professional manner, promoting conflict resolution instead of escalation.

C. How to maintain a positive attitude in customer service

Maintaining a positive attitude can be challenging, especially when dealing with irate or unreasonable customers. However, with a little effort and a few tips, you can keep your attitude in check. Firstly, practice active listening and empathize with your customers, acknowledging their issues and providing solutions that meet their needs. Secondly, stay calm and focused, even in stressful situations, and always maintain a professional demeanor. Thirdly, learn to manage your emotions by taking breaks when necessary, and avoid getting overly attached to problems, which can lead to burnout.

D. Examples of a positive attitude in customer service

A positive attitude in customer service can manifest itself in different ways, from a friendly smile to proactively seeking solutions to a customer’s problem. Here are some examples of a positive attitude in customer service:

  • Greeting customers with a friendly smile and tone of voice
  • Asking open-ended questions to understand a customer’s needs
  • Providing personalized solutions that meet a customer’s needs
  • Following up with customers to ensure their satisfaction
  • Going the extra mile to exceed customer expectations
  • Remaining calm and professional when dealing with angry or frustrated customers
  • Never giving up, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable problems or challenges.

A positive attitude in customer service is an essential element of great customer service. It helps businesses build lasting relationships, solve problems constructively, and create a welcoming and nurturing environment for customers. By maintaining a positive attitude, businesses can ensure that their customers feel valued, appreciated, and respected.

Time Management

A. definition of time management in customer service.

Time management in customer service refers to the practice of effectively utilizing time to provide customer support and meet customer needs within set time frames. It involves the efficient allocation of time and resources to ensure that customer inquiries, issues, and complaints are addressed promptly and that customers receive timely feedback and resolution to their concerns.

Effective time management in customer service requires employees to prioritize tasks, streamline processes, and optimize resources to ensure that customer support is provided within set response times. This involves balancing the demands of business operations with the need to provide superior customer service.

B. Importance of Time Management in Customer Service

Time management is a critical component of successful customer service operations. Poor time management can result in customer dissatisfaction, missed opportunities, decreased sales, and loss of business. Conversely, effective time management in customer service can improve customer satisfaction, increase customer loyalty, and lead to increased revenue.

Effective time management in customer service helps to reduce customer wait times, minimize response times to inquiries and complaints, and ensure that customers receive the support they need when they need it. It also enables businesses to allocate resources more efficiently, potentially reducing costs and improving profitability.

Time management is an essential skill for customer service professionals to possess. It enables them to effectively manage time to provide quality customer service and meet customer needs within set time frames. The benefits of effective time management in customer service are numerous and can significantly impact a business’s success.

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Customer Service Skills Essential for Great Teams

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As the famous saying goes, " Customer service  shouldn't just be a department, it should be the entire company." This sentiment highlights the importance of integrating exceptional customer service into every aspect of an organization, particularly within teams that interact directly with  customers .

In today's competitive marketplace, where customer expectations are higher than ever, providing outstanding customer service can be the key differentiator that sets a company apart. Teams that excel in customer service not only meet customer expectations but consistently exceed them, fostering strong relationships and driving business growth.

"Customer service shouldn't just be a department, it should be the entire company." Tony Hsieh (CEO, Zappos)

This article delves into the essential customer service skills that every great team should master. By the end of this guide, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the essential skills, necessary to enhance your team's performance and elevate your company's customer service to new heights.

Whether you are a team leader looking to boost your team's effectiveness, a customer service professional seeking to improve your skills, or a business owner aiming to create a customer-centric culture, this article provides valuable insights and actionable advice to help you achieve your goals. 

Let's embark on this journey to mastering customer service skills and outperforming the competition.

Understanding the fundamentals of customer service in teams

In the realm of customer service, the foundation upon which successful interactions are built lies in a deep understanding of its core principles. For teams, mastering these fundamentals is not just beneficial; it is essential. A cohesive team that understands the basics of customer service can work seamlessly to provide consistent, high-quality support, ultimately leading to higher  customer satisfaction  and loyalty.

Customer service, at its heart, involves meeting and exceeding customer expectations through effective communication, empathy, and problem-solving. But when these principles are applied within a team setting, their impact is magnified. Teams that operate with a unified understanding of customer service can handle inquiries more efficiently, provide more personalized experiences, and create a more positive overall customer journey.

What is customer service?

Customer service is the support and assistance provided to customers before, during, and after purchasing a product or service. It encompasses a range of activities aimed at ensuring customer satisfaction and fostering positive experiences with a company. This includes addressing inquiries, resolving issues, providing product information, and ensuring that customers feel valued and heard.

Exceptional customer service is proactive, empathetic, and responsive, focusing on creating and maintaining a positive relationship with the customer.

The role of customer service in different industries

The role of customer service varies significantly across different industries, yet its importance remains universally acknowledged. 

In retail, customer service involves helping customers find products, offering recommendations, and processing returns. In the technology sector, it includes troubleshooting technical issues, providing software support, and guiding customers through complex processes. Healthcare customer service focuses on patient care, answering medical queries, and ensuring timely assistance. 

Each industry tailors its customer service approach to meet the specific needs and expectations of its customer base, highlighting the versatility and critical nature of this function.

Customer expectations

Customers today have high expectations for the service they receive. Common expectations include:

  • Prompt responses to inquiries and swift resolution of issues.
  • Correct information and reliable solutions.
  • Courteous, respectful, and knowledgeable interactions.
  • Understanding and addressing customer emotions and concerns.
  • Easy access to support through multiple channels (phone, email, chat, social media).
  • These expectations are shaped by past experiences and the service standards set by leading companies.

Meeting customer expectations is essential for maintaining satisfaction and avoiding negative experiences. When a company meets expectations, customers feel their needs are understood and addressed, leading to positive customer experience and a sense of reliability and trust in the brand. However, merely meeting expectations often results in a neutral impression.

Exceeding customer expectations, on the other hand, can transform a satisfactory experience into an exceptional one. This involves going above and beyond in service delivery, such as providing personalized recommendations, offering unexpected discounts or benefits, or resolving issues more comprehensively than customers prefer or anticipated. Exceeding expectations creates memorable experiences that foster loyalty, encourage repeat business, and generate positive word-of-mouth referrals.

25 customer service skills essential for your team

Mastering a diverse set of essential customer service skills is essential for any team striving to deliver exceptional service and exceed customer expectations consistently.

1. Active listening

Active listening is a crucial component of good customer service. It involves fully concentrating on what the customer is saying, both verbally and non-verbally, and seeking to understand their perspective.

By actively listening, customer service representatives can better identify and address the customer's needs and concerns.

One important technique for active listening is to focus on the speaker and avoid distractions. This means avoiding multitasking while on the phone or in-person with a customer, and making eye contact and nodding to show that you are engaged in the conversation.

Another technique is to ask clarifying questions to ensure that you have a clear understanding of the customer's needs. This not only helps to ensure that you are addressing the customer's concerns effectively but also demonstrates to the customer that you are actively listening and taking their concerns seriously.

Reflecting on what the customer has said is also an effective active listening technique. This involves paraphrasing what the customer has said to show that you understand their perspective and to clarify any misunderstandings.

LiveChat allows agents to pay close attention to customers' concerns and respond thoughtfully, showing that they truly understand and care.

2. Problem-solving

Customer complaints and issues are inevitable, and how they are handled can significantly impact customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Effective problem-solving involves a number of steps. The first step is to identify the issue and gather all relevant information. This may involve asking the customer questions or conducting research to better understand the problem.

Once the issue has been identified, it is important to remain calm and professional, even if the customer is upset or frustrated with purchasing process. Using positive language and acknowledging the customer's feelings can help to diffuse the situation and build trust.

The next step is to work collaboratively with the customer to identify potential solutions. This may involve offering alternatives or suggesting compromises. It is important to be flexible and open to different solutions, as this can help to demonstrate that the customer's needs are being taken seriously.

After identifying a solution, it is crucial to honor any commitments made to satisfied customers. This can involve taking appropriate action to address the issue or following up with the customer to confirm their satisfaction with the resolution.

LiveChat enables quick identification and resolution of issues, often in real-time, which enhances customer satisfaction.

3. Communication skills

Clear and concise communication is essential in building trust, managing expectations, and resolving issues.

When communicating with customers, it is important to use language that is easily understood. This may involve avoiding technical jargon or industry-specific terminology and using simple, straightforward language.

Both verbal and written communication skills are important in good customer service. Verbal communication involves speaking clearly and actively listening to the customer. It is important to use a friendly and welcoming tone and to avoid speaking too quickly or too slowly.

Written communication skills are equally important, particularly in the age of digital communication. This includes skills such as grammar, spelling, and punctuation, as well as the ability to convey information in a clear and concise manner.

It is important to take the time to review emails, chat messages, and other forms of written communication to ensure that they are error-free and effectively convey the intended message.

LiveChat supports concise and coherent messaging, helping agents to convey information accurately and avoid misunderstandings.

4. Product knowledge

Having a strong understanding and knowledge of the products or services offered is a critical component of good customer service. It helps customer service representatives to effectively assist customers with questions and concerns, and can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Product knowledge involves having a deep understanding of the features, benefits, and limitations of the products or services offered by the company. This very technical knowledge includes understanding how the product works, its intended use, and any associated policies or procedures.

LiveChat Archives section with a see all chats button.

When interacting with customers, having a strong customer service skills and a good product knowledge allows customer service representatives to provide accurate information and address questions and concerns more efficiently.

This can help to build trust and increase customer confidence in the company and its products or services.

Agents can utilize LiveChat’s chat archives to access and share accurate product information swiftly.

5. Patience

Patience is an important interpersonal skill that can be developed and improved with practice. It involves the ability to remain calm and composed, even in challenging or frustrating situations.

In customer service, patience is essential in dealing with customers who may be upset or difficult to work with. By maintaining a positive attitude and demonstrating patience, customer service representative can help to de-escalate tense situations and work towards a positive resolution.

Patience can also help customer service teams to build trust and credibility with customers. By taking the time to listen to their concerns and being patient in finding a solution, customer service team can show that they value their customers and are committed to providing excellent service.

There are a number of techniques that can help to manage frustration and maintain patience in customer service.

These may include:

  • taking deep breaths,
  • focusing on positive outcomes,
  • and practicing active listening.

By staying focused on the customer's needs and remaining patient, customer service professionals can create a more positive experience for both the customer and themselves.

Handling multiple chats simultaneously teaches agents to stay patient and composed, even in stressful situations.

Among the crucial soft skills, empathy is one of the most important. It is the capacity to put oneself in the customer's shoes and understand their situation from their perspective.

problem solving skill customer service

Empathy is  important in customer service  as it can help to build a positive and lasting relationship with customers.

When customers feel that they are being heard and understood, they are more likely to feel valued and satisfied with the service they receive. It can also help to defuse tense or difficult situations and create a more positive outcome for all involved.

In order to demonstrate empathy, customer service agents must actively listen to their customers and try to understand their perspective. This involves being patient, asking questions, and showing genuine concern for their situation.

By using personalized rich messages , agents can demonstrate empathy, making customers feel valued and understood.

7. Adaptability

Adaptability is the ability to adjust and respond to different situations and customers. It is the capacity to be flexible and open-minded in finding solutions to customer issues.

In customer service, adaptability is important as it allows customer service representatives to respond effectively to the diverse needs and expectations of customers. By adapting to different situations and customers, customer service representatives can build stronger relationships with their customers and create a more positive and satisfying experience for them.

Adaptability also enables customer service representatives to find creative and innovative solutions to customer problems.

By being flexible and open-minded, customer service reps can develop new approaches and strategies to meet the unique needs and challenges of each customer. This, in turn, results in  excellent customer service .

Agents can easily switch between different communication channels within LiveChat, adapting to customer preferences seamlessly.

8. Attention to detail

Paying attention to detail is important in customer service as it can help to ensure that  customer needs  are met effectively and efficiently.

By being detail-oriented, customer service representatives can provide accurate and reliable information to customers, avoid mistakes and misunderstandings, and ensure that  customer complaints  and issues are resolved thoroughly and promptly.

Techniques for improving attention to detail include:

  • taking detailed notes during customer interactions,
  • reviewing and double-checking information,
  • and asking clarifying questions to ensure understanding.

It is also important to develop strong organizational and interpersonal skills to manage multiple tasks and customer interactions effectively.

By paying close attention to details, customer service representatives can provide accurate and reliable information to customers, avoid mistakes and misunderstandings, and ensure that customer needs are met effectively and efficiently.

9. Conflict resolution

Excellent customer service skills must include conflict resolution, which is the ability to navigate difficult situations and find mutually satisfactory solutions that meet the needs of both the customer and the business.

Effective conflict resolution is essential in customer service as it can help to build strong  customer relations , increase  customer loyalty , and enhance the reputation of the business. Good customer service skills in conflict resolution require customer service representatives to be patient, empathetic, and skilled at communication and problem-solving.

Techniques for resolving conflicts with customers include active listening to understand the customer's perspective, acknowledging and empathizing with their feelings, and working collaboratively with the customer to find a mutually beneficial solution.

It is also important to remain calm and professional during conflict resolution interactions and to follow up with unhappy customers to ensure their satisfaction.

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10. Time management

The ability to prioritize tasks, organize work schedules, and manage time effectively to ensure that customer needs are met promptly and efficiently is yet another important skill.

Time management  skills are essential in customer service as it can help to increase productivity, reduce stress, and improve the quality of customer interactions. By managing time effectively, customer service reps can ensure that customer calls and inquiries are addressed promptly, issues are resolved quickly, and follow-up is provided when necessary.

How to become better at time management? Some ideas to consider include:

  • setting clear priorities and goals,
  • planning and organizing work schedules,
  • eliminating distractions,
  • delegating tasks when appropriate,
  • using technology to streamline processes,
  • and taking breaks to recharge and refocus.

If you think about relevant skills in customer service, then time management should definitely be one of them.

11. Multitasking

Multitasking is a vital customer service skill that involves juggling multiple tasks while providing excellent customer service. It is the ability to manage several tasks and responsibilities simultaneously while maintaining a high level of the service quality in great customer service interactions.

problem solving skill customer service

Effective multitasking skills are essential in customer service as it can help to increase efficiency, reduce wait times, and improve the overall customer experience.

By managing multiple tasks effectively, customer service representatives can ensure that customer inquiries are addressed promptly, issues are resolved quickly, and follow-up is provided when necessary.

Techniques for effective multitasking include setting priorities, using task lists and reminders, and breaking larger tasks into smaller, more manageable ones. It is also important to stay organized and focused, avoid distractions, and seek help when necessary.

LiveChat’s automation features, such as canned responses and chatbots, streamline repetitive tasks, allowing agents to focus on more complex customer needs.

12. Positive attitude

Maintaining a positive attitude is crucial in customer service as it can greatly impact the customer's perception and service experience.

When agents are positive towards customers, they create a positive first impression and help to put customers at ease. They are more likely to engage in positive interactions, listen actively to customers, and offer appropriate solutions to their problems.

Developing a positive mindset, practicing empathy, and maintaining a sense of humor are a few techniques for maintaining a positive attitude. It is also essential to stay professional, remain calm under pressure, and avoid negative language or attitudes.

This approach can create a welcoming and friendly environment, build trust, and establish a rapport with customers that can greatly impact the  customer service experience .

13. Persuasion and influence

Persuasion and influence are critical customer service skills that involve convincing customers to take a specific action or change their perception.

What are the techniques you could try? Active listening, understanding the customer's needs and preferences, and tailoring the message to meet their specific situation are just a few examples. It is also important to use positive language, establish credibility, and provide evidence or examples to support recommendations.

The importance of persuasion and influence in customer service lies in the ability to build trust and loyalty with customers, increase customer satisfaction, and improve overall customer experience.

When customer service team can effectively persuade and influence customers, they can provide solutions that meet their needs, address their concerns, and offer a positive customer service experience.

Effective persuasion and influence skills can help customer service representatives to build trust, establish rapport, and provide solutions that meet customers' needs.

14. De-escalation techniques

When customers become upset, it can be challenging to remain calm and professional. However, by using effective de-escalation techniques, customer service representatives can calm the customer down, address their concerns, and find a solution that meets their needs.

Effective de-escalation techniques include acknowledging the customer's concerns, and remaining calm and professional. It is also important to validate the customer's feelings, and offer alternative solutions if necessary.

Additionally, customer service representatives should avoid using negative language, raising their voice, or becoming defensive, which can further irate customer and escalate the situation.

The importance of de-escalation in customer service lies in the ability to maintain a positive relationship with customers, reduce conflicts, and prevent negative feedback or reviews.

By using effective de-escalation techniques, customer service representatives can provide a positive customer service experience, even in challenging situations.

Our platform’s built-in feedback tools help collect customer opinions, which can be analyzed to improve service continually.

15. Teamwork

In many cases, customer service reps work in teams, and effective teamwork is critical to ensure that customers receive prompt and satisfactory assistance.

Effective  teamwork  in customer service involves sharing knowledge and expertise, communicating effectively, and collaborating to find solutions that meet customers' needs.

It is essential to establish clear roles and responsibilities, establish goals and objectives, and  work together  to achieve them. Effective teamwork also involves being open to feedback, supporting colleagues, and providing constructive feedback to improve performance.

The ability to provide efficient, effective, and high-quality service to customers relies heavily on this skill. By working collaboratively, customer service representatives can leverage each other's strengths and expertise to provide quick and effective solutions to customers' issues.

Teamwork also promotes a positive work environment, which can lead to increased job satisfaction, productivity, and employee retention.

16. Professionalism

Maintaining a professional demeanor with customers is yet another skill customer service professionals should master.

It involves presenting oneself in a polite, respectful, and courteous manner to customers, irrespective of the situation or circumstances.

The importance of professionalism in customer service cannot be overstated. A professional demeanor helps to build confidence and trust with customers, making them more likely to do business with a company in the future. It also helps to make customer contacts and establish the reputation of the company as reliable, trustworthy, and customer-focused.

Professionalism in customer service is especially important in situations where customers are frustrated, angry, or dissatisfied. With this skill, customer service representative can de-escalate tense situations and work towards resolving customer issues.

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17. Calm under pressure

When dealing with frustrated or upset customers or facing challenging situations, it is easy to become flustered, anxious, or defensive. However, remaining calm under pressure is essential to provide effective customer service.

Calmness under pressure is one of the soft skills that can be developed and improved with practice. You can try deep breaths, focusing on the present moment, and maintaining a positive mindset. Having a clear understanding of the situation and remaining empathetic towards the customer's concerns is also very important.

If you can manage high-pressure situations, de-escalate tense interactions, and provide customers with a positive experience, you are more likely to win or retain customers.

18. Conflict management

Conflict management involves handling disputes or disagreements between team members in a constructive manner, so that everyone can work together effectively to provide excellent customer service. Effective conflict management helps to prevent long-term negative effects on team morale, customer retention, and business success.

One of the key techniques for managing conflicts within the customer service team is to encourage open communication. All team members should feel comfortable sharing their opinions and concerns, without fear of retribution or retaliation. It's important to establish ground rules for communication, such as listening respectfully, avoiding personal attacks, and sticking to the topic at hand.

Another effective technique is to work collaboratively to find a solution. Team members should be encouraged to approach conflicts with a problem-solving mindset, rather than an adversarial one. This can involve brainstorming ideas, evaluating different options, and coming to a mutually agreeable resolution.

Remember that conflicts can arise from misunderstandings or differences in perspective. Active listening and empathy can help team members understand each other's viewpoints and find common ground. By acknowledging and addressing differences in a respectful and constructive manner, conflicts can often be resolved before they escalate.

19. Follow-up skills

After a customer has made a purchase or interacted with a business, following up with them is a great way to show that their satisfaction is important. It also helps to identify potential issues and areas where improvements can be made.

One of the most important aspects of follow-up skills is timeliness. Customers appreciate prompt follow-up after their interaction with a business. This can be in the form of a phone call, email, or even a message through social media. A timely follow-up shows that the business values the customer's time and wants to ensure that their experience was positive.

Another important aspect of follow-up skills is the ability to ask for feedback. Asking customers about their experience with a business can provide valuable insights into areas where improvements can be made.  Customer feedback  can be used to improve products, services, and overall customer satisfaction.

Effective follow-up also involves making commitments to customers and following through on them. If a customer has an issue that needs to be resolved, following up with them to ensure that the issue has been resolved to their satisfaction is important.

LiveChat’s follow-up capabilities ensure that customers receive consistent and ongoing support even after the initial interaction.

20. Upselling and cross-selling

Upselling and cross-selling are sales techniques that are often used in customer service to increase revenue and improve customer satisfaction.

Upselling  involves suggesting a more expensive or premium version of a product or service that a customer is already interested in, while cross-selling involves recommending complementary or related products or services that the customer may also be interested in.

For the customer, these techniques can provide them with a better overall experience by offering them additional options and providing more value for their purchase. For the business, upselling and cross-selling can increase sales revenue and customer loyalty.

Upselling and cross-selling should always be done in a way that is respectful of the customer's budget and preferences. Being too pushy or aggressive can lead to negative customer feedback and hurt the business's reputation.

You should always focus on providing excellent service and meeting the customer's needs, while also offering additional products or services as appropriate or customer decide.

21. Cultural awareness

In today's global marketplace, cultural awareness is an essential aspect of providing strong customer service.

Customers come from diverse backgrounds, and it's important to recognize and respect cultural differences to provide exceptional service. Cultural awareness involves understanding and appreciating different customs, traditions, and behaviors. This can include being mindful of differences in communication styles, personal space, and religious practices, among others.

By being culturally aware, customer service representatives can avoid misunderstandings and miscommunications, and create positive interactions with customers.

For instance, being aware of cultural differences in communication styles, such as directness and indirectness, can help representatives tailor their approach to meet the needs of customers from different backgrounds.

Similarly, being respectful of personal space and avoiding physical contact can make customers feel more comfortable.

22. Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. It is one of the most important soft customer service skills.

Having emotional intelligence helps service providers to empathize with customers and understand their needs and concerns. This, in turn, allows them to provide better support and solutions to the customer's problems.

When a customer is upset or frustrated, an emotionally intelligent agent can respond in a calm and supportive manner, which can help to diffuse the situation and resolve the issue more effectively.

Moreover, emotional intelligence allows support reps to manage their own emotions, such as anger or frustration, which can arise in difficult or challenging customer interactions.

By keeping their emotions in check and responding to customers with positivity and empathy, they can maintain professionalism and ensure that the customer's needs are met.

23. Critical thinking

The ability to analyze complex situations, identify potential solutions, and make informed decisions that benefit both the customer and the company is also a very important skill.

In customer service, critical thinking skills allow representatives to solve problems effectively and efficiently. When dealing with a customer issue, critical thinking enables representatives to identify the root cause of the problem and determine the best course of action to resolve it.

This often involves asking probing questions to better understand the customer's needs and concerns, and using sound judgment to make decisions that align with company policies and procedures.

Another important aspect of critical thinking in customer service is the ability to anticipate potential problems and proactively address them before they become larger issues. This could involve identifying trends in customer feedback or product performance and making recommendations to management for improvement.

24. Decision-making

Decision-making is an important customer service skill because it allows service providers to make informed choices that can positively impact the customer's experience.

Effective decision-making involves analyzing a situation, identifying the best course of action, and taking the necessary steps to implement that action. Customers often rely on customer service representatives to make decisions that can resolve their issues, and a well-informed and timely decision can lead to a positive outcome.

On the other hand, poor decision-making can lead to customer dissatisfaction, negative reviews, and even loss of business. Therefore, honing decision-making and negotiation skills is crucial for providing excellent customer service.

25. Resourcefulness

Finding creative solutions to customers' problems problem solving skills is the last - but definitely not least - item on this list of great customer service skills.

When customers encounter a problem, they expect the customer service representative to be able to solve the issue quickly and efficiently. However, sometimes the solution to a a customer service agent's problem is not immediately apparent. This is where resourcefulness comes in.

Resourcefulness involves thinking outside of the box and finding unconventional solutions to problems. It requires customer service representatives to be flexible and adaptable, and to have a deep understanding of the products or services they are supporting.

Being resourceful also involves being able to leverage the resources available to you, whether it's utilizing online tools like customer service software or collaborating with team members to find a solution.

Implement these important customer service skills with LiveChat

Mastering good customer service skills is crucial for businesses to succeed and retain customers in today's competitive market.

By prioritizing customer service skills and providing ongoing training and support, businesses can create a positive customer service experience that not only meets but exceeds customer expectations.

Integrating crucial customer service skills with the  best live chat software  can significantly enhance your team's ability to deliver exceptional service. LiveChat provides a versatile and efficient medium for real-time customer interactions, making it an ideal tool for implementing these skills effectively.

By leveraging LiveChat, teams can not only enhance their technical abilities but also develop and refine the soft skills that are essential for outstanding customer service. This combination of technology and skill development positions businesses to exceed customer expectations and build lasting, positive relationships.

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How to improve problem-solving skills with customer service training

This post was originally published on

Customer service is a jigsaw puzzle.

In order to put together a picture of excellent customer service, customer service reps have to piece together customer information, product or service knowledge, and personal skills. But, even with all of the necessary pieces, a customer service team member can’t provide valuable customer service without being a great problem solver.

As companies put a larger emphasis on high-quality service, reps and agents need customer service training programs that focus on problem-solving. As self-service channels grow in popularity for simple, transactional interactions, when it comes time for a customer to reach out to a rep, it’s likely because they couldn’t find the answer via self-service. These interactions tend to be unique, more complex, and unpredictable. In fact, according to one report, as many as 83% of people say that humans better understand their problems and needs and want to bypass self-service options to talk directly to a human. This means that reps should be well equipped to deal with customers, understand their issues, effectively provide a resolution, and anticipate their future wants and needs.

So, how can customer service leaders deliver training courses that feature effective problem-solving techniques? First and foremost, employees should learn the fundamental knowledge and skills that they’ll need for any interaction. Then, leaders can begin working with their customer service team to develop their problem-solving skills.

Introduce reps to problem-solving methods

The best way to ensure reps address a customer’s issue and do it with a high quality of service is to provide training on a structured problem-solving process. To start, here are five steps that every rep should know how to work through.

  • Identify and define the problem:  While this may seem simple and straightforward, customers don’t always describe their issues clearly. Training should offer reps examples of open-ended questions that they can use to effectively gather information and isolate the actual problem. This will make the rest of the interaction much more efficient.
  • Brainstorm solutions:  Now it’s time to brainstorm and share possible solutions with the customer. Consider providing reps with guidelines that encourage autonomy so they can create solutions at their own discretion.
  • Evaluate and choose the best solution:  During this time, it’s key for reps to clearly and effectively communicate the solutions (and their implications) of each with the customer. By having an open and friendly discussion, reps will be able to choose the solution that best addresses the customer’s specific wants and needs.
  • Implement the solution:  Once a customer and rep are on the same page about a solution, it’s important to execute as soon as possible. Training must ensure that reps are empowered to build a plan, work with the appropriate team members to ensure it happens, and make a solution become a reality.
  • Analyze the results:  After a solution is implemented, successful support teams also measure the results. By asking the customer for feedback and analyzing metrics, teams can better determine if the right process was followed and what they could improve in the future for increased customer loyalty.

Provide opportunities for practice and feedback

Once customer service reps have a good grasp of problem-solving techniques, it’s important to give them opportunities to apply and practice their problem-solving skills. World-class customer service teams take real-life scenarios and support tickets and apply them to a test environment. This gives both new and veteran reps the chance to hone their problem-solving skills in a safe space—without negatively impacting the relationship with a customer. They then have the chance to work through prioritization and resolution steps while practicing effective communication skills.

Additionally, offering reps the chance to practice thoughtful problem solving allows leaders to give clear and effective feedback. Customer service leaders and training managers can evaluate practice scenarios with predetermined criteria to ensure their team focuses on the right  customer service skills  and gets the helpful feedback they need to improve their level of service. This also helps leaders identify reps who may need additional coaching.

When reps are properly trained in fundamental customer service skills and effective problem solving, they’re more prepared to address a customer’s issue. With intentional practice and continuous feedback loops from management, reps will be able to implement these steps with expertise and become customer service puzzle masters. The result is higher first-contact resolution rates, improved net promoter scores, and better overall business performance. That’s a puzzle worth solving.

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Customer Service Skills: 25 Performance Review Phrases Examples

By Editorial Team on July 26, 2023 — 8 minutes to read

Effective customer service skills are crucial to the success of any organization, and monitoring and evaluating employee performance in this area allows businesses to identify areas of strength and those in need of improvement.

Related: 242 Performance Appraisal Examples (Customer Satisfaction)

2000+ Performance Review Phrases: The Complete List (Performance Feedback Examples)

How to Write an Effective Performance Review (Essential Steps)

Questions to Determine an Employee’s Customer Service Skills

  • How well does the employee communicate with customers? Are they able to listen actively and respond appropriately to customer inquiries and concerns?
  • How effectively does the employee resolve customer complaints? Are they able to find solutions that satisfy the customer while also adhering to company policies and procedures?
  • How knowledgeable is the employee about the company’s products and services? Are they able to provide accurate information and make recommendations to customers?
  • How well does the employee handle difficult or challenging customer interactions? Are they able to remain calm and professional in the face of frustration or anger?
  • How consistently does the employee deliver high-quality customer service? Are they able to maintain a positive attitude and provide excellent service even during busy or stressful periods?

Performance Review Phrases and Paragraphs Examples For Customer Service Skills

5 – outstanding.

A customer service representative with an outstanding rating of 5 consistently demonstrates exceptional customer service skills. They consistently exceed customers’ expectations and handle difficult situations with ease. Their communication is clear and concise, and they often go the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction.

These employees are natural leaders, setting a positive example for their peers. They are skilled problem-solvers and demonstrate empathy and understanding towards customers. They regularly receive positive feedback from customers and have a track record of successfully resolving issues.

Paragraph Example 1

“Jane consistently goes above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction. Her excellent communication skills and empathetic nature have resulted in numerous positive customer reviews and repeat business. She handles difficult situations with grace and professionalism, making her an invaluable member of the team.”

Paragraph Example 2

“Mary has consistently demonstrated a high level of proficiency in customer service skills. With a blend of patience, empathy, and active listening, she has been able to resolve customer issues effectively and efficiently. In several instances, Jane has gone above and beyond in assisting customers, resulting in positive feedback and increased customer satisfaction levels. Her attention to detail and dedication to providing a seamless experience make her an exceptional customer service representative.”

Paragraph Example 3

“Mark has consistently exceeded expectations in building rapport with customers and maintaining long-term relationships. He takes pride in personalizing interactions, allowing him to better understand the customers’ needs and concerns. Mark proactively anticipates customer requirements and provides relevant solutions before it becomes an issue. By utilizing exceptional communication skills and consistently following up, Mark has played an integral role in reducing churn and retaining numerous customers.”

Paragraph Example 4

“Sarah has proven to be an invaluable asset in supporting and coaching her fellow team members in customer service skills. She actively shares her knowledge and expertise, improving the overall skillset of the team. Sarah takes the initiative to stay up-to-date with company policies and procedures, ensuring that customers receive accurate and up-to-date information. Her organizational skills and time management capabilities allow her to handle a high volume of inquiries without sacrificing quality.”

Paragraph Example 5

“Thomas is a great example of someone who consistently exceeds expectations in problem-solving and decision-making. He remains objective and level-headed while addressing customer complaints, enabling him to find the best possible outcome for both the customer and the company. Thomas demonstrates strong analytical skills, allowing him to identify patterns in recurring issues, and works with other departments to implement long-term solutions. His proactive approach significantly contributes to the overall improvement of customer service processes and procedures.”

4 – Exceeds Expectations

An employee who exceeds expectations with a rating of 4 also provides excellent customer service. They often go beyond their job duties to help customers, and their interactions consistently result in satisfied customers. They possess strong communication skills and actively listen to customers’ needs to find effective solutions.

These employees show a knack for developing rapport with customers and always treat them with respect. They follow up on customer inquiries promptly and show a genuine interest in their customers’ experiences. Their performance contributes positively to the team and the company’s reputation for great customer service.

Paragraph Example

“John frequently exceeds customer expectations by providing detailed and accurate information to address their inquiries. His active listening skills and patience contribute to his ability to solve problems quickly and effectively. He understands the value of building long-term customer relationships and works diligently to achieve this goal.”

3 – Meets Expectations

An employee who meets expectations with a rating of 3 provides satisfactory customer service. They consistently follow established policies and procedures while handling customer interactions. Their communication skills meet the standard requirements, and they are capable of addressing most customer needs.

These representatives are reliable and maintain a professional demeanor when interacting with customers. They are competent in their job duties and handle most customer interactions without issue. They may require occasional guidance, but they consistently perform at an acceptable level.

“Mary meets the expectations for customer service by consistently providing polite and knowledgeable support. Her calm demeanor helps customers feel at ease, and she addresses their concerns in a timely manner. Mary contributes positively to the team and consistently meets her performance goals.”

“Jane consistently demonstrates a strong understanding of customer needs and is able to communicate effectively with them. She greets customers with a warm smile and always maintains a positive attitude, creating a pleasant atmosphere for interactions. Jane listens attentively to customer concerns and provides accurate, timely information. She successfully resolves issues and ensures that customers leave satisfied with the support they received.”

“John has shown a solid commitment to providing exceptional customer service. He is always willing to go the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction, often offering additional assistance when needed. John displays good problem-solving abilities and is able to assist customers in finding resolutions to their concerns. He is respectful and courteous in all interactions, thereby maintaining strong customer relationships.”

“Sarah has consistently shown a strong ability to connect with customers on a personal level. She effectively builds rapport by asking questions and displaying empathy to gain a deeper understanding of their needs. Sarah provides clear and concise explanations when addressing customer inquiries and is thorough in her follow-up, ensuring there are no unresolved concerns. She is proficient in deescalating challenging situations and making customers feel heard and understood.”

“Tom’s customer service skills are on par with the expectations set by the company. He maintains professionalism in all interactions and communicates well with customers, providing the necessary information to address their needs promptly. Tom remains calm during high-pressure situations and works efficiently to resolve them to the best of his ability. His positive demeanor and commitment to serving customers contribute to customer satisfaction and loyalty.”

2 – Needs Improvement

Customer service representatives who need improvement, with a rating of 2, may struggle in certain aspects of their job duties. They may have difficulty effectively communicating with customers or lack the necessary problem-solving skills to resolve issues. Their customer interactions may not always result in a positive outcome, and they may receive some negative feedback.

These employees should focus on improving their skills by seeking guidance and training. Continued observation and constructive feedback can help them identify areas for improvement and work towards better performance.

“Jack often appears distracted when assisting customers, leading to incomplete resolutions and dissatisfaction. He would benefit from additional training in active listening and communication to strengthen his customer service skills. By focusing on improving these areas, Jack has the potential to contribute more effectively to the team.”

“Jane has been facing difficulties in handling customer complaints promptly and effectively during the past quarter. While she demonstrates the willingness to help customers, her problem-solving skills need improvement to address their concerns efficiently. Providing more training and support in this area could help Jane enhance her abilities and improve customer satisfaction.”

“Mike’s communication with customers has been inconsistent in tone and clarity. There have been instances where customers were unclear about the information provided or felt the response lacked empathy. To improve, Mike should work on refining his communication style and demonstrate a genuine understanding of the customer’s needs. Participating in workshops or seeking feedback from colleagues could offer valuable insights into improving his customer service skills.”

“Susan’s time management skills require attention as she frequently takes longer than the expected time to respond to customer inquiries. This delay can result in dissatisfaction and frustration for customers waiting for assistance. Susan should focus on organizing her tasks and prioritize addressing customer issues within the company’s assigned timeframe. Regular check-ins with team leads could help Susan monitor her progress and identify areas for improvement.”

“Bob occasionally fails to follow up with customers after their initial interaction, creating a lack of closure or resolution for their concerns. This failure can lead to customer dissatisfaction and damage the company’s reputation. In order to improve, Bob must develop a system to ensure timely follow-ups and keep accurate records of customer interactions. Undergoing additional training and seeking guidance from experienced colleagues could help Bob refine his approach to customer follow-ups.”

1 – Unacceptable

A rating of 1 indicates unacceptable performance in customer service. These employees consistently fail to meet the basic requirements of their job. They may be unable to handle customer inquiries effectively or lack the necessary communication skills to address customer concerns satisfactorily.

Their performance negatively impacts the team and the company’s reputation. Immediate intervention with clear expectations and an improvement plan is necessary for these employees. Failure to improve may result in disciplinary action or termination.

“Unfortunately, Susan’s customer service skills are consistently below company standards. She often seems disinterested in helping customers, and her lack of empathy results in numerous complaints. This negatively impacts the team and overall customer experience. Immediate and significant improvement in Susan’s customer service skills is necessary for her continued employment.”

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